#if you add a monster to the backrooms i sleep
jadedresearcher · 10 months
Thoughts on Liminal Horror
So this has been kicking around in my head a while, and I woke up with some actual coherent thoughts on it that I'm trying to capture before I lose them.
There was a tumblr post I saw before that I have long since lost about how liminal horror should NOT have a monster and isn't just "oh you're alone somewhere". And I couldn't agree more! But I haven't been able to articulate exactly why. Liminal, as a word on it's own, means transitional. Liminal spaces are real things that are places where you are on the WAY to somewhere. Liminal doesn't mean infinite spooky mazes, is my first point.
A liminal space could be hallways on the way to an office. Maybe you're trying to get some government bullshit completed. Maybe you're on the way to a doctor you're not entirely familiar with. A liminal space could be the terminals in an airport, as you try to make it to your flight in time. Or a highway you're driving on while looking for a particular exit. Or a carpark as you look for where you had parked among seemingly identical cars. You've been in liminal spaces so so many times. The point is that the spaces themselves aren't what you're really paying attention to. You're thinking of what you'll do when you get there, or going over the things you'll need to keep track of when you arrive. The directions you have to get there, maybe.
So in your MEMORY, and especially your dreams, these spaces take on a peculiar quality. They're SLIPPERY. It's hard to remember any details of them, because you weren't really focused on them. It's just a miasma of "i was in a hallway" or "i was on a road". Maybe a few weird details jump out on you, but it only serves to blend together the rest of the journey. So, when we elevate liminal spaces to HORROR, the first thing we do is lean into that. Impossible spaces because your memory genuinely does not care what any part of them is like save the ending.
Impossible spaces because we tap into that part of you deep down that is unsettled if you try to remember them, and wonders if maybe they really HAD been so weird when you were in them, and you just didn't notice.
This is getting longer than I thought, so may as well put in a cut!
So. I've explained WHAT liminal spatial horror is as well I was going to be able to, I think, but I haven't really articulated why a MONSTER feels like it kneecaps the entire premise.
Have you ever been lost in a liminal space? Keeping in mind that "liminal space" is a thing we all encounter constantly and not shorthand for creepy pastas. Have you ever wandered unfamiliar areas that normally you wouldn't even be paying attention to, increasingly desperate that you won't get to your destination in time? Are you going to miss your flight? What if you can't get your government bullshit taken care of in time? Or your doctor's appointment will skip you and you already waited so long to get it. Did you already miss your exit?
That fear is what I'm focused on here.
It's hard to make you feel that fear in an artificial way.
Even if we give a character in a game all sorts of motives to reach a destination by a certain time, you only feel annoyed at the time pressure, not really *scared*. And although the person lost in a liminal space rarely can just give up and leave, YOU, the player of a game, can.
So liminal spatial horror tends to distill it down to a single fear: where is the exit.
Of course, simply "wanting to leave" is rarely pressure enough to *rush*. And I can see why adding a monster is a quick trick to add that 'going so fast you can't navigate' vibe to the experience.
What I'm saying here is that the time spent is the POINT. That you can slowly build up to that desperate pressure to rush.
You can emphasize that desperation a more subtle way, a way my favorite instances of liminal spatial horror do: bodily needs. You are in a space clearly created by humans, and yet without a single human need met. There are no water fountains. There are no bathrooms. There are no vending machines. Nowhere to comfortably rest. If any of these things do exist they are empty or corrupt in some way.
The temperature, in my favorite experiences, is noted to be wildly incorrect. It's freezing cold. It's burning hot. It's not even remotely the temperature you'd expect an office building full of humans to be.
At first, this leans into this desire to reach a destination, ANY destination. Maybe you can't find the way OUT but maybe you can find out "The Truth"? Maybe if you keep going and going and going you can figure out why this place is LIKE this.
If a human made this space it had to be intentionally to torture people. How fucked up do you have to be to sink this many resources into doing something like this? How long did it take to make? Why did no one notice?
If a non-human intelligence made this space maybe you can find out WHY? Maybe... maybe they were trying their best but didn't realize how uncanny valley and dangerous it would be to a person? If no intelligence was behind it at all, maybe you can find out HOW? Maybe it's a reflection of our collective unconscious, or the planet mimicking the increasing amount of man-made works on itself? But as you continue on and on, as a real living human being in an impossible liminal space horror situation, you realize it doesn't matter how or why or when or any of the questions you dangled in front of yourself like a will-o-wisp driving you ever further in.
Because you realize you're going to die in here. Maybe it'll be the thirst. Humans can only go a few days without water. Maybe hunger will be what finally gets you. Its hard to tell how long you've been in here when any clocks you find in the hallways are all frozen to the same time and the sun hangs over the infinite highway like an immovable, swollen eye. But the hunger is ever present.
There's always exposure. Cold, hot, never anything between. How can you be freezing to death in an office hallway?
That isn't right. That isn't how it should be. Starving and freezing and dying of thirst is something that happens to people OUTSIDE civilization. It would make sense if you were lost in the woods but you can SEE sign after sign of civilization and other people for gods' sake!
How could this be happening? Why isn't anyone coming to help you?
And then we draw back, to you-who-is-consuming-this-fictional scenario. Because the point of horror is to get the person in the chair riled up, not just the character within the fictional premise.
Are you thinking about how often people starve and freeze and die of thirst in our own civilizations? Inches from the trappings of safety? With no help coming?
Are you thinking of how many desperate people navigate government mazes of plaster and brick and paper and online forms, driven forward by the hope of government aid or food stamps or HELP. How many people hunker down in a freezing subway or under a bridge on the highway or other public space knowing that no one SEES them because they're all transitioning from one space to another?
You probably aren't. Not directly. But we all know we're closer to freezing to death under a bridge or denied life-saving medical care in an office than we are to being a billionaire, right?
And there's something about that, deep in our gut, that resonates. That thread of reality in the safely fictional that keeps us coming back. Unable to articulate WHY but also thinking that liminal horror is somehow SCARIER than mere monsters. We all know that deadly predators are unlikely to get us. Adding a monster lets us move our too-real-fear to a safe target. And it's valid to want to do that! To decide spatial horror is too much, to want to thin it out like adding ranch dressing to a too-spicy chicken wing.
But that's why I think that the monsters are an artificial add on. And not a part of spatial horror.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 3 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №4
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
Hooray, my little obsession is still with me. And Killer is still my little bun that inspires me, appearing in the picture=)
The group wandered around IKEA for quite a long time. A couple of days for sure. They even met the local inhabitants - leather frights, people made of leather, bloodless, with 1 hp. They managed to earn only 1 EXP for them, apparently they are so pathetic. They pounced in the dark with a terrible muttering, but the rest of the time they were quite peacefully wandering around. Killer and Dust cut them out of boredom. Nevertheless, the Frights (that's what they decided to call these creatures) attacked more purposefully than the suddenly appearing Hounds. By the way, there was a note about them in the notebook:
Hounds They say they hatch in the Hive, like all the other creatures. I heard someone killed them and tried to eat them when the Almond Water ran out. Desperate guys. - Maintain direct eye contact with the Hounds if they approach you - Run away if you hear growling Prohibitions: - Run away from the Hounds if they have already seen you - Try to tame them
Well, Dust had to add something:
HP: 10-50 EXP: 10 Items: nothing. but they don't turn to dust. *not the most pathetic thing we've met. They die fast enough not to worry about them, but they attack suddenly.
Cross, like Nightmare, only resorted to attacking when the Frights got too close. Error acted the same way, considering it beneath his dignity to "scuffle" and moved around the top shelves with the help of threads.
Horror tried not to get involved in battles, letting others deal with the nuisances. He's not a fan of killing for fun. Although at some point during the "light time" he saw how these monsters were preparing food for the cafeteria and after that he looked with shame at the cheerful killers.
In the spaces of the trading halls, there were occasionally puddles of blood, but no one except the Frights. Perhaps some strangers passed by, but unfortunately (or fortunately?) no one except the monsters was visible.
Once again, moving to the exit points from the location, the group ended up in a strange room of screaming pink color. Fortunately, there was information about this place in the notebook.
Kitty's Room. Pink, with cats. Safe. Only Kitty herself is a creature. Black and scary, but safe. Don't touch her and she won't touch you. There's food in the kitchen - you can take as much as you need, Kitty won't mind. She'll just watch. She'll bring you back if you give her a trinket. You can sleep as much as you want. DON'T FORGET TO TAKE A TOY FROM THE GUYS. I don't want to end up in that horrible red corridor again.
Unfortunately, the group doesn't have any cute things to give Kitty and Error thought of tying something for her. He depicts a grumpy old man, but secretly he's glad to immerse himself in his hobby again. It's a pity that instead of Undenovelle - Cross is afraid of every movement Kitty.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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chaseatinydream · 3 years
pirate king (13) || atz
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“Master!” You burst into the sickbay, eyes brimming over with tears as you desperately search for that head of green hair that has grown so familiar to you. You ignore the stunned faces of some of the pirates who are getting their wounds treating, the concerned glances that some give you, only to see Seonghwa standing there with a basket of dirty cloths in his arms and a startled look on his face at the commotion.
Then he sees the tears tracks winding down your face and his expression melts into one of horrified concern, he puts the basket down and moves to reach for you.
You simply throw yourself into his arms without waiting for him and sob into his chest, openly weeping in full view of all the pirates in the sickbay. The cook staggers back a couple of steps from the force of your embrace, but manages to upright himself before the two of you go bowling over onto the floor.
Seonghwa is warm. He always has been. Gentle, kind, compassionate and tender-hearted. And you’ve never been so grateful for a man like him. He lets you cry, hands softly winding in your hair, a little confused as to why it’s suddenly several inches shorter and out of its usual braid. You hear Jongho’s heavy footsteps behind you on the wooden floor, and his face must say something because Seonghwa’s body stiffens, his embrace around you tightening just a little as he folds you into his arms.
“What did you do, Jongho?”
Seonghwa’s voice is deliberately neutral. He trusts Jongho, of course. But the last person you were with was indeed the young battlemaster and he knows Jongho is terribly awkward with new people. He wouldn’t be surprised if Jongho had said something silly on accident and ended up causing you to get upset.
But Jongho merely exhales uncomfortably, looking down at his boots. “We should talk about this in private.” His voice holds no room for argument.
Seonghwa frowns a little at this apparent need for privacy, long fingers gently stroking through your hair as your warm tears soak into his shirt sleeves. “Jihyun, help me call San and tell him to come to his room immediately.”
A tall pirate nods, rising to his feet. “Of course, Seonghwa-sunbae.” He moves off quickly, disappearing from sight. Seonghwa then puts an arm around your shoulders, sweetly ushering you into the backroom where you’ve been sleeping for the past couple of weeks and sits you down on San’s bed, wiping the tears from your eyes with a tender hand. Jongho follows behind, shutting the door firmly behind you.
You feel weak, boneless, as the words run through your mind again and again on repeat.
“You will never find what you so desperately seek as long as you live.”
You reach out a hand. Seonghwa looks puzzled for a moment, but you think the experience must have at least made you and Jongho closer somehow, because he understands immediately and clasps your hands gently, almost timidly in his, as if afraid that you might break if he uses too much force.
Jongho probably could crush a man’s skull with his bare hands, but he cradles your hand like it’s a newborn baby chick.
“Just before you get the wrong idea, hyung, I didn’t do anything.” The young battlemaster says firmly, but there is guilt lingering in his voice. You know it’s not because he did anything to you, but because he regrets making you visit the fortune teller in the first place.
Seonghwa frowns in confusion as he moves to light the lamp in the room. “Then why is s-” He coughs lightly as the smoke from the lamp gets into his eyes and nose. “Why is he so upset, Jongho?”
You curl up on San’s bed, wrapping your arms around yourself as if that can stop you from falling apart.
The maknae opens his mouth to explain, but then San enters the room.
His face is smoothed over, carefully blank, but you can feel the pulse of his energy spiking erratically, feeling more like a burning stove rather than a warm radiance. Jongho and Seonghwa must both feel it as well, because they both stiffen minutely.
“Hyung, we need to talk-” Jongho begins to say, but San ignores him and makes a beeline straight for you, sitting next to you on the bed and patting his lap.
You don’t decline the invitation, laying your head in his lap and curling up beneath the sheets like you do every time you get nightmares. You press your nose against his side, and immediately the smell of him fills your lungs. Green tea, honey, and floral notes of ylang ylang and lavender mixed with the odd herb he’s been experimenting with combine to create a scent that is uniquely his, one that never fails to calm you down even in the fiercest of storms.
His hand comes to rest in your hair, carding through the strands gently.
Only when he’s sure that you’re no longer in hysterics and on the verge of a panic attack does he turn to Jongho with sharp piercing eyes.
“So, would you mind explaining to me why my apprentice is in this state?”
You feel bad for Jongho, having to endure all this questioning by himself when he technically was only trying to help you and encourage you, but San shushes you the second you open your mouth.
“I want to hear this from him.” His eyes don’t leave the young battlemaster.
“Well, do you guys remember the first time I came to Tortuga, I visited a fortune teller?” Jongho asks slowly. His hyungs exchange looks, and then Seonghwa nods hesitantly.
“I brought him to visit the fortune teller.” Jongho mutters quietly, his voice small. You realise that even though Jongho may be the strongest, best fighter on board, he still submits himself to the authority of his older brothers. “And the fortune teller said some things…”
San’s eyes narrow as his fingers continue to brush through your hair. Seonghwa seats himself at San’s work table to listen to what Jongho has to say.
“She something about a jar of clay… and some secret that would ruin our trust in her...” Jongho mutters, shaking his head.
San’s fingers freeze in your hair.
“I mean… The secret that stowaway’s actually a woman isn’t quite secret, am I right?”
A terrified squeak leaves your mouth, momentarily pulling you out of your daze. You jerk up, staring at Jongho with wide eyes and your mouth hanging open in horror. Seonghwa shrugs in response to the maknae’s words.
“I did find out rather recently, so I suppose it’s no longer secret within us three then.”
You gulp. San stiffens slightly, but then you can feel his muscles relaxing next to you. “How did you find out, hyung?”
“When she hugged me earlier.” Seonghwa replies easily, much to your shock. Then he pauses, glancing at you hesitantly. “I could feel her… ah, chest through her clothes. I apologise deeply for any inappropriate actions I might have done under the impression you were a man.”
Your cheeks catch aflame as you stare at the cook in a mixture of both horror and embarrassment, your mouth opening and closing like a dying fish. Jongho’s nose scrunches up at his words.
“That’s gross, hyung.”
Seonghwa sputters incoherently at his dongsaeng’s words, looking like a rapidly reddening tomato. “Well, excuse me for not knowing she was a woman! How about you say how you figured it out?”
Jongho halts in all action immediately, jaw working furiously. His own cheeks have started turning apple red, and he looks away to the side, mumbling under his breath.
“When the fortune teller grabbed her shirt, I saw-”
You bury your face in a pillow to hide your embarrassment and scream. At this point, you don’t know what you are. Confused, shocked, mortified, everything. All you know you want to do is to crawl into a hole in the ground and slowly rot away, but then you then you remember you’re at sea in a ship and there is no hole in the ground for you to die in.
To your surprise, however, Jongho and Seonghwa don’t seem to be very affected by the fact that you are a woman. Jongho continues rambling on in spite of your mounting embarrassment.
“-her chest, okay? Well, not really her chest, but the bindings around her chest and I kind of guessed-”
“Okay, okay, we get it!” San covers your ears frantically before you can hear any more. “Let’s get back to the fortune teller bit. Jongho, do you remember everything she said?”
“Pretty much.” The young battlemaster turns to Seonghwa. “Hyung, do you think you could help me write it down before I forget?’
The cook picks up one of the stray quills on San’s worktable, pulling over a piece of blank paper. “Alright.”
Taking a deep breath, Jongho begins to recite the words from memory.
“Oh nameless one, child of the sea, you’re missing something very important to you.”
“Stowaway doesn’t have a name, so it does seem accurate.” Seonghwa mutters grimly, San nodding in agreement. The two of them are completely focused, intent on figuring out what the cryptic words of the fortune teller mean.
The sight warms you immensely despite the daze you’re in.
“And she is a pirate now, so the part of her being a child of the sea fits.” San adds, leaning his head on your shoulder. You shrug.
“She’s an amnesiac, so she’s missing her memories. We’ve solved the first bit. That’s good.” Jongho glances at the page as Seonghwa scribbles down their interpretation of the fortune teller’s words.
A frown tugs at his lips as he continues. “The secret you keep will ruin the trust you built. That’s the bit about her being a woman, isn’t it?”
Seas, it was weird hearing Jongho referring to you as her instead of he.
“I don’t see anything else that could be it.” San mutters thoughtfully, but Seonghwa cuts in.
“She could hear the voice of the sea monster that was chasing us the other time.”
Jongho’s jaw hits the ground. “You could do what?”
It almost amuses you how the young battlemaster is more shocked at the fact you could hear the sea monster’s voice as compared to the fact that you are a woman.
“Yeah.” You mumble under your breath, but Jongho’s eyes are huge with awe.
“That’s so cool!” For a moment, Jongho looks like the eighteen year old boy he is, still young, excitable, not quite a man yet, but he quickly catches himself and clears his throat. “Well, moving on. To pass the trial, one must cross into death and awaken into life. The biggest obstacle to overcome is yourself.”
He glances around at all of you. “That sounds cryptic and completely unhelpful. And I have absolutely no idea what it means.”
“What trial do you think the fortune teller could be talking about?” San scratches at his hair, frowning as he racks his mind. Seonghwa shrugs, just as confused.
“Well then. I suppose we could just leave this here for now.” Jongho mutters, shaking his head in disappointment. “A jewel resting in a jar of clay. That was when she went bat shit crazy and started shaking our stowaway here, demanding to know who’d made her.”
“Who made her?” Seonghwa questions, looking utterly bewildered as he jots them down. You feel your skin crawl at the words again. There seems to be some sort of significance to it that you can feel, something your mind screams at you to remember, but you can’t.
“She referred to stowaway as a ‘vessel that has only existed for a moon’, whatever the hell that meant.” Jongho supplies helpfully, and you feel San stiffen beside you.
Seonghwa looks equally uncomfortable as he glances at you. “A moon?” He repeats, hesitantly. You don’t know what the fortune teller was indicating when she said you had supposedly existed for a moon, but you don’t think she was referring to the silvery orb in the sky.
Your master frowns. “What I guess the fortune teller was referring to was a moon cycle. A vessel that has existed for a moon cycle.”
“Yes,” Seonghwa begins to argue, gesturing at you. “But how can she only have existed for one moon cycle?”
The two stare at each other for a while, both having some sort of internal battle as to what it could be. You tap Jongho’s arm frantically.
“How long is a moon cycle?”
At your question, Jongho swallows uncomfortably and looks away from you. “A little over twenty eight days.”
You feel like someone has just slapped you across the face.
Twenty eight days?
Your face must be a real sight, because San and Seonghwa immediately rush to comfort you.
“It could just mean that you’ve been without your memory for that long.”
“Yes! I mean, you can’t be that young. Don’t worry about it. It must be interpretation.”
You nod your head absentmindedly, still in some sort of daze. “Right.” Seonghwa gives Jongho a chastening look for revealing something that affected you so much. The young battlemaster mumbles an apology under his breath.
Then San sighs, rubbing his temples. “Honestly, we should ask Yeosang for help with this. No one on this ship is as good with cryptic nonsense, long, complicated words and obscure references as he.”
Jongho nods agreement. “Sometimes I don’t even understand what hyung is saying.”
You nod slowly. To be honest with yourself, you don’t really know what you’d do without these people by your side. Even Jongho, who you’ve just begun to talk to today, has been nothing but infinitely kind and helpful to you. You almost want to slap your past self for being such a fool, for even thinking he could have a bad bone in him.
“Thank you.” Your words come out a little choked with emotion, but the three of them accept it all the same. San doesn’t say anything, but just pats your head as usual.
Seonghwa beams at you gently. “It’s no problem, stowaway. You’re part of the family now. We’d do anything in our power to help you.”
Jongho looks at you seriously. “Wait… but we forgot one last thing. The sea witch.”
Sea witch.
Seonghwa flinches while San shudders, shoulders curling inwards. You frown at the two of them, a little unnerved by their reactions towards the word. The sea witch can’t be very terrifying, can she? Magic tended to be nothing more than the arcane, and from what Jongho has told you, only rare people like San are able to use this inner energy to their benefit.
“What is it?”
“The sea witch.” San echoes, drumming his fingers on his thigh absentmindedly. “We should probably ask Yeosangie more about this before you start to get any ideas, but if the myths are true… the sea witch is a being of immense power that lives on an island that only people in great desperation can find, surrounded by the sirens who serve her.”
“I read the legend of her when I was a child.” Seonghwa turns to you with a mixed look of both pity and worry. “The sea witch bargains with many beings, both supernatural and mortal, to make a deal. In the story I read, she gave a mermaid legs to be with the man she loved but took her voice.”
A deal.
Jongho meets your gaze, both your eyes drawn to the same object, the tiny crystal hanging at the end of your necklace.
The symbol of your bargain with the sea witch.
A headache starts throbbing at your temples, and you furiously rub at them, trying to ease the pain. Seonghwa notices almost at once and rises to his feet.
“We should let him-” He corrects himself. “-her rest.” San and Jongho nod agreement as they both rise to their feet.
“We’ll talk about this another day, apprentice.” San murmurs softly to you as you lie back on his bed, pulling the covers up to your nose. “We’ll talk to Yeosangie about this first, alright? He has a lot of books in Hongjoongie-hyung’s cabin, I’m sure we’ll find something.”
“Ok.” Your voice is small, and San gives you a warm smile before leaving the room, Jongho behind him.
But only Seonghwa lingers in the room for a moment, looking conflicted once more.
“What’s wrong, hyung?”
The cook looks at you for a long, silent moment before he speaks.
“You should tell the crew you’re a woman soon.”
Your chest seizes up. Yes, you know that Seonghwa and Jongho didn’t especially mind that you were one, and neither did they begrudge you for keeping this secret, but you knew not everyone would be this understanding.
“Especially captain.”
You swallow nervously.
“I will.”
Seonghwa manages a last, weak smile at you before turning to leave. As you lie under the covers, you wonder what might happen if Hongjoong did take the fact that you were a woman badly.
What if he left you in some town like he’d promised to do the last time?
No. No. You couldn’t have that. Not when you’d just started finding constructive clues to your past, not when you’d just started gaining family.
You needed to wait. Not now. You couldn’t tell them now.
The secret you keep will ruin the trust you built.
It was a decision you would later come to regret.
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Bring on the Mania! P.t 6
"I hope you learned something from this Demon!"
Amane, who was busy nursing his head, flinched at Sebek's loud voice.
"Yeah, yeah. Challenging Valerie means death." Amane hissed when his hand brushed a primarily sore spot.
"As long it not physical, then you're fine." Bennet chimed in, handing out an ice pack to a grateful egg boy.
After that horribly one-sided battle, the boys and Lisha woke up a few minutes later. But not without bearing the aches from it. Thankfully, the ghosts brought first aid and ice packs with them.
"You know, Valerie." Wilbur started. "You could have gone easy on Amane. He is new to this."
"Oh please, mercy is not in her dictionary. Do you honestly expect her to do that?" Ace scoffed. He leaned on an ice pack he was holding, relishing the coolness.
The said girl was tending to Lisha, making sure the little strix didn't get seriously injured.
"On the bright side, we know she can handle herself in a fight." Epel remarked. He winced a bit, clutching his stomach. Next to him, Sebek held an ice pack to his cheek.
" Oh, come on. It wasn't that ba-"
"You don't use pressure points in a pillow fight, Valerie." Jack interrupted her. He had his arms crossed and sat perfectly still; as Gerald tended the scratches on his face.
He wanted to add about biting, but his memory went back to...THAT. His face burned, his tail wagged tail wildly. Gerald sent him a look but said nothing and continued with his work.
Once everyone was treated, they agreed to call it a night; since they were in too much pain to do something else. They had to re-arrange everything since it was a mess. It took a while since the injuries made it harder, but they managed.
The boys brought their sleeping bags. Ace and Deuce were next to each other they were still, but with their sleeping position, they look like they were punching each other. Jack slept like a regular person with Epel hugging his tail. Sebek brought a Malleus and crocodile plushies with him. No one dared to question it, not even Ace teased him.
Grim was curled up on one of the chairs. Lisha used him as a bed. Valerie slept on the sofa. Cause it's her dorm, she is not sleeping on the floor.
The brunette was awoken by the sound of soft whimpers. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes, she sat up and craned her neck to the source.
Slightly farther away from the rest of the boys (for their safety) was Amane. He was tossing around, but it wasn't as bad as before.
Quietly, she got up a tip-toed towards him; she knelt down next to him and got a clear view of his face. Beads of sweat trickled down his skin, his features were contorted into a grimace.
"P-P-Please." The incubus pleaded softly.
Gently, she rubbed small circles on his back and patted his hair. Valerie briefly remembered when she was little, her grandparents used this trick upon her whenever she had nightmares. Her mother eventually did this as well, when she finally came back home and finished whatever work she had left.
Apparently, it worked on Amane too. He went silent, and his body relaxed. His whimpers dissolved into soft snores. Smiling at her work, she went back to the sofa and let sleep envelop her.
Valerie woke up again, but this time to someone shaking her awake.
"...rie...Valerie, wake up."
Groggily, she pushed herself up and twisted her body to removes any trace of sleep. Feeling more awake, she turned to see who woke her.
There stood Deuce, still clad in his pajamas and sporting a band-aid on his forehead. He gave the girl a small smile.
"Morning, Valerie. Come on, breakfast is ready." He informed. Hooking his arm with hers and guiding her to the dining room.
Valerie blinked at the sight once they entered the dining room. The table is filled with all types of breakfast food, and everyone was stuffing their faces.
Ace took big bites on what looks like cherry pancakes. Jack and Epel's plates were filled with sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, and ham. Though Jack had some pear compote on the side. While Epel had mini apple tarts on his.
Sebek ate like it was his first meal in a long time. His eyes were shining as he indulged himself, relishing every bite. His plate was filled with so much food; that it became a miscellaneous mess. Next to him were numerous tupperwares.
Grim had just as much food as Sebek, but tuna omelets seemed to dominate his plate. Lisha was feeding on sausage bits on a saucer.
"I see you guys are enjoying yourselves."
They all paused from eating. Eyes drifted to the figures in the doorway. Although, a few pairs of eyes were fixated on their arms.
Grim broke the silence.
"Ook yuf ong mmff." His voice was muffled with all the food stuffed in his mouth.
"Grim, please don't talk with your mouth full." Valerie gently chided. Taking a seat next to the monster.
Not far from the girl, Deuce took a seat next to Ace and began to pile his plate with various egg dishes. Unaware of the annoyed looks sent his way.
"Looks so good! The ghosts really outdid themselves." She praised. There were so many options, she didn't know where to start!
"Actually, the ghosts didn't make this." Jack revealed, taking a sip on his orange juice.
"Really? Then who-" She was cut off by a loud yell.
Amane barged into the dining room, wearing her funky owl apron. Holding a spatula in one hand and another stack of pancakes in the other. He finally took notice of the girl and huffed.
"Bout time, Sugar tits, these were gonna get cold."
He plopped the plate he had in front of her. It resembled a cinnamon roll, only with more icing.
"Did you really make all of this?" She questioned. Cutting a piece.
"Of course I did, and if you don't believe me, ask your boy toys." The heterochromia male smirked.
"He did, and it's good." Epel vouched for the demon.
She took a small bite, and her face lit up. It was so good! She took another bite and another. Soon, she was wolfing down everything.
"Whoah! Jeez, Sugar tits, slow down. You're just as bad as that fat gremlin of yours." Amane teased. But he was genuinely surprised by her eating. A choking sound broke the atmosphere and paused Valerie from eating.
Ace broke into a fit of giggles, with Epel joining soon after. Deuce, Jack, and Sebek restrained their laughter, but barely. Lisha was just rolling in laughter.
But, only one wasn't amused.
"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" Grim raged. He jumped on the table, with a fireball forming in his mouth.
But before he could fire, a hand slammed next to him. The monster yelped in surprise, which halted everyone's laughter. Amane just stared wide-eyed.
Valerie wanted to enjoy a delicious breakfast without any problems. So for once. Just ONCE that Grim would behave and take a little teasing. But obviously, that wasn't going to be it.
So, taking a deep breath, a sweet smile formed on her face; as she looked down at the monster. Though, the room felt it dropped a few degrees.
"Grim." She said slowly. Valerie can distinctively feel the others flinch at her voice. But paid no mind.
"It's too early for this, so, please. Just forget that remark, and continue to eat."
The monster wanted to protest when the girl opened her mouth again.
"Unless you want me to ban you from eating tuna for a year." She added sweetly.
This got him to shut up, muttering a small sorry, and went back to eating. This got everyone else to continue as well. Valerie internally sighed in relief.
Finally, she can enjoy-
"By the way. I used all your food."
Fuck. ____________________________
After breakfast, the boys got dressed and thanked Valerie for the sleepover and the food. Though they wanted to stay longer, Ace, Deuce, and Sebek had dorm duties, while Jack and Epel had some training to do in their respective dorms.
"I can't believe you used all my food."
Valerie and Amane were making their way to Mr. S's shop for groceries. Grim was flying next to the girl, with Lisha on his head.
"Hey, I said I'll pay for everything, didn't I?" He remarked, wearing a new outfit. With a rosy pink off-shoulder crop top and jean shorts, he still wore his ankle boots.
"That's the thing. The more you pay for me, the more I feel like a freeloader." The girl confessed. Since it was a Saturday, she wore more casual clothes. Which consisted of a simple white hoodie, black shorts, and black sandals. Her hair was tied into a simple ponytail.
"Pfftt. Chill out, Sugar tits, with the amount of money I make, you don't have to worry that pretty little head of yours." He assured.
"Besides, that Sebek guy looked happy with all the extra food he got to take with him." Amane can still remember the happy look on the green-haired boy; as he carried a bag filled with tupperwares of food.
"Oi, don't forget. This guy free loaded us and ran you dry when he was injured." Grim reminded. The midnight haired male chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, that too."
They finally made it to the mystery shop, and when they got inside, Amane felt another wave of nostalgia hit him.
The shop was brimming with random items. There was a piano against the wall; next to it were tribal masks that seemed to stare into their souls. Behind the counter was a bookshelf lined with books and jars. There was even a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels.
A rather large chandelier illuminated the room with a faint green light.
"Hey, hey, hey! How's my favorite Little Imp doing?"
Coming from the backroom was a young man with black and purple dreadlocks and dahlia purple eyes. On his body looked like skeleton tattoos. He had a playful but warm smile on his face.
"Hey Val, need some groceries?" He asked.
She nodded. "Yeah, here's the list." She handed him a long piece of paper. He gave a low whistle.
"Ran dry, huh?"
"Yeah, but he's paying for everything." Grim replied. Sam hummed in response.
"Anyway." He finally turned to Amane, his smile returning.
"Welcome to my humble shop! Need something? I got it!" Sam proudly exclaimed.
Amane pursed his lips at the statement before a sultry smile took its place. Slowly striding to the counter, he leaned forward, having one thing in mind.
Sam leaned down to his ear.
"Sorry, but my dick's not available."
The incubi pilled back, his lips forming a thin line.
"Fine, you got any Elizabeth's Secret perfume? Temptation preferably."
The man nodded and went back to get their desired items.
Valerie shook her head at Amane's antics; she just hoped he won't be arrested for it. Which reminded her...
"Hey, Amane." She called. He turned to her.
"Mmm. Yeah, Val?"
"What is your job? I know you don't rely on your parent's money, but you seem to have an endless supply with you." She inquired.
"Yeah. Do you secretly have your own mafia? Is that why you're so loaded." Grim accused, flying in front of his face.
"Okay. First, get out of my face ya fuzzy little shit." Pushing Grim to her chest.
"And secondly I-"
They all jumped at the sound; even Lisha fell off of Grim's head but quickly steadied herself. On the counter were four bags and a medium-sized box.
"Alright, here ya go, Little Imp, and he's yours." He placed a bottle of perfume farther away from the groceries. He stepped back and gave them a wide smile.
"That would be...30,000 madol."
"Hahahaha, premium tuna is the best!"
Grim happily said as he held the can, flying ahead. Trailing behind him were a demon, human, and strix in disguise.
"Does he ever shut up about tuna?" Amane whispered, bending a bit for her sake.
They were making their way back to Ramshackle. Amene carried the bags while Valerie had the crate. His perfume was safely in Valerie's pouch.
Valerie giggled in response. "Not really, but as long he's happy."
"Oi! Hurry up back there, henchmen!" Amane's eye twitched at that.
Little piece of shit.
The hetero-eyed male was about to throw a snarky remark when he caught the sight of two blondes in a middle of a discussion, specifically the one with violet tips.
"Hang on for the second, Sugar tits. I gotta greet someone."
The girl looked curious before telling Lisha to catch up with Grim and followed the Amane. As they near, one of the blondes took notice.
"Ah! Bonjour Mademoiselle Trickster, and oh Monsieur Minuit what a pleasant surprise." Rook happily greeted the pair.
"Good to see ya too, predator kink." Amane casually greeted.
"Vulgar as ever, Amane. It's a miracle people, such as myself still put up with you." Purple eyes bore onto him.
Is Vil another childhood friend Amane?" The girl asked innocently.
The actor scoffed. "Hardly, I merely acquainted with because I had to model his clothes."
"Wait. Clothes?" She repeated.
Vil raised a brow, he turned his attention back to the demon.
"You didn't tell her?"
"I was, but that guy in that shop interrupted before I can say anything."
"You see Mademoiselle. Monsieur Minuit is one of the most important and youngest figures in the fashion world. He designs the most Magnifique clothing that has ever graced Twisted Wonderland; while also being a severe but fair fashion critic." Rook explained.
"The brands I owned are called Unholy Allure and Impulsive Heathens. Allure is for women, and Heathens are for men." The incubus added. A thoughtful look came to his face as he stared at the girl. But, Vil snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I heard what you're doing here, Amane. I suggest you keep your flirtations to a minimum. It wouldn't be good for your image to be involved in a scandal. Especially; at the peak of your career. Vil warned. But Amane waved him off.
"Oh, relax, I always keep my tracks hidden." He assured. Vil sighed.
"Regardless, be careful." A soft vibration hummed through Vil's pocket. Fishing out his phone, he scanned the notifications before softly clicking his tongue. This action didn't go unnoticed by the hunter.
"Roi de Poison, what troubles you?" That question caused the other repair to shift their attention to him.
"Epel texted e that there was a mishap in the dor. He's asking us to come back immediately." He explained, putting his phone away.
"Then we must hurry!" Rook declared. He turned back to Valerie, taking her hand; and giving it a dainty kiss.
"Au voir, Reine des Lapins." He gave her a coy smile. The predatory look in his eyes sent shivers down her spine, but she still kept a sweet smile on.  The fern-eyed male stepped back to give Vil his turn. The dorm leader gently took her hand snd placed a feathery soft kiss.
I see you've been using the lotion I gave you, Little potato." Vil commented, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.
"Y-Yeah, it did wonders on my skin." She slowly took her hand back.
"As much as I liked to continue our little chat, we must go. Rook, we'll discuss the plot for the new movie later."
The queen turned his heel and walked away, with his loyal hunter close behind.
"See ya in the next photoshoot, Queen sexy ass!"
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imsocialshit · 6 years
“Listen, I’m sorry for not being prepared. You interrupt my 4AM cereal and you expect me to be ready to fight crime asap?”
This is gonna be pretty long, but I know what I’m writing here I guess. Thanks for the prompt anon!
“Okay….what’s going on?” I ask as I limp into the backroom, I probably look like trash right now but most people do when they’ve just run halfway across town at four in the morning.
“Brendan…why are you wearing your pajamas?” Timothy asks.
“Listen, I’m sorry for not being prepared. You interrupt my 4AM cereal and you expect me to be ready to fight crime asap? That isn’t realistic Timothy, sorry y’all have nothing better to do than this,” I wave my hands at the general area of the room “But I was about to eat some fuckin’ cereal and then sleep.” I add gesturing to the cat pajamas. “So what do you guys need?”
“Well,” Kyu, the bastard, starts “we need you to be wearing your uniform for one thing, and we need you to help us fight the weird giant monster on the football field.” He points out the window at the large monster sitting on the field, it’s just sitting there not even wrecking havoc or whatever it’s supposed to be doing.
“I don’t see the rush, can’t this wait til tomorrow?”
“Brendan. It’s a monster.”
“It’s just sitting there. Y’all interrupted my fuckin’ 4AM cereal so I could beat up some bastard on the school lawn? I’m going home this is bull, call me back tomorrow.” I try to leave but of course somehow Kyu is stopping me.
“Brendan. This has to be dealt with now.”
“What if we do it tomorrow, and I’ll buy you lunch for two days.”
“Three and I’ll throw in deserts.”
“Deal. You’re all dismissed get some rest, or eat your cereal. Or whatever it is your species does at this time.”
“Radicalness can I’m going home, never call me this early again.”
Bim Bam Boom we’ve got ourselves a short story about my bois! Thanks Anon, sorry I haven’t been answering asks lately but I do read them all and I appreciate them all thanks.
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leftski-dnd · 7 years
They say ____, what do you do?
     This is a little writing exercise I came up with to work on creating consistent voices for my D&D characters. The following is a collection of simple sentences and questions that someone might say to your character(s), and all you have to do is write how your character(s) would respond. Feel free to add context and change details to adapt it to your own story/setting.
“Ack, hey! Watch where you’re going!”
“I’m really sorry, I just sold the last one.”
“Halt, under order of the imperial guard! I have some questions for you.”
“Is this seat taken?”
“Hey there, good-looking, can I buy you a drink?”
“I don’t care if it’s an emergency, we’re closed! Come back tomorrow!”
“Can you keep a secret?”
“I was falsely accused! You believe me, don’t you?”
“Why don’t you come here and say that to my face?”
“What’s wrong with you?! You could’ve been killed!”
“Sorry for burning dinner! I hope it still tasted okay?” (Hint: It did not.)
“I’m with the city guard. Have you seen any suspicious activity around here in the last few days?”
“No, I don’t know who sold you this but it’s not magic. You’ve been duped.”
“Please, can you spare some coin?”
“I think they’re going to ask me to marry them! What do I do?”
“I’m gonna ask them to marry me! Any advice?”
“I should have said something sooner, but you have some lettuce stuck in your teeth.”
“Really? That’s what you’re wearing?”
“Sorry, we only accept a certain caliber in this establishment and you’re clearly not it.”
“I just got word that my sibling’s caravan was attacked… There were no survivors…”
“I’ll do better next time, I promise.”
“Who are you and what are you doing in my house?!”
“I know it’s dangerous, but I can do it. Don’t worry about me.”
“Yeah, I was finally released a few days ago because they couldn’t prove anything. Guess I did a pretty good job of hiding the evidence, haha! So, mind if I tag along for a bit?”
“We’re having fish for dinner… again.”
“Give me all your money and nobody gets hurt!”
“I think that person is checking you out.”
“Wanna know how I got these scars?”
“Hey. You, me, arm wrestling. Let’s go!”
“Be careful, they say there’re monsters in that forest.”
“Are you sure you’re alright? I can stay if you’d feel better with some company.”
“I have a job for you. It may not be entirely legal. Are you interested?”
“Congratulations, you’re our lucky 1000th visitor! Follow me to the backroom for your prize!”
“Mama’s not here and I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?”
“Please hand over any and all weapons, both magical and mundane, before proceeding.”
“Wanna bet I can chug this whole thing?”
“Ouch! A snake just bit me!”
“Quick, they’re gaining! Hide me!”
“I hereby challenge you to a duel to the death. Draw your weapon.”
“Hey, do you have a minute? There’s something… I want to… I wanted to ask you something. Um… something personal.”
“I was thinking I’d name you as their godparent. You know… in case something happens to me.”
“I’m cold…”
“They offered me a deal and I took it. It’s nothing personal, but I do have to kill you now.”
“I’m sorry I betrayed you. Please, take me back.”
“Oh, look at that baby! Isn’t it just the cutest?”
“You look like you could use a scarf! Luckily, I happen to have a fine selection of hand-woven scarves from overseas, all for excellent prices! What do you say?”
“You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on.”
“I’m tired of walking. Carry me?”
“I was thinking… maybe we could go out sometime? Dinner? My treat.”
“Don’t freak out, but I maaaay have struck a deal with a demonic entity.”
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spacegate · 7 years
An Undertale Fanfiction
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / AO3 LINK Characters: Sans, Grillby, Papyrus, Royal Doggies, Gaster Setting: Baby Blaster AU Contains: SAD CHILDREN. Mentions of child abuse. Synopsis: In which a bunch of people have a very bad time and someone made a very very stupid mistake.
When Grillby checked on the kids the next morning, he found them curled up together and sound asleep. He almost didn’t want to wake them up, he truly did, but schedules must be kept. It was nice to see them so peaceful and happy. It seemed as though all three of them managed to sleep through the night with no real issue. A first compared to when Sans and Papyrus first stayed with him.
He himself slept lightly, straining to hear every slight noise inside and outside. He would get up often to look out the windows and check and recheck the locks. Bertram was equally anxious, but conked out halfway through the night. It was no matter to the fire monster, he was used to being awake for long hours. Grillby remembered the war vividly, how he would lie awake in his tent awaiting for humans to attack in the night. He often preferred fire watch, keeping an eye out for his fellow soldiers through the night. It was a lot better than trying to sleep through all the anxiety. Standing guard made him feel like he was doing something at least. Even when promoted to Major General, he still found himself more awake than not. He has never been a deep sleeper at all, and even after a thousand years that habit has not changed.
Still he felt relieved that nothing happened in the night. No nightmares. No screaming. It was peaceful. It was still too early to tell, but perhaps this trend might continue? With how the boys were progressing, he didn’t doubt it. It would still take time for sure. Once Gaster was caught and dealt with, he only imagined that their skeleton’s mental state would improve with proper toll and therapy. He smiled and entered the room, increasing his luminocity. The sudden brightness caused Papyrus to wake up first. He opened his tiny jaws in a colossal yawn and blinked away the remnants of sleep.
“Good morning, Papyrus.” Grillby greeted his youngest with a soft smile.
Papyrus giggled and reached over to pat his brother in the face. “AAAPPT!!!” The tiny skeleton yelled and continued to pat Sans until he too stirred. The movement jostled Alphys awake as well as she blinked blearily. Once they were all somewhat awake, Grillby turned on the lights fully.
“Good morning children. Get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon.” He watched as Papyrus easily slid out of the bed  to zoom around. Sans was the slowest, practically oozing out of the bed and covers. It was true that Sans needed more sleep, he could always take a nap at the bar. Food and the medicine added to it was just a bit more important than sleep.  Alphys was helping to untangle him from the covers, yawning softly and rubbing her eyes.
“Mmmorning!” She squeaked and yawned. Sans just grumbled something inaudible. Papyrus was more than content to make up for the lack of noise all by himself, running around and yelling.
Confident he can leave them alone for now, he walked downstairs to wake up Bertram, and together they cooked breakfast. Grillby decided on pancakes with fruit along with hashbrowns. The smell alone must have hurried the children as they bounded down shortly later to devour all that laid before them on the table.
It was good to see such appetites, especially for Sans and Papyrus, who were beginning to eat a little more each day. Especially since receiving their medicine. Alphys was clearly not a morning person, but she did her best to chat with Papyrus and Sans in between bites.
But all too soon, Bertram approached his daughter with their coats. Sans and Papyrus immediately tensed up.
“Alphys…where are you going?” Sans blinked, suddenly more alert than five minutes ago. He reached out to take her hand as if afraid she would up and vanish on them.
“I’m going home!” She pulled Sans forward and planted a little smooch on the top of his skull. “Don’t worry! I’ll be back soon!”
“…But…but why?” Sans accepted the kiss yes, but his voice trembled and tears flecked the edges of his eye sockets. “You just got here!”
“Sans.” Grillby stepped in and spoke as gently as he could . “I know you care about Alphys very much, but she has to go home with her father for now. I can promise that her and her father can visit again really soon.”
“Yeah! And we have each other’s phone numbers! We can talk on the phone too!” Alphys smiled at Sans and pulled him into a hug. He sighed and sniffled, accepting it but clearly not happy with it. Papyrus joined in on the hug and made a tiny purring noise.
Bertram and Grillby could only watch and let the three settle themselves on their own. Of course the kids would be close and a little clingy to each other, they have been through so much together. But…things have to march on despite it. Grillby would make sure to set up the phone for both skeletons tonight so they can check in on their friend. In all, this was valuable experience for the boys. Over time they will get less and less anxious when people leave as they begin to realize that people do come back. They won’t have to worry about someone leaving and never returning.  
Eventually they broke the hug and Sans wiped the tears from his eyes sockets.
“Goodbye Sans and Papyrus.” She patted them both goodbye and then zipped up her coat. “I’ll call when we get back, okay?”
Sans nodded. “….okay…” He sniffled a little. He could let her go, but he didn’t have to be cheerful about it.
Papyrus waved. “Buh-bye…” The tiny skeleton was equally not pleased as he frowned.
With final goodbyes, Bertram opened the door for Alphys, and together disappeared into the white of Snowdin.
A few seconds managed to pass before both skeletons burst into tears. Grillby found himself on the floor as he tried to comfort them. He rubbed their backs and explained the best that he could, that people do come back. They weren’t gone forever. But such thoughts would take some time to take root.
What a way to start the day, and it wasn’t even 8 am yet.
  EVENTUALLY, Grillby calmed both children down enough that they allowed themselves to be dressed in coats and carried out into the cold. By now they had gotten enough strength back that they didn’t rattle like they were going to fly to pieces in the chill. They still snuggled close to their adoptive father to steal all the heat they could from him. Luckily, the fire elemental had plenty of heat to spare. He simply cuddled them close through the short walk, unlocking the backdoor to the bar and heading into the warm building.
The children were set up in the backroom like usual, with snacks, blankets, and paper. Grillby could rely on Sans to keep Papyrus from eating crayons again. Not that it would necessarily hurt him, but it’s a habit that needs to be broken.
Once he was sure they would be alright and prepped, he opened the doors to start the day. To his surprise, three of the canine units were waiting for the bar to open. Doggo, Lesser Dog, and Greater Dog stood out in the cold, mouths open in doggy grins.
“Heya Grillz!”
“Hello.” Grillby opened the door all the way and stepped back to allow the dogs in. “Where are The Dogi?”
“Just relieved Lesser and Greater.” Doggo held onto Lesser dog’s shoulder so he could be guided to a stool. “Dogamy suggested they come here to get a bite. I tagged along.”
“I see.” Grillby felt a little more comfortable to have three guardsmen in his bar. Doggo may have vision problems and quite young for a guard, but he made up for it with determination and drive.
The dogs sat together at the bar in a row. They were regulars and thus, always ordered the same thing. A  nice bowl of warm kibble and some water. Since they were guards Grillby made sure to add bacon bits to the kibble as a little ‘thanks’ for their service. The three dogs barked their thanks and tucked in, leaving Grillby to feel a little better about the situation. He had people in his corner. He didn’t have to be alone in this mess. He hoped the Dogi would be alright out there, but they were a powerful pair. If Gaster ran into them, he would be in for a world of hurt.
The lunch crowd descended in an hour later like a tidal wave. Through the blur of cooking and serving, the dogs stuck around. It gave Grillby the chance to check on the children, and so far they seemed to be good at amusing themselves for the time being. He fell into the usual routine. Serve. Cook. Check on the kids. Serve. Cook. Rinse and repeat for the next few hours before the bar was empty again. The sudden quiet was a little shocking.
“What a crowd!” Doggo leaned back on the counter, earning agreeing barks from his comrades.
“Indeed.” Grillby surveyed the damage in his kitchen. He was now out of lettuce and onions, he could blame that on the Rabbit family. He was also running low on bread buns for the burgers. He would have to go out and get some more while there was a lull. But…does he take the kids with him…or leave them? He checked on the children one last time, to find them curled up together for a nap. He didn’t want to disturb them….
“Could I trouble you three, for a favor?” Grillby spoke to the three dogs as he removed his apron.
“Anything for you Grillz.” Doggo nodded along with Lesser and Greater.
“I must close down for a moment to pick up more groceries. Could you watch the boys please? They are taking a nap.”
Lesser and Greater barked, vibrating slightly.
“Of course! We’ll keep this place guarded as though it’s the King’s castle!” Doggo saluted.
Grillby smiled a warm smile, his flames softening to pastel yellow for the moment. “Thank you. They are in the back, napping. I shall return shortly.” He gathered up his coat and his phone. “There will be more kibble for you all, when I return.”
“Then you better hurry back!” The husky laughed and gestured to the door. “No worries. We got this!”
Grillby inclined his head and stepped towards the door. The dogs barked among themselves for a moment, before Greater left to go into the back room. The children liked him a lot, and having such a big guard in the back watching over them gave Grillby the last bit of reassurance he needed. He walked through the door and flipped his sign from ‘Open’ to 'Be Back Soon’. It was a slow hour anyway, most monsters would either be at work or school at the moment. It gave him time to pick up what he needed and go. The quicker he can get back to his kids, the better.
He couldn’t help but crack a small smile at that. ’ His’ kids. It had a nice ring to it. He took off at an even pace through the snow, blinking away at the small snowflakes that caught the light and glittered in the air. Lovely, like always. It would be even lovelier when that bastard of a scientist was caught. Then perhaps this tense miserable feeling in the air would be gone.
And then, a bony hand grabbed his shoulder. { Hello Grillby. } A dark and smooth voice sent shivers down the bartender’s flames.
Before he had any chance at all to react, he was YANKED….backwards? Upwards? He wasn’t sure, but suddenly everything was black and cold. Cold enough that his flames burned brighter to counteract the sudden loss of ambient heat. He literally couldn’t tell was was up or down, and a dark hissing echoed through the blackness.
And just as suddenly as it came, it went, and Grillby found himself far far away in the deep woods. The old locked door to the ruins still stood firm and ageless as it did hundreds of years ago. The lights of town were but tiny specks in the distance. Grillby stumbled, the shock of being pulled through NOTHING and suddenly ending up so far away was enough to give him a flash of intense vertigo.
{ Pull yourself together, that was just a short jump. Honestly…some war hero you are. } The dark voice dripped with ire. Grillby turned to look at the speaker.
It was him.
Of course, Sans’s drawing of his torturer was rough…childish…but it fit the monster before him to a T. A flat, featureless white face with bare hints of skeletal features, smooth and unblemished. The black eye-sockets gave the bartender an amused and haughty look, like you would give to a troublesome insect. He was dressed in mostly black, and the white lab coat he wore gave him an otherworldly look. He spread his hands, both with holes drilled out of the palms. 'His hands hurt ’, Grillby remembered the fear…the horror in that small child’s voice as he described Gaster.
Gaster’s face split into a too wide black grin. The white pupils in his eyes flashed with hidden aggression. Grillby’s hands clenched into clawed talons, the edges of his flames turning blue in his building rage.
{ Come Now, there is no need for that. } Gaster purred, bringing his hands together to rub them. { We are all reasonable men here, right? So I’ll make my request perfectly clear. }
He leaned forward, his expression darkening as his mouth twisted into a frown.
{ Return my experiments. And all of us will be Free. }
“You mean children.” Grillby hissed back, flames licking from the collar and cuffs of his shirt. The snow began to sink and melt around his feet.
{ How many times do I have to tell people. They are not children. They are tools. Tools that will break the barrier and free us all. } Gaster scoffed, as if he was talking to an idiot. { Such…sentiments…are what’s keeping us trapped here in the first place. }
Grillby did his best to compose himself. “Then let ME be clear. Turn yourself in to the guard and leave MY children alone. This is the only way out for you. This is the reasonable way out.”
Gaster merely laughed, a scratching eerie noise that if Grillby did have hair, would have sent it on edge. The mad look in the semi-skeleton’s face was enough to cement for sure, that Gaster was completely and utterly insane.  
{ Your children? }
His eyes flashed blue and with the sound of static, manifested blue hands wreathed the scientist’s head and body.
{ A pity, I thought you would be reasonable. }
The hands circled and then flashed outward, fingers outstretched. Grillby drew on his many years of combat experience and dodged, his flames a blur of speed. He drew back a clawed hand and with a roar slashed forward. Flames rocketed towards Gaster, burning huge scars of black into the soil.
There was a blink, and Gaster teleported out of the way of the flames, countering with grabbing magic hands heading right for the elemental’s soul.
This poor young fool. Grillby simply lashed out with torrential flames. The magical manifestations cracked and shattered under the onslaught. Gaster pulled back to the distance, manifesting more hands. Along with hands, blue and white bones appeared and floated in place. They titled in place, and a hail of bones rained down on the bartender. Gaster’s smug face could be barely seen through the dark rain of magic.
Grillby simply bolstered his flames, burning blue and white as he waited out the attack. Bones and hands hit his flames and simply burned up. Causing no damage at all and sizzling away into the burn acrid smell of spent magic.
Grillby simply stared out from a ring of charred and burnt burns circling him. Not a single point of HP was lost.
And it was then Gaster realized that he royally fucked up.
“MY TURN.” Grillby’s face broke open in a gagged grin with a hellish hiss.
White and teal flames flash melted the snow in the immediate area as the elemental rocketed forward. Trees exploded into shards of charred splinters from the sheer violence of the sprint. Gaster was too shocked to teleport away and found himself in a burning choke-hold.  
“YOU WILL NEVER COME NEAR MY CHILDREN AGAIN!!!” Grillby viciously slammed the scientist into the nearest living tree, shattering it into sap and splinters. His heat continued to build, scorching clothing and there was the soft creaking noise of bone being tested to it’s limit.
There was sudden sharp cracks and Gaster cried out as two thin cracks marred his eye sockets and face, reaching deep down to even the twisted frown and the crown of his head. There were similar but smaller cracks hidden under the scorched clothes as bone lost against heat.
Grillby threw the scientist away and into the snow, where the sudden LOSS of heat cracked even more bones.
The gentle bartender looked more and more like some hellish fire beast, but remained in control. This creature before him, was responsible for EVERYTHING. Sans might never fully recover because of HIM. Papyrus, a happy but entirely too anxious baby, because of HIM. The screaming! The nightmares! The sheer amount of scars and trauma! BECAUSE OF HIM. Gaster struggled to move, no doubt trying to piece together enough magic for another teleport, but Grillby wasn’t going to let him go.
Grillby picked up the gasping scientist by the neck and threw him again, sending the skeleton tumbling away into the burned and smoking ground. Gaster gasped in pain and then cried out as Grillby slammed a foot down on his hand.
And then again on the other hand.
Smoke and crackling embers poured out off the enraged bartender’s mouth as he made sure that these hands of Gaster’s will NEVER be capable of harming another monster again. The cracking of bone only enraged Grillby further, imagining how it must of felt and sounded to Sans and Papyrus. How if felt when their tiny bones were broken and shattered. Hopefully Gaster would feel as they did, and in his enraged state he was more than happy to shatter every little bone in this disgusting monster’s body.
He lifted a clawed burning hand, ready to slam it down on the prone scientists. Gaster hissed something and there was a sudden sound of fabric tearing and the sense of wrongness . Grillby didn’t have a second before a hot beam of light flashed in front of his face and pushed him backwards to the edge of snow again. It was enough to momentarily blind the bartender and he blinked and coughed at the heavy smell of ozone.
He opened his eyes.
Before him were….floating skulls. Two of them. For a second he was terrified, they looked exactly like Sans and Papyrus’s beastly forms, but with subtle differences. They were larger with better developed teeth and crests, but they still had the soft rounded edges of childhood. Their white ringed pupils in their too large dark eye sockets watched Grillby blankly, swaying back and forth as if in a breeze.
They were children.
They were guarding Gaster as he struggled to stand up again. Grillby was stunned, his flames sputtering at the horror in front of him. Was this…what he planned for his two children? Mindless weapons?
His shock was all it took, and Gaster and the two heads vanished with a sound of static.  Too late! Grillby roared with fury as he missed Gaster by a mere second.
“Up ahead!” ( “What happened!” )
Grillby whipped his head around as Dogamy and Dogaressa ran into the burnt and destroyed clearing, panting hard.
“Grillby!” Dogamy’s eyes went wide as he surveyed the damage. Many trees were shattered and burnt, and in the middle of it all was a still burning and enraged elemental.
“GASTER.” Grillby roared, his voice vibrating the needles in the surviving trees.
( “You…you had him! Wh-”) Dogarassa began, but Grillby cut her off with a snarl as he blazed forward and headed back into town. True, the snow might have slowed him down if he was calmer, but Grillby was consumed with rage and fear, causing him to burn so bright it was like the sun itself was in the underground. He ran with all the speed he could muster, leaving a burned black trail in his wake.
The Dogi sensed the urgency and ran after him, tilting their heads back and howling. Howls echoed back as the entire canine patrol was alerted.
They just hoped they would reach the kids in time.
   Greater Dog opened the door to the backroom quietly, his tail wagging a mile a minute. He boofed softly as he spotted the puppy pile on the floor. It seemed that Sans had pulled one of the couch cushions down on the floor and threw all the pillows and blankets on it, making one cozy nest. Both him and Papyrus were curled up together . It was almost too adorable for him to take!
He shut the door behind him and boofed softly! <”Hello Puppies!”>
Papyrus yawned and blinked his eyes open. His tail wagged when he spotted the older dog monster. <”HI! HI! HI! HI!”> He barked loudly and used a paw to tap Sans on the top of his skull.
The older pup opened his eyes blearily and sniffed. When he saw it was only Greater Dog, he yawned and closed his eyes again. Seems this pup isn’t too interested in being awake at the moment. No big deal!
Greater wagged his tail harder and elected to get down on the floor with the pups and curl around them. With his massive armor and frame, he will be able to guard them properly! He’s a good dog after all!
Papyrus yawned again and snuggled up close to his brother, falling asleep in no time at all.
How nice! Greater thumped his tail and kept a close eye over both pups, his ears pricked for any and all sounds. Time wore on and he still remained vigilant. Best dog! Good dog! The pups were getting a good nap in, but he wondered what was taking Grillby so long? He was about to check on Lesser and Doggo when Sans and Papyrus startled awake with sudden sharp whines.
<”What’s wrong Pups?”> Greater grew concerned when both pups began to breathe heavily, terrified of something. Both pups snuggled up to Greater’s armor, shivering enough that their bones rattled.
<”He’s coming.”> Sans managed to choke out, his eye sockets completely blank.
Before Greater could ask who was coming, an alarm howl echoed through the cavern. Greater pulled himself up on his paws and hunched over the two children protectively as the air began to get thick and reek of ozone.
There was a vicious crack of splintering wood and a bright flash of light as the restaurant caved inward.
Greater hunkered down over the pups, closing his eyes as burnt wood splinters bounced off his metal armor. There was the sound off furious dogs and the dull smacks of bodies being thrown around.
He blinked his eyes to rid them of the debris and wood dust, growling sharply. His ears were ringing from the volume of the blast, but as his hearing returned he could hear the other dogs furiously barking and growling. He looked up to see Doggo and Lesser Dog fighting…..giant floating skulls? Blue and White bones rammed their way from under the floorboards in an attempt to skewer the canines, but they were too agile. Both dogs cut through the bone assault with ease as they struggled to keep their attacker back.
And to his shock, it was Gaster. He looked barely alive, face cracked and shattered into a barely recognizable visage. The scientist supported himself with a few bones, reaching out with blue magic hands to rip up everything in his way. He seemed terribly injured, and the bits of dust falling off his bones was a sign of how bad it was.
{ E2-001-S! E2-002-P!!! }
The scientists voice was broken and hysterical. Both pups whined fearfully and hid under the giant canine.
As much as Greater wanted to help Lesser and Doggo, he knew his place was protecting the pups. So he stood and withdrew his spear from his inventory. His massive frame blocked the way and he braced himself.
Gaster turned his head to stare at Greater, a mad glint in his remaining un-shattered eye-socket. The floating skulls hovered around their master, expressions blank. The other two dogs continued their attacks, attempting to drive Gaster out of the ruined restaurant.
Sans cowered behind greater, shielding his brother the best he could behind their canine guardian. And then, like soft whispers in the dry air, heheard them.
 ̛̤̯ ͖͚͚̘͎̮͔͡
̴̩̦T̼̫̮̗̬̘̻h̹̘̪̻̥a͓̖͖ͅt̫̹͉͙͓ ̯brͅo̲̮̼͘t̠̩̮̗̝h̲er̺̰?̖̖͙̟
 ͇͔̙ ̼̬̘̩
͎͖Y͢e͖̯͖̕s͇̙͔̖͈.̻̤̭͖ ͓Y̟̠͉̟͙e̜̜̭͍͕͎s̨ ͈̣̼̮̣͇̬͞t̵͓h͓͖͎̳̭͖ͅa͍̙t͞ ̞͔͚͘b̥̟̠̥r͏̙̳͓ͅo͇̠̖̦̲͍̰̕ț̥͎̺̬ͅh̗͎e̴̪͍̼r͚͇̗͙̭.̠͎̦͠ ͎̹̘̝̗T͚̩̞̹͕͕h̜̠͚̼̪͎̖a̸͎t̶̖̺̼̘̰̠ ̵̻̮̥̭̠̹ͅb̙͕̗̺̥̼͍r͕̩̗͍ͅot̴̹h̩ͅe̷̥̺̣r̥̲̲.̼̳
Sans managed to gather enough courage to poke his head around their guard to see what was happening. The huge skulls looked directly at him, their white ring-like eyes expanding.
I̶̞͓̯͖t̹̺͖ ̶b̸̝͖͚̣̰̹r͙̙̠͇̦̮͚o̱͉̗̺̮t̪h̗͙̠̺̞ͅer҉̞͎ͅ.̰ ̱͖͎̺̜H҉̖͎̗e̥̘̰͔̘̥̱͢l͕̩̩̗̟̻ͅl̺̤̥̮͍̩o̟͍̠͖̼͙̙ ̺̠̬͖͉̮b͉̤̼r̨̗͉̰ͅͅͅo͡t͚͙̤̩̟͠ḥ̠͈̟e͉͎͚r̬̟͇̻.̤
 Sans felt his soul clench. He always knew he had other siblings besides Papyrus. But…these? Where these things really his…brothers? It was too horrible. Too much to think about. Was that their fate? To just…float and obey commands? Little more than weapons? He let out a thin reedy cry of fear and ducked back again to safety. Papyrus began sobbing as Sans curled around his little brother. It was all too much. They had to hide!
While Greater fended off the incoming rain of bones, Sans dragged his still sobbing brother as gently as he could and shoved him under the couch. Papyrus cried and screamed, but Sans silenced him by shoving the blankets under with him.
<”Shh shh bro…be quiet. Hide.”> He murmured to his smaller sibling over the noise of the fight. Papyrus sobbed, but remained where he was.
Greater growled and swung his spear up and brought it down on the ground with a crash! The ground shook and sent the mad scientist of balance. Gaster cried out and sent bones flying in Greater’s direction. Greater knocked all the incoming bones out of the way, except for one, which he caught in his mouth. His dark eyes blazed with fury as he bit through the bone and sent it crumbling away into spent magic.
One of the living cannons opened its maw, a bright beam of light building up with a hum and aimed it at the dog.
Greater countered by swinging his spear and knocked the skull out of the way with a single blow.
The blast went off, cutting a hole in the roof and causing plaster and wood to rain down on all those fighting inside. Doggo and Lesser continued to pester Gaster with their swords and barking, forcing the scientist to split his focus between multiple attackers. At this rate, he would be captured for sure.
Greater looked down at his chest, confused as a blue glow shined forth from his SOUL. He scarcely had time to understand what that meant for him, before he was picked up and violently thrown into the other two dogs. With a sharp yelp of pain, they collided and hit the far remaining wall with a crash.
Gaster brought three cannons to his side and they began to charge up, aiming directly to the prone dogs. The beams built up with a humming whine that seemed to vibrate the bits of dust on the floors and walls. He grinned. These mutts won’t give him anymore trouble!
And then quite suddenly, he was knocked off his feet by a sudden thin beam of light. He slammed his head hard against the wall, worsening the cracks and sending small splinters of bone to the floor. All the skulls cut off their beams and floated listlessly, confused about how to proceed.
Gaster looked up to see E2-001-S standing in the ruined doorway, his jaws clicking shut after he finished blasting his creator. He was shaking, but there was a look of utter hate in his eyes that caused the edges of Gasters mouth to pull up into an unsettling smile.
{ There you are. }
Sans struggled to fight off the blue magic in his soul, screaming and digging his claws as hard as he can into the broken floor. He charged a beam again, but he was abruptly slammed against the wall. He gasped and the magic building up in his throat sizzled and dispersed. Stunned, the pup could only breathe as he was dragged forward and gripped tightly in blue hand constructs.
Sans managed to open an eye in his panic to see that his master’s hands were broken and were only held together by innate magic. He wheezed in alarm as the transparent hands squeezed him tight. The skulls, distracted away from the dogs, hovered over for a closer look. Sans’s eyes flashed blue as he struggled, snarling and snapping with all the strength he could muster. His soul pounded in fear.
{ There’s no escape for you this time. Now…for 002… }
Gaster had no time to complete that sentence as the skull hovering closest to him shattered in a ball of flame. It let out a reedy thing scream as its bone disintegrated and crumbled to dust.
 Sans could hear the panicked whispers of his kin as they floated, unsure of what to do. More fire balls slammed close and Gaster was forced to duck away. Sans cried out as he was dragged along through the air, the hands only tightened their grip.
And suddenly, there was heat. Sans opened his terrified eyes to see his adopted father, standing in the ruins of his bar. His flames now burned a pure teal in rage and his mouth was open in a horrible sharp fang frown.
“LET GO OF MY SON.” The bartender shrieked and rushed forward.
But all too well, Sans could feel the cold building up and the unsettling feeling of WRONG deep in his bones. Gaster was smiling, not seeming to be phased as a fire monster and five dogs rushed into his position at once.
'At least Papyrus is safe.’ Sans thought. Perhaps Gaster would just be content with just him, and would leave his baby brother alone.
 And that was the last thought he had before he was yanked through the void.
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retphienix · 7 years
Game Recommendations
It's my birthday today and I thought I'd make something of the day and share some games I think some of you might like to give a shot.
Most of these are games I've played on the blog.
Without wasting more time on 'my special day' here's some games I love or like a heck of a lot and think more people should check out.
Final Fantasy Tactics
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Yeah, I'm sorry.
I know plenty of you have heard me gush enough, from my character analysis, to one of my first playthroughs on this blog that was done in a terrible quality, to my more recent dive into FFTA in which I constantly complained and referenced FFT.
But I couldn't honestly make a recommendation list without it.
FFT is the best, bar none, tactical/strategy RPG I've ever played.
The job system lets you do so much that it has lead me to be disappointed with so many other games that claim they offer the same plethora of options because frankly, they rarely do.
Seeing as I've gushed plenty on this title already, I'll just say my piece.
If you like RPGs, or job systems, or the Fire Emblem series, or Final Fantasy, or just think it sounds fun to experiment with different party makeups while playing through the best FF story (full stop), this game is worth picking up in any way you can.
I've always been partial to the original version on PS which you can pick up in a couple forms digitally, but I have to say my taste between the original and remake flips back and forth all the time because holy cow that remake is good.
The original has a translation job that I enjoy more and a few key moments in the story are presented much more intensely in the original due to that translation, the remake adds two new job classes, a new more uniform translation, a few new unique characters, and AWESOME AS CAN BE CUTSCENES.
The remake originally came out on the PSP and can be picked up on iOS as well.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
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I've been posting a lot of little things about this game lately and I figure it's about time I explain why. I also feel like I should because I’ve honestly annoyed the heck out of my cousin trying to drag him into the title for weeks now.
I heard about the Xenoverse games through ProJared's videos and figured I'd pick up the newest since I'm a ridiculously huge DB fan and I haven't really enjoyed the games too much since almost all of them are fighting games.
(A genre I wish I had the patience for but every time I try I just find myself bored knowing how much research I need on each character or annoyed at how precise some of the controls can be when I haven't even decided the game was worth the dedication needed to learn those controls, but I digress)
The only DB game I've enjoyed before this was one of the Legacy of Goku titles for GBA, though I always thought the Budokai games looked really cool I just never owned them.
Holy cow this game.
I got it for Christmas nearly eight months ago and told myself I'd play it once I had some free time. Eight months later I finally throw it in the console for more than 30 minutes (I had made a few characters when I got the game but didn't do a single thing) and I honestly struggled to stop playing.
It's the kind of game I wish DB went for more often. It's fighting, yeah, but it's freeform with simple controls and combos that feel more like Dynasty Warriors in simplicity while giving you SO MANY OPTIONS.
Sure you have basic combos, but you can interrupt them at any point and those combos chain into each other for unique elongated combos AND THAT'S BEFORE CONSIDERING ALL YOUR SUPERS AND ULTRAS.
Every possible move from the dragon ball series seems to be included and you can pepper them in however you please.
A video or two would do better than this truncated description, but this is the game that fulfilled years of wanting to play a good dragon ball game for me.
I can hop online and knock around all my favorite villains and heroes with my custom character utilizing all the coolest moves whenever I want, and it's awesome.
If you like DB or think creating a character with tons of potential move combinations in this style of gameplay sounds fun, GO FOR IT. (I’m playing on PS4 if you want to play together :D, it’s my birthday so I’m going to use smilies so take that attempts at uniform post quality!)
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Thankfully, after having to stop myself from gushing for a few pages about DB Xenoverse 2, I don't have to say much about this title as I did a full playthrough on this blog already.
This is a quality RPG with fast paced combat, fun quirks to said combat to keep it interesting, oh, and ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT recruitable characters.
I love this game, and I recommend this one over it's sequel (which was unbelievably good and the starting point I had for the series) purely because what this title lacks compared to the second, it makes up for with MUCH better intermission sequences.
If you have an RPG itch and like games with unique characters in your party then there is no question as to whether you should or shouldn't play this.
Pick it up in any way you possibly can.
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I was short in my post about this game but, honestly, I don't have much to say about it other than it's really fun and interesting.
A great NES rpg-ish game that you can (especially if you're garbage like me and use save states for boss fights in the late game, yes I did that, yes I should be ashamed) beat in a single day on the weekend.
Oh, and it’s wonderfully somber with great monster design and all of this comes on the NES.
Star Wars Republic Commando
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Since I went and recommended four games that have already been on this blog before, here's one that hasn't been beaten to death here.
Republic Commando goes down as my favorite star wars game, even higher on the list than KOTOR.
It's the only SW game that focuses entirely on those in the universe that aren't god-level force wielding Jedi/Sith or top level smugglers/bounty hunters.
You're the leader of a commando squad for the Republic. A "key" role in some respects, but overall you're just another pair of boots on the ground.
The missions are all believable military practices you'd expect the Republic to be undertaking, primarily sabotaging the droid menace whenever possible.
This game excels everywhere I didn't expect it to. Extremely enjoyable characters (who are CLONES written to fall into ARCHTYPE CLICHES and yet they are LIKABLE AS HECK), interesting squad controls that are simple yet expertly crafted, Foley that got me interested in Foley in the first place, a story that’s interests because it’s the backroom of what matters in the movies or other games (ground war).
I don't know what to say aside from pointing out that this is a fantastic shooter with an amazing take on the star wars universe, primarily because it focuses on the gritty war going on rather than the glitz and glamour of the high tier force powered individuals.
Oh, and the squad controls are really fun.
There are plenty of games I wish would come back from their graves, and Republic Commando goes right on that shelf next to Chromehounds as franchises left to rot for not fitting the stereotypes well enough.
Chrome is a slow mech game and RC is a star wars game without lightsabers.
You're apparently just not allowed to do those things.
There's five for the day.
I hope you all have a good day, I'm going to try and sleep right through the rest of mine. ~R
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