#if it takes me forever to reach someone that's why šŸ˜”
orchdaries Ā· 4 months
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(Ā Ā aespa's yoo jimin (karina) ,Ā  cisfemale , she/herĀ Ā )Ā  Ā  : Ģ—Ģ€āž›Ā  Ā twenty-fiveĀ years young , aĀ firebenderĀ from theĀ nobleĀ house ofĀ choiĀ . many know them to beĀ fanciful & unambitiousĀ . how unfortunate , truly ā€¦ iā€™ve always found them to beĀ softspoken & dutifulĀ . they oft fulfill the duties ofĀ a healerĀ . oh , i should tell you ā€” theyĀ opposeĀ the rule of house yi . well , you know how every storyteller bends the tale they tell .Ā  Ā āœ¶Ā  Ā sky , +21 , she/theyĀ  .
please welcome house choi's middle child (along with her twin), choi aera! contrary to the tendency of her house of learning lavabending, she preferred to focus and hone her bender abilities into the healing field instead of the combat one because she's the support type of character through and through (she really really really doesn't want to be sent to the battlefield and fight if house sungold or house yi ever makes them fight, help), thankfully the universe smiled at her and, even though she isn't the best healer you'll ever meet, she can do her job quite alright! under the cut more info about her past + personality and a couple of plot ideas!
choi aera. 25 y/o. firebender & healer. awakened her bending abilities at 10 y/o and as much as it was fun to incorporate fire bending into her daily life and how much she learned about herself in that process, she doesn't really enjoy the combative part of bending.
half because she does value peace and half because she isn't really good at conflicts especially when they end up getting physical (which is super ironic considering she's from a military house); hates the idea of getting hurt but also honestly would give up a limb if it meant she didn't have to go through an agni kai.
likes to daydream about a lot of scenarios in this very "seeing the world through rosƩ colored lenses" type of way and sometimes can even seem like an airhead, even more so with how softspoken she is; daydreams about some noble from another house coming to sweep her feet away at least five times a day, dreams of saying goodbye to her family (or even the fire nation) to live her own adventure another ten times but honestly lacks the courage to really do so.
in the end she likes the comfort and familiarity of what she already knows too much to really abandon it for the unknown. but it doesn't mean!! she won't enable others to chase after their own dreams no matter how unrealistic they are!! yes, @/head of house [redacted], go elope with that [redacted] commoner, aera will be rooting for you!!
loves loves loves to live vicariously through other people so pls tell her everything while she does a check up on your chi paths!!
does a lot of wishful thinking too, in this "everything will be alright in the end and if it isn't ok yet then it's because this isn't the end" way.
wasn't really the troublemaker type when growing up and much more like the good kid that wanted to be praised by her parents especially, but she liked fairy tale/fantastic sort of stories since then. i imagine playing pretend with her was super fun because her imagination was wild.
grew up as a mommy's girl through and through, going out of her way to spend time with mom when she was still alive (from unprompted and not so unprompted tea time, to bringing books so mom could read to her or asking to be taught this specific fire bending technique, etc etc) and showing off her results to her was motivation for aera to work hard 99% of the time; so it obv hit aera hard when she died, much more than her dad's death did (oop).
for the longest time she thought that she could've done something to prevent their deaths and that's why she almost started studying to be a doctor instead of a healer; still got into the study of herbs/potions for a while but she's no expert in neither of those areas; she knows the basics and that's pretty much it.
her mourning is mostly over at this point, but sometimes it still hits her very hard; that also made her mature a lot pretty quickly and now she keeps most to her more dreamy part of her personality to herself or to the people she lets in her inner social circle because she also closed herself off a lot more even though she does seem as friendly as ever.
overall a very sweet girl with sweet dreams but zero backbone (and actual desire, i guess) to chase them!
doesn't really like house yi because she feels they put way too much pressure/restraints on her family due to their ability to lavabend and wished that a "kinder" royal family ruled them instead.
wanted connections
fave client ! someone who always has the best stories to tell while she does her work on them. regardless of whether they're true or not, she's always looking forward to work for them because it means she gets to hear what adventure they got (or will get) themselves next!
childhood/teenage friends ! someone that not only knew aera before the tragedy with her parents but also was close to her and saw firsthand how the light in her eyes dimmed with what happened. someone that she feels like she can count on to this day or maybe they drifted apart at some point for some reason and now they're trying to reconnect (successfully or it's just very very awkward)
crushes ! she's much more in love with the idea of love (esp one that comes straight out of a love story) more than anything else + is very weak to good looking people so she gets infatuated with anyone pretty easily. i imagine she has an endless list of people she crushed on (but then falls out of it very easily too); people she's more in love with the idea of them than the person themselves.
the one that got away ! talking about which!! someone that she was in a relationship with but then it never got too far for any reasonsā€” aera's immaturity with actual love, the other person's own shortcomings, maybe they were right for each other but met at the wrong time, etc etc, but it's still someone that she keeps in a very special spot on her heart, making her go wild with what ifs in her head. the one she'll always love (maybe in a first love or that one special summer affair sort of way) regardless of anything else.
older sibling energy/knight in shining armor ! as much as aera reaches out to look after people, she also has this energy of can't be left alone (affectionate but also a little derogatory). aera just feels like someone who'd fall for scams every and anywhere with how easily she genuinely believes that this really random guy is part of the earth nation's fallen royal family and traveled all around the world to hide themselves while collecting wealthy and knowledge so now they're looking for a new spouse to rebuild their dynasty with. basically someone who can't help but feel protective over her.
this is everything that i could come up with but i'm always open to brainstorm any and everything!!
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halucynator Ā· 7 months
False Fronts
part 1 of 4
Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!reader
Warnings: fake dating, arguing, not proof read and my writing šŸ˜”
Summary: Being asked to fake date someone to get a petty ex off their back is the worst possible way of being friend-zoned. You, however, were willing to take any chances to get as close as you could to Theodore Nott.
there will most definitely be a part 2
i will absolutely credit @berryzxx for helping me and giving me ideas for this haha
sorry if anyone's name is Jess ily i swear mwah <;33
he's such a cutie tehe
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: fluff angst
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You were going about your usual business, wandering the empty corridors of Hogwarts. The prospect of Defense Against the Dark Arts class, particularly with Umbridge as the professor, filled you with dread. Determined to delay your arrival as much as possible, you lingered, reluctant to head to your lesson.
As you strolled through the corridors, distant murmurs reached your ears. Tracing their origin, the faint echoes evolved into a heated disputeā€”a boy and a girl embroiled in a passionate disagreement. Step by step, you closed the distance until their fervent voices became distinct and clear.
"Look, Jess, it's over. O-V-E-R." You could hear the boy say to someone who you could only assume was called Jess.
"But I don't want it to be over! I still love you! Please, I'm sorry!" The girl, presumably Jess, begged.
"Well, you should've thought of that before you went and cheated on me." His response cut through the air, chilling in its icy tone, sending unwelcome shivers down your spine. Whoever he was, his disdain for Jess was palpable. His voice was unmistakable, you having heard it all your life. You knew who it was.
He sauntered off, leaving both Jess and you dumbfounded. Peeking around the corner to catch a glimpse of the boy, you inadvertently crashed into the very personā€”Theodore Nottā€”you were trying to observe.
As you collided with Theodore Nott, his demeanor shifted from the tense confrontation to one of mild surprise, his dark eyes locking with yours in an unexpected encounter. You stumbled back a step, catching your breath as you met his gaze, both of you momentarily stunned by the abrupt intersection.
"Y/N," Theodore uttered your name, a flicker of recognition dancing across his features before settling into a composed mask. "Sorry about that. Didn't see you there."
Your mind raced, trying to process the scene you'd just witnessed. His confrontation with Jess seemed far more serious than a typical teenage quarrel. Sensing your curiosity, Theodore's expression shifted a glint of something unreadable in his eyes.
"Listen," he started, his voice lowering to a hushed tone as if sharing a secret. "I need a favor, and I think you might be the perfect solution."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unsure where this conversation was heading. Theodore hesitated for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing.
"Jess won't leave me alone. She's been causing a scene ever since things ended between us. I need... I need someone to help me out, to pretend to be with me, just to get her off my back. It's purely for appearances, nothing more."
His request hung in the air, unexpected and oddly intriguing. Theodore Nott, asking for your assistance in a situation as serious as this. You weighed his words, contemplating the implications of what he proposed, your mind swirling with questions about why he'd chosen you for such a peculiar task.
"Please. I'll ask nothing more of you. Just some PDA. Slight touches, whatever you're comfortable with."
The allure of being close to him warred with the fear of playing a role in a situation that could easily spin out of control. Yet, despite the inner turmoil, a glimmer of hope danced in your chestā€”an opportunity to be near Theodore, even if it was only as part of a facade.
You'd been friends with Theo for what felt like forever. He trusted you, and that meant a lot. Sure, there was that fear of being stuck in the friend zone, but when you thought about it, the chance to help him seemed more important. He wanted this, and he was your friend. So, yeah, you wanted to be there for him.
After a moment's hesitation, you gathered your resolve and nodded in agreement, your voice surprisingly steady despite the fury of emotions raging within you. "Alright, Theodore. I'll help you out."
A flicker of relief crossed Theodore's face, a barely perceptible shift in his expression that hinted at gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. I owe you one."
As the weight of your decision settled in, you couldn't help but wonder about the implications of what you'd just agreed to. Theodore's proposal was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, and the realization that you were about to embark on a fake relationship with someone you genuinely cared for made your heart race with both anticipation and anxiety.
Theodore glanced around, as if to ensure no one else was nearby, before leaning in closer. "Let's meet later today and discuss how we're going to pull this off, alright? Preferably somewhere private."
Nodding in agreement, your mind raced with a million questions, but you managed to offer a reassuring smile. "Sure, Theodore. I'll be there."
As he walked away, you were left standing there, your mind spinning. The whole idea was thrilling, but it also felt like stepping onto a rollercoaster without knowing the twists and turns ahead. For now, all you could do was wait and meet up with Theodore and realise the depths of the situation you just put yourself into.
Either way, this fake dating thing just became your reality, and you had no clue where it would lead.
hello, hi! read part 2 here :))
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sister-lucifer Ā· 1 year
Hiya, hope you're having a pog day <3
I wanted to make a request if possible (also if you're comfortable with it, if not, feel free to ignore this ask!! no worries)
nsfw headcanons for Hoodie and Masky with a trans masc s/o (with top surgery scars)
Masky + Hoodie w/ a trans masc partner who has top surgery scarsĀ 
Masky + Hoodie x Reader (separately)Ā 
Genre: Fluff + NSFW, headcanonsĀ 
Content/warnings: Thereā€™s a lot of talk of readerā€™s body but itā€™s all positive, Tim is insecure about his scars, chest + tummy kisses, tooth rotting fluff AND some soft romantic NSFWĀ šŸ˜ŒĀ 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! itā€™s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me outĀ 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Sorry if you wanted likeā€¦hardcore nasty NSFW, this is really sweetĀ šŸ˜”Ā 
Tim Wright/MaskyĀ 
Although I donā€™t personally headcanon Tim as trans (though i definitely enjoy trans tim contentĀ šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‹), he certainly has his fair share of scarsĀ 
Theyā€™re mostly on his arms and hands
Some are from fights, others are from miscellaneous accidents, some have been there as long as he can remember and heā€™s not even sure where they came from
But theres one thing he knows for sure:
He HATES when people point them outĀ 
He canā€™t really explain it, he just hates having attention drawn to themĀ 
You may not feel the same way, but even if you say you donā€™t mind heā€™ll be careful not to point them outĀ 
Thatā€™s not to say you wonā€™t catch him staring when he thinks youā€™re not looking, thoughĀ 
The scars just look soā€¦natural, on youĀ 
Like theyā€™ve always been thereĀ 
He forgets that theyā€™re scars, reallyĀ 
Heā€™s not sure why he feels so different about scars on you than he does on himĀ 
The longer heā€™s with you the less he notices your scars anymoreĀ 
And the less he notices his own tooĀ 
Over time he becomes less insecure about them as he watches you not only live with but accept and maybe even embrace your scarsĀ 
And thereā€™s something he loves about being able to run his hand down your bare chest, the marks on his hand matching with your scarsĀ 
Especially when he finds you in bed with him, climbing on top of him and straddling his lapĀ 
He cant stop himself from reaching out and pulling your shirt off, his large hands splaying out over your torso as he admires you,Ā feeling your heartbeat thump behind your ribsĀ 
If your position allows him to see your chest, donā€™t be surprised if he canā€™t pull his eyes awayĀ 
Heā€™s not very talkative during sex, but heā€™s always sure to remind you how handsome you areĀ 
He knows sex can sometimes trigger dysphoria, and he doesnā€™t want you to forget that youā€™re his sweet boy, forever and always
You can thank him for the praise by taking one of his scarred hands and pressing a soft kiss to it, a silent reassurance that his feelings about you are not unrequitedĀ 
Brian Thomas/HoodieĀ 
Brian, on the other hand, is very vocal about how attractive he finds your scarsĀ 
Although heā€™s got a few of his own, theyā€™re generally not very noticeableĀ 
And even if someone did point them out, heā€™d simply laugh them offĀ 
So he feels comfortable telling you how much he loves your scarsĀ 
Theyā€™re a reminder of how strong you are, he saysĀ 
Itā€™s not easy embracing your true trans self in this world, and you should wear your scars with prideĀ 
Heā€™s got an artistic streak, so donā€™t be surprised if he asks to draw on themĀ 
He may even suggest getting a cool tattoo to emphasize them!Ā 
Like barbed wire or a flower chain or somethingĀ 
But if you donā€™t want that, heā€™s perfectly content simply being allowed to run his fingers over your scarsĀ 
Heā€™ll often absentmindedly begin tracing them whenever youā€™re laying together, sometimes not even realizing heā€™s doing itĀ 
He loves to kiss your chest tooĀ 
Heā€™s a romantic type, what can I sayĀ šŸ¤·Ā 
He just loves to give your scars all the gentle attention they deserve, he canā€™t help itĀ 
Donā€™t be surprised if his hands find your scars as if they have a mind of their own, always wandering to your chest whenever youā€™re standing at the counter or sitting on the couch with himĀ 
And donā€™t be surprised if those wandering hands lead to more than just gentle touchesĀ 
If you allow him his way during sex, heā€™ll always insist on having you on your backĀ 
Heā€™ll pay extra attention to your chest, and i donā€™t just mean your scars (although they certainly arenā€™t ignored)Ā 
Heā€™s much more vocal than Tim, a constant stream of praises and reassurances spilling from his mouth and he drones on and on about how handsome you are and how lucky he is to have such a beautiful boy like you to take care ofĀ 
Youā€™re an absolute beauty to him, and heā€™s going to make sure he tells you every chance he getsĀ Ā 
Brian Thomas: The Dysphoria Miracle CureĀ 
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goodnight-siyeon Ā· 9 months
Everybody Adores You | Jiu x GN! Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: i didnā€™t proofread šŸ˜” but no other warnings
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She was known all around the campus. Even if you didnā€™t share classes with her, you knew who she was. Jiu was everyoneā€™s favorite person at your college. She was known for helping anyone she could. She tutored students, volunteered, made study groups, joined clubs, and anything else she could do. There were few people who disliked her bubbly personality.
Personally, you didnā€™t have many first hand experiences with her. Despite a shared math class in freshmen year, you hadnā€™t been around her much. However, on your first day of your junior year, you walked into one of your classes to see her sitting towards the front. Scanning the rows you realized that the only spot was next to her. As you walked towards her you too a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. Even though she was the sweetest girl, it was still nerve wracking to talk to her. Something about her smile when she talked or how she always made eye contact while listening to others made your stomach churn. Before you could even ask she motioned to the seat next to her, ā€œGo ahead!ā€ You smiled and thanked her quietly. ā€œItā€™s been forever since weā€™ve had a class Y/N,ā€ She turned to you, flashing her signature smile. The fact that she remembered your name stunned you. The only time you remember talking to her was for a group project but you were sure she didnā€™t remember. You nodded, ā€œYeah it has been. Itā€™s nice to see you.ā€ You pulled out your computer, ready for the lecture but she spoke up again. ā€œOh you got a new computer! Thatā€™s good because the old one was bothering you, right,ā€ Once again, you didnā€™t even know how she remembered that. Your freshman year you still used the laptop given to you in high school. Once you reached college, the poor thing could barely last an hour. You smiled, ā€œYeah I finally saved up enough to get a new one.ā€ The two of you kept talking until the professor walked in and began class.
ā€œSo she basically saved you a spot, remembered your name, and little details about you,ā€ Your roommate, Yunjin squealed. You shrugged it off, ā€œI donā€™t think she was saving the spot for me. Plus she remembers everyone so itā€™s nothing special.ā€ Yunjin wasnā€™t having it. ā€œMhmmm, sure, nothing special,ā€ She smirked and winked at you, making you roll your eyes.
A few days later, you were out for your usual morning walk since your class didnā€™t start until later. While walking, you couldā€™ve sworn you heard someone tell your name. You took out your earbud and turned to see Jiu trying to catch up. ā€œY/N,ā€ She said, waving at you. ā€œWhere are you headed,ā€ She asks out of breath, having finally caught up with you. ā€œNowhere really. Just on a little walk,ā€ You explained at she smiled brightly. ā€œWhat about you?ā€ She shrugged, ā€œThe same I guess! I wanted to feel the nice breeze today.ā€ You both took a second to take in the cool breeze lightly brushing past you. ā€œWhat are you listening to,ā€ She asked, breaking the silence. Instead of answering, you handed her an earbud, which she gladly took. You continued walking with her, sharing light conversation and listening to music. After a while, you checked the time, ā€œOh I have to go get ready for class. This was nice though!ā€ She smiled and nodded, ā€œLetā€™s do it again?ā€ You agreed and she gave you a quick hug before you left.
The entire class you couldnā€™t stop thinking about your interaction. She didnā€™t have to walk with you and she definitely didnā€™t have to hug you. You tried to remind yourself that itā€™s just who she is but you couldnā€™t hold your smile. You felt someone nudge your shoulder lightly, ā€œWhy are you smiling during a business lecture?Thereā€™s no joy in here.ā€ Your friend, Yoohyeon, whined. You laughed at her comment, ā€œI really do love learning about marketing!ā€ The sarcasm in your voice was obvious so she ignored your comment. ā€œOnce this professor shuts up Iā€™m gonna bug you until you tell me,ā€ She whispered. Yoohyeon wasnā€™t wrong because the second you stepped out of class she brought it up. ā€œSo you like Jiu? Because thatā€™s what Iā€™m hearing,ā€ She said, too loudly for your liking. ā€œGirl keep it down,ā€ You whispered. She laughed at your reaction, ā€œSheā€™s not hiding behind the bushes or something. You need to accept the fact that you like her!ā€ Once again, any protests you made her shut down.
It had been a few days since you had seen Jiu. You were a little disappointed that you hadnā€™t run into her but you knew she was probably busy. So when you got ready for class, you felt yourself paying better attention to the way you dressed. ā€œYouā€™re gonna be late if you try on another outfit,ā€ Yunjin called out from her bed. You sighed, knowing she was right, ā€œFine. Iā€™m heading out!ā€ ā€œGood luck with your crush,ā€ She yelled before you closed the door.
This time, she was definitely saving your spot. When you first entered class, someone had walked up to her. You assumed they would sit next to her so you started looking for other options. ā€œY/N,ā€ Her bright voice grabbed your attention. You turned to see her pay the empty seat next to her. ā€œOh, thank you,ā€ You said quietly as you sat down. ā€œYou donā€™t have to thank me. You always have a spot next to me,ā€ She replied. The simple comment had your heart race. Sure she only meant in class but it felt like such a genuine compliment.
You got up early to go on a walk in the cool air that continued to blow. You chose a spot on the grass to sit, closing your eyes while listening to the sounds. A ding sounded from your phone, interrupting the peace. ā€œHey Y/N! Itā€™s Jiu!! If youā€™re not busy, Iā€™d love to hangout :)ā€ Your smile grew as you read the text, already thinking of your reply. Of course you said yes, but you asked if she had any ideas for plans. ā€œThe school is showing a play tonight! We should go see it! Letā€™s meet at 7?ā€ You knew your university had a good theater program but you hadnā€™t gotten the chance to actually check it out. The idea of going to see a play with Jiu made you want to giggle and kick your feet like a teenager.
Checking yourself for the millionth time, you headed downstairs to wait for Jiu. She was already waiting for you when you got off the elevator, ā€œAh Y/N! You look so good!ā€ You smiled sheepishly as she clapped lightly. ā€œLetā€™s head off,ā€ She grabbed your hand, leading you out the doors. Throughout your walk to the theater you had different conversations but the warmth of her skin on your hand was too much for your brain to handle.
During the show, Jiu still kept your hand in hers, occasionally leaning over to whisper something. Once it was over, everyone stood and clapped. You were about to leave when she caught your arm, ā€œI want to introduce you to some people.ā€ You nodded and waited for a bit until some of the actors came out into the audience. One of the main girls noticed Jiu and walked over, ā€œIā€™m so glad you made it!ā€ The two hugged before she glanced towards you. She stuck out her hand, ā€œHi! Iā€™m Sua! Itā€™s nice to meet you.ā€ You shook her hand, introducing yourself. They continued to talk but Jiu had one arm wrapped around your waist which caused some suspicion. ā€œWait I didnā€™t know you guys were,ā€ Sua said, pointing between you and Jiu. ā€œOh not yet! I still need to ask them on a proper date,ā€ Jiu smiled as if she didnā€™t just dropped a wild statement. You stared at her in shock which made her laugh. ā€œIā€™ll see you later Sua! I think I have some explaining to do,ā€ Jiu said, pulling you out of the theater.
ā€œYou like me,ā€ You asked in disbelief. She nodded aggressively, ā€œOh yeah! I have for a whileā€¦ since our first class. well maybe before that. I donā€™t know I just,ā€ For the first time it seemed like she was the one struggling to find her words. ā€œCan I kiss you,ā€ You interrupted her rant, already stepped closer. She nodded, looking softly into your eyes as you closed the gap between you. As you kissed, you felt a few raindrops. She smiled into the kiss before pulling away, ā€œThis is really cliche of us.ā€ You laughed, grabbing her hand and walking with her, ā€œMaybe, but I like it.ā€
A/n: AHHHH i hope yā€™all liked this one i tried to make it a little longer than the others :)) iā€™m also probably gonna try different formats and groups (mainly svt, dreamcatcher, and other girl groups) let me know if you have requests!
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pastanest Ā· 1 year
A/N: if youā€™re wondering why Iā€™m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post.
Brienne x gender neutral!reader
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Brienne x short!S/O
- so given that in the show Brienne is a staggering 6ā€™3, the majority of the population will be dwarfed by her unless they have some giantā€™s blood
- however, people who are already deemed short by the rest of the world (dont bother standing up, we wont be seen āœŒšŸ»šŸ˜”), are PARTICULARLY short in comparison to Lady Brienne of Tarth
- while Brienne makes a point to not judge people on their physical appearances, as so many have done so harshly to her, she does notice your height or lackthereof
- and as much as she tries her hardest to not make any assumptions about you, she cannot help the natural protective instinct through which she views you as maybe just a little more fragile than she is
- but she would never tell you that
- until you are married or something probably
- Brienne has never spent so much time so close with someone of your stature and she admires the ways in which you have adapted the world around you to meet your needs. your ability to climb and reach things that she can grab with minimal effort, the length of time you can spend on your tiptoes to see over things that are in your way, how quickly you can find a solution to the problems your height presents to you
- she admires your resilience and finds it very endearing, she could watch you climb things all day if it werent for her instinctive response of grabbing whatever you need to prevent the risk of you falling a single inch life or death to you letā€™s be real
- while out with her and Podrick, with an established friendship, Pod jokes about how different your view of the world must be from Brienneā€™s and that you should get on her shoulders to see the world on a whole new level
- and Brienne is so game bc tysm Podrick for giving her an excuse to lift you up tytyty she is forever in your debt and will never snap at you ever again
- she is so gentle when she does lift you up, acutely aware of how big her hands are on your body as she places you on a high enough tree stump for you to then climb on her shoulders
- you are literally up there for 4 seconds before your fear of heights kicks in and you are begging to be back on ground level lol
- and Brienne is all šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ omg did not mean to scare u bb
- but then you express how beautiful the world must be to her, seeing so much of it like she can all the time, and that every time you look at her youā€™ll remember the glimpse you got into her world and needless to say she is just IN LOVE
- but letā€™s not get it twisted, just because youā€™re short DOES NOT MEAN you will not go feral if someone tries to hurt Brienne with words or violence
- youā€™ll go ham in your own way. like an angry rodent
- and it doesnt matter that 99% of the time Brienne grabs you before you can commit any crimes and you are left a flailing ball of small limbs in her arms that are barely even trying to hold you back, itā€™s the sentiment
- as the two of you get closer, Brienne only grows more protective of you
- and if you think sheā€™ll tolerate other people making jokes at the expense of your height, youā€™d probably better check the pile of bodies with sword-shaped stab wounds on the boat sailing out to sea
- once your friendship transcends into a romantic relationship, the height-related petnames come in
- Brienne cant help herself from calling you ā€œlittle oneā€, ā€œlittle loveā€, ā€œlittle doveā€, ā€œlittle angelā€, you are too precious to her in every possible way
- your knightly lady will take ANY excuse to swing you up into her arms and carry you around
- and she loves nothing more than holding you as you drift off to sleep, completely shielding you from all harm and keeping you warm from even the harshest winter
- but she also treasures the nights when you hold her, your smaller hands drawing gentle patterns on the side of her face and running through her hair as she rests her head against your chest, feeling safe and secure and loved in ways that only you have ever made her feel
- overall, she would love you no matter your height, but when you look up at her from your place approximately 4 inches from the ground, she knows there a few things she could adore more
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thousand-winters Ā· 12 days
(So sorry if you got this already tumblr has been eating my asks recently gahhh)
In my head, there's this very angsty scenario of how things would play out between Darius and Hunter in the aftermath of All The Shit, where Darius basically pushes Hunter away because of his own internal guilt over how he treated Hunter during his time in the coven, not necessarily because he just feels bad about it, but because he recognizes that if he and Hunter get closer, Hunter would not allow himself to get mad at Darius for his bullying and dismissal -- the same way Hunter never allowed himself to get mad at Belos. And Darius would think Hunter deserves to be able to get angry at him, (projecting his own anger at himself, of course), so he puts distance between them in the hopes that Hunter would eventually be angry at him for the things in the coven. And poor Hunter would be so lost and confused about it -- he thought they were getting closer, that they were friends. It would take a stern talking to from one of the unexpected parents (Eda, probably) or just a smack upside the head from Camilla to set him straight again. "Darius, it doesn't matter what you think might not happen -- he's made his choice already. He wants you. And if you make him feel safe enough, whether he gets mad at you initially won't matter either, because he'll feel safe enough to deal with it eventually."
(No worries!!! Tumblr is so wonky sometimes)
Oh, my goodness, I love that.
Something I really love to play with when it comes to Dadrius early dynamic after the finale is that it can be such a mess of misunderstandings because Hunter doesn't feel like he's quite enough (right enough, worthy enough, normal enough) to be someone's child, while Darius doesn't feel prepared to be someone's parent, let alone Hunter's, which is so ironic because I think for Darius part of that doubt would come from the fact he's perhaps the adult who knows the best how much help Hunter will need and the one with the best idea of the extent of the trauma he suffered while at the castle, which means to him it feels like a more daunting situation; he does NOT want to mess things up when Hunter is currently in a bit of an emotionally fragile estate.
This would definitely play a big part here because Darius, who knows Hunter used to justify what Belos did to him because they were family ā€”for the most part Hunter probably didn't realize some of the treatment was messed up, but when he did, he learned well to find excuses for Belosā€”, knows very well too how Hunter tends to let authority figures he even just remotely admires or respects walk all over him (he did that himself once, after all), and while that's definitely something that can be unlearned, he would be afraid that his own actions back then might influence too much how things go now. Especially because I think that while obviously he made up for that, at the time Hunter was a bit like a wild animal you don't want to scare by offering too much human decency at once šŸ˜­ He couldn't say "hey, Hunter, it was a bit fucked up of me to project my grief on you and insult you, you are not responsible for other people's, especially adults, emotional troubles" or else Hunter would have been jumping through the window.
So because he had to work slowly through Hunter being comfortable and not weirded out by being treated kindly and taught some level of boundaries, Darius could feel like Hunter might have a skewed vision of things and might think it's okay if Darius mistreated him, and while that might be sort of true, it's no more so than how Hunter is with any other adult with power over him.
Poor Hunter just feels like Darius was kind to him to the extent of making sure he was safe and out of Belos' reach and now he doesn't give a damn about him... and why would he when Hunter has nothing to offer? šŸ˜” With Camila things were temporary, and with Belos he had to earn his place, so he can't just expect Darius to want him around forever or at all without doing anything for him, right? So he probably wouldn't even try to insist one bit to Darius, he would respect that distance.
Hunter and Darius are truly such a pair, out there thinking the worst of themselves and creating a conflict where there's none.
I figure Eber would be the first one to try and talk some sense onto Darius, and then probably Eda or Camila or whoever Hunter is staying with for now, since then Darius would not only have the objective view of things from Eber, but also a glimpse of how Hunter is feeling, which is very important if he's assuming that Hunter is just gonna forget their bond and thrive somewhere else if he just tries hard enough.
There's definitely going to be such an awkward period after this too, I think the whole "you can be angry at me" matter would have to be one of the firsts they tackle considering how much it escalated. Darius might not be so convinced at first, caught up as he is in his own self-doubts, but it would be very good for Hunter for his parent to say that to him, since it already shows from the first moment that this isn't going to be any kind of dynamic of servitude or anything of that sort. And you know, Hunter might not even mind that much what happened at the coven because he understands how that environment can make you angry and spiteful, and the kindness Darius showed afterward was very significant to him more than a simple apology would, but ironically he might be upset at Darius pulling his whole distancing himself move.
Not exactly how either of them expected things to go, but they can work with it, and seeing that it won't be a deal breaker will help them form a stronger bond because they know they don't have to walk on eggshells around each other... as far as it comes to this matter at least. There's quite a lot both of them have to learn.
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princesslachimolala Ā· 7 months
The Bangtan GC šŸ“±
3. Whoā€™s your bias? šŸ¤”
Synopsis: you (yn šŸ¦Š) are in a members-only group chat with BTS šŸ’œ
Pairings: platonic! ot7 x gn! reader
Warnings: slight angst
A/n: reader is gn (gender neutral) so read honorificā€™s as they apply to you, just my interpretation of who I think would bias who in this 8th member fic world, just meant to be fun not serious at all! Enjoy!
šŸ¦Š: Iā€™m bored someone entertain me
šŸ»: can you not just leave your room and talk to us? weā€™re literally right next door?
šŸ¦Š: but whatā€™s the fun in that? then we can have these texts forever till weā€™re old and greyšŸ„°
šŸ¹: speak for yourself baby petal I may be getting old but Iā€™m aging like fine wine šŸ·
šŸØ: no one says that about themselves Jin hyungā€¦
šŸ±: Jin hyung does
šŸæ: want me to spam the gc with old pictures of us yn-ie? we can reminisce the trainee daysā€¦šŸ˜„
šŸ„: donā€™t dare Hobi hyung!! I donā€™t wanna to see my old hairā€¦
šŸ°: I second thatā€¦
šŸ¦Š: ughhhhhh
šŸ°: I felt that in my soul
šŸ„: ooh I have a fun question
šŸ±: ??
šŸ„: it has all the ingredients to properly entertain yn-ieā€¦ suspense, intrigue, dramaā€¦
šŸ¦Š: oohh whatā€™s the question minnie??
šŸ„: oh wouldnā€™t you like to know
šŸ°: they just said they did hyung?!
šŸ»: I want to know Minnie!!!! Ask me!!!!
šŸ„: if we each were part of armyā€¦ who would be our bias?
šŸØ: oh here we goā€¦
šŸ¹: Iā€™d bias myself
šŸ°: you canā€™t bias yourself hyung
šŸ¹: that wasnā€™t a rule kookie
šŸ¦Š: cmon oppa/hyung we know youā€™d be a joonie bias
šŸ„: hmm I think Jin hyung would be a yn bias
šŸ±: of course he would be
šŸ°: Yoongi hyung would also be a yn biasā€¦ maybe I am too
šŸ¦Š: donā€™t be so dramatic guys, we all know Yoongi is a jimin bias
šŸ¦Š: and kookie youā€™re 100% a namjoon bias, be so for realā€¦
šŸ°: why you gotta out me like that
šŸæ: you donā€™t keep it quiet koo hahahaha
šŸ°: Hobi hyung is such a jimin bias too
šŸ„: he gives Jungkook bias vibes too though
šŸ»: whoā€™s biasing me?šŸ˜…
šŸ„: who do you think Tae? Me and yn obvsā€¦
šŸØ: did you just admit Tae is your favourite Jimin?
šŸ»: wow thanks minniešŸ„¹
šŸ»: feeling the love just waiting for my little one to admit it now
šŸ¦Š: hope your not talking about me
šŸ»: who else is my little one? Jk is literally taller than meā€¦
šŸ¦Š: I would be an ot8 guys sorry, couldnā€™t pick
šŸæ: aw yn-ie thatā€™s such a boring answer āœ‹šŸ»
šŸ¦Š: Hobi!!!šŸ˜­
šŸæ: I mean itā€™s sweet butā€¦ whereā€™s the drama??
šŸ°: noona/hyung, you are kinda screaming Tae bias but also Jin bias??
šŸ¦Š: but I love you allšŸ˜­
šŸ±: wow a confession
šŸØ: we love you too baby petalšŸ«¶šŸ»
šŸ¹: yah just accept your Jin bias status baby petal
šŸ¦Š: but you donā€™t even bias me back oppa/hyungā€¦
šŸ¹: I did neither confirm nor deny little one
šŸ¦Š: so thatā€™s a yes?
šŸ¹: ā€¦
šŸ¹: itā€™s not a noā€¦
šŸ±: okay so yn is a Jin bias, Jin is a yn bias, Tae and Minnie are obvs each otherā€™s bias, Kook is a Joon biasā€¦ does that mean Joon is a kook bias?
šŸØ: I would bias the golden maknae for sure
šŸ°: sobbing
šŸØ: can you sob over my plants they need more watering?
šŸ¦Š: Yoongi oppa/hyung you kinda give Hobi bias vibes
šŸ±: Iā€™ll take that
šŸæ: thank you hyunggggg
šŸæ: Iā€™ll bias you back hyung!!!
šŸ„: wow weā€™re all being so wholesome, this is not the drama I expected?
šŸ¦Š: now letā€™s decide bias wreckers šŸ˜ˆ
šŸ±: šŸ¤¦šŸ»
šŸ»: Iā€™m a yn bias wreckerā€¦ there I said it
šŸ¦Š: omg I was gonna say the same thing Tae šŸ„¹
šŸ»: that you bias wreck yourself?
šŸ¦Š: no- you, silly šŸ™„
šŸ»: ah- well thank you šŸ™„
šŸ¦Š: youā€™re welcome šŸ™„
šŸ»: youā€™re stinky šŸ™„
šŸ¦Š: back at your bro šŸ™„
šŸ»: double back at you, second brightest light in my life šŸ™„
šŸ¦Š: wow- heartfelt or what šŸ™„
šŸ»: what?
šŸ¦Š: what?
šŸ»: I asked you what
šŸ¦Š: but Iā€™m confused
šŸ»: it couldnā€™t be a simpler question
šŸØ: are yous gonna be a while or?
šŸ„: I love watching my babies argue šŸ„¹
šŸ°: I hate watching my noona and hyung/hyungs argue šŸ˜”
šŸ±: weā€™ve reached chaos again
šŸæ: Iā€™m gonna admit Iā€™m a jimin bias wrecker hahahah
šŸ„: awww hyung!!! Iā€™m a Hobi bias wrecker fr!!!
šŸ°: but I want Hobi as my bias wrecker šŸ˜”
šŸ„: you can still have him koo, thereā€™s plenty of sunshine to go aroundā€¦
šŸ±: I might be a Jin bias wrecker if we had to pickā€¦
šŸ¹: Iā€™m a jk bias wrecker and proud
šŸ¦Š: joonie?
šŸØ: uh- Suga hyung I guess
šŸ¦Š: you okay joonie?
šŸØ: all fine, yn-ie
šŸ»: no bc no one picked Joon bias wrecker!!
šŸ»: sorry hyung!! Iā€™ll bias wreck you!!
šŸ°: that means yn noona/hyung isnā€™t bias wreckedšŸ„¹
šŸ¦Š: aw itā€™s just a game guys
šŸ°: but itā€™s not fair šŸ˜Ŗ
šŸØ: hyungā€™s okay koo, I just got in my head
šŸ¦Š: aw joonie šŸ„ŗ
šŸ±: weā€™re all undercover rap monster stans anyways
šŸæ: awwww look at all your dongsaengieā€™s joonie šŸ«¶šŸ»
šŸØ: thanks guys
šŸ„: that conversation got more sentimental that I thought wow
šŸ¹: ig weā€™re all ot8 armyā€™s anyway right
šŸæ: yes yes šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»
šŸ°: I bias you all fr
šŸ±: this is so cheesy
šŸ±: but fr I love you all weā€™re tied by the red string of fate anyway
šŸØ: hyung- your obsessed with this red string of fate
šŸ±: because itā€™s true
šŸ¦Š: thanks for entertaining me guys Iā€™m sleepy now, goodnight!
šŸ°: noona/hyung! You canā€™t just dip like that itā€™s too early! Come play games with us in the game roomšŸ„ŗ
šŸ„: weā€™re playing Fall Guys yn-ie šŸ˜āœ‹šŸ»
šŸ»: and I have snacksā€¦
šŸæ: Iā€™m coming to supervise
šŸ¹: me too
šŸØ: coming too!
šŸ±: fine Iā€™m omwā€¦
šŸ¦Š: say no moreā€¦ itā€™s game night!! hehehe
šŸ°: hurry noona/hyung, Tae just stole player one from mešŸ„ŗ
šŸ¦Š: Taeā€¦
šŸ»: kookie always gets player one butāœ‹šŸ»
šŸ¦Š: Iā€™m coming to sort this outā€¦
šŸ„: yay ot8 game night!!!
A/n: I have no idea if this made sense or how to end this text thread but it preludes the next proper 8th member ficā€¦ itā€™s game night with BangtanšŸ«¶šŸ» hope you thought it was fun!
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lumine-no-hikari Ā· 3 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #85
I've decided that today is a video game day. Specifically, I've decided that it is a Salt and Sanctuary day. I haven't played it in forever, and something about the weather today kind of makes me want to.
It's like that for me, sometimes, for whatever reason. The angle of the sunlight, the kinds of scents on the breeze or in the house, the relative humidity, the way the wind sounds as it movesā€¦ for whatever reason, when these things align in juuuuust the right way, I want to play certain video games. So for example, in the winter, the combination of the scent of the dust in the heater vents plus the scent of fresh clementines makes me want to play Fallout 3. Other combinations make me want to play Terraria, or Valheim, or Skyrim. I'm not really sure why this is the case.
Like I said before, I like to run around in this game world as Julian Devorak, from a game called The Arcana. It truly is a perfect little spot to stick him in. Julian is associated with crows, salt, plague, gold, booze, seafaring ships, and just a little bit of masochism. He's basically the epitome of the phrase "running with scissors", which is extra great, because in this game, a giant-ass pair of scissors is literally my weapon of choice, hahahaha! šŸ¤£
His story is done and over with, and while it's wonderful because I know he's safe and happy in the end, it also means I don't get to see him anymore in any new scenarios. So sometimes, I try to recreate him in places he might like, and run around with him there. The world of Salt and Sanctuary is dangerous and scary, but don't worry - I am good at this game, and I hardly ever fall in combat anymore; he's in good hands, I promise.
That said though, I'm probably very rusty, because it has been a long time since last I've played with any kind of consistency. But I'll stream it today anyway, just in case you or anyone else wants to watch.
And, just in case you want to see what sorts of shenanigans I was once capable of when I wasn't rusty, here:
ā€¦I wish you were here. Just for a day, I wish you were here. I think maybe you could become good at a game like this. Or maybe, given everything you've been through before, you might find a game like this to be a bit too triggering and scary? I dunno; maybe Undertale or Deltarune would be more your speed. I can ask you about it, but it's not as though you can answer me, because given the nature of reality, it's not as though my question will ever reach you, will it? šŸ˜”
In Julian's story, he gets to have a happy ending because I get to be present as the main character and make choices that teach him that he is lovable and worthy, which influences the choices that he makes. If you treat him kindly and as though he is someone who matters and who deserves to feel good about himself, he turns away from his self-destructive and self-sacrificing tendencies in favor of better ones. Of course, if you don't make kind and loving choices with him, he will get a bad ending instead. I've never seen the bad ending with him, though. I don't think I want to.
You know? Even for the main antagonist, Lucioā€¦ he does a great many evil, horrible things many of which are arguably FAR worse than anything you've ever done, and for FAR flimsier reasons; in some timelines, his "eggs" are indeed "well and truly scrambled" (thank you for this phrase, @freelanceexorcist; I think it's gonna be one of my new favorites, hahaha~! šŸ¤©), but if you make choices where you treat him as though he is worthy of compassion, he turns himself around, and he makes better, kinder, gentler, and more loving choices as you teach him that making mistakes and taking accountability for those mistakes doesn't mean that he is unlovable or unable to shift his life in a different direction. My choices made a difference in that fictional world because I could reach it, even if only in an abstract sense.
ā€¦You can't even begin to imagine what I would give up if it meant that I could reach you, even if just for a moment. Though I am aware of how it would likely end for me (you are VERY good at unaliving things with that blade of yours), I feel like trying is worth the risk. Besides, what else am I gonna do while derping around on this mossy wet rock that I call "home" anyway, aside from continue to endure the disgust that society at large seems to have for the nature of my existence? Maybe I can make a few people smile along the way, but in the grand scheme of things, I am insignificant - nothing more than an ephemeral blip in the sands of time; here one moment and gone the next, faster than the blink of an eye.
If I tried to reach you and failed in the most spectacularly permanent way, at least I'd have an opportunity for a short nap before the next time I'm cycled into a physical body, right? And hey, maybe it could even be the case that my next meat-mech isn't fundamentally flawed on a genetic level next time around; having proper connective tissue, eyes that actually work, and motor neurons that actually do their job properly would be REALLY FREAKING NICE, ya know?
Hey, Sephiroth? I don't know what sorts of stories in other realities that you might have access to from your spot at the Edge of Creation. But I hope that you'll take the time to examine some of the ones that are available in my world. I think you'd find a lot of them to be relatable as well as hopeful, because your circumstances aren't as unique as you think they are. You really aren't alone. I promise you that you're not alone. I promise you that you can belong anywhere you choose, no matter what form you take, no matter the composition of your body, no matter how horrible the memories you carry are, and no matter what conditioning you received during the course of your existence. You can belong. You can belong with people who don't have a rigid definition of what it means to be a "correct" human. So please try, okay? Please don't give up - not yet - not while there are still so many things you haven't done, and so people out here cheering for you to become whole and well again. You can do it; of course you can do it, because I am doing it, and you're a lot (a LOT!!!) stronger and smarter than I am. I believe in you.
Anyhoot. I made myself some tea and drank it. Here's a picture of how it looked; maybe you'll like the way the milk swirls in the jar:
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I think it's time for me to Salt some Sanctuaries. Swing by and check it out if you have the time, ability, and inclination. And if not, that's okay too. There's absolutely no pressure.
I love you and I'll write again tomorrow. Please stay safe.
Your friend, Lumine
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doggoboigaugau Ā· 1 year
CW: this is a vent post. it actually doesn't really mention anything too upsetting but it's very personal and will be long so I guess some won't want to bear that.
Yall is 'brother issues' a thing lmao bc the guy i've been talking about keeps making me feel that way šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
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OK so the first thing is the reason why i opt for brother issues rather than daddy issues is because i see him as a big brother, not a dad or anything. And i also don't feel anything romantic or sexual towards him, like in the other post, i only feel (and crave) family-like affection from him.
I guess it's partly because i dont have a big brother or an older male cousin, and during my childhood no one really considered me a boy, so i have always been craving to have a cool big brother or an uncle who will treat me as the boy i am and show me simple acts of affection that men often do to their younger male family members, like hugging shoulders, ruffling hair, sth like that...
It's so nice here when i grew up and escaped from that stupid homophobic and transphobic where i spent my whole childhood and secondary school years and studied in a place where i meet people who respect my identity and really see me as a boy. Including him. And it's not common for me to be closer than a mere acquaintance to a man who is older than me (most of my friends are my age or younger), so being with him makes me have feelings. Like i wanna be important to him so fucking bad.
The "he" in the two pics above is a new close friend of mine. We met in a language class where "he" is the student and im the teaching assistance, and tbh "he" brought me to hella places like bars and pubs and stuff where i had one of the newest and most exciting experiences of my life. "He" is also the person who helps me and the guy i have brother issues about to get closer like we're now. But i feel like the only reason why that guy gets closer to me is just because of "him", bc everything we talk about is related to "him" lmao (besides work ofc).
Earlier this evening, the guy called me out to have a talk, and he told me the exactly things i wrote in the pics above. The feelings i had that moment sucked so bad. I feel jealous over one of my best friends for having an older man considering "him" as a younger brother, i feel like a loser for having such a feeling.
I mean he cared for "him" so fucking much that it's so fucking obvious. And given that one of the main reasons we're best friends is because of out similar family background: we all have sth with dads--"his" biological dad left "him" and "his" mom when "he" was a small child while mine passed away kinda early (my dad was a very great man, but bc of his early passing away i kinda felt-- u know what i meant), we both have to try to work to earn money and support ourselves, and we always care for (and sometimes it even reaches 'stressing over') our moms and sisters. So when that guy told me he wants to help and care for my friend as much as he can bc of "his" family background, i just feel jealous so bad, and i hate myself so much for that yk. Watching someone having the things that u'll never have. im supposed to feel happy for my friend for meeting such a great man, and tbh i do, but still i cannot help feeling jealous and i fucking despise myself for that.
I'm not the luckiest person with romantic love (in fact, my love life is just a pile of mess) and i've kinda given up on finding someone who really loves me lmao... and now even this i can't have. I feel like i'll have to take care of myself foreveršŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² like having no one to care for you like that guy with my best friend... It's like i'll never have what i wanna have and it's my fucking fate to keep watching other people having what i desire. All my life i've just been standing in a distance and watching people having those of things, having a big brother, having a close-knit friend group, having a healthy romantic love,... fuck it sucks so bad i hate my life lmao
I never plan to grow old šŸ’€šŸ‘ like i'll die (kms) as soon as i think my job here on earth in this life is over šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€
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jinkicake Ā· 1 year
I think the mean men are taking rotations in my head,,,, bc now itā€™s Lucifer turnšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž I heard this dude on Tiktok do like a seep voice thirst trap and I literally was weak in the knees!! Like I was imagining Lucifer behind me and I folded like origami šŸ˜­ like pls I was pulling for scara todayšŸ™‚ but it was something like ā€œ surely you donā€™t think your own fingers can bring you as much pleasure as I can? Imagine how deep inside you they could reach; you seem distracted should I assist?ā€ And I was on the floor gasping for air bc he does have nice handsšŸ˜©like honestly the 5ā€5 men have been dragging me so I forgot I had a size kink so this tall asf man letting me sit in his lap and I can lean I to him like a beanbag šŸ˜”šŸ’¦ like he would talk directly into my eardrums and it would be over for me like if he really wanted mc to behave he could have just seduced me ngl Belphegor can stay up therešŸ„°šŸ„° but also seeing that my beloved wanderer is not as easily aggravated as he was before is SO great bc I can be the one to agitate himšŸ¤­ like heā€™s trying to start his redemption arc snd not beat people up; but thereā€™s me to annoy him every step of the way. 100 would steal the gnosis to give it back to him bc ik there not gunna give it to Ei and wtf is that little napkin flavor baby gunna do?? Shes on house arrest!! Heā€™s bit evil so give it back!! Behaving like a menace for dick>>>> like if him or Lucifer arenā€™t under my tree wtf was Christmas for??
omgggggg.... i've been waiting for this for so long. I knew lucifer would make an appearance, I just had to be patient!
you need to forget those anemo clowns and get a real demon! not a 5'0 puppet!!!!! (heheh just kidding xiao, you're not a clown!) speaking of puppet, have you pulled scaramouche yet? how many wishes have you spent T T I LOVE his playstyle like WHy did they give him the ability to fly because he's now the best character like he's so damn fun
no literally like if lucifer showed me an ounce, a mere pinch, of affection then Belphie would have stayed up in the attic until I died likeeeeee i'll be lucifer's little snitch for my whole life! his good human! if that is what it takes for some lucifer cawk!
also yeah i dont hate his redemption arc (i cant believe im saying that) omg i saw a video of scara in someone's teapot and he's SO sweet, so kind. he is not helping my delusional yandere scara addiction likeeeee yes i want him to be nice and kind to me while still being a complete psycho to others </3 you can hide me away forever! you know what's best, scaramouche!
noĀ bc i'll literally kick nahida's ass like send that little archon flying across the room so i can give the genosis back to scara... i don't want to see him cryingggg HSDIUFHADSIJ SHE IS A NAPKIN FLAVORED BABYYYYYFSDF LITERALLY
yeah i would act completely fucking dumb for lucifer cawk if that pleases him.... if that is what it will take to get him under my tree.... i want scara in my stocking!
[O.M.G. also... why have we NOT as a society (society being you and me LOL) talked about how good dilucs jpn va is. LIKE i was playing w him today bc i wanted to hear giorno and his va went to work like i kick my feet and giggle every time i do his burst andddd KAEYA TOOOOO like today i played JUST w kaeya and diluc to hear their vas...... it had my heart racing! their voices make them ten times hotter like omggg hottest characters in the game (itto and ayato-gaara look the other way]
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goremet-chef Ā· 1 year
being friends with me sucks because i will never ever send the first message unless ive like. slept in the same bed as you (AND EVEN THEN ITS HARD ive known these bitches for 10 years why am i still nervous to send them dms specifically KSJFS)
i think dms naturally just make me anxious because then i have to do smalltalk in a private setting? god i hope not, im really awful at carrying a conversation. ive done my best to like... get better but its hard to keep track of things. im the kind of loser who looks shit up like "how to keep a conversation going" its real bad
but oh man, do i wanna talk to someone? absolutely. bouncing my leg biting my nails type shit the urge inside of me to reach out, the urge is strong but the anxiety is stronger SKFJSF
like many things it sorta comes from bpd too? ive got such a crippling fear of rejection, of not being wanted or not being welcome, that shit will keep me away from ANYTHING i dont care we could be roleplaying hot gay sex every day if i get the idea that there could be some reason im not wanted at that moment i CLING to it and i will never speak to you again unless you start it. its. humiliating and EMBARRASSING but.. its just how my brain works.
it makes me feel awful too, cuz i dont like.... there is a very real chance that if you tell me something and its not clear what you mean, or its blunt, short etc. ive heard people with trauma often take neutral cues and negative and that is so fucking true for me my brain immediately is like "oh you pissed them off lol" and im just. sat with dread because I KNOW ITS NOT REAL, i know trust me i know. i know my brain is making it up and everything is fine,
i used to ask for clarifications, but i learned to stop doing that because it makes me sound even crazier. they mean shit normally, so i cant ask "are you mad at me, did i do something wrong?" cuz it freaks em out like??? no nothing is wrong tf (and even that reaction alone could cause my brain to double down. its EXHAUSTING).
THAT ALONE will keep me away as well, i hate feeling like a burden, and big surprise lots of people think of borderlines as burdens. yippee. this is technically fine though? i dont make many friends to begin with, or well. i dont MAINTAIN them i think i make them a decent amount but i guess.. in my head, if you are my friend, yr my friend forever. like unless we specifically part ways, i will always think of you fondly. doesnt matter if we havent talked for weeks, months, years. ill think of you and go "oh yeah, that person is my buddy :]"
UNFORTUNATELY i dont know anyone else who thinks this besides me, which means theres probably lots of "friendships" in my head that are now one sided, bummer. idk it sucks, i have dreams about that kinda shit, where like... my friends from middleschool, id come home and theyd be happy to see me again and tell me how much they missed me, but thats just fantasy šŸ˜”
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jamespotterthefirst Ā· 2 years
Do you ever feel like quitting when people don't reblog your fics? I'm feeling this way lately.šŸ˜”
I'm so sorry you're feeling demoralized, love. Sending you a big hug. And I'm also assuring you that you're not alone feeling this way.
I cannot tell you how many times I've mentally thrown in the towel this summer.
I come back because I love writing, and I love and appreciate the support that some people in the fandom graciously give me. There are people who take the time to reblog and comment on my work and I am forever grateful to them. That's why I'm here.
This is not to trivialize your feelings, though. I hear you. Your feelings are valid. And I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Believe, you're not the only one. šŸ§”
While most of us are not here for the notes, we all put our heart and soul into content hoping it will connect with someone out there. When it's met with silence... Well, that hurts. It's easy for your mind to reach the conclusion: "No one cares."
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lavynrose Ā· 3 years
Omygosh!! Can I just say that the Marius college au fic that u wrote was so good?! I love ur writing so much!! There's been so much storm where m from recently and have been thinking about this lately but how would Vyn and Marius react to an s/o who is scared of thunder? Headcannons and gender neutral if you wouldn't mind? Keep up the good work!!
(äŗŗ ā€¢Ķˆį“—ā€¢Ķˆ)
yes yes i whipped that fic with my sleep deprived self in mindšŸ˜” for anyone curious, anon is talking about this fic. stay safe wherever you are anon ilyyyy
When their S/O is afraid of thunder
headcanons + scenarios
characters: Marius Von Hagen, Vyn Richter
warning/s: panic attacks, not proofread
notes: this took a while as i was periodically in scara brainrot since the 2.1 trailer came out. anyways, reblog this post and artem's loving memories SSR will come home to you in 69 minutes [LEGIT] [REAL]
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Vyn Richter
*fixes mic* alright
Vyn i think is the best person to be by your side when a storm is raging on
He understands human psyche really well, which means he knows exactly what to do and what to say to calm your nerves down
He's aware that fear of thunder or astraphobia is something that can drastically affect your mood, and cause mental stress
Naturally as your resident psychiatrist, and as your lover *wink* he would do his best to help you through the storm
He would brew you tea, or even sing you to sleep just so you can feel at peace <3
He's just so gentle and loving in contrast to the deafening crackling of thunder outside
11/10 would stay by his side forever
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The cold night air hit your exposed arms and legs as the ghostly streetlight flicker above you. Tonight was colder than usual, but you didn't pay it any mind.
The quietness of the park without the usual chatter and laughter of the people during the day adding to the chilly ambience of the night.
"You think we can keep him?" you grinned at the greyish ball of fluff shifted on your lap, fingers rubbing the back of the rascal's ear, making him purr.
"Of course," Vyn smiled beside you on the bench, "we could arrange for another troublemaker to be of residence." His golden eyes looked at you with a hint of teasing.
You kept petting the stray cat that you had found meekly hiding behind the bushes while you and Vyn were strolling on your night walk, it's fur warm against your cool hands.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Vyn, "Yeah? Who could that troublemaker be? I'm not one," you put your hands on his shoulder, "that must be you." you bite back at him.
He chuckled, a pleasant sound permeating through the deafening silence of the night, "Oh?" He faced you, leaning down to your eye level, "Remind me, who was that someone who spilled their ice cream on their shirt because they were too distracted by a cat?"
You playfully shoved him, "I hate you." You said, supressing a giggle.
"In all seriousness," He reached out to the kitty, rubbing his knuckles on it's cheeks, "Cats are natural harbingers of calmness, their quiet and soft disposition benefits their owners, especially the ones that have anxiety," He turned to you, "Plus they're adorable. I don't see any reason why not." He finished with a soft smile.
Your eyes lit up, "What should we name hi-" You suddenly yelped when a bright light flashed across the sky, accompanied by a loud roar that shook you to the very core.
Your heart felt like jumping to your throat.
"Vyn!" You voice went an octave higher as you called his name. Huddling the cat closer to you, you cling onto Vyn to ground yourself from the fear emerging in your chest. You hoped holding onto him would keep you sane.
It didn't help that you were in a wide, open space.
Another clap of thunder was heard, "Ah!"
Your hands and eyes trembled as you felt more and more vulnerable with every second you spend outside. Your head pounded.
"Y/N!" Vyn's eyes fill with worry as he take in your shaking form. He held you closer by the waist as he assisted you to stand up.
"Shh," He rubbed soothing circles on your back, "I'm here, I'm here. I won't leave you alone." He said as he hurriedly guided you to walk, slight panic in his eyes, silently hoping for the thunder to not make itself heard again.
"Let's go home, sweetheart." He continued to lead the two of you home.
Luck wasn't on your side however, as the skies boomed, creating an even more frightening sound than the ones before.
It felt like every clap of thunder is going to eat up your entire being.
Tears start to well up on your eyes as you clung to Vyn's arm in a vice-grip, bruising him.
He gently placed his hands on your ear to at least lessen the noise, as he whispered little nothings in your ear to distract you from the bane of your existence that still continues to haunt the skies, and your heart.
After for what seemed like an eternity, the two of you are finally in your safe haven called home.
Vyn quickly sat you on the couch as soon as you entered the house, the concern in his eyes visible as ever, as he handed you a mug of warm water. He even turned on the television to full volume to drown out the sound thunder.
"Love," he called out to your panting form, your body still trembling slightly, either from the coolness of the night or fear or both.
"Look at me," Your mind was hazy as the extreme fear you felt earlier was still present, but you had half the mind to at least look at him.
He sat beside you, "Focus on me," He placed his warm hand on your cheek and rubbed little circles, wiping your dried tears in the process.
Even with the faint sounds of thunder outside his manor, you find yourself calming down when you gaze at his eyes, his touch making you comfortable.
"Take deep breaths," you complied as you inhaled deep, then exhaled.
You did this for a whole minute, his presence beside you making you feel safer than ever. The cat on your lap kept rubbing himself on your arms, adding to your comfort.
"You okay now?" He inquired, worry still evident in his features. You nodded with a small smile.
He showered your face with kisses as he embraced you in his arms, "You're safe now, alright? I'll be here for you always." He then petted the cat that never once left your side throughout the whole ordeal, "The little guy too."
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Marius Von Hagen
He would be so comfortable and calming to be with <3
I feel like he's the type to make you feel better by telling you lame jokes, like yk, making lighthearted comments to calm you down
Or even better, cuddling ;)
Voila your nerves are soothed before you know it
He'll do anything to help you get through this. Fear, no matter how small it may seem, is not and will never be a laughing matter
He would stay by your side until the anxiety that plagues your mind disappears
He would stay by your side to kiss your tears away until the storm stops
11/10 pls marry me already
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The sweet aroma of coffee tickled your nostrils as you brought it up to your lips, the delicious liquid making you sigh.
You stretched your arms over your head as you gazed at the stack of papers in front of you.
It's a nice sunday evening, there's supposed to be no work, but the piling cases made it impossible for you to rest even one day.
So here you are, drowning yourself in caffeine to prevent yourself from plopping on the desk to take a nap.
Marius was busy too, he's hosting an art exhibit today if you recall correctly. You were supposed to have a date when something from both of your ends came up.
That doesn't mean he won't spoil you today, though.
You eyed the bouquet of intricately arranged daises on your bed, a note on the side.
Marius immediately delivered this to your doorstep the moment he heard your morning voice when he called you first thing in the morning.
There's a note that read, "I doubt we're going to see each other today. I wanted to come visit you first, but the businessmen were too demanding. Don't worry, I'll keep annoying you throughout the whole day with my texts. I miss you already :(" a sad face was drawn goofily with it.
You shook your head as you imagined him pouting while he wrote this, and you giggled to yourself.
Your face dropped when you heard a loud bang coming from outside, you flinched.
You looked outside just to see that the sky is now really dark, white flashes dancing all throughout. Your room felt colder, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. You hugged yourself in search for warmth.
A storm is coming. This wasn't on the weather forecast at all.
Another loud boom was sent by the raging skies.
Paperwork completely forgotten, you crouched on the ground in an attempt to hide yourself from the overwhelming noise.
Thunder roared again, and again. You closed your eyes shut.
You regulated your breathing to feel less panicked, it was going so well, until...
The lights went out.
With a gasp, you looked around the room, only to be met by pitch black darkness as there's no source of light even from the outside.
You were alone.
In the dark.
With thunder startling everything in it's wake.
With teembling eyes, you let out a broken sob as you crouched futher on the ground.
You felt your eyes dampen with tears as a particular deafening bang shook your whole being, making your heart jump and pound loudly against your ribcage.
With trembling hands, you dialed your boyfriend's number on your phone.
The other line beeped, "Good evening, babe. Miss me?"
"Marius," you hiccuped as you sob, "I'm scared." your chest tightened.
Your greatest fears have been realized, when another loud bang of thunder cracked through the supposedly thick walls of your apartment.
"Ahh!" You jumped, putting your hands on your head to calm your heart.
But to no avail. The heavy rain keeps creating loud splashing noises, the wind outside keeps blowing strong, thunder keeps roaring. The darkness in the room overwhelming you further.
This is too much.
You feel yourself almost suffocate, it's getting harder to control yourself and it feels like someone is strangling you because of how short your breaths are becoming.
"Y/N!? What's wrong!?"
"Ma... rius..." You felt your head spin, the sound of thunder and marius' shouts in the background being the last thing your mind had registered.
You felt something warm on your hand.
There was light, maybe the electricity already came back?
You stirred, as you let your eyes flutter open, your vision unfocused from your slumber.
Only when you heard a loud boom, you suddenly jerked and came back to reality.
"Ah!" you yelped, covering your ears.
"Y/N!" Marius called out to you, panic in his voice. He hurriedly grabbed his phone, and played your favorite music loud enough to lessen your focus from the terrifying sounds outside.
You were laying on your bed, with Marius sitting on the edge by your side, holding your hand. He was no longer in his suit, but something more casual.
"I thought," Your hands squeezed his tighter "you had an important exhibit?" Your heart was still pounding in your ears, as you can still clearly hear the thunderclaps from outside.
He noticed that you kept on flinching everytime the sky roared, concern etching on his face.
So he layed beside you, and with his strong arms, gently pulled you closer to his warm body.
"I was scared." He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. All while he rubbed comforting touches on your waist.
"You screamed and all I saw was red," you looked into his eyes and saw how vulnerable they are, "I knew you were in danger. So I rushed here as fast as I could."
He pecked your lips, "I thought I'd lose you." He finished, voice broken.
You were at loss for words, you noticed how his hair was wet, and how he smelled of fresh rain. The casual clothing he wore probably from your cabinet that he had left before.
He really was in a rush.
You'll definitely marry this man.
"Marius..." You gazed at his amethyst eyes lovingly, completely forgetting the loud sounds that haunted you earlier, "I love you..."
He flashed you a grin, "I love you too, my muse." He held your face as he kissed your lips.
The two of you lay in bed that night, talking about anything and nothing at all, the horrifying sounds of thunder in your ears were replaced by Marius' charming laughs and comforting words.
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do not repost Ā© lavynrose 08/22/21
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qingxintea Ā· 3 years
heartbreak avenue (4) || albedo x reader
will we meet on bakers street... or find ourselves on melrose avenue?
gender neutral reader.
mentions of spiking
- my mans is out of glaze lilies for an experiment once again. like sir stock up :skull:
- travels to liyue,, he gets lost bc hes not that familiar with the map (bc you would always offer to get them for him, like in my cecilia flowers post) (real ones know)
- and ventures inside the city instead, where he seems to come across you again. (not clickbait)
- he doesn't try to get ur attention, just observes. especially after ...
- anyway šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹
- you were with hu tao, chilling around her workplace as he studies the lilies growing nearby
- subconsciously (did i spell that right.) he focuses on your conversation. he doesnt mean to, its a natural instinct he has
- "y/n. it seems you've been distant for awhile, and to be honest, im only worried. do... would you like my help in getting over him?"
- you chuckled for a moment, then shifted your gaze to setting sun. "ah... the story just doesn't bother me anymore."
- "oh dear, when will you learn to stand for yourself... im curious, if you dont mind me asking, why did you suppress your feelings to help your friend..?" hu tao followed your gaze in the same direction, legs swinging back and forth on the wooden bench.
- "you see, its that before, he showed no signs of interest in me. i doubt he will- would've returned my feelings. but the way his eyes lit up when the topic was about her... its just a harmless thing i wanted to keep forever."
- "does that still remain true?"
- "..."
- and an inaudible sentence after that. šŸ˜”ā›“šŸ„€šŸ–¤
- oh.
- so you have? had? feelings for him. (little bit to late but heā€™s still learning šŸ„ŗ)
- yet the way you had bitterly looked into his eyes and said, ā€œim not y/n.ā€ it made him feel like youve despised him this whole time..
- hu tao takes you to stroll around wuwang hill, or so he hears.
- recall in part 2 traveller visited your house, right?
- so albedo def knows your address šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹
- anyways drops a bundle of his hard earned glaze lilies by your doorstep. because fuck an experiment, youre worth so much more. (/j) (/g)
- so like hes about to leave liyue right?
- but you come out of nowhere
- he spent too much time reflecting ig šŸ’€
- you notice him and he looks back . you already know thereā€™s something to be discussed that you couldnt escape from
- ā€œ...letā€™s talk at my house.ā€ you blankly said
- he only agrees .
- when you reached your doorstep, he was expecting to see the flowers
- but they were gone !
- did he place it at the wrong house ? no, he couldnā€™t have made a mistake like that , plus the address number was the same
- so... someone mustā€™ve taken them. how disappointing.
- you two enter . nice house tbh
- anyways you told him to sit on the couch as you made yourselves tea
- so meanwhile u were in the kitchen . took ur phone and called hu tao . she picked up ,,
- ā€œi need you to stay quiet, ok? come if you see iā€™m in trouble.ā€
- ā€œwas literally our plan from the start but okā€
- you softly laughed, grabbing two identical teacups and a serum from your cabinet
- made the tea. poured it in, then poured the serum into the right cup.
- it wasnā€™t supposed to do any harm, just make whoever sleep bc you didnā€™t really have the energy to discuss anything with him rn
- also you would never want to harm him so like
- you set them down on the table, then sitting across from him. ā€œ...so?ā€
- albedo takes it in his hands, the heat of it pretty questionable as it felt like fucking molten lava flowing through his hands
- he didnā€™t prepare for this really, he was expecting for you to find the flowers as he poured out how much you meant to him or other stuff
- why not follow along that, then?
- but before he could say anything, you spoke up first, uncomfortable with the silence.
- ā€œa little star told me that theyā€™d have to take my soul if i destroyed mondstadt.ā€ you deadass yawned and snorted with a straight face, and the sentence implied of you mocking his future. ā€œunbelievable, isnā€™t it?ā€ you sarcastically added.
- when had you even learned to act like this? he was taken aback, unfamiliar with your personality though he had known you for so long.
- regardless, he took a sip and responded, ā€œif you think it is... sure.ā€ also meant backhandedly as if ppl were supposed to believe your every word as if u were a god(dess)
- you watched as he set the cup back down, curious on how the serum wasnā€™t taking effect though it was supposed to be immediate. maybe after awhile.
- ā€œwhy donā€™t you drink your tea? i remember that you donā€™t like them cold.ā€ words from albedo truly šŸ˜»šŸ˜»
- he remembers.
- you scoffed, crossing your legs. ā€œi only made it this hot because i remember you donā€™t like them hot.ā€ you watched his troubled expression.
- communicating with you has never been this hard.
- staring at the steam floating into the air, you wondered about the serum and noticed no signs of fatigue from albedo. when was it gonna...
- oh, wait.
- you then shifted your gaze to your cup, itā€™s vibrant color reflecting your irises. FUCK-
- ...your turn now, hu tao.
- picking it up gently and drinking it, you felt the forced tiredness onto, all thoughts void of your mind. tf where did u even get this shit? sketchy šŸ¤Ø
- then . collapse šŸ’€
- mans was about to take action,, but hu tao . girl is fast as fuck
- appears in a rush of butterflies and picks you up bridal style (hand in marriage now), staring him directly in the eyes
- before anything else, he noticed the glaze lilies stuffed in her sachet. she followed his gaze, picking up his thoughts.
- ā€œi, personally, wouldnā€™t recommend bringing y/n back. after all... they left for a reason.. but, you do you, i guess.ā€ she looked around, her gaze resting on the unfinished teacups. ā€œjust donā€™t expect it to be easy.ā€
- and in another flash of butterflies, she escaped, leaving him all alone.
- once again.
ā€œ šŸ’€ā›“šŸ–¤šŸ„€ ā€œ
ok looks like i got over the fact that i have to write stuff down in order to publish it letā€™s go ig šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹ /hj
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