#idk what its called
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God this is stupid
I had this idea yesterday morning, got real sick, and then had time to doodle. Howdy, gay people, I鈥檓 back in my NATM kick. I鈥檓 a little mad that the first time I drew Jedtavious was for a dumb joke like this, but here I am.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated, but DO NOT repost my art. If you鈥檇 like to use my art for a pfp, DM me and we can work that out 馃挌
Drink water, beautiful. Ily <3
(Individual images under the cut)
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taintedcigs 2 months
if not friends.... why interacted once?
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 7 months
Shut the fuck up. SHUT UP! LISTEN!!!
In the alternate universe, where Willy picked normal instead of scary. Terry would have died protecting his stepdaughter by shielding her from the bullet. Because Willy would have set the collars to aim specifically at scary.
There is NO SHOT that normal didn't talk to willy about feeling hurt and unappreciated by how mean scary is. Willy, (through a combination of being sick and fucking tired of hearing normal bitch about it and an act of "service" he can use to guilt normal with) has all the collars set to shoot scary on sight.
Terry Jr. dies and scary (or rather terri) is confused and trying her best to help figure out what's going on, while normal is left stewing in guilt knowing that Willy did this for HIM. Normal is the reason Terry Jr. is dead.
And scary should be screaming at him, rightfully furious and hateful and mean. At least REMIND him of why this happened in the first place, give him a taste of those cutting, hurtful words that he deserves right now. That led them to this point. But she doesn't.
He's left with sweet, undeserving, 12 year old Terri marlowe. Who loves soccer, whose mom is her best friend, who just wants someone to be proud of her, who doesn't even KNOW who terry is. She doesn't even realize what she just lost. What normal just TOOK from her. And shes trying to comfort HIM, she's telling normal that they'll figure this out, that whatever he's talking about, it's gonna be OK, when they find whoever scary is, terri's sure she'll understand that it's not his fault.
Normal puts on the nightcap, to talk to willy, to scream at him, who fucking knows. But he barely gets through his stammering, accusing recounting of what just happened before Willy cuts him off.
"That's what you wanted, right?" He's nonchalant about normals frenzied panic, not even bothering to look up at him, "She was so mean to you. She didn't appreciate you. She was jealous of you. I'm just giving you what YOU asked for. "
Willy tells him to go break the last anchor. that if he REALLY doesn't want the dads to kill scary, keeping her in that brain-dead fugue state should keep their collars from kicking in and offing her. At least for long enough before Willy can get in there and change them. Normal tries to interject with another accusation, but Willy's glare is withering.
"I'm going out of my way to clean up YOUR mess, kid. I only did this because YOU said that scary's attitude was getting in the way of the plan. If you hadn't spent SO MUCH time devoted to bitching and moaning about it, I wouldn't have deemed her a liability."
Normal stumbles back out of the dream space, still next to the body he tries not to look at. Terri is animatedly gesturing to him (or is it the body next to him?) on the ground, as she explains something to Lincoln and Taylor, who must've come in while he slept. Linc starts giving orders to those around him as normal rises to his feet, wiping his wet cheeks with his sleeve. None of his friends look at him. He's glad. he doesn't want to be looked at. Everyone in the room begins to quickly disburse, running off towards whatever tasks they were assigned. Normal stumbles forward after scary and grabs her wrist before she can get too far.
"I- I'm so so sorry." he chokes, voice watery and thick with guilt. Terri only cocks her head, giving a sympathic but confused smile.
"For what?"
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wackulart 1 year
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the evil british man strikes again
idk what happened but for some reason he's come back into my brain and ive just GOT to draw him also hes become natural for me to draw ever since the animatic i made NJDSIFKNF
and one extra phillip below this lookin extra devious blood cw; under the cut
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xintract 3 months
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referencing this funny boy and also Cotylorhynchus
cause i saw this tweet:
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sixosix 4 months
so like
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I tried doing a genshin-ish character design but then I realized that I'd rather keep my sanity.. lmao I wanna draw her in a gardening fit nowww.
(also, I realized that this doesn't rlly match w reader bc she usually wears grubby(?) clothes bc of her work so this can be like when she's out and about, or sumn)
right leg is where some of the burn scars are so thats why it's covered, the left leg, not much.
ofc, she holds the vision close to her.
gloves? yes, when she goes out. but when she's working, I hc that she likes to have skin contact w the plants bc its comforting, so no gloves when working
minty rat tail
eye patch to cover thr past
(everything is probably from rosarie's wardrobe lmaooo)
and again, no one's obligated to envision reader like this! u can imagine her howeverrrr u want<33 馃馃
THATS SO CUTE i love this design even the details of her lore are taken into consideration. IM STILL SO NOT OVER THE RAT TAIL HC thats so good AND THE BRAIDS TOO aaauhghh im in agony
i love the splashes of red on her design THATS SO CLEVERand the fontaine-esque concept? with the ruffles and the corset-like top
AND I LOVE HOW U MAKE JER KEEP HER VISION SO CLOSE TO HER other characters in genshin would have it on their backs, sometimes hanging by their shoulders like itd fly off. but hers is right on her neck, under her chin. I LOVE THIS SO MUCHH
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writteninart 2 months
That one rosestarkillerchaser (with unexpected pair ups) just singlehandedly altered my brain chemistry and my life has been once again split into before and after.
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welcometololaland 6 months
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hello all, welcome to a fun little game where you can lightly bully me to finish stuff. this is brought to you by my new laptop which has inspired me to actually write things!
no. of votes = number of sentences i'll write for each fic/scene. feel free to reblog for additional (and welcomed) peer pressure:
(some of these are extremely vague but they have to be so let me live)
tagging some people who may or may not wish to assist and/or do their own: @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @clottedcreamfudge @cha-melodius @strandnreyes (do we not think this header is very twilight 2008?!) @lightningboltreader @birdclowns @jesuisici33 @kiwiana-writes @reyesstrand @rosedavid @orchidscript @catanisspicy @redshirt2 @celeritas2997 @iboatedhere @inkweedandlizards @beautifulhigh @wandering-night19 @kiwichaeng @heartstringsduet @freneticfloetry @ambiguouspenny @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @marjansmarwani
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nosleep83 7 months
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angelpuns 6 months
pov i just realized literally all i had for dinner was a salad fuck
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osaemu 8 months
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i was just rereading one of my works and theres no way i actually wrote this LMAOOO
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avisisisis 5 months
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i love giving him the egg eyes. fried egg. 馃嵆
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Dont want any " this movie feels like a movie " slander on this blog . Most movies dont fucking feel like movies . I cant fucking remember the last time i went to the cinema . I cant remeber the last time i saw a modern original movie thats not a part of a fucking 50 movie franchise. I cant rember the last time i saw a movie made to be a movie and not promotional matirial for a setup of a set up for the fucking 11 avengers movie thats just another souless cashgrab . Whateved the fuck the movies name is its a standalone movie that is airing irl and not on fucking Disney+ or amazon prime of whatever the fuck . Its an actual movie . Idk if it sucks . Idc if it sucks . Its a movie that feels like a movie
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flunkett 10 months
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more stripper pole dancing during the debates
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neon-starz-8 6 months
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I think I'm obsessed
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sol--badman 1 year
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Obsessed with this itemlabel creature that i saw in a dream
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