#ramble bamble banambles
appri-dot ยท 1 month
Behold! A free ticket to infodump with a 100% certainty of someone reading, enjoy!
Oh! huh I should find something good to ramble about...
Okay big OC World of mine that is one of my favourites doesn't really have a name but I refer to as Alias after an in world company. The plot/story is sorta ridiculous but almost every oc part of it is a mega-fav
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There's a stupid amount of character info but in general:
before Alias came to be there were three separate worlds that were connected by a cavity in the multiverse (think of it as a pothole) One world with diverse and strange monsters, one with humanoids that carried out modern lives, the other a fantasy like with dragons (sounds crazy but it makes sense later sorta) These worlds coexisted and people crossing over to others was rare, but in general the foreign nature of the others meant many were simply killed and never actually became a problem (a fire can't start if you snuff out the candle sorta rules)
A girl named Mit-Eye(Mitty) accidentally reality hopped to the monster world one evening, and instead of kill on sight, an empathetic shut in named Glorified decided to help her. Throughout their journey to get her home, they both grow as people and become close friends. At the event horizon of realities Mit-Eye convinces Glorified to leave with her (It was going to be killed for helping her) and to strive for a better life together
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But the attempt of crossing over caused a beyond horrible catalyst event where the two worlds sorta clipped into one another as a mess of being, making them go off course and smash into the third one.
It was SUPER BAD. On a level where history, people and items were just merging into one homogeneous reality. All three worlds became one world of jumble, and is the birth of Alias's world.
"Dragonfolk evolved into humanoids that then had a event where mass mutations wiped out the world wide population and now monsters exist"
This event caused many different things but mainly, the new species Doodle Dudes. Gender ambiguous lizardfolk that look nothing like lizards and are just silly circle heads.
During the super big bad event (in the Alias world) there was a young boy named Pepper Thyme who watched his family blow up into meat mutant meat chunks and was traumatized since. He was adopted by his home island's "temporary" figurehead Mr. Venus who enabled his bad habits and morbid obsessive study on THE EVENT. After Venus died of a accident Pepper took power and put the island under his control as a "authoritarian lite" (has ultimate power but it is loosely enforced on the common people unaware of his influence. Like President Business) Within the instability of the world as it barely started healing he had created one of the few "Beacons" (functioning civilisations) left. Fully cementing himself as the BBEG<3
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That's the general lore of Alias, multiple stories carry out through its narrative.
Aliporsha, Nures and Doctrine, and Willson and Tamual are all up on my favourite ones though. I'd say Mit-Eye and Glory but they are just the prelude really!!!
For the fruits of his labour, Pepper Thyme discovered the existence of multiverses and set out to colonize them to finally satiate his obsession hes had on the catalyst by bringing a universal order. And In order to carry out his colonization plans, Thyme is creating an army of "gods" by inhumane experiments on people for them to become indestructible reality warping machines that follow his command. Only two characters canonically have actually reach godhood (Aliporsha and Sillysocks) but hes determined and on the right track considering he has met GOD (The Corrior...hes a can of worms in itself)
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