#it's great to see him being silly
bts-trans · 8 months
231009 Weverse Translations
Jungkook's Post ❇️
야 뭐하냐 (아미 여러분 뭐하고 계세요? 보고 싶네요ㅎㅎ) https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-127698671
Hey what's up (Hello ARMYs, what are you doing? I miss you hehe)*
(T/N: *He used informal language in the first line then switched to polite speech in the part in brackets.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jungkook's Comments 💬 on J-Hope's Post ❇️
JH: (See 231006 Weverse post) JK: 제이홉… JK: 보고 싶다.. JK: 형도 아프지 마슈 JK: 형 다치면 나도 다칠 거임 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-127543019
JK: J-Hope… JK: I miss you.. JK: U take care too hyung JK: If you get hurt, I get hurt too
Trans cr; Aditi
Jungkook's Post ❇️
다양하게 하고 있구먼 좋은 하루 돼라 (다양하게 하루를 보내시고 계시군요..! 오늘도 좋은 하루로 마무리되길 바랍니다 아미 사랑합니다!) https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-136062507
I see you're all doing a bunch of different stuff, have a good one (I see you are all doing a variety of things…! I hope that you end your day having had a wonderful time, I love you ARMY!)*
(T/N: *He used informal language in the first line then switched to polite speech in the part in brackets.)
Trans cr; Aditi
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hypervoxel · 1 month
My own personal RadioStatic headcanon is, of course, that they're both aspec but assumes the other has romantic feelings and act accordingly. Vox, in a "romance is just friendship with extra steps, sex can be fun, might as well get things started bc Alastor is too nervous about it to make the first move himself and the anticipation is getting stressful" way and Alastor in a "I finally have a close friendship with a man that is going well so far. Vox better get over himself and his feelings and not ruin this- oh, of course he's going to ruin this. Typical." way
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kicktwine · 6 months
oh so alisaie’s exaggerated bully behavior is 80% fanon. saying this she casually picks up a large rock
#say one thing wrong to me and you will have a wonderful few days with the rock#if angry silly girls have 100 fans etc if they have 0 fans i have died#sorry i saw a YouTube meme i vehemently disliked on principle and got mad at the only child behavior-#kipspeak#she is just short tempered and uses anger to mask other more ‘shameful’ emotions!!! alphy did the same thing with just deciding not#to express them. which is still not good and I think why he breaks and ends up teary so often now#this shortness does not translate to actually being mean to people. she only uses being mean as a shield for herself and being snarky#Is just fun for her. it’s fun for Me. you have to inconsequentually tease people or they’ll never learn to laugh at themselves#the twins and thancred 🫵 do this thing where they have big emotions but they don’t want anyone to SEE they have big weird emotions#so alphy pretends he doesn’t have them under a veneer of dignity and alisaie pretends the emotions are Something Else. thancred is#just so emotionally constipated he has trouble expressing anything. he’s got enough baggage for a flatbed#anyways. alisaie is such a compassionate and kind girl and she learned how to make snarky jokes and went ham. and she hates appearing sad o#weak or vulnerable so she blocks it off with an unapproachable emotion so no one pities her and they maybe get on with the plot#it is in fact also great at getting ppl to move away from the sad or embarrassing topic. even if the tradeoff is being more offputting#she would never (grabs youtube meme) she would never seriously bully her brother. this is sibling ribbing only. Cain instinct#just leave her be she is learning how to snark humor and she loves it she loves being sharp. alphy has wit he just keeps it close#my brother didn’t learn how to tell or receive a joke until he was 14 he took everything so seriously. he can do it now though and he’s#HILARIOUS. Don’t tell him I said that. my man knows exactly where the funny points are even if he hasn’t learned when to stop yet#too many tags. Whatever. jokey snark alisaie who sometimes compliments is happy alisaie grouchy snappy angry alisaie is way too stressed#very easy way to tell between the two. even alphy can tell between the two I believe! He tends to rib back in protest if they’re having fun#and try to stop her if they’re not having fun. case in point ‘what is that supposed to mean?!’ vs ‘alisaie ryne was only trying to help.’#I know they’re twins but that’s such an intensely older sibling thing to do that it reels me#LONG TAGS AND THREE EDITS TO ADD ON SHORT I resent this stereotype taken too far into ooc behavior. it happened with nya#It will happen again and as a postscript let me regale you with Things U Can Notice About Character Motivation and Actions—#I’m not done let me s#she and raha are friends now I decree. ‘haha you like me’ SPUTTERING PROTEST FROM BOTH
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
Ugh I’ve been obsessed with your neon void, I love unhinged Leo so much, and I honestly can’t wait to see the reveal, I’ve so been wanting to draw something since the first time I started reading your fic ages ago but I had just started tmnt again and I couldn’t draw them for shit 😂 but who knows now😈 esp now I’ve seen others designs of him, it gives me a better idea of what he looks like.
But anyway! I was wondering where this idea came from? And what exactly is your fave part of it al? I love it all and I can’t wait 🤗❤️
omg tysm!! writing unhinged Leo is super fun and i'm glad other people seem to like him too 🩵 and the fact you even wanna draw something from my silly little fic makes me super happy ;w; you're so sweet thank you!! (also don't worry half the time i don't know what Leo looks like because i am So Bad at disguises 😔)
and omg what a fun ask. i've always loved feral tropes-- even before i got into TMNT. I absolutely eat up all the delicious feral Leo content others have made 🩵🩵🩵
but you want the raw, unhinged truth????
↓ he was the blueprint ↓
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sukibenders · 4 months
One thing that was weird to me in an interview Rick made after the Medusa episode was when, in regards to the changes from the books and how Annabeth instantly figured out where they were, he says around the lines of "Oh she's a daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, so why didn't figure this out sooner in the books" or something like that (correct me, politely, if I am wrong). And, to that, while I understand wanting things to be different from the books it's also important to note that isn't it implicitly stated that, in the books, both Percy and Annabeth were under some sort of magical spell that basically had them throwing out basic thinking out the window? And also weren't they literally starving after having little to nothing to eat for hours? And also, again, they were kids! They probably aren't going to figure things out right away no matter how smart, especially when hungry!
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perereiii · 9 months
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I love this stupid clown so much
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Ahh ive been reading some of your writings and they're just so warm and fluffy to read (if that makes sense??) Though i cant really express it in the tags ;; also if its alright, may i please request blanket with mikoto or tears with fuuta? - @erimnar
Omg thank you -- I've been so grateful for your tags! :)) And thanks for the requests, I had a lot of fun with these woo! I went with a real fun one for Mikoto/Blanket (once again, picture T1 minigram vibes) and I'll post a slightly angstier one for Fuuta/Tears soon 👍
“Mikotoooo, just share with Muu,” the girl pouted. “I mean it!”
He scooted out of her reach. “What are you gonna do, stab me about it?”
Muu’s jaw dropped, but there was no real horror behind it. “Maybe!” She lunged for him again. 
After a strange rattling from the walls had woken some in the middle of the night, all the heat in the prison had seeped away. Es had left to fix it immediately, and no one had seen them for hours. In Mikoto’s opinion, they seemed better versed in law than plumbing and mechanical fixes. He had no idea how long they’d all be shivering like this in the winter chill.
The prisoners walked around all morning in a mismatch of spare layers. Mahiru giggled inside one of Shidou’s extra doctor coats, far too big on her. Mikoto hadn’t stopped laughing that Shidou owned extra doctor coats in the first place. Yuno’s stylish hats could be spotted on several of the prisoners, Mikoto included. (He’d given his own beanie to Kazui, earlier.) Fuuta had handed out a concerning amount of sweatshirts, and Muu had some fashionable scarves that gave enough warmth to be useful.
In addition to the ridiculous getups, they each carried their bed sheets around their shoulders. Mikoto was surprised to find himself the envy of the group.
A while back he’d requested a weighted blanket; he remembered finding one helpful when work got too overwhelming. Milgram had provided a fairly large one, though he felt it hadn’t worked as well here. He didn't expect it to cause a stir until Shidou pointed out that its weight would make it even warmer than his own. Following that, it didn’t take long to attract the small army of murderous children that were after him. 
As he stepped away from Muu, Yuno leapt at his other side, ready to snatch the blanket off of him. Although Haruka and Amane were too nervous to make a grab at him, they stood anxiously nearby rooting for his loss. Mahiru had jumped in as well. Her quick movements forced Mikoto to spin around and draw it even closer around his shoulders. Caring less about the blanket, but always ready to tackle someone, Fuuta joined the scuffle.
It wasn't like Mikoto cared about the blanket, either. He had no issue sharing it with the others. He knew the attitude in the prison had been dropping recently. Despite the brief camaraderie from sharing articles of clothing, everyone’s mood had been especially bitter today. As physical discomfort added to their mental strain, things could go south quickly. The place needed to liven up a bit.
He stepped back from the blanket thieves, flicking the corner of it from Fuuta��s hands. 
“Not so fast!”
Fuuta fumed. “You asshole…”
Yuno, meanwhile, seemed up for the challenge. “You’re quick!”
“I’ve had a bit of experience…” He flashed a wicked grin. Mikoto didn’t talk about his family much, but a few of the others knew he grew up on fairly good terms with a younger sister. His big brother instincts had developed just fine.
He darted this way and that. He faked and sidestepped and spun. As his opponents grew bolder, he ended up sweeping the blanket off his back. He swung it around the room with less effort than expected. He was stronger than he looked, and easily kept the girls at bay while wrestling Fuuta for the blanket. He let out a laugh as he fought back against all the grabbing hands. Taking advantage of the height difference, he lifted it directly over his head.
The position wasn’t the most secure, though. His taunts were quickly replaced by feigned cries as the others dragged him to the ground. As they pinned him down, a cheer erupted from Haruka before he covered his mouth. The others joined in the celebration as they claimed their prize.
Mikoto lamented, “you’re so cruel… you’re all so cruel…” It was good, he thought, hearing them all laugh.
The loss of his blanket wasn’t his only punishment. Heaving an exhausted breath, Yuno flopped down directly on top of him. She tucked herself and Muu into the blanket. Then Mahiru wiggled in, beckoning to Amane and Haruka. By the time they all nestled in, there was just barely enough room for Fuuta to squeeze in with everyone. 
Mikoto wheezed from under the pile of prisoners.
“Okay, okay,” he said. “You win. Fuck -- let me breathe...”
Mahiru just made herself more comfortable. “But you’re so warm!” The others muttered their agreement. Not one showed any sign of moving. The prison was far too cold to give up heat like this, after all.
“That’s because you all made me work so hard!” He huffed. “Come on.”
“What are you gonna do?” Muu giggled, doing a poor impression of his voice, “murd--”
“-- Aw, shaddup…”
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*sits down, while holding a bottle of soda from the movie theater*
I'll patiently wait for the fics about the Super Mario Bros Movie despicting Mario's aftermath of the whole ordeal, with the adrenaline wearing off and he processing all that happened. How close Luigi's death was if he didn't save him at the last minute, how much he was beaten up badly by everyone and how almost scorched himself (and Luigi) at the end. Knowing that everything came to be by being stubborn. Then coming to terms with not only his new separation anxiety, ptsd, and broken bones and bruises but with the realization that "Holy shit, all that happened in less than 48 hours."
*sips sprite*
I know some of you have him as your little skrunkly, blorbo, little fella and also adore and seek angst and whump like maniacs who finds pure pleasure and happinness in putting your favorite character through hell and back, twice even. Then, shall you all enjoy this and write your hearts content. ❤
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octoooo · 7 months
My laptop is having a crisis so have some phone doodles
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Sabibun laying under Catyuu is inspired by this post
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waywardsalt · 7 months
i like to imagine that both link and linebeck draw on sea charts. link doodles notes for himself but also scrawls little drawings of monsters, birds, people, whatever catches his eye, little kid doodling on the paper available to him when he gets bored. linebeck has intricately detailed sketches of islands he’s seen and ruins or temples he’s checked out, even of some plants he uses.
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
DC Pride Special 2023 should be the characters getting into pride discourse for 50 pages before the Joker shows up on the last page and calls himself a faggot and everyone blows up
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sophegg · 1 year
i love the egg child part of the qsmp so much i just need to put it into words. it’s such a smart idea for how to make sure the server stays active — it’s not an activity requirement, but if you don’t take care of your egg, it will die. theoretically, you could just let your egg die and you can let someone else take care of it when you aren’t free to join. but people fall in love with their little pixel children and then they WANT to be active, it’s not an obligation they have to fill but something their consistently excited to do.
and having the parents be an english streamer and a spanish streamer is such a good way to make sure they all interact with each other across the language barrier. sure, there is some in-game translation to make things easier, but they also end up talking on discord to coordinate childcare and in the screenshots we’ve seen i think it’s so interesting how they’ll often speak the other person’s language rather than just picking one to both use or only using their own. co-parenting also gives them the basis for building up strong and unique relationships between the streamers themselves and their qsmp characters, which would’ve been much harder to develop without being given a starting point given the language barrier.
it’s just so clear how much thought quackity has put into this server and it’s so fun to watch everyone fall in love with their little egg children
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rosyjuly · 10 months
uhhh kmag saying he hasn't heard anything from haas about a new contract... i think i've seen this film before
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spaceytrash · 1 year
After years of being unhappy as Bond and seriously hurting his body for stunts several times, I'm just so happy to see Daniel Craig having a grand old time playing Benoit Blanc and doing acting jobs that bring him joy
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pavlovers · 2 years
actually nvm im not emo anymore 🤧
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#will i ever be truly content with the ending ? no 💀 but ! everyone looks so cute nd im happy that my fav freaks are able to be silly :p#i have mixed feelings on chifuyu narrating this chapter tho lmao 😭😭#i mean its great that he somehow remembers everything that michi went through nd their friendship wasnt lost#BUT I CANT GET OVER THAT LIKE. ONE TAKEHINA KISS PANEL AND ITS JUST HIS UGLY CRYING FACE AT THE BOTTOM 😭😭#i kinda love that for him tho like shit make their day all about yourself king#i wouldn't have taken the whole takehina ending seriously either way#tokrev aint even about them at this point its about the collection of freaks takemichi collected along the way 😭#what other thoughts can i put out there...#omg sanzu being an influencer is such a slay. i love how he looks exactly the same as he did in the bonten timeline#he just slays online now instead of yknow with a katana in real life !#kazus adorable. izanas adorable#I LOVE THAT SOUTH IS JUST THERE. IDK HOW THEY MET IN THIS TIMELINE BUT FUCK IT YEAH HES INVITED WHY NOT#seeing timeskip mikey again just confirms my initial feelings towards manila mikey which is that he was ugly 😭#IDK THE SHORT HAIR DOESNT SUIT HIM IMO 😭 I WAS HOPING THAT WAKUI WOULD GIVE HIM A NEW HAIRCUT THAT WE HAVENT SEEN BEFORE#its ok tho im happy that hes actually happy ! and that the future he wanted with emma and draken and their baby came true 🥲#WAHH THAT TOO 😭 THE FACT THAT THEYRE MARRIED AND EMMA IS PREGNANT WITH THEIR FIRST CHILD LITERALLY SOBBING 😭#its what theyve deserved this whole time !!!!#what wakui did to naoto was a crime tho 😭 why does he look like thatttt#bring back detective naoto 😭 current naoto looks more homeless than takemichi that doesnt sit right with me 😭#im rocking with long hair hanma. shuji just some guy hanma 💀#wakui making mikey looking at takemichi like that the opening panel like we know what they are 🙄 just had to remind us#thats all i think... its finally over 😭 i may have my grudges but i truly loved reading this weekly for over a year it was so much fun 💗
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omaano · 1 year
I wouldn’t have been mad if this was the first or second episode of the season tbh
#Alex rambles#the mandalorian s3#I mean the writing was very stupid in parts but in a way that was very on par with the previous seasons#something you can forgive because you can at least feel what they were going for and taking things lightly and awkwardly charming#if you’re willing to offer the show some good will#and if it doesn’t want to delve into anything too serious like. I dunno. intergalactic politics#minor spoilers for the following two thoughts I guess#din setting his kid down to have a training paintball fight with Paz’s kid was silly and great and very Mando typical I assume XD#I also assume that it is a mandalorian right of passage to be swallowed by some huge beast#would have been very cool if Bo-Katan had some flashbacks too in the forge#I love the idea that the forging of beskar has some inherent magic to it#since both din and grogu had their traumatic little flashbacks then#would love to learn more about what exactly IS the Creed and the Way#because so far it is anything one labels it as such#is some Mando philosophy so much to ask in a show that is supposedly also about the different branches and beliefs of what makes a Mando?#I’m starting to feel that ‘I love [insert name of the titular character here]. would love to see him in his own damn show more’#is a sentiment that might apply here as well… may I be wrong though#kinda like din just being there in the background. that seems very in-character for him. but you know…#a bit more of him and his pov would be nice
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