#im finally feeding y'all
s3xiel4ss · 1 year
My Daddy
Pairing: Sully Family x Sully!Reader, Jake Sully x Daughter!Reader
Requested: no
Summary: After a run in with Avatar’s, your dad says somethings he probably shouldn’t have said and you respond to those things in an unhealthy way
Warnings: Knife mention, talks about slitting throat, 
A/N: it was so hard not putting “y’all”. Also tell me why i got butterflies making Jake say “babygirl”/srs.
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You had to be the parent when Neteyam or your parents weren’t there. So when Lo’ak runs off with most the family, you’re the one responsible for anything that happens. So despite you’re protests you have to follow everyone, everyone being: Lo’ak, Kiri, Spider, and of course, Tuk. You had Tuk stay closest with you practically the whole time. 
“Bro,” Spider said, “It’s the place where my dad and your dad fought” while they all ran over there.
“No, don’t go ove-” you were cut off by female and male voices from around. 
They were walking up to the tiny building, they looked like Omaticaya, but they were in full camo. 
“Lo’ak contact dad” you said, “Everyone else, Don’t. Move.” 
Lo’ak nodded then after he finished speaking he told us dad said to get out of there. 
So we started going back the way we came. 
“Mom and Dad are going to kill you when we go back you know that right?” Kiri said while we walked. 
“Kiri, not now” you replied Sternly. 
“Guys come on it’s almost Eclipse!” Tuk exclaimed while going far ahead, too far ahead. 
A high-pitched scream is all that's heard before your senses kick back in, those avatar were holding you all. 
You gave the guy with a buzz cut and camo a dirty stare, you knew he was Quaritch. The way he smirked, remembering how your dad described his looks, he was identical. He was just your race now, or at least looked the part. 
He looked at you than your hands. He said with a horrific smirk, “You’re one of his aren’t ya?” 
He then demanded you all to show your hands while each Avatar was holding all of you tight. When he went to Lo’ak and demanded him, you prayed to Eywa he wouldn’t do anything remotely stupid, but of course he did. He flipped the Avatar off. 
“You’re definitely one of his” he mumbled with an annoying chuckle. 
He goes over to Spider, the one that looked human. They had a conversation but you could not concentrate on it. You instead multi-tasked. 
You prayed to Eywa your parents were here and that everyone would get out of here safely, and you watched your siblings. Their body language, what they were saying or doing. Tuk was terrified and upset, most definitely tired as well. Kiri had her eyes closed whispering something, guessing she was praying to Eywa as well. While Lo’ak was giving the Avatar on him absolute attitude, which if your parents didn’t come in that moment you’re sure he would’ve had his throat slit. 
Once you all got “home”, you were prepared to get yelled at. 
Tuk still terrified, walked with your mother to go to sleep. You and Lo’ak standing there ready for your dad to scream at you two. He decided to let Kiri off the hook, knowing she wouldn't have ‘wanted’ to do this, also knowing about what happened to Spider.
“What were you two thinking?! You know that the old battlegrounds are specifically off limit for a reason! Not only that but you brought Tuk?!” He screeched at the both of you. 
“Sir, I take full responsibility of what happened. It was irresponsible of me to do so.” you calmly responded. 
“Yes! It is most of your fault what happened out there! it is your responsibility to watch your younger siblings when no one else is there! Not only that but allowing them to bring Tuk as well?! As well as your siblings put under a knife under your watch?! I’m disappointed in you Y/n. You’re grounded from flying for three months. Go to bed” He yelled at you. 
You headed to bed, repeating what he said in your mind, during this though you heard less angry muffled yelling at Lo’ak. You fell asleep repeating what he said in your mind over and over. 
In the morning you didn’t remember everything he said. The only thing repeating was “I’m disappointed in you”. You couldn’t get it out of your head. You know what you did was wrong, but you’re father has never said that to you before. It made you feel horrible. You weren’t hungry in the morning. You didn’t sit at the table, not wanting to face your dad again after the events of last night. 
You were lying in bed when you heard footsteps.
 “Go away, I want to be alone.” you groaned.
“Sister, you did the best you could at protecting them. Kiri told me the full story” He calmy told you. 
You turned to face him, tears welling in your eyes. 
“Neteyam, I put my siblings, Tuk especially, at risk! It is my fault they were held under a blade.” You replied with a shaky voice, “Could you please leave me brother..? I would like to be alone”
And he did just that. A couple hours later, you heard footsteps again.
“Neteyam. I still would like to be left alone.” You said slightly annoyed.
“Will you talk to me, baby girl?” Jake responded. 
Your eyes widened, before turning over to your dad, you wiped your leaked tears from your face. You then face your father. 
He takes that as an invitation to come over, “You wanna talk?” 
Your eyes start to well again. “I’m sorry that I’m such a disappointment to you dad” you say apologetically to him. Your tears starting to escape you. 
“oh baby girl, no your not a disappointment. Yesterday, I had some said things I probably shouldn’t have to you and your brother. I was just scared and angry and took out on you.” He explained, “I could never be disappointed in you baby.”
“I love you daddy” you said while hugging him. 
He hugged you back,  “I love you too sweetheart, now come on let’s get you something to eat”. 
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moodymisty · 11 months
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Holy crap, 1500 followers. I know it's probably a drop in the bucket compared to other creators, but thinking of fitting even half of y'all in a room... crazy.
I don't really have a celebration or anything, but I just wanted to say thanks for sticking around with me and my weirdness. I'm not the best writer/artist around by far, but i try. And hey isn't that what matters ;3
I'm glad to have created a place where i can finally enjoy the things I like, and we can talk about them together. I'm still trying to make friends, but it's very hard XD
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sga-owns-my-soul · 5 months
lmao if one more person gives me attitude bc i don't immediately know what they want when all they say is "you're holding food for me"
"oh well i don't remember" okay well maybe it's time to put on your grown up pants and make a note on your phone. take a picture. keep the receipt in your wallet. i'm not your fucking mother it's not my fucking job to KNOW WHAT DOG FOOD YOU BUY DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FUCKING CUSTOMERS I HAVE I DONT KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOW JUST FUCKING
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unmotivatedartistry · 10 months
guess what
im finally making dbh art again
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gyuscoquetteribbon · 2 months
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^᪲᪲᪲ what the world has to offer
SYNOPSIS: you were supposed to be home about thirty minutes ago. mingyu doesn't know why you aren't home yet and all his calls are left unanswered and his texts, delivered, but not read.
PAIRING: mingyu x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff, established relationship
notes: this is pretty self indulgent y'all also also omg first written piece that i've posted for the world to see in 4 years???? also im not very satisfied with how i ended this so my bad y'all but hopefully i get to write more in the coming weeks !!
hpr btw
'i'm close by, i'll be there in five mins !!!'
going by your last text, you should've been home about thirty minutes ago. needless to say, mingyu was beyond worried, pacing back and forth in your shared kitchen while he also he kept an eye on the boiling pasta.
'y/n why aren't you answering my calls???'
delivered, yet again.
delivered, but not read.
mingyu's anxiety, which had picked up upon the ten minute mark, only increased as all his texts were left unopened and unanswered.
the pasta had finally come to a boil. as mingyu turns the stove off, a soft tune fills the otherwise empty house.
his phone was ringing.
mingyu goes to pick his phone up, his speed only picking up when he sees your name illuminating on the phone screen. he attends your call, ready to chide you as he adjusts his phone so that you could see his (rather upset) face.
"y/n, why the fuck won't you—"
"i don't think i'm coming home tonight," you cut him off.
mingyu raises an eyebrow. he knew exactly why you were late the moment he saw you sat, leaning against a wall that looked much like the wall of the entrance to your apartment complex.
you angle your phone towards your lap, and there it was. the reason why you weren't home yet.
laying down cozily on your lap was a sleeping cat, pearly white fur with specks of dust and brown spots. if mingyu was right the stray was probably—
"i think he was abandoned," you pull him away from his thoughts, gently swiping your fingers over the cats ear that was cut at the tip, indicating it was spayed either by a rescue team or its previous owner. your free hand goes to cradle its head as it tips back.
a soft smile falls on mingyu's slightly chapped lips, his eyes gazing at his screen with so much love. he leans closer to the camera. "you don't even look at me with this much love," mingyu jokes, causing you to chuckle softly, "i'll bring him something to eat yeah?"
you nod and allow mingyu to cut the call. a shiver runs down your spine while you wait for your boyfriend to come down to join you. it was a particularly chilly evening. as you wait for mingyu, you watch the cat as its body rises and falls in a gentle rhythm. you had placed your woolen scarf over the cat earlier, when it had fallen asleep, afraid that it might be too cold for him. you sit there, wondering how confused the cat must have felt upon being thrown into the streets to fend for itself after being sheltered for so long. you felt sorry. the world is too cruel, you think to yourself.
"hi," mingyu's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. you lift your head to look up at your grinning boyfriend, the scarf wrapped around his neck doesn't hide his sharp canines shining under the dim light of the lamppost.
"hi," you whisper back as mingyu squats down across you. with all the sudden commotion, the cat stirs awake, sleep eyes blinking up at the new figure before him. "he's awake," you note, eyeing the cat cautiously, praying that the presence of another person doesn't scare him.
the cat sits up immediately, the scarf draped over his body, slipping onto the ground. its eyes land on the small tin of cat food which mingyu had bought along. good thing mingyu had bought a bunch of those since you have a habit of feeding strays in your area whenever you come across one.
you loved cats. mingyu knew that much. going out on walks with you almost always meant that you'd both would have to stop somewhere in the side of a road because you came across a stray cat. sometimes, you'd stop mid conversation if you see one, rushing towards it, muttering a soft "look! cat!" mingyu doesn't mind, though.
in fact, it was this quality of yours that made him fall so deeply in love with you. despite the pain the world had given you, love was all you ever gave back. that too with a big grin on your face. when you'd run towards a stray cat mid-conversation, you'd miss the fond smile that'd fall on mingyu's lips. when he'd go shop for groceries, you'd miss the absent-minded smile that'd paint his lips when he'd inevitably walk down the aisle containing pet food. when he'd see you sat beside your potted plant, talking for hours about anything and nothing at all while a slow song plays in the background, you'd miss the way he'd look at you, with hearts in his eyes.
they can hear you. it helps them grow better, you had told him.
once again, you had missed the way he was smiling at you. "or so it seems." a puff of air briefly forms in front of mingyu's mouth as a chuckle escapes his lips. the cat jumps out of your lap and approaches the can of food cautiously, almost as if it'd disappear if he'd look away. gently, mingyu pushes it closer towards the cat, assuring that the food is, in fact, for him.
you sit on your knees, your freezing hands falling on your lap as the cat takes his first few bites, his entire face fitting into the can. when he lifts his head, his overgrown whiskers are coated with minced meat. you and mingyu coo softly as the cat looks up at the two of you with his minced meat clad fur and whiskers.
you laugh, your eyes crinkling at the sides. you sounded so beautiful. music that mingyu wishes was only reserved for his ears; for him to listen to and cherish. but alas, the world knows your name.
"you've taken quite a liking towards him," mingyu points out.
you look at your boyfriend, "i wish we could take him home." an unsaid plea.
mingyu laughs softly, reaching forward to gently pat your head, "i'm free tomorrow. i'll pick you up from work and we both can take him to get vaccinated, alright?" he smiles, mirroring your own beaming smile, "i'm sure bopeul would like a friend or two when we go visit my family when i get a break."
"and, i'm sure dollop would love bopeul too," you say.
mingyu raises a brow, "is that what we're naming him?"
"dollop it is then," he smiles, reaching down to gently boop its snout.
you miss the way mingyu smiles at you when you aren't looking. but, you never miss the way he loves you. all the little ways he's shown his love. you've never once had to ask for something. he'd know.
maybe this was what the world had to offer for all the love you've given it.
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house-of-daena · 9 months
my doctor is a succubus!? [succubus.afab.baizhu x m.reader]
contents: he/him pronouns, subtop reader/powerbottom baizhu, nsfw, s3x with a LOT of feelings, virgin reader, overstimulation, praise, degradation, vanilla-ish, creampie, blood, fem genitalia/anatomy terms w/ baizhu (pvssy, cvnt, womb), mention of top surgery scars, ooc baizhu(? he's just really inlove w/ you), hurt/comfort, tell me if i miss anything. [wc. 5.2k]
꒰ GRAHHHHH finally able to post this... after 2-3 weeks posting the masterlist im . i can't with myself 😭 so sorry it took so long and im extra sorry it came out with this monstrosity. i very much like this imo buuttt i can't say the same for you guys. anyways, i probably wont write smth like this ever again unless y'all end up liking it!! (also this was supposed to celebrate 600-700 followers but uh. oops! ty for 800!) ꒱
let's fuck monsters tonight!
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it was always peaceful at night. crickets chirping into the cool hours of darkness, fireflies lighting up as they flew, like the stars above the clouds, and the silent crashing of waves against the shore.
no soul could be seen wandering in the streets of liyue, except for some mililith patrolling to keep the city safe. but something lurked in the shadows...
something sinister.
he crept from house to house, looking for the perfect prey to feed on. he searched desperately, the hunger that had been ignored for treacherous years, leaving his monstrous instincts salivating and wild. the pain of starvation he brings himself to, in fear of hurting others, has weakened him, but his hunt didn't cease for a moment. it made him crave it, the essence of someone who could fulfill his devilish needs, and the warmth his insides long yearned for.
the mark on his pelvis had gone dull, and it ached more with each passing day.
baizhu usually relied on medicine he had made for himself. to keep his salacious desires at bay, and though it wasn't much of the real deal, it managed to keep his body relatively healthy without the base nutrients it required for his succubus blood, and it truly helped him for the longest time.
but it has been years since he had feasted on someone's precious essence, and baizhu has diligently refused to feed again. while his nature is uncouth, his heart remains pure, and he worries that if he tries to feed again, he will hurt them, despite hurting himself.
but this time, his hunger was different.
it was an ardent need. essential. his body reacted so negatively, rendering him unable to properly work for days. it was clear that his body was demanding him to go and hunt for food, so it could sustain itself properly. perhaps after feeding once, he could go back to his regular intake of pills.
for now, he searched for a feast.
and, indeed, he found it, inside a familiar house.
your home,
and you were sleeping inside your bedroom,
a succubus' meal.
if he were to do it with anyone, it would be you, as much as he didn't want to.
you were a sweet man, always visiting him and qiqi in bubu pharmacy and offering a hand whenever you were free. you get along with just about everyone in the pharmacy; being old friends with gui, helping qiqi with deliveries—even changsheng has taken a liking to you, slithering onto your arm when you step behind the counter with baizhu, giving you a warm welcome.
he can't help but find himself falling for such a man like you.
and he absolutely hates the fact that the only person he'd feel safe within such a vulnerable state is you. he could kill you, and he would never forgive himself if he got carried away.
you were too precious to him. but he was starving.
it greatly intensified once he took a step inside your room, almost salivating the moment he inhaled your scent. archons, he smelt you everywhere, it was almost suffocating. and he had never smelt something so divine, so pungent, he was slightly aware of how his thoughts were slowly getting muddled—he admired you as you slept, chest steadily rose and fell, soft snores from your parted lips. you looked so peaceful, and yet here he was, hovering above your unsuspecting form, biting his bottom lip and his hands trembling as he held back from touching you so soon.
you began to stir on your bed when baizhu turned off your lamp, a faint hiss that was dangerously close to your ear made you blearily open your eyes in the dead of night, the weight of your bed shifting to one side more as you felt something move right beside you.
quickly, you jolt from your bed, startled at the man beside you. a scream almost leaves your lips when he leans towards you, face inches apart, his hot breath hitting your skin. "don't worry," he murmurs, voice silky smooth, so sultry it made your skin crawl, cheeks flushed as he moves even closer to you. "i won't hurt you, i just... need some help, is all."
the man before you reassures, his cool fingertips tracing your jawline, sharpened nails digging slightly into your skin. baizhu knows that if he suggests that he needs help, even though he was a stranger breaking into your home, you'd assist him. perhaps the charm he was using in his voice also helped, considering your eyes have easily succumbed to his mesmerizing haze of seduction.
all it took for him was to speak with his voice in a low, alluring tone, press his lithe, and smooth body against yours, allowing your hands to glide onto the skin of his exposed belly and touch you like he owns you—teasing you with assurances of bliss, only to pull away. like bait attached to a string, luring you into his possessive hands.
baizhu almost lost himself in his desire for you, his heart pounding and the mark on his womb ached more than ever before. he craved to have you inside him, nearly jumping on you and just taking you then and there.
but gods, baizhu's love for you was the only thing that was holding him back, so he settled on peppering wet kisses on your quivering adam's apple, his hand rubbing your thigh. "you'll help me, right?" he hums, golden irises glowing faintly in the dark. he sees you squint as if you're trying to discern who he is—he was probably oddly familiar to you, considering his voice and the shape of his body were similar to the kindhearted doctor from the local pharmacy not too far away from your home...
your thoughts were chased away when his forked tongue flickered against your lips, suddenly aware of his... unnatural features. slitted, but gorgeous golden eyes, scales on certain parts of his skin, small horns, akin to bumps, that protruded from his forehead, a tail with a heart-shaped tip, and fangs that made your heart lurch at both fear and excitement.
"i've been starving for an awfully long time..." he whispers into your ear, his hand slowly creeping inside your shirt and card his nails onto your stomach, soliciting a small whimper from your throat. baizhu almost moans in delight at the wonderful sound. "you'll feed me, right? let me regain my strength?"
slowly, you nod, hand resting on his shoulder. "y-yeah," you manage to say, still trying to make out any of his features in the dark. "i can cook you something real quick-"
"oh no, you're quite mistaken." he purrs, licking his lips as his hand begins to lower itself down to your crotch. "you see, darling, i'm a succubus." he hears your breath hitch at his confession, his lips brushing against yours as he pins you against the headboard, straddling your lap. strands of his hair fall to your face, your hands feel as if it belongs on his slender waist as you grab hold of it, his eyes gleam brightly with lust as he looks down at you and lifts your chin to stare back into his bewitching face. "i'll need a different kind of sustenance...~"
even in the dark, you can tell that he is absolutely gorgeous as if the gods themselves carved him into existence. your grip tightens, so much so that your nails leave crescent-shaped indents.
baizhu was experiencing absolute heaven, and the both of you were still fully clothed. his heart was beating so hard against his chest that he was afraid you could feel it if he pressed his body against yours. he was smiling ear to ear in excitement, and he fought hard to hold back. his body was in a love-struck frenzy, skin hot to the touch and his cheeks flaming red, his tail flicking back and forth.
oh, he never would've expected to have you like this so soon. underneath him, looking up at him with those lovely eyes, lost, but still so eager to help. if you only knew the things you do to him...
he could see your hesitance, probably thinking about the risks of indulging in a succubus' request. it was understandable, honestly, even though baizhu was in complete control of his body, he could still put your life at risk. after all, he hasn't eaten in years.
"you won't die," he murmurs almost too sweetly, his voice making your poor, charmed mind buzz pleasantly. "that's a promise~" thankfully, you could still make coherent thoughts, shooting him a serious look, hands curiously tracing the sensitive mark on his pelvis that glowed in the dark. he hums at the feeling of your fingers, gently pressing and kneading, yet it burned ferociously with ardent need. gods, his body needed you now.
"if you say so...." you whisper back, nervous, "i put my trust in you, if it meant helping you..."
so as soon as those words left your lips, baizhu grabbed you by the collar and smashed your lips together, kissing you so hard that it felt like he was devouring you. teeth clashed against each other, his fangs sank onto the fragile skin of your bottom lip, making it bleed, and he sucks on your tongue, kissing and practically taking all the air out of your lungs.
baizhu was ecstatic, swallowing the lavish taste of your blood, drinking in all the whimpers and moans you make just from the addicting kiss. your hands were now on his ass, guiding his body and grinding his crotch onto your hardening cock. when he pulls away, he pants, moving his hips languidly to meet your thrusts, absolutely enamored at the string of saliva that connected the two of you.
"you shouldn't trust so easily," baizhu warns, cradling your head into his arms, his kisses never ceasing, making sure to attach his lips to every inch of your skin. he wants to savor every single second he spends with you, loving your body, getting a taste of something so sacred, you, that he would surely grow to yearn once this is all over. "if it were another succubus, you might not be treated as nicely as i have~"
his voice put you in a hypnotic trance, eyes trailing down his body as your hands moved on their own, stripping him bare from his clothing. fingers, featherlight and delicate, trailed the scars that adorned his chest, the tantalizing feeling of your hot breath on his nipple while your hand pinched and flicked his other. "there's just... something so familiar about you." you murmur against his skin, pressing the pad of your wet and hot tongue against his perky bud, making baizhu let out a pleased sigh, hand grabbing the back of your head. your mind was clouded with his drowning lust to recognize him, but still awake enough to think. "you know me, and... i know you."
baizhu felt his heart drop, the urge to run away and find someone else to feed him gnawed at his stomach. he would rather starve than let himself be known to you; him, a succubus, seducing you to do his bidding. baizhu longed to have you in his bed, to make love to you and have you all for himself, to call you his, and call himself yours. just—not like this!
and as if you could sense his inner turmoil, you gently turned your bodies, laying him down on your bed. you kissed the tip of his nose, down to the apple of his cheeks, the corners of his bloodied lips, and onto his chin. you kissed him like he was a masterpiece to be worshipped, hands stroking his supple skin. he could see the admiration in your eyes, sparkling from the slightest of light the moon provided that seeped through your curtains.
and while baizhu couldn't tell if it was all because of his hypnotizing charm, his heart skipped a beat.
then, you grab his hand, lips brushing against his knuckles and kissing the callouses that graced his fingertips. "i feel safe, for some reason." you continued, leaning back to take off your clothes. "like we have met before, and you are company i enjoy myself a lot with... isn't that weird, stranger?"
baizhu could hear the slight recognition in your voice, but his initial fear was forgotten when he felt your cock pressed against his thigh. his body immediately reacted to your warmth, moving his hips to feel more of you, against his desperate, aching hole. stars above, it is so much bigger than he anticipated, your drooling tip smearing pre all over this thigh, and baizhu gulps at the groans that rumble from your chest.
it hurt to have you so close, yet so far, so empty despite the promise of being filled. still, baizhu managed to find his voice to reply. "o-oh, certainly. i am a succubus after all," he tried to regain the flair in his tone, to keep you enraptured to his hidden beauty, delude you into thinking that he wasn't the same man you thought he was, "a demon, monster."
though it was dark, baizhu saw your lips curve downward, frowning at his harsh words. your hands slid from his waist, down to the back of his thighs, squeezing the flesh, before parting his legs and letting him wrap them around your waist, keeping the two of you connected until the succubus that lays before your bed decided he had enough.
you were completely at his mercy, and it made you impossibly harder.
gently, as if he was your lover, you pushed back a strand of his hair behind his pointed ear, fingers lingering on the shape of his concealed, yet beautiful face. "don't speak to yourself like that," you kiss his collarbones, and feel him squeeze you between his legs a little tighter, pulling you closer to him, "it breaks my heart."
"does it now?" baizhu quips, sharp, quick, defensive, and disbelieving. "you don't even know me."
"you still have feelings, don't you?"
baizhu's heart can't take it. it feels so full, about to explode, despite the agonizing emptiness of his hole, thighs quivering and hands clinging onto you. he feels breathless, heartbeat in his throat—you're treating him how you'd treat baizhu, the caring doctor of bubu pharmacy, not the succubus trying to get you to fuck him. you don't know who he was, he was certain of it.
but perhaps he was just in denial, too afraid to let someone as good as you be so close to him. you are deserving of more, someone who can be devoted to you, as much as you are to him. he can't bear the thought of you leaving him once he has taken grasp of immortality, growing old without him as he lives on. nor the burden you'll surely carry with him.
that is why he has never made a single move to you, nor acknowledged yours. he adores you from afar, breaking his own heart by keeping himself close to you despite knowing he can never be with you—his mission won't allow it. he can't let it happen.
but oh, when you hold him so tenderly in your arms, caressing his cheeks with your thumb and kissing him so sweetly, it feels like the walls he has built specifically to keep you away from his heart, fall apart so easily.
"if you're a monster, then why do you talk so gently to me?" you whisper, and the hairs of his skin stand, sharp nails digging onto your skin. "so careful of my body, asking me for consent, even though you're salivating in hunger."
the smile you gave him made baizhu fall in love with you all over again, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers with his. "i think you are quite nice, person that i totally don't recognize." a soft chuckle escapes your lips, and it eases him how comfortable you were, worries melting into nothingness. "so please, tell me what i need to do to help you."
ah, he was so weak for you. baizhu wraps an arm around your neck, pulling you impossibly closer to him, capturing your lips once against with his. "then you better start fucking me," he demands, his other hand scoops the slick his body has been producing wildly, copious amounts in his hand and coating your dick with it himself.
you lean down to his ear, letting him hear all of the lewd sounds that escape your lips as he squeezes your length, stroking it with his experienced hands, and grazing his nails on a thick, bulging vein that makes you whimper onto his neck. you quickly caught on that he enjoyed your noises. his wetness felt cool on your throbbing cock, the squelch of each movement of his hand making you tremble above him, burying your nose onto his shoulder as he coos your name and played with your cock.
maybe you were just extra sensitive because you were... inexperienced... but there was something odd about his wetness. it made your dick tingle, ache, and burned fervidly. you felt lightheaded all of a sudden, your mind and body screaming at you to just have your cock inside of him.
it must be one of his succubus traits, you gulped nervously.
you were so cute, so pliant, despite having him underneath you. a surge of pride swells in his chest, digging his thumb onto your weeping slit, thoroughly satisfied at the moan that came from your trembling lips. he felt himself grow hungrier when you moved your head back, gazing at him with enchanted, half-lidded eyes, flushed cheeks, and parted lips. baizhu has never felt so grateful for his night vision.
when his skillful hands lined up your cock to his hole, parting his glistening folds with your pulsating tip, you stop him for a moment, brows furrowed worriedly. "w-wait," you breathe, voice wavering, "what about you?"
baizhu merely laughs at your concern, cooing at you and caressing your cheeks, to which you leaned against his touch. "oh baby, you think i'd come here unprepared?" he chuckles, tone teasing as he pushes your cockhead into his awaiting hole while he thumbs your skin to soothe you, softening the creases that formed on your face. "now go ahead, put it in me, darling."
baizhu had bite down his bottom lip until he bled to stop himself from screaming, his back arched at the burning stretch as you slowly plunged your fat cock into his hole. no matter how much he prepared himself to take you, he still found himself getting split open by your sheer girth. he didn't expect you to be so big, his gummy walls fluttering around your throbbing cock.
you moaned, louder than before, when you bottomed out, patiently waiting for him to adjust to your length, like the gentleman you were, but you were grinding your hips against his. you clung tightly onto baizhu, overwhelmed at the warmth that surrounded your virgin cock as his pussy clamps down on you, sucking you in deeper.
all the while baizhu felt like he was high above the clouds, being stuffed full just by your dick inside of him—his body was elated, forked tongue poking out between his lips as he stared up at your eyes, full of lust and desire.
cursing underneath your breath, you grew weak on the knees, the blistering heat slowly spreading all over your body; from your stomach, crawling upwards and onto your chest, to the very tips of your toes. it was almost paralyzing, his insides squeezing your poor, sensitive cock, wrapped in mind-breaking euphoria.
"that's it," he sighs, pressing kisses all over your face, reassuring, though amused. "such a good boy, already so fucked out by just penetrating me?" baizhu smirks, his fingers playing with the curves of your face. you whine at his words, very embarrassed as you bury your face in his neck.
"hah- this feels-" you swallow a mouthful of saliva, panting and groaning at the foreign sensations, twitching and pulsing deep inside of him, "all i can think about is fucking you—it's your doing, right?"
baizhu bats his eyelashes innocently at you, tilting his head as he hums. "oh darling, you can't blame me for every nasty thought that invades your mind," he purrs teasingly, grinning playfully when you give him a huff. "i am flattered, though."
it didn't take long before baizhu told you to start moving. it started off slow, gentle, and unsure, eyes searching for baizhu's guidance. it made his heart soar at how adorable you were, pouting as you sloppily thrust into him, exerting much effort to not lose yourself in the pleasure. you wanted to please him, so attentive and caring to his body.
don't worry, baizhu is more than happy to tell you what to do. he taught you many things you never knew before, to angle your dick just right, hitting a spot buried deep inside of him that made him curl his toes and cry out in delight—to ram your fat cock into his sopping wet cunt as he clenches on you, bucking your hips fast and hard.
baizhu throws his head back, smiling and clawing at your biceps, leaving red, angry scratches on them. he moans your name, nothing but praise coming out of his plump lips and drowning your thoughts with addictive lust. "you're fucking into me soooo nicely, darling~" he gasped when you kept precisely hitting his sensitive spot, his walls spasming and convulsing around your ravishing cock.
you grasped his thighs, gripping on them so tightly it's bound to leave bruises as you follow his every order, fucking him just how he liked, the loud slapping of skin on skin filling your once peaceful bedroom. it turns you on further on how vile the wet squelch it makes at each thrust you give. you held onto him for your dear life, fucking him with all your strength, body trembling from the unbearable pleasure.
moaning and whimpering, your head hung as drool dripped down onto his chest, body compelled to keep moving. it felt so good, each drag of your cock inside of his velvety walls felt like fire onto your skin, each squeeze and grind, it's making you mad, completely hooked on the feeling.
"such an obedient pup," baizhu coos and you let out a whine at his praise, eyes wide and glittering with unshed tears, and his heart skips a beat when he saw how easily fucked out you were. "does it feel good? hm? my pussy feels good around your cock?" you nod vigorously, leaning closer to him and angling yourself to reach even deeper. it made baizhu take a sharp intake of air, moaning obscenely into your ear.
"f-fuuckk! hgnn~ c-c'mon, use your words~" he smiles when you choke on a moan, never stopping your movements even for a second. "you're a good boy, aren't you? i know you can do it, talk to me~"
"s-stop-" you heaved, voice garbled as you tried to speak between your filthy sounds, nails digging into his skin. his voice was like honey to your ears, drowning in the thick viscousness of his sickeningly sweet words, making it difficult for you to properly think. it was all too much, and he wasn't making it easy for you.
"oh? you don't like praise?" his golden eyes shone brightly, and his nails grazed your skin painfully, but you reveled in the pain, panting, and shaking as baizhu cupped your face into his hands. "how about i call you a filthy whore instead? wanting to fuck a succubus that could drain your life away~" he whispers into your ear with such a haughty lilt in his voice, tongue licking your earlobe.
even though he was getting fucked by your fat cock, drilling into his insides until it all felt like numbing mush, moaning in delight as he wraps his legs impossibly tighter around you, keeping you close and never letting you go, he has you under his control. it was as if he owned your body, and you would only obey him.
it made your head fuzzy just thinking about it.
"you like being told what to do, hm? like some mutt?"
his words were like electric shocks down your spine, you couldn't help but pound harder into his warm, addicting cunt, a cry leaving your lips when he clamped down onto your cock once more. like a hand, gripping tightly onto something he owns, and in this case, your cock belongs to his pussy.
"oh my!" he grits his teeth as he lets out a long, drawn-out moan, pulling your head to his chest as he rolls his eyes back. "shit, hnff- t-that god you more excited, huh? so pussy drunk that you're only thinking with your dick~"
suddenly, you let out a shout, squeezing your eyes shut and burying as deep as you could inside of baizhu, a tear rolling down your cheek as you shot thick ropes of your cum straight into his starving womb. and oh, baizhu took it all, a small, joyous yes yes yes! leaving his lips as he moved his hips against yours, not giving you a moment's rest as he fucks himself onto you.
you didn't know what came over you after you orgasmed into his welcoming pussy, but when the mark on his womb glowed a vibrant green, your body kept moving on its own, despite the sting of overstimulation overcoming your senses. you fucked him, again and again, pressing the pad of your thumb against his clit and fiercely rubbing it as you burrow into him, mind blank.
your body shivered, sobbing and drooling as you absentmindedly followed baizhu's every command, twitching and burning from the numbing pleasure, yet your body refused to stop, even after you've come numerous amounts of times inside of him.
baizhu's hair became a mess as he greedily took every load you'd spilled, absolutely obsessed at the warmth of your seed filling up his insides and forming a creamy ring on your cock. you looked so handsome crying, begging him for a break, and that you can't take it anymore.
despite this, you let him milk your cock for all it's worth, pumping him full until it leaks out of his hole, his ankles were now resting on your shoulders. you were so lost in the pleasure, hiccuping as you cum again for the nth time.
just one more, he promised, though he pushed you back, turning your bodies around so baizhu was straddling your lap. he began to ride you, with expert movements that had you mewling, your arm covering your face, moaning into the night, holding no regards for your neighbors through your thin walls.
his nails marked your chest, making it bleed along his scratches, grinding his hips onto yours. gods, you felt so fucking good, it was difficult for him to pull away. your length and girth were just perfect, his blood boiling in thrill and excitement just by having you inside of him. he wanted more and more, drinking in as much as you could give him. your essence was just so delectable, irresistible. it was all he could ever want to eat.
you moan in sync, watching baizhu as he arches his back so prettily on top of you, creaming around your cock. you could tell he was just as sensitive as you were, but his hips ceased to stop. shakily, you reached for his tail, which possessively curled around your fingers.
gently, as you always are, you kiss the heart-shaped tip of his tail, watery eyes, so unfocused, but stared into baizhu's eyes, so full of tenderness that it snapped him out of his frenzied stupor.
baizhu gasps, cradling your face into his hands as he frets over you when your head falls, catching your breath as if you've run a marathon. "oh archons," he calls your name, shaking you lightly, "are you okay!? im so sorry, i didn't mean to- i got carried away!" hearing the distress in his voice, you only put your hand atop of his, kissing his palms and giving him an adoring smile.
"m'fine," you rasp, and before baizhu knows it, there was a faint click! right beside him, and light engulfs your room. your eyes light up when you finally see him, his eyes wide in shock. "hah, knew it was you."
"you-i-" instead of reacting how he always thought you would, as all others have, you grabbed his hands, and pressed long, loving kisses on each knuckle. baizhu's stomach was doing flips at each kind gesture, and he was now acutely aware of how he could feel your seed sloshing in his womb whenever he moved. his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "y-you weren't supposed to see me!" he glares at you, fangs bared threateningly.
though you can't bring yourself to fear him—not when he's panting, covered in sweat that gleamed at the orange light from your lamp, his face red, and eyes still full of carnal desire. but you know, behind his hunger, was nothing but love, adoring and fragile. "it's okay," you whisper as you sit yourself up, leaning back against the headboard, "it's okay to be seen."
your fingers twirled around a loose strand of his hair, planting a kiss on it while your eyes were on him, other hand caressing the ever-glowing mark on his swelling tummy. "please, let me see you." you kiss his jawline, and baizhu groans when you press onto his abdomen, so full—both of your lust and love. "let me love you."
his eyes burned as he let you wrap your arms around him, engulfing him in a hug he has long yearned from you. "go ahead, love," his skin crawls at the pet name, rolling so naturally from your tongue, so heavenly to his ears. "i know you still need more. i can take it."
baizhu has a lot of worries, especially concerning you. but at that moment, when you held him so tenderly, connected, with nothing but love in your gaze and a smile on your lips as you kissed him—it felt like everything was alright.
the world was nothing, and it was just the two of you, in each other's arms, lips locked; nothing could separate the two of you.
he may have fears, ones that will probably never go away for as long as he lives. but with you saying his name so softly, caressing his sensitive skin, and telling him it was okay for him to keep taking from you, despite your creeping exhaustion—he wants to have you by his side for a little longer, if not, forever.
because with you, baizhu thinks that everything will be fine.
"...just say you want more of me," he replies, hiding his face from you, to which you merely laughed at. "you freak... letting a succubus fuck you..."
"please, stop ignoring my heartfelt confessions and countering them with something mean," you pout, your thumb wiping away the stray tear that trailed down his cheek.
baizhu just pins you down, grinding his hips and making you roll your eyes, mouth open from a breathless moan. "keep quiet pet, i'm not done with you." he threatens, but you just smile,
"i love you."
gods, he hates how this all feels so normal with you, his poor heart that was boarded up in the beginning, all so vulnerable and raw before you.
but perhaps,
"...i love you too."
everything will be quite alright.
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love-belle · 10 months
laundry and taxes !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which they're in their own little safe haven with their dumbass grown babies.
for when you can finally relate to the love songs. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // sebastian vettel x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - IM BACK!!!! HELLO!!!! i miss u all sm ://// hope u like this <3 i have a lando au and a charles one that i hope i can post by tonight or tomorrow fs so !!! thank u sm for reading i love you <3
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, sebastianvettel and 796,326 others
yourusername you're in the kitchen humming ❤️‍🩹
tagged sebastianvettel
username PARENTS
username honestly my fav couple everrrrr
username they're so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username mama y papa
landonorris missing you both
-> yourusername can't wait to see you next week <3 !!
username i love them sm ur honour
username the first photo ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
username god me when.
username no bc they're literally so in love like i could cry just thinking abt them and their relationship from the beginning to here and how they navigated through it all even when they were BOTH fighting for the title and look at them now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username they're literally soulmates LOOK AT THEM
charles_leclerc maman wants me to tell you that she'll be facetiming you in the evening so that you both can crochet together 🫡
-> yourusername omg can't wait i miss pascale sm
-> charles_leclerc we'll crochet a small octopus!!!!!! i missed you sunshine!!!!!! - pascale
-> yourusername OH MY GOD OKAY ADHSJSJJS
-> username i LIVE for these interactions
username why r u doing this to me.
username omw to have a nice nap on the highway ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
lewishamilton i'm dropping off roscoe tomorrow :)
-> yourusername we're not even in london???
-> lewishamilton oh i know. i'm in switzerland :)
-> yourusername oH
-> username LOVE drivers just randomly dropping by their home without any warning 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
username fuck romeo and juliet i want what these bitches have
username y/n im so happy for u and ur b-🤮 boy-🤮 boyf-🤮 boyfriend 🤮🤮🤮 i swear
username they're MY parents
sebastianvettel another taylor swift song?
-> yourusername shush you love her music
sebastianvettel i don't hum
-> yourusername yes you do
-> sebastianvettel no i don't
-> yourusername you were humming baby shark do do this morning
-> username LMFAOOOOO
username sigh :/// i want this so bad :///
username im so normal abt them i SWEAr sO nOrmAL
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 896,314 others
sebastianvettel my sunshine ❤️
tagged yourusername
username SUNSHINE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username the fact that every SINGLE post on his acc is just y/n like
-> username love a man who's DEDICATED
-> username it's a y/n fan page
-> username i don't even blame him tbh she's so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username never will be getting over seb calling y/n his sunshine 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
username gf
username seb honestly needs to wife her up like im not even kidding
-> username im saying like
username parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
lewishamilton 💜💜💜
*liked by sebastianvettel*
username no bc they own my heart like ACTUALLY
username love sebastian being a proper simp for y/n like
-> username we love to see it
-> username y/n was never a wag it was seb all along
-> username i KNOW he loves being called y/n's bf
username GIRLFRIEND ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username sebastian can u fight.
carlossainz55 charles says he misses you both
-> charles_leclerc NO I DIDN'T SAY THAT
-> sebastianvettel oh so you don't miss us?
-> charles_leclerc no!!!!!!!! i mean yeah!!!!!!! i do!!!!!!!!!
-> yourusername missing my boys everyday ❤️‍🩹
-> username "my boys" I CRIED
username im so in love with this woman my gawd
yourusername my love ❤️
*liked by sebastianvettel*
yourusername but did you have to use that last photo
-> sebastianvettel my favourite photo actually
-> yourusername i love you :/
-> sebastianvettel i love you more :)
username im gonna throw up (i love them to death)
username sebastian and y/n adopt me challenge 🔥🔥🔥
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, sebastianvettel and 1,826,418 others
yourusername cannot wait to do laundry and taxes with you for the rest of my life. i love you ❤️
tagged sebastianvettel
username I DIED
username crying screaming throwing up sliding down the wall bashing my head pulling out my hair gagging rolling down the stairs laying on the highway microwaving a spoon taking a toaster bath
username OH MY GOD????????
username they're so ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
landonorris mama y papa
-> yourusername son?
-> sebastianvettel no thank you
-> landonorris WOW.
username im crying they're so precious to me
username they're my babies (they're older than me)
username y/n if u like drivers just say the word
-> username i could drive a taxi js sayin
username i want what they have 💔💔💔💔💔
lewishamilton sending you both all the love 💐!!
-> yourusername we miss you lewis 🫶🏼 come and see us!! we're in the living room
-> lewishamilton on my way
-> username lewis' second home is with y/n and seb and no i don't take criticism
username i miss them on the grid so BAD but this is so ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username the way u can tell that they're so in love????? like it's so GENUINE im in awe
-> username y/n always being like "my boyfriend" "sebastian, my bf" "my seb" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username and seb being like "sunshine" "my sunshine" "liebe" "schatz" like i could cry ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
username honestly my fav couple everrr
sebastianvettel cannot wait to go over the grocery list while sitting down at the dining table with you for the rest of my life
-> yourusername truly excited for our life
sebastianvettel i love you
-> yourusername i love you
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 1,926,811 others
sebastianvettel my everything ❤️ thank you for making me the happiest person alive by just being mine.
tagged yourusername
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manicpixiefelix · 21 days
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 23.
Summary: A conversation between you and Oliver as you both try to distract yourselves from thinking about the day behind, and the night ahead.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
A/N: 2957 words. i split the henrys dinner into two parts because the dinner itself was very different tonally to the conversation with oliver that needed to be had i think. this part is sfw but the next part Will Definitely Not Be :) also im putting more gratuitous shakespeare mentions because i love characters pointing out their own narrative parallels. i feed off of the lovely comments y'all leave, so if you have any thoughts you'd like to share, i always love to hear them!
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
No matter what you wore, these formal events made you feel like you were choking.
Oliver finds you in the shared bathroom a few hours before dinner began, already dressed and agitatedly fussing with your collar in the mirror. Spotting him in the reflection, your scowl doesn't clear, but you do start vocalising the thoughts that had been running through your head.
"Lady Daphne has three children, all under fifteen."
"What?" Oliver, still looking entirely casual in sharp contrast to you, leans against the sink, watching you with interest.
"Tonight; the woman next to you who isn't Ven, she has three children under fifteen, their names are -" squeezing your eyes closed tightly, willing yourself to remember, you swear with frustration as the children's names elude you. You'd managed to find and memorise Henry of Suffolk's children's names - Henry Jr and Charlotte - but you're again feeling like it's not enough. Your collar feels too tight.
Unbuttoning your top button for what must be the fifth time in the past half hour of your indecision, you groan with frustration.
"Are you okay?" Oliver asks carefully, to which you try and waive off his concern. Clearly, it doesn't work, considering he's making his way over to you to rest a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"I'm fine, it's fine," you tried again, though it still comes out with clear irritation. Closing your eyes again you try and calm yourself enough to focus, "I saw their names the other night in my notes, I know this," you hissed under your breath, "Lady Daphne and Lord Henry; he's Sir James' godson and his own sons are named..." you wrinkled your nose, braced against the counter, "they're fucking French names, I know this!"
"Are Lady Daphne and Lord Henry French?" Oliver asks.
"No, they're just pretentious," you bit out, though suddenly it came to you, "Regis, Gabriel, and Louis." A grin lights up your face at that; the tension leaves you for the moment in the wake of your small victory. You feel like you can breathe again. Oliver gives you a hesitant smile, at least glad to see you're feeling better for having finally remembered. Breathing a relief sigh, you turn to him properly, "how are you, Ollie?"
"Should I remember Regis, Gabriel, and Louis at dinner?" He asks with faint hesitancy. You shrugged.
"I'm sure it couldn't hurt," logically you knew your own anxious preparations were often too detailed for what the night would actually require, but if you had information that could help ease Oliver into this world to which he was unaccustomed, you'd offer whatever you could to make him feel prepared.
But when he asks if you want to stay with him while he gets himself ready for the evening, you still find yourself hesitating.
Farleigh had found you that afternoon as you'd been coming back in from your gardening; he looked more than a little irritated, but refused to explain his mood. There was something unusually guarded about him at the time, something almost bordering on reproachful in the way he looked at you.
As your heart sank with realisation, you tried to find a way to explain to him everything that had happened between you, Felix, and Oliver. The tricky part of it all would most certainly be reassuring him that you believed him entirely, while also figuring out a way to explain why you'd given Oliver another chance despite knowing he was lying to you and Felix. There was no way you'd be able to explain yourself in this moment, and Farleigh seemed to realise this too.
"If you have something to say to me," Farleigh told you tersely, glancing over his shoulder where you could both hear Felix chattering loudly to Oliver down another corridor, "if you can bare to tear yourself away from your darling, little Iago," he spits, and you sighed deeply, expression clearly showing your disappointment, which Farleigh paid no mind to, standing to his full height and fixing his cool gaze upon you, "you know where I'll be."
So now, here you were, after almost an hour trying and failing to distract yourself by skimming through Shakespeare's Othello since Farleigh's latest cruel nickname for Oliver had reminded you of it, you'd decided to bite the bullet and get yourself ready. Really you should head over to Farleigh's room and sort things out with him, talk everything through and smooth it all over, but Oliver looks so helpless at the mere thought of what tonight would require. You tell yourself you can always talk to Farleigh later.
The afternoon eases itself into early evening with far less tension than the middle of the day had brought with it. Simply being in Oliver's company does wonders for your nerves. Even if talk between you is limited, the silence is not uncomfortable; Oliver gets himself ready, and you continue to skim the play while splayed out on Oliver's bed, and the duvet that used to be yours, easing each other's anxieties in quiet parallel.
You're looking for a quote you half remember from when you'd studied the play back in high school, a line that would be all too fitting of an offer to Farleigh when you saw him next, picking up on his allusion while trying to assure him you weren't just blindly believing Oliver over him - there.
I am not merry; but I do beguile The thing I am, by seeming otherwise.
You keep the text open on the bedspread before you as Oliver asks you questions about the unspoken scripts that you all must follow throughout the night. There's something like vindication that wells up within you when you realise how easy you find it to talk him through them.
"Do you always wear suits to these things?" Oliver asks carefully in the intimate moment in which you stand before him, doing up the cuffs of his dress shirt.
"The Henrys dinners? Yes," you nod, nimble fingers dancing against the fabric by his wrist. An amused smile makes it's way across your lips as you explain without even really thinking, "the first and last time I wore a cocktail dress to a Henrys dinner I made one of them, Henry Rochester I think, very uncomfortable," you smirked at the memory, and though Oliver's glad to see you're more smug rather than uncomfortable about the memory, he still doesn't quite seem to understand why.
"Because you're...?"
"Technically yes," you huffed a laugh, letting go of the first cuff to do the second, "because he now gets hard thinking about me in a dress and he doesn't know how to feel about it, and I don't want to deal with that." For a moment, the words simmer in the air between you both, and you finish up with the second cuff, stepping back with a pleased little smile. Oliver, however, still seems to be confused, and finally you acquiesce, giving him the final piece of the story;
"It was a very nice dress, Henry was just so bloody wasted he forgot I was the one wearing it when he couldn't see my face when he walked in on Fi and I in the wine cellar decided to stick around and watch with his dick in his hand," you shook your head dismissively at the memory, rolling your eyes but still grinning, "which isn't our fault, it's our wine cellar, he's the one getting drunk and going for a roam on someone else's estate."
It startles a laugh out of Oliver, the sound bright and sharp as his hand comes up reflexively to cover his mouth. Your expression scrunches up, pleased at the sound. In the few moments that follow, you straighten out Oliver's collar as he's giggling to himself, watching you from behind his hand with warmth and something almost adoring.
"I should show you some time," you wet your lips, crossing your arms as you gave him a leering look over, your intentions obvious. Oliver flushes a little, smiling under your gaze.
"The dress?"
"The wine cellar," you corrected, making Oliver laugh once more.
"You sure you're not going to get me drunk and brick me in down there?" He asked, and your eyebrows rose at the unexpected reference to Poe's Cask of Amontillado. At your obvious surprise, Oliver gives a half smile, reminding you that you'd left a book of Poe's work in the drawer by his bed. He'd read it? You're not sure why you're so touched by that, but you are.
"If we end up drunk in the wine cellar, I promise I won't be leaving you alone down there," there's a surprising amount of affection in your voice for what is ultimately some pretty on the nose flirting, but Oliver seems to appreciate it nonetheless.
When you return from your own room with a pair of cufflinks for him, however, his expression is pensive as he's sitting on the edge of the bed, flicking through the copy of Othello you'd left there.
"Thought my party had something to do with the Midsummer Night's Dream one," he says with faint confusion. You've already got the line you'd found earlier memorised, so you're not concerned that he's flicking through, losing your page in the process.
"No, it is, it's just Farleigh -" except you really don't want to tell Oliver exactly what Farleigh had called him, had implied about him with a single, derisive nickname alone. Iago. You shrugged, "he just said something earlier that reminded me of it is all." Then, sitting down beside him, you shoot for a smile, "what are you up to now; tie?"
For a long few moments, Oliver gives you this utterly unreadable expression. You wonder if he knows the play; if he did, he could almost definitely make an educated guess about what Farleigh's comment may have been, especially given the very recent circumstances. Even if you don't know exactly how Oliver would react to something like that, you're not exactly eager to find out.
The moment thankfully does pass without further comment on the play, with Oliver instead standing and heading to the full length mirror by the wardrobe.
"Is your family helping Felix's with paying for Farleigh's uni and stuff?" Oliver asks with genuine curiosity in his voice as he glances at you in the mirror's reflection.
"What?" The question seems to come out of nowhere, and your reaction is entirely genuine.
"I just wondered if that was, you know, part of the reason he was so loyal to you," Oliver shrugged, though there's something almost apologetic in his eyes, "and, I guess, why you knew you could trust him to be so loyal?"
How did he even know the Cattons were helping with Farleigh's education? Your suspicions were with Elspeth, whom you loved despite how much of a gossip she always was, but Oliver admits that Felix had told him about how he and Farleigh were cousins, and Sir James' guilt over his semi-estranged sister, all the way back at Oxford. Ah, makes sense. Part of it was probably to explain why Farleigh was always hanging around them despite his obvious distaste for Oliver. It takes you a beat to compose your thoughts; knowing both Oliver, and Farleigh, you had to be deliberately sure of whatever information you shared in this moment.
"I'd give Farleigh anything if he asked," you admitted, wearing a faint, sad little smile as you recall how coldly he'd looked at you earlier that day, "but he never has," you shook your head, "not about something like that at least. Why?"
Looking over at the mirror, you see Oliver with his tie done up, looking at you in the reflection as though you're a puzzle he's desperately attempting to solve. But, when you smile, he returns the look in kind.
"I think this might just be one of those times where I have to remember you telling me there's more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy," Oliver says with a wry smile, and you can't help but laugh at the memory of your first proper conversation with him about your friendship with Farleigh on one of Oxford's many rooves.
"Farleigh is simply one of my best friends; I don't begrudge him his pride, it's part of who he is, and I love who he is," with your warm laughter, the mood in the room has lightened considerably, and you finally stand. Wrapping your arms around Oliver from behind, perching your chin on his shoulder, you take in the sight of you both in the mirror.
"You know, I think you'd look so beautiful in a dress if you ever wanted to wear one," you tell Oliver idly, handing over the box with the little, golden cufflinks that you'd been fidgeting with on the bed.
"Beautiful enough to give an old man a sexuality crisis?" He asked with a blithe grin, pulling out of your grip if only to make his way to the cupboard where his jacket had been hung.
"Oh, undoubtably," you don't even hesitate, sitting yourself in the arm chair by the window, watching him once more.
"Don't know if I could start with a cocktail dress," he says, gazing at himself in the mirror with a pleasantly thoughtful look in his eyes as he genuinely considers the idea. Then, "I think I trust you with this more than I trust me," he gives a suddenly self conscious chuckle, ducking his gaze, fidgeting with the collar of the jacket he was still holding.
"You don't have to start anywhere if you don't want," you assured him faintly, but Oliver's smile is so damn affectionate.
"It's fuckin' impossible to describe the kind of effect you have," he tells you, shaking his head, "if you say I'd look beautiful, all I know is that I think I want to look beautiful, just so long as it's you who's looking at me."
"I feel very lucky sometimes," you give an endeared hum at his words, grinning to yourself, "my beautiful boys." Oliver, jacket now on, freezes. He's turning a delightful shade of red at that, looking like he was trying and failing to fight off a pleased grin. Finally, he meets your gaze in the mirror, "would you let me put together a costume for you, for your birthday?"
"It's a costume party after all, could I put together a costume for you? Not a cocktail dress, I promise," you teased, and Oliver finally turned back to you, regarding you with nothing but love and affection.
"You know, sometimes I still can't believe you give me the time of day," the words almost seem to surprise him as they leave his lips. Something in your chest tightens, and you pause, once again caught off guard by Oliver Quick. There's a sweetness to the way he speaks that has butterflies fluttering so strangely in your stomach, "you're so..." he turns the words over in his mind, looking for the correct one, before he finally settles, "you're a dream," he says simply, "I don't think you don't get enough credit."
His words fill the sudden silence of the early evening as he steps towards you, cufflinks in hand, offering them as a silent request for assistance. You agree without even thinking.
In the back of your mind, you hear Farleigh calling Oliver Iago, but you can't bring yourself to care. Yes, Oliver spent enough time around you, observing you, talking to you, being in your space, that he knows exactly what to say and how to say it to endear himself to you. Clearly he's genuinely fond of you, but it's not often he gives you a compliment like this. Everything always so deliberate.
But it feels so fucking good to have someone put in the effort for you, someone other than Felix. Felix had always known how you worked, what songs to sing to make you dance if the whim ever struck him. It almost overwhelms you to realise that Oliver had learned how to hum along to the quiet song your heart sings too.
You wonder if you should tell Oliver that he doesn't need to try and manipulate his way into your life, that you'd already made a place for him here, all he had to do was ask to stay.
"I keep giving you the time of day because I'm very, very vain," you can't bring yourself to face his sincerity with any of your own, or you think you may either start crying, or possibly jump his bones, and it's too close to dinner for either. Instead, you grin from ear to ear, teasing tone letting him know how clearly you were joking, as you fixed the first cufflink to his jacket's sleeve, "and you keep saying lovely things about me."
"Lucky for me then that I don't think I'll ever run out of lovely things to say about you," you'd forgotten just how well Oliver could flirt when he really wanted to. Eyes bright and smile brighter, you can see mischief sparkling in his eyes when you look up, meeting his gaze. You love this boy so much it feels like it hurts at times like this.
"Think that means I should keep you very close by, at all times."
"Very few places I'd rather be, sweetheart."
That beautiful bastard knew exactly what he was doing to you.
Later, out of this space, out of this moment, out of Oliver's arms, you could go back to worrying about the night, about all the lies oscillating around your whole situation, about Felix and Farleigh and Venetia. Later, you'll find yourself thinking that Farleigh may have had far more of a point with Othello than you'd first realised when you read 'one that loved not too wisely, but too well' before you put the text back on the shelf.
Right now, you let Oliver pull you in for a kiss.
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maybxlle · 1 month
✧˖°. 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
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masterlist | home | rules
contains: a daughter of aphrodite panicking over our favorite white boy. and vise versa (jason grace x daughter of aphrodite!reader)
warnings: shitty ass writing, language, use of yn, and CRINGE. it's pretty bad, read at your own risk ⚠️
author's note: first fic! also, its probably gonna be bad (because i'm a shit writer 😃) im SO sorry about all the cuts! i cannot write. [send in requests y'all!] ALSO if you see any incorrections, no you didn't.
special mentions: thank you so much @canonfeminine for helping me come up with the joke percy says and @hopelesslyromanticshark because i kinda stole her formatting and her amazing advice (love ya coves!)
final word count: 2,098 words
now playing 𓏧 down bad by taylor swift
jason grace was walking outside cabin 13 when he heard you tweaking.
it was only 11am and it sounded like you had been up all night.
"y'all, you know that one song from taylor's new album? down bad? that's so me about superman." you sighed, "i don't even think he cares about me. not even a little."
"now i'm down bad, crying at the gym. everything comes out teenage petulance. fuck it if i can't have him. i might just die, it'd make no difference." you sang under your breath.
jason peeked in the cabin. he saw you hanging off hazel's bed upside down, piper was on the floor painting her nails, while annabeth was sitting in an armchair, reading, and hazel was at her desk, writing a letter to chiron about why they should have state of the art, gold-plated horse feed. they were only in the hades cabin because nico was with will in the infirmary. (awww <3)
"ma'am, we know all of this before. you never shut about hi-" piper began.
annabeth made a condescending mom face. "yn," she said gently. "maybe you should go to sleep."
you just glared at her until she looked back at her book (rolling her eyes).
"maybe he does like me! he just doesn't know it yet." you triumphantly said.
piper snorted. you got up, and whacked her with your pillow until she fell over.
"ok, geez, i get it. cough cough bitch." piper um-coughed out.
hazel finally looked up, innocently, from her crazy letter, "ok, girls, let's calm down?"
you and piper obliged, scowling at each other.
"anyway, bACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING. maybe he is in love with me, he just doesn't fucking know it yet!"
"wait, isn't superman jaso-"
jason took that as his cue to get the fuck out of there.
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our favorite white boy RAN to his boys.
he gathered them in percy's cabin. "guys, i just overheard something."
"what? that the superman theme song plays wherever you go?” percy snickered.
while percy and leo... snort-laughed, frank actually asked what happened.
"basically, i was walking past cabin 13 and the girls were in there, right? so i overhear yn saying something about 'superman' and how this song -down bad i think?- relates to them or something."
suddenly all the boys had their thinking faces on.
"what if she's in love with the actor of superman?" frank suggested.
leo had this eerie look on his face. "grow a couple of brain-cells chinese canadian baby man. she's in love with jason."
everyone just looked at leo. "ok, think about it. who the fuck else flies here? only jason. who else flies? superman."
jason thought about it. "that would make sense since piper was about to say my name when yn cut her off-"
"i didn't think that yn would ever like me back." he said matter-of-factly.
to be fair, jason had a crush on you since he arrived at camp. you were so pretty but you were so lively too. your personality was bright and radiant and maybe a bit crazy. just a bit though. but in a good way!
you just radiated positivity as if you were the sun. to him you could've been.
jason didn't realize he zoned out until leo was about to shove a shoe in his mouth.
"oh i got him back guys! you like... died." leo said.
"so you were going to resuscitate me by shoving a shoe in my mouth?"
"yeah, basically!"
jason didn't know what to say to that so he didn't say anything!
"can we get back on track?"
"yes," percy answered. "we shall."
"first things first, we already know that you love yn so much from the bottom of your heart. but how are you going to tell her?" frank asked.
jason was at a loss.
"don't worry, i'll sleep on it."
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"hey sparky!" you exclaim.
"oh h-hey yn." you side-eyed him, wondering if he heard your gods-awful conversation yesterday.
then you slapped yourself. (mentally?) of course he wouldn't do that! he's your sweet little superman who you are hopelessly in love with!
"do you wanna race to the top of the lava wall with me? don't be shy, you always lose!" you asked.
"um, i don't think i can today yn, sorry."
you were a little lot disappointed. you just really liked him and he fucking rejects you??? what if you tell him how you feel and he doesn't feel the same way? what if you become the laughing-stalk of camp? “k, bye jase.”
after he left you sprinted to your girls.
hazel slowly raised her hand. "just don't mess it up again. if piper doesn't want your foot in her face, don't put it in her goddamn face. ok?"
you scowled at her before sprinting to hazel’s cabin.
you guys took your seats from yesterday.
“what the- wHY ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT ME?!” piper screeched.
annabeth spoke up, “you were the one who practically said jason’s name.”
“annie. you just said it. SUPERMAN ONLY BITCHES.” you said.
“what if that did happen?” hazel asked. “he’s not a pretty, perfect, goody-two-shoes princess? like you think he is. ”
annabeth, piper, and hazel all just looked at each other, tired with your shit.
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"i think she's onto me." jason said to his little boy band.
percy looked up from his game of chess with frank and stroked his chin, "why may that be?"
jason scratched his neck sheepishly, "um, she, like side-eyed me?”
“this is yn we’re talking about. she side-eyes everybody.” leo said.
“BUT NOT ME!” jason panicked.
frank tsked at percy, “what move you gonna make?”
“oh, shut it frank. i’m invested. what else did yn say?”
“i… don’t remember.”
all the boys collectively looked at him.
“SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH!” leo exclaimed. “we need a fucking plan.”
“do you have a plan leo?” frank asked.
“i actually do, frank. gather round children.”
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after some meticulous planning, and a couple phone calls, a plan was set.
a prom dress, a boom box, and taylor swift.
exciting right?
it was two days after that stupid conversation (that jason totally didn't overhear).
annabeth, piper and hazel came to drag you from your seat at the docks where you were reading an angsty romance (like the sad emo girl you were after being rejected by the love of your life).
"what the fuck do you whores want?"
"ok rude," annabeth replied, "but you have to come with us."
"we have something exciting for you!" hazel said enthusiastically.
you looked at hazel, "haze, 'excitement', does not exist for me anymore. ever since the love of my goddamned life rejected me- "
piper cut you off, "ok shut up yn. first of all, he didn't even reject you. he just said he can't climb the lava wall with you. just come with us. please don't make a big deal about it."
you looked at the girls suspiciously, "what's in it for me?"
the girls shared a look, "that's a secret. but believe me, everything's in it for you."
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"i look like a fucking bratz doll!" you screeched.
piper was doing and messing up your makeup while annabeth and hazel were looking for a good outfit.
"also miss bitchy," you said, "why am i wearing this much makeup? and why is annabeth and hazel trying so hard to find an outfit?"
piper could see that you were clearly becoming suspicious. she just gave you a small (knowing) smile, "oh don't worry about it sweet."
you were about to jump her when hazel and annabeth came holding ... a prom dress and two inch heels?
“are you shitting me? what the fuck is this?” you asked.
“yn, just put it the fuck on! no. arguments. ” piper said.
you weren’t someone to refuse looking good. (even if piper messed up your makeup.) “fine, but i’m watching y’all.”
they nodded while you went to the bathroom to change.
you came out and hazel to do the back. “ok, how do i look?” you asked, deadpan.
“yn! you look stunning!” hazel exclaimed.
you looked decent. you had an old prom dress that the aphrodite cabin just happened to have and slightly crusty heels.
“this will definitely work. he’ll be drooling all over her.” piper said to annabeth.
you were so confused, what the fuck is happening?
"excuse me? what's going on? cause i am about to shit my pants." you said.
annabeth, hazel, and piper just looked at each other and said, "don't worry about it dear." and burst out laughing. (about what? that wasn't even funny???)
suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"oh my fucking gods, who is it?!" you shout.
piper looked at you. "chill," she opened the door, "hey leo."
"why is leo here?!" she ignored you! leo pulled her outside, when she came back she nodded to annabeth and hazel.
"ok yn! time for your surprise!" hazel said, knowingly.
then, hazel blindfolded you, annabeth and piper grabbed your legs, while leo grabbed your arms. while you were screaming to satan.
next, y'all went on your merry way going gods-know-where!
suddenly you were dropped straight on the fucking ground so hard your ass hurt and all your bindings slipped off.
you were in the middle of the fucking woods. and you could distantaly hear hazel, piper, leo and annabeth running away.
really where you were dropped was gorgeous. you were at a clearing in the middle of the woods. it was around sunset so everything was lit up with the golden sunlight streaming through the leaves. you could hear the faint sound of a creek in the distance.
all of sudden you heard footsteps. you got up of your ass and cursed under your breath when you realized you have no knifes because somebody took them from you.
you turned toward the sound when you saw him.
jason, all dressed up in a matching suit.
"oh, h-hi jason. whatcha doing here?"
"oh, just waiting for a pretty girl so i can give her a dance."
you looked around confusedly. "jase, i think you went the wrong way. all the pretty girls are back at camp."
he chuckled, then pulled a boombox from his ass. "would you give me this dance milady?"
you were so so so baffled. what was happening? but your heart belonged to him. "um, sure?"
he clicked play on the boombox and 'you belong with me' by taylor swift started playing. he grabbed your hands and placed them on his shoulders. (TRUST ok? they're waltzing to "you belong with me", but its fine.
you felt like your heart was going a million miles a second but in slow motion at the same time. you were panicking but you felt so content.
the bridge was playing and you realized how much the song relates to you and jason.
you guys were best friends before you something happened two days ago.
y'all knew each other better than the back of your hand.
he would bring you ice cream when you were on your period and when you weren't.
anytime he had to go on a quest without you he brought you souvenirs.
you told each other about your crazy dreams. like when elmo was chasing you down rodeo drive.
the song ended.
"i-" you looked up.
"um-" jason cut you off.
"you go first." you were terrified, your heart pounding in your chest.
"well, i've had the biggest crush on you, yn. since i arrived, really-"
you cut him off, pulling his mouth to your own.
you were in euphoria for a minute until you both pulled away.
"soooo?" you were giddy, "what now?"
jason looked thoroughly confused, you were too. "i don't know but we'll get through it together."
your cold heart melted a little at that.
"i have a question," you asked, walking away. "did you have a crush only because of my fat ass?"
"oh my gods, yn!"
author's note: so yeah um... there it is. it sucks, i kinda hate it but i thought it was a good idea and i wanted to start writing.
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ncteez · 2 days
updates on me / this blog :o
pls read this if you want to continue reading from me! [u can skip life updates lol, im just excited]
i graduated from my previous college magna cum laude and im moving on to another school now :D i got a really really good private scholarship too! i've also decided to minor in creative writing so, safe to say i'm probably gonna be writing for like, ever.
uh, I GOT A NEW KITTEN!!!!!!!!! his name was arson, but it's now officially CROW! he's a little solid black kitten that likes to sit on my shoulders. He's my baby, my love. im seeing ateez twice this year, seeing and meeting a.c.e, and def securing barricade for enhypen with fave oomf neopup!!! IM VERY VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS!
I have a lot of wips over on simpjaes! I also might revamp a couple more fics from here to enhypen members. I'm hoping if i make the author's not VIOLENTLY VISIBLE people will stop thinking i'm stealing my own fics ;-;
if you want to read about enhypen, go over there bc...wooo buddy, i've improved fr. that being said, i will still be writing here. for seventeen, nct, ateez, and....drumroll pls.
TXT!!!!!!!!!!!! yes. i have finally fallen deep enough in love that I will more than likely write for txt every now and then. this includes full fics, hard thoughts, and drabbles
i also want to warn you guys.
i am 100% into writing darker tropes. do not be shocked if you find content here from now on that may or may not be like, a no-go for you. some examples of my plans include:
stalker shit all around toxic behaviors [manipulation, love bombing, things we wouldn't put up with irl] dubious consent step-cest consenual non consent
you can find some examples of this kind of stuff that i've written here, here, and here
pls be mindful of my writing rules, which has been updated to match my current brain worms in terms of fics.
this does not mean my fluffy, loving, loseresque fics are gone forever tho. i'll always have room for stuff like that. i just think you guys deserve a clear-cut and transparent warning of any future works i may post here.
and one more thing:
i am mostly active on simpjaes at the moment because of the wips I have. i know i still have wips here, unfortunately, my interest isn't in it right now. i may or may not change or remove wips and start fresh! if anything, to get me back in the ncteez game because i feel bad for leaving y'all hanging as i feed enhablr lmfao
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i missed you so much sunshine! (hobie x reader)
aaaa brainrot fic go boom boom :D
inspired by the pavitr x hobie ship dynamic except it's hobie x reader :D
this is VERYYYY much full of fluff because i'm in little space and qnq gotta feed y'all /hj
so like yea :3 lil plot you had to go far from hobie for some reason as you're a very well-known journalist and he's,,,, well he's spiderman :>
lonely series part one || lonely series part two|| hobie headcanons
also hobie is a bit ooc ahhg
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you sighed in relief as you unlock the door of your apartment. it was some time since you saw your boyfriend any other way than on a screen, so it was no surprise the two of you ran into each other's arms as soon as you crossed the door.
it had been some time since you went on a date because of your respective job, which both were time consuming, but it only made every encounter more unique.
"i'm home!" you sing as you enter the room. you barely had the time to close the door your boyfriend ran to hug you.
"missed ya a whole bunch sunshine, glad you're finally home" hobie said as he shoved his head into your shoulders and covered your face in soft kisses.
he stepped back a bit from the hug and cupped your face.
"you're wonderful my love" he whispers, "i missed you so much."
"i know, i know" you say with a smirk. "i missed you too."
"oh! by the way! now that you're here i have a surprise for you!" he suddenly remembered
(is this too much dialogue? i never know i js try my best to make the scene as alive as possible 😭)
he held your hand as the two of you went walking down the streets.
you couldn't help but smile as he told you random anecdotes on his daily spiderman activities: the time he got in a fight with miguel, the time miles got in a fight with pavitr because he kept saying chai tea and so on...
hobie was... different with you. when you were with him in the haedquarters (hehe you being a journalist was actually a cover for you being a spiderperson :3) he seemed rough and careless, but when he was with you he was sweet,caring - quite the opposite you knew him as.
"aaand there!" he said as you reached a small shop. "after you!"
the buzzing sounds of what seemed tattoo machines greeted you as you entered the small building.
"is this some kind of piercing shop?" you ask in disbelief.
"yup" said your boyfriend. " i remember the time you said how much you wanted a septum piercing, so as soon as i knew you'd come back to town today i took an apointment! plus the person who makes the piercings is someone you know vey well"
hobie took you to a small room with dimmed colorful lights.
"pav??? what the fuck are you doing here??" you said before hugging your best friend. "i didnt know you worked here"
"ask your boyfriend, he's the one who invited me over!" pavitr said cheerfully.
ngl i'm lazy to write the piercing scene because that'd be uninteresting so like- the following scene is you and hobie going out of the piercer
"waaaa this is so pretty :OO" you say noticing your brand new septum piercing. " so you were just planning this along when you couldn't stay on the phone?" you remark amused.
as the two of you walked back home, you noticed something strange on your boyfriend's expression. you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but he sure looked happy.
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this all fank yew for reading :3 the end is a bit rushed im sorry 😭 i feel like adding stuff would be unuseful so :3
am in a v fluffy mood rn so expect more hobie hcs :3 (is fr about time i work on sharpening those nsfw writing skills but 👩🏻‍🦯)
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 27 days
status of babbit's life yeehaw
tl,dr: busy moving and a couple of other big life things that just complicate things, but well on the way to being back to normal! new fic chapters and better quality art coming soon.
tl,wr (too long, will read):
Helloooo what's up its me, Babbit. or Rabbit. or Bones. or Idiot Moron Menace Child, idk im not picky lol
i know a lot of you guys have been wondering wtf is up with my upload schedule lately and the extreme lack of even basic content and also i am extremely aware that i have not updated my fics in a few millennia and for that i am very, very sorry. this post is to answer a few questions you might have, if anyone was curious about the 'reason' instead of just the 'when.'
my family and i have had a hell of a year, y'all. like, jesus christ, i really hope things level out and calm down for a while once we're moved in to our new apartment bc god damn we are so tired. the list goes: 1. we got kicked out of the house we were renting-to-own bc we wouldn't be able to afford the new rate, so they gave us two months to find a new place to live (not long enough, it turns out) and then foreclosed to get us out. 75% of our belongings were still in the house when we had to leave. that includes all of our christmas ornaments- including the ones kept for decades, and the ones made by me and my siblings, and the fancy ones made from blown glass. 2. the first night out of the house, one of our dogs, freaked out by the strangeness of the situation, panicked and slipped her harness and ran off. that was over a year ago. we haven't seen her since. 3. my cat got very ill and became unable to eat. she passed away almost exactly a year ago. she had been 14-15, and had been my baby since i was maybe 8. 4. one of the tires on my dads car blew out. during the night, while it was parked on the curb so he could put the spare on in the morning, one of the in-tact tires was fucking stolen LMAO 5. we applied to rent at so many places and got rejected so, so many times. it costs money to apply, btw. we're talking like $200+. no, u don't get that money back. 6. i lost my job bc knowing i would have to work 8 hours at a job that stresses me out to the point of exhaustion (at a place where no one takes me seriously and would actively laugh at me when i try to express my need to step away for a minute) sometimes paralyzed me and made me sick to my stomach and made me feel unable to leave the house, and i called out one too many times. a day after my birthday, too! 7. just recently, like within the last week, my dad's car got fuckin totalled!!!!!
the 'oh god' news is we still have to move in, and replace a lot of the stuff that we just couldn't take with us when we moved out (mostly stuff like bookshelves, dining table, dressers, etc) AND get the few things we could cram into a storage center out and moved into the new place, which isn't a lot but at the same time is more than we can realistically handle on our own. and then, we have to get my mums cats (a pair of kitty sisters that we had to temporarily house with my aunt, who got tired of looking after them and let them outside to be outdoor cats a few months ago. yes, this was an extremely shitty thing to do, and we've been working hard to get them back safely) AND my gecko (who my cousin has been looking after, even tho feeding him worms freaks him out LMAO yes i plan on compensating him) moved in, as well... basically oh my god there is so much to worry about but at the same time it's nice to have to worry about it bc it means we're making progress sdkfhsjdkfhdsjfh
basically i am just so tired but so busy and also thinkin abt so much im so sorry for lack of stuff but i am so looking forward to being able to bounce back, pls stick with me, it'll be sorted out soon i think and then i'll hit y'all with some good stuff i promise!!!!!!!
anyway thank u guys i love u and appreciate u all for sticking around
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femscottlang · 1 year
The CPA and SSA- Part One
part one part two part three
Aaron Hotchner x Accountant! reader
Summary- The case they're currently working on has gotten bad, the unsub has been stalking the team and they need a safe place to stay. Luckily, Aaron has a girlfriend in Alexandria that he has yet to tell the team about. 
Contents/ warnings; description of cases, a little bit of hurt/comfort, established relationship, just overall kinda fluffy and sweet :) 
AN: I want to get back into writing and this is one of those maladaptive daydreams I use to fall asleep <33. I just love the idea of Aaron dating someone super stable and having a domestic little life. this is probably gonna be a 3 part series :)
Also if you're anything like me you love Zillow, this is the house I'm kinda basing this off of 
Send me asks and requests! im happy to do blurbs on characters from CM and MCU :)
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The team was split up into two SUVs. In the first, Aaron, Spencer, and Derek. The second, David, JJ, and Emily. Hotch furrowed his brows, weighing his options of where to take the team to be safe. They were all sleep deprived and hungry. He ran through the scenarios of a hotel, motel, cabin, safe house.
Finally, he thought of your place. The cozy mismatched furniture, the smell of spices always radiating, the music always quietly playing in the background. He let out a huff and glanced at Reid in the front seat, who called shotgun much to Derek’s dismay,  before looking back at the road “Spencer, grab my phone and call the most recent number.” Spencer gave him a confused look, but obeyed the order. “Hey- uh, who's-” he was interrupted by a voice coming through the car speaker
It was a rather calm evening at your house. You knew that Aaron was caught up with a case and weren't expecting to hear from him for a while. Putting on some classical music, you poured yourself a glass of red wine and began to cook dinner. Heating up the frozen Tikka Masala sauce you stored in your freezer for lazy evenings like these, you began to chop up some chicken to put in the sauce when your music got paused by an incoming call.
You walked over and struggled to answer it with your elbow, so as to not contaminate your phone. Shocked to see Aaron as the Caller ID, you say “wait one second, honey bun, lemme put you on speaker my hands are covered in chicken” you let out a giggle as you finally were able to select the right button on the screen.
  “Hey, sorry to call you out of the blue.” He stated, in a serious tone you'd only heard him use when he was called in for a case “Is everything alright, honey? You can always call me, you know that.” you frowned at the phone, going back to cutting up the chicken. “We -uh need somewhere to lay low, just the night is fine. You can say no, but” he looked through the rearview mirror at both Derek and Spencer.
His shoulders relaxed and his voice softened to the Aaron that you're used to “I miss you. I really need to see you” He sighed “Reid, text the rest of the team that we are going to Alexandria.” Spencer gave a curt nod and pulled out his own phone, texting JJ. 
“Have y'all eaten yet?” You asked simply, like this was every other time he called you driving home from work. Like your heart wasn’t gonna beat out of your chest at the idea of him being in immediate danger 
“What?” He asked, shocked at your casual response. 
“Have y'all eaten? I'm making food and I need to know if I have to make more.” You said, washing your hands and pulling out the rest of the chicken breasts you had. He smiled at the console “No, love. We haven't. nothing sounds better than your cooking. What're you making?” Derek and Reid gave each other wide-eyed looks.
“Jus’ some chicken curry, rice and I'll heat up some of that naan I made with Jack. You better watch out, he's getting to be a better cook than you” You sneered playfully as you did the math in your head over how many cups of rice you needed to feed six starving FBI agents.
He chuckled “I believe you. I was never any good in the kitchen. We'll be there in about 20 minutes, alright?” You squinted at the phone then sighed “yeah that's fine, it won't be done as soon as you get here, but you won't have to wait too long after. Next time you're getting hunted by a serial killer, give me a heads-up so I can cook a fancier meal for your colleagues. You're lucky I haven't changed into my pajamas yet, Mr. Hotchner.” 
“That's fine, thank you again, Honey. I promise I will. I love you” He said, grimacing in preparation for the stampede of questions heading his way “I love you too, darling. I'll see you in 20.” You said, starting to rush in order to have dinner ready. He hung up and was surprised by the silence.
“Okay. I know you're dying to ask about her. Go ahead.” His signature frown sank back into his face. Derek smirked and crossed his arms “Nah. I’ll wait until Rossi, Prentiss, and JJ find out. Plus, I have a feeling that your girl is a lot more open” he grinned. Aaron shot him a stern look “I'm regretting this.” His shoulder crept their way back up into their usual tense position. 
You heard a loud knock on the door, frazzled by the sudden noise while caught up in the chaos of cooking, you walked towards it hesitantly. You looked through the peephole to see Aaron staring at the door and the other five agents looking at your house, no doubt profiling you off of it. You opened the door with a wide smile, giving Aaron a small kiss on the cheek as you were unsure how affectionate he wanted to be in front of his coworkers.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly before placing a kiss on your forehead and letting you go “Thank you again, really. This is the team, Dr. Reid, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, and JJ.” He motioned to each of them then moved inside and hung up his jacket like he always did. “Go stir the curry and check on the rice! I don't want it burning I'm not going out to get more food tonight!”
You looked away from him and at the rest of the team who were standing on your porch like deer in headlights. You tilted your head and flashed the same wide smile “Please, come in. Make yourselves at home. Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.” You watched them as they walked in and looked at each other, then the rest of your home. The older gentleman who you assumed was Rossi spoke up first “How long have you been seeing each other?” You shrugged, leading them into the living room 
“about three-ish years now. Aaron told me what had happened to- you know. He didn't want to risk anything like that happening again. Which is why I'm shocked that he brought you here. It must be bad, isn't it?” You sighed, sitting on the armrest of a chair and looking at all of their faces
“It's certainly not pretty. ” JJ said, sitting on the couch across from you. You nodded “relax, don't think about it anymore. I’ll go make sure your boss isn't burning down my house.” You gave them a tight-lipped smile and walked into the kitchen. Staying in the doorway, you watched Aaron tend to the food. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his tie was tossed on the breakfast table. You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his torso, placing your cheek against his back “you shoulda given ‘em a heads up. They're lookin at me like I'm a fish that grew legs” you laughed, letting go of him to grab bowls to put the food in.
“Yeah, I'm sorry. I wanted to introduce you to them in a better way, but if we weren't here we’d be at a hotel and I don't think any of us would've been able to sleep. Your house is just so. Comforting. I like it better here than in my apartment. Jack does too.” You grinned at the plate “which one of them, are we gonna put in Jack's room here?” You asked 
“Whoever asks the most inappropriate question.” He states in his usual, monotone voice. You gathered all of the spoons into the stack of bowls and began to carefully walk to the dining room, pausing for a moment to bask in the domesticity of it all. Aaron cooking, his friends coming over after work. If he wasn’t being hunted down, it would be perfect.
You set the table and walked back to the kitchen where you see Aaron fanning a pan with a dish towel. “Oh good lord, move, agent” you laughed, pushing past him to get to the stove as you turned it off and threw whatever was left of the burned piece of naan out the back door so as to not set off the fire alarm. You huffed and set the pan in the sink, looking at him with a hand on your hip. 
He looked like a guilty puppy, head down, but his eyes looking up to meet yours. You bit back and smile, shaking your head “I don't know how you've gotten this far in life, Aaron. Truly.” You say, closing the distance between you too, and pressing a kiss to his temple. He hummed “I have you to take care of me” a grin broke out across your face as you placed a hand on his chest.
You heard hushed whispering and shuffling of feet before you looked at the doorway and saw the entire team trying to fit in the cramped space to see after-work Aaron that you're accustomed to. Laughter bubbled out of you as you watched them bicker like siblings. “Who are you and what have you done with Hotch?” Emily asked, wagging a finger at you playfully. “It's like watching a feral cat be domesticated” Spencer muttered to JJ. you held your hands up in surrender.  “I didn't do anything! Now all of you are sitting at the table, dinner is almost ready.” You shooed them toward the dining room
 A knock at the door startled the both of you. You looked at him and motioned him to stay where he was, stepping on his foot to keep it from moving as you bent down and pulled the gun from his ankle. You took off the safety and held it behind your back. You looked through the peephole at an eccentrically dressed blonde woman. You cocked the gun and opened the door with a smile “Hi, Can I help you?” You asked, watching as she looked over your shoulder “Yeah, I'm looking for my team” she said “this is the address Morgan sent me”
You heard footsteps coming behind you and putting the safety back on the gun “Down, girl.” He mumbled, putting a hand on your lower back “Yes, Garcia. Come in." Aaron said, taking the gun back and putting it back in the holster “This is Penelope, our technical analyst.” Penelope grinned widely at you “oh hotch, you big softie. I can't believe you managed to keep her from me! Everyone else I get but me? I'm impressed” she said, walking in. You shook your head and smiled at the ground “the rest of 'em are in the dining room, you can join them I'm just about to bring the food out.” 
You looked at Aaron and grinned “I like your team” he scoffed “Yeah, until they start grilling you.”
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
please note that this is a pre-s2 masterpost; new one can be found here.
contrary to popular belief i am actually capable of writing up genuine theories about s2, but they are still wonderfully feral and unhinged in both tone and nature, so voila welcome to ✨rhi's crackpot speculation/meta masterpost✨ featuring some very special guests that are way more insightful and clever than me
note: contains spoilers
d-day edit: lmao let's sort this shitpit out🍲
old post-s2/s3-relevant metas etc but they didn't make it to the final cut of the new masterpost:
BIT NERVOUS about this being linked but fuck it, i didn't like the first two eps INITIALLY but in my defence i learnt the error of my ways and consider it to have been prime's fault
thoughts on s3 in the immediate aftermath
i heard you calling from across the ether for some whump material so i wrote some
also i meta-girlbossed a bit too close to the sun with recontextualising the lion/adam/eve parallels in s1e1 now that we know what we know about aziraphale and crowley pre-fall
someone shared their opinion about the playlists with me then i blacked out and when i came to there was meta
i got big feelings™ about the argument clip in that aziraphale is honestly just a nice man doing his fucking best (not a prediction but just a wee rant)
s2 live commentaries bc im sorry reading these back is GOLD:
episode 1/2 (lumped together bc i went to a screening) (also neil liked this and i feel exposed the poor guy had to read this??? over all the other somewhat intelligent stuff on my blog??? this is what he went for???? man's WILD ✨)
episode 3
episode 4
episode 5
episode 6 (lmao)
and then basically anything else, mostly all pre-s2 so have a read and laugh at me, it's ok honest
this one made me tear up a bit because i live on a diet of bagels and aziraphale/crowley biblical whump material LMAO AM I APOLLO????
(as amended) the one where my entire theory on aziraphale and crowley's angst for s2 is predicted based on the length of his ridiculous (see: delicious) sideburns
an earlier musing on the plot of like the first three episodes (fuck it let's be real i'm just blueprinting a fanfic in this post)
by all accounts crowley is not, in fact, james bond
the second coming gets fucked up bc gabriel is a pussy ass bitch
✨✨SDCC/NYC✨✨ people pls read this and talk to me about it bc I'm losing it everyone else just shh and read silently for a minute ill get to you in a sec okay id still love to know what happened at the sdcc screening but i went to my own one in the uk and what i saw has done nothing to dissuade me from this theory im sorry
lol haven't updated this post in a hot minute but this is the SMOOCHY prediction
i told y'all crowley was getting hit by the cozzy livs and now my boy has to work in a pub, liz truss i hope ur happy
if i must suffer then you must suffer also thems the rules
✨✨live feed of my breakdown over the episode titles✨✨
a wee romantic shitpost about ep5 but im adding it in here for posterity bc if this does happen im going to simply decease
this was birthed from the above but with ep2(?) spoiler context
i have a sinking feeling that crowley may be a double agent and honestly that's not very james bond of him
segue from the above, someone really cleverly came up with the thought after the wanted posters that crowley is involved in hell descending on the bookshop to get gabriel and was rewarded with duke of hell (hence the art of him on a throne) and i latched on like a fucking barnacle
I cry
(also as amended lmao) my rhetoric on how unequipped aziraphale is to handle intense gay panic god bless this mess this lil funky dude
i have now done so many speculation posts about the 40s that it feels like groundhog day but if prime insist on feeding me 40s content then that's their own damn fault (but this one is the most recent and where I'm currently at so read this one first)
(older) a tinfoil hat inspection of anything related to ww2!husbands, magician aziraphale, and the Dinner of '41
(older again) extended-Dinner of '41 analysis in the context of s1e3
once upon a time aziraphale and crowley fucked up the ineffable plan by not getting together in 1941 and god wasn't happy about it and everything went tits up, the end
a simple humble commentary on how the trailer was put together and a warning to not trust a single thing prime tells us
okay it's not s2 related but i had a bit of wine and a small heartbreak over their first meeting in the beginning and now any other method of therapy is redundant
and last but certainly not least (not for the moment anyway, there's a few more feet to descend before we truly scrape the bottom of the unholy barrel that is my psyche) we encounter the deranged, manic, unbalanced and frankly disturbed commentary i birthed in response to The Spoiler
enjoy, my boos ✨
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xikerhunt · 1 year
hiii can i request a sumin, hunter, or yechan fic? just like and x member reader with like you guys having lots of pda like sitting on his lap during an internet with yalls hands intertwined omg im already thinking of thisss
Hiii, thank you for requesting. I chose to do hunter cause I haven't written about him yet. I tried my best. I didn't know what you meant when you said during a internet so I put a little twist on it. I hope you enjoy 🫶🏽
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"We're not alone hunter!"
Hunter x reader
Warnings: nothing really just PDA, short and sweet
Genre: fluff
Your boyfriend hunter invited you to go to the mall with him and his band mates.
You've only met them a few times over facetime when they call hunter or he calls them.
Hunter was excited for you to finally meet the guys in person. He couldn't wait.
You on the other hand was nervous but tried to stay as calm as possible.
"You okay baby?" Hunter asked from the driver's side with concern on his face.
You just nodded. "I'm a little nervous to meet your friends, what if they don't like me?" You said but hunter quickly shut that down.
"They already like you y/n, don't worry." He says putting his free hand on your thigh to soothe your nerves.
"You know I love you right?" Hunter asked still looking at the road.
You smile looking at him. "Of course I know, you tell me everyday." You say with a giggle making hunter giggle as well.
"I just like to remind you. It makes me feel good to know that you know." You blush sitting your hand on top of his that was on your thigh.
Y'all finally make it to the mall and hunter gets out the car before you and walks to your side to open the door for you.
You thank him with a smile. He looks down at his phone. "They are already here.
Jinsik said that they are at the food court." He states before putting his phone in is pocket and taking your hand.
You both start to head inside the mall hand in hand. You see a red haired boy which you recognized to be Yechan.
He signals the two of you to come over.
You smile and wave at the boys and they wave back. They had pulled chairs from other tables to sit together.
You were about to do the same but hunter pulls you to his lap making you surprised.
"A perfect seat right here." He says with a smirk. You smile and look down getting shy cause you felt so many eyes on you.
"We're not alone hunter." You say hitting his chest lightly. "So what? They don't care." He says with a shrug.
"You know we can hear y'all right?" Yujun says sipping his drink.
You felt embarrassed but didn't move or say anything.
"Anyways how's everyone been?" Minjae asked trying to change the subject.
The conversation was going well or so you thought.
The whole time hunter was playing with your fingers making it hard to even concentrate on what minjae just said.
You push some hair that was bothering you from Infront of hunters eyes.
He does a cute little blinky thing with his eyes and smiles at you.
"I couldn't help it, she shouldn't have started crying out of nowhere." Yechan says with a laugh talking about a memory he had with the boys.
You laugh starting to actually listen cause hunter was less touchy but then he started tapping your thigh with his fingers.
You look at him kinda scolding him but he only smirks cause he loves making you sweat.
After a while everyone started to leave using different excuses such as "I have work early tomorrow." Or "I gotta get home to feed my dog." So now it was just you, hunter, sumin and junmin.
The four of you decided to get ice cream cause it was a pretty hot day today.
As y'all are walking hunter puts his arm around your shoulder and you grab his hand linking y'all's fingers together.
Small things like this always gave you butterflies.
It was a long line for ice cream and you were getting quite tired.
Hunter noticed and told you to get on his back.
You do as he says and falls asleep before you can even get your ice cream.
When you wake up your in the car with hunter who is driving. "Oh I see you finally decided to wake up." He says poking your cheek while still looking at the road.
You yawn and nod still feeling tired. "Ice cream" that's all you say before dozing off again and hunter laughs at your cuteness.
"Don't worry, I'll get you some tomorrow my love." He says in a whisper not wanting to wake you.
He links y'all's hands before kissing your knuckles twice.
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pockyandsoda · 8 months
omfd s2ep8 spoilers & rant
originally posted to my twitter acc
i am genuinely so confused by the amount of pure vitriol some of you have towards izzy and izzy fans?? i get not particularly liking a character or agreeing with the way other people see them, but some of y'all are being absolutely disgusting towards others. what happened to cringe culture being dead, huh? insinuating people should be embarassed or ashamed to have a reaction to characters they like - having big emotions about media you love is part of being in a fandom! you're no better or less weird! oooh look at you being unwilling to forgive or accept character growth! wow! so morally superior and cool! just because you dont personally agree that a redemption arc was deserved or done well doesnt make it a fact btw.
ive been watching this season with casual viewers who are not a part of online fandom at all, and they have all very much enjoyed izzy's arc and him as a character, they are able to see the narrative importance of it, as are the writers and the crew. again, you dont have to agree. but dont act superior.
at the end of the day, this is a silly pirate show made mostly for 'haha's, and ALL of these characters have done HORRIBLE things, they're pirates ffs, that's kinda the whole point here guys! and those things are ridiculously easily forgiven (by our standards) again, because they are pirates and this is not a serious show.
izzy fans are sad, some are very very sad, maybe even a 'weird' amount! so? do you really need to dunk on them for lolz? make it out like they're insane for even liking a character that the show itself actively likes and supports and clearly wants the audience to like (in s2 anyway, and if you deny this then sorry but you're being willfully wrong)? idk why any of you are remotely surprised people like this character? starting to think some of you just wanna be edgy and seem sarcastic and cool and superior for your 'witty' twitter commentary tbh.
and of course sending any kinda negativity towards writers/cast/crew is disgusting and pathetic, but im seeing that from izzy lovers and haters alike on my feed, so dont you dare try and make it seem like a pro-izzy only issue here. and y'know what? it's also disgusting and pathetic to belittle and mock other members of the fandom, and im only seeing one side engaging in that behavior, please do humble yourselves and remember the times in your life when you have had a strong emotional reaction to things happening to your fav characters and ships. dont forget that you are also a loser with a fandom twitter/tumblr account.
and for the record, i thought the finale was genuinely good, as was all of season 2 in my opinion. all this immature negativity and faux superiority is making this fandom toxic. izzy is a popular character with viewers (casual & otherwise) and the creative team, who had a decent redemption arc. that is a fact, whether you like it or not. people should not have to feel hesitation about posting anything remotely positive about izzy out of fear of judgement or ridicule. save your cutting twitter remarks for actually problematic people.
im not even particularly attached to this damn character but the way y'all have been behaving has annoyed tf outta me.
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