#it happened in batman superfriends
greeneyed-thestral · 1 year
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just Batman dressed up as Superman
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soleminisanction · 1 month
Like, here's the thing about Bruce and Dick in Batman '66:
When the series started filming in 1965, Burt Ward was 20 years old, and Adam West was 37. They're playing a Dick Grayson who's a Senior, maybe a Junior in High School, so somewhere between 17 and 19, and a Bruce Wayne whose age is never mentioned but who is implied to be vaguely in his early 30s.
So while Bruce is technically old enough to be Dick's father, in a strictly biological taking-responsibility-for-a-teenage-mistake sense, that's not really how the show plays it. Bruce is absolutely Dick's mentor, Dick looks up to him and admires him and there's usually at least one scene per episode where Bruce gets to give him a little mini-lecture passing Important Life Advice onto his impulsive young companion. But it's not played as a parental dynamic.
What you've got instead is the character of Aunt Harriet, added to the cast with the hope that a feminine presence in the manor would make them seem less gay. Harriet bustles around as a maternal figure, being the one who makes the dinners and needs to be kept out of the loop of the whole superhero thing for some reason, and is always fussing about ironic things like keeping her precious nephew Dick away from untoward criminal influences. She's the one who the show treats as Dick's parent, not Bruce.
Moreover, Harriet treats both Dick and Bruce like they're her sons, often roping Alfred into the position of a somewhat dottering older father figure. The end result being that the two of them come across like the elderly parents of the family who have retired and now mostly focus on maintain the house and pursuing their own personal hobbies while their eldest son, Bruce, takes over as head of the household. And as a result, Dick comes across much less like Bruce's child than as his teenage brother who just happens to be over a decade younger than him.
This isn't an unusual family arrangement at all, especially not for upper- to upper-middle-class white American boomers -- both of my parents have similar age gaps with their youngest siblings, as do several people I knew growing up. And this would only continue to be the default for how Bruce and Dick's relationship was perceived as Dick in the comics (and in his portrayal in things like the Superfriends cartoon) was aged up into a college student to match Burt Ward's portrayal while Bruce remained vaguely in his early 30s.
When I say the idea that Bruce is Dick's father is a super recent phenomenon, this is what I'm talking about.
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“His whole planet was destroyed. He's the last of a holocaust. He grew up in the dirt. Finding out slowly how different he was. A stranger discovering every day how strange he was. He has the power to tear the world apart. And he could. With a pinkie. It's not his world. We're not his people. We should be ants to him. Imagine that. Always being on the outside. The pain that would come from always being on the outside. And yet, he took that pain and became the symbol of hope.”
— Batman (Superfriends Vol 1)
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 2 months
To avoid thinking about the new musical here are the rest of my innit setlist thoughts
Joey’s status quo retweet is literally begging for him to prove it and *I* am begging for a 2019 wrong to be righted. There is still that opening for an updated rogues medley for kick it up a notch but I don’t think we’ll get it
Holy musical batman:
Superfriends feels like the obvious and most likely choice and if they do a song from each show, as they better, they can’t leave it out
Asking for status quo AND sidekick is probably too much but man oh man would sidekick go so fucking hard. It is also the best pick for this show tbh
Twisted is hard because how do you replace Dylan. Give a thousand and one nights to brian and meredith or something idk
Ani, with my own eyes, the force or back on top with or without additional vocals but let Clark sing
Naked in a lake is legitimately one of my clearest memories from homecoming it’s so fun. Underdog choice lost without you I love that song and Jaime’s a queen
Two words: climate change. But I do also love the finale song so much. We don’t need we got work to do but they’ll probably do it. Song that won’t happen that I would go feral for is together. Or literally any other lauren song
Title song or inevitable could be fun?? Otherwise cup of roasted coffee or show stopping number more likely
As it’s my favourite corey song, our doors are open. I don’t even have to say I’d go feral for adore me
I will be so hyped for ANY NPMD song because it’ll be the first live performance outside the show. But hatchet town maybe???
Including this just to say I’m so open to queen b please and thank you
I don’t fuckin caaaare that it’s not christmas it’s either this or they come back to perform it in full. The opening line of Bah Humbug in London hello?! Or cold cold streets?!?? If they did priceless I’d throw up
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Through a Mirror Darkly/Batmarch: Brave and the Bold: Deep Cover for Batman!/Game Over for Owlman! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people. Welcome back to Batmarch after a long unintended break from it and welcome one and all to Through a Mirror Darkly, a new mini retrospective that goes through the looking glass and sees what dark reflections of our heroes could be. Or in less pretty words: We're taking a look at a bunch of mirror universe episodes in animation using kev's patreon slots while we wait for Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse.
It's a familiar concept: a parallel universe where for one reason or another, either they were just born worse or something happened that pivoted them in the other direction, our heroes are evil, our villians are good and usually the universe is a hell hole. I also can't say we won't ever return to this idea as there's plenty of mirror universe stories out there. For now though we're focusing on the four best we found in the genre.
Starting off we have a unique spin on one of the more iconic mirror universes with Dc Comics Earth 3. DC started exploring the multiverse to simply clear up an issue: there were two flashes, Golden Age Hero Jay Garrick and Silver Age Hero Barry Allen. Since Allen was seen reading a flash comic, they used that springboard to make a parallel earth Barry acciidently went through while tying nots for a class of school children.
Fan Reception was great so DC went to the next logical step, bringing back the rest of the golden age heroes for earth 2 and having a proper crossover, one so big, bold and fun that DC made it an annual thing: every year the JLA would unite wtih the JSA and every year another earth would be involved. So for the second the next course was obvious: a bad guy earth where up was down, black was white, John Wilkes booth was shot by Abe Lincoln, and instead of a variety of heroes protecting it, a group of the worst of the worst had conquered it.
Earth 3 has been revisited a lot and it's something I'll likely be going back to again as there's a lot to dig into: Grant MOrrison brought it back, infnite crisis brought the origianl back, ther'es been a few rebooted versions since, there's a lot of takes on this, and that naturally spreads to animation with superfriends, justice league and the film justice league: Crisis on two worlds, all taking a swing at it.
And the swing we're looking at today is Batman Brave and the BOld's take. This was Brave and the Bold's mid season finale, taking the crime syndicate and swapping out it's members for the various heroes batman had teamed up with, ironicallys howing up BEFORE the justice league itself ever did. Also for some reason their earth 3 is earth 23.
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This two parter was the first in Brave and the Bold, one of only two in the series history, the other finishing off the starro saga. It's also one of those two parters where part one and part two are basically their own episodes rather than one big episode split up into multiple parts. It's something I notice more after binging X-Men the animated series recently, as most of thier two parters are of the "one big episode" variety, with exceptions like the brilliant time fugitives.
SO under the cut we have two distinct connected stories at Batman staves off an attack from Owlman, takes his identity to go undercover and figure out his world.. then is forced on the lmab and to team up with his greatest foe when Owlman returns the favor. It's a fun, furious two parter and it's under the cut.
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Deep Cover for Batman!
We begin on Earth... 23.
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I get putting your own spin on things but when it's earth 3 in all but name.. just do what i'm doing and call it earth 3.
ON this blighted earth, it's last hero makes a last ditch Gamble: use a device called the Phase Oscelator and escape this earth to find help. This last hero is the Red Hood and most people familiar with this identity either know where this going or are confused why it's not jason tod but the joker in a dope suit and an expresionless mask.
The Red Hood was the Joker's first identity, revealed in a silver age story as what he did before falling in that vat and made canon again post crisis with the killing joke. How much of the story leading UP to joker becoming red hood in this version is vague if it's true or just one of Joker's many backstories, but the fact he was the hood and fell in acid isn't. Jason later took the identity for his own post ressurection, his own ironic sick joke on his murderer.
Given it's silver age stylings, it's a perfect fit here and a neat way to introduce JOker: not through the clown prince himself.. but through the hero he could've been as he makes his last stand. The series does obscure the cast in shadows.. though their shadier behavior tips that something's off. that and the whole "wreathed in shadow thing". It looks utterly neat and is staged beautifully, it just makes it painfully obvious their building up to so mething. That something is the reveal of the Injustice Syndicate. Why not crime syndicate, I dunno. The change in lineup is more fair as most leaguers hadn't been introduced yet so while Owlman, batman's evil counterpart stays, this version focuses on Owls and three brand new evil counterparts: Silver Cyclone, Blue Bowman and Crimson Scarab. The designs.. are really just recolors of their heroic counterparts, which I accept for the ones we see for like a scene later, but question hwy they put no real effort into these.
This sadly extends to the villians themselves as outside of Cyclone, most of them.. are just the character but EVIL. Even Owlman, despite getting two episodes is just "batman but evil" and mostly coasts on the fact that batman but evil is a chilling concept.
Part of the problem is, while I do LIKE these episodes... I feel they pulled the trigger way too early to do a parallel universe story. The other ones we'll be tackling are a decent ways into the shows run pulling from seasons 4 and 5 of two of them, and the middle of a truly MASSIVE season one for one of them. It's far enough in to know who these people are and thus get used to the opposiite. While we know Batman well enoguh at this point to get that, we really don't know most of the other heroes here well enougH: Green Arrow.. never really grows beyond "douchebag rival". Beetle however had a whole episode fleshing him out and is one of the only heroes with two so far so they have no excuse there. Red Tornado at least had a deep enough first episode to give them just enogu hto make a chilling evil versoin: Red badly wants to be part of humanity.. while Silver's cast his aside, being cold, emotionless and pure evil as he later tortures the Red Hood. IT's the lazy way to do a mirror universe: just that character but on the wrong side and it feels disapointing the show never went back and corrected this with a followup once we got to know the cast better. I really woudl've loved an evil aquaman once we got to know ours better.
Thankfully though while the evil dopplegangers are one note, the episode itself isn't as it's a fun tense ride starting with Owlman invading the bat cave. ANd as I said Owlman may bea bit thin as a villian.. but he works simply because "evil batman" itself is intriguing. It can be done poorly
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And sometimes won't go th efuck away, but the idea of someone as capable as batman using that power against us is chilling and the episodes use it well, this one having a cool parallel fight between the two, with the two evenly match, the animation flowign gorgeously and Batman winning simply because his counterpart has something he dosen't: arrogance. He pulls up night vision goggles after Batman takes out the lights... and Bats uses a MAGNEISUM FLAIR. He knows himself well enough to know his counterpart would have night vision and used that against him , locking Owlman up.
Having been left Red Hood's version of the batterang, a test run before he got captured and a calling card, Batman decides to investigate hence the deep cover and what makes this episode really work despite the thin characterization of most of the bad guys: Batman has to pretend to be his evil self, and it's clear from their actions both Silver Cyclone and Blue Bowman are suspcious from the get go, so it's a tense well done game of "how long can he keep this up"
Batman tries to spare his world by lying and saying everyone had powers there.. but this just gets Cyclone to go with option B: use a bomb to empty the world out. So not only does bats have tos tay under cover and try to minimize damage, he also has to save Earth 1 from annhilation without blowing said cover.
THankfully he has help as he gives an escaping red hood a mike and while hood is captured, Batman now has an ally. The Injustice Synidcate takes flight in a really cool scene, not just for the visuals.. but for how it's unsettling. Unlike most mirror universes at worst Earth 23 just has a bit more orange in the sky. Orange and Red skies: your sign we're all fucked!
What makes it actually unsettling is the civilians reactions.. they all run in terror and Batman's internal monologue makes it clear this is a world without heroes.. without hope. Instead of looking up at the sky in a we and at what they could be... they run in terror and pray their cruel gods don't see them.
The theft goes well though Bowman is getting more and more suspcious and has batman tailed by someone we can't see. GEE I WONDER WHAT HERO WE'VE MET IN SEASON 1 IS OUT OF SIGHT. SURELY IT MUST BE SOME NEW TAKE ON A HERO AND NOT THE ATOM. Meanwhile Cyclone tortures the red hood, saying he'll break him and showing a cruelty and lack of care that's just.. chilling coming from someone whose counterpart is noble and badly wants to be emapthetic. We also get a chilling recitation of Hood's history.. and just how determined this poor guy is: they knocked him into the chemicals, he presses on. They take out his allies after he finally gets some he continues. he won't break even in the face of this torture and it's WHY Cyclone wants to break him so bad.
Oh look it's the atom, who catches Batman just as he's about to free the prisoners sending him on the run. This sequences is the best of the episode, as Red Hood claims to be willing to finally talk.. while giving batman directions. Cyclone eventually figures this out and sends Bowman and Scarab to go finish this imposter. Unfortunately for them.... he's batman. He even says the line after he finishes them and finally can drop the disguise.
Unforutnately while the syndicate APPEARED to be just those 4 guys, it's actually a larger group and Cyclone called backup. Maybe they were in the INjustice Pool having an Injustice Mojito while playing INjustice.
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They aren't named so we'll go with The Molocule, Stretch Man, Aquamenace and Flare. I REALLY wish we got to hear evil Aquaman speak and my primary reason for being dispaointed we never got a followup is that Aquaman became so integral to the show it's weird to see his evil counterpart as one of the extras.
Thankfully Batman dosen't have to fight this alone and frees the other heroes, leading to a fun fight between the Injustice Synidcate and the Justice Society... wait no that dosen't work.. the Freedom Pals? Super Friends? Super Duper Justice Parade. Yeah that's the ticket.
So the Super Duper Justice Parade and the INjustice Synidcate have a scrap and since having a master stratgeist, or batigest if you will, on your side can tip the scales and the Synidcate lack theres, they loose.. all except Cyclone who triggers the bomb.
We then get an excellent twist: Cyclone.. is the DC version of Ultron in this reality, wanting to wipe out all humans and only having worked with them for his own gain, a truly sad contrast to his counterpart who simply wants to be accepted by humanity and tries his best to understand them. The bomb was ALWAYS intended to just kill the squishes and he dosen't care which earth he gets to rebuild in his image. Thankfully Red Hood shows up and... blows up his head. Jesus. I mean he deserved it, but it's a reminder this IS the joker, down to ending with a pun.. he's just a hero. He has his evil alternate reality counter part's style, skill and determination.. but not the madness that drives him. Simply a desire to do good
So with that earth 23 minus 20 is saved, Batman goes home.. and finds that he's now the most wanted man alive.
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Deep Cover for Batman is a decent episode. Like I said it's hampered by the fact only ONE of the syndicate is fleshed out.. but that one is just enoguh to help this and the well done sequences it does have along with the gorgeous animatoin make up for the lak of worldbuilding and character building for the baddies as does Jeff Bennet, Johnny Bravo himself, as Red Hood, proding an operating yet utterly heroic and loveable performance. And it'd be his best in the series... if he didn't get to top himself right after
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Game Over For Owlman!
So yeah while it's only been like.. a day for batman, it's been three weeks. Owlman broke out and using Batman's first outfit, such a cool little mythology gag complete with the purple gloves he really did have.
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They even made an action figure of it multiple times. It's great. I need me one of those at some point.
For now though this means all of Batman's friends are against him and it's the one part of this episode that I REALLY don't like as it feels REALLY sloppy, not to mention most of them don't seem torn up about this. It makes sense for Green Arrow: his greatest rival turning out to be evil? It's his goddamn birthday. But only Plastic Man seems REALLY hurt, which works well as Batman rode him so hard about being a reformed criminal so seeing him bein ga hypocrite clearly breaks the poor guy a bit. But everyone else just accepts this. And I get it's been 4 weeks but like.. not only is he wearing an older costume now.. but NONE OF you in a world with, up to this point in the series: Aliens, Ghosts, Super Intelligent Gorillas, Sorcerers, Atlantis, Atlanteans, Time Travel, Power Rings, my boy Mogo the living planet, Deadman, martial arts magic and fucking Bwana Beast, who I love but is objectively weird as shit which is why I love him, same for Mogo. And the bulk of this these guys were THERE FOR.. and not one of you thinks the obvious: that Batman's being mind controlled or has been replaced by a double. It's fucking agrivating. Again Ollie gets a pass as his reactoin to getting to fight batman and have a valid excuse is clear and true
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But the fact Beetle, who idolizes batman or Red Tornado, whose logical as fuck don't spot the obvious bothers me, it bothers me a lot
Thankfully after this less than great start, we get to the meat of the episode and what makes this ep so damn memorable: Batman is dropped into a warehouse where he meets his unlikely savior: The Joker. And for added pizaz to this reveal this was the clown prince's first apperance all season and the first time we've seen ANY of batman's foes all series. Every previous show is a b or c list villian attached to someone else, usually not the guest hero of the episode for added points. It's part of the series charm: instead of focusing on Batman's iconic but well used foes, it uses the wide scope of the dc plucking out every other villian great and small to get some spotlight.
Not only did this allow some villians even I didn't know existed like Babyface or Fun Haus to get spotlighted.. but it also meant when one of Batman's usual rogues DID show up it felt like a big event. Here especailly as after all this time we finally get to see one of Batman's own foes.. and it is glorious.
Jeff Bennet plays the Joker.. and he is utterly delightful. This Joker, while still vile and villanous fully leans into the silver age astetic of the show: he's still implied to kill people, still does over the top schemes, but it's in that classic golden and silver age way of more IMPLYING the death than showing the carnage he does. While other jokers can be funny this one, at least for this ep is almost entirley played for comedy, more an overgrown kid at play than the dangerous monster he usually is that's also an overgrown child just one who'd burn ants, whlie never really letting up on his competence, best shown subtly when Batman handcuffs him.. only fo rhim to have used the false wrists gag. Bennet plays it perfectly, using a posh accent to both seperate the joker from previous versoins and play into the old timey astetics the series loves.
Turns out Joker isn't happy with the new status quo as he loved the game as was and wants to partner with Batman instead.. the real batman. Unlike Batman's friends, Joker can actually TELL the other one's an imposter and can you know, tell that Batman suddenly doing crimes is weird and probably isn't him. It's not helped by the fact Owlman is horning in on his own crimes, ruining his fun.
So Joker offers batman his help: they team up and take out a mututal headache. Batman's first response is
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Joker makes a valid point that sways him though: Batman is fighting someone as obessive, well thought out and type A as himself. Neither he nor Owlman really have the advantage, something backed up by their fight earlier and Owlman easily escaping the second Batman was gone: Their SO much alike that the odds of Batman actually beating him are low, as is the opposite. It's a clever way to use the mirorr gimmick.. and the joker: As Joker points out not only is he pure chaos, something harder to predict, he's also come the closest out of anyone to actually beating Batman.
Batman is forced to Acknolwdge he's right and they Take joker's car. It's a brilliant concept too: Batman and the Joker are usually so diffrent they CAN'T work together, but the stakes here are perfect to force the issue. it's also a delightful dynamic as Batman is a perfect straight man to his arch enemy's goofy antics, with joker soaking up every minute of this teamup, from saving a child then milking it for all ti's worth when the kid turns out to be afraid of batman, to , when they have to call in a batmobile after thier car gets wrecked (Batman naturally keeps a spare and in another nice nod it's the one he used in the 50s), tries to press all the buttons like a deranged 7 year old. It's fucknig great.
They had back to the bat cave after a chase form team dumbass, and Batman finds out something horrifying: Owlman found all his contenginces and is using them. This is something taken from the comics: Batman has a bunch of diffrent plans in case his justice pals are brainwashed or mind controlled. It lead to the brilliant story tower of Babel as Ras Ah Ghul got a hold of them and turned them up to lethal. It's something they SHOULD know he has and should have more consequences here like that comic, but it dosen't. It is however resonable: unlike his friends Batman again is well aware brainwashing happens and we now know there's evil dopplegangers in at least one other universe. It's smart to have a plan, some of them should just bea ware of that and for all we know they might be. They don't , and shoudln't, know what that backup IS, but they should be trusted to know he has a plan if something happens.
Ethics aside this gives Owlman everything he needs to take out all of batman's major allies thus far, and gather his own injustice league of all the various vilians, who apparently completely trust a guy pretending to be batman meaning the villians are the only ones in this episdoe who actually get that multiverse theroies a bitch and don't just go "oh this paragon of justice is evil now. Cool. That happened".
Batman and the Joker bust in to save the day.. but Owlman's already prepared for this , and after batman looses the numbers game.. offers Joker something he can't reisist.. his own trap. Batman dunked in wax. The spiral effects as he looks at the button and his eulogy after are hilarous.
Thankfully Batman , like Owlman, saw this coming and thus had the phase oscelatior repared. I also love that in hindsight, the time diffrences in dimensions.. was a chekovs gun: Batman spents some time in the multiverse finding himself.. and himself.. and himself.. and also himself, and himself once again, and oh look him as a cowboy.
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It's a great reveal and one i'd forgotten: Batman found the joker was right, he can't beat himself alone.. but himselfves can.
It also speaks to the Brave and the Bold staff's love of the comics and heavy penchant for research as ALL of these batmen with exactly one exception are based on existing stories. That's the armored batman who even then still SOMEWHAT resembles Jean Paul's armor during his time of batman, but isn't close enough for me to fully think that's what they were going for
Thanks to the dc wiki though I know where the rest come from so settle in:
Going from left to right, we have the cowboy batman. Because everythings better when you make it a cowboy. It's just science.
Cowboy Batman is based on Nighthawk, a western hero I hadn't heard of before Kev showed me this wiki page. This is neat as the next year we COULD get a full cowboy look for batman during the return of bruce wayne after Darkseid seemingly killed him but thanks to a time gun he actually got sent through time and space, recarnating each time and each time becoming a new batman
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Next we have Bat Creature, a giant hulking batman that came out of batman getting hit by an evolution ray meant fo rmonkeys that somehow turned him into the hulk
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We then have vampire batman, the one variant I recognized as the dc 60 years of history book I read as a kid, and now have thanks to the kindnes of my mom's friend LIsa, had a section on it. It was a trilogy of elseworlds stories where Batman fought dracula and became a vampire as a result then lord of vampires. I.. really need to cover that one sometime.
Easing down past regular batman and ?????? Batman we have Captain Leatherwing, an alternate timeline bruce who became a pirate captin in a one off annual done by Chuck Dixon.
Finally we have hyper evolved batman, based off another wacky silver age transformatoin. During an issue of WOrld's Finest batman and superman found a satilite that crashed ot earth that evolves of devolves creatures. Unforutnately Hyper Evolved Batman, what was seen as 800,000 years of evolution hitting him at once, apparently ended up cold and evil and devolved superman as a result. And why yes Cave Superman versus Big Head Batman is something I should look at sometime. This version is heroic instead thankfully.
So a big ole bat-brawl insues and it's the highlight of the two parter... mostly because Joker spends the bulk of it running around with a round bomb with the biggest giggly smile on his face. The fighting though is great, with each batman getting to show off and freeing a hero. My faviorites are Aquaman's rescue, which has Black manta trying to turn up the giant sunlamp he's trapped under like he's turning up the volume on a tv before one of the batmen breaks a sprinkler allowing Aquaman to kick some ass, and Brain Batman Vs my boy THE Brain, which is won by Plastic man stretching his free arm to distract the brain. It's a well crafted wonderful fight scene that really leans into the craziness of the situation and has a lot of fun with tiself, which really sums up the show as a whole.
As for our big bad and his new best buddy, their defeated by their ego: both think they should finish off batman.. and thus bats is able to drop the wax thing on them.
One de waxing and a lot of handcuffs later
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The villians are all arested, none of the heroes bother to apologize, and Batman geninely wonders if Red Hood means Joker has good in him. As for Owlman the other batmen take him back with him giving an omnious vow to return.. which let me check what episode that happens in.
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..... you maybe see why I think this needed a followup.
At any rate while it has a bumpy start, Game Over for Owlman is pure fun once the joker gets involved and a good romp as Batman's forced to babysit his arch enemy to beat himself, and the finale encapuslates the shows "anything goes" style. You want a pirate, cowboy, hyper evolved, devolved, and armored batman beating up a bunch of foes while Joker runs around with a bomb? Yes let's do that. The show's love of just how fucking weird comics are will never not be endearing and this episode encapsulates that. These two eps aren't brave and the bold's best, but their still a LOT of fun and a decent enough story. NOt the best mirror universe story
Next in Bat Month: We have some more goofy classic goodness as we go to the golden age to find out where some of batman's most famous trophies come from as Bats must deal with gambling themed death traps, a man screwed over by pennies, and being hunted my mechanical dinosaurs on a billionares island. So a standard week fo rbatman, a good review for you
Next time Through a Mirror Darkly: We see just exactly where Darkwing Duck's arch enemy comes from as Darkwing tries to bring hope to a hopleless world. Get used to that it's goign to be a running theme.
Thanks for reading
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roy-dcm2 · 1 year
MyDCU - The Crime Syndicate
From time to time I like to think about, what would be the modern Legion of Doom? Because the "Superfriends" version has guys like Brainiac and Grodd, who I think wouldn't want to team up with humans, and also the Riddler, who doesn't have powers.
I think picking members for the Syndicate is easier than the LoD because you only need to look at the iconic members of the JLA as a major sign post on where to go, and I decided to aim for 13 members just for fun. One thing to keep in mind is that they're NOT 1:1 analogs of the main JLA. For instance, Owlman is Thomas Wayne Jr, who had a younger brother (Bruce) who died. In the most common version, Super Woman was Lois Lane, but the "Crisis on Two Earths" version was Mary Marvel, meanwhile the New 52 version is Donna Troy. You could say that remixing all the characters is part of the fun of having Infinite Earths
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Two big change ups: I would leave out Johnny Quick/ Power Ring. I think if you have an Evil Flash, you got to wonder why he wouldn't time travel all the time. Meanwhile, Power Ring makes you wonder, where's the rest of the Evil GL corps? Or why don't you get GOOD Brainiac to help you? So, leave out most of the Space Stuff.
SO, you've got to start off with the Big 3: Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman.
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Ultraman: I like the version that was a human astronaut who was "super evolved" by aliens while on a mission, but the process made him evil. Its a nice allusion to the versions of Superman that's an advanced human.
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Owlman: Gotta go with Thomas Wayne Jr. This evil "Batman" decided to conquer/ kill the criminals that killed his family. Batman's mission is this never ending quest for "the one that got away." In Owlman, we see a version that decided to control everything. Also, in the main DCU, Thomas Wayne Jr. was "Talon" a champion of the Court of Owls.
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"Superwoman" - I'd go with a new version that is either Diana, or Hippolyta. A "Herald" of the Roman Gods, there to start a war that will end the world. Except she's taking her sweet time, enjoying "man's world." Alternatively, if I could have infinite time to tell a story, then I would make her Lois Lane, but this time she's a Star Sapphire. (WW and Star Sapphire used the have basically the same origin.)
Let's look at some other CS members based on the some classic JLAers. I don't know these other members very well, so I'm going cover them really quick
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Sea King - basically a version of Aquaman that instead of growing up on Land, became the tyrant of the seven seas.
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Grid - a version of Cyborg that fully embraced his machine side.
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DeathStorm - an Evil Firestorm that is technically controlled by Dr. Martin Stein.
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Atomica - An Evil version of The Atom, also happens to be a woman.
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Silver Cyclone - an evil version of Red Tornado. Secretly hates all humans.
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Black Siren - an evil Black Cannary. Alternatively, there was a version called "white cat.
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Angelique - an Evil verison of Hawkgirl.
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Vamp - an Evil Version of Vixen.
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Black Power - Evil Black Lightning
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"Stretch man" - I don't think he officially has a name. He's just evil Plastic Man. Very important character because he's famously unkillable.
Yeah. really quick. Again, I don't really know the members of the Crime Syndicate all that well. I guess the next thing would be to break them up into Sub-families like it was illustrated in "Crisis on Two Earths." Its tough because the Syndicate would not tolerate anyone that could be a threat to their power. So you wouldn't want to shove every single DC hero into one of these things, but i would like to see an evil version of the Outsiders, or the extended Superman family.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
[RERUN] Secret Origins of the Superfriends (Fun with Paradoxes)
[All images are owned by DC Comics and Hannah-Barbara. I hope I’m too small-fry to sue...]
After Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC decided they needed a platform to showcase all the (remaining) heroes in their universe (especially since they rewrote their history, deleted a number of Golden Age heroes since they were more or less the same in the modern age (such as the Golden Age Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Green Arrow), and inserted heroes from other universes into the current one (such as Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle, and the Freedom Fighters (sorry Captain Carrot)), so they created a series called Secret Origins (as well as another stripped down series called Who’s Who, but we’re not discussing that here)
Which brings us to this RERUN. years before Crisis, we had a little episode of Challenge of the Superfriends that, for the first time in the series, explored the humble beginnings of some of their more powerful (for Superfriends, anyway) heroes.
If you would like to see the original review, you may do so here.
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Time travel is a VERY slippery slope. Doing so can change the past to alter the future (like Back to the Future), can cause alternate timelines that branch off from your own (such as the JJ Abrams Star Trek films), or can be “destiny” for your timeline (Such as what happened to Jeffery Sinclair/”Valen” and Babylon 4 in Babylon 5)
As long as the rules of time travel aren’t altered within the context (How did old Biff return to 2015-prime after altering his past?), people are generally OK with whatever BS a franchise comes up with to explain how time travel functions.
Then there’s this mess. Watching the Legion of Doom commit atrocities to continuity is enough to make anyone’s head hurt.
If you would like to see the episode, it’s available on Amazon Prime once you pass the paywall.
Lex Luthor unveils his latest scheme to (say it with me) “destroy the Superfriends once and for all!”: going back in time to remove...
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...Wonder Woman...
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...and Green Lantern from existence.
OK, I’m just gonna stop right there and point out the obvious: Bizarro is an imperfect clone of Superman and therefore needs Superman for himself to exist, and Lex Luthor became a super villain because of Superman. How the HELL does he manage to counter history erasing himself and Bizarro? Good question…one that is never even addressed!
Anyway, back to our paradox…Luthor has learned the secret origins of these three heroes (shouldn’t Sinestro already know Green Lantern’s? I mean, he used to be a Green Lantern before Hal Jordan exposed him as a tyrant. You mean he never told anyone before this?) and intends on making sure these origins never happen by going back in time and interrupting their origin stories.
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At Themyscira Paradise Island, Cheetah disguises herself as an Amazon (you’d think Hippolyta would recognize all the Amazons…I mean they’ve lived for 3,000 years so they should know each other fairly well…but then she didn’t recognize her own daughter behind a mask, so…) and cheats (Cheetah cheats? I swear, sometimes these jokes write themselves!) to win the tournament that would have sent Diana to the World of Man to become...
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...Wonder Woman.
In the present, Wonder Woman (in the Invisible Jet) and Batman & Robin (in the Batplane) put out a raging forest fire, but as the three celebrate a Job Well Done...
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...she vanishes and Batman and Robin congratulate each other on a Job Well Done (without help from any of the other Superfriends), their memories of Wonder Woman removed.
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Next up is Green Lantern. Just as Abin Sur’s ring is about to transport Hal Jordan’s flight simulator to him, Luthor shows up and urges Jordan to evacuate, taking his place in the simulator as it is carried away. (wait, it homed in on the simulator, not Jordan? Does that mean the simulator should have become Green Lantern?) Abin Sur gives the ring to Lex, making him…
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...The Green Luthor! “Evil and injustice will never be the same! MUHAHAHA!”
Meanwhile in the present Hawkman, Black Vulcan, and Green Lantern are making repairs to the Justice League (shouldn’t that be “Superfriends”?) satellite. They congratulate each other on a Job Well Done when...
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...Green Lantern vanishes and Black Vulcan tells Hawkman the two of them should be heading back, their memories of Green Lantern erased.
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Finally, on to Superman. The Hall of Doom fires a beam that diverts young Kal-El’s rocket to a planet with a red sun so he won’t have any powers (why not destroy the rocket? Don’t tell me Green Luthor now has a code against murder)
Back in the present, it’s Superman Day in Metropolis as the Man of Steel poses in a parade in his honor with Hawkman when...
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...Superman vanishes and the parade for Hawkman Day continues on.
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Returning to the present, the Hall of Doom appears over the Hall of Justice and immediately ensnares the Superfriends in a tractor beam. (you’d think they’d have defenses against that sort of thing…) Luthor announces he has a gun that can mind control them to destroy one another (you’d think he could have just used that on Superman and Wonder Woman then  sicced them on everyone else)...
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...but imprisons the Flash, Batman, Robin, and Black Vulcan for later (you know, it’s that kind of crap that defeats them every time. You’d think they’d learn…)
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As Aquaman, Hawkman, Apache Chief, and Samurai fight to the death...
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...the Flash vibrates through the wall of his cell (you would think Captain Cold would have installed some device to counter that. I swear, it’s not the Superfriends that defeat the Legion of Doom, it’s laziness!) and frees the others. Rather than rushing to free the others before they kill each other, they poke around the Hall of Doom’s computer (no password? I mean, I know this is the 70s but even then people knew about stealing data! Hell, Luthor and Brainiac probably do it all the time when they’re bored!)...
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...and discover the secret plot to erase three people no one in the room had ever heard of from history (wouldn’t erasing them from history erase them from the computer’s memory as well?) They take the cartridge containing the plot (convenient!) and escape. Let’s hope Aquaman, Apache Chief, Samurai, and Hawkman can survive long enough for these guys to remember they’re in danger.
At the Hall of Justice, the Justice League (ARGH! Make up your damn minds, writers!) computer realizes there are holes in its memory files large enough to fit three Superfriends (again, that shouldn’t be the case! History should have filled those holes) The four decide to go back in time and reverse the damage.
They go back in time in their various ways (OK, stop! Luthor and Brainiac could have used their genius to make a time machine...
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Flash has the ability to travel fast enough to break the time barrier to reach Themyscira Paradise Island...
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Black Vulcan is unique to Superfriends, so the full extent of his powers are unknown…so sure, we’ll say time travel is theoretically possible for him so he can save Green Lantern...
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...but are you telling me Wayne Enterprises has developed a Bat Flux Capacitor AND a Bat-warp drive for the Batplane so they can reach Krypton?! Bullshit!)...
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...and undo the damage done (so? The Legion has a goddamn time machine! Why not go back and murder them all as babies?! Plus now the Legion knows GL’s identity, so the can just kill him in his sleep!)
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Back in the present, Superman, Wonder Woman, and GL reappear (so how do they account for being missing for the past 15 minutes?) and they finally realize there are 4 other Superfriends that have probably pounded each other into goo by now.
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Somehow, despite the fact that they were present to witness their plans failing, the Legion are surprised to see 3 more Superfriends than there should be (and surprisingly even Aquaman is still alive, despite having no fish to ask for help!) and are handily defeated...
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...but Luthor already had an escape plan ready as the episode ends.
OK, after trying to wrap my head around so many holes in the way time travel works in this episode, I need to go down an entire bottle of painkillers and a tequila-meister.
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daviddelrealactor · 2 years
The Pitch I presented For an entire articule called "13 Greatest Batman and Superman villains of all time". They never asked me for the complete article. This Pitch was presented to TCJ , CBR and other cómic and Sci-fi sites and lists.
Good morning.
I would like to write an article for your publication in tcj.com called "13 Greatest Batman And Superman Villains Of All Time" .   I already have the first draft for what could be the introduction and fragments of the list. 
Birth Name: David Israel Rodríguez Zárate
I want to be published as: David del Real.
Home telephone: 
011 52 55 (-- -- --)
twitter : @DavidRealActor
By: David del Real.
Superman and Batman are two of the most famous super heroic characters of all time. Being two of the “Big Three” characters in DC comics, they have fought many of the most terrible and smartest villains . With these two characters, each of them being not only more than 75 years old, but having 75 years of non-stop publication, we have 150 years of interesting stories to choose from. Nevertheless, some of their villains are way more epic than others and only a few of them have so much hate and persistence as to follow them through all the possible media: radio, movies, tv, video games, etc…
The three most important criteria for a villain to appear in this list are:
Number of times he or she has fought either one or both Superheroes and maybe the entire Justice League.
If he or she has ever defeated one of them in any way.
How much he or she contributes to the plot being interesting.
Ninth Position.
A strange and small individual with god-like powers and a mostly disagreeable sense of humor, this fellow has made these two heroes and all the Justice League members sweat more than once. An interesting thing about him is that he cannot be beaten by strength but always by cunning by making him  say his strange name backwards (which turns him back to the 5th dimension where he comes from). Thanks to him we had one of the most memorable  episodes of the old 80´s "World Greatest Superfriends" tv series, where he transports them to the “The Planet of Oz” in order to make them get the necessary ingredients to make him invulnerable to he effects of saying his name backwards during this story inspired in the old 1900´s  “The Magical Wizard of Oz” novel by Frank Baum and W. W. Denslow.
Honorable mention 3:
This villain is guilty of kidnapping and literally making Shondra Kinsolving, his adoptive sister and maybe the only woman that Batman has ever loved, mentally insane. This happened during the comics that followed the epic "Knightfall" saga. So, even when Benedict Asp will never be as epic as most of the villains in this list, he is for sure between the ones that have hurt Gotham´s Dark Knight the most.
Fourth Position.
A strange gloved fist with a forearm covered with cables punching to escape from his prison underground, punching on metal , soil and stone until releasing him and allowing us to see a strange figure almost completely covered with a dark green suit with a grayish brown fist and irregular claws protruding from it. A small incautious bird was his first victim, then a tree, then everything he could find including half a dozen Justice League members that he left severely injured before having his epic fight to the death with Superman. This is the way the Doomsday character was introduced to the world during the events of “The Death of Superman” comic story. Since then, Doomsday has been cast as a formidable enemy for Superman and DC heroes in general many times.  We have seen him in the Justice League animated series same as in the DC animated movie “Superman/Doomsday” which is inspired in the “The Death of Superman” comic and we see many copies of him fighting Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman (and her fellow amazons) for the “Superman/Batman: Apocalypse” one. So far, maybe, the most interesting version of him was in the “Smallville” TV series where he is the evil side of a person with a “Jekyll/Mr Hyde” personality. His latest appearance is in the “Batman vs Superman” still showing movie.
David is a Mexican Engineer with a passion for arts and everything nerdy. Follow him via twitter as @DavidRealActor .
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brettsinger · 2 months
Venom and More
My guest this week is comedian Dar'jon Bentley! What else does Darjon do? Will we ever get a movie where the Fantastic Four meets Spider-Man? Why was Infinity War so much fun? What movie got Darjon started with comic books? What's the deal with Hellboy? Will we get a third Hellboy film with Ron Perlman? What happened with Mahershala Ali and Blade? What is Darjon's Blade script about? Has anyone ever looked as cool as Wesley Snipes in the first Blade movie? What is Lethal Protector about? Which cosplayers really impress Brett? Which Luke Cage would Darjon cosplay as? Who are the street-level heroes? Do the movies sometimes connect the hero to the villain too much? What happens in Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash? What happens in Titans United? 
Reading list: Fantastic Four Doctor Strange Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane Hellboy Blade X-Men: Curse of the Mutants- Mutants vs. Vampires Venom: Lethal Protector (free on Kindle Unlimited) Spider-Man 2099 Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash Hellraiser (free on Comixology Unlimited) Star Trek (Kelvin timeline) What If...?  Marvel Zombies Teen Titans in Batman: The Brave and the Bold Titans United
Watch list: Superfriends Infinity War Spider-Man Hellboy and sequel Blade and Blade II Luke Cage Freddy vs. Jason Ash Vs. Evil Dead What If...? 
Check out Comics Who Love Comic Books!
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🤔 and ❄️ from this ask game, pls? sending good ~~ vibes ~~ to ya. :3 - ✨️ (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
Thanks for the ask! I'll be answering for my wip The Magician and Ms. Psychic!!
🤔 - What's the inspiration behind my WIP
My main special interest is superheroes, so it was pretty much inevitable that I would eventually end up with a superhero wip lmao. I especially love all of the wacky shenanigans that go on in old superhero media like Adam West's Batman and the Superfriends cartoon, and I just really want to bring some of those vibes back into the modern superhero genre.
❄️ - Toughest aspect of my WIP
April struggles a lot with her mental health. A lot of this is a product of some pretty heavy childhood trauma, and, as much as April wants to pretend that none of that ever happened, she's going to have to come to terms with that before she can complete her character arc.
It's been a challenge to strike a balance between the Fun Chaotic Superhero Shenanigans at the heart of this story with some of the heavier topics it touches on, but I'm doing my best.
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unmaskedagain · 5 years
Archenemies to Superfriends
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Do you know how hard it is to make Lila likeable? Do you know the struggle I went through to write this fic? I know I said I wanted a challenge, something unique. BUT WHAT THE HELL! This took me longer than my last two fics combined. Class salt but make Lila the good guy? Like seriously, do you hate me? I hope the Anon requester likes this. 
"I regret that we meet in this way. You and I are of a kind. In a different reality, I could have called you friend." — Romulan Commander, Star Trek: The Original Series, "Balance of Terror"
It turned out there was a line Lila Rossi wouldn’t even cross. Sure, she wasn’t the nicest person in the world. Far from it. She was a liar, a thief, a cheater, a bully at times, a social climber.
But she wasn’t a monster.
           As she looked the sketchbook in Alya’s hand, and the vindictive look on her face; Lila realized what was about to take place would push her over the line into monster status.
           The school day had just ended. Most students had already left. Lila had been about to leave when Alya stopped her.
“How? How did you get it?” Lila asked. Surely Marinette wasn’t foolish enough to leave it around.
           It was Alix who preened, “I snuck it out of her bag.”
“She’s been so mean to you, girl,” Alya said. “Marinette needs to learn a lesson.”
           No, Marinette hadn’t been mean to her. Lila never even implied the bluenette had been mean to her. Lila spun her stories to the class, and whenever Marinette called her out for lying (which she was), the class would gang up on the Bluenette and accuse her of being jealous, of bullying poor Lila.
           It was actually rather startling how fast the so call best friends had turned on the girl. Lila didn’t even have to push or instigate it like she usually did. No, a few promises of meeting famous celebrities, and they all rushed to do it on their own.
           Rose’s sleepover. Rose didn’t invite Marinette at the other girls’ insistence so Lila wouldn’t feel unease.
           Nino’s party. No one mentioned it Marinette. She had been acting crazily lately.
           Trip to the movie. Marinette would just ruin it for everybody.
           And so on and so forth. Until the class was going out of their way to avoid the bluenette. Some even went as far as verbally bashing the other girl and ending their friendships. It got to the point where no one, not even Adrien, would speak to Marinette; and ostracized her to the back of the class. Only Chloe defended the girl and sought out her friendship. To which Alya snorted, “Of course. Bullies belong with bullies.”
           Now the class had moved on to destroying private property. Great.
           Lila sighed. How was she going to get herself out of this one?
Lila prided herself on still being able to look at herself in the mirror at the end of the day. Despite all she had done and would be willing to do; Lila was firm on what she wouldn’t do.
           Destroying someone’s life work; something they had spent months and months on, something that had nothing to do with Lila, was going too far.
           Lila needed to move quickly. She eyed the sketchbook. It was a standard black sketchbook, nothing special. She owned a similar one herself that she used for quick doodles and to write down ideas.
           That was when Lila got an idea. She quickly put her school books on the desk and beamed at her moronic classmates. Then all it took were quick sad eyes, and a can I hold it first, please. For Alya to hand it over. Then Lila accidentally spilled all off her books on the ground, and when everyone rushed to help her. Lila switched the two sketchbooks.
           Then it took her classmates, not friends (never friends); Alya, Max Alix, Kim, Nino, Mylene, Ivan, all of ten seconds to destroy the book into as little pieces as they could. Never even bothering to look to see if it was actually Marinette’s work.
           They left the pieces scattered on Marinette’s desk.
           Just as they finished said girl rushed back into class, a frantic searching look on her face. It took her five seconds to notice the torn sketchbook on her desk. Pure devastation overtook her face, tears filled her blue eyes.
           Alya snipped a mean retort about Karma and left the class with the other students following behind her. Not realizing Lila wasn’t among them. Not caring that she had just hurt the girl she had sworn was her bestie not too long ago.
           Marinette stared quietly at the mess, not letting the tears fall. “Why?” She whispered.
“I didn’t have anything to do with this,” Lila told her. “You don’ have to believe me. But I swear I didn’t. This isn’t my m.o.”
           Marinette wanted to lash out at the other girl; scream about it being her fault, and her being a liar. But she couldn’t even find words to speak.
“Here,” Lila said as she handed over the sketchbook. “I switched it with mine before they could… you know.”
           Marinette blinked once, then twice, before she slowly reached for the book; hope filling her. And sure enough. Relief rushed through her. She thanked all the kwami. “Why?” She asked Lila. “You hate me.” That had been the basis for their relationship for months.
           Lila snorted, “I don’t hate you. I don’t hate anyone,” She shrugged. “Hate clouds judgment. You’re just my competition. No one likes their rival team.”
           Marinette stared at the Italian girl. Rival team? Competition? What? “We’re not even competing for anything! If it's about Adrien. He’s yours. I don’t want him.” It turned out, the blond was too cowardly for her taste. Not enough backbone.
“Of course we’re competing!” Lila snapped. “Since I got to this school.”
“Over what?”
           It was Lila’s turn to stare. Didn’t the other girl know? Hadn’t they been fighting for the top spot?
“Being the most popular girl in school.”
           Marinette just looked confused. “But I’m not popular. Especially not now.”
“Not popular?” Lila could’ve cursed. “Not popular! On my first day, I didn’t go more than a foot before someone mentioned the wonderful Marinette. She’s so smart. She’s so sweet. She’s so EVERYTHING. I knew from day one we were archenemies. You knew it too. Why else would you try to call me out so much!”
“…I just don’t like liars.”
           That time Lila did scream.
           Because it wasn’t possible. There was no way Marinette Dupain-Cheng hadn’t even realized they had been competing. This wasn’t just some delusional one-side battle on Lila’s side. No way.
“Why me?” Marinette asked, with a tilted head, reminded Lila of a puppy. “There are tons of more popular girls. Aurore; she’s the most beautiful girl in school. Ondine, she’s the best athlete. Ruby in drama was literally voted the most popular kid in school last year.”
“That’s different,” Lila waved it off. “Those girls are popular for one specific thing. Even Ruby was only voted because she throws the best parties. And even then, most only like them for that thing. Everyone likes you.” Or at least all but one class now.
           A class that had proven to be worthless. Lila was starting to realize that she had been playing against her most noteworthy opponent, who apparently never realized they were competing, in a less than worthwhile game to be the most popular girl in class to get the approval of the students. Students who, again, weren’t worth it.
“You’re the only one worth a damn in this school,” Lila admitted as she sat down at her desk. “That’s why you. You’re the best. I want to beat the best.”
She never attacked the weak. She attacked the strong. She went after the strongest of the strong. Lila thrived off competition. She just didn’t want to win. She wanted to be The Winner. Lila wanted the number one spot engraved with her name. To do that she had to beat the best.
Her motto: A hero is only as good as his villain. The reverse is also true.
Lila knew since was a little girl that she would never make it the big leagues if she only fought small fries. So in every school, in every class; Lila found what was most important to her fellow students and went after it. Some school was easy. A few classes valued music; Lila started a band, with her as the lead singer, and knocked out her competition. Sports freaks; Lila always had a knack for futbol. Everyone in class fought to have the best grades (It only happened once) but Lila said bring it on.
Even she had to cheat, sabotage, lie, or whatever else to get to the top she’d do it. And she did. And she was always won.
She was the most popular kid in school within the month. Always.
As for her competition. Some fell easily; too easily for her taste. Some took months to fall. One guy took an entire year. His name had been Felix, and he been Lila’s favorite nemesis. He had fought with everything he had; pushed Lila far beyond her limits and made her think outside the box every time they went head to head.
He had been the joker to her Batman. (Afterall, every villain is a hero in their own mind)
But eventually, even Felix fell.
It had been glorious. A high that Lila road all the way to her new school in France.
Looking back, Lila should’ve known better. She should’ve known that Felix had been preparing her for her greatest battle yet. The fight of her lifetime. Against the greatest opponent, she would ever know.
The Superman to her Batman. All good things good and pure Versus the big bad of the night.
           It had been a fight Lila had been waiting for her life. And yet it turned out, Marinette never even really noticed.
           And to think, Lila had thought she had been winning. The class turned again Marinette. Everyone loved Lila. Except none of it seemed to bother the other girl. In fact, she seemed to get stronger.
           For every friend Marinette lost, she found another; a better one. Aurore, Claude, Ondine, Marc, Luka, Bridgette; the list went on and on.
           Alya voted to have Marinette removed as class president. Marinette gets on the student council. The class loses its most organized student. Lila declines the role of feigning that she was too busy. To make it worse all the well-planned birthday parties, school trips, free costume designer, and the random sweet day where baked goods were brought to class on particularly stressful school days, (all of which Lila had enjoyed).
           Adrien no longer speaking to her. (Honestly, Lila never saw what anyone saw in the blond model besides the potential connection he offered. He was naive and a far too idealistic for her taste). Marinette gets twelve different boys, and three girls, asking her to the sweethearts dance.
           Without the class clinging to her and demanding her time, Marinette seemed to thrive. No longer stressed; rarely ever late. Lila, on the other hand, found her days busier and busier as her classmates tried to lean on her more.
           No matter the bad thing that happened, Marinette just stronger. And she never lost her positive attitude.
           Marinette shook her head. This one turning out to be one strange day. “If you want the class, you can them. They’re my friends anymore.” She glanced at the pieces of the sketchbook on her desk. “I don’t know who they are in anymore.”
“Fame seekers,” Lila answered. “More concerned with what someone can do for than actual friendships. You get used to them.” She paused. “I don’t want them either. They’re…”
“Taxing,” Marinette offered as she sat down next to Lila. “Emotionally draining. Opinionated. Users.”
“Bad friends.”
“That too.”
           It went quiet. Neither girl knowing what to say. Lila didn’t know what to do now that all competition was all but officially declared over. Marinette realized that her ex-friends' actions couldn’t be blamed on Lila. Everything they did was on their own. Forgiveness wasn’t going to happen. So what are they fighting for? What could they fight for?
“Truce?” Marinette offered. “I let the morons believe whatever you want. And you just leave me out of it.”
           Lila nodded, “You go your way. I go mine.”
           This was worse than Superman V Batman movie ending as far as Lila was concerned. At least no one died.
           That was it. They left school that day feeling a little shook. Each girl agreed to move on and avoid each other.
           Except that wasn’t what happened.
           Somehow, slowly, Lila and Marinette became friends.
           It started off small. Lila had needed a break from her groupies and hid in the art room. Marinette had been working in there.
“They too much again?” Marinette asked.
           Lila winced but nodded.
“I used to hide in the back of the library,” Marinette offered. “On the roof.  Any random classroom I could find. Sometimes, I even just left for my parents.”
“Seriously?” Lila asked. “They’ve always been like this.”
           Marinette snorted. “Worse. Wait until they start asking you for favors. Which will turn into demands.”
“…They are just the worst.”
           Then both girls laughed.
           After that whenever Lila needed a break, she sought out the presence of the other girl. Sometimes they hung out in the library, on the roof, wherever. It was nice.
           It wasn’t until Lila showed up in Marinette’s room, bitching about her mom canceling their plans together again. Marinette just listens to Lila’s sorrows and offered ice cream. They spent the entire night just bitching and watching reruns of Doctor Who. (It turned out Lila was a bit of nerd.) Lila slept over and slept easily for the first time in months.
That was when the two realized they were friends.
Marinette, Lila’s once declared greatest enemy, became her first real friend.
After that everything just fell together. Lila started showing up at Marinette’s and more.
Eventually, Lila being invited to Marinette’s girls’ night and being introduced to a new friend to Chloe, Kagami, Aurore, and Ondine.
Upon seeing her, Chloe snorted, “She got you too, huh. It’s the eyes. Don’t look her in the eyes.”
“Yes,” Kagami agreed. “I, too, had declared Marinette my rival. Now I wear bunny pajamas and adorn avocado oatmeal face masks.”
Well shit, Lila thought as she eyed Marinette’s former rivals, did I ever stand a chance?
           The answer was no.
           But Lila didn’t mind.
           After that Chloe found herself having more actually friends than ever before. In Chloe, she found a second-best friend. Someone she could always bitch with, and not just to. The blond had the presence Lila had always strived for. Chloe stalked through the hall like a model on the runway. People jumped out of her way. She was a phenomenal force to be reckoned, likened to Wonder Woman.
           Marinette and Lila were two peas in a pod. They both strived to the best, thrived under pressure, and loved fashion. But while Lila wanted to model and be in front of the camera, Marinette wanted to design.
           Lila loved Marinette’s clothes and decided the girl need a bit of a push. So she reached out to Chloe, and together they teamed up to convince Marinette to start her own website. It took a bit of work but MDC designs were officially online. All designs, of course, were modeled by Lila, Chloe, and Marinette’s other girlfriends. Lila had never felt so glamorous. Marinette never looked so happy.
           Lila started being the one Marinette went to whenever she needed someone to cover for babysitting. Or had to have a random excuse as to why she wasn’t present. And Lila did both jobs remarkably well.
           Still, despite their friendship, Lila was a bit surprised to get Marinette’s birthday invitation. Marinette made her promise not to tell anyone. Even more so, when Marinette took her and Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Claude, Marc, Aurore, and Ondine to Clara Nightingale concert. They had backstage passed and Lila nearly died when Clara rushed over to hug Marinette after a song. Lila took a lot of pictures, even one of her and the superstar together, but didn’t post them.
           Which left Marinette happily surprised. Apart, though small, still expected Lila to boast in class about the additional celebrity she knew. But that never happened. Marinette felt relief and a bit guilty, she supposed some part of her was testing the other girl to see if she could trust her; and was happy to find out Lila had passed.
           Despite their Lila and Marinette’s friendship things at school didn’t change. The other students in class still froze Marinette out. Lila, though, did her best to keep them from doing anything mean to the bluenette. Though this only happened when the other students needed something Marinette used to do for them; like free babysitting, custom-designed dresses, stage design, and interview with Ladybug, it wasn’t going to happen. Or when the class trips were lackluster at best.
           Lila hadn’t realized just how much she and Marinette had grown to like and trust each other until Ladybug showed up in her room. She was prepared to send a barging remark to the hero who had nearly sabotaged her attempts to win over Adrien, thus the rest of the class, when Ladybug spoke.
“Marinette sent me,” The red hero said. “She said I could trust you; that you’d make a good hero.” And then Ladybug showed her the fox miraculous, a replica of the one Lila used to wear.
           Lila’s mouth dropped opened.
“As soon as the fight’s done, you’ll need to return it to me,” Ladybug stated firmly. “Do you understand.”
           And just like that Volpina was reborn. Her costume was darker than before, her tail a bit longer and curved. Her mask black.
           Ladybug and Volpina fought side by side against a Clown Akuma that turn people into balloon animals. During the fight, Volpina learned that Chat Noir had, once again, abandoned Ladybug after the hero turned down his affections. Lila never felt so much disgust. What kind of hero was that?
           After the fight, Volpina and Ladybug met back up in Lila’s room and Lila immediately handed over the miraculous.
“Thanks for the help,” Ladybug smiled as he pocked the necklace.
           Lila nodded, “Chat Noir was wrong. What he’s doing is sexual harassment. Like seriously, look it up. No means no. You shouldn’t have to take that.”
“He’s my partner.”
“He’s not acting like it.”
           The words seemed to affect Ladybug who visibly wilted.  She didn’t say another word as she left.
           However, not long after Lila found herself being called forth to fight as Volpina more and more. Chat Noir never showing up once.
           When both heroines were confronted by a furious Alya, live streaming, Lila learned something.
“What happened to Rena Rouge?” Alya demanded, hurt and anger in her eyes. “Why replace her with this faux-hero? And what about the rest of the new team Miraculous;  Viperion, BrightRoar, and Ryuko. What about the old team?”
           Faux-hero? Ladybug had to physically stop Volpina from ripping into the reporter.
“Rena Rouge has been retired,” Ladybug glared. “She proved herself to be untrustworthy. In fact, all former heroes such as Caraprace and Chat Noir have been retired. They have been replaced by permanent heroes like Volpina, here, Queen Bee, Viperion, BrightRoar, and Ryuko. They have proven themselves to loyal and capable heroes.”
           No one knew who was more stunned Lila or Alya. She was a permanent hero? Chat Noir had been replaced? What?
“What?” Alya asked. “Rena was amazing. A much better hero than some people,” She gave a dirty look to Volpina. “And You and Chat Noir belonged together. Everyone says so!”
“Rena was a good hero,” Ladybug said. “But outside the mask, she proved herself unworthy. As for me and Chat Noir. I’ve said countless times, I felt nothing but friendship for him. It was Chat Noir and tabloid sites like the Ladyblog that hyped up that nonsense.”
“Tabloid?” Alya shrieked.
“Yes, tabloid.” Ladybug hissed. “Why do think I stopped working with you?”
           In retrospect, Lila should’ve realized sooner the fallout that would happen not long after. Alya wasn’t the type of person to own up to her own mistakes. However, Lila had been so busy cheering at being a new permanent hero that she got a little distracted.
           After Ladybug called her out, Alya spent all every ounce energy to find out how she went from Ladybug’s goto to Ladybug’s no go. And then answer was in the comments to her videos of Lila. All calling out the Italian to be a liar.
           By Monday, everyone in the class knew. As soon as Lila walked into class, Alya tore into accused her of lying and ruining her blog.
           TO which Lila gave big crocodile tear-filled eyes, “I just wanted to make friends.” She tried to gain sympathy. It didn’t work.
           Soon all the class was screaming at her.
           It stopped when Bustier and Marinette walked into class.
           Bustier looked like a deer caught in the headlines, unsure of what to do.
           Marinette had looked directly at Lila, “You can sit in back with me and Chloe.”
“Girl’s, she a liar,” Alya hissed. “You were right.”
           Marinette scoffed, “And yet she’s a better friend than you ever were.” She looked at Lila again, ignoring the protests from her classmates around her. “Come on.
           Lila smiled as the two girls made their way to the back of the classroom to join Chloe in the back.
           Lila, Marinette, and Chloe sent matching Ice Queen looks to the rest of the students in class; daring them to say something, to approach.
           And just like the heroes: Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, Lila likened them to be; no one would even consider it.
           It wasn’t like anyone else in the class was worth a damn anyway.
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg1
Maribat Masterlist. (Updated: Feb 22, 2019) 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @ozmav​ Damian Wayne  ~  AO3  Damian Always Answers The Phone When Marinette Calls Damian Wayne:Most Overprotective Spouse/Father in BatFam HC  Daminette HC Finding Out  ~  AO3 Heroes and Villains  ~  AO3  Jason VS Adrien  ~  AO3  JL Reaction to Daminette  Lucky Bug & The Rogues  ~  AO3 Kagami Meets Damian  ~  AO3 MariDami Pitch  Of Sleepy Bugs & Worried Birds  ~  AO3  Phone Calls  ~  AO3 Puzzles & Luck  ~  AO3 Quality Time/Moments  ~  AO3 Question Of A Lifetime  ~  AO3 Teen Titans HC Wine Aunts AU/HC
by @18-fandoms-unite-08​ I Didn’t Know I Needed You When You Needed Me Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Prompts [Masterlist]  Decision ~ The Demonic Duo ~ Myself, I Will Focus On ~ A Sign ~ I’ve Missed You ~ Wounds ~ It’s Not Your Fault ~ Blood ~ Please Tell Me ~ It’s Been A While, Hasn’t It? ~ Friend Zoned, Hard Zoned ~ I’m Not The One To Blame ~ I Don’t Care, Not Anymore 
by @2sunchild2 A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into A Pen Pal’s Advice in Butt Kicking Betrothed AU [Prompt] Bird Watching  Daminette AU:Slow Burn Daminette AU: The Disneyland Tragedy Daminette God AU  Genderbend!Daminette  Facetime Failure Happy Birthday Disaster  Hostage [Prompt] I Can Get You A Date With One of Them [Prompt] Just Watch:Daminette AU Male!MarixDamian [Prompt] Retro was Always in Style  They Just Don’t Know You Songfic Totally A Duo [Jasonette] Treasure When Karma Bites Back  
by @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess Miracles In Gotham  ~  AO3 Prologue ~ CH1
by @a-la-la-llama​  Daminette Song Fic ~ The One Where Marinette Steals The Batmobile Aged Up Daminette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Blueberry Maribat Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @a-marlene-s​  BioDad!Bruce + Male!Mari  Jason Is Very Picky With Who’s He’s Soft For [Jasonette] Tall!Mari/Short!Damian  Futuristic Miraculous [TerRi] Pt1 ~ Pt2  Gotham Nine-Nine [Timari] (collab with ladylucina28)  Background ~ Ranks ~ Preferred Drink of Choice ~ Mari’s Thoughts on G99 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3  Lady Noir And Red Robin [Timari]  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3   I Nearly Got Ran Over By The Batmobile: Twitter AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 Unknown Reality [Jasonette] Preface ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @akalei Ladybug Young Justice Masterpost ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 
by @alexiessan  Never Alone  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 
by @ali-kitkat Audacity  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Fear Toxin  ~  AO3 Hisses & Scratches CH1  Summer Gardenia (Valentine’s Special)  Pt1  The Bat’s and Bug’s Prank War Series  ~  AO3 The Beginning Of The End ~ The Plot of Revenge ~ Marinette’s Revenge  What’s A Sham? Our Childhood  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @alycesaysno Beyond Miraculous  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 
by @amlesi Don’t Lie ~ Trust Me
by AnonymousWriter15 Birds And Butterflies  ~  AO3 
by @aquariusrunes BatFam Meets MLB Meets Edna Mode The Superfriends AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt2.5 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 
by @arsaem Marinette’s Balcony Club OG Post ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @artxyra​  [MASTERLIST] Daminette AU Idea TA Marinette - DC Version  The Robin’s Angel  Thief!Marinette  Untitled Piece #1 Another DC TA Marinette Story Pt1 ~ Pt2 Daminette Twins AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  ML X DCs Titans AU  Timeline ~ Prologue ~ Pt1  Lost In Paris  Pt1  Psychologist Marinette AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 
by @aserniccatnip Lady Light  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @autumnray Swapped Lives Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @bannananorie  Marinette Todd AU  1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 
by @bb-basbusa  BioDad!Bruce Wayne  I Want You Back (Based on miraculous-of-salt story) Pt1 ~ Pt2 
by @black-streak  Little Pistol Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting [Timari] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14  Waiting For The Worms [Jasonette] Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17 ~ Pt18 ~ Pt19 ~ Pt20 ~ Pt21 ~ Pt22  Prompts A Challenge for Batman ~ Animalistic Tenencies ~ Babe’s First Murder [Jasonette] ~ Birthday Worth Remembering ~ Breathe ~ Coffee Themed Akuma ~ Employee!Mari ~ Espresso ~ Guardian!Mari ~ Lasso Of Truth [Dickinette] ~ Multimouse!Mari ~ Perfectly Planned ~ Pick-up Line ~ Pregnant!Mari [Jasonette] ~ Revenge ~ Syren Incident (1 ~ 2 ~ 3) ~ Timari Proposal (1 ~ 2) ~ WalMart Shopping [Pre-Dickinette] Maribat March D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7 ~ D8 ~ D9 ~ D10 ~ D11 ~ D12 ~ D13 ~ D14 ~ D15 ~ D16 ~ D17 ~ D18 ~ D19 ~ D20 ~ D21 ~ D22 ~ D23 ~ D24 ~ D25 ~ D26 ~ D27 ~ D28 ~ D29 ~ D30 ~ D31 
by @blooming-rose-writings MLB X DC Spiderverse AU Info ~ Pt1 
by @bonbonbun-luna​  Youtuber AU Alone In Paris  CH1 ~ CH2 
by @bravescribbles Power Couple Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @cadenceh2o Broken Hearts And Empty Ones  Love Story Daminette  Hogwart Daminette AU CH1~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10  Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11  MLBDC AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @caffeinetheory  Steph And Mari Meet [SpoilBug] Investigation Games [Timari]  CH1  Safe House AU [LadyArrow] Ideas ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4  Jasonette Prompts Everything Stays(1) ~ There’s Gotta Be A Reason(2) ~ Flower Shop AU ~ Nighttime Cuddles LadyArrow Prompts I Can’t Do This Anymore ~ Wayne Gala Timari Prompts School AU ~ Coffee Shop AU ~ Soulmate AU Timari Week  D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  Maribat Monday  1 ~ 2-Promises ~ 3-Blackout ~ 4-Celebration ~ 5-Under The Sea ~ 6-Heartfelt ~ 7-Protection 
by @calliopeia  Love Alarm Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9  On The Other Side Of The Mirror  ~  AO3   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Next Time You Ask A Favor, Make Sure It Won’t Kill Me [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @carrisarune Fairy Wings AU The Beginning ~ What Happens Next
by @cassiopeiathequeen A Different Kind Of Green  Frayed Edges And Forgotten Love   Girlfriend Troubles [Marijon]  I’ll Start Now [TimxChloe] If I Could Tell Her [Jasonette] Maritime Madness [Jasonette] My Secret Santa [Roy/Mari/Jay] Please Don’t Take My Sunshine Away [Wallynette]  ~  AO3  Rewrite The Stars Songfic [Jasonette] Wait, Wait, You’re My Kid? [Timari]  ~  AO3 A Pocket Knife and A Gun [Jasonette]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Birthday Shenanigans (Pt1 ~ Pt2  ~ AO3)   Can We Keep Him? [Jasonette]  ~  AO3  CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6  Let Me Hold Your Heart [Dickinette] Pt1  Ocean Eyes And Saltwater Tears [Timari]  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 The Friendship of a Ladybug and a Zombie Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7(1 ~ 2) ~ Pt8  The Thread We Share  ~  AO3  CH1(Pt1 ~ Pt2) ~ CH2 ~ CH3 
by @chocolate1721 Bunny Mobile ~ Dick Stuck In A Banana ~ Gala ~ Marinette’s Revenge 
by @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay Chlo’s Maribat One-Shots  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 Paris is Overrated Anyway  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 
Page1 >     [Daminette December Masterlist]
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sophygurl · 7 years
So Ben Affleck is NOT my Batman*, and Henry Cavill is NOT my Superman**, but I can happily say that Gal Godot can be my Wonder Woman***, so I guess maybe I should go back and watch BVS so I can see her intro?? Is it worth it folks?
Also I’m really excited about Justice League now since it means more Wonder Woman AND Jason Momoa as Aquaman****!!! (But I still wish we had a better Batman)
*I will accept Adam West, Michael Keaton, Christian Bale, hell even Val Kilmer or George Clooney. 
**I will accept George Reeves, Christopher Reeve (my main Superman okay), Dean Cain, Tom Welling, Brandon Routh, and Tyler Hoechlin. I’m not as anti-Cavill as I am anti-Affleck but Cavill is just not MY Superman. 
***I will also accept Lynda Carter, and frankly the fancasting of Gina Torres will also be ever-present in my mind, but Godot did amaaaazing in the role.
****While I enjoyed Alan Ritchson’s version in Smallville and wanted badly to see Justin Hartley’s in the once-proposed CW show, having seen Momoa as Aquaman for even a few seconds in the trailer has decided me - he’s the only Aquaman I care about. :P
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roy-dcm2 · 1 year
MyDCU - Giganta should a Hero
Like a lot of comic readers, I have my own ideas of what I'd do if I was in charge of DC Comics. I spent a lot of time thinking about Wonder Woman and her villains, and I think Giganta would be better as an Ally of the Amazing Amazon, rather than her foe.
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Think about it... the power to grow is a terrible superpower, even for a villain. You can't do anything in secret, because your own powers make you a gigantic target. It relegates Giganta to always being someone else's minion, rather than having her own plans.
Not helped by her origins being flimsy at best. In her modern origin, she started as a scientist with a blood disease that transferred her mind into the body of a strong woman that JUST HAPPENS to have size changing powers.
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[The original Dr. Dorris Zuel]
You could even see her as sympathetic, she did the mind transfer to escape her own dying body. (Sure she first tried to steal DIana's body, and she killed her lab assistant and essentially killed that strongwoman [Olga was her name BTW]) She's trapped as villain because there is no going back to a normal life.
Like I said, I think there's more potential for her as Diana's ally, if we give her a redemption arc like they're doing with Harley Quinn.
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Giganta can simply repent. One day after getting caught up in another failed villain team up, getting beat by The Teen TItans, getting a bomb in her neck as part of the Suicide Squad, and being forced to work with real psychos in the Squad. Dorris realizes how awful her situation in life is and decides to get on the straight and narrow.
I'm sure Wonder Woman, the Atom, and maybe Batman, would be willing to help her set up a new life.
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Finally, I would change her powers a bit. Firstly, instead of having to grow all over, change it so that she can grow individual parts. This would mainly be her arms, or maybe her legs, but she could grow other parts if she really wanted to (for a joke, for example). Also, her powers are magic based, so make it so that her clothes change size, too. They will only tear if she wants them to.
Speaking of her magic powers, it be great to start her off on a Vision Quest, like on Dinosaur Island, to master her powers. There she can have an encounter with the Shaman that gave Olga her powers. (It's implied that Olga got her powers from some random shaman, which was lifted from her origin in the Superfriends cartoon.)
I would flesh out more about Olga, the circus strongwoman that Giganta mindswapped with. Maybe that Shaman, was one in a network of spiritual leaders around the world, that were preparing for some kind of great battle that was coming. When Giganta stole Olga's body, Olga never got to complete her training for that big battle. Now the great battle is closer than ever, so Giganta needs to complete Olga's role.
So, another power would be the ability to access Giganta's strength without having to turn into a giant. This would be like her "defense mode" where she bulks up in a wall of muscle, but is only 7 feet tall.
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We don't want her to just be She-Hulk all the time, so it's a double edged sword. She can only shift into "defense mode" for like 15 minutes at max. Afterwards she's hit with crippling muscle cramps, and her powers just go away for an equal amount of time.
Then, we could flesh out more of Giganta's family? Did Doris Zuel have any siblings? What about Olga's family? What if Olga is still in her head and the personality starts to re-emerge? How will they learn to co-exist in one body?
And that its... as always, now that I said it, it'll never come true. But a guy can dream.
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fancoloredglasses · 7 months
The Wild Cards (Wait, WHO'S teaming up?!)
[All images owned by DC Comics and Hannah-Barbara. Please don’t sue me]
I had previously mentioned the Royal Flush Gang in a couple of reviews, but this time I’m going to their first televised appearance…all the way back to The Super Powers Team. If you would like to watch the episode, it’s available on Max or behind your favorite paywall.
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We open in Metropolis where a team of four thieves are pulling off a heist along the roof of a skyscraper.
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However, their actions do not go unnoticed.
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Unfortunately for them, they have another potential witness as Cyborg happens to be walking by. (clever disguise, by the way)
Cyborg catches them on the way out. However…
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(You do realize his cybernetic eye likely sees in the infrared spectrum, right? That smokescreen won’t stop him)
The thieves high-tail it out of there as Cyborg gives chase. That’s when the mysterious watcher gets involved.
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Cyborg corners the thieves and the mysterious man on the giant playing card reveals himself.
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Ace manages to subdue Cyborg long enough to grab the thieves and they fly off to…
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…a giant house of cards. Ace then offers to mentor them, but first they need a change of clothing.
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And of course, Ace christens them the Royal Flush Gang. Ace is then summoned and vanishes, reporting to another mysterious being in the shadows.
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Now why does that silhouette seem familiar?
Later, Wonder Woman calls in to the Hall of Justice, reporting the Gang flying about in Metropolis. Superman and Firestorm fly to assist.
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Unfortunately, this is the Superfriends Super Powers Team, not the Justice League, so they’re easily overpowered and captured.
Batman, Robin and Cyborg arrive a bit too late. However…
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Batman manages to attach a Bat-Tracer (why isn’t it bat shaped?) to King’s card.
Once at the House of Cards, Ace uses a device to…
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…transform them into playing cards (better than person-sized stamps, I guess) Ten then demands to know who’s behind all of this, and Ace is happy to show them!
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I thought that shadow looked familiar! So Darkseid is financing the Royal Flush Gang to…?
Outside, Batman, Robin, and Cyborg have followed the Bat-Tracer to the House of Cards. Cyborg comments that it must have every card in the deck!
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Then they spot a couple of Darkseid’s battle robots (since Children’s Programming Standards won’t let them punch Para-Demons) Cyborg wonders if Ace is Darkseid (with that physique? No way!)
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Thanks for backing me up, Bats!
The Superfriends Super Powers Team make short work of the robots and Cyborg hacks the security system, allowing them to enter. Inside, more battle robots attack, but are quickly taken out.
Further within the House of Cards, Darkseid reveals his plan: capture the Superfriends Super Powers Team, so nothing stands in the way of his invasion of Earth!
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Then Darkseid's son Kalibak arrives to announce that the House of Cards has been breached! Darkseid leaves to deal with the invaders. Then Ten expresses an issue with this partnership.
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(Why is it always Ten that turns on the Gang if anyone does?)
That’s when the Super Powers Team shows up and makes quick work of the Royal Flush Gang. And Batman reveals who “Ace” actually is…
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(NOTE: This episode marks the first and only time the Joker appears in Superfriends)
So Darkseid hired the Joker? Seriously? Scraping the bottom of the barrel a bit, aren’t you? Also, I’m not entirely sure why the Joker would team with Darkseid, since he out-and-out refused to work with a Nazi like the Red Skull in the comics.
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(Thanks to Cracked)
Batman demands the Joker release the rest of the Team, but he refuses, trying to stall until Darkseid’s return. However…
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I guess Ten really does want out! She starts to reverse the process, but is zapped from behind!
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The Super Powers Team escape on the cards, but the Joker and what’s left of the Royal Flush Gang give chase. The chase leaves the House of Cards and into Apokolips. The Super Powers Team splits up. However…
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Robin and Cyborg are quickly captured by Queen and the Joker, leaving Batman to face Jack and King.
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Upon their return to the House of Cards…
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…with Ten getting her own card as well.
With the Super Powers Team dealt with (wait, what about the Flash? Green Lantern? Samurai? Black Vulcan? Hawkman?), Darkseid prepares his invasion! However…
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It turns out Jack has returned to the House of Cards and has reversed the card-making device, freeing the Super Powers Team!
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It turns out that Batman managed to subdue Jack earlier and switched costumes (wait, so does that mean Jack knows who Batman is?) King and Queen enter just in time to be made short work of.
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Superman flies after the battle robots and melts them all with his heat vision.
With his invasion defeated, Darkseid knows exactly who to blame.
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Darkseid throws the Joker through a Boom Tube and right into the arms of the Super Powers Team.
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Roll credits!
Yes, this was the Silver Age version of the Joker…and yes, the writers were a bit hamstringed due to restrictions on violence…however, if they could make Scarecrow into a credible threat after his time in the Legion of Doom, they should’ve been able to do better for the Joker’s debut!
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aquariusrunes · 5 years
The Superfriends AU (part 10)
Damian was not having a good day. It was six in the morning, he had to be at Edna’s photoshoot in an hour, he had left a perfectly warm and very cuddly boyfriend and large dog in his bed, and his cousin was rambling far too much for his taste. He sat out in the lobby of the floor their rooms were on, leaned back as far as he possibly could in one of the red chairs, his legs crossed, hands gripping the armrests. A scowl to rival Batman's resting on his face. 
Marinette sat in the chair next to him, his laptop on the coffee table in front of them. The girl was hunched over typing frantically on his phone. She had kept it all night, which didn’t both him much, he could go a few hours without being constantly updated on the Gotham Academy Class 1A drama. As long as she was keeping it charged. 
The second half of the photoshoot the day before had been very interesting, his cousin spending every moment of every break they got on his phone. When he had a moment to check it at dinner he noted four unknown contacts, she labeled each of them.
First there was Sweetness.
Then there was Mighty Mouse.
One labeled Rock Vamp Opera.
And finally the one she had been exchanging the most texts with, Foxtrot.   
He waited for his cousin to finish whatever long text rant she was obviously on, instead he checked himself in the camera of his laptop, fixing his hair. He smoothed it back as best he could but without any product it was hard. Edna had forbidden him from gelling it till the shoot was over. The things he put up with in this family, really. 
“What exactly are we doing?” Damian asked. 
“We’re going to…” She trailed off, still focused on her texting. “Video call some girls I go to school with.” She finished. 
“At six in the morning?” He asked. 
“Time difference Dames.” She set down his phone. “Okay!” She pulled his laptop close. “They just broke for lunch so Juleka should be logging on soon enough!” Marinette pulled up a web page browser, typing in the URL for Instagram. She immediately went to Damian’s account. He wasn’t sure when his cousin had gotten his password, but knowing how much Dick loved to mess around on it, he had to assume she got it from him. 
“Okay, I’m going to change a few lines of your bio.” 
“Why?” He asked, head falling back. 
“Well, Colin takes over your instagram on weekends right?” She asked.
“When I see him, yes.” Honestly, Colin and Dick were really the only ones who posted on his instagram. It was clearly stated in his bio that Colin controlled his instagram on weekends, the fact that Dick was in control of it the rest of the time, was not mentioned anywhere.  
“So I’m going to change this line, red menace takeover weekends. To something clearly stating your relationship.” 
“He’s called my boyfriend in practically every post that features him.” Damian said, now leaning forward to see what his cousin was altering. 
“Yeah, but people are lazy, and don’t want to dig. They want things to be obvious and loud so they don’t have to put a lot of thought into it.” She grumbled. “Trust me, I know from experience, some of the people at my school literally have to be punched in the face and then kick in the nuts by the truth before they believe it.” 
“Try not to sound too bidder Nette.” Damian hummed. 
“Just, prep yourself to give a good speech about your and Colin’s relationship. We’re really going to need something that pulls right on the heart strings.” 
“Because?” He asked, this whole morning was excruciatingly annoying. 
“Are you going to use Rose?” Damian looked up, taking notice of two blonde Parisian teens standing at the entrance to the lobby. They both were still in what looked like pajamas, both holding coffee. 
“That’s the plan.” Marinette said, answering Adrien’s earlier question. 
“Devious.” Chloé cocked her hip, taking a sip from her cup. “And relatively smart. Should be quite the show. Shame we’ll miss it.” 
“Someone could always ask nicely for their friends to record it.” Marinette mused. 
“Should I text Nino?” Adrien asked, his face clearly stating how unsure he was of the situation. 
“If you want.” Marinette said, finishing her work on her cousin’s social media. “I’m going to give my crew a heads up once things are in motion. If you do text him though, let him know nothings happening till, most likely, after lunch.” 
“Marinette?” Her fingers stopped their work, her head popping up to look at Adrien. “You sure about this?” He asked. “It could be kind of...explosive.” His fingers tightened around his coffee. “What if it causes an akuma?” 
She gave him an understanding smile. “Don’t worry Adrien, I’ve got contigonsies for that. Like I said a few days ago, I’m playing a game of RISK, and you can’t win the game if you don’t capture any territory.” 
“And your about to clear the board form the looks of it.” Chloé smirked. 
“Something like that.” Marinette looked back down at the computer, switching back onto the video chat app and logining online. “But the goal isn’t to clear the board, not yet.”
Contrary to popular belief nowadays, Mylène did not hate Marinette. She didn’t even necessarily dislike the girl. But she did not agree with the brash and loud way she had been going about her problems with Lila. She found them rude and distasteful, and honestly, a little out of character for her once friend. She was sure Marinette didn’t do everything Lila accused her of, at least half of the allegations had to be simple misunderstandings that the two girls could never figure out because they were always at one another's throats. 
But try as she might, she just couldn’t take Marinette’s side. Lila brought up quite a few good points in regards to Marinette’s character, while the Italian girl wasn’t a saint either, Marinette wasn’t quite the angel everyone thought she was. And some of her and Lila’s fights were truly violent and horrendous to watch. 
But she wasn’t one to speak poorly of others, especially not Marinette. While the girls weren’t friends anymore, and she didn’t agree with what was now Marinette’s additude, she still was nice to most people, even those who sided with Lila. And she did a lot for people, even when they didn’t notice her good deeds. 
Marinette had always been very eccentric ever since Mylène had known her. But this was probably one of the strangest things she had ever experienced due to Marinette. Mylène was seated on Juleka’s bed, Rose seated on the goth girl’s other side. They were staring at Juleka’s laptop, a facetime app opened. 
Last night all three had received text messages from unknown numbers claiming to be Marinette texting from a friend’s phone. Mylène was sceptical, even after getting a picture sent to her, but Rose was curious and so was her other friend, so when they said they were going to be eating lunch at Juleka’s house so they could talk with Marinette, Mylène agreed to go along with everything. 
“Okay…” Juleka typed in the screen name she had been sent the night before, AmyrWayne05. 
“What do you think she wants?” Mylène asked. “And who’s phone was she texting from?”
“I don’t know..” Rose crossed her ankles. “I didn’t recognize the boy in the photo she sent.” 
“Neither did I.” Juleka said. 
“I didn’t even know Marinette was out of the country.” Mylène whispered. 
“Kim and the others probably did.” Juleka supplied. “I doubt she wouldn’t have told them,”
“But why didn’t they tell us?” Rose asked, blinking innocently. 
“I can think of a few reasons.” Mylène’s voice was low, wondering why her boyfriend hadn’t said anything. 
“Well whatever they might be, we’re about to find out.” Juleka called attention to the screen name displayed on her laptop. The three girls watched as the smaller text underneath the name changed from offline to online. A second later Juleka was being asked to join a video call. She quickly hit except and the screen went black, loading until the familiar face of Marinette Dupain-Cheng was on the screen. 
“Girls!” She said happily. “Thank you so much for calling!” 
“You said it was important.” Rose said, eyes a little down cast. The girls didn’t exactly talk on the regular any more. 
“It is! Super important.” 
“So, what’s going on?” Mylène asked, wanting to get through the call as quickly as possible. She had felt weird all day, not telling Lila or Alya about the texts from Marinette, it was like she was cheating on them. 
“Okay,” The bluenette let out a large breath. “I know you guys think Lila hung the moon-”
“Marinette I am not going to sit here and listen to you bash on her!” Mylène interjected. 
“That’s not what this is!” She waved her hands frantically. “I promise!” 
“It better not be.” Mylène crossed her arms. 
“I promise girls, it’s really not. I-just, okay, so I heard that Lila’s been telling people that she’s dating Damian Wayne. Right?” 
“She is.” Rose informed. “They’ve been dating for a few months now. They’re really in love and I’m not going to listen to you say anything negative about their relationship Marinette.” Anyone who knew Rose, at least knew her well, knew that love was the thing she was most passionate about. She refused to stand for any sort of injustice involving the subject and would defend a couple till her dying breath, no matter how well she knew them. 
“Okay.” Marinette said, voice low. “Then I won’t say anything.” She gave a sad smile. “I’ll let him tell you.” The laptop suddenly shifted, the view changing quickly from their classmate to a good looking young man they recognized from the photo Marinette sent the night prior. 
“Hello.” He said, eyeing each of them carefully. “Do you three know who I am?”
“Your the guy from the picture Marinette sent.” Jukela answered. 
“Would one of you please google Damian Wayne for me?” He asked, Rose quickly complying with the request. She looked up the famous boo of their friend on her phone, a small gasp escaping her lips as she turned the small screen towards her girlfriend and Mylène. 
And there was the boy currently on Juleka’s laptop.
“You’re Damian Wayne?” Mylène asked. 
“That’s what my driver’s licence says.” He said, but his tone made the three girls unsure whether it was supposed to be a joke or not. 
“Why are you with Marientte?” Juleka asked. 
The boy looked to something off screen, probably the girl in question. “Can I?” He asked. He waited a moment before sighing. “I’m sure you’ll all find out why later, but for the moment, all you need to know is that I am with her as of the current moment.” 
Rose gave him a strange look but didn’t say anything. 
“This is why you wanted to talk to us?” Mylène asked. “To tell us you were hanging out with Lila’s boyfriend?”
“No.” Her voice came. 
“Actually, Lila is why we wanted to talk.” Damian said. 
“What about her?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” 
The three girls all went quiet, none speaking. His face was pensive, eyebrows nicked and corners of his lips pulled down into a frown. “I’ve never even met Lila.”
“But she said she’s known you since you were very little!” Rose exclaimed.
“A lie.” He said simply. “I couldn’t have known her from the time I was little because I was locked away in a compound till I was ten years old, and even then I was kept exclusively within the walls of Wayne Manor for another year before my father could introduce safely to the world as his ward without my Grandfather taking harsh and violent action.”
“She said her parents were friends with your dad.” Juleka added.
“I’ve checked with my father and he’s never met anyone with the surname Rossi. And none of his friends have a child named Lila.”
“I’m very confused.” Rose whispered. 
“Girls, we need your help!” Marinette’s voice came. “Or rather, Damian does.”
“With what?” Mylène asked. 
“Adrien mentioned that Lila’s been telling pretty much everyone that she and I are dating, is that correct?” Damian asked, his hands folding in front of him. 
“She’s been talking about it for the past few days.” Mylène said, she vaguely remembered Nino mentioning Adrien being out of town for a modeling gig that involved Damian Wayne, she was still confused as to why Marinette was with them though.
“She’s told practically everyone who would listen, and some who wouldn’t.” Juleka crossed her arms. To most it would be hard to pick up on, but Mylène could tell when the girl was angry. Juleka had been questioning Lila a lot more lately, Mylène was sure the girl was just waiting for a good reason to switch sides, and the only reason she hadn’t already was because of Rose. Juleka had been Mylène’s saving grace when it came to her current problems with Ivan. The goth girl was probably afraid of a rift forming between her and her girlfriend the way it had between the classes former favorite sweet hearts. 
Damian sighed on screen. “I’m not a person who likes to ask for assistance from others, but under these circumstances, I’m in need of your help.” The three girls watched as his hand raised to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes closed before his hand dropped and he looked up at them. “I don’t know how much you all know about Gotham, but people have always had mixed reactions when my siblings have come out in the past, my own coming out included. Normally they don’t have a huge problem with it because all of my siblings have come out as pansexual or bisexual, or something that includes both genders. But when I came out I didn’t specify my sexuality. I just announced I was dating Colin.”
Oh no. 
Mylène could feel it, Rose’s heart was swelling. If he was really about to go into a long winded story about he and his boyfriend’s love, then Mylène was sure Rose’s Champion of Love and Justice persona was about to be uncaged. Many of their classmates called it her Sailor Moon mode. 
“Who’s Colin?” Rose asked, voice timmed and quiet. 
“Colin is my boyfriend.” A small smile gracing the boy’s hard features. “We’ll be celebrating our three year anniversary in two months and two days.”
“Oh.” Rose’s hands clasped together, a dreamy look crossing her face. 
Suddenly Damian’s face become more downcast. “Not a lot of people like Colin. Well, not a lot of people who people listen to like him.”
“Why ever not?” The blonde asked, moving so her face was closer to the screen.
“Colin is an orphan.”  The words were blunt and hit all three girls hard and unexpectedly. Of all the things Mylène had been prepared for this morning the heart breaking backstory of Damian Wayne’s boyfriend was not one of them. “Basically anyone with money and influence insists he’s a gold digger trying to mooch off of me. And the Wayne Ward Fangirls are quick to crucify him for anything he does, wrong, right, good, bad, all of it. And of course there are those in the religious communities who are constantly berating us. That faction is especially hard on him, he lives in a Catholic orphanage you see.”
“That’s terrible!” Mylène could swear that the small blonde girl had tears in her eyes. 
“While I agree that’s awful, and I also agree that Lila shouldn’t be lying about dating you, I don’t see what it is you need our help with?” Juleka asked, voice laced in confusion. 
“If word gets around,” suddenly Marinette’s face was squished in frame with Damian’s. “That Damian has a long distance girlfriend, things are going to get worse for his and Colin’s relationship.”
“People in Gotham play very dirty, they’ll latch on to any rumor or fact, as long as it serves their needs. People will be throwing Lila Rossi’s name in my face, in Colin’s face, and in the faces of all of my family members for years.” Damian’s face had gone back to sternly neutral. “People will insist that Colin broke us up or something absurd like that, they’ll use her to villainize him.”
“They will?” Juleka asked, concern written on her face. “That sounds like something that only happens in movies.”
“They will.” He insisted. “Trust me, I’ve seen it happen before to members of my family and their friends. It’s just a matter of time before it gets to the right people, unless…”
“Unless?” Rose asked, voice going high, the girl eager to help. 
“Unless we cut off the head of the snake.” Mylène supplied. “We need to make a statement, make sure everyone who might have heard Lila’s lies knows that it’s fake.”
“The louder the better.” Marinette added. “To make sure she doesn’t turn it around on Colin or Damian.”
“I hate to ask this of you,” Damian said. “Especially since we are perfect strangers, but my c-“ He grunted, his body jostling on the screen as Marinette shot him a glare. “Companion.” He finished begrudgingly. “My companion here, insists that you three can be trusted with this task.” 
“Please help us girls.” Marinette said. “If not for me, then for Damian and Colin.” 
Damian sighed before going into his own plea. “Colin is very important to me.” His voice was quiet. “I’m not the easiest person to get along with, and everyone says I don’t deserve someone like him.” He looked down. “He is one of the most important people in my life and I don’t want some girl, who I’ve never even met, to ruin it because she wanted her five minutes of fame.”
Rose stood quickly from the bed, almost knocking the computer off her girlfriend’s lap. “Don’t worry Damian! We’ll take care of everything!” She shouted, running for the door, her voice leaving behind the call of “no one stands in the way of true love!”
Juleka and Mylène watched her go before the goth girl sighed. “We should go get her before she runs all the way back to school.”
“Yeah,” Mylène stood. “She’s going to need backup.” She looked back at the computer. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of everything.”
Nino didn’t know what was going on. 
He was sitting on the stairs in the gym area of his school, most of the student body just loitering around. Lunch was over but they still had about five minutes before anyone needed to start heading to their class rooms. The room was filled with soft chatter and laughter, he wasn’t invested in any conversations though. 
Adrien had texted him a few minutes ago and told him to start recording. He didn’t know why, but like a good bro, he did as asked. His phone was barely raised, picking up mostly just the shoes of his classmates. He noticed across the gym Marinette’s crew also had their phones up and were recording, though Nino wasn’t sure why. He now knew that Marinette and Adrien were in Steel City together, but Marinette had asked that the reason she was there with Edna remain secret and Nino didn’t want to pry into the girl’s personal life. If she didn’t want to tell anyone, then she had a good reason. But he also knew, via Kim, that Marinette had no international coverage and couldn’t contact anyone. Leaving the question of what her crew was currently doing? 
Maybe Adrien texted them too? 
But what would he need recorded so badly?
Nino debated getting up and going over to talk to the group but Lila and Alya were stationed in the middle of the gym, either girl would spot him if he made his way over to his secret friends. And he really didn’t feel like lying to his girlfriend today. 
‘ BANG ’
Everyone jumped as the doors to the school crashed into the walls behind them. All eyes on the entrance, taking in the petite form of Rose Lavillant. The small girl’s face was heated a blush pink, eyes narrowed into a glare and hands clenched into fists. Juleka stood on Rose’s right, her backpack slung over her shoulder and her girlfriend’s carried in her hands. Mylène stood on the girl’s left, arms crossed and an expression on her face that looked both angry and guilty. 
His hand instinctively shot into the air, camera focusing on the trio. Nino had known Rose since he was five years old, and not once in all of those years, could he ever remember her yelling, nor could he ever remember her really being angry. And definitely not this rage fueled. No one spoke as the three girls made their way towards the center of the gym, Lila and Alya both standing helplessly in the girls’ sights. Nino took notice of his friends’ phones now trained on the pack as well. 
“Rose?” Lila asked. “Is everything oka-”
Nino flinched at the pink girl’s tone, several others in the crowd did as well. 
“Rose what’s wrong?” Alya quickly inserted herself between the two as Nino stood, standing on a higher stair to get a better camera angle. 
“What’s wrong?” The blonde asked. “What’s wrong?!” Rose’s hand raised into the air, for a panicked moment Nino thought his girlfriend was going to get decked in the face. But then Rose’s finger shot out from her fist, pointing accusingly at Lila. “SHE’S A LIAR!” 
With her words came a few cheers from Marinette’s crew and a handful of others in the school who had come to resent the girl. 
Nino even heard one “preach” though he couldn’t tell where it had come from. 
“Ros-” Alya was cut off. 
“Everyone!” Mylène shouted, “Take out your phones and google Damian Wayne, you know the famous kid from Gotham? I’m sure everyone knows that he’s Lila’s boyfriend, or so she’s been telling us.” Mylène shot a glare over her shoulder at the brunette. “Go to his instagram!” 
Nino didn’t want to stop recording, thankfully he could see the people’s phones in front of him. The boy’s icon was a picture of him flipping off the camera with a rainbow painted on his cheek. His bio was only four lines. 
Damian Wayne
Animal Rights Activist 
My Boyfriend and Brother are the only ones who post on here
Please don’t talk to me
Nino tried really hard not to laugh, but couldn’t help his snicker. He knew pretty much instantly that Damian was not in fact Lila’s boyfriend, and doubted them ever actually meeting. But did she seriously not do even the smallest bit of research? There is no way it would have been that hard to figure out that the boy was gay, let alone in a relationship. 
“That’s right everybody!” Mylène shouted. “Damian Wayne has a boyfriend!”
“He’s cheating on me?” Lila asked eyes wide and heartbroken, Nino would admit, it was a good idea to save face. Claim the long distance son of a playboy was a player himself. If he didn’t know better he’d probably buy it. 
“They’ve been dating for three years.” Juleka’s voice was quiet but strong, the people around her who heard it started passing it back to those behind them who didn't.
Lila opened her mouth to spit out another lie but Rose beat her to the punch. “TWO YEARS, NINE MONTHS, THREE WEEKS, AND FIVE DAYS!” Her fists were clenched at her sides again, her whole body shaking. “THEY ARE TWO MONTHS AWAY FROM CELEBRATING THEIR THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! AND THIS-THIS...LIAR! IS TRYING TO TEAR APART THEIR HAPPILY EVER AFTER!”
Juleka placed a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder, trying to calm her just a little bit. 
“Lila also lied about knowing the Waynes! Damian Wayne didn’t interact with anyone outside of his family until he was eleven! And Bruce Wayne confirmed that he doesn’t know anyone with the last name Rossi, and none of his friends have a daughter named Lila!” Mylène shouted. “The three of us talked to Damian Wayne today! Adrien Agreste is modeling with him right now in America! He asked Damian about Lila and he’s never even heard of her!” 
There were mixed reactions from the crowd surrounding them. Mylène suddenly shot her phone into the air. “He sent me a video telling the whole story! If anyone wants to watch it! I will happily show it to you!”
“I can so explain this!” Lila said, stepping forward. “You see, some of Gotham’s villains have come after my famil-“
“I SAID SHUT UP!” Rose screeched. “COLIN WILKES IS A PRECIOUS BOY WHO DESERVES THE WORLD! AND YOU ARE TRYING TO TAKE HIS PERSON FROM HIM JUST FOR A LITTLE ATTENTION!” Juleka pulled Rose back a step, worried about her girlfriend getting too out of control. “GOD!” She shouted. “YOU ARE SUCH A LITTLE...LITTLE-”
“Say it Rose!” Alix shouted from the side lines, Nino swore if her the short girl’s smile got any wider her face would crack in half.
“ATTENTION WHORE!” He almost dropped his phone. The crowd, which had started to get more vocal, went silent. Alya’s jaw dropped and even Lila was left speechless and wide eyed. 
“Oh my god.” Kim’s voice carried over the noiseless room. 
Rose was left fuming. Her body was still vibrating at a speed Nino was sure couldn’t healthy. Her cheeks were puffed out, making her eyes large, the blues popping out against her now red face. 
“Lila is a liar and nobody should believe a word she says.” The girl huffed. “I am the champion of love and justice,” she squared her shoulders. “And refuse to stand idle while someone destroys the bond of two sweethearts.” Rose took a deep breath before striking a pose similar to Sailor Moon’s iconic one. “In the name of true love, Liar Rossi, I will punish you!”
Nino was not prepared for the burst of applause that erupted from the crowd. He actually howled out a cheer of his own, phone focused on the girls in the center of the mob. He moved his phone to follow Lila as she went running out of the corral of applauding teenagers. He assumed she was heading for the bathroom, probably to fake cry till someone came to comfort her. 
A long, loud, exasperated sigh fell from his lips as he watched his girlfriend chase after the Italian girl. He shook his head as he stopped the video, tapping on his messaging app and sending the video to his best bro. 
DJBubbles: Dude
DJBubbles: how did u know this was going 2 happen?
Alya hesitated outside of the bathroom door. Cautiously she glanced back over her shoulder, people were still cheering she could hear them from down the hall. She wished she could be with them. But she had a mission to see through, and with everyone turning on Lila she knew it was do or die time. 
She slipped her phone into her back pocket and took in a deep breath before pushing open the door, masking her face in concern as she approached the girl hunched over one of the sinks. Lila had her face in her hands, muffled crying sounds coming from behind her fingers.
“Lila?” She asked quietly. 
“Oh god!” Lila turned away from her. “Alya it’s so awful!” She took a few steps farther away, laying her head against the wall of the restroom. “I-I just-just…” 
“Lila it’s okay…” Alya placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I’m sure this is all just a misunderstanding.”
Lila sniffled, looking at the girl over her shoulder. “It’s not.” She whispered. “I lied.” She turned her head away quickly. 
“Why?” Alya asked. 
“I don’t know.” Lila whipped around, tears streaming down her face. “I-well, I just-” She sniffled loudly. “I like Adrien so much.” She started, back leaning against the wall. “But he didn’t really seem to take notice of me, so I thought if while he was gone I could get everyone talking about how I had this awesome boyfriend it’d make him, well, I don’t know.” 
“You wanted Adrien to be jealous of Damian?” Alya asked, eyebrow cocked. 
“Y-yeah.” Lila looked down. “I know it was stupid and I just should have kept my mouth shut. But I didn’t know how else to get his attention.” A few more tears streamed down her cheeks, her hands raising to rub at her eyes. “I’m so sorry I lied to you.” 
Alya sighed. “Look, I can kind of see why you did it.” She crossed her arms. “But Adrien isn’t the type to respond to jealousy. In fact, if he did like you and found out you were with someone else, then he would gracefully bow out. He wouldn’t want to come between you two.” 
Lila’s eyes stayed focused on the floor. “I guess I didn’t think about that. He really is so sweet.” She whispered. 
“And while I don’t think you should have lied about dating Damian Wayne, I definitely don’t think Rose, Juleka, and Mylène had the right to humiliate you like that. It was uncalled for.” Alya’s eyebrows nicked together. “They should have just asked to talk to you in private. Seriously, I have never seen them act so vicious.” 
“Marinette must have turned them against me.” Lila’s face suddenly hardened. “She’s out to get me Alya. You know she is. She’s taking everyone away from me!” Lila surged forward, grabbing the girl’s shoulder. “She’s going to steal you too!” 
“Marinette will never steal me from you Lila.” Alya sucked in a deep breath. “Your my best friend, and I’ve got your back no matter what!” God that left such an awful taste in her mouth. 
“Thank you Alya!” Lila pulled the girl into a tight hug. One brunette’s face turned devious while it was hidden, the other simply rolled her eyes. 
Nino took his seat at his desk, unable to hide the smile on his face. He was rewatching the video on his phone. He honestly hadn’t felt this good in a while, probably not since the last time he wielded the Turtle Miraculous. It felt like everything was over, but seeing as how Lila still had Alya, and probably Sabrina, who was out sick today, he figured it wasn’t. Meaning his job as mole wasn’t done quite yet. But the few minutes he had to celebrate the Liar’s major take down with his friends was invigorating and made him feel like he was operating at one hundred percent again. 
Rose, Juleka and Mylène all came into class together, everyone already in the room standing up and cheering for them. Alya and Lila weren’t back from the bathroom yet, so Nino applauded them from his seat. 
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” Kim shouted. “The hero of the hour, champion of love and justice herself!” He jumped up on his desk, extending his hands in an overly complicated gesture in Rose’s direction. “Ms. Rose Lavillant!” 
Nino’s classmates cheered harder as Nathanael walked forward and embraced the tiny girl in a hug. “We’ve missed you sweetness.” 
“I’ve missed you all too!” Rose hugged him back as forcefully as she could. “I’m so so sorry everyone!” She pulled back from the red head, positioning herself to look at those who filled the opposite side of the classroom as Nino. “Can you ever forgive me for falling for her lies?”
“It took all of us time to see she was lying,” Max came forward, setting his hand on Rose’s shoulder. “The important thing is that you finally saw through them.” 
“Yeah, she’s pretty good at covering her ass, none of us blame you for taking so long.” Alix said, kicking her feet up on the desk.
“Do you think we could have our old seats back?” Juleka asked, voice quiet as she stepped forward and took Rose’s hand. 
Kim jumped down from his and Alix’s shared desk. He held his arms wide open, embracing the two girls. “Welcome home babe.” He said, dramatized tears in his voice. “God we’ve missed you.” 
Alix rolled her eyes. “Knock it off drama queen.” She yelled. “Seriously though,” She swung her feet around on the bench, standing up and gesturing to the seats. “It’s good to have you two back.” 
“I think you mean three.” Max said, he and Nathanael had their arms draped over Mylène’s shoulders. The girl had a small blush dusting her cheeks as she climbed the steps towards the back of the room where her boyfriend sat.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t listen to you.” She whispered, eyes downcast. “Do you think you can forgive me?” Ivan gave a soft smile, scooting down the bench so that Mylène could sit by him. The girl sat down quickly, latching onto her boyfriend’s arm with a large smile. 
“Power couple’s back,” Kim whispered. “We got all our lovely ladies on the side of truth and justice, I know have video of Rose striking her cute ass sailor moon pose. It’s like all's right with the world!” He said, sitting down at Alix’s old desk, the girl having reclaimed her seat now that everybody’s favorite girlfriends had retaken their old desk.
Everyone was happily chattering away, Marinette’s crew filling in the three girls on everything they missed when Lila and Alya walked in. 
“Not all our lovely ladies have come to their senses.” Nino mumbled, resting his cheek against his fist. As long as Alya had yet to see the light, he couldn’t in good conscience retire as Marinette’s mole. And he certainly couldn’t leave his girlfriend alone with that coyote. 
“How can you still be friends with her?” Mylène asked. “After knowing everything was lie?” 
Alya shot the girl a dirty look. “She lied about having a boyfriend, that didn’t give you the right to humiliate her in front of the whole school.” She crossed her arms tightly over her chest. “I swear, you’ve all become as bad as Marinette.” Alya took her seat behind Nino, Lila sitting where Marinette once did, large crocodile tears still streaming down her face. 
“Seriously Nino?” Juleka whispered, disbelief in her eyes.
The boy simply shook his head, turning away from the majority of his classmates. Alix flipped around on her knees, leaning close to the goth girl and whispering into her ear, she then moved on to give the small explanation to Rose. In the back of the room Ivan was quietly filling Mylène in on Nino’s situation. 
The three girls were quiet, save for Rose’s soft. “Oh.” Thankfully it wasn't loud enough for Alya or Lila to hear. 
It wasn’t long before Miss Bustier came into the classroom. She set her papers down on her desk, then turned to write something on the board before finally facing the class. Her eyes scanned the room slowly, a loud sigh escaping her lips. “Okay,” She breathed. “Let’s just begin class.” The poor woman was so tired. 
(part 1)  (part 2)  (part 2.5)  (part 3)  (part 4)  (part 5)  (part 6) (part 7)  (part 8)  (part 9)  (part 10) - Here (part 11)
Not  exactly Photoshoot Part 3...I’m just trying so hard to get to this Incredibles cameo guys, I feel like I keep underestimating how long parts are going to be. I’m so sorry it’s taking so long for this character to show up. Anyway, who was prepared for Rose this time around? I love the idea of her being essentially this tank that no one sees coming till it’s far too late. Now it’s just Sabina and Alya, and Nino left on Lila’s side (or so she thinks). I also love the idea that the class has the most ridiculous pet names for one another. Not sure when part 11 will be up because we are getting very close to finals week at my college, but I’ll do my best to get something out as soon as possible! Thank you all so much for the likes, reblogs, and especially the comments! They are such huge mood boosters for me, they really change the whole course of my day and I appreciate them so much. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter! I loved writing it. As always if you have any questions about the story or AU feel free to ask, I love getting them and will happily answer any question you got (even if it’s not about this AU)! And if you want to be tagged let me know! 
@graduatedmelon @northernbluetongue​ @violatiger8​ @bamagirl513​ @vixen-uchiha​ @beaversuenightly​ @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff​ @todaylillypads​ @laurakinneylance​ @vgirl-10123​ @wellcrud-blog-blog​ @silvergold-swirl​ @crazylittlemunchkin​ @an-ahez​ @queencommonsense​ @ladybug-182​ @meganemily231​ @driftingmoonlitpetals​ @kand-roo​ @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry​ @theatreandcomicfreak​ @paradoxal-occurance​ @miraculousl4dybug @thanks-captain-obvious​ @sassydepression​ @multishipper1needshalp @wegan97​ @surprisebishhhhhhhhh  @redscarlet95 @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @synnesstra @fandomkitty8 @tired-yeetling @saluteswifties @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @dast218 @naclychilli @royalchaoticfangirl @panda3506 @nataladriana9 @shreky-boi @my-name-is-michell @dawnwave16  @thethirdwheelfriend @quiet-oracle @heaven428
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