#i've always liked questionnaires and stuff like this
aurorangen · 18 days
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
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Thank you for tagging me @matchalovertrait @mdshh @duusheen (and anyone else I might have missed, I'm so late to answer!) I'm doing it for Vincent, he's just interesting to talk about! It's a long one:
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Vincent has a fear of crowded places, how people could be watching or spying on him. What do they want? Why are they doing this? Who is behind it? Anyone could be doing it, but he knows it's from his past (unless something new has developed). Remember he has been spied on before, by someone from Strangerville. Now he doesn't know and we don't know if his Dad's disappearance and Strangerville are all linked, but you can probably guess. Also a fear of going into the operating room and surgery.
Do they have any pet peeves? When people are late. He hates it.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? His briefcase, his favourite cologne, iPad
What do they notice first in a person? Facial expressions, eye contact and body language: how they compose themselves.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? He has high pain tolerance physically/emotionally so 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? In the past, it would be flight. But now that he is older it's always fight. In court, he can be under a lot of pressure, but he is always prepared to fight and win!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? From his mum's side, he has a big extended family, from Evergreen Harbour and Henford on Bagley! Growing up he has always wanted siblings. He loves having Isaac as a brother and they spend so much time together now! But his childhood was so lonely at home, while his mum was working and his dad always MIA before his disappearance. Vincent always went over to Billy's house to hang out with Charlie! Billy and Josh have always been his father figures, unlike his own. Now with kids, he'll do the best he can to provide a childhood full of love!
What animal represents them best? Vincent is obviously a lion and Isaac is an eagle. You know in an ecosystem there are food chains where predators catch prey. Well, they are Kingsleys, so they're the top of the "hierarchy". Think of it like they're going into enemy territory (investigating their dad or other cases) and they are bringing them down. But their dad is also a Kingsley...
What is a smell that they dislike? Any sort of science experiment chemical idk...I'm not saying anymore
Have they broken any bones? Nope
How would a stranger likely describe them? Secretive first. But that goes away to easy-going, amicable, reliable
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Both actually
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Hmm Vincent is a bit of a foodie and appreciates good food, he likes a lot of stuff really. Something he hates? Mint ice cream lol
Do they have any hobbies? Cooking (I've not explored it though)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? He's all good with surprise birthday parties! Vincent would be full of gratitude to the people who took the time and effort to arrange it. He'll make sure everyone enjoys their time and divert himself from being the centre of attention haha
Do they like to wear jewelry? Ooh he likes fancy watches
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? Surprisingly quite messy. He likes typing stuff lmao
What are two emotions they feel the most? Pride, determination
Do they have a favorite fabric? As long as it's comfortable
What kind of accent do they have? British accent duh
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nikatyler · 2 months
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@nitrozem tagged me a while back and I'm finally doing it. Thank you! I'm gonna do my favourite vampire loser because of course I'm gonna
NAME: Ross P. Vatore. Yes he took his husband's surname, he was always gonna do it. And he never says what the P stands for. He hates it. But I can tell you. It's Petal. Ross Petal, like rose petals. You know. His parents thought they were being funny. But really, 18 yo me thought I was being funny.
NICKNAME: Babyface (by Lilith, because she thought he looked very very young, and people thought it too, he had to show his ID far too often 💀, this led to his mustache era but didn't make Lilith stop calling him that), Gramps (by his descendants, Pastel, Moss and [redacted gen 10 heir])
GENDER: cis man
HEIGHT: 1.85m
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: I've always imagined that one side of his father's family came from Ireland (sims-Ireland), the other from Italy (sims-Italy, again). I never really went in detail about his mother's ethnicity or nationality though, I'm not sure where December is descended from.
FAVORITE FRUIT: certainly not plasma fruit, he hates the texture 💀 He likes cherries.
FAVORITE FLOWER: He's the rose gen sim and I'm predictable, so. Yeah.
FAVORITE SCENT: ...am I gonna be predictable again. Thing is I'm bad with scents, long story short, my senses of smell and taste are weird (and not because of covid, they've always been like that) and that extends to answering stuff like this. Anyway yeah I'm going with predictable 💀
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Not a lot my dude, but he's a vampire, he'll be fine. It depends on the season, he sleeps more in the summer to avoid sunlight.
DOGS or CATS: Doggos
DREAM TRIP: Probably some old scary castle in Europe. We have a lot of them, can't pick just one. He'd probably do some Transylvania trip. You know, Dracula and all that. Even though this goddamn fanboy could probably tell you everything Bram Stoker did wrong but he'd still want to go to Transylvania anyway.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Just one and it usually ends down on the ground. Boy's got nightmares (daymares?) and kicks around a lot while sleeping.
RANDOM FACT: One time for Halloween he went as a Twilight vampire. Basically he just covered himself with far too much glitter and couldn't wash it off for days, and his home was glittery for ages too. 10/10 would do it again
Not gonna officially tag anyone bc this is old and I feel like I've seen everyone and their mother do it, but if you haven't and want to, feel free to say I tagged you <3
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jacqulinetan · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged!!!! thank you @ursae-minoris-world, you're truly so so kind to think of me.
I'll be real honest, I'm only on tumblr very intermittently and I don't really know how to use the platform at all. I'm scared that my formatting will be really messy and make people angry if I put a wall of text on their feed. So hopefully I figure out how to do the jump cut. But I just finished a fic so it's very fun to do one of these and talk about my writing. And I always like to see other people too, so I thought, hey I will give it a shot. Here's the questions:
How many works do you have on ao3? Right now I just finished my 74th work on ao3! Fifty four of those are vld, twenty four are sheith proper
2. What's your total word count on ao3? 993,716 words. I'm set to hit a million this year, I think!
3. What fandoms do you write for? LOL can you believe it? We're still loving Mr. Keith Voltron in the glorious year of our lord 2024
4. What are your top five fic by kudos? Oh well, my sk friends aren't going to be impressed--- my kl fics always take top spots for kudos and bookmarks. I attribute this not to talent or popularity but just because that side of the fandom has a much wider reach. For the sake of the questionnaire, I'll answer properly, in order: 'it's you that's haunting me' takes the top spot by a wide margin at 2,591 kudos to date. 'that mullet, etc' is currently at 1,788 kudos, and after that it's 'cross my heart,' 'swapping out silence,' and 'things that go bump in the night.'
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! for me, one of the best parts of fic is the community between authors and their audience. For the majority of my fandom life I've considered myself more of a reader than a writer, so I really treasure it when I leave a comment and an author responds. It's so special. As an author, I do respond to every comment, though sometimes it takes me a long time. I'm always so impressed that people are not only reading my words but digesting them and thinking on them too. It's wild to me. A very precious gift.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh, my friend, that fic is yet to come. the wip I've got on my closest back burner has a real humdinger of an angsty ending. I'm excited about it. hmmmm if I had to answer now.....I'm not sure! usually I'm a happy ending kind of girl
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? well well well, now I have to answer this one properly don't I? Are we thinking happiest like 'biggest emotional pay off for the reader'? Or happiest like 'Keith is wildly happy' by the end? I think 'heart nailed open' has a very good emotional pay off (though I wrote it so perhaps I can't judge too well on behalf of the reader). If I am really thinking, in which fic is Keith truly the happiest he could ever be by the end...well, I try always to make Keith happy but, in 'the whole story' he has everything he could ever want AND a very nice couch.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not routinely. I did, actually, get a very nasty comment on a fic in 2023 and it legitimately hurt my feelings. Made me feel like I should not be writing at all, actually. But, can you believe it? Friends came out of the woodwork-- people I rarely talk to, even-- and jumped in my comments section and really defended me. like, I really had all kinds of people on my side, defending me! So that meant a lot to me, and I was honestly so surprised, and I'd like to give every one of those friends the kindest hand press because I really did feel very taken care of in the aftermath.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh, I don't know! I have plenty of E rated fics but I don't know if I will ever master a true PWP. to me, the sex scenes I write are not so original or exciting, nothing to really write home about lol. I'm not a fan of publicly being negative about my stuff, so I will simply say that I wish I could write some really off beat toe curling wild kink, but it's probably just not my personality to do so LOL
Is this getting really long?? should I be embarrassed ? should I close the tab and never think on this again? hmmm no
10. Do you write cross overs? Cross overs with what, my dear? There's only one Keith
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh I think 'it's you that's haunting me' strolled on over to wattpad or some such site without my permission back in the day, but I've never really looked into it. What I don't know cannot hurt me, right? I highly doubt that there's been some crazy highway robbery for perfchan words.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't think I have! But I did have someone ask to record a podfic for one of my stories, and I was so flattered and thrilled!!!!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! I don't have much interest in this, I am very shy about my writing and I fear I would be too cagey to be a very good collaborator.
14. what's your all time favorite ship? Keith x Being Loved and Cherished the Way He Ought to Be
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? (covers face) I don't have any unfinished WIPs.... it's not in my Type A personality to leave things undone.....
16. What are your writing strengths? This is something to really ponder!!! What /are/ my strengths!!! huh!!! well. I figured out early on that my favorite things to write are atmospheric and setting heavy -- both my most popular fic (it's you that's haunting me) and my most personally beloved fic (heart nailed open) have this in common: they have a lot of detail about the setting, and a lot of effort put into ~vibes~ of the story. so I think, if I could be self indulgent and chose which writing bits I'm good at, it's that type of thing. I really like crafting a scene you can settle into with all of your senses
17. what are your writing weaknesses? too many to list!!! I very often read my own writing and I always enjoy it (I wrote it for myself afterall) but sometimes I wonder....why did I spend so long on this particular bit? I think I am not very good at making a story tight. I wish I could master the art of being able to 'trim the fat' so to speak, really be precise with the story, but I simply don't have the chops! I can never understand how to make it better than I already have! perhaps if I keep writing long enough, I will get better at this
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? this question would really open up a can of worms on the kl side of the fandom LOL. I will admit it, I've had Lance speak spanish a time or two. I don't speak spanish myself so in those rare instances I have been VERY careful to keep things straightforward and try really really hard to not be cringe worthy to native speakers
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first thing I posted online was a USUK fic in a hetalia LJ comm. I can distinctly remember the first time I ever read a fic with *there was only one bed* (it was usuk) and WHEN I TELL YOU MY EYES WERE OPENED. I was forever changed on that day. of course I wanted to try my hand at writing after that
20. Favorite fic you've written? You would ask me to chose a favorite of my children!!! Oh! I simply could not!!! No, seriously, it's 'heart nailed open.' I love that fic
This got so long !!!!!! I can't imagine anyone reading all this !!!!!!!! but omg if you did thank you!!!!!! I'm shy about tagging people in the best of times, and like I said at the very beginning, I am very very shaky on tumblr etiquette, so I had better not tag anyone. but if my friends enemytosleep or grem or kacy or monday happen to see this, I would be very excited to read your responses!!! okay bye!!
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thetruearchmagos · 19 days
WIP Questionnaire
Thank you kindly for the Tag, @theprissythumbelina !
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
Well, the Setting, probably, which as an answer works for just about any of the WIPs I could name. In theory you could argue Gustav and the Magician, individually and as a 'set' of sorts, technically predate my coming up with the 12 Worlds, but the form they took then has only passing resemblance to their current incarnation.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Ooo, well, I've been thinking I'd probably see about getting something original made, or making something myself as a side thing. I mean, I kinda envision a lot of my WIPs as serial animations in my head anyhow, so I've put more thought into this question than reality is ever likely to require.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Well... You know how big this list could be. I love all of them, and at any moment which forces / allows me to dig deeper into any single one of them makes me love them even more. Still, my final choice is an obvious one: Gustav Johann Schmidt, who's been in it since the very start, and who's voice has by now almost become my own whenever he comments on some facet of his world in the same way I would.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
Hmm, well, I've always thought this would go down two tracks. First of all being the classic 'Techno Thriller' crowd, the sorts who like tanks going boom and spies under deep cover: I'd go with things like The Hunt For Red October and Red Storm Rising, both being stalwarts of the genre which have absolutely been personally inspiring. The second track goes down the wider book / writing community, or at least those looking for 'genre fiction' and all that, who might discover the 12 Worlds more on its fantastical or worldbuilding grounds than for its techno thriller nature: I don't really 'understand' what I'd mean by this cohort myself as much, but I guess it could include series like ASOIAF, possibly.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Well... If we're speaking in the past tense, as far as things that have already happened go I'd put forwards "making sure the worldbuilding exists and isn't utterly contradictory", since there's too little writing down so far to count for a big struggle. Dates are hard, and measuring things on the order of decades to a century leaves me with a lot of uncomfortable dead space on one hand, and a bunch of events clustered together on the other. Untangling this has to happen before the writing does, to me, and it's gonna be hellish.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Uhh... Technically, Snake In The Sandbox (Gustav's third and least brought up WIP) features two animals! One's a snake which literally scares G's shirt off when he finds it in his tent, and the other's some sort of desert lizard the 18th Corps adopts as its mascot.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Oh, probably their respective combat vehicles more than anything, though long distance stuff gets done by plane / aeroship, and getting between Worlds means ships for everyone. Non military types might get their own car, or plane.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Technically brought this up already, but the answer's worldbuilding. It's always worldbuilding. Though within that category, I'm technically supposed to be writing up a piece on the UC' policy towards Goilac / Nouvoulouis pre SSAW, but... I have been having a lazy weekend.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Big flashy boom booms and cunning military tactics, strategy, and leadership on the one hand for sure, but I'd like to think the depth, history, and life that exists within the 12 Worlds might have some appeal to readers.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
Published novel, or really a few considering how many there are already for the 12 Worlds. Then... Well, I think I've got a few ideas in me for the Setting yet.
Anyone fancy a boardgame?
And that's that! Tagging @athenswrites @hessdalen-globe @caxycreations @sanguine-arena @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @thatndginger and anyone who'd like to take part!
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OC questionnaire
Thanks to @willtheweaver here and here, @mk-writes-stuff here, here, and here, and @somethingclevermahogony here.
I did Robbie, Gwen, Maddie, Noelle, Jedi, and Kelsey here.
I did Carmen, George, Akash, Sam, Lexi, and Ash. here.
Doing Gabriel, Carla, Parker, Rose, Alex, and Ewan under the cut!
#1- Gabriel
Did you have any formal education? If so, what was it like?
“I mean, I'm still receiving formal education, so your use of past tense is strange. I never attended Ceteri school. My parents raised me to know that I was Alii, and they always planned to send me over to the Aequales once I received my powers, since they were in direct contact with them the whole time. Ceteri school was counterproductive, so I was homeschooled until then. I now attend school in Alium. I'll admit, I do like it. At least, I do more than homeschooling from my parents. Not that they were terrible, but I don't mind more structure and people.”
What is your stance on friends and friendship?
“I don't know you, so I'm not going to explain growing up with no friends. I don't exactly need them, but it was boring growing up with no one else. I'll admit I don't mind the others in the Aequales, as annoying as they can be. However, they are decent people I enjoy spending time with. Niri is pretty great, actually. Jazlyn still babies me, which is a little annoying, but I would be lying if I didn't admit she is someone I consider a friend. Robbie is a little annoying at times, but Akash keeps him in line. I wish Wade would do the same for Parker. I have no idea how it took until last September for Wade to punch him.”
How would you describe your relationship with your family?
“My parents are my parents. Why would I not respect them? I don't see them often, but I'm following what they want. I'm making them proud. I have a decent job. I'm contributing to Alium as a terrakinetic. They are proud of me. I don't want or need anything more than that.”
#2- Carla
If you could have one wish granted, what would it be? (No wishing for more wishes)
“I would like to bring my parents back. I'd like things to be normal again. Carmen to talk to me more. I'd like to know my cousin I never got to meet. Oh, sorry, this is more than one. Um... The war. Yeah, I'd wish the war never happened. No, wait, the cause of the war: the prejudice of Inutilia. I wish that never happened. I wish we could all get along. Then it would be good.”
What’s your favourite music?
“I really like the different cultural music of each of the Sectors - I have to say I love Sector 3's music the most. Stefanija Lauwers is also a Sector 8 singer I really love. But recently, Tyler has gotten me into a Ceteri genre called 'alternative rock.' I can't stop listening to it - I've never heard anything like it!”
What’s your number one warning sign that it is not going to be a good day?
“How I'm feeling once I've woken myself up all the way. My emotional state tells me how I'm gonna feel for most of the day. Sometimes I'm sad for no reason. And then that's a bad day. When George goes off to work and instead of getting something done, I just decide that I'm going to experience time as quickly as possible until I can get to when he comes back.”
More Carla: empty Bingo
#3- Parker
What’s your favourite snack?
“Me. Cause I'm a snack - hey-ooo! Come on, guys, I'm not gonna explain that joke to you. Honestly, whatever I'm hungry for in the moment. Changes day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second, nanosecond by nanosecond. Anyhow, I'd like some Cheetos.”
What do you least want to hear when you wake up in the morning?
“'Oh, my God, Parker, are you gonna sleep in all day?' No, Mom, I'm gonna get up when I want to. Also I don't want to hear 'Mrs. Holliday just emailed me about your attitude and conductivity problems.' Mom, the bitch hates me. Let me sleep, Goddamn.”
Do you have a nemesis? What are they like?
“Yeah, he got interviewed earlier. Gabriel hates me, and y'know what, he's a boring asshole. He's been a boring asshole for years. He's a stick in the mud, and he drives me insane. Jazlyn, my girl, best girl, my badass idol, likes him. How? Jaz, he's so boring! You're the least boring person I know! What, you knew him for a little longer so he's like a little brother for you? Do what everyone else does with their little brother: dropkick him. Light his hair on fire or something. I take back my last answer - the thing I least want to hear in the morning is Gabriel Medina's voice. Every single practice, he's like 'Cassidy, you're an idiot, Cassidy, you need to stop, Cassidy, you're too chaotic, Cassidy, listen to me.' Go shove a rock up your ass, Medina. Robbie and Akash think he's worthy of a cute silly nickname like Gills. How dare you. Why not nickname me? I'm much more fun than him.”
#4- Rose
What is your favorite beverage for a warm summer afternoon?
“I don't think I could consider myself a true Texan if I didn't say iced tea. Sorry if that's a lame answer.”
What is something that keeps you up at night?
“Insecurities. Hope that helps.”
If you could switch lives with any one you know who would it be and why?
“Lexi. Her family is great, she has so many friends, and...yeah. Lexi.”
More Rose: OC in three
#5- Alex
What’s your favourite flower?
“In Alium, there is no way that it's not the hahkosa blossoms. In Ceteri, purple asters, obviously. I am so predictable. Purple is just such a totally awesome color. I mean, no shade of purple is bad. Not a single one. Every other color? There's, like, one icky shade. Purple is just objectively the best color.”
Do you like parties? What kind?
“Uh, duh! I love parties! Who doesn't? I'll go to any kind of party. You could say I'm the life of it! I prefer going with friends, just because it makes it so much fun! Dances are awesome. Just vibing to the music with your besties. Cannot compare to anything else.”
Are you hiding anything from your friends (I promise the secret is safe with me)?
“Oh. Well, I guess that I'm not happy at all times. I try to be. I love making others happy. I feel like I may be abandoning what makes me, well, me. I'm happy. I'm Alex. She's the girl who is the life of the party, like I said. I can't be anxious! [Pause] haha, well, who am I kidding? This has been such a fun interview! Thank you!”
#6- Ewan
Is there someone that you look up to?
“Jazlyn, in both senses of the phrase. She's taller than me, but also, she's just...don't tell anyone this, but Jazlyn is the most important part of my life. She has this super confident demeanor, but she's actually reflective. More than she lets on. Not that she isn't confident. She's the kind of person who'd volunteer at a magic show. She sits in the front row every time. She's the smartest person I know. Sharp wit. Great at everything it seems. Blunt and harsh at times, but she is never rude. Badass at sparring. She's made me more willing to take risks and get out of my comfort zone! I can't imagine my life without her if she never approached me five years ago.... *clears throat* Oh my gosh I've been talking too long...”
Do you have any trouble falling/staying asleep?
“When I'm out, I'm way out. Cause I'm exhausted. But falling asleep? Man, my mind is on so many things. My next music composition, Jazlyn, what and how I'm gonna train Lexi, homework, band practice, Jazlyn, the manga I was just reading, wait--I said Jazlyn...*clears throat again* anyway my brain is so full at night.”
Do you believe in forgiveness?
“Oh, 100%. Not because I think the person is deserving, but I feel sick if I don't do it. I can't move on. Forgive. My life has other places it would like to be than in the past.”
TSP intro
Thanks for reading this far! I'll tag @finickyfelix @ohnomybreadsticks @winterandwords @jezifster @jay-avian @kyofsonder @lesleymoonwriter @leahnardo-da-veggie @cowboybrunch @elsie-writes @atelierwriting + anyone else!
Your questions:
Do you prefer working on one thing until it's finished or many things at a time?
You are in a talent show! What is your talent?
How do you feel about your birthday? Do you have a best or worst birthday?
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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illarian-rambling · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @somethingclevermahogony!
OC Questionnaire
My questions:
What would you rather be doing right now?
What is your favorite desert?
What color are your eyes?
I'll answer these for the Outcasts!
1) What would you rather be doing right now?
Izjik: "Fishing. Nothing beats a nice day on the water and the shade of a good willow tree. Plus, I'm fucking hungry."
Sepo: "Not this, that's for damn sure."
Twenari: "Oh, probably reading. I found this delightful treatise on multi-linked runes and their application to telescopes the other day - I really hope to finish it by this evening. I've always wanted to build my own telescope."
Djek: "At the club! Look at me! You think a treat like me deserves to be rotting away at work? Nah bitch, I should be where the other baddies are!"
2) What is your favorite desert?
Izjik: "Eh, I'm not really a fan of sweets. Twenari makes fruit pie sometimes, and I guess that's alright, so long as I take the crust off."
Sepo: "I do have a sense of taste, contrary to what some hayseed halawemavar might tell you. I like dark chocolate."
Twenari: "I have to pick just one? Well, crème brûlée is my favorite desert to make, but raspberry tarts are wonderful to eat. Also, hot chocolate. Does that count as desert? I'll split the difference and go with chocolate-cherry cream pie."
Djek: "Call me cheap, but you know those little cinnamon bread twists they sell on the street corner outside of bars? Gods beyond, I could eat my own body weight of those fucking things. I'd steal some all the time when I was a kid."
3) What color are your eyes?
Izjik: "Slate, I guess? Like a blue gray? I don't know - we didn't have mirrors growing up, so I just say the color Sepo tells me."
Sepo: "Black. Duh. All sirens have night-colored eyes."
Twenari: "A light amber, brighter than my skin tone. They're very distinctive. Sort of a mark of the Devaris family."
Djek: "Proper Amaranthi red. No one gave a shit back on Fayuki, but here on the mainland? A little shadow magic, some super direct eye contact, and bam, I'm a demon out of hell!"
Thanks for the questions, these were fun!
I'll tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @willtheweaver @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife @bargainbincheese @cssnder @meep-writes-stuff and YOU 🫵
Your questions are:
What's your favorite type of weather?
Who was the last person you told a secret to?
Have you ever broken a bone?
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
Okay, but camapign check in questionnaires genuinely sound awesome. What kinds of other questions do you typically put in them?
Well, there's really no "typically" because this is my first time DMing, but: Only things that are actually important to what I need to plan for the future of the campaign.
(Also, while I totally get the advice to include "what don't you like/what are your least favorite parts of the campaign", I've found from being on both sides of that question that it doesn't tend to get me anything usable. If there's sessions that dragged a bit, I already know that and they know I know it--and also, these are my friends and we're playing a game together for fun. They don't want to complain. It's more useful for everyone to focus on what they want to see more of! If there's something literally no one mentions, it probably wasn't their favorite.)
It's also useful to focus on stuff that's reasonably specific while still open-ended. Like, "what do you want to see more of?" is SUPER broad. The questions I had instead were:
What's something you hope will happen before the end of the campaign? (This can be anything from a spell you hope you get to use, to a plot thread you want to learn the end of, to a specific kind of emotional/character moment.)
Everyone's characters have grown immensely. Other than the immediate "halt the apocalypse", how would you describe your character's personal goals now? (If it helps, you can describe how similar or different it is from when they started.)
What have been your favorite moments of the campaign so far? What would you like to have more of?
and then of course the Greatest Fear question, which is relevant to the next part of the campaign for reasons. Obviously I won't say what those are because my players are on here, but also, it's the faewild, I'm sure they expected there to be SOME kind of mindfuckery as they get closer to confronting the Queen of the Fae.
But you'll notice--those questions are positive, they have clear purpose, and they're actionable.
(This is where the many years of therapy training come in tbh. If you're setting goals, make them measurable, make them positive--not "what do you want to avoid" but "what would feel right"--and make them something you can actually do something about as the DM.)
These tell you lots of valuable things about your players and their priorities! I got a really useful mix of practical "I REALLY want to be able to use this really situationally specific ability/class feature in a meaningful and cool way now that we're higher level" and roleplay-heavy "I really want revenge/closure/to be able to build something when this is over" responses.
And those things will also help me in the event of a PC death--obviously when discussing the legacy a dead player character leaves behind it should be mostly the player making that call! But knowing what their player thought was most important about their story helps me know how to handle it in the moment--what to prioritize in narration, how to describe their death if I have to.
I think also as a player it's always valuable to think about these things periodically as well! I'd also suggest having at least a vague idea of what death would look like to your character--I have a few characters for whom that's extremely clear (Benny, Atri of course) and a few where I have no idea (Rinda especially, but also Lorne and Sedge) and in the moment, it can be a boon to your DM for you to actually have an answer for "what do you want this to look like".
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njnetails · 1 month
OC questionnaire!
Thank you @drchenquill for the tag! It's so fun to do games like these!
I'm going to use some of the characters you'll meet in Godsfallen! Since I have yet to plan for it properly, these characters are the only ones I've thought of until now.
What would you say to yourself from the past?
Taron: "Family doesn't end in blood, but it sure as Hell won't help you even if it's found. Run away while you still can."
Corelion: "Nothing is worth losing their trust for. Let it go."
Luna: "Past me would not be able to hear me."
If you could send a message to future you, what would it be?
Taron: "I can no longer see a future. Any message would be completely f*cking useless."
Corelion: "Wake up. For Gods' sake, WAKE UP."
Luna: "Do you not remember me?"
If you could redo your life, is there a moment, an event, that you would never change?
Taron: "I would change everything, up to the smallest grain of sand, if it meant never going through the same things again. This is not a life one should ever live."
Corelion: "I will always remember the moment my eyes first landed on that scowling little boy that I have since then called my son. Everything can be different, but my love for him will never change."
Luna: "I would never change myself. Losing myself would be a struggle."
I'm tagging @thatswhereiwanttobe, @asa-writes-stuff, @insomniac-frog, @imaginationxlost, @lexiklecksi, @toragay-writing and everyone else who wants to give it a try!
Your questions are:
What is your everyday morning routine?
How far are you willing to go to get what you want and why?
What is a minor thing that you regret doing/saying?
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dupliciti · 1 month
canon questionare: 1, 12, 13, 14, 20
canon questionnaire // @protcg // accepting ( no more 12 please KJSHDG )
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1 ) What made you pick up this character?
the brainrot... this is not a joke. he's my favorite hsr character, it's no secret. well HE WASNT ALWAYS MY FAVORITE. like i said before, he was probably the character i disliked the most when i first started playing ajksdgh
uh i mean it's a little more nuanced than that. i'm not gonna hide the fact that sa.mpard is one of my favorite ships, uh but i do not read fic for it. i don't like how people write one or the other when they're in the same fic together jkahKSEDHFG. so my thought was like oh well y'know kill two birds with one stone, i get back into rp and i find a voice for sa.mpo that's more ideal for fic writing ( with the intent to write my own fic. ) yeah that's not exactly happening now, just the rp aspect haha. i have zero intention of fic writing, i've enjoyed developing sa.mpo here as i have been
12 ) What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
he's a ma.sked fool that doesn't like mentioning directly that he's a ma.sked fool. he'll toss in words like "joy" and "elation" and yknow stuff as such into his speech, but never has he directly admitted it to us. sure, you could say the same about zhongshan, but the distinct difference here is that he's a playable character AND sparkle's voice line for him joining the party is "shouldn't the "Fool" introduce himself to everyone?" his choice to avoid labeling himself directly is deliberate and not just some tease in the game like zhongshan.
13 ) Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
let's pretend my multi sideblog doesn't actually exist because that's how i treat it anyways JKSDHG
ge.pard. when it comes to knowledge and comfortability relaying that info, i know a lot about ge.pard, so it's the logical choice. bo.othill so i can project onto him, y'know yeehaw and vaquero like. av.entur.ine, i actually really love him MAN, but he's really popular rn so i don't think i really would unless it's like in private yknow
14 ) Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand?
other than my brief lapse of time disliking sa.mpo ? nah. i enjoy all the characters
20 ) If you could sum up your character with one sentence, what would it be?
if you think you know anything about him, i guarantee you're wrong
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devourensarc · 1 month
13. Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
14. Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand? 
canon questionnaire
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13. Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
I've got a few characters on my multi i'm testing out that I've wanted to - furina, clorinde - and there's another hsr character i'm cooking with, and I'll probably officially write here on tumblr when she's released (you can probably guess who from that but alskdfjgh). I've also thought about Layla and/or Kokomi. Of course, I'm always down for suggestions, esp as the summer approaches and I'll have more brain power to test out some muses.
14. Are there some characters from the franchise you can’t stand? 
Dori. Fucking,, Dori. I see her and immediately want to punt her like a football. I also feel bad about this one because I know a lot of people like her, but I just cannot stand canon Sparkle. After the last trailblaze quest, Ratio got a little more bearable for me, but he's another one that makes me puff up like an angry cat. I don't handle the condescending smug superiority well, even in fictional characters (and it's also why I'm not a huge Alhaitham fan). While I will be picky interacting with those muses, I have seen people who do some really neat stuff with them and I've got nothing against people who do like them - we all have different tastes and that's okay!
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beacon-of-chaos · 1 year
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Since Quetza is in the @sonic-oc-showdown, I figured I'd fill out one of these questionnaires I've seen around. I apologise, I'm not sure who came up with it, but I first saw it on @bunnymajo's page.
FYI: Some of this stuff I am coming up with on the fly!
Name: Quetza the Snake
Species: Winged Snake. No particular type of snake in mind.
Type: Flight
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Home: Station Square?
Quetza claims to be either the reincarnation, descendant, or chosen one of the ancient god Quetzacoatl. The answer differs each time you ask her, but it's hard to deny. She's a snake born with wings and she has magical abilities, specifically control over wind and air, and shapeshifting, which is why she has four arms. She travels the world, looking for clues about her true nature. She has an easy going nature and can be shy, but opens up quickly to those are friendly to her. She loves fashion, junk food, and video games. She doesn't like to fight, but can defend herself if she needs to, using gusts of wind to fly around and using her shapeshifting to extend her arms or tail for quick strikes.
✨How did you come up with the OC’s name?
She's inspired by the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god. Quetzalcoatl means "precious serpent" in the Nahuatl language, so her name could roughly be translated as Precious the Snake!
Note: It's pronounced KET-zah. :)
🌼  - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
She's an adult. Late 20s, I guess?
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
No. She gains crushes easily, and forgets them almost as quickly.
🍕  - What is their favorite food?
Ice cream! She has a real sweet tooth.
💼  - What do they do for a living?
Uh... I haven't thought that far yet.
So, at this point I need to explain. Quetza is literally just my fursona; wish fufilment in all its forms XD. She doesn't have a story, per se.
So I could give her a boring office job like mine. Or maybe say that she's something really cool? Like my version of the Rookie?
How about this: she started as a scout for the Resistance and is now a manager/organiser at the Restoration, working closely with Jewel.
🎹  - Do they have any hobbies?
Video games, mostly action/adventure types.
🎯  -What do they do best?
Flying! With her wind magic aiding her, no one can fly faster or more skillfully!
🥊  -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Shopping and exploring! She travels often, looking for clues about her past, but she's always looking for a nice city to stay in when she does so.
❤️  - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
I think when she realised exactly what her powers could do. Figuring that out about herself would be a big moment.
✂️   - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably getting bullied for being a freak by the other kids when she was younger :(
🧊  - Is their current design the first one?
No, she's changed a fair bit since her first design. I literally added the extra arms cos I thought it was cool and her hairstyle has changed a lot (as you can see in the above pictures). She also used to be a rattlesnake cos I thought it would be cute if she rattled when scared/angry. IDK, might bring that back.
🍀  - What originally inspired the OC?
I like snakes and I always thought the idea of a snake with wings was cool. I really fell in love with the concept of Coatls in D&D a while back so I wanted to make that my 'sona.
🌂  - What genre do they belong in?
IDK, what do Sonic games count as? Action? Sci-fi (there's a lot of robots, after all)?
💚  -What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Genderfluid transwoman, bisexual.
🙌  - How many siblings does your OC have?
🍎  - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
I think pretty good? I don't have parents for her in mind yet.
🧠  - What do you like most about the OC?
Shout out to @kuchintta for the comission I got.
✏️  - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Almost never. This is the most I've ever written about her and I don't actually draw much.
💎  - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
No! That would be like killing myself.
💀  - Does your OC have any phobias?
Hm. My phobia is of heights, but she can fly so there's no way that would scare her. I guess not!
🍩  -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
That jerk at Restoration HQ who always gets the best snacks from the vending machine first! How does he always get there so quick?
🎓  - How long have you had the OC?
About a year... apparantly! Wow, that's gone by quick!
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adhd-worlds · 3 months
okay. hi. *breath*
i've always hated being called normal - but now when i look at myself i am thinking - is that because i'm not? - i show 'symptoms' (sorry but i kinda hate that word) of autism and adhd, but nothing major???
short attention span on certain topics, easily distracted, bad time management, i can zone out doing a repetative task/motion for 10/20 minutes (playing with figit toys and simular) or just staring into space - which i find oddly calming and helps me to zone out. i take stuff very literally and people tell me i take it personally, i don't think i do, i just don't understand them. this happens with certain peolpe more than others and alot though text messages. i don't like noisy areas but can cope most of the time. i get angry if i am asked (by close family members) to do a task i am already doing/do regularly every day without fail, but it also depends alot on tone of voice. i get upset very quickly and find it hard to control my emotions alot of the time. i find that stimming (though voluntary, something i conciously start and can stop) relaxes me and helps me focus. i am a visual learner and can take a long time to complete tasks, and sometimes just loose interest altogeather.
sorry for rambling, just hoping for some help, i have suggested i have mild ADHD to my dad who instantly told me not to start feeling pressurised to label myself and that it's okay because i'm totally normal...
Lets go bit by bit. I don't think a lot of people like being called normal because it equates to being called "boring" or if you have idk, a "normal music taste" it means mainstream. Generally people don't like being seen as the same as everyone else, imo but then again, I live in an echo chamber filled with very interesting and different people who in some way or another, don't fit into "normal".
Secondly, a lot of what you shared are traits of autism/ADHD, quite likely you have both but I wouldn't use me as something to go by. I recommend doing the RAADS-R test for autism and there are questionnaires that are used in adhd diagnosis appointments online that sort of gage if you are. Also helps to read experiences people have online, especially those diagnosed with one or both later on (teens to 20s) and their day to day experiences and their schooling experiences. And then, if (when) you can or want to, start seeking out a dx from doctors.
Also, just an FYI, stimming is a voluntary action. If it was uncontrollable, it would be a tick. Stimming is usually fueled by a very strong desire to do xyz action in order to calm down or show excitement etc so it seems like it's uncontrollable. But myself and many others have repressed the urge to do so around certain people or at work or school bc masking. And part of unlearning the masking is to let yourself/choose to stim
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I will admit, I am not very knowledgeable on the enlightenment era stuff, besides getting some giggles at the posts of my friends and was never really interested in it aside from the stuff with Catherine the Great that was going on around the time. But now after scrolling your blog and actually witnessing the sheer amount of DRAMA QUEENS, I've gotten somewhat curious 🤭
If you don't mind me asking, can you please describe the relationship of the "two toxic old men" to a person like me, who doesn't know much, but is willing to learn?
Fritz and Voltaire? With pleasure!
So, in 1736, Frederick, then the crown prince of Prussia, sent some fanmail to Voltaire. Being the attention whore he was, especially when it came to royalty, V responded with great enthusiasm and the two struck up a correspondence full of mutual flattery. At one point V enlisted his friend Thieriot to help send literary news (he was supposed to be paid: he wasn't, ever) and he...sent a lot of gossip about Voltaire. Another important thing is also that Émilie du Châtelet, V's long-term lover, and Fritz HATED each other. And it's also generally agreed that Fritz was gay.
1740 comes around, Fritz's awful dad finally croaks, and he becomes king and wants to, in his own words, possess Voltaire. He and Voltaire met in person for the first time in September, briefly, then again in November where V spends his birthday in Prussia. Party time. The correspondence from during that visit is amazing, V wants to leave, Fritz begs him to come back and says he'll kiss him on Friday, V tells Fritz he loves him more than Émilie, they call each other mistress, Fritz complains that V is expensive behind his back but he'll win over Émilie because he can pay him more, V says he's not interested in Greek affairs (read: gay stuff) despite the flirting but he is there for Fritz, Émilie begs V to come back saying she's sick and gets V's friend Cideville to send him a poem about how hot she is, etc etc.
At some point, Fritz tried to force Voltaire to come to Prussia by spreading gossip in France that'd force him out of the country and iirc succeeded, but I don't remember which visit was that off the top of my head.
They briefly meet again in 1742. In 1743, Voltaire was sent to Prussia as a spy, at which he was hilariously godawful (Fritz answered most of his diplomatic questionnaire with jokes). After Émilie died in 1749, V moved to Prussia in 1450, which went fine at first, but they slowly started to realise they really can't fucking stand to live with each other. Voltaire got involved in a financial scandal and also royally pissed off Maupertuis (Émilie's former lover, president of the Berlin Academy) and with that Fritz, culminating in Fritz burning all copies of Diatribe du docteur Akakia.
V resigned and left in early 1752, but he was (unlawfully, Fritz had no authority there) detained by an agent of Fritz's in Frankfurt because he took a book of poetry in which Fritz satirised other European leaders. What followed was a very entertaining mess of miscommunication (please do yourself a favour and read the correspondence from that time, google translate does the job fine) and theatrics on Voltaire's part, who kept insisting he was just a sick old man who only wanted to go take the waters. He writes to everyone, his niece and current lover writes to Wilhelmine, V at some point pulls a gun on someone, Freytag writes to Fritz like "he looks like a skeleton, is he really sick or does he always look like that?," eventually V's luggage in which the book was in gets delivered, he coughs it up, but he still isn't let go, eventually Fritz himself has to write to Freytag like "yo, wtf is going on." It's a disaster and it ruins their relationship for good.
Voltaire is so pissed off that he writes a memoir about his experiences in Prussia where he outs Fritz (...and also his brother Henri) as gay in no uncertain terms several times and also edits a few letters to his niece in the vein of Richardson's Pamela, painting himself as a poor victim of the seductive king. Which...lmao, really, V? Really? I translated the first one here, currently working on the second. Though those letters weren't discovered to be edited until 1991, so many older biographies just take them as fact.
Anyway, the two stopped writing to each other for a while. They reconnected at the urging of Fritz's sister Wilhelmine when the Seven Years War was going badly and Fritz was suicidal, and it went well on the surface, but Voltaire kept writing to his friends about how he's totally over Fritz, he hates him, he wishes he was hit by a cannonball, he ridicules his suicide letter behind his back, etc. Fritz also keeps shit-talking Voltaire behind his back the whole time, but is overjoyed when he gets a letter. As an example of later correspondence, here's a translation of an excerpt from the "it's good that you're such a colossal dick or your perfection would embarrass humanity" letter. Either way, they slowly reconciled and kept writing to each other until Voltaire's death.
I know I left a ton out and I wrote it pretty much all from memory so could be that I fucked up the details, but I hope it helps. Wish I could include some more letter excerpts because they're fantastic, but it's long as it is.
If you want a good intro on these two, read the bios by Nancy Mitford - she has the fatal flaw of not citing shit but they're short and fun and easy to find and she's one of the few who are able to see that both of them were a total mess. For more academic sources, there's Aldridge (pro: cites letter numbers in-text, very balanced when it comes to Fritz, con: impossible to find) or Besterman (pro: most comprehensive, dude compiled his letters so he knows his shit, con: big bias against Fritz) for Voltaire and...hm, I'm trying to think of a Fritz biographer that'd have any info on those two. Blanning hasn't much and I've yet to get around to MacDonogh, so I can't say where that one is good and bad.
There are also letters here and here that you can googletranslate and I really wish Electronic Enlightenment wasn't paywalled (if you know someone who has a NYPL card to lend you their login info…I recommend) cause it has like all of V's letters and an AMAZING search.
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whiterosechrista · 13 days
So. I'm realizing (with the vent time post kerfuffle) that it'd probably be a good idea for me to give people a basic understanding of who I am and where I come from, so that they can reference it if any of my posts come off odd/offensive/etc. out of context.
Basic Facts
I'm 24 years old, Caucasian, American, biologically female, comfortable with she/her and they/them pronouns. I'm an introvert who doesn't get out often, but I'm not some basement-dwelling Neckbeard-equivalent. I have a strong sense of empathy, which leads me to want to play mediator often (though thankfully I'm aware of my limits and don't act on every want). My likes include anime, storytelling, art, history, SCP, Kpop, science, outer space, and mac n' cheese (among other things). My dislikes include racism, ablism, homophobia, transphobia, and basically anything else involving unreasonable hate.
I grew up as effectively a single child, moving back and forth between houses because my parents were already separated, though not officially divorced. They both loved me, and tried their best to raise me well, but (for reasons I'll touch on later) I definitely bonded more with my mom than my dad. There was one house that at least one of them always lived in consistently, so I think of it as my childhood home.
I was a fairly happy child, I think, though there were some issues with bullying that I can't remember clearly anymore, and it did affect me, though maybe not as much as the school itself; I used to love to draw/paint, and I stopped after I got into school because art class convinced me I wasn't doing it "right."
The teachers (some, at least) didn't like that I learned differently than other kids (e.g. making connections between concepts in Math and English at age ~8), and so made me take one of those "morality tests"; multiple-choice questionnaires about moral decisions like returning a lost wallet (which, btw, I left blank because they hadn't given me enough info about the situation; they decided that meant there was something wrong with me).
(Ironically, this was a Montessori school, which are supposed to be less rigid about teaching styles than standard schools.)
So I transferred to a different Montessori school at age ~10, which had a system where kids would sign their name on their class sheet when they came in, and didn't like that I stopped to say hi to kids in other classes first (for reference, my class was on the second floor, the other kids' were on the ground floor).
Thus, for either this or some other reason, they recommended I go to therapy. My mom, thinking "well, she might have reason to need it", agreed. I spent a while there before the therapist said "this is the most well-adjusted child I've ever seen, please leave so I can tend to people who actually need me."
After about a year of this school, Mom asked if I'd like to try homeschooling, and that's what I've been doing ever since (though technically what we did was unschooling, which is a bit different).
It was after I started homeschooling that I started writing, got really into anime to the point of learning Japanese by watching it, and made my best friends to date.
I've done things like ballet, gymnastics, parkour, circus arts, piano, roller derby, and sang/played at Girls' Rock Camp/Club Boston (though I think the name's changed to be more gender-inclusive). I don't do much of this stuff anymore, though I might get back into it at some point.
Pre-Covid, I was taking drawing classes and Japanese classes (mostly for reading it, since anime didn't teach me that), and back in 2022, I got officially certified to teach English as a second language (though I've yet to find a job, unfortunately).
I'm currently living in an apartment with my mom, sitting around with a sprained back, hoping that it'll heal in time for my best friend to take me on a Duck Boat tour in Boston on June 2nd, and blogging for the first time in my life.
I hope this has helped. It feels like an info-dump, but apparently I can't make anything concise, so here we are.
Feel free to ask/comment/dm me for more details about anything (or just to chat). I might not be comfortable with sharing some things, but most things I should be fine with. Just be respectful about it and we should be good. :)
Edit; just realized I didn't touch on why I bonded more with my mom than my dad. The short version is that mom is open-minded, gentle (though she can definitely be stern), and always asks what I want before doing something, and my dad sort of doesn't always "get it." For instance; the moment I turned 16, he started badgering me about getting my driver's license, even though I barely went anywhere that wasn't in walking distance and anywhere I didn't could be accessed by either public transport or someone else driving me. He also wanted me to do SAT prep and similar things, got stuck in the "Alternative Medicine" rabbithole and somehow still manages to be surprised that my mom won't make me try it without my consent (for reference, this was after I sprained my back; it's not the first time he's wanted me to try Alt Meds and definitely not the first time my mom's refused). So, yeah. He's not a bad guy, and he definitely tries, he's just a bit too stuck in his own world sometimes.
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OC Questionnaire
Thanks to @illarian-rambling here and here, @somethingclevermahogony here and here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @imsoveryveryconfusedatlife here,
Rules: answer the questions for your OCs, then ask three more questions to others!
Tagging @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @eccaiia @dyrewrites @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @willtheweaver @chauceryfairytales @reininginthefirewriting + ANYONE
These accidentally built up. Since I got tagged multiple times this may be a little long. I will do one OC per set.
#1- Robbie
What's your favorite type of weather?
“I mean, I guess I like it when it's cloudy, maybe even a bit gray. It feels cozy, I guess. Especially if it's cold, because then you have an excuse to stay inside.”
Who was the last person you told a secret to?
“Probably Akash. He knows my secrets better than me.”
Have you ever broken a bone?
“There was a ramp up to the playground in kindergarten, and I slipped and broke my arm on the ramp. It was the day before the talent show, so I had to go on stage with a cast.
More Robbie: OC in fifteen, OC in three, two truths and a lie, picrew
#2- Gwen
What's a childhood fear you had?
“I think it was...that I would one day find an evil clone of myself. Or a dark version of me. I guess it was all the cartoons I watched! (Laughs) I suppose those things happen a lot less in real life.”
What's in your pockets?
“My drumsticks. I developed a habit of twirling them when anxious or bored. Thankfully I've gotten boy's pants for years so I can have better pockets.”
Ever considered therapy?
I'm assuming this is post-Pt2
“What? No, I-- *sigh* I don't need therapy. I'm needed elsewhere.”
More Gwen: OC in three, picrew
#3- Maddie
Salty, spicy, or sweet?
“Spicy. I enjoy the risk.”
What is your favorite game or sport?
“Hm. Anything Mario related. But I'm really good at Mario Kart.”
What was the last thing you threw away?
“The instructions for the LEGO set I just built. The Batmobile, for the record.”
More Maddie: OC in three, picrew, two truths and a lie, filled in Bingo
#4- Noelle
What’s your favourite food?
“Saying I have a favorite food is ridiculous. It's food - if it's good, it's good. I guess anything my mom made. And I like to think my cooking is good. I like doing it at least. I couldn't pick a favorite.”
What’s the worst joke you’ve ever heard?
“Any that comes out of Robbie's mouth. (Pause) I think that was a little rude. Parker - he thinks he's a lot funnier than he is.”
If you could go anywhere in the world to visit, where would it be?
“I'd like to go wherever my dad is. Talk to him. See why he and my mom aren't together anymore.”
More Noelle: OC in fifteen, OC in three, filled in Bingo
#5- Jedi
What do you do for work?
“Oh, I love my work. I have a doctorate in the power database. I run constant tests on DNA from different Alii to compare their genetic makeup so the database remains accurate and thorough. I make notes of trends among the abilities of different Levels, as well as noting the subpowers, and how those subpowers look on a genetic Level. I am currently working with my dear friend Carmen to study the long-term effects of Alii who grew up on Ceteri, and how their powers develop throughout their adolescence.”
How much sleep do you get?
(pause, rubs the back of his neck) “I do have insomnia, so I get a normal amount of sleep for that. I may take medication to fall asleep occasionally, but I am usually reading or running diagnostic tests.”
What’s your favourite animal?
“I am particularly fond of kitsunes and water foxes. I also always wanted a pet ferretsnake, as well.”
More Jedi: OC in three, Picrew, acearo smash or pass
#6- Kelsey
Who would you miss the most if they left?
“Maddie. She's been my best friend for years. I wouldn't know what to do without her.”
What is the funniest thing you have ever done?
“Not check the bathroom stall lock in second grade. It's how I met Maddie though, so I'm grateful I did that. I also put on a handmade puppet play for my cousins a few years ago. Improvised the whole thing.”
Who cares about you the most?
“Maddie. And Hye-Jin. They've never stopped caring about me, even though they show it completely differently.”
More Kelsey: OC in three, picrew (now inaccurate since I'm dying her hair black), filled in Bingo
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Alright, you've made it this far. Here are the questions:
What is on your nightstand? If you don't have a nightstand, what would you put on it if you did?
What are some of your hobbies?
What is your system for organization?
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oathkeeperoxas · 11 months
tag game to better know you
Ty @new-anon for tagging me! What else to do on a cold Monday morning public holiday then fill out a questionnaire about myself 🤔
What book are you currently reading?
The Wright Brothers by David McCullough Definitely has nothing to do with the fact that we can see this book on Ice's shelf next to the photo of him and Mav shaking hands after rescuing the USS Layton...
What’s your favourite movie you saw in theatres this year?
I have only seen the new Spiderman (literally 2 days ago) so I guess that! I think it was pretty good, but tbh I liked the first one more.
What do you usually wear?
Pokemon or bird themed t-shirt paired with shorts or my high school gym trackies if it's cold. I have one green overcoat that I wear pretty much any time I need a jacket, it is very versatile in what weather it can be worn in.
How tall are you?
170cm, that's 5 foot 6 inches to those USAmericans in the audience (had to google that...)
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I don't know any celebrities off the top of my head that I share a birthday with, and the only historical event I connect immediately with my birthday is a bad one lmao. Though it happened in the 1920s, so mostly only relevant when I was studying history in high school...
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
Serie! Fun fact, I made this name up on the spot randomly when playing Facebook games as an 11 year old and the RPG ones wanted me to input a name. I have been stuck with it ever since.
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
My current job didn't even exist when I was a child, so, no!
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
No relationship, and I have not had a crush since high school pff
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
Good at procrastinating, bad at resisting the lure of more wips 🙏 this makes for a wild combination haha
Dogs or cats?
Probably cats, but I am allergic to cats and dogs (and most fluffy creatures) so I don't have any pets :(
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this year?
Probably my favourite things that I've posted this year was Dawn and well. haha. (nuts) because they were both very self-indulgent in a way that I always enjoy writing with codywan, though for very very different reasons.
What’s something you’d like to create content for?
I want to write more Aloy femslash!! I've written so much for her, but none really with the characters from the new game, and now with a canon femslash kiss under her belt, I think she deserves to be a wlw icon. Next year for femslash February I'm thinking of trying to organise a Horizon event to get some momentum not just for me but for others to create too
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
Val Kilmer's jaw.........
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
I can maybe half say the Horizon: Forbidden West DLC - I liked the overarching plot well enough, and they gave Aloy a lesbian kiss so I'm not too mad, but it carried over almost all of the issues from production that the base game had, which I was keen to see fixed in the DLC. That and the lack of backstory for Seyka or the Quen, the lack of side quests and the lack of interesting stuff to do in the wilds of the DLC made it a bit of a mediocre experience for me (though after HFW I wasn't expecting anything too good anyway).
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
Not sure if it's hidden, but I'm particularly good at spotting double spaces in a document. Pisses me off (it's my editor brain going haywire... my team is always making fun of me for this at work lmao)
Are you religious?
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
Someone to make me breakfast </3 alas after I post this I will simply have to do it myself
@elwenyere @tragediegh @playablekairi @cillyscribbles if you like! No pressure ofc
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