#it's not on you to make people understand and respect you by sanding down the things they have trouble grappling with
raziraphale · 5 months
I'm really tired of situations where asexuality is mentioned like, casually in a way that kind of flattens the definition a bit for simplicity's sake (like just implying asexuality = no sexual interest) and someone feels like they have to jump in to remind us all that some asexuals can still have sex. like cool sure that's a true statement but it rarely comes across as adding nuance and instead sounds like you're saying "remember that some of us are normal just like you". well most of us aren't "normal" so maybe let people sit with their discomfort with that fact for five minutes before reassuring them that asexuals can be just like everyone else
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sm-baby · 2 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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merakiui · 9 months
while in captivity, floyd encounters a human and unintentionally pair-bonds with you during a moment of biological vulnerability.
(cw: gender neutral reader, nsfw, omegaverse/abo, heats, captivity)
The marine lab has recently acquired a unique specimen—unique in that he is half-human and half-fish, hailing from deep, dark, indescribable depths. An eel merman, to be exact. You’ve only ever glimpsed merfolk in outdated textbooks and fairytales, the latter of which depicted them as whimsical beings capable of feats beyond scientific understanding. Magic. Although in the realm of biology, such folly is never entertained and so what the world calls ‘magic’ other fields built upon the foundations of research refer to it as a ‘miracle’. In your eyes those words are interchangeable, but then the idea of a miracle is far easier to digest than the concept of magic.
Merfolk have always been elusive, covert creatures, hence why there is hardly any conclusive data on them. In fact, they’re so secretive that they were believed to be mostly extinct—a figment of dreams and hallucinations. Most of what humans know stems from the tattered notes of long-gone sailors, their presences nearly lost to time itself, and for a while all anyone ever knew were four key details:
They are spread throughout the sea, living out their lives in frigid fathoms. 
They are hypnotic and deceptive. 
They are predatory. 
They rarely interact with humankind unless absolutely necessary (e.g. to hunt or observe).
But with plenty of promising technological advances, some of the theories and myths surrounding merfolk have been bolstered or disproved, respectively. Merfolk are just as diverse as the rest of the animal kingdom. Some live in solitude. Others thrive in groups. Some make their home out of caves and grottos. Some dwell within the labyrinths of volcanic rock formations. It is every marine biologist’s dream to come face to face with one of these mysterious creatures, if only for just a few minutes to glean more information.
That dream is made reality today.
The eel mer was discovered off the coast of a tiny island, entangled in fishing lines and plastic litter. His large, winding body, snake-like in its sleek build, was littered with scars and scrapes. There was a hook lodged up in the folds of his gills. Despite his thrashing, his tail swishing wildly in the sand and nearly knocking down three researchers like they were bowling pins, he was wheezing and gasping, drained of energy and air. When the first bucket of seawater came down upon his dry gills, he settled briefly, wide, crazed, mismatched eyes flicking from face to face. Likely assessing the situation or counting the amount of bodies, the report claimed.
He fell still after that, and it took two teams of ten people to load him onto the lift so he could be flown to the lab.
After he spent a week in recovery, where he healed surprisingly fast, he was transferred to a much larger and wider tank, its depths far deeper than the average swimming pool. He doesn’t swim to the surface much, and he only ever pokes his head out at night, scanning his surroundings with intelligent, keen eyes. And then he turns and disappears below. It’s a pattern he’s stuck to for weeks now. No one really understands it, and they haven’t had the opportunity to try. He’s uncooperative and unpredictable. It’s much too dangerous to send a diver down there.
So they transfer you to his enclosure, assuming you might have more luck. You’re not sure and you can’t make any promises of potential success, as you’ve only ever interacted with marine mammals. A merman is…different. Not only because he’s half-man and, by that same logic, likely possesses a human brain that is capable of a higher level of thought, albeit one that is wired to suit his mer biology, but because he’s bigger. A lot bigger.
He could kill you.
You saw the documentation. The serrated teeth, the powerful claws, the dangerous jaw, the bulky, muscular build that cuts through water like a bullet. He is a predator in every sense of the word, and you’re supposed to look after him. Coax him to the surface. Get him to trust humans. Interact with him just inches from the edge of his tank and hope that he doesn’t get hungry or violent.
He might kill you.
But there are safety measures put in place for these things. Ethics to be followed and whatnot. It’s a slippery slope because he’s part human and therefore could possibly have the same level of intelligence humans have, in which case it would be wrong to trap him here. There may be ways to skirt around it with other animals, but he’s not like other animals.
For now, he’s kept here under the pretense of recovery and scientific study. The lab treats him like the big fish he is, going so far as to buy a shark suit in your size and instruct you to wear it even though you’re not going to get in the water. “It should prevent him from biting through,” they had said, “but it won’t lessen the force of his bite.”
“What good will that do? I can’t fight him off.” Though you knew it had nothing to do with anything, you added, “I’m an omega. Merfolk might not have the same sub-genders as we do up on the surface—or maybe they do; I don’t know—but if he were human he’d definitely classify as an alpha. Put that into perspective. I can’t. Fight. Him. Off. It’s biologically impossible.”
“So you poke his eyes. Dig your fingers into his gills. He should let go of you then.”
“That’ll hurt him,” you protested, clutching the suit to your chest.
“Not as much as he’ll hurt you.”
You suppose it’s a clinical priority. Survival of the fittest, but it’s the human who has to live. The lab could afford to lose you, but they don't want to. And if they did, they might put the mer down. Shoot him up with enough tranquilizers to keep him comatose. Maybe it only bothered you because, yet again, he’s half-human and no one on the team knows the extent to which he thinks and functions.
To simplify it, they consider him a shark. But like any creature, sharks learn and adapt as they go. Death is instinct.
He will kill you.
But you don’t want to think like that, which is why you put on your best smile and trudge into the enclosure he’s being kept in. The tank looms before you, seawater clear and beamed through with streaks of light from the harsh, glaring LEDs above. The deeper the water gets, the darker the shadows. You press your palm against the glass, observing the murky darkness with a frown. Somewhere in this tank, at a depth you can’t even imagine, is an eel merman. A big, strong, powerful, scary eel merman.
You swallow a steadying breath, curl your fingers into fists, and climb the spiral staircase to get to the attached platform. Your reflection follows you with each step, countenance set in grim confliction. Once you reach the top, you peer out at the surface of the pool, listening to the droning hum of water filters and other hidden machinery. There’s a very shallow part of the tank, a dip in the design that allows for the mer to lounge if he so pleases. You’re reminded of the dolphins in live shows, who slide up onto their stomachs to face an awestruck audience. You doubt that’s what he’ll use this ledge for. If anything, it could allow a researcher to kneel in the shallows while they interact with him at an intimate propinquity.
You don’t plan on being that researcher.
Instead, you pace a healthy distance away from the edge, holding a bucket of his breakfast in one hand and a notebook in the other.
“Um!” You cringe at your voice as it reverberates around you in a nervous echo. Cautiously, you inch towards the water. “I have your food!”
You wait three seconds, expecting him to come bursting up from the darkness like the shark everyone wants to delude themselves into thinking he is. The water remains still and unbroken. You wonder if your voice can even reach such a depth. If not the sound, the vibrations might. Or maybe he’s resting. It’s still relatively early in the morning. Perhaps his sleep schedule is thrown off. Yours would be if you were taken from your home and dumped in a manufactured version of your habitat.
You lurch forwards with the bucket and watch as a collection of shrimp, crab, and small fish soar through the air in a sloppy arc before landing and sinking into the waiting depths below. Nothing happens. The tension in your body ebbs away, and when it becomes clear that he isn’t coming up to greet you and feast on your offering you relax completely, collapsing against the wall with a great sigh.
If they really want to study him, they should just watch him on the security feed, you think, peering up at the camera in one corner of the room, its red eye fixated on you and the surrounding enclosure. He’s not going to come up during the day. Not when there are humans walking around.
Still, you wait your shift out, scribbling nonsense in your notebook and occasionally glancing up to gauge the state of the water.
The mer doesn’t show, so you resolve to try again.
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Try you do, and try you have. 
It’s been one week of perfunctory routine, arriving and feeding him at the same time in hopes that he might understand what you’re doing and come up to investigate. Or, at the very least, recognize you’re a recurring figure in his chapter of captivity. You don’t intend on befriending him. You only wish to fulfill your duties as a researcher, however skewed they may have become. Even though you know you ought to be grateful the mer hasn’t caused any problems, you want something to happen. Anything! At this rate, you’d sooner tire yourself out playing with rowdy sea lions than sit around in silence while waiting for an appearance from him.
It’s a quiet Tuesday afternoon when the first beat of unrest hits.
The mer’s enclosure is kept at a comfortable temperature for humans; it’s the water that’s freezing below the surface. So when you step up onto the platform and peer into the chum-infested deep, the empty bucket now set aside, you feel warmer than usual. Odd, considering the room is normally so chilly. Not extremely so, but chilly enough to give way to a pleasant cold.
Tugging at the collar of your shark suit, you cover the distance to stand under a large fan situated just near the dip in the pool. Cool air kisses your heated skin, providing you with much-needed relief, and you peer up at the propellers that spin in endless circles. Around and around and around. Your eyes follow the motions until you dizzy yourself, and you step back on wobbly legs. Your foot misses the metal platform and instead slips into the ledge built in the tank. With a startled yelp you fall backwards, landing in the shallows on your rear.
“Of course,” you mumble, bitter with embarrassment. “Leave it to me to fall right into the predator’s tank.”
You scoot further up onto the ledge, staring at the water below. It’s quite calm here, where the shallows lap languidly at your waist. If you were delusional, you might think this was a jacuzzi pool that you could dip your toes in. It’s not. Of course it isn’t. Not when there’s a beast lurking just below. But while you’re here, you run your hands through the saltwater while your own body temperature rises as if it’s a hungry flame in a stone hearth.
You place your hands on either side of the ledge, intending to push yourself up and onto the platform, when something tightens inside of you. Your heart stumbles in your chest and you lose the strength in your arms at once. With a noisy splash, you flop back into the shallows, your compromised body rigid and shaky with a tingling, all-encompassing warmth. Horrified, you raise two fingers to your pulse to feel it stutter wildly beneath your skin.
Swallowing thickly, you lower your head onto your arms and wait for the feeling to pass. The seconds slip by and in that short amount of time your state seems to worsen. Your temperature is volcanic, your every sense restless, and you’re sweating through the shark suit as if you’ve just run a marathon and more.
“Not now,” you hiss, slapping your hands upon your face. “Please not now. Anything but now…”
You intend to haul yourself up and out for good this time, desperate to get as far from the pool before your brain is completely overrun by your encroaching heat and robust omega instincts, when fingers brush against your leg. Something chitters behind you, a low, slow sort of sound that is shot through with curiosity. You turn as if you’re frozen in ice, your heart in your throat and senses on high alert.
The eel mer is right there, clutching your ankle in a firm grip. Not to hurt you, but to keep you there. And you’re not at all in a hurry to leave. Not when those claws are so close to your calf, capable of shredding through to your very bones. Even with the shark suit, you worry. He stares at you with narrowed eyes, his head angled in a cute, childish way. He appears confused and rightfully so, considering you’re a creature he’s likely never interacted with so closely before. You mirror his befuddlement, your brows furrowed, lips creased in a thin line.
For a long while, the two of you watch each other. If you look past his predatory design, he’s quite pretty with his smoky teal coloration and dark stripes. Your gaze pans over to the water, where a long, powerful tail disappears below. The paranoid side of you says he’s going to drown you, but then he doesn’t seem outwardly malicious in his intentions.
He flinches at the sound of your voice, his head snapping up to your throat and then your lips. Your attempt to pull your captive leg back is thwarted when he lurches, rising out of the water to grab hold of your foot. You gasp and shake your head at him, your senses sharp and dull all at once. Your heat-addled mind just barely parses the threat of danger, looming and ever-present.
“Please,” you beg, your tone sticky and breathless. “Don’t…”
The mer tilts his head the other way. The fins where his ears might be if he were human shiver, as if listening to the desperation in your syllables. He chirrups, lips widening in a sharp-toothed smile, and then he’s dragging you towards him. Panic seizes your nerves and you dig your palms into the smooth basin in an effort to get away. His expression falls when he notices your struggle and he lifts himself onto the ledge with you, draping himself over your legs like an oversized rug.
“Wait… H-Hold on; get off!” You grunt and weakly prod at his chest. He doesn’t budge. “You… You’re heavy!”
His webbed hand closes around your waist, steadying you in the shallows, while his other arm cages you beneath him. Instinctively, you arch into his touch, your breath coming in tiny, frenzied huffs. He clicks at you, and words that you can only assume are meant to be gentle and soothing are produced in a sweet melody. It relaxes you more than you’d like to admit, a lyrical balm to your terror.
You squeeze your eyes shut and brace yourself for the worst. For the searing pain and the stinging agony. For the blood that will color the water a dark, foreboding red. For the sight of him merrily tearing into your jugular, his maw spattered with crimson. But none of that ever comes. He cradles your face next, his thumb running along your cheekbone, and slowly you peel your eyes open. His face is inches from yours, looking on with an intensity that’s almost primal.
Warily, you lift your arm out of the water and touch his hand. It’s much bigger in contrast to yours, but he’s handling you with such immaculate tenderness.
“You’re not going to hurt me…” you mutter, amazed. “You’re just curious.”
As if responding, he chitters. You nod even though you have no idea what he said. He doesn’t smell like an alpha or an omega or a beta. You’re not even sure if he’s capable of releasing pheromones, but if he were you’re certain it would have driven you much crazier than you already feel.
You hold his stare and reach up to pat his cheek, and he leans into your careful touch. Your hand soon trails down to trace his lateral lines, which earns you a pleased hum. You watch in awe as the gills on either side of his body flutter.
Led on by your own wonder, you follow the pattern to his waist and press your thumbs into his hip bones beneath smooth, slippery skin. “How fascinating… I wonder if it’s possible to take an X-ray. Would you allow—oh!”
Clumsily, he lifts you into his arms to embrace you, rolling his hips against the chainmail shark suit. Your breath hitches, and you fumble to grasp his broad shoulders.
“Ah, w-wait. I’m not… You can’t…”
He clicks thrice and lowers you into the shallows, his face scrunched in annoyance. You think he might’ve understood you, but then he’s palming between your legs and it occurs to you that he wants the suit off. Carnal delight shivers through you at the prospect of being wanted to such a degree, and though you know it’s the heat muddling your sensibility you can’t help indulging him just a little. You undo the zip at the back and slide it from your body, revealing your shoulders and bare arms for his wandering, mismatched hues. He leans in to nose at your scent glands, chattering happily as he inhales. You can’t understand a word, but he sounds pleased—even more so when he runs his hands along your arms, squeezing and petting in equal measure.
His tongue laves across your neck, and what fragile restraint you have left snaps. You cling to him like he’s your anchor, meeting his searching hips halfway with every awkward thrust that doesn’t quite connect as it should. You chew your lip, tamping down a torrent of filthy moans. Your mind is clouded with lust and instinct, and you dig your fingers into his hair, holding him against your neck while he continues to lick and nip.
It feels right up until the haze parts momentarily, allowing temporary sobriety when you spy the tip of something poking free of its encasing. Dazed and inquisitive, you reach between your bodies to prod at his slit, hoping to coax more of his prehensile cock from out of its folds. But then the door below opens and the mer lifts himself from off of you, his head turning in the direction of the sound at an alarming speed. You blink up at him, lazily following his line of sight. His lip curls up in a silent snarl, the beginnings of razored teeth peeking out, and then he slithers back into the water, his hands lingering on your ankles.
Despite the dizziness you sit up, your arm outstretched. “Wait, don’t go!”
I didn’t get to cum yet. You didn’t even claim me either…
He peers at you, neutral for all of a minute before swimming over to you. He presses his face into your palm, chittering softly. There are footsteps on the stairs, and he grits his teeth, withdrawing completely before turning and diving under in a spray of seawater.
You fall back into the shallows, panting like a starved, feral monster. A researcher comes to your aid, her expression equal parts shocked and disturbed. You don’t catch her questions, each one tacked onto what feels like a ceaseless rant, while she helps you to your feet. Something about danger. About heats. About omega biology. About how the researchers watched the both of you on the cameras, swelling with queries of their own.
“I’m not sure,” you mumble as you’re helped down the stairs, stumbling in a heat-drunken stupor. Thankfully, your fellow researcher is an omega like you and that relaxes the hypersensitive part of you—the part that fears being taken advantage of when you’re vulnerable like this. But the needier, greedier part of you wants the mer—wants his hands and mouth all over you, ripping you free from your suit and indulging in the bare skin beneath. “I think he...wanted to help…”
No one can explain his behavior. But it seems promising.
While you’re led from the room, the eel mer stalks you from the gloomy confines of his tank.
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In the days following your heat, you return to the marine lab with your head on your shoulders and are immediately barraged with requests. Amongst all of them, one common demand stands out: You have to get him up to the surface again. Part of you doesn’t want to face the mer again. When you truly mulled over that day, tossed the memory of it around in your mind like it was a tennis ball, you were hit with shame.
It’s not…normal. Researchers do not tangle themselves in sexual situations with their subjects, especially when said subject was an eel mer from the Coral Sea. It’s unheard of. Luckily, the team of researchers you work with swears to secrecy. You were out of it and your judgment wasn’t in the best state. That’s the excuse they’re using. It works enough to push the humiliation from your thoughts.
You wonder if you should feel disgusted by the events. Rather, you didn’t mind it. For all of his rough, scarred, monstrous edges, he was gentle.
You press your fingers to your scent glands, recalling the feel of his tongue.
Today you’ve donned your usual work attire, foregoing the shark suit and any other protective gear the lab expects you to wear. Something tells you you won’t need it anymore. Not after everything that happened the day you went into heat.
Feeling rejuvenated and refreshed after your mini break, you trudge up the staircase with a food bucket, determined to finally fill your notebook with data. You’ve only made it up four steps when color flashes in your peripheral. You turn and find the mer is at your eye level, following you up the spiral staircase adjacent to his tank.
You pause and wave experimentally. He watches your hand move to and fro and then he mirrors your actions. He swims the rest of the distance to the surface, breaching it just as you make it onto the platform.
“Good morning, Mister,” you greet, bending down to empty the contents of the bucket into the water.
Disinterested, he watches bits of shrimp sink deeper. And then he looks back to you, his mouth opening and shutting. “Fu… Fu…” he forces out, his face scrunched in concentration.
“Fu…? Food?” 
He nods and then shakes his head, hissing at himself in what you think might be admonishment. 
“Furo?” You set the bucket aside and scoot closer to the edge. “What’s that?”
He tries once more before the syllables fizzle out on his tongue and, with a few frustrated clicks, he swipes a fish from the surface and stuffs it in his mouth. You giggle, and the sound has him tilting his head. Without a shred of apprehension, he meets you at the ledge. You watch him munch on the fish between his lips, content to observe in silence. He polishes it off rather quickly before procuring a handful, which he dumps onto the ground beside you. You shake your head at him, smiling weakly.
“Thanks, but no. It’s all yours.”
The mer shrugs and indulges without you.
“I should thank you for not hurting me back then,” you add. He pays close attention to your lips; you think he might be attempting to read them while listening. “Um… But don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not sure if merfolk are like humans, but we have this system… Or not a system… It’s more like…groupings? Secondary classifications?” You frown. How can you explain the complexities of sub-genders to a mer who doesn’t even speak your language? “Basically, I was in trouble and you helped me out. Kind of. In any case, thank you.”
He stares at you for a while, chewing and swallowing. You think he might swim back under once he’s finished, but instead he places his hands on the ledge and hoists himself up on his arms. He’s in your face next, all eager smiles and chitters.
“Fu… Furo. Furo…ido. Furoido,” he sounds out.
You read his lips in the best way you can before it finally clicks. “Ah! Floyd, right? Is that…your name?”
Floyd points to himself, makes a few upbeat clicks, and then nods. He’s pointing at you next.
“And me? Oh, my name is (Name).” You take your time sounding it out for him, and he repeats it with an awkward tongue. You smile and nod encouragingly. “That’s it. That’s me.”
He flops back into the water with a celebratory trill, a wild smile tugging at his lips. You watch him swim laps from you to the opposite end of the pool and back. Ditching the shark suit was the right call. You’re no longer uncertain. This time, you know for a fact that you’re going to be getting along very well with him.
And you look forward to fostering this flowering friendship.
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lilacxoz · 1 year
Just Three - Kaveh & Alhaitham
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Double penetration, use of ‘good girl’ briefly, not really hate sex but kinda implied, spanking, creampie, oral sex.
Being sex partners with the two most annoying people was fun. Well, the sex was, not the constant arguments. First it was who used up all the hot water in the morning, and then it was who ate whos food in the fridge. But when all that pent up frustration came to the surface, it was pleasure city.
The three of you came to an agreement one heated night. Kaveh had used up all the hot water and Alhaitham was annoyed at the argument because he was stressed and working on some papers in his room. "We just need to de stress," Kaveh had suggested. You and Alhaitham eventually agreed and came to the 'Just Three Agreement', in which the three of you have sex and destress as long as it's exclusive, for health reasons.
So now here you were, walking into the house as Kaveh and Alhaitham argue at each other in the kitchen. You decide to leave it for now because all you wanted to do was get out of your day clothes.
"You're a sly bastard with no respect for others, I cannot believe you did that to me!" Kaveh yells, making you groan. If you didn't intervene then it would get ugly, so you step out in just your tee shirt and socks, not caring since they've both seen you naked multiple times.
"What is the problem, please tell me so you both can stop arguing and I can take a nap!" You burst out before letting out a stressed breath and hopping up on the counter. Two pair of angry eyes meet yours, surprised a bit to see Alhaitham look so upset.
"This filthy bastard pushed me into a hole in the desert, all because of a few books!" Kaveh heaved, pointing a finger at the ash-haired male next to him.
"Maybe that should teach you not to mess up fucking MONTHS OF NOTES!" Alhaitham yells, his voice loud and deep that it shocks you and Kaveh a little.
"Okay, why don't we start with you 'Haitham, tell me what happened in your perspective."
"Sure," he blew out an angry breath, "I was at the library finishing up my notes for the past six months. But as I'm gluing in the final pieces to the book, dear old Kaveh comes up to me, startles me and makes me knock over all the glue on every single page. Months, FUCKING MONTHS of notes, gone." He runs a hand through his hair as he leans his hip against the counter. You look over to Kaveh for his side, to which he clears his throat to tell his side.
"Look, I didn't mean to startle him, all I wanted to know is if he wanted to split traveling costs with me because I know he's low on Mora. But I felt bad, I really did! I just don't know or  understand why he had to go and push me down a literal sand mountain on," he used air quotes, "accident. I started bleeding and had to get a stitch!"
You take in each story, it was obvious both were in the wrong but for all the wrong reasons. Kaveh just wanted to ask a question but knowing him, he probably made some snarky comment after scaring 'Haitham. And with Alhaitham, he definitely could've handled it better but you had to put yourself in his position to rationalize with his actions
"You're both in the wrong okay? Yes it's terrible Kaveh made you lose months of notes and I can help with that, but that doesn't give you the right to break his face open. Second, Kaveh you and I both know you left out parts in that story, stop provoking people." Kaveh made a face from being called out, of course he knew he wouldn't get away with it but he tried.
"Oh sweet y/n, please come help me destress," Kaveh whines, wrapping his arms around your waist and burrowing his head in your neck. Your eyes widened at the suddenness.
"Oh gods no," Alhaitham protested, taking you from Kaveh's grasp and holding your back to his chest. Kaveh'a eyes widened as he watched his rival place kisses along your neck, his hands groping your breasts. You moaned at the action and embarrassment, body heating up like molten rock.
"Two can play at that," Kaveh challenged, taking your thighs in his hands as your legs wrap around his waist, his arms holding up your bottom as Alhaitham holds your top. Kaveh's soft lips attacked yours in a sweet explosion. His kisses were always so soft and romantic, while Alhaitham's were more rough and dominant.
You moaned from Kaveh's kisses and his rival sucking on your neck. Your core was completely exposed to Kaveh, his hips rolling against your own. You moved a hand to the back of Alhaitham's neck and one behind Kaveh's, letting his tongue explore your mouth.
It eventually became to much overestimation, Kaveh letting you back down and Alhaitham pulling away to admire the deep marks on your neck and shoulder. "Let's continue in my room," you say, dragging both men to your room with wobbly knees. As soon as the door closed, they were on you like animals.
Alhaitham held you from behind, moving your head so he could trap you in one of his rough and passionate kisses. Meanwhile, Kaveh was shrugging out of his cape and belt before he kneeled in front of you. "You're gonna be good and let the shitty architect eat you out? Yeah you will," Alhaitham cooed, slipping his hands up your shirt and thumbing your pebbled nipples. You let out a gasp as the feeling of your sensitive nipples being toyed with and Kaveh's tongue working on your clit.
"Ah~!" You moan out, body responding to both stimulations. Kaveh introduced two fingers into your dripping cunt, his tongue working wonders on your clit. It was all so much, your first orgasm of the night being a beautifully blended one of all three stimulations. Alhaitham went right back to kissing you as Kaveh cleaned you up and settled onto the side of your bed. Alhaitham pulled away and bent you over Kaveh.
"You're gonna suck his dick while I get you ready to take us both, you can do that can't you?" You nod, your eyes already filling up with tears from all the stimulation.
"Good girl~" Kaveh purs, leaning back a bit as he unzips his pants, discarding them completely along with your top. Alhaitham does the same, taking off his top while his fingers tease your pussy. Now you're left with your knees on the bed, bent over so your face to face with Kaveh's cock. Your eyes widen as you slip it in your mouth at the same time Alhaitham slips his cock inside you. One thing both  men could agree on was how much you turned them on, and even that alone was enough to have them share you.
You squealed as Alhaitham slapped your ass with such force that it left your ass red. He chuckled, starting an easy pace while you started to suck on Kaveh's pink tip. Kaveh let out a soft moan, tangling his hand in your hair, helping you take all of him. It was hard to focus on sucking Kaveh off when Alhaitham was thrusting into you so good, but every time you stopped for a second the man behind you would give your ass a nice slap.
"That's it, take it all in," Kaveh groaned, watching you choke on his cock. With Alhaitham's rough thrusts, you didn't even need to bob your head, Kaveh holding you down as he enjoyed watching you choke on him. When he finally let you breathe, mascara stains ran from your eyes to your chin, making him even more turned on then before.
"I think she's ready for us both, don't ya think?" Kaveh asks Alhaitham, making him pull out of you. The emptiness left you whining, the scribe nodding as he helps you into position. You were straddling Kaveh, hands planted on his chest as his hands held your ass. You gasped at just both of their tips inside. Sure, you've taken both of them but never in the same hole. You trusted them, letting them help ease themselves inside of you.
"You have to relax baby," Alhaitham cooes, caressing your hair out of your face, a few strands sticking to your sweaty face. You nodded, trying to be as relaxed as possible. It helped with the soothing caresses of Kaveh's hands on your thighs and Alhaitham's arms wrapping around your waist with his face buried in your neck. The fit was tight and hurt, but it felt good. They took it slow and easy with you, having the same slow pace just to get you used to it. Eventually, that pain turned into a pleasurable itch that hit you deep inside; foreign noises escaping your throat from the pleasure.
Your voice bounced off the walls, the men picking up the pace as their own orgasms were on the horizon. The need to fill you full with both of their cum was unbearable, your stomach fluttering as your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Your stamina was depleting fast but you didn't care, you had never felt so full in your life, both of them hitting so many spots you didn't know you needed hit.
"F-Fuck! Oh, I'm c-cumming so hard~!" You scream/moan out, eyes screwing shut as your mouth is left agape. The burst of pleasure hits you like a tsunami and tornado mixed together, hands shaking as the two men fucking you pick up speed. It wasn't long before Kaveh came first, shooting load after load into you before it's mixed with Alhaitham's.
They both pulled out as you collapsed onto the sheets next to the architect, the scribe following soon after. Alhaitham lifted your leg, a mirror perfectly placed in front of the three of you and the men watch the cum leak from you. Their cocks spring back into action from the sight alone.
"Think you can go again princess?" Kaveh asks, to which you give a small nod. It wouldn't be the first time both of them fucked you until you couldn't even breath or keep your eyes open.
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
“You want us to what.”
Lance doesn’t give a flying fuck how angry he sounds. Potential diplomatic crises be damned. Hell, he wants to cause a crisis. Wants to raise some hell.
The dignitary sniffs derisively. “The beast is a dangerous pest, Blue Paladin.”
“Not the blue paladin,” Lance growls, because he isn’t, “and I am not murdering an animal in cold blood just because you can’t deal with it properly.”
“Lance,” Allura hisses, but he has no problem ignoring her.
“Can’t deal with it properly — do you hear your paladin!” the dignitary sputters, waving an angry hand in Lance’s direction.
Shiro closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, before plastering on a tight smile and visibly trying to salvage the situation. Now, usually, Lance would hate to cause Shiro any stress at all, and would do whatever he could to reduce that stress.
This time, Lance is going to dig his heels in. He is not going to let a living being be needlessly exterminated. Lance isn’t anti-animal death, or anything — he has no problem with others eating meat, or using animal products. He thinks using animals as gifts and not letting any part of them go to waste is very wise, and he has a lot of respect for people who manage to do so successfully. Sport hunters, on the other hand, or people who kill without good reason? Therein lies his problem, and he’s beyond happy to make a big stink of it.
“Could you describe the beast?” Shiro asks.
“Happily,” the dignitary grumps. “I’m eager to describe its horror to you, Oh Great Leader of Voltron.”
Shiro visibly tries very hard not to roll his eyes. Lance refuses to take any joy in the reaction, even though he would usually laugh.
“The beast is as large as half our royal castle. Its teeth are larger than our tallest soldier, and sharper than a luxite blade. Its fur is rough and coarse, enough to sand the paint clean off the walls it brushes by. Its roar shakes the very foundations of our city. It walks on four legs but stands on two, right before it rears up to smash our buildings to dust. It is a menace, a pest, and a danger besides!”
“So you have a grizzly bear problem,” Lance snaps. “Close your garbage cans at night and quit complaining.”
“Lance, please,” Hunk mutters, but Lance will not back down. Not when a life is at stake.
“Has it actually…hurt anyone?” Keith asks.
Lance shoots a grateful look at Keith.
At least someone is on his side.
“Yes!” the dignitary cries.
Keith shoots a look back at Lance — a well, I tried if Lance has ever seen one — but that is not good enough. Lance glares at him.
“Explain,” Lance demands.
The dignitary frowns, looking down his nose at Lance and shaking their head. “I’m not talking to you.”
“Would you mind explaining,” Pidge deadpans, barely refraining from rolling her eyes.
Lance knows Pidge well enough to know that she’s not on his side, exactly — she threw a bolt at him when he started insulting the dignitary initially — but there’s nothing that pisses her off more than someone talking down to her family. Even if she doesn’t agree with said family. She’s loyal, like that.
“Fine, since you asked so nicely,” the dignitary says, cutting a look to Lance, who makes a very crude gesture with his hands in response and ignores the four (4) tired sighs from assorted teammates and co around him.
“The beast easily and ruthlessly took down several of our soldiers as soon as they opened fire on it. And it further still injured many of our knights when we sent them to its cave! It is a mindless, killing machine, and must be exterminated immediately.”
Lance throws his hands up in exasperation. “No shit it’s defending itself! What do you expect it to do, stand there while you shoot at it?”
“If it didn’t want to be shot it shouldn’t have ventured into the city in the first place!”
“It’s an animal! How the hell is it supposed to understand city limits and boundaries?”
“That’s not my problem,” the dignitary says coldly. “It has posed a threat to our people, and so it must die. And if Voltron wishes for our signature in the Coalition, you will come to our aid, or else you can count yourself down one planet’s alliance.”
Allura stiffens. “You would really risk your people’s protection over a difference in opinion?”
“Your blue paladin —”
“I am not the blue paladin, you brainless amoeba —”
“Your blue paladin,” the dignitary repeats, pointedly and icily, “has insulted us greatly. The situation is no longer up for debate. If you wish to sign an alliance, the paladin must handle the problem himself. That is our final stipulation.”
With that, the dignitary ends the call, cutting off Shiro’s pleas for him to wait.
All eyes turn to Lance.
“I am not killing an innocent animal,” Lance snaps. “Forget it.”
Keith sighs. “Lance —”
“No.” Lance clenches his fists, glaring at his team, chin raised and shoulders set. Beside him, Mr. Snuggles spreads his fangs and hisses. The mice — currently resting on his head — scramble to their feet, presumably also tensing up. Ivy — a venomous vine he picked up on a planet a few missions back — winds up his arms. “I am not just being ridiculous. You heard that idiot. They’re provoking it. It’s not doing anything wrong.”
“Lance —” Keith tries again, but Lance is not willing to hear it.
“I will not take an innocent life to buy an alliance. And if you do, I swear to God, I will never forgive you.”
With that he stomps out of the bridge, ignoring the dozens of calls of his name and pleas to “wait a goddamn second, Lance, c’mon.”
Lance stomps all the way to his room, muttering about stupid careless dignitaries and team members who won’t listen to him and how everyone is going to make him grey early and he is not Shiro, lord above, so he can’t pull that garbage off. Ugh.
He slams his door behind him and flops on the bed, and is marginally surprised to find his tears stinging his eyes.
“This is a stupid reason to cry,” he announces to no one, voice muffled in his pillow. “Why must I cry about stupid things. Why can’t I cry about regular things. This is dumb.”
There’s a clicking sound accompanying a gentle bump to the leg hanging off his bed. He drags his head off the pillow, sniffling, to see Mr. Snuggles sitting to the side of his bed, fangs clicking. The mice sit on his head, as they are wont to do (which, understandably considering the natural predator of mice, used to scare the shit out of Allura. But Mr. Snuggles has never been anything but gentle with them, even when they roughhouse on his back or play tag under his leg and accidentally trip him. He seems to be quite protective of them, actually. It’s very sweet. Lance thinks it might be a microhylid frog-giant tarantula situation, even though Mr. Snuggles can’t lay eggs, and it amuses him greatly). Ivy uncoils from his bed frame, wrapping a vine around his ankle and tugging carefully. Blue and Red both loudly mother him in the back of his mind.
It’s nice.
Lance sighs, wiping his tears and sitting up against his headboard.
“This sucks,” he says to his assortment of companions, all who seem to agree with him. Mr. Snuggles and the mice crawl up the leg of the bed to sit in front of him, and Ivy makes her way around his shoulders.
None of them can talk to him, obviously — how fucking cool would that be, though — but each one of them is an excellent listener (even the mice, who like to gossip, but Lance preemptively forgives them).
“It’s just —” Lance huffs, frustrated. “I get that the planet is probably tired of being lightly terrorized by a giant beast, sure, but is murder really the answer? Plus, have they even tried talking to it? Maybe it’s very reasonable! I’m sure I —”
Lance shoots up, startling poor Ivy, but holy shit.
Holy shit!
“That’s it!” he shouts, grin nearly splitting his face in two. He leans over, just barely managing to grab his holopad, and starts sketching out the plans.
“Now if I just — and it shouldn’t be too hard — I’ve done more in less time — hell yeah!”
He’s startled out of his fervour by urgent squeaks, and when he looks up, he sees the mice waving to get his attention.
At his acknowledgement, they scurry into formation, laying together to make a question mark with their little bodies.
Lance snorts. He may not be able to speak their language, but they have no problems making themselves clear.
“I can’t tell you,” he scolds, “you’re going to snitch to Allura.”
They mice squeak sadly, but Lance knows better. Last time he gave in to them, Allura knew within the minute.
“I’ll be back soon, okay? Don’t wait up for me. Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, Chuchule — there’s some of that fancy grain you like in the cupboard. Mr. Snuggles — here.” He opens up space youtube, quickly opening up a horror movie reaction compilation for the fear demon. “That’ll keep you fed for a bit.” He props the holopad up on his pillow, scrambling to his feet and heading to the door. On the way out, he pulls the string on his special blue sun lamp — “That’s for you, Ivy!” — and then he’s out the door, plans in hand, to find Coran.
Luckily for Lance, he runs straight into him.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to look for you,” Coran says, right outside his door.
Lance grins. “I can see that.”
Coran narrows his eyes. “You’re… remarkably chipper, Number Four.”
He holds up a hand for Coran to pause. He strains his ears, and smirks as he just barely picks up on the sound of near-silent footsteps behind a closed door. He makes pointed eye contact with the advisor, then inclines his head at Keith’s door.
Coran gets the point.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better,” Coran says loudly — too loudly, but Lance doesn’t have much in the subtlety department either, so he can’t complain — “would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, dragging the advisor by the hand in the opposite direction of the fabricator.
“Will you speak plainly, now?” Coran asks, once they’ve put some distance between them and Keith’s eavesdropping ass. (That is, however, probably an unfair reaction. Keith was likely listening in to try and find a way to help, in his own awkward way. If Lance wasn’t currently feeling just a smidge betrayed, he would feel touched.)
“Okay, so. I have a Plan.” Lance puts emphasis on the word so Coran knows it’s Capitalized, because this isn’t just a regular plan. This is a rescue mission. It’s espionage. A heist, even.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes!”
Coran sighs, dragging a hand down his face.
“Lance,” he says warningly, but Lance won’t hear it.
“C’mon, Coran! You trust me, right?”
“That is a manipulative question —”
“You trust me! You said so yourself!”
“Fine, child. Yes, I trust you.”
Lance claps his hands together. “Excellent! So. I refuse to be a murderer, as you may have heard.”
“That would have been very hard for me to miss,” Coran says drily.
Lance gracefully ignores the comment. “And since I will also go apeshit if anyone else becomes a murderer, I have come up with a plan!”
“Lance. Number Four. My dear. Time is not our current luxury. Please share your plan.”
“Right. Okay.” Lance rocks back on his heels, shooting Coran a guileless smile. “How well do you think you can imitate my mannerisms?”
part two
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comradekatara · 3 months
with another atla revival on its way (I hate Netflix) I’m starting to see “shipping wars” again and I’m hating/fighting for my life with all these z*tara shippers. I guess, for me, people who ship them together fundamentally don’t understand or even like Katara and yet they will hail themselves as the only people who get her (in what universe…) and claim that Zuko would have treated her infinitely better than Aang (I can’t with people). I’ve had a look on your page and FAQ and I think we share the same thoughts on the ship with the whole coloniser x colonised aspect (this is not to say I don’t like Zuko, but still). I guess what I’m asking is do you think these people get her as a character? ALSO finding out that the comic book writer shipped them and broke up Mai and Zuko made me feel some type of way.
i like how you said “on its way” only 22 hours ago (as of 2/29) despite the fact that natla fully came out a week ago. that said, i still haven’t seen it, so in my mind it also doesn’t exist (at least until i do actually watch it tomorrow). also, for what it’s worth, i do think that breaking up zuko and mai is the right call, it’s just that the execution was fucking awful, because gene yang cannot write for shit and doesn’t understand these characters. but it’s also really funny that he apparently ships zvtara (like, that tracks) but also their only prominent one-on-one interaction in the comics is when he physically restrains her…. lol. lmfao even.
as for the way zvtara shippers talk about katara and aang it truly is bonkers insane the lengths they’ll go and the reaches they’ll make to justify why their personal preference is, in fact, morally correct. i mean, intellectually correct is one thing, because i believe in making a persuasive argument and citing your sources, but morally correct??? they’ll act like aang is some awful toxic misogynist (yes, i know) and that zuko is in fact a paragon of support and respect for women. when we’ve all seen firsthand how he behaves as mai’s boyfriend (sidenote: the fact that they’ll claim that MAI is the one who is “abusive” to ZUKO is crazy. people hate women so fucking much it’s unreal).
in terms of how they discuss katara, it’s not so much the fact that the ship is literally colonizer/colonized (although it is), but the way that shippers deliberately play into these colonial biases and dynamics when portraying them. i actually think had zvtara shippers not been egregiously racist about it for so long, i wouldn’t really mind the ship itself. like, they are very obvious narrative foils who parallel each other in many ways and their arcs are inextricably bound up in each other and incredibly meaningful to both of them. i can understand why people read katara touching his scar in the catacombs or zuko jumping in front of lightning to save her as romantic. not my personal cup of tea, but like. it’s not NOT there. i don’t even object to people calling them soulmates tbh, because like. yeah. they are???
however. the complete lack of understanding as to what colonialism is or how it functions (ive literally seen ppl say that zuko isn’t a colonizer bc he never personally occupies territory, as if he didn’t BURN DOWN SUKI’S VILLAGE, and that the swt was colonized by the fn because they don’t explicitly occupy land like they do in the ek) really pervades the (romantic) interpretation of this dynamic as i’ve observed it over the years. a lot of katara in fire nation reds, as “fire lady,” abandoning her culture for zuko’s sake (despite this apparently being egregiously problematic when katara does this for aang’s sake). one time i came across a literal pocahontas au?!?!?? like. it’s SO dire.
and beyond the very obvious racism, the way they paint shipping zvtara as feminist and progressive is insane because, as you say, they do hate katara. i don’t know how to explain to these people that sanding down all her flaws and turning her into this angelic maternal endless well of compassion and emotional labor means you don’t actually like her character as it is presented in canon. acting as if katara lacks flaws (she is, in fact, deeply flawed) or so much more mature than the rest of her friends and must suffer that burden every day (hint: she’s not and she doesn’t) until the noble zuko comes along and is so gracious towards her and her alone (he’s literally the most immature of the lot, screams and whines at her, and at everyone) is just. a really impressive amount of editorializing. and they turn aang and sokka into these whiny, idiotic babies to justify that decision, as if aang and sokka are not highly intelligent, wise, capable, and responsible in their own right.
katara and zuko are in fact flawed in similar ways. they’re both impulsive, self-righteous, stubborn, myopic, callous, and filled with an unquenchable, blinding rage. it’s clear that when they are aligned in that rage, their dysfunction feeds into each other and they block the rest of the world out to satisfy their impulses. katara is able to pull back at the last moment in “the southern raiders” in a beautiful culmination of her internal character arc, but the entire build-up to this moment sort of showcases the ways in which they might not be great for each other as a couple. but people will do some incredible mental gymnastics to explain why they are nonetheless always right about everything, and why aang and sokka are always wrong and don’t understand katara at all. also, fwiw, reducing “the southern raiders” to who is right vs who is wrong when it’s actually about how various characters approach and process their grief in a deliberately subjective way is just. god. exhausting. i’m exhausted.
the thing about atla is that it is a well-written show, especially as far as its main characters are concerned. katara is so dear and special to me specifically because she is allowed to be so flawed and three dimensional and realistically human. and ignoring zuko’s myriad flaws means ignoring the depth that apparently makes him the most interesting character to 90% of atla fans. there really isn’t a need to editorialize and reduce canon to fit a neat little narrative, when the narrative that already exists is just. already really solid. and the thing is, i don’t even think you should have to change canon all that much to justify this ship, because it’s one of the central dynamics of the entire show. and yet, people still do. they really do. so i think that’s telling, don’t you?
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
Floral Hair Adornments || Ao’nung x fem!Omaticaya reader
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Summary: You braid Ao'nung's hair, though at first he is hesitant about the idea. However, as you work on his hair, he comes to appreciate the result and is pleased with the outcome
Warnings: none
Word count: 1687
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ today’s prompt: putting flowers in their hair
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As a member of the Omaticaya clan, you had a deep respect for the ways of your people. When you joined Jake Sully and his family in the journey to the Metkayina clan as they fled to seek refuge, you knew that it would be a challenge to understand the reef clan customs.
The air was thick with the sounds of the sea, the chirping of insects and the calls of strange animals echoing in the distance. As you made your way through dunes covered with lush unspoiled vegetation, you couldn't help but feel drawn to the coast.
The Metkayina clan was known for their love for the sea, and you were curious about their way of life. You had heard many stories about the reef people, about how they lived in harmony with the ocean and the creatures that called it home. As you approached the shore, you saw a group of young Metkayina men gathered around a fire, laughing and joking with each other.
One of them caught your eye. His name was Ao'nung, and he was the chief’s son. He was unlike any other Metkayina you had ever seen. He was brash and overconfident, always pushing his limits and testing the boundaries of his abilities. Ao'nung was also known for his arrogance and rough demeanor, and he had a reputation for being disrespectful to others.
As you approached the group, Rotxo, a close friend of Ao'nung, noticed you and leaned towards one of the other boys to whisper something. Soon, a burst of loud laughter erupted from the group.
Curiously, you asked, "What are you laughing at?" Though, deep down, you knew they were likely mocking your appearance.
"Look at her skinny tail, it's like a twig," one of Ao’nung’s friends said, gesturing with his hands.
"Yeah, and her legs and hands are so thin, useless," another chimed in, laughing while giving you a cold glance.
You tried to brush off their comments, but it left a sour taste in your mouth. You couldn't understand why they found it amusing to mock someone's appearance like that. “Ha-ha. Your current behavior is quite amusing. Were you not taught that making fun of others is impolite? Perhaps it's not something you can understand with your limited intellectual capacity, though…” You commented bitterly, slowly raising one of your brows.
As you spoke to him, the young boy felt his cheeks flushing with anger. How dare you pick on him, he thought. He clenched his fists and tightened his jaw, trying to hold back his emotions, but it was no use. "What's your problem?" He snapped at you, his voice laced with bitterness.
After glancing around and stopping your glance briefly at Ao'nung, you spoke up, "You started this, and there's no reason to be so unkind to me." You then turned and left, walking along the shore and letting the little waves bathe your blue feet, knowing there was no use in sticking around with young Metkayina boys. As you walked away from Ao'nung and his friends, you felt hurt and upset by their cruel words. However, you didn't expect to see Ao'nung following you shortly after.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly, looking down at the sand after lining up with you. "I didn't mean to hurt you. My friends can be harsh sometimes, and I should have stopped them."
You were surprised to hear him apologize, but also felt a sense of relief that someone from the group seemed to care. You replied, giving him a brief glance, saying "It's fine, really. I've gotten used to the mocking."
Ao'nung couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt gnawing at him as he reflected on his past behavior. He had been so cruel, mocking not only the way you looked but also Sully's siblings. He could remember the way you had looked at him, hurt and defeated, and he couldn't shake the feeling of regret. He knew that he had been in the wrong, and he wished that he could turn back time and make things right. The memory of your brief glance made him cringe, and he couldn't help but feel like a monster for making you feel that way. “Listen, Y/N, can we start all over?”
You stopped in your tracks and placed your hands on your hips, giving him a withering look. "Are you seriously asking me to forget everything that was said? You were absolutely horrible, not only to me but especially to Kiri and Lo'ak. But, I don't like to hold a grudge, so we can give it a shot."
Ao'nung turned to you, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Tell me more about yourself then," he said, a hint of eagerness in his voice.
You raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by his sudden interest. "What do you want to know? And are you seriously going to leave your pals behind?"
"Everything, and yeah, I bet they can hang out a little without me," he replied, a grin spreading across his face. "What do you like to do? What do you dream about?”
You hesitated for a moment, not used to opening up to strangers. But there was something about Ao'nung's expression that made you feel comfortable, so you began to share your interests and aspirations.
As you talked, he listened intently, his eyes bright with fascination. It was a refreshing change from the teasing and mocking you had experienced earlier, and you found yourself warming up to him.
When you finished speaking, Ao'nung smiled. "You're really something," he said. "I hope I can get to know you better."
“Maybe,” you replied a little softer than you intended. As you walked along the dune near the shore, you couldn't help but admire the beautiful wildflowers growing in the sand. They were bright and vibrant, contrasting with the neutral colors of the dune. You felt a strong desire to pick some of them up and take them with you. You turned to Ao'nung, eager to share your admiration of the flowers with him. "Look at these flowers! They're so beautiful, aren't they?" 
Ao'nung glanced at the plants, but didn't seem to share your enthusiasm. "I guess they're okay," he said, shrugging his shoulders.
You couldn't understand how he wasn't mesmerized by their beauty. "Don't you think they would make a great decoration for our homes?" 
Ao'nung shook his head. "I think it's a little silly to pick flowers just for decoration. They belong here, in the wild, where they can grow and thrive."
You realized that he had a point, but you still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The flowers were just so lovely, and you wanted to take a piece of that beauty with you. "Can I braid your hair?" You asked suddenly, a little shyly.
Ao'nung's eyes widened in surprise, and then he burst out laughing. "Braid my hair? That's not necessary and a little ridiculous!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes a little.
You gave him a look. "It's not ridiculous," you said. "You owe me something after all, for the mocking you used on me. And I would be happy to braid your hair, if you'll let me. Perhaps I could completely put the past behind us and give you the opportunity to know me better.”
Ao'nung hesitated for a moment, then he shrugged. "Fine, but don't expect me to like it."
You picked two plants and apologized to Eywa for picking them without a particular purpose. Then, you turned to Ao'nung and as he sat down on the sand, and knelt behind him, carefully undoing his hair and slowly brushing it with your long, thin fingers. You braided Ao'nung's hair with skill and precision, weaving the strands in a beautiful pattern. As you finished, you delicately placed the two flowers you had picked earlier into his hair, creating a stunning adornment. “There. It looks good! Check it out, if you want.”
Ao'nung was hesitant at first, not used to wearing flowers in his hair, but he trusted you and let you work your magic. When he looked at his reflection in the water, he was surprised to find that he actually liked the way he looked.
"Well, it's not bad, actually. It's a bit too feminine for my taste, but I'm sure my sister would have loved it. Tsireya enjoys decorating my hair with various types of adornments herself," he told you, smiling a little.
As you and Ao'nung were enjoying the view, a loud whistle caught your attention. You turned around to see Rotxo approaching, and as soon as he noticed Ao'nung's hair adorned with flowers, he burst into uncontrollable laughter, holding onto his stomach. "What the hell, Ao'nung! I had no idea that you preferred your hair to be so tidy!”
Ao'nung had enough of Rotxo's teasing about his hair, and he straightened up, fixing his gaze on him. "Enough, Rotxo," he said firmly, "It's called fashion, and if you can't appreciate it, that's your problem. I like it, and that's all that matters."
Ao'nung's words elicited a chuckle from you. It was surprising to know that he had an understanding of fashion, given he was portraying himself as a bad boy. "We should start heading back to the village, the eclipse is coming soon," you suggested.
Rotxo approached Ao'nung and attempted to adjust one of the flowers in his hair, but Ao'nung swatted his hand away with a loud hiss as he showed Rotxo his sharp fangs.
As Rotxo gave his friend's shoulder a little push, the three of you began making your way back to the village. "I wonder what others will say about your new look, Ao'nung," Rotxo pondered.
Ao'nung shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't give a damn."
As the three of you arrived at the village, the sky was already darkening, and the first signs of the eclipse were beginning to show. The air was getting cooler, and the wind had started to pick up. The village was abuzz with activity as people gathered to spend time with their loved ones.
Ao'nung turned to you and gave you a sly wink, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the connection between you two and a sense of warmth and connection with him, despite the awkwardness from earlier. The eclipse was a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight, and you were grateful that the promise of a new beginning was on the horizon.
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neuroticbookworm · 9 months
Sex and Morality in Only Friends
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gif by @heretherebedork
My Only Friends fandom experience so far has been ..interesting, to say the least. While the big brain metas that y'all have been churning out have been tickling my brain and giving me life, I’ve also noticed a dissonance in how the characters and their gay wrongs are judged by the viewers in the court of morals on this hellsite.
All of these characters are messy. All of these characters are some level of toxic. All of these characters are engaged in some type of immoral behavior. But one of them gets judged much more harshly by the audience for his flaws than his counterparts. And it got me curious about how we generally perceive someone's morality, and how certain factors greatly influence the lens through which the morals of a character are judged. Like sex, par exemple.
We've been here before, folks. We have talked about sex, sex and more sex, our preconceptions around sex, and how it might affect the way we watch this show. @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles did an excellent unwinding, here and here, on how we must recalibrate our lenses when we engage with Only Friends, so we can receive, enjoy, understand and judge the show and its characters on the queer scale and not an heteronormative and western one. @wen-kexing-apologist implored us to take a pause and reflect on respectable promiscuity and how it skews the way we judge these characters on the basis of whether they’re having the “right” kind of sex.
Here’s the thing, though. Sex, the kind of sex, the amount of sex and the self-acceptance of one’s sexual proclivity are all inadvertently linked to how much a person conforms to the society around them. You fuck too little, you’ll be dubbed a virgin who can’t drive. You fuck too much, you’ll be dubbed a slut. And if you’re openly comfortable and secure about who you fuck, where you fuck, and how much you fuck, you are ..unusual, to put it mildly. These characters are not the norm, which makes them unpredictable for the audience. And when the unpredictable one makes questionable choices, it’s easy to equivocate the nature of their sex life to their moral compass. Which is exactly how Boston is put on trial on the numerous analyses and thinkpieces that are unleashed here, week after week.
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gif by @firstmix
Boston is a slut. He has sex more times on average than his peers. He has sex with multiple partners. And he’s very unapologetic about all of it. He knows exactly how he likes his sex, frequent and untethered, and he does not give a flying fuck about what people think. Which means he becomes a character whose mistakes are considered more egregious than others in the eyes of the audience.
Let me list all the gay wrongs Boston has committed in the show so far according to the discourse:
Recording Ray and Mew during their kiss (and using it to bust up Mew’s relationship and manipulate Top)
Cornering and fucking Top who was presumably in a relationship with Mew
Revealing Ray’s obsession with Mew with the intention of creating a rift between Ray and Sand
Being catty and manipulative
Manipulating Nick’s affections
Trying to fuck a dude who was already in a relationship (in episode 1)
I’ll admit, that’s a long list. And we’re only halfway through the show. But Boston is not the only one committing gay wrongs in this show. Most of the crimes listed above have an equivalent committed by other characters. Let’s take a walk down the lane of fuckups and refresh our memories.
Recording Ray and Mew during their kiss (and using it to bust up Mew's relationship and manipulate Top)
This one’s pretty easy. Boston is not the only voyeur in this show (@ranchthoughts, captain of the ephemerality squad) Nick recorded Top and Boston having sex in the car, and let his roommate Sand in on the secret. Which later had disastrous consequences (so far) and I’m sure will continue to bite multiple people in the ass in the future episodes.
Cornering and fucking Top who was presumably in a relationship with Mew
First off, Top knew exactly what Boston was doing everytime he cornered and seduced Top, and Top even says so the next time Boston manages to get him alone in the elevator. 
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So is it fair to judge Boston as the sole perpetrator here? Or did Top have a lot more agency in their car hookup than we give him credit for?
Secondly, Ray has been crossing Sand’s boundaries throughout this show. And just like Top, Sand allows Ray to do so, even though he clearly has the agency to stop Ray if he really wants to.
Revealing Ray’s obsession with Mew with the intention of creating a rift between Ray and Sand
Holding important information and controlling how it flows in the group for maximum destruction is a game Boston seems to excel at. But he’s not the only player. This week, after a heated exchange with Top, we saw Sand scheme his way into Nick’s phone, copy the incriminating audio recording, pass it on to Ray, who he knew would confront Boston AND inform Mew. Thus enacting a double revenge on Boston and Top. This turn of Sand was so deliciously slimy and morally vile that it led to @waitmyturtles rethinking how Sand might be using sympathy to his advantage (and how Jojo and NiNew might be using First Kanaphan’s fame and public image to elicit the sympathetic reaction that can then be subverted in the show)
Being catty and manipulative
Manipulation among these “friends” is the bread and butter of Only Friends and Boston ain’t the only one doing it. Mew and Top had built their entire courtship with games and prizes, each hiding what they really wanted from the relationship. Ray has been using Sand as an emotional bandaid, while he was still obsessed with Ray. Nick tried and failed to manipulate Top into leaving Boston alone (peak comedic moment in the show, tbh). Hell, even Cheum has been catty to everyone throughout the show, which lead to her getting dubbed as the veritable mean girl by my pal @lurkingshan
Manipulating Nick’s affections
I don’t agree with this one at all, fam. Boston has always been clear about where he stands in the relationship. He has always conveyed his stance to Nick clearly, who would then pout in disappointment, to which Boston would respond with a reassurance, like “You are my favorite”. Boston is in the clear here.
Trying to fuck a dude who was already in a relationship (in episode 1)
This one is particularly hilarious to me, because this scenario is also explored in Gay OK Bangkok 2, which was referenced as an essential homework for Only Friends by most of the posts I’ve linked above. Open relationships exist. Couples engage in threesomes. The guy who Boston was talking to in episode 1 did not reject Boston’s advances. Instead, he pulled up his phone and showed him what his boyfriend looks like, so the three of them can fuck. Together. With everyone’s consent. Having a consensual threesome is not a gay wrong and it does not need a defense.
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gif by @chickenstrangers
Characters that are morally black and white are inherently comforting. They do not force us to engage with our internal moral compass to ascertain whether they are good or bad; it will be laid out for us, clear as day. And we will be reassured by the narrative that we are the good guys. But these characters are also not realistic; people in real life are not as clear cut as we would like them to be. The characters in Only Friends are young, queer, insecure, and human. Boston is no better than any of them, and more importantly – no worse.
@lurkingshan wrote a passionate defense of Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk, an iconic gay slut who cannot be more different than Boston. And yet, the comparisons were made, because they both choose to fuck unapologetically. The comparison erased Brian’s commitment to his community, his moral code, his bond with his friends. In short, by throwing him in the same slut bucket as Boston, his actual morality was entirely erased, and replaced with assumptions based on his sex life. Which is reckless and dangerous, if you ask me.
When Shan and I chatted with @bengiyo about Boston and Brian, he summarized the treatment of queer characters perfectly: “They hate the men for being sluts and they hate the boys for being repressed”. Well, I implore that we learn to understand them right, in all their messy glory, and not judge them for how they fuck.
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ghouljams · 5 months
Zap zap ⚡️ what do you think Ale & Rudy would smell like?
Ale and Rudy!!! I actually meant to make a little post about their endotypes so I will do both here! Everybody is about to be so mad at me.
Alejandro: Omega(queue the booing and hissing I know I know), active force, territorial, protective as hell of his pack, dominating but not domineering. Well controlled, a natural leader, people flock to him and he commands the utmost respect and loyalty. That only comes from an emotional understanding as well as a logical one of people's needs. Thats an omega right there. He and Rudy are a bonded pair, do not separate. (Please remember that in my au omega does not mean bottom, it's merely the hormone designation)
His signature is starts a little grainy like salt on your tongue, like an ocean breeze you breathed in too heavily. Middle notes of cedar and amber, warm and enticing, beckoning you in before you can decide whether that's a smart idea or not. Reminds you of driving past the beach on a hot summer day, you stop to get out and feel the sand between your toes, and you can almost taste the sunshine.
Rudy: Alpha. Reactive over active, good at taking orders from his omega, the perfect second in command in that no one is sure whether he actually is second in command. Ceaselessly loyal and determined to keep his pack together, getting every man home is his top priority. Fully willing and able to step up and take charge in Ale's absence, but also sweet and not standoff-ish with strangers. A good first line of defense before getting to the true head of the pack.
His signature starts citrus-y in the nose, a little itchy but familiar and pleasant. It sweetens on the tongue like vanilla cream, a little cool as it softens to its undertones. It's a dense scent that sits heavy on the tongue and becomes impossible to ignore. Like taking a bite of a perfect Madeleine cookie, you want more but you need something to wash it down...
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stranger-rants · 2 years
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & What That Means for Billy
ACEs are something that I think Stranger Things fans have to understand if they’re going to talk about Billy Hargrove. I don’t care so much if people like him, but I do care when people make callous remarks about abuse survivors because of their reaction to him. Billy is not real, but I am. Many people including myself have similar experiences to Billy. So, I am going to explain what ACEs are as they pertain to Billy as well as why you need to stop saying some of the things you’re saying about him.
Before any of you comes at me with “You can understand him, but it doesn’t excuse x, y, or z…,” I need you to stop and think critically about whether or not you’re using that statement as an excuse for yourself to avoid any responsibility in examining the way you think about trauma and it’s survivors. I also need you to think about how your ideas re: justice disproportionately harm marginalized people because the rhetoric some of you use comes from a carceral, punitive mindset. It is not restorative and it does not reduce harm.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is a term used to identify and quantify the impact of childhood trauma on people. Theoretically, the more ACEs a person has the more likely they are to face negative life outcomes. That includes chronic disease, sexual exploitation, STIs/STDs, anxiety and depression, substance abuse, poverty and homelessness, as well as early death. However, there are ways to mitigate the effects of ACEs through support systems and interventions.
ACEs are common. Most people have at least one ACE. There are some people who have a few ACEs. However, some people have a very high ACE score that puts them at a much higher risk for the above life outcomes. I have an ACE score around 8. That’s high. As a result, I have mental and physical health problems that need intervention in order for me to get better. As a child, I developed unhealthy coping skills while surviving abuse that made it difficult for me to access the supports I needed to get better.
What I would like people to understand is that the way we treat people with high ACEs impacts their ability to change. If you want someone like Billy to change, then you have to have empathy for abuse survivors. There is no way around it. If you mock or make light of the negative life outcomes he has experienced because you just don’t like him, that means you do not have empathy for abuse survivors. It does not matter if you think doing so protects the people he has harmed (e.g. Max, Lucas, Steve, et cetera). It is still harmful to us.
Now, if you have read all of that and you’re willing to listen then I’m going to talk about Billy’s ACE score down below. I will talk very openly about canon child abuse he faced as well as the implications of his behavior. I will also talk a little bit about what kind of supports a person like Billy would need. If you are not going to respect any of that, then simply do not engage with me. I cannot force you to lift your head out of the sand, and I do not deserve anyone’s vitriol over this. I think I am being very reasonable.
I am going to base Billy’s ACE score off of this questionnaire. It was featured on NPR, and it’s based on the questionnaire used on the CDC-Kaiser Study on ACEs. There are 10 questions. Any ACE score deserves intervention, but keep in mind that an ACE score over 5 is very high. Here are the questions with responses pertaining to Billy’s canon experiences:
1) Before your 18th birthday, did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often… swear at you, insult you, put you down, or humiliate you? Or act in a way that made you afraid that you might be physically hurt?
Billy’s father does swear at him. He insults his appearance. He calls his son a p***y and a f****t. He does this in front of other people. Billy freezes up when threatened by him and acts in ways to avoid being hurt by him. ACE score so far: 1.
2) Before your 18th birthday, did a parent or other adult in the household often or very often…push, grab, slap, or throw something at you?Or ever hit you so hard that you had marks or were injured?
Billy’s father does smack him. He’s pushed him. He’s thrown him to the ground. ACE score so far: 2.
3) Before your 18th birthday, did an adult or person at least five years older than you ever…touch or fondle you or have you touch their body in a sexual way? Or attempt or actually have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse with you?
This may be controversial, but I think this may be implied. It’s already been discussed that Billy is hyper sexual. This is not typical or healthy behavior, and behavior like this usually indicates a history of sexual abuse. However, we just don’t know 100% other than the fact that adult women have exhibited predatory behavior towards him even before turning 18. ACE score so far: 2 or 3.
4) Before your eighteenth birthday, did you often or very often feel that… no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special? Or your family didn’t look out for each other, feel close to each other, or support each other?
This is obvious, as it serves as one of Billy’s major conflicts. The last time he felt happy was when he was a young child. His parents fought all the time. His father never supported him. Susan ignores the fact that Neil abuses him. No one showed any interest in his well-being. ACE score so far: 3 or 4.
5) Before your 18th birthday, did you often or very often feel that… you didn’t have enough to eat, had to wear dirty clothes, and had no one to protect you? Or your parents were too drunk or high to take care of you or take you to the doctor if you needed it?
It’s not clear how well Billy’s material needs are met, but there was absolutely no one protecting him in his household. His room, though decorated, is still pretty bare compared to his sister. Billy is fairly independent because no one really takes care of him. ACE score so far: 4 or 5.
6) Before your 18th birthday, was a biological parent ever lost to you through divorce, abandonment, or other reason?
Yes. His parents not only separated/divorced, but his mother abandoned him. He had no choice but to live with his abuser. ACE score so far: 5 or 6.
7) Before your 18th birthday, was your mother or stepmother: often or very often pushed, grabbed, slapped, or had something thrown at her? Or sometimes, often, or very often kicked, bitten, hit with a fist, or hit with something hard? Or ever repeatedly hit over at least a few minutes or threatened with a gun or knife?
Yes. His mother was abused by his father as well, which may have been the motivation behind her leaving. Billy tried to intervene as a child, but his father pushed him down. ACE score so far: 6 or 7.
8) Before your 18th birthday, did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic, or who used street drugs?
Again, this is tricky. Billy is a substance abuser. It is likely that his father is a substance abuser as well, but we just don’t know enough. ACE score so far: 6-8.
9) Before your 18th birthday, was a household member depressed or mentally ill, or did a household member attempt suicide?
This is also tricky. Billy exhibits symptoms of mental illness. I know Dacre mentioned Billy having anxiety recently. It would not surprise me if his mother or father exhibited symptoms of mental illness, too. ACE score so far: 6-9.
10) Before your 18th birthday, did a household member go to prison?
We also don’t know much about this. I believe in Runaway Max, Billy himself has had run-ins with cops. He certainly participates in illegal behavior. I don’t get the feeling that his father actively likes to break the law and I don’t think there’s ever any indication that Neil has been arrested for abusing Billy. Still, it is a possibility that Billy has negative experiences with the legal system. ACE score so far: 6-10.
So, all in all, we know for a fact that Billy has at least an ACE score of 6 with a maximum of 10. What does that mean for him? It is very likely for someone like Billy to develop Complex PTSD as a result. CPTSD usually stems from prolonged trauma rather than a single event. CPTSD makes it difficult for people to form healthy attachments and regulate their emotions. Not only that, but having an ACE score this high is associated with risky behavior, hyper sexuality, and substance abuse.
From the CDC-Kaiser Study, here is a graphic representation of common outcomes experienced by people with high ACEs:
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We know Billy dies by supernatural forces, but it is no coincidence that he died young as an abuse survivor with a high ACE score. His inability to form healthy attachments and regulate his emotions isolated him from the support systems that could have helped him. Will didn’t ultimately succumb to the Mindflayer because he had a family who loved him and fought for him. Still, it says a lot that he decided to sacrifice himself after a single person decided to reach out to him and help him even just a little bit through his trauma.
I know many people still want him to make amends for his wrongs, but at that point in his life it was very difficult for him to do so. You have to understand that ACEs are an injury, and if you do not let them heal then a person can never get better. What happens when you say or suggest that someone like him can’t change or doesn’t deserve change or deserved to die like that or the like is you trap abuse survivors in this cycle until they no longer survive.
It is a good thing that people have decided to step outside of that punitive, carceral, ‘revenge’ mindset to humanize an abuse survivor. In doing so they are not “making excuses” but rather recognizing that change and healing cannot take place when we think like that. It is not justice. It does not restore justice to victims of violence. It does not stop the perpetuation of violence. Furthermore, using guilt and shame as a motivator for change does not help people like Billy heal from their trauma because it does not recognize their trauma.
If you still do not like Billy after all of this, I do not care. My goal is not to change minds on that front.
If after this you still think it’s okay to mock the abuse he went through (ie. Joking about his death, joking or justifying his father abusing him, and/or saying he deserved any of it) then YOU are the problem! You have no right to be sanctimonious, because YOUR behavior is as systematically harmful as Billy’s own prejudices and as much as some of you like to parrot that he’s “racist and homophobic” you should know that your mindset disproportionately punishes people marginalized on the basis of race or sexuality.
So please, learn what ACEs are and take them seriously. Do your research on ways to prevent ACEs. Think critically about how people talk about abuse survivors no matter how good or bad they seem. Barring trauma from the supernatural, Billy has one of the highest ACE scores out of any of the characters on the show. The fact that he receives some of the most heinous “criticisms” and there is a complete unwillingness to understand him reflects what people with high ACEs face on a regular basis.
That is a problem you CHOOSE to be complicit in.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
Rotxo x metikayan reader?
Y/n isnt a healer or a fighter, they enjoy singing and dancing for the clan
Other then that I've got nothing so go crazy!!
Rotxo x Metkayina ! Reader
Pronouns used : They / Them
Note(s) : The readers ilu is named Kailani, no reason other than it'd be clunky to constantly write 'the ilu'
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"When you bond with a ilu they do not bond for life, they are not owned by anybody, you will be able to make the bond soon but first you must-" The gentle yet firm hold I had on my ilu, Kailani, was loosened in confusion as my words trailed off, the lesson put a hold as the children watching my demonstration jumped. The distracting event that caused this being an unusual flap of strong wings and an earsplitting animal cry.
This did not sound like the creatures I had ever been familiar with.
My eyes snapped up and landed on the ikran's in the sky, tilting my head as Kailani done the same, chirping in confusion and fear at the five flying creatures. They were from the forest, forest people do not come to our islands unless they were warning or in trade with my people. The latter has not happened for years. The children began muttering, looking completely mesmerised by the ikran's, I sternly began speaking to them.
"Although it is unlikely this is a warning of danger, we must be respectful to them, understand?" My ears downcast in worry as my heavy tail stiffly stuck to my leg as a hope for closeness. The multiple lessons on culture or gathering materials were stopped, all children were now on the back of the adult's or teenager's ilus to ride over and witness what was happening.
One hopped behind me on Kailani and held on tight. I gently stroked the head of Kailani and muttered 'forward', repeating comforting words in my head to calm both me and the the unsure ilu down, sucking in a hurried breath and slowing down my now steady heartbeat as my head peeked underwater. I expertly navigated the corals and stones leading to the beach where they'd land, worried for the safety of my people made you almost completely unaware of my own surroundings, yet still pushing forward until I saw the sand form a slope to the beach.
As my head slowly rose from the water I breathed in the air, waiting until Kailani didn't have much more room to swim so I could gently take the child off her back, pushing them to join their mother who hurriedly motioned for them to come closer.
I had come just in time to witness them be in conversation with our tribes Olo'eyktan and Tsahik, Tonowari and Ronal respectively. The forest people had strange features, while I was of course fully aware forest people had darker skin, thinner arms, different eyes and fluffy tipped tails, however these ones had more fingers than they were suppose to, and strange hair above their eyes.
This was very crudely pointed out by the Tsahik who was only convinced to give them shelter by their close family bond, the Olo'eyktan motioned to the group of teenagers consisting of his two children, Ao'nung and Tsireya, along with Rotxo, telling them how they'd be of assistance to learn the ocean people's ways.
He then turned to me, informing the family of outsiders how I am one of the best at teaching young ones to prepare for ilu's and even a warriors ride. Therefore it would stand to reason I would be excellent at teaching them our people's ways, as if they were young children learning for the first time.
My heart sped up slightly at the thought of working with Rotxo, I had been nervous around him for years and so rarely joined in on hunts where he was involved. It helped greatly how I'm not a healer or one of the warriors in training for my tribe, therefore I would not be in close proximity to healing him as he was fairly reckless, nor would I be training with him regularly. However, now I wouldn't be able to back out, it made me nervous, but also made me excited.
On the next sunrise me and the others would begin teaching the outsiders, and while I had never prided myself on appearances, preferring your cultures dances or songs, I took extra time doing my hair and perfecting how our clothing was worn. I'd told myself it was in order to show a good first impression for the tribes guests, however, I was fully aware of the true reason.
With an extra pep in my step, bouncing lightly on the cloth which connected my own marui and another's, then jumping from them into the water. I happily twirled around the rich wildlife around me and drifted towards the main part of the beach. Popping my head out of the water, I noticed Tsireya and two of the forest people, but nobody else. Slowly standing up and exiting the water, I looked around completely confused on where Rotxo and the others were.
"Where is everybody?" I questioned Tsireya, she smiled knowingly at the very obvious 'hidden' meaning to my question.
"Rotxo." She paused with heavy emphasis on his name "Is with Ao'nung, Neteyam, the eldest brother, and Kiri, the eldest daughter. We will be teaching Tuk-" She gestured to the youngest. "-and Lo'ak." Tsireya gave a softer smile to him and almost whispered his name, I honestly wanted to laugh at how she teased me for my crush yet was head over heels for a complete stranger, but I held my tongue.
"Alright, should we begin with breathing exercises?" I sucked in a sharp breath and tried to not seem too down, they need teaching and I was chosen for this reason, not to drool needlessly over a boy.
When the first lesson was over, Tuk and Lo'ak had done well in learning how to hold their breath effectively, and while they couldn't hold it anywhere near me or Tsireya, the forest siblings were better than when they had started. The group were all going to disperse when I heard loud splashing.
"First lesson over for you as well? Thought you'd take less time" The eldest brother rolled his eyes at Lo'ak's passive aggressive comment, smiling and sassily smacking the back of his head. He was going to reply when a bundle of hair bounced to Tsireya and loudly spoke.
"Because we're done with lessons can I learn songs!" Tuk dragged out songs and tugged on Tsireya's arm, who looked down at her shining yellow eyes and laughed a little.
"Well, I am the wrong person, look over there if you want to learn dance and song." She teasingly whispered, shaking her shoulders and smiling bright at how my face practically lit up in seconds.
"Oh! Yes, well what type do you want to know? We have plenty of wonderful songs and dance for you to learn! Of course it cannot compare to your own culture which has more music than us, however it is still needed for certain ceremonies and-" I continued rambling as Tuk's excited look got happier every second, bouncing on her feet and begging for you to teach her.
"Tonight I will teach you! Do you all wish to join as well?" I looked at the other siblings in anticipation, who nodded and agreed with eager smiles. I turned to the other Metkyina's present. "Tsireya, Ao'nung-" I shyly looked down, my face beginning to burn a little "Rotxo... Do you want to join in teaching?"
"Why not? Some of our practices do require many of us." Tsireya grinned, turning to her brother who rolled his eyes. Muttering some choice words to which she slapped his arm and looked with eyes wide at me and Rotxo. Ao'nung's mouth gaped for a second before chuckling.
"Sure, fine." He agreed, Rotxo only joining due to this, I gratefully smiled at the chiefs son and motioned for them all to join me.
"We shall go prepare," I turned to the forest siblings "You will all meet us here after we eat, okay?" They all nodded, a small grumble from Lo'ak on if he has to but agreeing with a grin for a certain friend of mine nonetheless.
We shall rushed to our marui and gained permission to ask for some instruments that players would be willing to lend us, along with playing for when he would dance. When the time had come, I noticed Tsireya and Ao'nung whispering to each other, worried on if something was wrong I decided to approach them.
"Are we missing anything?" Tsireya shyly looked down.
"I forgot to ask one of the instrument players, is there any way you could go to Apikalia and ask if they will join?" She asked, I nodded given we still had a few minutes until we were expected to start.
"Of course!" I began my way across the beach, skipping and happily humming a tune to myself while in waiting, jumping up to the cloth bridges. However, as I looked into Apikalia's marui not to find them, but to find Rotxo.
I jumped in surprise and he proceeded to do the same, holding a hand over his beating heart. My face burned hot, I looked down and began stuttering, I realised I was set up by Tsireya and her brother.
"Oh, you're already looking for them? I will go-" My sentence was momentarily cut off as Rotxo rushed forward and grabbed my hand. Only a few feet away from me.
"Why are you avoiding me?" His voice was high and offended, but also worried. I opened my mouth in shock, closing it soon after when his eyes almost welled with tears, shiny and deep whenever I looked in them, demanding an answer.
"I didn't want to, I just..." Gulping, I thought. Better now then never. "Can't face you." I closed my eyes and breathed in deep, slowly preparing myself to answer.
"Because...?" He trailed off, Rotxo's eyes had fear in them. For what I was unsure, but if I hid my feelings things would never progress.
"Because I love you. Rotxo. I see you." My hands subconsciously done the motion, looking up into his shocked eyes. They softened as he stepped closer to me.
"And I see you." His grip left my hand, instead going to my shoulders and leaning in close. I done the same, both of us closing our eyes, both our lips meeting in a sweet and shy kiss. Neither aware on how to do this, but both confident in our abilities as long as it was us. Together.
When we separated, I looked down.
"We were set up..." I awkwardly twiddled with my hands. "Tsireya and her dumb brother." I mumbled and crossed my arms, moving back two steps.
"Oh, I thought we were genuinely both searching for Apikalia." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head shyly when I laughed, moving his other hand down to hold my own. Both of our heads turned to the opening when someone awwd and another gagged.
"You two are so adorable." Tsireya held a hand over her chest in adoration, laughing loudly when I stuck my tongue out like a child.
"You're so gross." Ao'nung cringed at us. We both, embarrassed, realised we were still holding hands. Yanking my hand off and glaring daggers at the other boy.
"At least we have each other, what do you have?" I sassily crossed my arms over my chest, Rotxo held a hand over this mouth trying desperately not to laugh at him.
"They're not wrong-" Tsireya began teasing her brother but he playfully hissed at me and began leaving.
"Come on, they're expecting us and we're late, losers." Ao'nung chuckled when he heard me stomping over, jumping into the water and avoiding my playful slap to his head.
"He's right, let's go." Tsireya joined her brother swimming to the beach, I smiled and looked back to Rotxo who was shyly walking closer to me.
"So you want to hunt with me tommorow? I know you don't like hunting but, it's either you or Ao'nung." He shyly held his hand out, to which I took and grinned.
"Of course I'll join you, idiot. Don't think I'll be any good though."
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seelestia · 1 year
◇ A Blessed Imperfection ◇
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LIA'S NOTE: aaaaa, thank you sm for submitting and writing this masterpiece, ☆ starlight anon! i'm so sorry that i wasn't able to post this asap but now, i'm sobbing as i read this. (/pos) do give this a read if you have the time and show ☆ starlight anon (@/hermosacolibri) some support for their godly writing 💐 this work does not belong to me, all credits go to ☆ starlight anon!
+ tagging @zhongrin — ehe! rin jie, you gotta take a look at this <3
CW: fem!reader, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth (in zhongli's part), reader has a vision (geo for zhongli and electro for ayato).
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
SYNOPSIS: Many consider your disability as a burden, but he finds a way to make it a blessing in disguise. What makes us flawed is what makes us unique, and that is what he considers the most beautiful thing about you—an imperfection he dearly adores. Nevertheless, he knows of your lingering sorrows and thus seeks a way to support you in the best way he could.
CHARACTERS: Zhongli, Kamisato Ayato
NOTE: I have decided to just submit the excerpts for these two and dedicated them to Rin and you respectively lol. I kept getting ideas and suddenly there were more characters to write, which made the entry too long. If you or the others wish to read more, I have an account on Quotev (a writing platform) that compiled all these sorts of literary works. People can also request there. I will provide the link if anyone is interested once I get everything cleaned up :)
ZHONGLI is a god whom has lived for eons, and has yet to begin his life at the same time. After his six millennia of existence, he has been known by many names and bestowed countless titles. Some are hearsay, and some are legitimate—all are bonded through his contracts. As the Prime Adeptus, he is the warrior god named Morax who subdued the rage of oceans and monsters by rain of spears. To all of Liyue, he is the mighty Rex Lapis whom stood as the overseer of contracts, history, and commerce. By the word of Celestia, he is the Geo Archon whom holds dominion over the Gnosis; and in the eyes of Teyvat, that made him god amongst gods even if he felt otherwise under the divine gaze.
Alas, when he finally stepped down from the lonely throne, his words to the Traveler omitted a particular truth from him—
—that is, his reason of retirement.
Zhongli spoke of erosion, and even the merchant whom made him realize that his job was done.
However, he did not speak of you.
Of course, with two Harbingers present, his secrecy is understandably sound judgment. Nevertheless, even when he attained privacy to speak personally, he finds it hard to disclose about you. Perhaps, it is a draconic instinct to hoard and protect what he has claimed to be his.
The only other individual just as protective over any knowledge of your existence is Ningguang.
After all, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing is also known as your dear older sister.
Ningguang raised you since the beginning, even if she had been a mere child herself. Your parents are never spoken, and you never asked. Even when you find yourself in comparison to other children with mothers and fathers, your older sister was always all you needed and wanted. Tirelessly, she carried you on her back while her arms were occupied by a basket of wares to be sold. Barefoot, she journeyed from the sands of Yaoguang Shoal to the main capital of Liyue Harbor to make ends meet. Every weekend, you will both scavenge anything that can be sold.
The first gift she ever bought you was an intricate erhu of the best craftsmanship.
It had been your smiles that told her everything will be worth the effort. It had been your songs that soothed the ache of muscles and the weariness of mind. It had been your words that invigorated her ambition to become something more.
“I love you, jiejie!”
“…I love you too, meimei.”
Nothing would stop Ningguang from rising to the top and giving you the life you deserve.
Time is cruel to mortals and always issues a test of faith to see them thrive. In one such incident, it has been proven that you and Ningguang are true sisters in every sense of the word. Her determination can only be rivalled by yours, and the resolve which shine like stars in your eyes is unconquerable.
Your older sister had once fallen to sickness. She refused to tell you where she kept the money, not wanting to waste it to buy medicine. You furiously argued with her about it but nothing could change her mind. Thus, at the dark of night, you treaded the path towards Jueyun Karst. The entire map of Liyue has been engraved in your mind since you could walk. Even when nothing but black greets your blank eyes, it would have been child’s play to travel into the abode of adepti.
That is, of course, if not for the adepti’s indignant anger at your trespassing.
Fortunately, you stole a Sigil of Permission.
“My sister is ill,” you told them, “and I require your aid to concoct a medicine.”
You will never know that what eventually convinced them is how gold illuminated your form. It channels your soul, and then solidifies into a circlet. At its center, a Geo Vision proudly sparkled.
Mountain Shaper thus led you to collect herbs that you would need. Moon Carver carried you on his back while Cloud Retainer flew towards Yaoguang Shoal with Ganyu on hers to check on your sister. In the distance, the Conqueror of Demons obliterated all other threats that may come your way.
By morning, Ningguang was on a road to recovery and you thanked the adepti by playing your erhu for them every day.
Amongst these private performances, you ended up in Guili Plains alone.
A melody has been haunting your dreams. It is very melancholic yet profoundly moving, like a promise between lovers. The composition began to write itself in the abyssal void of your sight. Then, it played smoothly by your delicate hands on the strings. Your voice echoed across the plains, bequeathing a sense of serenity that mortals rarely have talent to supply.
Once again, the Lord of Geo has been enchanted as he listened to your lullaby.
“Milord, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
Your inquiry was met with silence, but you can still feel his piercing eyes on you. Thankfully, you are patient as you are resilient.
The sound of footsteps made your ears perk up. You could not stop yourself from tilting your head to the direction of its origin. The omnipotence of adeptal energy dominated the air, making you dazed for a few seconds. However, there was a charming scent that you recognize. It belongs to a wild glaze lily, one especially helped to bloom by music.
Morax paused before where you sat, staring into your curious gaze looking up at him. The blindness clouded them yet your earnest intrigue made them shimmer glamorously. Autumn ginkgo leaves rain upon you whom sat beneath the shade of its tree, and he whom loomed over your mortal form. He lifts the glaze lily in his hand to bless its petals with a chaste kiss. Then, he slowly presents it to you.
A steady hand tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, planting the flower as an ornament. Your sensitive skin felt the callouses that must be from a lifetime of battle and slaughter. Alas, your cheeks only flush brightly at their tender caress. His fingertips glide through your tresses very subtly, giving you agency to pull away from his touch.
Morax pulls a lock of hair towards his lips, giving it the same attention as he did the glaze lily.
Then, with a promising smile, he lets go—
—and then vanishes in a blink.
That encounter was the first of many secrets you kept from your older sister.
A week later, a gentleman named Zhongli introduces himself to you. You narrow your eyes in suspicion and confusion. His presence, the aura of Rex Lapis, is unmistakable to you. Nevertheless, you respond with quiet acceptance while listening to his pulse settle down in relief.
It was not your place to question an archon anyway, nor is it your responsibility.
Aside from music, you always held fascination for botany. After refusing your sister’s offer to live with her in the Jade Chamber, she built you an estate with a large garden and a quaint greenhouse. From here, you have invented a unique art known as Geo Crystalline Preservation. You use the flowers in your garden to crystallize them with your Vision, but retain their scent like a real flower. By this method, you manage to pluck wild glaze lilies and preserve their natural fragrance after cultivation.
Your first specimen was the glaze lily gifted by your archon, now a part of your circlet.
Suddenly, wild glaze lilies were being revived to its former vast numbers in your garden.
Your artform can be applied to anything too. It can become a stained glass decor, a clothing design, an unwilting bouquet, and even a way to preserve food ingredients. For this reason, your fresh business had immediately made connections with all sorts of exchange across Liyue Harbor. In turn, you have developed a very reliable information network that answers to nobody but yourself. Twice, a visit from Yelan made your heart swell with pride to know you have information that eludes her.
Zhongli was more of a consultant or an advisor who directs you to the most beneficial proposals. It can be most helpful whenever you felt lost in making critical decisions that require more tact. He even made it possible for you to create a strong alliance with the Feiyun Commerce Guild. A part of you is still uncertain if that was worth the hassle that the esteemed Young Master Xingqiu tends to bring to your doorstep.
By the words of Rex Lapis, the core foundation of contracts is fairness. Thus, you asked Zhongli what he wants in exchange for his hard work.
“I only wish for your company,” Zhongli replied, “and—if you would allow it—a chance to court you.”
A gentle kiss lands upon your forehead. It brought back flashes of your first meeting under the ginkgo tree, when he was a god rather than a mortal. You used names to keep them separate, yet this moment has proven that Zhongli is Rex Lapis and Morax.
A cor lapis by any other name would nonetheless be as resplendent.
Then, two years later, he proposed and you said yes.
That resulted to an interesting private discussion between Zhongli and Ningguang. Neither of them disclosed any details other than the fact your sister gave her sincere blessings for the marriage. The wedding was reserved yet was also nothing short of extravagant. The collaboration of your sister and husband had you expecting nothing less, if you were being honest.
Another year later, the final Rite of Descension turns into a Rite of Parting.
You knew of Zhongli’s plan. He had to confide the details to you, excluding the Tsaritsa’s contract. It was the only way to persuade you into staying in Wangshu Inn for a few weeks, to make sure you do not get caught in the crossfire. He promises his intervention if all goes awry, if it endangers your sister as well as the rest of Liyue Harbor.
Then, it was all over.
Zhongli came home to kiss you with fervor you have never felt from him since your wedding night.
Later, the geo lines on his arms pulse with luminous glow in your marital bedroom. It reflected upon his amber eyes, pupils alternating between slits and dilation as his instincts purred. He closed his eyes with an inaudible sigh before projecting himself into your dreamscape.
As a blind person, you have an odd way of dreaming.
You only hear amidst the abyss and a composition always reverberates. When visited by him, everything gets reconstructed to a meadow of glaze lilies. At its heart is a Statue of the Seven. He had learnt that the imagery of stars twinkling above your heads is a sign that his own dreamscape had begun to merge with yours. A golden aurora borealis emanated pure geo energy, representing elemental resonance.
Always, the Geo Archon finds himself replacing his own self on the statue when he visits. He opens his eyes to the perspective of the statue. The illusionary Memory of Dust remains afloat beside him with a few geo crystalflies. He shall always find you fast asleep, wearing a hanfu composed of his colors. At times, your head is only resting on the armrest or his lap; and other times you are already in his arms.
Then, he cradles you closely while he listens to the tunes you dream. He has grown familiar with most of them through your erhu. A few would puzzle him, and he would then realize they are your unfinished compositions.
There was also one other reason he strictly kept you far from the events in the harbor.
You are with child.
Zhongli recalls the time you discussed the concept of illumination with him. It is the method of possibly enlightening a mortal to become an adeptus. The topic of you becoming immortal was only broached once and never again. Your own perspective in the matter was irrelevant, mostly because you were incompatible for the procedure. Although far from being an invalid, your constitution is far from ideal for such arduous illumination.
The Lord of Geo was overjoyed when you relayed the news of your pregnancy the first time. Alas, when the celebratory mood had gone, the slap of reality finally registered.
This will be a difficult ordeal for you, carrying a child that is half-adeptus.
Yanfei was conceived and born by a human mother, delivered through a complicated pregnancy. The health concerns never seemed to end, and her mother’s miraculous survival was only thanks to her tenacity according to her father. Even then, she is a mortal woman in perfectly good health.
If you were not capable of undergoing illumination, can you even survive this pregnancy?
No matter the answer though, Zhongli knows you are determined to persevere. For the sake of the life within your womb, you will endure all the hardships that will be thrown your way.
That fact is why he fell in love with you.
Perhaps, there was one thing he could do to help you even if it was not a full illumination.
As he once did for Azhdaha, the Lord of Geo can bless you the gift of sight.
You can see your child when they are born.
Zhongli lifts his head from where it rested on your crown. He tilts your chin up to gaze upon your visage and feel your breath against his skin. His fingertips grazed your eyelids, and the golden light of his geo energy engulfs the dreamscape. As everything fades into white, he leans down so his lips meet yours…
…and then, you both awaken.
However, for the first time, the haunting darkness that usually welcomed you has been replaced with color.
You saw a man hovering over you, lips millimeters apart from yours. Dark brown hair is embellished with honey gold, long strands gliding over his toned shoulders. Sharp amber eyes glared into yours, an unreadable sheen making them glow. Your hand reaches up to touch his pale cheek, thumb tracing the red outlining his gaze.
You realize. This is your husband.
“Zhongli…!” You gasped, tears in your eyes.
He smiles like a breathtaking work of art, a godly beauty that blessed you to be his wife.
“Hello, tian xin.”
Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him into an ecstatic embrace and blissful kiss. He obliges, taking all you have and giving you all that is his.
Someday, you will no longer stay by his side.
Nevertheless, the proof of your existence will live through your child—and so will the love, the miracle that conceived them, which you shared with him. As such, you will continue to shine like gold in his memories forevermore.
This is not a mere contract, but a solemn promise that even Celestia can never break—
“My memories of you are treasures not even erosion can steal away.”
KAMISATO AYATO is a man whose heart seeks an equally capable partner. The idea of one day having to choose another half is something to consider as part of his duty. After all, the head of a noble clan is responsible for ensuring that its bloodline continues to prosper. To sire an heir, he must someday select a bride. His choice will lead to the rise of a matriarch within the Kamisato Clan. It must be a woman with the caliber to lead as the gentle hand of the Yashiro Commission to his iron fist. A fierce yet kind soul is necessary to command the Shuumatsuban in his place should the need ever arise. Furthermore, if he must eventually settle for a loveless marriage, his desire is to at least gain a lifelong friend. They must have the same depth of loyalty to his family, and the same steadfast resolve to uphold their principles.
Otherwise, he is very certain any other whom wishes to stand by his side will only break. With how he acts and carries himself, the people of Inazuma are more inclined to agree. Indeed, a wife less than up to par would be nothing short of disappointing.
Be that as it may, the Yashiro Commissioner can be a complicated man to love.
Ayato is a man who lives his life wearing a thousand masks, with little to no distinction between his true self and facades. At the early deaths of his parents, he was a young boy that had been forced into the lethal grind of political battles. To protect his little sister, he took up the blade to eliminate those who threaten them amidst the power struggle.
Just like that, his heart became a closely guarded vault privy to a trusted few.
Loving Ayato is likened to water, the same element he wields as weapon and shield. In calm days, he is transparent and clear to see. In chaotic nights, his own motives are harder to understand. There are times he can be as volatile as rapids, and others be as nurturing as a cool spring.
The most dangerous thing about loving Ayato is if you allow yourself to drown in him.
Alas, all of Inazuma is left dumbfounded when he abruptly announces his marriage to you.
The Yashiro Commissioner had gone missing for a week. A note with his penmanship claims he has a personal errand to run. Then, he returns to the estate—holding your hand while another clenches a scroll, sealed by the wax insignia of the Narukami Shrine and the Raiden Shogun. A glance at your respective hands reveal the glint of silver wedding bands, with camellia flower engravement filled by white jade.
Kamisato Ayato eloped with you.
“From here onwards,” Ayato declared, “[Name] shall be living in the Kamisato Estate as my wife. Please treat her with the same respect you do for me.”
The idea seems to intimidate you, a frown tugging your lips. Your husband, however, squeezed your hand in reassurance. Pacified, you end up snuggling your cheek onto his arm. The action is successful in grounding your senses, focusing on Ayato’s scent and body heat. He obliges this by gently pulling you closer, practically trapping your own arm to his side.
Ayaka hid a smile of amusement behind her fan, as her eyes softened in endearment.
“Of course, brother.” She replied.
Thoma nodded, beaming in welcome as you peeked at him and the young miss. Despite their slightest reservation upon this rushed turn of events, they trust Ayato.
Although, the Shirasagi Himegimi cannot help but feel you looked somewhat familiar.
You are a very peculiar woman, especially in a nation as conservative and traditional as Inazuma. In fact, some believe you seem more like an antithesis to your husband. Whereas he is always poised and very composed, there is always an untamed ferocity in you that refuses to comply to social norms. You can nevertheless dress as elegantly as any other noble aristocrat, speak as eloquently as any well-educated lady. If not for your infamous eccentricities, nobody would have doubted why Ayato chose you. It is quite renowned that you shamelessly stroll Inazuma’s main city in a commoner’s yukata—a messy bun for a hairstyle, and sometimes going barefoot. You despise social events and acted more elusive than your mysterious husband.
The servants were initially wary yet none of them can deny your positive influence. The household has never been so efficient and organized until you took on managing its affairs. Thoma was astonished to realize that he ended up with more free time under your authority. The meticulous way you stick to a form of schedule and your quick wit to adapt have enabled the Kamisato Estate to operate smoothly, with or without the siblings present. In fact, some unique tasks you assign to Thoma aided him into securing businesses in Ritou. As equal exchange for your patronage, you have flawlessly expanded the Shuumatsuban’s spy network.
Ayaka also found respite in her endeavors as face of the clan. She initially had a difficult time with being your mentor of sorts in the life of nobility. However, your creativity in problem solving and quick wit has been such help in balancing her own matters.
Thoma began to understand your ways when he has become in charge of all your meals. There is a set routine for every day of the week, and then a specific assortment of snacks with tea expected at certain hours. Each ingredient is meticulously picked and every dish is carefully prepared. If even one thing is out of place, you will notice with a single bite/sip and you would refuse to eat—which results to a very moody mistress for the rest of the estate.
It was only thanks to how well Ayato knew you that everyone else was able to keep up. He is aware of all factors to your behavior and how to aptly respond to them. His stern yet precise instructions left no room for mistakes if it meant taking care of you properly in his absence. It was as if he grew up with you due to the sheer amount of experience he has in how to deal with your odd patterns.
As months passed, Ayaka finally realized.
That is because her brother did grow up with you.
Ayato met you long ago when he was a mere lonely boy, burdened with the title of clan heir. He found you digging around the beach near his estate, an Electro Vision on your waist. A line of seashells were set on a flat rock beside you, all arranged by type as rows and by size as columns.
You glanced up at him. Your Vision flickers, making him tense—
—and then lightning struck the sands.
As a boy, Ayato watched in awe as the grains turned into glass. You manipulated the temperature of the element, heating the sand in quick seconds to create multiple pieces. He ended up getting closer, and it was enough to spook you. After you were finished, you hastily stood up and collected your things before sprinting away.
“Wait…!” Ayato exclaimed.
You did not listen.
The young master pouted, thinking he would never see you again. It was a shame since he found you so fascinating. He looked down and saw some strange hollow tubes in the shores, resembling coral.
That day, he went home a little despondent.
Ayato was pleasantly surprised to see you again the next day—same place, same hour. You are polishing the shells this time, and occasionally refining them to the shape you want. Small pots of paint surround you, and the Electro Vision is pulsing to be used at any given notice.
This time, you did not run when he got close.
He flinches as you suddenly spoke. Your eyes were focused on the glass tubes he picked up. They hung from the string of his obi now, which got odd looks from his parents a while ago.
You nodded, “They are fulgurites. You can use them to make jewelry. Want to see?”
That was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Ayato figures out your schedule and how you like sticking to it, so he never misses out when to visit you. It was something you never minded as long as he remained consistent. The times when he did not get the memo, you got annoyed and told him harshly to stop showing up. At first, he felt hurt since he misunderstood. Thankfully, he was mature enough to clarify it with you. Since then, he promised his arrival only on particular days wherein he can assure his free time. At his words, you acted less bothered by his presence and worked on your craft.
The two of you grew up together in those constant stolen moments. He finds out you have a younger brother, and he tells you he has a younger sister. On weekends, you are not on the beach. That is the only time your brother is able to spend time with you instead of honing his swordsmanship.
In stormy days, he had to struggle pulling you into the estate. Every time, he braced himself for your ire but patiently coaxes you over it. The most effective method is to occupy your mind with something else, and let your hands be busy crafting. Once you are fixated, Ayato can be allowed into your safe space again and he is able to take care of you. Henceforth, rainy days are spent in his estate and that became the new norm for your daily routine. Ayato adapts into creating amendments for your unhealthy habits.
You still persistently argue that storms are perfect for making petrified lightning glass.
Nevertheless, you express gratitude for his sincere care and affection. No one has ever been so doting on you aside from your brother. In turn, Ayato felt touched that you treat him as one of the only two people you explicitly trust. You even adjust yourself to be considerate of his own needs, despite the clear discomfort it sometimes caused you.
When his parents died, you were his greatest pillar of support.
Ayato has always known to never underestimate you in any way. What made you different did not make you dumb. In fact, it is revealed in that dark period that you were more brilliant than your peers. It was only thanks to your guidance that he found direction how to proceed. It was due to your judgment that he knew who to trust, which ties needed to be severed for safety. Every critical decision was consulted by you, and he was awed when the results you predict come to fruition. When his demons made him lose sleep, you provided relief by playing with his hair.
When he finally triumphed in the succession, you gave him a precious gift.
You smiled. Of utmost sincerity, you smiled ever so sweetly and so warmly.
That is the day Ayato knew you were the one.
Unfortunately, he had taken too long to confess that to you. Too many years slipped past his fingers due to his obligations.
Then, the Vision Hunt Decree happened—
—and you went missing.
A young man named Kaedehara Kazuha barged into his estate, panicked and distressed. He called for Ayato, kneeling as he pleaded for help in finding his older sister—you. The wind has gone silent regarding your whereabouts, and he feared the worst due to the recent decree.
Of course, the Yashiro Commissioner wasted no time in utilizing his power to be of aid.
It was for naught.
Soon, he could not even protect your brother when the young man was branded as a wanted criminal.
Kazuha witnessed the love Ayato holds for you—a passion he deems worthy of his kin. He knew of the bond you shared with him, which is why he came to the man for help. Meeting the man personally, the winds crooned in approval—to which the ronin only smiled, a little resigned yet mostly relieved.
Someone else can take care of you now.
“Aneue spoke of you fondly.” He said, “If anyone can find her, it’s you.”
The younger male presents him a box.
“She called it a tassel chime,” Kazuha explained, “and referred to that piece as Rainmaker.”
It contains a small windchime in the size and design of a tassel, thus the name. A single clamshell ties the knot for the top noose. Camellias on rippling waters is carved onto the blue glass, painted with glittering golden lacquer. Rather than a striker, a ball of glowing white jade is inside the spherical glass with a cowrie shell at its base. The tail is a familiar indigo satin ribbon, his gift to you on the last Irodori Festival. His name is embroidered in your favorite fulgurite threads, and yours on the other side:
Kaedehara [Name].
Ayato knew this is the equivalent of a blessing. He ties it to his sword, aware by use of elemental sight that the energy within it will prevent the glass from breaking even in a skirmish. He makes a promise to your brother that he will stop at nothing to find you, and then ask for your hand.
Eventually, he did.
You stood in an abandoned temple amidst the call of summer. The crystalflies illuminated your form, and the water shimmered like liquid diamonds. The tinkling sounds echoed in Chinju Forest, as the sails of windchimes blew with the nightly breeze.
At the call of your name, you turned to face him and Ayato embraces you immediately.
“I want to go home.” You murmur.
The broken tone of your voice devastated him, and he nods while tightening his arms. You hugged him back, hiding your face on his chest while his nuzzled your shoulder.
“Yes, let’s go home now.” He whispered.
The Yashiro Commissioner spared nothing at your expense. He used the name of Kamisato to protect you. As his wife, you are an integral part of the Tri-Commission and one with the Raiden Shogun’s faction. You cannot be touched by the decree like your brother feared. Although you desire no riches, Ayato sought to provide something that will soothe your unease at the drastic changes in your life.
Thus, in an isolated wing of the estate, there was your personal workshop.
A safe haven. All for you.
Ayato leaned back with you in his arms, cuddling by the veranda. You were sorting through your brother’s letters, worried, and missing him dearly. Looking up at your husband, he smiles and kisses you fervently.
“I’m here.” He reassures.
You wrap your arms around his neck in response, snuggling his chest to nap. He adjusts you on his lap and rewraps the blanket around you. His long fingers comb through your hair, humming contently.
Heartbound lullabies in hiraeth, ever so mellifluous—
“You are my clarity amidst sullied waters, a wish to forever keep.”
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
“You want us to what.”
Lance doesn’t give a flying fuck how angry he sounds, potential diplomatic crises be damned – hell, he wants to cause a crisis. He wants to raise some hell.
The dignitary sniffs derisively. “The beast is a dangerous pest, Blue Paladin.”
“Not the blue paladin,” Lance growls, because he isn’t, “and I am not murdering an animal in cold blood just because you can’t deal with it properly.”
“Lance,” Allura hisses, but he has no problem ignoring her.
“Can’t deal with it properly — do you hear your paladin!” the dignitary sputters, waving an angry hand in Lance’s direction.
Shiro closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, before plastering on a tight smile and trying to salvage the situation. Usually, Lance would hate to cause Shiro any stress at all, and would do whatever he could to reduce that stress. This time, Lance is going to dig his heels in. He is not going to let a living being be needlessly exterminated. Lance isn’t anti-animal death, or anything — he has no problem with others eating meat, or using animal products. He thinks using animals as gifts and not letting any part of them go to waste is very wise, and he has a lot of respect for people who manage to do so successfully. Sport hunters, on the other hand, or people who kill without good reason? Therein lies his problem, and he’s beyond happy to make a big stink of it.
“Could you describe the beast?” Shiro asks.
“Happily,” the dignitary grumps. “I’m eager to describe its horror to you, Oh Great Leader of Voltron.”
Shiro visibly tries very hard not to roll his eyes. Lance refuses to take any joy in the reaction, even though he would usually laugh.
“The beast is as large as half our royal castle. Its teeth are larger than our tallest soldier, and sharper than a luxite blade. Its fur is rough and coarse, enough to sand the paint clean off the walls it brushes by. Its roar shakes the very foundations of our city. It walks on four legs but stands on two, right before it rears up to smash our buildings to dust. It is a menace, a pest, and a danger besides!”
“So you have a grizzly bear problem,” Lance snaps. “Close your garbage cans at night and quit complaining.”
“Lance, please,” Hunk mutters, but Lance will not back down. Not when a life is at stake.
“Has it actually…hurt anyone?” Keith asks.
Lance shoots a grateful look at Keith.
At least someone is on his side.
“Yes!” the dignitary cries.
Keith shoots a look back at Lance — a well, I tried if Lance has ever seen one — but that is not good enough. Lance glares at him.
“Explain,” Lance demands.
The dignitary frowns, looking down their nose at Lance and shaking their head. “I’m not talking to you.”
“Would you mind explaining,” Pidge deadpans, barely refraining from rolling her eyes.
Lance knows Pidge well enough to know that she’s not on his side, exactly — she threw stuff at him when he started insulting the dignitary initially — but there’s nothing that pisses her off more than someone talking down to her family. Even if she doesn’t agree with said family. She’s loyal, like that.
“Fine, since you asked so nicely,” the dignitary says, cutting a look to Lance, who makes a very crude gesture with his hands in response and ignores the four (4) tired sighs from assorted teammates and co. around him.
“The beast easily and ruthlessly took down several of our soldiers as soon as they opened fire on it. And it further still injured many of our knights when we sent them to its cave! It is a mindless, killing machine, and must be exterminated immediately.”
Lance throws his hands up in exasperation. “No shit it’s defending itself! What do you expect it to do, stand there while you shoot at it?”
“If it didn’t want to be shot it shouldn’t have ventured into the city in the first place!”
“It’s an animal! How the hell is it supposed to understand city limits and boundaries?”
“That’s not my problem,” the dignitary says coldly. “It has posed a threat to our people, and so it must die. And if Voltron wishes for our signature in the Coalition, you will come to our aid, or else you can count yourself down one planet’s alliance.”
Allura stiffens. “You would really risk your people’s protection over a difference in opinion?”
“Your blue paladin —”
“I am not the blue paladin, you brainless amoeba —”
“Your blue paladin,” the dignitary repeats, pointedly and icily, “has insulted us greatly. The situation is no longer up for debate. If you wish to sign an alliance, the paladin must handle the problem himself. That is our final stipulation.”
With that, the dignitary ends the call, cutting off Shiro’s pleas for him to wait.
All eyes turn to Lance.
“I am not killing an innocent animal,” Lance snaps. “Forget it.”
Keith sighs. “Lance —”
“No.” Lance clenches his fists, glaring at his team, chin raised and shoulders set. Beside him, Mr. Snuggles spreads his fangs and hisses. The mice — currently resting on his head — scramble to their feet, presumably also tensing up. Ivy — a venomous vine he picked up on a planet a few missions back — winds up his arms. “I am not just being ridiculous. You heard that idiot. They’re provoking it. It’s not doing anything wrong.”
“Lance —” Keith tries again, but Lance is not willing to hear it.
“I will not take an innocent life to buy an alliance. And if you do, I swear to God, I will never forgive you.”
With that he stomps out of the bridge, ignoring the dozens of calls of his name and pleas to “wait a goddamn second, Lance, c’mon.”
Lance stomps all the way to his room, muttering about stupid careless dignitaries and team members who won’t listen to him and how everyone is going to make him grey early and he is not Shiro, lord above, so he can’t pull that garbage off. Ugh.
He slams his door behind him and flops on the bed, and is marginally surprised to find his tears stinging his eyes.
“This is a stupid reason to cry,” he announces to no one, voice muffled in his pillow. “Why must I cry about stupid things. Why can’t I cry about regular things. This is dumb.”
There’s a clicking sound accompanying a gentle bump to the leg hanging off his bed. He drags his head off the pillow, sniffling, to see Mr. Snuggles sitting to the side of his bed, fangs clicking. The mice sit on his head, as they are wont to do (which, understandably considering the natural predator of mice, used to scare the shit out of Allura. But Mr. Snuggles has never been anything but gentle with them, even when they roughhouse on his back or play tag under his leg and accidentally trip him. He seems to be quite protective of them, actually. It’s very sweet. Lance thinks it might be a microhylid frog/giant tarantula situation, even though Mr. Snuggles can’t lay eggs, and it amuses him greatly). Ivy uncoils from his bed frame, wrapping a vine around his ankle and tugging carefully. Blue and Red both loudly mother him in the back of his mind.
It’s nice.
Lance sighs, wiping his tears and sitting up against his headboard.
“This sucks,” he says to his assortment of companions, all who seem to agree with him. Mr. Snuggles and the mice crawl up the leg of the bed to sit in front of him, and Ivy makes her way around his shoulders.
None of them can talk to him, obviously — how fucking cool would that be, though — but each one of them is an excellent listener (even the mice, who like to gossip, but Lance preemptively forgives them).
“It’s just —” Lance huffs, frustrated. “I get that the planet is probably tired of being lightly terrorized by a giant beast, sure, but is murder really the answer? Plus, have they even tried talking to it? Maybe it’s very reasonable! I’m sure I —”
Lance shoots up, startling poor Ivy, but holy shit.
Holy shit!
“That’s it!” he shouts, grin nearly splitting his face in two. He leans over, just barely managing to grab his holopad, and starts sketching out the plans.
“Now if I just — and it shouldn’t be too hard — I’ve done more in less time — hell yeah!”
He’s startled out of his fervour by urgent squeaks, and when he looks up, he sees the mice waving to get his attention.
At his acknowledgement, they scurry into formation, laying together to make a question mark with their little bodies.
Lance snorts. He may not be able to speak their language, but they have no problems making themselves clear.
“I can’t tell you,” he scolds. “You’re going to snitch to Allura.”
They mice squeak sadly, but Lance knows better. Last time he gave in to them, Allura knew within the minute.
“I’ll be back soon, okay? Don’t wait up for me. Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, Chuchule — there’s some of that fancy grain you like in the cupboard. Mr. Snuggles — here.” He opens up space youtube, quickly opening up a horror movie reaction compilation for the fear demon spider. “That’ll keep you fed for a bit.” He props the holopad up on his pillow, scrambling to his feet and heading to the door. On the way out, he pulls the string on his special blue sun lamp — “That’s for you, Ivy!” — and then he’s out the door, plans in hand, to find Coran.
Luckily for Lance, he runs straight into him.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to look for you,” Coran says, right outside his door.
Lance grins. “I can see that.”
Coran narrows his eyes. “You’re… remarkably chipper, Number Four.”
He holds up a hand for Coran to pause. He strains his ears, and smirks as he just barely picks up on the sound of near-silent footsteps behind a closed door. He makes pointed eye contact with the advisor, then inclines his head at Keith’s door.
Coran gets the point.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better,” Coran says loudly — too loudly, but Lance doesn’t have much in the subtlety department either, so he can’t complain — “would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, dragging the advisor by the hand in the opposite direction of the fabricator.
“Will you speak plainly, now?” Coran asks, once they’ve put some distance between them and Keith’s eavesdropping ass. (That is, however, probably an unfair reaction. Keith was likely listening in to try and find a way to help, in his own awkward way. If Lance wasn’t currently feeling just a smidge betrayed, he would feel touched.)
“Okay, so. I have a Plan.” Lance puts emphasis on the word so Coran knows it’s Capitalized, because this isn’t just a regular plan. This is a rescue mission. It’s espionage. A heist, even.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes!”
Coran sighs, dragging a hand down his face.
“Lance,” he says warningly, but Lance won’t hear it.
“C’mon, Coran! You trust me, right?”
“That is a manipulative question —”
“You trust me! You said so yourself!”
“Fine, child. Yes, I trust you.”
Lance claps his hands together. “Excellent! So. I refuse to be a murderer, as you may have heard.”
“That would have been very hard for me to miss,” Coran says drily.
Lance gracefully ignores the comment. “And since I will also go apeshit if anyone else becomes a murderer, I have come up with a plan!”
“Lance. Number Four. My dear. Time is not our current luxury. Please share your plan.”
“Right. Okay.” Lance rocks back on his heels, shooting Coran a guileless smile. “How well do you think you can imitate my mannerisms?”
Lance has no idea how powerful he truly is.
Seriously. Completely oblivious. He’s convinced that he’s the only one on the team who’s not powerful — and Keith knows this because those are the words Lance said with his own mouth. He’s so convinced that power is Shiro’s strength, Pidge’s intelligence, Hunk’s wit and compassion, Allura’s regality, and Coran’s wisdom. He’s even completely sure that Keith has power in his speed and initiative.
Somehow, though, the heart of Voltron does not know how he holds everyone in the palm of his hand. He does not see the picture of terror he makes; jaw clenched, brown eyes flashing with determination, back straight and shoulders set, demonic spider at his side, telepathic mice gathered on his head, poisonous, sentient vine wrapped around him — and the spirts of two lions, red and blue, growling in tandem behind him as he swears that no harm will come to the beast by Voltron’s hand.
Lance did not see the fear in the dignitary’s face. He did not notice his team staring at him with wide eyes, leaning far away from him and his own army. He did not see the pure, concentrated power rippling from him in waves.
If Keith’s being totally, completely honest, it’s kind of hot.
But it’s also a pain in the ass. As much as Lance’s greatest strength is in convincing people to listen to him, when he sets stubborn eyes on a task, the Universe herself cannot sway him. Keith has a snowball’s chance in hell of managing either.
“Just try,” Shiro pleads. “Please. Attempt to convince him that, as much as it sucks, killing the damn beast is the easiest way to secure this alliance and move on.”
“Shiro, your braincells are spilling out your ears like loose marbles if you think that I can convince him to even listen to the words I will attempt to say.”
“Holy idiom, there, cowboy,” Pidge teases, and Keith breaks away from the intense stare-down with his brother to stick his tongue out and shoot her the finger.
“That’s a normal idiom. Sorry that you grew up in Michigan where the most interesting insult you ever hear is someone saying please with a little more passive aggression than usual.”
“…Alright. Point to Keith.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought.”
“Paladins!” Allura snaps, ignoring Hunk’s smartass comment that she is also, actually, a paladin, and as such is included in such snappish remarks and thus has lost a good chunk of ethos. “Focus! Stars, it’s like I have to do everything around here. Keith. Put your big boy pants on.”
Shiro chokes with laughter, desperately trying to pretend it’s really a cough, but it fools no one.
God, those two need to stop hanging out together. Shiro is dragging Allura down to his level. Poor woman.
“Talk to Lance,” she continues. “He only really listens to you.”
Keith looks at her incredulously. “Listens to me — have I missed something? I asked Lance to lead a briefing yesterday and he asked me what deity died and made me king of the jungle. He doesn’t listen to a goddamn word I say.”
Allura raises an eyebrow. “Did he?”
“Did he what?”
“Lead the briefing yesterday?”
Keith deflates. Because, well. “Yeah,” he mutters.
“So you’re just being a pussy, then,” she summarizes – why does Pidge insist on teaching her modern slang and why does she like it so much – and this time Shiro doesn’t even pretend he’s coughing. Hunk and Pidge also lose their shit.
“I resent that,” Keith says haughtily, denying nothing.
“Yeah. Okay. Off you go. Convince him to at least attempt to hear us out.”
Keith sighs, but does as asked, making his way to his and Lance’s rooms. He decides to take a minute and gather his thoughts — see, he’s learning, look at how not-impulsive he’s being — and heads to his room first.
When he gets there, he spends a few meditating beside his bed — he’d rather stick a hot iron through his eye than admit it, but Shiro and Black may be a little, teensy, itty-bitty bit correct about taking time to gather up thoughts and reflect or whatever.
Just as he’s about to get up and knock on Lance’s door, he hears Coran’s heeled boots click down the hallway.
Oh, fuck yes. If Coran talks to Lance, he might actually listen without argument! Lance has no issue following Coran’s instructions!
…On the other hand, Coran’s just as much of a — and Keith says this with all the fondness in his heart, believe him, if he didn’t find it so damn endearing he would not be spending his nights imagining what will happen when he finally grows enough of a pair to ask Lance on a date — tree-hugger as Lance is. He won’t be happy about the beast killing either.
But, hey. Coran’s a wise guy. It’s probably fine.
Just in case, though, he gets up as quietly as he can — he knows Lance’s goddamn bat ears will hear him if his fucking heart beats too loudly — and leans against the door to hear their conversation.
“Lance, dear, I was just coming to find you,” Coran says.
So far, so good. If Coran was already trying to find Lance, it was probably to try and gently convince him that saving the beast might not be the best option, right?
Keith heart sinks a little as a new thought worms into his brain: maybe, Lance isn’t just being stubborn, and he’s actually upset. Maybe Coran is going to make sure Lance is feeling okay, like a good person.
…Yeah. That’s more likely. Keith kind of feels like a jackass.
He startles out of his thoughts as Coran’s voice, notably louder than before, speaks again.
“Well, if you’re really feeling so much better, would you mind helping me recalibrate the fabricator?”
“Absolutely,” Lance says, and he does sound remarkably happier than he did when he stomped out of the bridge.
Huh. Maybe Lance convinced himself…?
As he thinks it, he knows it’s not true. But it might not be best to bring it up now, then. He’s only just gotten into a good mood, it will probably be better to bring it up over dinner, or something, when the good mood has enough time to settle properly.
Keith nods to himself. Yeah. That’s totally not an excuse because he doesn’t want Lance to look at him in complete betrayal again when Keith attempts to convince him that saving the beast is not an option, or anything.
Lance is feeling remarkably better at dinner. Coran wasn’t sure about the plan, at first, but Lance was very convincing, so he relented. It helped that Coran also is not fond of needless animal murder, which is why he’s Lance’s favourite.
(Well, currently. Usually everyone is tied for his favourite, but no one else had his back today at the meeting, so they’re all currently tied for second-favourite. But they’ll have a chance to redeem themselves after this mission is over.)
He and Coran are the last to arrive to dinner, predictably, so Lance doesn’t waste a second.
“I am now on your side,” he announces as soon as he walks through the door. “You’re all correct, we should get this alliance at all cost, and murder the beast in cold blood. I am completely on board with your plan and happy with all the innocent blood about to be on my hands.”
The team, also predictably, stare at him in shocked silence. Lance sits primly in his chair, accidentally-on-purpose elbowing Mullet in the head, and immediately shoves food goo in his mouth so no one can ask any follow-up questions.
Also predictably, that does not work.
“…There were a lot of contradicting words in that announcement,” Mullet says. (Lance is currently very mad at him and as such he has been demoted from fond nicknames and even his regular name so he will be Mullet until Lance wants to bite him — angrily, angrily, not the way he usually wants to bite him — less.)
“Ooooh, SAT word,” Lance responds, just to be a jackass.
(It works. Keith reaches over to attempt to flick him, but unluckily for him Lance is very used to that reaction to his particular brand of annoying, and so Mullet falls off his chair due to Lance kicking it out from under him before his flick lands).
“So,” Lance says, as Mullet curses at him from the floor, “does anyone else have any comments or concerns?”
There is a very heavy, loaded silence, before Shiro, Allura, and Hunk sigh in tandem.
“Yeah, you’re not going to be leaving my sight,” Hunk says.
“Agreed,” Shiro mutters, head in his hands. “Sorry, buddy, but at the moment I can’t trust you not to go rogue. I was going to let you stay on the castle with Coran, but I no longer think that’s viable. You’ll have to stay with me for the mission.”
“That’s fine,” Lance says, working very hard to shove the smugness out of his voice. He thinks he does a pretty decent job. “You’re all dead to me anyways, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Christ,” Pidge mumbles into her goo.
Allura pinches the bridge of her nose. Lance hears her muttering ‘I signed up for this’ over and over under her breath.
The rest of the meal passes in tense silence. When Lance finishes, he stands up abruptly, tucking his chair back in with enough force that he might as well have thrown it, and washes his dishes with such vigour that he actually has to slow down so they don’t break. He then stalks to the door, pauses, and faces the team (except Coran, who is visibly fighting back a smile and avoiding eye contact — hehe, Lance knew he’d get him fully on board eventually).
“I am going to go to bed, for my final night as a man with a soul,” he says. “I’m sure the rest of you soulless individuals will have no problem going right to sleep tonight, but I will be tossing and turning for the whole time, as I ponder how many of my moral codes I will be breaking tomorrow, so I’m going to get an early start so I can squeeze out as much rest as possible. Have a wonderful rest of your evening.”
He walks calmly out of the room until he’s out of eyesight, then sprints full speed to Coran’s room, resisting the heavy urge to jump on the man’s bed to expel some nervous energy. Instead, he meticulously reorganizes the advisor’s bookshelf. (He gets pretty into it, honestly. Coran has a veritable rainbow of colours decorating the covers of his collection, and Lance loves to go ham with the colour coding. That’s the best part of the ‘tism, he reckons.)
“I had those ordered in a specific way, you know.”
Lance practically jumps to his feet at the teasing remark, turning to face Coran so fast he makes himself a little dizzy.
“Did it work?! Are they suspicious?! Are they ready to velcro me to one of them so I can’t run off?!”
“It did work, you evil mastermind. They’re all convinced you need to be under constant surveillance. They’ve even created shifts so you’re always being watched.”
Lance cheers.
See, his plan is really quite simple. No matter what he says or does, the team is never going to fully trust him with this mission. And understandably so — Lance has made his position quite clear. It would be foolish of them to think that Lance wouldn’t try anything. No matter what, they’re going to be wary of what Lance is doing.
But Lance was counting on that, you see.
He fully expected to be under watch. He also knew that they expected him to fight them, tooth and nail, the whole way. But if he subverted their expectations, just a little — if he said he was on board with the plan while making it very clear that he had no intention of following anyone’s orders — well, now they’re paranoid.
And if there’s one thing paranoia does, it’s make you sloppy.
Tomorrow, they’ll be so focused on watching Lance, so focused on thwarting whatever potential mutiny that they think he has cooked up, that they’ll be forgiving if Lance’s mannerisms are a bit… off. They’ll expect it, even. And they’ll spend so much energy on watching Lance and planning for his acting out that they won’t notice if Coran, up in the castle, isn’t sending a constant barrage of cheery check-ins on the comms.
And, most importantly, they will not be investigating the beast very closely at all.
The actual plan is very simple, with all that information in mind. All Lance has to do tonight is record and set up some of Coran’s regular check-ins to sound off during the day. Then Coran is going to exercise his shapeshifting ability — he’s going to turn into Lance for the day, as shifty and suspicious as possible.
And Lance? Lance is going to sneak out the castle after everyone’s already gone, find the beast before they do, and solve the problem his own damn self.
After all, that’s what the stupid dignitary wanted.
If you wish to sign an alliance, the paladin must handle the problem himself, the dignitary had said. Lance smirks to himself.
That’s not a problem.
Not a problem at all.
The first emotion Keith feels, immediately upon waking, is intense dread.
And if that doesn’t sum up the day he’s about to have. Fuck’s sake.
He already feels pretty guilty about yesterday. Besides the fact that Lance is his right hand man — they’re supposed to have each other’s backs, and Keith definitely didn’t have Lance’s, because even though Lance wasn’t in the right he wasn’t in the wrong either — and they’re supposed to be leading this as a team, Keith knows part of the reason things fell apart so quickly is because he didn’t talk to Lance last night. He probably couldn’t’ve convinced Lance to kill the beast, obviously, but they could have definitely explored some different angles together. By letting things fester, Keith pretty much ensured that Lance was going to come up with some elaborate, dangerous scheme that was going to cost them an alliance, and worse, possibly get Lance hurt or killed. (Lance had a good track record with dangerous animals, sure, but this is a beast. The thing sounded like a mix between a polar bear and a dragon. There’s only so much Lance can do, uncanny abilities or not.)
But what’s done is done. Keith can’t very well redo yesterday and make Lance un-mad at him and everyone else, so he’ll have to make do with what he’s got.
And what he’s got is first shift on make-sure-Lance-doesn’t-mutiny-duty.
Fuck, Keith thinks as he makes his way out of his room, this is going to be the Actual Worst.
As usual, Keith is one of the first people on the bridge. Unusually, Lance is next. (Usually he is last, and also late).
“Hey, Lance,” Keith says, trying to muster up a smile.
Surprisingly, Lance beams right back. “Hello, Numb — uh,” his smile falters. “I mean, hi there, Mullet.”
Keith slumps. “I’m still Mullet, huh.”
Lance nods.
“You reckon I’ll work my way back up to Keith, soon? I’ll do anything, you know I will. I’ll even try your horrible face mask with you.”
To his further surprise — Lance must have actually slept well, or something — Lance smiles again, and this time it’s soft even to Keith’s eyes.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I’d do anything for you,” Keith says, and it’s more than he means to.
Lance frowns, and Keith’s heart sinks for the millionth time in just a few hours.
“Except help me save an innocent animal’s life,” he says, and there’s nothing Keith can say to that.
They sit in tense silence until the rest of the paladins arrive.
Shiro counts them once they do, like they’re kindergarteners and he’s a very tired EA, and furrows his brow when he finishes.
“Six. Including me. Who are we — where’s Coran?”
“He said he’ll be here in a few dobashes,” Lance says. “A calibrator broke down in the control room somewhere — nothing urgent, but he wants to get it fixed to get it out of the way. He’ll be back before we’re gone long.”
“That’s fine. Thank you, Lance,” Allura says, transparently trying to ease the tense line of his shoulders, a little.
It does not work. Lance sets his jaw and looks away.
Allura sighs. “I’m sorry, Lance,” she tries. “I know this is hard for you. If it were possible, and we had more time, we’d find another way.”
Keith decides that enough is probably enough. Allura and Shiro look genuinely dejected and apologetic, and both Pidge and Hunk look upset.
“Look, Lance, this situation sucks for everyone, okay? It sucks. We’re going to do what we can. If we get to the situation in question and we can actually manage to fix things without killing the beast, then that’s what we’ll do, okay? We’ll do our best.”
Lance exhales, shoulders slumping. He looks… guilty, and his guilt certainly does nothing to appease Keith’s.
“Sorry,” Lance mutters. “I know this is hard for everyone.”
Keith swallows the lump in his throat. He genuinely can’t remember the last time a non-major battle mission sucked so unequivocally for everyone involved, but Jesus Christ.
“Let’s just go,” he says, and everyone nods before following him off the castle and to the wet, humid heat of the planet.
Lance wants to bolt the second they step out of the castle, but he knows better than that. So he waits, watching them carefully from the windshield (he’s got no better word for it, okay) of the bridge until they’re itty bitty specks. Then he throws on his backpack, grabs his scanner, waves to his pets, and runs in the direction the beast was last seen.
He keeps up a pretty quick pace for a while, not bothering to muffle his footsteps — he doesn’t want to startle the poor thing — and keeps his ears peeled for the sounds of a large animal making its merry way through the woods.
By ‘large’, he means ‘unfathomably gigantic’, because everything on this planet seems to be. Every tree is as wide as four Hunks, and taller than the castle. The various small woodland critters he’s seen running around have been at least the size of Pidge. Idly he wonders how the hell the evolution on this planet even worked, because all the flora and fauna seems to be gigantic, but the people here aren’t much bigger than humans.
He eventually starts to hear the sound of running water, and wastes no time following it. If he’s correct — and he truly thinks he is, as does Coran — this beast will be sitting carefully by the river’s bank, waiting for fish to swim close to it.
See, Lance is almost sure this beast is the planet’s equivalent to a grizzly bear.
And he’s positive it’s injured.
It’s the only thing that makes sense! He did some light research last night, and discovered that the planet is right in the midst of their springtime. He also discovered that, over the winter months, the planet’s city limits had expanded pretty dramatically, cutting into a large chunk of the forest. Lance believes the new city limits bled into the bear’s hunting grounds, and when the bear woke from hibernation in the spring and went looking for food, it ran into the new neighbourhoods. Startled, of course, it got defensive, only further terrorizing the people. Lance thinks that the bear was dazed enough to be hurt by the city’s armies, and now the bear is in pain and full of anger towards the new animals in its territory.
Of course it’s attacking.
Now, if only the team stopped a goddamn second to listen, and I wouldn’t have this problem, Lance thinks to himself, but pushes the thought away just as quickly, scowling to himself.
He forces himself to pause the reflection and save it for later, because it’s not the right time. He’s on a mission. He doesn’t have time to feel sorry for himself, let alone have time to be mad at the team.
It’s just as well that Lance pulled himself out of his thoughts, because straight ahead, looking at him warily, is the bear.
And oh, what a beast it is.
The dignitary — not to give him any goddamn credit, the bastard — was barely exaggerating. The bear is huge. It’s definitely not bigger than a castle, sure, but it’s big enough that Lance knows to keep a respectful distance, and right now the bear is sitting. He can’t imagine how scary it would be on a rampage.
For the first time, a tiny tendril of guilt crawls up his spine. The dignitary might be a pompous dick, but Lance is starting to realise that’s coming from a place of genuine fear, for themself and for the people they represented.
(Lance is still not going to kill the bear, obviously. It’s not the bear’s fault that it’s scary. But Lance is willing to admit that he did not handle the situation with the dignitary like an adult, and especially not like a paladin, and probably owes them a bit of an apology.)
“Hey, there,” Lance says softly, slowly swinging off his backpack and setting it down in front of him.
The bear growls in warning.
“I know, I know, you like your space. I’ll stay over here for now.”
Without looking away, Lance crouches down, blindly searching around the bag until his hand wraps around the two objects he’s looking for. He slowly takes them out and carefully sets one of them — a back of Altean-style dehydrated wild berries — on the ground in front of the bag. With his other hand, he pours a steady stream of water on the pouch, and he and the bear both watch as the pile of berries gradually grows in size until it’s the size of Lance himself.
Lance sits next to them, criss-cross-applesauce, with his backpack on his lap.
“These are for you,” he says, tone even. “I figured it might be pretty hard for you to forage or hunt right now. You must be hungry.”
Logically, it should be impossible for the bear to understand him. But it must like his tone, because slowly — ever so slowly — it uncurls, keeping a careful eye on Lance as it limps over to him and the berries next to him.
Its legs are the size of Earthen tree trunks. Its head alone is bigger than Lance. Its teeth —visible now that its mouth is open, tongue hanging out, salivating in anticipation of the wonderfully juicy berries — are sharper than any razor.
Lance should be afraid.
He’s not.
“Oh, you’re a beautiful thing,” he coos as the bear leans forward and takes a tentative bite from the pile.
The bear side-eyes him — a look that so clearly says ‘bitch, please’ that Lance can’t help his laugh.
“And you take no shit, huh?”
The bear grunts, apparently deciding the berries are safe, and then digs the hell in. It devours the pile so quickly that it’s there in one second and gone in the next.
Once the pile is finished, the bear turns to look at Lance expectantly.
Lance holds his hands up. “I got nothing!”
The bear huffs — no, really — and ambles closer to Lance. It lowers its great head down, and with a nose bigger than Lance’s head, starts sniffing Lance’s backpack for more.
Lance laughs again. “There’s nothing in there, you silly creature. No food, anyway.”
The bear finally decides he’s telling the truth — or, more likely, doesn’t smell any more food — and flops to the ground, looking to Lance in what he can only describe as petulance.
“I have no more food,” Lance says again. He reaches out hesitantly, slowly, and carefully rests his hand in between the bear's cute little ears when it makes no move to stop him. “But I might have more help for you, though.”
The bear rumbles. Lance takes this as an indication to continue.
“I noticed you were limping. Your front right leg. You’ve got some matted blood on there, too. If you’ll let me, I can clean that wound, stitch it right up, and you’ll be as good as new. That sound okay?”
The bear doesn’t make any more noise, but it does flop over on its side, leaving its right side up for access.
Lance takes a deep breath.
“Okay, big guy. Let me fix you up.”
He gathers up his bag and walks over to the wounded leg in question. He inspects it, but can’t really see the wound under all the blood.
“I’m going to clean it first, okay? I’ll get some river water first. That’ll be better than antiseptic.”
The bear grunts.
Lance grabs a clean cloth out of his bag — really, it’s a queen-sized sheet, but in comparison to the bear looks as small as the tiniest of rags — and soaks it in the frigid river, ringing it out as best as he can with his tiny human hands.
He walks back over to the bear and begins gently wiping away the nasty, coagulated blood from matted fur. It takes a while, but he’s eventually able to see the wound.
He does not like what he sees.
The wound starts cleanly, like it was a cut, but then looks torn, like the flesh was ripped. Lance isn’t sure what weapon may have caused it — that’s more of Keith’s thing — but knows it was certainly no natural cause.
“I’m going to need to apply quite a bit of antiseptic,” he tells the bear, even though the bear most certainly does not know what that is. “It’s going to hurt, but I need to do it, because it already looks a little bit infected.”
He opens his massive tub of antiseptic and holds it out for the bear to sniff. Its giant nose wrinkles, and then it looks pained, but it carefully lays its head back down on the ground and tenses its muscles.
Lance takes that as permission.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” Lance babbles as he pours the horrible chemical over the wound and the bear roars in agony. “I know, I know. I know. It’s okay. Let it out. It’s done, now, once the sting fades.”
The sting must fade eventually, because the bear quiets, although it breathes heavily and remains tense.
“It’s okay,” Lance whispers, petting the first patch of uninjured fur he can reach. “It’s alright. The worst part is over, okay? That hurt so bad that you’ll barely even feel the stitches, okay? Just the smallest pinch.”
The bear whines, high and long, and Lance bites back tears.
This could all be avoided if people just used some compassion, for fuck’s sake.
He closes his eyes and swallows roughly. That’s not fair. It’s unlikely that anyone meant for this to happen, and it’s unfair for Lance to blame people. Sometimes life just sucks.
But it’s his job as a paladin to make it suck marginally less, and by God, he is going to do his job.
“Ready for the stitches, big guy? It’s the second-to-last step.”
Lance reaches into his back again and digs out the absolutely giant suture needle, so big it’s basically a weapon, and the beast-sized sutures. He gets to work carefully stitching up the wound, applying every ounce of Abuela’s sewing lessons into his furrowed brow and steady hands.
It takes a while, but eventually the wound is closed up neatly.
“Almost done,” Lance assures the bear. It makes an almost purring noise in response, which makes Lance beam in delight.
He takes two last things from his pack — some Altean antibiotic numbing ointment, and a mummy’s amount of bandages.
“This’ll be cold,” he warns, before spreading a generous amount of the ointment onto the wound. The bear audibly sighs in relief, slumping further into the ground as its muscles finally un-tense.
Lastly, Lance carefully wraps the wound in the bandages until it’s completely covered, then stands back, hands on his hips, to access his patch job.
“I think you look okay!” he says with a grin. “Try standing.”
The bear gets up using its three unharmed legs, then gingerly applies weight to the injured one once it’s balanced.
It blinks.
It applies more weight.
Suddenly it roars, in delight this time, and ducks its head to nudge Lance gently in thanks. Lance laughs, petting the creature everywhere he can reach.
“You’re welcome!” The bear makes that almost-purr noise again, and Lance sighs. “Now all we gotta do is convince this whole damn planet that you’re a big, giant softie.”
The bear pulls its head away, making Lance pout, and stares at him for a moment.
“What? You have any bright ideas? I, unfortunately, did not plan this far. I kinda thought something would come to me on the way.”
The bear grunts. Then it opens its great jaw, reaching for Lance, but it doesn’t eat him — it carefully hooks Lance’s hoodie in its teeth, lifts him up, and tosses him gently on its back.
Lance blinks.
“Well this is a — development.”
The bear grunts again, pawing at the ground. It starts off down the river, but not in the direction where Lance assumed its cave to be.
It’s headed to the city.
“What’re you — oh,” Lance cries, and is a little embarrassed to be outfoxed by a bear.
“That’s a great idea! If the people see you treating me gently, then won’t be so scared, and I’ll be able to explain. You’re so smart!”
If Lance didn’t know better, he’d think the bear seemed smug.
But he does know better, so he gets comfortable, organizes his pack, and starts planning what he’s going to say to make this whole crisis blow over.
“See! There it is again! It is going to attack us, we must act immediately!”
Keith wonders how badly it will make everything worse if he feigns a heart attack. He thinks he could be pretty convincing.
“Animals make noises,” Keith says tiredly. “The roars are not getting any closer. How did the previous attacks go? Was there some sort of roar-increase?”
The dignitary hesitates. “Well, no. The first time it happened the beast seemed startled, and then it was angry.”
“Shocking, that,” Lance says, and this time no one fights him.
The longer this debate has been going on, the clearer and clever it has become that Lance was correct.
Before they decided to go after the beast, the team decided it would be best to get as much information from the dignitary, security team, and royal family of the planet as possible. They expected it would take maybe half a varga to go over a couple reports, make a plan, and go after the beast – and hopefully manage to subdue it rather than kill it, to solve the problem on as many fronts and please as many people as possible.
Of course, because the universe finds their endless struggle amusing, it did not go that way. Instead, they’ve been here for the past four vargas at least, trying to get as much information as possible from the scattered reports and eye-witness accounts they could gather, all while half-watching Lance in tense silence (who, to be fair, has mostly stayed in one place and ignored everyone except for making the occasional bitchy comment).
They are getting nowhere.
It turns out the royal family and many community leaders are not nearly as fond as the dignitary and the soldiers of killing the beast. No one can agree on anything, not a plan of attack, not a plan to avoid attack, nothing. Keith has been listening to the same circular arguments ever since he got here, and as the not-black-paladin, he’s expected to contribute, so he has to pay attention. And usually that’s tolerable – it’s not the first time he’s expected to participate in a meeting that has gone on forever and done nothing productive, nor will it be the last – because he’s got Lance next to him, with a running commentary and joke stream that makes the whole thing easier to bear, along with a steady hand on his arm when he gets mad and often even a solution to wrap the whole thing up.
But, obviously, Lance is furious with him and everyone, right now, and is sitting as far away from Keith as he can manage, doodling on his holopad.
It’s miserable.
“I simply feel like there are more options that we should consider,” someone says diplomatically. Since that is literally the ninth time that exact sentence in that exact tone has been said in this meeting, Keith does not get his hopes up. He’s honestly half prepared to die and be buried in this stupid meeting room.
As the room descends into arguing once again, with absolutely zero new conclusions or changes, Keith finally gives up on paying any further attention. There’s nothing he’s missing, there’s nothing he’s contributing, and, he will admit it, doing meetings without Lance on his team is genuinely more than he can handle. He has no idea when he reached this level of codependency – because he can distinctly recall a point in time where doing meetings with Lance so much as in the same room would have them at each other’s throats in seconds – but he is in no place to handle it now. He lets himself drift, staring out the window across the table from him and deliberately thinking of anything except the flash of hurt in Lance’s eyes before it settled into fury, last night during the call.
As he observes the pretty scenery in front of him, rolling hills of yellow grass and an off-blue sky, he notices something strange along the backdrop of a pretty countryside. Along the edge of the far-off forest, there is a dark spot, out of place from its surroundings. He squints his eyes, leaning forward to try and figure out what it is. His posture piques the curiosity of the others at the table, and soon everyone is looking at the spot, watching with growing concern as it seems to get bigger, significantly bigger, and starts even to take shape.
“It has come again,” the dignitary says, hushed. They have genuine fear reflected in their eyes, which softens Keith slightly towards them. Maybe they aren’t just being a stubborn dick.
It takes a second to process, but soon the room descends into chaos, because for all that they have been discussing for hours, no plans have been made. Time is up, though. The beast as come to them, and now they must plan on the fly.
“Ready the guards,” says the queen. “Be vigilant and prepared. I would have appreciated more time, but there is none. We must be prepared to protect ourselves and our people. Last time we managed to scare it off with –”
“Wait!” Pidge shouts, the only one still sitting and facing the window. There is command in her voice, the likes Keith rarely hears from her, and her fingers twitch like they do when she’s calculating something in her head, solving a problem none of them even considered. “Nobody move!”
All the gathered officials in the room stand in tense silence, half watching Pidge and half watching the rapidly approaching beast. As it gets closer, it becomes apparent that it’s not approaching on its own. The beast, which Keith can now see resembles a truly gigantic bear, has a carefully bandaged leg, more than is capable for an animal, and is guided forward but someone sitting on its back, tiny in comparison to its head but visibly determined from even this distance.
“I knew it!” Pidge crows, springing up from her seat and pointing at Lance with manic glee in her eyes. “I fucking knew it! Your posture is way too good!”
Lance stares at her for several moments, eyebrow raised, and then sighs. Keith watches with a dropped jaw as he grows several inches taller, as his hair gets redder and his face gets bushier, until Coran sits in the place where Lance just was.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Shiro mutters, dragging his hand down his face. “I’m going back to the astral plane.”
Coran shrugs. “Lance’s plan simply had more research and direction. Also, I’ve not been out on a mission in too long. I will admit that played a role in my decision.”
“Well, Jesus, Coran, do you think we maybe could have –”
“Hey, guys, not to interrupt, but the giant beast is getting closer, people are aiming fire at it, and my dumbass best friend is currently riding on its back, so,” Hunk says. “Can we maybe worry about that first?”
The seriousness of the situation hits them all pretty quickly, and they adjust their attitudes accordingly. Lance is approaching faster by the second, no longer a shadow in the distance but a distinct figure, waving his hands like a dumbass and either completely oblivious or completely apathetic to the myriad of weapons, poised to fire, pointed in his direction by a horde of soldiers. The team rush outside with the rest of the officials, calling out for people to hold their fire, although it doesn’t do much, and the great beast swerves several times to avoid getting blasted.
“Stop! Stop! Don’t shoot! That’s a paladin!”
“Fire away!” the dignitary shouts over them, fury lighting their features and stubborn set to their jaw. “The insolence of their paladin does not negate the risk the beast poses!”
The paladins and the dignitary, along with several others on their side, glare at each other. The team may not approve of Lance’s methods, and there will be some serious discussion later, but that doesn’t change the fact that their fucking friend is out there being shot at, and they’re not going to stand back and let it happen.
“I swear, if you hurt him –”
“If he wasn’t trying to be hurt he shouldn’t have –”
“Hold on!” Lance shouts, finally close enough to hear. “Everyone – cool it for a sec! Hold on!” 
There’s still a lot of fear on a lot of faces, and a lot of anger, and a lot of weapons raised. But when a guy riding a fucking giant beastly grizzly bear the size of a house tells you to cool it for a sec (Jesus fucking Christ, Lance),  then you cool it for a sec. There’s a kind of inherent authority demanded. 
Lance pulls gently on the beast’s when he reaches a respectable distance, and it stops. (Keith knows, at this point, with the demon spider and the poison plants and just…everything else, he shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow he still is). He leans down and kisses it right between the ears, which causes several gasps and, if Keith is hearing correctly, a couple fainting bodies to hit the floor, before hopping to the side and sliding to the ground. His slight smirk suggests to Keith that the show of friendliness with the beast was an intentional one.
He keeps on hand on the beast, but he turns toward the gathered crowd of people, searching until he finds whoever he’s looking for – who, it turns out, is the dignitary. 
“I have come to apologise,” he says solemnly. His tone and posture give no indication of sarcasm, and in fact, he has softened his entire face considerably, looking to the dignitary with more grace and understanding than anyone has, so far, let alone the person who not twenty four hours ago was flipping them off and calling them a brainless amoeba.
“I give up,” Allura mutters after a moment of shocked silence, throwing her hands up and sitting heavily on the ground. “I rescind my position. Hunk, you’re in charge now.”
Hunk pats her delicately on the head. Lance easily ignores the both of them. 
“I really am sorry,” he says to the dignitary, which Keith thinks might be a hard case to make with the giant beast of controversy not two feet behind him. “I didn’t…I think there was some miscommunication here.”
The dignitary sniffs derisively, keeping one wary eye on the beast. “If by that you mean you refused to communicate with me at all, then yes.”
Lance holds his hands up in surrender. “Yeah, fair. I didn’t handle this well. But there was something off, here. If you’ll allow me to explain?”
For a moment Keith thinks, somehow, everything is going to go smoothly (for once). The dignitary seems to be genuinely considering Lance’s offer, and from experience Keith knows how convincing Lance’s earnestness can be. Besides that, this whole alliance is rocky, and the tension is coming to a head – a civil agreement could end this whole thing. Lance, although still among the most stubborn here, is offering something of an olive branch. 
But all at once, the dignitary’s eyes harden. They open their mouth, stubborn set to their shoulder, and Keith’s hand tightens on his bayard. Lance, sensing the incoming fallout, does what he does best:
He talks. 
“Corduroy was as scared as you were!” Lance blurts. The absurdity of his statement gives everyone pause – who the fuck is Corduroy – and he takes that opportunity to steamroll right on, talking so fast it’s difficult to keep up but impossible to look away. “You guys expanded your city limits in the winter, right? An increase of the entire perimeter to compensate for new growth and new projects. You’ve been planning for it for years, replanting a forest farther out to prepare for what you have to cut down. But Corduroy’s hunting ground was all the way to the edge of the first.” He looks back at the bear, who Keith can only assume he has named Corduroy, and smiles at it. It makes a rumbling noise in the back of its throat and limps forward, causing several scattered shouts of fear and raised weapons, but the beast only stares at them in what can only be described as judgement before nosing gently in Lance’s hair. 
Keith’s jaw drops. Lance has had, what, four vargas with this thing? Five? And it already treats him with the same quiet affection that Blue or Red do, covering him in affection when he comes buzzing into their hangars, a bundle of enthusiasm. Only this bear is wild, and untameable, and apparently scared and injured besides. 
The Blue Paladin is the Paladin of empathy and fluidity, indeed.
“Corduroy didn’t intend to attack anyone,” Lance continues softly. One of his hands reaches up to stroke the flank of the beast, as high as he can reach – which is not high. He doesn’t even reach up to the bear’s shoulders. “But if you woke up from a month long nap to try and find some food only to find other people taking residents where you used to live and hunt, and all of those people were screaming and running and making a ruckus at you, you’d get defensive too, I think. In fact you did! Understandably. This whole thing was just fear from all sides.”
The queen clears her throat. “The beast,” she says. “Corduroy. It…you have subdued it?”
“Not subdued,” Lance corrects. “It was just hungry. And hurt. And a little distrusting, I think, but it seems to understand reason pretty well.”
The queen hesitates for a moment, then nods to herself. She takes a step forward, her people parting for her instantly, until she is inches away from the beast. The beast watches her warily, but does not bear its teeth, nor does it growl at her closeness. 
“Don’t, your majesty,” the dignitary begs. There is genuine fear in their voice. Keith wonders what has made them so afraid, if it was just the up-close struggle with the beast itself or if there is more to it. He figures it’s not his place to ask. “Just because one inane individual has somehow earned the beast’s trust does not make it trustworthy. Remember the pain it has caused.”
“And look at the pain we have caused it,” she murmurs. The bear snorts, injured leg pawing carefully at the ground. Slowly, giving the beast ample time to turn away, she extends her hand. The air itself feels like it’s holding her breath. Her hand finally stretches out as far as it can go, and she rests it on the bear’s great snout as it bends its head to meet her. The touch seems to loosen her shoulders instantly, and with her relief the rest of the crowded people exhale, tension that has been building finally coming to a head and leaking out.
“I can’t say I approve of your methods,” the dignitary says begrudgingly. “But I suppose I did ask you to solve the problem yourself, didn’t I.”
Lance beams. “Yes! I was very smug about it!”
Keith hears a snort behind him. When he looks, Hunk and Shiro are looking deliberately at the ground.
“The important thing is that I think this matter is as good as solved,” Coran interrupts smoothly. His face is a mask of pleasant professionalism, and Keith suddenly remembers that Coran has been managing disastrous diplomatic affairs for longer than toilets have been invented on earth, so. Maybe they should be asking him along for way more missions than they do. “I trust, your majesty?”
The queen nods. “Yes, I think so. If you’ll return with me to the meeting room, we can outline final arrangements for the alliance, and then you may return to your ship.”
“Indeed,” Coran says, cutting a glance back at the rest of the gathered team. He meets eyes with Keith, then glances at the stubborn way Lance distances himself from the rest of them, and purses his lips. “We have some matters of our own to settle, I believe.”
The walk back to the Castle is silent, and endlessly, endlessly tense.
Lance expected it to be. Well, kind of. He didn’t expect it to be easy. He’s grateful, at least, that he was allowed to say goodbye to Corduroy, to bite back his tears and hold the great beast tightly. He’s grateful at least that the team gave him that kindness, before this strainedness, the discomfort, the side-eyes and significant looks.
Coran isn’t mad at him, which is better than nothing. Coran slung his arm around Lance’s shoulder the second they left to the castle, the way Lance does to Hunk when he’s anxious, and walks next to him merrily humming to himself.
“You did the right thing, child,” he whispers as they climb the steps, lagging behind everyone else. “Were there things you could have done more gracefully? Yes. But you made the best choice and worked with what you had. I’m proud of you.” He presses a kiss to Lance’s hair and squeezes his shoulders gently, allowing Lance a moment to shudder an exhale and compose himself, before letting go and walking off, knowing Lance can handle himself.
Lance straightens his spine. He can handle this.
Everyone stops just inside massive front hallway of the castle entrance. Lance considers just marching forward to whatever room he likes and making them follow him, but he doesn’t quite have that much confidence. As unlikely as it may be, some part of him hopes that no one is even going to bring up this whole…thing. He hopes Shiro is going to clap his hands and say ‘great job, team’, and they’re going to split off to unwind as they always do after missions.
But of course not.
“So are gonna head to the briefing room, or…?” Hunk asks, wringing his hands.
For whatever reason, the idea of locking himself in the briefing room to sit at a table and discuss the matter as they usually do makes him want to throw up. The idea of going anywhere, or waiting even one half second longer to talk about the situation makes him feel like he’s going to explode.
“You promised that we were a team,” Lance blurts. He’s not sure who he’s addressing, and he’s not facing anyone, eyes trained to a random spot on the wall, but the words bubble out of him, as warbled and hurt as he feels. “But you left me.”
Lance can feel his eyes begin to burn, and the humiliation of it makes him hunch, makes the surety of Coran’s earlier words fade to the back of his mind. He can feel the lump in his throat grow larger and larger, feel the unsteady pound of his heart, but he can’t bring himself to move, to look around the room, to meet eyes with his teammates. He forces them open and keeps his gaze locked on the wall, unblinking, terrified to let the water he feels building start to drop, because he can’t afford to look weaker than he already does.
“I try—” He can’t quite manage to choke down the tears, and his voice comes out weak from the failure of it, not quite raspy but reedy, almost. “I try so hard. I know that’s not enough, but —”
“It is.”
Lance looks over, startled at the same choked quality the words have to his own, and finds Hunk in a similar state, cheeks wet and eyes blurry. The rest of the team, upon further inspection, do not look angry with him but distraught, and it shocks Lance, truly, because he knows that they love him, obviously they do, but then why was he less important? Why was his position the wrong one to have? Why was he not consulted with the same seriousness as a random dignitary from a not-yet-allied planet, if not moreso?
“You guys don’t trust me enough to make real team decisions,” he whispers. “I’m not — I’m not smart enough for you.”
Every face looks stricken. Coran, even, looks at Lance wide eyes.
But it is Keith who makes a strangled noise, a sound caught in his throat, and says “No, Lance, that’s not —”
— and something in Lance, that has been bent since yesterday, cracks in two.
“I trusted you the most,” he chokes out. He doesn’t say the words so much as flings them in Keith’s direction, barbed and pointed. “You’re my — you said I was your right hand. You said you couldn’t lead without me. You said there’s no one else you trust more to have your back.” His face twists. His next words are near silent, but nonetheless ring through the hall. “You lied.”
Keith’s hand, extended halfway between them, remains frozen, unmoving, as still as he is. The only part of him that moves is his chest, rapidly swelling and flattening with his quick breaths. Lance’s breathing is just as quick, heartbeat only racketing with every inhale, but none of it is actually managing to carry any oxygen to his lungs, and his vision begins to blur, limbs start to feel heavy.
“I just want to be your equal,” he manages, before his legs begin to give out from under him and he stumbles to the floor, barely managing to catch himself in a sitting position. He sees Shiro twitch out of the corner of his eye, either a startled jump or a reflex to catch Lance does not know, but ultimately he doesn’t move; none of them do, frozen in their spots.
For a while Lance sits there. At one point he puts his head between his bent knees, breathing heavily, blinking the spots out of his eyes. It takes his lungs a long time to start working properly, for every inhale to actually bring in air, but even then it’s shuddering. All the strength and stubbornness, and maybe even adrenaline, that has kept him up through this mission has leaked out of him. He is too weak even to stand.
He feels when someone sits down heavily in front of him. The floor vibrates slightly with the force of it, tingling at his palms flat on the floor.
“You make me nervous,” Keith says quietly. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“That’s a stupid cliche.”
“You’re a stupid cliche.”
Lance’s head is still between his knees, but he can almost feel the intensity of Keith’s wince, the force at which he cringes in on himself. It unfortunately makes him smile.
“…Sorry. Reflex.”
It’s not okay, really. But he’s getting there.
“It’s okay. You’re still learning how to express your big boy feelings.”
Keith kicks him gently on the ankle, and this time Lance looks up, meeting his wry smile.
“I really am,” he says softly. He holds Lance’s gaze for a moment, then his expression shifts to something more troubled, eyebrows creased and mouth turned down, although his indigo eyes hold the same softness.
“You do things…I’ve never seen anyone do what you do. No one can come close. No one else can coo at a fear demon spider, no one else can befriend man-eating vines, no one else can scoop up a scorpion. No one else can tame a grizzly bear the size of a house. That’s all you, Bug Boy.”
Lance’s breath hitches. Keith’s use of the nickname is deliberate, evident in the slow and careful way he said it, and it is a risk. He knows the history behind the name, and Lance’s history in general. Further still he recognizes the precocity of the situation they’re in.
But for the first time since Lance learnt what that nickname really meant, since he learnt how most of his peers felt about him, the name doesn’t sting. In fact, something like pride blooms in his chest, if cautious and surrounded by doubt.
“Then why didn’t you let me try my way? Why were you — why was everybody — so dismissive?”
Keith shrugs. “Honestly? I was floundering. I was completely out of my element and I was stressed out and I just chose the easiest option.”
“The option that was the least fair to you,” Allura summarizes, taking a seat next to them. “And I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” Hunk says. Pidge and Shiro quickly follow suit, earnest nods and leaky eyes, all coming to join Lance on the floor. On even footing. Coran’s hand comes to rest gently on his head.
“We will do better next time,” Shiro promises. “You have very distinctive strengths, Lance. I’ll be remiss to forget then again.”
“Ditto!” Pidge says, solemnly holding her hand up.
Lance considers making them squirm and really beg for it, but tears are actively streaming down his face, and also his mouth keeps trying to smile without his permission, so he decides to let it slide.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he threatens.
Keith grins at him. “Good, you Snow White-ass heart attack inducer.”
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jenyifer · 8 months
I love Boston and he deserves Nick.
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I get a lot of flack for having the chaos boys as my favorite duo of only friends. Sooo allow me to rant about my reasoning here. I get a lot of ‘ohhh you must like the sex scenes bet you like VegasPete’. No… actually… Sex is just a part of adult life. Im personally not interested in dick but I do like my characters to be realistic. Being promiscuous doesn’t make you an evil person. That isn’t my lifestyle but I can respect people who live that way. What I love about Boston is his confident persona that clashed with his smart cunning underbelly. I don’t think he’s malicious or narcissistic. Boston is a confident gay man who is loyal to his friends only. Now you might say wtf to that understandable but in Boston’s head he has done nothing wrong except let Nick get too close. Top is like him and in his logic Boston called dibs. He knew he’d be there for Mew when things went down but he didn’t expect everyone to find out about him and top. Boston probably thought he was accelerating to the end to protect his friend. I think this is also why he tells Sand Ray’s ass is fully owned by Mew. In Bostons mind he was helping Ray cut the bullshit. Boston is honest 90% of the time which makes him our most reliable character. AND YET WE HAVE YET TO REALLY GET HIS POV we know so much about him without being in his chaos mind. Do you know how impressive that is? We can also see Boston change from the start of the series being heavily effected by his fights with Top Mew Nick and Ray. He isn’t a 2d boy who falls in love and magically is fixed. While I think he knows what his feelings for Nick mean He intellectually has made the decision to reject him which makes me want their relationship to work out even more.
As far as Nick his oversteps are pretty normal for someone with too much tech knowledge on his hands. Yes it’s wrong. But terribly tempting when you have access to it and see how the world regards privacy as a fiction. I like how Nick tries his best to not fall for Boston it’s extremely endearing. Nicks heart wins out every time. I’ve been in have relationships with people that others say “hey that person is trash” but to me I like to look beyond the surface. Everyone has their own motivation. Everyone has their own struggle with social things so… it’s not fair to judge someone too quickly. Sometimes you click with someone forever changed with the touch of a hand. It’s not some fairytale. Nick wants to see Boston be happy and for him to actually see Nick is at his side. No matter what Boston does. Because regardless of other people their spark remains. Unfinished and true. Honest and Nasty. Chaos.
Together Boston and Nick make eachother better. Boston looks outside himself more often and Nick gains confidence. They do balance eachother out. I don’t feel like one is really the hunter and the other is the prey. They are both Savage it’s just Nick is quieter than Boston so gets out in the shadow. I’m excited to get to the point where they are both chasing eachother and hit into one another again.
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vwoop-prince · 5 months
spoilers for the pjo show episodes 1-7
as of 10pm pst 25/01/2024 i have finished watching episode 7 of the pjo show and i was going to wait and see the final episode before posting my thoughts but i feel like critisism is fine at all points of a show so. this accidentally turned into the majority of my points & some are just poking fun/funny notes
some notes before i get into complaining: im having fun. this is fun for me. complaining about differences is fun for me. if its not for you, dont read this. i also havent even read mark of athena EVER and the last time i properly read a pjo book was in 2021. ive been skimming the first book alongside watching the episodes. and i am not seriously pissed off about the show as a whole. there are parts im pissed off at. there are parts that i think are fucking hilarious comparatively. there are parts im neutral on. i dont hate this show on principle just bc its not the books.
anyway the funniest takeaway from this adaptation is that we can literally complain down to a single grain of sand. if that vibe isnt what you like, maybe dont open the read more
yeah its hilarious how they changed the "grover nearly falls into tartarus" scene from gravel floor in the books to a sand floor in the show. idk why they did it but i can complain down to a single fuckin grain of sand. this is hilarious
look okay i love hades. just. period. in the actual myths, in the pjo books, how most people characterize him as a whole, and how i worship him as a pagan. notice how i didnt mention the show. like. show!hades is fine. hes just not book!hades. not even CLOSE. wheres the yelling? the "and I will have my helm back!" wheres the "He was the third god I'd met, but the first who really struck me as godlike." in the show hes just flamboyant. in the books hes a drama King and rightfully angry and complains about the state of his realm. whyd they do this to him. what the fuck
on the topic of godly gods. only hermes and hades have seemed like gods. hermes more than hades. ares, dionysus, and hephaestus are all just Guys. just some fuckin dudes. and the only reason hermes and hades actually seem like Gods is bc of their attitude/dialogue/mannerism and the scenery around them respectively. not combined. respectively.
i would LOVE to see the mental gymnastics percy had to do to guess that kronos is behind this shit. in the books there are five times kronos is mentioned. 1: as the first mythological being ever mentioned. 2: talking about the big three's dad before percy gets his prophecy. 3: when percy questions what it was like before the gods' time just before going on the quest. 4: when percy is speaking to zeus and poseidon alone on olympus. 5: when percy realizes who luke serves. they do NOT explicitly state that its kronos in the underworld. percy doesnt even finish his THOUGHT of who gave him the bag with the bolt before he tries to make amends with a pissed off hades. hes not able to explain to hades that it was ares EVER.
typical "oh percys so much smarter in the show than in the books" except its the kids are so much smarter about the myths than they should be. and like i Understand okay? i get it. sally made sure to grow percy up on the myths so hes prepared. annabeth has been at camp for five years, learning all she can as a child of athena. grover is in his mid twenties and a satyr. a protector. of course they should know shit. but figure it all out before even meeting the monsters? they knew it was medusa as soon as they saw the 'aunty m' sign. they knew it was procrustes before even ENTERING the building. why? why not have the kids be blindsided by shit? especially with medusa, who is meant to have either an enchantment-type thing like cc's island or who can bend the mist to have an enchantment-like thing that fooled annabeth. and crusty worked so fast they didnt have time to compare notes before grover and annabeth were trapped on their beds. why do they immediately know whats going on? wheres the suspense? wheres the showing not telling?
i always thought sally wouldve been yknow Normal just frozen in time and with gold dust around her similar to the sulphur of monsters disintegrating. not that she Was Gold. its like they really wanted to show off their fake gold statues idea
remember how hades looked in the show. now heres a screenshot of percy describing him. they are not the same (yes im salty about it)
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How Fucking Dare they skip Persephone's garden. Why. absolutely Why. yes i do worship her too and im so damn salty theres not even a MENTION of her in ep 7
did i mention that the area around the pit to tartarus is meant to be gravel and not sand? bc its meant to be gravel. and they sure as hell couldntve leasurely stuck around it to chat bc its meant to INHALE. ITS MEANT TO TRY AND SUCK THE KIDS IN.
btw the 4 pearls? im fine with that. grover shouldve lost his on the tumble towards tartarus and we shouldve seen it fuckin fly away and watch the kids watch it plummet to the bottom. hell having a little after credits scene at the end of ep 8 where a random monster gets sent to the beach bc the pearl landed on them and shattered wouldve been HILARIOUS.
the missed deadline however? no. bullshit. 'its so the lotus can be even more dangerous' my ass. percys determined to see this quest through to the end, determined to stop the war before it fully starts, and yet theres no urgency. id even say theres LESS urgency than the books where they had a DAY to get the bolt & get to zeus (with added helm to hades & ares fight). sure it didnt make much sense for ALL THAT to be within a DAY but yknow what? time is fucky and they couldve had the underworld take like three overworld minutes yknow?
speaking of the war theyve know it could happen since the WINTER SOLSTICE. its now passed the SUMMER SOLSTICE. 'your father must rally his men' WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN DOING FOR HALF A YEAR??? SITTIN ON THEY ASSES TWIDDLIN THEIR THUMBHS???
lets go back to hades's aura btw bc ares didnt even have his. not a single fucking deity has had their aura. there was nothing with dionysus about madness and grapes (no scared reaction from percy), no war and fighting with ares (no weird anger from percy), and no hades feeling like he owns your very soul. why? whys there no aura? that might be the biggest reason none of these guys feel like gods to me
where's perseus "sass & improv" jackson. theres no "lord and uncle, i come with two requests". theres no "who said anything about dreams?". theres no fucking "big bathtub" no "circus caravan" not even fucking "you look taller"
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why didnt the other flying shoe kick them on the head. cmon guys
the souls in asphodel arent ALWAYS bound with regret and their choices (or lackthereof) in life. sometimes thats where the ordinary go. thats where the regular ass people go, or the people that dont want to even have a chance of going to the fields of punishment. you got this right in the books, why did you revert to this in the show?
also no hint of hazel? i dont care if we never get to hoo. we might not get to titans curse, making the nico & bianca hint useless. im not sayin they shouldve casted someone as hazel for that scene, im not sayin she shouldve been the only root-bound spirit talking (dislike that idea, btw, what happened to wandering spirits thatre not spooky. theyre just sad.). one of the root-bound spirits just having fucking crystals sprouted up next to them wouldve been good enough.
also yeah wheres elysium and the fields of punishment
charon would never turn down that much money
book sally and show sally are two different people
also not once has there been a mention of a monster smell?? of the underground smelling like monsters, of grover's distaste for being under ground, for anything like that???
speaking of grover. why isnt he eating shit. wheres his tin cans. his diet coke cans. his pinochle cards. his hacky-sack apple that he accidentally eats that gets the kids to be kids. whyd annabeth have to throw shade at him in the lotus scene about eating shit when hes not eaten a single non-edible thing in this entire show.
oh have i mentioned that they just got rid of every single fucking bit of foreshadowing the books ever have btw? bc holy shit lemme rant and this is somethin im GENUINELY pissed about
annabeth doesnt realize it could be kronos on the cab ride bc theres no cab ride. theres no 'its hades. it has to be'.
kronos is not the first mythological being mentioned
all these dreams??? not a single one was even important nor was luke even in one as a voice like i remember most of the first books dreams i dont remember any of the show.
no thalia hint in a dream which. okay i guess. dont want to cast her too early. but cmon man casting a thalia and changing her actor when she gets out of the tree wouldve been like an easter egg to messing up her eyecolor in the books. it wouldve been funny for the readers. cmon guys
the only hint we have of luke disliking his dad is when percys just about to leave for his quest and not? throughout the weeks percy spends at camp? Why
LUKE DOESNT EVEN THROW ANNABETH AND GROVER UNDER THE BUS IN THE SHOW. WHY. no 'youd have to be invisible' no 'maybe this time no one will turn into a tree'???
also dislike how we get all of the thalia lore basically Immediately wheres that slow release story that we gotta piece together alongside percy
oh gods another thing i fucking HATE: THERES NO SWORD TRAINING SCENE. theres also no showing that percy is rejuvinated via water/rain/is good with boats/horses that is like small foreshadowing that hes a son of poseidon but THERES NO SWORD TRAINING. THERES NO 'lukes the greatest sword fighter in decades!' compared to the final book where percys the best sword fighter now, theres no 'really difficult sword technique done first try' theres NONE OF THAT. WHYYY
the whole annabeth and percy were each other's tethers in the lotus casino is an early percy using annabeth as his tether in the styx and them sticking together in tartarus yes but also. why they gotta figure out the lotus immediately. wheres the fucking charm and enchantment though? wheres the ''its 1977' 'its WHAT'' wheres annabeth playing her architect sims wheres grover killing polluting humans wheres the fun. wheres the dawning horror that somethings not right. wheres the terrifying realization that percy nearly forgot his mother's name, that they have a quest, that they dont remember how long its been
hot take: lin manuel maranda is a fine hermes. i didnt even know who he was until i asked my dad btw. hes a jumpscare for yall hamilton nerds. im built dif (dislikes musicals)
take this copy-paste from my discord notes bc tumblr is lagging as im writing this:
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they made grover smarter here than the books and i do like that tbh. him manipulating ares into giving some answers. him realizing that theyre not eating lotuses and augustus is still forgetting even new shit. and then grover forgetting what he was doing before augustus & pan in the same breath. i feel like theyre just using grover in place of longer and more drawn out back-n-forth convos & scenes though and that i dont like
also can they stop splitting up the kids. look i think the fields of asphodel was like that bc scheduling conflict with leah? right? why split aryan up from them TWICE tho with waterland and lotus tho. we dont need percabeth shit rn guys theyre TWELVE and prob didnt have crushes crushes until the next year at the earliest (spoken from someone that didnt ship percabeth until the kiss at mt st helens)
oh yeah have i mentioned that them blaming clarisse is Awful. its Terrible. they owe that girl the biggest fucking apology. yes i know percy threw clarisse out in his talk with ares on the beach but im pretty sure its never stated ever again and not before that
also? clarisse being a bully bc she cant fathom that percy fucked up the minotaur? why? why isnt she just a bully for the sake of it?
i dont think theyve even named her spear though. no ones called it lamer. no ones said it was a gift from ares
also im pissed at them saying ares doesnt care for his kids/hates them. no he doesnt. (insert that one myth people were throwing around about him killing his daughters assaulter) as well as clarisse being is favorite daughter in a while. she got the chance to get that fuckin chariot thing from her godly brothers or whatever i read that mini story once an wasnt paying too much attention. is ares a good dad? no. no mythical being is a good parent period. does he hate his kids? no
logic issue: how the fuck do the roller coasters in the lotus work. when they first pan up to look at the outside theres people on roller coasters and theyre on the OUTSIDE of the building. does the time bubble extend to them? then why are they normal-paced when the lotus moves far slower than the outside world? or are the roller coasters outside the bubble, but because of the time fuckery, it kinda just looks like they blip out of existence for less than a blink and are straight back inside the casino? and the lotus in the air makes them not question the rapidly changing outside world's appearance?
"we take a zebra to vegas" no zebra
writers stop writing monotheistic views into polytheistic worlds challenge. WHY dont monsters attack on sunday??? huh??? bc i dont know that historical connection to ancient, before 1AD, greece. please. enlighten me as to why ancient greek monsters from the ancient greek polytheistic religion wouldnt attack demigods on something known as 'the lord's day' anytime after 1AD. enlighten me. and then explain to me why MONSTERS care
i will say im glad they kept annabeth's mess up with the IM. "show me camp half-blood. chiron's office." compared to "half-blood hill." she was a bit more specific sure and it could bring the question of why luke was in chiron's office in the show.
first: how percy tossed the coin was shit and shouldntve gone that far. second: was that a reference to jason grace.
is getting an IM signal a new thing? as in "not percy jackson and the olympians" thing, and a "heroes of olympus and higher" thing? bc ive never heard of that, and it makes sense for a prism. which also makes sense for them to have since IMs are very important. just sucks that the water mist isnt gonna foreshadow sea of monsters when percy creates a mist so lukes confession has more witnesses (& the like dozen other times that percy makes mist for an IM, showing his power & control on such a minute scale, showing that hes way out of almost anyones league in power scale)
idk why they didnt have ares hoard knowledge on sally over percy's head to try and get him to do the quest. whyd they have him use poseidon ("your dad had plenty of kids he stopped caring about once he lost interest") to rile percy up? oh thats right bc theres no fucking aura
i dont see the point in changing hephaestus's trap. maybe it wouldve costed too much to do the spiders and water and net or somethin (what else is the 12-15 mil per ep being spent on? hope its not that fancy screen thing that honestly was kinda obvious in some scenes and not good oops). anyway i didnt like the change to the throne, didnt like the self sacrifice (theyre really hammering that in), and i didnt really like them changing it to immediately showing it was hera that threw hephaestus off olympus? i feel like having one more thing against zeus for a while wouldve been good, or at least waiting until annabeth and hephaestus somehow got on that topic so hephaestus can correct annabeth
speaking of correcting annabeth: the medusa scene? where annabeth is all 'youre wrong bc my mother is just'? they shouldve had conflicting myths. i can understand doing the most modern retelling of medusa's myth (bonus points for it being roman in origin) bc the gods and monsters are heavily susceptible to belief. if enough people believe that retelling of the myth, then of course its gonna become the "true" one. they shouldve had annabeth argue that thats the roman myth and this is greek, or that medusa's story was modern and she knows the most ancient version we know of (ie: medusa & her sisters were always monsters). them talking about the same myth? doesnt really make sense, unless that was the only surviving medusa myth that just so happened to be the "truth". doesnt help the 'constantly shifting capital of power' thing
speaking of that: was that even mentioned? in the show? that the gods shift to the place with the most power? i dont think it was. why.
back to hephaestus and the shield tho: wheres aphrodite's scarf.
percy EXPLAINING myths to ANNABETH??? the seat myth with hera n whatnot??? WHAT. book 1 annabeth would NEVER
"it's like people only see what they wanna see and ignore anything at all that doesn't fit the story they like to tell themselves" / "exactly! like you being the one to find the lightning thief and not her." i didnt understand that leap in thought btw. very confused.
percy saying 'from an orthodontist's office maybe'. ow. gods. im not that much older than him and i recognize that from my dad playing it. an ortho office. oof (couldnt tell you the title or artist tho dont care that much bout it)
oh yeah this is the ONLY time we get a 'satyrs dont eat meat' thing. "satyrs eat tofu" ares says. like i know percy & grover swapped something on their sandwiches in the first episode but do you really think id be able to recognize what they swapped?
oh yeah speaking of the first ep: bit disappointed they didnt do the digenerative leg disease thingie as a cover for grovers legs. i mean. makes sense. dont want to downplay that disability. also consider though: grovers legs arent human legs & he needs a cover for why he cant do some things & shouldnt do others, and a leg issue wouldve been the best choice
also the no mist on his legs throughout the entire quest? dont like that tbh. i dont care that this isnt in JUST percy's pov anymore. the mist should affect shit outside camp
speaking of the mist. where the fuck is it. was it even mentioned once. its not a thing in the show for some fuckinggg reasonnnnnnnn
annabeth trying to rile ares up btw? what the fuck? plus grover not being scared shitless & doing the beach talk on his own in the diner? dislike. this is what happens WITHOUT THE AURA
oh yeah the diner is just called 'diner' in the show btw and that was hilarious bc theres so many places just called 'place'. ive seen small walk in clinics just called 'clinic'. diners called 'diner'. bars called 'bar'. place for hearing aids LITERALLY CALLED 'HEARING AIDS'. its funny
take this discord screen shot about some of the ares diner thing bc copy pasting as straight text would make this longer and rewriting it is not in the cards (yes i numbered all my complaints and made live notes to myself)
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not aging the show. name drops twitter. like im sorry guys if you show a car or a phone then youre aging the show but did you have to name drop TWITTER of all things???
have i mentioned theyre meant to IM luke before ares btw. have i also mentioned that the kids get to the diner first and ares appears then. small timeline changes i no likey (only half joking)
imma be real i dont like that they changed it so annabeth witnesses the fates cut the string. dont like it that grover doesnt pay attention until its passed. dont like that percy is NONCHALANT about it when hes told. be chalant man. book percy knew it was a big deal even when he didnt know shit.
(insert the continuity error of waterland near denver colorado and the arch in like illinois or somethin and theyre now WALKING in the show when its a two day TRAIN ride in the books that everyone already talked about)
i do like the change that percy doesnt pray to poseidon when he gets off the arch. i was going to say jumps off but then i remembered that he fell off in the show which was definitely a change that im not neutral on but im not 100% on if it was positive or negative
what happened to the clear sighted mortal btw
i dislike how echidna and the chimera were handled. again. what happened to being blind sided. what happened to shock and sudden appearances. i dont care if the chimera was learning to hunt. the realization that echidna was a monster with her forked tongue was great.
i was going to write "wheres the suicidal thoughts" (ie percy thinking the monster wont attack mortals if he dies/jumps out of the arch) then remembered that this isnt 1st person and theres no voice over (which wouldve made this show 1000% better)
okay. so. they dont show percy nailing the difficult sword technique, but they DO show him getting hits on the chimera. when in the books he doesnt get a single hit on the chimera. to quote my disc notes: percy gets precisely ZERO hits on the chimera. first slash at neck, deflected by a collar that name-drops Tartarus. second slash at the mouth just after the tail stabbed his leg, tail wrapped around leg and pulled him around dropping riptide down the hole. again, poison Immediate
right the poison not being immediate. im. why
the rivers meant to be way more polluted btw
i do like the accurate change to the arch tho. showing that the water reached up and grabbed him was kinda the "duh" answer but if you read this scene plainly without much thought then yeah in the books the arch goes over the river so. it wasnt even that much of a discussion point bc pjo universe architecture was different i guess
anaklusmos is meant to fall out the arch during the fight, not further in, and percy's meant to have a good length of time standing on the arch without the sword returning to his pocket
have i mentioned that so far all these monster fights are disappointing and lackluster
oh btw the taxi scene after lotus? fucking hate how thats MORE dramatic than the actual MONSTER FIGHTS
the arch being a temple to athena or whatever? nice change, dont really like how it replaced more architecture talk tho. shouldve been an add-on in the middle of annabeths geeking out bout the math n structure that percy tries to focus on but annabeth shrugs it off and goes on about the perfect balance of the lean-to stuff (i dont know architecture)
her "so poseidon can't ruin it" about the earthquake protection plate things though? rude and not what show annabeth shouldve said since theres been no/little "poseidon vs athena" rivalry talk (besides annabeth praying to her mom and getting shunned & percy not praying and getting saved. that was a good parallel).
adding indigenous folk to grover's talk of genocide & erasure was good, just wish there was more on it & throughout more of the quest
them throwing in the "not all monsters are monsters" and "not all demigods are heroes" talk seemed kinda half-assed and like they didnt really know where to go with it. i like it bc itll be expanded on with like circe a bit & zoë & ethan nakamura / luke / the demigods on the titan's army & especially with tyson all throughout sea. but like. if i hadnt read the books then id think they added those points just bc they were expected to, especially since its not even brought up again in later episodes
wasted opportunity for not saying "Isn’t that a kind of anteater?" what happened to my sassy boy you didnt have to change the sass guys that line is still funny pleaseee
rip gladiola & rip the signs of life whenver pan is mentioned
okay so i could understand the centaurs in the first book not partying bc maybe rick didnt think of that until the next one but? the show centaurs not partying? sure maybe its not the party ponies maybe its another sector/group but like. cmon. i wouldve laughed if they had those glow stick necklaces & a disco ball & shit
what latched onto the outside of the train car btw. what monster was that. i couldnt tell
1st what does froofy mean 2nd that was good dialogue on grovers part
annabeth & percys talk about thalia/luke/her dad... genuinely i dont have much thoughts on it (good or bad) besides that i reread lukes diary after watching that episode & luke & thalia were fine with annabeth joining them. thalia was proud that luke acted how he did with her. didnt really like that she said she had to "earn it" with thalia
ah yes. the dream just before the thalia talk. what the hell did kronos mean "she is coming" was he, for some stupid fucking reason, warning them about echidna??? the nereid??? OR DID HE MEAN GAEA. DID HE FUCKING MEAN HIS MOTHER. WHAT IN THE HELL
how they showed that olympus is connected to the empire state building at the end of ep 3? dislike that. doubly dislike how hermes already knew what was in the box before anyone opened it
"hermes express" hermes, walking to the elevator in the empire state building when we know for a fact they can just beam anywhere:
them not showing DOA at all & not showing the address to the underworld in medusa's area? didnt like that at all, felt less like a scavanger hunt & more like a fetch quest (ik getting the bolt is a fetch quest, but this is like double fetch quest instead of one part fetch one part egg hunt)
ANYONE LEARNING ABOUT THE BETRAYAL PART OF THE PROPHECY BTW??? DIDNT LIKE THAT. PREFERED WHEN PERCY WAS TRYING TO GO AROUND THE PROPHECY/NOT THINK ABOUT IT. also the betrayal hasnt been mentioned since except when they decided to blame clarisse, but that was as the lightning thief & not friend betrayal
okay so the bus scene & them turning a fury (alecto?) to stone. didnt like the changes. i feel like they changed it so percy's mortal kill count doesnt start so young (half joking) but it kinda gets rid of the whole "the gods dont take into account how their emotions/reactions affect mortals". plus the hurricane isnt sudden in montauk, it builds since percy uses the fountain
them shortening the yancy time btw? will agree it makes sense, dont agree that its better/even a neutral change. it gets rid of the gaslighting, the mist, the first instance of the winter solstice, this:
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have i mentioned they got rid of all the fucking foreshadowing GODS IT PISSES ME OFF
okay back to medusa. her not being able to get you if shes invisible? isnt how i imagined her eyes working in pjo & the myths. also i understand not wanting to show beheading in a "kids show" but also why invisible you can just have it happen just off screen until they get it in a bag (which yeah wouldve been fundementally the same as invisible but cmon)
dislike the medusa plan change. 'i'll get in the air & draw her attention' thats literally the opposite of what they wanted in the books
WHY WAS THERE FIRE ON THE STAIRS WHY DID THE BASEMENT LOOK LIKE THAT WHY WAS IT A BASEMENT & NOT LIKE A BIG GARAGE-TYPE THING (my dad explained that the fire could have been a reference to the 1981 clash of titans with the flickering suspense kind of scary but may i point out: that would be a reference to a 1981 thing in a modern kids show)
good to know her veil material is enough to block her gaze btw though. like that was a thin material and it was ENOUGH??? you didnt even have to make her invisible you probably couldve just worn your shirt on your head & saw through the tiny holes
mother/son possible relationship between medusa and percy WAY BETTER than the grooming that happens & i could definitely see as a possibility. a wild possibility but its possible
the cgi for the nereid was terrible btw. the sound for the sizzling in the percy & medusa convo was so fake. the straw empty noise grover does drinking his lemonade should not be possible with how much was actually left in his cup. that pastry grover ate should not have crunched.
copy paste of a disc note: "and you are a liar" telling the person who is centuries older than you. from a time where the gods were actively worshipped. that they are a liar about what happened to them???? what in the FUCK
another copy paste note: "my mother is just. always" is your mother the goddess of what is just??? the goddess of justice??????? no. what the fuck
the slow release of medusa's "true" myth annoyed me bc every time new info came up i was like "oh so its this myth" and then more came up and i was like "okay its this iteration" and then more info came and i just about yelled in frustration
"i dont like bullies" giving percy's lines to medusa
another copy paste: theres a reason aunty em in the books used fast food containers for her food and NOT REFLECTIVE SHIT. WHAT IS THIS SILVER COVER. YOU SPEAK OF THE MEDUSA MYTH AND THEN MAKE HER HAVE REFLECTIVE SHIT THATS NOT A CAMERA LENS
another another: "you are concerned that i would hold a grudge against you simply because you are a daughter of athena?" that. is what happens in the books yes. you hold a grudge against annabeth and you try and manipulate/groom percy bc you loved poseidon
grover was the only one not enticed by aunty em's magic/mist/food, which was odd, bc hes eaten most everything before and hinted that something was off. bc yknow in the books they DIDNT KNOW IT WAS MEDUSA TIL THEY ALMOST DIED
why was there a bell on her home door. why is her home next to her store
sally empathizing with medusa? fine. her not telling percy all of the different myth versions? not fine.
"i think we can trust her" is literally medusa
have i mentioned the poor travelling orphan circus bc i miss that
oh right zeus just not striking down the two vehicles. makes sense, he doesnt have his bolt for a precision strike, but come on
was this where we got "names have power"? i dont remember if its here or not at all. especially since they continue to say names. and yes this was in the book i know its both funny and smack-my-head-against-the-wall worthy throughout the series
copy paste: "youre not the frightened little girl i came for all those years ago" yeah you didnt go for annabeth. you went for thalia. you got what you wanted (maybe not entirely but whatever). the fuck are you ON about alecto
annabeth not knowing how to function in a gas station was good and funny and sad
carrying the shoes in the box btw? terrible. shouldve immediately given them to grover before leaving camp. or. better yet. luke shouldve had witnesses for giving the shoes to percy so it wouldve been immediate
copy paste: "do exactly as i say" im not sure i like how theyre trying to portray the bossiness of annabeth. its different but its still the same level of bossiness. "are we clear?" honey you havent been outside camp since you were SEVEN. youre TWELVE. get OVER YOURSELF
"she met a pinecone's fate" was fucking hilarious and i will not hear otherwise
annabeth saying goodbye to thalia is fantastic
"i thought about choosing you before i chose grover" I HATE THE CHANGES THEY DID TO GETTING THE QUEST. percy chooses grover IMMEDIATELY and is all "oh jee willikers i wonder who would be stupid enough to volunteer for this surely deadly quest" and annabeth rips her hat off and half forces herself on the quest (she was pushy but percy did agree so. half.). there wasnt the 'telling the entire head of cabins' there wasnt 'debating on luke' THERE WASNT ANY OF THAT SHIT
poor canada. that shade is meant to be next season with the cannibals and oh wait theres probably not gonna be cannibals bc "kids show". right. chuck e cheese was a good fuckin joke tho
chiron isnt that straight forward that he suspects hades and that the entrance to the underworld is in la. small thing but D: hes a teacher he should still have the 'lead the kids to the answer' instinct
now for eps 1 & 2 i didnt make live notes, i did it hours after watching them, so ill definitely miss shit
no myth to make zeus thinking poseidon would genuinely want to unseat him actually make sense
no storm getting past the barrier, no campers reaction to that, no calling zeus crazy
i hated that there was nothing between his claiming and the quest. wheres the alienating. wheres the dislike. wheres the new expectations & disgust & fear. WHERES THAT DAMN NEWSPAPER
also hated how there was NO HELLHOUND
no nemesis foreshadowing (ik rick got her wrong at first, saying she was a god n not a goddess, and it might not have been intentional but ethan nakamura sure was important)
no talking about zeus, hera, artemis, & hades cabins??? for some reason???
no balanced sword talk
no monsters stoked in the woods, no harpies, no naiads, no "Not a single living thing."
no talk about how monsters revive, no talk of the move west, no mention of chiron age & still being needed as a teacher of heroes. also NO STELE. WHYYYYY
there was no pull to poseidon's cabin
why did grover have to TELL percy that his mom might still be alive. percy IMMEDIATELY thinks that when he gets the idea that maybe this greek shit is real. or, at least, he thinks he can get her back
the hermes cabin was not NEARLY crowded enough. its meant to be FILLED. its meant to be BARELY ANY WALKING SPACE. not. like. maybe three kids on the floor. plus no laughter at percy asking when hes gonna get claimed
no mention of the romans???
percy didnt really??? go through a denial phase in the show??? for some reason???
personal opinion: i couldnt even get through the dionysus talk btw. too awkward. i skimmed the subtitles & didnt have my headphones on
the only mention of capital G god & the metaphysical & the Gods was when percy thought he was the second coming of christ. that was funny ill give you that. however. wheres the overwhelming lore dump
was there? a science talk? i dont think there was. whyy
for some reason they didnt get into mr d's restriction all that much
no ambrosia no nectar no grover bleating
theres been no cursing in greek or latin so far btw. why. i feel like you could ask plenty of people for a good translation, if the ogs sucked. and im sure the kids could get a good enough score from people who speak greek/ancient greek and latin
there was no memory of poseidon seeing percy as a baby???
no nature magic thing with percy replicating the thing grover did on the bus at gabe and having the door slam him. maybe bc rick didnt think that made much sense since its never shown again but that was Funny
gabe seems less like an abusive drunkard and more like a dirty loser (yes ik he restricts/feels entitled to all comunication & financial whatnot & that is abuse but so far (AS OF EPISODE SEVEN (7)) he doesnt deserve to get turned to stone for that)
ive basically already mentioned everything else previous except: percy vaporizing alecto bc anaklusmos just so happened to be opening in a way where alecto was in the way? and that made her die? wheres the instinct??? i dont care if percy's visibly shit at swinging that sword, there shouldve been the instinct to get up and swing
lastly: anaklusmos shouldve been given back after alecto & returned before quest. using her during the minotaur was useless and, again, didnt show the power boost percy gets from all water (rain)
now on the names topic: im not saying br-oo-ner. its spelt brun-er, i say brun-er. they also say th-augh-lee-ah. i will still say th-AH-lee-ah
i will just reiterate this is for fun. this is fun for me and if youve read all of this then it should be fun for you, too, to complain/discuss this. if its not and youre genuinely pissed off with my observations: i do not care. barely anything you say will change my opinions/observations, and if youre aggressive im immediately throwing your opinion away. this is fun for me. this is how i have fun. this is a saltwater fountain to those that also have fun discussin/breaking shit apart. if you dont find it fun, then go enjoy your olive branch away from here
to anyone that also has fun with this: tear my observations apart. tell me everything that i got wrong bc i only read some books years ago. dont worry about spoiling me. i dont care about spoilers. i prefer all the info upfront instead of gatekept behind "but itll ruin your experience when you read it for the first time!!!!" i spoiled myself about who nico's dad was when i was on sea of monsters okay im fine. i know jason's circumstances in trials of apollo. i might not know everything that happened in house of hades (or anything about trials and later) but that shouldnt stop you.
ill state again: i like the show. the show's alright. im not sure id call it good because ive read the books & i do prefer book lightning thief to the show. but i like it and am hoping it gets more seasons. i hope we at least finish last olympian, but i would like to see hoo get adapted.
some of these are complaining for the sake of it (down to a grain of sand), some of these are actual criticisms about the adaptation (the removal of the foreshadowing that was in the books & abscense of groundworks for later books & hoo (yes i saw the kids with purple shirts in the lotus scene thats not enough)), some mightve been criticisms of it as a show (plenty of people have mentioned that the pacing is bad, i didnt want to focus on it). it's all in good fun
i do have a thought though: This could've easily been a rewritten book. In fact, it would've been far better as a rewritten, first-person limited book. I think it would've taken less time (able to just write your vision and not have barely any stage directions as your only descriptors & run it by writers, directors, actors, etc.), less money (12-15 MILLION usd per EPISODE??? compared to a writing program & looking for someone to publish it???), and would've taken less time (writing, waiting for approval, casting, booking, filming, post production, waiting, uploading, waiting for renewal, repeat. compared to writing at your own speed & publishing whenever (possibly even waiting until enough books are done?)). My reading fanfic more than traditional books/watching shows/movies definitely affects my opinion, I will readily admit that. But I think my own imagination of the happenings in the book would've been fine. Would there be new fans? Probably not as many. Would old fans come back? Again, probably not as many. Would it have been better? I think so.
TLDR: there were more neutral changes than good ones, a lot weren't good (comparatively), some were funny, some got rid of the funny, this is fun for me and if it wasn't for you then L. die madge. i want to hear other's opinions though. and i think this show should've been a rewritten first-person book and not a tv show.
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redlerred7 · 10 days
I'm like a hundred words into the next chapter of Sincerity is Rock, Actually and I'm reminded if some comments I received and conversations I had back in April about the way I write Ryo. Specifically, about how strong my characterization of her is.
It confused me.
Don't get me wrong, I was happy everyone liked the way I wrote her, but I didn't understand why the people I talked to insisted my Ryo was different.
At the time, I wasn't familiar with the fanfic scene for Bocchi the Rock. Even now, I'd say I'm still not very familiar with it—but at least I've read a dozen or so fics since that time. I think I kinda understand the difference now?
The biggest thing I've seen is how a lot of Ryo's unleasant traits are toned down. She's less of an asshole; she's more emotive; she's more talkative; and most importantly, she thinks about how her actions affect other people and seems to adjusts her behavior accordingly.
No, stop that! She's a judgemental elitist with a permanent bitch face who borrows money from people without paying them back. Writing Ryo like she's a decent human being with a working concept of action and consequence removes the most interesting point of tension to her characterization: the fact that she can be so unpleasant while still being Ride or Die for her friends. You lose so much by sanding down those rough edges.
This sanding down of Ryo is also the reason I find myself not feeling as strongly for many of the shippy fics involving her. Ryo being such an asshole that you question why people are friends with her informs a lot of the friendships she does have.
Bocchi is a doormat who Ryo takes advantage of, but they also have An Understanding™ because of their mutual respect for the other's musicianship and a shared experience with being alone and unable/unwilling express their feelings to other people. Bocchi is willing to accept Ryo's worse qualities because… well, frankly, it's because she's desperate for friends. However! The other reason is because Ryo understands her, and will engage with her loneliness and negative feelings in a way that basically no one else in the cast is willing or able to engage.
Kita is infatuated with Ryo's coolness and uncompromising commitment to the bit—which, again, Ryo takes advantage of. From the other direction, Ryo respects Kita Go-Getter attitude and willingness to actually put in the work to get better at guitar—it's just that she's completely unable or unwilling to express that respect. Despite that, I get the sense that Kita still feels Ryo's respect on some level, and it makes her feel valued enough that her infatuation with Ryo never really goes away.
And finally, there's Nijika, who I went on a whole spiel about in chapter 2 of Sincerity is Rock, Actually, which I'll copy-paste here.
Honestly, Nijika's acceptance of Ryo's worst qualities is so fascinating for their dynamic. She's not trying to "fix" Ryo—and the fact that she isn't seems to be something Ryo is aware of. And even more fascinating is that, despite knowing that Nijika does very little to stop her, I don't really think Ryo tries to take advantage of Nijika the same way she would try with others. I'm not sure whether this is because Ryo rationalized a reason Nijika would be off limits or because Nijika gave her reasons. Regardless, it leaves them with a strange sense of equal footing that I find appealing.
All of these relationships lose a quality to them when Ryo isn't constantly trying to take advantage of people.
Though, I suppose I'm focusing too much on the Ryo-being-an-asshole part, since it's not like those tendencies would be relevant in every story. What is relevant is Ryo's lack of emotional intelligence.
I mentioned earlier that Ryo's flat affect is one of those things that are toned down often in fics. It's not nearly as toned down as the asshole aspects, but it's still different enough that I noticed it.
The difference, I've found, is that people seem to write Ryo's stoicism as either:
A. Ryo deliberately holding back her emotions,
B. Ryo simply not feeling her emotions that strongly,
or lastly, C. some combination of the above two.
C feels the most correct of the options I listed, and is also relatively common in the fics I've read, but I also feel like it's incomplete. It misses an important aspect in that I don't think Ryo actually understands emotions in general. Like, at all.
Think about it: Ryo doesn't feel most of her emotions very strongly. Whatever emotions she does feel stongly, she doesn't understand, so she pushes them out of her mind and doesn't express them—at least not outside of music. In doing so, she creates the outward appearance of stoicism, which her peers find her cool, thus reinforcing the behavior.
Sounds about right for Ryo, right? Wanna know how that reads to me?
Ryo is a teenaged boy—or at least she acts like one.
Like, it's so obvious to me! The commitment to the bit; the emotional constipation; even the general assholery! From the moment I first watched the show, Ryo always felt so "teenaged boy"-coded. She reminded me of a bunch of friends I had back when I was studying at an all-boys highschool.
Which also explains why, of all the fics I've read, the ones where Ryo is a trans girl were the ones most similar to how I would write her. Because of course they would be! Trans!Ryo writers obviously understand the teenaged boy-like aspects of Ryo. The difference seems to be that trans!Ryo writers want to distance Ryo from those aspects while I lean harder into them.
So, to conclude this post, let me answer the question that confounded me at the start: what makes the way I write Ryo different from others?
My Ryo is an asshole
My Ryo doesn't feel most emotions strongly. When she does feel them strongly, she doesn't understand them. To avoid confusion, she shoved those emotions aside and doesn't think about or express them.
My Ryo is basically a teenaged boy who is a girl.
Does that make sense?
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