#it's also about healing together and rebuilding the world together
renthony · 23 hours
My beloved wife @natalieironside wrote a book titled The Last Girl Scout, which features a kickass cast of queer characters and stars a pair of trans lesbians who fight both zombies and nazis. Natalie's own promo post is here!
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You can buy a copy via Amazon, and this is the official plot summary:
The past lies like a nightmare over the world. Two hundred years after the War when atomic fire rained from the skies and burned the world to cinders, human civilization has had time to rebuild within the burned-out husk of Old America.  But the old terrors of the past still persist, and while some work to build a better world, others still dream of reclaiming the glory of the Old World. In southern Appalachia, political commissar Magnolia Blackadder is sent on a mission into the irradiated Exclusion Zone of Old DC, where an evil that humanity thought it had vanquished centuries ago is waking up and rebuilding its strength.  Along the way, she meets a strange woman with terrible secrets and an unspeakable past, and as they forge a bond and brave the terrors of the wasteland together, she learns that some demons are not so easily exorcised, and that some stones are better left unturned. In this her debut novel, award-winning author Natalie Ironside delivers a new vision of the post-apocalypse, a tale of adventure, terror, love, and that most basic and most powerful of all human desires:  Freedom. 
Obviously I love it because my wife made it, but outside of that, this book is genuinely one of my favorites. I'm so glad she shared it with the world, because it makes me feel better when I start feeling overwhelmed about all the bad shit out there.
In The Last Girl Scout, there are still queer people meeting, building relationships both romantic and platonic, and supporting each other even when the world is on fire. People make fucked up bad decisions but receive support after they choose to do better and commit to healing the harm they've done. Parents support their trans kids. The power of gay love brings renewal and hope. I think we need more stories like that in the world.
Also, there's a gay vampire DILF.
Drop a 🏳️‍🌈 in my inbox and I'll respond with a queer media recommendation!
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mylonelydreaming · 1 year
I'm all for platonic relationships, but I just think romantic suits botw zelink the best. Let other zelinks be platonic, this one is about one hundred years of yearning and shared trauma and tension and forbidden love, and an actual positive version of the knight and princess trope.
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probablyhuntersmom · 1 year
It's me again. The therapist/illustrator who can't stop squeaking and screaming about her beloved son Hunter.
I've been thinking nonstop about him finding the terrible grimwalker graveyard, imagining what would be going through my mind if I were him. Sifting through whatever moments, dialogue and frames that I can find from the existing material, along with references outside of the show, to formulate what an offscreen scene would've been like.. (And seeing if I can find editable and salvageable enough backgrounds so I could perhaps even depict this scene one day)
A soul like him who not only wants to help others, but also acquire knowledge:
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heading back here to see the graveyard:
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You can't tell me that this wouldn't still be on his mind, and he's even anxious while saying this below, scratching his face a little:
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Whether he follows up on this or not, also depends on how he looks back on being shown this:
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And is he just going to go cold turkey and totally drop these leads he was pursuing in the episodes before the finale? :
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Three things prompted me to finally write this post:
@polyhexian's and @ashanimus's analyses of Hunter's fight scenes in Hunting Palismen and Eclipse Lake (links here and here, they're really cool to read!!), based on their years of experience with martial arts. Reading those was a revelation to me because learning about how high Hunter's skill level is, how in touch with his body he is by default, portrayed so well thanks to the crew...that allows me to make far more educated guesses about his mental health in the early stages of the pre-epilogue gap of about 4 years. Because he is so used to high activity and being on high alert, no thanks to having C-PTSD.
Observing how light and free Hunter's expressions are, and how transformed his demeanor became, in the epilogue sequence. That transformation is an indication to me of the magnitude of grief which had to be transformed within him. To be put back together, in order to be so radiant, generous and self-actualized in the epilogue...imagine how much had to be deconstructed and further broken beforehand. He wouldn't have room to fill his life up with all that amazing newness if the old isn't emptied out first.
This psychoeducational video by my fave author, also a practicing therapist, who specializes in traumatic grief: link. Hearing her address the topic of entering the second year after a bereavement vs. the first year, was interesting. Definitely confirms to me that Hunter wouldn't have carved Waffles until past the 2nd year of navigating his bereavement.
In the years that pass before the epilogue, Hunter will not be able to understand why the efforts he puts into all the rebuilding work, coordinating and leading others, and trying to have fun - only cycle back to him experiencing a mix of a restlessness and emptiness in the deepest layer of his mind. It'll exhaust his energy bit by bit. I bet he's going to generally look as tired as depressed Luz does below, even if he's had an acceptable hours of sleep per night:
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That restlessness will be an awful psychological itch that he'll be unable to scratch, caused by losing Flapjack and now also Belos. This is the same as what happened with his anger in For the Future, except Belos was still alive back then. It will be harder to understand and messier to navigate the bereavement this time round. It'll be something gnawing into his soul which I really think only professional help can heal, especially since the show promotes that it's okay to not be okay, and more than okay to seek professional help (Steve and Lilith's conversation in Edge of the World).
He will be trying to claw his way out of that C-PTSD pit, but he'll be aware deep down that he simply cannot reach any emotional high points for long, and something will be blocking his feelings of connection with his loved ones. He won't feel nearly as free and easy the way he used to be in the human realm:
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Having a routine like he used to in the Castle, and moving around a lot, was what helped him survive. However, he won't have the awareness that the shift resulting from Belos passing away has been at such a fundamental level: to the point that those old, supposedly tried-and-true methods no longer serve him in any positive way. At least, not until his mental health will be back in better shape.
As he puts in more and more effort to escape that restless emptiness, getting annoyed at himself because he doesn't know what's going on...he'll use up the rest of his strength and eventually crash. That itch won't be solved by going back to overworking tendencies, and like how it is with addiction cycles, he would need some kind of fix for the deep restlessness within. The answer? Productivity to feel useful, which we have seen even in his efforts to fix damaged clothing and well, making stuff in general.
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Where the grimwalker graveyard comes in is...once he hears news about its existence, he will stubbornly insist to want to help in investigating it, saying he has already read a bunch of books about them, and can be useful, etc. Worse, if his offer to help to investigate is refused, he will do what he did in Eclipse Lake. Go to the location anyway, to fill that deep void within.
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Old habits die hard.
I don't know if he may hear from King (who he'll be seeing fairly often, I think!), The Collector or even Kikimora about it. Since they were the three characters who went all the way down there in King's Tide, and The Collector already knew about these horrors for literal centuries. King and The Collector are also still young kids! Will they have the sensitivity and awareness about breaking this news to Hunter?!
On the other hand, I don't know how the timing will be with Darius, Raine and Eberwolf..Darius will want to get serious about investigating his mentor's disappearance. Once the searching and scouring extends to the location of the Head of the Titan, they will find the evidence staring them in the face. If they want to scour every inch of the Isles, there's also a high chance they'll find the godforsaken grimwalker lab.
Worst of all, Darius would be aware by then of how much Hunter loves to help out in operations like this to be productive. At the same time, Darius's own grief will surface even more, I'm not sure he'll be able to hide that, and Hunter is highly observant. If Darius is trying to hide his own priority of finding closure re: his mentor, I think Hunter will sense that.
Therefore I wonder if this will happen except it's Hunter with Darius:
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and then this poor beloved skrunkly son of mine, who so famously said these words at the beginning of his arc:
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is probably going to get reckless, and endanger his mental health...not unlike moments like this:
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by venturing to the graveyard, whether stealthily or accompanying the grownups, because he'll rationalize it as "getting closure" and once again "being useful". Remember how used he is to moving around so much and being active, combined with growing up isolated so that asking for help can still be a foreign concept to him. He would be anxious about grinding to a halt, and he'd want to be on the move instead.
He may demand to see the graveyard, and holy Titan I'm not sure any dilemma will be as tricky for Camila and Darius to navigate as this one. Because preventing him from seeing something he already knows exists is, in a very twisted way, also an unhelpful form of avoidance. Avoidance is a hallmark criterion for diagnosing both PTSD and C-PTSD.
How far do they go in protecting him from himself? Where do they draw that line? They might reach a compromise where Camila and Darius accompany him there. Once he sees it, it'll hit harder than this:
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Letting him see it means his new parents would have to fall with him, in the sense that they follow him to that emotional place: but while he figuratively does not have a safety harness when falling into this deep dark hole, Camila and Darius are equipped with harnesses a.k.a. higher maturity, less of a trauma history, and some tools to help him get better, navigate the trauma, and manage his symptoms.
Camila will have the warmth and sensitivity to catch and meet him as he falls (she interacts with animals in her profession, who don't have the capacity for human language, in a similar way to how serious trauma can't even be put into words at times: it makes you voiceless). Darius's shared past living in the Castle and grieving over his mentor will help Hunter not feel as alone once he has seen these horrors.
And because his heart generally became more open to receiving love and support,
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I doubt he'll close himself off almost completely, the way he did in the first two-thirds of For the Future (god, remember these deleted storyboards??):
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It wouldn't surprise me if he weeps and panics as soon as he sees the graveyard, and his parents give him maximum support through that breakdown. As complicated as it would be for Camila and Darius to give in to his desire to see the graveyard, a response like this from him - a child seeking attachment with proper timing - is a good sign of growing into healthy attachment with parental figures.
It is an arguably better response than one of the hardest aspects of C-PTSD: where the outpouring of grief only happens after a delay, sometimes a significant delay, at very inconvenient or strange times. Hell...if I were Hunter, I'd probably want Camila and Darius to just hold me close in wordless silence for half an hour until my initial distress and shock passes.
If I use King - a child who is securely attached to Eda, who's definitely had a more stable upbringing - as a control experiment here, he could have the appropriate response immediately in Echoes of the Past and expressed his emotional needs clearly enough:
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Whereas this is what Hunter has to now learn, at twice King's age, as he settles in with new parents who take care of him instead of mistreating him the way Belos did. Hell, I can't imagine what kind of Belos punishment awaited him if he cried to demand attachment.
(I need to use more King scenes as a comparison to Hunter's upbringing in my next metas! I realize this can make my explanations clearer)
Anyway, what may happen next after he can't unsee the graveyard is...Hunter will then swing to the other extreme of high activity. I.e. being passive, physically inactive and psychologically crashing into depression, which may translate into habits such as oversleeping (catching up on all that lost sleep...but at what cost?). Supposedly sliding deeper into the C-PTSD pit. A place from which he has to express the desire to seek the forms of help he needs.
Remember that this kid has only known extremes for most of his life. Until he settles in properly with his found family and attends therapy, he has no clear reference point for more balanced approaches in living.
The trauma he went through is a quadruple whammy for a 16-year-old who just survived growing up in a cult. It would be so much. I can't see him not falling into months of deep dark depression, as unfortunate as this sounds.
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Grieving over Flapjack, grieving over Belos, over his childhood/upbringing, and now a grisly memory of his predecessors who didn't make it (to add to what he saw in Belos's mindscape). I simply cannot see him handling a load like this without a highly-equipped and sensitive professional, paired with his support network of family, friends and even possibly the wider community at times. Especially now that we've seen him in action during the epilogue.
The epilogue sequence would've had a different feel (and in my opinion, a not-so-good feel) for me if Dana had established that the grimwalker graveyard was still untouched after those 3.5-4 years and if Hunter never found out about it. Something like that is different compared to Dana mentioning in the recent Post-Hoot that in the he does not know about Caleb and Evelyn, or that he is related to the Clawthornes. Mysteries like the Clawthorne heritage can remain an eerie secret that only us in the audience know about, but I wouldn't feel comfy if this were the case for the graveyard as well.
To quote @idlescree's video essay about Hunter's death (link), the show's writers didn't pull any punches when it came to Hunter's development arc. Which means they had to take his story to the "categorically appropriate place for him to overcome" his greatest challenges.
Something tells me that with respect to the grimwalker graveyard and the avoidance theme in C-PTSD recovery, Hunter would've had to put in more work to confront a number of terrifying foes even beyond his Thanks to Them speech. One of which was the graveyard containing the remains of his predecessors.
PS: This is a spontaneous post which branches out from my giant post-finale meta (link) that I pinned to my blog, I suppose.
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cool-fancier · 8 months
Love's Continuous Determination
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Synopsis: Despite difficulties, your love for Bada Lee remains and acts as your compass and anchor. Her imperfections make her human, and your presence improves the world, demonstrating the power of real love to overcome obstacles.
There had been numerous times when it would have been simpler to let go in the complicated web of love. There were many reasons to stop loving Bada Lee and run away from the complexity and uncertainty that came with it. Nevertheless, out of all those things, there was one that kept you strong—a love that was stronger than the oceans and a link that was unbreakable despite the difficulties of life.
Your journey with Bada had been erratic, characterised by the ups and downs of challenges in life. Your hearts beat in perfect unison as you danced through life together, and there were times of laughter and joy.  However, there were also times when you cried, felt distress, and faced obstacles that seemed impossible.
You frequently found yourself in situations when it would have been simpler to say goodbye, such as crossroads. The world frequently urged you to let go and choose an easier way. But each time, you fought back.
You stayed because Bada had a way of making everything brighter and of making every second you spent with her seem like an endless moment of enjoyment. Her laughing was your favourite song, her smile was your daybreak, and her love was your anchor in a stormy sea.
You stayed because you found a home in her arms—a place where you could be who you truly are, where your insecurities were accepted, and where your dreams were supported to reach new heights. Her embrace was a haven from the chaos of the outside world.
You stayed because she was beautifully imperfect, and it was those flaws and imperfections that made her human. She could be upset and vulnerable, strong and fragile, and you admired that about her. You appreciated every aspect of her because she was a mosaic of contrasts and a masterpiece of complications.
You stayed because you had faith in the healing power of love and believed that your powerful connection might rebuild even the most shattered pieces. Together, you battled life's storms, and through each one, your love grew stronger and more strong.  Your love has been transformed into something unbreakable in the fire of adversity.
And so, when the world questioned your choice, when it gave doubt upon your love, you remained unwavering. You were aware that the world might have a thousand reasons against your choice, but there was only one thing keeping you there: your undying affection for Bada, which was so strong and pure that it overcame all challenges and doubts.
In the end, your love for Bada acted as your north star, compass, and cause for existence. It was an unbounded love that defied logic and explanation. Because you had made the decision to love her for eternity rather than simply a lifetime, it was a love that kept you by her side until your final breath.
Your love hasn't changed over the years, which is proof of the heart's immortal power. It was a love story that overcame the odds and demonstrated that real love could outlast all obstacles, including a million reasons to give up. In the end, you made the decision to choose love, and that decision was crucial because it brought you to a love that was limitless, eternal, and well worth all of the difficulties you encountered.
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redbayly · 5 months
Had to do another rambling because some Antis got their panties in a twist.
After posting my very clearly tagged Zutara headcanons last night, I saw a post in the Zutara tag this morning where some Antis were ranting about their usual nonsense.
I would've just blocked and moved on, but something caught my attention about the post. I realized what they were talking about was very likely a reference to my post from last night.
I don't remember all the details (I did end up blocking them), but the crux of their complaint was that Zutara shippers steal Kataang dynamics or something. Specifically, they were calling out a recent post about Katara and Zuko traveling around helping people (which I talked a lot about in my post, so that's why I think it was me they were calling out) and that that is exclusively a Kataang thing that I stole and applied to Zutara. Also, someone in the comments had added that, if Zuko ever did go around helping people it would only be with Mai.
There was also a lot of whining about seeing Zutara stuff when they were looking for Kataang. As if I hadn't clearly tagged my post as Zutara and even used the word within the first few sentences to let the reader know what the post was about.
(For pity's sake, moderate your tags or skip over something with a tag you don't like! It's not difficult!).
But back to the main argument that Zuko and Katara wouldn't travel around helping people together and that that is exclusive to Kataang.
That is absolute bullshit.
First off, it was a headcanon of mine and I can headcanon what I damn well please (as can everybody else).
Secondly, what even is that argument they were making? Did they completely ignore the fact that both Zuko and Katara are good-hearted, helpful people who are trying to make the world a better place? We see numerous instances in canon of them helping others for the sole reason that it's just their nature to do so. In fact, if anything, they are more likely to seek out people to help out of pure altruism than Aang, who usually just sort of stumbles across people in trouble and helps because it's his job as Avatar.
(I'm not insulting Aang. I'm just saying that he's more likely to goof off and avoid getting involved in something if he thinks it's not serious enough, whereas Katara and Zuko are more likely to leap at opportunities to be helpful).
A third reason this is ridiculous is that Aang doesn't own a monopoly on doing good or helping the world. Zuko was already planning to make changes to heal the damage the Fire Nation caused. He's an "idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor." Do the Antis really think he would sit around on his ass while there are orphans to feed and towns to rebuild and justice to be restored? Also, why would Katara not be out there doing her all to help the world regardless of whether Aang is involved or not? Katara "never turns her back on people who need [her]" so I doubt she'd let anyone decide for her whether she travels around to fix people's problems.
I could go on and on about why this Anti-Zutara argument was stupid, but I've addressed the main points.
So, I'll say this one last time. If you dislike Zutara, read the damn tags and avoid the post you don't want to see. Don't whine about it and make up nonsensical arguments for your faux outrage. Leave Zutara shippers alone and let us have our headcanons.
You already got your ship in Bryke's canon. Just let us enjoy our headcanons in peace.
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ericdeggans · 6 months
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My List of the Best TV in 2023: An Abundance of Quality Even in Adversity
What’s the surest proof that there truly is too much television available these days?
The fact that, even though 2023 featured historic performers and writers strikes in Hollywood which crippled film and TV production for months, there was still enough great series and projects to fill an entire notebook page.
Way too many, in fact, for me to cover in my small part of NPR’s awesome annual listing of the best TV and film of the year, compiled among six different critics. It’s one reason the strikes went on so long in the first place – for fans of great TV, it didn’t really seem like much changed, as streaming services kept dropping cool stuff, thanks to their long production lead times.
Ironically, viewers may notice the strikes’ impact more next year – in part, because a lot of cool TV shows left us in 2023 (pour one out for Barry, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Crown, Reservation Dogs, Succession, and, possibly, Ted Lasso) and also because the streamers will spend some time rebuilding lineups which got depleted.
Here, where I have a lot more room is my highly subjective and surprisingly long list of the Best TV of 2024:
TOP PICK - Succession – A show which perfectly captured how the dysfunctions of wealthy families can impact the world delivered a note-perfect finale that surprised – though I did predict Tom would win out – and yet felt completely inevitable. All while the world was second-guessing and writing their own endings. Masterful.
The Last of Us – Who knew reinventing the zombie apocalypse story was simple as coming up with a new cause – fungus, eww! – and the willingness to hand big chunks of the story over to compelling, fully drawn supporting characters. Doesn’t hurt to have ultimate zaddy Pedro Pascal and precocious acting genius Bella Ramsey on the case, either.
The Bear - Speaking of compelling supporting characters…this show’s second season sparkled by giving the other employees in Carmy’s greasy spoon-becoming-a-great-restaurant lots of narrative room. But it took flight with unexpected, brilliant cameos from Jon Bernthal, Olivia Colman, Oliver Platt, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, and the legendary Jamie Lee Curtis.
Reservation Dogs – Proof of the amazing, authentic, original stories which come from letting indigenous people tells their own stories, smashing together a crushing realism with the sense that a jarring visit from the spirit world is always around the next corner.
Fargo – Not sure I love the ultimate message on the healing power of suburban, white, upper middle class Midwestern family life (or what happens to the one major Black character). But crackling performances from Juno Temple, Jon Hamm, Jennifer Jason leigh and Dave Foley make this year’s installment the best version in many years.
Shrinking – An emotional and truly funny comedy that reminds us how hilarious Harrison Ford and Jessica Williams can be while not making us spend too much time on Jason Segel’s angsty privileged white guy shtick.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The TV series which scored the most by taking the boldest swings, leaning into Trek’s original heritage as an adventure-of-the-week which told the most ambitious stories on the small screen.
(The dancing, dubstepping, boy band-style Klingons on Strange New Worlds powered my favorite TV scene of the year.)
Star Trek: Picard – Yeah, I put TWO Trek series here, because everyone else in critic-land seems to be sleeping on the fact that they made more than one excellent season of a new Trek series filled with nods to what came before, including this show, which reunited the Next Generation cast in a storyline basically about old people saving the universe from young, clueless, mind-controlled pawns.
Barry – Wasn’t thrilled about how grim this series’ finale eventually became. But respected the fact that co-creator/star Bill Hader never shied away from the fact that the show was going to be his laboratory for all the directing and storytelling tricks he ever wanted to try, and a dark comedy about a hitman-turned-actor has to be seriously dark to mean something.
Beef – A road rage incident becomes a crackling, entertaining look at everything from Asian family culture to Elon Musk-level mogul dysfunction while also proving my girl Ali Wong can act her ass off.
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Still: A Michael J. Fox Story – While other celebrities are executive producing documentaries to show how legendarily cool they are, Fox helped create an up close look at his struggle with Parkinson’s disease which show how hard it is to put on socks and take a walk on a new York street without crashing to the ground right in front of a concerned fan.
Only Murders in the Building – A comedy about over-privileged crime podcasters in an Upper West side apartment building should not stay entertaining over three seasons. But this show pulls it off, tossing in against-the-grain cameos by Paul Rudd and Meryl Streep that provide the best icing on a very fine cake.
Slow Horses – This show about a department filled with failed British intelligence agents not only subverts the spy genre, it subverts the satires which originally subverted classic spy dramas, like Get Smart. Topped by mesmerizing performances from Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas, I would have subtitled this one, Get Smarter.
Happy Valley - This series about an experienced, ball-busting divorced single mom of a police sergeant in a mid-size town in Britain notched an underappreciated series finale featuring the amazing Sarah Lancashire as Catharine Cawood, finally confronting the man she blamed for her daughter’s suicide and her grandson’s emotional turmoil.
BS High – A great documentary often tells a story which keeps going deeper and better, like a descent into a spellbinding madness. This film achieved that by giving center stage to master manipulator/football coach Roy Johnson, who got ESPN to air a game featuring his Bishop Sycamore High School team; the film contends their crushing loss eventually exposed that the school didn’t really exist.
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I’m a Virgo – Creator and activist Boots Riley made an urban parable where Black excellence became superpowers and the world’s exploitive class came for a 13-foot-tall Black teen played by the always compelling Jharrel Jerome. Always inspiring to see how Boots turns mainstream media’s tropes and expectations against itself.
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beautyisinkonpaper · 2 months
more random reijean (and alliance) headcanons
set post-rumbling - not NSFW
- Reiner is soooo shy (someone else said this one, credit where it's due)
-Given that Reiner's a very attractive man, i think it would be funny to see the alliance's reaction to him getting flirted with
- Jean would be jealous as fuck
- speaking of Jean, he either takes on a leader role post rumbling or he sits back and lets Armin do it. I think he steps down from being a leader tbh, because a large part of why he's a leader is because Marco believed in him, and he didn't want to let Marco down... after the finale, though, i think he lets the memory, and himself, rest. He's not going to live his new life ruled by the expectations of ghosts
- Onyonkapon and Levi become pretty good friends, bonding over Hange's memory. Also, levi deserves friends his age.
- Levi and Annie slowly, slowly get over their ghosts. I like to think he forgives her eventually, but for the most part they only acknowledge each other's existence when they're alone.
- i think Annie LOVES tea, so she makes Levi a cup whenever she makes it for herself. It's sort of an apology. She never was taught how to express emotions with words, so she lets her actions speak.
- Armin and Annie are the Cutest. Couple. Connie and Pieck start a betting pool for when they'll officially get together.
- (someone else said this) Levi Gets a Teashop. they all save up money to buy it, and take turns working and cleaning.
- injury was very very common in the military so they're all quite okay with levi being disabled (i feel like this one should go unsaid but I've seen a lot of casual ableism in fics)
- Pieck's dad adopts everyone. He makes them home cooked meals. I think Jean can cook best out of everyone, but they're all military brats and aren't used to Good Food, especially with the paradis food shortage and lack of world trade. Post Rumbling there's very little in terms of available ingredients, but poor people know how to COOK on limited supplies.
- on the subject of food, how would they all react to SPICE??? armin would cry.
- Levi spends so much time with Gabi and Falco, because all the able bodied adults are helping with rebuilding. He teaches them to say fuck.
- Reiner has Zero survival instincts, because he had titan healing. He's the mf that runs with scissors.
- PIECK HAS POTS!! (yes i'm projecting). her body literally can't handle pumping blood when she's standing vertically, because she was horizontal for so long
- Levi is still the grumpiest bitch on the planet but he loves his kids (he eventually comes to see reiner and peick as children-in-law, because he hasn't cared about them for as long)
- Gabi grows up to look like Sasha. Jean and Connie have forgiven her, but they do have a good cry over it one night.
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sscrubberhose · 2 months
Ya got any dialtown headcanons? :3
hooo boy. ive been chewing on this all day and I think i have a decent amount to say!
Spoilers for Dialtown!
Tw for mentions of suicidal ideation and religious guilt
-Is aware of everything that happens in my fics but forgets
-is more aware of how people perceive them than people give them credit for, wants to make everyone happy
-has a strong fear of being alone, which is why they bother people so relentlessly. if they were to be fully ignored for an extended period of time they would have a breakdown
-Has both the phone and the typewriter head and can change them out at will, dont ask where they keep them.
-has bitten theoroar many, many times and will do so again. is even more fearful and hateful of him after the zoo explosion
-has a lot of love to give and genuinely prefers being around their friends
-has a level of intelligence that is genuinely sort of surprising sometimes. this intelligence is used at random
-is surprisingly easy and hard to kill at the same time
-the narrator is actually a separate entity to them who cares about them very much
-seems to be passively suicidal but no one can tell if theyre joking or not
-roger rabbit rules, whatever biology is funniest is what they have
-perceived height changes based off of this rule as well. no one notices.
-breaks into town hall once a month for funsies
-enjoys sweet things quite a bit
-autistic beast
-is actually a decent cartoonist, but rarely draws due to hand pain. likes drawing gingi and oliver the most
-has a lot of religious guilt due to growing up catholic with a very very strict, religious father, left home as soon as he could. also why he is afraid to talk to God.(hobo)
-father harped on him his entire childhood about being a burden, now feels that he owes the world for existing. this is slowly healing.
-due to his upbringing hes still learning how to function as an adult, i.e cleaning, cooking for himself, things like that. hes working on it!
-has sensory issues, has ASD
-fear of cgi animals comes from having to watch weird religious propaganda films for kids when he was young. he is getting over it thanks to oliver.
-extremely observant and notices things a lot of people don't, but usually doesnt say anything for fear of being annoying
-knows shooty and stabby on a first name basis(not that he knows whos who)
-sees Norm as a father figure but would never admit that
-has a long list of phobias that hes working on recovering from, but is too nervous to go to therapy for
-has a LOT of plushies in the ticket booth that Oliver and Gingi have given him, refuses to get rid of any of them
-taking the bandage off wont instantly kill him, he doesn't know this.
-can skateboard, does not do this often
-gets sick very easily, has to be forced to rest as he tries to insist hes not sick
-is roommates with Oliver, they have a bunk bed
-got his number changed so the hotline wasnt tied to him anymore
-is actually a good singer, never sings due to thinking he sucks. Will hum to himself while working at the ticket booth
-Has actually gotten fairly close to the other datables since the conclusion of the game, doesnt know how to express this
-Visits Dialtown for a few months out of the year to catch up and spend time with her friends
-part of her contract with helping rebuild was better wages for those who worked at the bank. It took a lot of arguing but she felt that no one should suffer like she did.
-expresses her love for her friends by making them ponysonas. Is a huge pegasister. will infodump about it for hours to anyone who will listen
-enjoys botanical illustrations the best, next to drawing horses
-draws horses with normal horse heads as a form of abstraction
-puts capsaicin oil in her paints so Gingi will stop drinking them. This did not work.
-enjoys vintage movies and game shows and talks at length with Oliver about them when they go out for coffee or dinner together.
-she and randy doodle together sometimes
-also has severe sensory issues and has safe outfits she wears. will cry if she has to touch certain fabrics. (LOOKING AT YOU CRUSHED VELVET)
-safe foods are microwave dinners and pasta, but she keeps her diet balanced.
-her and Norm get along now and will sometimes go for hikes and chat about life(and ways to wrangle gingi)
-allergic to shrimps
-can play piano
-Got a new therapist who doesnt think hes weird or annoying(it didnt phase him but thats not groovy to say to someone)
-has POTS, often needs to sit down at work so he doesnt faint.
-is a HUGE horror fan, could tell you everything about the behind the scenes of every major and minor horror movie to come out in the last decade.
-works as a haunt actor for the Dialtown Haunted House every single Halloween, wants to run it someday
-has a log of every new thing he notices about Gingis biology, the log is three books long now.
-Really wants to run a youtube channel where he does amateur ghost hunting with randy, has yet to convince randy that this is a good idea
-is very physically affectionate, though he does ask permission first before touching anyone!
-Has had top and bottom surgery and is comfortable where his transition is, thankfully his insurance under Mr. Dickens covered it! (Mingus isnt a TOTAL monster)
-has a digital scrap book of all his favorite memories with his friends
-makes rage comics unironically.
-favorite color is actually black, red just seems to be his thing!
-has been legally adopted by Mr. Dickens but decided to keep his last name as Swift because "it was rad."
-is actually friends with most of the ghosts and poltergeists that live in the cinema/scareshack
-kept the popcorn and soda dispensers, but got the soda dispensers to dispense SODA and not...whatever the fuck it was doing before.
-helped renovate the basement of the cinema into a haunted maze that he helped design, the theme changes once a year!
-got those unicycle lessons and knows how to juggle as well!
-likes rollerskating, has Heelys on all the time
-allergic to peanuts
-can play guitar
-Is aware that Gingi sees the face on the sticky note change and thinks its sort of funny
-Is actually good friends with God and the two go out to lunch once or twice a month
-enjoys fishing and will take Randy and Oliver on fishing trips, Gingi usually follows regardless of invite.
-Sees himself as a father figure to most of the dateables, and is willing to fill in that role.
-apologized to Karen for his behavior by baking her fresh bread. is actually an extremely good cook
-irises and pupils are both void black due to exposure to the wormhole. He has not noticed this. Eyes used to be honey brown.
-Has to stop Mingus from doing a new evil scheme once a month, has a spray bottle for this purpose.
-does actually have other outfits for when the space suit needs to be washed, is never seen outside the house when this happens
-Oliver, Karen, and Randy have seen his real face, they were like "cool" as Gingi is just...far weirder.
-i imagine him as strawberry blonde. Short hair, either buzz cut or just short. maybe some stubble. I dont have a good image of what his face looks like, it is just bag to me
-not great at public speaking but REALLY good at pretending to be
-is actually very good at using technology but will sometimes pretend not to be just to tease Oliver.(it works every time)
-can also play guitar
-okay okay i have one. You could use his fur to make yarn IF you washed it. You will never be able to get close enough to brush him though.
Misc headcanons:
-heads can be repurposed after death, like cadaver bones!
-the more popular headtype for modern business men and women is a laptop
-after what happened to Callum Crown, the answering machines function was completely separated from memory storage
-Snakes have syringes for heads
-peter and his wife are poly and want roger to be their third, but roger is as dense as a brick and peters too formal to just say it out loud.
-Harry and Jack are a couple in this universe, Jack is just a very odd boss to work for regardless
-Billy is Abel's kid. The mother is unknown. probably a one night stand.
-the swans miss randy :(
-there are a few headtypes that are banned for various reasons, one of which is having a megaphone AS your head.
-Roger is autistic and has a stutter, and sometimes has to use ASL to communicate. Peter knows ASL for this reason
-The Narrator could talk to the others, but only if it was an emergency
-all Dialtown OCs are canon. theyre in town somewhere, having fun and living their lives!
-Dialtown is bigger than shown in game, including the town square which has a fountain and a park surrounding it, as well as a skate park, rec center, arcade, a pizza place, etc.
-all the dateables have met satan at least once, they just didnt know thats who that was
-shooty and stabby are dating, theyre just very bromance about it. good for them...
-rotery phone heads are coming back in fashion as a sort of 'retro' vibe.
-getting prosthetics/emergency plastic surgery and medical care is actually quite accessible.
-jerry and his wife come visit dialtown every christmas soley so that gingi doesnt run all the way out there to visit them and get hopelessly lost. theyre doing quite well!
-there are competent members of the dialtown mob but they dont really do much other than hang out at the bar
if i think of anymore Ill let you know!! thanks for askin!
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writing-whump · 11 days
Woww thank you for the accident fic I was one of the fans who asked for it 😄 maybe it was not fun for you as much as other but I really enjoyed it (guess I'm a huge fan of those kind unexpected drama and sacrifice lol) Tbh, I don't want to bore you, or mess your schedule and attention but I can't help myself! Well, ok, I admit I'm a drama-addict and love to read other's reactions to it. Sorry for insisting!!
So it's just a tiny request, it really doesn't have to a fic-long as usual (if you want to write that way of course it's way better for me lol) I'm just curious about how would Isiah feel and think when he found out about the accident. I understand that this kind of trauma can be healed easily for wolves and not a concern, and Hex&Arnie got through it well, but it could be worse, right? Idk maybe Arnie would feel stressed about it afterwards and worry about Hex even though he's already healed. He might also blame himself for what happened as he was driving? Anyways, would you consider write another part stress sick Arnie and caretaker Isiah?
I mean, this is fitting, since Arnie doesn't get stress sick, but he gets stress migraines. And we didn't have him with Isaiah as caretaker for a while...here you go🥰🤗
Stress migraine
Arnie really wanted to have fun today.
Hector was sleeping third day in a row already, tyring to get his shadow back up after all the healing. Nobody really knew, since Hector wouldn't want the pack to know and refused to call anyone.
Arnie understood. It was usually just the two of them, when something bad happened to either. Hector never let himself or Arnie find out if they had other people they could trust.
But now they had someone like that back. Someone they could call.
Other thing was that there wasn't really much to tell. Hector was fine, the car was getting fixed, Arnie wasn't hurt very much. What was he supposed to make a scene for, when there was no proof something even happened?
He caught himself looking for the little wound in his hair in the mirror just to make sure he didn't dream the whole accident up.
They had a scheduled meeting with Isaiah on Saturday though and Arnie figured it was a good opportunity as any to get out and distract himself.
He wanted to stop waking up to the fear he was back at the car or keep checking Hector every 30 minutes like he would start coughing blood out of his sleep all of sudden.
No, this was good.
Isaiah took him on a tour around Vienna. He said it was a scandal Arnie didn't get to see the center yet and that he didn't know all the sights by memory now.
Isaiah definitely did. They took Tram D around the main ring of the first district. Many important things were all after each other, parliament, city hall, the two giant museums of natural history and art history right across each other, the giant theater, the Butterfly House...
Isaiah refused to take a car, when everything was so well-connected and they spend the day on foot, from one park to another, one big street to another.
Isaiah seemed to have a thought out plan of switching between greenery and impressive buildings, talking all about the style of architecture, how many times they were rebuild, who famous lived there.
Arnie was so overwhelmed with all the information he stopped putting it together halfway through. He took comfort from just Isaiah's relaxed mood, his zealous voice and ardent expression.
Everything was all good with the world again. One could believe it, listening to him.
Somewhere around midday they went to get lunch near the Schonenbrun castle and gardens, Isaiah treating him to schnitzel and cake for good measure. He never let Arnie pay for anything when they were together.
"I have the same inheritance as you do," Arnie objectdd as he took a sip from his cold brew coffee.
Isaiah smiled. "Yeah, but we will start this talk once you make your own. Rich or not, there is nothing like earning your own money for the first time. Your effort, you decision."
"So you want to pay for everything with what you earn?"
"The assistance job I got at the uni pays well. I also helped out with a city planning project last year that had very good funding."
Arnie leaned back in the chair. "That's cool. What about your whole wolf helping activities? Hector says you get called to things all around the city. Do you get any pay from that?"
Isaiah took a spoonful of his chocolate lava cake. "No, I don't do that for money. I like helping out."
"You shouldn't be doing that for free though, when it takes so much of your time. Or is it the contacts and favours you gather that way?"
"Isn't it worthwhile and helpful when you can give people things without having them pay for it?"
"Yeah sure, but that's sustainable if you actually use all the money you were born with. If you were born with it." He was getting the impression Isaaih didn't like relying on anything that came from their father. "Besides, don't people take skills and advice more seriously if they have to pay for it? If you give it for free, they might not take any interest at all. It's a way to show them something is valuable."
"What exactly would I call it? Hello, I have experience that your shadow is entirely manageable with the right kind of training, but your pack doesn't seem to know, so come and listen to me?" Isaiah shook his head. Way to insult the pack and trivialise the wolf's problems.
"You have expert training from leading packs of the West. If you wanted to make that systematically accessible through courses or stuff, I think people would find it easer to find you. You could even prevent most of the problems the packs and human authorities call you to."
Isaiah chuckled. "You aren't the first one to suggest something like that. Matthew said something similar. Even Seline said I could make it a job. I don't know. I like working in the academic environment as well."
"It's not like you would have to choose between one or the other. Plus academic jobs are pretty instable I hear."
"You didn't even start uni yet and you are hearing about uni conditions?"
Arnie shrugged. "Lots of protests about the Mittelbau and the time constrained chain contracts around lately." Apprently 80% of the academic workforce that didn't have safe professor status worked under conditioned contracts, always afraid if they were going to be prolonged or not and if they wouldn't have to move to another town just to get a job they specilized in.
"It's impressive you can understand it. You still thinking about law school?"
"Yep." Hector was very careful about not mentioning it too much so Arnie wouldn't feel pressured, but he knew Hector would find it useful. Even wolves had to respect the law.
And Arnie would love to feel a bit more powerful around them.
"You are still studying it too?"
"Additional classes and courses, yeah. It's not my main subject, but it's useful in practice."
Arnie hummed, satisfied with the prognosis of that. He wanted to know useful important stuff.
They talked some more about law and different teaching styles of different faculties.
Everything was going well, except the sun was becoming a bit too much and Arnie's temples were starting to pulse.
Why now? He finally relaxed, finally forgot about what happened at home...
His stomach flipped at the reminder. He was pleasantly full just a minute ago, but now it felt like too much.
They paid and strolled around the gardens, when Arnie said: "Let's sit in the shade for a bit?"
Isaiah gave him a puzzled look that they barely got up and Arnie wanted to sit down already, but complied.
For such a historical sight, there were lots of people chilling on the benches in the shadows. Lots of trees planted for that purpose aside all the magnificently styled flowers everywhere.
"It's really hot today," Arnie said, tugging at the collar of his buttonup. Short sleveed, but still.
"There is a good ice cream stand nearby. I'll get you some." Isaiah patted him on the back as he left.
Arnie slumped back on the bench, relieved to be out of sight for a bit. He didn't want to ruin the tour that Isaiah planned out so carefully, but his head was positively pounding.
He didn't get a headache after the accident. That was weird in hindsight. Usually, when something stressful like that happened, he would absolutely get one.
He must have been too worried for Hector to let himself relax enough for it to set in. Veins must have finally opened from their tense contraction, and that's what made it painful.
Cold sweat was gathering at the back of his neck. His right temple felt like someone was putting a drill to it, while the other was held in a crushing grip.
The sunlight was so blinding, even though he was in a nice shade. He felt goosebumps on his arms, as his lovely lunch churned inside him.
Arnie leaned forward, planting his elbows on his knees as he swallowed heavily against the saliva pooling in his mouth.
His stomach let out an angry whine, cramping up. Arnie hid his face in his hands, taking quick shallow breaths. Not now, not now, not now.
He groaned as his lunch roiled inside him, sniffling. There weren't many people around him in particular but this was still a public space. Beautiful gardens under a tree with a view of the castle, no less.
A burp snuck its way past his lips. His upper lip was covered in sweat now too. He could taste the salt as he licked his lips.
Arnie knew from experience it would only make him more miserable to fight it. The pain in his temples pulsed in synch with his heartbeat.
When he looked up from his hands, the sunlight pierced his eyes even stronger. The pain in his left temple spiked and Arnie heaved, pulling his feet more apart.
He swallowed the first retch down, but the second almost made him choke. Letting his head hang between his knees, he burped, the third wave bringing up the cake and the cold coffee onto the ground.
His brain was buzzing in his skull, so he kept his eyes closed, completely giving in to the sensations. Another wave of puke landed between his feet. Arnie only hoped his shoes wouldn't get dirty.
"Aww kiddo. What happened to you?" He felt Isaiah's cold hand against his nape. Isaiah discarded the two scones of ice cream on the ground at the sight of him, sitting down gently next to him.
That's when another wave of yellow brown puke found its way up, tasting of the potato salad and meat. Arnie groaned, back arching as he vomited up the longest stream yet.
Isaiah held his shoulder to steady him, rubbing up and down with his thumb. "What happened? Did you feel sick suddenly? Or before? Is it the sun?"
Arnie burped emptily, spitting at the pool between his feat. The smell was making him nauseous still.
"I thought we took enough breaks in the shade. Maybe I miscalculated. You are sweating all over."
Arnie sniffled, his nose running. He kept his eyes closed still, the pounding in his head worse whenever the tried to open his eyes. He tilted towards Isaiah's voice blindly.
Isaiah obediently filled in the spot, letting Arnie lean against his shoulder. "Shhhhh. All good now. We will cool you down and you will feel better in no time."
Arnie sniffled again, curling into Isaiah's clean cologne, probably leaving a trail of snot behind. "Head hurtsss."
"I know, buddy, I know."
"...wanna go home."
Isaiah nodded over his head. "I'll call a taxi. We can go to my place too..."
Arnie shook his head. "Home." He wanted his own bed, his curtains, his medicine, though it would probably take a bit for his stomach to settle enough for it.
Isaiah was quite as they waited, only wrapping his arm around Arnie and helping him up when the taxi came. It was more or less a blurr for Arnie, who was glad Isaiah took over so eagerly, masterfully, despite not even knowing what was wrong.
As they sat in the back of the car, Arnie buried his face in Isaiah's chest, trying to muffle the sounds and light as much as possible.
"You will be okay. Just breathe."
"I'm sorry I ruined the trip."
"You didn't, you didn't. Should have chosen a later hour. With this heat-"
"Not the heat," Arnie sighed. "Migraine."
Isaiah tensed underneath him. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Miragine. It's fine. Not...not your fault."
"Since when do you get migraines?" Isaiah said in a strangled voice.
"Since I was 12? Or 13? Something like that." He moaned quietly as the car took a turn and jostled him.
Isaiah tighed his grip around his torso. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke again. "How often do you get them?"
"Not regularly anymore. Something...usually something triggers it."
Isaiah's hand went up his arm, gently sneaking into his sweaty hair. When Arnie leaned into the touch, Isaiah started rubbing at his temples gently.
"What triggered it this time?" Isaiah asked softly.
The car jostled them again, making them both jump up and down on their seats. Arnie tensed up, then buried his face against Isaiah's neck with a moan.
Isaiah held him as tight as he could without making it painful. Arnie fought against the growing pressure behind his eyes, lips pressed together.
Isaiah's voice was so soft and concerned in his ear it got the tears spilling down Arnie's cheeks. "I-it's nothing. Nothing really happened. We-we just-" He sobbed quietly.
"We-we were in a car accident with Hex. Three days ago." He felt the coldness wash over them as the car came into the underground parking place of their apartment complex. Arnie blinked, leaning back, blinking his eyes open in relief at the darkness.
He looked at Isaiah with teary eyes. "I-I was driving and it wasn't my- but Hex, he- protected me and got super hurt and, and he is fine now..."
Isaiah watched him carefully, green eyes of the same shade meeting his. They seemed to have a glow in the dark from how intensity he focused on Arnie.
"But I was really scared, you know? And it's stupid to be upset about it, cause nothing h-happened-"
"It's not stupid. It was scary and horrible, no matter the outcome. I'm sorry that happened."
"B-but I shouldn't be upset, right? Cause we are fine, we are both fine-" His breath hitched with another sob as another tear ran down his cheek. Some part of his brain wondered how the taxi driver didn't say a thing, waiting for Arnie to cry his eyes out on his backseat.
Isaiah brushed some sweaty blond hair away from Arnie's forehead. "And that's important that you are both healthy and okay. But it makes perfect sense you are upset too. You are allowed to get scared and worried."
Arnie's face twisted with another sob as Isaiah petted his hair gently, carefully watching him for any signs it was making the headache worse. But the pressure was really going down as Arnie let the emotion go, through words and tears.
"We didn't have to go out today if you were upset," Isaiah said.
"I wanted to see you though. And we had it scheduled..." so it was the best opportunity.
"If you called me, I would have come. We don't have to just meet when it's 'scheduled' or when you need help with something serious, you know?" Isaiah was still combing Arnie's hair away, when he started to look through his pockets with their other hand, manifesting a paper towel out of nowhere. "Here."
Arnie wiped his face and carefully blew his nose.
"I want to know when something happens in your lives. Good or bad, big or small," Isaiah said, no trace of reproach in his voice, though he sounded firm. "I want to be in the picture."
Arnie felt better hearing it somehow. It was like a permission to call him, even when the trouble wasn't real. Even if it was just Arnie wanting to talk.
The younger boy took a shaky breath, offering Isaiah a shy smile.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
M AN I know it's probably never gonna happen but,, just imagining what the cast does after escaping the digital world.. (very happy and unlikely canie can go with them too aughh)
But, especially thinking about kinger x reader scenario bc he's my fav aa
There's so much I could ramble on but I don't wanna take up too much space but oughhh
Just kinger having happiness and healing after the events with the reader bc aaaa
Together again (Kinger x reader)
Just answered a similar ask (will be linked at the end of the post!) Where the reader reunites with everyone in the real world ! Gonna add on to kingers piece here!
Written on mobile!
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Let's get one thing straight. This dude is going to be so messed up. There's the digital world thing, the fact that he probably lost his wife (assuming he and queener were together in the real world before), and I personally hc kinger to be a father
Even worse, what if they dont re-remember their life before the digital world? Like when they escape they only remember the circus and onwards.. bro is going to find out hes a father and that kid is going to have a dad who doesnt remember them
That's so
I think if you guys get together, you're going to need to take it slow and steady. I mean hes being filled in on so much and readjusting to the real world
Get that man a therapist
But also.. would anyone believe anyone after they escaped the circus? I mean it sounds insane, "I put on a headset and got trapped in this world"
A lot
Assuming you guys manage to stick together through the early stages of healing, you're going to have to be okay with coparenting should kinger regain custody of his kid
Oftentimes you two will call and talk to each other throughout the night, sometimes you have to reassure him that you'll still be here when he wakes up...
But this is getting a little (very) angsty, let's toss some fluff in there
I think it would be amazing to see kinger become happier and bolder day by day, watching him to from locking himself in his room in his old home, to daring to venture out into a nearby park
To watch the butterflies and such
I firmly believe kinger may become agoraphobic, be it within the circus or after.. you're going to need to be so so patient with him
At home dates are your go to in the beginning ! Cooking meals together, movie nights, book nights, stuff like that!
You guys make a butterfly garden in the backyard, you let him rattle off about the different species and cool facts for as long as he wants
Loves that you make sure his pillows are as comfy as they can be
Actually the fact that you check in on him everyday, be it in person or over the phone, makes him feel so supported, that would definitely aid in him rebuilding himself
You're so so proud of him when he decides to take you out somewhere to town, stepping out of his comfort zone you know?
Help him make a plan should you guys need to go home/somewhere secure though
The other post:
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blimbo-buddy · 10 months
New pinned hell yeah
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Hey I'm Blimbo/Blimmy/Bilbo/whatever other funny versions of the name you make up. Any pronouns, 18 yrs. 15+ recommended. Pedos/abuse romanticizers (proship or anti-anti or whatever else is included) fuck off.
Yes I'm an adult but don't say nasty shit to me out of nowhere
A post compiling the various problems of the Warriors series from anti-indigenous writing to ableism
A lot of Warrior Cats stuff on this blog, but, this is just a general blog for whatever I feel like.
You can use any of my art for your pfp with credit, as long as it isn't my own characters.
If you need me to tag anything just send me an ask I don't mind
Don't be afraid to @ me in any post unless it is NSFW
ID's for my artwork are IN THE ALT TEXT
Mutuals/Friends can dm me for my discord. I'm not super active on there right now but I wouldn't mind chatting at all
I'm also on ArtFight
#blimbo rambles - Talking tag, this also includes Asks
#blimmy art - Art tag, everything from actual pieces to mspaint shitposts
#blimbo designing cats - Warriors design tag, all are F2U with credit (Please for the love of god don’t say/make anything weird or gross about/with my designs)
#bug world no mercy - Bug centered xenofiction story of multiple bug kingdoms #wandering whispers - A non-wc related story about murder mysteries, corruption, and the likes. Still a wip #untitled animal war story - Another story that follows the animals of an area that has been ravaged by war and a nuclear bomb and their attempts to rebuild everything from the ground up. Still a wip #blimbo's twolegplace culture - A collection of posts that go over my attempts at fleshing out the world and culture of the Twolegplaces alongside the history of the ones we see INDEFINITE HIATUS
#bugs - This is just my general bug tag. I do my best to content tag bugs like spiders
Au tags below the cut
#kittypet/clan cat swap au - A minor au where the Kittypets/Loners/Rogues are swapped with the Clan Cats. The clans are now referred to as "Districts" and the other cats live in one big clan together.
#badger!dovewing au - DoveWing but she's a badger. Goes in detail with how the clans deal with it, she faces a lot of prejudice.
#false fire au - Hattie is kidnapped by Thunderclan as a replacement after FirePaw turns up dead. She is followed around by his ghost and uncovers the secrets of the entire ordeal.
#sasha and darkstripe au - DarkStripe survives the Bloodclan battle and is tasked by TigerStar to watch over his(Tiger's) children. But, he begins to grow a bond between Sasha, Tadpole, Moth, and Hawk. Note: This au delves into themes of abuse, generational trauma/abuse, trauma bonding, and trauma healing process.
#the forest blood au - Princess, Hattie, and Smudge all are apart of Bloodclan. It follows them after Bloodclan is defeated, LongTail, SandStorm, and OneWhisker are also apart of the au. Bloodclan is shown in a more positive light in this au.
#ivy-rock au - IvyPool becomes Rock's successor after she screams at Starclan that she wants them to see her as something, as something special.
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geminiskulleta · 10 months
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Tetra - The Captain
Age: 14
Link: Hero of the Winds
• Definitely the wild card of the team, she has a very wide skill set and excellent combat abilities despite not knowing magic.
• When she met the other Zeldas, she wanted to suppress that side of her and thought that they would all be stuck up princesses, but after she got to know them and learned more about her heritage, she learned to embrace being Zelda while still staying true to herself.
• Unlike Flora, she isn’t very interested in learning magic and is much more interested in exploring the new lands she is brought to and learning how to fight better.
• She likes to prank the others every now and again, but she can sometimes take things a little too far. She is too afraid to prank lullaby, however because despite her calm exterior she can be very intimidating when needed. She is also the most competitive of all the Zeldas with her, Sun, Athena and Fable usually getting into intense contests and competitions.
• She can sometimes be a little immature when it comes to important tasks or issues, but the others don’t hold it against her.
• She is a great storyteller and tells the most amazing tales of her adventures at sea.
• Often ropes Dot into her pranks, much to Dots dismay, and likes to wander off with Flora.
• Has the stickiest fingers in all of Hyrule, and is a bit of a Kleptomaniac. The Zeldas have to keep a very close eye on her whenever they’re in markets or Castletown as she is all but guaranteed to pickpocket someone. Whenever anything is missing the blame always falls on her.
• Suprisingly fierce for her age, the others admire her a lot for her bravery and strength.
• A lot more savvy and world weary (wise, if you will) than Wind. Even though she is just three months older, she acts much more mature than him.
• She is an out-of-the-box thinker and always comes up with creative (if not chaotic) solutions to the problems the Zeldas face. No matter how outlandish her plans are, they always work out in the end. They drew the line at Aurora being shot out of a canon though. Tetra claimed it was a perfectly adequate form of travel.
• Whenever anyone argues with Tetra, to their annoyance, she somehow always ends up being right. This pisses off everyone she knows to no avail. No matter how absurd-sounding her side of an argument sounds, it’s always correct.
Relationship with Link
• She and Wind are best friends. Unlike Fable and Legend who have known each other for nearly ten years, they have only known each other for two
• After what they have been through she feels like she can trust him with her life.
• She finds how gullible he can be hilarious and gets him to believe stories she made up. He falls for it all the time.
• When they are older they will realise they have romantic feelings for each other and continue the royal family after they rebuild Hyrule.
• Wind is Tetras first mate and plays a very important role in their pirate crew.
• She is EXTREMELY superstitious and has Wind believing every old wives tale she knows.
• Sometimes when Wind is feeling homesick or can’t sleep, she makes up stories to help him take his mind off of things.
• Wind collects things he thinks Tetra will like in hopes of showing them to her when they meet again.
• Tetra had been hardened a bit by her life out at sea, but Winds childish wonder had never faded no matter what was thrown at him. He helps her to heal her inner child.
• They’re just chaotic together and bombard anyone they come across with their pranks and childish antics.
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saintsenara · 6 months
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for today's @hprecfest... it couldn't be anything else, could it?
day thirteen: a fic with over 100,000 words
almagest by eldritcher harry potter/lord voldemort mature | 134k words
why i recommend it:
let me be clear, if eldritcher has nobody willing to go into battle for them, then i am dead. they are one of the most talented writers i have ever encountered - and, surely, are the only person who could make me cry at james bond slash fic or think snape/giant squid is an entirely plausible ship - and they manage to combine a masterful prose style, woven through with references to classics, poetry, and history, with an emotional dexterity which is breathtaking. i would recommend all their work, but this is - i think - their main masterpiece.
its premise - in one sentence - is that harry, voldemort, and dumbledore hijack a space-shuttle and go to the moon to save the world. outside of that, it is a meditation on sacrifice, love in all its forms, the entwining of grief and love, and the pain of rebuilding after loss.
it is also a love story, as voldemort is shattered by the weight of it all, and harry puts him back together, which treats love very differently from the canon series - and all the better for it. here, we see the choice, duty, and sorrow in love, but also its capacity to break open, heal, restore, and pleasure. that eldritcher shows this beauty in decidedly non-vanilla smut - and, an increasing rarity in slash, in gay sex which actually feels gay - is all the more indication of their talent.
i have spoken elsewhere about how eldritcher’s voldemort is a major influence on my own - particularly their writing of him as someone lonely, bound by a code of honour, and a creature of sensation - and the voldemort of almagest is one of their most impressive versions, but harry and dumbledore also stand out in this story as very real, very human characters thrust into a celestial landscape and profoundly changed by what they encounter there.
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aimlacely-sapphic · 2 years
Ngl I was really worried about how they would handle Janai's role as queen, especially given that the sunforge hadn't been purified after the time skip. But the selfless patient approach to healing her community that she takes is something really special and beautiful. Not only is she trying to balance tradition and change, she also is willing to go down in history as a queen who didn't save her people if it means there is hope for the next generation to have the pure light of a new light (because let's be real, we all know that how she would be cast).
Her arc sends a message that the beginning of changing the world can happen in big flashy moments (the battle of the storm spire), but it take time, patience and commitment to create a better world. And it shows that sometime we have to step up and do what's hard and help our communities in the ways we can, big or small, regardless of the resistance we face. Because Janai never wanted to be queen but now that she is, she is going to do the best job she can and not step aside to let progress be undone. (Also it's so special to me that Amaya helps her come to that realization and solidify her commitment to helping her community change for the better.)
There are also so many parallels between her and ezran in this season, in their leadership and their embracing of the duality of pain in transformation and joy in creating a better future. The whole conflict of dragons in Katolis mirrors the situation with humans in the sunfire camp (especially with a part of the reason these groups are in proximity is purely selfish on the part of the leaders). Also Janai's scene where she shows her brother the sun seed in hopes of showing him her vision of the future is very reminiscent of Ezran's impassioned but naïve speeches about dragons and changing the world through love. Because they are both right, but they aren't seeing or hearing it the way others are, so they don't realize how inexperienced and naïve they sound.
Anyways, I'm really sad we didn't get to see Amaya and Janai as they were getting to know each other and rebuild the world together but I am really impressed with how much grace the managed Janai's arc with.
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elliepassmore · 3 months
A Letter to the Luminous Deep review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: light academia, fantasy, mysteries, epistolary narrative, mental illness rep, LGBTQ+ characters
Big thanks to Netgalley, Orbit, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
This book starts out relatively slow, and even when it picks up this is a character-driven novel more than a plot-driven one. I've seen it likened to Emily Wilde's, which I would have to agree with, and imo the pacing is pretty similar between the two. With that said, I think the pacing benefits this kind of novel and I enjoyed the unfolding of events and character relationships over the course of the book.
Likewise, this book is written epistolary style, so through letters and journal entries, which I've noticed becoming more of a thing recently. I think it's a really interesting way of telling a story and think it's a great way both to get to know a character and to introduce narrator unreliability (Henerey himself even points out that he purposefully will not write certain things down since he does not want them to be read). I think the way Cathrell utilized the epistolary narrative style for this novel was brilliant. The events that occur are, in and of themselves, a mystery and by having those events told via letter, the mystery is compounded through two layers of characters revealing things. It's a super interesting way to go through a mystery novel and I feel it added to the experience and the suspense. We already know the ending, but E. and Henerey nor Sophy and Vy nor us know how that ending happened, and only the latter two groups are going into this mystery with the knowledge of how it ends.
The world in this novel is quite interesting. It's a mostly-aquatic society that had to rebuild after falling out of the sky 1000 years prior in an event known as the Dive. It seemed to have decimated technology, land masses, and a good portion of the population, though society is now flourishing on it's three "campuses," each of which have slightly different cultures and seem to prize different virtues. I liked getting the snippets about the world and how it functioned, as well as getting to know the names for the animals of the world (some of them are familiar, most are variations on what we would know, such as the "toothed whale"). I look forward to learning more about the world in book 2.
The book is pretty evenly split between E. and Henerey's correspondence and Sophy and Vyerin's, leaning more toward Sophy and Vyerin's. I liked seeing the two sets of relationships grow, with E. and Henerey becoming romantic while Sophy and Vy become friends and help each other heal from the loss of their siblings. I also enjoyed seeing how each group put the puzzle pieces together and the ways in with Vy and Sophy are able to add some additional context both to the mystery as well as to their siblings' lives.
To start with, E. is afflicted with a "Malady of the Brain" with makes her extremely anxious and gives her OCD-like tendencies and thoughts (i.e., she repeatedly checks portholes and airlocks to ensure the Deep House is secure, feeling as though the house will spring a leak and kill her otherwise; she also has major intrusive thoughts), and ensures that she has spent most of her adult life within the confines of the Deep House. Despite her anxiety, she pens the letter to Henerey that gets their relationship, and the mystery, started. E. is remarkably inquisitive and seems to have a broad depth of knowledge in multiple subjects, not least ocean life and fantasy novels (two things she and Henerey bond over). I enjoyed getting tidbits about her childhood and seeing her open up to Henerey and their shared intellectual pursuits.
Henerey comes across as a mix of level-headed and endearingly enthusiastic (and nervous). He takes E. seriously from the get-go and the two are intellectual matches as they talk over the ocean, life, and novels. It's clear that Henerey is excited to have made a friend and I liked how much he cared about E.'s interests and opinions. I do feel that we didn't get to know him as well as some of the other characters, so I would like more insight into Henerey if possible in book 2 (Vyerin will def be in it, so hopefully he can provide more insight).
Speaking of, Vyerin felt very realistic to me. He still clearly misses his brother and is grieving his loss, even a year out from when it occurred. This has prevented him from doing much reading into Henerey's personal affects, but as he and Sophy converse via letter, he's able to reconnect with his brother through those letters and begin to both heal and become invigorated for the mystery central to the novel. While Vy seems more 'stuck' in the grief cycle as compared to Sophy (not to say Sophy isn't grieving still too), he's also able to be humorous at times and I enjoyed his quips, as well as the moments when he revealed more about his husband and children.
Sophy seems to have moved a step or two further in the grieving process than Vy, but she too still deeply misses her sister. She comes across as very determined, and even though she isn't in the career position she was in when E. died, she's still very academic in nature and approaches things in a very systematic and logical manner. I particularly enjoyed Sophy's letters because they gave insight not just into the E. and Henerey affair, but also into the Ridge Expedition, which was a major scientific expedition Sophy was on when the whole thing with E-H was going down. The expedition was alluded to have ended abruptly and to have returned few results, but imo it's clear from the get-go that the mission somehow ties in with what happened to E. and Henerey as well as into the book's central mystery.
Overall I greatly enjoyed this book and found myself immersed in the characters and the world. It's definitely slow paced but I think it works for the story and the narrative style. I absolutely love the epistolary nature of the story and the way both the story and the mystery unfolded in dual 'timelines.' I'm greatly looking forward to the sequel!
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
As Time Moves On Part 4: The Mystery in Spade
Summary: The reconstruction effort in Spade Kingdom brings about a disturbing revelation. Genre: general Word count: ~1800
The bitter cold was nothing new to the Spade Kingdom. Winters were long and harsh. Summers were fleeting like a breeze. But the people of Spade became resilient over the generations, especially so after the reign of terror that was the Zogratis family.
Thanks to the efforts of Spade’s Resistance Force and Clover Kingdom’s Magic Knights, freedom and peace were restored.
The long night known as the Devil Banishment War was passed. And the people of Spade, with renewed hope and strength, worked to usher in a new era of peace.
“Thanks to the citizens, as well as the aid sent from Heart and Clover, we’re keeping a decent pace for the reconstruction plans we initially put forth.”
“Diamond Kingdom is in a state of political unrest. Not only from the Zogratis annexing some of their territory but also due to internal conflicts. We can’t expect any word from them any time soon.”
“We’ve sent messengers to Lumi Kingdom regarding assistance. There’s no telling how long it will take for them to respond though.”
“Every resident of the capital city has confirmed that they have new lodging. Either within another town or in the nearby tent cities.”
Ciel nodded along as her team of advisors filled her in on the state of affairs. It fell to her to lead her people after the Zogratis family was removed from power. She wished she didn’t have to do it alone, that Loyce was still there sharing the burden.
But Loyce was no longer of this world. He was in a better place. So Ciel made it her duty to restore Spade to the joyous land they’d once led together.
While listening to her advisors, Ciel also concentrated her mana on a spell: Full Moon Haven.
With the spell, she imbued an area with the gentle light of the moon, healing wounds and restoring stamina. She’d learned it years ago, before ever being queen, and in the present, she used it to tend to the many volunteers who toiled to clear debris and find those who were injured or killed during the Devil Banishment War. It was a blessing to have in her grimoire, as it meant she was able to serve her people as kindly as they served her.
“How soon do you think the capital will be rebuilt?” Ciel asked while slowly diminishing her mana output.
“Due to…” Albert, the leader of the resistance and one of Ciel’s advisors, paused and cleared his throat. It was more to break the tension that came with what he was about to say. “Due to the King of Devils leveling most of the capital city, there hasn’t been much large debris so clearing the land has been quick work. However, we can’t proceed quite yet as the task of recovering the bodies of the deceased has come to a standstill. It’s concerning the… high priority ones.”
Ciel’s eyes went wide and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep her face composed.
“I see.”
Ciel finished casting Full Moon Haven and sent off the patients, either to their lodgings or to a more skilled healer for severe wounds. Then, she and the advisors slipped away, towards the shadows of the castle ruins.
There were some questions she would need answered in privacy.
Dante Zogratis, Vanica Zogratis, and Zenon Zogratis of the Dark Triad. Moris Libardirt, former Magic Scholar of the Diamond Kingdom.
While reports from Clover’s Magic Knights attested to their downfalls, Ciel and her advisors had made it a priority to find their bodies again to confirm their deaths. The people of Spade had put their all into the task alongside preparing for the rebuilding of homes. And yet after four months…
“Has nothing from any of them been recovered?”
Ciel’s advisors frowned grimly.
“Are we certain that we’ve checked every possible nook and cranny of the castle? We’ve left no piece of rubble unturned? We haven’t ignored any rooms by accident, have we?” Ciel inquired between deep breaths.
“Your Majesty, we’re sure,” Albert answered and bowed his head slightly. “This was our fifth full area search. We cannot find a trace of them.”
Ciel wrung her hands together. Closed her eyes, squeezed them shut tight. She took deep breaths. Deep, slow, trying-to-prevent-panic breaths. With a final exhale, Ciel opened her eyes and looked her advisors in the eyes.
“Thank you for informing me,” she stated with the grace she’d practiced as queen. “If I may, I ask that I have a moment to myself.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” the advisors spoke in unison as they bowed their heads. Then, they turned and left her be.
When Ciel felt sure she was on her own, she let out a heavy sigh. She placed her hands over her heart, feeling its anxious rhythm. After the coup and so many years living in hiding and praying for a miracle, Ciel believed she’d gotten used to being worried. But no, she’d only been used to worrying about the Dark Triad finding her to finish what they’d started.
Now, she feared that they could return and ruin the peace that was still new to the kingdom.
Ciel paced the area.
Yuno’s personal witness testimony detailed how Zenon turned into a devil and how his body crumbled upon defeat. The search for his body had been futile from the start. But that didn’t explain why nothing of Vanica, Dante, or Moris was found. Could it be that their bodies were completely crushed in the rubble? And that only unidentifiable, rotting bits of flesh and bloodstains remained?
Ciel shuddered.
There were individuals, the Dark Disciples, who earnestly followed the Zogratises. Is it possible that some of them survived and salvaged their leaders’ bodies? And since the Dark Disciples had no qualms about using Forbidden Magic, if the bodies were found… Then…
Her breath caught in her throat.
Vanica’s piercing, maniacal laugh while demanding a fight echoed in her ears.
Zenon’s listless gaze flashed across her mind’s eye, as if burned into her memory.
Dante’s hands and how they so carelessly dropped Loyce’s body to the floor, prepared to take her life next, made her body tremble.
Not again… She didn’t want the terror to return… To lose everything all over again…
Ciel clenched her hands into fists and shook her head.
“Don’t worry. Spade is safe now,” Yuno had said with a hushed confidence. “And I won’t let it come to harm again. As the next Wizard King, it’d be my duty to.”
A half-hearted laugh slipped past Ciel’s lips. Yuno’s statement didn’t make much sense but his heart was in the right place. It was in a place full of hope.
“That’s right…” Ciel told herself. “I can’t give into fear. Not now.”
There wasn’t a chance that Ciel would let herself give up so easily after everything that she and her people had endured. Not after hope in the form of mages from Clover and Heart arrived and chased away the darkness. Not after she got to see the man her son had become and still strove to be.
The Queen of Spade looked to the sky. The clouds were gray as per usual. However, their shade appeared lighter than usual.
“Dear people of Spade Kingdom. I thank you all for gathering today so that I may address you regarding our current reconstruction efforts.”
Ciel’s voice carried across the crowd of people. Their faces showed tiredness and concern but mostly curiosity.
“As of now, we’re making good progress in rebuilding our kingdom.”
Smiles began to appear on people’s faces.
Ciel went on to summarize how clean up has concluded, how foreign aid would continue to be provided, and how resources were being allocated for the various reconstruction projects. The good news that she shared made the people’s moods brighter. And it lightened Ciel’s own heart to know that Spade was already rising up.
All that good news, though, would be soured by the troubling announcement she had to make next.
“There are many good things in store for Spade as we continue to rebuild our kingdom. However, it is with a heavy heart that I also deliver bad news to you all. It is a matter of transparency that I tell you all. While parties worked to recover the bodies of the deceased for proper burials, a select group was tasked with finding the bodies of specific individuals: the Dark Triad and their conspirator Moris Liberdirt. I and my advisors desired to confirm without a reasonable doubt that those four were indeed dead. Unfortunately, nothing of them has been recovered during these last four months.”
The grinning faces fell away and color drained from many complexions.
“As your queen, I apologize for being unable to fully confirm their deaths. I apologize for having to deliver such a frightening message. But I felt that you needed to know, so that you may understand my dedication to putting everyone at ease and giving them reason to have even greater hope, even if I could not follow through this time.
“The Zogratises and Moris haven’t turned up thus far and we might have to consider that their bodies may never turn up. However! We cannot let the memory of the Zogratis family and their actions hold us captive. My dear and brave citizens, I implore you! Let us remember how we have endured and overcome a dark period of our kingdom’s history. Let us bolster our spirits with resolve. We shall rebuild the Spade Kingdom to what it once was and make new memories for the next generation of our people!”
After Ciel’s voice dissipated into the sky, silence permeated the crowd.
Ciel looked upon her people.
Let my prayer resonate with them…
“For Spade Kingdom!” a voice from the crowd yelled.
“Towards a brighter future!” cried another as they raised their fist.
“This is our kingdom again!”
“Here here!”
Shouts of determination arose, a testament to how the people had been weakened but not broken.
It was later decided that the corpses of Dante, Vanica, Zenon, and Moris didn’t need to be found. In all likelihood, the Zogratis family and Moris were dead. Their bodies lost to the land and their souls damned for their cruelty. As cold as it sounded, Ciel was glad to think that to be the case.
Uncertainty nestled within Ciel’s heart. However, the memory of her son’s affirmation and the optimistic calls of her citizens drowned out the whisper of fear.
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