#i was thinking maybe hilarius
laminacore · 2 months
right ive finally finished all my wips now i can start drawing the tanner as cowboy ken thing.... but who should i draw as barbie?
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thatoneyanderewriter · 6 months
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pairing: yandere!coriolanus snow x everdeen!reader
summary: it’s the things we love the most that destroy us.
warnings: yandere behavior, stalking, implied murder, violence, delusion, possessive!snow(as in VERY possessive) unhealthy relationships, superiority complex, narcissistic tendencies.
a/n: I love Lucy gray okay? but she didn’t exist in this! Just for the plot btw. also more yandere tbosas characters to come!
Coriolanus liked to think that he was always on top. Snows were, after all, very prominent. That was what was keeping him going in life. His name.
This mentorship would be the key to his future. He had already decided he wanted to be the President of Panem, another way for him to gain control.
He first notices you at the reaping. Not physically. But it’s programmed live, so everyone could see. You stood out. Maybe not on purpose, but to him you did.
“District 12 Girl is Y/N Everdeen.”
The Mayor looked smug. You look over to a smug redhead. He wondered what past you shared with her. And you stood tall and confident. You kept your expression the same as you walk.
The redhead screamed, as the mayor called for help. That was revenge. But you didn’t do anything else, as you stood, the Mayor slapped you so hard you were off of your knees.
But you made no reaction as you stood back up, giving the mayor a warm smile as he was taken away. This was your opportunity, sure. You went over to the mic simply said,”Thank you, hope you enjoyed the show!”
Stepping back, You bowed, and added,”I hope you’ll enjoy my show just as much as I do!” You acted as if the audience was cheering, but it was silence.
The Peacekeepers shove you inside as Jessup is announced as the District 12 Male. You shake hands and that’s one of the last moments of the reaping he sees of you.
To be honest, receiving District 12 was a slap to the face. It was the small, joke district. It was clear Dean Highbottom had something against him, giving it to him on purpose.
In fairness, Coriolanus had made fun of him with friends behind his back, but still. It wasn’t fair. His petty resentment shouldn’t intertwine with his work.
But, you had some sort of gift. One he’d use to his advantage when it came to winning the games. And clearly, people liked you.
“I’ll have to admit, Coriolanus, you’ve gotten lucky, His fellow classmate, Hilarius teased. “I have, He replied proudly, having placed his plate next to Clemensia, He spots pie and immediately goes after it.
He hadn’t had Apple Pie in quite some time. The thought of it made his stomach growl. When all of a sudden, Dean Highbottom placed a bogger slice on his plate.”Oh, take a big one. Growing boy like you can handle it.”
Coriolanus grins at him. Thank you, sir. I can always find room for pie.” The Dean responds, “Yes, pleasures are never hard to accommodate, No one would know better than I.”
He never liked Dean Highbottom. He probably only had his position due to his fame of creating the hunger games.
The conversation sent chills down Coriolanus’ spine when Dean Highbottom spoke the words,”Look at you, in your makeshift shirt and your too-tight shoes, trying to hold it together. Strutting around the Capitol, when I doubt the Snows have a pot to piss in. Even with a prize, it would be a stretch, and you don’t yet have one, do you? What then, I wonder, would happen to you? What then?”
The next morning, Coriolanus stood at the Train Station. After hearing about the arrival of the tributes, he felt it was best to see you personally. A start that most hadn’t jumped to.
This made him feel more confident. And in his hand was a white rose, one from his grandmother’s garden. It was Tigris who suggested bringing a gift. And his cousin was never wrong, most of the time at least.
The train was a bit late but when you arrived, didn’t run per se, but rushed over to you, rose in hand. “Welcome to the Capitol, He greeted you.
You look up at him.”You shouldn’t be here, well, you don’t look like you do.” “I probably shouldn’t, He admits. You laugh a little, but aren’t scared. You don’t trust him right away of course.
“So then, What’s a Capitol boy like you doing around here? You ask, eyeing his clothing. “I’m your mentor, He said.”And I wanted to know you without the Capitol.”
“Hm, a rebel, You teased, taking the rose from him.”Does everyone have a mentor?” “Yes, but the others are waiting I suppose, He winked.
Coriolanus was intrigued. You were a bit more bold and confident than he expected. But the reaping showed a little bit of that.
“What does my mentor do besides bringing roses? You joke. “I do my best to take care of you, He said.”Coriolanus Snow.”
“I’m sure, if you’re my mentor, you know my name, but I like yours, You compliment.”And good luck, by the way. A lot of people don’t like me. Might try to kill you too.”
It was a clear joke, but Coriolanus was still puzzled. How could anyone hate you? You weren’t dangerous by any means, and the confidence you had became attractive to him, almost.
You expect to go on by yourself, but Coriolanus joins beside you, being shoved into the platform. He did so much for you, and maybe you should’ve done more. Then, you saved his life. Out of oath and a sense of guilt. And the fact you wanted to help people, not do the opposite.
Eventually, The games ended. And while Coriolanus was certainly relieved. Dean Highbottom found out about his little favor to help you win.
He just had to see you one last time. To say that he had grown infatuated was an understatement. You just were very charming, and sweet. Naive, even. Maybe not from your eyes, but his? Definitely.
“Are you okay? You ask.”You seemed urgent when you asked to meet up.” It was secret, just like your relationship.
“They’re punishing me, He said.”I don’t know if I’ll see you again. I cheated to help you win.” “I would’ve done the same, Coryo, You remind him.”Besides, I owe you. What’s your punishment?”
He could either lie, or tell you the truth. See, he always felt like you needed to be saved by him. He was superior, in a way. Of course he loved you, but he wanted to protect you too.
“I’m going to be a Peacekeeper for 20 years, He admits.”Protocol, but at least I won’t suffer humiliation.”
You chuckle.”I know, Coryo. I’d rather suffer humiliation than be a Peacekeeper. Will I see you again?” He replied,”I don’t know.”
But when you kiss him, it feel incredible. You loved him so. And from your eyes, he loved you too, yet it didn’t change your confidence and boldness.
He was well aware that you would’ve stood up for what’s right. You were an Everdeen. A family of that, according to you.
But truthfully, he insisted on district 12. “Well, they’re sending me back too, Coryo, You tell him.”Might pick up on more jobs to survive.”
He kissed you roughly one last time. Even though he was sure he’d see you again. Maybe without your knowledge.
When you came home, you did as you said. You picked up on more jobs. And when he first was there began following you, more like stalking you, but he was protective of you, his girl, he’d say to himself.
He didn’t want anyone else to have you. And he knew his silly infatuation became an Obsession. But this wasn’t new. Not in the slightest.
You began singing a little at the Hob, alongside the Covey, a group of musicians. You didn’t sing too much, he notices.
But when you did sing, you sang beautifully. You always sang what you felt. And he admired it. One night, however, you noticed him. But made a small reaction, turning back to the song.
When you ended, you rushed over.”Coryo. Didn’t expect to see you here.” “Surprised? He teased. “A little, You admit.”But, I knew you would. It wasn’t too much of a surprise. Nice buzz cut.”
He laughed, your fingers brushing over his shaved head. He’d miss his curls, but they’d return. “Where’s Sejanus? You ask.
You find him within the crowd, and start up a conversation. However, the night ends with you and Coriolanus, like how he wanted.
His ever growing possessiveness for you was showing a little, his grip on your hand was strong. You didn’t care, though. Not at first. You might not see him again. Or rarely.
Your judgement was clouded by the feeling of Love. A feeling many experience at your age. “Y/N, A voice said drunkenly.
You turn, annoyance in your tone.”What? I know exactly why you’re here.” Your former lover, well, truthfully, a one-sided crush at that. He just thought you were lovers.
He'd believe Mayfair over you, on a lie. that was it for you. “Come on, I miss what we had! He whines. “As if it was anything special, You scoffed.”See, if you hadn’t believed that redhead, it would’ve been just fine. She tried to kill me!”
Coriolanus wouldn’t admit it, at least to you, but he was fuming. His jaw clenched, and obvious signs of frustration. You soothe him, or try to. “Coryo, he’s an idiot, You say, assuringly.
“Ah, your new victim? Your former friend said jokingly, but anger in his voice.”She’s just using you, like with me.”
And that seemed to be it. You could only watch as his fists landed on his face. Stumbling back, he groans.”What the-“ Coriolanus wasn’t done. Now relying on his anger, jealousy, and bloodlust. He punched his jaw, so badly that by the time he was done, which was after a few times, his knuckles were bleeding, and blood landed on him.
Clearly, he was good as dead. This was a side you hadn’t seen before. But nonetheless, You couldn’t react. “Coryo… You could only say. And as he looks up, he hugs you, a bit more passionately than usual.
“You were never here. Go. I can handle it.”
You decide on listening. He wasn’t even really suggesting, but rather ordering. And you didn’t want to stay a moment longer.
Truthfully, He felt a sense of power, and control when he was punching him. You were his, not your former friend’s. He had to make sure of that.
It was a swift process, he had killed before, technically having no other choice but still, he was worried you wouldn’t forgive him. Or tell someone. That would ruin his future.
Of course, it didn’t mean he regretted doing so. He loved the feeling he got. The violence itself he enjoyed. And the way he spoke of you, it was justified. He shouldn’t have talked to you like that.
“Coryo, are you alright?”
Hearing your voice, his head spins. Your voice was like a bell to him. “I’m fine, are you? He hurt you? Coriolanus asked in response.
You shake your head.”He’s done this before. He may have hurt me once, but not again.” It was stupid, in your eyes. It wasn’t like he was a lover of yours, just your best friend. You thought he’d choose you over Mayfair, who clearly had her eyes on him.
Which wouldn’t be a problem, if she wasn’t a bitch. “As long as I’m here, Nobody will hurt you, Coriolanus assured you. You smile.”I know. And that’s why I love you, Coryo. Always there for me. I owe you big time.”
You owed him, and he’d never let you forget that. You belonged to him, and nobody else. You better remember that.
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felixravinstills · 13 days
hello! i have Thoughts About Felix [the felix ravinstill propoganda has grabbed me by the throat] and figured i'd ask the resident felix ravinstill expert about them ^^
going off your headcanon with felix & hilarius being friends, do you think they worked together during the mentorship program? i imagine that both of them might have been "lamenting" about the tributes they had been assigned but still wanting to help them (since they didn't have a chance at winning) to make things easier before the games, but with both of them being very image-conscious, not offering as much support as they might have otherwise been able to had they leveraged their names
felix & arachne being friends and arachne visiting the zoo during the day makes me wonder if felix might have passed food on via her to give to dill so he wouldn't be so publicly seen (but then again, knowing that giving that kind of info to arachne means it would get tossed into the gossip mill might make felix not want to do that...)
also, because i am a sucker for time travel: in a situation where felix goes back in time from his probably-coriolanus-snow-caused-death to before the 10th hunger games, what influences do you think felix could realistically leverage to try and circumvent arachne and dill's fates?
Hearing that my Ravinstill propaganda is working fills me with the both the greatest joy and abject horror. (On one hand, it is working! Yay, join me in having Felix thoughts! On the other, what have I done?)
Anyway, imagine that this will probably end up pretty long, so be warned (no seriously, the last part lowkey became a fic outline):
Felix & Hilarius
Yeah, I think their collaboration is mostly venting to one another. Honestly, I think the echo chamber of hopelessness probably doesn't motivate either out of their defeatist inaction. From the book, it sounds like Hilarius is even more defeatist than Felix. He also talks more insultingly about Wovey than Felix does about Dill, so I do imagine that Hilarius is the one doing more of the ranting.
Hilarius probably asks Felix how he gets Dill to be slightly more receptive to mentoring than Wovey (especially with Reaper probably hanging around). I think Felix's slightly more empathetic personality helps him succeed where Hilarius fails.
Felix & Arachne
Oh, this is actually a pretty good headcanon! It would make a certain amount of sense and add a good bit of angst to Arachne's death for Felix! I do think that there's a chance that he wouldn't trust her to do it in the sense that Arachne's general snark and sass makes especially her abrasive to strangers, so he probably is skeptical on letting her give food to his visibly sick tribute. She'd probably chuck a paperbag with a sandwich at Dill, so she doesn't have to get close and then taunt Brandy. Yeah, maybe Arachne's not the best choice now that I've thought it through completely (although there is a chance!). Felix probably thinks about asking Arachne when she mentions that she's going.
I think if Felix doesn't hand the sandwich himself, then he probably gets like someone his family's hired to do it. Maybe his driver.
Felix & Time Travel
It depends on how far before the 10th Hunger Games he's returning to. If it's not very long before or the day of the Reaping, I'm unsure how focused he is on the Hunger Games. He will probably accompany Arachne to the Zoo though and make sure she doesn't die. At the very least, a probably ~35 year old Felix is not as image conscious (at least about smaller things) than he was as a teen.
If he hasn't been back for that long (under a year), then he's still processing his death, and I don't know how apparent it is to him that it was Snow's doing, but he may suspect it. Either way, he's not too fond of Snow at the time of his death (battling the Ravinstills for political power but also for Old President Ravinstill's attention). He's definitely focusing on sabotaging Coriolanus' chances on gaining any influence, and Dill becomes more of a background concern as he juggles his at-the-moment one-sided rivalry and making sure Arachne doesn't do anything else that gets her killed.
Felix probably beats Coriolanus to the punch with going to greet the Tributes by suggesting that all the mentors do so and making it a class field trip. He also does begin loudly insisting to his Great-Uncle that with Academy students accompanying the Tributes shouldn't security be increased which leads to the Bombing being averted. (He probably flat out mentions the possibility of a bombing which probably puts the president on high alert, because of my hc that a lot of the Ravinstills died in a bombing).
I imagine that Felix is still mostly playing Coriolanus whack-a-mole on all of the other man's efforts, but as time goes on, I imagine that since we've averted a lot of the things that would have derailed the Mentors and Tributes from spending more time together (Arachne's death and Bombing), the Capitol is now leaning really heavy into Mentor and Tribute spotlights with more than just the interviews being aired to the public (maybe they have little clips where the tributes can show off a lesser talent or maybe they force the tributes to react to Capitol things and foods.)
I'm kind of pessimistic on Felix being able to stop the Hunger Games with this little prep time especially since it spends so much time being a lesser concern. As they get closer to the Games, however, and the mentors and tributes have been bonding a bit, reality starts setting in. He has had regrets about the Games in the past before he died, and he did start questioning their purpose privately. It's just a decade or two of suppressing those thoughts makes him slow on the uptake, but he does get hit with the "oh no, they're all just kids." With this sudden realization, I think he starts spiraling and starts trying to rack up as much sympathy to get Dill out of the Games. I don't think this quite works as he's probably starting to get a bit desperate.
He probably has a bit of a breakdown, and I think President Ravinstill rigs the Games so that Dill wins in an attempt to make him feel better, and it's pretty obvious to everyone watching that there was foul play.
This is the death knell for the Games as they are, because everyone's a little pissed at the Ravinstill Nepotism win.
They try and have a Game the next year which isn't as popular (sorry, Mags. You still have to go through the death game), and Pres. Ravinstill demands that Gaul make her Games into something viable or else (even though its definitely his fault that they're failing, but he's not going to think about that). They become a weird and gaudy popularity contest where the winner gets to come to Capitol but these new Victors get treated like weird human trophy pets.
Felix isn't having a great time in the aftermath. To balance out this kind of bleak end, I'll say that Gaul is also not having a great time, because her favorite part of the Games (the violence) is gone.
I actually had some thoughts about Felix coming back earlier, but this is already so long. I can't get into it at this point!
Thanks for the ask!
I'm trying to get out of the habit of apologizing for response length, but I am truly sorry about how long this is. I can't imagine that you could be prepared for it, so thanks again if you made it this far!
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talkshowboyluvr · 16 days
my sexuality & gender hc's for the tbosas character's i write the most often cause i don't think i've ever mention it in my fics :3
marcus - gay!!! realised very early in his life that he liked BOYS
sejanus - okay actually my sejanus is bi :) i think it's a very common hc that he's gay, but i see him more as someone who likes based on personality rather than gender
coral - lesbian, definitely came out of the womb thinking abt pretty girls
persephone - unlabelled but definitely sapphic :)
diana - lesbian!!!! much like her name sake lmao
apollo - pan 🤠
treech - maybe coriolanus wasn't the only evil bisexual manipulator 🩷 lmao treech is ace, bi AND trans in the majority of my fics, triple threat
lamina - bi!!!
vipsania - another lesbian, was in denial growing up
hilarius - do i need to say this one (gay)
tanner - gay or bi! i'm undecided...
brandy - lesbian!!! very much for the girls
jessup - pan & ace :3 though someone new has been deleted know that characterisation of jessup is my only one
lucy gray baird - bi/lesbian again i am undecided 😞
anyway... this is mostly for my modern au's that i'm working on since the sexualities will definitely be important in some of them (the it au especially) but also because i wanted to have a way for me to look back on it incase i forget nxbdhshsbs
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vipsaniasickle · 2 days
why i associate them with those lyrics
this post is connected to this post
i'm sorry these are all going to be sad
livia cardew
i associate livia with "tell your baby that i'm your baby." mainly because livia had two brothers, one older and one younger. her parents always favored her brothers over her. and when the eldest died, her parents' love and protectiveness for the youngest one grew. livia was often forgotten and overlooked by her parents. she watched her parents dote on her little brother and shower him with affection, which they never did to her.
vipsania sickle
i associate vip with "high achiever, don't you see? baby nothing comes for free. they say i'm a control freak driven by the greed to suceed." because her family has very high expectations. as her family's expectations grew, her greed grew. her family's expectations is the reason why she's extremely competitive. she wants to fulfill those expectations and she wants to make her parents proud. but, everything she does is never enough. vip tries her best to be number 1, but coriolanus exists. her parents often tell her to be more like coriolanus, but he's always better than her in everything academic-related, despite her being one of the top students in the academy. which is why vip puts so much pressure on herself.
felix ravinstill
i associate felix with "daddy stuck around, but he was never present." because of this one line he says in the movie: "well, maybe he would've if he wasn't so busy running the country.", it made me think that pres. ravinstill was an absent father. pres. ravinstill never bothered to show up to felix's special events. there was this one day where all parents had to come to school for a parent-teacher conference, and only his mother showed up. felix also barely sees his father at home, his father only shows up for breakfast. he has lunch and dinner mostly in his office.
persephone price
i associate pippa with "if they knew sweet little you, they'd end up loving you too." because of coriolanus knowing that she was a cannibal back in the dark days. coriolanus distances himself from pippa, always. despite being in the same friend group, pippa and coriolanus were never that close. he also doesn't know her as well as his other friends do. her friends see pippa as a sweet and caring girl, but coriolanus only sees her as a cannibal. the girl who ate the crane family's dead maid. if coriolanus put the whole cannibal thing aside, he and pippa would've been good friends due to her kind nature. but he never did.
hilarius heavensbee
i associate hilarius with "i wanted to be the one that you could understand." because he just wants his parents to understand him. hilarius has two older siblings, one moved out and one's in university. his parents often compared him to them, and he just wants his parents to understand that he's different to his siblings. his two older siblings were close to his parents, but hilarius was never really that close with them. hilarius not only wants his parents to understand that he's different than his siblings, but he also wants a connection with his parents. he wants his parents to understand him like they understand his siblings.
clemensia dovecote
i associate clemmie with "i used to think i was smart, but you've made me look so naive." because of her previous relationship. clemmie used to date urban canville. it was a toxic relationship, but clemmie thought she had found the 'one'. despite her friends' (especially felix) complaints about how urban wasn't a good guy, she just brushed it off and continued to date urban for a year. one day, she found io's bracelet in urban's room. when she asked about it, urban just brushed it off, saying how io was only helping him with a science project and she had left her bracelet here. as the days grew, clemmie noticed that urban and io had been getting closer. her friends had been trying to tell her that urban and io were having a secret affair and that urban was cheating on her, but clemmie just brushed it off, telling them that they were overthinking and urban would do no such thing. until one day, she walked in on urban and io making out.
festus creed
i associate festus with "for the rest of your life, i'll be there. i'll be stuck in your head like the roots of your hair." because of a tragic accident that killed his younger brother when festus was twelve. festus and his younger brother, fabius, were exploring a cave. it had been festus's idea and fabius happily agreed to it. whilst they were in the cave, it started to rain. festus knew it was time to get out, and told fabius. but fabius, being a curious six year old, said no and that he wanted to stay inside the cave. the cave slowly started to flood and festus urged for fabius to get out. as they were trying to get out, it had flooded the whole cave, and they had to swim their way out. fabius didn't know how to swim, so festus had to hold him while swiming. the water pressure got worse, and festus lost fabius on the way to the exit. fabius had drowned inside that cave. festus made it out alone and survived. festus' parents didn't blame him for fabius' death, but festus thinks it was his fault and still has thoughts and nightmares about it.
arachne crane
i associate arachne with "i know who you pretend i am." because of her striking resemblance with her deceased mother. her mother died during the war, and arachne's father never remarried. arachne's four older brothers had all moved out and it was only arachne and her father left in the house since she was sixteen. her father always told arachne stories about her mother and how arachne resembled her mother so much in both looks and personality. arachne notices how her father sometimes calls her by the wrong name. "marilla," it was her mother's name. it's as if he pretends that arachne is marilla (not in a romantic way). arachne took care of him like marilla did. arachne realizes this as she matures. she knows her father pretends arachne is her mother.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (10)
*The 24 OG Mentors playing “The Most Likely to” Game*
Festus: Since we’re all here, let’s start things off simple! Who is most likely to graduate with High Honors?
Androcles: That’s too easy! Coryo, Lysistrata, Urban, and Io Jasper. A.K.A the best debate kids of our year.
Diana: True. Next. Who is most likely to fail Dr. Gaul’s class?
Arachne: Sejanus Plinth and Festus Creed!
Sejanus: Wrong! My father will pay the school to let me pass her class.😎
Festus: And I’ll just ask Urban and Coryo to hack Highbottom’s computer and change my grades again.
Domitia: Typical as usual, Creed. But whatever~. Who is most likely to eat a human leg?
Coryo: *looks at Persephone Price* I think we all know that Perse-
Persephone: That was one time!
Hilarius: Your crazy dad would disagree-
Persephone: And it was Arachne Crane’s Maid!
Coryo: Percy, stop. We didn’t asked for details-
Persephone: And I was starving and she was delicious!😫
Arachne: I knew it! I knew-
Apollo: Okay! Who is most likely to use their parent’s name to get away with murder?
Dennis: Livia, Arachne, Felix, Androcles, and maybe Hilarius!
Livia: What?! I would never-
Dennis: Don’t deny it, Cardew!
Livia: Shut up, Dennis! Go suck a di-
Lysistrata: Next question! Who is most likely to disown their own parents?
Clemensia: Sejanus, Hilarius, and Iphigenia! Have you seen their defiance lately?!
Iphigenia: I’m not defiant-
Clemensia: No offense, Moss, but you’re forcing yourself to be thin as a stick, while your family literally runs the food industry.
Iphigenia: Oh, c’mon! I told you that I’m in a rebellious diet!
Vipsania: Don’t say the forbidden word, Moss!
Iphigenia: Rebellious.
Vipsania: She said it again.😱
Pup: To be fair, all of them have severe daddy issues.
Sejanus: That’s a lie. I don’t have daddy issues-
Coryo: Yes, you do, Babe.
Sejanus: Yes, I do, my love~.😍
Hilarius: True. I even gave my own father a restraining order to never secretly approach us again.
Dennis: Isn’t Mr. Heavensbee also banned from the school grounds?
Hilarius: To be fair, my mother was banned too.😔
Sejanus: What did she do?
Hilarius: My mama illegally installed secret surveillance cameras in all of our locker rooms without the Dean’s permission.😞
Juno: I’m so gonna tell my daddy about this.
Clemensia: No offense, Hilari, but your father is a creep.
Coryo: Yeah. He once tried to flirt with me and Felix.
Felix: At the freaking public library.
Coryo: And he also tried to invite me, Clemmie, and Felix to go on a secret “beach trip” with him to District 4.
Hilarius: My old man invited you guys without me?!
Coryo: That’s not the point!
Juno: Next! Who is most likely to have a crush on their assigned Tributes?
Gaius: Lysistrata and Domitia!
Lysistrata: Oh, c’mon! You can’t deny that this year’s District 12 male Tribute is just built differently~.
Domitia: And have you seen Tanner’s dance moves?! I might be the “Dairy Heiress” of Panem, but Tanner can sweep me off my feet-
Palmyra: On to the next question! Who is most likely to volunteer as a Tribute in the Hunger Games if the prize was a lifetime supply of cheeseburgers?
Hilarius: That’s so obvious! Festus and Pup are going to volunteer for sure!🤣
Festus: He’s right.
Pup: Can’t argue with that.
Io: But the real question is, who is most likely to win the Hunger Games if they were reaped as a Tribute?
Coryo: That’s so easy. Palmyra, Vipsania, Urban, and Persephone.
Florus: Please elaborate.
Iphigenia: Palmyra will win by poisoning the food and water supplies of her enemies.
Arachne: Vipsania through brute force.
Sejanus: Urban by simply refusing to die before uncovering all of the secrets of our universe.
Coryo: And Persephone will surely win by eating everyone else.
Persephone: Yeah, that’s sounds about right~.😌💅
Livia: Me next! Who is most likely to wear a ✨pink miniskirt✨ to save his comrade’s life?
Androcles: Easy again! Felix Ravinstill!
Florus: To be fair, our Class President will do anything for us.
Felix: Yes, I would.😌 But who’s the comrade who needs saving?
Apollo: Hilarius Heavensbee?
Felix: *sighs* I might beg for a longer skirt.😒
Hilarius: That was one time!
Felix: You’re just like your father, you skirt stealer!
Hilarius: I was drunk!😩
Vipsania: Next question! Who is most likely to become a ✨Sugar Baby✨?
Festus: Coryo! Definitely Coriolanus Xanthos Snow!😂
Coryo: What do you even mean by that?!
Festus: Don’t deny it, my friend! We all know that Sejanus is your sugar daddy!
Sejanus: Hi.😀
Coryo: He’s my boyfriend! Not my-
Hilarius: He’s extremely rich and he pays for your clothes, rent, and groceries. So he’s technically your ✨Sugar Daddy✨.
Coryo: You’re not wrong. But he’s still not my sugar-
Sejanus: My Coryo, my Snow Angel, marry me!! Marry me and you can have my wallet, my car keys, my gold encrusted wristwatch, my blueberry cookies, and my mansion!
Coryo: Babe, calm down! I’ll marry you next year!
Sejanus: This year!
Coryo: Sure. This year.
Livia: Wait a minute! I thought his ✨Sugar Daddy✨ was Casca Highbottom!
Coryo: Ew. That’s illegal-
Livia: I swear I saw the drunk Dean crying and calling him “Crassus, my love!” the other day!
Florus: And I thought it was Strabo Plinth.
Sejanus: Not my scheming old man!
Coryo: What the heck?! What is wrong with you?!😭
Sejanus: Stop bullying my gorgeous boyfriend!😠
Lysistrata: Besties, stop being mean to poor Coryo! We all know that the superior ship is ✨SNOWJANUS✨!
Sejanus: Yeah! Snowjanus for the win!
Coryo: I give up! Game’s over! I’m going home.
*A very drunk Casca Highbottom lurks from the corner again*
Drunk!Casca: Sickle, I am telling you the truth! Something is definitely wrong with those kids!
Prof.Sickle: You don’t say.😒
Drunk!Casca: Me? The ✨Sugar Daddy✨ of Crassus Xanthos Snow? I’m already his beloved boyfriend!
Prof.Sickle: Who?! Crassus? Do you mean Coriolanus?
Drunk!Casca: Who the heck is Coriolanus?! I only know one gorgeous Snow!
Prof.Sickle: Sure. Whatever you say, Cassy~.
Drunk!Casca: Now give me back my morphling bottles!
Prof.Sickle: Not until you give me a raise!😠
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persephoneprice · 3 days
Re: "i’ve been thinking of a scenario where felix ravinstill contracts sickness from dill but he gets cured almost instantly by capitol doctors and that’s what radicalizes him."
I do think this is so plausible, because every time I think about how Felix could turn on the Capitol it involves him being forced to see the unfairness of his own privilege.
I do struggle with how to get him their though... (me and the new Artemisia AU I've been playing around with in my head)
In this scenario, perhaps, he is also being quarantined near Clemensia, or even if he never sees her, he begins noting how people are condemning Dill for getting him sick but they'd never do the same thing about a Capitol student another Capitol student sick (well, actually, people might. Depends on the student's prestige and wealth, I assume)
We all know I have a Ravinstill problem, so I'm going to cut my musings off. Do you have any more thoughts on that scenario?
ah, my delight at getting to elaborate on my nonsense thoughts!
i think that he’s blinded to the major issues of injustice within panem. he’s so used to those big, obvious things that it never even occurs to him to question them. it isn’t until he’s confronted with this smaller issue that it starts to click in his brain and he begins questioning things.
once he’s confronted with this smaller, more personal issue then he’s forced to start seeing the inequalities in treated for the district kids vs the capitol kids.
he sees himself get fussed over and cured nearly instantly by the capitol doctors while dill is suffering in a cage in extreme temperatures and left to rot essentially. and it just starts to become something he can’t reconcile in his mind- are his family really the good guys if children are dying from diseases they could easily cure? if people are starving while they have plenty? if these kids are fighting for their lives in a death match while his peers place bets and cheer them on?
and then it just snowballs until he can’t control his rebellious thoughts. i don’t really know what he could do from there once he had these thoughts. realistically, probably nothing would occur but it’s been fun thinking of little au possibilities for what could happen.
i’ll put those little ideas under the cut:
i like the idea of felix slowly starting to spread information to people he can trust. his great uncle is the president so you know he has to know some decent information. he shares it with the likes of lysistrata or clemensia or even hilarius (a way to tie felix’s narrative until plutarch and the full rebellion we see maybe?).
it’s dark, but i also like the idea of felix teaming up with clemensia and realizing something needs to be done about coriolanus because he and his ideas are making things worse. they take care of him by poisoning or something.
i’ll also share my silly, completely self-serving idea that i like to think about— felix teams up with festus and persephone and information gets passed on that way. felix tells them all the information and persephone shares it with like mags and later finnick and that’s how they sit the rebellion.
i really like your idea of him getting quarantined near clemensia- i think that could be a great start to them teaming up against coriolanus together lol
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
do you think “the finer things in life” played a role in clemensia being coryo’s class partner? also who would be r’s?
omg probably. i also feel like she knows about it (but idk how bc it’s not likely he would tell her unless it was forced out of him.)
ACTUALLY maybe hilarius was like “want to be partners for this?” for something not long after and then she was like “oke” and coryo was like 😐😐 so then he asked clem and then she noticed him staring and was like “okay what’s the tea” and EVENTUALLY he told her bc i just know she would keep asking lmao
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kittyblackout · 1 year
Ok some rosekiller fic recs here we go!!
Up first, a personel favorite of mine:
A star for a summers day.
Barty is in love with Evan, and he doesn't know what to do about it.
Regulus is in love with James, and he doesn't know what to do about it.
Luckily for both of them, Barty has a foolproof plan (or maybe not so full proof after all, but you can't blame a guy for trying)
It's a roskiller, jegulus endgame but has some bartylus and jevan fakedate, remus is just so done with their shit, wolfstar too. I loved it. More than I can describe. I actually made an apreciation post for this fic, it has a longer more indepth view on it :)
It's a completed fic with 25 chapters, and it's 142,778 words.
Up next we have:
A serpent and his rose.
A Non-canon compliant, Barty POV, Rosekiller fic, that starts off with a fun Darkstar (Bartylus) FWB relationship and shows a glimpse into the life of the Slytherin skittles in their final two Hogwarts years. Lots of love drama, lots of fluff, some pain. Rosekiller and Jegulus endgame.
I absolutely love this fic it's so lovely, it shows Barty and Reg's friendship(how i personally view it) so well and the characterization is great! Shout out to nonbianary pandora, James being such a sweetheart and dorlene my beloveds<3
It's incomplete, currently has 33,841 words and 8/? Chapters.
Next up we have:
barty accidentally texts the wrong number. evan just happens to be the victim.
As you have probably guessed from the description, it's a rosekiller text fic in wich Barty texts the wrong number wich just so happens to be our poor, darling Evan.
I love this fic with my whole being, it's the most amazing thing, its so easy to read, wich I find in the case of most text fics, they are quite hard to read. The charachter development in this fic is amazing, chapters are short enough, the plot is well developed in my opinion, and all of our favorite charachters are here, and in this fic, shoutout to xeno for being so hilarius and just keeping things real, we love xeno from annoying in this house, and to pandora my darling beloved she rrally just keeps her boys in line<3
45891 words and 15/? Chapters.
Now we will see:
Friendly acquaintances.
James had agreed to get along with Crouch and Rosier but it was fucking difficult when they made it so difficult to put up with them. OR Barty and Evan think they’re hilarious, James, Regulus, Remus and Peter are fed up and Sirius can’t mind their own business.
This fic and the other chapters in the univers its set are absolutely lovely, sweet jegulus and rosekiller, what more could you want. I think k the description says it all, but it's a lovely nice read.
1995 words, 1/1 chapters.
Tge other chapters are accessible through tge link here. ->
Another one I love:
Tender curiosities, baby!
A glimpse into the exploits of Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. as they go through this thing called life (with all it's ups and downs), together. An extension of the Art Heist, Baby! universe.
As the description says, it's the art heist baby roskiller chapters, telling us what they got up to before, during and after tge heist we all know and have a love hate relationship with :,) anway there is a chance that most of you have already read this but u said I'd put it in anyway because, why not? <3
41021 words and 4/6 chapters
And last, but certainly not least:
In which Regulus and Sirius Black take a trip to visit their parents’ new investment: Jurassic World. It’s supposed to be a weekend of business, pleasure, and research, but their vacation takes a deadly turn when the most viscous and intelligently engineered dinosaur on the island breaks out. Now, it's up to a raptor trainer, a scientist, a tour guide, and the pair of brothers to save themselves and the others from an all-out, prehistoric assault; along with the other sinister secrets the owner of the park is hiding.
Now. It's not all rosekiller, there is jegulus and wolfstar pov but Evan and barty have pov and are main important charachters and are in an established relationship. I am currently reading this and I'm enjoying ut immensely but that may be because I never grew out of my jurrasic Park "phase". Special shoutout to raptor trainer Remus, this role fits him so well it unreal, and badass pandora she deserves the world.
148,493 words and 15/? Chapters.
Anyway those are 5 of my favorite rosekiller fics, I really hope that it was helpful to anyone who needs fic recs. See you all soon<3 and if anyone has any that they would recomend for me to read if you could tell me that would be great! Tysm<3
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@themarvelmarauder @dauntingday @cr-amber
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spiralling-thoughts · 3 months
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I find it interesting that neither wovey nor bobbin are mentioned as being disabled in the book so it was the directors choice to cast disabled actors for them. Now I haven't seen any of the interviews with actors and I don't fully know how casting works so this is totally My personal observation is that they maybe listened to the backlash that removing peeta's disability got and saw an opportunity to make it up with tbosas either way this was a great choice it really showed the cruelty of the games and confirmed how there are no expectations to it ( the 3rd quarter quell doesn't count) I also think with how often disabled people get forgotten about and get treated horribly by lots of governments in different countries it served as a message with how disabled people often have their rights crushed and not taken into consideration ( or well that's my observation from what I have seen i myself am not disabled so I might not be suitable to discuss this) . It also foreshadowed how district 8 were always going to be the first to rebel along with the poverty they experience if they have the highest disability population more than the rest of the districts and are suffering under the capitol control. Also a comment pointed that out but this one of the few cases where the characters disability isn't a huge part of their character it feels in some cases that disabled actors get casted when that's the whole point of the story for them to be disabled but for wovey and bobbin it isn't mentioned in the slightest (except probably by only their mentors but that's just a headcanon) now I am still willing to bet that book wovey is mentally disabled as well hilarius saying that she has " no personality" reminds me of some of the a insults I have seen people with mental disabilities get called when they or their families were talking about the bullying and harassment they face so she probably is still mentally disabled but Suzanne kept it vague and I am willing to bet that in the world of panem mental health isn't acknowledged more often
Either way a great choice. Sofia and Knox both did great wovey and bobbin are on my list of favorite tributes and district partners
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oishirecipe · 3 years
Was gonna make a post about what kind of music Riddle would like but I kind of went blank on that so I remembered this thing about what books he'd like I wrote when I woke up in the middle of the nightWAIT DO YOU THINK HE'S EVER READ ANIMORPHS
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ihatebnha · 2 years
I don't know if my ask was sent but, my brother sometimes plucks/pulls some of his hair??? like instead of shaving his beard and fixing it up he justs pinch and pulls, sometimes he does it with his leg hairs too cause he thinks it's HILARIUS?????? (my sister-in-law and I are terrified everytime he does it). Anyways, I feel like Kirishima would do something similar lmao
(if you sent this before i did not receive it but) bjklm,fdsd hababa HUH??? i can only remember one time in my life when i've tried to manually pluck body hair and i honest. to. god. cried... so the fact that your brother does this REGULARLY? and on his FACE, too??????????
get him some help. please. maybe tell him he's cool, yeah, but also that not putting yourself in pain IS FREE.
THAT BEING SAID, however... you're right. kirishima does probably do this, at least as a party trick. shows you his armpit hair and then pulls out a chunk because he thinks it's cute to watch you freak out. I hate him ugh</3
(or he does that thing where he balls up his leg hair and then rips off the knot...... lemme wait until you give that hairy back a wax so u can tell me what he says then smh)
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talkshowboyluvr · 18 days
hi!! i was reading through your fics on ao3 (i promise i won’t be annoying and comment on like. all of them) and i wanted to first say that your writing is so good omg. i just finished reading Inarticulation and that little scene where wovey tries to comfort mizzen both warms and breaks my heart. i adore wovey and i was wondering if you had any thoughts on what the games/zoo might have been like for her?
HAHA lmao don't worry u aren't being annoying commenting on them, that's so sweet <43
eek my thoughts on wovey!!! well starting off i feel like there has to be some backstory given, specifically how i view her and bobbins relationship.
i really enjoy the hc that bobbin's younger brother is woof, and that maybe wovey had some friendship with woof before the games, and therefore latched onto bobbin as it would have made him more familiar.
and i think he felt the same for her, very much the only non alien thing in the capitol.
i also see wovey as older than bobbin (this is book wovey hehe) so i could almost see her as being protective over him? especially in the zoo i think she'd try her best to shield him from what was going on. however, i also think bobbin wouldn't have been attempting to do the same for her? they'd sort of both see themselves as the protector.
when it comes to getting food in the zoo, i'd say she probably would have tried to gain something from the crowd, maybe by picking out what outfit were her favourite, complimenting their style and so one, but i doubt she would have gotten much food from her efforts.
though, i assume much as lucy gray did, the other tributes would see her kindness and feel pity and fondness for her. where the capitol ignores her, the tributes pay a closer eye on her. they smile at her jokes and don't snap at her for clearly not understanding the situation she is in.
with her relationship with hilarius i'm sure hilarius would Not have been a good mentor. especially due to both his sexism and just assshole nature, i think she'd likely be on her own when it comes to strategy. and i also think as she is one of the younger tributes her strategy would be very different.
practically everything she does is futile. she can't win, but i don't think she would no that. as many kids do i think her mind would have twisted the situation she was in, attempted to trick itself into thinking it was not in the horrors it was.
specifically, i think she'd try to make it a game! a real game. like hide and seek in the tunnels, or tag when someone was pursing someone, or sleeping lions when she saw a dead body.
maybe she'd see the water as a prize for how well she was doing in her games, because well that makes everything a little more tragic.
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vipsaniasickle · 2 days
livia, felix, vipsania, and hilarius having family issues and them trying their best to be good parents to each of their own children is so canon to me.
like they always tell their children that they're proud of them, that they love them, anything a loving parent would say to their child.
felix saying: "well, maybe he would've if he wasn't so busy running the country." in the movies made me imagine that pres. ravinstill was an absent father. i think felix would try his best to always show up for his children and always make time for them. he wants to be a good father to his children, unlike his father was to him. he would always tuck his children to sleep because he had no one to tuck him in when he was a kid.
livia is very loving and nurturing to her son, unlike her parents were to her. livia doesn't want her son to feel the way she did growing up. i hc that livia was verbally and physically abused, so i really think that she would always shower her kid with affection and whenever her son does something bad, she'll brush it off, only scolding him lightly. usually she leaves arachne to do the job, though.
vip and hilarius go very easy on their son. they don't want him to feel oppressed, or feel the need to exceed the family's expectations like they did. i imagine the sickles as a very strict family, like they always want vipsania to do this, and do that, and they would get mad if vipsania would show one bit of tiredness. their family motto is "sickles never get tired". vipsania would do no such thing to plutarch.
the heavenbees are a tad bit similar. i imagine that hilarius had two older siblings who already moved out/in university, and that his parents would often compare him to them. his parents favored his two older siblings and hilarius often felt self-conscious. hilarius doesn't want plutarch to feel that way, which is why plutarch is the only child.
vipsania and hilarius would tell plutarch to follow his dreams, and that no matter what he does in life, they'll support him no matter what. the reason they said this was because their families pushed their expectations on them. even if plutarch gets bad grades, they won't be mad at him, they'll just tell him to try again and study harder and smarter next time.
i just imagine all of them taking up on gentle parenting.
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years
It's hilarius how you deny yuu having romantic feelings for mika as if he didn't call mika his, like its Canon he said it both Japanese And English LOL #orenomika and u can't say that it was a platonic thing cuz that would be a whole new level of blind lmao
Good morning dear anon! How do you feel now? I let some times to pass since you did send this on propuse actually 😅
Tbh when I saw your ask I felt pitty for you because I mean those who go and insult real people over a fictional, no let me repeat it again, FICTIONAL characters (or ship😂) or simply because they don't have the same idea as their ideas they must be really tragic people.
I think these kind of people didn't recieve enough love in their lives and are lonely people so first of all I pray for you that you can overcome this I truly do wish you will recieve that amount of love you truly deserve it dear anon!
And I understand quarantine made people really tired so let me advice you like an older sister that get away of your phone and all social medias dear! Go talk to your mom! Your dad, you brother your sister your friends! Try to learn how to cook! Go outside and buy some planets and watch them to grow around you! This will really help you to overcome your sadness and boring method! You need to talk to real people so you can learn how to deal with those who doesn't have the same ideas as yours because the real life in future is full of people who you might not be agree with them! You can't live forever inside your social media accounts and not be everything but the real guy you are so go out! Let the sun shine on you! Go out of your dark and sad crave and talk to people! It's hard at first but I do believe in you! I am sure you can do it at the end put your stupid fear aside and go out! You would never regret it dear!
At the end I just hope you'll be fine faster, I know you dislike to be what you are now, I am sure you hate to insult people and laugh at them simply because they don't have the same ideas as you and I am sure you are also tired to be fake in social media because you scare maybe the others won't accept you.
Then be brave! Don't scare and put your phone aside, out of social media, go outside and meet the sun and smile at people while shining fully!
I hope for you an enjoylabel day and life dear!
Be happy ^^
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persephoneprice · 13 days
Okay idk but i have a headcanon about mentors who used to be/are in a relationship and I just wanted to ask for ur opinion on it due to an anon asking abt romantic hcs to u
Hilarius Heavensbee and Vipsania Sickle
Juno Phipps and Io Jasper
Dennis Fling and Iphigenia Moss
Felix Ravinstill and Clemensia Dovecote
Livia Cardew and Arachne Crane
hello friend!! thank you for sending this because i just love talking about capitol drama!! it’s also always fun to hear who other people ship and what they think of the mentors.
i’ll start off by saying i don’t really ship most of these couples but thinking about it did have me come up with headcanons for it all so here we go:
hilarius & vipsania
to me, hilarius is absolutely gay. there’s just no getting around the fact that he’s a twink. however, i can absolutely picture a time before he was out and comfortable with his sexuality that he tried to date girls. so, vipsania and hilarius are like 11 and ‘dating’ each other- it doesn’t work at all and it’s a complete drama-filled disaster. vipsania makes it her mission to make hilarius as jealous as possible when they finally break up by dating androcles anderson and she doesn’t realize he’s jealous because he has a crush on androcles.
juno & io
i’ve never really thought about them together before. actually, i’ll admit a secret- i’ve never really thought that much about io in general. she’s probably one of my least favorite mentors (sorry everyone). but i think her and juno could be cute together! i could see them settling down after college and staying away from the politics and Coriolanus Snow Drama.
dennis & iphigenia
actually- i think they could be a cute couple! to me, i can’t picture iphigenia as anything other than sapphic. but i could picture them dating when they were young teenagers for a few years until she eventually breaks it off because she realizes she’s just not into men. my hc is they were together for like 3 years and he was super supportive about the issues she has with her father. they stayed close friends after they broke up and dennis is a supportive sweetheart.
felix & clemmie
this is one that for some reason i just can’t picture! maybe their parents sort of set them up and it led to a few awkward dates before they decided they were better as friends? (would love to hear your thoughts on all of the couples you presented anon- but this couple especially! tell me your hcs and what draws them to you!)
livia & arachne
oh, this one i can totally get behind! they would honestly be a power couple. they’re the wlw couple that everyone is slightly afraid of because they both have reputations for being mean. but anyone actually close to them knows that livia is actually a well-meaning person and that arachne is down bad for her.
this was so interesting to think about! thank you anon for getting me thinking about couples (and characters in general) that i wouldn’t normally think about! please, i would love to hear your thoughts on these couples that you’ve come up with!
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