#its so so good though. i really need to buy the physical books
guideaus · 1 year
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hauntedrain · 6 months
F1 Driver Dating Headcanons | Fem! Reader |
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Includes: Charles, Max, Oscar, And Lando
Disclaimer: these might be unrealistic but they are ofc headcanons. Also, I might do a part 2 of more or different drivers? Not edited.
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Charles Leclerc *°:⋆ₓₒ
A gentle lover.
Would do anything and everything for you. You want a specific food? He'll go pick it up for you. Looking at something online? He'll buy it for you. Literally everything and anything.
Like, "No Charles is okay, I don't need it right now, and plus it's too much." and he would be like, "No if you want it'll get it, anything for you." and then he would buy it even if you still say its too much or something like that.
He reminds me of a puppy, so I imagine him following you everywhere. However, if it was somewhere where there's a big crowd or a bunch of fans hell be in front to protect you.
I feel like he's more of a romantic person with dates and gestures.
like candle-lit dinners, flowers all the time, fancy dinners and outings, etc.
Would compliment you 24/7 in the sweetest ways whenever, wherever, about whatever.
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Max Verstappen .。*゚+.*.。
A dominant domestic lover.
His priorities are you and your safety.
He would most definitely be mad if someone hurt you. Like for example, if someone bumped into you at an event he would probably give them a slightly dirty look and then pull you closer to him so you do not get bumped again.
Would be really sweet with you.
On his hands and knees for you.
Like if you're sick, by the time you wake up there's a cup of tea, soup, and medicine. Or if you need help grabbing something would already be reaching for it. It's like he's 2 steps ahead of you but in a sweet way.
I think he would definitely like to hear about the little things about you. how your day was, or plans you have.
I also think he would like shopping with you for some reason, like showing him or trying on clothes that you like. its like a mini fashion show for him but with you as the model.
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Oscar Piastri ✧・゚: *
I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend that would meet your friends or family, and they initially think that he's mean or cold, but over time they realize he's really sweet and nice.
I think he would secretly make a playlist for you or about you. Like songs that remind him of you or that he knows you like.
He would probably form this by playing random music during drives and keeping note of what you like, and then once he has time he puts them into a playlist for you that he plays when you're with him or if he misses you.
He's probably more of a quality time lover. He enjoys doing things with you and he has dates that revolve around that.
I feel like he's the type to give random gifts for no reason at all. Like he just shows up with flowers, jewelry, or a book or something.
for example, he would randomly show up with a stuffed animal or something he saw while he was away and explain that he saw it and thought of you so he bought it to give you.
I think he would like to keep your guy's relationship more private but not secret.
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Lando Norris ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
I think he would be a touchy bf. (Love language is physical touch)
He always has to be touching you at all times, whether that be holding your hand, hand on your hip, or having his hand on the small of your back.
You guys do "childish things" as dates. Like an arcade, coloring books, building legos, or board game nights. Though, on the other hand, I also think there's a side where it's more "romantic", like nice dinners or something fancy. It would be a mix but either way it's something special.
obsessed bf x pretty gf type beat.
If you ask him to take pictures for you or of you he would be making sure you look good and he's getting the best pictures he can get as if it's his 9-5 job.
You would also probably get messages from Oscar during the season telling you how he won't shut up about you.
I feel like he would buy matching things with you, like jewelry, hoodies, or even something that's just the same color.
I think he would soft-launch your relationship tbh, but once it's public he wont shut up about you.
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I hope that you guys like this (sorry that it's so short) & thank you so much for 500 notes on my last fic <3
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Sorry to bother you but I’ve been getting into BSD and Chuuya’s my fave, but I’ve been seeing some contradictory things in fanfic so…
Does Chuuya actually have a god sealed inside him? I thought it was just like his power without limitations and was dubious of those takes, but since eldritch beings can apparently be a thing (and not an ability), I think it could be plausible either way.
Though even if it’s not I can see why people would use that route for some good angst.
This is not a bother at all! This is something I very much like to talk about
if you're really new I do recommend you go read both "Dazai, Chuuya, Fifteen Years Old" and "STORM BRINGER" light novels (but SB especially), not only are they great books with Chuuya as the focal point but they will help answer your question in depth (you can buy the English translations but I can help you find the translation online if that's what you need, just message me again)
The short version is that Arahabaki being an actual god, a separate entity from Chuuya that has a personality/a voice/desires, is a common fanon trope, but not a canon fact. The truth is more complex and much more fun, lore-wise, in my opinion
And now the long version, because I'm passionate about this and this is my excuse to deep dive into it (spoilers for Fifteen)
In Fifteen, Chuuya says this:
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Chuuya himself presents "Arahabaki" as nothing more than pure power. No thoughts, no personality, but powerful for sure.
That phrasing in Fifteen created a lot of confusion I think, talking about gods as real but also not:
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But I think it's more of a symbolic reference, talking about immense power that seem out of this world. Because in practice, as Chuuya said before, "Arahabaki" is simply raw power, not an entity. You can't pray to it, it can't understand you, it can't perform miracles (which is why he knew the Old Boss couldn't have been brought back by Arahabaki and it was all nonsense from the start)
I'm also putting part of the blame on the anime, where they decided (while not being exactly wrong either, out of context it's weird) to illustrate Chuuya "floating in a bluish-black darkness, surrounded by a transparent seal" and being pulled out by a hand:
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like this:
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When, if you actually reread that part in the novel with knowledge about Storm Bringer, it's actually this moment that was being referred to:
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Which brings us to Storm Bringer! (heavy spoilers I'm serious)
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"Project Arahabaki" was the Japanese government's attempt to create an ability weapon from an individual. They wanted to craft a singularity that could be used multiple times, thus granting them access to power that should not be accessible normally. They based their research on what France had discovered through Verlaine. The objective is to create a massive energy output through a self-contradicting ability, for which you need a vessel:
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Chuuya is the device. "Arahabaki" is the massive energy. That massive energy can control gravity to the point of being able to create localized black holes! N implied that part of the lab's work for the Arahabaki Project was to modify Chuuya's body to be able to withstand the constant gravity effects on it so he doesn't just die. Chuuya's normal use of his ability doesn't seem to have any drastic effects on him, and his physical resilience (to getting hit, stabbed, poisoned, shot, electrocuted, to going through a black hole) does seem to imply they did succeed at least in part.
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And this bit here explains why "Arahabaki" was the chosen name for the project; unexplained phenomena across History that can be linked to an ability going haywire, but were attributed to god-like interventions at the time. So you're a funny little mad scientist, you read research papers from another mad scientist that named their own creation after a mythological monster, and you decide to do the same with your own local folklore.
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There's still something to be said about how "Arahabaki" is a singularity, and therefore, has its own set of rules. Chuuya does loose control, Chuuya does regress to a sort of destructive instinct while under Corruption. But "Arahabaki" is still no more than an ability singularity. Here's what is said about Guivre and Arahabaki:
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They are both singularity life-forms. They exist because they are singularities; outside of it, they are nothing. The inner workings of abilities are still mysterious, but most of them have a link to their wielder's desires. For example, Atsushi's Tiger is there to protect him, a mirror to his will to live no matter what. Verlaine's Guivre is similar:
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Guivre was a beast born out of Verlaine's loneliness and resulting hatred. He felt deeply alone in not feeling/being human, and through Pan's (his "creator") special "programming" of Verlaine's ability, N was able to trigger the true form of his singularity with that flare gun and metal powder, which took the form of Guivre. It's what the hat was supposed to prevent, but Verlaine had already lost it by then.
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Chuuya's Arahabaki is probably similar. Its first apparition was when Rimbaud tried to absorb him and use his ability for himself, and any subsequent use is linked to grief and survival. Basically, if they're their own entities, they are still born in a specific context and deeply linked to the original ability user's character. And Arahabaki? Only exists if Chuuya uses his activation phrase to get rid of the limitations put into place to prevent him from exploding:
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More about about Corruption: SB is kind enough to give us an explanation on how the nullification process works, right here:
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Chuuya's self-contradicting ability makes him able to control gravity through the sheer amount of energy it creates by permanently interacting with itself. It is kept under control through the use of an activation phrase, O grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again, which, after being either said or thought by Chuuya, will open his "Gate" (which I'm interpreting as a blocker put in place by the lab so the singularity doesn't just kill him, like those poor people they mentioned existed through History), and by opening it, "free Arahabaki's true power" (aka Corruption). When Dazai uses his ability on him, the base self-contradicting ability is nullified, which cancels out the singularity taking place, which stops Corruption and allows that "Gate" to close again. The red markings are there because they're cool and fun.
To conclude, I'll let Dazai do the honors:
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bonus: what does that mean for Chuuya's ability?
bons 2: Perceived timeline of Chuuya's past and what happened to to create confusion around his humanity
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pathfuckery · 1 year
Pathfinder 2e New Player Resource Masterpost
Hey there! Looking to get into PF2e? You’re making a great decision, but you may not know where to start! I’ve put together a handy list of resources you can consult while getting into the game. As always, if you ever have questions about PF2e, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I love this system, and I love helping new players!
Official Resources
The Archives of Nethys are the official host for the PFSRD. You can find ALL of the rules of the game for free there. Literally everything that is not Golarian specific is on the Archives, and all of it is laid out incredibly well. It may not look quite as flashy as beyond, but its search functions and layout are superior. 
If you buy one product from Paizo as you get started, I HAVE to recommend to BEGINNER BOX. This thing is fantastic. It simplifies the rules, gives you GORGEOUS character sheets that highlight all of your abilities, and have a fun little adventure that dovetails nicely into either their Troubles in Otari or Abomination Vaults modules. (As someone who has run both of those now, they’re both fantastic as well and I highly recommend them.) 
Beyond the Beginner Box, I would also suggest picking up a Core Rulebook. It is true that all of the rules information is already laid out in the Archives, but having a CRB on handd is nice for the art, plus the book is laid out incredibly well. If you can’t afford a CRB at this time, though, you’ll still be good! You might also watch for Humble Bundles, as they often have great Pathfinder packs on there, and sometimes it includes Physical CRBs, in addition to a load of other great PDFs. 
When looking to GM, I recommend the following pages in the CRB first. I’ve also linked the corresponding Archive pages: 
Introduction, Pages 7-31. This will give you the rundown on key terms, how characters are created, the base flow of the game, and the action system (the best part of pf2e!)
Playing the Game, Pages 443-481. This is the longest section of the rulebook to read, but there’s a lot of great stuff in here. This will give you the rules for checks, combat, conditions, resolving actions, and the differences between encounter, exploration, and downtime mode. The most important is encounter and exploration mode, so you can feel free to only skim the downtime mode section of this part. 
The Gamemastering section has a lot of great stuff, but for a GM, your two most important sections will be the following:
Encounter Building, pages 488 and 489. The rules for building encounters work in this system, and they work WELL. Obviously, environment, terrain, and how a specific groups strengths and weaknesses compare to a monster affect things, but if you budget a moderate encounter, it can be expected to be moderate. Just be sure you recognize that Moderate encounters are still meant to be challenging in this system, and Severe encounters are potentially deadly. Extreme encounters should be used incredibly sparingly. Maybe 1 or 2 times per campaign.
DC Charts and Adjusting DCs. Pages 503 and 504.  If you ever need a quick DC, these charts are your friend. You don’t need to memorize them, but you’ll want to have them in an easy-to-reference spot.
There are a lot of great youtubers for PF2e. I’ll only be highlighting a few of my favorites here!
How It’s Played  is probably the best resource for a new player, and helped me a ton with all of the rules when I started GMing. They do close looks at different subsystems, and clearly break down how the rules apply. You don’t need to watch all of their content before you jump in and play, but if you watch a few of their main series on PF2e between each session, you’ll be a rules master in no time! 
I also really enjoy The Rules Lawyer. He always has well-reasoned takes on things going on in the hobby, and and has an enjoyable calm/measured tone. I highly recommend his “Combat Tactics” videos, as he highlights some of the major differences with 5e and what things are now expected to survive. A lot of common 5e tactics are a way to a quick death in PF2e, but you do have the tools to survive!
The final Youtuber I’ll be highlighting is Nonat1s. He’s puts out quite a variety of videos, including skits and other fun things, but is also a wonderful ambassador for the game and gives great character advice as well. I want to highlight his “Welcome to Pathfinder Second Edition” video, which is just perfect!
Other Resources
I can’t create a list of resources without calling out Pathbuilder! It is hands down the best character builder, and its available on desktop and mobile. It’s mostly free, with a small donation being required to unlock premium features. At this time, there is no crossover between the web app and desktop besides being able to save and access characters from google drive.
The Pathfinder 2e Subreddit  is a wonderful community of people, and it’s a great place for discussion. There’s weekly question megathreads, discussions about releases, people highlighting great builds and fun things in the system, and it’s probably the quickest place to keep track of announcements. There’s also a lot of love for 3pp there!
Speaking of 3pps, I LOVE the Battlezoo line! One of my players is OBSESSED with dragons, and they have a whole book that was tailor-made for him, and it’s incredibly balanced and fun. They’ve also got a whole bunch of other cool stuff that’s been kickstarted and will be releasing soon. 
What VTT should you use if you’re playing online? My hat is thrown into the ring for Foundry VTT. It’s my VTT of choice. It’s wildly powerful with the Pathfinder 2e system, and a wonderful community of devs have gotten the system almost entirely automated so you can focus on RP! It’s a breeze as a GM as well, and the only difficulty is in self-hosting, but even that isn’t too bad. Their site has a great set of guides, starting HERE with the ways you can host. If you choose to self-host, you only need to make a 1-time payment of 50 dollars for the software, and only one person needs to actually do the hosting. Split between a group? That’s incredibly affordable, especially considering there is no subscription!
I’m gonna shout MYSELF out here. I put together a List of Actions you can take in combat that isn’t just moving or attacking. Coming from 5e, it can be easy to get stuck in the loop of move and attack, but there are so many more options, and those options are very crucial. This isn’t comprehensive, but covers the basics characters can have access to with only minor skill investment.
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lynnthefrenchtoast · 2 months
Lines from "In The Other Universe" that I CANT GET OVER
in which a fanfic writer (me) overexplains her oneshot bc I NEED TO RAMBLE AND MY IRLS FOLLOW ME ON EVERY OTHER PLATFORM SO TUMBLR IS ALL! I! HAVE!
(u should prob read it first this wont make sense otherwise)
"Even though it was not his name, Yin Yu turned"
i dont know if this is a canon scene or not (sue me the books are LONG and hard to buy in my country) but i've read about yin yu getting mistaken for yizhen and getting totally upset. so i decided to start this fic with him being so okay with it that he responds to qi ying's name as if it's his own.
(also because if ur so close to someone, ur nosy abt their business because it also becomes your business) I WANTED TO CONVEY THAT CLOSENESS FROM THE VERY FIRST LINE
"Should I tell Yizhen you can't even recognize me?"
CANON YIN YU IS SO GLOOMY AND HONESTLY WE UNDERESTIMATE HIS POTENTIAL TO BE TEASY. i just know he could be. all hard workers have a sarcastic inner voice
"The man damn near shits his pants"
AHAHHA okay look. i have this tendency when writing to be REALLY PRETENTIOUS AND FANCY. and ive learnt that usually NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS. compared to genshin, tgcf fanfics are so beautifully written and sometimes i gotta remind this fandom to SPEAK INFORMALLY (unless its qi rong. then. yea. BUT WHO READS QI RONG FICS?)
"The blank wrist that has never known the kiss of cold metal"
"In this universe, he discovers it's such a simple thing to be happy."
proof that quanyin is literally hualian's cousin
the entire earring scene
i am a sucker for qyz's over-attachment to the earrings. ik a lot of ppl think he's like this because its the only thing yin yu ever gave him but NO headcanon that even in the other universe, yizhen would be overly attached because hes a puppy
he xuan scene
canonically, he xuan would NEVER. bc 1) he's too lost in his own ways to ask for advice and 2) it would fuck with his earth master disguise too much. but since it's the other universe!!!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT.
“Yizhen’s victory is my victory,” he declares, with a tone that leaves no room for argument. “His loss is my loss. When Yizhen cries, I am sad. When Yizhen smiles at me, my heart is so full it could burst.” He brings two jade white palms together, interlocking the fingers like entangled limbs on a hot summer morning. “We’re like this. One shared past; one shared future. As a Shixiong, don’t you think rather than being jealous, I’m extremely proud of how far he’s come?”
ONE SHARED PAST; ONE SHARED FUTURE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? this is all i ever wanted for them. to be able to grow together and live together and die together. TO HAVE A SHARED PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.
this line is also loaded to me bc i once wrote a fic called "entangled pasts; estranged future" that wasnt good enough to be posted but GOD IT REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF IT
"Here, he never needs to know the weight of a mask – neither physical not metaphorical."
i dont like how i worded this but IT NEEDED TO BE SAID. YIN YU NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR THE WANING MOON MASK but more importantly NEVER NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WEAR A MASK TOWARDS QUAN YIZHEN. NEVER NEEDS TO HIDE RESENTMENT. im shaking with all they couldve been and didnt become.
"Here, Brocade and Immortal are just two words"
hear that? its the sound of me BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AAAAAA I SO DESPERATELY WANT THIS TO BE REAL i mean i understand if they werent so tragic i wouldnt love them as much but IT HURTS! (*100 teehee)
"Sure it will."
i actually hate myself why did i end it like that even in my fanfic i cant let them be happy. huh. i have to subtly hint that this isnt what happens.
its actually so upsetting that the whole fic is so nice and healing and all of it is just overcasted by this knowledge of "its not real. they never get to be this happy. what really happens is they resent each other and leave each other and they become one shared past; two estranged futures."
you can call me insane. im aware no one thinks this deeply about fanfiction and most people are on the site for smut. BUT I THOUGHT LONG AND HARD ABOUT IT SO YOURE FORCED TO LISTEN TO ME RAMBLE
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POYW Rewrite V2 - Harry Hook x reader - P6
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Warning; referenced to/mention of/implied physical and sexual abuse, nothing graphic but its easy to know what it's alluding to.
Jane found herself in Evie and Mal’s dorm room, her arms straight out to the side as Evie measured every square inch of her. She couldn’t believe you had actually commissioned Evie to make a new outfit for her, Jane had nearly fainted at seeing the sketch Evie had created.
A crop top and top-down overalls? Oh, gods-she would not be able to pull that off-no matter how cute her hair was now. You and Evie were adamant she would look amazing in it though-and Jane let Evie measure her, moving to sit on the bed next to you as Evie went to work cutting and sewing the new fabrics she had gotten for Jane’s outfit.
Jane liked the pattern of the shirt, along with the color. “so-when do you think it’ll be done?” Jane asked, and Evie pursed her lips, narrowing her eyes as she calculated how long the outfit would take to make. “Maybe tomorrow, I pre-ordered the overalls, just have to make edits to it to make it more…” Evie gestured to Jane with a small grin. “Jane.”
Jane giggled slightly, messing with her hair as you admired Mal’s art skills. “Do you think this’ll get me a boyfriend?” Jane asked, thinking of Gil. Mal just scoffed as you grinned knowingly. “Boyfriends are overrated,” Mal said, erasing a bit of her sketch and blowing the pieces away.
“And how would you know Mal, you’ve never had one~” Evie teased, pausing in her work for the moment to grin at Mal, who glared back playfully. “Cause I don’t need one, E.” Mal and Evie had a staring contest for a moment then she directed her attention to Jane, muttering the words over her shoulder “They’re a waste of time.”
Evie gasped, suddenly remembering something “I forgot to do Chad’s homework!” she bolted up, forgetting about Jane’s outfit and grabbing the backpack from beside Mal’s bed, muttering to herself in panic as she did. “And that is exactly what I mean~” Mal sang while you sighed, wishing Evie would just realize Chad was a jackass already-you had nearly gotten through to her earlier-but she was adamant in her attempts to be his girlfriend.
You turned as a knock sounded at the door, seeing Lonnie jumping into the room with a coin purse in hand, wearing a cute pink raglan-style tee and a sea green skirt. “Hey guys, I’m Lonnie~” Mal just stared at her as Evie continued to get Chad’s homework out. “My mom's Mulan?”
Evie dropped Chad’s bag to the floor with a loud thunk.
“No?” Lonnie brushed their reactions off and turned back to Mal-who went back to her art. “Anyways, I love what you’ve done with Jane’s hair. And I know you hate us, and well-your evil~” Mal grinned. “but, do you think you could do mine?”
Mal stopped, looking back at Lonnie-confused. “And why would I do that for you?” Mal asked, watching as Lonnie held up the coin purse, the money inside making a noise. “I’ll pay you fifty dollars?” Lonnie said, hoping to entice Mal into spelling her hair. “Good answer,” Evie sang, snatching the purse away from Lonnie and giving a sly grin to Mal who pouted at her. “I need to buy more material.”
Mal just huffed and rolled her eyes as Evie talked hair with Lonnie, suggesting to lose the bangs and add layers and highlights. Lonnie shook her head; she already knew what she wanted. “No no, I want it cool, like Mal’s~”
Mal glanced at Lonnie, not expecting the compliment. “Really? the split ends too?” Evie teased, shaking the bag as Mal glared at her. Mal huffed, accepting her fate and turning over to grab her spell book. Evie and Lonnie shared a grin and Lonnie stood pin-straight as Mal positioned herself at the edge of her bed and flipped to the page she needed.
“Okay, beware, foreswear, replace the old; with cool hair.” Mal snapped the book shut-waving her hand around and Lonnie’s head followed the motions, until Mal slowly brought her hand up and Lonnie’s hair became long and a lighter shade-curling down her back and framing her face.
Lonnie gasped, feeling the long locks between her fingers as she went to admire herself in the mirror-you and Jane following as Evie ‘comforted' Lonnie over the ‘bad’ hair-do. It was better than her weirdly cut bob-but it could do with some styling. “I know, I know, I know! it looks like a mop on your head.” Evie glanced at you as you snorted, hiding your smile behind your fist. “you know what, let’s cut it off-layer it" Lonnie stopped her before she could go on.
“No no no! I love it~!” Lonnie gasped, grinning at herself in the mirror, ignoring the sneer on Evie’s face. “It’s just-“ Lonnie leaned down, ripping a seam of her skirt-making it reveal a bit of her thigh. You slapped your hand over your eyes as you held back a laugh, remembering the hardcore rock music that had played when she did that in the movie. Evie and Mal just stared, eyes widening in shock as Jane looked on in awe. “now I’m cool,” Lonnie breathed, grinning as Mal nodded.
“Like ice,” Mal said, watching as Jane went to stand next to Lonnie and did the same thing to her skirt-though she panicked as soon as she realized what she did. “What did I do!?” Jane gasped, staring at the tear in her dress. “Mom’s gonna kill me!” “No she won't” you sighed, patting Evie’s shoulder and nodding over to her sewing kit, “Evie can sew it right back together; like it never happened-now calm down bluebird.” Jane took several deep breaths as Evie sewed the tear back together, and like you said-it was like it never happened.
“Now come on, im sure these girls have shit ta do” Jane gasped at your curse word but did as told-skittering out of the room as Lonnie thanked Mal and waved them goodbye. You nodded at Carlos as he stepped into the room, Dude in one arm and a laptop in the other. “hi dude,” you cooed, scratching his chin-grinning as he leaned into it. “good pick puppy, Carlos is a keeper.” Carlos grinned, holding Dude close as he walked into the girls room and introduced them to Dude. They looked shocked to see Carlos so willingly holding a dog but got over it quickly, Evie happily gave Dude her attention as Carlos sat down at the end of Mal’s bed and opened his laptop.
You closed the door behind you, heading back to your room to get some work done and maybe hang out with the boys more. You passed Jay on your way over and told him everyone was in Mal and Evie’s room. he nodded and jogged off in that direction, a grin on his face as he wore his new jersey; clearly excited to show it off.
Jay threw open the door, showing off his jersey as Carlos whistled the girls not exactly reacting as Jay posed and strut around the room. Evie gave him a once over, nodded, and went back to Chad’s homework.
Jay, seeing Mal hovering over her spell book-flipping through it frantically-wandered over. “Did your plan with Jane work? you going over to see the wand?” Jay asked, blinking as Mal glared up at him with puffed cheeks. “do you think I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?! Harry’s little girlfriend ruined it, swooped in and saved the day,” Mal muttered, looking back down at the book and continuing to flip through it, hoping for some sort of spell that would just-magically give her the answers.
“Someone’s cranky,” Carlos muttered to Evie, who gave him a tight-lipped smile as Mal flicked Carlos on the head. “My mom’s counting on me! I can't let her down!” Carlos pouted back at Mal, rubbing the back of his head as Jay sighed. “we can do this!” they paused, all staring at Jay, he had never said that before “…if we stick together.”
There was another pause, before Mal broke it. “And we won't go back, until we do….because we’re rotten-” The others nodded, finishing the sentence quietly. “To the core.” Mal nodded once, going back to her spells as Evie sighed, remembering her earlier conversation with Doug.
“oh yeah, I found out Fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at the coronation and we all get to go.” Mal stared at Evie, her jaw dropping open slightly. How had Evie failed to mention that before?! “I have nothing to wear of course,” Evie groaned, thinking of the dresses she could wear to such an event.
She realized everyone was staring at her, and frowned-a knock at the door interrupted Mal from asking for more details. “What?” Evie asked, watching as Mal snapped the book shut and held up her finger as she stood. “hold that thought,” Mal muttered, walking over to the door and pulling it open to reveal Ben.
“Hey, Mal” Mal smiled slightly, tilting her head as Ben continued. “I didn’t see you guys today; I was just wondering if you had any questions or anything you needed?” Mal shrugged, looking back at her friends to see if they needed anything, they all shook their heads. “not that I, know of?” Mal looked back at Ben, shaking her head. Ben nodded, a little disappointed he couldn’t help them but started to head out.
“Okay, well, if you do need anything- you” Mal quickly remembered the coronation and called out for Ben to wait-he happily took a step back and waited for Mal to continue. “is it true? That we all get to go to your coronation?” Ben nodded with a smile. “Yeah, the whole school goes,” Mal gasped, a new plan forming in her mind. “Wow~ that is beyond exciting~" Ben grinned, happy to see Mal so excited about his coronation. “Do you think that it’s a possibility, that the four of us could stand in the front row next to the fairy godmother, just-“ Mal took a deep breath, the others behind her holding back their laughter at Mal’s act. “Soak up all that goodness?”
Ben looked as if he wanted to agree, but sighed, shaking his head. “I wish you could, but up front, it’s just me, my folks, (y/n), and my girlfriend.” Mal paused, there was an idea. “And your girlfriend?...wait, (y/n)?” why would you be upfront? As far as Mal knew-you were just kinda-a person; with no status.
Ben laughed a bit, nodding. “yeah, she’s kinda my unofficial bodyguard, so-she stands near me, next to my girlfriend.” Mal slowly nodded, glancing off to the side as a new plan formed. “Huh, question-if she had a date for the coronation, would they be standing with her too? Or would they be separated?” Ben shrugged, nodding. “I don’t see why not? She’s not dating anyone though, so at the moment she’s alone at the coronation.”
Bingo, two tickets to the front row. Mal stopped the evil grin from growing on her face, waving Ben goodbye as she went to tell her friends the new plan. “Okay thanks bye~!” Ben went to say there were plenty of spaces near the front-but Mal had already closed the door. He sighed and walked off.
“I think it’s time Benny boo, got himself a new girlfriend~” Mal purred, sharing a grin with her friends. “and I need a love spell,” she held her hands out, Carlos tossing her the spell book and Mal caught it with a grin. Finally, a plan was about to be in motion-and Mal would make sure it went off without a hitch. “Carlos, go find Harry and Gil, while I despise Harry, I’m going to need him for this plan to work.” Mal muttered, quickly finding the best love spell in the book, love spell cookies.
Carlos furrowed his brows, setting Dude down and standing-setting his laptop aside. “Sure? But why?” Mal sighed, honestly how had none of them seen it?! “(y/n) likes Harry, that’s clear to see, and she stands up front with Ben, and if she brings a date-they stand up there with her. Harry’s going to be her date. Harry’s going to give (y/n) one of those cookies, just to make sure (y/n) brings him.”
Evie blinked, something in her gut telling her that wouldn’t work-but she didn’t bring it up, not wanting to bring Mal’s high down. “All right then, but don’t blame me if they don’t listen,” Carlos said, Dude following him out the door as he went to Harry and Gil’s room.
“If she likes Harry already,” Jay said, rubbing the back of his head-now remembering all the little looks you had given Harry over the last day. “Why do we need to spell her? Cant Harry just ask her out?” Mal shrugged, tilting her hand back and forth. “He could, or we could just love spell her and guarantee a spot for Harry next to the wand.”
Jay shrugged, couldn’t argue with that.
Mal cursed; dammit-the cookie dough would need to rest for at least five days before they could be baked-something about full potency. Meaning they wouldn’t be able to spell Ben till Sunday at the least. Well, they had the time, the coronation wasn’t until the 16th. That wasn’t for another two and a half weeks. They had time.
Carlos knocked on the boy's dorm, frowning as no one answered even after the seventh knock. He turned, hearing the sound of music from your room and walked over, knocking once and hearing your voice from inside-telling him to come in. He stepped inside, seeing Harry and Gil on the floor in front of the tv, playing some sort of fighting game against you-which you were kicking their asses.
Harry turned to look at him-raising his brow at the sight of Dude at Carlos’ feet. “Hey pup, and….dog?” Harry said, narrowing his eyes in confusion at Dude, who just tilted his head back. You turned, beaming at the sight of Dude and crouching with your arms out, giggling as Dude ran into your arms and happily accepted your cuddles. “Hi Dude~ I see you’ve made a new buddy,” you cooed, winking at Carlos who smiled, his eyes on dude.
“Hi puppy!” Gil said, reaching over to pet dude behind the ears. “oh you’re cute-Carlos, I thought you were scared of dogs?” Carlos shrugged, picking Dude up as he slipped out of your arms and ran back to Carlos. “I was, but…he’s different,” Carlos said softly as he rubbed Dude’s head, the mutt panting happily.
Then he remembered why he had come here in the first place, “Harry, Gil?” they turned to Carlos, Harry raising his brow. “Mal wants to talk,” Harry just rolled his eyes, turning back to the tv and pushing Gil to do the same. Carlos sighed, he knew Harry wouldn’t want to talk, he hated Mal, and had since he was 10. Since the shrimpy incident. “either you come to talk right now or she comes to find you, and we both know what she's like when she doesn’t get her way.” Harry groaned loudly, slowly and painfully standing up, clearly not wanting to talk to Mal.
“Ffffine,” Harry muttered, pulling Gil to his feet and saluting you. “see ya later lass,” you waved them off, setting down your controller and going back over to your computer-resuming what you had been doing before Harry asked for your help.
Carlos led the way back over to Mal and Evie’s room, knocking on the doorframe as he entered. “Got em,” Carlos muttered, sitting back down at the end of Mal’s bed as she nodded, crossing her arms as Harry and Gil stepped into the room, Gil looking around at the constant pink as Harry glared at Mal-who glared back.
“What?” Harry hissed, smirking as he realized what was going on. “Ye ran outta ideas, didn’t ye? Why Mal~ its only tha’ first day! And yer already comin’ crawlin’ ta me~ How fuckin’ pathetic.” Harry sneered, cackling as Mal’s eyes turned a toxic green.
“Mal-“ Jay hissed, pushing her shoulder to shock her out of her emotions before she blew something up. Mal took a deep breath, opened her spell book, and showed Harry the love spell. He rose his brow, wondering what she wanted to do with that. “Evie learned that we all get to go to Ben’s coronation, and the wand is used to bless Ben. I found a way for two of us to stand up next to the wand, and…” Mal struggled to get out the words, biting her finger before she forced them out. “And I need your help.” Mal heavily sighed, looking sick to say those words.
Harry giggled, pressing the tip of his hook to his cheek, grinning cheekily at Mal. “Those words must’a hurt Malsy~” Then his grin dropped, suddenly taking the situation seriously. “In all seriousness, why do ye need me fer this bullshit? I get the idea, use the coronation ta nab tha’ wand-but?” Mal sighed, rolling her eyes. Even Harry was obvious.
“Okay-so, (y/n) and Ben, their dates stand upfront with them. Getting the picture?” Harry slowly nodded, then a heat crawled up his cheeks, glaring at the fae. “Ye cant mean-the lass…that’s a bit…I dunno if I can force something like tha’ on the lass” Harry muttered, shuffling uncomfortably on his feet.
Mal sighed, rubbing the back of her head. Harry had always been a major one for consent, she should’ve foreseen his hesitancy to spell you to love him. “Yeah yeah, but-we need to get the wand, and this might be our only shot.” Gil shrugged at that, tilting his head slightly.
“Maybe not? We were kinda planning on gaining (y/n)’s trust and getting her to take us with her to the museum next time she stole the wand?” Mal huffed, that was a good idea she had to admit. “You can keep trying to do that, but I’m making those cookies tonight, they need at least five days of rest to gain full potency, and if you haven't gotten her to agree to take you to steal the wand with her by Sunday? We’re going with my plan, deal?”
Mal held out her hand, staring Harry dead in the eyes. He narrowed his eyes, it was a stupid plan, one that could get them sent back to the isle if they were caught. I mean-spelling the prince? Spelling you? It was dangerous, and who knew if it would even work?
Harry eventually sighed, reaching out and shaking Mal’s hand “We have an accord.” Harry grumbled, wiping his hand on his pants as he released Mal’s hand-she did the same. Mal nodded. “Good, meet at the student kitchens at ten thirty, that should be late in the night enough to where I can make the batch without anyone walking in but early enough to where we won’t miss curfew.”
Harry just nodded, turning on his heel and walking out of the room-Gil close behind. Harry pressed his fingers to the gold shell bracelet on his arm, reminding himself that this was for their freedom, he could do this. Gil was doing the same, his eyes on the floor as they both passed your room and went into theirs, not baring to look you in the eye right now, knowing what they were about to do.
-much later that night; in the student kitchens-
Harry kicked his legs from his spot on the counter, sitting across from Carlos and Jay with Gil beside him, watching as Mal made the all-important cookie recipe. Harry had brought the magic map which lay open beside him, once in a while, a name or two would pass by the room, but never close enough to warn Mal about it.
Mal was mixing many ingredients together, mostly making a normal cookie with a few odd ingredients plus an incantation. “Crush their hearts with an iron glove/ by making them a slave to love,” Mal said, her eyes flashing as her voice echoed slightly. The bowl sparkled a pale purple and Mal moved onto a smaller bowl, mixing together brown sugar, white sugar, and melted butter; Evie hefting up a bag of walnuts.
“All right, it says we still need one tear,” Mal said, huffing with her brows furrowed, realizing she couldn’t provide the last ingredient. “and I never cry,” Carlos grabbed an onion, holding it out to Mal. “let’s just chop up some onions, those always make me cry?”
Mal scoffed, smacking her hands on the edge of the metal bowl “No! It says we need one tear of human sadness, and Mom noted this potion as the best in the book-so we have to follow it exactly.” Jay sighed, rolling his eyes.
“A tears a tear,” he grumbled, pouting as Evie interrupted him, her work on Chad’s chemistry homework filling her mind with things she never would’ve known before. Even simply using her mirror had helped her study and remember complicated facts. “That’s not true Jay, they both have antibodies and enzymes, but! A hormone tear has more proteins than a reflex tear.” Mal grinned, bumping Evie’s hip with hers as Evie stared at Jay with a smug smirk.
“Listen to you~” Mal sang, giggling as Evie shimmered her shoulders, giggling as Jay shook his head, saying he knew that. He was just pulling their legs. “No you didn’t,” Carlos chuckled, smacking his shoulder and turning back to Dude, handing the mutt another treat he took from the cupboards. “All right then, why don’t we just mention Uma or the twins, that’s bound to make Harry cry?” Jay suggested, a slight mean smirk on his lips. Harry just glared; his eyes flashing red. Jay’s smirk dropped, realizing he hit a nerve that just made Harry mad. “Never mind,” Jay grumbled, crossing his arms and glancing away.
Harry huffed, glancing back down at the map and then to the kitchen door. “Lonnie an’ (y/n), incoming,” Harry announced, swallowing at the mention of you. He had skipped dinner that night, the pit in his gut at the thought of spelling you to love him had made him queasy-and he couldn’t even stomach the idea of dinner.
Mal quickly tossed a towel over her book, mixing the last of the wet ingredients as Lonnie pushed open the door, wearing her pink PJs. You stepped in right after her, wearing that same skull hoodie from yesterday and a pair of sweatpants, sneaking past Lonnie to go into the fridge.
“There you are Mal! I was been looking for you,” Lonnie cheered, Mal smiled politely, wondering why Lonnie had been looking for her. “you know, all the girls want you to do their hair.” Mal just nodded with a strained smile, continuing to mix the batter. Lonnie peered into the bowl, pursing her lips at the mixture. “Midnight snack huh? What’cha guys making?”
Lonnie went to dip her fingers into the mixture-the vks screamed to stop her-but Lonnie was stopped by your hand on her wrist, giving her a look. “Lonnie, I love you. But do not go sticking your finger in random mixes; you could be allergic to something in there. Also it’s rude.” Lonnie gasped, as if just realizing that and pulled her hand away, holding it to her chest with a sheepish grin. Mal fell into Evie in relief, not knowing if the potion had activated at all yet, even missing the last ingredient.
“I’m so sorry! But-if you’re making cookies, you’re missing the most important ingredient!” Lonnie said, skipping over to the fridge and taking out a bowl of chocolate chips. Mal sighed, going back to mixing the potion. “And that would be?” Mal asked, because she was pretty sure she had gotten everything she needed in the two bowls, other than the tear.
“Chocolate chips~” Lonnie cooed, pouring them into the bowl, and stealing one for herself. You walked over to Harry, smiling softly and holding out a box that you had saved from dinner, he glanced between you and the box-raising his brow. “It’s from Ms. Potts, she made them fresh but you weren’t at dinner, so.” You pushed the box into his hands, giggling as he pulled it open and gasped-inside-were six cinnamon rolls, made mere hours ago.
“i-uh-fuck.” Harry cursed, feeling bad he missed dinner now, his stomach grumbling suddenly. After only a day, he was already used to the three meals a day provided by the school. You just smiled, making Harry feel worse, patted his knee-then Gil’s; and then made your way out of the kitchen, having gotten what you wanted. (grabbing a snack and giving Harry the cinnamon rolls Ms. Potts made specifically for him)
Harry stared down at the cinnamon rolls, looking up when Lonnie’s words caught his ears. “I mean-I just thought-even villains love their kids~” Harry’s blood ran cold, remembering every nasty word, every seething glare, every cut on his back-all from his father. Love? Yeah right, on the isle-you were lucky if you were ignored, very few kids on the isle got the privilege of being loved by their parent.
He could count on one hand the loving parents of the isle, and his dad was very much not on that list. Lonnie looked at each of the vks, each looking lost at the thought of their parent…loving them, they had all wanted it-once upon a time-but after 14-16 years of getting nothing but hate and abuse…it caught up to you, and made you accept it was never going to happen.
“Oh, how awful,” Lonnie said quietly, tears welling up in her eyes and trailing down her cheek, reaching out to grab Mal’s hand to comfort her. Mal just glanced at her hand, then saw the tear trailing down Lonnie’s cheek. She quickly snatched it with her finger and threw it into the mix, Lonnie being shocked out of her sadness by the action.
Mal let out a laugh, slightly uncomfortable with confronting the feeling of wanting to be loved by her mom. “Yeah well, big bummer-but we gotta finish these up-“ Mal pushed the bowl over to Evie and she mixed up the completed wet mixture with the dry-finishing the recipe. “And get them into the oven before curfew-so thank you so much for coming by-really really have a good night-“ Mal pushed Lonnie towards the kitchen door, who waved the vks goodnight and slipped out. “evil dreams!”
They were all silent for a moment, then Mal turned-clapping her hands. “Okay! So-let’s get this into the fridge to set for five days, and we’ll be back to bake them Saturday night, okay?” the vks nodded, Harry now staring down at his cinnamon rolls, that pit in his chest growing bigger. “okay-Jay- grab that clear wrap stuff-Carlos, make a note that it’s ours, you have nice handwriting; Harry, Gil…you guys can leave.”
Harry hopped off the counter, locking his map and closing his box of cinnamon rolls, slowly making his way back to the dorms with the box held tight to his chest. “Are you sure about this Harry?” Gil asked quietly as they stepped into their room, closing the door and locking it. “I mean-(y/n)’s nice, and I really don’t think she would object to us going with her to steal the wand. We just have to ask.”
“Aye, I think so too. So let’s try ta get her ta agree before Sunday, okay? I don’t want ta’ spell her,” Harry muttered, playing with his golden shell bracelet. He really didn’t want to spell you, to make you love him. Since he was young-his choice had been ripped away from him by his father and his ‘clients’, his innocence gone before he hit the double digits. He didn’t want to take away your choice, even if it was for the wand.
He really hoped he could gain your trust to where you would practically steal the wand for them, because if he didn’t? he didn’t want to know what would happenen; after all, He made a deal with a fae-and fae deals were impossible to break.
Uma huffed as she tossed down another tray to an unruly customer, who growled about his order being wrong. Uma just glared back, nodding towards the ‘you take it how we make it’ sign near the kitchen. The pirate huffed and grumpily ate his food.
Uma tossed down her last tray, storming back into the kitchen to grab another set. It had only been two days since her boys left-and she already felt the strain of their absence. The pirates around the wharf were braver now, leering at her and the other members of the wharf rats-Uma did her best to scare them off, but it was getting harder to do so, most of the girls didn’t walk around alone anymore-even in the daylight.
Uma never truly realized how much Harry had done for them, for her, even just a glance from him would send those creeps running-and having Gil around didn’t hurt. She missed her boys, deeply, she missed the sound of Harry’s stupid laughter, she missed Gil’s questions and ill-timed sentences.
She missed them. So much, she hoped they would get the wand soon, she needed off this rock.
“UMA!” her mother screeched from the back and Uma groaned, getting back to work.
You looked at your clock as you heard the sound of someone rapidly knocking on your door. 1130pm, who in the hell was out this late just before curfew? The vks maybe, but…you stood, walking over to your door and opening it, stumbling back as a sobbing Audrey collapsed into you, her arms going around your waist and squeezing tightly.
“Aud-rey” you choked, unable to breathe as she sobbed into your shoulder, squeezing your ribs as you carefully backed into your room and closed the door with your foot. “uh-Aud?” you wheezed, patting her back awkwardly as she continued to cry, and not the pretty princess cry-full on snot and heaving sobs kinda cry.
She was really torn up about something. “Audrey?” you asked one last time, squeezing your arms between hers and prying her off you, moving her arms around your shoulders and hugging her tightly. “What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Ben-“ Audrey cried, her voice croaky and weak, as if she had already spent hours crying. “Ben broke up with me-e-e” Audrey collapsed into your arms again and you tugged her over to your bed, setting her down and getting her some chocolate milk from your mini-fridge, sitting next to her as she clung to it and your arm.
“What did Ben say?” you asked gently, hoping he had taken your advice and gotten Audrey a shit ton of flowers and candy to make up for him breaking up with his girlfriend of 3 years. Audrey just sobbed, curling into your arms as you held her tightly. “he-he, he came over to-to my dorm. And-and, gave me a big bouquet of flowers-and they smelled so nice and-I thought we were going on-“ she took a deep breath, wiping her nose with her sleeve “-on a date but-he-he said he wanted to break up!” Audrey broke down into sobs again, clinging to your waist as you rubbed her back, letting her get it all out.
After a few minutes of Audrey blubbering and ranting about how she thought they were going to get married, and live happily ever after with three kids and seven dogs-you sighed, biting your lip as you looked at the clock. It was 20 to midnight.
“Audrey?” you asked quietly, hearing her hum against your lap. “do you want me to listen? Or do you want advice?” she sniffed, sitting up slightly and rubbing her face. “B-both?” Audrey croaked, letting you dry her face and hand her a water bottle.
“Okay, so-Ben broke up with you, and I’m sorry about that. But-maybe you two weren’t meant to be forever?” Audrey started to cry again at the thought and you hugged her again. “I know I know, not what you need to hear, but your happily ever after isn’t always with the first boy you date, sometimes your greatest love is just a passing face; you and Ben were just, a chapter in each other’s lives. And that’s okay!” you shook Audrey gently, grinning at the slight giggle that came from her.
“I know we don’t see eye to eye Audrey, but you deserve to be happy, both of you do. And-I’m sorry say this-but Ben wasn’t happy in your relationship anymore.” Audrey gasped, looking up at you with wide eyes. You sighed, nodding to confirm your words. “I’m sure you two had a true love for a good while, but- at some point, Ben started to drift away and he wasn’t happy anymore. He didn’t want to drag you down with him, so-you broke up. You might not be happy now, but that happiness will return, all on your own.” You smiled, and Audrey smiled weakly back, that heaviness in her chest that had been there since Ben broke up with her easing off a bit.
It wasn’t gone, and probably wouldn’t be for a while, but it was easier to breathe now. “Thank you,” Audrey croaked, hugging you tight. “Really, I don’t know why we don’t get along, you give great advice.” You snorted, patting her back.
“Probably because our views clash more often than not and I don’t mind the vks?” you teased, laughing as Audrey huffed and pulled away, nodding. “yeah, that would do it…thank you (y/n).” you smiled and took her hand, nodding.
“you’re welcome Audrey, get some sleep.” She nodded and slipped out of your room, with only 15 minutes to spare till midnight. Your eyes widened, remembering what was to come this Sunday's tourney game, and quickly grabbed your phone, texting Audrey.
‘hey-you remember where im from right?’
She took a moment to respond.
‘Ben does something really stupid on Sunday, after the game. Don’t take it to heart-okay?’
you nodded; you couldn’t reveal too much but at least you had warned Audrey about the whole love song fiasco so maybe she would protect herself from getting her heart broken further by then. You would make sure she was off the field before Ben even took the microphone though.
You set your phone onto its charger, slid into bed, and curled up; taking a deep breath as the curfew bell chimed gently across the halls.
Harry took several deep breaths as he prepared himself to go to breakfast-he had time, he didn’t have to spell you. All he had to do, was act normal, gain your trust, and use that trust to get the wand.
Manipulating you with you being conscious was a better option than love spelling you, because at least then you wouldn’t still be in love with him while he let the villains destroy Auradon. He felt sick at the idea.
He towel-dried his hair as Gil finished up his homework, putting them in his bag as Harry finished getting dressed “We ready?” Gil asked, nodding as Harry grabbed his bag and walked out the door. “I’ll take that as a yes,” they went to breakfast, sitting with you, Jane, and Lonnie again-this time joined by Fergus. Harry launched into another conversation with Fergus, eventually talking about the ROAR tryouts at the end of the school day.
“Ye gonna try out?” Fergus asked and Harry nodded, licking his lips free of egg yolk. “Aye, sounds intrestin’, besides-what’s better than hitting other kids with swords and being allowed ta’ do it?” Harry chuckled, grinning as Fergus cackled, slapping his hand on the table.
“Yoo're reit! Cannae bide tae see whit ye can dae Hook.” Harry returned Fergus' feral grin and nodded, collecting his tray and setting it on the collection rack, making his way to his first class of the day.
He frowned when he realized the pan kid from yesterday was no-where to be seen. He didn’t question it though, one less trigger. Gil followed him up to the spots they had taken yesterday and took their books out, once again listening intently as Professor Thatch continued about the history before Auradon.
Math was, easier-than it was the day before. Harry had borrowed your notes the day before, using the cheat codes you had given him and luckily, Ms. Honey always had open-book exams, seeing no point in challenging their memories, since in the future they would always have access to calculators or direct answers with a touch of their phone.
Ms. Honey looked so happy to see him working on his paper, your notes in one hand with a pencil in the other, there were still things he didn’t understand and refused to make sense to his brain-but it was less frustrating now knowing there was a reason behind it. He wasn’t stupid, he just had a learning disability. He repeated that to himself every time he got stumped, the red barely flickering into his eyes as he worked.
By the end of class-he felt satisfied, for the first time, he had completed a worksheet and didn’t feel the need to curl up into a ball and die. Ms. Honey smiled brightly at him as he left class, and he couldn't help but smile back, a small gold star on his math book.
He decided he liked Ms. Honey.
In life Skills, they finished baking their bread-Mal’s not looking all too edible, reminded him of the bread they made back on the isle-not enough yeast and too much flour. His turned out perfect and he got an A for it. And now he had warm bread to snack on-putting the fresh bread into a plastic bag to carry around.
Lunch that day was just as good as the day before, and Harry found a pack of cookies on his tray under his plate. But he was sure cookies weren't being served during that lunch, and when he checked-no one else had cookies. But when he made eye contact with Mrs. Potts, she winked and Harry laughed.
He decided he liked Mrs. Potts.
Remedial goodness was just as mind-numbing the day before, this time the six of them were given worksheets, things like ‘why should you help a struggling person instead of stealing their wallet?’ and ‘if you weren't invited to a party that everyone else was invited to, do you a; crash the party? B; send a mean letter to the host for not inviting you? C; curse the host? Or D; make your own fun?’ were some of the many questions for them to answer.
Harry couldn’t help but smirk at the ‘not invited to a party’ question, knowing exactly who it was aimed at. He remembered Evie’s 6th birthday party that every kid on the isle was invited to, and Mal hadn't. Maleficent was pissed at that and banished Evie and her mom from the main isle-the two ending up at the castle across the way for 10 years. actually, Evie had barely returned to the main isle before they were all shipped off to Auradon.
The ball rang and they handed their worksheets in, FG calling Harry as he was packing up. “Aye?” he said, shrugging his bag onto his shoulder and getting ready to head to chemistry class with Evie, wondering what class would be like with the substitute teacher FG had hired for the week.
“I just wanted to remind you, Roar tryouts are after school, please do make sure you attend them.” FG said with a smile, and Harry nodded, turning on his heel and out to the lockers, switching out his goodness books for chemistry. He made sure he had your notes since without them he was sure he would combust and slid into the room, surprised to see a tall slim woman wearing clunky heels, with big pink glasses and a yellow band in her air, complimenting the yellow dress she wore under her lab coat.
“Ah-you must be Harry~” she cheered, grinning at the pirate who stared back-she was-a big difference from Mr. Deley, bubbly and sweet. “im Jennifer Torrez, but you can call me honey lemon if you wish~” Harry nodded, looking around the class, and then at the clock-it was almost five minutes to start and no one was here? “Everyone’s outside if you’re wondering~ I have something special planned for you all~ I heard about your previous teacher and-wow! Awful so~ please make your way outside, I have everyone out front so they’ll be easy to spot-near the big blue tarp with the folding table on it~” Harry nodded again, backing out of the room and making his way outside, easily finding everyone around a tarp like Honey lemon said.
He found a spot between you and Evie, Evie holding her magic mirror as you stood on your toes to get a good look at what was on the white folding table in the middle of the tarp. “what do ye think she’s plannin’?” Harry asked you, watching as their substitute teacher beamed as she made her way through the students and introduced herself again. You shrugged, pursing your lips “No clue, but I think it’s gonna be good.”
“so-today, I wanted to do something special or you all, since I heard about your last teacher being very rude. So! I wanted to make this-fun~ with the right attitude and teacher, chemistry can be one of the funniest classes you can take! So today-elephant toothpaste! Let me show you how fun chemistry can be, shall I?” with that, Honey Lemon turned to her table-which held several large Erlenmeyer flasks, dish soap, food coloring, hydrogen peroxide, and one more chemical Harry couldn’t read from here he was.
Honey Lemon excitedly described what she was doing as she mixed the chemicals together in a large flask, dying the mixture blue and then setting it on the tarp “Now I want all of you to stay where you are-and back up if you need to! This gets dangerously hot when it reacts to-until I give you the go ahead-stay back!”
All the students took a far step back as Honey Lemon poured the potassium iodide into the dyed mix-jumping back as the mix shot up out of the flask and turned to foam-expanding quickly and steaming as it did. The class gasped in awe, some laughing as Honey Lemon grinned, clapping her hands. “Yess~~ elephant toothpaste everyone-the chemical reaction between KI and H202~! With some dish soap and food coloring in the mix~ okay-it should be cooled down now-everyone come touch!! Just don’t get it on your clothes-it stains yellow!”
Harry broke away from you and Evie, reaching out and scooping the foam up, laughing as he played with the foam. Honey lemon explained exactly what happened between the two chemicals, and with the added mix of dish soap-it created the foam tower that constantly expanded thanks to the oxygen multiplying and escaping.
“Now that we’ve seen what this looks like on this scale,” Honey Lemon gestured to the flask-which was an average large flask. “now what would it look like-with” She turned, grabbing a giant flask from under the table and setting it on the desk. “this!”
The class cheered-very eager to see what a giant foam explosion would look like! “Wonderful! Now-I want some of you guys to help me make this mix-Harry, Evie, Jordan?” the three students perked up, Harry very much still having a shit ton of foam on his hands that was slowly shrinking as it cooled. “Grab some gloves and safety glasses!”
Harry threw the foam off his hands and left his bag with you, grinning as he slid on a pair of thick rubber gloves and a pair of safety glasses, Evie next to him with her hair up as he, Jordan, and Evie made the new soap mix-dying it green this time.
They ended up making three extra flasks of the mix-each dyed a different color. Honey Lemon each handed them a cup of potassium iodide dissolved in water, and instructed them to pour it all into the flask as quickly as possible-then run. “okay, three, two, one-pour!” Harry poured the mix into the flask, laughing loudly as the mix turned to foam and the four flasks were spouting colored foam into the sky, everyone screamed with delight, watching as the foam continued and expanded, collecting around the flasks.
“Now that’s a chemical reaction!” Honey Lemon cheered, throwing her hands into the sky as the foam descended and collected along the flasks-still expanding and steaming. Harry flicked his hand, some hot foam on the glove-it was so hot he could feel it through the rubber.
As soon as Honey Lemon gave the green light, the class surrounded the huge pile of foam, shrieking and laughing as they played with it. FG looked out her window-seeing the class playing with the foam and smiled, nodding to herself. She found her new chemistry teacher.
Honey Lemon then revealed a box filled with enough flasks for every student, and soon everyone was standing in front of a flask in a circle, holding a cup of KI and water, waiting for the green light. “Three, two one, pour!” Everyone poured the water mix into the soap mix and bolted back, screaming with delight as the flasks exploded with foam-the tarp now covered with fresh and old foam.
Harry giggled as he held a pile of green and yellow foam, smacking his hands together and spreading the foam about-Evie screeching and reminding him that the foam stained. “sorry-“ Harry kept giggling, Honey Lemon grabbing the hose connected to the school and turning it on-cleaning off everyone's hands and gloves before they all returned to the classroom-still high on giggles from their outside experiment.
“I hope you all had a blast and I hope I was able to prove how much fun chemistry can be!” the class whooped, and Honey Lemon grinned, clapping her hands “Wonderful ~  now I’ve given you guy some worksheets and we can work on those until class is done, you may begin!”
Harry pulled out a pencil from his bag, noticing some foam in your hair. “Ye got some,” Harry pointed at your hair and you reached up to take it out, missing it entirely. “Here-lemme just-“ Harry gently took the foam out of your hair, wiping it off on the paper towels provided in the desk cupboard. “there ye go.”
You smiled and thanked him, and he smiled back. “Yer welcome,” he ignored the flutter in his gut at your smile and went back to work-packing up and handing the worksheet over to Honey Lemon as the bell rang. “Great job guys, I’ll see you all tomorrow!”
“Are we going to do another outside experiment tomorrow?” Evie asked as she went to go to her next class, grinning as Honey Lemon winked at her. “Wicked~ bye!” Evie ran off to go find Mal and tell her about the experiment while Harry went off to English, realizing it was the last class of the day before Roar try outs.
And he still had no idea who the captain was. Harry let out a slow sigh, rubbing the back of his head as he walked into English and took his spot, getting out his books and leaning on his palm-his hook hanging from his belt loop.
Roar was the least of his worries, he still had to figure out the wand situation.
-end of p6-
permtaglist! @queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @imtryingthisout
@dai-tsukki-desu @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
POYW R!V2 taglist!
@reallysparklychaos @tzurue
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blamemma · 10 months
thank u for the tag @semperama 😌 any opportunity to talk about my favourite thing! books! 😌
An estimate of how many physical books I own: where i live currently i have 132 physical books, but i also have some in storage and some in my parents house, so i would guess maybe about 220-250 maybeeee
Favorite author: i really don't have a stand out author...authors who have published my favouriteeee ever books have then produced really lackluster other works in my opinion....i feel like someone who never lets me down is ottessa moshfegh because u get what u get with her but i don't think i'd claim her as an outright favourite??
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: truly anything by colleen hoover i am all for big popular books that get a large specific audience reading again, but we can do better by young girls and get them reading something sliiiightttllyyyy better (not shitting on anyone who enjoys colleen hoover, again they cater to a specific market and i think thats great, just not my cup of tea, but from what i've heard she's got a couple of questionable opinions)
A popular book I thought was just meh: normal people! :)) god it bored me sooooooooo much which is a shame cause the tv show slaps
Longest book I own: a suitable boy by vikram seth, 1474 pages!!!!!!!! and i read it in two weeks during the height of covid lockdown and it was EXCELLENT
Longest series I own all the books to: probably game of thrones....never been a massive series gal so yeah thats the only one i can think of off the top of my head?
Prettiest book I own: i have a really beautiful collection of charles dickens' books even though i'm not his biggest fan at all (loved david copperfield, enjoy a christmas carol, have read great expectations) but they were a gift and they do look really pretty on my shelves at my parents house!
A book or series I wish more people knew about: urmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm okay not to like talk about it again.............but at swim two boys............it was highly applauded when it was first published and was very popular but feel like it's popularity waned but its got two boys trying to resist falling in love and choosing to spend time together by learning to swim in the cold dublin sea.......the tumblr girlies would eat that up nowadays......also bewilderment by richard powers i think everyone should read that book 😌
Book I'm reading now: briefly, a delicious life by nell stevens....only about 50 pages in so far but good fun, a sapphic ghost love story from what i can tell so far so intriguing....
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: the fifth season by n.k. jemisin.....tried reading it but wasn't in a sci-fi mood so only got one chapter in and then it has just.....sat there......for like.....two years......
Do you have any books in a language other than English: no and i am ashamed.....
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?: paperback anyyyyyyyyyyy day of the week let me BREAK that spine let me make you look worn and loved and read let me chuck you into my bag and u barely add any weight!!! i dont hate a hardback but avoid buying them unless it is a book i am DESPERATE to read asap or it's at a good price but yeah i am a paperback girlie <3 don't own an e-reader apart from having the kindle app on my ipad so v rarely venture into e-books and i am sorry but nothing beats the feel of a book in ur hands like i need to feeeeel the pages
tagging @gokartkid @monagasque @lilyrizzy & @karlmarxverstappen if u would like xx
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May 2024 Reading Stats
The Calender
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🍉🍉Before I start this calendar I want to start a disclaimer and remind people about what's happening in 🍉🍉 Country and that Disney and Marvel should be held accountable. Therefore I will not be recommending The Disney Novel or Marvel Comic. Disney and Marvel need to divest from Is**el for me to fully recommended and show them physically on camera. Please buy Marvel and Disney books second hand if you must have them.🍉🍉
What a month it has been, with how much I've read this month I'm definitely dubbing it the gay month. June should really be the Gay Month but it sadly won't be so I'm glad I made May that month. Starting with the beginning of the month. My reading pattern is that my last read of the month will very clearly dip into the next one but it doesn't bother me. Pageboy was very easy to finish and whilst I got everyone's criticisms I thought they were exaggerated. It's a really good Trans Memoir but not the best. This Arab Is Queer is something I had for my Readalong for Palestine I'm doing and although no one took part I go alot out of this collection and it was a 5 star all the way. Only took 2 days to finish in May and I'm happy about that.
After finishing the 8th Doctor Adventures first season, I decided to dip into the main range and listen to the first too and they were pretty great in my book. The Sirens Of Time was easy to listen to whilst I did an oc sketch and it felt very much like the Classic Who version of Day Of The Doctor. 5,6 and 7 had amazing chemistry together so even though it's the very first audio your bound to gain some laughs. Phantasmagoria is probably one of the best Mark Gatiss content I have consumed and it was very spooky. It was supernatural with that ever loving Doctor Who sci-fi charm that you know and love. Will definitely pop in to more of the main range in the future. I'm only listening to 8s for now.
Cabin At The End Of The World, loved the book but towards the end I didn't enjoy it as much. Let's just say I hate ambiguity, I also hated the audiobook narrator so I had to read along in a quicker speed which was quite the challenge. So as a result it was quicker than my usual 300 + page reads. Welcome To St Hell was another one of my most anticipated reads and it highly delivered. It took a measly Ten Days which was an achievement itself as without chapters it was hard to split up my read as I'm certainly not the finish in one day type of reader. Still though for my first graphic novel it was very very good.
My side reads for this month exactly were very different. One was terrible for its last very transphobic and ableist story and the other was a very educational jam-packed nonfiction about the situation in Palestine and how simple it is thanks to brainwashing. In the end as good as the other two stories were Happs gave me massive brain rot. Fnaf fans are way too forgiving to Scott. On Palestine was great forever to the point I want to give it to my friend to help him understand the situation. I was able to get through it quickly and absorb alot. It was a good recommendation.
Finally my reads tipping into June. Yep no not until Marvel and Disney divest. I feel okay talking about Star Wars cos alot of authors are anti-israel and anti-zionist. If Daniel José Older gets fired I'm going to be done with them too. J.Elle is a really good writer though and I'm definitely gonna look at more of her books.
June's Stats
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Wow just wow. May's stats were like a lightning bolt. I did a lot of reading this month and I expect stats like this will be ever so common in the glorious summer stats. So let's break these chunky stats down.
I read 8 books including 6 physical books/graphic novels and 2 Big Finish audios. That's just chock a block impressive and I'm very proud of myself as that's my highest number yet. As pages that too was my highest yet with 1,477 pages which is 489 pages up from last May. Interesting I also only read 3 books in May last year. So this is a very positive sign at how my reading journey is evolving. And of course my highest hours stats with 3.6 hours logged. I dipped into longer big finish audios this month so it makes a lot of sense.
Up next Genres. When I said this was a very gay month I mean it. I read many genres this month; LGTBQIA+, Science Fiction, Memoir, Horror, Young Adult, Thriller, Politics, History, Graphic Novel and Essays but coming on top with a whopping 4 reads was LGTBQIA+. It makes sense I have a lot of lgtbq+ representation on my tbr and this just happens to be a lucky month where I've gotten through quite a few. It also for the first time topped Science Fiction which is not an easy feet to do trust me. In joint second place with only 2 reads was Science Fiction, Horror and Memoir. I'm so glad that I was finally able to get to have a reading month with more diversity in genre. Let's see what June brings.
Mainly reads is still the same for now. I love my adventurous, dark and mysterious books as well as my medium paced books that are under 300 pages.
Again for moods for the first time in forever Reflective comes at top. The moods this month Reflective, Dark, Informative, Mysterious, Funny, Emotional, Adventurous, Tense And Inspiring. As a result of reading a lot of nonfiction this month I was finally able to tip away from my usual adventurous mood. All the nonfiction reads I had were very indeed thought provoking and reflective. In joint second place was emotional and dark which ie expected as I love books that hit me hard in the heart.
Star ratings were all over the place this month it was a very mixed bag month some amazing, some average, some terrible. My overall star rating for the month was 4.22 a minor improvement from May last year where the average rating was 4.17. There's always next May to get the average score up as long as I pick good books. We had two five star reads in This Arab Is Queer and Welcome To St Hell which was well deserved in my opinion. For the first time ever two 4.75 star novels in Phantasmagoria and On Palestine they were close to being 5 star but not quite there for me. Again two four stars in Pageboy and The Sirens Of Time. One 3.75 star thanks to the icky ending and rushed past and of course one 2.5 star novel that deserves the rating. It'll be interesting to see how June's stats compare against this.
May's Reads/Listens
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A jam packed reading month indeed. This Arab Is Queer was an incredible Anthology that heavily educated me and sheeded any internalised bigotry over queer arab folk. It was also a very thought provoking and powerful collection of essays it really helped reshaped alot of the views I've had. The Sirens Of Time was a delightful timey whimey multi-doctor story that basically is the classic who version of Day Of The Doctor. Peter Davison, Colin Baker And Sylvester had amazing chemistry, I definitely want to look into more of the main range now.
Pageboy was definitely overhated it did not deserve all the hate and disappointment in my opinion. Its really not that bad at all. I think people are just fustrated about the non linear and him talking about his experiences prior to his transition but I felt like it was a hundred percent nesscary. Trans experiences aren't linear and Elliot did his absolute best trying to show that in his memoir. Phantasmagoria was a really good Big Finish listen and I heavily enjoyed it. Its one of my favourite project of Mark Gatiss's that I have ever seen, he's an absolutely fantastic writer, I don't care what people say I love his stories. This was a really cool supernatural story with Five and Turlough, the twists were generally shocking and it was a fun ride. Highly recommend giving Phantasmagoria a listen if you haven't done.
The Cabin At The End Of The World was better than the movie until a heavy tragic ending that differed from the movie and absorbed the bury your gays trope like a bubble. I love how Wen's povs were actually written in the style of a six year old girl. It was disturbing yess but made this story way too bury your gays trope than it already is. Might be controversial but that's my whole opinion. I also felt like the message contradicted itself is it about the desperation of religions cults or it a positive normalising gay families and about how gay love it powerful enough to save the work. On Palestine is the best book tok recommendation that I have ever been given. I wanted to fully understand the g-side happening in Palestine and all three authors summed it up perfectly. It was also interesting to learn about Propaganda and how its seeded into Israeli youth from a young age. It also heavily talks about the US and other countries and why they ally with Israel, its not what you may think. Props to Noam, Ilam and Frank for their hard work and important discussions.
Finally Happs and Welcome To St Hell. One of these two is 💩 and the other is 10/10. Yeah it's not Happs. What were Scott and team thinking, I know it might not have been intentional but Transphobia is Transphobia regardless wether or not intentional. It made me feel violated and sick and spoil my enjoyment of the other two stories in the collection. It was horror but not in a good way. Welcome To St Hell was my first graphic novel and it slapped. This was another one of my impulse purchases and I'm so glad I did indeed buy it. Terfs tried to review bomb it but I don't give a flying f** about their opinion. The Art was beautiful and I loved that Lewis didn't primarily feed into the Trans trauma trope and tell a sad story. Also The panels where he narrated and talked to his past self had me in tears of laughter cos as a semi masc Nonbinary person I found it so relatable. It's also really educational. A five star that I highly recommend.
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A very very good reading month and it might not be a big deal to everyone else but I'm really proud of myself for what I've achieved, I literally think since I first got back into reading its an absolute record for me. Maybe it's a sign I should go out more but honestly I'm not fussed and couldn't care any less.
Big Finish for the future we're tipping into The Charley Arc as I want to listen to more 8 and one 12 and 11 multi Doctor short trip. Crazy thing is though with my audhd brain I already have next years listens planned. Expect a lot and I mean a lot of Big Finish reviews that might just be paced from Storygraph but who cares.
My next five reads as of this blog are Race To Crashpoint Tower, Jamie, A Test Of Courage, War Of The Worlds and Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain. Very excited to see how the rest of the year goes and I'm absolutely loving the lovely templates I've got from @LEEBEE_READS. So much more to come and I really love looking back and reflecting on my reader tastes.
Have a happy Pride Month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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eternalwritess · 2 months
hi! can I get a romantic matchup from hazbin hotel? please & thank you!
I'm bi and I use she/her pronouns. I'm an INFP and a taurus. I'm also the oldest child in my family so basically I believe that I'm responsible for everyone's happiness and I tend to make sure everyone around me is comfortable even (and especially) if I'm not – I'm the mom friend and the burnt out gifted kid of my friend group. I'm pretty sensitive and empathetic so for example I can get upset simply because someone around me is in a bad mood. I overthink every single thing in my life and constantly get anxious over small things. I struggle with my self-image and low self-esteem. because I'm afraid of what people think of me I find it hard to interact with people I don't know well enough, so I often appear reserved in bigger groups of people, but when I'm with those who are close to me, I become more open and outgoing. I care about my loved ones deeply and I could literally kill for my friends and family. I'm good at comforting people so others tend to see me as someone trustworthy. My sense of humor mostly consists of sarcasm and bullying my friends lovingly but for some reason people often tell me I'm funny. I'm also a very loyal, loving and affectionate person and I mostly express my love through words and physical touch. I'm a hopeless romantic.
as for physical appearance, I'm 5'5 with hourglass figure. my body is more on a softer side, if that makes sense?? like I wouldn't call myself chubby, but I'm not exactly thin either. I have dark brown wavy hair of medium length, dark brown eyes and light skin. I wear glasses. my style is pretty feminine, I love wearing skirts and dresses, and my clothes are mostly of dark colors like blacks and dark reds. I love wearing dark make-up and hardly ever leave home without maroon lipstick on. I also love painting my nails and wearing a lot of jewelry.
my interests&hobbies include: drawing, reading (I love detective stories and romance books) and listening to music (I'm a huge swiftie). I also watch a lot of movies and shows. I like daydreaming and I spend a lot of time just thinking about my fave fandoms, creating my own AUs and characters and whatnot, and I enjoy creating fandom related content like making playlists, fanart, headcanons, etc. another thing I love a lot is learning languages.
I love your writing and I'm really curious to find out who you match me with! thanks again!
𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙…
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You were most likely a demon that she injured but didn't kill and when she fell she saw you and immediately felt horrible for it
Charlie noticed her feeling down and most likely asked her what was wrong. When she said that you were someone that she hurt (most likely added in a past life even though it wasn't true) Charlie pushed her to go over and help you out because of her whole thing of redemption
You were most likely terrified of her but she helped you out. Bandaging your arms and talking with you while she did it
"So uh... how'd you end up here?"
She was most likely awkward at first with Charlie beside you guys hyping you both up but you soon got to know her and you both ended up staying at what was at the time the Happy Hotel
As the hotel went on you both most likely started feeling somewhat responsible for the hotel and when Vaggie noticed how it might be affecting you in a bad way started forcing you to take breaks
"You need to take care of yourself... plus you can't help out drained and half dead or... deader"
Vaggie tries to control her mood for you making sure that she doesn't get too upset but every now and then she does end up slipping and when she does she feels really bad and ends up buying you a few books to read
She helps you reach out constantly trying to push you, not too far but far enough so that you're not just stuck in the hotel all alone when her and Charlie go out
Vaggie calls you pet names all the time and compliments you almost every day. Its constant hugs and kisses, she wants to make sure that you feel safe in your own skin
"You look absolutely stunning babe"
You and her have the same sarcastic humor and she loves that you get all of her jokes
She loves it when you nag at her and will always laugh at your jokes and tell you how great you are at making them she might try and get at you back every now and then though but in a loving way
"Oh come on that was a good one"
With her it is constantly cuddles and attention when she regained her wings it only increased. She would constantly sit you down just so that you could preen them
Your gentle with her wings and she loves it she constantly shakes them with excitement and will lay down on your lap afterwards snuggling up right next to you
She then will thank you with kisses peppering your face with them all over <3
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stargatelov3r · 5 months
16, 17 and 19 for the book asks.
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
i don't read a ton of "new" fresh off the press books but i thiiink i have to say "Legends and Lattes"? It was fun! don't get me wrong, it was cozy and sweet but i think it was a little bit too cozy and sweet for me if you catch my drift?
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I actually was surprised by how good "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" was?? i read it not aware that the movie was gonna come out and i was like damn? this book actually really has me in its grip rn and i'm thinking a lot about it!
I also really enjoyed "Fragile" by Alexa Weik, which I discovered through my book club where I also had the pleasure to meet the author. Even though I didn't like everything about the book i did enjoy it a lot!
I *also* really liked "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf? It took me a bit to get into but the more i read the more i loved it <3 i'm considering writing my bachelors thesis on it which i'm sure NOone has ever done before ;)
19. Did you use your library?
i did use the library that is attached to our university, mostly for books that i needed for classes/term papers (like the one i wrote on star trek) but also for a book or two that i had to read for university but didn't want to buy (even tho they were good).
I gotta admit i don't have a library card, which is partly because I mostly read English books and the library doesn't offer a lot of English books, and only getting an online subcriptions isn't really working for me bc i read mostly physical books... but every time i'm looking for a book i'm also checking the library, but so far they didn't have anything i needed :(
thank you so much for the asks!
end-of-year book ask
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yarrayora · 5 months
end of the year book stuff tagged by @carriagelamp
How many books did you read this year?
does comic books count? if yes then i didn't count, if no then i'm pretty sure just two (but comics should absolutely count btw)
Did you reread anything? What?
i always reread servamp all the time so i can write Essays. also i reread katekyo hitman reborn for nostalgia and crossover reasons. TECHNICALLY i reread dante's inferno even though i never finished it because i'm not used to classic so i have to repeat the paragraphs before Getting it
What were your top five books of the year?
GIDEON THE NINTH!!! also Superman Smashes the Klan. the rest of the top 5 is servamp, unfortunately
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
if i have never read tamsyn muir's homestuck fic before then it would have been her, but because i have that means she's an old fave-- oH i guess ryohgo narita counts? i knew he wrote durarara but i never truly managed to appreciate his writing until i read dead mount deathplay
What genre did you read the most of?
fantasy, duh
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
too like a lightning by ada palmer. i keep forgetting i already have an e-book of it
What was your average Goodreads rating? Does it seem accurate?
i dont use goodreads thumbs up emoji
Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
yeah, finally reading original novels again. im trying to beat my ADHD so i can devour books the way i did during childhood
Did you get into any new genres?
new genre huh uhhhh... no. i know what i like
What was your favorite new release of the year?
i don't follow new release i just browse the bookstores and hope something speaks to me
What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
gideon the ninth
Any books that disappointed you?
i dropped a lot of books and nothing this year has disappointed me enough for me to remember their titles
What were your least favorite books of the year?
bungou stray dogs look the light novels are still REALLY well written. i also appreciate how beautiful the translation can be. but the canon storyline fucking sucks. it betrays its theme when it comes to handling abusers by making this little girl who gets physically abused by her dad as a form of discipline to look up to him as a hero because dad's a cop
What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
i don't care about something like that
Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year (Booker, Women’s Prize, National Book Award, Pulitzer, Hugo, etc.)? What did you think of them?
i don't follow book awards either
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
i tried reading blue lock and it's the worst sports manga i have ever read. i can't get over how stupid the premise is. soccer is a team sport you idiot (note that this book didnt disappoint me because i never had any expectations for it in the first place)
Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
oh yeah JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World. I went into it expecting a cheap smutty story but turns out it's a pretty feminist narrative about sex workers and how no matter talented a woman is as long as the environment around her is aggressively and violently patriarchal those talents that would make men a hero would make women accused as demons-- but that's okay because you don't need the power to slay an entire army to change the world. sometimes, eating at a cafe in a world where women arent allowed to go outside without a chaperone is more revolutionary than magic that can burn a horde of monsters into cinders
How many books did you buy?
more than five
Did you use your library?
there is no usable library around me
What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
i dont follow new release remember
Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
oh yeh i watch them from the sideline with popcorn and all, thats crazy
What’s the longest book you read?
dante's inferno
What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
back when i was a kid i read three pjo books in one day. i don't do that anymore
Did you DNF anything? Why?
i read reeeeeeally slow now so it's less not finishing and more like taking long breaks inbetween
What reading goals do you have for next year?
finish gideon the ninth so i can read the next one
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Hi! Congrats for your 200 followers! Could I take part in your celebration event? I’d like to request a Sailboat for Grishaverse <3
my pronouns are she/her and I’m asexual biromantic so any gender is fine. I’m an ESFJ and a Gemini. I have green eyes and short black hair with blue strands, my haircut is similar to a soft mullet. I dress with goth/ fairy grunge clothes. I wear lots of rings and love to exchange them with others.
I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own, I would do everything for the people I care about and sometimes I’ve been told that I’m too kind for my own good. I have a sarcastic humor and I love making others laugh to lighten the situation, people say that I should be more serious and that I shouldn’t joke around so much.
I don’t like when people tell me what to do and I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else. I also dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism.
All my friends tell me I’m very smart, I get very good grades and I do well in school. I also try to help my friends with study and school as much as possible. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
My love languages are, receiving, physical touch and words of affirmation and giving, quality time and words of affirmation. I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid.
I really hope I did this right, have a great day :)
This is more than right...this is perfect.
At first I had quite a few names in mind but by the end only one stood out. Here ya go!
P.S. It's my first time doing headcannons so I'm super sorry if its shitty 😭😭
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Jesper met you on a heist PURELY by accident. He opened up the wrong carriage, which instead of containing a bunch of burly men who'd stolen from Kaz, had you inside.
"Oh. Hello."
It was love at first sight for Jesper
You were so unique in your own way.
He kept meeting up with you in secret to hang out until one day the stadwatch that were after the crows confronted you both and you decided it was the perfect time to showcase your skills.
Of course Jesper then convinced Kaz to take you in as part of the crows.
And Kaz agreed with an additional dialogue as well "No more sneaking out." (Of course he knew)
Jesper doesn't gamble much anymore because he spends most of that money on buying you new books, which you read to him before bed.
You go to University and teach Jesper everything for free, while he ensures that
Jesper understands your love for physical affection and he's almost always holding your hand, or has an arm over your shoulder.
You two are so in love it gives Nina and Matthias's relationship a run for it's money
"Jesper get off of me! I have to get to class!"
"You can be late one day!"
"Jesper get off or I'm telling Kaz where his money keeps disappearing off to"
Scrambles off of you
As you're leaving "I would have never done that by the way"
Jesper smirks "Oh I know, you'll pay for it when you get back though"
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ghostofchaos-past · 8 months
okay so i wrote out eight paragaraphs on the coffee theory at 3am to send to my friend, and decided i might as well post it, so enjoy my ramblings (gomens s2 spoilers under the cut)
the biggest theory floating around is that the metatron did some heavenly miracle bullshit with the coffee he have zira to get him to accept the offer to be supreme archangel
the first point is that apparently when azi drinks the coffee there is a miracle sound effect (I've looked for it, it is extremely faint but I'm willing to believe its there)
then there is the fact that zira isnt really acting himself. almost this entire season has been about aziraphale learning over the millenia to see things not so black and white, but in more shades of grey. the job minisode, the ending of that with him being deemed "an angel who goes along with heaven as far as he can" and the beginning of "our side". then there was edinburgh, him learning that a traditionally evil act can have benefits for people like elspeth and wee morag. then the 1941 flashback, which while giving us adorable ineffable husbands also had the seemingly pivotal "shades of grey" conversation. this ENTIRE SEASON has been showing zira learning that heaven isnt inherently good, nor is hell inherently bad.
then, in the last fifteen minutes of episode six, he seems to jump right back into the old routine he seemingly spent the entire season unlearning. "you're the bad guys". painting it as though heaven is the ultimate good and hell is ultimately bad, which has not been his attitude all season
then, there are the books. muriel is in charge of the bookshop, zira knows this, and sure the whole "anything you need to wrap up/take with you" "no" was fucking devastating, it also makes no sense. zira adores his book collection, in the good omens book it goes out if its way to say that zira uses all methods short of actual physical violence to stop people from buying his books. so fine, he would leave crowley, if thats canon then fine. but principality aziraphale would not leave his books. oh he would leave, sure, but he would take his misprint bibles or his books of prophecy.
also, the metatron comes back into the bookshop suspiciously quickly after crowley leaves, almost like he knew what would happen. and when he asks if zira is ready to go, zira looks confused and upset because he's not being himself!
now the part I'm proudest of noticing: the elevator. if you watched the credits (or sat there sobbing unable to move like i did) you would see that the whole time zira has a weird look on his face (I'll attach screenshots just gimme a minute) and towards the end, he smiles. not a "oh I'm excited for my new job!" smile, but more of a planning smile. like he knew just what to do. and there is no way that is pride over his new position
the final point - ALL SEASON zira has been grouping him and crowley together. OUR car, i thought we carved it out for OURselves, etc. etc. you saw rhe way he looked at crowley all season, that open and loving look, and how, when gabe and beez ran off together, he grabbed crowleys arm. he looked at him in a way that really says we can do it. we can be us. I'm ready. then the metatron shows up and they "go for a walk" and he comes back almost as though it never happened.
in conclusion, coffee.
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magicalyaku · 1 year
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Turns out working 11-12 hours a day for two weeks straight effectively wiped all witty thoughts from my head (if I ever had some), but I’ll do my best to remember my November books. /3
15 Tage sind für immer (Here the whole time) (Vitor Martins): This one was unexpectedly nice. It basically made me smile nonstop throughout which was a good thing as I was reading it mostly at my artist alley table at Comic Con Stuttgart and you like to buy stuff from smiling people, right? 8D Felipe's mom is kinda the best. Also the German translation by Svantje Volkens was really good to read. Darius the Great is not okay (Adib Khorram): As the eternal advocate for friendship stories this one took me by surprise! I'm so not used to getting actual ones whithout romance. xD It was appreciated though. I also finally got the pop culture references! Usually I never notice or understand them because I never read or watch what's popular right now but just like Darius I grew up on Star Trek (especially The Next Generation). That was so nice~ But! I'm not sure if I would have enjoyed all the references that much if I didn't know the series. Because they were everywhere. Like take them out and there would be no book left. It was nice to learn about Iran and read about family and connections and stuff. There was also a lot of tea. I like tea. Darius the Great deserves better (Adib Khorram): I don't remember this very well. I didn't like it as much as its prequel but I'm pretty sure that was because of the suffering. Darius is having a hard time thoughout the book and that gave me a hard time, too. Not frustrating though at least. It handled that pretty well. More like a good message you have to work for? Bone Weaver (Aden Polydoros): This should be a fantasy book right up my alley. I realised, however, I'm so much more critical of female protagonists. "8D Toma did well though. Most of the time. I wish she wouldn't have fallen for Vanya (my heroines do not need any love stories thank you) but I have to give her credit for not falling for the first male person she meets (Mikhail), only for the second! And in all honesty, even though I might whine that it would have been better with Vanya x Mikhail, it would not. Because Mikhail lost Alexei (with or at least for whom he had a thing) within the first five pages of the book and having him move on within in three days ... errr The No. Well. I did enjoy the setting, the lore. And gawd I wasn't aware how much I love nicknames? Not "babe" or "sweetheart" etc but real names. Russian names provide so well in that department. Vanya was like "Hey, I'm Ivan but everyone calls me Vanya!" And everyone does! And then, 5 seconds later Mikhail goes "Ivan!" and I'm squealing because you know that at some point in the near future he will reluctantly come to like Vanya and will switch to the nickname as well and it will glorius. orz Anyway. I enjoyed the book but two things: The suffering. The physical pain. I read Mr. Polydoros' other books as well (The City Beautiful and the Assasin Fall duo) and in both the protagonists spend a lot of time in pain. Bone Weaver is no exception. It may not be "a long time" in here, but these guys are pretty broken up it's not funny. Second thing: I wish it would have been third-person instead of Toma's perspective only. I would have loved to learn more about Mikhail. What was his relationship with Koschei before? Will he be okay even when his people find out he has no more magic? The conversations, the bonding between him and Vanya. Gimme more! D: All for the Game series (Nora Sakavic): And finally this. This. I had a lot of words once but I'm reigning myself in. It was good. It was a lot of fun. I read The Foxhole Court back in September and then The Raven King in November and after I finished TRK, I went back to reread TFC ... I didn't want it to be over so soon. /D (And also my memory is shit and I read TFC while at airports, on planes and with my friends chatting next to me, so ... my excuses) I'm glad I read it only now instead of last year when I saw it the first time. (I'm a much more tolerant reader now.) But then, everything I like about the books are things I like in general: good characters, dialogues, self-references that make you leaf back or make you go "aaah" while rereading, and rewards after a long struggle. Gawd. For a hot second while reading TRK I got afraid that everything tumblr fandom teased me with might just be fan stuff instead of canon and I already felt the betrayal. 8D Then I remembered I already read the blurb for The King's Men and it was all there. Phew! Not that I read the books for the romance only. But it was so mind-boggling to know where Neil and Andrew end up when in the beginning they can't spend like two peaceful seconds with each other. So the journey was incredibly intruiging and fun. Haah. (Bonus fun: There were AFTG cosplayers at Comic Con. I only saw a flash of orange in front of my table and was like “Huh, it’s just Haikyuu” but I still took another look and there it was “Palmetto State University”! Of course I embarrassed myself in guessing the characters wrong, but it was still nice. 8D) To ease my AFTG hangover I went back to rewatching anime. I found the perfect little sibling: bad parents, abuse, anger issues, (kinda) gay, more queer kids, estranged childhood friends, boys obsessed with stupid sports, protagonist with an attitude problem and a bad mouth. I present: Stars Align! (Yes, that stupid series which ended on the worst cliffhanger and never got its second part!!! D:<) Speaking of anime, now that the worst of the christmas crunch is over and I'm having time again to actually enjoy stuff I should get back to finishing Yuri on Ice ... and ... Chainsaw Man. xD
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Reviews while I watch Mashle: Magic and Muscles: Episode 1
Okay story time. I bought the first volume of this manga by chance because I was doing a get 3 for 2 special at the shop I was buying from and I couldn’t find a third book in the series that I had been reading. Note that I had not bought a book from a series that I hadn’t read online before at this point in time so it was quite a gamble for me to do this. So I bought the first book knowing absolutely nothing about it. I then went for some lunch and while I was waiting I decided to start reading this book that I had just bought. I finished it then and there and immediately went back to the shop and bought the next three books that were available at the time. I currently have up to volume 8 in the physical books and have only read from the physical books so there’s a lot I don’t know about but damn I really love the goofyness of this story and how the characters act and bounce off of each other. 
I’m so glad that the anime has finally come out, I’ve really been looking forward to this for so long. Let’s get into it. 
Setting up the importance of magic in the world really well. 
Fuck. This opening scene with him is hilarious in both medium. 
Also another story. I didn’t register that Mashle had yellow eyes until I saw the trailer for the anime. XD
Creampuff boi. 
Aaaaaand the opening image of the opening is a cream puff. This is perfect. Even more cream puffs. And he sits on the throne eating a cream puff. Yes. Just yes. I also love how there’s so many minor villains and they show all of them in the opening XD. Looks like we should have the puppet guy as the main villain for this season. Doesn’t look like it goes much past him. Excellent point to get to though. I loved that fight and his personality in the manga. 
Best coping mechanism for stress. Just scream. 
Push or Pull. That is the question. 
Fucking didn’t realise how much I needed this to me animated. This is amazing. 
He so skinny for such a buff guy. 
And he disobey for cream puffs. 
Perfectly timed wind. 
Good allusion to how people can tell about magic skills. 
They make the cop seem so badass. 
Not the cream puff! And the drunk cop! Not the cream puff!
The absurdity in this is brilliant. Ahhh. 
Speedy father. And he is still the cream puffs. 
Take a shot for everytime I type cream puffs. 
Ha. He doesn’t want the door to be broken again. 
They could have used the door atleast. 
A song about cream puffs. Cute. 
Backstory time. Mashle saved him! It is a sign! woo. 
And there goes the door. And the other wall. 
Time to see mash in action! There goes the shirt. 
The magic effects are so cool!
Wack. “Can magic be paff’ed just like that?” Best line in all of this. 
Is the whole outro just about cream puffs? And we just watch the characters dancing. This feels like a weird tiktok video. XD
What the fuck did I just watch. XD
----after thoughts----
Fuck that was amazing. I could not stop laughing. They really captured the essence of the manga so well. It’s fascinating how a character who has no personality outside of cream puffs is such a likeable protagonist. I can’t wait to see where the rest of this goes and how they handle the rest of the main cast. We start seeing some of their personalities through the outro which is really sick. I can’t wait for next week!
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scarabiaa · 2 years
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"Oh! Um, how can I help you? If you want to talk to our student council president, I can take a message or resolve it on my own. Is that okay for you?"
NAME: Sebastian Maes
NICKNAME(S): Seb by the Vice President ; Seb-chan by Seth ; Snowball by NBC students ; Pretty Boy by Ivy
AGE: 19
UNIQUE MAGIC: Shadows Taken - His Unique Magic allows him to gain a twin, only that this twin is a shadow version of him. During this time, his own eyes turn pure black and he can see everything from a higher perspective, literally. His shadow twin can do things he physically cannot so his magic takes advantage of that perspective. He has to be careful with controlling the twin, lest it winds up having a mind of its own and being able to become recklessly evil.
PERSONALITY: With a softer voice, Sebastian tends to be timid on his own. When he is beside Rollo as his assistant, that is when he can hold his head higher. He knows that he is good at his job and he is especially confident when it comes to paperwork. He is really kind with new people, as long as they talk to him first. He can't really be the first one to talk, someone else has to talk to him first. He's extremely loyal, yet he knows when things are wrong, even if he has been with a certain person for a long time. He can usually be counted upon when it comes to certain subjects that you may need help in.
APPEARANCE: He has purple eyes, pale skin, and long black hair that reaches past his shoulder blades. He has two long strands of hair and bangs that cover his forehead. When in NBC uniform, he wears a beret the colors of NBC. He usually can be found wearing that uniform as the student council president's assistant.
SCHOOL: Noble Bell College
DORM: Cieloluz
BIRTHDAY: September 22 (Virgo)
HEIGHT: 6'0"/186 cm
DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous
HOMELAND: Queendom of Roses
CLUB: None, he follows Rollo around when checking up on the clubs.
HOBBIES: Reading shojo/romance manga, crocheting cute animals, knitting, tiny hair clips, doing paperwork, reading textbooks for fun, writing, calligraphy, computer science, haircare
PET PEEVES: Neon colors, bad book covers
FAVORITE FOOD: Broiled lobster tail with garlic bread
LIKES: Listening to people ramble about their favorite things, doodling in the edges of notebooks, buying new shoes
DISLIKES: Actual mocking and teasing, heights
TALENT: Able to fall from a high place and land without a scratch
SONG: Shinunoga E-Wa by Fujii Kaze
He tends to play with his hair a lot when he's nervous.
He cannot deal with any horror movies whatsoever.
Contrary to popular opinion, he is actually decent at cooking. He just stopped once he got to learning about oil. He still screams if he sees a pan full of oil and it is popping.
He has three older sisters and a younger sister. He gets teased a lot by his sisters. He does take care of his younger sister though.
He remembers when his family was actually really poor and everyone thought that there was no chance he would be able to go to NRC. Instead, by some miracle, his family was saved from poverty and he was allowed to go to Noble Bell.
He gets a headache when seeing yellow or orange colors.
Does not like meeting new people or when he does, he greets them silently. He's afraid of saying anything awkward in front of them.
He loves building tiny things, like Lego sets.
There was one time where the VP and Rollo were sick and could not handle the responsibilities as the heads of the council, so it was up to Sebastian. He makes them both swear they will never make him do that again.
To this day, he does not know what he wants to do in life. Being someone's assistant sounds great and all, but he doesn't really know if that's the only career he wants to pursue.
The reason why he doesn't cut his hair is because of a story his mother used to tell him when he was little. As long as he had long hair, there would be an invisible string that attached him to his soulmate. He should have grown out of it, but to be honest, he likes the idea too much.
He doesn't have any grandparents.
He likes crunchy food. You'll hardly find him eating soft foods.
He can play the piano very well and he has gotten singing lessons since he was little. He does not sing in front of anyone but he has been known to be able to put his youngest sister to sleep when she's really upset.
He sucks at history.
He's actually a bit of a hopeless romantic, he likes consuming romance media. There's a manga that makes him wish he had the relationship the protagonists have.
Has accidentally pulled all nighters, only because he is too focused on his work. He ends up collapsing in the student council meetings.
The President's Assistant: Rollo + Sebastian
Sebastian actually became Rollo's assistant because he didn't want to join any clubs and he thought that maybe, with the president's help, he would not have to. He ended up enjoying what he did a lot because of all the paperwork he is allowed to do. He's extremely good when it comes to paperwork and he's very organized. When left alone for a while, he will go through a stack of files in thirty minutes or so and it is all done very well.
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