#it's unbearably annoying
vindogy · 25 days
For the love of fucking god do not fall for his shit again you people are brain dead
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This is not a "cry for help" it was a deliberate manipulation tactic to get people to gang up on the ones who called him out on his shit. Do not give this man a shred of sympathy. Do not think for a second he was ever at risk. He's a manipulator. He's done this exact thing before multiple times. Do not let it work again.
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I love imagining a young Sarek meeting Amanda Grayson and instead of being like "oh I'm in love" he very logically decides "alright, now that I know this woman exists I will be wholly unberable if I do not have her in my life"
And you know what he's right
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horrorlesbians · 4 months
yes im incredibly sad i couldn't get mitski tickets but honestly i would never want to be in a crowd of mitski fans because some are fucking unbearable
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fics-n-stuff · 10 months
Jeremiah is so emotionally mature in s2 he honestly almost doesn't fit in. Belly is so chaotic and often self centred, and Conrad is so petty and immature, that Jeremiah being a normal person makes him look like a saint.
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lizardsfromspace · 2 years
I can't believe Joss Whedon ruined action and genre movies by writing cliche quips and banter into their dialogue. This is so unlike how original and well-written the one-liners were in action blockbusters when I was 12
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unbreakabledawn · 6 months
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Batman - Santa Claus: Silent Knight #3 (2023)
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inquisiitor · 2 months
i'm genuinely having a moment over DA fandom losing that 'most annoying' poll. in what world does the DA fandom lose to 911. have people forgotten??? the 2014-2016/2017? the anders discourse???? mages vs templars literal essay arguments? solasmancers (I say, as a solas romancer)? the cullen discourse alone could power half a city. the racism??? ISABELA? SERA? VIVIENNE????
the DA fandom is a nightmare of truly unrivaled proportions. like star wars is worse but that's NOT a high bar. 911 doesn't even come close. i saw someone call it coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb which is an apt comparison. holy shit. people have very different tumblr experiences to me if none of the DA stuff ever cropped up. like you could not visit the tags. i was there. the tags were a no-man's zone. you found a few treasured blogs and kept your head down and reblogged gifs with :) in the tags and even then that was like lifting your head above the trench line and risking a sniper spotting you
the 911 fandom is just an ordinary annoying fandom with a large m/m ship. that's it. i was born and raised on destiel. that's literally nothing. it doesn't even register. if you have no stake in this poll go vote dragon age for me because I'm having heart palpitations.
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geesehell · 7 months
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the undertale brain rot is real hesujs christ
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troutreznor · 1 month
would u like to watch my snail eat a leaf for five and half minutes
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respectthepetty · 4 months
My best friend gave me this dragon journal in my favorite color to celebrate the Year of the Dragon!
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Happy Lunar New Year, everyone!
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lunar-years · 11 months
Sam is like how were you guys less obnoxious about each other when you had a straight up blood feud. He’s not sure if redeemed Jamie is worth it even if that is his best friend instead of chief bully now.
TRULY. Sam is like Jamie I love you...but at what cost.
(I also know royjamie abuse the heck out of Sam's "come to Ola's anytime we can always make room for my teammates :)" open invitation. He extends it to the whole team but it's mostly roy and jamie showing up every week definitely not a on a date, just hanging out. meanwhile Simi is texting Sam updates from the kitchen like they're fucking here again and they’re being EXTRA weird today. Sam's head permanently in his hands.)
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miss0atae · 4 months
It's my random thoughts about Pit Babe the series ep 12:
What can I say? I still have so much fun watching this series. I know there are some loose ends and plot holes, but frankly I don't really care.
▪️ Way saved Pete from Kenta who fled the scene as soon as possible. It was really the episode where Way finally stopped spending all his time drinking and drowning his sorrow. He finally decided to properly apologize to Babe (even if he knew he would not be forgiven) and help everyone take Tony down. He used his power to help get some documents and tried his best to show remorse. I'm still not his best fan but it was a nice change from previous episodes where he was just crying and feeling hopeless. We can thank Pete who helped him a lot.
▪️ Speaking about Pete, this guy really see everyone good side even if they don't show it. He believes Way, still think that Kenta is a good person deep down (which I agree) and do his best to save all children taken by Tony. I still think their plan to do it isn't exactly the best but it works for the series so what should I say?
▪️ Babe really wants to put an end to Tony's actions and he does everything to get it. He didn't want to forgive Way, but to have his end goal happen, he accepted him in the team. When Way asked him if one day they could go back to how their relationship was, he wasn't entirely against it. He simply told him, it wouldn't happen soon but they might get there. Even if he is still really sad over Charlie supposed-death, he is poised and ready to fight no matter what. Babe is impressive.
▪️ Jeff was captured by Kenta to be sold to the new auction, since every special child Tony had, disappeared or is fighting against him. What is the point of seeing the future, if you can't save yourself from being kidnapped?! I know they told us, he can't really control his power but it's very unfortunate he couldn't this time. I was impressed about how calm he was.
▪️ Alan was trying is best to find him and was helped by his "family" (Can we say that Pit Babe is a BL type version of Fast & Furious ?). North and Sonic have always been helping him but I'm glad we saw Kim. Even if I get two minutes of him, I'm happy. I'm attached to this character. By the end of the episode, Alan saved Jeff. The power of love... always here when you need it. I only have one question: Why did they leave the children behind? Is there a good reason?
▪️ Finally, I'll talk about Kenta... It's been several episode where Kenta was abused by Tony and this one was no exception. I feel so sad for this man. He truly believed Tony was his father but unfortunately Tony never saw him as his child because he is not "special". It broke my heart to see Kenta kneeling and begging Tony. I wish he would understand how he could be loved and treated well if he just stopped helping him and leave! I hope in the next episode he will be free from Tony. He must be saved like the other children taken by Tony.
▪️ Oh and of course, we all knew the man who helped Charlie and Jeff is Babe's father. Anyone was surprised?!
▪️ Charlie also saved Babe in the last two minutes of this episode. and we'll get the reunion we were hoping between them, in the next one. It's a happy ending guaranteed. I just feel like 13 episodes is too light to tight up everything. Why didn't they make 14? Is there a good reason for this choice?
Anyway, Friday will feel empty when this series will end.
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
Sirius Black and his own arrogance, Sirius Black and his overcomplicated love hate relationship with his mother, Sirius Black and his stunted development due to Azkaban, Sirius Black and his need to be in the right, Sirius Black and his own failure to take accountability for his actions.
Sirius Black and actual thought out flaws, and complexities with his character.
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parasitoidism · 6 months
The most shocking thing to me about the hbomb video to me is the amount of people who actually thought the internet historian makes good content
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rinofwater · 3 months
So me and my friend were watching the dub for Ayakashi
And I'm usually the first person who would say "give the dubs a chance, I know they have a bad reputation but there are some pretty decent ones out there too"
Ayakashi Bakeneko is not one of them.
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chilapis · 6 days
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