#im soft for this guy
random-idiot-writer · 2 years
Syu iura headcanons
NB s/o
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YOU are the only one outside of his family that knows both sides about him
And you are deeply in love with both sides of his personality.
You met him with his family and saw his other personality
it was shocking. "This is the Syu from school? Is it a twin?"
Uh oh, he found out YOU know
but you two dont talk about it and pretend nothing happened for a while
until you confront him
somehow, after that you two start dating
It's weird showing both sides at first, but it feels a bit comforting that someone knows and accepts all of it
the type to suprise hug you from behind.
he loves it when you get flusterd
and he loves jumpscaring you
but he'll comfort you if he ever goes too far ❤️
If you're still mad at him, he would hide it under smiles and laughs
but secretly cry himself to sleep later that day when hes alone.
he'll brag about you to all of his friends. BET.
Hugs and cuddles.
It wont be easy to get him flustered
He'll play it off on his boisterous and loud side personality turn the tables on you with the other
Yet sometimes you'll succeed
And his flustered expression is>>>>
He probably wouldn't know which personality to use around you when alone
and sometimes when hes emotional, he can break both of his character amd just be himself around you
blushes when kissing or holding hands
hes suprisingly innocent
would probably annoy you to get attention
people wonder how you put up with him
he's very protective of you
He'll bring you everwhere
must protect this guy ToT hes so precious
Also just cuz i do what i want doesnt mean Im not accepting requests ^w^ I will accept the ones i want to do is all.
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suntails · 2 months
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toot toot!
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arinmoss · 2 months
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keyotosprompts · 4 months
yk i'm such a fool for you ₊˚⊹♡
pining prompts (it's my whole shtick)
⇴ person a and b are looking at each other when there's that one person that annoys both of them, and then laughing. it's that SHARED LOOK and SHARED CONNECTION that makes person a quickly turn away.
⇴ person a comes out looking amazing, and person b is literally too stunned to speak. person b's hand is on their chest as if they're trying to catch their breath. person b so desperately wants to reach out and say something, until person a grabs person c's hand.
⇴ person a has been attracted to person b since they last met at a short-term location (ex. airport), so much so that all of their friends know about person b and are desperate to find them so they can shut person a up.
⇴ person a and person b both brushing hands on accident, and person a quickly yanks their hand away while person b is still spiraling because of the contact.
⇴ additionally ^ they both say "sorry!" at the same time, and person b is just like "oh my god we just brushed hands and their hands were so soft and i want to do it again poierjbhuefjniubh"
⇴ person b doing anything to make person a laugh. "you are my glorious god and i will kiss the ground you walk on," followed by person a's laugh and SMILE (person b nearly evaporates). "shut up" with a smile and PERSON B IS FOUND DEAD ON THE GROUND.
⇴ "you're adorable" "what?" "nothing."
⇴ person b is telling themselves not to get close to person a. but once they see person a right in front of them, they fold immediately. person b listens to any word person a says, regardless of "needing to avoid them." person a has person b enamoured and doesn't even know it.
⇴ person b and person a both jokingly flirt with each other, except neither of them are joking but both of them think the other person is. (idiots)
⇴ "i can't keep myself away from them. i think they have some magnetic force that pulls me into them" – person a/b. "i think that's called attraction and, call me crazy here, but i think you're in love with them." – person c, who is fed up.
⇴ one night stand between person a and person b, whom were both drunk at the time. person b is in the middle of regretting everything and feeling like SHIT and gently admiring a the morning after because they're aware that nothing will be the same after this and this might even be the last time they will talk.
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driaswrld · 6 months
it's raining outside, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor.
the soft pit-patter of raindrops coupled with his dancing fingertips against the exposed skin of your waist is a song you haven't quite learnt the tune to yet — he lays on his side, hair tousled and damp, dark strands curling over his forehead, sleeves rolled up and tie forgotten somewhere in the doorway.
admittedly, you're in no better shape. your cheeks are cold, skin of your calves wet with rainwater from running across the busy streets with him, armful of whatever ingredients you two picked out for dinner, his suit jacket held above your head and the occasional chorus of laughter when either of you stomp a puddle and splash the other.
it's raining, and higuruma thinks he falls in love with you every single day, like it's born anew.
he falls in love with the girl he wakes up next to, mouth open and cheek smooshed into the pillows. he falls in love with the girl who doesn't know a thing about law, but argues better than him in the heat of the moment. he falls in love with the girl who kicked her boots through puddles of rain, ruining his pants — the girl who made him laugh about something so mundane.
it's raining, and higuruma is laying on your bedroom floor, oddly paired with his formal white shirt and a pair of pajamas, his dress pants draped over the washer — the dryer broke a few days ago, he forgot — he holds you close as he watches the water droplets race against the glass window.
he loves you.
“do you like the rain?” you ask him, head tucked into his neck, his eyes fluttering shut for a second, the question is lost on him for a moment.
“i like you.”
you don't respond yet, and higuruma opens one of his eyes, only to find you staring at him. “more than you like the rain?” he almost laughs at that, almost, and he pulls you impossibly closer.
“a lot more than i like the rain, i’m sure.”
it's raining outside, and higuruma never really liked when it rained, not at all.
he proposed to you in spring. married you in summer.
but now he hopes it rains tomorrow, he hopes you still want him then, and he hopes you'll splash him with another puddle.
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kkoct-ik · 7 months
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love and tenderness and something else
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their faces :)
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rafeandonlyrafe · 7 months
my angel
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part 2 to angel
words: 3.6k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, protected sex, p in v sex, reader is a stripper, reader also gets called a bitch and assaulted but its not very graphic or "bad", f receiving oral
taglist: @drewstarkeysbae @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @slut4drudy @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @spear-bearing-bi-witch @ghostlycrystobalove
“there’s my favorite regular.” you smile, plopping down on rafes lap before he even pays. you know that he’s good for it.
“angel.” rafes hands land on your hips, rubbing his thumbs over the bare skin there. security already knows that you consent to his touches.
as promised, rafe has become a regular at your strip club. some days he comes with his friends, who you have learned are named topper and kelce, but it’s usually just him, alone in his regular seat, eyes not drifting from you, ignoring all the other strippers who try to get his attention, especially after seeing how much he tips.
you sometimes take him in back, depending on the day and how long it’s been since he’s last been in. he’s always more needy, willing to pay for more when he’s away for a couple nights, but you stick to your original rule of mouth only.
“lap dance?” you ask, watching rafe pull a bill out of his shirt pocket.
“how about i pay you for a lap dance and you sit here and talk to me instead? just for five minutes, i want to get to know you better.” rafe has been trying to get closer to you every week, and as he spends more time there, you start to let him, but still say no politely every time he asks you out.
“mmm, fine.” you hum, letting yourself relax on his lap, feeling your core press against his thigh. “stick it here.” you pull on the cup of your bra, allowing rafe to slot the folded up bill against your breast. he lets his fingers skim down the soft white fabric, teasing over your nipple briefly before dropping back down to hold onto your hips.
“where are you from?” rafe asks, and you respond with your hometown, about an hour further inland.
he continues to ask you basic questions, like your favorite color, food, and so on. you feel so natural talking back and forth that you forget that you’re even at work, until the stripper right before your set comes on stage, and you know you have to go in back to get ready.
“well, thanks for that chat, rafe.” you stand up, his hands hesitating to leave your body. “i’ll be watching you while i’m on stage.” you give him a wink and walk away, making sure to sway your ass, knowing he’s watching.
you don’t perform solo every night, so it’s a real treat for rafe when you do. you prepare backstage, putting on a few more layers and your favorite accessory, a small white befeathered pair of angel wings, to go along with your stripper name.
when your music starts, you head out onto the stage, dancing slowly to the music, keeping the act up by pretending to be shy and demure as you slowly strip off the layers of clothing that you just put on until you’re in a simple pair of white lingerie.
you twirl around the pole, every time turning to keep your eyes on rafe in the crowd, although you do try to glance at the other men, you just can’t help but be drawn to your most loyal regular.
the song changes to the last one of your set, the one where you will strip off that final layer of clothes. you’ve danced topless, but tonight is your first night going fully nude, and you feel some excitement rise over the nerves at getting to do this for rafe specifically.
you shed your top, covering your nipples with your fingertips while the crowd cheers. you finally raise your hands up, hips still moving to the beat of the song, dollars being thrown onto the stage.
you turn your back to the audience, finally ready to reveal the final part of yourself. you pull your underwear down your legs, keeping your movements as innocent as you can while dancing fully naked.
you meet rafes eyes, a look of lust in them that you hadn’t seen before. you smile, just for him, as you finish your dance before moving off the stage. 
you take a deep breath, pulling on your second look of the night, only having to perform one more time in a group later on, but you were just in the back for that. you take a minute to eat some food before heading out onto the floor for lap dances.
you head straight towards rafe, wanting to get his reaction to your final dance, when your wrist is suddenly grabbed by an older man.
“hey!” you shout, tugging your arm away. “no touching.” 
you know he knows the rule. everyone gets told it a thousand times before they’re allowed to enter. no touching the dancers without express permission, anywhere on their body.
“sorry, sweets, you just keep going to pretty boy over there.” the man says, and you glance up to see rafe watching the interaction with his jaw locked.
“would you like a dance?” you ask, flicking your eyes back to the man, his entire body reeking of alcohol. it’s one thing you like about rafe, he always orders a glass of whiskey, but he’s never drunk when you dance for him.
the man pulls out a $20 bill, and you snatch it out of his hand more rude than you should for a paying customer, but he put you off by grabbing your wrist, and the $20 gives you a good reason to keep it short, it doesn’t pay for a lot.
you turn around, keeping yourself hovering over the mans lap as you dance half-heartedly, letting your mind drift elsewhere than what you’re currently doing. you eventually lower down so you’re just barely touching him, but when the song ends you pull away.
“you’re not done yet, bitch.” he grabs your hips, pulling you back down as you let out a squeal, losing your footing and falling against him.
rafe is over to you quicker than security is, pulling you off of his lap and into his arms. you turn in his hold as security grabs the man, leading him towards the door as he screams about how much of a bitch you are.
“are you okay?” rafe asks, rubbing your arms, walking you to the outskirts of the room as the final number hits the stage, something you’re supposed to join in the next couple minutes, but you know security already relayed it to your boss what happened.
“yeah, i’m fine.” you shiver, glancing at the door to double check that he is actually gone. “thanks for rescuing me.”
“no problem, angel.” rafe says softly, pulling you into a hug, that you graciously accept, surprised how natural the intimate touch feels, especially considering all of your previous interactions have been sexual.
“i need to get backstage.” you sigh, forcing yourself to step away.
“of course.” rafe squeezes your hand before letting you go. 
you complete the final dance of the night, body working on autopilot as you try to forget the sound of the mans voice calling you a bitch. you finish the dance and head backstage, only glancing briefly at rafe as you leave the stage.
you chat idly with the other dancers, but you mostly keep to yourself tonight as you wash your face free of makeup, change out of your lingerie for a comfy sweat set, and to your biggest relief, take off your heels for a pair of crocs.
“bye, girls!” you call, making sure to have counted your money and cleaned up your locker before leaving. 
you head out the back door, swinging your car keys in your hand as you head towards your vehicle. you get the feeling of being watched, your step quickening when you hear the one voice you don’t want to.
“hey, bitch!” you don’t turn to look, breaking into a run, but the man, even in his inebriated state is faster than your tired legs, grabbing you and shoving you against your car. you hope security is watching the footage of the parking lot as you leave like they’re supposed to, but even then it will take them a full minute.
“please, let me go!” you shout, trying to force the mans hands off of you.
“hey!” you turn your head to the side, coming face to face with your savior once again as rafe shoves the guy off of you and onto the ground, his head smacking against the pavement, but he stays conscious as rafe shouts at him to never touch you or come back here again.
security runs out as you sink to the ground, dropping your head to your knees as you cry. you can tell just from the scent and feel that it’s rafe who wraps his arms around you.
“shh, you’re okay. i got you.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
you wipe away your tears as security escorts him away, bringing him back inside to do who knows what. you’ll let your boss handle that.
“i’m okay.” you whisper, not sure how much you actually mean it as rafe helps you up off the ground. 
you stand in silence for a minute, just holding his hand as you calm down.
“thank you for rescuing me. i guess you’re my angel.” you giggle, making rafe smile. “what were you still doing here anyways?” “well…” rafe trails off, looking guilty. “i always stay until i see you get into your car. just to make sure that you’re safe. you really shouldn’t be walking out alone.”
“rafe, oh my god.” you pitch yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his torso. “you really don’t have to do that, that’s so sweet.” “i wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, angel.” he squeezes you against him.
“y/n.” you pull away to look rafe in the eye as you tell him. “my name is y/n.” 
rafes mouth breaks into a wide grin. “nice to finally meet you, y/n.” 
you turn to look at your car before turning back to rafe. “i really don’t want to be alone tonight.” you tell him, hoping he gets the hint, and you can tell from the look in his eye that he understands exactly what you want, lacing your hands together and leading you towards his car.
you keep quiet on the drive, not even sure how long it is, focusing on the music and rafes hand on your thigh to quell the negative thoughts of if it’s a bad idea to go back with someone who you’ve never seen outside of the strip club.
rafe pulls up to a huge house, and you gape for a moment, but you knew he had money, so it’s not too much of a surprise as he heads around the car to open the door for you.
“thanks for letting me stay over.” you say, admiring how beautiful rafe looks in the moonlight.
“of course, y/n.” rafe smiles, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek and pulling you into a kiss. you kiss back instantly, keeping it sweet but still passionate as you enjoy the moment before rafe pulls away to lead you inside, and up into his bedroom, not wanting to waste any time.
“did you like my dance today?” you ask as rafe sits on the bed. you stand in between his legs, letting his hands run over your hips and thighs. 
“i loved it.” he leans forward, pressing a kiss to your stomach over your hoodie. “such a pretty pussy.”
he tugs at the zipper, pulling it down and letting it fall from your shoulders, leaving you in a thin tanktop, clearly not wearing any bra. rafe smiles, cupping your breasts. “i may see these every week, but i still am breathless every time i see your body.”
you pull your top off, rafes hands quickly taking the same place without the layer of fabric in between. you moan as his thumbs rub over your nipples.
“fuck, it feels so good.” you moan as rafe leans forward, his lips wrapping around your nipple and giving it a suck. you press your chest into his mouth as his fingers toy with the other nipple, giving you equal stimulation before switching to taste the other one.
rafe pulls away to take his shirt off, and your eyes widen at the muscles revealed. you could tell he was fit, but seeing him shirtless has you in awe.
“take your pants off and get on the bed.” rafe stands when you take a step back to pull your sweatpants and underwear off all at once, no point in hiding it when rafes seen it all before. you lay down on the bed, not sure what position rafe is going to want to fuck you in, all you know is that you want him.
rafe pulls his pants off but leaves his underwear on as he climbs onto the bed. you expect him to continue up and kiss you, but he drops to his stomach in between your legs.
“rafe-” you gasp when he presses kisses to your thighs, trying to get him to stop by closing your legs.
“shh, no.” rafe says gently, pushing your legs back open. “you’ve given me blowjobs with nothing in return, let me eat you out.”
“you paid me in return!” you argue back, feeling your wetness grow at the thought of rafes mouth against your cunt. you’ve never had such an intimate moment with a man before, all of the ones you’ve been with in the past just wanting to use your pussy for their pleasure then leave.
“those were pennies compared to what you deserve. come on baby, let me taste this pretty pussy.” “i’ve never…” you sigh, ashamed to admit this, “i’ve never had someone eat me out before.”
rafe is silent for a moment, and you worry what he’s thinking. “i know i’m a stripper and everything but i’m not super experienced and i’ve just never-” “baby.” rafe says softly, getting you to shut your mouth. “i am only mad that no man has ever done this to you before. you absolutely deserve the pleasure i am about to give you.”
and with that, rafe leans forward, going straight for your clit as he licks broad strokes over the most sensitive part of you, making you see stars from the sudden pleasure he brings you.
“oh my god, yes!” you cry out, eyes squeezing shut as the pleasure overwhelms you. rafe drops his mouth lower, tongue lapping against your entrance and greedily tasting your wetness, gathering it all into his mouth.
he swirls his tongue along your folds, touching new parts of you with every movement, keeping his focus on your pleasure as he darts back to your clit to press kisses to it, your back arching off the bed as you cry out.
“you’ve had a hard day, y/n.” rafe says, barely pulling his mouth away from your pussy, letting his words vibrate. “just relax and let me make you feel good.”
you take a deep breath and settle into the bed, bringing your hands to his hair as you push his head back between your spread thighs. rafe juts his tongue out, letting you move him as he licks obsessively over your pussy.
he brings his mouth back to your clit, kissing and licking gently as one of his fingers prods at your entrance, easily being able to slip in due to how wet you are.
rafe moans against your clit as he pumps his finger in and out of you. you want to squeal at the movement, but you manage to control yourself to just moans as you feel your high getting closer, never having it come so quickly with a partner before.
“fuck, rafe, i’m close!” you warn, but he doesn’t pull away, doubling down on his efforts until you burst, flooding his mouth as you squirt onto the bed sheets, but it doesn’t phase him as he continues to eat you out as you ride out your orgasm.
he finally pulls his face away from your soaked cunt, wiping his mouth against a dry part of the bed sheets. 
“oh my god, i’m so sorry, i didn’t think i was gonna squirt.” you cover your face with your hands.
“y/n.” rafe says gently, draping his body over yours and pulling your hands away from your face. “you have nothing to be embarrassed about. that was the hottest thing ever. look how hard you made me.”
rafe presses against your core, and you moan out from your oversensitive clit being stimulated so soon after an orgasm, wishing the fabric of his underwear wasn’t in the way so rafe could plunge inside of you.
“can i fuck you now or do you need a break?” rafe smirks when you scoff, you need him immediately and you think your body might just explode if he isn’t inside of you soon.
rafe tugs his underwear off, revealing his cock that you’ve had in your mouth so many times, now about to cross the final boundary. rafe grabs a condom he must have tossed onto the bed at some point, rolling it over his cock before getting back into position, hovering over you.
you don’t bother to argue about letting you ride him after he ate you out, knowing rafe is focused on your pleasure right now, not like guys you’ve been with in the past wanting you to ride them and then bust within minutes.
“god, i’ve wanted this so bad since i first laid eyes on you.” rafe mumbles, mostly speaking to himself as his cock presses against your entrance. 
you connect your lips in a kiss as he pushes inside, both simultaneously moaning as he sinks deeper into your cunt until he’s completely nestled in your heat.
“you can move.” you whisper after a moment, not needing anymore time to adjust, craving his quick thrusts into you, but while rafe starts to move, he keeps it slow and passionate, rolling his hips against yours in a steady motion. 
“heaven.” rafe kisses your forehead, then both your cheeks, before connecting your mouth in a kiss. “your pussy is heaven.”
you blush under the praise, not used to something so intimate, used to sex being impersonal, being seen just as an object.
“god, you have to keep letting me fuck you after this, angel, i’m never gonna get enough.” rafe moans, grinding against you to give your clit some stimulation.
“you can fuck me whenever you want if you-” you gasp at a particularly deep thrust from rafe “move faster.” rafe smiles, hips starting to buck into you with earnest now, his cock pressing so deep that it has you seeing stars.
“fuck, that’s good.” you whine, squirming underneath rafe as he ignores your movements underneath him, focusing on thrusting into you.
rafe grunts as you feel his cock move against your walls, his face twisting in pleasure. you grab his shoulders, needing to feel connected to him.
“this…” you pant, moving your body on the bed to match rafes thrusts, bringing your hips up despite the burn in your stretched thighs. “is the best sex i’ve ever had.” you tell him honestly.
the side of rafes lip quirks up in a cocky smile, bending to press your lips together as he keeps his rhythm. you regret not agreeing to this earlier. you would have fucked rafe the first night he came to the club if you knew he was this good in bed.
“sounds like you should be the one paying me.” rafe jokes, making you slap his shoulder gently, unable to really laugh as he keeps you moaning with his cock touching every part of you, his pelvic hitting your clit with every thrust.
“close.” you tell rafe, feeling your orgasm building up again, hoping rafe is also close because you’re not sure how much longer you can hold back.
“me too, baby.” rafe groans, his cock swelling inside of you. you’re unable to hold back the rush any longer, entire body shaking as rafes cock forces your orgasm from you, again a rush of liquid being expelled as your arms tighten around rafes shoulders, pulling his body flush against yours, wanting to feel as much of him as possible.
you barely even notice rafe pulling out and tugging the condom off, rutting against your stomach until he cums, covering your torso. 
you breathe deeply as you let go, letting rafe flop to the side to lay on the bed next to you, both recovering from the activity, heartbeat slowly coming back to normal. when you’re able to move your body again, you turn on your side to come face to face with rafe.
“hey.” he smiles gently, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“hey.” you giggle.
“i knew you wouldn’t regret coming home to me.” rafe says, rubbing his hand over your back.
“i made a mess of your bed though.” you feel a flush of embarrassment, looking down at the wetness that has soaked into the sheets.
“we will just shower than sleep in one of the guest beds. you can make a mess of all of them for all i care, anything to have you again…” rafe pauses for a moment, letting you enjoy his rough hand smoothing over your skin. “you will let me have you again, right?” “yeah.” you nod, there’s no way you can give up rafe now that you’ve gotten a taste. “you can even take me on that date if you still want to.”
rafe smiles, positioning himself on top of your body, pressing kisses all over your face, hands tickling at your sides as you squirm with laughter underneath him. “my angel.” rafe sighs happily, pressing a kiss to your lips.
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mblue-art · 5 months
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BAD SANSUARY // [14] tears for owl-bones's event !
"...Killer, it just looks like I have running mascara."
"it's such a look though."
messy kisses and post-nuzzles
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sualne · 10 months
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crocodad au sketches and wips
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kitamars · 1 year
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so it was valentines day yesterday huh
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kor0kke · 3 months
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It's never too late to celebrate women 💜 love them in any way :]] 💐
Im mad this is like the third time im wroting tjis 💔💔💔
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moonhibs · 6 months
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I just feel like she hopes she'll become someone better but cries knowing she won't.
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eelslippers · 21 days
I love plushies. The fact that humans will packbond with objects made of fluffing, fabric, and cotton, all because it is made to look like a silly little guy, is like the peak of human design.
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peachsayshi · 1 year
just going to vomit more thoughts on this: 
“do you remember our first kiss?” gojo asks sweetly, cradling your face in his palm so you couldn’t turn away from his tender gaze. his eyes bathe you in sparkling azure, cooling off the heat burning your cheeks from the question. 
“kiss?” you reply with an upturn of your brows, your innocent and confused expression only making him smile affectionately at you. “we’ve...we’ve never...” 
“I was six and you were nine,” he explains, taking another small step to close the tiny fraction of space separating you both, his free hand moves to your hip to rub soft circles against you. “we were all riding our bikes, and I fell flat on my face trying to do a silly little trick. I busted my lip-” 
your knees tremble feeling his breath fan over your skin, your fingers seeking out the fabric of his soft white tee for support to keep yourself standing straight, but your eyes naturally flutter close from the gentle contact he makes. 
“you made sure I was alright before I went home,” he whispers, your heart pounding heavily to the sound of his deep voice as he presses his thumb down against the corner of your parted mouth, “and you gave me a tiny kiss right here” 
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kisses4lao · 8 months
Not enough soft bi han fics. Idc if it's ooc I need more soft bi han fics. Look at this man, you're telling me he wouldn't have the BIGGEST sweet spot for his gf? You're probably right but I'd still like to think he would so fuck off
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 4 months
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(the superior answer is hands first)
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