#it didnt break the skin so its fine i guess
goffiks · 2 years
literally scraped my eyeball hard as fuck with a metal implement today and was like. okay. and just went back to bed
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v1x3n · 3 months
I saw tht ur requests were open and Im sorry but can u make the tf141 as the whole stepbrothers and stepdad? If thats not possible can u make dbf gaz?
two daddies?
kyle 'gaz' garrick x reader masterlist
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ sorry but i dont really like writing stepbrother/dad shit!! hope u enjoy though!
kyle is your dads best friend, he has been since kyle joined the military and worked along john, your dad, they clicked and he started inviting kyle over a lot. your birthdays, his birthdays (you said he looked sad so u invited his mates to play) bbqs or just whenever really.
you and him got along well, he was almost always at your house, if your father wasnt in and he came round then youd and him would watch a little movie together.
but that was different to now. you were a minor then and now you are 20. newly 20, last month was your birthday but sadly kyle had missed it due to a big mission he was on. he felt bad and decided to pop round with a gift!
"hiya love"
he gleams as you open the door, "oh hi! my dads not in, hes round at the pub with some girl hes met"
"oo you met her?"
"yeah shes nice" you smile as he takes steps into the house, it was the same apart from a small painting that he wouldve guessed you had painted.
kyle settles down on the couch while you nearly sprint to the kitchen and fix him up his usual. as if you were a barista. his barista. "so the big number 20 huh?" you snap your head around to the direction of the living room, the kitchen was open plan so you could see him sat on the couch, making himself at home when he turns the tv on.
"yeah, last month" you laugh slightly. "'m sorry i missed it" the tv starts playing after he spoke, he had put on an old film you two used to watch loads. it was both your favourite. "its fine, honestly. its not like you couldnt done anything about it" he gribs onto his cup of tea when you give him it, you sit down next to him which then he replies with his arm resting around your shoulders and pulling you in.
the movie intro starts playing as one of the characters start to chat, you gaze at him and look deeply at his features. he had changed a lot since the last time you had saw him. he wasnt shaven clean, his hair was a little longer and he had cuts and wounds littered around his body. another word for him it would be messy but you didnt mind. all honestly he was kinda ... hot.
your focus on the film slowly despatched and then your gaze kept with his face and body for most of it. luckily though he hadnt caught you just yet. the hand placed on your shoulder is brough back to him, he stretches and then instead of going back his hand is connected to your thigh. kyle squashes the fat as he stays there, the squeeze sent heat straight to your pussy. if he was any closer, god you wouldve came!!
"uhm kyle" you mumble quietly.
he looks over at you which his deep, loving brown eyes which made your cunt dampen further. "whats that box for" your eyes are brought to the little while box thats placed on the coffee table. kyle grabs the box and passes it to you, "'s f' you, open it" you smile as he does aswell.
you grasp onto the small box and carefully, unwanting to break it, open it. you place the lid on your lap, right next to his hand that was still holding - more gribbing onto your thigh.
inside the box was a necklace, it was a small heart with your name ingraved on it. the cold silver could freeze your hand as you held it up to the light to clearly see it. "oh my god! thanks kyle!" you hit his arm softly in pure shock he had gotten you something.
"'s no problem. thought youd like it"
"ill be pissed if it was tons though." a faux anger spreads across your face.
"dont worry your sweet little mind bout it"
the film seems to blur out as you look over to him, "help me put it on" his fingers linger on your skin as he helps you clip it on to the other side of the necklace. his warmth of his body could nearly warm you up, you leaned into his touch while you bring your face to him. his pretty eyes almost pull you in and his hand trails to your cheek. both your eyes connect to his and the moment froze. a memory youd always bring back to the start.
the start of something wrong but so fucking good.
as your two lips connect it was pure bliss, his lips were warm and kept coming back to yours. meeting again but casually getting rougher and more passionate. if your father saw this, you both know he would have a raj.
you try to get the moment to tip maybe a bit further, his throat becomes attacked with your tounge. while you think it was going well and he would reciprocate - he didnt, he fliches back. burrying his head in his hands. "i- we cant." he corrects himself, making it known this was both our wrong doing. "what ? why?" pouting before your face plasters a frown and a glint of sadness in your pupils.
"if we start, i wouldnt be able to stop princess."
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mekakitsune · 1 year
i walk this earth all by myself |renee blasey (wraith) x gn!reader
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never in her life did renee think she would feel this way.
her heart burns in her throat as she sees you smile. a genuine yet sad one you give to ajay and her on the airship. the battle had been anything but easy. a painfully long and equally tiring match led to the three of you pretty beat up, but alas, victorious. we are lucky to have her, she thought to herself. she didn't like seeing you hurt. ajay made quick work of patching herself up while doc buzzed quietly in the background.
renee wasn't listening to what was being said between the two of you, the pounding under her skull making it hard to focus on anything. ajay made her way towards her in hopes of getting close enough to fully assess her injuries. bold.
"im fine.." renee muttered, clearly not wanting to be touched.
"cmon...youre still bleeding.." she says, quite defeated for the usually eccentric and confident girl. the look she gave ajay was enough. with a sigh, she returned to her place, the small bench in the aircraft, next to you.
it'll never be me.
she lets her eyes fall closed while the craft sputters as they land. all she wanted to do was to clean up, and go to sleep.
the journey back to her room was a quick one, not wanting to be bothered by anyone trying to "help" her.
it had been a few hours since the three of you arrived back at the base, each of you going your respective ways after bidding goodnight. renee headed towards her room, completely ready to take a quick shower and then pass the hell out.
she makes quick work in the bathroom, emerging from the small steamy space feeling a little bit better than she did before. she chooses to put on a simple black tank, and sweatpants that are surely a few sizes too big.
by this time it was late. pushing past 2am and renee was ready to come crashing down. she began unmaking her "made" bed but stopped when she heard a tiny knock at her dorm room door. she stood for a few seconds, mostly praying that the person would just assume she was asleep and leave. once more, a tiny knock. who the hell is that at 2am? she moves to the door silently and peaks through the small hole placed on on the top of the door.
outside she found a sight she did not expect. it was you, also freshly showered and clad in some dorky pj pants and a shirt she could have sworn belonged to elliot.
it took her a minute to decide what to do, but her heart acted before her brain could, and she pulled open the door.
"hi...im really sorry if i woke you up" you said quietly, it made her heart squeeze tightly. you looked so tired, it made her wonder why you made her way down to her room this late.
"i wasn't asleep yet. its okay, but why are you up so late? is everything okay?" she didnt mean to ask so many questions at once, it just felt like it was second nature for her to make sure you were not in harms way.
"i could ask you the same question yknow." you said with a small smile.
renee huffs, putting on the typical "i dont care" act.
before she could come up with an excuse, she noticed your figure. you were shaking. your arm was wrapped in bandages, bruises littered your exposed skin.
"seriously....are you..alright?" she asked softly this time, looking you in your eyes. she could stare into them for the rest of her life.
"im...fine, i think. i dont know, i guess im just still shaken up, a lot people got hurt today, and i cant help but feel like its partly my fault yknow? if i was just quicker with my reaction time then-" you played with your fingers as you carried on, trailing off when you heard her scoff.
you meet her eyes once more to see her looking down at you.
"you know it wasn't your fault. it wasn't anyones, but especially not yours." she sounded...sincere.
part of you wanted to break down right then and there, comfort seemingly making you feel even worse.
she noticed the way your body trembled. she wanted nothing more than to take you away somewhere far away from all of this. somewhere she knew you wouldn't be living in fear of the unknown. shes been in your position many times before. she understands your guilt.
maybe it was due to the exhaustion, or the slight frustration of being pulled into the hallway seconds before she was about to slip into a deep sleep. without much thought, she gently grabbed your hand, pulling you into the dark room behind her. the door clicked shut behind you, suddenly you felt very out of place. her room was dimly lit, but strangely comforting.
"sleep with me tonight." she said simply, and your eyes grew wide. she studied your reaction for a moment before pouting. cute.
"i didnt...mean it like that. weirdo.." had the room not been so dim you would see the rush of heat cover renees pale cheeks.
"you dont... have too, i just, know what its like to be stuck in your own head, yknow." you could tell your reaction threw her off, but you quickly backed yourself up.
"are you really asking me to get into bed with you renee? i mean...your offer is tempting" you teased lightly, already making your way to her plush bed. with a roll of her eyes, she follows behind you, turning the light completely off in the process, hoping that the darkness would hide the embarrassment she felt.
feeling the mattress dip under your weight, you slip under her covers as if they were your own, leaving room at your side for her. she stands unmoving, clearly unsure of what to do.
"i can sleep on the floor...if that makes you more comfortable" she said, pretty foolish considering you were in her room.
"what!? no way...its your room, just...lay down please?" your voice was quiet, scared if you made too much noise you'd simply scare her away.
without much more of a thought, renee slips into the bed next to you. she was too tired to argue.
shes tense, and it's awkward, laying flat on her back on the edge of the bed, scared to get too close.
you cant help the pang of guilt in your chest, hoping silently that you truly weren't intruding.
a small sigh leaves her lips.
"i meant it. when i said it wasn't your fault. i hope you know that..." she said, eyes moving to catch your features. you looked so beautiful to her, like always.
"thank you, renee." you responded, eyes locking onto her grey ones.
maybe it was the exhaustion, or unresolved tension taking over. you move closer slowly, laying your head on her chest, waiting and still to see her reaction.
and it never came.
in fact, you felt her arm reposition to wrap itself securely around your shoulders.
another sigh. this one not out of discomfort or frustration. out of peace. the pounding in her skull finally dying out as the exhaustion truly takes over.
"im here for you y/n, always." she whispered, voice full of something you couldn't quite recognize.
holding her closer you choose not to respond verbally, allowing yourself to relax in her arms, eyes slipping closed with a content sigh.
"i hope you mean it. i dont plan on going anywhere." you say, smile evident in your voice.
renee hums in response, fingers tracing your shoulders lightly. sleep fills the room soon enough, allowing the two of you your own bit a peace, finally.
all shes ever wanted was to feel safe, and she does. you make her feel grounded, tearing her from plaguing thoughts. for that, she would always be indebted to you.
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day one of *unknown amount of time water fast :)
I'm trying for a really long fast, so I find I stick to it better if I pretend as if there is no end goal. trying to trick my brain into thinking its short term, I guess.
I didn't sleep at all, I was too busy reading comics all night and morning to distract from my cravings and then I decided to actually get out of bed and was immediately going for the milk to put in my tea because my mom was talking to me about something and I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and then she mentioned something along the lines of humans are disgusting, and it sadly triggered my ed brain, as if to say, disgusting?? not me though, right? I don't want to be disgusting!
so anyway, I put the milk back and have decided to start my fast :)
if you've gotten this far, do you have a favorite tea flavor?? I'm pretty basic with tea, my all-time favorite is earl grey black tea by full circle market! idk why but we always carry a variety of fun teas and I always go for that one lol. I've tried some other brands of earl grey as well, but they just don't seem to cut it. and I swear the amount of caffeine that's in black tea far out ways all the other caffeinated teas. I used to drink coffee religiously but somehow after covid my tolerance for caffeine has become nonexistent :(
oh, also fun lil fact about me is that I tend to put cinnamon in nearly everything I consume lol. can you overdose on cinnamon? Jesus I hope not, I especially love it in tea but idk if that would somehow break my fast so I'm doing without it for now. as I write out my worries, I see how non sensical my brain can be sometimes :}
unrelated but why is it that every little thing that comes out of my moms mouth just get under my skin so easily?? for once she wasnt putting me down, but even so she was still in a really negative space and was just briefly mentioning how animals deserve more than humans as humans are disgusting and selfish and animals are innocent and pure. thats fine to think that way i suppose as it doesnt really harm anyone but shes been prioritizing strays over her own kids my whole life and so of course i have some sort of resentment towards the subject. i just feel the need to protect my own kind over another and she feels very differently i guess, yet other times will preach the complete opposite and it makes me question what she would do in an emergency situation.
idk this is all so fucking dumb, maybe i just want to pick any old fight for the sake of it rather than caring about the subject at hand, it all sounds so stupid and unimportant but my whole life she made sure i knew that i ruined her life for being alive but her dog has saved her life just by existing. why didnt i get out of this sooner? no one tells you there is more help available when you are a kid, and now that im not, i feel far more helpless than i did before. no one tells you it will be this way. how could they though? its all too heavy.
*excuse my poor punctuation and capitalization if you are reading this, im too tired to correct it all lol
current mood: cringeworthy doom and gloom type vibe so far today
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em0sket · 1 year
big long horror post incoming
i worte a short horror story punctuation isnt great but whatever
insipered by tma
tw death body horror
Mr meechum:Well you got me here now what you want the full story from the top or just the incident?
documenter:Well we do what we can to try and provide a documented account of all sides of history and it gets recorded and filed in the records always best to hear everything first hand plus i'd hate for anything to slip through the cracks be twisted by the media that sort of thing of course i know its not completely 100% possible but i like to do what i can to preserve people's story from their perspective give me a second to make the official notation so tell me mr meechum what happened in the intendium labs in  september 1969
Mr meechum: firstly i know people think “scientist” is an impressive title but we didnt have breakthroughs every day not in my department anyway i was an overseer in the categorising department that meant anything and everything that was handed over by the public to the labs was sorted through by us anything seemingly dangerous usually some cheap old crap glow in the dark vases and plates suspected to be radioactive which we would test and store appropriately had a couple of suspected evidence of communist invasion which was mainly scraps of paper in code or unusual bullets one time a copy of the communist manifesto never led to anything but it had to be processed just in case said the higher ups and i wasnt going to argue  we used to get alot of weird looking stones people told us were moonrocks usually just hagstones or naturally occurring geodes but of course with the moon landing a couple months before, the paranoia of bored housewives and a couple of doped up drifters made for a drastic influx of “moonrocks” or apparent proof of alien life in my lab over the last couple of months. pretty much all of them were hoaxes or deluded fantasies but there was one that made me move to my desk job .
one of the guys brought it in scott was his name scott hawthorne but we all called him sniffer because on his first week he found three different radioactive objects without the geiger counter apparently to him they all had a distinct smell to them whatever that meant but he was right about 8/10 times so when he brought in this unassuming rock and made a big fuss over it we all joked that sniffer had gone nose blind, but he was captivated by this thing absolutely entranced he wouldn't let go of it and could tell when someone had touched it which he was right about but we could never figure out how he knew he had made it his personal project using his breaks to study it he weighed and measured and examined it was about the size of a football with a light sandy grey exterior but perfectly spherical like it had been specifically carved to look that way we all thought it was just a chisled rock he was obsessing over  for some reason ,thought he would get bored of it myself included. Ive never regretted my ignorance more because after the first week everyone in the lab been… feeling itchy ,i guess, sort of uncomfortable. There was an underlying feeling of unrest people couldnt focus it was always something, the room was too quiet, too hot, too prickly something in the air just made the guys skin crawl a sort of squirming unease began to creep under my coworkers very flesh like something was undulating under their tissue poking around burrowing. This of course whilst mildly unnerving, was more of a health concern than anything if something in the lab was making people sick it was my duty as their manager to write to head office. Which sent me to the medical team so they came around and did their checks and everyone was fine ,physically the lab was monitored and swabbed everything was normal apart from scott, he was the worst out of everyone.
He had what seemed to be a rash on the back of his neck,they checked it and it seemed to be just that they passed it off as bad laundry detergent and went on with their day and i didnt want to be causing ruckus and being pedantic so i went about my work. scott however became more and more irritated kept scratching himself adjusting his tie and began to get agitated when any coworkers tried to chat with him instinctively reaching for this rock every time they did .i got sick of his attitude one day so i suggested he take the day off and honest to god he nearly swung at me  before stopping himself and then he refused to leave eventually i had to get security in who then had to physically drag him out of the workspace along with the usual cursing he started literally spitting and hissing basically frothing at the mouth other than the paperwork this was going to require i clearly needed to have a look at that rock he was studying, test it for anything addictive or harmful something we missed. the guys in the lab obviously knew that now scott was gone someone was going to have to investigate the stone and if i didnt do it someone else would, probably with less caution, care and sense
so at lunch break i made it an event since everyone was so keen to know what was up with it. so i looked over scotts notes;his examinations of the mineral i- it didnt make any sense it was quite literally impossible it measured about 60cm across in all directions give or take a few mm and get this completely weightless completely! i checked myself first i covered it in a fire blanket with my coworkers watching  because if this thing had powered meth that sniffer had been well sniffing on it or god knows what else i didnt want to risk touching it.  Then i put it on a scale but it was right it was  hardly a fraction of a gram but the weight of it felt like a bowling ball i checked on different scales multiple times it all came out the same it wasnt physically possible so i swabbed it and ran the tests with 20 eyes watching my every movement it came out to nothing. regular old granite. Im normally pretty level headed but for some reason this enraged me this stupid all encompassing pebble had for some reason turned a good drinking buddy into a neurotic mess and was eating away at his life and sanity slowly consuming his mind and the weeks of irritation and frustration at the unrest of my skin after this inane piece of granite entered my life and workspace I dont know what came over me exactly but i had to get rid of it. it just had to go. I struck it on the tiled floor and it cracked. one crack. down the centre. about a fingers width apart and everyone was waiting for my next move  so i ducttaped my lab coat and two pairs of vinyl gloves closed around the wrist completely sealed just in case.
i looked over at the spot it fell when a keen and sure  sense of dread awoke within me id never been so deeply instinctualy fearful like that before some primal part of my brain screaming bloody murder that i needed to get out now the same as  how i imagine a fish feels when it sinks its jaw into the hook. But i mean what else was i going to do let it continue ruining lives? So i swallowed my fear and strode over all eyes on me the impossible hunk of earth at my fee.t i wedged one finger in between the ridges of its crack held the base of the infernal sphere and pried it open. the rock was spongy and sulphur yellow with a smell of utter decay a groan came from my audience of staff and my hands sank through the geode at first contact it had the look of  a rotted mattress and the feel of raw sausages my hand shot back  as i processed the texture in my mind and gazed at the honey combed innards that looked like something had buried through it like the remains of a parasite that had dug its way through the structure of the rock infinite amounts making little homes for itself repeatedly squirming and writhing its way through something stronger than itself im glad i moved my hand when i did because it started to pulse looking like it was ejecting something from itself sort of like a cat hacking up a furball
all those tiny divots and passage ways convusled and shuddered out  long thin flailing tendrils it looked like it had coated itself with a blue mucus possibly a toxin im not sure but they didnt stop i never saw the end of them it just kept reeling out of its honeycomb shell endless worming tubes of muscle they flopped onto the white tiled floor leaving trails of foul smelling hot ooze behind it and started hunting for something to attatch itself to. moving at an alarming pace  each tentacle flattening itself onto the ground as wide as it could possibly to feel what was in the area .what it could devour. i dont think it had any eyes just meteres and meteres of viscous curling feelers everyone took a step back apart from one of the lab guys poor harry poor dear sweet stupid harry had his shoelaces untied we used to laugh at him for it you know said it wouldnt hurt him to give it a go and tie the damn things once in a while but as he lurched backwards the vile things clamped onto them and wouldnt let go by the time he realised they had gotten over his socks and onto his bare legs. digging.
There was a moment of pure panic and stillness when we all watched. until he started screaming, then we burst into action ,we started looking for something to help maybe a fire extinguisher or another gas that would subdue it  better yet kill it but the fool tried to crush it harry fell to his knees onto his shins in an effort to beat the thing into a pulp which in turn let the creature find his knees and climb its way up his torso onto his face where it promptly found the eye and started to burrow. chewing through the poor sod boring a new home in his skull and ill never forget the god awful sound , like meat ripping wet and visceral and it  left a trail of purple on his face as the blood from his retinas mixed with the things mucus then when his screaming stopped we all watched the tentacles crawl out of his mouth having  bored through most of the face hitting the ground with a meaty slap but no one moved  most were just as far away as they could get from the carnivorous eels mostly climbing on cabinets in an effort to not touch the ground i when the things again started flattening themselves to search once again this time with a larger diameter than before presumably because of it last meal 
god knows what i did was cowardly i was a person of interest for 10 years for christs sake i had to get out of it by to claiming “mental unrest” but i saw the broom cupboard and hid i had the key so i hid i didnt know what else to do i mean they dont train you for this it was just sheer panic fight or flight  but i dont forget those screams i dont forget the ripping of flesh i dont forget the people i once knew and their hollowed out skull i dont forget the smell of blood and sulfur that plays back on my senses even now thats what people dont get ive been stuck on that day for the last 53 yearsit got on the sunday times front page after that i  got spat at in the street and jeered at on the way to court then thats it shows over everyone goes home and i have to live with it  i cant go to support groups because people have heard of me the broken families i caused the psych evals every year did you know henrys daughter at the age of three asked me at the funeral why i killed her daddy? it’s taken me years to be able to shift myself into a semi normal life but yeah i suppose thats it the whole bloody story  
documenter: thank you that was... fufilling -exits
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six40seven · 1 year
September 16-18th
I didnt go to school. I told Niki i was feeling too sick to and she just nodded and said it was fine. Just by her body language i could tell she was distracted by something else and i didnt want to bother her more then necessary. I wanted to say thanks to all the people on here sending kind messages and concerned asks. I am okay. I was just a little rattled these last few days and well, of course today. I havent slept in almost 32 hours. There is no way in hell im closing my eyes and waking up somewhere strange again with no recollection of how i got there.
This doesnt make sense, and i can tell youre telling me in your head “Ran you need to sleep.” And i know you’re right but it was just horrifying. I have a hard enough time remembering what i do when im awake. Why would this suddenly start happening to me. Its unfair. I was doing fine. Now im not, and i dread falling asleep again. Im too afriad to ask Niki to instal a lock of sorts so last night and the night before and really any time I’ve been feeling the urge to sleep.. well I’ve began to tie my foot to my post. ITS NOT TIGHT. I just dont want to wander off again.
Fall break is soon. I mean sorta. I attempted to attend school online the second day home after the ordeal but my connection was too shit. I guess its the trees blocking the signal. Or maybe the mountains. Speaking of trees, i havent left my house since that day. I dont want to risk whatever happened happening again, worse while im awak. Not that i think it will but the way the trees just… tempt me sometimes. I cant risk walking to the bus or walking even out of my house. WHEERE i use to consider it a blessing to not live in the town houses, i now regret never moving closer. Fuck. Its been so long since I’ve been outside im worried my skin will fall off my body and ill die if i spend one more day barred in my room.
Its okay, for the most part. besides the natural (?) urge i have to be outside all the time. Ive sort of forgotten to document much these o past few days. But i dont think anything else significant happened. As far as related to me. Niki didnt come back the first night and i spent all that time in ym room with the blind drawn and the lights on. I was afriad if i turned the lights off i would nod off. I ended up watching YouTube and Netflix on my laptop as well as cleaning my entire room.
Usually my room is a trash heap, i like it that way, its like having my own nest. But that first night. I couldn’t stand all the things and i pretty much Ed cleaned everything top to bottom in less then 3 hours. I found a few interested things while i was doing that, including but not limited to: a box full of my old Polaroids and camera, a stuffed animal i thought i had lost which went back onto my bed, and a total of 20 spare dollars made mostly out of 1 Dollar bills and quarters.
The only thing of real interest was the Polaroid camera. I thought i lost that thing years and years ago. I only know i had one at all because i have some older pictures pinned places and tucked into my phone case. Theyre all of people i dont really know but i like to think i do so i can carry some part of them with me. They must have been important to me at some point yk. So i decided to look through and sort out any of the Polaroids i remeber or anything like that. These are my findings. I’ll explain them after i show them to you.
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starting at the left top and going left to right. It reads Nov 1st 20##. all of these are from when i was a kid. maybe when i was in 4th or 5th grade? Im not entirely sure the exact age i was. The photo shown is a picture i must have taken of some sort of important journal entry, i cant really read it but at least if i ever needed to remeber taking a picture.. I remember, thanks past me.
The next one, in order, is a picture of two shadows. Maybe three. Probably me. Maybe Niki… or Eryn. we were close when we were kids and hes in two of these already. So ill just mention him. idk if he will be okay with me talking about him on here. I dont think he knows i have this account. hopefully he doesnt find it. Not that i would care very much. He just doesnt like me. The caption is just a date. oct 3rd. no year. I wonder when it happened? sometime in my childhood probably. I havent used this camera in years and years. I lost it so long ago.
The third is a weirdly saturated picture of a park in my town. The bigger town. Its just weird. And the caption says… evacuating or something. Its sorta weird. also Niki might have taken this picture because her name is on it too. Seems like her type of thing. from what i remeber as a kid, when we still lived in the big town, she was into weird saturated pictures. Something about scene. I dont know really.
The fourth is on the second line of pictures i found in the Box. On the bottom left. It says July 20## again sometime in my childhood. It shows aforementioned Eryn crouching ont he ground showing something to everyone. Or the viewer. I can see myself, or younger me. Younger me off to the side. Someone else took this picture. I dont remeber this happening. But it was important enough to keep so there it is. Thats pretty much it.
The fifth, wow thats a lot of numbers. Its got a smiley face :) on it. and its a picture of the lake. Yk the one bordering the left side of the bigger town. Its one of the smaller more muddy parts so its all gross. Probably from a hike that i wanted to remeber with Niki or something. I loved the lake when i was a kid. It was fun to swim in but after… after awhile i stopped going and then it closed because of something weird and now you can only go hiking near and around it.
The sixth. A picture of me and ****** hugging. Eryn in the background. It reads Eryn & ##### July. Its a cute picture. I dont know… who ****** is? Yeah i dont know. but i must have known them at one point because thats them. Yeah. They look familiar in the worse way and i pretty much threw that one back in the box as soon as I could. I dont like lookign at it. My stomach hurts when i do.
The seventh. And last a picture of a cat. Even when i was a kid i also apparently liked cats. It reads Spring 20##.
So yeah. I just wanted to say im glad i was able to find them and document them somewhere. I also thought while im explaing photos and stuff ill go into a little detail about what i discovered from that night. Posted on here.
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The first piece is clearly a path somewhere in the forest. If i were to say, somewhere further in the mountains, near where the older remains of mines are. The only thing wrong about this piece is that…. When i posted it, theres no wya for there to have been snow. So either the photo is altered in some way, which is unlikely, because from what i can tell it was posted in the middle of the night. Or it was actually snowing wherever i was. even though all the previous days it had been raining.
The next picture looks like some sort of underground tunnel, lined with bricks and ending in step leading up to a barred and maybe locked? I dont know, barred iron gate. I have never seen that place before. Ive been in a lot of abandoned buildings that I’ve found near here but I’ve never seen something like this. The only explaination i can give for the location is possibly a sewer enterance somewhere in the basement of one of the older buildings, not from the big town but rather from the smaller town nearer to my house. Again, it looks like its snowing. Which makes no sense in any context, since it was snowing when i woke up (even though i said i thought it was) and because if this was underground where would snow be coming from? The title says… I heard you. Im here. I dont remeber this. Obviously. and i dont know who i would have.. heard? It doesnt make any sense.
The third picture… i dont have much to say. It looks dark. Maybe its related to the second picture, maybe its on the otherside of the gate. But I’ve never seen a place that dark before. Especially if it has walls. which I think it does. so it must be in a building somewhere out in the forest. Sorta supports my abandoned building theory. Or abandoned mine shaft? I have no idea. But the capture is clearly a long hallway. the caption says something is wrong. No duh. I am clearly self aware even if i dont remeber. I wonder if i act different..
Anyway, thats all for the last few days. I probably will end up attending school tomorrow. Niki isnt home yet, its near the end of the day so if she isnt home by now im assuming shes staying overnight at the office. wouldn’t be the first, wont be the last. I might get a snack before trying not to fall asleep a third night in a row. If anyone wants to chat with me, ill be open to the distractions.
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rotisseries · 9 months
after he shocks them theo turns to the other wolves and says "how about you let me do the talking?" and the girl just growls at him. like girl tf ? u roped him into this. also its obvious that theyre getting on his nerves. he thrns back to the hunter and goes "you obviously have us here for a reason--" hes electrocuted via electric fence. its kinda messing up his manipulation flow tbh let him speak. hes very good at talking his way out of things if u havent noticed. but anywy. let him manipulate u its sexy🙄. anyway theo says "if you--if you tell me what you want--" yeah u guessed it, electrocuted. "im trying to help you-" electrocuted. its really not good for them. theres only so much a werewolf can take. electricity can keep them from healing. and then he angry at the other guys and went "THE HELL DID YOU TWO DO?" and electrocuted. he keeps tryna tall ans gets interrupted by an unhealthy amount of joules going through his body he eventually goes "FINE" and quits the nice guy act , gets electrocuted a few more times and then theres a break and theo turns to the wolves and goes "if we get oht of this alive, im going to kill you myself" <- with a smile. hes deadass. kinda. and then he says "and then im gonna-" and looks down and realizes that the electricity is burning the zipties and if he can get it hotter he can break them. he is very good at getting under peoples skin so. thats what he does. the switch is craxy "so thats all you got?" AND LAUGHS IN HIS FACE. "because im not impressed. what did they do? give you permission to shock us a little but not do any real damage? .. they dont trust you schrader." AND THE HUNTER LOOKS UP LIKE ? wait a damn minute . how u know my name. "yeeahhhh thats right. i remember you. weird little sadist from eichen house." then schrader walks up to him and theo says "did they fire you? or did you get out of there before they realized you were just another psychothat should've been locked up with the other freaks?" and theo looks down and watches as he turns the voltage up on the fence. "no, they fired you, didnt they?" <- laughing "did you get caught trying to stick helpless patients with needles again? or did they catch you trying to stick them with something else?"  I SCREAMED 😭😭 they got electrocuted and now theo is laughing through the pain "looks like we got a winner!!!" theo breaks out the zip ties, schrader is fucking terrified and theo knocks him to the ground and they tied HIM up on the fence . and the girl goes "you just gonna leave him here?" and theo goes "him and you." and the guy is like "we didnt need your help anyways" theos like uncaring until they mention a car, and hes like "you got a car?" and she says "no" and the grabs schraders keys and says "but he does" and theo grabs her wrist and sees the tattoo on her forearm and says "what is that?" and she says "youve never seen a pack symbol before?" and he says "im not much of a pack animal" 😐 um.......... why are you lying...... just because you dont have a pack doesnt mean you dont want one. youve been fucking wanting one for years, you killed people over it, you died for it. i mean yeah it was about power but it was also about company. anyway. he asks what it means. she says theyre stacked rocks "its a buddist practice" and theos like "oh you're satomi's pack the buddist werewolves" and the guy says satomi is dead, we dont have an alpha or a pack anymore. and the girl says "why do you care anyway?" and theo says "oh i dont. but you should find scott mccall. hes got a thing for taking in strays." and theyre like :OOOOO YOU KNOW SCOTT MCCAL DO YOU KNOW WHWRE HE IS ?? and he looks at those keys and hes like "😊i might" she hands it to him and his face drops a bit as he looks over at schrader (fully human btw) and then turns over and presses the remote with the electric fence button upside down on the table and walks out with him shrieking in pain. likely he died not too long after that. he doesnt have a capacity to heal from that and its also ongoing. dudes heart stopped for suuurree.
this installment is SOOOOO nate coded
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babydinojojo · 11 months
Day 3/ Entry 3
Okay... maybe I've gotten way too mad at myself last night. I can't really sleep right now so i guess Imma write in here for a bit and then i'm gonna go back to sleep.
Okay forget what i said about the google doc, I will try my absolute best to remember to tell her shit alright, she still loves you Jordan you just need to let go sometimes yk. Okay anyway the Class 700 came out for Train Sim World 3 today so Im gonna be checking that out today. I wonder what skin i should Make for minecraft cause i need something completely original and no i don't wanna use AI cause that's gonna be the death of us Istfg, I don't know it's just i get a mega bad feeling even when i see AI chatbots and shit like they just make me scared for some reason and the fact that its ramping up faster and faster everyday makes me worry about the future... I DON'T WANNA DIE BY A ROBOT, I JUST WANNA LIVE A FULL LIFE AND SEE MY GF KRISY AND HAVE A LIFE WITH HER, NOT JUST DIE BY SOME DAMN ROBOT. Anyway tho I have an off day today surprsingly oh wait i forgot that i didnt have work today and i thought i overslept ;-; bruh, I keep forgetting shit. Which brings me to my next topic
I think i finally might know why i keep forgetting things, I just got way too much going on in the background to remember, I have a short attention span so it's probably because work is making me do more and more shit. Except the past two work days, where we did ABSOLUTELY nothing after my lunch break. That's time where I could have been texting Krisy and spending time with her, but its whatever tho. Oh yea funny story tho from Yesterday lol, Soooo i was on an R62A 6 Train right, and i was riding the City Hall Loop and everything went all and according to plan until we skipped the Fucking Uptown Platform, it went non-stop and i was lowkey panicking cause yea i thought i was on an Out of Service dehead, thankfully we stopped at Canal street, Yea im not gonna be doing the loop after that, speaking of the 6 Train, them R62As are extremely underrated as fuck, for trains that started on the 6 as Single units and then ended up on the 7 and then came back in 2015-2016, they are pretty fast and underrated for a local train.
While we are on the topic of my gf, I think i found some places I would like to show her around
-Brooklyn Bridge Park/Pier
-Barnes and Nobles in Downtown Brooklyn
-Ride around the City Hall Loop and show her the Abandoned City Hall Station which looks absolutely amazing to this day
-Dave and Busters TSQ/Gateway Mall
-Queens Center Mall
Okay yea that's a good list and a good start
Speaking of last night, like I said before i got way WAY too mad at myself last night. Damn.. I never realized how hard I am on myself especially for her. Okay I realize that i need to sometimes let things go, I can't be to hard on myself cause thats gonna end up destroying my confidence and make me start self harming, hasnt happened yet but still, i just gotta breath and chill the fuck out.
On a side note tho, im not sure why but for some reason i have a massive pet peeve when someone uses "Ok" or "K" or "Mk" instead of just saying "Okay" or "Alright. I don't know its just "Ok" or "K" Just seem way more cold and distant, and no in my opinion are not the goddamn same as "Okay"/"Alr"/"Kay"/"M'kay" Its just fucking not the same, like bro next person who "Ok" or "K" me im gonna end up getting pissed at them. Okay fine i'll admit i had way too many people, and no before you ask Krisy is not apart of those people, but still too many people try to pull that dry shit and it always send the goddamn wrong message cause i end up thinking something is the goddamn matter with them, like i said "Ok" and "K" are NOT the same as "Okay" and "Kay" or "Alright"/"Alr"
Well that's all i got for now, lets see where the day takes us shall we
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doomanddread · 2 years
the pressure is building beneath my skin. magma boiling under rock. its infuriating in some ways- because i know the stress pressing down, was triggered by my own stupidity. my own jealousy, my own pain, my own inadequacy. and its also just apart of the wave- the pendulum swings one way, and then it swings right back. like tides. its all just coming and going. what goes up must come down. here i am, starting to crumble. i just. want to be understood. just once, just for a moment in my life. to feel truly known. and wanted. and accepted. unjudged. free. but i dont have the strength to do it by myself. im weak. all over. its been 31 years and i still can’t figure out how to be ok with myself. all ive known is myself, and yet. i can’t fucking stand her. i jsut want someone to tell me it will be okay. that im okay. just want someone to see me, truly, and be ok with what they meet. isnt that what everyone wants? isn’t that the goal? then why does everyone seem to find it so easily, and i’m here 3 decades in, still rejected over and over and over, still alone, still so trapped in my own little prison of hurt and wounds? even when i finally, finally get a chance to move ahead, to take one step closer to my dreams so far away, it doesn’t fucking matter. i’m so far behind now, years and dollars and beauty all wasted, all gone, that i will never catch up. I’ll never even get close to where everyone else is. what everyone else has. and they have no fucking idea. no fucking clue how lucky they are. never spare a thought for poor old me, hiding away and locked up, no one even knows the truth anymore. we all pretend my shitty life isn’t shitty, and talk about how she’s getting married or she’s having a baby or he’s dating him, or she’s going there... pretend i’m normal and my life is normal. well its fucking not. and im definitely not. i just want my struggle to recognized. that’s it. i just want my pain noticed. i just want someone to see me. but i’m invisible. ive fine tuned my defenses, ive hand crafted the walls around me. i got hurt once, twice, and that was it. i made sure no one got close enough again. i won’t let them. i know ithey will just hurt me, like they all do. but they don’t try to break in either. they dont care enough to see the fort of fear ive built around myself, dont care enough to do more than knock on the door. why would i ever answer when i know it will just cause me more pain than i’m already in? you dont get me, youll judge me, youll discard me- love is so shallow. So i’ll keep the fortress in my chest strong, ill keep them all out. but the loneliness. its kills me. to be so... misunderstood. i feel like an alien in my house every day. am i even real if no one believes in me? i’m alone. i’m in another universe. can’t have normal dreams when im not normal i guess. i hate that i want it all so badly. i didnt want to the white picket fence. or i havent for along time. i wanted to just be me- and happy. but that’s a paradox. i dont think there is happiness for someone like me. how can an alien ever feel at home somewhere so foreign to them? i crave love, i crave it’s acceptance to heal me, make me strong. because i cant do it. but thats the one thing i will always, always be denied and rejected from- love. i am a creature built for nothing but, and it’s the one thing i’ve never had and never will. my life is just, an ironic punchline. im so broken. everytime i think, im finally ahead, im finally moving... its all meaningless. because the world around me just keeps spinning faster and faster, and im just falling and falling. ill always just be running, scraping by, surviving. im tired. im so tired.
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anoms-world · 2 years
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i had a bad memory today from wanting the voice comfort of your mother and only friend to physical pain from her bodyguard what so wrong about random talking? like "you've embarrassed me every time you didn't have to say those things about me" its just a talk after all wasn't direct or serious just more energetic than any usual other days why she despise me? my confidant optimistic small flame is stolen ironically she wonder why? i was excited from the beginning with her didnt have much words kept listining i feel ive respected their wishes than it should be unlike the way i have been treated with i really feel down heavy and broken for exposing my thin skin dont want life small hope to see me like that im in exsesive sadness pain and my bellly is burning from the scene links arond me and the steam blinding my mind will ever their aggresive madness stop? iam human and love to talk sometimes though its not either the thing im good at why she take adventage of me? are strangers more worth than closer one? i might want to know too.. the next day she acted as a godess and landed her hand over me and waked me from my healing sleep she kept remind me of what im trying to forget and my belly started to burn again she doesnt want me to forget to forgive she doesnt want me to heal is that her way of gult or threat? eather way i feel paralyes by her and i am pernantly paralyzed by her to break what is already broken is that her way of revenge/sorrow/grief? who really hate to talk and still want to comminate/communicate? everyone? defently this not the way for me i feel as if i was poisened/chocked in my comfort zone today is the day she want to see her shadow and refliction to reach the world she know only letting her shadow flow without light and ill never let that happen it is where my strength land over taking back what have been token what the point of this madness? an inspiration for me thx for remind me i guess iam disappearing now even more further in the light i know with a sense of poison the episode was over yesterday and wasnt plan for new one no need for her panicking today,, such a drag such a game its just too soon looking for another shadow especially when ego isnt around its nothing but self satisfying to embrace to survive.. its getting more dusty in numbers for me gravity is coming soon a dreamer a star is born in a world that arent very welcoming oh now teach what it doesnt learn yet its foggy/dully alive!
im now panicking hungry empty/missing/messing/corrupted/crashed i feel someon crahed my world and stole my cookies *eat warm food feels good sense there is no sensory input or trafic
omg shes crazy she came back again im losing sleep my belly trembling when i see her now everything trembling when i see her is she enjoying this? is this a game to her? do i look like someone like games? ok i can be optimistic about this if this a timeout from her hardcore stone mood then its fine ill pretend too just the way she does separating the light from shadow to match the light soft-core with the black one that i have hope she can vibe see and realise how much she drain me i acted agresively annoyed today couldnt help but be honest about how i feel lets see tommorow how it goes lmao my mind is trembling i want to punch something im going to the bath way too much these days to calm my mind and to lose my mind the baby cries stuck in my mind cant help it what did she do to me? what ever it is its ruining me and it doesnt stop or help somehow!!
*snacking aggressively and it tasteless *losing appetite *extremely tired *losing the small flame again *looking puffy *charging from vertical pure shadow *waiting *circling soon *hope she cut the plays toward me *i really want to damage anything living or dead *gonna wait longer bending the desire matching the need
its the next day *eating sugary food ugh i couldnt pretend sleeping today she saw me i woke late aand also she mad at her friend tday not toward me any more! friends? friends charge eatch others is that how things work for most? friend feed friend
are they desire what they know/dont know that cant have from eatch other> now that is sicking and still claim to be the ungrateful one is that what keep them motivated? for me its a destracted blind desires or triggered by another one its also skining to be fair'' let it go is the only healthy way for me
i cant relaz i cant dream i cant sttop the shaces yet i can the find the inspiration and emotints every where around me its just a matter of time ,mind emptiness and extradoriny direction
i dont have to tell you dont say or do anything these times cus its only the unstable ones alive now its also the reason why i value feelings its the only logical thing out of all the broken logics and emptions the only flame and hope that light it self by it self with your last permenant instict
i know im not espicial and i never felt espiecal before just desperait to be or feel somehow
ok its the next day and its feels like trippin gotta stay distracted taking time
oh its actiing again -_-
*headach *undhydated lol
hmm let me go my way?
not sure anymore tbh
dont have the spirit/expierience/memories
dont feel like it
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lepidopterium · 3 years
Ummm 😎
#i am in so much pain i feel like im gonna have a heart attack#if i die in my sleep well. i hope its not embarrassing#wait okay dont read on beyond this point bc im gonna talk about smthng upsetting#like waking up in the morning to the sound of a body hitting the floor. having to clean blood off ur mother's face.#its not fun! the image is gonna stay in my mind forever#just like the image of having to wipe my dad's blood off the walls and chairs and fridge after my mom slashed him#i really dont feel great about that at all. i really really dont#and im glad i can keep my cool when shit like this happens but good god does it stay with me#and i dont even notice that its upset me bc i dont feel upset. i just feel like all of my bones are displaced instead#literally everything is inflamed right now lmao. god everything hurts so badly ♥️♥️#hope its better tomorrow morning. i have work to do#i cant look my mother in the eyes. i know shes fine but her face is so swollen and bruised. im so like...it didnt have to be like this#how do u save an almost 50 y/o woman from herself#her face covered in blood her face swollen and bruised. the first time i saw her get a seizure. watching her have such a horrible breakdown#that she falls to the ground screaming and convulsing. seeing my little brother shaking in fear that a 5 y/o shouldnt know. hearing his#screams. waking up to see my mom try to stab my dad. watching her slash him. watching her dig a hot iron into his skin.#picking up the broken pieces of my radio after she threw it down the stairs. watching her break down my door piece by piece. seeing her#knock out my brother's tooth after he accidentally spilled my milk. standing with my back pressed to the door while im holding my arm#that wont stop shaking in pain after she hit me. theres so much. theres so much.#and im safe guarded enough emotionally to not be present for it. but i guess it all stays in my body until it feels like my bones are going#to break under the pressure you know
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levi-ish · 3 years
scotty doesn't know | eren
based on this hc
Pairing: Eren x reader
Genre: [+18] smut
Warnings: cheating, sex
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“you up in ten minutes, jaeger” three knocks echoed through the door and you gasped, eyes widening right away as you felt another grab of your neck pulling your back closer to his chest.
“gotta be quicker this time, huh?!” you could almost feel his smirk through words and before you could answer, you felt a sharp pain of his cock hitting your cervix. “oops, sorry babe, did I hurt you?”
another thrust of his hips, but this time, his fingers came down from where they were holding your breast and started massaging your clit. so. fucking. slow. you let out a loud whine and quickly raised your hands to muffle your sounds.
“guess not” he whispered and took the chance to run his tongue down your neck, peppering kisses along the skin as his hips kept meeting yours in high speed. even though he was rushing, you knew that he wouldn’t let himself cum until you were properly fucked out, so his fingers started working quicker by the second.
“holy fff—“ you almost screamed from the way his digits caressed your small nub, making your legs tremble and your whole body go soft. “faster, faster, please eren—I—mmmm”
you felt your throat go dry and the heat that pooled around your stomach mixed with butterflies and chills that ran cold down your spine and you shook so hard that eren had to harden his grip on your hip to keep you in place.
he kept going through your climax, knowing you could take it, and soon enough his groans grew higher and higher and he colored your insides in white while his breath fell hard on your ear, mixing with your soft whines.
"love your fuckin' pussy" he whispered against your neck as his grip tightened on your waist.
"yeah, yeah, you always say that" you scoffed as you released yourself off his grip and grabbed a towel that was laying on top of his couch, wiping yourself off.
"aw, not even gonna let me mark you for a while?" he pouted as he pulled his jeans up and ran a hand through his hair.
you gave him a side eyed gaze and shook your head, searching for your skirt that was forgotten on the floor "you know i cant."
you watched as his jaw tightened and he looked away, furrowing his brows and putting both of his hands on top of his dresser, back turned to you. "why are you even with him?"
cold shivers ran down your spine as you held your discarded shirt, trying to ran your hands through the fabric to get rid of the wrinkles. you looked up, only to meet his eyes on the mirror, staring right back at your soul, and suddenly, you felt naked again.
"we've been together for too long. wouldn't make sense to break up now" you stated, coldly.
"do you even love him anymore?" eren asked and you let a dry laugh fall from your lips.
"we're not kids, 'ren. i have more important stuff to deal with."
but that wasnt the truth. it was just things that you used to repeat to yourself like a sacred mantra, every damn morning, hoping you would start believing it if you said for long enough. and eren saw right through your sad act.
you didnt even see him approaching you, so he took you by surprise when his hands held your jaw, making your gaze meet his soft eyes.
"break up with him."
you frowned and clicked your tongue. "no, eren, just give up."
"what do you even get from staying with him?"
"company, stability..."
"i can give you that" he leaned in and pecked your lips.
you let out a small breath of defeat and gave up into the kiss, feeling his plump lips caressing yours as his tongue rushed into your mouth. then, you broke it off.
"stop that" you shook your head. "i'm fine with the way things are right now. cant we just stay like this?"
"why are you so deep in denial?" his hands fell from your face and he turned around once again.
"well, its either this or nothing" you licked your lips and got into your boots once more, rushing to the door. "text me when you make up your mind."
with that, you left, and eren was now enraged.
he felt his heart pumping inside his chest, as if it was going to rip his skin and fight someone. why couldnt you just accept that he was better?
jesus, anyone was better than jean, and still, you stayed with him. why?
he still remember the first time you came to him, begging for his dick and whispering to yourself that it would never happen again. that was two years ago. two years since you started fucking the lead singer from your boyfriends band.
two years since he decided that he couldnt live without you. and you wouldnt even consider breaking up with your basic boyfriend.
he probably just fucks her in missionary two times a month and call it a day.
every time he would beg for you to break up with jean and be with him, but you would always roll your eyes and leave, just for the next day to come back to get railed and be on your way once again.
but eren had decided, staring into his own eyes through the mirror, that tonight you would come crawling back to him, and for good.
he just had to get rid of his bassist.
"you're up, jaeger" his manager called from outside the door and eren clicked his tongue, smirking at himself as he stepped out of the room.
passing by the backstage, he caught a glimpse of you sitting on the couch and talking to connie, his drummer, and for a split second, your stare crossed his, and his mischievous smirk made your heart skip a beat. you knew he was up to no good.
he jumped to the stage, cheers going wild as everyone saw him and he only waved at all those fans, coming closer to the mic and saying a few things to get them riled up. he grabbed his guitar and threw the strap across his body as he watched reiner, connie and jean getting themselves ready.
he rushed to them and adjusted the guitar on his shoulders. "i want to start with 'scotty doesnt know'".
no one complained, connie just shrugged his shoulders and set himself on his drum set and reiner got to his guitar. jean gave him a weird gaze but didnt object, just picked his bass from the stand and set himself behind the mic.
eren came back to the front and held the mic, watching the crowd cheering non-stop and gave them his magazine cover smile, fingers running through a few strings to make himself comfortable. "how's everyone doing tonight?"
a roar came from the fans and he laughed. "i hope you dont mind, but i want to start with something different tonight"
with that, he played the first chords, and looked behind his shoulders, staring at your face, a curious expression in your eyes, but as soon as the chords turned concrete, you knew it.
oh boy, were you fucked.
he came closer to the mic and started singing;
scotty doesn't know that fiona and me
do it in my van every sunday
she tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know
he kept on singing, till the middle of the song, where the lyrics started to repeat itself, he decided to play along with the crowd.
"lets do something different tonight, what do you say?"
people roared once again, and he kept on going. "alright, so you repeat after me, okay? lets try"
and he sang;
scotty doesnt know
and people sang back, scotty doesnt know
dont tell scotty
dont tell scotty
scotty doesnt know
scotty doesnt know
dont tell scotty,
and he gave one stare back at you, and your eyes widened, you knew what he was doing.
i'll tell him myself,
you mouthed "stop", alarmed with the situation, heart pumping so quick inside your chest you felt as if you were going to pass out. and then, erens eyes fell on his bassist, and he kept on singing;
jean doesnt know.
jean has to go,
so dont tell jean.
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 2 years
you are your f/os first ever love. they were so invested with their life long dream and inevitable career path that they never glanced much at relationships. their friends and family had their fair share, but not them.
but it started when you met them, whether through their career or out of work hours. you took a liking to them. their personality spoke out to you. they had a charm that sparkled to your eyes. their attitude and behavior just hit the right places. you hung out with them a bit outside their work, and if you got lucky, during their breaks.
you caught the feelings for them. it was bound to happen. not only that, but you knew it was going to be one sided. they loved the life they had already. they had a good reputation, a stable schedule, a job to keep them busy. they were set. and you were fine with it, you guess. you'll just wait for the feelings to die out over time, or you'll run into someone new.
but then they change.
you notice a shift in them. its subtle at first. they twitched more in places where they kept steady, they were noisy when trying to work quietly, they made a lil more mistakes than usual. then it hot more severe. a growing frequency in clumsiness, a voice that now easily cracked, a blank canvas that quickly showed deep color.
you thought, 'something must have happened. are they alright?' you worry for them as the signs become more visible day to day. 'i should see if theyre okay. will they even open up to me? maybe if i go slow. i hope they dont mind if i pry a little.'
you both take the time to get together again, on days off where you can relax. the symptoms still show through them, and you worry, but not too physically. you have a normal night, going around to entertain yourselves and find joy in whatever you both did. theres a park you both find and take your seats at the nearest bench. when the air feels right after a moment, you speak.
"are you okay?" its such a sudden question that you both look surprised. "i mean i ask because... well you havent been, yourself, i guess. i mean ive seen how youve been acting. and you noticed it too i think. maybe. i just... i wwnna know if youre okay is all."
theres no words from them at first. only some hums and coughs to fill the air. a few letters roll off the tongue but its in awful stutters. they fidget their fingers individually and shift their lower halves on the seat. you start to feel bad, and regret asking.
"sorry i... i didnt think it would be hard for you. you really dint have to answer, honestly." you sound sincere and careful with your words. you clasp your hands together to stay reserved. "i'll understand."
but those hands become unclasped from your own grip, as they meet a new pair. its so quick that you couldnt process the physical actions in time before the sounds your hear reach your ears.
"i like you a lot."
both bodies are still and cold like theyve died just then, until you look up and see theyve only kept eyes on the tangled fingers. their face giving off so much heat, like its a light source.
"i didnt, uhm... i-i mean i didnt know for sure at first... when i first started to have them, i thought they were fake. or that i mistook them for platonic ones. but i started having thoughts that, well, they very clearly were not that." theres a feeling of soft skin trailing back and forth on the back of your hand. "these feelings... i havent had them in so long, i honestly thought they were merely there for one time of my life. but with you. i... its... i like you. i really do."
youre shaking a little. your body's gotten a bit warmer, but youre jittering as if its in the negative. the tip of your nose is so cold but your cheeks are so toasty. if it werent for the feeling of their hands, you'd think you were passed out.
it doesnt take more than 5 seconds for the typical questions to start. when did the feelings come up? when did you realize what they were? how did you know it for sure? most importantly.
do you feel the same?
after a night of reflections, a few more for dates, a couple for anniversaries, and a pack of special occasions, i think the answer is clear.
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purplekiwis · 3 years
OMG YES! Damaged goods blurb! Can you do a fluff one where one of them is sick with seasonal flu and the other has to take care of them, but they're being stubborn about it because that's just what they do and how they are 🤧
Okay, okay... here she is! It's a bit meh I think, but I hope you like it! 🥰
Harry is sick and grumpy, and Y/N takes care of him (from the Damaged Goods AU)
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Harry feels miserable.
He’s worse than miserable, really,
because he has a cold… or is it the flu?! He has never known to spot the differences between the two, but he recognized all of the early signs, of course...
As per usual, it started with nothing but a sore throat one morning when he woke up, that ended up lingering throughout the whole day, then came a headache, and the tiredness, and the chills…
It wasn’t so unbearable at first… but the symptoms only kept getting worse and worse as the hours went by, to the point of leaving him with no choice but to skip his classes in favor of staying in bed… suffering.
The worst part about it? He wasn’t even suffering at home – where his mom could be taking her lips to his forehead every so often to see if he had a fever, and bringing him bowls of soup and fruit cubes on that same familiar bedtray that had accompanied him throughout all his periods of sickness.
Mom would also be making sure he stayed hydrated and took his medicine in time... which by the way, he wasn’t taking any. Logically speaking, Harry knew he should have gone to a pharmacy by now, to get something to make him feel better, but how? When he couldn't even muster the will to get up and go downstairs to fill the empty water bottle perched on his nightstand.
He couldn’t move.
Every single inch of his body hurt.
And now he was starting to get shivery under his bedclothes... for fucks sake.
If only he had Pepper, his spaniel mutt puppy, around to snuggle and keep his body cozy and warm like a hot water bag... then perhaps Harry would've been in a better mood. Yeah, definitely. Pepper would've let him bury his snotty face into its soft fur, and not even think to complain if its owner left a puddle of guck all over said fur.
But well, Pepper isn't there.
And being sick sucks.
Especially because Harry really wants some cuddles... and it hasn't been helping his case whatsoever that in this trying day of illness, his mind has done nothing but think of Y/N.
Pondering over what outfit she must have worn that day and what she might be up to while he’s laying there on his deathbed. He also wonders if she has noticed his absence, and if so… if she’s worried about him.
He huffs once he checks his phone again and realizes there are still no messages from her. She doesn’t have to check on him. He knows that, but he can't help that he likes to be cared for sometimes… and as it turns out illness has a tendency to turn him into a big, needy baby... who really wants to have Y/N taking care of him. It would be so good. She could play with his hair the way he likes, give him forehead kisses, hold his hand…
Harry sighs out loud. Her company would be even better than Pepper's, he believes... although Harry isn't so sure Y/N would enjoy having his snot on her as much as his trusty pup would, but that’s beside the point.
It’s even more beside the point because he knows she's not coming to see him.
She’s mad at him, he recalls now. Stupidly so, if he's allowed to think that - he did nothing wrong, after all. She asked him for a “brutally honest opinion” on a design work she was doing for one of her classes, and he simply gave her what she asked for, plain as that. But of course, then she didn’t like what he had to say and got sulky. Just girls being girls, he guesses…
Harry should've known better than to think that would stop her from coming to see him, though. His girl was a little box of surprises, after all... a true master in the art of keeping him on his toes.
She showed up only half an hour after she was done with her classes... softly knocking on his door before poking her head inside with a smile, only for her jaw to drop in shock at the absolute misery that oozed from his pores.
“Y/N…” His voice cracked sickly, almost comically. Harry could have laughed at it if he wasn't so utterly lethargic. “What- what are you doing here?”
“Well, what do you think?” The girl huffed, shutting the bedroom door behind her and heading towards the end of the bed to get a good look at him, hands on her hips. “Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Here I was, going about my day thinking you had slept in for being a bum, only to find out through your friends that you were unwell.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his downright amusement at her worried state. Y/N was worried about him? Well then, perhaps her irritation had passed and she had forgiven him… which meant maybe he’d get to have those cuddles he wanted so bad. “I thought you were mad at me?” He poked, eyebrows arching teasingly the best they could with the little energy the muscles on his face could muster.
“Well, I was and am now even more.” She punctuated. “But I still care, obviously. How am I supposed to leave you by yourself when you look like that?” She put down the bag she was holding at the edge of the bed and kneeled next to it on the floor.
“Look like what?” He frowned again. “All snotty and gross?”
“Precisely… and an awful lot like Rudolph the reindeer as well.” Y/N added, with a soft pat to the tip of his swollen, red nose.
Harry smiled at that, right before his eyes fell on the bag over his bed. “Did you go to the store to get those creepy sheet masks you wanted?”
“Huh?” She muttured confused, before noticing where he was looking at. “Oh no, um… these are just some things I got for you. Just vitamins and those gummies for when you have a sore throat, and also uh…” Y/N's cheeks went a little hot. “I got some chicken soup from the buffet restaurant as well, you know… the one next to the drug store. I thought it might do you good…”
“You went to get all that stuff for me?” Harry asked, Y/N hummed happily in confirmation, her eyes gleaming with tenderness. “Y/N... you shouldn't have. That shit is so expensive, and I'm fine, really. It's just a cold. You dont have to worry, let alone take care of me.”
“No offence, but I think I do.” The girl challenged his statement, picking up the halfway used toilet paper roll placed on his nightstand. “For a start, you shouldn’t even be using this to blow your nose. It’ll only irritate your skin and make it more sore.”
Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “That’s such a mum thing to say…” He grumbled in attempt to mask the fact that the secret big, needy baby in him was loving every single bit of the mom talk, and the same applies to when Y/N clicked her tongue chastisingly once he stubbornly snatched the roll off her hand and pulled out some more paper.
She took the chance that he had moved his arm to move a bit closer, sitting on the edge of the bed next to his pillow. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” She asked, lovingly running her digits through his unwashed curls. They felt a little waxy and knotty in her hands, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest. She just wanted to make him feel better in any way she could. So she kept playing with his hair, scratching at the roots and combing her fingers through his strands just the way she knew he reveled in - only breaking contact once she was almost certain that he had fallen asleep on her... However, as soon as Y/N began to pull her hand away to check her phone, Harry let out a whine and bumped his forehead against her wrist, in a silent request for her to keep going. “You're such a baby sometimes…” Y/N whispered, proceeding to fulfill his wish.
“Mhm... your baby.” He sighed happily.
Y/N smiled to herself at the state of pure bliss Harry was in. So utterly distracted by the slow puffy nature of his breaths, that she almost didnt notice that his droopy eyes had opened and were now fixed on her. He cleared his throat painfully. “Y/N... can I have one of those gummies you got? My throat hurts and I really want to try one.”
Y/N let out a tiny chuckle at the pleading tone he'd used, nodding as she got up to grab the bottle from the bag. She threw it at him playfully to catch midair, knowing that his reflexes were outstanding. “Ohh these seem nice. I love lemon and honey flavored shit.” He told her whilst inspecting the label.
“Yeah?” Y/N couldn’t help but to grin, feeling quite proud of herself for picking the right flavor. But her smile quickly melted into an expression of concern once she watched Harry crack open the bottle and carelessly throw a bunch of gummies into his mouth. “Harry! What are you- that’s not candy! You can’t eat them by the handful!”
“Oi, chill out… it’s just gummies. What wrong could it do?” He asked as he blithely chewed them. Words coming out garbled since he was speaking in between a mouthful.
“Oh, I don't know, perhaps there could be anesthetics in them... but who knows? It was just a thought.” Y/N ironized.
“Really?” He made a wry face similar to hers, inspecting the label closer. “Do you think we can get high on this shit?” He smirked, still chewing as he rolled the container around to check the ingredients in the back. “Cause I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like a pretty good afternoon plan to me...” He half joked, cracking the bottle open again and dropping a couple more gummies in his palm.
Y/N heaved at the suggestion. “I think it’s more likely that you get a terrible bellyache, and we end up in the ER...”
“You really think so?” Harry asked teasingly, taking another gummy to his mouth.
“Okay, that's enough. Give me that.” Y/N demanded, pushing for him to pass the container, but all he did was shake his head with a mischievous, defiant smirk. The girl rolled her eyes at him. “You know what? Fine.” She shrugged. “Eat as many as you want. Can't wait to watch you shit the bed once those anesthetics give you a loose bottom.”
He chuckled at the warning, amused. “If you’re so bothered, why don’t you come get them from me?” He questioned, but before he could prepare himself Y/N jumped on the bed to try and take the bottle away from his hands, what forced him to abruptly sit up and hold it over his head just so she couldn’t reach it from where she sat. “That was... real cute. Is that all you got, hm?”
Y/N huffed and crawled over his legs until she was practically on his lap. Seeing right through his facade once he happily handed off the gummies without putting up a fight and wrapped his arms around her middle to pull her in for a hug instead. “You must think you're so sly, don't you?” She mumbled in question, going back to petting his hair. “If you wanted a cuddle, you could’ve just said so… I don't mind your germs.”
“I was trying to behave to avoid getting you sick, actually…”
“Yeah right...” Y/N grumbled, dropping her head on his shoulder for a moment. “But I guess, since you've already passed me the germs and all... might as well just give me a kiss, no?” She proposed shyly, waiting for Harry to make the move. He did, pulling away slightly and placing his lips in hers softly. “Mm, more.” She pouted.
“Greedy.” He joshed, pecking the girl's lips again, and again... and once more for good measure. The damage was already done, after all... they might as well just keep doing it. “I feel disgusting, though. If I knew you were coming, I would’ve at least taken a shower and brushed my teeth. Can’t believe you still want to kiss me when I am like this.”
Y/N scratched at the frizzy hairs of his nape. “I promise you don't smell or look nearly as bad as you think you do… and you taste like lemon and honey so, that’s nice.” Harry distrustfully scrunched up his nose at her allegation, sniffing up some in the process before his digits rushed to grab some more toilet paper. He took it to his nose, blowing noisily. “Alright, snotty boy…” Y/N laughed, swiftly crawling off his lap. “How about I go downstairs to plate up our soup while you pick a movie for us to watch as we eat? It can be one of those “guy movies” and all, I promise I won't complain... today only, cause I'm giving you privilege for being sick.”
His eyes strayed towards you with interest, the lower half of his face still covered behind the poorly ripped toilet paper sheets. “I was actually thinking more like a musical or a pixar movie, maybe?”
“God, Harry.” Y/N gasped in awe. “I swear I've never felt more attracted to you in my life. Snot and everything.”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
hiiiii i love your stuff - could u do one where the readers ill but they have stuff to do and tom has to look after her. maybe if they were just friends before too but both pining? thankuuuuuuuuu
should I be writing this instead of revising? clearly fucking not. Did I make this little blurb req ridiculously long purely to procrastinate? Of fucking course.
but also this was v cute! I assumed u meant famous!reader, sorry if that's not what u were after at all anon x
summary: Tom Holland turns into the readers knight in shining armour when they get ill during promo
warnings: fainting / feeling ill
It couldn’t be today. Of all days, why today? You’d been at home for two weeks doing absolutely nothing, before this trip. And yet it’s when your itinerary is packed to the brim, people moving heaven and earth just speak to you. Two weeks of unrelenting press for Marvels next big ensemble movie. 
Your manager was speaking to you, reeling off a run down of todays activities but instead of listening you nodded along blankly - head rather cloudy with this heavy mist that was not shaking off, no matter how hard you tried. 
“You got that Y/n/n?” Lucy pointedly spoke, eyes almost physically knocking you backwards as if her eyeliner was battery rams. Fumbling with your thoughts, your answer wasn’t particularly cohesive earning you just a disappointed head shake. 
“I um… yeh I think. Who-who did you say I was paired up with?” 
“Y/n please for the love of god. Tom, like I said the past fifty times.” And to be fair to Lucy she wasn’t wrong. It was the first major major promo tour for the both of you and after just two days so far - you were both exhausted. She was more than allowed to be a bit short tempered. 
“But we-we hardly know each other? The chemistry won’t be there and-“
“As I said, I tried to re-jig it but Kevin is of the mind that acting is your job.” Her tone was sharp but as she glared across the opposing seats, in the little mini van Marvel had hired for you as transportation, her eyes softened. Lucy had been so wrapped up in her own stress she may have overlooked quite how gingerly you were sitting. By the time she had arrived at the hotel, your stylist had already managed to half save your ghoulish looking face, with sunken under eyes and tired skin, so it wasn’t so blatantly obvious how crap you were feeling.  “Is everything okay with you?” 
It felt pretty puny to say that the jet lag from flying to Tokyo had been weighing you down further than you wanted, or that the local cuisine top chefs had kindly prepared for you last night wasn’t siting well in your stomach. To be honest, even you thought it was just your body being a bit overdramatic. So in response, you put on your best happy-go-lucky face feigning a smile.
“No no I’m fine, just want to give the best interviews I can and you know…. I’m awkward as hell as it is, then pair me with the most talented actor that I share about two minutes of screen time with…it’ll be interesting.” 
The way Lucy reacted with a weird slow nod, eyebrows furrowed, meant it was quite apparent you had perhaps overplayed that one. Had you not been so over the day before it even began, you would’ve tried again to give a more believable act. But as you were, you turned your attention back out to the bustling streets of Tokyo and the high rise buildings bordering each pavement. 
You didnt have a problem with Tom, far from it in fact. Tom was hilarious and the times you had met him, you’d both built up this weird and sarcastic competitiveness with each other. It was a game of who could get the last laugh, each of you pushing each other with the Mickey taking just a little further. Of course, not in a malicious way, just the way you’d both lived pretty similar but parallel careers - when everyone drew comparisons between the both of you, it was nice to make it a joke. 
Like Tom you’d also started out on stage, had a ‘big break’ movie as a kid and then spent your teenage years on and off film sets - till marvel happened. Then everything blew up to epic proportions, changing your life forever. Actually, it was so similar to Tom’s story, plus the fact you were also from the south west of the UK. It was bizarre your paths hadn’t crossed more - He probably could’ve been a useful ally in the the whole ‘becoming famous’ thing. 
And yet, you could probably count on two hands the amount of conversations you’d had with him. 
Now that, that was the issue. Right from the beginning you learn what the press want and when you are publicising a movie you cater into it too. They’d all be asking for the insider scoop on set; what pranks you’d pulled on each other; what was the most annoying thing about each other. Which is hard if you’d only had 5 or 6 days actually on set together. 
By the time the cab had wormed its way through the Tokyo traffic and you arrived at the PR hotel, it was already 9:30 - making you 15 minutes late (blame it on the traffic). Instantly then you were ushered straight to the interview room for the evening, no chance of green room chat or grabbing a drink before. The place was stuffy, everything was draped with black curtains except the poster board that Tom was already sitting infront of. 
He’d scrubbed up well, no doubt about it. He was wearing statement-ish burgundy suit trousers, teamed with a black knitted but collared shirt thing - that was clearly tailor made for the man. As soon as he noticed you scurry into the room, his face broke out into a warm smile, jumping up to greet you in a friendly hug. It was brief, and as you pulled back you accidentally bumped your head on one of the overhanging lights. No doubt someone had spent a ridiculous amount of time configuring them so they were positioned perfectly, which you had just ruined with your big head. 
“Oh shit!” Tom just laughed in response, shaking his head slightly as he lead you the two steps across to your pre-positioned seats. 
“Making an entrance as always I see!”
“Yeh, you know me, a bit of chaos just to keep everyone on their toes.”
“Oh is that why you’re ‘fashionably late’” With a playful wiggle of his eyebrows, you just rolled your eyes, fidgeting on the chair to find a position that didnt aggravate  your stomach so much.
“I’m ready now though! What did I miss? Just having to pretend to be your friend for 15 minutes?” You stressed the words as though the thought of conversation with Tom was the absolute worst thing in the world - which you definetly didnt think. Scowling like you’d insulted his dog Tessa, it was almost visible how the cogs were turning in his head looking for a comeback. Unfortunately for him though, he was quickly shut up but the organiser bringing the first interviewer in . 
For what would, no doubt, be a long day. 
Everything had started off so well, the banter was flowing between you and Tom, no major spoilers revealed that meant Marvel would have to make the journalist disappear. It was once you hit an hour of back-to-back interviews that everything started to crack bit. Because yes, it had only been an hour but that was enough to exhaust you on this particular day. When Tom joked around you got slower and slower, similarly the  energy was zapped from your own answers. It’s not very compelling when someone says ‘you have to watch this movie’ in a monotonous voice with sullen eyes. 
As the interviewers were swapping in and out, Tom actually lightly nudged your shoulder.
“Everything alright? We’re trying to sell tickets and you’ve got a face like thunder.”
“Oh no-no sorry I just, I-um.”
“You want some water?” Now looking at your with more concerned eyes, as if he was just nervous he’d actually offended you for calling you a boring bastard. And you would’ve picked up on it and alleviated his concerns, if it weren’t for the fact your eyes were glued on the water bottle he was holding out to you. You were thirsty. You knew that, that wasn’t the conundrum. What you weren’t so sure about was whether your stomach would accept it, or more violently reject it. In a very non ‘we’re-trying-to-sell-a-movie’ style. 
But the lightheaded fogginess in your brain won out, as you nodded jerkily, taking the bottle and taking a little swig - too cautious to take anymore. 
Now concerned with how Tom thought you were being a Debby-downer too, you managed to perk yourself up for the next four interviews. They were easy, asking questions without any activity and though you did rely on Tom beefing out and adding to your answers, it was okay. Then the next interviewer came in, who you recognised as being from the BBC, Ali Plumb, that had interviewed you a number of times. From the way Tom jumped up to give him afirendly bro-hug, you guessed he also was familiar with him. As soon as he took a seat the cameras were already flashing with the red light, demonstrating his 7 minutes had already started. 
“Guys! It’s been a while.” 
“How are you Ali?” You started it off with the pleasantries, Tom echoing, before the speccy dirty-blonde asked his first question. 
“So the last time I spoke to you guys the universe was in chaos, Peter Parkers on the run and Aurora Blake was trying to strip her own powers, so I guess my first question is how are you both doing? We can use this as a therapy session if you guys need.” His very typical nerdy joke made Tom laugh, nodding as he leaned forward and repositioned a bit. 
You didn’t share the same humour though, more focused on this invisible blanket of stuffiness that seemed to have been thrown on top of you. It made you feel groggy, incredibly hot and so unbelievable nauseous. The lights weren’t helping either, it felt like you were pouring with sweat from your forehead. You thought Tom was answering Ali, even if you couldn’t really hear  - everything had merged into a deafening roar. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, unconsciously making you fumble yourself to standing, desperate to get somewhere with fresh air. The last thing you saw before your vision tunnelled into darkness was Tom, reaching out to try and catch you. 
Because next thing you knew, you were on the floor, wires from all the cameras and lights digging into your back as you looked up to see Tom on one side and Lucy on the other - both wearing a similarly panicked expression. You knew you hadn’t been out long, seconds if that, going by the fact everyone else was in the ‘oh my god’ phase of panic. It was a bit weird how calm you where, but then again all your life you’d been the ‘class fainter’. Waking up on the floor was something you were long since used to. 
“Y/n? You awake?” Rather stating the obvious Tom asked the question as you bent your head up - allowing you sight of all the concerned facing oggling you. With a defeated sigh, you flopped your head back. 
“If this is a dream then it’s a real bloody nightmare.” This time Tom didnt seem to appreciate your joke, looking at you without almost dumbfounded eyes, as you blinked repetitively and groaned. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Lucy appeared to want to lecture you, which to be honest wasn’t the most time appropriate. You were still on the floor, legs crumpled up under you, so ignored her. Instead you pulled yourself up into a sitting position, taking a moment to blink away the blotchy haze that threatened to takeover your vision once again, whilst the pair above you both cautiously rested their palms on each of your shoulders -trying to be useful. The room still felt cramped and stifling, as everyone around were no doubt looking at you. 
It took a few minutes but your body seemed to get over itself, sitting up normally and trying to make small talk with Ali - who, by the way, was still sat awkwardly in the chair. Still nestled on the floor, your back up against the chair you had been siting on as you raved with Ali of the Harry Potter theatre show. In a natural lull in conversation, Tom perked up - from the door where he’d been muttering with the organiser as Lucy bit her nails nervously. 
“Y/n you need to go home.” 
All of you knew what Tom said was impossible. Not being egotistical, but you were too important. Although you hadn’t been paying masses of attention for Lucy’s run down of your itinerary - you knew it was packed. 
So you just looked up and rolled your eyes at Tom, earning yourself a strong glare, before locking the organiser in eye contact.
“How many have we got till lunch?” 
“Um this gent here” He gesturned toward Ali, who was almost squirming in his seat now “then two more.”  
“And then lunch?” 
“Yes, then you have a personal appearance at a dinner, so transport will be coming to pick you both up.” This poor guy seemed obsessed with the clock and his timetable, looking at your with a mixture of panic and frustration. You should know this stuff, you should’ve listened to Lucy. 
“How fars the drive?” 
“At this time probably an hour and a half.” 
The plan was clear in your head, you’d sort yourself out in the car and be fully fine by the afternoon and evening engagements. Plus you felt almost fine now. So with a sigh, you hauled yourself up onto the chair, patting for Tom to sit back down. 
“It’s half an hour and then I’ll sort myself out at lunch - come on their waiting.” The way Lucy pouted showed she disagreed somewhat, except a stern look kept her from protesting, as Tom walked toward you. 
“Are you sure you don’t loo-“
“Let me stop you before you insult my appearance.” Snickering slightly at his worried face, you laughed it off , knocking his side with a gentle murmur of ‘don’t worry about me’. 
In fact after that little episode you did feel a little recovered, which meant you were properly noticing the change in the boy sat next to you. Throughout the remaining three interviews he’d done a complete 360 from earlier. Rather than trying to get little digs at you, he had become fiercely protective - jumping in if a questions wasn’t particularly appropriate or relevant to the movie ( meaning when an awfully crap man asked what underwear you’d been able to wear in your suit) ; taking the heat of the conversation as well as just watching you like a hawk. Each time you answered his beady brown eyes were watching you from the side, you got the impression it wasn’t only just because of the risk of spoilers. 
Quite remarkably, you survived the rest of the day pretty well, after a power nap in the car on the way over - even if it was a bit difficult when you had your manager watching you like a hawk from the seat across. It was as if Lucy had never seen anyone ill before, she seemed concerned that you were going to spontaneously stop breathing and die at any point. 
Though by the time all the official business at the dinner was done, your body and willpower had reached the end of their tether. You and Tom were both on a round table, surrounded by 6 CEOs and execs of what seemed to be a multimillion pound business enterprise. With the language barrier meaning you had to speak through the two people on the table who were fluent in both japanese and English, the conversation was already pretty jilted. Though to be fair, the six did seem to be enjoying the evening - something you werent able to reciprocate. Thankfully, five minutes after the main course dishes had been collected, Tom spoke up from his position opposite you.
“This has been lovely and we really appreciate your time and generosity but me and Y/n have a really early start tomorrow so I think we should probably get back to the hotel.” You swore in that moment you could’ve kissed him, and it looked like Tom could tell - by the way your shoulders sagged and you let out an exhale of pure relief. Apparently even if you’d managed to convince the hosts you were enjoying the evening, Tom easily saw through the performance. After some hurried goodbyes, Tom led you out of the hall with his hand hovering over your lowerback, trying to make sure your exit was as discreet as possible. 
Away from the bubble of chatter and activity, in the deserted hallway, Tom stopped you - lightly holding both hands on each of your arms. 
“Wheres your team?” 
“Um Luce is back at the hotel, she was trying to see if she could reschedule any of my stuff tomorrow.” You winced at the way he sighed, realising you were all on your own in some random business event hall in Tokyo.
“Harry -my brother- is waiting in the car at the front - is that okay?”
“No Tom, don’t worry abo-“
“Yeh well I am and I think you feel ten times worse than you’re letting on.” He spoke harshly, like a school teacher telling you off - except the hint of a kind smile at the end was a dead giveaway. 
“You sure?” 
With a relieved nod (Tom had thought you might be a bit more stubborn - you obviously were really really ill) he wordlessly shrugged his suit jacket off, wrapping it round your shoulders. He muttered something about not wanting you to catch a chill but to be quite honest you were a bit distracted by the woody cedar smell of Toms aftershave that enveloped your senses. Maybe it wasn’t so bad being fussed on by him? To be fair he wasn’t wrong either, you were in a strapless evening dress - you would’ve preferred to be in joggers, but Marvels press team had other ideas. 
After a quick pit stop at the toilets, the two of you managed to make an unnoticed escape out the building - into a big SUV which had seconds prior pulled up onto the steps. You literally melted into the nearest window seat, body hunching over as you probably crumpled Tom’s jacket beyond belief. 2 seats along from you, a frizzy haired boy gave you a sympathetic smile, which you returned weakly whilst muttering a ‘hi’. Meanwhile, Tom pulled the sliding door shut, sitting across from you. 
“Oh Y/n this is Harry and Harry this is Y/n.” In unison both of you replied with an ‘I know’ eye roll. Your response was somewhat more shocking to both Holland boys, you could tell from the way they had this whole nonverbal conversation with their eyes - they were very clearly brothers. Needing to explain you continued. “I like to keep tabs on my castmates, I’ve seen you on Toms instagram.” That had both boys smirking, Harry presumably just because you knew who he was; Tom more smugly, you’d just given away you slightly stalked him on instagram. 
Silence reigned for a moment, as the driver put his foot down slightly. 
“How you doing?” Tom asked. 
“Mhm…” you thought for a second, how to eloquently describe the sensation. 
Both boys chuckled a little and even though you had closed your eyes in an attempt to dull the throbbing behind your temples, you could feel the eyes on you. 
“You want the music off?” Harry asked, referring to the indie-rock coming quietly out the speakers of his laptop, which was resting on his lap. With a shake of your head you refused, even if really silence probably would help your head, you were already causing the two Hollands enough trouble - no need to bore them during the journey back into central Tokyo, especially when you weren’t the most enthusiastic company ever. 
Thankfully the music stayed on a low volume, whilst the car seemed to settle into a comfortable silence. With a long exhale you fluttered your eyes open, seeing Tom focused on his phone, before you rested the side of your head against the black-out glass. Taking some relief from the cool glass, you huddled further into the corner of the car against the door.
Floating in the space between sleep and wakefulness, you were kind of aware of your head occasionally bobbing and jerking about - but really didn’t have the energy or willpower to do anything about it. Instead, the thing that perked your attention was hearing some supposed-whispering from inside the body of the car.
“I know she said she didn’t care but she was clearly lying-“ 
“Like you know! You’ve been desperate to try and spend some time with Y/n- maybe you poisoned her just so you could be all knight-in-shini-“
“Turn. The. Music. Off.” Tom sounded scathing now, and with a grumble from your other-side the cheery drum beats ceased.
“Happy now?” …and Harry was sarcastic. 
“Swap places with me.”
“Just do it.”
“So she can lie down.” 
“Well no because you would still be in the way if we swapped.”
“Yeh but she can lie on my lap idiot.”
“She can lie on me.”
“She doesn’t know you!”
“Well for 1, barely ten minutes ago she said she did know me. And 2, she doesn’t know you any better!”
If this was their version of whispering, you would love to hear what volume ‘shouting’ was. There was no reply for a short while, you imagined the two brunettes locked in some intense staring match.The next time Tom spoke he sounded more defeated - almost begging. 
“If I admit you beat me at the driving range the other day will you-” 
“I KNEW IT!” Harry yelped, the volume making you jerk, eyes flying open before reflexively closing because the light was too bright. There was a little mutter of an apology, then silence again. 
Once agin you must’ve drifted off because it felt like absolutely no time had passed when a firm but gently hand on your shoulder nudged you awake. 
Sure enough the boys had swapped position, Tom now sitting along the seat from you, Harry looked a little sulky from across the way. It was Tom who was reaching over, a gentle and peaceful smile on his face.
“You wanna lie down? Don’t want you to strain your neck.” He wasn’t wrong, adding to the throbbing headache, the cloudiness in your brain and the unsettled feeling in your stomach… now your neck hurt. Just bloody great. 
Had you been your normal witty and perceptive self, you might’ve teased Tom as to why him and his brother had done a switch - but everything hurt and all you wanted to do was sleep for a hundered years. So with squinting eyes you jerkily nodded, missing how Tom chuckled to himself. The guy undid your seatbelt, then sat back to let you balance the back of your head on his thigh, looking up at the roof of the SUV. Already your eyes were closed again, you kicked off your slip-on heels and bent your legs up to lean against the backrest - occupying the position you had been sat in before hand. You felt his hands reposition the jacket, pulling it round so it was now like a blanket tucked under your chin. 
To be fair it was much more comfortable than sitting up and you weren’t even aware of how quickly you dropped back into sleep. 
Though it wasn’t quick enough to miss Harry’s very sulky sounding comment, presumably meant only for Tom’s ears. 
“Still think you’re being fucking creepy bro.” 
<33 lemme know what u think! (would make me feel less guilty for not doing all the work I rlly should be doing aha)
tagging : @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove
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hwangsies · 3 years
just the two of us
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pairing: idol!lee minho × idol!f reader
warnings: smut as in, masturbation (f), softdom!minho (?), choking, thigh riding, somewhat denied orgasm i guess lol, swearing and bad descriptions of dancing
wc: idk maybe 2k?
enjoy <3
"hi guys, im on my way to the jyp building right now" you speak into the vlogging camera.
"...where i'm meeting stray kids lee know sunbaenim to study a choreography for us to perform at the upcoming awardshow" you smile into the camera, holding a thumbs up as you try to conceal your nervousness.
You know that the vlog isnt going to be released until after the show so you dont have to worry about spoiling anything.
"I'll see you guys later" you wave into the camera before handing it back to your manager who lets you know that you'll be there in about 10 minutes.
The only thing you're worried about is meeting a certain very handsome main dancer you may or may not have been biasing since his debut, which was about six months before your group had theirs.
So naturally, when your group grew big with you as their maindancer, and the organizers of the awardshow suggested that you and minho get together for a collaboration stage, you freaked.
Once you pull up to the jyp building, you can make out dispatch paparazzi and roll your eyes.
Your manager just reminds you to ignore them before getting out and opening the door for you.
Quickly you grab your bag and pull your jackets hood over your head.
They start calling your name but you and your team are quick to be inside of the building.
The nice woman behind the front desk gives your manager acsess cards as you look around to see the young camera woman on your team is already pointing the vlog camera on you so you wave into the camera.
Outside you see a crowd of fans also waving and pointing their phones at you through the large glass windows so you also wave back at them; laughing when one of them sends you a flying kiss, so you send one back.
"lets go y/n" your manager speaks to you, and you nod, waving goodbye to the fans before disappearing from their eyes as you step into an elevator.
Inside the elevator you check yourself out in the large mirror, pulling back your hood and smoothing out your hair.
"how do i look?" You ask your manager at which she grins "you look good, relax"
You sigh and nod, clearing your throat as to avoid a voice crack later.
When the elevator doors open, you see the famous dance practice rooms, that are named after big musicians on each side of the hall.
The door to the Madonna room is open and your manager leads the way.
Once you walk in you see another camera pointed at you, minho is standing in the middle of the room.
He as well has a camera pointed at him, he smiles when you lock eyes and bows.
You bow back when he walks towards you; extending his hand, you shake it.
"I'm Minho, nice to meet you" he smiles, he looks even better in person you think.
He's wearing light makeup but you can see that his skin is smooth underneath and his eyes seem even bigger and spraklier in person.
"Y/n, hi, nice to meet you" you bow again, partly to hide your blushing face.
After a minute of somewhat awkward smalltalk you hand your jacket and bag to your manager and the choreographer positions the two of you.
You had already memorized your part of the dance from the video he sent you and minho (you're assuming), now you just had to practice it together.
He makes you stretch to warm up before starting the music to see how much the two of you know of the dance.
Everything goes smoothly and the choreographer praises the both of you.
"lets go ahead and try the lift, im assuming you didnt practice that yet?" He asks.
"no" minho shakes his head, you do as well.
"okay minho, you hold her here" he takes minhos hand and places it on your waist.
"and on the inner thigh so you can spin her better" he explains, your mind starts running though.
What if he feels your inner thigh fat, or even worse, what if you sweat excessively and he slips and drops you.
Your thoughts get disrupted when minho carefully wraps his arm around you to grap onto your thigh.
"is that okay?" He asks from behind you, the little hairs on your neck rising.
"yea" you nod.
"okay, on my count" the choreographer speaks up "one, two..three and up!"
You tense your body when you feel him lifting you, your arms raise on their own accord, legs stiffening to create an aesthetic sillouette.
"very nice" the choreographer claps after minho lets you back down.
"lets take a break" one of the jyp staff members announces.
"you were great" you feel minhos hand graze your arm, your head whips around.
"oh, thank you" you smile sheepishly "so were you" earning a grin from him.
"thanks" he nods, grabbing a bottle of water before giving you one as well.
"thanks" you say, opening it and taking a few sips.
He watches you for a second before doing the same.
"hey, you guys" a young jyp staff woman comes up to you "we're gonna do a little sit down q&a moment, to give the fans some more interaction alright?" she explains, leading you guys to sitdown on the large sofa in the back of the room.
She moves back behind the cameras "so we're gonna be really casual okay? Im gonna throw in some questions and you just answer them"
You and minho nod, looking at each other before looking back at her.
"okay, so have you ever met before?"
"uh- well" you look at minho, he nods, encouraging you to talk "we've seen eachother at music shows, when we were with our members but we never talked" you say.
Minho nods.
"What did you think when you heard of this collaboration?"
Minho starts "i was excited because i think y/n has great stage presence and is a very talented dancer, so i think i could learn a thing or two from her"
"oh, thank you" you huff, surpressing a giggle as you bow slightly.
"What about you, y/n?"
"Uhm- well i was a little scared to be honest because he's really talented himself" you look over at him, so see he's smiling onto the ground "but also because i've been a fan of his since skz debuted so..."
After coming back to the dorm and your members pressing you for every detail of what it was like to meet him and dance with him, you hop straight in the shower.
The warm water prickles at your face before you turn around, letting it run down your back.
You cant stop thinking about the feeling of his hands on your body, they were so strong and warm.
Or the one part of the chorepgraphy where you grind back into him and feel his muscular thighs flexed against the back of your own.
Not to mention his pretty smile and plump rosy lips, you would bet everything that he's a phenomenal kisser.
Your hand is trailing down your body as you imagine it was his, gently running over your mound before dipping into your folds.
A whimper slips past your lips out of frustration, its been way to long since someone had his way with you.
The idol life doesnt always leave time for that, but you can imagine what it would be like if you let minho have his way with you.
Your fingers start rubbing cirlces into your clit as you imagine him being the one to do it to you; kissing down your neck with his plump lips before toying at your nipples with his tongue.
You feel the way your belly tightens when you tink about how he would talk dirty; you dont know what would turn you on more, him calling you a good girl or a filthy little slut.
Would he let you cum right now or drag it out so your could cum around his cock? Damn you bet he has a gorgeous cock, everything on that man has got to be perfect.
And the way his dancer hips would snap into you would definetly be the thing to push you over the edge.
Your head rolls back and you bite your lip as to not let out a sound when your orgasm finally hits.
Your legs quiver a little when you ride out your high.
It wasnt the most earthshattering orgasm you've ever experienced but it did its job in satisfying you a little.
Clean and dry again, you let yourself fall onto your bed, sighing before you climb underneath your sheets.
Grabbing your phone from your nighstand, you see a message from an unknown number pop up.
unknown number : hey y/n -received at 9:56 pm
unknown number : its minho :) -received at 9:57 pm
Your heart skips a beat when the second one pops up, slowly you slide the message and land in the chat.
Whats a cool way to say hi back? hey?....no
sup? oh hell no
hiii....definetly not.
you: hi :) -sent at 9:58 pm
Good one, y/n.
you: how did you get my number? -sent at 9:58 pm
minho : my manager pulled a few strings lol, how are u? -received at 10:00 pm
you : im fine, a little tired ,hbu? -sent at 10:00 pm
Shit, yea go ahed y/n be the driest texter in the world no biggie, its not like this is lee minho.
minho: aww practice was to hard? lol im feeling fine -received at 10:01 pm
minho: jkjk lol the real reason im texting you is to ask if you want to meet up again -received at 10:02
Excuse me?
minho: yk, to practice but without all the cameras and people -received at 10:02
Okay, y/n calm down, dont answer yet. Dont make him think you're desperate to meet him again even though you are.
you: yea, sure. when are you free? -sent at 10:05
Very chill, nice job.
minho: im actually off the day after tomorrow, hbu? -received at 10:06 pm
you: i can make that work in the evening -sent at 10:06 pm
And there goes not looking desperate.
minho: nice, meet me here around 6 then? -received at 10:08 pm
minho has shared a location
minho: its an old dance studio, i know the owner :) -recieved at 10:08 pm
you: alright, see you then :) -sent at 10:09 pm
minho: good night y/n :) -sent at 10:09 pm
Do you send a good night back?...no, that would be too much...right?
You sigh and drop your phone next to you on your bed, your fists rubbing at your eyes.
There is no way you'll be able to sleep the next two nights.
It has been getting warmer recently, so you are surprised when the weather turns its back on you and suddenly blows icy wind against your face.
And you thought you had chosen wisely when only putting on a hoodie over your shirt.
You check your phone to see that you arrived at minhos sent location, yet there is no dance studio in sight.
Shivering, you turn around to search for signs on doors when you hear the door behind you opening.
"hey, in here" minho grins when you stumble around.
You look up at the building and look down at him.
"hi" you smile, somewhaþ confusedly.
"come in" he holds the door open for you.
"this building looks like its gonna get torn down soon" you say, still shivering a little as you look at minho, who's only sporting grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
"it is" minho nods, looking around "sadly, i love coming here" he adds before looking back at you.
"still cold?" he asks, approaching you before rubbing over your arms with his hands.
"ye-huh" you interrupt yourself, gulping harshly when his cologne creeps up your nose.
He grins "better?" You nod, forcing a smile "yea, thanks"
An hour later, you are deeply immersed in the dance when you stumble at the same spot again, for the nth time.
"fuck" you aggrevatedly run your hand through your hair, angry at yourself for not getting this turn down the way it should look.
"I'm sorry, im usually not this bad i j-"
"you're not bad y/n" minho giggles, shaking his head "its alright, sometimes a move just doesnt work at first"
You huff out some air "im just nervous" you shake your head "i've never done a stage like this and i dont want to disappoint people"
"its normal to be nervous" minho stops the music before coming up behind you "just dont let it overpower the fun part"
He moves some hair from your shoulder "plus its just the two of us right now, and you cant disappoint me" he smiles softly, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"try positioning your hips..." he places his hands on your hips before gently rotating them to the left "... more like this before turning" he explains ,eyes locking in the mirror.
For a second, the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat as his hands move up a little and linger on the exposed skin of your waist.
"okay" you breathe "lets try it from the top"
"yea" you nod.
The music starts again and your body takes over for you, you kick and jump and turn.
Minho lifts you like its nothing and before you know it, you do the turn exactly like you're supposed to.
The music stops and your breathing fills the silence before the euphoria of getting every single step down perfectly reaches your brain.
You squeal excitedly and clap before falling into minhos arms.
He stiffens at your touch and you immediately let go "i- i'm sorry- i dont know why-"
Suddenly, he lounges forwards and presses his plush lips against yours.
It takes you a second to register whats happening, but when his hands encase your waist, you sling your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
An approving moan tears from minhos throat before he backs you up untill you feel the cold mirror pressed against your back.
You part your lips and let his tongue roll against yours , his hands roaming over your body.
Everything his happening so fast you cant track where they're going, first they're at your ass then one of them squeezes at your boob; and now it trails up your neck and wraps itself around it as he kisses down the other side.
You feel like your nerve endings are on fire everywhere his hands and lips wander, your eyes fluttering shut as you moan out his name.
He nips at your collarbone before coming back to your lips "i've wanted to do this since the second i saw you" his hand around your neck tightens protectively and you feel yourself clench.
"me too" you whisper before he crashes his lips to yours again, your hand tightening in his thick brown hair as the other clings to his shoulder.
A firm thigh lodges itself between your legs and you feel brave so you roll your hips into it. The ache thats building up in your clit, getting released a little.
Shamelessly you whimper against his lips.
He sucks your bottom lip inbetween his before breaking the kiss again, looking down at your ministrations.
"dirty girl" he grins, releasing your neck and placing both hands on your hips and helping you grind against his thigh.
Your head falls back against the mirror when the fabric of your cotton thong gets rubbed against your clit in just the right way. An almost pornographic moan leaves your lips, "fuck" you whine, locking eyes with minho again.
"god i wanna do so many bad things to you" he grunts, at which you swear you gushed a little more into your panties.
You see his cock straining through the flattering grey sweat material, your hand wandering towards it but he catches it.
"cum on my thigh and you'll get it" he promises, grinning when another high pitched moan spills from your pretty lips.
A sudden loud ringing makes you flinch, and minhos head whips around before removing himself from you.
"wha-?" you mumble confusedly.
He takes his phone and answers the incoming call.
"Hi, hyung" he speaks, turning around "i went for a run, yea-sorry...yea okay...okay bye" he hangs up.
"Who-?" you attempt to speak but your mind is still fuzzy as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and grabs his sweater before coming back to you.
"My manager" he says, taking your hand "i have to go"
"I'm sorry" he kisses your lips "you want me to take you to your dorm?"
"No- no i dont want you to get in trouble" you shake your head.
"Sure?" He tilts his head.
"Yea, of course, im good" you nod, a smile tugging at your lips because he looks really cute with his messed up hair and puffy lips.
"Here" he gives you his sweater "im sure its colder now"
"you'll get cold though" you hold it up.
"nah, i'm hot blooded" he quips, leaning down to lock lips again.
More lingering this time, you feel you stomach churn with butterflies when he moves to your cheek.
"i'm not finished with you" he whispers into your ear, winking before walking out the door.
a/n: ik im supposed to be writing zephyr but this popped in my head and wrote itself so easily i was like👁👄👁 anyways hope u liked it🥰 not proofread so i just know there are thousands of spelling errors in there😍😍
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