#images went out of order ugh
appri-dot · 1 month
Behold! A free ticket to infodump with a 100% certainty of someone reading, enjoy!
Oh! huh I should find something good to ramble about...
Okay big OC World of mine that is one of my favourites doesn't really have a name but I refer to as Alias after an in world company. The plot/story is sorta ridiculous but almost every oc part of it is a mega-fav
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There's a stupid amount of character info but in general:
before Alias came to be there were three separate worlds that were connected by a cavity in the multiverse (think of it as a pothole) One world with diverse and strange monsters, one with humanoids that carried out modern lives, the other a fantasy like with dragons (sounds crazy but it makes sense later sorta) These worlds coexisted and people crossing over to others was rare, but in general the foreign nature of the others meant many were simply killed and never actually became a problem (a fire can't start if you snuff out the candle sorta rules)
A girl named Mit-Eye(Mitty) accidentally reality hopped to the monster world one evening, and instead of kill on sight, an empathetic shut in named Glorified decided to help her. Throughout their journey to get her home, they both grow as people and become close friends. At the event horizon of realities Mit-Eye convinces Glorified to leave with her (It was going to be killed for helping her) and to strive for a better life together
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But the attempt of crossing over caused a beyond horrible catalyst event where the two worlds sorta clipped into one another as a mess of being, making them go off course and smash into the third one.
It was SUPER BAD. On a level where history, people and items were just merging into one homogeneous reality. All three worlds became one world of jumble, and is the birth of Alias's world.
"Dragonfolk evolved into humanoids that then had a event where mass mutations wiped out the world wide population and now monsters exist"
This event caused many different things but mainly, the new species Doodle Dudes. Gender ambiguous lizardfolk that look nothing like lizards and are just silly circle heads.
During the super big bad event (in the Alias world) there was a young boy named Pepper Thyme who watched his family blow up into meat mutant meat chunks and was traumatized since. He was adopted by his home island's "temporary" figurehead Mr. Venus who enabled his bad habits and morbid obsessive study on THE EVENT. After Venus died of a accident Pepper took power and put the island under his control as a "authoritarian lite" (has ultimate power but it is loosely enforced on the common people unaware of his influence. Like President Business) Within the instability of the world as it barely started healing he had created one of the few "Beacons" (functioning civilisations) left. Fully cementing himself as the BBEG<3
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That's the general lore of Alias, multiple stories carry out through its narrative.
Aliporsha, Nures and Doctrine, and Willson and Tamual are all up on my favourite ones though. I'd say Mit-Eye and Glory but they are just the prelude really!!!
For the fruits of his labour, Pepper Thyme discovered the existence of multiverses and set out to colonize them to finally satiate his obsession hes had on the catalyst by bringing a universal order. And In order to carry out his colonization plans, Thyme is creating an army of "gods" by inhumane experiments on people for them to become indestructible reality warping machines that follow his command. Only two characters canonically have actually reach godhood (Aliporsha and Sillysocks) but hes determined and on the right track considering he has met GOD (The Corrior...hes a can of worms in itself)
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kathaynesart · 7 months
Two things:
One, I love how you can tell the order of the events because Mikey and Donnie both have the indentation from Raph on the table. Since Leo went first, and they were kept apart, that means Leo was left alone with his thoughts after discovering that trinket was the key that released the krang for at least the span of three more interviews. When Raph asked if they told Leo, they already had.
Additionally I love all the details, like they clearly rehearsed this before they ever attempted entering the colony. And Donnie, ever the terrible liar, is sweating in his custom made mystic battle shell. It’s stupid though that people are being so judgmental during a world crisis. Ugh, can’t they just get along, talk it out over pizza?
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Roll credits!
Hehe I'm glad you noticed the name drop! Thank you so much! The response to this update has been amazing, all the while I was honestly not sure if people would even like it haha!
And yes... poor Leo was given this information before his brothers could even know. They would not be reunited until after their interviews were finished (standard procedure to make sure they don't exchange lies/tips). By then Leo will have had nearly 3 hours to stew over what happened... only to be shocked further when Raph, in his frantic attempt to soothe his brother, reveals that he and Donnie have known and kept this information from him for a long time. It is a double whammy of an experience and sadly one they can not express and clear out entirely without letting the colonists in on what happened.
There are ears everywhere in the colony and if the people found out Leo's involvement in allowing the Key to fall into enemy hands... there would be an outcry for retribution. Something Leo probably would have willingly accepted, but his brothers would certainly have not, leading to many whispered arguments and pent up emotions that sadly became the norm and lasted all the way into Replica. It's why Leo thought for so long that Donnie still blamed him for the apocalypse... at least until Omega finally cleared it up.
Had I more time I might draw a proper aftermath image, but I kind of like leaving that vision up to the reader.
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auliisflower · 7 months
Siren eyes
“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, Baby”
A wild heartstealer idol named Yang Y/N and a globally famous dancer named Kirsten Dodgen is a pretty good duo for a power couple, don’t you think? One can only wonder how the korean public will take the news that a dancer from New Zealand can tame the all-famous idol Yang Y/n. Will life let them have their way or will the public eye force another idol between the two who they think will fit Y/n better?
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ START…
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The sound of keys clanging down on a desk could be heard throughout the cold, quiet apartment soon after Y/n had turned on the light in the dim hallway. It was pitch black, maybe 1 am? Y/n wasn’t sure…How much had she drunk at that party? She wondered if her girlfriend was still up.
Oh shit.
Her girlfriend. Y/n had sent her a text earlier promising that she would get home early. Her friends got her too drunk, that promise completely slipped out of her head. Now here she was stumbling around the apartment, trying not to make any noise just in case Kirsten woke up.
She downed a glass of water and went into the bathroom to wash up for bed. Oh god, she looked terrible, when did her cheeks go that red? It almost looked like someone’s lipstick….
“No, don’t think that..oh fuck” Y/n’s head pulsed, she could barely remember the wild night at her brother’s house.
She hurried up and brushed her teeth, took off her make up, and got into her pajamas. “I wonder what time Kirsten went to sleep…I’m so fucked tomorrow morning” Y/n muttered to herself as she climbed the stairs towards her and her girlfriend’s shared bedroom.
She slowly pushed the door open to find Kirsten completely covered, almost drowning in the sheets. Y/n chuckled to herself, finding her girlfriend adorable. She wouldn’t be so adorable tomorrow though, as soon as she found out what time Y/n got home. Ugh, it scares Y/n just thinking about it. Well, there’s nothing she could do about it now.
Y/n didn’t even bother checking her friends’ messages at that point, she just placed her phone down on the bedside table, without another thought. There were only two things on her dizzy mind at that point, the warm bed and her warm, cozy girlfriend.
The next morning
…8:37 am…
Y/n woke with a start, finding her peaceful sleep interrupted by a pillow to her face…
“Ugh…” she groaned as a hangover headache made its presence known. She opened her eyes to her girlfriend who wore Y/n’s old grey shirt and little black shorts. “…Hi, Kirs” she smiled meekly at her girlfriend who just glared at her.
After a few awkward seconds of silence Kirsten finally voiced out, “I’m just disappointed”. Y/n sat up from the comfy duvet and rubbed her sleepy eyes, “I’m sorry, baby, my friends got me too drunk and I couldn’t think straight.” She just rolled her eyes at you and stormed out the room. Y/n could hear Kirsten’s thundering footsteps down the stairs and groaned.
She fucked up.
Big time.
Y/n quickly got up from the bed and made the covers and pillows tidy. She stepped down the staircase quietly in order to not set her girlfriend off even more. She looked around the apartment and found the bathroom locked, she could hear the sink running and…crying? Oh fuck, “No, no, no” Y/n thought, panicking, “what the fuck happened last night?” She remembered her phone in the bedroom and ran up to go get it.
She unlocked her phone and immediately opened instagram to a horde of messages from her friends last night. She viewed some stories, including two from one of her close friends, Ishiriki Yangxi, an idol who the public thinks should be with Y/n as their visuals fit with each other. The first part of the story was a group picture with Y/n and their circle of friends, The second picture was..
“Oh my fucking god” Y/n’s eyes widened at the image. It was a picture of her and Yangxi, the girl was placing a kiss on Y/n’s cheek, leaving red lipstick marks all over Y/n’s face, as sweaty bodies jumped and danced around them.
“No fucking way she posted this.” Y/n immediately sent a message to Yangxi,
After sending the message with her head pulsing even harder than last night, she left her phone on the bed and ran down the stairs.
Kirsten was nowhere to be found. “Oh fuck me” Y/n gritted her teeth together. Where was she? Oh god, she had to apologize, right this instant. She needed to explain that it wasn’t what she thought.
Y/n sent a few messages to Kirsten apologizing for the story and explaining the situation. She called her girlfriend’s number, no answer…Shit. “God where is she?” Y/n thought, stressed over this. Y/n asked around Kirsten’s friends, Ling, Latrice, Emma, and Audrey.
Ling, Emma, and Audrey all answered pretty quick, all responding with replies like they didn’t know or Kirsten hasn’t talked to them.
Latrice answered last, “She’s with me in the studio, we’re working on a choreo piece” Y/n read her reply quickly as she saw Latrice’s chat bubble typing again.
“Kirs told me that she wanted some space for a couple hours to cool down and think about things” she added
Y/n replied to Latrice, “Oh…okay, could you please tell her I’m incredibly sorry and if she’ll let me I’ll explain to her what happened, please.”
Latrice replied instantly, “Okay sure, don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’ll feel better after a few hours of dancing to cool off”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
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Y/n decided to leave her alone, deciding it would be better for her to think about that
for a while before Y/n explains herself. She figured Kirsten would come back somewhere near lunch time, she usually takes a nap at noon…
It was now 9:15 and Y/n decided to get some stuff to make up for last night. She went out and got a bouquet of yellow and white tulips, yellow was Kirsten’s favorite, because she loves the sun. She hurried home and made lunch for the two of them.
…10:04 am…
Y/n cleaned her self up and put on something comfy to not look like a mess. She went up to the bedroom and opened her phone.
There was a message from Yangxi.
“Oh. I thought you were in your right mind…Everyone told me I should go for it, I’m sorry.” Her reply said.
“Well, Sorry doesn’t cut it. I was completely drunk last night, that should’ve never happened, I’m sorry but this friendship cannot go on if it hurts my girlfriend” Y/n replied back coldly, still fuming from Yangxi’s actions. She blocked her, just to make sure it never happened again, she didn’t care if the public wanted them to date, Y/n wanted Kirsten, and Kirsten only.
Y/n cleaned up the house a bit more before Kirsten came back to take her mind of Yangxi for a bit. She went up to the bedroom again to touch up her makeup, after a few minutes she heard the door unlocking and a few light footsteps.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
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She grabbed the bouquet from the bed and listened for a few minutes. Once she heard the bathroom door opening and closing shut, she crept down the stairs quietly and hid in the living room for a bit.
After the bathroom door opens once more, Y/n peeked through the living room door to see Kirsten looking for something in her bag with her back to Y/n. Slowly and quietly, Y/n made her way to her girlfriend and gently slid her arms around Kirsten’s waist.
With the bouquet in one hand and the other going lower to hook her fingers through the belt loops of Kirsten’s pants, Y/n gently laid her chin on Kirsten’s shoulder as Kirsten let out a soft sigh.
“Kirsten please…I’m sorry, let me explain what happened” Y/n begged her quietly, hugging her tightly as if afraid if she let go, it’d be the last time. Kirsten let a few seconds of silence slip as she felt Y/n’s hot breath on her neck and her warm hands on her waist.
“Fine…what the hell did I see on Yangxi’s story this morning?” Kirsten muttered quietly as she placed her hands gently on the kitchen counter, the item in her bag completely forgotten.
Y/n heaved a sigh, “It was my fault, I’m so sorry, my love. My brother gave me too much to drink but I never thought Yangxi would’ve taken advantage of that. Trust me, Kirsten, I would never willingly let her do that.” Y/n quietly let out.
“Please believe me on this, Kirsten, I’ve already asked my company and Yangxi to separate us, I never want to work with her anymore now that she hurt you.” Y/n begged her, her eyes shined with tears because seeing Kirsten hurt broke her heart into a million pieces.
Kirsten stayed silent for a bit, Y/n could feel her breathing more heavily now. “it's okay... you go on ahead and cry. I've got you...” Y/n let out worriedly as tears slid down Kirsten’s cheeks. Y/n let go of her and set the bouquet on the table quickly, she turned back to Kirsten who was looking down at the floor, her tears steadily flowing.
Y/n wiped her tears gently, “You know you’re mine right?” Kirsten let out quietly as she let Y/n wipe her tears away. “Of course, my love” Y/n breathed out, clearly relieved, “I’m all yours, Kirs” Y/n grabbed her hand gently and placed a gentle kiss on her palm.
Y/n giggled lightly at the shorter woman, "What are you laughing at? i don't see anything funny." Kirsten questioned her, Y/n giggled in response “You’re cute when you’re jealous”
“Sorry how am I not supposed to be jealous when you’re supposed to be fucking mine, Y/n?” Kirsten rolled her eyes, Y/n grinned at her as she wrapped her arms around Kirsten’s waist again, finally letting out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding.
“You're so fucking hot when you're mad." Y/n muttered in Kirsten’s ear as she giggled finally relieving the tension that hung in the air for the past couple of minutes. Kirsten broke the hug as she held both of Y/n’s hands in her own,
“Yeah, yeah. You're cute. Just stop smiling at me like that." She giggled back in response.
Kirsten took Y/n’s hand and led her into the living room, “Oh?, you just can't help yourself, can you?" Y/n giggled at the shorter woman, loving this side of Kirsten she rarely got to see. They stumbled into the room, as Kirsten pulled Y/n’s collar to bring her into a heated kiss, Y/n didn’t resist, she’ll let Kirsten have her fun this one time.
Y/n just let it happen as Kirsten pushed her onto the couch, “Don’t you have to go back to the studio later?” Y/n questioned her girlfriend as she sat in her lap. “That doesn’t really matter to me right now, I’m sure Latrice can finish the piece by herself” Kirsten mumbled as she pulled Y/n into a slow, sweet kiss which morphed into a rough, eager make out session that left Y/n whimpering for more.
As Kirsten let Y/n catch her breath, she said “You look good like this, with my lipstick all smeared around your face and your neck marked by me.” Kirsten grinned smugly at the woman below her. She pushed Y/n so that the taller woman was lying down with Kirsten still comfortably seated in her lap.
Y/n was panting achingly at Kirsten, completely overwhelmed by her dominating behavior. She was all over you. She looked at you with those beautiful, captivating eyes of hers and you just found her irresistible. That was a look Y/n could never get tired of.
“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, Baby”
Let’s just say Y/n’s bouquet and the lunch she prepared were long forgotten after that.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ END…
(girl this was not my best, at all)
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camillescreations · 9 months
Okay so people have been saying that they're not sure if the "You know eachother" scene is Stede and Ed's reunion or not. Well, I don't think it is. I think that the headbutt scene comes before that.
In the headbutt scene, we see that Ed is injured, he has a cut lip and eyebrow. But look closer! Those injuries are bleeding!
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That means that they're very fresh. And in the "you know each other" scene, those same injuries are still somewhat fresh but obviously healing. So that scene comes after.
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I suspect that Ed may get hurt in this scene
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Because he's holding his right side. Or this is just another scene from a different part of the season. Not sure. It may be from the big battle? And if this is where he gets hurt, I'm not sure how Ed ends up in a place where Stede can find him. It looks like Ed is laying on a bed in some sort of room. I can't tell if this is a ship or maybe it's the shack that we saw in the teaser? Ed does have the split lip in that shot, too.
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I don't really have an answer to this but I will say that I think the headbutt scene is when Stede and Ed reunite, and it'll be at the end of episode 2 (based on the outfit Stede is wearing, according to the new images the Chinese clothes are from episode 2, and they usually change outfits each episode, at least Stede always did.) And then Ed will be like "ugh why are you here, I don't want to be around you right now, give me space and don't follow me" and then Ed will go to Anne Bonny and that's when Stede comes in because of course Stede followed him! That's why Ed looks annoyed. Or they both went to Anne Bonny's place together for whatever reason but Ed told Stede to wait outside and Stede didn't listen or something lol. Anyways that's my two cents! I wanted to point out the bleeding lip and eyebrow thing! Thought that was a good hint for the order of events :)
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The DUFF 15
Warnings: groping, insecurity, food and body issues, manipulation, and the usual. Proceed with caution.
Feedback is always welcome. Love you and thanks for the wonderful responses so far. ♥♥♥♥
Image credit (I want to give dues where due but don’t want the creator to keep getting tagged in my posts as I have been approached by some before that they don’t want me in their notifs)
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You sit down as you wait for your order to be called. The metal seat isn’t very comfortable, especially after hours in your office chair. You tuck your bag against the wall and stare out the window as Andy shrugs off his jacket.
He sits with the dark blue garment hung behind him, tugging at his tie but not loosening it. As you glance over, he flicks his fingers up to scratch the stubble along his neck. You rest your elbow on the table then drag it off. You don’t know what to do as the awkwardness of the situation settles in.
“So,” Andy breathes out as he claps his hands on his thighs. Is he nervous? No, why would he be nervous? You’re projecting. “Long weekend, you said?”
You smile, a click in your throat. “Um, yeah, I probably shouldn’t go into detail.”
“That bad?” He lifts a brow.
“Let’s just say next weekend, I’m going absolutely nowhere,” you sigh.
“Sounds like heaven. My wife, ex-wife, is coming back from vacation so she’ll be dropping off the kid,” he brings his hand up to the tabletop, rubbing his ring finger, as if searching for the missing gold, “not really a kid anymore. His teenage angst blows right in after him like a raincloud.”
“How old?” You wonder. You didn’t think Andy was that old, but you’re a bad judge of these things.
“Sixteen, for now. Can’t wait to leave for college next year. Honestly, I kind of feel the same,” he chuckles, “I probably sound like an ass when I say that.”
“I think you mean well,” you shrug, “you know, my dad wasn’t so nice about it.”
“No?” He furrows his brow.
“Uh, yeah, but let’s not get into all that. I’m starving and vulnerable,” you kid.
The bell rings and your number is called. Andy stops you from getting up and insists on grabbing the order himself. He comes back with a tray and doles out the tacos. You try not to be too eager and wait for him to fold one up first.
Your stomach growls in an echo of your mind. You’re thankful for the distraction of the meal, you’re not exactly a social maven. Further, he’s your boss and you’d hate to step on any lines, or over them.
You chow down on the grilled chicken chipotle. The spice is more than you expect and has you reaching for your Sprite. Andy hums in delight as you sip and glance out the window again. It’s dark out now. You’re going to be home late. Ugh, your whole routine is entirely lost.
“I was curious,” he begins between bites, “about this club you went to…”
“Uh, yeah, I dunno,” you say evasively, chewing your straw before stopping the anxious gesture. “It was my friend’s idea.”
“Ah, well, I’m trying to get back on the scene, you know? I tried a few dating apps and a bit too few man girls want to charge for just a chat…” he puts his hand up helplessly, “I’m out of touch, I think. In my day, you just met people face to face so I thought maybe, give it a try, but I don’t even know where to go.”
“Mmhmm,” you swallow, “well, I don’t think a club is really the place for that. It’s more so a hookup type place.”
“Hookup? Is that what happened?”
“Uh,” you shake your head, “maybe a book club? That might be somewhere to start.”
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t suggesting anything about you,” he backpedals, “I just… I don’t have much going on so I might be trying to fill that void vicariously.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine,” you wipe your fingers, “I don’t really date. Not seriously. Well, I mean, I haven’t been actively looking. With work and everything–” The door jingles as you ramble, “I barely have enough time for m–”
A figure steps up beside your table. His sole squeaks loudly and you look up, shocked to find Curtis glaring back at you. You’re struck dumb as you can only sit there.
“So this is it? You’re ignoring me for this guy?” He barks, “Bunny, you could’ve just told me you’re a slut–”
“Woah, woah,” Andy stands, “what’s going on? Let’s cool off–”
“No, fuck you!” He grabs Andy’s plate and throws the tacos in his face, “I know who the fuck you are. You got a habit of fucking your employees, Andrew?”
“Curtis,” you get up and grab his arm before he can grab your boss, “Curtis, we’re just having dinner–”
“I’ve been texting you,” Curtis snarls as he turns on you, “all day and I can’t get one reply. Don’t lie to me.”
He latches onto your arm and you cry out. You don’t understand why he’s doing this. Or how he even knew you were here. He’s crazy!
“Let go of her,” Andy slides his arm between you and Curtis, bringing his hand down against Curtis’ wrist, “calm down.”
“Calm down,” Curtis sneers as Andy inserts himself between you and rabid man, “mind your own fucking business.”
“You’re scaring her,” Andy puts his hand on Curtis’ chest and tries to ease him away, “so come on, cool off. Like she said, there’s nothing going on–”
Curtis keeps a hold of you as you’re pulled against Andy. You whimper as you're almost pinned against the table.
“Nothing going on?!” Andy jolts as Curtis lets you go, grabbing Andy’s collar instead, “she’s mine, you understand? You’re just some desperate old man–”
“Get your hands off of me,” Andy’s timbre drops dangerously, “before I make you.”
“Hey, hey,” an employee comes out from behind the counter, “no fighting. Get out now or we’ll call the police.”
Curtis huffs as you cower behind Andy. You can’t see him but you can feel his anger. Andy brushes against you as Curtis releases him. Your boss keeps you shielded behind him as Curtis lets out a snarl.
“Whatever, I was just about to fucking leave,” he stomps to the door as you hide, clinging mindlessly to Andy’s shirt.
“I’m sorry,” Andy apologises to the employee, “we weren’t trying to cause a scene. We’ll just clean up and go.”
The worker says nothing and disappears behind the counter. You see Curtis’ shadow stalk off outside the window. Andy turns to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Um, I think…” you’re voice quavers, “I don’t know.”
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layla4567 · 6 months
Until we meet again Pt2
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Mihawk x Thief!Fem!reader
Summary: The scar on your face reminds you of that unfortunate Dracule Mihawk and he remembered you even though you didn't cause him any injuries. The next time you two see each other, sparks will fly.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, swearing, mention of blood and wounds, canon divergence, sexual tension, beta read
Wc: 4k
A/N: I say again that this is inspired by the first Puss in Boots movie, although I think you already realized
Part 1
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You came home angry and without being able to get the fruit. You slammed your door and stomped into your living room pacing back and forth ranting and spitting as if you were a poisonous snake about to inject its deadly liquid.
"Ugh! Who the fuck does he think he is?! That Mihawk guy is going to pay me!!"
You raised your hands to the ceiling in a state of exasperation while you snorted like a wild animal. Luckily you lived alone otherwise some neighbor would have already complained.
"Oh and the worst of all is that the gentleman has enough nerve to let me know that he was doing that just out of boredom!!! And, Ouch!-"
You had forgotten that that asshole had cut your cheek until you brought your hand to your face and felt the cut. You looked at your hand and noticed that the stain wasn't as visible, the blood was drying. In a bad mood you headed to your room to grab the sewing kit and headed to the bathroom. There you locked yourself in and took out a small towel that you rolled up and put in your mouth. You took out a thread and needle and decided to start stitching the wound. At the first sting you closed your eyes tightly and aggressively bit the towel, growling. You took a deep breath through your nose and went back to your work. The towel drowned out your screams of pain and when you finished you took it out of your mouth and noticed strings of drool. You looked in the mirror and wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. You took a quick look at the now closed cut although the skin was somewhat reddish.
"You better watch out next time, son of a bitch."
You rested your hands on the edges of the sink and let your head fall between your shoulders, sighing tiredly. It will take several days or weeks for the wound to completely heal, and now you will have an ugly scar that will remind you of your failed mission.
Meanwhile on another side of the island Dracule was sitting in his castle with his feet crossed on a tea table and a glass of wine in one hand. The images of his torturous encounter with you still danced in his mind. You were the protagonist of his thoughts and now he couldn't get you out of his head. Images of your face came to him when he was discovered for the first time and the pleasant surprise of knowing that you were a female. To clear his mind he took another sip of his favorite wine while looking out the window.
But the warlord had your face and eyes stuck in his head as if they were attached with nails, and since he was a lonely man and didn't have many things to do, you were his torment and ambition right now. Although he managed to smile slightly remembering that he had left a personal mark on your cheek with his sword, so he would also be in your mind tormenting you like you did with his. Tired of thinking about the matter, he stopped and decided to go out for air and maybe why not? Test his skills with your Yoru sword against someone
Mihawk was currently on a small beach after defeating several sailors. To his bad luck Shanks was close to him and drunk as always. Mihawk had told him about Luffy and now he couldn't stop laughing happily with his cheeks red from the alcohol.
"Oh come on this is cause for celebration! Come drink with us!"-said the redhead smiling
Dracule sighed. "I guess a drink won't hurt me."
Mihawk and Shanks headed to a nearby bar. The redhead ordered a beer and the warlord ordered an old wine. Even though Shanks was already somewhat drunk, he continued drinking the thick beer greedily, Dracule looked at him indifferently as he brought the glass to his lips. The redhead was willing to talk to the silent Mihawk.
"You know, you have always been a bitter man of few words but today I notice you are more silent than usual, what's wrong with you?"
"I don't know what are you talking about…"-He just said
Shanks laughed and punched him lightly on the arm with his fist, to which Mihawk raised his eyebrow in annoyance.
"Oh come on, I know something is wrong with you, oh wait, I know" - he smiled knowingly - "Does it have to do with that meeting between you and that thief?"
Mihawk never told Shanks anything about that meeting since he didn't see him very often, so he was slightly surprised at the mention of this. To hide, he took another sip of wine.
Shanks laughed out loud, knowing that he had hit the nail on the head. "Aha, I knew it, you're more transparent than you think, Hawkeye."
The yellow-eyed man closed his eyes before saying "And what do you know about that, mh?"
"Not much, just that they saw you run after the one they call "The Shadow", you know, the one on the wanted posters. Nobody has been able to catch that guy."
Mihawk almost smiled when he heard the male pronoun from the redhead's mouth. If he knew that behind that cape and scarf a reckless woman was hiding.
"And apparently you didn't have any better luck, the thief was able to escape from you"-Shanks said as he finished drinking the last drops of beer.
Dracule Mihawk's hand tensed a little, his ego and pride were fragile and hearing from Shanks a man who by the way had no arm say that he had not been able to catch the thief, insinuating that perhaps he was not so skilled made him in a bad mood. . But he wasn't heartless, after all he would still keep your identity a secret.
"There is always a first time.."
Shanks looked at his friend without believing what he heard. Was the fearful Mihawk admitting that he lost to someone?
"My, my. You're turning into a softie Mihawk."
"Oh please, shut up"
Dracule rolled his eyes and stood up to leave the bar and the redhead alone. Did that girl really have enough influence on him to bring out his soft side? It will be better that the next time he sees her he is more firm and cold, after all he was the most feared swordsman, not her.
When you weren't stealing under your disguise and your pseudonym you worked in a bar singing. You didn't need the tips they left you but you had to pretend that you made a living so they wouldn't get suspicious. Your mother had taught you to sing after dad left, that helped to somehow alleviate the pain, it helped her dissipate the pain. And she loved to sing for you and teach you, how your eyes lit up when you heard her and how with your little voice you would then accompany her and harmonize her on the nights of the full moon.
You perfected your technique until you reached a wider vocal range, you didn't sing like the gods but your voice wasn't bad at all. You asked for permission and started singing in small bars until you reached the one where you worked now. The men seemed to like your voice and you had realized that they left you more tips if you shortened the length of your almost burgundy red dress, which disgusted you a little but you had to learn trust, security and flirtation.
The chords of a piano began to sound while the hubbub of the voices of the gathered people became quieter, eager to hear your sweet voice. All eyes were on you and you knew it, you closed your eyes taking a deep breath and then opened them again and started singing.
The day I first met you You told me you never fall in love But now that I get you I know fear is what it really was
The words slid off your tongue like crystal clear water while you moved your arms and hands making light waves attracting the audience.
Now here we are so close yet so far How did I pass the test? When will you realize Baby I'm not like the rest
You looked at people as if you were the hunter and they were the prey, you had them eating out of the palm of your hand with your seductive movements of your hips. You wasted sensuality
Don't wanna break your heart Wanna give your heart a break I know your scared it's wrong Like you might make a mistake
You were smiling, enjoying the show you were putting on when suddenly a figure almost made you speechless. Your smile fell slightly and the tone of your voice trembled a little. Dracule Mihawk himself had entered the bar, he was the last man on earth you wanted to see and now that bastard had approached the bar where you were singing, as if there weren't thousands of others around to drink from. You decided to avoid looking at him and forced a smile although now you felt slightly uncomfortable and annoyed.
Meanwhile the tall man had entered with slow steps dressed in his cape and his characteristic hat. Inspecting the place, he found your presence on stage, his gaze swept over the outfit you had chosen that day as he raised an eyebrow. He sat in a chair near a table while ordering a glass of wine. Your voice blessed his ears as he noticed that you were avoiding looking at him.
There's just one life to live And there's no time to wait to waste So let me give your heart a break Give your heart a break Let me give your heart a break Your heart a break
Oh yeah yeah
You closed your eyes, trying to momentarily disconnect your mind from the place where you were standing and evoked memories of when you sang in your room with your mother. The memory caressed your heart and allowed you to sing with more feeling. Mihawk analyzing you with his hands clasped in his lap did not take his eyes off you.
A Sunday you went home alone There were tears in your eyes I called your cell phone, my love But you did not reply
The world is ours if you want it We can take it, if you just take my hand There's no turning back now Baby try to understand
You continued singing with the piano chords accompanying you, you continued to have your eyes closed and you moved your legs and your head to the rhythm of the song. Although you hadn't opened your eyes, you could feel Mihawk's piercing your eyelids. What the hell did he want now? The truth is that what the warlord least expected was to find you in that tavern, he had genuinely gone there to have a drink because it was the one closest to him but he also made no move to leave when he saw you singing.
There's just so much you can take Give your heart a break Let me give your heart a break Your heart a break
The day I first met you You told me you never fall in love
When you finished the song you opened your eyes slowly and it was as if a spell had been broken. You heard the sound of people applauding and whistling with satisfaction. You smiled enormously looking at the audience, you accidentally met Mihawk's gaze. Somewhat disturbed you left the stage down the small stairs. The live band continued playing as the sound of a guitar joined in. You looked back at Dracule who now had his eyes on his half-finished glass of wine. You were fed up and decided to end this once and for all.
You walked with a sure step and your chin raised towards where the yellow-eyed man was, feigning security you stood in front of his table and hit the table with your hands while you leaned and leaned slightly, looking at him menacingly.
"Are you still so bored that you follow me now?"
Mihawk didn't even flinch at your aggressive tone and simply looked at you indifferently as if he were tired.
"Not everything revolves around you, darling"
Your tough mask almost fell because of the nickname, it was the first time he called you that. He didn't seem to notice so he continued talking.
"To keep you calm, I only came to have a glass of wine and rest, I didn't know you worked here"
"Oh yes, I'm much calmer now."-You spit ironically
He sighed. "If my presence bothers you so much, I'll leave."
With that he stood up and now you had to raise your head to look at him. He left a small tip on the table and with long steps headed towards the exit. You didn't want him to leave and not because his person was something pleasant to you, but you wanted to tell him a few things to his face, for example that he would stop the stupid game of cat and mouse every time he saw you and let you steal in peace, then After all, he was not a saint to pretend to do good deeds. Offended, I made you walk next to him.
"Wait where do you think you're going? I'm not done talking to you…"
Suddenly you almost gasped when you saw someone you knew near the bar. He was an unpleasant sailor with whom you had had an altercation a few days ago and he didn't want me to see you. You stood in front of Mihawk who until now had ignored you and stopped him by grabbing his arms, he looked at you, frowning slightly. You watched the band live and an idea occurred to you.
"You know how to dance?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Why the question?"
"Just humor me"
You grabbed his arm and approached the other people who were dancing, trying to be as far away as possible from that pedantic sailor. The strumming of the guitars played a happy and lively melody, you hoped that the warlord would not be as rigid and cold to dance this type of music as he was to speak. You stood in front of him, looking into his eyes and guided his hand to your waist.
"Keep up with me"
He seemed impatient as if he were around a child who talks a lot but turned out to be light on his feet and a good dancer. He moved gracefully as he spun you in place. From time to time you would take quick glances at the man at the bar, keeping an eye on him.
"May I know now why you refused to let me leave?"-he said quietly
"There's a guy there at the bar, a stupid guy who came up to me lewdly when I was singing one day. The poor guy had a fragile ego and I broke it. Now he's upset about it."-you whispered
Mihawk turned a little while still dancing to see him better. A brown man smoking a cigarette, had a stubble and was laughing out loud with his friends. That man definitely exuded a shady vibe. Dracule leaned closer to your ear.
"I see, and are you sure that's the only reason you wanted me to stay?"-He said with a hint of hidden mockery, I was trying to provoke you and teasing you.
His deep voice tickled your ear and sent shivers down your spine. Shit. No, you won't let him scare you or make fun of you. You clenched your jaw, swallowing your anger, and turned to rest your back on his chest. Now the only thing that united them was their hips, colliding with each other, stuck together like chewing gum while they both moved their legs, crossing them to the rhythm of the music. Your arms raised at the height of your ribs.
"Whatever you're implying, it's not true."
"Believe me, I'm not implying anything, but I find it hard to believe that a thief like you hasn't taken care of him before? Are you afraid of him?"-he said innocently
He would have to be afraid if he kept talking like that.
You lifted your chin, feeling like the volcano of rage inside you was about to erupt. With the calmest tone you could force you said
"Watch your tongue Mihawk or your next words will be your last. It's also funny that you say it, being the person who let the most wanted thief go free. Did you get cold feet?"
A deadly silence was the most delicious response. I could hear him stir for a few seconds. You suddenly let out a weak gasp when you felt his firm grip on your waist forcing you to turn and look at him. He pulled you closer by placing one hand on your back and then leaned you back, grabbing your thigh with his other hand and raising it to the height of his hip.
"I assured you that any problems you may have will not come from me…but don't play with fire either, or have you already forgotten your scar?"
His eyes did not leave yours and you could notice that they were slightly half-closed, suggesting a threat, his warm breath was close to your nose and it caused shivers again where he had his hand on your back. He looked at your scar for just a few seconds and you remembered how the people at the bar asked you about it and you invented that you had cut yourself on glass. Damned
"And I assure you that I won't get burned, I have always liked playing with fire"
He raised an eyebrow, somewhat impressed, and brought you closer to the ground, leaning towards you. You threw your head back letting your hair fall and brush the floor, then he slowly picked you up.
"Let's continue then, and see where all this takes us."
They continued dancing and the music continued. Mihawk grabbed your hand and then spun you around until your back collided with his chest and he raised your thigh again until your leg was around his waist and you placed one arm behind his neck. Despite the hatred you felt for him you couldn't help but form a small smile. They both danced so well that you soon forgot about the annoying sailor. When the music stopped you two separated somewhat exhausted, he bowed making a small bow towards you. A true gentleman, you thought ironically. You were about to speak when a voice silenced you.
"Hey you, slut! You owe me something!"
The brown sailor with the swollen veins in his neck approached you, pushing Mihawk who gritted his teeth.
"I finally found you little slut"-He said standing in front of you.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw how Dracule tightened his fist on the handle of his sword until his veins stood out, ready to cut his neck if necessary.
"I already told you that I don't owe you anything, I'm not going to sing to you in private anywhere, you filthy animal"-You growled through clenched teeth.
"Oh I think so, come here you dirty whore"
The man grabbed your arm tightly and dragged you with him, Mihawk was already unsheathing his sword deadly serious when suddenly you grabbed the sailor's hair and slammed his face against a table, immobilizing him. He groaned in fear as people stood up startled. You approached his face with your entire body tense in fury.
"The next time you touch me or any other woman I'm going to make sure you wake up in a box buried under the sand."-You said with a calm voice but hard as steel.
You violently let go of the sailor's hair and he stood up trembling slightly, you looked at Dracule and he simply put his sword away again. Then, somewhat calmer, you looked around and saw the angry people, especially the friends of the slug rat that you had hit, who were now approaching with unfriendly faces.
"Come on, get her!"
Cursing you backed away until you turned around and saw Mihawk heading towards the exit with a hand extended towards you.
"Quickly, don't make me change my mind."
You nodded and internally thanked him for his help. You took his hand and you both ran away from the bar.
"Where are we going?"-you asked breathlessly
"To my castle"-He said to look at you and stop running
Castle? Ok, you didn't expect that…
The castle was huge and gothic, as dark and gloomy as he was. When you entered you thought that its interior was going to be cold but you saw that there was a fireplace lit, for him being someone solitary he lived quite comfortably. The walls were gray stone and the floor was wooden but there were large velvety rugs. Mihawk took off his cloak, leaving it near a sofa and sat down. You approached the place somewhat intimidated.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"Did you expect me to abandon you in that bar?"
"No but..-"
"Darling I'm not a monster"
Damn, there was that stupid nickname again that tickled your tummy, you wanted to hit yourself for feeling that. You crossed your arms in silence and walked to the fireplace, standing and watching the fire crackle. The warlord dedicated himself to contemplating you, as the orange light of the flames hit your face and highlighted it, it was decided that the more he saw of you, the more he confirmed that you had a pretty appearance.
"I wouldn't want to be nosy but can I ask you why you decided on this very particular.. profession?"
You turned your head to look at him, raising an eyebrow and an amused smile.
"Why? Do you think it's too dangerous for a woman?"-You said sarcastically.
"Not at all, in fact, I think you're more skilled than other male pirates I've met."-he said sincerely
You were surprised by his humble response, you expected some insult or mockery from any kind. You relaxed your body as you noticed that this man, the one they called the warlord, was ironically more peaceful than any savage pirate. You sighed
"Because of my mother, when my father abandoned us with him, all the money left and my mother was unemployed. I was so desperate to see her happy again and try to support the family I started stealing, first small things and then bigger things "I never told her what I did, I felt like I would disappoint her but we needed the money so badly…I know it was stupid, I shouldn't have done it."-you hung your head in shame
"I'm not judging you"
You raised your head looking at him in confusion, people always saw thieves in a bad light even if they stole out of necessity and you knew that what you were doing was wrong but sometimes others were cruel and insensitive when you tried to explain your motives. That's why you were surprised to know that he understood you. He noticed your astonishment and simply said
"I was a fugitive too, you know?"
You nodded remembering Mihawk's old wanted posters. You sat next to him tired. After a while of silence he spoke.
"Sometimes you don't choose the loads you carry, but you can learn to get stronger with them"-he said looking at the fire
You were left speechless admiring his philosophy, who would have thought he was such a profound man. It seems that inside that head there was a fantastic world of wisdom and good advice.
"You are good and I mean it really good, keep training and there will be no one to stop you"-now looking at you
His yellow eyes seemed more golden, shining in the light of the fireplace, like a puddle of sweet, cloying honey. Once again you felt that tickling in your stomach but this time it didn't bother you, you decided not to fight the feeling, you wanted to get closer to him. You gently leaned into his face and he did nothing to avoid it, he tilted his head and focused on your lips. You got even closer with your mouth slightly ajar, feeling that his mouth was already closer to yours, just a few centimeters away. Instinctively you closed your eyes and he stayed there, when you thought he was going to kiss you you felt his beard tickle the side of your face and his mouth on your ear.
"You can stay if you wish or leave, the decision is yours. You will be welcome in this castle when you find yourself in trouble."
He moved his face away slowly, wanting to see your reaction. Your cheeks were a little pink and you were swallowing nervously. That man knew how to talk to make a woman feel weak. Feeling that his eyes were boring into your soul, you looked away and cleared your throat.
"I appreciate your noble offer, but I think I should go."
He closed his eyes and nodded. You stood up quickly and clumsily heading towards the exit. You didn't even look back, you couldn't. Just as you came in, you came out
You decided to take Mihawk's advice and you continued training, day and night with sun or rain, you did not stop until you acquired strength and discipline. You were aware of your body and what your strengths and weaknesses were, you armed yourself with more large and small swords and some pistols. You never thought that your enemy would help you overcome yourself, but you were eternally grateful. You didn't see him again after that day because if you had you would have started turning red and babbling incoherently. He no longer provoked hatred or anger in you but something but, love. Had he bewitched you? Was he a magician apart from being a pirate? You were almost sure of that.
You were still stealing but now you had become a kind of Robin Hood, you stole from greedy selfish people and gave to the poor and needy. Of course people were still looking for you because of that but you had gained some popularity and sympathy from others. You were still wearing your black cape but this time you didn't bother hiding your face and although your wanted posters still called you "The Shadow" now some people called you "The Light of East Blue" since you provided clear rays of hope to the people poor as an angel beenfactor sent from heaven. What an irony of life, you thought, if you were the angel Mihawk was the devil, although you knew that in reality he was far from it.
And talking about stealing and giving it to the poor, that's when some men sent by the government started chasing you, cornering you. Smiling with amusement, you opened your cloak and unsheathed your sword.
"Come and get me, gentlemen"
Your sword collided with the others, echoing in the air, even though you were outnumbered, you were now stronger than before, you enjoyed good resistance thanks to your arduous training that was finally bearing fruit. Your surprise was great when in the distance you saw Mihawk approaching from behind and wounding an attacker. Just in time, you thought.
"Need help?"-He asked even though he already knew you didn't need it.
With effort you tried not to get nervous in front of him. "Aw, you can't live without me, right?"
He rolled his eyes, pursing his lips, turned and addressed the men.
"Why don't they pick on someone their size?"
He stood at your side and the fierce opponents clashed their swords again. With a movement of his arm Mihawk made a kind of wave and cut the men's torsos. When they had fallen, you ran away and climbed a high wall, he followed you.
With a hand over your eyes as a visor you saw in the distance more men coming for you, they seemed angry. Dracule also saw them and turned to talk to you.
"Escape now while you can, or they will show no mercy."
"Aren't you coming with me? They won't be pleased to see you here against them."
He unsheathed his sword "You get used to it."
He turned completely to go after the men when he noticed that something was missing, suddenly the sun was shining on his head. He looked at the floor and his shadow did not project the same silhouette. His hat was missing. When he turned to look at you again he saw you with his hat in your hand and all your weight on one leg while you rested your free hand on your hip. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Cunning hare…"-he sighed
You laughed and put on his hat that was too big for you.
"We will meet again, little bird"
"Sooner than you think"
You blew him a flying kiss and jumped down to the other side of the wall, disappearing from his sight. He narrowed his eyes just a little and a corner of his lip lifted slightly. Now feeling unprotected without his hat and with his brown hair wavy in the wind, he tightened his grip on his sword and walked steadily towards the enemies. Yes, he was sure he would see you again, you had to give him back his hat…and his heart.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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Body Swap - Ritsu
First Comic (the one you're reading now is the 6th! Search #mp100 body swap on my blog to find the rest)
Summarized ID: Ritsu comes into Spirits and Such and demands that Mob go to school. However, he's speaking to Reigen in Mob's body. Dimple tells him this, and Ritsu does not believe that a body swap has occurred. In order to prove that Mob is actually the one in Reigen's body, Mob tells numerous stories of Ritsu from when he was a child. Ritsu gets embarrassed, believes him, then leaves.
Keep in mind that Reigen looks like Mob and Mob looks like Reigen in this comic. They have swapped bodies.
Ritsu pants, having just ran into Spirits and Such. "Shige... Hey..."
He grabs Reigen's wrist and pulls him. "We are NOT missing class- we're already... 30 minutes late! oh, crap-"
Reigen pulls his wrist from Ritsu's grasp. "Whoa, I'm not going ANYWHERE!" underneath his speechbubble is the subtext: "and don't grab people like that, it's rude!"
"WHY NOT!?" Ritsu yells back at him.
"Ritsu..." Mob says.
Ritsu gets in his face. "Don't say anything! I get that he hands out here after school but don't make him start skipping class!"
A close up of Ritsu's face as he yells: "NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE STREET SIGN CLIMBER!"
Mob looks confused with a big "?" over his head. Text above his head reads "the street sign climber...?"
Mob looks over at Reigen. "Master... did you not tell Ritsu?" Ritsu follows his gaze and thinks to himself: "master?"
Reigen responds, frantically, "Why would I!? I didn't want to freak him out! I was still trying to figure out what was going on! How do I explain something like this anyway!?"
"Explain what?" Ritsu asks.
"That shigeo and reigen have swapped bodies." Dimple replies.
Ritsu looks at Dimple with a mix of confusion and disgust. He squints at him, squints harder, trying to make sense of what he just said, and then looks at him disbelievingly, lips pursed. Finally, he faces Dimple fully and asks bluntly: "What?"
Mob scratches the back of his neck. "Uhh... well, I look like master and master looks like me...."
"meaning SHigeo looks like Reigen and Reigen looks like Shigeo." Dimple explains.
"Right." Mob says. He points to himself, smiling. "So I'm shigeo, your brother."
Reigen is next to him, with a slightly pissed off expression. "And I'm Reigen Arataka. NOT your brother."
Ritsu looks done and annoyed at them. He puts his face in his hands and mutters: "This is stupid. What..."
He makes a 'come here' motion to Reigen. "We're going to school."
"Ritsu! I'm not going! Ugh- didn't you hear a word of what was just said!?" Reigen shouts back.
"Yeah, and it was dumb, so c'mon."
Mob leans in and says: "Please let him go. I don't want Master going to school as me."
Dimple says "Ritsu, come on, man. you seriously can't tell that your 'brother' is acting differently?"
Ritsu responds. "Well, yeah, but..."
Reigen thinks for a moment, hand on his chin, before going "I got it!" He explains: "Hey, mob, you know those movies where there's a clone or something and in order to tell which ones the real one, they have to say something only the real one would know?" In a thought bubble, an image of a person pointing a gun at two identical people is shown.
"Mm... I dunno, maybe?" Mob responds. Reigen huffs. "Whatever. Just say something only you would know."
Mob thinks, putting his finger to his chin. "Something only I would know about Ritsu... uh... Ritsu's favourite colour is green and he really likes tofu." Next to Mob appears a smattering of dark green and a picture of tofu.
Reigen scolds him. "Mob, anybody could know that! pick something more personal!"
"Oh, oh... hmmm...." Mob thinks again.
"One time, when we were kids, ritsu and I watched this movie about a boy who lived in the forest... when we went to the park after, ritsu tried to catch a squirrel and hit his head."
Illustrated below the text box is a young ritsu and mob watching TV. On the TV is a man with wild hair, holding an animal in his hand. Ritsu is paying attention, Mob is playing with something in his hands. Then we see an image of Ritsu leaping towards a squirrel, only to slam face first into a tree trunk.
"And, oh! when we were 10, mom wouldn't buy you a toy so you flipped her off when she wasn't looking... hmm... you were really red when you got caught, though. I think you started crying."
Illustrated below the text box is a young ritsu and mob. Ritsu is flipping off his mother, with his mother looking at her shopping list and not seeing. Mob is nervously looking at Ritsu. Their mother turns around and gasps, seeing Ritsu. Ritsu's face is engulfed in an embarrassed blush. Mob looks up at his mother nervously.
"And he always carries spoons with him, I don't know why though... maybe for desssert?"
Ritsu bursts the thought bubble, blushing. "OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH. Shige, did you tell him all that?"
Reigen crosses his arms. "I'm NOT your brother. I'm Reigen. Can't you just believe that now?"
Dimple smirks. "Do you seriously carry spoons on you, little ritsu?"
Ritsu blushes and uses his powers to push some spoons he has in his back pocket down. "No."
Ritsu sighs. "Alright, fine. Maybe I believe you... I just... don't like it."
Reigen begins to take off his school uniform pants, that are over his pajama pants. "Us neither." Mob looks at Ritsu, frowning. "You should go to school, ritsu. I'm sorry that all of this made you late."
Ritsu smiles, strained, at Mob. 'It's not big deal, uh..."
A panel of Mob, but it's Reigen's face. Reigen's face is drawn in the shows style and he is smiling slightly.
Ritsu only becomes more strained at this. He finishes his sentence: "brother." There are stress lines on his face and the background is dark.
He turns his back to them, waving. "I'll just make up an excuse as to why you're late, okay?"
"Sorry for the trouble." Mob says.
"WAIT!" Reigen shouts. Ritsu startles. "You don't maybe know how to fix this, do you?"
"No... is it a curse or something?" Ritsu asks. Reigen sighs and sits down on a seat, his cheek in his hand and his elbow resting on his knee. "Apparently not... damn it." He says.
"Well... good luck." Ritsu says. "Call me if you need any help, okay? and let me know when you're back in your body, shige." He looks at Reigen as he says this.
Reigen jabs a thumb in Mob's direction. "Don't look at me... I'm Reigen. THAT'S 'shige'. I've told you like five times already!"
Mob raises Reigen's flip phone, now charging. He smiles slightly. "Thanks, Ritsy. I'll call you as soon as Master's phone is charged."
Ritsu looks at Mob, sweating. "Ah. right." Mob is smiling at him.
It's silent for a panel.
Ritsu leaves. "Well, bye!" Mob's smile only drops a little bit.
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sortasirius · 14 days
Frail State of Mind
Fandom: 911
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Words: 1630
Rating: T
It's a strange thing, when Eddie realizes how he feels about Buck. For a while, he thinks it's indigestion.
Title comes from this song.
Also on AO3 here
Eddie was laughing. Really laughing too, that kind of laugh that stretches across your chest, makes your face hurt and your breath catch in your throat.
They were all sitting around the dining table in the firehouse, finishing off Bobby's famous lasagna, and laughing uproariously at a story that Bobby was telling about his figure skating days.
"You just don't understand...the art of the dance," Bobby said, waggling his eyebrows, sending the entire table into another wave of hysteria. He smiled at all of them, standing up and walking around to deposit his dish in the sink. "Clean this up so we don't come back to a pile of dirty dishes after the bell rings."
Chim and Hen got up, clearing Buck and Eddie's plates,
"You two are useless at dishes," Chim informed them, "Let the professionals take it from here."
"And you can do the bathrooms," Hen smiled at them sweetly, ignoring their shared groaning.
"You want to come over later?" Eddie was pleasantly warm, probably from the fact that Buck was a certifiable furnace, and their thighs were pressed together on the firehouse couch, digesting after dinner watching Hen and Chim argue over the dishes, "Chris has some new game he wants to show you. We could order takeout."
"Thanks man, but I'm seeing Tommy later," Buck's smile was mega-watt, so bright that it could probably power the entire west coast, "Tell Chris I'll take a rain check."
Something undefined settled in Eddie's stomach. Something strangely heavy that went from his stomach all the way up his chest...
Before he could spend too much time thinking about it, the bell rang, and he and Buck sprang up.
"Oh come on!" Chim gestured up to the alarm with soapy hands, and Buck laughed, sprinting down the stairs three at a time.
Eddie decided to chalk the strange feeling up to indigestion. He would have to start taking tums after lasagna now, he guessed.
At the end of their shift, when morning had just broken over the city, Eddie was sitting next to Buck again, this time in the locker room. They were pulling on their socks in tandem, chatting idly about the call they had taken that night, which involved a couple and an extra large jar of peanut butter of all things.
"It's just gross," Buck was saying, pulling his sock on his right foot. His socks were always mismatched, he said he didn't see the point of sorting them. Eddie had always thought it was strangely charming, if a little silly. "Not to mention a waste of peanut butter."
"The waste of peanut butter was the problem for you?" Eddie asked him, eyebrows raised, "Not...everything else?"
"Everything else was definitely a problem too," Buck shook his head violently, like he was trying to rid himself of the mental image of the call, "Ugh. Gross."
"Breakfast?" Chim poked his head around the corner, "Bobby said he's buying. Peanut butter pancakes for all."
Buck gave a huge fake heave that Eddie couldn't help but snort at.
"Sorry," he grinned at Chimney, "I have a ride."
"Buck, turning down plans for breakfast that Bobby's buying?" Chim looked stunned, "It really is the end days."
Buck ducked his head, a blush creeping across his cheeks.
"Tommy's taking me out for breakfast."
"And so we're nothing to you?" Chim covered his heart with one hand, "I'm hurt, Buckley, really."
"Whatever," he shrugged his shoulders, pulling on his shoes and giving a shifty sort of look to Eddie, "I really hope you don't eat peanut butter pancakes for breakfast."
Eddie shook his head, still grinning.
"Captain's orders, I can't disobey them."
Buck wrinkled his nose.
They finished getting dressed in a comfortable silence, swinging their bags over their shoulders and bumping into each other as usual, making their way into the bay where Hen and Chim were arguing over what the superior breakfast item was.
"Evan!" Eddie nearly jumped at Buck's given name, looking up to see Tommy striding towards them, a wide smile on his face, but with eyes only for Buck, who seemed to shoot up two feet besides him, striding forward to wrap Tommy in a tight hug.
That feeling in his chest was back, that indigestion from the lasagna. Maybe he had GERD or something. He should ask Hen about it.
"Ready to go?" Tommy asked, his hand skating down Buck's forearm.
Eddie swallowed, not sure why he felt so sick to his stomach all of a sudden.
"Sure am," Buck turned around, that bright smile back on his face, giving Eddie a wave, "See ya, tell Chris I'll be around."
"Later, Eddie," Tommy waved at him, before slinging an arm around Buck's shoulders and placing a soft kiss to the side of his face
Eddie swallowed with an audible click. He felt hot all over, like he was about to be sick.
Man, that lasagna had really done a number on him.
He watched them walk away, until they thought no one was watching them. He watched Buck spin Tommy around, kissing him full on the mouth this time. He thought he should look away. It was weird, after all, to watch anyone kissing, but especially two of his friends. Especially his best friend.
He sat with that heavy feeling in his chest long after Buck and Tommy had split apart and disappeared, willing himself to understand it, understand why he felt like this, why looking at Buck made it worse.
He considered the worst case scenario: that looking at Buck and Tommy made him so uncomfortable it made him nauseous.
How could he even be thinking this way? He was an ally! He had been an ally for years! Hen was one of his best friends!
"You okay, Eddie?" Hen's voice came right by his ear, and he jumped, blinking.
"What? Oh. Yeah. Yeah I just...did that lasagna earlier do a number on you too? I've felt off for a few hours."
Immediately, he watched her stance shift from concerned friend to Doctor Wilson mode. If he hadn't felt so crappy, he would have laughed.
"What are you feeling?" she asked him, looking over the thick rims of her glasses.
Eddie shrugged, feeling almost dejected. Normally he would have brushed it off, but Hen was probably the best fountain of knowledge for little ailments like this.
"Just...heavy in my chest and my stomach. Not all the time just- Just..." he trailed off, staring blankly into space.
It was like someone had just moved something from the recesses of his head, pulling forward a tiny box in an abandoned corner of the back of his mind, a place he never bothered to go, and had opened it.
A man who had shaped his life from the moment he entered it. The only other person he would really trust Chris with long term. The only person he would trust to make medical decisions about himself. A man who had slotted himself so easily into his and Chris' routine it was like he was meant to be there.
He knew his pizza order, he knew how he liked his eggs. He knew what it felt like when his heart stopped beating for three minutes and seventeen seconds.
He couldn't live without him.
The reality of that came crashing down on Eddie like a tidal wave, like a California riptide. He felt like he couldn't breathe, like he was back to having panic attacks.
"Eddie," he felt Hen shaking his shoulder, "Eddie!"
The truth of the matter, that he was just realizing now, that it may be too late, made him feel like he was caught in a whirlpool, spinning endlessly, unable to catch his breath. That image of Tommy and Buck, so unbelievably happy, so utterly adoring of one another was burned into his brain, he could see it when he blinked, when he closed his eyes.
Had he lost the opportunity for something more real than he may have ever had before he even realized that he wanted it.
Bobby was standing in front of him, both hands on his shoulders, craning his neck down to look into his face.
Eddie came to enough to look up, shaking his head back and forth experimentally, knowing how completely insane he must look to the others.
"Yeah," he finally croaked, knowing that this would do nothing to help his case, "Sorry I- I'm fine."
"You sure about that?" Bobby looked him up and down, "Doesn't seem that way."
"I just..." he searched wildly for an excuse. It's not like he could tell them about this revelation. "Got tired all of a sudden. I think- I think I'm gonna skip breakfast. Go home."
"Eddie-" Hen started, but Eddie had already pushed his way past them and headed towards his truck, pulling out of the lot immediately, not daring to look back.
It wasn't until he parked in his driveway that he took a shuddering breath, resting his forehead on the steering wheel.
He wished he could just force this new knowledge about himself back into its little box. It had lived there for so long, what was a little more time? Save himself the embarrassment of pining over his best friend. Who was happily taken by his other friend.
What a nightmare.
His phone lit up in the cupholder next to him. He picked it up, his heart leaping into his throat when he saw the message was from Buck.
Hey, Hen just texted me. You okay?
No. He was decidedly not okay.
He sighed. He could do this. He wouldn't ruin what he had with Buck. He refused to ruin it.
Yeah, totally fine. That lasagna, you know?
Fuck. He was so fucked.
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i4bellingham · 1 year
Ugh, pt 2 for the choice!! Maybe when she goes home and tells Jude what happened? (Here’s to hoping she comes to her senses and sticks with him)
THE CHOICE part two : jude bellingham x reader
part two to this jude fic right here !! + not proofread !!! and can i just mention how my fondness for musiala and bayern grew basically a ton since i last posted a fic ?? like i've been rewatching games that i missed and have been binge-watching their entire content in youtube like ???? bruv i need to calm down
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Everything was a blur.
A series of images flashing by your eyes in a fuzzy memory.
One minute you were answering your phone, mumbling a hurried “I’m on my way back home,” before you're wrenching your car door open in a frenzied state just to get away from Trent’s grasp.
You can faintly remember him calling out for you, a soft grip on your wrist as he tried to pull you back to him but you prevailed, an angry set of muttering leaving your lips before you now find yourself in front of your home.
Jude’s car is parked just beside you, signalling he's probably home now after hearing the shakiness and stress in your voice during the call that didn't even last for a mere minute.
The engine was already shut but you still remained stationary inside the warmth of your vehicle, with your thoughts running in crazy directions inside your head.
Jude is not aware of what truly transpired between you and Trent, and although you feel like he's got the gist of it, he doesn't know the entire thing that went down.
You feel like an absolute shit. Both as a person and as his girlfriend. You knew you should've told him everything before you said ‘yes’ to his question of being his girlfriend, sure you might hold some residual feelings for Trent and they're not as strong as the one you hold dear for Jude but the thing is, there is still a remainder fondness for the guy who you should have never let cross boundaries with you like that in the first place.
And worst of it all, Trent kissed you not even a full hour ago and you weren't there fully in your consciousness to stop it.
You don’t want to tell Jude and hurt him. But either way, you know there is a possibility that you'll end up doing just exactly that if the secrets and lies keep on piling up.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips at the thought. You really really don’t want to hurt Jude. It's the last thing you'd want to do especially to him but if you truly want to move past this stage, not just for your own self but for your relationship as well, you knew that coming clean to everything is the right thing to do.
And that's exactly what you're about to do.
The unmistakeable pounding in your chest and the clammy palms you wiped a few times over your shirt made breathing normally a tad bit challenging for you.
You take another deep breathe before pushing the door to your home open, immediately being greeted by the soft savory smell of a familiar dish you loved.
As you emerged from the hallway, you notice Jude on the open kitchen right away. There are drying pots and sauce pans on your sink, to which you presumed he used when cooking. The man himself was busy wiping down your marble countertop and mouthing the lyrics to a song playing in the background to notice your arrival.
In the dining table, two plates of your favorite pasta dish, a box of your favorite pastry and a bottle of your go-to non-alcoholic drink sat.
The temptation of punching yourself straight in the face was more than just a reoccurring thought. The guilt and anxiousness the brewed in the pit of your stomach made you want to throw up.
You could lose Jude after this.
There is a possibility that you'd lose him after this.
But you knew that he deserves to know the truth, for the entire thing even what happened tonight.
You're not certain how he'll react to it and you know losing him was feasible at this point. But if you have to beg on your knees to keep him, to make him stay, you will. If you have to endure a lot of things in order to keep him, you will go through them painstakingly.
Because you can’t lose the only man who showed genuine care and love for you. You can never get back up if you lose him, not after he picked up the only remaining fragile bits of you. Most importantly, you certainly can not let the man you love go even if it means not having some form of connection with Trent after this entire dilemma.
Slowly and silently, you walk over to where Jude was.
You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face against his back feeling him jump at the sudden motion.
“Bloody hell- love!” Jude sighs at the sight of you, turning his entire body around to properly face you before he encircles his own arms over your shoulders. “You scared me! Do you want to give me a heart attack or something?”
He plants a kiss on your head, brows wrenching when you remained unresponsive.
“Surely you're not upset you didn't give me that no?” He jokes, almost making you cackle had the weight of this entire situation not been dragging you down. Jude shakes your shoulders, slightly pulling you away from him to take a look at your face. He immediately sees the tears pooling at your lash line, and with this he grabs you by the shoulders before pulling you with him on the couch; the food on the table he'd cooked all forgotten.
He sits you down on the couch before crouching in front of you, cupping your face on his palms.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen? Are you hurt? You were at Trent’s right? What's wrong? Did you guys fight-?”
Sensing the seriousness and dread in your voice, Jude fixes his stance in front of you as he anticipates for the next words to come out of your mouth.
If you had a choice, you would take some time to collect your wits. Maybe spend a day with just yourself and think everything that you needed to tell him through. Just to settle down everything you wanted to confess to have your thoughts enunciated clearly in the manner that Jude can understand better.
But you don’t have that opportunity as you sat now, mouth opening and closing for a couple of times before you're being instructed by your boyfriend to breathe.
And take a deep breathe you did before the words came tumbling out of your mouth in a succession of how the events took place.
You told him about your feelings for Trent, what went down during the New Year’s eve and how your supposed best friend acted during his own birthday. You told him about how incredibly grateful you are to find him as a friend, before that title was ultimately changed into being your boyfriend. You told him about how you didn't want to lose him and everything you both got, not even in exchange for a future with Trent. You told him about your lingering feelings for Trent, one that he shouldn't worry about because you know they're only there and existing because you still care about him and the memories you had together. You told him about what happened during your visit at Trent’s tonight, how his friend and your best friend had kissed you and how you weren't able to push him fast enough because you were shocked and in disbelief. You told him everything, not leaving one single thought and memory behind, all the while gripping onto his hands that grew loose the moment you mentioned about the residual feelings you still hold for Trent.
Jude was silent the entire time you rambled, now hanging his head low as the space between you two grow silent.
He was still crouched down in front of you, but the hold on your hand had loosened incredibly that made your worries grow tenfold.
You know the thought is still a possibility, with the entire thing being let out in the open and susceptible for him to know of and understand, you know he could potentially break things up with you.
And the thought scares you more than you let on.
“... Jude?” You grip onto his hand harder, lightly shaking his wrists. “Baby please talk to me...”
But he doesn't.
Not straightaway at least.
When Jude removes his hands from your grasp, you almost felt like your entire world collapsed from that alone, thinking that everything was gonna be over for you and your relationship and the reprimanding thoughts spread wide inside your head, thinking that you deserved every bits of it if it did came down to having Jude break it off with you.
You wanted to breath a sigh of relief when he instead moves to sit down beside you, an arm's length of space dividing you both.
But you don’t. Not until he says something anyways, even if you're gonna be on the receiving end of his harsh remarks and accusations, you'll gladly open your ears to accept them.
Jude swipes a thumb over his lips, eyes fixated on the carpet underneath the coffee table as he speaks.
“Do you still love Trent?”
“Not in the way you think I do, but yes.”
“Why didn’t you tell me this before? Everything that happened?”
“Because Trent and I swept it under the rug ourselves. That night you and I met at the party, Trent and I didn't really talk and meet up after that. We only started communicating back when we began dating officially and the whole thing kind of was just forgotten... until tonight.”
Jude takes a glance at you, seeing the pout in your lips and the tears that gathered once more on your lash line. “Why didn't you tell all of this to me by your own then?”
You grow silent at this for a few moments, fingers swiping underneath your eyes before a shaky breath leaves your chest, fingers fiddling with the loose ends of your shirt as you recollect yourself.
“Because I’m scared.” You whisper, shoulders sagging. “I’m scared that you'll leave me the moment you find out about my history with Trentㅡnot that it's impossible right now anyways but I’m just scared... I was scared that I’ll lose everything we have and that I'd lose you because of this. So I kept a tight mouth about it thinking that I’ll tell you everything once Trent and I talked, but obviously shit went down tonight so here we are.”
Jude didn’t show any reaction as he listened to your explanation, just sitting still on his spot with a nonchalant face that gave you no leeway to gauge of his thoughts.
Knowing how extremely expressive your boyfriend is regardless of the situation, this sight of him with a deadpan face on just concluded the thoughts racing through your head.
“... I feel betrayed and hurt.” He starts off, eyes meeting yours for the very first time since you've done your ramble. “I had an inclination of what happened between the both you, just that I thought you'd liked him and he didn't reciprocate the feelings or whatever but I didn't know you guys hooked up-”
“We made out a couple of times Jude I swear to you that's all there is to that.” You chime in. You sit in front of him, taking his hands in your shaky, cold ones. “I’m so sorry for keeping this from you. I’m so sorry that it had to end up like this but I swear if I had known Trent would try something like that I wouldn't have gone to his house in the first place. Jude, please believe me. I would never intentionally hurt you... please, I don’t want to lose you.”
Globs of tears freely rolled on your cheeks as you drop your head low, voice turning into a mumble at the end of your sentence to stifle down the sobs that wracked your body to quiver.
“Please believe me... there was not a single time in this relationship that I lied to you. I would never lie to you Jude, please don't hate me-”
He'd never pinpoint what it is, but Jude thinks it's the amount of love and trust he has for you that made him pick you up from the ground and onto his lap, securing you with an arm around your waist and one over the back of your head, cradling you as you wept for forgiveness against his chest and wetting his shirt with your tears.
Love is such a fickle thing. One moment he was ready to pack some of his things, let the entire situation cool down and give you a moment and space to think about everything.
Jude did feel hurt, and upset and betrayed and angry. But he couldn't entirely shift the blame of how this night ended on you. He did have a clue of what your previous connection to Trent was, he knows he could've done something then to prevent it from spiraling out of control entirely but Jude himself was afraid.
What if everything you both had and built was from a foundation of lies? What if you still loved Trent? What if you were still seeing Trent behind his back? When he wasn't there with you?
But Jude wills himself to stop forming these kinds of thoughts; ones that places you in a bad light because if he's being honest, all he's ever seen and felt from you since you started dating was your genuine fondness and care for him. All he's gotten being on the receiving end of you attention was nothing short of your love shown in many different ways. You were always so lovely, so kind and so thoughtful of him that there's not a single day where he doesn't think that he got lucky to have you as his girlfriend. You've never once lied about anything except for when the playful conversation starts.
And your panic and anxiousness from when you answered the phone and when you got home was also enough for Jude to believe you. He's not gonna question if it's the right thing to do or if he's gonna regret doing this, all because he trusts you.
If Jude had diminished all of it the moment you told him the truth, he wouldn't even bother hearing you out for every questions that you answered with a worried gaze to him, as if you're anticipating for him to just up and leave through the front doors.
Jude kisses your hairline, planting a few more over your head. “It’s alright love, I believe you... it’s alright, I don’t hate you...”
But you don't stop muttering apologies against his chest, almost as if you didn’t hear him.
“’m sorry please don’t leave me... I’m sorry...”
Jude holds you close to him, not even minding the time and how late it had gotten since your conversation. Your cries had simmered down now and your pleas had reduced into a sporadic whisper. There is a huge wet patch of where your tears had drenched his chest, almost soaking the fabric through and through. The hold you had on his arm was still in the same tight grip as he's carrying you to your shared room, never once faltering in their firmness even as you slept in his arms.
Jude places you on your usual side of the bed, taking of your shirt, pants and shoes and replacing them with your go-to nightwear that's basically just an old plain shirt of his. He takes your makeup wipes from the bathroom, slowly and carefully wiping away the residue of any cosmetics before he's doing it two more times just in case he didn't get all of them in three tries. He also combs your hair, unknotting the matted parts from the cold air before letting it freely lay on your pillow.
Jude himself freshens up, changing his shirt and throwing the dirtied clothes in the hamper along with yours before he's sliding underneath the blankets with you, throwing an arm over your waist as you turn around in your sleep, wrapping a hand over his biceps and a leg in between his with your head against his chest.
Jude holds you close to him, laying wide awake on your bed as you slept soundly. There are no other thoughts in his head, but he knows the both of you needs to talk this through if you want the relationship to work.
Though he feels as though you're not the person he should be having the conversation with the next time. Jude had already heard your side of the story, it's only a matter of time before a confrontation between him and Trent happens too.
And if sensing that he's in Jude’s intrusive thoughts, your charging phone on the night stand lights up before it shortly begins to vibrate against the wood. And the name that used to be on good terms with Jude flashing on your screen now brought nothing but a knitted brows and a frowning face.
Jude reaches out to take the device from the table, unlocking it briefly before swiping the icon to the left, red button and ending the on-going call immediately. Jude doesn't waste any more of his time before he's sending a message to the contact number, and not long after that he blocks the contact off your phone too.
        to: trent AA
             3:06 am
nice try mate
some good friend you are
don’t contact my girlfriend ever again.
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nuttytani · 5 months
When your boss and his "friend" are too lovey dovey
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Tartaglia | Childe x Zhongli
Premise: In which, Ekaterina makes the mistake of posting about her boss and his "friend", and the entire Liyue goes crazy
A/N: This is a social media au fic cross posted from my ao3! which you can read here
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chapter 1
Ekaterina . @ katyaaa  
My boss and his “friend” better hook up, or I’ll seriously kill someone. How is it possible to not notice the heart eyes your “friend” looks at you with, for like every time you talk??!?? 2 years. It’s been 2 years since both Master Childe and Mr. Zhongli have been dancing around each other. 2 YEARS!!!!
And just now… You literally won’t believe the level of PDA I had to witness. Mr. Zhongli lent his coat to Master Childe  because his official uniform is too “risque” and “insufficient” for Liyue’s winter.
It’s not even 9 am yet… I need coffee for this shit.
| Vlad . @ vladaddy
Replying to @ katyaaa
You’re not the only one. Sweet Tsaritsa, have mercy on us.
Ekaterina . @ katyaaa
Update: He finally went out to have lunch with his “friend”. Thank archons. 
| Nadia . @ spynadia
Replying to @ katyaaa
You gotta admit, they’re pretty much couple goals, even without the dating. 
| Xiangling . @ cheflingling 
Replying to @ spynadia and @ katyaaa 
[Insert blurry image of two people, one with ginger hair and another with dark brown. The brunette looks like he’s feeding the ginger haired man. They’re both basically glue to each other’s side]
Awwe, look at them!! How cute! 
| Felix . @ felixis 
Replying to @ cheflingling 
Definitely did NOT need that image on my home feed and it definitely does NOT make me feel sour ass single pringle. 
| Ekaterina . @ katyaaa  
Replying to @ cheflingling 
What happened to something called privacy ? 
| Yunjin . @ operagrandis 
Replying to @ katyaaa  
Privacy went out the window the moment you decided to post about your “boss” crushing on his “friend” and vice versa
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Signora . @ thefairestlady 
Hey. @ katyaaa , dig up some more pics and info on the two idiots in love. Tsaritsa’s orders 
| Ekaterina . @ katyaaa         
Replying to @ thefairestlady 
What ? 
| Pantalone . @ theregrator
Replying to @ katyaaa and @ thefairestlady 
Don’t bother asking why, it’s strictly confidential. Oh and also, make it quick :)
Show replies 
Ekaterina stares at her phone in horror as the notifications from her socials go blasting off every- freaking- second. Not to mention, the weird, suspicious and vague “mission” about digging more information on her boss and his “friend” 
Ugh. Why is she the one who has to suffer? 
chapter 2
First thing Ekaterina does is to mute her socials. The constant pinging of the notifications started to annoy her and it might overheat her phone too. 
She shouldn’t have posted about her boss. Worst decision she ever made in her entire life- well… not exactly the worst but definitely ranks up high somewhere in the regrets list. 
But to be fair, it was getting on her nerves recently, since Mr. Zhongli got very bold with his affection towards Master Childe recently, and well… her boss being the oblivious and dense person he is, hasn’t even noticed the advances, and instead he just shoots his “friend” an extremely blushy smil-
Woah —
Something- no - a pair of hands grab Ekaterina’s shoulders and shake the living soul out of her body. “Oww.”
“Katya! Come on! I’ve been calling your name so many times now. Where is your mind at?” Nadia, one of her colleagues and friend, stares at her with concern.
“Sorry,” Ekaterina replies, pushing her hair back. “Was thinking…”
“Is it the new mission?”
She shoots Ekaterina a pitiful look before handing her a cup of coffee. “Better start the hustle then. Call me or the others if you need help. And boy, we have a lot of work cut out for us.” Nadia ushers her away to her office, “Go, go, time is mora. Don’t waste it.”
With that, the door to her office closes. Ekaterina places her coffee on the table and pulls out her chair, before remembering to check her phone. 
Signora . @thefairestlady 
3 messages 
Pantalone . @theregrator 
1 message
Back to regretting my life choices, I guess. 
It took about a week to stalk gather intel on Master Childe and Mr. Zhongli’s time together. Stacks of brown envelopes and manila folders, labelled as “CONFIDENTIAL : FATUI ONLY” covered the entire top of Ekaterina’s dining table (scouring over reports about a harbinger’s rendezvous with a funeral consultant during working hours would have been too much on the nose)
The mission became a joint effort between her and other agents working at the Northland Bank. It was found out on their first day, that it wasn’t an easy task observing their extremely lovey dovey targets… The PDA displayed by them was too much (it was lethal to the agents’ health to watch them longer than an hour).
As the mission is classified to be confidential, and specially ordered by her majesty, Ekaterina and the agents couldn’t take any risks to get information leaked about whatever the heck they were doing. So, everyone opted for hard copy reports which could be destroyed once it fulfilled its use.
But no one expected it to be a massive headache as Ekaterina and her colleagues went through each one of them.
“When will this end?! There’s too many,” Felix breaks the silence with a groan, then slams his head down on the table.
“I feel like I’ve already read the same report a million times now, just worded differently.” Vlad rubs his eyes with a heavy sigh. “Every single day, they eat lunch together at Chef Mao’s, go to Yun Jin’s plays, or sometimes to Third-Round Knockout and finally crash at either one’s home for dinner, did I get that right?”
“You’re correct, except for one thing. Everything and everything is paid by Lord Tartaglia,” Felix responded, seemingly recovered from his exhaustion. 
Everyone hums in union. 
To be fair though, the mora used by Master Childe on his outings weren’t really his, but Lord Pantalone’s. Hell, even Ekaterina would exploit 9th Harbringer’s mora (if she had a higher standing in the fatui, of course)
“Lets not forget these.” With the most deadpan expression, Vlad tosses pictures of the “dates” their boss and his “friend” had, but many many cropped pictures of Master Childe’s chest framed perfectly by his leather harness, stood out from the stack.
“Who took these?” and “Why?” was left unsaid amongst them all. 
Nadia choked suspiciously on air just then. Nervously shifting her eyes around. 
Thinking to save her friend from embarrassment, Ekaterina tries to change the subject. “Ahem, anyway, since all the reports are basically the same, let’s just summarise it.” 
“Umm something along the lines of … Master Childe is a sugar daddy for Mr. Zhongli and they act like a married couple?” Felix says while rubbing his chin in deep thought. 
“Let's… At least try to rephrase our wording, not so straightforward.” Vlad smiles, or at least tries to. 
chapter 3
Childe . @ tartaglia
Why did I receive an emergency summon from her majesty? 
| Signora . @ thefairestlady
Replying to @ tartaglia 
Idk, you probably did something. Again. 
| Pantalone . @ theregrator
Replying to @ tartaglia and @ thefairestlady
Only one way to find out. 
| Lumine . @ thebettertraveller
Replying to @ tartaglia 
GL, I hope you don’t get your ass kicked. 
Ekaterina . @ katyaaa
Phew! Mission successfully completed and with a generous reward too! I’m glad all that stalking of Master Childe paid off. 
| Childe . @ tartaglia
Replying to @ katyaaa
You were spying on me? Don’t tell me this is the reason why I’ve been summoned… 
| Ekaterina . @ katyaaa 
Replying to @ tartaglia 
Spying ? hahaha what spying ? I don’t know what you’re talking about :DDD
| Felix . @ felixis 
Replying to @ katyaaa 
You’re so fired. Stupid ass. 
[ insert facepalm GIF ]
| Childe . @ tartaglia 
Replying to @ felixis and @ katyaaa 
Oh don’t worry, you’re both in trouble, and so is Nadia and Vlad ;)
| Ekaterina . @ katyaaa 
Replying to @ tartaglia 
Please have mercy, my lord! 
Show Replies 
Meanwhile, in the privacy of Zhongli’s home, an elegantly written note addressed not to Zhongli, but Morax, materialises right in front of him.
 “You shameless old dragon, get your broke ass to Snezhnaya now! We need to talk” 
Never in his life did Childe feel as nervous and scared until today. He was shaking in his boots as he looked back and forth between her majesty and Mr. Zhongli (alternatively Rex Lapis, as he just found out… but that can be discussed later). He didn’t think that he’d get summoned by The Tsaritsa nor did he expect Mr. Zhongli, who was supposed to be in Liyue doing his job, to be invited to her majesty’s garden for tea.
Tea? Nope this isn’t tea, this is basically an interrogation session! 
“Now, let me get this straight. You gave the boy a pair of marriage chopsticks and he accepted it?” Tsaritsa raised her teacup to her scowling lips slowly.
Hold on, wait a minute… Marriage chopsticks? 
“That is correct–”
“And you thought that my youngest, born and raised in Snezhnaya would understand the meaning behind this act? You didn’t think this through did you, Morax? How embarrassing, I suppose Barbatos is still right, you ARE a stone blockhead.”
Mr. Zhongli coughed discreetly to disguise his embarrassment, before taking a sip from his cup, “Now please, Tsaritsa, there’s no need to chastise me for it.” 
“I must, with how you shamelessly court my youngest Harbinger without my knowledge.” Tsaritsa’s eyes narrow down at Zhongli, like a mother ready to scold.
Childe watches the entire exchange in shock– courting ? Mr. Zhongli and courting ? Just what in Celestia is happening ? He must have looked like a dumbfounded monkey, staring at them, until her majesty’s words interrupt his inner turmoil.
“Well,” she says curtly “Has the wedding date been set? If not, I shall take care of it.”
Sputtering and hacking on his tea, Childe replied, “W-What!??”
Bonus scene 
“Lord Tartaglia! Congratulations, we heard you’re getting married–”
“My my! What good news! I can feel the tears of joy in my eyes already”
“How shocking… It feels as if just yesterday you were but a little boy running around the palace”
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To the anon who is struggling with their faith and identity, hi. I get you. I’m in the same boat in a lot of ways. (Discussion of anti-science rhetoric, lgbt-phobia, and conservative Christian stuff for anyone who doesn’t wanna read that)
I was raised Christian, and taught that evolution and the Big Bang were false. I was taught that dinosaurs were real and the earth was billions of years old, but we were still creationists.
I was also taught that being gay or trans was sinful and that gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized. My family was never outright hostile (my uncle is gay and we always loved him, even though “we just don’t agree with his decision” ugh), but clearly bigoted.
I was also raised in baptist churches, who absolutely love to quote the same three verses over and over in order to tell women (like myself) that our whole purpose is to shut up and bear children and take care of the house, that we are to obey our fathers and husbands in everything and cannot teach men at all. Fortunately my parents at least hated that BS, and after every sermon regarding that point my mom would lecture us that that was the only thing she disagreed with with our church, and that me and my sisters could be whatever we wanted to be. She continually pointed out the instances that contradicted what our churches had said about women’s roles.
When I went to college, I made friends, met people with wildly different backgrounds, and began to form my own opinions. I am a supporter of lgbt rights (I believe that there is strong evidence that wording was changed to condemn homosexuality, and that even if it’s a sin, we are called to love each other first and foremost, and that we cannot force our religious beliefs upon anyone else, and that respecting someone’s sexuality and pronouns is just basic fucking courtesy. I’ve even convinced my trump-supporting grandparents to use peoples preferred pronouns and respect gay marriages, with the logic that “you believe it’s sinful, but they don’t, and you can’t force your religious perspective on them. There is nothing loving about making them uncomfortable just because you disagree.”
I also strongly believe in scientific theories like evolution and the Big Bang. There’s plenty of evidence, and if you read genesis with fresh eyes it’s pretty clear to me it’s highly symbolic, not literal. I can believe God created the universe and that he did so through the Big Bang. I can believe God created humans in his image through the process of evolution.
As I was expanding and changing my worldview, I also realized that I was aroace. I’ve never been interested in dating, I don’t find men good looking at all, and my appreciation for women’s beauty is more similar to how someone would appreciate a painting, not someone they want to date or marry or have sex with.
And I don’t believe it’s a problem for me to stay single either. When I told my mom she immediately told me that the Bible says that singleness is, for many, a gift, and only a different path, not a wrong one.
I often don’t know what God’s intention is, but I do know that Christians are called to be the light of the world. So I will always be kind and loving, because that is how you be a light. I always pray for better understanding of how I should do things, but in the end the most important thing is to be kind.
Sorry if that was rambly, I just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone in these struggles, and that you can believe different things without being a bad person. Personally, my family doesn’t know that I’m now fairly liberal and that I believe in evolution and the Big Bang and such, but I’m okay with that. If they find out, I’ll tell them more or less what I just said here. Best of luck to you and to anyone else in a similar situation 💛
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Thanks for sharing, I’m sure this will be helpful for a lot of people.
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rockingrobin69 · 7 months
Mrs. Miffy’s Home Dining Experience: Eating made simple!
The flyer was an eye-watering orange. Sort of reminded him of Wheezes, if Fred and George were also psychotic murderers on the side.  
Ordering is simpler than ever. Speak the word menu and it shall appear, aglow in the space before you. Magic will direct you precisely to the dish you are currently craving. No more going, ugh, what’ll we have for dinner tonight?
Harry’s crockery was all still packed in who-knows what box. His new fridge was empty. All the places he tried ringing gave up on trying to locate his address. Wards, Hermione had said, at some point in her life, probably.
After you placed your order by yelling the selected number, your food will arrive near-instantaneously with one of our lively staff members. Don’t forget: it’s hot! (or cold!)
His head was pounding. They say that moving house is one of life’s greatest traumas. Which, of course, made him laugh like someone had punched him in the gut, with fucking tears in his eyes, but hey, this wasn’t incredibly easy, either.
Now there’s nothing more to worry about: bon-appetite, and we’d love to see you again at Mrs. Miffy’s Home Dining Experience!
He was tired. He was hungry. Everything seemed thirty times heavier than normal, and his therapist Evil Jean said that this feeling has a name, and he should try to find it. To banish it? To… do something about it. Harry was a terrible client and an awful lazy man and all right, all right, enough with this now. Half out of spite, Harry said, “Menu.”
Jumped three feet backwards when the whole room tilted sideways, and started shrieking—no, it was the images that suddenly popped, violently into existence. Who the hell thought this was a good… swallowed, swallowed, closed his eyes, tapped his chest till his heart climbed back down. Fucking fuck. Deep breath. Okay.
His new flat was half the size of Grimmauld and currently packed with boxes. Gin said that moving isn’t that big of a deal if you know the right spells, but Harry didn’t know anything, and definitely not the right spells. In the eerie light of the dozens of images hovering, it looked sad.
Still there was something in his gut pulling—the magic, right, he’d nearly forgot. Saying the word Menu must have activated it as well, and now Harry found himself pointing at an image which showed… a bowl of fried rice with tofu.
You know what, fuck it. Fuck it, why not. He was sort of hoping for something a little, erm, not that, but fried rice was good and tasty and he was so tired and it might just be the perfect thing. Harry cleared his throat. “Seventy-six!”
Your order has been placed, said a low baritone that nearly made him pee his pants. It came out of the fucking fridge? Probably not on purpose. Then, in an entirely different voice, chipper and high-pitched, sit tight and we’ll be right there to serve you!
Harry paced and paced and paced. Not much room for it, with the boxes, and the chest of drawers he didn’t know where to put, and the stack of letters he tucked in his pocket for fear of losing and then promptly placed on every clear surface as it bothered him constantly bumping into stuff. Moving was… fine, it wasn’t the problem. Harry only wished Ron and Nev and Luna could have stayed. He wished, selfishly, that his friends were as miserable and social life-less as he was, only for tonight. He wished…
The doorbell went off, a jarring sound. Harry jumped (and told himself to quit it), breathed, breathed. Fingers sweaty on the handle, get yourself together, this will be nothing.
“Good evening my name is Draco and I’d be happy to serve you exactly the way you’d like please choose level of interaction from one to three.”
Harry was openly staring. His belly, weirdly, filled with ice. In front of him was—“What?”
“Good evening my name is Draco and I’d be happy to serve you exactly the way you’d like please choose level of interaction from one to three.”
He was taller than Harry remembered. Broad shoulders, narrow waist. Hair falling past his ears, still as blond as ever under the truly-horrendous cap that said Mrs. Miffy’s! in balloon letters. He stood so impossibly still that Harry suspected he must be under a spell or something.
“Malfoy?” he tried in this choked voice.
“Good evening my name is Draco and I’d be—”
“Yes, yes,” Harry stopped him with a hand out, “you said. You… work for… Mrs. Miffy’s?”
A fragment of a question hiding at least five hundred others: you work, and also you’re here, and also you still exist? Because Harry had completely-completely forgotten about him. This tall, slightly shocking apparition of a boy from his youth grown into… this.
Malfoy blinked metre-long eyelashes. “Please choose,” he said in a perfectly bland voice. “Between one and three.”
Stabbing a guess: “Three?”
He nodded and made to step forward, only Harry was still frozen, and still blocking the door. “Pardon me,” Malfoy said.
“No,” stupidly. “I mean—sure. Come in, I mean. I mean—”
Malfoy didn’t wait to unravel the rant. Instead he snuck through the space Harry had made, and stopped in the middle of the would-be living room. Turning around a full 360, blinking and blinking. “You,” he said, “you don’t have a table.”
“Not yet.”
“Right,” eyebrows hiking on his face. “Right, it’s—I can transfigure one of the boxes temporarily.”
Harry shrugged. Getting past the whole shock of Malfoy in his flat, in legitimately the worst ensemble he’d ever worn and still so destructively handsome, pointing at a box labelled STUFF and turning it into a belly-heavy sort-of-table. He even conjured a tablecloth. He even conjured a vase with flowers.
“Would you like anything to drink, Sir?”
Harry was losing it. This was the only explanation. He hit his head on the moving van and is lying on the pavement, unconscious. Malfoy was still in Azkaban and certainly not here.
“Erm, do you—do you have Irn Bru? Only the muggle shops down here don’t usually sell it.”
Malfoy produced a cool box he most certainly didn’t have before and took an orange can out. “Do you need cutlery,” he said more than asked.
“Yeah. Erm, yeah.”
Another nod, and now from a pocket that was far too small and too tight, a complete set with three forks (including the little one for the, fish or, whatever). Malfoy then proceeded to pull out a napkin, and fold it into something that quite resembled a swan.
“When you’re finished with your meal please shout Porter! And I will collect the dishes. Your box—table—your—it should go back to its original form in about an hour.”
Harry said, “Okay.”
“Anything else you might require?”
Blinking and blinking. Harry was losing his mind. “You know who I am, yeah? Is there a… spell maybe that stops you from seeing me, or?”
“You’re Harry Potter,” Malfoy said in the same blank, somewhat-pleasant tone. “We went to school together.”
“We went to—yeah, I mean, sure. You… remember? School?”
“Do I remember school?” Malfoy tipped his head sideways. He was so impossibly handsome that Harry didn’t manage a full breath. “That’s an odd question.”
“Well you’re being odd! Why are you so—like that when you normally are…”
Malfoy sighed, a deep, pained thing, like Harry was the one being ridiculous. “Is there anything else you require, Sir. For your meal. For which you paid.”
“I… want you to fucking answer the question?”
His hair shimmered as he shook his head. “Yes, I remember school. Our headmaster was Albus Dumbledore. Care of Magical Creatures. He Who—the battle—I remember.”
“And…” why, why, why was he pushing, why did it even matter, “you remember me?”
“Harry Potter,” Malfoy said again. Entirely expressionless.
“Yeah. Yes. I, but do you remember our… we weren’t exactly friends. Do you remember—”
“I remember. Is there anything else you require for your meal?”
He felt like pulling his own hair out. “Why are you being like this! What are you doing here! I thought you were sentenced for ten years, what, what, what!”
Malfoy remained impassibly stoic. “I was sentenced for ten years. The parole board decided to release me early for what they dubbed ‘good behaviour’. I promise you I wasn’t good, would never dream to presume. Is that enough?”
“When did—”
“Potter,” Malfoy said, still in the same tone but with tired eyes, “is there anything else you require. For your meal.”
It felt all the kinds of wrong Harry knew. “No, I—I don’t need anything else.” The bland sort of misery behind Malfoy’s face didn’t crumple, didn’t move an inch. He nodded, turned to leave. “Wait—”
Harry didn’t mean to stop him, but Malfoy did stop, back turned and breathing very slowly, very deeply. “Yes?”
“What’s three?”
He did turn now. “I beg your pardon?”
“You said I can choose between one and three, but you never explained… the… interaction level. What does it mean, what’s three?”
“The highest level,” said Malfoy.
“Oh. Yeah. That… makes sense.”
“Thank you for your business,” with a motion so tiny it couldn’t be considered a bow, “we hope you have a wonderful dining experience and would love to hear your thoughts. See you next time!” and he left. Harry stood in front of the once-box-now-table, a plate filled with colourful rice steaming on a conjured placemat (Harry certainly never owned something this nice), a glass of Irn Bru already poured and the fucking, napkin-made swan. Nothing about it made the slightest bit of sense. None of it, at all, made sense, at all. No sense.
Tearing through the crammed kitchen, flinging boxes here and there, looking for… oh, he’d already placed it in what he decided would be the take-out menu drawer. The bright-orange flyer had a whole bit in the back that he forgot he once read.
Mrs. Miffy is a muggle-born witch who always loved cooking and, most importantly, eating. She remembers getting take out with her family with great fondness: “When I was young it felt like the most wonderful thing. A vacation in our own home. [I] felt like we were exploring the world, from the convenience of our own living room!” when she encountered the problem of locating magical houses while trying to order a curry, she knew she had to find a solution. The business came a few years later, with the assistance of Ministry funds to help make Mrs. Miffy’s dream come true. Eating, made simple.
Harry’s head was spinning. He made himself go back to the table (to the, box, that made an actually-not-too-shabby a table), realised he didn’t have a seat. Took the plate in both hands and sank to the carpet, overwhelmed and annoyingly supporting a semi.
Malfoy was working for a muggle-born witch. Malfoy was delivering food. Malfoy was released from Azkaban after seven years instead of his original ten. Malfoy was… hot, and weird, weird, weird, just, the weirdest thing he’d ever met, and a mystery, and a project, and a—no. Right. That way lies madness, he’d already tasted it once. Twice. Malfoy wasn’t a part of his life and it shouldn’t matter, what he did or how he looked.
But the rice was delicious, and somehow exactly what he needed. Harry ate the whole thing, and drank the whole glass, and felt, well, a little less ridiculous, for once. Maybe there was something there after all. Maybe there was something.
He put the flyer back in the drawer carefully. Standing in front of the table: “Porter?”
Half-expecting Malfoy to come back, he wasn’t really disappointed when the plate just Banished out of existence. Wasn’t because he was already thinking, what will I get next?
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oh man this music is fucking wild!! was that a big deep laugh? :D this is the happiest i have felt in months
it's literally like 'dun dun DUN' this is awesome
Audio sounds like it's coming from inside da computer. That's fun.
NO SUCH THING AS BONES (i knew big milk wasn't to be trusted)
fuck me everyone is so british. I forgot that listening to this podcast means being subjected to a thousand different accents that all sound like they come from Narnia.
Ugggh six in the morning goodbye party? This workplace is already worse than the Institute.
Colin's already fucking desperate to escape <3 there's always one. Good luck buddy.
There's too many voices to keep track of! I'm already getting Alice and Gwen confused.
They're going to the pub?? Didn't they just say it was six in the morning? Aren't they at work?
YOOO I WAS RIGHT WE ARE IN DA COMPUTER. Haha it turn itself on like a tape recorder. 💅 girlboss behaviour.
Oh I wonder why they can't do their paperwork online?? Probably not because of spooky reasons.
Wow a personal computer! High tech. Freddie lives inside. :D
Woah wait wtf?? Freddie is spyware??
Yeah Sam what about GDPR? Shut up and read this private email that an ancient computer program no one understands somehow found and stole for us.
Um?? Do they have a big alphabetised folder of Fucked Shit The Entities Do???
So many numbers are happening so quickly. Good luck transcribers/wiki editors.
Oh hang on 'All night every night', they work nights!! That's why the party was first thing in the morning and they all went to the pub afterward!! I'm so good at listening to podcasts.
Started about a year ago 👀
Haha gotta listen while he reads the email. This is normal :)
LOL they just ignore it and get coffee. Big mood, that's exactly what I would do if I was at work and my computer was fucking around.
That's not their names :)
Also the stupidest fucking names ever. Alice rules.
Martin voice 🥰🥺😭🥰🥺😭🥰😭🥺 Martin my beloved. I hope he's okay inside da computer. Wonder if Colin smashing it with a hammer would crack him outta there??
Oh no my love for Martin made me forget that the horrors are back.
Hmm his voice is getting less computer and more Martin? Good thing??
Ugh why do we always have to start with Stranger statements? I hate the Stranger. Also Sam was wrong this is definitely dolls comma human skin not dolls comma watching.
Girl there is something in your garden gtfo of there.
Hurray we survived our first horror!! H definitely didn't.
Gwen is right this isn't zombies. Also three pages of subclassification for zombies? The archives couldn't even figure out how to put their dates in the right order.
Love how few fucks Alice gives. This job doesn't matter!! Welcome to the team!!
Ooooh Gwen's is trouble...
Oh shit she's gunning for the boss's job! Second girlboss moment of the episode!
Lol get pranked Sam. Alice set you the fuck up.
Sounds like a webcam is watching them?
Colin is my favourite character so far.
Sounds like Lena's deliberately hiring people who do a shit job (and Gwen's mad about it). Wonder what Lena's up to.
Tragic backstory time already? (Nope, false alarm)
Who needs sleep when you can have creepy monotomous data entry?
JON VOICE JON VOIEC JON CVOICE !!! 🥰🥺😭🥺🥰😭🥰😭😭 (i missed him)
Magnus Institute ruins you say???
'Anyone know what the deal is with the Magnus Institute?' Nope, never heard of it.
Oh I'm loving the new format of statements. Really scratches that 'found footage' itch.
For some unknown reason, I've been feeling really paranoid ever since escaping this evil eye building (that reminds me of an old asylum) full of strange shit that I couldn't take photos of.
All the paper is gone? Graham Folger has been here.
Oh the removed image and then hearing the comments about it is so good!! Jonny's done it again lol. This is why I love found footage as a horror device.
Hmmm sounds like we're at the pub now. And we got that dial up noise? What are we listening from right now?
It's good to establish right from the beginning that one of our protagonists is a noodle-armed weakling. The fandom would have done that work on our own I'm sure, but having canon backup is always gratifying.
Uh oh Colin's losing his mind.
Ominous music time!!!
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putschki1969 · 4 months
hey puts, the captain of kalafina fandom XD i came across this instagram post which i think its talking about backstage stuff about wakana circulating in 2-chan. this is the post https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvy3CuchT-D/ can you share your thoughts about it ? or maybe you can help us what are they actually talking about since we can only use google translate.
Hello there, anon!
Ugh, you are throwing me a curve-ball here, I did not expect to get a question like this. Already feeling exhausted just thinking about writing my reply T_T
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That Instagram post is from spring 2019, a - what I consider to be - particularly dark period in the Kalafina fandom. Wakana was in the midst of preparing for her first grand-scale solo tour after her official solo debut and Space Craft finally put their act together by releasing an official statement regarding Kalafina's state of limbo. In an attempt to put an end to a lot of uncertainty/speculation and to create a clear distinction between Kalafina and Wakana's solo activities, they declared a definitive disbandment. As you can imagine, everyone and their mother had something to say about that. Even Yuki Kajiura, Hikaru and Keiko made statements in response. All of this caused a lot of backlash against Space Craft and particularly towards Wakana herself. The fact that Wakana was still with Space Craft and dared to not address the announcement of Kalafina's disbandment with a statement of her own made many so-called fans very angry and disappointed - totally unwarranted of course.
Suddenly, there was an influx of certain internet trolls who got a real kick out of blaming and villainising Wakana, they made her into the bad guy and came up with a bunch of wild theories that mainly served the purpose of dragging Wakana's name and image through the mud. Needless to say, none of those claims were in any way, shape or form substantiated but as is the case with all negative content on the internet, it drew quite a bit of attention and some people even started buying into that bullshit. The Instagram user you linked to in your ask is a textbook example of one such troll. At that time, a handful of sock puppet accounts were created to feed into the smear campaign against Wakana. Those accounts regularly left nasty comments under Wakana's Instagram posts, pretending to be devastated fans and referring to all sorts of horrible things that Wakana had allegedly done. Most of those posts and accounts got rightfully flagged and suspended but some apparently managed to stay around for a while. They tried to continue their toxic behaviour but once they realised that Wakana's loyal fans would not stand for such horrible defamation tactics, most of them just disappeared again.
As for the information supposedly circulating on 2chan, I honestly give little to no credence to anything that is being said on anonymous text-boards like 2chan or its successor 5chan. As much as the Japanese are known for being overly polite and reserved, they can be incredibly nasty when they are allowed to act anonymously. I reckon about 10% of users who frequently post on these types of text-boards are actually decent human beings. 60% of them are either mentally handicapped, bored out of their minds or simply frustrated with their lives. The remaining 30% are scum of the earth sociopaths as far as I am concerned.
In order to do some research for this post, I went through a few old threads about Wakana containing hundreds upon hundreds of messages. I literally felt my brain cells dying with every new message I read. No idea how others manage to subject themselves to this level of stupidity but I really struggle to tolerate it. Out of curiosity, I would have liked to find a "source" for the specific accusations in that Instagram post but alas, I wasn't able to. There's just no way I can go through everything, sorry. Also, I will not dignify any of these messages or that Instagram post with a proper translation.
Believe me when I say that there is no incriminating material on Wakana out there, these people have zero authentic evidence (photo or otherwise) of her being a "stuck-up bitch", of her "mistreating staff members", of her "bashing Hi/Kei" etc. It's all just a ton of made-up gossip and rubbish. Everyone, please do yourself a favour and just ignore content like this when you come across it. Knowing what those people have to say does not add any value to your life, quite the contrary, it will only poison your brain.
That's honestly all I have to say about this topic.
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littlecritterz · 1 year
Urusei Yatsura Art Book Review!
Before I get into the review, I want to gush about how much I adore this book, the series as a whole, and its characters! I started watching the 2022 anime, after seeing a clip of it. The art style is so cute and very colorful!
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Prepare for a long read!
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I've been keeping up with this series a lot lately, I recommend it if you like slice-of-life mixed with some silliness (and great animation)! Recently, I started watching the original series, which is just as amazing as this one- there's also things that weren't shown (yet?) in the 2022 version of the series. I would like to read the original manga soon, too!
Time for the book review! Please note that I'm not showing things in any particular order, and that I'm mainly going to be talking about how cool stuff is lol. I got the book from Ebay (that's what I use the most), and it arrived safe and sound a few weeks later.
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The cover art is really cute, especially with the two chibis on the bottom left! I really love how they went about shading Lum's hair in this iteration of the character. I don't have any translations for anything in this book, unfortunately, but we can still appreciate the art!
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Upon opening the book, there is a poster that unfolds- above is the front:
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And here is the back! The art on both sides is really charming, and the backgrounds are absolutely stunning, especially in that front image. There's just something about it that I really like, from Ataru and Lum's interaction, and the lighting: it works together so well!
On the flipside, all of the characters running is really fun to look at- each character is running (or flying) in a different way, it's subtle, but it shows a small piece of their personality, in a sense.
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This is the page before the character design section of the book, which is absolutely stunning: The artists use a lot of patterns and shapes, and I'm all here for it!
Here are some snippets from the character design portion:
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One thing I really enjoy about character design is the expressions, and the various outfits the characters are drawn in. Each character has their own unique sense of fashion! I like Ataru's clothing choice, it's stuff that I could see myself wearing- comfy long sleeved tops and simple, cute button downs!
The expressions are so cutesy and cartoonish, I can't get enough of it! As a character artist myself, these pages are great references on how to go about fleshing out my own characters.
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Here is Lum's character sheet, as well as the expression part of Mendo's- his expressions are extra silly so I added them!
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This art for the Highlight and Staff Interviews are super cute! Lum's outfit with the suspenders is adorable- and the fact Ataru's outfit is coordinated makes it all the more cute!
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The visuals for the opening and endings are stunning- I have to sit and watch them each time, plus the music that accompanies it makes it even better! I need to go back and watch it frame by frame, its a masterpiece~ I can't get over the use of color in this series, it's amazing!!! Take a closer look at the visuals here, it's worth it!
You know what, watch the first Opening/Ending here
And the second Opening/Ending here
And check out the channel I got these from (UruYatsu Sensei), they've got full episodes of another series by the same creator, Maison Ikkoku, and a few Urusei Yatsura episodes as well. I appreciate them uploading these, because all the other ones were those interpolated 60 FPS nonsense (ugh).
That's all I got for this review, I hope you enjoyed reading/looking at all the art here, If you're an art book enjoyer like me, I recommend getting this book! And check out the series (OG and 2022 ver.) if you're interested!
Thanks for reading! (Back of book illustration below)
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
Rebels Rewatch: “Call To Action”
The first entry in our finale arc and the moment the gloves came off and Rebels went, “Oh you thought I was a nice safe little kids cartoon huh?  Hold my beer.”
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Yet another gorgeous establishing shot.
This sequence is staged/blocked as a parallel to the Emperor arriving on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi, the looming Star Destroyer, the Lambda shuttle, troops lined up in neat formation and the Imperial March at full ominous strength.  Fitting given that we’re bringing in the big guns.
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Tarkin was offhand mentioned as being the governor of the Outer Rim early in the series, and “Tarkintown” was a direct result of laws and policy he put into place that allowed the Empire to simply seize people’s properties to strip mine them for resources, so he’s kind of been a very background looming shadow for our Rebels from the beginning and wastes no time dressing everyone present down for making him have to come out to this stupid insignificant backwater planet personally.
The roasting is epic.
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“Look I know you’re an airheaded ditz who only got this job because Pryce is too busy faffing around the Core Worlds but you could at least not look so incompetent at it.”
Tarkin seems awfully certain there’s no possible way Kanan can be a Jedi.  I wonder if it’s a matter of he truly doesn’t believe that any survived or he’s not very impressed with Kanan as compared to the Jedi he knew.
Note again: No fanfare.
We lighten things up a bit with a brief little action setpiece, calling back to the speeder chase in the pilot.  It’s the kind of safe peril you’d expect from the early part of the show, no mess, no trouble, just fun adventure set to exciting music cues and watching our heroes be cool.
You know... lulling us into a false sense of security.
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Sabine once again participating in the banter with Ezra and even throwing in a sweet little shoulder pat as well.
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(Ezra looks disappointed that Kanan didn’t say anything to compliment him, maybe Sabine thought to cheer him up?)
Ugh, Trayvis’s slimy, “Well of course I never advocated for violence, those Rebels are twisting my message!”
The Holonet does not have Twitter Community Notes alas.
“Readers added context they thought people might want to know: You’re a lying traitorous dick and you suck.”
And the plan to take control of the Imperial communications tower is hatched.
Watching the microexpressions on Ezra’s face this whole scene is a trip, because you can tell he has misgivings but also agrees that the best way to reach the people is to break through the state-controlled media propaganda machine and offer up the truth.
Comedic staples Aresko and Grint, who have been with us on the show from the beginning, are brought in for their own dressing down before being summarily and literally beheaded in the office.
Yeah no, the first time I watched this I was like, “OKAY WELL THAT JUST HAPPENED HOLY SHIT.“
Ngl, Grand just casually walking around the desk to go stand behind them is even worse after you know what’s coming.
“Your Rebel cell is more principled than others.”  Lol is that a dig at Saw and the Partisans?
No but hold me back from getting into my messy Rebellion Era Jedi feelings and wordspewing about how even with all the Empire’s propaganda, even with all the effort and energy they expend smearing them and erasing their legacy, they still represent Hope to the ordinary people and inspire them to stand up and fight.  And how that’s so so dangerous to the careful order and control Palpatine set up and so he can’t allow any of them to survive because their mere existence makes people stare in awe and take up their arms.
*sobbing forever*
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Kallus and Tua’s slow dawning horror as they realize what’s about to happen. D:
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See, even these two are unnerved.  It takes Kallus a full second to blink himself back into composure when Tarkin addresses him.
This cue here in the aggressive low brass is part of the Inquisitor’s theme and gets used later in the big Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother introduction I’m pretty sure.
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I always love the way Rebels does background sky, it looks almost like watercolor paintings.
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“I said be optimistic.”
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“Five minutes is optimistic!”
They bring a bit of the fyrnock cue back here, I think to put us just a little bit on edge.
(Also apropos given what Ezra does moments later.)
Sabine being pouty all, “I could have done that.“
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Please appreciate how Ezra beams at Kanan’s praise and Sabine get embarrassed at how heartwarming they are.
Too bad the probe wasn’t 100% dead.
LOLOL Kallus seems a little on edge as he leaves Tarkin’s office here.
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“Lure them into a trap?  But... but I literally just tried that last episode!”
The plan is further hatched but Ezra gets solemn when Sabine brings up that things never seem to follow the plan and Kanan, sensing something up, doesn’t take Ezra’s deflection for an answer.
 Oof and watch how Ezra’s arms come up in his self-protective pose right there.
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At first, Kanan thinks it’s just insecurity about taking on the role and by implication the legacy of his parents, nervousness about speaking.  And yes, Ezra confesses that that’s part of it.  (Once again with the self-esteem issues, “I’m not brave, I’m not special, I can’t do this without the rest of you.”)
But it runs deeper.  Ezra’s afraid of loss, of having something bad happen to his new family like it happened to his parents.  But for a Jedi, fear of loss, fear of potential loss, can cripple you.  Paralyze you from being able to think and take proper action.
So Kanan reminds Ezra that loss is going to happen to matter what.  You can’t cling to the things you have, you have to let them pass away, if that’s what’s going to happen.  You can’t be attached.  You have to let go.
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“We will take more losses before this is over.”  “When the times comes, we’re going to have to be ready to sacrifice for something bigger.”
Don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four--
The Force theme plays out sweetly in the background as Kanan talks about how they’re “learning these things together”, ending on a modified major chord to leave on a brighter note resolution.
And this is such a pretty shot.
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And this one too.  And this might be the first time we see Lothal’s twin moons?
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This is such a smooth action sequence, the way Sabine hops off her bike and lets it Tokyo drift into the cannon to blow it up before rolling into view and popping off shots, the conservation of camera movement as it cuts to Zeb, quick inserts and then Ezra and Kanan are on site.
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Hate to keep repeating myself but seriously, look at that cloud painting work.
The Imperial March, naturally, as the Empire’s vehicles close in.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra’s eyes dart from target to aerial target.
The camerawork this episode is really excellent, love this dolly in shot of Grand.
Nnnfhkhg Ezra flinched a bit when Kanan got in his face and ordered him to get Zeb.
Cripes, I think Kanan is already thinking ahead to what he’s going to have to do.
“But I like this gun!”  “We’ll get you another gun!”  Children, both of you.  Lol.
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Seriously, it became an awful kind of running joke.
Right, so in spite of Kanan’s reassurances, said to get Ezra to keep going and not stall, Ezra still lingers long enough to watch Kanan shut the door behind them.
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Grand drops down accompanied by his bass chorals and Kanan turns his saber on the door controls and about right here is when I think we all knew he wasn’t going to be right behind Ezra at all.
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Again with the camerawork, this tilting pan up towards the top of the tower and then tracking dolly zoom in as the others spill out onto the balcony.
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Nooooooooo bbyyyyyyyyyy. :((((((((
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Zeb shields Sabine right here.
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Kanan’s matching the Inquisitor strike for strike now, and even repays the kick in the chest from “Gathering Forces”.  He’s calm, almost zen, having accepted what he has to do, and his cavalier attitude throws Grand, stalling for enough time to let Hera get there.
The “Shenanigans“ theme rolls in on somber trombones, stalling out after only the opening notes.
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Capping this scene is an exercise in, “Whose expression looks more devastated?”
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Hera’s tight-lipped tremble as she makes the call is especially hard.
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My gosh look at the smoke effects though.
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This episode really has no business being this pretty.
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I hate you Tarkin, I hate you I hate you I wanna punch you in your stupid sneering face.
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Kanan looks astonished to hear the others are still proceeding with the plan and making the transmission.  I guess he thought they might write the mission off as a loss what with his capture.
Aaaaaah Ezra I’m so proud of him!
This really is an excellent speech.
The woodwinds plink away in the background of some muted brass here, even the Main Titles theme (Luke’s theme, used to denote heroism in the Star Wars score) is quiet, fading out before a slow dooming Imperial March takes over.
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“Ho shit, they’re firing on their own tower?”
Well uh... we already knew that Tarkin doesn’t believe in overkill.
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The show makes use of some very effective silence, only the faint static of the transmitter playing over the closing stinger.  Just to drive that last devastating blow in.
And cue cliffhanger.
Ha ha, another one I don’t rewatch that often, at least not without completing it out with the next two because seriously, that is a cruel cliffhanger.
Rebels does not really believe in a static Status Quo, which I appreciate.  Even in Season One it throws wrenches, shakes things up, unmoors our characters.  And by extension us the audience. XD
Even for those of us who believed in the show from the beginning I don’t think anyone expected it to axe our two staple recurring side antagonists and end an episode with Kanan captured.
So kudos to Rebels for taking that risk.  It has more freedom to do so, granted, than a show like TCW or Kenobi, given that it’s mostly original characters not protected by Plot Armor, but still.
Next episode takes us two steps forward and one great big Mustafar step back, I can’t wait!
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