#intelectual disability
cy-cyborg · 8 months
Looking back, people were so weird about my non-physical disabilities.
Oh no, we can't tell the obviously queer kid with no legs that they're also autistic with an intellectual disability due to a brain injury, then they might know they're different!
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volant-endeavor · 5 months
Schizophrenia and schizo-spec disorders are neurodivergent
There is a shared diagnostic history between autism and schizophrenia. We are cousins, the same way that adhd and autism are cousins. We are in the same fights.
To any schizo-spec person out there feeling excluded - I think about this often. You belong in the neurodivergent community. Thank you for being here
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Btw I actually fundamentally believe that being stupid is not a moral failing. Intelligence itself has no moral value. Especially online, but really anywhere, you really get the impression people do think being stupid and not being smart and not understanding things takes away your right to personhood. This is really nothing new and I'm not the one who you should need to tell you this but disability activism includes intellectual disabilities. Also maybe next time you have a spicy debate with someone online consider that they aren't less intelligent but really willfully an asshole. "Your worth is not determined by your work or what you can offer the market" expands to 'stupid' people actually. Being smarter than someone doesn't make you a better person either. Just some thoughts
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Calling Percy and Annabeth an adhd and autism duo is inherently bad,even in memes.Because A)They both literally CANONICALLY have adhd and you can't use autistic Annabeth as an excuse because 'audhd' is a term that exists and B)Percy is at least as autistic-coded as Annabeth,if not way more,and y'all are living in denial of it because you don't wanna confront the fact that you've been bullying an autistic children's protagonist for YEARS by calling him stupid in every way imaginable to multiple species way and denying his trauma responses like his anger issues and how mean he is and pretend not he's tied with Hazel as the scariest and strongest because he's silly and kind so you erase his symptoms so you don't have to feel bad about it instead of growing the fuck up and learning to be nice to people with intelectual disabilities.'I'm anti-ableism!!'You guys can't even handle Percy and Annabeth
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katetorias · 1 month
think people need to reacquaint selves with fact that being called slur ≠ able to reclaim
especially when u are not part of group most harmed by slur. specifically with R-slur.
if u are lower support need autistic and think can “reclaim” r-slur, please consider how much harm being done to people in your community who are hurt by slur. not fun label or funny insult able to take back for self. very real hurtful language equating higher support need disabled people to horrible. using r-slur as joke or to be edgy not funny, never will be. all doing is using word used to hurt people more disabled than you
do not think many of us autistic people even have right to reclaim slur. word used against people with intelectual disabilities and some of us will never know what experience is like.
try think of why you feel need to make such a horrible word into funny joke or label for self. why insult yourself by comparing to people in more need than you. not funny! is good not be called slur! not every slur need to be reclaim!
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commanderbabygirl · 2 months
i really want to explore the existence of disability in the nine houses more
long post so more under the cut
like we have the existence of the seventh house and everything that entails, we have cytherea being left for a myriad when (from my point of view) john could have cured her especially if he did it prelyctorhood
and then we also have the exchange between ianthe and palamades in the unwanted guest. he’s shocked at naberius being a cradle cav and asks what if he had a physical disadvantage, and ianthe responds that they would have fixed him.
these feel like two very different schools of thought regarding disability (excluding cytherea cus of the whole death power forever thing, pretty sure that wouldn’t work unless you’ve been preserved at the point of almost death and have figured out how to work with it)
the third house specializes in flesh magic which could account for the we’d have fixed him thing, but still mental disabilities? intelectual disabilities? and also like how eugenicsy are they getting
pretty sure the seventh specializes in like preservation of the corpse maybe spirit magic? im honestly not sure, but does that play a part in it?
like there is so much more to explore and think about like what about the fourth who are basically canon fodder for a perpetual war, the ninth who have been in a state of decline for who knows how long, harrow’s entire situation, or the fact that necromancers and even non adepts seem to be functioning at a lower baseline then you’d expect on earth.
like i have so many questions and there’s so much to explore
you can see more about the health of the nine houses in this post
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koko-from-the-future · 7 months
Stop using people as pawns
Autistics pull out the "okay but people with intelectual disabilities" the same way Gay and Trans folk pull out the "okay but intersex people"
You never include us, you just use us like we're a pokemon card - you take zero interest in any struggle of ours that doesn't link or massively overlap with yours.
- Your autistic intersex cybergirl
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zebulontheplanet · 3 months
hello, excuse me for my huge ignorance, i want to learn more about intelectual disabled people, but don't feel pressured or obligated to answer. which disabilities go under the intelectual disabled term? how can i support ID people?
i am autistic, between 1 and 2 support needs (also due depression) and i just recently started learning a little, because the # actually autistic isn't too... receptive? like, i agree with all i've been learning. there are still aspie supremacy, a lot of misinformation and i was one of them, thinking i was doing a good thing, but i was not. i wanna be a better person for my community and for disabled people in general. thank you for existing and resisting, finding your blog is helping me grow. /genuine.
Hi there anon! I’m glad to hear that my blog is helping you. There is always room to grow as a person. ❤️(heart emoji)
So intellectual disability isn’t an umbrella term, it doesn’t mean several other disorders looped into one. Intellectual disability means you have an IQ lower than 70. Although there’s a lot more that goes into it, like how you can preform ADLs and things like that, that’s the main thing that goes into it.
How to support us is just by interacting with us. Interact with our blogs, the blogs of caretakers, interact with us in real life too, talk to us. Speak to us like our age and treat us right. Be involved with protests about us and your community. Stick up for us and include us in your online discussions and make space for us to talk.
It’s really important to listen to us too. If we say something, then listen to it! Take it into consideration and listen to our voices because honestly, a lot of us know a lot about our disorder and know a lot more than the average person about it usually.
I hope this helps and I wish you luck on your journey! It takes a lot. Have a lovely day!
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cutecipher · 3 months
You dont "owe" anyone explanations of your identity but i feel like people are way too quick to jump down the throats of other lgbt people who are actually confused and trying to figure things out and it does frustrate me that you can get driven out of a community for being intelectually disabled and not "just getting it"
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fecto-forgo · 9 months
hello guys welcome back to my superior intelectual literature blog today we'll be reading "i just genuinely hate minorities so much" number 56 by mr racism, be prepared for a lenghty analysis that misses every single theme and metaphor in the book in favor of my biased view of it as a progressive well aged gay romance tale (the racism is all still there) (stay tuned for my extra rant where i make the disabled character out to be the literal devil!)
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bones-ivy-breath · 21 hours
The body, the self, and the world of people labeled intellectually disabled are [...] not isolated units independent of one another, but parts of a unified whole produced by a series of institutions that are—as suggested notably by Michel Foucault in his theory of power—partly autonomous and partly interdependent, as well as partly contradictory and partly complementary. Indeed, as soon as we shift our attention from the ideologies, the values, the laws, and the policies of modern society to its actual practices, the contradiction between family and society, between individual parents and the state, vanishes, giving way to concordance, symmetry, and continuity. It is as if the parents [of individuals labeled intelectually disabled] resisted society's official discourse—notice [...] that they do it not by creating a counterdiscourse but by twisting, through underground tactical moves, the official discourse from its initial purpose—only in order, ironically and paradoxically, to better adapt to its actual discriminatory practices. Therefore, if we want to eradicate the forced sterilization of people labeled intellectually disabled, we will have to change not only the family's practices, attitudes, or beliefs but also the actual world that modern society has developed for them, namely the world of "shadows." This involves ultimately changing these aspects of our social, economic, and symbolic order that make this "scale model world"—or, if you prefer, this "veiled margin" [that those labeled intellectually disabled inhabit]—necessary [...]. These aspects include notably our obsession for academic success, individual autonomy, competitiveness, and profitability, as well as our intolerance toward unproductive or dependent beings. These factors all continue to justify the confinement of people labeled intellectually disabled into veiled parallel worls within contemporary society.
The Sexualized Body of the Child: Parents and the Politics of "Voluntary" Sterilization of People Labeled Intellectually Disabled by Michel Desjardins, from Sex and Disability ed. Robert McRuer and Anna Mollow
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algumaideia · 11 months
In the first book of the series, Katniss mentions that one of the tributes limps which begs the question how did the capitol treated the disabled tributes?
What if someone with low vision was chosen? Would they be able to take their cane? Would there be any adaptations on the games or on anything to be more accesible to them? Or what if the person chosen couldn't walk or move without their mobility aids?
How disabled people were treated in the capitol? How acessible the capitol was? What happened to braile and sign language? We know they could cure Katniss' deafness but what if the person didn't want to be cured? What happened if the person had an intelectual disability?
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Some stuff you should consider if it counts or not: autism and neurodivergence, intellectual disabilities, neurological illnesses, addiction, anxiety, anger issues, phobias, paraphilias (including p*dophilia), vaginismus, nymphomania, kleptomania, pyromania.
There's a running decision poll on the "only autism" case here:
Other neurodivergencies like ADHD generally count, but there might have some edge cases I'm not thinking of, since neurodivergency is a very general umbrella term. And also, most neurodivergent characters submitted by now have other mental illnesses anyways.
Intelectual disabilities, neurological illnesses, addiction, anxiety, phobias and the three manias at the end are also allowed. About the manias specifically, they usually fall as a subtype of OCD.
I'm not sure about anger issues, but I don't think someone is gonna submit a character with anger issues and no other mental illnesses, if it does happen I make another decision poll.
Different from the rest, paraphilias do not count, like the other sexual disorders, because I'm trying to avoid discourse as much as I can.
As far as I could find, vaginismus is a sexual disorder that's a comorbidity of other problems (usually sexual trauma) not a mental disorder by itself, but seriously what character could be submitted because of vaginismus?
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