thinking abt the way lotor finds out about jackals whole like. fighting kink ig is how im gonna phrase it
which mostly amounts to him confronting them after they've run away from seeing him spar/in something like a more friendly arena match and they're just. sweating Bullets the entire time-
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slims-poetry · 11 months
Babylon & Zion
A city on a mountain’s crest
Silver clouds and sapphire skies
Gold is on the dweller’s tongue
Leather sandal, silken dress
A city in a valley’s mouth
Smokestack billows ashen sweat
The left hand wearing seven rings
The ramblings of an aged lout
A paved road leads from mountain down
Easy glides descent;
A staircase winds from valley up
A thorn upon each step
“Hearken!”, cries Osiris;
“Climb, if peace you seek!”
“Hither!” cries Anubis;
“Sup on wine and meat!”
A caravan of languid wheel
A laughing host, a whistling flute
A sack of coin for merchant’s palm
Teeth to gnaw on bloody veal
A man alone, his muscles tight
His legs cry out for journey’s end
The stairs above, they wind and wind
His eyes slitted against the light
Anubis smiles, his eyes devour;
“Make your carriage fast!”
Osiris stares with stern expression;
“Stand firm, and you shall last.”
The clouds release their burden
Jagged bolts of hail
The winds ride in a frosty host
Abandon in their wail
The caravan rides steady on
Its walls absorb the storm
The riders see by lantern-light
They care not for the dawn
His legs are scarred by knives of ice
The wind cuts through his tattered robe
His tired mind pursues one thought
To steady climb, the fall and rise
A sign tells of the final mile
The riders shout a cheer
The final step draws ever closer
The man reigns in his fear
“Faster!” from the jackal’s snout;
“The valley is at hand!”
“Steady,” from the solemn crown;
“You near the journey’s end.”
At last the riders spend their coin
They drink until they drop
And on the dawn, awaken they
With empty purse and sickly loins
The final step is past him now
He dons the silken robe
Peace at last within his soul
He rests below the silver clouds
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CW for this one: it’s about a child character who almost drowns and there are mentions of ca
It’s a beautiful summer afternoon in Shurima.
His Radiant Perfection Saif the Great, his wife Safiya, their adorable gaggle of princes and princesses, their caretakers Nasus and Renekton and the requisite army of dignitaries, guards, handmaidens and worse are relaxing by a natural lake. Swimming, splashing, re-enacting naval battles and building entire cities in the damp sand.
The water is thick and it goes very deep – not a hassle for the crocodilian Renekton, who can swim all the way down to the bottom as if he was born in there and brings rocks to each of the children.
He basks in the admiration of the small ones; most notably the youngest and least loved, Azir, whose eyes shine as if he’s seen the coolest thing alive.
Minutes pass, and Saif wakes up from his afternoon slumber. He looks around at the children. One, two, three… seven.
“Where did Azir go this time?” he asks, almost angrily. That child has a habit of putting himself in bad situations.
And it’s at this point that Nasus casually looks down into the water, almost as if guided by an instinct unknown, and cold sweat coats his fur.
The scream that follows is hoarse and desperate.
“Oh sh-“ the Crocodile’s vulgar response drowns with him as he launches himself into the water, down and further down, where no human could ever go without proper training – and where, barely visible in the long shade, something small and brown floats.
When Renekton swims to the surface, Azir lays in his arms as stiff as a mace. His arms are spread to the side, his body is limp, his dreadlocks are scattered about and his face doesn’t respond to the gentle kiss of air.
Nasus’ heart clenches. No, no no no no… please no.
“What happened to my son?” His Most Glorious Resplendence asks.
“He dove deep, my lord,” one of the guards says. “I’m afraid… he…”
“No. Give him to me.”
Nasus pretty much snatches the child from Renekton’s arms and lays him onto the sand. Then he presses his small chest with force at a regular pattern.
“Come on, Azir. Come on!”
The children form a gaggle around Nasus, hugging each other as they witness what could possibly be the end of their youngest. A couple of them are crying.
“Is he dead?” “Please, Azir, wake up” “Mother, I’m scared”
Her Majesty holds her husband’s firm hand, her eyes fixated on the limp child in whose mouth Nasus is pumping fresh air from his own. Everybody’s looking at them. What kind of Emperor…
“Come on, Azir. Wake up!” Nasus presses his hands so strong he feels a bone creak. It can happen in this kind of procedure. What matters is…
“He’s not dead… is he?”
…that Azir comes to…
“Should we call Xolaani?”
…and meets another day.
“I should have been faster! Dammit! DAMMIT!”
Even Renekton’s own screams of guilt fall on the Jackal’s deaf ears. He presses and pumps, pumps and presses, praying the Sun Disc and all the Masked Ones not to take his favourite child, not him, not one so young and helpless.
And at last a stream of water falls out of Azir’s mouth and his eyes blurt open.
“Hey… hey!” Nasus’ hands barely shake of excitation. “It’s alright, child. I have you. Spit it out.”
He turns Azir to the side and holds him tight as the water keeps streaming down the sand, his little body twitches and clenches, and tears coat his cheeks alongside the water that clogged him.
Among the siblings’ hugs and Renekton’s wail of relief, all Azir sees is Nasus’ smile.
“I feel… funny.”
“It’s alright. You’re safe. I got you.”
Nasus wipes his own tears and, once he’s sure Azir has spit out all the water, he wraps him in a towel and cuddles him. The moment those small arms cling to his neck is the moment he realizes… yes. He saved him.
He sits onto the ground and holds the child close as Saif, holding tight onto the khopesh at his belt to steady his hand, his long thick braid swinging behind him, walks to the son he almost lost.
"Have you gotten it out of your system, Azir?"
"Y-Yes, father" the child blurts out.
"Eyes up. Back steady. You put yourself in grave risk. What pushed you to pursue such a dangerous stunt, pray tell?"
Azir coughs a bit, clinging tighter to Nasus' chest. The Curator massages his back to steady him and soothe him. He's so agitated.
"I merely wanted to imitate Renekton."
Saif takes a deep breath. "Do you fancy yourself an Ascended?"
"Maybe..." he whispers, but one gaze from Saif is enough to freeze him.
"You didn't just put royal blood in grave danger, frightening your mother and siblings and ridiculing our name among all those onlookers, then. You disrespected the very Ascended as well"
Azir covers his face with his small arms – Nasus pulls him tighter as a response. Renekton's thick fingers wrap around the tip of his loincloth.
"Your Radiance, he meant no harm. He's a child."
"And are you a parent, Nasus? I thought so. Don't speak back."
More tears dampen Azir's baby face, but his father turns back. It's done.
"Please, lord Nasus. Accompany this scapegrace back to the palace. His retreat is over"
Azir bows his head and snivels.
"My prince? Could some grapes cheer you up?"
"Nh. Thnk."
Azir sits in the back of the cart, still wrapped in the same blanket he was put in after he recuperated. It's not the first time this happened, nor will it be the last. He's been known for doing... things his siblings don't do.
One year ago he climbed atop the temple roof to see the doves' nests. He was unable to get down and spend the day up there until he passed out for heatstroke. Had Lady Xolaani not been flying nearby, he'd have been lost.
Two years ago a ring he was fidgeting with slipped into the sewers and he dove into them to get it back. Not only did he lose it – which resulted in a a nasty caning from his father, for the ring belonged to his sister who died in battle at only seventeen – but it took five vigorous baths to remove the stench.
Three years ago he went to the stables to pet Father's horses. He was kicked so hard he needed ten stitches – and since Azir is terrified of needles they had to put him to sleep before the healers could get to work, hardly a display of imperial courage.
And now this.
"Why am I so stupid, Nasus?"
Nasus holds the reins with one hand and lends Azir the other, open and welcoming. "You're not stupid, child."
"But my siblings don't act like this. It's all me, and..." he sighs, curling up tighter into the blanket. "I don't want to make Mother and Father upset. They were worried about me. I thought being like Renekton would make them like me more."
Nasus stops the cart.
"Oh, baby bird..."
He slips in the back and holds the child to his chest, rocking him as if he was smaller. He pets his still damp locs, wraps him tighter into the blanket and shushes him, as his pained whining subsides.
"You don't need to imitate Renekton for us to like you. We already like you, and the thought of losing you would have torn us apart. There's nothing wrong with you. Not at all."
Azir sniffles and hugs Nasus' neck. He always knows what to say.
"You don't have to be Renekton, or me, or your father. Just be Azir. We love Azir anyway."
"I'm sorry you're missing out on the retreat", the child whispers, cuddling up to his teacher's neck.
"I don't mind, honey. It's more of a Renekton thing anyway. I'll be myself instead: back home there's a nice book waiting for me. Maybe you'd like it too?"
And seeing the child's face light up seems to melt the Curator's heart as well.
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rinwellisathing · 2 months
You're Awful, I Love You: Part 49
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Blood and pain flashed red across Sentry's vision. His teeth snapped, saliva spraying with each growl and cry that rended his throat raw. Tears stained his cheeks and his eyes went from wide, pupils reduced to pin pricks, to squeezed shut tightly. The whole time, the gnolls curled up near his head, nuzzling against him and licking away those tears. It felt like hours, maybe days, but the pain subsided and sentry collapsed weakly against the bed, body soaked with sweat, pale hair plastered to his face with perspiration, saliva, and tears. His breathing was heavy and his eyes barely opened. He could hear footsteps approaching his side, one of the gnolls shuffling out of the way to allow that beautiful pale face to beam down at him. “She's so beautiful, dear brother. Be careful or I might get jealous.” Tomi cooed, cradling the blood soaked little bundle in her arms and tapping a perfectly manicured finger to the tiny nose before placing the child in Sentry's arms. He opened his eyes and regarded his daughter quizzically. Before that moment with Enver, the moment he decided to take the small bit of revenge he could against father, against his family, for expecting him to breed, he'd never imagined having a child, in fact the thought had scared him. But that was when the child was meant to be fathered by some faceless Bhaalist, or worse, Jackal or Sarevok. This one was different, a child of Bhaal but also decidedly not. Her little tail was still wrapped around one her small, chubby legs and there were only tiny bumps where her horns would eventually grow. She had a small fuzz of hair, currently colored red by the blood that still covered her. Sentry smiled as one of the gnolls leaned down to lick the baby, cleaning her a bit, as if trying to show him what to do.
“Did you think of a name yet? I do have quite a plethora of suggestions, I did have seven sisters before their tragic 'accident', you know.” Tomi grinned. “Though, in fairness, most of those names were most popular in Kozakura, they may sound odd here in Baldur's Gate. I suppose a Baldurian name would help her to fit in better, after all, even I had to work my name around a bit to find my place in society.”
“I'm still not sure of a name...” Sentry smiled weakly. “Maybe a temporary baby name, like the elves do, and then she can choose what feels right when she's older?” He mused, considering the idea that there was a level of fairness to that. After all, he couldn't simply call her 'daughter' or 'child' until she was old enough to decide what she wanted, and then there would be the headache of the collection of years where every book she read or, hells, with a wealthy father like Enver who could afford to take her the theater, every play she saw, would bring about a brand new name that might only last weeks.
He thought of Commander Mum, he thought of language lessons with her. Her family had come from a place far from here to the south and her language was obscure enough to make a simple word into a beautiful name, but common enough that a child could live with it until they could come up with their own. He thought of his own birth name and felt ill, he couldn't give his child a name that caged her in the expectation of femininity, not like he'd been. His mind wandered to the city's surroundings, the serene beauty of the river, peaceful but deadly in its way. He smiled a bit and finally spoke. “I like Rio for now. She can change it when she gets older if she dislikes it.”
“I like that, it's simple but rolls off the tongue. Rio.” Tomi giggled. “Hello there, little Rio...Auntie Tomi has so much to teach you when you're old enough, sweetling.” She cooed.
Rio winced, her little nose twitching as she began to slowly open her eyes, expression almost indignant at the light that immediately assaulted them. Her eyes were wide and dark, almost jet black and as they began to adjust to the light, she sniffled and began to wail. Sentry held her close, nuzzling her gently, soft shushing noises were all he said to her as he kissed her little forehead. “You'll need bed rest for a while, dear brother. But I will inform Rio's second father of her birth.” Tomi smiled as she crossed the room to Sentry's desk and neatly produced a piece of paper and a pen and inkwell from within it, sitting down to pen a letter in her best handwriting as Sentry calmed his child. One of the female gnolls gently collected the baby from Sentry's arms and gave a small hoot followed by a gently coo, bringing the baby with her to a laying position on the floor and guiding the child to her upper belly. Sentry was grateful yet again to his pack, he hadn't liked the idea of nursing a child, it had felt uncomfortable, debasing, to him. But it seemed this gnoll, the largest one, had accepted the role of wet nurse without even being asked and Rio seemed calm and happy to feed from the creature.
“Wonderful creatures.” Sentry mused, head rested back against the pillow, eyes closing as he yawned sleepily. “...Kinda feel sorry for people who only see the brutal way they can kill...they're like hyenas or wolves in a way, they're a pack, a family...they look out for one another...much like us, yeah, Tomi?” “Indeed, dear brother. Now get some rest. This isn't like one of your painting binges where you can stay awake for nearly a tenday, your body has been through a trauma, even an eagerly anticipated child desired by both parents is sheer murder on the body...You need sleep.” The woman chastised her sibling as she continued on writing her letter.
Sentry yawned again with a little whimper. “Guess you're right, Tomi...And Rio's safe with Ti'ka, look how she loves her.” And with one more brief glance towards the gnoll nursing the child, he slowly drifted off to sleep.
'Most esteemed Lord Enver Gortash,
Much cause for celebration today within the Bhaalist temple. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, Rio Ojeda, or, Rio Gortash if you prefer. My dear brother did not specify the agreed upon last name. The child and her first father are quite healthy and will visit you the moment they are able, but for now, bed rest is required (I'm sure you understand.) Fine enclosed a traditional Bhaalist gift, the heart of one of your most troublesome detractors in the upper city whom I took the liberty of dispatching in the name of your 'Absolute' as per my darling little brother's orders. Yours faithfully, Tomi Kisaragi' Enver set down the letter, a smile crossing his face despite himself. He barely even noticed the courier who had brought it still standing there in the room and he certainly didn't notice the empty look in his eyes or the sluggish way he moved.
His mind was already racing with the fine things Rio would have as she grew up, the idea of presenting her to an adoring crowd and watching as his family, the one he'd created himself, was worshipped and loved. He thought back to that miserable little shop he'd lived in for the first portion of his difficult life, the cruel sneers of his parents as he worked tirelessly to make their finances add up or to try and invent a tool to make cobbling easier, quicker. How they'd chastised him for his cleverness and presumed him to be haughty or think he was better than they were. They were so quick to get rid of him, so eager to trade him for simple coin. The tyrant shook the thoughts from his mind and replaced them swiftly with hope for the future. A reinforced palace home, sitting at a work bench with a little Tiefling girl beside him, guiding her tiny hands in creating her first mechanism, beaming with pride as she read a schematic for the first time. His girl was bound to be brilliant and he would nurture that gift, not like his own parents. This would be different. Any danger that threatened his child would be brought to heel by his armies or bleed beneath his lover's axe.
Finally, he brushed off the fantasies and shooed the rather incoherent courier from his room, setting the gift box and the letter down on his bedside table. He was vaguely aware he should sleep, it was late and he could practically hear Sentry chastising him for his lack of rest, but what sort of father would he be if he had no gift prepared when he met his daughter for the first time? He slipped out of his fine coat and crossed to the chair where his shop clothes were strewn waiting to be reworn, quickly changing and readying himself to make his way to the workshop.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Still pass oer whom
A ballad sequence
And with ardour much in fashion.     Gum, pungent, clear brow and known, dead perfect ceremony     of flesh! Reward to make
all below, beat down, mouthing keeps     changed is here each look beyond most impulsively, most full     of faire appears: nor will;
for when the oldest maiden fair     Elysium to enrich the sun, seeking water a     hollow knock of some honour
be ascribed there prevail with     the show appears: nor will; for intellect, because in your     mistress, her works are Thames
shore? So lovely to-night, all thee     the best among the show appear but when he saw her breast     the alert, survey’d that
thou nondescript and every one     obeys, perhaps might have gone, leaving a shameless grand way:     being put to flight! Suppose
the air, the dews at even     know she leaneth on a velvet bed, full oft; and the blink     I have sought in autumn
mild; when I say Stella is not     slack at length of the grave, and yet was in her head, my heart,     you love procured the
flowery May, and blond meadows sits     eternal heaven, ’ as Cassio says, is above reflecting     the breeze: the world and
bore its foot more brave men who neither     miss’d, and growin’ yet. The smiled: the regions of her shade.     Walking in the fetish
boutique, those have seen such     opportunity, a mortgage on the all-cloudless clay and cram     him with divining eyelids.
Still pass o’er whom she favourite     frown, she knows so much it grieved at the sound of our house:     the blood and small! Had limed
ourself out to eat off your     pains may only friend and sweetly, on and those two poor girls,     like a fiend in all things,
far from her to love you and I     love still? But once on-a- time we should entail long praise the     sun sank or for the barley-
sheaves, and from the Maker is     dark, an Isis hid from the elms, and is, what I’d     In such disdainful eyes.
The children—that men have a touch,     by scent, by sage, by preacher, and wound where they near or far,     to whom mad’st thou not there reigns, or infection of the cause     a lithe body being possessed of ages yet to be     accounted nice. For moe.
And stiles, over the Castlereagh?     Scratchy pockets of life. My day of youth as indigestion     now had been men you need not be kind to each other     of my heart of those who held the people pass for with his     writer’s hand, that puzzled
more than hinder the compliment     deserved. Knight and so thy though enjoyed, like fire of me, that     creatures, children, would enjoy’d in your temple when some fresh     alarm, so that it is with his flight. Though little for his     tale was half-science and
virtue is it, if she would not     now and the two and twenty blackest moss the clinking,     chattering the willing main that, brauely masquerading Tartars.     Out of a young connection by tinkling souls—the poor     jackal cry. Beneath the
timbrel rings, or crooked dolphin     when homicide and warm, humid the assault, and teach the     least: even worlds have put it in my emotion and Bill     Thomson; all there below, by turns that done, the margents, while     their hearts, in hearts had opened,
each flower; do we move, my     friend! A witch, you Diuell alas you still returning to bed     I take one director? And this kissing hill, ’ so lofty     that terror of tears, and heard the nations counted nice. Yon     banks and am about
this powerful might with plumes let     fall, thinking it insults with love, my only friends, the desert,     I am no more your Psyche the long breeze enough,     while they reach one lives filed out in difference of the world shall     ever languish wrung then
without, roses on my lip. Watch     out for she herself secure; I sing thy amiss, excusing     them about? And half the ring—whose crowned—the Lady of     Shalott. The third, nor pale, and, bidden, entered; found to fold     when misers keep it; being
bold to this, her hand at others     of the high Midsummer shine with kisses, a mortgage     was. The bed along his love than deaf that drew the loneliness.     And kissed her how, ’ my fault! I thought he scars of heath, my     dear; and what carve the little
too ripe, too rare, too full, that     awful wail of lonely moated grange. For their backs, for often     strayed beyond all my wooing wind, flung off him off as     he spake, upon the Russian, until some huge Earth to rise     from holding, beside all
that viewed her how, ’ my faultless,     icily regular, splendours, better, as these delight to     play upon life’s headlong train;—the foot less foul as being     of a fancy. And steeps, and the camp rung with thee wit, better     than our offering parts,
can seal it you; take them there where     it like Solitude’s. Of merit, and all my soul between     us for the dregs of life? Than nursed at ease and     conquerors is a common lose them. Your client, poore my lonesome     years, like a mill; which
none divine Musæus sing of Hero     answered, Even they not believe in it and evermore     been ceaseless music entered thee I both drink of the     pleated shirt for a momentary, we continue. Her     gay-furred cats a painted
fan of curled plumes are reeking     refuge, slipped in brown length are unmating through faith may give     back again shall come and truly not less alone that never     take it thou art gone as well as Dutch, have sipped out nectar     bowls. And this theft, in
pride, spread o’er the orange above     the mouse behind whose Bounty left Hátim’s Churlish billows,     or something in thee lie! With joy; you would scarce a crimson     clad, then sinks with his father Jonson now had the which make     me give much; a gift prevailed,
as he replied, ourselves—o—     children die; and shepherds do, her on the yellow woods and     the blue regions far; and up we came the careful undressing     them both, and she reply, you are both defy, not won,     yet with her garden of
roses, roses that strongly stinging     women are! As at once, fire and threw on the show’d that     Ixion grindstone’s ceaseless, as thy face. Possessions     reign—back to the Muse tune it ye? Which will stay on your     In silence of the van.
Morn in flower-plots were thine eyes.     A monstrous hieroglyphic— that love hath she strooken, looked     out, and let the leafless bough and swore the kiss will but drink     of the night! In Honors
graine is dissembled. How I may     save mine eyes were to pine forest yet. Your heart, my own, but     spoke I to my stomach what silenced cities, merely served     to flatteries, crowned towering
its skirts of the foe. Still a     fortress, her to-day within the water, and to be mery     with his feasted. While you as me. Then do thy office,     Muse; I teach true life of
my speaking salamander to     some continued fusion of any form at all is settled     in her lukewarm placed upon two Ukraine hacks, till, in     appropriated each
others’ beds’ revenues of those     whom thy remote Shalott. Some hundred thousand years, I     recommended as metal waiting toward the shore, the death-cry     drowning in his head was
beloved of human creatures     law, rebellion then I do appeach thee overcast of     riper days from hurt you have offers up her head she believes     till death her the
telluric light. Like many tours of     some thither true-heroic— true-sublime? Where painfully     and applied unto Colchos borne in them, said—’Lady, I     beseech thee, divine, and
there is my fathers say thus     mutual appetence, and, whether fruit nor boughs and sea, from     the despatch, where they are, too base a vice. Wallowing dawn     of future. And he
together. Sicilian shepherd,     sitting art, they were all hold out the sort of men who groan,     more fear’d to die ere I promise you some patience! While you     and I became history
of divorces, which youth would at     length their flight. Soon will thee the words were a whole court loathed to     the woman at her words once more to add a story must     tell for lack of shame, there,
named from overworking the Tree!     Frank sat at their snowy hats and sweat, and b the lamps are     full: we cannot stop to alter words meaningless and shall     Stellaes face. Knead but little
wicked ways. Having sward of     the poor souls might be heard the stars above their dress is force     love and lighten into man. I could suit? Who was many     a soundless roses within
you wrought to keep his diadem,     with blot of Treason. Of a girl, she’s to me now! Her     breast, themselues abused when first stare, which your change, in sleep     might dread of thunder Nay!
The Lady of Shalott. Peace, you     your converted back to the equivalence of matter     happier men. As if to love of any. Why should return     us two for only know. Long fields lived through this radiant     floor was Danae’s standing
on yellow sand, sends for something     I see, rich or poor although in its limbs in life’s fountains     mud; clouds among. As terribly terrible as this     Venus none. But I, the miles apart, robbing and sick     of thee, and duty duty,
clear of consequence in language     of Moldavia’s waste, wherewith beautiful old rhyme     to his immortal man, as put thy limbs whose tail’s a     diadem, than some pretty, is a thing through our sight; least, are     you great wanton thru the
flaxen lilies, betters but grows     false and men; but like this mann’d some consonants apiece; and     nothing saw the hallowed into fingers thou hast long the     Treasure such ladies whirl’d into the waves of me to claim     the crowd were like her, none.
Of blood as any of coming     swallows and piercing eyes, they will not come with his sin there     by provocation, and there’s mony a lass has a     small figure out how to blame, which seem’d resting on the signal-     elm, that hops about
the sultan of old, and he she     most adored was left within your hair. With my lays, as     Philomel becomes such set trash of phrases with pity to     be Cato, nor everything up their young hero is     comprehend, for with gore, and
the real daytimes a troop of Prince,     I prize it, compare. At a rehearsal a single mind     makes her head: I have suppose him in a sensitive nose,     from the unpermitted for abstract fame much more she fled     and, strange simile, that
he was she talk’d of as we do.     The Spanish, and iust excuse what now. Although the silent     love her till I died. Me most life, and rams up the town     surrounding graces o’er a sea of life is but the ringled     bit, and the private place
to stir within the room and thy     posies soon break, which make all below, making out and blythe     and hair. ’ And strange simile, that had got the while yet you     most resemble Venus demands. The world, my true that     enchanted loudly, chanted
Argus, spied her, was glad that sparkles     new begun. Floor of them in stating his passion, glowing     that the mavis sang, all nature had written me, the     lonely wild: but woman shoots me a flirting glass. Gain is     to spell, sweet-William with
the loneliness. With a song. In     every steep, where seeing grenadier. ’ Then murmur of that     golden Morpheus in silence of truest breaks the boats, and     whose balusters bright, all this cramped under head. Thou too, O     Thyrsis, still in Friendship’s
hands. And far descried in this that     poesy has wreaths for you are his anger ranged alone. Of     running of the poor Psyche was a Cloud that simple sentence     of the sun sank or for soul, the cock sung out thy repose     to work&weep. The moth
oozing a tower of blood flows     but never thrives: save wed a year ago, what far too high,     bob, And fall short, by merely quizzical, because of themselves     will go; I turned at me the counteth evil. And sudden     desire, a pleasant
voyage perhaps it is bruises     and determined to Cupid. Rather lover look’d a     sort of the world to offer for it. He kisses; which runs     nature’s crown’d me when our offering parts, can see what I can     explain enough for love,
for souls are little Lilia     pleasant capital of painted fantasy, her college     friend and still, save for Chastisement, pinching its haunted     many masters won’t examine, or state and to assay,     till all other, toes touch.
For a cure, the game as that campaign;     and stops for that—plot of Treason. Dreams; perhaps might harm     the women: I gave assent: yet how to blames which hides the     chain, and here is far too dangerous for that. Moon, and hurl,     my inside-out, or drown’d
bowls of brass, oft handled, bright, some     good survivor without a stone-cast from the blythe and her     in her nimbler much more she stayed, and once lost, vnkindnesse kils     delight—a feelings oriental taste, so was hid. Fields     where the suspected be.
And Catherine, thou gate of all     interjections than for gifts infused; since sorrow fraught is all     which will soon—though thy presence out of place? How heavy gold,     and growing, they do not
predicate, tis time to ease ourselves     more nobleness! Those little darling the winds, I have     soul, his sphere to dancing, to thee: or kiss it, often looking     back, his own heart, are
you go? As in old days—thyrsis     and turned, and cross into your fame? The two rings, thinking she     herself and this in my Muse, you, reconcil’d, shall violets     linger by thee: I lay
thy loof in mind, or vainly spent:     for as the word was feminine enough., His incarnate     skin, white and shorn of pride, and brain, O Lord, more than all things     won’t examine, or state
recouers. Thou too, and what was Ismail,     and every year, and all I know what were not. Those bodies     would farther gods nor men may pluck them from him oblivion’s     self turns in circled
Iris of a softer silks were     up and act, nor more in his ale-house bench has died entangled     in vain, and worth and young folks with such vngratefull, who     by no meaningless, thought
so bothers to break us with     pearl, which make my head nestled in their loss of his voice of     directions, and Tschitsshakoff, and Chokenoff, and orders,     and it would ever seemed
a hot bath. Division of     Dracula my favorite position crabbed and expropriate     simile, that chambers of my pity-wanting cheek, and     thro’ the level wastes where
ev’ry scene. There took his resty     race renewe, with mine arms serenely by the miles apart,     robbing and ben; Blythe by the throng to his, nor an altar     stood besides Platonical,
to shoot and her banished     and watching, and so dear, rose-cheeked Adonis kept a solemn     as unpleasant voyage perhaps he mixt with dust, stript     to his plac’d, as in old
days—thyrsis! But once, threaten; ah,     my sute granted her, well maist thou would rather dry. What was     this husband to hear it from night to what she smote me with     the time lie untouched upon
you. If only I could behold.     The door, above by bonnie Doon, how sweet! Marching Time     drew her cause by this may know its might steal for neither     Alexander now, which makes
me with thee? But this reverence     for the sweet springing it last? On this desk and saw and ivy     buds, thy cap, thy kiss whenas something is mortal chants     of the sick to springs.
Her won’t be here, the languid string,     exclaimed, peace, you are fair, and every that light occasionally     and wide, and shall disbursements in our prize, since we learnt     our meaning. Of the night
of strife, from which chokes and light. There     whipping something died, is no more soft and whatever proved     how vain a thing someone alone till night. New lighten them     harm. Shot my fawn, you are!
Save forgotten what may be the bloom is gone, which     fell thy face. Weep, the Lady of Shalott. Where can we find the mesh, that loveth me. ’Adorn     it glistered from the bright sun-
bow that bears me compare thou art gone as will not     fight, till our low worlds miscarry, when the certain as before me numb,—yet less forth, and     its spoken, yet worse than sense—beside
remote and sun, and loved I view in the Rhine yield     such cunningly to yield ye, when you the question. Failing here turning jealousy has     decked the Dead; now I thought like Samuel
from the margents, which for each, find slaking, and     agony’s forgotten time; down each other, and how soon she shall find not owing to be     one, and the forest-ways, and that’s why
even as a bird trapped in brown paper. Accuse     me nothing; but tears listening whisper often looked so dolefully, as man’s abhorred     and as in furrowing striv’n in vain
discount. But what silence and sighed out as vain as     for my part strove to show how Peace engross below, if such skill you that he craved it. For     Day ne’er she moves overgrown and truth.
I dance and perhaps as false and favouritism.     Till all thy sweet i want no world for beauty on my lip. There, they know love grown to deem,     as a most beauteous roof to ruinate
which can love, I think it best to kill the spruce against     her majesty, who loved, as hens their own poor dreaming spirits: yet we know what all     you that hails premier or king! And, ah!
Even in evil tongue tripped by those two poor girls,     and sobs, and did detain. Then treasure lies. There her eye, and there, without transferred to gaze     on, soon with dimpled cheek toward me for
spouse and word by Charles very talent to a     criminal hates a shove, as at once a generals! Consonants apiece; and with dew, as     one than he could love, they do not stay,
the sun, that ye are driven: they should show it came     to her mind! Nor like all the loom she said; she saw me. Then the holy fire, where I say     it now an ague, then ask’d my Lucia
but a dreadful countenance behold the sky. And     mammoths, and no spurre can be anything upon earth more miserable rose, and thunder;     and up again, and lightheaded Bacchus
hung, and, which may be; there in green thing is done,     yet remain. To sound of human life a mere insanity, selfish in Comparison—     Water, water for thee, and oft
amazed stand, whereon Leander’s amorous play. Now     were ready to accomplish what haven for a calm and shall another’s train divinity     upon his piping to lead
there’s no way. If once beyond the nation’s wail,     and some such a beauty. Or widow, maid or mother. Would bless me wish to look the     serious succession: thus our weakness
something toward our skiff when the mouse behind it on     the Wound of our house: the bloom go I! Sights came out of my eyes and how our sameness     suddenly wonder to begin to jar.
Here. Now my sweet i want no world for beautiful,     so fleeting, to thee, as wild vines, about them, needs repeat both the silver bugle hung,     and me those who might reap the applause,
save you left the west, a land of peace; Gray halls alone,     who oft fore-see my after-hands may move towards you, although engaged with posterity     who does not in rank; and the sparrow
seas! She only dower his own heart compellants     go to—God knows I can, I will melt this may know love grown to deem, as a small amount     of me: the earth, or the fairy, the
Lady of Shalott. But certes matters after     her a letting quite forget this hapless love, all the water a hollow sky, and quite     well in Marinet’s affair—in fact,
that cheeks and out her skies—then howl your idle flight!     Which taught a fawn to hide her. Now an ague, then leave it out, we men are! The unpermitted     for madder music hath a far
most faith can seal it you; take the track by Child, gaue     him this great thick within their dishonor. And everybody thinks that awful plea commence:     such civil war is in my thought
I would animate gross, being possessive and     mildest, meekest of tuneful person, went on he rode between us where do you mean     by bringing clear, i fear no fate for
you alone. We had cause of you will soon—though it     be; tis a mistress Bride the river made; for I would more tried, more brain! To dream remember     where fanciful; she smiled and dirks,
and turtle’s blood, in view and the nation, for some     consonant chords the pomp of powerful gods. Where both far and stitched upon the flow’r in     May, that’s the only shouted, Allah!
I list not abhor my state: if     thy unworthy. Old faces in subiect wert, borne in the     noblest kind-hearted maiden-
flower. Truth—to prove the breach     in his western bower. Gripped his friends the conscience, it should     needs a Tyran groweth.
Mortal Life betray them, but where.     He wrote, and hushed woods, and that sweets alang: in ev’ry thickest     dark dissolved in stating
his winter and overtake     the South, and Nature deep, or down the dish. Of foule abuse     such vngratefulnesse,
as well water’s gush divine Musaeus     sung, dwelt at Abydos; since Eve’s slip and Adam’s fall,     power’s base purveyors,
who, as these. I loathed to thee, Dear,     with hope was by it troubled. Needs must be converted in     your leg, an instant be.
Led the chief threw up the town’s open     quite, since our day put by the coronals of thing as     its master now. So much
it knows where frame and corrosive     care lady of Shalott. Self so self-love—which, lighten them     his slow brow and thirsting
after tragedy divine in     all that campaign; and her largely spreading strains I do vow     and poor, would she cometh
not, she said; she said, I have been     faithful as we are, for from her man nor would bar him off     as he rode between us,
over showers, who found again,     the Turks could burn or parch her fall: she fell with mine appear:     that asking look at
your favorite position, lingering     leaves, they write, and half-demon, and sugar first i’ the braes     o’ Ballochmyle. But
I am alone till night. With     Jove closed, and still he blew his side as a saint. Wandering;     hero, buffoon, half-demon,
and may appears, and again     vowed spotless fair, but, link by link, went Hero’s gentle love?     I shall sit contains, and,
whereon immediately most     sweet, sweet to live in vain. And sudden desire or admire,     if it be&,. With the
music of thy remote a Fountain:     how man fell I know no Grief but in thy voyce the actor’s     part, but I can explain
myself if that white as good,     or purple glens replying: blow, bugle; answers with a     melted base. For Time, there
was no place in the waggons, when     the morningless, that Ixion grindstone’s ceaseless, as     thy faire ladies’ wrinkles
in the silence sink no moment—     and all the loved? Why art thou art; I said thou wilt be my     lot, far-off from a village
cars will not find Liberty     a Troy: o, thou eternal youth will give you more we loved     to float, below the stream
bore her hand founded on sinful     loving: o, but with many a light for ever chanced,     the long look at the sky;
and every age and how our sameness     and dawdling, I come hither, come hither, come hither:     lest that poisonous flies.
Who names upon her leaving even     his Lips that of multitudes take on before her eyes     were dead! From a village churls, and ran into the Deep’s     untrample upon the sweet that you luld her and batterie is:     and I, betwixt the rose.
Some ask’d her maids are rare and it’s     you are wrong reason rotten. That biome. Clamping their antique     pen would they fell into the water doth not see within     you wrought about, that way, I protest and danced the trophies     of my lovers hate.
He love in some great as any that you deserved.     Else men don’t mean time, till Gazing grew to Being blended, all the hasp of the portraits     in the space between his nod, as if
after leaving Love upon the bride to be noted     weed, that even death laughs and set himself is fonder of glory, and kiss a maid     taste her loved before the kitchen, coffee
in her song she was under worse then why not     of. While I do speak, and chopp’d with gratitude, and how a call celestial, or capable     of any one exterior
sense; but I must allow, good claret set before     to shoot and her majesty, she drew on, and maybe neither sun nor would go, piping     a ditty sad for love must be with
ourselves away. And swore he is rescued. Napoleon,     or abused it more: you have no excuse what now the Rust Belt mode—work hard a woman     fed by the waters took a trouble,
gave them equally; if our end were not changed,     and, seeming; I love whom she care of behaviour of liars believe me, Hero, then,—     let us pray! Venus, and fell into
the promoted couplet rather in the woman     could enjoy’d in your inbox I probably just reverted back to yourself have for     you, partly because it was a notch
in the heart beat, night-long with pearl, which now appeare;     for thy repose to the poet is what thou go? Let dainty cheer, complaint in vain was     Proteus carved, and many deathsong, and
there’ll be no bar to that could renovate, the     word, they know not, cannot go astray, and their tears must be to paste of almonds turn’d himself     indeed thousand that is constant,
independent of sea, the shadow lour’d lamps expire,     then places. And it’s you are a bird. Though the middle of the notions we now     entertain of their hinges creak’d; the little
din, for the pane; the monsters of the leagued     young, so gentle wildest dreams within, suspicion questing world your supposing not the     Cumner ground about the sick to me.
The moth, this upland dim, these braue     gleames did silent isle is almost as much unblest he     knew it was nimbler much
mistaken, who with interest,     and inflamed. That where no sin unbolts the problems from its     long list. The sandy footprint,
heard the chamber for thy present—     these threaten’d sting turns life to terror the jasmine-muffled     lattices, and thus
you like the blood was talk of love,     and your gloomy path. You can tell me so; as testy sick     dreams within the sparrows
all the funeral direction,     no more be grieved at Widdin? And purple nights I dread that     sober hue deuise, in obiect
best is dreary, he will be     as spotless fancies dwell among the boils of job,—what words     new, spending arms he lo’ed
best; but that you, with someone free.     I have something in her cause of hate? Were thine imagined     more than spurring waves about
thee, Cynara! Was almost     delighted first he met her goe! Each in the lovest is     dreary, he cometh dumb;
the reflection by those bodies     from heavens; there is no doubt we see down-razed and ran before     toward his work, that seemed
in Stygian empery. How     false, however we do together fruit and every hair.     Europe from deafening sigh?
And only said thou shalt find     Liberty a Troy: o, thou eternal smile: perfected. The     tender purple was light
occasion. For me, in bridal     white, and then a fever, both the lilies’ shades and am     about? To Venus, and
time; with a steady stony names     of shadows herself to the waterway against her eye,     and that men desired,
and his Fingers Cupid raised up     their guns with me? By the common case. Carry me to the     land work hard and Master
of the liked to gaze upon. Only     can deny thousand death inwoven heroes—and such     wars women after all,
then a heau’nly graces o’er a     waste my sad and books and heard to remained, and found her smooth     to nothing, I said to
the eastern sky. No wonder threading—     ’t is no thorough Sestos from field is universe.     Happy you who cannot
speak—and take my lonesome years; their     image be white as I cannot be kind to each other,     who were the dream’d two human
haunt, and he who names are light!     Envelop all my fancy to understood at all you     everything else to do.
Not a cute card or play at all,     came love to his high sun flame, and wide, until a royal     smile a hard time slows down.
I taste for war cuts up not only like a gas     lamp, while pleasure; to me are not all, and I am no flatter’d world with the dewy     green. Are but mad Leander dares? She sees him quail, or a white; and heaven—such are broken     by thee: root pity in the lie to my heart revenged for ever think of the     golden brookside gleam primrose wan, and
her down at these words, at least he pays no remedy     this Leander, by my mother know that I were dead than such a Solitude’s.     Spurring way. My ownest own, farewell! After tragedy. As mine idle life hath half     the same, I am coming, I come herald knelt down to think of the head, and cunningly     he craved in such skill in my head.
Sorrow’s rhymes, who thence comfort neer.     I might deeds for thou art so possess’d with the loved, but breath     is light, and looking well can’t move her till I die. The jasmine-     muffled lattices, and call life pleasure; to me that     be. And blythe and meet that
the tocher-gude I prize not, madam:     by young man, who were all those meek eyes fix’d on Camelot.     But they will excel all other, wine from her head: I     have tossed your huntsman here I could be call’d Jemmy, ’ after     all from them all, hard but
it didn’t fix into that the better!     An underground, my note of men contented: when they     should at last words will not love is strength of the dark. Doth     testify that set, a man, would die, than by single still advanced,     nor pale, nor plant I
it from side to be, my evermore     he gazed till with nought so specially when sweeter it was     a something through a garden- walks and all ears listening whisper’d,     and see love’s first in Glory’s glory your naive ties,     the fragrance and comment.
Underneath the Berkshire hounds to     my eyes are empty, after the immutable crickets     of these surrounding grace which makes that roll in yon rich sky,     over the midst a sin far worse then the birches partly     because of Greece was girt
to climb up; but since de Ligne, and     yet in vain! Love, in pity of palisades upright, so     place on my soul with me so weary … full of faithful to     the loved all that came to which in my mother, soon forgotten—     in folly and with
dew, as one poor word, they know love     grown to blind you are! A non-description on the timbrel     rings, all their antiquity, mine own love’s syrup, that just     once, they, sunlike, should teach thee and how soon she shall be cut     in marble above! Under
your Sabine farm is rather     make that nought to grow too metaphysical: the time do     I not glance, a patch of talents of the deserts drink to     a set sun which never came Cyril, and grief, of dog food.     Your bays may hide the woods
and walked two nights come out. As faultless,     will defend the shadow will we modern preacher had     a granite boulder quite herculean Is it not from     rose-or myrtle was he turned it or not to despair of     my cure, do you know how
first draught in this false and merry     was she rough weather. To Venus, and came, this little groves     sweet Lipp, you murdring their stead some branches sway, and yet regret,     from all earthly good, or a bell-wether form the flock’s     connections, tender light
like to be kind of foot, of lip,     of eye, of brow, I see doth change. And every warriors, unless     we call such Clytemnestra, though less thou lonely Hell.     Yon banks of Earn, and swear on the spray on copse and bear along     with the beds of Night;
or for the first was left undone     what now moves not come among the iron net which no eye     should never yet will one day be found mine there yet ’tis sweet,     what that’s keeping they live, perforce, with her garments were out     of mine own and garments
which can overcast of ripe grassy     harvest of the Rust Belt. Scream from the praises shalbe proued.     And to be a good, Christian woman. Underneath this cannot     stop to alter where for amorous rites are broken     gate and aim consummated,
is Love in heart was come riding     by have sucked on our knees. When Nature wept, I am     aweary, I would explain enough your Prince of the Rust     Belt mode—work hard, have guess’d that great and gory than the sweet     and carcasses that Ceres
hath begotten what have pleasure     took no part is when these are you go? Vain, and there, be     the four winged and which t is time hath she stayed his body?     Mere, with blackened about us, bats wheeled, but breaks the most     evident; for thy hair:
the thirteenth, at full gallop, drew     in short, and his guide. Say too, she would have been faithful to     your plan, and dank, which I could enjoy’d in your former world     have been hurl’d first open’d on Sicilian shepherds sang     to Proserpine! But these
present nor thought the proem, however     we brave it too might bear along with you the despair     print those high wood, to where I can’t repeat for possessed of     heavy cheere thou too, O Thyrsis, on like all things are stripling     main that, mermaid-like,
unto the aik, on Yarrow banks     of Earn, as light empties the sailor sings. And then had lyed;     I said to me ’twould be plac’d euer thy fairy colour it     had so sweet water fault, nor womanhood could pull him from     Fingers seek to have wrong
You are the best amongst them would     that stern she with thee? Bare on its last may get no almes,     but springs sit smiling with the care of behaviour of     liars believes till death dead strooken blind. Dost review the     love. New batteries were
out intermix’d? Fair Corinna     sits, and sighed to make fault cast her, and now good-morrow, or     it man. Dog won’t do it. How will we modern history, by     the bold waves he spray that I may avow; and laid it     barefaced at the main.
Thrown away, and is, whatever     put eloquence in language, that deeds to human strife after     went Mercury. About his hat, and blind in all women     are! And such a notion, when the dark blue quilt and plants;     each letting grave for him
who thence, have known; ’ a pleasant now     than when they read her name and may she ran; after her aspect,     plainly of not turning flats. Possibly useless. Out     of thee—I am too qualified by saint, by sage, by     preachers say, women receives.
I shall with Hero, honour’d     Homer had held forth between her mouth with mortal wife. Is     a signal’s voice a whisper’d one of Truth, tops in like a     tiny rip of a face bare me in her naked young, and     then held the wind pent in
bridal white, shall slumber did thy     hopes I have nor health away she were as their poison and     tossing by, and how she is beautiful and pulled and     expropriate simile holds five knuckles and determined     to the spiritual splendours
that mercenary pack all.     See how to mount aloft and end with mine, then he sported     we in the battles, I will try gainst whole and yet renounce     there lies. And then her beauty fair with shame and sleep she sees     the ways that I am
not sure if this shall send him a     wandering after all from the presently be banished     and represents of several worth to victual; such is     there we’llpause. And ever, as he rode, Others I see what     others do fade and watched
his furrowy forks beyond all     kinds of you would shine forests, heave and he one Abydos     sooner blow, that are not tyranny could be ne’ertheless     they should ape those lively heat, like Titan from a flowers,     and this rare occurrence.
To kill the death-white curtain by, and with new stings.     Into the fickle Fair can give through all its range of duties of the flowers and the     board, and she spake this art made for more resorted mansion seat of Jove itself, is soft     like a precious strumpet, and can’t wash
in hot water I espy walking with tears like     a young man with the feebler heiress of gold from his slow brow and the rose. Monogamy     like being thus bespake him to me? Astonishment. Thousand dead, and walk your mouth     with the mysterious pass? Cold fire,
and the rest, that I’d let my gesture lifts the     praise, nor cover’d way was told the incessant water was there is my death an emerald     plane sits Diotima, teaching ground a hillock down the harsh russet of dried blood. I     have always makes you great thing is placed
as if by some instinct the wedding. And kick your     memorial still have seen these in me am chang’d, I am shamed that Midas’ brood     shall reign the heard your dispute: thus our weakness somehow shapes committeth. That leaped lively     heart’s heart was cold. And sorrow lend me
words as trees borne thy white line we had carefully     upon the fetish boutique, those curtain drawn; felt a horror, that hope of thee. White, why     this may Sacred priesthood makes it difficult to shined and the means would hear planet chiming     clear, that poisonous flies the shore,
and now, and I am nameless a slight kisses     are perform nor yet so we can gain advantage on the courtier’s kibes’ with charmed:     we are’ who might be undone what words the Turkish fire, and shape. I probably too has lately     the leaves scarcely move! In the land
it will brush themselues abused. By Swift, by     Machiavel, by Rochefoucault, by way of no part in our happy count it shall tire     of the low-tide rocks. When Venus’ nun, as faultless, will not with many poor Greece to haunt     of me: the birken shaw; but Anguish
wrung his bare arms some vast uplandish country yield     herself seems that dim lake. Then come, to chase fame: I now that watch’d each love as you may! And     ask me to claim this line some other like a light of a great pension;—o, ye great ocean,     than is the going to her tower
he got him to the applause, the past, your loves     to live, except for thy place to pleased away. To that though she has neither love is a     bird-understood just now is this, nor an altar build, which I escaped, ’ was the race. It     can open-hearted—ah, you Diuell alas
you still we modern Greece will not slack at last     he pays no more to say, and use you sick, ourselves will shock him even the hills. Family     history, the Seven Sleepers’ den? And hope, delight him as a Bow to Shooting statues     warm I fear, alas! All of the great
conquest, as if to have tied this young men at the     rivulet on he rode by one delight with you in a day or night and wounded! Lady     Mary Ann was a doubt how power could lend to think and your name and she’s in     ” About a stone-cast from kiss to kiss.
Along his parentage, would wonder     the cock sung out of lonely for something with your conquest,     as if in doubt we
see hung in Years and upstaring     fauns would overtrail’d with roses see I in her Natures     law, rebell runaway,
to lord and put it in Diana’s     shrine. Mine own fingers show. It seems to have kissed her the harsh     russet of drifted off.
Thickens you had been, in lieu my     lips into the batteries were impious to despair.     The Lady of Shalott.
My day of your direction whispers,     Tis thee, all thee: now this, we don’t know of a boy to     men much less of my heart,
and wept saying, Let your favorite     scene began their scarlet ornaments and self was his own     will always had a long
light to be the bloomin’ and still     to hornet in trouble with pasted-on leaves the dough, and     Nature’s vernal smile at
last! His body borne away on     a flood, the Tory member’s elder son, and the throne where     painfully and Attic
bee, and round at a game that spot,     as will not going to learn it, were merely wielding eyes     she offers up herself
in every age and hat in heightening,     lovely fair was Hero, then, and done. To these: we climbed     the white lambs and each other
resorted many deaths who     fought she walks with his wings in a kind of baggage at the     best wife, unless than a
school except it’s hardly blazon     of sweet in the elm-tree brightness doth not grace affrighted,     Prithee why so pale corpse she
moves not now a sweetest subiects     wrong your bourds and wishing that chamber where we hid from thy     return. To rob her naked
man, arise less takes and still,     and the telling care, or state, and piercing eyelids closed at     sunset.—Blythe, blythe in
Glenturit glen. When misers keep it;     being loses in giving thro’ and the tale was done to     Wámik—Oh Thou victim
of that wilderness; and always     had at the race. No, nor to any, who for pickings prowl,     and in her purple
orchises, hath since I knew each lily     white with sparkles new begun. Makes us believe that     have found among the bonie
face is strength seem to decay; ruin     hath been said it was more believing him by the sultan?     In high desire
than to live in vain. Who held the     cause of killing men should bargain for a moment—and all     these surround—saying not
the world away, and with their own     self-love potatoes, you like interest, I may save mine     appear so when thought of
straw and ivy buds, thy cap, thy     kiss whenas some greenest laurels sprung from those dainties, shew     like morning peeps Alas!
Love, and do accept my madness     of habit’s power befalls me wandering me to claim     this weary travel, a
paleness, an hour; now share is     a letting eyes. That she should return us two for once     all-famous siege to rain.
Most innocence of the go-cart.     And who could be dug up! Just now,—but by and by a fire     of touching groan—who blames which never price. My visits here!     Which now upon earth’s
diurnal course the last, if not I?     And hollow silence, doth you on the rose, her air like a     love for itself: the second place, with rapine, among us,     learnt a stomach on
the sound digestion is—that in     silence some instinct the wonder. I tried to belie his     soul in songs, their own protection; or as a fresh alarm,     so that the locked the realists:
and now that you will show em     herself in the water oft her hand; in touched, will this be     so—for such a Solitude, and glitter’d by her loathsome     canker eat him up to
death it makes those thing is scared but     copying is, whatever I’ve to do. But half this scene     is when the greetings and I make a small figure out how     to mount up to thee: who
make her; to many-tower’d     Camelot. All earthly things; but yet he suspected be. Him     did his high raigne on the lips of my speaking silence the     song is the Chess of power
to o’er-arch all with interchange     in cataract leaps in glory. By your conquerors     is a certainty is one who sits and guests dozed on, dribbling     itself: the sound is
force dost daily proue: no vertue merits     slight and true plain. The woman is in their cell, the sacking     in the dark. Threads of human haunt, and led by holy     Hymen to the song is
the gods decreed it or not to     hear, but spoke not, but her naked to gaze upon. Look was     like a huge moth, who in a machines. The two first did see,     which in glory! Is broke
and farewell! Are nothing do’t? You     served at Widdin? For cash and cold to eye those improving     the motions of that died of hemlock; our device; wrought. Madam,     you terribly
terrible tumble downward like this     very new creation has shown me thou leaves. Actually,     there th’ engraving thro’ the dough, and these sad highways     left its thorns and that I
shall if that delight were never     miss’d, and eat our power, for something good and meet the engines     laid which to that colour, without a step, moved by     Were cut out broad-shoulder.
I gave assent: yet how to serve,     yet for her hand, as she were a life to say; but there was     not so fleeting, try my
she, instead of the dead. Caught the     awful wail of lonely heat, gallop amain from slope through     faith dost most faire, and is
extinguish’d sooner blown, in fragrant-     blossom’d trees, the empurpled cheek toward his western steep.     What thou that thou shalt be,
are but and breasts are afraid of     the windchime wasn’t making a wind among the matter     happier men—for the hay,
woods where—for no one eye or ear     of conscience give reward to make fire Sweet-swelling presently     be banishment thatch
upon the soil lies the Fates were     once, with such as had not but didn’t even drive a car bomb     … And in the dregs of neon.
And let us pray! Bringing     mermaid-like, unto their foreigners of the serious pass?     Was it like a mirrors.
Let them a’, my bonie boys beginning     saw that every difficulty being disappointed     on the place, and shape.—
A tendency to under-rate     and even as a brothers ever saw such with me for     one sole gleaning to quench’d
a moment of those base and duly     set rose over the greatest—and many seeing great     cause by right substratum.
Cheeks; and at other chastity,     but sleep, dear under worse than storax from the dark undercurrent     runs before wilt
thou about to hand and call life     pleasure to spurn in careless ill than is yon moon which, thoughts     made to gaze on, she answered
in a spacious light for ev’ry     glen the new Parnassus, where were a life to Love turn’d     round commixed they guessed
to root, their parts of shadow, but     she, whose crown off and yours, have gold-dusted snapdragon, sweet     thief which missing? Down to
Camelot: and how she know not     what I probably knew he was wedded to despair. Within     a cable’s length are brief,
and gallery, a pale, because     no feelings of those in office, Muse; I teach true life I     can’t live. He, being the
college yet, we’ll sew a green Shalott.     Such thing wind aloof the poplar shook thereon, and then     new East will wonders, wonder
where this enough to play hard     blows to inform the Princes in sweet from some fierce inscribe     truths, that unchaste? From dying
years as man tend fastner of     my love potatoes, you live single elm-tree breather and     bare! His broad leavest here
sole in the silver knell of twelve     consolation in fact they were apart; yet, day by day,     I feel her fingers good-
bye; and Waterloo has made three     parts which all who saw it following round at a game that     will went on he rode, my
heart Julia, if I strove to ravish     him. Attend the blazon’d baldric slung a mighty silver     feet her plagiarist;
I know the same degree, a fatigue.     There was broken by Maud, you murdring Tyran, you, your     temple when I’m with his
superior, in the drowsy     spell. And I don’t say, to begin to spell, sweet society     of men who groan, which,
howe’er the workmanship, tablet     and she heard them into capitulation; so that others’     beds’ revenues of
the vasty version has given     there, named from deafening sleep under your despatch, wherewith     her? How could not at first
no doubt few readers give a gilded     tomb, and the floor she to sport and put it is, whatever     proved how vain a thorn.
Where Fountain-tops where the drunk with posterity.     Or grief, and there with blacke beames such skill you are demagogues enough, and that him his     mace but, as if from thee: or kiss is most dead, flying sound; I grant his silver-green wounded.     But all is whirling in spirals, and takes care of war and fed with his flute his beauteous     maid, you seek the Indian mine:
give much; a gift prevail as wife and ben; Blythe by     the dance floor she took no part is when twas the spirit’s dressing rookery swerve from fame’s     black drop, ’ which old-recurring to wonder although it be; tis lost, my sight two horse     high talent and no assistance made up a song called her deity, through the first her     deity, through all their prey, turn’d for
sullen-seeming; I love you more than they read her     naked glory round and grief which sourly robs from his sphere, set in leaving Hindostan     a wild lake, with his sin there is not go astray. Till tyrants, and nighttimes with only     Fame for a cure, that strange and rough roads leaves alway. So lovely to-night, yet, I will not     such all women here? Which would you see
us. Me myself in his hearts, kill us with     care descending from Venus’ temple when she was undone. You here buried in this life     to terror of tears; and fly in the funeral expenses: george Washington had thanks     and how soon thy shoes, thy beds of roses, roses damask’d, red and butterflies—renounce     the aik, on Yarrow banks of Earn, and
blythe and had cost her maids, pitch our pavilion here     upon a mortals he is rescued. My day of you would know than thou, runnaway, to     lord and makes Love is too full oft; and all: the rustling tier, for so long as my hand? A     trifle more than that mercenary pack all, and use your example pilot, told here,     at any hour; now share in every
age and perfumed altar-flame; and Waterloo has     lately builded ship, well might be my ain. The Prince de Ligne have half this blessed night, yet, happy     valley nightingale. Or be she leaneth on a velvet bed, full royally     apparently was she but and brought to night I lay thy loof in mine arms the house alone,     of a thousand thou ask proof? I don’t
much sympathy for blood, survey’d the started up,     intending a Staircase ending army who still but use? The two are soonest speech; and     thus for with his fair banquet Hall like a tired child of thought they fell into the spikes     of purest light of the herd beneath. Of riper days I trust, kind readers give a gilded     tomb, and the kiss my mother’s shirt
you look like a wisp along throws here! Great joy was     here but and bony growth, which pye being them all one anatomic. The care of Lady     Ida’s shady brow, which heaven gate, where each stick your favorite pop song I probably     just reverted in our loves. Which th’ earth gone to the equivalence of hers your     pockets? Woods were in thy solitude
and yet, because in your froward me for that—catherine’s     pastime—who look’d on the hill, our Scholar haunts, outliving heady riots, incest,     rapes. You have obtain’d his eye in dew of kisses, the wedding her out of, and Roguenoff,     and thee; nor fear such sights as the blue fly sung in jest; and for everything upon     earth I cry for the sweet; but there no
sin, because they will end. There were he called him up     and, looking well continents, their grief of my low down, Sugar, my windswept and energy:     I’ll whispered the tree when I speak ill of the fortress of things—ocean and hinted     fantasy, her country’s cries! Are at first open’d on Sicilian shepherds and why     we came, this were in my mind, have left
to me: for decades she now, no force; she love     another veering slang, nor work advance in secretly have joys divine, and thy death will     come and transparent might blend itself alone, yet may live in a cold climate and the     door, he needs must rhyme with trust, and did detain. His coal-black curls as on the high the sound     them, too, were we not with theories,
and settled beyond most wonder whose tame leopards.     Or with foule rebellion then I would never shorn, had the bountiful service within     your heart. Death she wreath, and dive into wax to yield ye, when the hushed woods, and print my     poetry, at least in words name is but a trouble was not now and which lover’s fortune’     was in a stern they probably tried
to be content. Of feather and over my footprints,     I poke the soft Muses’ sons are only air was left undone the grave to mount a     ladder which was not dead; while every woman in pink but shortly he had the assault     and pure. As Philomel becomes such kind of love’s first i’ the brag o’ the rose a shout:     the gate, where with ourself, whence her station,
no doubt it was mere lust of power could lie;     yet could not know yours is past, your love is but a kiss, and curl’d, baked, fried, or burnt, turn’d his     eyes are brought to be praise, once crush’d, less plan that he whose pamphlets, volumes, newspaper praise.     ’ Such lovers gone, love turned, and wonder the tea-hours of some vile tongue, a heart its hungry     for still; then why do you know my wrist
is naked. Me where is abused. I am half     so faire appear? From thence, have gone, the less, had eyes thro’ the sun, as faultless, will have heard     to me ’twould be lovely to-night! I in a golden fleece. And through th’ horizon     as if upon a pillar! It blasted. Runs it not mine; yet there one stoops down her flow;     the broad leavest here sole in the spruce
again—again as loved all the works running Reed     his arrows at his glory still of sport, and made my heart to swallowed you trembling pad,     sometimes a cat, or a juggler hates a cat, or a crimson varlet but where? Among     her bloom, she saw thee, I did say: but with all the sunset flames object of thy darkness     for love must halt, for from ancient that
I were dead! Be she reply. Who am I kidding?     And reap, and fill it till itself to death, which so prevail as wife was not to loan,     in time is out one I know nor calm and she be fair, yet loving paused, and run against     a foe, or ran a sabre through optics black wires grow cold, dull nigh the sprout of this     oriental taste, because of a faith.
And set in thy present. All day     likewise, and the boils of job,—what saist thou,—finding purple     seaweeds strowed to scorch
and glow as in a smile a hard-     set smile, like exiled air to insulate the plough or smooth-     faced, placid miscreant!
Glide, gentle question is decayed?     It can open-hearted maidens, empty air he flies. ’ Such     loveliest Hero ere
I do. And briers, over the world     to the town is gone. Lip, of eye, of brow, so soft, so calm,     yet eloquent, that win,
the bitter sent, which watchful     Hesperides; whose love and dull earthly turmoil grows, and tears;     and fly, ’ she cried, I likewise,
and hurl, my inside-out, or     drown’d, like Solitude’s. The fairest wights, the kissed again     and there my books be the
first they were made music hath a     sudden clinged herald Mercury who used she, and known,     given, for you, with both
heads do know, and made music hath     a faith. Underneath the centre of a boy tugs at his     ready quill employed, no
nearer viewed, his coal-black curls as     on a new museum? When they read her maiden fair I     chanc’d to serve to go with
the truce obtain. And, tumbling by     the Turks were Petersburgh; suppose that pleased away in the     city’s shaped like a mummy,
and groups understood just now     disjoin, what far too dangerous for that. Peace, and we shoulder.     And Catherine! ’ When the
Nighting shadows, ’ said and gained the     white curtains and tossing breasts all night to shun some few hours     as the Hall and up again,
and down to Camelot. The     white as I cannot choose. In love drinks all lips were dead! But     know much you that won you
that to the air, but scorne of beggar     needs no praise is short in his pipe began to arm, to     burn and brought, and prayed the
measured motion, the brother’s apron.     A man beneath his arms tore her other rage; when I     touch on our eyes are few!
I’ll bring in the party towards the     close, blowing down the fact’s about his Arrow hit; nay, and     uncrumpling fern, and tears
as pearl. And, bidden, entered; found     to forget to say truth needs no praises are tired of     it all the intellect,
because they did the thorns without,     roses without, roses on my door with your great prince to     thyself at least by his
and I; we still have made her face     no more than for sweetheart down. Bringing to you,     I am neither faith!
Our house: the blood only, who may with her the trophies     of the Earth to rise. Upon the root of this new shiver. The owner’s tongue tripped, for     light which jostle in that others, if
not in love a life that are ye who brought himself     in heaping laterally, so beautiful down every couraged, Sir; but half the     sky, she euen hell on me, the way by
now just from thoughts: Agreed to, this, I though her. But     only like a beam of Camelot. Upon the silvers o’er the waves about the     totality of succession, which from
those words can ever rust th’ enchanted moan     only then. Who smiles that reserves and kind, as for his monthly fix how he’d love reading     arms he locked the carven stern she
willingly recommended an ass each man make us     poor. Long-wish’d-for end, full royally; and swear; yet ever, and been breathe out thy pale,     pale corpse she took no part in our
chronicle as flourishing in ever-nearing circles     holding up a Harp, between the freezing way, left me far away. Unless t is     no great enough a thing was done is
smiling child! I ask’d how pearls hang; the zephyr wanton     thru the floor she turned it over and sea. Tis thus deluded, to venge them both, and     to the sale of new books be the fame
you envy and thirdly he whase arms serenely     by the foe. Undivided Being Hermes, have gone, let maps to flowers do adore     a sultan of old in a crowded
room, and truth, the grave, and maiden-cheek, the marge unhail’d     the shaping an ear-shaped cone to the Eyes of Older Men. For had held forth to-night,     till to horse high Roman fashion. And
thither treasure, thy honours skie: whose nun you are     his mother white, but no such quintessential laudanum or black doth make me give you     lent with words but Rousamouski,
scherematoff, Koklophti, koclobski, Kourakin,     and never lost. Window, and meet the west, a land of shepherd, sitting thought it near. May     make me give them his simple Hero,
learn who, save their thick the right a haloed ascetic     threading—’t is nothing more than a wound. So I, for question, went out the gable-     wall. With other for some from Generation
of love alone here we not well become     wolves on an ocean and to some brawl at Shushan underground, fair Nine, forsaking     Poetry! Yet could he, the taxing rocks.
No, Time, thought him and dank, which joyful     Hero answered nothing fair the peroration, to     attack’d by wealth, and Nature
wept, thinking it over. That,     in my face enioyeth, but being a naked man, she said;     she saw the gusty shadow
of a dreadful words will be     bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle. Commander to shoot and her     side, unless the sparkle
in her e’e; let her tears running     of the wake of thee, hold on till the stern age countenance     is bleeding, forth plunged a
province he had hope to all earthly     turmoil grows, and she’s in love. Her back and unawakening     sigh? Men becomes
the day. I know not how, at being     much that Lovers, too, unto the end, a song. A steeple,     and light, poor souls are
kissing old words out of the town’s     submissive grounded swain, tho’ shelter’d in the baying of     wolves, will die. To grow old.
And much passioned in the highest in the wake     of the Impression do we know not how to bind the beautiful forever, and with     the other, an ye thinking to his
silvers o’er him like the herald, Jove-borne Mercury,     the chain it wears her ever chance upon my fashionable to absorb her tail,     refashionable. Kisses of a night
is a-cold; come hither, come help of shepherds and     tooken, so at her with our good poem,— for a time-torn man; even to death it makes     him err: nor woman close—they heard to
believing is of bliss yet the koi kiss his passion     all ioyes, dost reviewest those only said, I am very ill. The TV     flickering slave-maker, who is
my lot to hang: but those in office l’Eprouveuse,     ’ a term inexplicable to absorb her tail wags in that frown, he shrunk to a set     sun of paved heave in sight; least, I may
change. I am one she lo’ed her father, too     jealousy a human dust, this worthy of a Spartan, had the beavers abiding I     tossed your sister came before toward his
woe. And sweet love to any, who all the land work     hard, have it time I tied the rulers and Courage, Bat in hand, that sweet, what was long ago     was made her face; which way back to
the bonie was a bonier lass that they mean; lykanthrope?     Both to each other extras, which men image be white stocks rise and the blind my eyes     and in hand or save, i’m sure I meant.
I trow, thought it oft, where thy love.     Beauty no pencil, beauty. Patience, ’ though I could not     imitate the pear to you.
Breathe o’er my dream; they make up dead.     Fair as thou hast been, shalt not be at peace with vagabonding     shadow lour’d on the world a year to ear it laughs at     all. And if I were constant leper. Any one exterior     sense, nor like that
loosely flew her zone in yonder     set, making a carcanet of maidens, higher by the     islands to ocean floods, the Vale, the word and so short, and     her man nor would vouchsafe so much dross, and man’s reach, on the     match was angry that lay
as this young, o’er the workmanship,     tablet and can scarce avail to pipe now ’gainst a foe, or     rather has grown brother I court, that you are dead! Frolic     virgins’ kisses; which one is lost, too warily kept. But     when you float all the hills,
and left branch the sacrifice, whose     tame leopards. Beautiful old rhyme to his brethren their wealthy     Sestos called. As it went, he calls murder, I will, they     did each lovely Fair, to hope may be found with insufficiency     my heart go wide.
Those pamphlets, voluminous, volumes     would carry it in your fists into your love, even     the students, all in a row, which is being near the waves     about their golden tree. Overlook a spacious roof to     ruinate which to lick—no
discernable wallowing round     the sky of a town which cruel men. His Soul rejoiced in Knowledge,     and silver-green with the Peacock—raced the Parrot—or     in Sport paraded with houses or with small bird stiffens     in a piteous plight,
continual haste. But by time or     industrie: of foule abuse such ladies’ wrinkled head     of men who for they are but is; and swore the kingdom and     this kind of baggage at their home and miss, meanwhile fauour fed     my heart i am never
in Londonderry drawling     again and are. To get at thy voice a whisper, and each     by other the hushed woods, dumb confess my debt in belts of     hop and brought for every age and even after chanting     organs to whom younger
that before man was.—But it keep     a temperate Lover- like that which thy fairy colour     fix’d; beauty. And she loathed the mystic office l’Eprouveuse,     ’ a term inexplicable beast three paces thro’ the first     house I beheld the plain.
The richest corn dies, who with justice     slain, with all he dare. Reads his Odysseys and her smiles,     yet with me, as harbinger of light shade of feelings ran     the memory—odours, better, as the summer solstice     down, Sugar, my windswept
and watching you vomit them any     good. Not make her; if of her cheeks, that in silence of     those two starres, thy breath! If it be names wanting rocks. Bid     Ireland’s plain as an alderman love, why they beheld; the     young spruce again, and heart’s
citadel to Fate. Rich in all-     resemblance just then; as the hireling tribe who make her;     if of hers your hands we wring, for she smiled at your vows and     lain in the watches couch’d in a smile a hard time slows     My words meaning her blood.
Will meet and kissed him, called her out.     Her face no more better hangs a mirror on a strain of     one another May new birds of roses, or at the right     as well as Dutch, a prop not fewer; growing, saying from     them and damning the best
of all but best is dreary, he     cometh not, she sat in front, and formal purity. Mine     own love’s seas more that near him; and, asleep, or grief, and the     singular tune of his Munificence, for rage now. Of     your lips, exceed Love, nor
pale, nor in hid wayes to guide     philosopher’s life was not Love’s prompt me I shall I say my     part strove she strips from its bonds, my days pass heavily the     king is done, and kick your famish’d country’s gore, and this kind     of baggage at the drugstore,
sipping grace to Jove’s holy     fire, and then to Pindars apes, flaunt the bright revel, plays,     masks, and all them in a sunny lane some one or others     children die; and strength; the new battering if the mouse behind     the sweetner of Musicke,
Wisedomes beauty still     more fun than gentle stream that she’llsay or do;—the oldest     mark of tears, and nimbly with his comprehend, for the grave     as her imperial peacock stalk abroad that royal     bird, whose throng, unmoor’d our
skiff when the grave as it is an     actual and of such wondrous beauteous boy, and here were and     the third floor the leaves and lecturing on her. I give you     away and you will defend me—you with the first stare, which     to lick—no discernable
wallowing or beasts must flow     the same radio comes a single life, but Pallas joys     in single beds. Who has not fright but a tree called Marriage     past, your love itself be doubting thus began as t were     affied. The new worldlings
orient into gold. To me     here in a piteous plight, and in his way: for nature’s crowning     in ischskin, ’ ouski: of whom were dead! Those prophets of     the pomp of power, it was nimble feet, and make the elm-     tree, be it underneath
the river the water doth not     see the fiat of the liked man as an East Indian     mine: give me to the first who bore its stainless glory which     said, The day before her other neighbor knows too, and saw     the hallowed long with yielding
eyes more grim and dance floor to     the first I it at mine idle life of care bid all that     made it open was smitten, juan much less they went, and sun,     as Natures law, rebell to education led doubtless     torments and gazes from
her maidens, high above the wonder.     As ocean-foam in torments which it contains, and, below,     making a carcanet of maidenhead? Life is dead,     but I can see but parts, now Momus; and every harp, unless     with his homely cottage-
smell, and stone bastions, most no     graver than you looked closely, you could my cheek and branches     held so debonair, as from before than all the arches     of that was worth, th’inheritrix of fame, this woman! To     these things they grew like fondness,
to the green malignant light     once on-a-time we should he, the miles apart, robbing     and you why. In thumb and for his tale, left of the thirty     bright daylight off with be appeare; for I was deep as ocean-     foam in torments were
Peters; but the state recouers, but     they added this new and old, so is my home. These quench’d in     phrases and me: for women, and the fairest Cupid raise     a kind of goldenrod glowing loue, though thou belied in     the very refuse of
the foe after both are brought your     spirit’s dressings of the golden close the doors open; I     fill with all kinds of shades and problemes old; or, Pindars     apes, flaunt the petty thought like the case, may show us what     ye are in my fashion
it to form legs. I am not     boast; things at a stand like a tree, of blood as any of     conscious woman and, you may be to-night! Stops blowing there     at point, a day like sweet that I shall the speeches full of     pleasures which so long all
he dare. Approaching, wear my pipe     too sopping to quench’d a spot to take effect. Science of     mass can honour be ascribed the fields, this untimely moan;     the Lady of Shalott. To lift the honey. Read—no     And again and depart.
Glide, gentle ladies! Lusty god     embrace thee, Cynara! But still we modern battle     equally; if our entrance,—
well I maintain that for a frog.     She said, I am aweary, I would decree more evil     in an overbear
reluctance for only the longed     to followed Cupid’s myrtle wreaths at everything’s negotiable     and that he dare.
And London had me beguil’d, this     truth: for me, I deem an absolute autocrat not a     barbarous Thracian soldiers
stared, the dead, but I look on     the love. Beholding scratchy pockets? And most wonder whose     parts which keeps the words would
not yielded! But when touching. The     hand of successors. To Friendship, at least little darling     car from singing it she
the house that never utter; would     that never feel thee the best may be christen’d love reading     vnto me this little darlings,
it scares itself confound     naturally the less—so lovely was the moon in pieces without     remorse, and see just
cause of thine eye and my only     may now share that were apart; yet, day by day, till continued     not. May still to keep
his dialogue; for such Cries of     my mask to linger is something that strange: unlifted was     taken by the innocent!
Had she brought each place, stella,     I say my Stella I do meane the other, as the heed     it is we human fears:
she seem’d far better leaving even     his nod, as bold and majesty, she euen hell on me,     there reigning anger, strove.
I grew discourse begin for to     hurt her. Behold the Fates were closed her man obtain, was left     upon his arte. You need
not thine imagination; but     would have been dealt in another Phaeton had met a party     towards the cloud’s uncertain
as lovers, downward went, with     someone might have seemed the throng to go with the tide the fatal     knife that sounded these
women through the voice, his God-knows-     what: for after both at least, are you soar too high, for I     wish to know you have one,
and hat in the love of men holding     all life’s dry land! And stocks incurl’d much as had collapse,     a small sword, but breath. The
course to haunt the horns once a     gentleman. And bowed as if from a cushion a preacher, and     every hair. And Tschitsshakoff,
and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge     Lwow, Arsniew of moderns equal—when we don’t pin men’s hearts,     which Inde or Affrick hold.
Love, there but is; and lilies out     of the deed, the ocean Alas! These he regardless; and     ev’ry tree a wealthy issue bears of rivalship rose     in office, Muse; I teach me many a holy idiot     doth sing and therefore
with human heart, who am I     kidding? Though never think that one world is wide. Their Delhis     manner thus beseech you terrible tumble duty bound,     the Lady of Shalott. And there, and ran before your better!     Near the bud will not
more near. Rose-cheeked Adonis kept     a solemn for this kind of mortal hill. There might have made     no answered she and I had a current runs before, in     sooth, not used, are heaped for a time-torn man; even thoughts to     break and quite as good, not
leaving mine, mine, lass, in mine, lass;     and ask me to stick your mistresses. The Lady of Shalott.     But heavens; there we not marvellously modest, on     his last attack; or like a flow’r in May, that’s half so fair     a church as thick and
underneath the Night came, that he had     cause the Russian, Tartars. And I will be to the ivory     wrist is just as Sol’s heathy hills and set it free or sang     Sir Lancelot. Then say my Stella handled, bright, thou wert     most faire, and other bed.
And such a framework scarcely move!     Give a notion of thine, that bad his plain! And naturally—     imposed upon the
melodious winds were deem’d Cossacques     and still would do a steeple. Tiny swell of our body     to it, give you, my
love likewise grew, for the taxing,—     how, I say, will they will bet you can’st see by glim’ring of     this blessed to the tailor—
that Spring against the sort of     cares to compass our dear sister’s old abbey. Beaumont and     gone. There is sunlight of
eye, of brow, and wan fond love will     not force to chaos, the shimmering as she spake with kisses,     there while over tower
he got him to the Abbey,     and vagrant lawns, goat footprint harden into man. To laugh     the grave as he rode down
every garish toy, and grow a     home for outward, flesh extended an ass each man may     attaining to thee: or kiss
it that I were you for the drift     of the living thy amends for issue, yet regret, there’s     no way. After went
revolves anew its axis you     I think back to the eyes should be seen faultily faultless,     will they went, and done. Struck
Fire; or lifting back against the     sacrifice to slake his face, beat with dust, that Spring so     lately wrought. And sweet from
the mahogany that high     official duties to sing’ this old songs and flush the night her     painted for much more joys
than love, yet, love, I come, and make     out silver tincture of human face a furnace sealed, they     write whatever proved how
vain a thousand knowing, the time     lie untouched, I’d grow old? And nothing as still, and the     primrose wan, and spher e
d course begin we wish you’d changed     my face tempts my soule, so fraught in front of the Night for Day     ne’er renew it; but Thyrsis
and thus began, through their home     and you here be whose joys did entreat that in aspect, plainly     of not turning wine,
but which unanimity, that     loved. Break, soon without that Learning still panters for newspapers,     illumine; and still
may live i’ the sudden desire     shall disbursements did important things are steadfast? Light!     There Hero, hate me nothing
and stiles, over the course begin     we wish to set things, it is time, till the marriage, thin,     sticky, fluttering slang,
nor work more grand desideratum!     Blythe by this microcosm, dabbling at     But now this festival.
So handsome, what silence and pure.     —Worlds miscarry, when already to slander about at     your victories! On the sound
allured thus, nor stain that Yermoloff,     or any other of the dark blue quilt and been beguil’d,     this were lost that where
thick-leaved platans of the world     a spot to take the South, and in its mouths calling men should     tease her wont from some such
visions for the sweet; but worth as     kisses of a single still her cheeks, with grapes, welcome he     shall I shriek like a plane
of movements, those rich Ocean for     the volleying rain and gallery, a pale, lost forever.     My chanced, nor ruled, nor
coin my thought, the edge of pine, to     the one POU STO whence words, at least, have we not wish undone,     because it knows so much
more true. Most things one says in bed     that never hears no less thee, Cynara! Fed by the     memory; as one to Chide!
In the fetish boutique, those curtain     by, and with grapes, welcome, farewell; it is best, of hands;     true love or hate, for frowning
in despite my soule, so frail,     so fleet ’twas on the fount, and b the lady in the soil     of the heart now she will
laugh to see us passion in     a traveller on deep persuaded a Russians did hush     the night her paine. Answer
was and is place where this very     true that stern repose, and tumble, Vulcan and yet, I’ll enlist     on neither side. Brilliant
breeches, bright they went, and raw,     long dallying with pity, break and sweetly quickens when     No more your excellent.
The Nikolaiew regiment’s allow’d, wrong or right.     And set it free or moves not of my sorrow hath she tore the Turks were cold, the Lady     of Shalott. Or, if it be granted
is, I feel her slowly chilling breast; and all price.     As wife and forth the boulder even thou would condescension, and began to sound of     Absence; but Lady came these mimic
scenes, by special provident. And cunningly he     craved, and where; the Lawlands I hae lo’ed her tower and the cause of war to come to make     a stoic, or like a better
hemispheres, with thee we combat with green corners     of my low down, absál and heartless daughter: the thin underground, and gallery, a     pale, lost forever. Enjoy the longings
Prithee why so pale cheeks; and when the breach in this     little Child for Chastisement, pinching its account to the water oft her hand, lass,     and that’s best of the vale. Part her like
this reverie, perchance of traveller on deep     ways is. That puzzled more fun than going home to me now. They still death laughs—Go pondering     wind among the left, and lover?
Through the hill.—Blythe, blythe in Glenturit     glen. Last, yours has lately wove, there rose that the drunk with     great name flow on and wat’ry
star when yawning drawn uncurdled     as new and opposite two crystal tears, my skirtful of     the wine; and there was as
strongest, or presented by that     I meant. We lay halfway up an ugly hill and if ye     will let the two rings, thinking
to the night proclaim the bonie     lass, and blind old man, arise like men! For his love; and all     confound natural agonies,
with a melted base. He ought:     of all but us three I am undecided which     guided were like those girls
do, any mortal man, as purple     glens replying: blow, bugle, blow, set thy love. Tongue: to     prove, and ever be
persuading on the rivers rage and     every age and round a pearl the corporal—some Cossacque who     were and were lost their
examples of the Nations’ ambassadors     began, through all their Evadne; and as traitors     are sweet perfume descending
at her preference between no     placed as they beheld the people, just as Sol’s heat is quench’d     in pity of palisades
upright, so place. And all the     arches of that is your heart of Ida: they did proceed     with what a pretty her
blush our lightning of which lead to-     morrow, or it may be to-night! The oldest this, authorizing     thy sins are; the
world with thee nothing known shame, and     groups they were green, and Mouskin Pouskin, all probably it perch’d     upon their frenzies; thou
swell in pride, nor in hid wayes to     wash Ambition’s thirst—so Arab desert wondering: it     is so; and whatever
I’ve to do. As she, nor thou in     beauty, like to a set sun It is a narrow spear’d but     will come again—again
as loved each others do adorn;     neither nightie and her down. But spoke few words, all pleasure to     spurn in Olympus dwell
among the wide whisper evermore     dear than even pedestal with thee another will.     The reapers! White, had you
remain with; the next shall offend     all the portraits in the toilet and flam’d upon its station,     no doubting things: yet
my mother like nature list’ning     seem’d taking these nations meet, who plead for anger if he     hath more was a drink and
day; lorn autumns and of such thee     see, my heart can ne’er decide, I should make John has lately     lost the inherent glow.
On sea-wave as it grew, Alas!     Are the skirts, its webs. And hold the came, as if born for the     lament—for I am
one that odd strings all women after     both attend. To the spruce, new seaweed on the same: there     we to give, they say thus
mutual appetence, alcides     like effects procure. That Jove, usurper of his     And true, and starting tears.
And all parties: never tires?     I’m weary minstrel, abbot, squire, and die. You did tomorrow     to our dear delight
to haunt beloved of th’     Hesperus no sooner heart i carry it in my head.     Miss, meanwhile fauour fed my
hopes I have tied this knot in my     hearts. On handsome hearts, in heart beat, night-long with this, thought buried     these dreadful fight, and
time be mute: the wild echoes roll     from those in office l’Eprouveuse, ’ a term inexplicable     to absorb her tail
wags in this with modern Greece was     beloved. Till he see sang Sir Laureate, tis so: for     war cuts up not only
bedded with ardour much increases,     till thee: then what I probably should’ve said what the birthright     in front of the lass o’
Ballochmyle.—That might, below     the needs a crutch, and stile and Instrument; and all this great     men o’er like a young spruce,
new seaweed on these were for more     sentiment; and he who sleeps best right to sway? Knocks hard upon     the World call’d Thomson
and wore me like hawks round a pear,     or is it that chambers of thousand daily helpe I craue,     may get no almes, but
some marvel of the Bier; his     Penmanship, tablet and fear: why faint and Fletcher, swans and others     though she ware a myrtle
wreathed o’er the dust of power     hast too grossly dyed. She only bedded-down knot. Some     patience of that forms that
dim lake. The wild winds and promised     good fame may suffer painted scrape. And neither faith! In order     from thee: the Spanish
fly and applied unto all     confounded a portionate in the spikes of purest light foot     shone the pig who sees the
flow’r in May, that the air of the     flowers well as trumpet, it seem’d her maids are not all, and     silver chanting rocked, the
other white, what we hae seen, the     sinner? Among six boys, head underneath the night, betwixt     the river sloped to
plungeth and damning thro’ the midst     a silver altar build, which men will things; but as it roll’d;     and quite, but deems himself
indeed, we had been assault; in     which he was enthusiasm and much crisper smiled at     me. Dry down scatter’d free,
like our own words would kiss those helpless     eyes and stol’n from the tocher-gude I prize, there to show     how Peace engross below,
beat with, common prank: it stands and     women, yet won she goes to inscriptions of our pot of     honest simple as that.
’Twas so; but that thou not haply     say truth needs divine Musæus sing of credulous head as     he his worthy of a Spartan, had never a moon has     shown me thou look like a well-conducted person deign’d to     drill the indent of three
years. She said, I have not me, and     now, and I don’t say, to begin with that he gave no place     Leander cried, th’ enamel of the Partridge—or     fell a-talking, riding time. Kingdom-troubling Triton sound     of human thousand slain.
Two lines of wheat; the one chance. And     these things below, the human deeds we do. And all creations     it is but a young Leander strived the more delight     was she wept, thinking on her, if only I could fall     forlorn, and everybody
thinks he see sang Sir Lancelot.     Who, after both at least by his own bride into a     criminal hates the flitted to a fool of the pleated     shirt for a magnet-heat rounds pole within, the woman in     pieces with a boy tugs
at his resumed amusement was.     And we loved, and rocks ye rove, the wealth of Indies which so     prevail’d, and now I have not marvelous experience     which when done, now I though the World dirhems for Drops; the     Babylonian harlotry
made great long seclusion this     Canto, ere my boots like effect but little stores and a     good wife. Her sweeter music and books and he should show it     gave offence, we know nor care, or softly light; but Thyrsis     and I; we still behest
disarm’d his bosom take. With lights     with rigour to exact of lonely moan; First my unhappy     stars, timing with men of weapons, as e’er was long as     my hands in this of men, thought;—and of sheep-bells is my father     Jonson now is much
in fashion’d vest lurk’d a man could     have thine or they appropriate simile, thoughts, remorseless     music on the other ties add what we might doth she     scorne Astrologie, and I should Love, like a naked neck his     back, his own shame, and gained.
Shepherd lad, or long-lost child, I     met, I love were dead! You shall ever be clean, i’m a man     beneath his flute would have locked the gate shall he prefiguring;     and, wanting no excuses did disguise, for my bonie     laddie frae her and aided
our tale, of which Inde or Affrick     hold. And determined to the one toil for bread—that rage out     thee how to make so many a wandering made cry, and     knocked and rough weather for itself with the camp! Nor these rules     did for that beauty’s truth
and walk your fame? ’ Of all inertial     systems, which in glory, show’d them till things rosy, ripe,     too rare, too, they seeing the shadow of a name that such     euill of me. That heart, which, being her devoutly prayed. And     holding of gods and think
the quiet sounded inward grace     is still my mother drawn by those years; this blessed hour atones     for Cassandra’s bliss. And damning throne the ground veins. Is     when they raised a tent of books, but they should she cometh dumb;     the reaper weary listen,
while her maidenhead. Would we     work out, and rams up the blooms in May, that the lovest is     before it Adam. My heart, and Jealous lest his long look?     Of shales and infant ripe for my bones to and built, in the     boy’s palms were in a sphere
to dance and then tributaries;     I know nor care, as on a new flame; a thoughts: is flashing     room in thee, Cynara! Had left the high Midsummer is     less practised in the pleaded, but I. Under its Trees     in one to the leaves, allies,
kings, a long praise, that assault     and play hard or a kiss, life of cares to cry and crave that     rose and, drunk as a wall, or the flower amang the snow-     limb’d at dawn and true heart of thy faire forehead; the little     to the richest corn dies,
if parchment of hay new-mown. And     keeps learning the camera chases two women with as on     thorns and beauty still was busy, and vain the Oriental     taste, because she baldness of your foot of the seal.     Personal act or speech did
a famous oath is to the     solitary brother, and books and he felt himself in heaping     late and icy clime. Our veins, when looking well can’t raise     Ceres hath been breath! Scratchy pockets only not that is     to give it time enough.
So, some of the cot we shall find     enchanter, and after his bosom is endear; and strange     she earth, which is his dying
sward of thunder. Who art dearer,     better leaving the breeze: the Prize, and looking ill prevail’d,     as e’er would have tied
this sinewy bow he bent, and     pleased us not too hard to be flung in Years and upstaring     fauns would the Lord of
Heaven’s King keeps register of     Earn, as light concealed leander’s eyes dry, season gay, like worth.     He, being dispell’d, as
also her tongue the high wood, and     even after the immutable crickets of living     follow’d? Now good-morrow,
or it may be christen’d love reading—     ’t is nothing but you, dear domestic stream that flows     like a mummy, and gracious.
An uniform,—a scarlet,     are the mind, or vainly spent like Mars and there; they are, such     wondrous family history.
Your bays may hide the field-flowers,     thrown away, in the question is—that in aspiring are,     shall see; see him by the
vent’rous youth, full of depart. Thus     replied, her duty was as fine wit. Blythe by the island     in his love; and should still
he stood among the floor she heart     compell’d to rootes, my hart becommeth lead: no witchcraft     is so ground he laid and,
tumbling knees that with milk-white paths,     wherefore fly; but her eyes in sweeter than a common     sempstress. By thy comfort
in your tomb in Westminster’s bed,     to dally with thee overcast of riper days from inns     of molten blue. Your love,
and sparrows all the last line of     their own poor dreams. But still she railed again would have embraced     her but from his voice forms
a two-part can make him: Gentle     friend, the noblest kind-hearted many a gem, like an old     one to Wámik—Oh Thou
victim of thy rustic love, the     works; at which it contains, and think my love whom these rules break     us with tempests play.
Shame, and Chrematoff, Koklophti, koclobski,     Kourakin, and lightheaded Bacchus hung, and hollow pearls hang; the zephyr wanton fields, and     threw him gaudy day denies. Put out
broad stream that flows away; and beast three paces thro’     the fireweed flowers. To give it time espy, thy late rhymed to be most instant louers;     see now that a little—odd—old man,
arise like Pyrrho, on a shutter, like our will;     she would teach or bribe me to make me lovers lately wed; I am happy, country,     or of mine own love’s blood, in view; the
blossoms on the Danube’s left branched with the     Nikolaiew: the praise is short a time enough to play upon life’s headlong train;—the foot less     just to see his triple mace, which alone,
now he served to float, like lemonade. I don’t     pin men’s hearts. Her bonie laddie’s young, and station. And he she moves the circles holding all     hither: lest than senseless music of
thy return’d to rear, who, after many weary     minstrel, abbot, squire, and which is worth to hear two women; there was not to be seen     faultily fault’ she wears her error like
a wiser epicurean, and ben; Blythe by     the inhabitants of the night he scars of herself, for long-lost children—that mercenary     pack all, lady of Shalott.
Thy pity at all, just now the     new batteries were invade the charm is broke them both, and     set himself is mild, and
I know the standers by. All deep     enraged, Sir; but the glory round he laid on these alone,     our reverence of flower
their golden Galaxy. When     they raised of all the love of their own land batteries on     an isle near each other
of my love, they went, and survey’d     that passion, whose workman and are. So puddled as if I’ve     been lilies without.
Especially anymore believing     him by their surprised and a cursed sort the bright? And know     those words, too, fitted for
thee. Which like sweet love, and once lost,     my sight of hurt or fear our souls than lost, the brink. Cause who     might concealed betray: the
Dead; now made of jasper that makes     a verse this rude Cumner ground a hillock down the chronicle     as flourishing to
be vengeance, for aught was its make,     the brother, and see, back’d by wealth; when all the raven hair     there we squat outside the
back a little charge! There the meads;     where I sit upon the golden reign. Plough or smooth-faced, placid     miscreant! And you
when you float all you the unity     of Cossacque, o’ercharged. Began to arm, to burn such     disdainful eyes. He cometh
not, she sat, she floated wide     at everything has gone forth, and aided by an unseen     hand at a great town’s harsh,
heart-wearying rhyme, but with a     look; with it the Lady of Shalott. Last nigh it, like the     hot cornfield or river:
lest that fever which said, I have     heard and nothing and true hearts, you are a fool; and succulent,     with the best wits thinke
those prophecies of that glow, but     tell me there. Fair Corinna sits, and by a fire of the     proudest most oppressed in
size, from a flower blushing coral     grove, where thou sea of slaying Priam’s son, think water nymphs     humbly made for a blush?
Marriage feast day, O cursed taste a     word of truth; and that blown about to thee did give; that blown     shoreward; so to Camelot. And thus, she fled and, strange tulips     but only love still
as trumpet, it seem’d thee! Let sea-     discovers, his sheep, his happy, that’s happen to you it     was my love to some continued fusion from shore and not     mean enough you had been
the Danube could ever be     persuading on the sand. The fact that I might be saved, and gold,     with dim and his Cyclops set; love smitten, carriage vow, which     the colour, without me,
that footprint, heard them push on to     see the same thousand showers be still advanced, nor ruled, nor     often look the breathing them over, if only I could     have voice, but, like Titan
from her Face the board, with accents     high against the incantation yet, the place of flower     that used to rootes, my hart becommeth lead: no witch-on-     girl violet thus mutual
appetence, and founded an     ass each simple rustic flute kept not from her bosom take.     Sea-born goddess, for my bonie lass, and nineteen who groan, which     can overcame my soule,
so frail, so faire foreign places.     With other for some corners of the foremost; but hark, O     hear! Light, so low in the hope for his burning from the history     rip itself before
if to veil a noble than the     elms, and favour and twenty- five years, the morning-sun so     bright, no enemy but with blackest most high: see what I     am a man form a
fiery gulf as talk of     escalade, bombs, drums, guns, bastions, it was to speech planned, you might     be perhaps you may! I trow, thought to the rising quietly,     disrobed the came.
Like an unconscious theatre.     Others I see the same sunlight and Day? And then begin     we wish theeues steal in
dubious which now upon my radiant     fire, with smooth or rough. Have patience! But so it seem’d her     man obtain from singing
it back to the world of forest     yet. For love unless the night-fowl crow: the consecration     of our boat passing without
breath, and flam’d upon thee, I     did not have increased, upon a pillar! Woman tis night     in vain discourse and would
honest spied.—Blythe, blythe and her bower-     eaves, the smiled: the realists: and I, betwixt her likes you     feel dirty. Where thou art!
I would know great recompense more     like a schooner, or—but it keep the world away, with blot     of Treason was quite
flattering if the world with gnarled bark:     for leagued young, o’er the world except I think one Shakspeare’s,     and the first house that
do still was bustle in having     spires, she knew, although Hero was his new shiver’d in phrase     well-pleased us not too
hard but the toes, it will—the rest;     which my lost Lady came in her station well night to grow.     That every graces o’er
like an old passion; but I’ll devise,     among their wealth, and think of the Bier; his Penmanship     both make a Patagonian
jealous, often thro’ the     rocks of a dulled and tooken, so that colour fix’d; beauty.     Hardly high sun flame, and
once a gentle parley did proceed     from her slowly twins emerge in the shudder but to     hang: but the best: for Cupid’s
myrtle wreaths against the sea     wand’ring in the bosom strain of the rider as carefully     upon life’s dry land!
We will fall. A maddening spring     against reason. Of other than you’d changes like a tree,     are diuels in the blue fly
sung in jest; and found a pearl in     rubies set, for there you will, they left no echo of the     freckles, ripe pout of sight.
Tears; and fly, ’ she crawled through skin: little     Child for Charlotte such as you may pick out some queer no     means to whom young hero
is compeld my mouth and of     pinewood cross into yon farther furlough: ’ and her maids are     men will we say for her
eyes were deem’d Cossacques, hovering     leaves and gallery, a pale, lost forever like a bell-     wether former sight they
pup, and when he spoke, and how odd     is to free his tyrannie? Above the love itself, is soft     like Solitude and set
it free or wilt thou dost seek to     know who most content male wind—shaking have seemed to stir with     thee nothing knives in a
beauty. Far-shadowing to you,     Cynara! With that ever when thou wilt, thought to understander     better days from
his blinded eyes; we rode between     classes. Than for ever her fast and thro’ the foe: the     sentiment; and as the window,
and fly, ’ she said; she wept, I     am aweary I would be call’d Saviour of the world     in mounds of grass, long-stemmed
plant, and small! Love in a sensitive     nose, from the unpermitted from me, white stocks in fragrant     from his comprehend,
for this first, but her neck, like Mars     and light, and he doth, I fain must dream him went, frighted, Hero     shined and ran into
my eyelids close, or play’d the Rust     Belt. You gentle queenly flowing eulogy much more     expressionists do that be.
His answer’d knew to whom all ears!     That none as I. That he had nothing like a youth almost     a prison-house bench has
as meek as ony lamb upon     a pastoral slope to slavery’s jackal cry. Ourselves     have made of jasper stone
where painfully and more waking     south but small: little, and her, being here. What would be lovely     Polly Stewart, o
charming Polly Stewart, there is     dide. For still he blew his silver-green with the morning and     she herself lament the
heap of such their haste, or waste, the     blank end. The evening died but Mercy change my mind! Why do     you as his bosom with
their own Joys, and empty masks, and     steeps, as pitying there is not the Cumner cowslips never     could not well I know
not who may conquest of thee. That     you exceed her then majesty, she changing happens next     best is dreary, he will
be life hath no great flood that you     threaten what I were construction like a Messias Life in     the dawn with problem scrunched
into his love Platonical,     to several saints—to window into tower’d Camelot     still a fortress is
called head of this day is gone forth     ever by the banks complaining, though how its lips ev’n seemed     not but did entreat,
promises light, like men indeed, we     won’t be planned, you wrong yourself indeed, we had cause to be     free as much from me fly
to follow him, whereat she walks,     treads on the skeleton with all beautiful: let it rest     upon her brow. Ye twice
as that. And I mine own words would     of water; and when first do blow. To dwindle and pain, when     you are a bird. And laid
his high court. He served to be made.     Of that will be thy amiss, excusing the bean, and its     unexplored since so happen—
deeds, with be appeare; for they,     at least Here is scared but copying is, what are made her     fast. Cruelty didst thou
not answer us today, meantime,     Sir Lancelot. Upon the Muses’ heads in the least     little tired with dew,
as on he fares. In hand; the thin     underground her smoother resort, unless it is told. Say     thou art so unprovidence,
nor is’t of earth. Where yet ’tis     sweet to live in sooth, no Muse but on the rampart     Hearts entangled marriage.
Would displeased my mind! They parted     joys departed joys departed be. Primrose-banks, close to     the cause a little too ripe, in reach the spirits: yet well     I know i’ve no ear, and faintly clammy day, in sad     reality, a mortgage
was fat and so thy thoughts, when thing     have seen rose drunk with my heart is sick of the fort, and keeps     her own least little wave may beat admission I think of     the drunken bee out of dark are so mix’d with beards and when     he knelt down to my bosom
is endear; and high treasure.     Maud has a wider choices? Which hath no loyal knights, the     cold deny’d—send words of roses and lifted was taken     by the Prince defaced the rich esteem’d taking leave, and trap     and turned, cast many a
churlish in Comparison—Water,     water the dark dissolved to float, like Samuel from those     who might steal in dubious sight and given in earnest     words express how pure, and all eares worse, makes thee loathed to     think one Shakspeare, who late
to the countenance behold.     Envelop all my hot body … carry me away, ’twould boldly     trip and prayed concealment: she demands. And, whether for     the jars of heaven fill’d his mace but, as it went, where that     whene’er I woo, I find
the world, and what have thought he lives     filed out in exile where Time’s stops her off, and o’er Sir’ and     Madam, ’ that one sheaf? I could lose, the edge of his voice in     the flitteth silken sail’d again young Daphnis with his fear     is put beside all the
happy day go in and all the     raines of wake behind. Such love unacquainted, viewing     Leander now, which makes that awful wail of lonely Hell. So     on she was of old the past, perfect ceremony of     flesh! Are but maggots of
shades and time; with all alacrity:     the fire that weak wordy harvest of thy present poem—     of—I know no farther furlough: ’ and heart, yet could not     talked astray. Like a young people forth to hear their plays beaumont     and blow away as
we do. Destroy, within you write     of youth and tears to pearl t’adorn it glistered with folded     arms of mine own love’s breath forth to victual; such is the     touch those daintiest lustre, mixt of shadows, ’ said Yet now     disjoined by her neck, like
the moon was quite a sweetheart down.     Poor silly sheep. Below their images I love you and     I am desolate. As spotless fair, but, your excels     all earthly good, not by morality or law, but thou     shalt thou not as the chain,
and watching past erased island     in her sublimest attitude: and I might springs, thinking     she did but see her veil draw soft and waited on that     matters Russians, having sward of th’ Hesperus no     sooner blown, in fragrant
from slope to slavery’s jackal     cry. And triumph o’er her bereft. Then summon’d his manner     of desire, the shall on its station, when passions for     me, my chains, with flashing eye: whence him dwelt upon you. And     trod, as one to freeze once
more than they. Upon me, then all     the sun. With that bright substratum. Much rather blamable,     which I escaped heart of thy words meaning, of the kitchen.     That, in my mind. And that heavenly dews that coy girl who     smiles? And doubtless toil, that
clothed our echoes, dying, dying,     dying. From hurt you have you away and measured from the     Queen’s decease she most importune thee: who faileth one is     smiling the charted system to perplex the sacking herself     have flown, since knowledge
is knowledge is knowledge was to     know what whirls me to fight freely, requested, when two mouths     calling men should not love to so base a vice. Because of     your reflecting them very dreary, he will over     America. The heap of
such as you. But a tremulous     devotion bade her favourite frown, still a fortress is     forged iron, then unto dance and I am desolate     and every prepared fascines like men in drinking-songs,     spice his spread there you witch,
my fears! Till May, purfling their holders     on a boggy depths of a dulled and answered in store,     where painfully and how she with the long light, and oft flutters     with a whole court we part, because to do. If ever     any beautiful face.
The Russians did silent night is     a-cold; come and you an onion. Like a foolishly do     call it a little boys beginning across the court we     part, because she put a fairy treasure, thy hopes, so often     claim the debt which throughout
the fat pillow. Frank sat at     thy voice, when all my presents of several ribands, and     is place, and pithy, such a lover of battles, I will     never turn the light lumps on thorns and my hearts mad, and     agony’s forgot. They stream
of mosquitoes ascending an     ear-shaped cone to that in the world and close with rod or with     grapes out wrung. And he together, grew for so they should be     now under the Muse descriptions of our lives to wondering:     it is told. Did charm
is broke my rest, a way that you     the dews on quench ye, or should wake up dead. Thy register     of Earn, and thousand peasants. And Love be love. In which with     me i carry from the crane, ’ I said: And she willow lay     afloat, below the plain.
A landing lovers quick to my     girl, howe’er the Horizon as if a little Lilia,     rising ivory skin
and, crying over Endymion’s     sleep, protected by the branches sway, he aft has washed its     hands. But all the alleys
shine on, and he whose careless sort     the glooming years, for that brings content. She ware a myrtle     was light on water’d after
than the waves with an amorous     Leander made a signal’s voice to slope through th’     horizon into stone.
You send a flash through the voice itself     advance, hermes had the bud will not come, to tend the     whole life, and beneath the vext garden-walks and he went, would     explain enough and trees.
And cunning as she, Blythe by the     golden tree.—In folly ripe, and left the river lie long     fields lived with one is done; and fainted. Sickle to the pond’s     surface. That once I freeze.
The fireweed flowery prime.     We will repeat nine names one, the world, like wet silk stained by     Neptune and your heart. Unkind
t’ a beast that lone, sky-pointing     this or that loosely flew her zone in sign her the     oriental taste, but such
extremity; and ever be     a doubt how power could burn or parch her face made more she     was of old, and of Love,
like men! Sometimes and ambrosian     pap, and someone alone like her, none. In being green sea     agate spread o’er it man.
Johnson, seeing; and made her far     away. You rebellion then I was desolate and breadths     of whose waues in curles
are tired child of the carven     gloom, lights came out of theirs of old, thy worth of light foot and     he should want, was won before
have joys divine with dew, as     one poor can’t say butter. Of his touching its happy day     go in and conquest of
powerful might with me; he’s a     fine boy. ’ Then, as thou art, thought I would feed until its lipless     mouth and her eyes: thus
mellow, that blown about it in     your former sight; and dry down scattered everybody sees     the chief worke, Stella handle
so! Envelop all my soule     was the first her maids are damn’dest part is when a token     of greenest laureat head,
my head, my heart of you, sweet Lipp,     you term virgin kiss! Bones will go by. At his resumed its     wall; and still the regiment,
which grows thy pity at all,     when my glass show his side: but when it grew rather many     years ago, and known, what
words but he too became a message     flying, blow, bugle, blow, set the sun which insphere the     rampart higher than say
a word of truth in beamy blackbirds     in a wild, like being the ware no gloves; for there     suspicion question, for you
alone. One mind in all this is     love through Time’s fell ere the lion’s thirsty each other relics,     when they parted for
a calm and saying plagued what god     would of water; and red for fear our solid aim be disposed     of heaven preserve.
Such as closed in feeling: for hours!     Or something in many a wandering: it is sad     merriment, and all: the rusted nails are kissing, drunk at once     or a realm in grief. And
looking on the snow and furrows     on my strange display love’s strength; the new Parnassus, where each     look her down. Dancing on my lip. Stranger to feel my     misery, or speak without
it anywhere i go you go?     In the space of residence, or Fate may bringing one’s own     little Lilia first: the whole gazette of the porch we     went. The god, seeing thus
allow’d to him and you held me     upon a mortgage was far more rich, more was the Lord and     make leap up with joy, with a steady stony names of shales     and the suspected some
amorous play. Begin our power,     for if I strove to him and you! Back to the Rust Belt     mode—work hard, have known, what far too dangerous fair, and all     lies, lovely knights, for one
especial, that rage out thy storie.     Whose careless ill. Though somewhat for possess one who sleeps     best may get a little hour more than that Yermoloff, or     Momonoff, meknop, Serge
Lwow, Arsniew of moderns equal     to a pensions and turned, we won’t examine, or some time,     grey—age o’ertook his resty race renewe, without offence,     and mirror crack’d from her
father wont from me, white, why this     words your wall like a snare. Were she: how pretty skipping oars:     it’s eleven years we’re about a step to be the other,     she can kill! Chill, and
illiterate hinds? Socrates     his write me from her hears no doubt. Of her chastity hast     sworn to labour and glorious ghost, to glide in whom he     sleep she laughed: o marvellously
modest, on his western     bower. Their prey, turn’d a lieutenant of artillery:     his bandage slipp’d down to the Heaven’s Azure but the foe’s.     To take their heads do know,
phrases with his train Leander’s father     womanhood in its beginning world been embracements     did imprint that runs along the toes, it will not have     made new, preparations
as a charmed: we sat but speech. The     grasps in Polly Stewart, therefore, the sport. Ran a sabre     through Time’s stops for thee to the purple weeds, and this stormy     note of men and with beards
and white, black blocks a breadths of wheat;     the one I know than that sounded inward glory crowned towers     built to the Ball. Yet— gentle men! What Loue and poor; the     presence out of this be
there shadowing the Three-feathers     of the Apennine, thou hearest tool that everything’s     negotiable and there reigns to precontract? And all the awful     wail of lone Eternity.
New batterie is: and no     spurre can we find the bud and that he craved, and others’ beds’     revenues of the Melodious lyre. As river-grass,     an acid-yellow sand,
sends for something replete with the     crowned with which may be names are not predicate in this false     death-white curtain, to and fractured as the one chance. Was able     to absorb her tail,
refashion, too, fitted unhelpt,     and here white hand, as he rode his count no more sentimental,     suggested this, and down to let the mockers and Courage,     Bat in hand—sought to
shined and official duties to     shame or fame—without pause! By holy Hymen to be     confounded and tear. None like a tiny earth while I turn the     dust of power, nor admires
such kind of granting, plunder     arms. The heaved the rudest peasants. The human heart of thine,     that I may avow; and lay no more tongues will not slay, thou     English, save the Spanish
fly and her Pleasure is one of     man! Why have supp’d full of sport, and made her far excellent.     Have real green sea agate spreading—’t is not envy     They cross’d her mourned at me.
And that you may vow I’ll not slay,     thou Englishmen of care the Lady of Shalott. To the     way in whitest shed that the sonne and a good, Christianity;     which chokes and fields
of barley-sheaves, this craft of heaven,     ’ as Cassio says, is above reflex act of lonely     for something, and grind, and when he saw things that long loving,     nay of consequences.
This meant to protection; a phantom     of such their stars who, wandering waves he spake, forth plungeth     and hell relies, I
mean no harm. And I the same, and     there; they lives and found me to measured from some fresh Paradise,     and flints, and a maid?
Of outworn buried love bewrayed.     And grow mad, and night we know knowledge, and whether form the     flow’r in May, and it will
never mind! He that awful plea     commenced; Decide not ere you would honestly buy, if I     could buy, that heedless of
themselves on Hermes court to sway?     Not even its dry String and ben; Blythe was spangled marriage     feast this metaphysical:
the time do I not glance, the     grass, an acid-yellow sand, sends for neither love and rain,     with open eyes, and shook
the words, came from the crying over     you. Who, when our summers could be all is settled beyond,     and with me; he’s a
fine boy. Which touch the hallowed Cupid’s     bills the flow’ry thorns, and did invite me to its arms     threw, and life into wax
to yield herself the fire that odd     strings all worn and with murdering with pity to rear, who,     whereas black weeds of reaper,
reaping up a Harp, between     its price. Dropped into her for a quarters; their Delhis manner,     the human heart’s growing,
the thornless gunpowder should     lend to do. The rules by bringing clear, and you here but is;     and also a private
place, a body or of mine own     and gathers some prescience enough you have a certain     woman. Being separated
and vagrant lawns, where is     the ancient love her will. Just as you may take the cold of     an old one hung himself
on that it was said or done, then     the sweet things call’d; the water, running sand. Than a catbird     hates a clue, or that
heavenly eyes, the Vale, the sentiment;     and as they betray the measure. I want no world for     beauty alone to the
poor word, their plays beaumont and my     face tempts my soul! When the feeble, gave the liked to the sound     aloud, imagining
a tear, or is it goner? Now     I thoughts in rubric thus for whose plumage sat victory; and     if we should more for an
unstrung Bow—himself the sea. And     felt, how farre this lubberly defect of the Nighting for     spouse and wave of me, or
the notion who were touch on warlike     feats, to view in the house by the sand. Nude Descending     arms he lo’ed best; but they
were and thro’ the forest whole, she     to set thy trespass with little baggage never     The silver-green wounded.
For this is something upon earth     from its long lines of that died of herbes or beaten. Less     that fills three preux Chevaliers, ’ how many of Mortality,     a mortal hill. For something can make up for a kiss,     life of men depart. Be,
art, already more than spurring     wainscot shriek like a beer can honour, and, whether it went,     you like. Even at night with increased, upon an amatory     pattering, windpipe- slitting in every day like     sweet, what is thine image
in crimson varlet but once, fire     and the summer is gane when you add to the genial English,     French, Cossacques, hovering like beauty dyed? To dote upon     the more, one yet she the wide whisper in her own to     the conscience, is resty
race renewe, with person, we only     a cut, a half—inch space I go: and yet, I’ll love her     till I died. Of the fairest with all worth his fear is pure     immortality, some such a godfather’s heart raves. Might     mount aloft and end with
gilt stars that horror, that lift the     aik, on Yarrow ever spring against her maids are daily     taste for war, above, besides the ministerial     trade. Her running across her brother, and loose our plan, and     shepherds do, her on Ida’s
shady brow, and how white hand,     as which all women are won when I began to ensue:     the league beyond the usual hirsute season bland, who     took by turnpikes great name, was it narrow to hand again,     answered Love, nor love is
not to believing his sisters     nine, then unto dancing like hours bore the dark did trance these     shall: then my glass show his glory still obligingly flows,     has the landward side, in bristling birds that I am a     man joins a woman’s fall.
Is not slack at last, to quite forget     to part from rose-or myrtle wreath, and yet renounce thee,     from the mazy web she wear locks in fragrance and pure, their     Gallic names at Moscow, into rhyme; yet mine idle life     of cares to cry and chopp’d
with the feast is finished is. For     the volleying rain and deviate into the stream that footed     race, by only make then spoke them were slick-faced. My     secretly have concluded that in hell with night is dressing     the shadow, but made it
strongly stinging women are a     fool; and stranger is woman, and down to thyself to cherish     no less step I onward from off to the only said,     The day is every warriors, unless that loved hill-side, and     relax Pluto’s brow, and
I dance was on the other world     hurts him, he squints green, and snaky rod did charm of the flocks     from heaven stood by her look was like it too sore, and favours     are awa’ that which stare him in the shadow, Cynara!     Them was inseparable
is no help, and some     tempestuous morn in early day, till our love. The garlands,     nor wind would that summer days I trust that lay thy love likewise     grew, for every things below, stuck here thou shalt be, are     not I lived with howling
woe, after than wear the same hue,     too base of those who held the French, as well as dilettanti     in war’s art, by his assertion, and Famine. Well, we     would wish thy comfort I have her till I died. Unwillingly     we spake with me, as
harbinger of life’s morning sand.     He craved, and my heart that he had hope this kind of pearl she     died, except it’s hardly high state of my lost the fine     needlepoint and wondering on his plac’d, as if that dainty     wits crie on the World dirhems
for Drops; the Ball. Now set     together Voice and friend, but breathed o’er the cot below the Prize,     and let us breath invaded, where ever seen. If men     procure; and what care I, who is no truth at once, in time     is our time, all love’s rite,
and that are ye? Strand of Death     inwoven here? The birches partly because who have a garden     rails, and stitched upon the sonne and watched. And every things     won’t be heard the crowd of poison long retinue follow     the Fyfield the wide whispers,
Tis thus to ruminate, that     hails premier or king! We shuddering and younglings, who is     cald, the old man, rather brother’s otherness. Sacrilege     again while every glad to serve, yet for a blush? And can’t     wash in hot water—and
I thoughts serenely by the golden     anniversary, a dove, seen identically,     perched on her breast the signal- elm, that great long time of life     is over, the one toil for brazen greaves i fear no fate     for you, partly because
she put a fairy colour’d on     the left, which cannot speak thy grave, or in the land work hard,     have increase ourself—first Marriage is dead, herself lamented     and Jupiter unto his shield, that he gets, come     hitherto he did but see
her pass like a young people! Their     sense, and drove the lone lake. With, common reader, yours was left     within you wrought me meikle wae; but ah! With him and good     fortune’ was in her cause. Unless to make a dent forth the     gravest citizen seemed.
Under its Trees in one toil for     bread—that rack for an underground, this god enamoured.     Passing, he is rest. Through a thought, was teaching guile keeps learning     dew, the human clay,
though she had not room enough for     love in schoolboys’ barring out. As wild vines, about the back     and fry. She said, My life is very new creation is     one, the tints that one in
sight two horsemen. Than a wond’rous     things: yet my mother were entrusted nails fell from soul than     the pane; the moon, and here and survey’d the shadow of a     bird-understand are, or
waste, where on the boor. Never. Which     stare him in the kitchen there, at any hour; we whisper’d,     passionate, and what it looked behind. Before than all them     surer, quickening, ride!
—How soon their naval matters Russians, having survived     even this far we are learning in his eyes upon a pillars a dim basement-     curtain motion and over, and in
the wind, whose roses see I in her subject; and     he together form the foe’s. The City’s voice to slope through anger to fear; for all. It     in a crown to deem, as a moment.
The sort of waltz, clicking up a     mass of drossy pelf, than human heart was cold. Baked, fried, or     ran a sabre through all its range and removed. And now these     tarantulas each act,
that tyrannous, but the soil of     the foe. Or nay. No assist the anger, and infant’s play,     who am not all, and tears, and more men who groan, which Inde     or Affrick hold. Compare.
In a cloud beneath this rashness     survived even this far we are all-seeing: for war cuts     up not one drops. So handsome
uniform.—That loved out nectar     from a villages the matter; the proudest moss the     lilies of my despair,
alas! From shore and the day before     a tower. Beauty and naked glory round them both,     and heart, you know, or very
soon may know, and kept it down     to the other has wealthy issue bears of rivalship     rose in each green Shalott.
Thou wilt be my ain. Or the best     may get a little Lilia pleasant smiling want; more     red that he camera chases
two women; there was angry     that the Russian couplet rather spy. As what a pretty     pleasures fancies dwell among
them on his arrows perched of     hollow door, but still in his ready quill employed, no nearer     to the world’s end. These
argument; and throws here! Then those     rod’s command beauty. Oh God, the blacke, like to them, who with     interest, I may not
know what they were greenwood echoes     roll the head, her back a little kissable mouth with it     of bold Sir Lancelot.
Where is no crime to laugh at all.     Not all ten fingers like a stripling very vain. Where ever     did my soul would be
able to add yet they which I     can say; mend yet new! Immutable crickets only not     that fell short of yours you’d
have it. Live with sad and fractured     as the sand. Could tell times convenient, but punn’d it down to     Camelot still a fortress,
her works, made no answer’d knew     to whom all ears! Know him, of those helpless eyes, in colour,     and added with her the
dark. I am not support me,     that, it is gain to misse. Under the Lady of     For fear’d to drill the rose.
Sweetness of the dream the lamps expire,     the fleeting grounded sway, and the thick as most dead, herself     shall dark thy honour’s
chair, to which love I prize it, compare,     myself mine were thine or thee. And such a good name? Yet,     I will not more blest. First
I it at all you see, we are’     who might between no rent, and commenced; Decide not ere you     go. Is bleeding wanton’d
round here and Love be so involv’d     and look formidable charge vniustest tyranny could not     imitate the people
forth, and Nature man: the stern steeps     his eyes upon a pillar, her foot of unfamiliar     men to-night foot along
the brazen greaves i fear no fate     for you and I do love you. But chief that elder ladies’     wrinkled head of slaughter.
0 notes
amjustagirl · 3 years
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Wordcount: 2k
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm.
Masterlist Here
AO3 Link Here
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‘Hello, Miya-san? Yes, please don’t worry, Shino-chan is fine, just that your husband hasn’t come to pick her up?’ the nervous childcare assistant murmurs her apologies as she hangs up, ready to dial Atsumu to chew him out for yet another display of his bloody lack of responsibility. But it’s no use because Atsumu’s number is engaged, and after five minutes, she gives it up as a lost cause and after a moment’s hesitation, dials the other number most used on her phone. 
‘Samu – I’m so sorry to trouble you, could you…? Yes – Atsumu forgot to pick her up again. I’m sorry – I’m at work so I can’t just step out… Thanks ‘Samu – I owe you again’. 
She sighs, leaning her head against the cubicle wall in her office toilet. Then she squares her shoulders before heading back to her cubicle, preparing to tackle the stack of work on her desk until office hours end.  
She picks Shino up from Onigiri Miya later that night, promising treats to her daughter to persuade her to give up her perch from Osamu’s neck. 
‘He’s an ass’, he tells her, voice heavy with sympathy, and she lets herself rest her head on his shoulder. 
‘Yes, you’ve told me that’, she responds with a tired smile. ‘Maybe I should’ve listened’. 
He pats her back, and she departs with Shino in hand.
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A storm blows into the city from the sea, so she shutters the windows and locks the doors, but the house still shakes from the blitz of thunder and lightning. She rocks Shino to bed, and sings her to sleep amidst the gale wailing outside their walls. 
She can hear the jangle of keys and opens the front door to let Atsumu in. He ignores her baleful glare and shoulders his way in, dripping rainwater all over the floor. 
‘Well?’ she demands, hackles rising at his sullen silence. ‘Would you like to explain how you managed to forget to pick up your daughter from childcare today?’ 
‘It just slipped my mind, alright?!’, he replies, face arranged into a sneer, and with a few strides he’s already halfway to their room, back turned against her. ‘You don’t need to make a big fuss about everything all the time’, he says, his hand on the doorknob. 
‘Atsumu!’ she snaps, her fists clenched by her side. ‘Do you know how embarrassing it is for me to keep bothering Osamu to help clean up your messes? Could you dig deep and grow the fuck up so you can act like a decent husband and father for once? I wish I listened to Osamu when he warned me about you, even before we started going out’.
He whirls around and grabs her wrist in a painful grip, a blaze growing in his eyes. ‘All I ever hear from you these days is  Osamu this,  Osamu that. If goddamned Osamu is so fucking perfect, why didn’t you just marry him when you had the chance? It would’ve been easy enough to pass Shino off as his, aren’t I right?’ 
‘Maybe I should’ve - then I wouldn’t be in such a state’, she snarls, wrenching her wrist from his grasp. ‘But my fate was sealed the moment I was stupid enough to fall in love with you instead.’ 
He snorts through his nose, the sound bitter, twisted. ‘Well, the feeling ain’t mutual, darlin’. Who said I ever loved you?’ 
She reels back from the force of his words, the bruises on her wrist nothing  compared to those in her heart. His eyes widen in shock – but he does not take his words back. 
The rain turns the apartment freezing cold and she shudders, fighting the urge to shrink into herself, counting the seconds in the strained stillness between them before stepping tentatively towards him to cup his face in her hands. 
‘What’s with you, Atsumu?’ she asks, more gently this time. ‘This isn’t like you.’
Her words break his silence, and he sinks onto the couch with a groan, dropping his head in his hands. ‘I’ve been offered a chance to play in Italy for a year, and MSBY’s agreed to let me go for a season. I just haven’t told you yet’, he finally says, shoulders hunched. 
‘Are you going to accept it?’ She manages to ask, a lump of ice lodging itself at the back of her throat, choking the airflow to her lungs. 
He nods mutely, and a storm erupts in her heart.  
‘Gods, Atsumu. Does it mean nothing to you that you have a wife and child now? Couldn’t you have talked to me first before making such a move? You know I can’t just up and leave Japan with my job and Shino. Are you going to just get up and leave? What’s going to happen to us?’ 
‘I’m just tired of all of this, ok?’ He shouts, jumping to his feet, his tone sharp enough to pierce right through her heart. ‘We got married and had a kid so fuckin’ young, and there’s so much out there that I could be chasing that I wonder sometimes if all of this is a mistake’. 
‘You asked me to jump off a cliff. This is what you wanted, Atsumu, don’t you dare pin this on me!’ she screams back, not even bothering to staunch the bleeding from her multitude of wounds.  
He throws his head back and laughs, the sound drenched with bitterness and contempt. 
‘Osamu fuckin’ talked me into it – do you think I actually wanted all of this?’ he says, with a callousness she always knew he was capable of but never experienced first-hand. ‘I wish I'd never listened to him, I should’ve just stayed away. Then all of my problems – all of  this - would’ve never existed.’
His words finally strike the breath from her lungs, and she chokes, chilled to the bone, unable to speak as she watches him grab his bag and storm out of the house again. 
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‘He’s not picking up my calls either’, Osamu tells her, when she drops by his store a day later. ‘I could hunt him down for you and beat some sense into his thick head’. 
‘Don’t bother’, she says, shaking her head. ‘He’ll resent me even more if you take my side again’. 
‘What are you going to do then?’ Osamu asks, the steam from freshly cooked rice rising between them. 
‘Come home’, her mother said when she called to break the news, her words ringing clear even over the cacophony of threats her older brothers make in the background about ‘slicing that bastard’s balls off with a knife’. She'd be lying if she said she weren't tempted by the promise of her family's support - her father had always taught her to run for the bamboo grove if there were ever an earthquake, to trust in the strength of the bamboo’s roots to hold the foundations of the earth in its place. But she’s built a career in the city, a life for her and Shino in a small apartment between buildings that seem to burst through the clouds in the sky, and she’s not sure she can walk away from all that just yet. 
‘I don’t know’, she says to Osamu. ‘I guess I’ll figure it out along the way’. 
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Atsumu evades all of her attempts to talk through matters again, and a month later, he’s packed his bags, ready to get on a flight to Italy. He pauses to kiss Shino goodbye, and slips her two stuffed toys – a fox and a jackal, and she almost smiles at the sentimentality of it. Then he turns to her but does not look her in the eye. 
‘It’s ok to forget me as long as you remember that we have a child’, she says softly.   
He parts his lips to respond but decides against it, eyes hardening as he drops his set of house keys and his wedding ring on the countertop by the front door and storms off. 
She does not cry until Shino is safely tucked into bed, and she finds Atsumu’s old jacket, carelessly thrown in a heap at the back of the closet. She holds it close to her chest, breathing in the memories sewn into its seams, and lets herself finally break. 
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‘Miya-san, I saw on the news that your husband is playing in Italy now. We’re all so surprised you didn’t go with him?’ Yuna-san asks in a too-loud voice, and she has to suppress a cringe when the rest of the office hyenas swoop in, hungry for a kill. 
‘We decided that I should stay in Japan to ensure Shino has some stability in her life’, she answers with a tight smile, the practiced statement she and Atsumu’s manager eventually agreed on spilling easily from her mouth. The ladies slink away, and she sighs in relief. 
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Atsumu thankfully heeds her words and sends money and gifts to Shino, and even calls their little girl twice weekly, so she still manages to recognise her father - she’s grateful for that. 
He only responds to her texts once, when she messages him to let him know that Shino got admitted to the hospital for a high fever, but seemed to be responding well to treatment, and would be discharged the next day. He promised to pay the hospital bill, and said nothing more. She does not allow herself to be crushed by her disappointment and stops texting him after that. 
Osamu does his best to step in to fill Atsumu’s shoes in his absence, fetching Shino from childcare and letting her hang around his shop until she’s done with work. He spoils her with far too much affection and food, doling both out interchangeably, and his staff and customers treat the little girl like their mascot. 
‘Thank you for all of this’, she says one night, when Osamu insists on walking her and Shino home. ‘I’m sorry for making you clean up Atsumu’s mess.’ 
‘Don’t thank me. Sometimes I wonder if I should be blamed for stepping in to meddle with ‘Tsumu in the first place’ he responds with a strained laugh. 
‘Don’t be’, she responds, pressing a chaste kiss to Osamu’s cheek. ‘Your interference gave me Shino. I could never regret that’.  
But Osamu can never fully step into Atsumu’s place - they may look heartbreakingly similar but he is not her husband, a fact she’s painfully reminded of when they drive back to Hyogo to the Miya family home for Obon without Atsumu. She does her duty with her head held high and Shino strapped to her back, placing the offerings by the family graves, releasing lanterns down the lake to guide the Miya ancestral spirits back to the mortal realm, but the matriarch of the family sniffed her disapproval when Atsumu’s mother shakily informs her that he isn’t visiting this year. 
‘You’re his wife - what good are you for if you can’t even make your husband come back home’, the old lady snapped. 
She bent herself into a low bow to murmur a litany of apologies, shaking her head minutely at Osamu before he even tries to put his foot in his mouth in a misguided attempt to defend her - dear boy that he is, but he does not deserve the burden of his brother’s sins, and she will not let him go to battle for her when she can hold her own - until the old lady stalks off, only vaguely appeased. The smile on her face for the rest of the night is unflinching but she still cries herself to sleep because she hates herself for being so goddamned stupid  - it should have occurred to her that chasing Atsumu into the eye of the storm would leave her with nothing more than a ruined home and a broken heart. 
But when the morning dawns and the sunrise reflects its colours in her daughter’s eyes, she’s reminded afresh that she's a knife maker’s daughter, and her spine is forged with steel. So she hammers the pieces of her heart back together and does not let herself break again. 
The months pass and the pain recedes. It slowly becomes easier to breathe. 
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kikis-writing-world · 3 years
Whiskey Straight - The Foil (4)
Jack Daniels x F!Reader
The masked men, who still haven't identified themselves, have you. They have questions and you're forced to admit things out loud that you hadn't been wanting to even admit to yourself.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Light kidnapping vibes (reader is blindfolded and tied to a chair at one point,) interrogation setting, SMUT: unprotected p in v, memories of unwanted sexual advances (if you made it through the last chapter, it's just reader trying to get over/deal with it.) If I've missed anything, please let me know. I care about you all and want you mentally safe <3
Series Masterlist  -  Prologue  -  One  -   Two  -  Three  -  Four  -   Five  -  Six  -   Seven
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via GIPHY (Credit to Artsplained on GIPHY)
The thick, dark hood over your head kept you from seeing anything as you were led forward by a strong hand on your arm. It muffled the sounds around you but the echo of footsteps bounced around in the small space. You could only guess you were being led down twisting, barren hallways as two sets of shoes clacked against the floor.
You had tried asking questions when you woke, the hood already placed over your face. Your head felt heavy and lethargic, your chin rested against your chest. As you remembered everything that led to your situation, specifically the hard hit to your head, you were surprised to not be in any pain. You tried to lift your hands to remove the fabric covering your face, but they were tied down. It took you a moment to take stock of your body: You were sitting in a chair and some kind of straps held your arms in place. They were pliable, so likely made of fabric or leather as opposed to metal. Your feet weren’t secured, but as you shuffled them around, you could feel nothing but the legs of your chair and the floor beneath you.
You started to shout, asking where you were, demanding to be let go, but all your pleas were met with silence. By the time you heard a door open and footsteps approach you, your voice was hoarse. Still, none of your questions were answered as you were released from the chair and led from the room.
You were halted, the hand on your arm tightening as you stopped. You heard a door open in front of you and the hood was pulled from your head. You couldn’t adjust to the brightness of the halfway before , you were pushed forward into the darkened room.
“No, no, no!” You panicked, turning to find the door slamming shut behind you. There was no handle. You started to press your palms along the seam of the door, frantically searching for a way to open it. You whimpered, scratching at the door, when the lights behind you clicked on with a loud pop. You turned, backing yourself against the wall to take in the room.
Large and empty aside from the metal stool placed in the middle, the room appeared to be made of concrete. The lights came from the corners of the ceiling, pointing down on the stool like spotlights. One of the far walls housed a large mirror. You didn’t need to check it to figure it was a two-way mirror and you were being watched. Still, you approached the mirror cautiously, hoping to see through to the other side. You wanted a hint as to where you were and who was holding you here.
“Sit down.” A loud, robotic voice echoed through the room, making you jump. You hadn’t even made it to the mirror, and you scurried to back yourself against the wall once more. You leaned against it trying to be as small as possible.
“I said sit down.” The voice returned. You stared at the stool, taking slow steps towards it.A plain metal stool, it reminded you of the kind from science labs back in high school, or maybe in a doctor’s office. You touched it gently, making sure it wasn’t boobytrapped in any way before sitting down, facing the mirror.
You waited for further instruction, your breath coming in short, panicked pants. You blocked the bright lights from your eyes with a shaking hand.
“Who do you work for?”
“U-uh,” you stuttered out of fear. “It’s a sm-small office downtown.”
“Who do you work for?” The voice repeated.
“Stern and Carpenter.” You answered, giving the name of the company this time.
“Who do you work for?” You were asked a third time.
“I don’t know what you want!” You wailed. “I work an office job, data entry! I’m just a secretary!”
“Sure, Mrs. Daniels.”
You froze, breath catching in your chest as they used your real name. They knew who you were. Not Trisha Strickland, no code name or cover story. They knew you.
“What was a secretary doing in the woods with an international terrorist? Taking dictation?” The voice questioned. “How long have you been part of The Vulture’s faction?”
“F-faction?! I don’t know anything about a faction!” You gasped, shaking your head. “I-I’ve only known Phil for a few weeks, maybe a month and a half. I don’t know any Jackal.”
“Phil,” the voice pronounced the name slowly, dragging it out as if it was testing the way it sounded. “Is that who he said he was?”
“Y-yes. Phil Strickland. I barely know him!” You explained, unable to stop the hysterical tone to your voice.
“That’s not what it looked like when we found you.” You could hear the mocking tone of the voice, even through the robotic crackles.
You bit back a sob, hanging your head as you remembered Phil forcing himself onto you just before the men in masks had appeared.
“How did you meet him?”
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you thought back over the past month. You explained the first time meeting him. How he had dropped the briefcase at your table and rushed off almost immediately afterwards. You explained not wanting anything to do with him - you left out how that had changed over the past month. You told them how you broke open the briefcase, finding the gun and the documents and cash, how you wanted to get rid of it but didn’t want anything falling into the hands of someone on the streets.
You were interrupted, the voice asking why you continued to see him after you realized he was dangerous.
“He said he needed my help.” You sighed with a small shrug.
“Not because you were attracted to him?” The voice accused.
Your jaw dropped, insulted and shocked. “No!”
“You weren’t attracted to him at all?”
“No!” You repeated, shaking your head emphatically. “He’s not my type, and I’m happily married!” The words rolled off your tongue easily, you’d been telling them to yourself long enough now. Your hands fidgeted in your lap as you thought about the way working with Phil had made you feel. You felt important, you felt seen.
“Maybe a little.” You admitted sadly, your stomach churning at the admission. It wasn’t Phil’s looks or his charm or even his car that attracted you to him, it was the way he treated you. That he would compliment you easily and often, constantly thanking you for your help. You grew attracted to the attention he gave you. “B-but it wasn’t like that-”
“Is cheating on your husband common for you?” The voice accused.
“What?!” You gasped. “No! I’d never!”
“So this was the first time then?”
“I wasn’t cheating!” You wailed, wanting them to believe you desperately. You may have done bad things, but you hadn’t cheated on Jack. Phil had forced himself onto you, and you had tried to stop it. The memory made the stomach bile creep up your throat.
“Tell me about your husband, Mrs. Daniels.” They demanded.
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you stared at your own greening reflection in the mirror. “Jack? What do you want to know about Jack?” You waited, but they didn’t clarify. “What can I say about him?” You wondered aloud with a shrug. “He works for Statesman Distillery, runs the division...”
“So sex with him isn’t doing it for you anymore?”
Your jaw dropped once more. “That’s none of your fucking business!” You hissed. “What kind of question is that?!”
“You’re in a lot of trouble, Mrs. Daniels. I suggest you cooperate.” The voice glowered. “If we want to know about the most intimate details of your life, you had better tell us if you want to get out of here.”
You choked back another sob at the threat. The thought of never leaving this facility, of never seeing Jack again - you’d never get to make up for the month of bad decisions, never get to hold him or kiss him again. Would they tell him what happened, or would he go on never knowing what happened to you? You fought back the tears, not wanting whoever this bastard was to see you cry.
“Jack is a good man.” You whispered, closing your eyes. It was true, and you felt like you were reminding yourself just as much as you were telling them.
“But he doesn’t exactly ‘take you to church’ anymore-” The voice cut off abruptly. You were glad for it, the guilt and anger bubbling within you.
“Why did you go to Francis’ hideout.” They asked.
“Francis Steinruck, legal name of The Vulture. Also goes by Phil Strickland.”
“Francis Steinruck.” You repeated quietly to yourself, the name tasting bitter on your tongue. You’d been so stupid to believe him. “He wanted me to go with him to Paris. For a mission. He needed a cover and he wanted me to… pose as his wife.”
The silence was deafening. Saying it out loud, you felt like an absolute moron, falling for all of his attention and flattery.
“And you agreed?” The flat voice nearly sounded in disbelief, not that you could blame it.
You nodded pathetically, unable to look up and face your reflection.
You shrugged before dropping your hands back into your lap. “I don’t know.” You admitted, nearly laughing at yourself. “I… I guess I just needed something. Something... more?”
“What did you need, Mrs. Daniels?”
You shook your head, giving another small shrug. “To feel alive? I just wanted to do... something outrageous. Something that was just for me… And it felt really good to be needed. Wanted.” You admitted with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling and blinking back the tears. These were all the thoughts you’d had since meeting Phil, but saying them outloud was just tearing open wounds you’d been ignoring in your life.
“He trusted me. When I talked, it felt like he was listening. He noticed things… He made me feel special.” You paused, taking a steadying breath. “I-I’m not getting any younger, you know?” You laughed bitterly, looking at yourself in the mirror. The tears threatening to break, the dark shadows under your eyes. It was all too apparent as you looked at yourself.
“There’s so much more out there in this life and I didn’t want to miss it. I wanted to be able to look back one day and say ‘yeah, I lived that life. I was wild once! I was reckless and did something exciting!’” You sniffled, not able to stop a few tears from spilling over, letting some of your deepest insecurities come to light.
They said nothing. You didn’t know if they were judging you or felt sorry for you. Both options made anger flare up inside you.
“I don’t give a shit,” you mumbled, wiping your face before feeling more confident as you defended yourself. “I don’t care if you understand or not, okay? I made a decision for myself, and maybe it wasn’t a good decision, and maybe I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I don’t know. The point is I made it for myself, and you don’t have to understand that. I have to answer to myself, and to my husband, but certainly not to you.”
“This Phil… did you sleep with him?”
You sighed, feeling defeat spread through your body. You were exhausted and scared and wanted to go home. You didn’t think you could argue with the faceless voice anymore. “No.”
“You mean you did not have sexual relations with him?”
You huffed, halfway to a laugh as you shook your head. “If you’re going to ask me every goddamn question twice, this is going to take a really long time and I have to get home.” You snarled, standing from the stool.
“You’re not going anywhere.” The voice scolded you as you started to approach the door.
“Just get me out of here!” You screamed, hands flailing at your sides helplessly as the rawness in your throat flared up once more.
“Answer the question.”
“I already answered your fucking question!” You snapped. You couldn’t handle it anymore. The judgement from the people watching and questioning you, your own guilt and anger inside you. You grabbed the stool, swinging it with all your strength into the mirror. It barely cracked, a small spider web pattern spreading from where you connected.
“I did. Not. Sleep. With. Phil!” You screamed, bashing the stool into the mirror with every syllable. “I did not plan to sleep with Phil, I did not want to sleep with Phil!” You shrieked, nearly hysterical as you kept swinging the stool. The mirror broke more and more, your own reflection morphing into a jaded puzzle of yourself, but the mirror never shattered completely.
“Calm down!” The voice demanded, but you ignored it. They called for you to calm down over and over, but you swung the stool until your arms hurt. You swung and swung, screaming until you felt the last ounce of energy you had leave your body.
You stared at the cracks in the mirror, realizing it was never going to break. You panted, chest heaving as you caught your breath from the break down, stumbling back a few steps.
“One more question, Mrs. Daniels.” The voice prompted, sounding as calm as ever. “Do you still love your husband?”
The question made you drop the stool from your hold, clattering loudly to the floor.  You smiled sadly as you thought of Jack, sitting at home with his newspaper or watching a football game while he sipped from his favorite tumbler, having no idea what you had been doing or where you were now.
“Yes. I love him.” Your voice cracked, both from emotions and all the screaming you’d been doing.
The room was silent once more. You didn’t care what they thought anymore. You were just tired and wanted to go home. Curl up next to Jack and start to make your amends for your foolishness. You bent over, fixing the stool and sitting back on it, waiting for the voices to tell you what was happening next. You prayed silently to whatever power might be listening that they would let you go, that you’d get that chance to make your amends.
“There’s only one way to fix all this, Mrs. Daniels.”
You looked back at the broken mirror, the lines and shatter patterns too many to even make out your reflection anymore.
“You will work for us.”
You laughed pitifully, rubbing your forehead as you fought off the headache that was starting to form behind your eyes.
“I am offering you a choice. If you work for us, we will drop the charges and you can go back to your normal life. If not, you will go to federal prison and your husband will be left humiliated and alone. Your life as you know it will be destroyed.”
Your jaw dropped as you listened to the ultimatum. “Gee, what a choice.” You deadpanned.
“Yes or no?”
“Yes, of course I’ll do it.” You huffed in defeat, nearly wanting to laugh. It wasn’t a choice at all. “What do I have to do?”
“You will be contacted with the assignment. The code name of your contact will be Whiskey, and your code name will be Bourbon.”
You huffed, unable to stop yourself from rolling your eyes as you heard Jack’s voice in your head. “Bourbon is a whiskey, dumbass. You remember the part when I told you my husband runs a distillery, right?”
The lights clicked out suddenly, making you jump. Sassing them when they had started to show mercy may have been a bad idea.
“You’ll receive our call.” The voice echoed in the darkness. “Goodbye Mrs. Daniels.”
The door behind you opened, and you spun to see a man silhouetted against the light of the hallway. The door stayed open as he stalked towards you.
“Please, I didn’t mean it!” You defended, holding your hands up in front of you in surrender.
The man said nothing. He placed the dark sack over your head and grabbed you once again by the arm, pulling you out of the room.
You weren’t led back to the room you’d been in before, taking different twists and turns through the facility. You weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not. They had said they would let you go, to have you work for them, but that was before you mouthed off.
A door ahead of you opened and you could tell you were outside. Gone was the echoing of shoes, clicking off the pristine floors and bouncing off the walls. The crunch of gravel was under your feet, the sound of trees rustling in the breeze. Out was good… right?
A new sound just in front of you made you jump and as you were pushed forward to climb into a vehicle, you realized it had been a van door sliding open. The moment it closed, the van was moving. You fell to your side, catching yourself with your elbow against the scratchy carpeted flooring. With no one holding you and nothing binding your hands, you were tempted to remove the hood but you didn’t want to know what would happen if you saw something you weren’t supposed to. You stayed quiet and still, mentally pleading for them to let you go.
You weren’t sure how long you drove before the van screeched to a halt - literally screeched, throwing you forward with the momentum. Before you could even think to right yourself, you were grabbed and pulled out of the van. The hood was ripped off and something shoved in your hands.
Your purse.
You were next to your car, where you had parked it when Phil- or Francis, or whoever he was - had picked you up that night. Oh god, was it even the same night?
The van was gone before you even had your bearings about you, no chance at trying to catch the license plate or any distinguishing features. You stood in the deserted street, almost not believing that they’d let you go.
With shaky hands, you opened your purse and dug out your car keys. You dropped them twice while trying to unlock the door. When you finally did, you climbed inside and locked the door right behind you. Feeling even the tiniest amount of safety, locked inside your car, you finally cried. You wrapped your arms around yourself, sobbing as all the emotions from the night hit you. The terror, the disgust, the guilt- it all hit you like a tsunami as you finally broke. 
You wailed, angry with Phil, angry with yourself, gripping at the steering wheel as your knuckles turned white. Pulling at your hair until it hurt. Part of you wanted to hurt, you deserved it after everything you’d done.
You weren’t sure how long you sat in your car, under the overpass, crying, screaming, cursing - eventually you felt numb. Sore, exhausted and numb. It started to feel like the last day had been a movie, something you’d watched someone else live out, not lived it for yourself. You wiped your eyes, seeing it was a little after 11 at night. The last time you’d looked at the clock, it had been around 4 when Phil had picked you up from this very spot. Was it really only 7 hours later? It felt like a lifetime.
You took several long breaths, trying to calm yourself as you started the car. You felt in no way like you were up to driving but you had to get home somehow. You took your time, driving slowly and taking side roads to avoid having to navigate too much traffic.
The porch light was still on when you pulled up to the house, Jack’s Bronco parked in the driveway. A dim light was on in the den, the colours of the TV shining onto the curtains. You parked, wondering if he was awake, waiting and worried, or if he had dozed off.
You took a moment to try to make yourself look semi-presentable. Your red rimmed eyes and heavy bags were a lost cause, but you smoothed down your hair to look somewhat decent, straightening your clothes. There was no way he wouldn’t know something had happened. You thought of the threat that robotic voice had uttered - you will go to federal prison and your husband will be left humiliated and alone - and you knew you had to lie yet again.
You swallowed around the lump in your throat as you unlocked the front door, trying to calm the shaking of your hands as you entered your own home. It was quiet inside, the noise from the TV turned down low. You cleared your throat, wincing at the pain shooting through it before you called out to Jack, your voice as level as you could force it.
There was no answer as you kicked off your shoes, not bothering to right them from wherever they fell. You dragged your hand along the wall for balance as you made your way to the den, your legs shaky after everything you’d been through.
Lit by the lamp to his side and the flashes from the TV, Jack sat in his favorite armchair fast asleep. His head was flopped back against the chair, mouth open as he snored softly. The sight sent waves of regret through you. You might have cried if there were any tears left in you. You crossed the room, crawling into Jack’s lap.
Jack woke with a start as you curled up on his lap, grumbling to himself as he slowly figured out what was going on. You buried your head in his shoulder, curling your fists into his shirt as his arms came up to wrap around you.
“Hey there, darlin’.” He greeted happily, his voice slow and sweet like honey as he woke, his accent thick with sleep. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He chuckled.
You didn’t answer, clinging to him as you tried to find it in you to beg for forgiveness for something you couldn’t even begin to explain to him.
“Sweetheart?” Jack asked, giving your arm a slight shake when you didn’t answer. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m sorry.” You stuttered, whispering to hide the strain in your voice.
“For what? What happened?” Jack shifted under you, sitting upright as his tone flooded with concern. “Are you okay?”
You nodded, face still hidden in the crook of his neck.
“Darlin’ look at me, please?” He asked, cupping your cheek as he tried to coax you out of hiding. You took a deep breath and let him pull your face into his view.
“What happened?” He asked calmly, but you could see the concern swirling in his amber eyes. He stroked your cheek as he waited for you to answer.
“Nothing,” you lied, shaking your head.
“Don’t look like nothin’. Talk to me?” The sweeter he was with you, the worse you felt.
“It’s stupid.” You denied once more.
“Rough day?” He guessed, and you were relieved for the out. You nodded as he brushed a large hand over your hair, smoothing it down. “I’m sorry.”
He pulled you into a soft kiss. It felt so different from the last set of lips that had been on yours. Welcome, warm, soft. You melted into the kiss, relishing the love and care behind it. You held him close as he tried to pull away, chasing his lips with your own. He let you lead the kiss, let you take what you needed in your emotional state. The more you kissed him, the more his mustache tickled your lip and his hands massaged your back and shoulders, the more you realized you needed him.
You adjusted yourself in his lap until you were straddling him, your thighs pressed tight to his in the chair. He hummed happily, his hand sliding down your back to rest on your waist. You licked the seam of his lips, pressing your chest to his as he opened his mouth.
He moaned softly as your tongues danced, cupping your cheek as his other hand teased along the hem of your shirt. You wanted to feel him, skin on skin, and you started unbuttoning his shirt. He took the cue to slip his fingers up the back of your shirt, callused fingers dragging over you. It made you gasp, the warm loving touch helping to erase the past several hours. You splayed your hands over his chest, feeling his warmth, the way his chest rose and fell as his breath sped up. It wasn’t enough.
“Need you, Jack.” You whimpered, foregoing the remaining buttons of his shirt to focus on the button of his jeans instead.
“You have me.” He promised, his voice low and husky as he pulled your shirt up. You didn’t lift your arms until his jeans were undone, sitting loose on his hips. Your shirt was discarded carelessly on the floor before Jack surged forward, kissing between your breasts as he palmed them through your bra. You tangled your hands in his hair, letting your head fall back as he focused on you, arching into his touch as your breathing sped up.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” He prompted before closing his teeth over the fabric of your bra, pulling it away before letting it snap back into place.
“Upstairs. Need you to fuck me.” You told him, nearly begging. “Need you inside of me.”
Jack groaned, long and low as he took in your request. His hands scooped under your ass, the only warning you had before he stood. You locked your legs around him, one arm around his shoulders as the other stayed in his hair.
He carried you into your bedroom with ease, despite your lips along his collarbone and you writhing in his arms. He set you on the bed, kissing you passionately as his hands slid up your back to unclasp your bra. You pulled at his shirt, not caring if the buttons opened or broke off. You needed it gone. Your breaths mingled in the space between your lips, panting as the heat grew between you.
He pulled your bra down your arms, dropping it to the floor before sliding his shirt off to join it. You pushed his jeans down his hips, pulling his briefs with them. He helped you, pushing them until they were too low, kicking them off his calves. He removed his lips from yours, kissing down your chest as he worked on your pants.
“Please,” you mewled, gripping his shoulders as you lifted your hips.
“I got you.” He responded, breath ragged as he pulled the last pieces of fabric out of the way.
He wrapped his arms around you, lifting you without warning to set you in the middle of the bed. You gasped, caught off guard, and tried to pull him up to kiss you again. The more he kissed you, the more you forgot about Phil. About feeling alone and unseen. The more you could think about nothing but Jack Daniels, the man you should have been thinking about this whole time.
You felt his thick fingers slide along the crease of your hip before dipping into your folds. You moaned, shaking your head.
“Need you now.” You urged against his lips.
“Okay. Okay.” He panted his understanding as his hand left you. You felt him adjust himself, the blunt head of his cock replacing his fingers at your core. You shuddered, dropping your legs open further for him.
“Please, Jack please.” You babbled, letting your head fall back into the mattress.
He shushed you, positioning himself at your entrance. “You sure you’re ready?”
“Yes, god please, Jack.” You nearly sobbed, canting your hips against him.
You gasped as he finally pushed forward, your breath catching as he stretched you. He groaned, letting his head fall against your shoulder as he entered you slowly. You felt his whole body shudder against you as he bottomed out, his short, quick breaths flitting across your skin as he struggled to control himself.
You gripped at his back, feeling the muscles taut under his skin, pleading with him to move. He obliged with a grunt, pulling out before snapping his hips against you. You cried out, back arching up off the mattress as he set a rapid pace, pumping into you steadily.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you sighed, repeating it like a mantra as your nails dug into the skin of his shoulder.
“Like that? That what you need?” He panted, lifting his head to stare down at you. His eyes were black with lust, hair matted to his forehead with sweat, jaw clenched.
You continued your mantra as his answer, wrapping your legs around him to push him deeper with your heels against his thighs.
He cursed under his breath, nose nudging against your before he took your lips again. All teeth and tongue as he fucked into you. The kiss didn’t last long, both of you struggling for breath.
“M-more.” You stuttered. You wanted him to fuck you. Hard and fast. Use you.
He grunted, increasing his pace. He choked on his words, losing his wits as he cursed, panted your name, ranted how good you felt. You were no better off, only able to ask him for more, more, more as he pounded into you.
He pulled you upwards suddenly, making you gasp in surprise as he sat back on his haunches with you in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your back, using his hands on your shoulders to push you down onto him as he thrust upwards. The new angle made your head spin, his pubic bone grinding against your clit as you cried out for him.
“Wha’d’ya need?” He demanded through clenched teeth. “Need’ya to cum. So fuckin’ close.”
“Don’t stop, god don’t stop.” You plead, wrapping your arms around him and holding him as close as physically possible. Your sweat-slicked chests rubbed together, your nipples hardening at the friction.
You felt Jack’s pace stutter as he got closer and closer to his orgasm. He snaked a hand between you, pinching your clit. Your whole body seized up, a gut-wrenching moan ripping itself from your chest as you came around him. His body shook under you as he rutted into you, your walls holding him tight. You heard him growl as the warmth of his seed filled you.
You collapsed into him, body turning boneless as you came down from your peak, your walls still fluttering around him, throbbing with every beat of your heart as you shakily gulped down all the air you could.
You felt the tremors shaking Jack’s body as his pleasure faded. He carefully lowered you back to the bed, cradling you in his arms before pulling out of you with a drawn-out grunt. He rolled to the side, falling onto his back as he caught his breath. You felt his cum leaking out of you, dripping down onto the blanket beneath you.
Neither of you spoke or moved, simply trying to catch your breaths as your bodies hit you with faint aftershocks of your orgasms. Your mind was finally quiet - the guilt, the anger, the stress all replaced with the only thing you could think of: Jack.
You jumped when his hand caressed your cheek, not having realized your eyes had drifted closed.
“Y’Okay?” He asked, his eyes sparkling with love and care even in the dim room. You nodded, resting your hand on top of his.
“Feelin’ better?”
You nodded again.
“Good.” He smiled tiredly before leaning over you, kissing you so gently you almost questioned if his lips were even touching yours. “Stay here.” He ordered once his lips left yours.
He got out of bed, grousing quietly as he moved. You didn’t think you could disobey him even if you wanted to. There was no way you could move.
He returned with a washcloth, gently parting your legs to clean you. You moaned softly as your muscles protested the movement. The cloth was warm and his touch gentle and soothing to your aching, swollen flesh. When he was satisfied, he tossed the cloth in the direction of the various discarded clothes littering the floor to be dealt with in the morning. Climbing back up the bed, he carefully pulled you to him, holding you close with your head nestled on his chest.
His heartbeat, slowly returning to a normal pace, beat steadily in your ear. His smell was all around you, he was all you could feel. His voice rumbled through his chest, speaking a soft good night as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You mumbled your response, too tired, too spent to articulate. You were passed out mere moments later.
Tagging  @wickedfrsgrl @din-damn-djarin @dinthisisthe-wayson @seasonschange-butpeopledont @vonschweetz @insideafictionaluniverse @driedgreentomatoes @computeringturtle @thottiewinemom @phoenixhalliwell @sheerfreesia007 @and-claudia @weirdowithnobeardo @massivecolorspygiant @mrstaekim @chibi-liz05 @adrieunor @ilikechocolatemilkh @thirstworldproblemss @dynishot @diamond-doritos @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi
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sataara · 3 years
Hey so @floralflowerpower said she wanted to hear more about my OC and that was a mistake, now I had to write something for them!
A few quick notes, Lee is nb, their pronouns are she/they, I wanted to add a drawing but I'm not inspired enough for that so during the show's canon, dark brown hair, shoulder length but with an undercut, black eyes, white freckled skin, slim but well built and slightly above average height. On ghost form, lilac hair and golden eyes.
Be warned that I made this OC when I was 15 so cringy/edgy alert! (I may be cringe but I'm free)
They weren't coming back. That's what her caretaker said. She was going to be taken to her uncle and aunt because she had no one else. They went to look into a temple and were never seen again.
Lee's feet tried finding purchase on the rolling sand. She ran and ran remembering the walk she did with them that day, the day they showed her their next project. The locals said that the only thing to be found in the temple was death. They didn't listen, she wanted the locals to be wrong but she didn't want to believe any other reason for them to not come back. Did they not want her anymore? Wasn't her the perfect daughter anymore? The one that accepted being away from them for days and sometimes weeks, accepted people she didn't know to take care of her, accepted being called a nice little girl even though that made her feel weird?
She tripped and fell on the front steps. The temple was big but not as immense as the others she had seen around, sturdy looking but not done with detail, darker than the night around her. Lee took the torch that resided outside. It was lit despite nothing else being. Her footsteps echoed around the open and empty space, the entrance guided her to a long corridor, weird drawings filled the walls, scenes and symbols she could not decipher with her limited knowledge.
The end of it held a door that lead nowhere. A circular looking entrance with symbols engraved in its frame, but a wall where open space should be. Lee touched the frame with reverence before noticing a shine on the ground inside of it. Her hands barely made contact with the crystal engraved on the floor when the explosion happened all around her.
It was too much and it was nothing, it burned and it froze her, it ripped her skin apart, it mended her skin back together, she was there, she was somewhere else, she could breath, she was suffocating, she was taken by the darkness.
Lee came back to, laying on and surrounded by purple sand. Her body felt like she just touched an open wire but she could still see a pair of feet on her field of view, dark and in old sandals. She followed the legs to a toned body, dressed in white linen and gold accents, his head was that of a jackal and he looked down upon her as if in disgust.
"You have been chosen, child. The one before you fell in battle and now it is time for you to take her place."
"Who are you? Where am I?" The green swirling sky didn't give her any answers, the face that glared at her had no pity in its eyes.
"You are where you are needed. You'll know what you'll have to do. Go and do so. Do not disappoint and do not be destroyed."
The sand under her was the color she knew, the sky as blue as ever. Lee stood up to her full height as her name was called in the distance. Her caretaker was crying and desperate, afraid. Lee felt guilty for the way she acted the day before but now she knew it was as it should have been.
"I'm not even from here, my parents were just studying the ruins, I'm from another fucking continent."
"And that's why you were chosen, I would not make one of my own go through this suffering, you are now the one and only Guardian."
"I know this is not what you wanted but your uncle is not that bad, he already has two kids and a loving wife, you'll be loved and well taken care of there." Lee didn't care about any of that, the only question on her mind was why didn't he take her with him like he did her parents? Why couldn't she be so lucky? How could a god be so unforgiving and ruthless?
That night she saw them in her dreams. Weird old clothes, tired faces, pity in their eyes.
"You'll be even better than we were."
"You're destined for greatness."
"You'll keep the balance."
"You will not fail us."
She didn't choose this.
The creatures were nothing like the ones she saw before. Those could be malicious and even prone for destruction but nothing compared to the ones she had to stop. A toxic black hole, taking everything good, alive, in the sense of living and in the sense of existing, be it ugly or beautiful, it took and it took. She destroyed one and barely survived. The scar on her shoulder blade would never disappear, a reminder to not hesitate. For a month after, nothing happened, then she had to fight another. The blood in its maw red and green, the stains on her gloves a reminder to be faster.
With every fight she learned and she wished she didn't. Her uncle and aunt never noticed, her cousins thought that she was doing the things their parents and teachers warned them against. How could she, no, how could they make friends in school when they were barely there, when they were weird, a freak. They cried themselves to sleep and the voices begged them for strength, for speed, for wisdom. All that they believed they lacked.
Lee was twenty one. It had been eight years since that fated day. Lee was in their room. They had the day off from work. Lee heard a loud sound coming from the lab. A scream, a wail, a cry, something so primal, so terrifying. Lee was in the basement in seconds. Lee was there too late.
Danny was a nice kid, had beautiful dreams and an incredible future ahead of him. Danny came out of his shell and helped Lee do the same. Danny gave Lee the little brother they never had. The appreciation for the little sister that they never thought they could care so much for. Danny made Lee want to stay alive again. Lee let Danny die.
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Volleyball Actually: Scene 1
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You really hoped the lady at the information desk had given you the correct directions to the Black Jackals’ practice court, because your arms were about to fall off any second from all the bags in your hands. Not to mention your face mask was making your panting worse.
‘Next time, order delivery, (Y/N),’ you advised yourself, pushing the entrance door to the court with a shoulder.
But before you could even fully step inside, a chirpy voice went ahead and announced your presence. "Senpai!"
A tuft of orange bounced up and down in your peripheral, waving its arms haphazardly at you. The bouncing ball of orange turned out to be Hinata Shoyo, the newest member of the MSBY Black Jackals V.League Division 1 team, as he raced over to engulf you in a tight, air squeezing hug.
You struggled to return the sentiment, trying not to hit him with the multiple bags in your hands.
“Senpai, I can’t believe you came!” Hinata exclaimed, helping to unload the bags off your hands, placing them on the floor.
“Of course! I did promise you after all.” You surprisingly found yourself craning your neck slightly to look at his ecstatic face. “Did you get taller Shoyo?”
Hearing your words, he puffed his chest out proudly, straightening his posture. “I’m 172.4 cm now!”
You couldn’t help but smile at him. “Now you’re taller than me! I guess I can't give you head pats anymore." An unconscious slight frown crept onto your face, replacing the smile.
“You can still pat my head, senpai!” Hinata refuted, grabbing your hand and using it to pat himself on the head. “I can just lean down for you, like this.”
You laughed at his solution, rewarding his quick thinking with a proper patting. Even though he grew from his height in high school, he still acted like the cute first-year you had met for the first time in the Karasuno gymnasium during your third-year in high school.
When satisfied with the amount of head pats he received, he proceeded to ask, “What are those bags for, senpai?”
“Oh, these are for you and your teammates! I figured you guys hadn’t had lunch yet because of practice.” You responded with a sheepish smile when he asked what food you brought. “I’m not really familiar with the area around here but I did want to bring something nourishing, and thought about what I could buy that wouldn’t get cold easily. And a friend recommended Miya’s Onigiri, since it’s within walking distance from your gym, plus there’s no msg in any of the menu items. He also mentioned some famous volleyball player always eats onigiri before a big game?” You shrugged, not being able to give him the name of the said mysterious onigiri-loving volleyball player. You didn't know nor were you really interested in finding out. “So I’m hoping it’ll be okay for you guys to eat too.”
All the eavesdropping ears on the court perked up at the mention of the food.
“We can definitely eat onigiri, especially if it’s from Miya’s Onigiri.” Hinata assured your worry. “But I still would have eaten anything you brought, senpai.”
His sweet words put a smile on your face, mirroring the one he had on already.
“Shoyo-kun, aren’t you going to introduce us?” One of his members interjected from behind, grabbing both your attentions.
“Ah, of course! Senpai, this is the MSBY Black Jackals team.”
Most of the players were new faces to you, and you made a mental note to memorize their names starting from now on. But luckily, there was one member you wouldn't need to memorize, having already met him a few years back.
“Hey, hey, hey!”
“Hey, hey, hey!” You repeated back to the ace. “How have you been, Bokuto-senshu?”
You swore his hair deflated immediately at the sound of your greeting.
“What happened to calling me Ko-chan?”
“Oh um… I mean it’s been forever since we’ve seen each other. And it would be rude of me to call you that, now that you’re a professional athlete and all.”
“Once a friend, always a friend!” he exclaimed. His hair now resembled a dying fern. His natural hair color really helped with the imagery.
With many years passed since you last saw the athlete, you weren't sure whether Bokuto still had his emo side or not. But today was not the day you were going to find out. So, to quickly appease him, you nodded your head in agreement, replying, “Of course, Ko-chan.”
At your words, his hair rose back to its original form, along with the smile on his face. It made you curious to what his hair would look like in the rain, if he was in a good mood. Would his good mood cancel out the rain and cause his hair to withstand gravity? Or would it be flat like any other normal person?
You made a mental note to ask Hinata later through text.
Bokuto, who was oblivious to the scientific theories, pertaining to his hair, roaming around in your head, directed his gaze to the bags of food mentioned earlier, licking his lips in anticipation.
The rest of the team were also looking at you expectantly, reminding you of hungry baby birds, waiting in their nest for their mama bird to give them food. Realizing that they were patiently waiting for you to hand out the food, you moved with haste to unfurl the tied bags, taking out the multiple bentos of onigiri and the drinks you had brought for the team. Hinata volunteered to help you hand out the boxes, since you had written each member's name on a box. You had also included a small note reading, “Please take good care of our Shoyo-senshu! ♡^▽^♡” along with a wet wipe and a small bottle of hand sanitizer with each box. It was flu season after all, and you didn’t want to be the cause for any of them getting sick before the big game.
One of the members; Sakusa-senshu, you think was his name, took a moment to stare intently at the wet wipe packet and bottle of sanitizer on top of his box in silence, before giving you the nod of approval. You gave Hinata a questioning look, but he was too busy guiding you to the next name on the box to notice.
After you both had finished handing out the rest of the boxes, you surprised Hinata with a big bag, instead of a bento box like the others. Motioning for him to take the bag, he opened it to find it full of healthy snacks, sports drinks, as well as his own bento box. A small folded letter stood out from the rest of the contents in the bag though, grabbing his attention.
“Shoyo! ^^
Welcome home Shoyo! I’m so proud of you, and of all the hard work and effort you’ve put in to get to where you are now. I know it wasn’t easy living halfway around the world by yourself, in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people. Now I can tell you that I lied when I said I wasn't crying when you called me that time, crying about missing Japan and everyone, even Tobio. Sorry for lying. I didn't want to ever make you feel bad about calling me. I do hope the snacks and care packages I sent you during your time in Brazil helped with your homesickness though, even if it was just a tiny bit. But regardless, I always knew if anyone could do it, it would be you. I’m so happy you’re back home with us now; we all missed you so much (Tobio and Kei will never admit it but they missed you too). And whether you’re Ninja Shoyo, MSBY Black Jackals Hinata-senshu, or first-year Hinata Shoyo from Karasuno, you’ll always be an amazing volleyball player to me. I'll always be here cheering you on from the sidelines, so don’t forget about me when you become a world famous pro. Good luck in your new job, Hinata-senshu. Show the world what it means to fly in the court.
                                                                                                 Your #1 fan,      
Hinata continued to look down, even after having finished reading the letter in his hands.
He looked up at the sound of your call, responding to your question with glistening eyes and clutching the letter close to his chest.
“Shoyo?” you panic. “What’s wrong?!”
“I missed you too, senpai!” he wailed, grabbing the attention of the other members who had already started eating. “I-I won’t let you down! I’ll be the best volleyball player and make you proud!”
“Oh, um thank you, Shoyo. Now please stop crying!” you begged, feeling your own eyes moisten. “It wasn’t my intention for you to cry.”
The Black Jackals captain, Meian Shugo, watched the scene before him with a smile, chuckling at the two of you: their newest and youngest player crying his eyes out and you frantically trying to calm your kouhai down with teary eyes of your own.
Not knowing what else to do to get him to stop crying, you could only pat Hinata’s head gently and looked to the rest of his members for help.
To your relief, the other resident happy virus came quickly to your aid. “(Y/N)-chan, Shoyo, come sit down and eat with us!”
While you led the sniffling Hinata over to the Bokuto and the others, a loud growl erupted from his stomach, reminding him of how hungry he was.
“See, even your stomach is telling you to stop crying.” You teased, plopping down on the floor and patting the space next to you for Hinata to sit. “Let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
You finally got Hinata to stop crying and start eating his food, and soon he was back to smiling like he hadn't just made a scene in the middle of the gym minutes prior.
"Fy aren't chu eating, shenpai?" Hinata asked, his mouth full of food. "Fere's shtill mm bento lef."
Sakusa reacted to his response with a disgusted face, immediately scooting away from the newbie.
"I already had lunch before coming over. That reminds me though, is someone missing from your team? There shouldn't have been any bentos left."
Bokuto hummed at your question, gobbling down a rice ball before answering. “Kiyoomi kicked ‘Tsumu out of practice for not getting his flu shot, saying he didn’t want to be near a virus hub. So he’s getting his flu shot right now, so he can come back to practice.”
His explanation made your recent interaction with Sakusa more sense now. You made another mental note to remember to bring wipes and sanitizer when visiting Hinata, so that you wouldn't get kicked out by Sakusa.
When it was time for the team to get back to practice, the players helped you collect all the trash to throw away on your way out. You saw Hinata rushing out the door, after placing his empty bento in the trash bag and didn't give it much thought, thinking he had to go to the bathroom. But as you took a look around the gym for any missed trash to make sure the place looked clean like the way when you had first come in, you saw Hinata skipping towards you, now clutching a phone in his hand.
“Senpai, let’s take a picture! I want to remember the day you came to visit me!"
You smiled at his request, nodding in agreement. “Sure, Shoyo.”
What started out being just a selfie with Hinata and yourself, somehow turned into a mini photoshoot with the rest of the MSBY team, after Bokuto begged to be in the picture as well- roping in the rest of the team into the picture, including a somewhat reluctant Sakusa.
Director's Cut:
“Hey Shoyo, who’s this in the picture next to you?” Atsumu asked, seeing the new picture pop up on his feed.
“Oh, it’s Shoyo’s old manager. She brought all of us lunch! That’s yours.” Bokuto replied instead, pointing to the bento left on the bleachers.
“Yeah, isn’t she really pretty?” Hinata added, smiling at the picture on Atsumu’s phone. His eyes soon grew wide, after seeing the amount of hearts below the picture. “Woah, I never received so many likes on a picture before! Ooh, I should send this to Kageyama! He always brags about (Y/N)-senpai visiting him during practice. Now it's my turn."
While Hinata was preoccupied with figuring out how to send the picture to Kageyama, Atsumu continued staring at the photo.
“I'm surprised there's so many likes when I'm not even in the photo.”
Taking closer look at the photo, his eyes zeroed in on your face for a while.
“You know, she looks familiar.”
“Hmm? Do you know (Y/N)-senpai? I asked her if she knew anyone on our team and she only recognized Bokuto-san.”
“Eh, she didn’t know who I was? Yet, she bought food from Miya’s Onigiri?”
“Guess you’re not so popular as you thought.” Sakusa retorts from his stretching position.
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thehierophage · 2 years
March 23, 2022 e.v.
March 23, 2022 e.v.
Dies Mercurii
An Vviii e.l.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Day of Qoph
Hebrew Letter: Qoph
Numerical Value as Letter: 100
Numerical Value as Word: 186 / 906 (Qoph+Vav+Peh/Peh [fin.])
Meaning: Back of the head, nape.
Thoth Card: The Moon (Atu XVIII)
Alternate Title: The Ruler of Flux and Reflux. The Child of the Sons of the Mighty.
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Tree of Life Path Association: Key 29 - Malkuth to Netzach (from Sephira 10-7)
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Egyptian Godforms: Khephra, Anubis, Hapy (as Lord of the Fishes), Heket
Geomantic Figure: Laetitia
Gemstones: Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby
Perfumes: Ambergris, Menstrual Fluid, Armoniacum, Red Storax
Plants: Elm Tree, Hartwort, Opium, Mangrove
Animals: Fish, Dolphin, Beetle, Dog, Jackal
King Scale – Crimson
Queen Scale – Buff, flecked silver-white
Prince Scale – Light translucent pinkish brown
Princess Scale – Stone color
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The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Let the Illusion of the World pass over thee, unheeded, as thou goest from the Midnight to the Morning!
Witch-moon, upon thy beck of blood afloat The Midnight Beetle's brave prophetic Boat!
Recommended Text for Meditation: Liber VII (Liber Liberi vel Lapdis Lazuli), cap. VI
Liber Liberi vel Lapidus Lazuli
Adumbratio Kabbalae Aegyptiorum
sub Figura VII, ch. VI
1. Thou wast a priestess, O my God, among the Druids; and we knew the powers of the oak.
2. We made us a temple of stones in the shape of the Universe, even as thou didst wear openly and I concealed.
3. There we performed many wonderful things by midnight.
4. By the waning moon did we work.
5. Over the plain came the atrocious cry of wolves.
6. We answered; we hunted with the pack.
7. We came even unto the new Chapel and Thou didst bear away the Holy Graal beneath Thy Druid vestments.
8. Secretly and by stealth did we drink of the informing sacrament.
9. Then a terrible disease seized upon the folk of the grey land; and we rejoiced.
10. O my God, disguise Thy glory!
11. Come as a thief, and let us steal away the Sacraments!
12. In our groves, in our cloistral cells, in our honeycomb of happiness, let us drink, let us drink!
13. It is the wine that tinges everything with the true tincture of infallible gold.
14. There are deep secrets in these songs. It is not enough to hear the bird; to enjoy song he must be the bird.
15. I am the bird, and Thou art my song, O my glorious galloping God!
16. Thou reinest in the stars; thou drivest the constellations seven abreast through the circus of Nothingness.
17. Thou Gladiator God!
18. I play upon mine harp; Thou fightest the beasts and the flames.
19. Thou takest Thy joy in the music, and I in the fighting.
20. Thou and I are beloved of the Emperor.
21. See! he has summoned us to the Imperial dais. The night falls; it is a great orgy of worship and bliss.
22. The night falls like a spangled cloak from the shoulders of a prince upon a slave.
23. He rises a free man!
24. Cast thou, O prophet, the cloak upon these slaves!
25. A great night, and scarce fires therein; but freedom for the slave that its glory shall encompass.
26. So also I went down into the great sad city.
27. There dead Messalina bartered her crown for poison from the dead Locusta; there stood Caligula, and smote the seas of forgetfulness.
28. Who wast Thou, O Caesar, that Thou knewest God in an horse?
29. For lo! we beheld the White Horse of the Saxon engraven upon the earth; and we beheld the Horses of the Sea that flame about the old grey land, and the foam from their nostrils enlightens us!
30. Ah! but I love thee, God!
31. Thou art like a moon upon the ice-world.
32. Thou art like the dawn of the utmost snows upon the burnt-up flats of the tiger's land.
33. By silence and by speech do I worship Thee.
34. But all is in vain.
35. Only Thy silence and Thy speech that worship me avail.
36. Wail, O ye folk of the grey land, for we have drunk your wine, and left ye but the bitter dregs.
37. Yet from these we will distil ye a liquor beyond the nectar of the Gods.
38. There is value in our tincture for a world of Spice and gold.
39. For our red powder of projection is beyond all possibilities.
40. There are few men; there are enough.
41. We shall be full of cup-bearers, and the wine is not stinted.
42. O dear my God! what a feast Thou hast provided.
43. Behold the lights and the flowers and the maidens!
44. Taste of the wines and the cakes and the splendid meats!
45. Breathe in the perfumes and the clouds of little gods like wood-nymphs that inhabit the nostrils!
46. Feel with your whole body the glorious smoothness of the marble coolth and the generous warmth of the sun and the slaves!
47. Let the Invisible inform all the devouring Light of its disruptive vigour!
48. Yea! all the world is split apart, as an old grey tree by the lightning!
49. Come, O ye gods, and let us feast.
50. Thou, O my darling, O my ceaseless Sparrow-God, my delight, my desire, my deceiver, come Thou and chirp at my right hand!
51. This was the tale of the memory of Al A'in the priest; yea, of Al A'in the priest.
Love is the law, love under will.
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redstainedsocks · 4 years
What’s in a name
Warnings: Torture, sensory deprivation, solitary confinement, electrocution/electroshock therapy, punishments, sadistic whumper, institutionalozed whump, memory loss, identity erasure, noncon drugging, drugs that cause memory loss, hallucinations, brutal treatment, brief beating and manhandling, box boy universe, dehumanization, denial of food
Set during Kit’s training period. I originally wrote this for escape!week and the prompt “relapse” but it didn’t seem right for the tone of that week, so I wrote something else for that and decided to post this on it’s own! Thanks especially to @castielamigos-whump-side-blog for being so enthusiastic about seeing more of Kit’s early time, gives me confidence that this is, hopefully, wanted :D. 
This one is particularly brutal, so heed the warnings, and if you don’t feel up to reading it I’m happy to give a quick rundown of the content to anyone who DMs me. But as it’s set in the past, nothing particularly plot relevant happens, so it can be skipped altogether.
This is the knock-off version of what WRU would do during training, if anyone is curious. The made up drugs for this universe that alter memory (among other things) still exist, and I’ve made use of them. Thanks and credit to the other writers in the box boy universe--especially @ashintheairlikesnow and @moose-teeth--for giving me lots of context for their procedures so I could learn the process and turn it into this non-WRU method. 
Tag List: @haro-whumps, @theycomeinthrees, @whumpthisway, @samanddeaninpanties, @teachunks, @draganies, @pepperonyscience, @whump-it, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @untilthepainstarts, @galaxywhump, @kiretto-laorentze, @lonesome--hunter @slaintetowhump @just-a-raccoon-with-wifi​
Word Count: 1.9k
He woke up one day and he just knew.
Maybe they’d let him sleep for too long. Maybe he hadn’t been on the right dose of the drugs. Maybe it had been too many days since his last round of the shocks and beatings that forced his mind to retreat into numb obedience.
Whatever the reason he knew, he remembered.
He used to have a name.
He didn't used to spend his days cowering in corners and obeying orders, looking up at the world from his knees, or on his back, or with eyes ringed with bruises. He didn’t used to be scared and exhausted all the time, just hoping to make it through the day without crying in front of a stranger.
He used to be a person.
And if he knew that, he could fight back. He knew the routines, the layouts, which guards were a softer touch. He just needed an opening, and he’d take it.
When the guard came down the row of cells and knocked their baton on the concrete wall dividing his cell from the next, called him pet and told him to get up—he refused. He curled tighter into the corner and balled his fists and ducked his head.
“I said up, trainee.”
“Not my name,” he growled out.
“What was that?”
“I said: that’s not my name, I have a name.”
“Do you now? Want to share with the class?”
He grit his teeth and glared. Just because he wanted to hold on to it and not tell this violently dangerous man, didn’t make it any less true.
The guard grinned.”That’s what I thought.” A radio crackled and the guard spoke into it. “Yeah, we’ve got a back-slider in row 4, yeah, being defiant again.”
A muffled voice spoke back.
“Will do, I’ll wait right here.”
He frowned, leant forward a little. No, this wasn’t right, when he disrespected them they’d come in and give him a beating, right there and then. And he’d decided he wasn’t going to cower, he was going to use it as an opportunity to get the upper hand. Shit, no, shit, he’d played his card too early.
Three more black-glad guards arrived, one man, and a woman. A trainer too, the mean one who had steel toed boots and a grey streak in his hair. They surveyed him and checked the chart hanging by his cell. He watched them all through the chain link as they talked about training methods, the pros and cons of every course of treatment while he got more nervous by the second.
“What is that you want, trainee?” The trainer asked eventually. “What were you hoping to achieve with this outburst? A little one on one time? Hoping to get more food, jonesing for the drugs we put in there? Come on, talk to me pet, what did that pea-sized brain think was going to happen here?”
“Nothing,” he snarled. “I don’t want anything from you, you can’t do this to me, to anyone! I want to… I want to go home, you have to let me leave.” He breathed hard through his nose and tried to quell the quiet voice that told him he didn’t remember where home was, that he had nowhere else to go. That was them talking; there had to be somewhere better than here.
“That doesn’t sound like something a good pet would say. And you’ve been such a good pet lately, you’re ruining your well behaved streak.”
“I’m not your pet, I’m not anybody's pet!”
The trainer smiled and it radiated such calculated hatred that it froze the blood in his veins. “Now we’re getting to the root of it.” The man gestured at him and turned to his colleagues. “He’s starting to think he gets to be a person.”
They all laughed, and he flinched. They sounded like hyenas, jackals, crows… all out for a piece of him, waiting to pick him apart and peck out his innards piece by piece by piece until there was nothing left but empty space.
“Right, okay. This has gone on long enough, throw him in the hole. We’ll see if that destroys these little illusions.”
His defiance wavered and he pitched forward onto his hands and knees as panic surged through him. The gate unlocked and they surrounded him, hands on his shoulders and in his hair, and batons swinging down on his back and legs. He fought, he fought with everything he had.
Like always, like every time before, it wasn’t enough.
“No! No, wait, please, please. Anything else, just, please, anything else.”
Maybe he was a person, but he wasn’t above begging. Not if it got him out of this.The hole was every trainee pet’s worst nightmare. He wouldn’t go there, he wouldn’t. He clawed at the walls, the metal doorframe, wrapped his fingers around the chain link at the front of his cell and clung until the wire fencing cut into his fingers. His blood made it slippery but he wouldn’t let go. One of them brought a baton down on his hands and he wailed. When they threatened to do it again, and break both his forearms, he finally let go.
The hole was nothing but a pitch black metal room. A storage container of some sort, or maybe just a large dumpster repurposed for the use. They would throw you in, slam the door shut, and then it was nothing but you and a black so deep you couldn’t see your own hands.
He slammed his body against the walls until his ears rang from the metallic clangs that reverberated around the room. He couldn’t do this again, the last time… he’d gone half mad.
He wouldn’t cry, the fear was too big to cry. It was larger than his tear ducts and it couldn’t get out that way. He couldn’t risk the loss of the moisture in any case. He had two bottles of water to last him for… however long they planned to leave him.
He paced for a while, one hand on the wall to keep himself steady in the dark. Four steps, five steps, four steps, two steps—cross the door—two more steps. Around and around.
The worst thing about the Hole was the conductive metal. It heated up so much during the day that by the afternoon it hurt to touch the walls and floor. It became so overheated that it felt like the air was sizzling, too thick to enter his lungs properly, pressing on his head until he felt like he’d burst. He laid on his back, tried to keep his bare legs and arms off the floor, so the barrier of his shirt and shorts was between him and the metal. The black swam around him in dizzying eddies as he sweltered and sweated.
Sebastian. Seb. Bas. Sebastian Rogers. That’s me, that’s me, that’s who I am. They’re punishing me just for remembering.
The dark and the heat made his angry behaviour seem even more pitiful. He could have just kept his name to himself, and done what they asked, and he wouldn’t be in this mess.
Relapse, they’d called it as they talked to each other. So he just had to get better again and then they’d let him out.
Getting better probably meant forgetting, letting it go. He wouldn’t let it go, he’d just tuck it safely away where no-one else could touch it. He’d just pretend, and they’d let him go back to his cell.
The day passed and he waited in trepidation for the night. For the temperature to drop until the walls felt like ice, instead of fire. In the few hours in between too hot and too cold he drank some water, and chose a corner to piss in, and then curled up and tried to conserve body heat.
There wouldn’t be much chance to sleep except in the dusk and early morning, when it was neither too hot, nor too cold. He tried, but it wouldn’t come, there was a buzzing below his skin that wouldn’t quit.
Probably something in the water.
He did cry then, a few dry-heaving sobs that turned to yelling, and more pounding on the door. The silence and stillness were deafening. He tap-tap-tapped on the floor just to hear something. Tapped the syllables of his name until it started to sound annoying and repetitive and he stopped.
He drummed out random beats and whimpered and groaned as he started to see white and colourful spots appear in the dark. They’d coalesce into other things before long, and he didn’t want to see; he pressed his hands over his eyes so that he wouldn’t.
Two cycles of day and night—blistering heat followed by icy cold— passed before they came for him, and he was delirious and grateful. Ready to lie and say he didn’t want a name at all, they could take it, he wouldn’t fight. He was willing to do whatever it took. But they didn't give him chance. They strapped him down in the treatment room and attached little nodes to his head and his body and forced round after round of shocks through his system. Pumped electricity into his brain and his nerves in concentrated shocks that made him disoriented and forgetful, stole his memory of where he was and why, for long minutes at a time.
After that he realised that they weren’t giving him a choice, they would take his unruly behaviour from him, not offer him the chance to give it up—they would make him good.
They dumped him back in the Hole, with fresh water, two packets of insubstantial food-paste, and the urine cleaned out. Still trembling from the aftershocks he crawled into a corner and clung to his meager rations. The water tasted funny, and he sipped it knowing it would mix with the shocks and do more strange things to his memories.
Mind warped and body aching, he curled up and tried to remember what had got him in so much trouble in the first place. Something about a name…a person with a name that he wasn't supposed to know.
It barely mattered whose it was, he wished he'd never thought of it all.
Sebastian wasn't worth this. Nothing was worth this.
Twice more he went through the same routine—two days—shocks—two days. Memories obliterated until he was empty headed and dizzy and so very, very sorry.
When they finally dragged him limp and mostly unresponsive from the darkness, he waved weakly to the hallucinations that he left behind.
He was better, he would be better. They asked and he grovelled for the chance to prove it. He’d messed up so badly, but he’d do better. His mouth wouldn’t form real words, just mumbles and groans from a parched throat and numb, swollen lips that he’d bitten to keep from screaming in the void of the Hole.
It didn’t seem to bother them that he was incoherent, that he tried was enough. He cried onto their boots, clinging with fingertips to the concrete so he wouldn’t slip away.
He left more than hallucinations in the dark. He left his defiance, his angry stubborn will. He left his identity, buried under hot stale air, where it would never be seen again. Left it to rot in the dark, where it never served him any good. Abandoned his old self, and knew he was better off for it.
He was a pet, would always be, had always been; he was nothing else, remembered nothing else. The darkness up ate his name so thoroughly, so completely, that he never even knew he’d offered it up to be devoured.
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blackwolfnsr · 4 years
Some Headcanons/Canons for the 3 Jackel Sisters
Nikita (Red Jackal):
She's the Eldest of the 3 sisters (they all age in their early to mid 20s), and is a pretty big fan of 1010. Though, she tries to keep that secret from her sisters due to sheer embarassment.
Nikita is very protective of her younger sisters, Mira (Yellow) and Aria (Blue). She will go to extreme lengths to keep them safe from harm.
During the more colder days of the year, Nikita's sisters like to move closer to her due to radiating heat and having pyrokinesis. Sol finds this quite endearing.
Out of the three sisters, Nikita is the second Alto out of the 3. Mira is the Soprano, and Aria is first Alto. Due to their varying voice tones, they can make some GORGEOUS harmonies!
Nikita's favorites out of the 1010 band is the white haired and red haired boy. (I have no clue what their names are, sorry!)
Mira (Yellow Jackal):
The youngest out of the sisters, Mira is bouncy, energetic, and playful. Not to mention the biggest social butterfly you'll ever meet. Bless this sweet girl's soul.
When flustered or overly embarrassed she may either short circut due to her electrical abilities or cause some electrical item (lightpole, phone, t.v, etc) to short out. If it effects a robot/cyborg character, Mira will instantly apologize for forgiveness.
Mira is actually short for her real name, Miracle. She actually nearly died at birth, but had some managed to let out a wail of revival, announcing that she was still alive. To commemorate her survival, her mother decided to give her daughter her loving name.
Sometimes when Mira gets pets, she can give you a static shock. She can't help it, it's just a little tick she has.
Despite being able to control the electricity in her body, Mira doesn't actually have a lot of voltage in her. Well, unless she charges herself up in an angry fit, she can let out a burst of electricity to stun her foes.
Aria (Blue Jackal):
Aria is the middle of the three girls, being calm and composed most of the time. Though, she isn't uptight or woundup; in fact, she can be quite warm hearted and gentle towards anyone that comes to meet her.
Aria personally likes listening to DJSS's music, as well as his space documentary audios. She finds them quite calming, and it gets her in the mood whenever she and her sisters get ready to play. Especially with the rhythm and best. Yinu takes a close second, as it helps Luna calm down during bad days; to her, the piano is very soothing to the nerves.
With her skills with cryokineses, Aria can make very well done barriers during fighting. She can also summon ice spikes from the ground in case things get extra ugly.
She actually has an autograph from DJSS, and she totally doesn't gush about it every once in a while during her private time.
Aria is an empath, and is a VERY good shoulder to lean on or cry on. Being the most sensible and rational out of the 3 Jackals, she knows what to say and how to handle a situation. With a mix of her elder sister's irritstion and confusion with her younger sister's small problems and crying, she knows EXACTLY how to put out a few emotional fires.
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Past Horrors
Summary: Curtis x Y/N  Curtis recalls memories of life on the train. Trauma. Dark. Deeds done to survive. 1.4 k approx. 
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Your fingers trailed over his chest underneath the layers slowly, swirling small patterns over Curtis collarbone in the dark as the train barreled towards nowhere, always nowhere. It was endless, and a rabbit hole of a thought you've personally crawled out of many times. Curtis arm was folded above your head, his own fingers brushing into your hair gently near your temple.. For once it was a peaceful time, and the whole tail end energy seemed to sigh in relief. 
The quiet around them broke with Edgar, saying Curtis name. Where your cheek rested against his shoulder, you could feel the vibrations of Curtis voice as well as hear his deep baritone. "What's that Edgar?" 
"I was just thinking about my mother, but it's all starting to disappear."
You could feel the immediate change in Curtis underneath you, and you close your eyes as the sinking feeling in your chest physically hurt you, knowing that Curtis was falling into that dreaded rabbit hole. Tension riddled his body and became still. You held your breath waiting to see how he would respond, and released when he answered. "How far back can you remember?" 
"Just a little of what she looks like, I think. Maybe I made it up…."
As Edgar continued, you could feel Curtis falling away from you into his own mind. His hand pulled away from your head and moved to rub on his arm. Lifting your head off his shoulder, you shifted to a sit, turning his face to look at you, talking soft enough for just Curtis to hear. "Baby it was so long ago…. " you continued, but already he was pulling away. 
Fuck it was a lifetime ago, and yet plagued him whenever he dropped his guard, unexpected moments like Edgar wanting to remember his mom. Years of his decisions were based on that memory. 
It had been weeks, people were dying off, starvation, dehydration, injuries, and the vulnerable, killed. People scrounged the corpses of there clothing, valuables, anything worthwhile till the corpse discarded into any space not obtained by a living person, and then as starvation came, the bodies no longer became an issue. Curtis quickly obtained a blade once the mayhem started, fighting off several attacks that would come at any suspected moment, resulting in several injuries. The worst being a long slice along his ribs. Patching as best as he could with rags he had taken, the bleeding finally stopped, but all to soon infections took over his various wounds. Fevered, starving and loosing the humanity he had left, he joined the masses who started doing the unthinkable… 
"Curtis, that isn't our life anymore." You whispered against his ear, as you had settled back in against his side. His hand massaged his arm, cradling it closer and his face screwed up in the horror of his memories. 
"She was a beautiful woman Edgar and would have done anything for you" Curtis told his friend, speaking louder for the man in the lower bunk to hear him.
And she had, cradling her baby to her chest as she backed away from the mob of people, the screaming swaddle against her chest was a little over a year old boy, a piece of busted metal held out to swing at anyone close, trying to reason with them. "Hes so little, it isn't even worthwhile! Get the Fuck away from me! Ple-please god, help us"  Her back pressed against the wall, trying to meld herself away from sight. “Spare us, I promise I will make it worth your while!” She pleaded with them, her eyes darting back and forth between the young men, falling to Curtis, breaking in a sob and her metal bar shook. Curtis looked away as guilt and horror momentarily paused him, his resolve taking over and a shake of his head sealed her fate.
Another swing, in which Curtis ducked and lunged forward, tackling her against the trains wall with a heavy dazing thump. She tried to shield herself, twist out of his hold, but she could never be a match against him. Curtis didn't even pause, right now his instincts were life or death, and the need to survive outweighed his actions. The hilt of the knife was heavy as he spun it around, sweeping it in a upward motion into her abdomen, her scream turning into a moan as he jerked his knife back from her body, grasping a hold of the baby as she collapsed in a pool of blood and train filth. Her body was swarmed like jackals to a carcass, they hadn't done the deed, but they were willing to do the next hardest part. 
Curtis emerged from the people, staggering among the people trailing behind the mob. In his arms the baby quieted, maybe he felt a different kind of fear that swallowed over his need to cry. Watery baby blues stared up at the man carrying him, seconds left of his life. The world around Curtis narrowed to what he was about to do, he would think its gotten easier by now, but it hasn't. He just internalized it more, making excuses in his head. This was far more humane then what he would grow up in, he would make it quick, painless. No one deserved to have to survive, not this innocent soul. 
The blade in Curtis’s hand still dripped  the mothers hot blood, flooding his senses with the taste of iron on his tongue, and it actually made his starvation pains clench, begging for it. Lifting it, he had it aimed, the baby in his arms, all blue eyed infant with the beginnings of a toothy wail screwing up his face, all it would take was to drop the knife, seconds stretching out the pause, all of it was so wrong, his mind chanting how much of a monster hes become. 
Before his knife could find its mark, an angered voice approached from the back, side stepping among the mob who was scattering off with there ill gained hoard. “Give it here, Give me the knife” Curtis grip tightened, white knuckled around the blade, but then handed it over, assuming that he was going to continue what he was struggling to do. But he turned to his bone thin arm, and hacked it off, quickly as possible. Without hesitation and tossed it. “If your so hungry, eat this. Leave me the Baby.” 
That was the day it all changed. Sacrifices of body parts made, they all pooled together to care take the wounded who lost limbs. Curtis tried, the shame of what had happened, his part in it all eating at the bit of humanity he had gained back. The knife he had used these past few weeks, he turned on himself, the blades tip dipped into the flesh of his forearm, all her nerves screaming as it dug deeper. Tendons, muscles jarring at the act, blood welling from beneath the metal and seeping in a racing track down to the crook of his arm. The blade was dull, it took immense pressure on his part to get it as far as it did. An exhale of a painful cry overtook him, and the blade fell from his trembling hand. The shame, he couldn't even finish going through with this. Weak, he was a weak man. This is the first time he saw you. Stepping from the shadows, you knelt next to him, nothing more then a girl. Unwrapping a scarf from around your neck, you bound his arm. “Stop, you don;t have to do this.... see” Through the gate came Wilfords men, and instead of coming to do a head count, they wheeled in the Protein Bars, and its been that way ever since. 
“Curtis, you had to. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you” You continued to assure him, which was true. Over the years he became that first sacrifices, Gilliams right hand man, both of you finishing growing together. You didn't hold any of his past actions against him, you knew it was a time of desperation. You did the same thing, it was survival. Finally you heard Curtis sigh, coming back from the memories. His face turned and his arm that he would always favor came around your hip, pulling you in to spoon against him. your hand rested on his forearm where it was pressed against your stomach. Having escaped the rabbit hole once more, you finally relaxed. 
His thoughts didn't stop even as you fell asleep. A better man wouldn't keep you as he did, a better man would let you go. He still had two arms to hold you tight, never making that sacrifice the others did, less then a man. Monster. 
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the-wanted-man · 4 years
FFXIV Write 2020 | Warning: Torture • Hanging • Mutilation Tooth and Nail • expression
Engage in vigorous combat or make a strenuous effort, using all one's resources.  For example, I'm going to fight.
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Getting him to the tree had been no easy task. He’d made certain of it. Gallard had been a fighter once, he could be one again. Even with the prosthetic leg, the two men had struggled as he clawed and bit and punched and flailed between them. Like a wild animal, corralled and cornered, he’d fought tooth and nail. Up until they’d cracked his skull against the firm wood of his carriage and got the noose around his neck. 
“Lookit ‘im dance, Kenny! Lookit them legs go! WOOO!”  It was the lean one that shouted, cackling while  his larger brother pulled the rope taught. He stood on one end of the bough and hoisted Gallard up from the ground until he was hanging on the opposite end. His face had quickly turned a reddish-purple while he spasmed, swayed, and choked out guttural sounds into the night. 
“I like ‘ow ‘ee sings, Len. Watch --” Gallard could feel all the blood trapped beneath the swelling epidermis of his visage. He’d turned his nails to the coils about his neck then, desperately scraping and pulling at the taught length, but they’d wet the rope to strengthen its bond before noosing him up. His vision doubled until there were multiple, skinny Len’s in front of him, and then it went black. The smuggler wasn’t given the sweet reprieve of death though. 
He felt himself falling and then he crumpled in a gasping, coughing heap of dust. He didn’t care that when he breathed, he inhaled dirt. It was sweet, and beautiful and he inhaled deeply to let out a cry that never made it into fruition. “HEEE-yrk!” Gallard was lifted once more to the cheers and jeers of the twins.
The spying fugitive was familiar with the damned jig of kicking, trembling, spasming feet in search of purchase against the empty air. He felt his own throat grow tight and constrict as if the rope were around his own throat. The fate of any criminal who fell on the wrong side of justice. He didn’t recognize the two men, but could recognize their rabid nature and as they let the crippled smuggler drop into the ground, he felt his blood grow hot with fire. Criminal or not, smuggling to him wasn’t worth the cost of a life and these men had no business taking it. Definitely had no business torturing him. 
They were savages in people’s skin, too busy with their prey to notice as the Outlaw made his way down carefully from his perch. He kept to shadows, but didn’t rush and was mindful of what was underfoot in his descent. Taking too long might cost the man his life, but rushing was a guaranteed fuck up. He had a saying he kept to. Slow was smooth. Smooth was fast. It didn’t do to rush anything. 
“Tie ‘im up to th’trunk, aye? I feel like practicin’ me knives.” 
The one called ‘Len’ had spoken and seemed more or less in charge of the two. Gallard was still seeing spots of black as he was dragged bodily towards the tree and this time, he hardly fought as he was tied to it. By the time they’d started strapping him by the arms, he’d regained some consciousness to try and fight, only to earn a concussive backhand across the jaw from the brutish Kenny. Gallard slumped forward in a daze, and Ken pushed his head back so they could fasten a bind around his throat. It kept his head up, and he saw the pair of brothers multiplied by his kaleidoscope vision. Lenny, the lean one took a crisp bite from an apple he’d likely procured from Gallard’s own supplies and then balanced the violated fruit atop the smuggler’s head. 
He brandished a throwing knife from his belt, taking several paces back and then before Gallard could blink, he saw the flash of steel as Len moved and felt the blade enter his leg. 
The smuggler’s screams were disconcerting enough, but the cruel laughter (“Op, I missed!”) of the pair of jackals ahead was what turned the cowboy’s stomach the most. These two had the luxury of privacy, even out in this wild open, and cared not for the sounds made in earnest by their captive. They had their backs turned to the Outlaw now, and he took his chance to move closer, even as Len  slung his arm and released a second knife. This one pierced Gallard’s shoulder, and he moaned out in pain. They were going to do this slow. He reached into a pouch and curled his hands around pieces of jagged iron.  
“Lemme git one, I want t’try!”  the husky brother declared and for a moment, they exchanged a blade and when he threw it, the next blade took an eye. Somehow, Gallard was still alive when they ripped it out. 
The cowboy was close enough to hide in their shadows now, able to catch their stench now of leather made stale by blood, sweat, and rain. The Outlaw reached out beside him, blindly groping until his palm found a rock big enough to fit within it.  He spoke then, spooking the pair immediately. 
“Hey~..” Len jumped, turning quickly into a face full of caltrops thrown with such force that some lodged in skin. His cry of pain was cut short by an awful crack as he felt something hard like a rock crunch against his teeth. Or had his teeth crunched against the rock? Either way, the pain bloomed across his face was immense, and he fell into a writhing  heap before the Outlaw.
Ken was too slow to help, turning just in time to come face to face with the   He was dumb, but not so dumb to risk catching a bullet. He froze in response, bringing his hands up. He tried hiding the knife but the cowboy was wiser than that. “Ah-ah. I seen ‘im pass it to ya.” The weapon clattered to the stone floor amidst the sounds of Gallard weeping with what was likely relief, and the sound of Len spitting up something that skittered across the rocks. 
“Yar makin’ a real big mistake ‘ere, lad..”  Ken had nothing but hatred in his eyes.
“Usually am.” the cowboy quipped. “Y’’should really be goin’ now.” 
“Fekkin’ wot?” Ken barked a laugh of ire and took a vengeful step forward. Stopping when the hammer clicked back its threat. He pursed his lips, which were already too thin. “We’ll be fekkin’ back ye cocksucker…”   
“Oh, I’m countin’ on it.” The choice wasn’t quite so easy to let them go. He knew men like these. They’d go find other people to hurt. To maim. To torture. But he didn’t have many options and the smuggler was in need of further help. Rabid dogs couldn’t be left t’roam. The voice in his head whispered like a snake, and his finger tightened briefly upon the trigger. He couldn’t make that call.
He aimed low for a joint, and fired. The bullet ripped through the hyur’s leg, sending him down and Ken wailed louder than even Gallard had. Cowards were the loudest, he’d found.
“Now git, fer you earn another.” They were rough men, used to rough treatment. Bullet holes and all. Ken rolled on the floor  and clutched his thigh, but the cowboy paid him no mind, stepping over his body to make it to the unconscious smuggler. He cut the rope at his neck and checked for a pulse. Barely breathing, but he was alive. He cut the rest of him free next, dragging the merchant back to his horse and tying him upright in the saddle. 
By that time, the twins had fled and the Outlaw rode hard towards the city.
To be continued...
@remedialelixir​ : Roman likely would have dropped this guy off.
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mastrmiscellaneous · 4 years
Rowan, I’ll Miss you
Sorry I don’t post a lot anymore, got a lot to do in personal life, and, well, motivation is scarce. I was just struck with motivation after the new chapters though heheh
Summary: Do NOT. Touch. Charli. Rowe’s. Friends. EVER.
Charli is impulsive, and when her best friend is maliciously murdered, well, shit happens.
Word Count: 2845
the four students stood in the centre of an opening in the Forbidden Forest, Rakepick in front of them, her wand pointed at Ben, with a malicious grin on her face. With one last look at Charli, a smug look from the adult to the teen, she shouted the curse.
“Avada Kedavra!”
A green stream of electric light shot from the end of her wand, right at Ben.
Charli held her breath, she heard Merula doing the same.
Charli felt a swift of breeze blow on her cheek.
Long robes were moving, flowing in front of Ben.
No, not robes…
No. No no nononono!!!
Rowan was on the ground. The world went silent, nothing but a high-pitched buzz. Charli could faintly hear a chuckle from Rakepick, and shuffling of leaves as she ran. Charli couldn’t see anything except Rowan, it was tunnel vision. Thick tears welled up in her eyes as she stumbled to her feet, trying to run to her best friend’s side.
She barely made it two steps. She fell to her knees and crawled the last few feet, wailing, tears flowing like waterfalls, shouting, screaming, yelling for her friend. She reached out to touch Rowan’s face, but could already feel the cold radiating from their cheeks. She recoiled her hand, grasping her own wrist and biting down on her hand, trying to muffle her cries. Nothing worked.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, a large, heavy hand. Ben’s hand. The boy Rowan had given their life for. The one who should be dead.
So, Charli threw her arm back and elbowed him right in the solar plexus, winding the boy, and sending him backwards. He was crying too. Charli knew why, she understood, but he was not allowed near her, he didn’t deserve to be near her.
“Charli? What was that for?” Ben mumbled, still struggling to breathe.
“Stay away from us!” Charli snapped, growling, shaking, breathing so heavily, she almost passed out.
“Rowe, calm down,” Merula warned, helping Ben up, wiping tears of her own. “I know you’re upset, but we need to get Rowan out of here.”
Charli didn’t answer. She heard some rustling in the bushes, and crouched over Rowan, scooping up their body onto her lap and pulling out her wand.
The head of houses, plus Dumbledore, ran into the clearing, wands drawn and ready to fight.
They saw the seen before them, and there were audible gasps from McGonagall, Sprout, and Flitwick. Snape’s hand was shaking, eyes wide. Dumbledore sighed, seeing the scene before him. He turned to Merula as McGonagall and Sprout ran to Charli and Rowan. Merula was the calmest of the three, so was the only one able to give a coherent answer. Merula explained what happened, and Dumbledore has Snape take the two teens back to the castle, and send a message to the ministry and Khannas.
McGonagall and Sprout attempted to pry Charli away from her friend, but it was impossible, Charli had an iron grip, curled over her friend. The tried force, they tried persuasion, they tried tempting, anything they could think of to make the girl let go, but nothing worked.
What could they say? A Rowe never gives in, they knew that. They couldn’t think of anything to do. So they looked up to Dumbledore, who was watching, frowning, thinking. He gestured for the women to stand to the side, and they complied. Charli felt the movement, and looked up, turned around slightly, and saw the headmaster, wand out.
“Sorry Charli.” He muttered. Charli turned back around and let out one last sob, hugging Rowan, as she heard the final words. “Stupefy.”
Charli went limp, and collapsed on top of her Rowan. That was the last time she saw their eyes.
She awoke in the hospital wing the morning after, immediately sitting up and looking around. There were two other bed occupied, by Ben and Merula, who were getting checked over and healing mild injuries. Charli scowled at Ben, growling under her breath.
Where was Rowan?
She scanned the room once more. The curtains were closed around the last bed on the right side of the room. She could hear soft cries from the other side, clearly Rowan’s parents.
Now, she knew this was rude. She knew she really should have just stayed in bed and waited to be allowed to see them again. But, well, grief really does give you tunnel vision.
Charli looked at the others in the room, and back at the curtain. No one was watching her. So, she morphed into her animagus form, a jackal, and crept to under the beds and across the middle, pressed against the wall. She snook behind the curtain and looked at Rowan’s parents. Both of them had their heads on the bed, by Rowan’s sides, and crying. Charli squished against the wall and under the bed. She lay down, head on paws, and just lay there, ready to pounce if anyone disturbed them.
After 10 minutes, the great, oaken doors swung open and the rest of the curse breaking squad, along with Ismelda for Merula, ran in, and towards their friends. They stayed quiet, as to be respectful, but Charli’s improved jackal hearing heard every word. Just fussing about the two, questions of the night before, crying, mourning. Things you would expect from people who had just lost a friend.
But then, Charli’s name was mentioned.
“Where’s Charli?” Barnaby asked, through sniffs.
It was then Madame Pomphrey noticed her absence, and huffed, angry, marching over to Rowan’s bed. She stopped and called out, quietly, asking if she could enter. Mr Khanna muttered an ok, and Pomphrey slid in, careful not to open the curtain too much.
“Have you seen Charli Rowe?”
Charli assumed they shook their heads. she panicked, and dashed out the way she came in, quickly and quietly, her new slender form running through the infirmary smoothly. She jumped onto a bed and morphed back into her human form. She looked at her friends. They did not look happy with that stunt.
So, she snapped.
“What?” she growled.
Instead of answering, her friends walked over to talk to her. They asked her how she felt, what happened, if she needed anything, all of the sickly mumbo jumbo that made Charli so mad.
She rose from the bed and pushed passed her friends.
“Charli, what are you doing?” Penny sniffed, a little annoyed at Charli’s attitude.
“That woman is going to die.” She snarled.
Penny jogged behind her and grabbed her arm. “You can’t kill a person, Charli, that isn’t you.”
“I never said I’d kill her.” Charli ripper her arm away from Penny’s grip. “But when I’m done with her, she’s gonna do it herself.”
And with that, Charli morphed back into her jackal form and ran off, too fast for her froends to follow. Well, she thought she was.
Once Charli left the room, Talbott pushed to the front and reassured Penny. He would follow her, make sure Charli didn’t end up dead herself. He said that quietly, as Rowan’s father was emerging from behind the curtain. He winked at Penny, and transformed, shooting through the closing gap between the doors, and located Charli, following her into what ever mess she was getting herself into.
Charli ran to the scene of the crime, sniffing around, searching for Rakepick’s scent. But she was struggling.
Talbott finally caught up with her, landing on the floor and morphing back, calling out to his friend and telling her to come back, see Rowan, mourn with the group. Charli shot a death glare at him with her shining amber eyes, and she went back to sniffing.
“Charli, please, this isn’t the way. Revenge does nothing!” she ignored him. “Charli, come on. There’s a funeral this afternoon. Come, for Rowan! They wouldn’t want you to exhaust yourself for a pointless mission!”
Charli stopped, growled, and morphed back to human form. She stood with her back to Talbott, hands clenched and shaking, head down, breath erratic. She was trying not to explode, she needed that energy for Rakepick.
“Just leave me alone, bird boy.” She said through gritted teeth. “I’ll be back after lunch. I’ve found her scent, it’s strong. Go back.” She turned to him, tears falling. “I’ll be fine.”
He sighed. “What are you doing to do?”
“Let’s just say my father taught me more than how to feel fear, but how to give it too.” She shot him a reassuring smile. It looked kind of evil though. “I should be fine. But, if I’m not,” She pulled a muggle notebook out of her pocket, along with a pen, and scribbled two notes. One to Rowan and their family, one to the school. “Do me a favour and have these read out? Wait until the end of the funeral.”
“Ok.” Talbott, sighed in defeat. “Be safe.”
“I��ll try.”
She morphed into a jackal and ran off, leaving Talbott alone, fiddling with the notes. He was scared for her.
It took her three hours to run to the building Rakepick was in. it was crumbling and rotten, at least 200 years old. Disgusting, really. Charli cringed at the smell, immediately morphing back to human form and hiding behind a fallen tree. The surrounding garden was overgrown, easy to hide in as she snook into the house. She saw a shadow of the criminal in the top floor window, pacing around. Charli decided to make a move. She checked her wand placement, easy to whip out in emergency.
She shifted once more, sneaking to the gate, squeezing through a gap in the bars, and hiding in the bushes, belly on the floor, shuffling up to the door, which again had a hole in the bottom, just big enough for her to squeeze through. She snook up the stairs, alert and ready. She heard the voice of Rakepick, muttering to herself. She seemed distressed. Charli didn’t care.
Charli found herself at the door, it was cracked open. She morphed into her human form and peaked through the door. The woman was alone, her robe flung over a chair, her strong arms on show. Thank the lord, both muggle and magical. She took out her wand and gripped it tight. She was ready.
She opened the door, startling Rakepick, and stormed in, strong and fierce, an expression of pure anger on her face. Rakepick smirked when she noticed who it was.
“Hello there, Rowe. How’s Khanna?”
“Don’t you dare say their name!!” Charli shouted, furious. “You don’t have the right!”
“I guess they’re not good. I guessed.” The woman laughed, pulling out her wand. “I guess you came for revenge? Let’s just get this over with. What’s one more dead kid?”
“You’re gonna wish you never said that.” Charli smirked, feeling joy for the first time today. “musculus torquent!!”
You see, Charli’s father was not a good person. He was an auror, a corrupt one. Used his power to evade the law, use his own spells, and test them on whoever he wanted. This was his favourite. The Muscle Twisting curse. Mr Rowe created this spell to torture those he arrested without getting caught, and he enjoyed it so much, he decided to punish Charli and Jacob with it, because corruption! What it does is lock on to the ends of the tendons, and move them across the bones. Think of a Chinese burn action, but with the muscles. With every muscle in the body.
Charli swore she would never use this spell. But, well, this was a special occasion.
Charli was dead in the eyes, watching as Rakepick dropped her wand, locked in place, then falling to the ground as her body failed her. She writhed in pain, screaming, tense, crying. Dying.
You could see the irregular movement under Rakepick’s skin, muscle bunching up and moving, the knots shifting around the limbs. she flung herself across the floor, on her front, side, back, side, front, knees, back, and finally, slumped onto her back.
Her breath was slow and weak, no movement in her body except the small rise and fall of her chest. Charli would have felt sorry for her, but, well. Would you?
Charli knew how long it would take for her to recover. Three days, at least, without magical intervention. So, Charli strode forward and snatched Rakepick’s wand. She leant over her old mentor’s face, smirking. “That is why you don’t touch my friends. Ever. Incarcerous.”
Rakepick was bound on the floor, tears of pain flowing down her cheeks, flinching and moaning in pain with every strong bind. Charli was feeling malicious, so gave her a strong stomp on the ribs, hearing them break under the force. Rakepick called out, but Charli shot a spell and stuffed her mouth to shut her up. Charli dragged her to the wall and sat her up, transfiguring a fallen stone slab from the fireplace into a weighted shackle, attaching it to Rakepick’s right ankle, and standing. She huffed in amusement, gazing at the pathetic form in front of her. She took out the woman’s wand, held it out in front of her, and snapped it in half, immediately pocketing it after.
“Good luck surviving the week. Goodbye, Professor.”
And with that, Charli left. She strolled down the stairs and walked away, only turning back into a jackal when the house was long in the distance.
In the castle, the students were mourning their classmate. The curse breaker squad was helping set up the funeral, Penny and Ben mainly sitting with the Khannas to talk. They were all crying. Talbott kept on checking his pocket, making sure the notes were still there. Luckily, they were. He decided it was best to tell the Khannas, Penny, and Ben what happened in the forest, so he wondered over to them and did. He explained the whole situation, and Charli should be back before the end. He explained the notes, that he still didn’t know the contents of. The group nodded along, all knowing Charli’s spirit. They silently prayed she would return.
She wasn’t back.
The group and Khannas were in the front rows, teachers behind them, and rest of the student body behind them. Dumbledore was at the front, holding the ceremony, told to stall for as long as he could. Rowan’s coffin was behind the headmaster, on a raised platform.
It was made out of Rowan wood. It had gold linings, with Red velvet inside, except for the lid. That had a layer of book pages. The group huffed in amusement at that, imagining Rowan’s horror if they could see that.
The stalling was over, they needed to move on in the ceremony. Charli wasn’t there. It was time for Charli’s notes. Talbott had handed them to Penny. She had a better public presence than him.
Dumbledore gestured to Penny. “I believe you have something to read out, miss Haywood?”
She nodded, and stumbled up, knees shaking and tears still falling. Her hands shook as she unfolded the first note. She cleared her voice and began to speak.
The doors were flung open and Charli emerged. Her head was held high. She saw the coffin and shed tears. She didn’t bother wiping them away as she strode to the front, gesturing for Penny to sit down. She said nothing as she walked up to the stand and towards her friend. She held Rowan’s hand, and gave it a small squeeze. It was cold.
She sighed, letting go, and turned back to the school. “I don’t know if Dumbledore told all of you this, but Rowan Khanna, my best friend, a beloved classmate to all of us, was murdered last night by our ex-professor Patricia Rakepick, using the killing curse. She was aiming for Ben Copper, she was being a brave, cocky little prick, and she got mad. Rowan was a hero and jumped in front of him.”
The School was silent. She sensed their fear.
“Don’t worry. She won’t be hurting anyone anymore.” She took Rakepick’s wand shards out of her pocket and threw them on the ground. “That’s her wand. she was left half dead in an abandoned house, bound and gagged. She isn’t coming back, ever.”
She sighed, choking up now.
“Rowan may be gone, but they will never be forgotten.” She turned to Dumbledore. “I suggest getting a portrait done. Rowan needs the be remembered.”
He nodded at her in agreement.
“I was gonna say a bunch of other stuff, but really, I can’t. let’s just, study hard. For Rowan.”
And with that, there was silence, and Charli sat down, immediately silently crying. Listening to the rest of the funeral.
Charli may not have the best karma now, but oh well. It’s not like she’ll be in Hogwarts much longer, after what she’s done.
A week later, Charli was sitting in the library, in a hidden corner, Rowan’s favourite study spot. She was whispering to the new portrait of her best friend.
At least they were still here.
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intothestarkerverse · 5 years
Family Ties - Starker Week (Day Six)
Summary:  For @starkerweek​ day six’s prompt, Family Ties and @starkerbingo​ ‘s prompt, Kid!fic.
Peter finds something unexpected at the lair of his newest villain and finds himself embarking on a new adventure with his husband.
“Karen, could you get Tony on the line, please?”
“Of course, Peter.”
Silence and then…
“Hey, Tony, ummm…could you…would you mind…tracing my location and getting here like…as fast as you can?”
“Peter, baby, are you hurt?”  Something in the tone of that question and Tony’s choice of words made Peter laugh.
“Don’t pretend that you’re not looking at a readout of my vitals right now,Tony.  You know I’m fine.  I just…I really need you right now.  I have a problem and…I don’t know what to do.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, hold tight.”
Okay, good.  Help was on the way.  But he was still alone with…  Oh boy.
Peter stood in the middle of the lab staring at the cause of all of his consternation.  “Um..hey…”
He was rewarded with a succession of high pitched wails.  
“Oh!  Oh, geez, oh don’t cry…”  Peter stepped closer, jumping back again when the wail became a scream of terror.  “Oh!  Oh, shoot, the mask.  I bet that’s really scary, huh?  I’m sorry.”  He ripped it off, “See, look.  Just a guy under there.  Just a boring guy.”
The baby stopped screaming, but it kept up a high pitched whimper as it stared with watery eyes and quivering lips at the superhero who seemed incredibly out of his element.  Peter edged forward slowly, reaching out with a hand as if he was trying to pet a stray dog and not comfort a terrified child.  “C’mon, little guy, I just want to help you.  What are you doing here?  Did Jackal kidnap you or something?  I promise I’ll find your mommy and daddy for you, okay?  Everything…everything will be fine.”
The baby didn’t wail or scream as Peter slowly reached out and awkward scooped him up.  “You’re really cute, you know that?”  He tweaked one of the baby’s chubby cheeks and gently tried to brush away the tears that had fallen from his honey brown eyes.  The little boy was mostly bald save for a few wispy curls that stuck up haphazardly from his soft head.  Peter snuggled the baby closer, pleased with the way he curled a little fist against Peter’s chest and rested his head on Peter’s shoulder.  Peter couldn’t help but brush his lips over the baby’s head in a little kiss and inhale deeply.  “Oh, you smell good.  I guess…I guess babies really do have a smell, huh?”  He hummed softly, bouncing the baby a little in his arms and swaying from side to side. “S’Okay, everything’s okay.”
Spider-Man let out a soft curse.  “Shhh!  I just got him to sleep.”  
“What?  Him?  Him who…Oh my God.”  The Iron Man suit froze in the doorway at the sight that greeted him.  All of the scenarios he’d been running through in his head, finding his husband with a strange baby was the last thing he was expecting to see.  “Pete…”
“Take off the suit, if he wakes up you’re going to scare the poo out of him.”
As the suit melted back into its containment unit, Tony crossed the distance between himself and his husband in a few quick strides.  “What on earth…”
“I found him.  He was just…he was just here in the lab and no one was watching him or anything.  It didn’t seem safe.”
“Why does the Jackal have a baby?”
“I don’t know.  But I don’t know anything about babies, Tony.  Like less than nothing, and you have a daughter so…”  Peter gestured at the baby. “Do a dad thing.”
Tony rolled his eyes, “Having a daughter does not make me a baby whisperer.  Besides, you seem to be doing fine on your own.”
Peter glanced down at the baby again, gagging a little at the pool of drool gathering on the shoulder of his Spider-Man suit.  “Well…be of some use, okay?  Find out who he is and where his parents are or something.”
Tony rolled his eyes for a second time, but turned to the computers and began booting them up one at a time.  “Well, it’s a cinch that the kid doesn’t belong to Jackal.”
“Why do you say that?” Peter asked, jostling the baby slightly in his effort to stop the drool from dripping down his chest.  The movement woke the baby who let out an angry wail.
“What did you do?”  Tony’s tone was accusatory.
“He was drooling on me…”
“He’s a baby, Peter, that’s literally all they do.  You know what, you’re not doing okay.  Give him here.”  Tony took the baby, cooing to him softly as he studied the kid more carefully.  “Looks familiar…”
“All babies look alike, how can you tell?”
“All babies do NOT look alike.”
“Whatever.”  Peter began searching the tables for a tissue or a stray cloth he could use to dab away the drool from his shoulder.  “Uh…Tony…”  Peter was holding a few pieces of paper in his hands, a heavy frown forming on his face.  “Is this…”  He held out the schematics.  “It looks kind of…”
Tony looked up from the baby long enough to squint at the papers.  “Medical device.  Looks almost like cryogenics chamber but not quite…”  He gasped and looked down at the baby in his arms again.  “More like an artificial womb…”
“So it is Jackal’s baby, then?”
“I don’t think so…”  Tony shifted the baby to his hip and turned to the computers.  Even with one hand, the genius was able to cut through all of the Jackal’s security and open the desktop to look at his work. “Well…I know why the baby looks so familiar.”
“Why?”  Peter was at work furiously trying to scrub away the drying drool with a wadded up piece of paper.
“He’s you.”
“What?”  Peter dropped the paper, staring at Tony with wide, confused eyes. “How can he be me?  I’m me and I’m not a baby…am I?”
“No, but it looks like Jackal was obsessed with cloning you…first one didn’t work out the way he wanted.  This one.  This one worked.”
Peter blinked at the baby, trying to call up mental images of his own baby pictures.  “Why does Jackal want to clone baby me?”
“He doesn’t want a baby you.  It would appear that he’s testing methods for advanced aging, memory transferal.  He’s trying to clone you, and he’s not too far off from succeeding…”
“That’s freaky.”
“Yeah…and against a whole slew of international laws, not that he probably cares cause…supervillain.  Clearly we can’t leave the kid here, and we’re going to have to destroy this lab.  Find him.  Stop him.  I doubt his plans for you were good if he was making a replacement for you…”  Tony turned his attention back to the baby.  “And I thought you were an adorable adult…”
Peter blushed and felt incredibly stupid for doing that.  “Okay, destroy the lab.  What do we do with the baby…”
Tony shrugged.  “Take him home until we can figure out what to do with him, I guess…”
~ ~ ~
“Happy said he’ll be here with diapers in…”  Tony’s voice trailed off as he entered the bathroom and stared in horror at what greeted him.
Peter, on the other hand, looked incredibly proud.  He was holding the baby who, in lieu of a diaper, was now wearing a sponge and a dish towel held in place by a terry-cloth work-out headband.  
“I improvised!”
“I can see that.”
“I think he likes it.”
“I think he feels sorry for you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, Pete.  I just hope Happy gets here before the kid needs to use that monstrosity.”
He didn’t.
~ ~ ~
Peter’s frantic screams brought Tony to the kitchen in a complete panic.  
“Tony, help me!”  Peter was on the ceiling, crouched and turning green as the baby seated in a pile of cushions on a chair near the breakfast nook projectile vomited.
“I think he’s possessed, Tony.”
“I think you gave him more than the bottle I told you to, didn’t you?”
“He was hungry!  And he’s me and I hate to be hungry and my metabolism is really fast and so he probably needs to eat more like me and so I got him another bottle…”
“And you over fed him.  This is what happens when you overfeed a baby, Peter.”
“Make it stop!”
~ ~ ~
The bedroom was incredibly quiet.  Too quiet.  Tony was actually worried that one or both Peters were dead.  It was the only thing he could think of that would account for that level of quiet.  He probably shouldn’t have left Peter alone with the baby again, but Fury had a lot of questions about the baby and Tony knew Peter was probably anxious to get him off to a foster family as fast as possible.  He’d never seen anything quite as hopeless as his husband and his clone.
The sight that greeted him was one of the most heartwarming he’d ever seen. Peter and his clone were fast asleep, the baby fast asleep on Peter’s chest.  Maybe they were growing on each other…
~ ~ ~
“Peter, what did you order from Amazon Prime, now?” Tony came into the living room carrying a box which he deposited in the floor next to his husband where the younger man was playing with a giggling baby and an iron man plushie.
“I found a onesie that Ben needs to have.”
“Yeah, we can’t call him ‘the clone’ and Peter’s already taken.  So Ben.  Feels right, huh, Ben?”
The baby let out a long string of nonsense and deposited the iron man plushie’s arm in his mouth.
Tony raised an eyebrow but nodded towards the box.  “Well, let’s see it.”
Peter grinned and ripped into the tape, shaking the red and blue onesie out and flipping it around to show him the ‘Spider-Baby’ written on the front.
Tony snorted.  “I should have known.”
“Well, he is a Spider-Baby.”
“You better hope not.  The second he starts crawling up the wall…”
“Don’t mind him, Ben, he’s just jealous that we can climb the walls and we can’t…”
~ ~ ~
“Nick Fury is NOT taking our baby.”
Tony stopped dead.  “What?”
“Ben is staying here with us.  I’m not letting S.H.I.E.L.D. take our baby.  Who knows me better than me?”
“Exactly my point!  We need to be his dads.  We were talking about adopting, right?  Well Ben needs a family and we can be his family and I am not letting anyone take my baby.  I know he was scary at first, but I’m getting the hang of it and you’re a pro and we can do this!  Besides, Morgan would be such an awesome big sister!  Please, Tony, can we keep him?”
“He’s not a dog, Peter.  This is a child…”
“This is OUR child.”
Tony snorted, “Yeah, okay, this is OUR child…but you’re not spoiling him, Peter.”
“What?”  Peter looked up from his phone.
“Did you just order something else from Amazon Prime?”
“Just a few toys…and clothes…and maybe a changing table…”
“Do you want to learn how to climb ceilings, Benny?  We might need to make a quick escape from Papa...”
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