#i would love to sit on them longer and like. add some more shape variety
ssspringroll · 4 months
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ok hi and lo poly versions of each braid shape now. the low poly ones are a little pointy BUT they significantly reduce the overall poly count of the braid. so if you're gonna be having a lot of small braids, or even just any amount of small (diameter, not length) braids, then lo poly is probably the way to go. If the braid is meant to be a centerpiece/object that draws attention/large chunky radius/just one braid in the whole hair, then a hi poly would be a better choice.
(these braids are the exact same length and shape, as they were both following the same exact curve, and you can see the triangle count (which should be the poly count in s4s) drop from 13k to only 3k. 13k would be pushing it for an entire hair's polycount, so its definitely still pretty demanding to put a braid in, but not as demanding as it would be to literally braid 3 strands of geometry like i've seen a bunch of tutorials demonstrating. im not even gonna try that.)
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nagirambles · 2 years
You got any unpopular opinions ? For an example I wished Erza had an scar across her eye , wished Natsu kept his long hair (bonus if he put it in a ponytail 😍) it be cool seeing Gray wearing ear piercing 👀 as for Lucy maybe blue eyes so she doesn’t look to much like her mother (that and her dad has blue eyes ) as much as I love plue it be cool if she summoned Pyxis more (that and I think he be a very useful spirit for plot purposes🤷‍♀️) Wendy miss her Bob hair style , exceeds another arc ?
I don't think those are unpopular opinions, but I get what you mean!
I have quite a few, but generally, I super agree with all of what you’ve said. Lucy having different colour eyes would be cool too! Honestly, she, Layla, and Anna should have more differences than clothing... like, give Layla some wrinkles, like she had in her first appearance in Phantom Arc. Hell, give her longer hair maybe? Like, floor length kind of long that is always tied up elaborately? So Lucy can keep the shoulderlength? And Anna would be interesting with short hair, because back then wars and all, it would fit. I would love to see Anna having tattoos or scars, tattoos maybe related to spirits would be cool! Kind of like the Aquarius mark that Lucy has around her collar, but related to the CSK... or maybe even related to acnologia, it would add so much potential lore. 
I want more characters to have piercings and tattoos! Very few characters have non-guildmark tattoos. One of them is Laxus, and it looks super cool. More characters should have stuff like that!
On the topic of guild marks, though, I do really think it’d have been cute to see Lisanna have her guild mark at her ankle or calf, instead of the upper thigh. I know it’s to match Mira, but a spot unique to her would be nice. Alas, she isn’t really written well or at all, so oh well.
I think it’d be cool if Erza had an eye scar, definitely! I also think a lot about her having her mark on her back, the same place as Grandpa Rob, instead of her arm. I actually want all of the TOH kids, including O6, to have permanent injuries or scars of some sort, like Jellal having a permanent wrist injury from getting hung by them for weeks. Millianna and Sho being underdeveloped/stunted from malnutrition. Maybe Erza should get tattoos to cover some of the worst scars she’s had, and it would be sweet to see that it matches someone in the guild, like Gray or Cana for example. Maybe they got it with her because she was apprehensive of the needle?
Oh! Speaking of Erza! I want her to stand on the hilt of her sword and ride it to fly. I want her to have a sword that can do that, because she wanted to fly in the sky when she was in the tower. She should definitely have an ability that lets her fly, not with wings, but while sitting or standing on something like a cute witch!
So, I want to say I love the long, curly hairstyle that Sherry, Meredy, Evergreen, Cana, and Juvia have. But I hate it, because Mashima seems to think that’s the only ‘glowup’ a girl can have. Seriously, keep Juvia’s short hair, that was so cute! Laki has similar hair, but at least she has a ponytail. Meredy just looks like Sherry but with a pastel colouring? Evergreen should have kept the bun. My problem isn’t that it’s not pretty-- they’re gorgeous and I love that hairstyle so much... but add this on to Cana and you have at least half a dozen girls that all look exactly the same in a black and white medium. This is not good character design variety at all! Among these type of hairstyle redesigns, I think Romeo’s look stupid with the chestnut-ish shape whatever, and somehow, Kinana has turned out to look exactly like Ur at the end of the show?? Seriously they should have all just stayed in their initial designs. It’s not like Natsu or Erza changed, why did they need so many pointless changes? Why did Vijeeter turn middle eastern? Why did Jura change religions?? 
I was talking about hair. But my point is that yes. everyone who had short hair(/long hair for Natsu) at some point should have kept it that way, including Wendy, that was so important to her development. One of the things Mashima tries to do but fails is give characters important ‘development haircuts’ to mark a huge turning point or growth. A good example is Sakura’s haircut in Naruto. Mashima fails to give nearly the same amount of impact because 1. Lucy’s hair changes so often, her 1y timeskip long hair just feels like a new hairstyle rather than ‘oh, she’s grown up now!’. and 2. Wendy’s hair at the end of the FACE confrontation would have been perfect as her peak statement of resolve, and her short hair should have been kept as a physical reminder of that fact. But they immediately gave the long hair back, so we cannot physically mark down the point where Wendy arrived at the climax of her development. She doesn’t look like she’s changed at all. This is manga, You can’t just tell us things and forget about it, you have to show it to us and mark it down with a permanent reminder somewhere, anywhere, like Gray’s brow scar after Galuna, Erza’s new armor design after TOH, and Juvia’s complete style change after TOH, just to timestamp this change for the readers. Instead of committing to these changes, Mashima gave Wendy’s hair back immediately and Juvia’s hair back after the peak of her arc in Fantasia. Instead, Mashima gave and kept ‘I’ve grown up now’ hairstyles for Sherry and Evergreen, both of whom hardly got any focus beyond some resolve lines twenty chapters after the reveal of the new hair. Mashima... please... 
Other unpopular opinions... in general I hate the way Lucy’s magic is written. She just keeps spamming spirits back and forth. She runs out of magic, then she learns how to summon Leo without a key. And then she learns how to summon two spirits back and forth! Then she learns Star Dresses, so now she can spam different dresses back and forth! Like, Mashima. What the hell, man? We emphasize so much on her not having enough magic to open too many gates a day, but instead of trying to work around that, we just keep finding loopholes (Loke coming himself, Star Dresses) so we can keep doing it anyway. What’s the point? ‘Lucy does not have a lot of magic’ is emphasized so much as her magic’s main drawback, and yet, she never attempts to work around it. She just keeps doing it to look cool, and then when she runs out of magic, ‘oh no, I’m out of magic!’ like, what did you expect to happen? Mashima, don’t do her dirty like that! She’s smarter than this! Seriously what happened to the whip... I love the idea of Celestial Spirit magic so much, but after Edolas, Lucy was devolved into a Pokemon Master, and none of the spirits themselves ever got any development ever again. it’s such a shame. 
Sorry. Rambled about that again. But that aside. 
The silver spiritttttss!! Like, I don’t really care for Plue, we all know he’s just around to fill up panel space. I don’t care that Plue isn’t contributing to this story because Plue is just an Easter egg, non-talking plushie of a creature, and doesn’t need to. But seriously, Mashima only cares about Plue and Horologium! We should have seen more CS mages and Silver spirits over the course of the story. I don’t care if we see three thousand more Nicola, I want to see a random kid hugging one in the background because Plue is apparently a popular pet spirit. I just want to see CS having more significance in this world. Let Lucy fight another CS mage, why are there no silver-exclusive CS mages? Does anyone remember how damn cool Caelum was? There’s more Caelum out there since it’s a silver key, so why is no one using it?! T^T
Also... this is a real unpopular opinion I think... but I wish Loke kept his furry hoodie style. The suit doesn’t really suit him, and clashes with Capricorn. The suit feels more ‘Blue Pegasus’, you know? I think he looks badass and really cool in the suit and I go hype seeing him in it, but I also feel like the punk, comfy hoodie style suits him more as the ‘Loke’ that is Lucy’s treasured friend, you know? He doesn’t have to stick to professional even though he’s gone back to being a Celestial Spirit. I feel it’d be nice. Though I don’t feel very strongly about this one, it’s just a thought I’ve had. 
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stellasorbet · 2 years
Making Your Own DIY Dress Form
Dress forms- the unfortunately necessary component of draping. Do I absolutely LOVE utilizing them? Yes! But do I love the cost of a professional one? No.
Before we get into how to make your own dress form, let's talk about what they are, and why they're so useful when it comes to sewing.
What Is A Dress Form?
So, what exactly is a dress form? Well, they are what the untrained eye would probably call a mannequin. Taking the shape of a human, they come in a variety of sizes, as well as "male" and "female". (See image below). For an additional cost, they can also have legs and arms that are traditionally detachable. They can also be customized with padding to fit the precise measurements that, say, a costume designer might need when doing fittings and designs for shows.
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Why Should I Consider Using A Dress Form?
Now, what makes them so useful? If you're like me a detest math and hope to use it as little as possible when designing garments, using dress forms for draping is a godsend. You can easily make patterns and nix the traditional, mathematic-heavy methods of patterning by pinning fabric and manipulating it to fit the desired look. In the most basic of terms, this is what we would call draping. Once you've pinned the fabric, taking a pencil and marking where it sits and its folds are all you have to do. Then once it's removed, you essentially have your pattern to use! I've made almost all of my patterns this way at home, and I don't foresee myself going back to the traditional methods I used in the costume shop and during my patterning independent study.
If you're not able to dish out hundreds for a professional-grade dress form, you do have the option to make it yourself. Will it be perfect? No. Will it do the job until you're able to thrift one or find something more cost-effective? Yes!
Making The Dress Form
What Materials You'll Need:
Duct tape or similar (1-2 rolls depending on size)
Plastic Wrap (1 box is fine)
A plain t-shirt or dress
Stuffing (3-5 bags depending on size)
A friend!
A stand or rod to use as a stand for the dress form
Dawn your fitted t-shirt, or garment, and have your friend ready to lend a helping hand.
Take the plastic wrap and have your second person wrap your body up snugly in the plastic wrap. Be sure to cover all areas as this is the protective barrier between your body and any areas that the tape could stick to.
Once you're wrapped in the plastic layer, go ahead and get the duct tape out. Get to wrapping! It doesn't have to be one continuous ribbon of tape- don't be afraid to cut it up. Having smaller strips will help the tape accentuate any curves to really fit the true shape of whoever is the dress form's model.
After there has been a good amount of layers on the model (I'd say about 3-4), go ahead and make sure there aren't any gaps. From there, take your scissors and CAREFULLY cut down the back of the cast. You can cut into the shirt if this is easier, but try to keep it the cut through the tape and plastic only. This should avoid any snags on the skin.
Once your model has been released, go ahead and tape the area that was cut so it's all one form again.
From here, tape up the neck and armhole portions as best as you can.
Now, take the stuffing and stuff up the dress form to make sure the shape stays. Be sure to fill it enough and make sure that it is firm.
Finally, tape up the bottom of the dress form! If you have a stand, you can tape around the stand, or simply stop there. You should have a dress form now that you can use for draping for the time being!
Upkeep Note: Sometimes we change shape or size! That's totally fine. If we notice out patterns no longer fit the dress form we have, all you need to do is add some padding (either foam or tape over some more stuffing) to customize the size of our form.
It's okay if it's a little wonky. For now, you can use it to practice and to make a few patterns until you're able and ready for an upgrade. Be sure to keep a look out for any secondhand dress forms or SOFT mannequins (so they can be pinned to) that fit your budget on places like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and local thrift shops.
Practice pinning and see what works best for you!
Happy Sewing, <3
0 notes
7-wonders · 3 years
Hardships Unnumbered
Summary: The quest to save Julia begins, but not everything is as it seems in this mystical land.
Word Count: 1969
A/N: Hi friends! This is the second chapter of my Labyrinth King!Michael AU fic, "It's Only Forever." I'll link the first chapter down below. I hope that you enjoy and, as always, likes, comments, and reblogs make my world go round.
(also there's a couple of little easter eggs/one big one and I'm really excited to see who figures them out)
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Chapter One
Though you put your hands out in front of you to brace yourself, it doesn’t help you to discern which way is up and which way is down until you finally stop rolling. With a groan, you shove yourself up to your feet. Your palms are scraped and slightly bleeding, your jeans are torn at the knees, and leaves and twigs now adorn your hair. All in all, this is not the way you had hoped to start this mission to get Julia back.
Now that you’re already at the bottom of the hill, it’s easier to decide how to start this jaunt through the Labyrinth. After all, you certainly can’t go back up, and the solid ground beneath your feet only leads one way. The shining spires of Michael's castle at the center of the maze, closer than you had thought, rise high above you and act as a compass. All factors considered, you can definitely run this in a couple of hours. Then, once you’re both safely out of here, your first order of business is to call the cops.
Your confidence begins to fade the longer that you walk along with the wall separating you from the inside of the maze. There’s no door, or arch, or opening anywhere to be seen. Turning around, you look back to see if you’ve missed the entrance. Instead of finding one, movement catches your eye. A man, tall and willowy, cries out victoriously at something trapped under his foot. He seems to be your best bet, and you decide to approach him.
“Excuse me?” you say.
The man startles, obviously not expecting to see anybody here. “Oh!” he cries in surprise, looking at you as if you’re the first person to ever cross his path. His hair is bleached to look almost white, and he has a pair of oddly-shaped sunglasses with purple lenses covering his eyes. The checkered jumpsuit, complete with ruffles on the shoulders, both does and doesn’t go with the sunglasses. You’re not quite sure why the people that live here dress so funny, but it’s making you feel underdressed.
“Which way do I go to get into the Labyrinth?”
“Now, why would I tell you that?”
“Because you must have come from there,” you pause, looking down at the man’s foot when you hear a squeaking, “oh! Is that a fairy?”
“Mhm.” Your childlike wonder is abruptly swept out from under you when he kicks the small, blue creature into the forest.
“Why did you do that? That wasn’t very nice!”
“Go ahead and pick one up,” the man says, “you’ll see how nice they are when you’re missing a finger.” As if to prove his point, a fairy flies up to you and hisses in your face, showing off two rows of razor sharp teeth. “What is it that you wanted, again?”
You huff. “To know which way to go to get into the Labyrinth.”
“Did you try asking it?”
“I’m sorry, what?” You roll your eyes in disbelief before mocking him. “‘Labyrinth, please let me in!’ Is that what I should say?”
He doesn’t have to respond, for a sudden rumbling has you turning around. To your shock, there’s suddenly an open space in the wall that hadn’t been there just a second ago.
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m Gallant.” You want to tell him that you weren’t guessing his name, you don’t even want to know his name, but he continues. “Who are you?”
“Ah, that’s right.” So this is one of Michael’s ‘subjects?’ After all, if your dreams have been right (and you’re still half-convinced this is just the elaborate scheme of some unhinged weirdo and not magic, despite what you just saw), then that means that Michael is also the ruler of the Underworld. With that logic, Gallant must be some sort of a demon. If that’s the case, you certainly don’t want anything to do with him.
“Well,” you say awkwardly, “I’m going to go now. Running on limited time, and all that.”
“You’re just going to go in there? Alone?”
“But--but the Labyrinth leads to the Labyrinth King!”
“That’s kind of the whole reason why I’m here.”
“You’re going to get hurt in there.” Gallant gasps. “You could even die in there!”
You set your shoulders, walking to the hole in the wall and glancing back. “I won’t, but thanks for the concern.”
“Wait!” Even if you did want to listen to what he had to say, you couldn’t, for the wall closes back up on itself the moment you step through it. Mildly jarred though you may be, there’s not much you can do to change this, so you turn around and try to figure out whether to go right or left. Both directions look exactly the same, so with the flip of a mental coin, you go right.
After both walking and jogging for what must have been over a mile, you’re no closer to any sort of landmark that would tell you where you are or how close you are to the castle. There haven’t even been any corners to turn past, just one long, unending aisle. You’re starting to feel a little claustrophobic as you finally come to a stop, needing to take a break for a minute. Sinking down against the wall into a sitting position, you find yourself looking back and forth down the path. Both directions look exactly the same, for as far as you can see. You groan dejectedly and put your head in your hands, allowing yourself a moment of pity before getting up and trying again.
“Hey there!”
You jump at the sudden Southern-sounding voice. “Who’s there?”
“Me, of course!”
Looking around, you see a small door just to your left, and a small woman, probably less than a foot tall, standing next to you. Her curly blonde hair is pulled up into a ponytail, showing off her pointy ears. “And you’re...talking to me?”
“There’s nobody else around, is there?” The woman glances inside the open door. “‘Cept the missus, of course.”
Another woman, also blonde, pokes her head outside and smiles up at you. “Hello!”
“Why don’t ya come inside for a while? ‘Delia makes a killer gumbo.”
“Uh...no thanks. I’m just taking a break for a moment before I find a way to the castle.”
The woman’s face turns severe, and she holds her shawl tighter around herself. “You must be awfully brave if you’re so determined to go up there.”
Brave? You wouldn’t call yourself brave. Stupid, maybe, for bowing to the whims of the guy who’s kidnapped your charge, but not brave.
“But anyways, just go through the wall across from us and you’ll be on your way.”
You look in front of you to see the solid wall. “Through there?”
She nods.
Logic is telling you that this is obviously false, but, considering the same thing happened with Gallant, it can’t hurt to try. Standing up, you cautiously put your hand up to the wall, expecting to meet, well, a wall. Instead, you almost fall through a doorway that leads to another passage in the Labyrinth. “Well, I’ll be damned.”
“You will be if you keep going.”
You choose to ignore this, at this point knowing that everybody who lives here is terrified of their ruler. “Thanks for the help.”
The elf stares at your back as you walk through the new corridor, figure becoming smaller and smaller. “If she would have stuck around, I would have been able to get her on the right track back home, not towards that horrible man.”
From inside the house, a timer beeps. “Misty, supper’s ready!”
In the stone chamber of the King of the Underworld’s throne room, a three year old girl is currently winning a staring contest against a demon. Michael watches as the demon’s eyes begin to water (with blood, of course), before he eventually gives in and blinks. The little girl cheers before looking at Michael.
“My daddy’s gonna kick your butt, you know. He saved mama from aliens once.”
“Silence, child,” Michael commands, but he can’t help the twitch of a smile at the corner of his mouth. It’s difficult to hide his amusement when this child is the most lively thing to grace his castle since...well, he can’t quite remember since when.
Being surrounded by demons of all shapes and sizes, with a variety of horns or extra eyes or tails, gets old after a while. Demons, quite frankly, are a bore. All they want to do is scare people and cause mayhem, yet continue to use the same methods that have been in place for thousands of years. If Michael’s being honest with himself, everything’s a bore to him here. In the early years, this job had been quite fun. Lots of naive humans to terrify and endless souls to torture.
Michael himself had been prone to naivety, then. It was easy to deal with the buffoons that called themselves demons when it seemed that, soon enough, he would find somebody to share this burden with him. After all, it was the guy upstairs who believed that emotions were for the humans. Michael, however, found it to be one of the most carnal pleasures. To love, and to be loved, seemed like the greatest sin. As the years passed, and the whole routine of ruling the Underworld became stale, Michael began to embrace the feelings of dejection, while simultaneously dreading the thought of an eternity alone.
That’s why, no matter the outcome of tonight, Michael would at least have something to add a little color to his black-and-white world. At the very least, the child would provide much-needed entertainment in the Underworld. She seems quite creative, which could potentially lend itself to some new and innovative torture methods. But, that would almost be a non-starter, considering the whole reason that she’s here, the whole reason Michael implemented this plan in the first place, is to get to you.
You, who managed to somehow win over demons disguised as beggars that loitered outside of the bookstore you worked for. You, who was constantly coming up with your own ideas for stories, creating and erasing entire worlds within your mind (a power far more powerful than any regular magic, Michael believes). You, who had somehow managed to vex and enchant him, without ever having spoken a word to him. He had seen you on one of his visits up Above, talking to a beggar demon as if they were your equal, offering food and shelter to their grotesque form. From then on, he knew that he had to have you, and from that, a plan was born. The Labyrinth, which he had subtly placed in every single one of your dreams for months now, was impossible to run through. You would inevitably lose. And when that happens, he’s prepared to accept your frantic offer where you exchange yourself for the child. He is, after all, a benevolent ruler.
“Mr. Michael?” Julia questions, breaking Michael out of his pondering.
Michael hums, deciding that he won’t lecture her on the importance of referring to rulers by their titles. “Yes, little one?”
“Do you have juice here? ‘M thirsty.”
“Abaddon!” Michael calls, the demon appearing in a puff of smoke. “Get our guest some refreshments.”
The demon turns to do Michael’s bidding, shocked when Julia grabs their clawed hand and skips along with them. “I really like your spiky horns,” she says.
Michael looks up at the clock on the wall, noting that only nine hours remain for you to reach the center of the Labyrinth and rescue the child. Perfect. He’s not one to get too cocky (yes he is), but these are odds he’s willing to take.
Tag List (send me a message if you want to be on this!): @sojournmichael @dark-mei-rose @blakescoven @xavierplympton @michaellangdon @trelaney @ajokeformur-ray @babyloutattoo89 @bloodcoatedeclipse @threeminutesoflife @annikathebananana @wth-trippy @thatonehumanbeing05 @dumybitch
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
Patch Notes
Update 11/10/2020 PC: / Mac: Console: Version: 1.33
Welcome, Simmers! A relaxing getaway sure sounds nice right about now. We’re inviting you to take a trip with your Sims to your favorite destination with the newly added ability to vacation anywhere within The Sims 4! Here at Maxis, we’ll be hitting the slopes of Mt. Komorebi with the release of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape in just a few short days. Curious how it works? Read on! We’ve got a big haul of new features and requested fixes in this major update to The Sims 4.
-SimGuruGraham and SimGuruRusskii
Platforms enable you to build rooms at varying heights within a story level. As much as we’d love to sit here and go on and on about how incredible platforms are and how they completely revolutionize Build Mode, you’ll see that for yourself as soon as you try them out in-game! Here are some basics for how they function and how you start building with them.
You either can use the new
Platform Tool
directly in or you can place preset platforms that come in various shapes and sizes. You’ll find both of these within the “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode.
You easily can add or adjust the height of a platform in any room. Simply click on a room to select it, and the new up & down arrows in the widget that appears will allow you to add or adjust the height of a platform within that space.
Because platforms can have their height adjusted up or down, you can even create platforms that sink down beneath ground… like, really,
deep down. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that *
* devious players *
*, but the option’s there! This ability to go deep is reserved for the ground level and basements.
You can stack platforms on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms… Seriously, go nuts. Get creative. Make something nobody has ever seen in The Sims before!... On top of platforms…
When a platform’s height is a single step higher or lower than the adjacent floor, Sims are able to step onto it. For anything higher than a single step, connecting a set of stairs or a ladder between the different surfaces will allow Sims to reach them. Here’s your first advanced lesson in platforming: Remember that callout about stacking platforms on top of each other? If each stacked platform is a single step in height, you could certainly make some interesting custom staircases…
One notable exception - platforms can’t connect across multiple levels. If you build a stack of platforms all the way to the ceiling, the very last step will need to be a staircase or ladder to connect two separate floors of a building together.
Platforms can be utilized as fully functional space or be purely decorative areas - the choice is yours! As you adjust the height of a platform, your Sims will intelligently adapt to that space. For example, you could create a platform with only enough head clearance for a child to enter. The possibilities are endless!
The visual look of platforms can be customized in a variety of ways. The “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode now has a “Platform Trims” subcategory. Here you’ll find trims that match all of our foundations as well as some new trims with basic materials that look perfect in the interior of a building. Want to go even further? Try wrapping the edge of a platform with half walls and then customize the edge with any wall material. Mix and match these methods for creative results!
Even More Half-Walls
Speaking of Half-Walls, we’re pleased to share that we’ve created 12 additional Half-Wall heights to choose from, adding to the 7 heights previously available. One could factually say this is our most sizable Half-Wall update ever! Pity the poor person who was tasked with writing uniquely descriptive names for each of these 19 height variations.
Sentiments are those special fuzzy feelings that form between Sims when they share a memorable moment together. Shared experiences between Sims now offer the opportunity for Sims to develop long-lasting sentiments between each other, which in turn affects how they feel and act in the presence of (or the absence of) another particular Sim. Unlike relationships between Sims, Sentiments can be a one-sided affair. When two or more Sims share an experience together, you may find that all, some, or none of them walk away from that moment having formed a lasting impression of the other Sims that were involved. The base game includes a wide variety of these Sentiments and Snowy Escape has additional ones tied to experiences within that pack.
Sentiments that have formed between Sims can be viewed in two locations. When socializing with another Sim, click on the heart-covered notebook that appears in the social UI at the top of your screen. Alternatively, you can view the Sentiments that exist between two Sims at any time within the new Sim Profile within the Relationship Panel. Read on for more information on this new Sim Profile ...
Sim Profiles
Have you ever gone to check out the other Sims in your Sims’ life, only to be greeted with an overwhelmingly large tooltip that extended from the tippy top all the way to the bottom of your screen? We certainly have, and we weren’t happy with it.
There has to be a better way!
...And there is! Introducing:
Sim Profiles
! Within the Relationship Panel, you can now click on the portrait of any Sim and select “Open Sim Profile” for a full breakdown of all the info the active Sim knows about that Sim. It even includes those nifty new Sentiments everyone’s been talking about!
Skin Tone Update Console & Community Identified Issues
We saw your feedback about the October skin tones update and, to improve clarity and transparency, we shared a first look on Twitter of the fix in progress.
With this patch, the Console game gets the October fixes for texture compression, resolving the banding on the cheeks and foreheads as well as discoloration on the tip of the nose.
In addition, this patch addresses the two community-identified issues of red dots around the lips and a dark blotch between the eyes. The red dots around the lips should be completely resolved at this time. The dark blotch between the eyes was softened to remove the hard edge, but the darkening is expected as part of the shadowing around the nose.
Vacation Anywhere
Couldn’t we all use a good vacation right about now? Your Sims certainly could, and now they can go anywhere! The ability to go on a vacation to any of your worlds has been added to the game for all players along with the “Rental” lot type.
To vacation to a world, a rental lot must exist within it. Should you purchase Snowy Escape, you’ll find the residential world of Mt. Komorebi includes some pre-built rental lots - a ready getaway awaiting your Sims. If you prefer to vacation in another world (Sulani, anyone?), you’ll first need to enter Manage Worlds mode and update at least one of the lots within the desired world to become a rental lot.
During a vacation, if your Sims are lacking any necessities, they now can “Order Supplies Now” from the rental’s mailbox or from their phone. Happy travels!
Toddler Slippers
We figured it’d be nice to give toddlers a pair of slippers to wear. So we did. Cozy feet!
S-Pop Radio Station
You may remember S-Pop (short for “Sim-Pop”) as a radio station in the City Living expansion pack. While the music tracks that originally came with that station will remain exclusive to City Living, the station itself is now available for all players with five new songs for all players to enjoy:
“keep on rocking” Performed by CHAI Written by Yuki Mizutani (p/k/a/ Yuki), Kanae Obata (p/k/a Kana) and Manami Obata (p/k/a Mana) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment “Kanzen Houki Sengen (Simlish Version)” Performed by Nanawoakari Written by Nanawoakari & Tamaya2060 Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment “Part. 2” Performed by SASUKE Written by SASUKE Published by Warner Chappell Publishing Recording courtesy of Warner Music Japan Inc. by arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing “Ninhursag’s Tone” Performed by Unite Satisfy Written by Shintaro Aoki Published by Syn Songs Recording courtesy of NNN Records & Cross Groove/Syn Songs “Harujion” Performed by YOASOBI Written by Takuya Shimizu (p/k/a Takuya) and Akira Tsubono (p/k/a Akira) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment
And now, onto the fixes:
The Sims 4
Freelancer Sims now can complete Gigs they have signed up for and harvest the fruits of their labor. Simoleons, Simoleons, Simoooleons… SIMOOOLEOOONS.
Does your Sim look bored all the time? Even when you think they are having fun, they look bored to you? Not a problem anymore. It’s been… taken care of.
Calls Dropping? Is your Cell Phone behaving like a certain network is just not up to snuff? We have upgraded all Sims to Simgular - Llama’s Choice Network that does not allow Off-the-Grid shenanigans when your Sims are not Off-the-Grid.
The NanoCan Touchless Trash Can has been recalled and fixed so now all your trash can be cash in a flash.
Did you ever experience the Honey I Shrunk the Basil and Sage Plants issue in-game? No longer! *No Sage or Basil Plants were harmed in the fixing of this issue*.
Ever had Sims show up looking like a product of a bad makeover? Did your Debate Judge just show up to the debate wearing a mascot hat when they're not the mascot? Did your fellow Spellcasters show up in the Magic Realm wearing not so magical clothes? Say no more… We have applied a fix so that non-playable Sims can be a bit more appropriately coordinated in their outfits and per occasion.
Door lock settings now persist when Sims travel. That’s right! If I disallow everybody, it should stay that way when I travel… or when I exit the game… and the occasional restart, too... hmpf!
Sims who have passed away no longer sometimes disappear from their Genealogy. This is not retroactive, so any Sims that already disappeared will not return.
Sims no longer ignore the kitchen sink and dishwasher to wash their dishes in the bathroom sink. Okay.
Oasis Springs’ World Map now shows lots in the correct locations. I see you, Yuma Heights - don’t be sneaky now.
Sims now can propose to their beloved without rejection (congratulations!). On the same note, Sims with multiple romantic partners now can propose and marry one of them and not get sabotaged by their partners’ predicament of not being able to get married because they are employed together, even when they are not.
Sims who have finished their workday now get back to things sooner instead of sometimes staring off into space.
Ever wished your delicious food just never… ended? We thought we did until our Sims were unable to finish their meals. Now they are able to finish Eating Leftovers. They are leftovers, not leftFOREVERS.
Sims sharing double beds now can Nap or Sleep in any combination. Sim A can nap and Sim B can Sleep… or Sim A can Sleep and Sim B can nap… or they can both Sleep… or nap… well, you get the picture.
Shower Tubs now can be cleaned enough to be visibly squeaky-clean.
Another one bites the dust. The issue that generated Error Code: 110:c875d8ff on game load has been fixed.
Style Influencer Sims now perform Quick Sketch Impression without breaking the Digital Sketchpad. Be kind with your tools and toys.
Removed incorrect Moodlets such as “Awkward Hug” when Unflirty Sims hugged kids. In the same fashion, we made sure Unflirty Sims no longer receive the “Witnessed Crass Act” Moodlet when parents and children hug or kiss cheeks.
Adult Sims now Teach Blocks to their Toddlers. Learning in early life is important!
Sims on vacation now can hire a Nanny and/or a Butler to take care of things while they are away.
Toddlers no longer will show as “At Daycare” when they are taken back home via the “Care for Self” option. No Toddler clones here... you can’t be two places at once!
Toddlers left at home while the rest of the household goes on Vacation now receive proper care and otherwise can join the Vacation. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Toddlers deserve fun and relaxation in new places, too!
Toddlers no longer get the “Silly Ocean” Moodlet from playing in rivers.
Children once again can earn Adult skills. *sniff* They grow up so fast!
Simmers in social events now get a warning when switching to a Sim in another neighborhood rather than the event cancelling automatically.
Sims with enough Simoleons now can move into empty lots.
Splitting households and then moving no longer causes an infinite load.
We told Sims that they should probably not take 45 minutes to drink a single cup of Coffee. As you guys know, I am a coffee fiend, but nursing the same cup for that long is not in the coffee lover’s manual for enjoying fresh coffee.
We met with our wonderful Sim Firefighters and came to the agreement that they now also will extinguish fires on wall objects such as paintings.
Action progress bars no longer are interrupted when a new action is added to a Sim's queue.
Sometimes items could disappear from your Sim's inventory after travelling. This should no longer happen. Where is my cup of coffee? Oh, okay, it is here….
Sims no longer have Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and/or Sketch Pads spawn infinitely in their Inventory. This felt like grabbing something out of Felix the Cat’s bag… just a never-ending bag of Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and Sketch Pads… what did it all mean!? We may never know.
Opening a stack of Inventory items and then going back now highlights the correct item.
In reviewing items in Inventory, we realized that some item stacks were showing the number 99+ incorrectly on Multiselect. What’s the number? - Stomp, Stomp! - What’s the number? - Stomp, Stomp! - The number of the day… you’re about to see the number is the actual number of items you have! Ah ha ha. That’s the number of the day!
Sims no longer endlessly play games such as Chess, Sabacc (if you own Journey to Batuu), Voidcritter Cards (if you own Kids Stuff), and your regular Card games. I could play with Meduso forever though… #Meduso4ever.
Page Up/Page Down and Home/End Keys now work in Free Cam Mode.
The Aspiration Panel now shows the gender of Sims regardless of whether they are active.
Now only Gardeners autonomously remove wild plants. Sims with Green Fiend Trait (if you own Eco Lifestyle) were being a bit overly eager in removing plants everywhere, so the professionals will handle it from now on.
“Listen To Together” on a Stereo no longer resets Sims.
Sims no longer get “Poorly Decorated” and “Dismally Decorated” Moodlets when decorations are in the room. This applies to new Saves as it is not retroactive, but, my, how judgemental Lots were….
Columns now can rotate 45 degrees and in Free Rotation. Spin them right round, Simmers, right round.
The liveeditobjects cheat no longer surfaces items with broken thumbnails that were not meant to be part of that cheat. Pardon our dust.
Shower descriptions in the catalog said they were “Uncomfortable.” Showers are meant to relax and be a place of meditation, so the catalog now says they provide “Discomfort Relief” unless the specific shower really is uncomfortable.
The Subtle Saucer and the Super Subtle Saucer now have images that are more distinct from each other in the catalog. Super Subtle, Super Saucer.
Removed the “Player Feats” door because it wasn’t really a door…
Dishwashers The Professional Dish Laborer, Washer Pro Free-Standing Dishwasher (from Dine Out), and Industrial Dishwasher Unit (from Parenthood) no longer have a gap between counters.
Digital World wall tiles have been polished. Shiny and new!
Career-unlockable outfits no longer show up when filtering for Custom Content.
Toddlers no longer have bald spots when zoomed out on Low Graphics Settings.
Frayed jean ymBottom_EF13JeansFrayedCrop_Black no longer clips with several tops.
Anniversary t-shirts yfTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary and ymTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary fit better on more body types.
Sims with certain feminine frames now look better when wearing Pants or Full Body outfits.
Fixed some Create a Sim item backgrounds.
Selecting what you want to do next at the end of the tutorial on console no longer has the mysterious word "Label" in the background.
Gallery filters no longer cut off some venue type names in some languages. This was particularly egregious for French and Brazilian Portuguese text.
Game fonts got some spiffing up to keep all characters looking their best.
As with every update, the localization team has tweaked, improved, and fixed text across all Packs and previous updates.
To explain a bit further, we created a much more robust set of internal tools that allows us to have greater control over the outfits that the Sims choose to wear in unique situations. We’ve improved a lot of the wacky townie fashion you’ve seen previously (it’s called fashion sweaty - look it up), but if you still see oddities - let us know. It’ll be an easier issue for us to “iron out” moving forward! Together, we can defeat the dreaded eyeball ring.
Get to Work
Scientist Sims placing collected crystals and metals in their Laboratory no longer crash the game. Do you ever science so hard, the simulation crashes?
The “Test Serum” action on a Scientist co-worker no longer causes an error.
Get Together
Stone Frame Window (window1x1_EP02TUDstoneFrame2Tile_set1), Holey Geometry (window1x1_EP02TUDLow_03_2Tile_set1), and King of Diamonds Classical Door (doorSingle2x1_EP02TUDHigh3Tile_set1) now place properly.
Sims in Clubs with a Read rule now finish the books they choose to read. No cheating, my friends.
Wearing their Earbuds (if you own Fitness Stuff) and participating in Club Gatherings no longer causes an error.
Club affiliation on University Housing (if you own Discover University) now persists after entering Build/Buy Mode.
City Living
Ultra Speed now works while Festivals are in progress. Some conspiracy can be said about Festivals wanting Simmers to enjoy them in all their glory… at a normal speed at every speed, but these are just conjectures… yes.
Sims no longer read their mail aloud while conversing with their apartment neighbors. Talk about rude, right?
“Read about Festival” now consistently displays festival information.
Sims from specific San Myshuno neighborhoods now have more variety on their appearance.
Cats and Dogs
Stencils in Create a Sim (Pet) now consistently paint your furry friends without crashing.
The holiday tradition New Skill Day now focuses on starting new skills and improving low level skills so skills that are maxed out don’t count.
Toddlers who are inside during a blizzard and in a high chair no longer want to Run Inside, so their caretakers won’t take them out of the chair prematurely. You are safe little one; you are safe.
Now all onions, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, and growfruits can be planted indoors during freezing weather.
Plants no longer change their quality or evolve on their own after Sims traveling.
Some Outdoor Plants that were stuck in summer/fall now turn brown and lose their flowers when winter starts.
Sims now can book Vacations on the computer during holidays.
Simmers who have disabled Rain and Snow no longer should see them during Mysterious Weather. Mysterious indeed.
Male Sims now wear appropriate shoes when working as a Floral Designer or Botanist.
The beanie hat cuHat_EP05BeaniePom now looks a bit better.
Sims scheduling an event in the Calendar for a Rental Lot no longer end up in a Lot where they have not been greeted.
Get Famous
Stans (“stalker fans”) and Kleptomaniac Sims no longer steal Pet food bowls or Cat litter. I have no words for this one. I have nothing.
Sims with maxed out Atrocious Reputation now maintain their reputation when traveling. Atrocious you shall be forever.
Island Living
Conservationist Sims now Write Conservation Articles at the appropriate career level (level 4). On the same note, the task for Research Conservation now can be completed.
Odd Jobs no longer get stuck in a state where Inventory and Build Mode cannot be accessed.
We had long conversations with Island Celebration Participants and agreed that no random Sims should enter a Sim’s home without permission, barging in as if they owned the place. Excuse you, privacy, and property are a thing, you know?
Discover University
We chatted with the registrar at Britechester University and got them to agree that students should receive class time reminders before class instead of after. You’re welcome. Now, make sure you go on time, alright?
School Spirit Day no longer schedules multiple instances at the same time. But… Did you know it is Spirit Day?
Club gatherings no longer have Sims with their bikes indoors in a disruptive manner.
Sims traveling long distances including stairs now properly walk the stairs and then hop their bikes and they don’t leave their bike behind. You can’t just abandon your bicycle - what about the poor bike’s feelings?
Sims now properly get off bikes while on a slope.
Lawyer Sims now File Court Documents as their tasks dictate at levels after 5. Just because you move up doesn’t mean you stop filing docs.
Students in a different neighborhood from their University now go to school instead of work when choosing “Go to Class” from the Career Panel.
Students now can receive only one merit scholarship per term.
Sims no longer are listed as being at University when they are at home.
The game no longer sometimes freezes when Sims enroll in University. We get that attending University is life-changing, but freezing a game is taking it a bit to extremes.
Students now return to Campuses in their leisure time to cloud gaze and play Soccer in the surrounding areas of Britechester University and Foxbury Institute respectively.
Sims jogging in an Exo-Mech suit no longer get fatigue-related Moodlets.
For Eco Lifestyle Simmers, “Throw Away” and “Compost” now are available on piles of discarded food. The consequences of not having these were especially egregious at University Dorms.
Sweatpants yfBottom_EP08LooseSweatpants now look better when paired with scarf yfTop_EP08SweaterScarf in Create a Sim.
Eco Lifestyle
Recycle Disciple Sims without the Kleptomaniac Trait now swipe household objects less often. We get it, we are all trying to do our best for the environment, but going after your Dumpster was a bit too far… we kinda need that.
Eco Footprints no longer change very quickly from “Green” to “Neutral.” Knox rejoices.
Eco Footprints in Worlds no longer become Neutral when entering Manage Worlds.
We had a chat with Eco Inspectors and they agreed that they should display the correct occupation from now on. And they shall be known as Eco Inspectors… forever.
Bulldozing Pinecrest Apartments now is possible without damaging the lot.
Harvestables obtained via a Dumpster no longer disappear from Inventory a few minutes later. Easy come, easy go… would you not disappear, though?
Recycling is a wonderful thing. Recycling for Inventory exposed missing text on some Grand Meals, so we filled in those names.
Toddlers living in Lots with the Reduce and Recycle Lot Trait mayyyybe were taking it a bit too far generating trash piles in their inventories. Put that down - No more trash in your pockets.
Did your floor patterns experience a glow that never went away after selecting all of them? That’s not a problem anymore.
The Wallpaper formerly known as sheetStandingSeam01GEN has been renamed to Corrugated Metal.
The Fabricator’s Fabricated Couch (no dye) recipe now creates the correct item.
Residential Wall Speaker is renamed to Venue Wall Speaker: Americana to accurately reflect its function and music.
Venue Wall Speaker: Americana now looks correct with the neutral wood option.
Women’s sandals yfShoes_EP09PlatformSandals now look better when paired with jumpsuit yfBody_EP09JumpsuitUtility.
Men’s hairstyles ymHair_EP09CurlyBun_Black and ymHair_EP09CrimpedLong_Black have cleaner hairlines now.
Dine Out
Sims no longer get up from their seats at restaurants randomly and create chaos by speaking to other patrons, grabbing food from their table, putting it somewhere else, and taking over the place by playing the piano or singing. But it was quite the show, wasn’t it?
Xbox One Simmers now can edit Restaurant Staff Uniforms in Build Mode along with other Simmers.
Vampire Spar no longer negatively affects Conflict resolution for Simmers with Parenthood.
Realm of Magic
Spellcasters with all spells learned and maxed out no longer lose those when downloaded from the Library/Gallery Muscle memory perhaps?
Create a Sim no longer has the less-than-attractive skin type that was intended only for cursed Sims as an option.
Spellcasters have reviewed the terms of their “Always Transportalate” Spell and now can actually teleport anywhere, even places with stairs.
Journey To Batuu
Sims now are able to complete First Order or Resistance missions and then choose the Hope vs Order - First Steps Aspiration and complete all goals.
The Lightsaber Collection plaque now has a proper name and description so you can display it with pride.
The First Order sent a memo stating to change the First Order Blast Door to not accept any decals or wall decorations.
Create a Sim asset yfBottom_GP09VillagerPatchVertical now goes better with different styles of shoes across multiple Packs.
The Career Panel now displays the active Mission chosen from the Mission Panel.
The game no longer freezes when Sims “Freshen up at the Dwelling” at Black Spire Outpost.
Luxury Party
Create a Sim asset yfBody_SP01SleevesFlutter_SolidBrown fits better when wearing Get to Work’s ymHair_EP01LongWavySwept_Platinum hairstyle.
Movie Hangout
Movie night has been reclaimed! Sims now can watch complete films from start to finish without getting stuck in a never-ending loop… or I should say not in a Neverending Story? STTOOooooryyyyyYYYY.
Knifty Knitting
Create a Sim boots cuShoes_SP17BootsBuckled_SolidRedPin work better with jeans cfBottom_SP07JeansPrint_FloralBlueLt.
317 notes · View notes
shadowed-dancer · 3 years
My Thoughts on the New MHA Opening and Ending
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I have thoughts, and I will share them because oh boy if I don’t get this out I’m gonna explode
Vague Spoilers for the manga (up to chapter 258 and vigilantes) because I discuss the upcoming arcs, but I don’t discuss any major plot points in detail. Still, proceed with caution if you’re anime only
Keep in mind, this OP and ED will cover the Endeavour Agency Arc and the MVA Arc, so I will be judging them accordingly.
First, the OP
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This is a good OP... in theory (that’s going to become my catchphrase for this post). It’s nice to look at and flows pretty well, but my biggest problem is that it doesn’t do it’s job. An OP is supposed to be a sort of... summary (?) of the Cour it plays for. That means any cool plot points, emotional beats, and important characters should be featured in some way, shape, or form. We’ll talk about that more later, but first let’s discuss the music.
The song is really good. I have a feeling it will continue to grow on me as I listen to it more often, but yeah my first impression is that the song sounds great. My only complaint about the music itself is that it ends kind of abruptly (I noticed this is the JT opening too). The previous openings used to have a bit of instrumental to “play us out” and lead us to the end card, but this one feels like it ends very suddenly and unnaturally.
As for the visuals...
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Yeah alright I’ll admit, the visuals are stunning... in theory. I appreciate the variety in backgrounds and colours, it makes the OP really interesting to look at. This was actually one of my biggest problems with the JT Opening, it all took place on the training grounds, so there was no variety (everything was metal tubes with a blue sky, with only 3 shots set somewhere different). I appreciate the style of this OP.
But like I said, that’s only in theory, as in, through screenshots these are all pleasing to look at. The pacing of this OP is wild, and I truly don’t know who to blame for this.
That sunset shot above? It lasts approximately 12 seconds, zooming in every few to make it seem like something is happening (when in reality it’s still the same poses, angles, etc). While there’s nothing wrong with a nice, drawn out shot, it becomes irritating when compared to the pacing of the rest of this op.
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At the 41 second mark, we are given the shot above. It has flowed directly from the previous sunset scene. We still have not moved away from the image of the trio (aside from the opening shot and the title card) yet we’re approaching the halfway mark of the OP.
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The next shot is the MLA, which lasts about 5 seconds. Ok, perfect. Not too long, but also not short enough to be confusing. It cuts away a little fast once the dude on the far left appears, but does anyone actually know who that is? No, seriously, I’m asking. I don’t remember his name and he’s not on the wiki, so I can only assume he’s not important. Therefore, it’s not all that bad if the shot cuts away shortly after he comes into frame. The audience is able to take in the scene without having to pause...
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... And then the problems start
While this shot is fine in theory, it pans up fast and  cuts away quickly. You know how hard it was for me to get this screenshot? Really hard. You want to know why I struggled so much? Because, due to the timing of the cut and the way it pans upwards, it’s almost impossible to pause on Dabi’s face. I literally had to go frame by frame to get it, because he’s in shot for so little time that naturally pausing is guaranteed to miss him.
When watching this in real time (without pausing) the cut away makes you feel as if you missed something because “something was there, I just couldn’t register what because now it’s gone”. Unlike Compress, who wears a very colourful coat you can recognize the entire time, Dabi’s pants are more blended into the background.
It also doesn’t help that this shot is literally composed to draw your attention away from Dabi until the last possible second. Due to framing, your eye is naturally drawn to the brightly coloured Toga in the foreground, making it super easy to miss Dabi in the back (until, of course, his bright face appears and contrasts against the background, drawing your eye just in time for the scene to change, leaving you to wonder who or what you missed).
I know this sounds like nitpicking, but this shot is the only group shot we get of the League, and is also the start of a seriously weird trend for the villains in this OP getting the short end of the stick.
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Anyways, then we get what I’ll call “The Carousel Shot” in which every Class 1A kid shows up and poses dramatically, as if they were on a carousel. It’s a lovely sequence and I really enjoy watching it but... why is it in this OP?
Seriously, this is a genuine question. Class 1A barely shows up in the Endeavour Agency Arc, and NONE of the students are in MVA. This sequence (not counting the three boys at the end) lasts 8 seconds. Why is this much time dedicated to characters who are barely in the arc? (Unless Studio Bones extends their work studies into fuller plot lines which oh my gosh please don’t do that, or if they do, do it quick).
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We then get what I call the “Oh God I Blinked And Missed Everything” sequence, which lasts 3 seconds (not including the longer, moving shot of Shigaraki at the end) and features NINE INDIVIDUAL IMAGES, none of which are related to each other. Not only is this 3 images per second, but the fact that they are all unrelated means you can’t even use previous information to fill in the blanks.
What do I mean by that? Well, imagine if I show you 9 images of various pro heroes posing. If I play that in 3 seconds you’ll absolutely miss some of them, but as long as you catch some you’ll still get an idea of what I’m trying to show to you. Your brain is able to fill in the gaps that “I recognized 4 pro heroes, therefore the rest must have also been pros” even if you didn’t register every single frame.
That doesn’t work if every frame features a completely different subject. The shots in this sequence vary so widely that it’s impossible to find a through line. Some feature multiple characters, some feature one, some are closeups, some are super far away, some are character’s we know, others are characters we don’t. It’s impossible to get a solid read on what you’re being shown.
Now, again, there’s nothing wrong with these super quick shots... in theory. The problem comes from the fact that these shots are the only indicators for some of the major themes that will be explored during this Cour (like Twice’s growth and young Shigaraki).
That being said, let’s move away from criticism and talk about speculation, because hidden amongst this sequence are two... interesting images.
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This All Might one is very reminiscent of the shot in Chapter 257, where Aizawa and All Might have a conversation while staring up at the stars. However, this is technically the start of the “War Arc” (or the “prologue”, if that’s what you want to call it), so this might indicate that we’re going to get farther into the series than a lot of us guessed.
(Many people suspected we’d get to that cliffhanger at the start of the season (if you read the manga you know the one), but after seeing the pacing for JT a lot of us assumed we’d be lucky to even finish Endeavour Agency. It seems we’re back to the cliffhanger now though lol). 
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This is another really interesting shot because it’s indicative of Shirakumo, meaning we might get to see Aizawa and Mic confront him some time this Cour (this also makes sense, since this confrontation technically happens before that All Might scene I mentioned in the previous paragraph).
But the cat specifically is a really strange addition. That cat is named Sushi and, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Sushi is ever mentioned in the main series. I think he’s only in Vigilantes.
This might just be a little Easter Egg for Vigilante readers, but I’m personally hoping that they’ll add at least a few Vigilante shots in there to really tug at the heart strings. I’d say I want a whole Vigilante episode but I don’t think they have the time (unless they really cram MVA, which I do NOT want).
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I don’t have much to say about the last bit of the OP. The action shot between the 3 boys was nice, and it follows the sort of narrative through line they established from the early shot of them sitting at the sunset. I also like the shot of Endeavour fading in to replace All Might, even if it’s very simple.
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But I want to talk about an overarching problem I touched upon earlier in that villain shot: the way the villains are handled in this OP.
This is a good OP... in theory. The problem is, it doesn’t represent half the arcs in the cour! Every shot of the League is so rushed that you can barely register that they were on screen before they’re gone.
I have no idea how many Episodes Endeavour Agency will take, but I’d assume 3 (4 if you count the Christmas episode). 12 episodes for this Cour minus 3 for Endeavour Agency = 9 episodes left. If we truly do get the prologue for the War Arc (and if we assume it’s only 1 episode) that leaves us with 8 villains episodes.
8/12 episodes (aka two thirds of the Cour) will likely be about the villains. And yet they’re pushed to the background so hard in this OP.
I want to dream, and I want to believe that this OP is going to magically change when MVA starts. The song fits super well, and I can imagine like an inversion of the OP but from the Villain side! Wouldn’t that be neat? Imagine right after the “it’s alright” part Shigaraki just freaking decays the title card... oh man that would be so cool. But, alas, I highly doubt they’d do that.
Side rant, but you know what was so fun about MVA in the manga? It’s that, for 21 chapters, we leave the kids behind and the villains become our protagonists. Suddenly Shigaraki is the one we’re rooting for, suddenly we’re learning backstories for everyone, and suddenly we find ourselves just as attached to the villains as we are to the kids. It’s an inversion that’s SO RARE to find, and I think many people (myself included) were hoping it would be reflected in the OP.
A big part of being the protagonist means featuring heavily in the OP, and a lot of us just wanted the villains to get that honour, even if only once. As is, the OP still treats them as the antagonists when... really they aren’t. Not right now, at least.
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So yeah, final thoughts on the OP are that it’s good, it’s just not very representative of the arcs it’s supposed to cover. If this was just for Endeavour Agency, I’d say it’s actually really cool, but if we assume that this is what will play for the Villain Arc, then it simply doesn’t do it’s job. And it makes me sad to say that because, again, this OP is really well done.
If I had to rate it? Hmmm
If Studio Bones actually grants my wish and creates a different visual for the Villain Arc (while using the same song) and then this version only plays for the Endeavour Agency Arc and the War Prologue? I’d give it an 8/10. It’s really good, but it could use a few more elements that are clearly derived from the Agency Arc (ahem, Todoroki siblings).
But if this is the OP that will play for the entire Cour? a 6.5/10. It’s nice, but it’s not representative of one of the arcs it’s going to cover. And, unlike other arcs like Pro Hero or Summer Exams, the villain Arc is so important and takes up so much time that it honestly feels like a bit of a disservice.
Now for the Ending
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I want to say that I appreciate how soft this ending starts. This cour will likely feature a lot of episodes that end on... heavier themes, and I think the sight of peaceful, falling raindrops is the perfect way to let the audience process their emotions before starting the ending in earnest.
The song itself is very nice, and I like that it’s a bit slower than the more recent endings.
(Side note, but the FUNNIEST moment in the entire series is when Sir Nighteye dies because it’s so emotional and everyone is standing around his bed in his heartwrentching silence, only for the ending to come BLARING IN out of no where. If you forgot how jarringly hilarious it was, go listen to the Eri ending and tell me that’s not the funniest thing this series ever did. Anyways yeah I’m glad that’s not gonna happen this Cour).
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This ending is a bit all over the place in terms of it’s visuals, but honestly I think it works. Most endings usually have a theme tying them together (all the Class 1A girls, a fantasy AU, old photographs, planning a party, etc) but this ending’s theme is a bit harder to identify.
That being said, I think it’s just supposed to show everyone going about their day. It’s calm, it’s peaceful, and it’s just very sweet to think about
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I like this shot. Actually, scratch that, I like this whole sequence. I enjoy anything that allows Class 1A to chill and have fun.
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Hawks is featured quite heavily in this ending which, fair. He’s pretty important in this arc.
I really love the shot where Endeavour immediately switches to Hawks, I thought that was a lot of fun, and very good symbolism on how Hawks wants to be like Endeavour. I also love all the shots of Baby Hawks, because it’s adorable.
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Something about this shot is just so cute. It’s the little domestic things like waiting for a bus that make this ending feel... idk the word, real? It shows a side of the characters that we’ll never see in the episodes, but we know have to exist.
Like yes, of course the kids have to wait for the bus. We never see it, but of course there are those moments of quiet. Agh, I love it.
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The villains also make an appearance and I’m very happy about that (I’d love to see more of the villains just chilling around, I think they deserve it). I kind of wish they weren’t sitting in a dark room for the sake of being edgy, since I think it would be nice to see the villains just... sort of existing, but honestly it’s still a nice shot. I also like how this shot sort of mirrors the first one with Class 1A (someone coming in while everyone else is sitting and waiting for them).
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That being said, as much as I love looking at Dabi and his stupid face (affectionate)... why is Dabi the one getting the closeup?
Mind you, endings don’t need to be connected to their Cours (they can be, like the Eri one, but they don’t have to be). But this ending does seem to be connected to the arcs it intends to cover, given all the Hawks appearances, the boys wearing their work study scarves, etc.
So, I ask again, why Dabi? Out of the six League members, we learn the backstory for four of them in this arc (Shigaraki, Toga, Twice, and we very briefly learn about Spinner). The only two left out are Dabi and Compress.
I can only assume they chose Dabi because he’s constantly in contact with Hawks, and therefore that makes him important? If the OP told us anything, it’s that Bones values the Endeavour Agency Arc over the Villain Arc lol...
... Oh my gosh please tell me that’s not actually the reason Dabi is focused on here BONES WAI-
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Anyways, the ending comes to a close with Hawks watching over the kids and Endeavour. The relaxing time is done, it’s time for work studies.
Overall impression? It’s great. It’s hard to screw up an ending, so as long as you have something pretty on screen, it’s wonderful.
I’ll give this a 9/10
30 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 4 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (November 10th, 2020)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles.
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Update 11/10/2020 PC: / Mac: Console: Version: 1.33
Welcome, Simmers! A relaxing getaway sure sounds nice right about now. We’re inviting you to take a trip with your Sims to your favorite destination with the newly added ability to vacation anywhere within The Sims 4! Here at Maxis, we’ll be hitting the slopes of Mt. Komorebi with the release of The Sims 4 Snowy Escape in just a few short days. Curious how it works? Read on! We’ve got a big haul of new features and requested fixes in this major update to The Sims 4.
-SimGuruGraham and SimGuruRusskii
Platforms enable you to build rooms at varying heights within a story level. As much as we’d love to sit here and go on and on about how incredible platforms are and how they completely revolutionize Build Mode, you’ll see that for yourself as soon as you try them out in-game! Here are some basics for how they function and how you start building with them.
You either can use the new Platform Tool directly in or you can place preset platforms that come in various shapes and sizes. You’ll find both of these within the “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode.
You easily can add or adjust the height of a platform in any room. Simply click on a room to select it, and the new up & down arrows in the widget that appears will allow you to add or adjust the height of a platform within that space.
Because platforms can have their height adjusted up or down, you can even create platforms that sink down beneath ground… like, really, really deep down. I don’t know why anyone would want to do that *cough* devious players *cough*, but the option’s there! This ability to go deep is reserved for the ground level and basements.
You can stack platforms on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms, on top of platforms… Seriously, go nuts. Get creative. Make something nobody has ever seen in The Sims before!… On top of platforms…
When a platform’s height is a single step higher or lower than the adjacent floor, Sims are able to step onto it. For anything higher than a single step, connecting a set of stairs or a ladder between the different surfaces will allow Sims to reach them. Here’s your first advanced lesson in platforming: Remember that callout about stacking platforms on top of each other? If each stacked platform is a single step in height, you could certainly make some interesting custom staircases…
One notable exception – platforms can’t connect across multiple levels. If you build a stack of platforms all the way to the ceiling, the very last step will need to be a staircase or ladder to connect two separate floors of a building together.
Platforms can be utilized as fully functional space or be purely decorative areas – the choice is yours! As you adjust the height of a platform, your Sims will intelligently adapt to that space. For example, you could create a platform with only enough head clearance for a child to enter. The possibilities are endless!
The visual look of platforms can be customized in a variety of ways. The “Walls and Empty Rooms” section of Build Mode now has a “Platform Trims” subcategory. Here you’ll find trims that match all of our foundations as well as some new trims with basic materials that look perfect in the interior of a building. Want to go even further? Try wrapping the edge of a platform with half walls and then customize the edge with any wall material. Mix and match these methods for creative results!
Even More Half-Walls
Speaking of Half-Walls, we’re pleased to share that we’ve created 12 additional Half-Wall heights to choose from, adding to the 7 heights previously available. One could factually say this is our most sizable Half-Wall update ever! Pity the poor person who was tasked with writing uniquely descriptive names for each of these 19 height variations.
Sentiments are those special fuzzy feelings that form between Sims when they share a memorable moment together. Shared experiences between Sims now offer the opportunity for Sims to develop long-lasting sentiments between each other, which in turn affects how they feel and act in the presence of (or the absence of) another particular Sim. Unlike relationships between Sims, Sentiments can be a one-sided affair. When two or more Sims share an experience together, you may find that all, some, or none of them walk away from that moment having formed a lasting impression of the other Sims that were involved. The base game includes a wide variety of these Sentiments and Snowy Escape has additional ones tied to experiences within that pack.
Sentiments that have formed between Sims can be viewed in two locations. When socializing with another Sim, click on the heart-covered notebook that appears in the social UI at the top of your screen. Alternatively, you can view the Sentiments that exist between two Sims at any time within the new Sim Profile within the Relationship Panel. Read on for more information on this new Sim Profile …
Sim Profiles
Have you ever gone to check out the other Sims in your Sims’ life, only to be greeted with an overwhelmingly large tooltip that extended from the tippy top all the way to the bottom of your screen? We certainly have, and we weren’t happy with it. There has to be a better way! …And there is! Introducing: Sim Profiles! Within the Relationship Panel, you can now click on the portrait of any Sim and select “Open Sim Profile” for a full breakdown of all the info the active Sim knows about that Sim. It even includes those nifty new Sentiments everyone’s been talking about!
Skin Tone Update Console & Community Identified Issues
We saw your feedback about the October skin tones update and, to improve clarity and transparency, we shared a first look on Twitter of the fix in progress.
With this patch, the Console game gets the October fixes for texture compression, resolving the banding on the cheeks and foreheads as well as discoloration on the tip of the nose.
In addition, this patch addresses the two community-identified issues of red dots around the lips and a dark blotch between the eyes. The red dots around the lips should be completely resolved at this time. The dark blotch between the eyes was softened to remove the hard edge, but the darkening is expected as part of the shadowing around the nose.
Vacation Anywhere
Couldn’t we all use a good vacation right about now? Your Sims certainly could, and now they can go anywhere! The ability to go on a vacation to any of your worlds has been added to the game for all players along with the “Rental” lot type.
To vacation to a world, a rental lot must exist within it. Should you purchase Snowy Escape, you’ll find the residential world of Mt. Komorebi includes some pre-built rental lots – a ready getaway awaiting your Sims. If you prefer to vacation in another world (Sulani, anyone?), you’ll first need to enter Manage Worlds mode and update at least one of the lots within the desired world to become a rental lot.
During a vacation, if your Sims are lacking any necessities, they now can “Order Supplies Now” from the rental’s mailbox or from their phone. Happy travels!
Toddler Slippers
We figured it’d be nice to give toddlers a pair of slippers to wear. So we did. Cozy feet!
S-Pop Radio Station
You may remember S-Pop (short for “Sim-Pop”) as a radio station in the City Living expansion pack. While the music tracks that originally came with that station will remain exclusive to City Living, the station itself is now available for all players with five new songs for all players to enjoy:
“keep on rocking” Performed by CHAI Written by Yuki Mizutani (p/k/a/ Yuki), Kanae Obata (p/k/a Kana) and Manami Obata (p/k/a Mana) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment
“Kanzen Houki Sengen (Simlish Version)” Performed by Nanawoakari Written by Nanawoakari & Tamaya2060 Published by Sony/ATV Music Publishing Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment
“Part. 2” Performed by SASUKE Written by SASUKE Published by Warner Chappell Publishing Recording courtesy of Warner Music Japan Inc. by arrangement with Warner Music Group Video Game Licensing
“Ninhursag’s Tone” Performed by Unite Satisfy Written by Shintaro Aoki Published by Syn Songs Recording courtesy of NNN Records & Cross Groove/Syn Songs
“Harujion” Performed by YOASOBI Written by Takuya Shimizu (p/k/a Takuya) and Akira Tsubono (p/k/a Akira) Published by Sony Music Publishing (Japan) (JASRAC) Recording courtesy of Sony Music Japan by arrangement with Sony Music Entertainment
And now, onto the fixes:
The Sims 4
Freelancer Sims now can complete Gigs they have signed up for and harvest the fruits of their labor. Simoleons, Simoleons, Simoooleons… SIMOOOLEOOONS.
Does your Sim look bored all the time? Even when you think they are having fun, they look bored to you? Not a problem anymore. It’s been… taken care of.
Calls Dropping? Is your Cell Phone behaving like a certain network is just not up to snuff? We have upgraded all Sims to Simgular – Llama’s Choice Network that does not allow Off-the-Grid shenanigans when your Sims are not Off-the-Grid.
The NanoCan Touchless Trash Can has been recalled and fixed so now all your trash can be cash in a flash.
Did you ever experience the Honey I Shrunk the Basil and Sage Plants issue in-game? No longer! *No Sage or Basil Plants were harmed in the fixing of this issue*.
Ever had Sims show up looking like a product of a bad makeover? Did your Debate Judge just show up to the debate wearing a mascot hat when they’re not the mascot? Did your fellow Spellcasters show up in the Magic Realm wearing not so magical clothes? Say no more… We have applied a fix so that non-playable Sims can be a bit more appropriately coordinated in their outfits and per occasion.
Door lock settings now persist when Sims travel. That’s right! If I disallow everybody, it should stay that way when I travel… or when I exit the game… and the occasional restart, too… hmpf!
Sims who have passed away no longer sometimes disappear from their Genealogy. This is not retroactive, so any Sims that already disappeared will not return.
Sims no longer ignore the kitchen sink and dishwasher to wash their dishes in the bathroom sink. Okay.
Oasis Springs’ World Map now shows lots in the correct locations. I see you, Yuma Heights – don’t be sneaky now.
Sims now can propose to their beloved without rejection (congratulations!). On the same note, Sims with multiple romantic partners now can propose and marry one of them and not get sabotaged by their partners’ predicament of not being able to get married because they are employed together, even when they are not.
Sims who have finished their workday now get back to things sooner instead of sometimes staring off into space.
Ever wished your delicious food just never… ended? We thought we did until our Sims were unable to finish their meals. Now they are able to finish Eating Leftovers. They are leftovers, not leftFOREVERS.
Sims sharing double beds now can Nap or Sleep in any combination. Sim A can nap and Sim B can Sleep… or Sim A can Sleep and Sim B can nap… or they can both Sleep… or nap… well, you get the picture.
Shower Tubs now can be cleaned enough to be visibly squeaky-clean.
Another one bites the dust. The issue that generated Error Code: 110:c875d8ff on game load has been fixed.
Style Influencer Sims now perform Quick Sketch Impression without breaking the Digital Sketchpad. Be kind with your tools and toys.
Removed incorrect Moodlets such as “Awkward Hug” when Unflirty Sims hugged kids. In the same fashion, we made sure Unflirty Sims no longer receive the “Witnessed Crass Act” Moodlet when parents and children hug or kiss cheeks.
Adult Sims now Teach Blocks to their Toddlers. Learning in early life is important!
Sims on vacation now can hire a Nanny and/or a Butler to take care of things while they are away.
Toddlers no longer will show as “At Daycare” when they are taken back home via the “Care for Self” option. No Toddler clones here… you can’t be two places at once!
Toddlers left at home while the rest of the household goes on Vacation now receive proper care and otherwise can join the Vacation. THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Toddlers deserve fun and relaxation in new places, too!
Toddlers no longer get the “Silly Ocean” Moodlet from playing in rivers.
Children once again can earn Adult skills. *sniff* They grow up so fast!
Simmers in social events now get a warning when switching to a Sim in another neighborhood rather than the event cancelling automatically.
Sims with enough Simoleons now can move into empty lots.
Splitting households and then moving no longer causes an infinite load.
We told Sims that they should probably not take 45 minutes to drink a single cup of Coffee. As you guys know, I am a coffee fiend, but nursing the same cup for that long is not in the coffee lover’s manual for enjoying fresh coffee.
We met with our wonderful Sim Firefighters and came to the agreement that they now also will extinguish fires on wall objects such as paintings.
Action progress bars no longer are interrupted when a new action is added to a Sim’s queue.
Sometimes items could disappear from your Sim’s inventory after travelling. This should no longer happen. Where is my cup of coffee? Oh, okay, it is here….
Sims no longer have Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and/or Sketch Pads spawn infinitely in their Inventory. This felt like grabbing something out of Felix the Cat’s bag… just a never-ending bag of Clay Blobs, Future Cubes, and Sketch Pads… what did it all mean!? We may never know.
Opening a stack of Inventory items and then going back now highlights the correct item.
In reviewing items in Inventory, we realized that some item stacks were showing the number 99+ incorrectly on Multiselect. What’s the number? – Stomp, Stomp! – What’s the number? – Stomp, Stomp! – The number of the day… you’re about to see the number is the actual number of items you have! Ah ha ha. That’s the number of the day!
Sims no longer endlessly play games such as Chess, Sabacc (if you own Journey to Batuu), Voidcritter Cards (if you own Kids Stuff), and your regular Card games. I could play with Meduso forever though… #Meduso4ever.
Page Up/Page Down and Home/End Keys now work in Free Cam Mode.
The Aspiration Panel now shows the gender of Sims regardless of whether they are active.
Now only Gardeners autonomously remove wild plants. Sims with Green Fiend Trait (if you own Eco Lifestyle) were being a bit overly eager in removing plants everywhere, so the professionals will handle it from now on.
“Listen To Together” on a Stereo no longer resets Sims.
Sims no longer get “Poorly Decorated” and “Dismally Decorated” Moodlets when decorations are in the room. This applies to new Saves as it is not retroactive, but, my, how judgemental Lots were….
Columns now can rotate 45 degrees and in Free Rotation. Spin them right round, Simmers, right round.
The liveeditobjects cheat no longer surfaces items with broken thumbnails that were not meant to be part of that cheat. Pardon our dust.
Shower descriptions in the catalog said they were “Uncomfortable.” Showers are meant to relax and be a place of meditation, so the catalog now says they provide “Discomfort Relief” unless the specific shower really is uncomfortable.
The Subtle Saucer and the Super Subtle Saucer now have images that are more distinct from each other in the catalog. Super Subtle, Super Saucer.
Removed the “Player Feats” door because it wasn’t really a door…
Dishwashers The Professional Dish Laborer, Washer Pro Free-Standing Dishwasher (from Dine Out), and Industrial Dishwasher Unit (from Parenthood) no longer have a gap between counters.
Digital World wall tiles have been polished. Shiny and new!
Career-unlockable outfits no longer show up when filtering for Custom Content.
Toddlers no longer have bald spots when zoomed out on Low Graphics Settings.
Frayed jean ymBottom_EF13JeansFrayedCrop_Black no longer clips with several tops.
Anniversary t-shirts yfTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary and ymTop_EF05ShirtTeeAnniversary fit better on more body types.
Sims with certain feminine frames now look better when wearing Pants or Full Body outfits.
Fixed some Create a Sim item backgrounds.
Selecting what you want to do next at the end of the tutorial on console no longer has the mysterious word “Label” in the background.
Gallery filters no longer cut off some venue type names in some languages. This was particularly egregious for French and Brazilian Portuguese text.
Game fonts got some spiffing up to keep all characters looking their best.
As with every update, the localization team has tweaked, improved, and fixed text across all Packs and previous updates.
To explain a bit further, we created a much more robust set of internal tools that allows us to have greater control over the outfits that the Sims choose to wear in unique situations. We’ve improved a lot of the wacky townie fashion you’ve seen previously (it’s called fashion sweaty – look it up), but if you still see oddities – let us know. It’ll be an easier issue for us to “iron out” moving forward! Together, we can defeat the dreaded eyeball ring.
Get to Work
Scientist Sims placing collected crystals and metals in their Laboratory no longer crash the game. Do you ever science so hard, the simulation crashes?
The “Test Serum” action on a Scientist co-worker no longer causes an error.
Get Together
Stone Frame Window (window1x1_EP02TUDstoneFrame2Tile_set1), Holey Geometry (window1x1_EP02TUDLow_03_2Tile_set1), and King of Diamonds Classical Door (doorSingle2x1_EP02TUDHigh3Tile_set1) now place properly.
Sims in Clubs with a Read rule now finish the books they choose to read. No cheating, my friends.
Wearing their Earbuds (if you own Fitness Stuff) and participating in Club Gatherings no longer causes an error.
Club affiliation on University Housing (if you own Discover University) now persists after entering Build/Buy Mode.
City Living
Ultra Speed now works while Festivals are in progress. Some conspiracy can be said about Festivals wanting Simmers to enjoy them in all their glory… at a normal speed at every speed, but these are just conjectures… yes.
Sims no longer read their mail aloud while conversing with their apartment neighbors. Talk about rude, right?
“Read about Festival” now consistently displays festival information.
Sims from specific San Myshuno neighborhoods now have more variety on their appearance.
Cats and Dogs
Stencils in Create a Sim (Pet) now consistently paint your furry friends without crashing.
The holiday tradition New Skill Day now focuses on starting new skills and improving low level skills so skills that are maxed out don’t count.
Toddlers who are inside during a blizzard and in a high chair no longer want to Run Inside, so their caretakers won’t take them out of the chair prematurely. You are safe little one; you are safe.
Now all onions, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, and growfruits can be planted indoors during freezing weather.
Plants no longer change their quality or evolve on their own after Sims traveling.
Some Outdoor Plants that were stuck in summer/fall now turn brown and lose their flowers when winter starts.
Sims now can book Vacations on the computer during holidays.
Simmers who have disabled Rain and Snow no longer should see them during Mysterious Weather. Mysterious indeed.
Male Sims now wear appropriate shoes when working as a Floral Designer or Botanist.
The beanie hat cuHat_EP05BeaniePom now looks a bit better.
Sims scheduling an event in the Calendar for a Rental Lot no longer end up in a Lot where they have not been greeted.
Get Famous
Stans (“stalker fans”) and Kleptomaniac Sims no longer steal Pet food bowls or Cat litter. I have no words for this one. I have nothing.
Sims with maxed out Atrocious Reputation now maintain their reputation when traveling. Atrocious you shall be forever.
Island Living
Conservationist Sims now Write Conservation Articles at the appropriate career level (level 4). On the same note, the task for Research Conservation now can be completed.
Odd Jobs no longer get stuck in a state where Inventory and Build Mode cannot be accessed.
We had long conversations with Island Celebration Participants and agreed that no random Sims should enter a Sim’s home without permission, barging in as if they owned the place. Excuse you, privacy, and property are a thing, you know?
Discover University
We chatted with the registrar at Britechester University and got them to agree that students should receive class time reminders before class instead of after. You’re welcome. Now, make sure you go on time, alright?
School Spirit Day no longer schedules multiple instances at the same time. But… Did you know it is Spirit Day?
Club gatherings no longer have Sims with their bikes indoors in a disruptive manner.
Sims traveling long distances including stairs now properly walk the stairs and then hop their bikes and they don’t leave their bike behind. You can’t just abandon your bicycle – what about the poor bike’s feelings?
Sims now properly get off bikes while on a slope.
Lawyer Sims now File Court Documents as their tasks dictate at levels after 5. Just because you move up doesn’t mean you stop filing docs.
Students in a different neighborhood from their University now go to school instead of work when choosing “Go to Class” from the Career Panel.
Students now can receive only one merit scholarship per term.
Sims no longer are listed as being at University when they are at home.
The game no longer sometimes freezes when Sims enroll in University. We get that attending University is life-changing, but freezing a game is taking it a bit to extremes.
Students now return to Campuses in their leisure time to cloud gaze and play Soccer in the surrounding areas of Britechester University and Foxbury Institute respectively.
Sims jogging in an Exo-Mech suit no longer get fatigue-related Moodlets.
For Eco Lifestyle Simmers, “Throw Away” and “Compost” now are available on piles of discarded food. The consequences of not having these were especially egregious at University Dorms.
Sweatpants yfBottom_EP08LooseSweatpants now look better when paired with scarf yfTop_EP08SweaterScarf in Create a Sim.
Eco Lifestyle
Recycle Disciple Sims without the Kleptomaniac Trait now swipe household objects less often. We get it, we are all trying to do our best for the environment, but going after your Dumpster was a bit too far… we kinda need that.
Eco Footprints no longer change very quickly from “Green” to “Neutral.” Knox rejoices.
Eco Footprints in Worlds no longer become Neutral when entering Manage Worlds.
We had a chat with Eco Inspectors and they agreed that they should display the correct occupation from now on. And they shall be known as Eco Inspectors… forever.
Bulldozing Pinecrest Apartments now is possible without damaging the lot.
Harvestables obtained via a Dumpster no longer disappear from Inventory a few minutes later. Easy come, easy go… would you not disappear, though?
Recycling is a wonderful thing. Recycling for Inventory exposed missing text on some Grand Meals, so we filled in those names.
Toddlers living in Lots with the Reduce and Recycle Lot Trait mayyyybe were taking it a bit too far generating trash piles in their inventories. Put that down – No more trash in your pockets.
Did your floor patterns experience a glow that never went away after selecting all of them? That’s not a problem anymore.
The Wallpaper formerly known as sheetStandingSeam01GEN has been renamed to Corrugated Metal.
The Fabricator’s Fabricated Couch (no dye) recipe now creates the correct item.
Residential Wall Speaker is renamed to Venue Wall Speaker: Americana to accurately reflect its function and music.
Venue Wall Speaker: Americana now looks correct with the neutral wood option.
Women’s sandals yfShoes_EP09PlatformSandals now look better when paired with jumpsuit yfBody_EP09JumpsuitUtility.
Men’s hairstyles ymHair_EP09CurlyBun_Black and ymHair_EP09CrimpedLong_Black have cleaner hairlines now.
Dine Out
Sims no longer get up from their seats at restaurants randomly and create chaos by speaking to other patrons, grabbing food from their table, putting it somewhere else, and taking over the place by playing the piano or singing. But it was quite the show, wasn’t it?
Xbox One Simmers now can edit Restaurant Staff Uniforms in Build Mode along with other Simmers.
Vampire Spar no longer negatively affects Conflict resolution for Simmers with Parenthood.
Realm of Magic
Spellcasters with all spells learned and maxed out no longer lose those when downloaded from the Library/Gallery Muscle memory perhaps?
Create a Sim no longer has the less-than-attractive skin type that was intended only for cursed Sims as an option.
Spellcasters have reviewed the terms of their “Always Transportalate” Spell and now can actually teleport anywhere, even places with stairs.
Journey To Batuu
Sims now are able to complete First Order or Resistance missions and then choose the Hope vs Order – First Steps Aspiration and complete all goals.
The Lightsaber Collection plaque now has a proper name and description so you can display it with pride.
The First Order sent a memo stating to change the First Order Blast Door to not accept any decals or wall decorations.
Create a Sim asset yfBottom_GP09VillagerPatchVertical now goes better with different styles of shoes across multiple Packs.
The Career Panel now displays the active Mission chosen from the Mission Panel.
The game no longer freezes when Sims “Freshen up at the Dwelling” at Black Spire Outpost.
Luxury Party
Create a Sim asset yfBody_SP01SleevesFlutter_SolidBrown fits better when wearing Get to Work’s ymHair_EP01LongWavySwept_Platinum hairstyle.
Movie Hangout
Movie night has been reclaimed! Sims now can watch complete films from start to finish without getting stuck in a never-ending loop… or I should say not in a Neverending Story? STTOOooooryyyyyYYYY.
Knifty Knitting
Create a Sim boots cuShoes_SP17BootsBuckled_SolidRedPin work better with jeans cfBottom_SP07JeansPrint_FloralBlueLt.
51 notes · View notes
hoodoo12 · 3 years
Festival (11/30)
It’s not all smutty fun and games. Some participants have other things on their minds . . .
@beetlebitchywitch @beejiesbitch @turtlepated @clairjohnson @memedemonhours @monsterlovinghours @yankyo @edosunshine  @go-commander-kim @saucymangos
Jessie couldn't keep the smile off her face as Ollie led her from the pile of smaller fey. She had to admit there was something charming about being seen as something exotic. She'd never felt she could be seen that way before, having been either ignored or outright mistreated for much of her life prior to having met Beetlejuice. She'd learned to feel genuinely attractive with him, the way he never seemed to tire of her body. To have others who didn't know a thing about her wanting to respectfully fuck her was unprecedented, and she rather enjoyed the confidence boost. 
She hardly noticed when the brownie following them turned back, instead looking forward, up, and around them as he led her on. She listened attentively, smiling and giggling sometimes when he would need to refer back to Gaelic in his descriptions and explanations. Holding tight to his hand as he led her amidst the revelers, Jessie listened to him with a passionate curiosity, observing the different fey, couplings and dancing. She looked pleasantly surprised when the fawn lowered down to get a look at her. Her heart was pounding in her chest with excitement by the time Ollie had helped her down from the creature's head. 
Her jaw dropped a bit at the sight of the centaur's cock, and she laughed aloud , shaking her head a little. 
"I don't know if I'd be able to do much with a dick that big, honey. I appreciate the vote of confidence though," she chuckled, pulling him close, chest to chest. Her lips pressed to his tenderly for a moment, though she didn't want to distract him much, worried that they'd end up getting squished if she took too much of his attention out in the open.
"I've never been to something like this before, it's all so new... and it's rather a lot of fun. Thank you, sweetie . . . I don't know how you managed to do this, but . . . I'm really glad I get to share this time with you . . . glad that you get to experience more of me. You saved my life, and made it better with your company . . . I cherish you, honey." 
She nuzzled the tip of his nose and kissed him again sweetly. "You know, hun, if you can find a cozy little spot for us to be alone . . . I'd love to take our time. Focus on you, y'know? The others are interesting and all but . . . I'm here for you, Ollie." 
She didn't notice the man who'd followed them, either, blocking out the others who stared in her desire to make him understand that her focus was on him, truly.
Could his heart burst? He knew of selkies forced to stay with men who stole their skins, who wasted away pining for the ocean. They weren’t given a choice. But he, despite being grabbed by the big bastard out of nowhere, *wanted* to be exactly where he was now, accepted and happy with his odd little family. Jessie’s offer was too good to pass up, and he stepped up against her, kissing her feverishly to try and pour how he felt into her. Her body was warm against his skin. He’d received too many kisses to count from her previously, but to to be the same size, to properly be able to touch her tongue with his, for her to be as affectionate with him as she was with Beetlejuice, left him breathless. He kept her close as the kiss waxed and waned, and when it broke off naturally, he smiled. “A spot for us?” he asked without needing an answer. 
He didn’t want to get too close to the centaur and his harem of squealing and moaning women, so he cast a glance around and noted an unoccupied place that was near one of the smaller fires. The grasses were still taller there, so no one had stepped on them. It’d be perfect for a private tryst. Ollie kissed Jessie again then laced his fingers through hers to begin leading her to the patch of grass. They’d not gotten more than a few steps before out of nowhere he was grabbed by the back of the neck and yanked up off the ground. Startled, he didn’t even have time to tighten his grip on Jessie’s hand before his fingers slipped out of hers. He screeched and flailed, and felt a surge of fear for Jessie, still on the ground, just as surprised as he was.
“You are a leprechaun!” a man crowed gleefully, as Ollie was hoisted face level with him.
At the acceptance of Carmen's answer, Beej grinned and levitated both himself and his lover, curling around her back and sucking at the back of her neck even as her body lost contact with the ground below. 
As he lifted them both, he slipped his legs between hers and gripped her tits to steady her, even as a third hand reached between his legs to angle his cock head up against the entrance of her pussy. He lifted his own legs, spreading them wide to expose the pussy beneath the length of his cock, glistening already with slick and squeezing on nothing in invitation. 
He winked at BJ from over Carmen's shoulder as his fingertips plucked and pinched her nipples playfully, keeping her upright so that should she want to hold or kiss the other she would be free to do so. He adjusted their height, keeping her legs spread using his own and presenting himself at the height of BJ's cock in a relaxed standing position, and the hand that had held his cock to aim it for him slipped down to part the lips of his pussy. 
"Don't have to worry 'bout hurtin' me either. Can fuck as hard 'n deep as you like, it'll just milk more come into 'er," he murmured, finally leaning back a bit and sliding his hands from Carmen's tits to her back to offer her support to sit up on his shaft. He bounced his hips, letting his cock's head press tight against the back of her pussy with the force of her body weight as he held them suspended. 
His female clone, noting at the other two seemed to be in the position her original intended, pulled slowly back off of BJ's cock, pressing a reverent kiss to his tip with her plump lips. 
"What do you say, handsome? You wanna stuff that pussy full of cock and fill it up with every drop in your balls?" she asked, nuzzling the underside of his shaft and taking both of his balls into her mouth, tongue swirling around his sack. She pulled off of them with a pop to add, 
"And if you'd like anything from me, either of you," she glanced to Carmen, "just say the word, I am here to please, after all." 
Beej, noting that he had never properly introduced his clone, looked to BJ. 
"She's a clone of mine, a part of me. Physical manifestation of part of my personality. Don't need to have her out if it's crowded here, figured you appreciate the female figure more 'n mine, just wanted ta offer more variety," he explained. 
Despite the way he spoke, his clone seemed entirely unbothered and opened here mouth, looking up at BJ and Carmen. The sight of the latter changed the shapes in her eyes from stars to hearts, and she reached one arm up to tenderly stroke the length of her calf.
Being lifted and shifted again, a smooth dance that ended with her giggling that became a gasp as Beej’s cock stretched her open made Carmen shudder more fully and groan. His movements, creating a subtle bounce that kept him deep inside her thanks to gravity made it difficult for a moment to concentrate on anything but the sweet pleasure that erupted in her belly again. She clutched at his thighs for a moment, for stability, but as Beej’s hands roamed her she pushed herself upright and leaned back a little. No longer worried about being exposed in front of anyone here, this felt right, being fully on display, wanton and euphoric. Clenching her pussy as tightly around him as she could, she rolled her lower back to help provide friction. She’d also liked to have run her hand over his cock, to feel where he fit inside her and even dip down further to finger his clit, but the other ghost took a step forward in between their legs. Instead of feeling embarrassed or jealous, words rang in her head-- “fuck as hard 'n deep as you like, it'll just milk more come into 'er~”--and that was exactly what she wanted: Beej’s come, as much as it could go into her and fill her up. BJ licked his lips at the buffet laid out in front of him. With Jessie, he was the shapeshifter, the accommodating one, and to have someone else literally offer whatever he might desire was heady. He loved what he could provide and what he did with Jessie, but this was a special night. She was indulging with Ollie, so why not take advantage of what was offered?
Without another moment’s hesitation, BJ took his cock in hand and nudged it between Beej’s lips. It felt like a wet pussy--not warm, like a breather’s, but familiar nonetheless. He pulled himself through the slick a few times, liking to hear the gasp as he brushed the other ghost’s clit. Then, as everyone seemed to hold their breath in anticipation, he took another step closer, and eased himself without pause into the cunt. Carmen groaned because Beej groaned and his fingers tightened on her. She reached for his feminine clone, unsure if the two men she was semi-caught between were going to be so rough taking their pleasure she’d be unseated. Pulling her closer for support, Carmen couldn’t help but twist enough for a kiss, and couldn’t help slipping her tongue into the clone’s mouth even as she continued to moan. 
Ollie looked so happy that it made Jessie's heart swell. She wished that her biofeedback worked the same for fey as it did for humans and ghosts . . . and whatever her previous lover had been. She moaned low in her throat as Ollie stepped closer to her, holding her tight to his body that fit so nicely against hers in this new stature that she had to admit, she actually rather enjoyed. 
She stroked his back as their tongues danced in their mouths, no effort required to pour passion and loving intent into the kiss, though she did still wish he could feel the depth of her appreciation and adoration, the way she knew BJ would have been able to. 
Her wondering about the nature of fey and why they seemed so incompatible with the light inside her was ended by his verbal confirmation that he understood what she'd requested. She returned his kiss happily, and blushed as his fingers interlaced with hers, despite the odd number of digits. She held it comfortably and made to follow him.
 The sudden grasp of a hand from above that hoisted him up and caused him to screech and thrash set a blaze in her stomach as she looked up at whomever had so rudely taken him from her. She'd lost her grip on his hand and remained on the ground as a man she didn't know lifted Ollie to his face. 
She was rushed with anger and felt near powerless as he was lifted so high away from her. But . . . she wasn't powerless. With her brow furrowed in agitation, she glared at the man's shoulder, focusing hard on the location before using her power to deposit herself on it, next to the shell of his ear. 
Her tiny hands grabbed his earlobe forcefully, and she stomped on his shoulder to get his attention. 
"Excuse me! Who are you, and why wouldn't you even ask if you could pick him up? It's fucking rude," she bellowed beside his ear, her anger held tight inside her as she tried to avoid feeding rage in someone significantly larger than herself.
Ollie had no idea who this person was. He continued to writhe impotently in the man’s grip, desperate to escape. His initial startle faded to rage and he ranted in Gaelic at the man, promising nothing but hardship and despair and misfortune. If he’d been angry at Beetlejuice plucking him up, it was nothing like the atomic rage that coursed through him now. The man laughed at him like he was nothing as he examined him. “You’re special. First generation, right? Direct from Ireland. I’ve been wanting a leprechaun--”
Ollie continued to spit, but slowed when Jessie herself appeared on the man’s shoulder, shouting at him too. He didn’t want whatever this man’s purpose was to turn to her; if he was a novelty, she was nothing short of a miracle, even in a gathering like this. Desperately, he tried to think of a way out of this mess. 
Out of nowhere, just how it seemed this man appeared, the faun who’d taken polite interest in Jessie was there. It cocked its head and bleated, drawing the man’s attention away for a split second. Scowling in annoyance, the man kicked at the faun. The faun scampered away. Still annoyed, the man brushed at Jessie dismissively like she was a gnat, keeping his eyes on Ollie. If he’d just avert his gaze for a second, he might have enough strength left to disappear from his fingers. It’d be difficult to find Jessie again for a little bit, but that was a better price to pay than being trapped like this. 
“I don’t want gold,” the man laughed, like Ollie was going to try an bargain his way to freedom. “You’re just coming with me--”
A woman’s voice interrupted him. Ollie wiggled as best he could to try and see the who this may be. It took him a moment, but then he realized it was the woman who had spoken to him in Jessie’s hood the store! The one who had given him lychees!
Fully nude, areas of her skin glistening and others a little crusty from obvious come, the short woman stomped up beside the man. The little faun accompanied her. “What do you think you’re doing?! Put him down right now!”
The man’s back stiffened. “You can’t talk to Lucien Stone that way, witch! I’m a Warlock of the First Order and you have no right--”
At their raised voices, people began to look over. 
She dropped her chin. “I’m Eve Fairborne-LaBeau, warlock, and I know exactly who you are. Andy Clarke. Put him down right now!”
The warlock lifted his lip and puffed himself up, obviously ready to laugh in her face like he had Ollie’s. Eve stared him down, and he seemed to become aware that others had stopped their celebrations and were starting to turn to them. Their faces were not friendly either. 
“Third time is a dangerous number to make me repeat myself,” Eve said quietly. A very faint tremor rolled the soil under their feet. “Are you willing to suffer the consequences?”
Lucien--Andy--scowled again but did not make her carry through her threat. Carefully he set Ollie back down on the ground. Jessie quickly joined him, hugging him to her as they backed away. As the warlock stood again, Eve nodded sharply. “Excellent decision. Now leave. You’ve damaged some of the energy of this celebration and are not welcome any longer.” With his lips still twisted, Lucien--Andy--opened his mouth to argue that point, but several more fauns crowded around Eve, as did other witches and Richard. A minotaur also stepped closer, to add his bulk to the folks who wanted this warlock gone. With a dismissive wave, he turned to go. Eve stepped after him, to put herself in between Ollie and Jessie as he passed them. There was silence as people who were aware of the altercation watched him walk out of the circle, muttering under his breath as he went. Eve held her hand up and an imp flew into it, like a falcon to a glove. She whispered to it, “Stay with him please. I want to make sure he actually leaves and doesn’t bother anyone else.”
tbc . . .
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bi-outta-cordonia · 4 years
In Another World, Part II
The continuation of the Colt x MC piece I was hoping to finally put out for @rodappreciationweek. The week itself is over, so this is just me slamming chapters up hoping to finally do a thing I’ve been thinking about for a minute!
Part I --> here!
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance. Colt Kaneko x f!MC(Deidre Wheeler). PG-13, with warnings going out to Brandon’s rancid vibes. ~4k words.
Seventeen, eighteen—her keyboard clacks in steady strokes, each letter spelling out a larger plan that should take no more than three years and some change to complete if she works hard enough. Every orientation event is over. Every “meet and greet” has long since burned the flames of excitement out her bones. Extracurriculars, plus honors programs, plus a few personal hobbies will fill her free time in between classes. But the main question again…
Seventeen credits or eighteen credits?
Deidre’s hands hover over the keyboard and she chews her lip.
“I know it’s not my business…” Deidre tosses a look back at Ingrid, her pouty lips pursed and her brow drawn. Ingrid glances pointedly at the open document on the computer screen. “We’re definitely still doing the competition thing, right? Pushing each other or whatever?” Deidre nods slowly. “Which is cool! But like…I don’t want you to burn out before we really get into it!”  
Deidre frowns. “You’re taking seventeen credits.”
“Yeah, but that’s because I’m doing my lab first!” Ingrid waltzes up and clicks to the next screen, displaying the course load Deidre painstakingly puts together months before the first day of classes. “Do your lab first, duh. You already have a bunch of high school credits for the 100 levels.”
“But I’d still have to drop a class,” Deidre says.
Ingrid rolls her eyes. “God, I respect you so much but you can really be irritating.”
Deidre balks. “Alright—”
“Here, take a bullshit class and you can keep your seventeen.” Ingrid clicks a few buttons and lands on a page describing a philosophy class. She squints at the screen. “Blah blah blah, classical and modern conceptions of love, blah blah. You just need to get an A and you’ll be solid, yeah?”
Deidre shakes her head and turns her attention back to the screen.
“A look at the ways in which classical and modern conceptions of love and romance have changed over the natural course of time. What the course aims to do is interrogate how love has been defined and shaped by society and cultures. Bring an open mind and an equally open heart to a two day a week lecture!”
Seems simple enough.
Day one doesn’t fully prepare her for the sheer amount of bodies filling every concrete path between her and the rest of Langston. The way she works out her schedule, serious classes take place Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. “Bullshit electives” (Ingrid’s words) occupy her Tuesdays and Thursdays for the time being. One class that focuses on life skills and the other is apparently a philosophy class about love.
A comfortable pair of jeans and even more comfortable sneakers gets her through the throngs of people jockeying for space on the sidewalks. Some souls are brave (or foolish?) enough to bike through the madness but she remembers her favorite self-defense trick from her father—throw them bows.
Deidre shoves her way to Terrence Hall and wanders around the building twice before she finds the lecture room. “Room” because it’s small like a classroom and filled from front to back with desks. The age of the building shows in some of the dusty corners and faded paint on the walls. A good number of her peers sit scattered throughout the room, some leaning on desks and carrying on with casual conversations. A few of them eye her as she walks in. Their gazes immediately catch her old shoes and even older jeans. It’s almost funny how the braids and brown skin are the last things they see—at Mar Vista, it was the first but she at least had four years to show them all the money their parents had still couldn’t afford them a brain like hers.
She takes a seat in the front and rummages through her bag when she sets it down. Notebook, lead pencil, laptop open and ready—a long ten minutes pass and the professor walks in holding a cup of coffee.
He’s a small man and most certainly older.
“Thirty of you this year! Much less than I usually get for the fall semester,” he exclaims. His eyes scan over the class and the collective mood drops in an instant. Most of the students are sophomores. A lot of them are just trying to bang out electives first and this was one of the easiest classes the university offers. “Well, anyway—introductions, yes? As many of you should know by now, I am Professor Pines.” Some of the students giggle. “Yes, yes, terrible name, isn’t it? Regardless, I’d rather not spend too much time reflecting on my family’s awful choices in naming conventions.”
He hands a stack of papers to a girl in the front who passes the papers back. A steady stream of motion fills the room as students pass around what she assumes is the syllabus. When she receives her copy, she purses her lips:
20% for quizzes—
15% participation—
15% mid semester report—
25% group project—
25% final exam—
She almost groans along with the rest of the class when they all see it—group project. Professor Pines seems a bit too gleeful despite knowing he’s just cast them all to their doom.
“The basics of the course first,” he starts. “As this is a philosophy class, most of the materials we’ll be working with are going to come from a variety of readings we’ll be doing, examining facets of love and romance across multiple sources to answer that big question that hangs over us all—what exactly is love? What does it entail and how do we define it?” The professor clasps his hands behind his back and looks out over each student. “There are about a thousand ways to describe love but I want to have you all truly engage the topic. How we see it, experience it, and demonstrate it varies wildly and I’m eager to see what the lot of you come up with. Now, if you could all—”
The door opens and the professor stops for a brief moment. He continues with his next topic but it’s hard not to notice him digging through the papers on the table near him as he searches for a spare syllabus for his newest student.
Deidre sits up and thinks the weird boy from the frat party might recognize her as he scans the room for a seat. His eyes find her for all of a second before he struts down the path and takes a seat at the back of the room. She sucks her teeth and turns her attention back to the professor.
He goes on for a long while covering the basics and answering questions as he goes. Most of the students are just using the class to fill up electives—her included. Engagement seems like it’ll be interesting compared to her other classes but at the very least, she’s going to put some effort in. She took top spot back home and she’s going to have to work hard for even the smallest chance at achieving that out here.
“Before I let you all go, I just want to ask…” Professor Pines steeples his fingers, eyes intently watching the class. “What is love?”
His gaze rakes across the length of the room, each student slinking down in their seat and holding a careful breath as they gauge whether he’s the sort that will call on people or let them speak on their own. The silence lasts for a few more minutes until Deidre raises her hand.
The professor beams and the classroom lets out a collective sigh.
“Love can defined in a number of ways but the most basic would point to it being a psychological effect between individuals with well-defined social bonds,” she answers. “It can be a series of emotions, complex affections, and highly specific in terms of behavioral patterns defined by the parameters of a person’s relationship with the object of said love.”
Professor Pines nods approvingly and looks up. “Yes? In the back?”
“It’s a collective of impulses disguised as particular receptors in the brain that dictate meanings behind specific actions.” Deidre turns around in her seat and catches the boy from the party bringing his coffee to his lips for a sip. “Doesn’t always have to be deeper than that—sometimes the brain just does weird shit and we run around trying to add meaning where there doesn’t need to be.”
The class buzzes and Professor Pines seems even more giddy.
“Ah, a realist!” he says and the boy shrugs. “I always get one! Perspective is going to be key here, both in your understandings of the material and of what you take away from this class.”
Deidre raises her hand. “But the whims themselves would become receptors based on the emotional bond between the individuals in question, wouldn’t they? People can act out of a sense of impulse but love requires those impulses be tailored to prior experience with an individual.”
The boy snorts. “Not necessarily. People can say or do something under the guise of love but that doesn’t necessarily make it so. It’s the brain assigning meaning to whims.”
She bristles. “The presence of whims would require a prior interaction that shapes it.”
“Does it? I mean, I don’t believe in that ‘love at first sight’ crap but the existence of such narratives makes a pretty strong case for love being just the brain trying to find ways to assign meanings—”
“Which still can be explained through a prior interaction because ‘love at first sight’ still requires some form of meaningful—”
“And there’s the idealist,” the professor says, nodding thoughtfully. Professor Pines continues, “I don’t really want to keep any of you any longer, so please make sure to read over the syllabus.” He pauses for a moment, glancing between the front and the back of the room. “I have a feeling this is going to be an interesting semester.”
Deidre glances around and sinks a little in her seat at the other students tossing looks between her and the boy from the party. When she looks back at him, he lifts a brow and takes a languid sip of his coffee.
“Don’t ask me about that,” Deidre snaps. “I don’t even want to talk about it.”
“That bad?” Riya snorts.
“He’s a douchebag! He actually tried to pull some bullshit devil’s advocate crap day one of the entire semester and he wouldn’t even tell me his fucking name at the party!” Deidre dodges a couple rushing out the dorm and ignores Riya’s cackling.
“I mean, he sounds pretty hot…”
“Riya!” Deidre yanks her phone away from her ear and glares daggers at it. Her teeth grind as Riya’s raucous laugh rings through the tinny speakers and she lets out a roar that has heads turning her way. “You’re being a bad friend!”
“You have a crush on him! Look—Deidre—”
“I’m hanging up on you. Hand to God, I will absolutely end this call right now—“
“Oh my god, stop being dramatic.”
“And of course he shows up ten minutes late to class with Starbucks in hand—didn’t even give a fuck about everyone staring at him or the fact that he chose to further disrupt everything by walking his—” She fumbles her keys at first but eventually jams the metal into the door, “—stupid—dumb!”
Ingrid sits up but Deidre only gives a small wave as she quite literally throws herself on her own bed. She puts Riya on speaker and tosses the phone on her nightstand.
“Hey Riya!” Ingrid says. Her eyes dart between Deidre and the phone. “Everything okay?”
“Deidre’s got a crush.”
“Shut up.” Deidre rolls over and faces the wall. “There’s a douchebag in my class.”
Ingrid pauses for a long moment. “Like frat boy rich douchebag or just regular smegular rich douchebag?”
“She’s got budding sexual tension with a boy that’s probably as smart as she is.”
“Riya—” Deidre pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Oh, mood.” Ingrid readjusts her glasses. “If he’s as hot as the dude you saw at the frat party, I’ll be the first to say you should go for it.”
Deidre braces.
“Speaking of which—”
“You wouldn’t believe it but it just so happens—”
A profound silence hangs in the room like the most uncomfortable and bloated thing in the world. Ingrid keeps penning away on her notebook and occasionally peeks at the textbook lying open next to her. Deidre lets the silence fester as she gets up and digs through her bag, pulling out notebooks and textbooks to get started on her own work.
An hour passes before Ingrid speaks up. “Ohhhhh…it was the hot guy from the frat party, wasn’t it?”
Deidre pointedly ignores her.
Three hours and seventeen minutes. She times herself only because it’s necessary. Darius used to joke and say she was going “beast mode” when she got so into her work that time just stops existing as a concept.
Even if time stops existing, hunger doesn’t so it comes as no surprise that her tummy growls when she finally shuts her last textbook. Day one and she’s already diving deep—perfect. She stretches as she gets up and grabs her keychain.
The dining hall is something else entirely. A bevy of appetizing foods fill the buffet and even more is served by the dedicated cooking staff, of which are all chefs of significant renown if she remembers correctly from the online facilities tour.
Stepping through the doors almost feels like stepping into another dimension. Extensive wood finish fills in every panel of the floor, mahogany furniture with fine leather seats make up a sitting area, and ornate paintings hang on all the walls. Her stomach gurgles again when the smell of baked chicken wafts in her nose. Deidre makes a beeline towards wherever that smell leads her.
Rotisserie chicken, beans and rice, steamed vegetables perfectly seasoned, freshly prepared mango and passionfruit juice—
It isn’t even the most delectable thing from the kitchens: lobster bisque, the freshest produce, the most tender cuts of steak, oysters, and even more. Savory and sweet collide in a mesh of flavorful smells that sets her appetite from moderate to desperate. She swipes her card for her meal and carefully dodges students shuffling about the dining area.
“Oh, right…” she mumbles.
Seems like every person decided now was a fantastic time to get dinner. The dining hall is packed from top to bottom with students. Some sit in groups with textbooks and laptops out on the tables. Others sit off on their lonesome reading from books while absently shoveling spoonfuls in their mouths. There’s a group of extremely attractive girls that waltz past flanked by some fit boys all wearing identical shorts and boat shoes.
Deidre takes a few tentative steps forward and scans the room carefully.
There’s a butt in every seat. Some eyes dart towards her as she walks past but they don’t seem to mind her presence. Or maybe they just don’t care.
She finds an empty seat and moves to set her tray down when a girl clears her throat. The smile that spreads across the girl’s face is sickly sweet—she’s clearly not happy seeing a face trying to squeeze into such a big space and her eyes noting the simple style of Deidre’s fashion makes the smile spread a little wider.
“I’m waiting on some friends. Sorry,” the girl says, clearly not apologetic.
Deidre stares at her for a moment before shaking her head and turning back towards the packed dining hall. She starts her hunt anew when a hand touches her on the square of her back.
“Hey, Deidre, right?” She turns around and finds Brandon’s face. His gaze roams uncomfortably, where he looks she isn’t sure but she’s just as equally sure she doesn’t want him to do that. “Where’s Ingrid?”
“Uh, studying,” she says. “How’ve you been?”
He shrugs. “Day one, so nothing really exciting yet. How about you? First day of college going well?”
“Yeah, just—” She nods towards the full room, “—looking for a place to sit. I didn’t think so many people would be here.”
Brandon’s hand slides a little further up her back and there’s a pressure there that feels like he’s trying to guide her. Her feet lock in place even though her body sways and when she locks eyes with him, he’s staring at her like he’s trying to gauge his next move.
“You should come sit with me and my friends,” he suggests. He points out a table full of students with laptops sitting out. “We’re all STEM—engineering mostly. Ingrid said you were mechanical engineering, right?”
The whole reason she goes to that frat party is to try out new things as a young adult. Life here doesn’t have to be all about hitting the books, it’s about exploring and Ingrid attempts to give her that on the first night. Going back inside was for Ingrid’s sake then and for the remainder of the party, Brandon couldn’t seem to keep his eyes to himself. He wants to get to know her and she should try getting to know him but there’s just something so strange about this.
Her eyes dart around the room and a piercing gaze connects with hers.
The weird boy—the douchebag in the leather jacket.
He’s holding a book but he’s got it hovering over the table like he’s about to set it down. His gaze flits to Brandon behind her and he makes a subtle nod at the empty chair in front of him. He’s got his feet in it.
“Uh, actually…” Deidre steps away from Brandon and tries not to sigh in relief as his hand falls away from her back. She musters the best sheepish smile she can handle. “I just saw a friend! I’ll see you later!”
She wants to kick herself—she doesn’t want to see him again if she can’t help it. But it doesn’t matter now, getting away is all that’s important.
The weird boy moves his feet quickly and sits up in his chair. His gaze lingers on Brandon while she sits down and lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in.
“Is he gone?” she whispers.
He doesn’t answer her for a while. Eventually, he leans back again and opens up his book.
“You’re good.”
Silence fills the void between them as he occasionally flips through his book. Her confused stare morphs into an annoyed glare and she digs into her food once it becomes clear he’s done his one good deed of the day. Savory food fills her belly bite after bite and she swears to try the fried plantains next time. It won’t be anything like how her mom used to make, she’s sure, but the thought fills her with a sense of nostalgia.
She wonders what her dad’s doing right now.
He’ll be getting ready for work soon. The three hour time difference is still something she hasn’t gotten used to just yet but he doesn’t seem to mind getting “good morning” texts at six o’clock.
She sighs—he’ll have to find something to occupy his time now that she’s gone. He’s truly alone this time around.
Deidre looks up and the weird boy is staring straight at her. She hates his look almost as much as Brandon’s.
“What?” she says around a mouthful of food.
“You keep making weird noises and I’m debating on whether or not I want to ask what’s up with you,” he responds.
“You just—” She swallows her food. “I’m fine. Thank you for letting me sit down.”
He keeps looking at her and she tries her best to pointedly ignore him. Every so often her eyes dart to the book in his hand—Mount Washington by James Ashton.
“What’s really up with you?” Deidre looks up at him. He shuts the book and sets it next to his already empty tray. He crosses his arms and leans on the table, subtly glancing over her shoulder. “You were way too chipper for an eight o’ clock in the morning elective so I’m assuming you’re either new to campus or...”
His lips quirk when she narrows her eyes.
“Or?” she asks, already aware of the answer. “I’m a ‘nerd?’ God forbid someone takes their education seriously around here…”
He shrugs. “You still haven’t said what’s wrong with you.”
She chews on a bit of chicken slowly before swallowing, eyes finally connecting with his again. His are black as the night and striking. There’s nothing wrong with admitting he’s handsome in a boyish way. He tilts his head and her face grows a little warm.
“I was thinking about my dad,” she finally says. “It’s been the two of us for a while and I’m wondering what he’s going to do now that I’m not home.”
A small silence hangs between them.
“Where you from?” he asks.
The boy snorts. “Bullshit.” She fixes him with a questioning look and he shakes his head. “I’m from LA. I knew Mar Vista sounded familiar—you went to that prep school. State of the art or some shit.”
“It wasn’t all that, I promise you. Where’d you go?”
“Just a little further north—H.H. Huntington. Public school though, so nowhere near as fancy as what you got.” His face softens a bit though not nearly by much. “I left my mom back home but she’s had a year to figure out the benefits of having a house to herself by now. Your old man will get there soon.”
There’s a part of her that can’t help but think it’s a little sweet that his hard gaze softens further at the mention of his mother. Babies all grown up and flying out the nest is how their parents will see them. She wonders if her dad will even recognize her when she comes back—wonders if the boy’s mother has already accepted the young man that now walks through the doors when he comes home.
“You seemed pissed about earlier today.” His voice brings her back and she stabs at a piece of broccoli.
“In class, you mean,” she clarifies.
“Studious types—you can’t stand being wrong.”
“I wasn’t wrong—”
“And neither was I,” he interrupts. His eyes dart over her shoulder once more and she turns a bit just to follow his gaze. Brandon sits over with his friends and turns the minute her body starts shifting. The boy drums his fingers on his arm. “You done yet?”
“You were valedictorian, weren’t you?”
Her brows draw. “Why?”
“Chipper for an eight o’clock and you’re scared about the semester already…” He glances back over his shoulder. “And I told you Langston doesn’t take average kids.”
The boy is so weird. Not weird like Brandon is, which is the kind of weird that makes a person want to double bolt their doors. He’s weird in the sense that there’s a constant game of hot and cold that seems to fuel his every word. He’s perceptive—he remembers her mentioning Mar Vista despite only speaking to her for a total of two minutes. The last time she speaks with him (prior to dinner), he prods at her like an asshole kid poking at a hornet’s nest. His ability to pick things apart is apparent and—
Her brain literally stops.
Langston is filled with money. Langston is money. Average students means average in status only and it’s an extremely competitive school to get into.
Deidre’s eyes rake over the boy—his face, the leather jacket, the backpack slung over his back, and the white motorcycle helmet he holds in the other hand…
“You were…” It’s like the wheels are turning and his gaze immediately meets hers.
“Go on,” he quietly urges.
“You were the valedictorian of your school,” she manages.
He cracks a smile that she can only describe as vicious—she’s not sure why. “Yeah, this semester is about to be hilarious.”
She bristles. “You’re a dick.”
He smirks like he’s proud of it. “I’m walking you home, aren’t I?”
Deidre scoffs and turns away. Day one and she’s regretting some of her decisions already. 
“I don’t even know your name,” she says.
“I don’t know yours either.”
“I tried to ask you at the frat party and you just blew me off,” she counters.
The boy shrugs. “My roommate wrapped up her date and I didn’t want to waste any more time. I guess I could tell you now but it’s way funnier thinking your name is...” A wicked smirk spreads across his face.
She looks at him. “Is what?”
“Stacy,” he says and laughs at the indignation on her face.
“It’s Deidre.”
“Or Becky,” he keeps prodding. “But ‘Deidre’ is nice. I bet people say it right.”
She sighs. “The first time, sure. But then they see the face that goes with the name and it’s impossible to get them to do it again.”
He goes quiet for a second. “Colt. And, no, it’s not short for anything. My last name’s the one that gets butchered though, but I’m not telling you that.”
Colt. His name is “Colt.”
“I prefer thinking of you as ‘the weirdo’,” she teases.
“Most girls save that kind of talk until after the first date.”
Deidre sucks her teeth.
“You think you can get away with things because you’re a smartass,” she bites.
“No, I get away with it because I’m cute. But if you want to go head to head over this, I won’t stop you.” Colt stops—they’ve reached the halfway point across campus. She looks up at him and feels one side of her brain wrestling with the other in the form of an oncoming headache. They stand there awkwardly (mostly on her part) until he nods down the path leading to her dorm. “Be careful, alright?”
So strange—one minute he’s a smartass and the next he’s being a white knight. Deidre wraps her arms around herself and nods.
“See you on Thursday…” She says, turning down the path. A quick glance over her shoulder and he stays rooted there until she gets a safe enough distance across the quad.
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xnovamore · 4 years
Lost and Found Part 2
This is beyond late for a wide variety of reasons. Anyway, here is part 1. This is part 2
Read the whole fic on ao3
And he didn’t have to wait long.
Sam had just lowered himself back onto his bench when the sound of heavy footsteps hitting the concrete reaches his ears. Sam has just enough time to sit up when the man passes by in a flash. All Sam could do is gape and watch as the blond man makes the corner and jogs towards the other side of the park. Damn he was fast. Sam looks up at Ellon in the tree to see how she was faring. The little girl looked completely at ease giggling and swinging her feet off the tree branch. She looks content to stay up there a little longer, so Sam doesn’t mind waiting for the running man to come back around. In fact, Ellon reminds him a little of himself looking so peaceful up in the air. The tree in his family’s backyard was his happy place growing up. His dad turned it into a treehouse just for him and used to spend all his free time in there. He had the best view in the neighborhood, and everybody knew it. That was around the time the bird jokes from his siblings about started too. Too bad for them, he got the last laugh when Falcon became a national icon.
The sound of thundering footsteps reaches his ears again, and this time, Sam is ready. He’s up on his feet when the man starts to slow down scanning the park grounds with a confused look on his face. He was dressed pretty strangely for a man in the park. Sam didn’t know anyone who went jogging in a 3-piece suit and tie. The park was getting more crowed as people tried to take in some fresh air during their lunch breaks, but there was something about this particular man that drew Sam’s attention. And he was actually kinda hot. Sam walked slowly over to the man and cleared his throat. “On your left.”
The man jumped back in surprise a small squeal exiting his mouth. Try as he might, Sam couldn’t stop from chuckling at the sound. Mr. buff and beefy was staring at him like he jumped out of a horror movie. A gaping mouth, large blue eyes, tempting lips still shaped in a small ‘o’ combined with the 3-piece suit made for an interesting picture. Sam grins moving closer to the shocked man. If anything, this just made Sam want to get to know him more. He liked interesting people.
“You’re-“ the man paused looking Sam up and down once, twice. “I mean-you’re…”
“Captain America”
“Yeah…yeah that.” He drops his hands on his knees and leans over panting. He lowers his head and holds it between his spread legs. Sam moves closer again. He can hear the man’s heavy breathing, not as heavy as Sam would expect from someone who lapped the entire park, but still noticeable. Those blue eyes were shut tight in a way that almost looked painful. They suddenly opened and he quickly raises his head up jumping again when his gaze locks onto Sam.
The ‘o’ was back.
“Surprised,” Sam teased. “What did you think? That I was a mirage? A vision originating from heat stroke?”
“I’d guess angel if you had the wings on,” he raises to his full height and gives a crooked grin at the man. He looks much calmer now as he sticks his hand out with a friendly, “Steve Rogers.”
“Sam Wilson.” He grins back. As their hands connect Sam takes a real good look at the man. He must have been distracted by the man’s speed not to notice the resemblance between the stranger before him and the girl hiding in the tree behind him. His grin widens and he squeezes the blonde’s hand before letting go. “Lose something?”
The stranger tilts his head to the side, “What makes you ask that?”
“Oh, just a feeling. You don’t see a blonde blur lapping the park twice in a suit every day.”
“I wasn’t that fast.”
“Trust me, you were.”
“You’re faster.”
That had his grin stretching even further, “are you a fan then?”
“Of course.” The answer came from those lips easily. No shame or hesitance present. As if being a Sam fan came as easily to Steve as breathing.
Very interesting indeed.
“It’s sort of my job to know about you anyway.”
“Government?” Sam guesses snapping out of his daze. When he receives a head tilt again in response, he clarifies, “the suit dude.”
“I forgot I was wearing it.” Steve admits taking the jacket off and folds it placing it on a nearby bench. Thankfully, its not the one hiding the jetpack. As Steve turns Sam takes the time to admire the way his buttoned-up shirt was tight around his arms and chest. “But no, you’re wrong. Sort of.”
Sam raises an eyebrow at the cryptic answer unbeknownst to Steve. The blonde was walking around the park bench eyes scanning it and all the others in the area. His lips press into a frown when he fails to find the figure he was hoping for. He glances back at the still unbelievable sight of Sam Wilson standing before him and curses his luck.
“You were right about one thing, however. I am looking for something. If you’re not in a hurry though I can-I mean I’ll be back if you’ll still be around. I know you’re probably tired from the mission but-“ Steve cuts himself off. He goes quiet for a moment before rising quickly walking towards Sam. Before Sam could call out to him, he hears it too. Steve comes to a stop near Sam as both men jerk their eyes up towards the little girl giggling in the tree.
The ‘o’ was back on Steve’s face only this time Sam had the pleasure of seeing it up close.
“How did you…” In a blink of an eye Steve was climbing up the tree going from branch to branch. He reached Ellon quickly but was noticeably more careful when it came to climbing back down with her in his arms. It’s once they both were safely back on the ground that his mind starts swirling. He glances between his grinning mini-me and a slightly surprised Sam Wilson putting two and two together. When he and Ellon share a look and matching smirks, Steve crosses his arms. “Lose something” he parrots back at Sam sarcastically. The esteemed Captain America just gives him a brazen wink.
Ellon throws herself at the legs smiling wide up at her father, “You’re the one who lost dad. Didn’t I hide good?” Her father smiles and ruffles her hair. “You did hide good,” he looks back up at Sam and adds, “with help.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sam says innocently. Steve rolls his eyes and Ellon turns around to face him, “Winners get ice cream! You eat ice cream right? You should come!”
Sam hesitates glancing over at Steve only to find the blonde man looking at him hopefully. “I know you’re probably tired but…if your up for company, we’d love to have you.”
Sam smiled feeling warmed by the two encouraging faces staring back at him. His plans of sneaking through the park and catching an early afternoon nap faded in the promise of some interesting company. “Well anything for my number one fan.”
The three leave the park, Sam’s jetpack in hand, to the tune of the father and daughter arguing over their number one Sam Wilson fan status and Sam’s laughter.
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ferrethyun · 4 years
He’s my soulmate, unfortunately | Chapter 2
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{Requests are open!}
Summary | Previous | You are here | Next
“So you mean to tell me that you found your soulmate and didn’t decide to let me know until now?”
“I know it sounds bad but it was the middle of the night manager-nim” Y/n sighed out, rubbing his eyes, “You would have been asleep. I wanted to tell you in person”
The older male that stood opposite the idol let out a deep sigh of frustration, pulling his phone out of his pocket “I can’t believe this has happened so close to the comeback” He gritted out, eyebrows furrowed, “I’ll talk to who I need to talk to, you go back to practice and I’ll come to get you all when we need to go to the radio interview today…”
Y/n looked down, eyes glassy and nodded before walking off down the barren hallways towards the practice studio he was just in. When he entered the room, the rest of his group could see the underlying frustration and sadness in his eyes but none of them wanted to bring it up. They had seen this look before when, in the past, their leader had thought he found his soulmark but it turns out it wasn’t; they had all heard the quiet sobs down the hall from when he was crying because he felt like the world wasn’t in his favour. They had all heard it yet Y/n still put up a front of him not caring. If you ever asked him about it, the leader would say that it’s for the sake of the fans, none of them wanted to see the idol they loved so much be sad over a simple thing he couldn’t control.
The idol snapped out of his jumbled thoughts after feeling the pounding bass of their title track for their upcoming album flow through his feet; the beginning few notes of the song allowed Y/n enough time to get into position, his body moving on its own as the lyrics began to fill the room. The group went on to practice other songs for another half hour before their manager came through the heavy wooden door.
“Alright, you lot!” His booming voice filled the studio, “Go and get ready because we need to head off to the radio interview soon! You have 20 minutes max!” The mention of a time limit had the two youngest, Shinwa and Lee, running off to go and get ready while the older three took their time.
With a quick wardrobe change, some makeup and a car drive later, the group known as Canvas were at the radio station. All members sat around a large, circle-shaped desk with headphones on and a microphone in front of them, two radio hosts with them. Per request, the group started off the interview by introducing themselves after the announcement that they were in the studio;
“1! 2!” The group chanted, “Paint the sky! We are Canvas!”
“If you don’t know who these guys are then where have you been?!” The female host questioned with a laugh.
“That’s right!” The male host affirmed, “Today we have every single member with us!: Y/n, Ren, Taewoo, Lee and Shinwa!”
Eventually, the studio calmed down and after a few basic questions of how they were doing and how life had been for them, the hosts moved on to some questions that were prepared specifically for the interview; “So! I’ll get the biggest question out of the way first…” one of the hosts began, leaning closer to the mic, “Can the fans expect a comeback soon?”
The question sent a buzz of excitement through the group, the fact that they had to keep it a secret bringing a grin to their faces as they looked between each other “Well…” The eldest member spoke up, “Unfortunately, we can’t say a single thing but please wait a little bit longer for us!” Murmurs began to fill the room in anticipation, Rens words clearly hinting at a bigger production that was going on behind the scenes. More questions were fired around the studio, ranging from “Who takes the longest to get up?” and “Who has improved the most?”; this went on for a while before the hosts announced that it was time for fan questions. The members adjusted their sitting positions, headphones and mics, getting a bit more excited for these questions as the fans tended to ask questions that were a lot more interesting.
“So the first question is about instruments!” The female host began, “This fan asks, ‘Do any of the members play an instrument. If yes, what instrument do you play?’”
The members of the group looked in between each other, trying to confirm if one of them did; Y/n sat in silence, the mention of instruments bringing back thoughts of his dream.
“I don’t think so?” Lee spoke, resting his head on his chin, confusion in his tone.
“Ah! No!” the youngest exclaimed, drawing all attention to himself, “Y/n-Hyung does! You play the violin don’t you?”
Y/n blinked in surprise before letting out a chuckle slip from his lips as he rubbed at his neck, “I do play the violin actually, I just don’t find the time nowadays…” He trailed off, “I really should get back into playing…” Everyone in the room nodded, slightly uncomfortable at the male's vague tone. They then moved on to the next question, What hobbies do you have? The group couldn’t help but laugh, Taewoos standing out the most. The second oldest went on to mention that sleep and eating were at the top of everyone's list due to lack of time to do things. Each member mentioned something simple afterwards to add some substance to the question; then came the second to last question.
“So this fan is wondering what soulmarks each member has?” The male host's eyebrows shooting up in surprise, “Brave question to ask, listener, let's get some answers then…”
“Well, my soulmark is quite obvious isn’t it?” Shinwa grinned, “You can’t miss it. Not every day that you see someone with a whole vine of roses stretching wrist to wrist is it?”
“Ren-hyung and I have the timer soulmark” Taewoo followed up, earning a hum from the eldest, “The only difference is that they’re in different spots. Mines is on my wrist while his is on his neck I believe”
Next was Lee “My soulmark is where whatever your soulmate draws on themselves shows up on you” He wistfully sighed out, “Pretty common and not that special.”
“Ah! I hear that you’ve met your soulmate? Are the rumours true?” One of the hosts probed, their ears turning red at the personal question.
The second youngest let out an airy chuckle at the question “We’ve never actually met in person but she does write to me every day and before every performance. However, we normally text as it’s easier” Lee couldn’t help but grin, making everyone else smile. He had been the first to meet their soulmate when he was much younger due to the very obvious direct connection to each other; he was so whipped but he didn’t care.
“Right, moving on!” The female host called out to break the overwhelmingly stuffy atmosphere, “Y/n! You’re getting older and is there still no sign of your soulmate?”
The leader couldn’t help but wince at the direct jab at his age and situation but decided to be professional and move past it; this didn’t stop his brain from recounting the moment he met his soulmate over and over again “I… still don’t know my soulmark…” He lied through gritted teeth, “I do hope to meet them soon and discuss what might have taken us so long to meet…” The tension in the room was suffocating everyone, the question a very touchy one to approach.
To break the tension as soon as possible, the hosts moved on to the next question “So the last question is quite simple” The male host coughed out as he awkwardly adjusted his headphones and mic, “Are there any particular groups you enjoy listening to?”
A few different groups were thrown around as well as some solo artists just for fun, all from the other members of Canvas; as to not be left out, Y/n jumped in with his thoughts “I quite like NCT and Bts” He spoke as he rubbed at his chin, “They have quite the variety of genres and its nice to listen to.” Gasps filled the room, making Y/n blink in confusion.
“Y/n-ssi...” The female host spoke, hand over her mouth, “You like Bts? Even with the comparisons made of you and Suga-ssi? How?”
The male couldn’t help but grit his teeth as he brought the microphone closer to his lips “I don’t know where this idea of us being rivals came from?” He began, eyes fiery, “I don’t understand the notion of rivalry in the idol industry as it likely does more harm than good. I’d like to meet with Suga-sunbae one day but I think it’d be awkward due to the supposed ‘relationship’ of rivalry we have as portrayed by the media…” Y/n stopped to take a deep breath, rubbing at his temples in an attempt to calm down.
The silence in the room was deadly, one breath in and you might just die from suffocation. Both hosts let out awkward and forced coughs to break the silence before deciding that now was the time to end the interview; the members said their goodbyes and made their way to to the van that would take them home. In the van, their manager looked Y/n in the eyes and shook his head in disappointment. He let the male know that it was his turn to do a V-live and to not have an outburst or say anything stupid tonight as he did back in the radio station. Y/n simply nodded and sat there in silence for the rest of the journey.
Once home, the group sat at the table to have some food, silence aching and pulling on their minds. It wasn’t till the end of the meal that one of the members decided to speak up about what just happened “So…” Ren began quietly, his tone pointed and on edge, “What was that about Y/n?”
Y/n winced at the tone of his hyungs voice, the words digging into him like knives “It was nothing, it doesn’t matter” he fired back
“Didn’t seem like nothing to me…”
“Well, it was! So just-” the volume of his voice spiked before coming back down, “- leave it will you?” The other members at the table glanced between each other, they knew the topic would be touchy after the interview and they were all curious about what had happened; it was just that none of them wanted to ask about it. As Ren kept probing into the issue, The youngest looked as if he was about to cry while Lee and Taewoo tried to look for a moment to diffuse the situation. Suddenly, Y/n stood up, his chair scraping against the floor, and slammed his hands on the table;
“Look! If you want to know so bad, fine!” He seethed, “I can’t cope with this! It’s all so new to me while everyone here has had time to come to terms with it. I don’t wanna hear anything anymore so I’m going upstairs to do the live. Goodnight!”  And then he left, not bothering to clean his plate up or take it to the kitchen.
In his room, Y/n took a moment to calm down and then began to set up his camera for the v-live; he sat at his desk with all his art supplies and then hit the broadcast button. He let the view count go up for a while and greeted a few people as they greeted him. The male then took a proper look at the comments, noting the ones that asked where the other members were and the ones in English, picking one out to answer “M/n-ie you were on the radio today right?” he read out in a higher-pitched voice, “You’re right! I was indeed. I hope you all enjoyed it?”
The comments set off like crazy, ignoring all the questions that asked about his soulmate, instead choosing to show them the drawing he had worked on a few days ago. He lifted his sketchbook to show the camera and began to talk about it, not noticing the page beginning to move and show the drawing he made last night. The comments went crazy and it took a moment for Y/n to notice. His eyes scanned the comments closely before flitting up to his sketchbook, panic taking over his tired eyes.
He didn’t know what to do, everyone had seen it so what should he do? He couldn’t just play it off as if he didn’t see it or that it wasn’t there; he was so lucky that he didn’t draw facial features otherwise he would have been done for. Y/n could feel the cogs turning in his head. “I… uhhhh…” Y/n drawled out, mind trying to come up with words, “I d-drew this last night? Yeah! I drew this last night because it came to me in my dreams” His eyes scanned the gentle features of the drawing, silently critiquing the drawing at the same time.
“It was weird, I was there and someone else was too…” The comments began showing up like crazy, so many asking if his soulmark might be the soulmate dream room type and that he had only just found out. Y/n shook his head, his eyes suddenly absent of any emotion “It couldn’t be my soulmark type, there's no way that someone who's like a rival to me would be my soulmate. It was just a stupid dream…”
His words barely noted in his mind, but he did pick up on them; Y/n decided that then would be a good time to end the live before he did anything else that might be controversial or stupid. He said his goodbyes, shut down the live and went to bed, choosing to turn his phone on silent in an attempt to stop the constant notifications that appeared on his phones dull screen.
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cilliansaccent · 4 years
The Peaky Designer - Cillian Fanfic, Chapter 22
Hello, welcome back. Below is the next instalment of my fanfiction!
Leave a like or a comment if you liked it, or if I can do anything better! Please, it would mean the world and to understand if anyone is enjoying my writing. Also, sharing/reblogging would be even better.
I will not be including Cillian’s family as it’s kinda weird since he has children lmao. Just a mention of his parents and a previous lover.
I will indicate in a chapter if there is smut in the beginning and before the actual scene!!
I will add trigger warnings if there is any!!
There is a variety of levels of swearing during a chapter, I will not hold back, everyone swears.
The timestamp for the Fic is now 2016 and onwards!!
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
Background: Gabrijela Babic is a Croatian girl from Sydney, Australia. She is born in the year 1991 on the 24th of December. She studies a Fashion degree in a University with a major in Game Design as well. Her teacher in the fashion designer class managed to nail an Internship on the set of Peaky Blinders with the shows very own Costume Designer, Allison McCosh. There, she travels to London for under a year to learn how to be one, working alongside the actors as well the man she admires, Cillian Murphy. But, her platonic feelings for the man begins to grow into something more, and she wonders whether she should pursue them or let him go for fear of her strict parents and her three older brothers…
Swantje Paulina as Gabrijela Babic (swalina on Instagram)
Cillian Murphy
Word Count: 8,912
!!Warnings!!: Sex scenes early in the chapter
Date: February 2017
Chapter Name: Dinner at a Wogs House
Brief Chapter Outline: Gabrijela and Cillian go on a quick shopping spree before it’s time for the gentle Irish man to meet Gabrijela’s very large family...
——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——-
"Cillian!" Gabrijela drawled out his name as his arms slid around her and she was pulled back on the bed and grunted softly. "You must let me go." She whined.
He clutched her close to his body and tangled his legs in hers, "I don't want you to go." He kissed her neck and knew how much she liked it. And how it turned her on.
She let out a soft sigh as she reached back and tangled her hand into his hair, "Cillian... Baby... You can't... Make me... Stay... I'll be late for work..." She felt his body move on top of hers and she was pinned to the bed. She was so sensitive since yesterday but she was growing wet and aching already for him. She didn't fight him off when he pushed off her tights and underwear, then felt his cock rest on her ass before he was in her. She gripped the sheets as she let out a moan.
Cillian took her hands in his, lacing his fingers and started to thrust into her. His little quickie with her turned into thirty minutes of absolutely making love to her body. He loved the way she made blissful expressions and her grip on his shoulders when he turned her around to finish in her a third time. He grinned at her when he slowed down and kept his hips pressed to hers.
"You are such a bastard." She moaned as he thrust into her once more. "Cillian... Please. God. I-I do have to go." She laughed as he kissed her neck.
"Okay. Okay." He laughed with her and pushed himself off her and pulled out with a soft groan and laid back on the bed to watch her.
Gabrijela rolled her eyes as she went to the bathroom to clean up a bit and then came out to pull on her thong and her tights.
"So beautiful." He commented as he admired her, "Come here."
She raised a brow and came to the edge of the bed as he moved close to a sitting position. He placed his hands on her hips and pushed up her shirt to reveal her tummy, "Be good." He murmured to her tummy and pressed soft kisses in a heart shape.
Gab felt tears in her eyes as she gently laid her hands on his head and had the biggest smile ever, "I love you, Cillian. You will make a perfect father." She met his gaze and leaned down to kiss him softly.
"My wonderful girl, she's going to be an as equally perfect mother." He smiled and kissed her lovingly.
She giggled, "I'll see you later, baby." She kissed his forehead as she pulled away and tugged on her sneakers, "I will call you when I get to work, when I have lunch and when I leave to see you tonight."
"Alright. Can't wait to see you, my love. Have a wonderful day." He squeezed her sides and she turned to leave for work.
Work went swiftly but she was itching to get back to the hotel room and see her lover. When lunch came around she called him and they chatted, he was at the Queen Victoria Building and checking the shops out and had bought some... Things. She knew he found something for her and she grumbled, "You should save your money for yourself!"
"Yes... Nah. I don't need to. Want to get something nice for you." He mused.
"Valentine's day is over, babe." She said as she took a bite into her chicken wrap she got from Le Wrap.
"Yeah, but the sales! You know I love a good sale." He retorted.
"Oh, so I'm only good enough for sales?" She teased.
"Oh no, you are worth every cent in the whole world." He replied with a smile.
"Aw, Cilly. You sweetheart." She blew him a kiss, "Also make sure you look for a suit. We got tomorrow only before we leave on Friday." She reminded him.
"Already on it, beautiful." He said.
"Okay. Good boy. I better go. Have to go back to workin'." She said and they said their good-byes and she hung up.
Then her mother called.
She groaned and picked up, "Hello?"
"Hi, darling. How are you going?" She asked her.
"Fine. Finishing lunch and about to head back to work. You?" She replied as she packed up her rubbish and slowly made her way back up to her work.
"I'm fine. I've been meaning to ask you something." She continued hesitantly.
Gab leaned against a railing in front of her work, "Yeah?"
There was a pause, "When will you come back home? Your dad has calmed down and wants you back here."
She sighed, "If only you promise me you won't make any more unnecessary comments on who I can see or be with."
Her mum seemed to reply much longer before she sighed, "Gabrijela you know we worry about you. With what happened with your ex-"
"He is nothing like my ex, mum. He is absolutely perfect. You haven't even met him. Why make such harsh assumptions?" Gab frowned and sounded hurt. "You've seen the photos on Facebook anyway, does he seem like a cruel man?
"I'm sorry darling. Alright. Why don't we have dinner tomorrow night then? I'll get dad to cook up a barbeque." Her mum replied.
"Okay. That sounds wonderful. Have to come back anyway to pack up for Friday. I'll be going in my own car with Cillian since he's invited to. So you don't have to worry too much." She said.
"Alright, we will see you tomorrow. Love you." She said.
"Before you go, will everyone be there?" Gab asked.
"They will. They all want to meet your... Boyfriend." Her mum said.
"Ugh... Fine. I'll give him a warning." Gab huffed.
"Only good things. Have fun at work. Love you." She said.
"Love you too, mum," Gab replied and head back to work.
Work went swiftly and she bought some boxers for Cillian and some other clothing wear. She gave him a call that she was heading back and had some news for him. When she arrived at the room he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck, "My love." She murmured against his lips as he carried her to the bed.
"Hello. How was work?" He kissed her lovingly.
"It was good. I missed you a lot." She smiled and cupped his face before her eyes caught some bags near the dresser.
"I've missed you too. I got you something." He said as he pulled back and handed her a black bag.
"Oh? Have you now?" She took the bag and pulled out the box inside. She popped the lid and gasped as she pulled out the items. It was a very sexy lingerie piece, it was red and lacy. The bra was more of a bralette with wire for some support, the thong was strappy and also had matching shorties. Beneath it was a silk red slip with twin high thigh splits with a bit of lace at the neckline. "Oh, Cillian! You sneaky man." She leaned up and kissed him.
"You like it?" He asked as he watched her put the slip against her.
"It's perfect. I love it so much." She nodded as she packed it up neatly in the box. "Thanks, Cilly." She stood and kissed him. "I got something for you too." She mused as she stepped back and handed him a Bonds bag.
"You didn't need to." He said as he took the bag and pulled out the things. "Oh damn, I do need new boxers. And sleepwear. Thanks, my love. I love it." He leaned in and kissed her sweetly.
"Good. I was sick of seeing those rags you drag around." She nipped his jaw.
"I can chuck them out now." He nodded.
She giggled, "What's the plan tonight?" She asked.
"Don't know. Dinner?" He asked.
"Alright. My shout though. I know a place. Just casual though." She said and they got ready. She didn't apply any make-up since she had some on already, just combed back her hair and pulled on a white playsuit with gold downwards stripes, it had off the shoulder frilly sleeves. She topped it off with black high-top chucks and posed in the mirror.
"Wonderful," Cillian said as he fixed the collar of his dark blue shirt and then patted his jeans down. "How do I look?"
"Ravishing." She stuck her tongue out and came over, kissing his cheek, "Let's go my love."
They headed to the harbour once more and she took him to a restaurant called Olivio's. There she told him about tomorrow night and the dinner with her family.
"Already?" He cocked a brow as he took a sip of his red.
"Yeah. The whole squad is gonna be there. So let's hope the kids will keep the air soft and relaxed. I am not up for any arguments." She sat back.
"Mm." Cillian nodded. Gabrijela told him once that her family, especially her parents, were harsh critics on her life and anything she did. Even to who she saw and was with and he wondered what their opinions were of him dating their young daughter. He could most likely see their point as there is a clear issue: The age gap. But he wasn't going to let that come between him or Gab. He would love her endlessly.
"You don't sound so sure." She tilted her head to the side.
"No, I am sure. I guess I will take it as it is. We can only see how it goes tomorrow. You think telling them your pregnant is too early?" He asked.
"Oh most definitely yes. I... That is way too early. Only there to let them meet you and like you before we can tell them another time." But she knew time was ticking and they had to come clean in the next week or so. Before Cillian would leave to go back to Dublin and soon after start filming.
Cillian knew her thoughts and reached over to take her hand and squeezed it, "Together we will." He murmured gently.
"I know." She smiled and squeezed his hand back.
Their food came and they dug in, she changed the subject and told him she had found a place for them on the South Coast, a place called Gillards Beach which was just before Tathra, a small coastal town. It was like wild camping, no electricity and no showers but had toilets. Cillian seemed eager and she reminded him she would bring plenty of water to refresh themselves. He was still excited either way and told her of a story when he was a boy and camped with his family. The night was light and airy with a lovely summer breeze. They spent the night walking the harbour, hand in hand and talking about new songs that were coming out. They took more cute selfies, sat on the steps cuddled close and kissed. Her legs were hooked over his and she cupped his face with a hand and gave him soft kisses, "Have I told you how much I love you?" She murmured.
"Always." He leaned in, returning her kisses, "Have I told you how much I love you?"
"Every day, every hour, every minute to the last second." She deepened the kiss, her hand now on the back of his head.
His arms circled around her to draw her in closer and they held their kiss. There was a flash and he opened his eyes to see some girls some meters away from them whispering fast as they did something on their phone, when they looked up the girl lost her smile a little and knew she was caught. "Hold up," Cillian said against Gabrijela's lips as he stood and wandered over.
Gab raised a brow and crossed her leg, watching him come to the girls. She could hear the conversation.
"Girls." Cillian smiled at them and they smiled back.
"Hi, Cillian." One said with a blush.
"Hello." The other replied.
"I'm going to cut this short and sweet. I'd appreciate if you didn't take photos of me with my girlfriend, I'd like you to know I am not a fan of sneaky photos while I'm out and about. It is quite rude and not fair for myself or my girlfriend to have strangers have photo's of us together and posting them without our consent." Cillian explained with politeness, Gabrijela's heart swooned.
"Oh... But... Okay. I understand. But there are photos already circulating, the ones she's posted." The girl said.
"Well, I've given her consent to post them. She can do what she likes because I trust her. Besides, she does not post much anyway. She does show me what she posts and I'm happy for her to express her happiness like that." Cillian said. "So if it would be no trouble, but to delete the ones you just took." He was stern but kind and watched the girl delete the photos. Even in her secondary trash so there was no evidence left on her phone. "I appreciate that a lot." He smiled.
Gabrijela came over and giggled, "Okay. Enough hassling the girls. Why don't you sit with them and I'll take a photo? Come on you butt, I know you love to smile." She pinched his arm and he chuckled.
"So demanding." He mumbled and took his spot between the girls. He wrapped his arms around them both as Gabrijela used the girl's phone to snap a picture.
"Perfecto! Here you go, girls. I hope my man wasn't too harsh." She slipped her hand in Cillians.
"No, of course not. He was very kind. Thank you." They both blushed, "You're so lucky."
"I know. Couldn't ask for anyone better. Don't ever settle on something you know you don't like. You'll find that person eventually." Gab glanced up at Cillian and had the most loving smile ever.
The girls made an 'aw' sound and mentioned how cute they were before congratulating Cillian on his recent season of Peaky Blinders. Gab kept it short when it came to her falling in love and did not go into much detail before they had to go. The girls waved as they scurried away.
"I wasn't too harsh, was I?" Cillian wrapped his arms around her as they stood there.
"No. I think what you said was good and polite. You know what you like and don't like and made sure to remind those girls. You are a good man, and I love you." She kissed him softly.
"I love you too," He said and kissed her back deeply.
They headed back to the hotel room to have a very sensual bath together where they kissed and touched each other. It was Cillian's idea as he treated her all night long, taking her slow and easy, his hands roving over her skin and his lips kissing spots on her body which she didn't know would feel good. He wanted to remind her again who she was to him and how much she meant to him, his body driving into hers in pleasurable hard thrusts. When they were both done they snuggled close to each other and fell asleep like that.
 They wandered the streets of Sydney, going to every suit place they could come by. Tried things on but Gabrijela didn't like his choices nor where they went to. They had a bit of a heated argument about Cillian getting frustrated with the constant shake of her head and not liking anything he tried on.
"I don't want you to look daggy." She said as they left the fifth suit store now.
"I know that. But they did look good on me!" He shot back as they came to another store, Peter Jackson. 
"Of course but I'm telling you this store is good. Dom and Leo got their suits here for their weddings and they were perfect." Gab countered.
Cillian sighed and let her guide him into the store. She made quick conversation with the guy that greeted them and it was time to change into the various things she picked out. An hour and a half later... It was done.
Gabrijela came behind him and beamed as she hugged him, "Wow." She murmured.
The jacket and pants were a shade of gunmetal blue, maybe a bit more on the blue side with a dark ashy grey buttoned-down shirt. He insisted he would use his own black shoes but Gabrijela got him to wear a pair from the store. "I look good?" He asked and smiled.
"Like a snack." She nodded and pulled away to walk around him, running her hand along his arms and his back before she stopped before him, her hands on his waist.
"I like it." He grinned at her as he placed his hands on her shoulders, "But I really don't think I need one... I do have-"
"Shut it. I like this one, it's not even tailored and it fits you perfectly." She leaned up and kissed him softly.
"Alright, boss. Whatever you say." He laughed softly, his voice doing that cute little crack as he returned to kiss her deeply.
Someone cleared their throat, "How is the suit?" The male worked chuckled.
Gab blushed, "I like it. I think I will take it." Cillian replied as his arm snaked around her waist.
"Fantastic. I'll give you a great deal." He said with a smile.
Cillian disappeared back into the changing room and came back out soon after. Gabrijela took the clothing from him, "Everything?" He asked.
"Yep. Everything." She brought the things to the counter. A good deal was done and Gabrijela wanted to pay.
"No. I will." Cillian cocked an eyebrow as she faced him.
"You can buy my dress if that makes you happy?" She grinned.
He grounded his teeth together and nodded, "Fine." His hand went down her back and squeezed her ass and she giggled. Then it was off to a shop she knew and had booked an appointment with.
"Woah, how is this a formal place?" He asked as they entered a store that was just full of wedding dresses.
"They got a second and third level, dummy." She laughed and talked to a lady who disappeared upstairs. They hovered about and Cillian took this time to watch Gabrijela run her hands along with the multitude of dresses and smiling softly. He could see in her eyes the yearning for one of these dresses, he could see her in one...
"I love wedding dresses." She said as she came over to him.
"Yeah?" He asked with a smile.
"Mhm, I don't think I could pinpoint a favourite." She giggled. Cillian could only smile more and wrap an arm around her.
"Hello, Gabrijela! Great to see you again!" An older woman came over and the pair hugged.
"Hi, Sasha. It's good to see you again. We just came back from suit shopping." Gab smiled wide.
"Oh? What for?" She asked as she glanced at Cillian.
"A wedding," Gabrijela said.
"Wedding? You didn't tell me you were getting married!" Her eyes widened with shock.
"No!" Gab laughed and shook her head, "Sorry. I meant we are going to a wedding. Driving up tomorrow. So I need the dress by today."
Sasha nodded, "Right! Okay, well let's head up and start to see what you are after." Sasha said.
Gabrijela introduced Cillian to Sasha before it was time to explore what they had. Gabrijela changed countless times, showing it off for Cillian who was now being a pain in the ass when he didn't like any. But he did like the super tight ones. Gab rolled her eyes but when the last dress came... Gabrijela was in love instantly. The dress was satin and sparkly all over. It was royal blue but you couldn't really tell from the sparkles and the shades of blue it had, it was more grey-blue really. Much like a galaxy. The neckline was a half V-plunge and an open back criss-cross strap. It came to the floor and with good heels, it didn't drag along. She twirled on the raised floor and was in amazement. "I love this." She whispered.
"I do too." Cillian came to her side. He had changed into his suit as well so they could see if they would compliment each other. Her dress brought out the blues in his outfit. They were perfect.
They looked at each other and laughed softly.
"We look perfect." She said as she slipped her arm around his waist. "I got the right nude heels." She mused. She took a photo of them together before she changed and Cillian paid. It was way more than his suit but he was adamant on paying.
Gab checked the time and they had to head back to the hotel to get ready for tonight. It was already four in the afternoon. They left the store and got ready at the hotel with Gabrijela going for a shower first then Cillian after. She kept it casual but nice, reminding her family as well that she didn't want this to be formal whatsoever. She pulled on shorts and a soft cotton pale yellow top that had six pictures of flowers. She pulled out what she wanted Cillian to wear, his trademark black skinny jeans and her favourite buttoned top he had, a dark blue colour that had a barely visible black checkered design. She liked it because when he rolled the sleeves up and flexed his arms... She could see the tense muscle show. She shivered at the thought and packed her stuff up into her bags, she wondered if Cillian should do the same...
He came out and looked at the things she laid out, "Isn't that a bit casual?" He asked.
"I don't want this formal or you trying to impress my family. Just be you." She gulped as she stared at him. He was in just his CK's and... Fuck. "God, you make me horny."
Cillian barked out a laugh as he sprayed on his cologne and combed back his hair, "Do I now?" He asked and she had come to his side, "Gab, we need to go soon-" He grunted when she gripped his cock and his arm wrapped around her, "G-Gabrijela."
"Yeah, but... I want to feel you." She mused and got him to sit back on the bed as she knelt between his knees, "You know, I barely get to do this for you." She pulled him out, tucking the band of his underwear under his balls. She continued to pump him slowly, making him harder.
"I know... But I get carried away at making you moan instead. Shit..." He leaned back on his hands, his cock now stiff in her soft palm. The feeling was so good, he wished he could let her do this to him often but he'd get so worked up he wanted to just fuck her. Like right now, he wanted to be in her, thrusting his hips and watch how her body would react to him. He looked back down at her fast strokes until her head came down and he felt those warm lips wrap around the head of his cock. Then further down she went, down, down, down... Until he was entirely in her mouth and she began to bob her head. Maybe he should control himself next time she did this, fuck the pleasure of her mouth was so good. He could feel her tongue push against his shaft and it felt like she was rubbing him in that way, it made another loud groan come from him as he placed his hand on the back of her head. "That's it Gabbie... Fuck. Keep doing that- Shit I love that!" Curses fell from his lips and he fought back from just thrusting into her mouth. He remembered when he did, how much she loved it and came multiple times from it... He couldn't help it and had a steady pace going and she did truly enjoy it.
Gab moaned around him, he took control now and her mouth was just a hole he needed to fuck. She felt her core throb and knew her panties were soaked. She liked this side of him and she simply held his hips and let him do his thing.
It wasn't long when Cillian let out hard gasps and pants followed with moans, his mouth parted and brows knitted together, "Yes... Yes... Yes... Yes!" He repeated, his voice cracking before he thrust up and held his hips to her face and came in her mouth, his head thrown back as her name was shouted to the heavens. He collapsed back and breathed fast as he felt her mouth leave his cock.
"God, Cillian." She laughed as she wiped her lips and chin. He made a mess of her face.
He glanced down as he sat up slowly, "Are you okay?" He asked watching her lick her fingers from his cum. The scene made his cock twitch a little.
"Always. That was fucking hot." She said as she knelt higher and pressed a kiss to his jaw. She was always hesitant to just kiss him right away, only letting him initiate it. Like he did now, pressing his lips to hers and kissed her deeply. She was then lifted into his lap then her shirt was pushed up along with her bra.
"Cillian you don't need to-" She moaned when his lips wrapped around her nipple and sucked hard. Her phone began to ring but she ignored it, chucking it on the bed when she felt his hand wiggle it's way into her shorts and began to stroke her soaking folds. She gasped and her hips began to roll in time with his hand, "Cillian baby." She was in total loss with pleasure. His hand worked her fast, his lips still attached to her lips.
Her phone rang again.
"Answer it." He said against her breast.
"What?" She gasped.
"The phone. Answer it." He said and let her grab her phone before he delved back in.
Her mother was wondering where they were and said she was leaving right now, her voice wavered when her climax was close. Her mother, of course, asked what was wrong but Gab said it was nothing and it was just the walk to the car. She was glad the conversation ended and she hung up the phone just as she cried out his name and came on his hand, "Such a bastard." She panted when he took his hand out and cleaned his fingers.
"You love it." He said and kissed her fiercely.
She giggled and couldn't disagree. But it was time to go. She took her bags she would take back home and prayed he would be able to stay the night there, it would make it easier for when she would come back from work and they could head out right away.
Cillian packed a bag for the days he would be away and stuffed them into her car and got in. She hooked her phone up and played a playlist they both made together and listened and sang. They arrived at the ferry and she parked in the car-park, "We'll have to catch the ferry across. But we got like a spare car that's left on the island."
"Wow... I forgot you lived on an island. That's cool." He pulled out the bags and they hopped on to the ferry that had just arrived. "What's the place called?"
"Scotlands Island." She said with a soft giggle.
"Interesting." He smiled and pulled her close.
Once across she got into the car but felt anxiety hit her, "I want you to know if you don't feel comfortable or happy, tell me or I don't know... Tug my pants or something to indicate it." She turned to him.
"I'm sure I will be okay, my love. Do not worry. Nothing will come between us." He leaned across and kissed her deeply.
"I hope so." She whispered.
He cupped her face, "I love you. And that's that. Nothing will stop me from loving you. Nothing."
She stared deeply into his eyes and nodded, "I love you. Okay. I know." She smiled and kissed him again, "Let's go, baby."
It was not even a minute when they circled the island and came to a beautiful modern, two-story house. It had a huge balcony and she could already see her family sitting outside and talking as she drove up the driveway. "Fuck I think... Oh my god, they even invited Teta and Tetak and my cousins..." She muttered as she parked the car.
"Who?" Cillian asked.
"Aunty and Uncle." She pressed her forehead to the steering wheel and sighed heavily.
"Come on love. We got this." He squeezed her thigh.
"We got this." She repeated and got out.
"Heyyyy! Gabrijela is here!" One of her cousins, David yelled out from the balcony. "Finally!"
She rolled her eyes and grinned up at him as she walked with Cillian to the door, bags in tow. It opened to reveal her mother who was smiling.
"Gabrijela. Good to see you." She hugged her daughter.
"Good to see you too, Mama," Gab replied as she stepped back.
"This is Cillian?" Her mother asked as she glanced at the man beside her.
"Yeah. Cillian, meet my mother, Liljana. Mama meet Cillian, my boyfriend." She said with no hint of fear, just confidence and truth.
"Lovely to meet you, come in, come in."
"Lovely to meet you too. I am happy to see you finally." Cillian smiled as he exchanged cheek kissing with her.
They entered the home. It was modern and had a short narrow hallway with high ceilings, it opened up to a living room that leads to the backyard, there were rooms and a set of polished wooden stairs that lead up to the second level.
"Mama I just need to drop these bags off then I'll come right out," Gabrijela said.
"Okay. Dad hasn't finished yet since he only just started." She smiled.
Gabrijela took Cillian through another big living room that had a kitchen attached to it. Her room was the furthest from the hustle and bustle and had a wonderful view of the water and beyond. She had wooden floors with a huge fluffy carpet under the low double bed. The walls were off white but were decorated with photos of the many birds he remembered she had shown.
But the first thing he noticed was a big birdcage in her room with a colourful parrot inside who was silently watching them.
"My god, is this the macaw you told me about?" He asked once he set the bag down and came to the cage.
"Yep. My little precious boy, Lucien." She giggled and came over and popped open the cage and let him out, "Say hello to Cillian." Gab smirked.
The parrot repeated 'Hello Cillian' and Cillian's eyes widened, "No way! Wow, you are a clever boy. I wonder who taught you." He slowly reached out a hand and touched him. "Silky."
She giggled, "He's my baby. Wait till you see the aviary." Gab said as she let the bird roam on top of the cage. She went to her bags and took out the dress and hung it up in the small walk-in wardrobe and left the pair to bond. When she came out Cillian was holding the Harlequin Macaw on his arm and continued to pet him.
"I'm taking him out to the balcony. He'll be our fighter," She smiled as she let Lucian sit on her shoulder.
"He won't fly away?" Cillian tilted his head to the side.
"He's flight trained and knows to come back if he does." She held his hand, "Doesn't panic over loud noises and all that."
"That is awesome." He squeezed her hand.
She took in a breath and walked with him out to the balcony, Croatian music was playing, the younger babies were in a pen and the older toddlers played with them but their keen-eyed parents watched them.
Then it was time to meet and greet, hug and kiss each other's cheeks and Gabrijela introducing Cillian to everyone before she was able to sit down. She had to do the whole 'explain how you two met' when Cillian was dragged away by Leo and her other two older brothers and her cousins.
Gab looked at him but he smiled and leaned down, giving her deep but quick kiss, "I'll be fine, my love." He touched her cheek gently.
"Okay. I love you." She said with a shy smile.
"I love you too." He said and kissed her again and walked off, a Corona in his hand.
Tatiana, who was beside her, wiggled her brows. Gab was probably the closest with her, "He is very handsome. Those eyes!" She gasped.
"I know. I can't get over how beautiful they are." She looked over and saw they were introducing him to her father. She frowned. "I should be there."
"Oh, don't worry. I made sure Leo would be a gentleman and if he ever screws up tonight he'll get a good lecture." Tatiana nodded.
"I hope the others do the same," Gab said and scratched her birds head, he could sense when she was uneasy.
Gabrijela continued to chat with the girls at the table, her mother watched her and listened to her explain this and that, until it came to sex...
"Of course we do. Why wouldn't we?" Gab cocked a brow when Carmen asked the question.
"And... You're fine with that? With... Him?" Carmen asked and Gabrijela knew that tone was scolding and trying to make it seem that having sex with an older man was disgusting.
"Yes. He's my boyfriend. He treats me good. You seem bothered, what for?" Gabrijela felt her nerves spike and she stared hard at Carmen. No one really liked her, she was barely ever around since she was a flight attendant and no one knew why David was still with her. She had a major attitude and always made any type of gathering or celebration about her.
"You use protection, Gabrijela?" Her mother asked finally.
"Of course we do. He was the one that wanted to and I the same. He's a good man, respects me and my boundaries and has never once made me upset. I love him and he loves me. Nothing will change that." Gabrijela stated and watched Carmen roll her eyes.
"Have you met his family?" Ema asked she was Antonio's wife. She was soft-spoken but wonderfully kind.
"Yeah, I have. He's the eldest, he's got a brother and two sisters. All have kids and are married. His family is absolutely lovely, I spent Christmas and New Year's there. I was gifted by his mother with that throw, scarf and the cookbook." Gab smiled softly. She cherished those gifts and couldn't wait to snuggle in that throw when it was winter.
"I want to know now that you said his siblings are married, has he been married before?" Carmen asked.
Gabrijela glanced at her mother who also seemed worried about that fact. "No. He did have someone some time back but he's been on his own before he met me. How is this relevant? Does it matter whether he was or wasn't?" What the fuck.
"Of course it does," Her mother cut in, "I do not want my daughter with someone who's a divorcee or had an unclear past. You know my opinion on this, Gabrijela."
"He's never been married, Mama. Only had a girlfriend who he didn't want a life with. He's a good man, why can't you see this?" Gab frowned. She was not going to let her mother or Carmen trample on her man.
Her mother was about to reply when the boys all returned, carrying over platers of food and set them on the table. Kids were seated in their seats before food was passed around and light chatter was made.
Gab could see her father who had a hard look in his eyes and watched Cillian occasionally, as well as her brothers and cousins. She really couldn't handle this 'male' aggro vibe that they were throwing towards Cillian. "What would you like, my love?" Gab took his plate and smiled.
"Bit of everything?" He placed his hand on her thigh, "Not too much though."
She was glad he was back at her side, his presence made her feel at ease right away. She filled his plate with the various things that were laid out and he did the same for her. Everyone dug in, the kids were chatting away and music continued to play.
Yet Gabrijela did not feel that light, cheery vibe. She felt like she was on a war field, afraid if she stepped anywhere a mine would blow up. But if that meant that she should take that risk and defend her man... She would. She would not let Cillian be attacked because some opinions could not be let go. It broke her heart.
The questions began to flow towards Cillian, simple yet curious questions such as:
Where did you go to school?
What is your family like?
Where do you live?
What work do you do? And when he explained more questions further on those answers.
Gabrijela was shit scared as he answered with ease. He did not back away or look uncomfortable. He was happy to answer the questions thrown at him, though he was still a little awkward and made jokes which to her surprise her family laughed. Though he was clear he wasn't up for any political debates or give his views on certain things. Her father seemed to not like it and began to complain and mention how people shouldn't be afraid or weak when it came to speaking your thoughts.
"I understand that but some opinions can hurt people. I do not think unnecessary talking of views or anything of the like should be done. Only if it comes to it and is to do with the current situation." Cillian replied with a cool demeanour.
Her father tried to counter it but her mother hushed him and spoke to him in Croatian. Then shook her head and looked back at Cillian, "I'd like to know one thing though as I am a concerned mother."
"Of course. Go ahead." Cillian said. Gabrijela slid her hand on to his thigh and he placed his hand over hers.
"Gabrijela mentioned you have siblings and that they are married... May I ask why you are not married?" Liljana asked and all eyes were on Cillian.
Gabrijela was panicking inside and gripped his thigh tightly. Her mother had a real nerve and she was pissed.
"I never found the one. I dated a woman quite some time ago and after that didn't work out I dated on and off. Work takes up half the year or more and when I do get time off I spend that time up at Cork with my family. I've learned that there are people out there who are not who they say they are and I have been screwed over from those people to many times to fully settle down." Cillian replied.
"And what makes Gabrijela different?" Leo asked, his face set serious.
Cillian glanced down at Gab, seeing the fear in her eyes and reached up to touch her face, "She is unlike any woman I've met. She has been nothing but real and truthful towards me the moment we met on set. She has such a big heart, her kindness shines so brightly in her eyes. She is mature, she knows her things, she is also playful and keeps me on my feet. We can talk for hours on end without boring each other...." He was smiling wide, the corners of his eyes crinkled, "I love her. And only her. I cannot see my life or future without her in it."
Gabrijela's heart swelled once more and it was like how she felt when she first fell in love with him. Warm, bright and happy. To be honest, she felt like that all day every day with him.
"What kind of future with her? Marriage?" Her father was the one who spoke.
Someone scoffed and Gab looked over and saw Carmen shaking her head a little.
"It is something we will discuss when we are both ready. But I can assure you, everyone here, I will not hurt her, I will not be unfaithful, I will care for her through and through. I know you are concerned about the age difference, but please, see past it. I love her. I really do love her and to have your blessing and understanding, it will mean so, so, so much. My parents had the same concern, and I understand it, but I am in no way here to use your daughter. Only spent every waking moment with her." Cillian ended it, looking directly at her parents and waiting for their reply.
Gab watched them too, their expression was unreadable.
"If what you say is true, then I give you my blessing. But know this, if you ever, ever hurt my little girl, you will regret it. I promise you that." Her father had a hard look but she could see he would let them be.
"Understood." Cillian nodded and looked at Gabrijela, squeezing her hand.
Gab needed to step away from the table and stood, "I'll um.. Clear the table." She said as she took plates and all that. Cillian automatically stood to help her, and after two or three rounds they stayed in the kitchen and was cleaning up the dishes.
"Gab? Are you okay?" Cillian asked as they stacked the dishes up in the dishwasher.
"I feel like... I don't know. I was... I was scared, Cillian. But fuck... You did so well. I-I thought you might've hated it-"
He took her hand once she shut the door to the machine, "I wasn't too fond of answering the questions but I did it so they could know who I am. If I plan to keep you forever, I gotta let them know who I am. I'm fine, my love. Really. It was intense, I must admit but... I think it went well." He pulled her close to his body, his arms loosely around her waist.
"You sure?" She whispered.
"Very. Now, let me kiss you. You look like you need one." Cillian smiled and leaned in and kissed her deeply.
Her hands slid up to his shoulders as she opened her mouth for him, losing herself into the passionate kiss.
Cillian loved kissing her like this, she tasted sweet from the lemon-lime and bitters she just drank, her fingers tightened in his hair as he heard a soft moan escape her.
"Wow, you two need a room!" Tatiana laughed as she came into the kitchen with Leah behind her who gave a light laugh.
The pair let go of each other and Gab blushed darkly, "Shut up."
"No! God, I wished Leo would kiss me like that. Fuck." Tatiana sighed with a shake of her head.
"Dom just gives me pecks." Leah pouted cutely.
"I can see you two share something special, and it's cute to see that." Tatiana smiled, watching how Cillian stuck close to Gab, "Despite what those oldies out there say, you two are good for each other."
Gabrijela smiled.
"I agree with Tati." Leah agreed.
"Thanks, girlies. I appreciate it a lot. Like, really. But I am glad Dad gave us his blessing. It makes things a little easier for me." Gab said.
"Just be who you are. Don't change yourself just because someone else doesn't like it." Tatiana told Gabrijela as she refilled her glass.
"Always. Thanks, Tatiana." Gab said and the two girls left them be.
"Ready to go back out?" Gab looked up at Cillian who watched her with love.
"Yeah. I am." He leaned down and kissed her deeply again.
"Damn you. You know I like that and that it turns me on." She hit his chest and he laughed.
"I have to put you in a good mood somehow." He nipped her bottom lip and she rolled her eyes and got Lucien back on to her shoulder.
"Bastard." She muttered and they headed back out.
The conversation was light around the table, Cillian was holding a steady conversation with Ante and it seemed they had similar bands they liked and were excitedly talking about it. Gab's brothers and cousins chimed into the conversation and it seemed they were liking him a lot, they were laughing and joking around. The air was looser and easy. The night wore on and Tatiana had gone to put her baby to sleep and when she came back it was time for Dom and Leah to head home to as well as her aunt and uncle and her cousins.
Everyone seemed to like Cillian a lot, he was extremely friendly and kind and had some time with the babies and kids. The younger ones loved him as he played with them and was just... Carefree. Cillian showed care and affection towards Gabrijela and made sure to make her laugh the whole night, he made sure she was okay when she was with the girls and he was with the boys and always looked over to see if she was holding up.
Gabrijela would cherish that moment when Cillian lifted up Luca, Leah's one-year-old son who was crying and fussing and had eased him into sleep in no time. He held the boy with such care in his arms as he rocked him before he handed him back to his parents. Cillian would be the most perfect father, she thought. She was glad she was keeping the baby.
She couldn't wait for it to be here.
Everyone said their farewells and her parents, Leo and Tatiana headed back to the balcony. They gathered on the outdoor lounge, Gabrijela watched as her father took Cillian aside and headed to the backyard along with her brother.
"I do hope they won't eat him alive." Gab murmured to Tatiana who laughed. Her mother was inside making tea.
"I'm sure they are doing manly things. Your father might show off the house." Tatiana mused.
"Maybe." Gab sighed and stroked her bird who was falling asleep in her lap. "I hope they will let him stay with me tonight. I don't think I could handle it being alone."
Tatiana giggled, "You got your bird to snuggle with."
"Not the same!" Gabrijela whined.
"Yeah true. Birds can't give you pleasure." She wiggled her eyebrows at her. "Now that we are alone, tell me how he is in bed."
She rolled her eyes but sighed with a smile, "He's very good. Nothing like anyone I've been with. He works me out to exhaustion." She blushed brightly.
"Really? I would think of it the other way around." Tatiana teased.
"Oh, sometimes it can happen but that is only if he lets me. Which is rare. He likes to take control." She mused.
"How often?" Tatiana continued, leaning forward. "Favourite position?"
"Tatiana! My god." Gab shook her head, "Jeez... Since his arrival its been every day, maybe twice a day. I like to uhm... I like to see his face. See the emotion." She whispered, getting all shy about it. "That's all you get." She grumbled.
"Damn. You two are like rabbits." She laughed softly before she settled down and watched her closely. Tatiana had been doing that all night.
"Now what is it?" Gab raised a brow.
"I just... I dunno. I see something in you." She said softly.
"Yeah? Like what?" She was confused as to what she was saying.
Tatiana came over and sat beside her, looking her up and down. Then placed her hand on the side of Gab's neck then grabbed her breasts and gaze them a good squeeze.
"Ow! That hurts like shit! What are you doing?" She battered her hands away.
"You're pregnant." She said without hesitation.
"What?! No! I am not. What the fuck..." She felt a spike of fear run through her and frowned.
"Don't lie. I can see it. You look heaps tired, you look more fuller and your tits are sensitive. I didn't even squeeze them that hard." Tatiana whispered.
Gab glanced away, her bird was nibbling on her fingers gently.
"You know you can trust me with this. I'm here for you. Does he know?" Tatiana touched her shoulder.
"He does." Her smile was soft, "He's over the moon about it. We've already talked about how he will support me when he isn't here."
"Like?" Tatiana saw the glow in her sister-in-law's eyes, she was truly happy. Unafraid.
"He'll send me money to help with any doctor fees. Weekly. I'm not far along but I will guess November it'll be due. When I get a better number, Cillian will make sure to fly over here to be here."
Tatiana smiled wide, "You really did find someone special, huh?"
Gab looked at her, "Yeah. I did. I... There are no words to explain my love for him, Tatiana."
"Don't need to. I can see it. So, when do you think you'll tell mum and dad?"
"Probably next week after we come back from our camping trip. I want him here with me when we spill it. I don't fucking know how that's gonna go." She placed her hand on her tummy, "I won't give it up. No matter what."
"I'll help you to. Leah will too." Tatiana said and took her hand gently.
"Thanks. I'll need it." She laughed and heard voices. She looked over and saw her mother bring out a tray of two teas and her father discussing with Cillian about his work and some building thing he was doing. Leo came out and sat with Tatiana, "I think it's time to head to bed." He yawned.
"Aw, baby." Tatiana laughed, "Yeah. I'm tuckered out. I'll see you in the morning." The pair left after they said their goodnight.
Her mother smiled, "We had a good chat with him." She said.
"Yeah?" Gab sipped her tea slowly.
She sighed, "I will always worry for you. Always. I love you. And if you are happy with him, then I will be happy to. Your father is the same."
Gabrijela smiled. That was all that she wanted to hear, "Thank you, Mama. I am very happy." She hugged her.
"Good. Well, I am going to bed. I will see you in the morning." She stood.
"Yes, darling?" She turned to her.
"You okay with him... Sharing a bed with me?" Gabrijela asked softly.
Her mother seemed to remember it and pursed her lips, "He is your boyfriend... I guess there is no harm with that."
Gabbie grinned, "Thanks, Mama. Goodnight." Her father came out and said goodnight to and then it was just her and Cillian on the couch.
"God, what a night," Gab said as she set her empty cup down.
"Yeah." Cillian smiled. Gab laid back, her head in his lap.
"I'm glad it went fine. Did you like the food?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. It tasted really good." He nodded.
Gab smiled and fell silent, staring at the clear sky. "Tatiana knows." She finally said.
"Know what?" Cillian was stroking her pretty hair which fanned out on his lap.
"That I am pregnant." She laughed at his widened eyes. "No. I didn't tell her. She just knew by squeezing my tits."
"Oh." He laughed lightly. "How'd she take it?"
"Said she was happy and would support me. She wasn't mad."
"That's good. That's one family member down."
They both laughed at that and Gabrijela yawned, "I think we should head to bed. I need to get a good sleep tonight since I have work tomorrow and a long drive ahead."
"Good plan." He finished his tea and went down to grab his stuff from the car when Gabrijela went to her bedroom to take a shower and dress. While she locked up the house he took a shower as well and stayed in his CK's and slid into bed, waiting for her.
She came in and shut the door, covered her bird and slipped into bed beside him. He was on his back and she snuggled close, her head on his chest. "Where were you when my dad and brother took you out?"
"Ah. He um, wanted to talk to me about something. Nothing serious. Just some advice." He ran his fingers down her arm then back up.
"Right. It was some advice, took you so long to come back." She giggled.
"Yeah. But it was alright." Cillian turned his head and kissed her forehead, "I love you."
"I love you too, Cillian Murphy. Goodnight." She whispered and let his soft touches let her drift to sleep.
Cillian watched her fall asleep before he followed her to, their heads close and his nose brushing her forehead, his fingers laced in hers atop his stomach.
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creativelycryptid · 4 years
The Thing in the Woods
There have always been things in the woods. This is a fact of life up here, in the mountains. From the first moment human eyes looked out into the first dark woods, other eyes have looked back. Some eyes were friends, some were food or sought us for food, but others were something else entirely. Things, with a capital T. The woods have gotten smaller, over time. Height wise and width. Things have died off slowly. Not entirely, of course.  Many adapted, became smaller, better at mimicking coyotes or owls or other things considered natural by people, or just better at hiding in general. Still, there are quite a bit fewer nowadays than there used to be. Every culture has or had their own ways of dealing with them or not dealing with them, as the Thing and situation called for. I’ve lived in the Appalachian mountains for most of my years. Not true deep woods, but deep enough to have my fair of stories about Things. Deep enough to learn a few things too, like how even though coyotes live in packs they don’t hunt in them. If you’re in the woods, being chased by something that looks and sounds like coyotes, they may not be coyotes. Climb a tree and say your prayers. There’s a wide variety of Things: Things that have names (Bigfoot, Mothman), Things that used to have names, and Things that have never had names. This story is about one particular Thing named Bibi.
When the real estate agent brought me out here the first time, he was highly skeptical. An old woman living alone out in the woods? He was concerned for my health and safety, he said. But I’d lived out here in my younger years, and I remembered how it was. There wasn’t a force on earth short of a heart attack that could’ve kept me from buying this place. A sturdy little house, with a porch just big enough for the table and pair of rockers that sat to one side of the door. I walked through the house with the real estate agent trailing behind me, half-heartedly selling me on the place. I mostly tuned him out. I’d already made up my mind. The only things of interest in all of what he said to me that day were the price (on the high end of affordable), the distance to my nearest neighbor (too far for his comfort but too close for mine), and that it came with the furniture. We went back to his office to get the paperwork in order, and within a few weeks I was settled in. 
My first night was lovely. I had a little upstairs bedroom all set up with quilts and books and a little reading lamp. The mattress was mine, of course, no telling how old the one that came with the house was, or what kinds of people the last tenants had been, but I did use their bed frame. I smiled when I lay down, already running through lists of things to unpack in the morning. An art studio across the hall, dishes for the cupboards, boxes of books and blankets for the living room, and seeds for the garden. It was too early to do much planting yet, but I could plan. Oh Lord could I plan. There would be no guest room, naturally. I slept soundly that night, with the comforting sounds of night birds and wind.
The next afternoon I was taking a break from my unpacking and was enjoying some lunch of sandwiches and hot tea on my porch. The last of winter was thawing out, though I figured we still had one good frost to come. The air was a bit nippy, and I was tightening my shawl around my shoulders when the car pulled into my driveway. It wasn’t the real estate agent’s shiny newish car, and it wasn’t a moving van, so I couldn’t see any reason for this beige Toyota something or other to be here. I was about ready to tell the driver as much, too. 
Before I could finish composing an irate but mostly polite invitation to leave, the driver stepped out and started up the porch. She was a woman of about my age, with a darker complexion and wiry gray hair pulled away from her face. Her eyes had smile lines at the corners, and her expression was friendly but firm. She carried a casserole dish with her, covered over in a layer of tinfoil, and I sighed. There was really no getting out of this. I hauled myself out of the rocker.
“Well hey there! I just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the neighborhood. Lord knows the trees won’t do it.” She motioned towards the surrounding woods with the casserole dish and her face crinkled up into a smile.
“That’s mighty kind of you. Here, I’ll take that and let you get back to your day.” The casserole dish was still warm and her hands were cool where I brushed against them. The tinfoil crinkled up at the edges and the smell of warm peaches drifted out.
“Oh, now, I’m in no rush. I was hoping to sit with you a spell and get to know you. Not many people in the area, so I gotta get my conversations in where I can. I’m Ruth, I live about ten minutes that-a-ways.”
“Name’s Lottie. Lemme get some plates and such for this, we can chat while we eat. G’on, have a seat.” 
To tell the full truth, I had planned to serve up the cobbler, make as little conversation as I could get away with, and then say my goodbyes. Maybe make a few empty promises to stop round her place one of these days and few even emptier invitations for her to come calling again. If I’d had my way, I’d have been a hermit in the old mountain tradition. I suppose, in the long run, it’s a good thing I didn’t get my way.
I stepped back out onto the porch with two plates of peach cobbler and an extra blanket for Ruth. She accepted her plate with a smile, and our fingers brushed again. To her credit, the cobbler tasted amazing, and I told her as much.
“Secret family recipe” she told me, “plus I canned the peaches myself. I think it adds a little something. Where’d you move from? You sound local enough.”
“Most recently just down the hill, in State Road. I grew up further up the mountain, though, and a little to the west. Lived there from the time I was born till I was, oh, about 35. Surface mining got too close for comfort.” Ruth was nodding the whole time I was talking.
“Yeah that sounds about right. ‘Bout the same for me. Moved down the mountain, got hitched, moved back up the mountain. It’s the circle of life or something pretty close to it.”
“Sure seems that way. Never got married, though. Never struck me as something I ought to do. I like the quiet too much to have some man foolin’ around gettin’ in my way. That’s why I came back up here.” 
“Well, there’s plenty of quiet up here, that’s for sure. I’m glad of it myself, but it does get a little lonesome. Ed’s been gone a good - let’s see, what’s it been? - ten years now. He was an alright husband, God rest his soul, but never much of a talker either. The kids have little ‘uns, but they mostly come up in the summer.” Ruth looked off into the trees for a minute, before turning to me. Her face was softer, and her skin didn’t seem as much crinkled as it did folded. Less like paper, more like fabric.
“So I’m glad to have a neighbor now.” She finished, and reached over to pat my hand.
We talked for a while longer, mostly about gardening, before we decided that it was about time to go back to our own businesses. And then, of course, we talked for a little longer, standing next to her car, then through the car window. I waved her off, then went back to unpacking. I tried to keep myself busy so I wouldn’t think about my visitor, but that can only last for so long.
That night, after dinner was eaten and the dishes were cleaned and put away, I settled down on the couch with a glass of whiskey and a crossword puzzle that I just couldn’t focus on. I kept going back and forth in my head about Ruth. It had started off perfectly normal, to be sure. Introducing yourself to your new neighbor with a baked good was the neighborly standard. Hadn’t the conversation gotten a little too familiar too quickly, though? On the other hand, what we’d discussed technically fell into the category of family history, which was well within the range of typical. Although, family history usually ranged to how long your grandparents had lived in the area or which of your relatives had run shine. It wasn’t so much that the visit was strange in general, but it was strange for me. I hadn’t gotten so friendly so quick with someone in decades. And such a long conversation! I hadn’t had a willing conversation longer than 15 minutes in God knows how long. I could’ve gone back and forth for the rest of the night, or at least until I’d finished my whiskey, if I hadn’t had my second, much stranger visitor.
There was a noise in the yard, though I’m hard pressed to say now exactly what it was. A stick snapping or the sound of hurried steps over the gravel in the driveway. I reached for my shotgun and went to take a peek out the front window, running through a list of possible culprits. A bear would be making more noise, it was still too far from spring for a bear to be moving gracefully. It was too big to be an opossum or a racoon. Maybe a deer, maybe a person. I stared out into the darkness.
I couldn’t quite make out where she stood at first, but my eyes adjusted enough to see her, standing towards the middle of my yard. Definitely not a deer, the shadow in my yard moved on two feet, but sort of crouched into herself. It was hard to see her exact shape, but I could tell that she was a little smaller than me, tall and around, even hunched like she was. She looked to be made of shadows, but the parts of her that I figured were her arms and legs stood starkly pale against the night. I tried to angle myself against the window to see her better, and the tip of the shotgun knocked against it, just lightly. I watched her tense, back arching so that now, instead of hunching over, she looked more coiled for a spring. Her head whipped around to face me and we locked eyes.
Good God those eyes. They shone bright in the night, a piercing green that seemed to drill into me. I remember thinking that they were so bright it seemed like they should be casing spotlights in front of her. And that it seemed like she was waiting for something. I held my breath and tried to stay still. I didn’t want to spook her, or incur her wrath. There was no telling, from just this first meeting, what kind of Thing this was in my yard. Some Things are dangerous. I was mostly just hoping she wasn’t one of those. 
I’m not so sure of how long we sat there, but eventually she backed up a pace or two and then darted back into the woods. She moved a little like a human, but mostly like a catamount. Which is to say, she had her back up and her head down and moved quick and graceful, but she stayed on two legs. I stayed where I was, watching the darkness. I didn’t sleep quite as well that night.
But the sun came up, as it is wont to do, and there were things that needed doing. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen Things before, there was even a time in my life where it was downright normal to wake up midway through the night and see flashing eyes in the dark, or hear an almost-human voice calling from the woods. I was a little out of practice, that’s all. And maybe I was a little unsettled that I couldn’t quite tell what she was. I was certain I’d feel better after a little breakfast.
I did not feel better after a little breakfast. In fact, as I unloaded more books into the bookshelf I started to wonder if she would be back. While I was deciding where to hang my few pictures and paintings, I thought anxiously about teeth and claws. By the time I was trying to set up my tv I was remembering how she had moved, with a darting swiftness, and wondering if I could shoot her if I had to, and my hands shook so badly I couldn’t get the cables right. It was time for a break. 
I hesitated in the doorway for a moment before stepping onto the porch. In the end, though, I decided that this was my home and I wasn’t going to be afraid in it. If that were the case, I might as well move out now. Besides, I reasoned, most Things didn’t come out in the daylight, at least not this close to people. As long as I didn’t go for a walk in the woods, I would be fine.
I sat in the rocker for a few minutes, watching the woods. All was calm. Bird song drifted on the wind, and clouds passed by overhead. Feeling emboldened by the quiet, I decided I should look to see if there were any tracks in the yard. The ground was still fairly hard from the cold, and the Thing had moved lightly, so I doubted there would be, but I looked anyway.
I stood in the middle of my yard, bent over the ground and staring holes into the grass, so focused that I didn’t hear the approaching sound of tires crunching gravel until I heard a voice call to me.
“Lottie? Y’alright?” It was Ruth, leaning out her window with a softly furrowed brow and pursed lips. I straightened and felt a flush creep up my neck, knowing how I must look. I hadn’t even put my hair up yet, and thin wispy strands of silver fell all about my face. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m alright. Just saw something out in the yard last night, was checking to see if it left a mark.” The flush crept a little higher as I watched Ruth back her car up a bit and turn into my driveway.
“I’ll help you look. I’m an amateur woodsman of sorts.” She chuckled, climbing out of her car. Despite the chill, my palms were starting to sweat. I wiped them on my jeans and decided it must have been from how I was using them to brace myself as I searched the ground. That was all.
“It’s not a whole lotta use. The ground’s still too hard for any real tracks.” I mumbled, pushing a hand through my hair and wishing she would just leave. 
“Well, no harm in having a look around.” She was still smiling, but her voice was so matter of fact that I gave up and just accepted it. Ruth had wandered over to where I was standing and began inspecting the ground. I stood blushing for another minute before I bent over next to her.
Over the next 15 or so minutes we made our way across the yard, walking slowly and inspecting each step. At one point our shoulders brushed, and when I looked up there she was, so close I could feel her breath on my cheek. My heart beat so fast, I had to move away from her or I feared I would faint.
Eventually, we neared the edge of the woods. I stopped a few feet out and wouldn’t have gone any closer if not for Ruth. She kept going and called out to me that she’d found something just inside the tree line. Hesitant but unwilling to be both a fool and a coward, I followed. She’d found a place where recent snowmelt had turned the dirt into mud, and there were just a few footprints. They weren’t what I’d been expecting, though. I’d thought they’d be closer to cat paws, or taloned like a bird, but they were just human. The first couple were just the balls of her feet, but the other three were full prints of slender feet, undeniably human. Ruth turned to me.
“What exactly kind of Thing did you say you saw?” Ruth asked, and I described what I’d seen the best I could. When I’d finished, she smiled and shook her head just a little. “It’s a little far for them to travel, but I’d wager it was just a kid pulling some kinda prank. Probably won’t be back, either way.”
I wasn’t so sure, but I didn’t particularly want to say anything. It seemed to me that Ruth was treating me a bit like a tourist who doesn’t know a racoon from a cat, and I was a bit put off by that. Besides, there was something in Ruth’s expression that I couldn’t quite place. A distance in her eyes and a downward tilt to her eyebrows. It looked almost like concern, but then it was gone, and, as cliche as it sounds, I was left to wonder if it had been there at all.
“Well, I suppose you have things to be getting to. Don’t let me keep you any longer.” I may have been a tad sharper than necessary, but she’d bruised my ego, implying I didn’t know the difference between a teenager in a costume and a genuine Thing. She seemed to realize what I was upset about, though, and hurried to sooth me.
“Oh, dear, no, I didn’t mean that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I just meant, well, the footprints are certainly human, so there’s no cause for concern.” She smiled at me.
“I’d hardly say I’m concerned. I can handle myself just fine.” I said. Oh sure, I’d been worrying all morning about whether or not I could defend myself, but that was hardly the point. If I didn’t know better, I’d say I was embarrassed to admit it. Good thing I knew better.
“I’m sure you can. Well, I do need to get going, but I’ll stop by later, if that’s alright with you.” Ruth was still smiling at me, and I couldn’t quite decide if it was genuine or placating. I nodded, and she was on her way. I plodded back inside and finished setting up the tv. It didn’t seem nearly so hard now.
Time crept on, and I found myself eyeing the clock more and more. Ruth hadn’t said when exactly she’d be back, but I had assumed it would be sometime near lunch. So as noon rolled around, I was disappointed to be eating alone. After lunch I found myself restless. I paced, not quickly but aimlessly, looking for things to do. The second I started in on a task, though, I was overwhelmed by the need to do something else and returned to pacing. Finally, there was a knock on the door. I hurried to answer, but stopped a foot short of answering and took a breath, chiding myself silently for acting like an excitable schoolgirl. Then I answered.
It was Ruth, of course. This time I invited her in, and we sat on the faded couch that had come with the house, sipping tea. The tv was on from where I’d been using it for background noise earlier, playing some nature documentary about elephants, but Ruth didn’t seem to mind.
“I wanted to apologize for offending you earlier. It’s a little too soon to be picking fights with my new neighbor.” Ruth smiled while she spoke, a little apologetic, a little hopeful.
“Oh, no, it’s quite alright. I was a bit oversensitive about it, that’s all.” I smiled back, trying to match her levels of apology and hope, though I’ve no doubt mine was a sight more awkward than hers. After a brief pause, Ruth cleared her throat.
“Earlier, I got the idea that you knew what you were talking about, that maybe you had experience with Things. I was just wondering what sorts of Things you’d seen before.” Ruth waited patiently while I thought about the best way to answer. Of course I’d had the usual experiences that anyone has if they stay too deep in the woods for too long, but that wasn’t what she wanted to hear, I was sure. Really, there was only one story to tell.
“When I was a girl, I would hear something in the woods calling my name. It was almost always at night, and only from the woods. It never crossed into the open space between the woods and my house. My mother told me that that was just something that happened sometimes, and to just ignore it. Well, one day I’m outside, broad daylight, and I hear it. It sounds close too, closer than normal, and I know I shouldn’t but I look over my shoulder towards it. There it is, standing right at the edge of the woods, and it looks almost exactly like me. Except the proportions are just a little off, like someone tried to draw me from memory but hadn’t seen me in a while. Well, I ran back inside, but it didn’t chase me. I never heard it call my name again.” Well, to be truthful I’d heard it call my name twice more after that, but that didn’t make for a terribly good ending. Ruth let that sit for a minute, and we listened to the narrator describe how intelligent elephants are.
“That’s pretty interesting. I’ve heard of people having their names called, but nothing’s ever called mine. I did hear whistling, though. It definitely wasn’t a bird, but it didn’t seem to be from a person, either. I never saw the source, though. It always raised the hairs on the back of my neck.” Ruth stayed until nearly sunset, talking with me about Things, before heading back to her own house. I invited her to stay for dinner, of course, but she declined, saying that she couldn’t drive well at night and needed to leave before it got dark. As we said our goodbyes on the front porch, though, she leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. As much as it embarrasses me to admit it, it made me giddier than I’d been in a long while. 
That night, and every night after for the next week and a half I stayed up late, waiting for any sign that the Thing might have come back. I didn’t mean to, at first. I would go to bed at a reasonable hour and then stare up at the ceiling for hours, thinking about Ruth (how her hair had looked in the sun, how her hand had been cool and burning at the same time when she lay it on my arm) at first, and then slowly spiraling back to the Thing (how she had seemed too big and too small at the same time, how bright her eyes had shone in the dark). I started staying up in the living room later and later each night. Ruth noticed how tired I was when she visited, and I saw more of that concern I’d seen at the end of our monster hunt. Ruth visited often. Not every day, but most days she’d at least stop in for a hello, sometimes staying for lunch, almost always departing with a kiss on the cheek. I waited for Ruth during the day, and, at night, I waited for the Thing. Finally, I got tired of waiting.
One evening, after Ruth had come and gone and I could be reasonably assured I wouldn’t be caught, I started setting out some food in the yard. A little fruit, some carrots, a potato, some scraps of chicken, and a little bit of old biscuit, since there was no way to be sure what she ate. I set it all out on a tarp, the plastic kind that crinkles when it moves, far enough into the middle that anything with regular sized limbs would have to step on the tarp to get at it. Then I went back inside and began waiting for one last time.
I had almost dozed off when I heard the tarp crinkle. I thought that perhaps I’d dreamed it, but after a pause there were a few more crinkles. I shot out of my chair and stumbled to the door, shaking off sleep as I went. I didn’t even pause to consider that there were plenty of other things it could have been. I just threw the door open, light spilling out onto the front yard, and there she was.
Her face was definitely human, the face of a young woman with dark hair and green eyes. Her eyes didn’t look so much brighter than normal now that she was lit up. She was petite, maybe 5’5” at most, and shaped like a track star. From her neck down to her elbows she was dripping in feathers, black as a raven and thickly layered. Antlers grew out of her tangled hair, ridged in a spiral like gazelle horns, but branching like a deer, too. Those were the first things I noticed, as we stood there, staring at each other. Then she shifted backwards and I noticed two more things. Firstly, that she stood on just the balls of her feet and kept her legs at an awkward bend. And secondly that, where her fingers should have been, were long, tapering, black claws, roughly the same size as fingers. She seemed to know where I was looking and curled her finger-claws in as much as she could, though it was clear that they weren’t as flexible as fingers. She shifted another step backwards, and I knew that she was about to high tail it out of there. 
“Wait!” I yelled, and she paused, tipping her head to the right. She looked a little confused, a little startled, but also like she understood, so I kept talking. “It’s for you. The food. You can eat it here or take it with you, but don’t let me run you off. I won’t hurt you. There’s no need for fear.”
I watched as she slowly, ever so slowly, bent down. Her eyes never left mine, half wary and half curious. She picked up a pear in one hand, holding it so delicately that her claws didn’t even graze the peel, and in the other she picked up a piece of chicken and one of the biscuits. She straightened back up mostly and nodded at me just as slowly, before darting off back into the woods. I stood there, watching after her, for God only knows how long. Then the chill brought me back to my senses, and I went back inside.
After that it became something of a nightly routine. After that first night, I opened the door much calmer and greeted her quietly. I took note of what she ate and what she left, figuring out her favorites. I also noticed that she started coming earlier each night, just by a bit. I started waiting on the porch for her, and would chat quietly to her while she ate.  It was almost like feeding a stray cat, if I didn’t think too hard about it. And I didn’t. Think too hard about it, that is, though I probably should have.
Of course, life went on during the day. Ruth would stop by and chat about anything and everything. We talked about her children (two, fraternal twins), and grandkids (three, all from her son), and my past (retired elementary school teacher, no family left to speak of), and everything in between. I was getting quite comfortable with her. I’d almost forgotten how much I didn’t like company.
Then, one afternoon as Ruth and I were sitting on the porch, enjoying the slowly warming weather, a vaguely familiar car pulled up into my driveway, behind Ruth’s Toyota and my beat up old Subaru. Out stepped that real estate agent, young and shiny, and he picked his way over to the porch, where he stopped in front of us and leaned against the railing like he was just visiting some friends. I was glad that there were only two chairs, hopefully he would get tired of standing and leave sooner rather than later. Ruth smiled at him.
“Well hello ladies!  I just wanted to drop by and see how you were settling in. I was concerned, leaving you all the way out here, but I’m so glad to see you’re making friends!” He sounded like he was making a considerable effort to sound local, but I could tell he was about as local as a coconut. On top of that, he was using that gentle voice people use when they think you’re an idiot or senile, and I was neither. He gave us his most winsome smile, but I wasn’t having any of it.
“Well. As you can see, I’m quite alright. So if that’s all, I’d like to get back to my afternoon, and you’re blocking the view.” I scowled just a bit, and the young man flushed slightly. Ruth eyed us both, looking terribly amused. The man recovered with a slight cough and fixed his smile back in place. He tried to hand me his business card, but when I wouldn’t take it he handed it to Ruth instead.
“Okay then. I should be heading back to work, but don’t hesitate to call if you need anything! Y’all take care now!” And with that he walked back to his car and left with barely a backwards glance. I scoffed.
“I oughta put up a no trespassing sign.” As soon as I said this, Ruth stopped holding back her laughter and started cackling up a storm.
“Lord, Lottie, there was no need to maul the poor kid, bless his heart.” She was grinning at me, and I cracked a little smile, too. She’d reached over and put her hand over mine, squeezing a little to let me know she was teasing.
“I just didn’t like his tone. People’ve been talking to me like I don’t have any sense my whole life, and now that I’m old I’m expected to sit back and take it? No sir I think not.” But I was laughing now too, and I let Ruth tease me good naturedly about being too prickly for my own good.
 That night I told my little visitor all about it, and she surprised me by smiling a little at my imitation of the real estate man. I could tell she was warming up to me, and I liked that. By the end of the second week she was arriving just after sundown, and she had started eating while standing flat footed, not poised on the balls of her feet to run. I considered it a major victory. I didn’t think there was much more to it.
Until, one night, she surprised me again. She had finished eating, and I had finished talking, and I had said a soft goodnight, when she paused and lifted her chin. There was a strange tension in her jaw, and I watched her work at it for a moment before she opened her mouth and spoke.
“Th...Hank you. Good ni-ght.” Her voice was rough, almost callused , if a voice can be called such. Her whole body seemed tense, and her eyes locked onto mine, partly showing fear, partly issuing a challenge.
“Good, goodnight. You’re welcome.” I finally managed, and she nodded, running off. I sat there for a long time, before slowly making my way inside and upstairs to bed. My mind was full of nothing but a sort of buzzing static for a good long while. Then, all at once, the thoughts piled in on top of each other. It didn’t seem like feeding a stray cat anymore. If she had language, perhaps her face wasn’t the only part of her that was human. I wasn’t sure what to do about that. I decided that the first step would be telling Ruth. She could help me figure out what to do. 
The morning came too soon, a drizzly mess of a day. All day I was listless, and the weather sure didn’t help. It was too wet to be outside, but not wet enough to be relaxing. There was no rain-on-a-tin-roof to soothe me, just an endless drizzle of gray. I paced from room to room, hoping that Ruth would come by, but she never did. The day ran away like the rain down the mountain, and soon I was setting out some food. After a bit of deliberation, I kept the food on the porch, to avoid getting it soggy. I had a feeling that my visitor wouldn’t mind so much, seeing how she lived outside as far as I knew, but no matter how used to the rain you are, dry food is always better than soggy. I set the food away from my chair, though, thinking she might still be a bit skittish.
I almost thought she wouldn’t come. To be fair, it was difficult to tell when the sun was setting, I may have started waiting too soon. But she arrived, and, after the briefest of hesitations, came up on the porch.
“Don’t worry about me, just c’mon and get out of the rain for a bit.” I tried not to stare at her as she ate, but I couldn’t help but look over occasionally, sneaking glances. She sat on the porch, and used her finger claws like sporks, partially skewering, partially scooping. I rocked for a while, staring out into the gloom, gathering my courage. I waited until she had finished her meal before speaking up again.
“Do you have a name?” I tried to keep my rocking steady, but surely she could tell I was nervous. She sat very still. I could see her jaw working.
She nodded and looked up at me. She hadn’t left yet, and I stopped rocking to look at her. She was definitely younger than I’d thought, from this close up. Early 20s, at the latest. She was dirty, too, and heavily freckled so that I could hardly tell what was dirt and what was a sunkiss. Her feathers, which I had took to maybe be a shawl she was wearing but could now see were certainly growing out of her, were stuck together with some sort of oily mud. Her hair was what my mother would’ve called a rats nest, though her antlers seemed well cared for. Her claws, too, were shiny and clean.
“Bibi? I wonder if I might...if you’d like, I could get you clean. Run you up a bath, maybe?” I tried to make my voice gentle as I reached a hand out to her. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I left my hand hanging in the air for a minute and, slowly, Bibi placed her claws gently in my hand. I smiled at her, trying hard not to be unnerved by the texture, which was not unlike a bird’s talon. 
I didn’t quite get her into a bath, but I did manage a brush through her hair. There were a few rough spots, when the brush hit a snag and she hissed in pain I worried that she would bolt. I took to shushing her like you might a horse in a thunderstorm. Just a bit surprising, it seemed to work. She sat at the foot of my rocker, and I told quiet, old stories to her. While I worked on her hair, I gave her a damp washcloth to take to her face. She tried very hard to hold it gently, but by the time I was done with her hair the washcloth was shredded. She looked up at me, panicked.
“It’s alright. I have plenty of washcloths, no need to fuss over one.” I tried not to use that voice the real estate agent had used on me, the one I hated so much. She stared back at me.
“Iiih-ts alriitght” she repeated with some difficulty. She did seem to be getting better at speaking, but I couldn’t help wondering how long she’d gone without talking. I nodded and smiled reassuringly.
“Bibi, would it be alright if Ruth met you, too?” I’d been telling her about Ruth, of course, but if I was going to tell Ruth about Bibi, it was only fair that Bibi have some say in it.
She tipped her head to the side, considering. Finally, she nodded.
“It’s alllriight.” She said, a little clearer this time.
She left after that. I wanted to invite her inside, to stay somewhere warm and dry for the night, but I thought that might be too much too quickly. I was starting to reconsider my policy on guest rooms. As I lay down, I tried not to think about Bibi, in the woods, alone all night in the cold and rain. I certainly didn’t think about what may have led her to be there, and at such a young age, too. Or how long she must have been there, for her voice to be so scratchy from disuse. I fell asleep, not thinking of any of these things.
The next day was cloudy, but dryer. I was almost prepared for Ruth’s visit, when it came. I made sandwiches and tea, and we sat on the porch, having a nice lunch while I tried to bring the words from my throat into my mouth. Finally I was out of time.
“Ruth, do you remember, a few weeks ago, when I told you about what I saw in my yard?” I watched her stiffen just a bit.
“I’ve seen her, more’n a few times.” Ruth stiffened more, then sighed.
“I thought you might, but I’d hoped you wouldn’t. The last few people who lived here saw her, just once or twice, but it scared them something awful and they left. I didn’t want...well I just enjoy your company so much. I worried you might leave too.” She looked away, a faint flush creeping up her neck and dusting over her cheek bones. I reached out and took her hand in mine, squeezing gently until she looked back at me.
“Come back later this evening, or stay with me here until then. I want to introduce you to her.” Her eyes widened, and I couldn’t help but notice the blush darken on her cheeks as she squeezed my hand back.
“Introduce me to her? What d’you mean? Things can’t talk, Lottie.” 
“This one can. Her name is Bibi, and she’s actually a sweetheart.”
Ruth ended up spending the rest of the day with me as I told her all about Bibi, and what to expect. As evening approached, I could tell Ruth was a bit nervous. Maybe a bit more than a bit. I took both her hands in mine, and they were shaking just a little. I smiled, trying to be reassuring, and then leaned in a kissed her, just gently.
“Don’t worry about a thing. It’s all okay. And if you’re really too nervous, you can always say no. You can stay in here if you’d like, or go home if you’d rather. But it would mean a lot for you to come out with me.”
The introduction could have been smoother, but it could’ve been rougher, too. Bibi had said it was alright for Ruth to come, but I still didn’t know what to expect from her. She didn’t bolt off into the woods, though, and eventually I was able to coax her onto the porch and introduce her properly. Ruth, though she was startled at first, handled it well, and once Bibi got close enough for her to really have a look at, her eyes softened.
“Oh, poor dear.” Ruth said, reaching out a hand to smooth Bibi’s feathers, feeling of the oily mud that I’d yet to get rid of. “We’ll have to do something about that. Some warm vinegar water, maybe. That’ll clear up most things.” Bibi, after sitting a spell, was even able to relax into Ruth’s touch while she ate.
Ruth stayed late into the night, making plans with me about Bibi. The first thing we should do, according to Ruth, was figure out if Bibi had a history as a human, or if she’d always been this way. Tomorrow, we decided, we would drive down into town and take a look at old missing persons reports and newspapers to look for clues. After that it was just a matter of cleaning her up and settling her in to live with me. By that point it was too late for Ruth to be driving home, but I was glad to have her stay the night. 
I hadn’t had company for breakfast in quite a while, but it wasn’t nearly so awkward as I thought it might be. We fit well together. And it certainly made going into town together easier. The police station was not terribly helpful, but the library had plenty of old newspapers. After a good couple hours of clicking through slides and flipping through physical copies, I finally landed on a report that seemed promising. I waved Ruth over and showed her the article.
It was a short piece, just a single column with a small photograph at the bottom. It listed an Abigail Waters, age 5, as missing following what appeared to be a domestic dispute turned tragedy. Though there weren’t many details in the paper and no follow-up article, Ruth and I concluded that after whatever awful thing happened, Bibi had fled into the woods and simply stayed there. The paper was dated to nearly 20 years ago. The picture showed a tiny little thing with long dark hair and unusually bright green eyes. 
“I wonder when she grew her feathers and her antlers and her claws, before or after the tragedy, all at once or piece by piece.” I whispered, half because we were in a library, half because this was just the sort of thing I felt should be whispered about. Ruth looked contemplative. 
“When bad things happen to people,” she began slowly, also whispering, “sometimes they grow claws or fangs or spikes. Usually they’re on the inside, they just happened to be on the outside for Bibi.” Her eyes still scanned the clipping while I thought about that. I guessed that it made sense. Wasn’t my prickliness, as Ruth put it, just claws on the inside? Ruth tapped me on the arm and pointed to a detail I’d overlooked before. There was a smaller picture, off to the side a bit so I’d assumed it went with the article next to it, showing the area Bibi had gone missing in.
“The road isn’t named, but that’s right about where your house sits, Lottie.” I nodded and swallowed hard.
“You said the other people who’d lived in that house saw her, too. How many times did she try to go home?” I looked up at Ruth and found her already looking back at me. We didn’t have to speak to know that from now on, there’d be no more trying. Bibi was coming home.
That was some two years ago, now. I sit in my rocker, Ruth sits in hers, and Bibi sits on the steps. Her claws clink against the glass in her hands as she takes a sip of lemonade, feathers shining deep purple in the sunlight. She’s keeping an eye on the older two grandkids as they run around the yard. The youngest one sits by my feet, her knees pulled up to her chest, her dark brown eyes staring up at me.
“Of course, it took your parents more time to adjust. Your mother worried over Bibi’s claws, thought she might hurt one of you. But she never has, even accidentally, and Bibi won her and your father over in the end.” I reach down and pat the little dear on the head.
“That’s my favorite story.” She says, smiling up at me. There’s no trace of tears now, the scrape on her knee that brought her over to my chair in the first place all but forgotten. She hops up and scampers back out into the yard to play with her big brothers, giving Bibi a quick hug as she passes by.
Bibi comes over to take her place by my feet, and I make a mental note to ask her once again later if she’s sure she doesn’t want her own rocking chair. She leans her head against my knee. I can feel her working her jaw slightly, a tic she never quite lost, but her voice isn’t nearly so rusty anymore.
“It’s my favorite story, too. Thanks for bringing me home.”
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Week 3: Character Challenges 3 & 4
                The next morning we are down on the beach before the sun has even fully extracted itself from the sea. The day is cold and bright, and the sunrise sends blinding golden rays splintering off the waves, and I sit atop Nyx for a few moments simply watching the dazzling display. The whole beach is drenched in light so thick and golden I feel as though I could reach out and run a hand through it, or cup it in my hands and drink it. As the sun continues its climb, it warms the side of my face in spite of the chill in the air. I close my eyes, relishing the delicious heat seeping into my skin and bringing my tired body back to life. Despite myself, despite the ache in my chest for the beautiful simplicity of sun-drenched days at Saint Marciana’s that I suspect will always be there, I am slowly falling in love with the beauty of this wild place. Opening my eyes, I watch for a moment longer before gently turning Nyx’s nose down the wide stretch of sand. It’s then that I realize that I am not alone on the beach.
                A few lengths away, sitting astride a gorgeous dappled bay capall uisce, is a young woman. She wears an oversized blue barn coat, a bit old fashioned, and a long golden braid falls over her shoulder. Upon first glance, I think she is simply enjoying the sunrise, as I am, but then she smiles, and I realize that her gaze has been fixed on me. Shifting uncomfortably in my saddle, I raise a hand in greeting, and she apparently takes this as an invitation, because she gently taps her mount’s sides and approaches with practiced caution. She, like Nyx, like her water horse, has clearly been on this beach in Novembers passed.
                “Good morning,” I greet her with a polite nod, because it’s the proper thing to do, and decorum cannot be abandoned simply because we’re meeting on a blood-drenched beach. And also because women are few and far between here, and I would like to make as many allies as I can, if only to avoid one more dangerous interaction on Race day.
                “Good morning,” she replies in kind. She seems so at ease in her saddle, relaxed and confident, as though she’s been doing this for years. She likely has. Maintaining a safe distance as the capaill eye each other suspiciously, she leans toward me. “I hope I’m not interrupting your training sessions, but I wanted to introduce myself before the masses descend in a few moments.” Her voice is pure Thisby, vowels round and smooth as a sea-softened pebble. “Gwen McAvoy. Or Gwen Goveny. Gwen Swift if you run into some of the more forgetful members of our little community.”
                “Collette Darling. Or… Lettie.” It’s a name I usually resolve for family and friends, but something about this weatherworn woman makes me want to count her as a friend.
                “Very pleased to meet you, Lettie.” Turning her restless mount in a tight circle, she hesitates before continuing. “I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds. I don’t want to be presumptuous or intrude but… I’ve seen you ride. Not watching you or anything. Not riding in the Races this year. Just spend a lot of time on the beach these days. And you’re good.” She laughs on this last word, and it’s not mocking or belittling, but rather impressed.
                “Well thank you-” I start, but she’s digging in her saddlebags for something, and cuts me off.
                “You’re good, but your equipment is not. I don’t mean any offense of course,” she adds, straightening up, something clutched in her hand, “but you’re making yourself an easy target out there. Fancy tack, no charms, clumsy knots.”
                Toying self-consciously with the knots in Nyx’s mane that I’ve practiced so diligently, but still can’t quite get the hang of, I feel a defensive retort rising hot and fierce in my chest. But one glance at her kind eyes surrounded by their laugh lines makes me swallow it down.
                “I’m not judging you,” she says gently, her face softening, and then holds out the object she’d retrieved from her saddlebags. It’s a collection of metal charms worked into a variety of whimsical shapes, most of which I can’t identify. She tosses it to me, little bells jangling sweetly between the charms on their red ribbon. “These should help.”
                Turning them in my hands, I recognize the symbols from my days on the beach, many riders’ tack laden down with enough metal to start a mine. I haven’t been able to afford any of my own, so this gift is quite literally invaluable.
                “And, if you have a mind, stop by the house on the cliffs.” She gestures toward a neat little cottage high above the sea. “We’ll fix you some tea, share some strategies. And John, my husband John, can fix your girth. It’ll be in good hands.”
                “Thank you. I-I will.” I don’t know what else to say to her kindness, really. It’s something I’ve come not to expect. I could use a friend and a cup of tea that hasn’t been made with a tea bag wrung out into three cups of tea already. And she’s right about my girth. My Cordovan leather tack, once a shiny oxblood masterpiece, was never meant for sand and salt and rain, and it’s quickly beginning to show its delicate nature.
                Smiling, Gwen McAvoy… Goveny… Swift, nods and turns her capall uisce to leave me to my training.
                “Why are you helping me?” I call after her, and she looks back at me quizzically, placing a hand on the back of her saddle.
                “I know what it’s like to need something so desperately you’ll go toe to toe with death itself. I’ve seen it go well, and I’ve seen it go so tragically wrong.” Her eyes are sad even as she continues to smile. “And I want to see you win.” And then she turns back around, and takes off down the sand. Watching her horse’s retreating hooves spraying sand into the air, I thank whatever gods watch over the Races that I will not be lining up against her come Race day.
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Bully Sticks vs Rawhide Chews
https://www.centralparkpaws.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/41NcLcvfPoL.jpg Today I was at my local pet supply store stocking up on treats and chewies for my dogs.
While I was debating on which items to get, a fellow customer asked my opinion on which was better: the bully stick or the rawhide? She saw I had both in my cart.
Maybe it’s just me, but I love chatting with fellow dog lovers, so I was happy to help.
She had a young Bull Mastiff with her, so she said she was looking for something that would keep him occupied but was also safe to give him.
I had no doubt that the big guy was an aggressive chewer! 
I have very diligent and focused chewers but nothing like the jaws on this guy.
There was a large variety of bully sticks and rawhides to choose from, so we were able to find a few things that would likely work for her boy. 
As for my household, we keep both.
How I Use Bully Sticks and Rawhides
I use rawhides more as more of a short-term distraction.
Click any image for more info on the product pictured
An example of this is:
When we have company over, we give the dogs a rawhide bone to occupy them, so friends and family can come in without being bowled over.
The reason I say short term distraction is because once everyone is settled we take the bones away. 
Because rawhide chews are not a high value treat in our house, it is an easy one to get back from the dogs.
Though I buy rawhides for my dogs, I am particular as to how long they can be chewed on, since I know they can be choking hazards or cause intestinal obstructions.
We use the bully sticks for longer distractions or just as fun treats for the dogs.
They all love them, and I know my dogs can’t bite pieces off, so I worry less about them being choking hazards.
I purchase the larger ones since I take them away as soon as the sticks are small enough for the dog to fit the whole bully stick in their mouth.
What are Bully Sticks?
Bully sticks are also known as pizzle sticks.
These are made up of beef muscle.
Specifically the penis[1]!
They are a single protein dog chew that is known to be easily digestible.
Plus, dogs go crazy for them!
We reviewed Raw Paws’ Bully Sticks, which you can find here!
What is Rawhide?
Rawhide is the inner layer of the skin from an animal.
Rawhides come in a variety of proteins, shapes, and sizes.
How to Pick the Right Bully Stick or Rawhide Chew
At first glance, this might seem to be an odd question.
But the reality is there’s a ton of options to choose from.
Both bully sticks and rawhides come in various animal proteins, lengths, widths, and even shapes.
Also, some have added ingredients.
Factors to Consider:
Dog’s chewing style – Aggressive, light, or somewhere in between.
Dental health
Age: Older and younger dogs may not need an extremely durable chew
Food allergies or sensitivities
Dog’s size
Country of origin – Not all countries have the same standards when it comes to pet products.
Protein type
GI health
Ingredients – Bully sticks and rawhides should only have one ingredient listed
Look for chews that are in sealed packaging and not just sitting in the open[2]
Which is Better?
  Winner: Bully Sticks   
I almost chose rawhide as the winner because it has a higher number of protein options.
Rawhide comes in a variety of proteins, making it more available to dogs who have food allergies or sensitivities.
However, rawhide chews are made from a heavily-processed leather by-product while bully sticks are less processed.
While rawhides win in variety of sources, bully sticks win in quality.
Bully Sticks
The two bully stick proteins available are:
However, there are grass-fed beef bully sticks available too.
There are four proteins available for rawhide:
Wild boar
  Winner: Rawhide   
Rawhide chews are far cheaper than bully sticks.
The price difference is due to the available supply (There’s a lot more hide per animal!).
Bully Sticks
The average price per 6″ bully stick is about a dollar fifty.
The average price per chip is under a dollar, chip being the square rawhide chews.
Durability, Size, and Shape
  Winner: Rawhide   
Bull “pizzles” don’t come in as large a variety!
Rawhide wins because of the greater variety of shapes and sizes.
Bully Sticks
There is a wide variety of bully sticks.
They range in length from 3 inches to 3 feet.
Also, you can find braided bully sticks, creating a longer-lasting chew
Other styles of bully sticks include extra-thick, ring-shaped, spiral, and straight.
Like bully sticks, rawhides come in a variety of sizes and shapes.
Some of the different forms you can choose from are rolls, chips, twist sticks, bones (these are the ones with knots on the ends), pressed, and braids.
Rawhides can be as small as 2.5 inches or as long as 2 feet.
  Winner: Rawhide   
You can also get huge boxes of rawhides!
Rawhide treats are available at more retail locations.
Bully sticks are available in pet supply stores, hardware and farm supply stores, and online.
Shop Bully Sticks at Amazon
Shop Bully Sticks at Chewy
Rawhides can be seen in pet supply stores, hardware and farm supply stores, and online, as well as in grocery stores and other non-specialty shops.
Shop Rawhides at Amazon
Shop Rawhides at Chewy
Health Benefits
  Winner: Bully Sticks   
Dogs can’t make healthy choices themselves so it’s up to you to do it for them
Bully sticks win because they are rich in amino acids.
Bully Sticks Benefits
Easily digestible
Rich in amino acids
High in protein
Aids in keeping teeth clean
Helps to reduce anxiety
Rawhide Benefits
Aids in keeping teeth clean
Helps to reduce stress
  Winner: Bully Sticks   
Dog treats are safer when you pick the right size for your dog
Bully Sticks are the safer of the two treats as they are more digestible.
Bully Stick Safety
Bully sticks are easily digested
Don’t splinter or break easily
Can be a choking hazard
High in calories
Potential bacterial contamination[3]
Rawhide Safety
Not easily digested
Can cause intestinal blockages
Can be a choking hazard
GI upset
High in calories (100 calories per palm sized piece)
Potential chemical contamination
Potential bacterial contamination
  Winner: Bully Sticks   
Bully sticks taste better, per my dogs’ opinions.
I’ve never tried either!
Bully Sticks
Although they stink to high heaven, these are my dog’s favorite.
As soon as they come out of the cabinet, my four are dancing around my feet.
My dogs like these, but tire quickly of them.
Also, two of my dogs refuse to start them, meaning they wait for one of the other dogs to soften them up first.
Side Effects
  Winner: Rawhide   
“Bad smell? What are you talking about?”
I chose rawhide because they don’t smell as bad as bully sticks.
This was a close one since there isn’t a lot of side effects to these treats.
Bully Stick Side Effects
Bloody gums
Gooey residue left on carpet or dog bed
Rawhide Side Effects
Bloody gums
Gooey residue left on carpet or dog bed
  Winner: Bully Sticks   
Although rawhides won in more categories, bully sticks are safer and provide more health benefits.
Those categories are more important than variety or a small difference in price.
Also, bully sticks are preferred by my dogs over rawhide chews.
I’m guessing it’s because of the smell and protein content.
Recommended Brands
Here are some of my favorite bully stick and rawhide chew brands:
Bully Sticks
Nature Gnaws Braided and Spirals
Best Bully Sticks
Pet Magasin Rawhide Bones
Cowboy Chews Retriever Roll
Knowing that both rawhides and bully sticks carry some health risks, if you are uncomfortable using them then consider an alternative treat.
There are several options available as healthy alternatives, but keep in mind all things carry a risk.
Fish Skins
Recommended: The Honest Kitchen Beams Ocean Chews
The thing I like most about these treats is that they are made from human-grade fish.
Also, the fish I recommend are wild-caught from the ocean.
Beams come in two sizes, large and small, so you can pick a size to match your dog. 
Note: Be sure to check where the fish are sourced from as some fish skins can contain contaminants from the water.
Sweet Potato Treats
Recommended: Sam’s Yams
These are a great dog treat that is easily digestible.
These sweet potato treats are a single ingredient treat option.
Plus, sweet potatoes are a superfood full of antioxidants.
Dental Chews
Recommended: Zuke’s Z-Bone
My dogs love these!
They come in a variety of sizes and flavors.
Additionally, Zuke’s bones work well for dogs with food allergies as they are free of animal proteins, grains, and soy.
Himalayan Dog Chews
Recommended: EcoKind
Himalayan chews are made from yak’s milk and are lactose-free, reducing the chances of GI upset.
They are pretty durable, but aggressive chewers can break chunks off, which can pose a choking hazard.
Final Thoughts
Dogs need things to chew on, and the truth is all treats and chews carry some form of risk.
If you give your dog a long-lasting treat, it is crucial to keep an eye on them to help avoid potential health hazards.
Dog chews are very useful in our house as distractions and aiding in dental wellness.
I always weigh the pros and cons of anything I give my dog to chew on or eat.
Though both bully sticks and rawhide chews carry a risk, I offer them sparingly and only when I have the time to watch them.
The post Bully Sticks vs Rawhide Chews appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-treats/bully-sticks-vs-rawhide-chews/
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jarienn972 · 5 years
The Right Place - Chapter Nineteen and Epilogue
For anyone who has been following this fic, you’ll know it was last updated in early October, 2018 and while my plans were to finish it at that time, it ended up being exactly one week before my mother passed away and I just couldn’t get myself into the right mindset to complete it.  Then, a couple of months ago, the @csmarchmadness idea came along to help give us writers a little boost of confidence to finish those nagging WIPs and I decided to go ahead and tackle this story. (I’m a little late getting it posted today, but technically, it is still 3/22 here in FL as I’m posting)
I’ve loved this concept from the beginning as it took Emma out of her magical comfort zone to solve a real world crime, working alongside law enforcement colleagues in Portland, Maine.  As I did with the opening chapters, I tacked the epilogue onto the end of this chapter to provide a fitting bookend.  
This is the last installment of a nearly 80K word fic so it has honestly been a beast to write, especially since it ended up taking far longer to complete than I’d planned.  You can read the entirety of this story on AO3 or FF.net or find the earlier chapters here: Prologue/Chap1  Chap2  Chap3  Chap4  Chap5  Chap6  Chap7  Chap8  Chap9  Chap10  Chap11  Chap12  Chap13  Chap14  Chap15  Chap16  Chap17  Chap18   I’m also tagging my cheerleader, @hookaroo who has been looking forward to the final chapter of this fic for a while now! (edited to add Tumblr link to Chap 18 after I realized it had never been posted on Tumblr.  Oops...)
Saturday Morning – Portland Harbor
The tempest of the overnight thunderstorms had given way to a breezy, warmer Saturday morning. Hazy sunlight filtered through the window coverings of the McCallen's guest room as Emma was awakened by the persistent blip of notifications popping up on her cell phone, all of them informing her of the incoming text messages from Regina. According to the texts, Ursula would be waiting for them at the same Harbor front park at 9am with some updated news regarding her offer to return the Jolly Roger to her berth in Storybrooke's marina. While Killian wasn't keen on anyone else taking the helm of his beloved ship, he'd conceded to the basic fact that at the present time, he lacked the physical stamina to sail her back home himself.
Emma would have preferred another hour of sleep since it this was far too early on a Saturday morning by her opinion, but since they did have the drive home ahead of them, she begrudgingly swung her feet over the side of the bed. It wasn't a particularly long trip, but she still needed to be wide awake and she didn't want to get back too late. After nearly a week away, she was certain there would be a mountain of backlogged work awaiting their return. She noticed that Killian had already vacated his side of the bed, waking up before his wife to wander into the kitchen where McCallen had left coffee brewing for them and a note stating that he had ventured out the station to finish his paperwork from yesterday's major breakthroughs in the case.
Killian seemed a tad more upbeat this morning and even seemed to handle the walk from the parking lot down to the waterfront better, only needing to pause once to catch his breath. The Sea Witch was already waiting for them, scouting out a quiet bench away from the multitude of park visitors who were enjoying the pleasant start to what was shaping up to be a beautiful day.
"You're late," Ursula grumbled in greeting. "I thought you seafaring types were known for better timing?"
"My seafaring timing is as precise as ever," Killian replied, voice tinged with a hint of offense. "However, you should be aware that in this realm there's a thing called traffic."
"We would have called to let you know we were running a little late if we'd had a way to contact you aside from a conch shell," Emma reminded the witch.
"Cell phones simply aren't the most reliable where I come from," Ursula countered with a grin that Emma wasn't sure was intended to be jovial or sinister. "Anyway, I've made all of the arrangements to transport your ship as promised. My niece will not be allowed to interfere with the vessel's passage."
"May I ask what arrangements you've made?" Killian queried. "Who did you find to sail her or is the transport to be more of a magical variety? I prefer not to have someone inexperienced at the helm."
"I managed to round up a few of your remaining crew, led by your former first mate, Mr. Smee. It'll primarily be for show though as once it reaches open waters, I can push your little boat along a bit easier…" Killian frowned at her use of the term little boat in reference to his ship, but held his tongue.
"So, my ship should be back in the harbor by the time we reach Storybrooke?" Killian chose to ask instead.
"Should be. Your crew is on their way here as we speak. I managed to find a fisherman who was willing to bring them down here to retrieve the Jolly Roger, although you may need to round up some of those gold doubloons you have stashed to pay the man for his service."
"How generous of you to offer up my funds as payment," he quipped sarcastically, although he was secretly grateful for all Ursula had done. She'd already rescued him from a watery grave so having her assistance in returning his beloved Jolly Roger to her home port was truly going above and beyond.
"I assume you have plenty of funds hidden, pirate," Ursula responded while flashing a broad grin. "Anyway, I need to get out of here before this park gets any busier so that I can supervise the return trip. See you in Storybrooke, Captain."
"Aye," Killian responded with a nod and a smile as the Sea Witch turned to depart, leaving him wondering exactly how much gold she'd promised his crew. But as she began to stroll towards the water's edge, Killian recalled one additional thing he wanted to ask her. "Ursula?" he called to her before she was out of earshot, grateful when she turned to face him again. "One last thing, if I may?"
"And that is?"
"Would you have my crew sail a pass through the inner channel? Not too close to the harbor, but around this side of the islands so that I might see her off?"
"I suppose I could do that," she replied as she took a few steps back towards the Joneses so she wouldn't have to shout. "I would have to uncloak the ship though."
"For a few minutes, revealing the vessel should be fine. This far from shore, she may appear as merely an illusion to anyone who may catch sight of her," he offered, eager to garner even a momentary glimpse of his ship nearly a week after he'd left her abandoned offshore.
"I'll see what I can do. You may want to hang around the harbor for a while though," the Sea Witch suggested.
"Any idea of approximately how long it'll take?" Emma questioned. "We do still have the drive back to Storybrooke ahead of us."
"Give me an hour," Ursula stated, not waiting for Killian to offer his thanks as she departed without another word.
As they watched the Sea Witch vanish behind a pier, Killian dropped his weary body onto the bench before he collapsed.
"Guess we have a little bit of time to kill before we hit the road then," Emma chuckled before noticing the forlorn cast to his gaze when he stared out over the bay. "I know you'd rather be sailing the Jolly Roger back home yourself…"
"It's alright, Swan," he said with a faint sigh of disappointment. "In my current condition, I'm well aware that I lack the necessary strength and stamina to properly man the helm. I'd much rather that she be safely returned to port, even if not by my hand." She could hear the disparaging tone of his voice and decided to think of something to distract him.
"Well, I really don't want to sit here on a cold, hard park bench for an hour while we wait for your ship to appear. Can we go grab a doughnut or something? And how do you intend to see the ship from across the bay anyway?"
"I believe you have a set of of spyglasses – I believe you call them binoculars? Aren't they somewhere in the vehicle?"
"Uh, yeah, there's a set of binoculars somewhere in the back seat."
"Then those should be sufficient," he replied. "I do have to agree with you though that sitting here for an hour is probably not the best option. I know we aren't far from the ferry terminal so perhaps we might pay a visit to the shopkeeper? I'd like to let her know personally that I'm alright if it isn't too far out of the way?"
"I'm pretty sure it's only a few blocks down the harbor from here. I think Ms. Scott would be very happy to see you. Think you can handle the walk or would you prefer we drive?"
"I'm feeling far better today, but I still believe it would be more prudent to drive."
"Okay, then let's get back up to the Bug and we'll go see if Ms. Scott has the shop back open."
Ten minutes later, after the short walk back to the parking lot and a four block drive through busy weekend harbor traffic headed for the marina and ferry terminal, Emma parked her little yellow Volkswagen beneath the old service station overhang. Although there were lights on inside Scott's Mart, the Closed sign still hung in the window, but Emma noticed that it was now accompanied by a notice that the shop would be reopening Monday morning. Emma exited the car and strolled up to the entrance door, rapping forcefully on the glass to garner the proprietor's attention while Killian ambled slowly behind her.
"We're not open yet!" a female voice shouted from inside.
"Ms. Scott, it's Sheriff Emma Jones. I was here with Deputy McCallen a few days ago…" They heard some rustling from beyond the door and something akin to metal scraping against tile before the smiling face of Jean Scott popped up from behind the register counter. The shopkeeper's face lit up even more when she caught sight of the man in the black leather jacket standing behind Emma.
"Sheriff! My apologies for being so curt. Come on in!" Jean immediately unlocked the door and yanked it open for her guests, a mix of elation and gratitude expressed through her welcoming grin. "You're always welcome around here. Sorry it's still such a mess but I'm trying hard to get things straightened up and ready to get back to business. I know I owe you both a huge thanks. I heard from the other police officer – not the one who was here with you but the other guy… His name escapes me now…"
"Sgt. Haviland?" Emma offered.
"Haviland, yeah that's his name! He called me to let me know I didn't have to worry about Donovan Donleavy coming after my property any longer. He said there's a warrant out for his arrest, as soon as they can locate the slimy son of a bitch."
"Yeah, unfortunately it looks like he might have been tipped off somehow and slipped away on his boat sometime last night after the Toliver brothers rolled on him for having hired them to intimidate you, not to mention the kidnapping and stabbing of my husband," Emma explained.
"Well, when they find him, I hope they lock him up and toss away that damned key!" Jean exclaimed before turning her head toward Killian with a softening demeanor. "And you – I'm so glad to get a chance to properly thank you. If I'd have had any idea what those bastards planned to do… I don't think there are enough words in the whole English language for me to express my thanks. You may have truly saved my life that morning and I'm still mortified to think that it nearly cost you yours. I knew Donleavy was scum, but I had no idea he'd actually stoop this low."
Emma though she detected a faint blush creeping across her husband's cheeks as Jean Scott thanked him, but he was trying hard not to let it show. "It was the right thing to do, Milady," Killian assured her. "Neither of us knew that their nefarious plans went so far beyond robbery. I certainly must have had some luck on my side that morning, but the important thing is that the guilty parties are being held accountable and won't be able to harm you any longer."
Jean's head lolled to the side as she caught Emma's attention with a cheeky grin. "Is he always like this?"
"Pretty much," Emma replied, sporting a broad smile of her own as she watched the tips of Killian's ears redden as he flushed with an uncharacteristic embarrassment.
"How do I find one like him?" Jean sighed. "I'd love to have my own little British knight in shining leather." Emma found her husband's blushing even more endearing as he tried to brush off the compliment, realizing it was part of why she loved this man so much. Sure, he could be a total ass sometimes, but when the sweet, old-fashioned, chivalrous side would surface, she'd fall head over heels in love all over again.
"I don't know if there's a clone of him out there somewhere, but if I find one, I'll send him your way," Emma laughed. "For now though, we've got to get going. Now that the case is solved, we're finally heading home."
"Well, please have a safe drive back to your hometown and remember that anytime you're here in Portland, please stop by. It'll be coffee on the house! In fact, if you'd like one for the road, I'm pretty sure the pot is still hot. I've gone through plenty myself while trying to get this place cleaned up but there's more than enough to share. Would you like some?"
"I would absolutely love some coffee," Emma replied graciously.
"As would I," Killian said with a smile.
"Hang on a sec…" Jean scurried down a partially stocked aisle to her coffee shop counter and disappeared behind it. She popped back up a few seconds later with two tall paper cups of steaming hot coffee. "Either of you take cream or sugar?"
"No thanks," Emma replied. "We both take it straight."
Jean made her way across the shop to hand over the coffee cups to her guests. "Here you go. Hope it's not too strong for you."
"I'm sure it will be fine," Killian replied as he accepted her offering. "This wasn't at all necessary, but thank you."
"Anytime," Jean insisted. "Any time at all. I won't keep you from your drive home but I really do appreciate you stopping by. I'm so glad to see that you're alright."
"Good luck with getting your business back on track," Emma said as she shook Jean's hand before departing. "Hopefully things will go better now that there isn't a greedy developer breathing down your neck."
"Oh, there will be another," Jean chuckled. "It never ends around here, but hey, I know I'm in the right place for now. I'll manage."
Emma and Killian said their farewells to Jean Scott and had just started their drive back to the park when Emma's phone started ringing. Seeing that it was McCallen calling, she gestured for Killian to answer and as he did, he pressed the speakerphone button so that they could both hear the conversation.
"Hey, McCallen," Emma answered. "Sorry we missed you this morning, but we locked up before we left."
"I'm the one who should be apologizing," McCallen's voice responded through the speaker. "I had to run into the station this morning to finish up paperwork relating to this case and I was worried I might miss you before you headed home."
"Well, you haven't missed us. We haven't left Portland yet," Emma informed their friend. "Killian wanted to see Jean Scott so she could see he was alright and now we're on our way to the harbor front park so that he can see his ship off. The crew sailing it back to Storybrooke for us offered to make a swing through the bay."
"Alright then, can you hang around the park for a few minutes? I've got some new information you'll want to hear, but I don't want to deliver it over the phone."
"Oh, don't worry, we'll be there for a while. We still have about half an hour to kill before the crew sets sail," Emma explained.
"Oh, good," McCallen replied. "I can be there in about twenty minutes. I'd really like a chance to see that ship too."
"You'll see just how magnificent she is," Killian said proudly.
"If you can see it at all," Emma countered. "The ship is going to be clear on the other side of the bay and I have no idea whether or not my binoculars will be strong enough… You two can figure that out though…"
"Okay," McCallen chuckled. "I'll see you in a few minutes."
The stroll down to the waterfront from the parking area took a little longer this time but Killian had insisted on heading to the furthest pier where they would have the least obstructed view of the bay. There was still one barrier island that partially obscured the horizon, but Killian was certain that they would be able to see enough of the channel to get a decent glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He was quite certain of the route his crew would take and that it would provide a brief window as the ship emerged from the far side of the landmass, before she headed out of the bay and into open ocean.
A visibly exhausted Killian dropped his fatigued body onto an unoccupied bench near the end of the pier as Emma's phone buzzed with a message from McCallen asking where he might find them. She typed back their location and half-expected to see the young deputy arrive in full uniform. She found herself a more than a little surprised to see him approaching dressed in casual attire after he spotted them and waved from the boardwalk.
As McCallen got closer, Emma thought about how this inexperienced deputy had become such a pillar of strength for her this week. He'd been so involved from the beginning, eager to help her out in any way he could and always trying to learn techniques to help himself grow as an investigator. McCallen still had a lot to learn and of course, had some physical obstacles to overcome, but Emma couldn't help to think about what Jean Scott had said about being in the right place and how it applied to the deputy as well. What had begun for him as a seemingly routine case to identify a John Doe had blossomed into a multi-jurisdictional investigation of a corrupt land developer. While McCallen's role in the Donleavy case may have been minor, the deputy's name was forever attached to the investigation and it would likely make a huge impact on his career.
"Hi!" the deputy greeted them once he was finally within earshot. "I haven't missed anything, have I?"
"Not at all," Killian assured their young friend as he lowered the binoculars. "I've not yet caught sight of her but it shouldn't be long now."
"Don't worry," Emma added. "You'll know the moment he sees it. It's all he's talked about all morning."
"So, this is kind of a big deal, huh?" McCallen asked with a crooked grin, almost as a tease.
"She's been a huge part of my life," Killian replied. "In fact, she was my life for a very long time, before I met Emma." He failed to notice the way McCallen glanced at Emma with a look that seemed to ask Is he kidding?
"I think that what Killian meant to say is that he spent many years working on that ship before we met. He puts a lot of effort into keeping it ship-shape. But yes – sometimes I swear he treats that ship like a person…"
"It's a good thing she's not able to hear you speak such blasphemy," Killian feigned offense as his wife laughed it off.
"See - I share my husband with a ship," Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "Anyway, I know you didn't come down here just to talk about Killian's ship. You said on the phone that you had some new information to share with us? Is it news about Donleavy?"
"Well, yes and no…" McCallen began as he took a seat on the bench next to Killian. "We got a call this morning from the RCMP…"
"RCMP?" Killian interrupted with a confused query as he didn't understand the reference.
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police," the deputy clarified. "Sorry, I should have been more specific."
"It's alright," Emma insisted. "We usually just refer to them as the Mounties." She'd explain the reference further for Killian when they were alone.
"Oh, okay," McCallen continued. "As I started to say earlier, we, well, technically Sgt. Haviland received a call from the Mounties this morning letting him know that Donleavy's boat was located. Appears that it ran aground along the coast of Nova Scotia and by all accounts, was pretty beat up. Unfortunately, they found no sign of Donleavy. Haviland forwarded me a copy of the report. Guess he thought you'd already be back home if he didn't get in touch with you yet."
"I haven't looked at my email all morning," Emma confessed. "If he sent something there, I probably won't read it until we do get home – especially if it isn't giving us any whereabouts of Donleavy himself. At least we have an idea of where he escaped to."
"I do recall saying that he wouldn't get very far by sea," Killian reminded them. "The seas would have been far too rough for his minuscule craft. Even a sailor as experienced as myself wouldn't have fared well in that storm."
"Yeah, Donleavy was probably thrown overboard somewhere between here and Canada, before his ship crashed onshore," Emma suggested.
"There's still a remote chance he survived so the Canadians are going to continue their search to see if he turns up. They weren't entirely convinced that he'd survived either, but they're not giving up the search yet."
"Serves him right, if I do say so myself," Killian said with an eyebrow raised playfully. He lifted the binoculars to his eyes to survey the bay once again, scanning the horizon for a glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He stood as he caught sight of a set of familiar masts and sails materializing from beyond the inner harbor islands. "Ah, there she is!" he exclaimed with a huge grin stretching across his lips. "Such a thing of beauty…"
"Alright – you know I'm dying to get a look at this ship I've been hearing about. I mean, you've got the rings, the tattoos, the skull and crossbones pendant – there's definitely some kind of pirate obsession there so should I be expecting a pirate ship too?" Killian gave him a slightly nervous smile and Emma was practically biting her tongue as they both began mentally scrambling for a plausible explanation for the fact that Killian did indeed have have a pirate ship, and a marvel of one at that.
"Of course," Killian said as he offered the binoculars to the deputy and pointed to a distant location across the bay. "If you look out there to the northeast, you'll see her riggings just beyond that island." McCallen raised the binoculars and pointed himself in the direction Killian had indicated, his jaw dropping the moment he spied the tall ship on the horizon. He didn't know a lot about classical ships - he wouldn't have known a schooner from a frigate or a galleon, but this vessel looked like it could have sailed straight out of any pirate movie he'd ever seen.
"Wow! That's really your ship? It's definitely not what I expected, but seriously – you can sail that all by yourself?" Killian had to chuckle at the deputy's excited rambling.
"Indeed, I can," Killian replied proudly.
"That is so cool!" McCallen gushed, unable to contain himself. "What did you name your ship?"
"The J-…" Killian started to reply Jolly Roger, but something made him stop and reconsider, responding with the vessel's original moniker instead. "Jewel of the Realm."
"That's a really great name," McCallen told him as he passed the binoculars back to his pirate friend. "How did you ever come to own a ship like that?"
"Killian repairs and restores these old ships to keep them seaworthy," Emma jumped in with the most logical explanation she could determine. "And if you haven't noticed, he's a bit obsessive about his job."
"History deserves to be preserved," Killian stated, going along with Emma's lead. "And what can I say – I immerse myself fully into my work."
"Well, by the looks of it, you're very skilled at what you do! How do you manage to find the time as a deputy?"
"Don't have as much time as I used to so sailing has become more of a hobby now, but if you're ever in Storybrooke, I'd be honored to give you the full tour and a run about the harbor."
"I just might take you up on that one day, but since I have a tendency to get seasick, just admiring her from the dock would probably be enough for me," the deputy admitted with an embarrassed chortle.
"Well, my friend, if you ever want to try for your sea legs, my offer shall stand," Killian laughed as he raised the binoculars one last time to see if the ship was still visible but it appeared as though Ursula had already reactivated the cloaking. "Appears as though she has sailed beyond our purview."
"Oh, sorry… I'm guessing you're hoping to get back home around the same time as the ship?" McCallen wondered, not wanting to impede their plans.
"Yeah, that's sort of the plan," Emma stated as she glanced at her watch. "We definitely should get on the road soon, but Aaron, we really want to thank you for everything – for your help with the investigation into what happened to Killian... for opening your home to us. You've done so much more than you ever needed to."
McCallen's cheeks flushed as he tried to figure out how to respond to her gratitude. "Honestly, not many people have put as much faith in me as you did. I'm grateful to you for including me when you could have brushed me off in favor of letting Sgt. Haviland take over. I'm glad you didn't."
"You've got the instinct," Emma assured him. "You're going to be a great investigator."
"I guess we'll have to see how far a man with an artificial foot can get," McCallen said sullenly.
"As far as a man with an artificial hand can get," Killian insisted. "And that's as far as you desire."
Saturday Afternoon – Storybrooke
It hadn't taken Killian more than a few seconds after they'd exited the interstate before the gloved, wooden hand was discarded to the back seat in favor of his preferred attachment. Captain Hook was back and on his way home. By the time they passed the Welcome to Storybrooke sign at the edge of town, he was certain he could already smell the marine air again and began to imagine the sound of crisp sails flapping in the wind.
They finally parked in front of the Sheriff station nearly two hours after they'd left the Portland harbor and Emma was eager to find some lunch to appease her growling stomach. Maybe as anxious for food as her husband was to get to the harbor.
"Are you really sure you don't want me to heal you?" she asked as they climbed out of the Bug.
"For the last time, Love, I'll be fine. Aside from a few aches and pains – and a bit of general tiredness, I'm honestly alright. I assure you, if I change my mind, I promise, I will let you know."
"Okay, okay… I'm gonna call the family and see if they want to meet over at Granny's for lunch. I'm sure they'll all be looking forward to seeing you."
"Sounds good, but allow me a few minutes first?" he implored.
"I know – you're heading down to the harbor. Want me to drive you over?"
Killian smiled and shook his head with a subtle No. "I think I'd like to walk."
"Alright. If you aren't back in thirty minutes, I'll come looking for you."
The quarter-mile stroll from the Sheriff station to the dock was normally a brisk, five-minute walk for him, but today, it took a few minutes longer and he was clutching his chest tightly as he reached the gangplank. He pressed on with stubborn determination, pushing himself up the ramp and onto the deck of his ship. Reaching the helm, he leaned his aching body into the wheel to catch his breath, fully aware that he was not alone.
"Returned, safe and sound, as promised," he heard Ursula's voice call out from below the quarterdeck.
"Aye, thank you for your assistance. I do appreciate all you've done for me."
"You are one lucky pirate. Although I suggest you try to stay away from sharp, pointy objects for a while. One of these days, your luck will run out…"
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Killian said with a half-hearted chuckle. "Am I also to thank you for last night's events?"
"Afraid I've no idea what you mean," Ursula replied with a feigned innocence.
"Of course not," he grinned, lifting a knowing eyebrow at the Sea Witch. "Pardon my error, Love. Guess I should make my way over to Granny's pretty soon. Emma will send out a search party if I don't make it back. Why don't you join us?"
"As pleasant as an afternoon eating greasy diner food with the Charming family sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But as for you, I'm serious – watch your back, pirate. One of these days, you'll find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and there won't be anybody around to save you."
He opened his mouth to reply, but she was already gone, leaving the words caught in the back of his throat. As much as he wanted to argue, Ursula was right. He belonged at Emma's side and that was honestly the only place he wanted to be.
Early Saturday morning – off the coast of Nova Scotia
It was late in the season for such a powerful Nor'easter and perhaps it was a foolhardy decision to be venturing out in such horrific weather but Donovan Donleavy preferred to take his chances upon the stormy seas rather than face the tempest that would be brewing at home if he hadn't run. He'd slipped out of the marina under cover of darkness before the authorities had descended. His sport fishing boat wasn't really designed for these conditions so he'd tried to remain as close to the coast as he could, but the howling winds and torrential rain kept blowing his battered craft further out to sea.
He was only a few miles off of the Canadian coast, estimating his position to be somewhere near the Province of Nova Scotia, but he was beginning to doubt he'd be able to reach a safe harbor. Rain lashed at the deck, making visibility near impossible as the ten to twelve foot swells pummeled the tiny boat. Donleavy clung to the wheel as long as he could until a towering, fifteen foot swell sent the vessel listing hard to starboard and it never recovered, capsizing in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.
He bobbed to the surface, struggling to keep his head above the waves as his arms flailed in futile attempt to grasp for anything that would keep him afloat. After a few minutes, he found his muscles tiring rapidly and he knew he wouldn't be able to tread water much longer. Of course, he still believed that drowning was far more dignified than the humiliation of watching his empire fall apart.
He was gradually giving in to the reality of a watery death when he felt something brush against his leg. Probably just a fish or a piece of debris from his boat he thought – until the offending object slithered its way up body and wrapped around his torso. While moments ago he'd conceded himself to drowning, suddenly Donleavy was in a panic as he recognized that he was being enveloped by a giant tentacle. He struggled only for a few moments, trying futilely to free himself as the tentacle constricted tighter - just before yanking him forcefully beneath the unforgiving waves.
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