#i've come so far. I'm a completely different person. but also the same. i've done so much and am now living on my own
lorebird · 1 year
The mainline pokemon games' poor writing is very frustrating 75% of the time because it's either close to being good or just a complete waste of potential. However the other 25% of the time I fucking love that nothing is fleshed out because then I can hit it with Autism Blast and do whatever the fuck I want
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bagelrites · 6 months
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^^^ It has come to my attention that whatever I post next (this post) will be my 5,000th post, so I've decided to make it a special one!
Did you know that I started this blog, it was originally named OfDemonsAndDruids, because all I intended to really post about was my fanfic series by the same name? And if you did know that, congrats! And thanks for sticking around, that's so cool :)
And for the rest of you! you will now be indoctrinated by the epic ODAD lore (which plagues my drain to this day, even after writing 176k words about it.)
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George is the crown prince of the Mushroom Kingdom, a secluded but prosperous country which boasts powerful druid magic and control over the Lichens, a strange yet formidable species which bonds with humans when their true name is spoken. George, as the prince, is given a Lichen to bond with when he's sixteen, and the Lichen will serve as his guard, protector, and servant for the rest of his life.
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Dream is that Lichen, though his real name isn't Dream. Dream is the "code" by which he goes so no one other than George can speak his true name. He has been trained his whole life to serve the royal family and to protect George with his superhuman powers of speed, strength, and stamina. He wears a mask, as do all Lichens, because their most powerful skill is that of control. When a Lichen looks at someone with their bare eyes, they can completely control that person (and yes, he can see through the mask. It's magic.)
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Sapnap is, well, just some guy! He lives in a village north of the Mushroom Kingdom, but longs to leave home and go on an adventure. Maybe someday his dreams can be fulfilled...
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Bad is a full-blooded demon, or at least he appears to be, when he wears his enchanted cloak which casts a shadow over his face. He's worked for years building a reputation as the best bounty hunter in the Nether, and works with his team of white wolves to hunt down his bounties.
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Skeppy is an imp, a species closely related to demons, though they're about half the size and have wings instead of horns and a fuzzy tail. They're also shapeshifters, and don't follow the code of order that demons do. Instead, they're led only by chaos and a drive for trickery. Skeppy and Bad have been friends for a long time, though that friendship mostly consists of Skeppy teasing and trolling Bad, and sometimes his pranks go too far...
I've just barely scratched the surface about these guys (like this literally doesn't even get into the main plot) so if you're curious, give it a read!
Symbiosis is the main fic in the series, and follows George through the events of a war between the Demons and the Mushroom Kingdom. It's 100k words and very plotty, and focuses on DNF and the four muffinteer's freindship.
Maladaptation is the companion fic to Symbiosis, which follows Bad and Skeppy through the same events, but showing a very different perspective. It's 70k and just as plotty, but focuses on Skephalo (as well as Quackity and Skeppy's friendship - I started writing it over a year ago...)
And Devotion is a short follow-up to Symbiosis, which is basically just a nsfw DNF one shot that shows a bit of Dream's POV on his relationship with George.
While it's been almost a year since I've worked on this series, I want to say that I'm not done with it and I do plan on writing more in 2024, because I've been having some serious brainworms about these guys. But regardless, I hope you enjoyed learning about my complicated fantasy AU, or if you've read Symbiosis, that you enjoyed this walk down memory lane.
With that said, happy 5,000 posts to this blog! Here's to 5,000 more 🥳🎉
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What is your take on the whole "the Metatron threatened Aziraphale off-screen & Aziraphale lied to protect Crowley" theory that seems to have become very popular in the fandom? Personally, I think it does raise some interesting points, but I'm not sold on it for a variety of reasons. I love your metas btw! ❤️
hi anon!💕 thank you so much, that's very kind of you!
gosh, been a while since i've had a meta ask!✨ hmm. tbh, im in two camps, and i do think there's some merit in the two of them matching up. i wrote a couple of posts on this, breaking down the final fifteen practically shot-by-shot, and have read countless different takes from other brilliantly observant people, but essentially my thought process is this (lengthy explanation under the cut, im afraid - im a bit meta-rusty):
aziraphale did not want to go to heaven. that much is clear from the two refusals he gives the metatron. furthermore, he rejects heaven for what it currently is and what it stands for (and, arguably imo, reaches the end of his tether with god, too) in s1, when he realises that heaven is also firmly working to bring about armageddon. that it wasn't just the agenda of the archangels; the metatron, the voice of god, confirms that war is the goal, no matter the collateral. and god does not intervene. this continues throughout s2; aziraphale is notably still disdainful of heaven, is happy enough being separated from it... but it should be noted that he has replaced heaven, and the structure and comfort it offered him, with crowley ("it's nice to tell someone about the good things you've done... now that im not reporting to heaven...")
i do think what we're shown on screen is accurate. there's allowance for the fact that the flashbacks to the aziraphale-metatron conversation may be biased and therefore unreliable, being from aziraphale's pov, but... i don't think there will be anything necessarily revealed that wasn't shown to us in the FF. there might be snippets of that conversation that he's kept from crowley, but has essentially seen fit to share with the audience... so personally i think it's accurate, and nothing is missing. and tbh, if nothing else, it would feel narratively cheap if the 'solution' to the FF was in something being purposefully withheld from the audience. in that respect, i do take the FF at face value
we know that aziraphale has a low evaluation of himself. it's presented to us that he's evidently hedonistic and enjoys earthly pleasures just as much as crowley does, but i don't think it's as evident until shax's jabs during the demon raid just how much aziraphale actually might be - frankly - ashamed of these things. i think on a fundamental level he likes being an angel, it's all he's ever known. but even if he accepts that he may be a bit of a bastard - is even slightly proud of it - i think he's equally self-conscious of the fact that who he truly is will never be enough for heaven, god, or to warrant his own angelhood, and all these things he enjoys equally serve as a source of shame in how far it removes him from what his belief on what a good angel should be
in the same vein, he's caught between the devil and the deep blue sea in that he might feel that he's not enough for crowley, either. case in point for me, unfortunately, is that crowley has constantly reaffirmed that they are both on their own side, but when aziraphale opts to shelter gabriel, arguably the right thing to do for many reasons but ultimately because that's the kind of person aziraphale is (imo), crowley retracts it... possibly unconsciously, and completely understandably, but aziraphale definitely notes it ("i thought we carved it out for ourselves!") and his resulting petulant, bratty dismissal is textbook responding to rejection with rejection. especially when aziraphale clearly was not totally on side with "our own side" at the end of s1, but has come around to it and accepted it in the four years since. so, it feels like aziraphale has done what he considers to be the right thing to do, a core principle of who he is in modern day (having learnt some very hard lessons along the way) but that's enough for crowley to take back everything he had said previously
aziraphale loves crowley, that much is evident. and he may well remember the angel that crowley used to be with some degree of fondness. however, a) im not sold that the pre-fall flashback is aziraphale's POV, and b) that does not mean that aziraphale preferred crowley as an angel. imo, he fell for crowley whilst he was a demon, but because crowley was crowley. a demon that pretends otherwise, but is at heart, just a little bit, a good person. the concept of good is important to aziraphale, but he hasn't removed it from being a purely angelic trait. ergo, i think he considers crowley to have fallen unfairly, that it was a gross injustice (and i say this fully believing that 'just asking questions' may not have been the reason why crowley fell), and that if anyone deserves to be restored - to be forgiven and essentially be asked for forgiveness in return - its crowley
similarly, i think we can be led to assume that aziraphale doesn't actually know anything about crowley's fall, nor his actual thoughts and feelings on the matter. all he knows is what crowley told him - "sauntered vaguely downwards" - and up until the FF crowley hasn't truly (as far as i can recall) ever declared that he doesn't want the chance to be an angel again. he's obviously derisive of heaven, that is very clear, but when he states "unforgivable, that's what i am", i think that registered to aziraphale that crowley might feel like he won't be forgiven, but doesn't mean he wouldn't want it. all the sneers crowley has volleyed at heaven and the archangels might have been, up until now, simply been anger and resentment for something that was unfair in the first place. add to this that crowley has been placed in danger on multiple occasions by hell, and again i think the offer of restoration - to be beyond the reach of hell altogether - is lucrative to aziraphale... and it's now within his power to give.
so. i do think that there is an implicit threat in the aziraphale-metatron discussion. aziraphale visibly becomes very uncomfortable when crowley is brought up, the exact nature of their relationship heavily implied as not having escaped the metatron's notice. aziraphale is not happy as he walks back to the bookshop, and he's erratic and scattered when he delivers the news and offer to crowley. a threat may not have been intended, let alone been vocalised, but i do think aziraphale feels under threat of some kind... that any way you slice it, he doesn't feel like he has any choice in returning to heaven, and instead chooses to make hay whilst the sun shines etc.
but equally... i think aziraphale believes the best in everyone and everything. he has constantly been ostracised, mocked, or ignored as being irrelevant to heaven - and even himself perhaps wonders if he should be an angel at all. but here the metatron is, recognising that aziraphale might be "the angel for the job". whilst i don't think aziraphale buys in to the metatron's flattery, because im fairly sure that the angel as demonstrably intelligent as he is would potentially consider that the flattery is superficial and overplayed (especially given how nearly all of it contradicts the s1 conversation that he and the metatron had), i do think aziraphale might be thinking '...yeah, i am the angel for the job. just not the job you're intending'.
metatron mentions nothing about 'making a difference', but that's exactly what aziraphale tries to implore with crowley; that they could change things, and him being in charge - with crowley by his side, in on the subterfuge - might just be what is required. exactly as the people they currently are. there is something about heaven that aziraphale believes is worth saving, and i think that's where the "its the side of truth, of light... of good" comes in. qualities that he thinks heaven should be, was always meant to be, and he could restore. crowley however considers the endeavour to be utterly pointless.
i also think there's an element of doublespeak going on... kinda. more specifically, that aziraphale is speaking to two audiences in the scene (three, if you count us!); he's talking in a way that sounds entirely like he's dancing to metatron's tune, that he's heaven's man through-and-through... but also in a way that he's trying to sell the idea to crowley in turn - and is speaking in a way that won't tip either audience off to the full reality of the situation as he sees it. i wouldn't go so far as to say it's a code, though - e.g. i personally don't accept the ''time out' signal but crowley missed it' theory - but instead that he's trying to lead the metatron into underestimating him, and also perhaps downplay the exact truth of the situation from crowley. if crowley were to know that aziraphale is frightened or uneasy, or felt under threat in any way, i think he might be afraid that crowley would do something drastic, or at least inadvertently give 'the game' away. nonetheless though, he has to reveal some of his true intentions to crowley, in order to bring him on side - just very subtly.
regarding the restoration offer - kinda went over it above, but i do think aziraphale genuinely thought that crowley would want it, and would take it not just so he could be an angel again, but also in order to help change heaven and be with aziraphale. that being said, as he walks into the bookshop, i think a part of him recognised it might be a hard sell, and instead aziraphale would need to frame it in a way as being like... a disguise, or a cover, or some sort? but aziraphale severely underestimated crowley's feelings on heaven and angelhood, even if i don't think it was an unfair assumption to make, either. aziraphale was excited about it because it was something he could actually give crowley, something within his power to bestow - to right a wrong that he's possibly always thought was a gross injustice ever since job.
god im sorry this has taken so long but - no, i don't think the metatron threatened aziraphale off-screen, but i do think aziraphale feels threatened by the discussion and implications within it, and whilst feeling that he has no way out, instead opts to return to heaven to exact his influence - as an angel that's not like the rest of them - and to play his own game... to do the right thing, and make a difference.
and no, i don't think he lied to crowley to protect him. i think he had to toe a line between 'the metatron might somehow be able to hear and observe us, so i have to speak in such a way that makes it seem im on heaven's side', and 'what i say to crowley has to be without cottoning him onto the fact that i feel threatened, bc a) he might do something silly and b) the metatron would know, but what i say also has to be worded so that he can see why i truly want to go back'.
thank you for the ask, i really enjoyed it!!! sorry you have to read an essay tho oops💕
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WIBTA if I don't want to contribute to paying for furniture for the house?
1/3/2024, Names changed. Sorry, this is a little long.
I (26) live with three roommates: Kay (22) who is my sister, Sam (22) who is Kay's high school sweetheart and fiancé, and Andy (25) who is Kay and Sam's best friend. All of us are autistic, queer, and neurodivergent in some way or another.
Background info; Kay, Sam, and Andy had had plans to move in together for several years with Andy moving cross country to do so. Kay and I both moved out of our parents house within a month of each other in Summer 2022, with Kay and Sam moving in together, and me moving into an apartment by myself. Early 2023 due to issues with my apartment and landlord and being unable/unwilling to stay there past my lease when it was up in six months, with some encouragement from our mother Kay asked if I wanted to move in with the three of them because Kay and Sam's lease was up around the same time mine was and they were already planning on getting a bigger place to live with Andy when he got here. Due to the aforementioned apartment troubles and having a hard time mentally living alone for the first time, I accepted. We found a small house and the four of us moved in Summer 2023.
Now we've butted heads a good bit the last couple months (especially me and Andy because we had barely known each other before moving in together and we have very different personalities), including a few very loud fights, but we have thus far managed to eventually talk it out and work it out and kept things mostly under control. I admit, there have been times where I was definitely the asshole in situations, but I've acknowledged that, apologized, and tried to improve my behavior since then. Anyway, this ask isn't about all those times.
A lot of my issues in the household stem from my depression and lack of motivation to get things done. A big contributing factor to that is that I am painfully aware I wasn't part of their original plan, and that leads to me not feeling wanted as part of this house. The three of them often do things without me like playing D&D, and hanging out/going fun places without me, while things I want to do with all of them just kinda never happens, like playing a video game or board game with one of them, or going out somewhere fun I want to go. Some of me not being included is completely justified like Kay and Sam's date nights, and some things while they do still sting a bit to be excluded from make sense why (like their D&D games that can get very NSFW, and I'm a sex-repulsed asexual. also being Kay's sister would make it extremely awkward regardless of my sexuality. I only found out about the NSFW nature of their games two weeks ago though), but certain things it doesn't feel like as good a reason for me to not be included or it's not actually communicated to me why I'm not invited to be part of something.
A REALLY big thing that contributed to these feelings I have was the day we got the keys to our house, as Kay and Andy were showing it to me, Kay told me "Just so you know, this isn't permanent. You're going to get your own place again eventually" with a soft deadline of two years because that's when another of their friends graduates college and might need a place to stay after. Over the last few months we have had several conversations about my feelings of being unwanted and Kay has apologized saying that what she meant that day came out wrong. What she meant by that statement was they all want to help me become more independent so that I will be able to move out and live on my own again one day when I'm ready since the first time didn't go so well. They were not/are not planning to kick me out, and the other friend moving in is just an idea that may not even come to fruition anyway. Even if it was partially a misunderstanding and there is no set time I need to be out of the house by, knowing that there is an end in sight has made it much harder for me to settle in because I don't feel like I can get settled since I'll just have to leave again at some point anyway even if that time is literal years away. Sorry if that doesn't make sense but that's the best way I can phrase it.
With all that background out of the way, I'll get back on track now. Kay and Andy have spent months planning on how to decorate the house and want to make the whole first floor (kitchen, living room, and shared craft space in the front room) themed like a medieval tavern. I haven't been able to give much input on how the house gets decorated outside of my own room. I've been trying to at least make my bedroom feel more homey since it's where I spend a lot of my time, but the common areas are much harder for me to feel comfortable and like I belong in because I don't have much control/input in how they will look. Which again, I know I'm not going to be here super long term, so it makes sense but it still sucks.
Now onto the actual situation here. There is a dining table set that Kay and Andy picked out that costs over $400 that Kay said on 12/25 she wants us all four to pitch in to get for the household for her birthday in a couple months. I am hesitant to contribute to this set, because I am not going to live with them forever. Obviously I pay my part to the household. I pay my fair share of rent, utilities, and food (though I will often make mini grocery runs throughout the week and I rarely if ever ask for money I spent back because I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them). I have already contributed towards furniture for the house but that is either things that are explicitly and exclusively mine despite household use (a tv stand I already had, a bookshelf I bought to display my things) and will come with me when I move out, or something that was a gift for someone else but still not ridiculously expensive (a $40 secondhand curio cabinet the rest of us got for Kay as an early Christmas present and various other small decorations for around the house).
There was another interaction today that has me a little upset. We've been thinking of getting a second TV for the living room so we can play online co-op games together. Who pays for the TV, determines who gets to keep the new one and who takes the old one when I leave. If the three of them want to keep the new TV, they're going to split the cost and I get the old one, however if I want the new TV I will have to pay for the whole thing myself. 1 person vs 3 people paying for something just feels unfair to me.
But the dining set feels different because it's a lot of money and I won't get to take any part of it with me when I eventually leave. With the TV I'd at least get to keep it. I feel guilty about not wanting to help pay for it, especially because Kay has said she wants it as a birthday gift, but if it almost feels like I'm just buying furniture for someone else's house. Honestly, I'll probably end up sucking it up and contributing anyway because I really don't like confrontation and tend to keep my feelings to myself anyway, but I just want to know other people's opinion on the situation.
Money has been a growing issue for me lately. I'm the only one with a stable, salaried job (barely pays above minimum wage though so it's not like I'm rolling funds), while Kay and Sam are hourly and Andy is between jobs right now. Like I said, I feel awkward about asking for money from any of them. Honestly I don't mind paying a little extra here and there to help out since I'm not much help with the cooking and cleaning, but the amount I have been contributing with no compensation has been eating away at my savings the last few months and I've been keeping silent about it because I don't want to make them feel guilty about it and make it awkward.
TLDR; I'm insecure and have trouble feeling wanted around by my roommates, and am expected to eventually move out. WIBTA if I don't want to help buy a dining set for the household because I won't get to take any part of it with me when I move out?
PS- If it's not too much trouble, could you please tag @aita-roommates-furniture so I am notified when this gets posted? Tumblr won't let me submit asks from a sideblog. If not, no worries! I'll just keep an eye out for it
What are these acronyms?
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onehopefuldreamer · 10 months
Challenging a Queen - a love letter
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Look, at first this post was going to be about Look into me (my first love when it comes to this game's soundtrack and still one of the songs I adore the most).
Then I wanted to wax poetic about You and I and You and I reprise (three different versions of the reprise depending on what you do with the throne and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's glorious voice, yes, please! Plus Persephone and Grace is my personal OTP).
After that I moved on to The Throne because I think it's both absolutely awesome and absolutely bonkers you get two themes to mix and match there instead of only one (1st theme based on your first choice and the 2nd on your answer to Orpheus' question). It's still a huge, HUGE personal favourite.
(I will still write love letters to these three songs eventually.)
But then I read Austin Wintory's commentary on the Pantheon version of the soundtrack he posted on YouTube and it caught my attention that he called Challenging a Queen the most complex song in the game. Previous to reading that I had thought it was the same as a lot of the other songs - three main themes that you just get to mix and match but aside from that nothing much changes. Oh, how wrong I was!
Reading that comment made me curious about trying different combinations to see what would happen and once I started doing that I was completely blown away. Because it turns out that this song is anything BUT simple! The choices are even more interlinked here than in most other songs and the possible combinations that lead to different outcomes are so, SO many!
Based on my experimentation (8+ hours of gameplay that's only replaying this one song)  I have discovered the following:
1. The first choice you make directly influences the second. So if you go from Green to Red for example you get a completely different outcome than if you had gone from Red to Green.
2. The first choice also influences the third/middle one. BXGXX is not the same as RXGXX or GXGXX (X stands for any colour). In the case of middle Red, I think, there's the most possibilities because there the second choice also comes into play. For example the banter between Grace and Persephone is different if you go with RBRXX (which is the same as RRRRR) or RGRXX.
3. Then the third and fourth choices also influence each other and lead to different combinations. Say, XXBRX is decidedly not the same as XXRBX.
4. Last but most certainly not least that pesky first choice continues to have an effect until the very end. The combination between it and your fifth or, sometimes, fourth and fifth choice/s is what leads to all sorts of different and unique endings you can get.
That's already a super complex song structure that I'm still not sure I have figured out completely, to be honest. I continue to experiment with different combinations and plan to try to see if I can compile a guide to all the possibilities here. I'm very much not statistically or mathematically inclined so this has been a bit of a struggle but I'm also having so much fun trying to pick apart this song that I don't really mind.
I've never experienced anything like this in any game before and honestly playing around with this song has been a revelation. The amount of screaming I have done in front of my laptop every time I come upon something new is insane. I've come to a point where I have bits and pieces of Challenging a Queen rattling around my head at all times and I LOVE it! Because, as weird as it sounds, I have not become bored with this song even after so many hours of listening to it. I happen to love all the different permutations and listening to Laura Bailey and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn try to outperform each other is far, FAR from a hardship. In fact it's an absolute joy.
I'll leave you with what's probably my most favourite discovery about this song: there are 17 different endings you can discover. 17!!! That's insane! Or at least that's as many as I have personally discovered and I am still very much in awe. If you're curious about checking them out on your own, here goes:
1-4 - RRRRR, BBBBB, GGGGG with a Charming Grace and GGBGG or GGRGG with a Clever or Kickass Grace. These are what I call the regular or classic endings. You're pretty much guaranteed to discover these.
5-8 - BXXBG, RXXBG, GXXBG with Clever or Kickass Grace and one extra XXXBG ending for Charming Grace. The first choice does not matter for Charming Grace, the ending is always the same no matter what.
12-14 - BXXBR, RXXBR and GXXBR
15-17 - BXXRB, RXXRB and GXXRB
What I find impressive (aside from the huge number of endings) is that the endings from 5 and onward are all genuinely combined endings. They're not just alternative versions of the RR, GG or BB endings, they're a combination of approaches and/or musical styles and I cannot even begin to express how much I adore that.
I'm not going to lie, doing the experimentation for the GR, BR and RB endings in particular hurt my feelings a whole lot because I'm a Persephone stan and hate to see her trounced by Grace so thoroughly when I know she's actively grieving Calliope. But what really broke my heart (again as a Persephone stan) is those BG endings. Those have made me cry actual tears (the only other ending that's had this effect was GG with Clever or Kickass Grace). They're also the only endings I've been able to discover that have the camera panning down instead of sideways and come with their own backdrop. Discovering my first version of them had me squealing like mad and feeling like an archaeologist who'd discovered priceless ancient treasures. They're probably my personal favourites, all of them. Both because they're so unique and because I love how compassionate Grace is in them. As much as I do think Grace is badass when she wins, I love her being soft and understanding towards Persephone a whole lot more.
I'll stop here because this is already a wall of text for which I'd apologise but this is not even all my thoughts and feelings on this song. I just have so many! Now off to listen to it again and work on my guide.
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birds--daily · 4 months
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welcome to birds daily!!
this is my blog where i draw a bird every single day! the idea was completely ripped off from one of my best friends of all time, @fish-daily !! please go check him out :0)
my name is sunny and i'm a wildlife biology major and art minor from the eastern united states. i'm 21 years old and i use they/them pronouns!
i'm here because i love birds so much, and i'm assuming if you're following then you do too!!
what to know before you request
please check if i've drawn a bird before you request it! if you don't want to scroll through everything, all my birds are tagged by order. don't know the order of your bird? look it up! the IOC world bird list has a great resource for this.
i tag them by name, but some birds have multiple common names.
i also have a spreadsheet of every bird i've done so far! but i can definitely see myself forgetting to update this, so it's best to double check.
any avian dinosaur archaeopteryx-and-beyond can be requested! many ornithologists consider avialae to be the cutoff for "modern" birds.
i can't guarantee full-accuracy of prehistoric birds as i'm not very well-versed in paleontology.
please keep asks to only one bird! feel free to send multiple asks though. if you include multiple birds in an ask i'll just pick one. when i answer the ask to post it, the other birds will be gone forever...
i will prioritize requests in the order i received them in, but a couple times a week i might draw a personal pick instead.
not accepting duplicate birds doesn't mean you can't request a different version of the same bird, which leads me to…
sexual dimorphism and seasonal plumage!
yes! you can request different plumages and sexes of a bird i've already done! want to see a female ruddy duck? of course! want the breeding plumage of the willow ptarmigan? absolutely!
i have sex, maturity, and plumage recorded on my spreadsheet, but i'm bound to make some mistakes on there. once again, double-checking my blog is your best bet to getting accurate bird info!
if you don't specify anything, i'm going to assume the basic mature male with breeding plumage that you come to expect from a bird.
breeding and non-breeding plumage can also be called summer and winter plumage. some birds also have special names for their plumage forms. just to keep things consistent i'll be referring to it as breeding and non-breeding!
final notes
my main blog is @eggpathy if you're interested in any of my other art! i forget to post there a lot. most of my art is on my twitter under the same name (trying to move here though)
i'm a full-time college student with a job, so some days i won't be able to get a bird out. sometimes i might even have to take a few days to a week off just to keep my sanity. this doesn't mean i'm not having fun and enjoying drawing birds! it just means i'm busy and maybe need time for other things
i'm also still human. this means i WILL MAKE MISTAKES! i have not finished my degree yet and i'm still learning! one of the big reasons i made this account was to help myself learn my birds! i take extra time out of my day to find facts to post with my birds, and sometimes those are wrong. if you see me post misinfo, please kindly correct me with a comment, dm, or tag!
any post that isn't a daily bird will be tagged #not birds. any post that is a daily bird will be tagged #birds.
please feel free to add extra fun facts, info, and generally any other silly comment in the tags. i love reading them and they make my day!
asks don't have to be request-related! feel free to ask me anything :0)
thanks for reading! peent!
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knightyoomyoui · 7 months
Nayeon x M/F Reader - "No Problem"
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Yes. I have finally decided that I will officially end my book once all of the remaining one-shots set to be released are completely done. I can't keep to focus on this book alone for longer because you know, there are other stuffs that I need to prioritize. I'm sorry guys and while it's still early, I just want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of your love with my book. It's been fun creating multiple alternate universe TWICE fanfics to all of you and to explore all the types of storylines I had to encounter on creating each. Really, thank you so much.
Also, since I've said a month ago that I'm going to start using my hobby of writing stories as my sources of income, so again I'm not forcing everybody to donate but if you can, please feel free to do so as your additional support for my works. Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too! 
Alright, now let's kickoff Set 6 with this gender neutral reader x Nayeon fic one-shot! I hope yall enjoy it even though it's short (which probably will be the same for most of the other fics included in the line-up) unlike the usual lengthy works that I used to write before.
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Aside from his/her parents, Nayeon is most likely the only other person who is completely informed about YN. She is able to catch every aspect about YN, including your mannerisms, your tendency to become quickly distracted when concentrating on anything, your favorite kinds of clothes, and much more. But amongst all of it, having known YN for over a decade, she is already largely acquainted with your personality.
She could still recall those times when, due to her exceptionally good memory, she discovered every new mood you placed yourself in, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not. She didn't care about all of that, though, since the important thing is that it won't alter the fact that you have formed a kind personality, which complements your attractive appearance and is one of the main reasons she fell in love with you in the first place. Speaking of your personality, here's the issue; Nayeon is now experiencing difficulties with it. The cause? The YN she has been exposed to is very different from what you have been demonstrating to her.
Away from your usual goofy and lively personality, instead Nayeon would rather end up spotting you coming home every night with a gloomy, tired and unimpressed demeanor.
Those preserved Nayeon suspicious of your current behavior and attitude. She acknowledges that she isn't accustomed to this kind of treatment from you and that it makes her upset, but she also thinks there must be a cause for her lover's abrupt change. She is eager to get this information as soon as possible since she is sick of watching her dearest YN treat her coldly. Nayeon called a friend and coworker one day when you were gone from the house again for work in order to get some information that would be helpful to her.
A deep masculine voice owned by someone she couldn't even process up to this day that he really does, with how this guy sports a babyface and with a very slim body the moment she first met him once at your birthday party. "Nayeon-noona! Hey how you doing?"
"I'm fine Felix, how about you?", she greeted back.
"Doing good so far. Why did you call?"
"Uhm I just want to ask you something... about YN." Nayeon said, her heart thumping fast. She doesn't know why her nervousness is increasing the more she gets through the conversation.
Perhaps, she doesn't want the main possibility she has in mind to come true. No. She's afraid. She knew both her and YN were happy in their relationship and she has done everything. She's hoping that YN wouldn't go that far.
"Sure, go ahead... although I miss seeing that idiot already." Felix chuckled behind the phone.
"Wait, you two haven't seeing each other yet? I thought you two are there together at work right now?" Nayeon confusingly asked.
"Noona, wait you didn't know about it yet?"
"About what?"
Felix sighed and clicked his tongue, cursing for YN on what you have done. "So YN didn't tell you about what happened?"
Nayeon's hands are trembling, her throat starts to become dry, arms shaking in tense as she has no clue what Felix is referring to that you haven't even dared to speak out to her already.
"Felix, I don't know what you're talking about. Cut to the chase, what the hell happened to YN?"
Felix remained silent for a while before he finally answered Nayeon's wondering.
Later that evening, around nine o'clock, Nayeon is waiting impatiently for YN to get home in the living room. She then heard a call on her phone, and fortunately it was her husband/wife YN, telling her that you had purchased takeout for dinner. They finished their meal a few minutes after you got home. You greeted Nayeon and saw that she wasn't in the best of moods—in fact, she seemed colder than your love—when you went to give her a kiss. It was awkwardly silent throughout supper. You were about to go into the bedroom while Nayeon was cleaning the dishes when she called your name, causing you to stop in your tracks because she wanted to talk to you.
"Can we talk for a moment, please?" She asked while wiping her hands dry.
"I'm listening." You leaned at the door frame.
"There something you're not telling me about, isn't it YN?" Nayeon crossed her arms. You went speechless, silently hiding how guilty you are of her accusation.
"H-how can you say so? And why would I, Nay?"
"I don't know, I should be the one asking you that now." Nayeon shrugged. "Because I know exactly why."
She couldn't help but to emit a snort and a smirk at your look. "Ahh... the typical lying YN. Eyes popped then blink fast."
"I called your friend Felix. He told me about what happened to your workplace."
You sighed. That's it, Nayeon has already have an idea about the tight situation you are going into. As much as you want to keep this from her longer, you have no other choice but to stop the pretending and clarify things to her.
"All I need is a confirmation from you, YN. Tell me, was that true that you really got fired?"
Embarrassed and scared, YN slowly gave the answer Nayeon has been waiting all day long. "Yes... I got fired. WE got fired."
"Then where the hell do you really go whenever you left the house for the rest of the day. So after all these time, you've been fooling me? You've done it for like what, for the past three 3 days? Not to mention, today's your 4th!" Nayeon slightly raised her voice. "
"Because I was looking for a job elsewhere, Nayeon!" You fought back, defending yourself to cleanse out the intense atmosphere clouding the two of you. Nayeon remained shut, allowing you to take the turn as you continue speak your side.
"Yes, we got fired. Our boss decided to retire his company, had our contracts result to get terminated and we have no other choice but to look for a new job. Some of us were disappointed, enraged, hard to their feelings, while some of us... I don't know, contented. But I'm different from both of them, I took that loss heavily within me, Nayeon."
"The day after we got fired, I immediately moved, searched everywhere around Seoul, just hoping that I could atleast encounter one. But... until now, I'm still unsuccessful." Your breathing became raspy as your voice cracked at how you're draining yourself everyday with long walks and travels only to result in failure.
"I didn't tell you because I was scared that when you find out that your boyfriend is now jobless, you may rather see the same as what I could look at myself: unreliable, a disappointment, and I'm scared that I might end up unable or lacking to fulfill my responsibility to give everything that would make my girl happy."
Your eyes has finally released each teardrops of its own, streaming down to your cheeks. Nayeon's heart broke even worse at this vulnerable sight of yours while listening the struggle you were currently facing alone.
"I couldn't find any, Nayeon. I'm getting more desperate. I'm sorry if I had to lie and keep it from you."
Nayeon stepped closer to you and hugged you for comfort, calming your emotions down as she let you take your time to steady your breathing.
"I'm sorry if I looked like I was mad at you, I really thought you were cheating behind my back or whatsoever, but my heart was always right. I knew you could never do that." Nayeon smiled thankfully as she rubbed your back gently.
"And here you go again, I told you to stop overthinking yourself about what would I think negatively of you. I won't ever gonna look at you like that!" She scolded you like a mom. "I knew you were always doing your best, for us. I've been seeing that from you since day one. I couldn't belittle you for something I know you will always be great of, and that's for being such a hardworking and committed boyfriend to me."
Nayeon leans away from the hug and wipes the tears off in your face. "You really didn't have to hide those troubles of yours away from me, because anytime I would offer my hand to assist you. Just remember that if you're low sometimes, I would always be the one to lift you all the way up when you're feeling down. So please, be free to be honest next time okay?"
"Okay." You understandably nodded, a soft delighted smile appeared in which you haven't had for almost a week. Nayeon cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer for a heartwarming kiss to finally settle things off between each other tonight.
As they went to their bed to get some sleep, Nayeon remained awake for a while, as she forms a plan in her mind.
The next day, YN was supposed to leave again early to look for a job but he decided to give it a rest because even him couldn't deny that he got tired of moving everywhere. As he and Nayeon were eating a breakfast, Nayeon took your attention by calling your name.
"I thought of something last night and I just want to share it to you."
"That is?"
"Since you couldn't find a job yet, why don't we start our own mini business for now?"
You paused from almost drinking your cup of coffee in your hand. You stared at Nayeon who is grinning at you with her cute bunny teeth showing up, matching the brightness of the sunny morning outside.
"You serious?"
"Yeah. I'm up to it. I mean that's something I can you join you to also. In that way, we can have some more time together plus that could be like my other way to spend my time around and not just staying in this house." Nayeon nodded before taking another spoonful of her food. "But first, I want to hear it also from you. Do you agree with me?"
You pouted your lips and think deeply, but not in a way where he has to pick a choice. You were rather like, visualizing how could it end up for you and her business once you two achieved to start one, and you hoped the most that it would be successful.
"I'm not against it at all." You shook your head. "We could do that, I could use some of my remaining savings from my previous work to add on our target budget." Nayeon was happy with your volunteering.
"Is there anything you wanna consider for us to try?"
"I have one." Nayeon bounced her eyebrows before she continues to finish her breakfast.
A few days later, YN goes with Nayeon to locations where they can find whatever they need. They began by looking through a rental property that was unoccupied in Seoul. They paid a fair price for it, satisfied with the layout and amount of space. They then proceeded to a Home Depot store to purchase decorations, tables, chairs, and other items, all of which were delivered to their location. In addition, they went grocery shopping and purchased a blender, milk, and a variety of fruits. Lastly, they mostly concentrated on assisting one another with the preparation and décor of the entire space. A week later, Nayeon and YN visit their newly founded small business, which they had just completed setting up. Courtesy of Nayeon's idea, it was a natural fruit juice and shake shop.
She said that she wants to sell a product that would give refresh, sweetness, and availability for everyone to try while at the same time, ensuring their customers that they also have a product which will be good for their health.
They looked above to read the sign of their shop's name.
"Alcohol-Free?" You wheezed and glared at Nayeon.
"I mean, we're not selling any alcohol right?" She sniggered.
"But did you really had to make it more obvious?"
"Humor and creativity, YN. We have to aim at those additional points." She formed a gun gesture in her hand and imitates shooting bullets from it.
You hissed and lowered your head, hiding your laughter at Nayeon's silliness.
"Ah, finally it's done! Ooh I can't for us to open it soon!" Nayeon clapped excitedly like a little kid that was about to receive a reward from her parents.
"That's why now you should learn how to make a milkshake properly already."
Nayeon slapped your shoulder at your teasing, a stinging pain irritates your skin. She pouted and grunted like a grumpy granny. "Who among the two of us who couldn't even slice fruits properly huh?"
"Jeez okay, I surrender." You chuckled. Nayeon is still sulking beside you, looking away with her cheeks puffing out and arms crossed. You then took this opportunity as your alternate words of saying sorry to her.
"Thank you for all of this, by the way.  Honestly speaking, this looks amazing Nayeon. You really don't have to go with this much effort..." you felt Nayeon swiftly stabs a deadly glare at you, that won't gonna happen again twice so you continued and fixed your words carefully. "... but I couldn't express how overwhelmed I am with your help."
Nayeon immediately switched her look at you who is glancing the exterior of the shop with glimmer in your eyes and a satisfication in your smile. "With you on my side, managing our very first business together; I just wish the best for us. I hope that many will love this."
Nayeon hooked her arm around yours and pressed her head on your bicep. "I wish the same too. Let's do well, and we will get through that."
She looked up, staring at you. "This is why you have to share your worries with me. Don't make it complicated by yourself, okay? We both love each other, and that would simply mean that there will be no problem for us to overcome anything."
You gratefully kissed Nayeon on the lips to before both entered the fruitshake shop with hands holding together to check the inside next.
Months later, YN and Nayeon's business quickly gained success and popularity, as a result of the large number of daily visitors who were complimenting the shop's appealing design, cozy atmosphere, and natural tastes of their products.
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nethhiri · 18 days
Siren Charms: Chapter 7
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: sexual themes, blood
Luffy requested that you let Chopper tend your wound before you did anything else. You waited impatiently on the little cot you had woken up in. There were hushed voice outside the door. Yet your ultra-sharp senses could still hear.
A high pitched voice that sounded scared started, "C-can you come in with me? I saw her teeth when I examined her and they're s-so sharp. What if she decides to e-eat me?" 
"Luffy said she won't." Your ears perked up at the second voice, which you recognized as your green snack.
"Please, Zoro."
"If Luffy says she won't, she won't." He sighed. "But I'll be right outside the door, okay?"
There was a sharp knock before Chopper entered the room. Curiously, the doctor was a little deer. You consciously made your teeth and eyes as close to human as possible. People were very unnerved when they saw your yellow irises and slitted pupils. And they were very uneasy if they caught sight of your elongated canines. Your eyebrow quirked up. This was the one that smelled like an animal but also somewhat human, and of devil fruit. His hooves made soft clopping noises as he walked over to stand in front of you.
"Hi, I'm Ch-chopper and I've been taking care of you."
"Hi, Chopper. You're a deer? But you smell human, too?" Your head tilted with curiosity. 
He visibly brightened. "No one ever calls me a deer on the first try." He blushed, "I always get mistaken for a raccoon."
"That's stupid. You're clearly a deer."
He looked closely at your wound before running off to get a salve from the counter. "I smell human because I ate the Human-Human fruit." He handed it to you. "Just keep putting this on it and you'll be fine." 
That explained both smells. "Thank you." You did your best to smile at him without showing too much of your teeth. "I'm not gonna eat you."
Chopper rubbed his antlers. "Oh? You heard that? I'm sorry."
You nodded. "Devil fruit users don't taste good. And animals don't do enough for me." 
Somehow that was not fully reassuring. To him, maybe, but in general, not really. "You're all done here."
You dipped your head and left. As soon as you stepped over the threshold, his smell hit you, the green one, Zoro. You froze. He was leaning near the doorway, seemingly asleep, though his heart rate told you he was still awake. The instincts within you were screaming at you to pounce on him and rip his throat out. Bloodlust creeped in. It was apparent that you needed to feed soon or it would completely overtake you. Every fiber in your body wanted you to pin Zoro down and sink your teeth deep in his flesh. No! You shook your head. It was forbidden. The namegiver assigned you 2 rules: Do not feed from the crew (unless they agree) and do not use The Voice on them. You would not disobey him. 
In your culture, it was your mentor who gave you a name. As soon as you were old enough to form attachments, you were handed over from your parent to a different siren, and they would become your mentor, to teach you how to hunt and survive. They gave you a new name, reflective of your skills or personality, to replace the temporary one given by your parent and when you were deemed ready, they released you to the world. This name giving served to sever any bonds between you and your parent. As for bonds with your mentor, they always treated you coldly enough that they never developed in the first place. You obeyed them without question or you would face harsh consequences. Sirens, though lonesome, were protected this way. They were spread so far and wide, save for the times they gathered to swap offspring, that no single event could wipe them out. 
It wasn't quite the same, but by naming you, Luffy inadvertently sealed your loyalty to him. It didn't sever your bond with your siren identity, yet you felt like this was your pod now. Namegivers were to be respected and obeyed, which is the only reason you could restrain yourself in this moment. You had been conditioned this way. So as much as you wanted to devour the man two feet away from you, you would have to convince him instead to offer himself up to you to get a taste. You pulled yourself from the trance, looking for somewhere to sit alone until you could dispel the hunger. 
Zoro sensed the bloodlust rolling off you. He didn't miss the way your hands balled into fists and how you had to swallow more frequently because of how much you were salivating. He didn't know what you were or what kind of devil fruit you had, but he knew you were dangerous. The trust of the crew, him especially, was not bought cheaply. He watched you shake your head and walk away, seemingly overcoming your animalistic urges. 
You sat near the bow on top of a crate, letting the salty sea air clear your senses. Being upwind, you didn't smell his approach, though you could tell someone was behind you. You turned, letting out a breath. It was the skeleton. No flesh to entice you. 
"Excuse me, Miss. I don't believe we've met. I'm Brook." He held out his hand for you to shake. You shook it, at least you knew some human customs. 
"I'm of the ether. I mean Ether." 
"Nice to meet you Ether of the ether." He paused, getting serious. "Now I have an extremely important question for you. This could make or break our friendship. May I please see your panties?" 
"Oh." You frowned, looking a little sad. Does this mean he wasn't going to be your friend? You didn't wear panties. They would be destroyed every time you formed a tail. "I'm sorry." Brook looked forlorn. "I don't wear any." You lifted the fabric of your skirt enough to see there was a lack of fabric underneath, but your knees were together so there wasn't much else to see.
The skeleton's face lit up. "Oh my. We're going to be best friends, indeed!" 
At about the same time, you could smell blood suddenly. You looked to see a pair of legs in black pants splayed on the ground behind a nearby barrel. You rushed over to investigate, and, more importantly, maybe get a little sample. It was the blond one, passed out with a nosebleed. If the blood is outside the body already it doesn't count as feeding. With your thumb, you wiped the blood from his face and licked it from your hand. If you were allowed to use your voice, you could make him wake up. You leaned over him and slapped his face. "Hey." He opened his eyes, but almost immediately gushed blood again and passed out. Your barely hidden breasts happened to be dangling quite close to him. You swiped that blood away, too, and licked it. You looked around for help, "Your friend is leaking! Someone!" 
The dark haired woman approached, "I can see why." Robin saw how close you were to him and offered you a hand. "Come with me. He'll be fine." 
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's got a brain-eating amoeba and every time it eats, blood leaks from his nose!" The long-nosed one piped up as he came to investigate. 
"Poor thing." You mused. So that was why he was so easy to manipulate. Robin laughed at your comment but didn't elaborate. 
"Brain-eating amoeba called lust maybe," Name muttered under her breath. 
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sky-is-the-limit · 9 months
I like König purely becuase tall masked man but Gaz. Our man Gaz. He's beautiful. He's committed to what he believes in and he delivers some good one liners. In my eyes it's the same shit different fandom. Whenever a popular piece of media gains traction the only poc characters mysteriously disappear. I want to make it clear to the finicky people of fandoms you don't have to read or write or draw characters you don't like.That being said a discussion needs to be had about how fandoms often treat poc characters. To see people replace the main character with someone not even evolved in the main campaign is mind boggling. "But I don't know Gaz well enough" then you don't know Price well enough seeing as they're with each other most of the campaign. "But the actors sexuality" let me tell yall now how yall don't care. There's plenty of actors whose characters you write for are married with whole ass families or of a different sexuality and you still write their characters ignoring those facts. Yall didn't care before and yall dont care now don't try and act like you have some sort of upper ground. If you're not attracted to Gaz that's fine no one is forcing you to be. But completely writing out his character or not including him in TF 141 edits is mad. There's plenty of fics I've read where Gaz is not the main love interest but more of a friend/brotherly figure but at least he is there and the writer does his character justice. But I will say the Gaz fics are some of the fluffiest ones I've read. Real heart warming stuff.
AMEN. I also thirst after König because he's a big masked man, I devour all the smut content and the edits, I'm as thirsty as the next hoe in this place, there's nothing wrong with thirsting after König or Keegan or whoever else. There's also nothing wrong with NOT thirsting after Gaz, like no one is forcing someone to like a character they don't, that's just stupid. Also if you haven't played the games because you don't have access to do so or even don't want to that's totally valid and fine, many people read the wikis/watch vids/engage with the fandom and that's really cool to see, even if you're just here to thirst, been there done that.
With that being said, the stupid excuses that raise concern in this fandom are totally valid to be talked about. 1) "I'm not attracted to Gaz/I don't add him in 141 thirst content because Elliot is gay" What does the actor's sexuality have to do with the character? As far as I know Gaz' sexuality is nowhere discussed or confirmed, same way for the rest of the characters so why on earth does Elliot's sexuality matter in this context?
I don't see this being a big deal to people who ship Ghost x Soap since Neil and Samuel are only involved with women irl because guess what? It.doesn't.matter. They're ACTORS. Their personal lives have nothing to do with the characters they portray so why is it only an issue when it comes to Gaz/Elliot?
2) "I don't know him well enough." From that it's clear that you haven't played the games cause Gaz is literally who you play as in both MW1/MW2 so you know him as much as Price and MORE than Ghost or Soap. Which again, it's totally fine but when it's paired with König who you literally don't know cause that mf has only 1 paragraph on his wiki and the only thing said about him is that he had anxiety growing up (that some people infantilize and it's weird) in freaking 141 content that he has NOTHING to do with but leave out the first member of TF141 then...?
I've had many people under my posts commenting that the way some people treat Gaz in this fandom feels kinda racist and I admit this was not my initial thought due to me being privileged enough to not have it as such but after reading all these comments it does seem that way for some (like I said many do it due to either thirsting after masked men or haven't played/bothered with the games) and it's not fucking okay cause that goes further than fiction (someone said that 'oh they're fictional, they don't care if they're included or not' yeah Emily but you're excluding a 141 member from 141 content who happens to be a poc and his VA/FA is a gay man so let's talk about it.)
To the people who get annoyed/upset that I talk about this as if I don't have the right to, if you're in a fandom you can talk about the things you don't like/criticise certain behaviour without it being "such a big deal" since we're talking about fictional characters, when people are engaging with a fandom, spend hours reading/watching/playing content, they're also allowed to talk about things they don't like in said fandom. Relax.
Anyway, stan Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick cause he's the coolest mf in MW ✌️
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liannelara-dracula · 2 months
How would the TG boys act if they found out their s/o cheated on them?
(Sorry if this has been asked before)
He had known for a while but couldn’t confirm it.
He waited for more evidence.
Ken even waited for you to come clean but you didn’t
He hadn’t cried or anything he was just confused and he didn’t understand why you had done it.
He would have preferred you’d just talk to him.
He waited for you when you came back and was arguing with you about it all.
“You smell like him.”
“Ken, I’m not—“
“Save it, get your things an leave. I don’t want to see you.”
Was in denial about it for a while.
He didn't think you would ever do something like that.
Hide would brush it off at first but looked into it himself.
When he did, he kept it to himself, he didn't ask you about it.
He wanted to, but he also had trouble believing it.
At some point it became very clear to him and he realized he had to confront you because there was no point in keeping this on.
You came home late and he seemed unphased.
"Having your best friend all over you instead of me?"
"Hide, I didn't mean for it to get this far."
"But you knew you were doing it? I've watched you the entire time for three months. You don't sound like you feel guilt, Y/n, you're just ashamed that I found out!"
"Don't say things like that, Hide."
"I'm not putting up with this I'm leaving, we're over."
His ego is so hurt
Honestly to prideful to admit that he cares.
But he does.
Once he found out, he just stormed out of your life.
He didn't want to do anything.
Just by cheating it was enough for him to leave and never want to see you again.
Would get into a fight with the guy you are sleeping with.
Might even kill him.
Would feel that you were a waste of time.
Hurt, he'd never see it coming.
He let you in, he doesn't do that often.
Yomo was certain you were someone who would never hurt him.
He was always convinced that he would ruin it.
But he was wrong, and he hates it.
He felt betrayed and almost couldn't face you but he needed to hear it from you.
"It's true." You'd admit
"Its--things have changed, were not the same anymore. I should've said something--"
"Leave." He'd say, not wanting to here more about your reasons.
"I'm not doing this with you, get out."
It's very possible he doesn't give a fuck, because he usually never does.
All of his relationships pass time so he's probably cheating on you before you were cheating on him.
Honestly has no hard feelings about it.
This is mostly because if he doesn't care, polygamy is okay.
If he cares, polygamy is not okay.
Will be really mad and will not want to talk to you.
He will treat you badly and nothing is about/for you anymore.
Is a completely different person and won't forgive you.
"I'm not your boyfriend anymore, Y/n. Don't expect me to help you."
He honestly doesn't want to talk to you about it, he'll just leave.
Oh no, you are dead.
You literally will be dead, I mean, you need to run for your life.
For like years, do not let him find you.
Because even if he does obess over you his ego is hurt and he will not tolerate it.
And if he's obsessed it will be much worse.
Very abusive, and psychotic about the whole thing. He'd even gaslight you into thinking you don't deserve him.
"I love you, I give you everything, you fucking whore!" He'd argue throwing something at you.
You'd apologize in tears, mostly due to fear not anything else.
Knowing him, he probably just thought you cheated even though you didn't.
He'd consider anything you do cheating.
Takizawa (ghoul):
Do not do this to him.
He doesn't deserve this, he gives you everything.
Loves you with his heart and soul.
This is basically the last straw for him, like he will not go and be with someone else.
In fact, he might just be mad for a while but still stay with you because he loves you that much he just wants to start over.
Taki would be very hurt deep down and even if he took you back things would be different.
He wouldn't be able to treat you the same after everything.
He still loves you but it hurts to know that you don't love him the same.
He found out on his own by just observing you when he thought things were suspicious, but he wanted to trust you.
"You know I just can't understand why, Y/n? We have everything go so well and you just--"
"I'm sorry--"
"Sorry doesn't work! It's not a small mistake!"
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helloimsoverybored · 4 months
A Pretty Long Rant on RPF shippers in the context of David Tennant and Michael Sheen
the entire georgia/anna discourse is so. bullshit. because those are actual, real people, with real lives and real relationships with those around them
Regarding dt and gt, just saying, no one has five children together as part of a pr stunt. Same with Michael and Anna.
And the fact that rpf people fail to realise this is concerning- taking the "my wife" jokes quite literally. News flash, it's a fucking joke. It's not something gt and al are making up to cover up for the fact that their respective partners fell in love with each other (yes, this is an actual take i've seen on this matter)
And idk if the rpf people are just dumb or are fully aware of what they're doing, despite the fact that they're completely tearing apart the lives of real people.
Another retort I've often seen is that fans have the right to criticize celebrities. Yes, yes they do. But breaking down a marriage spanning over a decade isn't criticism! You're creating fake problems out of thin air and for what? Genuinely, for what?
Rpf shippers just automatically assume the worst in both Georgia and Anna, and you know what? God forbid women do anything. Because that's exactly what this is.
They're completely vilifying gt and al because... they're in a relationship with their "blorbo actors?" They're acting like gt/dt and al/ms are fictional characters that you can play around with like dolls but you can't play around with real people's lives! Simply put, it isn't ethical.
I feel like the rpf people just fail to understand the meaning of “real”, because I don’t even know how one can feel so alright and happy by tearing apart the lives of real people. The fact that people are finding every possible way to find problems in their current relationships to suit their fantasies is so fucking disgusting.
Okay now if you're with me so far, I'm impressed. Stay with me because I'm not done yet.
Regarding Georgia, don't rpf blogs just love to criticize her and her parenting methods? That Georgia's just lazy and only wants to drink wine, but omfg. wtf. She has fucking 5 children. I don't care what you think, managing those many kids is NOT an easy task. But also... posts I've seen on this matter never seem to bring up David? Why? Isn't he a parent? Shouldn't he also have a role in parenting? Whatever Georgia does surely won't be against what David believes, right? Wake up, rpf shippers, wake the fuck up.
David almost definitely does have a role in the parenting (anyone willing to fight me on this, come off, I'll give you the reasons) but since he’s all over London at the moment, he probably doesn’t have much time. Which means that gt has to manage 4-5 kids all by herself. So she does actually deserve a break, more than anyone else. But she doesn’t because wahoo god forbid women do anything.
And putting all that aside, what the hell gives rpf people the right to hate on her as if they know her irl. Their default behavioral status is set to mean and bitchy and that’s just. concerning. rpf people need to understand the difference between real life and fiction istfg.
Okay, i swear I'm nearing the end of this rant, please don't go yet.
Sometimes fans do have the right to speak up against an UNHEALTHY relationship. There are multiple examples all over the place where one person has expressed dissatisfaction but no one took them seriously. Except… neither gt/dt nor ms/al have expressed dissatisfaction. At all. It’s actually the exact opposite where they keep fawning for each other. There’s 0 suggestions of any of them being unhappy in their respective relationships apparent from yall overanalyzing their body language to the point where it becomes false.
Do Georgia and Anna ship themselves with each other and ship David with Michael? Yes. But that's a fucking joke. Learn to take a joke, yalls, it will get you a long way. And even if they are the ones doing the shipping, so what? That doesn’t give you the right to. It’s their lives. You’re just a person viewing their lives from a small peep hole known as Instagram.
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one-flower-one-sword · 6 months
so aside from 2x02, 2x05 is so far my favorite ep from season 2, simply for the fact that we get to see Hua Cheng fight. in previous posts, I've already analysed scenes from the novel in regards to Hua Cheng fighting while blind on one side and the logistics of his disability in general, so now I want to try it with the donghua as well. caveat and disclaimer that while I am disabled myself, I am not so in regards to my vision, so everything I know comes from research I've done rather than personal experience. if anyone reads my analysis and feels like it's wrong or offensive, please do let me know and I will correct it.
I mentioned in previous posts (like this one) that there are several instances where Hua Cheng seems to deliberatley turn his blind side towards people and that the reasons for this vary depending on context. in 2x05, Hua Cheng starts off facing Xie Lian and the others directly after he stood up from where he'd been pushed to the floor by Xie Lian:
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while he's talking to them about "Ming Yi" though, he starts walking off to the side while having his blind side facing them completely. here, it comes off as a power move - a way to convey "I don't feel the need to keep you in my line of sight at all since I don't consider you serious threats worthy of my attention", without having to say any of that out loud at all:
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while the action is the same, the reasoning behind it as well as the way it comes across seems very different to when he has his blind side facing Xie Lian while he's with him in Paradise Manor's main hall in the previous eps:
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Xie Lian sat down first, and then Hua Cheng chose to sit with his blind side facing him. like I've argued in previous posts, Hua Cheng seems to do this when he wants to hide his expression and thereby his emotions from others. in this case, I assume it's for the same reason he withdrew from Xie Lian's touch in the ox cart - he's afraid of getting too excited and making Xie Lian uncomfortable with it. of course, he does turn his head and look at Xie Lian several times during their conversation here, but the point is that this positioning gives him the option of hiding when he feels it necessary - like when he offered the dice for Xie Lian to keep and got adorably shy about it. because while on the one hand this was a strategic move to make the whole rescue "Ming Yi" thing work, it was also a genuine gift he was offering to his god:
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back to 2x05 now with a brief word from our sponsors, Hua Cheng's beautiful fingers carressing that sword hilt:
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ahem. moving right along
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Hua Cheng has drawn E'ming now and this is where I get less coherent because ooohh oh wow look at this. first of I love how casually threatening this comes off. most importantly though please look at the way he's holding E'ming and how it's mirroring and accentuating the angle he's standing at, the positioning of his arms, and the direction his gaze is pointed at. beautiful and deadly, no notes
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then Xie Lian starts talking to him again about how he understands now that the fault lies with them but to please make an exception and show mercy, to which Hua Cheng replies in this regretful but resolute tone that there are some things one shouldn't get overly involved in. he's stopped pointing E'ming at them and switched it from his right to his left hand. but his stance has been made clear, underlined by the fact that he's now switched to facing them with his seeing side - he won't just let them leave. since Xie Lian is there, he seems wary about being the one to attack first though. this is speculation, but I assume He Xuan understands why Hua Cheng would rather be on the defensive than the offensive in this situation, hence why he twitches his hand here to remind Shi Qingxuan of his presence and his injured state and spur him into action:
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now we've arrived at the parts that really got my heart racing. I'm sorry I'm just like Xie Lian in that regard - I love Hua Cheng and Iove swords and sword fighting. or in this case, fan fighting:
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the way he effortlessly snatches that fan out of the air is so smooth and badass. also the way he's holding E'ming behind his back and the scimitar again mirroring the line of his body... *dreamy sigh*
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his fighting here gives a nice glimpse into that "arrogant, rebellious confidence" that Xie Lian is going to feel so weak-kneed over in the future. it's also proof of Hua Cheng's skill - he had to make this look real and convincing while also making sure his attacks were of a nature that the others could defend against without too much trouble. while I assume that in the name of authenticity, it would have been okay if Shi Qingxuan and "Ming Yi" got hurt, the same does not go for Xie Lian - hence how broken up and angry at himself Hua Cheng is when that does happen in the end. I could also see him choosing that fan in particular because he knows Lang Qianqiu is on the way and knows his sword can neutralize that fan - and if he's facing off against Lang Qianqiu, that means Xie Lian will be out of the line of fire.
I've hit image limit on this post, so we'll continue in part 2!
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danmei-confessions · 4 months
Adding my two cents as a survivor of multiple forms of abuse (including CSA): I *really hate* how this fandom acts about abuse narratives-- demonizing one abuse survivor vs another, when in reality both of them have done fucked up things as a result of their trauma (it's what makes both LBG and SJ so compelling to me personally!!). I *especially* hate how people seem to basically "tier" abuse, with SA being the "worst trauma" over any other kind and acting as though SJ is more worthy of... pity? idk because of implied CSA (which... that in itself is fanon and up for interpretation... I personally think so, but in a somewhat different way than the usual interpretation but that isn't important) than LBG is... that might not be peoples' intent, but physical vs sexual abuse shouldn't be a "this is worse than that" sort of thing since different traumas affect different people differently, and it's really really uncomfortable to see people make that kind of assumption and talk about very real traumas that very real people face the way they do.
Anyway, I feel like a lot of the debates are due to piss-poor reading comprehension across the fandom. People point out that SJ abused LBH because *a lot of times people will actually act like he didn't.* Things like saying there was medicine in the tea, or that he didn't know/approve of the fake manual... even claims that "that was just the way things were and corporal punishment was normal." Which... is pretty gross tbh.
I like SJ's character as a person who was hurt who then turned around and took that out on others. He's one of my favorite characters because he shows that less inspiration-porn, poor-meow-meow side of a trauma survivor. It's realistic in a very gritty, bitter sort of way. That shit can fuck people up! I relate to him for so many reasons, but that doesn't mean I'm going to deny what he ended up doing by his own agency later. The cycle of abuse is a real danger, and SVSSS actually portrays that really well, which is why I like the book so much!
Idk. SJ stans claim they "don't excuse his abuse" but that's absolutely not true bc I've had people come on my posts and fics doing just that. It's like they miss the point of the character-- not completely scum, but both scum and pitiful... Some people seem to go too far in the defense.
Also, if you're someone who doesn't deny that SJ abused LBH, then *this isn't about you.* It's about the people who do. People in this fandom need to realize that both SJ and LBG are abusers, and that that's the POINT OF THE WHOLE THING, and that neither of them should be excused for it!! But the source of it should still be recognized in both cases!! And I feel that a lot of people don't like to admit that SJ, despite his trauma, *was* the cause of a lot of LBH's trauma. And me saying this ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT ERASE HIS OWN TRAUMA OMG but like... those SJ fans are already well aware of SJ's trauma and LBH's crimes so it doesn't really need to be mentioned??
LBG and SJ were BOTH TRAUMA SURVIVORS. Neither "Worse" than the other because uhhh clearly they were both incredibly traumatized because of the way they ended up turning out. Stop ranking trauma, that's disgusting.
That. Is. The. POINT. OF. THEIR. STORY!!!!
This is at ANYONE who denies either the victim or the abuser status of either of these characters: fucking stop it. You might not like to hear it, but no matter how traumatized SJ was, the way he treated LBH was still abusive and if you excuse him for it then you're participating in abuse apologism. The same goes for LBG (and any other character whose actions are abusive).
I know we get attached to our favorite characters for various reasons, but when it actually starts veering into abuse apologism IN ANY FORM, that makes me feel really sick and uncomfortable with the way people talk about things that *actually happen to people irl.*
SVSSS fandom, you need to fucking stop.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
also if it's not bothering i'd like to ask you if you have any tips on how to make a zine/fanzine? i've been wanting to for a while but i am unsure how to and it feels kind of intimidating
yeah no worries! the good news is that personal zines are pretty easy to make because you can put basically anything into one and make it any length/size you want. they also come in a lot of different forms - you can make one that's just a digital pdf, post some loose pngs online, draw it out on some sheets of paper that you staple or fold together, have it printed at a professional printing service, or create an entirely new method that works for the zine you're making. it's up to you and depends on what resources you have or what zine you want to make - which is always the first step! start with an idea or general theme you want to make your zine about, which can be quite literally anything. is it a fanzine about some characters you like? a personal comic? a various collection of your art, writing, or other creations? again, can be literally anything.
i can help most with digital zines because that's what i've made and participated in so far. really the biggest hurdle with any zine is just making the stuff that goes in it - i was very ambitious to make dance in fire over 30 pages, especially since it was my first solo zine. i say start small, zines can be as few as four pages if you want. if you do want to make a longer zine, something i did that i highly recommend is finding old sketches or unfinished/unposted art that you can use as a starting point for some pages. or just keep them in an unfinished state! sketch pages are always a welcome addition imo.
another thing i recommend if you're making a long zine (though is entirely optional) is keeping a tracker with the pages you want to make or have already been completed. this is part of what my tracker spreadsheet looked like for dance in fire - just a way for me to log when things are done, what things needed to be changed, any info i wanted to keep written down. this was a HUGE help for me personally since i was dealing with a lot of pages of just. stuff.
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with digital zines, you don't necessarily have to make every page the same size, but i suggest sticking to one page size to keep everything cohesive. for dance in fire, every page is about 7x10in (with a little bit extra added for print bleed). once everything is done, there's a couple of different ways to combine everything into one pdf. sometimes you can export multiple canvases as a single pdf depending on the drawing program you're using - my version of clip studio can't do that, so i uploaded 37 individual pngs of the pages to an online pdf converter and just downloaded that lmao
last thing to figure out is where to host your zine - if you have a pdf, there's a few online file hosting platforms you can share them on. i used itch.io which is mostly for indie games and creators, some other people i know use github. these are good places to host your zine if you want to sell it, but you can probably also do that on ko-fi or patreon if you wanted? idk i don't have experience with those
that's all i got for now! there's some tricky stuff to figure out if you're printing a digital zine, but i'm still in the process of figuring that out myself so that might have to be a guide for another time lol
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alpinefrsh · 3 months
What are your thoughts on C!Wilbur now? Anything changed?
I’m asking for reference because I’m honestly having a hard time figuring out what to think. I was never really attached to ccWilbur in the first place and what he did was absolutely shit so the decision to stop supporting him wasn’t hard. But dear lord the character he played was so well-crafted(again I don’t support him at all). I just really don’t know where to draw the line between the story and the writer, if that should influence my admiration for this really well-crafted character or if me still liking c!Wilbur counts as support to the creator.
(sub question: how is this gonna affect how you write the c! character in the future, if you write him at all?)
Support Shubble!🫶
Heads up, probably gonna get a bit long and ramble-y here, I haven't really gotten to think or talk about this much yet.
I'm still not entirely sure where I stand with c!Wilbur at this point in time- because on the one hand, whenever I see a drawing of Wilbur with a white streak in his hair I go "Ah, c!Wilbur" and don't feel particularly strongly about it. While the character and the streamer are unequivocally linked and I'd rather avoid writing about c!Wilbur in the future, they're still not the same person in my mind.
Yeah, I mean, I liked cc!Wilbur well enough before all of this- but my primary reason for watching him was definitely Tommy (didn't really watch many of his streams if Tommy wasn't also there kekw). I consider myself rather fortunate in that I've already gone through getting a little too dependent on a streamer for comfort who then turned out to be a really shitty person ages ago, so now I'm much more careful to keep a stronger degree of separation. No parasocial relationships here, thank you very much. Been there, done that.
I think the only person I would genuinely have some level of difficulty with dropping at this point is Tommy. Ooh, big shocker coming from the person who writes almost exclusively Tommyinnit-centric things, I know.
But yeah, back to Wilbur-- regarding c!Wilbur in fanfics, I unfortunately can't just remove the influence he's had over c!Tommy- just like I can't remove the impact c!Dream's had on c!Tommy's life. I also can't change c!Tommy's perspective of c!Wilbur, so at least regarding TomTurtles, Tommy's still going to mention Wilbur, and he's still going going to think of him his older brother and someone that he cares about.
However, as the writer, I will be far less merciful in how he's portrayed, regardless of c!Tommy's biased perspective (c!Wilbur isn't going to show up- that was never in the cards outside of a now scrapped idea for a non-canon fic in the series where c!Wilbur has actually been living in the same America as Tom and the turtles and they find each other again)
After I'm done writing the crossover series though, I don't think I'll be including him in anything else. Which is a shame only because it means I can't use c!Tommy.
Sure, most of my portrayals of Tommy will probably still draw heavily from c!Tommy but I probably won't be able to take him straight from dsmp anymore.
Upside to scrapping all of my ideas that included Wilbur- I can completely replace him with Technoblade AKA, more bedrock bros content \o/ (That being said, most of my fic ideas at this point in time are just various AUs getting Tommy to interact with the cast of rottmnt ahaha-)
All that is to say: While I ultimately view c!Wilbur and cc!WIlbur as different, the second I've finished writing this series, he will most likely never be mentioned or shown again in any of my fics after that. Might as well give any roles he might've played to someone more deserving.
And support Shubble, I'm so incredibly grateful that she decided to speak up about all this.
Thank you for the ask, I hope you have a nice rest of your night/day.
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mikelogan · 3 months
hello. i really enjoy your content, but i have to say i'm kinda disappointed on you still being a ts fan. this woman knows what disney does and yet she still gave them the rights, meaning she either doesn't care or actively supports the genocide. or maybe she decided to turn her morals off because money is more important. not to mention how she consistently associates herself with questionable people and how a person literally died in one of her shows on brazil and she gave zero fucks. this woman is not a good person and there are no excuses to being her fan anymore.
no, i fully understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. over the last like. idk year and a half? ive been pretty vocal about my disappointment, distaste, and disagreement with a multitude of the choices she's made lately. i 100% agree that her silence on the subject of palestinian genocide (as well as many other human rights/social causes) is at best a sign of apathy and at worst a sign of support. especially when miss americana was all about her wanting to be more outspoken and be an activist. that all feels so incredibly performative now -- and has for a while. a lot of things that she's said and done since midnights, which is when i became more active in the tumblr swiftie community, have left a bad taste in my mouth for her as a person.
like i said, i genuinely agree with what you're saying. the only thing i take issue with is that she didn't care that a fan died at her show. she donated money to the fan's family and took time to meet them. regardless of my many issues with her, i do think she can be an empathetic person and i don't think that she just straight up didn't care that someone died before her show. it's one of those things (of which there are many) where we'll never know her true thoughts bc she doesn't talk about things. which is frustrating in itself.
now that's not the point of your message, so feel free to write that off as a digression. i strongly disagree with her making yet another version of the eras tour movie and hosting it on disney+. I'm personally boycotting disney+ and have been for a while. I don't even intend on watching the new version and like the vast majority of everything I gif, that shit is pirated -- that's how I watched the original release of the movie. obviously my consumption/boycotting is just one person compared to blondie, who has influence over millions, who could make real change if she spoke out against genocide.
at this point, im not supporting her financially either apart from listening to her music. which i love. im sorry, but I do. if I didn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation. i think her constant churning out different exclusive versions of the same albums are a transparent money grab and maybe an effort to set more records as far as sales or streams or however that all works. and I'm not just saying that bc I literally couldn't even afford to buy a digital copy of an album right now.
so yeah. I appreciate that you enjoy my content and thank you for saying so, but if you need to unfollow or block, i understand. I've definitely toned down/completely stopped sharing posts about her as a person bc I'd much rather focus on just the music. and maybe that makes me a bad person for continuing to listen to and enjoy her music. im not saying i necessarily feel good about it, but i think the fact of the matter is that a lot of the celebrities, actors, musicians, etc. we like or whose content we enjoy hold views we disagree with and have different values or priorities. nuance exists. right now, im someone who is vocal about the palestinian genocide and I try to share resources/posts about it when they come across my dash and im also someone who is a fan of Taylor's music.
Idk, I hope what I'm saying makes sense at least on some level. I've done my best to word things coherently, but brain fog fucks w me a lot. and like. it's probably whatever, but I do plan on changing my url after ttpd releases. That probably upsets you more and I can see how people might think im a hypocrite or something and yeah, I get it. Idk, I just want to enjoy someone's music without endorsing them as a person, but that's extra difficult when the person in question is the biggest singer in the industry. but you'll never see me making excuses for her on things like this or the m*tty situation or numerous other things she's said and done that gross me out. im not so far up her ass that I think she's perfect or that I feel the need to defend her at every turn. like I said, nuance. anyway, if you feel the need to respond, i welcome you to do so as long as we both remain respectful, which I think we've done. this is a difficult topic, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it. I appreciate your point of view and I'm sorry that I've disappointed you!
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