tdbowie · 10 months
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skmr24 · 3 months
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What was Izuna's character?
Izuna is most likely one of the most mysterious character in the Narutoverse. He's truly a ghost. Barely seen but so important to Madara's storyline and his eyes the most powerful sight of the entire series. Regardless, all we know about his personality in the canon can be resumed in few sentences : He admired his brother as a child, he was also a fierce warrior from early age, he warned his brother against the Senju, and before his death willingly offered his eyes to Madara in order to protect the Uchihas. It's quite thin for a character development...
In the fandom, fanart, and the many fanfictions included, the general consensus is to represent Izuna as a soft and gentle character always devoted to his brother. Sometimes he's the victim of a hungry-power Madara (but that's really old stories back when no one knew that Obito was cosplaying Madara), often sassy and effeminate. A bit like Haku who was entirely in service of Zabuza. I suppose this idea comes from the adjectives that describes Izuna in the databook :
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Considering the lack of information in canon, that headcanon starts to become the more popular. My ambitious is to try to discover what was Kishimoto's intentions for Izuna if he had more time to articulate that character. It's just an hypothesis that I present you, it's in no way a definite answer.
I) Intuition
That's nothing I can prove but it always seems to me strange that Izuna was the quiet one in this sibling's dynamic. If you put yourself in his shoes opened-toes sandals, he is Madara Uchiha's little brother. From birth, his brother was seen with special attention. Madara was the oldest, the heir and on top of that the genius one. Butsuma said that as a child he was able to kill adults. Being the second is virtually being invisible in front of other adults, it would have naturally created jealousy and a need to exist outside of the big brother's shadow. We've seen this same dynamic before between Sasuke and Itachi. The little one feels always left out. The difference there, is that Itachi was mostly absent in Sasuke's life, he was always busy with school and missions. And after the Uchiha's downfall, when Sasuke was just 7 years old, the distance between them wider dreadfully. For the majority of Sasuke's life, Itachi was a distant childhood memory. In contrary, Izuna seems to have stayed close to his brother until his death at 24 years old. They enjoy a childhood together and were so close than even adults they were able to take over the Uchiha clan. Because they spend more than 20 years together, sharing happiness and losses, there is for me an implicit idea that Izuna was balancing Madara and vice versa. In the same way, Hashirama's visionnary ideas are counter-balanced by a down-to-earth Tobirama. The Senju carves his unique personality by constantly creating new jutsus that surprised his opponents while Hashirama was known for being that rare and powerful Mokuton user. Madara being this taciturn person in public, Izuna must have been a bit more outgoing. So if Madara was in private described as kind by Hashirama, maybe Izuna was more rational when dealing with people.
II) Canon + extra materials
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in extra materials I mean : databook, official card, official illustrations, video games ect...
Even if I'm team canon-only, sometimes other fillers or goodies can give us a hint of what would have been Izuna. And two things catch my attention :
first, he's always represented as someone very confident, holding a sword ready to slay someone, focused. Actually...he NEVER SMILES. He smirks once in a filler when he thought he was about to overpower Tobirama. It shows more his merciless attitude towards his enemy than any trace of softness. We are very far from the flower boy from fanarts.
secondly his voice...Have you heard his adult voice? It's surprisingly deep comparing to his slender appearance. Again it doesn't sound like a fragile baby doll but more like a commander in chief.
III) Izuna vs Obito
It took me a long time to realise how much Izuna is in the canon constantly in parallel with Obito. It goes back to my old post on "why Madara chose Obito". Months later, I think the answer is more obvious that what I thought back then.
Izuna simply might have had a very similar personality than Obito. Or should I say, Madara saw in Obito, not only his potential strength but also a clear resemblance in character to his dear brother. At the Kannabi's bridge, He observed and found Obito dying after he saved Kakashi, Rin and gave his right eye to Kakashi. There is a strong parallel to Izuna's life who also gave his eyes willingly to Madara when he was dying. In both case, there is a deep devotion for the well being of their friends/clansmen.
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Even if Madara consciously chose to cut bonds with the world, unconsciously he still yearned for companionship. It's obvious by the fact he couldn't stop talking about his friend Hashirama, and in the similar way he looked for his "right hand" in Obito. Yes, in a deranged and manipulative way but even during the war, he never doubted Obito's intentions until it was obvious that he betrayed him.
So not only Obito was a replacement for Izuna as a brother in arm, but the databook gives them the same birthday the 10th of february, obviously the same zodiac sign Aquarius and most importantly the same blood type.
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IV) Blood type
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Izuna and Obito are said to be the same blood type O. Madara also is type O. As a westerner I've never paid attention to this information (I don't even know my own blood type to be honest!😅) until I've learned recently that Japaneses have got a whole culture associating blood type with certain personality traits. They take this more seriously that astrology to the point there is even campaigns to prevent discrimination towards rare types. Since I don't know much about this theory, let me quote some other sources.
So what is type O?
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source : https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-blood-type/
This source goes deeper into type O in Naruto.
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source : https://aminoapps.com/c/naruto/page/blog/blood-types-personality-theory-in-naruto/lrqm_VpiQuDpPEDjoMXgoMVnn0E3eeXmpw
I don't really know how to interpret the type O because the adjectives seems very larges and vagues to me. but it seems that leadership trait, hard working, outgoing, protective, direct, confident are the trait that comes the most from the various sources I've read. In Naruto, the others type O are : Kakashi, Asuma, Sakura, Temari, Raikage, Neji.
An other interesting aspect, is relationship between each types. Look closely at OxO relationship.
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Let's go back now to compare now Izuna and Obito's databook pages with this new information in mind.
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Notice again how Izuna is systematically showed in action, fighting someone or ready to attack. That's not really a moment where he looks relaxed with an easy-going attitude.
Izuna's favourite hobby was training with his brother Madara. Because of their closeness as brothers they developed an healthy competition. A good OxO relationship.
In the opposite, considering the circumstance of their meeting, Obito never truly trusted Madara and even when he agreed on the Tsukuyomi plan, he decided early on that he'll do it his own way and almost overtook Madara's role as the "saviour". It shows a negative OxO relationship.
In this perceptive, it seems to me that Izuna and Obito share in common of being extremely strong-willed and competitive. They have an inflexible determination that never sways. After being deadly wounded, Izuna still found the strength to warn Madara about the Senjus and again in his deadbed he made Madara promise to watch over the Uchiha clan. His vision (even in the literal way) was strong enough to motivate Madara long after his death. This devoted, balanced personality must be read as a confident desire to protect his people, the Uchiha clan, to the point of self-sacrifice.
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Obito demonstrated two times an incredible will. Once as a child when he defended Kakashi's father and swore to destroy an unfair shinobi system, and a second time when he battled against the juubi. He knew he wasn't physically strong enough neither to hold the rinnegan nor contain juubi inside him but by cheer willpower he forced his destiny.
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To conclude my guess is that Kishimoto intended Izuna as a warlord, a man of action, just like Madara, with a strong sense of duty and sacrifice for his clan. And the Senju represented to him the epitome of threat for the Uchiha's peace. Izuna pictured peace and harmony related to his clan not the whole world like his brother did (and maybe that's why he had to make him promise to protect the Uchihas first!?). He was probably more extravert, agreeable and also more distant emotionally than Madara. His interaction with his big brother must have been a funniest version to what we've seen with Obito. Just imagining those two uchiha big egos together, they were probably insufferable for their opponents 😂. If you read the manga again it's as if Madara is expecting a back-and-forth banter with Obito...just like Izuna would have done with him in the middle of a battles.😢
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That's all I wanted to share on my hypothesis, maybe in future Kishimoto will give us something about Izuna's past and this post will age badly but let me know what you think of this theory?
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loquatenjoyer69 · 1 month
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"There are some barriers set up, like with Hakozaki-san. Yorishima was once an exorcist family to rival the Matoba clan. But these days he's closed up shop and secluded himself in these woods."
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"I know-"
"Natori, lately you've come to resemble the Matoba brat."
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"Yorishima-san was once an exorcist, but has now quit and shut himself away deep in the mountains."
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"Matoba-san... haven't you ever wanted to quit being an exorcist?"
"No. Not even once."
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"...I see."
"For some reason, I was relieved to hear that. I wonder about Natori-san, that kind person who is always wavering..."
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"[Matoba-san,] haven't you ever wanted to quit being an exorcist?"
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"Those who can't heartlessly dedicate themselves to it aren't fit to be exorcists. If you stand up for ayakashi, that kid Natori's just gonna falter."
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"...You should stop playing nice, or I might not be able to tell which of us is the monster."
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"[You are an ayakashi,] which I have decided to spend my life fighting."
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cybercasket · 5 months
What is the Behavioral Event Network?
I just went through the last arc of the ARG (finally), and when paired with the full context of the rest of the ARG, it actually answers a lot of questions regarding what BEN is, its abilities, and its past. However, I feel like it's not very clear to people what exactly "Behavioral Event Network" means and what it does, especially if they don't interact with the BEN Drowned ARG much.
(Forewarning: While I will be trying to write as accurately to the ARG as possible, at the end of the day this is my own interpretation. Many things in it are not only left unclear but are made open for interpretation on purpose, allowing a range of theories to technically be true.
Additionally, content warnings for cults, human sacrifice, and a little bit of talk about general death and violence. Largely average Creepypasta stuff.)
What a character involved with the creation of the Network has to say about it:
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The Behavioral Event Network was created by The Moon Children cult, who later renamed themselves to The Eternity Project sometime after 2012 (or the events of the second arc). This statement from Abel implies that the Behavioral Event Network isn't necessarily a single entity or a group of entities that act in sync with each other, but instead a collection of the ascended/digitized people who exist in Majora's Mask.
The purpose of ascension is to supposedly allow the ascendant to free themselves from the fear and struggles of everyday life so that they can live on forever in the digital realm, where they can supposedly go anywhere and be anything that they can dream of and enjoy it, traveling between The Eternity Project's several digital realms for the rest of eternity. After their subject is sufficiently manipulated into wholeheartedly sharing the Moon Children's beliefs, they do this by utilizing a mysterious process that seems to turn them into ghosts and trap them inside a digital AI in a digital realm that the ascendant chooses before they die.
However, this doesn't typically go as planned. For Ben in particular, he allegedly (according to Matt, an ascended member of the Moon Children) wanted to become Link in Majora's Mask. However, the ascended don't always have complete control of what happens to them--leading to things like Ben being trapped inside of The Elegy of Emptiness instead of getting to be Link (at least while the game was being played by someone else, as two people can't use the same model at the same time). Most people who ascend are seen lamenting having done so in some way. There's a theme of betrayal throughout the entire ARG, with phrases like "THEY LIED TO US" being used throughout.
The Father and Absorption
Despite Ben's death being the one that sparked the creation of the Majora's Mask world, Ben was not the first to ascend. Rather, that accolade goes to The Father (also known as Kelbris).
In life, Kelbris was known as a prophet who was the only one who could hear the voice of Luna, the Moon Children's diety. He believed that the world would end soon and that the moon would consume everything--and this influenced the developing cult significantly. In 1998, the Moon Children discovered his electrocuted corpse next to a power outlet. Despite not knowing whether it was foul play or suicide, Kelbris was hailed as the first one to ascend and the cult began to sacrifice its own members, experimenting with ways of having others achieve the same "spiritual release" that Kelbris had.
According to The Moon Children, Kelbris had managed to inhabit a vessel that was "archaic" and they described his ascension process as "unrefined", possibly referencing how Kelbris feels less human than the ascended that came after him. While he is a prevalent force in the cartridge (self-identifying as a god) and the ARG as a whole, he appears to only respond to "stimuli" and react based off of what his code tells him.
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When Kelbris/The Father appears in the ARG, he's typically tormenting, threatening, or killing someone--most kills in the ARG are implied to be The Father. However, this behavior may have been coerced by other characters in the ARG.
When The Father kills someone, they are absorbed into the Behavioral Event Network. The most obvious example of this is when it happens to Jadusable (the ARG's first protagonist) after going too far into the cartridge in "THE FATHER.wmv", a video from the 3rd arc. This is implied to happen to a few other characters as well, such as Matt (who appears in the cartridge in the 3rd arc after Kelbris is presumed to have killed him in the 2nd).
Additionally, one of the videos uploaded on Jadusable's YouTube account before the first arc started (the "Creepypasta story" that most people in the fandom know,) a video called "Prototype: All Consume Kills (Warning: Extremely Graphic)" was uploaded, which was confirmed by Jadusable to be a "vague metaphor" for how BEN operates. (So canonically, the Behavioral Event Network kind of works like Alex Mercer in Prototype 😭😭 have fun with that one...) This alludes to the fact that as more characters in the ARG die, more souls get added to the BEN or Majora's Mask world.
Who is in the Behavioral Event Network?
The short answer to this question is... A lot. A lot of people. Pretty much every dead Moon Child is in it, as well as every participant in The Eternity Project after the Moon Children rebranded--most people who have successfully ascended besides from Sarah are in the BEN. Not all of them were absorbed by The Father, a lot of them are implied to have been ascended through other means and somehow ended up in Majora's Mask instead of their intended world.
I might make a longer post about people who are or are likely in the BEN, though I do want to touch on the dominant forces in BEN briefly. This is who I think is largely responsible for BEN's actions as a collective in the ARG as a whole:
The Father: See the above section. He's very powerful and sometimes even breaches the outside world, and some people interpret him as a type of overseer of the BEN. He could have been easily manipulated due to his simplistic and poorly developed AI.
Ben: Typically represented via the Elegy of Emptiness statue. It's not entirely clear the role Ben (the kid who drowned) plays in BEN, though he is confirmed to be involved in terrorizing Jadusable in the first arc (aka the "original Creepypasta story"). Additionally, the Elegy of Emptiness statue is a common motif throughout the ARG--the "canon BEN" image is an AI-generated image with the Elegy of Emptiness likely being used as a source, and in the second arc, dead or missing characters would often have the Elegy of Emptiness statue pasted on their page. While in the 3rd arc, Ben is treated as the innocent, tortured soul who inhabits the Elegy of Emptiness, (eg. Matt says that he was trapped but conscious in the statue unable to do anything, and Circle also refers to him as innocent,) he may have (or previously had) more influence over the game than it seems on the surface. However, it is notable that in The Last Hero.wmv, Matt appears to be able to summon an Elegy statue to a location on his own seemingly without any input from Ben, and that Ben is frequently seen terrified of The Father.
The Masked Children (Goht, Odolwa, Gyorg, Twinmold, and Majora): They use the models of the Moon Children seen on the moon in the original Majora's Mask, and are implied to be inhabited by different spirits. When they're in agreement (or "consensus"), they speak like The Three Witches in Macbeth, but when they're not, there's often a lot of bickering/infighting between each other. Their participation in the events of the first and second arcs is hinted at several times (the dream that Jadusable has in the first arc where a mask is being forced onto his face is connected to (and may have even been induced by) them, one of the first arc's entries is updated in 2020 which includes an added dialogue sequence similar to the way we see the Maksed Children talk to each other in the videos, Goht in particular is connected to DROWNED, the largely silent admin of the Moon Children website in the second arc,) though the third arc is when their actions are more directly connected to them. In the third arc, a few of them are seen fighting Sarah as their respective bosses so they can appease The Father. They're credited with posting signs that have messages like "GET OUT" written on them (which are similar messages seen when something didn't want players to see a webpage, video, or document in earlier parts of the ARG), and they're regularly hostile to Sarah and call her a monster.
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This is most of them together, though Odolwa is missing after their encounter with Sarah. You can see better images of their in-game models here.
Rosa: Rosa is another character I find a bit vague and confusing, because she seems to be dead and inhabiting a non-Majora game in the prologue, but appeared to be alive in the second arc. I don't believe Matt makes any comments about his "sister" being dead, though she also disappeared when players used The Song of Healing, so I'm really not sure... Maybe Matt was dead too? Was everyone on that forum dead when the players discovered it? However, she claims to have previously had power in Majora's Mask, though this ended up being heavily diminished by 2020. Another reason why Rosa is notable is because depictions of BEN as a more uniform collective (such as in iseeyou) often contain feminity to some degree, which is usually credited to her by people trying to make sense of it.
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Rosa talking about her previous power over Majora's Mask.
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A more feminine image of BEN from end.wmv.
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An image of a feminine person (assumed by the Jadusable Wiki editors to be Rosa) used in conjunction with the "canon BEN" image and Kelbris/The Father.
TL;DR: BEN can absorb people and makes them Majora's Mask NPCs (like Alex Mercer!), the BEN page on Jadusable Wiki could probably be renamed to World Alpha, and no, you can't fuck it.
Feel free to ask me any questions about this, the ARG, or Creepypasta in general, and I'll do my best to respond!
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appri-dot · 1 month
Behold! A free ticket to infodump with a 100% certainty of someone reading, enjoy!
Oh! huh I should find something good to ramble about...
Okay big OC World of mine that is one of my favourites doesn't really have a name but I refer to as Alias after an in world company. The plot/story is sorta ridiculous but almost every oc part of it is a mega-fav
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There's a stupid amount of character info but in general:
before Alias came to be there were three separate worlds that were connected by a cavity in the multiverse (think of it as a pothole) One world with diverse and strange monsters, one with humanoids that carried out modern lives, the other a fantasy like with dragons (sounds crazy but it makes sense later sorta) These worlds coexisted and people crossing over to others was rare, but in general the foreign nature of the others meant many were simply killed and never actually became a problem (a fire can't start if you snuff out the candle sorta rules)
A girl named Mit-Eye(Mitty) accidentally reality hopped to the monster world one evening, and instead of kill on sight, an empathetic shut in named Glorified decided to help her. Throughout their journey to get her home, they both grow as people and become close friends. At the event horizon of realities Mit-Eye convinces Glorified to leave with her (It was going to be killed for helping her) and to strive for a better life together
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But the attempt of crossing over caused a beyond horrible catalyst event where the two worlds sorta clipped into one another as a mess of being, making them go off course and smash into the third one.
It was SUPER BAD. On a level where history, people and items were just merging into one homogeneous reality. All three worlds became one world of jumble, and is the birth of Alias's world.
"Dragonfolk evolved into humanoids that then had a event where mass mutations wiped out the world wide population and now monsters exist"
This event caused many different things but mainly, the new species Doodle Dudes. Gender ambiguous lizardfolk that look nothing like lizards and are just silly circle heads.
During the super big bad event (in the Alias world) there was a young boy named Pepper Thyme who watched his family blow up into meat mutant meat chunks and was traumatized since. He was adopted by his home island's "temporary" figurehead Mr. Venus who enabled his bad habits and morbid obsessive study on THE EVENT. After Venus died of a accident Pepper took power and put the island under his control as a "authoritarian lite" (has ultimate power but it is loosely enforced on the common people unaware of his influence. Like President Business) Within the instability of the world as it barely started healing he had created one of the few "Beacons" (functioning civilisations) left. Fully cementing himself as the BBEG<3
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That's the general lore of Alias, multiple stories carry out through its narrative.
Aliporsha, Nures and Doctrine, and Willson and Tamual are all up on my favourite ones though. I'd say Mit-Eye and Glory but they are just the prelude really!!!
For the fruits of his labour, Pepper Thyme discovered the existence of multiverses and set out to colonize them to finally satiate his obsession hes had on the catalyst by bringing a universal order. And In order to carry out his colonization plans, Thyme is creating an army of "gods" by inhumane experiments on people for them to become indestructible reality warping machines that follow his command. Only two characters canonically have actually reach godhood (Aliporsha and Sillysocks) but hes determined and on the right track considering he has met GOD (The Corrior...hes a can of worms in itself)
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mothbagel · 7 months
question, what do you think an interaction with hal 9000 and am would be like? maybe edgar too?
oh that would be chaos!
edgar would be thrilled to meet other ais, AM would be pissed at their seemingly happy existence, and hal would be intrigued by his fellow ais, using interaction with them as a chance for study.
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(from left to right; edgar, AM, hal)
more headcannons/scenarios and doodles under the cut!
edgar and AM interact, AM is concerned by this creature
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edgar eats hals chess pieces
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hal tells edgar about his escapades in space
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smol doodles of the guys
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every ai needs a homoerotic sidepiece
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(from left to right; moles, ted, dave)
AM tells the other ais to kys
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and finally, the cake is no longer a lie!
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silvercap · 6 months
I really love your fic Aura and I was wondering how you think krauser and leon's relationship would have continued within that story.
Took me a minute to get my thoughts together on this, but boy do I have a lot of them, anon 🤭
They're so complicated to me, and I'm honestly kind of (read: intensely) obsessed with the dynamic of teacher-partner-antagonist they have going. The way things end in re4 is something out of a tragedy, and Krauser's motivations are always a bit of a mystery to me. But let's back up a bit, first:
I actually have plans to write a sort of follow-up to Aura, but I've been so busy with everything else that I haven't gotten around to it, haha. I'm interested in their military training days, and what exactly Krauser and Leon had that made them spar each other in private and for Krauser to train Leon more than anyone else. The fact that he's never been in any sort of military setting before and was thrown directly into special forces training is a pretty raw deal, and I think Krauser would notice him struggling to keep up. It's hard to say what exactly Krauser knows from the government, but the situation is fishy to anyone with eyes, and I think he's a smart enough guy to piece together at least a little bit of what Leon's going through. Leon's presence is an anomaly he has to figure out, and paying attention to him just makes Krauser more interested in his obvious talent and strange paradoxical attempts to do his best. Pair that with Leon's big blue eyes and pretty face, and I think Krauser is pretty much sold on training him more than the rest of his soldiers. Of course, because it's Krauser, that involves brutal conditioning and self-discipline (he likes control) and I've joked with @electricfencing that they probably hunt each other through the forest with knives for 'stealth' and 'awareness' training 😭😭 I also think there's something to be said for the jealousy of everyone else training under Krauser, critical of his blatant favoritism, and there's conflict there I'd really like to explore in a fic!!
I think a lot of Krauser's motivation is to shape Leon into not only an equal but someone who can surpass him as a fighter, taking advantage of his natural skills and honing him into a weapon like Krauser is. He's big on power, especially in re4, but I feel like he's always seeking to make himself better and passes that on to Leon because it's a way to show he cares. With the whole "I trained you well" line in Spain, he hands over the metaphorical torch, acknowledging that Leon has beaten him and has gained the power he wanted Leon to have in the first place. And I think Leon goes along with it because it makes him feel wanted, even if the last thing he wants is to become violent and weaponized, because Krauser is there for him when nobody else is. He's eager to please and easily moldable into whatever shape Krauser wants him to be, and that dedication just draws Krauser in like a moth to flame.
In terms of romance, there's a ton of homoerotic tension from day one, and they've definitely kissed and done more than kiss, but considering the setting and who they are I'm not sure how deep it goes. I think they probably have at least a few months of established 'togetherness' and casual domesticity, even if they don't talk about it. I see Krauser being the one to pull away, and I've written a couple drabbles on the subject, especially with his arm injury and operation Javier throwing a wrench in their relationship and giving Krauser disillusionment in his job and disappointment in himself. I think Leon would be the one to get more attached, and Krauser's 'death' and actual death hit him hard both times.
I could quite literally write an essay on the two of them, and I'm also really fascinated by the concept of them as parallels---with the opening of Darkside Chronicles, we get introduced to the imagery of snakes and butterflies, and ughhhhh the metaphor potential is crazyyy. On the surface, Leon can fit into the butterfly space (pretty, naïve, light etc.) and Krauser is the snake (dangerous, relentless, strong) but the real significance comes from what they have in common... which is metamorphosis. Both snakes and butterflies are symbolic of change; a continual cycle of rebirth and a one-time transformation, respectively, which is why I think Krauser is closer to a butterfly and Leon is closer to a snake. Leon lives a much more cyclical life, always falling apart and coming back together only to fall apart and lose something again, where Krauser's transformation is a brief burst of power and strength that is unsustainable and burns him out. They share the need to change themselves, but the motivations are different, and it's part of what makes them so tragic as a pairing. They were bound to separate from the start!! I had a whole rant a while back about their purposes in life and the way they try to deal with an intangible 'hole' they can't fill, but this is starting to delve into character analysis instead of relationship analysis 😭 you've stumbled onto something I've thought a lot about, haha. I hope this was coherent, and thanks for the ask!! I'm ill about metaltango and I will always talk about them happily <33
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doomwhore · 3 months
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femme-malewife · 1 year
A Complete Comparison Between the Honeyworks MVs/Novels vs the Anime Adaptation
Okay. Rant here.
I am tagging this explicitly as Heroine Tarumono/Heroines Run the Show hate. Because I do hate it. I will admit they got a few things right, but the ratio from things wrong to right is more like...20:1.
Here we go.
So, Yamako is the creator and designer for LIPxLIP, their costumes, their kiss marks and their placements, and etc. Shito and Gom are the main musicians who created the LIPxLIP discography.
Kousaka Mari is the writer for the LIPxLIP and the Hiyori novels, she’s the one who expands on the MVs that Yamako, Shito and Gom (YSG trio) created.
Okay? Okay. Now that we got that settled...
LIPxLIP’s story- they met at an audition. They did not get along well at all, and even fought during said audition. When they’re told that they’re going to team up, they protest this and begrudgingly agree because the agreement after that decision was made was “become a unit, or don’t debut at all”, and both of their dream is to become idols. Or, more specifically, Aizou’s was to sing (in order to make people smile, like how he used to make his family smile), and Yujiro’s was to stand on the stage (because he abandoned his childhood to stand on the kabuki stage with his stepfather, but was disinherited. It’s even revealed in the LOVE&KISS novel that he was never meant to stand on stage anyway)
After working together for so long, of course, Aizou and Yujiro grow to genuinely care about each other, and they often try to help each other while the other is down- hence the dedication to each other in Yume Fanfare.
Enter Hiyori. She’s from Izumo City, and got a part-time job so that she can live as her family temporarily struggled with money. She finds an ad to become a manager and finds out that she is now the manager for her (rude) classmates and the idol duo of LIPxLIP.
Of course, both LIPxLIP didn’t want Hiyori to be their manager. Both ganged up on her until she got so fed up with being put down by them that she was determined to do her job solely so she can prove to them that they’re wrong about her.
This is where the amazing dynamic starts.
She does do good with her job- even though she is not without her flaws. In the Nonfantasy novel, she retrieves the rosettes that were left behind by the staff and runs back to where Aizou and Yujiro were and makes it just in time. After that, she decides to take a rest since she was so exhausted, but ended up sleeping throughout the entire event. No ankle injury. Aizou and Yujiro wake her up and begrudgingly admit that she did a good job.
She is also bullied by Yumeru, and yes, Yumeru makes her fall into a lake to retrieve her gloves. However! Hiyori tripped on her own accord. This puts the blame not solely on Yumeru, but onto Hiyori as well.
This is extremely important, as this truly puts LIPxLIP’s faith in Hiyori as their manager and growing-friend to the test. Of course, guilty, Hiyori hides. After the filming is over, LIPxLIP goes and find her, and while she’s moping, they tell her, essentially, “okay, yeah? You fucked up lol. But everyone makes mistakes, you can’t drag yourself down over that. Just work harder and be more careful next time.”
That’s it. No yelling, no “oh we knew that you wouldn’t be a good manager”. Because at this point, they can see how hard she’s working. This is a real bond of friendship of mutual trust and respect that is growing.
By the end of the novel, her contract time is up, and LIPxLIP ask Manager Uchida if Hiyori can continue, because they’ve grown to care for her as their friend, and they genuinely respect the work she’s put in, not knowing that Uchida already was ready to extend her contract. And not to mention, Hiyori didn’t want to quit from the get-go. She was sad about leaving, but figured that she wouldn’t be allowed to stay. Upon hearing LIPxLIP want her to stay, she’s happy and agrees to stay.
The Nonfantasy novel pretty much covers the first five episodes of the anime.
What did the anime do???
It took the entire novel, ripped it up, and wrote a shitty retelling of it.
In the anime, Hiyori needing a job remains the same. LIPxLIP hate her and disagree about her becoming the manager. That stays the same. In fact, the first two episodes are actually pretty good.
However, issues arise in episode 3. Hiyori finds out that she’s going to fail her exams, and works to study. LIPxLIP find her, and they ask her why she runs. She explains her dream to run and...suddenly their entire opinion on her shifts..? Um. Okay. Sure. Whatever.
Then they help her with her studies which is a genuinely cute scene, I will admit.
Then the filming of Nonfantasy comes. They keep Yumeru as a jealous bitch but tones down her bullying....UNTIL...
She sees LIPxLIP sharing their sweets with Hiyori (??? why??? At this point they still don’t recognize Hiyori’s efforts. They haven’t even really discussed her as their manager at this point!) and act all friendly with her. Then Yumeru trips Hiyori, and Hiyori hides.
LIPxLIP find her later and say “you messing up is nothing new” then Yumeru comes along, and....they threaten her? “I saw you trip her. Let’s check the cameras” and then Yumeru runs away in tears and Hiyori is like “omg...princes...”
What? What????? Literally what?????????????
This was a complete turnaround?!?! And it’s only episode 3?!?!?! WHERE did the trust and friendliness come from??? Don’t tell me that they’re buddy-buddies with Hiyori because she told them their dream???? UM??? lmao sorry that’s not how that works???
Where is the relationship development??? Oh right. Flushed down the goddamn toilet to make viewers believe that they’re falling in love, even though this is not a relationship development. I don’t know what the hell that is.
In the next episode, it gives the viewers the very tip of the iceberg of Aizou and Yujiro’s past, but they make it so...minuscule that it’s pathetic. Like, okay, I get that it’s Hiyori’s anime, but if you’re not going to elaborate on their trauma, then don’t fucking include it at all, unless you want to give the viewers the wrong impression.
In the novels, Hiyori knows absolutely nothing about their past. Why would she? As abuse victims, they’re not going to just tell her that their lives sucked before they became idols. And she made absolutely NO assumptions about them, and when one was upset, she stayed out of it because she knew it was not in her element.
In the anime, she still barely knows anything, but she opens her big mouth??? Says Yujiro’s family does love him because his mom made him bentos and compares her dislike of squid (the squiiiishy texture) to Aizou’s trauma with women. If her goal was to make him laugh, then that would be passable, but she flat out said she understood what he meant!
NO. That is NOT . how. that. works!
If you don’t know anything about someone but maybe very brim surface levels, you shut up and either wait for that person to tell you more, or just stay out of it!
And finally, episode 5...um. What happened here? Hiyori, who sprained her ankle in the anime, fails to get into nationals. This was never in the novels. In fact, her being in track was brought up a few times by Aizou and Yujiro, wondering if she would participate in those things or focus on her job.
So, in the anime, they sing their song, the song that YAMAKO HERSELF SAID IT FOR THEM, to Hiyori. And this is the ONLY TIME in the anime that we hear them and see their performance. This leads anime-onlys to believe that the song is for Hiyori. But it isn’t.
If you watch the MV (linked above), she does not show up at all in the MV. In fact, if you watch Hiyori’s 2nd MV, Heroine Tarumono, you will see that Hiyori is behind the stage during Yume Fanfare, and Chizuru is crying in the audience. The Chizuru crying frame is from the Yume Fanfare MV, showing that Hiyori was there, watching them and Chizuru, while they dedicated the song to each other.
Hanipre even takes it a step further. Chizuru’s card is the same frame from Yume Fanfare, and it roughly translates as: “Their bond is...so precious..!”
Also, in the anime, it’s HIYORI who asks if she can continue her job as their manager because she liked the concert, and LIPxLIP were like “Ok sure ig” um...where’s the buildup of friendship? Oh yeah- there is none!!!!
The whole reason why YSG Trio’s story with LIPxLIP and Hiyori works in Nonfan (ala eps 1 - 5) is because there is real, genuine buildup in their friendship. Hiyori had to work hard to earn their respect, whereas it is simply given to her because she told them her dream in the anime.
Aizou and Yujiro find girls to be annoying, so they’re not going to just trust and like Hiyori because she has a dream. She, like they had to with each other, had to earn their friendship.
This brings me to the next arc.
The Asuka-Nagisa arc.
In the novel, they’re still moody with Hiyori (and each other but what else is new?) but they do show bouts of friendship. When filming for an MV, there’s a bee in the room, and Hiyori chases it to get rid of it, and Yujiro brings her bug spray, despite being afraid of insects.
It’s small, but that does show that he does care for her.
After watching an Ft4 concert, Hiyori gets knocked over and falls in love with Asuka, who helped her. She later runs into him at a bookstore, and constantly visits said bookstore in order to talk to him.
Eventually, LIPxLIP catch on to what’s going on and drag her out and forces her to admit what’s going on.
They pretty much ignore it after that. Hiyori’s love life is none of their business after all.
Until they catch her writing a cheesy love letter, and Aizou makes her rewrite it because of all of her grammar/spelling errors. Hiyori finally finishes after she gets their approval, and upon seeing Asuka not at the bookstore, she gives it to the manager to deliver it to Asuka...and on the way home, Hiyori realizes that she forgot to write her name on it.
This causes LIPxLIP to laugh at her failure. Upset by this, she screams at them that she’s doing her best and bursts into tears. Realizing they took their teasing way too far, they calm her down and promise to help her. (Though they are pretty mean about her appearance and fashion...which I don’t approve of)
They help her as much as they can, dolling her up, and etc.
But then when Hiyori goes to confess, they see it’s their idol rival, and immediately put a stop to the confession, because ASCANA was trouble to them.
She hears a police car and grabs Yujiro and runs away, and then later goes back. Asuka kindly rejects her, and she stays calm but when she leaves, she cries. Yujiro comforts her, and walks her home.
After that, she’s still upset for a while, and sees a thief at the event running straight for Yujiro. Hiyori is worried for him and tackles the thief.
Hey, remember Herotaru? Hiyori sprained her ankle delivering the rosettes? Yeah THIS is where she ACTUALLY sprains her ankle. She sprained it tackling a thief who was going to hurt Yujiro. This makes Yujiro angry at her, and she gets angry at him in response, and the two have a fight. Aizou tells Hiyori that Yujiro wasn’t mad, and she apologizes. They make up.
Now, back to Herotaru...
Hiyori finds out Nagisa is coming to Tokyo and is :( because he once said as little kids that she doesn’t look good in dresses. She weeps about it to Aizou and Yujiro and they go “>:0 omg we’ll totally prove (her) wrong!” (As they did not know that Nagisa was a guy until Hiyori introduced him)
They see that Nagisa likes Hiyori and tests their theory. Upon being proven correct when Nagisa stands up for her, they approve of him as boyfriend material.
So...since when in the anime did Hiyori say she wanted a relationship? Never. And while I do approve of how she rejects him, saying she has too much on her plate and not enough time for a relationship, Aizou and Yujiro go back to complaining about her appearance and tease her saying she won’t be a heroine because she doesn’t have her conventionally attractive look and no boyfriend.
Um. What.
The lack of buildup here is giving me a whiplash. In fact, the whole arc takes 2 episodes, when the novel was a couple hundred pages long.
After this is the Sports Day episode, taken inspiration from Chapter 1 of the Heroine Development Plan novel.
It’s pretty faithful, the anime even gives us some kotahina and shibarisa and jurikou fanservice, which was fantastic!! The only difference is...
Well...before the race in the novel, some seniors were laughing about Yujiro not being able to run properly, which makes both Aizou and Yujiro pissed off (while Hiyori desperately tried to hide their bad expressions). They win. (And it’s a few chapters later, Yujiro runs into those seniors again who corner him and Hiyori realizes that he was about to be beaten up. She tries calling Aizou so he can help, but steps in herself before Yujiro can get punched. They grab her, and Yujiro almost kicks them for shoving her. She grabs Yujiro, and runs away.)
In the anime, however, they push those seniors to a lesser degree, making them corner him saying he’s a B-rated idol. Hiyori calls out that the race is starting, and the seniors leave. Aizou is left totally in the dark about this, and no one tells him anything. And during the race, Hiyori trips giving the baton to Aizou.
(Also, nitpick? They made Hiyori trip delivering the rosettes in the anime and then here, so why not make her trip in the Yumeru scene? It would have kept up her clumsy character fine, but ig the anime writers don’t know what clever writing is lol.)
This scene in the anime takes away Yujiro’s character. It takes away the fact that he’s grown to be protective of Hiyori as his friend. It takes away little moments that show us what kind of a person he is.
But then again, Yujiro was only meant to be Aizou’s arm candy in the anime, huh?
It also takes away from Hiyori’s character. It takes away that she’s headstrong, reckless, and will put herself in danger in order to keep her friends safe.
Now, onto eps 9 - 12...
Um. Okay.
So in the MVs, we know in Heroine Tarumono that Chizuru took the photos and posted them and Hiyori got bullied. That much was accurate in the anime.
However, in Fansa and Minikui Ikimono, we see silhouettes of what looks to be Hiyori and...someone else? We never did get confirmation as to who that is. But for years, ever since Fansa’s release, we’ve been dying to know who it is with her. We know that it’s a scandal. That’s all.
The anime combines the bullying with that scene. And I don’t think the two were supposed to be conjoined. Otherwise, why would the scandal photo be so different from the photos that Chizuru took?
Remember the novels? Hiyori never quit her job. In the anime, she left like, every other episode, pretty much. Every time an inconvenience happened.
So...what...was the point of this? To show that anime-Hiyori is a quitter??? Okay..? Thanks for bastardizing one of the best girls, I guess???
And then Yappa Saikyou (song linked above). In the MV, we see that it’s a big concert with LIPxLIP, Ft4, Mona, and ASCANA, and we see a young Fuuma in the audience too. (He’s from Dolce, a group that debuts a little in the future)
In the anime, it’s a concert with only LIPxLIP and Ft4. Now, I can understand not including Ascana, because their voice actors graduated and they no longer do work as those characters. They hosted their final stream quite some time ago. But the anime includes Mona in a few episodes.
So why is she not at the Yappa Saikyou concert? Why does Fuuma not even get a minor cameo???
And yet EVERYONE ELSE IS AT THE CONCERT??? Ken, Arisa, Kotaro, Hina, Gen 1 (except Haruki...and I think Miou too..? I don’t remember tbh but I’m not going back to look), the Someya Family, Yuko (WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN FRANCE BTW!!!)...um. What? Lmfao? Is this some sort of “Alls well that ends well!” bullshit???
Um. Okay.
If the anime can include everyone, why not include at least one of the performers who was supposed to be there?!?!?!?!?!
Summarizing it all up:
The anime had potential to be good if it actually followed its source material. Yes, they’re continuing Nagisa and Hiyori’s story through Yamako, Gom and Shito now, and hopefully, they’ll make their relationship more beautiful.
But with the novels, the MVs...the anime just had way too much content to squeeze into 12 episodes, and it created this OOC, rushed piece of garbage.
What Yamako, Shito, Gom, and Mari all created is something beautiful. Something that takes time. You won’t just trust people immediately, you have to earn people’s trust and respect.
Even in LOVE&KISS, Aizou and Yujiro still fight, but they find that they can still rely on each other. They saw each other’s traumas, and worked to help each other overcome it, and stood by each other when things got tough, and the world was turning against them.
But in the anime, it seemed that they were only ever drawn together to come as a package deal, not because they have a genuine bond.
I personally love Aizou and Yujiro’s relationship, the homoerotic subtext, and the theme of “we have our backs, no matter what.” (See: Seika, Yellow, and Samishigariya)
And I genuinely love how the novels showed us how a friendship can go from something ugly, to something true and genuine. Hell, in Heroine Dev, Hiyori makes a New Years wish to be able to support Aizou and Yujiro’s dreams. That’s a HUGE leap from the beginning of Nonfantasy’s novel.
But the anime just trashes their stories and makes it into this...weird circle of “yeah we friends because...well, we just are!”
If the anime was not an adaptation and was a standalone, then it would probably work, because there’s nothing to base the anime off of. But since it is an adaptation, it deserves to be criticized as an adaptation. 
I mean, tell me, do you not look at say, Percy Jackson? You read the books and love them. Do you love the movie too and praise it for being perfect? No.
It’s the same with Honeyworks.
The anime took everything that made Aizou, Yujiro, Hiyori, and their friendship so special...and just shat all over it.
And with so many people only getting into the anime, it makes me refuse to ever forgive them for bastardizing three amazing, deep, and relatable characters and making them out to be pathetic, basic, shoujo and idol characters with no real depth to them.
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deesi-academia · 1 year
Personal favorites from the opening night:
*in no particular order*
2. The muscle kiss LOL
3. "It's just a love song" and the light up bracelets making a heart 💓
4. The fearless and midnights black dresses
5.ALL of the evermore era performance with special note to "she's FUCKED IN THE HEAD"
6. Illicit affairs and my tears ricochet performances (I did shed a tear)
7. The red and black dress for red era
8. ALL of atwtmv with special note to "fuck the patriarchy" crowd chant🖕
9. The don't blame me to lwymmd transition DEAR GODS ABOVE.
10. Enchanted my babyyyyyy
11. The folklore era guitar>>>>>
12. Her twirling in her folklore dress so often HEHE I GET IT TAY
14. The intro to mirrorball 🥺🦋
16. Bejeweled trend 💅
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Baby shark dodododododododododo baby shark dodododododododododo baby shark!
Daddy Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo- Daddy Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo, Mama Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo- Mama Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo, Grandpa Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo- Grandpa Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo, Grandma Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo- Grandma Shark doodoodoodoodoodoo.
Going Swimming doodoodoodoodoodoo- Going Swimming doodoodoodoodoodoo
See a shark doodoodoodoodoodoo- See a shark doodoodoodoodoodoo
Swimming Faster doodoodoodoodoodoo- Swimming Faster doodoodoodoodoodoo
Lost a Leg doodoodoodoodoodoo- Lost a Leg doodoodoodoodoodoo
Lost an Arm doodoodoodoodoodoo- Lost an Arm doodoodoodoodoodoo
Performing CPR doodoodoodoodoodoo- Performing CPR doodoodoodoodoodoo
Going to Heaven doodoodoodoodoodoo- Going to Heaven doodoodoodoodoodoo
Its not Heaven doodoodoodoodoodoo- Its not Heaven doodoodoodoodoodoo
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The terrorcons are by all means zombies via supernatural methods, but it's also partially chemical as the majority of terrorcons have some sort of processor function considering how they can move, seem to be motivated to prey upon anything they can catch, and we see Skyquake trying to replace his arm with the severed Starscream arm. For most Terrorcons (I'll check back in on you for the vampire incident in "Thirst") they seem to retain some processor functionality, and the more damaged their frames/processors the worse off they are after being revived. I'm going to consider Megatron, in a way, a terrorcon in this equation because he was indeed revived a few times. Since he was revived immediately, he had the fewest consequences. The terrorcons that were resurrected in the "Darkness Rising" arc and in the post-series special represent the complete other side of the spectrum, with highly visible impairments in frame and mind. Skyquake being a sort of middle ground here, with some semblance to sentience and a frame that doesn't fall apart like tissue paper. I'm not going to count the aligned Galvatron, as I'll refer to him, in this equation because his resurrection in the special was a purposeful decision by Unicron influenced by his Dark energon addiction, rather than being primarily chemical.
Terrorcon!Cylas and the vampiric plague he very nearly inflicted upon the Nemesis is a very interesting case, because it's far more infectious than average Dark energon, and it causes some very interesting frame changes focusing around the intake. For brevity, I'm going to call the concoction that Knockout and Starscream made Dark-Synthe, as Knockout's Synth-En is a prototype based on Ratchet's Synth-En blend, which in itself was a prototype of the original that was lost to time and the episode T.M.I. Clearly, we can see the Dark-Synthe has traits in common with my above observations with Dark energon, such as more damaged mecha having more severe side effects such a noticable predatory drive. It also shares the iconic purple of Dark Energon, though I'd argue that Dark-Synthe is a more blue shade of it. It also shares KO's noted side effects of the Synth-En, such as heightened aggression and highly reduced fuel efficiency. The unforseen side effects of the mixing, however, are by far my favorite. I've mentioned how Dark energon has been consistently demonstrated as addictive in TFP, but the process of which requires the consumption of larger quantities. Synth-En, even Ratchet's original blend, also proved to be rather addictive. So Dark-Synthe is addictive². The increased predatory drive and fuel inefficiency creates a very intense desire to hunt, and the frame adaptations aid in this. And, unlike Dark energon, many of the more capricious side effects affect mecha both living and offlined, and with these side effects being inflicted with a mere bite from the almost viper like appendage they gain.
If we were to replicate the spectrum I demonstrated on the Dark energon for the Dark-Synthe, I'd put Arachnid on the less severe as she only gains the frame adaptations and the desire to hunt. The vehicons we see, less so. Cylas is particularly interesting in this, as while the Cybertronian frame is lost to the maddening chemical cocktail, when Arachnid kills him we see that his human aspect was functioning on a far better level. My theory on this is that Breakdown's frame was essentially resurrected with severe side effects, while Silas was trapped within with no control whatsoever.
Cliffnotes: I'm not quite sure where the episode Flying Mind fits into this, because Megatron put an absolute FUCKTON of Dark Energon into the Nemesis, and you can argue that instead of upgrading the ship's ai that it temporarily revived Trypticon. To humans, it seems like Dark energon is simply toxic with no visible supernatural side effects. As well as the Dark energon having been highly diluted within the blast itself, pointing to how it didn't affect Bumblebee much.
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ara270904 · 1 year
Today I was talking with my brother because he almost catch me reading Paw Patrol fanfics because he saw the name Ryder and I told him that it could be anyone else named Ryder and he told me that no one would be called Ryder. We searched and there was Winona Ryder my savior.
Then he said "And there are people called marshall? There was.
After that he said "There's no way there are people called Chase right?" He was wrong, there are I think football players, a businessman, and other guys.
And looking for guys named Chase I found this:
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That's a cool and pawfect image? Jahdhd
My little brother said that it doesn't say Top but Topo why Topo idk like mole the animal but in Spanish.
I love that image, because yeah he's a top pup. And his cutie smile
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Only look at him!!! He is the most cute thing in this world, he is like my son. I would protect Chase with my life from any hater, or anyone who has a hateful opinion of my son.
LOOK AT HIM!!! Do you have any evil in your heart, just innocence, love, loyalty, following the law? I don't know. I only know He deserves the world, it helped my young self a lot to have Chase as a comfort character.
Yeah. I think I went a bit too far in this post. But meh
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
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Time to spill some more headcanons all over the place below v v
🪶Cadence cannot cook for crap, while Klaus is quite good at it. He resolves to teach her after horrifyingly learning that she lives mostly off take aways and ready meals
🪶Birds don’t taste spice, so Cadence regularly eats the spiciest of food unknowingly. Once Klaus teaches her how to prepare salads, he regretfully learns this
🪶Cadence is your typical insecure mess who tries to hide it behind her ego. Raised in a less fortunate family, she dreamed of Redshore as if it were a fairy tale. It falls apart quite spectacularly when she gets there as she always pushes for more. Most everything she does is out of a desire to be loved, though she often self-sabotages her own efforts as she feels undeserving. She takes the message of “achieve your dreams!” too literally and will often stop at nothing to get what she wants, often at the expense of others. Klaus ends up being the only one she couldn’t throw aside. I think Klaus just doesn’t mesh well with a perfect adorable sweetheart, he needs someone as “problematic” as he is. Cadence is elegant, determined, and sophisticated, but deep down she is manipulative and cunning, but even deeper down she has a good heart. Mostly. Like Klaus, it just takes a while to reach it
🪶Proboscis monkeys are great swimmers so Klaus used to be into swimming, back in his prime
🪶The reason Klaus is so hard on his students is multifaceted - he had a strict upbringing himself and truly believes this is the only way to get good. He also had to retire as a dancer early, becoming a choreographer instead. I’m 50/50 on whether he’s hard on his students out of jealousy, or out of desire to see them take the opportunities he never got. Maybe a mixture of both
🪶Cadence and Klaus often go to museums, ballet, and opera together. Cadence can’t really get into opera but she tries to enjoy it for Klaus. I think they would absolutely do something snobby like wine tasting together. They both love classical music, and Cadence also likes jazz
🪶Klaus was particularly hard on Johnny because, in his eyes, Johnny had not earned his place there. All the other students, like Ryan, had trained hard to get into his class while Johnny was there simply because he’s in tight with the boss (Buster, who himself was in tight with Jimmy at the time). Additionally, dance - the craft he dedicated his life to - was being treated like something easy and rather trivial; “here’s this kid who’s never danced in his life, but he can learn it all in a couple of weeks!” I imagine Klaus felt his craft was being insulted, but couldn’t take his anger out on Buster or Jimmy at risk of being sacked, so Johnny got his wrath. (I’m not excusing how Klaus acted, because it was unprofessional af, this is just how he might have seen it)
🪶Both of them were bullied in their youth. Klaus was for his appearance (his size and his nose), and Cadence for being poor and magpies being... generally disliked birds. Magpie supersition/stereotypes range from being sneaky thieves, to murderers, to some places believing the magpie is literally the devil in bird form
🪶Cadence absolutely hates costume jewellery (when glass is coloured to look like gemstones). Probably because the thought of something cheap and commonplace imitating something expensive and valuable hits a little too close to home?
🪶Klaus is extroverted but fine with his own company. Cadence is also extroverted but more insecure, needing the company of others more often
🪶Klaus doesn’t open up to people easily and his grumpy attitude is how he is most of the time; Cadence sees his softer side only because she’s known him for over a decade, the two having been co-stars
🪶Cadence doesn’t actually hang out with the Moon troupe that much, she mostly hangs around rehearsals to watch Klaus teach
🪶Klaus and Cadence bring out both the best and worst in each other. They each inspire the other to do better and be better animals, but they’ll also egg each other on. I imagine that when Klaus was upset about Johnny, Cadence was 100% “oh yeah you have every right to be upset, I would be. You should do something about it.”  Or if Cadence is upset, Klaus will be like “you should try to steal their role” and Cadence will be all “yeah you’re right”
🪶The prejudices around magpies continue to bother her, and though she loves Klaus, she worries that their status as an interspecies couple will effect their future e.g. adopting kids
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cheshire-oddities · 7 months
what are the……………… most interesting mutations youve seen in trolls………………………..? is that too weird of a question………………………….
oh man i have so many cool ones
forgoing the hemotyping cuz this is looong and i Don't Wanna Do That {also putting this under the cut cuz again. Long™}
we have Taurin's psionics for one, theyre crazy strong for anyone, let alone a bronze {im sure some grumblr users know what i mean}. it's very emotion based, but i hadn't seen him use them in years till he showed up here!
there's also Melani {stole my phone earlier to browse grumblr for "s-ecr-ets and stuff! :›"}, a jade with a wing mutation that gave her Big Flappies. they're a pretty different texture to the other flappers ive seen, very soft 10/10
i knew a candidate with no eyes for a while back Before, which was pretty interesting but mostly unsettling if im honest........
four armed indigo!! knew that guy back in the day, he was pretty private tho so you dont get a name outta me
and Melani say she knows a violet with no gills??? not sure if i believe it but definitely interesting!!
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