#it's been my fixation since 2009
nickgoesinsane · 1 year
Na'vi toes be so powerful... canonically the Reason their big toes are Like That is bc they use them to grip the ground and propel themselves through the denser air on Pandora. We don't see it much in the movies bc its one of those details that would Negatively impact the film if it was focused on by seeming Frivolous, but i believe one of the art books mentions that, to a human, running on pandora feels like trying to run against a really strong wind bc of how dense it is! Na'vi Need those powerful tootsies to Live Effectively be NICE to them 🦶🦶🦶!!! ( not a foot fetishist, just Very autistic about Avatar 😎 )
Side note: given that fact just imagine how fuckin toned and powerful all of their Legs must be as a result, too..... like yes they always look good but how much strength is hiding under there... ough... thighs..........
I’d love to get crushed by Na’vi thighs fr
I’m also very autistic about Avatar 😂
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alifeasvivid · 20 days
Hello I recently read your headcanon about Hetalia's interpretation of American Independence just being Alfred's fantasies and I am so curious about what Arthur and Alfred's relationship is in this reality where Arthur never cared and Alfred is totally aware of that - is Arthur still in love with Alfred? Would Alfred trust those feelings? I am in AGONY
Hi! good questions! And this gets a little long so it gets a "read more" I implore you to please read it very carefully because, for better or worse, I've been developing these thoughts since 2009 and I can only try to summarize them here.
So my headcanon is that my headcanon IS canon but from the perspective of "what actually happened". All we really ever see about the American War for Independence is very distinctly ONLY Alfred's point of view in the storage closet strips/arc. We never really see Arthur's point of view, nor anyone else's (to my knowledge. I've been around so long it's possible I've missed something >.> LOL)
The problem with that is the way this period in history is taught in American public schools is basically all propaganda, which is something I actually learned because of Hetalia and it was very eye opening for me. A lot of people who didn't like usukus would sneeringly say that Great Britain didn't even care about the 13 colonies, that they weren't even that important, etc etc. (I've mentioned this a few times on my blog, I'll see if can dig any of them up at some point LOL) So I started digging into it and they were... somewhat correct. The colonies that would eventually form the US were not the most important nor most financially lucrative for Britain and Parliament had to oppose the rebels *mainly* to prove to the other colonies that rebellions would not go unopposed.
And the problem with all THAT is that Hima seems to have only ever absorbed that propaganda. What happens in the storage closet arc is so out of line with what actually happened IRL that I like to speculate that this story is what America tells himself.
This follows from my headcanon that America has been in love with England (in some form) since the very beginning of his existence. But England didn't see him that way at all. He loved America as a little child in a kind of selfish way that he knew America was always across the sea, always happy to see him when no one else was. IMO, part of America's desire to become independent was to show England that he was grown up, that he wasn't a kid anymore, that he could be England's partner/lover, but England was still fixated on this idea of the smiling sunshine little boy across the sea and this blinded him to what was really going on.
Side note: I have a whole bunch of adjacent headcanons that England felt so betrayed by the America's rebellion because he *thought* he gave America the world, gave him protection and care, things that he himself did not have as a child and so America was being horrendously ungrateful. And I also have some other relevant headcanons about how America is more like the Eve to England's Adam, which I also think is more in line with actual history: England tore out a piece of himself and flung it across the ocean where it grew into his own soulmate. I have so many posts about this because I think it's so deeply romantic and I love it, but I can't seem to find rn I'm sorry T_T...
Okay continuing on... so my theory is that what we see in the Hetalia canon aka the storage closet stuff is America's fantasy, mainly in a situation where he still believes his love is unrequited. He wanted England's attention so badly, but the reality is that part of the reason Britain lost the war IRL is because their resources/military were stretched waaaaay too thin. They didn't have the troops available to successfully oppose the rebels and Parliament deemed that other conflicts/locations were more worth committing to, mainly for financial reasons. So England wouldn't have been there, his priorities would have been somewhere else, it's not that he didn't care. I also think that whatever Parliament thought, England, as in Arthur, cared a LOT and he was so angry and hurt that he didn't want to face Alfred and that Alfred's betrayal (in his mind) is part of what drove him into high gear as far as imperialism is concerned: "Fine, if no one will love me, then they'll all fear me"
America wanted England to be there at the end of the revolution, to show that he did care, that America mattered to him, that it mattered to him that America was leaving, so he came up with this fantasy (which is actually kind of in line with how the founding of the US became so mythologized, IMO), but in my headcanon, what we see in the actual canon exists only in his mind, the rest of actual canon is still the same, as in, England and America reconciled and became good friends during and after WWII and that's when their relationship gets really repaired... America feels more like he's actually grown up and England can finally consider "forgiving" him for the perceived ungratefulness and begin to see him as an adult.
As to your question about how this headcanon changes things for England... it doesn't. England has his own perception of what happened in his mind and perhaps it isn't deliberately a fantasy, perhaps it is more in line with the "reality" of what happened, but in my headcanon, it changes nothing about him and his actions in actual canon. He just doesn't see America as someone he could have romantic or sexual feelings for until that time around or after WWII because before that, he still emotionally views America as a kid even if he knows logically that America isn't anymore--he still has those lingering memories from long ago, but seeing America during WWII is a real shock to his system like... oh, oh shit he's hot what the fuck! meanwhile America has been pining for England since around the 1740's LOL. England doesn't have to been in love with America all along to be in love with him now.
In my version, I think once America and England actually get together, America can maybe let go of his fantasy version of the revolution. It's not that England never cared, it's that America saw their relationship one way and England saw it another way and those ways were fundamentaly incompatible.
The truth, irl, is that Great Britain/England is so old that of course the American War for Independence is but a tiny blip in its history, but it's the literal birth of the United States so of course it matters way more to us and this is partly my way of accounting for the discrepancy and for fitting in how the ACTUAL history makes for much more interesting usukus ideas and a deeper connection between them so it's actually the opposite: it's not that England isn't in love with America, it's that he has no idea he's in love with America and just how deep in his heart that love is. America is very aware of it and is just trying to get England to see it, but in the meantime, his heart hurts that he wasn't given the consideration he thinks was more befitting their relationship and the "fantasy" is his way of soothing himself.
I apologize that this got so long LOL. I hope this answers your questions, let me know if you need clarification on anything ^-^
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tuesdayinthedas · 27 days
for the artist asks: 2, 5, and 6!
2. How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing since I was a wee lad, but it was always very on again/off again as it wasn’t encouraged or seen as something viable by parents etc. I stopped illustrating for a really long time in highschool and decided to pick it back up in year 12. I then went to Uni and my illustrating dropped to doing things like Dragon Ball Z doodles in my note margins (no joke I had a hyper fixation resurgence on the boys around 2009).
I started getting really back into art in 2013, just drawing for myself almost daily. And it has been a constant presence since then.
5. What’s your favourite thing to draw
Oh I love drawing so many things!! I guess expressions/interactions and muscles have to be my fave.
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6. What’s your least favourite thing to draw
Hmmm you would think it’s backgrounds cause i dont draw them much but I do like them. Id have to say maybe clothes? Just cause I don’t know how to draw them well lmao.
Artist asks
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lulu2992 · 1 year
Hi! I had a question. In multiple audios and even in game, there’s a pattern that John is fixated on pain and even women’s pain (Joey, Mary May, and the young woman he mentioned in the collapse that he killed after a night out because of anger) and even he was being a big creep when Mary May saw him for the first time (she was 16-17 wasn’t she), “eyeing her like a piece of meat”. If you can believe the ages given to us, he’s clearly much older than Mary May, and the cults been there for 9-10 years, she’d have to be minor.
My question is, why do you think the fandom and people dismiss his violent urges toward women and he was fixated on minor but still demonize Joseph when John was clearly unhinged on his own?
Sorry if its all wordy and all over the place, I just love your takes and respect your thoughts!
Hi! And thank you very much for your appreciation :)
We know John has a fixation with pain because of the “freeing” experience he explains he had when he was young, and he hurts people for this reason, but I really don’t think he enjoys inflicting it on women specifically. It’s probably a coincidence that Hudson is a woman and was sent to him instead of Jacob or Faith. The game never suggests that he would have treated Pratt or Burke differently if they had been placed in his “care” instead.
Someone in Far Cry 5 says John is “obsessed with the people in Fall’s End, and with Mary May in particular”, but nothing clearly indicates it’s because she’s a woman. The way I see it, it’s because the Resistance is strong in Fall’s End and Mary May is one of its “three biggest pillars”, as John himself wrote. Evidence shows he’s also “obsessed” with Jerome and Nick for the same reason: they keep resisting and fighting back. Mary May is stubborn, refuses to sell her business to Eden’s Gate, continues to serve alcohol, and essentially keeps saying “no” to John, so I think that explains why he has taken an interest in her. By the way, during the Deputy’s Atonement, even though Mary May is there, John mostly focuses on hurting Nick and Jerome instead, so it doesn’t look like he prefers torturing women to me.
And we’re not sure how old Mary May is, actually. The only official age we have for her is revealed in Far Cry Absolution: 30 years old. I know the Wiki says she was born in 1993 (so 25 years old in 2018) but I think that sounds young… For what it’s worth, Tasya Teles, who played Mary May in Far Cry 5, was born in 1985. And in the novel, John is said to be about 40, which makes much more sense, mathematically speaking, than his age on the Wiki (32 years old). When the Deputy arrives in Hope County, Eden’s Gate has been there for at least 9 years (since August 2009), so if John visited the Spread Eagle in 2009 and the age provided in Absolution is accurate, Mary May was about 21 at the time.
As for the woman John supposedly murdered before Joseph found him… like every new piece of information “revealed” in the Far Cry 6 Season Pass, I think it should be taken with a huge grain of salt. The incident was never mentioned anywhere else before, and while there’s no denying that John is capable of violence and murder, I don’t think him losing control and killing someone while he was working as a lawyer makes sense. According to The Book of Joseph, John Duncan’s anger was strong but it was also “suppressed”, so I doubt he would have physically assaulted anyone at that time. He was “full of rage” but apparently never let it out when he was still “society’s very model of success”.
So I don’t think the fandom ignores that John enjoys making women suffer, thought 16-year-old Mary May looked sexy, and murdered one of his lovers out of anger because these “facts” are all conjectures in the first place! If many people never mention those things about him, I think it’s simply because they know they’re not really canon and mostly come from the fan-created Wiki (which was also used as a source of information by Collapse’s writers). It’s undeniably canon that John is violent and obsessed with pain, but it’s not that he likes to inflict it on women specifically or that he committed murder as John Duncan, and Mary May being only 25 was never officially confirmed, either…
It’s true, however, that people tend to demonize Joseph more than his siblings and blame him for the bad things they do. He’s not innocent, of course, but John, Jacob, and Faith already had a lot of personal issues before they became his Heralds, and I disagree with those who say that they would have been better off without him. Things would have been different, yes, and maybe the cult wouldn’t have existed, but I don’t think their lives would have been better. In my opinion, they would all just have died sooner (and in poorer mental health)… In John’s case, considering he was on a self-destructive path and desperately trying to fill the void inside him, I believe he would have let “John Duncan” consume him completely and ended up drowning in his excesses.
So I agree with you when you say that John already was “unhinged on his own”, in a way, and that Joseph is often blamed for everything, even what he didn’t do. However, I wouldn’t say that the fandom dismisses the other things you mentioned because they’re not facts, just fan theories and interpretations not everybody likes or agrees with.
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of-the-faerie-folk · 7 months
I am once again asking what starkid is
Ahhhh I’m so sorry
I feel like I already might have responded to your other post? but maybe I’m going crazy
(Keep in mind I’m no expert I’ve only been watching them for around 3-4 years)
Starkid is an independent theatre production group. The writers are two brothers, Nick and Matt Lang, and they’ve been making shows since 2009 when they were at college (I forget where rn) Starkid isn’t just the writers. It’s whoever has been a part of it over the many years. Some of the actors only have been in one or two shows, some have been in almost every single one to date. But they’re all Starkids
Their first theater show (barring a couple other projects I believe) was A Very Potter Musical, a parody of Harry Potter.
They’ve since then written some more parodies, including more Harry Potter ones and a Batman one, and a number of hilarious and bizarrely creative shows about anything from humans colonizing a planet of bugs (Starship. It’s rlly good) to a show about a guy and his dick (Me & My Dick. Actually this is the only one I haven’t seen yet)
Anywayyy I’m guessing you’ve noticed my current obsession with their show Nerdy Prudes Must Die, and boy would I love to enlighten you in the Hatchetverse: the multiverse of stories that take place in the tiny town of Hatchetfield. The genre is horror comedy.
The Hatchetfield musicals aren’t particularly in order because, but the first one is The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, a musical about an apocalypse that’s a lot scarier than it sounds. Then there’s Black Friday, a musical about the craze of capitalism with also an evil god involved.
Technically there’s also the Nightmare Time episodes that came out in between Black Friday and NPMD. Those also take place in Hatchetfield but are more lore heavy so probably don’t watch those unless you’re really into it (they’re good tho)
And finally, there’s Nerdy Prudes Must Die. A musical about high school seniors, their bully who has a god complex, the horniest and most deranged Christian girl, accidental murder, more murder, and throw some more eldritch horror gods in there.
Okay okay maybe none of that made sense but i am so happy answer more questions because if you can’t tell I’m a bit fixated on this fandom right now
(Please please watch the hatchetfield musicals at least. They’re so good I promise)
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powpowhammer · 1 year
@blotthis tagged me for ten songs I am vibing with. I confess to having a relationship with music listening that some would call 'lame' as I have basically never built a relationship to an artist or their body of work (except for john themountaingoats darnielle). I blame my boomer father for burning out those receptors in my youth by inadvertently filling my head with the entire beatles discography, leaving no room for me to become a teen who liked music for cultural reasons (I became a ska kid but because of other reasons). sorry I don't have spotify.
yerbatero (2010) - juanes. I am basically always listening to this song.
washington square (2011) - the correspondents. if you look up the music video it's exactly what you think a bunch of nerds into burlesque would make. I think it's good when something is horny but also sopping wet lame about it. this is the number one song I'd sing at karaoke if they had it but they'll never have it.
the rockafeller skank (1998) - fatboy slim. I put on this song on two weeks ago via free association and have been studying it ever since, mostly for its use of sample as instrumentation. (I went and also listened to all its samplees, too.) two things about this: 1) crit about this alludes to the existence to a uk-based genre called 'big beat' but all the writing about big beat just refers back to fatboy slim. cycle of internet ouroboros complete. 2) I imprinted heavily on the digimon the movie soundtrack.
careful with that hat! (2009? 2010?) - citay
the story in your eyes (1971) - the moody blues. ethan has a horrible tendency to fixate on the phrase 'from the ashes of the old' when we discuss reform versus revolution and every time he does I have to put this on. and then bap him with a newspaper
communication with the dead (2013?) - unclear. I think I would be much more into gabber than I am if I had had more freedom (financial, personal) as a young person. this song was made available for free but the links are defunct. if you want it in 320 message me
acid disco homegirls (2015) - the hair kid. I spend a lot of time on soundcloud but am deliberately not including here all the 45-second-to-three-minute soundclowns I love to accumulate because I respect my followers' time.
cadaver sniffing dog (2019) - the mountain goats. this is my favorite song from this album. I saw him on tour when he was debuting this material. the concert went on for twenty years. man simply has insane stamina
extremely online (2019) - mc frontalot. noone told me that he had an album out after question bedtime until like january this year. what the fuck. damian I love you
call ticketron (2016) - rtj. I was gonna put legend has it and then I was like. well we just had that echolalia post and the cadence of the live from the garden sample has definitely invaded my phonobulary
bonus - current work loop
let's tag some mutuals! some mutuals blot didn't already tag. mutuals who only have a normal amount of emotions about ace attorney. mutuals who love, and dream, and kill. @literallymechanical @waywardking @blasphemous-lies-and-deceit @relia-robot @falindrith @efortmanteau
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puccafangirl · 2 months
Hey, I hope I’m not disturbing you but I just want to express how much your art has meant to me throughout both my childhood and my life :)
I’ve been a huge fan of Ice Age since I was little, ice age 2 was literally the first movie I ever watched lol, I also have a major hyper-fixation on Scrat and Scratte and have always had it since 2009, when I was introduced to YouTube for the first time and saw old AMVs featuring your art, I just absolutely adored them, your art of Scrat and Scratte never fails to make me smile every time throughout the years, and i just want to say thank you for making up a small but loving part of my childhood, cannot wait to see more of your art! :)
P.S. happy to see you evolve as an artist, with your art style becoming better and better over time.
Holy crap, thank you so, so much, anon! This message totally made my night! <D It genuinely blows me away when some people tell me that my art was a part of their childhood or that it makes them happy, especially when it comes to my Ice Age art. But it means so much to me to hear that. I'm so glad that my art could provide you with joy for so long no matter how small!
Thanks again for this wonderful message, I'll cherish it forever. <333 And yes! More art will be on the way and I'm very happy to hear that you agree that my art style has gotten better overtime! Thank you for telling me that as well! 😊
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celeste-the-artist · 3 months
Hello o/
I will dump thousands of drawings here in the very near future.
[Update]: I have started to post my drawings here. I have many sketchbooks, but the first one dates back to 2020, when I was 14.
I have numbered and titled each drawing to distinguish a timeline of my art journey. I will continue to post regularly, and eventually catch up to the present.
In the meantime, I think I should introduce myself with some quick information:
- I am 18 years old
- I am trans [pronouns: she/her]
- I am aro-ace
- I have selective mutism
- I am neurodivergent
- My art is SFW <3
- TERF's/Transphobes/Bigots/Cyber-bullies are not welcomed here [Seek help]
- Minecraft is my hyper-fixation favourite videogame, and I've been playing regularly since 2009
- My favourite hues are cold violets, with lower value, and intense chroma
- I love looking at art [I have synythesia and art/colours feel delicious]
- I'm not into politics
- I find generative AI to be unethical theft from artists [Learn about generative AI art theft]
- I find NFT's to be a scam, and liquid unrealistic
Thank you! I will post more art soon <3
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motionjames · 4 months
Wake up girlies, it's time to return to the frontline!
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Guess who has insomniaaaa! 🤗💕💕
A month of cramps, nausea, increasingly worse insomnia (but a strangely good mood) has lead me down the path once again. I caught wind of some strange "gfl2" thing and after being struck with nostalgia, I grabbed bluestacks and fell into hell once more. I'd deleted gfl off my phone simply because it took too much space but now that it's on my computer, it's become DANGEROUS...! Github and clip studio up front with logistics running forever in the background. Yes, the ideal working experience.
Anyhow, everyone say hello to Contender.
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I've been making more progress in these past two days than I had in the entire two months I spent with my new account because I realized how to (partially) Not Be An Idiot. Turns out there's a thing called "anchored construction" and you can get some pretty nice units (eventually) if you realize it exists! Wow! I got the girly and now I'm working on grabbing Carcano because she is pretty but also insane skillz.
Also, there's a discounted gatcha running right now and that means I can finally get over my mental block and spend tokens... I was surprised at how easy it's been to acquire them, so I've just been shilling em out. My dorm was totally bare until now. I'm sorry, everynyan...
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As for actual gameplay, I finally made it past 2-6. It might seem like a simple thing to most but I was yet again, being an idiot. I was under the impression that I HAD to have dupes of the girls to dummy link them when I actually was swimming in dummy cores 🤦🏽‍♂️ What's wrong with me... Well, I jumped over that hurdle, blasted through the emergency missions, and am finishing chapter 3. The first parts arent so bad when you learn how to read! 😃😃😃
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First eschalon is good, it's the standard one that everyone seems to use to clear the early game. This second one is a WIP mess that I'm readying for night missions. You see, I'm really hurting for half-decent SMGs and rifles, the second one there is kinda lacking in defense/fire power... I wanna create a decent second eschalon and night mission groupie but I gotta figure out what units to invest in. I hope for Carcano soon. She is cute. Also, feel free to berate me for my bad decisions and suggest decent compositions. I am so lacking in SMGs that dont immediately explode (mpk you are so cute but so stupid). I'm currently looking at friend's compositions to figure out what formations work...
In completely different news and only further proving how dense I am, I only recently learned that Girl of the Bakehouse was related to GFL. I've had my eye on Reverse Collapse for a while now since it's a remake (of a remake?! I didnt play the previous one) of a visual novel I played in 2012 or so. The original vn was made in 2009 in like Kirikiri script and I was a young lad very fixated on all things with girls and guns (Gunslinger Girl was and still is a favorite of mine, I would've read it one summer at my Uncle's out on the front porch). There's an english patch now, but back then it was only in Chinese so I had to use text extracting and image translators, looking up the characters as I went. I got a cup of coco and opened up a patched version last night for old times sake. It's clearly a doujin work with those rough edges but it's so damn confident in its presentation you can't not get swept up in the presentation. The sound work make it very immersive. I highly reccomend reading it if you want a solid, emotional war story. Looking at the sepia soaked sketches, down-to-earth narrative, dense wordbuilding and general war otaku sentimentality... It really predicted a lot of my tastes, huh... 😅
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Behold, teh wolfguy...
Back to work. Logistics still running. I can and WILL continue being stupid. The nostalgia is really strong, I'm tempted to draw fanart despite the sour memories of the past. Again, please berate me and tell me of your team compositions. I think my ID is 772030 but I promise you, I won't be any good on teh battlefield 😇 this machine runs off hopes and dreams, not realities!
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goldenpinof · 5 months
I'm another 2020 phannie, I've moved to another country on my own in February 2020, everything got shut down pretty fast as we know, and I just needed to cope somehow so I found myself a new hyperfixation. I've been lurking on tumblr since then (well being in the 30s I used to have a blog in 2009-2015 but for the another interests) so I learned everything myself, also via asks and tags. So thank you!
oh, that was me in 2017. a 22yo Katya finding a new thing to hyper-fixate on, because her life just fell apart and football wasn't enough anymore. hello, internet. hello, youtube. and hello, dnp specifically.
i, too, should thank tumblr and tumblr phannies. and dnp must thank them as well. otherwise, dnp wouldn't have had half of my money.
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes (2009) Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
[This reaction is sponsored by the Actual Snack Food I'm eating: I has a soda.  Be proud!]  Same!  Mtn dew!  It’s been a while since I had one… I’ve already drank three ☠️
Oh suspenseful music
RDJ!  He loooks so different without facial hair  [He does indeed]
Oooooof.  Ouch  [That was a very... awkwardly placed shimmy down to the knee tho… Buddy, why you getting that close?]
So like Sherlock’s thing. Is he’s really smart? Orrrr  [Ma'am-  Do you not know Sherlock Holmes?]  I know he’s a detective?  [Okay, hold up.  Pause… This is kinda a crucial bit of information ☠️]  Ok  [His thing is being observant.  And yes, being well versed in a lot of subjects, but-]  Soooo like shawn  [Yes, like Shawn.  Pretty much exactly like Shawn, but a little more drug addicted and differently fixated (e.g. not pop culture, and more science in general)]
Is that John?  [Yes]  Well.  I’m already seeing some Things.  “I like the hat”  “Thanks just picked it up”  [Also… "I thought I left the stove on" "You did"  DOMESTIC BLISS AT ITS FINEST]
Oh shit Watson got moves too  [Ma'am, Watson was in the military aksldjf]  Idk why I thought he just stood to the side like an npc  [Nah, he was an army doctor]
☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Oop-]  “Your colleague… won’t be moving with you”  [*simultaneously* "Your colleague?  Won't be moving with you, will he?"  Hmmmmm, why you asking, bud?]  ☠️☠️☠️ SBC
Aw man Watsons leaving.  Well, “Leaving”  [No wonder Holmes is moody]  Does he tho?  [I say nothing]
He’s like I must make myself look mentally unstable…. Oh I always do… damn
[Men will get on their knees in front of their best bro buds]  Detective bros? Crime solving bros?  Mystery bros?  Hmmm…   [Baker Street Bros]  YESSSSS OMG
[Poor pup :(]
Eww, not the woman  [Holmes not wanting to meet his best bro bud's girlfriend/fiancee]  
“You wear a jacket”  Why did you think I wouldn’t like this? ☠️☠️  [I said I couldn't remember it well aslkdfjalskdfj  It's been years since I saw it.  I said I wasn't going to stake my rep on it]
Oooof… Oh, let me fangirl over my love- your fiancé
Oh, ma’am… You shouldn’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to
WELL DAMN, HE AIN'T EVEN PHASED [That's another thing about Holmes... He does tend to be a bit arrogant.]  
What is happening?!?  [Holmes boxes]  Victorian-era boxing
Oooooof, sweeet lord.  This is hurting me
They are like… well damn
[Did I mention the drug-addicted bit?  He used morphine and cocaine in the books.]
Then you’d be a bastad.
Oh look: Bastad.
That looks unsafe
[Watson sulking]  Well, damn.  [Boyfriends bickering]  ☠️☠️☠️  Like every single line, I’m like.  Yep.  I be seeing the it.  [Yeahhhh me too.  Like I said, it was years ago that I watched this last, but now.  Now I see it.]  If I didn’t know there was hella fanfics I would already be checking, but I’ve seeeeeen it.  [I think most are about Sherlock tho.  Not Sherlock Holmes (2009)]  A lot I’ve read are for this one [Oh.  Well okay then.  I yield to your expertise.  I haven't looked ☠️]  I seek them
[Bruh, even this interaction verges on.  Things.]
Oh shit.  The way he slid into those bars
Buddy he has no sane thoughts in his head  [Which buddy?]  The bad guy
Ack.  Sweet lord
["Death is only the beginning"  They plagiarized The Mummy aslkdjfa;lskdfj]  Oh damn
Or is it 👀👀
Rachael McAdams!!!  I love her!
[This is a slightly less malicious BBC Musketeers Athos/Milady, btw]
Oh, burn: “And you’re between husbands”
[Actually, ma'am... I wouldn't put it passed you to poison an envelope, ngl.  Milady-coded.]
Ohhh Watson being pouty and jealous now  [What else is a guy's bud bro bestie to do?]
The screech  [Matt Meese-sounding mf]  Oh ☠️😂😂😂  
I’m ded.  He fell into the building
[WATSON]  “It’s nothing to do with me”  [LITERALLY DOING THE NAIL THING]
[“‘You’ means ‘us’”  "’You’ means ‘you’"  Watson, don't pretend]
Ackkk Marryyyy 😤😤 the name just keeps a bitchy reputation  (I say in defense of Sherlock being bitchy)
That’s me  [Lestrade?]  Yup.  Can’t pronounce the big word AND too scared to do my job
Sweet lord… Blech
[Bruh.  Y'all are saying the same thing at the same time.  That's kinda Subtext.]  😂😂😂😂
[Supernatural, you say?]  👀👀👀 Carry on my wayward soooooon
["Scratches around the keyhole"  *PTSD flashback from BBC Sherlock starts*]
Oooop- “Brothersss”  She means Bros
["Give her my best"  *Hates himself for saying it*  That's some right-fine pining, my dude]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [AND HIS SMILE WHEN JOHN CAME BACK???]  But.  But marryyy 😩😂😂😂  I love it
Oh mah gawd.  The poor frog
[I love their outfitssss.  Btw, this is how I dress.  Well, half the time.  The other half of the time, it's cargo pants and flannel as;ldkfj]  ‘Cause you were born in the wrong time  [This... Is true]
Thasss a big man
The screeeeeech
[Ring go bye-bye.  That feels symbolic]  ☠️☠️  [He does marry her before the next film, though, iirc]  Ahhh I see
“Brother”  [Sir didn't even remember the important ring he just bought in favor of running after his best bro bud]
Welp, he’s asleep.
Bitch better wake up
[Um.  Bud.  Buds.  That was–  Ya know what.  Okay.]  aka if you go we both go
Oh, Watson  ["Having been talked into going with you" Bro, you went back without a single bit of coercion] Don’t do the “I just risked my life for you then bitch you out for it” thing
[Y'ALL.  Y'ALLLLL]  “Steal your clothes,” huh?  [OUR DOG?!?!?]  Yep.  I can hear the fic ideas pinging off.  Like those troll hug bracelets…If you haven’t seen the movie you won’t get that  [alksdjf nope, I haven’t]
Like, how she was smiling?  Like… Bruh.  Ew
[Also, Watson acting like he's a paragon of relationships without Holmes’ interference when he just lost the ring he'd only just bought]  Right?!
Not me sitting here hoping this has the sappy ass (Sherlock) “fine, you want me to go away, I will”… (Watson) *miserable, comes crawling back*  [I KNOW.  SAME.  AND I CAN'T REMEMBER IF IT DOES OR NOT.]  If it doesn’t the fandom will ☠️  If the fandom doesn’t gimme 30 mins and it will 😭😂☠️  [I, personally, am a fan of this conversation being followed by serious personal harm to person 1.  Angsty though it is... Well, I guess that's on-brand]  I was gonna say that but my thumbs were cramping uppppp  [as;lkdjf]  Look at us being sadistic.  But with a happy end.  [As I said... on-brand]
Le gasp!  His son!
["I hit a dead end... and my bud bro bestie is fighting with me :("]  Now I sad
“Oh, dear” ☠️☠️
[Once again: the lighter, (only slightly) less toxic, less murder-couple-y Athos/Milady.  And the "less," btw, is by a smidgeon, not a bunch]
He ded
Damn… Jealous.  That’s a nice tub.  [You're about to not be jealous]  Ooooop ghost son’s a coming
[As I said, much less jealous… He just drowned/boiled to death in it.]  Blech.  BLECHHHH
So is this supernatural like… for real?  [Whyyyy do you think I'd tell you this?]
Poor maid
Is he like wigged out by dead people?  Sherlock, I mean?  [What do you mean by wigged out?  I thought I knew what you meant but don't see the context]  ‘Cause at the first one it was like he couldn’t look at the body. Then it seemed like he was weird when he walked in this room.  But he stopped this time.  [No, he's just observing.  And also hiding shit from the cops.]  Fair
I’m still feeling some type of way about her getting John out and not Sherlock too… and John just left.  The dishonor!  [I KNOW]
["Thanks for that, by the way"  John, give a bit more than that]  Dishonorrrr.  Hmph, and it’s a movie so any divorce arc we get is gonna be short-lived.  [That's the plot of this film: Baker Street Bros solve a case While Divorcing]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Go to Google: that's the blurb that comes up]  I bet you if I typed that into google there’s a fic  [With a worse ship name]
["Not us."  "Right, of course."  Ummmmm Byler Rain Scene-coded???  "What did you think?  That we were never gonna get fiancees?  That we were just gonna sit in our flat all day and solve crimes for the rest of our lives?"  "Yeah.  I guess I did."]  ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
😂😂😂  [Bad guy did the swoop again]
Nooo.  Noooooo.  I’m ded.  He fucking shot in circles and used all his bullets
Oh shit
OH SHIT  [GAH DAMMIT LET HIM PICK A LOCK]  OH SHIT OH SHIT  [He still hasn't been able to :(]  This is like a fuckign saw movie
["Don't get excited… because I'm taking off your belt"]
Sweeet lord
[I love her outfittttt.  Once again: that's how I dress alksdjflsakj]
He got to pick one  [He did!]
[Also, why does he look so uncomfortable when she hugged him alksdjf]  I KNOW
Oh shit
[Oh yeah.  Watch this.  I do remember this one, actually.  I remarked on this one even back when I first watched]  Ooooooof
I LOVE THIS COP  [Also, he couldn't get Holmes to focus unless he confirmed Watson was alive elkasdjf;lkdsajf]
Ack bitchy lady lol
Run, Sherlock!  She’s onto you!  [She's actually being frustratingly not bad, ngl]  Hmmmph.  She just has a bitchy face, though.  Like, she squints menacingly when she talks.
[But also.  Buddy obsessing over the case because Now It's Personal]  I KNOWWW 😭😭☹️
[Bruh, it's Howl's Moving Castle.  House boutta move]  Now he has to eat a star
Sir.  [...]  Well, then.  [Cas: “You look terrible.”  Dean: “You know, it wouldn’t kill you to lie every now and again” vs. Watson: “You look gorgeous”  Sherlock: “Somehow, I knew you wouldn’t leave.”  It’s the same scene.]  😭😭😭😭
A snek
I keep wondering why he keeps talking like this. (Like oh he’s being funny) but no. No that’s just how they talk ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Yup]
‘Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello  [I've heard that somewhere before]  I think the new angel in GOmens watched Sherlock Holmes  [THAT'S WHERE]
Oh shit
😂😂😂😂  He said soldier boy
[He.  he did not get to pick the lock apparently]  Oh noooo  [He had the key]  For shame
Shoot him.  Now please
[I love her vestttttt]
Oop- Lorge guy is back
[Teamwork makes the dreamwork]  😂😂😂
This man and just easily breaking bonesss
“Course I can.” Buddy. He is quite big. You sure
We know, John, we know.
Noooooo.  Nope.  That’s where I forfeit the deal I had with scary mystery man.  Fuck that.
Ooooooof  [A fitting irony, that]  Right?!
[This is a cliffhanger for the second film, btw.  Which we should watch... tomorrow]  YESSS
AWWW he’s leaving  [:(]  Poor Sherlock
["Our dog"]
Oooop. We’re there.  Being able to control anything with the touch of a button?  It’s the future.
– – – 
Jezebel: AHHHH!  New ship unlocked!  Well, it was already unlocked, but now it’s fully activated
Wench: Congratulations, my dear :)
Jezebel: Ok so movie end point... as was expected I love it and I definitely want to watch the second tomorrow 😁😁😁😁 I loveeeee RDJ so I figured I would too! 😂😂 but like my husband said when I asked, there’s not many movies I don’t like.  I’m very easily pleased lol.
Wench: We’ll have to do it tomorrow, then, after my work’s done :)
Jezebel: Hmpppphhh Maryyyy 😤😤 and I don’t even really have a reason to not like her minus her name is just attached to bitchy women… ok, that’s a lie, she’s bitchy too! 😂😂😂😂  Not, like, god awful.  But.. it’s the eyes
Wench: Ma'am!  Problem child.
Jezebel: But aside from all this. The main reason we are here… Sherlock and Watson… are…  Welp they are in love obviously.  Like. Duh.  You do not act like that with just a friend.  I see what the hype is about and if the blatant chemistry- er- “subtext” is there in the show too. Then yeahhhhh it just is not deniable
Wench: I.  May have just tuned out, my deepest apologies.  I got distracted.  By The Musketeers.  I’m making you watch it.  BUT.  Anyway… fair!  And other movie thoughts?  (I don't really have much to add... I've seen it before enough that it's just kinda.  There. Also, is hella late and my brain be unhelpful rn.)
Jezebel: I 👀 I can’t think of any.
Wench: Ma'am, you condensed the entire plot to the ship and bitchiness
Jezebel: Welp…. Help! Ask me about something cause my mind is panic erasing as we speak
Wench: … The bad guy?  The plot?  The acting?  literally anything??????
Jezebel: Okayyyy!  So The bad guy looks just fucking like Stanley Tucci! But it’s not and as soon as I saw who he was I remembered in another movie he is in I thought he was Stanley Tucci again lol. But this guy actually has been in a lot more big movies!  
Wench: alskdfj
Jezebel: The acting? Ma’am! How dare you! The acting was :Chef_Kiss: spectacular. Period. 😂
Wench: Hmph.  You said to ask stuff.  It's not like you'd answered that before.
Jezebel: The plot. To be honest I kept getting lost in them flirting and then trying to get my thumbs to type fast enough I was confused for a bit about what was even happening in the plot. Past there’s a bad guy who was executed but didn’t die, or maybe he did but then came back they don’t know. And he is killing people ☠️☠️ but I got it all now! 😂😂
Wench: …
Jezebel: Shush!  I gotta say tho… I love movies set in the past that have like some hyper advanced technology. That’s so simple to us now!
Wench: Yeah, that’s fair :) 
Jezebel: And… Okay, now idk what else to say 😭😭
Wench: Nor I; perks of me running on very little sleep… This has been the most boring Wench half of the reaction in the history of Wench and Jezebel, but it's fineeeee.  
Jezebel: 😂😂😂😂
Wench: It'll pick up for tomorrow... Sequel then?
Jezebel: YES!
Wench: Aight… til then :)
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2009-10 Fandom Lori returns in full fuckin' force.
So about 3 weeks ago, I got recommended a video by youtube by the youtuber Moonkitti, a great Warrior Cats youtuber and animator who generally taught me a lot about writing and what not to do (the other half of my literature lessons were given by Lily Orchard, mostly about what to absolutely not fucking do). And watching this video must have re-awakened some primal internal force in my brain that has lay dormant for eons, because in the last 3 weeks I have: 1) Styled my wig into an old-school emo/scene style, and dyed white hilights into it. 2) Read the Warrior Cats series from cover to cover in a colossal book binge I haven't experienced since I first discovered Terry Pratchett and The Art Of Electronics (the literal bible for electronic engineers). 3) Begun to write Warrior Cats fanfiction, and have planned an entire 4 book series of fanfic.
Cut to time of writing, and I am on page 100 of my first fanfic, which I have been writing like there's no tomorrow. This little burst has blown into a full-scale category 7 fandom event, has outlived every one of my previous fixations (except the one that turned into my career, and the Felin), has all my friends fucking terrified of the result, and has mostly been done with little plan as to where I will post it when it's done. Please help.
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justkeeptrekkin · 1 year
SO I just finished reading the best House MD fanfiction I've read since 2009 (that not to be trusted, I was a teenager), literally the best fic I have found so far on AO3 in my fever rewatch of House in the last few weeks and hoing down House AO3 tag, and so. I read Love Is The Drug, and it IS the best House fic I've read so far, and so I look at the authors nots and go. I know this guy. I follow them. How did I miss this. So I guess. Thank you for writing that story!!
Thank you so much!!!!!! I became totally fixated on House when covid hit after having been obsessed with it as a teenager like, ten years previous lol
I'm really pleased you're enjoying the House pics-- I'm genuinely really proud of them!
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kuwdoravids · 1 year
Year End Vid Review: 2022
Year-end round-up/meme: 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
March Memory Leak (tumblr) (The Matrix Resurrections, Neo, Neo/Trinity)
June Come Back For You (tumblr) (The Witcher, Istredd) Wild Green Yonder (tumblr) (Shrek/Witcher, Shrek/Fiona/Donkey, Geralt/Yen/Jaskier)
August Control (tumblr) (The Witcher, Ciri)
November Brother (tumblr) (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Geralt, Eskel, Lambert, Vesemir)
Read the meme questions beneath the cut!
Random process notes:
I actually made 4 vids this year. "Brother" I made in 2021 and just didn’t post until 2022. But I gotta have Brother show up somewhere in one of my vid review lists so here it is.
4 vids in one year is the fewest vid I made since 2022 and 2018 but that’s mostly because I’ve had like, four mental breakdowns and have been hyper fixating on writing Witcher fic so I did not finish as many vids as I usually do. I didn’t even start that many new vids either.
Overall thoughts:
All of the vids except one are Witcher related. The non-witcher vid is Matrix Resurrections which was more of a soul statement vid that I got to make about the themes of the movie and mental illness.
My Witcher hyperfixation remains strong. I’m very pleased with all the vids I finished and started this year. They’re all quite different, musically and different characters, too. It was a good vidding year even if I didn’t finish a few other projects before December closed out.
Favorite Vid:
Come Back For You. I fucking adore Istredd and Royce Pierreson’s face is so lovely. This vid is all about the vibes for me, but I really enjoyed playing with the visual cues in this—Istredd sitting/transitioned into the monolith, the shadow puppets/Yen and Istredd, so on and so forth. It was a delight to cram all my Yen/Istredd and Geralt/Istredd feelings in here while also managing to touch upon the scholarly aspect of his character since we got a few great scenes with him in season 2.
Hardest to make:
Memory Leak. I had the bulk of this made in about a week in January but I got stalled out in the last 25% of the vid because I couldn’t figure out the flow. But I took some time away from the vid and was able to come back with fresh eyes and manage to finish it in time for VidUKon.
Most successful:
Memory Leak. I was able to accomplish everything I wanted to do with this vid- touch upon the visual narrative of the past/present/reality, showcase Neo’s yearning for love and surviving through the psychological torture he’s been under for decades. And I was able to do that with a very specific song choice—Albert Salt’s cover of Blink182’s “Adam Song” remains one of my most favorite covers I’ve worked with. It does wonders for this vid. I’m so proud of it. And I had a blast watching folks lose their minds while watching the vid at the convention, too! So much joy.
My best vid:
Wild Green Yonder. Aka the Shrek/Witcher crossover that people have gif’ed but I watched all 4 Shrek films and was delighted to discover even more parallels. Everything about this vid is everything I wanted—the joy, the squee, the parallels. The surprises. It really is my best this year.
Most fun vid:
Wild Green Yonder. Not only is using Joey Batey’s music from The Amazing Devil great but the very specific fantasy tropes that happen in both Shrek and Witcher is just so goddamn fun to play with. Especially when it came to Geralt fishing the djinn out of the water for his wish and Shrek trying to also get his wish for everything to go back to normal. I adored playing with the internal motion and eyeline of the characters so that it appeared Shrek was looking at Jaskier and Fiona was smiling at Geralt in bed.
I just wanted to escalate my squee because I really enjoy this trio dynamic a lot and it is my happy place. And I am sure that anyone who watches this can feel the fun!
Also it’s my hope that everyone who watches comes away shipping Fiona/Donkey because the Yen/Jaskier parallels were SO FUN.
Things I learned in 2022:
The more that I write, the less that I spend time vidding. Simple as that. I had a few other vids I wanted to finish in 2022 but my brain meltdowns and anxiety made it hard to follow through.
That being said, I also learned that it is a lot of fun to keep chasing my Witcher joy.
In 2023:
I want to finish my Moonhaven vid and probably start my season 2 Witcher vid and probably a Witcher Blood Origin thing that all of 13 people will watch but it’s what I want to make so that’s how it’ll be. I have a few ideas here and there that I might tackle but it really is a matter of how much anxiety brain I can stifle to focus long enough for clipping again.
I also keep meaning to archive the rest of my catalog on AO3 and Tumblr, so that’s something I am going to attempt to do over the coming year. Over 200 vids to go…
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maleux · 6 days
It's me, Violet!
And Victor.
And I am back, baby.
I've probably remade an account on here 3 times total. I vowed to stay off Tumblr since a few months ago but honestly I just deactivated one of my other social medias and felt I needed to come back here. Like a full circle has been walked, a cycle has been complete. It's almost hitting the summer, it's almost hitting Pride month, and so much has changed, happened, and settled in my life. I'm turning 32 in a few months, and I'm wildly different than how people knew me.
Sitting here in my new apartment with my partner Mikal.. met him at my current job in December 2022. Been together ever since! I finally left my abusive mother and family, permanently in June 2021. Yeah remember me, I was constantly living with narcissistic abuse. Well, for more than 20 years really... Not like anyone on this godforsaken site could remember who I am and what happened to me. People from 2009-2014 that I met on here eventually all disappeared. I still remember who overglorified me, and who disrespected me and mistreated me. I still remember that person who tried delivering the cake to my family house. I still remember being in all these weird relationships with girls in different states or countries in my 20s. I still remember my grandparent's deaths, and I still remember when my relationship with my ex-partner was something I had to move on from. I remember every little win and setback I've experienced.
Curiously decided to look at the seemingly abandoned Tumblr of my former high school best friend. Think it's been 10 years since I decided to just stop bothering with that friendship. It's hard for me to really think of the fact I had a Mexican friend who was into Lana Del Rey and romanticized sadgirl shit, and pretty much fixated on relationships and broken love. I mean I guess according to the bio, which I don't think has been updated for a very long time - person ended up having a child. I can't say a whole lot, that is just my perception being colored by what I only remember during those years before I left. I left because I kind of got sick of that type of personality being around me. I knew it was not going to last in my future and the only thing I would have changed is just communicating that I wasn't feeling the friendship anymore.
Oh, what a wild life it's been. I think it's so funny I had a huge platform of disgusting obsessive girls and people constantly speculated my relationships and had parasocial connections with me all the time. And all the weird, awful things that happened during my relationship with my ex-partner and the people constantly barraging her with hate mail and messages implying SA, to the point I was involved with her state's police, because they were actually monitoring all my former social media before. Was I really that much of a threat or obstacle to that person? I guess what was the problem was my spiritual connection with my ex-partner, but hey I stopped writing about that because I know most people don't get it. I'm glad to know I'm not a selfish, greedy person at my core lol. Look at me, I have peace and solitude now. Sometimes I feel like my existence is surrounded by immature souls who are simply just clout-chasers. People don't operate for their highest self but for their most primitive desires and feelings, and it just bores me to death.
Back to my the current state of things: you fast-forward, and I end up living with shitty roommates, working shitty jobs, and dealing with more weird mixtures of jealous or manipulative type of people on the internet, along with only once being with an abusive narcissistic white man (my only relationship with a man at all until I met Mikal)
Like I've met so many people at this point who are genuinely jealous of me -- for things like looks, wealth, possessions, and qualities and personality. Wow, for someone living a hard life, I didn't think so many people could be so batshit crazy and delusional over just one person (me) minding their business.
Yeah, actually the irony is ...my life got better.
I've been through hell a lot unbeknownst to a lot of people. I already know I'm strong, I don't need anyone telling me that. But damn, honestly my life is rougher than a lot of other people's and how dare they compare themselves to me, dislike me off assumptions, not approach me in a trauma-informed way, and be envious of anything about me when I actually work very hard for everything in my life. I ended up in a healthy relationship and I live in a very good building now, and at least I'm not out here being chaotic, messy, and reckless. I'm just not the person I was anymore in the past, but there's that nostalgic part of me that looks back and sees how turbulent my life was in contrast to everyone else's.
Well, I'm still friends with my ex-partner. My best friend and partner though is Mikal. That's really all anyone needs to know. I do spirit work.. I have pets. I live very well. There's been a lot of opposition, adversaries, abusers, and antisocial types throughout my life but I do life a lot better than them. So, I'm happy.
I'll have to admit I only lived to the 30s eras so far but my life has been quite something, and I've been living to tell the tale for awhile now. Everyone else is so unhappy for not having lame, dumb things they want and I'm over here totally satisfied. I finally feel true satisfaction, a deep sense of accomplishment. A very deep sense of peace in some ways. It doesn't matter who has said what about me, who has tried to overanalyze me in the past. You don't know my pathology and values, you don't know a lot about my reasoning or decision making. I probably know people better than they know themselves or even me, I don't miss anyone and I don't miss anything that used to be in my life. I have what I need and I'm where I'm supposed to be. You see words like that all the time, but I'm saying it.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
"Let Goku Die" by Mother's Basement
I remember when I switched from American superhero comic books to manga, it was a tough transition, ecause manga had endings. Even when Magic Knight Rayearth got a sequel series, that too, also had an ending. Even the seemingly neverending episodic series like Ranma ½ got an “ending”…even if that ending was that the characters would continue their lives, just as they had while we watched/read them, but now we would have to say goodbye to them, while they continued on. But it’s been a long time now, and I can’t really remember those feelings anymore.
I don’t really understand the feeling of needing new episodes/chapters of a series to keep releasing, especially when the story is episodic or the type where each story arc is just ANOTHER adventure. Maybe because I’m the type who can rewatch a movie or series multiple times, and still get enjoyment out of those scenes, each time, I don’t understand the need to always need NEW misadventures of the characters we love. Just go back and re-watch/re-read things. Even years after watching my favorite series Sengoku Basara (2009-2011), I can still realize new ideas and new interpretations, out of subsequent rewatches. As Geoff said in this video essay, re-watching has value in the new interpretations you can have while rewatching.
Though the moral of this video essay is admirable, I am solidly rooted in my escapism and refuse to leave my refuge of “slice of life”, iyashikei, and rewatching “comfort” series. lol
But this idea of not letting go of long-running anime is also funny to me, because from my perspective, otaku have become very good at letting go of series and moving on to the next. For many years now, I realized that most of my main fandoms have been videogames. Maybe because videogame franchises can span literal decades. Just this past week in March 2023, Persona 5 announced P5X, ANOTHER spinoff, after P5 originally released in 2016 (in Japan; released worldwide in April 2017). If you are a Kingdom Hearts fan, that fandom is still active. But me as a Western Sengoku Basara anime fan, must face a desert. Compared to most videogame fandoms, most anime fans go from favorite series, to new favorite series, EACH SEASON. Recently, I saw a figure collecting channel warn against buying Nendoroids of EVERY character you like, because everyone is going from “seasonal waifu, to seasonal waifu”, not even remembering the previous favorite characters, a year later (when Nendoroids usually release after their preorders). ("DO NOT DO THIS Anime Figure Collecting MISTAKE!" by The Anime Figure Collector; https://youtu.be/mxKDfjJsXVU) For a while now, I’ve had this feeling that anime fans far too easily let series go. They get distracted by the new hot thing in the new season, with 4 seasons every year.
Not that I can’t understand that certain series would probably shock most otaku to end. Especially from Shonen Jump. Hearing from their mangaka, it seems the Jump publishers highly pressure a lot of their series to go on eternally, even when the mangaka wanted to move onto new projects. I can see everyone being shocked when One Piece eventually ends. And we saw everyone lamenting about Berserk (even when it was announced that the deceased mangaka’s assistants would continue the series). Certain series have become legacy IPs. Dragonball, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto/Boruto, etc. Even if you haven’t been reading every chapter, it’s just something we all got accustomed to expecting in the background of the industry/fandoms.
I remember being shocked when I finally reached Ranma ½’s ending. But I feel like a lot of the most popular series, like Dragonball and Naruto/Boruto, are these fandoms I’ve moved away from, so long ago, that I didn’t even realize they were still going. Like The Simpsons. I can objectively see how it would be hard to let go of a long-running manga/anime, but it’s been so long since one long-running anime/manga was my personal obsessed fixation, that it’s still a little difficult for me to see. It’s not like a videogame which needs 3+ years for each installment. A manga/anime can get through a lot of story, that would be an abundance of rewatch material, after the series was done. That being said, if Persona or Fire Emblem just ended their franchises, no more of either of those games, then maybe I’d remember what this feeling was to be unable to let go of a manga/anime. In fact, it’s kind of happening to me right now. I got into Fire Emblem only through Fire Emblem 3 Houses; now everyone is moving onto Fire Emblem Engage. Persona 5 is still getting spinoffs, and though I've become less fixated on P5, I still love it, and don't want to let go of it. Meanwhile, everyone talks so tired of Persona 5. Atlus can barely announce a spin off for P5 without everyone groaning, "Why are we still milking Persona 5?!? Give us Persona 6 already!". I meanwhile, would like to stay on Persona 5 as long as possible. I can't let go. Despit the fact that but I chose to leave Persona 5 as my primary fixation, in exchange for Fire Emblem Three Houses. I imagine that fixation switch was a hint of what otaku are experiencing, jumping from season to season, with new favorite series/character, but they do it a lot more often. So I guess if I think about it, I can relate, though my perspective is distorted through longer stretches of time. Me being unable to relate or so out of practice with this feeling of being unable to let go of a weekly series/story, is such a strange scenario, because I am intensely unable to let go of things. I’m a craft supply hoarder. I keep every movie ticket. I can’t sell off parts of my multiple collections that I’m not that interested in anymore. My favorite anime is still Sengoku Basara from 2009. Most of the anime I watch aren’t new, but from 10 years ago. I can’t let go of things. …But I guess I haven’t had to. I could probably relate more to otaku, who want their anime/manga to keep going on forever, if I was still obsessed with anime, still needing a daily anime fix, with their storylines constantly hurtling towards their endings, as much as I used to be. But when I shifted my fixations to videogames, I may have accidentally found safety from that feeling of “things ending”. Because even if a videogame franchise does end, it may take literal decades. So videogames is a relatively safe fandom, to avoid that “ending” feeling.
Still, can people please stop groaning at every P5 spinoff? I'm looking forward to them! Even the Chinese-only one that I can't play! I just love looking at the art and knowing their adventures in that world are still going. Persona 6 will come! Please let me enjoy these p5 spinoffs without using P6 as an excuse to rain on my parade! ;o;
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