#i’m having major fomo but not even for the boys
ageofhearingloss · 11 months
there’s still time for me to buy a plane ticket and concert ticket for tonight right. RIGHT???!!!!???
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borathae · 4 months
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“Taehyung doesn’t possess patience when it comes to reconnecting with his boyfriend. Jungkook’s there to remind him to take it easy despite the aching longing.”
Pairing: Vampire!Taehyung x Vampire!Jungkook
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut, some domestic Fluff in the beginning, Polyamory!AU
Warnings: Taehyung has major FOMO poor boy, he misses his poly family :(, then Kookie comes back home heheh, this is disgusting nasty porn yall, the neediest vampire sex ever, Hard Dom & Top!Jungkook, neediest sub & Bottom!Taehyung, tears, drool, painful anal without preparation at first because Tae wants it, before Kook decides enough is enough and prepares him, strength & muscle kink, feral play (this is a needy Ripper "hunting" a needy Normal besties), rimjob, anal fingering, anal fisting (the real deal), he takes him into a headlock as he does it, lube enema, dirty talk, huge ownership kink (Tae calls Kook "Owner" and Kook calls him "property"), slight dollification, praise, degradation, hair pulling, big dicks, non painful anal as well, oh Tae you impatient bottom, rough blood drinking, stuff goes up Tae's ass which shouldn't go up his ass jsjjsj, besties you have no idea how unhinged this is, but it is also insanely soft and safe, the most comforting aftercare, they're so in love omfg
Wordcount: 8.8k
a/n: this is based on anonie's idea, i probably made it way hornier than you wanted it but i couldn't help myself, i was ovulating as i worked on it fajdsjfa i feel like i need to write your idea as well hahah keep it tame because this is quite frankly nasty porn bahahha enjoy besties, this is so disgusting omfg 😩💜
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Taehyung has been alone at the estate for five days. Truly and really alone. You, Yoongi and Hoseok are visiting Seokjin and Emma in Gordes. Jimin is currently visiting friends in London and won’t be home for another week. And Jungkook, well, Jungkook has been on a boxing camp trip for a week now. Which leaves poor Taehyung all alone at the estate. 
He could have obviously gone to Gordes as well or went with Jimin, and Jungkook would have probably liked him there with him as well, but Taehyung had a painting to finish. He really wanted to finish it. Being alone at the estate, trapped in the ecstatic state of painting was fun for the first three days, but Taehyung has been beginning to feel lonely. A painting can only distract him that much before the sad state of himself comes creeping up on him.
Taehyung hadn’t even realised how much of his day actually consists of being with his forever family. Be it voluntarily or just simply by existing in the same space together. Taehyung really began to miss those small moments of quality time. 
Painting doesn’t feel as nice anymore and he regrets not accompanying one of his friends. He could be in Gordes right now, sipping French wine with his friends, he could be in London right now chatting with Jimin and his friends, he could also be in some rural American boxing camp, watching Jungkook hit punches at other boxing lovers. He could be somewhere else other than his lonely, quiet atelier. 
Taehyung huffs out air in frustration and drops the paint brush in the water. He doesn’t want to paint anymore. 
He gets up and leaves the atelier and soon his wing. The estate is so big and so empty. Every room he passes makes him feel more and more frustrated. 
Perhaps he could talk to someone on the phone. The time shows eight at night, so everyone must still be awake.
He tries you first. You don’t pick up your phone, but a text message arrives soon after.
-          Sweetest ♡: I’m sorry, my darling but we’re currently at a wine tasting and I can’t talk here. I’ll call back later. I love you ♡ 
Taehyung pouts. A wine tasting?? This is so unfair! He wants to be at a wine tasting as well! 
He sends you an answer with a jealous pout on his lips.
-          Taehyung: Don’t worry about it. Have fun, my darling ♡ 
-          Sweetest ♡: We do. We’re thinking of you, sweetiepie eheh ♡
You attached a selfie of you and the others. Seokjin and Emma are glued together. Emma is grinning brightly, while Seokjin smolders like always. Yoongi has his arm around you, throwing up a peace sign with a toothless smile, while you in contrast show your upper and lower teeth in a cute smile. Hoseok is the one holding the phone, making a cute kissy face at the camera. You all have a wine glass in your hands. 
Taehyung smiles and pouts at the same time. As much as he feels sad about it, he also really likes this selfie. You took this picture just for him, thinking of him, but he wants to be on it as well! It’s unfair! He wants to be on the selfie and not here! 
-          Taehyung: I want to be with you :( I regret my decision of staying here :(
-          Sweetest ♡: Nooo Tete, I’m sorry you feel this way :( maybe you could still book a ticket and come here belated?
-          Taehyung: Perhaps I will truly do this. I shall talk to Jimin first. I need to hear human voices again.
-          Sweetest ♡: Gosh, I understand :( I promise once I have time, I’ll call you back ♡
-          Taehyung: Take your time. I love you ♡
-          Sweetest ♡: Love you more, darling sweetest sugerbutt ♡ 
Taehyung laughs, scrunching his nose. He likes it when you call him silly nicknames. This instantly lifted his mood. He sends you one last text which consists of laughing emojis and a heart, then tries to call Jimin.
His best friend picks up after the fifth ring. Loud techno music fills Taehyung’s speaker instantly.
“Hey Tete, I can’t talk right now. We’re at this rave and it’s crazy loud here. I’ll call you back later.”
The phone call ends again. Taehyung pouts. Well, that was a fail. This is so unfair! One friend group is spending their evening tasting French wine, while the other is getting drunk at a rave. Taehyung has never in his life felt more left out than he does right now. This is so unfair! 
He tries to call Jungkook. Perhaps he will finally give him the kind of human contact he needs. 
“Kookie, he-”
“You’ve reached my voicemail which means I’m currently not available. Leave your message after the beep, I’ll definitely forget to listen to it. Byee.” 
The phone beeps.
“For heaven’s sake, Kook. Why must you start your stupid message with a greeting? Do you have any idea of the hope that I just lost? The betrayal I feel? How could you do this to me? I am aching in loneliness and you betray me so cruelly. I won’t forgive you. Change your voice message”, Taehyung rants and ends the call with a huff of air and an aggressive slam of his finger.
Taehyung feels guilty instantly. This was terribly mean. He calls Jungkook again, hoping that he will pick up, even if he knows that he won’t.
“Hey. You’ve reached my voicemail which means I’m currently not available. Leave your message after the beep, I’ll definitely forget to listen to it. Byee.” 
“Please forgive me. I didn’t mean my last voice message. It is just that…I am so lonely and I need you with me again. I should have never stayed here. Oh Kookie, I miss you. Okay, uhm, goodbye.” 
He ends the call again and stuffs his phone into his pocket. Well, this didn’t help. 
Now Taehyung experiences major jealousy on top of all the loneliness as well. He wants to taste wine and dance at raves and be at boxing camps. He wants to be included! 
Taehyung spends the next hours sulking in the sitting room. Jimin doesn’t call back, you don’t call back and Jungkook doesn’t call back either. Taehyung is going to die alone. This is what is going to happen. He is going to die from loneliness and the grief of being so left out.
Taehyung goes to sleep without any kind of phone calls coming in, but wakes up to sorry messages from you and Jimin.
Jimin sent his message at around four twenty five in the morning.
-          Jimin ♡: I’m so sorry, I just came home from the rave. I tried to call, but you are sleeping already. I hope you didn’t wait for it for too long.
-          Taehyung: I didn’t. It’s okay. I hope you aren’t too hungover. ♡
He opens your chat next. They arrived last night at around two.
-          Sweetest ♡: TETE I'M SORRY IFGORIT TI CALL
-          Sweetest ♡: but I wanma text yiu and say sorry 
-          Sweetest ♡: 😭😭😭
Taehyung smiles. You are cute. 
-          Taehyung: It seems that the wine tasting was successful 🤣 just sleep it off, darling. I understand ♡
He locks his phone again and rolls out of bed. The loneliness still remains, but at least he feels assured that his friends tried to call once they actually found the time. Everyone except Jungkook. He is still giving Taehyung the silent treatment. 
Insecurity joins the loneliness and jealousy. What if he is doing it on purpose? What if Jungkook doesn’t want to talk to him? 
Taehyung spends most of his morning hours analysing every text message they exchanged and looking at every picture he sent. He analyses everything. Every word, every letter and every face he can spot in the pictures. He can see a lot of faces which are exactly Jungkook’s type. And even more body types which are exactly his taste. 
What if he is moving on with people from the boxing camp? What if he is forgetting about him because he has people way more his type by his side? 
Taehyung spends the early afternoon hours feeling sorry for himself and crying in insecurity. Yes, the abandoned estate is definitely not doing him well.
Taehyung is in his wing, feeling sad and lonely, when he hears the front door open. He abandons his painting and uses his powers to get to the entrance. 
He doesn’t even bother to use the stairs, flinging himself over the railing so he can jump down this way. He lands quietly, but still startles whoever walked through the front door.
“Geez! You scared me, oh my god!”
“Jungkook! Jungkook, you are home!?” 
“Hey there, oof”, Jungkook says and grunts, stumbling back as he gets Taehyung throwing himself around his neck. His back knocks into the door from the force of Taehyung’s jump, making Jungkook both laugh and grunt. 
“You’re home! You’re home!”
Taehyung wraps his legs around his waist, using his strength to keep himself glued to Jungkook. The latter drops his bags and slides his hands under Taehyung’s butt to support him.
“Welcome home to me, I guess. Are you okay? Are you crying?”
“Why? Baby, what’s the matter?” 
“Why did you ignore me? Did I do something?”
“I’m sorry Tae, fuck. I’ve been travelling since yesterday and didn’t have my phone turned on. Did you need something?”
“Yes. You”, Taehyung says and lifts his head.
Jungkook clicks his tongue, reaching up to wipe the tears away. His eyes are soft in adoration. He keeps one hand under Taehyung’s butt, using the back of his other hand to wipe his cheeks and on the side he can reach easier, he uses his thumb to dry his tears. Taehyung leans into the touches, sniffling with the biggest pout on his lips.
“God Tae, you old sap. I’m here now though.”
“Good”, Taehyung says and slams his lips down onto Jungkook’s.
“Mhm”, he lets out, accepting his fate with a fond chuckle. Taehyung isn’t going to break this kiss any time soon. That much is sure.
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Jungkook collides with the wall, gasping loudly at the rough contact. Taehyung latches himself onto him, burying his face in the crook of his neck. He whimpers and mewls, sucking on Jungkook’s skin as if his life depended on it. 
“Tae, fuck”, Jungkook purrs, rolling his eyes back sensually and tilting his head to the side. Taehyung’s fangs grace his skin sometimes, his long fingers dig deep into his flesh. His boyfriend is desperate and he lets Jungkook feel it.
“Fuck baby, that feels so good, fuck”, Jungkook purrs, groping Taehyung’s hips to get him closer. He even lifts his knee just enough that Taehyung can hump it. 
He was correct. Taehyung didn’t break the kiss in a long time. Jungkook doesn’t know how long he spent carrying him as he kissed him in the entrance hall. He probably would still do it if he hadn’t set him down gently and made the mistake of breaking the kiss. 
“Can I at least take off my coat?” he asked, but Taehyung didn’t let him.
Taehyung ripped it off of him and then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to drag him upstairs. Jungkook followed with laughter and attempted complaints to slow down, but Taehyung merely silenced him with deep kisses and needy groping. 
Jungkook doesn’t know how long it took them to get to Taehyung’s wing. The walk isn’t long normally, but Taehyung kept pressing him against whatever surface closest and then proceeded to kiss him forever. Truly, Jungkook didn’t even get to breathe properly, let alone speak words.
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Taehyung lifts his puffy lips from Jungkook’s heavily marked neck. He groans as he does, grabbing his boyfriend by his clothes so he could drag him again. Jungkook lets it happen with a laugh, throwing his head back in joy.
“Fuck Tae, just let me come home. I was on a plane not long ago, I’m disoriented.”
“Come home with my help”, Taehyung answers him and throws him onto his atelier’s fur rug.
Jungkook falls, laughing loudly because the entire situation is hilariously cute to him. He loves being welcomed home this way. He really does. 
“Fuck Tae, you needy baby”, he laughs. His dark hair is a mess, Taehyung messes it up even more when he mounts his lap and then drags him into a sloppy kiss by his hair.
Jungkook purrs deeply, kissing him back happily. His strong hands come to grasp his boyfriend’s body, dimpling the softness of his thighs and marking his waist as his’.
By now, it is clear to him what this night will bring. Bodies reconnecting in the most carnal of ways. He doesn’t dislike this idea. On the contrary, the sweatpants he’s been wearing have become rather tight around his crotch and breathing is so difficult when all he can do is fight for air. He missed Taehyung. He really did.
Jungkook wasn’t supposed to come home for another week, but couldn’t take the distance anymore. With a yearning heart, he booked a plane ticket and decided to surprise Taehyung by coming home earlier than planned. The aching for his warm touch and lovely voice was just too grande. Jungkook had hoped that Taehyung would welcome him home passionately, smiling into the kiss now that it is finally his sweet reality.
Taehyung’s weight is atop his swollen cock, grinding and grinding and grinding against him in needy riding motions. The chuckles once present on Jungkook’s swollen lips get replaced by deep purrs of desperation.
“Fuck. Tae”, he murmurs between kisses, “I’m hard for you. Fuck. So hard.”
The kiss breaks through Taehyung’s will. Jungkook is left gasping and chasing his lips. Not for long however because then they are busy parting in shock as he watches Taehyung rip his own clothes from his body. Yes, truly and honestly rip. The fabric rips easily under his immense strength. Not even the leather belt stands a chance, getting thrown to the side.
“Damn baby…”
Once entirely naked and exposed, Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s shirt. His heavy, swollen cock slaps against his own stomach with each movement, but neither man cares right now. Taehyung because he needs to get Jungkook naked and the latter because he fears for his shirt’s life.
“Wait! Don’t!” Jungkook blurts out and sits up to take it off quickly, “don’t rip my clothes. I like them.”
“Hurry up, please”, Taehyung begs, leaking onto Jungkook’s lap because his cock is so, so lonely. He is kneeling for now, giving Jungkook space to move.
“Jesus fuck Tae, what’s gotten into you? I’ve never seen you that horny before” Jungkook mumbles, taking off his pants as well.
“I was so lonely. Oh Kook, I was so lonely.”
“I’m here now, baby.”
“Please don’t listen to the voice messages I left.”
Jungkook meets Taehyung’s eyes. He is smirking playfully while Taehyung seems embarrassed.
“I am serious.”
“You know that I really wanna do it now, don’t you?”
“No. They’re stupid”, Taehyung says and hooks his hands in Jungkook’s briefs.
“Hey!” Jungkook gasps, watching with big eyes as Taehyung throws his destroyed briefs over his shoulders, “what the hell? I told you that I’ll do it, didn’t I? Huh? Where did you get that lube from? Tae wait, what are you doing?”
Taehyung scrambles onto Jungkook’s lap higher and pushes him down into the rug again. Jungkook moans, connecting with the floor in a low thump.
“Tae give me a min- holy fuck”, Jungkook gasps and arches his back, gripping Taehyung’s waist desperately. Taehyung is jerking his cock quickly, using lube to make it slip easier, “Tae…holy fuck ahmmm”, he purrs deeply, looking just a little dazed.
“I need you”, Taehyung chokes out and positions himself over Jungkook’s cock.
“Tae, you didn’t even stretch”, Jungkook gasps, sitting up in horror as he watches his terribly unprepared boyfriend lower his hips closer and closer to his cock. He grips his hips, tries to stop him but too late. His unstretched hole comes in contact with Jungkook girthy cockhead. The resistance even hurts Jungkook and he has the easier job of sinking in, “baby, stop that.”
“Be quiet”, Taehyung murmurs and stubbornly pushes down. He rim protests in stinging pain.
“Hey, you’ll hurt yourself, hey”, Jungkook tries to stop him. He really, really does, but Taehyung is stubborn and he is desperate for cock.
He tries harder. Jungkook’s thick tip breaches his hole. The resistance breaks with a snap and then Taehyung sinks down three inches within the blink of an eye.
“Ah”, he lets out, convulsing in obvious discomfort.
“Holy fuck, you’re so tight”, Jungkook croaks, gasping for air as his brows shoot up in surprise.
Taehyung sobs, pushing his hips down even if his hole begs him to stop.
“Hey stop it please Tae”, Jungkook speaks softly but with worry in his voice, “come on, get off. I’ll eat you out, finger you until you’re loose.”
“Shut up”, Taehyung spits, finally lifting his head and giving Jungkook view of his tear-stained face, “I don’t want to be stretched. I don’t care about the pain, I just want to be with you again. Stop telling me to get off of you. Do you not want me? Is that it?” he babbles and sobs.
“Tae, no”, Jungkook gasps, cradling his cheeks, “of course I want you. Hey, don’t cry, hey it’s okay”, he whispers and begins littering his face with worried kisses.
“Then stop saying that”, Taehyung gets out and whimpers.
Jungkook bottoms out. Taehyung’s walls are almost painfully tight around his cock, his rim squeezes so harshly around his base that it feels as if he was wearing a cockring.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t wanna make you cry. I just worry”, Jungkook whispers and wipes his tears, “doesn’t it hurt?”
“I don’t care. I want to be with you”, Taehyung says and drops his face into the crook of Jungkook’s neck. He hugs him, burying his left hand deep in his hair and gripping his upper arm with his right hand, “please I want to be with you, please.”
“You can, baby. I’m not going anywhere”, Jungkook assures him, hugging him gently as his hand dances up and down his back.
“Do you want me?”
“Of course I do. I want you so bad.”
“Then show me.”
“Show me”, Taehyung insists louder, squeezing Jungkook against him, “show me please”, he adds and whimpers as he tries to move on Jungkook’s cock.
The younger vampire understands. He wants him to do the fucking. Jungkook pushes his legs apart for better support and rolls his hips up. His cock has a hard time shifting inside Taehyung. The pained moan Taehyung releases was expected by Jungkook.
“Don’t you want to take it slow? I can barely move”, Jungkook says.
Taehyung shakes his head, giving his hair an impatient tug.
“Fine. One more time. I’ll move now”, Jungkook says and rolls his hips up.
Taehyung moans painfully again, scraping his nails over Jungkook’s scalp.
“Again. Now”, Jungkook warns him and bucks his hips up.
It is difficult for him to listen to Taehyung’s pained noises. He pulls him closer, trying to ease the pain by spreading his buttocks. It eases some of the pressure around his shaft, he hopes that it eases some of the burn for Taehyung as well.
“Again. Now”, he says and fucks his cock into his tight hole.
Taehyung shudders, fleeing the thrust instinctively.
“Please say something. Are you okay?” Jungkook begs and slides his fingers to Taehyung’s hole to soothe it. He rubs his burning rim in circular motions, keeping his hips still for now.
“It feels so good.”
“No, it doesn’t. You’re fleeing.”
“Please, I’m begging you, please”, Taehyung begs and sobs against Jungkook’s neck, “please don’t stop.”
“Fuck”, Jungkook gets out, gripping Taehyung’s ass to spread it. He rolls his hips up, biting down on his lower lip because the squeeze is incredibly intense. Taehyung’s tight walls basically drag Jungkook’s skin over his own cockhead, giving him sensations normally only a tight handjob brings with it. He drops his hips, squeezing Taehyung’s buttocks before he thrusts up again. It drags and drags and drags. He drops again.
“Fuck, I think you need more lube.”
“No, it’s perfect. Please.”
“It feels like your ass is fucking jerking me off. It’s so tight.”
“Good”, Taehyung convulses in a grateful sob, pressing his hips back onto Jungkook’s cock, “I’m serving you. Owner gets jerked with my useless ass.”
Jungkook throbs inside Taehyung. He widens his eyes, staring at the room with held breath.
“I’m your property.”
“Tae”, Jungkook croaks and buries his right hand in his hair, “holy fuck, what are you saying?”
“Please tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“That you’re my owner.”
“I am. I fucking own you. Holy fuck, Tae”, Jungkook gets out and growls deeply, gripping Taehyung’s waist to keep his hips still. He fucks up into him. The pressure is still there, the squeeze of his rim didn’t get less.
Taehyung moans painfully, arching his back as he begs to be fucked through it.
“Keep breathing. I own you and I want you to fucking breathe for me, property. Understood?”
“Yes”, Taehyung mewls, nodding his head vigorously. He is drifting away into a headspace he hasn’t been in for a long time. Jungkook should have never ever been gone for as long as he did, because Taehyung should have never left this headspace for as long as he had to.
“That’s it. I like when you behave. I’ll do it again. Breathe in.”
Taehyung obeys.
“And out.”
Taehyung obeys for a second and then Jungkook’s cock stretching his hole makes him sob instead.  
Taehyung obeys. It doesn’t hurt when Jungkook pulls out. It feels good. Like something, which wasn’t supposed to be there, is finally getting removed. Of course that’s it. Jungkook’s cock is still an unwanted object for his hole. Of course it feels good when he pulls out and therefore removes it.
Taehyung obeys. The burn returns. Taehyung can barely exhale before his throat produces another pained whimper. He pushes back. He wants it to stop burning. He needs his body to understand that Jungkook isn’t unwanted, that his cock is familiar to his hole and that he is exactly where he is supposed to be. His heart knows, his brain as well, so why does his body refuse to acknowledge it?
Taehyung obeys.
A second then it hurts and he whimpers.
“Why?” he sobs.
“What’s the matter?”
“Why doesn’t it get it? Why?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not foreign. Why doesn’t it get it?”
“My body”, Taehyung lifts his head to stare at Jungkook with widened, teary eyes, “why doesn’t it want to accept you back? I want to have you back so bad. Why is it making it so hard?”
Jungkook frowns.
“Don’t look at me this way. Please, I’m not crazy.”
“Hey. Stop that”, Jungkook says and lifts him off his lap. He gets on his knees, carrying Taehyung in his arms. He keeps his cock inside because he is aware that if he pulled out, Taehyung might have a mental breakdown. It is obvious in how desperately he clings to him instantly and how he tries to clench even if that makes it hurt even more.
“You’re not crazy. You’re just impatient”, Jungkook speaks to him softly and full of patience. He lies him down on his back, supporting his head until it is safely engulfed in the fur of his rug. He pulls out.
“No. Please”, Taehyung begs, trying to pull him back with his legs around his hips, but Jungkook shakes them off. He grabs for him next, “please. Please don’t do this, please.”
“It’s okay, just keep breathing”, Jungkook assures him and takes Taehyung’s legs to slide them off his hips. He struggles for a bit as Taehyung tries to use his strength against him, “come on”, is all Jungkook needs to say for Taehyung’s legs to fall off of him like limp, useless things. 
“That’s better”, Jungkook praises and positions himself over Taehyung. 
Taehyung looks up at him. Sniffly, teary eyed and pouty. His normally big hands are balled into tiny fists, resting on his chest this way. 
“Who knows what’s best for you?” Jungkook speaks in a soft voice, staring deep into his eyes.
“You”, Taehyung whispers.
“That’s right. And what does that mean for you?” 
“Owner controls me.”
“That too, but…”
“I, I have to let you do what needs to, to be done.”
“Good job”, Jungkook praises and rewards Taehyung with kisses to his overly sensitive neck. 
Taehyung moans shakily instantly, rolling his head to the side as far as it can go. Every kiss placed onto his skin feels better than the one before. Every kiss painted onto his body leaves him trembling for Jungkook. It feels so good to be adored.
Jungkook doesn’t stay on his neck for as long as Taehyung would have wanted him to, but he doesn’t get to complain because he makes up for it by kissing his way down to his nipples and taking them into his mouth. 
Taehyung opens his legs as far as he can. He arches his back, gasps for air and whimpers even louder. His cock is throbbing, his hole is clenching and his veins are filling with electricity. It feels so good. Jungkook feels so good.
And again, he doesn’t stay on his nipples for as long as Taehyung wanted him too. And again, Taehyung doesn’t mind because he makes up for it.
Jungkook straightens up, kneeling by Taehyung’s side, and wraps his arms around Taehyung’s right thigh. He lifts his lower body off the ground and twists it just enough that he has access to his hole. He moans as he buries his face between his ass, closing his eyes because there is no sweeter taste to him.
Taehyung wails up in pleasure, gripping the fur of the rug and twisting it desperately just as Jungkook twists his body to gain access to his hole. He soothes the burn with eager licks, drawing the first moan of honest pleasure from Taehyung’s lips.
Jungkook purrs, furrowing his brows in bliss. Taehyung tastes like sweet lube and hints of his own cock. He licks it off of him eagerly until only the taste of his hole remains. Addictive. His taste is a fucking drug to Jungkook. He growls and buries his face deeper until his nose is surrounded by his musk and sweet scent.
“You taste so good, holy fuck”, Jungkook lulls and fucks his tongue deeper, grinding his nose against his ass this way. 
Taehyung whines and wiggles, trying to flee because it feels too good to handle. It triggers Jungkook’s hunting instincts, resulting in the Ripper to wrap his strong arms around Taehyung’s hips and keep them still this way. He growls into him, shoving his wet tongue into his hole in an almost punishing rhythm.
“Kook”, Taehyung wails into the rug, “please. Please Kook please.”
Jungkook answers him in growls and his tongue curling deep inside. His biceps is tensing, his fingers are bruising the soft parts of Taehyung’s waist. He can beg all he wants, Jungkook is going to show him how well he can prepare him.
He hates when Taehyung is impatient. It angers him. His boyfriend shouldn’t hurt himself just because he is too needy for his own sake. He should take it slow, stretch until his hole is shaped for Jungkook. His impatience is offensive to Jungkook. How dare he not take the best care of himself. How dare he neglect himself.
“It’s too much please, it’s too much”, Taehyung begs, grabbing bundles of the rug far above his head so he can drag himself away from Jungkook’s eager mouth.
Jungkook breaks away from him, hunting him with a deep growl of his name.
“Don’t flee”, he orders, grabbing Taehyung’s hips to drag him back.
Taehyung slides over the rug with a squeak and his trembling fingers losing grip on the rug.
“When I tell you that I wanna prepare you, you’re supposed to arch your back and let me do my fucking thing. Understood?”
“It feels too good, I can’t do this”, Taehyung mewls, fighting his boyfriend’s grip just so he can pull him back again. He loves this so much. To be so desired to be taken forcefully turns him on so much. This is exactly what he needed. He needed to be hunted and claimed.
“I don’t care. You’re gonna feel good. Now arch your back.”
Taehyung whimpers, getting to his knees and elbows to arch his back.
“That’s better. Such a good property”, Jungkook praises and buries his face back between Taehyung’s buttocks. He sucks and licks eagerly, feasting on his taste like a starved man.
“Kook please”, Taehyung chokes out, dropping his face on his own lower arm. He pulls his lips back in a mewl, furrowing his brows. He never should have gotten to his knees. It is difficult to keep the position when Jungkook makes his thighs shake so much.
It is moments like these which remind the two men how useless the passage of time is to them. The night ages, but they are still the same. Jungkook takes a lot of time feasting on his boyfriend’s sculpted ass. By the time he finally lifts his head again, Taehyung soaked the rug with his leaking cock and his legs barely want to support him.
“Holy fuck Tae”, Jungkook groans, “holy fuck, I need to bottle your taste so I can always have it. Holy fuck”, he moans and licks a thick stripe along Taehyung’s spine. He forces him onto the ground this way, using his body weight for it. It is an easy task to pin down Taehyung. He lets it happen willingly, tilting his head into unnatural angles just so Jungkook has access to his throat. Jungkook claims it with a guttural moan and his tongue leaving wet strips of ownership on his skin.
“Who do you belong to?” Jungkook rasps.
“You”, Taehyung whimpers.
Jungkook purrs, wrapping his stronger arm around Taehyung’s throat so he can take him into a headlock.
“Who owns you?”
Jungkook drags Taehyung into a different position so he was spooning him. They are so close this way. Jungkook’s thick, swollen cock presses against Taehyung’s ass this way. Taehyung gasps for air in the tight headlock, drooling all over Jungkook’s arm.
“Who dictates your every step?”
“You”, Taehyung presses out and trembles.
“That’s right”, Jungkook closes his arm tighter around Taehyung, dragging his parted lips over his temple. He runs his other hand down his side, sliding it under his thigh, “lift your leg.”
Taehyung obeys happily, panting in excitement. Now it is finally time. He was patient and Jungkook will finally reward him with his cock. He lifts his bent leg as high as he can, arching his back so Jungkook has even better access to his needy hole.
“There we go. Such a good property”, Jungkook rasps and fills Taehyung’s hole.
With his finger. One of it. He is being purposefully cruel at this point. Taehyung could easily take three.
Taehyung huffs out air as much as he whimpers, pressing back into Jungkook’s hand in an attempt to get more.
Jungkook watches with a dirty grin on his lips, keeping his finger still so he can feel every desperate clench Taehyung’s hole is doing.
“Please”, Taehyung begs.
“Please what?”
“More. Please more.”
“But Tae. I need to prepare you.”
“Please Owner, please don’t do this to me, please”, Taehyung chokes out and grips Jungkook’s lower arm, “please, I need more please.”
“You’re adorable”, Jungkook rasps and buries two more fingers in Taehyung’s hole.
He can literally feel the relief in Taehyung’s sigh, watch it in the way his entire body relaxes and smell it in the thick droplets of pleasure seeping from his cock. He was so tense, but suddenly grows limp in Jungkook’s arms. As if Jungkook’s fingers pressed a button and shed his body of every burden ever.
His eyes roll back and close halfway, his mouth opens without ever closing. This is true bliss. This is how he looks when he finally experiences true bliss.
Jungkook feels a warm tug on his heart, his stomach flutters. He has the prettiest boyfriend. Look at him relaxing on his fingers. Look at him getting high on the feeling of them. Look at him being so perfect.
Jungkook leans down and kisses his cheek, keeping close afterwards. He begins moving inside him, fucking his fingers in and out slowly and curling them each time they press against his prostate.
“You’re so pretty”, Jungkook whispers.
“Kook”, Taehyung keens, spilling tears on his arm. He is pretty. He is desired, he is loved, he is wanted. His body grows so weak in relief that his leg drops and his hands slip from Jungkook’s lower arm.
“Hurts?” Jungkook asks, chasing him.
Jungkook obeys, burying his pinkie inside him as well. His hole welcomes him greedily, swallowing his hand until he sits inside him to his knuckles. He throbs and convulses around him, burying his face in Jungkook’s arm. His moan is muffled like this, Jungkook feels it against his skin.
“Isn’t that so much better, hm?” Jungkook whispers deeply, “to let me prepare you and show you how slutty your hole can get? Mhm? Isn’t that so much better?”
“Yes”, Taehyung mewls, nodding his head vigorously. He pulls his lips back again, squeezing his eyes shut, “ah, ah, a-ah.”
“Keep moaning for me, that’s it. Such a good property. Fuck, I own the best boy”, Jungkook praises, twisting his hand deep inside Taehyung.
“Ohgnng”, Taehyung chokes out through gritted teeth, twisting a bundle of the fur rug. Jungkook watches it happen, just as he watches how much his fingers shook as he did it.
He repeats what he did before. Hand deep inside him. Twist it. Left and right, left and right, left and right. Shape his hole, stretch his rim, fill his walls. Twist, twist, twist.
Taehyung begins shaking so sweetly, drooling so much onto Jungkook’s arm that it is running down his sculpted paths by now.
Out again. Jungkook picks up the thick, wet pleasure Taehyung’s cock leaks and covers his hand with it. 
“How’s my boy doing, hm?”
“That’s good to hear. Such a good property, I love owning you so much. Now breathe for me.”
Taehyung obeys, feeling dizzy. This is the best and safest headspace he has ever been in. He is owned. Desired. Pretty. Wanted. Taken care of. He is so safe. So, so safe. 
Back again. Jungkook fills his boyfriend with his hand. No fingers left out. Hand slickened by Taehyung and body so close to him. Taehyung takes Jungkook’s fist as if he was born to do so, sobbing into his arm because nothing will ever prepare him for the fullness. There is no resistance, no pain. Just pleasure and the ecstatic knowledge that he is able to take an entire hand. His rim sits around Jungkook’s wrist, his walls pulsate around his hand.
“How’s that?”
“Good”, Taehyung whimpers, throbbing around Jungkook’s fist.
Jungkook curses under his breath, and drags his lips to Taehyung’s ear.
“You take a fist like no other, Tete”, he whispers raspily, twisting it inside him.
“You’re making me climax”, Taehyung mewls, convulsing around his fist.
“I am?”
He nods his head vigorously.
“Do you want it?”
He shakes his head vigorously.
“I figured. That’s my good property, you know your fucking place”, Jungkook praises and pulls his hand out.
Taehyung hole complains loudly, gaping around nothing.
“Oh god, it hurts”, Taehyung whines, twitching in the agony of getting edged.
“I know”, Jungkook says and sits up. He slides his arm from under Taehyung’s head and grabs the older vampire’s hips to lift them and fix his position. He turns his body so he was resting on his tummy, then places his hips back into the rug. He fixes the position of his bent leg, running his palm up the back of his thigh. He pushes his hips into the rug, forcing a shaky whimper to escape Taehyung because the movement grinds his cock against the fur. It sticks to his cock and feels rough. Taehyung opens his trembling fingers just so he can bury them deeper in the fur.
“There we go. You’re such a good property, letting me fix you like you’re my pretty doll.” 
Taehyung mewls, shaking as if Jungkook just fucked him deep and hard. He loves being a doll. He especially loves being Jungkook’s doll. He loves it so, so much.
Sometimes, when Jungkook makes him feel especially safe, he slips into a doll-like headspace and when that happens, Jungkook truly controls everything which happens to Taehyung. He carries him around, fixes his positions, plays with him, dresses him up and most importantly bundles him in cozy blankets once he is done. And Taehyung loves every second of it, feeling so so safe that sometimes he ends up crying happy tears in Jungkook’s arms.
Taehyung loves being Jungkook’s pretty doll. He loves it so, so much.
Jungkook’s hands leave his body. Taehyung lies limp just like Jungkook’s pretty doll is supposed to, waiting for him impatiently patient. The sound of something being twisted open meets Taehyung’s ear, the sound of something being placed aside follows. A slight wet sound, then something seems to spread the wetness. Silence.
Jungkook’s left hand touches his butt and spreads it apart. Cool wetness touches his rim. Pressure. A stretch. It is nothing in comparison to Jungkook’s fist.
Taehyung mewls, trying to make sense of what is happening. Jungkook just inserted something in his hole, he knows that much, but it doesn’t feel like his fist nor his cock. It is hard and has plastic rills all over it.
Something cold and wet begins filling him up.
“Wh-what?” Taehyung gets out, reaching behind himself until he can hold Jungkook’s wrist, “what are you doing to me? What are you putting inside?”
“Do you feel it?”
“How does it feel?”
“Cold. Wet.”
“Guess”, Jungkook says and more of it begins filling up his insides.
It is liquid. Very obviously. Taehyung tries to think even if his brain is getting scrambled. Liquid. Jungkook clearly opened something. Whatever is inside his ass feels hard like plastic and has the exact rills on its shaft like a bottle does. The lube bottle. Jungkook is feeding him lube straight from the bottle.
“Lube”, Taehyung gets out and whimpers, arching his back into the sensation.
“That’s right. I’m giving you a good, thick lube enema. Mhm? I know you like that, property.”
Taehyung sobs, convulsing desperately. Jungkook chuckles almost tauntingly.
“I knew you would like that”, he says and stops applying pressure on the bottle, “you know what to do?”
Jungkook pulls out the bottle. Taehyung tries to clench instantly, but fails. There is just way too much lube inside and Jungkook’s fist stretched him too wide. The lube seeps out of him in big, gooey globs, covering his ass on its way down.
“Sorry”, he squeaks, reaching behind himself in a desperate attempt to scoop it up and put it back inside. It doesn’t work. All it does is get his fingers messy.
“You’re cute”, Jungkook chuckles and swats his hands away, “you won’t get anywhere like this. Let me”, he says and presses Taehyung’s hips snug against the floor.
He pushes his cock between his ass, feeding his dripping hole his cock in one good thrust.
“Ah!” Taehyung screams up, throwing his head back. 
“There we go, that’s gonna keep it inside”, Jungkook lulls and chases the sensation with sensual rolls of his hips.
Taehyung curls his toes, arches his back, clenches his hole, shakes. He can’t control any of the reactions washing over his body. He finally gets fucked by Jungkook. He needed his cock like nothing else. It doesn’t hurt anymore, it simply feels wonderful. The stretch is nice. The girth and impressive length fills him up so well and because Jungkook put so much fucking lube up his ass, there is not even a hint of friction. 
“How’s that, my doll?” Jungkook asks him, running his big hands along Taehyung’s soft sides until he has his waist between his fingers.
“Faster, please”, Taehyung squeaks out.
“Like this?” Jungkook asks as his hips pick up speed skilfully. He keeps Taehyung pinned down with both hands on his lower back and his huge thighs caging in Taehyung’s. 
“Kook, Koo-ook, oh god Kook!” Taehyung moans, throwing his head back as best as possible.
“That’s so much better. Fuck, I love fucking your ass when it’s like that”, Jungkook growls, drilling his huge cock up his boyfriend’s noisy hole, “don’t give me any of that unprepared, tight shit. Fuck, I love it most when you’re stretched. So fucking good, you’re such a good fucking property. Fuck.” 
“Owner, ah Owner please.”
“Please what? Use your words.” 
“Harder. Please!”
“You drive me fucking insane”, Jungkook growls and puts strength into his fast movements. Skin slaps against skin, lube spreads everywhere.
Taehyung wails, convulsing under him in pure ecstasy. He is getting drilled like a fucking animal. His hole keeps squirting lube, his ass keeps jiggling with each impact. He can feel Jungkook’s hip bones bruise his ass. It will begin hurting soon. Good. That means he is getting fucked hard and fast. 
“Harder please! Harder!”
“Urgh Tae”, Jungkook spits and bares his fangs in an angry scowl. He doesn’t hold back anymore. He isn’t human and neither is Taehyung. There is no fragility needing to be considered, no weak bones or long healing times. Jungkook doesn’t need to hold back and it’s fucking glorious. 
The marble under his knees cracks and breaks, forcing him to sink just a little deeper into Taehyung because of the sudden dent in the floor. Jungkook growls, breaking marble again as his toes try to grip. 
“Fuck Tae. Fuck”, he spits, chasing the ecstasy of being so fucking free. No restraints. No fucking restraints. Freedom. Hot, wet freedom lies right between Taehyung’s legs and he is the only one getting it. He is getting all of it. Fucking all of it.
Taehyung wails, clawing at the rug because somehow he still hadn’t expected Jungkook to go so berserk on him. He wanted it, knew that Jungkook could do it and yet he still wasn’t ready. It feels so good that Taehyung swears he is in a constant state of orgasmic bliss. That would explain why his prostate burns so much and why his stomach keeps convulsing. 
“You’re making my fucking cock grow. Holy fuck, Tae”, Jungkook growls and Taehyung swears he might rip his hole apart.
He reaches behind himself, clawing at Jungkook’s wrists until the younger vampire takes his hands and pins them above his head. He growls above him like a predator, drilling his fully grown vampire cock into his hole. Not an inch he leaves out. Not an inch misses out on Taehyung’s wet, burning insides. 
“Stay still”, Jungkook commands in a demonic voice. He breathes in through gritted teeth, making a deep grumbling sound as he does. He breathes out, the grumbling is louder, bordering that of a growl. 
“Yeah, I’m big. So fucking big”, Jungkook hisses and squeezes Taehyung’s wrists together, “take me. Take all of me. You’re my property. Holy fuck, I fucking own you. You’re mine. Mine. Mine. Mine”, his voice loses more and more of its humanity the longer he chants. 
Taehyung is crying at this point, drooling into the rug as his nose becomes a snotty mess. It is obvious by now, he can’t stop fucking cumming. Jungkook’s cock is so big. His hips are punishing. His grip possessive and his words territorial. It makes Taehyung cum without a break in between.
“Mine. You’re mine. Mine, urgh Tae”, Jungkook growls and gives in. He buries his fangs deep in Taehyung’s neck, forcing the older vampire to scream up in a mixture of shock, pleasure and discomfort. 
Taehyung tries to flee, writhe away, get the fangs out his neck. Jungkook doesn’t let him shake him off. He slams his hand onto the back of Taehyung’s head and applies pressure. The fangs in his neck grow, his cock does as well. Jungkook is losing his humanity. Even the last little bit of it. He is an animal, a monster. This is his truest form.
Jungkook growls and huffs out air like an angry bull, sucking on Taehyung’s neck as if his life depended on it.
Sudden acidic burning fills Taehyung’s veins. It truly hurts, forcing him to writhe under Jungkook helplessly. And the most fucked up part of it? Taehyung has to fucking squirt because of it. He reaches behind himself and twists Jungkook’s hair to pull him tighter to his neck while his own grown cock squirts into the rug.
Jungkook growls and moans, shooting his acid deep into Taehyung’s neck just as his huge cock shoots far up his ass. His. Taehyung is his. He makes sure that his body remembers in more ways than one. Pumped full of his cum and his acid, Taehyung is truly and perfectly marked as Jungkook’s possession. 
Jungkook tenses up soon, dropping onto Taehyung as paralysation sets in. His huge cock is still throbbing inside him, his mouth is open and leaking saliva diluted blood all over Taehyung’s neck. Taehyung is destined to lie still and let Jungkook regain his control. He is heavy and stiff on top of him, his hot breath smells like blood and acid. Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut, crying softly. He is owned. He loves being owned. This just healed him. To be a prey so desired, to be devoured and brought to his limits. Taehyung feels so beautiful knowing that he could get Jungkook to lose control in such ways. He was desirable to him. He was good. Taehyung feels so beautiful and loved. So, so loved.
Jungkook begins moving soon, huffing out growled breaths as he pushes himself up onto his hands. He is still dripping blood from his mouth, his face is contorted into his truest form. Taehyung stays still, not daring to move and check up on him. Jungkook sounds scary and Taehyung has been reduced to a trembling, scared little thing. A happy thing, but scared nonetheless.
Jungkook pulls out of Taehyung’s ass and grips the lube bottle. He flips it to the bottle side and pushes it into Taehyung’s gaped asshole. This is calculated. This had a reason. Taehyung shouldn’t close up yet, he shouldn’t lose Jungkook’s cum. The bottle was the only thing big enough to fill his gape.
Taehyung whimpers, writhing helplessly. 
“Don’t move. If I come back and see you having spilled my cum, I’m gonna hurt you till you’re crying. Got it?” Jungkook commands in a demonic voice and gives the bottle a soft push.
“Yes”, Taehyung squeaks.
“Good. Pray to my fucking name until I’m back”, Jungkook orders and stands up to leave Taehyung fucked and used up on the rug. 
He is stumbling and panting, using furniture and walls to support himself. Humanity has to return to him. Jungkook is fighting the voices on his way outside.
Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut and does what Jungkook asked him to do. He starts praying. Praying to Jungkook’s name as if his life depended on it. The bottle in his ass is cold and therefore hurts. Jungkook shoved it so far up his ass that it is impossible to push it out. Not that he wants to push it out. It isn’t Jungkook’s cock though. Taehyung begins trembling as he begins missing him.
As if he sensed his boyfriend’s longing, Jungkook returns. He kneels down behind Taehyung and touches his lower back. 
“You kept it inside. Good job”, he praises and pulls the bottle outside. 
Taehyung hole makes a slutty sound and stays gaping. Part of his insides is showing itself to Jungkook. The latter traces it with his fingers, forcing whimpers out of Taehyung.
“I love when you gape”, Jungkook says and touches his thick rim with the tip of a buttplug. 
Taehyung tenses up, arching into the toy. He knows what it is. He can’t wait for it. 
Jungkook stops teasing and pushes. His gaped hole takes the toy easily, closing snug around it. It is a huge toy, but it is the only toy which could possibly fit right now. Jungkook shifts it from side to side until he is happy with its placement, then dances his hand to Taehyung’s inner thigh.
“There we go, now you’ll stay my property until I set you free”, he says and flips Taehyung with a push to his thigh. 
Taehyung rolls over happily, looking up at Jungkook with glassy, devoted eyes. The latter continues caressing his inner thighs studying his cum covered cock and messy stomach. His vampiric face looks back at Taehyung. Black blood covers his chin, neck and parts of his chest.
“This wasn’t the last time I pump into you”, Jungkook says, “got it? The night’s still young and the estate’s empty for another three days. You’re gonna leak my cum for a week once I’m done with you.” 
Taehyung whimpers, nodding his head obediently. 
“Good that you understand.”
Taehyung lowers his eyes.
“You’re a bully.” 
“You get off on it.” 
Taehyung glances at him. Jungkook’s hard expression softens. Humanity returns to his eyes. 
“How are you doing?” he asks him, massaging his waist gently. 
“Ruined. I feel used up.”
“You are. I used you up”, Jungkook says and climbs over Taehyung. He takes the latter’s hands and pins them above his head, looking down at him with warm eyes, “but I own you, so I can do whatever I want with you.” 
“You fed from me.” 
“You always say that I can.” 
“You can”, Taehyung blinks tears away, “I feel your acid fight my healing.” 
“Is it unbearable? I’ll suck it outta you.”
“It’s not. It’s proof.” 
“Proof that I’m yours. That I’m your possession”, he spills tears, “that you want me.” 
“Tae”, Jungkook returns. The loving, soft-spoken Jungkook returns. He cradles Taehyung’s cheeks and wipes his tears. He kisses his trembling lips and kisses his closed lids until his lips taste nothing but salty tears, “Tae, of course I want you. Tae, come on. Of course I do.”
“I know”, Taehyung whispers and smiles, “I just need to know for myself. I was so scared that you would forget me.”
“You were?”
Their eyes meet, racing between each other as Jungkook keeps caressing his cheeks and Taehyung holds his waist. He is sitting on Taehyung’s stomach, putting weight on it. 
Taehyung nods his head, “I’ve analysed every photograph you sent me. I’ve memorized every face which wasn’t yours. They all look like your type.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “you are my type. Our poly family is my type. Not them. They’re just people who like the same sport as me. You were never in danger.” 
“I wasn’t?” 
“Of course not. Why do you think I came here a week earlier than planned?”
“Because you wanted your bed back?”
“No silly, because I missed you”, Jungkook says, pinching his cheek softly.
“Really?” Taehyung breathes.
“Of course. God Tae, I could never forget you my silly boy”, Jungkook says and begins peppering his face with kisses.
“Of course, my baby. Have you looked at yourself?” 
Taehyung lowers his eyes shyly, “I don’t know.”
Jungkook sits up and clicks his tongue in distaste, looking down at Taehyung with a disapproving gleam in his eyes, “good, now I know where I’m fucking you next.”
Taehyung gawks up at him with parted lips and bated breath.
“In front of the mirror so I can show you all the things I love about you.” 
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out and giggles. 
Jungkook scrunches his nose, chuckling fondly. He pinches Taehyung’s cheek, leaning down to kiss it afterwards.
“You’re cute. I love you, my teddybear.” 
“I love you too, my snugglebunny.” 
The two vampires exchange a giddy look before Jungkook can’t take it anymore. He climbs off of Taehyung for the sole reason of picking him up bridal style. 
“Where are we going?” Taehyung gasps, pressing himself closer instinctively.
“In front of the mirror. We’re continuing. I promise to be gentle this time around.”
“Got a problem with that?” 
“No”, Taehyung giggles and leans his head onto Jungkook’s shoulder, “no, I don’t.”  
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Joe Velasco Domestic HC's
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Gives nose/forehead kisses
I like to think this is both of you. Joe’s always one to drop a kiss to your head/forehead before he runs off to the store quickly kinda thing, you’re the one who likes to make him laugh or brighten his mood a bit by acting all cheesy and kissing his nose. And it works. Every time.
Gets jealous the most
Hmmm… okay. I think that in stereotypical jealousy, it’s you. You know that Joe can put on the flirting game while working a case to get witnesses/whatever to trust him, or to get info out. And you can’t say that you like it when he’s UC and has to flirt even more/cross other boundaries to keep his cover, but you know it’s all part of the job. In terms of Joe, I think it’s more of a FOMO jealousy thing. Like he always wants you to go out with your friends or whomever kinda thing, or even from across the bar when your out with the squad, he knows you’re having a good time and happy and he wants to be involved in that kinda thing.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk
I’m gonna give this one to you. Joe will always come play knight in shining armour when you ask to be picked up. But he’s a little dependant on alcohol, a beer or two to wind down, a couple of drinks to let loose and be more outgoing, so when that gets out of hand, or after a bad case you’re the one picking him up and taking him home to take care of him.
Takes care of on sick days
Joe has major soft boi taking care of vibes. And I don’t think he’s one of those men who turns into a baby when he’s sick, I think he grew up learning to tough it out. So he’s the one making sure you’re getting rest, sleep, fluids, making you soup, and he’s probably got some herbal at home remedies to help cure your cold too.
Drags the other person into the water on a beach day
Joe, and he will literally pick you up and toss you over his shoulder before running into the water and throwing you down into the waves. Doesn’t care if you just wanted to suntan, you’re getting in the water, and even if you’re complaining at first you’re certainly not once he’s shirtless and dripping….
Gives unprompted massages
I feel like this is totally a thing Joe does. Mid conversation, doesn’t even have to have been a long day for you or complaining of pain, he’ll just pick up one of your hands or feet and start massaging. If you’re working on something at your desk and he comes to drop off coffee, check in to see how you’re doing his hands just naturally gravitate to your shoulders/neck for a brief rub.
Who drives? Who rides shotgun?
It’s usually Joe driving, but you switch off depending on where you’re going, or on longer trips. But the deal still stands that whoever’s riding shot gun gets to control the radio.
Brings the other lunch at work
This one goes to you. Joe can easily get fully distracted and pulled into a case and forget to eat, even if people around him are eating. He lives for takeout being brought into the squad room when everyone’s working on a big case and orders for everyone. But if you’ve got the time or are in the area you’ll likely stop by with something homecooked or something you picked up on the way and he absolutely adores it when you do.
Has the better parental relationship
For obvious reasons we’re going with you on this one. Joe’s a little hesitant to meet your parents, but he’s a sweet talker so that obviously goes over wonderfully and they love him instantly.
Tries to start roleplaying in the bedroom
You. I don’t think Joe gets *too* kinky. Like, he’s into certain things, but like, call him daddy and it’s game over.  Same for anything too extreme bdsm style.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
You know what? I’m giving this to Joe. Lolololol. He thinks he’s being all suave and cool and homeboy just is not. Like, I’m talking he starts to attempt the Charleston and shit like that. I do think that like, out at the club grinding he knows *exactly* what he’s doing. But too many beers and that’s out the window.
Still cries watching titanic
You. Joe rarely cries at movies. He pokes fun at you all the time for crying over romantic movies or tv shows and the like. BUT, if an animal dies in a movie, Joe’s bawling like a baby.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Initiated by you the first year and Joe is apprehensive. You weren’t planning on suggesting it the next year but he’s secretly been looking forward to it and has been looking for ideas for months before Halloween and has a whole list of thoughts so it becomes your yearly thing.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
You. It’s something that Joe’s had his eye on for ages, and you know just how badly he wants it but can’t justify spending that much money on himself and he’s so incredibly grateful and loving when he unwraps it. He on the other hand, I feel is more of a sentimental gift giver, like he’d rather make something himself that will really mean something to you, or has a special meaning in your relationship.
Makes the other eat breakfast
Joe. You’re on him about lunch and you’re both good about getting in a nice dinner at the end of the day. But you’re much more of a “I’m not hungry in the morning” type or you take so long to drink your coffee you don’t have time to make anything. Joe picks up on this quickly and will always wake up a little bit earlier than you, even if its just to pop a bagel in the toaster for you to take with you.
Remembers anniversary
Both of you. Joe’s gonna set a reminder in his phone about the actual event, dinner, movie, theatre, whatever. Because, again, he gets sidetracked easily at work and will not notice the time until it’s too later otherwise.
Brings up having kids
I think that one’s gonna be you. I don’t see Joe as someone who actively wants kids, like if it happens, it happens and he’ll be a bit nervous but he’d be a great dad. I do see him more as someone who would want to foster or adopt, especially with the older kids. So like, he’s open to it, but doesn’t have the *need* to have kids, if ya get my drift.
@witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @alwaysachorusgirl @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @im-just-a-mississippi-girll @wandas-wife @katieslotherford @almatra @momlifebehard @dondivajade @misscharlielulu
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kquil · 8 months
🧁: cupcake
tell me about yourself, as much or as little as possible and i will ship you with whichever marauder i think you will go well with!
hi! congrats on 1k!! i love reading your writing <33 this is my first time requesting :))
i have lighter brown hair that has a few natural blonde highlights from the sun and blue/gray eyes. i’m about 5’3” and am really quite pale. i would describe my style to be a mix between whimsigoth and dark academia. i have 2 tattoos, one of my star sign constellation (pisces) and one of a hibiscus but i am definitely going to get a lot more. i am more on the introverted side and really appreciate my alone time but when i’m with my friends i could hang out forever (probably bc of my crippling FOMO tbh-). i love music and making playlists and i actually play the bass and sing a little. one of my major hobbies is theatre and acting- i love being on stage. i’m a slytherin but definitely have a little hufflepuff deep down. i love watching criminal minds and horror movies but also appreciate really cheesy romance movies. i have a major minor caffeine addiction- both coffee and tea. i love travelling and reading and writing occasionally. id say my love language is quality time with a little side of physical touch and maybe a little bit of words of affirmation.
anyway i think that’s about me in a nutshell ! thank you so much and once again congrats 🫶🏻 !!
Thank you for the congratulations, darling and thank you for sending in this request, i hope it’s to your liking despite it coming very very late (。Ó﹏Ò。)
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i ship you with, Remus Lupin
i. you often ‘borrow’ remus’ fluffy and thick sweaters on especially chill days. they were so big that they swamped your frame but that was how you liked it and you liked that they fit your dark academia aesthetic too. remus doesn’t mind, but acts like you owe him for being so generous with lending out his clothing — “you’re nice and toasty because of my sweater so you should help keep me warm,” was his most common excuse but that often led to you cuddling up against his chest, between his legs and on his bed while you read separate books. it was the perfect way to spend an evening together. 
ii. compared to remus, you’re quite short but he loves that about you, especially when you’re dressed in your whimsigoth attire. he thinks you’re adorable and always has this urge to hold you to him – like you’re his own pretty fairy, small and beautiful and someone he doesn’t think he could ever live without – but doesn’t want to come across as clingy so he usually just ends up fiddling around with the fabric of your clothes. you’ve come to see the gesture as a sign that remus needed to be cuddled so whenever you feel a slight tug on your clothing, you immediately turn to cuddle up against your boyfriend.
iii. when you and remus first got together, you were quite nervous about meeting his friends, especially because you knew how close they were. But, over time and with some prompting from remus, you’ve gotten just as close with the boys as remus has; you share a lot of sweets and inside jokes with peter, you help sirius with styling his hair and clothes and james likes to ask you for advice with lily. the boys often refer to you as ‘the missus’ or ‘remus’ girl’ or their ‘sister in law’ because you were all practically family to each other. 
iv. the time remus discovered your tattoos, he was entranced by them, he thought they looked beautiful on you and he’s grown to habitually kiss them whenever you two were intimate with each other. you’ve told him how you debated getting a tattoo dedicated to him, which he blushed at. he was incredibly flattered that you would want something of him permanently on your skin. you were strongly against getting a full moon however; you didn’t want something that caused him so much grief to represent him on your body, instead, you opted for tattooing a matching scar of his onto your own body – it was a favourite of yours and perfectly placed across the upper right side of his abdomen. “Why?” he asked you in disbelief when he saw your new tattoo, tracing it with his finger gently as his other hand moved to press against the matching scar on his own body. “because i think it’s beautiful,” was your answer and ohhhh how you made him melt!
v. one summer, you and remus decided to go on holiday together for a week before the full moon and he fully got to appreciate your love for coffee. you woke up to do mornings with coffee, spent the evening with tea and remus, being the loving and observant boyfriend that he was, helped brew you tea and coffee whenever that time of the day came along. It took you one time to show him how you liked your tea and coffee for him to nail it over and over again. he’s your little barista~
vi. your holiday together was spent in an airbnb located in a countryside village, watching criminal minds, horror movies and cheesy romance films in bed together, going on long walks and reading and writing at cute cafes. It was so relaxing and you had never felt so at peace… until the marauders decided to crash the party and surprise you two with a spontaneous visit of your little get-away together. It wasn’t an unwelcome visit, in fact, you were just beginning to miss the boys and they showed up just in time. “I knew it! I knew you missed us!” james cheered and sirius laughs with his arm thrown over peter’s shoulders, the three of them grinning widely at yours and remus’ cuddled up forms.
vii. as much as remus loved having the boys around, however, he wanted to be alone with you more so he set about planning a scheme to encourage their departure without making it too obvious — his plan: to be as lovey-dovey with you as they were willing to stomach and amping it up every time.
viii. “you’re so beautiful today, my love,” remus coos into your ear before pressing a kiss against your cheek. “No no no, let me get that for, my dear,” remus insists, hurrying to open the door for you to enter as he leans his face down and smiles expectantly. with a giggle, you kiss him sweetly as thanks and enter while the boys in the background pull faces at the lovey atmosphere you two were setting. “we can share the blanket, darling,” remus calls and opens his arms so you could run up to cuddle into his chest with the blanket wrapped around both of you. you were already wearing remus’ thick sweater but cuddling with him made you feel especially warm, which was needed for the chilly night. The rest of the boys glare at the two of you, feeling especially lonely as they look on with their marshmallows over the open fire and glaring when remus looks up from kissing you and smirks at their pathetic, shivering appearance under unbearably thin blankets.   
ix. by the end of day 2, they were packing their bags. “remmy…” you sighed and narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend after the two of you waved the boys goodbye. “yes, sweetheart?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek after taking a strand of your blonde hair behind your ear. “i know what you did! i didn’t know you could be so devious!” he grins as you pout, “darling, i’m a marauder too, y’know~”
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kimtaegis · 2 years
Ngl there’s a part of me that was kinda relieved for the boys when the news dropped? Things were _finally_ getting addressed, the mystery was killed, we finally had a conclusion to this whole will-they-won’t-they mess, and I’m pretty sure the boys and HYBE thought this through enough to leave enough content for us while some of the boys were gone - which unironically made me think of this (very queer) moment right here
And I mean, granted, this ain’t my first rodeo (been a fan of kpop ever since 2012, been a self-proclaimed military wife enough times in my short lifetime), so I know how unfair it feels for the western beginners in the kpop scene to have to accept the fact that they’ll be gone for a little less than two years, but at the end of the day is not even that bad? Like, we don’t know them personally, most of us can’t afford to go to concerts anyway, we generally survive on their music and their content - which we can always go back to since they’re out there - so it truly doesn’t make the slight difference in our daily lives that they’re not doing much, yknow?
And tbh, trust me, the fomo is never as great as the uncomfortableness of having to put up with the fandom. I never really engaged with Twitter ARMYs because they always seemed way beyond the acceptable line of sanity to me, it doesn’t surprised me at all that they overreacted over the announcement. At the end of the day the only content that matters is the content that the boys or hybe themselves put out there, and the space where they do so is through their official accounts on YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, everything else is just fandom speculation - ultimately, if we’re being honest, not to be taken seriously. So there’s nothing really to be missed out on by disengaging with the twt part of the fandom. You already have your mutuals, think of them as you irl friends who enjoy the same band as you while you largely ignore the vast majority of its fandom due to the sheer impossibility of being able to talk and befriend every single fan out there - you know you’re bound to get exhausted that way, why would it be any different online?
And lastly, it’s truly a pity that tumblr is deserted and hella quiet, back in my kpop beginner days - incidentally, the same era that tumblr was A Thing - it was much more diverse and fun to experience fandom through here, but unfortunately tumblr itself dig its own grave a long time ago and that’s why we’re where we are today…we don’t have much here, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t make the most out of what we have - which is what we have been doing and will probably continue to do, not because of any sense of obligation to the band or to the fandom, but because we only really do stuff for the fun of it 🤷‍♀️ the best fandom experience, if you ask me
it was a joy to read your ask, thank you! that video link made me laugh so hard ahdhjfkahva
Oh I’m sure it’s not only a relief to many fans but also to the members themselves! Can’t imagine how stressful all of that must have been. But no more comment about this enlistment topic from me, simply because I can admit that I have no clue about these kind of politics and hence am not at all in the place to comment on any of it. Wish more fans could be that self-reflective but alas… as to the rest of your first two paragraphs – :) right? That’s also what I keep myself reminding of. Yes, I’m gonna be thinking more about how they’re doing during this time and will miss the live updates, but apart from that? Not that much will change fandom-experience-wise.
As for the fomo… argh I know you’re right, still struggle with that one though. Everything you said makes sense and sounds like the easy way out, but somehow it’s really not easy at all, at least for me? I think that there’s actually some deeper personal issues that are causing this fear to be so strong, I don’t know (yet). But it’s still good to get that little reminder that no one forces you to engage in that specific fandom space, if that makes sense. It would probably be easier to leave Twitter if tumblr would still be as lively as you described! I may be biased but I think the more sane people rather gather here instead lmao. Ironically there’s less and less of those here 💀 But yeah the whole tumblr thing is a discussion for another day, especially as a creator
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imagineyouandharry · 3 years
enemies to lovers harry!
Yes! So, I got super inspired by this and rushed to pump this little bad boy out. Feedback is highly appreciated! I’m thinking this will be part one of a series! I love collage au Harry it makes me all fuzzy inside. TYSM anon!!
GHB - Harry Styles
warnings: drug and alcohol use, drink spiking, not proofread or edited as it was made in haste. 
word count: 4,704
It wasn’t that Y/N and Harry just weren’t friends, they despised each other. Ever since Harry weaselled his way into their friend group things had turned upside down, the dynamic had shifted, and it was a new person that Y/N had to get used to. His confidence and outgoing personality overpowered her shy, introverted personality tenfold. College life was difficult enough. Not only was Y/N learning how to balance academics with maintaining a social life and going out to parties, navigating things new to her like alcohol, drugs, and sex; but now she had to adjust to this shift in their friend group, and get to know this new guy. Her friendship group was her safe place, ‘family’ dinners at each other’s apartments, going out to dinner at bars, even little things like going for walks or taking a new yoga or pilates class. Now, that safe place didn’t feel so safe anymore, having to get used to this new guy being around all the time that everyone gushed over. Harry seemed so warm to practically everyone in the group towards Y/N, though everyone seemed to be clueless towards it except for her.
Harry and Y/N shared one class together, educational psychology. She’d been studying education to become a primary school teacher, and he studied psychology. It felt so fucking ironic that the one class they would ever have overlapping, they’d end up in the same class, to add salt to the wound in the second lesson they had been assigned to do a group project together. Harry hadn’t even shown up to that lesson though, so he’d yet to even acknowledge it. It was the second semester of Harry being around and not only did he barely acknowledge her when their friends weren’t around, but now they were to be working on an assignment together and he hadn’t even managed to show up to the first lesson discussing the topic.
“No, I’m serious Sarah. I don’t want to go. He didn’t even show up to class today, why should I give him my time of day by showing up to his stupid fucking party?” Y/N’s words were followed by a deep sigh, the way she curled her hair as she stared in the mirror contradicted her words. If all her friends were going, she felt like she had no choice but to go to. If not, she’d get major FOMO. “Babe, you’re taking it way too personality. It’s not like either of you knew you’d end up partnered together for the assignment. I really don’t get why you’re always so sour towards him.” Sarah replied with a slight shake of her head. “It’s been what, six months and the two of you still stand on opposite sides of the rest of us in photos? It’s either crazy sexual tension, or the there’s something that’s happened that the rest of us don’t know about.” This time Sarah couldn’t help but laugh, however all of their friend group had been theorising for a while now that Harry and Y/N were just too into each other and both too stubborn to admit their feelings.
Y/N scoffed, turning the curling iron off and placing it down on the counter. “Sexual tension? ‘d rather cut off my left arm than even think of Harry in a sexual way.” Her words had venom to them this time, grabbing a brush to brush out and soften her curls. Although she claimed to not have any attraction towards Harry, she’d put far more effort into her appearance than usual, and was wearing this little satin sage green dress that was exaggerating her curves.
“Whatever, you ready? Uber’s out front.” Sarah pushed herself up from the closed toilet seat she’d been sitting on, Y/N finished work late and Sarah had been far too excited to wait to get ready. Harry lived in a share house in the suburb over, and Sarah had been begging him to throw a party for months now. “One last shot on the way out?” She asked, it wasn’t a question though, she was already on her way to the kitchen to pout them one last shot of tequila before leaving. Y/N nods and follows her out, grabbing her oversized leather blazer and little handbag on the way. Y/N was shy, but around Sarah she was usually a lot more vocal, there was just a great deal of nerves surrounding tonight. Y/N always tried her best to come off as outgoing at parties and around other peoples, but really she hated the crowds, hating having to make conversation with people she knows nothing about. After a few drinks that shyness often faded though, and was usually replaced with either a blabber mouth, or being far more flirtatious than normal.
Both of the girls hastily downed their shots before exiting the apartment, hustling down the stairs and out to their ride that awaited them outside. The ride wasn’t long at all, it was too short if anything, and was spent sneaking sips of tequila from a flask that Sarah had in her purse. “Let’s have some fun tonight, yeah? I know you aren’t best of friends with Harry but there’ll be plenty of other people there, I doubt you’ll even see him much.” Sarah tells Y/N as the car turned into his street, able to tell that her best friend’s attitude was off. “I get that. It’ll be fine, stop worrying about me, yeah? It’ll be fun.” Y/N replied with a slightly forced smile in attempt to shake Sarah off of her tail. The Uber arrived before the conversation could go any further, both of the girls slightly drunk already made their thanks to the Uber driver probably too over the top before they left and made their way up to the house. People were overflowing already, some sitting on the grass outside the large brick house. The door was unlocked so they made their way in, the bass inside so strong that Y/N could feel it on her fingertips on the doorhandles as she opened the door.
Now, it wasn’t that Harry was known as a bad boy around campus or anything of the sorts. Everyone knows he’s approachable and friendly, which was probably what added to his appeal. He had a bright personality and knew how to make people feel special to him, and for that and his looks girls flocked to him. Harry was known to be fun, handsome, and good to be around (to everyone except for Y/N, that is). It was a given that the party would be full of girls, and full of guys ready to clean up any of Harry’s sloppy seconds or rejects.
The first to formally greet Y/N and Sarah was of course Mitch, who had been on the lookout waiting for the two of them since he first arrived to help set up. “M’ladies, ‘bout time the two of you showed up.” The stupid grin on his face and the way he hugged each of them probably a little too hard was enough to give away that he’d been drinking quite a bit already. He already had a drink in his hand waiting for Sarah, planting a kiss to her forehead as he handed it to her. “Two hands so I could only hold two drinks, but there’s heaps in the kitchen. Grab a drink and come meet us outside for a smoke?” Mitch asked down to Y/N, she didn’t take offence to him not getting her a drink, and to be honest she’d rather make her own anyway. “You got it captain.” Y/N replied, giving the tall man a playful salute before she made her way to the kitchen, dodging bodies and conversations so she could get herself a drink.
That drink became much more needed when she entered the kitchen, her mouth going dry when she saw Harry leaning against the counter as he looked down at his phone, ferociously texting. He looked up when Y/N brushed past him to grab a cup, pouring in some tequila. “Not going to say hey?” He asked, raising his eyebrows. He grabbed the Sprite from the fridge, although they didn’t speak he still knew her go-to. “Looked busy.” She responds, her voice blunt. “Thanks.” She adds in regard to the Sprite as he passed it to her, her guilty conscience wouldn’t let her live down being so impolite if she didn’t thank him. “Didn’t know this party would still happen since you didn’t show up to class today. We got partnered up for the presentation assignment.” She adds, it was bugging her far too much to just let it slide. “Yeah, sorry. I was meant to be back in time, had to pick coke up off this guy a few towns over and he kept me waiting outside his place for like an hour. Fill me in on it all when I’m not drunk?” He asks, standing next to her as he mixed his own drink. “I guess, yeah. Don’t expect me to do all the work though, and I actually want to go well in this class so it wouldn’t hurt if you actually put in some effort.” Maybe it was the alcohol, but Y/N was being a lot more demanding than she usually was, and her demeanour a lot more cold and forward than she’d often let on.
“Fuck, alright. I think you need to pour a bit more into your drink and loosen up some more.” Harry laughs, shaking his head before he grabbed the bottle of tequila and added an extra splash to her drink. Y/N took her first proper look at Harry, only to shoot him a narrow eyed glare. It was hard to stay mad though, the tequila from pre-game and the Uber was making it harder to be serious and angry, and his outfit was enough to make her drool. He wore cream wide legged trousers that went to the floor, and a white ribbed tank top tucked in. By far he had the nicest taste out of any guy she’d ever met, that was hard to deny. It was just a house party, but people often took any excuse they could to dress up a little bit. On the other side of things, Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/N. He was used to seeing her in her usually Nike sweats and vintage sweater, which he still thought she looked beautiful in regardless but he’d never admit that to anyone. To him, Y/N was untouchable. Sure people in their friend group dated like Sarah and Mitch, but he didn’t want to ruin things. That, and she seemed too uptight for him anyway, he often mistook her shy attitude as coming off as a snob, and the way she spoke about the stupid group assignment only drilled that view of her into Harry’s head further.
“Get out of it.” Y/N grunts, sliding her drink away from Harry. “Love, can we just pretend to get long for one night? Have a dance, have a drink. Do you want some coke or something? Or, I think there’s people hot boxing the upstairs bathroom if that’s more your speed.” Harry offers, attempting to extend the olive branch to the standoffish girl beside him. “I’m far too sober to take up any of those offers. Anyway, good talk. Let me know when you’re free to talk about the presentation. I’ll see you ‘round, Harry.” Y/N said, giving Harry a far too sarcastic smile before she grabbed her drink and made her way out to the backyard to find Mitch and Sarah.
A group of people sat out by a fire pit in the corner of the backyard, garden chairs and outdoor lounges circling the source of warmth. Mitch and Sarah had saved Y/N a spot, to which she happily plopped down into. “Took you long enough.” Sarah teased, elbowing her side. “Mm, cup shortage going on in there.” She said, taking a sip. She fished the little nicotine vape out of her bag, sucking on that as she looked into the fire. Alright, if you don’t lighten up already everyone’s going to think you’re a party pooper and a trash time to be around. Loosen up. Make friends. Her little pep talk in her head, and the sip of her stronger than usual drink courtesy of Harry was motivating enough to engage in conversation with some other people around the fire pit. Most were smoking actual cigarettes or joints, Y/N preferred the little flavoured vapes. She’d never been addicted, but smoked more as a social thing, and at least this way it didn’t taste bad and she didn’t smell like cigarettes.
Conversation flowed, Naomi and Adam joined them, but Harry was still inside. Everyone just assumed he was probably distracted with some girl, or attending to party host responsibilities. “I’m going to pop to the toilet really quick and grab another drink.” Y/N told Sarah once she’d polished off what was left in her cup. She got up and made her way inside, she didn’t get all too far on her journey to the bathroom before she was stopped by Max.
Y/N and Max had known each other for a while now, they’d hooked up at parties a few times before she came to her senses and started avoiding him while out. He wasn’t taking the rejection all that lightly. “Hey, been looking for you. Drink?” He asks, holding out the little red cup containing God only knows what. The alcohol pumping through her veins was prohibiting her from thinking about it too much. “Uh, thanks. Didn’t know you’d be here tonight, friends with Harry?” She asked as she took the cup, having a sip. Tequila and orange juice, not her favourite mix but it would do. Max shrugged. “Figured you’d be here, thought we could catch up. Come down and dance with me?” He replied, moving his hand to her waist which made her stomach turn. “Maybe later, I’m in a hurry though. I’ll see you later on.” Y/N managed to push herself past him, only to get caught in a group of girls from a sociology class she’d taken last semester.
The girls babbled on, and as they did Y/N managed to finish off her drink. By the time the cup was empty she was desperate for the bathroom, the conversations ended up lasting almost half an hour, ending with promises of ‘we have to catch up soon!’. When she managed to peel herself away from the girls she found the bathroom, ending up staying in there for a little while enjoying the solace of being alone. Things started to not feel right as she sat there on the bathroom floor. The room began to spin, and confusion began to set in about what was going on, or where she even was. Nausea began to set in, but she was too out of it to even begin to panic or use her phone to call or message anyone. The last thing she could remember was managing to lean over to vomit in the toilet before laying down on the floor as she lost consciousness, the cold tiles pressing against her bare legs.
Harry had been standing at the end of the hallway talking to Holly, a gorgeous girl from one of his classes that he’d been hoping to see tonight. Harry was an observant guy though, he always knew what was going on around him. From the corner of his eye he’d noticed Max give Y/N the drink, thinking not much of it as he knew that the two of them had hooked up before. Harry continued talking up and making out with the girl he stood with, making promises of having her over sometime to watch films and order in dinner. Harry would never take advantage of a drunk girl and had no intention of going any further with her than making out. The tall boy went downstairs to make himself and his girl of the night a drink, when he came back upstairs he noticed Y/N go into the bathroom. He continued his conversation with Holly, sipping their drinks as they laughed and flirted with each other. Concerns began to rise when Y/N never left the bathroom though, and it was like he began to sober up when he noticed Max making his way towards the bathroom. He set his drink down on the windowsill. “Give me a second.” He murmurs to Holly before he made his way to stand between Max and the bathroom door.
“This one’s occupied, mate. Try the downstairs bathroom.” He said, his voice stern. “Y/N texted me, said she wanted me to meet her in there.” Max replied, though Harry knew his phone had died at leat an hour ago as he heard him moaning about it to his mates. “Really? Because she just texted me saying she wanted me in there. I think it’s time for you to head off.” Harry stood his ground, matching his lies with his own. Harry was taller than Max, not necessarily more buff, but he was more intimidating when he wanted to be, and it was his house, full of his friends and people who would back him up. “You know what? Have fun. She’s too fucking difficult anyway.” Max was clearly disgruntled as he spoke, turning around and trudging off without another word.
Harry knocked on the bathroom door, pressing his ear against it to see if he could hear anything coming from inside. “Y/N? You alright, love?” He calls, his voice competing with the loud music pumping through the house. After a minute of no responses to his knocks or calls he made his way into the unlocked room, closing the door behind him. “Fuck.” He hissed when he saw the girl on the floor, immediately he took out his phone and ordered an Uber. He leant down and put her bag over his shoulder, making sure it had her phone and things still in it before scooping her up. The way her body was completely limp in his arms made him sick. How could anyone do this to someone? He made sure she was breathing, she was breathing loud enough that she was practically snoring in his arms. “Fuckin’ hell, pet.” He couldn’t help but sigh. Harry had always had a protective nature, and while he’d never admit his attraction towards Y/N he clearly cared about her enough to do this. He carried her outside to wait out in the fresh air for the car, ignoring any questions from people that tried to stop him. The rest of their friend group were still in the backyard, oblivious to anything going on.
He had decided he’d have to take her home, she wasn’t showing any signs of waking up soon. Holly wasn’t even an afterthought for Harry right now, too concerned with ensuring Y/N’s safety. When the Uber eventually did arrive he got in, being careful to do her seatbelt up before he did his as he told the driver where to go. “Big night, huh?” The driver laughs, Harry attempted a laugh in response. He didn’t want to look suspicious, or like he was the one that had drugged her. “Very big night, gotta get this one home to bed.” Harry replied, attempting to joke around with the driver for the rest of the ride. Y/N still showed no signs of regaining consciousness, he contemplated whether or not hospital was the right idea but he was also pretty knowledgable about this sort of stuff. Not that he’d ever date raped someone before, but Harry experimented with drugs himself and he’d researched GHB before and knew the side effects. It was just something that interested him, chemicals and the impact they had on the body. It came in handy too, like in situations like this.
Once the car pulled up to Y/N and Sarah’s apartment building he took her up, managing to hold her over one shoulder as he fished the keys out of his back and pushed inside. The paranoid part of him made sure to lock the door after them, in case Max decided to follow. He took her to her bedroom, laying her on the bed and taking her jacket and heels off before tucking her under the blankets. He didn’t want to change her, not wanting her to feel more violated than she already had been. In place of putting warm pyjamas on her he managed to find an extra blanket to put over her, then putting a glass of water and a box of Advil beside the bed before he went and sat down on the couch to finally breathe for a minute.
He felt guilty, even though it wasn’t his fault he felt like it fell on his shoulders. It was his party. He hadn’t known that Max was like that, hell, he barely knew the guy. He laid down on the couch as he thought about it, staring up at the ceiling. He would never forget the feeling of having her limp body in his arms, or seeing her unconscious on that bathroom floor. He wasn’t sure how much time passed as he laid there contemplating the evening, but eventually he fell asleep there, still fully clothed with his shoes on.
The pounding in Y/N’s head was what woke her up so early, when she reluctantly opened her eyes to check the clock beside her bed it read 6:12am. What the fuck happened, and how did I get here? She barely even remembered the events that led to her in that bathroom, and she definitely had no clue how she got home. She sat up slowly as if to not anger the headache she had, reaching out for the water and Advil that was beside the alarm clock. Although she wanted to just curl up and hide under the blankets, she knew that wouldn’t help, and the makeup still on her face wasn’t helping how she was feeling. After taking the pain killers she made her way to the bathroom to have a hot shower, closing her eyes as she leant against the wall letting the hot water run over her body to comfort her. It was jut her and Sarah that lived in the apartment, and occasionally Mitch would come over, so she just wrapped a towel around her body after towel drying her hair before she went out to the kitchen to make coffee.
On her way was when she noticed the snoring Harry on the couch, her eyes going wide as she tried to think about why on Earth he would be here. She figured they hadn’t done anything, considering he had slept on the couch and still had his fucking shoes on. She went to her bedroom and replaced the towel she was using to cover herself with a fuzzy white robe, then going to the kitchen to make coffee and wait for the Advil to kick in. Never had she ever get so hungover, she was usually blessed to never get bad hangovers, always making sure to drink loads of water and eat before bed after a night out. There was nothing worse than waking up like this.
It was early, so she decided to not wake Harry with a cup of coffee. She made hers and then returned to her room to scroll through her phone. There were dozens of missed calls and texts from her friends. Sarah had left a bunch of messages asking where she was, letting her know she’d be staying at Mitch’s for the night. There was even a few from Max calling her things like a ‘dumb slut’, to which she promptly deleted.
About an hour went by before she heard a rustling in the living room, venturing out to go see Harry, and hopefully find some answers about last night. “Hey, morning.” Her voice was soft as she leant in the doorway that connected the living room to the hallway that led to her and Sarah’s bedroom and the bathroom. Harry turned around to her quickly, his face full of concern. “How you feeling?” He asked, rubbing some sleep from his eyes. “I’ve felt better. Do you uh, know what happened last night?” She asked, holding her empty coffee mug in one hand. She’d refill hers and make Harry one if he decided to stay. “I think you were drugged, by that Max guy. Took you home ‘cause you were passed out in the bathroom. Don’t worry, nothing happened to you.” He said, sitting down on the arm of the sofa. He didn’t feel too bad, he sobered up pretty much completely before he fell asleep. “Oh…” Was all Y/N could respond with. She didn’t know how to handle that news, and she didn’t want to get all emotional in front of Harry. It was a confusing feeling that she wasn’t sure how to deal with.
“Want some coffee?” She asks him, part of her embarrassed about what had happened and the fact that he’d had to leave the party to take care of her. “That’d be lovely. Black, no sugar.” He said, a slight smile on his lips. He didn’t want to push her to talk about what happened, and it seemed like changing the conversation was how she wanted to handle it for now. Y/N nods, going into the kitchen to make some coffee for the two of them. Harry waited in his spot, running his hands through his hair. “You mind if I have a quick shower?” He calls out to her. “Sure! Mitch leaves clothes here, in the top drawer of Sarah’s dresser!” She called back, the volume in her voice was enough to somewhat trigger her headache again. She finished up making their mugs of coffee before she went to the couch to wait for Harry, setting his mug down beside hers. It felt strange, being alone with him.
When Harry came back his hair was still damp from his shower, and he smelt like her vanilla and honey body wash. “Thank you, for last night. I really appreciate it… I know it must’ve sucked leaving the party and if there’s any way I can make it up to you. I’m so embarrassed, and I’m really lucky that you were there to get me home.” Y/N was probably rambling, speaking almost too fast for Harry to comprehend this early in the morning. “Love, it’s fine. There’ll be other parties. Just glad you go home safe. If I see that weasel of a bloke again I’ll be giving him a fuckin’ piece of my mind.” Harry angered just thinking about what had happened, sitting down on the couch beside her. He wore some grey sweats and an old Pink Floyd t-shirt that Mitch had left. “Well, thank you. If you wanna stick around I’ll make some breakfast? Sarah and I usually make waffles and watch The Simpsons every Saturday morning.” She tells him, it was the most hospitality she’d ever shown towards Harry. It took him back slightly, not expecting her to be so warm towards him. He swears she’d even smiled at him as she made the offer, he’d never really seen her smile at him before. “Fuck it. It’ll be a good story to tell the others, doubt they’d believe we sat in the same room as each other and got along for this long.” He chuckles, sinking into the couch as he had a sip from his mug, looking to the tv as the girl beside him put on the silly cartoon. Maybe this was the start of a friendship, or not, but the two of them both felt at ease finally being at peace with each other for once, regardless for how long it was going to last.
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spikeymarshmallows · 4 years
spikey’s dnw’s for tua s3
So I've seen lots of stuff going around. People talking about what they want for S3, or what they don't want.
And honestly, I get major FOMO, and am very much like "HELLO, I AM HERE, PLEASE LISTEN TO ME, I AM BABY WITH LOW SELF-ESTEEM". Taking a leaf out of Sarky's post....
What don't I want from S3....
Warning: here there be much more salt than you're probably used to from Spikey. I’m *certain* I’ve got a lot of very unpopular opinions here so uh... sorry???
The Sparrows. Like, I want them to be a part of it. But I don't want them to be Mains. I don't want them to get lots of development at the expense of the Umbrella Harkids. Ben is the exception. I want more of him but I am counting him as an Umbrella Harkid lol. Lila. As with the Sparrows, I'm happy for her to be a part of it. She was interesting. But I cannot emphasise how much I don't want her to be a Main; hell, I don't even mind it if she is... (Okay, that's a lie. I do care). But can Diego have a storyline outside of her, please? My ships aside--I just don't really want romances as driving factors here (with the exception of Alluther, and like, I want them to have storylines outside of their romance too. Argh, hopefully I'm making sense). And I worry they're just gonna erase my boy for the sake of romance... Romances. Look, we know this about me--I am a shipper. When I engage fandom, it's 95% for ships. But when I watch things... It's less for the ships. Give me meaningful moments (like... Klaus tying Diego's boots, and them at the hotel, and the banter etc there. And GOSH, the EYE CONTACT T.T MY HEART). Anyway. The point is: I love moments like those. But I really don't watch this show for the Romance TM. Sometimes I think I'd love to see my ships become canon. But I don't know. I've never really had it happen? I don't know that I'd love it. Anyway. They're never gonna have Kliego making out on this show. That's fine. Give me moments. Give me connections. But please, please let the only overt romance be Alluther. Alluther being tossed out. They're not My Ship but they're a favourite background ship for me. And I like what it stands for. So I really hope they don't go the shitty route and say Allison Rumour'd Luther. And I hope they keep having their beautiful and loving chemistry. I also think they do well at being characters with lives outside of that romance. I don't think the Alluther takes away from them as characters so.... I DON'T want Alluther to be tossed out. Toilet humour and fart jokes. I just don't get it??? Like, I know I don't spend time in lots of TUA circles but I don't think I've ever seen ANYONE ask for the toilet humour?? Like. I don't get it. IN THE BIN. Making the show an outright comedy. Yes, it was fun to watch. But... I think we all fell in love with the quirky, weirdass, gritty show that was S1. I liked the random silly moments in S1, but that it never made me wanna choke on my own sadness. Brushing over the trauma. Again, I think this is something that a lot of us fell in love with the show for. The nuances and differences in trauma. How these kids were raised by the same people, but trauma looks so different in all of them. Can we have some of the anger back? The sadness? The fury and resentment towards Reginald? Having conflicted feelings about Pogo? Heck, having conflicted feelings about Reginald too. Because goodness knows that trauma is funny in that some of us still deeply care about and love our abusers, even though we don't want to, and know we shouldn't. So, I really, really don't want us to keep brushing over the trauma. We don't need to see daily therapy sessions for them, but can we stop acting like it just... didn't happen? Give me more moments like that Horrible Dinner Scene. I know a lot of people hated it, but for me.... it resonated deeply with my own trauma. Give me anger and resentment at each other for wrongs of the past. Give me love underneath it all (between the sibs!! Not Reggie), yes. That's a major thing for me. But don't have "wheeee happy families, no issues between us anymore uwu". Overpowered Babies. I know, I know. We all love it when our faves are powerful and strong. And hell yeah, I get that! Diego being able to manipulate objects in motion like that?? *chefskiss*. Five travelling back my seconds? Amazing! But I would have loved to have seen Vanya in particular struggle to control her powers. She didn't even know she had them!! And has been on mood stabilisers/killers for 20+ years!! And within?? Less than a month?? Without even knowing she HAD powers, she just had this immense control??? God, I just wanna see her and the siblings having to work through their issues so that they can help her learn. I don't want to see Klaus.... IDK what he does in the comics. But I don't want him to be the Savior Of The World. Give them good powers; but make them work for it. So Many Damn Songs. I know a lot of people really love the soundtrack. And maybe it's because I don't know most of them that I was just *shrug emoji* about them. I didn't dislike them. But it just.... I just don't care??? Focus less on that and focus more on, you know, everything else? Another Dance Scene. The first episode? I stopped watching after that dance scene because I had severe second hand embarrassment. And then? Came back to it. And now I'm so endeared by it. But the second season... IDK. It felt forced. I didn't like it. I skip past that part now.
Another apocalypse. You’ve been there, done that! Give us something else, kthx.
The siblings being stupid. I just.... I just don't think they're stupid?? I think they can be idiots, and be dumbasses. But in terms of Knowledge.... I think they all had a pretty comprehensive education. Shakespeare. Seven languages. Homer. Dancing lessons. Lessons pertaining to music. I really hate how they made Diego and Luther out to be stupid. Luther went to the goddamn moon! He just doesn't have street smarts, etc. Diego might have yeeted himself through a window, but he's not entirely an idiot. He shows off. He does dumb things; that doesn't make HIM dumb.
Oh, the twins thing. Like. Nah. Whatever man.
Dave. God. That's how little I give a shit about Dave... I entirely forgot to put him on the list until now... I don't hate Dave. I just... I just do not care one bit. It was okay in S2. But like. Can we have Klaus processing his death, and just... give him something not-Dave-centric? I don't think we ever "move on" from the loss of loved ones. But same as Lila: I don't want it to be a major part of his storyline. I like to think we saw Klaus "letting go" at the end of S2. Let's keep it there?
Fucking hell.... I sound like Nothing Makes Me Happy. But that's not true. I just.... need to be less grumpy for me to write that list. Anyway. This has been a salty-ass-bitch-post, courtesy of Spikey. 
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lycorogue · 4 years
Miraculous World: New York - United HeroeZ live-blogging (sorta)
Okay, it’s hard for me to live-blog everything I want to squee about, especially with the first watch. But I’m still wide awake and watching the re-air so let’s see how I do. (Turns out, I’m a slower typer than I thought and most of this was done post-watch again :P )
I absolutely love this special’s opening credits. It has a very Marvel feel. Nice.
Um... Uh... Did... Did Cristina Vee forget her Ladybug/Marinette voice over the break? I’m not liking this voice. I’m not liking it at all. STOP WITH THE VOICE! NOOOOOOO! (Also... Mr. Pigeon... Again? -_- )
Love that Adrien has started looking up the meaning of roses so he can find one Ladybug will actually accept. XD The boy tries so hard. <3
Hubby thought that Cristina might have decided to change up Ladybug’s voice so it’s not so obvious she’s Marinette (a la Batman) but the deeper voice is still here for Marinette. WHYYYYY!? The hiatus was clearly too long. She’s completely forgotten Marinette’s voice. OTL
Awww, Miss Bustier is pregnant!? She’ll be a great mom! eeeee
Also, smoooooooooth Marinette. Adrien is TOTALLY just a friend now... >_> Poor Luka. -_-
Also... ALYA’S VOICE IS WRONG TOO! WHAT THE HECK! WHYYYYYYYY. THIS IS SO AWESOME BUT I JUST CAN’T WITH THESE NEW VOICES! Everyone sounds deeper and gruffer... is that because the VAs are out of practice? Is it because they had to record at home with different equipment? What’s going on!?
Of COURSE Gabriel suspects a Miraculous in America. Good way to bring him to the States. At least Keith Silverstein remembered his Gabriel/Hawk Moth voice. I don’t know if I could have handled either Hawky or Adrien having the wrong tone of voice in this.
Oh. Oh no! Oh dear! Nathalie’s voice is the worst! At least hers can be explained away that she’s still recovering from the Battle for the Miracle Box but... *cringe*
KAGAMI’S OFF TOO! I think it’s 100% the actors not remembering the voices they used for these characters. -_- Such a shame. This movie is amazing, but the voices are so hard for me to get past. 
OMG, THE LITTLE CAT TO ALERT LADYBUG IS FLIPPIN’ ADORABLE! I’d hit the button a million times myself, so I feel ya, Chat Noir. Also, BRILLIANT play, Ladybug. :D
Equally brilliant plan on Plagg’s part. At least, it would have been if they were able to actually exercise it. Also.... WHERE DID THIS POWER OF FLIGHT COME FROM AND WHY DIDN’T THEY USE IT BEFORE!? >_> Me thinks the recipe for this power is magically going to be forgotten again once we get into the show proper.
Also, I know there will be salt thrown by the handful at Adrien after this special BUT THE BOY DIDN’T WANT TO ABANDON PARIS! He was going to stay and give up his class trip, but Plagg was right, when does Gabriel ever give him the freedom to do something like this? As someone who never got to go on any out-of-state (let alone out-of-country) class trips, I know how hard FOMO hits. If I had the chance, I would have jumped at it, ESPECIALLY after Plagg came up with a solid plan. EVEN SO, HE WAS GOING TO STAY! PLAGG CONVINCED HIM! And Plagg meant well. He wanted his kid to have a taste of freedom. Just... JUST LEAVE THESE TWO PRECIOUS BEANS ALONE, SALTERS!
UPDATE: The salters did NOT leave Adrien alone for this -_-
-_- And of course Luka’s voice is ALSO off. Still, my boy RACING A FRIGGEN BUS so Marinette can make the trip to NYC! SUCH A FRIGGEN GOOD BOI AND HOW CAN FANS HATE HIM HE’S JUST AMAZING AND *chef kiss* My heart just BREAKS for him though, because he’s sending his would-be girlfriend off on a weeklong class trip with her “former” crush and he KNOWS she’s still in love, but he’s not asking her to stay or pushing her to give up on Adrien and omg this kid is too pure my poor son!
UPDATE: So, apparently the hate mostly comes from Luka being - excuse the pun but - “one note” where as Kagami is more fleshed out and well rounded? Really? We know just as much about her as we do Luka. Just because we’ve seen Kagami flawed and we haven’t particularly seen Luka stumble that makes her more well-rounded? What if we just haven’t seen what Luka’s bad at? It IS possible to write someone whose flaws don’t necessarily come up often without them being some 2D Mary Sue. Give the writers (and Luka) a chance....
Awww. Adrien feeling guilty about leaving Paris and Ladybug. :’( But look at how cheered up he was just by SEEING Marinette! LOOK AT HOW HE RACED TO HER TO SEE WHERE SHE WAS SITTING!
Aaaaand then she panics. -_- This could have been Startrain all over again, but NOOOOO she’s now so focused on “he’s just a friend and I have to get over him” that she just has 0 chill around him anymore. -_- Go back to admitting you have a crush and just stumbling over yourself around him, huh?
(The Adrienette is STRONG in this scene though and I’m eating it up)
LOOK AT HOW DISAPPOINTED ADRIEN LOOKS SINCE SHE RAN OFF FROM HIM! WHYYYYYYY? And he has to be stuck sitting between his bodyguard and Mendeleiev. Poor kid doesn’t even have a friend to chat with on the long flight. TT3TT 
(So kind of serves Marinette right that she ALSO feels guilty about leaving Paris and now she has Mr. Damocles falling asleep on her instead of Adrien!)
I do appreciate that Cristina seems to be remembering Marinette’s voice more-or-less finally. Yay.
EEEEEE The sunset on the plane scene!!!!! <3 He speaks so softly to her and <3 <3 <3 (Also... Bryce Papenbrook seemed to have lost his Adrien voice in this recording... -_- )
UUUgh... was that still Ben Diskin doing Nino’s voice during the whole Operation New York dialogue with Alya? That didn’t sound anything like Nino! *sigh* Again, the main problem I have with this is the actors didn’t seem to get back into character before recording. Such a shame.
UPDATE: It was in fact NOT Ben Diskin anymore. :’( The new voice actor did well enough, but it just wasn’t Nino. I’m sure it will feel more like him the more I hear it, but I already miss the Southern Cali 90s Surfer Dude accent, even if it made no sense for a Gen Z Parisian to have it in the first place.
Awww, Mr. Damocles changing into his Knight Owl costume. <3 And then had to change back out of it. XD
They... actually named a superhero Uncanny Valley......
Knight Owl and Sparrow, AKA Batman and Robin.
“That’s just Captain Redlight directing traffic.” XD I mean, yeah, we have a lot of superhero characters but I think this is a bit much.
Alya oh so discretely pointing to Marinette as Nino directs Adrien to look out the window to see how beautiful NYC is. XD
AAAAAAND sliding doors vs Adrienette part 1. LOL I love how Aeon instantly figured out that Adrienette belong together.
Ooooooo Sabrina is gonna get herself an American boyfriend (And look at how jealous Chloe gets XD)
Adrien’s Soft Smile as Marinette realizes she was resting her hand on his stomach as she was hiding from Ms. Mendeleiev. So cute!
“Is it a bird?” “A plane” “No, it’s Hotdog Dan!” Oh. Em. Gee. Seriously? Ketchup Boy and Mustard Justice? Why!? Who came up with these code names!? XDDD
eeeeeeeeeeeee THE FLOATING SCENE!!!!
Also, helium-voiced Nino commenting about his chick having wings <3
Adrien’s soft asking Marinette to dance with him? He was practically PLEADING for her to say yes! And then she just scurries away from him!? And he grabs her hand to stop her from floating away. And then they just... nuzzle into each other as they dance and... yup. I’m screaming. <3 <3 <3 <3 (Also, the dance was at a party Chloe threw to prove to Adrien that she can be nice; it wasn’t her birthday, but I guess canonically it now was????)
Superheroes in America don’t have to hide their identities... perhaps someone should look into the comic book run of Avengers Civil War and decide if that’s a good thing... >_>
“I don’t mind being stuck with a friend like you” My heart is just flatlining. Like. ADRIEN, JUST SAY YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH HER ALREADY, OKAY!?
Jess and Aeon’s plan is as convoluted as one of Marinette’s XD I just love these two and I hope we see more of them.
Ah, Alya and Nino are good at manipulating their friends. 
Paris is under attack! Oh no! 0_0 
Ah, bargain-bin Doctor Octopus
After fully watching the special I know the answer, but when first hearing Sparrow I wondered if maybe Jess was genderfluid. Kind of a reverse of the Sailor Stars.
The transformation for the American heroes is both awesome and ridiculous and I love them.
“Marinette’s in danger” Adrien then INSTANTLY becomes Chat Noir to save her! <3 <3 <3 <3 I FREAKED when I first watched this part because I was afraid he might have spotted (excuse the pun) Marinette transforming. I was also curious how they were going to explain why they were in NYC. “I’ll explain later” is a good excuse. They are preoccupied by the villain and that gives him time to come up with a lie. Smart?
Aaaaand Cristina Vee forgot her Ladybug voice again. I hope this isn’t a new thing; switching up her voice for Ladybug. I’m not much of a fan, especially since she hasn’t always done it. :/
It kills me that Sparrow constantly comments about not calling for backup and gets in trouble for not calling when Sparrow DID try and the communicator was destroyed.
*flinch* The Chat Noir Cataclysm scene. My heart. It hurts. Poor Adrien. </3 All the guilt he has to hold for the majority of the second half of this thing.
EDIT: Totally forgot about the “American superhero gets understandably emotional over a loved one and smashes the villain through about half-a-dozen buildings with complete disregard for the collateral damage” trope.
Dollar Store Batman couldn’t figure out the manhole cover wasn’t in place. Whoops.
The breakdown scene where Ladybug lets Chat Noir know about how her powers work and how she can’t repair Paris. And Adrien giving up his powers. </3 And even though she’s so upset, and she felt betrayed by Chat Noir, the fact that she INSTANTLY yelled when she heard him renouncing his Miraculous and relinquishing it to Ladybug! And her TEARS as she realizes she lost him and won’t be able to return his Miraculous to him since she can’t even ask Fu to return it anymore!? Aaaaaaaaa! My heart!
“Gilbert?” XD I’m sorry but just hearing the poor little Eagle calling out the name is just too adorable.
The press conference requesting the NYC residents to stay inside until further notice. >_> Yeah... that... that might not work out so well if real life is any indication.....
“I wouldn’t have minded being stuck here a little longer with a friend like you.” >______< OH MY GOD, ADRIEN! (Also, Bryce lost his Adrien voice again... *sigh*)
Oh, and Marinette trying to chase him down to finally confess!? TT3TT
Oh man. Releasing a superhero from her fear of her powers. That can’t be.... yup. There goes like a dozen buildings in Manhattan.... -_-
Of course the POTUS is a superhero as well.... with access to weapons. Greaaaat. This isn’t a terrifying thought right about now.
About a million missile launchers hidden throughout the streets of NYC... >_< This isn’t hitting close to home or anything.
Eeeeeee. Marinette isn’t just unsure she can be Ladybug without A Chat Noir. She needs HER Chat Noir. She needs ADRIEN specifically. (Also, there goes Bryce once more forgetting his Adrien voice. Maybe he forgot what Adrien sounds like when he’s sad???)
UPDATE: Can we just talk for a minute the significance that Uncanny Valley - the superhero (accidentally) KILLED by Chat Noir (even if she was revived shortly after) - is the one happily returning Adrien’s superhero powers to him? How she has NO malice towards whatsoever towards Chat Noir? How SHE is the one to tell him that “to err is human”!? Beautiful! Love it! 
Nice. I liked that Uncanny can’t see the kwamis. Nice continuity.
THE LADYNOIR GLOMP! She was so afraid to never see him again. I LOVE how much this solidifies how important he is to HER, if not the team itself. 
The Americans being coerced by a foreign power to start a world war. -_- This truly is hitting too close to home right now....
Uh...How did Ladybug come up with the plan to trick Doorman to go to the Statue of Liberty? Both her and Adrien were already out of the room when he talked about the mystery of Eiffel’s safe inside the statue, and Marinette didn’t have any time to talk to Alya, so the two of them couldn’t have discussed how Doorman resisted figuring out this mystery because you don’t use your superhero powers for personal gain. Did she just luck into there being a mystery there that Doorman wanted to solve? Slight continuity issue there with the writing.... Whoops.
Awww, poor Doorman. He just wants to know the answer to the mystery!
Eagle’s transformation is so awesome! I love it. I love her. I want more of these American superheroes and wielders.
I love that Knight Owl and Sparrow are hand-me-down superhero titles! 
Oh my god, Hawk Moth slowly walking backwards dramatically from the window. XD WHY IS THIS MAN SO EXTRA AS WELL!? At least we know where Adrien gets it from. :P
So the American Miracle Box looks like it’s filled with Native American styled jewelry. So... are they based off the spirit totems!? I NEED TO KNOW MOOOOOOOORE!
UPDATE: Upon really paying attention to the opening credits, yes, the American Miraculous do indeed seem to be based off spirit totems.
I’m sure there’s more that I reacted to in real-time, but, as I mentioned at the top, I wasn’t writing fast enough to keep up with the pace of the show itself, so this is also largely by memory. :P Oh well. Always wanted to do a sort of reaction post about this series. One thing off the fandom bucket list, I guess.
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iamgaryrennells · 4 years
LITG Random Questions Tag
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Thanks to @kingkassam for the tag and @lilithlibrxa for making this! I had A LOT of fun, as always. ✨✨✨
1. Favorite Girl?
Priya and Chelsea
2. Favorite Boy?
Gary and Lucas and Carl and Bobby
3. Favorite Route/LI and why?
Gary, definitely. He’s a sweetheart but makes mistakes, he’s hot and seems like a lad at times but he has hidden depths, the love that he has for his nan is the cutest thing for me especially because I can relate (and I miss my grandma so much), he’s playful and loyal and amazing and stupid and everything. His route has a little bit of everything: doubt, impatience, angst, drama, love, banter, good times... I just love it tbh.
4. Season 1 or Season 2?
Season 2, somehow I’m not tired of playing it over and over, unlike Season 1. I’ve only played Season 1 twice (the first time I loved it but the second time I only wanted the gems for season 2)
5. Twitter, Tumblr or Reddit?
Reddit and Tumblr. I love both.
6. Try and guess each s2 islanders’ zodiac sign
I have no idea about zodiac signs so I wouldn’t even know where to start 😬😂
7. If you could meet any islander irl, who would it be and why?
To get to know them and develop a relationship (romantic or friendship): Gary, Priya and Chelsea, Jake, Tim, Bobby, Talia, Rohan.
To pick a fight: Lottie, Blake, Felix, Jo, Marisol, R!Hannah and Hope.
8. Do you have an unpopular opinion about the game/characters?
Okay, here we go:
Lottie: I have a love/hate relationship with her, even though Gary is my favorite and she’s a pain in my ass during his route. I really think that the writers did her dirty. She had some character growth. I understand why some people don’t see it as growth, but I really think she’s a great character (in terms of her place in the story, not because I think she’s a good person or anything). She’s easy to judge but there has to be a reason as to why she is the way that she is. And maybe knowing more about her background would’ve helped us to understand her (again, I’m not saying that everything’s forgiven and forgotten).
At first I didn’t think Felix was that bad. Maybe because I was busy getting annoyed with Arjun.
I don’t think Rocco deserved to be treated the way he was treated. It is a game to get to know people and flirt with them. And yeah, he went behind everyone’s back and chatted every girl but the latter is literally the reason why they all are there. Idk, idk.
9. Which islander are you most like?
A weird combination between Gary and Chelsea. And a little bit of Kassam. I enjoy staying at home and chilling but I also get FOMO (even though at the end of the day idc and I still stay at home), I don’t care about drama but sometimes I cause without knowing I’m doing it because I’m a very chill person and most things don’t bother me but bother others... And I’m unbothered by everything, use sarcasm a lot and I’m pretty annoyed about everything all the time.
10. Most and Least favorite islander of all time and why?
Most: Gary; he’s literally the sweetest guy ever and he’s so layered and so amazing and he gets judged by the way he looks or acts at first but then you get to meet him and he’s SO wonderful. I also love Tim, Bobby, Jake, Chelsea, Priya, Rohan, and Talia.
Least: Erikah and Hope, probably.
Erikah; I haven’t played S1 that much and I can’t remember exactly why I don’t like her, but I know that I don’t.
Hope; do I even need to spell it out? She’s the worst. She’s rude, manipulative, toxic and doesn’t care about anyone or anything (this last is not exactly a bad thing imo cause you can car about whatever you want, just don’t try to come across as a good girl when you’re clearly not). The way she treats ANYONE who dares to look at Noah’s direction, even on day one, is just horrendous. You are in a game that invites you to flirt with other people, to get to know other people and change partners if that’s what you want. If you don’t want that, then why participate in it? She only talks about Noah and that’s it; when people try to talk about anything else, she says something rude and kills the conversation dead. The way she treats Priya (or MC or both) at CA is beyond awful; how she says that she and Noah are the ‘only good couple’ is beyond disrespectful; the way she talks about Lucas when Noah is literally by her side and then criticizes Chelsea for saying something along those lines is beyond hypocritical; how she doesn’t let Noah think for himself and manipulates him for her own interests is beyond despicable.
A lot of people are ‘bad’ or ‘do bad things’ in this game, but they’re true to themselves adn others and they show their true colors and accept them and try to develop from them, but these two? They don’t. And we’re supposed to be okay with that. Well, I’m not.
11. Which Islander would hit 1M followers first?
Bobby, definitely Bobby. Or Lucas. And Priya. And MC, obviously.
12. Which Islander would land a major brand deal?
Priya, because duh and Chelsea, because duh, too. Also, Lucas and Bobby and probably Gary.
13. Do you think any of the s2 islanders smoke? If so, who?
I haven’t thought about this, but I think Lottie would. Also Blake. Probably Shannon.
Gary, Carl, Marisol maybe, under specific circumstances.
14. What’s your season 3 bucket list?
MC speaking for herself, defending herself and dragging the people that needs to be dragged
Better challenges! Maybe physical ones
DRAMA, but juicy drama. REAL DRAMA. not who kissed who and petty name calling
better female LI
People reacting to MC according to their reaction, but really reacting. I can’t have Lottie hating me for taking Gary or Hope hating me for looking at Noah’s direction and then them complimenting my outfit. If i’m gonna have an enemy or a rival, I WANT THEM TO BE MY ENEMY OR MY RIVAL
More friendships, too. I need a combination between the Rap Crew and Priya + Chelsea
Better customization options for MC
female and male and non binary MCs
MC being the MC
Less generic, more personalized. Each route has a certain thing that only happens then and there, the characters have unique lines and chats. stuff like that.
15. Do you read any fanfics?
Yesss. I just wanna say that WE NEED MORE GARY CONTENT OUT THERE BECAUSE OF REASONS. I’ve also read Bobby’s, Lucas’ and Noah’s.
16. If there was a Love Island the Game All Stars with islanders from S1 and S2, who would you choose to go back to the Villa?
S1: Miles, Rohan, Cherry, Levi, Mason...
S2: Shannon, Blake, Noah, Rocco, Arjun...
17. Which Islanders would struggle the most in quarantine and why?
Chelsea and Lottie because of FOMO. Felix, too. Henrik and Rocco would, too, but Rocco would manage with his spiritual travels or something.
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~ISEB in Japan: A Photo Journal~
If you’ve been following me on Twitter lately, you’ll know that I’ve been traveling through parts of Japan the last couple of weeks with my Ignis Play Arts Kai figure in tow. I posted a few pictures over there during the duration of my trip, but those barely scratched the surface of everything I got to do while in Japan. So I thought I’d put together a blog post of my journey while it was still fresh in my mind, featuring everyone’s favorite strategist in what I’ve been dubbing my Great Final Fantasy XV Adventure of 2019!
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[Image-heavy content + commentary under the cut]
A brief backstory: I’ve wanted to go to Japan my entire adult life. For years, I’ve watched friends make the trek while I’ve been stuck at home with a severe case of FOMO. The only thing that ever stopped me from going was money (or a lack thereof), so I made the decision last summer to buckle down and sock away every dime I made to make it happen. My only concern before hopping on the plane was that I had missed the wave of FFXV popularity by about a year, but I would quickly learn that—other than not getting to eat any of Ignis’ recipes at the Square Enix Cafe—I had little to worry about.
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Literally the only reason I brought my Play Arts Kai figure was so I could take this picture of Ignis at the Citadel (a.k.a. the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building), which was the very first place I stopped at on my first full day in Tokyo. The building + the surrounding plaza, while not 100% accurate, is a fairly impressive facsimile of the one in the game. It’s located in Shinjuku, which also boasts a lot of similarities to Insomnia. Having finished Episode Ardyn mere hours before jetting off on my trip, it felt like I had stepped off the plane and right into the game!
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There just so happened to be an Animate right near the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, so I popped in to get a feel for what kind of FFXV merch I’d be able to find two years after the game’s release and a year after its height of popularity. Turns out, there was quite a lot of swag to be found! Truth be told, I’ve never been one to chase down official merchandise (unfortunately my job doesn’t really afford that luxury), but I gave myself special permission while on vacation to buy anything I wanted. So I did! Including everything you see above. ^^;;
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The next thing I did was take the train to Ginza to meet Lyle/@landscape-gonna  (@landscape_gonna on Twitter), and I simply cannot say enough nice things about her. If you don’t know who she is, there’s a 99.9% chance you’ve seen at least one of her Ignis costumes, and they are A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. We had chatted a bit previously on Twitter before I went full-on stan mode, asking her if she'd be willing to meet up with me (a total stranger) to have lunch and talk Ignis and Final Fantasy. Not only did she say yes, but she gifted me with copies of her incredible cosplay zines and was not the least embarrassed when I busted out my Play Kai Arts figure in the middle of a busy Japanese dessert restaurant haha.
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See? Zero embarrassment here.
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We even did Noct’s ultimate pose! In public!
I can’t begin to articulate how special meeting Lyle was for me—being brought together from opposite sides of the world to share in our love for Ignis/FFXV is a memory I will cherish my entire life. So Lyle, if you are reading this: どうもありがとうございます ! ٩( ᐛ )( ᐖ )۶
Lyle wasn't the only friend I had in Japan. Another friend of mine, Asuka (who happens to be well-versed in anime/video game culture), volunteered to be my guide through Ikebukuro/Otome Road the next day. Quick otaku lesson: Kbooks is a chain of stores that specializes in the resale of licensed merchandise. For example, if you missed out on some of the limited availability items from the Movic and the Square Enix Cafe collaborations, you might be able to find them at a Kbooks. Otome Road in particular has something like seven different Kbook shops in a 3-block radius, each one specializing in different products (sports anime, idols, cosplay, etc). I, of course, beelined for the video game shop...
...which is where I found this fucking thing:
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I’m not gonna lie, I almost bought it. I just didn’t know what I would do with it besides scare the living daylights out of people when they least expected it lol.
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Yoooo Adam I found ya boi in Ikebukuro
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We popped into the cosplay Kbooks shop since it was right across the street and I found an Ignis costume for sale! Please enjoy this picture of me pretending to come up with a new recipeh (since this is likely the closest I’ll ever come to cosplaying as Ignis).
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One of the things Asuka introduced me to was Hanami (picnic under the cherry blossoms, basically). I had timed my trip to coincide with the blooming of the sakura, and the experience of being in Japan during that time was indescribable. I took a bajillion pictures of the sakura while I was there and unfortunately none of my photos ever quite captured the beauty and magic of them in person, but here’s a lil’ pic of a tree in bloom at Yoyogi Park (with the Movic Ignis charm I bought at Kbooks earlier that day).
Another item on my Japan checklist was to stay at a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) in Hakone, a town famous for its onsen/hot springs. Nothing in Hakone is cheap (at least, not during peak sakura season), and I had spent an absurd amount of money on a night at one particular ryokan with a private bath (shy husband haha). The private bath could only be reserved in 30-minute increments, and by the time we finally rolled into Hakone the bath we wanted only had one slot available for the rest of the night. So what did I do?
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If you said, “Waste the first 15 minutes of your 30-minute, super-expensive onsen experience taking the perfect Ignis-in-a-hot-springs photo” then you would be absolutely correct lol.
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I actually wasn’t planning on taking a bunch of photos of my Ignis figure on this trip, but after my husband tucked Ignis into my futon while I was in the bathroom, documenting my trip vicariously through Ignis ended up taking on a life of its own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I popped back over to Tokyo after my stay in Hakone, which is when I finally got to make the Great Nerd Pilgrimage™ to the Square Enix Cafe! Had the FFXV collab been going on while I was there, I might’ve forked over the cash to eat at the cafe, but I opted to skip out on lunch so I could spend more money in their shop. They still had a small collection of FFXV merch...
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...including this acrylic Ignis stand that I wanted but thought I would never own after failing to find it at Kbooks earlier in the week. Huzzah!
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Also, I just feel the need to let everyone know that this is what the outside of the Square Enix Cafe in Tokyo looks like lmao.
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Our next stop was Kyoto, which we arrived in on Gladio’s birthday (April 2nd). Unfortunately I didn’t have time to draw anything for his b-day, but we did stop for a Nissin Cup Noodle in honor of Gladio!
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One of the most memorable moments of my trip was when this boating incident happened, and it requires a little bit of backstory. On my first full day in Kyoto, I attempted to field two of the most popular tourist destinations in Kyoto: the bamboo forest in Arashiyama, and the Fushimi Inari Shrine. Both places have their beauty and historical significance, and I suspect during the off-season are inspiring sites to behold. In my case, both places were absolutely swarming with tourists, which really put a damper on my enjoyment of them. Defeated, I followed a local canal back toward my hotel, which is where I spotted a miniature boat enthusiast controlling a boat that looked eerily similar to the Royal Vessel. I pulled my Ignis figure out with the intention of simply taking a photo of the boat in the background; when the man saw me holding my figure and fumbling with my phone, he flagged me over and gestured for me to put Ignis in the boat. I wish I had documented how it all went down a little better, but as I was literally wheezing with laughter, the above was the best I could capture.
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One of the more off-the-cuff decision I made was to dress in kimono for a day while in Gion (Kyoto). As the cherry blossoms were at their height during my stay there, you couldn’t sneeze without hitting someone who was dressed traditionally for the numerous festivals that were taking place throughout the city. As a white foreigner, I initially had reservations about wearing a kimono (for fear of cultural appropriation), but I did everything I could to be as respectful and reverent whilst wearing the garb (and the rental shop was certainly happy for the patronage). It was an amazing experience and I would definitely do it again!
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Speaking of being respectful, I made it a point not to take pictures of Ignis while visiting any shrines (because nothing screams ‘douchey American’ quite like whipping out an action figure on sacred grounds), hence why I don’t have pictures of any of the major shrines we visited in this post. I did, however, spot this miniature shrine arch in an alleyway, and thought it would be okay for my equally miniature strategist to pay his respects.
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Literally, a tiny shrine in an alleyway. I suppose even alleys have their deities!
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Osaka is about 20 minutes away from Kyoto by train, and since I had already traveled all the way out to Kyoto, I went the extra few miles to stop by the Square Enix Cafe in Osaka. They actually had a smaller selection of FFXV merch than the one in Tokyo and I didn’t end up buying anything, but I would’ve never stopped wondering if I had missed out on something if I hadn’t gone and seen it for myself!
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My last day in Kyoto was a week into my trip, and I still had five days left to go. After walking ~10 miles every day (no joke, I have the GPS screenshots to prove it!), I was really starting to feel the grind. I’m sure Ignis was also desperate for an Ebony after being lugged around in the bottom of my purse for a week lol.
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Back on the Shinkansen (bullet train) to Tokyo!
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Weeeeeee (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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Said hi to Fuji-san!
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Stopped for a delicious matcha parfait! (Shout-out to my husband who never once got annoyed with me whenever I busted out my figure in public spaces lol)
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This was without a doubt the craziest and most unexpected find of any of my merch runs. I had gone to the video game Kbooks in Ikebukuro earlier in the week and had sifted through all their Ignis merch with a fine-toothed comb. This particular Movic charm was one I had been on the lookout for, but it was a rare pull even when they were readily available a year ago, and the only Ignis charm I came across in my first trip to Kbooks was the normal Ignis one (see my Hanami pic). I had no real reason to return to Ikebukuro after I got back from Kyoto, but on a whim I went one last time and BAM—this guy was hanging out there in his lil’ baggie, just waiting for me to get my grubby little hands on him. Jackpot!
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All in all, I spent way too much money and I couldn’t be happier for it. The only thing I couldn’t find for the life of me was the Ignis cologne by Movic, but after searching through several Animates and Kbooks, I began to suspect it might be an online-exclusive item that wasn’t available in stores. (Which was probably a good thing for me cause I was already stretching my budget to the limit by this point haha.)
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On my last night in Japan, I went back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building—only this time I went at night when it was all lit up! I also went up to the observation deck on the 45th floor (something I didn’t know you could do the first time I was there) and enjoyed a fantastic view of nighttime Insomnia Tokyo. It was the perfect bookend to a perfect trip, and my heart is absolutely overflowing right now with love for both Japan and Final Fantasy XV!
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kieranjreed-blog · 6 years
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What’s up, party people? After many moons, I have finally finished my obscenely shitty intro post! So, heyo, Z is here to finally join in on all the fun times, and I’m bringing my baby with me! Hmu on Discord (@ zavier #1358) if you ever wanna chat or plot, because apparently it’s the only app that will even attempt to give me notifications anymore. (Also, please bare with me as I attempt to learn everyone’s characters because hOLY SHIT there are a lot of you.)
(OLLY ALEXANDER, NONBINARY, THEY/THEM) meet KIERAN REED, the CO-LEAD VOCALS of the band PANDEMONIUM. the TWENTY-FOUR year old is definitely HEARTFELT and SOCIABLE, but can also be kind of SPONTANEOUS and CHILDISH. i hope they find success with the band. after all, it’s not easy to make it in the music business these days. (ZAVIER, 20, THEY/THEM, EST)
☈  Background Info:
So Kieran was born in San Francisco, California, and is the oldest of three children. As of three years ago, Kieran’s mother has been raising her three children as a single mother after her and her husband split.
Kieran helped as much as they could with taking care of their younger brothers, having already taken on a lot of responsibility for the two of them pretty much since they were fourteen, even before the divorce.
All three children stayed with their mother after their parents divorced, but they’d still occasionally go and visit their father and their new stepmother. Kieran doesn’t much like her, what with their fierce attachment and loyalty to their mother, but ultimately they hold their tongue because they want their father to be happy -- and anyways, Kieran’s mother raised them to never speaking badly about a woman.
Kieran’s lived in San Fran their entire life, practically. They grew up there, completed seventeen years of schooling there, the whole shebang. Then one day, a few months ago, they decided to throw caution into the wind and move out to LA to pursue their interest in music.
The rest of their family stayed in San Francisco when they moved, so they were quite literally flying blind to the everlasting horror and suspense of their mother.
To ease her worries even a tiny bit, Kieran travels back home to see her, and to see their two younger brothers who still live at home (ages 17 and 13), whenever they can.
☈  Band Things:
Kieran’s been singing casually since they were a kid, but never took any kind of formal lessons. They started posting rock covers online when they were seventeen, and even though their work wasn’t insanely popular or anything, it did help them learn more about making music and their own voice.
Now they visit a vocal coach semi-regularly, someone they met after moving to LA and exploring the music scene a bit. (possible connection, maybe?)
Since they only moved out to LA a few months ago, they’re the newest member of Pandemonium. Some of the bandmates live together, but Kieran lives in their own small apartment. They do frequently visit their other band members, though, whether to work on new songs or just to hang out.
Honestly, auditioning for Pandemonium was another “fuck it” moment for Kieran. They didn’t really expect anything to come from the audition, and they certainly didn’t expect to actually get in, but somehow the universe aligned and someone, somewhere, saw potential in them.
If they were even the smallest bit self-aware, they’d probably be more insecure about their position in the band. But, since they don’t give a fuck, Kieran isn’t worried at all. They’re here for a good time, even if it’s not a long time.
☈ Personality:
Kieran is very family orientated, and always tries to look after their family members. When they were living at home, they spent a lot of time taking care of their younger brothers while their mother was working.
Definitely a “momma’s boy” -- 110%. If there’s one thing Kieran hates, it’s upsetting their mother. As such, they try to hide their flaws and developing bad habits from her (with varying degrees of success). Within two week of moving to LA Kieran picked up smoking, and they still think their mother hasn’t caught on yet.
They’re kind of a disaster when it comes to their own well-being, despite being very dependable when other people are counting on them. They often jump into things without thinking them through fully, or find themself in the middle of some wacky shenanigans with no clue as to how it happened. 
Has a major case of FOMO. Always down for an adventure -- they just want to be included, really.
Women tend to find them charming, but unfortunately it’s not helping  them score any dates since they’re only attracted to men. Kieran is literally incapable of talking bad about women after how their mother raised them, so they tend to get along better with women. 
They’re also obscenely out-there and not afraid to show off their “weird” or “quirky” characteristics. They’ve been out of the closet (both gender and sexuality-wise) since high school, and are very confident in their identity. They’re learned to roll with the punches and, overall, not give a shit about what anyone thinks about them.
Check out my connections page here, or come talk to me about an original plot idea you have!!
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kkoehn17 · 6 years
I feel like I’ve fallen in love with a million things since my last favorites post, so it’s hard to choose only a handful to share with you rather than write a five-page, thesis driven report on everything you should be checking out.
In lieu of that however, I’ve tried to narrow it down to some of my tippity top favorites—which is a thing, right?
The Mortified Podcast
This is a continuation of the “Mortified” series of both books and live events where people share their embarrassing childhood journals.  Each week, the podcast takes on a theme and stories that fit into that theme are shared. For example, this past week’s episode was called “International Affairs” which featured stories about experiences overseas. No matter which episode you watch or listen to, or which format you find them on, they are guaranteed to make you laugh and/or cringe and more than anything relate. (find it here)
M-W Word of the Day
While I like to consider myself as someone with a relatively high vocabulary, I’m always anxious to improve. The way I see it, the more words I know, the more easily I’ll be able to convey exactly what I’m trying to say. So, every day, as part of my morning routine, I check my email and read the word of the day, its definition and its usage in a sentence. Is this a little nerdy? Yes, and I love it.  (find it here)
Eighth Grade
As far as I’m concerned, absolutely everyone should see this movie. It is so honest and beautiful and hilarious and sad. It’s about a time in all of our lives that was so awkward and important, and it offers a rare look back to see how far we’ve come since then. (find it here)
Three Identical Strangers
This movie had a pretty limited release which is absolutely heartbreaking because it is one of the most mind-blowing things I’ve ever seen. And while I’d like to tell you all about it, it is truly one of those films that you have to watch without any prior information. So please, do yourself a favor and don’t do any research on this film other than how you can get your eyes on it as soon as possible! (find it here)
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
This movie is absolutely adorable. It’s the romcom we’ve all needed for a long time. I watched it one night when I was feeling a little down and it gave me so many warm fuzzies,  I watched it again the very next night without even an ounce of shame. (find it on Netflix)
The Sinner
Before watching last year’s award show circuit and seeing Jessica Biel nominated left and right for her performance on this show, I hadn’t really heard anything about it. Needless to say, the minute it was released on Netflix, I went into full blown FOMO mode and made myself sit down and watch the first season. Being the scaredy cat that I have always been, I only watched one or two episodes at a time because I was so nervous about what was going to happen, but when I got close to the end I gave into the binge and let me tell you, it was worth it! I haven’t got a chance to watch any of the second season yet, but it’s definitely on my list! (find it Netflix)
Red Oaks
Taking the hardest of left turns, I bring you Red Oaks, a show I found completely by accident on Amazon Prime. It follows a cast of characters that work at a tennis club in the 80’s. One thing that particularly drew me to this show was Craig Roberts, who I loved in The Fundamentals of Caring. While set in a completely different pair of shoes, you again find yourself rooting for him, which is kind of the theme of the show in my opinion. Over the course of the three seasons, there’s never really any cliffhangers or monumental events that make you gasp, but you still find yourself gripped to the characters who are easily tangible and relatable people who you just want to succeed and be happy. (find it on Amazon Prime)
Making It
This show is honestly my dream come true. A DIY competition show—which alone would’ve stolen my heart—that is hosted by Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler!! It is the greatest gift my DVR could have ever been given. (find it on Hulu, or Tuesdays at 10 p.m. PST on NBC)
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
This was released as a movie in March, but I waited to read the book first and I was so glad I did. Not only do you get a lot more detail, but in many ways (in my opinion) you get a better story.  While I enjoyed both adaptations, the movie and the book are drastically different in terms of minor plot points. I feel like the movie focuses more on video game references while the book’s major focus is the 80’s generation as a whole. (find it here)
Strange Fire by Tommy Wallach
In a recent conversation with my sister I made a comment that I thought Tommy Wallach might be my favorite author, which made me wonder why he hadn’t released any new books lately. This sent me on a Google hunt which informed me that not only had he released this book last October, but that it was the first in a trilogy, the second of which is coming out this November. Cue the happy dancing. This book was much more sci-fi than his first two (both of which you should read, by the way, they are: We All Looked Up and Thanks for the Trouble) but the characters were just as rich and the story was equally gripping. I can’t wait for book #2! (find it here)
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Seeing as it won a Pulitzer Prize and all, I realize it wouldn’t be new information for me to say, “hey, this is a great book!” But I never read this book in school and really only did so now because it’s on the list of Time’s Best 100 Books that I’m working my way through, and I’m SO glad I did! I listened to the audiobook read by Sissy Spacek and she was fantastic. Highly recommend! (find it here)
As always, here’s a few iTunes adjectives to peak your interest
Don’t Smile at Me by Billie Eilish: “nudges things along nicely with its minimalist beats and lifting-yet-sinister lyricism.”
Greetings from the Neon Frontier by The Wild Feathers: “full of wistful highway anthems built on breezy three part harmonies.”
Sweetner by Ariana Grande: “a gorgeous pastel album about love, happiness, strength and womanhood.”
Have anything you’ve been loving over these last couple months? Let me know! My Amazon cart is always open…
See my previous favorites post here.
  July/August 2018 Favorites I feel like I’ve fallen in love with a million things since my last favorites post, so it’s hard to choose only a handful to share with you rather than write a five-page, thesis driven report on everything you should be checking out.
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copiegrandeurnature · 3 years
Imagining our alternate selves can be fuel for fantasy or fodder for regret. Most of us aren’t haunted so acutely by the people we might have been. But, perhaps for a morning or a month, our lives can still thrum with the knowledge that it could have been otherwise. 
“The thought that I might have become someone else is so bland that dwelling on it sometimes seems fatuous,” the literary scholar Andrew H. Miller writes, in “On Not Being Someone Else: Tales of Our Unled Lives” (Harvard). Still, phrased the right way, the thought has an insistent, uncanny magnetism. Miller’s book is, among other things, a compendium of expressions of wonder over what might have been. Miller quotes Clifford Geertz, who, in “The Interpretation of Cultures,” wrote that “one of the most significant facts about us may finally be that we all begin with the natural equipment to live a thousand kinds of life but end in the end having lived only one.” He cites the critic William Empson: “There is more in the child than any man has been able to keep.” We have unlived lives for all sorts of reasons: because we make choices; because society constrains us; because events force our hand; most of all, because we are singular individuals, becoming more so with time. “While growth realizes, it narrows,” Miller writes. “Plural possibilities simmer down.” This is painful, but it’s an odd kind of pain—hypothetical, paradoxical. Even as we regret who we haven’t become, we value who we are. We seem to find meaning in what’s never happened. Our self-portraits use a lot of negative space.
“You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife,” David Byrne sings, in the Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime.” “And you may ask yourself, ‘Well, how did I get here?’ ” Maybe you feel suddenly pushed around by your life, and wonder if you could have willed it into a different shape. Perhaps you suddenly remember, as Hilary Mantel did, that you have another self “filed in a drawer of your consciousness, like a short story that wouldn’t work after the opening lines.” Today, your life is irritating, like an ill-fitting garment; you can’t forget it’s there. “You may tell yourself, ‘This is not my beautiful house. . . . This is not my beautiful wife,’ ” Byrne sings. Swept up in our real lives, we quickly forget about the unreal ones. Still, there will be moments when, for good or for ill, we feel confronted by our unrealized possibilities; they may even, through their persistence, shape us. Practitioners of mindfulness tell us that we should look away, returning our gaze to the actual, the here and now. But we might have the opposite impulse, as Miller does. He wants us to wander in the hall of mirrors—to let our imagined selves “linger longer and say more.” What can our unreal selves say about our real ones?
It’s likely, Miller thinks, that capitalism, “with its isolation of individuals and its accelerating generation of choices and chances,” has increased the number of our unlived lives. “The elevation of choice as an absolute good, the experience of chance as a strange affront, the increasing number of exciting, stultifying decisions we must make, the review of the past to improve future outcomes”—all these “feed the people we’re not.” Advertisers sell us things by getting us to imagine better versions of ourselves, even though there’s only one life to live: it’s “yolo + fomo,” a friend tells Miller, summing up the situation nicely. The nature of work deepens the problem. “Unlike the agricultural and industrial societies that preceded it,” Miller writes, our “professional society” is “made up of specialized careers, ladders of achievement.” You make your choice, forgoing others: year by year, you “clamber up into your future,” thinking back on the ladders unclimbed.
Historic events generate unlived lives. Years from now, we may wonder where we would be if the coronavirus pandemic hadn’t shifted us onto new courses. Sometimes we can see another life opening out to one side, like a freeway exit. Miller recounts the sad history of Jack and Ennis, the cowboys in Annie Proulx’s story “Brokeback Mountain,” who are in love but live in Wyoming in the nineteen-sixties and seventies, and so must hide it. They disagree about how to understand their predicament. Ennis has no “serious hard feelings,” Proulx tells us. “Just a vague sense of getting short-changed.” But Jack, Miller writes, “is haunted by the lives they might have led together, running a little ranch or living in Mexico, somewhere away from civilization and its systematic and personal violence.” Jack tells Ennis, “We could a had a good life together, a fuckin real good life.” The existence he has is spoiled by the one he doesn’t.
It makes sense for Jack to dwell on how things might have turned out in a better world. And yet we can have the same kinds of thoughts even when we’re basically happy with our lives. The philosopher Charles Taylor, who has written much about the history of selfhood, has a theory about why we can’t just accept the way things are: he thinks that sometime toward the end of the eighteenth century two big trends in our self-understanding converged. We learned to think of ourselves as “deep” individuals, with hidden wellsprings of feeling and talent that we owed it to ourselves to find. At the same time, we came to see ourselves objectively—as somewhat interchangeable members of the same species and of a competitive mass society. Subjectivity and objectivity both grew more intense. We came to feel that our lives, pictured from the outside, failed to reflect the vibrancy within.
A whole art form—the novel—has been dedicated to exploring this dynamic. Novelists often show us people who, trapped by circumstances, struggle to live their “real” lives. Such a struggle can be Escher-like; a “real” life is one in which a person no longer yearns to find herself, and yet the work of finding oneself is itself a source of meaning. In Tolstoy’s “Anna Karenina,” Anna, caught in a boring marriage, destroys her life in an attempt to build a more passionate, authentic one with Count Vronsky. All the while, Levin, the novel’s other hero, is so confused about how to live that he longs for the kind of boring, automatic life that Anna left behind. Part of the work of being a modern person seems to be dreaming of alternate lives in which you don’t have to dream of alternate lives. We long to stop longing, but we also wring purpose from that desire.
An “unled” life sounds like one we might wish to lead—shoulda, coulda, woulda. But, while I’m conscious of my unlived lives, I don’t wish to have led one. In fact, as the father of a two-year-old, I find the prospect frightening. In “Midlife: A Philosophical Guide,” the philosopher Kieran Setiya points out that, thanks to the “butterfly effect,” even minor alterations to our pasts would likely have major effects on our presents. 
Sartre thought we should focus on what we have done and will do, rather than on what we might have done or could do. He pointed out that we often take too narrow a census of our actions. An artist, he maintains, is not to be “judged solely by his works of art, for a thousand other things also help to define him.” We do more than we give ourselves credit for; our real lives are richer than we think. This is why, if you keep a diary, you may feel more satisfied with the life you live. And yet you may still wonder at the particular shape of that life; all stories have turning points, and it’s hard not to fixate on them.
Miller quotes the poem “Veracruz,” by George Stanley, in full. It opens by the sea in Mexico, where Stanley is walking on an esplanade. He thinks of how his father once walked on a similar esplanade in Cuba. Step by step, he imagines alternative lives for his father and for himself. What if his dad had moved to San Francisco and “married / not my mother, but her brother, whom he truly loved”? What if his father had transformed himself into a woman, and Stanley had been the child of his father and his uncle? Maybe he would have been born female, and “grown up in San Francisco as a girl, / a tall, serious girl.” If all that had happened, then today, walking by the sea in Mexico, he might be able to meet a sailor, have an affair, and “give birth at last to my son—the boy / I love.”
“Veracruz” reminds me of the people I know who believe in past lives, and of stories like the one David Lynch tells in “Twin Peaks,” in which people seem to step between alternate lives without knowing it. Such stories satisfy us deeply because they reconcile contrary ideas we have about ourselves and our souls. On the one hand, we understand that we could have turned out any number of ways; we know that we aren’t the only possible versions of ourselves. But, on the other, we feel that there is some fundamental light within us—a filament that burns, with its own special character, from birth to death. We want to think that, whoever we might have been, we would have burned with the same light. At the end of “Veracruz,” the poet comes home to the same son.
As Sartre says, we are who we are. But isn’t the negative space in a portrait part of that portrait? In the sense that our unled lives have been imagined by us, and are part of us, they are real; to know what someone isn’t—what she might have been, what she’s dreamed of being—this is to know someone intimately. When we first meet people, we know them as they are, but, with time, we perceive the auras of possibility that surround them. Miller describes the emotion this experience evokes as “beauty and heartbreak together.”
The novel I think of whenever I have this feeling is Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse.” Mrs. Ramsay, its central character, is the mother of eight children; the linchpin of her family, she is immersed in the practicalities of her crowded, communal life. Still, even as she attends to the particulars—the morning’s excursion, the evening’s dinner—she senses that they are only placeholders, or handles with which she can grasp something bigger. The details of life seem to her both worthy of attention and somehow arbitrary; the meaning of the whole feels tied up in its elusiveness. One night, she is sitting at dinner, surrounded by her children and her guests. She listens to her husband talking about poetry and philosophy; she watches her children whisper some private joke. (She can’t know that two of them will die: a daughter in childbirth, a son in the First World War.) Then she softens her focus. “She looked at the window in which the candle flames burnt brighter now that the panes were black,” Woolf writes, “and looking at that outside the voices came to her very strangely, as if they were voices at a service in a cathedral.” In this inner quiet, lines of poetry sound:
And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be Are full of trees and changing leaves.
Mrs. Ramsay isn’t quite sure what these lines mean, and doesn’t know if she invented them, has just heard them, or is remembering them. Still, Woolf writes, “like music, the words seemed to be spoken by her own voice, outside her self, saying quite easily and naturally what had been in her mind the whole evening while she said different things.” We all dwell in the here and now; we all have actual selves, actual lives. But what are they? Selves and lives have penumbras and possibilities—that’s what’s unique about them. They are always changing, and so are always new; they refuse to stand still. We live in anticipation of their meaning, which will inevitably exceed what can be known or said. Much must be left unsaid, unseen, unlived.
Excerpt from: Joshua Rothman, ‘What If You Could Do It All Over? The uncanny allure of our unlived lives’, in: The New Yorker (December 14, 2020).
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looklikethetime · 7 years
Take The Mask and GO IN
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My 26th visit to The McKittrick, November 19th, Late Show
I so so so wanted to see Maximilian in the bar. I’d been dreaming about it for weeks, his cavalier whimsy and playfulness. But, alas, it was not to be. (Unrequited love is one thing, but at least be there, honey!)
My favorite thing to do in the world is to bring virgins to the McKittrick. I love sharing all the possibilities the hotel has to offer with everyone I know. The love, the lust, the joy and the pain. Most of all, the magic. I love how it feels leading up to the day….not really telling them much and  reveling in their anticipation, their hopefulness. I love standing in line with them and allowing their excitement to wash over me and become my own. I love their expressions when they walk into the Manderley and get seduced by the lighting, the music and the soft chatter. I love hearing their cards being called and sensing their nervousness…”What do I do, where do I go?”
Sometimes ( a lot of the time!) I allow my preoccupation with their experience to overshadow my own. My excitement about how THEY will feel. It happened again this past Sunday night.
I was the first one out of the elevator and was let out on the 5th floor. I found myself rushing down the stairs, to the first floor..(SPOILERS)
on a mission to “not miss anything”. I wanted to see all of it, experience everything, feel all of the feelings. And it is not lost on me that this is how I’ve been behaving in my life and my business lately. Major FOMO, overextended, wanting to do it all. It’s not serving me and somehow, still, ….I don’t want to stop right now.
Nothing happening down here, I thought to myself and I bounded up the stairs to the Lobby. I’ve never been good at remembering timing of what happens when, so I’m just “chasing” feelings at this point. OK, I see the Porter behind the desk and I’m...impatient with him. Not ready to commit, I find the stairs again and up to the 4th floor I race, surely something exciting is happening there...and I catch Macbeth's entrance to the witches rave. I’ve never entered at this time nor viewed it at this angle before. It was like seeing things from his perspective instead of the Witches’. It was fun and yet still, I felt disconnected, still wanting more. (as if several bloody bodies in various states of undress writhing to techno beats is somehow not enough!)
Still I wandered up and down from floor to floor until I caught the ballroom scene. It’s always been one of my favorites and again I caught it from a different angle this time which made it feel new and fresh. And, oh, Banquo, you deliriously handsome devil, You. Can. Dance. I was truly feeling the music as the witches’ spells crescendo to entrance the party goers and set the stage for evil-doing. I felt myself relax into this and slow down. My inner speed was slowing down to meet the time signature of the McKittrick. Slowing down, synching up.
This slowness allowed me to access my patience. It allowed me to notice more. 
I went on to view my all time favorite scene, I’ve only ever seen once before (and It was Austin  Goodwin - I mean, how do you ever top that?)- Boy Witch (Gage Self) singing “Is That All There Is” by Peggy Lee. His interaction with The Porter right before the scene, his emotion all throughout - it’s all almost too much to bear. I felt myself falling and falling deeper into the heart of the hotel. In time with it’s heartbeat, in concert with it’s breathing. 
It wasn’t long after that I made my way back to The Manderley for a cocktail and to put my feet up for a few minutes. I found myself sitting next to a young couple who just finished seeing The Illusionist’s Table and was enjoying some champagne while listening to Stella Sinclar sing her heart out. (and talk about serving it for Thanksgiving). The man (I want to say boy because I am old(er)) was telling me about how he went to SNM once and mostly stayed on one floor because he didn't know what to do. They asked me about my experiences at the hotel and I explained that I found it in 2012, moved to Texas in 2013 and still make it a priority to go back a few times a year. It’s that important to me. The woman (girl) was SO DARLING and explained she’s never been but really wanted to go. Something came over me and I offered her my mask, wanting so very much for her to pop it on and go experience all of it, even if only for a little while. She was excited and wanted to do it but the man (boy) said something like...no...let’s wait until we can do it together. I actually saw her flame dim. She agreed and we went on to talk for a little while longer. (Honey, you should have taken that fucking mask and gone in. You WANTED to and you let him make the decision for you. Don’t do that. It’s YOUR life and YOU get to decide ALL OF THE THINGS. I say this with love and from experience.)
Fast forward, post-finale, and my friends had THE BEST TIME EVER! They both had 1:1’s and one of them had 2! They fell in love, felt the lust, got “neck-nuzzled”, crawled through boxes, played cards, drank shots, protected a pregnant woman (insomuch as you can protect her) and remembered for a little while that life IS magic. And magic is real.
I was thankful for what the hotel had to teach me that night.
It  somehow always knows what we need.
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I had a weird dream last night. It wasn't really a nightmare but it wasn't far from it either? It was a zombie apocolypse in VR but felt real? LOL like a double inception simulation type deal. Anyway, I pretty much woke up with adrenaline pumping in my veins. It turned out to be a good thing cos I thought I was gonna be hella sluggish from SZA considering I got to bed around 1am & my alarm was 5:30am. I skipped taking a shower so I could get another 30 minutes in though.
Work was good because the day went fast. But if I break it down it was because we had two new kids. One of them I'm pretty sure is autistic & the other doesn't speak english. It was hard to get the autistic boy to listen or sit still & the girl who isn't bilingual just yet I think she was stressed out about being left with strangers & not being able to communicate what she wants. But like I said, it made the day go fast. It was busy.
My favourite burger place reopened after the owner had went on a holiday break. So it was good to go there for lunch today. He was happy to see me & my mate. I'm pretty sure we're a few of his local usuals. Haha
I placed a few bets recently too. I'm being smart about it though. I only put in $20 & doing $1 bets. At the moment I'm sitting on $35. (Dooyeah $15 profit - which went towards my lunch early that day.) But yeah I feel like I have a safety system in place incase I dip. $20 only per month. If i lose the $20 nothing can be put in till the following month. & if I am over $20 at the end of the month withdraw the extra & start again with a $20. At the moment Basketball & Tennis is the only things I'm game on. But when March rolls around Rugby League will be back. 😎😎😎
I took Shana home today from work. She told me at FOMO she thought about using MDMA during the concert but then decided aganist it because she wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to her unborn baby just so she could get high for a couple of hours. I'm glad she has that foresight to know better. I do feel she is a good person that has just had shit luck throughout a majority of her life. I'm hoping I can help her in any positive way even if it's as small as dropping her home from work so she doesn't have to catch the bus or spend money on an uber.
Weirdly, I think I'm noticing a pattern that I'll be drawn to people that have been through trauma. I'll connect with these people on some level & always try to do something to help them cos I know what it's like to go through shit on your own. It's the worst thing, but it's that little bit easier with good people to pull you out of the slump.
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casey-face · 7 years
So I have this "friend" who shows herself increasingly every day to be really problematic.
She fat shames people, and when I call her out on it by saying I'm really fat (objectively speaking, I am in fact very over weight for my height and age) she says I shouldn't say bad things about my own body, even though she just said bad things about someone else's body. In turn, she calls herself fat (objectively speaking, she is in fact underweight for her height and age). I often tell her this is problematic because she is totally shamming body positivity by telling me she's fat when she isn't, and I am, and by equating our very different body types with negative conotations. She continues this behavior.
I have called her out several times by saying that she is homophobic due to homophobic behaviors. I do not label my own sexuality, for the record, but feel it very important for people to straight up call out homophobic behavior no matter sexuality, so I do. She used to call things "gay" with negative conotation. And after I called her out on this, she stopped. But she says things like "ew" when seeing two girls kiss, or calls other girls lesbians for how they dress, calls boys gay for acting a certain way, saying things like "i dont want to hang with gay boys" IN FRONT OF gay boys, constantly questions people's sexuality whether or not it is directly relevant to her (and discusses peoples' sexuality with others when they arent present), and every time I tell her she is being homophobic, she says "I'm not homophobic but...." But nothing. You are homophobic. I will not stop calling her out on this, but I will say it is getting tiring.
She prioritizes going out/drinking/men over everything else. She has major FOMO, and cant admit that she would rather hang out with cool people rather than good people (not that these things are mutually exclusive). She's really immature about her choices and who she surrounds herself with, and I feel like if we weren't coworkers, we wouldn't be friends.
Maybe that's a blessing. I will play nice because I have to work with her, but I'm tired of trying to teach her morals. She's just clearly not someone I can vibe with, morally, which is most important. I hope this newfound resentment doesn't affect work too much. I think she might be starting to hate me for it, but if so, then more reason not to be friends. I do not stand for injustice based on who you are: gay or fat or alcohol-free or single.
Where are all the good people?
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