#in case some of yall dont have tiktok
sexlapis · 5 months
i know requests are closed and im sorry but i need this so i dont forget 💖 actor!toji looking at edits on live and hes like “so yall see me like this” and the fans go wild
actor!toji on live!
okay i’ll make an exception once.
𝜗𝜚 actor!toji (x implied gn!reader)
sfw, crack, tiktok (bc that’s it’s own warning), suggestive, horny toji fans, toji has reading glasses, petnames (‘kid’) he’s a little rude but when is he not :), old man toji <3
〆(・∀・) : me after not writing abt actor toji for like a month 😊🤗
actor toji masterlist
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“hey, everybody,” toji said, waving to camera as if he didn’t fumble and struggle in front of his fans for the past ten minutes trying to get his phone to stand up securely. he looks cute, dressed in a navy blue hoodie with nothing underneath and his dark hair was a messy mop atop his head.
now he just sits in his chair at his dining room table, watching the viewer count rise and rise to absolutely ridiculous numbers.
“fourty thousan-fifty thou-sixty thousand?! didn’t know i had so many fans..jesus christ…”
honestly, toji had no idea what he was doing and he was a tiny bit nervous. this was his first ever “live” (something that he did not know even existed until you told him) and he had no idea how to entertain his fans or what they really wanted. but they seem pleased with him just staring at the camera in confusion and admiring his handsome face.
toji proceeds to read some of the comments in the rapid moving chat of chaos. here, starts the beginning of his own demise.
many comments are sweet, kind, praising him for his talent and acting skills, some were just spamming their country flags and names, a rare male fan is asking to see his guns collection, others asking about his upcoming projects but the majority of them are…not exactly PG in the slightest.
toji’s eyes could bulge out of damn skull at some of the explicitly and complete shamelessness of his fans. he knew they found him attractive, but this was a whole other level of depravity.
“what the fuck…” toji whispers in awe, mouth agape as his eyes scan through the chat, his eyes being fed with the most desperate and thirsty comments he has even read, “you guys are sumthin’ else…”
his one sentence just pours fuel on the, already blazing and large, fire, the chat moving so fast that is starts to lag.
“why’d i even speak..”
he actually takes time to read each comment that he can see (and stomach) and one of them catches his eye.
“watch your edits on tiktok? i have edits? what’s an edit?”
the chat blows up even more, commenters begging and begging him to watch these…edits.
“alright, alright, i’ll watch these “edits”,” toji says to the camera, before pulling out another phone, one that is clearly quite old, jagged edges and a cracked camera, a raggedy phone case and just overall not in the best condition it could be in.
“‘what is that ancient ass device’ eh? this is my main phone,” he replies to a comment, showing his phone to the camera to his fans can see, “‘s fine, works perfectly. and it’s not “ancient”. it’s actually a nokia. pft, dumbass kids.”
toji can feel himself being flamed in the chat. even more so when he pulls out his reading glasses.
“yeah, ‘m fuckin’ old. jesus.”
he squints, scrolling on his beaten up phone with his index finger, “y’know, ion even really use tiktok, i only got it so _____ can send me videos of whatever the fuck. i swear, that kid sends me a million videos per day..” toji sighs, smiling at the thought of you, “ahh, they’re just so dumb.”
toji, after a long time of searching through trial and error and directions from his fans, eventually finds the search page of tiktok.
“alright, what’d i type in then? just ‘toji’? ‘toji fushiguro’?” he looks for answers in the chat, but find himself getting frustrated at the lack of actual responses to his question. he tuts, “i’m just gonna search ‘toji fushiguro edits’ and see what happens.”
he does just that and the results are…very interesting.
right in front of his very eyes are miles and miles of edits of himself, created by his fans, their depravity exposed for him to see, some of who were probably watching him at this very moment.
“jeeeeesus christ. ‘dunno what i even expected, honestly,” he scrolls through them, audios changing constantly as he does so, his eyes wide and wondering, “i’m actually impressed…”
toji pressed on one, and he watches it, the edit flashing in the reflection of his glasses as he watches. his open mouth slowly turns into a smirk of amusement and all out disbelief, the audio of the video being something about… ‘needing someone older’?
“so you guys see me like this?” he asked, expression incredulous and he breathes out a small chuckle, “buncha little fuckin’ freaks.”
the chat seems to like that. a lot.
his chat is once again flooded with comments from hell…hell for people driven purely by lust, that is.
toji huffs, “how old is this person anyway?”
he seemingly clicks on the account and reads their username. well, almost.
“‘tojis little cu-woah!” he almost drops his phone out of his hand, jaw on the floor, “how old are you! sixteen?! toji looks to the camera, eyebrows furrowed before slamming his phone on the table and pointing at his fans through the screen, “go do your homework! and be in bed by nine. actually, no scratch that, eight! christ…sixteen years old, oh my god…”
he continues to mutter to himself, completely baffled at how some of his fans are so young and just so…out of their minds. his skin crawls at the thought of a sixteen year old liking him in such a way.
toji shivers, “god, where are your parents?” he questions and continues to search through the edits, before finding one that looks safe, innocent and PG.
he was proven wrong however, when the audio was a woman rapping about being put in full nelsons-
“okay, that’s enough!” he slams his phone down again on the table, “i’ve seen enough,” and then he reaches for the camera, not even caring about his viewers. he mutters a, “crazy fuckin’ kids” before abruptly ending his “live” and going to take a nap.
the next day, you have sent him over ten videos on tiktok, all of them being edits of him from the day of the live, most of them containing the clip of when he called his fans, quote, a “buncha little fuckin’ freaks” unquote.
toji sighs at them, secretly entertained that you must be watching these deviant edits of him too.
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〆(・∀・) : no i have not forgotten abt actor toji
taglist: @tiredslepz | @hayatslife | @shxyxyxxxx | @snowprincesa1 | @laylasbunbunny | @mimiemie | @ncentic | @rosesored | @imover-18 | @gintokhi | @suzuperstarr | @lostgxrlblog | @jallie10 | @nnsav | @bunnyx-sakura | @bubbabobabubbles | @ladytamayolover | @keiva1000 | @morgyyyyyyy | @studiecoherence | @earth2fae | ce-namonreads | @ib4ryuguji | @hisjaegerist | @basiloverthyme | @sweet-kiwi | @sayitowshi | @iovemytoru | @thecompletechaosmaster | @sugutoad | @inumakiiz | @uzxotic | @1meshugge1 | @kunikuzushisbeloved (sorry some could not be tagged for some reason </3)
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fandomfucker · 2 months
Do you think you could do one for Rhea were it’s all about how she posts about her girlfriend on social media? Like she posts about her girl and the fans just go wild for it? Can make it fluff, smut, whatever takes your fancy. Could be headcannons if you want? ❤️‍🔥🌸
YES!! I love this one cause I literally think about these things all the time. Doing headcannons so I can fit more in🫡
Lemme know if yall want a part 2!
I've said it before, I'll say it again; Rhea loves doing TikTok trends with you
Whether you're running into her and she swings you around or your eyes are inches away from her tits, she loves them and she loves the reactions ya'll get from the fans
She constantly reposts fanart of not just the two of you, but fanart of just you
There's even some of you and her dogs which she commissioned the og artists to paint on a canvas so she could put them up around the house
And edits of course
She lives for the edits people make of you
You're not super active on twitter however Rhea will always find some way to flirt with you on every single post you make, no matter what its about. A winking emoji, some heart eyes, or the filthiest implications
and the mosherz always go batshit when she does it
she also reposts ever single one of your posts to hype you up no matter what it is
She also loves to just take pictures/videos of you when you're completely unaware and just totally natural because those are the things she loves most about you
Every milestone post has a caption so long most people dont even bother to finish reading it
of course its all about how much she loves you and how proud she is of you but omg its so long
she will bully the fuck out of anyone leaving even the slightest mean comment
like to the point they delete their account
she just loves to show you off every chance she gets
because you're hers and she's yours and everyone needs to know that
every thirst pic/video she posts goes to you first so you're always the first to see them
You also get bonus content thats not posted😉
sometimes you'll be in one of her tiktoks or thirst posts from Raw (or a ppv) and the caption is always something super raunchy that makes the fans freak out for the next few weeks
or until the next post
You've been obsessed with the Harley Quinn show on Max recently so for Halloween you made Rhea dress up as the Poison Ivy to your Harley Quinn
You won best costume and there was tons of fanart made of the two of you as them
You like to do face masks and you wanted Rhea to join you but she'd only do it if you would agree to do a little photoshoot with her with them on for her insta
She also took a little polaroid of you to keep in her wallet
On that note, when you revealed that Rhea keeps one of those mini photo albums for polaroids in her carry-on (no matter where she goes) FILLED with polaroids of you, you and the dogs, or the occasional ones of the two of you, or all four of you, Twitter blew up
it was all anyone could talk about for weeks
"The cutest thing ever!!😍 Rhea loves her SO MUCH😭"
She has "Belongs to Y/F/N" in her bio on all socials
Constantly taking pictures of you because "you're just so beautiful, babe"
The fans are in love with how in love you are
Like its a fairytale and they're living for it
She constantly talks about you in interviews and always reposts those clips specifically so that just in case people didn't watch/listen to that particular instance of her gushing about you, now they have
The fans cosplay as the two of you just like they do with Rhea and Dom
you are THE it couple
Everyone wishes they were you
When you got engaged, you changed your name in your insta bio to Mrs. Ripley and the fans actually went insane
like to the point that the official WWE accounts got involved
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coconutredbulllover · 27 days
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Guys i dont even know what i need to be gatekeeping anymore i js scribbled out some stuff that wasnt even that deep just in case…
anyways to 🫠 anon (still high rn and im locking in to respond to u bae 🤣):
LITERALLYLGTT like you just had to be there 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
ive been loosely following paige and azzis basketball stuff since idk like 2020 and then got more into pazzi stuff during like 2022 and my old blog started in like early ish 2023 and i always felt weird speculating abt real people so i would sometimes tag my posts and sometimes not but i still had a bunch of people there talking w me like a little community and everyone knew like if you were gonna be [self admittedly creepy] (be fr now yall its creepy be self aware!) and analyze stuff they post you might as well be doing on tumblr instead of other actually popular sites and everyone knew like jokes are jokes and dont take anything serious but now its like you say one thing and a new fan could just trust it because they dont know any better but ofc you cant explain every little detail to new comers
so yeah the trajectory of tumvlr has been crazy weird for me too i also used to be a lurker before i started my old blog and it was even less than just a few months ago. js a few months afo if you scrolled thru the pazzi tag you would literallt reach the end pretty fast, easy no problem. on my old blog (rip) whenever i wouldnt use the main tags when posting things (again bc i feel uncomfortable openly weird speculating) i used to instead use like alternate tags that were related but not like the players names and then some mutuals did the same thing and we kinda created our own ‘main tags’ (by main tags i mean like yk ‘uconn wbb’ and ‘paige bueckers’ ‘azzi fudd’).
incase this response is hard to follow im kinda tryna respond to ur paragraph chunks in my own paragrpah chunks (if that makes sense ?) like ur third paragraph is beinf repsonded to in this oargraph now. yeah i honeslty thoguht it was rlly wholesome when people wiped the clip off of like everywhere it rlly was js a iykyk thing and i also started seeing people sharing it and using it in edits. like for example i wrote in one of my earlier posts abt having a tiktok where i would psot like small clips (not edits i cant edit for shit) i thoguht were cute or wtvr but then suddenly the acc blew up w new fans in like late 2023 and it was managable then comments started being upright rude or sharing the clip and i was like damn. the final pushinf point before i deleted the acc was i posted a clip and it peaked 5.5 million views like WHATATAATASA????? and i was like conflicted if i should delete the vid bc it was the same content i always posted but it was slightly out of context and ppl ran with it calling a paige a dyke among other things in the comments (plus the ‘the live’ sharers foudn that post too) AND someone dropped mine and a few others tumblrs in the comments so i js ended up deleted everything of the acc including the vid after 7 days of it being up bc tiktok didnt deserve any of it 😭 and i couldnt keep monitoring comments plus i didnt want the out of context clip spreading.
okay next pargraoh!! I KNOW ITS HELLA WEIRD… like why do u suddenly recognize the person im talking abt? i would occasionally mention it to friends or ppl i know like ‘yeah wbb is rlly poppibg off rn cailin clark paige bukers kmaila cardoso etc are really bringing good attention to the game’ so it was like a casual interest they didnt know i was like actuallt into basketball or anything like that but like it was know like “eri watches basketball and ive heard this persons name come outta her mouth before” kinda like u were saying abt your friend saying they never heard the name come out of any elses name but yours. and then it actually blew up and people were genuinely recognizing the names i was talking about like ‘oh i saw that girl you mentioned before on the news’ like whatchu mean u saw them on the news. it all happened so fast 🤣. no offense to your friends idk if theyre like this it just made me think of straight paige fans so i wanna say a little thing abt it even tho its not related to what u said abt ur friends, peoples reactions to straight fans have a weird line drawn like i think that straight fans are perfectly fine saying paige is hot. heres my explanation: i think sexuality is a spectrum you can be completely striaght and find her hot and thats literally normal like you arent attracted to women like THAT but you can appreciate someone good looking and like their energy and be straight like the kinsey or wtvr scale those typa girls are probs like a 2. i always see like the “im gonna hold your hand when i tell you this” comments and i think theyre funny but not everyone is always a straight girl who genuinely might like women, people can be striaght and find masculine traits or jsut the nergy of someone attractive! insane idea ik.
final bit of the yap sesh! no yeah i totally get u i feel like i always gotta be like ‘proving’ that i know so much and that ive been here a long time as weell but its hard while beibg forced to be a gatekeeper. i honestly have the worst memory so i have no clue if the other time you sent a similar ask couldve been me cause its not the first time ive seen asks like this but it it was we rlly did come full circle and thats be pretry cool LMFAO. lastly never appologize for yapping especially when im literallt the D1 yapper 🤣🙂‍↕️.
if yall made it here sprry for typos also i didnt reread anything i wrote so if something is so grammatically wrong it makes no sense send an ask and ill go edit it 😭
final thoguhts to 🫠 anon and a little bit to readers i hope u send more asks bc this was highkey the most entertaining one ive gotten out of all my asks, in a while, like i get them everyday but its js alot of people asking for context on stuff i post or cautious people letting me know i shoudl delte when ive accidentally shared too much that wouldnt sit well with the newbies 😭 so if u wanna have a convo w someone who knows their shit js run wild in the ask ill censor it or use the emoji i rlly miss talking to people who arent part of the new wave (no offense to yall). like on my old blog i had mutuals with same thoughts as mine and then i used to js silent lurk the other blogs accs to keep my blog a little more seperate from the main tags, but i recebtly started interacting with the people whove been the main ppl posting in the main tags on their blogs (like the person whos name i blurred in your ask who was popular and had a now removed content masterlist like i have access to more complete masterlists but yes i do know of that one it was a pretty popular one bc it was easily accessible and they were postinf lives on yt for people sadly now gone into full cordial mode, their rants were pretty entertaining 😭) and some others who are still tryna keep their blogs going (staying more cordial and stuff js like me) but its like a little weird interacting w them even tho we all pre blowup fans bc theyre like a literal established family (LMFAO. please if yall knwo what im talkign abt LMFAOO) so yeah im like a floater blog rn can yall start sending me normal asks so we can try to be a community like old times 🩵 (pls)
okay time to go smoke some more any smokers out there send me asks 😝
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sungbeam · 2 years
xnonie present to wish YOU 🫵😳 a happy birthday! even tho it's only been a few days, i really enjoyed talking marvel with u 🫶🫶
THOSE ARE AWESOME POWERS! i almost completely forgot about pym tech (sad, i admit) but yeah the entire concept of it is so cool. i'm so in love with paul rudd & scott lang in general its not funny </3 I AM A WANDA DEFENDER UNTIL THE END!! so what if she was scary in multiverse?? she was pretty while doing it 😍 if they could just make her happy for once that would be nice 😭😭
RED DAGGER BEST MS. MARVEL LOVE INTEREST!!! yeah ur right the other guys can leave SLDHDJS kareem radiates so much love interest energy & the tension between him & kamala?? exquisite 💗💗💗 i also ended up finding fics for him on tumblr (there are a handful, btw)
I DID WATCH MOON KNIGHT!! oscar isaac was phenomenal for giving us steven grant, marc spector, AND jake lockley all in one mini series. IT NEEDS A S2. during the airing of the show, i may or may not have stumbled upon khonshu thirst edits on tiktok?? THAT WAS SOMETHING. IDK IF I WANNA RELIVE THAT. IT WAS FUNNY BUT ALSO... COME ON GUYS, ITS A BIRD SKELETON 😭😭
OMG BEAM. U GAVE ME THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL TIME ?!?!? IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND, ESPECIALLY ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY ☹️ u shouldn't have!! i'm SO excited. DINO AS QUICKSILVER?!?! SIGN ME UP. I LOVE OUR TIGER KING HOSHI AS WOLVERINE IT FITS SM SHDKSJD (why can i imagine yelling "HORANGHAEEE" while pouncing on someone w/ his claws out? LMAO) and wow... HAO AS MAGIK?? AND GYU AS COLOSSUS?? idk if i can take it anymore 🙏
i made something for wol-ranghae when i saw that hoshi = wolverine but then realized that anon asks can't send pictures 😭😭 maybe when the fic is up, i'll reveal myself just to send u what i made 🫣
AHHH THANK U XNONIE !!! lmaoo why does that finger point emoji look so accusatory 😭😭😭 BUT YES ME TOO I'VE LOVED TALKING ALL THINGS MARVEL W YOU 🥺🥺
pym tech is so cool and so is paul rudd too TRUE (ノ´∀`*) he's so underrated i just sighs,,, give him an oscar guys and call it a day ._. bUT YEAH SAME !! WANDA DEFENDER FOREVER like yeah u bring in an EXCELLENT POINT XNONIE !! just let the woman be happy?? Õ_Ó is that too much to ask ?? all she does is suffer.
BAHHAHAHA I can already imagine the amount of updated masterlists to mcu fanfic accts after the mcu Disney+ shows (ノ´∀`*) that's so slay tbh like we got red dagger, moon knight, druig, and NOW DAREDEVIL !! okay he's deffo not NEW but the thirst has reawakened for most, but in my case, it has been discovered 😳😳 WAIT FR JAKE LOCKLEY EXCUSE ME BUT IF I DONT GET A SZN 2 I WILL RIOT !!!! WAIT THERE R W H A T EDITS ??!? y'all,,, khonshu huh 💀💀 i mean, i really am not allowed to judge, but ... okay. u do u ig :/ HE IS A BIRD SKELETON PLS YALL 😭😭😭
NAUUUR SEEING UR REACTION IS A GIFT ENOUGH FOR ME :(( U BEING EXCITED MAKES ME EXCITED BFF !!! YESSS OMG THATS KINDA WHY I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY HOW I PAIRED TJE MAKNAES BAHAHAH like i gave verkwan arguably some of the most powerful mutants in the verse, and now we can clown chan as a mutant as well (^_-)-☆ /j dkdndkjf im kidding lol i have a severe attachment to quicksilver, but chan just fits the mold whoops and TOO MANY PEOPLE SLEEP ON QUICKSILVER !!! YES OMG YELLING HORANGHAE IN ATTACK MODE HAHAHAH that's so hoshi plss 💀💀💀 i was like,,, who's the most furry-esque mutant? wolverine 😃😃 and i figured we could easily fit hosh w that since he too wishes to be a furry w claws called a tiger or something 🤡🤡 YEP HAO AS MAGIK AND MINGYU AS COLOSSUS!! i thought that fit pretty well :0 tbh one of the hardest people to pair was hao!! i knew i had to find someone who could be as slayfully cool as him
OMG U MADE SOMETHING FOR WOLRANGHAE AHAHAHAH I WISH I COULD SEE IT 👀👀👀 but yuhh when i finally get round to writing and posting this thing do send it in (^_-)-☆
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I know you like her but just give me this, if they WERE “flirty like that” wouldn’t we be seeing the same thing coming from Colby? Looks like hes not like that with her at all UNLESS hes face shit drunk. In which case hes like that with everyone. He acts nowhere near the same with her as he does with Amber you can not say he does, he’s goofy with Stas and i have never heard him make an innuendo around her sober but with Amber and even Shea he had no problem doing so.
Yes it is their problem to figure out my thing is that i notice no matter how many asks about it you get you are hard set on “no its not happening because I dont see it”, thats why you keep getting so many asks about the same thing, because you dismiss it. Notice how the Shea asks stopped once you and other blogs noticed what she was up to? And this isnt about having to agree with everything but if you are going to continue making comments like “i never saw it” “this never happened” then of course you’re going to get people who come back with “HOW did you not see it??? Its right there”. Not bashing you just saying thats why people keep pointing out more stuff on her and you keep denying and going around it its not like theyre pointing out so you in particular do something about it, they are venting and adding to what they see because you keep saying you dont see it. And yes posting the same thing after someone does it all the time is weird.
Its all her twitter and tagged on ig btw
full honesty, i kinda regret telling yall that i like her. bc while i tolerate her, i'm not a huge fan of her. the only reason it seems like i "like" her more on here than i actually do is bc if i don't defend her, then this would end up being a free for all to shit on her. at least sometimes. not saying that's what you're doing, just saying some of the asks i've gotten in the past aren't the nicest towards her lol
look, i can agree that her relationship with colby isn't the same as him with any other girl, apart from maybe shea. i don't pretend to not see what yall are pointing out. i can see that sometimes she does things that seem to be egging on the fans, or the shippers. i don't deny that. i think her and shea are similar in that way, somewhat. shea just went way over the line, imo.
but a lot of the stuff yall see, i honest to god don't. and i don't mean that as me pretending not to see it, i mean you guys will say "look at the comments she's made, look at the comments she's liked, look at what she's liked on twitter/insta". i've gone thru her twitter likes multiple times, and every time, i don't see anything outright related to her and colby. i saw one thing today, that was technically from a month or two ago. but if she's liked all this stuff, then she must unlike it by the time i go to look, bc legitimately i don't physically see it.
my main issue is that some of you guys make it seem as if there is some deep motive behind every. single. thing. she. posts. whether it's her posting a tweet, liking one, liking a comment, posting a tiktok, posting a insta pic, a story, a snapchat, whatever, yall immediately make it seem like there is something deeper going on when in reality she's probably just posting bc she wanted to, and that's it. it's probably as simple as that. there isn't some master plan behind every move she makes so that eventually everyone in the fandom will be shipping her and colby. at least i don't believe there is. and if you do, cool. that's great. we're just not in the same boat and that's fine.
the only reason i argue back with some of these asks is bc, again, the motive aspect. some of you guys have a picture in your heads of what she's doing and you're expecting me to be on the same page, when i'm not. which is why i disagree. has she done some questionable things? sure. i can agree to that. has she done some things that egg on shippers? again, i can agree to that.
but if it was a problem with colby, it's up to him to solve it. bc in the end all we're doing is speculating anyway. we don't know the whole picture. neither one of us are 100% right. that's all i'm getting at.
(none of this is directed at you specifically, just the general anons that come thru, so you know)
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alter-soup · 11 days
hope yall r having a good day/night/(insert time here)!!! we love this blog so much ehehehe
Name(s) - NiSH, Sig
Pronouns- he/she
Would you like suggested neopronouns that aren't included in the above column?- yesyes!!
Gender(s)- masculine + feminine, nothing completely neutral, whatever else you feel fits :]
Would you like suggested Xenogenders that aren't in the above column?- yes!
Orientation- somewhere in the multispec probably, but its up to you! some alterous labels if you can as well :D
Age- young adult
Species- biomechanical robot thing
Source- rain world (feel free to ignore this if you dont know anything about it!!)
Role(s)- you decide!
Kins- you decide!!
Personality traits/details- up to you! we do get a kindof "funnyman" vibe though :]
Likes- biology, taking care of animals, writing, crocheting! everything else is up to you!
Dislikes- changing plans/schedules! everything else is your choice!
Sign Off- you decide! (our sign offs are usually just 1-2 emojis if that helps)
Extra details- up to you :3
Faceclaim- technically not even showing his face, but No Significant Harassment from rain world!! (if you cant find it: look for the miraheze rain world wiki, hes the green person with purpose clothes that's holding the pink animal)
Would you like a picrew?- if possible, yes!! we make human versions of ourselves in picrews often, so dont worry about the robot part :3 feel free to go wild with accessories/details and clothes n stuff!!
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Name(s) - NiSH (or NSH?), Sig
Pronouns- he/she
Suggested Neopronouns- 🗝/🗝s, 0.0/0.0, -/-, whisk/whisker/whiskers, coil/recoil, fog/fogs, trill/trills
Gender(s)- Bigender Bigender Bigender Bigender Bigender Bigender (I love Bigender folks I'm so sorry ;w; /silly)
Suggested Xenogenders- waterballoonbitch, (I'm so sorry I just felt like it fit for some reason…) Gigglefemion, Funwordstimmic (not assuming your system is autistic/neodivergent, but just in case this is a neat one!)
Orientation- Cupioromantic, abromantic/abrosexual (bi to omni) and aceflux ((does this make sense…?))
Age- young adult (20-23)
Species- Biomechanical robot “thing”
Source- Rain World
Role(s)- Archival Fragment
Kins- Cheetah & Butterflyfish
Personality traits/details- Humorous/funny, witty, can be unserious at times, very caring about friends
Likes- Biology/zoology, taking care of animals, writing, crocheting, decorating bottles with waterproof stickers, rainbows, watching craft tiktok complications, pillow forts, laying in the sun/laying while cuddling with animals, petting zoos/regular zoos
Dislikes- Changing plans, being accused of things she didn't do, not having time to do a project/not being able to finish a project, people who dye their dogs/cats for “aesthetics”
Sign Off- 👽🧩 or 🪨✨ (I thought this was a silly combination ;w;)
Extra details- He often likes setting up bird feeders or planting flowers to help living creatures (this can be in headspace if you have one/it allows stuff like that to happen) - she likes sleeping in dark, quiet places with soft music/podcasts playing in the background - she likes experimenting with smoothie flavors as well as seeing what kinds of fruit birds/squirrels like the most
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ladyimaginarium · 2 months
okay so. ive been thinking about this for a hot minute & i was inspired by what chelazon leroux ( which incase yall dont know who he is, he was on canada's drag race season 3 & he's an indigenous drag queen ) said on tiktok. & like i& rarely go on tiktok these days but something he said got my attention & was basically repeating what ive been thinking for the last few months or so &. that's the topic of like. making fun of outsiders who genuinely want to try & be respectful of our communities & have their heart in the right place & now in my case im thinking of making fun of reconnecting natives on just. not getting things right. & that really bothers me. & like obviously it's important to be informed & to guide others in the right direction. there are reconnecting natives who're earlier in their journeys & there are more advanced reconnecting natives who've been reconnecting for quite a while now & in my& case it's been 5 years now, half a decade. idk about you but for me at least i always compare it to a baby learning to walk for the first time. i wouldn't criticize a child for falling when they're still learning to walk for the first time. like, obviously we're all adults & we need to be aware & listen to connected natives but like when someone's coming to understand something about their culture, do you expect them to be an expert on the first day lmao. or the first year or maybe even the first few years even? like. no? lmao. like.
ik in my case i'm STILL learning bc a lot of things about my nations in particular are lost due to genocide, colonization & forced assimilation of so many families, my own included. & like. even in my case i didn't know everything at once, it all came in small little pieces throughout my lifetime. i often had to find my own resources on the internet & actually reach out to several groups bc i'm non-status ( & i'm going to try to get enrolled but we'll see how that goes ) but it's hurtful to be criticized for not knowing something. it's weird. like. how can you expect someone to understand something when they're still figuring things out. idk. i just think it's interesting bc like. we have more & more reconnecting natives popping up & learning about their cultures & that so important bc most (in my case) canadianborn (& ik this applies to other places like america) citizens show half as much if ANY interest in our peoples, history & cultures unless we're dead (literally look at how people reacted to the r/esidential schools, the last one closed in 1996 y'all, thats literally four years before i was born) or symbols of the past let alone engages with us & some ppl's first reaction is to. criticize them for not getting things right? bc we've been fighting for awareness & recognition for so long & to have an understanding & to finally bridge gaps between our communities, indigenous or otherwise, when it seems like it's finally happening, whether it's from reconnecting natives who genuinely want to reconnect (& no, i'm not referring to reconnecting natives who solely reconnect for social media points in indigicourse & act like they know everything about native cultures when they literally Just started reconnecting & act like an indigenous activist the next day & take 0 interest in ACTUALLY learning anything about their culture, language & community let alone fighting for it, believe me, i've dealt w/ someone who did this, or taking advantage of their communities or pretendians aka ppl who literally pretend to be native for clout or money, im not talking about any of that) or just. nonnative outsiders who genuinely want to understand, our first reaction is to criticize them & not even tell them why? like. why are we as native people criticizing reconnecting natives when they're literally still learning about their own native cultures. of COURSE they're gonna fuck up. of COURSE they're gonna make mistakes. of COURSE they're not gonna be perfect. hell, I'M not perfect in this & even when i do my own research & do my best to talk to elders & do every single thing i'm asked to do & i do my very best to do things right, i'm still gonna make mistakes. im not an authority figure or anything & i dont claim to be.
no one's flawless in learning something. &. like ik others have talked about this too but i find a lot of the online native community are like. very gatekeepy & hypercritical about this shit & it looks critical & i dont understand why & i don't think it's right ESPECIALLY bc so many of us were forcibly removed from our cultures and communities. like. can you imagine how hurtful that is for people who're still learning about themselves because they're not doing [x] right or they're somehow not native enough bc they don't look traditionally native or not fighting hard enough for someone's standards. that's like. a slap in the face. & if we're gonna talk about bridging gaps between communities of course it's gonna be messy. ofc it's gonna come w/ misunderstandings. luckily i dont see this v often on the hellsite but its RAMPANT in twitter & tiktok. like. idk. sometimes i think we need to chill tf out lmao.
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reilleclan-blog · 4 months
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Please for the love of anything stop saying words u heard off the internet, without looking the shit up or just cause "everyone else is saying it" AND MOST OF THE SHIT PPL ARE SAYING IS WORDS BLACK PPL CAME UP WITH B/C WE WERENT ALLOWED TO LEARN FUCKING ENGLISH WHEN WE WERE BEING FUCKING ENSLAVED. PLEASE JUST HAVE SOME FUCKING COMMON CURTOSY AND DONT USE THE WORD "TWEAKIN" CAUSE U HEARD IT IN A DAMN DRAKE SONG. MOST OF THESE "gen z" WORDS ARE FUCKING EBONICS AKA AAVE PLEASEEE RESPECT THE LITTLE CULTURE WE CAN EVEN CLAIM THAT IS OURS. Also I swear it just shows how quick u ppl are to hop on a trend or anything just cause everyone else is doing some shit. Get some originality please. And if u don't know what AAVE is or Ebonics is, look it up or stop talking like u got a "blaccent" I assume most of yall have heard that fucking term. My god
[ "why do u gotta make it about race?" In case u haven't noticed, everything is literally about race. Grocery stores, neighborhoods, police, the justice system, all of these have something to do with KEEPING BLACK PPL DOWN. So I'm not gonna deal with ur white fragility, get over urself or fuck off ]
The internet was a mistake, or was it just tiktok
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betammorg · 2 years
Tap tap breaking on pc hack
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dtfminiminter · 4 years
“How to Toosie Slide”
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The Other Guy
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: Since you're so adamant on the fact that you're not dating Chris Evans, it's the media's pastime to link you with whoever you even breathe in the direction of. The loyalists of your ship is not having it though. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Reader x other dudes 👀 , fluff, crackfic, UH angst?, pining, ALSO TYPOS, still used YN h'iehfhes'f, fake movies titles, misogyny, CRACKFIC OKAY, also Typos, etc.
A/N: So i made a mood boaRDDDD!!!! if any of it doesnt match up with you just ignore it ok i love you you are beautiful the way you are but also we can all improve !!! idk why im doing another chris evans fic anyway. this is sorta part 3 to this technical p1 then this technical p2 but not really it stands alone as do the other fics. again its not a series its more of my stress reliver that causes me stress ???? yeah i also made a part 4 ALSO IM SO SUPER HYPED FOR SHANG CHI IM SO GAAHHHH Also a lot of yall liked my fic so im tagging everyone that reacted to White Bread just in case ya know HEYA (i know bold of me to assume): @time-for-a-lullaby @christmaswonderworld @readsreblogsfics @marianastudiesart @r2gers @undergroundstyle @notbrooklynsblog @marc-rogers @lam0ureuxq @mickymouselol1 @kimmyevansblog @captainwans
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It all started when my friend Gina was recording herself for a video at first, but instead caught me saying:
"I don't know about you, but Simu Liu is a dream cake- I mean dream boat-"
...while on my couch in a grey sweater, belly down, while on my nth video of him. I was on my personal favorite video, where his bestie Steven Lim, made him a bobba drink.
Don't you just get heart eyes when you see him?
Haha, well, Gina posted that on her Instagram, and, well, being a successful model, it apparently was enough to cause a stir on the internet. 🙄
Video 1: Said video of Y/N in grey sweater, belly-down on couch, simping over Simu Liu, taken originally from @absolutelygina's instagram
user892047902: WHO'S GONNA TELL HER THATS WRONG MARVEL ACTOR | 2.5k likes eggs352: wow, she pronounced Chris Evans really weirdly | 5k likes QuackButt90: this isn't how it was supposed to be | 200 likes 600qoolhwip: LMAO Yall do realize Chris and Y/N aren't dating right? 😂😂 | 1.3 likes BridgetJones: Chris Evans been real quiet lately | 9k likes DATazz: FR THO THIS AINT RIGHT | 635 likes quintessentiallyno: SAME THO SAME | 320 likes
Video 2: an edit of Y/N and Steve Rogers that's all fluffy but gets intercepted by Shang Chi, a popular tiktok sound is used
[pinned comment] creator ● buckysplumprincess: GUYS I HAD NO IDEA THIS WOULD GO VIRAL! DONT TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY. I SRSLY LOVE CHRIS AND Y/N TOGETHER AND I WORKED HARD FOR THIS EDIT STOP TELLING ME TO DELETE IT | 13k likes noahbark: I aint never seen a bunch of fangirls so mad about a celeb NOT dating someone. | 64k likes OnUrLeftFalcon: FAM TOO REAL. THIS AINT IT | 1.8 likes GordonRamzAYE: [liked by creator] Dr. Strange better get me into the right reality real soon or we about to have some problems | 3k likes chrisevansb00bie: haha nice edit *reports* | 10k likes y/nsarm: mood | 204 likes evansy/l/n: SAME | 59 likes user20435092: NGL THEY CUTE TOGETHER BUT MY EVANS-Y/L/N HEART JUST CANNOT | 240 likes
@captainmurrrrrica: guys- you don't get it- im starting to think simu liu has more chances with y/f/n than chris IM-- @thiquesebz: [replying to @captainmurrrrrica] can you blame her though, simu does look like a dream cake 🥵 @captianmurrrrrica: [replying to @thiquesebz] WHAT HAPPENED TO THE END OF THE LINE? @chrisevansdailykrr: *image of 'i pretend i do not see' attached* @sugarlover: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] if it aint confirmed it aint real dont @ me @QQeverything: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] we love denial @ily3OOO: @SimuLiu STOP RUINING MY SHIP @SimuLiu: [replying to ily3OOO] 😅
A 20+ minute video on YT titled: Y/F/N being done with dating rumors
It's a panel interview. I'm sitting next to the director and my co-star, who happened to be Henry Cavill in this particular film.
An interviewer asks me, "you have been paired with a lot of brilliant men. How do you manage not to fall for them?"
It becomes twice more a throwaway question when it's continued with, "first Captain America, now Superman, how can you control yourself?"
What a day for journalism.
I immediately raise my brows, "control myself? I mean, beside the fact that you somehow believe humans aren't smart exhibit any form of control over themselves, there is such a thing as not being interested. Don't get me wrong, Henry's great--"
I roll my eyes and add, "and before you ask me, Chris Evans is great too, but I don't feel the need to actively control myself around them any more than I feel the need with any other man in this room. An believe me, I can imagine why people are so excited to see them because I've seen them first hand."
I motion to Henry beside me, "I'm sure it's a compliment to him that you, sir, think so highly of this" I turn to the man I was talking about and slap his toned bicep, "brilliant man, but for the record, if in asking this question you're are projecting your own lack of self-control, I feel like you might need some help with that."
Henry turns to his lap and breaks into a laugh.
--CUT TO--
I'm sitting on a stool reading a cue card, "You did a charity game with NBA player Rudy Gobert and you both seemed to have enjoyed yourselves in the footage. Have you two gotten any closer after that?"
I throw the card behind me, "it was a really fun game. I enjoyed feeling like a helpless child next to someone that tall. We did get lunch after the shoot for the content we did, but other than that we haven't talked much."
The staff asks, "so you didn't have a date recently?"
I contort in to a confused face. There is a harsh closeup, "I'm dating Chris Evans, remember?"
--CUT TO--
It was a quick fire round of questions, and I was specifically told to answer one over the other.
"Chris Evans or Henry Cavill."
I roll my eyes, "hnnng, can't I just chuck both of them into the ocean?" I break into a laugh, "I can already imagine the angry women on the other side of the screen."
--CUT TO--
A sad pepe the frog pic.
I place a hand on my face and give it serious thought, about as serious as I get.
I sigh, "like I hate both of them so much it just hurts." I release a chuckle, "okay, okay, in all seriousness, I feel like you win whichever you choose because their both really great guys."
--CUT TO--
The crying man meme video.
I cross my arms, "when it comes down to it though, Chris did eat my toast so I'm going with Henry."
--CUT TO--
A picture of Henry Cavill edited with meme shades on and Chris Evans edited with tears. It's captioned with: 'she really isn't letting this go'. The background sound is the bad flute version of My Heart Will Go On.
--CUT TO--
I'm in a radio station. I point at the host after having had a long talk that seemed to be steering in the direction of my dating life. Still recovering from our previous laugh, I say, "if you ask me if I'm dating Chris Evans, I'm leaving."
"Because I'm so sick of it!"
"But you said in one interview that you were!"
"Yeah and I still get asked about it!"
@absolutelygina: Guess who got invite to Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 😎 @wanduhvizun: [replying to @absolutelygina] MISS MAAM LEAVE Y/N AT HOME AND TAKE HER PHONE AWAY. I WILL NOT SEE MY SHIP SINK @cracklenpop: [replying to @absolutelygina] If she brings y/n it's all over for us. @udincthatcomin: [replying to @absolutelygina] @ChrisEvans SIR YOU HAVE A PREMIER TO ATTEND @darth_batman: [replying to @absolutelygina] she literally said nothing about y/n and the replies are all about her and evans 🤧 have we fallen so far. @SimuLiu: [replying to @absolutelygina] See you at the premiere! 😎 @everydayy/n: Imma need yall to stop spamming my feed with Simu Liu edits. It's making me unloyal to my Evans ship. @cevansbooti: [replying to @everydayy/n] ^^^ @theatrekidthingz: FACT: same people begging y/n to start socials would be the same people who cry cuz y/n be reportin all yallz tweets abt her n cevanz. @theatrekidthingz: [replying to @theatrekidthingz] I know this the same way i know queen will never let go of that stupid ass bread thing 🤢 @evansy/l/n: [replying to @theatrekidthingz] *image of 'i pretend i do not see' attached* @loveis4lozerz: [replying to @theatrekidthingz] hey man, send your location. I just want to talk. @theatrekidthingz: [replying to @loveis4lozerz] 🏃💨❗
And now: A Bunch Of Random Headlines (and some headlines with a few bits of the article)
Chris Evans brings up Y/F/N in a candid interview with Elle
It was literally brought up but its basically the same thing, right?
Evans-Y/L/N Spotted Grocery Shopping With Matching Black Masks
Literally everyone wears black masks, but hear us out...
Fans Are Not Happy With Simu Liu But Its Not What You Think
It involves Y/F/N and Chris Evans. If you're a fan of either of the two, you might know where this is going now...
Y/F/N Confirms Her Relationship With Chris Evans And I'm Starting To Believe
During the promotion of her new film, Y/F/N yet again confirmed her relationship with Chris Evans, albeit, with her famously sarcastic demeanor. Known as Evans-Y/L/N, they have garnered an army of fans, wishing fruition on a romantic relationship between the two.
The pair have long after the promotion showed evidence of a close relationship, and are often photographed holding hands. Even after multiple interviews of them during and after their time working with each other confirming their relationship, due to their equally sarcastic personalities, onlookers are left wondering if its actually true.
Perhaps now, the real question is, if the stunt was originally for publicity, why continue on with it after all this time?
Gina Faye on her viral video of bestie Y/F/N
... "I honestly think she enjoys the reaction to the video, just because she says she's so sick of having to talk about Chris Evans."...
Chris Evans attends 'Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' solo, both disappointing and relieving Evans-Y/L/N supporters.
In a twist of events, it's Chris Evans cozying up with fellow Marvel actor, Simu Liu. The two shared a cute selfie making faces and scooching real close to each other. Confused? I'll explain...
Here's How Chris Evan's Post Of Green Slippers Broke The Internet
No but actually: here's the said post, particularly the video, captioned: RIP.
Video starts with a pan to the floor. The camera is switched from back cam to front cam. Chris purses his lips and sighs, "guys she refuses to make an instagram and yet wants me to post this for her."
Chris shakes his head and adjusts the stupid ass cap he's wearing, "no. You want me to post this, cause if you didn't you would wait."
"Your reasoning is re-" back cam is switched and pointed at me, "markably flawed and stupid."
"Aw, thanks. I love you too."
"Chris, I swear to g-"
"I WONT POST IT GEEZ!" Chris holds his phone up and gives a stupid smile, "now pose cutely for me."
I look past his phone and look him straight in the eye, "you know what, I'm not about to pose for some ugly slice of white bre--" *end video*
There is a separate post of green slippers on a carpet and of them being worn by its sassy owner.
@chrisevansdailykrr: MY SHIP IS ALIVE AND THRIVING! @chrisevansdailykrr: Chris Evans for Elle Magazine. *image attached* @myshipisreal: A hero we never knew we needed *image attached* @steverogerswife: [replying to @myshipisreal] ALL HAIL GREEN SLIPPERS @swqgg: [replying to @myshipisreal] ALL HAIL PETTYNESS @y/narmpit: *image of green slippers and 'finally some good fucking news attatched*
@ChrisEvans: No hate but why Evans-Y/L/N, why not Y/L/N-Evans? @oeh3: [replying to @ChrisEvans] AND YALL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO SAY THEY AREN'T TOGETHER WHEN THIS IS HIS 3AM THOUGHTS @steverogerswife: [replying to @ChrisEvans] MARRY HER THEN 😤 @shutdd: [replying to @ChrisEvans] PETTY KING @absolutelygina: [replying to @ChrisEvans] I was instructed to say: "I clearly wear the pants in the relationship." @ChrisEvans: [replying to @absolutelygina] fair @avengerzbus: [replying to @ChrisEvans] I'M SCREAMING
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takalzuoom · 2 years
Happy early bday ❤️❤️ can i request isagi with a touchy super affectionate girlfriend headcannons???
omg thank you for the wishes 🖤🖤
ngl i had a lot of fun with this dnakelfksl 🙈🖤
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Okay so, you that one tiktok audio?
“Link!” “Zelda!” “Oh boy. Smooching time!”
The day that you aren’t with him is the day pigs fly as you make sure to never leave his side for even a second.
You sat with him a lunch, waved at him in passing, even walked to and fro school
I feel like sometimes at lunch you’d not eat anything and just cuddle up next to him, just enjoying his presence as your friends snicker at you.
Cant hate the club if you cant even get in type of shit🤒
You’d probably be the envy of the school cause just think about it.
The schools striker, boy next store soccer player has a partner who loves him so much that even with the mention of his name you light up
But I’m not saying that the reader is totally dependent on him. As they have gone weeks without seeing him and being just fine (they were able to hug their friends, and hang out with them.)
But i honestly see isagi being the one that's more affected
Of course our boy loves your hugs and cuddles, and he gets a little flustered by your spontaneous hugging and surprise kisses.
DEFINITELY teases you. Like. It’s right there. The perfect opportunity, plus his friends are on his case too much so he has to give himself a little bit of street cred ya know?
‘Fine, i won't invite you over for ramen tonight then’
‘Wait please y/n i didn't mean it’
And yeah, he first thought it was a little much (not that he didn’t enjoy it) but it took some time (4 days) to get used to it. For it to become his norm.
You walk to school. Seat next to each other in class, walk eachother to class, hang off of him at lunch, walk home, watch him play soccer, eat dinner with his family-
You were basically party of his daily routine and if you were out sick (like so sick that you couldn’t move) then he’d be in a funk that day. HE WOULD DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS
‘Hey y/n! Just wanted to check up on you!’
‘Haha look at this cute puppy i saw on the way to school- reminded me of you, feel better lovely🖤’
‘Hey y/n! Just wanted to see if you’re feeling better! I miss you!’
‘Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?’
‘I’m coming over with soup!’
‘Tell your mom to let me in’
Y’all are basically attached at the hip. It’s bad.
So imagine the ‘culture shock’ when he gets to blue lock.
No you to walk with, no you to cuddle with, no you to smooch.
No you to text???
He’s having withdrawal symptoms
I definitely think that he’d gush about you to bachira and kunigami (later hiori and nanase)
I feel like barou would actually hate you with how much isagi talks about you
At this point even if he tells people or not, everyone at blue lock will know about you
‘Isagi, are you talking about soccer?’
‘…yes. So as i was saying, y/n missed the ball and fell flat on their face’
I do say that over time he will talk about you less, though the longing is still there he just has a better way of dealing with it
And the threats from aryu, rin and barou are getting to him
So imagine after the U-20 match when you sneak into the locker room and just embrace isagi so tightly- like chigiri almost had to pull you off since he thought you were some obsessive fan.
But no, once he saw his friend hug you back, probably tighter he let go.
They all killed him mentally for kissing you right there and then
And that's when they realized- isagi 2.0
Just like the stories said, you were attached to the hip, catching up a little too long as ego actually had to fetch nagi away from his partner.
But on that break, omg
He hangs out with you All. The. Time.
Even if he’s hanging out with the boys 🥶 he can be seen texting you. Or setting up to leave early to catch the special show you both have.
Oh yeah, you both have. A show you watch religiously you watched it without him since you couldn't wait anymore, but he doesn't have to know that 😟
I don't see him ever really getting jealous since he knows how ugh you love him. But he doesn't always evade the ugly green monster, as sometimes when he gets down or jealous he’ll just speed more quality time with you.
Hug you a little tighter just so you know how much he appreciates you.
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osdd-1bitch · 2 years
Promised ‘Mike scrolls tho the wonderland sys tags’ posts.
tw for ableism and some homophobia
*deep sigh*, to preface this long post, the wonderland system is/was a a system on tiktok who doesnt fit many peoples preconceived notions on what a DID system looks like. they have a lot of alters, nonhuman alters, a big headspace ect. so a bunch of very uneducated singlets, ableist people, and the rest dogpiled them. i mean literally making wikis and collaborative google documents about them. its incredibly weird and gross and there are a lot of deeply misinformed tiktoks on that tag im gonna give my thoughts on here.
okay so. this is me just going thru vids and talking abt them if i see one i think i could comment on but its mostly singlets asking basic questions or making fun of things we've known abt the disorder since the 90s and just..i dont recommend looking into it on your own. singlets please do basic research challenge i am so so tired.
shoutout to those ppl in this tag calling out the misinfo and blatent ableism yall are wonderful .
clarifications before we start:
1) even if these are purely jokes they arent funny and are mocking aspects of a stigmatized disorder/sowing doubt in completely possible things. ik you didnt even google DID/OSDD-1 before making your tiktok and i dont really care, that is entirely on you. and also its just ableism and annoying, yall are harassing and making whole wikis about a teenager its gross. yall literally brought kalvin garrah back to have cringe takes on DID/OSDD-1 if anyone is harming this community its you guys. and also the mocking of other disorders and disabilities? mm no.
2) i am not gonna be linking or saying any names. i dont condone these tiktokers being harassed no matter how sht they are acting, kindly dont go out of your way to spread hate or send messages or whatever but spreading actual info is appreciated.
3) if you have been harassing the wonderlandsystem kindly unfollow and block us. yall are gross.
4) im not gonna b talking abt the wonderland system directly, just the ppl talking abt them dont come at me w 'well they did (x)' i really dont care and it doesnt change the ableism towards them which is unacceptable.
-Mike/Author (he/him)
cw for general ableism / homophobia ect
1) 'hospitals? so they have schools? and all the history that happened to make hospitals? and-'
omg you have a human alter? so you have all the billions of years of history in your headspace to make humans evolve and exist in the first place?
no. the brain can take in things from outside. this take is so incredibly asinine i dont understand how people are unironically asking this bc this could apply to literally anything bc...we as a species, and this planet all has billions of years of history. you dont need to review literally every second of history to have a alter thats a human or DID wouldnt form...literally what do you meannnn
2) 'how do the nonhuman alters know how to use tiktok??'
alters can....learn things. and talk to people. and they have a human body. nonhuman alters can be perfectly capable of learning how to function in a human body. they arent static entities. thats like asking how a 60 year old knows how to use tiktok. they have hands and and a brain people.
3) 'lol (x) species of alter??'
yes. why not.
4) '(making fun of alters having different opinions)'
they have...different personalities...and memories...and everything....why is this not allowed if they can have different accents??? yes some alters have sht opinions some ppl have sht opinions why is this funny to you.
5) 'alter is (age)!11!'
6) 'they have 272 alters!!'
there have been recorded cases of more. there is literally a term for having lots of alters (and other symptoms associated) called 'polyfragmented'. also, there are people citing psychologists, to those, do they specialize in DID/OSDD-1? secondly, with the years of medical malpractice and the extremely outdated views from some of these people (many who dont even think DID/OSDD-1 exists), have any proof these people are knowledgeable on larger systems or any reason their opinion is valid?
there is no limit to how many alters/sysmates a system can have and there is no reason to make one up.
7) 'alters dating!1!'
why not.
8) 'thats inc3st11!!'
9) 'DID/OSDD-1 is so rare, professionals cant agree it exists!!!'
professionals have argued if literally any disorder ever has existed. ive met a therapist who told me that nonverbal people were liars and faking. literally everything even depression has people who should be educated acting real weird that isnt proof.
also DID alone: 1-3% and its highly misdxed and probably under dxed. excluding all the other forms of OSDD-1, so disordered systems are a lot more common.
also tiktok has....an algorithm. there have been huge plural communities since forever. we have cons and meetings. what.
10) 'can the nonhuman alters/littles do (basic task)?'
maybe and maybe not. why are you so interested, and why are you laughing anyways? 'haha 3 year old alter doesnt know how to drive' why is this funny.
11) 'haha (situation) but its (alter)'s turn to front'
i dont understand why a system allowing its alters to express themselves and use the body is so funny to you? haha they have a healthy dynamic and can agree with each other on something that works?
12) 'trauma has to be rlly bad to have nonhuman alters1!!1'
no. being dehumanized in any way, or believing something nonhuman can help in some way can cause a nonhuman alter to form.
13) 'you have to be really traumatized to have a big system!1!'
okay then why are you harassing them. also big systems are a thing...and have been a thing. some systems are more prone to splitting for various reasons. calm down. or can people w ptsd not use the internet?
14) 'haha an alter is a skeleton'
considering how these people are the same ones saying you need a ton of trauma for any nonhuman alter the only reason in their minds for a skeleton would be d3@th related trauma that is incredibly extreme and nothing else. im not sure how that works well you are simultaneously making fun of the fact of forming an alter around that exact scenario/how that alter could act. make it make sense.
15) 'haha gatekeeper doing their job'
what. huh? i literally do not understand this. you do know thats what...gatekeepers do, correct?
16) 'they are queer, and have a lot of makeup and stuff'
queer kids tend to go through trauma my guy bc of homophobic ppl and stuff. also traumatized ppl tend to enjoy not looking the way they did well being absed. and it looks nice? we arent allowed to have aesthetics or look nice?
also @ that one guy who called it a 'symptom of did' fck you personally that wasnt a genuine question and was incredibly rude, both to queer people, and to systems, and we are both aware of that.
17) 'haha google doc haha discord server haha wiki'
why are you ppl so invested? but okay
18) '(actually informative video)'
thank you yall are the only good thing in this tag
19) 'they went private11!!1'
yeah probably bc of harrasment by dipshts like you?
20) 'alters can marry? this implies they have a chu-'
first response. also you dont need a specific couples therapist to help in a married relationship, they can just get a outside therapist or solve it internally and ig get divorced. they dont need a court or whatever bc its internal aaaaa please think for five seconds im begging you
21) 'how do they get food is the island self sustaining'
ah yes, my mentally constructed island must follow real world physics and our societies constructed rules of money and trading routes. there is no other option for my completely mental headspace to follow./sarc
no. what? no.
22) '(hunger games)'
you people are weird af seriously. like /gen this is weird, kindly leave them tf alone.
23) 'bc (alter) is rightwing, that means there is internal racism in the headspace'
no. alters can...interact...and have opinions....on the outside world....the leap of logic here
24) '(alter) is (big number) age!1! so that must correlate to real world experiences/history'
no. why.
25) '21 pilots bad'
this is such a strange tiktok to me. have we not grown past this age of cringe culture? 'haha band is liked by teen girls? bad.' that is literally the extent of your logic. why post this?
26) 'haha innerworld big'
why...not. why is there a size limit? whats the logic here? does it have to be a empty plane with two chairs? are systems not allowed to have nice things or anything at all? genuinely whats the logic here.
27) 'haha neopronouns'
yall are still crying abt neos??? damn i thought we were over this. outdated.
28) 'is (real world person/event/thing) real in the headspace? i need to know'
one, why do you need to know. two, maybe? considering the tiktok in question, probably not. why do you all assume the mental construct of the headspace has to follow real world logic? do yall think they straight up jump into a portal into another dimension with irl physics and sht for a innerworld. what.
29) 'they split so many alters in this one year!'
yeah...that can happen. traumatic times means...more splits....alters can split in groups. wat.
30) 'alters are only formed w extreme trauma!'
no. big or small t trauma or even stress can cause splits, especially in larger/polyfragmented systems who tend to be more prone to split in the first place.
31) 'they all have the same speech patterns!!'
masking. scripts. whatever.
32) 'my psych parent says (x)'
and. there are psychs who dont think DID exists period. there are some still preaching 'silo' theory to systems. bad professionals are a dime a dozen in DID related fields all you are doing is making me think your parent is sht at their job
33) 'haha what if they switched in a bad situation'
yes...this is one of the many drawbacks of the disorder that can make life very hard to handle? excuse me? what?
34) 'haha do you think any alters like (x)? if so, how does (x) exist?'
alters can front. they can front.
anyways thats enough for me at this point. i might comment on the general ableism and general gross sht in this tag and how this system is just being used as an excuse to be horrible and how weird yall are acting well dogpiling this teenager but yeah.
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shessolovely-ao3 · 2 years
AND FOR THAT MATTER since im on a roll about encanto now and cannot stop, WHY are some of yall simping so hard for a 15 year old boy? esp those of you who are adults? if you are 14-16 sure fine that’s different. but some of yall are out here acting like total and complete fools. Camilo is fifteen years old. Mirabel is fifteen years old. they don’t look twenty. they do not look twenty. stop being gross. no i wont apologize and i can’t believe i have to stake my claim on this hill but i’ll die on it if i have to
AND ANOTHER THING that i cannot stand is another whole group of you acting like certain things in encanto mean that some people in the Madrigal family are showing signs of tics/tourettes/mental illness. do i agree that most people in that family need therapy? there is no doubt about it tbh, but just because Bruno jumps over cracks, knocks on wood, or throws salt/sugar over his shoulders does not mean he has tourettes. i’m not even colombian/latina and i know that. 
guys. if i, a white woman in her early twenties, can figure out that all of those things are done not just in colombia, but in other nations around the world, for superstitious purposes, so can you. it’s not that hard. i understand that some people really want to see more representation for those with autism, tourettes, and other mental illnesses, and i agree that they should be talked about more and introduced to children in an easy to follow format like a cartoon, but that’s not the case here. Superstitions are common in almost all cultures. please please please get that straightened out. 
also listen to the colombian fans of encanto when they say this stuff! they’ve made tiktok videos and tumblr posts and as someone who’s always looking to understand/learn more about other cultures i find them really helpful! 
(oh and also i dont know why everyone on AO3 is also so obsessed with de-aging/age regression for these characters. i have no idea what it is, don’t want to know, dont care. i just think it’s a weird trend. forgot to mention it in my last post but im not a fan of it LOL)
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lucifucks · 3 years
OM !! brothers in hs
wrote this when I was bored so uh yeah (sorry some are longer than the others ;-;)
p.s: this may be wildly inaccurate bc well I've never been to a physical hs so yeah TT
• romodel student
• most likely a ta
• defiently in student council and probably is the president
• thinks he is the smartest person in the whole school district
• has no disregard for others feelings
• has friends that dont attend the same school
• only goes to lunch to eat then goes to the classroom to wait for class to start
• skips school events
• goes to the library sometimes but most of the time its to study
• doesnt bring his phone to school
• has really good grades
• probably has a shitload of honors classes
• has a lot of school rewards
• probably in the debate team
• secretly wants to be in the drama club
• attends school plays
• secretly likes psycology and philosophy class
• thinks hes good at drawing when hes just average
• likes painting
• really good at history class
• probably in a wannabe gang
• popular
• class clown
• really bad grades but somehow passes math and is good at it
• tries everything to be seen as cool
• rowdy at lunch
• dresses like youre generic popular latino (bf yall say anything I'm hispanic)
• has drip
• has gotten suspended
• gets detention almost every day
• loves hip hop music
• probably a wannabe soundcloud rapper
• smells like cheap cologne and some type of food
• has a slit eyebrow
• says no homo
• has a piggybank
• probably really into streetwear
• watches anime in class
• doodles instead of taking notes
• known as the weird kid
• gets bullied
• eats lunch in the bathroom stall bc he has no friends
• probably draws fanart for his fav anime characters
• gets commissioned a lot and accepts them bc he secretly likes the attention
• really good at anything related with science
• average grades
• has akward posture
• messy hair
• looks like he has never gotten an ounce of sleep in his life
• gets really nervous before tests
• has considered cheating but chickened out
• doodles on his arms
• wants piercings but afraid of needles
• flexes his anime merch every chance he gets
• probably has anime themed school supplies
• probably has a clear phonecase
• has a fixiated crush on someone since middle school
• zero drip
• probably dyes his hair
• has longish hair
• popular
• probably wears ankle braclets
• has really pretty hands
• dyes his hair a lot
• spends way too long in the bathroom
• smells like a thousand wishes from bath and body works
• only likes flowery scents
• has a very long routine
• only eats salads for lunch
• only likes healthy food
• wears a lot of pastels
• has dirt on everyone
• uses pantene for his hair
• probably either always hosting parties or going to them
• wears really high quality clothes
• probably makes his own outfits
• has a vsco girl waterbottle
• probably has a bulletin board in his room
• loves scrapbooking
• has a diary in which he writes in daily
• likes painting
• has cringy instagram captions
• uses snapchat 24/7
• quick replier
• texts 24/7
• probably texts in class
• paints his nails
• wears makeup
• always adjusting himself every chance he gets
• good posture
• pretty graceful in everything he does
• has really pretty pens and highlighters
• pretty notes
• has popular girl handwriting
• lives in the library
• has cat themed school supplies
• has a cat phone case
• probably sticks cat stickers on his locker
• reads every chance he gets
• really good at literature and english
• good grades
• a social loner
• in a lot of clubs
• loves poetry
• dresses like haruhi did in the ep 1 of ohshc
• likes soap operas
• a sucker for romance movies
• has tons of secret admirers
• probably wears glasses to school
• has pretty handwriting
• probably only uses a black pen
• has really messy notes
• his backpack is a whole mess
• has a journal
• has social media but doesnt use it
• secretly writes ffs and imagines
• his notes app is a whole other dimension
• probably delusional as fuck
• does others peoples homewotk bc he cant say no
• eats in the library at lunch
• perfers savory food
• loves sports
• a social butterfly while also being reserved
• well liked by everyone
• wears sport wear
• perfers ft over texting
• has 2 posts yet has a shitload of followers
• not that good in school
• loves animals
• actually pretty smart but underestimates himself
• gets really nervous before games
• probably hangs out with his friends a lot
• really pure
• doesnt have a crush and hasnt had one
• platonic vibes only
• gets really attached to u if your his friend
• he loves sanrio core
• hes emo/alt
• hes really into astrology and spirituality
• he exclusively watches gore/horror anime
• he probably only has twt and tiktok
• hes on gore twt
• he vapes
• has really bad influences in his life while also being the bad influence
• only wear baggy clothes
• has his headphones in 24/7
• probably always takes the bus to go places
• loves fruit
• likes spicy/tangy foods
• he loves hightop converse
• very creative
• has piercings
• wears eyeliner
• probably has worn sfx makeup to school
• gets into a lot of fights
• tells people to kys
• glares at everyone who even glances at him
• probably has a death note and has written many names in it already
• is either really good or bad at school
• somehow does really well in finals
• chronic cheater
• secretly likes kpop and jpop
• wears beanies
• probably paints his nails black
• has dark ass eyebags
• looks dead inside out
• hes on alt tiktok
• skateboarder
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
Some harries are so weird 😭 they have such a weird idea of who Harry is and idk why they even keep supporting him if that's the case 😭 like the past week I've been seeing people (on tiktok, no surprise there) being weird about the "choke her with a sea view" line and saying they're uncomfortable with it bc he didn't give context for it so they don't know if it was consensual or not and they're also hoping for there to be a "feminist" explanation for it. And I'm just like why would you think Harry, who asks for explicit consent to touch someone's hair or shoulders, would ever put his hands on a woman in that way without it being consensual? Like that doesn't need a disclaimer! I also don't think it's inherently an anti-feminist act. Breathplay is a common kink and doesn't necessarily have to do with being dominated or being violent - it brings a different sensation to the experience and that slightly lightheaded feeling enhances sex for a lot of people. I don't think there's anything wrong with experimenting with things like that and there's no reason to assume he wasn't asked to do it or didn't have the person’s enthusiastic consent, you guys are just freaks
'you guys are just freaks' KJNDBFHUCJV LITERALLLYYYY and seeing people like hoping it was harry that pushed liam up agaisnt the wall like you can have have both sides!!! these people read one dom fic and are fucked in the head I swearijfngvbhuj but yeah that shit is so STUODIUDFJHVJ ITS A FUCKING SONG GET A GRIP YOU FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!! they wanna hate him SOOOO BADDDD I just saw a tweet saying they saw harry's donation from his apple commercial is bare minimum and probably to get a tax break like hUHEUDFGCHVUJK YALL DONT KNOW HOW ANYTHING WORKS AND JUST WANNA HATE HIM OR FOR HIM TO BE A BAD PERSON SO BADDDDDD GO AWAYYYYDFGHUJHFHUJ
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