#ice breaker challenge
balladetto · 5 months
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cont. from here / @gloryseized
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     You get to a point in any journey where the non-routine becomes a routine in and of itself. Aidan's gotten used to it enough that he can find a kind of pattern in everything, even the surprises. Sometimes, each day is the same general shape from the moment he opens his eyes to the second his breaths slow into sleep, and some other times— well. He hits the fucking jackpot.
     It's the loving labour of three extensive, exhausting nights that the client swings around in his ( deceptively powerful, what the heck ) hands. The sound the weapon makes as it strikes the ground — heavy and sturdy and satisfying — has Aidan barking a delighted laugh himself. He may be totally spent, he may be disgustingly overcooked, but damn him if he isn't going to pry success from the jaws of another challenge.
     He waves a hand dismissively at the thanks, wiping a towel across the last of the sweat lingering on his face with the other and grin stretched from ear to ear. "Said I'd fix it, didn't I!" Then, in the moment it takes for him to interpret the next signs, the smile shrinks into something more contemplative.
     It's an impressive facsimile of Goron City's Boulder Breaker, which he's only ever studied and fawned over from a distance in all his stays there. He'd floundered on where to begin at first, having claimed the job with more awed impulse than anything rational, but the sense caught up to him eventually. All weapons start somewhere. Broken down, it was just a really refined Cobble Crusher. Really, really refined. Like, Aidan had to dip into his scarce supply of diamonds refined.
     ...It's a very impressive facsimile. "Five-hundred sound good? Unless you have diamonds on you." Uncut ores, ideally. "Where'd you get this beauty, anyway?"
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braygun-pew-pew · 2 years
I've done so many icebreakers the titanic would be envious. If it didn't sink.
Any other mutuals who want to experience my icebreakers like this post!
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so, the thing about Boundaries, and why people keep bringing them up over and over again to creators, is I think there's a bit of a desire for what people are doing here to not be weird. Cause like, the creator signed off on it, so like, I'm fine and you can't make fun of me or get mad at me.
And like, I understand the desire to not be made fun of or have people get mad at you, believe me, I know, but I think we have all just gotta accept that what we're doing is— it's a little weird, bro.
Like by definition what fandom is is getting a little too much into your thing. Fan comes from Fanatic. We all saw some block men and we went way too hard with it. And I think that sufficiently viewed from the outside, there is just no way to do any kind of transformational creation and it not be weird to the wrong people.
Like, taking a character and making them miserable? One of the honourable fandom traditions, whether you're whumping them or if you go hard into comfort at the end. For someone entirely outside of fandom, that's just like why are you DOING that, bro, and when you add in the fact that we're using people's real names (well, gamer tags), there's no way for that not to be odd. "The creator said it was okay" is not going to make people go ??? any less. (Let me emphasize that this is fine, it's just like, also, you bring that up on the bus and peope go ????)
Let's look at fluff. You want to write about your characters in a coffee shop au? You want to write about your characters in a cuddly family dynamic, taking care of each other? You want to age down characters and write kid fic where they learn to face the challenges of the world and it's just so cute and you love them so much even if nothing really bad happens? I promise you that my non-fandom parents are gonna be like "why are you spending your time on that" and again, if you throw in the "is this real people" (it isn't, but that is a delicate thing to explain), you're looking at people staring at you in discomprehension and backing away.
Shippy stuff. Again, one of the honourable fandom traditions. You just love your guys and you want to write about how much they love each other (or maybe make it tragic about how only one person can make it out of the cactus ring). You spent all this time thinking about their feelings writing it out. You write out a kiss scene. It makes you flail happily. Most people don't do that! Absolutely fun to do? Yes! Something you can bring up as an ice breaker at the company potluck? Probably not! We are too much into the characters, and that's fine, but it's still gonna look a bit odd from the outside!
Plotty gen. You're writing an entire new story, but you're taking existing characters for it? Like it's original fiction, but you're using existing characters? Why not just write original fiction <I have had this conversation. Oh, you're writing a story about minecraft characters, and they— they get tortured? Like it starts with them being tortured? <also a fun conversation to be in.
I'm mostly thinking about this from the fanfiction side, but art, meta— we are just getting into things way too much. We're spending hours on this stuff. We drew the creators minecraft sonas in maid dresses. There are millions of words of fiction on the archive about every conceivable universe of good/bad things happeing to the characters. It is a primary hobby, where I could be learning piano or paying attention to sports. And I'm not, and like, that's fine.
I am here to tell you that people absolutely might find what we're doing weird, and also it's entirely fine. I just ran a poll about the sexiest minecraft character that got 68k votes on the most voted poll. And then I had to explain that to my doctor to explain why I didn't really have a normal baseline for the past week to compare to. (Doctor visibly thought it was weird but he was also like "you go" because he's a good doctor, but I had to start with explaining minecraft because he knew NOTHING about what I was talking about.) You just gotta accept that fandom is for a small segment of the population, we are all having fun with ourselves, and it's for us, it's not for the general population, and stop trying to make it palatable to people who don't care to understand. People on this site keep saying "racist white boys" and then they don't have the intellectual curiosity to pursue further as to why maybe that's not true, having a boundaries post is not going to make them nicer. It's fine. They're being jerks, we're just having fun.
And like, stop trying to get the creator to sign off on it. Accept that sometimes we're being weird and they can look at it if they want to see the weird fanatics going too hard with the characters. They will tell us if we're doing something they want to stop associating with their name, and up until that point, just accept that what we're doing is weird, and have fun with it.
We're weird.
Be more weird 2k23.
Have fun with it.
I wrote a time travel AU in DMs with a friend last night about a bird man and a minecraft piglin. Not normal. It's FINE.
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Cogency of the Deluded
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>Yan! Chrollo x Fem! Reader
>Word count: 2.9k
>a/n: similar to Prerogative I wrote for Childe! Might give this one a part 2 who knows
Part 2 | Part 3
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You love your parents.
You really do.
But when they’re casually laughing with the man who is the bane of your existence, you really want to bring yourself to express your displeasure. However, you don’t have the heart to shatter their beliefs, so you remain quiet, only nodding when absolutely necessary. It’s an outdoor setting, an outdoor restaurant. Of course you don’t want to make a scene either.
Chrollo eyes you with a challenging smile while your mother is busy whispering to your father, asking if they should invite him over for lunch the next weekend. You hate it. You absolutely loathe that when you glare at him, he simply looks smug in return.
He stalked you even when you were with your parents and had the gall to approach the little family outing and as the cherry on top, was invited to join them for dinner by your own father. You father! The man who gave you a stern look whenever you even mentioned a male specimen from your class or such invited this vexatious individual to join you all for dinner!
This is too unbelievable to be true.
Being the ‘gentleman’ that he is, he won the little discourse over the bill and ended up paying for everyone. You’re certain that your mother is just swooning on the inside. If only your parents were aware that auctioneering isn’t his actual profession. Ah, such a smooth liar.
Well. At least you know that you won’t be able to down the ice cream you were planning on eating after you got home. There is no way you can stomach it after seeing how your mother had innocently asked Chrollo how you both became friends. God forbid the proud smile on his face haunts your nightmares. You don’t think you would be able to sleep again if that were to happen.
You remain quiet during the entire exchange. Your mother obviously notices that something is wrong, but before she could ask you, Chrollo answers.
“[Name] and I recently had a little disagreement. I can understand why she’s quiet.”
“Did you?” Your mother's attention shifts back to him. “What happened?”
“I had asked her to allow me to meet the both of you. She… hadn’t appreciated that,” he chuckles. “I once again apologise if I happened to intrude on this family outing.”
Then sound more sincere when you’re sorry!
“Not at all, son,” your father replies. “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
Your mother expresses her happiness and fortune of meeting him as well, and he just smiles at that, not even bothering you a glance.
"Ah, where are you from?" Your father finally voices the billion jenny question, the possible deal-breaker. "I don't believe I asked you earlier."
Your attention shifts to him, every ounce of it directed towards him and observing every single twitch and change of his facial expressions. To your dismay, it remains the same. No change occurs, and it's almost as if he isn't a person who doesn't exist by legal records.
"York New." The lie slips through his lips with ease like the many others he's woven this evening. "I started my career there as well. It's a hub for auctions and merchandise of all sorts."
"That explains your accent," your father chuckles. "You must've picked it up with all the sophisticated people around haha!"
Your mother smiles at the jest, and you have to refrain yourself from making a disgusted face. Chrollo continues humouring them, telling them about his hobby of reading and how it actually shaped his way of speaking and vocabulary more than his surroundings did. You figure that this statement might be the first truth he's told this evening except for his name.
Speaking of names, you hope to God that neither of them ask his full name. You don't even want to know what second name he might make up.
"And what about your parents? What do they do for a living?"
Ah. There goes another question. Will your father drop the enquiries already?
"I apologise if this makes the conversation awkward, but they aren't around." Chrollo looks at your mother with a little smile and if you were in her shoes, you would call it sad. "I grew up without them. I'm afraid I don't know much about them."
Well. That's another truth. How much is he willing to divulge?
Your mother returns his smile with one of her own. It makes you happy that she's so sweet but knowing who's on the receiving end makes you borderline nauseous. "It's alright my dear. You have us, so don't ever hesitate to ever ask us anything or reach out if you ever want to."
Did… did she really just indirectly adopt him?
"Thank you very much for your hospitality ma'am. I'm actually quite glad I gathered the nerves to approach you tonight." Grey eyes now staring at you, he gently nudges your foot under the table and you freeze. "I just hope that [Name] forgives me for doing so without her permission."
A challenge. He wants to see what you do next. Should you say something? What should you say? You can't possibly tell your parents anything. He's already painted the perfect picture for himself. There is no possible way that you could defile the painting without revealing the truth.
Doing something so horrible to your parents is out of the question. They don't deserve to see their daughter be harassed by a criminal in front of them. No. Not at all.
Chrollo nudges your foot again, smile widening and you snap out of autopilot. Mind blank, you hastily reach and grab at anything you can in your brain, any string of coherent words that you might voice as an answer. Unfortunately, your pacifist nature allowed for one single word to be spoken.
Your mother elbows your side. Groaning, you side eye her for the abruptness of the action, but she simply shrugs. Excusing herself for a moment, she goes to whisper something in your father’s ear. Dread settles in when the man opposite to you smiles at you again, the chatter of the outdoor restaurant being the only noise that covers your wildly beating heart.
You sincerely wish you could go home already.
The seconds that pass by during your parents’ hushed conversation feel like hours. Chrollo, however, finds your anxiousness amusing. He rests his chin on the back of his palms and outright ogles you, uncaring of your father taking notice of the action. His gaze along with the background chatter proves to be too much for your brain, so you look away but he nudges his foot against yours once more.
There’s no reaction from your side. You know what he’s trying to do, and you refuse to give him the satisfaction. Being the persistent man that he is, he hits his foot against yours again before giving it a harder nudge, one that instantly makes you face him again. There’s no reaction from him except for a tilt of his head and his narrowing eyes.
Finally. Finally your mother separates from your father’s side, a soft smile on her face when she looks at you then to Chrollo.
“Chrollo, dear, is it alright if you drop off [Name]?”
“I want you both to work out any arguments you may have,” she continues. “You may drop her home when your differences are worked out. I’m sure you won’t give him trouble, right [Name]?”
Her voice was strained when she said your name. It’s a warning from her. You know that, yet you still tell her that it’s nothing but Chrollo cuts you off.
“I would love that. Thank you, and I’ll be sure to drop her off as soon as possible.”
No one listens to your hesitant objections, and your parents simply bid you goodbye, leaving you standing alone outside the restaurant with the man who’s been terrorising your life for a significant amount of time.
When they’re roughly out of earshot, he speaks. “They’re a lovely bunch. I’m glad I met them.”
“Please, for the love of God, Chrollo don’t hurt them.”
He turns to you, hands in his pockets. “Who said anything about hurting them?”
Speechless, you look at him with your mouth open. He seems as nonchalant as ever. Maybe even content. It makes you all the more unbelieving of his words. “I mean it. Please, Chrollo. Just… listen to me.”
Glancing to the direction where your parents took off, you breathe a sigh of relief when you don’t spot them but immediately turn back to the man in front of you. Your index finger and thumb grasp his sleeve, eyes pleadingly looking into his. “Don’t hurt them. You… you would either hurt them or… or…”
You can’t bring yourself to voice the other possibility. Chest heaving, you sincerely hope that no one around you notices the state you’re in. Eyes fall to the ground, staring at your shoes, but you push through even against the fuzziness in your head from the anxiety. “Or you would… would end them. Please. Let them be.”
There’s no immediate answer from Chrollo. You wonder what kind of face he’s making but with your gaze fixed on the ground, you don’t have it in you to look up and face the confirmation of your fears. A few dreadful moments pass without any words spoken, and when you feel like you’re finally at your wits end, he grabs your chin with his other hand and makes you meet his gaze.
“Like I said, there’s no reason for me to hurt them.” He smiles, rubbing the corner of your eye and catching a tear before moving onto the other. “They brought you into this world. I don’t see any reason why I should treat them with anything less than courteousness. And to be frank, I’m looking forward to having lunch with them. It’ll help me get to know you better. How their personalities and habits shaped you is something I find quite intriguing.”
You retreat your hand, holding it to your chest by the wrist as though you just burned yourself. Chrollo simply chuckles at the display, both hands now holding your face as his thumbs run over your cheekbones.
To any onlooker, the scene might resemble that of a young couple spending time together but to you the scene is of Chrollo implicitly showing his power over you. It’s honestly disturbing how he reduced you into begging without even giving a direct threat.
“So, where do you want to go? We don’t have any arguments to make amends for, so we might as well kill some time.”
You gently brush away his hands, afraid that using too much force might invoke his wrath. “I don’t believe you. This… this can’t be right.”
“Am I so bad that simply being nice to you is suspicious?”
“You have no idea.”
Chrollo’s grin widens. “Unfortunately for you, you don’t have a say in whether you want to go or not. I’ll give you another chance. Pick a spot or I’ll pick something for us.”
You internally shudder at the word ‘us’. "I don't believe you when you say that you won't hurt them."
"You won't believe most of what I say until I do it," he challenges. Begrudgingly admitted, he is right. You didn't believe him when he said that he knows where your parents live. If you didn't still live with them, the signed flower bouquet he sent might've been discovered.
You don't humour him with a response, watching how he raises his sleeve to check the time. "One hour," he demands, "I want at least one hour with you and only then will I allow you to go home."
"As if I can't just get a cab if you refuse to drive me-"
"I used the word 'allow' for a reason, darling." Hands once again in his pockets, he gives another one of his smug smiles. "It would be daft of you to think that I can't monopolise you in this way."
A thought slithers into your mind. You could just run away, turn on your heel and not look back. This is a public place. The most Chrollo can do is run after you, but when the chatter and noise of the people around you floods your hearing, you throw away the idea. It will never be worth the risk.
Putting innocent civilians in danger just to act out a little temper tantrum is not what you want to do. But still… the prospect of seeing his eyes go wide as he watches you go farther and farther from his reach is tempting. For once, you want him to know what it feels like to be helpless.
"What might be more important than me that you've drifted off?"
Perhaps you'll get lucky and dream about that expression on his face.
"My parents. Let's just go, Chrollo."
He slings his arm around your shoulder, satisfied at your compliance. "Next time," he whispers, "I'll take you to where I'm staying."
The ice cream in your freezer lives to see another day it seems. There is no possibility that you can stomach it after all this.
"I might take offence if you remain this silent."
You cross your arms at Chrollo's words, letting the silence in the car persist. After parading you around with your hand in his, you are in no mood to entertain him with conversation. The vicissitude of your situation has been anything but pleasant or welcome, and you're sure that the man driving the car revels in your displeased attention.
"Are you mad at me?"
Shaking your head, you settle your eyes on his hands. They grip the steering wheel, muscles flexing whenever he moves it. Perhaps the possibility of you gazing at his arms is why he folded his sleeves. You did notice that he stopped wearing coats around you when you accidentally did that once, sleeves randomly exposing his arms every now and then.
"If you aren't mad, then why aren't you speaking? You know I love your voice."
You sigh. "I'm tired."
Chrollo takes a right turn, and you watch how his hands move the steering wheel, fingers elegantly tapping an unfamiliar tune on the surface. You feel your eyelids get heavy, but you refuse your body any sort of rest, readjusting yourself in your seat when you notice Chrollo going straight instead of turning left.
“Hey, that’s the wrong way,” you call out.
“It’s the wrong way for one destination but the right way for another.”
“Chrollo, turn back.” Unable to dig up any courage when he continues driving, you don’t even try to look at him. “Please, turn back. I need to go home.”
Your voice comes out shakier than expected, and Chrollo graces you with a brief glance. However, he continues driving. There’s no sign of him stopping, so you try your luck again.
“I need to go home. My parents will be worried. Please.”
“Had they been worried, they would’ve called you,” he reasons.
“They’ve sent me texts.”
“My point still stands.”
“They didn’t call because they trusted you with getting me home safely.”
“I am taking you home.”
Eyes fixed on your fidgeting hands, you take a deep breath, voice low. “That’s not home.”
The car slows as though reflecting Chrollo’s slow consideration of your words. On the next junction, he takes a U-turn, but neither of you comment on it. It’s a little over half past ten which is very late into the night by your standards to be out. You’re sure your mother is worried. You just wish that he realised that instead of messing with you.
The promise to take you to wherever he’s staying is still haunting you.
Silence once again fills the car. Chrollo’s lack of comments is partly due to your timorous demeanour. He doesn’t wish to upset you more, but he still wants to mess around. Thus, he internally debates whether or not he should let his hand roam over your thigh all the while glancing at you now and then.
Before he could reach a conclusion, the car stopped in front of your home. Your hand immediately reaches for the door handle but Chrollo is quicker, locking the car through the driver’s controls and simply smiling at you when you look at him appalled.
“Your mother is watching,” he points out,” so try to be civil.”
“How do you know?”
“The kitchen window. She’s peeking through the curtains.”
She was very likely waiting for you to come back home.
Chrollo instructs you to remain seated, but exits the car himself. Smoothing out his shirt, he casually saunters over to your side, opening the door for you and gesturing you to take his hand when you get outside. You know what he’s doing. He’s putting on a show for your mother. How charming.
Chrollo calls your name when you’re near the door, but when you turn back, he doesn’t say anything. All he does is walk up to you and lean in. Lips tickling your earlobe, he whispers in a low voice like he’s sharing a secret between the two of you.
“I’ll drop by after midnight. Don’t lock your window.”
The silence of the residential street is synonymous to your speechless reaction. Suddenly, you regret not taking up the attic as your bedroom.
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rowarn · 9 months
i'm curious how you think simon would go about getting into an official relationship? like maybe the girl is kinda shy or wants to ask if she's the only one or just anything like that? how to get his attention and how to keep him? ♡♡
hmmm i think simon is kind of difficult to get the attention of. he doesnt really consider relationships as a possibility in day to day life. i also dont think he'd date a fellow soldier, i just dont see him as the type to fraternize or let a relationship possibly get in the way of his job.
he's also not really the type to consider dating a civilian. so in order to get his attention, i think the easiest way to go about it is...like...forced proximity.
simon doesnt spend extended time with anyone unless forced to. his job makes him interact with lots of people, naturally. but when hes off duty and home, if he can be alone he will absolutely do everything in his power to stay that way.
i think a good way to get his attention at the start would be just...talking to him. nothing crazy, he will not engage in conversation. but nice greetings and telling him to have a nice day is a good ice breaker -- form a routine with him and make him seek that routine out when he's home.
eventually, he'll start to look forward to your little smile and wave when he sees you. maybe you both go to the same market on the same days? maybe he's your neighbor? who knows! as long as you're someone just...in the outskirts of his life. someone who isn't a threat and someone consistent and kind.
simon is...difficult. he likes routine. he dislikes spontaneity. i think he would prefer someone good, someone who doesn't challenge him or make things needlessly difficult for him. he's dealt with a lot in his life and he deserves to have it easy when given the chance. he values kindness and quiet above all else.
once you have a nice lil simon dangling on ur fish hook, its pretty easy to keep him. his eyes don't wander and theres very, very few people who would bother to try and break down his walls to get him to be with them so it's not like he seeks anyone else out.
all you have to do is be there for him, just keep being the kind thing you are and treat him with the love and respect he needs. dont pick fights and don't try to control him. simon is...a free spirit. he does what he wants, when he wants and he doesn't like a leash on him.
hes not stupid or reckless so you dont have to worry about him doing anything crazy. he would never cheat and wouldn't do anything dangerous to put himself or you in any kind of line of fire.
so to keep him, you just have to go with his flow. be patient and understanding with him and he'll show his appreciation in all the ways he knows how.
he's a gentleman. he's the quiet sort of kind that makes you weak in the knees. he does acts of service bc it makes him feel good to do nice things for you and see a smile on your face.
simon is simultaneously easy and difficult i think!! hard to get, easy to keep!
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ya-boi-haru · 4 months
You know what, I like you, let me share my headcannons/thoughts on an AU I recently mentioned...
Fable smp Coffee Shop AU...
• Sherb runs a 24/hr (or late opened) Cafe, The Alchemist Brew. They specialise is mixing different coffee flavours to create a new taste and can even create one for a persons specific need or even mood.
The people that have often come in say it was exactly what they needed; students coming in to study found they work best with Icarus' creations - jokes that they put a focusing chemical drug in it. People on first dates say they added an ingredient that was a big ice breaker for them to bond over. A few cases come in home sick and the drinks taste like home somehow.
• Rae runs another cafe in a different part of town. It's a more traditional place, more old fashioned, rustic aesthetic.
Rae got to take over this place a lot sooner than he thought.
His mother went missing when he was young and his step-dad, Fable, left a few years ago. Icarus' was supposed to take over the buisness but they wanted to do their own thing, especially since Rae and Icarus had different ideas on how they should run the place.
So Rae runs the Gilded Cafe. While keeping the more traditional things on the menu, Rae also explores the history with Coffee. Makes ones how they would make it 30, 50, 100 years ago and happily, shares it with their customers.
• Athena is learning how to open their own bakery (Flour Garden) with Jamie. They offer their goods as a trial to both Gilded and Alchemist Brew Cafe. This way they get to try new foods and have people taste test them and both Cafes get a unique item on their menus each week. The feedback from customers is always appreciated and it sparks new ideas for foods and types of foods.
• Momboo runs a flower and tea shop, The Pink Tulip, both as a seperate transaction but has a talent for getting sweet tastes out of nature's prettiest petals
• Which is a dramatic comparison to her sister, Ocie/Kai, who runs a bar, Sea Dragon, iconicly known for its underwater sailor/pirate aesthetic and strong drinks to match
• Wolf is a business analyst and has helped with the businesses as well as a few others around town
• His partner, Centross, helps manage the Sea Dragon. A couple years ago, he tried to start a buisness with Icarus and Easton (who is a real estate agent), but it crashed and burned real quick. Wolf talked to Kai and she was generous enough to help Centross get back on his feet and they ended up working really well together.
• Aax works in the Gilded Cafe with Rae. He came to Rae looking for work - one in a new town with no connection to the Telchin company. They were awful, treated their employees terribly, and they would use special artificial chemicals in their drinks to make it taste like flavours (Hazlenut, vanilla etc), never the real thing, even their machines were designed to cut corners with brewing.
• Ulysses is still with Telchin, casual, but is still in the town with his Partner. He used to be able to do beautiful coffee powder art, but since the accident in the shop he can't even hold a cup steady.
• Will runs little a Cafe - The Traveller - based on flavours around the world, some places he's been lucky to actually travel to. Seven helps him run the place and really good with machines so they never have to worry about things breaking.
• Now all these businesses have their challenges, but Icarus feels they have an extra one...
A night club across the street 2 doors down, "The World Port". It's an exclusive place and Icarus had heard a few things about it.
It's a jack of all trades types of place, has accommodation for any events, Bachelor party's, birthdays, buisness meetings, heck even wakes.
Icarus' problem is that - for some reason - the owner recommendeds The Alchemist Brew to their customers as a place to sober up. Which would be fine if that didn't mean nights of drunks coming in, making a mess and passing out. They somehow get their mail mixed up as well, and The World Port is loud and makes it hard to focus on work.
• The World Ports concept is to be a place for everyone. It's main area is a bar with a dance floor and great music. They have sectioned off rooms, identified by colour, each room can accommodate for certain events. You could hold 3 different events in once.
• Smaller Headcannons/Notes:
• Caspian comes into the Gilded Cafe as a place to write his stories. He started going there for the nice coffee and cozy vibes, but the manager seems really nice and passionate about his work, so he kept coming in and is now a regular. And the Barista working there is cute nice to talk to as well
• Rae grew to appreciate the small talks with Capsian while on shift. He's even made it into a few pages of Raes sketch book - that will never see the light of day - but that has nothing to do with anything! Rae always draws random customers for practice! Despite Aax pointing out that he draws Caspian more.
• Aax and Rae are dating and are peeking interest in Caspian.
• Wolf and Centross are dating, though Centross is showing interest in Kai. He would deny it to hell and back even though everyone can see it.
• Icarus gets new ingredients/inspiration from their friends. Athena and Jamie's creations, Momboos flowers etc
• During the business Icarus, Centross and Easton tried to run, Icarus made a purple drink that turned out to have an addicting side effect. Part of the reason thee business failed.
• Since the World Port is exclusive, Icarus can't get in to talk to the owner. However, there have been times when they've come into the Alchemist Brew, and Icarus has just not been in there at the right time to see them.
• If they don't want to deal with maintenance companies, the other owners ask Seven to come over and fix their equipment, especially if it should be a simple fix.
• Galahad works at The Traveller and suggested their own mix of a spicier blend
Feel free to add onto or suggest things!
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jammechanics · 6 months
On the 5th episode of Jam Mechanics, we make amends to Bug for all the lost ice breakers. This is as close to a "Holiday Episode" as we get, and we almost got it right!
Jam Mechanics is a podcast hosted by Matt (The Narcissist Cookbook) and Bug (Bug Hunter) where we challenge each other to write a song demo from scratch every episode.
If you'd like downloadable files for this episode (and the demos we showed off), ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠you can go to our Bandcamp⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to pay-what-you-want to support us!
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lyrics for both songs below
BUG'S SONG Matt's challenge: First Contact (42 word max!) Title: AlIen Lyrics: When I open up my phone, you're the first name on my list An Alien emoji next to your name and I wish When I open up my phone I wasn't forced to reminisce but when I open up my phone you're the first name on my list
you're the first name on my list when I open up my phone the Typo from the time we met I chose to leave alone you're the first name on my list that will never phone home you're the first name on my list when I open up my phone
The first contact on my list, when I open up my phone the reminder of the time we met, the name I never chose but AlIen, alphabetically will not leave me alone
you're the first name on my list when I open up my phone
MATT'S SONG Bug's Challenge: Give me a (misunderstood) Christmas Song Title: A Christmisunderstaning Lyrics: it's the moment of the midwinter the time of yule through a log on the fire and let it burn every crackle and spark will represent a baby pig or a calf to be born next year
here he comes across the sky underneath cover of night he knows who has been naughty he knows who has been nice he punishes the wicked brings good tidings to the pure so huddle up beside the fire prepare for the coming of odin lord of frenzy weep for the coming of odin
it's december 25th and the children are playing with their new gifts oh the light of joy in the eyes of a child as the party winds down as the wine runs dry with snow on the ground we remember the night of the virgin birth
happy birthday mithras infant god savior of the people born from a rock slayed a bull with your bare hands so the souls of the sinful would be washed in the blood of the innocent
christmas trees were invented by the pagan celts
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Tricky Enemies to Lovers Situation
[Note from WQA: I answered a question yesterday that went missing after it was queued, so this is my best effort to recreate the original question and my answer efficiently...]
Anonymous asked: I have an enemies to lovers story where there's no opportunity for the characters to get together where they wouldn't immediately fight one another. How can I give them the opportunity to get to know each other and fall in love in a way that's believable?
The Abandoned Mission: the first thing you have to establish--which you probably have since you mentioned (in the lost ask) that you had their arcs fleshed out, knew why they fell in love, etc.--is what allows this love to flourish despite starting on opposite sides, because what you don't want to do is have one say, "I know you're trying to destroy my village, but I love you, so heckin' go for it!"
-- one starts to come around, realizes their side is wrong, and switches sides
-- both sides unite against a common/far worse enemy
-- both realize that the fight is pointless/futile/both sides wrong
This will be part of their character arcs... or at least the arc of whoever changes sides... as they start to see the truth through getting to know the other one, start questioning their beliefs, and begin to change their mind.
Accessibility: Your first challenge is finding a non-combat way to get them together, or at least get them talking if not face-to-face. It all depends on your story and what makes sense within it, but some ideas:
Supernatural Communication - Is there a supernatural way for them to be face-to-face or at least communicate? Think of the mental connection between Alina and the Darkling in Shadow and Bone, or the force bond betwen Rey and Kylo Ren in the Star Wars movies. It could be a telepathic connection, a magical connection, or even a magical object that allows them to be in the same place or simply communicate.
Technological Communication - Or, maybe your story takes place in our world, in the recent past or near future. Or perhaps in a far-future sci-fi world. Is there some sort of technology that could allow them to be in the same place or easily communicate? Something like a hologram projector, "holodeck" type area that can be accessed by people in two different places, or even simply video calls or text messages?
Old School Communication - Even if a supernatural or technological form of communication doesn't work in your story, you can always rely on good old-fashioned handwritten letters.
Stuck Together - Another option is for them to somehow get stuck together in some situation where they're both vulnerable. Like, maybe there's some disaster when they're both in the same place and end up in a survival struggle together. Or, maybe they're both abducted by an even worse third party, and have to work together to escape. Maybe the villain's resolve is weakening, so they're overthrown by someone within their organization, imprisoned, and then it's this faction who imprisons your character (and not the love interest villain), forcing them to work together to escape.
All you have to do in any of the above scenarios is figure out how and why they start communicating in the first place. Maybe the villain reaches out to the MC thinking they're a weak link that will spill information, or maybe the MC intercepts a courier carrying a letter from the villain to an ally--and the MC decides to write back. Maybe the villain is a little extravagant and holds a party via their version of a holodeck and your MC sneaks in and is caught... but this opens up the door for them to continue meeting this way. Even if they just meet once out in the woods, bathing in a lake and caught totally off-guard, there are always ways to get these two characters "in the same room" outside of a combative context. You just need to brainstorm a little.
The Ice Breaker: once you get them face-to-face or communicating in whatever way, there needs to be some sort of ice breaker to get them talking about something other than the conflict at hand. This could be one noticing and commenting about something they have in common... like noticing the other is wearing a cultural bracelet and realizing they have that culture in common. Or one realizing the other is fluent in their language, and coming to learn they were born there or their parent was born their. It could be one observing the other experiencing a red flag from their side and pointing it out with commentary. (Like: "See the way they lie to you? That's what they do to my people...") It could be one making a joke, a snarky quip, or illustrating some knowledge or skill that intrigues the other. It could even be a rendering of aid... maybe one catches the other when they trip, one patches up the other's injury, or one provides a translation or other nonsensitive data. Again, it just all depends on the situation in your story and what's believable.
The first version of this ask was so, so much better. I'm hoping against hope that I inadvertently replied privately instead of sending it to the queue. But I wanted to do my best to recreate it in case it really did get eaten by the Tumblr goblins.
I hope this version is still helpful!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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fu66sun · 8 months
telepath; 이동혁
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000 | the first encounters
wc: 1,078 a/n: please keep in mind this one will be a short one since this is just the preface to everything, this is just a base. i hope you are ready, and i hope you like it :))))<3
starting college was no fun. you were not excited, if anything, you were scared as fuck.
getting into one of the top schools in korea without being from that stupid prestigious high school always left you wondering if you’d be enough for it. but it’s not like you didn’t deserve your spot or anything like that. you worked your ass off for it.
the first time you and haechan met was in your freshman year of college. it was during a class, one of the introductory courses required for your majors. the lecture hall was filled with new faces, and as students filed in and took their seats, you found yourself sitting a few rows behind haechan. of course back then you didn’t know who he was, you didn’t even give him a second thought after you sat down.
as the lecture progressed, you found yourself inadvertently drawn into a discussion with haechan. it started with a friendly debate about a topic the professor had introduced, and soon your exchanges evolved into a spirited back-and-forth. you disagreed on almost everything, but your arguments were lighthearted and filled with laughter, at least back then.
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the first heated debate between haechan and you revolved around a seemingly innocuous topic: the quality of the movie casino, starring robert de niro. to haechan's surprise, it was one of his favorite films, while you had a strong dislike for it.
all thanks to stupid introductions and ice breakers.
the discussion quickly escalated into a passionate argument, with you vehemently expressing your reasons for despising the movie. you found the plot uninspiring and the characters unrelatable, and you couldn't understand the acclaim it received. your fervent dislike of "casino" was matched only by haechan's unwavering defense of the film.
your exchange was a microcosm of your entire dynamic—two passionate individuals with opposing views, both unwilling to back down. you debated back and forth, your arguments laced with humor, sarcasm, and a touch of flirtatious banter, even if you both vehemently disagreed on the film's quality.
your first debate about casino set the tone for your subsequent interactions, underlining the undeniable chemistry and rivalry that defined your relationship. it was a sign of things to come, as you continued to clash over various topics, finding a unique connection in your differences.
haechan's teasing and mockery during that first semester extended beyond your intellectual sparring. he couldn't resist taking jabs at you for not attending a prestigious high school like many of your classmates. his comments were often laced with a hint of condescension, highlighting the differences in your backgrounds.
you, while proud of your accomplishments and your journey to college, felt a sense of insecurity when haechan made these remarks. you knew you had worked hard to get where you were, but haechan's relentless ribbing about your background touched a nerve. it was a sore point in your dynamic, and it only added to the complex mix of emotions you felt towards him (which where mostly over powered by hate)
haechan's comments about your high school background were a constant reminder of your differences. it fueled your ongoing rivalry and added depth to your relationship, as you navigated not only your intellectual clashes but also the social and personal aspects that set you apart.
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in the midst of a discrete mathematics lecture, the professor had just introduced a challenging topic, and the classroom was buzzing with confusion and questions. you and haechan sat a few rows apart, trying to make sense of the complex concepts.
- today, we'll be discussing the concept of mathematical induction, a fundamental principle in discrete mathematics.
as the professor continued, you couldn't help but furrow your brows in concentration, scribbling down notes and attempting to grasp the concept. haechan, on the other hand, was flipping through his notes, looking somewhat uninterested.
that's what you hated the most about him. he was on his phone most of the lectures, never did any of the assignments, yet, he was an ace. you hated that you burned your eyelashes studying daily just for him to not give a damn at all and still (almost) surpass you.
haechan caught a snippet of your mumbling and couldn't resist chiming in, setting the stage for another one of your stupid fights.
- hey, it’s not that complicated. you're making it harder than it needs to be. they taught us this in high school, you should know it. he smirked.
and you, feeling frustrated, couldn’t keep it in.
- haechan, not everything can be solved with intuition and shortcuts. mathematical induction is a precise process that requires rigorous understanding.
their exchange didn't go unnoticed by your classmates, who were used to your ongoing shenanigans.
- here they go again, like clockwork. renjun sighed.
like you, renjun didn't come from a prestigious school and was experiencing some challenges adjusting to your new college environment. you bonded over your shared experiences. you had met him on the first day. he was your deskmate and as much as you tried to avoid each other (not out of hate or spite or anything like that, the both of you were just... shy) you ended up finding each other at classes or in the halls, and when you realized you were already friends.
the professor, aware of your history, decided to intervene.
- y/n, haechan, i appreciate your enthusiasm, but let's not disrupt the class. if you have questions or concerns, please bring them up after the class.
you and haechan, albeit reluctantly, decided to quiet your argument, each continuing to tackle the challenging topic in your own way.
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the balance between renjun's comforting presence and haechan's unpredictable nature created a unique and somewhat contradictory dynamic. you couldn't help but be drawn to both of them, in different ways.
and the weird thing was? you ended up hanging out with the two of them most of the time. by some sort of destiny situation, the three of you had lunch together and the instant connection between renjun and haechan was so palpable you wanted to throw up at the sight.
and that's how you ended up stuck with lee haechan from the first moments of college. back then you didn't knew all the chaos and turmoil he would bring into your life, and even if you would have been warned, deep down you knew nothing would have changed. you'd always end up tied down next to him, one way or another.
taglist <;3 @sunflowerhae !! tysmmmmm! dm or send ask to be added <3
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dustyy-angel · 14 days
TBNT Round 1 results
Mush (92sies)
Jacob and Owens curtain call dances
Mike Samaras
Don Knotts
Watch What Happens
Newsies ice bucket challenge
Les Jacobs (92sies)
Tumblr blogs being the "Resident *insert name of newsie* person"
Newsies at the Marriott Theatre (2017)
Michael Dameski spinning on a newspaper
Kid Blink (92sies)
All the Papermill actors who didn't make it to Broadway
Medda (92sies)
The headphone jack post
Moscar Delancey
Mukeni Nel
Jatherine (again 💀)
Newsies Got Swag
The DeDancey
Mush’s front flip during Carrying The Banner
Consistently winning best choreography at award shows
Newsies Broadway
A tie breaker poll will be posted shortly
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soulmatesinc-if · 8 months
This is very interesting! Can you tell me more about the ROs please? About their tropes and appearances and all that ice breaker good stuff!
Thank you! Hope this delivers on par with your expectations:
A. Wyatt
Tall-ish, trendy, wrung-out. Wavy red hair (cascading locks for Amber, messy short waves for Andrew), green eyes, light skin, perfect teeth. Once a master of a confident demeanor, the Wyatt of now prefers the sidelines and snide comments, gripping a cup of coffee for dear life. The sunglasses attachment was not an exaggeration, it is their way of detaching from the world.
Spending time with Wyatt is about camaraderie, unspoken understanding (two soul-links going through an eye-opening experience), copious amounts of friendly bickering and banter. They were a believer in true love once (which they'd never ever confess). Perhaps that is not all gone.
S. Powell
A proper adult that tries to have life together. Sam is of average-tall height and build, with dark skin and light-brown eyes. They bike a lot to and from work, thus preferring athleisure that is always neat and tidy. Sam's hair is fashioned into locs, wrestled away from their face by a sporty hairband.
Sam is your charge. Another soul you are supposed to bring to their soulmate, if only you could find the said soulmate. You are no longer sure it is possible. What does it mean? How do you convey that to Sam, who is freaked out by having to learn of this soulmate business? To Sam who just wants to put their sister through school? To Sam that is level-headed, kind and actually... tries to help you?.. Perhaps this is why soul-links never show their face to their charges.
M. Romero
You cannot call them imposing. Romero always looks on guard in their oversized utility parka, always on the move in their rugged sneakers. There is a streak of white in their brown hair, pulled into a short ponytail at their nape, that cannot be explained by either graying or fashion. Olive skin with a beauty mark below their left eye, both of which are gray.
Romero is grouchy. A cynic about the world, about love. They throw a wrench in your plans, but they are not mean about it. They have a lot of opinions and are amazed by anyone who shares or even challenges them. Romero values freedom, they want to choose, to be someone's choice. Yet they never, strangely, expect to be it.
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cheekinpermission · 3 months
Happy 500 followers!!
How about 1 and 10 for the ask game?
Thank you for you participation, anon! Ask game is here! Send them in if you want <3
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
I grabbed Idia's hand! When I first got into TWST, I had absolutely no clue what I was getting into so I really just went based on which voice actors I recognized LOL. I know Kōki Uchiyama from a ton of different anime (JJK, Buddy Daddies, Haikyuu, BNHA, Yuri on Ice, etc.) so I just went with his character. While Idia doesn't crack the top 5 for me, I don't think I'd choose again. The only reason I would is if it impacted the story somehow but I really doubt it will. I'm COMITTED.
10. Top five favorite characters?
Grim occupies all top five spots. BUT since that's boring, so I'll limit my choices to the main cast lmao. (My love for the dire beast is PROFOUND) I got VERY wordy here so here's the short answer: 1. Riddle Rosehearts
2. Vil Schoenheit
3. Malleus Draconia
4. Ruggie Bucchi
5. Kalim Al-Asim Explanation below the cut! (I got very excited to talk about my favorites and wrote a lot so I figured I'd condense it for people who didn't want to scroll through it all lol whoopsies.)
1. Riddle Rosehearts - I have no explanation for this?? He's pretty much the opposite of my usual favorite characters so idk what happened here. I've always been drawn to the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic so maybe that has something to do with it? He's got such great character writing, too?? Everything about his personality just makes sense when you know his backstory. When we learn that Riddle's tyrant of a mother was strict and controlling over him, the pieces just seem to fall into place. His whole life was just following her rules and studying like a good little boy, and when he stepped out of line even a little bit he was reprimanded harshly for it. Of course, he's going to the exact same thing once he's in a position of power. It's all he knows. He's just another version of his mother. Not only does he uphold the tradition of punishing rule breakers rather severely as he was when he was younger, I think there's also an element of fear there as well. Like, his mother just instilled an innate fear of breaking rules because bad things would happen if he didn't follow them exactly. I really do see Riddle as a scared little boy who is suddenly realizing that he was set up for failure by his own mother. And THEN he makes an honest effort to improve himself post-overblot?? His transformation after the fact is one of the more obvious ones and I'm just so proud of him. A THOUSAND HEAD PATS!! Okay, I'll stop rambling about him lmao I love Riddle sm (Also want to make clear I'm not saying Riddle was right for anything he did, only that I appreciate how his character was handled. Added for legal purposes so people don't come after me :c ) 2. Vil Schoenheit - This one comes as no surprise to me. Pretty boys who challenge gender stereotypes are RIGHT up my alley. Like Riddle, I think Vil has some great character writing is one of the more complex characters in the game. He just feels so compassionate to me?? I don't know how to explain it - he just gives such nurturing vibes. I'd trust this man with my drink at a bar fr fr. And then he tells Epel off for saying ballet is too "girly" for him?? Thank you TWST for bringing me this man. I pray at the altar of Vil Schoenheit. 3. Malleus Draconia - Doesn't Malleus top everyone's lists LOL I think my favoritism for the dragon man is more to do with his relationship with Yuu than anything else tbh. He's like one of three characters that actively engages with the main character and I think they've got such a fun relationship. Two people who feel very alone in the world finding friendship (or something more for you malleyuu shippers) in each other is so beautiful. I'm glad they can be there for each other like that. Side note: I adore romantic Malleyuu for sure, but I think it's equally as endearing if all of Malleus's flirtatious lines were never meant to be romantic but he's just really bad at communicating his feelings in a platonic way. Like, he doesn't mean to flirt he's just socially inept. 4. Ruggie Bucchi - Gremlin hyena boy is just too good for words. Ngl, I started off not really liking Ruggie all that much because of what he did in the Savanaclaw book. My mans was basically shoving people down flights of stairs?? I'm not really sure where the turn around happened tbh. Mischievous personality types do tend to draw me in in fiction so that probably has a lot to do with it. I also felt really bad for him at the end of the Savanaclaw book when Leona was ready to Thanos him out of existence despite everything Ruggie had done for him (and continues to do for him). I appreciate his work ethic, I can respect the hustle, and he's got such a cute little laugh. I wanna pet those big ole ears of his. Leona - pay this man more smh 5. Kalim Al-Asim - SUNSHINE BOY!!
He's such a breath of fresh air in this game LMAO. As much as I love the fact that most of the cast are unapologetically flawed, it's nice to have a few characters that are genuinely good people. His VA (Kazuki Furuta) absolutely kills it imo. I can hear his laugh in my head as I'm typing this - it's just so warm and happy :D He also breaks the sterotype of most rich characters in media by just being a nice person? He's not evil or greedy (although naive and entitled) and he just wants to be bffs with Jamil. Break his heart Jamil and we're gonna have WORDS. Also just like FORGAVE JAMIL??? His bfffl yeeted him across the desert, brainwashed him and admitted to wanting to get him kicked from the school and Kalim didn't really hold it against him. He was so understanding and sweet about everything AHHHHH
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Hello, and thank you for your loyalty. In the age of Rotom technology, we continue our support for the Holo Caster even in these challenging times. We hope to connect with our userbase, and perhaps gain an understanding of what draws trainers to our competitors.
If you'd like to speak with me, specifically, on terms unrelated to your device, you may call me Hollow, they/them pronouns. That's not my real name, but please understand that I'd prefer to keep that information private.
I've been told a good ice breaker on this website is to talk about one's pokemon, so... I just had to wash the Gloom slobber off of my blankets this morning. Such is the price I pay for allowing my pokemon to sleep in the same bed as me.
Hey guys, Merson again! As always, I follow back from @observatorytrialcaptain.
Pelipper mail is on, as are magic anons.
This blog is strictly SFW. While mun and muse are both adults, I just... don't vibe with sexual stuff.
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dark-frosted-heart · 11 months
Team Brothers That Don't Mesh - Challenge! A gesture game to deepen bonds
3rd King of the Beast team story
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One fine day while relaxing with Rio, the two run into Licht who asks them to help him clean the stables. Afterward, Licht thanks them and wants to give them something as thanks, but Emma tells him that there's no need. It's been a while since she got to spend time with horses and she enjoyed herself. Rio too. Well, for him, he's satisfied by seeing Emma happy. Still, hearing that doesn't satisfy Licht.
Emma thinks it over for a bit before asking him and Rio if they'd like to play a game. On her next day off, she'll be holding a storytelling session plus recreation at the bookstore she used to work at. She thought of a game to play as an ice-breaker but wanted to practice first.
After the two agree, they go to a common room. Except there are already people there; Nokto and Silvio were having a business meeting. As Emma's about to tell Licht and Rio that they're going to change location, she meets Silvio's gaze. He says that she's got some nerve to run the moment she sees his face. Emma denies that she's running away, she just didn't want to interrupt the two. Rio steps in front of Emma with a smile and tells two in the room that they're going to be playing a fun game so they're not going to interfere with their business meeting. As the trio are about to head out once again, Nokto's the one that stops them this time. He's interested in joining their game and asks if Silvio's interested too. Emma's thinking Silvio will reject but nope!
Nokto and Silvio were in the middle of negotiations but couldn't come to an agreement so the former's thinking of settling it with a game. Emma doesn't think the game she has in mind would be something the two would enjoy though. Emma, Rio, and Licht look at each other before the former approaches Nokto and Silvio to explain the game. It's a gesture game. They'll be playing charades in teams of two. She has prompts prepared on cards. Silvio looks at them and frowns. He thinks that playing the game would be a bad idea. Then he loses by default, Nokto says.
Rio: Silvio's lost. Wow, serves you right. Silvio: Stay out of this, ya shitty dog!
Silvio boasts that there's no way he'd lose since he uses gestures to communicate with the locals when he sails out. Nokto challenges him to a game, which Silvio accepts. Licht just sighs while Emma's internally panicking at the tension. She tells them that the game requires teamwork so how about they decide the teams now. In the end, the teams end up being Licht+Nokto and Rio+Silvio. Nokto seems to be the only one that's enjoying himself. Rio would rather work with the ladybug that's currently stuck on the window.
Licht will be the first one to give gestures (Licht: Ugh, why me).
Prince Licht looks down at the table and slowly moves his hands. As I stare at his every move, Nokto gives a small smile. Nokto: That's...sweets. You're eating cake. Emma: You get it, Prince Nokto? Nokto: It's easy. Prince Licht nods at us and gestures to the cake. Nokto: I see. It looks like there are carrots in the cake. You're pretending to like it, but deep down, you don't want to touch it. (The card's not that complicated...I think it was something like 'eating your favorite carrot cake') Nokto: But for some reason, you to enjoy it, so you’re feeling despair. Did I get it? At Nokto's confident answer, Licht sighs and shakes his head. Nokto: Ehhh, but that's how you looked just now. Licht: .......
Emma understands now. Nokto was reading Licht's feelings. She's amazed by how well he can read his brother despite being apart for so long. Unfortunately though, the answer's still incorrect. Next up's Rio as the gesturer. Even though it sucks that Silvio's his partner, he'll show Emma how well he can do. He starts with his gesturing, not even paying any mind to Silvio twitching at the remark.
(Is that a lake? He's waving a stick or something...Ah, I got it! He's fishing. The topic's a fisherman who's happy he caught a big fish. Huh, the guy next to him fell in and he's laugh...that's an adlib) As I watched Rio who was skillfully making gestures, Silvio clocks his tongue. Silvio: Bastard, do you think I'm dumb? Emma: I'm sure that's not it...I might not have been you that fell in... Silvio: The hell it's not! Falling because of the weight of jewelry, you're making a fun of me! (The guy next to him fell because of the weight of jewelry...How observant of you, Prince Silvio) Silvio: The whole doing gymnastics on horseback doesn't make sense though. (Horse? Did Rio make that gesture?) We look at each other at the same time. Rio looks dumbfounded. Rio: Prince Silvio, where did you see that! Silvio: Huh? If it's wrong then you're a terrible actor. Rio: I did so well showing the second half... Silvio: The only thing I know for sure is that ya think I'm an idiot! (They missed all the important parts but they're able to criticize each other properly!) Silvio: In any case, don't think I'll let ya get away with this. Using jewelry will be a waste. I'll strap ya to a boulder and throw ya off a horse.
Rio still doesn't get where the heck Silvio's getting this horse from. If this game goes on, it's not going to end with anyone smiling like Emma wanted with this game. She cuts them off by shouting that the answer's incorrect. The game continues on for several rounds but the pairs keep missing each other in the most miraculous ways.
Afterward, Nokto comments on how he doesn't think lost a game so much like this before. Rio complains about Silvio's lack of ability to read gestures. Said prince counters that Rio sucks at gestures. He's never doing this again. In the end, there was no winner because not one round was guessed correctly.
Emma suggests something else. She'll be the one doing the gestures this time and all of them will try to guess. Though exhausted, the four agree. Emma draws a card and looks at what's written. She takes a deep breath, stands, and makes large motions with her hands. It's supposed to be her hanging laundry out on a nice day. She continues by pretending to spread linen out and smooth out the wrinkles.
Licht and Nokto: A bird spreading her wings in her nest. Rio: An angel descending from the heavens to have fun in the human world! Silvio: A sailor that fell overboard and drowned.
All of them. Completely. Incorrect. She tells them that and explains what the correct answer was. Immediately after Emma wonders how she can lighten up the mood, the room's suddenly abuzz.
Nokto: Haha, you hang your laundry like that. Licht: I was sure it was a bird. Rio: Sorry, you looked like a pretty angel. Silvio: You're not better than that shitty dog.
Well it seems like everyone's amused. Even Emma herself. She was so confident and now wonders what gestures she made. Emma bursts into laughter as she sees the four enjoy themselves. She did end up meeting her original goal which wasn't to have a winner, but to make sure everyone had fun.
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@the-east-art took the challenge and smashed it! She designed my Demon Slayer OC and did cute little arts of the breathing styles like examples I found on Pinterest. I came up with the 10th breathing style, but the rest were from the Demon Slayer Fan Wiki.
Meet Yamagawa Kiyuki, the Snow Hashira. Kiyuki's family resided in the mountains near a small town and were fisherman by trade. She had a rough childhood, as her parents did not get along, so there was a lot of fighting. Kiyuki's younger brother was treated well, as he was set up to take over the fishing trade. Meanwhile, Kiyuki started to become treated like a burden.
Kiyuki was born during a terrible snow storm and was born with white in her hair and ice blue eyes. Her parents thought she was touched by some sort of snow kami. However, as she got older, suitors did not want to take her, as they looked at it more as a curse. So Kiyuki's parents were burdened with her being in their home longer than expected.
One day, Kiyuki's father and brother did not return from a trip to the market to sell that days haul. Kiyuki's mother went to look for them, but she never returned either. Kiyuki set out to locate her family and in doing so, found her mother on the brink of death. Her mother was able to mutter out the Kiyuki's father and brother were being devoured by a beast that turned on her. Kiyuki's mother blamed Kiyuki, saying she was cursed, then died.
Never getting a chance to learn the fishing trade because she was a girl, Kiyuki struggled to make ends meet. One day she runs into some demon slayers and explains her situation. Kiyuki no longer wants to feel helpless and they direct her to Master Urokodaki, since water breathing is one of the easier techniques to learn. Kiyuki locates Master Urokodaki and he trains her in Water Breathing, but she doesn't quite pick up on it.
Master Urokodaki contacts his old student, the current Water Hashira, Tomioka Giyuu, and asks him to take Kiyuki on as his tsuguko, which he reluctantly does. Under Giyuu's training, Kiyuki creates her own breathing technique in the form of Snow Breathing, which is heavily influenced by Water Breathing, but altered in a way that makes it easier for Kiyuki to perform. Kiyuki even is able to create her own version of Giyuu's Water Breathing Eleventh Form which she calls Crystalline Silence.
Snow Breathing First Form: Ice Breaker
Snow Breathing Second Form: Ice Wheel
Snow Breathing Third Form: Snow Drift
Snow Breathing Fourth Form: Roaring Frost
Snow Breathing Fifth Form: Hibernation
Snow Breathing Sixth Form: Blizzard
Snow Breathing Seventh Form: Freezing Wind, Piercing Cold
Snow Breathing Eight Form: Icicle Rain
Snow Breathing Nineth Form: Dancing on Thin Ice
Snow Breathing Tenth Form: Crystalline Silence
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sunstreetboots · 7 months
got the sudden urge to finish my cot3 fic but it’s literally been so long that i barely remember the characters????? i need to sit down and rewatch the show and meet them again i need a little ice breaker challenge yknow what i mean
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