#it’s tears falling down a straight face
liliewrites · 2 days
a/n ; HALLOO:DD so, here's the first part of the "let the world burn" series inspired by the song of the same name from chris grey. more women will be added to the list as i go, so feel free to drop some suggestions which genshin women you think would be a great addition to the series. anywaay, thanks for readingg:))
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-warning/s ; a bit of descriptive violence, mentions of blood and burning but not directed at the reader. -pairing/s ; arlecchino x fem!reader.
where in ; these women would go against every person in teyvat-- would even watch teyvat burn, all for your sake.
(men please dni utc!)
“Lynette, whatever happens, keep your mother safe.”
The words rang in the little girl’s ears repeatedly as she held the older woman’s hands. They were not related by blood in any way, but this woman had taken care of her, raised her and nurtured her for as long as she could remember. So she keeps her father’s words, and protects the woman with what she has.
“There they are! The wife of the Knave!!”
With an annoyed curse beneath a whisper, Lynette grabs onto your hand tightly, pulling you to run away as the spies have found you in your hiding spot. Tired, panting and breathless- your legs felt like it was about to give out, but thanks to the adrenaline spiking through your body, you just kept running, and running, and then finding yourself driven in a corner with nowhere to escape as the spies had surrounded you from all sides.
Despite being struck with fear, your motherly instincts came first as you held your precious daughter in your arms, wanting to protect her more than wanting to be protected by her.
“Mother, I can… I can handle this!” Lynette exclaimed, but you knew better, it was two against half a dozen grown men and only Lynette was capable of fighting out of the two of you but her alone would not be enough to face them. “My child, settle down, I'd rather die than witness you slain in front of me. Let me protect you, so hush.” 
You whispered, tears starting to form in the corner of your eyes as immense fear ran through your veins. You closed your eyes shut to brace yourself for impact, heart filled with dread as one of the men neared you with a blade of his own. He let out a sickly chuckle at your demise, the wife of the Knave’s to be precise, then raising his arm up to—
“Fucking imbeciles.”
—to fall in front of you beheaded, with warm and thick blood splattered against you and the child in your arms. You opened your eyes to look up but you already knew who it was and to your horrific relief, it was your wife covered in blood who stood menacingly in the background. Her hand letting go of her scythe that she earlier held with a grip so tight, her hands trembled while she slayed the wretched men in blinded fury then she started to slowly walk towards you.
You gasped at the sight and immediately covered Lynette's eyes as she was no more than just a child who although you knew was no stranger to this kind of scenery, you still wanted to shield her from the gruesome sight. Nonetheless, still, you felt glee to see your wife.
As for said wife, Arlecchino’s chest was heaving in pure, unfiltered wrath and with no remorse stepped upon the men’s lifeless bodies in a rather harsh manner. Her sharp, pointed heels stabbed itself into the flesh as she made her way towards you through the fire she had caused in the midst of tearing the men apart just a few moments ago.
— but as soon as she reached you, the look in her eyes softened and all hostility she held had instantly melted away. Replaced by a vulnerable and fragile display of guilt and fear as the apathetic mask she’d mastered to put on for years straight had cracked for a brief moment out of fear for you. “My beloved, I am deeply sorry for arriving so late...” she apologized and her tone sounded so different than how she insulted the man who almost killed you. She gently pulled you up into her arms and held you and her daughter with a relieved sigh. 
“I didn't realize that a few had escaped and chased after you, my beloved. I am terribly, terribly sorry for making such a horrible mistake.” Her voice was shaky and you knew that behind the tough exterior she tried to put on, her heart was broken beyond a million pieces at the thought of almost losing you. 
“My dear, it is alright. Lynette kept me safe, and we are alive.” You tried to reassure her, but at the moment you had mentioned the word “alive”, the intense emotions kicked in as she was reminded of the fact that if she arrived just even a second late, you and her daughter would’ve been dead along with the men that lay on the ground. The raging embers of fury ignited once more, so she separated for a moment to summon countless burning crimson blades in thin air one after another, embedding it into the lifeless bodies that lay on the ground. After her little outburst, she looked at the burning men with a glare and held you tightly to keep you safe and secure to provide you solace, amidst the burning chaos of flames that surrounded all three of you.
“My beloved, if you were to die at the hands of such crooked men, tainted and ruined, I could never find it in my heart to watch the world prosper without you as it’d have no meaning at all.”
She spoke with such conviction that it felt like a comforting flame that soothed the fear in your heart but to those who dare lay a finger on you, this served as a threat as this same woman who held you and your child with such a gentle hold and looked at you with tender eyes swearing that she would be capable of attempting to kill the Tsaritsa with her bare hands in a heartbeat— if it meant protecting you.
There is no sane bone in her body, that was indeed a fact, but if you were to be taken away from her then she’d be willing to watch the world go poof, drowned in the flames of her agony of your loss if it were to ever happen.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 2 days
only you (f.h.) (drabble)
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Wife!Reader
A/N: The last month was pretty busy so I couldn't write much but I had a cute lil thought about this while I was on the bus cuz of all the Five tiktoks on my fyp
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"Honestly Five, your head isn't screwed on straight! No one in their right mind would put themselves at this much risk over and over again!" You shouted, voice almost hoarse and mouth dry as you continued to berate him, as you had since you arrived almost twenty minutes ago.
Your husband continued to ignore you, not even bothering to justify his reckless mission anymore and you continued to shout, waving your hands around in your helplessness and frustration.
Five Hargeeves was a great man but the one thing you absolutely detested about him was how he decided he had to do everything on his own. You were his partner, both in the commission and in his life, but he refused to trust you with his own matters.
To a certain degree, you could understand him. He was so anxious about saving his family, so tormented by their deaths hanging over him that he felt that unless he oversaw every single detail, it would all fall apart.
But just because you understood, didn't mean you appreciated your husband putting himself in harm's way when you could've helped him.
"Are you even listening to me?! Five! Your wife is here yelling at you, and you don't even have the decency to look her in the eye?!"
He didn't reply and you were stuck staring at his broad, blazer-clad shoulders.
Then he shifted, taking a deep breath and you heard the shaky breath he let out.
He finally turned, eyes glistening, cheeks wet and lip quivering and you felt so heartbroken at the sight of him that you felt your own tears prick at your eyes. You immediately closed the gap between you, "Oh, sweetheart."
You sat him down in the armchair, perching on his lap and letting him hide his face into your neck, peppering kisses to the crown of his head as he took some time to compose himself.
"I'm just—so tired." His voice cracked and you felt like your heart did as well, pulling away from him just enough so you could kiss his tears away.
"Shh, it's okay." You whispered, gently running your thumbs over the peak of his cheekbones. His hands were gripping your waist with the strength of a vice, nails digging into the flesh of your hips.
"What do you need, Five? Just give me the word and I'll make it happen." You told him, now more determined than anything to shoulder the pain he was feeling, "I would move the heavens and the earth to make you happy, my love. Tell me what you need."
He slumped over in defeat, pressing his forehead to yours, "You. Only you."
You sighed, now running your fingers through his hair. A part of you was disappointed that he was still unable to open up, another was unsurprised.
"Silly request. I'm already all yours."
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jordyn14 · 2 days
hiii can you make one where the reader has surgery and joe takes care of her your imagines are so good !!!
Livin’ the dream?
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Pairing: Joe burrow x fem first person reader
Words: 9225
Notes: I combined this with a request asking me to write about the foundations recent golfing invitational. But omg I was not expecting this to be this long, I just kept writing and writing… I hope you enjoy though!! 🫤🫶🏼🫶🏼
Taglist: @wickedfun9
I sat in the hospital bed waiting for the nurse to bring in Joe since I was awake. A week ago, I got into a car accident which not only totaled my brand new car, but broke my Tibia, which, if you're not aware, meant I needed surgery. Better yet, the surgery just had to be scheduled for the day before the 2nd annual Joe Burrow foundation golf invitational, which I had so much fun at last year. To say I wasn't in the best mood was a complete understatement, given that both Joe and his parents wanted me to just stay home and recovery from the surgery, especially since I would need to be on crutches for a while.
As I sat in my thoughts, just glaring down at my leg which was covered in a huge and ugly cast that Joe would definitely want to write on at some point, the door opened up. Expecting it to be another doctor since it was only a few minutes after the nurse left, I didn't look towards the door. Then, I heard Joes voice which practically brought me to tears. "Hey, how are you doing?" Joe asked me. I quickly looked over to him with a sigh and as soon as I did, Joe gave me a small smile, knowing I was upset that I needed surgery. All I wanted to do was have him wrap me in his arms and hold me forever, and also take me to the golfing invitation tomorrow.
"Ooh, where to start? One, I have this ugly cast on my leg, and two, I can't even go to the invitational. I'm livin' the dream." I said with an exasperated sigh and leaned back against the hospital bed, staring straight up at the ceiling as Joe walked over to me. I could hear joe start to chuckle and then he grabbed onto my hand and gave it a small squeeze, trying to reassure me. "Maybe if you feel up to it you can come, but it you're in pain, I just want you at home. I don't need you falling down some steps or getting hurt again." Joe said.
Ever since this accident, he's been treating me like I'm super fragile. I know I broke my leg, but he didn't have to keep worrying about me like he has been. Every time I need to go to the bathroom, he's always sitting on the bathtub across from me and watching my every move so I don't fall, saying things like, 'I don't want you to get a concussion when you fall, or worse, have a brain bleed when you hit your head.’
"Joseph, I only broke my leg, I'm not going to try and go up or down some stairs without someone's help." I said and glared over at him. "Well who knows with you, I'm just trying to keep my baby safe." He said with that adorable smile. Once again, I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, counting down the minutes until l could go home and get out of this sad and depressing hospital.
Once we got home, Joe sat me down extremely carefully on the couch and placed my crutches next to it. As soon as I sat down, our dog Tucker ran over to me and started to sniff at my cast like crazy before jumping up onto the couch for some pets. "Did you miss me buddy? I missed you, yes I did." I said in a puppy dog voice while rubbing his belly when he rolled over onto his back. For the past week he's been at my best friend's house so l didn't have to deal with him, considering that I had a broken leg and Joe's been at OTA’s.
“Okay, do you need anything? Pillows, Blankets, food, drinks, a computer, books...coloring books... legos?" Joe asked me, trying to think of every possible thing that I could need. I laughed a little bit at his concentrated face as he kept racking his brain. "Can you get me some Oreos and Maybe my Stanley?" I asked him with a smile. "3 big ice cubes?" Joe asked me. I nodded quickly with a smile and watched as he walked to the kitchen to grab what I asked for.
While he did that, I reached over and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Although I've watched it about a million times, I turned on the vampire diaries since it was my comfort show and then saw Joe walking back over to me with the Oreos and water bottle. "Hey, you should've asked me to do that, you need to rest." Joe said. I squinted up at him like he was stupid and scoffed a little bit. Joe set down the Oreos and water bottle next to me and then held up his hands as a surrender. "What?" He asked, confused at why I was looking at him like that. "How many times do I have to remind you that I only broke my leg? I didn't break my arms. Turning on the tv isn't going to wear me out.” I said.
"Okay, well still. I've been hurt numerous times and every single time you've been there to help me. Therefore I am here now to help you. Y'know, it feels good to not be the helpless one for once." Joe said and plopped down next to me while taking a bite out of an Oreo. Reaching over next to me, I grabbed the bag and grabbed one out of the bag and let out a huge sigh as I bit into it. "Well aren't you just enjoying this. You have a never ending supply of Oreos thanks to your amazing husband and you even have your own butler.” Joe said while laughing at how I was eating my Oreo. My eyes were shut and I kept shaking my head. Yeah, I was probably enjoying this way too much.
"y'know what could make this better?" I asked him with an excited smile. Joe pretended like he was thinking about what he could do to make this any better, but then his smile dropped and he looked over at me seriously. "Tomorrow's still a maybe." Joe said. I groaned and leaned back against the couch while crossing my arms over my chest in a kiddish way. "This is so not fair. You're the one that's going to regret making me stay home. I'm like your emotional support person." I said and kept glaring at the tv with my brows furrowed. "Just to clarify, You're not like, my emotional support person...You are my emotional support person." Joe said.
"Well then you should," I said and stopped halfway so I could yawn, "let me go with you." I said and then started to rub my tired eyes. "C'mere, you should take a nap." Joe said and patted on his lap. I couldn't help but smile as he patted his lap, wanting me to rest my head on it. “Yes sir." I giggled and started to shimmy my way over to Joe. While I tried to move over without hurting my leg, Joe reached over and grabbed a blanket out of the blanket basket and waited for me to lay down with my head in his lap.
I let out a few groans while grabbing my leg under my knee to move it on the couch, trying not to hurt it too much. Once both of my legs were on the couch, I rested my head in Joe’s lap and he sprawled out the blanket so it was covering me and then he started to run his fingers through my hair, knowing it helped me fall asleep. “Hmm, that feels good.” I hummed with a smile on my face as I shut my eyes. I could hear Joe chuckle a little bit at my tired state, but before I knew it, I was out.
I woke up with a deep inhale a little while later, my leg starting to ache, and I needed to pee so badly. Now awake, I noticed that instead of being on episode 5 of the vampire diaries, I was now on episode 7. Dang. Usually I could never take naps this long. Fidgeting a little bit, I looked up to see Joe who also fast asleep. I giggled a little bit at how he was sleeping. Since I was laying in his lap, he was forced to sleep upright with his head back on the couch and his mouth was hanging open because of the position.
With a sneaky smile, I reached up and put my finger in his mouth to wake him up. There was no way I was going to try and go to the bathroom on my own without him. Since it’s my first time using crutches, I was still extremely nervous about trying to do anything that may potentially make me fall, because with my luck, I’d break my wrists and be bed bound.
As soon as I stuck my finger in his mouth, his eyes shot open and he quickly looked down to me and scanned my whole body, expecting something to be wrong. “I’m up, I’m up. Are you okay?” Joe asked me, not even wondering why I just stuck my finger in his mouth. “Yes you big dummy. But can I ask you a favor?” I asked him with my best puppy dog eyes. “Of course, what do you need?” Joe asked me before reaching over and grabbing his phone from next to him, completely ignoring the fact that I put my finger in his mouth. When his screen lit up, I smiled at the picture of us at our wedding before my eyes found the time and I shot up a little bit. “Shit. We slept a long time.” I said. “I know right.” Joe chuckled before putting his phone down.
“My leg really hurts and I have to pee so extremely bad right now. Can you help me? I’m kinda scared to fall.” I asked Joe. “Yeah, baby, of course.” Joe said and waited for me to sit up to get up himself. When he got off of the couch, he held out both hands towards me and I grabbed both of them after sliding my legs off of the couch. Once my hands were in his, he carefully lifted me off of the couch. I couldn’t help but blush when I saw his huge bicep muscles as he pulled me off of the couch with ease. “Damn. That was hot Joey.” I giggled slightly once I was up. Joe just chuckled and then grabbed my crutches. “Alright, you able to walk with your crutches? Or can I carry you?” Joe asked me with that adorable smile, wanting nothing more than to carry me.
Although I wanted him to carry me, I knew it was best for me to just use my crutches so I could get used to using them some more. “I probably should get used to getting around with them.” I said. “Don’t worry, It’s easy. You’ll be hopping around here like a speed demon soon enough.” Joe said and handed them to me. I slipped them under my arms and lifted my leg off of the ground. “Yeah, sure.” I said with a laugh and started to head towards the bathroom. Tucker just stared at me from on the other couch next to the one Joe and I were sleeping on. Luckily he was already used to seeing crutches since Joe had to use them when he tore his acl.
Very carefully, I went to the bathroom while Joe walked right next to me the entire time, making sure I didn’t fall. If there was one thing to know about me, was that I’m extremely clumsy, meaning Joe was like a helicopter parent right now. When we reached the bathroom, Joe opened up the door and walked in first and when we got to the toilet the toilet, he grabbed both of my crutches and then leaned them on the bathroom counter before returning to me and helping me pull down my pants and sit down. “Thank you, Joey, you’re the best.” I said. “I’m just making up for the fact that you had to help me shower when I tore my acl, this is nothing.” He smiled down at me. “The showers I actually enjoyed.” I said with an exaggerated wink. Joe just rolled his eyes and said, “I’m going to grab your Advil, I’ll be right back.” I watched as he disappeared out of the bathroom and then I could hear the medicine cabinet opening up.
Once I was done going pee and Joe returned with the Advil, he once again helped me up and walked right next to me as we made our way back to the couch. “Oh my gosh, Joe. What about working out? I have to work out.” I said, wondering how I was going to work out any time soon with this huge cast on my leg and with how much my leg’s been bothering me. “You’ll be able to work out, but give it a little bit for your leg to start feeling better. Don’t rush into anything just yet.” He said and helped me sit back down on the couch. “Do I just put my crutches down and hop around? I can’t do legs anymore…oh my goodness.” I said and leaned back on the couch and stared straight up at the ceiling, a small feeling of dread over taking me. Joe just chuckled at me before plopping himself down next to me. “I think you’re forgetting that I went through this as well. I’ll help you, don’t worry about it, okay?” Joe told me and grabbed the blanket and threw it over the both of us.
With a groan, I rested my head on his shoulder and nodded. “Okay fine.” I said. Before we got too comfy on the couch, Joe leaned forwards and grabbed the three Advil pills and handed them to me along with my green Stanley cup. “Thanks.” I said and took them from him. Everyone always told me I had a high pain tolerance, but right now my leg was killing me. I quickly downed the pills in one big gulp and then handed my Stanley to Joe so he could set it back down. “Hey Joey?” I asked him. “Hey baby?” He said and smiled over at me. “I’m a little bored. Can we build legos or something? Get my brain working a little bit?” I asked him. Joe looked down at me like I was stupid before he scoffed, “uhh, of course. You already know the answer to that.” I laughed as he got off of the couch quickly and headed to the place he keeps most of his legos.
When he returned, he drug the coffee table a little closer to us so I didn’t have to move my leg too much and scattered the little Lego pieces all over it so we could start building. “After this, I’ll make dinner. What sounds good?” Joe asked me. I raised an eyebrow and looked over to him. There are some occasions where Joe cooks because he actually enjoys it. He likes getting all kinds of ingredients and making new things. But usually during this point in the off season he is so extremely focused on his body and the food he eats that he always has the chefs come over to make our meals. “Really? You’re going to make dinner tonight?” I asked him. “Yeah, I figured that we didn’t need any more people over here, especially since I knew you would be a little tired after your surgery. So, what sounds good?” He asked me.
What sounds good? How about everything? It feels like I haven’t eaten in forever. “Maybe some chicken Parmesan and a Cesar salad?” I asked him. “Mmm, that actually sounds so good right now. If we finish up with legos in 30 minutes I’ll have dinner ready by 6:30, does that sound okay?” He asked me. “That sounds more than okay, you’re amazing.” I said as Joe dove right into the legos and started to connect some of the pieces. He was like a little kid sometimes, which was so much fun. He always kept our relationship so alive, funny, and wholesome, which was something I desperately needed after having only terrible relationships before him.
The next day, I woke up to the sound of Joe’s alarm going off from his night stand and immediately sat up to access my leg and how it felt. From next to me, Joe sat up and turned off his alarm and started to rub his eyes and then he stretched. I looked over to him while he stretched with his eyes closed. His arms were up in the air, and I could see his perfect muscles. My eyes scanned over his pecs, his abs, and his his huge biceps. Every single detail all the way to where the blanket stopped just above the waist band of his boxers. I gulped a little bit at the sight of him and tried not to get too worked up considering we had somewhere to be soon.
While my eyes were on Joe’s faultless body, I didn’t even realize that he had caught me staring until he cleared his throat and said with a chuckle, “excuse me, my eyes are up here.” I quickly looked up into those bright blue eyes with a small laugh and began to stretch myself, although there was nothing for Joe to stare at since I was in one of Joe’s oversized LSU tee’s and a pair of shorts, which was my go to sleeping outfit. “How does your leg feel?” Joe asked me. It hurt. I quickly nodded with a smile. “It feels surprisingly good. Let’s get ready.” I said. Joe just looked at me sternly, making me cave right away. He could always tell when I was lying. “Fine, it hurts. But I still want to go. Please.” I practically begged him.
With an eye roll, Joe swung his legs over the side of the bed so his back was facing me, giving me the perfect view of his extremely muscular back and shoulders. “Damn.” I accidentally said out loud, making Joe crack up laughing at how shocked I looked when I realized I didn’t say it in my head. “Of course you can come, I need you there. But if your leg starts to hurt or you don’t feel up to it anymore, then tell me and I’ll either drive you home or get someone else to. I don’t want you to be miserable and in pain all day.” Joe said.
I immediately sprung up a little bit and shuffled my way out of bed and then grabbed my crutches that were leaning on the nightstand. “Yes! Oh wow, I’m excited. Last years was so much fun.” I said all excitedly and hobbled over to the bathroom to beat Joe so I could go pee. With the little time I had to actually move around last night considering how exhausted I was, Joe got me moving so I could test out my crutches and get the hang of them, so today was a little easier to maneuver around.
Right after Joe and I ate breakfast, it was already time for us to start getting ready for the event. Per Robins request, we had to get there before anyone else did and be extra early, so to make her happy, we made sure we would arrive right after she got there. Knowing her, she was probably already there, though. Currently, Joe was in a really good mood and feeling optimistic about the whole event since it was such a great turnout last year for the first ever invitational, but I knew that after a few hours and after numerous people requested pictures with him, he would totally be over it. Therefore, I was soaking in every second I had with a happy and currently people loving Joe.
When we were ready, Joe helped me get into the car and put my crutches in the back seat before walking around to the other side and getting in himself. Even though I ironed a pair of golf shorts and left them on the bed for Joe to wear this morning, he opted for a white tee shirt and shorts with a pair of Ugg slippers. I knew his mom would be on his ass eventually about his choice of outfit, but luckily he was bringing a change of clothes to better match the vibe of the event once speeches started and the food was brought out. Unlike Joe’s lazy outfit, I wore a cute little pink and white sundress and since I didn’t want to worry about having a hard time walking around, I wore my favorite white converse shoes-well, shoe if we’re being technical since the cast covered my whole foot as well.
When we got to the event, it didn’t take long for people to start piling in. Not only people who were invited to the event were pulling in, but also caterers and the people who were helping run everything for today. So much for being early and avoiding all of these people.
Once Joe parked in the very front of the parking lot closest to the building, he quickly got out and walked around to the front of the car to get to me. While he did that, I opened the door and slid my right leg out of the car and then picked up my left leg to try and maneuver it out of the car without bumping it or making the pain any worse than it already was. “Hey, hey, let me help you. Don’t hurt yourself.” Joe said as he grabbed my crutches from the back seat and then leaned them on the car. “I’m fine, I’m going to have to do this when you aren’t here.” I said. “Yeah, well, I’m here now, so let me help you.” Joe said and grabbed my purse that was resting on my lap.
With a small eye roll, I faced Joe some more so he could help me out of the car. Even though I felt like a complete baby, it was nice not having to worry about bumping my leg or getting out of the car and falling down since Joe was here. Joe put both of his hands under my arms and then pulled me out of the car. The entire time, I watched his face as he lifted me up with ease, not even phased by it in the slightest. My face flushed red slightly when I was placed on the ground, so I quickly looked down at the ground while grabbing my crutches. “Are you okay, did that hurt at all?” Joe asked me, a slight hint of worry in his voice after shutting my door and looking at me. I could tell he was scanning my face to see if I was okay.
I looked up at him with a sigh and nodded. “Yes Joe, but if you keep treating me like I’m fragile, I’m going to lose my mind.” I said with a small laugh. Joe sucked in his lips a little bit, realizing how much of a helicopter partner be was being right now and then he stood out of the way so we could start heading inside to greet Robin and Jimmy and maybe even my parents if they were here yet. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Sha’ll we?” Joe asked me with a smile. “We sha’ll.” I giggled and started to walk after him, making sure not to place my crutches anywhere that would make the crutches slip out from under me. The last thing I wanted was to embarrass myself in front of all kinds of people and have people take pictures of me on the ground.
Joe stayed by my side the entire time, but I couldn’t help but notice how much he struggled to walk slowly. With his long legs, his strides were always super long, fast, and spaced out. With my less long legs, I always had to take bigger strides to keep up with him. But now, with me being handicapped, I can tell he’s struggling to take shorter strides and to stick with me since I usually have to stick with him. There were so many times where he would start walking fast before catching himself and having to focus on walking slower all over again.
Before Joe had to leave and go play some golf with various people, we first made our way over to Robin and Jimmy who were flying around and trying to make everything perfect. As soon as Robin spotted us, her face lit up and she started to speed walk towards us. “Oh my goodness how are you?” She asked me when she got to us, putting her hands on my shoulders and looking me up and down. “I’m okay. It’s pretty sore and practically aches all the time, but we’re getting by.” I said. While I said this, Robin took a step towards Joe and gave him a tight hug. “I love you, Joe.” She said once they separated. “I love you too mom.” Joe smiled down at her, though I could tell he wanted to get the show on the road. “I just feel so bad. Joe kept us in the loop with everything after your surgery, but I haven’t talked to him about the actual surgery. Did everything go good?” She asked me.
From behind Robin, I could see Jimmy finally spot us and make his way over to us. “The doctors said everything went well. Broken Tibia’s are normal for car crashes so it was nothing new, y’know?” I said with a small shrug. “Well that’s good. I’m just glad you could make it. I know at first I just thought it would be best if you stayed home, but Joe needs you here. You keep him…semi sane.” Robin said and laughed at Joe when he shook his head down at his mom and started to walk over to his dad instead of listening to his mom talk about him. “Trust me, I know. Yesterday he told me I was his emotional support person.” I laughed as she stuck out her bottom lip, finding it adorable.
If we had a number one supporter, it was Robin. Of course there was always Jimmy who supported us no matter what, but Robin was a lot more vocal about it and showed it a lot more.
Once Robin and I talked for a few minutes and then I greeted Jimmy, my parents arrived so we all talked together and caught up a little bit. Another thing about me is that I hate being the center of attention. But can you guess what happens when you get into a car crash and total your car, break your Tibia and get surgery on it, and then end up in crutches with a huge cast on your leg? Ding. Ding. Ding. You become the center of attention.
We only talked for a little bit though since we all had to part ways. Much to Joe’s dismay, he had to finally leave me. Luckily he wasn’t too annoyed about it since he was going to play golf instead of something he doesn’t enjoy. Robin and Jimmy were greeting a bunch of people, and since I needed space from my parents who were- like Joe-helicopter parents, I escaped them.
For a little bit and as a bunch of people started piling in, I made small talk with numerous different people and introduced myself to a lot of people I didn’t know. Eventually, I ended up away from a lot of the crowd so I wasn’t worried about hitting anyone, putting my crutches on people’s shoes, saying excuse me every 5 seconds, or falling. The alcoholic drinks were being passed around on little trays, so I leaned against a railing overlooking the golf course and snatched a drink from someone’s tray.
By now, Joe and the rest of the people he was golfing with were already out of sight, so although I didn’t get to watch Joe, I still watched other people and mentally critiqued their forms in my head; although I suck at golf and shouldn’t be anywhere near a club.
All of a sudden, I saw someone walk up to me on my right out of the corner of my eye and jumped a little bit. I whipped my head over and started to laugh a little bit when I saw that it was only Sam Hubbard. “Damn-you scared me.” I laughed. Sam started to laugh as he leaned on the railing next to me with a drink in his hand as well. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he laughed and then gestured down to my leg, “I’m actually surprised that you’re here. How’s the leg?” He asked me. I sighed and looked down at the huge cast covering my leg and foot. “A pain in my ass pretty much sums it all up.” I said, the both of us laughing.
Not wanting to stay on my injury subject any longer, I quickly changed the subject before Sam could ask me something else about it. “So where’s the fiancé? I was hoping she’d be here today, make me less bored.” I said. Sam took a sip of his drink and shook his head while facing me more. “Her family is in town this weekend. She really didn’t want to miss it, but her family really wanted to see her. Plus with the wedding coming up and all.” He said. “Oh my gosh for sure. I get it. Plus weddings are stressful so the more they can help her plan some things and take some of that stress off of her shoulders the better.” I said and took a sip of my drink.
Resting my hand and glass on the ledge, I began to swirl the liquid around in my drink and watch as the sun reflected off of the glass. “Exactly. It’s not for a while, but she’s still trying to plan everything out to make sure it’s perfect.” He said with a smile and stared off out into the golf course for a few seconds. “We’re girls, it’s what we do.” I laughed a little bit. Sam raised his eyebrows quickly with a nod and looked back over to me. “Good to know.”
Looking to my right, I could see Robin next to the microphone where speeches were going to be held after Joe returned from golfing. She was checking the microphone to see if it was working properly and was looking around to make sure all of the decorations were in the right places. Since I was looking over at Robin for a few seconds, Sam followed my lead and looked in the same direction, wondering what I was looking at. “Oh yeah…speeches. That should be fun for Mr shy Joey B.” Sam said. We all knew how Joe burrow got during speeches, even when it was family and friends and people that were all there to support him. He was a shy person at heart when it came to standing in front of a crowd and talking, but not when it came to playing football for millions and millions of people.
“I might help him pregame before his speech so he’s less nervous up there. I might even push him to take an edible.” I said. “Or you could work some magic before the speech. Y’know, release some tension and all.” Sam said with a quick raise of his eyebrows up and down a few times. I let my jaw hang open at his suggestion before hitting him in the arm slightly. “That is so not funny Hubbard.” I said with a scoff. “It wasn’t supposed to be funny because it wasn’t a joke.” Sam laughed and watched as my face flushed red, making me look away from him. “I can’t with you sometimes.” I shook my head and drank the last sip of my drink.
After a while, I left Sam and started to hobble around somewhere else, making some more small talk with some people. While I was making my way around though, I noticed that my leg was really starting to hurt, causing a slight wave of nausea to wash over me. There were far too many people around me right now talking and walking about, so I decided to go find Robin and ask her if there was anywhere that I could go to be alone for a little bit until my leg felt better.
Once I made my way to Robin, she looked me up and down with a slight worried look on her face, able to tell something was wrong. “Are you okay? Is it your leg?” She asked me and started to rub my arm. “Yeah, it hurts pretty bad. Is there any where I can go to prop my leg up for a little bit and get away from everyone?” I asked. Robin scanned the whole area and then nodded. “Yes, of course. There’s a room that’s vacant right now with a couch so I’ll just stick you in there until you feel better. Is that okay?” She asked me. “That sounds amazing.” I said with a sigh and gave her a smile smile.
Robin guided me over to the room where I could get away from the commotion. The whole way there, she kept her hand on my back and made sure that I was okay while walking. “I’m sorry about this, I wouldn’t have come if I knew how much my leg would hurt.” I said, feeling bad that I had to leave so soon after the event started and make Robin stop what she was doing. “Don’t be silly, this is nothing. We need you here,” Robin said and opened up the door and holding it open as I hobbled inside, “take as long as you need, okay?” She told me. “Okay, thank you.” I said. With a smile, Robin said, “of course, anything for my favorite daughter in law,” and then shut the door, leaving me all alone.
Now that I was all alone, I let out a loud groan while walking to the couch and then plopped myself down on it, practically melting into it. I placed my crutches on the ground and then used the pillows to elevate my leg. Almost immediately, my leg felt better. Once I was situated on the couch, I grabbed some Advil out of my purse and then took a few pills to try and dissipate some of the pain so I could get back out there as soon as possible.
While I waited, I went on my phone and started to scroll through Instagram. After a few minutes, I refreshed the page and then saw of the some pictures that the foundations Instagram page posted on their story. There were various different pictures from the event and a few of Joe in his lazy outfit on the golf course with 5 other people including Cody Ford. Then there was another picture with Joe and two workers from Jeff Ruby’s catering service and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. In the picture, Joe looked so incredibly tall and his hair looked amazing and so fluffy. Even though it was only a simple picture of Joe smiling, Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.
Knowing that Joe would probably be wondering where I was since he was back from golfing, I went to my contacts and was just about to call him when I heard the door open. Expecting it to be a worker from the event that needed this room for something, I quickly tried to stand up and said, “I’m sorry, I was just leaving.” As soon as I said this, I saw that it was only Joe, and when he saw me, he quickly shut the door, though I could see the worried expression on his face. Realizing it was only him and that I was in fact not being kicked out, I settled back into the couch and was about to tell Joe why I was in here when he spoke before me. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong, my mom told me you were in here. Did something happen? Did you fall or did someone step on you? Do you need me to take you home real quick? I have about 20 more minutes until I need to change and make a speech.” Joe said in a rushed manner, gesturing down to the black Nike shirt in his hands that he needed to change into before speeches.
“Joey I’m fine. My leg started to hurt so Robin took me in here so I could be alone and rest for a few minutes while you were golfing.” I said as Joe started to walk over to me, still carrying a worried expression. When he reached me, Joe sat down next to me and started to read my face before he let out a sigh of relief and nodded. “Okay, okay. Are you sure you’re okay though?” Joe asked me and started to rub my thigh. “I promise. I took some Advil so once it kicks in I’ll be good to go.” I said with a reassuring smile. Joe reached up and started to rub the back of his neck with a small chuckle. “Damn, this is weird, you being hurt and all. Usually it’s me. When my mom told me you were in here I thought the worst possible thing happened to you.” Joe said.
“Yeah, try watching you get tackled by 300 pound men and take a second to get up. Or try being out of state when I watched you tear your acl.” I said, thinking back to all of the times where I would watch him get tackled and struggle to breathe sometimes. There was one specific time back at LSU where he was on his hands and knees for a few minutes and I could’ve sworn that he broke ribs or collapsed a lung. Two of the worst things, though, was being 8 hours away from him when he tore his acl and I had to to drive all night long just to get to him, all while being terrified of the unknown. Or when he recently hurt his hand and I had to watch him try to throw a ball, but drop to the ground when he realized he couldn’t and then watch him go to the locker room where I had no idea what was wrong with him or if his season or career was over with.
Joe shook his head and leaned back on the couch while reaching down and grabbing my hurt leg. Joe was super careful while he picked my leg up and placed it in his lap so it could be elevated for a little bit. I let out a sigh of relief when he placed it on his lap and then closed my eyes. “Oh wow, that feels better.” I said while smiling. “I truly don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t imagine having to watch that and not know what happened or if I was okay.” Joe said and looked straight ahead to think about what I have to go through pretty much every single game. “So this year, maybe try not to get hurt, how does that sound?” I asked him. Joe looked at me with a small laugh and said, “I will certainly try.”
“How much longer do you have before your speech?” I asked him while leaning back some more on the couch, lifting up my other leg and setting it on Joe’s lap as well. Joe grabbed his phone out of his pocket and then looked super bummed. “About 15 minutes. Great.” Joe said with a not so pleased look on his face. I could hear the hint of worry and nervousness in his voice, so I reached forwards and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “You’re gonna do great, just like always. This ain’t your first rodeo.” I said with a smile. Joe looked down at me after slipping his phone back into his pocket and let out a big sigh. “I hate giving speeches. It’s different when I have to talk about football in front of people because I know football like the back of my hand. But this, I feel like there’s so much expected out of me for some reason.” Joe said with a little shrug. “You know food insecurity and mental health like the back of your hand too, you grew up around it. Just talk from the heart like you always do.” I said.
“How much would I have to pay you to give this speech for me?” Joe asked me with a pleading look on his face, wanting nothing more than for me to stand up there in his place and give the speech for him. “You don’t have that kind of money. Plus, this is your foundation, I only help you with it.” I said. Joe looked forwards and tried to think of a reason that he couldn’t give this speech, and when he thought of something, he whipped his head over to me. “What if I make an excuse that my hand started to hurt and needed to ice it?” Joe asked me. “One, you can give a speech while icing your wrist, and two, every single bengals fan around the world would have a heart attack.” I said and shook my head at his stupid idea.
Joe just groaned a little bit while resting his head on the back of the couch so he was looking up at the ceiling. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Most people knew he hated public speaking, especially when it wasn’t football related. When it was about football, the answers came naturally and he could milk some of the answers a little bit depending on what the people wanted to hear. But when it came to the foundation, although he’s extremely passionate about it and the good it does, the speeches and the answers don’t come as natural. During these kind of speeches he always felt vulnerable and uneasy. He wasn’t worried about messing up while talking about football since he knew how to answer every question and give speeches about it. But with this, he knew there was a possibility of him messing up and that if he did, there would be hundreds of videos from hundreds of different angles all making fun of him.
“Hey, you’re going to do great,” I said, getting Joe to look over at me again, “if you get nervous or lost, just look at me. I’ll be front and center and will try and help you in any way possible.” Joe gave me a small smile and let out a small sigh, letting some of the tension out with it. “You promise?” Joe asked me. I held out my hand for a pinky promise and when Joe reached forwards and locked our pinkies together, I said, “I promise.” With a nod, Joe put his hands on my legs and then glanced up at me. “How does your leg feel? Are you ready for me to put your legs down? I need to change my shirt.” Joe said, making sure I was okay before we had to leave. “Yeah, she’s feelin’ better now.” I said and leaned forwards slightly while he very carefully placed both of my feet on the ground, making sure not to hurt me. “She.” Joe chuckled at how I called my leg a she. “Well my legs definitely not a boy.” I laughed while sitting up straight on the couch.
With another chuckle and a roll of his eyes, Joe took off his shirt. I couldn’t help but stare as he took his shirt off so quickly and easily, and I especially couldn’t stop staring at him shirtless. My eyes scanned over his muscular shoulders, toned abs, and then his v-line which was showing ever so slightly. Right now, I was seriously contemplating whether or not to do what Sam said. I wanted nothing more than to kiss all the way down Joe’s stomach while leaving small magenta marks on his abs and pecs, and then kiss up and down his v-line while Joe struggled with holding in his groans.
While I was staring at this perfect man in front of me and imaginingwhat I wanted to do in here with him, I could tell Joe was amused with just watching me drool over him. While my eyes scanned every single inch of his infallible body, he looked down at me with that panty dropping smirk on his face, knowing I was enjoying this immensely.
I was quickly torn from my thoughts when he sadly slipped the black Nike shirt on, covering his perfect chest which was tan from being outside by the pool. “How was the show?” Joe asked me. My eyes shot up to look him in the eyes before I scoffed and stood up. “Oh as if, your body is so mediocre.” I joked and rolled my eye. When I stood up, I grabbed my crutches and started to hobble over to him. “Oh yeah, then what’s with the drool?” Joe asked me. I quickly reached up and wiped off the ‘drool’ from my mouth, but when I found none, I glared up at Joe, making him laugh. “So not cool.” I laughed while nudging his shoulder.
We walked out of the little room together and then headed for the front of the event where Robin and Jimmy were waiting for Joe so they could start the speeches. When we got there, Joe was hesitant to leave my side, but eventually left and when to stand up in front of everyone with his parents. Robin started the speeches since only her and Joe were going to be giveng one, and when she was done, she said, “and with that, I’m going to pass if off to my very loved, beloved…son. Joe Burrow.” I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit as she passed the microphone down to him and then winked down at me with a smile.
When Joe got the microphone, the first thing he did was glance down at me. I could tell he was slightly nervous, but I knew he’d do amazing. When we made eye contact, I gave him a quick thumbs up with a big smile to try and help him the best that I could. “Thanks, mom.” Joe said with a big smile on his face while looking over at her. Both Jimmy and Robin and a lot of the crowd started to laugh at what Joe said. When he started his speech, I could tell he was nervous, but he did amazing. Everyone listened the entire time to what he had to say and gave him their undivided attention.
After his speech was done, he handed the microphone back over to Robin who had a few words to say to end the short speeches, so I hobbled over to Joe who left both of his parents. “See, I told you that you would do great.” I said. Since Joe wanted to wait for his parents, I walked by his side to wait with him and he put his hand on the small of my back extremely discretely. I knew he didn’t like when pictures of us were taken because he valued privacy and I was completely fine with it, so when he found ways to put his hands on me without anyone knowing, I couldn’t help but blush. “I fucking hate speeches.” Joe said quietly down to me while bending down slightly so only I could hear and started to rub my back a little bit.
When the speeches were over and everyone started to either get some food or talk amongst themselves a little bit, I found a place to set my crutches on so I could have another drink, but midway through the drink, I started to get a little chilly since the wind was picking up a little bit. I had to look around the entire place 3 times before I finally spotted Joe talking to Sam and Cody Ford, so I headed over to them to ask Joe for the keys.
When I reached them, I kind of felt bad for interrupting, but they didn’t seem to care. “Everything okay?” Joe asked me and started to rub my arm discretely. “Yeah, can I borrow your car keys though? I’m going to run to the car to get my sweater real quick.” I said and greeted both Sam and Cody and excused myself for cutting in, to which they both said that it was no problem. “I can go and get it for you, it’s no problem.” Joe said and was about to turn to the boys to tell them he would be right back. “I can do it, it’s okay. My leg feels a lot better anyways.” I said. Joe looked me up and down and then said, “are you sure?” I gave him a small look before he reached into his pocket and grabbed out his car keys. After hesitating to hand me them, I finally glared at him long enough for him to hand them over. “Just be careful, please. And call me if you need me.” Joe said. “I will.” I said and slowly turned around and started to head to his car.
I walked out of the huge venue and to Joe’s Porsche that was next to Robin and Jimmy’s car. It only took me a few minutes to get to the car and put my sweater on, so I was heading back inside in no time. As I was hobbling in past people, I got a notification that someone texted me, so I moved over a little bit so I wasn’t in the way and went on my phone to see a text from Joe telling me where he and the guys moved to and that he missed me. I couldn’t help but laugh at him and how I was only gone for a few minutes but he missed me. I quickly replied back:
I was only gone for a few minutes, plus, I wasn’t with you until I needed to grab the keys from you, you’ll be fine Joey
I was still looking at you from across the venue. Just because you couldn’t see me or find me doesn’t mean that I couldn’t see you 👀👀
You are something else Joseph Lee Burrow
And you love me for it. Now hurry up please 🙏🏻🥺
Stop it with the begging emoji, I swear
If you don’t stop I’m not going to bless you with my presence lmao
Ok fine 😂
I put my phone away with a laugh and started to work my way back inside, but not without getting stopped by a few people on the way. I couldn’t help but laugh even more when I spotted Joe in the place he told me he was. Joe was currently sitting down on a couch next to Sam and Robin sat on the other side of Sam. Just like last year’s event when Joe spotted a couch, he was slouched down on it and manspread which showed off his huge thighs.
Joe must’ve seen me out of the corner of his eye while looking in the opposite direction as me because his head whipped around to look at me and when we made eye contact, he gave me a huge smile and started to stretch a little bit. “Finally.” Joe laughed. “I’m crippled, sorry that I took too long for you, you big baby.” I joked while laughing at him and then looked over to Sam and Robin who were also laughing. “See, I should’ve went instead.” Joe said while putting his hands on the couch so he could lift himself up off of it so I could sit down, but before he could, Sam quickly stood up. “You can sit down, Joe. You can have my seat.” Sam told Joe and me as he stood up, letting me sit down. “Thank you Sam.” I said and hobbled over to where he was. Joe reached forwards and grabbed my crutches and then gently grabbed ahold of my arm while I sat down, trying to help me.
When I sat down, Sam grabbed my crutches from Joe and leaned them against the railing closest to us. I let out a big sigh as I got myself situated in between Joe and Robin, finally taking pressure off of my leg that wasn’t in the cast. It felt like every time I sat down, I had just ran a marathon. I looked over at Joe who was currently yawning. I could tell that he was pretty much all peopled out for the day, and the event still had a few more hours to go. For the most part, Joe was introverted and socially awkward. He loved to stay inside where he could interact with very few people as possible while watching SpongeBob and building legos. That’s just the kind of person he was.
“I can tell someone’s all peopled out today.” I said while nudging Joe in the side after his yawn ended. Joe chuckled a little bit and then nodded down at me. “I love raising money for this cause, but I wish I could do it in the comfort of our home.” He said. “Trust me, I know you do.” I said and started to pat Joe’s thigh while scanning the room. I could hear Joe suck in a small breath at the feeling and then he grabbed ahold of my hand and lifted it up and off of him. I quickly looked down, confused why he moved my hand, but then noticed just how far up my hand was on his thigh. “Oops.” I laughed a little bit as I looked up at Joe’s face and saw how he had his lips sucked in and he was trying to calm himself down. “Don’t look at me.” Joe said and looked straight ahead while dropping my hand. I watched as he tried to take deep breaths in order to bring himself down. “You’re such a teenage boy, I swear.” I joked with him while looking straight ahead and placing my hand on my own lap this time. “I can’t help it. It has a mind of its own. Now stop it so I don’t get a boner.” Joe whispered down at me. “You are something else, Mr. Burrow.” I laughed. “You drive me insane Mrs. burrow.” Joe said while shaking his head, unable to hold back a smile as he stared straight ahead.
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joostsblog · 1 day
heyy i was wondering if you could write an angst to comfort joost fic where the reader is just like exhausted from everything and goes nonverbal bc theyre so tired and just frustrated and exhausted and joost gets worried when he hadnt heard from them in awhile so he goes to their house they break down in tears and he just comforts them?
Thanks for the request, I saw the opportunity to combine this request with another, I hope you don't mind! Here's the other request:
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I hope the description of living with chronic pain is somewhat accurate 🫶🫶
cold tea ~ Joost Klein one shot
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x reader (with chronic pain)
Description: During a particular bad episode of chronic pain, Joost is worried about you and checks up on you as he hadn't heard from you in a while.
Word Count: 0.7k
A/N: Again, I hope the both of you don't mind that I combined these requests💌 requests still open although I can't promise too many as I'll be on vacation the next two weeks ☀️ if you liked it, you can show your support by leaving a reblog 🫶
Warnings: not proofread
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You were curled up in bed, cuddling your teddy bear, eyes tightly shut as you tried everything in you to forget about the pain throughout your body. This week had been a series of really bad days for your chronic pain, barely getting any sleep at night and not being able to turn up to work. Your body was so tired you knew the only thing it wanted to do right now was just to fall asleep but the pain within it made it impossible. On top of that, you felt guilty for ignoring your boyfriend Joost. There were dozens of worried unanswered texts from him on your phone accompanied by ignored phone calls. But for the past few days, the pain and the mental load that came along with it was so bad that you couldn't muster up much strength to text him back.
You had only started dating a few weeks ago which meant that Joost didn't know much about your issues with chronic pain. You were worried that Joost would think that you were purposefully ignoring him because you wanted to break things off him with - which couldn't be further from the truth. You were head over heels for the sweet boy. You wanted to spend every waking moment with him, curled up in his arms, laughing and giggling with him.
He's probably angry with me for not answering, you thought to yourself.
The shrill sound of the doorbell shattered through your head. You sighed as you knew you had to get up. You had ordered some takeout since you didn't feel like cooking but you knew you had to feed your body. With a wince, you slowly sat up straight and made your way to the door. Your heart might as well have briefly stopped beating as you saw Joost stand outside your door.
"(Y/N)?" Joost asked timidly, a concerned look on his face. "Is everything alright?"
You wanted to speak but couldn't bring your mouth to form any words. Too exhausted but also too embarrassed to speak. Instead, your throat just felt dry and you could feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"Oh, (Y/N)," Joost whispered with a frown as he saw your tears. "Do you- can I-," you could tell that Joost didn't quite know what to do. So you just opened the door wider indicating for him to come in. "Can I hug you?" Joost asked softly as he stepped into your flat and you nodded. Joost very softly wrapped his arms around your body, very careful not to hurt you in any way. "Is it the pain?" he asked and you nodded against his chest. "Let me take care of you," Joost whispered against your hair as he pressed a soft kiss against your head. He led you back to your bedroom and softly tucked you in under the covers. "Be right back."
A few minutes later he appeared again with a cup of tea which he placed on the nightstand and got in bed next to you. Joost opened his arms and you nodded and he scooted closer to you and wrapped his arms around you carefully. For the first time in days, you could feel your body slowly relaxing. Joost started humming a soft melody and you could feel the exhaustion taking over your body slowly lulling you to sleep.
When you awoke, your head rested on Joost's lap, his hand softly caressing your head. He was reading an article on his phone and your heart fluttered as you caught a glimpse of the title: How to support a loved one with chronic pain.
Joost could feel you shift so he set down his phone and checked on you.
"Oh, you're awake," he smiled. "Your food came," he updated you. "And your tea went cold."
"Ice tea," you mumbled with a weak smile and Joost's eyes went wide with joy at finally hearing your voice again. Your body still felt sore but you were thankful that you were able to get at least a little bit of sleep.
"You're hungry?" Joost asked and you nodded. "I'll be right back," he said and got up before leaning down to you again to press a gentle kiss on your forehead. You smiled.
Your worries about Joost not being understanding or not having patience were completely forgotten. Instead, you felt cared for and loved by him. You smiled at him as he entered the room with the Thai curry you had ordered.
"Thank you," you said, your voice still slightly straining. "I love you."
Joost smiled fondly at you before he pressed another kiss to your head.
"I love you too, liefde."
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tonisbabydoll · 2 days
wanna overstimulate hot nerd anton while he tries to tutor me 😓 imagine threatening him that you won't pay him unless he finishes reading a whole paragraph to you while you jerk him off and overstimulate him :') he'd struggle so much to try and teach you, but your hand just feels soooo good and sticky, the build-up of cum due to his previous releases making the experience more enjoyable ☹️ he lets out shaky sighs and whimpers as try to read to you, using his pen to point to the problem he's teaching you about while clutching on it so hard that it could definitely break ughehebbshwns sobbing, i need him!!!! been so deep in anton shit lately 😓
- 🫧
yk i love sub anton…this has me😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 also i LOVED writing this omfg, don’t mind the rushed ending lol
watching anton struggle would be so cute :( he would stop reading to look at you, his eyes teary from the amount of times you’ve made him cum already. “y/n, please,” he breathes out, his voice shaky. “can’t focus…” you tighten your grip slightly, stroking him slowly as his body shudders. “finish the paragraph, anton,” you tease. he swallows hard, eyes going straight back to the textbook, pointing at where he’s reading. every word he reads is punctuated by shaky moans. his breathing becomes more ragged with each passing second, tears beginning to fall from his eyes as you continue to stroke his cock. “please y/n, don’t think i can anymore,” he whimpers, his voice filled with desperation. “you have to,” you say softly yet firmly, your hand now moving faster. “or no money.”
anton takes a deep breath, trying to gather the strength to keep going. as he continues, his voice breaks into moans each time you quicken your pace. his tears fall down his face, mixing with the sweat from feeling so overwhelmed. he grips the pen tighter, knuckles turning white as he tries to refocus on reading. his voice cracks with each word as his body trembles, biting his lip to keep control. “good boy, keep going,” you whisper, simultaneously encouraging and demanding him. his t-shirt clung to his body from how much he was sweating, his glasses fogging up. the attempts to focus were now useless; he could only think about your hand wrapped around his big cock. “almost there, pretty boy. you can do it,” you whisper in his ear.
he barely finishes the last sentence of the paragraph before he cums, making a mess all over your hand. his grip on the pen loosens, falling onto the desk. tears of relief run down his face again as he collapses onto the desk, panting heavily. you stroke his hair, soothing him from the overstimulation. “did so well, anton. such a good boy,” you whisper softly. “th-thank you,” he replies, eyes still glistening with tears. you couldn’t wait until your next tutoring session, you needed to have him like this again, he was too cute.
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dulcesiabits · 1 day
there is no heaven on earth except for you.
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summary: you divorce nightowl and reconnect with him decades later.
notes: 1.2k words, divorce, suggestive content (implied sleeping together), inspired by several robobarbie drabbles (including one which i swore i read about a similar scenario but CANNOT find)
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The ring glints between the two of you on the dining table, a shard of ice-cold diamond.
For a second, neither of you breathes.
And then you stand, and Nightowl looks down at the table listlessly, his bleached hair falling in front of his eyes.
“That’s it?” he asks quietly.
“That’s it,” you confirm. Your voice is flint and steel. Impenetrable. There’s no need to repeat the arguments that have been doggedly circling your apartment for weeks.
You’re not quite as young as you were when you got married, an impulsive decision that had felt so, so right at the time. His hand in yours. The two of you against the world. A ring he’d been saving up from the paycheck at his first architectural job.
You could have survived anything together. The end of the world. A national disaster. But somehow, it’s the small things that ended up tanking your relationship. The bills, the rent, the piling financial strains. The gratingly small habits. And the emotional insecurities, running deeper than you could possibly have begun to help him with.
It’s easy at first. You have infinite patience and love for Nightowl. You’ve promised to dedicate your life to him.
You can take it. The late nights, the constant need for reassurance, the desperate way he clings on to you, as if you’ll leave if he lets go. 
And then it becomes harder.
You grow older. You do your best. But nothing you do can reassure him, can save Nightowl from himself. It’s naive for you to think you could in the first place. You can’t love him enough to make up for deep wounds that tears him apart.
Like a sinking ship, you stay until the water is over your head, and now the both of you are drowning. 
“The lawyer will be in contact,” you say.
His shoulders shake, and his voice only wobbles slightly. “Okay.”
It’s for the best. That’s what you repeat to yourself as you stumble out into the elevator, down to your car. One day, you will be able to look back on this and forget it all.
Someone calls your name. A voice you haven’t heard in years, one that comes straight out of a dream.
“Hey,” he says. And you feel twenty five again, and all you can remember is the boyish smile and the bleached hair falling on your shoulder, warm arms pulling you closer. A ghost, one that seems determined to pull you back.
“Hi,” you say.
“Do you have time to catch up?” Nightowl says. It’s been thirty years? Thirty five? But his voice is as bright as ever. 
On his hands, you notice, he has no rings. Just a pale band of skin where one once rested on his fourth finger.
There’s still a light band of skin where your ring once was. You thumb it over unconsciously, glancing out of the corner of your eye at the man besides you. You don’t think he’s noticed, absorbed into the ceramics of a long-lost civilization in front of the two of you.
Even after all these years, it still hasn’t faded. An indelible mark of your relationship, a ghost marriage: something that should have died long ago, but doesn’t go away.
He’s different now. Of course he would be, but it still hits you at unexpected moments. His long hair, tied back professionally, which he hasn’t bleached in decades. The wrinkles, which he would have used to complain about. But there are some things that are still the same, too: the dark thumb prints under his eyes. The mischievous twinkle.
You’ve changed too. You’re tired, older. You can’t stay up as late, move quite as fast, drink as much. You have your own wrinkles. You’ve found a streak of gray in your hair.
Nightowl catches your eye. “Like what you see?”
“Hm? What?” 
“The art,” he says cheekily, tilting his head. “What did you think I meant?”
Your face heats up. He’s caught you staring like some lovesick teenager. “The art. Of course.”
His laugh, you’re relieved to find, is still so, so warm.
The evening gloom rolls in as you find yourself in the lobby of his hotel. The misty street lights are turning on one by one outside, surrounded by halos.
“It was nice seeing you,” you tell him. As if your only history is being two old friends, and nothing more.
Nightowl dips his head. “It was. I’m glad. I didn’t realize you were still in the city.”
You shrug. “I like it here.”
“I do, too.”
“Well, I should probably go now. Before it gets late.”
You take a step back. Then another. The silence stretches between the two of you, wider than a thousand years, a thousand miles. A thousand unknown memories and experiences.
This is it. A beautiful evening, a chance meeting. And then two of you will vanish again, back to your own lives. It’s a better parting than your last one. A nice memory to take home with you, once it’s all said and done.
“Wait.” Nightowl strides towards you. He doesn’t touch you, but he doesn’t have to. “Do you want to stay? I can order room service.”
“For more wine?”
“More wine,” he confirms. “It goes on the company card, so we should take advantage of it.”
The only thing you can do is nod.
You wake up in a shaft of sunlight on your face like a spotlight, creeping through a gap in the blinds. Someone’s arm is around your waist, sheets pooling around your legs.
You squint, and then– shit. You try to rise, but Nightowl stirs at your movements, pressing a sleepy kiss against your shoulder.
“Good morning.”
“Nightowl,” you breathe. 
“Yes. That’s me.”
You close your eyes. Your head is throbbing, and you throw your mind back to the past, groping for the events of last night. The wine. The way the hours ticked away, until the easiest choice was to stay here. And how easy it was to fall right back into his arms.
“This was a mistake,” you begin.
“Really? Because it didn’t feel like one.”
“It’s been so long.”
“And I missed you,” he says quietly.
“I’ve been with other people. But you weren’t just my spouse. You were my closest friend.”
You let out a breath, sinking into the plush hotel pillows. Nightowl reclines next to you, resting his chin on his propped hand. He’s drinking you in, and it sends heat throughout your body. To think that he could look at you the same, to want you the same.
“We left each other for a reason,” you say quietly. “We’re too old to be repeating the same mistakes.”
“But we’re not. We’re doing something different.” His hand slips into yours, palm to palm, fingers intertwined. “We’re not the same kids anymore.”
“I…” Your eyelashes flutter. “I know. But…”
“Do you regret this? Because I don’t.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Give us a chance again,” he says. “We can take it one step at a time. As slow as you want.”
In the sunlight, you see the pale band around his finger, glowing. “All right. But at least take me out first.”
“I think we’re already past that.” When he leans in, you only lean your head forward in response. Your first time, done again, and again, until the two of you finally get it right.
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i'll see you there tomorrow~
yeonjun x reader
technically i don't think i explicitly mention a gender or gendered terms sooo.
synopsis: yeonjun has jealousy issues because he's silly and can't help himself
warnings: gaslighting? manipulation? LOL i'm not even sure myself that's sad. yeonjun is toxic and mean but hehe. dick sucking, deep throating, he pushes her head down, cum eating?
watching him perform has always been my favorite thing. he always looks so happy up on stage even in practice most of the time and today is no different.
they just finished filming a choreography video for a song on their new album called I'll See You There Tomorrow and i swear his eyes shine a different kind of bright for this one. i don't know what it is about this song or dance but it's like he just can't help but smile while performing it.
it's so cute and something that really makes him stand out as an idol--he really loves his job. and people are always commenting on it, he always appears to be having the time of his life. he's so goofy and silly and people call him the youngest trapped in the eldest's body. i can see why when he's on stage or in their little to-do show. he's special and it's admirable.
i guess that's why it's so jarring when he snaps. i like to mess with him as anyone does, but they only get to see the small bits he can show on camera. sure we see him get mad at gyu but he's not going to do anything serious. so why does my cheek burn so bad?
"why do you think it's so funny to flirt with my friends in front of me?"
yeonjun grabbed my face and forced me to look up at him, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "do you like embarrassing me? do you like making me feel like shit?"
i shook my head as best as i could and he glared, "use your words." "no i don't like embarrassing you." he pushed my head away and i tried my best to stay balanced, rubbing my legs together and staring at the ground. why do i like this so much? being the only one who sees this.
"you're so mean to me sometimes, y/n."
i looked at him and he sighed, shaking his head, "you really make me feel like you don't actually love me."
"i do love you, yeonjun."
he stood close to me, towering, and staring straight down into my eyes, "i don't know. i think you're going to have to prove it."
i chewed on my bottom lip and slowly sunk to my knees, watching a smile grow on his lips. "such a good girl."
i reached up to unbuckle his belt and tossed it to the floor before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. our eyes stayed locked, neither one of us even blinking as i pulled him from his boxers. "go ahead", he nodded and rubbed my head gently, "show me how much you love me."
i wish the ache between my legs would stop. i wish he could just fuck me instead of torturing me like this. how is my mouth going to prove anything? how is me choking and crying going to mean i love you? just put it inside me already this is so stupid!
"y/n? some reason you're hesitating?"
i looked up at him and then down at his dick, gripping it with a sigh. whatever.
i licked the tip gently a few times, avoiding all the spots i know he likes best. if it's up to me, it's up to me. his fingers tangled in my hair gently as i wrapped my lips around the head, slowly sinking down to about halfway before bobbing my head at a steady pace. soft panting came from him, a grunt every so often as he tapped the back of my throat.
"you can do better than that, hm?"
i glared up at him and his eyes had darkened significantly. his hair was messy now like he had been messing with it and his bottom lip was red and puffy. god he's so hot. he pushed down on my head suddenly and i squeezed my eyes shut, choking a little as he slid down my throat. "fuck baby, that's it."
i clenched my thighs together and swallowed around him, digging my fingernails into his thighs as he held me there. his hips started moving and he fucked my mouth slowly at first but as his other hand found my head i lost all the control i had.
"god, your mouth is heavenly. you take me so well." i hummed around him, spit dripping down my chin, and he groaned, thrusting faster into my throat. i squeezed harder, looking up at him desperately to get some air but he was so lost in the feeling he wasn't paying any attention. should i bite him? that could be fun.
i smacked his leg hard and he pulled back finally, my lungs rapidly filling with air. as i went to berate him for trying to kill me, he yanked my head back in, stuffing his cock back down my throat. "i'm almost there, you can take it right?"
i whimpered in protest but he just laughed, continuing to use me as he pleased. the ache between my legs was becoming unbearable so i slid a hand down, barely reaching my goal before he smacked the back of my head. "don't touch." i whined and gagged, closing my eyes and bringing my hand back to his leg. fuck you, choi yeonjun.
his thrusts became quicker and shallower as his groans turned into higher pitched gasp-like whimpers. "swallow me, baby. swallow my cum like a good girl." i moaned softly and looked up to watch him throw his head back as he stilled, pulling my hand up to wrap around him. i quickly jerked him off, suck hard on the tip as he groans through clenched teeth and cums over my tongue.
you would think he's been holding it in for months at the sheer amount of it but finally he calms down, panting and looking down at me as i open my mouth and show him it's gone. he smiles fondly and cups my cheek, rubbing his thumb over my bottom lip gently. "you're so pretty", i felt my cheeks heat up as i pressed my face into his palm, "thank you, baby."
"maybe don't try to kill me next time?" i glared, trying to clear my throat.
"no promises." he laughs and helps me to my feet, my knees really not wanting to hold their own. "let me make it up to you."
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i have two fics up and they are both about sucking jjun off and i SWEAR the next thing i post will not have to do with yeonjun or his dick being in someones mouth.. i hope.. idk i really want to suck his dick i have a problem sue me.
ALSO i'm thinking about a part two where he returns the favor to apologize but that would make the reader gendered for sure so idk yet. also the gaslighting would be extra strong there which i love the idea of. idk no thoughts yet. we shall see!
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helluva-simper · 3 days
"Stay.... Please..."
Yep! That's what I am naming this fic. So this story is taking much longer than I expected especially since I write everything on paper first. So instead of leaving y'all in the dust for another week I shall give you a snippet of the story.
You walk through the dim hallways of your master’s estate. Hushed voices filled the air as the rest of the staff got ready for bed.The hallway had items that had thin pieces of cloth on top of them making the area look bare and abandoned. In one hand you held a serving tray with four different drinks.
As you came to your first pit stop, you could already hear your mistress cackling from her room, trash-talking her husband to her friends. “I still can’t believe that piece of crap cheated on ME with such a lowly creature.  And you would think he would have some class.” She said before laughing again. 
You knock on your mistress’ door, silencing her. As soon as you enter the room, without dropping the drinks, you crouch as an empty glass cup is thrown straight at your head. When the glass shards fall to the ground, she says, “ I told you I was freaking parched! I thought that meant to hurry the freak up! Not take your precious time!” She exclaims. 
Walking to her, you say, “ Sorry, mistress.” Using the hand that wasn’t holding the tray, you grab the cup of white wine and sit it down next to her then quickly make your way out of the room. Turning around, you walk to the room that was diagonally across your mistress’ room.
You walk to it knocking on the door. “Leave.” Your master says. His voice sounded hoarse and dry. You frown. Knocking on the door again, you suddenly hear footsteps make their way to the door. It swings open revealing Stolas, your master, who looked like… a mess. His eyes were filled with tears while his face was stained with them. He was wrapped up in a blanket. You really didn’t know what happened. You feel a twinge of pity, though not entirely.
Also! Like I said the fic is not finished yet so there may be adjustments to it. So until we meet again!
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bleucaesura · 1 day
WTF - Part 5/5
Stolas was frozen.
But, actually…
He felt rooted in place; as if the floors had grown vines and they twined about his body and held him prisoner. He couldn’t breathe.
He… He LOVES me?
“Bl… Blitz?” Stolas’s voice cracked. He reached out to him, hand shaking.
Blitzø curled tighter into himself, digging his claws into his horns. Stolas could see him shaking.
Stolas couldn’t do this. He couldn’t take it anymore. To be so close and yet so far away from the man he loved. He wasn’t doing this shit anymore.
Stolas unclasped his cap, shucking it from his shoulders and let it fall to the floor in a crumpled heap. He took a deep shuddered breath. It felt like it took every ounce of strength left in him, but he crawled on hand and knee to Blitzø.
“Dearest?” Stolas reached a tentative hand and brushed the back of one of his hands.
Blitzø flinched, but he didn’t pull away. Stolas heard a hitch in his breath amidst his soft sobs.
It was so painful to see him this way and not know how to make it better.
“Blitz?… Please…” Stolas said softly. He wasn’t sure what to say.
“I don’t want to lose you, Stolas.” Blitzø sobbed, his voice quiet and muffled. “But, you’re better off without me.”
He began to shake again with tears.
“Oh, Blitz.” Stolas reached out and took both of Blitzø’s hands in his. He almost had to peel them from his horns, but once he had them, Blitzø gripped to him tightly.
Stolas shivered and his feathers fluffed at the contact. He’d never tire of Blitzø’s touch. He never wanted to let go of him again… Not if he could help it.
“Would you look at me?” Stolas said softly. Shyly. “I’d very much like to see your face.”
Blitzø flinched. A few moments passed and Stolas wasn’t sure if he would look up, but Blitzø took back one of his hands and rubbed it across his face out of view.
“It’s ok to cry in front of me. I’m a sodden mess myself.” Stolas chuckled awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood and make Blitzø feel more comfortable.
Blitzø sniffled, sitting up and rubbed his face again. He kept his face turned away from Stolas.
“I don’t like to cry.” He muttered, rubbing his face. “Makes me weak…”
Stolas huffed and grabbed Blitzø’s chin with his free hand, yanking him to turn and look his way. Blitzø stared back, wide and puffy-eyed and surprised at a very disgruntled Stolas.
“It does NOT make you weak to cry!” Stolas snapped. “Nor is it weak to speak your mind and share your feelings.”
Stolas’s face softened and he smiled meekly. He released Blitzø’s chin and ran his hand up his face to caress his cheek.
Blitzø couldn’t help closing his eyes and leaning into that hand. He shuddered and felt his heart in his throat. He was afraid he was going to choke on his feelings. But he didn’t know what to say. He knew he should run. Save Stolas from himself, from the pain he would inevitably cause. But he didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay. Hold on. Climb the damn bird like a tree and never come down…
“I’d have you know…” Stolas began to rub his thumb over Blitzø’s cheek. “I love you, as well.”
It felt like time stopped.
Blitzø must have heard wrong.
No fucking way…
Blitzø reached up a shaking hand and grasped the hand on his cheek. He slowly turned his head and looked at Stolas.
“Wh- WHAT did you just say?” He barely managed to squeak.
Stolas looked at him and smiled. Smiled his beautiful fucking smile. The smile he only gave Blitzø. That fucking squinty-eyed, rosy-cheeked, full-spread SMILE. Magma pooled in Blitzø’s gut.
“You said you ‘loved me too much to break me’ I believe.” Stolas said, tapping his lip with his finger, pretending to think. “Well. I said that- ‘I love you, as well.’”
Blitzø flushed. He felt his mouth gape open. Stolas was kind enough to close it by pushing up his jaw with a finger, all dainty and shit.
Damn him.
And fucking hell if Blitzø’s spines didn't stick straight up and his tail didn’t start to fucking WAG. Betrayed by his fucking body.
No chill… Great… Just fucking GREAT.
Stolas looked Blitzø over with an appraising smile, his white pinprick pupils flashing. And fuck if his smile wasn't also smug as shit… And, fuck you, it totally wasn't hot at all.
Ok… FUCK… It was hot as shit…
“Should I take it that you meant what you said?” Stolas brushed his hand lightly down Blitzø’s cheek to his jaw. Blitzø shivered. He traced his fingers down the side of his neck and around to the nape. Blitzø’s heart was running wild, and he was having trouble thinking straight.
“Blitz?” Stolas leaned in closer. He still held Blitzø’s hand and was gently rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hmm?” Blitzø’s eyes were half-lidded and glazed over.
Stolas tittered a small laugh and that shook Blitzø out of his daze.
“Hey. Hey, what’s so funny?” He whined.
Stolas chuckled, continuing to rub the back of his neck.
“Nothing darling.” He smirked.
Blitzø glared at him.
“I’ll have you fucking KNOW, your HIGHNESS…” Blitzø brought up his free hand and ran his fingers along the feathers of Stolas’s cheek. “I DID mean what I said.”
Stolas flushed the most delicious pink, it had Blitzø’s tail betraying him again.
And then Stolas smiled. Smiled brighter than Blitzø had ever seen. And he thought his chest might actually break open.
“You really mean it…” Blitzø swallowed hard. “Don’t you?”
“I do.” Tears welled in Stolas’s eyes.
“You really want me..?” His voice cracked as he fought back his own.
“I do. I really do.” Stolas released Blitzø only long enough to take both his hands in his own. He pulled Blitzø closer to him and held their hands tightly to his chest. To his heart.
“Will you stay? I want you to stay, Blitz. Do YOU want to stay?” He looked at Blitzø with so much love and yet utter desperation.
Stop my fucking heart why don't you?
“I…” Blitzø flushed, hands shaking. “Yes… Yes, Stolas. I want to stay.”
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Late Night Talking
II. Diamond
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The Diamond of The Season.
Phoebe was sure there was a mistake. She cautiously made her way towards Her Majesty, breath shaking and palms still clammy. She was so worried she might trip that she only watched the floor as she walked. Her mother held onto her arm, looking straight ahead, smiling graciously at the Queen. Once she reached the end, Phoebe allowed herself to look up at the Queen, letting out a low breath, her throat feeling tight. 
The Queen looked on, observing Phoebe in all that she had to offer. There was immediate recognition on Her Majesty’s face as she stared down at the young girl who had requested to marry her nephew the Prince not four months prior. The Queen arched her brow as she watched Miss Pembroke shake like a leaf. 
“My Diamond,” Queen Charlotte announced, smirking as the entire room filled with hushed gasps and Phoebe jolted, staring up at the Queen in a panic. 
Her Majesty was always one for a bit of drama. 
“I told you you would do well, my dear.” Amelia complimented her daughter as they retreated to a recess of the room. 
“I don’t understand,” Phoebe admitted, breathing heavily, wishing she was not currently squeezed by her corset. “I thought– She…” Phoebe swallowed the marble that sat in her throat. 
How could Her Majesty sneer at Phoebe one moment and then grant her the highest honor of the season the next moment. If Phoebe truly was the Diamond, surely she was good enough for Prince Friedrich. Phoebe’s heart lurched and ached at the thought of the prince. She missed him and his sweet smile dearly. 
Once back at their Mayfair house, Amelia was quick to announce to Cecil that their daughter was, in fact, not ruined after all. He showed minimal reaction, other than the surprise Phoebe found in his eyes. 
“Perhaps Her Majesty realized that anyone who caught her nephew’s eye was not to be hastily disregarded.” He offered, clearing his throat. He then looked directly at his daughter, and said with the most stern of tones and expressions, “I still have final say of the man you are to marry, do not forget.” 
Dearest Readers, 
This author would be the first to admit that Miss Pembroke was not a suspected first choice for the title of Diamond for the season, though is Her Majesty the Queen anything if not surprising? Perhaps the new birth signified in Spring applies to Miss Pembroke, where she was previously left for dead in the cold of winter, she now blossoms anew to shine as bright as a Diamond for her debut. 
However, gentle readers, do not take this as a declaration of agreement with Her Majesty. I suspect some deeper reasoning behind the choice to name Miss Pembroke, the sole daughter of Lord Cecil Pembroke, as the season’s Diamond. As I stated in previous seasons, the declaration of a Diamond does not exempt said Debutante from any fall from grace. Perhaps Her Majesty simply wished to hoist Miss Pembroke higher just to watch her fall farther, and more consequently, shatter. While coal under pressure may turn into a diamond, said diamond under pressure may crack.
Whether or not this Diamond should fracture, you know this author waits with bated breath. What an exquisitely invigorating start to the season. Are you on the edges of your seats, Ton? I know I am. 
Lady Whistledown
Phoebe read the newest pamphlet the following morning with her breakfast tea, and felt her eyes well with tears. It all made perfect sense. The Queen was only setting Phoebe up for failure, sure to flounder under the pressure of being a Diamond. The shame and anger Phoebe felt bubble up inside her made her long for the distant memories of France. She pushed them away quickly, as any thought of France only reminded her of Prince Friedrich. 
“Dear, we must be ready for visiting hours! I have no doubt you’ll have a queue of suitors this morning.�� Her mother said, startling Phoebe from her macabre thoughts. 
Feeling defeated, Phoebe nodded in agreement, resigned to whatever might come her way this season. Her mother beamed, leading her upstairs to her lady’s maid to help her change into her day dress. While not having much of an opinion on how the day should go, Phoebe was in charge of choosing her attire, and opted for one of her less exciting dresses, pale sage with sheer tulip sleeves and light beading. She decided she would save her new favorites from France for when she found a suitor she specifically wanted to impress. 
Cecil called his daughter into his office, intercepting her on her way to the drawing room. The low lighting within the office made Phoebe uneasy as she was used to a room with more windows allowing for more natural light. Her father sat at his desk, slightly hunched over an array of papers when she came to the door and knocked gently. 
“Daughter.” He greeted, gesturing for her to enter. 
She obliged, walking carefully as if the floor would shatter at her weight. Cecil cleared his throat and looked up from his papers to examine his daughter. 
“You wanted to see me?” She prompted, feeling uncomfortable under his scrutiny. 
“Your mother tells me you are to receive visitors this morning, and I urge you to be the absolute closest you can to perfection. The early stages of your debut are crucial, and if you wish to avoid our agreed upon arrangement for you to seek out a courtship with Colin Bridgerton, I suggest you try your hardest to impress the callers you may have. I will be in after visiting hours are over and I have received a list of your callers to discuss your next move at tomorrow’s ball. Do not promise any dances unless the caller in question ranks higher than a Baron, though I doubt it.” 
Phoebe stood, shrinking at his implications that she was still a lousy prospect for suitors. 
“Why did you want me to pursue Colin– Mr Bridgerton, if you want me to accept nothing less than a Baron? He is a third son, and has no title.” 
“That was before you were named a Diamond.” Cecil explained through gritted teeth, practically spitting at the term Diamond. “Go. We can discuss further after you meet with your prospects, as I said.” He adds, promptly dismissing her from his office. 
Phoebe felt nothing but shame on her way down the stairs to the drawing room. Her father had revoked her of any confidence she might have had, and that was very little already. She arrived at the drawing room just before the clock signaled the top of the hour. Tea and biscuits were set up, readily available. The seating was made ample for the possibility of a hoard of suitors, though Phoebe thought that rather ambitious. Her mother sat by the window, smiling as bright as the morning sun, eager to watch her daughter begin the courting process. 
All but a quarter of an hour passed before the first visitor was announced to Phoebe and her mother. 
“Mr. Bridgerton for Miss Pembroke.” 
Amelia seemed unphased by the coincidental arrival of the man her and her husband had previously selected for Phoebe to encourage. Phoebe, however, was extremely surprised and slightly suspicious of his presence, wondering if her mother and Dowager Bridgerton had corresponded and set up the meeting. 
Colin entered the drawing room with a rather immodest bouquet of chrysanthemums wrapped in a thick ribbon of the signature Bridgerton blue. Phoebe’s demeanor changed to one of warmth at the gesture and she smiled broadly at him as he came farther into the room to present the flowers. 
“For you, Miss Pembroke.” He stated, offering Phoebe the bouquet. 
“Thank you, Co– Mr. Bridgerton.” Phoebe smiled, admiring the flowers. 
She gestured for Colin to sit and he obliged, cautiously glancing at her mama to be sure he wasn’t being untoward. With no objections, Colin adjusted his posture to remain comfortable, and cleared his throat. 
“If I may, Miss Pembroke, you looked rather lovely at your debut. All of us Bridgertons are happy that you’ve returned from your travels and seem to be faring well. And to be named the Diamond, that must be an honor, despite what Whistledown may have said–” Colin went on, causing Phoebe to stifle a giggle. 
“It is good to see you again, as well, Mr. Bridgerton. How was your tour of Europe if I may ask?” 
Colin smiled brightly and began to regale her of his time abroad, getting lost in the descriptions of the many places he explored. Phoebe admired how he looked so enchanted at even the memory of his travels, and she was happy that his trip was more fortunate than her own. 
Having grown up next door to the Bridgertons, Phoebe was well acquainted with the bunch, specifically attached to Colin, Daphne, and Eloise. She felt at ease amongst a familiar face, and enjoyed his conversation for the better part of the hour, completely unaware of her lack of other suitors. 
She felt guilty after the next thought passed through her mind. Colin Bridgerton was far more handsome than she could recall from two seasons before. It made her heart drop at the realization that she had thought something about the man one of her best friends was completely enamored with, but she could not help the way her mind drifted as she watched him speak so spiritedly. She admired the sparkle in his eyes as he told her tales of Greece, and she took note of the dimples near his mouth when he smiled. Phoebe lost herself in admiring the details of her dear friend’s face.
“Pardon me, I seem to have prattled on far too long.” Colin interjects his own line of thought. He clears his throat. “Mother sent me to extend an invitation for tea tomorrow afternoon before the first ball of the season.” He said, meeting her eyes. 
She noticed his were a mixture of brown, green, and grey depending on the light, and had to avert her gaze before she stared. 
“Daph– excuse me, the Duchess of Hastings will be there. She is most excited to see you again.” 
Phoebe smiled as he corrected himself in favor of formality during proper morning calling hours, rather than allow their acquaintance with one another afford them familiarity. 
“I would love to come to tea, please send your mother my thanks, and let her know I will absolutely be there tomorrow. It was great seeing you again after all this time, Colin– I mean, Mr. Bridgerton.” Phoebe corrected, trying to maintain the creeping blush up her neck. 
The pair was not yet ready to forego their previous friendliness as children for the more proper encounters they would now be a part of as young adults of the Ton. 
Colin thanked Lady Pembroke for her hospitality and took his leave. Phoebe and her mother were now alone in the drawing room. Amelia looked at her daughter and smirked. 
“Was that planned, Mama?” Phoebe asked, turning to face her mother by the window. The Chrysanthemums sat, soaking in the sun, and complemented the design of the room. 
“Not one bit, my dear. But you two seemed to get along better than I remember. Perhaps there is something to be said–” 
“He is just an old friend, Mama. Colin Bridgerton is not a serious suitor, he called as a favor to his mother and sisters.” Phoebe interrupted. 
She did not want her mother to imply that there was or ever would be anything between her and Colin Bridgerton. She could not bear the thought of how that would hurt Penelope, whether Colin returned her affections for him or not. 
At dinner, her father made it a point to voice more snide remarks towards his daughter. 
“It was rather quiet this morning, was it not?” He raised an eyebrow and stared her down, silently asking her to challenge him, or to admit defeat. Phoebe could not be sure which. 
“Mr. Bridgerton called on her, darling, isn’t that something?” Amelia said, still convinced this was a sign of fate for the two within the marriage mart. 
“I am to visit with the Bridgertons tomorrow for tea.” Phoebe elaborated, hoping to halt any schemes her parents may try thinking they have secured her a match. 
Cecil grumbled as he cut the slice of roast on his plate. 
“Having only Mr. Bridgerton call does make things uncomplicated.” He said, before the dinner returned to silence.
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damn. having c-ptsd is fucked up huh
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dreezzle · 2 years
sobbing over quackity letter at the end of the lore
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tonycries · 1 month
Welcome To The Itadori's! - C.K.
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Synopsis. Three times Choso really, really wanted to hold you without his family barging in, and the one time he actually does. 
Pairing. Best friend! Choso Kamo x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, childhood best friends to lovers, slowburn, cameos from the Itadori’s (Yuji, Jin, grandpa, SUKUNA), smút only when they’re adults, first times, oral (female receiving), cúnnilingus, marking, rough, Choso’s a bit mean in bed, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 5.0k
A/N. The unc-kuna brainrot got me here, Yuji’s family tree is HILARIOUS.
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“You’ve never what?”  
“I mean, yeah? So what if I’ve never…uh-” eyes darting to the erotic scene on-screen. “M’surely not missing out on that much.”
Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn’t. Whatever the answer was, Choso could only pray that no one walked into your apartment right now.
Choso swears his family is well and fully intent on ruining every waking moment with you. 
He’s convinced even, at this point. Because in the 13 long years of being inseparable from you - ever since you were both whiney, snot-faced brats - Choso’s racked up more interruptions than he’s seen on those k-dramas that his grandfather swears he doesn’t watch.
It was like some cosmic joke, really. All he wanted was a moment with just the two of you…and maybe a second or two to confess his undying love. But that didn’t seem too realistic when the Itadori’s were a bit of a packaged deal, unfortunately.  
Alas, Choso’s resigned himself to accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - this was the universe’s way of telling him that his pretty best friend was indeed too good for him. Something he’s suspected ever since the both of you were eight.
The realization had hit him like a semi-truck back then - five of them, in fact. And a whole zoo of animals afterward.
Of course, it’s not like that was any secret. He always thought you were perfect from the second you’d moved in - that new family next door he’d been eagerly waiting ages to arrive. And Choso, being the dutiful oldest son, was the one to deliver welcome cookies to your doorstep. Stumbling, and carefully trying to reach for the doorbell without dropping any. 
“Um, welcome to-”
“Your hair’s funny.”
Now, Choso’s never greeted neighbors before, but it surely wasn’t supposed to go like this. Why was he being insulted by some little girl - you were missing a few teeth, and his had just grown back in so obviously he was much older and wiser. All unapologetic smiles and twinkling eyes as you blink up curiously at his space buns. Pretty, even when you were tearing his heart out because hey, he thought this hairstyle was cool, okay?
Which is what had him huffing and puffing back home, running straight into the arms of his dad while he tried not to cry. That is, until you came knocking at his door with your parents. Very much bawling and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug with wet mumbles of “M’sorry, meant your hair’s very cool. Wanna match-”
And, if his cheeks burned just a bit, well, Choso blamed the tears. 
After a disaster like that, of course you’d grow to be best friends within the day. 
But what that didn’t explain was when - after hours of bickering over whether to play tag or house - you were all tuckered out and sat beside him in a corner of his room, too exhausted to talk his ear off. Head lolling once. Twice. Falling softly onto his shoulder.
Now, Choso might just be having the first epiphany of his entire, grueling eight years in this world - that you were very, very pretty fast asleep with your head on his shoulder. 
Why? Why were you here barging into his life and turning it upside down? Calling him your “new best friend” and dragging him along wherever you went. It made his poor head absolutely spin, not daring to move a muscle so that you didn’t wake up and see this tiny predicament.
He didn’t know why. But what he did know was that he found himself subconsciously reaching for your hand, a strange little part of himself wanting to see how much smaller they were than his. They looked so soft and warm and-
Oh indeed. He hastily lurches away from you like it burned, hands raised like he was caught red-handed. Feeling slightly sorry when he sees you blinking away the sleep to take in your surroundings, eyes bouncing off of a very excited Yuji and resting on the clock.
“Oh no. Mommy’s gonna be mad.” you gasp, hastily getting up. And he feels a weird pang as you quickly dust down your dress, running out the door with a laughed out, “Bye, Yuji! See ya later, Cho~!”
“Bye, crybaby.”
And then it’s quiet. Only Choso still staring after you, and Yuji staring at his older brother, somewhat awestruck and wondering only one thing-
“Big bro, why are you so red?”
Choso doesn’t think he’s gotten a moment alone with you since that first initial meeting. 
Fourteen was definitely the worst, in his opinion.
“Hey, Cho, y’know the girl sitting next to me in math said she had her first kiss today.”
“Oh.” It’s all Choso can manage to get out, paying more attention than he should to the gravel beneath him as he tries not to trip over air beside you. Hot under his uniform collar at the sudden shift in conversation from the usual after-school banter. 
Looping your arm with his, you heave out a playful sigh, “I wonder what that feels like. Have you ever thought about it?” 
No, but Choso has never thought that he’d be here - face burning at your body pressed up against his. Just knowing that his ancestors above are laughing at what a loser he is, barely able to stammer out an answer to your question. 
Okay, maybe he was being dramatic. Because it wasn’t like he hadn’t thought about kissing before - it’s just that whenever it popped into his mind, you were usually accompanying him. Along with those strange thoughts of whether your lips are as soft as they looked? Or would your heartbeat be as fast as-
“Man, are you even listening?” 
Your hand waving in front of Choso’s face brings him back to reality. Blinking hastily, he tries to gather his thoughts, mumbling out a quick, “Uh, yeah, sorry. Just lost in thought.” averting his gaze as he feels the heat rise to his cheeks at your intense gaze.
Your smile only widens, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you nudge his side. “Thinking so hard about kissing, huh? Cho, you lecher!” 
“Am not.”
“Am to.”
“Am not.”
“Am to.”
“Who were you imagining it with, huh? Gonna give ‘em a big smooch tomorrow?”
God, you were going to be the death of him. “N-no! I haven’t even- shut up, crybaby, it’s not like-” he sputters out useless protests over your laughter - his favorite song, even when you were teasing the hell out of him. But ah how you relish in his embarrassment, tittering out little giggles all the way until you’re steering him onto your lane. 
Choso, on the other hand, keeps wishing the ground would swallow him up more and more with each step towards his porch. He’d have broken into a sprint right then if he hadn’t known you and the way you’d race him there instead.
“Alright.” you declare once you’re stood at his front door, jolting Choso out of his reverie. And he’s barely opening his mouth to register your words before you plowing on confidently. “We’ll just have to practice our first kisses with each other.”
Perfect. Great. Wonderful. 
The final nail on his coffin. You might as well have planted a bombshell right in the middle of his already-chaotic world with the way he was reeling in- shock? Fear? Anticipation?
“Practice.” Choso whispers, more to himself than you. Yet you nod anyway, eyes locked with his like you were studying his reaction. “For…practice.”
Doubt starts to creep into your pretty features, “Well, we don’t have to if you do-”
“No no no no, I want- ahem.” he cringes at the pathetic desperation in his voice. Desperately trying to scramble back some semblance of sanity as he clears his throat, “I want to. Just-” Choso urgently looks around for- ah, there it is. 
Dragging over the brick from the side of his porch because goddammit he might be 14 but he sure hadn’t hit that growth spurt yet. “Practice, right?”
You nod with a fiery determination that, later on, would make Choso chuckle with fondness. Muttering out a firm, “Practice.” Letting the boy in front of you nervously leans closer, breath fanning your face. And shit if you were nervous then you didn’t show it, but Choso felt like he was about to spontaneously combust. 
Brows furrowing in concentration, eyes only squinting ever-so-slightly as he takes peaks at how pretty you looked. Close enough that he could count every lash as your pretty eyes closed shut, lips glistening with that strawberry chapstick you loved, puckering adorably. Only inching closer and-
“You two are so cute! But um- dear, how do you mute this thing?”
You spring apart so fast that Choso wouldn’t be surprised if you’d teleported. He doesn’t even know what’s happening before, from the safety of about three meters away from him, you’re muttering out an embarrassed little, “Hi there, Mr. Itadori. The gardenia are coming along nicely.”
His dad smiles like he hadn’t just starred in what was likely Choso’s villain origin story. Waving happily, “Aww, thank you, sweetheart. Now, why don’t you two go back to doing your lil’ thing and I can ah- practice my photography.”
“Dad, I’m running away.”
That practice kiss never happens. And, well, if there was a proudly framed photo down the hallway of the two of you - with Choso absolutely bright red and standing comically on a brick to meet your height, faces nervously scrunching towards each other - well, neither of you ever mention it. Jin Itadori does, though - every time you come over, in fact. 
It’s only when you’re both eighteen, when Choso’s a lot deeper in his feelings - and only slightly less embarrassed about it - that he thinks that maybe not all family interruptions were that bad. 
Graduation was…something. Not exactly something that he’s sure if he’ll ever want to relive with the sheer amount of awkward photos and tears that his dad lets out. God if he has to shuffle into another-
“You alright, Cho?”
Traitorously, a smile makes its way onto his face, peering down at your beaming face. Both of you having made it way past the awkward early teens. Well, at least you certainly have - Choso still feels like the same awkward little boy with an even more awkward crush. “Hm? Yeah, m’great.” 
“Are ya sure? Because you look like you’re about to have an aneurysm any second now.” you raise a brow teasingly. Ah, how gorgeous you were - even when you’re picking him apart. 
“Yeah. Great. Only had this smile plastered on for the last five hours.”
“Aww, but you look so pretty smiling.” you shrug, with the audacity of someone that didn’t just have Choso’s knees dangerously weak. “Anyway- A bunch of us are gonna try to convince ol’ Yaga to let us take photos with his shades, you wanna come?”
“You think m’pretty?” he muses, embarrassingly late.
“Yaga. Shades. Got it.” Choso mock salutes, drinking in the little laugh it startles out of you, eyes sparkling with mischief and looking right into his soul. Beautiful. You were always beautiful. 
And Choso can’t just stand around and do nothing about it.
“Crybaby, look, I-” Fists clenching, he takes a steadying breath. The heat only rising to his cheeks at your awaiting gaze, “I…”
“I don’t know either of you two.”
It would be a miracle for a moment not to be ruined with two overly-energetic first-years (and a very reluctant Fushiguro) pushing their way into your little bubble. Choso bites back a groan as you’re immediately swarmed by a bickering Kugisaki and Yuji, one apologizing for “ruining your k-drama moment” and the other trying to get you to put on some sunglasses. Well, at least he could empathize with the black-haired boy, who gave him an apologetic nod. 
He’s only halfway through waving off the interruption before a voice speaks up from his side. “Why didn’t you say it?”
Whirling around, Choso comes face-to-face with the disappointed look on his grandfather’s face. Already having some idea of what you mean, “Wha-”
“I may be old but m’not deaf, yet, boy. Why didn’t ya tell her?” he sighs, tilting his head to where you were wearing those shades and taking ridiculous pictures with two animated first-years. 
“I don’t know what you-”
“M’not blind, either. Quite frankly I’m insulted.”
And, well, if there’s anyone that he can’t hide from - it would be his grandfather. So he heaves out a defeated sigh, touselling his hair while muttering out a pathetic little, “M’not- Ugh, she’s too fuckin’ perfect and I…I chickened out.”
Choso doesn’t know what he expected in response but it definitely wasn’t for his grandfather to laugh. Full, and raspy - loud enough that even you stop to stare. “Thought so, idiot boy.” he chuckles, drawing indignant protests. “Did she tell you?”
Raising a brow, “What?”
“Did she tell you that you weren’t good ‘nough for her?”
“No, but-” Whatever protest on the tip of Choso’s tongue is cut off by a rough hand smacking his back in what he thinks is reassurance, but felt more like a punishment for being such a pussy around you all these years. 
“Then go. Ya might just be surprised. After all, you’re my grandson, and all the ladies at bingo love me.”
Shaking with both adrenaline and the effort to keep that image out of his mind, he makes his way towards you. Purposeful. Pointedly ignoring the matching smirks flashed his way. 
“You really think they’ll finally get together today?” Fushiguro deadpans from where he’d snuck up beside the old man, in an attempt to escape the public nuisances he calls ‘friends’. 
Choso’s grandfather hums thoughtfully, watching the scene play out before him - Choso flushed such a delicate shade of pink as you playfully put Yaga’s sunglasses on him. Settling on a gruff, “I’ll give it a few months more. He’s my grandson, after all.”
“That’s generous. I’d give it a couple years more.”
“Wanna bet, brat?”
Safe to say, his second button ended up safely in your hands that day. But Fushiguro would be the one to really win the bet. 
Because it was only 2 years, 4 months and 3 weeks after this little incident that Choso finally had you exactly where he wanted - with no interruptions. All for him. 
Freshly twenty one, splayed out on your apartment bedroom and having a conversation that he never in a million years would’ve even dared to imagine he’d have - with you of all people. All because of that stupid R-rated film you’d put on for movie night. 
“You’ve never what?” you gape, turning down the volume to those painfully fake moans coming from the tv.
Oh, how gorgeous you looked - all shocked and batting your lashes up at him in surprise. Choso almost swoons inwardly (and outwardly) before he realizes that shit you were probably waiting for an answer.
“I mean, yeah?” he sputters out, cheeks heating up as you lean in closer to hear him. Close. “So what if I’ve never…uh-” eyes darting to the erotic scene on-screen. “M’surely not missing out on that much.”
Goddammit, some strange, carnal part of himself twinges dangerously at the little smirk that curls your lips. One that he quickly - and embarrassingly - realizes has the blood rushing straight to his cock. Humming a low, “Maybe. Maybe not.” The mattress dips slightly as you shift closer, lips ghosting his ear. “Want me to help you find out?”
Which is, well, how Choso found himself shoved against the armrest. Blanket thrown on the floor now, swollen cock leaking furiously through his pants as your pretty lil’ cunt hovers above his mouth. So wet that if he stuck his tongue out he could have you dripping all onto him. 
“Y-you sure about this, sweetheart?” he hisses despite his hands looping around your thighs, bringing you closer to him.
You raise a brow, “Are you sure, Cho?”
He should say no. He should laugh this all off as a bad joke. He shouldn’t ruin this friendship - but oh how badly he wants just a taste of your dripping pussy - see if she’s as sweet as the rest of you is. So, throwing caution to the wind, Choso nods slowly. “Yes. Want it s’bad.”
Grinning wickedly, you whisper, “Thought so.” And then he’s pulling you onto his mouth, hot and urgent.
“Oh fuck-” he groans, eyes rolling to the back of his head at the first taste of your sweet sweet juices. “Shit shit shit.” So sloppily licking up your swollen folds - barely moving with any method or patience, just that he’s drunk on your pussy and wants more more more-
“Hngh- f-fuck. You sure this is your hah- first time, Cho?” you gasp breathlessly. And oh your best friend was so fucking beautiful. Dark hair untied and tousled, eyes half-hooded, your slick already smearing across the bottom half of his face and trickling down his jaw because shit he was so messy. So addicted to that desperate expression on your face that he just can’t help but tease you a little bit. 
“Mhm?” he smirks, tongue swirling around your pulsing clit. Purposefully missing right where you wanted him the most because shit he loved those cute lil’ whines spilling out of you. 
You let out a huff, hips trying pathetically to inch him closer - but Choso wasn’t budging. Holding you so firmly by the hips that you’re sure he leaves bruises, licking all over your cunt except for your clit. “Cho.” you warn. Brows furrowing in frustration at the way he bats his long lashes up at you so deceivingly innocently, “What?”
“You know…”
“I don’t.” he titters teasingly into your pussy. 
Now, Choso’s known and seen everything there is to do with you - but never like this. Spread open shamefully and pouting so adorably on top of him, so needy for him. It made his head spin to think of just how much the dynamics had shifted. 
Shit, he really should’ve watched that godforsaken movie with you sooner. “Tell me what you want, crybaby.”
And oh how his cock twitches at the way you manage to get out an embarrassed little, “Wan’ you to ngh- tonguefuck me properly. Wanna cum on your pretty face, Cho.”
And that’s all that’s said before he’s surging forward, glossy lips wrapping around your pulsing clit to suck harshly. Rolling his soft tongue over and over-
“Wanted this for so long.” Choso mutters, muffled as he buries himself deeper into your pretty pussy. The vibrations sending white-hot pleasure running down your spine. “You have absolutely no idea, pretty.”
And you barely even have the time to register his little confession before Choso’s moving down to bully his tongue past your folds. Nose pressing against your throbbing clit as he dips into your sloppy hole. 
“Oh shit. Jus’ like that.” For a beginner, your best friend really knew what he was doing. Eating you out like his favorite meal, tongue squeezing into your snug pussy to thrust in and out, swipe against your walls, stretching you out right to his will. Over and over-
“Use me.”
Your eyes snap down to meet the pure adoration in his eyes as he makes out filthily with your cunt. Choking out a little, “What?”
“Use me.”
There it was again - that strained little mantra. And as if to prove his point, Choso reaches out to deftly place your hands on his head, bucking into you touch. 
And, well, how could you say no to that?
Because before you know it, you’re bunching Choso’s soft strands in your fists. Angling him just right to ride his pretty face. “C’mon, Cho. Ngh- H-harder, jus’ a bit- Oh!” he just devours the way your mouth drops into an adorable little oh! as his tongue curls deftly against that one spot. Again and again. Letting himself be so used, dragging your dripping cunt harder on his mouth. 
And he likes it. Hell, he loves it even - because you’re so sweet n’ pretty on his mouth. Better than everything he’s ever been dreaming of for the past few years. And always in his dreams, you’d be clenching so deliciously around his tongue when you were close - just like right now. 
So he speeds up his movements, breathing you in maddeningly. A hand snaking down from it’s favorite place on your hips to draw quick, frenzied little circles on your poor, ravaged clit. Jaw almost aching with how filthily he was dripping in and out of your entrance - be he did give a shit. Only wanting to have you breathless and creaming all over his face.
You jerk violently on top of him, “Hah! S’too much, Cho. M’so close- gonna cum- gonna-”
And then you’re cumming. Fast, and hard. 
Plushy walls clamping down on Choso’s tongue, hips stuttering on his face as he laps up all your juices, an arm around your waist helping you ride his face through your high. 
“S’sweet. Could get used to that.” he slurs into your cunt. Tipping his head back as far as it’d go to let the last of your juices slide down his throat. “Better than I imagined.”
The words ring in your ears as you blink back your vision. Deliriously whirling down to look down at Choso - still beneath you and looking more smug and content than you’d ever seen him. “Imagination? S’that why you’re so good.”
You’re being flipped before you know it. Manhandled so easily by your best friend as he lays you on your back, sinking into the cushion while he looms above you. “S’jus’ that…” grunting as he flings his shirt off, “Been dreaming of your pretty cunt on m’tongue for years.”
Okay, now his confession hits - more than it did when he was tonguefucking you into insanity, anyway. 
“Years, huh?” you breathe out, eyes roaming all over his sculpted torso. Taking in every dip and curve of Choso’s toned abs - all the way from his broad shoulders to the rock-hard cock straining against his pants. As if in a trance, your hand reaches out to cup his leaking erection, “S’that all you’ve been dreaming of?”
“You little minx.” he lets out a low hiss. 
Before you can even react, Choso’s fumbling with that belt - cursing because shit, he’d have worn sweatpants instead if he knew they’d end up on your floor. 
And you’re not any better, fingers popping open his buttons and tugging impatiently and oh- You always thought that your best friend would have a big dick - but this?  He was so intimidatingly long - and thick enough that you wondered whether you’d hurt yourself. Fat tip flushed such a pretty shade of pink to match his cheeks, leaking down down down, all the way to his heavy balls. 
You’re only jolted out of your little reverie by Choso spitting a steady stream of spit onto your quivering cunt, spreading it lazily across your pussy with his thumb. A ringed fist pumping his cock slowly, as he drags his tip across your folds, pooling your sweet juices. Muttering out a raspy, “I’ll be gentle.”
“You better not be, now jus’ fuck me-”
Well, you didn’t have to ask Choso twice. Because you’ve barely gotten the words out before he’s bullying massive cock into your tight cunt. Pressing in inch by fucking inch as you gasp and buck underneath him. 
“Shhh, s’okay, crybaby. This is what you wanted, right?” he mumbles, with all the audacity of someone that wasn’t fucking into you in rapid, mindless little jabs to fit inside your snug lil’ pussy. Struggling to hold back at this point. “Wanted to be split apart on m’cock?”
You were so full of him. Even more so when he throws your legs over his shoulders, bending all the way down and folding you in half so easily beneath him. 
He drinks in the barely-lucid squeal that leaves your swollen lips. Kissing your forehead gently, whispering against the skin, “Because I’ve wanted this for so fucking long.”
And then it was like something snapped - maybe his sanity, maybe the restraint that Choso’s been holding back for too long. Because immediately he’s plunging his throbbing cock into you - all the way till his balls, all angry and squeezing so painfully, smacks against your ass. 
“Wanted this.” he rasps into your open mouth. His hips were out of control now, thrusting you in shallow, desperate rams. Pounding into you like a man possessed, and running his mouth just as much. He laces his fingers on top of your head, pushing you down even deeper into his relentless cock - as if the bastard wasn’t fucking you dumb already. “Fuckin’ needed this needed this. Shit- so bad.”
“Ch-Choso- fuck hah-” you plead as his mouth clashes with yours. All sloppy with teeth and spit and his profanities - and it felt so damn good. 
“Yeah? Who’s fucking you silly, now?” he’s going harder now, tip hitting your poor cervix over and over. And you’d be sobbing at the burn and the stretch but all you can think of is shit this is Choso - the kid you used to play hide and seek with. And now he seems fully intent on breaking you. “Say m’name.”
A rough thumb starts toying with your clit, in time with the cute lil’ whines of his name that escape your mouth like a prayer. “Shit. Y’look so pretty like this.” he babbles. “Gonna cry, pretty girl?” smirking down at the way you were too cockdrunk to even snap back, only looking up at him with delirious, teary eyes. “Be a crybaby for my cock?”
You’re tugging on his hair, thighs shaky and bucking upwards. “Cho-”
“W-wanna cum. Need you to fill m’up till I can’t take it anymore.”
Oh if Choso was any lesser man he’d have cum right then and there. Instead settling for a guttural groan, drunk off the way you were milking his cock so hard as if to prove your point. It almost made him want to stay like this forever. But no - not right now. 
“Oh yeah?” Hips becoming sloppy now, “Need it? Shit- m’so close.” Each word slurred, punctuated by a harsh thrust, strokes long and frenzied. Using your heavenly pussy like his personal fucktoy. So hard that he’s sure you’d have embarrassing matching bruises tomorrow - his balls on your ass, your nails raking down his shoulders.
“Me too- fuck fuck fuck-” you mewl into his neck, as Choso buried his face into yours. 
“Cum f’me, my girl.”
My girl. 
And then you are - and he is. And you don’t know who cums first, just that you’re seeing stars behind your eyes and Choso’s teeth digging into your neck as he thrusts once. Twice. Before cumming and cumming so hard he might as well have seen the pearly gates of heaven. And you were an angel.
Thick, hot ropes of cum that paint your walls white, so much that it gushes out of your poor overfilled pussy. Dripping down your legs and pooling into a sinful, creamy ring at his base. 
“Mm- shit. Choso.” you moan, barely audible over the lewd squelches from below. 
“M’here, my girl.” he grits out, voice shot. And it seems that that was his new favorite nickname, because Choso keeps murmuring it over and over as he keeps fucking his seed into you. Not even thinking about it at this point - just mindless, shallow grinds of his hips. 
In the haze of your orgasm, you think you hear his quiet voice, strained with exhaustion and something that you weren’t in the right state of mind to decipher right now. 
“Shhh, m’here. “Can’t believe I waited so fuckin’ long.” Whispering against your lips, “Love this. Love this pretty cunt.” Kissing softly, “Love the way y’take me. Fuckin’ made f’me.” And maybe even a soft little, “Love you.”
And maybe - just maybe, you whisper the same into his. Kissing him softly, exactly the way you’d wanted to all these years. 
Neither of you speak after that. Not when Choso’s hips stall, body sticky and collapsing onto yours. Nor do you speak when he pulls away with a playful nip to your lower lip - a promise. Searching through your clothes for a washcloth he can wipe yourselves clean with. 
It’s only when he settles back under the covers beside you, looking at you with such dark, hazy eyes - whirling with too many emotions to name - that the silence is broken. 
“You started it.”
Chuckling, Choso pulls your body close to his. Not even a hair’s breadth between you two because shit now that he’s got you, he doesn’t think he ever wants to let you go. 
“Y’know…” he starts, “I think we should- I mean- if you want…” nervous now more than he was even after all that just transpired. Cheeks flaring as he meets your amused gaze, just daring him to go on - because you saw through him. You always did. “I lov-”
Itadori Family Groupchat + Two More
Dad: Hey, all. I can’t seem to get a hold of Choso to confirm tomorrow’s dinner plans. Can anyone else let me know if he’s ok? XX
Yuji <3: He’s probs at rhat “best friend movie night” still 
Dad: Hello, Yuji. What is a “probs”? XX
Kugisaki: He’s suspiciously quiet, though… Y’all think that “best friend movie night” is codeword for something else? 
Yuji <3: Better not be cuz Sukuna stole my sparw key sayin something ab crashing it idk
Kugisaki: *spare
And you just LET him?
Kugisaki: L
Fushiguro: L
Gramps: L
Sukuna (do not answer): DID Y’ALL KNOW THOSE TWO WERE FUCKIN????
*Fushiguro has left the chat*
Dad: :0
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A/N. Spiritually, this is a crackfic idk.
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bakubunny · 2 months
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suguru loves how shy you get when you grind on his cock. it amuses him, how you transform from wanting him so badly that you climb onto his lap and pull him in by the face, all coy smiles and wandering hands, to shuddering and whining, covered in goosebumps, face so warm you can’t meet his gaze once he’s finally inside you.
he’s deep in your cunt. every little movement sends sparks through your body. you’re so full, stretched out perfectly on the cock so big you swore you’d never be able to take it. your swollen clit grazes his pubic bone the harder you dig in with each roll, every swirl of your hips being caressed by his large hands. you whine and shiver, hips slowing when it feels too good. it’s almost too much. you hide in his shoulder. the smooth lilt of his laughter might feel teasing if you could think straight enough to find it as such.
“what is it, pretty girl? too much to handle on your own?” suguru says. he rubs your back as you cling to him.
“n-no,” you reply weakly. “jus’ feels good.”
arms still wrapped around his neck, you slowly begin to rock your hips again. your mouth drops open into a moan, his name falling from your lips in ecstasy. suguru gently grips a fistful of hair at the base of your neck and pulls just enough to make you whine, head falling back into his touch as he throbs inside you.
“sit back,” he said. “i want to see you when you ride me.” he tugged a little harder at your scalp, forcing you to pull back before he let go.
you hid the way your eyes rolled from the change in angle behind your hands, somehow pushing his length even deeper into the sensitive spot that had you mewling.
“but s-suguru….”
suguru grinned. his hands dropped down and gripped your hips again. he was feeling impatient; he wanted to fuck you stupid on his cock just like this, to hear your sudden cries of need. instead, he guided your hips to start again with strong hands, pushing you down onto his length. the sticky sound of your cunt drooling where you two were connected only made your cheeks hotter still when you muffled a moan. a low groan filled his chest when you clenched hard around his cock.
“you’re so cute when you’re shy.” he plucked your hands from your face.
immediately he noticed the hint of fear when your eyes wouldn’t meet his. he grasped your face in one hand, the other still guiding your eager hips.
“sugu…” you protested. the tension in your belly was ready to snap as he stared you down.
“what’s wrong?” he asked softly, the sympathy in his voice almost feigned. “are you close, my love?”
you nodded and gasped as another wave of overwhelming pleasure washed down your body.
“i can’t, ‘s too b-big, i can’t cum.” tears pricked your eyes.
he grinned. “shh… it’s alright. you can do it, i’m right here. i got you. c’mon baby, cum for me. let it happen.”
suguru watched with a moan and a playful gaze as your eyes rolled back and you fell apart on his lap, shuddering and groaning so sweetly while your legs shook. his grip on your face forced you to look him in the eye as each wash of pleasure hit your body.
“that’s it,” he cooed. “that’s my girl.”
you had barely come down from your orgasm when his hand dropped to your ass and his hips pushed up into yours, setting the hard pace he’d been craving. your face contorted with pleasure as you cried out and clung to him for more.
“suguru! fuck!”
his smile only grew. it seemed as though he’d get to fuck you stupid after all.
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gremlins: @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @bookcluberror @zazter-den @neon-gothicc @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @yazt09 @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @angelltheninth @anonymously-ominous @amberexe2 @hisconsistency @223princess @toji-girl @naughtygobbo @acenanxious @blumoonwisteria @chaos-gem @levizonlywife @kxtsxkii @katsuslover @yooxverse @nuttyunknowndetective @jjamiee21 @levis-fav-brat
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nanaslutt · 5 months
The nastiest man alive
ft.Geto Suguru
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contains: fem reader, spitting, finger sucking, spanking, begging, dirty talk, rough sex, dacraphillia, cum eating, unprotected sex, cumming inside, multiple rounds, established relationship
Geto had you on top of him riding his cock, his thick fingers digging into the fat of your ass as he helped move you up and down on his cock, his feet planted firmly on the bed so he could meet your thrusts halfway, fucking into you from underneath. "Fuck mama your pussy is so fucking loud~" Geto groaned, his eyes glued to where the two of you were connected.
You squealed in embarrassment, your moan turning into a yelp when Geto landed a heavy hand down on the fat of your ass, gripping the skin there. He watched with a slacked jaw as your cunt leaked all over his pelvis, a white ring of your cum sitting at the base of his cock from how wet you were.
Your legs suddenly tensed up when Geto thrust his cock straight into a particularly sensitive spot inside you, making your nails dig into the skin over his abs. He watched your head tip back, your mouth falling open as he quickly caught on, smiling as he fucked his cock into that same spot over and over, leaving you weak on top of him, your body bouncing weakly atop his thighs.
"What's wrong baby? 'S it feel good right here? Hmm? Right here?" Geto teased, watching your face closely as he bullied his cock inside of you, a hand sliding in front of you to rub at your clit. "Sugu- Fuck!" You whined, gritting your teeth together as both of your hands shot to his wrist, gripping his hand to try and get him to slow down--or you were going to cum.
"Nuh uh, just take it, baby, take my cock 'n my fingers~" He groaned, planting his feet closer to his body against the sheets so he could get better leverage while he fucked you. You could do nothing but whine and moan helplessly on top of Geto as he fucked the life out of you, feeling yourself quickly spiral toward your first orgasm of the night from his relentless pleasuring.
His fingers splayed themselves out against your pelvis, his thumb rubbing quickly circles against your clit, the wetness from your leaking pussy making the slide feel so fucking good. Your chin tipped down to look at the man underneath you when you felt yourself approach your high--only seconds away from tipping off the edge.
Geto knew this, of course, he knew your body better than he knew his own. Your pussy was squeezing and pulsing rhythmically around his cock, acting as if it was trying to milk him for all he was worth--of course, he knew you were about to cum. "Sugu- Sugu I'm gonna cum-" You warned him, rocking your hips against his hand, making his thumb rub your swollen clit harder.
"I know baby I know, I got you." He giggled, his eyes flitting between your own teary and your sopping wet cunt, greedily swallowing up his thick cock. You felt the first hot tear roll down your cheeks, the droplet sliding down your rosy face and finding its way to your neck, mixing with your sweat and making it unrecognizable.
"You cryin' from my cock? It feels that good?" Geto asked, cockiness laced in his tone. You would've tried to respond with something just as smart if you could, but unfortunately for you, your orgasm decided to hit you just as his words did.
"Oh fuck- Good girl, I got you mama-" Geto groaned, fucking you through your high. "I won't stop till you're done." He added, biting his lip between his teeth as he watched your body shake and jolt on top of him. Your cunt clenched around his cock like a vice, he had to take deep breaths in order to keep humping his cock into your warm walls and not spill his seed inside you.
Tears streamed down your face from both of your eyes as you came all over his cock, one of your hands falling from his wrist to catch yourself on his sturdy abs, your nails digging into his pale skin. Geto's heart sped up in his chest--of course, he didnt like seeing you sad or crying, but when it was from his dick? That was a different story.
"Ohmygod-" You whined as you started coming down, Geto noticing the way your cunt's spasms calmed down around you, his thrusts stopping in tandem. You gripped his wrist hard, signaling for him to stop rubbing your sensitive clit or you were going to pass out from the overstimulation.
Geto felt like he had come just from watching you, your expressions were so cute when you came, and the way your body was completely at his mercy while you were in such a vulnerable state made him feel high.
While you were busy catching your breath and waiting for your brain to start functioning properly again, Geto took the opportunity to sit up and wrap a strong arm around your body. His other hand came up to cradle your face. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes as you gasped and whined from the new angle, Geto's still hard cock was pushing against your most sensitive spots inside you like this.
"Did so good baby, how did that feel?" He asked, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead. You kept your eyes shut while you spoke, letting Geto pamper your face with kisses. "'S good Sugu, thought I died for a second there." You said, resulting in a giggle from the dark-haired man.
"Yeah? Guess I did something right then huh?" He asked. It was your turn to laugh at his words, his arm wrapping tighter around your body as he kissed your face, making your bodies press flush together.
You were about to let Geto know you were ready to go again when you felt something wet and hot press against your face, the soft feeling rubbing along the length of your cheek, sliding up to your eye before it was gone, a trail of cold, wet, saliva left in its wake--Geto had just licked your tears away.
You cracked your eyes open, the undersides of your eyes a slight pinkish-red color from your crying. You stared at him with raised eyebrows, your mouth open in a small o. Geto smiled at you before pressing a kiss to your lips, "Salty." He mumbled, his hands sliding down the sides of your body and landing on your thighs as he flopped back down onto the bed, his hair sprawling out around him perfectly. How was it possible for someone to be so handsome?
"You'll swallow anything won't you?" You asked him, faux disgust plastering itself on your face as you leaned forward over him, placing your hands by his shoulders on the bed. Geto's hands came to grip the fat of your ass, massaging the fat there soothingly. "If it comes from you I'll drink up anything.~," Geto said cheesily, making you scoff.
"So dirty." You said, referring to his mouth as you gripped his chin in your hand, shaking it back and forth to emphasize your words before you placed it back down on the sheets next to his head. His hands gripped the skin of your ass before he landed another smack, making your body jolt at the unexpected feeling, a gasp slipping from your lips.
"Only for you," Geto said, smiling as he slowly began thrusting his cock inside your hole. The two of you quickly got back into a rhythm, you shut your eyes and moaned into the room as you fucked your hips back onto his cock slowly, meeting his shallow thrusts. "How are you even softer inside? Huh?" Geto asked, tipping his head to the side, trying to get a view of your pussy that was being obstructed by your body so close to his.
"Was it from how hard I made you cum? Or maybe it's so soft from how good my dick is at loosening you up." Geto babbled, making you clench around him. You felt yourself drip at his words, his slow teasing thrusts working you over so well. "S-stop talking." you chastized, squeezing your eyes together tighter as you focused on how deep he was inside you.
Geto giggled, his fingers sliding down to where the two of you met to tease around the entrance of your cunt, rubbing the opening of your cunt and the base of his cock with V-shaped fingers as he collected some of your wetness there. "Why? My words make you too horny?" He teased, keeping his eyes on your face as he watched your expression screw together as he rubbed the outside of your pussy.
His fingers were gone as soon as they came. One of his hands stayed on your ass, helping you fuck yourself on his cock while the other; covered in your cum; pressed itself to your pouted lips, the unexpected feeling making you peel your eyes open to look at him. "Open," Geto spoke, the teasing tone that was just in his voice long gone as he instructed you to suck his fingers coated in your wetness.
You obeyed his words, your mouth splitting and your tongue falling out as you let Geto slide his fingers inside your mouth. "That's it.. taste yourself for me." He whispered, fucking his hips into you harder, feeling himself throb at the sight and feeling of your lips wrapping around his thick fingers.
You moaned around them, your tongue sliding around the digits and simultaneously licking off the liquid around them as Geto watched you with an open mouth, groaning at the sight. "Don't swallow." He instructed, pressing his fingers deeper inside of your mouth, watching with furrowed eyebrows as you gagged around them.
Geto's body jerked when he felt your body react, your throat squeezing around the tips of his fingers as he continued thrusting them inside your mouth. Drool had started to leak from the sides of your lips, sliding down his fingers and creating quite a mess on his hand. One that made his balls clench with the need to fill you this instant.
"God I love how fucking messy you are with it." Geto praised, keeping his eyes glued to your mouth, his hips fucking into you harder, making you release frequent moans and whines around his fingers, vibrating them. "Suckin' them like you suck my cock, they taste that good? Huh? You like the taste of your sweet pussy?" Geto teased, biting his lip harshly between his teeth, his own words riling him up.
He groaned when you nodded, his fingers popping out from between your lips as he pulled them back unexpectedly, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his thick fingers. You watched as Geto brought the messy fingers down to his lips, licking off your remnants.
You cringed slightly at his shameless display of the need to drink up everything that came from your body. He really was a nasty nasty man. A deep blush spread across your face as he pulled his fingers from his mouth after cleaning them off, the hand going back to join his other in helping you fuck yourself on his dick.
"Let me taste you pretty. Cmon, give me a tatse." Geto begged. Tipping his head back, he stuck out his tongue, his hips thrusting into you harder as he waited for you to understand what he meant. The dull taste of your pussy on his tongue from his fingers wasn't enough, he needed more, he needed to taste exactly what you did--and instead of scooping some more up directly from the source, Geto thought of a better way to taste you, a filthier way, one more fitting for him.
"Spit in my mouth mama, dont keep me waiting." He begged, his cheeks dusting pink as he felt himself get closer and closer to his high--waiting for the final thing you needed to give him to push him over the edge. "You can't be s-serious-" You moaned, getting cut off by a groan when he made you roll your ass down against him harder, his cock drilling into your sweet spot from the new angle.
"So fucking serious, I need it, spit in my mouth pretty cmon, cmon, just once, please. He begged, sticking his tongue out once more as he waited patiently to feel it. You felt your entire body heat up at his request. Sure, he had spit in your mouth before, but never the other way around. You were shocked he wanted you to do something like this, you knew Geto was dirty but this felt.. extra dirty for some reason, especially with the way he was begging.
"Y-you're so disgusting Suguru." You whispered, and with that, you grabbed his chin and leaned forward. Geto stuck his tongue out further, moaning shamelessly as he waited for you to spit in his mouth. You wadded up a glob of saliva in your mouth, hyping yourself up you took a deep breath before you just--did it.
Geto moaned a drawn-out moan when he felt your spit hit his tongue, the saliva immediately being swallowed by the man under you before he stuck his tongue back out to show you he had swallowed it, a fucked out smile on his face.
You whined, your lip pouted out in embarrassment before you leaned forward to crash your lips with his, tasting exactly what he just had on your tongue. The two of you moaned and whined into the other's mouth, the kiss being so full of teeth and tongue as he humped his cock into you at an inhuman pace, his balls ready to fill you full of his cum.
"Thank you- thank you fuck- cuming baby- cum- nghhh-" Geto's groan was cut off when you pressed your lips back on his, his mouth opening slightly into the kiss as his cock shot hot ropes of cum deep inside you, his hips thrusting his dick to the hilt inside you, pulling back he fucked the entirety of his cock into you over and over again as he came, his cock hitting your cervix making you whine and cry in painful pleasure as you milked him of everything he was worth.
You broke the kiss, hiding your head in the crook of his neck to whine and gasp into the skin there, the puffs of your rapid breaths tickling his skin. Geto's eyes were squeezed shut as he rode out the aftershocks of his orgasm, holding your body tightly against his, your hearts syncing up to bead rapidly with one another, sounding like you had just run a marathon.
Once Geto's cock started softening inside of you, he started rubbing his hands over your back soothingly, scratching his nails over your skin as he listened to you hum in appreciation into his neck. "You did so well for me baby, you feelin' okay? Anything hurt?" Geto whispered, tilting his head agaisnt the side of your face.
You shook your head, wrapping your hands over his shoulders, keeping your face buried in his neck. "I'm a little embarrassed though." You mumbled, feeling your face heat up with the realization of what he had made you do.
Geto burst out in a laugh, his body shaking yours on top of him. He pressed a kiss to the side of your face between giggles, a heavy hand coming to pet your hair. "I'm so glad you put up with my requests, I love you." He whispered, pressing another kiss to the side of your temple. You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut as you wrapped your body tighter around his, still not ready to come back to reality just yet.
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risuola · 7 months
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I — NOT YET // When a guy in the club tries to assault you, you ask a random stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend. Little that you know that out of all people, you chose a mob boss.
contents: smut, mafia!au, briefly mentioned assault and tiny bit of violence, Sukuna (yeah, I consider him a warning), reader discretion is advised — 2,7k words
a/n: mada... mada mada~ the very second I heard this menace toying with Panda, Kusakabe and the rest in Shibuya, not allowing them to move unless he say so - my head went straight to the idea of him playing the same game in bed.
ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟʏ ᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ | masterlist
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Sukuna never had to get used to being interrupted. Never. Anytime it happened in the past, all he had to do was to glance at the person and it usually got the message across. His gaze has enough power in it to quickly inform the intruder why invading his personal space or cutting him half-sentence is a damn bad idea. One look from him usually was enough to make anyone reconsider if they really want some problems. Sukuna had his eyes trained to be sharp and cold, his body strong and intimidating and his aura dangerous. He spent years building his reputation, earning a position in his world that now guaranteed him calm.
Now everyone and their mothers know that he’s not the one to cross paths with. He’s a VIP, he’s allowed everywhere and he has no qualms about killing someone. Ryomen Sukuna is a brand, he’s a threat, he’s untouchable, invincible. No one in the right mind would ever try to start anything with him at this point. That’s why, when he tried to relax in one of many clubs that he owns in Tokyo, he couldn’t believe someone had the guts to push onto him at the bar.
“Hey, sorry, can you please pretend to be my boyfriend for a second?”, he heard near his ear and following the sound and the soft tug on his elbow, he turned his head towards you. Lucky girl, he thought while quickly assessing the view. You were too god damn pretty to be killed, looking at him with those pleading eyes that glistened in the harsh artificial lights. You were visibly scared of something, or someone, and oddly enough it wasn’t him who brought you to the verge of tears.
“Your boyfriend, huh?”, he mused, allowing his eyes to trail down your figure. The dress you had on left little to imagination and yet he wished to tear it off to see more of you. It hugged the shapes of your body perfectly and the silky fabric betrayed the lack of bra underneath. You were attractive, but clearly not smart enough to think twice before approaching a stranger.
“Please, I beg you, this guy—“, you tried to explain, squeezing your perfectly manicured fingers around his veiny forearm, but your sentence was cut in half when a man grabbed you by the waist, pulling you away just a little and harshly pressing your back against the bar. Sukuna watched as you winced when your spine hit the edge of the wooden countertop, he watched for a moment how you tried to push the guy away. With no effect, you weren’t strong enough to stand against him, you were trapped between the unwanted body and the furniture behind you, fighting the hungry hands that were groping your figure.
“Naoya, get off of me—” you tried, pushing his face away from where he was trying to suck a spot onto your neck.
“Oh, shut up woman, I know you want it,” the blonde-ish idiot grinned, twisting your arm enough to make a space for himself. He wasn’t bothered in the least with the fact he was trying to get between your legs in the very center of a club. Sukuna’s club.
Ryomen zeroed the whisky in his glass and got up from the chair. Usually, he would ignore situations like this. Other people’s problems were none of his business and he had enough his own things to take care of, to bother himself with anything else, but you. You were a problem he was willing to explore.
“Zenin, huh?”, he asked, connecting the name he heard falling from your lips with the wannabe gangster he heard about many times before. There was a certain reputation tied to Naoya’s name, mostly regarding his treatment of women but as long as he wasn’t touching his women, Sukuna couldn’t care less about this trash of a man. You definitely were not his woman. Yet.
“The fuck you want, I’m busy,” Zenin groaned, pulling his nasty mouth away from your shoulder for just a moment, only to shot a glare to the club owner.
“I can tell that you’re busy,” Ryomen grabbed one of Naoya’s wrists. It wasn’t looking like a hard grip, but the face of the blonde betrayed the sharp, bone-breaking pain he felt.
You felt some kind of relief when the stranger you just met stepped between you and your unwanted date. The large body of him towered above you completely, he was bigger than you thought when you approached his sitting form, but you couldn’t think about it for too long when he dealt with Naoya so easily. Once the blonde was gone, he turned to you.
Your heart skipped few beats once you took the image in. The man was huge, way taller than you and built like a greek god. The sharp outlines of his muscled torso beautifully showed through the dark graphite dress shirt. Looking up, you could finally see his face clearly. His features were attractive, dangerous with the black tattooed lines around them. He could easily be a gangster or something.
“T-thank you,” you spoke finally, snapping out from the initial impression of him. He was a red flag, you knew that. If not for the circumstance, you’d probably be the first to run away from him. He was hot. An absolute smokeshow, but he was certainly bad news.
“Was he your date?”, he asked, pulling a chair that he was sitting on previously and twisting it to position, before his large hands landed on your hips. There was no effort whatsoever when he lifted you and sat you down on the seat. He opted to stand next to you.
“No… I came here with a friend, but she left earlier. I was just about to leave as well, but this guy stopped me,” you sighed. “He wouldn’t let me go, I was afraid that he’ll just walk after me to my home. I’m sorry I interrupted you.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. The gesture in itself was soft, but you shivered underneath his touch nonetheless. You couldn’t quite tell what made him so… scary. Was it his overwhelming frame? Or maybe the calm, distant demeanor? He had authority, he was expecting submission and when he was looking at you, you felt like a prey of him. Strangely, you were quite fine with that. You had no wish of doing anything with Naoya, but this man… he was different, he was interesting, he made you cross your legs just to feel any kind of pressure between your thighs. “Your name?”
“Y/n,” you replied.
“Y/n. Nice,” he gave it a soft nod and ordered two drinks. “Ryomen is my name. Sukuna Ryomen. Memorize it.”
At this moment, you had no guts to ask why was it important to imprint the name he told you into your brain, but it all became clear just barely two hours later. You couldn’t exactly recall the moment Sukuna led you out of the club and into his car. There was something so enticing about his entire aura that made you lose your ability to think. He made you break every rule you ever had for yourself – to not talk with strangers, not go with them anywhere. Before that night you were doing exceptionally good in avoiding danger, you somehow slipped through your life up until that point without any major problems, but once you faced the problem, it was a big one.
The talk was good, it flowed easily and the menacing aura that Ryomen had all around him kept you interested. You had no idea that you’re attracted to bad boys, and maybe you were not exactly into school hooligans. Turned out, you’re aroused by the much worse kind – the kind that keeps a gun behind his belt, drinks pure whisky and makes people run away just by shooting them a glance. Yeah, that seems to be the kind of men you are into, because if there was any common sense left in you, you’d be out the door and running towards the safety of your dormitory. If there was any self-preservation instinct in you, you’d be probably anywhere else, rather than in here.
In the most luxurious house you’ve ever seen, not to mention been inside of; somewhere in the outskirts of Tokyo where you were not even sure how you can get back to your home from there. If you were just a little smarter, you’d for sure be in your own bed right now and not on the dark leather couch, with your silky dress scrunched up around your waist and your underwear torn to pieces and laying on the floor. If you had more braincells, maybe you wouldn’t be bouncing on that stranger’s dick right now, gripping onto his muscular shoulders as one of his large hands kept your hip in a dead grip, leading your moves up and down his girthy length and the other one tightly squeezed around the back of your neck, from where he was keeping his head close so he could kiss you so hungrily it took your breath away. But that’s just where you were. And you wouldn’t change a thing.
He felt so goddamn good, filling your tight hole to the very brim, stretching you to the point of delirium and he wasn’t even fully in yet. His moves were aggressive and yet sensual; he made you feel small even if it was you who was on top of him. You had no control, he made it clear with the way he was holding you and every time you tried to dominate him in any way, he quickly showed you your place back. Maybe later, he’ll let you have your way with him, but now, he was in charge.
“Think you can take all of me?” He asked against the delicate skin of your neck, now painted in red and purple marks he nibbed onto it. You could feel him grinning at the way you squeezed your little hands on his clothed biceps. He got you all exposed and yet he only allowed you to free his dick; his shirt was still buttoned up, his pants were still on his legs. There was a certain dominance shown in the way he got you all naked on top of his suit.
“N-no,” you breathed out, “too big.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can.” Sukuna doesn’t exactly accept no as an answer and he for sure gave you enough time to accommodate to his size. “You’ll take it and thank me for it, yeah?”
“Yes,” was all you could mumble, before both of his large hands landed on your hips. The iron grip, you were sure, was going to bruise you but now, it felt grounding in a way.
“Good girl,” he praised, his purr vibrated against your skin as he sucked yet another mark along your collarbone. It distracted you for a moment before he pushed your pelvis even lower, fully bottoming into you. Your clit made a contact with his lower belly, the harsh brush of his skin against the swollen bud making you moan louder than you were meaning to. You felt like all of your organs were moved out of the way just to make more space for his dick and Sukuna couldn’t be more satisfied by the way you took him in. “See? As if you were made to take this cock.”
Something incoherent left your mouth, a tear stained your cheek and the man was happy to lick it away, tasting the saltiness before he bucked his hips up, keeping yours in place. He took full control, thrusting into you with all the power he had in his muscular body and you held onto his shoulders with your little hands. The filthy, wet sounds were filling the interiors, bouncing off the walls and mixing with all of the whines and whimpers that were leaving your lips. Some grunts added to the melody, but you barely heard any of it, too consumed by the exploding pleasure between your legs.
Sukuna’s name was leaving your mouth like a prayer, you felt so close, you felt like falling and you had no intention to stop. The man grinned, licking a long stroke along your throat, his tongue curling upwards as it reached the tip of your chin. The taste of your skin felt intoxicating to him, he wanted to devour you whole, to keep all for himself.
“You wanna cum, huh?” His voice was taunting. “You’re clenching around me so fucking hard, you’re gonna milk me as well.”
“Yes, yes, please,” you near damn begged, chasing the bliss that you could almost taste on your tongue right now. It filled all of your body cells, rushed through your veins in ecstatic waves of lust.
“Not yet,” he ordered and it felt almost painful to force yourself back from the state of climax. You could tell he was playing with you, toying with his dominance, reminding you that it’s him who pulls the strings in here. And yet, he was still rutting into you, his movements completely different to what he was saying, he was fucking you like he wanted you to cum in that very moment. “Still not yet,” he teased, feeling your little fingers digging onto his shoulders, your manicured nails nearly making holes in his shirt as your eyes fell shut.
“Oh god, Ryomen, please,” you whined. Your thighs were shaking, your spine arching and the incredible tension below your stomach threatened to burst any second now.
“Now,” he ordered and just like that, all inside of you snapped. You came all over his dick, and you came hard. It felt like nothing you’ve ever experienced, like you were suddenly shot into another dimension and if not for the way he sped up his movements, you’d probably just get lost in the lustful feeling. Ryomen came just few moments after you, wrapping his arms around your waist and painting your walls white. You felt him throbbing, spasming inside of you, the hot seed gushed out of you as he was pumping it in, staining your thighs and the bottom of his black shirt. Then he pushed you down, fully onto his cock, plugging the way out for his cum.
You found his lips, swallowing his quickened breath as you kissed him with desire and he gave in, quickly dominating the kiss. You were tired, the muscles in your legs were burning from the intense exercise, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of still wanting more. He made you hungry, he made you unsatiated and you were sure, you won’t be able to recognize yourself after you’re done with him. You were never such a greedy lover but frankly, you never had a chance to feel that good with anyone. The boys you’ve been with had no skills and if not for the orgasms you gave yourself with your fingers, no one else ever brought you over the edge like Sukuna.
“Can you undress?” You asked him, your lips brushing against his as you mouthed the question and he chased your kiss with his head, grabbing your lower lip between his teeth. There was a certain expression painted all over his dangerously handsome features, the menacing aura amplified as he took his sweet time before replying.
“I can undress,” he began, yet there was a but hanging in the air. He had conditions and you were open to hear them. “I’ll give you two options, little kitten. Wanna hear ‘em?”
“I won’t undress. You can pull yourself together and I can drive you back to your home now. But I can also take the suit off, carry you to my bed. Then you’ll stay with me till morning, but don’t have any hopes for a calm sleep, no. The night will be as filthy as it can get. You’ll be sore tomorrow, most likely exhausted.”
You blinked hearing the options. It was clear as day, stop there or continue? You knew the answer already, your body decided for you even before he came up with an offer.
“Will you drive me home as well if I pick the second option?”
“Of course.”
“Then let’s get you naked.”
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