#izzy never gets that relaxed greeting again
arsenicflame · 1 year
do you guys ever think about how ed wouldn't intuitively recognise izzys steps anymore because ive been thinking about that a lot this week
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alexanderlightweight · 7 months
Maybe more of the cider verse.
this is a scene from before they're married or the sequel. it happens back when jace and izzy first return and how magnus influences alec even on the seemingly small things that end up really changing alec's mindset overall
hope you enjoy! happy to be back to writing
<3 lumine
It’s half past three in the morning and while Alec normally doesn’t sleep till at least eight or nine, he feels dead on his feet.
His muscles are sore and heavy, every unnecessary movement an ache that he can’t afford and he closes his eyes just a minute to get his thoughts under way.
It was stupid to spar with both Izzy and Jace before going on a double patrol, but Alec hadn’t really had a choice.
Sacrifices have to be made for progress to happen and while Alec’s gotten better at delegating things, welcoming Jace and Izzy back from Idris — especially with a mountain of changes they both hate — well, something has to give.
As usual when it comes to his siblings, any price to be paid comes from Alec.
Of course it won’t remain that way for long, but Alec understands that some changes have to be slower than others and thankfully, Magnus understands that as well.
Except even in this, not all things remain the exact same.
Alec isn’t heading back to the Institute to slump wearily behind his desk and trudge through hours of paperwork. Instead he’s on his way to Magnus’, knowing that before he gets anywhere near the tablet he’s left there, he’ll be led to a bath first.
Magnus will insist on taking care of him.
Spoiling him really.
No matter how much Alec insists that just the bath is enough — that Magnus doesn’t need to waste potions on him — Magnus won’t be swayed.
So, despite the fact that Alec knows Magnus can just summon it for them, Alec stops at a little fae run cafe. One that never closes and that Alec doesn’t need to worry about glamours to visit.
They’re used to him by now and Alec is once again grateful to have been introduced to these hidden places of the shadowworld. It takes some time for them to grow accustomed to his continued presence, but for Alec — whose never been curious or called to by mundane spaces — its a relief.
While there is nothing wrong with mundane places, the logistics of going to one require preparation. Here, Alec can even just text an order and know that even if it takes him longer than it should, the drinks will never go cold.
He grabs them both and nods, knowing that his account is prepaid to a certain degree — as they accept ingredients rather than money — before leaving.
There is no talking, no anything but getting the drinks and leaving and while shadowhunter instincts warn him to drink something made by a fae, Alec knows better than to let it take over now.
This is an exchange.
A proper one and no fae would risk the ramifications of being so widely known and going back on their word.
The cider tastes hot like Magnus’ magic when he summons flames to contain demons and fresh. Like he’s sipping the drink from the vein of a sun-warmed apple.
The spices linger on his tongue and the back of his throat with a flare of heat and then he’s at Magnus’ door. Only a few sips and it was enough of a distraction that he can let himself relax.
Even his aching muscles can’t stop how his lips curl into an adoring smile and, as the door opens and his eyes meets a warm, golden gaze… Alec is home.
Even if he doesn’t quite know how to admit it yet.
Magnus greets him with a kiss, tasting the cider on his lips and tongue and giving him a soft smile before pulling him through the doorway and into the room.
The wards click into place behind and around him. Alec can feel them, pressing against him and he lets himself lean against the sturdy wood of the door as Magnus looks him over.
“Bath first, then some food.” Magnus murmurs, snapping his fingers even as he takes a sip from his cup. “No arguments this time, darling?”
Alec shakes his head, frankly too tired and too in love to do anything else.
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foodsies4me · 2 months
Ooooh I'm interested in the similar fic to Four Seconds. Pretty please 🥺
Of course! I'm still debating whether that fic will stand on its own or if I'm going to somehow tie it to Four Seconds, given the writing style is different. But the premiss is Izzy and Jace doing something that hurts/upsets Alec and the loft doesn't react well to that, so it refuses to give them entry when they drop by a few hours later/the next day.
Magnus knows something is wrong the moment Alexander walks through the door. His wards ping in concern, the magic from his loft wrapping itself around Alexander in concern to try and calm his fraying nerves that reverberate through his wards in a way they haven't in months. Magnus immediately finishes the research project he was working on, placing a magical bookmark in the latest edition of Robur Gray's theories on electro-magical manipulation before he heads out of his office to see Alexander hanging his coat roughly on the hanger. His knuckles are split in a way Magnus had hoped to never see again, his fingers bleeding from firing too many arrows without his guard and Magnus doesn't have to guess, who the cause is for the state he's in. "Did something happen at the institute?" He asks in greeting, adding his magic to the wards clinging to Alec like a protective blanket. Alexander immediately relaxes under the touch, swaying back to fall into Magnus' arms when he closes in from behind him, giving him a better look at Alexander's face. He looks exhausted. "When doesn't something happen?" He asks tiredly, sounding defeated. He raises his hand to rub at his eyes, giving Magnus a close-up of the damage and he itches to heal it, but he knows he first has to get Alexander to talk. To tell him what happened and let out his emotions. "Clary and Jace created another mess and somehow it's my fault again."
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Edward Teach x Reader where they break up and reunite on Stede’s ship. They’re still annoyed with each other (as exes often are) and Y/n mostly avoids him on the ship. Eventually, tension kind of eases up and Ed starts to take a romantic liking to Stede. Maybe Izzy had an unrequited crush on the reader for a while and now that they’re closer, Izzy and the reader start a thing. But after seeing them together Ed gets pissed. I just enjoy hot men w irrational jealous anger sometimes. Idk how it would play out but yeah. Anyway off topic but I got a 57 on my math test and I thought I got a 95???
Starting Fresh:
Izzy sighed to himself after dismissing Ivan and Fang. As if this whole exercise wasn’t troublesome enough, now they had unexpected guests. He ran a hand through his hair and steadied himself before entering the captain’s cabin.
“Captain, there is a rowboat approach,” Izzy reported.
“Who?” The change in Edward was instant, the way he sat up and his expression darkened.
“We don’t know, boss. What should we do?” Izzy asked.
“Oh!” Stede perked up, looking unbothered by the report of a threat. “They aren’t trouble, it will be some of the crew returning. I completely forgot to mention it,” he laughed at himself, waving his hand dismissively. Even Izzy had to admit that for somebody who had been stabbed recently, Bonnet was recovering well. 
“Your crew?” Edward asked, slowly relaxing back into his lounging position from before.
“Yes. Two of our crew were conducting some business nearby. One of them is my first mate actually, they’re incredibly capable, perfectly qualified to handle it without me. We were boarded while they were away, that’s why you haven’t met them yet,” Stede explained. 
“Fucking hell,” Izzy muttered to himself. That would have been good information to have earlier.
“Well, let's go see how their business went,” Edward shrugged, stretching his bad leg before standing from the settee.
The two captains headed up onto the deck, a disgruntled first mate trailing behind him. Just as they were emerging onto the deck, the returning crew members were climbing aboard the ship.
“Frenchie!” Wee John greeted the first crew member to climb over the railing, sweeping the smaller man off of his feet in a ‘welcome back’ embrace.
A hand grabbed the railing, and the second crew member pulled themself up over the railing with ease. Edward and Izzy completely froze when the second person hopped down onto the deck, straightening out their clothes.
“The Spanish?” you shouted in disbelief, looking at the crew for some sort of update or explanation. Not that you actually gave them time to respond. “We were boarded by the Spanish? Is everyone alright?” you asked, frustration morphing quickly into concern for your crew. “Fucking hell, I knew I shouldn’t have left the ship. Captain, I told you-Edward…” you spun around to face your captain, freezing at the sight of your ex-captain.
“The crew is perfectly fine, I promise,” Stede assured. “Edward here, and his crew of course, came along just in time,” he placed a hand on Edward’s arm, a warm comradery obvious between them, though you didn’t really have the chance to think too hard about that.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Edward questioned. 
Izzy sighed. Edward’s expression had darkened again, his voice lowering dangerously. The Caribbean was big but not that big and the two of you ran in similar circles, Izzy knew it was only a matter of time before your paths crossed again. He just didn’t think this would be the circumstance.
“Me?” you scoffed, “what the fuck are you doing here?”
“Saving the lives of your crew, apparently,” Edward retorted, earning a small snarl from you.
“You two…know each other?” Stede asked carefully, looking between you both. You had never mentioned knowing Blackbeard even when the crew shared stories about his legend.
“Fuck,” Izzy muttered, this was the last thing he needed. This ship was enough of a headache, and now this.
You and Edward just glared at each other, as if daring the other to answer. “Used to sail on the Queen Anne,” you answered.
“You sailed with Blackbeard?” Black Pete asked from somewhere to your right, the excitement clear in his voice. You didn’t take your eyes off of Edward but you heard a small grunt that suggested Lucius had elbowed his boyfriend to signal that now was not the time.
“Can’t get the fuck away, apparently,” you grumbled.
“Last I checked, I kicked you off of the ship,” Edward scoffed.
“Yeah, keep bragging, Eddie. That makes you sound like the good guy,” you smiled sarcastically, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Can we not do this here?” Izzy suggested. 
“Do what? What is happening?” Stede asked. 
You took a breath, squaring your shoulders and turning your full attention to Stede. Your captain. “Captain,” you cleared your throat, getting his focus on you. “I’ll give my report later. I’ll go check the rations,” you turned and walked away without being dismissed, just needing to create distance, to get some air.
Edward muttered something to himself, something Stede couldn’t make out, before storming back into the captain’s cabin. Stede frowned and hurried after him, already looking like he was about to fret over everything.
Izzy looked up at the sky, almost cursing the clear blueness of it, begging whatever higher power might exist to just stroke him down where he stood. 
Lucius, with wide eyes and his mouth agape, quickly kissed Pete’s cheek and ran after you. He caught up with you in the corridors of the ship. “You used to date Blackbeard?!” It was supposed to sound like a question but came out more like an accusation.
Halting, you spun on your heel to face him. “What the fuck, Lucius?”
Lucius scoffed, it wasn’t like you to play dumb. “You’re obviously exes, and things apparently didn’t end very well.” 
“I’m not telling you anything, so don’t even ask,” you jabbed your finger against his chest to get your point across before storming off down to the hold.
Lucius blinked. “Holy shit, what the fuck is going on around here?” he whispered to himself as you left him alone below deck. First Blackbeard boards their ship and their captain is obviously crushing on him, and now it turns out that you’re his ex? Finally something exciting was happening around here!
Izzy couldn’t believe Edward wasn’t taking the goddamn ship, that he wasn’t following the fucking plan. No, instead he was going to try ‘co-captaining’ with Bonnet or some dumb shit like that.
So, due to this new arrangement, Bonnet had sent Izzy to speak with his first mate, since the two of you would be co-first-mates now. Normally Izzy would snap and remind him that he isn't his captain, but he was just thankful to have an excuse to leave their quarters. 
Izzy is going to stab himself…
You were up on the helm, stance relaxed and one hand on the wheel. You gave him a smile, small but genuine, as he joined you. At least spending some time with you wouldn’t be so bad, you were the most bearable person to be around on this ship, and the two of you used to be decent friends. At least, he thought you had been.
“So, you’re a first mate, now?” Izzy asked. A weak attempt at conversation but he never claimed to be good at it, and you should know that by now.
“What can I say, you inspired me,” you teased.
Izzy felt the corners of his mouth quirking up but fought it. “You know this ship is full of idiots, right?” You must see what he saw, you had served on proper pirate ships and weren’t as whimsical as Edward. Surely, you knew how absurd this whole thing was.
“They’re learning, I’m teaching them. Captain Bonnet doesn’t have any experience but he cares about the crew. The crew…they’re good people, I like them.” You knew the crew wasn’t…skilled…but they were good people. You liked this crew, they were a welcome change to the ship life you knew. They had been good to you and in return you had been good to them.
“You used to sail for Blackbeard,” Izzy huffed, as if you needed reminding.
“Yeah, and this is a very refreshing change of pace,” you shrugged.
It was definitely a change, though Izzy wouldn’t call it refreshing. “Still not forgiven him?” he asked.
“I assume the captains wanted us to talk about the ship, not my past relationships,” you mumbled.
Izzy sighed, that was fair. “At least tell me you think this whole thing is ridiculous,” he needed to know that he wasn’t the crazy one.
“Oh, completely ridiculous,” you agreed, the two of you chuckling. You smiled to yourself, looking out at the crew on the deck, feeling a little lighter. “Will be nice to work with you again, Iz. I missed you,” you admitted.
Izzy paused, refusing to look at you as he felt his cheeks warming slightly.
“Yeah, missed you too,” Izzy begrudgingly admitted
The two of you really had been good friends aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, he would even call you his best friend. The closest friend he had. Though Izzy could now admit to himself that he had always felt more for you.
Izzy knew that it was all just his luck, it pine after somebody who wouldn’t look twice at him because Blackbeard was right fucking there. He could still remember watching as Edward made you swoon, the two of you laughing as you plotted your next fuckery together. He still remembers how pissed he felt when Edward had fucked it all up, hadn’t appreciated what he had, what Izzy wanted.
You were on night shift when Edward next approached you, a few days after you returned to the ship and discovered him already aboard. He had approached in silence and just stood beside you, at least he didn’t seem angry.
“I’m not in the mood to fight, Edward,” you sighed. It didn’t seem like he was here to argue but you could never be too careful, and you really didn’t want to fight with him.
“Not here to fight,” Edward promised, “just want to talk.”
“Talk?” you couldn’t help but be a little curious, looking at him properly now. The two of you hadn’t really talked all that much towards the end of whatever you had.
“They do that a lot here, apparently it’s effective. Been kinda…good, thought we could try it.”
You managed not to roll your eyes at Edward acting like he had been here longer than you. “Alright…talk.”
Edward sighed and looked at you properly. “I shouldn’t have kicked you off the ship.”
You weren’t sure if you would get an actual apology from the man, so you would take what you could get. At least he was trying. “...I shouldn’t have shouted at you in front of the crew,” you said in return, “though, I think that was more embarrassing for me than you.”
“You know how I get when Jack is around, we bring out the worst in each other,” he attempted at some sort of jovial tone, but it didn’t really land.
“Yeah, you do,” you scoffed a little. Everyone knew how Ed and Jack got when they were around each other, it was a headache if nothing else. “But it wasn’t Jack’s fault, Ed. You can’t blame him, you made those decisions,” you reminded him.
Edward nodded, looking something close to remorseful. “You’re right…I’m sorry.” You almost couldn’t believe he was actually apologising. 
“...yeah, me too. I’m over it, really. I moved on,” you shrugged softly. “I admit, I was angry at you for a long time, was angry when I saw you on this ship, but it’s just not worth it and I don’t feel that anger when I look at you anymore. It’s over, what’s done is done.”
“So…we’re cool?” Edward asked carefully. You couldn’t help but wonder if he had tracked you down just because he wanted to put things right or because Stede had convinced him to improve relationships among the crew.
“Yeah, whatever, Ed. We’re cool,” you agreed.
“Okay, great…yeah, okay,” Edward nodded, he looked like he was going to pat you on the shoulder for a moment before choosing not to and leaving instead.
“Ed,” you stopped him, cursing yourself for it when he turned back to you. “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Stede, and you don’t have to tell me, it’s none of my business. He’s odd but he loves a lot, and he really seems to like you. If you hurt him, if you pull the same shit on him that you did on me, I won’t be as forgiving this time,” you warned.
Edward should have been offended, and he would be when he wasn’t so caught off guard, but instead he settled on, “me and Stede aren’t-” and you didn’t let him finish.
“Yeah. You weren’t with a lot of people,” you rolled your eyes. It at least shut him up. “Just don’t fuck it up with him. Either do it right or leave now,” you advised.
The crew had become fond of their eccentric captain and you could honestly see a mutiny happening against the great Blackbeard if he broke Stede’s heart. Edward’s mouth opened to argue but instead just left without another word, letting you get back to your shift.
After that late night, and uncomfortable, conversation with Edward, you had to admit that the tension had eased up. You still wouldn’t call each other friends but you were civil, you could work together, even if you still made a point of reporting and answering more to Stede than him. He seemed to accept that, especially since Izzy behaved the exact same way towards Stede.
Your conversation must have also given Edward a push to consider his feelings for Stede because they had somehow become even closer, attached at the hip all the time. You were glad to see Stede happy and figuring himself out, but you almost felt protective over him. Edward better watch his step, you actually liked that blond dumbass.
You always ate your meals with the crew, ever since you signed on with Stede. You still did, technically, but instead of sitting at the bench with the rest of them, you had tucked yourself into a quiet corner off to the side with Izzy.
Izzy didn’t really like sitting with the crew, he didn’t feel comfortable around them yet, but you liked sitting with Izzy. You usually ate your lunches with Izzy back on the Queen Anne, and occasionally sat together for supper.
“C’mon, you have to admit that Roach’s cooking is way better than whatever our cook was doing,” you teased, waving a chunk of fresh bread between you both.
“It’s…yeah, alright, it’s good. Bonnet wastes a lot of fucking money on this but…yeah, it’s good,” Izzy reluctantly admitted. Like complimenting a chef was so humiliating.
“Hey, it’s not our money, let him spend it and keep us well fed,” you shrugged.
“Ah, so you are still a real pirate after all,” Izzy smiled a little to himself, glad that this crew hadn’t changed you. Maybe you were calmer now, less impulsive, but that often came naturally as time passed, but you were still you.
“Just more house trained,” you joked, earning a small chuckle from the grisly man that warmed your heart. “How was everything after I left?” you couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic, when you had left you had missed the ship you called home and the crew you called family.
“Probably what you’d expect. Your argument threw Ed into one of his moods. It didn’t last too long, a couple of risky raids and things mostly went back to normal,” Izzy shrugged. It was pretty standard for the Queen Anne, though it felt a little tougher without you there.
“Fuck, Iz, it’s been way too long since we’ve properly talked.” Izzy had been on the Revenge for a while now and you felt like you had only really spoken about work. You wanted a proper chance to talk with him, to catch up, to hear about how things were after you left, to tell him how you met Stede and joined his crew, to properly reconnect. “We’re stopping at port in a few days, we’re going out,” you decided.
“Going out?” Izzy cocked an eyebrow, a little taken back by your determination.
“Yep. We’re going ashore, we’re going to whichever tavern you suggest, and we’re hanging out,” you told him, matter of fact.
Normally Izzy wouldn’t like somebody telling him what to do, just assuming he would comply, but instead he only found himself pleased that you were so eager to spend time with him. “...sounds good,” Izzy nodded, fighting off a small smile.
“Roach!” Edward called as he entered the galley, flashing the crew a smile when they looked at him. “Stede said you have more of those yummy cakes,” he turned back to the cook.
“One second, I’ll grab them for you, captain,” Roach nodded, sounding a little irritated, before going to fetch the sugary treats.
Edward lent against the longer table as he waited, only basking in the attention of the crew a little bit, looking around the room until he saw you sitting separately with Izzy. You hadn’t even looked up at his entrance, neither of you had, the two of you talking low enough that the others couldn’t hear you. Like you were in your own little world. 
He didn’t know why it bothered him so much, that you were both too caught up in each other to pay him any attention. He supposed he was just used to naturally demanding it, he had once had your attention and even after you left Izzy had hung on to his every word.
Thankfully, Roach returned with the cakes before Edward could dwell to long on the feeling.
Another month had passed and the two crews had completely found their place together, with more ease than anyone expected. Stede and Edward were still co-captaining and officially courting each other, other than Izzy, Ivan and Fang were the only crew members from the Queen Anne that had decided to stay aboard the Revenge for the long term, and you and Izzy stuck by each other’s side more than you ever had before.
Edward couldn’t believe how much had changed over the last couple of months, all he knew was that this was the most fun he has had for years, maybe ever, and he had Stede to thank for that. That fascinating, loving, man. Stede felt much the same about Edward, happy to indulge in the other man’s affections.
“It’s a clear night, will you please teach me how to navigate by the stars?” Stede asked, not even needing to bat his lashes to have Edward jumping to his feet.
“All you have to do is ask!” Ed grinned, planting a happy kiss to his partner’s lips before guiding him towards the door.
They left the cabin with their arms intertwined, leaning against each other as they emerged onto the deck. There was a lantern lit up on the quarterdeck, most likely whoever had a shift tonight.
“Who’s on watch?” Stede asked, not being the one in charge of creating a rota.
“Not sure. We’ll just tell them we’ll cover for them,” Edward shrugged, also not responsible for the schedule. That was the job of a first mate or quartermaster, not the captains.
The two men quietly walked up to see who’s night they would be making before pausing at the sight. Instead of a tired looking crewmember leaning against the railing, they saw you and Izzy sitting together comfortably, with mugs of something warm in your hands. 
You were leaning against each other, shoulder to shoulder, talking quietly between yourselves. Both captains felt as if they were intruding on something even though they hadn’t yet been caught. 
Occasionally one of you would point up at the sky and discuss something, voices low but light. Izzy spoke, close enough to you that his nose brushed against your temple and quiet enough that the captains couldn’t make out his words, but they did hear you laugh and see him smile in response.
Shaking your head fondly, you placed your mug down safely beside you and lent over to give Izzy a kiss. Just the faint brush of your lips against his that had Izzy leaning in, as if under some sort of spell. 
“Let’s leave them be, Ed,” Stede whispered, giving him a small shake when he didn’t respond. Edward still felt like he was in some sort of shock, unable to protest as Stede guided him away and back to their cabin. They could stargaze another night.
“You’re adorable,” you cooed, loving the way Izzy’s face heated up at any compliment you gave him. Of course, his easy to fluster nature only made complimenting and praising him all the more satisfying for you.
“Fuck off, no I’m not,” Izzy grumbled, even as he lent into your hand that stroked through his hair.
“Yeah, you kind of are, though,” you whispered, almost wistfully. “Can’t believe we didn’t do this sooner.”
Izzy sighed a little. “You were a little preoccupied,” he reminded you.
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you groaned before tenderly pressing your forehead to his. “Can I tell you something?” you asked.
“Sure,” as if he could ever deny you.
“Before I was with Ed…I kinda had a crush on you. Didn’t think you were interested, you were, like…unattainable. Unreachable, y’know? Didn’t seem to take an interest in anybody, especially if they weren’t Edward. And then I started spending time with Ed…and y’know, things just happen,” you confessed, feeling like you had made some silly mistake somewhere along the line.
Izzy closed his eyes for a moment, before pulling away. “I don’t need you to say that to make me feel better.”
“I’m not,” you frowned, keeping your hand against his shoulder but not stopping him from moving away if he wanted to. “I mean it,” you promised.
Izzy looked at you, all glassy eyed and vulnerable in that way he got. You looked genuine, sounded sincere. Anyway, lying really wouldn’t get you anything, nothing he could think of anyway. You didn’t need to convince him of anything, he was already here with you. “You really didn’t know I was sweet on you?” he asked, blushing as if he was confessing feelings that you didn’t already know about.
“Looking back now…it was kind of obvious, I guess. But no, I honestly didn’t know. I was pretty stupid back then, have learnt a lot since. Matured and all that bullshit.” Back then you hadn’t noticed the more quiet affection that Izzy offered, the stolen glances and shy looks, the way he just did things to make your life easier without even acknowledging it. 
You saw those things now, cherished them they way they deserved to be, but back then you had been blind. Izzy hadn’t teased or flirted, hadn’t touched and lent in close at every opportunity, had nervously sat beside you instead of pulling you down onto his lap. He wasn’t the type to pursue and you had overlooked that.
“Would it have changed anything?” Izzy asked, though he wasn’t sure how he wanted you to answer. 
“I don’t know. I’d like to think so,” you confessed. “No point thinking about that now. We’re here now,” you gave him a sweet smile that had him relaxing again.
Right, just like you said. You were here, with him, and you were happy. He was happy. The past was in the past, you were here now. “Yeah, guess we are,” he gave a small smile in response as he leant back into your touch.
You were both still smiling when you kissed him again. Izzy kissed back, just as he always did when it came to you, and let his arms loop around your waist. You didn’t hesitate for a moment, slipping yourself onto his lap.
Ever since he walked in on your date night with Izzy, Edward had been flipping through possible explanations in his mind. He knew that the two of you were friends, all three of you had been, but that night certainly wasn’t purely platonic. Izzy was looking at you the way he always had, with adoration, and you were looking back at him much the same. The same way he would catch Stede looking at him, the way that always made him melt and feel fuzzy inside, made him feel loved and cherished.
It was only a couple nights after the discovery that Edward decided that he just had to speak with you about what you were doing with Izzy. Whether it was serious or not, just friends keeping each other company, just a one time fluke thing, or something else. He had to know…he was captain and it was his responsibility to keep an eye on the crew afterall.
Edward left Stede sleeping in their bed and searched for you, finding that you weren’t sleeping with the rest of the crew. He double and triple checked that you hadn’t just disappeared bundled under a blanket among them before he realised where you must be. You must have been in Izzy’s cabin, which only served to worsen his mood.
Izzy hated sharing a cabin, sharing his cabin. And his space on the Revenge was much smaller than what he had on the Queen Anne, and yet it seems that he let you in. Were you staying in there with him or just every now and again?
Before Edward knew it, he was down in the ship and throwing open the door of the first mate’s cabin. 
Instinctively, you and Izzy jolted awake, ready to defend yourselves from the intruder. The blanket falling to the floor, leaving you both in the underclothes you had gone to bed in.
“Should have fucking known you’d be here,” Edward scoffed, looking at the two of you like you had done something wrong.
“What the fuck, Ed? Is something going on?” Izzy asked, voice even hoarser with sleep but blood pumping through his veins, ready for an impromptu raid or storm.
“I don’t know, you tell me,” Edward retorted petulant.
“Ed?” you groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes now that you knew you weren’t under attack. “What the fuck, man? I’m too tired to try to figure out what you’re talking about,” you grumbled. The sooner he told you what was wrong, the sooner you could tend to it and get back to sleep.
“What’s going on here?” Edward questioned.
You just frowned at him, trying to understand the question. When you did realise what he was talking about, you sighed and rolled your eyes. “Are you serious, Edward?” 
“Told you he’d be pissed,” Izzy muttered, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to get it under control as he grabbed the blanket from the floor.
“And I told you, I don’t give a shit. He needs to get over it,” you huffed back, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Are you doing this to piss me off?” Edward asked, though it sounded more like an accusation than a question.
“Edward-” Izzy began but you cut him off.
“Fucking hell, Edward! Not everything is about you. This isn’t about you,” you couldn’t help but snap, feeling the anger surge up inside you.
“Sure, it isn’t,” Edward scoffed, “you’re fucking my first mate.”
Izzy froze by your side but you could only stare at Edward. “So?” you asked slowly.
“You’re fucking my first mate but it’s not to get back at me,” Edward stated like it was the most obvious thing on this fucking ship.
“It’s not about you!” you snapped again. “I like Izzy, we like each other. We’re giving it a try. Most importantly, it’s none of your business.” At least when this all took a turn for the worst, you could claim that you tried to be reasonable.
“Oh c’mon. Izzy was always following you around like a stray, drooling over you. You’re telling me you’re not just fucking him because you know he’s obsessed with you and it would make me look bad.”
Izzy looked away from you both, suddenly finding the thread count of his blanket incredibly interesting. Clearly he must have shared some of Edward’s thoughts and that only made you angrier.
“Fuck you, Ed,” you snarled, suddenly protective, “Izzy has always been my friend, you know that.”
Whenever Edward would disappear for an undisclosed amount of time, usually when Jack was around but not always, it was you and Izzy that would maintain the ship together. It was Izzy you would spend your time with, and after getting over your initial annoyance with Edward’s disappearing act, you would find yourself not even caring that much. You and Izzy had always been close, always been there for each other, and Edward knew that.
“It’s my fault that I didn’t realise what I felt for him before. I’m trying to make that right now,” you were seconds away from jumping up from the cot and shoving him out of Izzy’s cabin.
Edward’s glare turned dangerously neutral. “We’re you fucking him when we were together?” 
“Fuck you!” Without even realising, you were up on your feet, stepping up to Edward. Izzy shot to his feet behind you, standing still and careful. “You don’t get to make accusations like that,” you spat at the dread pirate captain. When Edward only snarled back, you swallowed down your rage and spoke stiffly. “No. I wasn’t fucking him, but maybe I should’ve been. Maybe I should have just been with him instead of you in the first fucking place.”
“...fuck you,” Edward growled. “Is it because I’m with Stede now?”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself as you stepped back from him, you were not going to have this argument. You had to be better than this. You could deny it all you liked and it would be the complete truth, but Edward would believe what he wanted until he calmed down.
“Get out, Edward,” you ordered lowly. You didn’t give him a chance to protest even when he tried, “get out now and I won’t tell Stede that you’re such a jealous fuck.”
Edward gave another snarl before storming off, you were just glad that it was that easy to get rid of him. The door slammed behind him, shaking on its hinges.
You let out a breath and turned around, watching as Izzy tugged his pants on. You didn’t know what to say, partly hoping Izzy might speak, partly hoping neither of you had to speak and could just let things settle down for a moment. 
Unfortunately, Izzy did speak. His words making you ache. 
“Maybe you should go…”
“It’s not worth it,” Izzy wouldn’t even meet your gaze, wouldn't even look at you.“You know how Ed can get…” 
“What’s not worth it, exactly?” you asked, not taking your eyes off of him even if he refused to look at you.
“Me. I’m not worth it,” his gaze snapped up to meet your own, something heartbreaking about it.
“Iz, love-” 
“Are you just doing this to piss off Ed?” he asked. He was accusing you but it sounded like he believed it well enough, that there was just a part of him hoping that you would deny it.
“No!” you answered sternly, not wanting to leave any room for doubt. “Izzy, that’s not what-do you really think that?” your voice cracked. Had Izzy been worried about this the whole time?
“I’m not Blackbeard. Either you are doing this because he’d hate it or because I’ve always just been your second choice,” Izzy concluded sorrowfully.
“Izzy, no. Please listen to me,” you pleaded, ready to beg as much as he needed, as you walked up to him. “When I came back to the ship and saw you and Ed, I was more excited to see you, you were my best friend. Seeing you again made me realise some things. This honestly isn’t about Ed, it’s about us,” you promised.
“You know he can get jealous.” Even Izzy wasn’t completely sure what he meant by that, if he was accusing you of some plot or warning you of how Edward might react.
“I know, which is why I was hoping it would take longer for him to find out. How could I have been doing this to get a reaction out of Edward when I didn’t even want him finding out yet?” you asked and Izzy had to admit that you made a good point. 
“Izzy,” you gently took one of his hands in yours. “Look, neither me nor Ed were great in that relationship. We weren’t good for each other in the long run but we had fun and got into trouble, and maybe that was what I wanted then but it’s not what I want now. Now, I want somebody to care for and have care for me, somebody to rely on and love. I want something real, a real love that doesn’t just burn out. And I want that with you, Iz-love.”
“I want that with you too,” Izzy breathed out, like speaking any louder might break him. 
“I promise you. Whether Ed was here or not, I’d want you, I’d want to be with you. If Ed wasn’t with Stede, if he was single, even if he wanted me back, I don’t want him anymore. It’s you that I think about nearly every second of every day. I’m crazy about you, Iz,” you confessed, nothing you hadn’t already tried to tell him over the last month.
Overwhelmed with feelings, so much having happened in the last few minutes, Izzy knew he had to do something but he couldn’t find the words to fit. Instead, he surged forward to meet you in a clumsy but passionate kiss, needing to get those emotions out, needing you to feel them. And you did, giving just as good as you got, clinging right back to him.
This wouldn’t be the last time you had to defend your relationship to Edward in some way but it felt like a strong start. You hoped that now that Ed had got out his initial outburst he would calm enough to do a little introspection. You hoped that he would see that nobody took anything from anyone, that he now got to be happy and now so did you and Izzy. 
Either way, Edward would just have to accept it because you had taken Izzy for granted once, lost him once, and you wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
Ed takes a day off that honestly is just him getting to sleep in bc the plot interrupts said day for him unfortunately.
Note that this wasn't going to end sadly but then...there I was and now I made myself sad ☹️
No one dies, but there is a loss. A beautifully designed, many-secret-passageway'd loss. Stede cries over it and tbh I nearly did too by the end so I'd weepily join him in a sobbing session over this.
I gotta write something happy and/or smutty tonight yet to balance this, but for now, have at.
He wakes, face smooshed into a pillow instead of Stede's chest.
Not ideal.
Less ideal is that the room is empty and the sun has clearly been up for awhile now and-
It clicks. He can sleep in today. Barring an emergency, of course, they should come get him then, but since there isn't one...
"Nah," Ed waves away his leathers, sitting on the patch of floor where he'd stripped them off for Stede. "You guys go on ahead without me."
He giggles to himself, and faceplants into the pillow again.
Not as good as Stede's tits. But good enough for now, while he sleeps until he decides he actually wants to be awake.
"We aren't waking him!" Stede hisses. "I've got this!"
'This' is a tentacle. A long, heavy tentacle that has slapped up out of the sea and onto the ship, holding it firmly where it is.
"Maybe he'd prefer not to see a tentacle anyway," Izzy remarks, and Stede catches his eyes.
The Dutch fuckery comes back to mind. Izzy's right. This is one of Ed's first days to relax and use as he wants, however. The last thing he needs or probably would want is this.
"Buttons," Stede turns back to the helm. "Any ancient sea magics to rid us of this beast?"
"Aye," Buttons nods. "Called an oar."
"What oar is long enough to reach that?"
"Tie it to another one," Buttons continues. "Till it reaches."
"And it'll let go?"
Buttons chuckles. Then giggles, then laughs, until he's bent over at the waist cackling with Olivia hopping around him in apparent concern.
Then, she lets out a call that sounds suspiciously like seagull laughter.
"Alright," Stede scowls. "It isn't that funny."
He turns to a red-faced Izzy.
"Sorry," Izzy says, muffled by the hand over his mouth. "I'm not laughing at you. I promised Ed I wouldn't-"
"Just shut up!" Stede snaps. He's heard of ships being pulled to the depths this way, but no one seems as concerned about it as he is. "Unless you intend to actually be helpful for once!"
"Well now," Lucius pipes up. "That's not entirely fair. He's always done stuff. Even made us do stuff on occasion. Did you even see the new chore wheel?"
"The what?!"
"Chore wheel!" Lucius continues with an eye roll. "I told you ab-never mind. Look, I really don't th-"
There's a deep groan and straining in the ship's wooden panels, and she rocks hard before slamming back to her usual position.
Then, the wet, slimy slap of another tentacle, maybe two, this time on the other side of her.
"Oh for fuck's sake," Stede sighs. "What if we just kill it?"
A gallery of offended faces greets him.
"Okay, no killing it then, geez. It might kill us first but whatever," he can't help but spit at them. "Leave me to it then! I'll figure it out all alone!"
He's in a lovely dream.
Stede, shirtless, rowing them in a dinghy along the sea. Not for any escape, just as a little outing.
However, each time he rows, there's an oddly slimy slap into the water.
"Did you do something to the oars?" Ed asks Dream Stede. "They shouldn't sound like that. Sounds more like-"
He topples out of bed at the slosh of water at the windows, and the shadow of a tentacle near it.
"He's being stubborn; let him be stubborn," Izzy says. "I did it all the time and I'm f-"
He frowns. "Never mind. Bonnet! Wait up, please."
"Even the 'please' thrown in there," Lucius teases. "Look at you."
"Just make sure everyone else gets back to work," Izzy sighs. "For now, at least. If things get worse, then we'll call folks back to help as needed."
"Okay," Lucius smiles, and turns to Pete. "Babe, could you go do that? I should really document this for the new journal."
"Exactly what I was thinking," Pete kisses his cheek. "Consider it done."
Izzy watches him walk off. "There's no work getting done, is there?"
"Awww," Lucius takes his arm gently. "No. Not even a little. Because we're being attacked by a possible, though seemingly very lazy, sea monster. Sort of hard to concentrate with that going on."
By the time they've found Stede, he's already tied several oars together with rope, and is smacking the first tentacle as hard as he can.
"You can swim!" he screams. "You don't even need a ship! There's nothing on here for you!"
"Buttons' ancient sea magic isn't working?" Izzy asks, regret immediately flooding him as soon as he says it.
Stede leans back up from over the rail, and glares. "Does it fucking look like it, Israel?"
He shouldn't laugh. Normally, someone using his full name like that would piss him off. But the entire thing is ridiculous, painfully so, at least for now...
He leans into Lucius, dampening his laughter in his shoulder.
"There, there," Lucius sighs. "He was worried about you."
"He was not, and he isn't now!"
Izzy lifts his head, wipes the tears from his eyes, and smiles. "I am, in that you're a member of the crew like anyone else, and I don't want anyone falling off the ship trying to fight this thing. We'll try something else instead of that, maybe-"
"What?" Stede tosses the oar monstrosity to the deck floor. "What the fuck else would you suggest?"
"Okay," Lucius says softly. "I think we're all a little worried about things right now, but-"
"Oh shut it!" Stede snaps, and yanks the oar back up before leaning over to resume his tapping of the beast.
"Wow," Lucius scoffs. "Yeah, I'm recording that. He can feel bad about that later, reading it in here."
Izzy frowns. "No, he can feel bad about it now, I think."
Before he can take a step over to ask Bonnet if he thinks that's how a captain ought to speak to his crew in a panicky moment, the ship rocks hard again.
"I hate you!" Stede bellows to the tentacle. "You are literally the worst!"
The first tentacle he sees doesn't concern him. One isn't so bad.
The second, third, fourth, and fifth are concerning though.
"What's our game pl-" Ed pauses. "What is he doing?"
"Captain Asshole is taking out his frustrations on the sea monster," Lucius sighs impatiently. "But he's only frustrated because he won't stop to try anything else to get rid of it!"
He looks to Izzy, who nods.
"Honestly, we didn't help though. I mean, we came over here to help, but before this we all...we didn't handle this well."
"Kinda got that idea," Ed says. "We should be abandoning ship before the thing gets more curious and yanks us down to see what we are."
"That can happen?" Lucius asks. "Wait, actually, don't tell me yet. I'm gonna go get everyone ready to abandon and...yeah, I'm moving, meet you at the dinghies!"
He jogs off, and Ed turns his attention to Izzy.
"Look, whatever happened before...just be honest with me. Did he panic because he didn't want to wake me up?"
Izzy nods again. "Normally, I would have gone to you regardless, but you did ask me, when I swore my pledge of loyalty to Bonnet, to try and abide his orders first. Well."
He gestures to Stede, still bent over the deck rail, shouting wordlessly as he slaps the everloving shit out of the tentacle.
"We'll keep working on it," Ed sighs. "Go gather your things, then whatever you can of mine and Stede's. We'll grab the rest ourselves. If we take a bit, then just start getting the others out on the boats, and-"
He stops himself. "What am I talking about, you know what to do for this. Sorry, go on."
Izzy speed walks off, and finally, there's Stede.
"Hey," he leans on the rail by Stede. "So, in theory, the ship might survive this. If she does, we can row back and see if repairs can be made, and if they're economical. If they are, great, we get to work and then sail off. If not, or if she gets pulled under..."
Stede's arms stop, and he leans back off the rail with a groan.
"Ed," he says, looking utterly miserable and defeated. "She's my first ship. I helped draw up her plans, and I swore I'd do anything I could to keep her safe, or I'd go down with her."
Ed nods. "Were we in a situation that demanded that, sure. But something like this? No one will care if the captain went down with his ship. Besides, squid are curious, and this one probably just wants to figure out what the ship is. Sometimes they let ships go."
"I didn't even think they would or could do this! I expected at least an actual sea monster!"
"I don't think it's like, a squid hobby," Ed says. "And not many that I've seen are this big, or act this way. But some are, and some do, and I've watched people get pulled under while trying to salvage their vessels."
He stands and pulls Stede into a hug. "The first loss is never easy, but this might not be that. We don't know yet, and we can't unless we get away to safety then keep an eye on her. Alright?"
"I shouldn't cry over this," is sniffled into the leather of his jacket. "Stupid."
"Not stupid," Ed murmurs. "I cried after I ran one of my first aground. Felt like the biggest idiot and worst person in the world when we realised we couldn't get her free, and even if we did, she was too badly damaged-"
Tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He can't help it.
"She was a damn good ship, just like this one. And maybe our lady here will fare better. But even if she does, you can't help fix and sail her if a squid is using you to play pirates at the bottom of the sea."
Stede doesn't argue when Ed leads him away, towards the remaining dinghy, and the assemblage of tied oars is left on the deck.
"I grabbed everything," Izzy says as they step carefully into the boat. "I figured..."
His voice trails off as Stede hiccups and snuggles closer into Ed's arms.
They end up floating near the rest of the crew, fairly far away from the ship in case she should break apart or be pulled below.
Izzy wraps one of Stede's oversized velvet robes around their shoulders. "Lucius and Roach made sure food was in each one of these. I'll unpack and see what we've got."
"I'm good," Stede says, voice wobbling. "Not much of an appetite now."
"Fair enough," Izzy sighs. "Ed?"
Before he can answer Izzy, an alarming amount of additional, larger tentacles rise out of the blue, only to slam in The Revenge's middle, splitting her nearly in half.
He reaches a hand back and grabs Izzy hard. The ensuing waves might not be the biggest, but he doesn't want anyone in the water right now.
That's not a squid. Probably not. Not like any he's seen before, even the big ones.
Stede dives back into his shoulder, face pressed there and shoulders shaking.
"I know," Ed murmurs. "If it helps, I don't know what the fuck that thing is. Technically, I think we just made some sort of history with this."
Stede sniffles. "Really?"
"Yeah. Lucius is over there sketching away, and-"
Stede pops up from his shoulder. "We can commemorate her in a story about this!"
"Yeah. Once we're somewhere safer, we can. Like an inn, maybe not right near the beach."
"Ed, I can't row us away if you don't let go of me," Izzy says gently. "The others are looking here for some direction. I know it's a bit of a crapshoot, but...what way are we headed?"
Ed blinks, and watches the tentacles finally crush completely through the ship's middle, sinking most of her down below the waves. "Any direction that isn't that one."
"Got it," Izzy says, and Ed can feel him gesturing motioning the others to row away from the scene.
But he doesn't let go of Izzy's other arm. Not yet.
He's not ready, and he can tell Stede isn't either.
Besides that, someone needs to witness her final moments, before the last bit of The Revenge is gone for good to the depths.
So they sit, a trio in a violently rocked dinghy, as the beast drags their home to Davy Jones's Locker.
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august-anon · 2 years
On a Scale From One to Ten
This has been finished in my backlog since November of 2021 it's time for it to be free lol. Also, I barely edited this. I edited certain sections of it, but it is SO long and i am tired lol, so it is going out into the world as-is.
Fandom: Shadowhunters
Ship(s): Malec
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Magnus/Ler!Alec
Word Count: 6880 words
Summary: Magnus can't recall where he's ticklish, or if he even is at all. Alec is more than happy to help him rediscover.
[ao3 link]
Alec was left panting for breath on the training room floor, grin still plastered in place. Tear tracks were streaming down his cheeks, but he made no effort to wipe them away just yet, instead basking in the loose-limbed, forced-relaxation of a tickle fight well-lost.
Not that he would’ve lost, if his siblings had played fair. Izzy and Jace would be on the floor in his place right now if they hadn’t planned a surprise attack, cheating by activating their runes. He was absolutely getting them back for that, but revenge could wait for now. If Alec remembered correctly—
“Well well, I see you’re all working very hard.”
—Magnus was picking him up from the Institute that night, to ensure he actually left on time for once. Alec’s workaholic tendencies may or may not have been getting the better of him lately. Maybe that was why his siblings had planned such a seemingly-random attack. It certainly got him to relax, after all. He didn’t feel like trying to go back to work, at least.
He heard Izzy and Jace’s laughter as they greeted Magnus and fled the training room, probably fearing revenge. And while Alec’s revenge would certainly be unforgiving, it could wait until he got to spend an uninterrupted evening with his boyfriend.
Alec finally sat up and brushed away the lingering tear tracks as he heard Magnus approaching. Once his feet entered Alec’s line of sight, he glanced up and gave Magnus a tired grin. Magnus smiled back, offering him a hand up.
“I see your siblings are keeping you in your proper place.”
Alec snorted, pulling himself to his feet with Magnus’s help. “Please, they’ll be sleeping with one eye open until I put them out of their misery and get them back.”
Magnus smiled again, leaning up to press a chaste kiss to his lips. “I was going to ask if you wanted to walk home, but after that display I think I’ll take pity.”
Before Alec could protest that he was fine, Magnus had already created a portal right there in the training room. Alec rolled his eyes, but shot a fond look at Magnus nonetheless. He allowed Magnus to lead him through the portal, suddenly finding himself in the living area of the loft, and pulled Magnus close. He leaned down and pressed a much less innocent kiss to Magnus’s lips now that they were alone.
“I have to say,” Magnus said when they pulled back, a mischievous tilt to his lips, “I never would’ve guessed that the great Alexander Lightwood is ticklish.” He tweaked Alec’s side for emphasis.
Alec jerked away with a small yelp, a smile fighting onto his lips once more. He held up his hands, prepared to defend himself, but Magnus made no move to attack again. Alec eyed him warily.
“Don’t worry,” Magnus said, even as he eyed Alec predatorily. “I wouldn’t attack you so soon after your last defeat. You’d tire out far too quickly for my taste.”
He patted Alec on the cheek before starting to make his way toward the kitchen. Alec snorted and followed behind.
“How kind of you.”
Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus’s waist, nuzzling his nose behind Magnus’s ear. Magnus hummed and leaned back into him, and Alec saw his eyelashes flutter shut.
“What about you?” Alec asked.
Magnus tilted his head just enough for Alec to catch his expression: a bemused frown. “What about me?”
Alec grinned and tightened his grip on Magnus’s waist. “Is the great High Warlock of Brooklyn ticklish?”
Alec expected bravado. He expected a scoff, good natured teasing, and a coy invitation for Alec to find out for himself. He expected a quick laugh before a swift and magical revenge.
What he didn’t expect was for Magnus’s frown to deepen as he laced his fingers with Alec’s own, still resting on his stomach. Magnus’s eyes flitted around the kitchen, searching for something he couldn’t quite seem to grasp, though their gaze was far too distant to be looking for anything actually in the loft.
“I… can’t actually recall,” Magnus said eventually, his brows furrowing. “I suppose it’s been a long time since anyone’s tried.”
Alec frowned. “I guess immortality would lead to some memories being lost to time.”
They were quiet for a few moments more, until Magnus spoke up again, his voice soft. “I wouldn’t mind rediscovering that,” he said. “So long as it’s with you.”
Alec pressed a lingering kiss to Magnus’s temple, pulling away despite how much he wished he could remain wrapped around Magnus for the rest of their lives. Magnus pressed a kiss to the back of his hand before Alec could move away completely.
“Maybe after dinner?” Alec offered. He smirked and added, “You’ll need your energy to make it through one of my attacks.”
“Ah, yes, the famed Older Brother Tickle Attacks. I’ve heard many rumors about such a thing.”
Magnus grinned, but there was definitely an edge of embarrassment to his smile. Alec kissed the corner of that grin and moved further into the kitchen, starting to pull ingredients out of the fridge. It took a few moments before Magnus followed behind and started helping with dinner.
There was an odd tension in the air the rest of the night. It wasn’t necessarily a bad sort of tension, but the two of them certainly felt the threats and promises just made looming over them. Alec couldn’t help but rake his eyes over Magnus’s figure multiple times over the course of the night, which he usually did anyway, but now with completely different intentions. Magnus clearly sensed it, because he was fidgeting and fumbling all night.
It was kind of cute. And definitely a nice change of pace, considering Alec was the one used to being flustered and fumbling in their relationship.
They both hesitated once their plates were cleared. Though Alec usually cleaned up himself, finding the actions of cleaning soothing and calming (well, so long as it wasn’t a huge mess), Magnus snapped the plates clean and back into the cupboard. Magnus twisted the rings on his fingers.
“So,” Alec said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Do you still wanna do this? Or was it just… playful joking around, earlier.”
It was certainly a new experience for Alec. He had never planned to tickle someone before. It had always just happened in the heat of the moment. Whether it was Jace being obnoxious and needing to be taken down a peg, or Izzy being too nosy for her own good and needing a warning, or Max just being annoying and needing to be kept busy, he had never negotiated the situation beforehand.
“We can still do this,” Magnus said, spinning his rings a little faster. “If you want to.”
“Yeah! Uh, yeah. How do we do this?”
Magnus shrugged. “Bedroom?”
Alec shrugged back and nodded. “Bedroom.”
As they walked there, Magnus habitually snapped them into lounge clothes. Alec suddenly found himself in a comfortably worn t-shirt and sweatpants. Glancing at Magnus, he saw that he was in a pair of loose lounge pants and one of his ornate robes. Based off Magnus’s usual habits, Alec was betting he wasn’t wearing a shirt under it.
Alec swallowed, taking a deep breath.
Magnus spread his arms as they walked into the room. “Where do you want me?”
Alec gestured awkwardly with his hand. “On--on the bed? Just, lay down?”
Magnus started toward the bed, but Alec caught him by the arm before he could get very far. He pulled Magnus back in and picked at the knot in the robe’s belt around Magnus’s waist, smirking when their eyes met. Magnus still had a smirk on his own face, but Alec could see his throat bob as he swallowed. Alec’s smirk widened into a teasing grin as he finished untying the robe, pushing it off Magnus’s shoulders. Magnus magicked it away into the closet before it hit the ground.
“Now get on the bed,” Alec murmured, skimming a hand up Magnus’s stomach and chest.
Magnus didn’t break eye contact as he sat on the edge of the bed, slowly crawling backwards until he could rest against the pillows. Alec raised an eyebrow and stalked toward the bed, cracking his knuckles.
“What do you say?” He asked Magnus. “Should we go from the top down? Or start at the bottom?”
Magnus toyed with the cuff on his ear, watching Alec’s every move like a hawk. “You’re the one in charge, darling. You tell me.”
Alec brushed his fingers across the top of Magnus’s foot. “Well, since I’m already down here.”
“Efficient as always, Alexander.”
Alec cocked his head. “How ticklish do you think your feet are gonna be?”
Magnus raised his eyebrows. “Are you asking me to rate how ticklish you think I am?”
“Yeah. How ticklish do you think your feet are?”
Magnus scoffed. “I don’t know, a three? How ticklish can feet be?”
Alec chuckled a little under his breath. “I didn’t tell you this, but touch Jace’s feet and he’ll scream.”
Alec didn’t waste anymore time, touching his fingertips down to the arches of Magnus’s feet. Magnus jumped, his feet jerking away a little before he quickly moved them back into place. A small grin tugged at his lips.
“Better stay still,” Alec teased, bringing his dull nails into the equation. “You don’t want me to have to pin you.”
Magnus hummed, though the noise was a bit wobbly. “Careful,” he said. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
Alec rolled his eyes, but kept his fingers moving. Moving down toward Magnus’s heels made his twitching almost-squirms stop nearly completely, while moving up to the balls of his feet got both his toes and his nose to go all scrunchy. Alec knew better than to say so out loud, but it was incredibly adorable.
Magnus still wasn’t laughing, however. There were little huffs of breath, and sometimes a poorly-hidden gasp, and while his squirming clearly showed that it tickled somewhat, it didn’t seem to tickle enough to make him laugh. Maybe Magnus was right when he guessed that his feet would only be a three. 
But then Alec peeled back his scrunching toes and tickled the skin under them. Magnus gasped loudly and jerked forward into a sitting position, one hand flying up over his mouth and the other gripping his thigh tightly. His feet jumped again, but Magnus couldn’t pull them away while Alec had such a strong grip on his toes.
Alec grinned. “Oh, this is going to be fun.”
Magnus reached a hand out toward Alec, nervousness and excitement warring on his face. “Now, Alexander, let’s talk about this--”
Alec raised an eyebrow. “We did talk about this.”
Magnus opened his mouth, probably to try and bargain with Alec again, but all that came tumbling out were frantic giggles as Alec scratched at the stems of his toes. Magnus tilted his head back and thrashed on the bed, fighting to get his feet out of Alec’s grip without success.
“It tickles!” Magnus cried through his giggling.
“Well I would hope so,” Alec said. “That is the whole point of this.”
A sound that could nearly be described as a squeal escaped Magnus’s mouth when Alec managed to wiggle a finger into the space between two of his toes. Alec made sure to do it again and again and again, just to hear that adorable sound over and over. Eventually, though, Magnus managed to free one of his feet from Alec’s grip, flailing it wildly in Alec’s direction as he kept tickling at the toes of the other foot. Alec had mercy on Magnus then, if only for his own safety. Magnus immediately drew both his feet back and bent his legs to place his soles safely against the bed.
“How would you rank them now?” Alec asked cheekily, reaching up to skitter his fingers briefly over the tops of Magnus’s feet before grabbing his ankles and stretching his legs back out again.
“A fifteen,” Magnus grumbled, throwing an arm over his face.
Alec laughed. “If you think that’s as ticklish as you’re gonna get, you’re in for a rude surprise.”
“Fine. My feet were about a three, I was right. But my toes,” Magnus paused and hummed in thought. “From what I’ve heard described about the sensation, I’d say perhaps a four or five.”
Alec nodded climbing onto the bed to settle next to Magnus’s legs. He toyed with the cuff of Magnus’s lounge pants, fingers just barely brushing Magnus’s ankles and calves in the process.
“Rate your calves,” Alec said.
Magnus shot Alec a bewildered look. “My calves? Alexander, I know I couldn’t recall if I was ticklish, but my calves certainly aren’t.”
Alec raised his eyebrows. “I used to think that too, and then I found out that Clary has ticklish elbows. Now I’m pretty convinced that you can be ticklish anywhere.”
Magnus grinned. “Well well, you’re just giving away all sorts of information today, aren’t you?”
Alec pointed a finger at him. “If anyone asks, it wasn’t me. Now rate your calves.”
Magnus rolled his eyes, though he was still smiling. “A zero.”
Alec then pushed up Magnus’s lounge pants until they were bunched up just above his knees. He carefully dragged his fingers back down Magnus’s shins, watching his face carefully for any reactions. Magnus just closed his eyes. When he lifted Magnus’s legs up slightly to try and tickle at the backs of his calves, Magnus only sighed, relaxing deeper into the bed. A smile was twitching at his lips, but there wasn’t much more of that.
“Probably a one, if even that,” Magnus said when Alec pulled his hands away. “It was more relaxing than anything.”
Alec hummed. “Knees?”
Magnus stretched, then snapped his fingers. His lounge pants were suddenly gone, replaced by a pair of very short, very tight shorts. Alec swallowed.
“Those pants were going to get uncomfortable if you kept shoving them up my thighs,” Magnus said with a wink. “As for my knees, my guess is maybe a four?”
Alec wasted no time, latching his hands onto the pressure points above each kneecap and squeezing. Magnus immediately burst into wild giggles, tugging his legs up. It was probably instinctual, but Alec gave him a warning tut before pulling Magnus’s legs back down and settling over his calves, not even pausing before latching his fingers back onto that spot.
“Alexander!” Magnus shrieked.
“What?” Alec asked, a teasing grin tugging at his lips. “You were getting in the way of the experiment.”
Alec kept squeezing away for a few moments longer, listening to Magnus’s hiccuping giggles with a bright smile, before placing all his fingers together in the center of Magnus’s kneecap, blossoming them outward and inward. Magnus squealed again, wordlessly this time, and darted forward, reaching for Alec’s hands. Alec tossed Magnus’s hands off his wrists and gave his kneecaps a warning squeeze, grinning when Magnus jolted.
“Hands to yourself,” Alec said in warning.
Magnus cut his own protest off with a gasp as Alec’s fingers found their way behind his knees. His bright giggles finally started bordering on real, loud laughter and his legs frantically bounced under Alec’s weight as best they could. Alec chuckled and skittered his nails on the thin skin behind Magnus’s knees. Magnus clutched the golden sheets desperately in his fists as he tossed his head back against the pillows.
“What would you rate it, now?” Alec asked, not stopping his tickling this time.
“How ticklish are your knees, Magnus?”
“Hm? How ticklish are they, Magnus? More than you thought?”
“I don’t know!”
Alec laughed and had mercy, pulling his hands away from Magnus’s knees and running them comfortingly up and down Magnus’s thighs. Magnus watched his hands warily, clearly waiting for the next attack. This was a lot more fun than Alec had been expecting, and he was already expecting it to be fun.
“Rating?” Alec asked, the very picture of innocence.
Magnus tried to glare at him, but it was rather ineffective with how he was panting for breath and still smiling slightly. “Six.”
Alec dug his thumbs into Magnus’s thighs, trying to massage more than tickle, but Magnus still jolted. Alec grinned, leaning forward.
“Tiring out on me already?”
Magnus narrowed his eyes. “Bring your worst, Lightwood.”
Alec raised his eyebrows. “You’re gonna regret that.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Big talk. Rate your thighs.”
Magnus squirmed under his gaze. “Five?”
Alec nodded and began his attack. He started with soft little pinches on the outside of Magnus’s thighs, watching intently as Magnus’s nose scrunched up with giggles. He was barely even squirming, so Alec swiftly moved onto the tops of his thighs, dragging his nails and wiggling his fingers against the skin. Magnus giggled a little louder, his legs starting to bounce a little under Alec’s weight again, so Alec stayed there a little longer than he had on the outsides.
And then Alec moved onto the insides of Magnus’s thighs, digging his fingers in to search out the ticklish spots. Magnus’s eyes went wide as he burst into cackles, suddenly sitting bolt upright. His hands flailed, moving to stop Alec’s devious fingers before he remembered Alec’s warning and twisted his fingers back into the sheets.
“I think this might be a little more than five,” Alec said.
“Alec, please!”
Alec raised his eyebrows. “Damn, I just got ‘Alec’d for the second time, this must tickle pretty bad.”
Alec squeezed Magnus’s thighs, grinning as they bounced frantically under his fingers. “No? It doesn’t? Then why can’t you say my name?”
“Tell you what,” Alec said, switching between scratching, squeezing, and digging his fingers into the sensitive skin, “if you can say my name, I’ll stop.”
Magnus clearly wanted to protest his perceived unfairness, but wisely chose to save his breath. “Alexan--ah, no!”
Magnus cut himself off with a squeal. Alec had managed to find an especially sweet spot high up on Magnus’s inner thigh, digging into the little patch of skin with fervor. His hands flew up and attached themselves to Alec’s wrists, but Alec decided to let it slide. This time.
“Ooh, so close!” Alec said. “You wanna try again?”
“Come on,” Alec said, probably getting far too much joy out of this. “You can do it, Magnus.”
The word was practically a wail, and Alec decided to have mercy. Magnus collapsed back into the bed, going boneless as he panted for breath. Residual giggles bubbled out of his lips at random intervals, and Alec just grinned down at him as he watched Magnus recover.
“You,” Magnus said between deep breaths., “are so getting it later.”
Alec smirked. “If you can catch me before I get you.”
Magnus raised his eyebrows and his hand, his fingers twisting in a complicated motion as a blue light weaved them. Before Alec had even processed that, there was an unbearably tingling, tickling feeling spreading up his sides and into his ribs, getting dangerously close to his armpits. Alec wrapped his arms around himself and cackled, doubling over with the force of it. He nearly squirmed himself right off of Magnus’s legs.
“You forget, my darling,” Magnus said, his voice far too smug for someone who was supposed to be getting tickled into oblivion. “I have magic. You only have power over me because I let you.”
“Okay!” Alec cried, trying desperately to block the tickles with his arms (and failing because it felt like they were coming from inside him). “Okay, I’m sorry!”
Another twist of Magnus’s fingers had the tickling buzzes that had filled his body slowly tapering off. Alec rubbed at his ribcage, trying to get rid of the lingering tingles that kept him in light giggles. He glanced up at Magnus’s smirking face.
“Would you like to rank your experience?” He asked. “Actually, no, why don’t you save it? We can have a repeat performance later, with you as the victim.”
Alec squeezed his knee in warning, smiling a little at the squawk it elicited. “Shut up. Rate your thighs.”
Magnus sighed. “That was by far the worst one yet, but I refuse to go about handing out tens willy-nilly.”
“And so the consensus is?”
Magnus hummed. “Probably an eight.” 
“Damn,” Alec said. “All that screaming and you’re saying eight?” A slow grin spread over Alec’s face. “I can’t wait to see what your ten is.”
Magnus raised his hand again. “Shall we see what your ten is?”
Alec held his hands up in a placating motion, but the grin on his face didn’t budge. Magnus rolled his eyes and settled back against the bed, folding his arms comfortably behind his head. Alec scooted up his legs so he was sitting on Magnus’s thighs.
“What’s next?” Magnus asked.
Alec tapped his fingers teasingly against the muscle between Magnus’s hips and thighs. A wobbly smile forced its way onto Magnus’s face as his hips wiggled.
“Guess on your hips.”
“Well, I was outrageously low on my thighs,” Magnus mused, tilting his head back. “I should guess higher this time. Perhaps an eight as well?”
Alec hummed. “It would make sense.” He suddenly dug into the muscle between Magnus’s hips and thighs for a brief moment, making Magnus bark out a quick laugh. “They are rather close together.”
Magnus huffed, waving a hand through the air. “Get on with it already.”
Alec’s hands skittered up to Magnus’s hips. Along with being short and tight, the shorts Magnus had conjured were also low-rise, leaving his hip bones perfectly exposed. He had clearly thought the clothing choice through. Alec was able to scratch all around the bones and Magnus’s pantline without any hindrance. Magnus howled, bucking his hips in an attempt to throw Alec off.
“Well?” Alec asked, watching Magnus squeeze his eyes shut in laughter. “How’s it ranking so far?”
Magnus slapped his hands against the mattress, twisting his fingers into the sheets again. He seemed to be taking Alec’s warnings to not interfere to heart, again, which made Alec grin. He started squeezing at Magnus’s hips instead, and Magnus shot up into a sitting position, grabbing at Alec’s hands.
Or maybe he didn’t take them to heart.
“Better get those hands back, Magnus,” Alec warned with a grin, shaking the hands off his wrists once more. “I don’t think you want to know what’ll happen if you can’t listen.”
Magnus seemed to almost whine through his laughter. Alec pulled his hands back instantly, worried he had gone too far. Magnus looked up, his brow furrowed.
“Are you okay?” Alec was quick to ask.
Magnus smiled and propped himself up on his elbows. “I’m fine, that was just…”
Alec cocked his head to the side. “Just what? Did I go too far?”
Magnus bit his lip. “No. Actually, it was kind of hot.”
Alec couldn’t help but laugh. “Really?”
“Hey, you’ve got your hands all over my hips and then you come in with that take-charge attitude. You expect that not to be hot?”
Alec laughed again, shaking his head. “We’ll come back to that later.”
Magnus wiggled his hips and raised an eyebrow. “You promise?”
“Let’s finish this game and then we’ll see if you still have the energy,” Alec said, grabbing Magnus’s hips to hold them still.
Magnus groaned and rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’d say my hips are about a seven.”
Alec hummed. “What about your stomach? Should we lump stomach and sides together?”
Magnus waved his hand, laying back on the bed. “Keep them separate. Sides I’d guess maybe… five? Stomach maybe a six.”
Alec nodded, touching his fingers down on Magnus’s sides, just below his ribs. He dragged his nails down until he reached the very top of Magnus’s hips, then dragged them back up again. Magnus gasped loudly and did a full-body squirm, his eyes crinkling with how hard he was giggling.
“You’re so cute,” Alec murmured, barely even aware he was speaking aloud.
“Shut up,” Magnus managed through his giggling.
Alec started squeezing his sides in retaliation and Magnus arched his back for a moment before crashing back to the bed. His giggling quickly turned into full-blown laughter as he continued to wiggle back and forth, trying to dislodge Alec’s hands. Alec decided to play with the sensations, squishing Magnus’s flesh with his fingers on one side and scratching and skittering his fingers across the skin on the other. Magnus started snorting in laughter, going so far as to roll back and forth as much as he could with Alec sitting on his thighs.
“Keep still!” Alec laughed, grabbing Magnus’s sides and trying to hold him still.
Instead, it just made Magnus yelp and squirm more as Alec’s grip accidentally squeezed him in a too-ticklish way. Magnus shook his head, burying one hand in his hair while the other gripped at the sheets again. Alec chuckled and pulled back, having mercy.
“You’re so mean,” Magnus panted. “I can’t wait until it’s my turn.”
“Don’t get so cocky,” Alec said, squeezing his sides once in retaliation.
Magnus jumped and yelped, wrapping his arms around his middle. “Alright, alright!”
“Rank your sides, before I decide you need more data to help you decide.”
Magnus threw his head back on the pillow. “Who knew my boyfriend was so evil?”
Alec twitched his fingers against Magnus’s sides in warning.
“Okay!” Magnus said, slapping at Alec’s hands. “I think I was right, about a five. Maybe a six if I’m feeling generous.”
Alec nodded. “And you said you thought your stomach was a six?”
Magnus nodded, opening his mouth to reply, but Alec struck before he could. He started light, skittering his fingernails across the skin. Magnus burst into giggles immediately, bouncy and light and Alec could hear Magnus’s feet bouncing on the bed behind him. He put a little more pressure behind the touch, and even that small change sent Magnus from giggles straight into belly laughter.
“How’s that feel?” Alec asked, a cheeky grin on his face. “Tickle a little bit?”
Magnus shouted something that Alec couldn’t quite make out, his flailing hands landing on Alec’s knees and squeezing intermittently. Alec could tell it wasn’t intentional, just one of Magnus’s reactions to being tickled, but shit if they didn’t tickle like hell. Alec bit his lip and resisted the urge to squeeze his eyes shut and squirm. He didn’t need Magnus picking up on what he was doing, Alec knew the teasing would switch to him unfairly quickly.
Instead, Alec dug into Magnus’s stomach with his fingertips, vibrating and shaking and massaging into the skin. Magnus shrieked and cackled loudly. His hands flew away from Alec’s knees and toward Alec’s hands, and Alec quickly twisted his hands around to grab Magnus’s wrists. He quickly pinned Magnus’s wrists to the bed leaning forward with a raised eyebrow.
“Someone didn’t listen to the rules,” Alec said.
Magnus’s eyes went wide. “No, wait--”
Alec shook his head. “I warned you, Magnus.”
Then, Alec took a deep breath and leaned the rest of the way down. He planted his lips over Magnus’s belly button and blew a long, loud raspberry. Magnus’s laughter went silent as he squirmed under Alec, but being weakened with laughter, he wasn’t able to free his wrists. Alec blew a few more shorter raspberries, over his belly button and dotted around the rest of his stomach, and Magnus reacted the same every time. Eventually, Alec stopped, resting his chin on Magnus’s stomach as he looked up at Magnus’s gorgeous, grinning face. Magnus ran his fingers through Alec’s hair once his wrists were released.
“Well?” Alec asked, making his voice as innocent as possible.
“Let a guy catch his breath first,” Magnus said between his panting and residual giggles.
Alec sat up and tried to run his hands firmly over Magnus’s stomach to help rub away the lingering tingles, but Magnus gasped and grabbed onto his fingers as tightly as she could. Alec chuckled, but took his hands away from Magnus’s skin, instead choosing to lace his fingers with Magnus’s while he came down from his laughter. He pressed a kiss on the back of one of Magnus’s hands, and Magnus gave him a smile.
“A seven again, I think,” Magnus told him. “Though having my hands trapped certainly didn’t help.”
Alec grinned at him. “This is your last warning,” he said. “Keep it up and I’m going to have to do something about these pesky hands.”
Magnus bit his lip, raking his eyes up and down Alec’s form settled atop him. “Such a shame you can’t pin them down and tickle all at once.”
Alec rolled his eyes. “I could kneel on them, but I don’t want to hurt you.” He smirked and leaned forward to pin their laced hands on either side of Magnus’s head. “Plus, then they’d be in the way when we get to some pretty important places.”
Lip still stuck between his teeth, Magnus shot a wary look toward his own underarms. He squirmed a little under Alec, probably thinking of all the dastardly things Alec could do to him, before looking back up to meet Alec’s eyes again. He twisted his hands a little, and Alec let go easily, sitting back to give Magnus his space. Magnus didn’t bother moving himself from the pillows, simply snapping his fingers and, in a flash of blue light, one of their silk rope ties from the box underneath their bed was fastened to the slats in the headboard.
“Just in case I become a hindrance,” Magnus said with a sneaky grin. “Or maybe for after we’re done with our little experiment here. Either way.”
Alec swallowed, but allowed a grin to slip back onto his lips. “Those hands better behave, then.” He leaned in again, so he and Magnus were nose-to-nose. “It gets so much worse when you can’t even pretend you’re trying to stop it.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow at him. “And you’re speaking from experience?”
Alec chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to Magnus’s lips. “Quit digging.”
Magnus hummed. “I’ll find out one way or another eventually, darling.”
Alec kissed him again. “Eventually can wait until later.”
“Are we going to kiss and make good use of these ropes, or are you going to finish your experiment first?”
Alec sat back on Magnus’s hips so they were both breathing their own air once more. “Our experiment, and yes. We only have a few spots left. Ribs?”
Magnus tilted his head, looking down at his own bare torso. “They’re rather close to the sides, aren’t they? Perhaps a five or six as well.”
Alec nodded and cracked his fingers. Then, he reached down and started kneading between the bones of Magnus’s ribs. His lips tilted up in a smile and he squirmed a little, but it certainly wasn’t the reaction Alec was expecting with how ticklish the rest of Magnus’s torso had been. He massaged up and down Magnus’s ribs, looking for any weak points, but Magnus just kept grinning and letting out the occasional giggle like nothing was bothering him. Alec sighed and stopped, curling his fingers so he could tap them impatiently against the bone to ask Magnus his number. Except that’s when Magnus finally jolted, squeaking a little. Alec froze, then a bright grin spread across his face.
“I see,” Alec said.
“You don’t see a damn thing,” Magnus said, giggles already invading his voice.
Instead of responding with his words, Alec started scratching at Magnus’s ribcage. Magnus burst into laughter, squeezing his arms to his sides before suddenly remembering himself and pulling them away again, clutching at the pillow behind his head.
“Good boy,” Alec said, just loud enough to be heard over Magnus’s laughter, grinning at the flush that spread down Magnus’s neck.
Alec only kept up his gentle scratching for a few moments longer before granting Magnus mercy. The second Alec was finished, Magnus slammed his arms down to his sides, trapping the hands that Alec still had pressed against his ribs. Alec decided not to be mean, and left them there instead of trying to wiggle them free and risk tickling Magnus more.
“Six,” Magnus said without prompting.
Alec reached up to run a hand through his hair. “Tiring out?”
Magnus leaned into his touch. “If we want to have a different kind of fun tonight, then yes.”
Alec chuckled. “Lightning round? Unless you want to stop altogether.”
Magnus sighed, but he was smiling. He raised his arms above his head again, twisting his fingers into the pillow again. “No, no. Can’t leave an experiment unfinished.”
“You sure?” Alec asked. “We can stop, have that other fun of yours. Or even just go to bed.”
Magnus raised an eyebrow. “Are you giving up?”
“Then get back over here and tickle me.”
Alec scooted up Magnus’s body so he was sitting along his waist instead, his legs tucked up against Magnus’s ribcage. That way, even if Magnus’s arms came crashing down, he would still have access to his weak spots. Magnus must have realized what he was doing, too, because a nervous grin graced his lips and his arms twitched where they were bent up next to his head.
Magnus nodded.
“You don’t have to rank the spots beforehand, but you do have to tell me before I move on.”
Magnus chuckled. “You’re really determined to map this all out, aren’t you?”
Alec shrugged. “You wanted to finish this.”
Magnus huffed and readjusted his position to be a little more comfortable, ignoring Alec’s statement. Then, he nodded down at himself, gesturing for Alec to go ahead.
Alec didn’t need to be prodded further. He started his tickling fingers at Magnus’s upper ribs before skittering up into his underarms. Magnus flinched and immediately toppled into giggles. Alec grinned down at him.
Magnus nodded, but Alec could feel Magnus’s legs kicking out behind him. Alec chuckled, switching tactics to dig a little deeper into Magnus’s skin. Magnus squealed and fell into louder laughter, his arms trembling where he gripped the pillow.
“You know, you do have to tell me a number before we move on.”
“Five,” Magnus said, shrugging his shoulders a little since he couldn’t squirm much.
Alec took a brief detour to Magnu’s neck and ears, fluttering his fingers around. Magnus giggled and scrunched his neck up (and his nose again -- undeniably adorable), but for the most part he just relaxed into the bed. Alec kept it up for only a couple minutes before Magnus answered.
“Three,” he giggled out. “Maybe four around my ears.”
Alec paused his fingers and leaned down to kiss Magnus on the nose, hardly able to do so through his own grin.
“We’re done?”
Alec laughed. “Don’t you remember Clary’s elbows?”
Magnus groaned, but he was still smiling and his arms stayed above his head, so Alec figured he was just being dramatic. He pressed another kiss to the apple of Magnus’s cheek.
“Don’t worry, we’ll just finish with your arms. I’ll spare your back, for now.”
Magnus scoffed. “There is one part of my backside that I wouldn’t mind you tickling.”
Alec threw his head back with a laugh. “Shut up. And like you’ve minded me tickling the rest of you, either.”
Magnus rolled his eyes. “Get it over with so I can get you in these ropes.”
Alec raised his eyebrows. “I’m the one in the ropes?”
Magnus smirked. “Your turn to be at my mercy.” He tilted his head. “Though a much different kind.”
Alec rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
And he started tickling before Magnus could reply. He started his scratching at the tops of Magnus’s armpits before slowly following his arms upward, tickling along his triceps. Magnus near-screamed, cackling the loudest Alec had ever heard, and flinching so hard that he pulled the pillow he was clutching out from under his own head. Alec laughed, pausing long enough for Magnus to get it back behind his head.
“Nine,” Magnus panted.
“See, you telling me that just makes me want to stay there,” Alec said.
Magnus eyed him warily, but lifted his arms back up nonetheless. Instead of gripping the pillow again, he gripped the slats between the headboard, near where the silk ropes were tied as well. The second Magnus had his grip, Alec mustered up the most evil grin he could manage and reached back up to wiggle his fingertips against Magnus’s triceps, right where his underarm ended. Magnus threw his head back with a howl, shaking his head.
“I have to get the whole arm,” Alec said. “And you interrupted!”
“Cheater!” Magnus shouted, and though he seemed like he wanted to say more, he didn’t seem able to get it out.
Alec had mercy and skittered up the rest of Magnus’s arms quicker, tickling around the pits and points of Magnus’s elbow. Clary would’ve been screaming her head off if she was in Magnus’s position, but Magnus just relaxed back into the bed. A stray giggle tumbled out here or there, but Alec wasn’t sure if it was because it actually tickled or because Magnus was still recovering from his triceps.
“One,” Magnus said. “Maybe a two.”
Alec nodded and moved up, stretching over Magnus to reach where his forearms rested above his head. He trailed his fingers up the skin, watching as Magnus closed his eyes and relaxed even further into the bed with a soft smile. Alec couldn’t help but press their lips together as he leaned over Magnus.
“The same,” Magnus said when Alec pulled his lips away. “One or two.”
Alec hummed and sat up, holding Magnus’s wrists gently in his hands to bring them down with him. Magnus settled back into the pillows, watching him with a languid, half-lidded expression. It made Alec’s insides feel like they were melting in the best of ways, all warm and oozing. He shifted his grip so he was just holding one of Magnus’s wrists with Magnus’s palm facing up. He had intended to just drag his fingers over Magnus’s hand and be done with it all, ready to spend the rest of the night doing whatever Magnus wished.
Except when he started dragging his fingers along Magnus’s palm, Magnus shot upright and tore his hand out of Alec’s, gasping so loud and hard that it almost sounded like it hurt. Alec sat frozen on Magnus’s thighs, watching as Magnus furiously rubbed his palm against the bedspread.
“Magnus?” He asked hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
“That was the worst,” he said.
Alec frowned, making sure to keep his hands to himself just in case. “Are you okay, did I hurt you?”
Magnus shook his head, finally looking up at Alec. “Alexander, no. It just-- that was the most ticklish thing I have ever felt.”
Alec stared at him for a moment, then burst into laughter. “Your hands, Magnus? It tickles and you act like that?”
Magnus glared at him, the most adorable pout on his lips. “Ten, Alexander.”
Alec blinked, staring at Magnus for a moment. Then, his eyes shot toward Magnus’s hands, where they were clenched together over his stomach for protection.
“Don’t you dare, Alexander.”
Alec dared. He launched forward, knocking Magnus over onto his back once more, and did his best to wrestle Magnus’s hands away from his torso. Once he got one hand in his grip, he quickly twisted to lay his torso over Magnus’s arm to prevent him from pulling it away.
“Darling, no!” Magnus cried.
Alec didn’t take him very seriously, both because of the laughter clear in his voice and the fact that he was still using pet names. So instead of stopping, he pried open Magnus’s hand and wiggled his fingertips as lightly as he could over Magnus’s palm. Magnus borderline screamed, rolling over so his chest was flush with Alec’s back and desperately clutching at Alec’s shirt with his free hand, not trying to actually stop him in the slightest. He didn’t last very long though before he was tapping furiously at Alec’s back.
“Please!” He wailed.
Alec immediately stopped, letting Magnus’s hand go. Magnus rubbed it furiously against the sheets again to rid himself of the ticklish feeling. Alec laughed and rolled over again so he could climb atop Magnus’s thighs again, pulling himself up into a sitting position. He rubbed at Magnus’s chest as he caught his breath, then gasped in surprise when Magnus suddenly grabbed him by the shirt collar and yanked him down. Before he could process anything, he was melting into Magnus’s fiery kiss. They broke away only so Magnus could pull off his shirt and toss it aside, then reconnected.
“That was a quick recovery,” Alec said between kisses.
“I was promised some  fun of my own,” Magnus replied, and suddenly rolled them over so Alec was underneath him.
“That you were.”
Alec raised his arms as Magnus reached up to the silk ties still attached to the headboard, letting Magnus take his lips in another kiss. It was going to be a much longer night. He was glad he managed to get out of the office so early to be able to enjoy it.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
The Truth Will Set You Free- Part 1
Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader, Thor x Reader (other Avenger characters)
AU: Modern
Summary: You dated for two years, and thought he was the one for you. One day you came home and found him with someone else. After running away from you, you return home and found yourself in the arms of Thor. When Thor decides to introduce you to his friends at a dinner, you realize that there’s something familiar about the house you were visiting.
Warnings: implied cheating, language
You sit in the passenger seat of the vehicle driving towards an unknown destination. You turn to look at your boyfriend, Thor, and just take in how much happier you have been over the last six months since you started dating. You knew you were a mess when you first met him, 1 year ago. You had given up on men and relationships, and decided to never to trust anyone. Your last boyfriend cheated on you after two years together. You thought he was the love of your life and when you caught him with someone else you figured maybe love wasn’t real. However, Thor manage to show you that love is still possible.
Didn’t realize how long you were staring until Thor dragged you from your thoughts, “You okay? You look kinda nervous,” he asked as he squeezed your thigh.
You take a deep breath and squeeze his hand, “I just want them to like me,” you respond with a smile.
Thor smiled as he pulled up in front of the house and parked. “These people have become my family over the last 2 years. I know they are going to love you,” he says before leaning over and giving you a kiss.
Thor then gets out of the car and runs around to open the door for you, which makes you smile. You look up at the house and can’t help but feel like you have been here before.
“Who owns this house? It looks so familiar to me,” you ask Thor as he leads you to the front door.
“My friend Steve and his fiancé Peggy,” Thor says.
You abruptly stop and stare at the house. No wonder you recognize it. There can’t be that much of a coincidence. Thor stops and looks at the panic in your face.
“Babe, you ok?” He asks concerned.
You pull your hand away from his and start walking backwards toward the car, shaking your head as you try to calm your racing heart. No way are you about to walk into a room with those people. With him.
“Baby? Look at me,” Thor says cupping your cheeks. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
You take a deep breath as the memories start flashing in front of your face. You remember all the good, the laughing, cuddling, kissing, love making. Then you remember all the bad. The walking into your shared apartment, seeing the two of them cuddling in your bed sound asleep. The crying, the yelling, the leaving, the breakdown.
“Thor... I-I don’t think I can do this,” you whisper as you tremble.
Thor pulls you into his arms tightly to help ground you. You feel your heart rate return to normal slowly as he rocks you and kisses the top of your head. When he hears you sigh he pulls away slightly, “What’s wrong?” He asks.
You swallow the lump “I- it’s just a lot of new people,” you say, deciding to not tell him your pathetic story. At least not yet. “I’m just not ready,” you say as you try to pull yourself away and back to the car.
“I know your scared, but I promise it will be fine. I told them all about you, and I really want you to meet my friends. I’m always the only solo guy, and now I want to show my girl off,” he says pleading.
You felt terrible that Thor always hung out with his friends alone, when they are all in couples. But now that you know who they are, how can walk into that house and face them? You look up into Thor’s beautiful blue eyes and sigh in defeat.
You look down at your trembling hands and try to find courage. You wonder if you should tell Thor now why you are worried, but you don’t want things to be awkward with his friends. You look back up and nod and are blessed with a breathtaking cheesy smile in return. It makes your heart flutter.
Thor grabs your hand again and heads up to the house. Your heart is pounding in your chest as he knocks on the door. You can’t help but think back to that day.
You walk into your apartment after a long day of work, completely exhausted. All you wanted was a glass of wine, some greasy takeout food, and the love of your life to hold you in his arms. As you look around the apartment you noticed that everything was in place but the man of the hour, Bucky, was missing. Usually he would be sitting in the living room awaiting your return like a puppy, but today he was absent.
You walk down the hall toward your bedroom, wondering if maybe he went to take a nap. You slowly open the door and peek in and what you see completely destroys your heart. You always wondered if there was something between the two of them. They always seemed too close for your comfort, but you always hoped that he loved you enough that he would never hurt you. I guess you were wrong.
You look at the man you thought you would spend the rest of your life with, cuddled up with none other than Natasha Romanoff, in your bed both with no shirts on. You push the door open so forcefully, it slams against the wall, causing both of them to jump awake.
You couldn’t help the tears falling down your face as you screamed and cursed at both of them. Bucky flies out of the bed to calm you, but you just smack him and tell him to not touch you. You must have blacked out because the next thing you remember is having all your clothes packed and walking out the front door toward your car, Bucky pleading with you to stop.
End flashback
The door opens an you see a familiar tall blond man, who welcomes Thor with a smile. You try and hide behind Thor to gather a few more seconds of courage. Thor turns behind him and wraps his arm around you, pulling you forward.
“Steve this my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my good friend Steve,” Thor says with a smile.
You and Steve stare at each other. Steve in disbelief, you in terror. You slightly shake your head, trying to tell Steve that Thor doesn’t know. Steve apparently gets the message because he reaches out to shake your hand, “Nice to finally meet you,” he says.
You nod in response, not trusting your voice at the moment. Before you knew it, Thor was pulling you into the house. As you all turn the corner, Steve announces to the room, “Look who is here!”
Everyone turns to greet Thor. When he pulls you to his side you hear the collective gasps before a thunderous silence. All eyes are on you. You look from face to face of the people you once considered friends, before you lock eyes with the man that tore your heart apart.
You both stare at each other for what feels like forever. You don’t even hear when Thor introduces you to the crew. You pull your eyes away and see Natasha sitting on the couch in shock. You want nothing more then to smack the beautiful right off her face.
Steve interrupts the silence, “Y/N we are all so glad to meet you, right guys?” He says to the group.
They look at him confused before looking at you again, but you are looking at your feet in embarrassment. Sam jumps in, “Of course! Welcome!”
Everyone relaxes after that, but all you feel is tension from all of them, but especially Bucky, who hasn’t stopped staring at you from the moment Thor pulled you in. You were here. You were back. But you were no longer his.
Part 2
Welcome back everybody!!! Sorry for being away for so long. I think I burnt myself out before but I’m back and ready to roll!! Feedback is appreciated! 
If you have changed your name since I last wrote, and would still like to be part of my taglist, please let me know so I can change it. Also if you would just like to be on my taglist, or removed, please let me know.
Permanent Taglist:  @hailmary-yramliah @tuiccim @comedictragedy @cap-n-stuff @thefridgeismybestie @swiftmind @aleaisntcreative @lookiamtrying @pinknerdpanda @morganclaire4 @iamvalentinaconstanza @verygraphicink @im-squished @joannie95 @peace-love-hobbitness @connie326 @amandamdiehl​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @its-izzys​ @roserose26​ @rebekahdawkins @elegantobservationstudentsblog @broco8​
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comfy-whumpee · 3 years
Trust: Kieran and Izzy
Future DadJax fic ft @ashintheairlikesnow’s Izzy Fucking Gallagher (legal middle name pending deed poll). CW: referenced child abuse.
@iaminamoodymoodtoday, @wildfaewhump, @ishouldblogmore, @lektric-whump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @burtlederp, @rosesareviolentlyread, @eatyourdamnpears
He stands in the doorway, draped in a cardigan, with one hand dangling a tote bag of supplies. His voice is soft and fond. “You look like shit.”
“Feel like it too,” Jax says, letting go of the door handle to slump back against the hallway wall. His voice is stuffy and his face pale, with high red spots on his cheeks. “You gotta help me, Kie. She’s asking how much money she needs for flu meds.”
“Go back to bed.” Kieran smiles at the face poking out from the doorway at the far end of the hall, which stares for a moment longer, then disappears. “I’ll take it from here.”
Jax stumbles off while Kieran removes his shoes. He hears a soft, little-girl voice say, “Daddy, your bath.”
Jax half-laughs in reply, and that quickly turns into a coughing fit. When it stops, he croaks, “Thank you for the bath, kiddo, but I’m going back to bed.”
Perhaps the little girl would have replied, but the sound of eager little footsteps interrupts the conversation and moments later a toddler comes running into view with fuzzy brown hair in his dad’s shade, chubby cheeks, and mismatched dinosaur-and-penguin pyjamas that Kieran knows are there because she fuckin dressed him and got his breakfast and everything while I was still asleep.
Kieran drops the bag and to his knees to hold out two hands for a high ten, which makes the toddler’s face light up. He slaps Kieran’s hands with better enthusiasm than aim. “Hey!” Kieran greets him, and looks up to see the little girl watching again. “You guys must be Izzy and Jamie.”
“Me!” the toddler agrees vocally, “I’m Jamie, that’s me! An’ that’s Izzy-bella who is my sister.” He turns, leaning against Kieran’s knee to point up the hall.
Izzy is staring at her little brother with something like betrayal, but it vanishes when she sees Kieran looking, and her face folds into a mask of perfect solemnity. “I’m Izzy, yes. You’re dad’s friend.” She blinks. Her eyes are big and very brown. “Are you here for dinner?”
Kieran laughs internally. Dad’s friend. Has Jax been reticent to name their relationship to her, or does she prefer to deny it? “I am. Dad called me and said he was sick, so I’m here to help.”
There’s a longer pause from Izzy, who steps to the side to let Jamie run off again without comment. She thinks, and then she says, “I’m good at helping.”
“So I hear,” Kieran agrees easily. “Can you help me? I need to find some things in the kitchen and I don’t even know where the kitchen is.”
Again, Izzy watches him for a long moment, contemplative in a way very few children are. Kieran has met children like this before at work. He’s well-versed in children who learned to be careful in everything they do, because they know too well that the world is unsafe, and their wrong moves can lead to terrible things. He waits patiently.
Izzy nods after a moment and turns to lead the way. Kieran follows her with bag in hand. “I like your hair,” he tells her as they enter Alfie’s little kitchenette.
The little girl doesn’t reply. She climbs onto a step-stool that is clearly meant to be in the bathroom and gets a mug down from a cupboard she shouldn’t be able to reach. Very carefully, carrying it in both hands, she takes it to the kettle and puts a single teabag inside with the gravitas of a ceremony.
Kieran remembers Jax’s messages. She made me a cup of tea and I think she’s going to try for sandwiches next.
“Is that for your dad?” he asks her, while looking through the cupboards for pans.
“Yes,” Izzy says, picking up the kettle with both hands around the handle and conveying it to the sink. She puts it down on the draining rack and goes back for her stool. “Tea helps Dad when he is sick.”
“It does,” Kieran agrees, setting two large pans on the side. “I actually bought some special tea that will help him even more.” He picks up the tote bag and roots through it until he gets out a packet of lemon flu remedy. “Can we make this instead?”
Izzy sets down her stool and turns to look. Kieran watches her size up the packet, her mouth moving slightly as she sounds out L-E-M…
He brings it closer and points to a smaller word on the green label. “Flu, see?”
Fuh-ull-uh, Izzy mouths to herself, and then, fuh-ull-oo. Flu.
Her gaze returns to him, and there is a little hope in her eyes. “It won’t hurt him?”
Kieran shakes his head. His calm, professional smile doesn’t waver. He knows how to be safe to little children who know too well how dangerous adults can be. “It might taste funny, but it will help him. Not hurt him.”
He wants to promise, I will never do anything to hurt your Daddy or you or Jamie, never ever, cross my heart and hope to die, you have had far too many hurts already and I want to make sure they never happen again.
But he is a social worker, and he knows never to make promises. Something tells him that she won’t believe them. Like Jax, she doesn’t believe in words, or even in actions. She needs time, and she needs to see his good intentions.
Izzy considers the sachet again, the picture of the person with a red nose, and the picture of the steaming mug.
She looks back at him, and her eyes are very much like her father’s, hazel-brown and watchful, and carrying too many painful memories.
“Okay,” she says, and takes the packet from his hand. “I will make this tea for Daddy.”
Kieran watches her, but she really does seem to know what she’s doing, with the kettle held carefully until it can be put on its stand to boil, and placing the teabag back into the pot to replace it with the powder.
“And I will make us all a nice dinner,” he tells her, and she doesn’t reply, but something in her shoulders relaxes.
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asknerdizzy · 3 years
Sirens Call Arc 1/3
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“You remember the plan right.”
Shard just nods, having heard it multiple times from the airplane ride to Italy, and the many meetings from the past month.
The plan was simple. Izzy was going to bid at the Siren's Cove secret auction, (with the SPW footing the bill of course) in the hopes to purchase the Stand Bow. It’s unknown what the bow can really do, but it’s speculated that it's just as powerful as the Stand Arrows. So, of course, the Foundation doesn’t want that kind of power in the wrong hands.
So they sent out Izzy, (and some other disguised SPW agents to the casino, as backup), and Shard (who was hired by Izzy to be her bodyguard). To retrieve it.
If the auction were to go wrong in any way, then they had permission to take action as they saw fit. He was hoping that this job would be simple. Oh how wrong he was.
The two approach Siren’s Cove Casino. A fitting name for the famous casino that’s known for dragging people into debt. Leading many of the guests who enter, to become prey to the many unsavory individuals inside. Making it a perfect feeding ground for the loan sharks lurking inside.
“Alrighty then, let’s do this! I think the entrance is over here. Maybe afterwords we could gamble. I’ve never done that before!” Izzy cheerfully exclaims, as she drags the larger man inside. Shard still baffles at how such a small woman could have such enthusiasm.
Still he couldn’t stop worrying about one thing.
There was the problem of a certain vampire not being with them. The SPW was very adamant about Ardram not being able to join this mission in particular, and were somehow able to separate the two for long enough, that Izzy was able to get on a plane without him.
Shard grimaced under his mask just thinking about it. Adram ought to be furious, and would probably find his way here soon enough. If anything were to happen to Izzy on his watch-
He shook his head, this wasn’t the time to start thinking about that now. He had to be focused to make sure that nothing happens.
Looking around, he saw that the casino was teeming with excited gamblers. With the whole floor being themed as if one was under the sea. Vibrant blues and greens flashing all about from the machines. With a large aquarium in the center. Even the members of staff were dressed to the theme of the casino, them either being pirates, fishermen or mermaids
The two soon found themselves at the highest floor available to the average gambler. Where Izzy spotted a door off to the side that was almost hidden from view, and gestured for Shard to do his thing. Rolling his eyes he knocked on the door in a strange pattern, and said in practiced fashion, “The pull of the sea was too much for two.”
The door creaks open allowing the two to step inside to a spiral staircase leading up to the next floor. At the very top floor, the two are greeted to the sight of a large theater that would host the auction. With other guests already inside ambling about.
Izzy walks over to one of the staff, awkwardly smiling. “Excuse me, but how long until the auction begins? It’s my first time doing this”
“Not long Miss. it’ll be a few minutes at best. You’ll need this.”
She thanks him giving him a tip, as he hands her a cue card. “We’re all set. Now all we got to do is find a seat.” Shard was already eyeing a row, and with a nudge they settled down in their seats.
A few minutes later, a young woman sat next to them, and nervously started a conversation with them. “H-hello. Umm what was it again, oh right. Do you like frogs with top hats?”
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That question itself was a code by the foundation for this mission to figure out who were spw members without explicitly saying it aloud, and Izzy immediately replied with the code phrase to affirm her status. “Oh yes! I really enjoy it when they wear a tiny mustache too. It’s so adorable. I’m Izzy by the way.” Izzy extends her hand in greeting with a large smile on her face.
Haven’s tense posture visibly relaxed at her response, and tentatively shook Izzys extended hand with her gloved one. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, and uh is he with you?”
Shard nods curtly answering “Yes, I’m Shard.”
“I’m Haven. I’m new to all this, so please be patient with me.”
While the two began to chat as they waited for the auction to begin. Shard looked over the woman, and couldn’t help but find her…strange. Especially her gold necklace that appeared to have eyes engraved on it. He’s certain that he’s seen that before, but couldn’t remember where at that moment.
When he was about to ask her, most of the lights turned off and the lights on the stage brightened.
The auction finally begins.
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justimagineitblog · 4 years
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 4
A/N:  Hi loves! Chapter 4 is a longggggg one so strap in and get some rum, whiskey, tea, coffee, water, hot chocolate, whatever works and settle in for this one x 
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When I walk into the pub, Tommy freezes in his spot.
He hasn’t seen me yet since Michael’s gracious return this morning. And I guess he assumed I wouldn’t be coming in for this shift.
He feel him watching me nervously as I begin my usual work routine, setting up the bar, straightening out all the chairs, wiping down all the tables. I can’t even bring myself to look at him.
“Izzy I-“
He stops immediately when I shake my head. With tears in my eyes threatening to spill already.
“I can’t, Tommy” I breathe
He nods sullenly, walking over to place a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“We had no idea about Gina… he’s just shown up after 6 fucking months and-“
“Tommy, please” I cut him off “I can’t talk about it-”
“Okay” he steps back, giving me some space “But just listen to me, just for a moment yeah? You’re still our girl. Our family. We’re all on your side, eh. Me, Poll, Arthur”
I nod, closing my eyes.
Of course they are. They’re just as shocked as I am. Up until this morning we were all in the dark about Michael. Where he was. What he was doing. I guess in a way, we all still are.
“I know” I sigh. Hearing him say those words stings, when I know that in 6 hours time I’ll closing up the bar for the last time and handing him my apron.
“Poll got a call this morning, from Michael, saying he was arriving to Birmingham in an hour, with someone for her to meet. First time she’d heard from him since he left. She’s been crying, I saw her. Says she can’t believe her own son would do something like this. Say’s she keeps seeing your face when you first saw him again-“
“Did he say why?” I question, un able to help myself from asking. It’s not like I haven’t been wondering that all day anyway.
Tommy shakes his head “Poll lost her shit. We all did. Told Gina all about you. About you and Michael. But he just fucking stood there… like a fucking ghost”
“Yeah, I know the look” I reply, flashing back to the cold, dead stare in Michael’s eyes.
“You know you don’t have to work tonight you can go home eh, try and rest, I’ll see you tomorrow night”
I clench my jaw, wishing he’d never said that. I can’t avoid it now.
“I won’t be in tomorrow, Tom” I begin, looking up at the ceiling and hoping that some God might just finally strike me down once and for all.
How am I supposed to do this.
I thought I had reached my limits of what I can bare this morning, but life seems to have decided that today is my ultimate test. If my sanity is still remotely in tact tomorrow, it will be a fucking miracle.
“If you need to take a few days Izzy it’s fine, Finn can cover for you. It’s about time he start leaning how to pour beer anyway-“ Tommy replies sympathetically, not understanding what I’m trying to say.
“No, Tom, I won’t be back tomorrow because I’m not coming back” I hold my breath “Today is my last shift”
Every word was harder than the next, as I forced myself to drag them up and out of my mouth.
Part of me wants this. Part of me want’s to run away from any place where I might see Michael. Jesus, I can’t believe I’m even thinking this but maybe this was the silver lining in him having the audacity to ask me to quit to stay out of his and Gina’s way. Because I won’t have to face seeing them together either. But actually say it, doing it, and breaking it to Tommy like this is incredibly painful.
“Oh” he breathes slowly.
Slowly, I begin to undo my apron. I can’t do this. I need to get out of here. I need to go home. Let my bed and whatever alcohol I have swallow me up. I don’t know how long for. And I don’t care.
“I’m sorry” I say in a harsh exhale as I hand him the apron.
He shakes his head, looking down at the floor almost like he’s to ashamed of how his cousin has broken my heart to look at me. He reaches for my hand to squeeze “No, I’m sorry”
Unable to hold back the tears that have been biting at my already red and glassy eyes, I quickly rush past him, my hand slipping out of his grip.
The next 3 days are a drunken stupor. Coming in and out of consciousness. In and out of sleep, to eat a mouthful of something before washing it down with another mouthful of something strong.
It’s not until the 4th day when I’m woken at 7am by the sound of kids laughing and shouting as they play a game of cricket below my window. I try to muffle it by smothering myself with my pillow, but irritation and anger when it doesn’t go away draws me out of bed. I shuffle over to my window and slam it shut, earning looks from the children, before they forget seconds later and go back to playing.
From there I head straight to the kitchen. An Irish coffee constitutes as a nutritional breakfast, right?
As I let the kettle boil, I open my cupboard for my tried and true whiskey. And I find it… but I find it empty. Luckily that is, knowing in the back of my mind that I’m one more drink away from a hospital visit. But in that moment, I could have smashed the bottle over my kitchen counter in a tired, hangover fuelled rage.
Don’t they always say the cure for a hangover is more alcohol? Or have I just been around drunks at the pub too long?
I sigh. The pub. Over the past few days I have racked up a decent amount of memories that I wish to never remember. One of them, was seeing Michael… shortly followed by seeing his new wife Gina… then coming up at a close third is having to tell Tommy that I was quitting without any explanation why. That’s what the alcohol was for. To forget all that.
Now that I don’t have any alcohol left to immediately distract myself, I’m forced to really take in my surroundings. I look at my kitchen painfully as I count the bottles on my counter. Five. Empty. Bottles. I drank all that.
Jesus Christ, maybe I really am a Shelby.
God Michael would die if he saw this. Part of the reason he cherished me was because I wasn’t like his family. I loved them. I fit in with them. But I still had ‘a humanness to me’, as he called it one day. ‘A kindness.’ He said I kept him soft in a world lacking it. He’d only seen me truly drunk once. I was never a big drinker. I guess I’m not that girl anymore. Just like he’s not the Michael I knew anymore. I guess the only commonality we have anymore is our… dissimilarity.
The irony.
Unable to drink now, and sure as hell not leaving my apartment in this state, I spent the rest of the day moving slowly. Picking up whatever pieces of myself that I can. Showering. Changing clothes. Cleaning up what looks like a bomb site.
When night falls, and I realise I haven’t been shopping days and don’t have enough food to make anything decent, I decide it’s time to leave the house. Beside’s, everyone is going to be inside eating with their families and loved ones, and it’s dark enough anyway to hide myself in the shadows to avoid being seen.
With my biggest coat wrapped around me tightly, and an over the phone take away order placed at a restaurant down town, I head out into night. The cool, night air feels nice, like a splash of cold water on my face, and I’m so sure that I won’t have to face anyone that I begin to relax.
But of course I couldn’t really relax, could I. Because sitting inside the restaurant with a friend, is Polly Gray.
I pause in my tracks, almost tripping over from stopping so suddenly. I want to turn around and run the other way, immediately. And nothing is stopping me, besides the fact that I have nothing to goddamn eat.
“Fuck” I hiss to myself as I keep my head down, angling it away from her as I quickly slip into the restaurant doors.
“An order for Isabelle” I say urgently in a hushed voice at the counter as the worker greets me.
“Good evening ma’am” he grins eagerly as I hand him the money.
“I’ll just get your change” he nods joyfully and I grab my food. Daring to turn around, I peak over my shoulder to find that Polly is already looking at me. Once we make eye contact her eyes widen in shock and begins to stand up, making her way to me.
“Shit, shit, shit” I hiss, grabbing the food from the man quickly and beginning to walk out of the restaurant.
“Ma’am your change!” He calls after me
“Keep it!” I call back as I pick up the pace, jogging out the doors and into the street. I hear Polly’s voice call after me, and I hold my food close to me as I keep jogging, praying she will give up.
“Isabelle stop!” She shouts, and I slow to a stop. My head falls back as I sigh in defeat.
She finally catches up to me and I turn around to face her, but avoid eye contact.
“Izzy it’s me, what are you doing?” She asks as she catches her breath, staring at me in bewilderment.
God I can’t do this. I can’t. I’ve missed Polly so much. I’ve missed Tommy. I’ve missed the pub. Arthur. Finn. Michael. But I can’t be around them. Michael asked me to stay out of his and Gina’s way. I can’t do that if I’m still seeing everyone in the family. And it’s breaking my own heart.
“I just can’t talk right now Polly” I shake my head, praying for this to be over. For her to just accept that and go back to her dinner.
“Isabelle I’m worried about you, no one has seen you for day’s. Tommy said you quit the pub… Isabelle did Michael put you up to this-“
“No” I cut her off immediately. I’m lying. I know I am. But what difference does it make if I tell her Michael told me to keep out of everyones way. That will only make her and everyone hate him even more. And I can’t stand to see them all lose Michael the same way I did. I would never wish that upon them.
“Just talk to me darling-“
“No Polly,” I snap. Not out of anger, but out of sadness. Pain. I know what I have to do. What I have to say to make her stay away from me and fulfil Michael’s wish. But it’s going to kill me to do it. I take a deep breath as she waits for me to speak nervously. What’s that saying. Be cruel to be kind? I have to be cruel, I have to pushing them away. It’s easier to push them away. It’s better for everyone. Then Michael can live with Gina, the Shelby’s can be at peace without me around.
“I don’t want anything to do with your son, or your family. Have I not made that clear enough. I am not your family. I am not a Shelby. Now please leave me alone”
Polly stares at me, mouth open but no words following. I fight to keep her eye contact. To not falter. So that she think’s I’m serious about this. But it hurts. Never did I think I would have to be breaking her heart like this. I can see it breaking, I can see it in her eyes.
Is this what I looked like? Is this what Michael saw when he broke mine?
“I have to go” I manage to say before turning on my heels swiftly, leaving her standing in the street alone.
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faejilly · 4 years
while this is from the 7kpp fictober prompt list, I’m doing a Shadowhunters Malec fill instead! Sleeping Beauty, and my apparent recurring fascination with dream-walking & fairy tales. (This is for Day 6 [list here], I just failed entirely to post it yesterday. *laughs*)
Lord Lightwood stood by the steps up to his parents’ thrones, nodded gravely at anyone who met his eyes, and refused to dance.
Lord Lightwood stayed until the receiving doors closed, and slipped out into the crowd, a handful of greetings, a few brief conversations, and then he was gone.
No one ever saw him leave, but no one expected him to stay.
He never did. 
Not once. He’d refused formal recognition as heir, kept his old title even when he came of age and ought to have become Prince of the Realm. He served on his parents’ council, but made it very clear he would be making no alliances. He would not marry, and he would never be King.
No one knew why, though numerous rumours worked their way through the Court, and no one could make him budge an inch. Not even his sister Lady Isabelle, no matter how she pleaded, and normally he could refuse her nothing. She had accepted his decision, reluctantly, and would be recognized as Princess of the Realm as soon as she came of age.
Sometimes he slipped away from formal feasts and balls and wandered the gardens, or the library. Sometimes he went back to his rooms to make an early night of it.
Those were always the nights he was nervous, the nights he hoped. The nights he hoped he’d dream.
It had started when he'd turned down a betrothal proposition from the Branwells. He’d met a man in his dreams, literally, and woken up assuming it was nothing but wishful thinking. They'd walked by a river Alec had never seen before, and flirted gently beneath sweet spring sunlight.
Who wouldn’t dream of the things they wanted but knew they could never have?
His dream suitor was a remarkable man. Alec didn’t know his own imagination could be so good, could create someone so unlike anyone he’d ever seen, anyone he’d ever admired, and yet been everything he could ever want. Never knew he had it in him, to imagine someone so beautiful. 
But the man came back, and seemed as startled to be seen as Alec felt to see him. But Alec greeted him with a smile. No reason not to enjoy himself, no reason not to play along with the dream.
“You remember me?” The man lifted a dangerously eloquent eyebrow.
Alec snorted. Alec also wasn't sure where he'd gotten the idea of eyeliner and nailpolish and heavy layers of jewelry, but if there was a way to give his imagination a reward he'd do so. He needed a better word than beautiful. Stunning? “Has anyone ever forgotten you?”
The man smirked, almost sly, but still his eyes were wide and startled, and when he stood still he looked almost sad.
He didn’t stand still for long enough to be sure, however, a grandiose wave of his arms shifting the air around them, turning it into a ballroom. 
“I haven’t had anyone to dance with in ages, I don’t suppose?” The man held out his hand, and lifted a single brow, and music started to sweep in from nowhere, from everywhere.
No reason not to play along with the dream.
The man smelled like sandalwood, the music was flawless, the floor smooth beneath his feet. The man was the most graceful person Alec had ever seen, and Alec had more fun dancing with him then he ever had in a lifetime of classes and formal balls. 
"Could I kiss you, young sir?" The man asked in a whisper, when the magic candles started to flicker, and the music started to fade. 
"I don't even know your name," Alec answered, though his chest burned with how much he wanted to say yes. 
"Magnus." The man bowed, a hint of something bright in his eyes, though his mouth looked sad, and Alec woke up before he could introduce himself in return. 
It was over a week before he met the man again, before he saw Magnus in his dreams. His breath caught, and Magnus' eyes widened, and they were walking towards each other before Alec even realized they were in a forest this time, cool and dark.
Magnus started to bow again, an echo of last time, but Alec reached out and stopped him, suddenly afraid he'd disappear again. "I'm Alec."
Magnus smiled, and Alec hoped he never woke up again. Magnus waved his arm, and Alec followed, and they wandered their way through the woods. It was an old forest, trees tall and thick enough to keep the sun away, to keep the ground covered with layers of old leaves and pine needles. 
They talked as they walked, randomly, peacefully. Magnus had an odd turn of phrase sometimes, like the court documents from far back in the palace archives, but he was eloquent and sharp-witted and his voice was so very warm; Alec never wanted to stop listening.
Alec spoke more than usual himself, relaxing sooner than he usually did around people he didn't know. Though he supposed dancing through a ball together made their acquaintance closer than most. He gave more of himself away in that conversation than he thought he had ever before, talking about his sister and his brothers, the discomfort of his kingdom's expectations. The sorrow in his mother's eyes when she looked at him, as if she knew how much he hated the box closing around him.
Magnus was as good at listening as he was at telling extravagant stories, and Alec was sorry when the light around them started to fade again. He grabbed Magnus' hand, and gripped it tight, hoping... 
He woke up in his own bed, just like normal.
Sometimes Alec didn't dream, sometimes his dreams were like they used to be, but scattered throughout his nights were these sporadic meetings, odd walks and dances and once an entire imaginary feast that left Alec twice as hungry for breakfast as usual when he woke up. 
It was three months before Alec couldn't take it anymore, and pulled Magnus to him, and paused, their mouths so close together he could feel Magnus' breath against his lips, and asked him if he could kiss him.
Magnus nodded, just a little, and his mouth was soft and warm for the barest second before Alec jerked awake in his bedroom. He lifted his fingers to his mouth; he could still feel Magnus' lips on his.
That was the day he started his research; the nights after that he started to ask proper questions, questions Magnus usually tried to deflect, but he started getting bits and pieces, here and there, just a little.
Just enough.
Asmodeus Bane was once King of a land that had been split apart and swallowed by Alicante and Dudael, until there was nothing left, nothing except a few scattered ruins and even more decrepit rumours. He’d insulted the then Faery Queen, Lilith of the Winter Court, and she’d cursed his son.
Asmodeus managed to kill her, but it was too late, the curse took hold, and Magnus Bane fell into an endless sleep. There was a counter-curse, but the woman in the prophecy never showed, and Edom fell apart, and everyone knew the Banes were no more.
Except for Alec, who had met Magnus Bane in his dreams, and wondered if somewhere in one of those ruins, somewhere lost for hundreds of years, Magnus Bane still slept.
And soon, when Izzy took the throne and didn’t need him anymore, he was going to go in search of his beloved. He was going to find him, and wake him up.
No matter what it took.
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fan4196 · 4 years
Emergency Contact (Part 2)
Hey everyone, here's part 2 of the HAPPY FREAKIN' HALLOWEEN JOLEX FIC CHALLENGE, (a day late but better late than never, right?) so here's some Jolex fluff for you. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thank you again @angry-slytherin 🧡
After a sleepless four hour flight Alex doesn't even think about going to Mer's house first. He has to see her. He has to see her chart, see all the test they did, he has to see that there's still hope. Because even though he hasn't seen her in two years and hasn't been sure if coming here was the right decision, he can't let her die. He still cares so much about her, she's for sure still one of the most important persons in his life; that will probably never change. She made him to what he's today.
The drive to he hospital felt like hours, his thoughts racing through his brain, never letting him come to rest.
Sprinting into the hospital, he immediately makes his way to the ICU, calling Mer while he waits for the elevator to get him to the right level, but she's not answering, even though she promised to stay with Jo as long as he's on his way. So he askes a nurse for Jo's room and finally almost 24 hours after getting the call from Mer, he sees her. Lying in a hospital bed, in one of those awful gowns, connected to all those machines, eyes closed like she's just sleeping peacefully, still looking flawless as ever. She had been stabbed five times and barely survived her surgery, but she still looks so perfect. Alex pushes his suitcase into the corner of the room and pulls the chair closer to the bed. Grabbing her hand, he's immediately relieved that it's still warm.
An hour after he arrived Mer finally shows up to check on Jo and tries to convince Alex to come home with her but he's not going anywhere. Not anymore. He's done running, leaving people he loves. He will stay until she wakes up, no matter how long it will take.
Like all the mornings before Alex wakes up on the uncomfortable hospital chair today as well. Covered in this scratchy blanket that he got from one of the nurses, facing the wall, still holding Jo's hand in his. He's not quite awake yet when he feels a thumb stroking over his hand, playing with the wedding ring he never took of.
"Oh my God, Jo." He whispers immediately wide awake, turning towards her. Looking into her eyes for the first time after what felt like an eternity, he can finally breathe again. She's awake. She's alive and breathing. She can hate him, be angry, he would even let her punch him, he doesn't care, she's alive, nothing else matters.
After getting her checked out, they sit together and talk for hours. Alex tells her the whole story about his kids turning out not being his kids and he apologizes a million times.
"You know now that I'm awake you can finally go take a shower." Jo teaes him with a laugh.
"Are you saying that I stink?" He fakes a sulky face and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Yes Alex!" Jo laughs.
"Well three days of anxiety sweat do that to you. And you know who's fault that is." He shrunks his shoulders, holding back a smile.
"Oh now it's my fault that you stink like a thirteen year old teenager." Now Jo's the one playing sulky but laughs immediately. "No. But I'm serious, Alex. You should go take a shower, change your clothes, than you can come back. I promise I won't go anywhere." She jokes.
Convinced by her smile he agrees. Squeezeing her hand a last time he stands up and grabs his suitcase. With a last glance at her he leaves.
As he leaves her room, he spottes Mer at the nurse desk so he walks towards her.
"Hey Mer. Could I go take a shower at your place?" He asks, interrupting her tipping on the tablet.
"Sure. My keys are in the attendings lounge. My car keys are there too, you can take it instead of calling a taxi- Are you even listening?" She follows Alex sign, seeing Link walking out of the elevator with a little boy and a girl on his hands, towards Jo's room. They disappear in said room, which makes  Alex walk towards the room too, but he gets hold back my Mer grabbing his arm.
"What do you think you are doing?" She asks him, placing herself in front of him, holding him back from storming into this room.
"This were Jo's children, right? She concealed them from me. I- just I-" He can't even express what he is feeling right now. She did it too. She did the exact same thing as Izzie and kept his kids from him. He can't even believe it. They talked for almost four hours and she didn't even mention kids. He has to talk to Jo immediately. He pushes Mer to the site, about to storm the room again, but Mer holds him back again.
"They are not yours, Alex! Yes they are her kids but they are not yours."
This sentence hits him like a knife in the heart. She has kids with someone else. More important she has someone else. A new man that loves her. Of course he wanted that for her, to be happy again, but that was before he discovered that his kids weren't his.
"You know Jo. You know that she would never do that. She would never keep away your kids from you. Also do the math, you left two years ago and they are three. How should that work, ha? She adopted them." Alex immediately relaxes. "They are twins and she's raising them alone. So no they are not yours and there's also no new man in her life, because you ruined her." Mer complains, pointing her finger at him. "She tried dating but it never worked. So calm down and go to my house. Take a shower, put on some new clothes, than you can come back an talk to Jo. But for now, go!"
The hot water is burning on his skin as he stands in the shower in Mer's house. Thinking about everything that happened in the last hour.
She's a mother. Jo has children. Children that aren't his and he knows that he should be happy for her but he's sad. He always thought that he would be the father of her children. Every time he looked into his future he saw Jo. He saw himself and Jo surrounded by their kids and grandkids. Teasing each other and eating donuts until they die in each other's arm. He never saw him leaving her. He never saw a divorce or her with other children than his. It's so selfish of him to think all of this but he can't stop. He can't stop seeing everything that could have been. Everything he ruined the day he left. To be with kids that aren't his. He left the love of his life. He has missed Jo every day, but thought he did the right thing being with his kids, until one day during a rutine checkup of the twins he discovered that they aren't his. That Izzie lied to him, just to get him back. Since that day he has thought about coming back to Seattle every day. But he couldn't.
After his shower and changing into new clothes he makes his way back to the hospital as fast as he could. Even though he is not Jo's husband anymore, he still cares. He cares so much about her and nothing will ever change that. She's his best friend, his soul mate and even a divorce can't break that. He rounds the corner to Jo's room as Link leaves the room. Walking closer he can watch her through the window. Sitting on her hospital bed. Changed into some comfy clothes instead of this ugly hospital gown. Her daughter snuggled into her site while they read a book. Her son kneeling on the chair beside the bed, playing with a blue racecar on the bed beside Jo. She looks like a natural. As if being a mother has always been her destiny. He knows that she for sure is the most wonderful mother to those two. He had always known that, he always knew that one day she would be an awesome mom.
His thoughts get interrupted by Jo spotting him staring through the glas, waving at him to come inside.
"Hey." She greets him as he finally walks into the room.
"Hi." He replies with a smile. Her kids stop what they're doing and stare at him.
"Guys can you say hi to mommy's friend Alex. Can you tell him your names?" She asks her kids with a smile, stroking their little heads.
"Parker." The boy says shyly hiding his face in his mothers armpit. Alex can immediately tell that he's a sweet little boy, with big blue eyes and dark brown curls.
"I'm Emery." The girl answers more confident than her brother. There's a big proud smile on her face after she told Alex her name. Her light brown, long curls shake when she looks up to her mother, who smiles down on her kissing her forehead. She's a little tougher than her brother and probably also a little wilder.
"Hi Emery, hi Parker. I'm your mommy's friend Alex." He greets the twins, giving both a high five as he walks closer. "I like your car, Parker. I had one just like that when I was younger. And your dress is very nice Emery. Blue is my favorite color." Alex tells them with a sympathetic smile.
"Parker come here, let Alex sit in the chair." Jo patts on the bed next to her.
"Oh no I should probably go anyway." He says and is about to leave the room again when he gets interrupt.
"We can share mister Alex." Parker tells him, scooting a little to the side to make room for Alex on the chair.
"That's so nice of you, baby." Jo praises her son, stroking his hair, while he grinns widely, left from all the shyness he showed just a few minutes ago.
"Look now there's space for you. My mommy says I have a little booty so-"
"Parker!" Jo disciplines her son but has to laugh.
Alex has to chuckle too on the comment of the little boy.
"Well, your booty may be little but look at mine. I have a big booty so I don't think we will fit both on the chair. But thank you for the offer, mister Parker."
Alex comment now making the little boy chuckle.
"You are funny, Mister Alex." He giggles. "You could also let me sit on your lap, you know?"
"If you want that."
The little boy nodds with a smile. So Alex picks him up and puts him on his lap, as he sits down on the chair.
@doc-pickles @odd-birds-and-booksellers
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foodsies4me · 4 months
Max showing up at Magnus' door saying Alec say it's okay but the whole of NY's shadowhunters are scouring the city looking for him
So, this took a turn I didn't expect as usual because I have never written a fic the way I planned to. Also background context, Madzie is out shopping with Izzy, Clara and Steph, which is why Max arrived sans Madzie.
The thing is, Magnus should have known better than to take Max’s word at face value. As much as he adores the child, Magnus isn’t blind to Max’s tendency to get into trouble at the drop of a head because his curiosity gets the better of him. Still, Max has never disobeyed on purpose, especially where Alec is concerned. So, when Max rings his doorbell, hazel eyes barely visible over the camera, and claims Alec told him he could drop by, Magnus doesn’t think twice about letting him in.
He’s quick to put a stasis spell on the three potions he’s making for one of his clients and turn down the fire before Max makes it all the way up. While his favorite baby Lightwood has been helping him from time to time, claiming he needed to be able to understand how potions worked to help Madzie with her lessons, Magnus has only let him touch the harmless potions that don't explode or poison you with a wrong step. Or even the right one. Max enters right as Magnus shuts his apothecary again, his smile bright and easy as he chirps out a joyous, “Hi Mags!” Magnus immediately notices how, despite the easy smile and the relaxed shoulders, something is off about Max’s greeting. He can’t pinpoint what, but something - a key component Magnus never noticed was there - is somehow absent.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite Lightwood trainee,” Magnus greets as he takes Max's jacket and backpack and places them high on the coat hanger. “What brings you here today?” Max laughs, but again the noise sounds off. Wrong. Like a note that has been transposed into a different key. “Alec said I could come,” he says, repeating what he said earlier over the speaker. “So you said,” Magnus agrees. “But that doesn’t answer my question.” Max shrugs - a gesture that is adorably reminiscent of his older brother. Even if Max is clearly using it to avoid answering Magnus’ question. Deciding not to push the issue, not yet, Magnus offers to get them both a drink, playing up his antics slightly more than usual to draw out a smile and even a giggle out of Max before he conjures them both a cup of hot chocolate - one with a small shot of rhum in it for him, and one with an extra swirl of whipped cream for Max.
They talk about general things for a couple of minutes, Max's lessons as well as some of Magnus' more outlandish clients, before Max falls silent with a troubled look on his face. He draws his knees up to his chin, the cup clutched tightly between his fingers, and carefully avoids looking at him when he says, "Mother and Father are at the institute." Magnus makes a humming sound, no longer blinking at the particular way of address that only Max seems to adopt, "And did something happen with your parents?" Max shrugs again, expression growing more somber, "To keep friendly relations, it is customary for younger children to study in a different institute than their parents," he says, reciting the words in the same manner Alexander does when he's repeating something his mother used to say.
Magnus takes a sip of his drink, "And do you want to do that?" He asks carefully, already knowing the answer. Max shakes his head, shoulders slumping as he tries to make himself even smaller. "Then you won't," Magnus says. He abandons his drink to sit down next to Max, bumping their shoulders together before he pulls the young child in for a side hug, "If you don't want to leave then I doubt your brother would let anyone take you away from him." Max mumbles something into the side of his arm. "I'm sorry darling, I didn't catch that." "I don't want to be a burden," Max mumbles slightly louder, his voice wobbling ever so softly, and, not for the first time, Magnus is cursing Maryse and Robert Lightwood in a completely different manner than he's used to.
"Do you really think your brother could ever consider you a burden?" Magnus asks, carding his hands through messy black hair. "Your big brother? Your Alec that wrote you bedtime stories and goes trick-or-treating with you?" A wet giggle. "Now that's more like it," Magnus smiles. Max sniffles, wiping his tears on his sleeve before settling himself more comfortably against Magnus' side. "You really don't think I'll have to leave?" He asks carefully. "Not even if me being here makes Alec fight with mother and father?" "If there's one thing I can promise you then it's that your brother would burn the world down before he let anyone take you away." Max lets out a deep relieved sigh, reaching for his hot chocolate again and Magnus gives him another squeeze. "I don't like it when they're at the institute," he says after a long pause, "They always make Alec sad."
"Then we'll just have to make sure we cheer him up once they're gone," Magnus reassures. "Speaking off, I was planning on eating out with your brother today, but perhaps we could make him something instead?" The suggestion works exactly the way he expected it to. "Can we? Can we?" Max asks, springing up from the couch, eyes shining the way they should as he already starts shooting off the names of the different dishes he wants to make. Magnus expects that to be the last of it. Max and he end up making burgers, a homemade salad, and some potato wedges. Nothing too complicated for Max to make, and yet something all three of them like to eat. They're close to finishing up so Magnus calls Alexander, expecting to surprise his boyfriend with a (hopefully) welcome change in plans, only for things to go slightly different.
Alexander picks up on the first ring, his voice strangled like he's on the verge of a panic attack. "Magnus -I...fuck, I'm sorry I can't make it. Max is missing - I...," his voice grows more distant, likely speaking to someone else before he comes back on the phone, "I have to leave, I'm sorry. I'll let you-" "Max is here," Magnus cuts in before he looks over at Max, who is staring curiously at him. "Which he told me you knew?" "He...what?" "Max is here, he's been in my loft for most of the afternoon," he says, not missing the way Alexander's voice has grown very still. "He told me he told you." "I did," Max says, sounding as confused as Magnus does. "I asked if I could see you." Alexander curses over the other end of the line. "I- I'm going to have to call everyone back," Alec apologizes. "I- Max did ask... I was just, with mom and dad being here, I just. Sorry about this." Magnus can just imagine the expression on his face, a mixture of relief, annoyance, and the leftover stress from having had to endure another meeting with his parents. "There's no need to apologize, darling. That said, is your sister somewhere close?"
"Izzy?" Alexander asks, sounding calmer already, "Yeah she just came back from shopping with Madzie, Clara, and Steph, why?" "Could you put me on the phone with her?" Alexander still sounds confused, but he does as Magnus asks him to and, just a few seconds later, Izzy's voice floats over the phone. Magnus is quick to tell her to take over for Alexander for the night, something she's more than happy to do, before he asks her to give the phone back to Alexander so he can convince his boyfriend to come over. Something that isn't too difficult considering Max is still standing in his loft. After he's hung up, Alexander promising he's on his way, a pair of small arms wrap themselves around Magnus' waist again, a thin voice speaking up again. "Magnus?" "Yes, my little magpie?" "Thank you." Magnus smiles, returning the hug with a soft squeeze to Max's shoulders. "Anytime, little one."
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Omg, your last scenario with Izzy was 🔥🔥🔥 would you do something with reader being protective over izzy? maybe someone went overboard insulting him, or an old enemy tried to attack him, or anything like that. i just think izzy deserves to be protected (in a situation where, for once, he doesn't deserve to get punched lmfao) 💕💞 he deserves a knight in shining armor
(Izzy never leaves the Revenge but Calico Jack still shows up)
Defending Izzy Hands against Calico Jack:
Izzy felt a migraine coming on as soon as Calico Jack showed up, Edward greeting him like an old friend. Of course, they were old friends, but Izzy could never stand him, put up with him for Edward's sake. He was loud and boisterous but mostly arrogant and invasive, not the type of person Izzy could befriend.
For once he and Stede Bonnet could actually agree on something. Jack was an arse and they hated him. Sure, Stede's hatred came mostly from jealously and not liking the man Ed became around him, while Izzy's hatred came from past experiences with the man.
You had served on the Queen Anne before arriving on the Revenge, but not as long as some other crew members. You had only met Calico Jack once and you couldn't say you were fond of the man. He often boasted stories, 98% of which you were sure were fake or extremely exaggerated.
Currently, you were stood on the deck with the rest of the crew, listening to one of those stories. Some members of the crew like Pete or Swede were buying the tale but most of you were sceptical.
"Right, and I'm sure none of that was your imagination" Izzy rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe he hadn't left the deck yet, arms folded disapprovingly over his chest.
"Oh, relax, Iz. Not all of us are cut out for captain, huh?" Jack teased but it instantly made you frown. You didn't mind some playful insults, it was fairly common among the crew, but you knew Jack was purposely trying to get under his skin. Like always.
"And not all of us are cut out for Blackbeard's crew" Izzy retaliated with a small shrug.
"How long have you been first mate now? Shouldn't you have your own ship at this point?" Jack asked with as smirk but Izzy just rolled his eyes, clearly irritated but not rising to it, yet away. "Don't worry mate, I get it. Some of us are leaders, some of us are followers nipping at Blackbeard's heels" that got a reaction from the little crowd. It was no secret that Jack was starting to outstay his welcome but the crew loves to bother Izzy and he kept winning them over that way.
Izzy was clearly seething, the crowd oohing and awing at Jack's little dig. You, on the other hand, had completely had enough of Jack during his little visit. All he had done was disrespect Stede, drag Edward into his antics, and behave like a general bully while laughing it off like he had good intentions.
The only other time you had met him you never really spoke to him, but you thought it was about time to speak up. Izzy could be an arsehole, no doubt about that, but you respected your first mate and were willing to come to his defence.
"Yeah but you got to admit Izzy is a great first mate, right? Keeps this ship above water even with a crew that barely knows what they're doing" you spoke up. You liked the crew but they knew that they were mediocre pirates at best. "And...what happened to your crew again? Mutinied, right?" you asked with faked sincerity.
Izzy side eyed you for a moment, wondering what you were playing at. A part of him considered that you were simply showing respect for your first mate, another part of him worried you would end up playing into Jack's taunts and make things worse.
"...they're was a misunderstanding" Jack downplayed the past events, looking around at the crew to see if he was convincing them. He couldn't tell.
"Oh, of course" you agreed enthusiastically. "And the crew before that...another misunderstanding?" you cocked an eyebrow, "I mean, it's impressive Jack, honestly. You're like setting a record for how many mutinies a shit captain can experience in one year. We're at three so far this year, right?"
With an awkward laugh, Calico Jack looked around at the crew again, hoping a forced easy smile might win them back. "How would you even know that?" he asked you with a small scoff.
"I'm not one for gossip but pirates talk, especially disgruntled ones" you shrugged.
"Right, sure, yeah, and Dizzy Izzy would be able to run a ship?" Jack scoffed harshly, gesturing towards the first mate, still red with anger but his expression softening ever so slightly as he watched you.
"Honestly? Dunno if he can captain but he can fucking run a ship, that exactly what he does as Blackbeard's first mate" you reminded him bluntly. "What's the problem, Jack? You got no real stories were you sound any good so you have to make them up? You have to discredit Izzy because Blackbeard would never make you his first mate no matter how good of friends you are?" you taunted, a smug little smirk on your face.
Calico Jack frowned, his brow pinching as he approached you. You didn't back down, knowing for a fact you could take him in a duel.
Before Jack reached you, Izzy stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Don't fight him" Izzy assured you. "He won't listen, he'll cry and get sympathy, he'll turn it on you because he's not a real pirate. In a swordfight, you can take him, I have no doubt, but he'll twist your words" he informed you, it sounded like he was speaking from experience. Jack must have always been this way.
You looked at Izzy for a moment. While you wanted nothing more than to run Jack through, Izzy was your superior. So, you nodded, agreeing to back down. Izzy nodded his approval before beginning to walk across the deck, leaving the scene.
"Yeah, listen to good ol' Izzy. All bark, no bite, our little Izzy the Spewer" Jack advised you, his smirk returning. The arrogant little twat.
In a flash your fist had connected with his nose. A combination of the force and the surprise sent Jack back onto his ass quickly, looking up at you with wide eyes and clutching his nose. The rest of the crew cheered, enjoying the little show more than the defence of the first mate.
"One way or another, you'll be off this ship by sundown" you warned him through gritted teeth.
Izzy turned back as soon as he heard the blow land, watching with wide eyes as you towered over Calico Jack, an honest anger on your face as you threatened him. He wasn't stunned by the act of violence, not in the slight, but because you had committed the act in his defence. Or, at least, that was how it seemed.
Once the commotion died down and you had stalked off deck, there was an awkward quiet among the crew. Them glancing between Izzy and Jack, the latter of which was now climbing to his feet with a blood nose.
Finally coming to his sense again, Izzy turned on his heel and followed after you. He began searching for you under the ship when he didn't find you in your cabin. He felt like he was searching for far too long considering the size of the ship, the crew starting to go back to their tasks.
Izzy was heading back towards the kitchen to check there once again when he finally bumped into you.
"Where were you?" Izzy questioned, no real greeting but you were used to that.
"Talking to the captains. Stede agreed, Jack has outstayed his welcome. We convinced Edward it was time for him to go" you informed him, a dedicated edge to your voice.
"...why?" Izzy's voice was quieter, less sure, as he studied you. Trying to figure you out.
"Because he's an arsehole and if he stays any longer I'll do more than break his nose" you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, anger returning at the mere thought of Calico Jack.
"No, I mean, why did you punch him...for me? Why did you defend me?" he asked, the same confused expression on his face.
"Because he's wrong?" you told him as if it were obvious but you could see that he was still confused. You sighed, dropping your arms back to your sides. "Izzy, you're a fucking brilliant first mate. A little too uptight sometimes, sure, but you're getting this crew into shape. On the Queen Anne you were strict but fair, never cruel for no reason" you insisted. "Plus, no one every really thinks to defend you, and I think you deserve it" you added, completely sincere.
You thought the crew deserved to pick on him a little when he was being awful to them, but Jack was another story, it felt more malicious, and you unfortunately liked Izzy too much to let him get away with it.
When Izzy didn't respond, you placed a hand against his arm and have him a small smile before walking past him.
"I don't need defending!" Izzy called after to you. You couldn't tell if he sounded offended or not.
"I know" you turned back to him, not effected by his defensive tone. "But it's nice, isn't it?" you gave him another smile before leaving.
He supposed you were right, it was strangely nice. In fact, Izzy couldn't remember the last time somebody defended him just for the sake of defending him. Sure, Edward had protected him from time to time but normally in a raid or some other sort of conflict, it wasn't just to defend him for...him, it was part of the job more than anything. You didn't have to defend him against Calico Jack, there was nothing for you to gain from it. You did it solely for him.
When it came time for Jack to leave later that day, the crew was standing on the deck to see him off. Most of them were glad to see the back of him at this point.
You were standing beside Izzy, almost as if to further make some point, glaring daggers at Jack as he climbed over the ship's railing, smirking to yourself when you saw his bloodied crooked nose.
Izzy couldn't help but stand a little taller beside you, feeling somewhat smug. Jack had been through three mutinies in the last year alone, he had nobody, loyalty from no one.
But Izzy had loyalty. He had yours. He had you.
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L&L - Chapter 17. Surprise [Alec Lightwood x Reader]
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Title: Love and Leather - Chapter 17. Surprise ➔ Chapter 18. Here! Pairing: Alec Lightwood x Female!Reader Published: 23 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Love and Leather Masterlist | Masterlists
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It was already 9pm and you were finishing up getting ready. You felt comfortable in your cloths, you felt confident in yourself, and you felt ready to let go a bit. You were wearing a white crop top with beige baggy trousers which came up to your waist, along with a black belt which was hanging loose on the side. You also had a cropped leather jacket and a pair of black combat boots to go with it. Accessory-wise, you didn't go all out, you simply wore a black plain chocker, which was your favourite to be honest.
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You were happy with your choices and confidently walked out of your room. You barely walked through the hallway when you met Alec. You still felt a bit awkward, because you just wanted to say something to tease him, or joke around with him. But you couldn't and it seemed to be a harder task than you expected when you made the bet.
He looked at you and you expected him to just turn away, but he didn't. He kept looking at you longer than it felt comfortable. You suddenly remembered your conversation with Jace, about Alec's feelings, it made the eye contact even more awkward for you. You knew he was to stay behind, as he didn't want to join the party, therefore you just nodded and left him, before you could have said something embarrassing.
Jace, Clary and Izzy were already waiting for you outside. You walked to the back of the institute, where a portal was already waiting for you, thanks to Magnus. You stepped in one by one, being pulled through to arrive to the Pandemonium. It took only a few seconds for you to enter the club as you didn't have to queue.
Inside you met Magnus and greeted each other with a friendly hug. You ordered the first, the second and the third drink. You were tipsy, but was still in control of yourself. Jace and Clary danced together, completely forgetting about Izzy and you. But you didn't mind and you and your parabatai happily followed the rhythm of the music, not caring about anything else. However you needed some air and decided to exit at the back of the club for a few minutes.
You took a deep breath and let it out. It was a bit chilly outside, but you didn't mind. It helped you clear your mind. The music was blasting from inside so you decided to close the door behind you. The walls were soundproofed and as soon as the door closed, you couldn't hear the music anymore. You laid forward on the rail of the staircase, relaxing. However it didn't take long, before you realised something wasn't right. You barely heard it, but it sounded like someone was moaning. At first you chuckled at the thought of some passionate couple making out in the alley, but soon you had to second guess your thoughts. It sounded more like someone was moaning weakly, painfully.
You walked down the stairs and followed the quite sounds. You looked into every alley that came into your view but you haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. That is until you reached the end of the street. You saw a figure hovering above another. The person laying on the ground seemed to be half unconscious from the way his limbs spread out on the concrete.
"Hey!" You shouted. The figure above the man snapped his head towards you. You didn't have to think twice before pulling your daggers out of your jacket seeing blood dripping of his fangs. He started towards you without hesitation. You didn't waste time either and decided to take control. You started running and threw your dagger towards him, slashing his throat before he could even get near you. His body fell on the ground lifeless. You thought it was over, but you couldn't have been any more wrong.
Another man appeared in the opening of the alley where you entered. The moon's bright light shined back from his fangs and at that time you knew. You accidentally got involved in a situation, which you shouldn't have. Many shadowhunters have tried to end their attacks, but none has been successful so far.
"Shit!" You ran towards the man standing at the end of the alley, but as soon as you got close enough, he disappeared. "Shit!" You muttered again. You took out your stele and activated your speed rune. You felt yourself powering up. It was as if a whole new person has become of you. You looked around to search for the vampire, but he didn't show. You walked slowly and cautiously before you spotted him sitting on one of the staircases looking down at you.
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"You smell good." He said chuckling. You wanted to throw up. You liked most of the Downworlders, you never judged them for who day were. You thought it was hypocritical. But the rouge ones always pissed you off. They brought bad name for the rest of their members.
"Smell as much as you want, you will never fucking get any of it." You spat in disgust, but his grin grew bigger.
"I guess, we will see about that." He replied licking his fangs. You grimaced at his reaction and started towards him. This time, he couldn't disappear that quickly as your rune was helping you to catch up. You caught him off guard for a second and slashed his arm, but he just changed position quickly. Even with your rune, you still felt slow compared to his speed. "You are fun." He said appearing behind you. Before you could have even reacted, he got hold of your arms, making you drop the daggers. He held you with both his arms around your body. You wanted to hit him, spit on him, stab him, but you were unable to do any of them. He slowly leaned over your neck and licked it. "God, you smell so good." He whispered and you felt your stomach turn upside down.
"Die, you asshole." You screamed at him.
"Happily, if you stay in my arms." He cooed, but it was making you more and more uncomfortable. You heard silent steps coming closer and closer and you started struggling to get out of the vampire's hold. "I guess we have got company, my dear." He licked your ear.
"Y/N!" You saw your parabatai appear in the back of the alley. "What the hell?" She realised the situation. She was about to start an attack, but...
"If you don't want your little friend's throat to be ripped out, you will stay put." He hissed in anger. Izzy didn't have a chance, but to stop before even starting. "I think, this will be the ending of our pleasant evening, but dear Y/N, we will definitely meet again." He kissed the nape of your neck, before disappearing. Izzy immediately ran to you while you were still looking behind yourself, searching for the vampire.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Your parabatai asked worriedly.
"I will find him. I will find him and kill him myself." You whispered dangerously. You walked up to the body laying on the ground, to check for pulse or any sign of life, but he was dead. You looked up at your parabatai and shook your head.
"Let's go home." She said after checking out if you have suffered any injuries.
"Hell no!" You replied. "I need some drinks." Izzy was confused at first, but she understood you.
"Fine." She sighed. "Let's get something for your thirst." She chuckled, trying to lighten your mood.
"Do not ever use that word around me." You pushed her jokingly while walking back to the Pandemonium.
Notes: If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)
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lovemalecforever · 3 years
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Chapter 17
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
*Before leaving for the forest*
A loud yawn escaped from Jace's mouth before he could stop it, earning a light smack and an eye roll from his Parabatai.
"What was that for?" He asked sleepily, blinking hard to stay awake.
"I only asked Clary to create me a portal, not for you all to gather to see me off. I'll only be gone for a day."
"We wanted to see you before you leave, big brother. When you get back you won't be a mortal anymore." Izzy said, trying to suppress the yawn and failing badly.
"I agree, I missed Fray's calling upon the angel thingy, at least I can see off before you leave to become immortal." Simon defended his girlfriend.
"Why is he here, again?" Alec said, eyeing Simon.
"Because we wanted to see you as a mortal Shadowhunter one last time kid!" Luke said while walking towards the gang with Maryse.
"Luke! Mom!" Alec's eyes widened. "Now don't tell me Max is here too!"
As on cue, Max chimed in. "You're gonna have wings when you return Alec? Like real wings? That would be so cool!"
"Seriously!" Alec looked at his family around him and wanted to bang his head on the wall, only the looks on their faces stopped him from doing so.
"Alec, my boy, Luke is right. What you're going to do is a big step, we just wanted to be there for you before you take this step and tell you that we all are there for you, and we all love you, mortal or not."
"Thank you, Mom, all of you. Now, can you please create the portal Clary?" He asked, a little frustrated.
"Before that," Jace interrupted, "handle me your phone, Alec." He said, stretching out his palm in front of him.
"What? Why?"
"As I remember, Catarina said that you're 'awakening' will be really powerful. Do you want to shatter your phone into pieces?"
Alec took out his phone but hesitated.
"Alec, we'll handle it if Magnus calls, don't worry," Clary said, noticing the way he hesitated.
"Don't worry big brother, you're doing this for Magnus right? We'll handle him if he calls any of us, okay?"
Alec sighed. "Okay." He handed the phone to Jace. "Now, the portal."
Clary stepped forward and created a portal for him. He looked around to see his family and thanked them all for their support then stepped into the portal.
*Later- Jace's room*
Jace stirred in his sleep when his whole body suddenly started aching. He started twisting and turning, then jolted awake, sweat dribbling from his whole body.
Clary, who was sound asleep on his chest, jolted awake.  "Jace, what's wrong?" She asked, completely alarmed.
"D... Don't know. My whole body, it's aching, precisely my shoulders or around there."
Clary touched his back to soothe him a little but he flinched so she backed away, not sure how to help him.
"Sorry, didn't mean to. But my whole bo...." Before he could finish a loud scream escaped from his mouth.
"Jace!" She quickly wrapped her arms around him and started rubbing his back, unsure what else to do.
"I don't know what's happening, Clary. My back!" He grunted in pain.
"Jace! Try to relax, okay? Just breathe!" She ran her fingers through his long golden hair and continued rubbing soothing circles on his back when something caught her eye.
"J..Jace, your Parabatai rune!"
Jace looked down at his rune which was glowing in a goldish silver color. They exchanged a confused look, they've never seen a rune glowing in silver.
"Alec! He's.. he's in pain. I need to get to him."
"Jace, wait! Remember, we can't be there. This might be an awakening like Catarina told us. He would be fine, Jace. Come here now." She grabbed her boyfriend and caged him in her tiny arms, planting a soft kiss on his neck.
"I hope he is, Clairebear. The pain I felt... if this was what I felt then Alec..." He trailed off, shivering from the thought of how much pain his brother would be going through. And also utterly confused by the silver glow of his rune.
"Try to sleep, Jace. He will be fine."
Jace nodded, knowing that the pain had now faded, Alec would be fine. But that did make him worried about his Parabatai. He sighed frustratingly knowing he couldn't do anything about it, then laid down again, but this time on his girlfriend's chest, listening to the rhythmic beats of her heart which helped him to calm down. He closed his eyes, giving in completely to the soothing sound of his girlfriend's heartbeats.
Clary looked at the sleeping form of Jace on her chest and smiled fondly, stroking his scalp soothingly. She of all the people knew that behind a cocky, stubborn, egoistic, strong, self-centered Shadowhunter is a lost, soft-hearted, emotional, and broken person, who wants nothing but love. Not long after, she drifted to sleep.
*Later that day*
Magnus was thoroughly exhausted, he worked the whole day trying to distract himself from the disappointment, guilt, and constant emptiness but it was still there, as bright as a summer day, adding to his exhaustion more than before. His house was way too empty for his liking. After last night, lying to his husband, he couldn't help but feel guilty about it. He just wanted to be in his shadowhunter's arms badly. He wanted him home, but he knew that he couldn't, he was away for work. He wouldn't disturb him or ask him to come back just because he was being selfish.
He sighed, rubbed his face then looked down at the plate kept on the table and gently pushed it away. He didn't have an appetite, didn't want to. The pin-drop silence of the apartment was nerve-wracking. At one point he would have enjoyed this solitude, but not right now. It was too much for him. He got up, created a portal, and quickly stepped into it.
When he stepped out of the portal he was outside that bar in Germany again. taking a deep breath, he stepped inside, went to the counter, and ordered a neat whiskey.  as he took a huge sip of it, his shoulders slumped. after finishing the first glass, he ordered a refill, completely oblivious to a figure approaching him.
The woman eyed him from a distance, setting up a plan in her mind as she started walking towards him. She had long thick black hair with red highlights, deep black eyes, and had a perfect eyeliner traced above it, with deep red eyeshadow, and pale skin. Her glossy black lipstick stood out from her pale skin tone. She wore a shimmering black sheath dress with a deep sweetheart neckline, defining her perfect curves; accompanied by a pair of blood-red 6-inch pencil heels. She stood beside him, smirking at his obliviousness, then waved to the bartender.
"A shot of plasma, love."
Magnus was draining himself into the effect of the alcohol so he could forget the pain he was feeling when he saw a woman approaching him. she stood beside him and ordered her a drink, she looked familiar but he ignored it, ordering his own refill. The bartender was quick with his refills. He took a sip and sighed audibly.
"A neat whiskey! Are you in pain love? I think I can help you with that." The woman said.
Magnus wanted to answer her, but something about her sounded way too familiar. 'Do I know her?' he thought.
"No thank you, I'm fine." He said without looking at her.
"Come on, Magnus, who else other than me can help you in forgetting your pain?" She asked, her tone was sweet but dipped with venom.
Magnus froze, he was listening to those words, that voice after a long time. He now knows why the voice sounded so familiar. 'No! How can it be possible? It can't be possible!' he thought.
"C.. Camille Belcourt?" He slowly turned towards her, noticing her completely different features but the same dreadful eyes.
"Who else can it be, Magnus? What happened, did your Shadowhunter left you? I had told you, love, warned you, he won't last." Camille said, a vicious smile forming on her lips.
Magnus swallowed, hard. He was here to forget his pain in alcohol, not adding to his misery. "Shut your mouth, Camille. And don't say a word about him, I have no interest in sharing my personal life with you, so get lost."
"Come on, Magnus, you know that I'm always going to be your true love, even after what you did, I still love you. I'm always going to be the one, Magnus. Your Shadowhunter won't last." She said, sipping her shot of plasma in one go.
Magnus looked at her, not just looked at her, noticed her, every change on her except for her dark soulless eyes. 'Is that.. plasma? The hell!?' He thought to himself.
"How are you a vampire again?" He asked before he could even register he was going to say it. His eyes never leaving her changed form.
"Oh, Magnus, you know I have my way, love." She grinned evilly.
-3 years ago-
"Remind me why Clave needs my presence all of a sudden? As far as I remember, I'm doing my job properly." Magnus asked, way too frustrated with the sudden call to be present at the gard for a meeting when he was enjoying the beach in the Caribbean with his husband.
"Us, our presence, Magnus. And I don't know, Jia didn't say anything. Apart from that fire message we got, she didn't contact me further."
Magnus sighed. They were heading towards the conference room when they bumped into Jace and Izzy in the hall.
"Jace! Iz! What are you both doing here?" Alec asked.
"Jia called us and said it was important. What are you both doing here?" Jace replied.
"Same!" Alec replied with a sigh.
"Let's see then what she wants from us!" Magnus said, and they entered the conference room where Jia was already waiting for them. She greeted them and they all sat in their respective places.
"I know this meeting was a sudden call, and for that, I apologize Mr. Lightwood Bane(s), Miss Lightwood, and Mr. Herondale, but this is regarding the act of Victor Aldertree, he conducted two years ago."
Everyone exchanged a look. "What about it, Jia?" Alec asked, trying to push away his fear.
"When Victor converted the downworlders into mundanes, there were many who were killed, but when you Miss Lightwood and Aline secretly investigated it and caught Aldertree, destroying his lab in the process, there were many prisoners who escaped, in these two years we caught many but there are few who are out there and we need to find them soon."
"Where are we going with this?" Magnus asked. "As we all already know, the search is fully in progress."
She took a few files from her bag and handed them one each. "These are the prisoners we recently caught, Pandora Berklee and Raven Thomas, but the problem is, when we caught them they were not mundanes, Pandora was a vampire again and Raven werewolf. They were more ferocious and dangerous than before. That's why we need to find the remaining prisoners as soon as we can."
"Wait, they are downworlders again. But how?" Alec inquired.
"We interrogated them but so far we only know that they lured out their kind into transforming into what they were. We still don't know the full details but need to catch the rest as soon as possible. If you go to the next page, they are the remaining prisoners: Flora Hollis, Tatia Ross, Ulsura Enkenzi, Gabriel Liaison, Yinsu Yinki, Dora Venter, Seth Allberti, August Rosedale, Benzene Westfield, and Camille Belcourt."
Everyone except Jia froze listening to the name of Camille on the list. Alec put his hand above his husband's thigh under the table and squeezed it gently.
"We'll spread the word around the globe. Magnus?" Alec said.
"I'll spread it to all the warlocks and the rest of the downworld." He replied and squeezed back his shadowhunter's hand.
"I'll start with New York and spread the word around the institutes," Izzy said.
"I know you all will do your best, that's why I called this meeting. Thank you for your time." Jia greeted them once again.
They all got up, shook each other's hands, and left for their respective places.
Magnus opened the portal and dragged his husband back to the beach in the Caribbean, trying to soothe himself. He snapped his fingers and vanished their clothes, then snapped them again and summoned coconut water for them.
Alec looked down at himself and shook his head, followed with an audible sigh. "Seriously, Magnus, I already told you I'm not comfortable being naked in the open, put me in some clothes!" He said while trying to cover his junk from one hand and holding the coconut water in the other while sipping on it.
"Alexander, it's just us here. So try and relax."
They reached the campsite and Magnus started laying down the beach mat when Alec froze in his place.
"Magnus!!" He called. Magnus reached beside his husband and froze. There was a message written on the sand.
I'll come back for you, Magnus. One day I will, and those nephilims will suffer. I'm not done with you, love. CB
They both looked at each other with horrified expressions, sinking in what just happened. They searched the whole island but she wasn't there.
As soon as they got back to Idris, they did everything to catch the remaining prisoners, working day and night, doing everything they could, eventually, they caught the prisoners except for one... Camille Belcourt! She vanished without a trace.
"Ways? And what were your ways, Camille?" He spat out.
"Oh, Magnus! Don't be so spiteful, love. I came back for you." She said while running her perfectly manicured nails on his face.
Magnus shivered when she traced her fingers on his face. As soon as his mind registered what she was doing, he quickly shoved her hands away. "Where were you all this time, Camille? And how the hell are you a vampire again?"
Camille gave a malicious smile. "Doesn't your Shadowhunter love you anymore, Magnus, because you definitely enjoyed my touch."
Magnus screwed his eyes shut and gulped. He took a deep breath then ordered one more refill. "Answer me, Camille!" He said coldly.
"It's so easy to deceive the clave. Bunch of idiots! I was in India, it's a nice country and very welcoming!"
"India!" He repeated, surprised. "This whole time!" He mumbled under his breath. "You didn't answer my second question!" He said coldly.
"Oh, my love, there are many vampires who crave mundane blood, and many who want to expand their clan. You just need to find the right one." She smirked.
"You manipulated Vampires, just to become one once again!" He sighed. "Why am I not surprised!" He drank his whiskey in one gulp and ordered one more refill.
"Oh, Magnus, what had that shadowhunter done to you! Let me take away your pain." She pushed herself on him, pinning him on the counter with her vampire strength, running her hands over his and rubbing her knees over his legs.
Before Magnus could register what was happening, a pair of soft glossy lips were on his own, taking him hungrily. The kiss was filled with lust and passion, and he could taste something metallic as the kiss deepened. His shoulders slumped as he leaned against the counter, body giving in to the needs and mind going numb. Lust was clogging his mind and he was replying with the same fierceness as the heaviness above him kept increasing as if someone or something was crushing him.
With every passing second, the kiss kept getting deeper as sharp teeth clashed against his making a moan escape from his throat. He was completely gone into the lust until a pair of beautiful soft hazel eyes and an intoxicating smile flashed in his mind, followed by memories of his wedding day. 'Alexander...' wedding vows rang in his ears, bringing him back to reality. 'Alexander... no! no! What am I doing? no!'
With every inch of strength he could muster, he pushed her with full force, making her stumble back. An evil smile was plastered on Camille's face and she was licking her fangs when he opened his eyes. Licking his lips, he noticed that blood was dripping down from his lips onto his chin and down on the floor. Tears pooled in his eyes as his heart pounded in his chest. 'What have I done? no, Alexander... what have I done? How can I do this?'
Camille took a step forward, outstretched her hand, trying to caress his face but he shoved it harshly and pushed her back yet again. "Don't touch me, Camille Belcourt!"
"What's wrong Magnus? I thought you were enjoying it!" She said, playing innocent.
"Don't you dare try to be innocent! You did this! Stay away from me, Camille! Stay away from me!" He spat and then ran out of the bar.
"Oh, love, I'm not done with you. It's just the start, we'll meet again, Magnus!" She said viciously and disappeared into the crowd.
Tears were pooling down Magnus's face as he tried to wipe it away, rubbing it again and again as he kept running until he was far away from the bar then halted and leaned against the wall of a dark alleyway, heartbeat racing so fast that it was audible in the silence. 'What have I done? How can I do this? How can I cheat on him? Alexander... I... I need to tell him... yes...'  Without thinking he took out his phone and dialed his husband's number.
"A.. Alexander, I-"
"Hey Magnus, this is Jace, Alec is with Maryse. They are having their no phone, no disturbance mother-son time. Is there something important? I'll convey your message." Jaces' rushed voice came through the other side.
Magnus sighed as tears kept falling on his cheeks. "Uh.. n..no, umm.. nothing important. Just... just wanted to talk to him. I'll call later I guess."
"Okay then, bye."
Hanging up the call, Magnus created a portal and stepped into it, landing right beside his bed, then snapped his fingers to remove the clothes that had Camille's perfume all over them and burned them down to ashes, then fell on the bed with a loud thud.'What have I done? How can I do this? I'm so sorry Alexander, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to!  I'm so sorry. '  Curling into a ball of a fetus, he burst into tears and, not after long, fell asleep.
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