#idk how to write medieval people
thevenuscross · 4 months
composure; prologue
masterlist | next chapter
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warnings: lowkey the brother is annoying in some parts, thats all tbh
word count: 2.1k
authors note: the prologue was supposed to be shorter lol, d1 yapper over here y’all.
The sounds of chatter from your eldest brother and the sounds of clatter from shoes on royal tile warped in and out of your ears. It was like you were drowning, only hearing one syllable to waves crashing you deeper and deeper. There was nothing more frustrating than when your brother began his anxious rambles, where there’s no end to it because his arrogant mind cannot be aware of others' sensitivity to the matter. He wasn’t aware of how you were trying so hard not to spin around and lash out on him; to finally scold him for good after all these years. Let him know how his rambles never helped.
You took a deep breath. In and out. Clasping your hands together in front of you, you started to count numbers in your head.
It was just…you wished he could shush his overwhelming thoughts that trembled your body in fits during these kinds of situations. But never would you let your unwanted thoughts leave your lips. You will continue to conceal them in the back of your mind like you always have and always will. If there was anyone who would conceal their own worries from the ever-growing rumors of war, it was you. You who kept your head high.
Besides, his maid was providing him with reasonable explanations for his rambles. Something you were extremely grateful for.
“If this is such an emergency for them, why must they let us run across the castle grounds to reach the common? They are lucky we were not busy.”
“Sir, if I may, no one expected for them to call upon you in such haste,” His maid said in exasperation as he tried to keep up with everyone’s pace, “We were only notified of this minutes ago.”
“Maybe you should’ve warned us quicker but no, the minute you reached the botanicals, you and my sister’s maid, both decided to dally in a story of the rumors of war instead of outright saying it was urgent.”
Your brother’s maid tried to usher an explanation, probably a reason why he and your maid started with the rumors, but, typical of your brother, he scoffed, shaking his head. “By now we've already known a war is on breach. You did not need to give us a backstory on such.”
“Yes, your Highness, but you must know—“
Tempted to roll your eyes and scoff too, you squeezed your hands. You had enough of this one-sided conversation. With the commons room only ten more steps in front, you relished in pretending to let the waves tumble in your head. The voices behind you faltered and the muffled silence filled you with tranquility. Not uttering a single word, you swiftly opened the oak doors where it was lined with gold. Returning your hands back in front of you, you bowed forward to your parents where they stood, facing each other, their own conversation falling short.
“Mother, father.” You addressed, grateful they still bowed their heads to you.
It didn’t take long for your brother to spill his thoughts onto them. “Will our army be sent to the cliffside on Jackson? Or is the war finally commencing?”
Always in your life had you let your brother do the questioning, the disobeying, the defiance. . Even if your own longed to unravel that side of you. Deep down, you know questioning your parents will not be considered lightly. They had already set the future paths for you and your brother where he will be the one crowned in ruling this kingdom. And you…you couldn’t exactly realize where your life was heading. In all of your twenty-eight years of living, you only knew manners and skills they believed fit right in case they wanted you to be a future queen.
Though your parents weren’t known to be direct with you.
“There is no war in this kingdom. Or will a war happen in the many centuries to come. The conflict between us and the neighboring kingdom will be solved within months. You of all people should not be conflicted with the lies of the rumor.”
Your brother squinted his eyes in disbelief, “Then why are our maids sharing tales of rumors of the supposed war? Do you believe so little in us to come to your call because we are older? Cross I will be if it is just simple news.”
Waves were crashing upon you again. You hid the shakes of your hands by squeezing them tight together. It was an upside to staying silent for most of your life as it made you invisible to most eyes wherever you were. Your sight scattered across the room to catch something that will hold your attention for a couple of minutes and that’s when you saw them. The both of them like statues, patiently waiting for your parents to address them.
Two knights in the room and you were the only one looking at them now.
They wore high quality silver armor, their entire body hidden by the weight of it. Their shoulders aligned perfectly with the other as their chest was buffed. A steel sword rested on their leather scabbards, a shield with the kingdom’s design being held by their left hand. Their helms of silver covered every part of their face, the only thing you can see if they were closer was their visor. You were glad you couldn’t exactly see if they caught you observing them and if they knew, they did nothing of the sort to let you know.
“Listen to your father.” Your mother’s strict tone broke your observance. Her pointed glare quieted your brother, allowing him to stand beside you and listen. “There is no war and there will be no war on these lands. Do you understand?”
You peeked at your brother. He was biting the inside of his cheeks. At first, he opened his mouth but let those unanswered questions down his throat. His fingers anxiously started to tap against his thigh in a scattered pattern. When tense silence gathered in the room, your father exhaled deeply and moved away from your mother’s side and closer to where the knights were. Your brother’s eyes widened slightly but he stayed quiet.
Once your father reached the knights, his eyes met yours then your brother’s. “We’ve noticed the crime has increased due to the…lies spread across the kingdom. As people grow relentless with royalty, me and your mother decided it was best for both of you to have personal guards.”
You didn’t notice your brother glancing over at you.
“These knights are one of the best under the royal regiment. With great skill in sword, they will grant you protection. Your guard must follow you everywhere, even if you think you might not need it.”
You wanted to scrunch your face in, a flicker of annoyance rumbling inside of you. Flocks of questions crept into your throat, your lips being the gate to keep them locked. This is what you were trained to do since birth. Keep quiet in your defiances, keep your composure in your impulsiveness. Biting the edge of your tongue and gulping your questions down and allowing your brother to remark.
It’s too late now to change.
Though for a couple of minutes, your brother did not speak. His eyes were glued to the guards. His tapping increased in pace before he shut his eyes and clasped onto his hands to stop the taps.
“If you want another body to follow us like some street dog then so be it but I know why the two of you did this.”
“Brother,” you grumbled out as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Forgive me or not but you know I am right.”
You and your brother caught each other’s glance and you saw a swarm of pleas. You couldn’t hear how he whispered a please to you. Or how defeated he was when you turned back to face your parents.
“Mother, father, forgive me, but if a war will not happen in our kingdom then why the personal knights. And if the crime is increasing because of the crippling fear of war-“
“There is no war!” Your father bellowed, face contorted. His shout rocked your brother into a whimpering boy, cowering and head low, eyes shut. Slowly, his tapping was back on the side of his thigh. “What will it take to get through your stubbornness?!” The roughness in his voice, the added texture of anger, it all made the room fall to a deathly tremble.
Your brother started in a hushed croak “Father,”
Your brother bit his words so your parents could carry on. With frustration quipped, their introductions of the two knights were kept short to both.
The guard to the left, slightly taller from the one on the right, was your brother’s. Trained under the royal regiment for ten years where he earned the ranking of Grand Cross, the highest of all rankings. It was an honor to be a personal knight for a royal, but to you, it seemed like a detriment. Always on the watch, always on patrol.
Seemed treacherous.
His guard bowed with his shield and fist over his heart. Your brother eyed him but soon bowed his head as well.
You prayed for his guard.
But you couldn’t pray for yourself.
It was easy for you to stay hidden and stay polite with others because you barely were around people. Either in your room honing the skills set or visiting the town square or the botanicals alone, only calling your maid when you needed her. Your life was centered on keeping your composure.
Now he, your new personal guard, must follow you around, must watch over you, must not let anything get to you. You couldn’t help but want to push and deny any access to anyone watching you.
Though one must not allow such impulsions.
Angsty to be face to face in front of him, you gripped your hands. You couldn’t remember when he was in front of you or when his introduction was over for him. Or when you remembered when your body had a mind of its own and that it remembered how to properly greet someone. He only bowed with his head, shield to his heart.
He stared at you with eyes like a hawk. Through his visor, you saw the darkness in his eyes, the color hidden. If he’s like this, you may need to visit the town square less and less, more hidden in your room.
To your surprise, he hasn’t uttered the words of a knight, where one was grateful to serve for you, protect you. He just stood and soon enough, you wanted to stay in your bedroom for months on end. It was okay if he was only here for a pay raise.
It would ease the notion that he wasn’t into this job.
You formed a tight smile, “Thank you, Sir.”
One must never lose their composure. No matter the situation they are brought upon. That is how one should rule for their people, even if that one will never be the ruler.
It nerved you how he kept five paces behind you like he was supposed to. Or how he hasn't spoken a single word to you even though it was only you two in the halls. He wasn’t like your maid who tried to start a conversation with you, either if it was personal or something simple. She couldn’t bear an awkward silence like he did.
Upon reaching your bedroom, ready to twist the knob and enter, you hesitated. Secretly, you glimpsed at him from the side. You noticed how his shoulders were too tight and how he would slightly shift from one side to the other. Though, you weren’t worried about his awkward stance—you were more worried about how far these protocols went.
Standing there for a minute and racking your brain to ask him a question, your thoughts froze when his eyesight shifted to look at you directly.
“Are you gonna ask me something?” He uttered, muffled. A peep of irk in his tone. You spotted a slight accent but couldn’t decipher where it would be.
You battled with yourself on not asking him if his mother ever taught him respect or if he ever went through knight training.
You stood straighter than before and gripped the knob of your door tighter.
“Where would you be posted if I entered my room?”
He didn’t move. “Outside.” He stated it so obvious, you couldn’t help but to bite your tongue in hope you can swallow your words instead of chewing him out.
The both of you gazed at one another for a couple seconds before you turned your knob and opened your door. Bowing to him so you wouldn’t show your hindrance, you then turned away.
“Good day, Sir.”
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taglist: @mermaidgirl30
(if u wanna be added, just tell me!)
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branmer · 7 months
bridgerton kind of cemented for me that i just do kinda low key hate historical regency romance land
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halfbakedspuds · 7 months
I've come to the realisation that the best determining factor for what terrible people your characters actually are is to ask "how big of a change in the story/premise would it take for them to become the Villains?"
Case and point, both my protagonists would need just a single, minor excuse to become the kind of threat that heroes in traditional settings need to rise up against.
That change is the IUC's end-goal on the planet.
If the IUC was there to clear the way for easier human colonisation and annexation of the planet in future instead of upliftment, Adrian would have had no problem going along with it since his only real reason for helping with the upliftment at the start of the book/s (pending on whether this becomes a duology or not cause boy howdy this is a surprisingly long story) is that he needs the job and can't go home anymore, so if the IUC was a colonial organisation, he wouldn't have blinked before committing warcrimes in the name of doing his job.
Likewise, Lyanni basically hates her species early on since she's seen them at their absolute worst and wouldn't bat an eye if some cataclysmic tragedy befell them, as long as it didn't also affect her. So, if the IUC was an invading force, she would've been one of the first native collaborators and would've probably become a Praetor Adjutant just as she does in the actual story, although in this setting it would entail far more warcrimes.
Conclusion using this method: my protagonists early on are right bastards, and that's why I love writing them.
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ghouljams · 10 months
Gah I go feral for medieval!141 x princess reader… knight soap or knight ghost! idk why but knight x princess reader is one of my favorite tropes. Especially with the forbidden love trope!!! And knight and reader run away together before princess!reader is to be wed, it’s like a nice mix of angst and fluff. And are you currently writing a medieval 141 AU or have you already posted something?
Like I said in my other post I turned my original medieval au into an original story because I loved it so much, but I haven't posted it anywhere! It's just me and my best friend that know about it. Knight x Princess is absolutely one of my favorite tropes, I love the acts of service angle. Here's more Knight!Ghost and Princess!Reader
Ghost hovers at your side as you bend down to take the simple white flower offered to you. The little girl's gap toothed smile is as bright as the sun, and you tuck the daisy behind your ear with a gracious thank you. You don't get to walk around town much, but when you do you make a point to be kind. You wouldn't be a very good ruler if you looked down your nose at the people who would one day be in your care.
"You don't happen to have another of those, do you?" You whisper conspiratorially to the little girl, "I think my knight might like one as well."
The girl peaks around you at Ghost, the man stares down at her with all the warmth of an icicle. She looks back at you with a shy smile. You do your best to make sure you look reassuring, and she plucks another little flower from her pocket. The petals are a little smushed, but you like it all the better for it. You give her a parting pat on the head and straighten up to turn towards Ghost.
His shoulders pull a little straighter when you look at him, eyes a little softer as you reach to tuck the flower into his armor. "Hopefully this helps you look a little friendlier," you tease him, your fingers lingering at the edge of his breastplate.
"My lady," he nods, you pull your hands away, you know better than to touch too much, "I'm not supposed to look friendly." Ghost doesn't make a move to relieve himself of the flower, only reminds you of his station as knight. You know all too well how he's supposed to look, how he's supposed to carry himself.
"At least we can match," you tell him, taking his hand to climb back in your carriage.
"Small miracles," he murmurs as you pass him. His fingers grip yours a moment too long, but it may as well have been nothing at all the way you miss their warmth when he releases you.
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feyascorner · 4 months
suggestion for a funny but fluff fic or miniseries: Modern day Baldurs gate /faerun, were Ascended Astarion and GN Consort reader have lived a couple of centuries together and are still acting like newlyweds / deeply in love and just obsessed with each other. (but also dress gothic/victorian or like they don't belong in the current timeline.)
Would be funny if its written from the perspective of a new servant or a party guest- Maybe they mess up using medieval words when trying to describe modern things and the POV person is not aware they are vampires.
idk Dracula investigator reporter style- Thoughts?
anon you're such a genius for this1!!! THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE UGH I TWEAKED IT A BIT THOUGH W THE PERSPECTIVE PART I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND <33 (also this is not proofread)
A ball in this day and age is uncommon.
At first, Alfira was skeptical. Especially considering the party's hosts were famous for being---a rather eccentric couple. Inviting but strange at times. Dressing in garbs similar to the pictures Alfira has of her great great great grandmother, it was natural that they'd stick out like sore thumbs in high society. But with the pay proposed to her, Alfira could dare not decline playing her instrument at the party. Even more so when she realized how exclusive the party really was.
She'd been invited to stay at their obnoxiously large mansion alongside the other servants for the week preceding the event, and while the sensible decision would be to practice her piece, her naturally curious nature got the better of her. And now, she hides an entire notebook under her pillow regarding all the peculiar things about the couple.
'No. 1: They rarely show their face during the daytime. Perhaps they simply don't want to expose their skin without a concerning amount of sunscreen? Everyone online raves about how bad the sun is for your skin nowadays.
No. 2: The kitchen is completely off-limits to everyone but the head chef. It reeks anytime I go near it, so I don't mind.
No. 3: He calls them their consort. Weird. Is that considered affectionate with rich people?
No. 4: We're not allowed to take our mirrors outside of our rooms. This one I really don't understand.'
The list goes on for ages.
Alfira's observations are ones done from across rows of other recruits or servants, given how rare of an occasion it is to see either of them. Though, she's noted that where one is, the other isn't far away. They're practically attached at the hip, and even if she's a complete outsider, it's easy to tell how smitten they are for one another.
And with how well she was being treated (the food and rooms alike) under their care, Alfira began to feel a sort of guilt for suspecting so much. They surely didn't deserve such obsessive note-taking when all she could see was the way Astarion pecked your forehead before lending you his arm, only gentle laughter ringing in the air.
Perhaps the two of you were truly just a happy couple. A strange one, sure, but happy.
The day of the event comes in no time. Despite the lack of preparation, Alfira manages to play her main musical piece with minimal slip-ups, and continues to leisurely play as she watches all the wealthy guests. The ballroom bustles with people, and because she knows that she isn't acquainted with anyone here, her eyes are naturally drawn to a crowd in the center of the room where you and Astarion are greeting the guests. As usual, your arm is locked tightly with his.
In a room full of dresses and suits, the two of you still somehow manage to stick out. The intricate designs on your attire aren't all to blame, because Alfira swears she sees a sort of aura around the two of you.
It must be a trick of the light, though, surely.
When Alfira and the other musical hires begin to play a slow dance song, you eagerly pull your partner to the dance floor. The dance comes to easily to the two of you, eyes so loving as they're set on one another that Alfira nearly feels jealous. The other single guests seem to feel the same way as Astarion leans into your ear and grins with a whisper.
Alfira squints.
'No. 32,' she notes in her head. 'He has sharp teeth.'
Once the dance is over, she thinks her hand may very nearly fall off. But when she sees you and your partner approaching in her direction, the pain is immediately forgotten as she straightens her back, eyes wide when you offer her a smile.
"Alfira, right?"
"Y-yes! That's me."
"I apologize I couldn't greet you sooner," you place your free hand on Astarion's arm. "We were so swept up in the preparations we didn't get to welcome the truly important guests."
Alfira blinks. A guest? She's not a guest.
You huff. "You really do look just as I remembered you to be! Right, Astarion?"
"I don't particularly remember the bard from then to be frank, my love," he responds, as if Alfira isn't standing right in front of them.
'No. 33,' she notes again. 'He's kind of a jerk to anyone else.'
But more importantly, a bard? She's a musician! Not merely a wandering bar entertainer with a bloody lute and a corset to go along with it. It's even stranger that you seem so familiar with her, even though she's only first talking to you right now. Is she finally losing it?
"Sorry, have we met before?" Alfira blurts.
"Ah," you laugh. "Apologies for my informality. We have, but I doubt you'd remember."
What does that mean?
"Although it pains me to tear you away from such a fascinating conversation, my love, we should greet the others," Astarion chips in, and Alfira inwardly sighs in relief. "Good day, bard."
That damn word again--
As Astarion leads you away back toward the crowd with you pressed close to his side, he smiles down at you while you whisper something he finds humorous up to him. Alfira realizes she's never been that close to either of you, and fears she may have missed her chance---as strange as the encounter was.
However, she does notice one thing about the couple as you walk away.
Both loving sets of eyes are the same piercing shade of bloody red.
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multifandon-simp · 1 month
I really love any and all stories in which the prefect confuses (and potentially traumatizes) the Twst cast with knowledge from our world, maybe it's because of my obsession with cultural differences and confusing people but idk.
Anyway I wish there were more of them because it's just such a fun idea. But I never saw the fanfics discuss the topic of hunting and burning witches at stake, and I'm just like ?????
Because I would love to tell them about it and watch the horror on their faces. It's payback for all the shit I've been put through at NRC (especially by Crowley) and there's nothing you can do about it.
Oh headmage do you have any new tasks for me?
Well how would you like to hear about the cruel reality of the medieval times and peoples attitude towards witchcraft for most of history in return?
I'm begging on my knees if someone who can write sees this, please please write it I need it in my life.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 8 months
Lia's Writers and Blog Recommendations
Hi there lovelies! Lia here and I'd love to share the some creators that have so far been feeding me with amazing content and I'd love for you and them to know how I feel about their works so there is a bit of commentary (feel free to ignore if you're only here for recs). They are all from different fandoms and I genuinely love their works. I am not here to hate on anyone at all, simply here to bring attention to those creators I find worth reading. In fact I actually don't do negative commentary. (If I do, it's probably towards my life 😭)
This will be constantly edited if I find more creators that I loved within each fandoms. I'm sorry to all the creators I've probably bothered with this notification, if you want to be taken off this list then I will respect that and do so :))
I will respectively use the pronouns these people have provided in their bios and if they do not have it in their bios then I'll simply use they/them <3
To all tagged creators, y'all are amazing and so fucking underrated :3
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CoD Creators
@frogchiro - This creator is more likely known for the absolutely scrumptious CoD hybrid AUs. MY GOD EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER AUs ARE JUST ON ANOTHER LEVEL. Ranging from Hacker girl!Reader to Baracks Bunny!Reader. (Octo König and Coyote Graves are personal faves of mine) (Her nsfw content is the most toe curling shit I've ever read)
@ghouljams - This creator is another known for their CoD AUs, only this time you may know them as the one who wrote the Cowboy and Medieval AUs. This person and @frogchiro actually got their inboxes mixed up a few times I believe, they're both really just that good, I clearly need pointers. (I honestly don't have much words because god do I eat their content up)
@wishesforyouo (previous account being: @puff0o0) - This lovely creator makes short but sweet CoD content, you may recognize her as the person who made the popular self-aware CoD AU. Definitely my cup of tea because I really like short reads from time to time. (Miss this AU, sweetie <3)
@blingblong55 - This creator loves to make me cry, idk why. I love her though, her nsfw content is also freaking delicious I can't even.
@xo-cod - This creator, I can't even begin. I just love their writing style, it's sweet, quite short and worth the read. (We also have the same name)
@lunarw0rks - This creator makes me wanna bang my head on a table with how good their Ghost content is.
@ceilidho - This creator I can't even begin to describe how fucking delicious the Ghost content is, idgaf if it's short (IT'S PERFECT). Like my god, how'd y'all come up with content that you do. I think she captures Ghost quite well in her writing.
@mistydeyes - This creator, my fucking god. Her content is so good especially the requests she gets. The overall vibe of her writing gives a specific aesthetic that I love so much and honestly their series is worth the freaking read. Series mentioned here, the writing style is so unique but captures the characters perfectly.
@wordstome - This creator made the GREATEST FUCKING FRIENDS TO LOVERS KÖNIG FANFIC I HAVE EVER READ. It was all just so perfect, the length, the pacing and the writing style is fucking incredible. God where'd y'all get the talent to write this, here's the link to said fanfic because I do not gatekeep.
@multifandomimagin3s - This creator and the amount of Rudy content, I AM EATING IT UP. What do y'all feed yourselves to write with this amount of quality? Like their depiction of Rudy (and of course the others) is just Chef's kiss. (Also idk why but this person seems familiar since I remember someone in Wattpad a long time ago who has the same user)
@lxvvie - This creator creates the best fucking characterization I've ever read, LIKE HELLO?! Horangi is so accurate and her version of König is too. I love it, I'm eating her content up.
@rustic-guitar-notes - This creator I wanted tag this Creator so bad on this creator list because I feel like they're so underappreciated and their works are so good, LIKE IT'S ALWAYS THE UNDERAPPRECIATED WORKS THAT ARE SO GOOD THEY MAKE YOU FEEL WHAT YOU NEED AND WANT TO FEEL.
@icarustypicalfall - This creator is mutuals with almost every single one of my fave mutuals and that's how I found them. MY GOD THE RUDY AND ALEJANDRO CONTENT?? I'M EATING THAT SHIT UP.
@ghosts-cyphera - This creator, HELLO MISS MA'AM? THE PS!GHOST AU?!?! SHE GOT ME THINKING OF IT ALL THE TIME NOW LIKE WHAT DOES SHE PUT IN HER WRITING TO MAKE IT SO GOOD. First of all I'm in love with her version of Ghost because he's just so fucking caring despite the sexual themes, SHE MANAGED TO MAKE A PORNSTAR AU WITH DOMESTIC AND ROMANTIC ASPECTS WITHOUT MAKING IT FEEL SHALLOW AND SUPERFICIAL, LIKE HOW? What kind of food are y'all eating to create the content you guys feed us readers with?
@halcyone-of-the-sea - This creator has their own aesthetic and vibe when it comes to the writing. OMG I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN WITH THE WRITING STYLE, IT'S SO GOOD AND DETAILED. NOT MENTION SHE HAS QUITE A LOT OF POPULAR WORKS THAT I BINGED LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW.
@drop-cherries - this creator brought me back on this list. You all must be saying "Lia you haven't updated this is so long, it must be some scrumptious ass work you've seen". DAMN WELL IT'S GOOD, got me in my feels and everything, needed that domestic life with Simon after so much nsfw content, I need breaks too y'all. Although I did like that one nsfw post earlier, if you saw that, no you didn't :). They are so criminally underrated too so go check them out, from one creator to another, they seem so freaking talented and I love using my platform to help you guys reach other creators too, who hardly get enough attention for something they worked hard on :>
TLOU Creators
@elliesbelle - This creator is top of this list for a reason, their content is the most scrumptious, drama-filled fanfics I have ever read. And yes I'm referring to their series "Nobody Compares To You". I can't even begin to say how much I love this creator, if I wasn't broke then I'd would've already tipped them. I personally think she captures Ellie's personality well. I appreciate a writer who implements shit that happen in her life into her stories. (Despite that, the amount of things happening in their love life is also some complicated shit that I love hearing updates from. Love ya belle <3) Me reading the belle's fanfic at 3am knowing damn well I have school the next day
@lovelettersfromluna - This creator is another amazing writer and holy hell are her works so good, like the length and writing style is just perfect. It's so compact yet it's not too long, add me on your ma'am taglist, please 🥺 <3
@seattlesellie - This creator, I just love her writing style especially with the knight!Ellie fic. Not to mention all the Abby content <3
@callmelola111 - This creator is another person to go to when looking for top tier Ellie fanfics, definitely worth the read on her works.
@clemellie - This creator AND WRITING TLOU SMUT IS A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN OH MY GOD, first of all, the characterization of both Ellie and Abby are so top tier then there's the ungodly toe curling smut. She is worth the fucking read every time.
@papipedroo - This creator has made a a series on Joel Miller x Reader angst AND I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO SAY HOW GOOD IT WAS. THEY GOT ME CRYING AT 7 IN THE MORNING. I also adore the writing style and pacing, I genuinely could not wait for the next part because I NEED Joel to grovel. I DON'T EVEN CRUSH ON JOEL MILLER AND THEY GOT ME HOOKED SO BAD.
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phantomsghoulette · 11 months
Kingdom of Heaven STORY IDEA
This post goes out to all the Kingdom of Heaven fans that write ffs, especially about our King - Baldwin IV
Now this idea may not be historically correct but I still need someone to make a story out of it. I'm talking A LONG ASS story with many chapters because I'm somehow a hopeless romantic when it comes to Baldwin.
So here's the story:
(Please use Y/N for Tiberias' daughter and not some name)
We start off long before Baldwin was born, when Tiberias and his wife arrive in the Kingdom of Heaven. Later on they have a daughter together, around the same time Baldwin was born. Tiberias already has a close relationship with the royal family at this time because of his wise knight shit. At some point Tiberias' wife dies and he has to raise their daughter on his own and he starts taking her to the palace where her and young Baldwin would often play together and develope a friendship. At some point Baldwin's illness is discovered. The priests and higher ranked people try to find a wife for him asap in order to keep the bloodline but every woman kindly rejects, scared of the illness so they just accept Baldwin's lonely fate. His illness is slowly taking over his body and Tiberia's daughter decides to take care of him, not being scared of him no matter how disfigured he looks. But when Baldwin notices that he's slowly developing feelings for her and that his face looks more and more sinister and his limbs are slowly becoming useless, he becomes kinda distant because he's scared to confess his feelings.
Remember that scene in the movie when Baldwin asks Balian to marry Sybilla? That's when he confesses his feelings. So let's imagine Tiberias' daughter is there too and when the men are done talking Baldwin sends off Balian and Tiberias but wants Y/N to stay. "No, Y/N. Not you. I need to talk to you. Stay... please." Or something like that. And we all know that Baldwin knew that Jerusalem was doomed because of his sister and that's why his confession goes something like:
"You know there is one more thing I could have done to save Jerusalem and its people... and I'm now regretting that I haven't done this."
Y/N: "And that would be?"
Baldwin: "Making you my wife"
And then he goes on with his cheesy romantic medieval confession. And Y/N confesses too bla bla bla and she then even takes off his mask and kisses him on the corner of his lips (one side of his mouth wasn't that damaged, remember?).
On his death day she takes care of his wounds one last time.
Make their last conversation HEARTWRENCHING. I WANNA CRY.
After his death Y/N seeks comfort in her father. Make it a wholesome daughter - father relationship (idk how to do that because I never had a father lmaoooo)
How the story ends is for you to decide. Maybe Y/N goes to Cyprus with Tiberias because she cannot take it to watch the Kingdom fall that Baldwin created and led with so much love and respect for the people.
You can also add some suggestive themes. For example Baldwin dreaming about getting intimate with Y/N because he's just that touch-deprived.
So yeah if anyone would be willing to take on this idea - you're more than welcome to do so and I'd DEFINITELY read it. I personally am not good at writing GOOD stories because English isn't my first language and I would ruin the story by using "basic" English. And since Kingdom of Heaven takes place during medieval times you need to write such stories in "fancy" English.
Anyways. I had to get this off my semi-autistic mind or else I would have gone CRAZY.
I just hope this post reaches the right people🙏
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oyster-sauce-tart · 6 months
twst yuu crossovers
i don’t really interact with twst content much (i don’t even play the game anymore haha,,,) but the thing my mind has always come back to is Yuu fics
those ones where they insert a type of yuu into twst which changes dynamics and creates similar yet different situations in the story 
my favorites are crossover yuus where the Yuu has come from a different media source 
i remember this one acc where their whole thing was creating these types of crossovers aaaa i miss them idk where they are now ( ;∀;) 
crossovers: genshin impact, pokemon go, enstars
disclaimers: small little hcs on the matter, not very long, mention of death in enstars but only for one line it's not important
Yuu the Diviner 🔮
A Yuu who loves to travel! Originally hailing from Inazuma, they wish to travel across Teyvat after the Soukoku Degree was finally lifted. 
As their title implies they’re not just a traveler, they’re a diviner! They get in touch with the magic of fortune telling and deities to improve their alignment and spiritual energy 
especially after they spent so many years lost in their mind with their vision taken away 
luckily there are not many language barriers! Inazuman and Japanese are very similar how neat! As for the writing… hm…
Given that they are from the equivalent of medieval times, the Headmage doesn’t quite trust them to take care of things… more so Deuce and Ace have become the “caretakers” than Yuu themselves. 
especially since Yuu’s traveler instinct keeps making them run into danger like a MANIAC!!! 
♥️ “Kantosukei!!! Are you trying to die???” 
🔮 “Ehe~” 
Yuu the Researcher 📝
A Pokémon researcher who travels around to explore the wonders of Pokémon! 
Other researchers and the students of NRC when they get over find them a bit distant and rough around the edges 
Yuu cares about all types of creatures greatly and has always been a bit iffy when they talk about their past 
as for the pokémon, they brought the pokémon. 
do not mess with them.
you will not win.
Yuu the Idol 💫
 Even with all the eccentric yet uncooperative students, the weird Headmage, and the Overblots popping up like gophers in a field…
No one is quite prepared for the magicless idol who seems even more eccentric than anyone in the school!! 
Like… why are you quoting all these philosophical books no one’s heard of??? Dovestsky?? Art of War??? What are those…? 
I-Is this a sixteen-year-old idol or a person who’s been through war?
oh metaphorically… 
💫 “Oh please, Ace, that’s nothing compared to what went on with the other units at SS…” 
♥️ “W-what happened at SS…?” 
💫 “Well the story first starts at the old age of idols with this guy named…” 
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Ty for reading <3 please reblog, reply, or even send an ask to show your support I would greatly appreciate it!
Feel free to read my carrd to keep track of requests or masterlists! 
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gasolinerainbowpuddles · 10 months
Pedro memes pt 4
previously, on "Puddles has a problem": ✨part 1✨ ✨part 2✨ ✨part 3✨
I'm not sure what happened, but this one is Javi heavy lol
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I present to you the ✨Javi-tachi collection✨
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@tightjeansjavi hahahaha
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idk why I have so many medieval themed memes. that one's gonna be for my therapist to dissect hahahaa
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there's lore for this one. suffer as I have suffered.
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*~yOuR tOnE sEeMs ReAlLy PoInTeD rIgHt NoW~*
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hahaha I'm sorry Pedro I'm rly rly sorry
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RIP to a real one
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stop playin w me, im fuckin unstable lmao
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Miller Bros together, for the fic writers puttin in the work lately on this duo (@thetriumphantpanda , @strang3lov3 , & @pascalsbby)
here's a bonus that I encourage y'all to recklessly drop into people's inboxes! gift somebody w a visit from the Pedro fairy and spread good vibes :) and tag me if you want so I can see how far our little Pedro fairy travels!
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hello, new followers.
I do post memes (now), but I mostly post fic stuff. If that interests you at all, you can check out my masterlist.
catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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tagging at random bc Tumblr is a piece of shit, but it's mostly the fic writers who write such amazing shit that got me making these memes in the first place bc my brain HAD TO DO SOMETHING WITH THE FEELINGS after reading their work: @toxicanonymity @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @toomanystoriessolittletime @talaok @atticrissfinch @chloeangelic @cavillscurls @joelscruff @tieronecrush @worhols @northernbluess @netherfeildren @gracieispunk @darkroastjoel @jksprincess10 @jrrmint @walkintotheriveranddisappear @wannab-urs @frannyzooey @ezrasbirdie @fuckyeahdindjarin @psychedelic-ink @atinylittlepain @swiftispunk @the-ginger-hedge-witch @bageldaddy
ty all for the wonderful stories you share w us! and for inspiring some of us to write our own shit :)
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kozh-lucium · 6 months
Warning, a rant of BG3 fandom (and of astarion)
BG3 and Astarion stans TM (not normal fans, mind you) made me realize I'm too old for fandom like...this.
Idk if I'm just unlucky or something like that, but the amount of people who equates "nuance" with "let's go full genocide bcs it's fun and to troll wyll/karlach" is too damn high.
Aaaand not surprising, almost all of them are astarion stans tm. Look, I'm not saying all of astarion fans are like this, but forgive me for getting more and more uncomfortable with how some people are acting. So apparently I am not allowed to complain about how astarion keeps being a dick in act 1, but they're allowed to hate karlach and wyll so much because they're "goody two shoes"?
Sorry, it sounds like hypocrisy.
Just the other day i had a fight with several people, over discussion of Gandrel (the gur we met in the swamp). It's crazy for me how they feel the need to invent ridiculous just to justify killing him. I can respect if the reson if "It's more pragmatic" (I mean, i still disagree since we can just lie to him), I even respect more when someone said "lol i did it because I'm an astarion simp, I'll do whatever he ask me to". But to say that gandrel is an amoral character who needs to die because he will make a deal with the hag just to find astarion? Or that he doesn't have proof that astarion is hurting people?
Are these people serious??
It's extra ironic how one of them just before this claim that I imposed modern morality for finding their action to be not neutral, and that faerun being medieval dark fantasy setting is suppsed to be more lenient to evil actions, elyet in the same breath accusing an NPC as amoral for trying to strike a deal with the hag, enought that it's okay to kill him.
For some reason, to them, not liking evil run meams you're media illiterate and can't handle nuance.
Look, i can't handle it, i wouldn't enjoy witcher 2 writing and def. will stake astarion the first chance i got.
Sorry for the long rant. I'm super cranky right now. I hate edgelords like them.
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rebelsandtherest · 1 year
ok so i’m going to preface this ask by saying that the name alfred is given to the first born males on my dads side, so it’s a name near and dear to my heart, that said, there’s an angle i’ve never (or in all likelihood missed) seen between alfred and arthur. and i crave your opinions.
growing up i knew that the name alfred became popular in the victorian period since the english started looking into history and saw king alfred and decided he was pretty great. so i wonder how arthur felt, to see and hear his estranged sons name so often. of course he’s glad that his country’s putting some respect on king alfred, but i can see him calling someone named alfred by their last name to avoid saying it out loud. “alfred, lord tennyson.” “who?” “lord tennyson.” “not a fan.” the man’s conflicted and petty.
or it could be the opposite, it could remind him why he chose the name to begin with. imagine him overhearing a man in a pub proudly boasting about how fast his little alfie is growing, showing off a picture he keeps of the lad. and arthur can’t help but smile to himself and feel a wee bit envious. a few situations like that, and he’s tentatively writing formal letters that go unanswered. a few decades and a great rapprochement later he can finally say alfred out loud without tasting bile.
or he could be so far up his own ass that he doesn’t even notice the trend in names. idk. definitely drunkenly hums ‘what’s it all about (alfie)’ in the 60s.
Ooooh man this is a good question! Thanks for sending in the ask.
This became an immensely long reply with a bad history lesson included (because I'm relying on my ADHD memory and hoping it doesn't scramble itself between my brain and the keyboard), so... sorry about the length.
I think the Victorian revival of "Alfred" as a name would have affected Arthur in a few ways, but within his context, I imagine that those moments would be relative sporadic.
So a few things:
First: The name itself is Anglo Saxon—the original ash (Æ) was replaced with an A to fit contemporary English spelling, and it would have been pronounced a little different obviously, but it is remarkably unchanged for an early medieval name over 1000 years old. So Arthur is probably used to hearing the name at least once in a blue moon, and I doubt anyone was much confused when he gave the name—even if it wasn't in vogue at the time—to his firstborn.
Second: The Victorian age for Arthur was absolutely chock-full of wars, particularly wars overseas. Victoria was called empress for a reason, because she had a penchant for stealing other people's land and sovereignty. So whether Arthur was enthused by the nonstop action or not (I'd wager he was, most of the time), he was incredibly preoccupied and probably didn't have time to mope about his son, so if the name ever made Arthur think about Alfred, it would be a short-lived reverie.
Third: The Victorian era was a historically interesting time for UK-US international relations. Your average USA citizen probably didn't spare much thought for English subjects an ocean away, but, on the whole, white Americans remained enamored with England as the "mother land", were keen on trans-Atlantic commerce, and eager to prove themselves as equals to their allies in Europe. This didn't exactly work.
Even so, Britain and the USA continued to host a bizarre mix of cultural proximity and mutual contempt. Bad blood had gone stale by the beginning of Victoria's reign, but stale blood bred an enduring sense of pettiness, especially on the British side. Though the two nations' diplomatic and economic relationships were strong and well-maintained, events like the USA's rather embarrassing showing at the 1851 Great Exhibition in London were devoured by the British public in a feeding frenzy of schadenfreude that solidified a kind of national desire to dunk on Americans whenever possible.
While Brits still relish dunking on Americans, the early Victorian need to put America down as an economic and cultural peer began to shift, at least in some ways, in the second half of the 19th century. The American Civil War devastated the English economy, particularly of the northern half of the country which depended immensely on American cotton to fuel its textile industry. The entire war, its fallout, and notably the end of slavery in the USA, were all topics that British citizens would have seen daily in their newspapers, a source of interest and immense anxiety. By this point, Britain as a whole had forcibly been made aware of how, like it or not, the state of the USA's government and economy affected their daily life in ways too large to ignore.
Whilst America quite literally murdered itself over the problems it'd decided to ignore for a century, Britain and Europe were all deep in the industrial revolution—hell, it started in England, hence the textile mills. England and the young German Confederation were both heavy hitters in the game, and improvements to seafaring technology as well as Britain's relentless expansion across the globe was continuously bringing in new wares from all around the world for European industrialists to copy and mass produce. European trade and industrial competition was booming.
Meanwhile, America remained intensely focused on itself, and understandably so. With the absolute disaster of Reconstruction, westward expansion, industrial revolution, and lest we forget, a bloody parade of genocides and land wars, the USA had plenty to be worried about within its own (expanding) borders. It was not isolationist in the true sense, but was not exactly competing for European attention at the same levels at it had earlier in the century.
However, when the USA eventually gathered itself to take more of an international presence, it would do so in a way that would take the entire world by storm. The sheer speed, size, and production volume of American industries began to challenge their European competitors. If you were white and well-connected or just immensely lucky, this was the age when the American Dream was born. The US military had undergone immense expansion since the Civil War, and they went from having a young navy only just big enough to form a blockade to having a navy large enough to send a top-of-the-line fleet around the world with literally no other purpose but to flex in front of their allies (and enemies) not even 50 years later.
.....This has been a very long winded way to explain that, while the Victorian Era was the heyday of Arthur's imperialist dreams and victories, it was also the very nascent stages of Alfred coming into his own and more or less forcing himself back into dear old dad's life. Coming hot on the heels of Victoria, The American Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, and the Great Rapprochement were all just around the corner. These shifts of history—to say nothing of the quickly-approaching storm clouds of World War—would bring father and son back together and force them to mend their relationship, at least as much as they could.
I think, in the early Victorian age, when 'Alfred' came into vogue after so many centuries, a part of Arthur would hear it with a sinking feeling in his gut, because he was certainly old enough to have seen the future on the horizon. Maybe it wasn't clear, or concrete, maybe he couldn't put it into words. But he would know, in some instinctual sense, that Alfred's star was rising in more ways than one, and that he'd would need to brace himself and his empire for whatever came next. So sometimes, when he heard the name, some indistinct prophecies would flash before his mind's eye, filling him with ominous dread that he couldn't have named.
Sometimes, if he'd been drinking or just in a sentimental mood, he would hear the name and reminisce on both the King Ælfred, and the golden son who bore his name. He would wax poetic about his firstborn and all that he'd accomplished in his life—daring even, perhaps for the first time in his life, to praise Alfred's tenacity, conviction, and strength during his fight for independence. He would of course be mortified by the drunken memory the next day.
Sometimes, it takes him off guard and he turns his head, fully expecting Alfred himself—a toddler, a child, a teenager, a young man—to step through the door and greet him. It lasts only moments, and the empty feeling that follows usually sends Arthur directly into some mentally or physically taxing task, to avoid uncomfortable emotions.
But I think more than anything, the re-emergence of the name would make Arthur feel old. So very, very old, when he continuously, despite repeated embarrassments, pronounces the name in the way he learned as a boy, with the long-i ash sound that his people forgot to pronounce somewhere along the last century or ten. The very same pronunciation mistake he couldn't seem to stop making all those years ago, when Alfred was small, still learning English and fully convinced a boy could have two versions of a name.
The same pronunciation that, even today, would make Alfred's head twitch up, looking for his father.
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lemonhemlock · 5 days
I think people forget that others also tend to approach texts in a way that’s interesting to them. people aren’t applying historical readings to f&b because they want it to look bad, it’s because they find it an engaging way to read the source.
absolutely, people are not writing pages of meta and engaging in discourse if they don't find the lens of their analysis interesting
i would completely understand if asoiaf were this original fantasy series that had its worldbuilding constructed from the ground up in a way that had nothing to do with the course of human history and the social arrangements were something completely new. but it's not. coming back to the idea that there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to critique fiction, beyond the weird prescriptive positioning (who died and made OP the authority on how to approach a text?), how is it part of the "wrong" methodology to critique a historical fantasy text by undergoing a comparative analysis with the actual historical events that inspired it?
it's disingenuous to ignore how the legal explanations of succession haven't dominated hotd commentary so far. where were those rules and arguments lifted from, if not real history?
idk it just screams "I don't like having someone point out the spurious nature of my arguments by expanding upon the logic this universe relies on, so i'm just going to pretend the historical approach is wrong". if said fictional universe happens to have the same rules of conduct the author obviously read in a medieval textbook, we're supposed to ignore that? i'm sorry to say, but that's not even how literary analysis works
imo the "wrong" way to approach media is to go down the path of bullying and harassing others. other than that, even if you have a completely alien interpretation that has nothing to do with the text, that someone might deem wrong, as long as you don't expect others to treat your words as gospel, in the end it's a pretty harmless thing
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ghouljams · 4 months
hi its me again. i was reading your medieval!gaz fics and going insane. i think ive really turned into a gaz simp now (which is lowkey funny bc i still know nothing about this man). also i was wondering some of your stuff with him hits me so personally even though your ghost and konig stuff *should* be more attractive to me bc they hit my exact kinks, but i think i finally get it. the way you write gaz is like you took my favorite parts of the romance tropes i used to be really into as a teenager but adapted to mature audiences. idk how to describe it. its like, imagine you really loved strawberry juice as a kid, but when you got older you started to dislike it and when you tried switching to eating real strawberries you realized it tastes bad, then one day you drink a strawberry mojito for the first time and drinking it feels like what drinking strawberry juice felt like as a kid. anyway ilu and i love your gaz <3
I think that's a wonderful description, thank you <3
I love writing for Gaz, I think the romance that he brings to everything is intoxicating. He hits something really specific for me in the way he speaks and carries himself that I don't think any of the other CoD boys have. Writing for Gaz always feels so different from writing for any of the others because I don't have the same bible for him that I do everyone else. He's incredibly adaptable and yet he's always so true to himself, I don't always know how he'll respond to being put in different situations until I'm actually writing it.
Idk why but I always feel like Gaz is underappreciated so when I write for him I want it to be good, and I want it to show a new aspect to love about him. Ghost and Konig yeah I love the kink and I love their general weirdness, but Gaz??? That's my romance partner, that's the man I want to sit across from in a crowded cafe and pretend we're the only two people around while we talk about medieval siege weapons. (a/n I may inject too much of my partner in Gaz's stories...)
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like-sands-of-time · 8 months
All right heres the thing that's been bugging me since I watched season four.
I love morgana in season one. I find her introduction absolutely fascinating. She feels like a very important character, but we don't know how yet. I love that we see her picking fights with Uther from the first, for it to all culminate in her attempting to kill him by the first season finale, all in a way that is so believable and sympathetic to me (and Merlin) that I was honestly hoping Merlin would just, slip on one of those hills and watch her kill him, because we now know three characters who wouldnt mourn the loss of the king. Who are angry at him for the unforgivable things he's done even recently. At that point arthur is most willing to work with magic and common men, and morgana (with Merlin) have had a clear impact on his growth as a man. I love that.
I... Don't see the rest of the shows arc (s3 and on) as believable for who she was then. I'm sorry but either she was caring about the citizens of Camelot and their suffering, or it was all a lie, that doesn't go away just because you're angry at one guy. I'll leave that alone, it's for another time. BUT. even if they wanted to show that dragons have free will and could befriend who they wished, regardless of dragon blood, I still don't think the entirety of that season makes any sense.
Why would Merlin have hatched the egg right then if he wasn't willing or able to raise the hatchling? They said multiple times the egg would last. And if Kilgharrah wasn't willing to raise the egg why did he convince Merlin to do it. It what world would the characters of Kilgharrah and Merlin as we know them at this point just leave an infant dragon to do it's own thing anyway? Let alone go work with a sorceress they believe to be evil consumed. That.... Doesn't make sense. Not even in a tragic but realistic way, it just simply doesn't make sense to me. Merlin could have safely put the egg where Kilgharrah used to be imprisoned if no one visits there, or Kilgharrah could have found another cave or safe place to keep it. Those make sense. Hatching it only to both leave and forget about the child doesn't really make sense for either of them?
The writers wanted morgana to have a dragon ally, be an equal to Merlin visually in their ultimate fight, and I get it....... but make Aithusa choosing morgana make sense. Develop their relationship in any way..? And while we're at it make morgana trying repeatedly to kill Arthur make any sense because it the show I watched I never saw any reason for her to want anything other than 1) uther dead and 2) magic free in Camelot once more. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. You can't have characters just Do Things because you want them to happen lmao that's not how people work.
This show loves to tell me instead of showing me. I know what they want me to think because they make it glaringly freaking obvious but I'm sorry .. you have to actually develop character arcs or relationships (whether it's between a dragon and the main villain, or Arthur and Guinevere, because sunbursts and cute music isn't doing anything for me lol. They didn't even develop lance either. She had two love interests shown to us and we just have to use our imagination I guess.
Idk, write morgana to be the darkest, cruellest, most insane bitch you want that's fine with me. It's all medieval fanfiction but ... It has to be plausible. Give me any reason at all why bbc morgana hated Arthur or Camelot or Gwen or anything. Do tragic, do.. "she was always meant to be against him" if you must, but also? It's all fanfiction so have morgana being Arthurs sorceress .. powerful just like Merlin but in her own way and they're both loyal to Arthur.
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hero-israel · 9 months
I’ve become interested in the figure of Edward Said, a Palestinian-American academic and activist who more or less coined the terms/studies/activism/etc of Orientalism and Post-Colonialism, both terms I find deeply important and which I apply to my leftist Zionism, something I’m sure he and his followers would strongly oppose. On that topic, I’m looking into some of his anti-Zionist (though I’m sure it’s more nuanced than that) work, both to broaden my perspective and because I’m much more willing to listen to a Palestinian who lived in historical Palestine before and after Israel’s establishment as opposed to a modern Westerner. I’ll admit, he has plenty of valid critiques of Zionism and movements he associates with it, though there are of course elements I disagree with. One point he made that really bothered me however (shown in the above linked screenshot) is, while comparing European Jewish Zionists to the Crusaders (partially valid but for the most part 😬) and the medieval European imagined environment of the land Jesus lived and died in as “denatured Palestine”; “after hundreds of years of living in Europe Zionist Jews could still feel that Palestine had stood in time and was theirs, again despite millennia of history and the presence of actual inhabitants.”
I agree the terra nullius mindset many Zionists and Zionist allies had (and sometimes still have, about history or the present to justify settlements, war, and discriminational policies) was awful and a horrific and regrettable way to begin Israel, but I really hate how Said just wastes no breath lumping Jews in with powerful European Christians and maybe subtly implying an acceptance that Jews are from there but ultimately just leaving it as “Tough tiddy, you’ve been gone too long, you should’ve stayed in your diaspora forever” with so little consideration that the Jews did not fit in Europe, nor could they survive there, and they needed some place their heritage was. Obviously this is just a manifestation, perhaps inspiration, for the notion that Jews don’t deserve return from diaspora, no matter the cost, but Palestinians do, and this not only a double standard but the first one is apparently the direct cause and justification for the second. Idk, I just wish Said would be a little more considerate or something.
That's the frustrating thing about Said. The man could write, and he would often home in on a decent, poignant comment - and then he would derail it with some ridiculous rabble-rousing bullshit about how Jews were the agents of European imperialism, or how Israel is constantly hoaxing archeology. He tried to pass himself off as a victimized Palestinian refugee, when he was born a privileged American citizen and spent his formative years in Cairo.
The Tumblr post you provided shows Said's frustration that people get so caught up in symbolic mythical Jerusalem that they forget or don't care it's an actual place where people live real lives. And that's a totally fair point! Co-signed! And then he ruins it by whitewashing Jewish history. His perspective that "before the Jews came, there were ACTUAL inhabitants there" is nothing less than a purported anti-colonialist / anti-imperialist giving an implicit endorsement of the Ottoman Empire. Which is less surprising when you remember he also gave EXPLICIT endorsement of the Ottoman Empire.
He was honest enough to admit that his preferred outcome for Palestine would put Jews in danger. I co-sign that too.
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