#it’s supposed to be out nov 8
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ruairy · 1 year
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straylaughs · 2 years
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my school's yearbook cover designed by me!!
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exhuastedpigeon · 3 months
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Buddie Hiatus Fic Rec - Month 8 Nov 16 - Dec 15
Previous lists under the cut at the bottom
merle said mama tried, but the prison still won by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Teen | 2.9k Eddie goes to (mall) jail.
do you love me? all you gotta do is say yes by fleetinghearts / @shitouttabuck Teen | 3.1k two boy best friends and an ex lover walk into a grocery store. everyone is on their normalest behaviour.
drawstrings by browney3dgirl6 / @hoodie-buck Mature | 3.7k Eddie helps Buck fix his drawstrings. How was he supposed to know it’d lead to him sitting in Bucks lap?
Here Comes the Jackpot Question In Advance by lamardeuse / @lamardeuse Teen | 4.1k Buck is determined to start the new year right.
I'm still standing in the same place where you left me standing by trysetmeonfire / @try-set-me-on-fire Teen | 8.3k Bobby deals with the ramifications of a misplaced confession
Don't Push Me So Far Away I Can't Reach You by giselleslash. / @gigi-gigi Mature | 12k the one where Buck thinks he and Eddie are just friends with benefits so he pushes Eddie to date other people because he’s an idiot.
give it to someone special by rainbow_nerds / @rainbow-nerdss Mature | 12.3k Buck and Eddie meet at the airport after their respective girlfriends live their Hallmark movie dreams and dump them right before Christmas.
into thirty separate parts by hammersmiths / @henswilsons Teen | 12.6k Taylor’s book comes out.
sang to the sea for feelings deep blue by Tizniz / @tizniz General audiences | 14k The 118 responds to a cruise ship emergency.
20k - 30k
say (don't) go by bccalling / @fiona-fififi Teen | 20.4k Eddie starts dropping hints he wants more kids. Buck assumes he means with Marisol. Buck spirals about it. Eddie does not mean with Marisol.
deck the halls (and your in-laws) by oklahoma / @sunshinediaz Mature | 29.6k Eddie and Buck, recently married and moved into their new house, have the (dis)pleasure of unexpectedly hosting their parents through the holiday season. It’s not what either of them want or need, but they can get through it because they’re in this together. Right?
30k +
Facets of a Diamond by countrygirlsfun / @acountrygirlsfun Teen | 35.1k Southern California is where Buck has spent the most time since leaving Pennsylvania. Of all the places he’s lived and worked over the last few years, this place is where he decided to stay. It’s why he picked LAFD: to put down some roots. It’s warm, has the ocean, and it’s the opposite coast of his parents. So if he’s going to be here for a while, he thinks he’ll need to make an effort to let people in.
Sweet Nothing by LongConvolutedSimiles Teen | 37.8k Buck and Eddie go on dates, fall in love and get together. Yes in that order.
Maybe More Than I Should by Leslie_Knope Mature | 51.5k Eddie caught sight of the man leaning against the side of his desk and immediately wanted to retreat to the relative safety of the hallway, back in time when he lived happily not knowing that Mr. Buckley was apparently some kind of male model masquerading as a third-grade teacher.
it walks with my legs (to fall at your feet) by Underhung_Aura / @eddiebabygirldiaz Explicit | 61.8k a buddie summer sons au where buck and eddie get caught up in something bigger than themselves and awaken a power that haunts them for the rest of their lives; however, the unspoken truths and love between them haunts them more than any ghost ever could.
a blaze in the dark by woodchoc_magnum / @woodchoc-magnum Explicit | 117k Set post-Season 6, where Buck has inadvertently sacrificed his friendship with Eddie in order to focus on his new relationship with Natalia, and is shocked when Eddie comes out to the team and subsequently reveals that he is dating a guy.
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels / @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels Explicit | 120k Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost. Fate has other plans for both of them.
Month 1 (May 15 - June 15) Month 2 (June 16 - July 15) Month 3 (July 16 - August 15) Month 4 (August 16 - September 15) Month 5 (September 16 - October 15) Month 6 (October 16 - November 15) Month 7 (November 16 - December 15)
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aarontveit · 7 months
copy/paste this separate so it isn't miles long post anymore
i paid management the $300 (even),
(october 31st) and after speaking with one of the ladies down there, she has given me until next week to come up with the remaining $511 (+$8 in my account, so $519). that means i now have until friday of next week (november 10th) to pay the remaining $519 on rent arrears for the 2nd payment — keeping in mind my third payment is due at the end of this month (november 30th) as well, and it's supposed to be $500.
BY NOVEMBER 10TH: $519 (extension for second payment)
BY NOVEMBER 30TH: $500 (third payment)
i am not out of the woods yet, and still need so much help, if it can be done. you guys have given me hope, and lifted me from a dark spot.
please, if you can help me with my arrears payment. please do. any amount helps get me closer to the payment arrangement goal(s) and helps me keep my home. please donate to my paypal if, and only if, you can.
thank you 🍀 for any and all help
$0/511 - rest of 2nd payment (due nov 10th - 7 days)
$0/500 - 3rd payment (due nov 30th)
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starsologyy · 4 months
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synopsis ─ [31 DAYS LEFT TILL THE EXAM] gojo takes home his drunk girlfriend, who's actually geto's little sister, and aka, somebody he is NOT suppose to seeing at all.
content warnings ─ alcohol usage, curse words, and etc.
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NOV. 9. 2007. 8:54 PM. GOJO SATORU’S  POV.
satoru knows it’s a dumbass idea to be next to the girl he can’t have. especially at a public library he rented at night, but it was cheap, and no one could possibly blame him. 
if one was asked to elaborate on this institution of knowledge as a birthday venue, one wouldn’t classify this place as a profoundly enormous architectural masterpiece due to its inadequate funding, which lacks to achieve something grand in that matter.
 it’s rather pathetic, looking at it. the knowledge that surrounds them has insufficient funds to where they have lost the dignity to not plaster a scroll of edo period art on the beige walls. but the old lady who runs it; hired satoru a couple of months ago, doesn’t seem to care much.
and satoru isn’t shown to care either since he rented it out for a birthday party for teens who wanted to drink. (when it was only her and him together…)
yet, he feels as if the old woman does care somewhat. she’s bitter, rude, and slips insults off the tongue like the sound of books off the shelves (she wouldn’t be able to hear herself any other way at this age) when he does the shelving wrong. but she’s not always a senile old woman, satoru thinks. she’s nice enough to spare him from a five hour lecture to not spill a single liquid of beer on the ancient books.
 It was only four hours today.  
but never mind that.
he knows he should feel terrible, bottled with immense guilt because he hasn't told his best friend, suguru, about how he likes his little sister. and yet, satoru oddly doesn't feel any of those things.
and satoru gojo, he knows he’s fucked for his apathy.
“satoru!” kana whined, kicking her restless feet against his thrifted, acid washed baggy jeans, “i’m sooooo tired. do you have water?” she asked.
impersonating the spider web that hangs on the corner of the shelf beside them, his barrage of intertwined thoughts rip as he pops his head out of the cramped space and his eventual hangover to rapidly nod his head. 
the snow fallen haired boy soon passes her a bottle of water, watching her chug it.
satoru can’t help the grin growing on his face. “maybe you should go home, you can’t handle your beer.” he teases with a cheshire-like smile. kana scoffs at him before laughing a moment later.
she leans on the table at the end of satoru with a flirtatious expression, “accompany me home then idiot.” kana teases back, and the male’s crystal light eyes widen in a bit of a shock at that invite. the top of his mouth even shrivels as he tries to aimlessly smack his rosy lips for a bit of random moisture.
 “ah well—”
kana rolls her eyes. “my mom won’t see you! don’t be a pussy satoru.” she frowns, “i’m not some fling you’re hiding, am i?” she said as she gave him a side glare, and he rolled his eyes after he shook his head no. 
being afraid of your girlfriend’s mom and your best friend (her brother) will see you, is NOT the same as having another girl on the side, satoru screams within his head. he’s surprised after dealing with her temper and chaotic mess he hasn’t gone ahead and found a different girl yet, but that’s her charm (supposedly at least).
“okay, first of all,” he explains to kana. “if i was hiding you, i would cover up your face with a paper bag everywhere i went,” the boy laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she scrunches her face. “and don’t do that, you’ll get wrinkles and look like an old hag if you keep scrunching.” satoru adds in a sing-song manner.
“also, accusing me of being with other girls is also pretty much saying I’m with an old hag. like we’re 90 years old  and I looked at some girl at a bingo game because—”
“just shut up.”  she scoffs, pinching his cheek in response before settling down.
she doesn’t do it hard enough to hurt for long he realizes, even if he could technically handle it. satoru pretends as if someone shot him in the foot.
“FINE! fine! uragh, i’ll drive you home,  so you can’t complain to me. happy?” he shouts, pouting at the same time. though, it turns to an uncontrollable soft smile when the cerulean in his eyes rise as similarly unmanageable waves, to now mesmerizingly swirl in his pupils once it witnesses the sight of the joyful contortion of her lips. 
“really!? and don’t call me some old hag anymore! for the life of me.” she groaned, and he rolls his eyes to confirm his little tease will be over. 
kana smiles, forcing him up by suddenly jumping up from her seat similar to the cartoon characters plastered on the scratched walls behind him. satoru laughs boisterously at this, only to witness her also hop on his rather wide back once he also leaves the table,  wrapping her muscular arms around his neck to rest her head on his shoulder.
“you’re heavy!”
“fuck off!”
he clicks his tongue, holding onto her thighs to support herself on him. the silence between their lips pursue the delicate tread of the frail bliss known as comfortability. he didn’t mind the lack of their chat. It doesn't last long however. 
“seeeee, you know you like this,” she drunkenly cheers, her clumpy coats of onyx mascara with the shade electric blue on the tops fluttering lightly on her lashes as she takes in the fresh air once they step outside of the library. “how could you not love this? you should drive me home more,” she giggles. the alcohol seems to have set in, and her incredibly soft hair tickles his chin.
“and waste my gas? yeah fucking right,” he yawns mockingly, and she scoffs as she kicks her legs back and forth (ensuring to leave him a bruise for injuring her egotistical pride.) 
“what’s with you and injuring me?” he grumbles. 
silence seems to have fallen off the thread of comfort now as he’s rather feeling uncomfortable from the sting of hard sneakers hitting flesh. 
her little ‘hmph!’ reminds satoru that it would mean dead silence between them, killing the conversation and giving tension between them as they both struggle to generate another, but he actually finds it opposingly soothing right now. 
they soon end up in his navy blue sports car, kana in the passenger seat as she rubs her eyes a bit. she’ll regret it later he realizes, but satoru stays silent as his engine rumbles obnoxiously loud, probably waking a couple of crying babies nearby. oops. not enough to wake her up though, so he hopes those moms would forgive him.
the drive isn’t supposed to be long, but the time it takes to arrive to kana’s house stretches far into the greedy hands of eternity.  it desperately holds both souls in the stillness of the blinding rich glimmer from satoru’s sports car, and yet as dreadful as infinity may stretch,  he continues this sloth like pace, driving painstakingly slowly, and prolongs the inevitable.
the last time satoru gojo drove this slow, is when he first got it on his sixteen birthday and mommy wouldn’t pay to get scratches removed. 
the reason he drives slowly though, is because he just doesn’t want to deal with what comes with pulling up near the drive through. yet he holds that breath of polluted city, or whatever how much a suburban town in the middle of nowhere can be considered a city, just at the center of his adam’s apple. kana sits restless, and exhausted at the same time somehow throughout all this.
she’s a bit naive, satoru thinks. for getting into a car with a man, to clarify. she trusts him sure, but caution lies clear in folktales of those who have been hurt by the ones they hold the most dear. 
she disregards fear like an idiot living near a radioactive plant. it’s impressive, but he’s the one who agreed, so he’s her neighbor in that dumb scenario. he stays silent as she rants about whatever drama could possibly conjure in the hellhole of the 2nd year of a suburban high school. 
but to be fair, she runs her mouth like an american sprinter about far less worse things than what he used to hear at his old, stuck up the ass, high school, before he got caught sneaking out at four am and was sent to this town like some mass isolation. 
“and then he said it’s not his fault he had to cheat because she just wasn’t getting his needs you know? but I was like nooo are you insane—”
“you there?”
he glances over at her, and his brows raise to the top of his head at the sight of the slight drool lining her glossed lips. the emergence of a buried sound of snoring in the rippling silence of a rural town where no one dares to stay up past twelve o'clock (or be faced with their mother’s rapid pull on rather sensitive ears) makes him chuckle. it’s amusing to watch, sure, but he quickly rests eyes back  on the ever winding road to not crash his expensive ass car into a boulder.
he really does need a new job. and soon. but maybe watching your girlfriend sleep should be a job in itself he thinks. 
satoru’s arms soon rest easy on his thighs as he gets comfortable with this road back to her place, just an easy step on the gas he also needs to refill. he’s unconsciously keeping a steady pace to not wake her up, but he denies it to the gentle, beating of his stone cold heart by saying he doesn’t have the cash to waste another gallon or purchase another tire to go over a pothole carelessly. 
also, he doesn’t want to wake up some family like he did a while ago. after another five minutes or so, they reach their destination.
he glances over once more. “wake up ugly.” the cheeky boy provokes, pinching the chub of her cheek to leave it a hint more rosy than what kana normally brushes on her cheeks. 
“or else i’ll kick you out for not paying me back for gas.” he mutters to himself, his scarred muscles (from being outside more than some barbaric creature who resides in forests) almost shuddering at the thought of paying those ever increasing expenses. 
kana’s eyelids slowly rise to the sight of the slightest frown on the boy next to her, but they almost already fall shut once more from the alcohol she ingested a while ago. her lips remain shut while her head remains slugged on the back of his white leather extravaganza of a vehicle. 
“we here already?” she murmurs.
“just got here.” he nods.
a part of his aching soul is fond enough of kana, that as the girl holds near and dear inside his very calloused soul, he silently pursues the question of letting her sleep a while longer if her hangover needs so. but he disregards that thought. 
the longer he stays, the more likely he is to be caught. even if he wants his girlfriend to get the sleep she needs. 
kana raises a brow in turn to somehow telepathically question why he hasn’t launched some mischievous joke to wake her up. he can tell what she’s asking from that look in her eyes. 
 “since its your birthday and what not.” he quickly adds, as if to deny a disgusting softness that may cultivate in the gentleness of his self if carefulness continues to lack in the streamlining of hushed words.
“oh. okay.” kana sighs, a yawn escaping soon after as she rummages through the back of the car to find her onyx bag. it has a bountiful bunch of multivariety printed pins stuck to the painfully clear false leather of measly fabric and the same galore of cheap key chains stuck to the strap and zipper, but it seems more endearing than he is to her. 
he’s joking, obviously. 
there’s a quietness now as she continues to try to make sure she doesn't forget anything, and it’s usually familiar, but satoru feels a lump like he wants to gag and renchingly expel the hideous bile of his very stomach from its personification of a burden to ask why it exists. the silence from a bit ago was comfortable. now it’s noticeably not. 
why is she quiet? she normally talks his damn ears off when she wakes up, as much as he does her. it’s giving him an unfamiliar goosebump, similar to when he sees a seven foot male at his basketball games. essentially, it’s not good.
at all.
it shouldn’t be there, and his need for the expulsion of a cheap beer isn’t this feeling either. it’s not the same, even if he doesn’t like to drink very often and pukes after a sip.  satoru only drank beer today for kana honestly, but he usually sticks to more sugar cube filled mockery of these drinks more often than not.
she’s gotta be pissed off for sure, or satoru is in hell for not throwing away the empty milk carton from when he wanted cereal from this eerie silence. 
“you mad at me?” he hums, looking outside the clearness of his driver’s window (that he only cleaned yesterday to impress her).
silence again. he looks at her once more. did he wake her up too early? he doesn’t think he did (but men never know what they did wrong he learned). 
 “why would i be mad?” she scoffs, resting her bag in her lap as she then begins to pick up the things she keeps forgetting to get back from his abyss of a car every other time she enters his car. for example, like that vampy lipgloss from the dollar store, she keeps forgetting it, and always forgetting to take it back. 
“you just seem mad all of a sudden. i don’t know. did i suddenly fuck up, your royal highness?” satoru sighs.
“well, i’m not. you’re just reading inbetween the lines.” she glares out of the blue, and his similarly colored cerulean eyes droop at its very cold sight, like her being merely upset freezes him more than what winter may do in the essence of the common occurrence called frostbite. 
he goes back to looking away though, yet she can somehow notice a snowflake of shame as a glimmer in his eyes that she stares at quite often in the haze of her slugged drunkenness.
“so you are mad.” he states with a sigh leaving his lips after he does so.
she doesn’t respond for a moment.
“and if i am?” maybe she’s on her period satoru wonders. just maybe. 
“i drove you home though, like you wanted.” he seems to be insisting of a conversation that may drive him mad the more she could have the time to glare at him in this enclosure of a car. he shrugs, trying to open up a door that probably shouldn’t be touched. “did i forget to do something else? did you want flowers?—”
“just open the damn car door. im like a prisoner!” she responds, angrily trying to open the car’s side door after picking up her forgotten lip gloss. he grabs her wrist in a rather harsh manner, but it softens at the realization of a small wince on kana’s very face. 
“sorry—but, i wanna talk. i know you’re mad at me, but I thought we had a good time at your birthday party, and you know, i can’t understand why you’re mad all of a sudden,” he mutters, “and for being so dumb.” he
adds, and while he repeats the word ‘sorry’ like a broken cd, she knows satoru says his sorries and apologies as much as meteors appears in the very calming night of this town. or a tsunami and what not. 
satoru doesn’t intentionally hurt her. yet, it’s this time where retribution once more comes forth to punish the way kana’s senseless rambles attempt to shelter her from his notions of affection. he wants to know why he hurt her, but the countless occurrences she has pushed him away has comes to haunt her and her fragile femininity in trying to express herself currently. 
she shouldn’t need a man to help her feel better, she thinks. 
her endless polarity of moods continue to antagonize her in a manner that she will never be someone that she wants to be without agonizing over the smallest matters. it’s a shame when she looks at the worry in his eyes again that she's the cause of. 
they’re pure, and hers are troubled. she doesn’t know how to express herself in a matter of care and gentleness in which other women have been characterized to have known since their heart has beat.  
it’s easy to talk to the boy about anything but her feelings truthfully.
she looks down, because she feels the uncomfortable warmth lining her tear ducts. 
it’s weird, crying on your birthday, she thinks. especially over such a good guy like satoru, she just can’t get the words to slip as much as bile does after a crappy special night out. he carefully holds her for a moment now, as if she’s a fragile piece of glass, letting her head rest in the scent of his woody cologne.
“did you care when i was talking about that random girl earlier?”
huh? he thinks, raising a brow. she doesn’t know how else to distract him. she’s drunk. who’s going to blame her? 
“not really, but i guess it was fucked up her boyfriend cheated.” the white haired boy murmurs. “are you mad because i didn’t show interest, cause i was listening it only didn’t seem like it because—”
“because you were driving, i know.” he raises his brow at what could she be annoyed about if it’s not about that, but he stays silent. “i don’t know what i’m mad about then.”
he’s about to open his mouth but, “i don’t know. okay? maybe it’s because im buzzed. it just happened all of a sudden okay? you know i don’t cry often it’s just you know, you know? right?”
she’s repeating words like a mad man, he thinks. crying like a jester on display after a ball falls from the juggle of his rather childish act. she fits the role of one oddly enough, but he likes the spontaneity of it all. 
“so you’re upset at me because you’re drunk? because this happened all of a sudden you know?” if he says the words ‘you know’ one more time, he might bang his head. 
she nods. 
he sighs of some sort of minor relief despite not understanding it. “you’re always an emotional wreck after a beer.” he grunts, and she rolls her eyes, her fingertips obnoxiously wiping away her sudden tears as if she wasn’t wearing smokey eye makeup at the moment. 
she’s glad he’s not forcing her to say more. he’s glad himself he won’t have to provoke her to another mess of her drunken mind. he’s not equipped to deal with the mental breakdowns, but he still allows her to ramble endlessly about others, and then cry in his arms about nonsensical matters. despite him being the forbidden fruit she wants to taste his bitter lips, so she kisses satoru despite it all, savoring the sweetness of his love despite the fact suguru would kill her for dating his best friend. 
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taglist? <3. just comment below!
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matan4il · 4 months
Amin al-Husseini docu: part 5
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Last
Translator notes:
I included more on Edy Mor's background with part 4.
While there's a common misconception that Kristallnacht (the Nov 9, 1938 antisemitic riots orchestrated by the Nazis, which were supposed to look like a spontaneous anti-Jewish outburst) only took place on the streets, and not inside people's homes ("Kristallnacht" refers to the broken glass that was found everywhere in the streets on the first morning of that pogrom, giving people this misleading idea), I wanna correct that, and point out that indeed Kristallnacht began with the destruction and attacks on Jewish synagogues, then Jewish shops, but then the rioters (Nazi troops, who were later joined by regular people) also got into Jewish homes. An example of that is the story of Minna Zack, who was murdered in her own house, while her husband and sons were attacked there as well. I also have a post from Nov 9, 2018 if you're interested in more deconstruction of common misconceptions regarding Kristallnacht.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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lgbtpopcult · 7 months
November WLW entertainment rundown
Love Senior the series, first episode drops on YouTube November 8.
Scott Pilgrim November 17
Black Cake: Season One Premiere – November 1st
Beacon 23: Season One Premiere – November 12
You’re Not Suppose To Be Here, November 4, Lifetime
You’re Not Supposed to Be Here,” which premieres Nov. 4, stars Stause and Diora Baird as a lesbian couple babymooning in a remote mountain town. Developed from Lauren Caster’s concept, “You’re Not Supposed to Be Here” follows pregnant couple Zoe (Stause) and Kennedy (Baird), who are offered a vacation from their stressful lives when Kennedy’s boss gives them a key to a cabin in the woods. When they arrive, however, they are met with less than welcoming arms, prompting Zoe to sound alarms of homophobia, which Kennedy attempts to tamper down.
Books, Games Music etc
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That French Summer
Reeling from a very public scandal, Delia Holland takes refuge in a run-down French chateau. She’s determined to stay out of the lime-light, to rebuild her life, and most of all, to be happy. Guillotining her husband would be the icing on the cake, if only she could find him.
After an accident and a surprise breakup, Paris Bennett finds herself alone on her longed-for French vacation. Her characteristically immaculate plans have fallen apart, and she’s barely holding herself together. Plus, the novelty of being Paris in Paris is rapidly starting to wear off.
But when a thunderstorm brings the two together for a night, something begins to sparkle. Delia’s heart starts to fill with happiness again, and Paris suddenly finds that her carefully laid out plans aren’t as necessary as she thought.
Grumpy neighbors, interfering English teachers, a housekeeper who’s more than she seems, a battered car, an even more battered moped, rats and spiders galore, and a chateau that could fall on their heads at any moment come together to prove that the perfect love story doesn’t have to be perfect at all. Sometimes happiness is there for the taking, as long as you can persuade yourself to choose it.
This Bed We Made
"February 17, 1958. Sophie's shift at the Clarington Hotel begins like any other — until she opens the door to room 505 and a crimson light comes out…" Does that appeal to your curiosity? If so, this noir investigation full of guilty pleasures and a nosy maid is perfect for you. And of course, you’ll be able to form all sorts of bonds with the hotel guests you usually work for.
Available for: PC
~The Summer Romance Bloomed From A Lie~
This is a story about finding love to overwrite the feelings for the one they held dearest. A girls love visual novel about summer, love and adolescence.
3 Nov, 2023 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1575980/UsoNatsu_The_Summer_Romance_Bloomed_From_A_Lie/
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breezytealy · 1 month
Summoning Goten and Trunks fans
HI RIGHT so I'm trying to get ages and school years for Goten and Trunks and it's driving me bonkers (working out Blue Hal but birthdays will do), feel free to chip in and correct, I'll update the original post with strikethrough corrections if needs be.
ETA: would be too much to correct but @secretsofdbz has a really good breakdown of why we can consider Daizenshuu (and therefore most online timelines) as out in the reblogs. The post below attempts to square Daizenshuu by squinting but sounds like it's neater to just ignore it. It's too late for my fics I'm stuck with parkour, but maybe not for yours if you're particular!)
At the end of the day it doesn't matter but I like everything to line up as best as possible and headcanon what I can't.
They're born 767 and 766 respectively, Future Trunks is postulated as Nov 766 as he's stated he was born about six months before the androids arrive. We know Goten is born after late May 767's Cell games.
In the early May 774 tournament before Buu we know they give their ages as 7 and 8, but since that's impossible for Goten I like to think he rounded up and Trunks was born earlier than Future Trunks. Trunks could have also lied but we know the timestream changes and it's just funnier to me that a 6 year old would lie to be a cooler age, especially if his friend is 8.
Running with those constraints we're at:
Goten: May 767 - Dec 767
Trunks: Jan 766 - early May 766
I thinkkk Blue Hal takes place 3 months before Super Hero, which is when Pan is 3. She's born 779 (seeing references to May?) so Blue Hal at the latest is early 783 could be late 782? She's also supposed to have just started kindergarten in Blue Hal, but I don't have the Japanese scan to see if it's Japanese or American naming, and kids join nursery all the time so idk if there's strict timing help there. We also know Goten and Trunks are one school year apart.
So! Taking late 782 for arguments sake:
Trunks is 16 turning 17 sooner rather than later
Goten is 15, turning 16 later rather than sooner
In the Japanese system which runs April to April and three year high school, to keep them only a year apart Trunks needs to be born after April (so basically born in April 766), making him a first year high schooler (already turned 16), so Goten is a final year middle schooler (May 767 - Dec 767, has or will turn 15 in that apr 782-mar 783 school year).
BUT we know they go to the same school, and it's literally written as "high school" in the Japanese, and it's in West City, so they could be a freshman and sophomore.
Going further, if it's a Western High School the American system runs September to September, that means Trunks can be born Jan-early May 766 and Goten May 776-Aug 767 for the year gap, and in that case Goten is a sophomore and Trunks is a Junior, as they'll be turning 16 and 17 in their respective school year.
So I can get all my ducks in a neat little row with a very constrained pick of April 766 and July 767 for birthdays. I think?
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
I would love to hear about any of the sea creature stories! <3
I just read the ones about the young twins living with their dad <33 super cute!!
(AH hello!! Thanks again for the tag 🥰 since last anon asked so nicely I have started fleshing out a note I had about jellyNeil and sharkDrew, back when Neil was younger and still learning and growing!) ⤵️
8 Nov 2023 ww game
Find the mer au masterpost here 💕
Context: Andrew is taking a break from the pod to go visit Wymack, and the jellyfish was determined to come along - but it’s a couple day’s journey, and Neil’s quickly noticed that Andrew is getting tired.
Not long after, only the second time Andrew was jolted awake by his own body, Neil was saying something. He blinked his eyes open and squinted at the bright yellow and orange. Neil had gotten through its fish in very good time, and now pulled lightly at Andrew's arm with a gentle chatter. Andrew frowned.
It tried again, and this time Andrew could pick out the words sleep and Aaron. Which sort of only made him more confused.
"What do you want? You already slept," Andrew said irritably. Neil narrowed its eyes, still asking Andrew something about sleep. Andrew opened his mouth to argue again, but then Neil drifted forward and turned to float on its back, arms held open.
Oh. It wanted Andrew to sleep, and wanted to carry him like Aaron did. Or something to that effect. Would that work? Neil was much smoother than a shark. It would be hard to hold onto.
Andrew shook his head. "No, I think you're overestimating yourself. I am not light."
Still, Neil waited expectantly. It even made a familiar but unknown motion with its hands, whistling shelf. Which was exactly where Andrew had told it they were heading. Neil was honestly starting to understand him, it seemed.
Again, Andrew narrowed his eyes at it. "You can take us to the shelf? The break in the shelf?"
Neil tried a few extra sounds before: "To the shelf." And Andrew almost stopped swimming out of pure surprise. It wasn't said like a shark would, since Neil couldn't speak, but it had replicated the sounds as best it could. Andrew supposed it would be considered a jellyfish accent, if such a thing existed.
And, well. It did now.
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cheolsfae · 6 months
can we get a reading on yunho’s future spouse and/or his soulmate? whichever you prefer! ty!
I'll do both! I'll link his future spouse here when it's done! It'll probably get done Thursday/Friday (Nov 23 or Nov 24).
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: king of pentacles (reversed), the hanged man (reversed)
I'm getting two very different messages here. Which is weird because this is supposed to be one person, his soulmate. So, situation one, this person was very insecure and unstable financially. This person never took the time to look at their situation differently. They may have been very selfish previously. Maybe they were not looking out for the other person's best interest. They may have just been greedy and wanted to keep money to themselves. I mean, I understand wanting to keep what little money you have, but what I don't get is why you wouldn't share with someone else who may need it? I think a friend tried to borrow money from this person, and they were kind of selfish with it. Anyway, this person was being pig headed with it.
Situation two, they were dealing with a very insecure partner in the past. His soulmate may have been the insecure one as well. But I think the person they were with was mainly the culprit. They refused to get past any argument that came up. They would get like tunnel vision, and every time his soulmate screwed up, they would throw past issues in their face. They have since left this terrible person, but I think they still carry the scars with them from this situation.
Present: 3 of swords (reversed), 6 of cups
Right now, I think they are trying to heal themselves. They may be trying to be kinder to themselves and reparent themselves. They are releasing whatever happened in the past. They do look back at all of the positives that happened in that past partnership but they know that it wasn't good for them to keep thinking that way or keep being with that person (again bc 2 situations for some reason 😭). But right now, they are focused on themselves and heal what has happened and move on from it! 💕
Future: 8 of wands, the fool
When they and Yunho meet, this communication is going to be quick. They are going to be pulled to take a leap of faith. They are going to want to just jump right in! I think Yunho will be the one to make the first move. It feels like it. But this whole thing is going to move very quickly! They both have such fast paced energy here. I think they are going to go from 1 to 100 really quickly. Makes perfect sense considering it's Yunho lmaoo 💕
Bottom of the deck: 9 of swords
Overall, this person feels a little overwhelmed with everything right now. They feel like they are stuck in a situation they are most definitely not stuck it. It's all in their head. They know they did the right thing by leaving the past situation behind it, which was for the better good. But it still feels like it was the wrong move for them but! I swear whoever you are! It's good you left! It's leading you to Yunho better things!
*Oracle deck was also used!
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - I’m All Over The Place & Sarcastic About It
Nov 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Only 12% (Fri iQIYI) 13 of 14 - Cake is such a bratty seme. And we got incandescently happy boyfriends for half an episode, and then Earth gets to cry. Earth always cries. Good thing he’s pretty at it. I do actually like the noona romance. Sometimes even the hets get to me. Because I'm a sap. And I love a pining younger man. I actually really really loved the bit at the end with the two mothers. It’s really rare to see that level of older adult character representation and close female friendship in a BL.
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 5 of 8 - Oh, I knew this was going to get rough but I didn’t think they would actually fist fight. It’s interesting that this one is up against Falanruk, because I hated the two player system in that one, but I’m fine with it in this show. There’s a touch of TharnType or maybe more KinnPorsche with Mangkorn & Yai, that they pivot so quickly from violence to sex, hate to passion. Real enemies to lovers with all that bottled up passion destined to explode one way or the other. The sex in this show is similarly treated as a kind of violence, in a kinky way. Also it’s v high heat. But from a romance thread standpoint? The way these two are dodging about each other is just frustrating. Also... NO SINGING! 
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 6 of 10 - Baby’s first jealousy. But omg is this show slow. I think it’s fair for Ai to want Nhai to actually say something positive about their relationship. I like that these 2 talk fully about sex before having it. And now it’s a secret relationship. (I do keep imagining what Mike & TT would have done with these roles.) Oh HI Games! (Second Chance). Cutie! This sudden side dish is v good, gimme MOAR? CRUMBS. @heretherebedork​ CRUMBS! 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 5 of 8 - Wait, who are these girls allasudden? I guess they are Kewin’s fag hags? I suppose every good gay does need a coven? Especially if ghosts are involved.
Makes me wonder who I’d draft for my BL coven... hum. I sense a meme coming on.
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 4 of 12 - Mean’s wig is so terrible. Yes, I realize that’s intentional. But still, too distracting. Props shouldn’t be required to do your comedic acting for you, honey. I really do like the actor who plays Champ, and I really want him to lead out his own BL. (If he wants to of course.) I’m so glad JaFirst are finally occupying the screen together. They’re just that much better when they’re TOGETHER. 
Love in the Air (Thurs iQIYI) 12 of 13 These two do heat so well. Ugh but the dairy reading “reconciliation” scene was truly gross. This show. Why is the villian the seme? Look, sorry Thailand, Japan can do this, you just... can’t. It’s clumsy and makes anyone with half an empathy uncomfortable. - DUMPSTER FIRE TRASH WATCH ALONG HERE.
Hard Love Mission (Sat WeTV) 3 of 4fin - Phenomenally dull Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity who ends up his manager, only 4 episodes and it still could’ve been shorter. It’s a bummer, the concept wasn’t bad. ALSO Chinese censorship got its gross mitts all over it (thank you, Tencent). Do not waste your time. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I’M WATCHING AND NEITHER DOES IT 3/10 
Work from Heart (Thurs YouTube) 7fin - Just lovely, all the hets are getting married! How rare and special of them. How lucky they are. But I have no idea what’s going on with our leads. It’s very Romeo & Romeo allasudden. And the grandpa is v confusingly evil. Great chemistry, but like Check Out, just a terrible story and an ultimately unfathomable BL. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 5 of 12 - These leads! Best example of the pillow clutch trope ever? I think so. World’s most gentle flirts. Seriously: The Ache. We dealing with some serious abandonment issues. Meanwhile, in the land of May/December, baby boy kabedon is my kryptonite! (Also the name of my indie band’s first single.) I identify WAY too much with the bartender character. He pretty much opens his mouth and says what I’m thinking 90% of the time. 
“Someone’s lack of defenses can be so overwhelming.” - Best BL quote of 2022? May be. 
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 3-4 of 10 - postponed until next week. Read about why here. 
Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Thurs Viki) 7-8fin. Ah regrets after a drunken gay pass. Also: killer confrontation confession scene with them both so torn and confused and hurt and unsure! Brilliant. It’s so cute after, with them soft & cute with each other as experimental bfs. JaeYun having fangirls was adorbs, and HoJoon dealing with the resulting jealousy was fun to watch. Also HoJoon is so gone and so inept and uncool about it. And then JaeYoon learns who HoJoon really is. Man this show moves FAST. Ah KBL. I wish we had more time with these characters. I would have liked sweet bfs for longer. And Holland is back, such an adorable plot device. Hi, cutie! The reconciliation/confession was good. How much do I love that the final make-out scene was precipitated by the eroticism of informal language? SO MUCH. V linguistically sexy. FInal review below. 
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 5 of 10 - This is going to be weird sounding coming from me but I think what I’ve decided that this show is just too much manga. Not yaoi per say but MANGA. Like, aggressively MANGA. I was thinking as I watched, “This singing group is comically bad.” Then I realized, “Oh that’s intentional, like the credit sequences for ABL - they are meant to be.” And then I realized: Every part of this show is a parody. Not the same as ABLon the whole, but similar in its components: The idol group is a parody of all idol groups. The high school drama is a parody of all high school dramas. The otaku mangaka is a parody of all otaku mangaka. The yaoi is a parody of all yaoi. And the BL of all BL. In the end, this entire show is just Japan messing with us. And frankly I’m beginning to enjoy it for that when I actually dont’ enjoy it as a BL at all. Again, like ABL.  
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 3 of 8 - I do enjoy the credit music on this one. Backstory ep: so we get to watch them fall in love. Goodie. Pain for all! Or more, watch Mitchan fall and be confused, since Koichi is already utterly gone. Argh! Why does Japan always spend its best pennies on pain? A truly glorious confession scene, and then... a dead fish kiss. For which I’m actually strangely grateful. Frankly, if they also managed the physical chemistry in this show, it’d totally destroy me. This way I’m going to be only mildly destroyed. *whimper* 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
My Roommate 32 eps of 2 minutes each + terrible production values? - I’m not bothering.
Fahlanruk (Sun GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5. DNF
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 28 eps - dito
2 Moons 3 Thai (Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
SELF (Thurs YT) - DNF
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) 1of ? - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. Thinking I’ll wait and binge.
In Case You Missed It
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Roommates of Poongduck 304 (Korea Viki) quick pitch:
This is a solid little office set KBL about a rich kid who ends up both the boss and tenant of a total sweetheart cutie, and falls madly in love with him. Although the show suffered from KBL’s shorter length, I love the kissable lips pair, they deliver solid all round chemistry despite limited screen time, which is rare from Korea. So I hope they stay branded and we get even more from them in the future. Ultimately I recommend this show, a solid  8/10.
If Japan didn’t dominate the office BL niche with shows like Cherry Magic and Old Fashion Cupcake this BL probably would get higher marks for me. But it’s a difficult hill to climb (although I’m delighted to see Korea try). Even though Japan and Korea often give us the same length shows, I feel the brevity in the Korean stuff in a way that I don’t with the Japanese stuff. Frankly I think it’s Japan’s sophisticated cinematography facilitating the complexity required by shortness (what’s left out has to be implied by the lens and the acting) where Korea’s more commercial and simplistic style (which works great in longer Kdramas or something like Light On Me) falls short (pun intended) with their short KBLs. 
OH, and here’s a special extra extended kissing scene for this pair, just for extra proof on chemistry. 
I’m finishing up my UWMA rewatch today.
Much anticipated office set Thai GL GAP the series will have 12 eps and will premier on Nov 19 on Idolfactory’s (SCOY) official youtube channel. Go subscribe, now. Trailer here. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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TOMORROW! Between Us (Sun iQIYI & YouTube?) - trailer here 
Tuesday: I Will Knock You (Tues Gaga) - Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy + younger seme pairing.
LITA & 12% finish. 
Nov 2022 line up:
Nov 18: I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) A college kid & tutor confronts the leader of a gang who then turns out to be his next student. Bad boy/good boy + sunshine/grumpy, + younger seme pairing, bully romance?. Adapted from korean_rabbit's y-novel of the same name, directed by Champ (2gether).
Nov 19: GAP the series (Sat YT) - 12 ep office set GL from Thailand. 
Nov 26: 609 Bedtime Story (?? WeTV) - another OhmFluke vehicle that’s rumored to be a good story. A one night stand leads to a series of mysterious premonitions and a possible parallel universe. 
Nov ??: My School President (?? GMMTV YT) initial trailer here - it’s Love Sick + Korea & Japan's influence. 
This week’s best moments?
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That’s one way of putting it honey. (Tooth) 
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Baby’s first kabedon! (Tooth)
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Meanwhile, in the land of Big Dragon, they trying on Taiwan for size (that’s what he said). 
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The mosquito trope returns with a vengeance this week! 
Is it a WinTeam foreshadow from the whole Thai BL industry? 
Might be! 
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Rise up broccoli nation! 
This weeks earworm: Kang Daniel’s Parade 
(last week) 
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harry-on-broadway · 2 years
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Hi friends! I can’t believe it has been almost one year since I posted my first piece of writing on here. In that time, I’ve made so many new friends and have loved getting to read all of the amazing Harry-related writing on this site. So, to celebrate, I’m putting together a fun little writing challenge. 
The Rules:
1. Use a picture, GIF, or written prompt (or any combination of those) and write something about Harry! It can can be a quick concept, a drabble, or a full length fic. It can be a standalone story or a chapter in an existing series/universe. It can be fluff, smut, angst, whatever! The important thing is to just write!
2. When you’re done writing, make sure to tag me, as well as use the #HarryOnBroadwayFicChallenge tag so I can see it! I’m also going to make a big post with everyone’s writing when the challenge is over. 
3. This will officially run from today, Oct. 16, to Nov. 30, but tbh we’re all busy and those dates are just rough guidelines. Feel free to participate anytime through the end of the year. 
4. Have fun! This is all about spreading positivity and remembering that fandom is a space to have fun and be creative. 💕
Now for the prompts...
Picture Prompts 
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GIF Prompts
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Dialogue Prompts:
1. “What’s this then?”
2. “You’ve caught me at a really bad time.”
3. “Say more, darling.”
4. “Well, this is new.”
5. “How are you feeling today? A little better, hmm?”
6. “Let me make you feel good.” 
7. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”
8.  “Well, that’s not a very nice way of putting it. But yes, I suppose you’re right.”
9. “Is that my shirt?”
10. “Later you will definitely need to tell me where you learned this.”
11. “Believe me, my dear, no-one regrets this more than I do.”
12. “No. Hell, no. Absolutely not.”
13. “That’s a very … bold … thing to say.”
14. “I don’t actually like coffee.”
15. “Hey. Look at me.”
16. “Do you like that?”
17. “Hey! Yeah it’s me….guess what…I’m coming home.”
18. “Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
19. “Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
20. “You left it here the last time.” 
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! 💕💕💕💕
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abiiors · 8 months
to make everyone feel better about the supposed “5 year break”
1. this tour isn’t selling as well as ATVB it’s obvious that they would market it as the last tour for a while to gather hype.
2. the only person to say a “few years” was Jamie once in a group chat with fans, and we know that man isn’t always true to his word. most people on reddit have said it’s just a marketing technique, cause only jamie has said that once. people were going crazy to get ticket for the eras tour cause people on twitter started a rumor on twitter that this would be taylor’s last album/tour before retirement. and she’s just recently confirmed that she’s still working on music at the moment. maybe jamie just wants to build up hype around this being the last tour for a few years and after the tickets sell well they will confirm that they aren’t going anywhere.
3. they’ve already started hinting at the next album with deleting all their post and showing a more green color scheme before archiving everything.
4. they’ve done albums every two years since 2016. so probably another album mid - late 2024.
5. most of notes was made during touring abiior. it’s not impossible for them to already have majority of the album done, specially cause matty has talked about being in studio with george (and jack) multiple time. (first time he mentioned they started their 6th album was in february i believe.)
6. matty has said something to the effect of “your favorite band, throughout every era of your life we will be here, no matter what.” at most shows.
7. after SATVB ends they will probably take some time off maybe releasing their album later 2024 nov - dec. and touring it 2025. (which would be almost two years since SATVB started, kind of boosting the “few years theory” isn’t as long as you think.
8. other possibilities is matty releases a solid album 2024/25 and tours it on his own but i doubt he could sell as well without the 1975 name behind him (no offense obvs.)
9. they’ve been best friends since they were 13, they might take a break from touring (a well deserved one) but their not splitting up entirely. why would they have already started album 6, months ago if they had any intention of breaking off in to a hiatus for 5 years.
10. (just a bonus theory)
it could be their last tour as THE 1975 (for a few years.) matty loves to be cryptic. it’s possible they might tour as drive like i do since it’s been implied heavily that he wants to return to that name one day.
i know some of these are a little delusional but i hope it put a end to some of your anxieties (everyone)
we know matty is insane sometimes, he fully well could announce his solo record or the next 1975 record in the next few months if he wanted to. plus People was released in like 2019 while on tour, it’s possible their next era will start soon or as already started (with them deleting all their post and stuff.)
that's all really well thought out and after my initial panic lol i do think you're right.
yes, they've talked about the sixth album and i'm sure you're right about most of it being done too but then again i won't be surprised if they did take a break longer than 2 years or didn't immediately go on tour for the sixth album?? like adam's kid is still so young and i'm sure he wants to be much more involved. g and charli have talked multiple times about getting married.
their schedule is so insane that sometimes it feels like they have been putting their personal lives on hold for it which is obvs not good.
if matty does decide to release a solo album and tour it, i'd be really excited to see how that goes like even if he does it on a smaller scale it would certainly be an experience <33
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swifttay89 · 2 years
Either I’m sleep deprived or Taylor has driven me absolutely crazy… here’s why I think Lover and Midnights are cousins lol
Jimmy Fallon interview Nov.2021
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And we got suspicious and started clowning buttttttt and stay with me here (I was looking for clues and stuff last night and I found this)
October 21, 2018 post “let the games BEGIN.”
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(SHE HAS THE FACE OF A WOMAN THAT KNOWS WHAT SHES HIDING WILL CERTAINLY END US ALL AND SHE KNOWS THAT WE KNOW) it’s practically that meme with the little girl standing in front of the burning house! THEY’RE THE SAME PICTURE
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Anyways we started coming up with theories and clowning once again until… she posts this
4months and 3 days after her “let the games BEGIN” insta post…
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4+3 is 7 obviously it’s her seventh studio album hence the 7 palm trees emoji she used. We started to try and guess the name of the new album that we knew was coming and started counting the STARS and palm trees and coming up with theories AGAIN. Some of us were confused because of said STARS and how they had any correlation to this album and then WE FORGOT ABOUT THE DAMN STARS BECAUSE SHE HIT US WITH THE FIVE HOLES IN THE FENCE POST. Okay a couple of instagram posts later we get this post with the lyric (that we didn’t know was a lyric) “step into the daylight and let it go.”
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Keep in mind we still didn’t know the name of the album yet, we even suggested that the album was going to be called Daylight and then butterflies because she kept posting her butterfly heels. Then she starts posting close ups of her outfits in her ME music video with hearts and we had that big neon sign of “lover” in the video and started feeling confident that lover was the name of the album…
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We get a high five from Taylor for figuring out the mural was for her and we once again start counting everything and anything. But notice how there is not 7 but 8 stars in the butterfly mural, remember when we thought that lover was supposed to have a side B? Maybe idk MIDNIGHTS, I’m crazy. (maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ idc at this point Taylor made me this way) I’ll get back as to why I think “lover” has something to do with her 10th studio album.
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Again on the same day we get another post with you guessed it STARS. Also keep in mind her hair has been PINK this whole time.
Taylor confirms the album name on her instagram live on June 13, 2019 we then get YNTCD as a single and we freak the fuck out bc it’s Taylor duh 🙄. We get the album cover with her hair now BLUE (no big deal) 👀
August 13th we get dice that add up to 10 and 10 heart emojis, so track ten of lover. Why is it important we don’t even know the name of the track yet.
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THREE DAYS LATER we get a post with her and BLUE HAIR. The caption is a lyric of her next single “lover” and we get a music video now that is very important for this last bit, but we don’t just get this post we get all the track names.
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Now why do we get Daylight as one of the first post of the track names? Oh maybe Taylor just wanted them to be in order and lined up on her instagram, yeah maybe idk. Okay ignore that last bit if you want to.
We then get the Lover music video that was (cough cough) 3 Years ago.
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Also I think I know why there’s a nail missing on the board game. See how it’s the pointer finger, we tend to put blame on others or give excuses to why we made certain decisions . Now y’all remember when we were kids and teachers will tell us not to point bc we have one finger pointed at others but four fingers pointed back at us. We literally lie awake questioning the things we say to the people closest to us. I mean does the board game not say it’s THE ONLY GAME THAT QUESTIONS YOUR ANSWERS! Tell me what are you doing in the middle of the night, questioning every decision that you’ve ever made hence why you can’t sleep. (Well at least that’s what I’m doing lol) because although we may not be in the wrong, when you’re awake in the middle of the night you’ll always feel like those four fingers are pointing back at you.
We also get some dice again in the board game and we get hinted at track 3 aka Cruel Summer where she mentions a lot of BLUE in her lyrics (Ik you think I’m reaching at this point haha but again idc because Taylor said that she toyed with the idea of naming the album Daylight instead of Lover) Daylight aka “Lover” is bright happy and sunny obviously the opposite is blue and dark aka Midnights.
Okay now back to the dice and number 10 and we now know that track 10 of “Lover” is called DBATC. Now here is the interesting part that kept me up. The lyrics sounds oddly familiar to me. “Flashbacks waking me up I get drunk, but it's not enough.. look through the windows of this love Even though we boarded them up Chandeliers still flickering here” “I ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright They say, I don’t Know” does that not sound like. “ We lie awake in love and in fear, in turmoil and in tears.We stare at walls and drink until they speak back.”
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I mean is this not the same thing just worded differently?
So after all this am I still the only one who thinks Midnights is side B of Lover if the pandemic didn’t interrupt Lover era and folklore and evermore didn’t come to be, and instead of folklore being her 8th studio album it would have been MIDNIGHTS hence why there’s 8 stars in the Lover butterfly mural and why folklore cds came with STAR confetti. I mean she didn’t plan for folklore or evermore hence why the album covers are either far from her or she has her back turned because she was inspired(so she says) by other people and stories and with midnights we get her face on the cover again because they’re her stories now so we’re all up in her business again OR HAS TAYLOR OFFICIALLY BROKEN MY WEE BRAIN AND I NEED TO BE LOCKED UP CAUSE IVE GONE CRAZY 🤪😅
it’s about to be 2 am so if this all sounds crazy it’s not my fault hahaha.
currently feeling like this..
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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Captain Swan Fics Masterpost
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List below the cut
Find me on Ao3 as donteattheappleshook
Read it on Ao3
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Mature widower with good home wishes to make acquaintance of a hardworking girl or widow. No children. Object matrimony. When Emma Swan flees scandal in New York to marry a man she’s never met in Storybrooke, Montana, she doesn’t have any illusions of finding love. But when she’s picked up at the station by Killian Jones, it finds her regardless. Despite sharing his home, his bed, and his heart, she can never truly be his.
Rated M.
Not Broken At All
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Season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she's convinced he's crazy. he is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken by what Emma swears (but can't believe) was a shadow, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated M.
(not so) young, drunk and alone
“Swan, it’s me. ‘M so sorry I ‘avnent called for… September, October, Nov… three months. Shit that’s too many months. ‘M sorry but I need your help. The sherrffeff won’t let me leave. He says you have to pick me up - well not you but ‘ynow someone. I don’t know anyone else. Oh! It’s Killian by the way. Killian Jones. I don’t know how many Killians you know but I’m that one. The dickhead who ghosted you. ‘Nway, if you could call me back that would be just - awesome. Yur prolly not gonna call me back. I wouldn’t call me back. ‘Nway… yeah. It’s Killian. Thanks.” 
Rated (light) M
Barefoot in the wildest winter
She wasn’t supposed to come back. It had been a stupid plan, thinking she could get in and out of Storybrooke without anyone knowing she was here. Just catch the skip, bring him in and go back to Boston without her brother finding out that she’d lied about not being able to come home for Christmas like she did every year. There’s some kind of cosmic joke being made at her expense. There has to be for this day and this storm to have led her here of all places, on tonight of all nights.The walk to the building feels all too familiar and she struggles to push back the memories of the last time she was here as she works up the nerve to make her way up the stairs, to knock on the door. There’s still time to run. “Swan?” “Hey, Killian.”
Rated M (E?)
Hello, again
Killian never saw a lover more than once, never called a past encounter again after he or she had left, never even got their phone number. He never said hello a second time. All he was every interested in since the loss of his wife was a single night.
Emma had rules. She only ever went to bed with strangers. She didn’t do relationships or friends with benefits or second nights. She’d learned young how dangerous feelings could be.
Neither had ever met another person so clearly uninterested in any kind of romantic relationship as themselves, with so impossible a risk of developing affection. So in the history of attempts at truly casual sex, this might be the first time it could actually work.
A silver!Hook AU
Rated E.
Give me my yesterdays
Neal was a great dad. He took care of her and Henry, he showed up to every track and field race, he was home for every holiday. She wasn’t unhappy. She had her family and her friends. It was fine. It was enough. Until her son went off to college and her husband started working late, and a twenty-something year old moved in next door.
Rated M.
The Dick Pic Debacle
“Alright, what the hell is wrong with you two?” Will finally demanded. “Emma saw my dick and now it’s awkward.” Belle nearly choked on her drink. “She what? How?” “Neal sent her a dick pic. So I sent one back to get him to piss off. Emma found it by accident.”
Rated E.
It Was Only a Kiss
Ch  1 2 3 4
Neverland may kill her. If it’s not her fear for Henry, then it will her exhaustion, or her doubt, or the overwhelming despair that she’ll never get out of here alive, that she’ll fail her son, that she’ll fail everyone. There’s only one thing she’s found that can silence it all, that can make her feel real again. She shouldn’t be seeking comfort in Hook. She shouldn’t, but she does. It was only a kiss. That was all it was supposed to be. But now that she’s started, she doesn’t think she can stop. Not now that she knows what it’s like. Canon Divergent. 
Rated E.
She Came from the Water
Ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bonus
Between his dissatisfying job, a constant battle to keep seeing his daughter, and a history of mistakes, losses, and broken dreams, Killian Jones has no place for magic in his life. But when he pulls in his fishing nets one evening only to find a woman caught in them, his life becomes infinitely more complicated. Is she a siren, a selkie, like his daughter believes, or just another lost soul like himself? Suddenly, his life is a thing of fairytales; beautiful women hidden away in cottages, selkie husbands coming back to claim them, and, just maybe, a chance at happily ever after. Ondine AU. 
Rated M.
How long, love, before you go (part 4 of Lover of the Light)
The story Killian and Emma told her parents in part 3, of how they met and fell in love.
This whole chapter is a completely self indulgent piece that nobody asked for but I needed to write...
Rated E
Dare I say forever... (part 3 of Lover of the Light)
He’d turned the tavern upside down trying to find her, had scoured the streets for any sign of her golden hair, of the eyes he’d only just been gazing into. But she was nowhere, and the panic started to settle. No. No, it has to have worked. That was why they found the bloody star in the first place - light magic, no tricks, a wish that would send them both home. But she’s not with him.
The reunion of WishEmma and SilverWishHook after the events of Lover of the Light and Ghosts that we Knew. Also affectionately (and agressively) nicknamed Wish Baby
Rated E
Ghosts That We Knew (part 2 of Lover of the Light)
What happened in Storybrooke during the events of Lover of the Light. Wish Emma had to go somewhere... 
Rated E.
Lover of the Light
After the Evil Queen grants Emma’s wish to never be the Savior, she wakes up in the Enchanted Forest, suddenly the princess she never wanted to be. She wants her real life back, her real family back, and she knows there’s only one person she can count on to help her. A Wish Realm AU.  
Rated E.
Some Cupid Kills with Arrows
Ch 1 2 3 4
Emma and Killian hate each other. They have since the night they met. Or at least since the morning after. So Emma is dreading having to deal with them being Maid of Honour and Best Man at her brother’s wedding. But, as their friends grow more and more annoyed at their constant bickering and a masquerade Stag and Doe turns everything on it’s head, the entire bridal party come to a startling realisation: Emma and Killian might just be perfect for each other. With a little scheming and some well-timed chaos, maybe they can stop yelling at each other long enough to realise it too. Much Ado About Nothing AU. 
Rated M. 
There is a Pirate in the Dungeon
There is a pirate in the dungeon. All the serving girls are too afraid to go down the steps and bring him his meal. All but one.
This fic is based on a beautiful little story from The Starless Sea that just screamed of Captain Swan so strongly that I couldn't resist. Rated T.
I Don’t Want to Wait Till Christmas (To Love You)
Emma’s done something stupid. She’s told her mom that she has a boyfriend and has promised to bring him home for Christmas dinner. The problem is she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she hasn’t even had a real date in twelve years. Luckily, her best friend, Killian Jones, is there to help - even if he has to make her online dating profile himself. AU. 
Rated M.
I Know
Inspired by @carpedzem’s beautiful artwork. Emma hasn’t been in many sword fights in her life but she’s won them all. Well, almost all of them. All of them except that one in Neverland with Killian. But she did beat him at Lake Nostos… right? 
Rated T.
Emma has finally left her awful boyfriend after nearly a decade. But when he makes her meet him in a bar to pick up the last of her stuff, she risks falling victim to his usual tactics of sending her crawling back to him. Thankfully, the handsome bartender is there to lend a hand. A fake-boyfriend AU. Heavily Anti-Neal so don’t read if that’s not your thing. 
Rated E.
Your Pole or Mine
(I can’t find it on tumblr) 
Chapter 1 by @hollyethecurious​ Chapter 2 by me
Killian hadn’t really had a chance to make his neighbor’s acquaintance since he’d moved in a few weeks ago, but he had seen her often enough to know how very much he wished for an introduction. Not just because she was stunningly beautiful with her long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and creamy complexion, but because he felt they likely had quite a bit in common, given the odd hours they both seemed to keep. Her current predicament with her parcel might finally afford him the opportunity to connect with her in a more meaningful way than simple waves and muttered hellos. That is, until said parcel caused him to voice the assumption he’d held about her vocation; that her occupation might be the same as his own. Turns out the late nights, provocative outfits, and arrival of a fitness dance pole did not mean what he thought it did.
“You think I’m a stripper?”
Bloody Hell.
Rated E. 
Scrabble and a Great Many Other Things
Anonymous AU Prompt: Emma pushed Killian away when he confessed his feelings to her. He’s finally returned home, a bit broken by the world. Will she finally have the guts to tell him what she always regretted not saying? 
Rated T.
Seal of Approval
Prompt: Captain Swan and Snowing go on a double date during the six weeks of quiet in season 4. 
Rated M.
Some Fairytale Bliss
Set during Operation Mongoose: Part 2. Missing scene. Emma decides to teach the shy deckhand a thing or two about swordplay. Fluffy smut. Cannon(ish). 
Rated E.
Of Cars and Bars
Ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
When Emma Swan is offered the chance to go on tour as an opener for one of the most popular up and coming bands of the decade, the last thing she expects is to find that the lead guitarist is the stranger she had a one night stand with five years ago. Musicians AU. 
Rated E.
Stone Hearts
Ch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Emma should have known. She should have known that they couldn’t just go to the underworld and not suffer any consequences. She should have known they’d bring something back with them. Cannon Divergent after 5x21 Last Rites. No Hyde. No serum. No Evil Queen split. No prophecy. No season 6. 
Rated M. 
Just Human Volume 2
Ch 1 2 3 4 5
SEQUEL A continuation of my CSSNS2018 story Just Human. Now that Killian is [redacted for spoilers] and Mary Margaret knows everything, what does life have in store for a group of supernatural misfits? With the threat of Gold gone, Emma learns that sometimes just being human is the most complicated challenge of all. Being Human AU. 
Rated M. 
Just Human
After her death, Emma wakes up in her home, unable to be seen or heard by anyone. She resigns herself to this lifeless existence until one day, two men move into the house she haunts - and somehow, they can see her. A ghost, a vampire, and a werewolf living under one roof, what could possibly go wrong? Being Human AU. 
Rated T.
The Gardener
Emma runs every morning, and the day she runs through the neighborhood where Killian is landscaping turns into something so much more than a daily bit of eye candy. Based on a prompt I can no longer find that was something like “You run by my house every morning and I make sure I’m outside every morning to see you”. Modern AU. 
Rated T.
Neverland Smut! Set between 3x07 and 3x08. Emma needs the reminder that Killian is alive and well. The fact that Neal is sleeping six feet away doesn’t matter. Neverland Renaissance. 
Rated E.
Six Weeks
A Daddy!Killian one shot. Emma has been acting weird ever since they brought their daughter home. Not what you think it is. Cannon(ish). 
Rated E.
Check Ups
A series of missing scene from 2x12 “In the Name of the Brother”. Emma keeps checking on Hook in the hospital. She just wants to make sure Gold hasn’t killed him. And that he hasn’t escaped. That’s it. She swears. Cannon Divergent: Missing Scene. 
Rated T.
Pillow Talk
Ch 1 2
A post-coital captain swan get talking which leads to some interesting discoveries on both parts. And some challenges. Cannon(ish).
Rated E.
A Woman of Action
Emma may not have been a woman of words but she didn’t need to be – not with him. But she was definitely a woman of action. A little fic about Emma appreciating her man. Cannon(ish). 
Rated E.
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