kwishy · 1 year
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PIPCHIC -> PRINBUSKEN -> ??? type: fire. ability: blaze: powers up fire-type moves in a pinch or defiant: boosts the attack stat when its stats are lowered. 87.5% male - 12.5% female. DEX ENTRY (1): Prinbusken are quite proud of their feathers, and will sometimes interrupt fights to quickly go groom themselves. DEX ENTRY (2): The feathers that decorate their wings are actually super durable and hard, with the tips being quite sharp.
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kwishy · 1 year
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PIPCHIC -> ??? -> ??? type: fire. ability: blaze: powers up fire-type moves in a pinch or defiant: boosts the attack stat when its stats are lowered. 87.5% male - 12.5% female. DEX ENTRY (1): The feathers have a cooling agent that stops pipchic from overheating.
DEX ENTRY (2): Pipchic are very friendly and cuddly, but it's wise to be careful where you touch them, as the orb upon it's chest is as hot as molten lava.
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kwishy · 2 years
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MAGMARSEL -> MAGMOVILE ( evolves from magmarsel while holding a magmarizer ) the Blast Pokemon. type: dark/fire. ability: flame body: burns the foe on contact. or pressure: raises foe's pp usage. or pickpocket: steals an item when hit by a pokemon. 75% male - 25% female. DEX ENTRY (1): They live in large groups, and blast smoke out of their cannon arms to send signals to each other.
DEX ENTRY (2): They live within craters, and are capable of shooting fireballs from their cannons that are as hot as the surface of the sun.
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kwishy · 2 years
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MAGMARSEL -> ??? the Sharp Spitfire Pokemon. type: dark/fire. ability: flame body: burns the foe on contact. or inner focus: prevents flinching. or pickpocket: steals an item when hit by a pokemon. 75% male - 25% female. DEX ENTRY (1): Usually found at the mouth of volcanoes. It's claws are strong enough to dig through obsidian. DEX ENTRY (2): It will defend it's territory, spitting fire at anyone who gets too close for comfort. It's rumored that they are very difficult to train, but will be very protective to whoever gains it's trust.
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kwishy · 2 years
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BUDEEKO -> ROSEYLE -> SCEPTIROSE ( evolves from roseyle at lv 36 ) the Thorn Gecko Pokemon. type: grass/poison. ability: overgrow. powers up grass-type moves in a pinch. or leaf guard: prevents status problems in sunny weather. 87.5% male - 12.5% female. DEX ENTRY (1): The poison in it's roses differ with it's left hand being slow acting and the right being fast acting, but both are equally deadly. DEX ENTRY (2): It hides thorny blades within it's rose-like hands. They are capable of slicing thick tree trunks with one swipe.
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kwishy · 2 years
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BUDEEKO -> ROSEYLE -> ??? ( evolves from budeeko at lv 16 ) the Thorn Gecko Pokemon. type: grass/poison. ability: overgrow. powers up grass-type moves in a pinch. or leaf guard: prevents status problems in sunny weather. 87.5% male - 12.5% female. DEX ENTRY (1): The roses on it's hands hide deadly thorns. They are very agile, and will chase their prey at high speeds. DEX ENTRY (2): Roseyle will come out of hiding when the sun is out and put on a dance. Anyone who happens to interrupt them may end up getting attacked mercilessly.
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kwishy · 2 years
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BUDEEKO -> ??? -> ??? the Bud Gecko Pokemon. type: grass/poison. ability: overgrow. powers up grass-type moves in a pinch. or leaf guard: prevents status problems in sunny weather. 87.5% male - 12.5% female. DEX ENTRY (1): It's tails resemble the bud of a flower when curled up. If angered, they will uncurl and release toxins that will make most people itchy. DEX ENTRY (2): It's a popular starter choice in a faraway region. Trainers are advised not to touch it's tails, as toxin glands reside within them.
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kwishy · 2 years
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PIKABOO -> RAIGEIST. ( evolves from pikaboo with a thunderstone. it comes in various sizes, the same as gourgeist. ) the Pumpkin Pokémon.
type: electric/ghost. ability: pickup. the pokémon may pick up items. or illuminate: raises the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon. or oblivious: keeps the pokémon from being infatuated or falling for taunts. 50% male - 50% female.
DEX ENTRY (1): It's cute looks can be very deceiving; as it steals the souls from those who look towards it's lantern glow.
DEX ENTRY (2): Once the sun goes down, you may see the flickering light of it's lantern from the deep depths of the forest. Many hikers have disappeared from following the light, never to be seen again.
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kwishy · 2 years
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PIKABOO -> ??? ( it comes in various sizes, the same as pumpkaboo. ) the Pumpkin Pokémon. type: electric/ghost. ability: pickup. the pokémon may pick up items. or illuminate: raises the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon. or oblivious: keeps the pokémon from being infatuated or falling for taunts. 50% male - 50% female. DEX ENTRY (1): No one really knows where it's face is located, as it's lantern body seems to be more expressive than it's cute face, which always has a rather lazed expression. DEX ENTRY (2): The glow that emits from the inside of Pikaboo's body is actually electricity that it generates. Stand too close and it may unintentionally shock you.
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kwishy · 2 years
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PLUSLE + MINUN -> MINPLUX ( minun/plusle will evolve into minplux if it's counterpart is in the party, the two Pokémon will merge into one. ) the Conjoined Pokémon. type: electric. ability: transistor: boosts the power of the user's electric-type moves by 50%. 50% male - 50% female. DEX ENTRY (1): They have two separate brains, with the two halves working independently of each other. Despite this; they have perfect co-ordination. DEX ENTRY (2): It's two halves are connected by a powerful magnetic force, although they are able to separate themselves for a brief moment of time.
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kwishy · 2 years
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BUNEYE -> LOPUNEYE -> MEGA LOPUNEYE. ( evolves into lopuneye with low friendship. ) the Jewel Rabbit Pokémon. type: normal/dark. ability: keen eye. prevents other Pokémon from lowering accuracy. or klutz: the Pokémon can't use any held items. or prankster: gives priority to a status move. 50% male - 50% female. DEX ENTRY (1): Be careful not to turn your back away from a Buneye, or you may end up with rocks being flung at you, which they usually hide in their fur. DEX ENTRY (2): They collects gems and decorates their fur with them. They like to prank unexpected visitors, which usually involves being pelted by said rocks.
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kwishy · 2 years
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??? -> LOPUNEYE -> MEGA LOPUNEYE. ( can mega evolve w/ lopunite ) the Jewel Rabbit Pokémon. type: normal/dark. ability: keen eye. prevents other Pokémon from lowering accuracy. or klutz: the Pokémon can't use any held items. or prankster: gives priority to a status move. 50% male - 50% female. DEX ENTRY (1): It spends most of it's time hunting for gems, hiding the most beautiful ones inside it's ear fur to attract mates. DEX ENTRY (2): It's extremely skittish and will usually run away from potential threats, though they frequently steal shiny items from the bags of trainers if left unattended for too long.
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kwishy · 2 years
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??? -> ??? -> MEGA LOPUNEYE. the Jewel Rabbit Pokémon. type: fighting/dark. ability: magic bounce. reflects status moves instead of getting hit by them 50% male - 50% female. DEX ENTRY (1): It seeks out gems in caves, replacing the ones in it's fur once they have grown dull. DEX ENTRY (2): It's preferred method of attacking is striking with it's gem-plated knees. It's rumoured that these gems are as hard as diamond.
makes sense that the first post I make here is sableye-related, right?
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