#idk 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 but gl with the research
theelvishfiddler · 11 months
When was the last time that you woke up and actually felt awake and rested for more than half of the day? I'm asking for... Ehm... Research?
Yeah, let's say research (╸w╺)
Oh hi! I've seen you ask this of other creators, I hope the research is going well!
And uh, idk ╮(゚~゚;)╭ I can’t remember the last time I had a full day of feeling awake and rested. I do have some Good Energy Mornings that last a few hours! Although I normally exist in a low-energy Tired
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sunnysol · 11 months
word on the streets (Twitter) are saying matpat made a video on genloss.....I need him to Stay away and do proper research pls wdym he thought gl!ranboo was the founder ???
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choysum · 3 months
hi hello I do not know you but you know my murph so you are now being used for data collection purposes. sorry. do you have a least favourite aquatic mammal (seal, sea lion, whale, killer whale, false killer whale, dolphin, beluga, porpoise, sea otter, sea mink, manatee, or dugong) and if so, what is it? respond to this with "idk" or variations to be left off the spreadsheet. sorry to bother you!!!!!!
okayy i have been thinking about this for about 8 hours (since i opened tumblr and saw this...) after much research i THINK sea lion... dugong and dolphin r close runners up. i have all my reasons too but i doubt that is useful or intruiging for anyone but myself :3 gl with the spreadsheet !!! following u now too <333 anne's influence!!
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Can you please do something with Yandre! Peter Parker and a reader who just fully accepts it? I reader your general headcanons and loved like the sweet side of things lol. Like she thinks she’ll hate it but she hasn’t got to do anything and can research stuff she’s interested in (like History), and then Peter comes home and she just gets love and someone cares for her. idk, hopefully my message is put across well lol. Thank you!
Yandere! Peter Parker With Accepting Reader
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Hopefully this is adequate for what you requested. I hope you like it. Also, I just wanna explain that I imagine this to be the Peter Parker who’s living in his own apartment at the end of the last movie. 🕷♥️
Ooo I love this idea. But you’re right he would be really sweet. I think the only times a yandere tendency would come into play with him is when you were in potential danger of harm by someone else, in potential danger of being taken by someone else, and when he’s had a bad day and just wants to indulge in you.
I see that last one happening a lot with the work he does. But I’ll come back to that later and just go in chronological order; by events.
When he first takes you and you begin to heavily hesitate, he understands. He’s not a delusional yandere. He would know this is a big change for you that you had to get adjusted to and he’d do whatever you want to make that more comfortable. (Except for going back home that’s out of the question)
He would definitely try talking to you about things first. Your worries about the situation, things to make the transition easier, rules, punishments with an emphasis on how he’d never physically hurt you though because he never wants to see you upset.
“Well we can go over everything to maybe ease your mind.”
“Um.. not right now but if I know I can trust you then later you might can talk to your friends and things.”
“I’m sorry.. I don’t want to make this miserable for you. Is there anything I can get you that you like that’ll make it easier to be in here? You like history facts? Ok, I’ll pay for the history channel and get some books for you. What kind of history do you like? Heh, there’s a lot of it”
“well I do have some basic rules that I have to go over with you but again, they won’t be permanent if I know I can trust you.”
He would get a part time job to fund everything he needed for you. You ask and you shall receive!
After the tension has settled down between you two and you become more open to the idea. He would slowly introduce new aspects. He’ll come home showing you his new Lego set and asked what you found out about history that day. Spending general time together makes him, well, giddy.
He would think about introducing physical touch but was still weary of how you would react. He knew you were probably still adjusting but.. he just wanted to hold you.
“Hey uh.. can-can I hug you? If not I understand I just..I want to.”
If you said no, he’d totally respect it and wait til you guys felt a bit closer to ask again. But if you said yes, prepare for cuddles!
Remember when I said he’d want to indulge in you after a bad day? This is where that comes into play. I 100% can imagine him coming in with cuts and bruises and those puppy eyes just wanting to cuddle. He’d deny any treatment you’d offer at first. He’d just want to wrap his arms around you and nuzzle his head into your neck or even lap. Very golden retriever, this guy.
“I’ll get the first aid kit in a minute, I just… can I lay with you for a little while.. please?” 🥺
He would cook breakfast for you before he left, have a mini fridge with drinks and snacks for when he’s gone, and would come home to make dinner for you. He didn’t know much about cooking before, he learned to cook just because of you.
He’d clean the room as well and would ask you didn’t do anything too strenuous. Leave it up to him. That’s what he wants. He wants to take care of you any way you’d let him. If you one day asked him to comb your hair, he’d almost jump with glee then calm down enough so he can be incredibly gentle when combing. He did not want to tug on it or hurt you so it would take him a while and he’d go really slow. If you asked him to hand feed you, he’d love to and make sure to blow on each bite before feeding it to you. He’d get a little anxious not knowing if what he was doing was good enough though. If he was combing your hair and there was even the slightest tug, he’d gasp and ask if he hurt you. Or if he was feeding you and you grimaced or your facial expression faltered, he would turn into: 🥺 that emoji with the puppy eyes and ask if it was too hot, cold, or if you didn’t like it. So, in other words, he’s extremely, if not overboard in his attentiveness.
But it’s all for you and because he loves you. He just wants the best for you!
After your relationship developed and he could completely trust you, he’d allow you more freedoms. He’d at first allow you to text one, just one, of your family members of your choice just to take it slow for now. He will also be watching over your shoulder. He’d gradually allow more freedoms with who you spoke to. He’d then allow you to go out into town with him once your family knows you’re okay and that, “you just needed time alone.” Although you had to by with him every time you went out in town but he would buy you absolutely anything you wanted. One of the big freedoms he’s kind of scared to give you is to see your parents again because of course, he’d have to be there and that means he’d be meeting your family. What if they don’t like him? What if they try to take you away from him? He would express these feelings to you and ask what you thought as you knew your parents and what they’d accept in their daughters partner.
Also, quick note. He acts very much in the dating phase but in his head he thinks (knows) that marriage and kids are going to happen with you guys at some point. Like it is just natural information in his mind. So while he’s easing you both into more scenarios/freedoms/situations, he already sees you as his wife. He always had. He is committed to you and nobody but you.
Hopefully everything went well with your family and friends and they all got along with Peter. Otherwise you might “need to take a break” again. Contact via cell phone would still be open with them, but no way in hell were they going to separate you both. Unless you can convince them to think otherwise.
He just wants to be with you. Nothing is going to change that from happening. As long as your friends and family accept that, you’re life will be lived happily ever after.
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tonikogemmie · 2 months
// not a recommendation
do you guys want like,,, author deep dives… publication and translation details bc i do a little too much research on everything i read
im also considering scanlating either “Hotel Inhumans” or “Umi ga Hashiru End Roll” so lemme know ur thoughts on which one…
and idk, recommend me BL&GL to scan as well I don’t mind
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thealexanderfiles · 7 months
Okay so let’s talk Superboy Prime and his connection to Jason Todd.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the comic in full, exclusively because I haven’t found a copy. I want to though. But I have done extensive reading and research.
In some alternate universe, there is a boy named Clark Kent who loves comics. One day, he gets all the powers of Superman, yay! Somewhere along he gets the name Superboy Prime.
But, he is a comic book fan that is an amalgamation of every angry fanboy during 70s/80s/90s comics who wanted to see DC return to its golden-age/early silver age roots.
This was post-Dark Knight Returns, which if you ever hear that it means the era when DC decided it was time to give everyone Dark and Edgy and Angsty stories. Superboy Prime pointedly Did Not Like That. So, with his new powers, he somehow (and, again, I haven’t read this in full so this is something I don’t know for sure) gets into the main DC universe.
(Now back to what I do know).
Superboy Prime takes out his anger on the entire DC universe. He punches the universe so hard it breaks. Literally.
Essentially, DC does this thing a lot called reboots. Stories will reset, timelines will change, etc. There have only been two full reboots (Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint), but that’s a conversation for another day.
Superboy Prime’s punch essentially acted as a soft or semi reboot to the universe. Some things changed, some stayed the same.
Probably the biggest, most notable change was this punch brought Jason Todd back to life. He then proceeded to climb out of his grave.
Eventually, the League of Assassins (run by Damian’s grandfather and mother- also happy to explain that lore if you’d like) took him in and restored his body and his mind to a degree in the Lazarus Pit, a pit of green liquid with the power to keep someone immortal. It has some side effects I believe, but it is important to note that Pit Madness is fanon-made, and not a real side effect, at least to the extent fanon had made it out to be. There may be levels of more tendencies toward violence, but nothing like being taken over by only rage and whatever that fanon has made it out to be.
It took the entire Justice League to stop Superboy Prime, and he developed a debilitating fear of any of the Flashes in the process.
It’s all a metaphor for angry fandom and the power that an angry or mean fan can have.
Please please let me know if you have more questions, I’m more than happy to help clear up anything DC-related you might want!!
Hi Mystery Informant! (Is it alright if I call u that? It sounds MUCH cooler than Anon.)
First up, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the DC comics/universe, I've mentioned it before idk anyone who isn't either an avid marvel fan or not interested in this sorta genre. Even though you've said you've got gaps in ur knowledge, you're already, like, fifteen steps ahead of me.
I've got a few questions regarding the whole Flash situation. Like, there are a confusing amount. I'm pretty sure there's one in the justice league, one called kid flash and some sort of time traveller knocking around and I have NO CLUE how they all fit together.
Secondly, I keep hearing like, Tim drake has a fake uncle (not sure if this was ever adressed. Where is this kids parent btw???) and no spleen, and I'm certain they aren't connected but if you'd elaborate on this that would be great
Thirdly, it has come to my attention that I don't know who Green Lantern is, nor if he's from earth. I sounds like there's more??? People keep mentioning GL corps
Who is Green Arrow? Please. I'm so confused
There is a man called the Penguin running around. Cannot see how that name would evoke terror in the masses but pop off ig.
Dick Greyson kills the Joker?
Batman revives the Joker?
Does Dick become nightwing b4 or after jason rocks up?
Does america just have shit luck and have aconcerning amount of heroes?
Take ur pick, Mystery Informant. Also. What movies/comics should I read. I've been told Wayne family adventures (I think it's called that) is a good place to start for the batfam, but other than that I'm not sure.
Thanks :)
Oh. P.S. this whole Superboy prime thing is WILD. I love it. Thanks for the explanation.
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kyonoc · 10 months
I love it when everyone show their love to Stepmother's Marchen 😭😭😭😭
I love the story a little bit too much. The author did their research on designing the dresses; their art is professionally done, they got a good gasp of color theory, anatomy & draw different character's feature really well, even how those dresses with those crinolines would bend/fold (?) when one sit down is accurate too. The original story/plot is really good, the pacing is nice and I havent seen a plot hole so far (or I just love it too much and overlooked it), the character's settings and personalities are well executed.
Everything is neatly taken care of, 11/10 there is absolutely nothing to complain about.
On that note
I don't really like a lot of Manhwa since, well, the market is oversaturated with the same old recycled "villaness fem lead" (those recycled plots are not even executed well), and I'm picky with the artstyle.
From my viewpoint, one of the more special thing about Manhwa/Manhua is the availability of color usage. The colors/palettes could have enhanced the mood so much yet I barely ever see any manhwa artist make use of it, save for Stepmother's and maybe Secret Lady. All I see is just spammed pre-brushes for anything from accessories to dresses and NPCs, using tools and 3D models without any polishing/refining afterwards, and with idk 100 overlay bling bling layer mode on top of the base color.
Now, I'm not complaining if the artist use a lil bit of help to make their life easier, as the deadline of 1 chap per week is extremely unreasonable and unrealistic. What I'm implying is that those elements are just... rushed.
It's so rough, so raw and there is zero effort behind to make it blend together with the art, the artist really slapped in some random layer modes, brushes and 3D models and call it done without any further work. It is, what would the culture in my homeplace call it, "instant noodles" - some rushed commercial product for a quick cash grab, only good for short term entertainment.
Not to mention the plot sometimes (which is 90% of the time) is just straight up ridiculous and unbearable. One can tell the original writer did zero research and put in zero effort to try and make it logically, let alone historical accurate. I have literally read one manhwa where the fem lead is a legitimate queen of a(n) country/empire, but then she got ridiculed by a head maid and got bullied by the others 🤦‍♀️ Regardless of whether or not does the king truly loves her, or if they only married for political benefits, the queen is still THE queen, and she is within every rights of her to (publicly) execute those maids for disrespecting the royal family. I'm not a historical nerd, heck, i barely know anything about political or even how monarchy works, yet I know that much.
Not to mention the other side of Manhwa is mainly BL (I have seen a few GL), then the rest is just overly sexualized woman with super enhanced bewbs and buct for those corny KR guys 🤷‍♀️ Hot take: I can literally pick up two random ass Manhua I know and its artstyle will still be better than half of the Manhwa section: My idol emperor and Song of the sky walkers (I love twin tails/pig tails characters sm aaaaa)
Or maybe I'm an arrogance self righteous b who barely read anything outside of the romance section. I have heard mixed opinions about Solo Leveling, and Wind Breaker artstyle atm is pretty fire ngl, but idk. Was really disappointed by the previous manhwa choices i read so I'm kinda skeptical now. "The way to protect female lead's brother" have some good artstyle but the plot is, uh. "The Villainess Reverse the Hourglass" have some potential too, at least the artstyle is logical to some aspect (Aria's feature growth) and the plot is decent. I dropped midway tho, might revisit later on.
Speaking of, let's bring manga to the discussion too. Now it's 5AM over here, and my eyes is dying to rest, so I suppose i will leave a list of my favs manga here and comeback to elaborate further tmr ig (it's not like I don't enjoy manhwas, This Witch of Mine is a good read, Mother's Contract Marriage seems to be interesting. The market is just over saturated idk sleppy)
Kasane (Matsuura Daruma): i have absolutely nothing to complain. The author carried off the whole plot so well, the storytelling is amazing and I actually grown to be fond of stage acting/drama/theater art because of it too 😭😭😭 I also really liked their artstyle and how the manga's cover/illustration were made. The ending is really satisfying and it's the best solution possible, I wouldnt have it any other way. Izana & Sukeyo's back story were tragic, but it didn't overshadowed nor overpowered their two girl's one, Kasane and Nogiku's story is just as equally as good.
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun: The plot thickens so fast I was almost shocked because I half expected it to be a quick read shoujo comedy, rom com sth 😭😭 But the clock keeper arc turned everything upside down. Once I learnt about the existence of Hanako-kun 2014 & Dear my Living Dead, I know I'm in for a good time (i really wanted to play their Half Baked Snowwhite, but sadly EN trans have been taken down and my JP ver won't run bc of technical issues). Iro's writing is splendid and Aida's inking style/artstyle in general is lovely and iconic (lowkey wanted to gatekeep that ngl)
I can see why people may find themselves uncomfortable with some ships like AoiAoi and No6Sumi, but ngl find myself enjoying every ship's dynamic in here. I don't think I'd need to elaborate on HanaYashi because they are so cute together 😭😭😭😭 It's their relationship yet I was the first to be swept off my feet ughhh.
I'd like to think of Akane's obsession over Aoi is purely exaggerated for comedic purposes. Since they are childhood friends, I think they should be comfortable around the other enough to joke like that. Anyhow, chapter 69 broke my heart and then melted it. I find myself relating to Aoi to a surprising degree, always doubting myself of worthy of love and adoration or not, always looking down on others, always keeping my cards close to my heart and refuse to rely on anyone. So Akane's words really touched my heart 😭😭😭 The follow up chapter is heart wrenching too, if HanaNene is my sanity pills for staying a hopeless romantice despite being not very romantic myself, AoiAoi is my relationship goal.
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TBHK section is pretty long now so I'll just summarize that I like how No 6 was built, he was never confirmed to understand Sumire's feelings - true to his character, let alone liking her back. I'd like to view them as one sided puppy-crush dynamic rather than a true ship ngl. I like Sumire's character a lot too oeoeoe.
Koko wa ima kara rinri desu: 11/10, something i have reread so many times and still not get bored, learn something new every time. It's a really good story about morals/enthics with touches of philosophy - how moral plays a part in one life, what is right and so what is wrong, from when does benevolent starts, where does malice ends? and such.
It kind of shaped this "all-time neutral viewpoint" of mine later on in life ngl, it helped a lot in making me considering all aspects of a problem before judging, viewing life in a more objective manner.
Kimetsu no Yaiba. I suppose. It's not exceptionally amazing as those mentioned above but is still a good read and decent manga for me. The plot is decent, the character is well executed and well taken care of. Of course, the running joke of "Only female writers/mangaka could portray a nice and accurate female character".
Personally, I do find myself thinking that the ending have a lot of potential - the final moments of the story is the protagonist being coaxed into becoming the next antagonist, and he was pulled back into reality by everyone he have met on the journey. I think it's a really nice way to finalizes the story, to recounts everything Tanjiro have went through and to honor everyone, every sacrifices, that was made. Sadly, Gotouge had to rush the ending because of her personal family issues. I believe if she was given more time the ending could have been really satisfying and more acceptable, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.
The ending should have been just be one of two options:
Either is to kill Tanjiro right there and then, and the story ends. It's also a nice way to end the series, since putting a stop to a demon that has plagued humanity for at least half a millennium should be no easy feat. It shouldn't be something like "omg cool the main character is here, now the problem is automatically solved without needing any efforts or any catch".
The way that chapter 12x (123 I believe?) ended on a cliffhanger made everyone believe Tanjiro is the sacrifice - the catch, the cost, the price - needed to end this nightmare. I'd say it's a fair game, Tanjiro fought on the frontline along with other pillars, yet more than half of said pillars died. Having Tanjiro survive that would mean telling the viewers "main character can't die", or in other words, plot armor. Tanjiro was such a perfect protagonist with logical settings and nice character building before: He is kind and gentle, but his kindness is not a weakness; he is not strong and experienced as the pillars, but his quick thinking and observation/analyzing skills made up to it, enabling him to hold his ground in battles (though you can see him struggle to keep up the pace in the battle and don't instantly have good reflexes); and many other little details I can list but this paragraph is getting really long-
Anyhow, that plot armor completely destroyed everything that Gotouge have built for him, reducing him to the classic tasteless "plot armored buffed MC" all over again.
Or, Gotouge shouldn't have killed Muzan's physically just yet and not have Tanjiro stopped breathing like that. That scene could have changed to Muzan grabbing Tanjiro for some last hope instead of trying to hide from the sun, trying to take over Tanjiro's body and mind, praying he can conquer the sun like Nezuko. Tanjiro would be suffering from the halfway-done transformation whilst fighting for control from Muzan. Everyone is afraid to step in because they don't want to hurt Tanjiro, they have suffered so much sacrifice already, That would be where Nezuko and Kanao's given potion came in, and the scene inside Tanjiro's consciousness finally happen.
I can tell Gotouge have already got plans for the ending beforehand, judging from how Nezuko was mentioned running towards her brother waaay before the last scene, so it's not something that was made up on the spot. I'm just sad it was so poorly executed, and it single-handedly destroyed every previous work and progress that was made for the story.
Boy Abyss. I like how it explored the character's mentality and all, the storyline is good too. I'm just a sucker for any psychological genre stuff rlly
Maria no Danzai maybe, the story is interesting but it's not even half way done so cant judge for sure
Screaming Lessons is pretty good as I remember? i think i will revist it later
Ps: came back to finish this
Ps2: Woooo boy finally done with my mini thesis
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maaarshieee · 2 years
HWOQMDHQKQ I CRIED AT THE CHILDE FIC 😭 what if what if what if we wake up and all of that was only a dream 🥺 /j
NOT U RESEARCHING ABOUT LIYUE THO HAHAHASH now u have to play genshin fr FR?? farm primos rn AND GET CHILDE.
i was a writer, I LOVE MAKING POEMS AND I WROTE SERIES BEFORE BUT I DIDN'T FINISH A SINGLE ONE BECAUSE I KEPT ON HAVING NEW IDEAS TO THE POINT THAT I FORGET WHAT I WROTE ABOUT BEFORE. so i found out about one shot stories and they were perfect for me. but one day, i lost all the passion to write whejejsj :'D
but anw!! i really love your style ^^ you're really good at fluffs and angst <3 BTW DID U READ THE LAST ONE I SENT?? HAHAHSHS IT JUST POPPED INTO MY HEAD
i was bombarded with school works and my research papers that's why i read the childe fic late 😭 AND IDK WHETHER TO FEEL SAD BECAUSE OF THE STORY OR HAPPY BECAUSE U POSTED LIKE WHY
i hope you're doing great!!<3
-weekly anon (idk anymore, i claim to be weekly but never stick with it)
OH SHIT YOU CAUGHT WIND OF THAT?? DKBFJH nah cuz I had to read ningguang lore and shit for that oneshot KDJFNFNF god I wish I can play genshin, all my gadgets r potato
HAHAHA I KNEW IT, THAT'S WHY U HAVE SO MUCH IDEAS JDHFHDHH I feel u losing passion but at least ur interest in reading is still there ❤
NOT YOU SENDING ANOTHER ANGST IDEA AFTER I WROTE THAT CHILDE FIC NOOOO!!! 😭😭 EVIL, CRUEL, I HATE YOU! /J I'm a FLUFF writer weekly anon, the childe fic was literally my first reader death fic 😤😤 I was even punishment !!
Hope ur doing great too!! Gl at school ❤
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dreamsclock · 3 years
for requests (so sorry if this is late, ignore it if it is): tommy and enderwalk!ranboo, some hurt/comfort after a nightmare maybe? idk I’ve always hc enderwalk as rlly affectionate because I Need These Vibes. sentence 6 but less angsty?
this is a sprawling mess fhdejhsf my apologies gl with everything!
I RLLY ENJOYED WRITING THIS ONE !!! i’m not very good at writing c!ranboo, but practise makes perfect - and i had a load of fun, as usual, writing c!tommy, who is probably my favourite character to write !! and hurt/comfort with mostly comfort isn’t something i usually write either so this was super fun :]
i incorporated sign language into this though i don’t speak sign, so i hope all portrayals of it were accurate !! i did research into it a little but of course my limited research isn’t going to be completely accurate - i hope nothing was offensive, and please reach out and let me know if it was !! i plan on learning sign soon but as for now my knowledge is limited jkadssjd
prompt: “forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.” (REQUESTS CLOSED)
warnings - hurt/comfort (mostly comfort), trauma, nightmares, indications of c!wilbur critical + c!quackity critical, implied c!dream critical (talking about c!tommy’s trauma), explosion mention, injury mention, PTSD, brief panic attack, happy ending 
This is how Ranboo finds Tommy late that night - curled up in a ball with his hands fisted in his hair roughly, breathing shallow and erratic.
He’s been staying at Snowchester for a while now, a couple of days turning into weeks with Tommy’s excuses growing lamer and more ridiculous by the minute - “I’m mourning Big Q not letting me gamble,” he’d told Tubbo that morning lazily between hungry bites of breakfast, “I’m gonna stay longer, bee boy.” Ranboo is convinced that isn’t the real reason he’s staying, especially in his Enderwalk state as he is right now, but he’s not about to pry into Tommy’s private life, not after everything (so maybe he’s still feeling unreasonably reasonably guilty about helping Dream when his mentor had been one of Tommy’s main abusers, so sue him, he’s not heartless, contrary to what his ‘awake self’ thinks). 
But as much as he refuses to pry, he also refuses to ignore clear signs of distress.
Like right now.
Tommy’s whole body tenses when Ranboo sits down across from him, but he doesn’t lift his head to look at the intruder to his makeshift room - a mattress strung on the floor of the main room and a blanket thrown to the other side of the room. Ranboo wonders if he’s crying, wonders what he should do if he is. Tubbo is physically clingy when he’s upset most of the times, but even he gets occasions where the slightest touch makes him worse. He knows Tommy is the opposite, and knows, regretfully, as much as he wants to embrace him, that it won’t help. Not right now.
He settles for a question, hands fluttering in sign as he speaks. “Nightmare?”
Tommy’s face doesn’t emerge from the depths of his palms. “What’s it fucking look like?” He mutters, but it’s not aggressive. He sounds drained. “Use your brains, memory boy.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Ranboo offers, keeping his voice casual. “Discuss or distract?”
That’s the system the three of them have very loosely established. Discuss or distract: because there are times when talking about issues is too much, and tonight looks to be one of those times. The little of Tommy’s face he can see is ashen and drawn, and when he twitches at the sound of Ranboo’s voice, Ranboo very gently touches Tommy’s shoulder and, when he shifts enough so he’s staring at the floor, Ranboo moves his hands where Tommy can see. 
Discuss or distract? He asks again, through sign this time, because Tommy’s hearing has been sensitive since exile, an explosion wrecking one of them and leaving him sensitive to noise, and he knows he’s made the right decision when tension slides out of Tommy’s shoulders. 
“Distract,” he says, lowly, and he moves his hands enough to slowly sign it back, enough to make Ranboo feel encouraged, “Michael.”
Ranboo has to smile. One relationship he’d never thought he’d see flourish had been the bond between Tommy and Michael - for someone who complained about children all the time, Tommy had befriended Michael quicker than he or Tubbo had thought. So he’s more than happy to fill him in on Michael. He talks about his son’s developments, his and Tubbo’s race to get him to say Dad or Papa, the pranks Michael is beginning to pull, his and Tubbo’s uncertainty about letting him outside - with everything going on, Ranboo explains, it doesn’t feel safe to yet. But he’s getting too old to keep in the house - it’s not the best, but it’s the only solution we have right now.
Tommy’s face, removed from his hands as Ranboo had continued, is blotchy and pale, but growing in liveliness as Ranboo signs his way through each sentence. He hates being stuck in there, Tommy signs back to him, and Ranboo notes the tremor in his hands is beginning to disappear from when he’d signed first that night, should take him on walks every week or two weeks. Or-
His eyes light up.
Build an underground area for him, he signs, movements sloppy and excited, like a playroom. Build a garden underground, let him see trees and water and shit. Like a training room but for the outside world.
Ranboo blinks, and then grins. Are you offering to build it for us? He teases. Tommy, that’s so thoughtful of you.
Forget it, Tommy signs back with his signature scowl, you’re a fucking asshole.
But he’s rolling his eyes, and though they’re red-rimmed, they’re not the dull grey colour they had been before, and Ranboo counts that as a win.
They spend most of the remainder of the night signing about plans for the underground area, and Ranboo has to admit, it’s a good idea. He even writes it down so he doesn’t forget when he switches back to his ‘awake state’ - he doesn’t miss the delight that crosses Tommy’s face when he tells him he doesn’t want to forget his idea.
You don’t have to pretend it’s good, Tommy tells him with an eye roll, most of what I does fails, I know that.
Ranboo pretends not to be caught off guard by the self deprecation, and tries to roll with it as best he can. That’s not true, he signs casually, your hotel looks good. It hasn’t failed.
Tommy scoffs. “’S Jack’s hotel,” he mutters, “not mine any more.”
“Things you build don’t fail because of you,” Ranboo switches back to using his voice for a moment, sincere, firm, “they fail because other people tear them down. That’s what happened with L’Manburg, right?”
“L’Manburg was Wilbur’s, Ranboo,” Tommy sighs, and he looks so old for a minute, so worn - Ranboo forgets sometimes that Tommy is seventeen, forgets that he’s been through so much in so little time, “it was never mine.”
This isn’t true. Everyone knows this isn’t true, surely, because L’Manburg had been everyone’s, but there’s nobody Ranboo associates the old L’Manburg with more than Tommy. And he shows him so - making sure he has his attention, Ranboo signs his name, not using letters, but using the motions for flower, and does the same to sign L’Manburg: a sign him and Tubbo had unconsciously developed months ago. A flower for Tommy, a flower for the old L’Manburg. Manberg is an explosion, New L’Manberg is promises (the same sign, coincidentally, he used to use for Tubbo until he chose a better one) and the war-days of L’Manburg, when they’re spoken about in sign, are represented with a simple broken promise. Tommy is flowers, early days L’Manburg is flowers, and for the first time, Ranboo sees Tommy make the connection, watches his face transform into something surprised and confused and painfully, quietly hopeful.
Allium, Ranboo signs carefully, I gave you it for a reason.
Tommy looks like he’s going to cry. He resorts to opening his mouth, closing it again, before shuffling over to let Ranboo sit closer to him. Ranboo, with silent permission from Tommy, wraps an arm around him, and pulls the blanket over them to keep them warm. Snowchester is painfully cold even in the mildest of summer nights. Tommy’s lips had been going a pale blue colour. Tommy grumbles and complains about Ranboo being too tall, about Ranboo’s limbs being everywhere, about Ranboo - but doesn’t budge from his position, staying exactly where he is. If he signs thank you to Ranboo, and uses the sign for flower for his name too, then Ranboo only feels warmth blossom in his heart, and stays silent about it.
This is how Tubbo finds Tommy the next morning - curled up at Ranboo’s side, a blanket draped over both of them, Tommy’s head leaning on Ranboo’s shoulder, breathing deep and even and a look of peace painting his face youthful.
Tubbo smiles, and backs out of the room. He’ll leave them a little longer to sleep.
taglist for writing (if you wanna be added or removed send an ask!): @pastelicious-nova  @kynamite  @chasingstarsandthemoonwith11  @cyanbutnotquite  @purpleglitch  @saltsasssnark  @elenath-s-misc  @carpedzem  @ruby-whistler  @prodigal-sunlight  @runninshoos  @dt-anon  @ronywillcox  @calculatingpillow  @kazo0-boy  @barely-corporeal  @ethereal-deadly-clover  @demi-and-awkward  @0325-4419  @fandom-theorist  @darkikyu  @faeholic  @sn1per-tank  @kath-is-being-weird  @dreamscat  @lady-star-strings  @namewastaken  @duckachu  @far2late @alpineripcord  @keorami  @astrariums  @gia3700  @dreamsmpsideblogging 
80 notes · View notes
So I feel like I’m walking a thin line between being a singlet and being a system. I make no claims to having alters but I make no claims to Not having them because frankly, it’s also likely with some experiences I have but could also be explained by other symptoms. I’m not in a rush to self dx, (but I am the type to rush into self dx because my family put a pressure on me to know Everything wrong with me or it wasn’t a big enough deal, but then if I knew Everything to extensive detail, then I’m either faking because I’m creating details that I simply wouldn’t know of if I actually had a problem. It’s a lose/lose), but I was wondering if you had any advice for the “idk what’s going on but I can’t afford a specialist and self dx doesn’t feel like the proper course of action” people?
My suggestion is to continue to research and continue to grow. You self dx as “idk somethings going on in this head of mine, I’m still working it out.”
Sounds like you definitely had the traumatic childhood tho, judging from how you just described your family. 😢 GL okay?
6 notes · View notes
More and longer theory chatter with @flash-the-geist with guest stars who popped in. This one is longer since it’s theorizing but turned into something Flash affectionately named the ‘Esprestissimo AU’ which I am keeping because I love it so much.
Most of this mainly features Duet thoughts and then shenanigans ! The most I did was add a missing thing in my own comments for clarification or that my brain skipped over when typing it before, or where I adjust the order of the messages for cohesiveness
please enjoy jdjd
flaaaash — Today at 4:35 AM
hmmm what if the note-taker is Duet, taking notes about "Solo"? that implies they're two different people
Arthur — Today at 4:36 AM
that's what i was thinking-- that the ‘He’ in the note is reverb, and this note is in reference to reverb, but also a comment on Solo, and the Duet 'wrote' this character profile as like-- a case file if they're in charge of the organization
so duet is like 'solo' claims she still needs to study him for research in a note on the file he's taking on reverb or something like that
flaaaash — Today at 4:37 AM
this might be my deep, unfortunate familiarity with bureaucracy talking, but- if the person in charge is also the one taking notes, it's a very small organization
Arthur — Today at 4:37 AM
oh yeah
i imagined it was tiny personally
tempo seems on the smaller side so if it's all based there, i was imagining it was relatively small
flaaaash — Today at 4:38 AM
not international then, perhaps
adkjfakjf oooh now I want to make a little card for Flash
Arthur — Today at 4:39 AM
yeah no-- at least since the name tempo of the town following the motif like seemingly implies it's based in/related to the town since if follows the reference style
or that's my thinking anyways?
flaaaash — Today at 4:39 AM
very true
imagine if Tempo is just Like That and the rest of the world is totally normal
Arthur — Today at 4:40 AM
i personally think vivi didn't grow up in tempo now more tho-- because i think if she did and there is an organization, they woulda gotten wind of her and she probably would've been recruited since she's smart and clearly into that kind of thing
and if she was in the org and knew what she was doing, i don't know if she would've gone to the cave if she was at all in the Know 
flaaaash — Today at 4:40 AM
or they would have tried to study Mystery?
Arthur — Today at 4:41 AM
that too!!
even if they brought her in just because of mystery i imagine they would've brought her in
flaaaash — Today at 4:41 AM
maybe that's what the "her research into "REDACTED" is referring to. Research into mystery?
it all does seem to come back to him
Arthur — Today at 4:42 AM
or maybe she's relatively new to tempo still, and duet gave her a job because they intended to bring her in at some point but hadn't yet
like there were steps to take and like-- the cave happened before things could get fully underway
i mean at my job i applied in like-- march, and i didn't get an interview until may, and then i didn't get any training until november, and then i didn't get brought in to learn the job until december. so it'd be easy to imagine that if there was a reason, bringing her in could be a slow process 
flaaaash — Today at 4:43 AM
that might also explain why there were all these "go back" signs in the cave
clearly someone with English language skills put the signage there
Arthur — Today at 4:43 AM
that too! it definitely felt like it was to warn off people and keep them from tresspassing
but the gang were kids and also ghost don't haunt the places that aren't super scary and dangerous! so of course they gotta go in!
flaaaash — Today at 4:45 AM
maybe they weren't expecting someone like Vivi at all
she was a wild card that popped up and threw a spanner in the works accidentally
Arthur — Today at 4:45 AM
i can imagine her just coming in and completely bamboozling everyone
duet is like 'okay we'll get her in on this but we'll take some time to sort everything and judge where she's at skill wise since we have time and it's not like she can get into any danger with all our protective me--oh no'
flaaaash — Today at 4:48 AM
that calls Duet's motivation into question a lil bc - there's at least a significant amount of time between Lewis dying and them finding him again
since their search is reasonably extensive and Arthur's had time to heal up. So why didn't Duet do anything during this time?
Arthur — Today at 4:50 AM
hmmmm--- well we know it's been less than a year since the cave happened at least, and i think the way Ben talked about it  sounded like it was a relatively short time table of only a few months, so maybe they wanted to give them recovery time or they weren't sure how to broach it-- i'm not sure. maybe the comic will give some kind of insight hopefully if the case is that vivi came in like that
i feel like it'd be interesting and make more sense given what she has available magic wise and mystery-wise if she wasn't in town until much later in life to explain why she wouldn’t already be working with the organization. but i'm still like hmm
because you do have a point that there would be a fair bit of inaction, unless for some reason vivi's memory issues or something was a problem or something happens in the prequel to explain or hint
tho now that brings into question if duet knows Lewis is dead, how are things not being managed better
i mean i've had arthur say in the past and i've said once or twice that like-- i think arthur was already working with prosthetics. so he could've had an arm mostly built and just had to make a more functioning one so that could've been fast. so hopefully maybe the prequel comic is set a bit before and might explain duet helping or something in a way that could make sense of it?
especially given he did make galaham's wheels already and such. he might've already built one but needed to make a new one set up for him
flaaaash — Today at 4:54 AM
I'm fairly sure people would at least know he's missing
I guess it's possible that the 'memory magic' thing that makes Vivi forget - it could affect everyone except Arthur and Mystery?
Arthur — Today at 4:56 AM
that's possible--
we have only seen mystery and arthur in the world seeming to know what's going on, so we don't know who knows what. just that vivi doesn't know lewis
but maybe nobody else does either to some degree
flaaaash — Today at 4:56 AM
Arthur being possessed at the time, and Mystery being a magical being himself. We don't have any evidence that anyone else remembers Lewis, although he seems to still be in pictures
Arthur — Today at 4:57 AM
people did seem confused arthur was freaking out in the store in the comic and like
idk. if i knew he lost his best friend i'd be more sympathetic/not look at him like he was crazy. I’d assume something set him off but probably feel bad for him if i knew what happened in the last year?
because i would imagine mental health is in the toilet after going on a trip and losing a friend even if he was only 'missing'
and the way arthur mentioned lewis and when vivi forgets he's just like 'nevermind'. if no one really remembers Lewis, then maybe giving up trying to explain is because he’s used to no one knowing who he means
flaaaash — Today at 4:58 AM
yea h
Arthur — Today at 4:58 AM
what if arthur only remembers lewis? (and mystery does)
Don't forget to take your meds ❤ — Today at 4:58 AM
In fairness most people would be confused if they saw someone having a panic attack in public, no matter how much was known about the person
flaaaash — Today at 4:58 AM
also if Lewis looked like himself for a moment just before dropping Arthur - does that mean Lance saw him?
or did he only see skele-version and thus didn't recognize him as Lewis
Arthur — Today at 4:58 AM
hmmmmm--- i lean to skele vision. he turned back pretty quick iirc
flaaaash — Today at 4:59 AM
I'm torn between analysing between a storyteller perspective and an in-world perspective
Arthur — Today at 5:01 AM
por que no los dos?
hmmm-- i think given people were like 'what's up with that guy', it seemed either not knowing what was going on with him or what it could stem from, but if lewis disappeared in a small town i feel like a lot of the details would've spread. so they might assume it had to do with that instead-- so it feels like maybe most people don't know
which seems strange in a smaller community because stuff gets around
flaaaash — Today at 5:01 AM
especially since the Peppers own a restaurant
Arthur — Today at 5:01 AM
yeah-- in a small town place a restuarant is usually a social hub of sorts
so if lewis disppeared i'm sure people would talk given he was a waiter and thus kind of a face for the restaurant
flaaaash — Today at 5:02 AM
also if they think he's missing and not dead, his family would be looking for him too. which means missing persons pics and all that
Arthur — Today at 5:02 AM
yeah and we didn’t see any. and some people not knowing or visitors i could get, but everyone seemed surprised by arthur freaking out, and if they knew lewis was missing and lewis and arthur were friends, it feels odd to like-- none of them to even look sympathetic
i would imagine if they knew lewis was gone they'd assume arthur would be more emotionally reactive than usual-- unless they have no idea that something is going on with arthur because you know-- lewis is erased jdjd
i mean the reason we know vivi doesn't remember is because her eyes glowed as lewis got phased out of the photo
but who knows maybe him being phased out was in general and that just meant she was affected too. everyone gets amnesia
flaaaash — Today at 5:03 AM
also slightly cracky theory but - if they ended up accidentally in the research facility during Ghost, that would explain why Vivi found a fully-stocked fridge alkja;gl
Arthur — Today at 5:04 AM
that would be hilarious
lewis is his own scp in his tantrum mansion
they just keep an eye on the lot
flaaaash — Today at 5:05 AM
well what else are they gonna do with him??? xD
Arthur — Today at 5:05 AM
''welp no one knows who this guy is soooooo manor in the middle of nowhere time'
flaaaash — Today at 5:06 AM
"so the waiter turned into a vengeful spirit?" "oh uhhhh ok put him in a box i guess until we figure something out?"
ok theory- Duet knows Lewis is dead, but is trying to figure out a way to help/break the memory magic on Vivi, and that's why he's in the mansion/cave for a while before Ghost?
Arthur — Today at 5:06 AM
i like it! i think them knowing and approaching arthur in the comic and using 'rancid vibes' as an excuse would make sense
flaaaash — Today at 5:07 AM
"so that Vivi person wandered in again somehow and now the vengeful waiter ghost is loose?" "for fuck's sake you had ONE JOB-"
Arthur — Today at 5:07 AM
they know what's actually going on but they kinda act like everyone else while also getting arthur something that might help him in that book that i think will be important in the plot of the prequel
flash you have the biggest brain
 flaaaash — Today at 5:08 AM
"also there was this killer tree-" "I do not care about the tree, one problem at a time"
Poor Duet is having A Week
but the mental image of them trying to avoid Arthur and Vivi investigating, while trying to find ??? and re-capture him while shoving Lewis in a box is hilarious, and then they run into Shiromori and just throw their hands in the air like "can u not????". And then Murder Mystery shows up and they just quit
Arthur — Today at 5:10 AM
duet is just like
on their tenth cup of coffee
Don't forget to take your meds ❤ — Today at 5:10 AM
Arthur: Those are rookie numbers
Arthur — Today at 5:11 AM
they see murder mystery and go back inside the shop like 'can you add like 5 espresso shots to this'
flaaaash — Today at 5:11 AM
explains why they're like "Arthur pls your vibes. Do you KNOW what I've been dealing with"
Arthur — Today at 5:11 AM
flaaaash — Today at 5:11 AM
"five extra shots and a red bull chaser please-"
Arthur — Today at 5:12 AM
(also just still crosses my fingers for medium/spiritually-sensitive!arthur to be canon but if not it will live on in my fannon)
they just start shoving coffee grounds directly into their mouth
flaaaash — Today at 5:12 AM
this series has a lot of antagonists
akjdalgj just crunching beans down whole
Arthur — Today at 5:13 AM
i need-- to draw duet
looking tired with a coffee
flaaaash — Today at 5:14 AM
Duet with a giant cup of coffee, staring at Murder Mystery with a deadpan stare and going "Absolutely not, I forbid it, there is not enough coffee in the WORLD."
Arthur — Today at 5:14 AM
flash and will if i share this chatter on tumblr would you be okay with it ? or would u rather i block out names if i do
i feel like some of this is hilarious and people need to experience it
flaaaash — Today at 5:14 AM
akdflaf no go for it
I will out myself as a sham of a storyboarder
Arthur — Today at 5:15 AM
duet is that gif of the ghost busters lady going 'mmm nope not today, room full of nightmares'
and turning and walking away
duet is doing their best and needs a nap
tired as Arthur
flaaaash — Today at 5:15 AM
Duet walking around the corner to see the gang facing down Murder Mystery: swivels on one foot and goes right back the way they came
Arthur — Today at 5:15 AM
ldjldljd EXACTLY
Don't forget to take your meds ❤ — Today at 5:16 AM
Arthur — Today at 5:16 AM
like look at this person
look at their eyebags
they are Tired
they have deal with this bullshittery
they have sass to provide
but they also are Tired and done with this shit
flaaaash — Today at 5:16 AM
I want Duet and Arthur playing a game of caffeine chicken
Marshy — Today at 5:16 AM
Huge massive sigh as they see the whole bullshit situation go down and turns around to go back to the bookshop
flaaaash — Today at 5:16 AM
just lined up at the cafe bar, espresso shots in rows down the counter as they lock eyes-
who shall win- the CAFFEINE-OFF?
Arthur — Today at 5:17 AM
pls if you right that i will pay you money
or maybe art
Marshy — Today at 5:17 AM
It's me I'll win
flaaaash — Today at 5:17 AM
Arthur — Today at 5:17 AM
i'm rooting for you take those nerds OUT
flaaaash — Today at 5:18 AM
"Duet gives him a look of Supreme Weariness and Nopery. Arthur counters with a double eye-roll of Resignation and Angst. In the true synchronicity of the Absolutely Done, they each take an espresso shot and slam it down."
Arthur — Today at 5:20 AM
they clink the little cups together first before taking their respective shots
flaaaash — Today at 5:21 AM
they do the thing where they turn it upside down to prove it's empty
by the fifth they're trying to outcompete each other with anecdotes
by the tenth they've moved onto toasting each other
Arthur — Today at 5:21 AM
Don't forget to take your meds ❤ — Today at 5:22 AM
The anecdotes get concerningly similar to each others
flaaaash — Today at 5:22 AM
by the twelfth, Arthur begins weeping. Duet pats him in solidarity and knocks the next shot clean off the counter due to caffeine-induced twitching
Arthur — Today at 5:22 AM
want them to be friends now
flaaaash — Today at 5:23 AM
by the thirteenth, the barista stages an intervention and starts giving them decaf
by this point, they don't notice 
Arthur — Today at 5:23 AM
thank you they owe you their life
they could taste the difference if they weren't vibrating into the 28the dimension atm
flaaaash — Today at 5:24 AM
after the fifteenth shot, the counter is clear and they're both full of sympathetic outrage for the other's plight. They sprint from the cafe, steamroll right over Shiromori, and punt the colours right out of Murder Mystery in a fit of industrial-strength caffeinated indignance.
Don't forget to take your meds ❤ — Today at 5:24 AM
Arthur — Today at 5:25 AM
flaaaash — Today at 5:25 AM
The newly Monochromatic Mystery has to then help Vivi contain the pair before they wipe all paranormal activity off the face of Tempo.
Arthur — Today at 5:25 AM
that's how the fifth video ends
flaaaash — Today at 5:25 AM
Lewis narrowly escapes by hiding in a box. THE END
Arthur — Today at 5:25 AM
beautiful thank u flash
i owe you my life
flaaaash — Today at 5:25 AM
you're welcome it's my magnum opus
Arthur — Today at 5:26 AM
A+ story telling
i'm including it in the post
flaaaash — Today at 5:26 AM
it's okay I don't have a reputation to ruin xD
Arthur — Today at 5:26 AM
this is a callout for flash being the funniest person alive--
or undead
flaaaash — Today at 5:27 AM
Arthur — Today at 5:27 AM
i thought about it and corrected myself xDD
flaaaash — Today at 5:30 AM
ok I have no idea if anyone will get this pun, but I dub this the Esprestissimo AU
Arthur — Today at 5:36 AM
music puns but espressos EXTRA ESPRESSOLY
flaaaash — Today at 5:49 AM
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baeshijima · 3 years
What weapon is better for Eula Skyward pride or Snowsliver?? (The one from dragonspine)
Tumblr media
okay so i haven’t been on genshin for a few weeks so i’ve had to do some research into her build and playstyle bUT !!! from what i’ve gathered she’s mainly a phys dps/carry (?)
if u were to produce constant cryo output when attacking w auto atks (like chongyun, for example), i think snowtomb would be a lot better for utilising the passive icicle bonus, but if u want more dmg overall then skyward would be better !! though, if u want more phys dmg bonus then u can use snowtomb but just have good atk & atk% rolls on artifacts
obv level her up bc she’ll most likely be one of ur main dps’, and getting the extra crit dmg when ascending her is really good too !!
for artifacts, 4 pc pale flame would be good if u can farm it (idk what stage of the game ur at so dhsksjs) !! it gives 25% phys dmg which benefits her a lot and she has a low cd on her skill press (4 secs) so it’s easily spammable for the stacks, and the hold (10 secs) lasts just a bit longer than the 4 pc effect (7 secs)
when rolling artifacts, u want to focus on crit dmg ; crit rate ; atk% ; er ; flat atk for the sub stats.
for the last 3 artifact pieces, the main stats u want on them would be :
timepiece : atk%
goblet : physical dmg bonus%
circlet : crit dmg / crit rate (depending on the ratio between the two when u have everything together)
i hope this helped and made sense :’) gl in building eula <33
9 notes · View notes
Something about the last anon really isn't sitting well with me cuz like
I really hope they meant that you should hear criticism from those who are also part of a group that you're portraying in your story because lack of knowledge about said group may lead to accidentally offending them, possibly even harming them.
But also I really hope they didn't mean that you're not allowed to write a certain type of character if you're a certain type of person just because you two are different unless you have the approval of someone.
Idk maybe I'm just pulling this out of my ass.
I mean , i didnt have plans to write any BL/GL stories until i've read enough stories like that. More than anything for information. Also im gonna need to do research for some more things but im okay with that.
I dont mind taking advice from lesbian people , or anyone at all , so i hope i'll do a good job writing and not offend anyone (one of my best friends is lesbian too so i dont wanna upset them :( )
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jwywrld · 4 years
genre: fluff & slight angst
pairing: jung wooyoung (ateez) x fem reader
word count: 1900+ words
warnings: mention of loss of loved ones
summary: you don’t like phone calls but your history partner, wooyoung, insists on calling you for your project. frankly, he just wants to hear your voice.
a/n: hii i’m rly new to writing and this is my first post :) i’m rly nervous shdjs hope you like it! if i made any typos or errors i’m so sorry (also the title sucks im so sorry i really didn’t know what to name it)
ring! ring!
with a roll of your eyes, you pick up your phone. “ugh who is it. don’t they know i hate phone calls?” looking at the caller id, you saw that it was your history partner, wooyoung.
“hey! i heard we’re paired together for the history project!” a black haired boy chirped, bouncing up to you. “yeah.” you replied with a sigh. it was wooyoung, the nicest and most cheerful boy in your class. he seemed nice but you thought it was all an act. how could anyone be so nice to everyone all the time? it’s probably just to gain popularity. he was kinda cute though you had to admit. “great! just give me your number so we can work on it together.” he smiled, handing you his phone. after you keyed in your phone number, you turned and left, asking him to text you when he wanted to work on the project.
feeling your phone vibrate in your hand, you looked at it, seeing it was a text from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: hi! is this y/n?
y/n: who are you?
Unknown Number: it’s wooyoung, your history partner
y/n: oh
wooyoung my history partner: can we start on the history project now? i wanna start on it earlier so we don’t have to rush it
y/n: can we start tomorrow
kinda tired now
wooyoung my history partner: sure! :)
“hi y/n!”
“why did you call me?”
“um.. because we have to work on the project?”
“wow didn’t know that. i meant why did you have to call me. can’t we just text?”
“calling is waaaayyy easier though!”
“i don’t like phone calls.”
you hung up.
about 3 seconds later, you got a text from wooyoung.
wooyoung my history partner: HEY!! why’d u do that! >:0
y/n: i told you. i don’t like phone calls. can’t we discuss over text?
wooyoung my history partner: No.
y/n: ugh
wooyoung my history partner: :D
immediately after, you heard your phone ring again. you sighed and picked it up.
“so... we have to choose between the mexican-american war or the cold war right?” you asked.
the two of you talked about the project for about an hour, researching and sharing the information you had found with each other, then collating it. in between, you guys made small talk and he told you a few jokes, causing you to let out small chuckles.
“ok that’s it for today. i still have work to do.” you said, your brain not being able to take any more history.
“ok bye—”
that wasn’t that bad! maybe phone calls weren’t as bad as you thought they were.
about 3 days later, you were practising some math questions. however, no matter how many times you tried it, you just couldn’t understand it. you decided to move on to the next question, only to find out that you were stuck as wel. frustrated, you felt the wet hot tears build up in your eyes. why do i have to be so dumb? why can’t i understand it right away? to make it worse, your exams were in two weeks and you had so much to catch up on. sitting at your table, you sobbed, the tears streaming down your cheeks uncontrollably.
feeling your phone vibrate furiously on the table, you saw that wooyoung was calling you. you declined it, wiping the tears away from your face.
wooyoung my history partner: why did you decline my call :((
y/n: do we really have to call???
wooyoung my history partner: i don’t understand! why do you hate calling people so much?
“y/n, your dad and i are going to be staying in New Zealand for a while to take care of gramps. i know you’re only 16 and it’ll be hard to be living alone but we’ll try to be back as soon as possible. we promise.”
“mom... why do i have to be left alone here?”
“sweetie.. we don’t have a choice.. gramps is really sick and needs someone to take care of him. i promise we’ll be back as soon as we can.”
those were the last words you had heard from your parents before they had gotten into a serious car accident right afteryour grandpa had passed. you had prayed for them to be okay for days, but to no avail. they had passed, leaving you, a 16 year old girl to fend for herself. after that incident, phone calls only reminded you of the day when the nurse had called you, informing you that your parents didn’t make it. it was one of the hardest years of your life, having to cope with the loss of your parents, grandpa and also having to get used to being alone. it had been 2 years and your aunt had been paying for the bills, insisting that you only repay her in the future when you had a stable job and income.
y/n: idk
wooyoung my history partner: wtv i’m still calling you idc
accepting defeat, you picked up the call, trying to calm your shaky voice.
“hi.” you said softly, your voice quivering.
“y/n? are you okay?” the concern in his voice genuine.
how did he pick that up from one word???
“yeah i’m fine. let’s just do this.” you sniffed.
“i’m not stupid y/n. but if you don’t wanna talk about it that’s okay.”
“thank you.” you croaked.
you let him do most of the talking while you typed down the points. after the discussion, you completely broke down again. not only because of stress but also because wooyoung’s question had reminded you of your parents.
“mom... dad... why did you have to go... i miss you so much. when can ever be happy again?”
after a week of calling wooyoung on the phone and discussing, you realised that you actually enjoyed talking to him. you also learned some things about him like how he was afraid of bugs and loved puppies. you also heard him talk about his younger brother and how much he missed him while he was staying at the dorms in school.
wooyoung my history partner: helloooo do you wanna meet tmr after school at the library to do the board
y/n: ok
wooyoung my history partner: can you bring the board & markers? i’ll bring paper & glue.
y/n: ok
wooyoung my history partner: ugh you’re such a dry texter
y/n: what did you expect me to reply to that???
wooyoung my history partner: ...
y/n: exactly.
wooyoung my history partner: ok wtv see you tomorrow!!! :))
y/n: c u 2
why did you feel so nervous at the thought of meeting him tomorrow?
“hey woo” it was a nickname you had given him in the past week, thinking it was short and cute.
“hey y/n! did you bring the stuff?”
“ok great”
you worked side by side, writing down the different notes and points, blushing when your hands accidentally brushed and mumbling a small ‘sorry’.
after two hours, your board was finally done!
“all that’s left to do is present”
“ugh that’s the WORST part”
“come onn y/n you know it’s graded! so let’s just do it properly”
a day later, before you called to practise your presentation. a thougut you had been pushing back popped into your head.
what happens to us after this project? i still want to stay friends. will he just pretend like nothing happened?
worry creeped in at the thought of being alone again without having anyone to talk to, even if the two of you did not talk much in school. however, others had noticed him occasionally staring at you during classes or breaks.
halfway through practising the presentation, curiosity and fear kicked in and you couldn’t help but blurt out
“woo what’ll happen to us after.. you know.. this?”
“what do you mean?”
“are we still gonna be.. friends?”
“why shouldn’t we be???”
“i don’t know.. i just thought.. maybe you wouldn’t have a reason to hang out with me anymore..”
“what?? you’re crazy. of course we can still be friends!! anyway let’s drop this subject and continue from where we left off.”
after hearing his words, you felt assured and relaxed. when another question popped into your head.
“woo? why do you like calling me so much?”
“i just... it’s just... weren’t we talking about the first phase of the cold war?” he cleared his throat.
“wooooooo~ you didn’t answer my question” you whined.
“how about we just focus on the project y/n?”
about half a year passed and you and wooyoung had soon become best friends. you facetimed each other everyday, talking about how your day went or ranting about the annoying teachers and classmates. you had told him about your parents, explaining why you were awkward and dry with people
what he didn’t know was that you had quickly developed feelings for him, but hiding it because you were scared of how he would react and afraid that you might lose your relationship with him.
it was one of the rare occasions when you were at his dorm, seated beside each other on the purple velvet sofa, just enjoying each other’s company while watching a movie.
“woo, remember when i asked you that question like. a while ago?”
“what question”
“why did you like calling me so much?”
“well... i... i... i guess i just had to do the history project with you?”
“we both know we could have just made a google document... so... why? i’m honestly soooo curious so just tell meeeeeee”
“fine. ijustlikedhearingyourvoiceiguess” he replied, cheeks turning pink.
“... you what”
“i just.. wanted to hear your voice you know?”
“anyway y/n. what i’m trying to say is. i like you. a lot. i- i was scared to say this to you because i don’t want to lose our friendship but.. i don’t think i can keep this in anymore. i like you, y/n.”
gasping at his sudden confession and not knowing how to react, you just stared at him with wide eyes.
“ah shit i’ve screwed this up. i’m sorry y/n just. please ignore what i said.” he bit his lip.
“i... i- may or may not like you too?” you managed to squeak out, cheeks rosy.
suddenly, you felt a pair of lips on yours, eyes widening at his sudden movement. it was a short but sweet kiss, causing you to turn even redder than you already were.
“oh god y/n you don’t know how worried i’ve been about this. i’m so glad that you.. feel the same away about me!” he babbled.
“i..i’m afraid though, woo. what if... what if i lose you too? like i lost my parents.” your voice started to shake and tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of that.
he cupped your face in his hand, wiping your tears with his thumb.
“hey.. don’t say that alright? i’m here. i’m right here. i’m not leaving you.”
he pulled you in for a hug while you cried into his chest, letting the tears run. he held you in his arms until you stopped crying.
“how ‘bout i take you out on a date this saturday hm? how’s that sound?” he said, lifting your chin up so you would meet his eyes.
“great!” you smiled softly, melting into his gaze.
the next two hours were just spent cuddling, your head pressed against his chest, breathing in his scent while your legs were tangled up and he played with your hair and left little kisses on your head. it was the first time in a long time you had felt so happy, heart fluttering and exploding because you knew, finally, you weren’t alone anymore. wooyoung was here. and that was all that mattered.
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whitmore · 4 years
I am very curious about how things work in the Stargirl tvshow universe. You know unlike the comics where court got the staff, here the staff chooses her so it means that she is everything that syl tells Pat a staff holder should have. I am just wondering why isn't the GL ring choosing her then. She certainly seems like someone who would be fit to be one. What do you think?
again i know NOTHING abt gl and gl lore (i can NAME the lanterns idk anything abt them) but i don’t think green lantern corps exist on the same earth as stargirl? not that i respect the cw but the crisis thing showed glc on a different earth than stargirl so that could explain it but w/e. i don’t respect the cw. they’ve name dropped green lantern multiple times but i do think it’s a roulette to whether they call it that because,,, it’s literally a Green. Lantern. or bc green lantern corps actually exist on that world and they’re planning on introducing one later (alan scott isn’t a member of glc!). again i don’t know the parameters for becoming a gl or like how it works or happens but like. isn’t it abt willpower or something (ASHJHJSJB i know NOTHING about lantern corps huh) (do not explain lanterns to me if i want to know i’ll start my extensive research)
more on the staff “choosing” her tho bc that IS my area of expertise. i know the show is trying to push the dna-sylvester’s her dad fakeout (imo) but given i don’t believe in that, let’s take that elsewhere. i’m not personally a huge fan of the whole “staff chooses courtney” thing, because it kind of takes away courtney’s choice; one of my favourite parts of her original character is that SHE chooses to be a hero to piss pat off. she doesn’t feel any obligation because the staff chooses her. unlike most heroes, she doesn’t have this tragic traumatic backstory that formed her into being a hero. court did it to piss pat off, and she acknowledges that her start as a hero wasn’t entirely pure and good-intentioned, and she tries to become better. i think it makes court into a different character; it doesn’t necessarily make for a BAD change, i just personally feel a bit strange about it. anyway, back to the original point; why did the staff choose courtney?
whether it’s magic or science, or both, the staff sees courtney’s potential (idk if gl rings do that). it’s important to note that the staff is undeniably powerful, and being in the wrong hands could be disastrous. choosing a wielder for the staff, both in the show and in comics, is HIGHLY important. jack knight chooses courtney (at that time, star spangled-kid) because he sees himself in her, and tells her to use the staff (rod) when she’s ready. this differentiates from the show, where the staff pushes her to be stargirl immediately. i think this difference contributes to her increased impulsivity in the show; instead of the staff and stargirl mantle teaching her to be better, the staff somehow kind of made her more impulsive and reckless (it’s something she’ll eventually grow from, like one step back two steps forward, but i think it’s an important character difference to point out).
acknowledging the staff’s sentience means that the staff probably saw in courtney how sylvester used to be, how ted used to be, if jack exists, how jack used to be. the staff sees how she can grow, her potential, and how she CAN be a hero. it starts to attune itself to her the minute she’s close enough to do so. the staff chooses court because it knows court can choose to be better, and be a hero.
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I usually don't post stuff about furries mostly on my dA account but I got question for ya'll gotcha life but I'm saying which one:
How come you GL get away with shit?Like examples: GL Heats,Stealing/Tracing,the bullies don't attack ya'll,ect?But if comes to us furries we get bullied(cyber bullied),death threats,never get any fuckin' respect,get treated like animals when we're really not it's hobby (do your fucking research about Furries),ect.
I don't understand that can you GL community answer that for us furries?This isn't really fair to furries if don't get the damn respect why should you?I don't like GL heat,I hate fake GL depessions,I also hate GL child abusers too.I mean WTF we lost two folks to the furry community one killed themselves due to the hate of furry hate comments and another died from Idk what but you GL community don't fucking care. :/
I mean seriously aren't you GL guys waiting for GL 2 to come out?Well it won't because you GL folks just ruined it: It's an innocent game like the saying goes: One bad apple spoils the whole bunch the creator of the game isn't even comfortable with the GL heats so you probably won't get your GL 2 you've been wanting for so don't get your hopes up I prefer safe GL if I see gore in them that's different!
But as said before: How come you GL get away with shit?Like examples: GL Heats,Stealing/Tracing,the bullies don't attack ya'll,ect?But if comes to us furries we get bullied(cyber bullied),death threats,never get any fuckin' respect,get treated like animals when we're really not it's hobby (do your fucking research about Furries),ect.
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