#idek what tags to use
bunnyshipper2001 · 1 year
Some Kyle Headcanons I Have:
-Short, short, short, springs up to either 5’4” or 5’7” and never grows after that
-He loves his curls but keeps them in the hat because it keeps them out of his face (and he puts it into a ponytail b/c he isn’t giving anybody/anything the opportunity to yank it — he eventually goes no hat at all in 10th grade)
-9/10 is probably Autistic (is also fairly good at masking)
-Has OCD, can’t convince me otherwise
-8/10 has BPD or Bipolar
-Sleep? What sleep? His schedule is an on-and-off relationship
-Gay and Demisexual af
-On the basketball team, volleyball team, track team, and does winter sports recreationally because he’s a sporty boy
-Is also apart of theatre club, student council, and debate team because he wants as many extracurriculars on his college applications as possible (also, he enjoys being apart of various things he takes special interests in)
-He’s really good at playing musical instruments (guitar, violin, and piano specifically) and writing compositions but keeps it mostly to himself for various reasons, most involving Stan
-Insecure af to the point he never actually notices when someone is crushing/in love with him because he’s a) believing he’s undeserving or unlovable, b) oblivious as all fuck, c) misinterpreting all the social cues, or d) all of the above (insecurity is pretty/kind of canon though, lol) 😅
-Adding onto above that he’s praise driven and approval seeking to the point he looses his sense of self trying to live up to others expectations and opinion of him
-Sweater vests, turtle necks, and button-ups with corduroy or dark-coloured slacks (but also sweats when he’s wanting a lazy day)
-Goes back and forth between indie pop and alt. Rock music (his playlists are a mix of both)
-His anxiety and sadness almost always presents as irritation/frustration, so everybody typically assumes he’s pissed off when it’s the exact opposite (which then causes him to actually get angry later on)
-Contrary to what others around him think, he keeps most of his thoughts and feelings to himself (bottled up inside of him). While he’s almost always vocal about his opinions on the world and people around him, things that pertain specifically to himself are kept hidden because he doesn’t want to burden others with his issues (after all the problems he’s had with Stan or seen from him— he feels just as unheard by his sbf and others but he doesn’t feel like he can actually talk about his own problems, especially when Stan has a habit of going into “woe-is-me” and making it all about Wendy or Randy)
-He never actually had a crush on Heidi and has only thought of her as a good friend— his obsession over it was mainly due to two different facts: the first, he saw parts of himself in Heidi (smart, strong morals, wanting to extend a hand to others) and didn’t like he could see himself in that position (abused/misguided) and felt he needed to destroy it so it wouldn’t destroy a metaphorical version of himself. The second, he wasn’t about to turn a blind eye to verbal/emotional abuse, manipulation, or even assault (which, considering Heidi was vegan and Cartman switched her food and lied about it -food tampering- is considered a form of assault, especially as introducing meat proteins to someone who’s been vegan for even a couple of months or year can cause the individual to become physically sick) and his concern was misinterpreted by the girls (who didn’t seem to give a shit about it as they already tried convincing Heidi in a way that pushed her right back into Cartman’s arms and made her less likely to look for help, sadly) as him being in love and Kyle just went with it because he’s impressionable
-Hand gestures (talking w/ hands) and yiddish/hebrew are a must for emphasis— and for insulting people without getting in trouble at school 😈
-Everyone wants to do him, he only wants to do like 2 people if any at all
-Apart of the Petty, Dramatic Bitch™️ Squad (made up of himself, Cartman, Bebe, and Kenny, for clarification)
-Psychoanalyses everyone and everything
-Spends hours thinking about the who, what, when, why, and how of the universe and the human condition— goes down his own self-made rabbit holes as a consequence
-Should have probably been a philosophy professor ngl
Some of these are kinda canon in a way, but also kinda unofficial so whatever 🤷🏼
I have like 20+ more but i’m stopping the list here for now
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discocactusblogs · 5 months
With the cost of fast food rising, it's got me like "Man, now I need to go grocery shopping and look up more recipes." Then I'm like "I am one step closer to being the cottagecore girlie of my dreams."
To clarify, I don't eat fast food often, but like, I like having the option when I forget to meal prep and taco Tuesdays comes lol.
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lowbudgetdragons · 1 year
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a few silly little drawings because i found a shiny blue gel pen
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farraigenafeile · 2 years
Of Hiding Spots and Refuges - Ch1
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N/A: It's been a hot minute since I've posted a fanfic on Tumblr, so bear with me please. This is just the first chapter and the second one is almost finished - might go up on AO3 earlier than on here.
Description: Just a platonic and comforting Steve&Robin bonding moment after Steve finds Robin in an unexpected position. (sounds vague but I don't want to spoil it!) Content warnings: maybe bad parenting, but just hinted at. 2nd chapter also has mentions of hom*phobia. Let me know if there's anything else I should flag.
... Chapter 1
There were only a few things Steve despised more than closing shifts. The evening dragged on and he had way too many things to check before making sure that he could in fact close the shop. Robin had left already but and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember saying bye to her. She’s been acting a little weird, actually, weirder than usual Robin. 
He tried to think whether she might have mentioned where she went, but he also didn’t really pay that much attention to what was going on. She must have been tired or have other things on her mind. Steve took off some of his uniform and the sailor hat and stuffed them into a locker, putting on his own jacket. Then, he swept the floors and dusted the counters off crumbs with his fingers. The opening shift would probably take care of the rest anyway.
Just when he closed the security grill, he heard a small rattling sound coming from the back of the changing room. He rolled it back up and the sound went quiet immediately. ‘Hello?’ He called out, his brows furrowed. His thoughts immediately went to intruders or pests. His salary was however too low to go in and deal with those. Admittedly though, he was a little too curious and reckless not to go and check. Steve Harrington has not watched many horror films, but even he knew enough to reckon that his erratic behaviour could result in pretty unwarranted results. His idiocy took over and he stepped into the back closet, wielding a wrench they had hidden at the back of the Scoops counter. For emergencies. In case of monsters.

He barged into the supply closet, letting out something between a gasp and a yell. It was Robin. Hiding. 
Honestly, how long did Steve even need to close the damn shop? Robin leaned against the cold metal wall and took a couple breaths. Just a few minutes and she’d be alone. What would she even do? She wasn’t sure. That troubleshooting would take place once that issue occurred. Right now, she just hoped to be left alone in the whole of Starcourt, where nobody could find her. Or she hoped so. As far as she was aware, there were no alarms or night security guards. 
Once she heard the grill close shut, she wanted to reach over to her pile of clothes to change from the Scoops uniform. In the most inconvenient moment, she lost her balance and accidentally brushed against a box full of screws and it toppled over, rattling across the floor. Robin closed her eyes tightly. She could hear Steve open the store again and crouched further into the supply closet. Robin felt herself trembling and refused to take a single breath. Suddenly, the door swung open. Robin was looking right back at Steve, cowering in the corner.


‘Robin?’ Steve looked both shocked and a little worried. He reached out his hand to help her get up, but she shook her head, now no longer looking up at him, but looking down to her side, her lips pressed together, as if she was angry or even ashamed that he found her. Steve didn’t hesitate and plopped down right next to her. ‘What’s up, did you want to have a nice sleepover at Scoops Ahoy?’ He teased to diffuse the tension, but something was in fact telling him, that the situation was a bit graver than he assumed. 
Robin looked back at him, a weak smile dancing briefly across her face. ‘Yeah, childhood dream and all that,’ she replied, her voice hollow. ‘Okay,’ Steve replied, clearly not convinced. His eyes glanced over to the small shelves, seeing that Robin definitely seemed to have some supplies there. A toothbrush, some towels, a change or two of clothes, some medication and a book. Their eyes met again. ‘Hey, Robin, do you wanna tell me something?’ Steve asked gently. Robin was quiet. ‘I’ve been staying here for a bit after work,’ she said quietly. Steve gaped at her for just a second. He was itching to ask why, but he hoped that Robin would tell him. 
‘I stayed here last night as well,’ she continued. Steve realised that he was the one leaving early last night since Dustin asked him to come over. He made sure that Robin would be okay closing down, as she has done so multiple times at this point. But now he had to admit that she already acted a bit off yesterday. He might have just been too dense to realise. Or, and maybe that was the more feasible option, she was better at hiding it. He was only just now noticing the dark circles under her eyes. Not surprising since she slept here, among the fluorescent buzzing lights on a cold metal floor, probably only having her clothes or the Scoops uniform to lie on and cover herself with. 
‘I’m sure it’s a great camping spot, but… why?’ Steve couldn’t fight his curiosity anymore and just flat out asked. 
‘I got kicked out,’ Robin said just as bluntly. 
‘Out of home?’ Steve asked again, instinctively moving closer to Robin. Somehow, it hasn’t crossed his mind that Robin would stay here out of necessity. For some reason, he just hoped that it was all a part of some crazy scheme or a lost bet. 
Robin just nodded her head.
‘Wanna talk about it?’ 

Robin shook her head. 

‘Okay, um…’ Steve said, slapping his knees to help himself think. ‘Well you know, you’re welcome at my house, if you need somewhere to crash.’ He said, getting up again. Robin seemed stumped for a second, then laughed a little bit, but her eyes were filled with tears for a brief second. 
‘No, no, I’ll be fine,’ she shook her head decisively. 
‘Bullshit, come on,’ Steve said, his tone mildly scolding. ‘You don’t have to crouch in a supply closet. You can take my bed, I’ll sleep on the couch or whatever. We can have warm dinner. You like pizza too, right? And then we can go to work together. Or I can cover for you,’ he seemed to ramble on. ‘Really?�� Robin seemed to consider it for a second, but she also seemed to have a bit of a fight going on inside her head. ‘Wouldn’t offer it if I didn’t mean it. No Robin, I’m serious,’ Steve confirmed. ‘And what about your parents?’ ‘Nah, don’t worry about that,’ Steve said. 
Part of him wanted to tell Robin that he often had someone over and that even though his dad was an asshole and he wasn’t much closer to his mother, and that was precisely the reason his parents didn’t care if he had someone over. He wasn’t sure if this was good or not. Or wether Robin would find a parenting figure comforting or upsetting at the moment. 
‘Okay,’ Robin said in the quietest voice, interrupting his thoughts, and got up as well. ...
Notes: So while I'm not new when it comes to fanfic, I'm definitely new to ST fanfic. Still working on exploring the characters and stuff. Buuut I'd be happy to know what you think :) Like I said, chapter 2 is almost done (it's even slightly longer than this one) and it should be up quite soon.
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catcatmouse · 2 years
OK SO. My parents tax consultant's, name was Jimmy (I think. Or Jeremy. Well, some boys name starting with J) because her parents wanted a boy but they got a girl and they're just like WELL SHES A BOY NOW so yep apparently this happens often? Anyways they were calling her (as one does) and I'm just chilling in the background, doing my homework, and I don't know WHAT they were talking about but this taxing consulter (consultant?) is VERY chatty so I just hear her say "Life is just a terminal illness" like WTF I NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT THAT.
"Life is just a terminal illness"
Wow. Just wow.
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emmanessance · 2 years
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Margo, 2021
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caeruleophile · 2 years
Like my uni therapist said that i may have anxiety-depressive disorder (i visited her once, she doesn't know much about me but still), i also suspiciously relate to many autistic people, i may be on the spectrum, but I can't just self diagnose, it's WRONG.
WHAT DO I DOOO I'm literally suffering. We don't even have enough money to pay for uni, I'm not able to pay for any therapist, I'm just existing for the last 4-5 months thinking that my brain works wrong, that my body is wrong. Everything's wrong with me, i feel it. But I'm not allowed to say anything, cus I haven't been checked by a specialist.
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wispmotherr · 2 years
alright well this is me attempting to summon the ghost fandom to me because that’s the hell i’m in now i guess.
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prince-koda · 9 months
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Jason Todd x Reader (no particular version or run but inspired by Nick Robles art)
Word Count: 263
A/N: I wrote this on the clock (again) so it's an insanely short and sweet blurb (shorter than my usual shorts). No pronouns, no description, etc. Semi proof-read butt my tenses may be wonky. Constructive criticism always appreciated :)
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If there’s one thing to know about Jason is, despite his rough exterior, he loves simplistic domesticity.
He doesn’t mind an extravagant dinner, but his heart melts everytime he’s smells a home cooked meal he got to prepare with his partner—his soulmate. He knows it’s corny, but it’s how he feels. The world could be ending but as long as he had his partner in his embrace, he’d be alright.
In Jason’s line of work, the chance for a normal life is taken away. There’s no going back; no giving up and sitting on the sidelines. Even being able to make friends can be difficult, but he never had to stress once he met his love. When his partner came around, everything fell into place. His partner somehow manages to radiate a feeling of home he never knew existed; safety and love like nothing he’s ever experienced.
He never thought he’d have someone fretting over his bruises while giving him back rubs, kissing him before he slips his helmet on for patrol, helping him shower after rough nights. A warm smile greeting him when he gets home at ungodly hours. Someone scratching his scalp while he lays in bed, sometimes until the late afternoon.
Jason thought he was doomed to a life of loneliness. Sure, he had his family and friends, but he always craved true intimacy with someone; someone he could pour his soul out to and they’d still be there. He wanted someone who wasn’t scared of him or what he does.
And then he found the light of his life—you.
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elflikesfrogs · 1 month
dreamt last night that the ghoul boys posted a video titled "by the way we're both bisexual and we're quitting making videos forever" and it consisted of them sitting on a couch and each saying that word for word and then the video ended
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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pizzaqueen · 6 months
A couple of collages I made for a 90s future fic I’ll probably never write but I figured I’d share these anyway
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elderwispthesecond · 20 days
UPDATE: my blog was reinstated, thank u guys!
hai guys, not sure to post this but HI hello i'm elderwisp, my account was terminated earlier this evening so i made this backup account @staff please reach out so we can get my blog reinstated that would be so babygirl of you ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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skunkes · 1 month
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Simple design commission from april ^_^
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cerubean · 7 months
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during the weekend violet made the commute back home (again) and worked on her term paper and hung out w/ the family
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linvxtheghost · 10 months
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uhhh i don't know anything about cod but he's hot
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