#iura horimiya
random-idiot-writer · 2 years
Syu iura headcanons
NB s/o
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YOU are the only one outside of his family that knows both sides about him
And you are deeply in love with both sides of his personality.
You met him with his family and saw his other personality
it was shocking. "This is the Syu from school? Is it a twin?"
Uh oh, he found out YOU know
but you two dont talk about it and pretend nothing happened for a while
until you confront him
somehow, after that you two start dating
It's weird showing both sides at first, but it feels a bit comforting that someone knows and accepts all of it
the type to suprise hug you from behind.
he loves it when you get flusterd
and he loves jumpscaring you
but he'll comfort you if he ever goes too far ❤️
If you're still mad at him, he would hide it under smiles and laughs
but secretly cry himself to sleep later that day when hes alone.
he'll brag about you to all of his friends. BET.
Hugs and cuddles.
It wont be easy to get him flustered
He'll play it off on his boisterous and loud side personality turn the tables on you with the other
Yet sometimes you'll succeed
And his flustered expression is>>>>
He probably wouldn't know which personality to use around you when alone
and sometimes when hes emotional, he can break both of his character amd just be himself around you
blushes when kissing or holding hands
hes suprisingly innocent
would probably annoy you to get attention
people wonder how you put up with him
he's very protective of you
He'll bring you everwhere
must protect this guy ToT hes so precious
Also just cuz i do what i want doesnt mean Im not accepting requests ^w^ I will accept the ones i want to do is all.
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kuruisu · 11 months
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My period's giving me cramps, so I'll go without bathing today.
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sakumz · 9 months
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ i. shu x fem reader ]
a/n : um... I got a shit ton of editing and rewriting to do lmfao, like there's a few shots for bllk and there's still that pending mysta fic. ૮ ⚆ﻌ⚆ა
" sleepover... at a friend's house? " shu asked once more, hoping what he heard wasn't true.
" yeah. mom said I could go. I'll be leaving tonight, " his sister, motoko answers. rendering the poor man speechless.
" your friend isn't kitahara, right? " he questions, his eyes twitching slightly with what the younger man could do to his sister.
" n-no! it's a girl. her sibling goes to your school anyway. ah! if you're sooo concern, you could come with me. her sibling did say I can invite you... " without a second thought, he said yes.
the walk to your house wasn't as quiet. shu was asking his sister all sorts of questions to what or who you are. his sister doesn't know your name but describing your features wasn't helping them as shu can't recall anyone with said features.
" welcome! oh you really brought your brother along. I thought big sis was joking around when she said that, " shu wanted to scream, upon hearing your sister's words. you are a girl? motoko didn't specify earlier, he only came thinking this "sibling" was a guy and could take advantage of the situation.
" why are you making the guests wait out in the cold? drag them in! " hearing your voice calling from the brightly lit room, snapped him out of his little world.
motoko, being the angel she was, grabbed her brother wrist and dragged him along with her to the house.
" you're not gonna run away now, are you? " motoko whispers as shu gulps and shook his head, assuring her lightly that he won't.
as they got comfortable with your house after a little tour by your younger sister. everyone is seated in the living room by the table. motoko and your sister decided to do some light homework as you and shu sat quietly facing each other. you're on the phone as shu tries to distract himself by studying a little but he can't.
" you can't seriously be studying right, pfft seems a little uncharacteristic. " hearing you directly speak to him, made him jump.
" ne, motoko. let's go to my room! let's study there instead. " motoko agreed with your sister and they quickly pack up and go. leaving you and him alone.
" they say it's not safe to leave a man and a woman alone, you know. " you pout seeing them go.
" I won't do anything, I swear! also, where are your parents? how come, you don't mind me tagging along moto to your place? " he finally asks.
" oh that, parents are out on some sort of wedding anniversary thing overseas. I didn't really expect you to come, hahaha. I gotta tell toru and the others this. " snapping a sudden picture of the man, left him flustered a bit. looking at his face you double take a photo of him. one with his flush faced in.
" I can't believe you. you even know toru, yet I barely remember you besides being the council secretary. you don't hang around sengoku and remi- "
" I can't stand both of them, acting all lovey dovey especially remi! she won't stop running her mouth about dates and love around me. she tells me I should find love but well... its hard so I avoid them, toru and the others are ok to a certain level. hori and miyamura may be together but they're tolerable same with the other pair. "
hearing your outburst, left the man to think for abit before opening his mouth. he shouldn't put up an act and fake his happy bubbly personality infront of you especially right now since he's been quiet at the start.
" it's late and we should sleep, you can take the couch or you can sleep in my bedroom, I'll just take my parents room for the night. "
" oh I'll take the couch just fine, thanks. " just like that the sleepover was over in a blink of an eye.
" hey toru, wanna hit the cafe after school? " shu suggests as his dear friend agrees and they're there, ordering their meals before looking for a seat.
" ne, y/n y/n! you got your eyes set on anyone yet? you seem pretty happy today. " remi starts as you cough and place your drink down.
sakura pats your back as you thank her in between your fit of coughs. the boys decide to settle in the table behind yours, staying quiet as to listen in on the conversation. being your gaming buddy, toru is indeed very curious about the sudden tea remi was stirring.
" was it the sleepover? " sakura questions as remi looks slightly offended dropping her cookie.
" you had a sleepover and you didn't invite me? " she pouts, making you frown.
" it wasn't like that. it was between my sister and her friend... she invited her brother, that's all. "
hearing your words, shu blushes from the embarrassment of what you said as toru stops eating to fully focus on the conversation. remi and sakura are stunned but it doesn't stop them from prying further.
" h-h-her brother was at your house so it was just three girls and a guy? did he do anything, was he harsh- " sakura was interrupted by remis own questions.
" who's the guy? do you know him? " shu can't help but stand from his seat. the sudden noise of the chair screeching, left everyone quiet to look at the source.
" iura? " you called as the girls tilt their heads in confusion.
" he... iura was at your house? " remi clarifies as toru look at his friend that got up to throw his trash.
" yeah but not only that he's here too. that means... toru is here too. " hearing his name he can't help but turn to wave at you, he's been caught red handed. shu stops to greet you before moving back to his seat at toru.
" back to the topic at hand, " sakura brought the two of you back as the boys were still quietly listening.
" I don't even want to talk about it anymore, " you put your head on the table as sakura comforts you by rubbing your back.
" it's fine but I am still very curious, you must have caught some sort of feeling at this point, right? everytime he barges into some sort of space you're in, there's a slight smile that crawls to your face. you don't talk to him much, but hearing others talk is kinda enough for you to figure out what type of person he is. " remi sips her drink after her little statement.
" well maybe I do like y/n-san! " shu confesses as he turn around to look at your side, making the girls shock as well as toru and you.
" dude you're too loud. " toru whispers as shu was quick to cover his face.
toru could see your slightly red face from his seat, he wanted to laugh at how cute your love story was blooming. the girls couldn't help but be stunned with the confession. it wasn't towards them but it was pretty bold and it felt like the words carried too much love to be shared.
" I'm done eating, iura... let's take this elsewhere, " you called for the green haired man as toru gave him the ok to go, he just hopes you're gonna be nice about it and not hit him like what he thinks hori would do because his loud confession got a few stares.
sakura and remi was bursting with excitement as they bid you farewell. you and him walked to a nearby bench before taking a seat.
" you... heard everything did you? " you question as he slightly pray you're not gonna hit him.
" I wasn't the only one who heard... but yes I did I'm sorry, " he looks the other way, trying to avoid all eye contact with you.
" I'm not mad, I won't hit either. um, it is true... maybe I was falling for you but can you say it again? "
" say what? "
" the confession, this time on my phone hehe. it was so adorable how you shouted I like y/n! hahaha. "
" don't remind me, besides a love confession should just be remembered... but whatever makes you happy. ahem, I love you y/n. please be my girlfriend and go out with me. "
" I love you too, shu. I'll gladly be your girlfriend. "
thats when a sweet love story blooms between you two, everyone was shock with the news of the two people they least expected to date was dating. but those don't matter as long as you were both happy.
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glitch-karma · 8 months
have you seen the new valentine episode for horimiya?? can you write a one shot where the reader gives iura chocolate 🥹 he deserves it!!!
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✧Cw: Fluffy fluff, slight implied fem reader (no prns specified though)
✧ Confession, Reader is also a third year, reader and Iura are friends and in the same class
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"it's that time of year. Store shelves are gonna be packed with valentine's stuff everywhere." Toru speaks up. "I feel ya man. But... you're one of those guys who are gonna be swimming in chocolate treats so maybe I don't feel ya." Iura sulks, resting his head in his hand. You glance over at him as you nibble at a pastry you'd bought from the cafeteria earlier.
"you already said you did, no take backs." Toru says. "So, any plans for the lovey dovey day?" Iura asks Toru. "Uhm, Practice tying a tie? Yeah." Toru says. "Is that what Miyamura's teaching you now?" Iura questions as you both watched Miyamura attempt to tie Torus tie.
"he said he wanted to practice too." Toru replied. "Tada!" Miyamura said as he finished. Looking at it, it was a mess. Maybe the worst tie you'd ever seen. After a short pause Miyamura spoke up. "It's not appealing at all." "Uh, yeah you think?" Toru remarked. "Damn dude it's impressive how bad that is." You spoke in-between bites. "What is this monstrosity? Uh, it's freaking tight dude! I can't untie your stupid note!" Toru yelled.
Hearing the door crack open, You and Iura peaked around to see sawada peaking in. "Oh hey! Sawada just showed up guys!" Iura loudly announced. "I'm guessing you can for Miyamura." Iura continued as you finished your pastry. "No." Sawada said quietly. As soon as Miyamura greeted her she as usual ran behind him.
"I'm actually here for you Iura." Sawada said. "Me? Really? What's up dudette?" Iura questioned. "Uhm, do you like chocolate? Or no?"
Everyone in the room stood quietly in shock for a few seconds. You looked over at Iura as he looked shocked and shook lightly. "Y-Yes. I like chocolate." He said shyly. "Do you have a favorite?" Sawada asked as you stared in shock still. "No not at all! I love them all! I like bitter or sweet and I have no known allergies, kay!" Iura said with a big smile on his face. You stared at him as you could feel your face getting sweaty.
"So yup! Any kinda chocolate works!" Iura then said. "Got it. Thanks Iura." Sawada said. You could see Iura looking back and forth before reiterateing by yelling; "Any kind at all!"
"You wanna spend time and cash on chocolate for Shuu?" Toru asked. "Wait!" Sawada said surprised. "Shocked anyone besides Hori is on your list." Miyamura said. You nodded as well. "Kinda surprising.."
"Shut your mouths right now before you discourage her you killjoys!" Iura yelled. "Hey if you wanna make me sweets that's your prerogative okay?" Iura says with a hand behind his head. "Ugh- what kind of warped delusion are you living in to think I'd make sweets for you?" Sawada says with a grossed out look on her face. Iura stands there shell shocked. "I'm going back to class, where things make sense." She says as you four watch her leave. Iura stands there shocked still.
"Huh.. What!? She's the one who's not making sense, y'know?! Huh?!" Iura yells in a phrensy. You sigh a bit. Although you felt bad, it was revealing that Sawada wasn't going to give Iura any sweets.
After a while, Iura heads out for the day. You stand slightly awkwardly looking at your feet. "So, bet that was pretty awkward for ya?" Toru teases you as he slaps your shoulder. "Considering you were planning on giving Shu something?" "Toru!" You yelled as you punched his shoulder. "Ah you like Iura, Y/n?" Miyamura asked. "It's pretty obvious." Toru speaks up as you continue hitting him.
You sigh as you finally stop, looking towards the ground as you whip your bag over your shoulder. "I've liked Shuu for awhile now. He's my best friend though. So this I guess will be the test or whatever? Ugh. Why am I even talking to you two about this?" You turn twords the two with a frown. "I need someone like Hori or Yoshikawa." "Harsh." Toru and Miyamura sulk slightly.
"Well, whatever you get him I'm sure he'll go crazy. He's my friend, but he's pretty lonely." Toru says as Miyamura nods. "Thanks for nothing." You sigh as you open the class door. "I'm out, see you tomorrow." "Cya." Toru waves as you close the class door.
Valentine's day is so far away, yet so soon. You were pretty nervous, but still. This was something that had to happen. It is third year after all.
The day was here. You'd stayed up late into the night out of fear, but it was finally time. The entire walk to school you were a mess as you shook with nervousness and fear. You inhaled as you looked around the corner to see Iura laughing with a classmate. As you backed away a little, you felt a shove. You looked behind you to see Yoshikawa shoving you with a grin. You hid the gift behind your back before speaking up.
"U-Uhm Shuu?" You mumbled loud enough for him to hear as your blush grew. "Oh, hey what's up N/n?" Iura paused as he saw the blush painting for face. When he saw your hand behind your back his face suddenly also exploded in red.
You stuttered for a second as you took your hands out shakily, revealing a small box wrapped with a yellow and pink pattern and a cd that had a small yellow bow on it. "Happy.. Valentine's day." You said as you held them out towards him. He yelled as he shook his head causing you to jump lightly. He grabbed them from you quickly with stars in his eyes. "Wow really for me?!" He yelled. You nodded as you cracked a smile at him.
"The CD has some new songs I thought you'd like.. I'm not sure if you've listened to them though." You awkwardly laughed. Shuu nodded as he placed the CD under the box and opened it up. There were various different kinds of chocolates all placed neatly in a row. Shuu could feel his face get hotter.
"I made the fillings myself. There's only 3 of them though." You laughed. "Oh! And here," you said digging through your bag pulling out a pink paper bag. "For your sister and you to share.. I made too many for just you." You blushed more.
"Y/n.." Iura looked shell shocked as he just stared at you. He then laughed as he pulled you into a hug. "You're just the person I wanted to receive chocolates from y'know!!" He yelled. You gasped as you felt him slightly rock you back and forth. He backed up a bit, popping a chocolate in his mouth. "Mhm matcha.." he gapped as he spoke with his mouth full. You chuckled as you could feel yourself get nervous again. "so.. Do you.. Uhm." You stopped as you could feel more eyes on you. Suddenly you remembered you were in the hallways. You looked around in embarrassment as you stuck your face in your hands. "I should have chosen a calmer spot!" You yelled, startling Iura.
He then laughed as he closed the box and hugged you again. You slowly took your hands out of you face as you looked up at his face. His goofy grin was replaced with this serious smile, one you'd only really seen at his house.
"I like you too." He said softly. You gasped as you tensed a bit. You then relaxed into the hug as you hugged him back. "Good. Cause those chocolates were hard." You joked.
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immanime · 11 months
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Horimiya Art Book
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hairunowa · 1 year
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Horimiya -piece- concept PV 1. https://youtu.be/cP-a_pi9fNI
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serexvu · 5 months
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toru ishikawa, yuki yoshikawa and shu iura from horimiya
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ydotome · 11 months
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I hope we can all come back together sometime. - Horimiya: Piece - Episode 1
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mercurymascara · 8 months
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all-too-random · 8 months
Love how the entire HoriMiya friend group has a crush on Yanagi except for the ONE person he actually liked that way (Yuki)
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aquaritos · 1 year
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀rainbow halo 🍂🍃
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anicastes · 9 months
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What do we have here that's got you all so... excited...
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kuruisu · 9 months
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Commemorative artwork by Hagiwara Daisuke for the Horimiya - Piece - TV anime broadcast
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sakumz · 4 months
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a/n : UM BAD HAIRCUT and I told my guy best friend abt how I want my hair short but the lady who cut... it's still long ���� and he said he likes girls with long hair. BOY SHUT UPP (the urge to cut it shorter teehee)
[ i. shu x gn reader ]
" it's not that bad, " hori says on the call as you cry internally.
you've just got home from the salon, despite how the words in your head screams, ` its okay, its hair, they'll grow! ' you can't shake the thoughts and feelings of ugly. you sigh and reluctantly bid goodbye to hori. you should stop your worries and face it tomorrow.
you grab a hoodie and put your blazer over. this outfit should be fine, you see iura shu wear it ans he seems fine or so you thought. walking over to your friend group with hori and the gang, they stared. you look different, you had the hoodie of the jacket you were wearing over your head.
" um... why are you all staring? stop, it's gross. " you pinch the bridge of your nose in a joking manner as the response you got was nothing but silence.
" yo! " iura greets as he slams the door of your classroom open, making everyone jolt and turn to the source of the sound.
" oh! what's with the emo vibes? you're wearing a hoodie too~ are you trying to match with me? " iura says as he reach over to your hoodie, about to pull it down but you're quick to pull your hood over forward as he tugs it backwards.
" hey, hands off! " you try to shake him off but to no avail, he's teasingly pulling the hood as you try your hardest to hold it.
" dude, knock it off already! " ishikawa jumps in to save you by pulling iura away. you were safe for now.
" yeah what's with the sudden hood up thing? " yoshikawa starts as she had her long sleeved hand over her mouth.
" well... " you look over at hori, hoping she'll save you as she looks down and away from your gaze.
suddenly, a tug from behind was all you felt as the hood drops. iura had pull your hood down, they continue to stare as you quickly covered your face in embarrassment.
" don't look! " you shout.
" you're cute, " iura said as you slowly put your hands down, everyone looking at him.
" I mean it. you're cute with your hair short. " he says once more as he grab a piece of your hair.
" he's right, you're cute. " miyamura says as he cover his mouth and quickly look over at hori. she had a smile on her face.
" our adorable y/n l/n! " she whispers shout as she jumped and hugged you. you're confidence slowly building.
" yeah you're adorable! we should get matching hair clips~ " yoshikawa joins as she gives you a hug too.
they all turn and wait for ishikawa response. he mumbles a soft, " you should cut your hair short more often. you're cute haha. "
" come on guys, I said it first. give me some credit! " iura sang as they all glared at him but you laugh. he's right.
" thank you. especially you, iura. " you sent him a smile as he shoots you one back.
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glitch-karma · 9 months
Like y'all are SEVERELY over looking my boy
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Y'all just WAIT till I get outta writers block I'm about to carry this fandom on my back 💪
(please if anyone finds Shuu stuff feel free to dm me)
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kissy09 · 10 months
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So I made some horimiya bots.. (and tooru Ishikawa, couldn't ss it) yuh... Idk the girls are coming soon though jwndjwj
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