#i've lost track of how many times i've played through this game and i'm still finding new content
stealthnoodle · 9 months
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist flew under my radar until a friend recommended it to me, and now I am fully obsessed so here's me passing the recommendation on!
Do you like visual novels? Skill management? Timeloops? Deckbuilding? Gorgeous art? A whole bunch of fantastic queer characters? Staggering numbers of events and endings that respond to a staggering number of choices you make?
Then you should play this game and come scream in my ask box about it! I have said both "uh-oh" and "yesssss" out loud multiple times while watching the consequences of my actions play out. Absolutely delightful. Enjoy a little bit of screenshot propaganda:
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Living my best/worst life
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Exploring in the pink
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Behold my self-insert
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Also, you can have up to four different pets following you around and one of them is THIS cutie
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A/N: This is part two! enjoy meh lovelies <33
Characters: Mikey x gender neuteral! reader
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"Hold My hand~" pt.2
"Let's go on a date." Those words made you stop dead in your tracks, a date!? and you gave him a dumbfounded expression He stopped and turned to you with a lazy tilt of his head "What's wrong?" he asked with a teasing smile "I-you-wha-" you stuttered a blush slowly creeping on your cheeks "y-you wanna go on a date with me!?" you asked in totally disbelief, he laughed and nodded "yea! that'll cheer you up we'll go to an arcade,eat dorayaki, and ride on my motorcycle!" you scanned his face for any sort of teasing or him just trying to make a fool of you but no, his raven eyes held no judgment or teasing and his smile was genuine "C'mon we'll go right now!" he said before grabbing your hand and pulling you to wherever he was taking you,mostly to his motorcycle and you tried protesting but not really because the way your heart fluttered and how hot your cheeks got when he said those words, maybe this wouldn't be so bad afterall.
It was the most fun and the most happy you've ever been. You both laughed hysterically while playing some arcade game to which he lost and hit the machine quite literally breaking the screen "Mikey! you broke the game literally!" you say through a fit of laughs and tears of joy "Shit- well we better get going before we get into some serious trouble" He says with a devious grin and you both run out of the arcade with a angry Karen chasing after you both for almost running over her son, you eventually lose her and stop by an alleyway catching your breaths while still laughing, he made you feel alive like you had a purpose on this earth and it made you so...so...happy.
"Okay now THAT was fun-" Mikey says with a bright boyish smile dusting his pants off as he looks at you with a somewhat serious look "I mean did you see that Karen? she was all like 'my poor baby how dare you incompetent delinquents run in a public place'-" you said still laughing and panting before you felt Mikey grab your shoulders to look him dead in the eye "I-" "I like you Y/N." those words hit you like a ton of bricks and you froze unsure how to proceed a bright pink blush painted your cheeks and your voice got caught in your throat "I like you Y/N I really really do...from the moment we first hung out I've always felt something for you I didn't realize it until today..seeing you smile and be happy with me is something I'll never get tired of"
he said as the a cool breeze passed by his blonde locks flowing effortlessly and his ravenette eyes soft and loving, his confession made your heart burst and your mind flooded with so many emotions it had your head spinning the blush on your cheeks only got brighter in color, you also hadn't realized it but you did like him to "I-I...I like you too Mikey but- I don't think you would like me if you saw another side of me" you said quietly hanging your head, you didn't want to burden him with your whirlwind of emotions and the sadness that consumed you late at night eating you alive, but he reached out and cupped both of your cheeks into his soft warm hands "I don't care, I like you, hell I even love you and nothing is going to change that I love the way you smile I love the way your eyes sparkle when I say some stupid joke and I love the way your always there for me when I need it, so now its time for me to return the favor"
before you knew it his soft lips were against yours in an instant, the kiss sent jolts of electricity through your veins as if you both became one in that moment his lips were so gentle and soft as if they were saying "I'm right here don't be afraid" and you both stayed like that for a moment before he pulled away slowly, leaving you stunned and dazed and he laughed softly "so, what do you say, how about another date where we don't get in trouble?" he said light heartedly as he scanned your face, "Yea....yea that sounds nice" you finally say after a couple moments still replaying the kiss that was now burned into your brain,
"Good, now c'mon hold my hand I'll walk you home" and after that day there wasn't a single dull depressing moment in your life, afterall, He was your Invincible Mikey.
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JSKANJKDSDBJAD god this is so good i was literally screaming for joy for the reader and I was writing it but I hope yall enjoyed it go read PT.1 if ya haven't reposts/reblogs are welcome just credit me! <3
Tags: @nakukuu @z3r0aqxa
Link to pt.1: Hold my hand pt.1
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raaorqtpbpdy · 3 months
Found in Glimwood Tangle
The story of how Amity and Danny found each other in Glimwood Tangle and together started their journey to beat the gym challenge and take on Galar's champion! Danny Phantom AU where Danny and company are pokémon and Amity Park is their pokémon trainer.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week, Day six: General video games Pokémon Sword & Shield | Momentum
I never played video games as a kid, and now as an adult I still haven't played that many. (Although I'm really enjoying Paranormasight right now. If I'd finished it, I might have used it for the crossover instead.) Pokémon Shield was my first ever pokémon game and my second ever video game period, and I know people say it's one of the less good pokémon games but I still have a certain fondness for it.
AO3 Link
[No Warnings Apply]
There was a white-haired girl in the forest, probably only seven or eight years old. Her white dress was stained with grass and dirt and moss. She was sitting on a tree stump. She was crying. She was lost.
He could remember sitting right where she was now, lost and crying... back when he was a boy and not a stump. Curiously, he approached her. He moved slowly, cautiously, trying not to startle her. But she startled anyway when she finally noticed him.
"Ah! A pokémon!" she shouted, falling off the stump and scrambling away. "Please don't hurt me!"
He tilted his head, watching silently with big, round eyes, careful not to move any closer and scare her away. 
Her own eyes were wide with fear. She probably knew that wild pokémon were dangerous. But then, why was she here? Why had she wandered into Glimwood Tangle where it was so dark you could hardly see what was in front of you because the only light came from luminescent mushrooms. Why would she come to a place where the paths were so winding and confusing that even grown-ups sometimes got lost? Why would she go somewhere where ghost pokémon and psychic pokémon lived in such large numbers?
The Glimwood Tangle had been scary back when he was a boy. It must have been scary to her, too.
"H-hey," she said with a trembling voice. "You have green eyes, like me." It was true. Hers were even so bright they could almost be glowing, just like his were. "I've never seen a Phantump with green eyes before. I've only ever seen them with red eyes. But... I don't think you're a shiny Phantump, are you? You just have green eyes."
She seemed to be calming down now, so he risked floating a little bit closer to her. He hovered around her, checking to see if she was hurt. Her knees were bruised, but other than that, she looked okay.
"Dad says wild pokémon are dangerous, but you don't seem like you're gonna hurt me," she said, wiping the tear tracks from her cheeks. "My name is Amity, Amity Park. Do you have a name, little Phantump?"
He keened a response. I don't know. I can't remember.
Of course, she couldn't understand. She shuddered at the sound of his voice, but she didn't try to get away.
"Well... you've gotta have a name," she said. "Hm.... How about Danny? I always thought that was a nice name, don't you? You can be Danny the Phantump. Do you like it?"
Rather than try to answer when she wouldn't know what he was saying, he did a little flip in the air to show that he was happy. She'd picked out a good name for him, Danny. And now that she had calmed down a little, it was time to get her out of this forest.
Danny started floating away, back toward the path.
"Wait, where are you going?" Amity asked.
He stopped and turned back to look at her, nodding his wooden head for her to follow.
"You want me... to follow you?"
He did another flip of affirmation and waited as she hesitantly walked after him. She was tense, and trembling like a leaf, and stumbling on shaky legs, but she still followed, trusting him.
It had been a long time since Danny had gotten lost in these woods as a boy. Now, as a pokémon, he knew every path by heart. When they had to pass through tall grass, he floated high enough that Amity could see him, and tried to keep her away from any other pokémon he could spot.
They were almost to Ballonlea when a particularly bold and naughty impidimp jumped on Amity and she screamed.
Danny immediately flew to her rescue, hooking one of his branches around the impidimp and flinging it off. He saw that it was about to attack him next, but he tackled it and it ran away.
"Danny, you saved me!" Amity shouted, and wrapped her arms around his wooden head in an almost splintering hug.
For a moment, he let himself savor the contact. But her scream and shout would have attracted even more wild pokémon to her, and they would be here soon. He phased out of her grip and urged her forward. They weren't out of the woods yet, but they were so close. He could see the lights of Ballonlea piercing through the thick foliage of Glimwood Tangle.
"Right," Amity said determinedly as she realized what he was trying to do. "Let's keep going."
She stayed quiet and stuck close behind him, and he led the way and kept his eye out for other pokémon. Then, finally, A bright pink pokémon center stood before them, its neon sign lighting up the clearing. They had left Glimwood Tangle.
"Come on, Danny it's my turn to lead the way," Amity said. "My house is that way."
He hesitated, turning and looking back at the forest. He didn't belong in a town. Glimwood Tangle was his home. It was too bright here, too loud, too crowded.
"Do you not wanna come?" Amity asked, her face morphing into something very sad. "It's okay. I understand. Thank you for helping me. If you want to go back, I won't stop you."
Then again... Amity was his friend now, wasn't she? A friend. That was all he'd wanted since he died in those woods. A friend.
Danny did not turn back. Instead, unsure though he was, he floated forward. He cautiously followed Amity past the pokémon center, toward a big round building—the pokémon gym.
There were ropes cordoning off the entrance to the gym from the rest of the town. Amity slipped right under them and kept going without a thought.
"This year's gym challenge is going on right now, so they put these ropes up to keep gym challengers from getting lost," Amity explained. "Ballonlea can be hard to find your way around when you're not used to it."
She led the way up a hill, to a modest wooden house at the very top. It looked almost the same as every other house on the street, except the roof had been painted green instead of purple. Amity pushed open the lavender door with ease. It wasn't locked.
"Dad, I'm home!" she called.
"Amity! Sweetheart, where did you go?" A man hurried to the front doorway to wrap his daughter up in a hug.
Startled and uncertain, Danny tucked himself behind Amity, out of her father's sight.
"I was worried sick. I looked all the places you usually go, and couldn't find you. I was just calling the neighbors to see if they knew where you were. Are you alright? Your dress is all dirty. You're not hurt, are you?"
"I'm okay, now," Amity assured him, hugging him tightly back. "I heard someone in the woods calling for help. They sounded close, so I thought it would be okay if I went to help them, but whenever I got close to the voice, it would get farther away, and before I knew it, the voice was gone, and I was lost. I was really scared for a while, but then Danny came and showed me the way home."
"Danny?" her father questioned. "I don't know any Danny."
"He found me in the woods," she said. "It's okay, you can come out."
Cautiously, Danny showed himself to Amity's father.
"A wild pokémon?" he said. "Wait, but it has green eyes. I've never seen a phantump with green eyes before."
"Me neither," Amity said. "But he helped me, and protected me when another pokémon attacked. I know I'm only seven and you said I can't start training pokémon until I'm ten, but can I please please please have a pokéball so I can catch him and take care of him. Please!"
"Well... I don't know," her father said. "A pokémon is a lot of responsibility, especially when it used to be wild. I would feel much more comfortable if your first pokémon came from a breeder. I've spoken to Elena, who lives near the pokémon center and she said she'd be happy to breed a nice starter pokémon for you."
"But Danny saved me!" Amity insisted. "I want him to be my pokémon."
Her father sighed and looked back at Danny, his expression halfway between resigned and scrupulous. "Do you want to be Amity's pokémon?" he asked.
Danny keened and bobbed up and down.
"And you'll take care of her and keep her safe?"
Danny repeated the response.
Mr. Park turned to his daughter next. "And you'll take care of Danny, and make sure to train him properly?"
Amity nodded determinedly and clenched her fists.
Finally, her father sighed, giving in. "Alright, fine. I think I have a pokéball around here somewhere."
From that day on, Amity and Danny were partners, and Amity took her responsibility as a pokémon trainer very seriously. She would feed him every day, and talk to other pokémon trainers about how best to train him.
When his head got knocked around in a training battle with her neighbor's dwebble, Amity sanded away the splinters so they wouldn't turn into cracks.
On the day the whole family gathered around the television to watch the gym challenge finals, Amity sat on the floor, right up close, with a notebook and a pen, ready to write down everything they did so she could learn from them. Mr. Park sat behind her on the couch with Danny curled up on the seat next to him.
"You know," Mr. Park said softly, running his fingers over the wooden grooves on Danny's head. "I've never seen her so serious about anything. She's always been a light-hearted, carefree kid, but she sure cares about you."
Danny had been surprised to hear that. He'd blinked up at the man, confused. To him, Amity had always been like this. Amity was gentle, and caring, and kind. She worked hard, and studied, and did her best. It was hard to believe she was doing all this for him, and not just because it was her nature.
It was on that day that Danny swore to always protect Amity Park, no matter what.
If she was giving her all for him, then he would do the same for her.
The challenger lost to Raihan in the finals, and Raihan lost to Leon, but Amity had apparently taken a lot of notes on all the fights and was eager to apply them to her own training methods.
By the time Amity finally turned ten, she and Danny were inseparable. Everyone around town was so used to them, Danny hardly ever had to go in his pokéball. They were simply another feature of Ballonlea, like that weird guy who made sculptures in an alleyway and wanted to be a pokémon.
Then, on her birthday, something changed.
"Happy birthday, Amity," Mr. Park said, and he reached into his pocket, and handed her a pokéball. "I worked with Elena to pick out a good one for you."
Amity turned it around in her hands while Danny floated closer to examine it, confused. It seemed to be occupied. Danny could even catch a faint whiff of ozone coming from it. How strange.
"A pokémon?" Amity asked. "But I already have Danny."
Her father laughed. "You said you wanted to do the gym challenge this year, didn't you?" he said. "You'll need more than one pokémon if you want to have a chance of beating the champion. Even if your pokémon is as great as Danny."
"No one can beat the champion, that's why they call him Unbeatable Leon," Amity said. "But I guess you're right. As great as Danny is, I can't put all that pressure on him."
She could, Danny wanted to tell her. If Amity wanted to take on the gym challenge with him as her only pokémon, then he would fight like he'd never fought before. But Amity wasn't like that. She never gave him more than he could handle, and she wouldn't make him take on such a huge challenge alone. She was too kind for something like that.
"So which pokémon did you pick?" she asked.
"Throw it out and see," he answered with a smile, and gestured to the door to the backyard.
Once they were outside, Amity threw out the pokéball.
"Alright, pokémon, come on out!" she called.
The ball opened with a popping noise, and in a bolt of light, a little dog pokémon was standing on the moss lawn.
"Yamp! Yamp!" he barked.
"It's a yamper!" Mr. Park said brightly. "Normally, starter pokémon are either fire, grass, or water types, but Elena said especially talented trainers, or ones with more experience, have had a lot of success with electric types, who tend to be difficult to control for complete newbies. We thought yamper would be a good choice. What do you think?"
"Aww, he's so cute!" Amity said, kneeling down to rub her hands on the yamper's admittedly very fluffy-looking scruff. "I think I'll call him Tucker. That's a good name, right?"
"Uh... sure, whatever you like," her father agreed. "Although it's a bit atypical to give pokémon human names like Danny and Tucker, if you like it, that's all that matters."
"Oh, haha," she giggled as she stood up. "Look, the static is making it so his fur is trying to stick to me!"
Tucker ran in excited circles, electricity arcing around him. Danny floated down for a closer look and Tucker zapped him. It didn't seem intentional, but it was still rude. And that silly dog only yapped and rolled over, thinking it was terribly funny. The joke was on him, though. Electic-type moves weren't very effective on Danny.
"Elena says that yamper are best motivated with treats," Mr. Park said. "That should help you train him. He's still young and nowhere near Danny's level, but you have a couple months before the gym challenge to get him there."
"You say that like I'm already registered, but I need an endorsement to even sign up," Amity pointed out.
"Oh, don't be silly, Amity," her father said. "Everyone around here knows you're already a great pokémon trainer. I'm sure Opal is ready to endorse you the first chance she gets. When word got out it was your birthday today, I heard she was thrilled. She said, 'The next champion will come from Ballonlea!'"
Amity laughed. "That didn't happen!"
"Sure it did," her father insisted, though his smile betrayed him. "And anyway, I stand by saying she'll endorse you. I have no doubts about it."
At first, Danny was dubious about the new pokémon, but it was only a couple of days before the two of them were getting along famously.
So Amity and Danny spent the next few months training up Tucker. Amity had Danny remember some of his older, weaker moves for training fights with the much lower level yamper. And just like Mr. Park had said, Tucker wasn't very motivated and often had to be bribed with treats, especially sausages. But Amity was clever, and persevered, and soon enough, Tucker was a strong pokémon too.
Once sign ups for the gym challenge opened, Amity was sure her pokémon were ready for it. She took her pokémon to the Ballonlea gym and asked Gym Leader Opal for an endorsement to join. She had faith in Danny and Tucker, but just in case, she made sure to wear her pink dress when she asked. That would surely put Opal in a good mood.
"Why, Amity, I would be honored to endorse you," Opal told her. "But, I am also a gym leader, and it's a point of pride not to endorse just any trainer who asks without first testing their mettle."
"I'm ready," Amity said. "Whatever your test is, I'll take it now."
"Alright then, pop quiz," Opal said. "If I recall correctly from seeing you train them around town, your pokémon are a phantump and a yamper. What will they evolve into?"
"Tucker will evolve into a Boltund once he's strong enough. It shouldn't be long now," Amity answered. "And Danny won't evolve."
"Oh, I'm afraid that's only half-right, my dear," Opal said apologetically. "Phantump can evolve into trevenant."
"Yes, but a phantump only evolves into a trevenant when it's traded, and I would never trade Danny to anyone, even temporarily. You asked what my pokémon would evolve into. And my phantump isn't going to evolve. Besides, I don't think he would want to, anyway."
She was right. Tucker was always yapping excitedly about evolving into boltund, but Danny was perfectly happy just the way he was.
"Hm... I stand corrected," Opal said. "It seems you know your own pokémon even better than you know pokémon evolutions. If you'll come with me to my office a moment, I'll write you a letter of endorsement right now."
And she did just that.
"You take that letter to the gym in Motostoke, and they'll register you for the gym challenge," Opal explained. "It's quite a ways away, so you can call a flying taxi from the pokémon center when you're ready to go, but it's usually better to get to new places on your own two legs from there. You can train your pokémon on the routes between towns, and even catch new ones if you want to."
"I know," Amity said, taking the letter with reverence. "Thank you Ms. Opal. I won't let you down."
"I can't imagine you would," Opal said. "Good luck, Amity. I know you'll do great."
Amity was eager to get started. She went right home, packed her bag, and dressed in her favorite outfit, a white dress, white trainers, bright green leggings, and her favorite white boater hat. She'd gotten a lot better at keeping white clothes from getting dirty over the years, but she could only hope they wouldn't be ruined on her journey.
The ride in the flying taxi was amazing. The driver even let her keep Danny out of his pokéball since he was so well-behaved.
"Look at how small everything looks from up here," she said. Then she looked up at the massive bird carrying the taxi. "Maybe my next pokémon will be a corviknight."
"Oh, I wouldn't recommend that," the driver said. "A corviknight can be a lot to handle from the start. If you want one of these majestic pokémon, you'd do better to catch a rookidee and evolve it through training. That's how we get all the corviknight for the taxi service, that's why they're so gentle."
"A rookidee, huh?" Amity repeated. "Yeah, I like that idea. Danny, from now on, lets be on the lookout for a rookidee. I think Sam will be a good name for it. That will work whether it's a girl or a boy. What do you think?"
Danny keened in agreement, and Amity smiled like the sunshine. It had been a long time since his voice had made her shudder in the woods so long ago. And now, their journey was finally taking off.
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perspectivestarters · 2 years
Perspective's Sentence Starters; MIDNIGHTS by Taylor Swift (Part II)
"Draw the cat eye, sharp enough to kill a man."
"You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them."
"Sometimes I wonder which one'll be your last lie."
"They say looks can kill and I might try."
"I don't dress for women, I don't dress for men."
"Lately I've been dressin' for revenge."
"I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends."
"Don't get sad, get even."
"She needed cold hard proof, so I gave her some."
"Where you think she got it from?"
"Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride."
"Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife."
"She looks so pretty drivin' in your Benz."
"Ladies always rise above."
"Ladies know what people want."
"The lady simply had enough."
"He was doin' lines and crossin' all of mine."
"Someone told his white collar crimes to the FBI."
"On my vigilante shit again."
"Baby love, I think I've been a little too kind."
"Didn't notice you walkin' all over my peace of mind."
"Puttin' someone first only works when you're in their top five."
"By the way, I'm goin' out tonight."
"Best believe I'm still bejeweled when I walk in the room."
"I can still make the whole place shimmer."
"Do you have a man?"
"I don't remember."
"Familiarity breeds contempt."
"I polish up real nice."
"Baby boy, I think I've been too good of a girl."
"I think it's time to teach some lessons."
"I made you my world, have you heard?"
"I can reclaim the land."
"I miss sparklin'."
"Sadness became my whole sky."
"You can try to change my mind, but you might have to wait in line."
"What's a girl gonna do? A diamond's gotta shine."
"It only hurts this much right now."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out."
"I'll be gettin' over you my whole life."
"Never trust it if it rises fast."
"Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again."
"How'd you turn it right around?"
"Lost in the labyrinth of my mind."
"Break up, break free, break through, break down."
"You would break your back to make me break a smile."
"You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back just like that."
"You're talking shit for the hell of it."
"It's coming back around."
"You wouldn't know what I mean."
"Karma is a god."
"Karma's a relaxing thought."
"Aren't you envious that for you it's not sweet like honey?"
"Me and karma vibe like that."
"My pennies made your crown."
"Trick me once, trick me twice."
"Don't you know that cash ain't the only price?"
"Ask me what I learned from all those years."
"Ask me what I earned from all those tears."
"Ask me why so many fade."
"I'm still here."
"Karma is the thunder rattling your ground."
"Karma's gonna track you down."
"Sweet like justice."
"Karma is a queen."
"They said the end is coming."
"Everyone's up to something."
"I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings."
"All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing."
"On the way home, I wrote a poem."
"What a mind."
"All that you ever wanted from me was nothing."
"You should be doing more."
"I can't admit that I'm just too soft for all of it."
"Once upon a time, the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned."
"Checkmate, I couldn't lose."
"What if I told you none of it was accidental?"
"Nothing was gonna stop me."
"Just like clockwork, the dominoes cascaded in the line."
"What if I told you I'm a mastermind?"
"Now you're minе."
"It was all by design."
"All thе wisest women had to do it this way."
"We were born to be the pawn in every lover's game."
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
"Strategy sets the scene for the tale."
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid."
"I've been scheming like a criminal ever since to make them love me and make it seem effortless."
"This is the first time I've felt the need to confess."
"You knew the entire time?"
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sealrock · 7 months
Character Themes
I was tagged by @dragonsongmakhali for this, tysm for the tag! :>
I'll be tagging @shroudkeeper @ahollowgrave @airis-ray and @thefreelanceangel (feel free to skip if you've already done this!)
I'm doing my main roster so everything's going under the cut since it'll be long, I added small blurbs to each:
What instrumental track would play in the background of your character's story during their most meaningful moments?
paris ; ff11 ost - recollection:
here's a track that doesn't match paris' aesthetic in the slightest, but it's meant to be a tear-jerker. I would go as far to say this would be paris' main theme as it shows a vulnerable part of them that no one gets to see. this is probably the only song that fits the question of this tag game
kirke ; silent hill 4 ost - silent circus:
it was between this track and a track from the cry of fear ost, but my love for silent hill won out. I always imagined kirke as having an industrial/trip-hop-based character theme, so this fits way too well for her. I wouldn't call this track 'meaningful' to kirke, it's a bit odd—then again she's an odd character. I imagine this plays during her more leisurely/playful moments
tauvane ; assassin's creed 2 ost - dreams of venice:
the elegance of this song is perfect for tauvane, it's regal and refined as it reflects her background. but what gets me is 2:07-2:45, the sudden change in tone and atmosphere shows you another side of her, something dangerous and cold. I would say this plays when achille meets her again after so many years spent apart
hector ; silent hill ost - only you:
this one is short, but hector's overall time in the story is short. it's overwhelmingly sad and there's a yearnful tone to this, a yearning for andromache to stay. but the piano is drowned out by a repeating 'droning' noise. it hints at something more sinister, aka halmarut. so this doubles a theme for halmarut as well
yves ; silent hill 3 ost: maternal heart:
something not bloodborne for once. it feels empty and haunting to me, just like yves himself. the name 'maternal heart' also calls back to cessair, yves' mother. like kirke, yves has a more industrial track that plays, but since he doesn't talk much I don't think this will be heard often
andromache ; assassin's creed revelations ost - byzantium:
this one fits andromache to a T. there's a strong sense of melancholy and vulnerability attached to this song that I think works well for her meaningful moments in the story as a character theme. the plucking strings, the haunting vocals, and the twinkling music box all scream 'andromache'
evander ; nier ost - his dream:
the tatlonghari brothers share similar themes, the difference between them is the title. this song, to me, has a quick pace, and a feeling of a childhood lost or something masked. it's ethereal in execution, but it doesn't match evander's personality or actions. this is intentional, as evander deep down is still a good person at heart, and this song reflects that, but he shows a totally different person on the surface
patroclus ; nier ost - this dream:
in contrast to evander, patroclus' is more slow, idyllic, and hopeful. it sounds like a song detailing a happy childhood. evander's theme is centered around him, but patroclus' is centered around those he lost—his parents most importantly. patroclus has a lot of meaningful moments I feel like, so this is very much a patroclus track
achille ; cry of fear ost - brandon:
here's something different, something modern. despite achille's positive and happy disposition, this song showcases his inner self and how much turmoil and pain he goes through daily. its singular guitar in the beginning accompanied by an almost underwater ambiance matches what he feels regarding his mother tauvane. this plays a lot when talking about her I think
azem (helen) ; assassin's creed brotherhood ost - echos of the roman ruins:
yet another AC song, I've had on repeat lately since I'm revisiting the games. this song in particular has a sense of wistful nostalgia to it, that feeling of a time that no longer exists once the vocals kick in. while this is too short for my liking, this is perfect for helen the more I revisit their backstory, flesh them out, and reinvent the wheel
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minuy600 · 6 months
The Arcade Games of 1980 #4: Pac-Man
Oh sh*t we're already here. The yellow circle with a mouth has arrived. Toru Iwatani & crew have been cookin' even before Cutie Q arrived, and what came out of it is merely a game that's still loved and recognised 43 years later. Can't say I disagree, i've been playing this one non stop for a couple weeks just so I would be good enough to write this review.
That doesn't mean I don't have my few little issues with it, but we'll get to that when we get to that. First up, let me begin by saying the characters in this game are genious. Blinky, Pinky, Inky, Clyde and of course Pac-Man himself are entirely original and have been created specifically for this title. Unless i'm mistaken, this is the first time video game actors were given distinct names. Pretty cool!
The ghosts all behave differently too. We got the fast Blinky, both Inky and Pinky try to place themselves in front of the gobbling pizza, and then there's Clyde who just kinda fucks around. I hate him, somehow he manages to kill me the most. All given hues of red, blue, pink and orange, and those look particularly nice. Namco sure knew how color worked.
Now, your aim is to empty out a maze of all it's dots, eating fruit and power pellets and yadda yadda you know this already. One of the game's biggest strengths and detractors is the slow but steady buildup in difficulty. No longer is there about 4 stages of increased speed before it peaks (Moon Cresta notwithstanding). This is a GRIND. 21 unique stages, some of them being breathers, most of them requiring increased skill to get to.
As for me? I got to stage 12 once, and saw the third and final cutscene that happens after stage 9 like what, 3 times? Oh yes. The cutscenes. Another thing majorly improved over Taito's games. Those were charming, these were little STORIES. The Pacster being chased by Blinky, before becoming comically huge and reversing the process. Then Blinky breaks himself open after moving past... a needle, maybe? Lastly, he patches himself up partially but then gets demoted to what looks like a predecessor to the worm design from Worms.
Back on track, yeah if you were planning on getting through this one, better get used to the patterns you can find online. The AI code can be deciphered and exploited so you'll always win. Unless you're me, cuz it didn't work on my end. Annoying when you're a completionist and wanna see everything. Which leads me to the biggest grievances of the game.
I love the gameplay loop and all, but the first few stages are slooooow. Having to tackle the first two stages repeatedly when you are a dedicated player is a no go nowadays. It thankfully speeds up after the first cutscene, the intensity by then feels good. The ghosts stop relenting and crawling back to their corners after a certain point, too. Would've preferred to get right into that phase, honestly.
What irks me even more is that you can still get totally messed up in those super early stages. If you don't know your patterns, hoh, you better say your prayers before starting another high score chase. And then there's the controls on top of that. Seems like it isn't well optimised for home play, there's too many goddamn times I lost lives thanks to a misread input or the game deciding I would be better off not taking a corner. It's a disappointment for sure, and now you understand why I can't give it a perfect score despite nailing everything else.
Still though, are you kidding me with this game? You're taking a genre that only had minor success via the 'greats' of Heiankyo Alien and Head On, and not only add to it, make it so replayable and expertly crafted that everyone with a flick of interest in video games knows exactly who this Puckman dude is and is always up for a round or 2 of it? Games will run it close in the distant future, but the high bar has been set. For this game is with only a single subjective flaw.
The Verdict
Graphics (10): Perfect simplicity. The ghosts are distinct via their sharp coloring, Pac-Man is very recognisable himself obviously despite his simple design. Then there's more subtle things I enjoy. The thing I wanted to mention most are the details on the fruits. We've absolutely not seen real-life objects look this good before, and yes, I will forgive the melon not looking too much like it's real counterpart. Heck, even the flagship from Galaxian makes a cameo! Love the cutscenes, enjoy the attract screen, it's two big thumbs up all the way.
Sound (9): If you're reading this, chances are you're hearing the noises in your head as we speak. They never get old. ...Okay maybe the ghost chasing noise does when you're almost done with a stage and you've been playing for hours straight. Nothing about this game sounds like it came from a 43 year old board, rather, there's this overarching jolly vibe that Iwatani-san wanted on purpose to appeal to a wider demographic (women) who weren't in the mood for the giant list of shooting and sports. Wacka wacka wacka! Yadda yadda yadda! Humor! Humor! Humor! Etc.
Fun Factor (8): Apologies everyone, i've failed you. If the game didn't sometimes seemingly decide that this bunny being dead was hilarious, it would have been an easy 9. This game knows how to excite, entice and keep you coming back for more. Eating ghosts and, in later stages, fruit, is a dopamine hit like nothing else. Managing to outsmart a ghost is beyond satisfying. The relief of beating a stage beats that of anything that came before it since there's more obvious rewards from it, in a subtle fashion perhaps. Gah. It stinks I can't enjoy it to the fullest like so, so many people have done before. I can appreciate the hell out of it at least!
Longevity (10): This was a long debate in my head, but considering the level of repetition that almost all games (depending on opinion) had in this period, it's gonna get full marks from me still. 21 levels cannot be beat. 256 especially so, as some want to go the extra mile and see the one and only Pac-Man kill screen. I can only envy them and their arduous study of the patterns required to get there and remembering them for *hours* straight. Me? I'm happy with my couple weeks of hard labor, with the addiction factor so high that I refused to quit untill I broke another record on occasion. You CAN decide when to quit the hustle as there's obvious hard limits, too. Ideal for the healthy under us!
In Conclusion
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beyondtheglowingstars · 10 months
Welcome to my hellhole blog
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I'm Supernova but you can call me Nova to shorten it, my pronouns are she/her and I'm an adult. Requests are closed
I'm an artist and writer, so I'll post either of those things here; though the blog still retains a focus on writing, fanart is more of a far in-between thing.
The 3 fandoms I will make content for in this blog are: Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Donkey Kong. Here's my Ao3 if you'd rather read my stuff there.
I'm SO normal about Spirit Tracks guys I promise hahaha-
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Global blog rules:
While this blog contains SFW works, it also hosts NSFW content so minors do not interact. - Don't lie or I'll find out, oh and, if someone you know is a minor and interacts with my posts please shoot me a quick DM so I can block them (that is, if you provide the evidence).
You can find all my written works under '#cosmic writing', headcanons under '#character headcanons' and the stuff I've drawn with the '#my art' tag.
Don't even dare steal my art, claim as yours, remove my watermark (if applicable), trace or feed to AI.
Repost accounts get the fuck lost. Other than that, feel free to share my art if you just wanna show it to others on a different platform because you liked it but no uploading to any accounts you may own.
Absolutely NO homophobia, transphobia, racism, or any other type of exclusionary or discriminatory behavior towards any group of people is tolerated. You're not welcome here and I'll block + report you if I catch you doing any of that.
Pedophiles GTFO. Nobody likes you, shoo. I'll report and block you too.
My DMs aren't really open for friendly chat (sorry!). It just makes me ridiculously anxious having to interact through that medium with people I don't know, though I can assure you that I'd feel very flattered if you really considered DMing me. Please only use DMs for questions you really want a private answer for.
My asks are always open! And to add a little to the previous point, if you wish to know me better then you best bet is to use the asks since my DMs are closed. Go on! Ask me as many silly questions as you'd like or share your deranged ideas (I'll try to follow along), I might approach you then.
While I always try my best to know as much lore as I can find for the games/characters, and I have also played a lot of videogames for the franchises I write for, do note that I have an embarrassingly bad memory and I seriously might forget an important plot point even if I've already seen it previously. So if you catch something lore-inaccurate now you know why that might be.
Additionally, if you wanna share an NSFW idea/fic/whatever else please stick to the vanilla stuff for the most part. Meaning no non/dub-con, feces/piss and the like, blood, knifeplay and a couple others I can't recall right now. If you wanna know what I allow because it wasn't mentioned here just send me an ask and I'll answer, free of judgement.
9 times outta 10 my content's gonna feature a GN reader, unless I happen to write a very self-indulgent NSFW fic.
All of the NSFW x reader content I write will feature dom reader in one way or another be it through subtle actions or not so subtle ones. Sorry if you're not into that but that's just how I was born and I can't do much about it.
Please keep yandere and family/pregnancy content outside of my blog and requests. Doesn't bother me, but I just don't like it.
Requests closed right now. Don't have specific rules at the moment but just remember to follow these rules unless you want me to not do your request when they are open.
I think that's it for now, but these rules are bound to change at some point so come back to this post after a while or if I say I've made changes
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bearpillowmonster · 6 months
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Ok, Sly Cooper.
Well, let me give you some expectations for this game and then see if they lived up.
One of the big three of the PS2 era; Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter. Jak & Daxter I've obviously held the highest but as time has gone on, my opinions have changed on Ratchet and Clank but what about Sly?
Back then, I looked up what was considered best of the series, hoping that it would make the strongest impression on me. So for Easter one year, I asked for Sly 2 and played through a little bit of it. I got to Dmitri for the first time and honestly every time that I've tried to go back to it, I get lost with what I'm trying to do, like I don't remember how to play and can't be bothered to restart it, there's just too many places to go.
While Bentley gives you his visual aid, it only lasts a second and you aren't directly looking at it so it can be difficult to navigate. That mixed with my amateur stealth game knowledge, I sat it out.
I saw a YouTube video of someone explaining why Sly is so important to them and why it was still worth checking out. I lodged it in the back of my brain and thought it best to visit the first of the series, maybe I was being too rash starting with the sequel, I mean it being more linear would be a good thing for me so I put it on the backlog. Then one day, I got a real hankering for it, like down bad for it. I started making OCs, looking for it on eBay (which I logged) and really can't say that I've wanted a game that bad since my KH:BBS rom stopped working and I bought 1.5, 2.5 remix where I just wasn't satisfied playing anything else until then but that's besides the point. I eventually broke down and got it. So is it worth all that trouble?
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Let's start with age. It has a remaster collection on PS3 but like the other big three of the PS2 era, they didn't port those over to PS4 or the PS store so you're kind of stuck with this one unless you buy a PS3. This is a game that was defining controls, you can tell what was a breakthrough by how they sell it in game too.
So the controls from time to time can seem a bit finnicky since it's PS2 era, but I imagine the remaster probably ironed out those issues since it runs on a different controller. Let me give you an example. Sly's tail has a blue sheen to it to indicate that he's following a track set up in game so that you can balance yourself better. You can break this track but it's easier to stay straight. It's not your masterful controlling doing this, it's the game. Press circle to latch onto stuff (small beams, ropes, etc.) The platforms can shake with momentum as you move on them, in water they start to sink but only where you're stepping. There were a lot of points where I was surprised to see the modern era take reference like Uncharted and Assassin's Creed, this game impressed me 21 years down the road.
I was thinking it was baby's first Splinter Cell but I was dead wrong, it's got variety. I like Splinter Cell, I'm not putting it down, I'm just stating the fact that some of these levels are quite different from the last, not just stealth. From environments like libraries and pirates ships to controlling a submarine to fight off crabs taking treasure chests and all that's within the first 'area'. Yeah, I said 'area'. I also said that this game was more linear. What I'm getting at is that there's a semi 'hub' or sorts where it's portals to levels inside of a level, you play those levels to grab whatever you may need to progress, it's cool and simple enough to keep track of when it's in bites but it's understandable how I could've gotten lost as a kid.
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These areas are split between the five different villains or bosses of the game (which are all great btw), starting with the "missions" back at HQ, just like I remember. But if you don't finish that current mission right away and save and exit then you may need a refresher. How many levels can there be? Who's to say, I mean like I said, variety. I think there are seven levels to the first mission but that crab level was the shortest one of the bunch. What do you value in a level? Do you get everything there is to collect?
There are these bottles with little messages inside that collecting enough throughout the level will net you a code from Bentley which can be used for a vault found in that same level. You can go, get them on your first run. Or get some and come back later. It's up to you but the rewards are actually quite beneficial. You see jump is X, and latching is Circle and attack is Square but what's Triangle? Well, you want a fast attack? A roll? You want abilities? Sure, you get new abilities and none of these hidden ones are mandatory but it's a good incentive to thoroughly explore the level. You use the shoulder buttons to scroll through your favorites.
So length can be varying but let's put it this way, it's set up with lives, you run out and you have to restart the level as there are checkpoints otherwise. It's not a bad compromise though because for one, it gives you excuse to get those missed collectibles and two, it saves the collectibles you've already gotten pretty much no matter what so it's not that bad. You can even finish the level and come back and still have the same progress on collecting, I've collected them all before but had to restart because I did them out of order and I did a speedrun of the level in what? A minute? First run was maybe ten. But you really only get a one hit allowance and die if you land in water. You can also pick up level ups and horseshoes which gain you an extra hit or collect a hundred coins for a horseshoe.
So is it worth it? Let me put it this way. I mentioned how I went through a lot to get this game and when it came, it was packaged really good but it was already scratched and the case was dented before they even put it in there and during the cutscene after the first boss, it got stuck and start skipping. I wasn't positive that I could get it to work again so I asked this question. "Now that I've had a taste, (a demo if you will) would I be willing to buy it again in order to play the rest?" And the answer was yes.
It just felt so good to jump with X and press circle to step onto something. With a little elbow grease and improved controls, this game is pretty golden. 4/5.
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tekutiger · 7 months
For the past week or so, I've been logging in to Disney Dreamlight Valley again (after a 2 month hiatus 😅). They have a "Haunted Holiday Star Path" event going on right now. When it comes to games I genuinely like, I do actually have fomo and I hate it, lol. So, here I am 🙃
I've been playing a bit of catch up. Like, they added Beauty and the Beast! That was my favorite OG Disney movie growing up. And then Mulan came along and I was like !!! Okay now those two are my favorites (because I couldn't decide between the two).
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I also finally watched the live action Beauty and the Beast for the first time. It's been out for a while now, I know... I'm just slow when it comes to watching movies or anything on tv. In my opinion it was very well done! I'm not a harsh critic though.
I also watched the live action Little Mermaid and I really loved it. It gave the characters so much more depth, and displayed more marine creatures than I thought they would have. The actors put so much life and emotion into their vocals in their songs, I was very impressed.
And I touch on this a bit below, but being an octo-nerd, there were things about Ursula that they added to the movie, that was not in the original, and I was like holy crap! I wonder how many people are going to catch onto that? It's when she's shuffling through her ingredient cabinets to create one of her concoctions and her 'arms' (she refers to them as 'tentacles', probably because younger audiences will be like ??? if she says arms, but the correct term is actually 'arms'). They are acting independently from her because octopuses have nine brains. One brain in each arm and one in the mantle (head). So each arm thinks for itself. When she says she can't find anything, everything always gets lost, it's probably because her eight arms are putting things back on the shelves however they please and her main-brain (mantle i.e. head) isn't paying attention to keep track of it all 😅
Okay- weird thing that I complain about often to my friends cause we all play this, and unrelated to the live action movie. Eric, in this game, stalks me, and it's flippen weird. I think everyone who plays this has a character that stalks them though, as if it's in the programming and it's RNG of who it is. I say that because I'll go to Twitch and watch it happen to streamers, and they'll make comments about their 'stalker'. It's just somehow my 'stalker' ended up being Eric 🤷🏻‍♀️. For some, it's Kristoff. Others, it's Maui. I dunno... it's weird.
(For the record, I know they're all programmed to come and find you, but I mean- in this case, there's ONE specific character that follows you WAY MORE than usual.)
Anyone who knows me, knows I have this obsession with the Ocean (also space) and octopuses, and jellyfish... hence why I have the Ursula attire (she's the Octo Queen!). Her quest line, should you put out the moonstones and buy her bundle, is worth it imo, but I'm also biased as heck. I just find it ironic that I'm literally dressed like Ursula 2.0 and Eric stalks me more than half the time I'm in-game, lol 😓. The sound of his flute puts me in that state of like 🙀 -startled cat, eyes wide, looking everywhere, ducking behind furniture-
Ariel, go pay more attention to your man plskthx. I will give it to the live action production for the movie. The actor who plays Eric is handsome and plays the role well 👌🏻 (doesn't make me wanna hide any less though in-game 😑)
I totally veered off course of why I'm writing this post. My rambling is getting worse, akjdhjs.
SO. The star path...!
Last year when we got the first Halloween star path, if memory serves, I recall it not having any Tim Burton, The Nightmare Before Christmas items at all and being really bummed out about it. I figured it was because they couldn't get a contract signed, permission, copyright something or other. The game was still very new afterall.
There's a biome in DDLV named the Forgotten Lands and it's mostly purple hues. I knew the aesthetics would be perfect for The Nightmare Before Christmas if I just waited for it... and now this year a handful of items are in the Star Path event. I've been so ready.
Oh, and we also get... !!
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With the new items, I totally remodeled my biome. It's looking cute~
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Here's some better shots of a couple Nightmare Before Christmas outdoor furniture pieces (just a couple but they're big pieces). The notorious Skellington's Hill and the popular Frightful Fountain. 👇🏻
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And the great thing about this game is, we're just going to continue to get even more fun items and grow as the game develops. We also have the Christmas Star path coming up, at some point. Wonder if there's going to be some interesting items in that 🤔
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Oh yeah, I got a cutie Pirate Parrot from this Star Path too ❤️
One Final Edit: On Twitter they mentioned that they added an "AUTUMNBUNDLE" code. If you're playing and missed it, you can copy and paste that in for some furniture pieces.
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Should be in the Settings menu > Help > Code box (under 'import avatar') > hit 'claim' after typing it in.
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tiny-tigers · 1 year
It's time for a little year-end review, folks.
Well, I don't know if you feel the same as I do, but this end of year I'm clearly tired.
it has been a year full of both negative and positive emotions.
the negatives now : I don't really want to come back to that but the failure that was the discord, the ups and downs (+health issues I had), my growing disinterest for this season, the friends we lost along the way, the disillusionments concerning the environment or the players…
Let's start with some positives: we reached new levels of followers, I got to see Jack twice this year, I made a card game with the help of the lovely @oscar-piastri, I made two wonderful new friends @saintsnlancs and @koloha12 (shout out to them to illuminate this end of a dark year)
I must admit I also induced a change and turnover regarding how I address the content on Tumblr and I want to get back to something else. I realize (perhaps too late) that I have worsened my consumption of social media and that it makes me unhappy.
It's my fault for immersing myself entirely in their world, wanting to follow everything, to know everything. I've developed a real FOMO about player content and don't like it at all. I find it unhealthy. It's not directly related to you because you don't give me any injunction to produce content even when I feel that for the excellent functioning of the blog I "owe" it to you somehow. Nevertheless, I am out there every day spending time gathering information and images for you, for me, using up precious time and wanting to gather as much content as possible from each day. It's tiring.
The gist is that I don't recognize myself anymore in the content I publish. At first it was all fun, I felt freer to make a few comments and I was slowly removing that mental barrier of being a serious blog since I basically only share photos with very few people here. That's still the case, still a small audience and a pretty healthy platform with good exchanges but I want to be proud of the research work I sometimes do and I'm not at the moment. I never share the address of this blog with anyone. I want that to change. I want to be able to make constructed articles, have debates with you and way less shitposting.
Because every day I am solicited with a lot of information to sort and compile, to have access sometimes to only one image I am confronted with images that sometimes I do not want to see or be influenced by. You have no idea how many half naked insta-girls or boys I see each day without really asking for it and all the content I sometimes browse through.
Do I like it? Not really. Before this brush-off, the whole scavenging thing, I felt like a little detective following their tracks like little breadcrumbs, but now do I really want to know where their brush has been and in which paint pot? It may make them more human but above all, it makes them very superficial and far from the idyllic image I had of them quite frankly it makes me sad. you're going to tell me I looked for it and I found it, after all what did you expected? Yeah, what did I expected, I wonder too.
I don't know yet who would be interested because I don't have any legitimacy in the world of rugby, I'm just a simple enthusiast. I don't play and my only talent is making sensible comments with @khazadkeit
I love to edit, create and most of all make the content more dynamic with new games-concepts-debates. That's how I feel now and what I wanted to share with you at the end of the year. I don't intend to make the blog more austere or less personal because I love to be able to tell what I feel without adopting a neutral tone. I'm a fan before anything else and this almost naive side of wonder that I own to put the players on a pedestal I couldn't get rid of it completely, it's part of who I am. I will always make excuses for some people even when I shouldn't and be biased.
I would also like to make a selection with the photos I post, not just publish everything as a whole in a sickly archival spirit. I want things to change for the better. I don't know what made you come and stay here, but even if it's a particular tone or my personality, I'd like it to evolve. I'm very grateful for the small audience I have and lots of you are real friends irl but please comment on how you would like to see things develop here.
I'm keen to hear criticism and possible improvements. What I miss the most is the creative side and the emulation that this blog could generate at one point. It's kind of gone and I miss it terribly.
Anyways I'm impatient to read some of your comments.
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Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 21
Chapter 22
"Huh, and the Birds said I'm their resident conspiracy theorist." Tim remarked as he check-mated Dick's chess piece. Dick groaned in dismay, but didn't fuss. He has to admit that, not only Tim was a much better strategist, his own mind was not fully in the game, either. The game was literally only an excuse for the three of them to go over to the Drake House.
Damian sighed in frustration. "Grayson, really, if you wish to use this game as a decoy, we might as well have Drake and I do a game..."
"That'll keep us here all day, and you're a sore loser." Tim scowled at him. Thus far, out of the dozen of game the two have played, Tim had managed to defeat Damian 4 times to one. Damian was not pleased at each loss and would throw a tantrum, i.e., he would flip the table. Fortunately, each loss happened at the Manor and Alfred was always present to pick up the scattered pieces. "Besides, I don't want to have to crawl under the furniture to retrieve my pieces." Tim added.
"Have you located the Waynes, yet?" Jason asked, clearly changing the subject. After a few weeks of knowing him, Dick has come to the conclusion that one of the reasons Damian's mother had chosen Jason to guide and/or guard her son was because Jason was the type of person who would face problems head on; but not seek it.
"Dr and Missus, yes. They're in Switzerland in a medical conference. Dr Wayne is speaking. We also have an agent in attendance who could tell if Dr Wayne or Mrs Martha are... their original selves or not." Tim winced. "Euh... that sounded wrong on so many levels..."
"Someone is likely impersonating Bruce, and has likely used surgical means to alter his appearance to mimic Bruce. Stands to reason we suspect his parents either being in the know, or have been... 'modified', as well." Barbara commented through Tim's laptop. "So... where is the real Bruce?"
"Won't his parents know?" Dick wondered. "I mean, my parents would have lost a gasket if I went missing for an hour, let alone... how long has it been? Nearly four months?"
Everyone was silent for a good few seconds before Dick realized the insinuation and implications of his words. If their 'conspiracy theory' happened to be true, the real Bruce Wayne has been missing for four months and no one was aware of it. The real Bruce Wayne might have been killed and none was the wiser.
"I'm more concerned that this guy has made an association between Tim and the Birds..." Barbara remarked.
"No, I didn't give anything away." Tim clarified. "As far as he could tell, it had been me who gave the evidence of Bane's murders to the cops. I never mentioned any names, and I made sure to track each and every queries made on me, online or offline." Because Tim would. Next to Barbara, Tim probably has the highest level of paranoia within the gang. Dick sometimes wondered if their respective smartness have something to do with said paranoia.
"Yeah, I trust you won't give away anything. But he's made presumptions. It still scared me a bit." Barbara said.
"I'm personally more concerned as to where my father is. There are a plethora of complications if this man continue to present himself as father, both with the Wayne Enterprises and the Al Ghul side of the business." Damian intoned.
"At least one of us is focused..." Tim muttered under his breath, before looking at Barbara and said, "you remember the lip reading thingy?"
"I remember, Tim. And luckily, I've gotten Cassandra to transcribe it. It..."
"Cassandra who?" Jason suddenly interrupted her.
"She's an associate of mine. She's not deaf, but has a problem with words. She is, though, able to lip-read--" Barbara started, but Jason cut her off again.
"Yeah, but what's her last name? Does she have one?"
Barbara glared at him quizzically. "Cain... I don't think..." she replied, and Jason groaned out loud. "What??"
"She's Lady Shiva's daughter..." Jason replied, and something cold ran down Dick's spine. The Birds of Prey might have prevented Lady Shiva and her men from assassinating Damian, by way of open battles between the ninjas and the Birds - plus the Green Arrow and his partners; and sending a lot of the Shadows' higher ranking men scattered, be it in prison, hospital, or simply left town.
But now, they might have unwittingly placed Damian yet again in Shiva's radar.
"How much do you trust this Cassandra person, Babs?" Tim questioned, a little quietly.
Barbara was quiet for a long time, before answering. "I think it's time you boys meet her. I personally would trust her with my life. I never knew she is Shiva's daughter, but if you see her, you'll understand why I trust her."
Dick watched the exchange passively, wondering if the usually infallible Barbara Gordon has finally made a faulty decision.
And boy was Dick glad that Barbara was not wrong. At least he thought so. No-- he assessed so.
Cassandra Cain was not anything like Dick pictured she would be. Lady Shiva, the leader of the League of Shadows that had murdered the Al Ghuls, were the epitome of a warrior: armor wearing with a plethora of adornments that Dick knew could be weaponized - much like Jason's armor, or Dick's own original Talon armor; head held up high, constantly challenging all and every living being before her, nary a hair dared to escape the tight bun she wore it on; lean but powerful musculature; and tall.
Cassandra was the near 180 of Lady Shiva. Especially now that she was wearing a massive hoodie with 'Gotham-U' emblazoned on its front, sweatpants, and slightly disheveled bob-cut hair with layers that softened her heart-shaped face even more. She has the same Asian features as Lady Shiva, but her eyes lacked the challenging condescension that was prevalent in Shiva, even through mere photographs or video footages of her. Also she has a cute little dimple that Shiva did not have.
Jason, however, did not share Dick's sentiments.
"Cain," he growled. She smiled at him.
"She's not gonna fight you," Dick told him. Her posture clearly did not show offense, or intentions thereof.
"I'm not risking it," Jason scowled.
"Risking what?" A blonde girl in her late teens walked out of the kitchen area. Barbara had decided that they - Damian, Jason, and Dick - ought to go and meet Cassandra on their own, without Barbara as referee. Tim came along, if to keep Damian company while Dick and Jason assessed the situation, in spite of his protest of 'I can guard myself, Grayson!' - to which Tim had replied exasperatedly, 'yeah, but having these two arrested because some good citizen thought they were abandoning a minor in a running car is not conducive to our plans of staying out of sight!'
Logic, the only way Damian would operate, apparently.
"Who are you?" Dick asked. Barbara didn't mention there would be another person there.
"I'm Steph, Cass' roomie. They friend of yours?" she asked Cassandra.
"Friend... no--" Cassandra replied in a halting tone. "Red Ghost," she pointed to Jason. "Not enemy."
'Steph' blinked. "Oookay, you have something to do with Oracle's riddle, I think." she remarked.
"Yes and no," Dick replied, but Jason cut him off.
"Me, I'm just here to see if she would finish her mother's work." Jason drawled.
"Oh? I thought you didn't have a mother?" Steph wondered toward Cass, as the latter shrugged slowly to answer. "What. Wait up. Cass was raised by her dad, who's MIA-- or is it KIA? Anyway! What mother?"
Jason looked confused for a few seconds, and then he stepped closer to Cassandra. Now Dick could see that Cassandra was uncomfortable, and might end up punching Jason. "You don't know your mother, but you know me." Jason stated.
"Yes," Cassandra replied uneasily. But it was Steph who reacted physically first. She put up a hand against Jason's chest.
"Whoa, wait up, buddy. You're not allowed in, yet!" she snarled. Jason was actually a few steps past the doorway, but he stepped back.
"Apologies, I don't intend to be threatening. But you," he looked back to Cassandra. "Did you know who your mother is?"
Cassandra shrugged slowly again. "I know," she said. "Never see her."
"Did you know what she did? To the League?"
Cassandra's eyes were full of questions - and from what Barbara said about lacking linguistic abilities, Dick guessed that she wanted to ask so many questions about his mother to Jason, but didn't know how or what words to use. She confirmed Dick's suspicion when she turned her head to look at Steph with pleading eyes. "Help," she said.
"Look, buddy, Red Ghost, or whatever your name is; Cass has been living with me in the past two years. Before that, she was living on the streets for a year after she ran away from her dad. She's never met her mom." Steph explained, stepping between Jason and Cassandra. "Whatever you think she did..."
Jason shook his head, interrupting her. "Lemme repeat myself, I have no intention to threaten her. But I need to assess whether or not she is safe for me and my charge."
Steph did not seem convinced, she glared at Dick, instead. "And you? You here to gang up on us or something?"
Dick held both his palms up and outward, "hey, I'm actually here to bail him out if he got outmanned." he grinned disarmingly. "Anyway, I'm right, aren't I? Or, rather, O was right, wasn't she? She's harmless."
Jason was still having some sort of soundless, eye-to-eye discussion with Cassandra. Either that, or a game of ninja-chicken.
Both Dick and Steph nearly shrieked in horror when Cassandra leaped onward and-- hugged Jason.
"Uh..." Steph muttered. "We missing something here, aren't we?"
"Uhm... I think so." Dick agreed. And then shrugged at Stephanie's glare. "Don't look at me, I ain't the ninja 'round here." he drawled.
"I ain't, either, but I'm less freaked out now 'cause I know my resident ninja is... kinda hugging your friend. Or is this some method of ninja-disarming thing I don't know of?" she replied.
Cassandra sniffled out loud, and Jason finally looked up and at Dick. "We... have an agreement." he croaked, sounding as if he'd been the one who was crying. "I don't hurt her, she won't hurt me. So..." he gave them a slight shrug.
"Telepathy," Steph nodded, assuring herself. Dick wasn't so sure if he could argue her out of her conviction, or if she would understand the body languages Jason and Cassandra were displaying to each other. "So... you still haven't told me what you're here for?"
"Yeah, I'll... I think I'll kinda wait for his decision for a bit. And tell O that they're not trying to kill each other or something. I think." Dick checked a little over Jason's shoulder. Cassandra was still sniffling a little, and Jason's arms around her looked more protective than stifling. Dick tapped his commlink that would connect him to both Oracle and Tim, "I think we're good here, O." he reported.
"I know," Barbara sniffled, too. "That was... thank you, Jason. Tim, you can bring Damian up now."
Damian's presence in the apartment was... rather anticlimactic, if not downright comical. For starter, there were no quiet, and the bickering between Damian and Tim of 'I can get myself up there, Drake!' and Tim's 'I'm not planning to hold your hand when we cross the street, either, but I'm not looking to get arrested, either, Damian!' were preceding their arrival. Cassandra had looked at Dick quizzically at the noise, and Steph had groaned something along the line of 'I don't get paid enough for this...'
Jason looked unfazed, until Damian burst in through the door after being shoved by Tim. Then Jason closed the door and told Cassandra, "Shiva killed Damian's mother and grandfather."
Cassandra sniffled again, and knelt in front of Damian.
"What?" Damian asked, confused. "While I'm not one against accolades... but what is this, Todd?"
"This is Cassandra. She's apologizing. She has never met her own mother, but has heard of her... reputation." Jason explained. "She felt like she has blood in her hands, too."
Damian hesitated for a mere few seconds, and Dick wondered how is it that someone like Talia Al Ghul, believed to be a cold-hearted killer just like Lady Shiva, could raise someone like Damian. "We do not believe that the child shall carry the sins of the father, do we?" Damian replied. "Or in this case, the sins of the mother."
"No we don't," Jason agreed.
"Then rise, Cassandra, for you are yet to sin against me." Damian said regally. Behind him, Tim rose both of his eyebrows and mouthed 'wow' toward Dick. Dick nodded in agreement. For all of his haughtiness and arrogance, Damian was more pragmatic than pedantic.
Jason's slight smirk suddenly reminded Dick that it was not just Talia who had raised and guided Damian. There was also Jason Todd, the most pragmatic person Dick has ever seen. Probably second only to Tim, third to Barbara. Jason was not raised initially as a member of the League of Assassins. He had grown up on the streets of Gotham. It stood to reason that he would reason his way out of anything, including Damian's mentality.
"Okay, do we continue this crying fest or-- Hi, I'm Stephanie Brown," Steph interjected, introducing herself to Tim.
"Tim Drake, nice to meet you." Tim accepted her extended hand gingerly. Dick would swear he could see the flicker of interest in her eyes promptly fade as she followed Tim's gaze toward Jason.
Dick sighed. "Hey, O, you have the footage ready for me to show Ms Cain here?" he asked idly, just to change the subject and cut through the sudden concentration of teenage hormones.
"Tim does," Barbara replied. "You kids good there? I need to divert my attention a bit." she added.
"Yeah, there's me for adult supervision, anyway." Dick quipped and switched off the commlinks before Barbara could protest. "Okay, folks, let's get back to business here."
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benafee · 2 years
Hi benafee! Here’s a few qs for ✨variety✨
If you had to pick a side character in one of your fics to write an entire long fic about, who would you pick? What would that fic look like?
What is your writing process like? How much do you prep/outline beforehand? Who are your style inspirations?
In Remaking the World, how is Sarah doing? Is she spiraling as badly as David, and does she know how badly or why he’s having a bad time? Does she know that he’s in love with Jack? Also I JUST noticed that this last chapter doesn’t have a word in the title- am I reading too much into it, or is that because David has lost so much control and can’t pin anything down right now?
Oh these are good.
First though, I'm just going to quickly respond to your answer about the most memorable scenes thing here
the scene describing Jack’s mom from his picture. Idk why it stuck so much with me, but I think about it all the time. It’s an imagined person from an imagined picture and neither of them knew her, but not even close to imaginary at all at the same time. I feel like I haven’t read an “I love you” like that before
I mean thank you so much. This was one of the first scenes I'd planned out for this story and I'm very happy the emotional weight I attached to this moment came through to you.
However my gratitude is somewhat tempered by indignity at the fact that I now must admit that I have spent an inordinate amount of time planning out a Kloppman-centric pre-canon (and pre-remaking the world) fic. I am writing it almost entirely for the sake of one (1) scene but isn't that always the case? Anyways, here's the rough summary:
All things considered, Bram knows he ought to be content with his lot in life. 
But Sister Martha keeps “checking in” and Mrs. Oliver’s on the warpath and Otto wants to introduce Bram to his sister and Danny won’t tell him what’s wrong and Nick and Louis aren’t being careful and Charlie keeps asking hard questions and and Patrick has it out for the new kid and Race keeps scamming Albert in the dice games they shouldn’t be playing in the first place and Jack’s up to something.
Or: the longest six months of Bram Kloppman’s life. 
Should be fun!
My writing process is, in a word, involved. I do indeed work off a plan. Many plans. For long fics (all my fics) I like to develop a few outlines - one full outline of the work, separate outlines for each chapter which I will work into, a document for developing/tracking themes, recurring motifs, and other important elements in the story, a few documents about important background information and research, and then another document where I'll jot down lines, elements, and scenes that I'd like to include and have yet to find a place for. From there I'll either proceed to slowly write into the chapter outlines based on my whims or I'll let it percolate in the back of my head for months or even years, often feeling incredibly guilty about my lack of progress, only to have it come together when I least expect it. I'm learning to accept the latter as part of my process and trying to release the guilt aspect. Most of my fics are still largely a result of process rather than planning, and sometimes a not small amount of dumb luck - I'm still tickled that the Latin root words of one of my recurring motifs built into a full transitional section which included a reasonably good metaphor about David's complicated feelings towards his schooling. You can't plan that shit. Well you probably could but I sure didn't.
As far as inspiration... I'm not sure. I'd say my writing is pretty typical for fiction writing. It's likely that there are people that unconsciously influence my writing. I reread The History of Love by Nicole Krauss a while ago and noticed that she also has a habit of slipping deeply sad lines into the middle of her narration like they're innocuous sentences. I've also taken a lot of inspiration from poetry, but that's more contributed to an awareness of form and approach than any directly trackable path of influence.
As for Sarah... I mean she's already had two pretty major breakdowns during this fic so she's not doing great. As far as how much she knows... there's definitely more revealed over the course of the fic so I don't want to get too specific here. She definitely knows something is wrong and she definitely does not know the full story, and, combined, this will lead to problems.
And finally, you really should have more faith in your interpretive abilities ;)
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ash-th3-fae · 2 years
some of my favourite the stanley parable ultra deluxe narrator lines (and some from the og or something there’s some here that i don’t recall encountering in tspud but i’ve only played tspud) off the top of my head because i have no other content right now (not double checked we die like stanley (i’m joking I genuinely had the entire script open as i wrote this))
This is the story of a man named Stanley.
-“...but they didn't understand the game was never meant to be funny! It was meant to have a point! It was meant to speak to the human condition! "But where are the jokes? Where are the jokes?" they bemoaned, they screamed. They gnashed their teeth and said "Entertain us!"”
-“Watching you try to make sense of everything and take back the control wrested away from you… it’s quite rich. I almost hate to see it go!”
-“Oh, no, not You™ again.”
-“Stanley we must move on from this broom closet, simply because i have no remaining stickers. If i did, I can guarantee you we’d be here for hours! But alas, no stickers.”
-“Oh wow, look who’s got cold feet!”
-“Sorry, but you’re in my story now~”
-“…the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is…”
-“Come on, I'm sure you'll survive the jump! That's not the Stanley I know.”
-“This is a video game; except for one thing, hero. You've got no weapon. No vehicle. You don't even know where you're going. When you saw that timer, you instinctively tried finding an exit, didn't you? In fact, I bet you're still looking for a way out.”
-“This is not a challenge. It's a tragedy.”
-“*guitar strum* There once was a man named Stanley”
-“You’re a child.”
-“Did you just choose incorrectly?”
-“Also Stanley was addicted to drugs and hookers.”
-“Oh. Hello. It's you. You're here again. Welcome. I have had time to think about you, and about us, and about everything we've been through. I've had so much time, I stopped keeping track after a year.”
“Hahaha, heh, Stanleyyyyy”
-“Wheeee! Look at that whacky Line ™ go.”
-“Great job, Stanley. Everyone thinks you’re so powerful.”
-“~creep tower~”
-“Ah yep! Okay, okay, yes! *clapping while holding paper?? I don’t even know do with this what you will.* I've got it now!”
“Hahahahahahahaha! Gotcha! Oh, come on. Did you actually think you had a loving wife, who'd want to commit their life to you? I'm trying to make a point here, Stanley. I'm trying to get you to see something.”
-“Oh, no, no, no, no, not again! Line™, how could you have done this to us, and after we trusted You™!”
-“And then, because it was said, because it was spoken, now it simply has to happen! The most immediate desires, every single thing demanded by every person at every moment in time - if someone wants it then it's a crime not to bring it into being?”
-“All of his co-workers were gone. What.. *ahem* ..ah, excuse me.”
-“Stanley this, Stanley that, Stanley this, Stanley that, Stanley this, Stanley that, Stanley this, Stanley that”
-“He likes to see how long he can go without dying.”
-“"OH! DID U GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING WAS MY FAVRITE!1 XD" ... I hope your friends find this concerning.”
-“It is! It's an open-world game! Good god! Quickly! Block it off!…. Oh! Thank goodness, Stanley. What a close call. You nearly wandered off into that - that thing! That big open - just wandering around, no right or wrong directions! No path to follow! You can just go in any - [groaning] Oh, thank heavens we avoided it!” (ngl i genuinely got lost in firewatch i’m very stuck)
-“Stanley! Who am I?! Can you speak to me? Please talk! Have we done this before?! Have we been in this room before?! How many times have we done this?! How many times have I said these exact words?! Say something! Anything! Help me Stanley! I don't know who I..Wha I!...St!...Sta!...Stan!...Help!...No!”
-“That's really how all this goes?! It's all...determined?”
-“Oops, looks like I was wrong. How clumsy of me.”
(Might write a second one soon because this was so much fun)
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transmortifried · 2 years
tagged by @catgirl-kaiju for this ask game, who had better appreciate how hard it was to copy all these questions on mobile
What was your last…
• Beverage: last night's ice water with black cherry drops added that i took my pills with this morning
• Phone call: took a call for work, which is like 90% of what i do for a living
• Text message: i think it might have also been a work thing?
• Song you listened to: postmodern jukebox's cover of lovefool, which came up on a playlist i had on in the background and then i had to track it down
• Time you cried: a while ago. it's personal.
Have you ever…
• Dated someone twice: i'm only still in contact with one of my exes
• Kissed someone and regretted it: yeah
• Lost someone special: that's personal as well
• Been depressed: hon we're on the depression website, what do you think
• Been drunk and threw up: haha yeah, my 21st birthday, it was really bad. i STILL can't drink tequila
In the last year, have you…
• Made a new friend: i'd like to think so!
• Fallen out of love: nah
• Laughed until you cried: yeah of course i like to laugh. might've been the pride flag ohio flag incredibles post that did it last.
• Found out who your true friends are: pass
• Found out someone is talking about you: please, people are always talking about me. i'm hot as hell and unpredictably awkward, it keeps them guessing
• How many people on your fb list do you know in real life: who the hell still uses facebook
• List three of your favorite colors: red, charcoal grey, and stygian blue
What was your first…
• …surgery: unless getting teeth pulled counts, none
• …piercing: earrings, but that's boring. it went septum, then navel, then eyebrow
• …best friend: someone i went to elementary school with. we don't talk anymore but we've been through some shit together. we were roommates for a couple months too.
• …sport you joined: i was forced to play baseball as a child against my will and spent the whole time being as bad at it on purpose out of spite.
• …vacation: probably a trip up to the smoky mountains?
• …pair of trainers:
• i don't care enough about shoes to be able to answer this
Right now what are you…
• …eating: taco bell baybee! steak crunchwrap with chipotle sauce, grilled chicken 5-layer burrito, and a chalupa that i got for free
• …drinking: large baja blast no ice, see above
• …about to do: sit at work wondering if it's gonna rain again because if it does then i can leave
Your future
• Do you want kids: nope!
• Do you want to get married: maybe!
• Ideal career: independently wealthy and unemployed!
Which do you think is better…
• …lips or eyes: i'm gonna say lips because eye contact makes me uncomfortable
• …hugs or kisses: kisses
• …shorter or taller: *thinks about my two 6 foot girlfriends* no comment
• …older or younger: slightly older, and yet i keep being the slightly older one in my recent flirtations
• …romantic or spontaneous: this is a false dichotomy???? spontaneously romantic
• …nice stomach or nice arms: tough call, but i'm gonna say arms
• …sensitive or loud: LOUD. i love it when a woman feels like she can just talk atound me yknow?
• ...hook up or relationship: relationship. i'm literally no good at hookups
• …trouble-maker or hesitant: trouble-maker for sure!
Have you ever…
• …kissed a stranger: yup!
• …drank hard liquor: twice a week, yeah
• …lost glasses/contacts: not permanently
• …had sex on the first date? jeez i had to think about it but i have. would have preferred to finish the movie though.
• …broken someone’s heart: maybe? we didn't keep in touch.
• …been arrested: nah, but i've been given the Official Warning
• …turned someone down: yeah
• …cried when someone died: hey what the fuck
Do you believe in…
• …yourself:
• …miracles: yeah i mean there's pretty concrete proof of magnets existing
• …love at first sight: nah that's just thinking someone's hot. love is a process that takes time to develop
• …heaven: nah
• …Santa Claus: no i'm not five and for real i hate christmas, least favorite holiday by a decent margin
• …kiss on the first date: i can't imagine this being a big deal to anybody. literally cannot fathom it
• …angels: nope!
i am tagging...
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purplesurveys · 1 month
What do you want more than anything else? A weekend. I haven't had one in over a month...and I probably won't have another one until May.
Do you have to cross any bridges on your way home? Yes, just one but it's also really short and takes like 10 seconds to drive through if there's no traffic lol. 10-15 minutes if there is traffic.
What type of phone do you have? I have an iPhone 13 Pro.
Have you ever tried coconut water? No. Beyond coconut milk in curries, I hate coconut in any other capacity. I just find it kinda nasty.
Are you able to keep a lid on your temper? I definitely try my best. Having such a crucial leadership role at work helps with the temper management because I know I can't bitch whenever I want anymore, in the same way I used to be able to. I lead the entire department now, and any move I make will almost always be watched by my team. Can't go about being a bad, grouchy influence at this point.
What colour are the blankets on your bed? It's blue.
What was the last thing you said aloud? "Ugh," when I realized I needed to pick up something the moment I landed on my bed.
Is there anybody who makes you feel empowered? Not really. I can do that for myself.
Does your house have a basement? Nope.
How many online accounts do you have? Or have you lost count? I don't keep track.
Which Asian country would you like to visit the most? I'd honestly just go back to Thailand.
Are you the type to hold grudges? Yes.
What was the last video game you played? Mario Kart 8.
What’s your favourite flavour of vitamin water? I've never tried vitamin water.
Are there any bands/artists that get you all emotional? Certain songs of theirs, sure; but not the actual artists.
What do you think about double stuff oreos? I've never tried but tbh I'm just fine with the normal ones.
Are you happy in your own skin? Sure, I can say that.
Have you ever been to a convention? (comic, Youtube, etc.) Just once, for YouTubers.
Do you have any disgusting habits? I'm sure most people have at least one.
Can you get your favourite fruit all year around, or is it seasonal? I don't have a favorite fruit.
What brand are most of the electronics in your household? I want to say Apple? When both my parents switched to iPhones and my sister got a work Mac from her current company I think it tipped the scales once and for all for Apple hahaha.
Is any part of your body hurting right now? My back, because when is it not in pain hahaha.
What’s your favourite aunt or uncle’s first name? Anna.
Do you prefer your tea with or without milk? I don't drink tea.
What sound makes you cringe? When utensils scrape against a plate in an angle that'll make it have this nasty screech sound.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? I have.
If so, do you still smoke? Nah.
What do you think about androgynous names? I really like them for girls.
Do you see yourself getting married one day? Not in the cards.
Do you get sick often? I don't. The one exception was the time last year when I got sick two months in a row...first time it ever happened and I was genuinely shocked because I came from never ever getting sick to getting shot down by a fever two months straight.
Who was the last person you invited into your home? Angela, Hans, Reena for my birthday last year.
Are you of legal drinking age in the country you live in? For the last 8 years.
How old were your parents when they got engaged? Not sure exactly which year they got engaged, but I would guess it was when they were 24-25.
Are your parents still together? Yup.
What flavour was the last ice cream you ate? Vanilla.
Are you health conscious? No.
Have you ever done a first aid course? I haven't.
If so, would you be prepared to perform CPR if necessary? I honestly wouldn't be; I need a CPR refresher.
Are you for or against gay marriage? I'm going with the correct answer, which is being for.
Do you have any friends who bat for the other team? They would not be my friends in the first place.
Have you ever written a letter to a politician? Nope.
Are there any songs that get stuck in your head very easily? Chasing That Feeling by TXT is insanely good.
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mahoushaymie · 2 years
1-5 for the video game asks? :)
Ooh, fun! Thanks for the ask!
1: I think everyone knows that Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is one of my favorites but another favorite of mine is Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. The gameplay is repetitive but the writing more than makes up for it. The plot is better than the average Pokemon game and the characters are funny and quirky and likable. Shame it's a DS exclusive game since it relies on the touch screen because I feel like everyone should play it. It's the second game in the series but I played it first and things still made sense.
2: The first console I owned for myself was the DS. Specifically a silver DS Lite that I got for Christmas when I was nine (along with Littlest Pet Shop and Shadows of Almia).
3: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. That game is just special and iconic and probably the first game I ever cried at. I've lost track of how many times I played through it.
4: I've never stopped to think about my favorite video game character. Um, probably Clementine from Telltale's Walking Dead. I just love her, I've watched several playthroughs of the game and she's just top tier. True girlboss.
5: And my least favorite character... Going with Walking Dead again and saying Ben from season one. I cannot think of a single good thing he did, he was so whiny and irritating and he should have been kicked from the group IMMEDIATELY. He brought nothing to it and just caused problems. And I'm sorry but BEN PAUL? Never trust someone with two first names (I say, as someone with two first names). 😌
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