#it’s so weird how at this point i’m practically in the good omens fandom and yet i’ve never seen the show lol
justlikeeddie · 3 years
I always mean to do an end-of-year fic roundup post and then never get round to it, but...... literally what else am I doing rn
merely players RPF, David Tennant/Michael Sheen, 2.9k, E
“You like this?” Michael asks, honestly intrigued. “You've done this before?”
David looks slightly surprised, but he says, “Yes.” And then, after a moment of consideration, “Not with a man.”
(Sorry, but realising I wrote this THIS YEAR - or at least it was this year yesterday - is absolutely insane. The faint memory of writing this feels like decades ago. Lives ago. If you’d explained the concept of “Staged” to me I would have killed you on the spot)
Your Mirror Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, 28k, E
“What I’m saying is,” said Crowley, carefully, “You. Me. Running around up here by ourselves. Nobody really paying us that much attention, as long as we put in the paperwork.” He glanced briefly at the ceiling, and then at the ground, and then back at Aziraphale. He flickered his tongue over his lips, raised his eyebrows, and said, softly, “I think that we may have some mutual interests.”
Crossing The Line, written with @laurashapiro-noreally​ Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, 10.5k, E
“So how do we actually -- make it happen?” Crowley asked. “Funnily enough, you’re the only one of us who’s possessed someone before.”
“Have you never?”
Crowley pulled a face, shook his head. “Nah. So unsubtle.” Aziraphale, despite everything, smiled again, less nervously. “Well, bit of a last resort, isn’t it? It’s practically admitting you’re not up to the job, temptation-wise. Oh, I couldn’t actually convince that human to do anything immoral, but don’t worry, I just puppeted them like a bodysuit instead. Amateur hour, seriously.”
because it’s you that sets the test X-Men, Charles/Erik, 7k, E
Erik says, “I’m not afraid of you, you know.”
Charles frowns at this. “No, of course not. You shouldn’t be. Why would you be?”
Charles, who can sift through a mind as easily as sand, could presumably shatter a person’s reality from the inside, if he tried. Or without trying. Erik doesn’t know. It makes his pulse quicken, when he thinks about it.
“I think I probably should be, actually,” Erik says. “But I’m not.”
form and land X-Men, Charles/Erik, 0.9k, G
Charles picks up his brandy and knocks it back, and looks down at the chessboard. “It's been a while since I've played.”
This is not the man that Erik remembers. Charles would never have evaded a matter so important; hell, Charles was never the one to break eye contact. Charles drank exclusively for pleasure, and not with the brisk, mechanical movement of someone taking their alcohol medicinally.
“I'll go easy on you,” Erik says, and a strange kind of sorrow twists at him. “It might finally be a fair fight.”
The Parting Glass, written with @the-omnishambles Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, 16.8k, G
“But anyway, what are you doing for lunch?”
Aziraphale blinked. “This is an abbey, Crowley, you don’t do anything for lunch, you just – eat lunch. In silence.”
“Sounds dull, but all right.”
“What? You obviously can’t join.”
Voluntary Stupidity Due South, Fraser/Vecchio, 1.3k, G
But when he does speak, all Fraser says is, “—Ray.” It’s weird, the way he says it. Not the way Fraser usually says his name, not any of the ways Fraser usually says his name. It sounds surprised and a little strangled, but sort of soft, too. Almost kind.
Ray kind of hates it, actually. Hates that Fraser can look him in the eye, right after Ray went berserk and kissed him in the middle of a bank heist death trap, and then sound like that.
North West, written with @the-omnishambles​ Due South, Fraser & Vecchio, 11k, G
Of course, Ray reflects - merging seamlessly onto an underpopulated freeway - he mainly suggested this plan out of guilt. He’d been casting around for things that might help, back when Fraser was convalescing and miserable and Ray would have done anything to make amends. Then there seemed no way to back down. You can’t break a deathbed promise, and hilariously (is it hilarious? Ray isn’t sure whether he’s far enough away from all this to have a sense of humour yet), Fraser’s never suggested taking a bullet might be enough, and Ray no longer has amends to make.
Maybe Fraser just plain wants them to go. Maybe he thinks it’ll be good for them, or maybe he actually does need the help. Who the fuck knows what the Mountie is thinking, ever? The point is, there’s no turning back now.
Deduction Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, 3.9k, E
Ray has rather long fingers, his nails cut short. His thumb is bent into an obtuse angle against the glass. His silver bracelet hangs as usual on his wrist, producing the faintest click-swishing sound whenever he moves his arm. And the nearness of him brings a raft of familiar smells: coffee, a sugary sweetness, stale smoke, motor oil.
“Fraser?” says Ray, from above him.
Fraser starts, and takes the glass from his hand. “Thank you.”
“Uh— ” says Ray, and then clears his throat. “Did you just smell me?”
Trash Hard Core Logo, Joe Dick/Billy Tallent, 3.7k, M
“I thought you were gonna walk right off stage. But then you looked at me and you didn’t look angry, you looked— like— I’d never seen you look like that, man, I don’t know. It was like you’d ascended.”
Billy thinks it’s funny, dumb, when Joe says things like that— or else he thinks he’s showing off. He curls his mouth into that little smile that manages to be indulgent and mocking all at once. Usually catches the eye of whoever Joe’s trying to tell the story to, maybe a quirk of the eyebrow. He’s always trying to get other people to gang up on Joe with him, in tiny, pointless ways. Like he’s trying to prove to Joe that he can make friends with other people, and that he can do it better than Joe can.
Also, big shout-out to what felt like hundreds of other fandoms on this hell journey of a year that I apparently became re-invested in enough to read fic, even if not to write it, which I think were uhhhh DOCTOR WHO. HANNIBAL. JONATHAN STRANGE. 2010-ERA CHARLIE BROOKER RPF (DON’T @ ME). SLINGS & ARROWS. TORCHWOOD (DON’T FUCKING @ ME). RAFFLES. Extra special shout-out to whatever the fuck my relationship is with the Supernatural fandom now. okay peace done I’m out
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Okay, so I haven’t seen a show that I related to legit every character like, ever, and The Owl House hit me like a truck.
As I watched (and rewatched) how each character acts and develops, I look at them and feel a connection.
Luz, the ‘weird’ girl, the outsider, the overly positive, interested, distractible, oblivious, and big hearted character. I utterly love Luz Noceda. Like holy crap. We both find oddly specific things interesting be it a specific topic or the immersion into a fandom. We both make weird jokes and get into pun wars with people (I had one go on for about an hour once...it was glorious). For a person who’s pretty negative about myself, when other people are involved, I lift them up as high as possible, even with weak nerd arms. We both get distracted easily, or are at least oblivious. I didn’t know half of the things happening around me during school, and I honestly still don’t. I’ve watched movies 50 times and realized the actual point/blatantly obvious event during the 51st. I’ve had people like me before and I never noticed until someone told me then I struggled to believe it (”What is it she sees, in this cluster clump of me?”). (Honestly the entirety of ‘Ordinary’ called me out super hard). Luz also does crazy things for her friends with the best of intentions (even if it isn’t well thought out). Her heart is so big and she sees the best in everyone, it’s just amazing. Little things she does and has said, I’ve done too (especially the ‘cool’ scene).
Amity is often misread and quiet, struggling to talk to others. She also doesn’t like others to see her emotions very much, she bottles them up and has a need to be seen in a certain way. She has to be ‘perfect’ (a song which also called me out pretty hard). I feel that deep down in my soul my dudes. I always had to have perfect grades and I still have to be perfect at everything I do on the first try (I’m working on not doing that). I was always quiet, and honestly still am. I definitely bottle up my emotions rather than let others see what’s up and I have a hard time forming coherent sentences around crushes...well...around people in general. I always felt the need to be the straight A student and the rock in my loved one’s lives (which they never expected of me so I don’t know where that came from haha) and I still kinda do. Amity also sacrifices herself for her friends (Grom...sports....must I say more?). And though I may not have sacrificed my body, I’ve protected my friends hard core. No one messes with my buds.
Eda. Oh Eda. The wild witch who ran off to live in the woods because she didn’t like school and didn’t want to commit to one coven in life. The witch who is slow to pick up on things, is chaotic, and completely weird in the best possible way. I always liked school until I was about to graduate, then I realized how it can really mess with people (see Eda running around the school pointing out the strangeness of it all). All I feel that I really learned from school was to take a test. Creativity killer sadly. Eda has a strange sense of humor and is slow to get sarcasm or that it was a joke. Same Eda, same. I also cannot commit to one coven, well, career or job for the rest of my life. I like keeping my options open. Plus I would love to build a house out in the woods nearby and be a witch. I’ve always been weird and chaotic too, but I think Eda’s weird is way more fun than my own.
King is a goofy little dude who usually has weird jokes or points of view, but sometimes is super wise. I know that I have a strange sense of humor that it seems like most of my people don’t understand, and I have been known to be wise when I’m not thinking about it...on the other hand, when I try to be wise, I stumble and say something extremely weird. He struggles with public speaking/putting himself out there (Grom) and is nervous a while before getting comfortable with it. (I hate public speaking says the kid who did musicals for 13 years, writes songs, and thinks she wants to be an author, artist, actress, or musician). I also connect with King with the fact that I freakin’ love rubber ducky stuff. I legit have a rubber ducky bathrobe (of which one of my best friends gave me as a birthday gift...it’s a bit small but it’s sososo soft I love it), I made a ducky pillowcase today to practice sewing (it’s so cute I almost cried), I have a bunch of duckies stashed away throughout the house, and my Grandma made me a ducky baby quilt for the future. Ducks! Am I right? (I’m right.)
Willow is the shy, not-so-confident plant girl. I am too a shy, not-so-confident plant girl. I legit have about 14 or 15 plants (each have a name) that I care about a lot. I don’t really remember being bullied (I know I was at least once), but I’ve definitely had my heart hurt (honestly pretty badly) by people I considered friends at that time (I won’t get into that here). I’m also a shy person who’s been working on being more confident with themselves. Plus: plants!
Gus is fascinated by specific topics and is younger than everyone else, which may make him feel a bit childish. I feel this on a personal level. I’m the youngest child on my Mom’s side and the second youngest on my Dad’s. I was the baby and I don’t think I got to do much with the older kids (you’re too young so we don’t wanna play with you kinda thing, etc. [which is totally fine and I get 100%]) Though I may be older than all of my friends, I still feel like a child compared to nearly all of them. They’re all so smart and put together, and I’m not. I’m also fascinated by specific topics that others may not know or care to know much about (for Gus, it’s humans, for me, it’s a lot of things).
Edric and Emira are pretty similar to my sister and I. We aren’t twins, we didn’t always get along, and we rarely had shenanigans or pranked like these two do, but as we got older, we understood each other better and our relationship is basically being there for one another and really bad puns.
Hooty...well...I suppose we share the fact that we both make up songs and are bored a lot...definitely not that we’re both owl tubes.....*nervous laughter*
Owlbert and I share the quiet helpfulness trait...plus we’re both adorable.
(Some of these go deeper than others but the point is there’s still a connection).
Goodness gracious I love this show.
I haven’t laughed at a show this hard since Good Omens last year.
I love when I can connect with characters. It makes me happy.
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Chapter three! I already skimmed through it and just. Holy fuck I’m falling in love with this series all over again, and this is just the opening arc, how the hell is this so good??? I’m genuinely just in awe and fuck is it making it hard to decide where to have a cut-off point for this chapter. I suppose we’ll just have to see what fate decides.
(Also, the temptation to just paste in all of the last three pages of the chapter is so incredibly strong, you don’t understand.)
[No. 3 - Entrance Exam]
We start off with some exposition: UA’s hero course is designed to give students all they need to go pro, and is the toughest and most popular hero course in the country, with only a 1 in 300 acceptance rate. Discounting the four slots that are recommendation students, that’s 36 slots a year, which is about…
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Yeah. That’s a lotta applications, and that’s just for the hero course! 
Several alumni are mentioned: All Might, who declined the people’s choice award; Endeavor, who’s stopped more crimes than anyone else in recorded history; and Best Jeanist, who’s won the Best Jeanist award eight years running. (One of these things is not like the other~ One of these things just doesn’t belong~) The exposition suggests that graduating from UA is basically a requirement for becoming a great hero - something which we’ll learn soon enough isn’t quite true.
But yeah, Endeavor with the record for crime handling, even above All Might. Quite the impressive hero, though that face…
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Not precisely reassuring.
So yeah, Izuku here mentions the date of the exam - February 26th. I figure that this has to be a Sunday, for the simple fact that Japan has a slightly different school schedule than us. Most notably: Japanese schools (some of them, anyways) have 5.5 day school weeks. Yes, that means the first half of Saturday can still be a school day. 
While I couldn’t confirm for sure whether this is more common among the higher end schools, I feel like a school like UA, with its ‘Plus Ultra’ motto, would definitely be a school to have a half-day (or even a full day) on Saturdays, and since they also have to accomodate for middle schools that have Saturday morning classes, I figure that it would make the most sense for UA to schedule this exam on a Sunday. 
The benefits of this, as we’ve already seen, is that we can then narrow down the timeline for the rest of the series, just based on that single, confirmed date. We know from the last chapter that the Sludge Villain had to happen on a Thursday or Friday of the first week of school (April 14th/15th), with the first training session two days later (the 16th/17th). But what this also gives us is when Izuku’s first year of UA starts, AND the possible years it could start on. 
Since we see the glowing baby is in a modern hospital, we can assume that’s correlated to about our times. Give it a few generations, and we can guess that we’re in the 2200s or 2300s for the current era. Based on that assumption, we get the following years that have February 26th on a Sunday:
23rd century potential years: 2204, 2209, 2215, 2226, 2232, 2237, 2243, 2254, 2260, 2265, 2271, 2282, 2288, 2293, 2299
24th century potential years: 2310, 2316, 2321, 2327, 2338, 2344, 2349, 2355, 2366, 2372, 2377, 2383, 2394, 2400
As a side note, when I got into the series, my brain weirdly latched onto the idea that this had to all be happening in the year 2317. I don’t know why I decided on that number, but that’s what I rolled with, and hilariously I could be RIGHT about the year the current manga arc is happening in, provided Izuku’s first year is in 2316. Sometimes you just know, ya know? I know at least one other friend made these calcs independently of me and chose to run with 2237, which is totally valid! Probably makes more sense to be in the 2200s, but there’s room depending on how much time one thinks has passed.
As for when Izuku’s high school school year starts, we know that Japanese schools start on the second Monday of April. Since we don’t know if this is a leap year or not, we’ll end up with two dates, but that’s fine!
Feb 26 (Sun) -> Feb 27 (Mon) -> March (6/5, 13/12, 20/19, 27/26) -> April (3/2, 10/9)
Therefore, Izuku’s first day of classes (not counting the orientation, which I’ve seen a few other timelines assume is on the Sunday before classes start) is April 10th (or the 9th if a leap year)! I know this is all in the future from this chapter, but still, I wanted to share this at some point and figured now was as good a time as always.
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Sorry, I’ve just wanted to share this math I did for a while now, I put a lot of work into it and I am very proud of it. Let’s get back to the chapter.
So Izuku lives a 40 minute train ride away from UA, and has made it just in time for the exam. Apparently, this is only the practical portion? Or well, that’s the part that gets focused on in this chapter, with no mention of the paper exam. I would imagine they’d be the same day, though? But I suppose one can do whatever they like with it.
He’s standing there looking at the school, thinking about how he didn’t have a chance to test the power, while the other students head in-
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Excuse me, Toga?? I know that hairstyle is just a bit off, but… ???
...right, anyways. Izuku is wondering whether the hair really did anything (also, it was apparently sour, which, ew.) Katsuki comes up behind him and tells him to move aside.
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Truly a flattering image. Izuku panics a bit and greets him, but Katsuki just walks by without another word or gesture, leaving Izuku confused as he watches him head on into the building. The narrative notes that since the villain incident, Katsuki hadn’t bothered Izuku, while the unnamed characters in the background apparently recognize Katsuki from the ‘sludge’ incident (well, not shocked how the fandom held onto that name). 
Izuku notes that he’s gotta stop flinching instinctively, and then tries to hype himself up, noting that it’s not like before, and think about the past ten months while taking a wobbly step forward- and then tripping over himself.
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I’m sorry Izuku just has so many fantastic faces in this chapter I am crying trying to limit myself to just a few. But yeah, that little derp as he realizes what’s happening is adorable, especially while Ochako gently sets him back on his feet. She mentions that it’s her quirk, and apologizes for using it, but that it’s a bad omen to trip and fall. (I wonder if that gets played with again during later parts of the series… will have to check to see.)
While Izuku freaks out over talking to a girl, Ochako notes that the exam is nerve-wracking, and then heads off while wishing both of them luck as Izuku stares after. 
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This fucking kid. I love him so much. His flustered excitement gets him some weird looks from the others still outside.
We transition to a new character (Present Mic) who immediately shows off his performative side by calling for a ‘hey!’ which… is met with silence from the crowd. He doesn’t let this throw him off, instead letting them know that he’ll present the guidelines for the practical, followed with a ‘YEAH!’ that gets met with an even heavier silence.
Izuku and Katsuki are seated next to each other, with Izuku descending right into excited muttering over Present Mic and how he listens to his radio show every week. Also with the assumption that all the UA teachers are pro heroes, which I mean, true, but still. Katsuki tells Izuku to shut up.
Present Mic explains the test: ten minute long ‘mock cityscape maneuvers’, with the applicants split among seven arenas, labelled ‘A’ through ‘G’. With more than 10k applicants total, that’s about…
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Yeah, more than 1500 per arena. Fucking hell, no wonder the robots deplete so quickly in only a few minutes. Also of interest:
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“Bring along whatever you want.” So technically, if Izuku were able to procure the tech and training to handle the robots, there would be nothing keeping him from getting into UA quirkless… though I imagine any kid who gets in mostly on tech probably gets side-eyed… though if said kid made their OWN tech, they might also get an offer from the Support department.
(AU where Mei accidentally took the heroics exam and got a shitload of points, but she ended up taking the offer for Support instead despite setting the record for most points in said exam. Katsuki forever wants to fight her. Izuku and her are good friends.)
Also, another thing I love is how Katsuki just told Izuku to shut up a moment ago, and then:
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He’s the one to initiate conversation on the details of the test, basically agreeing on the reasoning behind dividing up the students between arenas. Katsuki is annoyed at not being able to crush Izuku, which has Izuku awkwardly silent. 
Also mini-Mic.
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Poor, poor Mic. He just wants audience participation. Anyways, he continues on to explain the points system, with the help of cute little Mario-themed silhouettes. There are three kinds of faux villains, with different points awarded for defeating each based on their difficulty levels. Also, attacking other examinees is prohibited!
A student (cough Tenya) raises their hand to ask a question, going on to note that the handout sheet appears to have four varieties of villain, and that such a blatant error (if it is one) reflects poorly on Japan’s top academy. He then spins around and points at Izuku, calling him out for his muttering and how distracting he’s been, and that ‘if this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!’ 
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Is that… Mineta seated behind Izuku? I can’t find another panel that disproves that theory, so. Whelp. If you ever for some reason want to have Izuku accidentally deal with the grape early, he’s right there. 
Anyways, Present Mic brings the convo back to the initial question/comment, noting that the fourth villain is worth zero points, and is more of an obstacle. He then brings up Super Mario Brothers, the old retro game, and compares the Zero Pointer to a thwomp. There’s one per site, serving as a gimmick that’ll rampage in close quarters. Tenya thanks Mic and apologizes for the interruption. 
And so we get our final words from Present Mic:
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??? either he's referencing the original guy (which I think would be a misquote because I doubt OG Nap ever noted anything like that) or some French hero or the like who took on the name.
Discord offered this to me while putting together the post:
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So there you have it. Tentatively confirmed.
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Those EYES man, dude’s got the Rinnegan going on.
Honestly, I have to end on this panel just because of that last line from Present Mic. Like, look me in the eyes and tell me this isn’t the exact point to end on. 
The discord’s takeaway from this:
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janthonyashtoreth · 4 years
hi!! this is kind of a weird question, but do you have any tips on making art more expressive? I've always been really rigid and perfectionistic with my art and I'm just starting to venture into a looser, "cartoonier" style. I'm having a lot of difficulties pushing my art to be really exaggerated though. I really admire your style and how well you can communicate emotion!! thank you so much in advance!!
@crawlyqqeen Hello!! I’m so honored that you’re coming to me for art advice lksdsjfs
I just want to preface this by saying that everyone’s process is different! this is just what works best for me, but you may have success with different methods. with that being said, ill talk about my tips for a bit!
good omens is the first fandom that i’ve done art for that is live action (fancy way of saying i just did anime art all the time fbjgfkg). im really glad i decided to start drawing for gomens because, among other reasons, it’s been great practice for drawing from life (or screenshots in my case)
the first thing i did way back in august was get some paper and my pencil and just start drawing from references! on one of my many watches of the show, i screenshotted a bunch of frames of david and michael making exaggerated faces from different angles and a couple of them making neutral faces just to get a feel for the shapes of their faces/facial features. 
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they’re not perfect by any means, but they were good to get the feel of drawing michael and david! they’re all pretty rigid and stiff because i wasn’t comfortable drawing them yet and didnt really know how i wanted to fit them to my style. also this paper is huge sorry for poor lighting alkdfj
once you feel comfortable with the subjects you’re drawing, you can start thinking about stylizing them a bit. the way i did this was by going back and looking at all of the life drawings i did and trying to pick out some key features of david and michael’s faces, while also keeping in mind some features that i already had in my head based on crowley and aziraphale’s characters. i came out of this phase with the basic ideas of crowley having sharper angles, high cheek bones, and a squarer jaw, while aziraphale would have rounder angles, smaller eyes, and a softer jaw.
i still use these basic shapes in my art now, but the way i draw them is much different from my initial practice pages and even my first posts on this account. once you get into the groove of drawing them fairly accurately, it gets much easier to stylize their features more and find a style that works for you
something else that helped me make my art more fluid/expressive is utilizing wrinkles and creases in the face! they help to emphasize facial expressions sooo much. for example, here’s a few drawings of mine both with and without wrinkles/creases:
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all of the emotions that they’re portraying feel more subdued/don’t come across at all without the creases to add emphasis. also, body language definitely helps to keep things more fluid! think of the emotion you’re trying to have a character convey before you even lay pencil to paper so you can match not only their face but their overall pose to that emotion
i struggled a lot in the past (and still now sometimes) with my art being very rigid like you said, and the only thing that’s really worked well for me is practice with drawing references! i know a lot of other artists have success with gesture drawing but i never really got the hang of it and it just frustrated me to no end. if a certain technique isn’t working for you, don’t push yourself to make it work- it may be better to spend that energy finding another method
im sorry if this is really long and rambly, but i hope i got the point across!! 
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I am finally here with Good Omens prompts!! Okay, so let me know if you don't like this and I can try again, but I D E S I R E more crowley sickfic content :) maybe he has a fever and doesn't even realize because mortal stuff is so foreign to him that he can't figure out why his head hurts and he's dizzy until Aziraphale points it out? :)
HELL YEAH I CAN!! I need more Crowley sickfic in this fandom so hear is this fic! I had an idea in mind for this prompt and somehow, my keyboard decided to take a different one and run with it but I hope you like it!
When Crowley showed up late, it was fashionable, if a bit unusual for a lunch date with his – with the angel. A lunch appointment. A casual meet-up, maybe.
They had made reservations at the Ritz for 8:00 sharp, and according to Crowley’s mobile, it was 8:20 when he came sauntering in to sit across from Aziraphale.
The angel had ordered an appetizer and was picking at it nervously before his eyes settled on Crowley, and in an instant, the tension left him. “Oh, there you are, dear, I was about to get worried!”Crowley rolls his eyes, which was utterly pointless with his dark shades covering the demonic things, but Crowley knew the message got across just the same. Aziraphale seems to understand him some way or another these days.“Mn, yeah, no reason to be worried,” he waved his hand dismissively. “Lost track of a bit of a nap, that’s all.” Which was not necessarily true, but also was not a lie.Crowley, of course, being a demon could lie. In fact, he might say he could do it rather well considering that he had kept hell off his tail for, oh, ‘round six thousand years until the Armageddon’t became a thing. But while he could lie well enough to the uninterested party-and he’ll certainly did not care about him on any deeply personal level-he couldn’t bring himself to lie to the angel.So yes, he had indeed overslept a bit in what could be considered a nap. The only bit that was anything of note was that he didn’t actually mean to take a nap in the first place. He had been stalking through his flat, inspecting his plants when he had felt a bone-deep tired start to set in.He sat only for a second on a bench more concrete than comfort, and suddenly he had slept a little over a day. Crowley just wanted to sleep at least a thousand more, he felt so exhausted.
But leaving that out wasn’t really lying after all.
Aziraphale sighed. “I never did understand the appeal but, well,” he gestured to the food in front of him, “I suppose to each their own, my dear. I’m just glad you decided to wake up this century!”
Crowley could tell the angel was trying to settle any weird feelings with the jest, but somehow his mind was just a little… drifty. But he was pretty certain a smirk would do the trick, as it usually did when he wasn’t sure how to respond anyway.
Thank someone for sunglasses.
It did indeed do the trick, and Aziraphale smiled, easily settling down easily into the pattern they had managed for so long. He began with some small talk about his shop and the customers he had scared off, and even explained the newest novel he had found himself immersed in.
On the other hand, Crowley felt completely lost in what he was supposed to be doing. It was all he could take to try and make the right noises, or look like he was paying attention to the angel (which was a skill he had mastered, letting him talk about books for ages that Crowley couldn’t care less about if it weren’t important to Aziraphale).
He didn’t even notice the waiter ready to take their order until Aziraphale cleared his throat pointedly, murmuring a soft, “Crowley, dear?”
“Oh, just some wine, really. Whatever you’d recommend,” Crowley grumbles, waving off the waiter. He was hoping that since he usually didn’t eat much anyways, it didn’t seem off, but the truth was the thought of even trying anything made his stomach turn. It was confusing to say the least.
Something was wrong, Crowley thought, and the worried looks Aziraphale was constantly giving him when the angel thought he wasn’t looking only confirmed as much. The dinner seemed to pass by in somewhat of a fog. He felt absolutely miserable, but not in any way he was used to. He wasn’t upset but he still felt like absolute shit. It was all he could do to keep himself awake and mostly alert, giving the occasional one word answer whenever Aziraphale trailed off in a way he was clearly meant to respond to.
It was when a dull ache set in behind his eyes that things truly got out of hand. Even his own voice started to feel like it was drilling into his head, and the shining lights of the restaurant made him wish to by somewhere, anywhere else. Like his bed, or Aziraphale’s couch.
It was a relief when Aziraphale was finished. He was delighted with the meal as always, but there was something of a worried tone in his voice as he praised the food. Even then, he didn’t say anything about it. For all of Crowley’s going too fast, Aziraphale knew by now that something a little too caring or personal before the demon was ready, and he would be scared off.
Sometimes he was annoyed at the angel’s caution around him, like he were a not-quite-tamed animal. Other times, Crowley was grateful for it. Right now, Crowley couldn’t decide, because his brain felt like it was being baked and pounded into mush at the same time.
“Shall we go then?” Aziraphale asks, straightening out his jacket.
“I was gonna pay the bill, angel,” Crowley grumbles. Even if he was being rather awful company - not that he was the best anyways, Aziraphale really deserved better for h- well, for somewhere’s sake – he could at least give him that much.
Aziraphale shook his head, eyes crinkling in the way they did when he found something particularly peculiar, or even perhaps silly. “Oh, really Crowley,” he huffed. It was much more endearing than exasperated. “I believe I’ll manage this one time. But maybe you could, well, give me a lift?”
If it wouldn’t hurt his head so much, Crowley would have laughed. Instead, he smiled, just a little bit. Because the angel was still so shy, and never mind how he felt, he wasn’t about to say no when Aziraphale so rarely outright asked him something like that. “’Course I will,” Crowley said, willing away the strange urge to shiver.
He was rewarded with the sight of Aziraphale smiling brightly at him as he stood up. Crowley stood to join him.
And oh, fuck.
The restaurant was suddenly spinning. Crowley shook, feeling chilled and far, far weaker than he should. His vision was being encroached by darkness, and he stumbled weakly back, catching himself on the table with a clamber.
Nosey eyes were quickly miracled away and Aziraphale was by his side. “Crowley? Crowley, what is it, are you hurt?”
“Angel, I don’t know what’s happening, I feel awful, I’m scared,” Crowley says. Except he didn’t, and instead, all that came out was “Nnghh.”
Another wave of vertigo overcame him and when he blinked away his spotty vision, they were in the bookshop, Aziraphale immediately beginning to pace with nervousness that practically rolled off him.
Crowley sits himself down on the couch – if one could call nearly falling onto it without any sense of gracefulness sitting – and puts his hand to his head. It was hot. His body, however, felt freezing, and he curled up back into the fabric, trying to conserve his warmth as he shivers.
Aziraphale approaches him, still fidgeting anxiously. “Please tell me what’s wrong, dear. You’re frightening me,” he asks softly.
“Angel, I-“ Crowley doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know what’s happening, and what if he’s going to discorporate? Or worse? It would be more than inconvenient, what with hell wanting his blood and all, there was no way he’d make a quick return topside. That is, if he ever managed it. He didn’t want to leave his angel. Not when they finally had a real chance.
Before he realized he was even doing it, Aziraphale had taken off his glasses, setting them down gently, and had begun to wipe away his tears. Crowley’s eyes were blown completely yellow, without a white bit to be seen; a sure sign of his distress. Crowley leaned into his hand, a somewhat strangled whimper escaping his throat. Aziraphale shushed him softly, and Crowley managed to find his voice.
“I don’t know why, Aziraphale.” The tearful tremble was still thick in his speech, although later he would never admit to being so emotional.
The angel looks troubled by this. “Can you tell me what you’re feeling then?” Crowley nods slowly.
“I’m… tired. Everything hurts, angel, can’t think straight… my head hurts. And it’s bloody freezing in here,” he complained, his body shuddering to prove his point.
Aziraphale’s face pinched further. “It’s warm here, my dear… you’re, well, rather feverish, it seems.” Crowley stares at him blankly. It was most certainly not warm although his forehead was delightfully cooled by the angel’s hands still resting on his face. When it was clear that he wasn’t getting the point, Aziraphale spoke again. “Crowley, I believe you might be sick,” he states carefully.  
He blinks. “Demons don’t get sick, angel,” Crowley says.
Maybe, just maybe, Aziraphale was onto something. He certainly felt ill, after all. But it wasn’t supposed to happen like this, getting sick was something… human. And Crowley could tell, even now, weak and pitiful as he felt, he was still very much a demon.
“Perhaps, but we’ve spent all this time around them, well… it could be possible, couldn’t it?” Aziraphale ponders. “Unless you have a better idea?” His eyebrow is raised in a way that looks innocent, but holds a challenge to it, almost daring Crowley to disagree.
He just shrugs. “Guess so.” He hadn’t been around anything holy enough to worry and if this was what being sick was like then… well, that was that. Crowley couldn’t bring himself to do any more than just accept it.
Pushing himself up with his arms off of the couch, he takes a clumsy step forward, feeling horribly dizzy again. He stumbles, but instead of falling, he’s steadied by a soft pair of hands. “Dear, what are you doing?” Aziraphale asks. “You’re in no state to be walking around like that.”
“Gotta get home, ‘Zzzira,” Crowley explains. He’s leaning on Aziraphale quite heavily, letting his eyes close to stop the room from spinning. His stomach had started to spin with it. “Just need a bit of ressst,” he hisses, forgetting to stop the odd way he speaks, although he hardly notices it.
“Oh, Crowley,” murmurs Aziraphale, his voice unbearably tender. “I can just make you a bed here. I would be far too worried to let you go off alone when you can hardly walk.”
Crowley tries to argue his case, but all that comes out is stammers, and so when the angel sweeps him off his feet (literally, figuratively he had managed that 6,000 or so years before) he doesn’t struggle. Instead, he moans at the disorienting feeling, pressing his face into Aziraphale’s shoulder. He holds Crowley tighter.
Crowley was too light, too easy for the angel to carry.
Aziraphale sets him down on the bed – sheets, predictably in a familiar tartan pattern. Immediately, Crowley pulls the blankets around him, grateful to the warmth they provide. His shivering subsides from full body shudders to just a slight bit of shakiness. Aziraphale leaves but is back just as quickly with a cool glass of water and a few white pills.
“Take these,” he instructs, guiding Crowley into a sitting position. When did it get so hard to do that? His confusion must have shown on his face. “Your fever is rising quite a bit dear, you might not be feeling better any time soon, but this should help,” explains Aziraphale.
Crowley considers this and takes the pills with the water before laying back. His eyes feel heavy.
Someone is tucking him in, and it must be Aziraphale, and his hair is being stroked. Crowley mummers softly, “Please stay,” as he begins to drift off.
He thinks he hears a response of “Of course, my love,” from his angel, but maybe that’s just the fever talking
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jowritesthingss · 4 years
A (Demi)Boy and His Demon: Prologue
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing(s): LoSleep (Logic | Logan + Sleep | Remy)
Rating: Teen
Content Warning(s): lots of swearing, religion mention, demons mention, injury/blood (Remy gets a papercut)
Length: 1,418 words
Brief Summary: Sleep-deprived writer Remy accidentally summons a serious-and-seriously-fed-up demon named Logan. Prologue. In Which Remy Inadvertently Summons a Demon
Fic Masterlist!
In Remy’s defense, he hadn’t exactly meant to summon a demon in the middle of a coffee shop on just another typical Tuesday.
And they most certainly hadn’t meant to bind the poor sap to them for the rest of their (presumably now-shortened and miserable) life.
But there he was.
And that was exactly what he had done.
But—erm, well. We’ll get there.
“Remy!” a familiar voice chirped as said enby pushed the door open to his favorite haunt. “Do you how do?”
“Ugh. Like, horrible.” The answer was instinctual at this point. Usually it was just sarcastic, but on a deadline like this? Satan had nothing on the wrath of an editor.
The echo of the bell ringing bright through his ears, Remy walked over to the front counter, where his good friend and caffeine addiction enabler stood. They tried in vain to pretend that they were swaggering and not at all staggering from sleep deprivation and lack of caffeine.
“So it’ll be the usual for you, then, yeah?” Emile smiled, and god, for all the years they’ve spent working as a barista themselves, Remy would never understand how Emile could stay so upbeat while on-shift.
“You know it, gurl,” Remy answered, fishing out his wallet. “Although gimme the largest size this time, hun’.”
Emile clucked sympathetically, already turning and getting started on Remy’s iced coffee. “Deadline coming up?”
“Uh-huh. Tonight.” Remy sighed, slapping a ten dollar bill onto the counter. “I’m due to get the script for chapter sixty-nine to Remus, but like, he’s been too busy giggling over the number of the upcoming chapter to finish the one we’re supposed to publish tomorrow. Virgil’s on the warpath, and I’ve been roped into designing shit to make up for Remus falling behind.” He rolled his eyes.
“Golly, that sure sounds rough.” Emile slid some ice into Remy’s coffee before popping a lid on it, swirling it a couple times, and sliding it across the counter with some verbal sound effects to accompany it. He picked up the tenner and began to punch things into the cash register, counting out change for Remy. “But I believe in you!”
“Gurl, you shouldn’t. I don’t,” Remy snickered. They reached back into their bag, groping around for their reusable straw. Pulling it out, he popped it into his cup. “There’s a reason I’m the brains behind the writing of this operation, not the art. You think I’d be working with those idiots if I had a choice?”
“Yes, I do,” Emile said mildly. He handed over Remy’s change.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s fair.” Shoving his change into the tips jar, Remy rolled his eyes. Again. They did that a lot. Which, how could he not, when he was surrounded by so many dorks?
“Anyways, I’ll be in my usual corner, I guess.” Remy jerked their head towards their usual corner table. “Lemme know if you need any help back there, babe. Or if any tea needs spilling.” They winked at Emile from behind their sunglasses before turning and heading to sit down.
Once seated, Remy pulled out his laptop and the battered spiral notebook that he kept most of his ideas for their comic in. Exchanging their sunglasses somewhat reluctantly for a pair of blue light glasses, he booted up his computer. Then, after setting everything up in its typical position and connecting to the wifi in the coffee shop, Remy allowed themself a moment to sit back and sip at their iced coffee.
The contrasting tastes of sweet white mocha and bitter coffee filled his mouth, and Remy felt his shoulders relax for what had to be the first time in twelve to twenty-four hours.
Classes earlier in the day had been an absolute nightmare of scribbling in margins and surreptitiously typing the script up on his phone when professors weren’t looking. Then the night before had been a horror-filled dream sequence of exhaustion and trying to write actual content down without falling asleep on the keyboard and waking up with the L key imprinted on their nose and sixteen pages of keysmashes.
So suffice to say, Remy was not having a good time. But the iced coffee? It warmed their gay little heart. It made things just a bit more bearable on days like this.
All too soon the buzzing of his phone reminded Remy of their subsequent impending deadline and doom, and he came crashing back down to earth.
Sipping once more at their iced coffee, Remy set it off to the side, slipping in his earbuds and focusing in on the Word document in front of him. They began to type.
Three hours and two refills later, Remy had finished chapter sixty-nine, had sent it to Virgil to look over, and had even started on chapter seventy for a good measure.
Until Virgil sent back his edits, Remy’s focus of the moment had shifted to designs for chapter sixty-six, which Remus should’ve started drawing a few days ago, but nooo, the asshat wasn’t even done shading sixty-five, which was supposed to be posted in...Remy consulted their phone...in roughly six hours now. Fuck.
Remy couldn’t draw for shit, but they could research like nobody’s business, and designing and sketching was simple enough, so he wasn’t entirely unused to getting dragged into stuff like physical character designs and the creation of symbols and outfits (Remus was far too oafish and uncoordinated when it came to fashion, anyway).
Shaky as Remy’s art was, Remus certainly knew how to pick out what he liked from Remy’s miserable excuses for sketches, at least, so their partnership worked well enough...even if Remy privately thought his similarly-named partner acted like a dolt and smelled like minute ramen (and not even the good kind! more like the shrimp kind, and what the fuck kind of imbecile eats shrimp-flavored microwave ramen).
Finally satisfied with the roughly-sketched summoning circle that they had copied from the web, Remy exited out of Google Images.
Summoning circles, Remy had to admit, were a new topic of research for him. Their story—a Good Omens-type comic centering around an angel and a demon trapped in the human world—had required plenty of research into religion and religious imagery, of which they had not been a fan, but for some reason summoning circles had never really cropped up on their radar.
Remy may not have been a fan of the concept of angels, but he certainly wasn’t a fan of the concept of demons and the occult, either, so digging through the ominously dark websites had been...interesting. Eventually they had just given up and straight-up copied a summoning circle at random. They could take that and go from there, adding their own flair to it.
Remy looked down at the shaky summoning circle he had sketched out before him. It was kinda lopsided, but it was whatever. It was also much too boring, if you asked him. When they sent Remus their final reference, they’d put a note in the margins telling him to add some of that weird gory imagery stuff he was obsessed with. “Creep would really like that, huh,” Remy muttered aloud to himself.
Scrutinizing the copied circle for a few more moments, Remy mentally listed out some of the changes they wanted to make—an extra line here, a circle there, take out that square—and they reached into their backpack for one of the random looseleaf sheets of paper he always had floating around in there. Only, they grabbed at the wrong corner of the paper.
Feeling the sheet of paper slice into their pointer finger, Remy quietly hissed out a breath. “Fuck.” He drew his finger out of the bag, pulling it up to his face to get a good look at the injury, and shit, the papercut was bad enough that it was actually bleeding.
“Goddammit,” Remy cursed as a few drops of crimson splattered onto the paper in front of them, blurring over the details of the summoning circle he had drawn.
Remy popped his finger into his mouth and sucked at the smidgen of blood leaking out. Deciding to actually look at what they were sticking their hand into this time, they turned to the left, fully intending to practically stick his head into his bag to find a napkin and that pesky sheet of paper both.
This was how they came to be aware of the person who appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to stand to the side of their table.
Prologue || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six
This was supposed to be a one-shot, but Remy told Logan to hold their coffee and then bullied me into making it a prologue and six chapters’ worth of useless gays. I accept my defeat with dignity and insist that it was, in fact, actually my decision in order to get used to writing multi-chap things again before I tackle my Big Bad AUs.
Want to be added onto any of my taglists? Shoot me an ask or a message here or via my other social media!
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Writebr Intro
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Writeblr Intro Time!
Hiya! This is so overdue and I apologize for that lol. I’ve been meaning to write this but school seems to always be getting in the way of just that. Writing. But here I am finally writing this! And yes my username is a pun of my own last name but I just couldn’t resist.
So basically, I really want to surround myself with other writers and have stumbled across tons of writeblr’s (I think that’s what they’re called lol). Instantly I was in love and wanted more of what the community had to offer. I’ve been a self-proclaimed “author” or writer since my early years of grade school. I was that child in the back of the class with ADHD that couldn’t sit still (the cliche bouncing leg and always chewed down nails) and had what my mother called an “overactive imagination”. My notebooks in high school were often filled with wild stories about “galaxies far far away” or dystopias with cruel governments ruled by dictators. Now I’m in my second year of college swamped with classes about the Psychology of criminals (or I like to call the science of murder), and trying to find time to write a novel. So the struggle is real my dudes.
A little about Me:
Forensic Psychology Major and English with a concentration in Writing Minor
Book hoarder
Dog Mom
Vintage AF
Low Key Emo Punk because I’m no average white girl!
History nerd (Love learning about the old wars and cultures)
Movie nerd (There’s an endless stack of DVDs in my house)
The Mandolorian (or the ManDADolorian)
Star Trek
Star Wars
King Falls Am
Welcome to Nightvale
Transformers (Obviously not the bad movies lol. Bumblebee is baby and must be protected always.)
Good Omens
Lord of the Rings
Marvel (There are so many shows and movies in this category we would be here all day if I tried to list them.)
Timeless (Not sure if the fandom is still alive after what the writers did to one of our ships lol)
DC (I’m a huge Batman geek and adore Wonderwoman, but I take the good with the bad when it comes to this fandom. Especially movie-wise anymore.)
And there’s probably more but my memory isn’t working currently.
Goals?. . . maybe:
Get my novel finished (This has literally been on my To-Do List for who knows how long.)
Meet more writers/new writers.
Improve my poetry (I suck at poetry so I bad I never let it see the light of day, so I need to work on it.)
Start my bullet journal.
Okay by now you all know I have at least 1 Wip because I mentioned getting a freaking novel done, but just as a precaution as to what I mean by Wip or Wips. I get distracted quite easily, for some odd reason my brain absolutely loves to jump from one idea to another for no absolute reason. Like WTF dude we already have an idea we’re working on why do you keep bringing all these new ones to me like stray dogs. And like any good dog Mom or distracted writer, I want to keep all the ideas/stray dogs. So, when I say Wip I mean “Look at this cool idea I came up with” and I’ll make sure to specify which one is hogging most of my time.
Renegade: Dystopian, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.
This is my baby. Most of my free time is dedicated to adjusting plotlines, character arc’s, fixing freaking plot holes, and other important stuff other than just plain writing. I’m hoping to finish this also monster of a story by 2020 and get it published. So big stuff!  
“So tell me little wolf do you want to punish those who have wronged you?” An assassin known as the Crimson Ghost makes their way through the corrupt city-state of Ashton completing a job given to them by the Black Rose. What is a seemingly normal job though turns into something far more complicated when they stumble upon the fractions of an abandoned notebook from the past. A past the Republic is trying to desperately hide and bury no matter what. On the other side of the world in the Republic’s capital Eshar, plainly referred to as “The Prodigy” or “machine” by his superiors,  Eric Coalwood has built a life upon the ashes of his family, striving to meet the high expectations set before him by his mentor General Wolfheart. However, his life falls out of its normal day to day routine when the unexpected is asked of him. Command a task force made up of the Republic’s most wanted or his life is over. Eric doesn’t need reasons for why he must do what he has to, all he needs are orders and the Republic is more than happy to give them. Either way the clock is ticking for both the Crimson Ghost and the Republic’s prodigy and with time running out they both have two options. Either get over their different beliefs concerning the Republic or allow the world to once again succumb to war but this time nobody is going to survive it. “Legends are slippery things. For the glory that coats them hides the pain, suffering and death that created them.”
The Trouville Files: Dystopian, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.
Not my biggest priority but definitely one of them considering the plot of this story. I mainly use this wip as a reference for Renegade because it’s actually the prequel to it. Also, it’s great to use as writing practice when I’m plagued with writer’s block for Renegade or frustrated with a plot hole. So this is my double-edged sword that does a lot of good.
“Death in these black days is neither kind nor quick.” The year is 2153, the world we know is nothing more than a wasteland strewn with the dead and a sky being choked by their ashes, not glorious and thriving but desolate and starving. The Red Death, a pandemic with a steady progression and a gruesome countdown to the demise of those infected. No one outruns it or survives it. “United we stand, divided we fall.” The Allied Nations, a totalitarian superpower, promised a united people but all they gave this world was more death and destruction. The Red Death isn’t the only thing slowly killing humanity anymore, we are in the form of the War of Broken Pacts. The spark of revolution is lit, but if it will remain so is a question asked by everyone. Does it stand a chance against the iron-fisted government holding the people in shackles? “Rebel with a cause.” Genius Medical Officer for The People’s Republic, Cyprus Ramiro works day and night in search of a cure for the Red Death exterminating hundreds, at least before this war kills him first. But he is also a man on the run and the rebellion can only shelter him for so long. “Duty over pain.” Cunning Spy and Soldier, Orion Ultor is ordered by the Allied Nations to infiltrate and gather information on the ever-growing People’s Republic. In bold letters is Search and Destroy; make a ruin of the rebellion and ensure the Allied Nations remains as it should -- unquestionably in power. No matter the cost unless he wants to suffer the consequences again. “If we fall we shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix.” They should have never met, battlefields don't make good friends. It wasn't fate, it wasn't destiny, only war throwing people together.  The Allied Nations is trying to stamp out something they fear, but can they before the Red Plague? Or will humanity find itself extinct.
Beyond his point is where I house my stray dogs/ideas
Hiraeth: Paranormal, Horror, Mystery, and Thriller.
Scooby-doo who?
Hiraeth means a homesickness for a home which you cannot return. That is how Arcane feels like she’ll never be home no matter how hard she tries to connect with her family. The closest she feels to being home is with her friends and in the worn leather seats of the van they all pitched in to buy. It all started out as a way to pass time and for all of them to escape their families because to be honest parents never understand, but it all turned sideways when a simple “ghost hunting trip” stirred something that was meant to remain buried. The truth never remains buried though, not really, somehow it will always creep back in ugly and twisted. Arcane has never felt “at home” but she’ll do whatever it takes to keep what she considers her family safe.
Sweet Dreams: Historical Fiction, Thriller, and Romance.
A literal dream turned into story plot and no I’m not kidding.
The Red String of Fate, The Lovers, and War. These are the three elements intertwined within the plot of Sweet Dreams but before anyone makes any assumptions this isn’t some chummy rom-com. There will be tears and heart strings may get yanked clean out because the angst is real. War and love never mix well, it leaves a sour taste in ones mouth and makes the mind question things it shouldn’t. Like is the woman in his dreams the same woman he sees in all his dreams? Constantly he somehow ends up spotting that same ruby red lipstick, honey golden eyes, and brunette hair laying in perfect curls. She’s everywhere except in his actual life. They say you and your soulmate share dreams, living proof of how intertwined souls are. She doesn’t believe in love or the idea of souls, not with the monsters roaming around the countryside and battlefield carrying assault rifles. Society tells her where her place is, but she disagrees and rather create her own destiny.
The Prophet: Paranormal, Thriller, Post-Apocalypse, and Science Fiction.  
A short story I can’t seem to let go or it doesn’t want to let me go, but either way, this story has the makings for something great. It also at times seems strikingly similar to Good Omens, so don’t be surprised.
There’s no anti-christ in this story, he already has a book about himself so let’s not make another one besides there are other stories that need to be told. Such as, have you ever heard of modern day prophets and I’m not talking about those people with cardboard signs saying “the end is near!” or giant churches with people preaching about the end times. No, I’m talking about a kid with messy hair and dark circles under their eyes because sleep is no longer a choice due to migraines that plague them every night. Migraines that bring weird cryptic messages that make one question their own sanity. And what happens when strange people start asking about said migraines and messages?
Virago: Fantasy, Thriller, Historical Fiction, and Romance.
I’m not a huge fantasy reader, for some reason I can’t stay invested in them, but here I am with a fantasy story in my wips. It has mages, knights, assasination plots, and one super badass general who takes zero shit from her king. That’s right women empowerment, my dudes! I don’t really have much of a synopsis inline or a plot because this is only of those wips I let rattle around in my brain from time to time. But I will say it does give me that LOTR vibe but also Game of Thrones.  
Don’t be surprised if you see my stray doggos from time to time because I will admit I love to play around with storyboards. Even if I don’t have a fully planned out plot put together for it.
And that concludes this what was supposed to be short Writeblr Intro. I hope I have peaked some of your guys’ interests because the community definitely got a hold of minee. Feel free to send me a message about anything I mentioned (even if it’s just fandom shit I don’t care) and don’t be shy. I’m a huge introvert but somehow love talking, so don’t worry it won’t be awkward and odds are I’m equally nervous about conversation lol. Also, feel free to add me to any taglist and reblog/like if you’re active and would like more Writeblr mutuals!
Happy Writing,
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preraphaelitepunk · 5 years
Fictober19 Day 18: The Tea Is Hellishly Hot
Prompt #18: Secrets? I love secrets.
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: Aziraphale, Crowley, Eric the Disposable Demon
Rating: Teen (a little bit of cursing, mention of canoodling, mention of enjoying being smacked around a bit)
Warnings: None
On AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/20843936/chapters/50149631
After all that bother with the failed assassinations, Heaven and Hell had promised to leave them alone. However, Aziraphale had been an angel for a long time — since before time technically began, in fact — and he knew exactly how trustworthy Upper Management could be over the long run. Sensible as always, he’d rigged the bookshop with sensors that would alert him to any other celestial or occult being who breached their perimeter. Forewarned is forearmed, and Aziraphale was sure it was only a matter of time.
The alarms were ringing in his head now.
“That’s far enough,” Aziraphale commanded, tossing his curls dramatically and brandishing his spray bottle. If Hell thought they could hurt Crowley on his watch, they were in for a nasty surprise: under all his outer softness was a fierce, blazing protectiveness, and messing with Crowley was just the way to rouse him. It was all a little thrilling, and part of him regretted that Crowley was in the back room and not able to witness his derring-do. “This bottle is filled with holy water. Hands in the air where I can see them, and no funny business.”
The demon widened his already big, extravagantly lashed eyes and backed against the door, raising his hands. “Hey, I come in peace. Just here to ask you guys to lunch.”
“I beg your pardon?” Not what Aziraphale had expected, but perhaps it was a cunning ploy to lower his guard.
“Lunch. You know, get together, have a curry, a few pints, have a bit of a natter. Catch up.”
“I know what lunch is, you fiend. It’s why you’re here asking me to it that’s confusing me. I had rather been under the impression Hell would leave Crowley and me alone.”
“Well, yeah, Hell, sure. But I’m not Hell, I’m just Eric. I work there, ‘course, but you know how it is. Me and Crowley go way back. The invite’s for both of you.” Eric gave a shaky grin. “Can I put my hands down now?”
Frankly, the demon did not seem particularly threatening, but Aziraphale did not lower the spray bottle. “Oh, very well, just keep them where I can see them,” he said testily. “Crowley?”
“What is it, angel?” Crowley’s voice came from the back room of the shop, where he’d been messing about with his computer phone or something.
“There is a horned gentleman here inviting us to lunch.”
“Wut?” After a few seconds Crowley emerged, and his face lit up in a smile. It even seemed genuine. “Hey, Eric, my dude, my compadre, my droog. How’s it going?”
“Frankly, it’s been better.” Eric batted his remarkable lashes at the spray bottle.
Crowley seemed to notice the deadly weapon for the first time, and leapt forward. “It’s okay, angel. Put it away. Eric’s not one of them.”
“Are you quite sure? He certainly seems to be a demon.”
“Oh, he’s a demon all right, but that’s not his fault. He was just born that way.”
Aziraphale noted the fact that demons apparently could be born as well as Fall, but filed this aside as a discussion for another time. “So you trust him?”
Crowley shrugged. “As much as I’d trust anyone who isn’t you. He’s one of the good ones.”
“Sorry. One of the likable ones,” Crowley amended.
“That’s better. Er, worse. Whatever — that’s more like it, ’swhat I mean.”
Crowley turned his lopsided grin back to Aziraphale. “Blaming him for all of Hell’s doing would be like, dunno, blaming the Amazon warehouse worker for Jeff Bezos’ policies. He just works there, ordinary demon, gets by the best he can. Not his fault Lower Management are pricks. And he’s not a threat.”
“To you guys? Nah. And even if you weren’t invincible, I’d, like, never go up against you, Crowlers. If they told me to, I’d botch the job on purpose. You’re cool. Never discorporated me even once, all the years we’ve known each other.”
“Well, if you’re sure, dear.” Reluctantly, Aziraphale lowered the spray bottle and returned it to storage its pocket dimension; if Crowley was wrong about this demon, at least the holy water was no farther away than a snap.
Eric relaxed, his shoulders dropping. “Thanks. I really just came by to ask you guys to lunch. Wanted to catch you up on all the hot goss. Got some top-secret stuff.”
“Secrets? I love secrets.” Crowley’s eyes flashed just a smidge yellower, and he smirked. “Let me grab my coat. Angel, you coming?”
There was no way Aziraphale was leaving him alone with this demon, no matter how confident Crowley seemed. “Most definitely, darling.”
*** ***
Now that Aziraphale could examine Eric more calmly, he realized the horns were actually hair sculpted into twin points. His corporation looked young, almost anime-like with his luminous eyes, flashing grin, and heart-shaped face. As yet, he had entirely failed to attack either him or Crowley, but that could just be some clever demonic ruse.
“So what’s the tea?” Crowley said through a mouthful of veggie samosa. Evidently the trick to getting him to eat was to offer him fried savory cakes with potatoes in.
Aziraphale shot him a puzzled look. “We don’t have tea, darling. It’s lager.”
“Means gossip, angel.”
“Oh. I expect they’re all wondering how you survived the holy water, dear,” Aziraphale said tartly, dabbing at his chicken makhani sauce with a roti. He was slightly put out about how nice the food was; he’d prided himself on knowing all the best restaurants in Soho, and here he was, being shown up by a whippersnapper of a demon.
Eric rolled his eyes. “Oh, that gossip is so fourteenth century. Nobody even cares about that any more.”
“Mmmrrph?” Mouth too full now to even try talking, Crowley shot a perplexed glance at Aziraphale.
“No, what everyone is talking about is,” Eric put down his spoon and leaned forward conspiratorially, “Lord Beelzebub and Gabriel.”
There was a long, confused moment of silence. “What about them, exactly?” Aziraphale finally asked, not sure he wanted to know.
Eric looked smug around his spoonful of chole chawal, letting the tension build until he swallowed. “They’ve been spotted sneaking around together. On Earth. Being all furtive-like.”
“Well.” Aziraphale shook his head, trying to resettle his brain. “Perhaps Heaven and Hell have simply decided to open diplomatic relations?”
“Relations, maybe, but definitely not diplomatic,” Eric smirked, dark eyes sparkling. “Word is, they’ve been seen holding hands.”
Crowley choked, bits of peas flying. “What?”
“And canoodling. Earth Observation was passing around photos, and there’s one where Lord Beelzebub is swatting Gabriel over the head with a newspaper.”
“That’s practically foreplay for them.” Crowley looked a bit ill. “Are you sure? Was it really a newspaper? Maybe it was a lead pipe, just magicked to look like a newspaper. That would be more their style.”
“Definitely a newspaper. And,” Eric dropped his voice again, “rumor has it that there’s one of them kissing.”
Suddenly Aziraphale was no longer hungry. He pushed his plate away, half eaten. “That is, er, remarkable news. Isn’t it, Crowley?”
“Er, yeah. Remarkable.” Crowley’s eyes were unfocused, and he was chewing his lip. “They were kissing?”
“That’s what I’ve heard.”
Crowley tilted his head thoughtfully. “That’s quite a height difference they’ve got there. Was Beelzebub standing on a box or something?”
“Crowley!” Aziraphale admonished, giving his demon’s hand a light swat. “Such speculation is entirely improper.” And even worse, he now had that image in his own head.
“Were there tongues involved? Hands? Over or under —” Crowley jumped as Aziraphale kicked him under the table. “Sorry, angel. It’s just, it’s like a train wreck: you can’t stop looking at it in your head.”
“Indeed. But kindly knock it off, darling.”
“Ooh, slang from within living human memory! I’m impressed, angel.”
Eric seemed to be enjoying their exchange immensely. “See, I knew you guys would want to hear this.”
They spent the rest of their meal analyzing the potential reasons behind Beelzebub and Gabriel’s assignations. Aziraphale, who’d recovered his appetite once kissing was off the conversational menu, was sure it was a ruse of some sort, possibly to lure him and Crowley into a confrontation. Crowley thought Gabriel just had a bit of a kink and enjoyed being smacked around by a short, cranky demon. “Nothing wrong with that, and I bet Beelzie wields a mean rolled-up newspaper.” Eric, surprisingly, voted for love. Grudging and embarrassed and slightly weirded-out love, but love nonetheless.
After Eric paid the tab (“I insist; I invited you. Just because I’m a demon doesn’t mean I can’t have manners”), after the shuffle of putting coats back on, Eric said, “So, Aziraphale, is it okay if I come back sometimes to see you guys?”
Aziraphale blinked. “Why ask me?”
“Well, I know you don’t really trust me. That’s cool and all, and I don’t really blame you. I don’t trust most demons, either. But it’s been cool hanging out with people who haven’t tried to discorporate me at all for an entire meal. I’d like to do it again. Not too often, don’t want to get all up in your hair or anything.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and staring at his shoes as if they were the most fascinating things in existence.
Aziraphale glanced at Crowley, hesitating. Crowley nodded and leaned in to whisper, “He’s lonely, poor sod.”
Eric had been true to his word about not attacking them; he’d been lively company, funny, thoughtful, nice. And what kind of treatment was he accustomed to, when his standard for a good meal was not being discorporated?
“That would be lovely, Eric,” Aziraphale said gently. “Perhaps next month, first Saturday? But I must insist you let us pick up the tab next time.”
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vateacancameos · 4 years
No Picture Can Express
Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley Words:12,138 Chapters: 5/5 Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Human, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Social Media, Instagram, flower shop, book shop, Mention of tattoos, Mutual Pining, It's a whole forking pine forest y'all, Teen rating for language
Summary: Ezra Fell prefers books (and discretely watching the lovely florist down the street) to social media, but takes up the hobby at Madame Tracy's urging. AJ Crowley has been pining after his neighbor for ages, happy to keep his distance until Ezra asks him to tutor him in using Instagram. They find they have more in common than just having shops on the same block in Soho.
Part I
At the sound of that cheerful voice carrying down the street, Anthony J Crowley’s response is practically Pavlovian after two years: hear Ezra’s voice, whip head in direction of said voice. He knows it’s ridiculous. He’s only had the courage to speak to the man once, when he’d needed to find a book for his grandmother and didn’t have time to drop by a Waterstone’s. This was back when Ezra had first taken over the bookshop a couple of years before. Before Anthony[1] had a chance to really realize how adorable and sweet and the slightest amount of bastard that Ezra Fell is. Since then, Anthony has kept his distance for fear of stuttering all over the poor man or accidentally asking him to marry him or whatever other embarrassing thing his body might attempt to do without his permission.
[1] Birth name: Carl. He’d hated it from the time he was three and changed it as soon as he legally could.
He keeps his distance now, watching as Ezra waves to Madame Tracy, who hurries across the street to chat (like it’s nothing, like it’s the easiest thing in the world; why doesn’t she go all bumbling over the man?). Despite her eyebrow-raising past (and sort of her present, though that’s only a couple of days a week at this point), she’s made herself the mother of all the shop owners on their block. Some might call her nosy, but Anthony understands what it’s like to have no family left—his grandmother, the only one in the family who actually cared about him once he hit adulthood, having passed a year ago. And she’s harmless and sweet. He doesn’t complain when she smothers him more than he’s comfortable with. She means well, and she’s the only reason he eats home-cooked meals. He’d survive on take-away and fake-good-for-you meal bars if left to his own devices.
The one time he does protest, however, is when she—knowing of his completely ridiculous schoolboy crush—nudges him to approach Ezra to, if nothing else, be his friend. He’s put her off every time with one excuse or another. What would a sweet, cheerful bookseller have in common with a tattoo-covered florist who can’t even manage to use actual flowers in most of his bouquets, preferring weird greenery to colorful petals. A bumbling idiot at that. No, Ezra is far too smart and amazing for the likes of Anthony, even as a friend. It’s better if he just continues to pine from a distance.
He watches Madame Tracy and Ezra lean over what must be a phone in the man’s hand. After a moment, they turn and head into the bookshop, allowing Anthony to stop gawping and finish opening his own shop for business. He tries to put the cherubic figure out of his mind (it’s illegal how curly-haired and rosy-cheeked he is) by concentrating on a large funeral wreath he needs to finish within the hour, but he still finds himself staring off into the ether as he imagines the cute giggles he knows Ezra must make when he’s delighted. (Could he ever hope to delight Ezra? Stop thinking about that, Anthony.)
Forty-three minutes later, the wreath has been sent off with Newt to be delivered, and Anthony is left twiddling his thumbs. It’s a slow time of year, too cheerfully summer for people to need dead plants in their houses. He picks up his phone to post some new arrangement pictures to Insta, only to find a message from Madame Tracy on the app. She’s shared a profile with him. He taps it just as there’s a cheery “yoohoo!” at the door as the woman herself enters the shop. He looks up before he can see who the profile is for.
“Oh, good, you got my message,” she says without preamble, bustling her way through the shop to lean on the counter in her signature, I’m-here-to-gossip stance.
“Whuh? Oh, yeah.” He looks down again to see a single post on the profile page. The profile picture is the same as the post: a stack of old books on a dusty table. His face scrunches. “What is it?”
“I finally talked dear Ezra into getting an account. The poor boy has so few customers. I thought it might help.”
Anthony bites back a guffaw. It’s well known on the block that the “poor boy” prefers having a light customer base so he can hoard the antique books for himself. And there’s a rumor (it must be a rumor, right? He’s so sweet and kind) going ‘round that a few men in suits had dropped by the shop once, and they haven’t been seen since. After it sinks in what Madame Tracy has said, though, he frowns.
“Wait. Everyone knows he barely understands how to use a smartphone even for calling. How the hell did you talk him into Instagram? How’d you even explain it to him?”
She sighs. “I’ve been wearing him down for months.”
Anthony tears his eyes away from this single scrap of a thing he has from Ezra (not even meant to be for him specifically anyway). “Why’d you send it to me? I already know he sells books.”
Her smile is mischievous, but she her words attempt to be innocent. “Because you are good at Instagram. I thought you could offer him some pointers, or at the very least Like his posts and maybe send some of your followers his way.”
Read the rest on ao3 (see link in reblog).
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Ellen Degeneres Additional Tags: Crack, Memes, I have no excuses, shenanigans with the "fuck shit up jacket", because of course it is, never thought I'd tag Ellen in a fic Summary:
What happens when a demon decides to use old memes from 2010 and his "fuck shit up jacket" to cause a ruckus in Soho?
This, apparently.
I have no excuses this is a crackfic that came about from a conversation in the Ineffable Outliers Discord with myself, @apple-duty​, and @cassandrasummer​ xD
An undetermined Friday, post Armageddon.  Mayfair, London
Anyone walking down the street in Mayfair that night would hear shouting.  Or at least they would, but the walls of the flat knew better than to let any sound out without permission.  If one were to look through the window, one would see an iPhone slam against a concrete wall1.
Crowley had been trying to get a hold of Aziraphale for well past two days, with no answer.  He’d driven by the shop, but the angel had been out both times.  He, of course, did not want to appear like he cared so scoping out the shop more than necessary was completely out of the question2.
He sat in his ostentatious throne seething; how dare Aziraphale avoid him like this.  Two could play it this game, and he could play very demonically if he wanted to.
Crowley stood and went to the closet in his bedroom and pulled out two very specific items.  A black jacket with reflective orange tape and a large, oddly shaped black case.
Yes, two could play at this game.  And if the angel wanted to ignore him, he’d make that task impossible.
6:00 AM Saturday morning; the sidewalk outside of A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
“C’mon, Linda, just pop on back to mine for a bit, yer mum ain’t gonna know!”
“Danny ya absolute toss, I’ll do no such thing!”
The young couple swayed through the near empty streets of Soho, drunk on wine and each other’s company.
“But Linda-“
��Don’t ‘But Linda’ me Danny Williams,” Linda says, pointing a shaky finger in his face with no real bite behind her words, “We ain’t been dating but a fortnight and you ain’t gettin’ me in the bed that easily!”
“But Linda, when I’m with you I can…I can…” Danny grasped for something, anything to say, “I can hear music!”
“Cheek!” she said but looped her arm back in his anyway and leaned against him as they started back down the street.
“Really can, ya know?” Danny said with more than a little bounce in his step, “Really snazzy saxophone music!”
“Danny,” Linda pointed towards a tall ginger man in a utilities uniform, “I think it’s that man in front of old Mr. Fell’s.”
Sure enough, as they got closer, the man was playing on a saxophone.  At six am outside of a bookshop.  This would seem to have no discernable reason, but the great thing about the human brain in the way She made it is that when there is no reason, that’s reason enough.
“Well I dunno why he’s doing it, but for a telephone worker he sure is great at those few bars of whatever that is.”
“Sounds familiar though, don’t it?” Linda said quizzically, “Wonder where I’ve heard it before?”
“Either way, it’s Soho on a weekend, he’s probably just a sloshed as we are.”
“Probably so, now walk me home you old buffoon.”
Danny and Linda strolled off arm in arm and the obvious utility worker kept playing on.
8:00 AM Saturday morning; the sidewalk outside of A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
Bill Waters was a patient man.  An upstanding member of the community.  A lawyer.  He dressed in smart suits and was never seen without his pork pie hat.  He had an image.
They had scoffed when he’d opened his practice in Soho.  They’d laughed.  But now?  Oh, now, he was one of the most respected litigators in London.
He prided himself on his work ethic, his attention to detail, and his meticulous methods.  He prided himself on his patience with his clients, with his family, and with anyone who he met.  The community loved him, his neighbors loved him, his family adored him.
Which is why several people milling around the early morning streets were shocked to see him jumping up and down and yelling at a street performer.
“Sir, I demand in the name of common decency that you stop this at once!” Bill shouted, face turning a rather embarrassing shade one could liken to a tomato plant, “It’s been two bloody hours!3”
If the man from the utilities paid any mind to him, he didn’t let it show.  Just kept playing the same four bars over and over again.
“I will call your superiors!  What are you even supposed to be doing?!”
The man just continued with his smooth beats and rhythmic dancing.  Was it dancing?  Could barely call it that in the first place.  Like something out of a bad 1970’s instructional video.
Bill continued to yell; the man continued to ignore it.
This just wouldn’t do, Bill resolved to phone the utilities company at once.  He threw his hat down in frustration and stormed back across the street to his offices.
10:00 AM Saturday morning; the sidewalk outside of A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
“D’you think he lost some kind of bet?”
“Dunno…sounds familiar though, doesn’t it?”
“Ain’t this that shit from Eurovision like ten years ago?  The saxophone guy?”
Nathan, Alice, and Jude were gathered around the strange man with the saxophone.  They’d already tossed some money in his hat and were waiting for him to get around to taking requests.  They were also by far not the only ones in the crowd.
“It is!” Alice said pulling up YouTube on her phone, “It’s the Epic Sax Guy music!”
“Christ that meme is older than dirt,” Jude said grimacing, “Why you reckon he’s doing this?”
“Maybe Mr. Fell pissed him off,” Nathan said, laughing, “He’s pissed off enough people around here with those weird hours.”
“Dad said he’s been at it since six this morning,” Alice (last name of Waters) said, “That’s four hours ago!  That’s insane!”
“We oughta put it up somewhere, do a live stream or something.  See how long he goes!”
“You know, Nathan, maybe we should,” Jude said, pulling out his cell phone, “Hell, I don’t have anywhere to be.”
The saxophone man played on.
11:00 AM Saturday morning; the news offices of the BBC
“Christ, William, it must be a slow day if this is what you’re giving me.” Margaret, producer for the BBC Weekend News said angrily into the phone receiver, “You really expect me to send reporters out to video a street performer in Soho?  As if they aren’t a dime a dozen?”
She listened to the murmuring on the other end of the line, “Five hours?  The whole time?  And he’s dressed like what?  A utilities worker?  What do you mean Twitter?”
Margaret pulled out her phone and opened the app, clicking through to the trending page.  Sure enough, there at number one: #UtilitySaxMan.
“Well, it is a slow day.  Fine, send someone, just try to find me something real to put on the air by tonight, yes?  I can’t just be putting Twitter fluff on the air!”
Margret slammed the phone back on the receiver and shook her head.  What was the news world coming to these days?  She blamed the millennials.
11:30 AM London time (3:30 AM California time).  The Montecito home of Ellen DeGeneres
“I’m just saying we need this guy on the show.  You know how much the audience loves an internet celebrity.  Yes, that’s why I called you, because you’re in London.”
To the dismay of her wife who just wanted to sleep, Ellen was on the phone at 3:30 in the morning with one of the show’s associates in England.  Once she got the idea to have someone on her show, there really wasn’t much anyone could do to stop her.
“So, no one knows who this guy is?  He just showed up with a saxophone and started playing? Well that won’t stop us.  Just go down there and talk to him when he stops playing.  I just need him on my show, he’s trending like crazy, the memes are ridiculous!”
“I should probably go, but don’t let me down!  This guy is insane, he should be a star!”
She hung up as Portia throws a pillow at her.
1:00 PM Saturday morning; the sidewalk outside of A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
“Play Single Ladies!” A voice from the gathered crowd shouted.
“Shut up, he’s not taking requests!” Jude shouted back at them.
“What are you, his agent?”
“I might be after this is over, you don’t know that!” Jude hissed from behind his phone, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up.
The livestream was an immediate hit.  He’s been inundated with new followers and reaction memes4. Even the BBC was here, along with several people in strange getups.  He’d gotten three direct tweets from Ellen DeGeneres already, though he couldn’t answer.  Not while the livestream was going.
This dude was insane.  He never stopped; he was like a damn machine.  Just kept playing and dancing (badly) and playing.  He ignored everyone around him, ignored that his hat was now full past capacity of spare change and 1£ notes.
It was like he was on a mission, though what that mission could be was anyone’s guess.
“Young man, have you any idea who this fellow is?” one of the men, this one wearing a monocle, asked him.
“Nah, can’t say that I do,” said Jude, “I mean, he hangs out at Mr. Fell’s shop a lot, seems to know him.  Dunno why he’s doing this though.”
“Did you hear that?” the man in the suit said to another, this one with a two-tone wig, “He knows the bookshop owner!  That’s our in!”
3:00 PM Saturday morning; the sidewalk outside of A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
“It is clearly a performance showing the prevalence of man over the subjugation of the corporate world!  He celebrates his union job by playing this jubilant music!” said the man in the two-tone wig.
“I beg to differ; it is quite certainly a cry at the unjust conditions faced by workers!” said the man with a monocle.
These two had exactly three things in common:  They were art critics, they were insufferable, and they had been arguing about this for the better part of two hours.
“How can you be so daft?  The rawness and realness and power of this performance can only be described as euphoric!”
“Ah but you fail to take into account the monotony and the repetitive action!  This man is in a prison of his own creation!  A brilliant metaphor for the world under capitalism!”
The two men continued arguing and were approached by a man in a tan coat that was about one hundred and fifty years out of date.
“Pardon me, gentlemen,” the man said, “But could you possibly tell me what all of the commotion is outside of my bookshop?”
“Oh, my goodness, you must be Mr. Fell!  And you haven’t heard?!” shouted the first critic, acting as though he might faint, “The art world is completely a buzz!”
“It would seem, my friend, that the next great performance artist of our times has taken up residence outside your bookshop!  Please, please introduce us to him!”
Mr. Fell looked confused as he tore away from the art critics and through the crowd.  Past the young man with the camera, past the BBC News van, and past some Americans speaking very loudly into their cell phones.
“Crowley, what on Earth are you doing?”
The saxophone music stops abruptly.  All eyes turn and focus on Mr. Fell.
“Oh, hello Angel…” the saxophone man stammers, “Just..uh…”
Before anyone can say anything, Mr. Fell storms forward and grabs the saxophone man by the arm, ushering him into the bookshop, behind a sign that clearly says “CLOSED”.
The crowd disperses, first the news van, then the passerby, then the art critics and the Americans.  Jude stands there for a moment wondering what just happened.
He soon forgets why he was there in the first place, and if Twitter held any clues for him, they’re long gone now.  Later, he'd look in his book-bag and find it full of loose change and 1£ notes.
Just an ordinary Saturday in Soho.
3:15 PM Saturday afternoon; inside A.Z. Fell and Co.  Soho, London
“Would you care to explain, dear,” Aziraphale says as he unpacks his leather satchel, “just why you’re playing saxophone on my front stoop?  And the news vans?  And the art critics.  You know how much I hate art critics!”
“You wouldn’t answer your phone,” Crowley says sulking on his favorite couch, “Got mad.”
“And did you conveniently forget dinner last week when I told you I’d be in Munich for a book auction for a few days?” Aziraphale shoots him a pointed look, “or were you just not listening in the first place?”
“I see,” the angel says, turning back to his books in a huff, “and how long were you out there?”
Crowley mumbled.
"Didn't quite catch that."
"I said ten hours," Crowley snapped, "Doing very demonic things, ruining everyone's weekend.  Can take the demon out of hell but not hell out of the demon and all that." He crossed his arms over his chest and sulked lower into the couch than should be possible.
Aziraphale smiled to himself as he put away his new books, “Yes of course, my dear.  Is that why you brought out the 'mess stuff up' jacket?Brightening everyone’s day with a bit of music, giving the BBC something to talk about?  Such a demonic level of happiness out in the street today.”
“I-well-well,you-I-“ Crowley stammered, jumping up to stalk behind the angel to prove his point, “I made an old bloke with a pork pie hat have a fit, right in the middle of the street!”
Aziraphale sighed, Crowley was never quite as smooth as he pretended to be, and the angel saw right through him.
“My dear you are quite ridiculous, next time just come with me then you won’t feel the need for this nonsense.”
Crowley shoved his hands back in his pockets, trying to look aloof and failing, “I mean…I guess.  Could use a vacation.  Plenty of demonic wiles to get up to outside the country.  Gotta keep you out of trouble...of course.”
Aziraphale smiled at him, clasping his hands together, “There we go then, problem solved!”
If the angel knew it was an excuse on the demon’s part to spend more time with him, he didn’t say.  Nor did he mind in the slightest.
1 – The iPhone, of course, knew better than to break.  Just who’s apartment do you think we’re dealing with here, hmm?
2 – Least of all because he was scared of a certain angel picking up on a certain demon’s propensity to be what the kids referred to as a stage five clinger.
3 – In Bill Waters’ defense, he’d been late at the office the previous night working on a particularly challenging case.  He’d been so exhausted, when the saxophone started up at around 6 am he’d thought himself hallucinating.
4 – Some choice memes that were shared on twitter:
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inknerd · 6 years
October Wrap-Up 2018
So! October’s soon over, autumn is in full bloom and I’ve read some books! It’s been an interesting month - I’ve started and finished my three weeks of practice at school as part of my teacher education programme, and I really feel like I’ve learnt a lot! I did show up in the middle of reading exercises and poetry introductions, so you could say I felt at home, at least!
CIRCE by MADELINE MILLER ★★★★★ | 352 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2018
Like...there’s wasn’t even the slightest doubt that I would LOVE this books - but wow, what an AMAZING book! If you liked The Song of Achilles, you’re probably going to like this one. + Just, everything! Circe as a character, the magic and scenery, the fact that we got even more Achilles/Patroclus inbetween the pages??? I loved everything. I was especially pleased to get to know so much more about Circe in general? Like the thing with Odysseus took a while to even get introduced, and all the background information and everything about all the other gods and nymphs - perfect. - Can’t really find anything to complain about. You should go read it. All I hope for now is that M. Miller decides to write even more about characters in Greek mythology.
WILD EMBERS: POEMS OF REBELLION, FIRE AND BEAUTY by NIKITA GILL ★★★★☆ | 150 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2017
I ordered two of Gill’s poetry collection, and this one was the first one to arrive. Lucky enough, I liked it! So I’m looking forward to reading the next one. + Some of the poems I really liked, but I was more amazed by some of the fantastic one-liners that were in most of the poems. - I felt somewhat...underwhelmed? by the poetry at times.
AVGRUNDENS ÄNGLAR by MAGNUS NORDIN ★★★☆☆ | 284 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2013
This is a book I normally wouldn’t be interested in, but at the school I did my teacher’s practice on they read this for class, so I decided to read it! + I was actually pleasantly surprised, despite knowing already that Nordin is a good author. It was a fast-paced and intruiging read, and it was nice seeing how it all came together in the end. - Some of the dialogues and scenarios felt pretty cliché, and the book also had this typical “school book feeling”, like this is the kind of book they’d force 15-16 year olds to read.
WEIRD THINGS COSTUMERS SAY IN BOOKSHOPS by JEN CAMPBELL ★★★★☆ | 120 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2012
Ah, okay, you know those tumblr posts talking about hilarious (and very frustrating) costumers who just ask the stupidest questions? If you like those you should totally read this! + I mean, what is there to say? This book is hilarious to read even if you’re not a book seller or a reader. - Idk, the first part is the funniest? then the second part while fun didn’t make me laugh as hard.
THE GOLDFINCH by DONNA TARTT ★★★☆☆ | 864 pages | *whistles awkwardly* | Published 2013
Okay, so I had a hard time rating this. It took me a long time to read it, or rather I read like 1/4 in like 3 months and then the rest in like, a week? and by the end of it I was like “...okay”. + Tartt’s writing is amazing, okay. The language, the structure, all the info pumped into the story about art and everything is so interesting to read about. I also quite liked the ending, which is what I’m usually critisizing when it comes to most books? So yeah. - I didn’t really connect with the main character? Or any character really. And at many points in the story I wondered “but what is the point with this???”. It’s a really dense book, in many ways, and I would recommend it at the same time as awkwardly shaking my hand and say meh?
THE WITCH DOESN’T BURN IN THIS ONE by AMANDA LOVELACE ★★★☆☆ | 208 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
So according to goodreads I rated The Princess Saves Herself in this One 4 stars, and I can’t remember enough of it to know if I actually liked it more than I did this one, but oh well. I enjoyed reading this, anyhow. + I especially liked the poems dedicated to other media like The Handmaid’s Tale or Hamilton, it was fun catching the references! Also? The red text on all that white? So pretty.  - While I really liked some of the poems, I can’t say I got a favourite, and it just wasn’t completely my style, I guess?
FIERCE FAIRYTALES: POEMS AND STORIES TO STIR YOUR SOUL by NIKITA GILL ★★★★☆ | 176 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2018
Gill’s second poetry collection that also has a fairytale theme!!!???? I knew I was going to like it. + Okay, first of all: The Cover? Amazing, stunning, beautiful. I liked the poems in this collection more than in Wild Embers, for some reason, maybe because anything with fairytales in it makes me like it like 50% more. - I didn’t get a clear favourite and at moments I sort of, didn’t agree with the interpretation of the fairytale? If that makes any sense. 
THE COLLECTED POEMS by SYLVIA PLATH ★★★☆☆ | 349 pages | 21 days to read | Published 1981 (Poems from 1956-1963)
It seems to be a month of poetry, huh? This I’ve been reading for a while, simply because it was so long; practically all of Plath’s poetry, of which I wasn’t familiar with at all before. + Sometimes they really got to me, and I noticed I liked a lot of poems one year only to drift away the other, which was interesting. In the back of this collection there was also an article about Plath’s life and other bonus stuff with notes on some of the poems (how and why they were written etc.). - I somewhat wish I’d bought the poetry collections as they were when published by Plath rather than in one thick book. It made it very slow to read. I also was quite bored with some of the poetry, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I prefer Plath’s writing in prose rather than in poetry.
TASH HEARTS TOLSTOY by KATHRYN ORMSBEE ★★★☆☆ | 367 pages | 1 day to read | Published 2017
Lately I’ve been so excited to read more books with asexual characters in it, and this was high on my list! (Well, it’s not a very long list. Yet) + I always love to read about fandom and all that includes, and I’ve never read a book about people making a youtube series before and I thought Ormsbee was very creative regarding the Anna Karenina retelling. The friendships in this book was also something I enjoyed. - With that said I didn’t think this book was that special? There were several relationships dramas that I wasn’t overly interested in and in the end it left me wanting for something more (but this can once again also be because of me not being super interested in contemporary)
RENEGADES by MARISSA MEYER ★★★★☆ | 552 pages | 2 days to read | Published 2017
I’ve heard so many people reading and liking this book, and it sounds just down my alley! Superheroes and supervillains? Sign me UP. + All the characters and their respective powers and hero-names were all so creative and fun to read about. I like the detail going into their costumes and also the sides’ different aesthetic in general. And, the ending? Awesome. I’m so pumped for the next book in this series! - I did find the world Meyer described interesting, but it also left me with some questions that I hope are answered in the sequel. I’m also surprisingly not very invested in the main romance? Like, it was sweet but I had expected something more of it.
THE PRICE GUIDE TO THE OCCULT by LESLYE WALTON ★★★★☆ | 272 pages | 3 days to read | Published 2018
I really liked The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, so I was so excited to read another magic realism book by Leslye Walton! + The atmosphere of the story and the scenery were PERFECT for autumn and Halloween, so I definitely read this book at the perfect time. The story of the Blackburn family and their powers were so interesting to read and the magic system was so cool and horrifying at the same time! - The main romance (and the side ones) felt like they sort fizzled out by the end, and I also felt like a lot of the action scenes or choices Nor and company made were so cliché in contrast to Walton’s otherwise magical and original writing. And also, the ending? It was good but will there be a sequel??? Because that ending is not satisfying to me if there’s not a sequel, and I think there won’t be, so.
GOOD OMENS by NEIL GAIMAN & TERRY PRATCHETT ★★★★☆ | 412 pages | 14 days to read | Published 1990
Okay, so I actually started reading this about a year ago, but for some reason I forgot about it and started reading something else. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I saw the trailer for the upcoming TV-series adaption of this book and went “NOW I HAVE TO READ IT”. + Like, it’s hilarious. Not much to say there. Just, the characters and their personalities and all the anecdotes about history and the Bible were just so spot on funny. The story in itself is also so such an interesting and fun concept. - I think I’ve had the same small problem with Gaiman’s work before (haven’t read anything else by Pratchett) and that is that while all the characters introduced are skillfully made and bring some relevance to the story I always want to get back to the main characters (or who I, personally, see as main characters) rather than read about a random construction worker or delivery man (but okay, the chapters with the delivery man was super funny).
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elriedreamer · 4 years
Read in 2019 Books Part 1
Suddenly decided I'd like to write a little about my Read in 2019 Books list (and practice my crusty English a little. win-win). Overall I'd read 52 books, including 5 graphic novels and shitton of nonfiction. There will be 4 parts.
Ok, let's start.
January to April
1. Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman - Good Omens. This was fun, even though I was reluctant to read it, since I had read 2 books by Pratchett about 10 years ago and didn't like them. Dunno. Maybe not my thing, maybe it was not his best works. Speaking of Gaiman, I love Stardust, Ocean in the End of Lane and especially The View from the Cheap Seats - it was amazing reading - but didn't like American Gods and some of short stories. Well, at least this can be easily explained - I'm not into dark edgy stuff, well mostly. Anyway, Good Omens was surprisingly good reading, and I liked TV series too. Though I liked kids' scenes more in book, than in series, but more Aziraphael&Crowley balances it, so can't say adaptation worse than book - both are fun.
2. Robert Sapolsky - Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping. Whew. Russian title's WAY shorted than this. I think I already said somewhere here how I love Sapolsky, he's my fav professor and all. Watched his course Human Behaviour Biology on YouTube (thanks to Vert Dider it's translated to Russian), and then I just had to read his books. And if you want deeper understanding how this fucking stress thing works, than you should read this book. It's a little depressing - to know how badly stress affects us, but also has one chapter in the end with advice how to try to reduce it. And. Important thing when it comes to this type if nonfiction. I've only had biology lessons in school, my profession is very far from it, but it wasn't too hard to understrand even more complicated chapters.
3. Tana French - The Secret Place. Yup, why don't we start from the 5th book in series? The order is not so important in here though. I think I've seen @rivervixens rec on this book here on Tumblr. And I'm so glad for that. Tana French's writing is amazing. I've read her other books (about that later), but this one remains my favourite. Also I recommended it to my dad and he liked it very much too.
4. Tana French - In the Woods. This one I liked less - mostly because main character was annoying. I still liked the writing, so didn't stop on this, even if took a pause.
5. Emily X.R. Pan - The Astonishing Color of After. This one doesn't have Russian translation, so English it was. Another fav of the year. This story is about dealing with the loss of parent, so it is emotionally heavy. And at first I was sceptical about magical realism here. But in the end it wrapped up nicely. Bonus points: large part of the book takes place in Taipei, and maybe you don't know but there was long period in my life when I was super into everything Taiwanese: music, movies, tv series... So. Good read, can't recommend it enough.
6. Jason Schreier - Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made. Another nonfiction with longass title. Super different theme. I like to play video games. Back in childhood we had Dendy, 3-DO and then PC - with DOS OS, Win 3.1 and forth and forth. I tried almost all genres back then I think, aside from mmo. But in the end I love only very specific one: single player RPG where you can create your own MC and have some kind of band of opinionated misfits. The last one I played was Dragon Age: Inquisition, which had astonishing scenery, some good story ideas (and some halfassed and some really terrible), 50 shades of bald/undercut instead of variety of hairstyles for your character, and fucking male animation for female MC. So, I had questions. And I've got some answers in this book. And better understanding of gamedev industry, since the book tells us about 10 most popular games from the last few years. If you are interested in video games and want some light nonfiction reading - this book is for you.
7. Theodora Goss - In the Forest of Forgetting. This is magical realism short stories and also the reason why so few read books in February. The writing is good, so it wasn't a problem. The problem was, probably, that I rarely like short stories (exceptions are Dreams Underfoot by Charles de Lint and In the Field Marshal's Shadow by Brian McClellan). Why do I stubbornly read them, I have no idea. If you know really good fantasy/steam-punk/mythopoetic/magical realism short stories, please recommend them to me.
8. Arsinoe de Blassenville - Victory at Ostagar. Okay this is actually a Dragon Age fic. Extra Super Long fic. Like 6 normal books long. For some reason it was on goodreads, so I added it here. This is not the best DA fanfic I'd read, not in my favs, MC feels like Mary Sue, I find some plot points weird and some characterization not on point, also didn't like the ending (not liking the ending is totally my problem, 'cause I find endings where everyone is paired up and with kids exceptionally annoying)... But it was interesting to read headcanon so vastly different from mine while not totally gruesome, which happens in this fandom frequently from what I've seen. And, you know it's still better than official DA books. Also, it won't be mentioned in this list, but I've read much better DA longfic in summer, and if you want a rec just ask.
9. Madeline Miller - Circe. Full disclosure: I'm not so much into Greek Mythology - I was in school, but not now. But I like when myth or legend or fairytale is told from different perspective, and this book was all over the goodreads recs, so. And it totally delivered. Thank you, goodreads, your recs are much better than livelib's.
10. Tana French - The Likeness. Back to Tana French, yay! Just you know, Russian title is changed and not for good. To something like Can the Dead be Back? Yep, in Russian it sounds just as awkward. Why must you do that, publishers? Whyyyy?! Anyway. Liked this one better than In the Woods, and don't find MC annoying, even if I didn't always understand her. Ah! I watched 3 eps (out of 8) of TV adaptation, which is based on the first 2 books. It has some good points, but overall the decision to merge two books in one timeline is making it messy.
11. Tana French - Faithful Place. Was good too.
12. T. Kingfisher - Clockwork Boys. Look at this. This is rare steam-punk jem. My favourite trope - band of misfits goes on quest full of dangers. In this case - unwillingly. They are very different people: a paladin, an assassin, a forger, and a scholar. The writing is brilliant! Dialogues are full of sarcasm and puns! It has some deep emotional stuff, it's full of action, despite it's size. And a pity - it is not translated, and it's a bit difficult to read such an intense writing. But still, I plan to read the second book this year.
13. Megan Miranda - All the Missing Girls. Ugh. Dunno how to tell about this one. The book was interesting to read, but it's full of liars. Seriously. From what I remember now, the only decent person was MC's fiancee, who seems like a good guy and totally didn't deserve how she treated him. And I'm usually on the girl's side. Maybe it's trope subversion. And MC's friends and their so-called friendship? Some unhealthy shit there. My main problem with this was probably the unsatisfactory ending. Can’t say anything more without spoilers, sorry.
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pussymagicuniverse · 4 years
How Sailor Mars Spiritually Influenced Me as a Witch
By Ghia Vitale
“The fire of passion and the power of prayer will defeat evil! I’m Sailor Mars, of the red high heel!”
As a Chaote, I believe any form of media can be a valid source of spiritual wisdom as long as it resonates with you. Sailor Moon is no exception and it has impacted my witchcraft practice significantly.
Sailor Mars has always been special to me. It’s not just because I had a crush on her, either—she fascinates me as a character. When she isn’t fighting for justice, she’s living her life as Rei Hino, a student in junior high school. Her entry in the Sailor Moon Fandom Wiki suggests that “Ray of Fire” is a literal translation of her name.
Sailor Mars embodies Mars perfectly. She has an assertive, fiery personality and doubts the leadership abilities of Usagi/Sailor Moon. She isn’t afraid to wage war when it’s necessary. When you mess with her, prepare to face Mars’ red hot temper. She exemplifies so many personality traits of Mars that once I actually opened my first occult book at 12, I read the description of Mars and already felt familiar with its energy. Watching her work with fire inspired me to cultivate my own abilities.
Sailor Mars is the most spiritual of all the sailor scouts. As Rei, she lives and works at a Shinto shrine called Hikawa Shrine. She runs the shrine with her grandfather and serves as a miko. (“Miko” is a Shinto word that refers to a shrine maiden.) She developed her psychic powers by directly working with the Sacred Fire at the shrine. Although working with the Sacred Fire empowered her, others viewed her behavior as strange and avoided her because of it. This makes me relate to Rei more than the other sailor scouts: As a high school freshman, I lost some friends once they found out I practiced witchcraft. Others thought I was weird for pursuing the occult and stayed away from me.
While fighting, Sailor Mars throws Ofuda at youma (which is a Japanese word for “demons” and refers to enemies in Sailor Moon) while commanding evil spirits to disappear. These are Japanese paper charms with scriptures that are good luck. You’ll find them at shrines all across Japan. Seeing Sailor Mars work with these charms awakened me to the magickal power of writing symbols on paper and burning them.
Since then, I’ve designed a lot of personalized sigils that I charge/manifest with fire. Sometimes, when I’m meditating with a piece of paper in my hand, I’ll feel like how I imagine Sailor Mars does when she’s focusing her energy. When I actually set the paper aflame, I feel like I am throwing my own psychic Mars Fireballs.
You know how witches have familiars? Well, Rei has 2 guardian crows named Phobos and Deimos after the 2 moons of Mars. These crows provide her with insight, assistance, and empowerment. Crows have always occupied a special place in my heart, but I didn’t start working with crow energy intensely until my third year of college. Eventually, I decided to create my own crow servitors!
I programmed these crow servitors to help me send and receive psychic messages more efficiently. I gave them their own names: Shadow and Whisperer. These servitors did exactly what I programmed them to do. I even frequently “felt” them perched on my shoulders. As a result, I began appearing in my college friends’ dreams much more frequently and getting “hunches” that turned out to be true. 
The best manifestation I got from these crow servitors was when I was out birdwatching with my ornithology class. At one point, I saw 3 crows fly down from the sky. Then I casually mentioned to my peers that 3 crows are supposed to signify marriage according to that old crow-counting rhyme/poem. That night, I found out that someone close to me said “yes” to a proposal. I believe that seeing those 3 crows foretold this event. That spot-on omen proved to me that I was doing something right by incorporating Sailor Mars’ magick into my witchcraft practice.
Anime has a lot of valid witchy wisdom. I used to think my interest in anime was weird, but looking back, I must admit that Sailor Mars was a great role model for me as a young witch. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people cited Sailor Moon as a force behind their fascination with magick when they were young witchlings as well. 
Here’s the scoop about me: I’m Ghia Vitale, a writer and senior editor at Quail Bell Magazine. I’ve been practicing witchcraft for around 18 years now. I was recently included along with 13 other witches in a Bustle article about our favorite witchy media. I’d recommend checking out this article to learn about some other ways Sailor Moon resonates with me as a witch. Thanks for reading!
Ghia Vitale is a writer and senior editor at Quail Bell Magazine. She is also a queer witch/feminist harpy/otaku who lives on Long Island. She has been practicing witchcraft for about 18 years. For more updates, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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msmarvelsmarvel · 5 years
Lgbt+ ask game
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
Bisexual, she/her
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
Uh well, I always kinda knew I liked both and in my family, no one was really homophobic so I never thought it was weird. My first kiss with a girl I was in 4th grade and she was my best friend. My policy was always “if you’re hot, I like you” and it didn’t occur to me that there was a term for that (and yeah I’m going with the OG term for Bi meaning the attraction to two OR MORE genders don’t @ me) Anyway in high school I had my ‘coming out’ when my friend group consisted of two pansexuals, a straight and another bisexual. They gave me a name for how I felt
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
Since I am FAB I never had to deal with that sort of thing!
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?
I guess the first people I officially told were my friends and they didn’t bat an eye. 
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?
When I finally like posted it on facebook and wore shirts around school and didn’t care who heard, it was a great feeling. I was much luckier than a lot of folks because if anyone at my school had a problem with it, they didn’t let on. My family was accepting, my friends obviously were, and the kids at my school didn’t give a fuck.
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
When I told my mom and stepdad they just said they knew and they loved me all the same. My mom actually said she and my bio dad had known since I was like 2 lol
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?
The threesome question, unicorn hunters, the like. Turning on your settings to women on tinder is so annoying because every other person is a couple ‘looking for a nice girl who wants to have some fun’
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
Comfy. I live in leggings and t-shirts/tank tops. I also always have an overcoat of some sort, be it a leather (pleather) jacket, my favorite denim jacket, a sweatshirt, a hoodie, I have all types of overcoats. It’s actually a problem
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?
Non-canon of course cause most fandoms don’t like us: Ambrollins is probably the top, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens (is that canon? Whatever), and Mickey and Ian from Shameless
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
Uh well, I don’t wear it super often. If I’m going to a nice event or it’s a nice occasion or even if I just feel like it and have time I wear like foundation and contour the whole nine yards, but I don’t do it every day. 
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
I do not, thankfully.
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?
The pretty obvious one: That we don’t need a pride month/parade and on the reverse, since we have one why isn’t there a straight month/parade
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
For the most part, I’ve had positive, welcoming experiences. I went to NYC pride last year and it was just very happy and welcoming and a sense of community
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?
GATEKEEPING! Nothing bothers me more than people acting like there are strict guidelines you have to follow in order to be in the LGBT+ community. Just shut up and let people live, dear lord!
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
Well I mentioned NYC pride which was a lot of fun. I’m from PA so it wasn’t my own city’s pride, but it was so much fun! I almost went to Philly pride that same year, but it was supposed to rain so we canceled. It didn’t rain
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
I think Halsey is a big influence for me, she’s doing good work. Also JVN who recently came out as non-binary. He just gives me a confidence I never knew I lacked. I also just a really big fan of Tessa Thompson
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I’ve only dated men as of now, but I have been talking to a girl I matched with on tinder and she’ll probably be the first girl I date
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?
I honestly haven’t read a book that wasn’t for school in literal years, none of which included lgbt+ characters so I can’t answer this tbh. Actually, I’ll say Harry Potter, according to JK that’s suuuuper LGBT, it just wasn’t important to the plot :/
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
The closest I’ve come so far, in my very small town and closed off life, was a girl that I matched with on tinder.
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?
Sense8 was cool, big fan of that show. I honestly can’t say I’ve seen any other shows that focus on LGBT characters. Send me recommendations! 
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
I feel like at this point, all the people I see on my dash are LGBT somehow soooo
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?
Queer! I think it’s mostly already been said, but it’s a good umbrella word for those that don’t exactly know what it is they feel or identify as. It also can take place of titles like bisexual heteroromantic or asexual biromantic. It’s just a nice general term to say without having to explain your whole LGBT story to complete strangers!
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?
I have! There’s a place here in Allentown called Stonewall (I know, right!) and on Thursdays they do drag night along with 18+ so in high school, my group of friends would go. It was always so much fun!
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?
I’ve never really questioned my gender, I’ve always known I was cisgender but it is important to me that I live up to the women I look up to like Carrie Fisher and my mom.
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?
Tough question. Yes and no. If I ever have kids it’ll be adopted because I never want to be pregnant, no exceptions. I’m hesitant though bc my parents have instilled in me a reaction that makes me yell and I’m easily irritated and I also kinda practically raised my youngest brother at a young age so I’m not sure I’m cut out the be a parent
What identity advice would you give your younger self?
Advice in general: Go to more pride things. Join the pride+ club on campus earlier, take any advantage possible to go to parades and just be more annoying about your sexuality. Also! Find more lgbt friends, having friends that are allies is amazing, but actually having friends that are part of the community makes a huge difference
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
I think they’re dumb af. Fuck gender roles in relationships and just in general.
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
Not particularly, just be your genuine self!
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?
It’s not nearly as small a community as people think. Like, we’re considered minority which makes people think there isn’t a lot of us, but (and especially in recent years) I feel like you’ll meet more LGBT+ people than straight in some cases. Also that the majority within the LGBT+ community is bisexual, I feel like a lot of people don’t know that
Why are proud to be lgbt+?
Why wouldn’t I be? lol
♡ Happy pride from @hogwartsonline ♡
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janthonyashtoreth · 4 years
Another big batch of asks!
Answering a bunch of asks under the cut! Most of them are ink and flowers centric. I hope you all are doing well <3
anonymous asked: wait wait hold up Anathema works in Azra's tattoo parlour?? amazing, when i was thinking of making my own florist/tattoo artist au, i also had Anathema be Aziraphale's apprentice :D i like when these two are friends. do you have any more headcanons about Anathema in ink and flowers?
she does!! she was doing an apprenticeship under him but has since graduated to doing her own thing (but she still works at his parlor). i can’t get into the whole plot because spoilers but angels/demons and agnes nutter’s prophecies still exist in the iaf universe, but anathema isn’t her descendant. instead, anathema is a wickedly smart computer genius and her boyfriend newt is an endearing but kind of inept descendent of agnes. anathema was azra’s good friend-turned-wingwoman once anthony shows up. i love her
anonymous asked: concept: aziraphale seeing crowley presenting femininely for the first time how'd you think he'd react? in your flower shop tattoo artist au
anonymous asked: OKAY totally not asking bc i may or may not have been thinkin abt this for like. too long. but would anthony have to like, come out as genderfluid to azra/how would azra react to seeing anthony present more fem for the first time
ooo ive been thinking about this as well! i dont think anthony would necessarily have a “coming out moment”, they just kind of do what they want. if they feel like presenting fem or using different pronouns they would just. do it. and azra would just kind of roll with it. i like to think that the first time anthony presented fem she got all dressed up for date night and didn’t tell azra and azra just Stares bc,,,, wow anthony is just gorgeous like that!! azra’s dead!!!
anonymous asked: You're a cutie pie. That's it. That's the fact.
:’ ) you’re a sweety pie!!!
anonymous asked: i deadass tried for 20 minutes to make the finger heart...... how did your friend do it......
i have absolutely no idea and it hurts my brain,,,
anonymous asked: Wahoo
@alligatorsnbats asked: OK, so what's Oscar's thoughts on Anthony?
oscar LOVES anthony... he’s the worlds most apathetic cat but he actively seeks anthony out when hes around. azra is only slightly salty about it
anonymous asked: Is Anthony cross eyed?
he’s not! i made him a little bit cross-eyed in my latest post on purpose bc he was flustered but i dont know if it came across very well ;;
anonymous asked: not to be *THAT* bitch who comes into your ask box and gushes over your art but i love the way you colour things and your clean line work?? mwah. i wish i could draw like you its just so lovely
bfdkjfdh im cry,,,, just keep practicing my friend!!! i promise it’ll get you where you want to go. the last couple of months have been really nice for me in my ~art journey~ because its the first time i’ve ever really liked stuff that i’ve drawn. ive been drawing for about 7-8 years and this is only just happening and it varies so much from person to person!! some people get to where they want to go in 2 years, some people take 20. just don’t stop practicing!!
anonymous asked: your human!crowley deserves infinite appreciation and the fact that he has coloboma: that right there! is! good shit! he has snake eyes,,,, but as a human. u are a genius good sir and your art is a blessing 👌👌👌
haha thank you!! i think coloboma (i know how to spell it now!!) is such an interesting condition and it’s kind of underused for human aus!!! its so dope!!!
@bolitakawaii-senpai asked: what would crowley's and azi's fav emojies from the cursed emojis??
asking the real questions out here..... i think crowley’s would be the one with all of the teeth and aziraphale’s (assuming he knows what they are in the first place) would be the really cute one with big eyes and the pink hairbow
anonymous asked: concept for the ink and flowers au: something happens to crowley (imma b honest i have no idea) and has a lowkey crisis and chops all his hair off and just. joins his pet snake and snakes around the nursery untill azra comes in seeing crowley crying and cuddling his snake and yeah idk enjoy my the weird shit my brain comes up with
jhuyhaijodfaydgsihfujoi RIP TO THE HAIR...... i love the angst potential (and i can come up with a few reasons for the angst, but i digress) but i dont think i could part with anthony’s hair,,, i love it too much
anonymous asked: I can't handle your ink and flowers Aziraphale. I can't. His hair is TOO fluffy. His face is TOO squishy. He is EXTREMELY friend shaped. His glasses and his eyes are bright like SPARKLES. Every time I see him I want to go feral and show all my friends. I would hug him without letting go of given the chance. 1000000000/10. 💜🐝
anonymous asked: I have a cat just like Oscar (big himbo) and I got him some knit hats for Christmas and he's gonna hate me but I can't wait to dress him up like a little bee so: does Azra ever give Oscar like costumes or footies just for fun? If yes, does Oscar love or hate? 💜🐝
isldakfj im grouping these two together bc im assuming ur the same person anon!! i love your signature!!
you’re correct. his hair IS too fluffy, and he IS entirely too friend shaped. he has the BRIGHTEST eyes. i cant contain my rabid love for him and it spills out into the art. i can’t help it. he gives the best hugs
SLADKFJ YES HE DOES..... IVE BEEN MEANING TO DRAW THIS FOR A HOT MINUTE,,,, as i mentioned earlier oscar is the world’s most apathetic cat so i dont think he would care that much but he’s not super happy about it
anonymous asked: Y'know what? I'm too tired so say smth clever so just know that I love you and your art is amazing 💕💕 PS: i love that you also tag them as Ineffable partners (i guess the point is to be gender neutral)
i love you as well anon,,, and yeah i like the ineffable partners tag! i find that it fits more with their relationship for some reason. though i still tag as ineffable husbands since its such a popular tag lksdfjdfknjbh
anonymous asked: Hello! Fist of all thank you for yor art, you are one of my favorite artists in this fandom and I have Feelings about the Ink and Flowers AU. Second: Don't feel pressured to post daily, we understand that life is complicated and art can be difficult sometimes. Take care! You're the best!
anon i would die for you!!! i never imagined that i would ever be one of anyone’s favorite artists,,,,, im speechless,,,,,,,,
and yeah unfortunately i dont think ill be able to post every other day once this coming semester starts :( i’ll probably have to cut back to once every 3. but there’s more ink and flowers coming at u guys so!! stay tuned for that
anonymous asked: Good omens characters having a game night?
i know this was sent in for the au prompts i asked for but. i dont think im physically capable of capturing the pure chaos that would ensue from this. holy shit it would be so feral. 
thank you to anyone who read this whole thing!! i read all of my asks as soon as i get them and i have a lot that i’ve been sitting on for a while. if you sent me something i promise i haven’t forgotten about it!! if you’ve sent something in that you were expecting a response to and i havent responded, just send it again to be safe in case tumblr ate it
i love all of you! <3
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