#it takes way too much time and effort to build a deck
cosaimai · 9 months
I really need to start playing masterduel again but I also hate playing masterduel
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godkillerbrigade · 4 months
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Heal friendships, uncover mysteries, and prepare for impending doom in The Last Days of Friendship Valley! You play as the Patcher, a goat whose job is to settle arguments and keep communities together. Your new home plans on putting your conflict negotiation skills to the test: a deep schism lurks beneath the surface of Friendship Valley, and there are mere days before everything breaks apart. Make friends with the town's inhabitants, evolve your conversational approach, and try to mend the broken heart of Friendship Valley before it destroys the world.
Wishlist now:
Build Your Conversation Deck
The Last Days of Friendship Valley's unique card-based tactical Friendship Encounter system lets you decide EVERYTHING about your Patcher, from your conversational quirks, to your emotional strengths and weaknesses, to the ways you break when the strain becomes too much. Flexible or firm, steadfast or melancholy, patient or explosive; you decide who you become and how you interact with the world. When every character has full emotional interiority, a single wrong word can be the difference between success and disaster. Do you have what it takes to tackle the chaos of interpersonal communication?
Uncover an Ancient Mystery
Not all is sunshine and rainbows in Friendship Valley; a mystery that stretches back to the dawn of time threatens to swallow the town. Uncover soul-powered machines, negotiate with fairies, and delve into deep emotional wounds in order to reach the truth. What does the floating obelisk in the middle of town really do? Why is there an abandoned building covered in magic sigils outside of town? Who is trying to destroy Friendship Valley, and why?
Try to Save the World
You won't be able to do it alone. Fortunately, you have help. The friends you make along the way will be there to support you in big and small ways alike, from a fresh meal to a trek through the wilderness. Each Friendship Encounter you successfully resolve brings you closer to the goats involved: Friendship Valley is a mistrustful place, but with time and effort, it can become a home.
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swirlymarimo · 8 months
10 Zosan Headcanons picked by poll
1.) Zoro is the more jealous one. He's the type of overprotective boyfriend to stand behind Sanji and glare down anyone that he thinks might be interested and if anyone ever does make a move on Sanji, Zoro's not shy about starting a fight.
2.) Everyone knows that Sanji's a good-looking man. there's no doubt about it. For Zoro, the thing that caught his attention first was his fighting style. Not only was he crazy strong, but there was something in the way he moved that made him look simply gorgeous as he threw kick after kick. Zoro's always mesmerized watching him.
3.) When Sanji gets the desire to shower Zoro with some affection, he typically does so by making whatever silly excuses he could possibly think of to get only Zoro to go on supply runs with him. While in town, Sanji always picks out a nice place to eat lunch, and maybe they do a little sight seeing together if they can. It's not the perfect scenario, but these small dates always mean so much to them.
4.) Sanji has always been a ladies' man. He adores women, and everyone knows that. However, there's always been one thing about Zoro that he could never ignore, something that always made his heart feel a little funny. If you really paid attention to Zoro while he's with their friends, he gets this much softer look in his eyes, and something about that side of Zoro had Sanji smitten from the start.
5.) When it came time in their relationship, they each decided, independently, that it was time to take things to the next level. There came a day where they had planned the absolute perfect date, one that would pale in comparison to the others. It was the perfect opportunity for a proposal. Which they both did. Both men dropped to one knee at exactly the same time, ring in hand and shocked expressions on their faces. Zoro and Sanji both had tried to propose to the other at exactly the same moment, and of course, they both said "yes."
6.) When they get married it's of course, aboard the Thousand Sunny. The crew spent the entire morning decorating the deck until it was perfect. Franky put in the most effort, building a small gazebo in the center of the deck to really enhance the real wedding experience. It was simply gorgeous. When Zoro and Sanji finally meet beneath it, they're so absorbed in each other that the other strawhats swear they didn't even notice their hard work.
7.) Their honeymoon was a small uncharted island that Nami discovered along their course. It was small enough to be unbothered but big enough to comfortably accommodate a small group of people. The rest of the crew decided to stay on a nearby island to give the newly weds their own privacy. For a whole week, Zoro and Sanji were left alone in the spoils of a gorgeous tropical island.
8.) Everyone knows that Zoro is a protective person by nature, but when it came to his husband, he had a tendency to take things a bit too far. The marines still tell horror stories about what Zoro had done to the poor bastard that dares to lay a hand on Sanji. He'd taken advantage of an opening while the blonde was distracted shielding the girls, and he'd paid dearly for it.
9.) It was strange at first to have Sanji doting on him as he would for the girls. It wasn't exactly the same treatment. Every time he ended a training session, Sanji came with some snack and water to refresh him. Every time he got himself hurt, Sanji was the first to patch him up unless their doctor was near. Sanji always saved meals for him if he was stuck on watch, too. He also received regular massage and pampering from the chef. He should have known, giving Sanjis habits that he'd, of course, be a doting kind of husband.
10.) It doesn't take very long for the word of their marriage to get out. Once the Marines caught wind, they seemed to have mass printed new posters. One morning, the news coo dropped a paper with a healthy stack of new wanted posters in the center. All the buzz seemed to be centered around Zoro and Sanji, who now share a singular poster with a ridiculously high bounty. The greatest part, though, was that instead of having their usual titles, they've gained a new one. It read "Roronoa Zoro and Roronoa Sanji."The wings of the pirate king' "
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genshin-scenarios · 5 months
A Flower Made of Playing Cards (Lyney x Reader)
Summary: A highschool idol AU commissioned by a very kind and patient anon!
It's mostly inspired by this headcanon post, where Lyney spends his civilian life starting to pine after you (a classmate) while keeping his idol life as 'Felis' a secret.
Content warnings: reader is implied to be at a height where Lyney can spin them under his arm?? That's pretty much it! Still gender neutral as usual
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Preparing for the Stage:
When Lyney was first asked what he wanted to base his idol concept on, he decided on the magic of luck — something unpredictable and frankly, he wouldn’t bet on most of the time — but if a black cat of all things could disguise itself as a charming magician who made dreams come true, Lyney thought that could be the truth threaded within his performances. 
His luck in gaining a family as supportive as his own. His luck in being chosen out of many candidates to debut, and…
Suppose a bit of rotten luck could play into his concept too. The kinds where props or staff go missing on the day of his nationwide tour, and miracles come into play to get him out of a tight spot.
But like a cat landing on its feet, Lyney — as Felis — would always come through in the end with a smile.
There is comfort in the mysterious and ethereal. The audience places their faith in idols to remain as an untouchable being, talented and charming till the end; while the idol repeats their tricks and illusions, learning them down to a science of well-orchestrated plans.
With the right people to support him behind the curtains, Lyney is sure there is little he can’t do.
But at the end of the day, Lyney is still just a teenager. And when faced with you, who’d unknowingly puppeteered his heartstrings to skip at the quirk of your lips, eyes crinkling with laughter from your seat a few rows away…
No one said that stars couldn’t fall in love. In fact, the ways they do so might be more beautifully devastating than ever. And Lyney is nothing if not someone who burns as brightly as he shines onstage.
On the other side:
You’ve always thought of Lyney as a regular classmate; one who gets along with others but otherwise keeps to himself. And sure, he’s also really cute, but Lyney’s always just been a nice presence to hang around with, especially after you learned he has a knack for magic tricks and was willing to teach you a few, skilled fingers sifting through a deck of cards.
You’re starting to think that Lyney’s not just a friend to you anymore.
Despite your best efforts to keep your feelings at bay, you’re more than aware that the nerves building up in your stomach whenever he’s near spells out a crush. As you get to know him, Lyney’s somehow went from cute to pretty, and you know you're not crazy when you notice his quiet charm shifting into something more extroverted. 
There are no seating plans during the breaks between classes — particularly if it’s this week, where your science teacher has packed off to accompany a sports team to a tournament — so you spend the hour finishing your substitute work with Lyney by your side. Except once you’re both done, he takes to scrolling through his phone and showing you the posts on his feed every now and then, and you swear his chair has been shifting closer and closer every minute.
With quiet words, Lyney leans towards you with a quirk to his lips. You wonder if he realizes how dangerous this is to your wellbeing. 
“This cafe’s menu is themed after wizards! See the cauldron?”
“Maybe you could get a part-time job there as an entertainer.” You suggest.
Lyney hums. “But I only like to perform magic for my friends. Which totals to three people, including you.”
“Are the other two Lynette and Freminet?”
“I don’t know if your sister would be happy to hear that.” She’d probably say he sounds like a loner.
“Nevermind if that makes her cringe — she’s stuck with me anyways. But I’d like to think at least Freminet would be happy.”
“He’s a sweet kid,” You try not to get distracted by Lyney’s hair tickling your shoulder. “Maybe you should take him there with you.”
“Just between us, I think Freminet would be more comfortable if you were there too.” Lyney shrugs, eyes meeting yours with a clarity that tells you this is a genuine offer. “He’s a bit more chatty around you, which is saying a lot.”
“Maybe that’s just because you’re too much for him?”
“Whatever do you mean? I’m nothing if not quiet, introverted, shy…”
“Shy.” You repeat in disbelief. You might’ve believed that once upon a time, but certainly not now. “A shy person wouldn’t offer to teach a stranger how to do card tricks.”
“Maybe I was just enchanted by you.”
“You avoided me unless we were talking about magic.” You remind him, to which Lyney bumps his shoulder against yours with a huff. “Maybe at that time you were a little shy, but I highly doubt you’d be like that towards your brother.”
“I’ve let you talk too much to my siblings…” He’s pouting. “Your impression of me is ruined now.”
“There’d be nothing to ruin you with if you haven’t done anything.” You tap your chin. “Is there another big secret that I should ask them about?”
You don’t notice, but Lyney’s eyes widen before he tears his gaze away from you, trying to stop the blush rising on his cheeks. If he wasn’t sitting so close, he’d probably slap his face to snap out of it.
Which secret? His crush — or idol career?
Just the thought of you knowing about his feelings is enough to make him combust, but the idea of you realizing he was the idol Felis? You’ve already told Lyney you weren’t that interested in idols since they were real people, compared to 2D characters who you could headcanon about to your hearts’ content. 
A part of him is relieved this means that if you fell for him, it’d be for himself. But another part feels like it’s a waste of the possibilities floating around his head; what if he surprised you by inviting you to a concert, then watched as the understanding enters your face when he steps onstage? What if he dedicates one of his performances to you, or asks you to sneak out with him after a show?
He’s even wearing just one side of his earphones so there’s an opening to offer you the other; it’s less about the music at this point, and instead the little gestures that tell him he has a chance.
He’d take any interaction if it has to do with you, but only within the safety of his own home would Lyney allow himself to daydream — his imagination causing a burn on his cheeks.
Lynette tells him he’s been reading too many mangas, but an idol can dream. Lyney just hadn’t expected you to become one of said dreams so fast.
Somehow, practicing how he’d confess to you is harder than any other rehearsal Lyney’s done. Perhaps it’s because he knows he looks like an idiot, speaking to the wall-length mirror after he gave up on Lynette and Freminet as helpers.
…The things he’d like to say to you remain private, anyways. There’s no way Lyney could bring himself to sound so sappy to anyone’s face but yours.
Seeing as it’s off-season, the only idol work Lyney has is related to magazine and advertisements shoots. It’s nothing much compared to when he first did an overseas tour, so he has the chance to steal some time for himself — going for a coffee run after he dons a mask and large sweater, then a cap which hides most of his hair.
Today Lyney had to model for a limited-edition pocky series. It’s strawberry and something-flavored, so the dress and makeup people had the bright idea to add a ribbon to his hair. It’s fanservice, it’s cute, and Lyney doesn’t think much of it seeing as he can’t see himself, until he spots you outside of the cafe where he’s waiting for his order. 
He’s always been light on his feet, but Lyney doesn’t think he’s ever ducked into a corner so fast, quieting himself in an attempt to become invisible.
You haven’t seen him without his glasses before, so maybe you wouldn’t…?
“Order for Felix!”
Of course it’s his turn now that you’re here. He considers taking off the ribbon before thinking better of it, hoping it isn't visibly poking out from underneath his cap.
“...Here!” Lyney tries not to cringe as he goes up to the counter. On most days he gives the cashier a random name — sometimes ‘Felix’ because it could be his idol alias read wrongly — but right now it almost gives him a heart attack when he hears his not-name, because it’s followed by you accidentally bumping into him and apologizing for almost spilling his coffee.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
“It’s alright, nothing’s spilled.” Lyney realizes too late that you might recognise his voice, and starts to speak in a muffled tenor. “No worries at all. Thank you for your concern.”
“...Felix, was it?” You look at him in confusion. “Is your throat okay?”
Before you can look at him any closer, Lyney’s turned away from you and started to speed-walk out of the cafe like his life depends on it. 
“Perfectly fine, enjoy your day!” He says a bit louder to not appear too rude. He’s quite sure his ears are red as he makes his retreat, and by the time he makes enough distance between himself and the cafe, Lyney realizes something.
He didn’t even get to hear your coffee order!
Back to your side:
Out of all strange incidents that could happen over the weekend, you didn’t expect an encounter with some ‘Felix’ guy to linger in your mind until now.
To be honest, it was less about the stranger and just the ribbon you spotted in his hair when he ran away. As you listen to Lyney ramble about a magic trick he’s figured out recently, you watch the way his ash-blond locks sway with every motion.
…That pink ribbon from the stranger's head might look cute on Lyney. With how the breeze is playing with his hair, you can imagine the ends of the ribbon floating, threatening to fall loose and fly off the school rooftop you’re loitering at.
Lunch finished and forgotten, Lyney stands up as he’s reminded of something. He spins on his heel to look at you, hands linked behind his back.
“You know, over the weekend I saw a dance go viral.”
“The one on tiktok?”
“Yep! Want to try it?”
Lyney’s not usually this energetic, but it’s not so out-of-character that you’d start to find it odd. Instead, you’d like to preserve the easy smile on his lips while you still can — it’s a rare sight to see him this excited, steps light and gaze playful.
“I’m not a good dancer, though…” You hesitate, before Lyney comes closer to pull you to your feet with both hands — and how could you say no when your fingers are still loosely linked between you?
Lyney’s cheery demeanor slips into something more calm. With a content hum, he takes a small step away from you and positions his feet. You mimic him as he explains each move.
“Okay, so now you have to do a turn from this side.”
“How should I when you’re still holding onto me?”
“Like this,” Lyney urges you to turn, and as naturally as momentum brings you, he lets go of one of your hands to twirl you under his arm. “See? It’s easy!”
“I’m quite sure the dance didn’t involve a partner.” You can’t keep your smile down, peering up at Lyney when you stand in front of him again. “Trying to set a new trend, are we?”
“Only if you’ll let me record us. I won’t post it anywhere though, since my manager might get mad at me.”
“Your manager at work?” You ask, confusion furrowing your brow. “Did you accidentally sign an extra clause or something? They shouldn’t be able to control how you act outside of your shift!” Lyney bursts into laughter, earning a light hit on the shoulder from you. “Hey! This is serious — what kind of part time job did you get yourself into?”
“I wouldn’t say it’s a regular side-gig.” Lyney calms down, expression dusted with a pink blush as he looks at you fondly. “I’m a bit of a public figure, though I don’t normally dress that way when I’m at school.”
“Well then, Mr Popular.” You play along. “What should I be calling you instead then, when I see you during your job?”
“...Most people call me Felis, if that rings any bells.” He glances away. “It’d be pretty embarrassing if you didn’t recognise my name. But I do have to sing, dance, and…”
“You’re an idol.” Your eyes widened, the words spoken so quietly, you had to repeat them just to make sure they didn’t slip away. “You’re that idol, aren’t you? The sparkly-looking guy on the billboards!”
“Not so loud!” Lyney hushes you, grabbing your shoulders in reflex before stopping. He clears his throat, taking a step away. You would’ve minded the distance more, if it were not for the sight of Lyney bashful in front of you. “...It’s a bit of a secret, just so I can still live peacefully as a civilian. I asked Lynette and Freminet to make sure no one could overhear us here. They might be as nervous as me about your reaction, I’m sure.”
“I find that a little hard to believe.” If anything, they might be more worried about Lyney recuperating. You speak tentatively, raising a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. “Now that I’m checking properly though, you do have the same look.”
It takes everything in Lyney to not squirm at your touch, and it’s even more terrifying that he wants to keep you there. “I would hope so, seeing as we’re the same person.”
“I bet Felis doesn’t spin his fans under his arm,” You quirk a cheeky smile. “Unless there’s something else you have to tell me?”
“Of course not, that’s only reserved for the best of…” Lyney trails off, the word ‘friend’ dying on his tongue. Not that you aren’t one, but— “I thought it’d be important to tell you about my job, before I ask you the real question I have on my mind.”
Giving him a nod, you tell him you’re all ears.
“...If you’re free next week, would you want to go somewhere together? As a date, I mean.” He lets the question sit in the air. “I understand if not, of course, whether it be because you just see me as a friend or find the whole idol thing too much—”
“I’ll make sure I’m free.” It takes a moment for your answer to register in Lyney’s head before his eyes light up. “Rather, you might have to make sure I don’t mess anything up for you. Like… should I call you by another name? Do I also need to wear a disguise?” If you had a net right now, it’d be very helpful in catching the butterflies in your stomach, to keep you focused on what you’re saying.
Just you would be perfect. “As long as we dress casually, it should be fine.” Lyney’s smile is contagious, now that he’s settling into the fact you said yes. “Sunday afternoon?”
“Sounds good!” You’re cut off by the bell. Remembering that you have PE and haven’t changed yet, you curse under your breath and quickly apologize to Lyney. “I’ll see you later— or text, if not!”
By the time your sentence ends, the door to the rooftop has shut, and Lyney is left standing with the tiniest of smiles, looking at the ground to try and control his expression before his siblings can bombard him with questions.
Lyney has never felt nervous while singing love songs before, but his manager recently commented that he feels younger than usual. Like an actual teenager in love.
It checks out, considering how fast his heart races when he starts to associate lyrics with you. Gone is the Felis who shines like an untouchable star, and here enters an idol who might just be human.
He enjoys it, as afraid as he is at the same time. To place one’s heart in the hands of another is terrifying, but he’d rather it be you than anyone else.
…But maybe you shouldn’t attend any of his concerts for now. He doesn’t know what he’d do if his brain short-circuits at the sight of you within the crowd. 
His own little secret within a sea of people entrusting him with their dreams — what a thrilling thing indeed.
Speeding up:
After that day, you noticed that Lyney has loosened up more around you — in a way that means he’s more likely to smile and cling to you during conversations. If he had cat ears, you can imagine they’d be standing proud every time he managed to fluster you, watching for every micro-reaction as if his career depended on pulling that expression from you as he might with a crowd of adoring fans.
Except you think that Lyney’s adapting to this too quickly. How is it that he was the nervous one that day at the rooftop, but has been going on the offense ever since the next morning?!
Lynette apologized to you in advance, telling you that once Lyney has his eyes on a goal, he’d be merciless in trying to charm your heart. You just didn’t think it’d affect you this much, though that might have more to say about how quickly you’re falling rather than Lyney’s approach. 
Every time Lyney calls your name and decides it’s time to hang around you like sunshine to a flower, you’re reminded of the clips of Felis you’ve watched after learning of his job. It was a mix of curiosity and puzzling out what Lyney’s other side might be like…
But god, does he have to constantly sport a smile like that? You find out through a promotional video that the coffee shop stranger actually was Lyney, and the ribbon does look very cute in his hair.
It’s a shame you’re only seeing the whole design through a screen. And even worse is the way he’s blowing a kiss to the camera in this one music video—
“What’re you watching?” Lyney’s hands rest against the back of your seat as he leans to look over your shoulder, prompting a panicked noise from your throat. You fumble with your phone, flipping it over so he can’t see. The little smile Lyney’s wearing tells you he has an inkling, but he does you the favor of not spelling it out. “Must’ve been a pretty good video if you didn’t hear me coming over.”
“You snuck up on me!” Sending him a glare, you power off your phone protectively. “...And if you must know, I was just listening to a song.”
“Can I hear?” Despite his playful tone, Lyney does give you the space to deny him as he adjusts his glasses. “But of course, I understand if you don’t like to share headphones.”
“I don’t mind, but there’s something else I’m wondering about.” You tilt your head up to peer at Lyney more closely, reaching a hand out to graze against his fingers. “Are these real?”
“My hands? I’d hope so.”
“Your glasses.” You retort quietly, trying not to roll your eyes. “Despite how I had to make a reality check about you too, I do know in fact that you’re real.”
Lyney laughs, raising a fist to his mouth. “You flatter me. But to answer your question — yes, these are actual glasses. Though the prescription isn’t too bad, so I only wear contacts if needed elsewhere.” With a serious pause, Lyney meets your gaze. “I wear these to school though, because I need to look at the board from behind and admire you clearly.”
You prop your chin against your palm. “I’m starting to think you’ve gotten too flirty recently.”
“Would you believe me if I said I’ve been holding back?” He hums, pulling a chair to sit beside you and mirror your pose. “I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with me romantically at first, but after that…”
“...You’re lucky I find you cute.” You sigh in jest. “At this rate, you might wear me down before we even go on a first date.”
“There’s still a lot about myself I’d like to share with you.” Lyney quietly admits. “I just hope we’ll be able to talk with more freedom. And if you decide you still like me after that — I suppose I’d feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”
The softness in his words somehow hits you harder than his previous flirtations. 
It’s me who should be feeling incredibly lucky.
Rather than one persona being more genuine than the other, you were starting to understand Lyney’s balance between the schoolmate you knew and the charming idol onscreen.
You see the truth of his smile underneath the blinding lights and exchanges in the hallways; the adorable way he fiddles with his pen during class versus his confident choreography.
It’s all Lyney. You just have to learn more about him and put his trust to good use.
He’s not the type to pull just anyone into his world, after all. Lyney has always held back just a little, so as to not let his secrets show from behind the curtains to even his familiar friends.
And now that he’s allowed you in, how could you possibly take his excitement for granted? You’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to it too.
The date:
When Lyney greets you at the start of the date, the last thing you expected is for him to sneak a pink rose into your hair in place of a bouquet.
He claims it’s more discreet, especially considering the way he’s dressed with a mask and hat to hide his features, glasses also present. Despite these, Lyney is expressive enough that it doesn’t affect your conversations, and you allow him to take your hand as he leads you to the aquarium. It’s lunch time, so you’re going against the regular flow of people and enjoying the exhibits while it’s less populated.
Beneath the walkway tunnel where various rainbows of fish swim by, you gaze up in wonder at the shadow of a shark passing through.
Fontaine is nothing if not abundant in sea-related attractions, even if the main city is on land. You haven’t visited this aquarium since you were a kid, so it was nice to relive traipsing through a world washed in soothing, gentle blue.
“I think when we were younger, me and Lynette would talk about catching these fish if we were allowed into the tanks.” Lyney muses. “Perhaps that’s why our father says we’re like cats.”
“If we were in the wild though, catching fish for dinner would be a pretty good idea.” You gaze up. “But… if I was able to breathe underwater, I think I’d just spend all day escaping my troubles.”
“Would you have space for a partner in crime?”
“Only if they’d be able to help, by whisking us away from pursuers, for example.” You smile when Lyney starts swinging your hands lightly between you. “It’s stressful business when I have to worry about two of us getting caught, instead of just one.”
“I’d take the heat so you can get away first.” The conversation is childish, but Lyney’s sentiment makes a frown pull at your lips.
He’s confused when you stop walking and turn to face him. “No self-sacrifices! We either run together or get caught together. Nothing in-between.”
Something flickers in his eyes before he replies, tone warm. “Alright then. I’m at your mercy.”
“A bold claim, when you surprised me with this in my hair.” You point towards the rose Lyney’s managed to secure to your shirt with a pin, after his initial sneaky reveal. “...I’m just trying to make sure you’re not the only one giving between us, but it’s hard to keep up with all…” You gesture vaguely at him. “This.”
“You just signaled to all of me.” 
“That’s right!” You huff, crossing your arms across your chest. Lyney resists the urge to reach out and entwine your fingers again. “You’re too pretty, and nice, then I find out you can sing and dance too—”
“But I like surprising you.” Lyney chirps back, a laugh in his voice as he notices the way your face is darkening with a blush. He does you the service of hiding this from passersby — if any actually entered the walkway now, empty as it is — with his hands cupping both of your cheeks. “Maybe it’s because I’m a workaholic, but I want to make sure your eyes are only on me.” It’s the most dangerous thing he could say to you, in public or not. “So maybe I should apologize for dragging you into my selfish whims.”
“...But you don’t intend to stop.” You say, feeling lightheaded.
“Of course not.” Lyney hums, eyes bright with a smile. “There are a lot of stars to compete with in the night sky.”
And you said we're in this together, did you not? It's not the first time someone's told him he doesn't have to do things alone, but… it means a lot, coming from you.
“I hope you don’t say this to all your fans,” you sigh, relaxing into the softness of his palms. They’re smooth, and you realize Lyney’s always felt a little warm to the touch. 
“You’re a fan?”
The lilt in Lyney’s voice tells you you’ve made a mistake in your choice of words. He’s much, much too happy that a previously-disinterested person like you has now seen enough of his idol content to make such a slip.
“A fan of Lyney Hearth.” You try to salvage your pride, gaze trained onto the ground.
“Oh… I see.”
Lyney’s eyes widen before he catches himself, suddenly glad he’s wearing a mask for a different reason.
God… What is he going to do with you?
After attempting to feed penguins, seals, and exploring the open pool where you’re allowed to touch reef creatures, you and Lyney make a beeline out of the aquarium and towards the main shopping street, where many cafes are abound.
Since you were working against the usual rush schedule, you managed to grab a seat at a local favorite which also served meals; corner of the cafe and out of sight.
The meal passes by without issue, and next you browse some stores nearby while slowly heading towards the park. You were in a hobby shop when a group suddenly exclaimed the name Felis, causing Lyney to flinch and pull you with him behind a shelf.
“Oh my god, they do have idol stuff!”
“Yeah, but we already have this! It’s not new merch, y’know.”
Lyney lets out a relieved sigh, slumping against the shelf of comics. “Nevermind, false alarm.”
“Are you always this jumpy?” You whisper back, resisting the urge to look around him and see what said Felis merch was as the group moves to another end of the store. Lyney doesn’t seem to realize his arms are still wrapped around you, and that if you simply tilted your head a little, your faces could touch.
“Only because I’m more distracted today.” With you. “It’s nice to know that people are having fun though. My manager would classify that as a good review.”
“Yes, but also, um…” You clear your throat, causing Lyney to finally turn his head and freeze at your proximity. “Not that I mind, but you’re still holding on to me.”
“...Am I too close?” He sheepishly asks.
“Not at all.” You swallow your nerves. “But if the staff find us like this, we’re definitely going to get kicked out.”
One shared crepe and a walk in the park later, you reach a quiet area hidden between the trees that’s lit by the evening light. Lyney explains that he and other trainees would often come here to hide out and practice choreography together, when the training rooms became too suffocating. In hindsight, he’s quite sure this spot had eventually been bought out by their company, seeing as they never ran into any press or strangers here.
“We���d prop our phones on water bottles and record ourselves, since there was no mirror.” Lyney recounts. “It was mostly to catch our mistakes, but some managers encourage us to pretend we’re doing vlogs too, to get used to presenting our personalities to the camera. Whatever does get uploaded is screened, though.”
“Do you still have those videos?” You’re sitting on a bench, legs crossed and facing one-another. “The ones that didn’t get posted, I mean.”
“...Maybe? They’re really embarrassing though.” He chuckles, and almost moves to take off his mask before he thinks better of it. “And I think I only did those to update my family on how I was doing. They don’t believe my words entirely when I say I’m fine.”
“You are too good of a talker, so I’d be wary too.” You laugh, glancing up at the sky. The clouds are parting for purple and orange. “I think once upon a time, I might’ve dreamed about doing something creative too. Like singing, fashion, or etcetera.”
“Not every interest has to be placed in the public eye.” Lyney takes off his hat, giving you a wink. “Guess what’s inside.”
“A dove? More roses?”
“Take a look.”
Once you lean closer, Lyney raises the cap to shield your faces from one side, then pulls his mask aside to block the other. It’s over in a moment, but he brushes his lips over your cheek, and the one image that clings to your mind is the blush adorning his face and the clear look in his violet eyes.
Eyes that are trained on you — holding your attention until something flickers in the corner of your vision, and Lyney reveals a rose made of playing cards.
You look down to check for the flower pinned on your shirt: no longer there, and presumably transformed by Lyney’s trick of the senses. He allows you to take the handcrafted rose with a satisfied smile.
“I was nervous it might’ve fallen apart after walking around all day.” He admits. “It’s not as romantic as a regular rose, but I hope it holds its charm all the same.”
It’s very him. Lovely and careful in the ways he opens up his petals to you, but hiding a puzzle of spells underneath.
“It’ll last a lot longer, too.” You smile, storing it carefully to take home later. “How long did you spend on preparing that?”
“What do you mean? I transformed it in a second.” He muses. “Besides, I don’t want to spoil the magic. It took a lot of practice, but normally just with an audience that looks at the hat, instead of…” Lyney trails off, clapping his hands together as if to signal the next topic. “I can teach you to fold a flower like that though, if you’d like.”
“In the library as usual?” You allow the shift in conversation, if only because unlike Lyney, you do not have the solace of hiding your expression behind a disguise. “I’m starting to wonder if your skillset will ever be exhausted.”
“Well, I’m quite adept at interviews, modeling, and learning things by sight.” For his idol work, he means. “But I will admit I’ve been curious about baking. Maybe one day we could try that together.”
“Collecting points in more categories, I see. Maybe you can teach me how to dance, too.”
Lyney surprises you by swinging his legs off the bench and standing. He gives you a little bow, a glint in his eyes as he extends a hand towards you. “One of Felis’ you mean? I could do that now.”
Right now?!
“Don’t you trust me to?” Lyney pouts. “I’m a good teacher, I promise.”
“M… Maybe next time?” You’re not too sure, suddenly feeling intimidated by the idea of proper choreography. By instinct, you still take Lyney’s hand and get to your feet. “I need to mentally prepare— Whoa!”
Before you can finish, Lyney’s spun you around and lowered you into a dip, hands supporting you at your back and waist. He keeps it shallow and helps you back up — lips quirked as you’re suddenly pulled closer to him with the momentum, bodies and faces inches apart.
His pupils are dilated.
Your indignation quickly forms into surprise. There’s a quiet tension surrounding the air — a question asked, and your hand reaches up to take off Lyney’s mask in reply as he steals your breath away straight from your lips. 
You’ve been wondering when you’d finally get the chance to stop his honeyed words with a kiss.
After you get home, you find a playing card that Lyney’s slipped into your pocket. On it is his familiar scrawl, and a few simple words:
‘Thank you for today.  Love — your number 1 fan.’
You get a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time you exchange messages upon a suit of hearts. Maybe you’ll start investing in a deck of your own, just for him.
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em-mermaid · 9 months
The Dungeon is Ready for its Next Victim
Gem taps her foot, the soft sound echoing around the dungeon’s lobby. Hypno’s voice fades as the minecart takes him down, down into the dungeon. He had picked a hard run so she knew he would be a while. 
The runs were longer now. At the beginning they were only ever in there for a few hours, barely able to poke around in the early parts of level one before running back. But now, with their decks filling up with cards and artifacts hidden deeper in the dungeon, it was often days before the hermits would return victorious. Not that it was exactly obvious to those in the lobby, there weren’t any windows after all. 
They would return, adrenaline still flowing through their veins and shiny new cards in their hand. The brave ones would run again. Others would calm their racing heart and talk through their run. Many would crash, bodies falling slack against their friends in the lobby. Barely able to stay upright long enough to make it to their locker room before passing out for the night.
And yet they always returned.
There was something in the dungeon. Something there, just under the surface, that encouraged them to return. A desperate pull for more runs. For more greed.
So Gem waits.
And waits.
Let it be known that Gem is not a patient hermit. 
The foot tapping turns into bouncing, which then turns to jumping. Jumping turns to elytra gliding and pretty soon she is flying circles around her friends as they chat. Comparing decks and planning out future runs.
And Gem is bored.
She’s up next after all.
She eyes up the walls. It’s not a trapped feeling per say, but the flat ground of the lobby is no longer enough to help her expel the excess energy. To calm the nervous energy that is slowly building in anticipation of her run.
And that’s when she spots it. A hole in the wall, only two blocks up. It’s a small decorative thing shaped by stairs and slabs, but just large enough that she knows she could squeeze in. 
She sets her eyes on the prize and takes a running leap, flying up towards the nook and her fingers catch on the ledge. It takes some effort, but she manages to pull herself up fairly quick and with all the grace of the elf she is. And she’s definitely not out of breath afterwards, thank you very much. 
Finally, she turns to crouch and finds a comfortable position to observe the lobby. Her friends continue to mill about below, some even glancing over to throw her a smile before continuing their conversations. It was just another Gem quirk that she knew they loved. Find the high point and simply observe. Maybe throw out the occasional jab. It was, of course, the second best way to spend her time, only second to sparring.
So she sits, arms resting on bent knees and back hunched to keep her hair from brushing the slab above.
And she watches. 
She knew the little nook wouldn’t be big enough to stand in or even provide enough space to sit completely upright but at least she was pleasantly cozy despite the ever present chill. It calms her down, being up high like this. There is something soothing about being so close to the entrance of the dungeon, shard tucked safely into her pocket and her friends laughing below. 
Her heart rate finally slows and the nerves fade enough for her to relax. Hermits slip in and out of the lobby as she begins to doze. They know she is next and she knows they will respect that, should she doze through Hypno’s exit. 
As she dozes, something begins that she doesn’t notice at first. Something she doesn’t notice for far far too long, because it starts slowly. The blackstone at her feet begins to shift. Lichen pokes through the cracks and begins to crawl, growing up and over her feet.
No one notices when her toes turn black.
No one notices when the stone travels up, covering her legs in vines and ice.
No one sees the creeping vines travel up her back and tangle themselves into her hair.
When Gem finally wakes to the sound of a gong alerting her to Hypno’s successful run, the hermits have moved to the queue room for the evening. She feels stiff from the hunched position and maybe the perch wasn’t the best place to sleep, but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be solved with a few stretches.
She tries to pull her arms down to push herself out from the nook, but something keeps her there. She can’t move.
Why can’t she move?
Her gaze flicks down towards her arms and her scream comes out muffled, muted. Her arms are covered in blackstone and lichen. Vines knot themselves around her limbs and freeze into place under the thin layer of ice forming around them.
The dungeon doors open and it spits Hypno back into the lobby. He holds his deck of cards and a handful of crowns. He lets out a sigh of relief and she screams. A second muffled noise that makes him glance up, confused until his eyes lock on her and widen with terror.
He only hesitates a moment before dropping everything and running towards her with a strangled shout. “TANGO GET UP HERE!”
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cheolsfae · 2 months
hi! i'd first like to thank you for your time and energy in running this blog! i really love how you share your readings with us!
now, i was wondering if you could also do a reading about Heeseung's future spouse, like perhaps their appearance or if he has met them already (if not, when)?
thank you so much, and please rest well too! 💕
For sure! Same to you!! This is if he knows them or not.
*Disclaimer: For giggles!*
Past: 8 of cups, 4 of cups
So, he does know this person. He had to walk away from them for some reason. Not really sure why, but he does really regret leaving them behind. He feels like he really lost something that was very good for him. Someone who knew him like the back of their hand. Just someone who he felt so safe with. He might have screwed up, the other person might have screwed up, who knows?
Present: 2 of swords (reversed), 9 of swords (reversed)
One or both parties could have been feeling that the other was two timing them when that wasn't the case at all. This whole thing was just a case of doubtfulness. Neither party was committing infidelity, they just had a lot of doubt in the other. Maybe someone was cheated on in the past and that's where all the doubt is stemming from.
Future: ace of swords (reversed), 5 of cups
He's feeling very unsure of what the future holds for them as a partnership. Mainly because he doesn't think this person is coming back. He's just disappointed with the way that things have played out for the both of them. He wants to get back together but he's not sure how the other person would feel if he reached out and made some type of effort in that regard.
Bottom of the deck: 5 of wands
Overall, he's fighting with himself to reach out to this person. There is a lot of internal conflict going on here. He's struggling with it a whole hell of a lot. But I see that later on, he's going to bite the bullet and reach out to them. His attempt is going to be received well. He's just going to take things slowly and build from there all over again.
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valravn72 · 9 months
I’ve been playing a lot of small indie games and god I wish the rest of the game industry understood that the whole point of farming and grinding is so that in some point of the journey the player can go HAHAHA I PLANNED FOR THIS and pull off crazy crap earlier than they should be able to. Like Teenage Exocolonist letting me just walk past all the checks when I’m outside the colony and go to the boss immediately because I farmed the fuck out of my perception skill should technically be game ruining but it’s not. I planned for this so I could get the ascension ending easily while simultaneously putting the rest of my effort into figuring out as much about engineering as possible at the same time so I can pull off a full shield run. Having advantages in certain contexts should allow me to interact with it in a way that opens an entirely new path for me to take. Poisoning the campfire survivors at the very beginning of my Inscryption run lets me take a route where I focus on building up the cards I already have instead of hunting down new ones. Advantages are good!! Grinding so you’re high enough level to beat one boss only for the rest of the game to balance itself by making everything else many levels higher than you once again is unrewarding. If your player cannot face your game from multiple angles then maybe it’s not that worth exploring. If your player over relies on an ability they spent a long time working up and they’ve made the game too easy make it so that steers them into a new situation where they have to innovate on their strategy to get things going again. Just hand me a game like Inscryption where I farm the whole game with fecundity decks and then get to Kaycee’s Mod and realize I have to relearn the whole game from a completely new perspective now that I can’t rely on that anymore. If it’s just a matter of “the numbers are too high we have to turn all the other numbers up too” then do the numbers really mean anything anymore or are you just keeping me stuck in a role where I’m saying to myself “once I have the advantage I’ll be able to explore so many new things” but then never letting me have any advantage until near the end when the world has lost its charm because everything is just a damn numbers game.
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twd-obsessed-bitch · 2 years
Imagining Rick and Michonne finally reuniting.
They're fighting the same horde from opposite sides and as it diminishes they see eachother. Rick sees her first,
Michonnes all decked out in her new armour so Rick doesn't immediately recognize her, just sees her as an ally that moves very familiarly he starts trying to move towards her to see if they can find an exit together,
Michonne see him and freezes. Just for a second, but long enough for a walker to get too close for comfort. He's older, has a beard again and is in something she knows her Rick would never wear if he was back home, but it's him.
She sees him coming closer and knows how he is. He's so sentimental, he hasn't seen any of his family in like 7 to 9 years at this point (after he left we had the 6 year jump and then we had like 3 other month long to year long jumps) she knows that if he realizes she's who she is that it'll get one or both of them killed, so she turns her back in his direction. Keeping herself shielded from him until the fight is over.
He yells at her, and as much as it absolutely rips her heart out to do so she ignores him, knowing she can't look at him fully just yet. He yells again, this time followed by a "there's an exit this way! C'mon"
She turns, keeping her face away from him, by this point he knows this 'mystery woman' is hiding something from him by hiding her face but he can't tell, he assumes its a CRM soldier that knows him. But he's Rick Grimes and at his core, he saves people.
It's alot of blood, guts, gore, and effort, but they make it out, into a building to hide out in, they barricade the door, working in tandem just as they used to, like not a day has passed since they last saw eachother, like nothing's changed, even though everything has.
Rick doesn't even need to get a full sentence out before Michonne is helping him with a cabinet, between the darkness of the building and the helmet on her head he can't make out her face. They aren't safe yet so she doesn't want him too, the moment he realizes she knows they're both going to freeze, to break. The doors boarded, the rooms safe, it's quiet except for their harsh breathing. Michonne is turned away from him. She still can't bring herself to believe its truly him even though she saw him. It was him right?
She takes her helmet off. Rick's breath catches in his throat as he sees her dreads fall out of the helmet, it can't be. Michonne turns, slowly, it's torturous, they're both holding their breaths.
They stand before eachother, facing eachother, both slowly taking the other in, processing that after almost a decade they're reunited.
It's really him.
It's actually her.
Rick's the first to move. Michonne is still struggling to process that he's actually alive, that he's actually in front of her, that he's moving closer, never in her life has she been as frozen as she is right now, except maybe when she looked at RJ for the first time.
Rick's hands are on her face, but it's his lips on hers that break her out of it. It's needy, it's possessive, it's like taking a breath of air after being underwater for a second too long.
It's everything she's needed since that moment she saw him blow himself up all those years ago.
It's hello, I'm sorry, I found you.
She pulls away from him, holding his dace in her hands and then she laughs.
He joins in, holding her back just as delicately, like if they held to hard the other would disappear in their fingertips in a puff of smoke. Like how it has happened in one to many dreams.
"Hi" is all she says, it's soft, softer than she's been able to be in too long.
"Hey," he returns, just as softly, "I've missed you."
That's what starts the next wave of emotions, the tears. Michonne's eyes well up before she can even process what she wants to say. Tears are free falling by the time she chokes out her next sentence mere seconds after the words hit her ears.
They talk, it's about all they do for hours, they settle in for a long night, hearing the dead bang on the doors that are secured. They find something that could have once resembled being comfortable. Rick starts a small fire, just for warmth.
They lay together, entwined in each other's limbs, every possible part of them touching the other, and they talk.
About what Rick's been up to, about Daryl moving into the woods to search for Rick, about how michonne went out everyday for months, searching for him. She conveniently leaves out that she was increasingly pregnant in those months, not knowing how to tell him that he has a son.
She tells him about Judith, how she's grown into a strong young woman, how she's exactly a mix of him and Carl. How brave she is and how she told Michonne to leave to find Rick. She tells him of the time she trusted somebody from the past and they kidnapped Judith, and that her and Daryl went through hell to get Jude back.
How Michonne couldn't bare to lose another piece of Rick.
Rick tells Michonne how he never stopped fighting to get back to them, but everytime he left, everytime he got close, the CRM came and stole him back.
Michonnes seen the soldiers, dead ones anyways. The only breathing one she came across was on his way out. Begging her to put him out of his misery. She did, in return for a map, and any information he could have about Rick.
She didn't get any. Just the map.
Michonne falls asleep first, after so long of being alone. Both back in Alexandria and on the road. The comfort of the man laying next to her, his calm breathing, it lulls her straight to sleep.
Rick kisses her head, promises he's not going anywhere and that they'll see eachother in the morning, and sets up to keep watch.
He's wired. He's overthinking. The CRM are looking for him and this time they might get Michonne too. He can't have that. There's also a voice in the back of his head that's telling him she isn't telling him something.
She stuttered while talking about the kidnapping, when he was listening to her he thought it was just because it was hard to admit she had killed kids. But now, he can't put his finger on it. She also hesitated while talking about looking for him, like she wanted to say something but couldn't bring herself to do so.
A night of overthinking later and he's somehow convinced himself that she moved on. She found Judith a new dad and herself a new person. It's the only thing that makes sense in his head. The trauma of Lori and Shane shaping his mind in a way he didn't want to think about. It happened before.
When Michonne wakes up, she finds him across the room, completely opposite her.
"Just tell me it's not Daryl." he says when he noticed her awake. The bitterness in his voice cut through her. He's completely 180'd and she can't figure out why.
"What's not Daryl?" she asks, cautiously, confusion evident not only on her gave but in her voice.
"your new man." Rick spits.
"I only have you."
"Then what aren't you telling me?"
Michonne's breath catches in her throat, she still doesn't know how to tell him. After years of not seeing him, not knowing if he's alive or dead, she doesn't want one of the first things he hears from her to be that he has a son who doesn't know his father.
She stares at him, no words can come out.
"Well?" Rick asks, his patients thinning,
She cant say anything, she just shakes her head, there's to many emotions in to quick of succession.
"Who's the other man." it's not a question, "it's not like I can blame you for moving on. I mean you thought I was dead for fucks sake. But did you even wait? To see?" he's spiraling, his words are venom but she can see the hurt in his eyes.
"Rick," she starts, finally a word able to escape. Her shaky tone is reminiscent of a person shushing a wild animal.
"it is Daryl isn't it? Who else would get you to mov-"
"Rick Jr." she cuts him off, her voice confident and it silences him, for minutes they sit in agonizing silence while Rick processes her words.
"Excuse me?" he asks, his voice cracking.
"Rick Jr," Michonne repeats, "is the only new man in my life."
It feels like their words are shattering all over again,
Rick, who was so sure she had moved on within a handful of months, and with hsi best friend, his brother. Hearing he has a namesake. A son. His eyes swell with tears, the information completing its route through his brain.
"I have a son?" its barely a whisper, every syllable shaky and hesitant.
"Yes. I found out right after you blew up the bridge." Michonne starts, feeling a weight off her chest as she moves closer to him, she holds his hand while she tells Rick everything she can about RJ.
They spend days holed up on the building, hiding from walkers and the CRM, talking and more. They make a plan. Rick finding out that he no longer has one kid to get back too, but two rejuvenates his energy to fight.
They fight their way all the way back home. Back to Alexandria. Spending months fighting side by side. They fall right back into their banter, Michonne teasing Rick about being an old man whenever he groans climbing on to something. They're happy. They're strong. They're together.
Almost a full year passes by the time they are knocking on the gates of Alexandria. Things have changed, aged, but it still looks like home. It's Aaron who opens the gate
He blurts out a "holy fuck you're alive." Before giving them both a hug.
They all laugh, Rick throwing out a "I could say the same about you." Before brushing past him looking at the community he once called his home. Completely rebuilt for the third (fourth?) time.
"Where's Jude?" he asks
"not here" Aaron says, and before he can continue Rick cuts him off
"what do you mean not here?" he growls out
"she's living with Carol in another community, it's called the commonwealth." he turns to Michonne "you've missed alot." they both laugh at the obvious, "I can take you to her, let me give them a heads up and get Gracie." Aaron states starting to walk away.
"Hey Aaron," Rick yells before Aaron can get too far
"don't tell her. I wanna surprise her." they both smile and Aaron nods before walking off
Three days later and Rick is all but shaking in anticipation, seeing how big Gracie has gotten took his breath away. How big has Judith gotten? How big is RJ? He never met his son before and yet he can't picture him bigger than a toddler.
Michonne grabs his hands when they see the gates. Aaron pulls out his walkie talkie and announces that they're coming in, the gates open and Carol and Ezekiel are waiting on the otherside waiting to greet them. Aaron couldn't hold his tongue telling Zeke, who couldn't hold his tongue and told Carol. They all vowed to secrecy about telling Judith, wanting to respect Rick's wishes.
There's hugs, long ones.
"it's been too long old friend." Ezekiel states after pulling away from Rick.
"that it has king." Rick says with a nod and a chuckle.
"ah, it's Governor now." Ezekiel laughs, the smile on his face unwavering.
Carols barely holding her tears together, she hasn't seen anybody from her original found family in so long and seeing Rick causes her emotional wall to crack. Their hug is long and sweet, before Carol pulls away telling Rick to follow her to the school to see Judith, class is almost over anyways. She links arms with Michonne for the walk, catching up with her old friend.
They get outside the school with minutes to spare. Rick's hands are shaking, he hasn't felt this nervous in a while. Will she recognize him? Will she run to Michonne and then have to be told who he is?
A bell tolls. Rick's breath catches.
Kids file out if the school, one after one, he doesn't recognize any of them, and it hits him. Will he know who she is?
As he starts to get stuck in his thoughts again he hears a yell. And it takes him back.
"DAD!!" Judith yells, abandoning her post where she waits for RJ and running at the man, her memory of him may have faded but he is so long from forgotten.
Rick bends down as she gets closer, the Impact of her tackling him with a hug knocks the breath out of him and he falls over.
"Judith!" he yells, hugging her tightly and kissing her head. "you're so grown up." he adds as tears start falling freely. He's missed her so much. He's missed so much.
"Judith?" a smaller voice yells from the crowd and it causes the two to separate. "Jude?"
"Over here!" Judith yells, her cheeks wet as she looks at Rick, "I knew mom would bring you back." she states and Ricks heart breaks for his little girl.
"MOM!" a little boy in a sheriffs hat yells as he makes it through the crowd, spotting his mom and running over. Michonne bends down and picks him up in a hug, swinging him around while telling him how much she's missed him.
When they separate RJ stares at Judith and Rick confused, and they all freeze. Time seems to stand still as Rick looks into his sons brown eyes.
Everything starts moving at once as both Judith and Michonne grab RJ's hands and gently pull him towards Rick. Michonne and Rick are both crouched to be at RJ's height and Michonne is the first to speak.
"Baby, this is your dad." she says, her voice soft as she watches the realization cross her sons face.
"Yhe brave man?" RJ asks, remembering the stories Judith would tell him.
"The very one!" Judith pipes up.
"Hi buddy." Rick says shakily.
Without notice RJ jumps onto Rick, hugging him, his right arm catching around Michonne's neck and his left arm catching around Judith's.
When they all pull apart, Rick is staring at his family speechless. He never thought he'd be here again. He thought he had lost them forever and that his kid(s) would grow up without him. Forgetting his existence, and yet. Here they are.
Growing up but not all grown up, remembering him and excited to have him back.
"We're safe here." Judith says, looking at both of her parents. "please don't leave again."
"Never again"
"I'm right here."
They both speak at the same time, their hearts breaking for their daughter. She's grown up so fast in so little time, and they weren't here to help her when she needed it.
But they're here now.
And they're here to stay.
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little-fandom-dump · 8 months
got in my feels and wrote a lil drabble about jim going to comfort izzy after the events of calypso's birthday. basically, everyone can tell ed and stede are fucking, and jim decides to check on izzy. romance between jim and izzy is not really intended, more of them building trust and friendship post-kraken trauma.
cw for alcohol abuse, mentions of manipulation/torture from blackbeard, spoilers for season 2 (up to e6). no explicit sexual content, just short offhand references to relationships between crew members. kind of an off handed homophobic comment from izzy? but he’s a repressed queer too so yk
it takes only four pints of rum and an old flagon of whiskey to bring israel hands back to the quiet contemplation that fits him as well as his time-softened leather glove. as trustworthy as the tide is izzy's penchant for isolation- whether skulking or simply lost in thought, it is hard to tell. but once again, he stands at the prow, face as distant and unmoving as the figurehead before him.
the moon hangs high in the sky, shedding her soft, even glow over the remnants of the night's festivities. flowers and old brandy alike are spilled over the deck of the revenge. there is no urgency to clean it-- lord knows that the captains have enough on their minds (and hands) not to make a fuss about it until tomorrow.
and so, the deck is empty. empty but for israel hands, lone sentinel at the head of the ship, makeup and melodies long since drained from the old man's bones. christ, he is tired. it is little surprise when the footsteps make their way softly towards him from behind. he knows their owner easily, and he holds no fear of their approach.
jim wordlessly takes the space next to him, the two standing in the shadow of silence. it isn't uncomfortable- both have been long accustomed to occupying a space without a need for words. tonight, though, something hangs heavy on izzy's mind. the sharpness of his breaths drawn-in, the hesitation every movement costs him. jim knows how to study people, and moreover, they know their ship's first mate. they've never been great with these kinds of things, admittedly, but izzy has made such an effort to provide for the crew lately; isn't it only fair that jim check on him too?
"the breeze came in cold tonight, eh?" they ask, noting the flask in his hand, and the waiting bottle of dark liquor beside it.
izzy says nothing. nods. takes another swig. almost mechanical in his rhythm.
"you, uh. you got a good voice on you, boss. never heard you sing like that before." even as they speak, jim follows izzy's half-vacant gaze to the waves breaking gently against the ship's starboard side. madre de dios, this was going to be harder than they thought.
"well, it was a special occasion," he finally drawls, lips taut with unspoken emotion. much as he wants to hide it, it pulls at the corners of his eyes, his lips. he takes another drink, then leans bodily against the railing.
a moment. then another.
"what is it you want, jim?" the words are cold, clear-cut-- but his tone is not. if anything, it is rank with weariness. the younger pirate feels a little pang in their chest, almost wanting to place their hand on his shoulder to comfort them. they do not.
"crew and i thought it would be best if someone, er-. well, we wanted to check on you." it is a clumsy sentence, but there's no expectation for great flowery prose between the two of them. honest truths, borne plain. that was something the two knew all too well.
"why? cause the captain and his twatty boyfriend finally grew balls enough to shag each other with?"
this time, the sentence is cold. bracing. jim winces, but not at the vulgarity. izz's words reek with exhaustion, or maybe something closer to desperation.
"uhm. yeah." that is the most fitting response that comes to mind. izzy would talk about how he felt or he wouldn't. or, more likely, he'd insult jim to their face like he had so many times before. they were intelligent enough to know it was less about them and more about the first mate's own feelings.
"you want to know how i'm feeling, is that it, jimenez?" izzy asks, finally meeting their gaze. jim holds steady but silently urges themself not to notice the dampness that threatens the edges of the first mate's eyes. they remain silent once again. a slight tilt of their head, an almost-nod.
"fuck you, that's how i'm doing." he scowls, but the venom is removed, has been removed since the new leg was offered at his door. they glance own at it now, gold paint casting a soft gleam in the moonlight.
"izzy," they say gently, a hand now actually reaching for his shoulder. to their half-surprise, the first mate lets it. as he does, tears well gently at his eyes, pushing and pushing and finally breaking over the surface of his cheeks. his gaze fixed on the mangled corpse of the ship's unicorn now.
"can't blame a dog for biting the handler who starves him, jim. y-you can't." he speaks softly, a low tremble moving throughout the hollow of his words. jim doesn't ask who is the dog, izzy or blackbeard. they don't wonder or read too deep into the words; they are for izzy to understand.
what they do do, however, is move their hand down his arm and past his wrist, gently cupping his fingers with theirs. a simple squeeze, just once. no implications behind the gesture, no secret alternative. just a small slice of comfort offered between two people who have weathered the storm of outrage and consequence together just a few weeks prior. izzy doesn't return the gesture, but he doesn't let go, either.
together, the two of them stand, taking in the brine-soaked breeze before them. hand returns to shoulder, and the old man passes his flask to his crew-mate. no, his friend. jim takes a slow swig and sets it back in izzy's palm. this, jim notes, is the most affection either of them have ever trusted each other with in the months of their acquaintance.
jim thinks for a moment on the rest of the crew: groups of bodies breathing lightly against each other, whether in rest or some other unspoken thing. jim thinks on olu and archie, waiting sleepily for their return to the shared room below deck. lucius and pete, no doubt still caught in the thrill of the days' events. frenchie and wee john, roach and fang. jim even recalls on the swede, and buttons, wherever those lunatics have made their own ways off to. finally, they think of stede and blackbeard, (no, not blackbeard, a voice that sounds too much like stede chides. ed), and the sounds of their pleasure heard halfway across the boat, those that prompted this conversation.
and jim thinks of izzy. the word love hasn't come up between the two of them when jim is able to approach him about his feelings for blackbeard, but it doesn't need to. jim believes in action, in tangible deeds they can see. and they know what lengths iz has gone to for years to get his captain's approval. his attention.
at last, izzy drains the last of the flask and tucks it into the black leather of his vest. slowly, he grabs the unopened bottle on the floor and presses it into jim's hand, the order clear: take this and keep me from drinking more than i need to. jim obeys and removes their hand from his shoulder with one last squeeze.
izzy once again meets their eyes and holds in his gaze a silent thank you. what comes out of his mouth, though, is a less-than-brash "now piss off." this turns the corners of jim's wry mouth into a slight smile, and they shrug.
"sure thing, boss." they turn and start to walk away as one last remark spills from their lips. "you should keep practicing, huh? maybe you could team up with frenchie, start a band."
izzy tosses the empty flask at them, but jim notices the small smile that holds itself in the corner of his eyes. "fuck off!" jim smiles too, then traces their steps back below deck.
tomorrow, izzy will enter the captain's quarters and report of the ship's passage to the republic of pirates. tomorrow, he will joke and try to shake off his jealousy like an old coat. it will stay, but the crew will be gracious to him.
for now, though. for now, israel basilica hands breathes in the damp wind that slides off the sea towards him. tonight, he sings the same sad lament to himself under his breath, and he finally lets himself mourn.
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aller-geez · 9 months
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The 2nd part of the 2 part ask for Draeko is this mini fic at 1.5K words ✨
To anyone who missed part 1, you can find it here
Thank you SO MUCH to the anon who sent in both of these, I hope I was able to answer your questions! 😬🫠
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As the loud music that vibrated even the epoxy flooring under him continued to drone on, Draeko, who only stood at a measly 5’4 in a sea of what seemed like giants to him, suddenly had a large, flat open palm forced against his back. It wasn’t the same warm, wide hands of the demon who had drug him along to such a loud venue; of course, he knew those well enough just in the few hours they had stood in line together waiting for the doors to the dark building to finally open, as the redhead had to constantly defend him against getting ran over or tripped on by the crazy crowd of people that flew by them.
No, these hands were far more rough, and almost the size of a baseball glove. But just as quickly as the strangers hand had been pressed to the mutt’s back, it suddenly disappeared, allowing him to take a much needed gulp of fresh air from as high on his tip toes as he could manage, before crashing back against the floor on flat feet. Thankfully, the jarring motion of the smaller male struggling behind him alerted the tall, redheaded demon a few people in front of him in the rolling crowd. The mutt’s dual colored eyes locked with Alistar’s crimson ones, displaying the discomfort he was experiencing despite his effort to literally just roll with it.
The demon let out a small, defeated sigh, which brought a few looks from the people around them, but still he forced his way past the people that stood between him and Draeko with an obviously irritated grunt, clapping a hand against his shoulder once he had made it through and leaning down to his ear level.
“Hey, I thought you said you liked this kind of music…What gives?” Alistar practically screamed to ensure his voice be heard over the deafening music and cheering crowd, one of his deep red eyebrows arching to the top of his forehead in annoyance.
Draeko’s hands shot up in front of him, waving frantically back and forth in his own defense, a slight blush dusting across his cheeks as smiled back at Alistar.
“No, no! Nothing like that, I swear. The musics good! — I just keep getting pushed..” Draeko admitted to the other sheepishly as he, too, was forced to scream over the music, adverting his gaze back to the blinding stage as the vermillion shade to his cheeks grew deeper.
Al sighed loudly in frustration, grabbing one of Draeko’s slender arms forcefully in his palm. “Well, why didn’t you just say that?” The fierce scowl that adorn the redheads face instantly made the shifter furrow his brows self consciously. He opened his mouth to apologize, but was swiftly silenced by the forceful tug Alistar gave to his arm, quite literally dragging his feet on the floor to position him directly in front of the redhead.
“Just stand here. I’ll fucking deck anyone that gets in your bubble, alright?” The demon huffed, gripping a handful of Draeko’s sweater from the back and pulling him in closer to his chest, before eventually wrapping one long arm around the smaller male’s shoulders.
At first, the embrace from the characteristically cold demon made Draeko’s heart beat wildly in his chest, his face somehow becoming even more red than before. But very shortly after, as the music all seemed to fade together around them, Drae felt a very familiar sensation begin to tuck itself into the very tip of his small, round nose.
‘Not now, not now, not now….’ The mutt begged his body inwardly, scrunching his nose back and forth to attempt to thwart the inevitable. But he couldn’t help his small chest hiking twice in quick succession as his breath snagged. “Hh.. hiiihhh.…”
By this time, all of Alistar’s attention was directed back to the stage in front of them, his lanky frame bobbing behind Draeko to the beat of the song that was being played on stage. He had no idea of the struggles the smaller male was facing, seemingly out of no where…
As one of Al’s arms slipped from it’s precarious position on top of the other’s shoulder, a rather large gust of air jetted upward and directly into Draeko’s face, jostling his dual colored hair. An unfamiliar sickly sweet smell instantly made the mutt’s eyes water, and a few strangled breaths were gasped out through his gently parted lips.
Suddenly, Draeko pitched forward only slightly, his thumb and index fingers clamped tightly around his already streaming nose. “Hh’NDKT’ih! H’GXTSH’ue! K’GNSH’iiew!”
Thankfully the loud surroundings were enough to cover the sound of his 3 desperate stifles, and the movement around them allowed his sudden jerks to go unnoticed, without so much as a glance from the redhead still tangled around him.
Using the end of one of his sleeves, Draeko tried to discretely dab at the underside of his now damp nostrils, although even the gentleness of his touch only willed the blooming tickle to the tip of his nose again.
“Hiiihhh..” he whined into his wrist, sniffling with a thick, wet sound as allergic tears already poured down his pink cheeks.
The pathetic whine from the mutt below him managed to finally catch Alistar’s attention once again, and the grin that once spread across his face vanished, frustration starting to get the better of him at this point.
“What’s wrong now?” The demon huffed, “I thought you were just getting pushed… like fuck. We can just go hom—“ Alistar was stopped mid sentence as his crimson eyes finally peered forward and he was met with the red, streaming nose, and slightly hung open jaw of the small man in front of him, his glistening nostrils simply quivering from the overwhelming buzzing within his poor nose.
“Hhh… hhh— Hiihhh!” The mutt hitched desperately, his small chest continuing to rise with each breath of the teasing buildup and his eyelashes fluttering wildly against his rosy cheeks.
Suddenly, it all clicked in Alistar’s head. The new cologne he had boosted from the local mall kiosk had only just come out of the box when he went to freshen up before the next set..
So it’s just that easy? Good to know…
As Draeko’s head started to fall back against Al’s shoulder, the redhead got a front row seat at this angle, and who was he to let it go to waste?
Expertly gripping Draeko’s wrists and forcing them behind his back in one fluid motion, the small male could do nothing but gasp in surprise, which is just what Al had been hoping for…
The tickle buried at the tip of his nose instantly forced its way out before Drae could do much of anything about it; although with his hands restrained, each desperate, rapid sneeze misted the air around the two in all directions, only continuing to get more and more frantic as they went on.
“hh’KTishhh’yuu!! Hehh’KISHHH! ihh!! IHSCHHH!!” The mutts cheeks looked as if they would burn clean off of his face as more and more people in front of them started turning around with a disgusted expression. Draeko squirmed frantically under the demons grasp, but clearly Alistar had the upper hand in terms of strength, thus making him powerless except to do what Alistar wanted.
“IHSCHHH!! Hehh’KISHHH! Ihh’dsheeiew! iit’shHIEW! ISHHH’IIEW!” Drae continued to sneeze helplessly as Al tightly gripped both wrists behind him, until he managed to finally slip one through the redheads tight grasp and scrub pathetically at his raw nose that was now the same shade as his blushing cheeks. Thankfully this time, the small circular scrubbing motions the mutt was rubbing into his nostrils managed to at least force the overwhelming buzz back enough that he could try and shoot Alistar a death glare for such behavior. Instead, he was met with the aroused smirk of the demon, causing him to lose his nerve.
But it was just starting to get fun for Alistar.
“Bathroom. Now.” The redhead barked into the other’s ear, gesturing with a nod towards the dimly lit bathrooms in the back of the venue.
“Okay, okay, b-but no more c-cologne, okay? I — hiiihh! I cant h-handle anymore..” Draeko whined, a now soggy sweater sleeve once again pressed around his pink nose as he tried to gently sniff back the mess that threatened to drip down his upper lip.
Alistar scoffed, wasting no time hauling the still sniveling shifter towards the bathrooms, already panting heavily from excitement. “No promises, pup…”
Thanks so much for reading!
Alistar belongs to @thekinkyleopard
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41319kbex · 3 months
Hell Hath No Fury (12/?)
Thanks, everyone for all the reviews and responses from the last chapter! I’m so glad you liked it! It was SO much fun to write, and I just LOVE having Martha interrupt them. It happened so frequently in the show, I had to continue the running joke.
I want to apologize for this update taking longer. I had wanted to write it Thursday, but I’ve had a headache from hell the past 3 days that’s the perfect trifecta of a cold, pollen trying to kill me, and massive weather changes, so today is the first day I’ve felt like writing.
I promise this chapter is worth it. And there will be some slight M-rated content due to the fact that they are finally, FINALLY going to get their tensions released. I will write it in bold so that if you want to not read it, you can skip past it. It isn’t going to be the level of smut I have written in the past…both because I’m not changing the overall rating for the story and it’s more loving and less smutty. You won’t miss anything relevant to the plot, just the sexy times that have been building for 3 seasons plus 11 chapters, lol.
I still don’t own Castle…
Castle had been disappointed by the fact that Alexis had insisted on returning to the city before the fireworks on Memorial Day. He’d tried his best to convince her to stay and just miss the school day on Tuesday, but his academically focused daughter had insisted it was too close to finals for her to miss a day of school, and that they could shoot off fireworks after school was out. And also on the fourth of July. And then she had pointed out that since he was now dating a cop, he probably shouldn’t brag about having the illegal fireworks, to which Kate had surprisingly replied that she wasn’t a cop again until September, so she knew nothing about illegal fireworks.
Castle couldn’t stay disappointed too long when he was alone with Kate again, though. It had been so great seeing her with his family this weekend, and even though his mother had interrupted their impromptu makeout session on her motorcycle, things hadn’t seemed overly awkward. However, he had noticed that Kate had been a little more reserved with her touching and hadn’t given him a real kiss in front of his mother or his daughter. He hoped that was just because Kate Beckett was not usually overly huge on PDA to begin with, and doing that in front of his mother and daughter was something she would just have to adjust to. But now that she was here alone with him again, he hoped her touches and kisses would come much more freely and nothing was upsetting her.
He grinned when he saw Kate standing at the railing of the back deck with what was left of her glass of wine. After turning off the outside lights in anticipation of the fireworks show that would begin shortly, he moved behind her, sliding his arms around her waist to pull her back against his chest. “Hey…” he husked lowly, his mouth moving to place slow kisses along her neck.
“Mmm…hey…” she murmured, her own voice a little husky as she let her body simply melt into his at his touch. “I wondered where you were.”
“I had to turn off the lights before the fireworks started,” he murmured, his lips teasing along her ear. He loved the way she instantly gave herself over to his touch, and any worry that something was wrong, was immediately gone.
Her face turned to catch his lips with hers in a slow kiss, her tongue tracing his lips before sliding against his with sinful strokes. “How about we have our own fireworks while we wait,” she suggested softly against his lips.
“I like how you think,” he grinned, capturing her lips with his again and making no effort to control the amount of heat in the kiss nor the way his hand slipped underneath the hem of her shirt to make long strokes along the skin of her stomach.
They were so caught up in each other, they missed the first few smaller fireworks go off. It wasn’t until a larger, more resounding boom sounded that Kate broke the kiss with a soft giggle. “You made us miss the start,” she playfully chastised him.
He chuckled softly, his hand continuing to caress her soft skin underneath her shirt. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”
She hid her smile behind a sip of wine. Oh no, she definitely was not complaining. She had enjoyed the weekend with his family there, but aside from Saturday evening on the back of her bike…which had been interrupted…she hadn’t been able to touch or kiss him the way she wanted; the way she wanted to touch and kiss him was entirely inappropriate to do in front of his mother, and especially his daughter. She hadn’t dared to do that in bed with him at night either, because she knew there would be no stopping them if she did, and she did not want to risk injury to him no matter how badly she wanted him.
She knew his doctor was making a visit the following day, and hopefully he would give Castle permission to start getting his heart rate up. If he didn’t, though, she knew they were going to have to figure out something. There was no way they were going to be able to continue to be together like this without being able to physically be together. Both of them were reaching the end of their self-control. All she could hear was Lanie’s voice telling her if she’d listened to her (Lanie) all those other times, she (Kate) wouldn’t have so much sexual tension built up that she was ready to explode.
Castle didn’t really pay attention to the fireworks; he was much more interested in watching Kate watch the fireworks…or at least he had been initially. However, after several minutes of watching her, he became much more intrigued by the soft skin of her neck and how it felt beneath his lips, and the way her shirt so easily slid off her shoulder to expose more skin that he
just had to taste.
Her eyes remained watching the fireworks as she forced herself to focus on them instead of the way Castle’s lips were lighting her skin on fire. It required a lot of effort, including her teeth digging hard into her lower lip, but she was able to remain focused and in control despite what he was doing to her…at least until the hand underneath her shirt began to go further south and his fingers dipped below the waist of her pants to trace along the waistband of her underwear. Her hand immediately gripped his wrist to stop him. “Castle!” she hissed.
“Kate…” he whined lowly. “Let me touch you…” he murmured, his lips still nuzzling her neck.
“We can’t…you know that…you aren’t ready…” she breathed, hoping she sounded more convincing than she felt.
“You are…and there is nothing wrong with my fingers…”
Her breath hitched slightly at his suggestion. She turned around in his embrace then, the arm with her now empty wine glass draping around his neck and her free hand on his cheek. “Babe…no. We aren’t doing it this way. I don’t want to do it this way,” she told him softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “I love that you are thinking of me…but it has taken us 3 years to get to this point. 3 years, Rick…we’ve both wanted this, waited for this. I am not doing it this way. When we cross this last line, we are crossing it together. I am not cheating either of us out of that for my own pleasure, no matter how much I want it,” she added seriously.
He breathed deeply and rested his forehead against hers. “Kate, I want to be with you…” he murmured.
She smiled, her thumb gently caressing his cheek. “I know. Look, your doctor is coming tomorrow. Let’s just see what he says, ok? And if you still can’t after that…we’ll figure something else out,” she promised, pulling back slightly to give him a smile.
He sighed softly, but nodded. “Ok,” he agreed. “Did you just call me Babe?” he asked then with a smile.
“I did,” she smiled, her eyes dancing playfully. “Do you have a problem with that?” she asked then, her hand moving from his cheek to rest flat against his chest.
“No…no problem,” he grinned.
“Good,” she kissed him softly. “Now let me watch the rest of the fireworks and then we can go to bed.”
He chuckled and turned them so that they could keep their arms around each other and still watch the remaining fireworks explode across the sky.
“So, Doctor, when can I start more physical activities?” Castle asked after the doctor had finished examining him.
“I suppose that depends on your definition of physical activities, Mr. Castle. You aren’t going to be running marathons anytime soon,” the doctor gave a smile.
“Sex. I need to be able to have sex,” he stated bluntly.
The doctor couldn’t help but chuckle. “Mr. Castle…” he started, only to get interrupted.
“Listen…doctor…my girlfriend is gorgeous…” he started, trying to explain. “You have to understand…she’s the woman of my dreams, and I have waited 3 years to get to this point with her. I need to be able to do this. I don’t care what rules I have to follow, but you have got to help me out here.”
The older gentleman took his glasses off and gave Castle an understanding smile. “I understand. You should be able to be physically intimate with her as long as you are both careful. No pressure on your chest, ok? She can’t push on it with her weight. You’re going to have to let her be on top and do most of the work, because you aren’t going to have the stamina or ability to support your own weight on your arms…just like you can’t lift anything over 10 pounds. So no trying to have sex in the shower or up against a wall, and no trying to carry her to bed. Nothing crazy in the beginning…you’re going to have to listen to your body to see how far and how much you can handle. If your chest hurts at all, you’re going to have to stop or slow down. Do you think you can manage that?”
Castle nodded with a smile. “I can definitely work with that.”
“Good. Now for the good news…I’m ordering your physical therapy to increase your work to include more aerobic activity to start building your strength and stamina back.” Seeing Castle’s questioning look, the doctor chuckled. “Sex is an incredible aerobic activity, Mr. Castle. As long as you pace yourself and don’t overdo it, having sex is actually going to be good for your recovery. It’s one exercise plan I usually don’t have to worry about my patients following.”
Castle’s grin grew. “Would you mind, maybe, writing that down on a prescription pad for me? Kate isn’t going to believe you said that if I don’t have proof.”
Kate had actually left the house for a walk on the beach while his doctor was visiting. She knew
he was anxious about the visit, but she was as well. The best way she could get her nervous energy out was to do some yoga on the beach. It would give her something else to focus on as well as help her expend some of her nervous energy. She wasn’t sure what would happen if the doctor didn’t give him permission to work on his heart rate. For now she was going to force herself to think about only yoga, and hopefully by the time she was finished, the doctor would be finished with Castle as well.
By the time she was done, she was sweaty and a little sandy, but she was refocused and feeling less anxious about the outcome of his doctor's visit. Seeing him in the kitchen when she walked in, she gave him a smile as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “So, how did it go?”
“Pretty much like I expected. The doctor changed up my meds a bit more, and gave me a new prescription,” he answered without a smile.
She studied him carefully, noticing he wasn’t giddy, he wasn’t smiling, and he hadn’t greeted her by saying they could have sex, so she tried not to be disappointed. Healing was a process, she knew that. They would get there. They’d already waited 3 years; what was a little longer? “So what’s this new prescription? Do you need me to go out and get it for you?”
He nodded, pulling the paper out of his pocket. “Yeah, I’m going to need this ASAP,” he handed the folded paper to her.
“Ok, just let me shower, and I’ll run out and get it,” she told him, finishing up the water and tossing the bottle in the recycle bin.
Castle frowned slightly. “Don't you want to read what the new medicine is?”
“Castle, I don’t have a medical degree. I highly doubt I’m going to even be able to pronounce whatever medicine he wrote on here.”
“Just…open it.”
She rolled her eyes and unfolded the paper. Richard Castle. Sex multiple times a day as needed. Increase frequency as the patient is able to tolerate. Her mouth dropped open slightly as she read the words, her eyes meeting his. “Rick? Seriously?”
He nodded, closing the distance to take her in his arms for a deep kiss. Finally pulling away breathless a few minutes later, he couldn’t help the grin. “There are some rules…like I can’t lift you…I can’t even lift myself on my arms, and we can’t do it in the shower or up against a wall…or pretty much any way other than you on top right now…”
She interrupted him with another deep kiss. “I don’t care, I can work with all of that…” she breathed.
“My thoughts exactly,” he grinned, grabbing her hand to pull her toward his bedroom. He didn’t care it was the middle of the day. They had plenty of time before they had to worry about Alfred interrupting them with dinner.
“Wait,” she laughed softly, stopping him. “I’m kind of sweaty and gross right now…plus I’ve still got sand on me…”
“So we’ll take a shower first…” he said simply. “I’m done waiting Kate…aren’t you?”
She arched an eyebrow and pulled back slightly. “Already trying to break one of the rules to get shower sex?”
He shook his head. “No. Trust me, these are rules I’m going to follow. I want to be able to have a lot of sex with you…no way in hell am I going to risk screwing that up by breaking a rule,” he told her seriously.
“So you can follow rules after all,” she teased him.
He nodded with a grin. “Given the proper incentive, yeah. Sex is a pretty good incentive. Sex with you is a pretty great incentive. Besides, we just can’t have sex in the shower…foreplay is not against the rules,” he grinned then.
Her eyes darkened slightly, and she met his grin. “Foreplay is good…” she agreed, closing the distance between them once more with a hot kiss, no longer holding anything back. Her fingers found the front of his jeans as she broke the kiss, meeting his eyes with a seductive look as she walked backward toward his bedroom, tugging him along by his pants. Once inside his bedroom, she released him with a smile. “Lock the door.”
He laughed softly. “Kate, there’s no reason to…”
“Lock it, Castle. If anyone interrupts us right now, I swear to God, I will shoot whoever walks through that door.”
He nodded. “Right,” he agreed and locked it. With the way their luck ran, it would be better to be safe than risk Alfred coming in for a random laundry pickup or on some other cleaning mission…it was the middle of the day, after all.
She took his hand and led him into the bathroom. Hopping up on the vanity counter between the double sinks, she reached for his hand and tugged him closer to stand between her knees. Her
hands moved to gently caress his face, giving him a genuine smile full of everything she felt for him as she pulled his lips to hers. The kiss was sensual and slow, full of the promise of things that were finally going to happen between them.
His tongue moved slowly against hers, taking his time to fully explore her mouth, his hands coming to her waist. Fingers gripped the bottom of her tank top and slowly began peeling it up her body, which was more difficult than he would have liked since her skin was sweaty and the tank top was one of those form fitting exercise tops.
“Never thought you’d have so much trouble getting my top off, Castle…” she teased, pulling back from the kiss to help him out.
“Yeah, well…you’re hot…and it’s tight…” he murmured, having to grin slightly at the suggestiveness of his own words for a moment before his eyes started travelling over her as she let her top drop to the floor. “Oh wow…” he breathed, his eyes darkening as his fingers gently slid over her collarbone and down to her breast. She was soft and exquisite, she was his, and he wasn’t sure he remembered how to breathe.
“You think that’s something, wait until you get my pants off…” she husked lowly in his ear with a grin, using his momentary pause to grab his shirt and tug it over his head. She reached out and tugged him closer, her lips pressing against his collarbone, her tongue darting out to taste his skin as her fingers slowly moved over his chest and down his abs to the button on his jeans. Everything stopped, though, when her eyes landed on the fresh scar on his chest, still red and angry as it continued to heal from where the bullet meant for her had pierced his flesh; she inhaled sharply as she froze.
“Kate…” he breathed, his thumb moving to wipe a single tear from her cheek that had escaped. “Hey…I’m okay…” he promised softly, because he knew why she’d frozen, where her mind had gone. When her eyes finally met his, he saw everything in them…how much she wanted him, how much she needed him, how much she loved him, and he knew she’d see the exact same emotions reflected in his own eyes.
So he did all he could think of to do; he kissed her slowly, deeply, tenderly. It wasn’t a kiss fueled by lust or even sex. It was love…everything he felt for her, everything she felt for him, everything they felt for each other, expressed in the only way they could tell each other. He was a writer, and even he couldn’t find the right words to show her, to make her feel. And suddenly, neither of them cared about the shower anymore. He needed to hold her, to feel her, and she needed to feel him inside her, to connect with him in the most intimate way two people could connect. It was no longer about their bodies finding release, it was about their souls.
She slid off the vanity counter and stood in front of him, her eyes dark. Her fingertips barely brushed the skin of his scar, and her lips pressed a gentle kiss over his heart just
beside it before she let her eyes meet his once more. Her hands found his and she laced their fingers as she slowly pulled him out of the bathroom and to his bed, her eyes never leaving his. She dropped his hands when they stood beside the bed, both of them getting rid of their pants and underwear.
He pulled the sheets back and climbed into bed. Once he was settled on his back, she got into bed as well, straddling his hips. His hands lightly ran up her thighs from her knees, his thumbs stroking along her inner thighs, their eyes once again locked on each other. When she finally leaned down to kiss him, his hands slid from her thighs to her hips and slowly up her back, one hand tangling in her hair. A soft moan escaped as her hips slowly circled against his.
“Rick…” she breathed his name against his lips when the hand that had been in her hair slowly moved down her body until it slid between them, his fingers brushing between her legs.
“Let me feel you, Kate…” he murmured, searching her eyes.
Her legs slipped open a little more as she granted his request, her mouth returning to his in a hot kiss. His fingers were slow and deliberate as they stroked her, touched her, learned her; her hips danced a slow rhythm with his fingers, gradually increasing the tempo as he pushed her body closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.
He’d never heard anything sexier in his life than the way his name came out in soft moans from her lips mixed with her panted breaths as his fingers danced over and inside her; he’d never seen anything sexier than the way she looked right now on top of him. He could tell she was getting close, and he couldn’t wait to watch her fall apart, when she suddenly stopped him, grabbing his wrist gently and pulling his hand away from her. “Kate?”
Her eyes were full of passion and love as they met his. “Together…” she whispered before her lips met his again.
He understood then what she wanted, his hands moving back to her hips. “Condoms are in the nightstand…” he murmured in her ear.
“No…” she breathed, pushing up enough to meet his eyes. “I’m protected…and clean…and I don’t want anything between us…I trust you completely…” she told him seriously. “I love you.” Those words flowed from her lips so easily. She’d been hanging onto them for the right moment, and this was it.
His eyes locked on hers at her words. He was…shocked…to say the least at her
confession. But judging from the look on her face, it had not been an accidental slip of the tongue that sometimes occurred in the throes of passion; it had been intentional. “Kate…” he breathed, his mouth claiming hers once more. “God, I love you…” he murmured against her lips.
She shifted her hips then, sinking down onto him slowly as they kissed, both moaning into each other’s mouths at the sensation of finally, finally being connected. They finally had to break the kiss, their foreheads resting against each other, both breathless and momentarily still at the feeling of him buried so deeply inside of her. Her eyes opened after a moment and met his with a smile, and she began a slow rhythm with her hips.
They both knew this time wasn’t going to last long; it had been a long time coming, and it was too physically and emotionally charged between them. They both tried to slow it down, make it last longer, but when Kate lifted up to have a better position to go faster, there wasn’t enough body contact for him. He sat up as well, using a strong leg to push him backward so that his back could rest against the headboard, the new angle pushing him even deeper inside her and causing her to inhale sharply. His arms kept her body close, their mouths fusing in a mix of hot kisses and breathless moans.
Her hips were grinding against his with every thrust now, both of them on the edge. Her hands gripped the headboard, and she opened her eyes, finding his. “Rick…” came a breathless moan. And then she was shattering around him. He followed her a moment later, one hand moving to grip hers, lacing their fingers and his other at her back, keeping her close as they rode out the waves together, their movements slowing to a stop, their bodies a breathless tangle of limbs.
She lifted her head from his shoulder a few moments later, still a bit breathless, and pressed a deep kiss to his lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close as she rested her forehead against his. “That was worth waiting for…” she murmured with a smile.
He grinned, his hands lightly rubbing her back. “Mmm…yeah. And you were right…I had no idea…”
She laughed softly, pulling back just a little to study him. “You ok? I didn’t break you, did I?”
“No, you didn’t break me. I’m okay…no chest pain. Just winded,” he promised her.
“Good…” she kissed him softly, leaning into snuggle against him, making no effort to move or let him move out of her just yet either. Both remained holding each other silently, just enjoying each other and their new level of intimacy. It could have been 5 minutes or 5 hours, but it was Kate who finally moved first, shifting off of his lap to stand. “Now I really do need a shower,” she smiled.
“Mmm…me too…” he chuckled, standing with her. “Care to share?”
She laughed softly. “As long as you behave. I want to make sure you’re actually okay before we try anything else.”
He groaned lowly, pulling her against him. “I’m fine. Better than fine. I promise.”
“I know you think that, but sex produces endorphins that mask pain. I want them to wear off a little just to make sure,” she told him with a giggle as she wiggled her hips back against his. “So let’s take a shower…have an early dinner...and then if you're still feeling okay, we can go to bed early...and not sleep," she suggested with a smile.
He pretended to think about it for a moment. "Deal," he agreed, kissing her neck. "But I am going to touch you in the shower...and get a better look at that tattoo on your hip."
She laughed softly. "I would expect nothing less."
Ok, so I lied a little bit when I said you wouldn't miss anything if you skipped over the love scene. The first "I love you" was in there. I'm sorry! I didn't intend to write it that way, but once the characters started talking it just...happened...and I'm not one to argue with either of them, especially Beckett since she's got a gun, lol. Seriously, though, the scene is more of a tender love scene than full blown smut in case those of you who skipped over it want to back up to read the "I love you."
As always, thank you to everyone for reading and reviewing. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter. I hope the build up to the love scene was worth it, and I promise I'll try not to take so long to get the next chapter written!
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omgreally · 2 years
The Doomed, Part Two - E - 1.3k words Part One here
Mando allows himself to take at least a little of what he wants before it's gone.
(Smut with a side of feels.)
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You look up as Mando's boots touch down on the deck. For a guy clad head-to-toe in armour, he moves like a ghost sometimes.
He's about as inscrutable as one, too. He barely talks, but sometimes the tilt of his helm tells you all you need to know.
Not lately, though. Lately, he seems to be avoiding you.
You don't know how to begin to ask him why. You tried, before - 'Mando, did I do something wrong?' - but all you got was silence.
Still, you aren't going to let it get to you. The universe has thrown worse challenges in your way, and you're still here.
"Grogu's asleep," you begin, as brightly and casually as you dare, forcing a smile; "Little guy ate himself into a food coma. I've never met a creature who likes packet rations so much." You nod at Grogu's little sleeping pod, the hatch closed with the sound of faint snoring from within, and then offer a smile at the unresponsive mountain of Beskar.
Mando stares at you. The silence builds, and the air grows heavy and charged, like the moment before a lightning strike on a planet beset by thunderstorms. You try to stay resolute - to stare right back at the darkness of his visor, matching his stillness - but you don't last long. You clear your throat and glance away.
The air moves, and suddenly the Mandalorian is standing right in front of you, close enough to touch, and he does. Gloved fingers on your chin to lift your gaze back up to the unreadable helmet. You feel the breath freeze in your lungs - he's touched you before, sure; a guiding hand on your shoulder or waist, or on your wrist to drag you out of danger, but this is different. This is soft. A word you never thought to apply to the metal-clad hunter.
This close, he's even more intimidating. All that power, the razor-sharp reflexes, held in check beneath layers of Beskar. You can hear the sound of his breath - you're not sure if it's your imagination that translates it into a sigh.
The moment feels balanced on a knife's-edge, and despite your better judgment telling you not to speak, you can't help yourself. "Mando? What's wrong?"
He lowers his hand, and you keenly feel the loss of his touch where you wouldn't have even thought about it before. It's as if you've taken an ice bath and you've come out raw-nerved and shivering, hoping desperately for warmth.
"Nothing. That's the problem." It sounds like it's effort for him to speak, the vocabulator translating his tone into something tight and strained. You realize he's holding himself back. From what? You wonder.
"Problem?" you echo, resisting the urge to cross your arms or to step back - put some distance between the two of you, distance you're used to by now. Part of you is glad of its absence, while the rest of you shakes in your boots.
"The kid," Mando says, forcing the words out as if he's clenching his jaw beneath that helmet, "He likes having you around."
You're baffled, now, glancing over at the pod - back to the Mandalorian, eyebrow hiked. "I know," you tell him, "That's the reason you kept me around, right?"
"No." The quickness of his reply surprises the both of you. He does sigh audibly this time, and he shakes the helm from side to side. "Not the only reason. I..." He trails off. The visor seems to be directed somewhere over your left shoulder. You wait, patiently, vibrating with expectancy. "I like having you around too."
That's it? is your immediate thought. But then you re-examine the way he says it. You register the slight break in his modulated voice. The way his chin drops. The way his shoulders tense up. And suddenly it all makes sense.
"Oh," you say. Oh. It all makes sense now. The silence. The awkwardness. The avoidance. For a moment you question if it's really all that simple, and then you remember who - and what - he is, and realize exactly how complicated this has become.
It doesn't need to be.
You reach out, as if across a great chasm, trying not to betray your weakness in the shaking of your fingers. You take his, the familiar texture of the worn leather gloves warm in your palm. Either he's stopped breathing or he's holding his breath, you can't tell, but he doesn't resist.
"I like being around you, too."
It seems a small confession, but the effect it has is immense. Mando' steps forward, crowding you back against the bulkhead, the smoothness of Beskar against your forehead as he touches his to yours, just for a moment. Then there's gloved hands on your cheek, your neck, your collar.
You touch the underside of his wrist, the exposed sliver of skin between his sleeve and the glove. You hear him say something in another language - his own, you assume - and from there, the moments blur together.
Your clothes fall away like tissue paper, and he touches you as if you're just as delicate, as if he's afraid you might break. With all his Beskar, you wonder if you might, but all he gives you is the sweep of his hands, worn leather against smooth flesh, and it proves more than enough to warm your blood.
Something changes, and it's a moment before you realize he's taken off his gloves, tucked them into his belt - his palms are broad, his fingers long and clever and devastatingly precise as they sweep over your stomach, your breasts. You're arched with your eyes closed into the brush of his thumbs across your nipples, biting down a whimper at the firm squeeze.
"Mando - " you begin, unsure what you were going to say by every measure and thankful when he interrupts. "Shh," the sibilant sound through the vocabulator lifts the hairs on the back of your neck, "Don't wanna wake the kid." So you press your lips together, clamp your jaw shut and swallow the moan when his nimble fingers dip between your legs
He holds you close with an arm across your back while he plays you with the precision of a sharpshooter. You're already embarassingly wet, a fact he acknowledges with a growl in the depths of his throat - a sound that threatens to sweep your knees from beneath you - but he holds you up and slides a digit home inside you, seating the broad flat of his thumb against your clitoris.
He says that strange word again as your spine bows and your hips arch - "Mesh'la," - the rasp of his voice in your ear weaving into the intimate tapestry of sensation he brings to you. You press your cheek against the coolness of his Beskar pauldron, grab him by the upper arms and bite your tongue to keep from crying out as he adds another finger.
"Maker, yes," you hiss at the wonderful fullness - the friction he rubs just right into the throbbing bundle of nerves with just his thumb - the tension winds tighter and tighter until it gives all at once and renders you weak and held up only with the strength of his arm around you. You sob through the apex of your orgasm, thighs clamped and shaking around his wrist, and Mando whispers things you can't hear past the roar of blood in your ears until the tension leaves you.
You're left shattered, panting. Mando withdraws his hand and you whimper at the loss. He takes your wrists, just gently, when you reach for him, and you open eyes you didn't realize you'd closed to look up at that inscrutable sliver of visor, meeting the shadow of the gaze beyond.
You say nothing. You're not sure what to say, or even if you can speak now. But Mando touches your lips with his thumb and inclines his head, and somehow that says everything either of you need to say in that moment.
He helps you on with your clothes. Doesn't seem to want for reciprocation, although you're sure you felt something other than Beskar pressed hard against your thigh. He seems nonchalant as he strides towards the ladder, but he pauses without looking back with his hand - gloved again now - on the rung. It's a moment before you realize he stopped because you called out to him.
"Mando." You hesitate - what can you say? What is there to say? "I'm... I'm glad I - I'm glad we met."
He looks down. But, before he hauls himself up the ladder with a speed that belies his strength, he says, "Me, too."
You're doomed, you realize as you stare up after him. You have been from the start.
But somehow, standing sweaty and exhausted with lingering aftershocks, you really are glad.
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theninthdoor · 10 months
Any skz reading planed for today love?
love update here! 😎 was just looking for the ask, but I'll just end up using this one instead
Bang Chan || nine of swords, four of cups, knight of wands: Chan has been pursuing a love interest, yet the task turned out to be a lot harder than he had expected. Nothing he does gets the reaction or result he wants, and it just makes him feel bad about himself. Instead of pushing forward with this, he might start looking for attention elsewhere, even if it that's not really what he wants.
Lee Know || three of pentacles rx, the world: A relationship is coming to an end for him. Things have stopped working; him and his partner are struggling to keep it together. They're realizing that their goals and/or values are way too different and there's no chance of growth or compromise.
Changbin || four of swords, two of swords: He's single, for sure. Although I see someone around him, he has not yet decided whether or not he wants to give them a chance. There's a lot of indecision in the air.
Hyunjin || ten of cups, the moon rx: Hyunjin is dating. At first, the relationship might've been filled with anxiety, misunderstandings, faking their tastes and personalities in order to please the other person, however, that has passed. They have finally arrived at a place where they can be themselves, and it's been very enjoyable for both, so far.
Felix || knight of swords, queen of pentacles rx: Felix's cards took an eternity to come out… I just feel like he's very, very annoyed with something; so much so that he doesn't even wanna talk about it. I don't see a relationship here, but he could have been talking to someone as of late. The QoPrx is the social climber card, someone materialistic and manipulative, too, and that might be the case here. He's now realizing this person's true intentions towards him, perhaps?
Han || six of pentacles rx, temperance: Han has recently taken a step back regarding a connection he was building with someone. Either he concluded they were going too fast, and that made him uncomfortable, or he's simply not so sure of whether or not they are a good match, after all. I just see him taking back an offer OR declining an offer after initially accepting it - likely a date?
Seungmin || eight of pentacles, king of pentacles: I believe he's still with the same partner. The relationship remains solid; they're both committed to making it work, put in all the effort necessary. However, in comparison to last time we checked, Seungmin doesn't seem as starry-eyed or absorbed in the relationship - he's finally managed to shift the focus back to himsef and everything else that needs his attention (mainly his career), without compromising the connection.
I.N || strength rx, page of cups rx: There's a situation here that reeks of immaturity… Can't tell if it's him, the other person or both, but there's someone here who's letting their insecurities get the best of them, for sure. They're co-dependent, attention seeking and very selfish; every little thing is enough for them to make a scene out of; no argument is ever dramatic enough for them. The Magician is at the bottom of the deck, so I believe they talk mostly through text messages or social media; or that could be at the center of their issues.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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lya-dustin · 10 months
All is Bliss
Chapter 31
Cw: mentions of cheating, marital rape, rape, emotional abuse, one attempted murder and casual racism
Gif by @targaryensource
Taglist: @mercedesdecorazon @aemondx @darylandbethfanforever9 @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @ewanmitchellcrumbs
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As part of Aegon’s desire to change, Aemma is to share meals with him alone.
All her favorite foods are laid out before them and there is a parcel wrapped with a blue ribbon in the exact shade of sky blue she loves.
“I know I have been abominable to you and for the sake of Aenys, I want us to start over.” He said expecting her to accept this olive branch.
Aemma doesn’t mean to be so unsubtle and yet she raised an eyebrow at his peace offerings. “Why?”
He fucking killed her grandmother!
He raped Dyana who Aemma taught to read before she left!
He cheated on her on the second night of their marriage, he ridiculed her interests and never bothered to hide his indiscretions to the point he paraded Alys in front of their family!
Aemma will never forgive him as long as they live.
“I hated how mother and father were, I want better for my son.” He answered and the word my had her ready to throw the lavender and rose tea at his face.
Aenys wasn’t his, he was hers, hers and Aemond’s. Thank the gods her baby did not have his blood.
“And when Aenys asks how his grandmother and great-grandmother died, what then?” the queen asked him, and he looked crushed by her words and then swallowed it with his watered-down wine.
“We will cross that bridge when we get there, dear one.” He dismissed it with something akin to remorse that quickly turned to blame. “Anyways, you were the one who sent your grandmother to her death. Had you gone in her place, none of this would’ve happened.”
“They overrode me, locked in my chambers until it was over. Trust me, even if you meant to kill me, I would have gladly gone.” Aemma said in her own defense.
“Was I such a terrible husband to you?” he asks as if ignorant of his own wickedness.
Did anyone ever bother to teach him how to be a good man in this fucking place?
“Would you like me to enumerate the ways you failed as one?” she asked, wanting this to be over.
There was too much to let it all go.
His killing her grandmother was not the only thing he did, but it was the only thing he seemed to understand was bad.
Aegon takes the bait and agrees to let her voice. “I must change, and I suppose you can tell me what I did wrong the first time.”
“On our wedding night you raped me. I know the Faith and the Laws say a husband taking his wife like that is not rape, but if we hadn’t been married you would’ve been gelded and sent to the Wall. Then after that, I tried to give you a chance to prove that was merely a fluke and not a single one of those times we laid together did you even try to make me like it.
And after that, I did my duty, I did my best to find common ground and build something with you. And how were my efforts rewarded? With you getting the pox in the bed we were supposed to share.”
They hardly ever spoke about those infernal moons they spent on progress.
This morning she tells him of all those things he did and said during that time.
All nights ended the same, she doing all the work to get him to see her as a companion, to give a shit about her and their marriage, and he focusing on the only thing that ever mattered to Aegon: himself, his interests, his appetites.
During a hunt he went off with a lady and fucked her, not caring that she was right fucking there hawking with the lady’s husband.
At Darry, he mocked her conversation with Lady Darry about her daughters’ education by saying shrews made for bad wives and gestured at her and fucking laughed.
At Seagard, he had three whores in his bed and had the fucking audacity to ask her to join. In the fucking boat ride, he ‘playfully’ shoved her off the fucking deck when she and the captain talked about maritime conditions and the benefits of steel hulls.
At Pinkmaiden he loudly told Lord Piper that Aemma would be better looking if she had teats as big as his wife’s. Aegon then fucked the man’s lightskirt sister in a Sept.
At the Twins, he asked if her cousin, Joffrey, fucked sheep on account of being a Valeman and then joked about Aemma’s hair resembling wool and telling them the cruel nickname Tyshara Lannister gave her after discovering Queen Aemma’s father had been Lord Arryn: the Lamb Princess.
By the time they arrived at Harrenhal, she no longer cared to be the dutiful wife.
She drank to ensure their tedious couplings didn’t stick to her memory, she gave up trying to like him and that night he fucked Alys in the rooms they were supposed to share.
That night Aemma prayed to the gods to make his cock wither or her womb become as barren as the desert of Dorne.
“And the Gods heard me.” The queen ends her tirade and knows Aegon will not make her come here for lunch or dinner. “That night I heard the commotion, and my gods, you have no idea how happy I felt at thinking I was finally free of you.”
His expression changes between shame and anger before settling on a mixture of both.
Yet Aegon is determined to hear her out, and she was going to make him regret it.
“Are you done?” he asks, not tossing her out of his rooms, because its clear he wants her here no matter how much she hates him.
Aemma supposed Aegon had masochist tendencies given how much he craves his mother’s love even when she hits him.
“No, actually. You paraded Alys to our family and the court. You raped my chambermaid and countless others apparently, oh yes, and you had your brother seduce me so your mother could have what she wanted even if it killed my mother!”
It feels so good to get it all out, to finally let him know they had no chance in the seven hells of ever being something.
Tossing the napkin on her lap back on the table, Aemma takes her leave, “Do forgive me, your grace, I seem to have ruined my appetite.”
When Aemma gets to the doors, she finds the guards forbidding her to leave.
“We will share our meals and fix our marriage. You have told me what I did wrong and now we fix it, dear wife.” The king said plopping a mulberry into his mouth.
“We will be happy and you will forget my brother, or you will never see your family again.”
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iguana-braces · 2 years
Easy Come, Easy Go (Hangman x Reader)
Description: Getting a little too excited with Jake turns out better than you expect…
Warnings: f!reader, mentions of drinking, explicit language, explicit content, frottage (we really need a better word for this) 
Word Count: 780 (just a lil sumthin’ sumthin’)
Note: No, this wasn’t on my WIP list but here it is anyway, surprise! Shoutout to the wonderful @minilpark​ for the prompt that jump-started my SereSIN Machine (aka my brain) again 💕💕
(I’m so sorry for the pun title, it’s 1am and that’s the best I got)
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You had been 95% sure tonight would end like any other night out. Despite the two hours of effort you’d spent getting ready, despite the skirt you were wearing that showed a little too much skin if you moved the wrong way, you'd probably be going home alone, preparing to spend the next week clearing away the rubble of your demolished self-esteem. But it seems that the fates had finally smiled down on you because it didn't take long after your arrival at The Hard Deck before a handsome stranger caught your eye. And you had caught his. 
He bought you a drink, you watched him destroy his competition at darts without even trying. And now here you were, pressed between the blonde's muscular body and the exterior back wall of the bar, roaming hands groping eagerly at clothing and flesh alike, making out like two horny teenagers. Jake, he had said his name was. He was a pilot, and you detected the slight twang of a southern accent in his voice. That was all you'd had time to learn about him before a husky whisper in your ear invited you to get some air with him. You let him lead you around the side of the building and the rest was history. 
At least knowing the vague beginnings of his identity calmed your nerves about the brazenness of your situation. Your little patch of wall was partially hidden from the parking lot by the garbage shed, but it was fully exposed to the beach. The dunes were deserted, but anyone looking for a late night stroll under the stars might end up as an unwitting voyeur to you and this stranger– to you and Jake's impromptu rendezvous. 
His thigh parted your legs, pressing against your already soaked underwear. You instinctively began to roll your hips against his leg, slowly at first, just subtle shifts of your weight. But all too soon your libido won out over your willpower and then his hand was on your ass, guiding your movements as you grinded on him unrestrained.
Still without breaking your kiss, his other hand pulled one of yours down between the two of you. You almost gasped when he pressed your palm against his zipper, dragging it over the hard length under his service uniform. He was already throbbing under your touch and the thought of what the night had left in store for you sent shivers through your body. You needed more, now. 
Pulling him in rhythm with you against your gyrations, within a few more moments the pleasure that had been building in you peaked. Your legs clenched around Jake’s, fingers digging into his back as your body went rigid in his arms. A few whimpering moans slipped out against his lips, turning into shuddering sighs as you caught your breath. 
“Did you just…” You didn't meet his eyes, trying to regain your composure. There was a tone of amusement in his voice as he asked, “Is that seriously all it takes to get you off?”
As your mind started to clear again, you realized how little time had actually passed since you left the bar. It felt longer in the heat of the moment, but now– Were you really that sensitive, or just that desperate?
“Sorry,” you muttered, “I–”
“Don’t be sorry, darlin’,” he said, his lips spreading into a dazzling grin. “I was just wondering… because you can come again, right?” 
Despite your rude awakening, you were still holding tightly to a very good-looking, very well-endowed pilot and one quick dry-hump did little to satisfy the burning need racing through you. “Uh, yeah?” 
“Well then, why don’t you and I set some records tonight?" Jake’s hand tilted your chin to meet his gaze. "See just how many times I can get you to make that cute noise."
You flushed, almost forgetting how to speak entirely. But finally, you willed your head into a nod, adding, "Maybe somewhere a little more private." 
"What, you don't want the whole beach to know how good I can make you feel?" 
It was an enticing offer when he said it like that, his voice in a rough whisper as he leaned in again, letting his hand take the place of his thigh between your legs. But it seemed that you’d be pushing plenty of limits tonight, so he could at least adhere to your desire for privacy. "I'd be a lot more comfortable elsewhere."
Jake nodded, stepping back from you but keeping a tight grip on your arm as you regained your balance, your legs just now protesting at the strange position you’d just been in. "Alright then, lead the way." 
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Ive been waiting for this one 😩
So i was thinking a hangman x reader which kind of mirrors the scene in 'Set It Up' (if you havent seen it i highly reccomend) where they take the pizza up the fire escape (it could be that hangman forgot his keys) and up to the point where they are staring at eachother in scilence and you can make it go as far as you want to babes 💅💅💅
Absolutely, desperately, madly in love with you
-- I watched this scene so many times to copy the dialogue that I'm pretty sure I know it by heart. I still took some liberties, though.
Anyway I love this, thank you so much for the request! --
You knew you had overdone it at the Hard Deck as soon as you walked out of the bar and going to get a pizza with Hangman seemed like the best idea ever. You also knew that if you had been sober, you would have been too much of a coward to accept. 
So, Jake had walked with you to his favourite pizza place in town and ordered "The usual please, Georgio" and took it to go in a big square box.
"We should go eat it at mine. There's tables and chairs and --" he frowned "We should go to mine, 's not far"
He'd told you it was a ten minute walk. It would have been if you hadn't drunk so much that walking had become a puzzle your brain needed to figure out and if Jake hadn't tried to jump, pizza in hand over every bike rack, bollard and traffic cone he saw on the San Diego sidewalk you shared. 
The pizza smelled heavenly. You didn't know what it was, but something almost made you lift the lid off of it
"You're going to let the smell out" he whined
"I wish that box was my bed," you replied. It was no lie, you were exhausted and hungry like one could only be after far too many tequila shots.
You almost didn't notice Jake had stopped walking. He opened the front door of an apartment building on your right and led you up the stairs.
"I know this is not going to sound how i mean this to sound" he paused, a serious expression on his face, almost deciding the most tactful way to phrase what he wanted to say "I wanna fuck this pizza"
"I get it" you paused. You wanted to fuck the pizza too " You should never say that to anyone else… but I get it"
Jake searched through his pockets to find his keys but they were empty.
"I forgot my keys" he stated, you looked at him with a sad expression
"What about my tables and chairs?"  You pouted. He stuck out his tongue.
"We can go another way…" 
Jake led you back down the stairs and outside next to the front door. 
"Do you know how athletic I was?" Jake had been telling you about his teenaged exploits. He handed you the pizza and climbed on top of a large concrete block. "Impressed yet?"
"I'm so hungry… Too hungry" You replied, lifting the lid and finally sneaking a look at your pizza. It was gorgeous. Simply the single most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
"Hmmm… oh god" Jake was pulling on the ladder but it wouldn't budge
"Do you need some help?" You asked
"Yeah" you helped Jake by pulling on the bottom steps, with your combined efforts, the ladder finally fell
"Gimme the pizza" Jake ordered, squatted down and with both of his hands outstretched.
"No no no no, I-- I'm gonna take it up to the top"
"Absolutely not, your hands are too small" he said, using your moment of confusion to his advantage and grabbing the box out of your hands.
"I'm gonna hold it with one hand, I'm gonna move my way up this ladder, like a monkey" he said. You tried to reach for the pizza "Stop!" And then again "Stop!... I got this"
"Alright" he added, almost to reassure himself.
"Oh my god" you exclaimed
"Stop! Keep the top up otherwise the cheese'll slide off" 
He laughed
"Please don't drop my pizza"
"What? Just stop making me laugh" he laughed
"I'm serious!"
"Stop it! Stop making me laugh"
"I'm not trying to, I'm --"
"I mean it, okay"
"It is in my possession, I got it" Jake said, finally getting to the top of the ladder and climbing up to a small balcony. You grabbed the ladder and made your way up to find him waiting for you.
"Are you okay"
"I'm fine" he replied
"No I'm talking to my pizza"
Jake gave you the pizza before entering the room via the window, you followed after and found a corner of the bed to sit on. Hangman jumped over the bed and swung his legs back to the floor. 
He turned on a lamp and slid onto his carpet. He held out his hand for the pizza.
"This is the dining room"
"Careful" you said as you handed him the box
"1,2,3" You counted down in a whisper, excitement seeping out into your voice. Jake opened the box on 3 and you both sighed at the sight of such carb filled perfection. It turned out that "The usual please, Georgio" was a cheeseburger pizza. The thin crust pizza was topped with a three cheese blend, minced beef and gherkins.
"Thank god" Jake said, relieved his meal had remained intact
"That looks so good" you wriggled your fingers over the pizza, trying to pick a good slice
"Just choose it" 
You both picked a slice and brought it to your mouths, taking a large bite. You chewed. It was the tastiest pizza you had eaten, maybe due to the alcohol or even the company.
"Wow" you said
You both took another bite.
"This is the best meal I've ever had" You said, pausing to choose your words "in my entire life"
Jake looked at you. What did Georgio put in the pizza? Because when he looked at you, it auddenly occurred to him that you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He couldn't take his eyes off of you, every inch of you interesting to him. 
You felt his eyes trail down your body. You met his gaze, suddenly feeling very shy and self-conscious at the intensity in his eyes.
"I should probably go" you swallowed "home"
Jake suddenly snapped out of his reverie.
"Slice for the road?" 
"2 please but roll it crust side out" you paused "I'm a lady" was the only explaination you offered. Jake obeyed.
He watched you take the slices, stand up and exit via the open window. Jake suddenly felt empty and down. 
Is this what being in love felt like?
Always craving the other's presence, needing them close to you, even if it means sharing a pizza you refuse to share with anyone else? 
Did it feel like butterflies in his stomach when he saw you on base, getting giddy when he got to sit next to you in the rec room, or giggling (yes, Jake had caught himself giggling) at any and all stupid joke you made? 
If it did, then Jake had to admit to himself that he was absolutely, desperately and madly in love with you.
And so were you.
He just didn't know it yet.
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