#it won't be a ground for canon x canon hate
fo-polls · 3 months
Ok, so asking how people feel about their F/O's canon ship or taken chatacters is ok? Like if their f/o was in a relationship would they ignore it or just insert themselves? Or not have them as an f/o at all? Sorry for asking so many questions bgw I'm dealing with this myself
that's permissible, yes. could you provide a selection of choices?
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arsonist-tittyfuck · 10 months
"Hey didn't you just shittalk that ship"
Yeah but I found inner peace
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itadore-you · 2 months
pairing: nanami kento x fem!reader c/w: implied smut, not canon events but it should be w/c: only 600 words today sorry <3
The way how Nanami tears off his clothes when he gets home: his tie already loosened the second he gets in the car; the dents at the back of his stiff, expensive oxford shoes because he can't be bothered to take them off properly; the trail of clothes left along the hallway as he finally reaches you. You've been waiting for so long for him to come back home, to be in your arms again. All those hours spent in a dull trance, wary and anxious that he's been badly injured from this mission.
The second that the hallway lights spill from underneath the door, you stand up giddily, knowing that he's back.
'My love...' Nanami says breathlessly, the chill from outside still burning on his cheeks. You rush into his arms, relaxing at his touch.
'Thank god you're back, Kento, I missed you so much.'
'I know, honey. I missed you too.'
You help him to unbutton his shirt, knowing how much he hates being in his work clothes. Nanami is eager to kiss you the moment it drops to the ground, hands circling your waist to bring you in closely.
'I quit today. It's all over now,' He pants between your kisses. 'You don't need to worry anymore.'
'What? What's over?" You're praying hard between each second you hold your breath, the day has finally come -
'I quit the job. No more fighting, and no more curses. Today was the last day.'
With his words, you can almost feel how each and every fibre of muscle in his body finally relaxes, how something comes back to life in his eyes again when he looks at you. Something about loving someone so deeply has imprinted on your soul, to a point where you start to think that maybe you become your other half somewhere along the way. Maybe emotions aren't all for one to bear - when one's away, you can still feel the other's suffering.
'When Nanami's happy, you're happy' is an understatement. The two of you are euphoric as you hold each other; Kento sweeps you off your feet as he's unable to contain his joy.
"I might have to burn these clothes forever. I never want to see them again," He sighs after eventually setting you down.
"I know it'd remind you of the past, but Ken," You watch as he kicks the shirt, tie and harness to the side - "I do always love seeing you in a nice suit and tie."
He raises an eyebrow in response, making you giggle. "I'll just have to find a new signature colour for you, won't I?"
"I'd love that, Kento..."
"Come, let me show you how much I love you."
With one swift motion, he's got you in the closest room possible, making sure that the surface he pins you against isn't too uncomfortable - it's a little indecent that he could barely keep his hands off of you in the hallway, but with the way how you look tonight (it's simply the radiance that happiness gives you), he can't help himself. Kento Nanami is a lost man until you give him purpose.
Just as he nips at your neck, he pulls away, blond hair falling into his eyes. "I apologise for coming on so quickly, I just-"
"No need to ask Kento, I want you right now."
He nods, pressing a fervent kiss to your lips, almost shaking when he eventually pulls away. "Mhm?"
"And I'd want you again. And again. It can all be tonight or tomorrow, whenever," You pant between kisses. "We have all the time in the world."
Death comes to many too often, and even the life of a regular person can be cut short in an instant. Smaller threats outside of jujutsu sorcery still exist. But what's the point in thinking about that? In comparison to Nanami's previous daily life, it feels like nothing can harm him now.
Maybe, just maybe, both of you can grow old together, like this.
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inoshibi1 · 1 year
-Yandere! Doma X Fem!Reader-
⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of death, obsessive actions, NSFW moments and non-consensual actions towards reader (!only kissing though, nothing other than kissing! But still worth the tw)
Fandom: Demon slayer. Character(s): Doma [upper rank 2 demon]
A/N: I don’t know a lot about Doma other than he’s a psychotic outwardly friendly demon. So if this fanfic isn’t very accurate to how Canon Doma would act then I’m sorry pls don’t hate me. :]
*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧880 words *.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧*.:✧
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Doma held the shaking woman close to him, arms tightly wound around her waist in a loving embrace. His head propped on her shoulder to peer at the carnage he had left behind. The demons breathing was calm, the complete opposite of the girl stuck with him.
She was crying, tears streaming down her reddened cheeks. Her eyes here red from so much crying, lips still wobbling despite the triggering event happening an hour or so ago. She sniffed, a stray tear falling onto Doma's outfit.
The pale man sighed and shut said book, discarding it to the ground beside him. Doma's arms pulled her closer, alerting her of his full attention. "Darling please, why are you still crying?"
Y/N kept her mouth shut, still sniffing and wiping away the tears that just kept coming. Her body began shaking again being Doma to lightly rub her sides to try and comfort her. She still flinched at his touch, though who could blame her?
"Y/N my sweetheart, I asked you a question, I'd like an answer please." His voice still remained calm, a sweet symphony of death and cold. She shivered under his touch, now moving up to her shoulders and back down again.
"Y-y-you k-killed them... y-you murdered t-them...t-they didn't do-do anything wrong t-to you...."
"Y/N my dear, they tried to help you escape, give you a place to stay while you ran away from me." Doma calmly retorted, his hands stopping on her hips to trace his thumbs on the dip. "Next time you leave me I'll find your loved ones and take care of them, but if you stay that won't happen at all. It is in your hands what happens to the people in your life, those people's death was nobody's fault but yours."
Y/N began to sob harder with every cruel word, she knew they weren't true, she didn't kill her dear friend. He did. Doma was just trying to shift the blame and make her feel guilty about finally escaping him. Y/N  knew this, though she couldn't help but feel guilty anyway.
Doma sighed as he used his sleeve to wipe her face clean of the tears and snot. The hair in his face tickling her nose. "You know Y/N, I can make all your pain go away. You just have to say those words. I won't hurt anyone else if you do. Say them, and we both can be happy for all eternity."
The air remained still for a moment. The only noise in the room being the small yet passionate kisses that Doma placed on the woman's sweating forehead. Doma went lower, kissing her cheeks and gradually lowering down to her neck. No area of her body was left untouched from his lips, soon the demon was kneeling down infront of the shaking woman. Taking his sweet time kissing her shaking hands.
She began to protest when she tried to pull away her hand but he wouldn't let her; the harsh bite of his teeth brought the woman back to reality. She couldn't stop the whimper that slipped past her lips at the dark scowl on his face.
It wasn't when he finally stood up did she finally breathe- chest heaving while she stared at him once more with wide eyes.
"Say those words."
The grip on her hand increased; giving her no choice other than to look directly into the hollow depths of his eyes.
"Say it."
"I love you." Y/N's throat went dry, Doma wrapping her in his arms turning her to face him, to cradle her hips. He placed his free hand upon her cheek, his thumb tracing the puff red skin with a pleased smirk on his features.
He softened the grip on the woman's hand, trailing his hand down her body as he placed his lips onto hers. He felt more confident this round, not leaving the woman enough time to really get her breath back as he worked his lips against hers. The hand still gripping your own moved to intertwine her fingers with his while the other hand slid down across your waist as he pulled you right into him, causing your bodies to clash against each other.
The poor woman shook as tears fell down her eyes. She was so scared. How could she not be? These actions were so cruel. What had he done to deserve such cruelty?
Before any more tears could fall down, Doma’s thumb brush away one of the tears that fell.
It became oddly comforting, then. The way Doma was holding her. All she could sense was him. The mild scent of pine with metallic undertones nearly becoming overpowering has he continued to kiss the woman breathless. It was almost enough to forget what was about to happen.
The woman began to protest when she tried to pull away but he wouldn't let her go; the whine she let out muffled from his mouth over hers.
When he finally let her go, he left her breathless - chest heaving while she stared at Doma once more with eyes as wide as plates.
"I know you love me Y/N, and I love you too."
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trash-gobby · 1 year
Hello!! I was wondering if you still do Hellboy character requests? If so, could you maybe do a Prince Nuada head canon with a agent reader?
Prince Nuada X Agent Reader Headcanons
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A/N: Might turn this into a fic tbh. seems like more of a summary of a story then HCs haha. Hopefully these are enough for ya'll to enjoy
Pairing(s): Prince Nuada X Agent!Reader
Characters: Prince Nuada, Reader, Hellboy, Nuala
Link: Hellboy
⚠️ Warnings!: minor bits of non-descript violence, not canon compliant, kidnapping
✨Being on the opposing side of the main conflict in HB2, it took a long time for Nuada to even consider you an ally, let alone later, a lover.
✨He first met you at the Troll Market, when you stumbled upon him. You were investigating a lead which ended up with the two of you fighting in one of the less populated parts of the market. Down a side-street.
✨He was impressed with your ability to wield a crossbow, along with quick-thinking hand-to-hand combat. Having been trained in several different martial art styles, you were able to hold you own. However, you had a hard time keeping up with Nuada's inhuman agility. In the end you were spared by taking your fight to a slightly more populated area and disappearing into a crowd due to him hesitating to kill you.
✨This is where the seed was planted for him to take notice of you. His feelings are still largely negative, with your next confrontation being at the library when Nuada comes for his sisters half of the crown.
✨He and Hellboy fight, but you end up cutting in after Hellboy is injured and end up having another fight with Nuada yourself. Instead of killing you, he ends up almost fatally injuring you. You end up spending the final confrontation in critical condition recovering in a medical wing of the BRPD
✨The crown is destroyed and Nuada + Nuala both survive the events of HB2. Nuada is taken in as a prisoner of war by the BRPD.
✨While Nuala picks up the pieces of her shattered people, creating a treaty with humanity to find above-ground land her people can live on, Nuada is planning his escape.
✨You've been assigned to helping with relations between Nuala and members of BRPD who are seeking to create beneficial relations between their bureau and the Bethmoran people
✨You end up confronting him while in captivity about him nearly killing you, and expressing that if he ever escaped you would hunt him down.
✨Seeing your scars visible from how he injured you, while he's still filled with hatred, there is a tinge of regret for hurting you.
✨His sister wants to give Nuada a second chance to do something for his people by contributing valuable information from his travels in order to determine what land would be beneficial to move the new Bethmora to.
✨He see's her attempts at relations with humanity as a futile attempt and continues to refuse to help. However, when you threaten to leave him to rot as you are one of the only people who he will get to see, Nuada says he will offer some help if you come back the next day.
✨Thus begins the tentative relationship between the two of you, as he offers a little info each visit, his spite lessening slowly.
✨As you begin to create some weird comfortable rhythm to your visits, Nuada starts to open up a little about his past and debate you on your people (humanity).
✨Though you do argue, and have many differing opinions on the topics, Nuada is feeling conflicted about what are starting to become feelings of familiarity and affection towards you.
✨He hates himself for starting to have feelings towards an Agent in the BRPD let alone a human. However, this won't stop him in his pursuit to escape his prison and get revenge.
✨Eventually he will have all he needs in order to finally break out of the BRPD. While doing so, he ends up confronting you again.
✨Your fight goes a little better with you nearly defeating Nuada. However, he does get the upper hand and manages to disarm you. However, instead of killing you, he takes you hostage as a bargaining chip to use against the BRPD
✨During this kidnapping you end up having even more heated arguments about how what he's doing is wrong, and his feelings towards you gives him even more inner conflict about what he is doing.
✨He takes you to one of his hideouts in the tunnels of the subway system beneath the city. There you end up noticing for the first time his reluctance to hurt you badly, unlike before.
✨You confront him about this and he admits on some level that he has started to like you, and it is something he wants to quash.
✨This realization starts to make you think more about your own conflicted feelings, and how there might be something there within you which could be affection.
✨In the end, although you are on differing sides of a conflict, tension builds to a breaking point and you end up sharing a kiss.
✨This creates even more conflicting emotions within you both. Nuada tries to distance himself, and you try to figure out what you are going to do.
✨Finally you make the decision that whatever this is between you, it isn't as important as what Nuala is doing for her people. You can't let Nuada use you or whatever he's planning to destroy the relations between humanity and the Bethmoran people.
✨Planning your own escape, you find the right opportunity to get away, taking advantage of Nuada's affection for you and your training as an agent to disappear.
These are a lot of HCs so I'm gonna leave it there. I think any more and this would be the plot to a novel lmao
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the-little-ewok · 2 years
Marc Spector/Steven Grant X G!N reader
Rating : T+
Wordcount : 2300 (ish)
Warnings : Fluff, mild angst, mention of blood, mention of canon style violence, mention of food, some innuendos and spice 
Summary : You offer to help Marc and Steven relax a little after a long night 
Prompts - “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.” + "Your back is so tense. Would you like a massage?"
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Gif by salome-c
The night drags out in the winter, long and dark as you toss and turn in a cold empty bed. It's not the first night you've been alone, and you know it won't be the last, but every night they are gone ends this way — restless and sleepless. You know eventually the sun will rise, the moon will disappear again for another night, and you hope that then, they will come home to you. 
Sitting up, you run your hands over your face, the movement stirring up the lingering familiar scent of them from their sweater. You'd thrown it on as the wind had rattled the window panes, the cold breeze sneaking through the gaps to bite at your skin. The smell brings a soft familiar warmth to you, as though you could imagine them here, their arms wrapped around you. 
Technically it's Marc's sweater, a point Steven likes to make continually since he hates it, preferring his patterned shirts to Marc's usual wardrobe of darker colours, but it's still a comfort that reminds you of them both. 
Swinging your legs out of bed, you let the cold wood floor ground you for a moment, pulling you from dark and depressing thoughts. They always came home to you, there's no reason tonight should be any different, and yet the restlessness won't cease. 
Giving up on sleep, you make your way into the kitchen. A drink and a snack would help pass the time and distract you a little while you wait. The wind howls again, rattling the windowpane, and you bite your lip in worry that they are somewhere out there, in the cold night, getting into who knows what trouble. 
Grabbing a packet of crisps, you reach up to grab a glass from the cupboard when a noise at the door stops you in your tracks. Lowering your arm, slowly you step quietly back into the middle of the flat, giving you more space to run if you need it as there’s another rattle of the lock. Your heart beats wildly as the door suddenly swings open.
"Oh! Hello, love. Why are you up so late?" Steven asks, wide eyed with surprise the moment he sees you standing frozen in the middle of the flat. It takes a second for your heartbeat to slow and for your nerves to calm down in order to answer. Of course, it was them, who else would be letting themselves in. 
"I couldn't sleep," you answer distractedly, taking in his dishevelled appearance as the remainder of his white suit disappears. His curls are damp with sweat, hanging messily over his forehead which is smeared in blood, there's a rapidly healing cut on his lip and a bruise on his chin. 
"Are you ok?" You breathe, dropping the packet of crisps onto the counter and making your way over to him. You lift your fingers to softly trace the bruise, but even as you do, it disappears under your touch. 
"Yeah," Steven assures you softly, reaching out to rub your upper arms in comfort, sensing your distress. "We are always ok. Marc just got into a bit of trouble. Didn't mean to scare you coming in.”
You nod, your fingers softly gliding over the patches of dried blood where cuts and scrapes would have been, trying not to let your fears get the best of you. It was still hard to adjust to everything about the situation, and the very real dangers that they faced during the night. Even though they always seemed to come back safe, sometimes a little worse for wear but safe, it still sent your stomach twisting. 
"Love?" Steven repeats gently, blinking you out of your fear fed daze. 
"Sorry, what?"
"I asked if you are ok?" He asks again gently, reaching up to stroke your hair as he looks you over. Typical Steven — the man who just stumbled home from a fight, probably still having the lingering pain from the bruises and cuts, asking if you, who have been safe at home curled up in bed, are alright. 
"I'm just glad you're home," you smile, leaning into his touch as he cups your cheek gently. "Let me go get you some water and clean your face up."
He nods, letting you go so that you can pad back into the kitchen. The switch happens in seconds, silently Steven steps back and your only alert to it is Marc's accent when he asks his next question. 
"Why are you wearing my sweater?"
"Because it smells like you. Both of you," you clarify with a shrug, grabbing a glass out of the cupboard. You probably should be embarrassed about your constant need to feel close to them, but judging by the glint in his eyes when you look over, Marc enjoys seeing you wearing his clothes just as much as you enjoy wearing them. 
"Smell that good, do we?" Marc grins, folding his arms and leaning against the bookshelf, watching you as you pour the water and grab a damp cloth. 
Walking back over, you hand Marc the glass of water before you carefully start to wipe the blood from his head. 
"Occasionally you do. Maybe not right now, though," you tease.
Marc placing down the glass on the table should have been your first warning of what was about to happen, but it still takes you by surprise when he wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly, rubbing his damp curls across the side of your face. He smells of sweat and aftershave, of desert sand and blood. It shouldn't be as arousing to your senses as it is. 
Laughing, you try to scramble out of his arms, if only to save yourself the embarrassment of becoming a panting mess just from the damn way he smells. 
"Thought you wanted to smell like us?" He teases. "I'm just helping. I'm scenting you."
"Marc!" You giggle, giving up and going limp in his arms. He squeezes you hard before he finally lets you go, picking up the glass of water to sip it innocently while you straighten yourself out. 
"You want a snack, Spector? Food!" You clarify quickly as Marc raises his eyebrows, the beginning of a smirk curling his lips. He always seemed to be riled up after a fight, and more than once you'd let him have whatever he wanted from you. But tonight you can see the tiredness in the way he holds himself, the dark circles under his eyes more prominent than ever. Tonight, you had to let him rest, even if he thought that wasn't the best for him right now. 
"No, thank you, baby. I'm gonna take a shower then we can go to bed," he winks, finishing the water before he kisses your temple and disappears into the bathroom. 
You don't try to follow him. You've learned after long nights like this they need some time alone, to process the events and to discuss between themselves. You leave them to it and sit down on the edge of the bed, relieved to have them home safe. 
"Feeling better?" You ask, jumping up and opening your arms as they leave the bathroom, dressed in Steven’s oversized pyjamas. 
"Much better," Steven smiles, wrapping his arms around you and cuddling you tightly. You lean into his embrace, letting your head fall to his shoulder as you hold him tightly.
"Your back is so tense," you frown, letting your fingers trace the stiff muscles gently. It can't be easy what they do, and with all the power that Khonshu gives them their body still seems to always pay the price. "Would you like a massage? Might help a little?" 
"Oh, you really don't have to do that! We’ll be alright by the morning," Steven protests, giving you a gentle squeeze. Smiling, you brush your fingers through his wet curls, pulling away from him just far enough to give him a soft kiss, enjoying the way he smiles against your mouth. 
"Or, you know, we could give you a massage?" Steven whispers softly, his fingers ghosting up your ribs as he leans forward to kiss you again. You roll your eyes, reminded once more that Marc and Steven can sometimes be very much the same.
“Later,” you smile, nudging your nose against his as his fingers creep under the hem of Marc’s sweater to brush against your bare skin. “Let me do this one thing for you. It’ll make me feel like I'm doing something useful,” you admit.
“You’re always doing useful things, and you don't have to do anything for us,” he kisses your hair softly as he cuddles you. 
“I know, but it still makes me feel like I can help a little bit.” You press another lingering kiss to his lips before you gently push him towards the bed. "Come on, shirt off." 
"You really don't have to," Steven protests again. 
"I know, and I still want to. Now get on the bed before I'm forced to put you down on it myself.” You fold your arms stubbornly, watching his expression change as Marc fronts. 
“Oh, yeah? How you gonna go about that? Because I’d love to see it,” he grins. When you open your mouth to bite a response at him that in the state he’s in you could absolutely take him down, he jumps in, no doubt knowing what you are about to say. 
"No, you couldn’t. Don't even try. You’ll just hurt yourself, baby," he laughs, pulling his shirt up over his head and throwing it to the floor. Rolling your eyes, you point to the bed, watching as he climbs on it and lays down on his stomach, wrapping his arms around the pillow. 
Grabbing some lotion off the side, the one that always makes Steven nuzzle your skin with the most contented inhales of breath, you carefully straddle his waist. Warming the lotion on your hands first, you carefully start to rub it into his back, feeling the tension of his stiff muscles under your fingers. Starting with his shoulders, you carefully work your way down, pressing your thumbs against his spine as he hums contentedly under your fingers. Ever so slowly you feel him start to relax, the tension he’s been carrying dropping out of him as he starts to breathe slowly and evenly. 
"Mmm smells amazing. You're too good to us," Steven mumbles softly, clearly already half asleep, boneless, and relaxed under your hands.
"Yeah, probably," you tease with a laugh, leaning down to press a soft kiss between their shoulder blades. "You deserve it, though. You look after so many people with no thanks, this is the least I can do.”
Steven falls silent for a long moment, and you feel the shift this time. It's the slightest stiffen of his posture under your fingers that alerts you to Marc.
"He’s right, you know? You are far too good to us, to me,” Marc mumbles into the pillow, his voice taking on an edge of sadness, “You deserve better than having to sit awake all night waiting for us to come home, worrying the way you do.” 
Pausing in your massage, you climb off him to sit on the bed, gently pressing against his bicep to force him to turn on his side. When he finally does, you lay down beside him, pressing your hand to his cheek, so you can meet his eyes at his level. 
“Marc Spector, I would wait up a thousand nights for you without a single regret. My worrying is not your fault. Remember, I chose you just as much as you chose me. I knew what I was getting into, and it was my choice, it still is.” You gently stroke his cheek with your thumb as you talk, your eyes imploring him not to go down this route of self-hate again. "I love you, and all the nights and worry in the world won't change that."
At that, he gives you the ghost of a smile, turning his head to kiss your palm, changing the subject before your conversation gets too deep into serious territory, the same way he always does.
“Just wait until you let me return the favour. Gonna massage you everywhere.” Even though he’s clearly trying to distract you from questions of his own self worth, you can't help the bolt of desire that runs through you at the thought of his hands caressing your skin. Your thoughts are not helped in any way when he slides his hand across your thigh, licking his lips. 
"Could start now, baby?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. With a giggle and a lot more willpower than you thought possible, you gently remove his hand and shuffle back. 
“Later, let me finish your massage first. Please,” you add as he looks like he's about to argue. His expression softens and he presses a quick lingering kiss to your lips before he lays back down on his stomach. 
Climbing back over him, you press soft kisses down the back of his neck before you resume the massage he’d interrupted, rubbing the remainder of the lotion in. 
“Thank you,” Marc mumbles quietly. “Honestly, you’re far too -”
“Stop talking and just enjoy being taken care of,” you cut in and scold him gently. He mumbles something about taking care of you later, but thankfully quietens down. 
He’s so quiet after a while that you can't help but become suspicious of the silence. It’s not that you’re exactly expecting him to throw you over and return the favour, but….it wouldn't be the first time silence spelled that sort of trouble.
"Marc? Steven?" You question softly, leaning over to look at them. Their eyes are closed, mouth half open as they breathe deeply, completely fast asleep. Smiling, you carefully climb off them and snuggle down beside them. You do your best to keep your movements as small as possible to not disturb them, but both of them are light sleepers after everything they’ve been through, and even the slightest movement makes them stir. 
"Come here, please." Steven sighs sleepily, his voice gravelled and only half awake, reaching over for you and pulling you against his chest, wrapping his arms around you to secure you in place. "I’m sorry. We’ll return the favour in the morning when we are more awake, I promise."
“I’m sure you will,” you smile, reaching down and tugging the covers up over you both. Steven hums a mumbled "we love you," into your hair and within seconds he's snoring peacefully, just as the sun starts to stream in through the window, and the countdown to the night begins again.   
Please do comment and reblog if you liked this :)
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Thanks for reading!
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babybatgrimm · 1 year
Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Military!Reader
Summery: The 141 are amazed at the person Muerte brings out of Ghost during a breach and clear mission that got a bit too quiet.
Warnings: Fluff, canon!violence/injuries, fem!reader, probably not proof read very well I'll be honest
A/N: So I was listening to "The Other Side" from Greatest Showman and my brain said "Ghost and his partner singing to each other on the battle field" sooo I wrote it. Enjoy!~
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The 141 we silent in the plane on their way to the drop point. Their boots thudding against the ground as they file out, surveying their surrounds before looking to Price as he speaks.
"Alright, simple breach and clear, no need for stealth here, we're here to pick off a group preventing a push forward." The team nod, splitting up as instructed.
As everyone scattered across the smaller area of the first floor, the team move into hallways, Ghost and Muerte going down the same, Soap and Gaz down another, everyone pairing off down each path.
After awhile of moving through the building, the coms silent and almost no enemy contact, the crackle over the coms catches everyone's attention. Even more so as they hear Ghost's voice.
"Aye Muerte."
She hums in response.
"It's quiet."
The team hears her mischievous giggle crackle through the radios.
"Go on then." She says calmly. "Pick one."
The rest of the team glance at their partners in confusion, before hearing Ghost's voice once more. Everyone freezing at what they hear.
"Right here, right now. I put the offer out. I don't wanna chase you down. I know you see it." His voice is clear, calm, but so melodic compared to his usual gruff voice.
She giggles quietly, waiting for him to finish before her voice rings out, a beautiful tune as she sings the second part.
"Okay, my friend, you wanna cut me in. Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen." There's clear excitement in her voice at the pairs duet, occasionally her voice hitching for a moment during an attack on an enemy.
"Now I admire you." She smiles at Ghost. "And that whole show you do. You're onto something, really it's something."
Her grin grows as she gets to the chorus. 'her favourite part' Ghost thinks to himself as he listens and watches her. "Don't you know that I'm okay, with this uptown part I get to play? Cause I got what I need, and I don't want to take the ride. I don't need to see the other side."
The rest of the 141 are stunned by their teammates, baffled by Ghost continuing the song as his part comes around again. They can all tell, the two have forgotten all about the rest of them. Their only thought now is their duet, and each other.
The rest of the team eventually make their way through the building once more. All while listening to the rest of the duet being sung in their earpieces.
The two knowingly forget the team however. Choosing to enjoy the domestic moment nestled within the carnage of their job. The two smiling each other, Ghost's covered by his mask of course. But the fabric scrunches with his grin at her.
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As their voices die down, becoming soft with giggles from her, and panting from both. He chuckles quietly as he stares at her. They were already finished with the mission, and had sung through the whole thing.
As the team collects back at the pickup point, the rest stare at Ghost and Muerte, waiting for an explanation of what they all heard. Ghost just blatantly ignores the drilling stares, knowing exactly what'd happen if he acknowledged it.
Muerte follows his example, choosing to talk to price like nothing had happened, smiling and asking him questions. Occasionally, she glances at Soap and Gaz, who are staring so hard at Ghost their eyes might pop out of their sockets.
She giggles softly, clapping to snap everyone from their daze. "Let's get home, I donno about you lot, but I need a shower." She beams at them all before marching onto the plane.
Ghost chuckles, as much as he ever does at least, before following her into the plane. "You heard the woman." The team, baffled by the interaction, follow their companions into the plane, muttering between each other.
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When the team make their eventual path to the common room, they all sit around the main table, eating their meals before bed. Soap finally pipes up with the question they all want answered.
"What the hell that that duet you two did?" He asks bluntly, his eyes darting between Ghost and Muerte. She's the first to react, a gentle smile pulling her lips as she looks at Soap.
"I'm not much a fan of quiet when it's not needed, but I do like singing, so Ghost decided when it's quiet, we'll sing together. Helps my nerves." Her explanation is simple, soft, before she continues eating her food.
The team glance between each other, all deciding with a nod that they were satisfied with that answer, choosing to drop the subject before Ghost glare would actually kill them with how hard he was staring knives into the side of Soap's head.
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208 notes · View notes
dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Lost Part Four | Vegeta x Reader |
part one | part two | part three | part five | part six
author's note: i actually got the majority of this done within the last two days. i had such a strong burst of inspiration and this is where we've landed! i apologize for the wait, and hope next time won't take as long!
pairing: vegeta x fem!reader
warnings: canon typical violence, does not follow canon timeline of events, implied nsfw but nothing explicit
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"I taught him everything I know." Vegeta's not surprised you've given him zero room to talk— but he's got an entire year to find you vulnerable, to get you talking and more importantly listening, so he'll quietly bide his time and allow you to steamroll his plans.
"Any new techniques?" Vegeta's arms cross, mind itching with the curiosity of a cat, wondering how you've spent the last twenty years. You're a Super Saiyan now, his pride in that achievement alone tops any pride and happiness he's ever felt, and the excitement for the impending year of training sends a tingle down his spine— of all the bad things, shitty choices and cruel twists of fate he's suffered in the last several years, this is perhaps the only time he's felt right, like he is exactly where he should be.
"Some, of course." Your feet are planted onto the ground, back still pointedly facing him. Despite the reprieve in your anger before, as you cuddled with him and kissed him fondly on the cheek just a few days ago, the burning fire dwelling within has reignited in full-force and Vegeta's struck with the nagging reminder that you possibly hate him more than you love him.
Possibly. He can work with that.
"Show me."
Idly, Vegeta thinks in the back of his mind that perhaps asking for you to attack him may not have been his brightest idea.
You turn on a dime and the yellow, jagged energy in your palm takes the shape of what resembles a bow, your other hand quickly firing off an arrow directed right between his eyes. And knowing your aim to always be true, the prince is swift, easily bypassing your little weapon of doom.
A mere swoop of his head is enough, and try as he might, Vegeta can't school his face; you're capable of way more than whatever that silly attempt was. "Points for style, I-" The smirk on your lips, so tiny and fleeting, is too out of place. "What's your- Shit!" You raise your palms and fire off quick little beams, spacing them out in an irregular pattern that's difficult to counter. You knew he'd underestimate the technique; it's what kept it in your arsenal, at the end of the day. If Vegeta, the master tactician and one of the most gifted fighters in this world, not to mention your husband that has spent more hours training with you than anyone else and knows your capabilities, could look down at the attack, then so would just about any foe.
He feels the sizzle of the arrow coming back, having to twist his body in a shape he didn't know was possible— and the twinge in his knee tells him it's, at the very least, not recommended.
Should've gotten that damn immortality when I had the chance.
"I believe I told you to mind your ego; if you still had a tail, you'd have felt it coming sooner."
Vegeta doesn't miss a beat, you find, as a hefty blast bursts from his palms and then it's you having to dodge, bending over backwards to avoid what would become a broken rib or two. Fast as ever, Vegeta's right above you and sends his fist to your gut, fully knocking you flat to the floor.
"And you…" He huffs out. "Clearly still underestimate me after knowing me for over forty years."
"Bite me." You growl; the absolute nerve of this man! To be so confident, as if no time passed since your last real brawl— he'd done the impossible and inflated his ego even more. Bastard.
"I hate to take a page out of Kakarot's book, but don't mind if I do."
Within a blink of an eye he's dropped to his knees, fangs sunk into that same spot as always, the mark so clear and distinctly his. The contact burns, Vegeta's lips hot and fangs molten lava as they break the barrier of skin— the taste of your blood kisses his tongue, a warning sign to stop biting deeper that he just barely heeds. But the sheer euphoria in his body, in yours, keeps him in place. Your bodies were never made for such distance between one another, yet withstood a twenty year gap— lesser Saiyans would have perished far sooner, perhaps even after a mere month apart if they faced the circumstances you and Vegeta had.
Your strength has always drawn Vegeta to you, ever since that day you punched him in the face. You survived not only a devastating separation, but an attack by his heir that, by all means was meant for, groomed to be an all-elite Saiyan like the rest of his royal lineage. You are stronger than Vegeta, and even his traditionally massive ego is able to step aside to only find nothing but the purest pride in you. He could have no other woman for his wife or his mate— you are simply the strongest, and the prince could never expect or have any less than that.
"Vegeta…" Your breathless whimper of his name urges his jaw in a tighter hold, clamping down on your mating scar. His brain searches for his tail, urging a signal to the lost appendage to tangle with yours as yours flicks at the very end, your hot body trembling beneath his.
And then there's a snap sounding in your brain as your tail fails to find your mate's, that stiff reminder of what's happened since the mating ceremony like a punch to the gut, eyes flying open with a growl as your nails dig into his muscled flesh. "Get the hell off of me."
Vegeta's cry of pain releases his bite, and he growls while forcing your hands off of him, using his weight and superior physical strength to pin your wrists to your sides. "Must you be so damn difficult, woman?!"
"I refuse to be your mistress, you vile-"
"If anyone's the mistress here, it would be Bulma and you know it." Vegeta says dryly. "And I'm not here with you for that. If V is as strong as you say-"
"He is." You scowl, the chip on your shoulder still very much present.
"Then I need to train too, and with a clear head. What good is training if our primal instincts have a score to settle?"
You huff and muster the strength to tear your hands free of his hold, pushing him off of your body and kicking him squarely in the gut before rolling backwards onto your feet, standing tall before his crouched form. "That's for earlier, Prince."
"Oh, you're gonna get it, Princess." Vegeta seethes, clutching his stomach.
"You refused to fight before; don't tell me the earth woman's made you soft."
Your husband grunts and forgets his pain to retaliate, his fist solid to your jaw with an uppercut. And thus the real brawl begins, fists and swears and smoldering looks passed between you. Each strike is calculated, your experience as seasoned fighters on display— you hold no audience, but perhaps your aim is for one another, rather than your Saiyan pride. Together as long as you were, you never did stop aiming to impress one another. It's in your Prince's blood to have an ego, of course, and as you throw your forearm up to block one of his mighty kicks, the possibility that you still want to be desirable to him crosses your mind, rather than training for the sake of strength.
What a shallow Saiyan you are.
But the fact that he spent any amount of time with her, pleasing her and potentially even courting her, has you set in a jealous rage that won't settle. They've got a child, a filthy halfling that's what, a year old? Maybe? And he's been living with her this whole time. Do they share a bed? What a nonsensical question, they must-
"You're getting distracted!" Vegeta growls after landing a fierce strike to your chest, knocking the wind out of you as you land right on your back. You stay down, Vegeta giving you reprieve as he stands tall above you, a stern frown on his lips. "Surely you don't find this a game, princess."
Your teeth clamp down on your tongue, the searing rage inside built up further by his taunts. "How dare you even suggest such a thing."
Vegeta offers his gloved hand to you, and you slip your hand in his after a moment's hesitation. Your prince has always had mercy on you, no matter how slight. His palm burns you through that white glove, and as he pulls you up to your feet his scent, a mixture of sweat and his natural musk beyond that, sets your insides alight. The mating scar you left eons ago is particularly sightly against his pale skin, the impression of your fangs clear to anybody with a set of eyes.
Your jaw quivers with need, aching to bite his most sensitive spot and take in his pheromones— he's always smelled so sweet despite his rough exterior; ever since your teenage years, when the genuine romance in your betrothal began, you've noticed that special scent of your prince.
You catch a whiff of that saccharine fragrance again, this time as you're walking through the palace for tea time with your betrothed and his father. You've been slated to marry the prince for many years now, though only recently have you taken a true liking to him— the idea of marriage is favorable in your mind now, with Vegeta having matured into a gentleman rather than the rude boy you decked solidly in the jaw just a few years ago.
He's also gotten quite handsome, regrettably.
It's breezy out, so tea is on a balcony with a view of the lower class's work division— Vegeta and his father are waiting patiently, though Nappa informs the king of an urgent matter he must attend to before you can even take your seat. King Vegeta grimaces, nodding apologetically before taking his leave. Leaving you and the prince alone, Nappa closes the doors to the balcony. The sweetness is stronger now, with Vegeta pulling your chair out for you. He's so close— clearly Vegeta must be the source of that intoxicating scent. You swallow thickly, hesitating to take your seat for the briefest of moments.
The urge to take a bite of him is new and strong and the sense of want is so disgustingly present, though the back of your mind coils in repugnance. Betrothed or not, attractive or not, he's still Vegeta. An arrogant, rude—
Vegeta tucks your chair in, his strength easily moving you to the table with grace. He's solidly behind you, hands lingering on your chair for just a second longer than necessary before he breaks away, taking his place beside you as the wind only forces more of his sweet pheromones your direction.
— perhaps you judge him too harshly.
You maintain your composure and refrain from biting him like a savage (though it's Vegeta that loses it at your very next encounter) but you do end the afternoon with a kiss that's passionate enough for your father to pass you a sideways glance when you return home absolutely covered in Vegeta's scent.
Vegeta nearly trembles under that hungry, near lustful gaze in your eye. He feels like meat, the mere prey to your raging ferality that's run so rampant, it's doubtful you've even noticed the way your tail sharply flicks around. You still hold his hand, bodies as close as possible without touching. Wetting your lips with a quick swipe of your tongue and nearly cracking under Vegeta's handsome stare, you step back with a scowl.
This is no time for my biology to intervene.
"This has been a wash." You mutter, turning on your heel and powering into Super Saiyan.
"Glad we're in agreement." Vegeta follows up, the glow from your ascensions meeting in the middle for a brighter light, forcing both of you to squint. Vegeta holds a hand out, fingers curled as he seeks out your form beyond the blinding glow of Super Saiyan.
You hold two fingers out, generating a fraction of your power into the very tips of them, and Vegeta follows your lead.
"May the strongest Saiyan win." You say in unison, and with a charge and a call out, your fists meet in the middle, creating a shockwave that bellows out through the endless chamber, your brawl not missing even a single beat.
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Your hair loses the luster of Super Saiyan as you collapse to the ground, entirely spent and bruised head-to-toe. Vegeta's sporting a messy cut above his brow, left eye closed as the wound bleeds a steady stream. With a huff he falls to his knee, holding his injured right arm carefully at the crook of his elbow— he watches your chest rise and fall with every breath, soon comforted with the movements.
Vegeta swipes away some blood rather fruitlessly, wiping it on his ruined armor. With a grunt he falls on his rear, holding his palm to the wound as he gathers his bearings. You push yourself up despite the cries of your ribs, grimacing at all of the blood on your husband's face. His open eye flicks your direction and he waves his hand nonchalantly— "No worse than a scratch."
"Scratches don't bleed profusely." You snap, itching closer to him as you shrug off the remaining scrap of the poor t-shirt you'd walked in the chamber with. Your leggings aren't in much better shape, but to be stripped down to the bare necessities certainly wasn't an option. "Move your hand."
Vegeta complies at the snippy tone of your voice, his head throbbing as you examine the wound. Your heated skin is close, so infectiously hot as you cup his face and tut at the mark you've left on him, pressing the ruined t-shirt tightly against the wound to soak up the blood. "I've got to bandage this." You murmur, clutching your side as you attempt to push yourself to your feet to reach the medical supplies in the rest area, which is a regrettable distance away.
"Stay down, princess. Your ribs aren't in any better shape than me." Vegeta tugs you back to the ground roughly, wincing at your groan of pain as you hit the floor. His hand is quick to your side, searching for the worst of the injury on the side you favored. His palm skims over a spot that's already bruising and your body shifts involuntarily, a whimper hidden behind your gritted teeth.
"You haven't got much experience fighting in Super Saiyan." He murmurs, pushing himself up and tossing the bloodied remains of your shirt aside before kneeling and carefully picking you up. He shushes softly your cries of pain, taking care not to jostle you as he flies back to where the door to the chamber is.
"It feels like home in here." You murmur as Vegeta lays you gently on a bed.
"It does." Vegeta says softly, removing his stained gloves. "The gravity in here is the same as Planet Vegeta's."
"I miss home." You stare blankly at the purple curtains that divide the sleeping quarters. "V and I spent our years on a Frieza colony, laying low. I worked on a farm to earn our keep, and V grew up like a normal child. I think our neighbors knew of our race, but they didn't ever speak a word to it— I don't know if it was loyalty to us, or just so Frieza wouldn't come back and destroy that planet too. We lived peacefully for a long time."
Vegeta quietly wraps a bandage around your ribcage, tying a cold compress tightly to the worst of your wound. His nimble fingers pause as you look back at him, searching his dark eyes for a moment before zeroing in on the slice above his brow. The bleeding has stopped, but he's still left with a large gash. "How did you train him?"
You push yourself up, not falling to his demanding hand that presses against your chest, urging you to rest. "We practiced basic hand to hand for a long time, and when he was older we began going off planet for more serious training. By the time he was 16, I had him trained like our parents had trained us. He would've been of great service to Planet Vegeta… You can't imagine how proud I was of him. How proud I am, even after what's happened."
"He's our boy. Of course he would be great." Vegeta's chest puffs out in pride, though his face bears the sorrow in his heart. He takes a place at the edge of the bed at your gentle insistence, his hands finding the curve of your hips— your exposed skin is hot under his touch and he brushes his thumbs up and down carefully while you wipe away blood from the wound.
"This cut you deeper than I thought." You toss away the bloody wipes once it's clean so you can inspect the wound. "I'll need to suture it."
Vegeta watches as you collect supplies from one of the many medical kits he's already laid out on the bed. Battered as you are, angry as you are, even, you don't bat away his hold. He watches you intently as you thread up the fresh needle, and your hand comes to softly touch his face after. "This is going to hurt."
"Try not to enjoy it too much."
The quirk on your lips tells him there won't be much trying.
Once you're gloved up, you begin work on suturing the wound. Vegeta's strong hands clutch your hips as the needle pierces his skin, but he remains strong throughout. He took your beating like a champ, and he'll take your healing with grace.
"Do you remember the last time I had to stitch you up?" You murmur, attempting a distraction as you work your careful stitches.
"I'd prefer not to." He mutters dryly, and you laugh a little.
"I kept my word, you know. I never did tell your father why you had stitches."
"Tch, give our planet a few more years and I'm sure that cat would've been out of the bag."
Vegeta watches your face as you laugh, squeezing your hips with the memory clear as day in his mind.
Vegeta storms to your bedchamber sporting his trademark scowl as he quickly moves through the castle. Why you've sent for him during an important war room meeting with his father and the men he commands, he doesn't know. His eyes burn like fire when he sees you, lounging in bed like it's a breezy afternoon where your husband isn't planning perhaps the riskiest invasion the planet has ever attempted.
"Have you lost your mind, woman?!" He stops short of the bed, biting down on his tongue, lest his angry tongue get him into trouble that the late-night prince would regret.
You roll your eyes and sit up, setting your book aside. "You didn't have to come now if it was that important."
"As my wife and my mate, I will always answer your call. It is up to you if you abuse that level of care I have." Vegeta's beefy arms cross over his chest, his anger simmering down into something less explosive once he's caught a whiff of your pheromones. There's something different— the gears in his mind turn.
"I didn't call you for nothing. It's actually quite important, and I think you'll find it worth the interruption."
"Well? What is it?!" Vegeta huffs, your scent getting stronger as you slink off the bed and into his personal bubble.
"I've just met with our physician." You smile widely, excitement palpable in the air.
"And…?" Vegeta's heart threatens to burst through his solid chest. Could it be…?
"I'm pregnant." You whisper, and your concerned face as his vision fades is the last thing he sees before total darkness.
"It's not my most honorable scar, but I wear it with pride all the same." Vegeta's fingers brush over the faint, thin scar lining his temple to his hairline. The smile that graces your lips at the memory makes the embarrassment worth it.
"Almost done." You assure him softly, and soon enough you're snipping the last of the thread and peeling off the blue gloves.
Vegeta heads to the bathroom, inspecting the patch job in the mirror. "You've always been exceptional with a needle and thread." Your stitches are neat, and the scar will be clean.
"Thank you." You brush by him, washing your hands as Vegeta turns his head.
"I'll draw a bath."
Slowly toweling off your hands, you look at the tub and then into the mirror. "No, I don't have much experience fighting in Super Saiyan. I tried it against V a few times, but couldn't keep it up for too long."
"First you must master the form, so the energy drain will be negligible." Vegeta powers up easily while testing the temperature of the water. "You're exhausted easier because of the transformation, but with diligence you'll master it as I have."
Your side aches as you take in a breath, gritting your teeth to power up into the legendary form. You've got to plant your feet to not topple over and lose it, but your sheer willpower alone saves you from failure. It's so draining and you're already exhausted of just about all you can give, but there's never been such a thing as a Saiyan who wasn't headstrong.
"Kakarot and I used this chamber once before to master Super Saiyan. It comes to us as easily as breathing now— there's no strain at all on our bodies. I dare say the form is beneath us now."
"Saiyans always get stronger." You grit out, nearly blinded by your own reflection. "I've had a few zenkai boosts through the last two years. I never really thought I could actually reach this power level. It's unheard of."
"I always knew you would continue to climb, though I wish it wasn't in part to zenkai." Vegeta murmurs, stripping away his armor to dip into the relaxing bath. "You were made for greatness. We would have been the strongest to lead our glorious race, had we been given the chance."
"That was only natural." You mutter bitterly, fingers gripping the sink tightly enough to crack the stone. "Perhaps we could've gotten out from under Frieza's thumb…"
"It's a wonderful thought." Vegeta murmurs thoughtfully, sinking further into the tub. And it calls for you, the scent of soap and the heat radiating from his way has you absolutely yearning to be in that tub. "Ruling over Vegeta together, raising children to be even stronger than us."
Your ribs ache with each breath you take, the icy compress burning against your skin. Though it's the sting in your eyes that hurts the most as the infinite what-ifs assault your imagination— More children? A strong, large royal family? The greatest warriors the world would have ever known? A life where your son didn't try to murder his own mother?
"Life is cruel." You whisper, two tears slipping past your lids as you close them.
Vegeta turns his head, closing his eyes— only to open them again when the glow of your transformation approaches the tub and you slip in with him, bandages and compress abandoned at the sink. He opens his hand to you and his heart soars at your willing contact in return, fingers wrapped tightly around the other's. Your husband leans forward for a gentle kiss to your knuckles, and you softly poke the tip of his nose.
"How long did it take you to master Super Saiyan?"
"A full year in this chamber to start, and on top of that I spent weeks in constant Super Saiyan after the fact." Vegeta explains, and damn if he isn't attractive when he's talking battle techniques to you in the tub.
"I see." You murmur, staring pointedly at the center of his broad, scarred chest. Several of the scars there are new to you; they're healed and have aged like the rest of him, and it's now that it truly hits you— your time with Vegeta was another lifetime ago. Could he really be the same man you mated? Are you the same woman he mated with?
"It will be hard." He warns. "But I know you'll persevere, as the stubborn brat you are."
You scoff indignantly, fingers still laced with his as the flutter in your chest contradicts yours words of objection. Vegeta just chuckles lowly during your tirade, massaging your hand and occasionally reigniting your fire with a small quip whenever it strikes him. It's a moment all too wonderful and comforting after all he's lost— your friendship hopefully isn't a casualty among the wreckage after all. His romantic love wasn't always there, as it rarely is with betrothal (especially as you were children when you met) but your connection very early on was in the form of a tight-knit kinship.
Your husband eventually begins wiping away the dried blood and sweat from himself, and your aching arms follow suit before sifting through the chests of clothes with a surprising amount of Frieza Force armors. Leaving behind the white chest piece, you smooth your hands down the perfectly fitted blue suit.
"Bulma created a variety of them for me, and I placed several here in the chamber." Vegeta murmurs as he pulls on a new pair of gloves. "Because eventually it will be Gohan's time to achieve and master Super Saiyan."
"He's a bright kid." You whisper to yourself.
"He may only be half of a Saiyan, but I believe he could be stronger than any full-blood."
Trunks could be stronger, is what you truly mean to say, Prince. Stronger than my son… Is that something you wish to see?
As beneficial as the use of the chamber is for your training, it's just as much a torture device as you spend every waking moment with your husband. The routine settles almost instantly, with breakfast and relentless training, bickering, and those brief moments, where the world slows for you for just a few seconds and all is right and you're almost living life how you were meant to— by Vegeta's side, through anything.
The hour on the clock above the door indicates you've got one final day as you lay in your bed, you and Vegeta separated only by a purple curtain, the way it has been since night one. The silence of the chamber is particularly deafening, jarring even—
"Bulma is not my wife." Vegeta breaks the silence, though barely. "She has cared for me, given me a son… But I've never thought of making her my wife."
You shift, turning on your side to face the sound of his voice. "And why is that? You begged me not to hurt her. You underestimate the level of your own care."
Vegeta's quiet for a moment. "She deserves a man greater than I am."
"But she loves you. Do you love her?"
His uncertain silence doesn't break. More than you, absolutely not. On the same level, doubtful. But his heart harbors that feeling, even if he won't admit it, be it to you or himself.
Vegeta slips past the thin purple barrier, climbing into the small bed and tugging you into his arms for a kiss as true as your first. Hesitation is at a full stop now, your lips passionate in the heated kiss. Four hands wander, though not necessarily out of lust, as you map one another's bodies again. The trail is more worn than it used to be, but the journey remains as pleasurable and familiar as ever as your lips begin to wander as well. It's all a messy tangle, teeth nipping and limbs fighting for dominance underneath the mutual glow of the after and even your mastered Super Saiyan past a certain point.
Your fangs itch and finally, The Rock has come back and you bite his mating scar, hackles of your tail raising with the sinking of your teeth into that delicious smelling flesh, heightened senses sending you in a euphoric spiral that leaves you dizzy in Vegeta's hot, scarred arms. He's damn near out himself, eyes rolled back so far he just might be able to see his brain as he releases all he's got, burning gold beneath you and damn if either of you have ever felt so fulfilled and at home.
A heaping mess of pants and lethargic limbs, sleep overtakes the remaining hours of the chamber's power, and it's your husband's hands and insistent lips that wakes you up in time to leave before another day on the outside begins.
Goku and Piccolo await you on the outside, the former buzzing with so much energy that adrenaline fills your veins with his crushing hug.
"You mastered Super Saiyan, didn't you?!"
"I did." Your grin is impossible to hold back against that innocent enthusiasm— Vegeta smirks proudly behind you, arms crossed tightly.
"She is far stronger now than she would've been with training you, Kakarot. She is a Saiyan elite!" Pride oozes out of every little pore, and it'd be a lie to say your heart isn't swelling with his joy focused so entirely on you.
"Well then, Ms. Saiyan Elite," Goku teases. "Show me what you're made of!"
"Darling, we would need an entire planet for a battle between us." You tease, which only seems to excite Goku further.
"Man, I gotta find the time to look for some! Maybe Bulma could help…?" He taps his chin thoughtfully, and Vegeta freezes briefly at the mention of her name.
The shift is palpable and Piccolo quietly ponders the situation further as you take note of Vegeta's pause, and he looks away from you and towards the sky. "We'll have to start searching for V soon."
"I have an idea of where he'll be." You eye your husband carefully.
"Good. We'll use one of Bulma's ships and go there within a few day's time. A little more training wouldn't hurt, though. For him to put a hurt on you as badly as he has, he's going to be hard to kill and-"
"What did you just say?!"
Vegeta's head turns and is met with your open palm to his face, your fangs bared and eyes razor sharp. He growls right back and steps forward, just as angry at your sudden change of pace. "It has been a constant two steps back with you. What the hell is the problem now?!"
"You are not killing my son!"
"You think I'd let him live?! He nearly killed you, his own mother! No damn son of mine will still breathe after such a betrayal towards my wife! What the hell did you think all this was for?"
"You won't lay a single hand on my baby."
"V is-"
"He has your name and your looks, but I raised that boy! I trained him, and I'm the one that cared enough about his life to trust Bardock and leave that doomed planet while you sooner preferred to leave him and I there like sitting ducks!"
"That's not fair to say." Vegeta sneers coolly.
"The truth doesn't care about what you think is fair. You will not kill my son. We fought hard to give him life in the first place, and I'd sooner kill you than V." 
Vegeta doesn't back down, and you're locked in a standstill as you stare each other down.
Unstoppable force, meet immovable object, Piccolo thinks to himself.
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Under his influence (Post Avengers! Loki x female reader)
Read chapter 28 here/ Series Masterlist
Chapter 29
Summary : Loki knows how to get rid of Atrishia, you receive a call from Captain.
Warning: 18+, no Smut in this chapter, HUGE Canon divergence(Just me making shit up),sex, mention of stalking, mention of psychological torture, mention of physical and sexual assault, angst, insecurities, ptsd, self deprecating behaviour, panic attack, soft precious bean loki, polite bean Loki
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When Loki returned to you he found you pacing in the room, you looked unwell to him as if you were suffering from a mortal illness of some sort.
"What is it, what is happening to me Loki..can you make me get in touch with Atrishia please? I need to see her or I'll go crazy" he sighed you blabbed without pausing for a breath.
"Sit down on the bed y/n" you stomped your feet on the ground like a petulant child and crossed your arms as you glared at him,
"You don't want me to see her do you? You are just jealous of how gorgeous she is" you let out a laughter to mock him so he sighed, your antics were kind of adorable though.
"I should film this..norns I don't have a phone" you continued to glare at him so he walked towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder to push you towards the edge of the bed, once he made you sit down on the bed, he placed his finger on your chin and made you look at him.
"Are you going to be a good girl and listen to me now?" He asked you sternly so you gave him a glare again.
"No..why should I ? I hate you so much Loki, I won't listen to the man that I hate" he sighed as you said that. That was the thing with this particular love potion, not only did it made one obsess over the person who had used the potion but also made them feel complete contempt and hatred for the person they were in love with previously. Her plan must have been to cause the reaction in him so he'd leave you and go to her, thankfully it didn't work on him.
"You don't hate me sweetheart, I love you, you are my best friend, I am yours, remember?" He cooed gently and your eyes teared up, you were trying to fight the potion mentally and you were doing so good because even the strongest of the gods could not survive the effects of it. Thor was the perfect example.
"Then why do I hate you now Loki, why do I hate my best friend?" You sobbed a little so he cupped your cheeks and leaned down to kiss your forehead, your arms wrapped around his neck and as soon as his scent reached your senses you took a deep breath and all of a sudden you didn't feel so bad again, the closer he was to you the better you felt.
"What is happening to me lo, why am I hurting you like this?" He looked at you shocked as he noticed the tenderness in your voice, when he looked in your eyes he saw the same love and adoration he was used to seeing in you.
"You really do love me princess, you love me selflessly and wholeheartedly, this is sort of a miracle, no men or gods have ever been able to snap out of the effects of the potion without the antidote, but you can do it, how are you doing it?" He asked softly as he wiped your tears.
"It's just when you are close to me I don't feel so bad about you" he kissed you on the lips for a fleeting moment before he pulled away from you. The look was gone and replaced with extreme hatred towards him all over again, he waved his fingers and there was a vial in his hand filled with a greenish liquid.
"You are going to poison me aren't you? You just love killing people don't you" his eyes teared up as you said that, he knew you didn't mean any of it but it still hurt to hear you speak to him that way.
He grabbed your chin and made you drink half of the liquid and a few moments later the fog cleared and you looked around as everything got back to normal.
"Loki?" You looked at him so he smiled and his fingers brushed against your cheeks in a caressing manner "What the hell happened?"
"Love potion, the mead she brought with her was laced with the potion, she attempted to make me fall in love with her but sadly Thor and as well as you consumed the mead"
"Thor is in love with her as well?"
"For now yes, I need to go make him drink this before he does something really childish"
"Okay" he noticed the sullen look on your face and his heart clenched, he knew you'd feel horrible and slightly embarrassed about it now.
"I will be back soon, are you feeling alright?" You nodded as he questioned you. Once he left you stormed straight towards the bathroom and leaned over the toilet as you felt nauseous, once you were done hurling you brushed your teeth, took a shower and came back to the bed to lie down.
Love potions existed in other realms? How and why? How many people like Atrishia were misusing it? Your eyes welled up again as you thought about the things you had said to him while you were strung on the potion, how could you just hate him like that, how could you feel anything but love for that precious man?
You sobbed into your pillow until you fell asleep, the next time you woke you had his arm wrapped around you while he cuddled you, his eyes opened as he felt you moving, sitting up you moved away from him so he sat as well.
"Is Thor okay?"
"He is now, gave him the antidote. For a god he sure is lightweight darling" you smiled as he said that but he noticed the sadness on your face, you weren't even looking at him.
"Talk to me princess.. I'm right here" he whispered softly as one of his hands curled around your neck and he pressed a soft kiss on your cheek.
"How could I…just hate you like that lo?" You sobbed like a child and his eyes welled up at the sight but there was a small comforting smile on his face.
"You didn't, you did your best my sweetheart, you listened to me even when you felt such contempt for me, you came back to me even without use of the antidote. You, a powerless mortal, fought it better than the God of thunder could, you should have seen him, he was losing it completely" you chuckled as he said that but you still felt awful about it.
"I didn't mean anything i said lo..i didn't want to hurt you..you know that right baby" a small sob escaped your lips again.
"I know I know that okay? Come here" he pulled you on his lap and held you tightly in his embrace to calm your broken sobs, he despised seeing you this way. His hands caressed your back gently and he rocked you back and forth until the sobbing had faded.
"Why didn't it work on you lo? You drank the mead and how did you know what it was?" you asked him as you pulled away to look at him, you kissed his forehead and then his pretty nose before you pecked his lips, you just wanted to love him now after being so awful to him, you were immensely grateful the potion didn't work on him but you still wanted to know why.
"Well when I was learning about the different forms of potions and its effects from mother, it came up once and i remembered it, someone once had tried to use it on mother and she always warned me to look for the signs, she's the one who taught me to make the antidote"
"That is some witch shit" he chuckled as you said that
"It is a bit more complex than that, the realm of Vanaheim is known for dark magic and as soon as I saw the effect the mead had on you and Thor i just knew something wasn't right" he said.
"Why didn't it work on you?"
"I don't know but I guess my mind is too strong to be fazed so easily, why do you think it took Thanos a year to break me?" You placed your hand on his cheeks as you kissed him softly, a year of pain and torture, since the conversation he had with Atrishia and him telling you that he didn't remember the last two months made you wonder what kind of monstrosity they had inflicted upon him during that period, he didn't deserve any of it.
"Well I'm glad it didn't work on you lo, I can't imagine you feeling that way about me"
"Never have to worry about it darling" he smiled and it made you smile as well but your face fell again as you thought about the situation.
"I don't want her to stay here anymore Loki, I don't know what else she is going to do to you and I don't want her to hurt you in anyway "
"She can't hurt me darling but she did harm you and I won't let it go, nobody gets to hurt my princess like that" you let out a moan as he whispered in your ear then he pressed his lips on the side of your neck, sucking ever so gently. As much as you loved the sight of him being so riled up for you, you didn't want him to hurt her, you sort of understood what she was going through.
"I just want her to leave, nothing else, I do feel bad about her situation and I sort of feel responsible"
"You're not responsible for this darling"
"I know..I just feel awful..i have been in that situation and it's heartbreaking" his brows furrowed as you said that.
"Tell me about it so i would understand because right now I only feel this extreme anger towards her"
"You'd have to become my best friend and forget that you're my boyfriend for me to tell you this okay?" He raised his brow and sighed before he reluctantly agreed.
"Should you be sitting on my lap for that? Friends on midgard indulge in such a manner?"
"I'll pretend you're a girl, you're the prettiest thing to exist so that is not very far fetched " he rolled his eyes playfully as you said that,
"Fine..tell me the story"
"Well I'm not saying it's the same thing but when I was in the first year of college..there was a teacher of mine .."
"A teacher?"
"Mmhhm ..well it's not that I was completely obsessed with him..at first i didn't even notice him like I never noticed any other men out there" he chuckled as you said that
"What changed your mind about him?"
"Well I had a sexy dream about him, you know how dreams are sometimes right?" He nodded as you said that even though the thought of you having a sex dream about another man bothered him deeply, he kept it to himself, he was just your friend in the moment.
"I get that"
" After that dream I developed a tiny school girl crush on him, he was really soft spoken but he looked the opposite, very manly and rugged, he was a war veteran so he had that oomph factor going on for him where if you looked at him when he wasn't teaching or doing something else he'd just seem very tortured and brooding, staring into the distance"
"Did you always have a thing for the tortured ones?"
"Mmmhm maybe..okay stop interrupting me" you playfully slapped on his cheek and he gasped but didn't say anything "Good boy, okay so he obviously looked very sexy.."
"I don't like this story–" you pressed your finger on his lips as he spoke,
"Shhhh .. everytiime he looked my way i felt squeamish and nervous but also good in a way and i built this whole fantasy about him in my head"
"Still don't like it"
"Then I found out that he was married "
"That makes me feel better " you smiled as he said that.
"Everytime his wife would come around I just felt worse than before you know, I mean I had no right to feel that way but I still did.. it wasn't the fact that the man I fancied wasn't available, it bothered me of course but what irked me more was that some other woman was getting to live the fantasy I wanted to live"
"What is it that you're trying to say here?"
"I'm trying to say that you were engaged to this woman, she may have thought of you as her future husband, and I'm pretty sure she fantasized about you two ..you know..doing it..i mean look at you, you ooze sex from every pore of your skin" he shook his head slightly before he spoke
"Agreed but please do not put such images about her in my head"
"All I'm saying is, she may not have been in love with you but your death must have been heartbreaking for her and then seeing that you were alive and well must have brought that hope back and she came all this way only for you to tell her that you were in love with another woman must have been soul crushing for her, the life that she fantasized about was taken out of her hands by some woman she didn't even know existed"
He looked at you dumbfounded as you said that, he never thought about it so deeply, he didn't think Atrishia ever felt that way about him, the engagement was a political arrangement between the families but maybe you were right about all of this and he didn't want to be harsh to her, breaking her heart was the harshest thing he had ever done and that was saying something because he had done a lot of awful things in this long life.
"Can I be your lover again?" He asked you so you nodded and he immediately kissed you deeply and passionately, he did feel bad about her situation but it was the right thing to do, he knew he wouldn't have been happy with her, the only reason he agreed for the marriage was to gain the approval of his father, he was fortunate that fate drove him to you and he wasn't going to hurt you or allow her to do the same to you ever again, sure she meant no harm to you this time, the mead was solely for him to consume, but he knew very well that she won't hesitate to do so if she finds out that you were the one who had taken his heart.
She wasn't as kind as you were.
"You have the kindest soul of all, you know that?" He mumbled in your mouth and it made you smile.
"You deserve the best lo, i just want to be the best for you"
Loki knew he had to confront Atrishia so he went to her room and gave it two knocks, her chambermaid opened the door and bowed down at him which immediately made him feel off because she was just a mortal like you and Atrishia must have taught them to do it like this. As he went inside he found her sitting on the Ottoman in the balcony, she had a night gown on and was reading her book, as soon as she felt his presence she turned towards him,
"Prince Loki, what brought you to me?" He walked around the Ottoman that was set in the middle of the balcony, grabbed her book and sat down facing her, she had a smirk on her face, she knew what she had done and she was assured it had worked on him.
"What is your play here Atrishia?" She looked at him a bit shocked and confused as he said that. She was scorned by the rejection, he understood that but she had no right to do this, the love he didn't feel for her couldn't have been forced, not even through external forces.
"What are you accusing me of?"
"You know well what I am referring to, do you not?" She let out a small yelp in frustration.
"How could it not work? It worked on your brother"
"And what was your plan here? You wished to make us both fall for you and then what?"
"I only wished for you to fall for me Loki, you have no understanding of my plight here and how much it pains me to know that you aren't mine anymore" she huffed as she said that
"I may not understand that but you need to accept that i was never yours to begin with and I sure do know that a woman like you shouldn't be stooping to such levels. You are a princess and a reputed one at that, princes from other realms would get on their knees for you once they find out you're not bethroted to anyone" he stood up as he was starting to get frustrated by her childish play here.
"But I want you Prince Loki" she grabbed his hand and looked right into his eyes. She looked like a spoiled princess that has never been refused for anything in her life which might have been true in her case.
"Why? Where did this love come from all of a sudden? I remember our engagement very well, this is the longest we have even conversed with each other" he raised his voice and her eyes welled up even more.
"It was me, I pleaded with father for the compromise" He looked at her shocked as she said that "I saw you Prince Loki, on the battlefield, in Vanaheim, my sister couldn't take her eyes off Thor but I? I had my eyes on you since that very moment, I went to father and pleaded with him to ask for your hand in marriage because the moment I saw you I knew I'd always be in love with you Prince Loki" his eyes widened a little at the response, her voice sounded sincere and he wondered what would have happened if she had revealed this before, he was starving for love and appreciation and probably would have jumped on the chance to be fed with it.
"Why didn't you tell me then?"
"Because I wanted you to fall for me as well and I had hoped it would happen after the wedding but everything changed so suddenly and all of it was taken away from me" she started sobbing and he didn't know what to do to console her, a part of him didn't want to believe that she was truly in love with him but her emotions seemed genuine.
"I am not an Asgardian you must have heard" he told her stoically so she looked up at him.
"I did, I heard of your heritage"
"I know lady Atrishia that you are under the assumption that you are truly in love with me but it's mere infatuation, we have not spent enough time with each other to fall so deeply in love, what you experienced that day was perhaps lust, those feelings you had when you saw me were nothing but carnal, if you were to see my natural appearance i promise you wouldn't want me so desperately any longer" his eyes teared up as he said that, before he met you he never listened to his heart this way, was never in tune with his inner self but somehow you had evoked such senses in him, he just knew Atrishia wasn't in love with him, she was in love with his appearance, the appearance that wasn't his to begin with and was given to him to hide his true horrifying features.
"Show me then, show me your jotun side and see for yourself that my love will not waiver for you" she said proudly so he took a deep breath.
"I need you to leave Atrishia, right now, I need you to go and never think of me again" he unhooked his arm from her grip and started to walk away but she got up and followed him.
"What does this woman have that I don't, what other qualities does she possess that I do not Prince Loki?" She raised her voice so he looked at the two other women in the room and hinted at them to leave. When they left he turned to look at her and slowly morphed into his giant form.
Her face went pale and eyes widened in shock as he turned a foot taller, his skin went from the smooth blemish free texture to rough steel blue in color, his nose had become sharper and the burning ruby eyes made her take a step back, she placed a hand on her mouth as his flowing long hair disappeared and his bald skull protruded.
The tunic he had on was ripped to shreds, the pants barely hanging on his giant body. His skin was covered in elongated scales from head to toe and as he took a step towards her she took five steps behind until she was pressed against the glass door of the balcony. The fear was evident in her eyes and it made him chuckle.
"Are you not going to say anything now?" Even when he spoke his voice had gotten deeper and rougher than his usual soft tone.
"Prince Loki?" She mumbled in her mouth as if she couldn't believe it was him, as if he was merely Playing a cruel joke on her.
"I am here..this must remind you of the monster your mother warned you of since you were a child?" She started to weep again as he said that.
"You don't have to be this way, you don't have to look like this if you don't want to Prince Loki" she said in a comforting tone but it felt as if a hot sharp knife was plunged into his heart.
"I wish I wasn't like this but I am, this is who I am and I can not change that"
A few hours has passed since Loki has left to go see Atrishia, in the evening as you stepped out in the living room you saw the commotion there, every Avenger was there as they wanted to see off Lady Atrishia, you couldn't believe she was leaving. Thor was there too and he seemed sick but he didn't appear to be lovesick anymore.
You quietly walked towards Loki, he had an Asgardian tunic on which was different from the one he had on before.
"What happened? Why is she leaving? What did you say to her?" You whispered to him so he looked at you and smiled, you could see how upset Dalia seemed by the development, she was probably already on her next plan to introduce Loki as an Avenger to the public.
"Showed her my true self, scared her off quite a bit, she tried to convince me that I didn't have to look that way if I didn't want to but I shut her down"
You looked at him shocked as he said that, there was a small smile on his face but you could tell he was sad about it. He had a hard time accepting his heritage, he didn't need other people to affirm those insecurities too. Loki told you that the reason she didn't visit him when he had learned of his heritage was because she was afraid he would turn into a frost giant, later she had heard from the locals that Prince Loki looked nothing like the Frost giants on Jotunheim, he still had his long hair and his appearance was pretty much the same, he just seemed blue, when she proudly declared that she'd love him no matter what she wasn't really expecting him to turn into an actual giant.
She was leaving because he showed her how his real self looked? At Least you were right about her not actually being in love with him. You looked at him again and you knew you'd have to show him how much you adored his big blue side sooner or later, you knew you had to do something to take his mind off it and make him accept that he was beautiful no matter what, he was pretty because he had a beautiful soul in there that would never change, no matter how many shapes he change into, his soul would stay the same and you were in love with who he was and not what he was.
Before you could say anything to him or comfort him, you saw a man approach you with a phone in his hand so you grabbed it,
"Y/n? It's Steve" you cleared your throat as you heard Captain's voice.
"Hello Captain.. What can I do for you?"
"You have done enough y/n" you squeezed your eyes as he said that he must not have found Bucky, you were going to be in a lot of trouble.
"Found him..found Bucky, bringing him back to the tower"
Note : Atrishia is gone atleast, sometimes people fall for the outer appearance and think they are actually in love. Smh . I mean i don't blame her for lusting after this
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132 notes · View notes
in3rci4 · 3 months
Characters included in these head canons : Finney Blake , Gwendolyn Blake ( little mention of her ) , Robin Arellano , Vance Hopper , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter and Griffin Stagg
Author's note : If I forgot some warning or I have spelling errors please let me know , and if you feel uncomfortable with the post i recommend you wait for my short and non reader involved version of this one , thanks to @nnooahhsworld for the inspiration !
He always liked smart and good faith people ( Donna for example ) , but that changed when he met you on his way to school . His bullies saw the opportunity to jump him and started to chase after him , and distracted , he bumped into you
You pushed him away annoyed , but then , you realized that he was running away from 3 familiar assholes , and just like a light switch , you moved in front of him while he was laying on the ground and told them to fuck off
The little shits didn't believe that you could win against them , so they started to insult you , they were 3 against 1 and a half after all
But little they did know that you had a gun hided in your jacket .
They ran away almost pissing themselves , and you moved on with your life , but Finney couldn't so that easy
He remembers that morning with a mixed feeling of fear and admiration for you , he can't stop looking at you any chance that he can , Gwen and Robin knows about his crush , but they don't say anything ( or well , maybe they do , but they back off because he gets uncomfortable )
He hated with all his soul the cigarettes and alcohol smell , but after that encounter , he started to feel more comfortable around it , not so disgusted like before . But asides his shyness , he avoids you purposely
He has the hots for you and how badass you are , but babe , you are bad , real bad news , and he knows it
Everytime Finney sees you , you are either covered in your own or someone's else blood , smoking or either laughing with a bottle of beer on the streets alone or with a group of aggressive jerks
If you ever get close to Finney to get to know him better , he won't push you away and will be all kind and polite to you , but don't expect him to go after you .
Neither expect him to go to your defense , he might reluctantly help you after a fight if he saw how bad you ended up or lift you up of the ground if you needed to , but that's it , the more you stay out of his life , the better .
He wishes he could help you , but he had enough dealing with his father bad habits , he knows how exhausting and draining people with addictions can be and the suffering that they cause to those around them , he won't voluntary put himself in another situation like that
His heart tells him to go after you and try to help you see other ways , try to heal you , but the same heart along with his mind tells to keep his distance from you for his own good
So he hopes , truly , that one day you stop living that reckless life and find someone who loves you to settle down , because he can't , and won't be your savior
Maybe in the future , or in another life , you two could be together in a healthy relationship , who knows
Finney is satisfied with watching you from afar , because that's the safe thing to do
You are one of the toughest kids in school like Robin and Vance Hopper ( Moose had lost his title after loosing a fight with him ) , so he obviously knew about your existence , and with time , got the pleasure of becoming one of your friends
You were fun to hang out with , you didn't only made him laugh his ass off and go watch adult movies with him ( not porn don't be dirty minded ) , but you also taught him things that he didn't know about ( since you were more street smarter than him , and he was thankful for it )
And of course , Robin found out about your habits really quick
At first , he didn't care about them , you do you he thought , but ... It was so weird to see impressed by something or someone , that he gave it a try , just to see your reaction ..
And that was the start of everything .
And he didn't only did it to add more things to his tough guy reputation , he did it to be seen as cool too and share another bond with you , even it was harmful
What ? There's nothing to be worried about , the cigarettes smoke is something that he's used to and he had tried alcohol before , it's not like he drinks and smokes everyday and can afford it !
The more Robin spent time with you , the more he started to lack responsibility , and he was not a responsible person before .
School didn't matter anymore , the fights increased , the smoker scent was part of him now and he would arrive late to his home drunk as fuck scolded by his uncle and poor worried mom
He tried to stop , didn't do it completely , but tried his best for his family
But then you offered him to try the next level , drugs , those that could make him stronger and stay wide awake , or be more relaxed , if that's what he wanted .
For him it was the crossing line , and for good .
He didn't want to mess with those things , and you mocked him about him for being such a chicken , such a maricón , so you both had an argument , where it clicked him :
You were so far gone that you offered him being even more fucked up than he already was , you give 3 shits about what could possibly happen to him , he understood that in case of needing you , having an overdose or a alcoholic coma , you would minimize it , or worse , make him take more and more until his body couldn't take it anymore
He moved on from you really quick and never tried to contact you ever again , you already showed him your fangs , he isn't stupid as you thought he was to stay and die like a dog ( Even after you threatened him to tell everyone about his cowardice , wich ended in a physical fight that he won , and almost gave you a head contusion from the strength and anger of the attacks )
Robin almost stepped in into the most dangerous and addicting shits that the neighborhood could offer , because of you , and he will never forget that , he will never forget weak and betrayed you made him feel for backing off from it , after trusting you so much with all his being
But the damage was done , he can't quit smoking even if he feels disgusting after it , drinking water or alcohol was the same for him now
A horrible party favor of you and your bad influence in his life .
Oh my Lord , you're the cannon event of this guy ...
Bruce met you at a friend's party and he presented you as the " party animal " and " the life of the party " . He had to admit , you were attractive in your way and had some groove on you , dancing with you was a blast
But you were more than just that .
At some point of the night , the music and the people got louder , crazier , it was the best part in Bruce's opinion
The bottles started to go down faster and faster , normally in these parties the drinks had a small amount of alcohol , but this time , they were regular party drinks
Bruce was drunker than usual , giggling while clumsily dancing , you asked him if he wanted to have more fun that he already had and he agreed without thinking twice
So you put the pill in your tongue , wrapped your hands in his neck and passed into his mouth , to give him free pass to fairyland
He felt in heaven , the lights were spinning around more colorful and shinier , the music was now vibrating trough his bones , his body like feather , a new whole sensation washed all over him ...
The party was over , and he didn't saw you again the following weeks , what was on that kiss that made his head spin like a record ? He needed whatever was in your mouth a second time
The next month he had the worst games streak of his life , he couldn't stop losing again and again , and the pressure started to put a heavy weight over him
Bruce needed a miracle , a distraction , so after his extra practice session , he went to another party in the same friend's house , and " lucky " him he found you once again
It was like a deja Vu , both of you danced , laughed and yelled the lyrics of the music , but this time , with him being sober , you offered him to do what happened the last time
And that's how you dragged him to hell with you .
He came back to his old self back again , his winning streak too , taking his team to the victory like he always do , celebrating with you party after party , getting addicted , to you , every single time .
So much energy , yet so much loose of control . He would go out to get more of it outside the parties , sneak at the night when his parents were asleep , starting to believe that if he took them before the games started he would 100 % win for sure
Without warning , you disappeared , and the abstention was driving him crazy . He couldn't concentrate in class , he couldn't grab the bat without feeling a weird itch on his fingers and more times that he could count he had to apologize for feeling "nervous " and being careless with his words . So he asked a friend for some weed to smoke until you showed up your ass to school , but the two got caught and his friend spilled everything to not get suspended
His family found out about it and were so disappointed , mad , yet worried too . They agreed to not tell anyone or send him to an rehabilitation center , but from now on , he had restricted and limited permission to go out and more studying to do ( not like he could call the shots anyway )
It was terrible , but even if what it felt like a eternity for him , in a short time , he fortunately recovered , and started to have much healthier life than before , zero consuming and having innocent fun with a small group of friends
He regrets so much being so careless to the point of doing that bullshit in school with other kids around , letting himself fell so low , but he's glad that he made it out . You never showed up on the town ever again , some rumors says that you are in a juvenile correctional center , others that you were dead , or doing drugs somewhere else
Bruce , without any intention of being mean or cruel , couldn't care less , he moved on from that lifestyle , maybe it wasn't his destiny to stay by your side , maybe , the future has something bigger waiting for him
You two knew each other since you were kids , really good friends that slowly got apart from each other . It wasn't years later that you started to talk with him again on his way back home from school , inviting him to the big parties of the neighborhood or having casual conversations about the weather , exams , latest gossip , etc
You were still you , but something was off , and Billy knew it , although he couldn't tell what exactly changed specifically in you
Until one morning of his regular paper news delivering route he saw you walking bare feet in your party clothes and a black eye . He stopped immediately to ask you what happened , but you couldn't stop laughing and talking non sense
He scrunched his nose when the smell of alcohol hit him coming from your body and mouth , but he sucked it up and walked you home and made sure you got inside , meanwhile giving you a speech about how bad underage drinking is not like you could pay attention to it though
He started to worry about your safety and kept an eye on you to make sure you were ok , but you would dismiss his concern and told him that you were fine , it wasn't that bad , right ?
Billy started to slowly , but surely , parenting you , he had to stop whatever he was doing or delivering in the middle of the rush just to help when you when you were bleeding the hell out of you after a fight , laying on the street passed out drunk or with little clothes when it was cold
It was a never ending cycle , he would take you home , try to persuade you to quit that way of living , you would say yes and then go to a party to get fucked up , and repeat over and over again
Billy thought that it would be a good idea going out with you to the parties to make sure you stayed on line , but oh you made things so difficult ...
You would disappear into the crowd , vomit over someone else's clothes or shoes , drink an entire bottle by yourself and even seek fights for fun
Those times lasted short because he couldn't deal anymore with the embarrassment of apologizing for you to the people in the party for your actions , the frustration of having to argue about something that you both agreed on before , your childish attitudes and getting involved in the middle of starts that you started or someone else's wanted to with you
Then you both had an argument , can't you see ? He's genuinely sad to see his dear friend this shitty , and it angered him how you're not able to understand that it's hurting you , that he's doing everything that he can to keep you safe but it's useless because you search trouble anyway
But you told him to go and fuck off if he was so tired of you .
And exhausting all of this babysitting and chasing of someone that was falling apart uncontrollably , he stopped talking to you .
It hurts him to leave you like this , but he couldn't be your nurse , dad , friend , therapist , driver or anything that had to do with taking care of you after you searched being that way on the first place
He needs for his own mental and emotional health to let you go , but it's not easy , the memory of who you used to be sticks with him , but that person doesn't exist no more , and he can't keep going just for that reason
Sometimes he watches you from afar wondering if you're clean now or still consuming bullshit , but Billy won't ask you , he doesn't have to anymore .
He doesn't remember how he met you , was at the records store ? At the Gran 'n Go ? A tree lined street ? He doesn't have a fucking clue
But since he got close to you , he didn't found himself to have a lot in common with you , but safe as well , comfortable , finally someone that understands and treats him right !
If only he knew that you are everything but safety ....
You lit cigarettes for him even if Vance didn't told you to , buy beers or Vodka and tell him to take a " sip " , to not be such a pussy , and he will never say no , his fragile masculinity and internalized misogyny didn't let him to do so
Besides , who gives a shit ?
Exactly .... Nobody , you don't either , and that's what matters
Sitting on rooftops or in the sidewalk drinking and laughing your asses off was so great , play who could blow more smoke out of your mouths and throwing bottles as far as you could , sometimes to a moving car or bike for the giggles and adrenaline of running away from the angry owners
Who cares if it makes Vance forget how shitty his life is ? Who cares if he gets a smile from you by doing it ? It's nothing new from him , what changes if he gets more greedy with you ?
One day he found himself cornered by a decision . You wanted to spicy up things before getting ready to go to the AC / DC concert , be more crazy and sniff some angel dust , but ... He never did drugs before , what if he does it wrong and you laugh at him ? What if his body doesn't receive it well and make a mess of him ?
Since you know how to manipulate him with toxic sexism , the only thing that you have to do was say that he had to grow some balls , because even the faggots can do it
And like that , he started to move his head closer to your small living room table where the lines were at , slowly , nervous , his hand shaking except for the one that was pushing one side of his nostrils
Man ... It felt so fucking weird how fast the dust went inside his nose and dissolved like magic in him
But he felt alive ... So alive ... He felt stronger , powerful , he didn't felt like a boy , no , he felt like a man , a man that didn't fear anything or anyone at all , he can fight with his bare hands an entire army if he wanted to !
Poor kid , that searching of ecstasy would take him to a another level wrongness in his life ... You corrupted his already damaged soul and took him to the darkness as well ... Good job .
Fuck off school , fuck off family , friends , the police , the entire country can do it too , now it's you , him , the narcotics , the cigarettes , the alcohol and heavy metal , whoever tries to mess with you both , will be beaten to death
Crime commiting would soon follow the line , but In Vance head there's too much shit to let space for worries , besides , not like you would ever betray him or some shit like that ....
He was eating his lunch alone on the last table of the cafeteria when you sat next to him and started to talk with him like you were all time buddies
Griffin responded cautiously all your questions , did his old bullies remembered he existed and want to pull a prank on him ? Do you want to seal him something or convince him to join one of the school shitty clubs ?
Day after day you would do the same thing . He wasn't sure of your intentions , you had what people called " the crazy eyes " , clothes were near crossing the line of school dress code or falling apart , strange laugh , funny smell ... And you space out a little too much while talking ( a little bit creepy on his opinion )
But you are always nice to him , and you had a really good sense of humor , so he eventually warmed up to you , may or may developing a small crush ...
A cold morning you grabbed his hand to follow you to the bathroom , you were coughing a lot lately , but he thought you catched a cold .... Again
You opened your backpack excited and showed him all the varieties of joints and cigarettes , and since he was your friend , he could had any for free !
Griffin started to panic near having an attack , what if you get caught ? Who is sealing you these things ? Are you a dealer ? Do you want him to buy your stuff ? Or do you want him to give it to other kids !?
You only laughed , like always , and told him to calm down , that you smoke all the time and you're still alive
He couldn't handle it , he ran away out of the school confused about what he'd just saw , is this the reason why you're always coughing ? Is this the reason why your lungs are so screwed up ? Do you hang around with dangerous people ?
Scared , decided to avoid you at all costs .
But you found him after 2 weeks since the last encounter , and told you him that you were sorry , that you didn't meant to scare him away , that he's your best friend and other sweet things that made Griffin feel bad for ignoring you
Did you promised him to stop and change ? Yes
How many times since then ? Enough for a normal person to give up counting
Unluckily for this little guy , time will not never change who you are . He's so , so attached to you that he keeps forgiving you , always believing in your words and fake promises , always following you like a lost puppy worried about your well being
Please stop it , Griffin is tired of looking out for you , he can't guess when or where you're gonna end up the next time to find your vice
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so i kind of went to see ajr this past weekend (they were absolutely phenominal btw, go see them if you haven't and you like their music) but during the down time i may have gone a little nuts with art. finally figured out my style, so that's good.
presenting: the babies
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some extra notes about all of them (that didn't fit into the ref sheet)
x: - even though x is very in touch with their feminine side, putting she/her as pronouns didn't feel right. it's not a part of his Main Pronouns, yanno? if someone calls them that, though, they won't really mind, though it may throw them for a loop. - x is the only character in this headcanon that doesn't prefer one set of pronouns to the other. they're fine with they/them as much as he's fine with he/him - "nanah" as a nickname is derived from the fact that they lowkey look like a banana. also because two and x have food themed nicknames for eachother. - instead of calling him "xy" for a nickname like in canon, i went with xie instead. this is because, if you're aware of miraculous ladybug, like you've seen a handful of the earlier episodes, you might be aware of the fact that there's a character in that show named xy. he's a horrible person and i hate his guts. can't associate my favorite variable with that guy, the hell? - they're very prone to wandering off while in a store. also, they must touch everything. - x is the most emotionally intelligent out of the three. - x's favorite food is a bagel with cream cheese covered in strawberry jam.
two: - two prefers he/him pronouns to they/them pronouns, but also he doesn't want to fully label himself as anything. either is fine, though he very slightly prefers he/him. - two is very himbo, but the good kinda himbo! he’s not unable to do shit, they’re genuinely really dedicated and smart, but he gets pretty distracted from the task at hand if he isn't fully invested in it. if they put their mind to something though, they will get it done. - four only called two "twink" once and two started crying laughing about it. he finds it hilarious. - is still british! that's an important distinction since that's one of the core pieces of their character in canon fhdsufhdsu
four: - four prefers they/them as pronouns but also likes the feeling of being "boy," so him and two have opposite problems. - four has a resting bitch face, which means that x has scary dog privileges while they're out in public. - our has really bad panic attacks when they go out in public alone. like. sitting on the ground, back against a wall, sobbing violently kinda panic attacks. being with x and, as much as four hates to admit it, two helps a lot though. helps keep his mind off of everyone around him
anyways, thanks for reading, that's all. expect more art of them (i already have two more fully done pieces of them and one more that was supposed to be a sketch but kinda got away from me dfhsudihf.)
- moondancer
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propertyofkylar · 12 days
nica’s birthday celebration prompt event!!
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hi guys. am stealing this from my moots <3 im doing a prompt event where you can send requests and i will turn them into nice little fics :) my 26th birthday is in two weeks so that’s my excuse for doing this.
SO!! let me lay out some ground rules. im writing for dol but you can request any character (except morgan and leighton, i hate them lol). but since i mostly get requests for whitney and kylar anyway i figure this won't be a problem lmao
also if you want you can request my ocs toooo… (check my pinned for more abt them ^o^)
you can request two characters and two prompt numbers per ask. please specify what gender you want the characters and reader to be. (i can try amab reader but i make no promises about it being good lol)
you can add anything extra if you want but i will not write the following: incest/stepcest, piss, scat, and anything else that makes me uncomfortable to be determined. my blog my rules >:)
i’ll leave this open at least until june 3, which is my birthday ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ but if i have enough fun i will maybe extend
anyway. i love you guys <3 here are the prompts :3
Rough sex
Angry sex
In public (you can specify where)
Date night 
Teacher x student (canon or AU)
Hybrid (specify)
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sparksnevadas · 1 year
Hewwo its me sparks, a little bug that hasnt been feeling well for the past x amount of time. I wrote a little angst/comfort drabble thats not really canon to gihasm but it fits where you want it to fit after last chapter. Its not my usual quality but it seems lots of people are not doing great so im just going to share. I hope you all feel better. <3
(tw: negative thoughts)
The alarm bell rang and Grian knew it was going to be a bad day.
He had had the dream again, the one about flying high above the clouds before something changes, and he plummets to the ground. He’d kept dreaming as he hit the floor, pain a distant thing (shock, his sleep-brain reminds him, shock can make things hurt less).
On the floor, he was twisted up, broken and civilians gathered immediately. He can still hear the disgusted murmurs of them, see their pointed fingers and see their sneers.
“Someone put it out of its misery.”
Grian forces himself to turn off his alarm through the fog. His body feels tense, his wings are tensely held on his back. He doesn’t feel like moving at all, and barely manages to curl back up when his energy leaves him again. The wings on his back feel like a burden, their ugly state makes Grian want to go into hiding and not see another person. He was broken, trash that someone forgot to take to the curb.
Amidst dark thoughts and the blankets, Grian slips in and out of restless sleep. When he’s not asleep, he stares at the wall. He feels like a broken computer, repeating the same ideas over and over, feeling worse and worse as it gets harder to quiet the thoughts down.
“No one cares about you if you can’t help them,” his brain reminds him. “You're nobody if you're not Apollo. No one trusts you.  No one cares.”
He covers his head in the blankets, upset and angry at himself. “I'm useless, if I can't help people or make them safer, what's the point of it all? Why do anything at all?”
Pressure builds in his chest, something heavy and disgusting. “Im pathetic, worse than…”he hesitates as he realizes he can’t insert the name of his former nemesis, not after the past months. He lets the sentence linger.
Grian both wishes for and hates the idea of Scar or Mumbo noticing his lack of presence today. Maybe theyll realize how much of a burden he is to keep around. Will they realize it's better to drop him off at a random bus stop, send him back on his way to be dealt with by Pearl?
Mumbo would know. He left for a whole year and didn’t need him at all.
Grian surprises himself when tears burn through his eyes, forming fast enough that he doesn't process he's crying until he's struggling to catch his breath. It still hurts to remember that Mumbo did not trust him enough. Maybe he had been right to not trust him. Grian was an idiot, a fool who had to have his eyes pried open to actually see the reality of the world around him. The world was cruel, it hated him and it was right to-
Distantly, Grian hears some sort of sound behind his cries. It's only when a door is being opened that he realizes it was knocked.
“Grian?” Mumbo calls out cautiously. “Are you sleeping in?”
“Mm,” Grian hums noncommittally. Something must sound off to Mumbo, because he doesn’t retreat.
“I’m fine,” Grian chokes out. “Give me a moment, I’ll- I’ll be back to-“
“Grian?” Mumbo closes the door and immediately steps further into the room, coming to kneel at his bed. “G, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Grian frowns, face still hidden from Mumbo. He shakes his head emphatically so Mumbo can see his answer. His throat is swollen, he won't be able to talk like this.
“Are you sick?” Again Grian shakes his head. Mumbo pauses. Slowly, like a person approaching a wild animal, he asks. “Are you not feeling well?”
Grian doesn’t respond.
Mumbo waits for a long moment, before taking a deep breath.
“I can imagine what this might be about, mate, we should talk about-“ Mumbo says, and Grian curls up further into a ball. Mumbo pauses. 
Tense quiet fills the room. Grian tries to suppress a sniffle but doesn't succeed. He grips his arms, trying to hold himself together, at least while Mumbo sticks around.
Mumbo shifts, more of his weight pressing against the mattress.
“Y’know what usually makes me feel better on bad days?” He asks Grian. Something light touches the bed beside him. Grian hesitates to peek at it, but Mumbo tells him what it is. “Holding a friend’s hand.”
Grian tears up again at how considerate his friend is. Consideration even for someone as undeserving as himself. He pulls away the blankets, revealing himself in the process of taking Mumbo’s hand into his own. He doesn't look at Mumbo as he sniffles and silently cries. He's overwhelmed again.
Mumbo’s hand is warm and heavy. Grian holds his hand tightly, almost scared that Mumbo will disappear. Mumbo’s thumb caresses his own idly, his hold more loose, but still caring. Grian lays there, holding Mumbo’s hand tightly until the wave passes him, his head coming up for clear air after an indeterminate amount of time.
Grian slowly, almost cowardly, looks up to find Mumbo’s face, only to see that Mumbo is already looking at him. He looks saddened, but not angry. Grian isn't sure why he expected Mumbo to be angry. Mumbo was not an angry man by nature.
“I think it works a little,” Grian says, his voice a little stronger now. He squeezes Mumbo’s hand even tighter for a beat. Mumbo smiles and sighs through his nose.
“I'm glad,” Mumbo says. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Shame fills Grian’s mind as he shakes his head. Mumbo doesn't press further
“Then, Is there anything else I can do?” He asks sincerely. “I don't like seeing you like this, Grian, it hurts me.”
“Im sorry,” Grian apologizes quickly. “You don't have to stay-“
“No, that's not what I meant,” Mumbo cuts him off. “It's just… Grian you’re my best friend,mate, I don’t want you to ever feel bad. I… y’know I really care for you. You're one of the most important people I've had the luck of ever meeting, much less become friends with, yknow?”
The words almost fall on deaf ears, Grian’s brain twisting the words against him. How unlucky, Grian mentally corrects. He means how unlucky he is he's stuck with me.
Grian struggles to quiet his brain, something Mumbo likely notices in his face. He looks conflicted, almost lost as he leans closer to Grian.
“It’s true, you're my best friend,” Mumbo insists. Grian’s mouth twists, feeling himself tear up again.
In an impulsive moment, Grian lets go of Mumbo’s hand and throws his arm up, looking at Mumbo. Mumbo hesitates for only a second before climbing into the bed and wrapping his arm around Grian. With his weight against him, Grian suddenly feels like he can breathe.
He tucks his forehead against Mumbo’s neck, soaking in the warmth of his best friend's body. It warms him where he hadn't realized he had gotten cold, something human replacing the mess of tangled emotions in him. Grian presses his entire body into Mumbo’s, clinging onto him, feeling relief in every touch Mumbo easily offers.
Mumbo’s heartbeat is loud and clear, heavy and smooth. He presses closer, almost suffocating warmth in Mumbo’s embrace.
“I love you,” Mumbo whispers into his ear. It's not the first time he's said it at this point, but it's still rare to hear this soon. “You are so, so important to me. To scar too. He told me to check on you. Wouldnt tell me why.”
Grian nuzzles him, throwing a leg over Mumbo’s. He can feel Mumbo’s heartbeat through his neck, and he concentrates on it, closing his eyes. 
Scar knew he was feeling bad but hadn’t wanted to come in. Was Grian that much of a burden? Or was it that Scar knew Grian would more likely kick him out than let him close like he would Mumbo when he felt this terrible? Grian isn't sure. He feels himself starting to shake, his wings shifting and rustling. Mumbo reaches for them, but Grian pulls the betraying wings away, shaking his head. Mumbo relents, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist.
“Can we lay down like this for a while?” Grian chokes out through his guilt. “Or-“
“As long as you like,” Mumbo nods. “I don't mind.”
“…You're too nice,” Grian whispers. “I don’t deserve you, do I?”
“Grian…” Mumbo answers softly. “Don’t say that. You mean the world to me.”
It only makes Grian want to cringe more. It made him feel guilty. “You deserve someone as kind as you. Someone good.”
“You’re good,” Mumbo insists, hugging him tighter for emphasis. “Grian, you don’t understand how happy I am that you’re in my life, that you cared enough to keep looking for me after I left. It takes a good person to assume the best in others, even if we did nothing to deserve it.”
Grian frowns. “Still,” he tries to enlighten Mumbo. “That’s just the bare minimum of what you deserve, you should be with-”
“Stop it,” Mumbo’s hold loosened. “Stop talking about who deserves what. I love you. I don’t care about anybody else,” His hold shifts, one of Mumbo’s hands reaching into Grian’s hair as he pulls the avian against him. “Only you and Scar. I’m going to love you no matter what, Grian, stop trying to convince me not to!”
And Grain can’t help it. He tears up, feeling like a child. He whimpers and sobs and wipes his tears on Mumbo’s poor shirt, holding onto the shirt for his life. He’s so undeserving of this kindness, but he wants it so badly. Mumbo holds him through it, whispering little reassurances into his hair, gently combing it with his fingers. Intense and burning fondness for his friend rears its head in Grian, making him catch a sob in his throat as words spill through.
“I love you too,” Grian sobs into Mumbo’s neck. “I love you so much.”
“I know,” Mumbo kisses his hair. “I love you just as much.”
And to imagine this much  love and adoration flows through Mumbo like it does Grian breaks him a little inside. Mumbo deserves so much more. He deserves a nice set of partners, with a normal home and a normal kid. Or maybe it would still be Grumbot. But if this is the life he wants, all Grian can do is count his luck and love him back more.
Grian tilts his head up and kisses the underside of Mumbo’s jaw. Mumbo leans back, tilting his chin down to look at him. The angle gives him a bit of a double chin, which Grian eagerly obliges with another kiss. Mumbo smiles at him. Grian can’t quite replicate a smile on his own face now, but he leans up and gives Mumbo’s cheek a kiss. He kisses across Mumbo’s face until the two are forehead to forehead across Grian’s pillow.
“I don’t like my wings,” Grian says quietly. 
“Do you want to bleach them?” Mumbo asks.
Grian hesitates. “I’m not Apollo anymore.”
“You can still bleach them if that’s what you want, Grian,” Mumbo answers calmly, still playing with Grian’s hair, softly kneading Grian’s scalp in a way that makes him want to sigh dreamily.
“I don’t know,” Grian closes his eyes against the sensation on his scalp. It tingles pleasantly.
“Or we can dye them another color. Not white, but something different,” Mumbo suggests. “You’ll still be nice with any color of wings.”
“Pretty?” Grian asks, smiling a bit. He opens his eyes to see Mumbo roll his eyes.
“Yes, very pretty,” he corrects. “And very handsome, Grian.”
Grian smiles, leaning forward to press a kiss to Mumbo’s nose. Mumbo huffs.
“Can you stop missing already,” he says with mock annoyance. “I want to be kissed by my very pretty best friend.”
Grian smiles for a second, leaning in incrementally before the guilt makes him freeze. Mumbo closes the gap, pressing a kiss to his unmoving lips. Mumbo pulls back.
A few seconds pass before Mumbo leans up and kisses Grian’s nose. “It’s not just the wings, is it?”
Grian frowns, not meeting his eyes. Mumbo nods anyway. 
“We don’t have to talk about it now if you don’t want to. But Scar and I are here when you want to,” he reminds him. “We love you, you know.”
Grian sighs. “I know.”
“We love you a lot,” Mumbo nods, pressing his nose into his hair. “Do you want to cuddle until Scar misses us and comes looking?”
Grian rolls his eyes but tucks himself into Mumbo’s shoulder, closing his eyes. His dry eyes find relief in the darkness again, this time a lot less heavy than before. Before he knows it, he starts to fade into dreamless sleep.
Grian wakes to hands combing through his wings, the sensation of a loose feather being pulled giving him relief. He finds himself laying on his stomach, warmly tucked against Mumbo’s heart. More than a pair of hands make their way through his wings, bringing him pleasant warmth. He spreads his wings further with a soft groan. Mumbo stiffens under him. Scar has the opposite reaction; he laughs delightfully. The sound is full of love, especially when it gets closer, and Scar presses a small kiss to the back of Grian’s neck. Grian tenses, feeling a warm wave wash down his spine from the feeling.
“Go back to sleep, birdie,” Scar coos. “We got you. We’ll take good care of you. We’re right here.”
And for the moment before Grian falls back asleep, Grian believes him and smiles.
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aredsunrise · 11 months
You're Also The Priority
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Notes : It is an Leon S Kennedy x original female character (Charlie Miller) fic. 22 y/o oc. I know it's been almost a month and I'm posting a little chapter, I'll try to be more punctual. And I hate this chapter, I tried to make the five one better.
Summary : They try to survive.
CW : Angst? - Slow Burn - Canon-Typical Violence - Fluff? - Bad Writing - Mutual Pining - Flirting
Words : 1 082
Part four
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As the rain grew stronger, Charlie leaned against the wooden wall letting his body drag to the ground. She was so sick of all this bullshit. Besides, they didn't even find Ashley yet. Charlie heard the agent speak, but as she looked up, she realized it wasn't to her, but probably someone he was working with. So she waited for him to finish, examining her scratched hands and arms as she waited. She must have had only one or two that continued to bleed, but the pain was still present for all the others. The young woman tried to close her hand into a fist and a small sound of pain crossed her lips, which made the blonde's attention turn on her. She didn't even know how he had managed to hear her with the wind and the rain. 
"Don't worry about it. We'll swim home if we have to. Condor One out.", Leon seemed to joke as he approached Charlie. "Show me your hands." 
She did what he asked. The agent inspected her wounds, gently taking her arms before taking out of one of his pockets a green spray with a cross of the same colour. 
"It might sting," Leon warned as he unannounced began to cover the scratches with the spray. Charlie would have answered him so sarcastically but held himself back by biting her cheek at the unpleasant tingling on his skin. " Asshole,"  was the only one she could repeat in her head, to the scratches and product as a way to release the pain. The bleeding wounds stopped and Leon bandaged her arms so that they could not become infected.
"Thanks," said Charlie when he was finished. 
"It's part of my job. Let's go, there's still Ashley we need to find."
The young woman sighs before advancing through the rain and the wind, the agent in front of her, gun in hands. They saw the merchant again before reaching you in a place that seemed like a huge maze. Wooden bridges with thousands of ropes sat over their heads while on the ground walls, also made of wood, hid them from the view of the villagers. Leon explained to Charlie that they were going to have to continue silently and, unknowingly, it put a fucking pressure on her shoulders. Hearing the fire crackling near them in addition to the mumblings of their enemies was stressing her out a lot. Leon managed to kill some of them without being spotted before a fucking woman started screaming and throwing a torch at them. Leon shot her just as a bell rang. All the villagers who happened to be in the area came back. Charlie screamed in fear when one of them with a cow's head appeared out of nowhere to their left. The agent grabbed her arm to place her behind him before shooting the cow's head several times. The events that follow consisted, for the young woman, of staying away from the group of the villagers, while remaining close to Leon without trying to get in his way. After killing all the people who were in their way, the agent took the time to ask the young woman if she was okay and continued until they entered a house again.
"Stay here," the blonde ordered, pointing to a locker with his chin.
"What? No," Charlie replied confusedly before looking at the locker with disgust.
 "Yes, go inside. It won't take long, anyway." 
Charlie sighed before entering the stupid locker. The agent closed it and the young woman heard his footsteps moving away. A huge noise broke the silence with cries of women. Charlie heard Leon say something before a bomb went off.
"I am flattered, but I'm a one-lady type of guy."
This time, the young woman heard him and couldn't help letting a little laugh cross her lips. She brought her hand to her mouth as best she could, to prevent any sound from coming out. The young woman understood that the agent had moved away when the sound of explosions and cries and bullets became more distant. Charlie took a deep, but silent, breath, hoping it would be over as soon as she got out of the damn locker. She was taken aback when it opened and a villager grabbed her arm to pull her out. The young woman screamed with all her might, hoping that Leon heard her Leon. She struggled as best she could, to no avail. Instead, the man slung her over his shoulder and started to walk away. Charlie tried to hit him with her legs and hands, but nothing happened. 
Leon managed to reach her just in time and shot several times at the villager's legs and lower back to knock him down before he reached the door. As soon as the man let go of her, Charlie took care to get as far away as possible while the blonde approached her while shot the man to finish him off.
"You hurts?" asked the agent, helping the young woman to get up.
"I'm alright, thanks," she lied, grimacing at the pain of her scratches.
Leon seemed to notice that she was lying, but couldn't say anything because another small group of villagers arrived.
"Fuck. Stay Close."
He threw a grenade into the pile, which killed them instantly before indicating to Charlie to follow him. They exited through a hole in the wall and climbed wooden stairs to escape from those on the ground. Leon managed to eliminate the villagers who were on the ground, one by one, by shooting at them or throwing grenades at them. As Leon tried to finish off the last one, a woman with a chainsaw, and a man with a pitchfork came dangerously close to them. Charlie didn't even have time to think, her body grabbed a sickle that she noticed on the ground and managed to plant it in the man's neck as soon as he was close enough. Charlie winced again as he backed away, horrified at what she had just done. She opened and closed his hands as if it could take away the pain from her palms. The blonde took one of her wrists to examine it before standing in front of her to remove the dead man from her sight.
"I guess the cutest are really the best after all," tried to joke the agent to divert the attention of the young woman.
And the worst part is that it worked.
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seek--rest · 11 months
are there any fic ideas that you have that you probably won't ever write, but would like to read?
I mean, I do end up writing some of these things because I know damn well no one’s gonna do it. There are even some I’ve started and want to finish, some after years of wanting them but the whims are fickle.
Some ideas that I would scream if anyone ever wrote and would love to read but wouldn’t write (as of yet)
An inverse of the biodad AU tropes; not like what I wrote with Peter as the dad but a straight forward “Peter is Tony’s son” and he fucking hates it. None of this “oh he grows to love his DAD” and not straight up animosity, but more of a “you abandoned me for x reason and now you wanna play dad?” even better if it’s HOCO compliant
Another inverse of the Field Trip fic. Tag it with every single dumbass tag you racist fucks gobble up and then promptly tear it down. Flash Thompson doesn’t need a redemption, you all are just racist. Have Sam Wilson or Rhodey be the hero Peter hangs out with instead of fucking Bucky.
A total rewrite of the MCU with MJ and Ned and Flash as the FOS. Does it practically change the plot? Maybe! Maybe not! But having a start to finish HOCO to NWH FOS focused fic, without taking out Tony and the Avengers or adding in OCs or love triangles or anything else that’s better left in a YA novel would be so fun to read.
A realistic take on the year between HOCO and IW. Not the irondad fanon version and not the angry MCU hater version. Tony and Peter clearly have some kind of relationship come IW. It clearly wasn’t cuddly movie nights, spaghetti dinners, or tag teaming villain of the week fights. So much of irondad is just Made Up Shit and idk, I’d like a more grounded/canonically cohesive take on what their relationship might’ve actually looked like in that year.
A fic that specifically focuses on the time period between them landing at the airport at the end of FFH till Peter going to Strange for the spell. That’s (1) week of normalcy (allegedly his birthday) and then four months of dealing with people throwing paint on him and following him, Ned and MJ. I’d love to read a fic that stayed canon compliant within that reference.
I could go on and on but these are the first that come to mind.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 3 months
The Avengers: Part One
Pairing: Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You're here. You finally did it. You finally got off that god-forsaken planet. It took months to achieve, especially since Loki's hidden crevasses were super hard to find and navigate. Still, you're back on Earth and ready to help with Phil's Tesseract problem.
You look around the area to assess your surroundings when you notice the Bifrost marking on the ground. The same marking you stood next to after the battle with the Destroyer. You're in New Mexico and you can only assume Fury and Phil are in New York with the Tesseract. After nearly twenty years away from the thing that gave you powers, you have the opportunity to be face-to-face with it again.
The thing that has been the bane of your existence. The Tesseract is the cause of all your problems. If Markus didn't know about it, you might not have been an Avatar. If you're not an Avatar, you might not have found your way to Earth. If you hadn't come to Earth, you would have never met Ikaris, Bucky, Steve, Carol, Fury, Tony, and so many other people who are important to you.
You both hate and love what the Tesseract has done for you. It's time to finally face it.
It takes a normal commercial airplane six hours to get from New Mexico to New York, but you do it in three. Fury hasn't changed his office since acquiring it back in 1995 so it's easy to spot amid all the new stores. It's been a few years since you've been back in this state, and it seems like everything and nothing has changed. There are new stores that weren't here before but the same crowds bustle up and down the streets.
If you close your eyes, you can picture what New York was like in the 1940s. All the modern screens you see weren't there back then. It was crowded with short buildings and billboards that people changed out every week by hand. There weren't the designer-brand stores you see now but mom-and-pop stores that did quite well for their time. Each restaurant had a small space on the strip, but that didn't mean their food wasn't delicious.
Centuries before that in the 1700s, New York was completely a whole different world. The roads weren't paved, everyone rode horses everywhere, and there was no Central Park to hang out in. It's weird how different one city can look every couple hundred years. What will the world look like in 2200?
You walk through the bustling city to get to Nick's office, and you stroll right in as if you belong there. His assistant is baffled when you walk right past him, and you pay no mind to him.
"Ma'am, you can't just walk right in there!" he says and chases after you. You knock once and enter his office, and Fury looks up from his desk. "Ma'am, you need an appointment!"
"It's alright, George. I can handle this."
George mumbles a few curse words before walking away. You close the door behind him and turn to Fury with crossed arms.
"Where the hell have you been?"
"Stuck on another planet with no way out. I know it's only been a few months but I'm here now."
"A few months? Try a couple of years."
"What are you talking about?"
"You've been MIA for two years. I thought you were dead."
You fall back into a chair across from his desk in shock.
"No, you're messing with me."
"I wish I was."
"I got a message from Phil four months ago saying you found the Tesseract."
"He sent that two years ago. It's 2012."
You look down and try to wrap your head around the fact that time works differently on Asgard than it does on Earth. Two years. Wow, you can't believe it.
"O-Okay, um, do you still have the Tesseract?"
"We've been permitted to study it a year ago. It's been docile for the most part. We're still trying to see what it is and what its power is.
"I can tell you that. It's not just a cube. It's an Infinity Stone which is very powerful. If you're tampering with it, you won't like what comes out of it."
"See, this is why we needed you here months ago. I just got reports that something is happening at the lab. Care to join me?"
"Yeah. Let's go."
You're a bit eager to see the cube that gave you your powers. It's been calling to you since arriving on Earth, and you can't ignore it anymore.
You and Fury head to the parking garage and meet with his right-hand woman, Maria Hill. You two pile into the backseat while Fury gets hold of the wheel. Without even knowing her, she's a bit apprehensive that you're here on such a sensitive project.
"How do you know Nick?" she asks.
"I'm sure you've heard about what happened to him in 1995."
"You mean the year he lost sight of his eye?" she chuckles.
"Yeah, exactly." Fury gives you a look in the rear-view mirror but you wave him off. "I was there. Carol and I are the reason Nick came up with the Avengers Initiative. The Tesseract is what gave me half my powers. The Tesseract is like a door, a portal that can transport anyone anywhere in the universe. I spent a lot of time studying it."
"Where were you a couple of months ago?"
"Stranded on another planet, but I'm here now."
Fury drives to a helicopter pad that will transport you to the facility they have in the middle of nowhere. Fury must have been building this facility for a while now because it's huge. After all, he had two years to put something like this together. Man, two years. You still can't believe it. This is the place where you can test something like the Tesseract. When you step off the helicopter, you're greeted by Phil Coulson who has taken point for the entire facility. Men in suits run around the place, soldiers jump into Humvees, and a voice bellows from the loudspeakers.
"So much for a device to use if I need you," Phil says when he sees you.
"I am so sorry. I thought it was only four months. I tried so hard to get back here as fast as I could. Time passes differently on Asgard."
"How bad is it?" Fury asks, interrupting your apology.
"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil leads you, Fury, and Maria through the radiation section of the facility. There are tons of signs around warning about the dangers of radiation exposure. Hundreds of technicians and other staff run around, taking only the essentials. It must be pretty bad if everyone is evacuating. "Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago."
"Erik is here?" you ask but receive no answer.
"NASA didn't authorize Selvig to test phase."
"He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room. Spontaneous advancement."
"It turned itself on?" Maria asks, surprised.
"Not surprising. It is an energy source," you say.
"What are the energy levels now?"
"Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac."
"How long to get everyone out?"
"Campus should be clear in the next half hour."
"Do better."
Phil immediately turns and leaves to help with the evacuation.
"Sir, evacuation may be futile."
"You're suggesting we should tell them to go back to sleep?" Fury asks Maria.
"If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a minimum safe distance."
"I might be able to help with that. I have its power. I can try and control it."
"This is why I brought you along," Fury says to you before turning to Maria. "I need you to make sure that Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out."
"Sir, is that really a priority right now?"
"Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on. Clear out the tech below. Put every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone."
"Yes, sir."
"What's Phase 2?" you ask when you continue alone with Fury.
"Need-to-know, and you don't need to know." Man, two years being gone has done a number on him. You two walk into the lab facility holding the Tesseract. "Talk to me, doctor."
Erik looks up at Fury when he looks at you.
"Y/N? I thought you were on Asgard."
"I was. I got out. Are you the only one here? Where's Jane?"
"Nowhere here, thankfully."
You look at the bright cube across the other end of the room and feel a magnetic pull trying to get you to come closer. The longer you stare at it, the more you're mesmerized by it. Your hands glow a soft orange without your permission. Fury does a double take at you and places his hand on your shoulder. It's enough to snap you out of your trance.
"What? Sorry," you shake your head.
"What can you tell us, Doctor?"
"The Tesseract is... misbehaving."
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's... misbehaving. She's an energy source. If we turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..."
"We've prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space."
"We don't have the harness. Our calculations are far from complete. Now she's throwing off interference and radiation. Nothing harmful, just low levels of gamma radiation."
"That can be harmful. Where's Barton?"
"The Hawk? Up in his nest, as usual."
You look up to see one of the first agents Fury recruited for his Avenger team. You have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him, but you are now.
"Agent Barton, report."
As Clint is making his way down, you look at Fury in concern.
"Erik is right. You can't harness energy from space. Humans aren't that advanced."
"This facility is." Clint approaches Fury from behind, and the older agent turns to the younger one. "I gave you this detail so you could keep a close eye on things."
"I see better from a distance."
"Hi, I'm Y/N."
"Yeah, I saw you two years ago trying to get that hammer."
Why are you feeling like you don't belong here? The only thing you have in common with everyone else is the fact that you have the same power as the Tesseract.
"Are you seeing anything that might set this thing off?"
"No one's come or gone. There hasn't been any contact from it. If there was any tampering, sir, it wasn't at this end."
"At this end?"
"Yeah, the cube is a doorway to the other end of space, right? The door's open from both sides."
The Tesseract has flares coming out the sides of it. Energy is pouring into the room rapidly, so much so that it shakes the entire facility. It's big enough that Phil and Maria can feel it from where they are on the other end of the facility.
The flaring rings and glow of the cube spout out brighter and louder, like a boiling pot of water. The Tesseract's energy builds up into a beam much like the Bifrost Bridge, which hits at the end of a platform that is wired to the device the cube sits on. The beam forms a vortex which opens a portal much like what you can do on your own.
Everyone is on alert now that the door has been opened. Everything is still for five minutes. No one is breathing, moving, or doing anything that might disrupt the Tesseract's power. Suddenly someone steps through the portal with his head down. He is heavily breathing as if he had just run a marathon. He is holding a staff in his hands that looks like Gungnir but has a glowing gem on the sharp end of the staff.
He looks up to address the room and your heart stops. It's Loki. He died. You watched him fall to his death. He looks around the room at everyone before locking eyes with you. He seems to go rigid at the thought of facing you once again. After two years of not seeing him, memories come rushing to the surface of your mind.
He's coming. Someone tipped him off and he's on his way to get you. Asgard is preparing for another fight not knowing if Markus is coming for more than just you. It's been a year of peace away from the horrors of Markus. You've fallen in love with Loki; you can't bear the thought of leaving him.
You and Loki are in his room. There are sounds of battle happening in the castle. You can hear Markus yelling for you.
"I don't want to leave here," you cry in Loki's arms. "Please don't let him take me. I want to stay with you."
Loki pulls you close and kisses you passionately as if it's going to be the last time. Your tears mix in with his kiss but he doesn't seem to mind. You were meant to be in his arms. He fits so perfectly around you. His lips were made to kiss yours. He pulls away from you and rests his forehead on yours.
"I love you, Loki. I am in love with you."
Loki's tears fall down his cheeks as if what you said pains him. He kisses you once more before cupping your cheeks in his large hands.
"I am so sorry," he whispers.
"For what?"
He doesn't answer. His magic glimmers around you and seeps into your head, and your eyes shine green to match what he's doing to you. The next thing you remember, you're back on Xenia with Markus.
The bastard really did take your life from you. You were so much in love with Loki that you begged him to save you. He turned you in instead.
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