#it will also probably surprise no one that I have several OC's based on who Ema Bessho could've been and despite how much I hate how she's-
next-autopsy · 8 months
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A/N: Well hi there! Here it is: the first chapter! There’s a bit of repetition in the beginning in case you didn’t want to read the prologue. Small disclaimer; I did not live in the 1940s, nor have I ever been in the military and I don’t even live in the states so I’m making a lot of stuff up, Pls feel free to message me any corrections. Also I forgot to mention this is a fem oc / one of the guys fic but I want it to be a surprise!! Starting guessing lol
Based on the actors portrayal/hbo show and written with no disrespect to the real life veterans. Also all images found on Pinterest.
TW: None? (Message me if you think I need to add something here!)
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Made of Glass
Chapter one: Home, sweet home. 
Bernadette Grace Coldwell stood at attention in the sweltering Georgia sun. Her olive green uniform only added to the almost unbearable heat and her body couldn’t help but sweat.
She stood among nine women. These nine women showed exceptional talent at the exclusive women’s military camp, ‘Fort Des Moines’.
100 women had been whittled down to the highest scoring nine. The top nine, the best of them. 
These selected women were being integrated into nine companies of men. They would train side by side with the men up to deployment, then fight alongside them, even die with them.
It was an experimental thing and so much was expected from the participants. To earn the trust of the men they would fight with. To prove they were an asset not a hinderance. Most of all to show everyone that women could fight valiantly for their country.
After all, this was their war too. 
Birdie’s focus was straight ahead, her body unmoving. She listened as the Colonel droned on about the honour this battalion had been given; hosting the women. All formalities, she was sure. 
2nd battalion had nine companies, hence nine women. The companies were named A through I. Birdie had learnt all of the codes names but the heat was causing her to forget some, Fox,  Able, Dog, Item and Easy company were the ones lingering in her mind.
Easy company.
Easy company was hers.
She had been told earlier that day to report to Easy company barracks, she was expected to just know where that was. Bernadette had heard rumours that her company was lead by the harshest CO. She didn’t know much about him except that he was unkind and brash and made Easy do more PT than any other company. Birdie huffed at the thought, surely he wouldn’t be too jazzed by her presence. She supposed she was about to find out.
The women were at a severe disadvantage arriving at Camp Toccoa nearly two weeks after the men. The men were already learning their roles and getting to know each other while the women would have to play catch up. Not to mention the women would already have a lot to prove anyway, this was just an added drawback
Colonel Sink finished up his speech by dismissing everyone then turning on his heel and leaving. The girls were on their own now, expected to figure things out.
Bernadette relaxed her posture and turned to the woman next to her, a redhead named Blythe. 
Blythe and Birdie had meet in Fort Des Moines briefly and became semi friendly. They hadn’t talked much but it had only been three weeks of knowing each other. Things change. 
“Now what?” Blythe gave a smile with a somewhat joking tone. From what Birdie could tell, she was outgoing and chatty. Blythe was always cracking a joke and grinning wide, she was easy to get along with and would do well in returning the unfriendly fire they were sure to receive from the men.
Birdie instinctually shrugged before answering, “I guess we find our companies?” She hadn’t meant it as a question but she was unsure of herself and slightly intimidated. Being in a military camp surrounded by men who didn’t want her there and probably weren’t going to respect her was intimidating.
She had thought of the every situation, all the possibilities, a thousand times over. Birdie might be ignored completely or catcalled every second of everyday. She might not be able to prove herself, she could fall short in training and subsequently be left behind or kicked out. There was always the possibility she might be assaulted. She might even just quit. 
Thoughts swirled around her head as she stood hesitant making her dizzy with doubt, a voice pulled her from those dark thoughts.
“Go that way, third building on the left is one of Easy’s. Someone there will point you right.” The stern but calming voice belonging to another woman from the group. She had watched Birdie’s internal debate and gave guidance.
“Oh… uh, thank you.” Birdies gentle voice wavered, looking in the direction the unknown women had pointed her in.
Easy company was that way. Her company.
She was beyond nervous to met the men of her company. Men she would have to befriend. Men she was going to rely on during battle. Men she would have to convince they could also rely on her. 
The woman, whose name she didn’t catch, had disappeared, no doubt finding her own company. Birdie barely remembered her from training at the woman’s camp. She hadn’t exactly made many friends there just in case those friends were left behind. 
Here, at Camp Toccoa, she would have to make friends. As many as she could, and fast. 
Bernadette noticed her redheaded companion, Blythe, was still standing by her. Just as nervous as Birdie, she was waiting for some sort of reassuring gesture.
“I suppose I’m going that way.” Birdie spoke in her thick southern accent, “you?” Blythe smiled, shaking her head. 
“I’m that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction. 
“Item company.”  Blythe let out in a breathy laugh. The two girls nodded in sync, “well, good luck in Easy.” 
Birdie nodded, “Thanks, good luck in Item.” The women simultaneously took a breath before taking off on their respective directions. 
Birdies legs took her to the previously mentioned building and the second she rounded the corner, someone had approached her. 
A kind faced ginger man; his insignia told her that he was a lieutenant and his careful smile and direct eye contact told her he was the welcoming committee she has been told about. He walked towards her, stopping when they were a few feet apart. Only then did she noticed another man followed him side by side.
A dark hair lieutenant with a smirk plastered on his face. The trio saluted each other accordingly and began introductions.
“You must be Private First Class Bernadette Coldwell. Richard Winters.” The ginger man stick his hand out and Birdie shook it. 
“This is Lieutenant Lewis Nixon.” Birdie shook the dark haired man’s hand.
“Welcome to Camp Toccoa, Dick and I will show you round.” Lt Nixon greeted, Birdie thought she heard a hint of sarcasm and prayed he was going to be nice to her. 
“Thank you, sirs.” 
“Alright, Private Coldwell, first stop: your barracks.” Lt Winters began walking with Nixon by his side and Birdie followed behind the two men. 
“I’m sure someone mentioned you’ll be in the ladies barracks?” Winters spoke behind him, knowing she’d hear him and hoping to ease her nerves. She was all but shaking and Dick noticed her anxiety the second she came round the corner.
Richard took a second to really look at her. She held herself well, shoulder back and chin up but he could see her eyes darting all around and her white knuckles gripping the strap of her bag. He could tell she was far more nervous than she let on.
“Yes sir.” Her voice was quite and she was trying to ignore the whispers and avoid the blatant stares of all the men they passed. Both Winters and Nixon picked up on the crude comments around them and the young woman who had lowered her head and entered a staring competition with her shoes. There wasn’t a whole lot they could do, speaking up for her would show favouritism while also giving her an aura of weakness. She would have to fight her own battles.
“So, where you from Bernadette?” Lt Nixon asked attempting to distract her from the comments but before she could answer he spoke up again, 
“You got a nickname? Bernadette’s quiet a mouthful.” Lt Nixon chuckled, waiting for her reply this time. His attempts to distract her seemed to work as she raised her head to answer him. 
“Yes sir, folks back home call me Birdie, sir.” A nervous smile crept onto her face. 
“Is that a southern twang I hear?” Nixon smirk and gave his friend, Dick a side glance. The young lady nodded, a lock of her mousey brown hair fell loose and she hurried to tuck it away.
“Let me guess… You're from- Kentucky?” Both men stopped walking outside of what she imagined were her barracks and turned to face her, waiting for her answer.
Birdie grinned and shook her head, giving a giggle that would melt your heart. 
“No, sir.” Her smile was contagious, Winters found himself smiling at her antics. Her nerves forgotten for a moment. 
“Hmmm… Alabama?” It was Nixon’s turn to grin at the girl. She was sweet and easily likeable, she had a childlike innocent that Nixon and Winters had noticed right away and it endeared the young girl to them. 
Birdie shook her head again and bit her lower lip to keep herself from laughing in her lieutenants face. 
“Mississippi?” It was Winters who spoke up this time. Birdie’s eyes flicked to him and she raised her index finger to her nose, tapping once, then twice. 
“Ah! A true southerner. By chance, were you raised on a farm?” Nixon smirked, like it was a well known joke, one that Birdie didn’t understand. Winters let out a small huff as if to silently tell his friend off. 
“A horse ranch, sir. My folks run a horse ranch.” Nixon wanted to burst out laughing, of course she was raised on a horse ranch. He kept his inner thoughts and jokes to himself,  for now anyway, he didn’t want to offend the woman on her first day but a sly grin could not be wiped from his face. 
Winters, as if reading Lewis’ mind took lead, walking with Birdie up the three steps of the barracks building and swung open the door, holding it for her while he explained she needed to go inside and look for a footlocker with her name on it. When Birdie disappeared inside to do so, Dick returned to his friend who was still smirking to himself.
“Not a word, Nix.” He murmured, straight faced, Nixon only laughed in reply. 
Barely two minutes passed before she rejoined them and the three were walking again. 
“We’ll show you the showers and lavatories next.” Winters informed taking a sharp left turn. Birdie just knew she was going to get lost in this maze of identical buildings, it would take her a week or two to figure out the layout for sure. Her lieutenants were explaining that on the bright side the women had their own shower/toilet block, the downside was they only had one block consisting of four toilets and four showers in the whole of Camp Toccoa.
After at least half an hour and four more buildings she was supposed to have remembered later they were back at the women’s barracks. The two lieutenants let her know she had the afternoon to get settled and was expected in the mess at 18:00 for dinner. That would only last half an hour then she could retire to her barracks for an hour before lights out at 19:30. They saluted and left and once again Birdie was alone with her thoughts.
Looking around the room she noticed all but one of the nines beds were claimed. Five on the right side of the room and four on the left. They each had the standard olive green rucksack thrown atop of the thin mattress (except for Lowell, Elizabeth; who mustn’t have arrived yet), one pillow and a neat pile of white folded sheets.
The beds were assigned and Birdie had been put in the middle of the five side, she took a glance at the footlocker names and assumed they were alphabetical. She was between a Carmichael, Constance and Donahue, Barbara.
Bernadette busied herself by unfolding the crisp sheets, making the bed and then unpacking her things into the footlocker with her name printed on it. 
The room was quiet, a vast difference from her childhood home. It was empty with blank walls and no colour, void of any personality. The only thing in the room other than sleeping cots was a large metal drum next the the door with the word ‘BUTTS’ painted on the side. Birdie briefly wondered what her family were doing right now but that thought caused a dull ache in her chest so she quickly distracted herself sorting through her things. 
A sigh left her lips as she took one long look around the barracks she would be living in from here on out, 
“Home, sweet home.” 
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A/N: Roll credits! okay so what did you think? Please lmk! I think I’ll be posting the next chapter before the weekend? Haven’t quite figured out what I’m doing yet
~ next-autopsy ~
Chapter two
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sunnyrealist · 6 months
Chapter 18: I Don't Want You to Stop 🌶️
The Sun, the Moon, and All Our Stars
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Summary and Details…
Chapter Background and Summary: On one of Kate's "Pureblood Society" arranged dates, she ended up with an awful dude who sexually assaulted her. Fortunately, he wasn't able to get too far because Sebastian had decided to surprise Kate with a gift. When Seb showed up and saw what was going on… well, let's just say Clyde Parkinson did NOT have a fun night. After Sebastian beat the shit out of him, he went back to Kate to comfort her and make sure she was alright. Kate pleaded with him to not leave her alone that night, and Sebastian was more than happy to get in bed and cuddle her until they fell asleep. This chapter covers the next morning.
Pairing: Aged-up, post-Azkaban Sebastian Sallow x female OC (Kate Mayflower)
Trigger warnings: Minors DNI - 18+ only. Foreplay, vaginal sex.
The full chapter is available below the cut; it can also be found on AO3 (link is posted below). Any kind of constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated. A comment, like, or Kudos would make my day!
Chapter 18: I Don’t Want You to Stop
When Kate wakes up, it seems to be quite early. The curtains were never closed the night before, so she can tell that the sun is beginning to rise, based on the light streaming into the room. The events of yesterday evening flood back into her mind; she grimaces at the intrusion and almost begins to panic again, but then she realizes she is not alone. Sebastian is here with her.
Kate examines his handsome face as he sleeps soundly. He almost looks boyish, so innocent in this state, even though he is clearly a full-grown man. His eyes are closed peacefully; his lips are slightly parted. She can hear his soft and steady breathing. She sighs and lays her head back down on his chest. His collared shirt is soft against her cheek. 
Sebastian’s eyes slowly open as he feels her body resting against his once more. A warm feeling takes over his chest as he holds her tightly in his arms. He cannot help but smile - this has happened so many times in his fantasies, but this time it is real. It’s not a dream.
“Kate…” he whispers quietly, his voice still sounding sleepy. “What… what time is it?” He looked down at her for a few moments, then closed his eyes again in delight. 
“It must be very early - perhaps around 5 in the morning,” Kate whispered back, then sighed softly.
Sebastian caressed her arm and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger. “Kate… do you know how long I’ve dreamed about having you in my arms?” His voice was still rough from just waking up. “I’m never letting you go.”
Kate takes a deep breath,blushing, and a strange yet all-too-familiar sensation fills her chest.
Sebastian yawns and looks at her again. “Perhaps you should sleep more, my love.”
“I don’t know if I can fall asleep again.” Her fingers trace up and down his chest. She’s quiet for several minutes, thinking, until her eyes meet his, not looking away. “Sebastian… I know you said that there is no need to thank you, but I must. Thank you. Thank you for saving me.”
“Kate, there’s nothing you need to thank me for,” he replies quietly, his eyes still locked on hers. “I happened to be in the right place at the right time. Being here with you at this moment is enough of a reward, anyway.”
She gestures for him to turn to his side, and she faces him and places her head on the same pillow, quite close, to be able to see him better. “Sebastian… I don’t understand… How is it that you were here last night?”
He sighs. “I actually came to surprise you with a gift, Kate,” he murmurs. “There was a salesman near the Ministry yesterday morning. I found cinnamon from Annam…” He pauses, watching her reaction. “I wanted to give it to you as soon as I could. Obviously, since I’m here, you can probably deduce that I couldn’t wait. I couldn’t help myself. It is so fucking lucky I didn’t. If I had any virtue of restraint or patience,” he chuckles softly, “and held off until Saturday - today, now, I wouldn’t have been here to protect you.” His fingers play with her hair. “Maybe it wasn’t luck, though. Maybe I was meant to be here for you last night.”
Kate’s blue eyes widen, taking in his explanation. He had been here to bring her something she wanted so badly. He was so excited to make her happy that he couldn’t even wait one more day. Not only that, he rescued her and took care of her and comforted her until she felt safe and warm once more. 
Tears begin to prick at her eyes, and she gives him a small smile. “Oh, Sebastian…” she trails off, hesitating. “I…” Kate’s hand comes to his face, lightly caressing his cheek. Her gaze hasn’t left his. “Sebastian… I… I love you,” she finally admits as a tear falls from her eye. “I mean it. I love you.” She pauses. “I think I’ve actually loved you for a long while now. I just… I needed time.” Kate takes a deep breath. “Darling, I love you.”
Kate leans in, closing the incredibly small distance between them, and presses her lips to his for a sweet and romantic kiss.
Sebastian feels a rush of emotions, his head absolutely spinning. “Kate… gods, I love you.” He reaches over, gently running his fingers through her hair. “I… Gods, I’m so happy, Kate.” He grins, absolutely beaming. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Sebastian,” she whispers back. “I love you.”
Sebastian kisses her softly as the sun grows brighter, bathing them in a warm, soothing light. 
When they break apart, Kate draws a breath and smiles, looking into his eyes. She sounds apologetic when she says, “I… I’m sorry. I really should let you sleep, Sebastian. It’s so early. I should have waited until later.”
“No,” Sebastian replies quickly. “There’s no chance I’m going to sleep now, my Kate. My sun. Do you know how good it feels to know you love me? That you really do love me back, and it’s not just a dream, or my imagination, or me overthinking?” He takes her hand, placing it over his heart so she can feel how rapidly it is beating. Then, he pulls her body closer. “Come here… please… I want to kiss you more, sweetheart.”
Sebastian’s lips are soft, gentle, and tender as he kisses her slowly, so languidly. There is no need to rush. They have all the time in the world to rejoice in each other. Kate makes a little noise of contentment as her hands move to touch his cheeks. There’s no need to speak; their lips express their feelings perfectly. 
They make out for a long, long time, only pausing briefly every so often to catch their breath. Eventually, Kate’s hands slide down to Sebastian’s shoulders, and further down, they settle against his chest. He moves closer so he can caress her back and neck. 
Waves of love and affection wash over him endlessly as he continues to kiss her. He holds her tightly, running his hands through her hair once more.
“Kate…” he softly moans.
“Sebastian…” she whispers in return, her breath completely taken away.
When their lips find each other again, it becomes far more passionate. Kate follows Sebastian’s example, allowing her own hands to travel slowly up and down his back. Eventually, her fingers brush through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. She presses her body completely to his.
Sebastian’s heart beats faster and faster. He is beginning to feel hot. His kisses grow more and more intense - long, deep, and sensual. His fingers spread across her back, moving downward to explore the curve of her arse.
“Sebastian…” she whispers again, feeling the evidence of his desire pressed against her. “Oh, Sebastian…” 
The morning light grows brighter and brighter.
Kate takes hold of his suspenders, lowering them from his shoulders, down his arms, and then dropping them completely. Her fingers take their time in journeying from his stomach to his chest and then his neck.
Sebastian breathes heavily, craving every part of Kate. It feels as though her mouth is his addiction. He was hungry. He was desperate, wanting her in every way possible. His tongue slowly slid over her lower lip until he was granted access. Their tongues began to dance.
Kate wraps her leg around his waist in an attempt to be even closer. Her fingers move to his collar, starting to release each button of his collared shirt.
“Is… is this okay, Sebastian?” she asks, her voice soft and breathless.
He answers by pressing his lips to hers once more. She can feel him trembling, and she wonders if she is as well. They both are driving each other crazy, trying to touch each other in every way possible. Kate opens his shirt at last, pushing it away until he removes his arms from the sleeves without hesitation. 
“Kate…” Sebastian moans. “You… you are all I want…” He takes a sharp breath. “I’m so hungry for you… Please, I’m desperate…” His voice sounds raw with passion.
Kate suggestively whispers, “Sebastian… I won’t stop you. I… I don’t want you to stop. Please, Seb…” Her fingers caress the bare skin of his toned torso slowly, up and down, as her lips meet his again.
“Oh, Kate…” he whimpers.
Sebastian’s hands slowly travel down her body, lingering over her breasts and hips, to grasp the hem of her nightgown. He gently slides it off of her body as he looks into her eyes with need.
“You have no idea how much I want you to be mine, Kate… my sunshine… my love…” his voice sounded hoarse. 
Inhaling sharply, Kate’s cheeks go pink as Sebastian removes her nightgown. “I’m yours, Sebastian. I’m only yours. My heart belongs to you alone, my love.”
She is completely exposed to him, yet she feels no embarrassment - only the maddening desire to be claimed by him. He begins to kiss hungrily down her neck. An observant lover, he notes which places cause her to whimper, devoting more time and attention there. He spends a long while in the space between her neck and shoulder, clearly a sensitive spot, as she is driven wild. Her breathing becomes labored and whines fall out of her mouth uncontrollably.
Sebastian reaches her bare chest, where his lips discover her round, shapely breasts. His tongue traces circles around one of her pert, rosy nipples, as his other hand caresses the other.
“Oh, Sebastian…” Kate moans, her back arching when he switches to the other breast.
His tongue flicks over her nipple; then his lips close around it and he suctions it softly at first, eventually turning more aggressive and forceful as his arousal spikes.
“Seb… Oh, Seb… I’ve… I’ve wanted this for so long,” she chokes out breathlessly as he worships her breasts. “So, so long… Gods, Sebastian!”
“Oh, Kate…” His voice is soft and tender when his lips finally release her nipple. He continues to cup, squeeze, and massage her breasts, then kisses each of them with equal love and attention. Kate’s moans keep growing louder and louder the more he touches her.
Kate grinds against him, wanting - no, needing - to feel friction between her legs. Her hands quickly go to his trousers, unbuttoning them as if there isn’t even one moment to spare.
“How are you so bloody gorgeous? You are so, so fucking perfect… just perfect for me…” He murmurs. “My gorgeous girl…”
Sebastian pushes Kate’s hands away as soon as she finishes unbuttoning his trousers, hurriedly pulling them off, along with his underwear. Kate’s chest rises and falls quickly as she observes his cock. It springs up and softly slaps against his stomach, the tip dark pink and oozing. Heat pools between her legs as she is reminded of his huge size, his length bulging with veins. For a moment, Kate and Sebastian lock eyes, fueled with desire. 
Kate’s hand caresses his waist, then journeys lower. It isn’t long until her fingers trail up and down his dick slowly; she feels pre-cum bubbling at the tip. He groans when she wraps her hand around him and begins to pump. His entire body starts to shake as his senses are overtaken by her touch.
“Kate…” he moaned softly.
He doesn’t wait to take a turn. While stroking him, she begins to whimper the moment his hand reaches her pussy. His hand eagerly explores between her legs, rubbing slow circles around her sensitive bud. Kate begins to tremble after a minute - it’s as though she and Sebastian are mirroring each other - both giving and receiving pleasure simultaneously. 
She is soaking wet, completely ready for him, but he still continues to apply pressure to her clit, rubbing up and down. Eventually, he slips one finger, then two, deep inside of her, pumping them in and out at the same tempo in which she moves her fist up and down over his cock. Kate cries out; Sebastian keeps taking in her expression to make sure she is enjoying herself. 
“Sebastian… Sebastian…” Kate whimpers in a shaky voice, trembling. “Seb…”
His lips return to hers, trapping the mewls in her mouth. Their kisses are deep and full of tongue now. 
“Kate… wait… stop… I don’t want to- to come yet…” he groans, trailing off, and in response, she loosens her grip.
As the couple’s moans become one, Sebastian lightly pushes Kate onto her back. He climbs on top of her, pressing her into the bed. They kiss tenderly for several minutes, until he breaks apart from her to look in her eyes.
“Are you…” he pants. “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes, Sebastian,” she whines. “Please… please…”
The look on his face is filled with complete adoration; he smiles contentedly and kisses her once more, lingering. After a moment, he nudges Kate’s legs further apart, lines himself up with her entrance, and steadily pushes inside, his gaze never leaving her face. Kate gasps softly as she adjusts to the feeling of fullness as he enters her, centimeter by centimeter, until he has bottomed out deep inside of her warmth.
“You feel amazing, Kate… you feel like heaven…” he murmurs. “I love you.”
Sebastian presses his lips against hers, then carefully moves his hips back and forth until he is certain she feels only pleasure. Even then, his strokes are unhurried. Kate reaches her hands up to his head, her fingers burying themselves in his scalp.
Finally able to think again, she chokes out wantonly, “Oh, gods, Sebastian… you feel so good… oh, Merlin… I’ve dreamt of this over and over…”
“Kate… I love you, Kate…” His voice is deliberate and impassioned. “Fuck, I love you so much…”
Sebastian’s breaths grow heavier as he delves deeper and faster, subconsciously following an instinct - a primal need to fill her completely with his seed. He is losing control.
“Kate…” he groans with a trembling voice. “My darling Kate…”
He picks up the pace of his thrusts again. Kate’s legs wrap around his body, pulling him even further inside. Her eyes are closed, her breathing becoming more labored as he rocks into her over and over again, absolutely pounding her pussy.
“Oh, Sebastian… my gods… I…” she keens, her body beginning to shake from the pleasure building inside of her. “I… I’m… I’m already close, Seb!” 
“Me too… I’m so close…” he grunted back. “I… I want to…” 
He never finishes his sentence. He keeps thrusting, skin slapping against skin. His thrusts are so deep and intense - he practically leaves her body and pushes all the way back in again - over and over and over again. Wet noises fill the air. He could explode any second, but he grits his teeth and tries his best to stave it off until Kate gives herself to chaos first.
Kate shudders after a few more moments, feeling her entire body tense up and her vision going white. “I’m… Seb, I’m coming! Nnnnngh…. Oh, Seb!” she shouts as her walls clamp tightly all around him, sucking him in further.
Sebastian groans, feeling wave after wave of intense euphoria running through his body. His entire body shakes as he finds his release, unable to contain it any longer. “I’m… I’m… Ughhh…”
Sebastian’s hips sputter, and she can feel him twitch deep within, painting her insides with hot, thick ropes of cum. They move together for a few moments longer, making sure that he has ridden out his climax completely. 
For several moments, they stare at each other as they pant.
Finally, Kate surges up, capturing his lips in hers. 
“Sebastian… that was… that was… oh, gods…” She can’t even finish a sentence, her mind is so frazzled. 
Still recovering, Sebastian’s body is coated with perspiration. His breaths are shallow and heavy. His voice is hoarse when he whispers, “Kate… oh, my gods… my gods… I love you… I love you so much…” 
When they have mostly caught their breath, Sebastian begins to kiss Kate again.
“I love you, Seb,” Kate murmurs. Her lips meet his over and over again; she struggles to breathe, to even say anything at all between kisses, but she still tries anyway. “I want… I want you in my life… Seb, I think of you all the time… all day long… every day. I want to see you every day…”
Sebastian’s heart rate picks up once more. “I want you every day… every night… every moment… I need you…”
“I need you, too… I love you so much. My darling. My moon. My protector,” she gasps out.
After one final, lingering kiss, Sebastian reluctantly pulls out of her. 
As he throws himself over to her left side, Kate snuggles in under his arm and on his chest, facing him. She presses her lips on his freckled shoulder and chest, then rests her head upon him. Sebastian trails his fingers over her hips in a featherlight touch. Their hearts beat in sync.
Kate cannot help but marvel at just how perfect it all feels. She’s meant to be in his arms, to be his. This… this is it. This is what she has been waiting for all these years - the reason she never gave into marriage with anyone who courted her, the reason she never truly got on that well with her prospective suitors. She had unknowingly been holding off for Sebastian Sallow, the devilishly handsome man who shares her sense of humor and fun, who will do anything to make her feel happy and loved, and who, without a doubt, is persistent and determined enough to help her realize all of her dreams. While it seems certain that her family will not agree with her choice, well, ultimately, it’s hers to make. Kate closes her eyes in complete contentment.
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xjulixred45x · 10 months
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I'm not sure if this is a good idea but can I please ask for a platonic yandere giyuu
With a kianna komori reader
Where he visits the butterfly mansion to talk to shinobu about an upcoming mission but before he can do that he notices a little girl being rushed to shinobu covered in Blood and injuries and he doesn't think much of her at first but over time when he starts to visit her the little girl and she starts opening up to him about her past he grows attached to her and decides to adopt her as his daughter
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She is an OC of mine you can find more information about her on my page here on Tumblr and sorry if this is too detailed and you don't have to take this request if you don't want to
Hello! Is not really a problem, but i'm not used to work with ocs, but i can make a Reader with tour oc Information(if thats ok!).
Plus, My first yandere Request! So, sorry if is a little OOC
This is also kind of based on this fic from the Oc https://www.tumblr.com/chri-chris-chan/722751219324551168/blades-of-pain-yandere-platonic-uzui-tengen?source=share
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: Female(oc from @nunezs-stuff )
Warnings: YANDERE THEMES, Murder, the church sucks, trauma, Tomioka Backstory, unhealty mindset, i think is all.
(as you say), at first Giyuu didn't think much about you, it was more like a mental note to ask Shinobu what happen to You when he saw her AFTER doing the mission.
However, when Shinobu told him how they found you, bloodied, with several low-ranking demons dead,no lie, he was intrigued.
So, when they come back, he ask Shinobu yo see You.
Shinobu scoffed (as expected) but when she saw that he was serious, she told him that he didn't think it was a good idea, since you seemed very distrustful (and traumatized).
although it seems that it only encourages Tomioka more to try to talk to you(yo Shinobu surpise).
So, when he came to visit you and you already welcomed him like a wildcat, he wasn't very surprised. I mean, yeah, he knew it would be hard, but he didn't think it was that hard. Even so, he did not let himself be daunted.
He introduced himself as a workmate of Shinobu, who wanted to know what happened and how it happened "to report it" when actually he want to make You fell Better with him.
Still somewhat discreet, you told him how some demons got into the church where you lived, how they attacked the Catholics and you had no other option but to defend yourself when the low-ranking hunters who arrived couldn't handle them.
This (lowkey) left him quite impressed, but he didn't say much about it, in fact he didn't speak almost anything while you were talking, he just looked and from time to time nodded, he was giving you a bad feeling, Like, VERY BAD.
or that was until you inadvertently blurted out something related to your sister, you didn't even realize it, it was just something in the heat of the moment, but it was enough to get his attention and he asked you about it. Now, you weren't one to open up to strangers, but, hell, it's been so long and it's already been a traumatic week, and you might never see this man again in your life, so fuck it, You NEED to trow up.
So you told him, you used to HAD a sister, she was a sweet, gentle girl, but very gullible, and the Catholics obviously took advantage of her. That was why the demons were there in the first place, every once in a while they cried out for a sacrifice, young girls, and your sister was the "lucky one" to die like cattle to appease them.
The same people to whom she dedicated her life were the same to whom she was ordered to kill. leaving you alone.
At this point you are crying with rage while Giyuu reflects, they have a lot in common, more than you probably think. he puts an awkward hand on your shoulder to comfort you, you think about smacking him, but…you're so tired now, and it feels genuine in a way, real.
After that, Giyuu visited you almost every time he could until you got back to health. when he "couldn't" in reality it was that he simply visited you at night after a very long mission or something like that, normally you were asleep so he just looked at you for a while, seeing how peaceful you werepretty creepy
Also with the visits he began to open up a little more each time, sometimes talking about his training with Urokodaki, other times about the other Hashiras, and he even got to talk about his sister. Needless to say, you empathized a lot.
Since you really had nowhere to go once you recovered, you thought about asking Shinobu to stay in the Butterfly State as a nurse (since you obviously didn't want to go back to the people of the church), which while it didn't show, it annoyed Giyuu. He didn't know exactly why, it just didn't seem right that you were surrounded by guys from the organization.
then an idea occurred to him, he went directly to Shinobu to ask her if you could stay with him for "an indefinite time" until you decided what to do.
Shinobu scoffed a bit (obviously) but actually thought he might get a good idea, seeing as they both seemed so close and that Tomioka maybe even could became more sociable(big mistake).
Imagine your surprise when Giyuu came the day before you were discharged and told you that you were going to live with him, it was quite a surprise and, why lie, at first it could be confused a little with pity.
pity? because? Well, because when you wanted more information about what happened in your village, you discovered that apparently all the members of the church where you lived had been killed, apparently by demons.
""apparently"" my ass, he did it.
You know, even if you weren't going to go with them in the first place, you didn't want to leave the 'unfortunate soul' image for Giyuu, for anyone in general.
but he assured you that the reason he wanted you to go live with him was because for the first time in a long time he felt a connection with someone (platonically), who wanted you to give him the opportunity to give you the home you deserved and that I would have liked to have at the time, that he wanted to love You the way you deserve, even if he don't feel worthy, he wants to try.
That Even more than all the people i'm your life has done.
You were so shocked that you accept the offer with virtually no hesitation.
and you definitely didn't notice the red flags from there. It's just in Giyuu's nature, it's almost imperceptible.
things like his clinginess are justified by all the trauma he's been through and experienced throughout his life, you're not going to be ungrateful for everything he's done for you and turn down a few hugs(aside note: You DONT HAVE to give hugs to NO ONE if YOU DON'T WANT TO, this is just fiction).
He's not the most controlling, but he's definitely one for the stalker. If you are out with a friend or acquaintance, they are hanging around or in the crowd. I think that in the same way I would not accept any suitor unless it is Tanjiro or even one of the Hashiras like Rengoku, but apart from that I see your possibilities for love quite null, he will scare them.
He has definitely killed more people than the church, anyone who could be considered a possible threat to your relationship with him (some distant relative who wants to take care of you, some ""problematic"" friend, etc). even if they were important people to you, they would just stay by your side comforting you, secretly happy about this new level of closeness.
But if you somehow found out-oh god. he is panicking. He doesn't want to have to keep you with him by force, but if you don't leave him a choice, I'm sorry honey, you won't leave the house.
It's still a weird scenario, Giyuu covers his tracks well, and honestly, after all you've been through, to the people you've lost (even if some of those people were lost because of HIM) would you really care if he did? would you find out? You are already here, you are at peace, you have a good life, what else?
Whatever scenario you choose, Tomioka will not disappear from your life in the short term, it only remains to see what time prepares for You two....
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
Imagine if reader is the imposter and goes yandere over a crewmate, how would they court their future mate?(this is a request)
An Among Us request on the year of our Lord, 2022?
I'm actually pretty happy you did request this cause I was worried I would never use this scenario again 😭
Like I'm not exactly the most proud of it but at the same time like- I like it 👉👈
It's kinda short, summarized af and based mostly on my other posts about Among Us (like, completely non game cannon I presume 💀)
TW/Tags: Yandere! Reader // Alien!Imposter! Reader // vague mentions of cannibalism// mentions of gore // traumatized oc // Reader has a questionable (by human standards) upbringing and culture // mentions of children/mating and also probably mentions of nsfw (not much tho, just mentions of it) // chopped off/ severed head // I had so many other things to write about but this sparked something in me that I can't even begin to describe 🗿
This game isn't so bad after you look at it outside of the meme filter, at least that's my opinion [Crewmate! Oc x Yandere!Imposter! Reader - Headcanon]:
In the previous posts we've discussed how Imposters can either be human or alien, and can be of varying alien species so I'll leave it up to you what's your flavor of little space freak~
 Though your request says "mate" so I'm assuming we're talking about an alien Reader, so let's talk about that for a second-
 Are you an alien form that lives on consuming life forms that drift aimlessly in space, lost travelers being your favorite meal? Or maybe you were a lonely bandit operating on their own (for personal reasons) and decided that the one-by-one elimination method would be the best one for being able to take this alien ship for yourself! Or maybe you were sent here as an assassin, as the small ship of "humans" was wandering too close to your contractor's ship, despite the unidentified ship posing no actual threat your contractor still gave clear instructions to wipe out any possible danger that may come their way.
 Whatever your role is I think you would be quite surprised to find something more to these people than annoying relationships forced by the circumstances or sentient food you have to "butter up" before getting to the good part.
 Oh no dearest, you would find yourself being captivated by one of your captives! It is pretty unfortunate to be a "predator" longing for a "prey", to be enamored with one of the people you swore to kill!
 But life is cruel, isn't it? What will you do, what would you do!
 Whatever your reasons and goals for being here may be, your species have a sort of a- ""Ritualistic expression of desire and an instinct-based comprehension of mating urges that are currently over taking your priorities in relation to your situation inside this alien ship"'.
 In other words you're horny and your instincts are clouding your better judgment, especially since your mating rituals may not be compatible with human mating rituals- And we didn't even mention the amount of suspicion that this ordeal has brought upon you!
 You have tried flirting before, you understand the concept, sure- But ""human flirting"" is a lot tougher than your specie's idea of flirting! Who would have thought that humans didn't like the severed heads of those who failed to court them outside their door!
 Thank the stars none of the humans found out it was you who did it, and thank FUCK that in the heat of the moment you didn't say it was YOU! When the head was found the first thing they did was call an emergency meeting to discuss it and you felt terrified because not only could your disguise be completely ripped apart you were a bit embarrassed at the love confession being now brought into everyone's attention-
 On your planet, this sort of thing is considered normal although really juvenile, it would be the equivalent of high school students writing and exchanging letters to one another- And then having one of these letters be read to everyone else out loud!
 Yeah it's a bit "cheesy", but come on, that head was a private message! Ugh, DAMNIT-
 Damn these people are starting to piss you off, at least they eliminated one of their own people instead of you, and thankfully it wasn't your-
 Y-Your crewmate! Your totally platonic crewmate!! Which you're totally NOT obsessing over despite trying very desperately to court them in any way, even going as far as trying to learn human tactics when it comes to courting and mating.
 And failing, miserably, of course. So horribly in fact that even your other "fellow humans' ' have started to comment on it, calling you out in every attempt you give to be close to your darling.
 "- I don't really get what you're talking about, [Y/n], but like if you like them just go for it like, gawd, it's so obvious and honestly who cares- We're all stuck here anyway so let's enjoy our time, right?~"
 "- Yeah no, I won't be giving you their "phone number" because you should ask THEM for it, not me. Also we're in the same spaceship…? You see them everyday, what the hell [Y/n]-"
 "- I shouldn't have to talk about it considering it's not exactly the company's policy and more of a common sense rule amongst co-workers. Though it's understandable that our current situation may lead some to… Act out on "instinct", please keep in mind that seeking romantic relationships with coworkers during work hours is very frowned upon and heavily discouraged and although technically it's not officially an police (yet), me (and others, probably) would be more comfortable if you didn't-" [Really long one-sided rant-conversation about your recent behavior towards one of your coworkers]
 It can be pretty discouraging to hear that even another species can see your blatant fascination towards that one specific individual, it almost seems foolish to keep going after them like this! If only you two were from the same planet, at least you two would have an easier time communicating.
 Oh stars, what's with you lately?! Taking people's heads and giving you someone you barely know? Who is also from a COMPLETELY different species than you?? Damn, you're kinda embarrassed at yourself for that one, but you just couldn't help it~
 You tried focusing on the task at hand SO many times yet every single time you tried to be a cruel, cold hunter there they were again! Being all- 𐌂𐌵𐌕𐌄 like that!
 You wish they could just stop being so distracting but you're not a fool, you know that technically they didn't do anything, you're probably suffering from one of those human crushes you have heard about. It's just psychological torture, you'll get over it.
 You just have to keep ignoring them and keep making the numbers of this ship go down, more and more- I mean, you WILL have to kill them, right?!
 It- It's not like this would ever work out anyway, you're too different and besides you're on a mission of your own, they're nothing but fresh flesh to you.
 Maybe if you keep your distance, act more bitter and cold, they'll just- Just-
 Just leave you alone, f-forever. I mean you can't kill them now! You're too attached to them, you just have to get tired of them and soon enough everything will be okay! You just have to kill everyone else to really revive that hunter mindset you have pushed down so aggressively.
 But then again… Sounds so convenient, to leave them as the last survivor…
 "- [Y/n], come on let's go-"
 "- Hey can you help me out, [Y/n]?"
 "- I'm feeling like we're not safe here…"
 "- Can you hold that flashlight for me? I can see a thing in this darkness!"
 "- Pfft- You're just so weird!- Hey don't be sad, I didn't mean it like that, I genuinely think you're funny!"
 "- … Can I be honest with you? I need to get something out of my chest…"
 "- I've been having nightmares about- That THING I saw that day… It was awful and I can't get the image out of my head!"
 "- Y-Yellow didn't deserve that- No one would ever deserve that! None of the others deserved that!"
 "- Just the head… Just the head…"
 Yeah … You thought you could easily ignore them and push the thoughts of them further into your mind but deep down you just couldn't resist it, it's too tempting. The sweet memories and good times you've spent together, even if they were really short, were still the best thing you could ever wish for.
 Ya know it's a little fucked that you haven't been able to treat them like any other victim, specially when you're part of the reason they're so terrified of being lost in space in the first place- But you don't feel bad about it at all, nothing will stop you from your goals, even if that means terrifying your darling with each friend and colleague deaths that they have to witness.
 But isn't it more messed up that you're enjoying this a little too much? I mean, clearly you can't look at them with platonic eyes anymore, heck you can't even imagine seeing them as just prey at this point! So really, maybe these killings haven't lost their meaning, but have completely changed directions to when you started at.
 You can't deny dear, you lost control of those feelings and have taken advantage of your previous goals to make this all about them! All these deaths, are for them, in their name and in the name of their 𐌋Ꝋᕓ𐌄!
 All because you wish to mate with them, to mate with the human who is desperately clinging at any survivors left just to feel a tiny bit safer, and you seem to be willing to provide that-
 Or are you? Are you the sadistic type? Do you enjoy the fact that their human naivety blinds them to the gruesome feelings you feel for them? That although they cling to you for comfort you're still very much aware you're the monster they wish to hide from? Are you impatiently expecting the right time to tell them the truth just to see the horror in their eyes??
 Or perhaps I'm assuming that the grotesque way your species is raised has influenced your morals to the point you wouldn't recognize the clear implications of YOU killing THEIR friends, making them a possible next target- Which would leave any creature understandably not trusting you, perhaps even your own kind!
 So what dear, would you choose to make things right by their human standards? Try to soothe their worries and hold them close as you unceremoniously claim them as your mate? As you try to comfort the person you have severely traumatized? Maybe you don't really enjoy your own predatory nature, especially when being put together with your darling's fearful and avoidant state, maybe instead of trying to bring them to your culture you could try being closer to theirs.
 Then again, the choice is up to you, the silence echoes through the whole ship, there's nothing but ghostly remains of what was once a group of space travelers who got stranded deep into space with limited communication to their home planet. You won, you got the prize.
 As the second last innocent person has been voted off and thrown into space, desperately trying to prove their innocence while also cursing out both you and your darling for being either partners in crime, or for being puppeteered by one sick individual, you can see a lot of guilt in your darling's eyes.
 That guilt being slowly transformed into a slight realization of something terrific- What if they really WERE voting the wrong person? But at this time, the only other option would be- You! But that couldn't be possible, right?!
 Oh dear, it's not like the truth would have never come out! To think this wouldn't have happened would be foolish.
 As they're shaking, crying their eyeballs out as they keep running away from you in the empty labyrinth that you created. You can choose whatever pleases you more now, however your pleasure will soon be cut short if you don't make a decision as to what your next step will be moving forward.
 If you had anyone waiting for you to come back, like an assassin's contractor, a planet with friends happily awaiting your arrival (hopefully with some leftovers), or maybe some sort of space police searching for their lonely bandit- How would you bring back this human with you? Would you just ditch all of your responsibilities and ignore all dangers for them? What if you felt hungry again? The food is now scarce…
 And what about mating!? Oh dear, you'll need to search for food for you, your new partner and the future children you'll have, correct?? Oh my- Just thinking about it makes you a bit nervous, it's good to think ahead but perhaps you're overcomplicating things, try focusing on the now, and the now requires you to make amends with your new partner.
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stop-saying-tootsie · 9 months
48, 41, 43, 44 (cap and pat) and 38 :)
oh hey eli
48. What do you think the ghosts' jobs would be in a modern living-human AU where they're all just chaotic housemates?
my favorite kind of question >:)
i will preface this with: i am projecting as an elementary education major at university, and honestly i haven’t seen the show in so long that i don’t know if these are based off true characteristics, or the version that i’ve created in my mind bc of fan theories
robin - astronomer, no question, he’s so smart and would love mapping the stars and discovering new galaxies
humphrey - everyone (including me) puts him as a principal type, which i do agree fits pretty well. i think he’d enjoy being around kids and they’d definitely find him entertaining. also part of me wants him to be a chef for some reason
mary - she’d have a stand at the farmer’s market every week with really cool baskets and tons of food to sell, and cap would help her garden bc i said so
kitty - i really think she’d be a teacher, but definitely for much younger grades, she’d be so fun for primary aged students
thomas - do y’all remember trish from austin and ally? yeah that’s thomas in a modern au
fanny - she’d have no job, she came across a large sum of money after her husband died so she just sits at home with dante all day <3
cap - get this man into local theatre !!! (pat would drag him along and before you know it cap is the star), otherwise he’d probably enjoy a quiet job at a library, without much talking
pat - he’d definitely still be a scout master, and honestly he would make a fantastic teacher. he’s got the optimism needed for it, and he’s great at motivating people, so yeah absolutely
julian - he’d be fired from his MP job so he’d try to get into local government, and would fail, so his entire life is just attempting to campaign and mooching off the others
41. Let's settle this once and for all. Who's the real leader, the Captain or Pat?
i gotta give it to Pat. as much as i adore Cap, he’s too rigid </3 obviously in the military or other instances he’d be great at leading!! but with the ghosts, Pat just fits the vibe
43. You've heard rumours of a tenth upstairs ghost who doesn't often venture out of their room to visit with the other residents of the house. Who are they? (i.e. make up a ghost OC. I know i'm putting you on the spot. I just want to see what you come up with.)
okay i’m terrible at coming up with OCs oh god
it’s a teen who snuck into the house in the early 2000s and is honestly too embarrassed to show his face. he’s probably 16 or so, and was supposed to be meeting a “friend”, but got stood up, so he figured why not drink some of the alcohol that was up in the attic,,,it was not alcohol (honestly who knows what it was, one second he was fine and the next he was looking down at himself)
the reason he doesn’t venture downstairs is because he’s got a massive crush on like. pretty much all the ghosts, and mike and alison, but surprise!! he found out after a couple years that he can turn invisible (which was a relief because he thought every time he DID go downstairs, they just ignored him)
so he definitely listens in on all their convos, which frankly solidified his crush on most of them weirdly enough
also he wears jorts and a hawaiian shirt (he’s just like me fr)
44. me a song you think [insert character name here] would like, or a song that reminds you of them!
South by Hippo Campus is SO Cap and i’ll die on that hill BUT. a possible contender is The Astronomer from Ghost Quartet, very nice song and idk!! feels a bit like Cap!!
for Pat hmmm…i really like giving him ABBA or Queen songs, they’re just so perfect, so we’re going with Radio Gaga <3 (i swear at some point i did a post listing several songs for each ghost, and i literally have the playlist, but i can’t find the post no matter how hard i look so maybe i never posted it </3)
sorry to reuse these songs bc i’ve definitely provided them as answers before, but i haven’t listened to anything but will wood in months so i have no new music options
38. It's your turn to pick a movie for film club! What are you watching?
oh this is so much pressure coming from you eli
my personal favorite movie is richard jewell, so i would obviously choose that just to make them watch it. though i do think they’d enjoy the suspense, and absolute shitshow the FBI is
i may also go for Luca, because i think they’d all like it (cap may resonate particularly well)
and then of course the barbie movie <3 everyone needs to see it once in their life (or death)
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klonoadreams · 1 year
Why would N and Sawyer have been raised separately?
Also, say Sawyer had a similar experience of being exposed to only hurt pokemon, imagine—Sawyer only knows sad pokemon, or only knows angry ones, and this triggers some instinctive response that the dormant one doesn't fully understand
raised separately in this case in that N was never allowed to interact with any other humans (his interactions with them were limited, even given his foster sisters). Given how Sawyer was effectively getting red flags by just BEING in Team Plasma and subconsciously acting on it around her parents, to her absolute detriment (her saying she didn't like Ghetsis really put her through hell).
the SI OC finally emerging and the temporary amnesia (at this point, it's more trauma-based amnesia, especially when paired up with the severe venipede poisoning) was somewhat of a blessing in disguise, because HOLY SHIT.
I can legitimately IMAGINE the reasoning behind that Pokemon interaction, and a lot of it coming from whichever Team Plasma members were caring for Sawyer, like...N gets brought back and he's kinda fucked up, making a LOT of Pokemon noises, sometimes even growling or whimpering (not me crying over the fact that he would've likely gotten punished for something that comes naturally to him, given his upbringing like WHAT THE FUCK).
And you got this BRILLIANT IDEA LIKE, "hey, lets give him a playmate. we have that bargaining chip, yeah???"
so trying to replicate a similar situation, while adding in a control factor of sorts while N is also...going through it (before they just decided to grab Anthea and Concordia).
It was more or less trying to get it in N's head that Pokemon and Humans should live apart, and whatever bullcrap he was getting fed to help further Ghetsis's agenda.
bUT LIKE THE SI OC IS STILL IN SAWYER, JUST DORMANT. it still gets so many red flags and anxiety, until it is effectively beaten into them to just act a certain way until they can get away.
The fact that Sawyer can still deal with her Sewaddle and other hostile Pokemon interacting with her FAR BETTER than those of Team Plasma putting her into fight or flight mode REALLY says a lot about her upbringing.
lmao can you just imagine her fucking melting into someone's embraces, like, "Huh?"
and just crying, because it's probably the first time she's ever been genuinely hugged????
despite the dissonance in her soul creating this negative feedback in most Pokemon while she adjusts to what is effectively her new life, it is not done purposely - like, even with how her Sewaddle is, later on, still being a hostile brat, she does NOT hate Sawyer. There just came a point where she couldn't figure out how to act on some of the latent feelings of affection that kept resurfacing more and more, as she worked her way through her eventual evolution into a Leavanny. But that doesn't stop her from being so damn protective of Sawyer.
You'd even get some of the Audino that hissed at her to like...want to apologize later on, with Sawyer receiving so many little trinkets and gifts through the Pokemon Center system, because the Audino were just so EMBARRASSED. even have that little birthday surprise that happened during Gen VI and VII, where you enter a Pokemon Center and get a nice happy birthday.
Sawyer is a very emotional person who deserves the world. She might get hurt a lot, and certainly, the treatment she gets from some Pokemon could be better, but at the end of the day, she isn't alone. And that's honestly good enough for her, the longer she realizes how much nicer it is to be with them instead of hobbling off on her own.
until then, poor Sawyer. She and N just handshaking over their terrible childhoods.
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ayotamacheck · 2 years
I'm so happy you like Cassandra! I warn you this is messy and kinda long. So possible spoilers for a story not even written?: Basically early on in the story it's discovered, unsurprisingly, that Pufferfish is doing illegal things on the the side so the main gang decides to take matters in their own hands (who is apart of the gang and how is still being worked on, but I know it includes Yuri, Surya, and Scott. Yuri who is understandingly concerned about Cassie farming with a shoulder injury. Surya who becomes best friend #1 and accidental wingman. And Scott who's just here for a good time) As the story goes along Cassie starts having weird dreams and it's revealed that there's some sort of shadow monster thing sleeping deep within the island and Pufferfish is waking it up. So yeah that's a problem.
Then the whole third eye awakening thing happens with the chieftain; Cassie starts doing the bundles and slowly becomes the "vessel" for the Goddess. A domino effect of magical shenanigans happen, the gang becomes "Team Starlet", Ling and the chieftain become team advisors from home base aka the lab. Kira, Wakuu, and a Poyko detective oc I made just for this get involved eventually. And Ben somehow?? Also shoutout to Raj and his coffee and Theo gets the merfolk's support as well.
Lily hacks into Karen's computer at one point. A group chat gets made. Jim probably punches someone. Chaem definitely punches someone. Cassie punches several people. The "final battle" comes along and Cassie legit dies for a second but its okay she gets better. The whole town helps out in their own way even if they realize it or not.... Poor Connor doesn't know what's happening. He's surprised he hasn't had a heart attack yet.
Varying subplots and miscellaneous things involve: Lily going through a sexuality crisis which cultivates in her and Jim having a really sweet moment were she comes out. And then a few days later, Jim nearly goes into shock when he realizes that it's Cassandra of all people Lily likes. Theo's just confused on how Lily ended up dating a jock. Poor Scott gets subjected to an entire combat training montage, thanks to Kira and Cassie, cause they need his archeologist skills in the cavern but he has to be able to defend himself. Also possibly a roommates to lovers situation with him and Charles?? I'm still on the fence. Oh and Cassie keeps quiet about her past for the first half of the story, except to Yuri and Charles cause of health reasons, nobody recognizes her except Chaem vaguely. So when the truth finally comes out everyone's in awe besides Chaem whose just shouting that she knew her from somewhere. And last but not least towards the end (year 4ish?) Cassie's twin brother Jason moves to the island cause of unfigured out reasons.
So yeah that's all I've got so far. I'm so sorry about the length I wanted to ramble more than I thought I did. I really want to write a proper fanfic about it but I have a horrible track record when it comes to stories. Not to mention I don't have a computer to use and I hate using my phone to type stories.... So wish me luck I guess? 😂
YOOO WHAT?? this is literally so cool!!
no joke this reads like it would be the plot of a whole tv show. an AMAZING fic at the very least. all ive got is this summary and im already super invested!! i love the roles you're giving to npcs; the main gang feels like they would be super fun to see interactions between, especially as stuff develops :0 and the portion with lily and jim having a really sweet moment when she comes out is so cute!! wingman surya?? top tier perfect in every way. and the idea of scott getting a whole training montage is so funny i can't 😭😭 (and possible roommate to lovers?? 👀👀 ooh??👀👀)
AND a twin brother at the end too?? amazing??
if you wrote a fic for this id read it so fast!! this is so cool im so invested already 😭 don't apologize about the length at all im loving every word, do not hesitate to send me more if you think it up 👀
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ghoulfr13nd · 2 months
hiii! omg i love this, from now music anon 🎶 is my signature!!! :D you know, i'm not surprised Autoheart's a introvert magnet! the energy during this concert must've been interesting! fgasjk speaking of! how many concerts were you to? 👀 and hmm for now maybe i'd hold myself from sending my playlists, talking to you actually inspired me to make a specific one and now I'm a roll! fgsdj and my method is like- i hoard all my favorite music in a one biiiiiiig playlist (called "F" because "F"avorite but also there's so much songs that at the end I would have to press F to pay respects to anyone who'd listen to it all 🫡) and when i crave a certain segment of said playlist separetly and i don't feel like scrolling through it i pick a letter that gives me… the vibes i look for and then I put songs there, i guess! so far i wasn't able to fill all letters so i don't worry about running out any time soon, i certainly don't compare to your number of playlists! 121 is like woah! :O i don't listen to much rap as well, also jazz isn't usually what i go for, but I won't say no to them! but since i basically grew up on like- metal, rock (especially punk rock) those are the sounds i gravitate to a lot! (though I have a whole long playlist with mainly Hard Metal so I know what not to send you for sure when/if i get courage, that's a whole different vibe! fgdjsakf) BUT WAIT! you have oc playlists!? omg could you give links to them so I'm sure I won't miss any of them pretty pleease?! i'd like to listen to them and try to guess their personality based solely on their playlists, if that'd be ok??? 🥺
all that talk about autoheart being introverted and now i’ve forgotten how to talk to people ;u; its fine hfskjddk (i’m at a concert right now!)
I’ve been to uhh… several. I don’t think I’ve ever counted them out. The first concert I ever went to was for Hippocampus. The one I’m at now is Crane Wives. I’ve seen Matt and Kim twice (three time?? maybe?? I dont rememer) and I’ve seen Rainbow Kitten Surprise twice. I went to go see Barnes Courtney, and I’ve also seen Kero Kero Bonito. And Metric ofc. I also sawwww. I thin LANY? with one of my friends who was a big fan. I saw Cavetown (with Chloe Moriondo as the opener). I think that’s everything! I do have two more concerts coming up, but I’ll talk about those another time.
I’m a little bit of a playlist hoarder!! I’m impressed with your playlist frugality. I LOVE THAT F IS (F)AVORITES THATS VERY FUNNY TO ME
I like metal, but I also have crazy anxiety and sometimes it stresses me out and I get a little overstimulated :0 I’ve been wanting to get more into it though! Does, uh, Worthikids count as metal? I listen to him a lot fjskdjjd.
Mac and Ves are the main ones. Linsey is important to me but I haven’t figured out exactly how I want her incorporated into their story.
Important context: Mac and Linsey are both more or less in their 20s, and Linsey is probably like 10-12.
Anyway I hope you’re having a good night!!!
0 notes
shidoukanae · 4 years
YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise​
Favorite series:
My favorite series based on what I watched and enjoyed would have to be Arc-V!!! It's honestly the series that got me to adore YGO when previously I'd seen YGO as, and I chilidishly quote, "uncool". Everything about Arc-V is pretty much wonderful: Yuya's presence as a "everyone MUST be happy" kind of character in a plot that discusses themes of war, revenge, and despair is absolutely refreshing (especially when Yuya's ideals of happiness are stripped from him and made a mockery of by, *coughs* one of my favorite characters in the franchise *coughs*). 
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I love how the four Yuu boys are a wonderful combination of "protagonists" (/anatagonists) and how they each play off of each other's weaknesses and strengths, often acting as mirrors to each other in their individual dimensions while having amazing interactions (Yugo and Yuri, anyone? Yuri and Yuya?).
I admire how the endgame plot is a perversion of Yuya's ideals: he gets what he wants, showering happiness upon all, but that "happiness" is corrupted into the notion of entertainment. While Yuya seeks to provide people with smiles and laughter, to give them hope to work together through tough times and to stay strong in the face of adversity, his "counterparts" in the endgame are really good at acting as Yuya's mirror: showing that his style of performing can also be used to appease the bloodthirst of one's own self and that happiness can be corrupted into self-deserving power.
...Hard to put that into exact words without spoiling a lot of things but, gosh, let's just say that Yuri and ____ are the perfect mirrors to Yuya in terms of what his entertainment dueling style is meant to be.
The plot over all is pretty good! I won't lie and say it stands strong all the way throughout the story but the first half is amazing and there are some pretty strong episodes in the second half (Yugo and Rin, the parasite episodes in general, Yuri Yuri YURI). I can definitely say that the humor is there, the characters are amazing (if nothing else, watch for the Yuu Boys, the Bracelet Gals, and Shun versus Sora!!) and having come into the show around episode 104, I was pleasantly surprised by the trip Arc-V brought me and how it played with its protagonist, giving him hope, kicking him down, and toying with his mind - just like the way a warzone might to any idealistic individual.
In terms of other series, I like VRAINS but only up to like episode 19 (or the end of the Data Bank arc). It had potential and I kept hoping it would get better but the plot was constantly floundering, there are plot holes abundant (sewer monsters, ugh), character development is inconsistent not to mention very shallow, VRAINS has some of the best side characters but they're kicked to the curb by a bland protagonist and a villain that could've been so much cooler but they made him a sympathetic mess.
...I have a lot of gripes with VRAINS but, if it were to ever be rewritten with clear goalposts and plot twists in mind (not to mention development on ideas like Charisma Duelists because at the end of the show I still have not a fucking clue what a Charisma Duelists is or was) I would say it has potential to become my favorite series but Arc-V clearly beats it for me in every category lmao.
Zexal’s also really good too!!! I don’t get all the hate behind it because it’s actually really interesting and engaging (also IV’s definition of fanservice is literally the only type of fanservice I will ever accept) and I think I’ve even cried a couple of times during the course of the plot which is like,,, shocking considering it’s not a show I thought I’d cry over (I cried in Arc-V too but goddamn does tiny Yuya just want to make you tear up lmao). This show is really good emotionally and it’s literally so stupid how Kaito carries a lot of the early and middle game of the show yet most of the meat of the plot doesn’t begin to unravel until the second season.
Also, if you ever want to watch a show of 100+ episodes that is so masterfully written that there is foreshadowing for stuff in like episode 130+ on EPISODE ONE, please watch this. Literally there are so many hints of what is going to happen in the future in the early episodes and you won’t really be able to tell what those hints are until you’ve finished the show but goddamn when you go back and rewatch things it does indeed feel amazing how much foreshadowing they threaded into the show without you ever knowing...(please don’t search for spoilers if you intend to watch this. I went into the show knowing some spoilers tho not all and, while I was still pleased by what I watched, I honestly can agree the show is A Lot Better without knowing ANYTHING)
Favorite Protagonist: Yuya. For sure, out of all the series, Yuya. 
He’s a refreshing protagonist, especially considering he shines in a world of war and despair. He’s also someone who you empathize with right at the start and want to hope in, especially since he is the “happiness” in a word of “madness” and “sorrow”. He’s not someone out to save the world (not really, anyways), but his actions touch on the lives of others anyways, giving people in a hope in a world that is otherwise cruel and heartless. Also, it really helps that he’s able to pull you into his world of “egaos”, making you believe in him and root for him despite how cheesy his ideals may or may not sound.
Also love how, despite being the centerpiece of “happiness”, Yuya isn’t allowed to always be happy :> Not spoiling plot related things but if you like protagonists going off the rails insane at times, Yuya’s definitely a fun protagonist for that!!!
Favorite Rival:
Kaito Tenjou!!! Literally the best rival in the series that I’ve seen. Everything about him is literally perfect ngl. From the way he’s chillingly introduced, with the spine-tingling whistles and cruel, almost merciless nature, to the way he slowly becomes sympathetic while also remaining a terrifying presence whenever he appears...I love him????
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Favorite BFF:
Does Shoichi count? Because like...he’s Yusaku’s closest friend and ally in the series and I generally don’t pay attention to the other BFF’s in the other series (or at least, the ones I can recall bc I know in Zexal that Yuma has a whole group of friends lmao).
But I like Shoichi!! He cares about Yusaku a lot, is pretty damn cool as a sidekick hacker, his sideplot with his brother was actually honestly endearing and I loved the mystery about him. His early-game jokes w/ Ai to tease Yusaku were also a good laugh.
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Favorite GFF: 
Not a girl friend forever for the main protagonist (although she like...lowkey confessed to him...though that plot really never went anywhere so I still don’t know what the fuck THAT was about) but,,, Ema Bessho,,
If y’all knew me back in my peak YGO days when VRAINS was airing,,, this gal was and STILL is my favorite girl of the YGO series. Even though she was pretty much done dirty imo I still love her (even despite considering she’s been made a damsel-in-distress at least three times, she’s only ever won one duel on-screen despite being supposedly good at dueling, ngl they could’ve done so much more with her but tbh she’s mostly just an asset to solve problems at whim and barely gets character development/does nothing but watch and spectate stuff late-game).
Even though she’s like...the unfortunate side character who’s probably meant to be more fanservice than interesting, in the first 19 episodes (and even the Revolver vs. her fight as well as the one time she meets Aoi IRL early-game) made her out to be a lot cooler and complex than she ended up being. I mean,,, a hacker gal who’s self-serving, cynical, and cold-hearted taking on the tasks of her (potentially ex) boyfriend while being really nice to his sister to the point she baffles even herself,,, we could’ve had a really unique and cool character to play around with here but instead we got...cool-ass character with potential to be something more reduced to a spectator with nothing better to do than idolize the main protagonist and have a plot with her brother that honestly detracted from her character more than it added to it imo.
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Also Ema could’ve been a female Yuri but,,, nope,,, they decided she was better as a background piece instead TwT
Favorite Villain: Yuri.
Literally Yuri.
I could choose the leather jacket w/ fluff boi in a certain series because hot damn was that guy convincing AF that he wasn’t an evil psychopath (and even while knowing that he was, I still got fooled into thinking he was a good guy somehow omg) however,,, I’ve always held a love for Yuri and the way he’s been portrayed.
Despite ALWAYS being the bad guy, the show has always made this purple fucker into the most entertaining character on-screen. He even beats Yuya sometimes in terms of how entertaining he is - that’s literally how good he is,,
Also his facial expressions are amazing, he’s a VERY VALID threat to the main cast (and his creeper levels are not only off the charts but literally called out by the main female protagonist herself lmao), and he acts as the perfect foil to Yuya, battling not to entertain others but to entertain himself.
Also, he likes killing people.
No this is not a joke.
He literally likes killing people. And is pretty sadistic about it, too.
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(^^^^ for those who don’t get the joke, “Fusion” is pronounced “Yuugo” which sounds similar to “Yugo” which is what,,, Yuri is making fun of,,, more context is needed of course but this is a Great Running Gag)
Favorite card:
I don’t know if it actually exists as an actual card but...that crystal dragon from the YGO movie with the glass pyramid. Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon...it’s really pretty...I love it...
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Favorite Episode:
I’m...too lazy to search for names of these episodes but I can give brief summaries of them,,, because I can’t choose,,,
Arc-V: Shun vs. Sora (ALL episodes). Hot damn if you have never watched YGO but want to try and see for yourself why people like it: WATCH THESE EPISODES. I can’t explain how amazing these episodes are and, while I admit jumping straight into them might have you missing out on some important context (such as who Shun is or why Sora’s battle tactics lead to revelation) it’s honestly an amazing fight regardless. The battle starts off plain enough - there’s obvious tension, it seems like a typical fight of a battle royale, etc. - my god does the battle ramp up in emotional tension and promptly kick you in the gut with not only how blindsided you’ve been, but it also showcases just how cruel these “entertainment duels” can really get.
Any episode with Yuri. Literally any episode he’s in. 
I think this is like...episode 8 of VRAINS...but whenever it is that Akira hires Ema to find the reason why Aoi just...straight up got knocked into a coma. Literally this is my favorite episode when it comes to Ema. The way she makes fun of Akira even while aware of his situation,,, her cruel selfishness and desire for money bubbling to the surface, the way she confesses how she can’t be trusted willingly and still asks Akira why he’s hiring her,,, god I love this episode in terms of what Ema could’ve always been.
Episode 13 (/14?) of Zexal!!! This is the episode Kaito appears and when the show REALLY picks up. Kaito is a fun bastard of a rival and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop getting chills of him walking in, debris frozen in time all around him, as he approaches his victim, whistling an eerie children’s tune as he gets ready to close in for the kill,,,,
Favorite Deck to Use:
I don’t...really play the game itself but...I have used a couple of decks and I guess you can say I really love Raid Raptors??? First of all, those warbirds make really fun sounds I love ‘em in the anime but they’re also just fun to use in general (even tho I used a,,, very basic deck for them,,, I love them still).
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Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum or Link:
XYZ bc it’s really the only summoning method I’m used to lol :P. Also XYZ loyalist I guess???? 
Years in fandom: roughly five to six years iirc? I mean, I was a fan of the early day YGO and watched it as a kid but not active enough to be in the fandom for it lmao. Also not in the fandom atm because Sevens lost my attention (it’s a good show!!! I’m just unfortunately more a fan of things with serious plots and darker themes and it’s hard for me to stomach slice-of-life shows that don’t focus on a mature and engaging plot). However, Arc-V and Zexal holds a special place in my heart (as does VRAINS, begrudgingly) and so I occasionally find myself wandering back to these shows like right now,,, 
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azurethevampire · 3 years
“Dad, don’t leave me”
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Summary: ‼️Set in 3x19 "I Am the Apocalypse".‼️ Kelly Severide's daughter learns about the attack to Chicago Med and Firehouse 51's involvement. She rushes to the hospital but is it too late to tell him that she has accepted him in her life as her father?
Words: 3700
A/N: The reader is based on one of my ocs in the One Chicago verse. She likes to be called Tin because she hates her birth name. She is also Kelly Severide's daughter.
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The news reached your school fast. There had been some kind of explosion. Kid after kid spread different things about what had taken place. 
A boy who sat behind you in class declared that this meant a war had started. Whatever had happened must have been bad to cause this kind of havoc, but world war three? You didn’t believe it for a second. This was Chicago. There hardly went a day by without something bad happening. 
The teachers tried to keep the students attention on the teaching but few had luck in that area. Your class probably was one of the worst - your teacher was already shouting at you all to “please stay quiet and sit back on your seats!” But it didn’t do much. You wondered if he would give up soon. 
You felt bad for him. It must have been horrible to teach a bunch of hormone whirring fifteen-year-olds about something most of them clearly had no interest in. 
“Hey Y/N”, somebody whispered near you and you felt something poke at your side. You flinched, tightening your hand into a fist under your desk as you fought against the instinct to punch the other kid to their nose. 
“What?” you hissed quietly, making sure you kept your attention on the teacher who had gotten most of the class to calm down at least somehow. You already had a headache from the uproar, the last thing you needed would be a trip to the principal’s office because you had punched someone when you had mistaken their intentions for an attack. 
Besides, you couldn’t imagine Kelly being very happy either if he had to come to get you in the middle of a shift — again. 
“Isn’t your dad working at firehouse fifty-one?” the boy asked. 
Mention of the same firehouse that your father — not that you called Kelly Severide that — indeed did work in, made you turn your head quicker than was probably safe for your neck, to look at your peer who had been speaking. 
You think his name was  Colin and he had a strange look on his face as he slid something on his desk so that it was closer to you. A phone, you realised. You would have been surprised if it hadn’t been for what was on the little screen: 
“Explosion at Chicago Med's ER!” 
“As of yet the details are unclear but here’s what we know so far: something exploded at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre's ED about an hour ago. The section of the building has been put on lockdown leading us to believe that there is a contagious disease in there. 
We have yet to know just how many have died or were injured in the explosion but our sources say there were several people in when it happened including some firefighters from Chicago Fire Department’s firehouse 51.
Was this simply an accident or something bigger: is this a biological terrorist attack against Chicago?” 
Your heart started to beat faster the further you get reading the article that had been posted only minutes ago with the promise that it would be updated as new information got in. You couldn’t wait that long! 
Blood rushed to your ears as your mind focused only on one thing: you had to get to Chicago’s Medical hospital. Now. You sprang up from your seat so fast that your chair fell on the floor with a loud bang - efficiently silencing the rest of the class, not that you noticed. In a haste, you pushed your books and pens into your backpack and rushed towards the classroom’s entrance. The students in your class all stared at you with varying faces of admiration, shock, and judgement. 
“Miss Morgan, where do you think you are going? Sit back on your seat, I have not dismissed this class yet!” called after you but he was too late as you were already on the door. 
“I’m sorry!” you decided to call over your shoulder. “I have to go!” 
“Come back here right this instant!” Your teacher yelled after you but you were already running down the hallway. 
It took excruciatingly long for you to reach the hospital as you had to run the rest few blocks because the traffic had jammed up due to the crowd in front of the gates. 
You had to fight your way through countless people before you finally got to the gate - only to be stopped by a CPD officer guarding the gate. 
"You can't go in there kid", he said. 
"But nothing. You either back away on your own or I'm going to have you removed from here." 
You pushed against the officer in an effort to get past him. You of course knew that attacking a police officer didn't get you anywhere but you wanted to get to Kelly! Or someone else from 51 who could tell you what was going on. 
The thought that Kelly Severide, who was your father even if you had refused to call him that, was inside there… hurt… or worse, made your blood run cold. 
You couldn't lose him. Not now when you finally started to believe that he really wasn't the scumbag your mother had claimed him to be. 
Not now when you finally had begun to believe that he wouldn't abandon you. 
"Hey!" The police officer said firmly, grabbing both of your arms before you could cause any real damage.
Tears of frustration and fear filled your eyes as you tried to fight against him. "Let me go! My dad is in there! KELLY!" You screamed his name, not caring for the slightest that you got everybodys' attention - including the news crew - "Lieutenant Severide!" You yelled again, still struggling against the patrolman who tried to drag you away. 
"Hey! Patrolman, wait!" A familiar voice called out suddenly and you looked towards it to see none other than chief Boden jogging towards the gate. 
You immediately stopped your struggling against the police officer, allowing for him to grab your arm in a near-painful hold. 
Boden only glanced at you, but even with the gate between you, you could see the way his jaw tightened. Bad feeling settled into the pit of your stomach at that. 
"Let her through, officer. She's the kid of one of my firemen", Chief Boden said. 
"I'm sorry Chief but I can't let anyone through there." 
"Please!" You cried out, tears now streaming free as you tried to tug your arm free again but it was in vain; the patrol man's hold kept. 
"I will personally vouch for her and keep her away from harm's way, officer. Let her through." 
"Fine! But if anything happens to her it's on you, chief Boden." 
The man nodded. "I know. Open this gate", the gate was opened just enough that you could slip into the other side. Chief Boden was quick to put his arm around you and start walking you away from the gate. You had already had plenty of attention from both nosy citizens and news cameras, no doubt. 
As Boden rubbed your arm in a comforting gesture, you knew something was wrong. Your eyes roamed ahead of you, searching, but to your horror, you couldn't see your father's face among the firemen outside the ER. 
"What's going on? Wh-where's Kelly?" 
"Erin Lindsay tried to get you discharged early from school to bring you here but she missed you by a few minutes. Now, normally I would scold anyone for that kind of thing, but in these circumstances, I won't." 
"I had to come when the news said that fifty-one was in here - I'm not sorry for cutting school." 
"Damn social media", Boden mumbled, guiding you to a stop behind the squad 3 truck. 
The sick feeling in your stomach grew. Where was your father? "Boden, where is he?" You asked again, desperation and fear both clear in you voice and on the expression on your face. 
Chief Wallace Boden placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to be at an eye-level with you. He looked you right in the eye, and the raw and pure emotion of sorrow, pain, and worry you saw in his hit you with full power; this man didn't just feel these things for his wife and son. He felt them for all of the firefighters and paramedics working in his house. Because they were his family too. 
And that family had included you too for a while now. 
When you saw the unhidden tears watering Boden's eyes you felt your own eyes tearing up again. It was almost instinctive to grab Boden's arms. 
"Y/N, I need you to stay strong now, okay?" You felt yourself move your head up and down slightly even though you didn't know if you could do what he asked. "Your father was almost in the centre of the explosion. He was hit badly, Y/N." 
"But…", you swallowed against the lump in your throat. "But he's gonna be okay, right?" 
Boden's eyes seemed to sadden even more. "There is a doctor who's doing everything she can. Mills and Brett are with him… I'm not going to lie to you, kid. There is a chance that he might…" 
"No!" You cried out. Your eyes caught the sight of the ER's locked doors and your body seemed to work on its own as you suddenly found yourself slipping from the hold Boden still had on your shoulders and making a dash towards the doors. 
You didn't get more than a few steps in before an arm grabbed you from the waist and pulled you against a broad chest. 
"Lemme go! I have to go to him!" 
Boden pinned your wailing arms against your sides and held you firmly against his chest. "I'm sorry, Y/N, you can't go in there. Nobody goes in or out until we know what we are dealing with. Calm down!" 
"But Kelly's in there!" You protested, but a lot weaker than a few seconds ago. "What if… what if he doesn't…" you couldn't make yourself actually say the words. You didn't even want to think about it but the thought was now stuck in your head, repeating it all over again: What if Kelly wouldn't make it? What if he died? 
Sobs racked your whole being as you suddenly stopped fighting against Boden and instead turned around in his hold, grabbed a handful of his smoke-smelling jacket and buried your head against his chest. He changed his hold on you and hugged you tightly. 
He wanted to tell you that it would be okay but he couldn't. He couldn't promise that to you.
"I've got you", he whispered instead. 
After a moment you had calmed down a bit and pulled back from Boden. "I want to speak to him", you whispered. 
"He's unconscious - you can't talk with him." 
You shook your head. "No with him, to him, please Boden. I want to tell him something… and I know he probably won't hear it but what if he does?" 
Boden looked at you thoughtfully for a moment. Then he spoke to the radio attached to his shoulder. "Brett, Mills, I know you are doing everything you can to save Severide. Here's someone who wants to say something to him. Is that okay?" 
The few seconds of silence felt like hours to you before Sylvie Brett's voice came through. "Go ahead, chief, put her on." 
Boden nodded by himself, then he pressed a button on his radio and looked at you. "Go ahead, Y/N." 
You took a deep, wavering breath before starting. "Kelly…", it felt wrong to call him by name. He wasn't just Kelly anymore, was he? New tears burned your eyes as you tried again: "... Dad, don't leave me. Please… I know, I know that I'm a brat to you a lot of the time and I'm sorry, dad, I'm so sorry but please fight this…", now you sobbed again. "Please don't leave me alone, dad; I need you."
You didn't know if Kelly Severide heard you at all but you wished he did. And you wished he would pull through because you really did need him. 
You, and firehouse fifty-one. 
You weren't sure how much time had passed after your confession. You had never called Kelly your dad - hell, you had never wanted to call anyone your dad, but somehow Kelly Severide had managed to get that spot in your life that should have been his since the day you were born. You had been mad at him for a long time for leaving you alone with your mother. 
It hadn't mattered to you then that he had not known you even existed. In your mind, you had needed someone to blame for your life before and Kelly - a man you never even knew by name nor face - had been a perfect scapegoat to place your blame on. 
You had never dared to let yourself imagine a life with your father, but even you had had to admit that Kelly was trying to make up for the fourteen years he had lost, he really was. And he had been there in the past months, he had been there for you even when you had clearly seen that he had no idea how to deal with you. He might not be like the dads in the books you had read when you were just a little kid but he was a dad. He was your dad. 
Yet you had never called him that to his face; and now you had uttered that word, one you had always thought you would never address anyone by, three times. 
And you felt guilt gnaw at your insides, because what if your dad died believing that you had never accepted him? 
You had no idea how much or little time had passed. You were in some kind of haze. Everything was slightly out of focus, every sound slightly off-tune. 
You had been made to sit on squad 3 truck and there was a blanket around your shoulders. Mouch was sitting up there with you, telling stories about anything he could think of but mostly about things that your dad had done on the job, the saves he had made. You were grateful to him but couldn't focus on a lot of what he was saying. 
You ran your fingers along the rim of the helmet that sat on your lap - your dad's helmet - when the door next to you was yanked open. 
"Your dad is stable, Y/N." 
A sniff escaped you with those words. "He-He’s going to be okay?" 
"He is." 
"Thank God", Mouch breathed out, and you slouched in your seat as relief hit you so hard you were surprised the emotion didn't knock you off your seat. 
A hand came to rest on top of your knee and you placed yours on top of Boden's for a few moments. 
Then the radio on the chief's shoulder cracked to live again. 
"Chief, we are clear. Not contagious. They're opening up the ER now." 
You wasted no time jumping off from the firetruck. 
You were among the first people to go inside the ER from the outside. Christopher Herrmann was just inside the doors and when he saw you he was quick to pull you into a quick hug. "How're you holding up, kid?" 
You could only shrug. You just wanted to get to your father, and Christopher could tell that. 
"You can go, Herrmann, I'll take Y/N to Severide", Matt Casey's voice came behind you and you turned your head enough to give him a grateful look. 
Christopher tapped you gently on the shoulder, "Hang in there, kid. You're dad's a tough one to crack", he said before leaving you in the care of his lieutenant. 
Which was a relief actually. While you had spent a lot of your free time at the station lately getting to know everyone in the firehouse, you were most comfortable with Matt — after Kelly, of course. Mostly because you shared an apartment with him until Kelly could find you two something of your own. 
Matt guided you down a hallway and before you knew it, you two were outside a hospital room. There on the bed lay Kelly Severide. He had a couple of cuts on the side of his forehead, you could see from here but you had been told that the more serious wounds were on his side. 
"He's gonna pull through, Y/N", Casey said. "But Severide's going to need to stay in the hospital for a little while." 
You looked up at him. "Where do I have to go?" 
Casey seemed taken aback by your question. Then he turned you gently to face him. "What are you talking about? You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. It's just a couple of days, of course you're staying home with me until Kelly comes back", he said, and as you opened your mouth to answer, he held up a hand to stop you. "You're family now Y/N. What sort of friend would I be if I abandoned you now, huh?" 
You opened and closed your mouth a few times as you tried to figure out what to say but couldn't find the words. Then you acted on impulse: you stood up on your toes and leaned up to give Matt a quick peck on the cheek. "Thank you, Matt", you whispered. 
He smiled at you. "There's nothing to thank for, okay? Now go be with Severide, I think he'll want to see you when he wakes up. Call me when you want a ride home, alright?" 
"Okay, I will", you promised. 
Maybe it was a combination of the stress and fear of the day finally releasing as you fell asleep sitting on a chair next to your father's hospital bed. You were holding his hand on your own, head resting on your crossed arms next to his middle. 
You weren't aware of a nurse coming in, smiling fondly at the sight of you two. 
April was leaning against the wall when Kelly stirred awake. He looked down at you when he felt your hand around his. His disoriented gaze softened as he watched the top of your head. He was sure your neck would be stiff sleeping like that. 
"You scared me", April Sexton said quietly. 
Kelly tried to remember what had landed him here but he couldn't. He knew only what he had been told when he had first come to after the surgery. "I don't remember any of it."
"Nothing", Kelly confirmed. His eyes trailed back to you. "How long has she been asleep like that?" 
April's lips twitched. "A while now. You know you should be proud of her; Goodwin tried to make her leave but she talked her out of it."
Kelly carefully tucked his hand out of your hold and stroked your head. "How's she?" 
"Scared", April answered. "But she's a tough kid. Like her father." A wondering look came over her features. "Do you remember hearing her during your surgery?" 
"Y/N was there?!" 
"No, no, of course not", April hurried to calm him down. "Chief Boden let her speak through the radio. We all heard it but I don't think she knows that part." 
"What… I don't remember. What did she say?" 
And April recited your words to him. By the end of it, Kelly's eyes were watered. He looked down at you, coming to a decision as he gently reached with his hand and shook your shoulder.
April slipped out of the room as you sat up wiping the sleep away from your closed eyes. It took you a moment to gather your surroundings, and a second more to realise your dad was awake. 
"Hey kiddo", Kelly said quietly, reaching out to briefly brush your cheek with the side of his knuckles. "I know we are both new to this whole father and daughter thing, new to being a father and a daughter, but you know I'm not giving up, right? No matter how bratty you sometimes get you're not driving me away— I need you too, you know." 
Your eyes widened. "Y-you heard me?" 
Kelly took a gentle hold of your hand as his expression saddened. "I wish I had, Y/N, but a little bird told me what you said." 
You frowned, wondering who had told him. Had his doctor stopped by when you were asleep? As far as you knew there were four people besides you who had for certain heard what you said: Chief Boden, the doctor doing the surgery on your dad, and Sylvie Brett and Peter Mills.
But in the end, did it really matter? You had wanted him to hear those words after all. You wondered why it always took something tragic for people to tell how they felt about someone. 
"I'm glad you're okay… dad." 
Huh, the word didn't sound as strange as you had feared. If anything it was almost… natural. Like you would have always said it. And in a way, you supposed you had always said it — in your dreams. 
"Wow", Kelly breathed out. "There's a word I never thought I would hear myself being called."
"Oh, sorry! I can- I won't call you that unless-" 
Kelly interrupted your sudden panic by raising his hand to your cheek. Surprised you looked at him. He was smiling, eyes shining. 
"I could get used to being called 'dad'", he said to you. 
"I could get used to saying it", you replied. 
He smiled at you and squeezed your hand, and you noticed his eyes were drooping. Leaning over, you shut off the lamp on the table beside his bed and then leaned back on your seat. 
"Good night, dad." 
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pigeontheoneandonly · 3 years
OC Profile
Tagged by the ever-lovely @ghostxofxartemis.  Thank you!!!
Tagging: @dr-ladybird, @swaps55, @rpgwrites, @pushingsian, @dafan7711​, @awhellstothejoe​, @pip-n-flinx​, and anyone else who would like to share.
I haven’t done any Nathaly shit in a loooong time so let’s go!
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My favorite art of her ever, by the insanely talented @kauriart​.  Seriously I still stare at this thing an embarrassing amount of time.
I’ve responded to all of these prompts as of her current statuses in Labyrinth (my ME2 novelization).
Name: Nathaly Zelena Shepard
Alias(es): Zey-Zey by her dad’s family, Nath by people who refuse to acknowledge her hatred of nicknames, Bo by her N7 peers, Nathabee by her ex-fiance Todd (and I can feel the murder rising in her disclosing that to you all)
Gender: Female
Age: 31, currently
Birthdate: April 11, 2154
Place of birth: An Alliance Kodiak en-route to Arcturus Station.  Her mother was reportedly Very Surprised.  The unfortunate private caught on the same transport was reportedly in therapy for years.
Hometown: None, but Phoenix back in UNAS on Earth, or Hellas Naval Base on Mars, probably come closest
Spoken language(s): English, Spanish, and Prothean (thanks Cipher) natively; Dherak, Hessarin, and Vinassi fluently; can get by or communicate a bit in a bunch more.  She did well enough in her basic language primer while training in spec ops to get recommended for additional training at ALI, and she kept taking lessons remotely up until her death, more-or-less for fun.  As she puts it, languages are “her sole academic talent”.
Sexual preference: Bisexual
Occupation: Currently mercenary.  She hates it.
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Red
Height: 6’4”
Scars: Cybernetic and surgical scars from her resurrection.  The damage to her body mostly obliterated earlier scarring.
Color: Changes by the week
Hair color: She likes her natural color well enough, but as a teenager dyed it all kinds of unnatural shades
Song: [I haven’t developed nearly enough headcanon around music in ME to begin to answer this]
Food: Tamales, the way her abuela made them
Drink: Scotch, cold with ice. No, she doesn’t care how it’s supposed to be served.
Have They-
Passed university: She has a degree in philosophy from New Stellar University, an online school, which she earned during her first few years serving as a marine
Had sex: yes
Had sex in public: …yes, technically, though she believes/hopes nobody saw them.  Not her finest moment.
Gotten pregnant: yes
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: yes
Gotten tattoos: yes (sadly, also lost, though strangely not thanks to her death)
Gotten piercings: yes, though currently only her ears are pierced, the others closed up
Been in love: yes, more than once
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: yes
Are They-
A virgin: no
A cuddler: Not really.  Sometimes when she really needs it, but she’d never admit it
A kisser: Absolutely
Scared easily: lol no
Jealous easily: Not… really
Dominant: no
Submissive: no [sidenote: that one fic is a very particular dynamic in a specific context, and I wouldn’t overall characterize her as a sub]
In love: yes
Single: Hell if she knows
Random Questions (tw for self harm/suicide mention)-
Have they harmed themselves: Not intentionally
Thought of suicide: No
Attempted suicide: No.  She’s occasionally wondered if there’s something wrong with her that she hasn’t ever considered it, given some of the shit she’s been through. (What can I say, her issues run deep but occasionally have stranger manifestations.)
Wanted to kill someone: The better question is how many times she’s wanted to kill someone and acted on it.  The answer is not zero.
Have / had a job: She flipped “burgers” at a fast food joint at the Hellas Spaceport as a teenager (Phytoburger, “Home of the best beef that’s never lived!”).  She then enlisted as an Alliance marine at age eighteen, and served until her death at age twenty-nine.  Right now, she will firmly insist she’s not employed rather than make any claim of working for Cerberus.
Have any fears: Lots, most unadmitted to herself. But a big one is a fear of leaving people behind
Sibling(s): None
Parent(s): Hannah and Paul Shepard.  Hannah still serves in the Alliance, while Paul was medically discharged after an accident when Nathaly was fifteen, and currently lives on Mars
Children: That’s a fascinating question! And oddly not especially related to the one about pregnancy further up.
Significant other: Kaidan(?) Shit’s complicated
Pet(s): Several fish, her favorite of which is a VERY grumpy walking catfish
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
deja vu
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based on “deja vu” by Olivia Rodrigo
reader x ex!Jaehyun
genre: angst, fluff, ex lovers au? idk
wc: 3.1k
AN: I wrote this a while ago but I wasn’t planning on releasing or even write it in the first place however, I just fell in love with the lyrics and song when it came out and I could not pass on writing about it. I guess this is my interpretation of the song? Way too many thoughts at night time lol. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 💕
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Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
Running is something you’ve always enjoyed. It’s relaxing, good for your health and helps you clear your mind. Even as a kid, you were always seen running around and giggling. It made you happy.
You’re currently out on a late evening run along the river. This particular area is your favorite place to go to, whether it's for a run, out for a walk or even on the way to work. You like to come here when you need a break from something. The river, the ambience; it made you calm. It’s a special place and means a lot to you. There’s even a cute small store a few minutes away that you discovered when you started coming to this area more often. It’s like a secret place, not a lot of people seem to know about it. Owned by a local lady, she’s so lovely and kind. Her face always lights up whenever you stop by. There’s a lot of memories around here.
It was a really nice day today; clear skies with a few clouds. The sun is starting to set, changing the colors of the sky and clouds with hints of pinks and blues. It kinda reminds you of cotton candy ice cream.
Hmm, you kinda want ice cream now.
You’ve been running for a while now so you decided to jog to the local convenience store and get some ice cream.
As you’re approaching the store, you immediately slow down before stopping completely. You spot someone coming out of the store.
It’s Jaehyun.
His arms around another girl.
You and Jaehyun make brief eye contact with each other. You realise that they’re now walking towards your direction. Snapping out of your thoughts, you lower your head a bit and start walking towards the store trying to avoid having any sort of contact with them. Luckily, you and Jaehyun just walked past each other without acknowledging each other.
But as they were walking towards your direction and walking past, you hear his girlfriend ask him
“Jae, that store is so cute! How did you find it?”
“Oh I was just in this area one day and stumbled upon it. Came here a lot ever since then”
“Well this will definitely be our place from now on, we should come here more often”
That was our place
I found it first
You think to yourself
Stopping again, you turn your head around and spot them smiling and laughing before walking in the store and greeted by the lovely lady there who gave you a huge smile and wave; also waving back at her.
As you’re looking around the store, you think back to the time when you first brought Jaehyun to this area...
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“how am i just finding out about this place??” Jaehyun says as you both are currently walking hand in hand along the river
“well now you know” you chuckle
You tell Jaehyun about how you discovered this area as well as the store up ahead when you took a detour on your way back home from class. One of your classes got cancelled which meant you were finished for the day, much earlier than usual. You didn't have anything planned for the rest of the day so you decided to take a different route back to your house.
It wasn't a very busy place which you grew to love. It was perfect for someone who needed a quieter place to think and relax, away from the crowded pavements and honking cars; a place where you could de-stress
“oh Jae, here's the store, come on!”
You quickly pull Jaehyun towards the store excitedly
As you guys go into the store, you spot the lovely owner. You let out a huge grin and wave as you go up to the counter where she is
“oh, Y/N!! so nice to see you again!”
“oh! and who’s this fine young gentleman?” the lady raises her eyebrows
“this is Jaehyun, my boyfriend” chuckling and gesturing your hand towards him
The lady puts her hands on her chest and looks at you guys adoringly
“oh you guys are such a cute couple! Y/N you want an ice cream?”
“yes please!” nodding your head
“Jae you have got to try the ice cream here! the strawberry flavor is a bonus”
“why am i not surprised that it's strawberry flavored” Jaehyun chuckles
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After browsing around, you go up to the counter where you’re once again greeted by the lovely lady
“hi sweetie! the usual today?”
You nod your head and chuckle “yeah, thanks”
Looking down at the counter, you look like you’re miles away. The lady notices and frowns a bit
“sweetie, you alright?”
You look up and give her a small smile
“yeah, i’m alright”
As you see your ice cream is ready, you take your card out of your pocket getting ready to pay. However, the lady gently pushes your hand away
“it’s on the house”
You look at her with wide eyes
“oh, no i-”
“i insist” giving you a smile and holding onto your hand
“thank you. i promise to pay you back next time!”
The lady waves her hand around
“oh sweetie don't worry about it! just think of it as a thank you for always dropping by my store”
“thank you again” letting out a small laugh
“take care of yourself ok? i’ll see you around”
“i will” giving the lady a smile and a wave bye before going out of the store
As you take a seat at a nearby picnic bench and start eating your ice cream, you see that Jaehyun and his girlfriend are still around. Your eyes can't help but wander towards them hanging around by a car. His car. The same car Jaehyun would drive you around in especially during night time. You see them playing around and her feeding him ice cream. You start to notice small things about her such as the clothes she's wearing; she kinda reminds you of herself. Looks like she’s wearing that jacket too. Just like I did.
Is it jealousy?
But more like pity.
So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks its special, but it's all reused
Moments later, you see them get into the car and drive away. All these thoughts suddenly start clouding your mind and you can't help but wonder
How fast did he move on?
Did he even move on in the first place?
You’re not just trying to replace me, right?
I wonder, how many more things we did together, you do with her too?
You began to reminisce on some of the things you and Jaehyun did when you were still together…
Do you get deja vu when she's with you?
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Remember when we used to go on road trips to Malibu?
Music, ice cream and Jaehyun.
Those were the 3 things you loved and needed the most whenever you went on road trips. Heck you could probably throw out the music and ice cream and just have Jaehyun as company only.
Those road trips were often unplanned. Sometimes you and Jaehyun would go without thinking about where you guys would specifically go or what you guys would do there.
There was a particular time which was the most special. It was the first road trip you and Jaehyun went on after you guys made it official. Actually, it was also the first date you guys went on as a couple.
You remember back in high school when Jaehyun would tell you about the times he and his family would go on road trips to Malibu during school breaks for some family bonding time. You hadn’t been to Malibu before so you were very excited when Jaehyun decided on taking you on a road trip there, especially as a first date since you guys had not been on one yet.
Jaehyun drove up to your house and honked his car, letting you know that he’s arrived to pick you up. You run downstairs and look through the curtains and see Jaehyun getting out of the car. You quickly grab your stuff and head out of your house.
You jog up to him, both of you embracing each other in a tight hug. As you let go, you spot the jacket he currently has on
“wow i love your jacket! is it new?”
“oh this? nah, i bought this a while ago from some vintage store”
“can i try it on? i love vintage stuff” your face lighting up
Jaehyun smirks a little as he takes off your jacket with you taking yours off too. He hands you his jacket and holds onto yours as you put his one on.
You let out a gasp
“thanks, this is mine now” you grin at Jaehyun widely before jumping into the passenger seat of his car
Jaehyun looks blankly at you briefly
“baby what am i gonna wear then?”
“you don’t need to though, it's not even that cold right now” you say as you place your arms on the edge of the car windows
“but what if it gets a bit chilly later on?”
“just wear mines” pointing to your jacket that he’s currently holding
“this? you think this would fit me?”
“what? you won’t know unless you try it on” shrugging your shoulders
Jaehyun reluctantly puts on your jacket. He struggles a bit with the sleeves but he manages to get it on. You start laughing as you see how small your jacket looks on him
“kinda suits you though” you laugh
“shut up” Jaehyun says jokingly as he whacks your arms
You fake a loud gasp as you place both of your hands on your chest, not breaking eye contact with him as he gets into the driver's seat
“Y/N you know i’m only joking” Jaehyun chuckles as you glare at him with a unimpressed face
You look away from him and roll your eyes
“baby come ooonnnn i’m sorry i was only jo-”
“just drive” you say with a monotone voice
Jaehyun looks at you for a moment, noticing you biting your lips. He realised sometime ago that it’s something that you usually do to stop yourself from smiling or break out into laughter.
He takes your hand in his and gives it several kisses. Seeing you breaking out a small smile, he smiles to himself before starting the car and driving.
When you finally got there, Jaehyun happily took you to some of his favorite places he loved to visit.  Hours went by quickly and you guys were hungry so Jaehyun decided to take you to a park and have a picnic. It was nice out too so why not.
You guys bought some food from a nearby cafe and set up a picnic spot that had a lovely view of the ocean. There was also a hiking trail in the area and you guys decided on doing that after some lunch.
After lunch, Jaehyun went and got both of you ice cream from an ice cream truck that was parked nearby
“you know what?” you say as you scoop out a another bite of the ice cream
“i think i’m gonna make it a goal to try as many different strawberry ice creams i can whenever i visit a new place”
“sounds good baby”
As you look out towards the ocean, Jaehyun takes the opportunity to give you a small kiss on the side of your lips which surprises you. You jump a bit and stare at him with wide eyes
“sorry, you just had a bit of ice cream there” Jaehyun smirks
You’re quiet for a few seconds before saying
“is it all gone…?”
Jaehyun leans in closer and closer; he rubs his nose against yours lightly
“almost” he whispers against your lips before locking in with yours
Your first kiss. Oh how sweet it was.
Do you get deja vu?
Remember when you used to come over to my house?
If you weren't hanging out at Jaehyun’s, he’s usually at yours.
You and Jaehyun would stay over at each other's house every weekend. You guys often had days where you just didn't want to do anything special. Just chilling at home such as eating, sleeping and enjoying each other's company. When Jaehyun is over at yours, one of the things you guys like to do is to sit on the couch and binge watch your favorite TV shows. Today is one of those days.
You guys are currently sitting next to each other, crossed legged on the couch at your house; a bowl of popcorn on your lap while the channel you’re currently watching is doing reruns of one of your favorite shows, Glee. This wasn't exactly one of Jaehyun’s favorite shows. He didn't hate it but he wasn't a huge fan of it like you were. He doesn't mind watching it over and over with you as long as he’s spending time with you.
Grabbing some popcorn pieces, you look at Jaehyun
“Jae open up”
Jaehyun looks confused but opens his mouth anyway
You throw a couple of popcorn pieces, trying to aim it in his mouth but failing; the popcorn always hitting his face. You try a few more times before Jaehyun lets out a complaint
“babe come on!! your aiming skills are awful”
“hey it’s not my fault your mouth ain’t big enough”
Letting out a shocked laugh, Jaehyun grabs some popcorn and throws it at you. You guys end up having a mini popcorn fight before stopping as you realise you got popcorn on the couch and the floor. You guys weren't bothered to do a lot of cleaning today.
A while later, your face lights up as one of your favorite songs on Glee has come on. You grab Jaehyun’s arm and start moving it around, you were too excited.
Moments later, you grab the remote and get up from the couch. You pretend the remote is your mic and you start singing along to the song, belting out some words slightly out of tune
Suddenly, you point the remote down towards Jaehyun, wanting him to sing the next bit. He hesitates for a second but joins in anyway, with you singing along
Jaehyun thinks you look ridiculous but looks at you in admiration; a huge smile on his face.
Still singing out of tune slightly, Jaehyun sits and watches you as you're dancing around. He shakes his head and throws his head back laughing. He wipes some of his tears away from laughing so much.
You whip your head towards him, slightly taken aback as Jaehyun suddenly gets up and takes the remote from you and starts belting out the lyrics
You let out a laugh as you both dance around singing the rest of the song out of tune but somehow in harmony.
Do you get deja vu?
Remember the first time you told me you loved me?
Being a music major, you spent a lot of time in a music room, especially in front of a piano. Growing up, you’ve always wanted to be a pianist. You remember the time when you were a kid and saw someone sitting in front of a piano playing a song at a train station. You looked at them with wide eyes and was so mesmerized by the upbeat melody. Letting go of your mum’s hand, you ran up to them and watched them play. You found out from the nice stranger that they were playing a song called “Uptown Girl’ by Billy Joel. It was at that moment you realized what you wanted to be when you grew up.
Ever since then, that tune has stuck with you. When you first got your very own piano, you spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to play it as well as listening to the song many times. Whenever you played it, it brought back all those memories. It meant a lot to you.
You were finished with lectures earlier than expected so you decided to head to the music room to work on a few things.
Whilst sat in front of the piano wanting to work on an upcoming assessment, your mind drifted elsewhere and you started playing Uptown Girl.
You were so focused on playing that you didn't hear Jaehyun coming into the room
“whatcha playing babe?”
You slightly jump at his voice before turning around
“what you doing here? i thought you were in class”
Jaehyun took off his backpack and sat next to you as you scooted to the side a bit to make space for him before he set his bag down beside the piano bench
“class got cancelled so i’m free the rest of the day woooo”
You chuckle at his response and nod
“soo… whatcha you playing babe?”
You told Jaehyun the story about how you came across the song and how your love for music came about when you were a kid.
You and Jaehyun met during high school and eventually bonded over music and grew closer throughout the years. Now here you both are, attending the same university as music majors.
“can you teach me?”
“i can try”
You played the song a few times so Jaehyun could listen to it and get the vibe of it before teaching him the basics then the harder bits.
“i think that's enough learning for now”
“okay” you giggle
Jaehyun asked if you could play him the whole song and you happily obliged. While you were playing, Jaehyun looked at you and was fascinated. You had a huge smile on your face and thought you were the most precious person ever. He wanted to love and protect you by all means.
You were about to go onto the next part when suddenly you hear
“i love you”
As soon as you hear those words, your hands come to a halt. You stare at your hands for a moment before looking at Jaehyun in shock, mouth slightly ajar
“i love you, Y/N”
Do you get deja vu?
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A different girl now, but there's nothing new
Shaking your thoughts away, you roll your eyes and scoff before getting up and throwing the now empty ice cream cup away. You decided to head home and enjoy the rest of your evening by watching reruns of Glee with some more strawberry ice cream.
I know you get deja vu.
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AN: Thanks for reading until the end! My longest fic I’ve written so far and I’m pretty happy with it. As always I’m happy to get any feedback on it and I really hope you enjoyed reading this. I’m currently working on another fic that’s based on a song I’ve been loving lately so I hope to get that one up sometime! Take care everyone 💜
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It
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Criminal Minds x MINDHUNTER AU
Spencer Reid x Margaret Carr (OC)
Part 1: Ed Kemper.
Summary: Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
warnings: graphic details of a real rape and murder case, like every trigger in the book, applies to this fic so read with caution (if you watch either show you're used to it, however), it's all real and did actually happen and I don't support any of it. strangers to lovers, mutual pining, flirting, fluff, eventual smut, idiots in love, OC is Wendy Carr's daughter, her bio father is Jason Gideon
word count: 3.9K
He'd be lying if he said he wasn't having fun teaching.
He started with guest speaking, moving to special seminars a few times a year. But he wanted something more, settling for a 7-week criminal justice elective of his choosing.
Intro to Criminal Minds: why they did it. Giving Spencer an excuse to share the most intimate facts about serial offenders in a setting where no one could tell him to shut up.
14 students total signed up for the two-hour Seminar, taking place every Thursday at 11 am from September until Halloween. Over the 7 weeks, he would explain the fascinating insights of the most successful killers in the United States. Only asking that his students write about a prolific crime they find interesting by the end of term, for their full grade.
All he wanted was to read about obscure killers from around the world, from the perspective of aspiring profilers.
The first Thursday, he came prepared with his coffee a half hour before the class. He wanted to write the main points on the whiteboard in advance, nice and neatly.
To his surprise, a student was already there waiting for him. "Oh, hello,” he smiled softly.
She was sitting with a book in her hands, she pushed her glasses up her nose to look at him as he walked in. She was older than his typical student, around 35. Probably finishing up a degree or adding something to what she already had.
"Hi," she smiled at him. “Sorry, I’m early, I was visiting my mom at Quantico earlier.” She explained. "I'm not a teacher's pet or anything. Promise, I’m not even a student.”
It made him laugh slightly, correcting him like she read his mind. "It's okay, I'm Doctor Reid," he introduced himself softly.
“Margaret Carr, Peggy is also fine.”
"Pleasure to meet you," he said quickly before focusing his attention on the whiteboard.
He could feel her eyes on him the whole time he wrote, not wanting to turn around and catch her. "That's so interesting," he heard her mumble under her breath.
"Hmm?" He turned around.
"It's just that, everyday occurrences that never phase the regular person somehow cause psychopaths to kill," she read the board back to him.
"I was reading a study a while back about how psycho killers medulla oblongata is approximately 19% smaller than the average human’s. Based on the way they're nurtured as children affects if they grow up to kill. The ones that don't often end up in law enforcement and other positions of power where their psychopathic tendencies can come to play."
He was taken aback for a moment. He had never experienced a student who was like him before. Someone who just pulled facts into conversations like it was nothing.
"I read that as well," he smiled. "It is fascinating. The smallest amount of bullying and abuse from a mother or disappearance of a father figure can set them off."
"Or, on the other hand, there are people like Ted Bundy," she added. "He was well-loved and taken care of, but it went to his head. His god complex and affinity for lying led him to be incredibly charismatic and enabled his killing."
"You're very educated on this already; are you just interested in hearing me speak today?" He asked, not wanting her to leave, finding it interesting that she was there.
"Oh," she blushed. "I was going to talk to you more about it after the seminar actually."
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you,” he felt a little giddy at the prospect.
"Thanks," she laughed. "Seriously though, I'm a big fan of your teaching style, I saw a few of your classes when my dad was teaching at the academy in 2005. It's a lot easier to remember facts if the lecturer genuinely loves what they're talking about."
"You're going to like this Seminar then. It’s basically just a way for me to get paid while unloading all the random facts I have,” he warned her with a smile.
"I know." She smiled back at him.
The rest of his students filed in slowly. By 11 am, 14 faces were staring back at him.
"Hello," he waved awkwardly. "I'm dr. Spencer Reid. For the last 12 years, I've worked with the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit. Catching serial offenders across the country."
He took a deep breath, letting the nerves find their way out of him. "I've been asked time and time again who my favourite serial killer is, which is a peculiar way to phrase the question. It feels morally wrong to have a favourite in the way people do with baseball players.
"I am, however, fascinated with several serial offenders' reasoning and explanation for why they did what they did. Every single killer is different, but it all comes back to 1 thing. Do you know what that is?"
They all shook their heads. “What is your relationship with your parents like?" He asked. 
Everyone in the room reacted; some students sighed, some rolled their eyes as they recalled their parents and childhoods to memory.
"When a person decides to kill, it's often never in the moment. It's in childhood. The majority of serial offender's stories start the same; their mother didn't love them, their father left. Someone at home abused them or put them down repeatedly."
"Thus, causing a hatred so primal to bubble. No matter how hard they try and fight it, the bubble always bursts. They go from fantasizing to killing in retaliation for their abuse, taking the anger out in stages."
He referred to the board. "Every killer has a stressor and a trigger—something that causes the urge to bubble and the event that causes the bubble to rupture.”
"Edmund Kemper is a fascinating example of this. He grew up with a family for the first few years of his life before his father fully abandoned them. His mother handled the situation by turning her anger onto her son; it was his fault his father left, he looked just like him, Ed was just another useless man who would never amount to anything," he emphasized the words. Hoping the class sees the effects words have on children.
"He started by cutting up dolls, stealing his sister's barbies and cutting their heads off. In his mind, he was getting out his anger and hatred for how his mother saw him. She hated men, causing him to mature with a warped idea of what women are truly like."
"His attraction to killing worsened his mother's hatred; she could tell something was wrong with him, that he didn't react to everyday situations the way he should. By the time he was ten, she was locking him in the basement for days on end, telling him he was a monster and her biggest regret."
"The change in her rage amplified his own. He hated hearing her speak. He hated the way she walked around, thinking she was better than him. That just because she was a mother and a working woman, she deserved respect and submissive’s. All he could see was a woman with a big head who needed to be humbled. This is the moment when the psychotic side of his brain blended his hatred of his mother with how good it felt to kill."
"Is that why he, you know?" Peggy cut in, running her finger along her neck as she pretended to cut her head off.
He pressed his lips together in an awkward smile, nodding. "His signature, as it's called, was decapitation. But more specifically necrophiling the severed head of his victims."
The whole class let out a disgusted noise, Peggy and Spencer making eye contact while they shrugged, it wasn't news to them.
"At age ten, he moved from barbies to cats and dogs, never leaving them around for his mother to see. While he hated her, he was also absolutely terrified of her. Breading a special type of killer. When you think of school shooters or preferential predators, what do they have in common?" He asked.
He pointed at a student in the back. "They have a specific type of victim they’re after?"
"Exactly. Most serial offenders want to go after the cause of their pain or attraction. However, Ed wasn't able to kill the source of his rage for a long time. His mother mentally abused him so intensely that he believed she was in control of him and that her opinion of him mattered. He saw her as his God, he loved her, but he also knew that he disappointed her.
"He ran away soon after to find his father. Travelling to California, only to be told he was unwanted there as well. It wasn't just his mother that his father was escaping; it was the fundamental aspect of family that he didn't want. Ed defiantly didn't want to go back to his mother after that, so he moved in with his paternal grandparents."
He kept catching the looks on Peggy's face. She knew the story already, waiting patiently to hear the words he chose to make the horrific acts seem a little more conversational.
"His grandmother was exactly like his mother. If I had to guess, his father most likely had a distaste for his own mother and thus divorced Ed's mom. Only he never grew up to be a killer, just an absent father—his absence doing to Ed what never happened to him."
"Ed killed his grandparents when he was 15. Telling the police and his therapists that they had beaten him constantly, they refused to feed him and called him names. He said he snapped from the trauma; it was self-defence."
Peggy laughed to herself, making him smile softly. "Sending him to a mental hospital instead of a juvenile facility was the worst thing they could've done for him," Spencer added.
"Why?" A student asked.
"Ed is a psychopath." He reminded them. "He doesn't feel empathy the way we do. You can admit that you feel bad for him, yes? If you understand why he killed people, it doesn't make you sick, like him, it makes you human. You see a hurt person hurting others; Ed Kemper sees himself as a new sort of God, choosing who dies, how and when."
"He was brilliant, having the exact IQ as I do," just a humblebrag, "the staff trusted him. He looked like an innocent boy, smart enough to take matters into his own hands for the betterment of his life. They gave him computer privileges, they let him work the front desk and file patient information. Giving him all the resources to learn about who he was inside and how to get away with it perfectly."
"Damn," another kid added. "When did he get out?"
"At 21.” He answered the student quickly. “Ed was interviewed by my mentor Jason Gideon, in the 70s. Where he explained that being locked up during his sexual prime, as well as the access to information, is what truly set him off more than his mother.
"He moved back in with her and his sister when he came out of the institution, immediately returning to the constant ridicule. He went from being told all the time that he was a smart and charming young man, capable of rehabilitation to a useless, no-good son, who would have been better off collecting in a condom or running down her leg."
The whole class laughed, shocked at his repetition of Ed's mother's words.
"He got his licence when he was released. And remember, this was prime time for hitchhiking in California; everyone and their mother walked the roads with a thumb in the air. It was the birth of free love and recreational marijuana usage. It was also the best hunting ground for a learning serial killer."
"He was able to pick women up, but like I said, missing his sexual prime while in an institution made him almost impotent. He didn't know how to speak to women; he had to create a fantasy in his mind every time, one that involved killing, before he could look at a woman."
"How did he get them in his car then?" A voice asked from the back.
"He was 6'9, 300lbs; he looked like a big teddy bear. And his mother was the local college administrative assistant, so the whole town knew him anyway. If Ed offered to give them a ride, it wouldn't be that bad, right?" Peggy turned around to face the class as she explained for Spencer, who just shook his head.
"He only wanted to rape the victims, originally," Spencer added. "But he couldn't. There was no release of the tension. The bubble that had been growing inside him was at its breaking point; he needed to just do it. Get it over with and move on."
"He killed 6 women in succession after that. Gaining the name "The Co-Ed Killer," well before anyone even suspected Ed Kemper," Spencer took a sip of coffee, feeling his throat start to dry as they reached the insane part.
"He was overly friendly with the cops; he wanted to get his record expunged and join the force.” Spencer finally continued. “Being told, "don't worry about your record, worry about your weight.""
"Most killers enjoy wearing a uniform for the power and talking to the police about their cases, in the hopes of gauging how smart they really are—taking pride in the fact that they are getting away with it for so long."
"He watched all the cop shows, and he read all the books. He knew that in order to get away with it, he had to do it where no one could trace it back to him. He knew he had to keep his cool and avoid looking obsessed with the case, but just curious enough to gain insight into how they thought he was doing it. It went on for years, and they had absolutely zero leads, finding headless bodies every few months before they finally received a call." He left them hanging, walking over to his sheet of paper and pretending to read it while they anticipated the catch.
"Ed always knew that he wanted to kill his mother. He just never knew when,” Spencer teased the story along. Noticing as the students fidgeted in their seats as they wondered what happened next.
“In his interview with Gideon, Ed said that he knew she would die 7 days before he killed her. He walked into her room that night to find her reading, with the audacity to ask if he wanted to come in and chat all night. Teasing him for the way he rambled to her. It was the last time she ever did that."
"It's hard to imagine his signature with the fact his second last victim was his mother," Peggy added, cringing at the thought.
"Wait," another student interjected. "Who was his last kill then if he only really wanted to kill her?"
"Remember how I said he lacked empathy?" Spencer asked. "He loved his mother in the same way a prisoner can end up loving their captor."
Peggy nods at the comparison, looking like she's never thought of it that way before, then smiling at him.
"You grow a bond through the trauma and when the only thing you've ever known is violence and hate, you don't know what to do when that's gone, it's hard to cope."
"He said he killed his mother so that she never had to know what he did. She'd never have to sit at his court hearings or be able to tell the media that she always knew he was a killer."
"His last kill was his mother's best friend," He finally answered the question.
"He didn't want his mother to be even more disappointed in him, but he also didn't want his mother's best friend to find her like that and be upset. So the obvious answer to him was to kill her too."
"What the fuck?" He heard a couple of kids say under their breath.
"Yeah," he agreed with an almost chuckle. "This is what I mean by their answers are fascinating. It makes so much sense to them; clearly, if I kill my mother, her friend will be upset, so the best answer would be to put her out of her misery as well. He sees them as objects, like a matching set. One would lose value without the other."
Everyone was silent then. The students took in all the information they had just received, staring up at him with a look of disgust mixed with wonder.
"Any questions?"
Peggy raised her hand for a change; he pointed towards her in approval. "You missed the part where he specifically took the heads from the three women before his mother and brought them back home with him. He buried them in the yard outside her bedroom window, making sure they were always looking up to her."
Spencer was amazed that she knew the details. "Yes, I guess I did."
"I always found that part particularly interesting in this case," Peggy added. "Her opinion mattered so much to him. He knew how much she loved her co-ed's and how they looked up to her so much. They'd be exactly like her. He felt trapped in a town of women who were exactly like his nightmare, and his response was to make them physically look up to her for the rest of her life."
"Exactly." Spencer smiled. "understanding how he sees the situation and how the events played out in his mind is the key in figuring out who he is."
"If you were on the case in '72 when the first victims were discovered, how would you have handled it, Dr. Reid?" A male student in the back asked in the silence between answers, taking his shot before Peggy and Spencer went any further in their discussion.
“That's a hard thing to answer, connecting evidence back then was a lot harder than it is today, if it wasn’t for men like Ed there wouldn’t really be this many answers,” Spencer said honestly.
Another student put her hand up, “what’s the worst thing he did in your opinion?”
That racked his brain, there was a handful of horrific things he did that were particularly horrific, “probably his mother's entire murder.”
“What did he do?”
Before Spencer could answer he saw Peggy open her mouth and start explaining. “He not only cut off her head and fucked her neck, but he also took her vocal cords out and shoved them down the garbage disposal. And before he called the cops, he cleaned everything up and made her look presentable because he said his mother wouldn’t want guests to see the mess.”
The class all cringed, sinking into their seats with disgust. But that didn’t stop Peggy from explaining it all further.
“He used to go to a bar all the cops went to and he would talk about his case. They would always one-up themselves and say they were close which gave him this false idea that they were on his tail and they’d find his mother soon. But when they didn’t, he called it in from a payphone and said he’d come over and explain it all. And boy did he ever, the cops said he wouldn’t shut up. And then when they put him in the cop car finally, a woman walked past him and he threw up.”
Spencer watched her with awe, the way she could call information to memory like that was beautiful. He listened to her like he’s never heard a fact before, she was so intriguing.
“Thank you for the detail,” he teased her lightly. “Sometimes I get so caught up that the really gross parts get swept aside.”
The class smiled at him, he had gained their trust and attention within only 1 hour of class.
“I know you said you don’t have a favourite,” another student asked from the back. “I agree it’s weird, but who is the one you gravitate towards the most?”
“I’ve met hundreds of serial killers, I’ve read about thousands,” he explained. “I think Ed Kemper is the one I gravitate the most around because he was so willing and open to explaining why he is the way he is. Going as far as to say that the only way they could keep women safe is to give him a lobotomy. He didn’t believe there was any correcting to be done, only removal of the evil within him.”
He heard slight mumbles as everyone took in what he said. “Does anyone here have a killer or a case that interested them in learning more, or just introduced you to the chase of justice?”
Peggy put her hand up, “I personally think BTK is the scariest, most tactical, and just downright evil man to ever exist. He scares me to no end but he’s so interesting to learn about.”
“Ahh,” Spencer agreed. “Too bad you won't be here for week 3. But with that I think I’ll end the class, next week we’ll be discussing the difference between Ted Bundy and Richard Speck.” He nodded lightly, watching the majority of them close their books and had on out.
“I really enjoyed the class,” she said softly. Holding her purse in one hand, a collection of files in the other.
Spencer turned to look at her then, smiling right back. “It was a pleasure to teach alongside you.”
“What do you mean?” She teased, “it’s not like my mom and dad were the ones who did all the interviews."
“Carr,” he repeats her last name. The gears turning in his mind as he brings all the information forth.
“Your mother is Wendy Carr, she was recruited after the BTK case with Bill Tench, she’s who was behind that study you mentioned.”
“I know,” she smiled.
“Who’s your father?”
“Guess,” she looked at him with an unimpressed look on her face, pushing her glasses up slightly.
“You’re kidding? Gideon never said he had a daughter let alone a,” he stops himself before he can embarrass himself any further.
She smiled at the implication of his words, “but he’s told me all about you Dr. Reid, that’s why I'm here.”
“You need help with a case and I’m the only agent in Virginia currently,” he pressed his lips together awkwardly. Knowing it was too good to be true that she would have any interest in him in the slightest.
“No actually, I have a case I’ve been working on privately and I need some help. I asked my dad but he said you’d be able to help me the best. I agree,” she corrected him softly. “I wasn’t kidding when I said I was a big fan of yours. When I would sit in and watch his lectures, before he knew I was his kid, you would always step in at the best parts, adding the smallest details to the story that the average person would forget. It’s magnificent.”
He laughed slightly, tugging at his collar as she complimented him. “Thank you, you’re quite magnificent as well,” he replied with a blush and a smile
She didn’t look like Gideon, probably because she smiled so much. Like sunshine on legs, she beamed, all but blinding him with her smile as she stared at him, “do you want to get lunch and go over this case with me?”
“I’d love to.”
taglist: (message me if you want to be added or removed)
@shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk
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rose2jam · 3 years
Day 8 - Baking
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Ship: Severus Snape x Reader/OC
Story Summary: An Autumnal collection of Snape/Reader one-shots and ficlettes based on my main story, Dream Sequence.
Length: 2,276
Rating: T
Warnings: F e e l s. Also, I guess slight spoilers for a scene that hasn’t actually happened in Dream Sequence yet.
Notes: Sev’s POV again! Also major callbacks to Act1, Scene 4 of Dream Sequence
Master List
<== Last Scene
Next Scene ==>
It was like déjà vu, standing in the entrance to the kitchens like this.  Six years ago you had been in the same spot, watching silently as a fourth year Hufflepuff bopped around the kitchens singing Queen, merrily making trays full of biscuits for her friends, completely heedless of the multitude of rules she’d been breaking.  And you had been… surprisingly lenient with her.  Surprising to yourself, mostly.  Had it been any other student, you would have sent them packing back to their dorms, promising that a week’s worth of detention would be waiting for them when they returned from Winter Holiday.  But… you’d always had a soft spot for this particular student.  This poor, half-blooded, wickedly smart student, who, despite your best efforts, had successfully managed to chip away at your defenses and wheedle her way into your life.
The scene was almost exactly the same today, except the fourth year Hufflepuff was now a stunningly beautiful woman.  She was still bopping away around the kitchens, her wizarding wireless broadcasting The Doors this time, as she loaded up baking sheet after baking sheet with carefully crafted little cakes. 
It was moments like these, when you would watch her from a distance, without her knowing you were doing so, that made you wonder just… how the hell had you ended up with her?  How had your life taken such a turn that you found yourself in a relationship with a former student?  And not just a passing fling, but an actual, honest to god, dare you even say healthy relationship?  Why had you given up on your crusade of solitude to allow her in?  Why did she put up with all of your gloomy, sullen bullshit?  She was a bright, radiant sunspot and you were… well… you.  You very often felt like she deserved better.  Someone younger, less jaded.  Someone who could match her energy and vibrancy.  Which was why you liked watching her like this, because it was affirmation that it wasn’t all an act.  She wasn’t just pretending to be happy, to be content, despite being with you.  She was actually like this.  All the time.  
You felt a bit like a cradle robber, remembering how young she had been when she’d first entered your life.  She’d always been remarkably mature for her age; probably one of the few students you’d ever had that you didn’t mind carrying on a conversation with.  She was smart as a whip, sharp as a tack, but she was also naïve and vulnerable, and, for some reason, had looked to you for guidance.  And all of that had left an impression on you.  And continued to do so.  After finally bending to her sincerity about her feelings for you, you found that she could keep up with your intellect, was tolerant of your snark, and was more than capable of turning it around and feeding it right back to you in droves. But she never stopped being that bubbly Hufflepuff you’d always known her to be, either.  Despite the shit hand she’d been dealt over the last several years, she never turned bitter.  Which was more than you could say for yourself.  It was admirable.
The first batch of crescent cakes was out of the oven, and that was your cue to make your presence known; sweet, buttery incentive.  You moved silently across the room as you approached, and she was just as easy to sneak up on now as she had been then.  She was thoroughly absorbed in her radio, humming along to ‘People Are Strange’ as she carefully molded each individual moon shaped biscuit, lining them up like soldiers on a fresh tray.  You watched carefully over her shoulder, her obliviousness rather alarming, actually.  She really ought to be more vigilant of her surround-
She tilted her head back, back, backwards, until the top of her head tapped against your chest, and she grinned widely as she gazed upside down at you.  You arched a brow at her astronomical cheekiness, and she burst into giggles, stumbling a little as she lost her balance, given the strange angle. You caught her in your arms, allowing her to straighten up and regain her equilibrium.  
“Either you’ve become more observant, or I’m losing my touch,” you mused, and instead of moving away to give her room to breathe, you stepped closer, pressing your chest to her back and wrapping your arms around her slender waist.
She giggled again, getting right back into the task at hand, continuing to pull off globs of dough and rolling them between her palms before curving them into crescents.  “I’ve always been observant!” she protested, though her voice was just as cheeky as her grin.  “Just not when Queen is playing.  You got lucky last time.”  You rolled your eyes, filing that little tidbit of information away for further analysis at a later date.  
“Do you think Jim Morrison was a wizard too?” you asked casually, pressing your mouth against her shoulder as you continued watching her hands.  Green nail polish today, you observed.  It was quickly becoming her signature fall color.  You heard her hum sadly at your question, and you tilted your head to get a profile view of her face.
“Gone too soon,” she sighed morosely as she shook her head.  “But no, I don’t think so.  Though I wouldn’t put it past Robby Kreiger.  You’ve heard the full version of ‘Light My Fire’.  He didn’t learn how to play the guitar like that on acid alone.”  You snorted, and she giggled again, leaning her head gently against yours.  It… was a very affectionate gesture, like a cat rubbing against its human’s legs, and it just felt natural to tilt your head in return, pressing your lips to the soft skin of her neck.  Everything about being with her felt natural, and you were still having a difficult time processing it.
“Why are you baking four dozen crescent cakes in the middle of the night on a Tuesday?” you asked, the words tasting awfully familiar in your mouth.  And they must have sounded familiar to her ears, because she full out laughed this time, placing the last cake onto the last tray, grabbing up a tea towel to wipe the excess dough from her hands.
“Right to the point this time,” she mused, and you rolled your eyes, hiding your grin in her cardigan. “Well, I’m baking in the middle of the night because the House Elves would never let me in here otherwise,” she explained with a grin.  But then she hesitated, smile slipping away as she stared down at the trays of cookies, before reaching up for the recipe card that had been charmed to float in the air. It wasn’t the same butter smeared card as last time.  This seemed to be a fresh copy, but still written in the same neat script as the last one.  She plucked it from the air, holding it with both hands as she gazed fondly over the recipe. “It’s been a while since I made these myself,” she admitted.  “I just wanted to get some practice in, so I had mum owl me the recipe.”
You were unsure as to why her mood had shifted so drastically, and you feared you were missing something vital.   “Practice for what?” you inquired, and you felt her body tense slightly against your own. You heard alarm bells ringing in your head, and you straightened up, loosening your hold on her waist.  She promptly turned around to face you, still enclosed by your arms.  She looked anxious, and that made you anxious, and you swallowed back the trepidation in your throat.
“You said your mother used to make these, right?” she asked timidly, unable to fully look you in the eye, as she glanced back and forth from your face to the card she still held in her hands.  You were taken aback by her question, and while it eased some of the tension her serious mood had brought about, it also raised a fresh multitude of new questions. You also couldn’t believe that she remembered that.
“She did, yes,” you answered carefully, your brows furrowing together in your confusion.  “Why do you ask?”  She fidgeted again, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth, and her clear apprehension only made your heart thud impatiently.  You wished she would just get on with it and spare you this agony.
“Don’t get mad, okay?” she requested, and this time both of your eyebrows shot up your forehead.  She laughed nervously at your surprise, and seemed to realize that she wasn’t making any damn sense.  She shook her head, as if hoping whatever was rattling around inside would settle down into some sort of cohesive order.  You rather hoped it did too.  She took a deep, steadying breath, before her hazel eyes finally met yours.  “I’m sorry if it’s presumptuous.  But I was wondering if you might like to put together a Samhain alter for her this year.”
Your mouth fell open slightly, and you found yourself perfectly speechless.  She seemed to take this as a negative reaction, for she immediately launched into an explanation, the words tumbling out of her mouth like a waterfall.  “I know the stuff my mum does isn’t real magic, but we’ve been celebrating Samhain since I was a little kid.  We’d honor some of moms old friends that she’d lost over the years, with an altar and offerings and everything.  I looked up the real rituals that actual witches and wizards do and I just thought-”
You cut her off by grabbing her arms and placing your mouth over hers.  She squeaked, but instantly reciprocated, melting into your touch and kissing you back tenderly as she pressed her hands against your chest, recipe card fluttering to the ground.  It gave you some time to process her suggestion, to wrap your head around the fact that she wanted to do this.  For you. To honor a woman she’d never even met before.  Someone she’d only ever known through the things that you’ve told her.  Through simply being the man your mother had done her best to raise.  And the affection you felt for her swelled near to bursting as you pulled back, staring down into her sweet face, at those worried, hopeful eyes, and her flushed, parted lips.  
“I love you,” you murmured, and her face split into a wide smile, like it did every time you told her that, because you reserved the phrase for only the warmest of moments. Moments like these, when you were reminded of how devoted she was to this.  To you.  Your hands fell from her arms, settling down on her hips instead, and she lifted her hands to loop her arms around your neck.  
“So you want to do it?” she asked shyly for clarification.  And you could see the glimmer of possibility in her eyes.  All the plans that she’d been making in the hopes you would say yes.  Going so far as to practice making cookies, you could only assume were for the offering she’d suggested.  You didn’t even need to use Legilimency to know that her intentions were so pure, so innocent.  And all for you.
“I’d like that,” you admitted, your voice dropping to a raspy octave.  And your heart ached in your chest as she gasped happily, tightening her hold around your shoulders, pulling you down into a proper embrace. You held her tightly as you buried your face in her flaxen hair, and swallowed back your brimming emotions as you considered your next words very carefully.  “There’s just one thing…”
She leaned back cautiously, gazing up at you with a glint of curiosity.  “Anything,” she encouraged softly, lifting one hand to your face and smoothing her thumb over your cheek.  You must not have been doing such a good job at quelling your feelings at this moment.  And perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing.  Or at least not unusual.  You were feeling quite overwhelmed by thoughts and memories you hadn’t dared to explore in nearly 14 years.  
“There’s one other person I’d like to include on the altar,” you suggested quietly, and you couldn’t look at her as you did.  You couldn’t.  Because you still hadn’t resolved the feeling that you had betrayed her, by allowing yourself the chance to try and be happy, by being with Gwen.  You told yourself over and over again that once upon a time, she would have been happy for you.  Would have wanted you to move on from her.  But even as you stood in the arms of another woman, you still loved Lily Evans so much.  And the weight of it was often more than you could bare.
But Gwen was still stroking your cheek, and as you lifted your eyes reluctantly to meet hers, you found her smiling compassionately.  “Of course,” she whispered earnestly, the sincerity in her voice soothing the ache in your chest.  Because she knew.  Knew exactly who you spoke of.  New precisely what you were feeling.   Explaining it to her had been excruciating at the time… But she’d been so accepting. So understanding and willing to do whatever it was that you needed in order to find reconciliation.  You still hadn’t, not really.  But you were trying.  You were a very difficult man, you knew.  But Gwendolyn was an extremely patient woman.
And she loved you.
Only three women had ever really loved you.  You hadn’t done the best job maintaining that love with two of them.  But god, were you determined to do it right this time.
Art by BlooeyedTroll!
Miniatures by thepomegranatejuice!
Next Scene ==>
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
The Pretty Boy and the Purple Scarf - [Reid x Fem!OC]
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Summary: Sam is very surprised when she gets hand picked to join the BAU. She’s even more surprised to meet Dr. Spencer Reid. It’s not surprising that she would develop feelings for him...but he can’t feel the same way. Can he? 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Original Character
Word Count: 7.9k
Rating: Explicit 
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Content Warning: Unprotected sex, Dom!Spencer, light bondage, oral sex (female receiving), language.
A/n: This fic was a commission I did for @imjusthereformggcontent‘s birthday. She told me last night that it was “so good” and it “deserved to see the light of day.” She was being overly kind as usual, but here it is. I wrote this in second person which is a bit ooc for me. I hope y’all like it. 😊
--The Pretty Boy and the Purple Scarf-- 
Everything about the day you transferred from the 4th floor to the 6th floor was unexpected. You had only heard of Aaron Hotchner by reputation, but you’d never actually seen the man.
Which is why you were very surprised when he came down to the 4th floor and personally requested you be reassigned to the 6th floor; truth be told, that requested sounded more like a demand. You barely had time to gather your things before you were on the elevator upstairs.
You had been greeted by a very bubbly blonde woman in hot pink high heels. She had squealed with joy when the doors slid open and she caught sight of you.
“I knew you were the right choice!” She had chirped, teetering towards you. “Your work record is phenomenal, you passed all the background checks, and you’ve technically already taken the required psych courses to be a profiler.” She was positively shaking with excitement. “And you’re as cute a stinking button and look at your hair!”
Several minutes later the woman introduced herself as Penelope Garcia. Not only was she the technical analyst for the BAU, but she also split the responsible of communications liaison with the unit chief.
She then informed you that these duties would now be split between three people, SSA Hotchner, herself…and you.
Once the initial shock had worn off, you were thrilled. You had taken the psychology courses because you had always been fascinated by the behaviors of others. You had joined the FBI because you wanted to help people.
This was your dream job!
But you’d be lying if you said that those were the only reasons that working with the behavioral analysis unit was your dream job.
When Garcia had introduced you to the team that very first day, you clicked with every member right away. David Rossi always offered you a fatherly smile whenever he saw you, Prentiss and Garcia had invited you out to their girl’s night multiple times. Derek Morgan had taken to calling you “pretty girl” which never failed to make you smile. Even Aaron Hotchner was friendly towards you…well, as friendly as he could be. Occasionally you saw his mouth twitch whenever you made a sarcastic comment; you took that to mean that he probably liked you at least a little bit.
While that was also wonderful…it wasn’t why this was your dream job.
During that very first meeting, Garcia had introduced you to everyone in the conference room. They all smiled warmly at you and offered a handshake.
“And this is our resident genius Dr. Spencer Reid,” Garcia had introduced with a wave of her hand.
Dr. Spencer Reid was easily the most unexpected part of the day. He looked at least a few years older than you, so you were surprised that he had the doctor honorific, but the most startling thing was what he looked like. He was tall, possibly the tallest person in the room, with a slim build and unruly curly brown hair. His straight white teeth were dug into his bottom lip while he fidgeted nervously. And then there were his eyes. You now knew that they were brown with flecks of gold near the center, but in that light, they had actually looked like honey.
You offered him your hand, anticipating that he would greet you the way the others had; but nothing about Spencer Reid was ordinary.
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, his eyebrows climbing up his forehead while he stared at your hand.
“The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering,” he informed you, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room. “It’s actually safer to kiss.”
Out of all the things you could have said in that moment, you decided to tease him. “I mean, you’re cute. I wouldn’t say no if that’s how you wanna introduce yourself.”
A choked laugh exploded out of SSA Morgan at your comment. “Oh shit!” He threw his head back and laughed loudly. “Watch out, she’s got your number, Pretty Boy!”
Pretty Boy, you thought. It definitely fits.
The rest of the team had shared in Morgan’s amusement. Even Spencer had seemed amused; amused and thoroughly embarrassed. The apples of his cheeks had turned bright red.
You just shot him a slightly awkward smile because holy fuck he was cute, especially when he was embarrassed.
Later after the rest of the team had left the conference room and returned to the bullpen, you saw Reid standing in front of the coffee station in the kitchenette.
“Hey,” you called, coming up to his side. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you in there. I’m Sam.”
He offered a small smile in your direction while he poured an ungodly amount of sugar in his coffee. “Oh, you didn’t. I was 12 years old when I graduated from a Las Vegas public high school. I’m tougher than I look.”
“Dr. Reid is tougher than he looks,” you joked, crossing your arms over your chest. “Got it. I can’t promise I won’t tease you again.”
He just laughed. “If you’re going to tease me then you can just call me Spencer.”
Things had started to change about 3 weeks after that. You had finally gotten more comfortable around the team, Spencer included. True to his word, he didn’t seem to mind that you had teased him a few times over the weeks. It was all harmless stuff, of course.
“Cute tie, pretty boy” or “sweater vests are an odd choice, but I’m into it.”
Derek was thoroughly amused, telling you more than once that your remarks to Spencer were the highlight of his day and that he wished you had joined the team sooner.
Throughout all those comments, Spencer never teased you back. He’d duck his head, trying to hide the blush on his face, or he’d just smile at you.
That all changed one morning while you were standing at the coffee station. Garcia had joked that she never drank coffee before working here, but it was like the machine had some sort of hold over everyone. After almost a month here, you were starting to believe it.
You liked coffee, sure, but only if it didn’t taste too much like coffee. You were honestly concerned about people like Hotch who drank black coffee; it just seemed like they must have been through something.
“And you tease me for how much sugar I put in my coffee,” a voice said from beside you, barely able to conceal a chuckle that followed their words. “Jesus Christ, Samantha.”
You turned to smile up at him, your green eyes meeting his warm brown ones. “Nice try, pretty boy. I’m putting a perfectly reasonable amount of sugar in my coffee. I don’t use nearly as much sugar as you do.”
“Probably not,” he conceded, propping his hip up against the counter. “You’re sweet enough anyway.”
Your eyes went impossibly wide at his words, you were stunned. So stunned that you couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of your throat.
Dr. Spencer Reid looked just as surprised at his words as you did, two bright pink spots appearing on the apples of his cheeks. “Sorry, I don’t know why I said that,” he squeaked out, his voice laced with embarrassment.
“You’re never going to hear me complain about you flirting with me, Dr. Reid.”
“You can call me Spencer, Samantha,” he reminded.
His words were so soft you were afraid you’d misheard him. Based on the slightly awkward look on his face, you could tell you didn’t. “Okay Spencer,” you breathed out, testing how his name felt in your mouth.
He started to turn to walk away before you found your voice again. “Oh, and you can just call me Sam. Everybody else does.”
The corners of his mouth turned up in a small smile. “I know, but if it’s okay with you, I think I’d like to keep calling you Samantha.”
The tension in the air seemed to thicken at his words. How did Spencer just saying your name have this sort of effect on you? Trying to keep your composure, you just nodded. “S-sure, Spencer. You can call me Samantha if you want.”
His nervous demeanor melted away. “Good.” He had turned back around and crossed the room before you even realized what had happened.
After that day, a sort of odd friendship had started between you and Spencer Reid. What had begun as awkward flirting attempts every once in a while from him were becoming more and more frequent, and a little bit bolder in nature. You loved that he was getting more comfortable with you.
But you couldn’t ignore how things had started to shift inside you over the past few months.
Talking to Spencer was the highlight of your day. Every time he called you Samantha when the rest of the world called you Sam, you felt butterflies in your stomach. Your mood always lifted whenever you listened to him talk about something he was passionate about.
One of your favorite things was how his cheeks would turn just a bit red whenever he stopped by your desk on one of his many trips to the coffee pot.
“Hey, can I get you a cup?” He’d offer, tapping his fingers against the desk.
You’d always smirk at him. “This is a weird flirting strategy, Pretty Boy,” you’d say, your voice teasing. “Not that I mind watching you walk away.”
The first time you had made that joke it took Spencer a second to get your meaning; the moment he did he flushed beet red.
Even though he acted embarrassed by your comments, he still stopped by your desk multiple times a day. Whenever he did bring you back a cup of coffee it was always made perfectly, just the way you liked it.
It wasn’t until a few weeks ago when you realized what these shifting feelings had meant. You all were working a difficult case in South Dakota that was really getting to you. During a coffee run, Spencer brought you back a white chocolate mocha. When you’d looked up at him, your brows drawn together in confusion, he’d just smiled at you before he shuffled away.
Spencer Reid was becoming one of your best friends…and you were not so slowly falling for him.
The day after you got back to Quantico from Sioux Falls, you were back in the kitchenette, only this time you were getting your lunch. You normally ate lunch with either Spencer or Penelope, but you hadn’t seen the Pretty Boy since this morning.  
You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn’t even realize the very person you were thinking about had snuck up on you.
“What’s that?” His voice asked from beside you, causing you to jump slightly.
“Jesus, Spence,” you mumbled, embarrassed for your reaction. “Don’t sneak up on me!”
He just smiled at you, causing your heart to beat a bit faster. “You’ve never called me Spence before,” he said softly, his eyes searching your face. “Plus, I like scaring you. And you didn’t answer my question.”
It was hard to remember anything when he smiled like that. “Oh,” you said, shaking your head slightly in an attempt to clear it. “What’s what?”
He took a step closer to you. “You have something on your wrist.”
You were taken aback at first, because how the fuck did he see that? Nobody had ever seen that tattoo unless they knew it was there. It’s impossible, Garcia must have told him about it, you had reassured yourself.
His warm hands touched your arm, pulling it closer to him while his thumb traced over the almost invisible ink on your wrist.
“Is this a tattoo?” he asked softly, bending his head down to inspect it further. “I knew about the one on the back of your neck, but I didn’t know you had this one.”
You felt your stomach flutter. He had noticed the one on the nape of your neck too?
“Y-yeah,” you managed to get out. “It’s an anchor.”
Spencer made a noise of acknowledgment, his thumb still softly rubbing over the skin of your wrist. "It's interesting. You know, originally the anchor was a symbol of safety. It wasn't until years later that it got a newer meaning."
It was so hard for you to focus when he was near you, but now he was touching you too?
"Now it's a symbol of hope," he mumbled, his head lifting, his warm brown eyes locking on to your own. "It suits you, Samantha." With that, he dropped your arm and turned to get a mug for his coffee.
Now that he wasn’t invading your senses with his presence, you could gather your thoughts slightly. “How did you know about my tattoo, Spencer?”
He didn’t look up from his caffeine driven task. “A good magician never reveals his secrets,” he said cryptically.
You scoffed, earning a chuckle from him. Spencer turned; his amber-colored eyes were swirling with mischief, but also something a bit deeper. It didn't just feel like he was looking at you; it felt like he was looking into you. It felt like he really wanted to see you in the way that all people crave to be seen. He wanted to understand you.
He took a small step closer, his hand reaching up to brush over one of the green pieces in your long brown hair. “Maybe I just pay more attention to you than you think,” he whispered before he pulled away, leaving you stunned.
He was already back at his desk before you collected your thoughts.
Spencer Reid…couldn’t feel that way about you, could he?
Your feelings about Spencer were starting to seep into the front of your mind, no matter what you did to try and keep them at bay. What made matters worse is that you worked with profilers, the best profilers. How were you supposed to keep your feelings hidden from them?
You decided the best thing to do was try to put some distance between yourself and Spencer. It was extremely hard to do, considering all you wanted to do was be near him; but he just kept making these teasing little comments.
Of course, like most things in life, your plan didn’t go work out. You had been avoiding Spencer for exactly 3 and a half hours before he made his move.
You were coming out of Garcia’s lair when you felt a hand clap around your forearm, jerking you to a stop.
Now, you were normally not an overly clumsy person, but when your momentum gets shifted so quickly, it’s only natural to stumble a bit. You turned and tripped over your feet, causing you to tumble into a very warm person.
One of his large hands caught your shoulder, steading you. Your eyes traveled up, up, up, to meet the beautiful eyes of the one and only, Dr. Spencer Reid.
“Why do you insist on scaring the shit out of me?” you scolded, swatting at his chest with the back of your hand.
He looked completely unbothered. “I wouldn’t have had to scare you if you weren’t avoiding me.”
Your mouth popped open in surprise. “I’m not avoiding you!” you protested.
Spencer’s eyebrows pulled together. “Then why haven’t I seen you in the last three hours, thirty-five minutes and seventeen seconds?”
You couldn’t control your snort at his comment. “You’re so weird, do you know that?”
Something happened to Spencer's face just then; his whole expression seemed to soften somehow. "You don't mind that I'm weird though, do you, Samantha?"
Those pesky butterflies erupted in your stomach again, reminding you of your complicated feelings. You took a step back, plastering a friendly smile on your face…at least you hoped.
“You’re a weirdo, but you’re my weirdo, Spence.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s weirdo,” he quipped, shifting closer to you. You could feel the heat of his body through your clothes.
“Good, because you’re stuck with me.”
His face turned thoughtfully before he spoke again. “You know,” Spencer said quietly, taking a step closer to you. “Your eyes have some yellow in them around the center. It’s almost like they’re sunflowers.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat. “Spence…you-you can’t…you can’t just say shit like that to me.”
His brows furrowed in confusion. “Why?”
“Because it makes me feel…It just makes me feel.”
“Is that bad?”
I don’t know. “No,” you decided. “I don’t guess it is.”
Those warm brown eyes continued to scan over your face. “No more avoiding me,” he ordered, pointing his index finger at you.
“I wasn’t avoiding you!”
He stepped away then, but not before he reached out and tugged on one of the green strands in your hair. “You’re a terrible liar, Samantha,” he informed you, before walking down the hall towards the bullpen.
“I really hope I’m not,” you muttered under your breath. You had to be a good liar right now…because what if how you were feeling made you lose your best friend?
“I need the BAU team in the conference room,” Hotch’s voice boomed out across the bullpen. “Now.”
You wrinkled your nose slightly; no cases had come in today…So why are we meeting in the conference room?
“Come on, Pretty Girl,” Morgan said when he walked by your desk. “You better hustle or else I’m gonna be the one that sits beside your Pretty Boy.”
“No, you’re not,” Spencer called out. He was already walking into the conference room, his eyes fixed on your face until the moment he entered the room.
“Uh-oooohhh,” Morgan teased, his mouth in a wide smile. “Pretty Boy is getting a little territorial, miss thing. It won’t be long now.”
Your face scrunched in confusion. “Won’t be long until what?” you asked but he was already running into the conference room. “Morgan!”
No matter how much you told yourself otherwise, you couldn’t help but feel like things were slightly different with Spencer. He had never been overly affectionate with people, but you were his friend, it wasn’t all that uncommon for him to hug you or brush up against you.
It was just that he seemed to be doing it so much more often. He was always sitting beside you on the jet, at the round table, he was even coming by your desk more than usual.
What’s more, he seemed to have a bit more confidence than normal.
You were almost positive you weren’t imagining it or letting your feelings influence your judgment.
“What are you thinking about?” Spencer asked, his leg extending so he could poke your shin with the tip of his converse. You had decided to sit in one of the seats at the back of the plane; you were thinking of it as an experiment to test your theory. There was no seat directly beside of you, making the closest one the seat in front of you that was faced in your direction. In all the time you had known him, Spencer had never sat back here if other seats were available.  
When he boarded the jet an hour ago his eyes had sought you out immediately, making his way to that set before flopping down into it.
Well, you had thought. I’m not totally crazy.
“I’m not thinking about anything,” you insisted, your eyes never lifting from your kindle. Spencer detested that you used an e-reader, but unlike him, you didn’t exactly feel like stuffing your go bag with heavy ass books.
He huffed. “One day I’m going to punish you for lying to me, Samantha.”
Your head flew up. “What!?” you hissed out in a loud whisper.
Spencer just lowered his eyes back to his book. “You heard me.”
The case had been a quick one to solve, thankfully. You hadn’t even been in town for 2 full days and the Tulsa police had already processed the unsub’s arrest, leaving your team free to go.
You probably could have gone home tonight if it wasn’t for the storm. There wasn’t actually a storm here that was the problem, it was the one that is Quantico. No matter how homesick anyone felt, it seemed like a unanimous decision to stay here one more night.
The team had arrived back at the hotel about 15 minutes ago, meaning you had only been in your room for 5 minutes when there was a knock on the door.
You had a sinking feeling in your gut that when you opened that door, you'd be met by a pair of warm brown eyes and wild light brown curly hair. It's not that you didn't want to see Spencer; the problem was how much you did want to see Spencer. No matter how many times you told yourself that the flirting was harmless, and he didn't feel the way you did, it didn't seem like your heart had gotten the message.
Maybe it’s not him, you thought. Maybe…maybe it’s a murderer.
No such luck was to be had, of course. You opened up the door to see the smiling, painfully handsome face of Dr. Spencer Reid.
“Spencer,” you laughed out. “We’ve only been here for like 10 minutes.”
The man just nodded, stepping around you and striding into your hotel room like he had a right to be there. "Can't I come to see my best friend?"
You tried to ignore the way your heart fluttered at him calling you his best friend. “You just saw me.”
“No,” he argued. “I last saw you 8 minutes and 13 seconds before you opened your door.”
Heaving out a loud sigh, you just shook your head and continued pulling things out of your go-bag.
“You don’t mind that I’m here, do you?”
That gave you pause. He didn’t sound like the confident Spencer you’d been seeing the past few weeks. He seemed like the awkward Dr. Spencer Reid who had blushed to the roots of his hair when you made a joke about kissing him.
You shot him a soft smile. “Of course I don’t mind, Spencer. You know I just like to tease you.” He seemed relieved at your answer as he went to sit on the edge of your bed. “And you seem to like teasing me too.”
“Who said I’m teasing?”
You rolled your eyes. “If you’re gonna be in here, make yourself useful.” You handed him your phone charger. “Put that in my go bag.”
“Yes ma’am,” he muttered, not trying to hide his smile at your bossy tone. “Why am I putting this…what’s this?”
You turned your head to see the purple fabric in his hands. “A scarf? Have you never seen a scarf before?” you teased. “Some genius you are.”
His face pulled a sour look at your words that made you smile harder. “I just haven’t seen it before. I like it.” Spencer started wrapping the scarf around his neck.
“Wow, Dr. Reid,” you called out, your eyes running over his form. “Very sexy. You’re gonna drive the girls wild.”
"There's only one person I'm interested in driving wild," he said softly before he snapped back into his teasing tone. "Purple is my favorite color, you know."
You weren’t even thinking when you said, “I know, that’s why I picked it.” Spencer’s head swung in your direction, clearly surprised by your words. “Anyway,” you hurried out. “Maybe you should keep it; you look adorable Spencie.”
He hated it when anyone called him Spencie and you knew that. You had made the comment to hopefully throw him off from your confession that you picked out that scarf because it reminded you of him.
“What happened to sexy?!” he demanded. “I do not look adorable.” His beautiful face was marred by a scowl.
You put your hands on your hips, giving him an exaggerated once over. “I don’t know, you look pretty adorable to me, Spencie.”
Spencer’s eyes had taken on a different look than you weren’t used to seeing directed at you. It was the same look he always had when he was trying to solve a problem. “You really think I’m just adorable, don’t you?”
Now it was your turn to look at him oddly. “Yeah? Why wouldn’t I?” He took a step closer to you as soon as the words left your mouth, causing you to take a step back. “What are you doing?”
“Proving I’m not adorable,” he said, his words quiet but harsh.
"How-" You never got to finish your question; before you could even realize that he was moving his right hand wrapped around your throat, using his momentum to push you back one final step until you were pressed between the wall and his body.
You blinked up at him, trying to ignore how all of this made you feel. Even in this situation, you still couldn’t believe that Spencer was actually attracted to you the way you were to him. This is probably just like his Eastwood impression, you thought.
His head was bent down, bringing his face much closer to yours than you were used to. You could see the perpetual shadows he had under his remarkable eyes, the small crease in his skin between his eyebrows.
"Is this how you prove you're not adorable?" You had tried to make your tone sound light like your heart wasn't about to beat out of your chest, but it hadn't worked. Your voice sounded breathy and curious even in your own ears.
He looked over your face one final time, looking for some sort of emotion that he must have found because the next instant his grip on your throat got slightly tighter. His face moving so much closer to yours that your noses almost brushed.
“No,” he whispered, his breath ghosting over your lips. “This is.”
Before you could process his words, his lips finally brushed against yours. He was hesitant at first, but he grew bolder when you gasped against his mouth.
How many times had you imagined this moment? Yearned for it? And somehow the feeling of his body against yours was more than you had ever imagined. He was more than you ever imagined.
He took advantage of the gasp you let out, his kiss growing more hungry, more frantic. His body pushed into yours, his thigh coming forward to wedge between both of yours. You were vaguely aware of his hand leaving your throat, but all thought left your head when you felt both of his hands cradled your face. His thumb rubbed against your cheek while he tilted your head where he wanted it.
Spencer Reid was in complete control of this kiss, and you were getting swept away.
His tongue brushed over your bottom lip, seeking entrance to the heat of your mouth. He groaned low in his throat when you immediately opened for him, the movements of your tongue just as bold as his. When your hands came up to grip his sides, one of his hands slid to the back of your head, his long fingers tangling in your hair.
There wasn't a moment of unsureness in this kiss; Spencer kissed you like he had done it a thousand times before. Eventually, the need for air became too great, causing you to break apart. You whimpered slightly when his teeth caught your bottom lips, tugging at it while he pulled his mouth away.
“I’m not adorable,” he panted out against your mouth.
You couldn’t do anything but stare at him in wonder. “I got that.”
His thumb moved over to run against your bottom lip. “No,” he whispered, his eyes scanning yours. “I don’t think you do.”
Those words seemed to hold a greater meaning that you couldn't quite put your finger on. How was anyone's mind supposed to work correctly when this man was standing so close?
“Do you trust me?” he asked.
"Yes." Because of course, you did.
For that moment he looked unsure like he was battling with something he wanted so desperately but was too afraid to reach out and grab. "If you tell me to stop, I will."
You didn’t get to ask him what he meant before he was on you again. This kiss was filled with the same passion as the last, but his hands had begun to roam around your body. Down to your throat, over your shoulders, brushing against the sides of your breast, and the sides of your waist, until they came to the bottom of your shirt.
He pressed his thigh more firmly against the part of you that ached for this man. When you groaned into his mouth, he broke away, his mouth trailing kisses across your cheek, then down to your neck.
Spencer gripped the bottom of your shirt, his thumbs ghosting against your skin before he started pushing it up your body.
Through the fog of lust in your brain, you realized what he was doing, causing you to tense slightly. He must have felt the shift in your body because he pulled his head up from its place against your skin, his eyes searching your face.
“We don’t have to do this, Samantha,” he whispered.
“No!” Your voice came out in a rush. “No, Spence I want to. I really want to.” He smirked at your words, one of his hands coming up to brush over the green streaks in your hair, his eyes still filled with fire, but somehow so incredibly soft.
“Spence, it’s just…I don’t know…I’m not…and you’re so…you’re so hot!”
He huffed out a laugh at your words, bringing the hand that had been touching your hair over to cradle the left side of your face. “You have to know that I think you’re the most beautiful thing in the world.”
But how could you have known that?
“Samantha, you have no idea how I feel every fucking time I look at you.” He brought his mouth down again, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then to both of your cheeks. “You have no idea what I want to do to you.”
You felt your breath catch. “Do it then.”
Spencer looked unsure for just a moment before he looked into your eyes again. "They really do look like sunflowers," he muttered to himself. "If you want me to stop, just tell me to stop."
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. “I don’t think that’s likely.”
He just smirked down at you before his entire demeanor changed. “We’ll see. Take off your shirt, Samantha.”
You were shocked at the sudden amount of authority in his tone.
“I won’t ask again, Pretty Girl.”
You were still slightly nervous, but the pull inside of you to obey his words was so much stronger than any sort of insecurity you felt. It was if your hands moved automatically, gripping the bottom of your shirt before tugging it over your head.
Spencer’s eyes ran over your newly exposed skin, lingering over your breasts. He reached his hand out towards you, his fingers brushing from your collarbones down to the tops of your breasts. Once they reached the edge of your bra, he paused, looking at you again.
“Your skin is soft, it’s like you were made to be touched,” he mused, unwinding the scarf from his neck. “Take this off. I’ve waited long enough to see your tits.”
Shocked at his words, you once again complied immediately. When your upper body was completely bared to him, he released another groan. “You’re so fucking pretty.”
You felt yourself almost blush at his words.
“Hold your hands out.” Both of your arms extended in front of you. Your eyes went impossibly wide when he brought both off your wrists together before winding your scarf around them, binding you.
“I’d prefer to tie you to the bed, but this will have to do for now.” The scarf was secured now, but you knew you could break out of it if you needed to. “I want you to lay on the bed, raise your arms over your head.”
Once you had reached the position he had instructed, you turned to watch him. He had taken his tie off before he came to your room, leaving him in just a button-down shirt and his slacks. The placement of your arms brought your breasts higher; a sight Spencer must have enjoyed based on how long his gaze stayed there.
Before you were ready, he started removing his shirt. He looked so slim in his clothes; you hadn’t expected his body to look so well defined. Spencer Reid without a shirt was quite a sight to behold.
He joined you on the bed, his face hovering over your own. “I left my pants on because if I don’t have anything to stop me, I’m not going to be able to hold back. I’ll fuck you until you scream.”
You whimpered at his words. “Don’t worry my pretty girl, we’ll get there. But I want to savor you first. Keep your hands where they are, if you move them, I will punish you. Do you understand?”
You were struggling to think, his hands were moving over your skin again, those long fingers finally touching your breast, moving closer to your nipple.
“I asked you a question, Samantha.”
“Yes,” you responded, licking your lips.
Suddenly his fingers reached your nipple, he ghosted his thumb against the bud before he gave it a sharp pinch. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, Doctor.”
He groaned at the sound of his honorific leaving your lips before he gave you a smile that was almost predatory. Spencer shoved your thighs apart, bringing his body to settle against you. You could feel how hard he was against you, even though all of your clothes.
He only gave you a brief, soft kiss before he started moving down your body. He wasted no time now. His lips closed over the tip of one breast while his hand cupped the other.
“Oh my god,” you moaned out, already trying to rock your body against his. That feeling got more frantic when you felt his teeth graze against you before he started to suck you into his mouth hard. His hand left your breast, moving down your stomach until he found the fastenings of your pants.
With a pop, the button sprang free; the sound of the zipper lowering was so loud in the otherwise silent room. The shifting of your hips got more and more desperate when you felt his fingertips run across the elastic band of your panties.
With one final nip of his teeth, he lifted his head, staring down at you. “Such a needy girl.” He pushed his body off of yours, coming to rest on his knees between your thighs.
His hand both moved to your sides, just above your pants. He raked his fingers down the skin until he caught the waistbands of your pants and panties. Spencer revealed you to his gaze slowly; so slowly you were afraid you would spontaneously combust.
Once he had you completely naked on the bed, he ran his hands over your legs, admiring you.
“I was right to leave my pants on,” he chuckled. “It’s taking everything I have not to wrap your thighs around me and finally fuck you.”
“Please,” you whimpered out when his hand ghosted over the skin of on the inside of your knee.
“Soon, pretty girl. But first, I’d rather find out how those thighs feel wrapped around my head.”
You forgot how to breathe at his words. He leaned down, shifting farthing down the bed. Spencer's mouth moved over the skin of your inner thighs with a trail of wet, open mouth kisses.
When he finally reached his destination, he turned his head to the side pressing one finally kiss against your thigh before his teeth caught the skin. The sensation caused you to buck your hips.
“Hold still, Samantha,” he breathed against you. “I want you to hold still while I make you cum with my mouth. Can you do that?”
You weren’t sure if you could, but you bit your lip and nodded anyway.
“That’s my good girl.” That was the last thing he said before he pressed a kiss to your pussy.
His tongue ran against the entirety of your slit once before he parted you with his thumbs. “Jesus,” he muttered. “You’re so wet, pretty girl. You’re absolutely soaked for me.”
Even if you had wanted to respond to his words, you couldn’t have, because right after he finished speaking his tongue tapped against your clit. Using all the willpower you had, you tried to keep your hips still while his tongue made slow circles around your clit before moving down to your entrance.
He ran his tongue around it before he speared it inside of you, his thumb coming up to rub your clit while he fucked you with his tongue.
“You taste so good,” he moaned against you. The sensation making your legs shake.
“Please, please Doctor.” Your voice was a whine. Seeing Spencer Reid’s head between your thighs was the sexiest thing on the planet.  
You could feel his mouth turn up in a smirk. His thumb kept its tortuously slow pace. “Please what, Samantha?”
“Please make me cum, please.”
You felt his other hand move over to your opening, two fingers entering you without warning, causing you to arch your back.
He withdrew them immediately at your movement, raising his upper body to look at you. You were not expecting it when his hand came down against your pussy in a sharp slap.
“I told you to hold still, Samantha.”
Your thighs were shaking in your efforts. “I’m sorry, Doctor. I’m trying.”
He smiled, running his tongue over his lips. “I know, Pretty Girl.”
His fingers pushed back inside of you, curling up. He shifted his hand slightly until he brushed again the spot inside of you that caused you to moan out a broken plea.
Your eyes had closed in both pleasure and as a show of self-control. If you saw what Spencer was doing to your body right now there was no way you’d be able to stop yourself from moving.
When you felt his mouth close around your clit, you were unable to keep your eyes shut. You had to look at him. His eyes were closed in bliss, his arm moving at a faster past.
His eyes snapped open and his mouth lifted when you moaned out his name. “Are you gonna cum, Pretty Girl?” he teased. “I can feel your tight little pussy squeezing my fingers. Fuck. I’m so fucking hard just thinking about what it will feel like when you cum all over my cock.”
“Spencer, please. I’m so close Please.”
He moved his mouth back down to the seam of your body. “You’ve been such a good girl, Samantha. You can move now, but your arms stay where they are. I want you to fuck this pretty pussy on my face. Can you do that?”
You nodded, your hips already moving to grind against him, seeking out your own pleasure. When his lips took your clit into his mouth, sucking softly, while his fingers curled into you, you were unable to control the loud moan that came out of your mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
Spencer’s fingers still moved inside of you, bringing you through your orgasm. He pressed a kiss to your inner thigh as he removed his fingers when you finally started to come down from your orgasm, he then put his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before he spoke. “I’ve thought about how you’d look after you came for me so many times,” he said quietly, moving up your body. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “This is better than I imagined.”
You tried to deepen the kiss, but you knew you couldn’t move your arms yet.
“You’re not done, are you baby?” He laughed when you frantically shook your head “no.” You didn’t think you’d ever be done with this man.
His hand shot up to wrap around your throat; he applied pressure to the sides to restrict the blood flow. "When I ask you a question, I expect an answer, Samantha."
You couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of his hand against you.
“Still such a needy girl,” he teased. “Now, you’re not done, are you?”
“No Doctor,” you rasped out.
Spencer smiled before he brought his mouth to yours again. He didn’t remove his hand from your throat while his tongue slicked into your mouth. It twirled against your own until he sucked the tip of your tongue into his mouth.
He pulled away with a groan. “I can’t fucking stand this anymore.” His hands moved to his pants, undoing them in a flash. You caught sight of him inside of his underwear. He palmed himself, his eyes on your face before he finally peeled those down too.
Spencer was well above average in everything else, it wasn’t surprising that he was here too. His hand wrapped around his cock, giving a few pumps while his eyes ran over your body.
“Turn over.”
You moved onto your stomach; Spencer pulling you up on to your knees. You felt both of his hands run over your ass until his right one lifted.
He gripped his cock in his hand, bringing it to your dripping center. Even that powerful orgasm hadn’t satisfied your desire for this man.
You felt the head of his cock slip into you, causing you both to groan. “Fucking Christ,” he moaned. “You’re so fucking tight.”
He started to slowly fuck himself into you, going deeper with every thrust. Your upper body was propped up on your elbows, your head hanging between them. You had never felt so overwhelmed by a man like this before.
With one final thrust, his hips slapped against your ass as he filled you completely.
Your face dropped into the pillow when he started to move; you were unable to control how loud you were moaning.
Those long fingers tangled in your hair again, pulling your head up. “No,” he growled, his rhythm never faltering. “I’ve thought about fucking you for too long. I want to hear you, do you understand.”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip while your hips pushed back against him. "Yes, Doctor."
“Good girl,” was all he said but he didn’t release your hair.
This was a torture of the sweetest kind. Your hands were bound, both of his hands were holding you in place while he fucked you in an almost primal way, but you need to touch your clit so badly you could cry. You were already so close again.
Spencer must have realized it then too. He pulled out of your body, causing a whine to slip from your throat, your hips pushing back to seek him out again.
“On your back, Pretty Girl.” He helped you roll, settling himself between your thighs again. His fingers ran over the bindings on your wrists before he brushed his mouth against yours.
He gripped his cock again, lining it up with your entrance before he slowly started to sink into you. He pulled your legs up higher around his waist, pulling him deeper. You both groaned at the sensation.
Spencer started rocking against you, his pelvis grinding against your clit. He kissed you again, both of his lips covering your top lip.
You let out another whimper when his pace quickened.
“I should be so mad at you, Samantha,” he rasped against your lips. “You’ve kept this perfect pussy away from me for too long.”
His words caused you to clench around him. He lifted his upper body again, only this time one hand when to your throat, the other moving between your bodies.
You felt his thumb circle your clit while his fingers choked you again. “Come on, Samantha. I want you to cum for me, pretty girl.” Your head was thrashing against his hold, your body moving against his desperately. “I can feel it; cum on my cock baby.”
You might have screamed when the orgasm broke inside of you but you lost all sense of time and space when you came for him. Spencer's pace never slowed, his hands lifting from you to grab onto the headboard. His thrusts were brutal and seemed to extend your own orgasm.
With one final thrust, he groaned out “Samantha”, a look that you would remember for the rest of his life on his face while he found his release inside of you.
He quickly reached up and undid the bindings around your wrist with one movement. You brought your arms down, wincing at the pins and needles feeling.
“Sore?” he asked, his thumbs rubbing over your wrists.
“It was worth it,” you teased.
He smirked up at you. “So, am I still adorable?”
“I don’t know,” you pretended to consider him. “There isn’t enough data to reach a conclusion. You’re a man of science, you should know that.”
“Only you would make a science joke at a time like this.”
“It’s why you like me.”
His gaze softened, his hand cradling your face again. “It’s one of the reasons.”
You hadn’t gotten a chance to really talk to Spencer since that night in Oklahoma. He had slept in your room, causing both of you to rush around frantically the following morning so you wouldn’t miss the plane.
Then you had a full day of paperwork before Penelope insisted that everyone needed to unwind and have fun. So, against everyone’s will, she had dragged us to a bar nearby.
Now it was the next day and you had a nervous sort of excitement fluttering in your stomach.
“It’s a bit warm for a scarf, Pretty Boy,” Morgan called out, startling you.
You had noticed your purple scarf was missing from your go bag but you just assumed you left it in the hotel room.
That was evidently not the case as Dr. Spencer Reid walked into the BAU bullpen with it wrapped around his neck.
“My neck gets cold,” he defended. “I’m not used to short hair yet.”
That seemed to satisfy everyone else, but you didn’t miss the smirk he sent your way, or how he placed the scarf on his desk where you could see it.
It wasn’t until after 10 am that you could finally get a chance to speak to him alone. He didn’t look at all surprised when you started walking towards his desk, he just turned his chair to face you, his long legs stretched out in front of him.
“Are you going to give me my scarf back?” you questioned, your tone both amused and expectant.
Spencer just smiled at you, his cockiness seeming to have vanished. He looked almost nervous when he asked, “Are you going to go on a date with me?”
Despite all you had done, you couldn’t control the rush of surprise at his request. “Yes,” you informed him with a huge smile on your face.
His smile was just as earnest. “Finally,” he muttered, turning his chair back towards his desk. “And since you said ‘yes’, I think I’ll hang on to the scarf for a bit longer.”
-- The end.
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mambo-rewritten · 2 years
Rush Hour (Part 1)
Hello! Long time, no see. This piece is the first part of a small story about my oc Vee, the protagonist of A Girl By Many Names, and Landrey, a serial killer who loves his wife so much he’d kill for her. Literally.
A word of warning: Landrey has DID, but instead of fearing his alters, he works with them. He is a serial killer with DID, not because of it. I myself have P-DID (partial DID, wherein my alters are more passive and front during emotional turmoil. Feel free to look it up if you’re curious about the details!), and use him as a way to explore and write about my own experiences with it. The last thing I want is for people to misunderstand this. I’m also open to answering any questions!
Layla belongs to my creative partner, who wishes to remain anonymous. Vee, Landrey, and Taylor belong to me.
I hope you enjoy!
Content warning: daggers, knives, DID, serial killers, and blood.
2k words.
A young voice suddenly filled the house, followed by an overzealous slam of the front door and footsteps into the living space. The man in question looked up from his work– several pages scattered across the dining table, all with photographs and blocks of text. Profiles. 
“What is it, Taylor?” He droned, giving his accomplice a look that seethed with boredom and irritation. The man’s brown hair was mussed, with cowlicks reeking of exhaustion and many hours of laborious studying. “What is so important that you scream so loudly that you nearly wake up the entire neighborhood? The old people next door already don’t like us, and I’d rather not kill them for being too damn nosy for their own good.” He set his jaw and raised his brows, and Taylor couldn’t help but falter. 
Sweat beaded on the younger man’s forehead, and he swallowed. He knew that look, and it never usually ended well for the party on the other end of it. 
“W-well…” he paused, considering how to approach the topic. “I have a new candidate?” He supplied lamely, his voice lilting up in apprehensive hope. “S-she’d be perfect! Fits all the criteria, down to the detail!” His hands fidgeted behind his back. The sweat growing on his palms was making it difficult for him to maintain his hold on the real prize he had for Landrey. 
Landrey didn’t speak for a long moment, opting to study Taylor with scrutinous, crimson eyes, which only made him more nervous.
Alastor was fronting. 
Sweat trickled down the side of his face as he swallowed again, the lump growing in his throat making it even more difficult. 
“Well? Are you going to tell me about her, or am I to find her on my own?” Alastor suddenly snapped, causing Taylor to jump a bit in surprise and fear.
He nodded. “I didn’t catch her name, or get a photo, but I ran into her in one of the alleys on my way home. She had long brown hair in a ponytail, with bright teal eyes. Very fit and athletic, from the way her body was built, and the way she was dressed.” He paused, and Alastor waved a hand for him to continue. “I ran into her and noticed she had a dagger on her thigh, in a holster. Probably for self defense? So I grabbed it.” He produced the item from behind his back, placing it on the table in front of his adoptive father. “She won’t have it when you decide to target her. Should make it easier, I hope?” 
Alastor picked up the blade, studying it carefully. The hilt of the weapon was ornate, with well-worn leather and a detailed octopus pommel. The blade itself was well-cared for, and lethally sharp. He was silent, examining the engraving at the base of the blade, just above the cross-guard. 
“D.C.?” He asked, lifting those eerie crimson eyes to meet Taylor’s. 
“I-I don’t know what it means, it’s probably just her initials or something,” he shrugged. 
Alastor didn’t respond, continuing to study the weapon. He only looked up when an ethereally beautiful woman stepped into the kitchen. 
“Landrey, kitten, you really ought to come to bed,” she murmured to him, stepping closer and pressing a loving kiss to his cheek, which in turn brought a smile to his lips. However, upon seeing the blade he was holding, she instantly froze, her crystalline blue eyes widening. “Where did you get that?”
“Pickpocketed some girl on my way home,” Taylor spoke up, his tone now much more relaxed and casual now that his mother was here to calm Landrey and Alastor down. “Figured if we ended up targeting her, this’d make things easier in case she tries to fight back.”
“You need to return this. Immediately,” her tone was stony and cold, and the glare she was giving Taylor was just as grim and serious. She wasn’t messing around. 
Alastor shrugged, still admiring the beautiful weapon. “I don’t see why we should, Layla. The weapon’s good, and well-cared for. It’d be a nice change of pace from the tools I normally use. Not to mention it’d throw the cops off the trail they’ve been following as of late.” He looked up to his wife, and frowned.
Layla sighed and turned her attention back to the blade. “I understand that, I do. But we can’t keep this. She’ll be here within the hour, and I’d rather not be responsible for cleaning up the mess she’ll make with you.” 
“It’s just a dagger, love.”
“It’s her dagger, and I’m telling you. We can’t keep it.” 
Alastor looked hard at Layla, pursing his lips. “Then tell me why we can’t keep it. Do you know the girl it belongs to?”
Layla hesitated, taking a moment to consider her response. “...Yes. I do. And I know what she’s capable of. We’re taking her off the victim’s list, and we’re going to return the blade to her. Do not argue with me, Taylor,” she growled when Taylor opened his mouth to protest. He promptly closed it with a click. 
“Listen, she’s harmless without this. We kill her, you have dinner, and we get to keep the blade.” 
“No! You’re not listening to me!” Layla exclaimed, grabbing the dagger from Alastor’s grasp and giving him a stern look. “You don’t know this girl! I do. And I’m telling you that we’re not killing her and we certainly are not keeping this dagger!” 
Alastor rose from his chair and narrowed his eyes at Layla, ignoring the flash of sharp teeth that came from her. “Then tell me. I’m listening, dear. Tell me how you know this girl and why that blade is so damn important that we don’t keep it.” 
Layla sighed and set her jaw, meeting his stern glare with one of her own. “She was a test subject at the lab where they made me.” She emphasized her point with a raise of her brows and a tilt of her head. 
Alastor fell back a bit, his eyes shifting to a more neutral brown.
“What did they do to her?” He asked, tone softer and significantly less hostile. Landrey had taken front. 
Layla visibly relaxed, as did Taylor. She motioned for her son to sit, and she joined the two at the table. “Mostly steroid tests. Genetic modifications.” She traced a tentacle up the hilt with her thumb. “...Body control experiments,” she added, her voice quiet. 
“What does that mean?” Taylor pressed. “What was the point in doing all of that to her? She just looked like a normal twenty-something year old.”
She sighed, setting the dagger down on the table in front of her. “To make another killing machine. Like me, but stealthier. Faster. I was created for mass genocide. She was made for espionage and assassination.”
“So what does that have to do with body control experiments?”
“To remove any and all emotion from her. She’s essentially a puppet when the program takes hold.” 
Silence fell over the three of them as the gravity of her words sank in. 
Layla and Taylor looked up when Landrey broke the silence with a haunting chuckle. “What’s so funny?” Layla hissed, bristling at her partner’s glee. 
“Think about it, kitten!” He beamed. “If she’s as good as what you’re telling us, we could exploit that program! We could get the cops off our tail and onto her! There’s no way I’m giving this dagger back if it means she comes right to our doorstep! We just have to give her the old stick-and-snatch and break her little mind until she’s our puppet!” 
“Landrey, are you insane?!” Layla snapped, despite knowing the answer. “You can’t control her! Not only is that fucked up, but it’s incredibly dangerous! She could just as easily turn on us and ruin everything we’ve worked for! Is it really so hard to just give her the dagger back and let her live her life?! Diana is my sister and I’m not going to allow—!” 
Her words were cut off by a knock at the front door. 
“Nobody move. I’ll handle it,” Layla growled, getting to her feet and leaving the men at the table with the dagger.
Taylor and Landrey exchanged a brief look, and Landrey quickly snatched up the blade.
The tall woman let out a quiet sigh, turning the knob and opening the door. 
A shorter woman stood in front of her, teal eyes stormy with a silently brewing rage. “Ah. Layla,” she greeted, though her tone was cold at best, and downright livid at worst.
“Vee’s fine,” she corrected.
Layla nodded. “Vee, then. What brings you here?” She asked coolly, desperately hoping her boys were behaving in the other room. She really didn’t want to deal with an unnecessary bloodbath tonight. 
Vee gave her an unimpressed look. “I believe you have something of mine. I’m here to retrieve it, and I’ll be on my way.”
The white-haired woman swallowed thickly, weighing her options. There were now three notorious murderers within a ten foot radius of where she stood. One wrong move would prove egregious. 
“I’m afraid we don’t have what you’re looking for,” Landrey suddenly spoke up over Layla’s shoulder. She turned to shoot him a glare, giving Vee a better look of the inside of their home. 
Her turquoise gaze instantly landed on Taylor, who visibly paled as the young woman’s lip curled back in a snarl. “Oh, I think you do,” she growled, but didn’t move. “Just give me the blade, and I’ll leave. I really think it’d be in everyone’s best interest.” 
“Ma’am, I hate to be rude, but I’mma have to ask you to leave,” Landrey drawled, his now-amber eyes half-lidded. Tabby had taken front, and that was never a good sign. “We don’t have what you’re lookin’ for, and if you continue to bother us, we won’t hesitate to call the cops. You’re trespassin’ and this is private property.” 
That drew a hollow laugh out of Vee, her own eyes flickering an eerie black. Though, unlike Landrey, whose irises simply faded in hue, her entire eye had changed to the inky color. 
It never failed to send shivers down Layla’s spine. 
“Just give her the dagger, Landrey. Please.”
“No! Finders keepers.” 
Taylor suddenly let out a surprised yelp, and Vee was no longer outside the front door, instead pinning him to the floor of the kitchen with lethal claws poised at his throat. “Where is it?” she demanded, her voice containing an eerie staticky tone. 
Taylor had been on the receiving end of death threats countless times, mostly from Landrey and Alastor, but he’d never felt truly in danger. He served them a purpose. They never had any real intention of killing him. This girl was a completely different story. She merely saw him as a threat, and sought to eliminate him. 
He knew she’d kill him without hesitation. And those inky black eyes only cemented that notion. 
“L-Landrey has it!” He confessed, watching as her head snapped to laser in on her new target. She rose to her feet and stared him down, to which he sighed and rolled his eyes. 
“Wow, so scary with those eyes of yours. Get out of my house.”
“Give me the blade and I will.”
“No. It’s mine.”
“Landrey!” Layla hissed. Landrey turned to her and tilted his head, his hands stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie. 
Vee had once again vanished from her spot, resuming her position on the front step just outside the house. Her arm hung at her side, the hilt of the blade resting in her palm limply. 
Landrey patted the pocket, shocked to find it empty. “What the fuck?” He hissed, snapping his gaze to their guest. 
She slipped the blade into its holster on her thigh, nestling it down next to its twin. “Well. Thank you for your time and for rightly returning what belongs to me. Don’t pull this kind of stunt again. Next time I won’t be so nice.” 
Landrey bristled, his eyes shifting from the warm brown to a furious red. “That. Belongs. To me,” he growled lowly with a none-too-pleased grin, causing Vee to pause in her retreat and turn her head to him. “Give. It. Back.” 
Layla’s blood ran cold as Vee returned his chilling grin. 
“Gotta catch me, then.” 
And then she was gone.
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