#it’s being a while since I don’t draw my precious childrens
crowind1 · 2 years
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Mophield sketch 💕
Mophin belongs to @chachacharlieco
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kifkay · 2 months
Winx & Specialists Dynamics that are so Precious to me
it makes sense that in the show, winx and their non-boyfriend specialists don’t interact much. but!! i’m very insane about codependent found families, and I want them all to love each other. so here’s my take on some tet-a-tet dynamics:
rare pairings:
Musa & Timmy: childhood frenemies. they used to go to the same middle school on Melody, and as type-A tweens do, had an intense, “you’re the only person I match myself to” kind of rivalry. they lost contact after Timmy moved away, chilled out considerably, reconnected in Alfea and had a wonderful banter-filled friendship since. because of how fast they slotted back into a friendship, some of their classmates genuinely thought they were siblings.
Tecna & Riven: got up from a rough patch. from “I dislike you but we both love Musa, so we have to be civil” to “you have more depths to you than I expected” to “now that I understand you, I can’t help but admire certain things about you” to “bitch, you are the only person who is as weird and clueless as I am, ARE YOU READY TO GO TO THE ARCADE AND ANNIHILATE KIDS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES”
Flora & Brandon: little sister, older brother vibes. of similar temperaments and views, they enjoy spending time over a cup of tea — talking about everything and nothing. it’s therapeutic, almost.
(no one in the group knew that Brandon and Flo were good friends. once, when the two had to team up during a mission, Bloom couldn’t even finish saying: “it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know each ot-“, before the specialist-fairy duo were re-creating the most complicated and choreographed hand shake ever. jaws were on the floor.)
Aisha & Brandon: they are sporties, and they like doing sport things together! they don’t talk aside from exchanging brief encouragements and advice while out, preferring to spend their time in companionable silence. sorta like those dads who never talk to their buddies, but somehow have the strongest and longest bonds ever?
Helia & Bloom: artist besties. Bloom drags Helia out on picnics, where they practice observational drawing (and tiktok trends that Bloom desperately wants to reenact but none of the winx are good at arts); Helia responds by taking her out to see art museums in Magix. it’s a fun dynamic of Bloom being the bubbly gold retriever, and Helia being her black cat.
Tecna & Sky: they didn’t have much of a relationship until year 4. somehow, they both got really, intensely into weaponsmithing and built a joint workshop. they found that they enjoy working alongside each other and value each other’s insights. sky goes to tecna when he needs frank, un-sugarcoated advice, and tecna accompanies sky on hikes and other spirited adventures, for “bonding activities” (because he told her she doesn’t get out of her comfort zone enough). it’s a relationship of deep mutual respect.
Sky & Stella: childhood friends. they knew each other as children and enjoyed playing together (which is how Stella also knew Brandon pre-Red Fountaine). at least, until Stella was unofficially banned from Eraklyon because shenanigans, and they lost contact. they still jokingly call each other “My Lady” and “My Lord”.
Stella & Nabu. Both are flirty and extroverted people, who enjoy the spirit of showmanship. They have a friendly rivalry going of who can fluster the villain of the week the fastest.
canon bf-gf dynamics (dating in canon, open to interpretation otherwise):
Bloom x Sky: liked each other since the first meeting; bonded over being the friend group moms. (on unrelated note: bloom gentle parents her friends, while sky goes all exasperated cig mom on his team and repeats things like: “you better go to sleep right now, or so help me Dragon I will take away your Owl pilot privileges-“)
they are not the most outwardly affectionate couple of the winx, yet they are so wordlessly devoted to each other. sky will follow bloom to the ends of all dimensions, when she gets a calling from powers as mystical as she. bloom will always believe in him and see him as his own man, unlike the many who see him only as his father’s son. they were entwined by fate, long before one had met the other; yet, there’s the trust, the respect, the faith so strong — that could have only come from friendship forged and tested by fire.
Stella and Brandon: the hottest power couple; sole reason behind 60% of all student fairies/specialists/witches queer awakening.
they banter all. the. goddamn. time. these dorks are speaking a whole different language.
they are also most comfortable in each other’s company, being able to be their genuine, less polished selves. stella and brandon are both performers bred and born, playing the roles of a noble princess and a knight. it’s nice, to have a safe reprieve from all that acting.
Aisha and Nabu. their love was one that sneaked up on them. their distance, set by their discomfort at the idea of an arranged marriage, bridged as they transitioned from being reluctant comrades to friendly rivals to unwilling friends to best friends to “if someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised — because every night I tell her about you”
Tecna and Timmy: partners in crime, ride or die, sunny faith in each other — even when the other person doesn’t believe in themself. I have a whole post about them, go read that ;)
Flora and Helia: they are so. they are. they-
icons. the most romantic couple, the one that sets the standards, the one that gives their friends advice. they are extremely attentive to each other’s needs and tender with each other’s feelings.
flora can recite helia’s poems in her sleep, and trace his drawings with her eyes closed. helia brings mielle presents every time he stops by. flora has tea with helia’s dad every other tuesday; she keeps note of every time helia and saladin are supposed to meet up, to be able to whisk helia away after and distract him from his troubles. helia knows how to care of flora’s plants, and sends her lovingly assorted gift baskets semi-regularly.
Musa and Riven. their relationship is push and pull, is joy then sorrow.
it’s all in a drag of a cigarette, in the vortex of a starless night, in the hoarse laughter. “of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you?” she’ll say and smile.
“ ‘m afraid we’re doomed, lover,” he’ll reply, faux-casually, and smile back. both of them know it’s the truth.
their relationship was not built to last, not for the lack of love or try. maybe they were too similar — both headstrong, unbending, bleeding hearts. maybe they were just different enough not to understand their hurts. nevertheless, it was not built to last — but neither of them would ever bring to regret it. love prevails, no matter in what form in comes, or something like that.
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fanfin-glutton · 1 year
These drawings are based off of my character Florence Inkwood’s backstory
Eleazar Fig & Florence Inkwood first interaction:
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Their last:
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If you’d like to see and read more about my character, here’s a OC Sheet
When I finished the game I didn’t like how we didn’t get to see our character grief over Professor Fig, like I was tearing up when we saw him the one late time. It felt a little ingenue, like our character kinda brushed it off and the only time it’s talked about after the quest is with Professor Weasley and then immediately like “ok let’s see your grades”, which I understand there’s more to do but idk I felt like a funeral of sorts would’ve been a great addition to the great hall scene. Possibility a grave too for him, like why does Solomon get one and not Fig?!
So why not add a little more sadness to the tragedy of losing this precious man? (Also please excuse the baby I don’t draw them often enough to make them look cute… and hopefully I did a good job of making a younger Eleazar Fig, did my homework on what would be fashionable during his early years)
Before Eleazar became a teacher at Hogwarts, he was traveling the world helping his Wife Miriam to explore traces of Acient Magic and while on a trip in Massachusetts they happen to have met Florence’s father, Ottis Inkwood, who was a local in the town they were staying in. They become good enough acquaintances that Ottis offers the couple a place to stay in his home while they conducted their research there, thats where he meets the rest of Mr. Inkwoods family as well as Florence Inkwood, who was a baby at the time. She was known to be a huge crybaby, never wanting to leave her mother, Elva Inkwood, side at all. But for some reason when Eleazar was offered to hold her, she was immediately entranced by both him and his wife.
So from then on as they were still in town, Eleazar and Miriam had spent a lot of time babysitting her as a way to help out Elva, sometimes Eleazar would do it alone while Miriam was out exploring for traces of ancient magic. He’d tell her all sorts of stories from his travels, even if she couldn’t understand a word she enjoyed just hearing him talk. Ottis wouldn’t be very present for his children’s live as he was constantly working at his plant shop, so unconsciously Eleazar becomes a father figure and Miriam being a second mother to Florence.
I had couple of theories on why him and Miriam didn’t have kids yet, one idea was that she’s unable to have them no matter how hard they tried… another one could be that they decided not too since they’re traveling and it would cause a lot of unnecessary stress. But those were just some shower thoughts.
If y’all would like to hear more on this storyline I’d be happy to provide! I’m still working out certain kinks of this story but I have a whooooole note pad on my phone dedicated to this and many other ideas lol
Edited: I just made a short story for this story line if you are interested! (X)
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Just read your meta about this ^ <3
And It made me question why the league has given up on changing their society into a healthier one. I mean I can see why they did give up on it but I guess theres just a part of me that wishes they didnt. What do they think will happen when they show the world how corrupt it is and do succeed in destroying Heros and all that. We talk about them wanting to destroy Heros and their status quo but what do they think will happen once they manage to do that? Just because they destroyed status quo, I don’t see anything changing for the better in the end because the villains aren’t purposely fighting the heros for the sake of a better society🤔. One reason why they destroy is because they no longer see a future for themselves but jeez it makes me sad that they think that way and making everything worse by destroying everything around them in the war right now. The heros really need to step up right now and help them.
You're right that they're not seeking to destroy to build something better atop the wreckage. Not anymore, at least. But I think it's important to point out that while their goals weren't exactly constructive to begin with, their current destruction is an escalation of their original objectives.
Like, Dabi is the most obvious example. Up until the war arc, he still had some sort of lingering idealism. He made a nationwide broadcast aimed at civilians to push them into thinking with their own heads and making society better by ridding it of all fake heroes. It's only when society throws the abuse he suffered back in his face by siding with Enji that he realizes that's never going to work, that people will always "live to laugh" in the face of his trauma and step on his need for justice.
Same with Toga and Shigaraki. They tried explaining themselves over and over, but not a single time were their points ever heard. Toga tried to get Ochako and Deku to acknowledge that heroes took the lives of a precious friend and showed no remorse and suffered no consquences. Neither of them acknowledged her suffering, and instead kept addressing her as a love-obsessed freak. Shigaraki told Deku and the heroes that the society that heroes built has always rejected him, started from his own household. He was locked out of the house as punishment for refusing to obey arbitrary and despotic rules that didn't value him as a person. The heroes built him a flying coffin as punishment for refusing to die quietly, and called him an "it", making it clear they also don't see him as a person.
I mean. Draw your conclusions.
At some point they did seek a dialogue, but it was only met with even more rejection. Imho that's important to acknowledge because all three of them became villains precisely because society rejected them over and over, made them scapegoats, and then called them monsters and tried to put them down like wild animals.
So while I don't see lashing out with even more violent and destruction as a viable solution... I can totally understand where they're coming from.
it... really shouldn't be on them to make a good enough case for why children shouldn't be fucking abused, for the heroes to finally start seeing them as human beings... and yet...
I think it makes sense why the League would have enough of being pummeled to near-death every time they try a dialogue, and instead decided to hit back just as hard. I mean, obviously that's just repeating the endless cycle of violence (it's the same old 'an eye for an eye'), and we can clearly see how it's only making the Lov trio's self-loathing fester and bring them further and further away from their origins, but. At this point, honestly, why should they make things easier on the heroes?
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lonesomedreamer · 9 months
SNW Liveblog: “The Elysian Kingdom”
This episode? Messy af. Spock in a wig? Sexy af.
The scene with M’Benga and Rukiya is precious, as always—though the subtext of it (her desire to change endings and rewrite stories more to her liking) is a little on-the-nose, considering that the writers of SNW are basically rewriting a classic television show to suit their own whims.
If Rukiya is running out of time, in theory all M’Benga has to do is stop materializing her so frequently…assuming that, while her pattern is in the transporter, she’s not conscious/aware. If she IS, that’s an entirely different (and horrifying) can of worms.
The exchange about superstitions between Pike and Spock is nice.
“Drinks are on me.” This is why Pike’s crew seems so undisciplined, imo. We know that Kirk would, and did, drink with his crew. But he wasn’t casually offering to buy them drinks from the captain’s chair.
“You gonna say the thing?” “Hit it.” Thanks, I still hate it.
I miss TOS’s buttons and tactile controls so much. They’re just more visually appealing (and frankly, more practical) than touch screens.
“Perhaps you did, indeed, jinx it.” I love Spock, lmao. (Also, as someone who calls out sports announcers and coworkers for jinxing things regularly…Pike totally jinxed it.)
People falling out of their chairs during turbulence is a real Trek classic!
Great, M’Benga is what, hallucinating?
These kinds of zany episodes on TOS/TNG took place either on a strange planet—like in “Squire of Gothos” or “Shore Leave”—or on the holodeck. Setting this on the Enterprise instead was…well, a choice.
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La’an’s princess costume is delightfully ridiculous and sparkly.
It’s kind of a bummer to see that Christina Chong has real acting chops (even if “Princess Thalia” is intentionally way over-the-top), but is denied the chance to do much acting thanks to how flatly her character is written.
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Ethan is hot. No notes.
“Maybe I can get us out of here with the help of some powerful magic called science.”
I vastly prefer hammy/possessed Kirk to hammy/possessed Pike. Sorry ’bout it. (Maybe it’s just the actors, or maybe it’s because regular Kirk comes off as so much more sincere than Pike to me?)
Why is Hemmer, an alien with inherent telepathic abilities, immune to whatever’s happening on the Enterprise, whereas Spock, an alien (well, half-alien) with inherent telepathic abilities, succumbed to it? I can hand-wave most plot holes…this one’s just lazy writing, though.
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Worth it? Worth it.
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I would watch THIS show.
“Truthfully, I should have known it as well…since that’s what he does in the book.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“There’s no such place, my queen, he’s bluffing.”
All those lines were funny and delivered well!
Even though classic tricorders look pretty out-of-place on this redesigned Enterprise, I still love seeing them.
The resolution of the Rukiya subplot reminds me a lot of the end of The Motion Picture.
The moral quandry of it is enormous, way bigger than “storing your daughter’s biological pattern in the transporter to keep her alive,” which raises plenty of ethical questions of its own. M’Benga tells Rukiya that “it’s up to you”—but how can such a young child make such a huge decision: to exist in space as a disembodied consciousness for an infinite amount of time or to wait in stasis for a cure for her human body?! It’s uncomfortably reminiscent of the “willing” sacrifice made by the little boy in Episode 6…not really the comparison you want viewers to be drawing, given how that one ended. Children that age can’t give meaningful consent.
Besides, what does M’Benga know about this entity? How do either of them know that they can trust it? It’s been using the Enterprise as a dollhouse for hours out of boredom/loneliness! What might it do to Rukiya’s energy? And how will becoming said disembodied consciousness impact a nine- or ten-year-old human girl? There are actually a number of great science fiction (horror) stories about this, the premise being that human minds are ill-equipped for that kind of existence. For all M’Benga knows, he could find the cure next week. It was teased in Episode 6. All he needs to do is keep Rukiya safely the transporter—which really shouldn’t be a problem unless she is, in fact, conscious in there. But the writers obviously just wanted to wrap this problematic subplot up and move on.
A grown-up version of Rukiya appears to comfort M’Benga and tell him about her many “adventures,” because it turns out time exists differently for her now even though it’s been ~30 seconds of real time…? It cheapens the scene before and makes me feel belittled as a viewer. I’m okay with feeling uneasy about M’Benga’s choice! I’m not okay with being cajoled into thinking that it was the correct choice. When Kirk let Edith Keeler die, her ghost didn’t reappear to assure him that she understood why he had to! He—and by extension, the audience—just had to live with it.
“She’s safe.” He doesn’t and can’t know that for certain. He let an alien consciousness he neither studied/analyzed nor communicated directly with spirit his daughter away after two minutes of deliberation! Anything could be happening to her out there. Though, to be totally fair, she’s not going to die, so…there’s that?
So yes: this episode is messy. I rewatched it after seeing the ending and reading a lot of reviews/commentary and actually revised this liveblog. It’s not as bad as I initially thought! However, I’ve come to think that the Rukiya subplot itself was a poor choice, one full of troubling implications, dubious decision-making, and questionable ethics. I understand why the writers scrambled to get rid of it. And conveptually, this episode wasn’t even a bad send-off for Rukiya! The execution was just lacking. It could’ve been so much more.
But hey…at least we got La’an’s princess dress, Uhura’s evil queen ensemble, and Spock in that wig.
The Good: Gorgeous costumes—the actress playing Rukiya was a delight; I’ll miss her—Spock in general—some very funny lines/delivery—Christina Chong gets to act!
The Bad: The writing, pacing, set design, and some of the acting was all pretty clumsy—for an episode that turned so heavy, the campy fairy tale stuff was too light and took up too much time. Too much of Ortegas and Pike; not enough of La’an and Spock. (I think there’s too much Ortegas on the show, period. She just doesn’t work for me. No judgment towards other people who may feel differently.) Some truly WTF parenting choices made by M’Benga—huge unresolved questions/plot holes by the end.
But the beauty of SNW returning to Trek’s episodic roots is that it’s a standalone episode. Hoping for better (and more Spockstine!) in the next installment.
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tteokdoroki · 3 years
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author’s note(s): hey besties, ive had this on the brain for a little bit and since we awn midoriya brain rot i thought why not? please enjoy ily
warning(s): smut, MDNI 18+, car sex, tummy bulges, breeding!kink, slight pregnancy!kink, milf fucking and mechanic!izuku, fem!reader.
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mechanic!izuku fixes up your car real nice when you break down on the freeway— it’s the least he could do for a pretty thing such as yourself. he asks you a few things, a lot of things, as he works on whats under the hood— tinkering away while you scrape together the last of your cash to pay him.
you’re a teacher, you’ve got kids, newly divorced and were on the way home from grocery shopping so late at night— oh you poor pretty thing.
“‘m sorry,” you say defeated, tears written across galaxy eyes as you hold such a little amount of cash out to him and fuck if your pouty little face doesn’t make deku’s heart ache and his cock twitch between baggy, greasy denim. “this is all i have on me at the moment, i wish there was a better way to repay you.” emerald eyes can’t help but fall to the way you bite your lower lip, twitching with nervousness and rubbing your thighs together to seek warmth in the cold night air.
when deku looks up, only a few crystalline tears have landed on your baby fat cheeks and only then does he realise he’s fucked. that he’s realised how much he wants to make you cry. “don’t worry about it babydoll, i can think of a few ways we can cover it, whaddya say?” he hums, closing in on you like a fox on a lamb, his large hand brushing over your cheek with oil slicked hands, sweetly. and then you give him that gorgeous fucking smile and that’s how he knows he’s got to ruin you for everyone else.
so now you’re pressed up against back seat of your own car, dress flipped up over fleshy thighs thats spread as wide as they can go while izuku pounds into your cunt like nobody’s business. you’re so fucking tight, squeezing the dear life out of his sticky cock, so much so that it makes a lewd, dirty squelching sound every time his hips pull back from between your legs. “gee baby, the way you’re suckin me in, how long’s it been since you got fucked open like this?” midoriya coos, the hand he uses to steady himself on your (now steamy) car window coming down to brush the tears from your lashes, “has nobody been takin’ care of you baby? you’re such a good mommy, must be lookin’ our for so many people...someone outta look after you too right?”
your eyes gloss over at the pattern of his thrusts, in and out, in and out— prodding at your g-spot and cockhead dragging along your silky gummy walls. and then you’re gasping out for air when he pushes your legs up over your shoulders in the cramped space of your car, dick hitting deeper and jus brushing your cervix— so good, just like that.
“y-yes,” babbling lazily, you look to izuku with needy crossed eyes and a tongue that flops out against your puffy strawberry lips. “need s’mone to take care of me— wanna be looked af’ta,”
fuck, aren’t you the cutest little thing ever. his brain is fuzzy, not a thought in his head except for breeding you like you deserve, brain becoming murky as you moan and whimper and cry out for the mechanic like a prayer. izuku’s weighty cock aches inside of you, pressing up against all your sensitive spots while he eases it further into you— if you weren’t so tight he wouldn’t have to pull out so much , but your pretty little cunt is just crying to be stretched open, juices making a sloppy mess of his balls heavy with cum.
your back arches prettily for him, hips lifting off the seats and leaving a dark patch from where your syrupy pussy has stained the leather. the sight makes izuku’s breath hitch, fingers dropping between your bodies to draw smooth circles over your clit— getting you to leak more for him. “you want me to take care of you babydoll?” deku pants, eyes rolling from the feeling of your gooey slit beneath the pass of his fingers. you clamp down as he explores you, sensitive from the new touch and if his self control weren’t any better, he would have emptied inside you right then and there. “how ‘bout i breed this sweet hole of yours, make you a mommy— oh fuck, get you all pregnant ‘n look after you... fix your car, buy your groceries, you’d never have to worry about an’otha thing ever again baby,”
his words are broken up by harsh thrusts into your fluttering heat— he’s so close, you are too, dumbly drinking up everything he says. you plead for the life izuku conjured up in the middle of his sex haze and dig your nails deep into his freckled shoulders. who was he to ruin that dream for you? you were so touch starved and needy, you’d have to call him a villain for not pumping you full of his seed.
“i want it,” you simper, eyes screwing shut as tears sting down your cheeks and ruin your simple makeup. you’re so gorgeous when you’re ruined, a sweet little mommy begging for the basics. “give it to me,”
“yeah, don’chu worry little thing, ‘m gonna give it to you, all of it,” izuku thumbs over your stretch marks, the faded scars on your lower tummy while his cock bulges inside of you— evidence of your labour to bring children into the world. it’s the thought of you being swollen with his own kids that tips him over, warmth spilling into your welcoming walls as his cock pulses with release. you follow with a shout, creaming so much that you force his dick out of your wetness— twitching and drooling so bad you don’t even realise.
a mop of green hair falls lip at your neck, deku pushing his length through your slick folds, head prodding at your clit to draw out your high as you black at out— sticky sounds mingling with your pants and heaves. “that’s it sweet girl, look so good cummin’ on this cock, did so good for me,” he praises you, pressing kisses to your tear stained cheeks and neck.
you whisper little thank you’s as deku pulls out and cleans you up nice enough to send you back to your kids, his heart aches at your pained whimper when your bodies part but it gives him time to admire your raw, leaky cunt as he does. you thank him again when he tells you how to keep your car running properly. you’re so precious, hiding your face from him when you’re standing outside the vehicle again, as if you weren’t begging to be bred inside of it while it shook from the sex.
“come down to my shop, whenever you need this thing fixed, kay?” deku hums, using a forefinger to tilt your head up to his. “or whenever you need someone to take care of you, i’d love to take you on a date sometime.”
your body flushes with heat and you nod eagerly, scribbling your number down fast and telling the mechanic to call you after eight pm, the kids will be asleep by then. izuku parts from you with a sloppy slot of his mouth against yours, he promises to call— he wouldn’t mind fixing up ‘n taking care of a sweet thing like you.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Title- Mikaelsons and a baby : part 4
Warnings- Fluff, A bit of Angst, Overly protective Mikaelsons, Violence
Summary- You and Rebekah are forced to go home after having to leave for the safety of you and baby Hope.
You followed after Rebekah shivering as you held your daughter close after the cabin you both were staying in was attacked and Rebekah told you there was no choice but to take you and Hope back to New Orleans. It was cold in New Orleans as you had no time to pack nor get dress as you were in dressed in pajamas and slippers.
"Beka, what if the boys be angry?"
"They'll understand, my love."
"Y/N? Rebekah?" Elijah questioned seeing you and Rebekah on the street as he was walking with Hayley. Elijah frowned seeing you shivering and took off his coat wrapping you and Hope in it.
"Mother found us." Rebekah answered Elijah as you squeaked when Elijah picked you up bridal style.
"How? We made sure that you three wouldn't be found."
"I know but she sent something after us." Rebekah said smoothing out your hair as Hayley noticed how the two seemed to try to hide you and Hope. You had arrived at the Abattoir and was placed in front of a fire as Kol cuddled up to you.
"So our mother knows of our child."
"It seems so Niklaus." Elijah says running his fingers over your cheek before moving though your hair. Hayley seemed annoyed that you were back as she was trying to get closer to Elijah.
"Can I sleep with Nik tonight? I'm kinda cold."
"Of course baby." Elijah says kissing your head as Klaus moved to take you upstairs. Hope was placed in a bassinet near the bed as Klaus smiled feeling you snuggled closer.
"I missed you,Nik."
"I missed you too beloved." Klaus said softly kissing your head when you jumped feeling Elijah slipped in behind you.
"Niklaus thought us both should warm you up." Elijah said rubbing your arms feeling both of your furnaces of lovers you smiled snuggling in their arms. Morning came as you woke on top of Elijah and saw Klaus rocking Hope gently talking to her.
"You are my most precious girl so is your mother. I vow to protect you both Always and Forever."
"What if I want to protect you?"
"That is adorable, love. But Elijah and I would die before you are harmed." Klaus says watching you slide off Elijah who woke with a groan rolling onto his side burying his face in your side. Klaus passed Hope to you so you could feed the baby girl.
"So why is your mother after us?"
"Trying to get us to allowing her to put us in witch's bodies. And thanks to Hayley, mother knows of you and Hope."
"What did she do?"
"Mother thought Hayley and I were dating and darling Hayley didn't correct her so I had too." Elijah muttered sitting up as Kol came in flopping next to you smiling at you.
"You are beautiful in the morning." Kol says as you flushed looking at Hope feeling Elijah rubbing your back while Klaus was drawing you a bath.
"I agree. Kol isn't motherhood just gorgeous on her?"
"It is Elijah." Kol said smirking see your flush getting worst and gently Elijah took Hope from you and Kol took you to the bath.
"Guys, I can d...."
"Shhhh love. Let us take care of you." Klaus says moving behind the tub washing your hair while Elijah was cooing at Hope.
"Good morning."
"Goodmorning Rebekah....Hayley." Elijah said as Rebekah looked between the two with narrowed eyes before heading into the bath to kiss you goodmorning. Hayley looked to Elijah seeing Hope smiling at him wrapping her small hand around his finger.
"So are you still angry with me?"
"Yes Hayley. You gave to realize I am faithful to Y/N." Elijah says smiling softly at Hope placing a kiss on her little hand. Hayley huffed crossing her arms annoyed that you had came home as she liked Elijah and was hoping that he could like her back.
"Look Hope, there is your mother." Elijah cooed holding up the baby as you flushed see the pure adoration on Elijah's face as Hope squealed happily seeing you.
"You guys act like I showed you heaven." You say gently taking Hope as Kol kissed your cheek.
"You gave us our greatest gift and been so brave. So you are our heaven." Your face burn brightly as Kol chuckled they could hear you heart beating fast. They got you and Hope some breakfast happy to have you home.
"Your crazy aunt wants our baby?" You asked rocking the rocking chair you were in feeding Hope with a bottle giving your breast have a break. After the fall of Esther, a new theat, your lover's aunt Dahlia was apparently coming for your child.
"A untapped Enchantress had Klaus's baby?"
"Eli?" You asked confused as the blonde with was unfamiliar while your lovers were a bit surprised.
"This is our older sister Freya. Our mother made a deal with Dahlia to have children and Freya had been taken."
"This untapped Enchantress stuff?"
"I sense the magic coming from you which if Dahlia can, she'll try and take Y/N also." Freya tells everyone as Klaus growled lowly as the idea of you and Hope being taken from them was something that he wasn't going to tolerate.
"And you brought this danger to our door."
"It wouldn't have mattered. Dahlia would know about Hope." Freya said as you frowned burping Hope. Rebekah stayed close along with Kol not liking this new development.
"So what do we do?"
"We kill her and I will help you."
You were in hiding with Hayley and she raised an eyebrow seeing you putting some kind of mixture of salt and sage down the doorways and windows.
"What are you doing?"
"My grandmother would make this mixture of salt and sage to keep witches out and I thought she was crazy but learning all now my childhood makes sense." You tell Hayley getting up getting Hope.
"Hello my dear, I am here for what is mine." You froze hearing Dahlia and turned holding Hope as Hayley glared at the witch.
"I take it Freya has told you about me. Seeing how the magic from both child and mother is quite strong." Dahlia said moving forward stopping feeling a burning sensation and stepped back.
"An Enchantress barrier. Tapping in to unused magic."
"You can't have my little Hope."
"Why worry for child when you have a second babe growing within you." Dahlia's words made you freeze as you didn't know as Hayley stared then looked at Dahlia ready to fight the witch.
"Why don't you try to get in and see how well you stand against a hybrid."
"Sweet of you to allow such....beastly woman that holds such affections for Elijah near you or your family."
"I'll return for what is mine."
You were neverous as Klaus plan was to use Esther to stop Dahlia and you had never let Hope out of your sight since your run in with Dahlia. Rebekah sat next to you letting Hope play with her hand.
"Are you sure this will work?"
"Of course Elijah. Besides it is to protect our love and Hope."
"What about the second baby?" Hayley asked making all four Mikaelsons freeze as you swallowed when Hayley realized you hadn't told them yet.
"Y/N hadn't told you what Dahlia told her." Hayley breathed as the vampires tune into you listening for a small second heartbeat.
"Let's worry about that after we kill our aunt." Klaus said kissing your head the Hope's as he passed to met Marcel to protect you. Elijah smiled kissing your hand as Rebekah kissed your cheek.
"We'll come back safe and sound, baby." Elijah says as Kol kissed your forehead as they left. You sat waiting hoping that they were alright and saw them walk in a bit rough looking but in one piece.
"Oh you're alright." You said hugging Kol and Rebekah as they hugged back smiling softly.
"I told you we'll come home safe and sound." Elijah said kissing your head making you smile.
"Let's get some rest." Klaus said getting everyone upstairs while passing Hope bassinet, you check up on her. Your lovers joined you in bed their hands falling on your abdomen falling asleep happy that you and Hope safe and now a new little one was on the way.
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dilfartist · 2 years
Yandere bucciarati gang headcannons.
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Bruno is one of the more calm and collected yanderes, but he is still one of the worst in the gang.
Bruno honestly sees no reason to get into a relationship. It would be a distraction for him. he’d have to be secretive about his occupation.
But fate is fate. It will not matter if you’re a random civilian, his soulmate, a gang member, or even someone who he’s seen more than once, if you’ve caught his eye, then you’ve caught his eye.
Everyone is dependent on Bruno. So Bruno needs his darling to depend on him, because his darling is a damsel in distress in his eyes. Just leave all your worries and woos to him and he’ll fix it in no time.
He will force you to do things you don’t want to do, depending on what it is. He forces you to give him your touch and love, your kisses and your time. But he draws the line at touching you where you don’t want to be touched and when you honestly need to be by yourself.
Bruno hates to harm his darling but has no problem dismembering them if he has to. Unzipping their legs and arms when they need a good punishment. This tactic doesn’t cause harm and you can earn back your arms and legs when you learn to act right.
Even if you don’t want to have a family you will have a family. It’s not about what you want, it’s about what Bruno wants. He wants to have a couple of children with his darling, he wants to be a good father and help you when you become pregnant with his precious children.
When you and Bruno get into fights even if he was not in the wrong he will get you something to make up with you. “I may have gone to far. I got you something as an apology.” Usually gifts are jewelry, antiques, sweets, nice clothes and stuff animals. The gift is better when he feels very guilty or he was in the wrong during your confrontation.
During punishments like I said he doesn’t enjoy the idea of hurting his darling. That’s why his darling deepening on what they did either will be thrown in a room with no arms and legs, or have their mouth zipped shut. If you are thrown into a room with no arms or legs, Bruno usually leaves you there until he’s decided you’ve learned not to behave like you did, or you’re screaming apologizes off the top of your lungs.
Sticky fingers adores Bruno’s darling. Sticky fingers comes out at random times for small reasons. And you usually are the reason. He enjoys playing with your hair, cuddling with you, laying his head in your lap. Sometimes sticky fingers gives you gifts, like the time he gave you a stuffed mushroom plushie. He was very happy when you accepted it. Since he is Bruno’s soul he tends to come out when Bruno feels a extreme emotion towards you, anger,aroused, excited, enjoyed.
In Bruno’s eyes you’re the house wife/husband and he expects the house to be clean, food to be on the table, and his darling showing him love as soon as they hear the door being unlocked.
Just listen to him. Bruno knows best for his darling, his darling doesn’t know her feelings as well as Bruno.
“You are my whole life my dear. Stay with me and you can depend on me, I can handle all of your problems. All I request is your loyalty and a family of our own.”
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Abbacchio is the best out of all the other Yandere’s in the gang.
The only time I can see him being one of the worst Yandere’s is when he abducted his darling. Other than that he’s a pretty well behaved yandere.
He’ll act inhospitable towards you. If you are fussy and noisy Abbacchio will yell at you, giving you very vivid detailed threats. If you happen to have a lover he won’t hesitate to kill them, but he won’t try to do it in-front of you. You mostly like had to walk in during or after the gruesome scene. Struggle all you want against him, he won’t care.
When it comes to punishments with Abbacchio you won’t have one. Abbacchio isn’t fond of hurting his darling. While it’s true that he will threaten you with threats of harming you he’d never actually be able to bring himself to do it.
Attempts of escape won’t lead to punishment but Abbacchio will be downhearted about your attempt of leaving him. He will not talk to you. He’s ignoring you. He can’t bring himself to look you in the eye. He can’t stand you wanting to leave him, why can’t you just love him?
If you do actually escape and Abbacchio can’t find you anywhere moody blues helps him through this depressing time. Abbacchio makes moody blues replay recordings of you smiling and laughing, talk to Abbacchio about your day, cuddling in bed with him. It’s like the real you, and that’s all that matters to Abbacchio. For now at least.
Abbacchio wants to keep you away from the dangers of the world. His partner was killed by the cruel hands of a criminal, the is no way in hell he’d let you die too. That was mostly the driving point of him kidnapping you.
Abbacchio only trusts Bruno when he has to go on an important mission by himself. If Bruno isn’t available then he’ll trust Fugo.
Abbacchio won’t force you to do much. Kissing and cuddling are what he’ll force you to do. if you stop eating he’ll force feed you, he may not take care of himself but he’ll make sure you are taken care of.
You are a treasure to good for this unkind world. Abbacchio will make sure you are never hurt by anyone or anything.
“Please don’t cry tesoro. It’ll be alright, I won’t hurt you, but if you leave other people will and no one will protect you. So stay with me.”
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Mista is more of a mild and laid back yandere. He’s not the worst yandere out of the bunch but he isn’t the best.
If I had a list Mista would be top 3 of the best Yandere’s.
Mista isn’t going to kidnap you, he’d rather give you freedom and let you do as you please. But if you were to try to leave Mista or even go as far as cheating on him, then he’ll kidnap you.
Would Mista force his darling to do anything they wouldn’t like. No, that goes against his character. Like most of the gang he’d only force you to give him your touch.
The Sex Pistols enjoy spending time with you too. After most meals the Sex Pistols like to talk to you. Though you most likely don’t have a stand and cannot see them, they like to pretend you can hear and see them.
Number 5 is the one who usually spends time with you. Number 5 always cries when he has to be taken away from you. Number 5 likes to hug and cuddle with you.
Number 7 likes to talk to you about the things Mista did with the pistols and the guy they had gotten. Number 3 act as if he doesn’t like you but you often see him fighting with number 5 over who gets to be with you.
He can get insanely jealous. You’ll find him hugging and kissing you all over when he is jealous. Hell he even will take you out on a romantic date when he’s jealous, and after the marvelous night if he was really jealous he’d kill the guy/girl that had caught your attention.
He likes to spoil you. He has enough money to, so why not. As long as you’ve been a good girl/boy for him then you will get whatever you desire and whatever is affordable.
Mista won’t let any other gang members near you, they are competition to Mista. Yes, Mista is very confident in himself but the others could persuade you into falling for them. And he can’t allow that.
You’re Mista’s not anyone else’s.
“You don’t need to meet my friend’s y/n. How about we go shopping and get off that topic. Hmm, babe, I’ll get you anything.”
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Okay Fugo is the absolute worse out of all of the bucchi gang.
He knows what he’s doing is wrong, he knows wanting to keep you to himself isn’t something everyone else feels. Fugo doesn’t care though. He hasn’t had anything good happen to him so why not take what he desperately wants.
He is easily irritated, and by the smallest things. Like the time you just said a simple hello to the waiter and Fugo flipped, saying you were unfaithful and flirting with them.
When you are kidnapped by Fugo he always handle you roughly. Crying will just get you yelled at, escaping will get your teeth kicked in, talking to anyone other than Fugo will leave you with no food as a punishment.
After a while of Living with Fugo, you’ll know what detonates his attitude. Just listen to him and don’t do anything to annoy him and you’ll be okay.
Fugo has his moments of embarrassment. Purple haze often likes to stand above you and just stare at you. You can feel something wet and slimy falling onto your head, but no water pipes are leaking. If you tell Fugo he won’t say anything about it, he’ll just look away in embarrassment.
Fugo despises you. How come you make him feel like this. It’s not normal, you make him feel strange. When he has thoughts of you he can feel anger bubble throughout his core. Why do you have a impact on him?
Fugo will not go easy on you if you escape. Once you are found by him he will drag your ass by your hair back to the place he was keeping you. Then the torture starts, he’ll start kicking you in the face and stomach, then move on to banging your head against a table, enough to brake it. After a intense beating you’ll be thrown somewhere with no light. You’ll be starved and dehydrated until he gets himself to forgive you.
The buccirati gang will not know if your existence. Fugo will not let them interfere with the relationship. He doesn’t fear them trying to take you away,no. He fears them trying to help you escape from his abuse.
Sometimes he feels bad about something he did.(which is extremely rare.) He’ll try to make it up to you, want to watch a movie of your pick?go ahead. Want to eat at a nice restaurant? Fugo is making a reservation as you speak. Want to pick what is for dinner, that’s fine.
Fugo will treat you right, just stop being a dumb ass and pissing him off. He’ll try to be nice if you try to be good.
“Stop crying all the time you whiny little bitch! It’s irritating, if I have to kick you in your fucking head I will!”
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Narancia is a delusional yandere. He’s behind Abbacchio when rating best Yandere’s to worst.
Narancia is very clingy with you, you won’t be able to get away from him, unless he has a mission.
Narancia needs attention, he deserves attention! Narancia wants you to only think of him and spend time with only him. That’s why you’re not aloud to see your friend’s anymore.
Narancia hates giving punishment. But how do you learn from your mistakes then. Naranica will shoot you with Aerosmith as a punishment. he’ll slice you with his pocketknife as a punishment.
After punishments he’ll apologize while kissing your wounds. He shouldn’t because the whole point was to teach you a lesson, but he can’t help himself.
Just like Mista he gives his darling freedom. Though you need to give him all your time and you aren’t allowed to have friends, he doesn’t want you to stay inside and be sad.
When Narancia is jealous he will not hide it. He’ll point it out himself. You know how he will shoot you as punishment. Yeah if he’s jealous that’s going to be your punishment.
Usually when he’s jealous he’ll throw a giant tantrum. Fat tears of frustration running down his cheeks as he throws things surrounding him, “You whore! You’re cheating on me, I know it!” You just sigh and duck down. All this because you laughed at another man’s joke.
Don’t try to leave him. Unless you want him to tell you his sad backstory then you shouldn’t try. He’ll complain that he can only rely on you, his father didn’t want him after his mother’s death. That son of a bitch left him to fend for himself, please don’t do the same.
“Y/n you won’t leave me right? Not like my father did, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you did!”
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He’s aware of his terrible actions. He’s like Fugo but way better. He has never been shown love, the only person to show him even a little bit of love was the gangster he had saved.
Now that he is Don he will spoil his darling, with everything he couldn’t have. If his darling is good and shows him love than he’ll do anything and everything for his darling.
He wants to have a traditional married relationship with you. Much like buccirati but different. While Bruno desperately wants children, Giorno doesn’t want kids but hopes on eventually having them.
Punishment with Giorno is one of the worst things to happen. He doesn’t care if the punishment is too inhuman, if you’ve been act out he’ll have no problem putting you in check.
Breaking your legs, taking out your teeth, cutting your mouth open, killing family, embarrassing you to other members. You’ll learn what happens when you don’t listen.
Golden experience gives you tons of gifts. Golden experience likes to turn simple things into animals you adore. He’ll make random things into a bouquet of flowers for you. Golden experience likes to watch you as Giorno writes his paperwork.
Escape. Don’t make me laugh! Escaping Giorno is impossible, Giorno’s servants are all around his mansion, watching your ever move. Giorno is always watching you, and he is only ever gone when it comes to an important mission. Getting out of the mansion, wow you’re amazing. But I doubt you’ll get pass the passing mafioso’s that giorno assigned to watch over the mansion just in case you ever escape.
If Giorno desires something, he’ll get it. Just like his father.
“If you don’t want your legs broken cara/caro, I suggest you get your act together.”
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Nights With Papa
Summary: Sakura is busy at the hospital and leaves Sarada in charge of the younger children. What Sarada and her younger siblings don’t know is that Sasuke comes back home sooner than expected.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor its characters, they belong to Masahi Kishimoto. I only own my OCs.
Warnings: A lot of fluff, Sasuke being a father to his four kids.
A/N: I just wanted something fluffy with Sasuke and his children.
“I’m leaving, Sarada. Are you sure you can take care of all of your siblings? I feel bad for leaving you in charge of them, but there isn’t anyone I know available to come help.” Sakura told her eldest daughter who was watching the younger children.
“Don’t worry, Mom. I can handle it! Not the first time I’ve stayed taking care of them.” Sarada told her mother, determined to take care of her siblings just like how she was used to them. “Take care, we’ll see you tomorrow!”
Sakura smiled, feeling so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She bent over and hugged Sarada close. “Thank you, Sarada I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” She then smiled at her other kids. “Goodbye, my dears, be good and don’t give your sister plenty of trouble.” she hugged her son and other daughter close, then picked up her youngest son.
“Be good, Yusuke-kun, I love you.” She kissed the baby’s forehead and looked at the rest. “I love you all, you all are my most precious treasures.”
“Bye bye, Mama!” the two youngest waved to their mother as Sakura handed Yusuke back to Sarada, grabbed her purse and keys and walked right to the door, looking at her children one more time smiling and then leaving. It was almost 6 in the evening.
“Alright, ninjabugs, I’ll start on dinner soon so watch TV and draw alright?” Sarada told to her sister, Saori and her brother, Sake to do that while she picked up Yusuke and tied him around her back in his sling so she could have major control of him and watch him easily, since he was the baby of house she couldn’t just leave him unattended.
“Okay, Nee-chan!” Saori replied, she had been drawing flowers around a large white paper with her crayons, while Sake had been watching the TV and his favorite channel, the Ninja Rangers.
“So, it just leaves us both, Yusuke.” Sarada smiled at her baby brother who had been chewing on his pacifier and nodded his head. Sarada walked over to the kitchen and took out the stuff she needed for it. Today it was going to be on’nigiri, fried shrimp and tonkatsu for her and her brother and sister, and tomato soup for Yusuke.
She’d taken care of her siblings countless of times when her mother’s busy schedule didn’t allow her to spend as much time with everyone as she’d loved to. With Sasuke going on his many missions that kept him away from the village and his family, Sarada had to help a lot in the house not that she minded, she was very used to it. 
When Sarada was done with dinner and about to set the table, she heard the door opening, thinking it was her mother coming back to get something she had forgotten home.
“Oh, Mom, did you- Dad?!” Seeing who was coming inside the house, Sarada gasped. It was her father. Sasuke was home sooner than she would expect it.
“I’m home,”
“Papa!” Saori and Sake both stood up and rushed, hug-tackling both of their father’s legs, who gave them a small smile and knelt patting both of their heads with his only hand.
“Hello, you two. Have you been good?” He asked his kids.
“Yes, we’ve been good!” Much to their joy, Sasuke had pulled out two boxes for them, gifts for them he’d brought them something.
“Welcome back home, Dad.” Sarada smiled as Sasuke stood and walked over to her.
“How have things been, Sarada? Busy with your siblings?” He inquired patting her shoulder and smiling a little, then he looked to his youngest son. “You’ve gotten bigger than last time, Yusuke.”
“Things have been pretty fine, and not so busy I’m used to these three.” Sarada responded with a smile, as Yusuke let out a happy noise at Sasuke who poked his forehead.
“I take it, you’re happy to see your father.” Sasuke had been trying to be more close to his children, to bond more with them and to understand them all and know their likes and what they disliked. “That smells good, Sarada, what did you cook?”
“Tonkatsu, fried shrimp, rice and tomato soup for Yusuke.” The eldest Uchiha replied putting all plates at the table. “Alright you two, wash up dinner’s ready.” At that, Saori and Sake put down their gifts and rused to the bathroom to wash up. Sarada carefully untied Yusuke from her back and set him on his highchair, then she served another plate for Sasuke, adding some tomatoes to it seeing as he liked them so much.
“Here is your plate, Dad. I’ll come eat soon, need to clean up the kitchen.” Sarada said to Sasuke, who nodded taking a seat next to Yusuke.
“Do you want me to feed Yusuke for you?”
“If you want to, then sure, Dad.”
Sasuke took the small spoon and mixed the tomato soup, looking up at Yusuke. “Are you ready to eat?” Yusuke knew how to take off his pacifier when food was ready, he took it off and opened his mouth. Sasuke was surprised at how much words his son understood, he was a very smart baby. He gently got the spoon inside Yusuke’s little mouth watching him eat and swallow. He repeated the procedure again and again, putting the spoon back to the bowl and grabbing a napkin to wipe the baby’s mouth and face.
“Seems like he’s hungry.” Sarada mentioned coming over and taking her seat, right as Saori and Sake came over and took their seats to start eating.
“He’s a heavy eater I see, and he takes after me in the tomato part.” Sasuke gave a light chuckle, feeding his son. He would eat after the baby was fed. Knowing how to do it, he’d seen his daughter and wife doing it, so he’d learned how to.
“Mmm, so delicious!” Saori replied with her mouth full, being a mess as usual, and Sake was no different.
“Guys, no talking with your mouth full, it’s impolite and you can both choke or bite your tongue and we don’t want that.” Sarada lightly reprimanded her siblings, the two nodded and ate properly. Sasuke smiled at that interaction, his eldest daughter was a good sister and good role model to the younger ones, he felt so proud of her but wouldn’t say it loudly, he reserved it inside his being, but he was proud of Sarada. Of all his precious children. Soon he had fed Yusuke the complete tomato soup.
“Good job, Yusuke.” He patted his little head, messing slightly his pink hair. The baby smiled lightly. He wasn’t so loud, a very serene and peaceful baby, taking after his father in that aspect as well. He may resemble his mother in looks but in personality traits it was his father’s personality.
Sasuke then started eating his own food, liking it. Sarada was a good cook, just like her mother he thought. Speaking of Sakura, where was his lovely wife?
“Where is your mother?”
“Mom had a busy night at the hospital, so I’m in charge of the house and the kids until tomorrow.” Sarada replied, slowly eating her food. Oh how unfortunate, Sasuke was so looking forward to spend some quality with Sakura, he figured that would have to wait until  tomorrow, at least he had his kids to spend time with.
When dinner was done, Sarada took all plates and took them to the sink to wash them up, Sasuke looked after the younger ones meanwhile.
“What were you drawing, Saori?” He asked his second daughter.
“Flowers because they’re so pretty!” The little girl, showing her Papa the drawing. “And now I’ll draw you!” Sasuke gave the little girl a tiny smile.
“Alright, draw me as best as you can.” He patted her head, then turned to Sake. “What are you watching, Sake?”
“The Ninja Rangers! It’s very cool, I’m the red Ninja Ranger.” Sake said joyfully holding his action fiure of said character. His father smiled, he remembered of him when he was a child and how hyper he’d been.
“Seems like a cool character.” Sasuke lastly turned his youngest son and blinked, Yusuke was hugging an old familiar green dinosaur plush toy. That old dinosaur still lived? He knew he had given it to Sarada when she was a baby but he thought it had gone to the void, he smiled again lightly oh his dinosaur.
“Is that your favorite toy, Yusuke?” Yusuke looked up at his father and squishing the dinosaur nodded his head. Then put it front of himself.
“R...Rah!” He was trying to make a roaring noise which Sasuke chuckled and took the plush in his one hand.
“Rawr,” He made the dino’s nose rubbing lightly Yusuke’s nose and the baby let out a light squeal, giggling a bit liking this game. Sasuke was playing with his youngest, that dinosaur brought him a lot of memories and they were good.
Time rolled by and it was now 8′o clock, bedtime for the children. Sarada had come out.
“Bedtime, everyone, get ready for bed.” She announced, Saori and Sake groaned they were having a nice moment with their Papa.
“Aww, but Nee-chan! Papa’s here and is fun!” Saori whined slightly. “Can we play with him, pretty please?” Sasuke frowned, he hadn’t seen his kids in a while and he missed them all, but he also didn’t want to slow their bedtime, they still were very young and needed their night rest, so he came up with an idea.
“I can tell you a story while you get in bed.” He told them and that seemed to make the two children go to their room to get their pajamas on.
“I’ll get Yusuke ready for bed, Dad.” Sarada said to her father, coming over to her baby brother and picked him up. Sasuke would’ve liked to do so himself, but he only had one hand so it would be a little difficult to change his son into his pajamas. So he nodded and headed to the other kids’ room while Sarada prepared the baby for bed.
“You two done?” He came in and gave a smile seeing both his daughter and son in their beds under the covers, waiting for him and hugging on their favorite plush toys. Sasuke picked the chair from the corner and moved it to the center of the room in between the two beds. “This story is about a ninja who had a friend that never gave up on him...” he started.
“...In the end the ninja rectified his actions and thanked his friend for never giving up on him...” Sasuke was done with the story and looked over to his kids, finding them sleeping peacefully already. That caused a tiny smile cross his features and stood, walking over to Saori’s bed.
“Goodnight, my flower.” He leaned over and planted a kiss on his daughter’s forehead, pulling her covers over and then walked to his son’s bed.
“Goodnight, my strong ninja ranger.” He pulled the covers on his son and poked his forehead lightly, then walked over to Yusuke’s nursery, seeing he was already in dry diapers and warm pajamas.
“I can give him his nighttime bottle and lull him to sleep, Sarada.” Sasuke had wanted to do that, he hadn’t done that ever since Sarada was a baby.
“Alright, Dad.” Sarada nodded as her father walked in and sat down on the rocking chair next to the wooden crib. He was handed Yusuke and he securely cradled him in his one arm, Sarada had given the baby his bottle and he had grabbed it, putting the teat inside his mouth and had started drinking on the milk. Sasuke looked at him with a warm smile, this was peaceful it brought him memories of baby Sarada.
Sarada let out a small yawn, all this day had worn her out, normally she went to bed at 10 but today she felt more tired than other times.
“Go to bed, Sarada, I can handle this on my own.” Sasuke told his daughter while he was cradling Yusuke carefully and tenderly. Sarada listened to him and grabbed Yusuke’s used clothes of today and threw them on the laundry bin, walking to the bathroom to wash her teeth and then get ready for bed.
Now it was just Sasuke and Yusuke in the nursery. The eldest Uchiha closed his eyes, humming a soft lullaby to his youngest son, it was a lullaby that his mother used to sing to him when he was a baby he hadn’t forgotten it at all. 
When he opened his eyes, Yusuke was soundly asleep, the bottle was empty and the baby seemed very peaceful and adorable. Sasuke securely held his son as he stood up and moved to the crib, carefully laying Yusuke down, removing the bottle and replacing it for a pacifier, then he pulled a soft silk dark blue blanket with the Uchiha symbol on the baby, putting the green dino close to him.
“Goodnight, my little tomato.” He kissed his son’s forehead and clicked on the small lamp from the nearby table slowly walking outside the nursery and closing the door gently. He walked then to Sarada’s room, smiling softly at the sight of his big girl fast asleep, she had to be quite tired after this day. He walked over to her and tucked her him.
“Goodnight, my cute little peanut,” He kissed her forehead and exited her room, closing the door behind him, he then walked right into his and Sakura’s room, walking to their bed and sat down on the edge of his side, patting Sakura’s side of the bed.
“I wished to see you tonight, Sakura... but I’ll wait for you always.”
With that Sasuke curled in bed, welcoming in a nice sleep. Even though his wife was no there, he could still feel her there, her nice aroma still filling the air of their room and that was more than enough to him.
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violettelueur · 3 years
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| featuring : ryomen sukuna ft. itadori yuji 
| warnings : mention of emotional abuse and murder as well as grammar errors
| form : imagine
| word count : 1691
| published : 22 december
| request : Hello, idk if your request are open but feel free to ignore, but just, imagine another reencarnation au (those imaginw of yours are my favourite) where the reader was a painter and Sukuna's personal favourite so he took her and kinda abused her psycologicaly to the point where she would just draw him and only him and he loved that, and in the future she's still an artist that draws Yuuji bc theyre friends but when she sees the tatoos she again draws Sukuna and he feels guilty for the way he treated her and her art in the pastIf It's angst i would apreciate but it's not really necesary
| barista’s notes : hi there~ i apologies for the extremely long wait for your coffee order but now it is there ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ right now it is nearly 5am in the morning and i have no idea why the hell i am awake, but oh well ʕ ᵒ ᴥ ᵒʔ  DONT WORRY THOUGH! after this, i am going to sleep and rest up since today it is Fushiguro Megumi’s and Kageyama Tobio’s birthday today ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ but other than that, i hope you enjoy your order of a cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and i hope you come back soon! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
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“Sukuna….please leave me alone...leave the village alone, I beg of you please,” you whimpered to the man that was standing tall and proud with a sadistic smirk painted on his face, while you were on your knees tightly holding onto his large wrist - somewhat slightly covering the black ring marking - as if your weak physical strength could do anything to stop his raising them up and giving a rain upon hell to the people that was residing in the small town you lived in.
You have no idea how you had managed to catch the attention of the most feared curse to both humans and jujutsu sorcerers nor did you know how you managed to become acquainted with the man in front of you. All you knew right now was that the situation you were in at this current moment and time, was not ideal to anyone at all.
You were just a simple artist. A simple village girl artist that was blessed to be hired by the nobility and aristocracy to paint their family portraits with the finest colours that they would offer you, for you to be then paid so you could provide for your village. However, as luxurious as it sounded, you were in love with the idea of just placing a sharped piece of charcoal on a piece of paper or cloth you could find anywhere and sketch your heart designed.
“Leave you alone?” Sukuna questioned you in his deep voice, before slowly crouching down to become face to face with you. “I could never leave you alone, not when you have caught my attention with your craft little one,” Sukuna then stated, as he gently placed a hand on your cheek before using his thumb to caress the soft skin he was touching. 
Ever since Sukuna had caught sight of you delicately painting a portrait of a noblewoman with such care and gentleness, he couldn’t help but wonder how your hands were so carefully and how patient you were to make sure every stroke was perfect to your desire. Slowly, he began to wonder what it was like to be the subject of one's view. A subject that someone desired to recreate on a simple piece of paper. However, compared to his past sightings, you were the most talented as well as the most beautiful he had ever seen and once he was able to gain a clear view of the noble woman that you were illustration, he was surprised at how much detail you were able to encapture in your work and just like the noble woman’s reaction, they both were extremely happy with the result of the final product.
“How about this?” Sukuna suddenly asked, causing your head to suddenly shot up leading you to meet eye to eye with the King of Curses, “if you come with me and draw me and me only for the rest of time, I would leave this little village alone as well as the people residing in it. How does that sound, little one?”
‘Come with him? Where? Why? What’s going to happen to me?’
“If you don’t accept this deal, every single person here will die. Burned, stabbed, slashed, any way possible I can. Men, women and even little children’s lives will be gone, and it would be all your fault.”
‘My….fault? But-’
“You know I’m not a patient person little one, I might as well start my massacre while you take your time to think, it will be-”
“NO PLEASE! DON’T, YOU CAN TAKE ME, JUST LEAVE THE VILLAGE ALONE, PLEASE!” you screamed in desperation, as you tighten the grip of his wrist that was within your grasp to keep him down, as you didn’t want to risk him getting away from your sights for the safety and protection of the people  within the little town you had lived in since the day your life had started.
With a large cruel grin, Sukuna had somehow managed to pry his wrists free from your tense grip before sliding an arm under your knees as well as an arm around your body lifting you up in a bridal position, while you were just expressing a face of shock and fear, confused and fearful on what you had just accepted in exchange for your life. Where were you going? Was this the end? Were you going to die? How much longer have you had left?
“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you, you’re too precious to be slaughtered little one,” Sukuna answered - as if he knew what you were thinking - before placing a ghostly kiss upon your temple leading you to freeze still, petrified on what he would do with you had moved a single inch.
This was your life now. 
A caged artist.
Here you were, sitting on a wooden platform outside with a sharpened piece of charcoal that Sukuna had kindly given you, in order for you to sketch a portrait of him. The second you placed the charcoal upon the paper, Sukuna couldn’t help but stare at the light movements of your hand as you lightly stroke a few lines to create an outline before watching your hand suddenly pause, causing the King of Curses to switch his view from the sheet to you, only to find your look at him with such a frightened look.
“I’m sorry…..I shouldn’t look at you, should I? I apologise deeply,” you softly muttered before quickly turning back to the portrait that was right in front of you - you didn’t want to do anything wrong in his eyes, you knew he could go back on his words and harm the people that you cared about. However, it seemed like Sukuna didn’t care at all, he had managed to trap you into his life and had the power to demand you to draw him every time he would mention he could go back to your little village and burn it to the ground. He relished in the idea of being the subject of your attention.
This is what he wanted. 
His little caged artist.
1000 years later and here you were. 
Here you were sketching a picture of your best-friend Itadori with a picture of him that you had managed to capture on your phone. Itadori first came into your life shortly after you had enrolled into Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Techincal College around the same time as your other classmate Kugisaki did. 
You have no idea what drew you into the boy with the pink hair, but something within you pulled you towards him causing the blooming and somewhat hilarious friendship to start, even causing Fushiguro and Kugisaki to wonder what was going on in your mind to somehow relate to the boy - yet, they didn’t mention their questions since they didn’t really think you knew the answer yourself, and they were correct.
However, as you continued to smoothly glide your pencil across the page, applying different pressures to construct some definitions as well as shadows within the photo you were copying from, you began to suddenly realise that you were starting to draw marking upon his portrait. Markings that were so familiar to the ones the person within him had.
Ever since that day at the Eishu Detention Centre, the sight of Sukuna standing in front of you with his shirt ripped off showcasing his black marking caused a trigger of unknown memories to suddenly flood into your mind, causing excruciating pain that was so unbearable, you thought you were going to pass out from the intense pressure, maybe as even close to dying from the immense pain.
From what you could even recall from the sudden flood of blurry images that appeared in your mind, there was a picture of you drawing with a piece of charcoal with the infamous King of Curses seating right beside you, watching you draw will whispering in your ear the threats that he would bombard you in order for you to make sure that you were only drawing him and him only.
Slowly but in a shaking manner, your drawing hand continued to sketch in Sukuna’s markings that would appear on Itadori’s body as you were somewhat extremely afraid of what the King of Curses could do to you if you didn’t - just how you left 1000 years ago.
Although unknown to you, your best-friend Itadori was standing right behind you, having a clear view of what was happening to you as well as the drawing right in front of him. Seeing your shaking figure with slow but clear teardrops landing on the sketch book as well as the drawing evolving from him to the curse residing inside of him, made him realise how damaging Sukuna was to not only him but also to the people around him. Carefully, Itadori placed a hand over your hand that held the pencil, causing you to flinch before finally noticing that it was your friend that was holding it and not the special grade curse.
Within his Innate Domain, Sukuna also had a clear view on what was happening to you and slowly but strangely began to feel something drop to his stomach with the feeling of his throat closing up at the sight of you slowly breaking down into a small state of insanity. This isn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want his beautiful little one to become lifeless and paranoid like you were now.
Even after 1000 years after your death, your incarnation was carrying the feeling of fear, despair and numbness that you were weighed upon the second you had given your life away to the King of Curses for the sake of your village. Even though you had more freedom then you did then, you still left trapped and lost within the metal cage that Sukuna had enclosed you in. Even with the small hint of guilt that was manifested within the cruel curse’s heart. 
You were trapped with no escape out.
You were trapped forever with no key to open the door that was clearly right in front of you.
Forever his little caged artist.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
IDOLiSH7 6th Anniversary Special Story: Full of Heart...
Chapter 3: Eternal Memories
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Riku Nanase: Ah, I was planning to use this picture, too! Here, look.
Tenn Kujo: Good thing we set up this meeting, then.
Iori Izumi: It's all thanks to my guidance. The two of you should be grateful.
Tenn & Riku: Thank you.
Iori Izumi: Still, I can't believe you'd both choose the exact same photo, out of all the ones you have.
Iori Izumi: Was it just a coincidence? Or do you have some kind of twin superpowers?
Tenn Kujo: I wouldn't exactly call it a superpower, but we have always had a tendency to pick the same things.
Riku Nanase: Yeah! Like at a restaurant, we'd always order the same thing.
Iori Izumi: Perhaps it's not as unusual for you to have matching tastes and interests as I made it out to be, considering you were raised together.
Tenn & Riku: Right.
Iori Izumi: Which park is this? Do you remember where it is?
Tenn Kujo: Near our old house. We went there for a picnic, since Riku was feeling well that day.
Riku Nanase: We brought canteens and lunchboxes. It wasn't our first visit to that park, but eating lunch there made it feel like an adventure.
Tenn Kujo: You have a nice smile in this picture, Riku. Why don't you use this one? I can pick something else.
Riku Nanase: Are you sure? I think you look really cute here too, Tenn-nii. You've got this kind of composed look on your face.
Riku Nanase: I think your fans would be happy to see you like this.
Tenn Kujo: And your fans would like to see the way you look here, too. Hmm, this is a tough decision.
Tenn Kujo: Your thoughts, Iori Izumi?
Iori Izumi: You're asking me?
Tenn Kujo: I thought I'd leave this up to outside judgement.
Riku Nanase: Which one of us do you think should use this picture for the show?
Iori Izumi: ......... Nanase-san.
Riku Nanase: Oh! How come?
Iori Izumi: Because we might not have the time to reach out to Kujo-san a second time if you're the one who needs to reselect his picture.
Iori Izumi: I trust in his ability to choose an appropriate photo much more than I trust yours.
Tenn Kujo: Makes sense.
Riku Nanase: So it has nothing to do with the photo itself?
Iori Izumi: Although if you select something from the pictures we looked at last night, perhaps Kujo-san could also use this one.
Iori Izumi: Why not the one you showed me, where your face is covered in ketchup...
Riku Nanase: The one where I'm eating omurice?
Iori Izumi: Yes. You looked so innocent and cu... Ahem. I just thought it would make for a good conversation piece.
Riku Nanase: I guess I'll go with that one, then!
Tenn Kujo: What about your picture, Iori Izumi? Which one did you pick?
Iori Izumi: ........ Mine is... nothing unusual... Just a perfectly normal childhood picture...
Tenn Kujo: Based on your reluctance to go into any more detail, I highly doubt that.
Riku Nanase: We can show you! Apparently Mitsuki chose the picture, and Iori looks totally adorable in it!
Iori Izumi: ........ It... It really isn't anything worth showing to people...
Tenn Kujo: It's not worth showing to people, so you decided to display it on national television?
Riku Nanase: C'mon, Iori. Even Tenn-nii wants to see it!
Tenn Kujo: Pretty please.
Iori Izumi: Please stop it with the innocent act...
Iori Izumi: ...Fine. Here it is, since you insist...
Tenn Kujo: Wow, you look cute. A plushie in your arms, a happy little smile on your face...
Riku Nanase: Isn't it precious!?
Iori Izumi: That's enough. I don't need your flattery...
Riku Nanase: We're not just saying that, you know! I even wanted to pretend like I was the one that gave you that plushie.
Iori Izumi: I don't know why you feel this much of a need to usurp your twin.
Riku Nanase: I mean it! There's not a single person who wouldn't be happy if their present was received like how you received that plushie.
Riku Nanase: God, Santa Claus, whoever. I think it'd make just about anyone feel on top of the world.
Iori Izumi: You're the one who's always smiling like that, anyway.
Riku Nanase: Huh?
Iori Izumi: Nothing. I was just thinking out loud.
Iori Izumi: Still, not even I expected my younger self to smile so earnestly.
Tenn Kujo: What made you look so sour all the time?
Iori Izumi: I don't look like this all the time. Just very often, especially around your younger brother.
Tenn Kujo: I don't know. You seem to give me plenty of sour looks, too.
Iori Izumi: Only when the cameras are off and you're acting like your usual, standoffish self.
Tenn Kujo: I'm not standoffish. I just take things seriously.
Tenn Kujo: So, how old were you exactly? When you stopped sleeping with this cutesy teddy bear, I mean.
Iori Izumi: ...How do you know I used to sleep with it!? Did my brother tell you?
Tenn Kujo: Most little kids like to sleep with a stuffed toy or two. Especially one that looks this fluffy.
Iori Izumi: I did enjoy that, myself...
Tenn Kujo: Riku never could've done that, though. His selection of bedtime toys was limited, so he didn't have attacks at night.
Riku Nanase: True.
Iori Izumi: Ah... I see... And you even seem like you'd have enjoyed these kind of fluffy toys...
Riku Nanase: Are you sure you're not just talking about yourself..?
Tenn Kujo: Riku. Were you lonely without plushies to keep you company?
Riku Nanase: Of course not. I had you, Tenn-nii.
Riku Nanase: I never felt lonely, even though I never got to go to school, or pet any cats or dogs.
Riku Nanase: When you were around, I was always happy and having fun. And I'm really grateful for that.
Tenn Kujo: Riku...
Riku & Iori: Tenn-nii...
Tenn & Riku: ........!?
Riku Nanase: W-what was that!? Why did you call him Tenn-nii, too!?
Iori Izumi: Because I knew that's what you were going to say. What do you think of my ability to predict you?
Tenn Kujo: You can be very strange, for someone so smart.
Iori Izumi: I could say the same about you. Don't you think you're being unusually soft on Nanase-san today?
Tenn Kujo: I guess so... I guess nostalgia's gotten the best of me.
Tenn Kujo: That'll happen when you reminisce about your childhood.
Riku Nanase: Maybe... I should just stick one of our childhood pictures on my face all the time...
Iori Izumi: You're an idol, so please don't start trying to censor your own face.
Riku Nanase: But I want Tenn-nii to be nice to me!
Iori Izumi: Of course yo do... Ah, by the way. Are you sure that picture you showed me at the dorm wouldn't be the best pick for you?
Iori Izumi: You know, the one where you're holding a Rabitty-kun doll. I think it'd work nicely, especially from a sponsor standpoint.
Riku Nanase: Yeah, maybe!
Tenn Kujo: I'm glad Rabitty-kun made a comeback. Toi Toi Toi was on the verge of bankruptcy before then.
Riku Nanase: They were?
Tenn Kujo: Yep. They released some low quality Rabitty-kun products, and were dealing with tons of customer complaints.
Tenn Kujo: It was damaging enough to their reputation that they had to sell the main office building and the CEO's house.
Iori Izumi: I see... I think the Rabitty-kun we had might've been one of the defective ones.
Iori Izumi: It made strange noises sometimes...
Riku Nanase: Yeah, I can kind of see why people would complain about their children's toys making creepy noises. They probably made lots of kids cry.
Iori Izumi: Still, it's incredible that they were able to bounce back and resume sales six years ago.
Riku Nanase: Wow... That company's sure had some big ups and downs.
Riku Nanase: Kind of like us!
Iori Izumi: Right... I do hope we can help them have a good anniversary.
Tenn Kujo: Yeah.
Iori Izumi: What sort of games did you two play when you were little?
Tenn Kujo: We played normally enough. Drawing, card games, things like that.
Riku Nanase: I couldn't get out of bed or move around much, so Tenn-nii would sing and dance for me.
Riku Nanase: We came up with lots of games where I sat still, while he moved around.
Riku Nanase: Like the Tenn-nii Robot!
Iori Izumi: The "Tenn-nii Robot"?
Tenn Kujo: Ah, I remember that one.
Iori Izumi: What kind of game was it?
Riku Nanase: I used this controller we made out of milk cartons to order Tenn-nii around.
Riku Nanase: And he'd do as I told him to. It was a lot of fun!
Tenn Kujo: Sure was.
Riku Nanase: Tenn-nii Robot, fire missiles!
Tenn Kujo: Boom!
Riku Nanase: Tenn-nii Robot, fire your machine gun!
Tenn Kujo: Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat.
Riku Nanase: Tenn-nii Robot, equip your lazer sword!
Tenn Kujo: Kwishuuuu, clink!
Tenn & Riku: It was so much fun!
Iori Izumi: Kujo-san...
Tenn Kujo: What?
Iori Izumi: You taught an innocent young child the joys of having Tenn Kujo at his beck and call? That should be a criminal offense.
Tenn Kujo: What are you talking about..?
Iori Izumi: You're exactly the reason why Nanase-san grew up to be so inhumanly naive and spoiled.
Tenn Kujo: Are you spoiled, Riku?
Riku Nanase: No! Hey, Iori..! Since when am I spoiled!?
Iori Izumi: Do you really have to ask? Today, you slept in so late that I had to help you pack.
Riku Nanase: How is that spoiled!? I just asked you for help! And you agreed to help me with my clothes, too!
Iori Izumi: I was worried we'd be even more late if I let you try and fail to decide on what to wear. You have no right to complain here.
Riku Nanase: I guess not, but...
Tenn Kujo: So, Iori Izumi's your stylist for today.
Riku Nanase: Do I look good?
Tenn Kujo: Sure.
Riku Nanase: Ehehe! You hear that, Iori!?
Iori Izumi: Of course you look good, with a producer like me. You should have more self-confidence.
Tenn Kujo: You two sure are close.
Riku Nanase: Yeah, we are!
Iori Izumi: How, exactly?
Riku Nanase: There you go again. Tenn-nii Robot, attack Iori!
Tenn Kujo: Kwishuuuu, clink...  
Iori Izumi: Urgh..! ...Please, do NOT try to stab me!
Tenn Kujo: Beep beep beep. Mission complete.
Iori Izumi: You of all people should know better than to indulge him!
Riku Nanase: Ahahaha! 
To be continued...
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Late night devil, put your hands on me
Pairings: Dabi x Hero!Reader
Words: 7.7k
Summary: It was supposed to be a relaxing Saturday night while your roommate was out on a date. Finally some peace and quiet from all the work of the last few weeks. Just you, your bathtub and a good book. Too bad someone had a whole other idea.
Rating: M for Mature & F for Filth
Warnings: Mentions of dubcon, rough sex, choking and a lot of other things. It’s Dabi, you know what’s coming.
Also on: AO3
A/N: How much would I let a man ruin me, level: Dabi. This was supposed to be short and filthy and now it’s long and filthy. Enjoy!
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Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
“Have fun and good luck with your date,” you yelled from the hallway when your roommate was almost out of the door.
“Thanks, I’ll need it,” was the only reply you got before the door closed.
Your roommate had been nervous all day long, so it was no surprise to you that words were a little short right now. You just hoped it would go all right, it had been quite some time since the last date.
Which also meant you finally had some peace and quiet on your own this Saturday evening. During the week you two barely saw each other because of work so you would normally spend the weekend together which can be quite exhausting at times.
But today it was only you, a good book and a bathtub. The hero business was always buzzing, there was always a criminal to catch at some corner and the last couple of weeks had been tiring your body out so much that your agency had given you off for this weekend.
Being a sidekick was hard enough in such a renowned agency and you had the tendency to work too much, rarely looking after yourself. They barely had to kick you out yesterday evening and ban you from the agency for the weekend.
You were happy they did, really. Your body needed the rest.
As you were walking through your room, trying to gather the things you needed for a relaxing bath you kept thinking back to the last few cases this month alone. Two attacks from the League, kidnapped children and people getting set on fire for seemingly no reason with no pattern. You didn’t get the League sadly but could at least solve the other two cases.
The one with the children strained your body and your mind the most. It had been hard seeing all those kids in danger, almost getting drowned in acid as an empty threat from the villain. Your team had been able to get everyone out alive, thankfully. But all those crying and terrified children that would have a hard time getting back to their lives...it had been different.
You closed your eyes and shook your head. You shouldn’t think about such things when you are trying to relax and actually forget about work for once.
With a fresh towel and your book under your arm you walked over to the bathroom where you had the water running. It had been quite some time since you actually had the time to take a bath. Normally it was just showers and mostly not even long ones.
You took your clothes off and dipped into the water, letting out a sigh as the hot water moistened your skin.
You leaned back into the tub and closed your eyes for a moment, simply enjoying the warmth around you on this rather cool fall evening.
When you felt comfortable enough to reached over to grab the book you were currently reading, almost halfway done but still so much to go.
It was a fantasy story about love, revenge and a lot of faeries. It was a nice read and you actually really loved the story, you just didn’t have enough time to read it on a regular basis so your plan was to read as much as you could this weekend. You should be able to finish it because as soon as you were caught up in the story again, you knew you couldn’t just leave it be anymore.
As you were reading your book you really did get caught up in it again, the story drawing you in and-
Your head shot up from the lines in front of you, eyes looking towards the closed door of the bathroom room. A frown was forming on your face, there clearly had been a loud noise just now.
Was your roommate back already? Did the date go to shit? Was it another bird that flew against your window? It had just happened three days ago so what were the chances?
“Back already?” you hollered with a slight teasing tone on your lips. You would be happy if your roommate had been able to take his date back to your place already but you highly doubted it. It had been barely twenty minutes, you had only been in the bath for roughly ten.
There was no answer. Maybe it was really a bird or something fell from the table. Maybe it had been one of the neighbors in the hallway in front of your apartment but it sounded a little closer.
You shrugged and turned your head back to the book in your hand, trying to find the line where you were when you heard steps. You quietly put your book down and listened in closely.
You swallowed and took a deep breath. There wasn’t enough time to jump out of the tub and get dressed so you readied your quirk while your naked body was still in the water, the bath foam the only thing hiding you.
The handle of the door was pushed down and you were about to set your quirk off when the door opened wide and you were met with blue flames, briefly wrapping around your hands and burning them so you couldn’t use your quirk.
Blue flames.
You hissed in pain and put your hands under the water quickly, trying to cool them down. It wasn’t a bad burn but it still hurt.
“Calm your quirk, doll. It’s just me and we know how far you get every time you used it,” the black haired man said almost annoyed while standing there, leaning against the doorframe with that stupid smirk of his.
“What the fuck are you doing here? In my apartment? Don’t you have people to burn somewhere?” you snapped back at him and he put a hand on his heart, acting like he was affected by your words.
“Oh my, doll. Your words hurt me. I just wanted to visit my favourite hero on her day off,” he told you with a wolfish grin on his lips as he took a step forward. His blue eyes were looking you up and down and only then you realized once more that you were actually naked.
Your relationship with Dabi was...complicated, to say the least. It had started a few months ago when you were chasing him once more, deep into the forest and him setting trees on fire as you two passed through.
Your quirk had been almost useless against him but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t try to catch him. When he had suddenly vanished only to show up behind you, it had been the turning point.
Strong arms wrapped around your middle, pulling your back close to his chest. He put his hand around your throat and you could feel the heat radiating from them, seeing small blue flames dancing along his skin.
“Such a sweet girl, following me wherever I go,” he whispered against your ear and you knew that he could snap your neck within a second when you moved now.
“Let me go,” you growled as a weak warning but he just laughed against the skin of your neck when he started to nuzzle it, squeezing with his hand a little.
“What a weak protest. You actually like this, don’t you?” His voice was venom that was dripping into your body and you clenched your jaw.
“The others will be here soon,” you replied, ignoring his comment. 
You had met him a couple of times before, never catching him and you couldn’t deny his handsome features, especially those icy blue eyes of his but that wasn’t something you would admit to anyone. He was a villain, you were a hero. He killed people, you saved people. Simple as that.
Your eyes widened when the hand that was wrapped around your middle moved upwards and squeezed your right boob.
“What the-” you started but he squeezed your neck once more, preventing you from getting enough air.
“Shut up and let me enjoy this moment alone with you,” he growled before he spun you around, pressing you against the next tree. His hand was still wrapped around your throat, one of his knees now pressed between your legs.
A chuckle left his throat when he looked at you as you were gritting your teeth, trying to think of a way to get out of this.
“Don’t act so strong, little hero. I’m not going to hurt you that bad, you’re too precious for that,” he growled as his lips were so close to yours that you could feel them brushing against you ever so lightly when he spoke.
You couldn’t deny the attraction, the pull that made your body relax.
Something he noticed, of course.
“Good girl.” He licked his lips, looking at you like you were his prey that he had been hunting down. You for sure felt like that right now.
“y/n!” Suddenly someone yelled your name and Dabi let out an almost feral growl of annoyance while looking around, trying to find the person but from the sound of their voice, they must have been still quite far away.
You tried to answer but felt the fingers around your throat closing tightly once more.“Too bad, I was hoping to have more time with you. Well, maybe next time,” he whispered against your lips before sealing the kiss.
The villain was kissing you and there was nothing you could do about this, except gasp in surprise which he only took as an invite to invade your mouth with his tongue, tasting him and the faint metallic taste of his tongue piercing inside of you.
And as if you didn’t have a mind of your own, you kissed him back only to feel him grin against your lips only a second later. He had what he wanted and you knew it.
What a fool you were.
“Such an obedient doll,” he said with a chuckle when he pulled apart, leaving you breathless and feeling filthy at the same time. “I’ll be back for you.”
And back he came. Multiple times. He was pestering you over and over again and you didn’t stop him.
You gave yourself willingly to him and didn’t even know why. He was a dangerous man that had no problem killing you if he wanted to. Had no problem with killing everyone you loved just to get what he wanted and yet, you couldn’t stop it.
Whenever you saw him he was ready to stuff you full with his massive cock, splitting you apart and you were always begging for more.
Maybe it was the feeling of doing something forbidden that was always pulling you back to him. Maybe it was the fault of his eyes that sometimes had a hint of sadness and you just wanted to find out more. The burn scars of his body didn’t come out of nowhere after all but you would never dare to ask. It was all physical after all.
“Cat got your tongue?” he barked at you and got you out of your trance, realizing he stood right in front of the bathtub now, towering over you. “It’s not nice to ignore your guests, you know.”
You bit your lip from keeping the reply inside, still trying to ignore the pain on your hands.
“It’s not like I invited you. How did you get in anyway?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant while his crotch was so close to your face. You kept your eyes on his but that wasn’t making it any better. His eyes were one of the biggest selling points after all.
“Balcony, it wasn’t that hard to just melt the lock,” he said with a shrug as he crouched down in front of you, face now on the same level. For a moment you wondered how he even got up here, you didn’t live that close to the ground but he probably had his ways. For some reasons the League of Villains were always able to show up in the most unexpected places and they had been seen using portals before even though you doubted he would use portals for such occasions.
“I hate you,” you replied, just thinking of the damage he had done to your door only to get in. You had no idea how to explain a melted lock to your roommate and there was not enough time to switch it out before they would notice.
“I know, that’s why this is so great.” While he said ‘this’ he gestured between the two of you.
You hated him.
You should just gather new strength with your quirk and at least distract him so you could grab clothes and leave.
You should kick him out, inform your colleagues so they can catch him. You should do something and yet you didn’t do a single thing when he let his hand run over your arm with a featherlight touch that was so unlike him.
You didn’t do a thing when his hand dripped below the water, tracing around your breast, your nipple, along your stomach until the center of your legs.
What a fool you were. A naive fool that couldn’t keep her physical needs in check. It wouldn’t be that hard to go out and find a decent man to just get your needs satisfied with.
And yet here you were, with one of the most dangerous, most wanted villains of your generation and you would let him do anything to you.
Kind of pathetic if you would really think about it but thinking was out of the window when his fingers find your clit under the water and you lean your head back with a moan.
Whenever he touched you it felt so electric, you had no explanation for any of this. You were nothing but a toy to him and you didn’t even complain.
“That’s my girl,” he chuckled when he watched how your body started to squirm, you arching your back so your boobs were outside the water. “And I’m barely touching you.”
You knew, for fucks sake. He was only rubbing small circles against your clit and yet you already felt like you were on fire.
One of his fingers dipped inside of you and you let out another moan, opening your eyes again to look down, watching how he was pumping one finger in and out of you, then adding another one.
“You’re so wet,” he chuckled and you turned your head towards him. His other arm was resting on the side of the bathtub, his head on his arm, looking almost innocent if it wasn’t for that wolfish grin on his lips that made you afraid he would just eat you up any second.
He was pumping three fingers in and out of you now and you were barely able to hold it together, your legs were moving on their own, splashing water around more than necessary until he pulled his hand away suddenly and your whole body stopped.
“What?” you said in confusion and heard his laugh, shaking his head and simply putting his hand in front of you, spreading his fingers apart and you could clearly see your wetness coating his fingers. He dipped his hand under water once more to clean them.
“What what?” he replied as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. Fucking bastard.
“I-” you stopped yourself, biting your lip. Your body was burning hot and you just wanted release but that’s just what he wanted to hear.
“You what, doll?” He grinned at you and watched you taking deep breaths, trying to calm your body down but with him so close that turned out to be quite the challenge.
“I want to cum,” you mumbled, barely audible even to yourself. God, you felt so ashamed even thinking about this.
“Excuse me? I must have water in my ears, what did you just say?”
Gods, you hated him. You hated that smug smile, that teasing tone, that pleased look in his eyes that he had when he got close to getting what he wanted.
“I want to cum,” you said again, this time louder and clenching your jaw in anger. You didn’t just hate him, you also hated yourself for this.
“Why didn’t you just say so, princess?” he chuckled and stood up, opening his buckle. You looked at him confused and he caught on, shrugging with his shoulders. “Well, you have to earn it first.”
Of course he wouldn’t just let you off the hook that easily. 
His pants and underwear dropped to the ground and he let out a relieved sigh when his cock sprang free, not straining against the fabric anymore.
“Open up,” he told you and you sat up straight in the tub, feeling a cool breeze especially around your breast, only causing your nipples to grow more. Something he clearly approved of because his cock started to twitch at the new sight that you were giving him.
Dabi took his cock in his hand, pumped it a few times before ligning it up with your open mouth. 
“Tongue,” he demanded and you pushed your tongue out, letting him put his dick it. He let it rest there for a moment before pushing inside of you slowly and you closed your lips around him.
“Hm, that’s good,” he said with a low moan falling from his lips and you got to work. After all this time you had figured out what he liked, figured out how to be careful of his piercing in your throat so you didn’t hurt yourself or him.
You shifted a little in the tub, trying to take him deeper and reaching forward to fondle his balls.
He let out a choked gasp and leaned forward, hands resting against the tiled wall of your bathroom while he tried to hold himself steady. For some reason it made you proud that you could do this to him because he always did way worse to you.
Wet sounds were filling the bathroom,  sounds of the water splashing a little as you were moving around and sounds of your lips and tongue swirling around his cock, making him moan from time to time.
But suddenly he grabbed the back of your head without a warning and pushed his dick deep inside of you. 
“C’mon, be a good doll and choke on it.” His words were ringing in your ears when he was hitting the back of your throat, tears gathering in your eyes and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“Don’t be dumb, you have a nose for a reason,” he reminded you and you tried to breath through your nose before he pulled back out almost completely, only to push forward with more force and there was nothing you could do against it. You simply took his dick as far in as you could, opening your jaw to its maximum and yet, it still felt like it wasn’t enough.
He did this a few times and after one more big push and his tip once again tickling the back of your throat you felt his hot semen spilling down your throat and you were struggling not to choke. 
When he pulled out you were coughing, trying to catch a breath, some of his cum still on your lips.
You heard how he started to hum when he picked his pants back up and you looked at him with widened eyes.
His eyes landed on you once again as he was about to close his belt. “I really like this sight of you, you know. Wet, messy, my cum still on your lips.” He chuckled, more to himself than to you. 
The black haired man noticed the look on your face and he tilted his head a little to the side. “Hm? You want to say something?”
Obviously but you couldn’t. Your throat was still burning from the ruthless attacks only seconds before and you were trying to catch a breath to even form a sentence.
“I thought-” you started but had to stop, swallowing hard. He was once again just standing in front of the tub, looking down at you with that cold look of his. “I thought you’d...give me release.”
“Are you saying you don’t want me to go, princess? Because it really sounded like you wanted to get rid of me when I arrived.” He tried to hide his grin but you saw the edges of his mouth twitching, the staples moving ever so slightly, giving him away. Not that he would mind. He knew exactly that you were at his mercy and he knew that you knew.
“Gods, I ha-” Once again you stopped midway when you saw how his eyes darkened and you swallowed the rest of the sentence. “Can you please not go?”
“That doesn’t sound really convincing, maybe try again?”  He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze fixed on you and it almost felt like he was trying to drill a hole in you with his look.
You took a deep breath. “Can you please stay and...fuck me?”
“Are you begging for my cock, doll?” Dabi asked and started to smirk again.
You hated this, him, you.
“Yes, please fuck me with your cock. I need it,” you said without thinking. You were tired of thinking, tired of fighting this. It had been a lost fight from the beginning, you knew this and even worse, he knew this too. 
“My, why didn’t you say this sooner?” he replied with a chuckle and looked almost a little too gleefully for a second. “Up.”
“Up?” you repeated his words back at him and looked at him confused.
“Out of the tub, doll. You’ll get all wrinkly otherwise and as much as I’d love to leave bruises on you, I’m not interested in having them on myself. Meet me in the living room.” With that he left the bathroom so casually as if he would live here. As if he wasn’t a dangerous villain.
You got out of the bathtub, legs a little weak. You used your towel to dry yourself and thought about putting on clothes for a moment. That would be the perfect time to get back on track, to gather your things and get out. He was distracted and you would have your chance to get away from him.
Only problem, you didn’t want to. The pull was too strong. It was something feral that was boiling in your stomach, something raw that you couldn’t stop.
Your clothes were ignored and forgotten as you made your way over to the living room. Only dimmed lights were on and you saw how the balcony door was opened a bit, letting cool air inside.
It made you shiver so you wrapped the arms around yourself.
“Cold?” he asked and you spotted him in one of the dark corners. “I actually appreciate the look.” 
Dabi walked towards you and pinched both of your nipples at the same time, already hard from the cold and now even harder. Arousal was building up between your legs again.
It felt quite humiliating to stand in front of him like this, naked in dimmed light. If your neighbors would look carefully they might even spot what was going on through the big windows of your living room.
Normally you only had quick fucks with clothes on, simply pushed down to the knees and ankles, him forcing himself inside of you, trying to get as much out of the little time you had together.
But this? This was different. You didn’t just have fifteen minutes, you probably had at least two hours or however long it would take for your roommate to return. A lot of things could happen during this time.
You felt the heat radiating from his body, standing so close to you but he was fully dressed and not naked.
“Tell me again, doll. What is it you want from me?” You weren’t sure if he just loved his own voice so much or if he only wanted to hear you say filthy things. Maybe a bit of both.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to clear your brain. Thinking wouldn’t help now. You just had to give in to your urges. Forget who he was, who you were.
“I want you to fuck me,” you replied after opening your eyes and he took a step forward, causing you to take a step backwards out of instinct. One more time, two more times, wall behind you.
The cool wall was not really comfortable against your back but the heat in front of you was close to burning your skin. You wondered if he had activated his quirk without the flames to cause this heat or if it was just your body reacting to him.
“Are you sure you can handle it, doll? It won’t be like the other times. We’ve got time. I’m going to split you apart and make you mine, there’s nothing to stop me this time,” he growled, his voice so deep and dripping with lust.
He put his hands next to your head, trapping you with his whole body. It sounded almost like he was asking for your consent, not something he would normally do. He liked to take the things he wanted.
“What if I say no?” you blurted out, surprised at the words leaving you but the curiosity was too strong. Curiosity also killed the cat.
He grabbed your chin with his right hand and forced you to look him deep in the eyes.
“Can you?” he asked with a raised eyebrow and his blue eyes looked at you so intensely that it felt like he was looking directly into your soul. As if he could see that you would not refuse, could not refuse.
“Please use me.” You didn’t directly reply to his question but your words were enough of an answer.
Without wasting another moment he pressed his lips against yours. You felt relief and your body relaxed, even more so when you opened your mouth and let him in. He always kissed like he was a dying man and maybe he was. You didn’t know, wouldn’t know if you asked him. It was not your place to know.
His hands started to wander over your naked body, groping your breasts, then down to your ass, fingertips running through the slit of your ass before grabbing your cheeks and hoisting you up, pressing you more against the wall, all of it without breaking the kiss.
“You really are special, you know?” he said when he pulled away from the kiss and you tilted your head, asking what he meant without using words.
Dabi started to kiss along your neck, licking and sucking the soft skin there. “You’re so defiant, so rebellious whenever we fight and yet here you are, acting like my willing slut.”
He was right about this but you couldn’t explain it to him because you didn’t have an answer to yourself. You knew it was wrong and yet, you still wanted him, all of him.
Thankfully he didn’t expect a reply to his words, not that you were able to answer the moment he bit down hard on the flesh of your neck, bruising and almost breaking the skin there.
The villain in front of you was marking you. Marking you as his and people would probably see the mark at some point, asking you questions and you had to make up a stupid excuse. You couldn’t tell anyone the truth.
Your legs were wrapped around his middle and you could feel his cock once again straining against the fabric of his pants, pressing against your center, begging to be freed.
Dabi growled against the wounded skin on your neck, a feral sound that left his throat and you felt how his hands got hotter while holding your ass. You tried to ignore the pain that was slowly growing stronger and suddenly, it stopped.
He lifted his head from your neck to look at you and you leaned forward into another kiss, wrapping your arms around him.
The black haired man started to move with you in his arms, carrying you across the living room before dropping you without a warning, turning you around and pressing you against the window next to the broken balcony door.
You only had a moment to prevent being pressed completely against the glass, hands in front of you.
“That’s not how we play, doll”, he said, followed by a disapproving ‘tsk’ and he took your wrists, pulled them towards him and put them on your back so you were completely pressed against the cold glass in front of you.
Thankfully it was rather dark in your room but you were sure if some people from the apartment block over there or even just from the street, they would be able to spot you.
You felt humiliated once again, pressed against the window with your cheek , nipples on display for everyone.
“Imagine all those people being able to see you now,” he said with a dark chuckle behind you, hands grabbing your ass before pressing his chest against your back, towering over you and also getting a good look on the street below you. 
You were pretty high up here but not high enough to not get noticed. 
He slipped a hand to the front and ran his fingers through your folds. “Looks like that turns you on.”
You were almost embarrassed with how wet the thought made you. You didn’t want it to happen and yet, when he was saying those things to you, you couldn’t stop being aroused by that.
Dabi lifted his wet finger to your face and used his free hand to grab your hair to pull you back a little. Even though your hands were not held in place anymore now, you let them rest at your back, they were still trapped with his body anyway.
He lifted your face and held his wet finger in front of you. “Lick.”
Without another thought you opened your mouth to let your tongue swirl around his long finger, licking your own juice off of him.
You felt filthy and used but loved every second of it.
He let go of your hair and you put your face back against the glass, letting the cold glass cool you down for a moment before he grabbed your hips and pulled you back roughly. This time you had to use your hands to brace yourself against the window or you would have fallen over.
You felt the tip of his cock dancing around your entrance and you hadn’t even noticed that he had taken off his pants once again. God, you were really dazed with lust and need if you couldn’t even notice this. So much for not letting your guard down around a villain.
Without a warning he pushed deep inside of you, making you scream in surprise and you had to bite down hard on your bottom lip to stop yourself. The balcony door was broken and open after all, they would not only be able to see but also to hear you.
“You feel so good, doll. My cock buried deep inside of you. Is that what you wanted?” You felt his piercing rub against your most sensitive spot inside of you and you moaned, nodding slightly.
“Yes, it feels so good,” you replied, trying to keep your voice down, afraid you might give someone outside a clue about what was going on in here.
Dabi started to pull out and push back in, first with a slow rhythm, actually giving you time to get used to his thickness, time you normally never had. During your usual encounters he would leave you split open and with a burning. Not that he cared. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but it made you remember him for days afterwards.
This time was different. He let you adjust, giving you time and you wondered what plans he had in that sick mind of his.
Your hands started to get sweaty against the glass, slipping down millimeters from time to time whenever he pulled out of you and pushed back in.
It didn’t take long for his rhythm to get faster and all you could do was moan and take him. With every thrust he hit the right places, his hands gripping your waist tightly, fingernails digging into your skin.
Soon enough you could only hear the slapping noises of skin meeting skin, his balls hitting against your from behind.
Suddenly a loud slap rang into your ears and the pain came only a moment later. It wasn’t the normal pain of getting spanked, it burned. 
You gasped in surprise and saw blue flames from the corner of your eyes when you turned your head around.
“Don’t hold back with me, princess. I want to hear those moans.” It wasn’t a request or a reminder, it was a threat, the blue flames speaking for themselves. 
You hated yourself for actually liking it.
When he pushed deep inside of you with the next thrust you let out the moan he wanted to hear, trying to forget that you were right in front of a window, that the door was open, trying to forget everything but him and how he made you feel.
“That’s it. Stop thinking. I’m the only important thing that exists for you, my little doll.”
You repeated his words in your mind over and over again, letting him fuck you hard from behind, letting him take control over you. It felt good to let go for once.
Your mind was taken back to reality when you felt how he started to massage your butthole from behind.
Once again you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your gaze meeting his and he started to grin. His thrusts had become a little slower while he kept rubbing soft circles around the sensitive skin of your back entrance.
“What are you-” you didn’t get to finish the sentence when he started to slowly press a wet finger inside. You weren’t sure if it was your own wetness or just spit.
“I told you to stop thinking. Are you deaf or just a brat?” He sounded way more aggressive but even this tone sent more arousal down your core and you felt yourself getting even wetter. Something he must have felt too with his cock buried so deep inside of you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled and he nodded, pushing the finger inside deeper. It burned but not as much as your cheek that he had slapped moments before. It was a different kind of burn.
“I can actually feel my cock from here,” he said with a chuckle and wiggled his finger inside your back entrance, causing you to moan loudly. It was a completely new sensation for you. You had done it yourself before but this...this was different.
You closed your eyes and your legs started to get weak when he picked up the pace again, one finger buried deep inside your ass. The whole feeling had shifted, the penetration felt completely different now and you were barely able to handle it. He was really fucking you stupid at this point.
When he added a second finger you moaned loudly, not sure if it felt good or if it was just discomfort, you weren’t sure of anything anymore at this point.
His hips snapped at you roughly and you could feel wetness running down the insides of your thigh.
“You sound so sweet when you take all of me.” He sounded so amused, knowing he had you at his mercy, there was nothing you could do at this point. “But I want more. You better not resist or it will hurt.”
Without having the chance to even process what he said he pulled out of you, leaving you to feel horrible empty. You started to whine, almost desperate noises leaving your mouth and when you tried to look back you felt it.
His wet tip at your ass as he started to push it in. You wanted to protest, wanted to say something but you tried to focus on relaxing so it wouldn’t hurt.
It hurt anyway, his thickness was too much for you.
You were a sobbing mess by the time he had all of himself buried inside of you, his piercing rubbing against you on a whole other level now.
Tears were in your eyes but to your surprise, he didn’t move. Let you adjust once more.
“Good girl,” he replied and stroked your back. It was actually comforting, something you had never felt with him before.
When you sobbed once again he slapped your ass hard, only making you whine louder.
“Don’t be like that now. I’ve told you I’d split you apart. You gave yourself willingly to me,” he said with a slight edge in his voice. He was right, of course, you just didn’t expect it to be like that. 
He was rough and yet gentle. He made you sob and moan at the same time. You wanted this, you had agreed to this and after a long moment of silence and adjusting, it actually started to feel good.
Dabi must have felt how your tights rings started to relax around himself because he patted your cheek he had slapped before almost gently.
“See, not too bad. Better brace yourself.” He pulled out of you slowly only to slam it back inside and your body surged forward, pressing back against the window, your hands stopping the collison.
“Well, actually,” he started again and grabbed your wrists again, pulling them to himself once more and pinning them on your back like before.
Once again your face was pressed against the window, your back was arching so far back it almost hurt but the feeling of satisfaction that was soon added to your rollercoaster of emotion was overshadowing everything.
The way he was buried deep in your ass and kept fucking you hard from behind felt so good, made you feel alive, made you forget the world around you.
“You’re such a willing slut if you want to be. Not a single thought in that mind of yours right now, pressed against the window with no care in the world if anyone sees you now or not,” he said and watched you in your state. You almost felt high from the feeling, his grip on your wrists was strong, his words were dripping sex to you in this moment.
“Do you want to be seen by people, doll?” he asked and you swallowed, trying to form a thought to answer his question.
“I don’t care, just fuck me. Fuck me hard.” Your reply was music to his ears and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
His hips started to snap against your behind, his dick going outside and back inside almost forcefully. You moaned loudly now, not holding back anything anymore. It felt too good, everything had become such a haze. 
You had never felt this way with anyone before and you knew that was his way to make you his, to claim you, to make you come back for more.
You knew you would.
He reached forward with a hand and pinched your clit for a moment before letting it wander towards your breast, stroking them for a moment until his hand closed around your throat.
You swallowed hard and he growled behind you.
“Stop being scared, it’s annoying.” To emphasize his words he gave you another, single hard thrust that made you squeal, a sound he could feel against his hand that was comfortably wrapped around your throat.
“You’ve been so good, don’t ruin it now,” he mumbled and you barely heard it between your moans and the sound of wet skin.
Your body was sweating already and you could barely breathe, even less with his hand wrapped around you.
Dabi suddenly pulled you back, making you choke briefly with his hand. The angle of his cock changed and without even realizing it, your tight rings clamped down around him and you came, wetness coming out of you and running down your thighs.
“Anal orgasm, hm? Never seen that before,” he chuckled and sounded almost proud but you weren’t sure if he was proud of you or himself.
You felt his cock twitch when you were clamping around him and he already sounded out of breath with every word that left his mouth.
“I’m close, doll.” At least one warning this evening but the tone in his voice told you he wanted something. You knew exactly what it was.
“Please, come in my ass. Claim it, it’s yours,” you moaned out between sobs and quick breaths, breaths you weren’t able to take anymore when his hand tightened around your neck, pressing yourself back roughly against him.
You felt dizzy when you felt his cum seeping inside of you. It was still so much even after you had swallowed quite a bit before.
Your insides became hot when he painted you with his cum and you whined, trying to catch a breath but he didn’t let you.
Only when the world started to spin and became slightly black at the corners of your eyes did he let go of your throat and you immediately took a deep breath.
“Don’t pass out on me now, princess.”
Your chest was heaving and you tried to get as much air in your lungs as you could. He pushed you forward slightly and pulled out of you.
Your own wetness was running down the insides of your thighs while his cum came out of your other entrance.
He chuckled slightly and slapped your ass, something that made you realize how weak your legs actually were. You were about to meet the floor but he caught you without any effort.
“Got you better than expected,” he told you with a grin that you didn’t see but heard.
Dabi lifted you up and carried you over to the couch, putting you down on your stomach. When he wanted to turn around he stopped you.
“Stay. I want my cum to stay in your ass, just as a reminder,” he said with a cheeky wink and you felt exhaustion washing over your body.
For a moment he vanished from your sight and returned fully clothed to your sight. He crouched down in front of you and pushed some hair out of your tired face.
“Cat got your tongue again?” he asked, trying to provoke you into saying something stupid as you always did.
“Shut up,” you mumbled weakly and he laughed at your weak attempt. A dark laugh but different than before.
You wanted to say so much more, so slap him for making you almost pass out, yelling at him for being so rough but you just couldn’t. Your body and your mind were tired and you didn’t have the energy to fight it. That would have to wait until your next meeting.
“Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out. I’ll even use the front door this time.”
You just hummed in approval, hoping he wouldn’t seal anything on the way out. Tiredness was coming over you and you barely felt how he threw a blanket over your naked body before you fell asleep.
“I’m back,” you heard the familiar voice of your roommate while you slowly woke up from your slumber.
You smiled slightly when waking up, a yawn leaving your mouth when he started to turn around on the couch.
It took you way too long to realize where you were and why you were there.
Still naked on the couch, covered only with a blanket with Dabi’s cum in your ass. Balcony door still melted, imprints of sweat against the window next to it, and the bathtub was still filled.
Your roommate walked into the living room and turned the light on maximum from it’s dimmed state.
“Date was okay but I don’t think she is the girl for me,” the young man you shared your flat with replied and he was looking at your widened eyes.
He squinted his eyes at you and took in the surroundings. He wasn’t stupid. He would know. The state you were in would give it away if not anything else.
The small grin tugging at the edges of his lips told you that he knew.
“Looks like someone had fun on their own while I was gone. Please clean that up tomorrow, I don’t want to sit on any bodily fluids,” he replied and waved with his hand, a blush forming on your cheeks.
“Of course,” you replied, still tired. All you wanted was for him to go to his room so you could either fall back asleep on the couch or make it to your bedroom. When you shifted on the couch, it was clear that you would go nowhere. Everything hurt and your legs were still weak.
Suddenly his two colored hair peaked back out around the corner, followed by his face and he grinned at you again.
“Actually, I’m quite jealous. I wish my date would have gone that way,” he told you with that bright grin of his and you threw a pillow after him.
“Go to bed or I’ll give you a scar that matches your other one!”
You only heard the young man laugh as he made his way down the hallway and you waited until you heard the telltale sound of his bedroom door close.
Once again you shook his head, mind filled with Dabi as you fell back into a deep slumber.
It was only the next morning that you noticed all the hickeys on your neck and the imprint of his hand on your ass that he burned in on there. It wouldn’t be permanent but it would for sure be there for a few days.
'Cause I'm a sucker, I'll do 'bout anything
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
All I Have To Do Is Dream
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Telepath! Reader (X-men reader)
Summary: It’s been five years since the snap. You and Steve are stuck at an impasse. You want a family, he doesn’t. He says he’s moved on but has he really? With your doubts growing, you consider risking his trust and use your powers on him to get your answers once and for all. 
Author’s note: I know I’ve been gone for so long, I’m sorry!! I loved these requests and decided to merge them together. Took a while to write, I haven’t had much inspiration. I’ll keep this short and hope you enjoy this!! Let me know what you think!  
Requests: hi!! first of all i adore your writing (esp. betrayal)!! id willingly chop two of my limbs in exchange of ur writing skills hahah!! can you maybe write a oneshot similar to take my breath away, and the reader and steve are dating, but they’re actually in steve’s dream(like in age of ultron) and she is sad that steve’s still hasn’t moved on from peggy?? and can you make it extra angsty?? sorry if this is too much hehe!! thanks btw :))
Hmmm maybe angst w/ Steve or Bucky where a misunderstanding/bad fight leads to the reader leaving the team?
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“Damn it, Steve! Would you just listen? Where the hell are you even going?” your voice boomed around your small apartment as you breathed harshly, trying your best not to pull your hair out of frustration. 
At first, it had all been just petty disagreements, you and Steve letting off some steam after the snap happened. You had thought it was normal at the time, a coping mechanism that needed to be flushed out of your systems never expecting that it would last for as long as it has. Five freakin’ years. By now, you would’ve thought you’d realize how lucky you were to still be alive, to still be together while others couldn’t say the same. And yet...
“Geez, Y/N. I am! For the past 30 minutes! And I’m telling you now what I’ve told you from the start,  I am not ready! You gotta give me more time, doll.” He replied, his voice just a tad calmer than yours but you didn’t miss the tick in his jaw as he walked out of your shared room, shrugging into his jacket. You knew his anger was just brewing inside, ready to attack if you pushed just a little bit harder. After countless back-and-forths, this had become a routine between the two of you with Steve always taking the role of the aggrieved party, ending arguments with an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes before he walked away, deciding he had something better to do with his precious time than fight with you. While you, on the other hand, always found that more infuriating, making you impatient and mean, baiting and nagging him until you wouldn’t even recognize the shrill and whine to your own voice.
“And when would that even be? It’s been five years since the snap. When will—”
“Don’t you dare bring that up!” his voice rose, eyes glaring at you as he whirled around, his jaw clenched. “Don’t use that excuse on me, you know damned well I know it. Why do you think I chose to move on and be with you instead of helping Nat bring them all back, hmm?” He continued mockingly as if you were stupid enough not to understand. 
This was it, what all your petty arguments had narrowed down into;
Despite what he said, he still wasn’t ready to settle down. 
“But what the hell are we doing now, Steve? We’re not getting any younger! I want to have kids, a family, with you!” You knew you sounded pathetic, and desperate all at the same time but you couldn’t help but continue, the pretty picture already clouding your brain, 
“Can’t you see it? Having children of our own, their drawings hung up on the walls, the dog you’ve been wanting to have since forever running around the house, family barbecues...” your voice trailed off, a lump forming in your throat, your eyes glazing over with unshed tears. It was all within your grasp, so easily reachable if only Steve agreed with you. If only he wanted it too. Anger bubbled up to the surface while he bristled, looking annoyed. 
 “We can have all of that, you know. What are you even waiting for? Will you ever be ready? Because it really feels like you won’t and I’m the only one who actually wants this,” You were unrelenting, thinking of Tony Stark’s family, how they had gone off the grid and had their own little piece of heaven. Crossing your arms, you knew you wouldn’t achieve anything by becoming a nag but your patience was already wearing thin. 
“Jesus, Y/N! Why would you even say that? Of course I want a family with you! I’m just not ready for that yet! Just give me more time,”
Shaking your head, you let out a defeated sigh and looked away from him. You could hear him grabbing the keys from the counter, exhaling loudly before he went up to you and ran his hands down your arms soothingly, willing you to understand. When you didn’t budge, he just pleaded as he always had, 
“I love you, you know I love you. But I need to get to this meeting, those people need me, Y/N. Could we please just talk about this later?” He moved his head lower to meet your eyes and even in your state of anger, you knew you couldn’t say no to that. He took your begrudged nod as an assent, kissing your forehead before he turned to leave. What else were you going to say anyway? He was going to lead a therapy session for people who had lost their loved ones. Guilt ate at you for keeping him here when he so desperately wanted to save the world. People needed him too, not just you. They hung on his every word. They needed their Captain America, their symbol of hope. While, here you were, acting like a child because he wouldn’t let you have your way. 
Letting out another sigh, your gaze stuck to the floor, berating yourself at how selfish you’d become. You knew what you were getting into when you dated him. You had no illusions of being the center of his universe, it was always going to be the people. But still, it would’ve been nice to be put first for once. You hated the tandem feelings of jealousy and guilt that always crept up on you after your fights. You just wished he understood that while those people needed their hero, you needed your Steve too. But as time passed, it seemed like the man and the hero were indistinguishable and you’d been deluding yourself into thinking it could be different. You’d just have to accept that too because living without him wouldn’t even be an option. 
He paused by the door, catching sight of your slumped shoulders. “Hey,” he said softly, striding back to you. 
“You know I love you, right?” he stroked your cheeks and you couldn’t help the turn of your lips. Nodding slowly, you rolled your eyes at how easy you were for him. 
 “I know. I’m sorry,” 
Ducking down to give you a quick peck on the lips, he reassured you again, “We’ll talk about this later, I promise,” then he gave you one last kiss to your forehead before he disappeared. But what once would’ve eased your worries did nothing to quell your nerves now. Your heart believed everything was alright but your gut said otherwise. 
He looked down at the worn, brassy compass in his palm, his mind years away from where he was, unaware that you were standing by the door. You watched his shoulders relax into a defeated sigh, his eyes never leaving her picture. You couldn’t remember when he ever looked at you like that, all the love and longing etched on his face. He brought his other hand up to caress the picture gently, as if he actually imagined she was with him, a small, sad smile forming on his lips. You felt the air knock right out of you while you scrambled out of there feeling as if you’ve intruded on an intimate moment. You couldn’t help the tears falling from your eyes while you convinced yourself it was nothing. He had just lost his best friends, she was a symbol of his past. He just missed that right? 
You paced around the kitchen, your mind running back to the times you’ve caught him staring at Peggy’s picture. All those times you pretended you didn’t notice how frequently he had been doing it these past few years. His voice, an echo in your head, 
“I’m not ready, just give me more time doll, please,” 
Closing your eyes, you buried your face in your hands. Oh, it would be so easy, you thought. All you had to do was get into his mind and see for yourself. One little, fast trip into his thoughts and you’d get your answers. He’d be none the wiser, no one need ever know except you. And your dignity, and your pride and your principles. Ugh.
He trusted you, you promised never to use your powers on him and yet, that was all you could ever think about now. Did he think of her when he thought of the family he wanted? Was it her face he saw, walking down the aisle to him? 
For the first time in your life, you hated your upbringing at the Xavier Institute. You hated the values and principles they instilled in you, the very reason you were adamant not to use your powers on the unwilling and unsuspecting for your own personal gain even though you were going crazy, craving for your own peace of mind. Deep down you knew, promise to Steve or no, you couldn’t go through with it. 
You looked at the clock, thirty minutes to go before his meeting ended. Grabbing your coat from the rack, you impulsively decided to go to him, promising yourself you weren’t going to nag and argue with him but have a normal conversation like you used to. You haven’t had a date in a long while anyway. Maybe a little spark of romance was all you really needed. 
Your steps echoed on the linoleum floor, walking past the empty hall to follow the directions to the room where the meeting took place. Rubbing your palms together, you spotted the room. The fluorescent lights hanging above casting a lonely pallor to the already gray walls while the rain poured heavily outside. The gloom, an inevitable reminder of what the world has become. It seemed everywhere people went, there was always a reminder of what they’ve lost. Even on an otherwise unblemished sunny day, the vibrancy was not the same, people were scarce and it was quiet. Too quiet. Which was why you were so adamant to continue on living, in order to honor the lives of the people you’ve lost. 
You could hear their faint voices outside the room. Your heart going out to those poor people who still held onto the past while you thanked your lucky stars you still had Steve.You fished for your earphones in your purse trying not to eavesdrop but his clear and deep voice interrupted you. Leaning against the wall opposite the door, you listened, a smile tugging on your lips while he commended the other person. He was always so good with words, always knew the right things to say and that never failed to make you proud. His words of encouragement lifted your spirits, making you stand a little taller, hope blossoming in the pit of your stomach. He talked about moving on, about finding purpose again. 
“I went in the ice in ‘45 right after I met the love of my life,” 
Your whole body went cold, the smile on your lips faltering, your hands suddenly gripping the edge of your blouse while his disheartened voice continued to try to reassure everyone including himself,
“I woke up 70 years later, you gotta move on. You gotta move on,”  
With a hand to your lips, you ran, your rapid, staccato steps filling the hall barely even muffling the sobs you desperately tried to hide. 
Steve didn’t bother coming home straightaway after the meeting.  He told himself it was because he needed to check up on Nat despite the fact that he could’ve easily just called, despite knowing you were all supposed to meet for dinner in a few days anyway. He took his time getting to the Avengers Compound, embracing the uncharacteristic quietness of the city, giving him the chance to be alone with his thoughts. If he were being honest with himself, he couldn’t shake off the guilt that settled at the pit of his stomach at the thought of Peggy. The love of his life. Apparently, anyway. He had no idea where that came from, never really thought of it until it slipped from his mouth. And did he really feel that way? Was she really the love of his life? 
The thought of you came unbidden from his mind, your warm smile waking him up in the morning, your laughter setting the world to rights whenever he was feeling especially out of place. You’ve been through so much together, what you both had was real and it was beyond anything he could’ve imagined when he woke up from the ice and he knew he should take it a step further. He loves you, he is fully committed to you. There was nothing holding him back and yet… and yet, he still thought of her. He couldn’t help but think that if he had only stayed where he really was supposed to be, Peggy would’ve been the mother to his children, she would’ve been his wife. She would’ve been his life’s true love. But the very thought of that put a sour taste to his mouth, the truth was he could never picture his life without you. As much as he still dreamt of the past, how could it be the same if you weren’t there?
At first he thought falling in love with you was a balm to soothe his lost soul until he eventually realized you had crept up on him slowly but in a span of a heartbeat, wormed your way into his heart so suddenly he couldn’t even pinpoint the exact moment he knew he loved you. It was plain and simple, he knew it as he knew the sun rose in the east, he loved you. It was so unlike the way he fell for Peggy where all it took was one look and he was already drunk in love. 
Was it possible then, to be in love with two women? 
You were already in bed when Steve got home, feigning tiredness from the day when your heart was really beating rapidly in your chest. How could you face him now knowing you were second best? You could hear him in the bathroom, oblivious to your inner turmoil. When he was done, he gave you a quick kiss goodnight and went to his side of the bed, his back to you. You turned to face the wide expanse of his shoulders and wondered where the hell do you go from here. Would you really be alright living in the shadow of his ex, one of the world’s most accomplished women, so extraordinary that Captain America couldn’t even move on from her? Could you really leave him if it came down to it? 
A tear escaped the corner of your eye and you laid on your back, the darkness of the ceiling reflecting the heaviness in your heart. You must’ve stared at it for hours, wondering just how far away you were from the man right at your side. He was with you physically but his heart? You always knew deep down, it belonged to someone else. If he had a choice to go back, would he leave you? With the way things were going, you knew he would. In an instant. There was always a part of him that he closed off from you and ever since the snap, it only worsened. The fights, the distance, it all made sense now. Heck, even tonight, he didn’t even bother to ask how you were doing and accepted your lame excuse to get to bed early. It was the weekend, you literally had nothing to do the whole day and yet, it never even occurred to him that something could be wrong. For once, you were sorely tempted to use your powers on him. Hearing his even breathing as he slept didn’t make it any easier. It would be over before he knew it, what would be the harm in that? 
As if on cue, he turned and faced you. His long lashes resting peacefully on his cheeks, his lips slightly parted, he looked like a man who didn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looked younger, more like your Steve. The Steve you wished would let you in and give you the family you’ve always wanted. 
“Just a quick little trip, no one would ever know. What would be the harm in that?” the little voice in the back of your head taunted.
What would be the harm in that? 
With your resolve weakening, you jumped right into the abyss, entering the mind of the man of your dreams, hoping you were his too. 
The sun shone brightly through the open window, letting in the warm summer breeze while his favorite vinyl record played in the background. 
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It’s been a long long time 
The air was crisp and the smell of pancakes and cinnamon wafted from the doorway of the kitchen into the living room of the small, suburban house. The yellow walls were adorned with children’s drawings with a few marker drawings on the wallpaper here and there. The faint sound of giggling could just be heard from where you stood by the stairs. Your children, you thought to yourself, a smile creeping up your lips. This was it. This was what you’ve been picturing too, what you’ve told him countless times over and over again. He dreamed of it too. You turned your attention to the living room, your heart giving a little leap at the mess. It looked like someone had tried to tidy up but gave up on the last minute, some toys still scattered about. You noticed the pet bed by the couch, and you couldn’t help but be excited and hopeful, it was everything you thought of down to a T. You went towards the paper and crayons on the low table between the couch and the fireplace, inspecting one of the children’s current drawings there. It was of a family, their hands holding each other while they smiled in front of the house, a little dog at their father’s side. At the bottom, a scribbly handwriting of a preschooler wrote; Mom, Sarah, James, Dad and directly below the dog, Sam. You laughed aloud at that, clutching the drawing, hoping you could keep it for yourself and willing it into existence. 
“Come on, dance with me,” 
You heard Steve’s playful voice coming from the kitchen. A woman’s laughter rang out, you could just imagine yourself shaking your head at him in response, but something about the woman’s laugh caught you in your tracks. A little too shrill, a little too melodic. You inched closer to the open door, your heart dropping to your stomach. There they were, the picture perfect couple.  He twirled her around, her red dress hugging her curves so effortlessly, while she drew her head back and laughed. The dimples on her cheeks deepening, her curls staying in place even when Steve maneuvered her around. They looked so beautiful together, his golden locks and smitten smile never once leaving her face, he never looked so happy. 
Not even when he was with you.
That realization hit you like a train. You couldn’t even remember the last time he looked at you the way he looked at Peggy now.  When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you acted silly together? When was the last time you were both happy? That was what hurt the most. You couldn’t even remember. It felt like a weird sort of deja vu except now, it was an actual woman instead of a picture on a compass. You tried to gather your pride and step away but you couldn’t, you were rooted into place, a sadistic part of you welcomed the pain because you should’ve known. 
“I went in the ice in ‘45 right after I met the love of my life,” 
You should’ve known.
 But instead, you choose to play the fool.
There must’ve been a shift in the air that only they understood because Steve gathered her in his arms now, their eyes locking into each other, gentle and longing. 
You'll never know how many dreams
I dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
He rocked her back and forth, bringing her hand up to his chest, turning into action what words fail to describe. She closed her eyes and laid her head on his heart, savoring their moment. He leaned his head on hers too, a satisfied smile on both their faces as they continued to sway to the music. You had never felt as small as you did now. You felt like a thief, intruding on their moment, stealing his dream away. And that’s exactly what you were doing. That’s exactly what you are. You felt so dirty, a desperate, pathetic fly on the wall he couldn’t get rid of. And worst of all, you destroyed his trust too.
As if on cue, the colors started to change, the song distorting and shifting and in this moment you knew, you had to leave. 
You have to leave. 
Part Two
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
Lari my love, my Queen, my darling may I request a scenario of Ace being a daddy to his kids 🥺🥺 please thank you so much baby girl!!! xoxo *aqua tofana*
Val mi reina, my love! thank you so much for requesting this 😭❤ it turned out pretty cute awww *aqua tofana*
Ace liked being a father, he really did, but it was much easier when you were around. When you had to travel for a week because of work, the first day went fine, but after that, it was downhill. Thankfully, you’d be home in just a day.
Your oldest daughter, Rouge, was already a teenager, and while you knew how to deal with her, your husband didn’t. To him, she was still his child who would never grow up. The younger daughter, Ann, was six, and she was an angel, and was daddy’s girl. And your youngest child was Sabo, your three year old son who spent most of his time with Ace.
— Hey, dad. — Rouge said while walking in the kitchen where her father was. — I’ll go out with my friends tonight, but I’ll be home before my curfew.
— Ah, sure! — he smiled. — Do you want me to drive you there? I’ll finish dinner and we can go.
— No, no! It’s not needed.
— Is it far from here? Don’t worry, I’ll drive you.
— Dad, my friend’s parents don’t drive them anywhere. It’s… embarrassing. — the girl rolled her eyes, heading to the door. — Bye.
Ace knew how teenagers were, he knew they don’t want to be seen around their parents and would eventually have their own lives. But it felt like it happened so fast, it felt like she having tea parties with him just yesterday. The man couldn’t help feeling a little sad, until Sabo and Ann arrived in the kitchen, showing the drawings they just made.
Before dinner, the kids asked for a candy, just one. And your husband couldn’t simply say no to their puppy faces. He also tried to make their favorite meal, which wasn’t as good as you made, but it was decent. Ann and Sabo said it was delicious! The two always made him feel better even when he wasn’t doing the best job.
They watched a few Disney movies until bedtime. This time, the two didn’t want some story from a book. Instead, they asked the story of how you and Ace met.
Just a few hours later, the raven haired man was sitting on the couch watching TV, when he heard the door open. He saw his older daughter finally arriving, just before her curfew, the young woman was very responsible after all. Rouge seemed to be drying her tears, which made Ace worry.
— What happened, baby? — he widened his eyes. — Are you hurt?
— No, dad. I’m just… Tired. I’ll go to bed. — she was about to go upstairs, but Ace wasn’t buying her excuse.
— Tell me, who do I need to hit?
The girl couldn’t help giggling a little, her father was the sweetest person, but if anyone dared to hurt one of his children or his loved ones, he would turn into a completely different person. She knew his question was no joke.
— It… Doesn’t matter. It’s alright. — her voice started to break.
— Rouge… I’ve known you since the second you were born. I know when you’re not alright. If you tell me, I promise I won’t hit anyone. I know I’m not your mom, and she probably knows how to deal with some emotions better than I do. But… I can try.
She sighed and sat on the couch next to her father, head resting on his shoulder and she started crying quietly. Ace tried to dry her tears and waited until she felt comfortable enough to open up.
— This boy I was seeing… — Ace gasped. His baby, his precious daughter was seeing a boy?! — He just… called me and dumped me. He didn’t even say it face to face!
— Give me his name and address.
— Dad, no! — she held his arm when he was about to get up. His intention was to get the car keys and have a little conversation with the boy who hurt his daughter. — Don’t get in trouble. It’s not worth it. I’m just… So sad, feeling like I can’t be loved.
Hearing this broke Ace’s heart. You and him loved her so much, even before she was born. You two took care of her, loved her, just so a guy could hurt her like this?
— You can be loved, you’re already loved. This fool just doesn’t see how amazing you are! He’ll regret his decision soon.
— You’re just saying this because you’re my dad. — she softly smiled.
— Yes, but it’s still true. And if whenever you want, I can just get baseball bat and… — the girl interrupted him.
— No need, dad. But thank you for listening.
— Besides, you’re young… You have your whole life to find the right person. It took me a while to find your mom, but it was worth the wait. So be patient, and now just… Study and don’t grow up just yet.
The next morning, Ace was asleep when the three kids entered the room, telling him to wake up and screaming “happy father’s day” while the two youngest kids jumped on the bed. Sabo was holding a little box carefully wrapped and a cute bow; Ann held a small poster they made, decorated with hearts and glitter; and Rouge brought breakfast, with some pancakes, coffee and cupcakes she probably bought this morning. Before the man could even understand what was going on, the three kept saying how he was an amazing father.
With everything that has been going on, he even forgot about the father's day, but his kids remembered. It meant so much to him.
The freckled man tried to hide his tears, but this was one of the moments where he remembered when he was growing up, thinking he couldn’t be loved, and now he has a family of his own. An amazing wife and three beautiful kids. He was a very lucky man.
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hongism · 3 years
the little things - c.san
↣ pairing: san x reader; poly ot8 x reader ↣ genre: sfw, fluff, slight angst, fantasy au, witch ateez au ↣ wc: 3.3k ↣ summary: one of your favorite things to do is look at the stars with san ↣ warnings: none !
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“You’re out rather early.”
You don’t turn towards the source of the voice; just hearing him speak is enough of a clue for you to know exactly who it is. Although, even if he hadn’t spoken, you’re sure you would have known from the flutter of wings that resounded before his arrival.
“The stars are prettiest right before dawn breaks,” you sigh, hugging your arms a bit tighter around your knees. Your new companion moves forward and comes to a stop beside you. He doesn’t sit down quite yet; for a while, he merely stands at your side and stares up at the same sky hanging above your heads. The time is roughly four o’clock in the morning — a late night for you and an early morning for San — but your words hold true. The glimmering stars are tucked behind fluffy and luscious clouds that seem to herald coming rain, and they shine against a midnight blue background that seems infinitely deep.
San sinks down to sit beside you at last, tossing his legs over the lip of the stone wall you’re perched on, and he sways his legs in rhythm with an unknown melody. You squeeze your knees as you press your cheek to one of them, enough to have a clear view of San’s pretty side profile against a landscape of green pine trees and shining stars.
“I thought you were out here to look at the stars,” San whispers. He glances at you out the corner of his eye. There’s no malice in his speech, just a hint of teasing, and you can’t keep your lips from quirking into a smile.
“I’m looking at you instead.”
“I should be the one looking at you, little star.” San turns his chin to face you, and his dimples flash as he grins back through the hazy moonlit night. “Our precious star,” he murmurs before reaching a hand out to trace over your forehead, slipping down to your temple then to your cheek and dragging the pads of his fingers over your skin in an unknown pattern.
“Why are you up so early?”
“Waiting for Hongjoong,” San says through a sigh. His hand retracts as quickly as it made contact, and you can’t pretend to be oblivious as to why. Things are always… harsh for San when Hongjoong is gone. It’s much worse when it’s a job like Hongjoong’s current one where the witch has to be gone for weeks at a time. Then San becomes quite volatile and hard to deal with — it only makes sense when a familiar is separate from his master for so long. Seonghwa tries to do damage control every time, tries to use techniques that normally help his own familiar Yeosang calm down, but they never work for San. Hongjoong is the only person and thing that can quell the anxieties and worries and stress that flow through San’s veins in times like these. And seeing as they are a bonded pair, it makes the connection of sharing emotional states weaker. They can’t share emotions this far apart, and that weighs heavily on San’s shoulders after being so used to sharing his heart in such a way for so long. Even if Hongjoong has a tendency to cut San off from feeling the brunt of his negative emotions, there’s still a lingering knowledge that the other is right there, just within grasp.
Not now, however.
San has gone three long weeks without even a breath of a whisper from Hongjoong.
And tonight (this morning? Today? Whatever time it may be) the witch is supposed to return. San’s nerves must be getting to him if he’s out this early because usually he would curl up in Hongjoong’s bed and await the witch there, presenting himself like a neatly wrapped present for the other to unravel with warm kisses and soft touches.
San clenches his fingers blindly around the lip of the wall.
“Tell me a story?” You inquire out of the blue. Your eyes shift to look up at the sky again. San huffs out a weak laugh.
“What kind?”
“Hm, how you and Hongjoong met?”
A risky choice, maybe, but you know how near and dear that tale is to San’s heart, and how much comfort it brings him in simply thinking of it. So it is also a very wise choice on your behalf. San’s lips twitch into the shadow of a smile.
“You’ve heard it so many times already…”
“I’ll give you something in return,” you coo, reaching out to pinch the skin around San’s elbow. He yelps like a kicked dog and offers up a deep pout that has you ready to tease him further.
“Seven kisses.”
“Seven?” You echo. Confusion slips into your tone. You can’t recall any significance to the number seven, nor can you remember whether it’s supposed to have special meaning.
“One for each time I’ve told you this story,” San murmurs, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the tip of your nose. You scowl at the faint sensation as a laugh nearly escapes you, but you manage to bite it back enough to smile again.
“I always forgot how good a crow’s memory is.”
“Ravens remember well too, little star.”
You poke your tongue out between your lips in his direction, and San merely laughs at your expression before shifting closer to you. He loops a hand around one of yours, pulling it away from the leg you have propped up on the rock wall, then he loops his fingers through yours.
“Several hundred winters ago, this land we live in now held very different values and laws. The people were cruel and brash, only using their fists and crude weapons to handle gathering food and protecting their women and children. No one imagined there was any other way of doing things — the people knew nothing of what gentle prowess magic could offer.” San glances over at you, drawing a laugh from your lips when he makes eye contact with you. You shake your head ever so slightly.
“I didn’t mean for you to give me the version that’s in books and legends…”
San dares to giggle at that, and a moment later, he’s shifting his position so that he can rest his head against your thigh and look up at the stars like that. You have to push your other leg down to accommodate the shift, and once San is comfortably staring up at the sky with you, he begins speaking again.
“I was alone. It wasn’t something new; I was used to it at that point. Ravens don’t have the longest lifespan, and I was still a young familiar at the time. I had no owner or master. My mother’s master left our nest after she passed, leaving me with two sisters who were sick and close to death. They were too ill to shift to their human forms, so I couldn’t bring them to an apothecary or village. Ravens are seen as bad omens after all; had I brought them to a town, they would have been killed on the spot. I spent some time going between our nest and the nearest village, stealing food and medicine where I could because I couldn’t afford it. I worked some too, little odd jobs here and there, but it was a lot of delivery work. Made it easy to steal thankfully. Then… well, one day, I got too bold and tried pickpocketing a high-ranking guardsman. He was some lieutenant or something like that, I don’t remember. Too many years have passed since then. But I got caught trying to lift some coin off him in a bar, and he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out to the streets. He was planning on killing me right then and there with no trial, but some short little witch came stalking up without a care in the world and knocked the guard on his ass. He was going on and on about how rude it is to grab random people off the street like that.”
“Of course he would,” you murmur, a bit of fondness slipping into your tone. “Don’t let him catch you calling him short though.”
“Eh, he’ll survive. In any case, when the guard tried explaining that I was trying to pickpocket him, this witch extended a hand to me and asked if I needed help. I naturally said no because I didn’t think I could trust him, then took off running. I went back to my nest in the hopes of finding my sisters and telling them to get out of the area, yet when I got there, they were already gone. It had been nearly two years since my mother passed, so they were well enough to do things on their own at that point, but they’d never up and left like that without warning. I couldn’t do anything but stay and wait for their return. We’d gathered some food and supplies, so I was able to live off of it for several months before needing to depart for more again. The entire time, not once did my sisters return. They just… disappeared into thin air. I waited every day, wondered when they would come back, and some nights I would stay awake all night flying around the area in search of them.”
“That part always breaks my heart,” you whisper. Stretching a hand down, you drag your fingers along the curve of San’s cheekbones then his jaws, torn away from the stars as you look at the familiar.
“Why? Had it not happened, I wouldn’t be here.”
“I know but…”
“But Hongjoong found me,” San continues through a smile. You huff but let him finish the story, pointedly ignoring the curling grin he sends your way. “After a few months, I started noticing magical residue near my nest. And sure enough, that little witch from before was setting up camp nearby. I did nothing at first, watched him from afar for a while, then I got brave enough to try to lift a few things from his camp. That turned out to be quite the mistake because he caught me within three seconds of setting foot into that camp. And yet… instead of threatening to kill me or harming me, the little witch simply asked if I was alone. ”Are you alone? Do you have anyone with you? A master? I feel your magical energy yet it doesn’t seem normal. You must be a familiar. Where is your master?“ When I said I had no master and was on my own, the little witch was… hm, I would say he was both confused and concerned. Said it was no good for a familiar to go without a master. Without one, I would die within a few years. He suggested that I hurry along with finding one, and I explained I had absolutely no one else in my life.”
“And after that?”
San hums to himself a bit, bringing his hands up above his head as he stares at the night sky. A delicate little smile graces his pretty lips and squeezes his dimples out, but he doesn’t speak any other words for quite some time. The next voice you hear doesn’t even belong to him.
“After that, I invited San to spend some time in my care and work an honest job for me before going on his way to finding a master.”
You twist your neck towards the source of the voice, finding the witch standing a little ways away from the wall you and San are currently seated on, and he grins through the moonlit night at you. San jolts upwards at the sound of his master. The smile that splits his lips is so broad and heartwarming that it feels too intimate to look at, even for you who shares in their love for one another. It’s different for them, and you know that, even if it’s just a different strain of the same love, it’s different nonetheless. San hops off the wall in one swift move, closing the distance between his and Hongjoong’s bodies within seconds.
“As it turns out, we were…we did quite well together. And thus, here we are,” Hongjoong says as he lets San press his nose into the curve of his neck. “I’m sorry I was gone so long. Had to make a few extra stops along the way to gather some supplies. How was he?” Hongjoong directs the words to you, watching with careful yet loving eyes as you pull yourself down from the wall as well and step closer to him and San. The familiar will be like this for a while; unmoving and unresponsive as he soaks in Hongjoong’s presence again and drowns himself in the sensation of having all those feelings doubled once more. Hongjoong will try to ease the burden as much as he can for both their sake, and you’ll do what you do best: taking care of both of them when it gets to be too overwhelming. While Seonghwa and Yeosang (who don’t go a long time without each other anyway) don’t have to deal with this type of ordeal, Hongjoong and San always do. Hongjoong thinks it has something to do with how frequent his trips are, or perhaps the lingering sensation of separation anxiety that San suffers from given his past. Either way, it makes their reunions that much more emotionally taxing and intense. Even you, who has not a drop of magical ability in your body, can feel the sheer power radiating off them both right in this moment.
“You came home at the right time. He was getting antsy,” you murmur back, reaching up to comb your fingers through the long hair at the base of San’s scalp.
“Next time I’ll leave you all with a bit more of a safety net.”
“Or you could come back sooner.”
Hongjoong nearly rolls his eyes, and you catch the way he stops himself just beforehand. The annoyance in his features is nothing serious, only something because he’s heard such words a hundred times over.
“No doubt you haven’t slept yet?” He inquires, trying his best to make his way to the door of the coven’s home. San proves to be quite the obstruction, as it seems, and Hongjoong has to hoist the slightly larger man up enough to loop his legs around the smaller’s waist. Hongjoong grunts from the added weight but manages to carry San the rest of the way with no other complaints. You trail along beside them, taking care of opening the door and grabbing Hongjoong’s satchel once inside.
“Welcome home, my sweet starlight. I see our star and bird found you before I could.” Seonghwa is the first to greet the three of you upon stepping inside. You only notice Yeosang’s sleek black cat form slinking around the hearth witch’s ankles when you’re helping Hongjoong out of his shoes.
“Mm, they were waiting outside,” Hongjoong mumbles into the chaste kiss Seonghwa delivers to his lips. Seonghwa also places a sweet kiss on the back of San’s head before Hongjoong steps around the taller man, continuing to carry San as he goes.
“Mingi fell asleep in your bed last night, so don’t be surprised if you find him there,” Seonghwa calls out over his shoulder. You stretch up to your tiptoes in front of him, half-expecting the kiss that he presses to your lips a few seconds later, but the sudden appearance of Yeosang’s human form popping up on your left is much less expected. You nearly jump out of your skin, and probably would have if not for Seonghwa placing a steadying hand on your hip.
“You haven’t slept either,” Yeosang comments, nose pushing hard against your cheek. You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
“No need to lecture. I’m going up with them, don’t worry.”
“I’ll come by after Jongho heads out for morning work.” Yeosang smiles a little before turning on his heel and heading back into the kitchen, no doubt where Jongho waits. Seonghwa huffs out a laugh but sends you on your way without any more conversation. You catch him slipping back into the kitchen as well just as you start climbing the stairs behind Hongjoong.
“Did San fall asleep already?” You ask after the man. You can barely see the familiar’s face from how hard he has it pressed into Hongjoong’s neck, but his eyes seem to have fallen shut at some point. He’s either basking in Hongjoong’s presence as much as he can or he’s entered a pleasant state of unconsciousness with Hongjoong’s warmth around him.
“Almost. He’s calming down some though. I’ll put him in bed with Mingi then take a bath. Care to join?”
“Such a temptress,” you snort to his back.
“I’m only joking, my dear. Keep San and Mingi company while I’m washing up for me instead? We can bathe together another day.”
“Of course darling,” you murmur, drawing a hand across his shoulders once the two of you reach his door. “Be quick though. Mingi will want some time to cuddle before he joins Jongho for yard work.”
As Seonghwa warned, Mingi is already curled up into a tight ball in the center of Hongjoong’s bed when you enter the room. It’s not hard to move his lanky limbs to the side to make room for San, and when Hongjoong eases the familiar down to the mattress, Mingi immediately takes to curling his body around the smaller man like it’s an act of pure instinct. San nuzzles into the touch, releasing a content little hum. You feel a hand brush the small of your back and jerk to look Hongjoong in the eye. Turns out, it was only a way to distract you because he captures your lips in a quick kiss that tastes a bit of honey and cinnamon. You have no time to savor the taste, however; Hongjoong pulls away just as quick and mumbles something about being quick to clean up. You bring a hand up to touch the spot where his lips just were. The smile that overtakes your face is one you can’t hold back, and now it’s your turn to be content and happy as you pull the sheets back to join Mingi and San under the covers. A large hand clamps down hard on your waist, tugging you flush against San’s chest.
“Where’s my kiss?” Mingi’s voice rises through the silence, thick and groggy from sleep. You reach around San to smack him as gently as possible on the arm.
“Go back to bed.”
“Joong home yet?”
“Mhm, he’ll be in bed in just a bit.”
“Good,” Mingi sighs. He settles back into the mattress, maintaining his hold on you around San’s body, and you twist just enough to lean over the sleeping familiar.
“Kiss,” you murmur, and Mingi rushes to meet you halfway with a cheeky grin. “Okay, now sleep. You don’t have long before you have to be up.”
It doesn’t take long for you to fall asleep wrapped up in that embrace, and even when Hongjoong does finally come to bed, he doesn’t stir you from sleep except for the barest sensation of lips against your forehead. You might hear him mutter some loving words to all three of you, perhaps lingering a little while longer on San because he knows the familiar needs that reassurance and comfort right now more than ever, but once he settles down and tucks your head against his chest, a wildly comfortable and deep sleep overcomes you.
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haifengg · 3 years
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Pairing: NanamixGN!Reader
Note: I think I got this ask quite a while ago but due to my hiatus it got postponed a million times. Now that I am slowly coming back and am publishing the bits and pieces I wrote during being away this A-Z is finally leaving my drafts as well.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Given his S/O is a sorcerer as well I think he would limit PDA at work to a minimum. Even if they are officially together or even married. He just likes to separate work and home. Tho it doesn’t mean that he is not making small intimate gestures at work like randomly dropping in with coffee or - when they are on a mission - sending a text asking how they are doing.
At home he is pretty affectionate. Randomly pulling them in for a hug, giving small back rubs when they are doing the dishes after he cooked. This kind of thing.
B = Before (What were they like when they had a crush?) Distant. Nanami would probably be a person who maybe actually mistakes the feeling for some other emotion at first. Leaving him confused about why he thinks about them so much. The poor man would likely be irritated every time they are nice to him. Why the heck doesn’t his heart stop pounding? And why is he suddenly excited to go to work? Disappointed when he is not assigned the same mission as them? Or - if they aren’t a sorcerer - sad when a mission takes him away from wherever he met them for too long?
C = Confession (What was their confession like?) Well-planned and straight forward. Nanami was already observing them for a while before making a move. Although he doesn’t actually confess it is pretty obvious when he likes someone because it happens so rarely. Just imagine him asking someone out for dinner. That gives away so much - don’t you agree?
D = Date (What was the first official date they went on?) If we don’t count the dinner mentioned above … I guess it would be something like a gallery. Nanami would definitely want to test his s/o’s taste in art because it tells a lot about a person’s character. What kind of art they prefer (paintings, photography, sculptures, … ) and how they look at it as well.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) Professionally. He would state the fact on why they aren’t compatible anymore and what made him draw this conclusion. I don’t think either one of them would cheat on the other mainly because Nanami wouldn’t get into a relationship with someone capable of doing that in the first place (I hope). He would sit down with his (not) s/o and talk it through. There might be tears on the other side but not on his. He thought about it a lot and made peace with his feelings before starting this conversation.
F = Fights (What would fights look like? What are things that upset them?) Kento barely looses his temper. And if he does I wouldn’t say that it is necessarily a bad thing. Getting him so worked up about something does only mean he cares. Fights would mostly be on the calmer/diplomatic side. He might be upset about something but there is no need for him to yell or anything. If the problem can be resolved just by talking about it - great! Why waste his precious energy on negative things, when he can use them elsewhere?
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) We all know - and all those rough sm*t fan fictions can’t proof me wrong - that he probably is the most gentle character in entire JJK. He despises the violence of his job therefore he doesn’t want to inflict pain or anything on anyone on his good side. Especially his S/O. Nanami has the most gentle touch, fleeing kisses, he will hold them tight but never smother them.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) As mentioned above: Tight and secure. Or soft. His S/O almost automatically buries their face in the crook of his neck because - who wouldn’t. Is there anything else I have to say about hugs by Nanami Kento? Yes. Am I able to put it into words? No. It’s just a very overwhelming feeling - that’s all.
I = Intimacy (What is their favorite form of intimacy? Do they have problems with it?) For him I think it would be things where they take care of him. While he shows his love through cooking and providing (which he takes a lot of pride from), he loves being taken care of as well. Maybe in departments he doesn’t know so much about. Like skincare. If his S/O teases him about his wrinkles and stern look he would gladly accept any advice in skincare from them, let them do their magic with face massages and serums. He doesn’t even care if it has any effect on his skin - he just loves the attention he gets and thrives on the feeling how much his S/O cares about him (and his skin apparently).
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) This one I am really indecisive about. I can see him get more jealous that we would expect him too - which would be a nice surprise tbh. But also not jealous at all because he is confident. Kento knows what his S/O likes about him and he also knows what separates him from other men. What makes him special. I think the times he gets jealous are the days he doesn’t get to spent with his S/O because of work or a mission. Which rather results in being mad at Jujutsu Tech than jealous of someone else.
K = Kisses (Are they a good kisser? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Forehead. Kisses. It doesn’t matter what height there S/O is. It is one of the most protective gestures and he enjoys giving those as much as his S/O enjoys receiving them.
The back of the hand cheesy kisses. Because they are his everything, he wants to treat them like it. Nanami knows it’s cheesy but neither one of them thinks too much about it. When they sit across the table, fingers sloppily interlocked on the table top, he occasionally picks up their hand and places a soft kiss on the back of it. Almost absent-minded.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) He is not very fond of them. Not saying that he won’t love and do everything for his own kids but other people’s kids are usually a nuisance for him. If they are loud or misbehaving he is really not having it. Though he would never lash out or raise his voice against them/their parents. ‘Children’ as in ‘his students’ … he always makes sure to treat them as children in a way he wants them safe/won’t put them in unnecessary danger.
M = Messages (How often do they text his S/O?) Kento strikes me as a kind of guy who doesn’t text often. Mostly because in his line of work sharing attention could easily be his downfall or worse. He will let his s/o know if he’s running late or occasionally ask if there is anything they need from the store or things like that but aside from practical messages he doesn’t text much.
Though if he is on a long mission and away from his s/o for quite a time span he usually rather calls them than text.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Nights as in ‘Nights Out’? Date nights? Well, he is a foodie so dinner is always a popular option. He takes the time to carefully research about the restaurant and the menu. If the rotate dishes, he will make sure they’re going at the exactly right season to get the best culinary experience possible.
Nanami is old fashioned. So he will hold the door for them, pull back the chair … helps them into their coat.
He also likes going to the movies. The intimacy of the dark theatre gives him the confidence to reach out for their hand or have his arm around their shoulder. Since he usually limits PDA in public this is exciting for him.
O = Opinion (Would they ask for their S/O’s opinion a lot? How important is it in terms of decisions?) Probably more than I would expect him too. Maybe not about the smaller things but decisions that involve the both of them he would definitely ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Due to the time he spends exposed to Gojo this man has the patience of a saint. Literally. He rarely snaps at his S/O.
Q = Quizzes (How does a bar trivia night teamed up with them look like?) Stressed. Yes, this man in very educated and cultured but imagine him sitting in a loud-ass bar, having to answer questions about the transformers or Megan Thee Stallion. Absolutely absurd. How old he must feel …
R = Remember (How much do they remember about their S/O or their relationship in general?) Not everything but a lot. He will remember little things they mentioned early on in the relationship and bring it up again later. He also uses this ability for presents and such. As well as in fights. If they think they can outtalk him with something you accusedly said or didn’t say some time ago - I suggest they surrender, because he will remember much better.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) Very Protective. I mean yes, he knows that they can stand up for themselves but why should they have to do that if he is around? One of the big perks dating him is that he is who he is and that his presence confuses most people. So he might as well use it. Not so much in a physical way but rather in addressing the people bothering his S/O directly in the typical manner of his.
I think his understanding of being protected equals being taken care of which plays into the skincare thing I mentioned earlier. It is not so much physical procreation from danger but preserving a future together where one cares about the other deeply and only wants their best.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Medium effort. He prepares and researches but he rarely comes up with a new idea. He knows what he likes and his S/O probably does too. His work is so stressful and has close to no repetition so that he enjoys doing the same things on dates over and over. That does not mean it will get boring. Because Nanami sometimes thrives on going the extra mile. There is a restaurant across the country that he really wants to dine at? Buckle up - he is going on a vacation. Short trips or spa weekends are also things he appreciates.
Since he remembers dates and anniversaries well he is usually well prepared for those occasions. He puts a lot of thought into presents and barely ever gifts useless things. He does not like to have a lot of stuff laying around so what he gives to people usually serves a purpose.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a S/O?) Literally everything I mentioned above. Namai Kento is a unique mix of all his traits. A very balanced person.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) Well … he wears the same freaking suit everyday so … but yes I think cares about his looks and hygiene in general. As far as clothing goes he probably has one brand he is loyal too, which automatically sets his fashion style in stone as well. He has the same haircut for quite a while and sees no point in changing it.
Overall just the classic hetero dude who ones figured out what works for him and stuck with it. lol.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their S/O? Yes. His S/O is the other side of him. Is what balances his inner peace. Without them he worries too much, stresses too much. He needs them to tell him it’s going to be okay.
X = X-Ray (How transparent are they?) Nanami doesn’t actually tells them everything but will disclose if they ask. He just doesn’t think they are interested in small details about him.
Y = Yuck (Everyone has flaws. What is theirs?) He. Doesn’t. Do. The. Dishes.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) Kento never lets go of his S/O. Which can be annoying. And suffocating. Especially in summer. He is not clingy and they don’t fall asleep like this but in the morning he always spoons them or weirdly holds their hand. Sometimes toes interlocked lmao. Which makes them even more lonely when they are apart, because they got used to it way too quickly.
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@kpopsnowball @soleilsuhh @jeonghanmoon @himitsu-luna
@sagedevans @shampoocifer @your-consulting-fangirl @gwynsapphire​
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