#in this house we hate andrew dabb
sweetpapercroissant · 8 months
When I think about s13-15 I can’t help but feel that Dabb was simply not interested in telling Sam&Dean’s story (anymore) (if he ever was). s12 is a little rocky regarding this too, but it’s still unmistakable that they’re the protagonists, this story is their story. But it’s evident from the start of s13 that he’s not willing to put in that effort anymore.
He introduces Jack and the rest of the season is focused on him, one way or the other. Even the mytharc of the season is about him, from being trapped in the apocalypse world, making a place for himself with the hunters, trying to figure out who he is. And meanwhile the actual protagonists of the show are…..running around chasing leads but actually accomplishing very little. They take turns being sad, make a few speeches but don’t really do anything. They are not the ones who move the story.
He downplays (if not outright erases) all of the older characters’ intelligence to make them fit the story and doesn’t bother with consistent growth/arc for any of them. He beats and forces them to fit the shape he’s cut out for them to portray in his story instead of understanding them: who they were, how they grew and where they are now and logically advancing their story from that point. He makes them regress or progress on a moment’s notice on an episode-to-episode basis and ignores any preceding canonical events when it suits him.
It’s most noticeable with Dean but he also takes away from Sam and Cas’ characters till they’re almost unrecognisable, bearing only the most superficial of similarities with the characters we have grown to love over 10+ seasons. But at the same time he also relies on this very love to keep the viewers watching, since the plot itself is barely held together by retcons or sudden personality changes/loss of logical reasoning in the characters.
There have been discussions on how, as the show goes on the themes (even the genre) change and how vastly different the later seasons are compared to the earlier ones and while that’s true, there is still some coherence to those changes-a graphical line changing direction erratically perhaps, but a line nonetheless-as the story progresses….upto s12. Forward of that Dabb just-tears the graph to pieces and handpicks a few of them to nail to the wall.
He twists the characters, their history, their personalities, the themes and events of the story and it’s very heart to fit the show he wants to make instead of adapting his writing to the show that he’s actually been handed the reins to. And it’s tiring honestly.
I do believe that when a character behaves in a manner you find ooc, it can be interesting to think about why they may act that way instead of immediately blaming the writing, even if the writing may actually be the issue, because I think it can make for a more entertaining narrative sometimes, and because no one always acts true to who they are. It’s the point of being human. But that can only be applied to particular moments and decisions or behaviour concerning a certain element of the story (another character, an event etc). If your audience can barely recognise any of the characters, there’s only the writing to blame.
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nights-ofren · 4 months
I genuinely don't understand why anybody (besides Jensen) is excited at the idea of more Supernatural. If they do bring it back it'll just be more of the same. It'll be worse than the finale, I guarantee it. It'll be written by the same shitty writers and directed by the same shitty directors and produced by the same boring old straight white paycheck-cashing producers. Misha either won't be in it at all or he'll be in it just enough for them to make a joke of his goodbye scene. I guarantee if the confession gets mentioned at all it'll be a one-scene awkward brush off with the cheesy its-a-joke! no homo! comedy segue music behind it. They'll have Cas and Dean both act embarrassed and agree to never mention it again and then cough bacon cough football cough guns haha oh no we're being attacked by monsters! Here's a shitty ten minute fight scene to fill time so we don't have to talk about this gay shit anymore! Seriously. It'll be a boring cringe fest, directed by Bob Singer. Just like the finale. But longer. NOTHING has changed in the three years since the show ended. Nothing. If it comes back it'll just be more of the same. You remember how Andrew Dabb said at Comic Con the year before the show ended "if you hated the end of Game of Thrones just wait!" and people thought he was joking? Yeah. That. But "if you hated the SPN ending just wait til you see the garbage we haven't got planned for the short season streaming reboot!" Oh you thought it couldn't get any worse than the finale? Just wait til you see what they can't do with an even LOWER budget now that all the white dudes involved are even OLDER and have LESS time to make it! You thought The Winchesters special effects were embarrassingly bad? Just wait! You thought we couldn't possibly treat Misha Collins any worse? Just wait!
*deep sigh*
I have to agree with you anon. As much as little day dreamer me would love a new season (or at least a better epilogue) where Cas returns, Dean declares his love, they get married a go live in a white picket fence house, we WON'T.
so I would honestly keep living in "fix-it" land where marvellous authors and artists give us the ending we all hoped for and deserved, but not get canon ruin it even more for us :(
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s4e19 jump the shark (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
episode should be titled 10 more reasons to hate john winchester
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seinfeld s5e22 the opposite - dedee pfeiffer as victoria
another tiny role on seinfeld that i know well because i saw them all enough and at a time when my brain was better at recording things.
okay but also? i think i know her from cybill?? which i probably haven't thought of since the 90s. and sometimes i wonder how i originally knew actors like say, alicia witt and christine baranaski and something like this drags it up from the depths
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cybill (1995-1998) dedee pfeiffer as rachel blanders
okay but back to dean getting shat on. dear old dad wanted to give one of his kids a normal life and take him to baseball games and go camping that didn't involve killing monsters. aw, that's nice. except for all the gross child neglect of his kids he was supposed to be fulltime sole caregiver of. granted he didn't get involved in this kid's life until sam was away at college so it's not like the nice things happened simultaneously to the neglect. still hate you, man. and the recap made sure to remind us of how john treated sam's going to college.
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that look sam gave adam after dean loses paper scissors rock was cute. was feeling the sibling vibes.
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also got me considering the logistics of man sized ventilation inside this random house.
sam giving this kid the dad and dean no friends no life routine is something. remember this little exchange at the gas pump:
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s1e6 skin:
SAM: So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? (DEAN shrugs.) You’re serious?
DEAN: Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period.
SAM: You’re kind of anti-social, you know that?
but also harkens back to when dean was just trying to keep everyone alive while the other two were hellbent on self destructive revenge. which dean has been selling sam is just like dad and that's why they don't get along since then, but i'm not quite sure i buy that.
from s1e22 devil's trap:
Sam: We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you’re the one who came and got me at school! (Dean scoffs) You’re the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I’m just trying to finish it!
Dean: Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge.
that line about being the one to bury you lives rent free in my head.
i mean, i get what he's putting down in regards to his revenge quests, but i don't think there's a lot of similarities outside that. maybe because i like sam and john was a child neglecting piece of garbage. that is definitely a big blinder for me 🥴
i'm sure people enjoyed all that uh, excessive wound fingering and such with sam.
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but my issue is those very significant cuts through his forearms and he's all fine and dandy in the next scene. he'd have some wicked number of stitches. and i guess nothing major was cut. just fleshy bits that dean can sew back up? i know, medical accuracy is way way WAY down on the list. but when they focus on the volume of blood he's losing so rapidly, i can't help but start to think of the logistics! anyway, made me think about hannibal's big ass scars in a similar place from matthew brown.
okay but also the kid has a point, of the ghouls were only eating dead people, was it really that important to be killing them?
that turned out a lot more therapeutic than i expected. and somehow i didn't know that fate of adam so i was actually surprised. i always am glad for dean to be working through some of his dad issues. sam is full of questionable choices these days. i'll give it to him, the writers, whatever. he really does sell that he's earnestly truly trying to do the right thing. but everything is a flaming pile of shit anyway.
DEAN I mean, I worshipped the guy, you know? I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listen to the same music. But you were more like him than I will ever be. And I see that now.
SAM I'll take that as a compliment.
DEAN You take it any way you want.
i mean.
anyway. okay i liked this episode even though i'm nervously looking at the time with how close the end of the season is and here we are off killing some monsters like it's any other week. this felt like an earlier to mid season episode. quality dean and sam time, daddy issues on blast.
and forever grateful shoutout to supernaturalwiki.com, the documentation is immaculate, found the episode with the bury you line in it in under 5 minutes.
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mishasminions · 3 years
Here’s why the Supernatural Series Finale Sucked
First of all, I’d like to state, that this perspective is coming from someone who has watched, invested in, and dissected this show for 15 years. I’ve tried to rationalize and justify every single decision each of the main characters made throughout the years, and I’ve always tried to make sense of each of their story arcs from a “bigger picture” standpoint as each season progressed.
Anyway, before I can properly explain why the finale sucked, let me quickly take you through 15 seasons by segregating them into 3 eras, because you can’t really comprehend what Supernatural is about and what it’s become without going through how it tried to expand its universe.
Now, we all know that Kripke was always set in wrapping up Sam and Dean’s story in 5 seasons, and he did just that.
So, in this era, Supernatural is about two brothers who set out on a journey to fulfill “the family business”. They hunt mythical monsters that terrorize the world, while battling the monsters within themselves. Their ultimate “big bad” is an apocalypse.
Towards the end of this era, we find out that Sam and Dean are actually a parallel to Biblical characters who are brothers turned rivals. And that Sam and Dean’s destiny is to go up against each other.
However, as a dynamic, they have always been about making their own choices, choosing free will, and having a brotherly bond that can power through against any obstacle at any given day.
So, this era is neatly wrapped up with its finale. The characters grow, and get justified endings.
Dean, a man who thinks of himself as two things: 1. Sam’s older brother and protector; and 2. Daddy’s blunt little instrument.
He’s spent his whole life believing that that was his only purpose, and he knew that the only ending he’ll get would either be a bloody death fulfilling his duty to the family business; or laying his life on the line to save his brother.
Dean gets the ending he thought was never possible for him, something he thought he could never deserve. After years of living and dying for his family, he gets a shot at having an apple pie life--to settle down with a nice girl, raise a kid in a house with a white picket fence. With Sam gone, Dean’s responsibility now is to himself.
Sam, on the other hand, never wanted any part of it, because he wasn’t groomed the way Dean was, and because thanks to Dean, Sam wasn’t traumatized or forced into growing up too quickly the way Dean was.
So Sam aspires for a normal life, and works the cases with Dean so he can maybe get some semblance of it, when everything they set out to kill are laid to rest.
Ultimately, Sam performs a selfless act for his brother, who has given up everything for him, and for their cause--to save the world.
The journey is this: Dean sacrifices everything to save Sam, and Sam sacrifices himself so Dean could live.
Apart from being Dean’s “savior” and guardian angel, Castiel’s role in this era is to serve as a mirror to Dean’s journey. Castiel goes from being heaven’s foot soldier, following “God’s orders”; to an angel who learns to choose and feel for the first time in his existence.
After they realize that they’re both daddy’s blunt instruments, Dean starts choosing his own path for himself, and convinces Castiel to join him. Castiel stops following heaven, and starts following Dean.
In the end, with his newfound understanding of the world thanks to Dean, Castiel goes back to heaven to reform it.
We’ve resolved the biblical arc, and the character journeys.
So this is where the show realizes how vast its universe can be, so it tries to expand it by tapping into uncharted lands and experimenting with it.
They take on heaven, reform hell, explore purgatory, have the angels fall, turn Dean into a demon, and kill Death.
Dean and Sam recognize their codependency, and try to rise above it.
They go back and forth between which brother will risk it all for the greater good every other season.
Dean and Cas strengthen their relationship by recognizing the impact they have on each other’s lives.
Cas structures his life and decisions around Dean (Seasons 6-7), and Dean learns to trust and fight for Cas (Seasons 8-9).
Sam and Cas bond (mostly over Dean) because of their shared rationales in decision-making.
Dean, Sam, and even Cas also forge relationships with the people they work with. The concept of “found family” is introduced here.
This era was heavy on the plot while establishing, reinforcing, and solidifying relationships and dynamics.
At this point, it wasn’t just about the brothers anymore.
If Supernatural had ended in Season 10, the logical finale would’ve been Team Free Will, along with the family that they’ve found, going up against the latest big bad (Death or whoever). Maybe they lose them along the way, maybe they all make it out alive, or maybe they go down swinging, but at least the show recognizes and supports the message they keep saying, “Family don’t end with blood”
This is where the show runs out of ideas and decides to invalidate the seasons that came before it.
From bringing Mary back (basically rendering their whole journey pointless because they’ve literally started hunting because of her death), to changing the stipulations in being Michael and Lucifer’s vessels (another character struggle rendered useless), to God himself breaking the fourth wall by saying that the Winchesters get away with everything because “they’re the main characters in his story and everything they’ve been through was just part of a badly written narrative”.
But what we’re getting from this era is that Sam and Dean, along with Cas (who has also deviated from the story) ARE trying to escape a badly written narrative.
That’s the “big bad” in this era. The writer.
At this point, the characters have picked up so many strays (including those from alternate universes), and have settled into their roles in their “found family”. Dean, Sam, and Cas all become surrogate dads and uncles.
They’ve also graduated from the whole “we’re on different sides” and “going behind each other’s backs” drama. And they just want the whole family together.
They’ve all resigned themselves to the cause, but they’re also tired. Dean allows himself to contemplate about wanting more out of life or at least getting a vacation. Sam, on the other hand, realizes his capabilities as an effective leader. Castiel learns to love another being that isn’t Dean (spoiler: it’s Jack).
However, they also realize that they’ve just been puppets on a string all this time.
So what they want now, is to write their own story, and make their own choices knowing that God/the writer isn’t the one fueling their narrative.
So here’s why the finale sucks:
Andrew Dabb, the current showrunner, said that there would be two finales.
15x19 - The finale to wrap up Season 15, and 15x20 - The finale to wrap up the series by “resolving the characters’ journey”
In 15x19 the boys find a way to de-power God/the writer. For the first time in their whole lives, they are free from the story. Their lives are completely theirs now. They can make their own decisions. There are no more “big bads” to fight
And here’s what happens in 15x20:
Immediately after being freed from their story arc, Dean and Sam go back to hunting the monster of the week.
Dean eats pie, gets nailed (literally), makes a 10-minute speech to Sam because he knows he’s dying, then he goes to heaven.
Dean is greeted by Bobby, his surrogate Dad who he hasn’t seen (fully alive) since Season 7. Bobby’s expository dialogue comprises of him explaining that he got out of heaven’s jail, that John and Mary are next door, and that Jack and Cas fixed the dynamics of heaven off-screen.
The first thing Dean decides to do is go for a long drive in his Impala (as if he hasn’t done enough of that already).
Meanwhile, Sam decides to stop hunting after Dean dies, he gets the apple pie life he hadn’t wanted since Season 8 (while Dean was in Purgatory), and names his kid “Dean” for effect. He grows old and dies.
Dean drove around in heaven for so long that Sam catches up to him.
They hug. The end.
Great, right?
After 15 years of struggling to battle their own respective destinies, going up against big bads and even bigger bads, then finally being able to take charge of their own stories, Dean and Sam regress to hunting the monster of the week, and get killed off by a nail and old age. Okay.
Sam gets to retire and have a family, sure, but they still focus on him and the kid he named after his dead brother. Still just “Sam and Dean” through and through. Nothing to do with found family. Just lineage. Just blood. And it ends there.
See, the problem here is that this ending would’ve been passable in The Kripke Era. But we’re 10 years down the road since, and while Sam and Dean are the original main characters, the show isn’t just about them and their codependent relationship anymore.
So you see, even if you take out the whole “Castiel deserves to be in the finale because he’s also a main character with an unfinished story arc” argument, the finale still does no justice to the series it tried to “wrap up”.
But anyway, now I’ll make the case for the problem with Castiel not being in the finale:
In 15x18, we get a 5-minute rushed confession from Castiel to Dean. The context of which are as follows:
1. Earlier in the episode, Dean had wounded Death with her scythe. We later find out that this wound is fatal.
2. Their friends start to “blip out” in a Thanos-like snap, and Dean thinks that Death is causing it, so Dean seeks her out, and Cas goes with him.
3. Dean and Cas anger Death, apparently for no reason because she didn’t even do the thing they thought she did. She chases them to try to kill them
4. Dean and Cas lock themselves in a room. Dean starts a pity party.
5. As Dean goes through hating himself out loud, Cas decides to inform Dean of the deal he made with The Empty. He then proceeds to explain the stipulation of the deal (that he would get taken once he experiences a moment of true happiness), then discusses his newfound happiness philosophy. Dean is getting whiplash.
6. Cas goes on to imply that the one thing that he wanted that he knew he couldn’t have is Dean Winchester reciprocating his romantic feelings for him. (Don’t even try to fight me on this because Cas already has Dean’s platonic love, and he knows that Dean thinks of him as a brother, so if he really meant this in a “familial” way, then why would he think that he couldn’t have the thing that would make him happy?) So Cas’ realization is that telling Dean about his feelings is enough to make him happy.
7. Cas tells Dean all the reasons why he loves him (thereby combating Dean’s self-deprecation tirade), and all the reasons why he’s worthy of his love. Meanwhile, Dean is still winded from the fact that Cas is about to sacrifice himself for him again.
8. Dean never gets to process anything, because Cas is shoving him out of the way, as he and Death (who busts through the door) get taken by The Empty.
After this episode, Dean never speaks of it. Misha Collins supposes that Dean doesn’t reciprocate. Jensen Ackles says that Dean didn’t really get to process it because it was too much, too fast, and that Dean, still dense as ever, thinks that Cas, a celestial being, doesn’t interpret human feelings the same way.
So what was the point of this confession?
Politics and sensitivities of a 2005 network television aside, what does this do for the story?
Cas proclaims his romantic feelings to Dean, but Dean never acknowledges it, doesn’t even give it a passing thought afterwards. So Cas’ big declaration goes unheard.
Cas cashes in on his Empty deal to kill Death (who was dying anyway), in order to save Dean who dies two episodes after.
Dean makes no effort to save Cas (despite being really broken up about his previous deaths, or even spending a whole year in Purgatory looking for him), even after they’ve beaten God, not even asking Jack (who has all the power in the universe) to bring him back (when Jack has already done it before, with less mojo).
Dean moves on to fight the monster of the week. Somewhere off-screen, Jack rescues Cas from The Empty, but Cas uncharacteristically doesn’t even bother to go to Dean? (Every single time he comes back, Dean’s always the first person he goes to)
And Cas, who apparently helped craft and reform the new heaven, isn’t the one who welcomes Dean and explains the new dynamics of it?
Sure, Jan.
Supernatural, you’ve created a finale that only your casual viewers and people who dipped out after Season 5 can appreciate.
Just goes to show how much you actually valued the people who actually invested in your story and characters, and consistently helped keep your show on the air.
[RT this on Twitter]
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sortasirius · 3 years
“Carry On” and...Yikes.
Well clowns, looks like the clown calls were coming from inside the house this entire time.
I so desperately wish I wasn’t writing this right now.  I so wish that I could be writing something better, something joyful, something happy about this fifteen year journey with these characters.  It seems as though the show had other ideas, so in we go.
So...the dog was cool.  Also interesting that Dean was back to his breakup/grieving coping mechanisms: not making his bed, messy room, beer all over the place, Sam making breakfast, etc.
So I guess I better just start off with how...off this episode felt in regards to Dean specifically. Idk why he suddenly wanted a dog and Sam had no real interest in one, since the opposite has been true for, idk, fifteen years, but whatever, I was willing to let it go.
I thought the pie thing was a sweet scene, it was funny and nice and a good button on Dean’s pie thing.
Weird to, you know, bring up Cas and not mention his tragic ass deal and why he got got, but whatever.
I cannot physically believe that this MOTW aspect was, quite literally, so much of the plot.  Like...we figured that it was going to be an aspect, but for it to be SO MUCH?  Bruh.  I am such a fucking fool lmfao.
Again, cool to see Cas’ coat in the back.  Too bad it wasn’t addressed.
Jenny.  Bitch.  Come on.  Of ALL the villains in the FIFTEEN YEARS of Supernatural.  Jenny.  Who was in....one....episode.  Ok.
I mean that line about the high school thing was funny, I did laugh at that moment.  Fuck I love Dean Winchester.
I cannot believe I specced so much about the barn scene.  Are y’all telling me that “The Night We Met” is being claimed by......Sam and Dean.  Fuck off.
I mean, I thought Dean was going to die, and the scene actually did play out pretty similarly to how I thought.  It was probably the most powerful moment in the episode.  I am very glad that it was Dean’s choice, his choice and his peace to let go. 
“Let me look at you.  There he is.  I am so proud of you, Sam.”
I do love this, I love this because Dean is able to look at his work, the man that he raised, and tell him these things.  He was Sam’s parent, he raised Sam into the man he is today, and he should be damn proud of that.
I do love this most of scene, I really do, I love my boys, these brothers so damn much, and at least, at the very least, I have this scene of them.
Forehead touch was weird, I’m just gonna say it.
I feel like most of this episode was montages lol.  I mean I always hate sad Sam but at this point I still fully felt like we were going to get closure and we just...didn’t.
The Austin number was a cool detail, I liked that bc I picked up on it right away (since, you know, my phone is a 512 number lmao).
What a lackluster goodbye to the Bunker.  I had no clue that was going to be the last time we saw it ever.
The scene with Bobby was nice, it was good to see him.  We did get our remade Heaven, that’s also nice to know.
“It ain’t just Heaven, Dean.  It’s the Heaven you deserve.”
He does deserve this.  An open Heaven, the people he loves, finally some peace, he deserves that, and I am glad that he got it.
Our second Cas mention.  Great.  Thanks guys.
I mean thanks Jim and Jensen for the microexpressions I guess lmao.
So I am supposed to believe.  That Dean.  Whose entire arc has been speaking his truth, specifically speaking his truth to Cas.  Where he has been stopped twice before this season.  Is going to just drive around in circles for forty years until Sam gets there?  Yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
And Sam gets married and has a kid that he names Dean, and the unspecified dark haired woman in the back of the ten minute montage is supposed to be enough for me to buy that it’s Eileen?  Bruh.
Sam’s age makeup????  Hello????  AT FIRST THEY DIDN’T EVEN AGE HIM THEY JUST PUT HIM IN A WIG?????
That cover of Wayward Son did slap but was it enough?  No.
Even that bridge moment didn’t hit right because Sam didn’t cross it?  He was just suddenly there.
It just fucking sucks.  It sucks that their reunion doesn’t land right because they...didn’t do anything when they were apart.  Sam had his kid sure but Dean literally just drove around.  No mention of Cas or of Eileen.  Nothing.  So the last moment of this show I love feels tainted and hollow and just wrong.
It sucks.  I’m not going to lie.  But the worst thing about it?  Is that it doesn’t make any sense.  I have not spent two years of my life picking apart the writing rooms in Supernatural, lauding this current team for what they’ve accomplished for it to end like this.  I know many of you will regard me as a complete tinhat freak right now, but this, to me, does not feel like an episode that Andrew Dabb wrote.  Hell, it doesn’t feel like an episode of Supernatural.
None of the arcs were completed: Dean didn’t get to speak his truth to Cas, Sam never got to become the leader, the legacy hunter he was meant to.  We don’t see them with Cas or Eileen, we don’t even hear about them.
Listen, there’s a lot that...simply doesn’t add up to me.  First of all, the episode was SHORT, and most of it was montages. They had four montages AND the episode was only 38 minutes.  The series finale of the show was shorter than any other episode and had four multiple minute montages.  Okay.  Make it make sense.  Newsflash: it doesn’t, there is simply no way I can believe that there weren’t massive cuts and reworks done to this episode on an executive level.
I know there are people who will tell me that the writers are just bad and I need to accept that they gave me a shitty ending, but after all this time with this story, especially with Dabb’s arc, he just...doesn’t do shit like this.  His arcs are always complete, always tied up well, always have a button.  But this mess?  This confusing episode that left everything hanging with a cover of Wayward Son hanging in the air?  It just doesn’t add up to me.
This wasn’t the story they were telling, this hasn’t been the story they were telling all season, and I stand by that.
So, I sure do wish I could give you a better post. I wish that we had gotten something better.  I still, after everything, love this show, and will still be here in the morning.
Thanks guys.  Love y’all.
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StackedNatural Day 160: 1x20, 7x19
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
April 20, 2022
1x20: Dead Man's Blood
Written by: Cathryn Humphris & John Shiban
Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Original air date: April 20, 2006
Plot Synopsis:
After Daniel Elkins, a vampire hunter and John's mentor, is murdered, Sam and Dean are surprised when John himself shows up to solve the case. John discovers the vampires have taken an antique gun, which has the power to kill all supernatural beings. 
Daniel Elkins, the introduction of the Colt, the non-extinction of vampires, Sam and John butting heads, an extremely horny pack of vampires, need-to-know parenting, a college fund’s worth of ammo, 
My Thoughts:
This is a great episode in most respects - the hunt is interesting, the effects are great, and the relationships between the characters are expanded and complicated. Not to mention the Colt is going to be so crucial for so much of the series. 
It is kind of funny in retrospect that Sam and Dean thought vampires weren’t real and John thought they were all extinct because they show up SO often as the series goes on. Either John was total shit at vampire hunting or vampires got REALLY busy turning people shortly after 2006.  
It’s not this episode’s fault that Jenny, the random victim of the week, is the one that kills Dean in the series finale, but it does piss me off in retrospect. It actually works kind of well, especially given the line “Once a vampire has your scent, it's for life”. The problem is that the only think I remembered about this episode was the colt and the fights between John and Sam. Jenny didn’t make a big enough impression for me to have any reaction to her turning up in Carry On. I think Dabb just went through season 1 and picked the first monster that got away. In terms of theme, it’s shitty to end a show that tries to ask a bunch of questions about the morality of hunting by saying that letting a creature flee will kill you. But again, we can hardly fault this episode for Andrew Dabb’s sins. 
The directing of this episode is great. Dean is visible literally between Sam and John while they fight, a buffer protecting them from each other. The eyeshine on the vampires and the rearview mirror lighting John’s face up are also great. I like the special effects on the kill with the Colt as well.
I love to hate John Winchester and this is a good episode for that. I do think he loves his sons, but that doesn’t make him a good father. The fact that it never occurred to him to consider what Sam wanted out of life is proof of that, aside from the fact that he treats his children like soldiers. I like the conversation between him and Sam - it helps show us his worldview, but even with all that he doesn’t apologize for cutting off contact with Sam. 
Notable Lines:
“Hey Dean, why don't you touch up your car before you get rust? I wouldn't have given you the damn thing if I thought you were going to ruin it.”
“Are you telling me you're cool with just falling into line, and letting him run the whole show?” “If that's what it takes.”
“You're the one who said ‘don't come back,’ Dad. You closed that door, not me.”
“Back in 1835, when Halley's comet was overhead, the same night those men died at the Alamo. They say Samuel Colt made a gun.”
“After your mother passed all I saw was evil, everywhere. And all I cared about was keeping you boys alive. I wanted you...prepared. Ready. Except somewhere along the line I stopped being your father and I ... I became your drill sergeant.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.6
IMdB Rating: 8.5
7x19: Of Grave Importance
Written by: Buckleming
Directed by: Tim Andrew
Original air date: April 20, 2012
Plot Synopsis:
Bobby's spirit tries to help Sam and Dean as they try to find a missing friend inside a haunted house.
Foxhole trysts, more of Dean’s functional alcoholism, Bobby’s haunting efforts, a super duper haunted house, the mechanics of ghosthood. 
My Thoughts:
Y’all, we found it. A Buckleming episode that is not only watchable, but enjoyable. The dialogue wasn’t even atrocious. 
Annie appeared on screen and I straight up thought it was Ellen for a second, so apparently Bobby has a type. The Hemingway foxhole bit in the restaurant was actually so funny that I laughed out loud. Well-written and well-acted.
It’s nice to have a Bobby POV episode now that they finally confirmed that he was still around at the end of the last season 7 episode, and I like the ethical dilemma that it raises about the morals of killing ghosts. It would be better if that was followed up with any nuance in their later hunting habits, but we can’t have everything. 
This episode made me know in my heart that 15x02 Raising Hell could have been handled better. The same writers seven years earlier did a ghost power struggle and it was interesting and had high stakes, rather than a union but evil. 
It is funny that Bobby and Annie spent so much time looking for hidden doors in this episode. You guys are ghosts. Walk through walls until you find what you’re looking for. 
Notable Lines:
“All right, now. I can kill werewolves, fix a Pinto, and bake cornbread. I will be damned if I can't get Zen.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.4
IMdB Rating: 8.5
In Conclusion: A whole day off tomorrow and I have no idea what I’m going to use my lunch break for. 
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samdyke · 3 years
the night we met being used in reference to the night dean got Sam from Stanford doesn’t even make any fucking sense they met when Sam was BORN im going to tear my way through the brickwork of Andrew dabb’s house
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ITS LITERALLY SICKKKKK like it makes me ill to think they were like. oh? this romantic song? lets make it about brothers <3 and it really does feel malicious like everything they did between despair and the finale (though the whiteboard were posted before, ofc) was intended to bait us all. they knew theyd gotten us emotionally invested, and they did everything to make it SEEM like misha/cas would be back. it was pr approved and carefully planned bait and it really makes me livid. also, it doesnt even FIT THEM youre right anon they met uh WHEN SAM WAS BORN??? god i hate them sm its unreal
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@nikadd gxhbsnsnsnsnsj lmaoo alright now THTS fair
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umaficwriter · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/33T75RgNKCVSUiWbLO3Q8k?si=iGcXxAwNTjewDrklPquKGw)
This contains spoilers in case you haven’t watched the series ‘till season 10!
Hi folks! I started a Crowen Playlist Challenge months ago in hopes that it’d bring me some closure, bc I miss CROWEN so much, and they really made my day back then! So, I’ll leave below the link to the fics I’ve already written concerning this playlist.
This consists in a Spotify Playlist (you can listen to above). Some spngs really are on the TV Show and others are here because I feel like they speak volumes of Crowen feels! I’ll clarify that with every song!
Hope you like it! ;D
·       White Horse (Taylor Swift) – their first kiss S5E02 / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22215103
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13475845/1/Now-Is-Too-Late-For-You-and-Your-White-Horse
 ·       Street Lights (Kanye West) – he shows her the vent and they kiss S5E10
·       Catch Me (Demi Lovato) – she ponders on opening up to Owen after all the Burke drama, and decides in favor.
·       King of My Heart (Taylor Swift) – after such time away from US, Owen found out his American Queen. He’s the one ruling her heart and her bed.
·       Winter Song (Sara Bareilles ft. Ingrid Michaelson) – she fids out he was engaged to Beth before, and how it ended. He tells her why he won’t go see his mom. “You see me, Cristina. See me.” S5E15
·       The Weight Of Us (Sanders Bohike) – they’re at the vent when she assures him that she can handle his PTSD S5E19
·       Salvation (Gabrielle Aplin) – she’s his salvation.
·       ocean eyes (Billie Eilish) – he’s letting her go, because he’s no good for her.  Take care now” / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22396456
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13485250/1/ocean-eyes
 ·       Broken (Lifehouse) – he’s falling apart, barely birthing without her.
·       You Found Me (The Fray) – lost and insecure they found each other again. He slep for the first time.
·       Call It What You Want (Taylor Swift) – George is dead, everything is a mess, but her baby is fit like a daydream, call it what you want to, she back with Owen for good. They love each other.
·       Poison & Wine (The Civil Wars) – she kisses him outside of the hospital at the end of their shift, after Teddy have told Owen she loves him. Cristina thanks him for bringing in Teddy unaware of his inside battle. S6E09
·       Your Side Now (Trent Dabbs) – “People do matter Cristina, I matter, we matter.” S6E12
·       Yours (Fay Wolf) – Cristina tells Owen about Burke. “I love you. I love you more than I loved Burke. I love you and today, when you asked me to ignore Teddy’s pager, you took something from me. And, I let you. And that will never happen again. S6E13
·       i hate u, i love u (gnash fr. Olivia O’Brien) – they break up again because “I don’t know” is not good enough for her and that’s all he has now. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22423150
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13486530/1/i-hate-u-i-love-u
 ·       Tell Me You Love Me (Demi Lovato) – she want to beg, like Meredith did all those years ago “Tell me you love me” she wants to say to him. She doesn’t.
·       Backed Into The Corner (Amy Stroup) – he asks her to marry him and shows her the ring. S7E01
·       I’m So In Love With You (Jill Andrews) – they have problems, but they’re just so in love…
·       You Are In Love (Taylor Swift) – the calm before the storm. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22546747
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13492509/1/You-R-In-Love
 ·       Hold On (Chord Overstreet) – they go through the abortion, the cheating, he breaks into their bathroom. “I am crying because of a boy” she says laughing.
·       Youth (Daughter) – the song is playing when he leaves the house to go to the trailer. “You don’t even remember her name” S8E19
·       Falling (Harry Styles) – he’s broken. He sees her everyday and yet can’t have her.
·       The Heart Wants What It Wants (Selena Gomez) – she’s going to Mayo, but just can fathom get over her.
·       i love you (Billie Eilish) – she loves him, after the plane crashes that’s the only thing she’s sure of. Even though she doesn’t want to love him, she does endlessly.
·       False God (Taylor Swift) – she’s back from Cleveland and she wonders if they’re going to be okay. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22323283
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13481481/1/False-God
 ·       All Of Me (John Legend) – she break up with him because she sees he wants to have kids and even though, it’s hard on her, she leaves him. S9E24
·       To Be So Lonely (Harry Styles) – after the break up, she wants him to start dating other people.
·       Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart (Ariana Grande) – she sees him and Emma together and even though it hurts and all she wants is to have him back, she ignores her wishes and focus on her work.
·       Stone Cold (Demi Lovato) – she standing at the altar at Kepner’s failed wedding and she locks eyes with him. If his happiness is Emma, she’s happy for him.
·       All Though The Night (Sleeping At Last) – she goes to his trailer to congratulate him on moving in with Emma. After the wine they talk and they kiss, having sex in the process. S10E14
·       Afterglow (Taylor Swift) – he doesn’t want anyone else. He wants Cristina Yang.
·       Flicker (Naill Horan) – “Do you know who you are? Do you know what’s happened to you?”
·       Ruby Blue (Sleeping At Last) – she says goodbye from the OR gallery. S10E24
·       Lost Without You (Freya Riddings) – the pain in his eyes when she says goodbye. He’s lost without her. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22561582
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13493201/1/Lost-Without-You
 ·       Against All Odds (Glee Cast version) – he dowels on letting her go.
·       Only You (Matthew Perryman Jones) – can he be harry living with her ghost?
·       In Case (Demi Lovato) – he’ll keep everything the same just in case she changes her mind and comes back to him. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22259089
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13478127/1/In-Case
 ·       The Night We Met (Lord Huron) – sometimes he just wanted to got back in time, to the night the met, all those ears ago and make things right this time around.
·       Sad Beautiful Tragic (Taylor Swift) – their story was as beautiful as it was tragic. Their feelings were raw and the reality was cruel. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22884625
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13508809/1/What-A-Sad-Beautiful-Tragic-Love-Affair
 ·       I Never Told You (Colbie Caillat) – even miles apart they feel like they didn’t say everything they wanted to each other. She misses him, and he’s no different.
·       Throw Your Love Away (Little Big Town) – Owen can throw their love away, neither can give it back to her. / AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22665622
FFNET: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13498368/1/Throw-Your-Love-Away
 So, that’s pretty much everything (for now) I’ll edit the post as I’ll update the playlist and/or the fanfics!
Hope you liked! xx
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
7x22: There Will Be Blood
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Team Free Will is back together and ready to battle some Leviathan!
Dick Roman, large and in charge, is now taking over SucroCorp, a leading manufacturer in high fructose corn syrup. He’s being interviewed on the news.
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It’s here that he tells the world about how they’re going to remove additives and make a pure product for people to consume. Cut to several shots of slow, lazy Americans shoving sweetened foods in their mouths while watching the news story. (And I spy a wild Andrew Dabb in the background of one shot!) He ends the interview with “We are diving whole hog into what keeps Americans living longer... and tasting better.”
After the interview, Dick is handed a suitcase with the leviathan tablet in it. He tells his secretary to replace the journalist he just talked to with a leviathan. He then heads to the meeting room where they’re holding a trussed up Kevin Tran. He hands Kevin the tablet and asks him to read it. Kevin says he can’t. 
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Dick sees they’ve entered hardball negotiations. He knows how clever Kevin is so he hands him a letter of recommendation to Harvard (couldn’t he have just paid them off to get him in?) Kevin declines. They next show Kevin that they’ve kidnapped his mom. 
At their hideout in the woods, Dean and Sam are getting nowhere on how to handle Dick Roman. Dean suggests making a weapon and taking him out. Sam wonders what will happen to the rest of the leviathan? Will they all just drop dead? Maybe.
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OMG. They’re reading the word of God. Dean ponders if God is telling them everything (Just enough to make you squirm like a worm on a hook, Dean.) Ghost Bobby watches the brothers struggle with their task. 
Later, Dean’s brushing his teeth when the air turns cold. He turns to find Bobby. Bobby’s worked out what they can do to get their ingredients. They already have Cas’s blood. They need Crowley’s and an Alpha’s blood as well. Dean counters that all the alphas are dead. Cas killed them all. Bobby suggests getting Cas involved but Dean tells him that “Cas isn’t exactly in the problem solving mode.” Bobby gets mad enough to crack a mirror when Dean is a little slow to jump on his plan. Bobby! 
Sam shows Dean that Dick Roman acquired SucroCorp and now Dean’s precious pie is in danger. “Bastards.” The computer slams shut and their conversation ends. Time to listen to Bobby’s ideas. 
They start the ritual to call Crowley (seriously, what an elaborate process before Dean and Crowley’s summer of love). 
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At Dick Roman headquarters, Kevin finishes translating the tablet. They release Linda Tran for his good deeds. 
Crowley says he’ll give them his blood after they’ve acquired the rest of the ingredients. He then goads them a little by saying that the angel blood will be the hardest, considering how much heaven hates them. Sam and Dean trade soulful looks. Crowley wonders if they have an angel up their sleeve, but Dean denies it. Crowley then tells them that there’s one Alpha that escaped back in the day. He’s in Hoople, North Dakota. 
At the Gas ‘n Sip in Hoople, the boys discuss Bobby’s outbursts. Sam wants a plan for what they’re going to do with him. As he grows stronger, he grows closer to becoming a vengeful spirit. Dean then notices the other customers in the convenience store. They’re all really out of it. (Tag yourself: I’m the slushy guy in the corner.) Sam connects their actions to the Turducken sandwiches and realizes that anything with corn syrup is a problem. “Then what the hell are we supposed to eat?” Dean demands. Sam holds up a basket of bananas and water. 
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That night, they’re staking out the house of the alpha, but haven’t seen a thing. Bobby pops up and agrees to scout it out. He gives them the all clear and they head in to find dead vampires --only their heads aren’t missing; it looks like they swallowed something that did them in instead. 
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They also find a secret room with a girl inside (oh, wait, she’s not a girl. She’s supposed to be 20. She’s been a captive for 12 years. Yikes.) She’s one of the Alpha’s “special girls” but not anymore. Sam promises to get her back to her mother. They ask about the dead vamps. She tells them that humans willingly came to them about a week ago. When they started feeding, they all died. Sam guesses it’s the corn syrup. They then ask where the Alpha is now. She doesn’t know but she’ll try and help. 
Later, the lone vamp that did not feed on a human comes back to an empty house-- well empty except for Edgar. He quickly takes the form of the vamp and kills him. 
Meanwhile, Dean is STILL going through corn syrup withdrawal. “I can't live on rabbit food. I'm – I'm a warrior.” He’s in bad shape, guys. Sam asks what their next step is. They need to confront the Alpha, so they’re going to need dead man’s blood. To the morgue! Only Dean has a better idea. They see a sloth man drinking his Slushy Mushy on a bench and realize there is vamp poison everywhere. They ask for his blood and he wordlessly complies.
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They proceed to talk about Bobby-the-ghost right over the dude’s head, while he stares at them and drinks his slushy. (God, I really want a slushee right now.) A cop drives by with his siren blaring, but as the car draws closer we hear War’s “Why can’t we be friends” and the cop boops the siren along with the music. I...just...WOW. 
Dean and Sam drive out with the alpha’s “virgin” Emily to try and find his hideout. She gives them whatever details she remembers and they make their way to a creepy mansion. “This is where he took me,” she says. “Are you sure?” Uh. YEAH. It’s crawling with vamps.
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They leave Emily in their bison-themed motel room (all hail Wanek) where she watches TV and learns about the wild Kardashian. 
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Ghost Bobby throws a mini tantrum at getting left behind (Dean locks his flask in the safe before they leave). But as Bobby watches, Emily jumps up, pulls out the cell phone, and says hi to someone named “Daddy.” She’s sending him a present! Never trust...a virgin?
Sam and Dean stalk the mansion, working on a plan of attack. Sam proposes a radical new tactic..going in through the front door.
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The door’s ajar so Sam creeps inside and...gets SNATCHED immediately. Dean pursues and gets tackled for his trouble. 
Bobby throws a tantrum in the hotel room. The cleaning woman heads in to check on the ruckus when Bobby goes full manifestation on her, then tackles her and possesses her. DAMN IT, BOBBY. Why’d you have to go darkside?
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Wearing the cleaning woman, Bobby removes his flask from the safe and heads towards Sucrocorp. 
At alpha vamp headquarters, Emily greets Daddy Vamp gleefully. Dean tells them that they’re just there to talk, but not before giving Emily some serious sarcasm for tricking them.
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Sure, they were carrying machetes and infected blood but that’s water under the bridge, okay? Dean’s flippant bravado isn’t impressing the vamps; he gets bashed into the table for his trouble. The alpha starts ramping up to eat himself a Winchester (with a Winchester chaser) when Sam tells him that they know about the vampire plague that killed Emily’s little nest. 
The alpha at first denies that the leviathans could have anything to do with it. He’d shared a lovely meal with Dick Roman, after all. Sam insists that they’re telling the truth and tells him that they need his blood for the weapon that can defeat Roman. 
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The Winchesters are shown to the study (maybe they have cookies and juice, like a blood drive) while Edgar meets with the alpha. They try to escape, but they’re locked up tight in there. Dean grabs a needle from one of the bloodied IV bags and a concealed stoned-man’s-blood syringe from his boot. (ALWAYS check the boots, bad guys!) It’s time to lockpick and stick. 
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The alpha promises to deliver Sam and Dean to the leviathans. Edgar, in turn, promises that he’s definitely totally NOT exterminating all the vampires. 
Meanwhile, it’s vamptonite to the rescue as Dean and Sam get the drop on a vamp and watch him half disintegrate in front of their eyes!
The alpha expresses frustration with the terrible customer service of Leviathan Corp. and Edgar grins. Yeah, he admits, the leviathans totally want the vamps dead. The additive will kill any monster that eats humans. Now that the lines are drawn, it’s showdown time. Edgar insults Eve and the alpha attacks (NOBODY insults his mom!), but he isn’t strong enough. Luckily Dean and Sam take this moment to show up, slicing off Edgar’s head. 
The Winchesters try to go after the alpha, but he tosses Dean across the room and offers an alternative idea. 
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He’ll give them his blood and they can take down the leviathans. I guess...that works pretty well. The alpha pours his blood into a wine glass, hands it over, and snarls a farewell. The Winchesters aren’t done yet, though. Emily may be a lost cause, but there’s still a young boy held prisoner. They bargain for his freedom.
Sam takes the blood and they head out (presumably to rescue the little kid). The alpha taunts them. “Your flesh is crawling. All you really want to do is kill me now. You hate having to wait and come back and try again.” It’s an accurate summary...they promise to finish up their storyline at a later date. (Boris: Sam Fucking Winchester, season 12 ftw)
Back at the hotel, they recap how dropping off the kid went (horribly, they were accused of kidnapping him and had to jump out a window). Once in the motel room, they find the place is a wreck, with cracked mirrors and an empty safe. Bobby’s in the wind…
Well, at least they’ve got two out of three kinds of blood, right? “It's a good thing we got Crowley in our corner. Right?” Dean surmises sarcastically, “Seeing as how it all comes down to him. What could possibly go wrong?”
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What could go wrong, indeed? Crowley gets summoned by Dick Roman himself. It’s time to make a deal.
We Know Dick about Quotes:
We are diving whole hog into what keeps Americans living longer... and tasting better.
I can't do this, man. I can't live on rabbit food. I'm a warrior!
Keep your friends close, your enemies, blah blah.
You sure you want to head in there, machetes blazing?
You get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
I have always wondered whether someone on the writing staff hates Jared
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The seminal storyline of Supernatural is always the relationship between Sam and Dean Winchester.  Sam was the flawed hero but not to the point where you hated him.  Sam's flaws are what made Supernatural what it is.  Sam's arcs drove the story of Supernatural forward.  Right until season 7. His flaws could be explained in canon.  His defiance in the earlier season could be the product of him being infected with demon blood as a baby and that could be the reason why he imbibed demon blood.  Losing Dean also messed him up terribly.  Kudos to Jared Padalecki playing a mourning Sam so well.  Soulless Sam wasn't his fault at all.  It was Castiel's fault.  He can't be blamed for that. 
The change came in season 8.  Sera Gamble was the showrunner for season 6 and 7, and despite the fact that this fandom complains about everyone and everything, I think Sera did a very good job with the story for those two years despite the fact that Kripke had ended his tenure, in a very awkward place  Despite having a soft spot for Sam, she gave both brothers equal billing in the story.  However, Bob Singer meddled in her work, overriding her rules.  The one thing I think she was trying to do was get rid of Castiel, because his Q score was horrific.  She even managed it, but apparently Bob Singer overrode her decision and brought him back.  He interfered so much that at the end of season 7, she resigned.  Singer got his wife, Eugenie Ross-Leming and her writing partner, Brad Bucker, on the writing team in season 7.  At that point, Eugenie didn't have power.  In season 8 she became a consulting producer [in other words, she had power], then in season 9 she became co-executive producer and in season 12 she became executive producer.  So many yearly promotions?  Talk about nepotism.     
As soon as Eugenie had power in her hands, the writers started to write Sam in such a hateful manner that it baffled me.  Complete character assassination.  The first thing was Purgatory in season 8.  Sam didn't bother looking for Dean in Purgatory and switched off his phone so this child who needed him was completely stranded and at risk.  That is not Sam.  Interestingly, they put all of these criticisms in Dean's mouth.  Its like they were trying to make us hate Sam.  The aftermath of Gadreel's storyline was the worst.  Sam berates Dean for allowing Gadreel to possess Sam.  Dean says that ''You were dying.  If you were in my place, you would have done the same thing.''  to which Sam very coldly and flippantly says ''no I would not''.
For a split second, my anger skyrocketed.  That little ingrate!  After everything his brother did for him!  When I calmed down and actually thought rationally, I realized that something is afoot.  First, someone is trying to destroy Sam's popularity.  Then they are saddling him with a girlfriend.  Then she left because of fan disapproval, and they saddled him with another deaf mute girl to ratchet up the sympathy levels.  That didn't make sense for Sam.  Sam would never do that, because the last girl he loved, incinerated on the ceiling.  It is selfish to bring these girls into his life.  That didn't work and eventually I think Jared got to them.  Because Sam backtracks spectacularly a few episodes later because when Dean asked Sam why Sam isn't just letting him die, Sam says ''I didn't mean it.''  That line is deux ex machina and gives me the impression that Jared picked up the phone and tore the writing team apart. 
Jack is Sammy's little miracle.  The minute the boy was born, he latched onto Sam.  This is the first character [other than Dean] that Sam has any natural chemistry with.  And throughout Jack's story thus far, Sam has been significant.  Not Dean.  Not Cas.  Just Sam.  This, according to Alex Calvert himself, and fans who watch the show with no agenda.  Jack did for Sam, what Sam did for Dean.  Dean is a character that is very easy for some people to hate [please understand that I am not speaking for everyone, just some of the viewers].  He is an arrogant, rude fornicator who is selfish if you think about it.  His relationship and dedication to Sam is what softens him up and makes him likeable.  Sam is, as aforementioned, a flawed hero.  Everything that Sam did in previous seasons [that angered us], washed away when we watched him grow to care for this boy.  Sam was so gentle and nurturing and caring to Jack, that it put a smile on everyone's face and we became enamored with this beautiful relationship. 
Slowly that is starting to get erased.  Dean is bonding with Jack, which I didn't mind.  But it was at the expense of elbowing Sam out of the way.  I took great offense to the fact that when Jack came back to life, Dean hugged the boy and Sam didn't.  Why?  It makes no sense.  Your child comes back from the dead and you pat his shoulder.  Nope!  Some person in the creative team hates Jared.  And I think that person is Bob Singer.  From season 12 onwards, Singer has been a co-showrunner, sharing the task with Andrew Dabb.  This guy is such a weasel that he always uses Dabb as his front man and never steps forward to claim responsibility for the train wreck that Supernatural is becoming.  So everybody hates Dabb but only the smart ones point a finger at Singer.  The reason Castiel is still on the show, we have the stupid spin off and the brother's importance is diminishing is because of this nasty man. 
I wish Jensen and Jared will open their eyes, and realize that this show is their baby.  They need to clean house and get rid of a lot of leeches.  Heck, bring Sera Gamble back.  Bring back Ben Edlund who left the minute Eugenie got promoted.  Coincidence?  Seems unlikely.  So many of the nice writers are gone and Bob Singer is holding the reins of Supernatural, letting Misha Collins run amok and making the Winchester boys [as well as the actors that play them], second class citizens on their own show.
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neven-ebrez · 6 years
Wayward cocktails with Jerry Wanek in Hawaii
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Okay!  So I was extremely lucky to get to sit down right beside production designer Jerry Wanek along with some other fans and talk to him for over an hour on Sunday night after Honolulu con wrapped.  I recorded a bit of the audio of the meeting for notes so here’s some highlights from our group chat.
Jerry has an office upstairs where the studios are.  There’s no doors.  There’s nine people in the art department including the art director, set designer, and the graphic director.  The whole process is extremely collaborative and the best idea usually wins!  I brought up the fact that there’s always discussions of intent when analyzing the show and how its very hard to pin down because there are so many hands in the cookie jar!  Jerry said a lot of it goes back to the boys, which provide the most focus in his opinion.  
Jerry says he reads lots of scripts every day, some of which have stupid ideas (”This is so stupid I want to cry” his words, lol).  He said after they get the first draft that they all submit their ideas, “What if we do this? What if we do that?”  Jerry works very close with every director.  He looks over the scripts and helps point out what is pretty much impossible (or otherwise VERY tough/expensive).  He says he has a script right now that is 14 pages long at NIGHT, OUTSIDE, and RAINING. (FYI: this is a production/cost/logistics/timing nightmare for those who don’t know this).  Jerry says they can’t even get this done on their 8 day schedule, that there’s simply not enough TIME.  He says he had to call up Andrew Dabb and be like, “Uh... Andrew... you’re gonna have to cut some of this!” 
Jerry spoke well of John Showalter and Phil Sgriccia, saying Phil’s history in editing helps him tremendously in directing (and I guess fixing problems like being given a script with 14 pages of night shoots, lol).  He spoke of how Phil cares about the show’s mythology and legacy compared to some writers who do things that change the mythology.  He said everyone was confused by Asmodeus in the fact that he could shapeshift.  He didn’t like the fact that all the other Princes of Hell didn’t have that ability but apparently Asmodeus did.  
I asked him if there’s ever been a set that he especially hated to tear down and he said “Yes and no.” He went on to talk about the lake house from 12x23 and 13x01.  He looked for 2 weeks for a house for that shoot.  He was out looking for a spot to shoot the angel blades from the AU and the guy that had that property mentioned another spit of land he had and then he and Jerry drove out there and then Jerry saw that it was perfect and so he immediately called up Bob and they decided to build the house as a complete set there instead of finding a house already built.  
I told him it was amazing that they could build these things all so fast.  He said that it’s taken a lot of years to acquire those skills.  He’s been in the film business for 40 years.  He spoke of the freedom he had on the Dark Angel set, that they told him “just take care of the sets” and that James Cameron and them had other things to worry about, so there was a lot of trust there.  He said that since then he’s only had to get “okay’d” on maybe half a dozen sets.  Basically, he has a lot of free reign on whether the location is a bunker, an abandoned warehouse, whatever.  He spoke fondly of the distillery set from 10x21 and said it had been written as an abandoned warehouse.  Coming up in 13x07 the script called for a concrete bunker in the desert, but Jerry designed a church instead.  I suggested that “concrete bunker” was just script shorthand for “let Jerry do what he wants” and he said, “pretty much” lol.  
@obsessionisaperfume then piped in about the wallpaper and how you could write a dissertation just on it.  I mentioned the Hansel and Gretel wallpaper and Jerry said that one came from France. Dori said her favorite was the Siren wallpaper.  I said my favorite was the red/green tartan codependency wallpaper because it was so striking.  (Here is where @nicky36 and @ibelieveinthelittletreetopper arrived).  Jerry said anytime Misha calls something a “masterpiece” is when he knows he hit a homerun. :’)  He said set reveals are somewhat like an art opening and he loves all the reactions they get.  He said that any time the reaction to a hotel set is low, that it’s “game on” and it’s time to raise the bar with the wild and wacky.  I asked him what his favorite themed motel was and then immediately told him my favorite, which was the “Too Tired” motel and that it was a motel dedicated to me.  He loved that one.  He said it was two tires in the “too” and that the location of that motel was in one of the biggest tire manufacturers in the country, so the whole thing was a pun with a double meaning!  
I thanked him for not giving into the motel 6 suggestion and he said he would have left the show, no doubt.  Jerry loves Americana and time period stuff, classic stuff like the 50s and 60s, Route 66.   I mentioned the Elysian Field motel from 5x19.  He said that that was when the Olympics was in Vancouver and that he told the writers “whatever you do, DO NOT write an episode that is motel heavy right now” because all the motels were booked up.  “So what do the writers do?” Jerry asked, “They, of course, made a whole episode in a motel.”  I said, “No one listens to you?” He laughed and said, “No, they don’t!”  He said that whole motel was built on a stage and that he was very pleased with it because of all the detail they could do.  He then went a little in depth into intention so I’m going to simply transcribe the next bit:
“You can get as wacky as you want, but, if you just put something wacky in, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the script, and it doesn’t have any support- You know, if I put a screen in, then there’s going to be another complementing element in there, in color, in texture, in glass, whatever that makes it seem integral, that when someone built that motel room, that they had a plan.  It wasn’t just like... ‘Oh I want a cool screen to shoot through, that’s not good enough!  Because it just sticks out, I mean, this guy who was watching the show, he was friend of mine, and he did a headboard and he was a young person so he put bubble wrap over it and twinkle light behind it and I'm going like... ‘Well, well it’s different. You know, but it looks- It looks-’ (me: laughing, “I appreciate your input”) ‘Yeah.  But it looks really stupid. It wasn’t on our show’.  Which.. he showed me a picture of his show.  And I went, ‘Oh yeah... Nice... nice... real nice.. yeah...’
Someone goes on to say that it infuriates them that someone would go on and say (about set design), “Oh, they just went and found whatever.”  I then said that I would fight somebody.  “You can hit them for me.” (cheers)  I said one of my favorite things was the sunshine rag rugs that cropped up when Cas was back and “home” and I told him I recalled a story on Tumblr a few seasons back where someone said their mother/grandmother was commissioned by him to hand make those.  I asked him if that was fake.  Jerry thought for a second and said, “No. I don’t think so.”  Jerry then switched topics to the beer on set.  We all knew the story behind “the mom beer” and we told him that’s what we all called it.  He said it’s based on a real beer in Wiscousin called Leinenkugel’s (I remember this but didn’t want to tell him in case others didn’t know).  Jerry’s Winnipeg graphic artist wrote the story on the back of the beer label.  
Someone mentioned the set design coffee table book and I told him I was upset that it existed and that I couldn’t buy it.  Someone mentioned the Impala they were restoring and that they wanted some beer bottle labels for it.  I asked the fan the name of their Impala (Angel) and said that I had one, too (Grace)!  Jerry was surprised to hear that two of us in our small group had bought the car.  He asked if I got mine from the guy in Kansas and I said that I got mine from a guy in Maryland. The other fan asked if it was possible for her to get some beer labels and Jerry said absolutely, that he’d be happy to do that. <3
Jess then said that she was glad to see he was doing well from his surgery from the last time she saw him at the Wayward Cocktails thing.  Everyone agreed and was grateful he is doing good!  He said he was out for 3 months (end of October, November and December).  And that he really got upset about some of the diners in his absence.  I said that we could tell he was gone right away.  He said that he almost got out of his hospital bed, threw things at the tv over some of it.  He said the guy that had took over in his absence was a really good friend of his, but that he couldn’t really replicate his style, nor did he include subtext from the script like he does.
Okay this is where my recorded audio ends so the rest is by my memory.
I asked Jerry about this piece of graffiti from my business Twitter earlier in the day.  I asked about whether it was intentional and that some of us saw it as a shout out to those that read into the graffiti and set design.  He said, “Everything is intentional.” :)  In regards to graffiti especially, they have to do all their own graffiti and that if graffiti exists in the shot that is NOT THEIRS, then they have to remove it, otherwise they could get sued by the artist.  Someone joked about how the front bunker location always gets graffiti’d IRL and how if they couldn’t clean it in time they could just write it into the script and have Dean complain that the door had been tagged.  They have several of their own graffiti artists that they use when they want graffiti.  Jerry praised the artist from 8x19.  I brought up warding and whether or not Jared or Jensen had messed up a set by accident and if they had ever had to repaint it and reset and he admitted, “Yes” with a chuckle.  He said that they try to do 95% of it so that the boys only had to spray like one line/curve so there is a low chance of them messing up.  I asked how challenging 4x01 was with the warding on the barnyard and he said it was quite a challenge!  He said he felt like he was seeing symbols in his sleep after that!  He was very pleased with the end result tho!
When he talked about the S12 finale lake house to another fan he said they tore it down after the finale and then had to build it again for the S13 premiere!  So that entire set was built twice!  
I asked about who made Billie’s new scythe and Jerry said I was forgetting the most important thing!  The library set!  He said originally the set was supposed to be a little country cottage with lots of books but that he was like, “Nah.” and did the polished minimalism set instead.  Everyone praised it and we all said we loved it very much and that we felt it had a similar style as Heaven so they coordinated in a way.  It’s been one of his favorites of the season so far.  He never answered the scythe question, lol.  He said that overall that he’s been loving the new season very much and that the whole thing has felt very fresh.  He brought up the new stunt coordinator and praised him.  He said that the old guy was good but he had some very dated (old school) ideas and that the new guy was a real breath of fresh air.  I told him that everyone could instantly tell that we had a new guy doing the fight scenes and that everyone was really impressed and that there was even a lot of symbolism in them.  
Tula (Jerry’s dog) came by a few times and everyone petted Tula.  Jerry said that Tula isn’t allowed on set very often because of regulations.  He also has to screen Tula three months early for travel to Hawaii because of the strict pet regulations here (Hawai’i doesn’t have rabies for example).  
I asked Jerry if he would be directing again anytime soon and he said probably not, due to something about crew being unable to direct because of some law or complaint or something.  Everyone was sad because 9x14 was one of our favorite episodes.  Jerry said that he still didn’t have *complete* freedom the way he wanted on that episode, that there were all these neat different shots he wanted to do but that he couldn’t for whatever reason.  I said I love the door/screen transition there and he said he wished he could do more stuff like that.  
We talked about Jensen directing and I asked him if Jensen asked for any advice and he said that Jensen didn’t, but that didn’t stop Jerry from talking to him and giving him some anyway!  He praised Jensen’s directing and said that it was good to switch between directors with different backgrounds (acting, editing, set design) and that they all would bring something unique to the directing chair. 
Jerry showed us the photos he later posted on Twitter from the church in the alternate world in 13x07.  He said the script just read “concrete bunker” and he was basically like “fuck that” and built the church with the iron maiden instead.  
I asked Jerry if things ever got left on set and ended up in the shot that weren’t strictly intended and he admitted that it didn’t happen often but it had happened before (the example I used was crew cell phones lying on the table).  It’s worth noting that Jerry admitted this with extreme reluctance lol.  
Oh! Three more things I forgot to mention! 
Jerry spoke very well of Misha and how S4 changed everything for the show and how everyone became so excited to work on the show again!  The mythology of just demons had gotten really stale and to throw angels into the mix just really got everyone pumped.
Jerry said he loved Alaina Huffman as Abaddon.  We all agreed she was great.  Commenting on her exit, I said that we loved the foreshadowing of the martini shot that signaled her departure and how clever it was at least.
Jerry also spoke about the challenges of building train sets and how he was excited to be working on the “Stakes on a Train” episode but that it ultimately got scrapped because of the budget.  He said it was going to have a similar feel to 11x14 (which he LOVED), and he was sad it fell through and that he hoped they’d bring it back another season.
+      +
This is all I remember being discussed and at this point Jules asked everyone to switch it up so everyone would get the chance to talk to Jerry.  We all stood and hugged him goodbye and thanked him.  After this @thevioletcaptain and @deathbycoldopen took mine and @nicky36‘s spots beside Jerry so I’m going to open this write up up for them to include anything interesting they learned.  ^_^
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icefire149 · 3 years
I’m thinking about watching Supernatural, but it’s only my favorite writers edition: Edlund, Yockey, Berens, Carver, Perez, and Thompson.
2.05 Simon Said - Edlund
2.12 Nightshifter  - Edlund
2.18 Hollywood Babylon  - Edlund
3.03 Bad Day at Black Rock  - Edlund
3.04 Sin City - Carver
3.08 A Very Supernatural Christmas - Carver
3.09 Malleus Maleficarum  - Edlund
3.11 Mystery Spot with Emily McLaughlin (story) - Carver
3.13 Ghostfacers  - Edlund
3.14 Long-Distance Call - Carver
4.03 In the Beginning - Carver
4.05 Monster Movie  - Edlund
4.08 Wishful Thinking  - Edlund
4.11 Family Remains - Carver
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday - Carver
4.16 On the Head of a Pin  - Edlund
4.20 The Rapture - Carver
5.03 Free to Be You and Me - Carver
5.04 The End  - Edlund
5.08 Changing Channels - Carver
5.10 Abandon All Hope...  - Edlund
5.14 My Bloody Valentine  - Edlund
5.15 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid - Carver
5.18 Point of No Return - Carver
5.20 The Devil You Know  - Edlund
6.03 The Third Man  - Edlund
6.09 Clap Your Hands If You Believe...  - Edlund
6.15 The French Mistake  - Edlund
6.20 The Man Who Would Be King  - Edlund
7.02 Hello, Cruel World  - Edlund
7.06 Slash Fiction - Thompson
7.09 How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters  - Edlund
7.12 Time After Time  - Thompson
7.15 Repo Man  - Edlund
7.20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - Thompson
7.21 Reading Is Fundamental  - Edlund
8.01 We Need to Talk About Kevin - Carver
8.04 Bitten - Thompson
8.05 Blood Brother  - Edlund
8.11 LARP and the Real Girl - Thompson
8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler  - Edlund
8.17 Goodbye Stranger - Thompson
8.20 Pac-Man Fever - Thompson
8.21 The Great Escapist  - Edlund
8.23 Sacrifice - Carver
9.01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here - Carver
9.06 Heaven Can't Wait - Berens
9.11 First Born  - Thompson
9.14 Captives - Berens
9.18 Meta Fiction  - Thompson
9.19 Alex Annie Alexis Ann - Berens
9.23 Do You Believe in Miracles? - Carver
10.01 Black - Carver
10.05 Fan Fiction  - Thompson
10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls  - Berens
10.11 There's No Place Like Home  - Thompson
10.14 The Executioner's Song - Berens
10.18 Book of the Damned  - Thompson
10.19 The Werther Project - Berens
10.20 Angel Heart  - Thompson
10.23 Brother's Keeper - Carver
11.01 Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire - Carver
11.04 Baby  - Thompson
11.06 Our Little World - Berens
11.11 Into the Mystic  - Thompson
11.14 The Vessel - Berens
11.16 Safe House  - Thompson
11.17 Red Meat with Andrew Dabb - Berens
11.20 Don't Call Me Shurley  - Thompson
11.22 We Happy Few - Berens
12.03 The Foundry - Berens
12.04 American Nightmare - Perez
12.06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox -Yockey
12.07 Rock Never Dies - Berens
12.10 Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets  -Yockey
12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You) - Perez
12.14 The Raid - Berens
12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell - Perez
12.19 The Future with Meredith Glynn - Berens
12.20 Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes   -Yockey
12.22 Who We Are - Berens
13.03 Patience - Berens
13.05 Advanced Thanatology  -Yockey
13.06 Tombstone - Perez
13.09 The Bad Place - Berens
13.10 Wayward Sisters with Andrew Dabb - Berens
13.11 Breakdown - Perez
13.12 Various & Sundry Villains  -Yockey
13.17 The Thing - Perez
13.19 Funeralia  -Yockey
13.21 Beat the Devil - Berens
14.03 The Scar - Berens
14.04 Mint Condition - Perez
14.06 Optimism  -Yockey
14.09 The Spear - Berens
14.10 Nihilism  -Yockey
14.11 Damaged Goods - Perez
14.14 Ouroboros  -Yockey
14.15 Peace of Mind with Meghan Fitzmartin (story)  -Yockey
14.16 Don't Go in the Woods with Nick Vaught - Perez
14.18 Absence - Berens
15.03 The Rupture - Berens
15.04 Atomic Monsters - Perez
15.05 Proverbs 17:3  -Yockey
15.09 The Trap - Berens
15.11 The Gamblers with Meredith Glynn - Perez
15.12 Galaxy Brain - Berens
15.15 Gimme Shelter - Perez
15.18 Despair - Berens
0 notes
amwritingmeta · 7 years
Dammit I still disagree :D I think part of that is because I dont think 19 showed the Nephilim as truely good and somewhat related question but dont we already see the baby doing something BadTM already? Jack shows Cas a paradise and makes (regardless of "making" being literal control or not) Cas belief in a future of a paradise without pain, which can't have free will and anti-free will is like cardinal sin in SPN, so doesnt he already have a negative influence (not literal) over Cas?
Q2: Another thing *ducks, pls say if I’m spamming you*. You said that Kelly reminds us several times in dialog that her baby is good but doesn’t Dean remind us in dialog of something else? Dean states that Cas is unrecognizable (and in a bad way), that he’s controlled (sock puppted) and thats even different than Castiels usual “wrong thing for the right reasons”. And doesn’t the words of the protagonist regard higher and his judgement is what the audience will believe and trust in?
Hello, Anon -
forgive this exchange of ours coming to such an abrupt halt - I was traveling the weekend this discussion was raging and simply didn’t get a chance to reply sooner. Apologies! Let’s pick up, but with some new information to take into consideration:
Andrew Dabb has said that Jack will be a blank slate and that Cas’ vision of Paradise might very well be Baby Nephi showing Cas what Cas wanted to see, not necessarily “the future”. Could the baby be claimed to have done this intentionally in order to manipulate Cas? Well, yes, but if Baby Nephi rejected evil through 12x19 by actions such as: 
saving Kelly
choosing Cas
killing Dagon
and Jack, who was visually introduced to us through his footprints literally burning themselves into the floorboards of the lake house, Sam finding him in shadow with eyes glowing like daddy Devil, is a Blank Slate - when really, given those visuals, he should be declared EVIL AF - then I’m thinking the baby probably wasn’t evil. 
What I mean is that if Jack can be a blank slate in need of guidance, then the side to him that the narrative of 12x19 showed us wanted absolutely nothing to do with hell whatsoever, probably isn’t less of a blank slate, right? At least you must concede to that, even if you don’t see the baby as inherently “good” and gravitating towards Humanity, the way I do. 
I believe the vision of Paradise was baby Nephi’s angelic side reaching out for protection from a fellow angel. I believe the vision of Paradise was brought on by Cas’ own longing for simplicity and not feeling lost, depressed and lonely anymore. A way out of the confusion he’s been trapped in for so long. An angel’s default setting will be: Paradise is Good. No pain, no suffering, no hate. The Bad Side of Humanity wiped clean. 
This is why Cas had to die. 
Because he’s still not learned his lesson about choice and free will and how they are the key to peace and love and hope and true faith. Through his rebirth he will move away from this vision of Paradise being Right and he’ll remember all the things he’s picked up along the way and look at them in a new light and finally the pieces will click and he’ll be whole and find inner balance.
To me, baby Nephi’s vision is not control, it’s not making Cas do anything against his will. The reason Cas died was because he, yet again, made the wrong choices based on believing he’s acting for the Greater Good, working for a Higher Purpose, without questioning the root of his own choices. Blind faith is bad, Cas. Deep down he knows this. He’s just not in a place where he’s emotionally and mentally strong enough to remember it. He wants out. He’s been lost for a very long time and there’s no harbour in sight. He doesn’t know who he is or what he should want or where he belongs.
@tinkdw pointed out something brilliant to me and I watched the scene from 12x22 again last night, when the brothers attack the wall with those pick axes and then Sam gives the speech about why he chose to follow the BMoL. “It was easier to follow.” “Easier than what?” “Leading.” I mean, it’s a beautiful setup for Sam’s character arc throughout that episode, but it is also a direct reflection on Cas’ choice to put his faith in baby Nephi’s vision, to embrace it as truth: because it’s easier.
Is this a negative influence?
I would say no, because as I read it, it’s an innocent one. 
It has no root in manipulation or coercion, it’s simply an innocent creature needing protection from the real evil out to corrupt it, out to make it cause the world to suffer and die. 
It also pushes Cas into the final stage of his character growth. It’s necessary for him to go through this final act of making the wrong choice for the right reasons, because those right reasons ARE RIGHT. Jack needed to be born with all his powers. And this is why Cas will get to be reborn and reach his endgame. 
So I would say by choosing to put his faith in the vision of Paradise, unquestioningly, Cas is making the wrong choice. But it’s all on Cas - not baby Nephi. Baby Nephi and the vision of Paradise are plot devices moving Cas’ character arc into its final stages and there’s nothing negative about that.
As for Q2 please read my meta on 12x20 (hashtag 12x20 or deconstruction), where I deconstruct that very conversation and the reasons I see for why Dean says what he says and how he says it. 
Hope this clears up my view on this! Sorry about the late reply!!
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Destiny’s Child” and the Destiny of...Them
So that was..........A Lot.
Liked A LOT about it, a lot more than a usually do with Buckleming, but uh, some issues.  Eugenie didn’t really need to bring up Busty Asian Beauties, that had gone and we didn’t need more of it.  And I hate any mention of John Winchester that is positive, whether it’s in an AU or hammering home how poor of a father he is, but other than some details, this was a wild ride that I mostly enjoyed and have a lot to talk about.  They certainly crammed a lot in there.
Starting from literally the very beginning, they’re hitting us with some sick parallels in the “Then” portion of the episode.  Listen, y’all know me.  Y’all know I am.......Not A Fan of M*g or M******l, I am, however a Rachel Miner stan, so when the “Then” started out with the pizza man and the cringy kiss from “Caged Heat” I sorta rolled my eyes but held out hope for a Rachel cameo bc I.....lov her.  But then.............”I learned that from the pizza man” is compared directly with Dean being mistaken for a pizza man?  And then eating pizza in like 20 different scenes?  Could the production be louder???????  There is, in my opinion, literally no other way to take that, that was a sequence that basically said “Dean taught Cas how to kiss” and I will not be accepting dissenting opinions at this time.
Also AU Sam and Dean were so dumb and I appreciated their stupid Fiat and the song that played when they got out of the car, thanks Amyn, I appreciate you dawg.  And then Sam and Dean explaining it to Cas?  Thanks base gods.
Cas was so fucking sassy in this ep and I......love him so much.
The idea of killing Amara is interesting, mostly because it brings her into play again, we saw in the beginning of the season that she just....doesn’t give a fuck about any of this, but the boys don’t know that, so maybe she’ll become an ally?  Idk, here’s hoping.  I miss her.
And when Cas and Dean have this exchange about the occultum:
“It was housed for hundreds of years in an ancient before it was-”
“Plundered by pirates!”
“It was...dug up by tomb raiders!”
“It was...seized by the king of the dead and his warlords amiclose?”
“Looted by invading mongol hoardes for trade on the black-”
“Black market, yeah I was gonna say that next, that was the next one.”
Like.....can y’all say MARRIED?  Anyway.
Danneel and Gen???  Together???  Ruby and Sister Jo????  Together???? I’m gay.
I’m SUPER interested in the convo that Jack and Cas have in the kitchen, specifically about Dean:
“Will he ever forgive me?”
“You know, Dean...he feels things more acutely than any human I’ve ever known.  So, it’s possible he could work through this.  One day he may explode, let it all out, breathe deeply and move on.”
“How long will that take?”
“I don’t know.”
Can we say PARALLELS fam??  First of all, Cas is so in tune with Dean, he knows him so well, knows how much he cares how deeply he loves.  Honestly it causes me chest pains to think about it for too long.  But Cas knows this because he just went through it, Dean “couldn’t forgive” and “couldn’t move on” until he had an Outburst in Purgatory and begged asked Cas to forgive him for how he acted.  It’s an interesting parallel because it isn’t a direct parallel: Dean was the one that asked forgiveness of Cas, not the other way around.  It’s a little detail, but at this point every little detail seems to be important down the road.
Also there were a lot of Looks between Dean and Cas and they were all soft and I gtg
And then we get the big mention: the first mention of Cas’ deal since last season.  I knew the writers wouldn’t just write this plotline off, and Cas is, “far from happy” as he says himself.  So.....not to clown.....but if getting Jack back doesn’t make him happy............what does? (I think we know)
And then Cas in the Empty, looking for Ruby, and runs into “Meg” (Rachel I missed u).  And I think it’s fascinating that the Empty appeared as Meg specifically.  The Empty knows Cas, of course, but, more specifically, the Empty knows EVERYTHING about Cas.  “I know who you love, what you fear.”  And the Empty appears to Cas as someone that he TRUSTED, not as someone that he loved.  It’s an important distinction, because if the Empty wanted to appear as something that would RATTLE Cas, it would appear as someone that he loved or hated, but he trusted Meg, that’s why it appeared to him as her.
Also, “go get her, pizza man” after that intro?  Really just hammering home that Dean is the pizza man with all the subtlety of an elephant imho.
Also Concerned Husband Dean is alive and well, he doesn’t even hesitate, he makes Jack bring Cas back immediately, important information be damned.
But before Cas leaves, Empty!Meg says something that should NOT be glossed over, about Death’s plan to defeat Chuck, “Funny thing about her plan though, she didnt say anything about needing you.”
How many times have we heard this this season?  How many times has Cas occupied the negative space?  “No one mentions Cas,” the loudness of his absence after the breakup, when he was kidnapped by Leviathan in Purgatory, not being mentioned in Billie’s plan, and now? Fret not my friends, I know so many people are worried about Cas, but Andrew Dabb is a Cas stan first and a human second, and all of these mentions or lack thereof of Cas being a part of the endgame?  It just makes him all the more important, because he’s a surprise attack, Chuck never sees him coming because he doesn’t consider him important.
And when Cas comes back and Dean calls him an idiot?  Some serious callbacks to one of the gayest episodes and one of my personal faves: “Lily Sunder has Some Regrets.”  They be married.
AU Sam and Dean were very wrong and I did not wike it and that’s that on that tbh.
So they get to the church, Sam holds the door against the hellhounds like the badass boy he is, and Dean and Cas really do just stand exactly where a couple getting married would stand, with Jack standing where the officiant would stand.  I mean.....it’s LOUD.  It’s just real LOUD in here.  Also pretty fucking ON THE NOSE that Jack stands in front of Jesus, Cas in front of Mary, and Dean in front of Joseph.  I’m not qualified to do religious iconography meta but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on now.
That snake sequence...Jack’s life flashing before his eyes before he gets his soul back?  Ya boi weeps.  Buckleming had no right to write something as amazing as Jack’s snake sequence and final scene, it shouldn’t be allowed and it was not what I was expecting.
So.....there was a lot happening in this episode but, y’all know I sound like a broken record here, Dean and Cas were, once again, the overwhelming and blatant focal point.  Sure I watch with my eyes tuned to them especially, but they’re really cranking up the volume over here.  The Empty deal is back and unresolved, Cas talks to Jack about Dean’s forgiveness, Dean’s fearful when he thinks he’s lost Cas again, the fucking pizza man.  It all points one direction.
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Season Finales by Mary
For the Great Meta Scavenger Hunt.  The latest challenge?  Rank the season finales by any ranking of your choice.  I’m doing it by Mary--metaphorically and otherwise.
11. Season Seven: “Survival of the Fittest”
Wow I really hate this episode.  I can’t think of a possible Mary connection, so it’s coming in dead last.  If anybody else can think of something, let me know.
10. Season Nine: “Do You Believe in Miracles?”
Dean’s “I’m proud of us” is the link to Mary in this episode.  That’s a very parent thing for Dean to say, born of an instinct of jumping into Mary’s role as a young child.  (And wow, sidenote, that’s so sad.  I’m still looking for a little bit of conflict between Mary and Dean when it comes to Sam once Mary falls a little more into the ‘mom’ role this season.)
9. Season Five: “Swan Song”
I can’t believe I’m about to do this, but Sam is saved, at least in part, by the Impala. Throughout the show, the car has weirdly taken on an almost motherly quality.  I’ve pretty much accepted the headcanon that Dean was conceived in the car (Mary’s little eyebrow raise, anyone?) and it acted as a sort of womb for the boys as they grew up.  A Mary surrogate.
8. Season Eight: “Sacrifice”
I’m going to talk more about this in my season six analysis, but the fall of the angels made me think of Mary the first time that I watched the episode.  She believed so strongly—I don’t know if she was religious or spiritual or what--but it’s almost a deconstruction of her beliefs to watch them fall.
7. Season Six: “The Man Who Knew Too Much”
One of the few scraps of information we got about Mary for a long time was the belief that ‘angels are watching over you.’
If I had a buck for every gifset with Cas and Dean with those words stamped on it, I could probably buy spn myself and make it canon.
Cas is the angel watching over them.  At first, he seems like the exception to the rule when every other angel is trying to kill them. In this episode, he becomes the villain, subverting Mary’s message once and for all.
6. Season Four: “Lucifer Rising”
Ever since Dean and Sam were paralleled to Cain and Abel, I’ve been thinking about the implications.  In that little metaphor, Mary is Eve, the mother who doesn’t actually have much of a role in the story at all.
In this episode, Lilith wears a white gown, mimicking Mary’s white nightgown.  Biblical lore states that Lilith, the first demon, is the woman God first made for Adam.  She rejected the idea that she should be subservient to Adam, so God got rid of her and replaced her with Eve.
So we’ve got Mary (Eve) and Lilith, both wearing white.  Fun house mirrors.
5. Season Three: “No Rest for the Wicked”
The Winchester self-sacrificing merry-go-round mary-go-round:
-Mary sells her family’s future to Azazel to get John back,
-Mary dies as a result of Azazel entering their home; John sells his life (and the boys’) to get revenge
-Dean nearly dies as a result of the quest for revenge; John makes a deal with Azazel that kills him, restoring Dean to life
-Dean sells his soul, partially as a result of feeling like he shouldn’t be alive because he knows about John’s deal; Dean dies
Thanks to all of this, Mary is present in the first three finales, which all come as a result of her actions.  I’m ranking 3x16 the lowest of the three because I think it has the least to do with Mary, as it’s the furthest removed from her decision.
4. Season Two: “All Hell Breaks Loose”
Part two of the trifecta of Winchester Terrible Life Decisions.  Dean sells his soul, just like we later learn his mother did. (Okay.  Mary doesn’t sell her soul.  But she does sell her family, and in the world of the Winchesters, that’s basically the same thing.)
Also, Dean takes the mother role in Sam’s life left vacant by Mary.  That maternal attitude—save your child at any cost—is the biggest motivator.
3. Season One: “Devil’s Trap”
Yes, I know John doesn’t make the deal in this episode because cliffhangers, but I don’t care. Dean gets hit with the truck, precipitating John’s deal.  I’m ranking this highly because both husband and wife make parallel deals with Azazel.
(On an actually serious note, did John kiss Azazel to make the deal?  I’m banking on yes.  I mean, this was before that was established show canon, but retcon.  In-show, this interests me because John and hypermasculinity. Out-of-show, this interests me because kissing for a deal is only fun when the demon is a hot woman).
2. Season Ten: “Brother’s Keeper”
Seeing as this episode almost made me quit the show, I’m shocked to be giving it such a high score, but Mary’s presence is undeniable.  Sam brings photos of Mary to convince Dean that there is another path than…launching himself into space.  (There’s a reason I will never forgive Carver for this finale).  This was the first moment that I thought maybe they would actually bring Mary back, but I was still so salty about Charlie and the show’s treatment of women that I didn’t think it was possible at that point.
Anyway, Mary managed to have an impact on her sons and the narrative, even from beyond the grave.
1. Season Eleven: “Alpha and Omega”
I have to rank 11x23 first, obviously, because it did the one thing I never thought Supernatural would do: it returned Mary Winchester to the playing board.  In that respect, it lived up to its name, representing both the beginning and the end.  The cultural shift represented by bringing Mary back is incredible.  While fridging still happens on an annoyingly frequent basis, I don’t think it’s nearly as pervasive as it was in the nineties and earlier (despite being an early 2000s show, SPN represents an older television style, at least in the earlier seasons).  And here we have an un-fridging, the reversal of Supernatural’s original sin.  In case you couldn’t tell, I’m still incredibly excited about this.
0. Season Twelve “Mary Does Something Cool”
Though I am decidedly not Andrew Dabb disguised as a blogger, I can’t help but ranking this at the front because I’m sure that Mary is going to do something really awesome in this season finale and I can’t wait for it.
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shirtlesssammy · 7 years
Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell: Savor it because we won’t see Cas for over a month Recap
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In which writer, Davey Perez, continues to ascend to the Fan Throne of Goodness vacated by the much missed Robbie Thompson.
On a camping excursion in the wilds of Nebraska, a young woman, Gwen, attempts to split firewood against the grain, her boyfriend, Marcus, is busy watching nature on his iPad, and the audience realizes -with or without monsters- this cute city couple is DOOMED. Before their imminent demise, they talk about her acceptance to a veterinary school out-of-state, and the ability to make a long-distance relationship work. On the premise of getting more firewood, the boyfriend wanders away to practice his proposal speech. Gwen stumbles upon the ring. And unfortunately for Marcus, a hellhound stumbles upon him! He just makes it back to camp before getting shredding to pieces. Gwen stands paralyzed but eventually gets the wherewithal to slash the invisible beast with the ax (also against the grain --the hellhound lived, even if Gwen escaped.)
RIP Marcus.
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At the bunker, Sam and Dean and Lucille are just getting back from an epic hunting trip. (Fun Fact: Boris had to stop watching The Walking Dead just when Papa Winchester showed up. Too many sads.) It seems Sam keeps finding new jobs through a new computer program, aka, Frodo, aka, Mick Davies. So I see Sam hasn’t told his brother of his little allegiance yet. Dean’s ready to go, after all he has baby wipes in the car to remove any residual siren gunk, but Sam insists he shower first.
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Dean acquiesces but insists he’s going to use Sam’s fancy shampoo in retaliation. (Boris is willing to hand-wave Dean’s lack of cleanliness for himself due to his overwhelming need to hunt and forget about his mom issues, but getting monster gunk in Baby? That cannot stand.)
The boys make it to the scene of Marcus’s demise, finishing phone calls as they exit Baby. Sam (talking to his mom): “Let us know.” Dean (talking to Cas): “Love you too.” Oh wait, scratch that, reverse it. Sam fills Dean in on their mom’s recent hunt with the Brits. Dean fills Sam in on more angel killings (like, doesn’t that warrant a drop-everything-and-help-Cas situation? Finding the nephilim seems WAY more time sensitive than bear attacks, but don’t mind me, I’m just a bitter Cas girl.) (Natasha: raises hand in solidarity.)
Speaking of Cas, or Agent Solange...
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He’s at a diner, investigating the death of a waitress. Herb, the diner’s manager, believes she was killed by a Reptilian alien, you know, like the Queen of England. Cas is dismissive but Herb has proof and pulls out a tape! Man, this whole scene played like a goofier episode of The X-Files. It gave me happy feels. It also reminded me of Ronald Reznick and Mandroids. (And I love the silly reference to Misha Collin’s weird thing with the Queen.) In any event, they watch the video, which consists of Kelly Kline’s confrontation with angels and her rescue by Dagon, and her yellow eyes. “Like I said, reptilian,” Herb confirms. Cas takes the tape and leaves.
At the campsite, Sam and Dean hear about Gwen’s strange account of the attack. They were attacked by an invisible wolf. “Invisible dog. Sounds like a hellhound to me,” Dean concludes, and Sam agrees, as they head out to interview Gwen.
Once at Gwen’s house, the brothers disagree on how they should explain the situation. The much handsomer brother spitballs telling her the whole disturbing and unbelievable truth, but Sam says they just need to lie, a lot.
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Of course, by letting in Agents Clapton and Baker, Gwen unknowingly lets in the hellhound. They tell her that a bear killed her boyfriend. She is not in danger, but Gwen doesn’t believe them, and tells them to leave. And the hellhound attacks! Sam and Dean burst in and shoot the hound, but it escapes out the window.
Crowley. Oh Crowley, what are you doing with Lucifer? You’re a smart demon, Fergus. But this seems...ill-advised. Yet he continues to hold Lucifer prisoner and taunt him. Lucifer isn’t too concerned. “I’m still gonna peel off your skin and eat your soul.” Lucifer makes it clear that they both know that the chains that hold him are just a temporary situation. “I’m already 10 steps ahead,” Crowley reassures the audience. He then meets with Demon #1 and #2. There’s a lot of Hell business to handle.
Back at Gwen’s, Sam and Dean tell her the whole disturbing and unbelievable truth --a hellhound just attacked her. Dean’s admission that they’ve tangled with hellhounds in the past is an understatement. *crying in corner over sad season 3 feels* The boys tell her that hellhounds only go after people who have sold their soul to a demon. They ask her to recall anything in her past or Marcus’s that they might have done unknowingly. Her answer is a firm “No.” The brothers call in the big guns for a conundrum like this: Crowley.
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Summary: Dean calls Crowley “Peaches”, and Crowley is still pissed about the whole Gavin thing. Dean asks about the hellhounds and Demon #1 and #2 admit that Ramsey escaped. Crowley pops over to the brothers without hesitation.
Outside the diner a new angel, Kelvin, confronts Castiel. He’s looking for Kelly Kline as well and suggests that they partner up.
Back at Gwen’s house, Crowley unhelpfully introduces the hellhound as “THE Hellhound.” Sam squints inquisitively. Well, God created posies, koalas...
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...and hellhounds! He wanted to make God’s best friend but ended up with a vicious beast instead. Rather than killing all the hounds, Lucifer rescued Ramsey, a pregnant hellhound. Loyal to her first master, she’s the one hound Crowley has never been able to control. As to why this wayward hound is after Gwen? Well, she did whack it with an axe. You could say that hound has an “axe to grind.” (Shows myself out.) Everybody looks exasperated at Gwen when instead, IMO, they should be high fiving Gwen’s bad ass self for sticking an axe in a hellhound and surviving the encounter. Anyway, everybody - even Crowley - is ready to saddle up and put an end to Ramsey.
“That mutt’s head, mounted on my wall - good for the brand,” Crowley says, explaining his participation.
“A hellhound gunning for revenge,” Dean snarks. “Just when I thought this gig couldn’t get any weirder.”
“It can always get weirder,” Crowley tells him, weirdly. (I APPROVE of this message and also your weirdly significant look, Crowley...and by extension Andrew Dabb / Davy Perez?? That is a damn fine motto right there.)
Back in Crowley’s palace, two demons open up Lucifer’s cell with a key they purloined from Crowley’s pocket. They walk in to find Lucifer trussed up and mouth gagged. 
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(At this point there was a commercial break during the broadcast. I feel compelled to tell you that I spent the whole commercial break cursing Crowley’s stupidity for locking Lucifer up with simple chains that open with a key. Crowley! Who is always so clever when it comes to self-preservation. Anyway.)
The two minions immediately begin fawning over Lucifer - and complaining about Crowley. He killed everyone involved in “the cage project.”. Minions 1 and 2 set Ramsey free as a distraction so they could bust Lucifer out.
Back in the woods Dean pulls out two holy-fire-treated pairs of eyeglasses. Dean and Crowley will patrol the woods for Ramsey while Sam drives around with Gwen in the Impala.
Dean settles a soulful look on Sammy. “Take care of her,” he implores. Oh Dean, you big soft package of cotton candy! Don’t worry! The Winchesters always find a way to save the day! While we’re all clutching at our hearts, Sam realizes that Dean was referring to Baby - not scared little axe-swinging, hellhound mauling Gwen. “Imagine she’s a beautiful woman,” Dean tells him. (The rest of us: side eye.) Okay, great talk, Dean. He heads off into the woods with Crowley as Sam drives away.
Boomeranging back to Castiel, he’s parked in a bar with Kelvin sipping waters. (Bartenders must HATE angels.) Heaven’s running along in an orderly fashion but the angels want him back to help with their nephilim problem. Castiel has the most field experience, after all. 
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“I think you overestimate me,” Cas says, profoundly underestimating himself (as is his way lately).
Kelvin begs to differ and suggests that having Heaven waiting in the wings when the wee human Winchesters fail is just smart strategy. Plus, as a bonus, if Cas does Heaven a solid then he can go back to coming and going as he pleases. Cas doubts Kelvin’s ability to actually follow through on any of the promises he’s spinning, so Kelvin drops his power card. Kelvin is just a messenger from Heaven - Joshua can restore Cas to his rightful place in Heaven. Go on, emotes Cas, turning towards Kelvin.
“Imagine it, Castiel. For you to come and go as you please. Part of your family - your true family again.” Cas looks at him in consideration. (Me: Noooooooo Cas!)
Back in the palace, Lucifer is suffering through the worst Hell-torture of all: irritating minions. They finally finish outlining their list of demands. Well, one of them has a long list of demands. All that Minion #2 cares about is “Making Hell great again.” (Me: laugh cries)
At last they unlock Lucifer. Stupid STUPID minions. Minion 1 disintegrates in a puff of fire and ash. Minion 2 offers himself up. “My life is yours to devour!”
Lucifer: “See, now you just made it weird.” POOF.
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In the woods on the hellhound hunt, Crowley flirts with Dean. He’s all “those glasses bring out your eyes” and “remember that fivesome we had when you were a demon?”
Dean and Crowley marvel at a Winchester and the King of Hell working together yet again. “You saved Cas,” Dean says, at last thanking Crowley for saving the day a few episodes ago.
“Just to spare myself the Winchester man pain,” Crowley snarks.
Dean sees something in the woods - it’s Gwen’s boyfriend’s body, dragged back to Ramsey’s den. The hellhound’s den is empty!
For Science
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And back to the Impala, where Sam drives along merrily with Gwen who succumbs to the Impala’s magical confession and introspection powers. “This is all my fault,” she mourns. She asks Sam to pull over so she can vomit. When she returns she confesses that she wanted to break up with her boyfriend, but she still acted like everything was perfect between them. “Why couldn’t I just tell him the truth? I lied to make things easier.”
Sam weeps along with her (internally) and reflects upon his own lying lies with Dean. He finally pulls himself out of his miserable slump and looks up to see Ramsey snarling in front of them. (Me: Hit it with the car, Sam! Wouldn’t be the first dog, amirite?)
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Ramsey busts up Baby a bit, then Sam grabs an angel blade and heads out to kill the dog. The glasses get knocked off of his face during a scuffle and things look bad for our hero. Then Gwen comes out and knocks the hellhound off of Sam like a fucking bad ass.
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This gives Sam just the distraction needed to climb to his feet. When the hound rushes him again, he stabs her with the blade, killing her.
When the four regroup, Dean castigates Sam for his damaged car. A relieved Gwen gives Crowley a giant happy bunny hug. Sam thanks Crowley with actual words and feelings and Crowley zaps out. “He seems nice,” Gwen says, chirpily.
Crowley heads straight for the palace where Lucifer’s torture chair is empty! He finds Luci in his throne room. I’m yelling ZAP OUTTA THERE CROWLEY WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU when Crowley snaps his fingers and Lucifer’s magical archangel wings fizzle out.
“I’m always ten steps ahead,” Crowley reminds Lucifer. He had his vessel fixed up and heavily warded. Lucifer’s meatsuit is his prison! (Me: punches air in joy at this development) Just as Crowley learned not to underestimate the Winchesters, Lucifer really has to learn not to underestimate the MacLeods.
Crowley dusts off his hands, steps over a whimpering Lucifer, and settles onto his throne. Crowley’s going to rip apart Lucifer’s child in front of him, and then he’s going to continue his revenge. (I’m guessing with more torture-by-irritating-minion.)
Elsewhere, the boys are just making it back to the bunker when Cas calls. He has a lead on Kelly Kline. (Hooray!) Cut to Cas, getting out of his truck and walking into...fuuuuuuuck...a playground. While I’m freaking out, Cas tells the boys about Dagon.
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They hang up and Dean frowns at the phone. “He sound weird to you?” Dean, your worried husband rader is SPOT ON.
There’s no time to reflect on that, however. Sam gets an alert from the Men of Letters about another case. He decides to come clean to Dean, telling him that instead of a computer program feeding him cases, he’s been getting jobs from the BMoL. Sam tries to explain his position and apologizes for lying to Dean.
Dean hates it, but he agrees that they work with people they don’t trust all the time. Hell, they just worked with Crowley. So he’ll work with them on one condition: the second something feels off they both bail.
The phone rings again. “It’s Mick,” Sam says, holding up his phone.
“Pick it up,” Dean says, not radiating any kind of deep man pain at all.
Boris: Overall, on the surface, I felt like things were a bit off this episode. Dean seems to be taking all these lies and deceptions really well. What’s he thinking? Is he going along with Sam and Mary because he doesn’t want to lose them? Suddenly Sam has another family member to choose--and in a way he picked a side. Dean’s gut instinct is usually right --so it hurts to see him cave so easily to Sam and Mary.  And Cas? I want to believe that he went to heaven for one final goodbye. Can he find a way to use the angels to TFW’s advantage? So much hasn’t been said after his big confession. He’s said and done SO much for the Winchesters this season, but there’s been very little given to him in return. And, I’m totally on board for cleaning up the ridiculous Lucifer Meatsuit improbability. I just thought it was such a stupid reason for it, but to have Crowley be 10 steps ahead of Lucifer is satisfying to watch. And Sam saved the flipping day again! And started the trials again? He killed a hellhound. I realize it’s nbd for them these days, but it’s, uh, really not.
Natasha: Sam didn’t do the incantation, so no trials. I thought Dean was shocked about Sam’s news - bitter and worried, but also respecting Sam’s right to make his own choices. He’s probably going to angry fix his car the first chance he gets. I agree that Cas trying to get back into Heaven’s good graces is a tired storyline by this point. What I’m hoping is that Cas appears to agree because he sees the tactical advantage of using Heaven’s resources. After all, he just saw two angels confront Kelly Kline...they must have some resource that’s beyond him to find her. Furthermore, he seems intrigued by Joshua’s involvement. I think Cas wants to know who’s on the game board. I’m hoping that Cas gathers intel and heads down to the Winchesters when he’s put together a solid plan. However, there are definitely parallels between the Winchesters/BMoL and Cas/Heaven in terms of our heroes working with people they don’t trust, but that might help them achieve their goals in an efficient manner. Given that Cas is gone for the next 3 episodes leaves us with a ton of questions about what could explain his absence. And the fact that he isn’t telling the Winchesters a thing is breaking my fuckin’ heart.
Who’s a good Quote?
It’s two and two. Doesn't count if you flip ‘em inside out.
Computers. Monsters? Porn? Is there anything they can’t do?
Most sheeple can’t handle the truth. But not me. I’m woke.
Who ya gonna call? Douchebusters.
The FBI, the Man in Black. Well, you know, Beige.
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