#it all started with one baby spider plant that my friend propagated for me as a housewarming gift and now it's a full grown (ha) obsession
lesbeet · 2 years
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moonstruckme · 8 months
Hiii! Maybe you can write something with reader having like 20 plants in her dorm. Like a plant mom!
Thanks for requesting :)
Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 979 words
“This isn’t gonna work,” you scold, nudging the spout of your watering can carefully between leaves to the center of the pot. “I gave you the prime sun spot, and you’re still gonna wilt on me? That’s just ungrateful, Phin.” 
There’s a knock on the door, and do a once-over of your room before going to meet Eddie at the door. He’d let you know he’d be coming by to pick up the flannel he’d lent you the other night (you’re disappointed you don’t get to keep it, though you haven’t let him know that), but he hasn’t been in your dorm before; you always wait outside when he’s supposed to be picking you up. Thankfully, you’d remembered to put away the folded laundry on your bed, and your space is looking decently tidy. 
“Hey.” Your grin is already in place as you open the door, your dopamine centers responding to Eddie’s presence the same as they respond to the aroma of cookies in the oven or your favorite song coming on the radio. 
“Hey, you.” Eddie’s smiling too, peering around you to see into your room. “Who’re you talking to?”
“No one.” You open the door all the way to show him, and Eddie’s eyes go wide enough to show white all the way around his irises. “Just Phin.” 
“You…you have a fucking jungle in here.” Eddie’s gawping, seeming unable to focus on any one plant as his gaze skims your room. You suppose it probably would look like a bit much if you weren’t used to it. You’ve got greenery lining your windowsill, pots taking up half your desk, vines drooping down from your shelves. You’ve had to put a few on the floor too, since the only other surfaces in the room don’t get enough sun. All in all, it’s a lot of green in not a ton of space. Eddie seems at a loss for words, but then his eyebrows twitch towards each other and he blinks. “Wait, who’s Phin?”
“Phineas,” you explain, gently touching the leaf of your baby pothos. You’d propagated him from a giant one you’ve had for years, but he’s struggling a bit as he roots in his new soil. 
Eddie’s looking at you like you’re a marvel now too. “They have names? You talk to them?”
“Of course they have names. And talking is supposed to help them grow.” You soften your voice just slightly, throwing a cautious look at Dorothy over on your shelf. “Though I sometimes wonder if some of them are more introverted than others. Some of my spider plants don’t seem to appreciate it.” 
Eddie grins in that familiar toothy way that makes you wonder if he’s going to tease you, but his voice is warm and sweet as honeyed tea when he says, “Well shit, sweetheart, I didn’t know I was coming over to meet so many of your friends. I would’ve dressed better.” 
You laugh, gesturing for him to follow as you go sit on your bed. “I wouldn’t worry about it, I don’t think they can even tell us apart. Which is a shame, because I devote so much care to them and they wouldn’t know me from Adam, but oh well.” You let your gaze skim over Eddie as he gets comfy beside you, laying down on his side and propping one head on his hand. He’s got on another flannel, under which is a Black Sabbath t-shirt. His jeans are faded, with a stain that looks suspiciously like chocolate just above the knee, and his hair is taking well to the lack of humidity in the chilly season, curls bouncy and defined. “You look nice anyway, so.” 
Little lines spread like cartoonish rays of sunshine from the outer corners of Eddie’s eyes. “Daww, thanks, sweet thing. Sure you’re not just buttering me up so you can keep my shirt?”
You look to where you’ve left it, washed and folded primly on your desk. “I’m not,” you promise wistfully, “but…if that would work on you, I can start.” 
Eddie takes your hand and begins tracing the lines of your palm absentmindedly. “You can have it. I mostly just wanted to see you. And I got to meet the roommates, so double bonus.” Your heart swells like a hot air balloon, big and warm and buoyant in your chest. Eddie turns your hand over, stroking gently at the skin below your knuckle. “What happened here?”
You lean over to see, laying down next to him with your shoulder pressed against his bicep as he runs his thumb over a tiny cut on your middle finger. “Oh, that was Willie.” You nod towards the cactus on the edge of your desk. “He scraped me while I was moving him to a bigger pot.” 
Eddie glares in the cactus’ direction. “Little fucker,” he grumbles, kissing your finger lightly. “You can’t let these guys push you around, babe. You’re too good, you’ll take care of them no matter what. I think I’m gonna have to start coming around more to lay down the law.” 
You don’t think of your plants as nearly so villainous as Eddie paints them, but you’re not going to argue against his being in your room more often. You tilt your head until it hits his shoulder. “If you think so,” you say noncommittally. 
“I do,” he confirms, turning your hand back over and bringing it to lay on his chest, both of his clasped over it protectively. “You’re my best girl, you know? I can’t let you be bullied by a bunch of leafy assholes.”
“They’re generally nice to me.” You smile against his shoulder, and Eddie’s kiss is a gentle pressure on the top of your head. 
“For now, sweetheart, but they’ve got you surrounded. Think I’d better stick around for a while, just to keep an eye on things.”
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elminx · 1 year
2022 Overview: House plants
2022 became the year of houseplants. This is mostly because we were in a Stage 4 drought for most of the Summer and, as a result, my tiny reclaimed garden was a sad affair that I couldn't (in good environmental consciousness) do anything about. But my need to tend to growing things was strong and I'm not sad to have discovered how to take care of indoor plants, too.
I started the year with six snake plants, an African violet, three Dracaena (two lucky bamboo and one Dracaena fragans massangeana), a spider plant, a coleus, a tiny jade cutting, and a very sad Tradescantia zebrina. Technically, also a Cyclamen and a couple of succulents that have been living at my partner's studio.
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I gave a home to a number of propagations this year: a Monstera adensonaii, a Peperomia caperata ripple, an Epipremnum aureum, two cuttings of Pilea peperomioides, and I was gifted an immature aloe cutting by my mother. I was also given a mature Hoya publicalyx.
I bought six houseplants this year: a Dracaena fragans (I think its a "lemon surprise"), a snake plant, a Hoya carnosa Variegata, and most recently my three hoya "rehab" babies (Hoya carnosa albomarginata, Hoya memoria, and Hoya latifolia.)
Most of these plants are still quite small in comparison to their potential mature size. My Lemon Surprise is mostly mature and I have a few snake plants that are, by nature, small plants but the rest will need a lot of room to grow. All but the snakes, the spider, and the Monstera and currently living on my plant stand/earth altar under grow lights but this will have to change as they outgrow their space requirements. That is a problem for a future Minx though and I am sure that I can at least get through the Winter with my current setup.
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All in all, the plants are doing really well. Even my super sad Tradescantia has been flourishing under the grow lights. My Krimson Princess has five tiny leaflets starting to appear so I think that she might grow all the way through the Winter.
Ultimately, I'm looking to rehome at least one of my Pilea peperomioides if not both of them. The plant just doesn't really do it for me. I'll probably offer them for free on a FB plant group in the next month or so. (Editing Minx here: I'm gifting one of them to a friend who I think will enjoy the utter cuteness)
Next year, my intention is mostly to watch my plants grow and size up before I take on many more plant responsibilities. I know that I intend to take a cutting of my mother's Thanksgiving Cactus in the spring and raise it as an ancestral plant but otherwise, I'm trying to keep my plant wish list to a minimum. That said, if I did have a plant wish list, it would definitely include a string of hearts (Ceropegia woodii), an easyish Philodendron, and perhaps a Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus) - as you can guess, I have a thing for vining plants.
I think that I'm starting to understand my plant personality and what types of plants I enjoy caring for. Though the snakes are great (my partner really loves them) - I am much more interested in plants that grow and change quickly. I'm particularly interested in plants that vine and/or flower.
I am finding that caring for houseplants is very grounding and centering for me. It allows me a space to find mindfulness even when I cannot be elsewhere in my life. I am deeply grateful for that.
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Introduction time! Gonna be a huge photo dump for the first intro, but after this I’ll only be posting photos when there are visible changes or updates to my plants 🪴
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To start off these are two lovely succulents I impulse bought from the grocery store, because the poor delosperma (left) had been left out in torrential rain with soil that had almost no drainage, and the sempervivum (right, also called hen and chicks) had FIVE chicks all crowded in there and again really damp soil with poor drainage, so I separated the four largest chicks but am leaving the smallest one with mom for a little longer. The day after I got the delosperma into more appropriate soil it started to bloom for me!
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Next we have a very leggy boi, my hemp plant (left), grown from a seed I found in with the hemp mix I put on my cereal! I can’t really use him for anything but he’s so tall and loves to climb so I just think he’s lovely to look at. In the middle we have my seedling experiment tray, I literally just throw seeds/plants in here to see if they’ll sprout or root and some do! I’ve got four mystery sunflower seedlings curtesy of my bird seed mix, a baby fern with a tiny bit of root rescued from someone’s garden clippings, and a spinach plant that I didn’t have room for and wasn’t doing great, so I just plopped him in here and mist him occasionally and he seems to like it? He’s grown since I moved him away from the other sprouts. And finally my random prop tray! Some of these I’m like 99.9% sure won’t propagate, but no harm in waiting to see. Includes broken leaves from re-potting, fallen leaves from grocery store succulents, and some leaf cuttings from a friend’s plant collection!
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These are my Russian Mammoth sunflowers on the left (I had them in too low light to start so they got very tall poor things, but I moved them into better light and now they’re putting their energy into pushing out their true leaves.) And beside them on the right are dollar store flower seedlings that I promptly threw out the package for and now have no recollection of what they actually are. Oops.
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My little kitchen table-top garden with my spider plant (front left) who is in a pot that I know is a little cramped for her but I just love love love it, and it’s from a local woman owned company. Behind her I have my two very scraggly poinsettias from Christmas’s past, I don’t like tossing plants so I’ve just kept these guys barely alive and chilling on my kitchen table for three (left) and two years (right). In the right photo we have some spinach sprouts, a tiny African violet that split off from its mother plant (almost killed her too, they were so root bound, which is something African violets usually tolerate decently well.) In the heart we have my beloved young black prince echeveria (this was a dollar store container my mom was going to toss, instead I stabbed some drainage holes in the bottom and I think it’s a super cute pot, I’m going to do more with it at some point.) In the very middle in the jar lid are some cacti pups that one of my bedroom plants pushed out. These things are insane, they propagate like nothing I’ve seen before and are honestly impossible to kill in my experience. They were a gift from a neighbour and I have no clue what they actually are, so if someone knows please enlighten me, I’ve had them for years now and know nothing. In the very front of course is my seed starters, can’t remember what I planted where tbh but I woke up this morning to the first two tiny sprouts!
I’m about to hit the image limit so I’m going to introduce my last two in a separate post.
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wild-untamed-heart · 4 years
White Day Return Gift (Ponsol)
((AYYYYYYY Let’s really hope that I didn’t end up repeating anything– i’m sure that I didn’t but— you never know. I hope you enjoy this~))
As one would expect, Ponsol and Kajika always met at their usual café. It was simple, and familiar. It was like… tradition. Ponsol did like that about their meetings at the café. There was something comforting about ‘tradition’ as it gave off that feeling of stability.
Stability being something that he desired for when it came to personal relationships he shared with people. To know that he could count on someone (or something) to remain in his life was a nice concept.
That was the reason why Ponsol always suggested the café, because it meant something to him on an emotional level.
This year, Kajika and Ponsol arrived at the same time, and they were both showed to a table together. “I see we’re tied.” Usually one of them would arrive earlier than the other and place orders for the both of them.
Once they sat at their table, they ordered their usual drinks before getting straight to business. Ponsol had a gift bag in hand, and it was obviously a gift of sorts. Given the date, of course the gift was for White day.
Interestingly, Ponsol didn’t look as he usually did. He was fumbling with his fingers with pursed lips. The gift bag was smaller than usual, which was quite telling, given that he normally enjoyed being grandiose with everything that he did.
Just these two facts should be enough to paint the picture that today was different from the other times he gifted her something. Today was a meaningful one, as it was his turn to convey his feelings of gratitude towards his friend.
Quietly, he pushed the gift bag towards her.
“You are able to make watercolor paints with flowers. I had some made with the flowers in my greenhouse. I’ve supplied a palm-sized painting to show how they look on a canvas.” He considered that making paints out of flowers was a novel gift idea.
“The next two gifts…” He trailed off, thanking the moment he saw the waitress arrive with their beverages. The heir felt very out of his element, and it showed in his body language. “Given what happened the last time, I went out of my way to make an extra keycard to my greenhouse. If you use this to enter, you won’t trip off the alarms. I hope you feel honored by this.” Ponsol was acting tough so to speak.
You could say that even he had a bit of a tsundere streak to him when he was out of his business element.  
Indirectly, Ponsol was giving his express permission for Kajika to enter the greenhouse as she pleased, whether she wanted to visit his plants, or use the greenhouse as a place to hide in.
The importance of this keycard was that the alarm wouldn’t get set off, even though the cameras will still record everything that goes on in the greenhouse. This meant that Kajika could enter his greenhouse without him knowing about it. This way, he could always feign ignorance should she be found there.
He wouldn’t get caught in between like Kajika was worried about the last time. What was wrong about letting a friend visit a greenhouse? Nothing. If she had a keycard, she could go in as she pleased, and he couldn’t possibly get much flack for that.
The gifts were becoming more and more personal for Ponsol, so the last gift had to be something that meant something big to him. “As you know, I have a potted spider plant that I treasure. I received a spiderette from my mother’s plant, and I’ve propagated it. I named my plant after hers, so I don’t forget the roots of the plant.”
Ponsol’s mother, Jasmine meant a lot to him, and of course, he would treasure Matilda. He received the spiderette before he left for college and he’d been taking care of the plant ever since. Spider plants created babies, otherwise known as ‘spiderettes’ and they could be repotted to propagate into their own entity.
Of all his plants, ‘Matilda’ is the only one he named, which attests to how important the plant is to him. Gifting Kajika a spiderette held a significant meaning.
Not only did he have to trust someone with caring for Matilda’s plant child, but he also had to consider them in high enough regard to even consider giving another person a part of Matilda.
“You are the only one that I’ve given a Spiderette to.” He confessed. No, not even his brother.
Ponsol couldn’t trust Shugarl to care for a plant, especially whenever he had one of those episodes of his. He lost track of time and couldn’t care for himself. If he couldn’t care for himself, could he be trusted to care for Matilda’s kin? Ponsol begs to differ.
He understood well that many people didn’t care for sentimental gifts, but only monetary ones. So, from that point of view, his gift may be considered lacking, but he didn’t think Kajika was one of those people. He was sure that she would truly appreciate and treasure the gifts.
“I’m grateful towards you for being my friend and for trusting me. I still don’t understand why you consider me decent enough company to keep around, but I’m appreciative of the fact that luck was on my side to gift me a wonderful friend… who cares. I do hope that you’ll continue to be my friend for years to come.” Ponsol spoke these words from the heart. His voice was softer and somewhat… timid? It was a great contrast to how sure and strong his voice sounded otherwise.
He bowed his head slightly towards her, as a show of his sincerity. He never could have imagined he’d ever see the day that he’d gift a spiderette to anyone, but sometimes life had an interesting way of surprising you.
The worry now was if he would ever have to one up this year’s gift. This one was already quite meaningful as it was, he didn’t know if it was possible to gift anything even more meaningful than what he just gifted.
Woe is he who is so honorably keeping himself to his mother’s standards. 
A meeting at their place. It always made Kajika excited even though they’d been there plenty of times before. Usually she liked trying new things and new places but there was just something special about having a regular meeting place. There might have been a time when she would have considering proposing another location but at this point it just felt wrong to do so.
This time she had even more reason to be excited because at last it was White Day and she was eager to see what her friend had gotten for her. He had told her to look forward to it after all and Ponsol was without a doubt a man of his word.
It was a pleasant surprise to find that she and Ponsol had arrived at the same time for once, as usually one or the other arrived first.
“Indeed, seems like we’re in sync today~”
Linking her arm through her friend’s companionably, she chattered away about various things as they made their way to their table in a more secluded corner of the café. Once there, the both of them were quick to be seated and order their drinks, a simple task which involved merely nodding to the waitress asking if they would be having the usual. A perk when one was a regular.
The moment she departed, Kajika turned to eye Ponsol with anticipation as she had a feeling that her gift was finally going to be revealed. Her expression rapidly became one of concern because something about her companion was just... off.
It could be said that Kajika was oblivious at times but even she could tell that Ponsol was behaving differently than usual and she had known him for quite some time now. Concerned silver eyes watched as he pushed a small gift bag in her direction and it was with some hesitancy that she tentatively reached out to take it.
Whether it was Ponsol’s change in demeanour or something else, the atmosphere felt charged somehow, like the moment was one of utmost delicacy. It felt like she needed to exercise caution, even if she wasn’t entirely why.
Once her companion began explaining the gifts, Kajika supposed she should open the gift to review the contents. The first thing her eye caught was the top of the painting he mentioned and she carefully drew it out to have a closer look. 
“It’s beautiful...”
The words were a reverent whisper as she quietly admired the small work of art. It would have to be hung with the other masterpiece she had been gifted last year. It truly was amazing how talented her friend seemed to be when it came to these sorts of things and in this case it was even more precious because of the medium he had selected.
She would treasure it.
There was a pause to the proceedings when the waitress came bearing their drinks but Kajika couldn’t bring herself to sip her tea now. All her attention was riveted on Ponsol and what he’d been about to say before the interruption occurred. Finally they were left alone once more and her friend continued from where he’d left off.
Her eyes opened wide with shock and for a moment she felt she couldn’t breathe, even as she reached  into the gift bag to remove the said keycard with trembling fingers. Her mouth opened and closed silently before she gave up trying to speak around the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.
With how long they had been friends now, it would have been impossible not to know just how important Ponsol’s greenhouse was to him. It had been one thing to sneak in there during a time of desperation but to be granted permanent access... It was hard to describe what she was currently feeling...
She could feel moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes but she ignored them as she gazed almost dazedly at the keycard clasped in her trembling hand.
At first Kaijka couldn’t grasp why Ponsol suddenly started speaking about Matilda, his treasured spider plant, although she was always interested in hearing about what he considered important. For a brief moment, she fondly recalled when they had first met and discovered their mutual love of plants, how she had asked him if she could see his spider plant... it was rather amazing much their friendship had flourished since then.
The reason however, soon became all too clear.
He... he...
If Kajika had been stricken speechless before, then she was even more so now. It was in that moment that she suddenly recognised part of what she was feeling. The overwhelming emotions she had felt back when she had finally befriended Mustafa, when he had finally allowed her to touch him and their irrevocable bond had been formed... that was how she was feeling now. Her most precious plant friend who usually kept people at a distance was showing her that he trusted her and appreciated their friendship and there were just no words for that.
Kajikaa was, by nature, a very tactile person so it was only natural for her to drop the keycard on the table, leap out of her chair and move to embrace Ponsol from behind. The moisture in the corner of her eyes were full on streaming down her cheeks now and for a moment she just kept her head buried in the nape of his neck as she tried to get her emotions under control enough to speak.
“Thank you”
It was a tremulous whisper spoken in a trembling voice and accompanied by a feather light kiss planted on his cheek. Plopping her chin back on his shoulder, with her arms still around him she gave a shaky laugh although already her voice was sounding steadier than it had before.
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“I’ll have you know you’re never getting rid of me~”
Her tea was probably cold by now, not that she cared about that right now or the possibility of whoever may or may not be gawking at her strange behaviour. She was just delighted about implications behind the gifts she had just received and the precious person who had given them to her. Speaking of gifts...
“Hmmm... I wonder what I should name mine? Tilda or Tilly perhaps?”
Another thought, although far from mind now but was sure to bug her later, was the impossible task of Valentine’s Day gifting the following year. Meaningful gifts from the heart, such as this, were practically impossible to surpass.
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flounderingfinn · 4 years
Houseplant Hysteria
Hey guys! The last couple days have been pretty crazy for me. Emotional roller coaster, if ever there was one. I’ll get more into detail in the coming weeks, but for now, I need to write about one of my favorite things that’s really helps me. PLANTS! I started with one spider plant that my sister gave me because spider plants get their names from the baby plants they grow that look like little spiders. You can cut these off and plant them in soil, and they will make their own spider plant, called propagating!
I have so many plants now that I’ve gotten from friends, or propagated myself. I have multiple spider plants, different kinds of succulents and cacti, and a weird... ice plant of sorts? I have yet to identify it, as I have not had it a long enough time to see it grow much, or flower at all, if it would. Sometimes plant identification is hard, even with several apps and the internet.
I think that having house plants can be really beneficial for people mentally. For me, I enjoy having a routine. I’m taking this semester off of school to focus on my mental health, which has been a little better, but I don’t have as much of a routine as I used to. You need to water succulents that you are propagating with a spray bottle every day. The rest of my plants either need watered twice a week, weekly, every week and a half, or bi weekly. This always gives me an opportunity to have something to take care of and a reason to have to get out of bed earlier most days. You should never water plants at night and always aim for the morning, so that the sun can help the absorb it and there is less risk of over-watering. Leave the blinds open where you keep your plants before you go to bed, if possible, as well, as early morning light is the best for succulents and cacti!
Healthy, thriving plants can help light up a room, and even make the air in your house cleaner! They give me a sense of purpose, I think, even when I’m feeling really low. I’m currently typing this in a little alcove with a big window in my house where I am surrounded by all my plants and it is a really happy and bright space that brings me pleasure even on these stressful days. Hope these tips can help you guys get stress relief from houseplants too, since I believe that even a green thumb needs a chance to learn and grow as well, and it doesn’t always come naturally!
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isthataleaf · 6 years
Spider Plant Care Sheet
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1. Light
They prefer bright indirect light, so if the plant can see the sky at all times, it'll grow best.
It's better to avoid direct sun but they really aren't picky and will thrive even further away from a window.
2. Water
In the summer the top layer of the soil should stay pretty moist, so about once or twice a week at least!
In the winter they need less water since there is less light, and the plant will absorb and consume less water. Once a week is enough.
It should be enough water so that it comes out of the drainage holes*
Bigger plants obviously need more water, but probably less often than a smaller one.
When spider plants are thirsty, they get paler, so you can actually tell when your friend needs a sip! They'll go back to a deeper green once they’re thoroughly watered.
3. Soil and Fertilizer
Normal garden compost earth is fine, you can mix in some perlite for better drainage but it's not strictly necessary. Try and see what works best for you!
*Make sure your pot has drainage holes at the bottom though!!! This is very important so as to not drown your plants.
Fertilize them when they look like they need it. They don't need a lot of it and will grow well if they have good light and water. Of course they'll still be thankful for some extra nutrients!
When your plant is big enough, it will start sprouting long flower shoots from its core. Those will then produce little baby spider plants!
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The best way to get these babies to root is to place them in water (not fully submerged, only the bottom parts should be getting wet. That’s where the roots come out). Leave the babies attached to the mother plant, so that they can still get their nutrients from them and have an easier time rooting.
Once the roots are about 10cm / 3inch long you can plant them!
This method works very well and little spider babies make wonderful gifts!
Splitting the plant is also an option, but it requires repotting and a lot of damage to the roots.
Once you've put a baby spider plant in some soil, it's gonna grow very fast. I repot mine about every two to three months until they're decently sized.
When they are bigger they do not need to be repotted as often, once a year at most. You can tell when they need repotting if the roots are showing through the drainage holes or on the top layer of soil.
Small tips:
Spider plants are virtually unkillable and they’re very forgiving if you forget to water them, etc.
If you’re following all these “instructions” and still don’t see your plant thriving, mix things up a little bit! What works for me might not necessarily work best for you!
That being said, if my spiders are looking bad or dull, it’s usually cause they need to be repotted or the soil is too compact.
~Best of luck on your journey as a Spider Parent!~
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insideheadvoice · 4 years
I have become obsessed with cacti and succulents in the few last week. Full on obsessed. Ive taken over care of all my mums cacti she doesnt really care for, have learned all about propagation techniques and (re)potting info. I have propagated almost all of the succulents and tripled the number of plants. Plus my grandpa bought me 6 new ones as a surprise which he dropped off with a huge lovely ceramic pot for them ❤
My spider plants are also my babies, i cant wait to get some spiderettes to grow and share with friends.
Im not sure where my children will go when i start traveling again but for now they make me happy and im learning a lot so thats all that matters right now.
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atomicsuperhero · 4 years
Basement Dwellers: Low-Light House Plants That Have Survived
In my last post, I said I’d talk about the low-light house plants I’ve been keeping in my basement bedroom & bathroom. So here is the first installment on that topic. This is just a basic list of all the plants I have in my room, there are 15 now (including propagations), and when I purchased them, followed by individual photos of each plant.
I do have a couple of lights set up now, but I only did that on December 5th, so most of these house plants have survived until then on the ambient light in my bedroom, mostly from the windows. I don’t have the overhead light on very often, so that’s not giving them much.  My bedroom has two very small windows, one facing west, and one facing north which is under a small patio. The bathroom has one small frosted window facing North.
Bedroom Plants
Cylindrical Snake Plant - 13 June 2019 (has put up a little baby recently)
Chinese Money plant - 26 August 2019 (split into 3 pots 31 October 2019.)
Air Plant 1 - 21 September 2019
Flapjack Kalanchoe - 26 October 2019
Air Plant 2 - 30 October 2019
Marimo Ball - 2 November 2019
Spider Plant - Potted Mid-November 2019 (propagated, not purchased)
White Fittonia Nerve plant - 23 November 2019
ZZ Plant - 6 December 2019
Snake Plant - 25 December 2019 (propagated, not purchased)
Mexican Firecracker Echeveria - 27 December 2019
Air Plant #3 - 27 December 2019
I had also purchased a Silver Sparkle Pilea on 26 October 2019, and that plant did not survive. I think it died to my negligence though, not lack of light. I’ll write more about that once I find another one and can test again, and give it better care than the first one received.
Bathroom Plants
Goldfish Plant - 21 September 2019
Fern 1 - Mid-September 2019
Fern 2 - Mid-October 2019
Snake Plant - 12 October 2019 (propagated, not purchased)
Regarding lights: I currently have 4 LED Navlinge clamp lights from IKEA. They look like this, and I have them aimed at each little grouping of plants in my room. I also have a Phillips HF3510 Wake-up Light near my Fittonia and two of the Chinese Money Plants (you can see it in the photo of them). This light also stays on all day, with the IKEA lights. The plants in the windowsills do not have any extra lights.
Just as an FYI I had watered everything just before I took all these photos today, that’s why there is water in many of the saucers, and also why the air plants look drenched.
These are just my low-light house plants that are in my basement suite. Upstairs, in my parent’s part of the house, we also have a TON of other houseplants. I’ve mentioned before that we’re orphan plant collectors, and nothing has changed. We recently acquired a whole bunch of new plants from friends that were moving away. So hopefully in the near future, I’ll get a post up with an inventory of our light-loving plants.
Also, yesterday, while I was in Winners, someone stopped me and asked me if I had a Youtube channel. I said yes, because I do, but I assumed she had me confused for someone else. But no, she said she’s watched my gardening videos, and that I should definitely make more! So surreal and also so cool.
So, now I’m actually planning to create my last two gardening videos. I had shot plenty of footage for two videos back in September, but I haven’t edited them. Thanks for saying "Hello!” Jenny! I’ll get those last two vlogs posted, and hopefully, soon I’ll be making more videos about gardening since we’ll be starting our seedlings indoors in the coming weeks.
Cheers! Bri
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