#it’s a niche genre but they don’t miss
azaraeth · 11 months
my favorite movies are the ones where a nonhuman creature everyone’s terrified of befriends a sad man who loses a limb
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wrenwreads · 8 months
a glass... or two!
sick of seeing his little brother and their best-friend just simply ogle at each other, peter decides to take matters into his own hands.
request for @edmundpevensielover : EDMUND PEVENSIE X READER
pairing/s: edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warning/s: mentions of alcohol and reader being drunk a bit tipsy
genre: fluff, friends-to-lovers (or is it?)
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this has been in my requests for god knows how long, i do apologise for only getting to it now. i did change it up a bit from what anon originally requested, hope that's okay!
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How do you make two obviously in love individuals realise their feelings for each other when the said two individuals are also too oblivious for their own good?
That was the same question Peter had going on in his head.
It has been too long.
Way too long since his little brother — Edmund, admitted he has feelings for Y/N — someone he has grown close to over the years, who also happens to be Edmund’s best friend since forever. Also including the fact that same Y/N did the exact same thing Edmund did, only a week later.
Some would say that Peter is in a huff. Jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed as he walks down the halls of the castle towards the library. A bit too niche of a topic for him to be in a huff about — but he's only human after all, and only wants happiness for the two. Gratefully, as a king, he can hide the reason behind his frustration by blaming his duties — claiming they were starting to get too much. People seem to buy it, except for two. 
“Peter, are you alright? You’ve been sighing like a mad man since you sat down.”
Lucy’s question only had the young king sighing again, not missing the way Lucy and Susan shared a glance before him.
“It’s those two,” he answers, nodding towards the two figures who had seemed to tuck themselves against each other under one of the castle’s big library shelves.
Both Lucy and Susan follow Peter’s gaze, faux fatigue lacing their shoulders as they watch Y/N and Edmund share fond looks to each other as they immerse into a novel. Y/N was holding the book, conveniently keeping it up between the two of them to read. Edmund had himself stood as support for the young girl who had relaxingly rested upon his chest, his arm behind her — flat against the surface to keep his weight on, allowing both of them to stay upright.
It would be a moment for couples — only if they were one.
“Who do you think will confess first?” Lucy loudly wondered. Although, not too loud to pop the bubble Edmund and Y/N had themselves in. Peter hummed, suddenly alert as if he wasn’t just huffing a few minutes ago. His sisters looked at him, eyes waiting for him to say something.
“What? Isn’t it obvious? I’m sure Y/N will say something first.”
Susan silently scoffs, mouth opening as if someone had just offended her. “Don’t think so lowly of Edmund, would you? I know it’s going to be him.”
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“Ed, do you know what colours Peter’s planning for this year?” the young woman asks as she welcomes herself into Edmund’s bedroom. Upon hearing no answer and only the sounds of water running, she assumes he’s still busy giving himself a wash. Thinking he’ll be taking a while, she sits on the four-poster — fussing herself around as she gets comfortable, crossing her legs underneath herself. Relaxing in her seat, she opens the book she had on her hold — continuing where she had left off.
Getting herself lost in the plot, she fails to realise the sound of water stopping nor the fact that Edmund had come out of the washroom and had asked a question himself. It was only when the mattress beneath her dipped did she look up from her page, seeing Edmund looking fresh — wet hair dripping all over his sheets. “You’re not laying down with wet hair, are you?” Y/N asks, eyes narrowing at the sly smile growing on Edmund’s face. “No.” he simply answered, further provoking her as he slowly ascends on to his pillows.
Y/N only sighs, rolling her eyes as she stands up from her position to grab the stray towel the boy had half-mindedly discarded. “Come on,” she says, tapping his thigh lightly, “this way you won’t be waking up tomorrow, complaining about a mind-blowing head ache you have.”
Edmund scoffs at her dramatics, swinging his legs off to the edge of the bed. Y/N settles herself between his thighs, hands under the towel as she carefully dries Edmund’s hair.
He sighs, eyes closing and his hands making its way to her waist. He keeps them there, finding himself getting drowsy at the feeling of Y/N’s fingers through his hair and the soft humming she emits. “I like it when you dry my hair for me,” he whispers, eyes still closed. Y/N laughs softly, giving his hair once last swipe before putting the towel aside. Combing the strands lightly, she finishes her routine with a soft kiss to his head. “I know you do.”
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“You’ve really outdone yourself this year, Pete! The party’s amazing!”
Peter laughs, amused at the unnecessary volume Y/N spoke. “I can hear you perfectly you know. No need to shout,” he teases, laughing again at the pout forming on her lips. “Do you know where Edmund went?! I’ve been looking for him all night, I have something to say to him!”
His eyes widen at the girl’s question. Could this finally be it?
As if on cue, Edmund presents himself — although a bit tipsy himself, not as much as Y/N is though. “What’s going on?”
“Ed!” she squeals, wrapping her arms around Edmund’s torso. The boy manages to catch himself from falling, giggling to himself as he too reciprocates the hug. “Oh dear, how many have you had?”
Y/N removed herself from Edmund, hands on her hips as she appears to be deep in thought. Edmund looks at his brother for an answer, only that Peter remains silent. Raising his arms halfway up in the air feigning innocence. She suddenly gasps in her place, quickly spinning around to face Peter. “You gave me two! And then… I think I grabbed another two. And maybe… Idunnoanymore, Ithink…” her words began slurring into each other, earning a chuckle from both brothers. Edmund feels himself slowly sobering up at her antics, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. “It’s bed time, don’t you think?”
“No… nonono, notyet—”
Peter remains silent from where he had stood himself, not before moving a little further away from where the pair were standing. He watches as Edmund remains calm, a dopy smile on his face as he dotes on you and your blabbing. He mentally pats himself on the back, triumph enveloping him as he hopes his initial plan of getting you together (finally) happens.
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“Come on, my love, just a few more steps…” Edmund encourages, guiding his very drunk girlfriend back to his bedroom in one piece.
One day he’ll get Peter’s head for this.
As soon as the door opens — Y/N escapes Edmund’s grasp, almost catapulting herself onto the bed. She relaxes herself, taking a few deep breaths in before sitting back up. “Do you think… they know?” she hiccups, eyes barely open to look at Edmund.
Edmund feels his heart swell at the sight, his eyes giving nothing but love as he slowly helps Y/N get ready for bed. “I don’t think so,” he begins, wiping a damp wash cloth over her face – a hand gingerly placed under her chin to keep her from swaying. “But I do think Peter wants us to quicken up a bit, be together officially. Maybe that’s why he gave you too many to drink.”
She lets out a small huff, a pout on her lips. “But we already are together, Ed. It’s not our fault they remain oblivious.”
“I know, my love. What about we tell them tomorrow? How does that sound? Surprise them during breakfast, hm?”
Y/N laughs, a sound never failing to sound like music to Edmund’s ears. “That’s… good…” yawns break her words apart. Edmund slowly guides her to lay down, ensuring his actions are not too sudden for her to suddenly feel nauseous. “Let’s go to bed then, now, shall we?”
Not even finished with his sentence and Y/N’s were already closed, hands tugging onto the blankets to snuggle herself in further. Edmund smiles, standing up from where he perched onto the edge of the bed to now get himself ready. Right as he enters the washroom, a question is suddenly asked.
 “Ed, are you even drunk?”
He just laughs, not having the heart yet to tell you that he had caught on to Peter’s game very early on to the night. Not that he can for your soft snores had followed your question aright after.
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thank you so much for reading until the end! as always, leave your thoughts/comments - i love reading them. constructive criticism is appreciated! •.˚⚘ ⋆.*.ゞ
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bloomeng · 22 days
I know MXTX is a good author I want to get that out of the way before I get into this. She’s a fantastic (male) character writer and she has a great grasp on interpersonal connections. Though she’s working in an established niche genre she’s still very creative, I think SV especially is evidence of that. But there’s one thing that I just can never seem to get a pulse on, and that’s how much she means to comment on classism.
Author’s intent is always gonna be tricky especially when I have to rely on translated texts and interviews. There’s probably a lot of nuance that I miss, not to mention literally interviews I’ve never seen etc. It also doesn’t help that I haven’t read most of TGCF yet, so I can’t comment on that series, and with SV this conversation is less applicable, so for the sake of what I know best I’m gonna be using MDZS as my main example.
Classism is undeniably at the heart of MDZS’s themes, however for years anytime I analysis the text I’m usually fairly cautious to note that I don’t know if this was intentional. This isn’t because I think MXTX is stupid or can’t handle deep conversations, it’s simply because I can’t tell if it was her intent. On paper it seems obvious; WWX, JGY and XY’s wealth disparities, how privilege drives the plot, literally everything about the Wens as a whole. So much of the novel’s runtime is spent showing us how corrupt the feudal system can be, going so far as to have a protagonist who dies for the cause and two antagonists who are driven to be awful because of their poor circumstances in life. It feels intentional that WWX was granted a certain amount of privilege based on something he was born with (his parents connections) and how easily people turned on him. Sure he does unethical things but if not for his status it’s likely he wouldn’t have had to do half the things he ends up doing, not to mention that plenty of people didn’t like before the demonic cultivation started. JGY acting as a foil for WWX feels intentional and I would absolutely consider them foils regardless of intent. With all this in mind I would be inclined to say that yeah, MDZS is commenting on classism, but then WWX marries into the corrupt system and we the audience are supposed to read this as a good thing.
This has always been my biggest qualm with the book. We spend so much time showing how awful this system is and the two people who do anything to try and save it are punished for it by death. Sure WWX is brought back but as soon as he’s in Mo’s body he’s aimless. JGY is of course the secondary villain of the series, but MXTX goes out of her way to make us understand that even when JGY had power, his birth kept him from actually holding any real control, and what control he did have he mostly used to get bad people out of power and make the community better (he was biased and paranoid and vengeful but MXTX’s characters are nothing if not nuanced). Why set all this up to end up in such a contradictory place?
I get that solving such big issues such as classism isn’t easy and we want a happy ending but does MDZS even have a happy ending? None of the mc’s besides LWJ and (supposedly) WWX and LSH and LJY are in good positions by the end of the story. I remember reading MDZS for the first time and thinking that LWJ would fall for WWX because of his radical ideas and eventually see that the Lans were contributing big time to this awful system that favors wealth over everything. Especially because we have a second plot line about whatever was going on with LXC and JGY. And then it just never happens. Instead the Lan sect are painted as ok just because they’re monks. The system wasn’t the issue actually it was the people in charge but don’t worry they’re gone. Life is great now that the most powerful sects are in the hands of a 15 yr old, a man with unchecked anger issues, a council of elders that think corporal punishment is the solution to everything and a man who committed to a life long bit to get out of all forms of responsibility. What could go wrong?
I’ve always thought it was strange and ooc that WWX just accepts going back to Cloud Recesses. His literal incense burner fantasy was a cottage in the woods away from society. He never really warms up to the rigidity or their bland ass food, and he doesn’t even really respect the Lans culture more than he has to. It’s clear he only lives there for his husband and son’s sake. So why am I to believe this is his fairy tale ending?
The only answer I’ve been able to grasp over the years is that the romance genre of the novel overpowers everything else.
This is what brings me back to my original point. I don’t know if MXTX’s intended to comment on class, because if she did I struggle to understand how the ending of the story fits this intention. Which means by default it wasn’t the intention, at least not the priority. I mean ok duh, obvious conclusion, this is a danmei, it’s the bl genre, of course the romance comes first, but that’s not exactly what I’m getting at. You can absolutely have a romance that comments on other things at the same time and I think MXTX’s writing is smart enough to do this, except it fumbled so hard at the end it left me questioning if she even meant to comment on classism in the first place.
A part of me thinks that all of this commentary was just a coincidence of the genre conventions. Cultivator/ historical fantasy tends to just have classism baked into setting, so maybe that’s all it was. Perhaps she was just borrowing what was already there to make interesting character motivations and it wasn’t done with any intention of commenting on any sort of greater societal issue. Which for the record would be ok. I’m not policing what MXTX should write and romance for the sake of romance is perfectly valid, but as a reader I’m allowed to say this particular instant made me dislike the actual romance she set up. These issues in the book made me actively dislike LWJ. I’m on an island about that though. Getting back to my point, I struggle to call this commentary intentional and thus things like WWX and JGY suddenly feel unintentional as well.
I also find MXTX’s own words to be contradictory at times. For instance, she’s mentioned that after SV she found writing more than one couple to be too taxing. When asked if other characters in MDZS were gay she said explicitly they were not, yet both MDZS and TGCF have unofficial side couples that are an inch away from being canon. She’s also mentioned that XY, Sl, and XXC were old characters of hers and were originally going to be the focus of the book, which leads me to believe that they would’ve been a canon love triangle. So I am skeptical when she said all the characters besides WWX and LWJ are straight. I’m not accusing her of lying or anything like that. Tolkien contradicted himself so many times in his letters and essays, it’s sort of par for the course in my opinion. What it does mean though is that I can’t get a read on her intentions. What I can gather from what she tends to focus on in her extras, interviews, and just the fact that this is the BL genre, I’m inclined to believe that a lot of these parallels are unintentional but then I circle back to just how heavy handed it all is and I’m unsure again.
Anyway this was just the world’s longest way to say that actually we don’t have any idea what her intentions are and this is why when I’m analyzing her work I make a point to not put words in her mouth.
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gingerjunhan · 6 months
boyfriend headcannons - kwak jiseok
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☆彡 sorry for the delay on this one! I gotta wait for the delusions to hit juuust right before I write them LMAOOO hope you enjoy! 🫶🏻
word count: 812 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: all caps used, he’s a stem major (I don’t make the rules), teasing, not proofread, lmk if I missed anything!
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Jiseok doesn’t strike me with the same hardcore “boyfriend agenda” and Jungsu or Seungmin do, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a great boyfriend!!
there would literally never be a dull moment between the two of you
he’s such a good listener
much like Gunil, Jiseok looks at you like you hung the stars when you talk, and he never forgets a single detail
all of your favorite hobbies? your niche interests? he knows everything about all of them
you are both giant nerds but it’s okay!
while you might geek out over tv shows and bands, Jiseok geeks out over science
he’s such a loser (/pos) (and I love him for it)
he will never escape my stem major headcannon NEVER
but this also means that he would be a great help with homework if you’re also a science oriented person!
chemistry? he’s got you
biology? piece of cake
you know what he can’t do?
again, I’ve talked about this, but I need to elaborate more
Jiseok blushes and practically folds in on himself like a chair at the slightest mention on girls
it’s one of the things I find the most endearing about him
so imagine how he feels walking around with you
he is absolutely baffled that you chose to date him so he gets so giddy and excited when you show PDA
he literally can’t handle it because he just loves you so much and he gets so excited
he’s like a little kid in a candy store- he just can’t get enough
Jiseok, much like Jungsu, would be great with your siblings or cousins!
he would talk video games with the older kids
good around with the younger kids
gang up on you with your family, always taking their side instead of yours
playful feasting is definitely a love language of his!
I think Jiseok would score some mega points with the adults in your family and also with your friends!
they would all see that he’s both incredibly musically talented and book smart, plus he makes you happy so he’s literally the ideal man
the jack of all trades of boyfriends
the… boyfriend of all trades? okay moving on
your friends are JEALOUS
“Where did you find him? I need a boyfriend like that!”
TOO BAD go get your own this one is mine hee hee 🤭
such a polite man
his manners 📈📈 through the roof
his middle name is chivalry
he would be the sweetest, most loving boyfie around 🥹
if something is not to your liking he’s fixing it for you right away!
your wish is his command
okay we need to get back to the feasting real quick
he is so goofy
downright odd
but we love him
I can fully imagine him hiding behind a corner or doorway just to pop out and scare you 💀
harmless pranks all the time
prank wars are very common between the two of you
you have a lot of very strange inside jokes that other people would literally need code to decipher because they wouldn’t make any sense to anyone else
Jiseok is always down for an adventure!
the most basic tasks feel fun with him because he knows exactly how to keep a good energy flowing!
but he can be serious too, don’t get me wrong
long, serious phone calls after a bad day at work or while he’s away are very common
he’s not afraid to get emotional with you!
Jiseok gubes me the vibe that if you cry, he’s gonna cry too (same tbh)
he just cares about you so deeply and he’s never felt that way about anyone else
he shows his love and appreciation for you in any way he can, no matter how odd
he buys you things that make him think of you
he probably has your work/school schedule memorized so he knows when he needs to make dinner or pitch in around the house because you might be busy
if you use a purse I can imagine him holding it for you and calling it his “murse” LMAOO
I feel like he would give you an assigned animal too? idk just a thought
“Well if I’m a duck then you have to be a goose because of duck duck goose.”
his logic? flawless
if you don’t know how to play already, be prepared for guitar lessons
if you don’t want the lessons, at least be ready for concerts
he will make up songs (sometimes they’re good, sometimes they’re not) or learn your favorite songs and perform them for you
and you will always be there in the front row :)
god I love Jiseok
at the end of the day, your relationship is lighthearted, fun, and Jiseok feels very lucky to have you in his life 🩷
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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animefeminist · 9 months
Queer time and the quarter-life crisis in contemporary yuri
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Content warning for discussion of queerphobia and heteronormativity
Minor spoilers for Catch These Hands! and Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon
Historically, the tropes and traditions of yuri have been anchored in the school setting, meaning that the recent uptick in titles starring adult characters has been exciting and worthy of note. There’s an increasingly varied platter of yuri with post-high school protagonists, from college stories like How Do We Relationship? and I Don’t Know Which is Love; to workplace romances like Still Sick and I Love You So Much I Hate You; and even into the realm of genre fiction with titles like Otherside Picnic and SHWD. All these series do the valuable work of demonstrating that while schoolgirl yuri is surely going to remain a beloved mainstay, yuri can also function effectively outside the walls of the school setting and outside the structure of adolescent romance. Series that focus on adult characters also open the door to a storytelling niche that’s still relatively underrepresented despite the rich narrative potential it offers: the post-adolescence queer coming-of-age story. Or, in other words, the gay quarter-life crisis.  
Narrative tradition would have it that a person “comes of age” in their teen years and then marches into adulthood fully formed. Character development that hinges on big, pivotal milestones like first love and first heartbreak are often central to the bildungsroman in its many forms across YA fiction and high school anime and everything in between. But those big coming-of-age moments can happen outside of your teens, too, especially if those traditional milestones of maturity were out of reach or not viable at the time. This is common for people across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum: someone who doesn’t discover their sexuality until later in life might not have their first romance until they’re well out of high school; someone who transitions as an adult may initially miss some quintessential teen experiences but instead have them when they’re much older; and of course some people may not hit those supposedly crucial goals of love, sex, and relationships at all.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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thatgirlonstage · 8 days
Okay I think I need to cast a wider net here
Media Rec Request!!
Hi friends, I am putting a silly fic writing challenge to myself that involves writing fic for a fandom starting with every letter of the alphabet + every numeral. But I am missing some numbers and coming up short on potential things I could check out to fill for them (yes I am reading and watching new things JUST so I can complete this challenge 😅)
So! If you have something to recommend that starts with the numeral 4, 6, or 8, please let me know!
(I have a potential fill for 8 but I haven’t watched it yet so I’m looking for backups in case I don’t like it/it doesn’t work out for the fic writing.)
—It can be just about any type of media!! Movies, books, short stories, tv shows of any stripe (anime, cartoon, western live action, c/k/j-drama, etc etc), fiction podcasts/radio plays, graphic novels, webcomics, multimedia, possibly video games. The only limitations are
I’ve got to be able to experience it without significant expenditure (so if your video game rec comes with a quality let’s play, awesome! Otherwise it’s got to be affordable and playable on iPhone, MacBook, or PS4, bc that’s what I’ve got. Similarly any live performance would need an accessible recording or a script I can read)
I don’t write RPF, so any nonfiction/bandom/celebrity fic/similar is out. Historical fiction is possible, but the farther back and more fictionalized the better
—The title must start with the NUMERAL 4, 6, or 8, as it gets listed on Ao3. If it doesn’t have an Ao3 tag yet, the title must be consistently stylized as the numeral, not the WORD four, six, or eight. For example, The Sixth Sense is not a viable option, but I’m using 10th Kingdom for 1 and 9-1-1 for 9 (91 Days was also an option). Because I’m going by Ao3 tags it also can’t be like, a specific comic issue title where the actual fandom tag would be “Batman”.
That’s it!! I know that was a lot of details, so thank you for reading through the whole post if you did and thank you in advance for any recs! I know it’s very specific haha but ONE of you must have some hyper niche anime or webcomic you are constantly dying to recommend that answers to this description.
On the off chance you have more than one recommendation, I’ll put some additional pros/cons beneath the cut
—obviously it will help if I don’t have to commit to a 15 book fantasy epic or 100+ episodes of a series, but if I can get a sense for the world and characters in the first book/season/whatever I’ll give it a shot
—Fantasy/sci-fi are the genres I tend to be most interested in, and also work well for what I’m trying to do with the fic challenge side. I love a good mystery as well.
—I am a hard sell on any sitcom/slice of life/romcom type stuff. That’s not a flat no on those genres, but you’re gonna need a good pitch for why I’ll like this one
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. Y/n and Joseph treating Jimmy Kimmel like the clown he was.
pairing. joseph quinn x reader
genre and warnings. fem reader, black coded, 2022 Emmys, couple fluff, established relationship, social media au | —  i tried to power through the Emmys stream for this fanfic....yeahh babe i turned that shit off instantly.
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Joseph Quinn and Y/n L/n together at the 2022 Emmys.
Stars from every niche and corner arrived out and about for the 2022 Emmy Awards this year, strutting across the red carpet with their dashing and gorgeous looks.
Y/n/L/n not only won an Emmy for her well-deserved supporting role in Stranger Things, but she also showed up on the red carpet with her co-star and boyfriend, Joseph Quinn. 
Her iconic dress is already one of many to trend, making a statement in her gem covered leg brace, the actress was known for going all out when it came to her unexpected fashion sense.
Arriving on the carpet in a Dolce & Gabbana black and golden studded train that trailed from her deep open back cut, the beads were arranged in a stunning pattern that was copied onto Joseph’s suit jacket. Just another iconic matching outfit added to the couple's archive. 
Sadly, the auburn hair stage was missed, settling with a much more tamed dark brown as her hair was styled into a cute side with two golden hair clips parted into a bob with thick curls that flared up at their ends.
The power in this couple never fails to turn heads! Joseph Quinn and Y/n L/n looked positively smitten on the Emmys carpet, pausing to gaze into each other's eyes and reminding us why they are one of Hollywood's cutest couples. 
Since the couple is known for their lack of PDA, cameras caught all they could as the two held hands strolling down the carpet smiling and cracking a few jokes as Y/n hobbled down the carpet.
Despite the fact that the Emmys are a complete shambles, from the odd choice dragging on for bits to the awkwardly interrupted winning speeches.
When Y/n L/n accepted her award for supporting actress, despite Jimmy Kimmel laying on the stage beside her feet.
Y/n seemed unbothered by the white man making a fool out of himself for the second time of the night, as she simply started her speech off with: "Some people just don’t have any home training!" apparently a lot of actors agreed as the room partly broke into cheers and shouts of encouragement.
The rest of her speech was not only inspiring for black women in the industry but also apparently just a little too long as her speech was rudely cut short, being shooed off stage by some top flop 90s playlist of songs. 
But with enough time to already be one of the most heartwarming moments as the actress’s smile never seemed to fade as she sat next to Quinn throughout the night, who showed his lady some comfort as his hand was placed around her shoulder the entire time.
Though the couple appears to have skipped the afterparty, with Joseph and Y/n taking their celebration home to tuck in the young star Ellanore L/n just before bedtime.
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thereadingmoon · 6 months
you kno i would’ve loved to see murderbot really talk about the shows it watches. other than episode numbers, i’d love for it to reference specific lines more, mention how certain people around it reminds it of specific characters, compare situations to scenes it had seen 50 times. really talk about actors and directors with very specific niches, typecasts, and ticks that it can use to process the arcs and personas of the people around it. i liked fugitive telemetry because it shows us that it’s running on what it thinks a gumshoe should be like but i would’ve wanted it to also give specific shows, episodes, plays, and books it consumed that informs its actions; comparing events to the plot beats according to a murder mystery, maybe even making a quick algorithm that identifies the beats as it got closer and closer to solving the mystery.
the series gets the broad overview of trauma and asociality but not what it’s like to be a fan of something and i feel like that’s missing from it. murderbot and the other characters feel semi-flat because we don’t know their depths of their interests or lives outside of what is plot-specified. give me a plot literate murderbot who has the capacity to be genre-aware!
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improbablecarny · 1 year
oh my god ya'll are so fucking people to people who don't like horror. it's great if you enjoy it but some of us just get scared too easily so we can't enjoy in the same way! there's no reason to write paragraphs upon paragraphs about how we're judgmental and don't appreciate the genre and are making "asses out of ourselves" just because some of us have a lower threshold for fear than you!
I specifically said it's okay if you don't like horror movies and I could not care less if you personally do not like them, especially if it's for reasons like this. What I WAS objecting to was people being belligerent, ignorant assholes over subjects they know nothing about. I used horror as an example because it was what I was dealing with (guy getting on my case for being part of the "lowest common denominator of weirdos" for liking fake movies about ghosts and monsters), but it absolutely applies to ANY subject where people have to deal with cruel and ignorant remarks directed at them for a profession*, hobby or general interest.
(*I'm talking about people being snobby to minimum wage retail workers or, idk, telling librarians that all they do is "read books all day" or something, not being a cop or designing military weapons or whatever)
Anyone who's owned a pet bug or gotten into specific music scenes or have a niche interest in, idk, doll collecting or something, have come up against people who know nothing but act like they know everything for the specific purpose of being mean to someone for no reason. This is not the same thing as having actual criticism or just not liking something because it doesn't fit within your interests or preferences. There are much more malevolent manifestations of this in, say, people who deny climate change and say climate scientists are lying/don't know what they're talking about because "the weather is normal where I live".
I don't care about superheroes, I think the MCU is a blight, but I'm not walking around being a jackass to people with encyclopedic knowledge of comic books and personal investment in these characters! I'm not making asspulls about half-remembered badly-received story arcs or pointing at Rob Liefeld to make the claim that all superheroes suck and you're stupid for liking them! Why? Because I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, and though I'm not particularly interested in learning much more, that doesn't give me the high ground to mouth off at people who know this stuff better than I ever will. In fact, a whole ton of the notes on that post are people discussing their similar experiences with mindsets like this, but in different genres/media/topic/etc!
like I'm sorry but if you read the "paragraphs and paragraphs" of what I wrote, but missed this part:
If you’re just not interested in horror, or if you dislike certain subgenres of horror, then that’s fine, you’re not obligated to like anything at all. but smugly announcing that you don’t like horror because you dislike a handful of VERY specific non-universal tropes is just as stupid as saying that you hate comedy because you don’t like adam sandler movies.
Then maybe you can go back and read it again, this time trying not to get offended over the fact that there are people out there more knowledgeable than you on subjects you aren't even interested in.
"I don't like horror because I get scared easily" that's cool!
"I don't like horror because everyone who likes horror is a regressive freak and a danger to society because i saw one that i didnt like in 2006" is not!
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musiesmusic · 4 months
Brahman and LilDarkie’s departure from the idea of “LilDarkie” with a close look at the idea of “are you ready?”
Mixing rap and rock is a very very fun idea for me and it hits the spot CORPSE does without the gamer LED setup and his little cat ears. This is more of sound analysis without that much parsing through lyrics. I think with his recent releases of songs like “banana pie” he's going for more heartfelt angst with the tonal tag of a three wolves howling at the moon, coming from a 2020 perspective, in the same way CORPSE does it, and CORPSE is the sex icon of our generation for it. And honestly CORPSE is both underrated and overrated with people missing the absolute gem of “fuK u lol” and how it really encapsulates the idea of his spotify picture, it really is a “fuK u lol.” Very y2k without the tiktok.
I love how this genre of edgy boy music can be summed up in animated music videos. Being able to be actually soulful with an understanding of what the aesthetic is and how that plays into music. What “LilDarkie” now “Brahman” has over CORPSE is having more grit and less anime (which is ironic since I tend to prefer grit but love the anime music videos after y2k and I’m an ironic baddie). But said grit can lead to the stranger sounds of his guitar soul music Brahman now makes. Looking at his instagram Brahman is genuinely doing a full 180 from his previous persona dropping most of his trademarks to focus on his Indian blood heritage. Also as a tidbit on his insta he's seen doing a lot of wellness therapy which I find pleasing, self care seems to be much needed and I’d like to think it plays into the irony of HOLOCAUST without mentioning Hitler a single time.
His “big announcement” of who he is now and how he still has the “idea of LilDarkie” is in “are you ready?” which is very funny considering how it starts w/ “hahaha” and how it goes right into a CORPSE guitar solo which honestly is one of the freshest takes in current music and will be remembered fondly being put right in the niche where older music is just passing from cringe and into retro, where y2k music (like rave girl just not as universal) is going to come back into mainstream through it being paved in by CORPSE (please make more music we need you). But considering its LilDarkie I don’t think he’d give a single shit since he’s the man who made HOLOCAUST. My giddy around this new song is how it feels like hes stomp kicking his old fans who crowded around his persona of “HOLOCAUST” and “GENOCIDE” even with them being amazing songs which can be fun to critique on a social standing, to be done at a later date. What I hope is bringing back the skype days of the y2k genre, less glitz and glam and more of skype and anime posting with the same full-heartendess of a furry. If you were online in the early days you know what I’m talking about, it's My Immortal done right. 
It feels like his newer stuff on Brahman can be seen as more “hidey” with his song “reminding” being a soulful guitar solo which he known to make. I find that fascinating and what has changed in him. Listening to his newest if not last album under the persona of Lil Darkie is just a social critique of society in general with the line “did the FBI calcify your third eye?” being the perfect line for his album with the context of “hehe funny hat.” He now has my soul and being with HUMANS AND MONSTERS being his best song of all time please devour me along with the earth and your Little Darkie realness. Also Lil Darkie flexing his platinum plaque is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen and all I do is squeal like a tumlbrina fangirl begging more more HOLOCAUST with a PC culture layover. 
But considering the social critique his latest came off as I can fully see how he started to transition to a more soulful sound as a palette cleanser since he too, is a human being. Also consider his last song on this banger of an album is “it never gets better”
Glad youre in therapy Brahman, may you spend your time wisely soulfully and really tune into the ice that the blue filter brings into y2k internet and genuine feelings on myspace. You have enough clout and soul to carry it
Tumblrina fangirl who hopes you mention her to your therapist, I am a fangirl after all 
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Why is Goncharov 1973 funny:
I saw something like the goncharov joke stands in direct contrast to the “sometimes the curtains are just blue” post which made me go hm…. Also saw people confused by the joke so now I thought too much and made a three parter on my take
Part 1: shoe movie funny
The original joke is that a pair of shoes invented an obviously fake movie, which is funny because why would a pair a shoes do that. The derivative joke is a person going “wow loser you haven’t seen this fake movie?” Which is a joke stressing how ridiculous it is by pretending it’s normal for shoes to advertise a niche obviously fake scorsese film, who isn’t known for gimmicky advertising, BUT ALSO a joke on how bullies could use fear of missing out to make people just pretend to have seen something that doesn’t exist rather than reveal ignorance (like the classic made up band name jokes).
The next step of the Goncharov joke, and from what i can tell launched it all, is a person making up a poster about the movie and going oh yes this very real movie. It has jokes about the mafia genre tropes (“ice pick joe”, a hot lady side character, mostly male cast, scorsese actors) as well as being funny because it commits highlights the same two juxtapositions as the previous jokes, FOMO and shoe movie funny, while adding the inherent funniness of someone putting in way too much work for a bit. Things like the soundtracks follow on this (they’re mostly funny because they take the shoe movie too seriously) and thus should be categorized as part of the third wave.
Part 2: sometimes the curtains are just blue
The fourth wave of goncharovism, which is the bulk of the posts and the subject of most discussion, is media criticism, content, and derivative works about Goncharov, a movie that doesn’t exist. There’s posts that read like actual film critics, lines that seem like surprisingly good dialogue, themes about time because Film Shows Clocks Means Deep, bad overwrought dialogue, and most critically, the typical tumblr engagement with a piece of media including meta, gifsets, fanworks and snide comments about how other people are misinterpreting the movie. A movie that isn’t real. It’s fake.
The joke here is obviously a love letter to and scathing critique of criticism- the fact that analysis of something that doesn’t exist reads like actual analysis that people unironically post mocks that a lot of analysis doesn’t engage with text but overlays existing biases over it regardless of content, and also that a lot of movies are the same movie tbh. Katya is being held to unrealistic standards makes fun of shallow stock feminism, “homoeroticism” points to tumblrs obsession with gay stuff that isn’t actually that gay, and all the fake and often bad quotes show how we love to feel deeply about stuff we don’t really engage with. It’s also pointing to how silly it is to put in this much “anger” and effort in and how enjoyable it is to do this, regardless of whether it makes sense. Sometimes curtains are just curtains, and sometimes a clock doesn’t fucking exist, but it sure is fun to say what the curtain really means is that humanity is inherently sinful and that the clock means that Goncharov and Andrey, two characters that don’t have personalities because the movie they’re from doesn’t exist, wanna fuck.
The joke is that it’s fake deep, but it’s fun to do anyways. The joke is that people are getting mad about “people” who don’t exist being sexist etc because they’re making fun of tumblrinas who don’t look at nuance and assume a very specific form of oppression without evidence AND that people would say that shit because scorsese bros ARE sexist. The joke is that we know it’s fake but people find themselves taking it seriously anyways because it’s fun to make up a movie together and fun to make fun of ourselves. I love it!! It’s great!!! But it’s not a declaration against that the curtains are just blue, it’s a satire making the same point much more joyfully.
Part 3: the reality of goncharov
The fake goncharov movie has trended a fairly specific ways: it has defined characters and relationships, a fairly limited cast in terms of people who matter, homoeroticism, hot girl with a gun, and a lot of foreshadowing. It’s very invested in Katya and Goncharov’s personal narratives despite the wide array of people on the poster. Other than that very funny post about a (fake) shoot out showing the destructiveness and hollowness of nationalism, it’s not all that engaged in systems or the mafia specifically.
And sure, our Goncharov is so narrow partially due to its fake genre- mafia movies are tropey and hero obsessed. It’s fake. We’re making fun of the “best movie” by making a fake tropey movie!! But half the joke is being earnest, and our fake movie is chock full of the tumblr beloved tropes of obsession with romantic relationships, with “themes” that emphasize tragic endings for mutual obsessions, of an absolute lack of engagement with systems while insisting we are engaging , and of a focus on two or three characters instead of an ensemble cast- a million people are writing a movie and yet it has no breadth.
And GET THIS- Goncharov is a real movie. No, I mean it. Goncharov is probably a Google-translate-error-caused misprint of the movie Gomorrah, “presented” by Scorsese while not being directed by him at all. Egbert’s review, so mercilessly parodied in Gonch-posting (or goncharosting, as I like to say), calls it “a curative for the romanticism of The Godfather and Scarface”. Rather than deifying a specific man, it is a series of vignettes about horrible violence that seems unavoidable for its rotating characters. It’s based on real killings, and many of its actors were actually arrested for mafia activities. Forget hollow themes- it’s a movie that’s harrowing due to its reality.
Which is very very funny. Like i genuinely can’t believe we made a fake mafia movie that’s accidentally about a realest mafia movie ever made that proves how much we don’t mentally engage with the important oppressions and systems in our world while insisting that we’re self aware the irony the thematic parallel the sheer “oh fuck for real”ness of it all i was going to try to say something deep but like can you believe it??? God playing is playing 4-d funny chess with every last one of us. Long live goncharov
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yuandgames · 9 months
I want to thank Larian.
Above all of the great things they’ve done for the industry, they still can surprise us, the very sophisticated players. And they do care.
And here’s what I mean by that. (Long post ahead).
Short introduction: I was introduced to classic role-play games pretty late. While everyone spent their youth playing DnD with friends, I came to this being almost 30. I didn’t even think of that before (and I know that’s just me, not blaming anyone).
The idea itself made (and still making) me so excited, like you are completely free in your decisions and the only thing that limits you is your own creativity. Whoa. What a concept.
I never actually played a full campaign irl. That’s when I found Larian games (again, very late, just a couple of years ago). Me and my partner were playing split screen co-op like crazy for 10 hours straight (good old times at home during pandemic). And I couldn’t be happier.
I wasn’t expecting Baldur’s Gate 3 as much as I expected other games (for example, I was more hyped about Hogwarts Legacy, counting days until the release, but that’s different story). I also never played BG and BG 2. So I was a complete tabula rasa.
And now we proceed to the main part.
1. CRPG is not a niche genre. Not anymore.
I’ve read Sven Winke interview where he said that in the beginning they were really concerned about ‘not making the game too geeky’ referring to dice rolls. Even at Larian they thought of this. But, hey, look at BG3 sales. And it’s been less than 3 months actually. This is what makes me think of other developers: now that they see that CRPG is a thing, maybe we, as players, happen to get more of this genre. Standards are high, but that’s exactly the point.
2. Creativity is the key.
You can build a wall between you and opponents using boxes. You can take small opponent and use. Them. As. A. Weapon.
I mean I am still to explore all of the possibilities but whoa! Really? This level of love to the source and treating it with so much respect is not the thing you meet really often. If anything is possible in, say, DnD campaign, anything is possible in BG3.
3. Everything is better with a pinch of humor.
I cried in joy when found a dead pig and Astarion was trying to cover it up. I screamed when Lae’zel aggressively asked to taste Tav’s lips and neck. I don’t know if I even need to list all of the things as they’re so many and they are so good.
4. Team is the only thing you need in adventure.
I may be too emotional (who’s perfect anyways) but I am already too attached to my team. I treat them as if they were real people (hey, they are!). All of the inner jokes, these rich personalities and unique reactions. Priceless. In any other game I’m not very much interested in side stories (I do my best, but never get upset about missed cutscene). While here, I’m fully immersed: how do I fix Karlach’s heart? How break Wyll’s contract? Weave in Gale’s chest??
I’ve already said A LOT. I just can’t stop.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is giving me experience I never knew I needed. And it’s not being bitten by a hot ass vampire (well, not in the first place). And I couldn’t be more excited and grateful for this.
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pictureswithboxes · 2 years
Author wrapped: ALL odd numbers 😈
Oh god. Okay oh man…
1. I’ve written about 250k words this year. Big year for writing!!
3. X this is my longest fic ever. I’m very proud of it!! We’re at 140k
5. See the above. It was very niche and I genuinely had no idea how much love this fic would get. It sorta put me on the map in that fandom!
7. I generally do not use lyrics..
9. I’ve only written for 2 pairings this year, and tbh, it’s gotta be Franmaya right now. They make me laugh the most.
11. See #3. It took me 5 months to write while updating weekly.
13. See #3.
15. Ummm…. I generally do not like to have more than one WIP at a time. So actually none.
17. Does my oc Shirley O’Lear count? I LOVE HER!
19. I want to write more ace attorney and overtly franmaya fics. I’ve got ideas but no actual steps have been made.
21. I got around 480-600 kudos this year!
23. I’ve never collaborated on a fic in my life. I’m not opposed to it. Writer friends and I simply tend not to write the same genre.
25. I did receive a gift this year! It was not a fic, but a tribute written for me and 5 other authors so that was really cool!
27. I can only do music while planning. I tend to listen to audio books during planning too. During writing, I put something thematically related on the tv and then go to town, but it can’t be distracting or I will not write. Keeping myself on task is very difficult.
29. Hmmmm…. Honestly, I went goth recently with my writing so it’s gonna be one of those passages. Just bc the gothery was out of character. Probably from x:
“What if they’re mad at me for breaking the rule?” Daehyun whispers, hiccupping a little. “I didn’t mean it...”
Jiyeong had to hold back a sob and fight to keep the smile on her face as she crouched to his eye level. “Your mom and dad are not mad at you at all,” She said honestly. Her eyes still burned with tears and she didn’t even bother wiping them away. “They miss you so much and all they want is to bring you home.”
It takes so much effort just to get the words out without wailing. Without sobbing. But Jiyeong did it. She did it because that was what Daehyun needed to hear. It was how she’d get him out of this brook and somewhere else. Hopefully somewhere better. Jiyeong thought it’d be better, at least. He was such a sweet kid, he deserved somewhere better.
“You don’t need to worry anymore,” Jiyeong continued, voice shaking. “I’ll handle it from here, I promise. You just need to trust me. Okay?”
Jiyeong held out her hand to him and watched as he hesitated. Her heart skipped a beat and for a moment, she was afraid that she’d done this wrong. That she couldn’t help Daehyun. What would she do then? Just finish up and hope he got the hint? Keep poking at him until he finally believed her? Lead his parents to him and force him to witness his parents’ grief? She had no idea.
Just when panic was about to set in, Daehyun reached forward and took Jiyeong’s hand. It was cold, so cold. Like she’d stuck her hand into the snow. And just like that, Daehyun was gone. Blown away by a slight breeze. And then Jiyeong was alone. It was just her and... well, the body. Jiyeong took a few deep breaths and when she was absolutely sure that Daehyun was gone, that he wasn’t coming back, Jiyeong let herself cry.”
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gingerjunhan · 7 months
xdinary heroes as big time rush songs
Tumblr media
☆彡 I know this is random and niche but I spoke with my council (hiii 🎸anon) and I decided to write this LMAOOO hope you enjoy!
word count: 513 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship, headcannons | cws: not a fic tbh I just love btr 🫶🏻, all caps, I used the word “rizz” twice so Taemin warning lmao, not proofread, lmk if I missed something!!
goo gunil
“You’re looking for a boyfriend, I see that. Give me time, you know, I’m gonna be there.”
as I was scrolling through my Big Time Rush playlist, I knew I didn’t have to look any further than “Boyfriend”
I can perfectly picture Gunil trying to do the silly little dance from the music video
I also think that Gunil would just… love this song?
imagine him trying to rizz you up with that song LMAOOO
an unbeatable classic
with the kinda goofy, fun vibes of this song, I don’t think it fits anybody more perfectly than Gunil
kim jungsu
“I’ll be there for you no matter what comes around the corner.”
Jungsu is “You’re Not Alone”
an underrated banger
it's literally an entire song of “no matter what, I’m here for you” and that’s soooo Jungsu to me!
the way he wants to make everyone comfortable and happy just SCREAMS this song!!
I think the emotions in this song would really strike Jungsu?
he would be able to find this song almost relatable
kwak jiseok
“If I ruled the world, I would give it, give it all to you.”
Jiseok would be “If I Ruled the World”
the fun energy of this song fits Jiseok perfectly if you ask me
this song is such a summertime song and Jiseok has such a summertime personality to me
also THE RAP??? come on
It’s “I want everybody to be happy and have fun!” as a song
I also feel like if you were dating Jiseok, he would literally give you the moon if he could, so the chorus seems so fitting to how being in love with him would feel
oh seungmin
“You’ll be Juliet, I’ll be Romeo. What you waiting for? You know you wanna go.”
Seungmin is DEFINITELY “Love Me Love Me”
it’s the flirt in him ✋🏻
also, like Gunil, I think Seungmin would love this song
the strange little synth sounds are right up his alley too!
it’s the “c’mon you know you want me 😼” delulu song and that’s so Seungmin!
delusional rizz to a funky, upbeat sound is just so undeniably Seungmin
han hyeongjun
“Please, tell me you can hear me, I’m expressing my love.”
Hyeongjun is “No Idea”
it just fits his little shy boy agenda okay
I know he’s not super shy anymore but bear with me
this song is literally all about being in love and the other person doesn’t notice at all
think “Good enough” but not as sad lol
the song also talks about loving somebody until you each have nothing left to give and that just seems sooo Hyeongjun
lee jooyeon
“You and me, it’s like a movie scene.”
Jooyeon would be “Picture This”
young love: the song
it literally describes the most perfect, stereotypical first date ever so it screams Jooyeon
he just wouldn’t want to disappoint you on your first date so he would want to make it as perfect as possible to impress you!
the song also is saying something along the lines of, “in my perfect reality, we end up together,” and again- that’s 👏🏻 so 👏🏻 Jooyeon 👏🏻
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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all this talk and nostalgia about the Cecil polls reminded me of this draft I never got around to finishing and posting 
tw for trans and queer phobia and discussion of a violent scene in a movie (nothing visual shown)
so I'm not saying that we’re finished or we’ve made it and we’re done. but in the midst of a project I couldn’t stop myself from crying a little because queer characters either didn’t appear or were used for fear-mongering and demonizing us to hell and back. I am not saying it’s all perfect now, but we have come so far. 
Silence of the Lambs has a scene where a character who tortures, murders, and skins women to make a “woman suit” puts on makeup, jewelry, and a victim’s scalp and hair before tucking their penis between their legs and dancing with full frontal nudity. This scene is shown INTERSPLICED with a victim screaming and begging for her life from a literal torture chamber. 
*putting on makeup* 
*camera cuts to the victim crying* 
*putting on and touching jewelry* 
*she is sobbing for her mother* 
and that was recent! The book was from 1988 and the movie came out in 1991. guys that was 32 years ago! 
I know it’s a horror movie, I know, but it’s not like there was a lot out there! Certainly not for weak-stomached audiences just looking for casual viewing. I’m reminded of reading about Horror as a genre often being a reflection of what a majority of people fear at a given time. 
I don’t want to get all blorbo-y about taz but just. Lup is a trans woman and she’s so good. Her trans-ness is mentioned a whopping one time and it’s not even done in the narrative. Just a quick aside during her introduction so the players and audience would know she was there. She’s played just the same afterward- she’s powerful, driven, funny, goofy and charismatic, capable, opinionated, and caring--she fought the team to save the robots! And, guys, she’s SO loved!!! They all love her so much. 
Barry just adores her. They spent 50 years slowly falling for each other and then he spends his time as a lich just working to find his way back to her and bring their group together again. 
Taako, upon remembering her, feels her absence SO MUCH. It’s overwhelming how much he misses her, how hollowed and hopeless he is without her. 
And when she does come back, Griffin Describes her as “phantasmal and resplendent.” He speaks to Taako, describing how he finally hears his sister’s voice again. And the moment is a little silly but it has a lot of weight to it. She’s been with him this whole time, she’s missed him so much, and they’re finally back together. She’s finally out. 
Gah, just. I was having feelings and they’re back again. 
Taz is a pretty niche example. Unlike 30 years ago, we now have shows and cartoons and books and, yes, podcasts, and they’re not rated “mature” (for simply having queer characters) or canceled by the network for deigning to show two girls holding hands and imply something (Korra is not to be blamed, the creators worked hard, helped future representation, and the decision was out of their control). 
My first podcast ever was Welcome to Night Vale. And Cecil, within the first episode, swoons over Carlos and his perfect hair the moment he shows up in town and doesn’t ever really stop. (spoilers, okay) They get married! They have a kid! They’re still together! They love each other! 
Night Vale, the town, is full of all sorts of other characters, and (as far as I remember of the episodes I listened to) they’re all made with care and tact. Cecil talking about Sam was one of the first times I had ever heard of someone being referred to with they/them. I don’t remember really liking the character all that much, especially at first, but I always got a little thrill in my chest when Cecil talked about them. I used to rewind and re-listen to Cecil talk about them several times over. I use they/them now, myself. 
The first episode of Night Vale came out in mid-2012. That’s a mere 24 years after Silence of the Lambs decided a trans-coded character would make a smashing serial-murderer on the big screen. 
And we’re fighting and we’re growing. We’re making progress. Think about how many people are seeing and understanding themselves and others so much better. Beyond those of us who seek it out and know about obscure background characters and decide podcasts about DND and strange purple towns are worth listening to over and over-- I mean kids! Award fanatics! general viewers! We’ve made our way across genres, across mediums! 
Everything Everywhere has a mother trying to reach her daughter, who happens to be queer, and it’s had eleven (11)! Oscar nominations. 
Blue’s Clues, which has been around since 1996, put on a pride parade hosted by a drag queen! This is a preschool show! 
Heartstopper is a staple in (some) middle school and high school reading and viewing. How fucking cool is that?! 
My list can go on and on. 32 years is not a lot of time, and look how far we’ve come. Look how much we’ve made. Not without a fight, of course, but by golly, we’re fighting. And looking back through recent years, as far as I can see, we’re winning. 
I don’t really have a big conclusion to this, I mainly just want to put down somewhere that I started tearing up over how much they were allowed to openly hate us and how much better it has gotten. ‘S pretty cool 
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mifhortunach · 1 year
in review - once again! - 2022
below cut :/
i did... Very Little drawing this year ! - which i’m really not happy about, and i’m not sure how that happened tbh. that said, if nothing else, instead of drawing i got ‘a lot’ of printing done!
it was a good year for like. my Actual Practice - i spent a lot of time in the studio, got a piece (that i still like!) into an actual public show, as well as for the first time sold some work!! I also got to finally mess around with a riso machine, as well as someone offered to show me more litho stuff, so im hoping to pursue that much more in the year :) - as well as finally do a bunch of projects i’ve been putting off for ages & dear god, fckn draw more
watched a lot of movies though!!!
ltrbxd says i saw like. 115 or smth, but that’s an estimate bc i went to a couple of shorts showings (as well as fell asleep at a couple :’/ ). it’s been cool!! have finally seen a bunch of genre classics, and had like, a seeing thru the matrix moment~ where i could tell a whole bunch of influences that had affected smth i was watching ! id quite like to try to strike a similar balance this year as well; catching up on like. ‘genre staples’ but paired w the weirdest most niche shit i can find - fingers-crossed! (thinking about putting together a little round-up post of some of the ones i saw this year that really stuck around for me, but idk)
usually i think - and by usually i mean like, last year - i’ve got more to say on this front, but a lot of the pods i really enjoyed this year were hold-overs from 2022-
AMCA: i’m someone who while they don’t care about starwars, DOES really like podcasts about it, which is weird & difficult to explain, but this is still so good!! 5 star podcast, 5 star runtime! everyDAY do i wish they could do a special about dune...
The RETURN of toxic podcast!: as before, a podcast only for me really, and the only podcaster that i do have smth approaching a parasocial relationship with - its just been nice to hear from Ale again!! The branch into ltrboxd reviews as been a fun venture too, imo.
FATT/SANGFIELLE: though difficult to believe, that DID happen this year!! Sangfielle is still so so good, and it got me back into both listening to bluff as well as trying so hard to catch up on ptzn, its just really fckn good what else is there to even say! (Met a lot of v cool people through this as well, which has been so cool :) )
Assorted Seán L@TDF podcasts: while he has dropped completely off the face of the internet - though hopefully not the earth - the man DOES still have years of weird (mostly movie) focused podcasting to go back in on, which i do find consistently compelling!! turns out when u practice putting thought into words and then presenting for long enough you do indeed build a skill. His found footage series (Hundreds of Pixelated Dead Bodies) series is great, and introduced me to a lot of stuff, ditto his other series (hundreds of dead bodies). I’m hoping to get through the big, thoughtful series (ALL UNITS) this year, and maybe I’ll get even luckier and he’ll return to the land of podcasting soon.
I’m sure i’ve missed some on this one, but these are the ones that stood out to me this time round, i guess. i’m excited for the new twioat series also, lol.
i did like, almost no reading, or tv watching, though i did start, and plan - and not finish - a good couple of knitting projects. didn’t get out to see many gallery shows either, which isn’t so great - though i DID manage to have a startlingly good year socially ?
made some new friends, had a whole private theme month devoted to the films of al pacino, and got to see two bands/musicians that i really love play live!! Good Ol’ Stevie P w @silverview (<33) && TWRP - both of which were so so great, and made me wish i got out more lol
lots to be done this year, as per, but hopefully it’ll be fine
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