#i want to believe that Thomas still paints as a hobby
magical-regical · 2 months
More Thomas things
So I said I had Thomas on the brain after the owl city ask so here's what my brain worms have cooked up.
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Thomas' love language is gift giving.
Usually his gifts are expensive but there's this one time he gave his s/o a painting. It was back when he was still an art student trying to impress his crush but he remembers it was a painting of a wisteria tree in bloom with a person's silhouette underneath it.
Years have passed since then and they actually did start dating but he had all but forgotten about that painting until he came over to their place for the first time and saw that postcard sized canvas panel standing on their desk, next to their computer, inside a frame.
Thomas doesn't know whether to cry or cringe, all that came out of his mouth was,
because (to him) it wasn't even a good painting. The tree was gigantic compared to the silhouette of the person, and the wisteria flowers looked more pink than purple.
"They cut down that tree because it was starting to grow on other plants but it's immortalized in this painting. Besides—" they pick up the painting and turn to him with the most wonderful smile, "—it's a painting you made. Why wouldn't I treasure it?"
He'd laugh incredulously before pulling them into a tight hug, holding their head against his chest so they couldn't see how close he was to tearing up,
"I love you, darling"
"I love you too, Thomas."
That night while the two are eating dinner they decided that their next date will be a paint night.
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trashyslashers · 2 years
match-up request: 1) slashers only; 2) non-binary & asexual; 3) average height, but everyone thinks i’m smaller because i’m very thin and i walk hunched over a lot. i’m around 5’5ft and 95lbs. i’m very pale and sallow faced as i am disabled and sickly, so i guess not that cute. i have big eyes that are grey, long features, and long platinum hair that reaches my hips. i had an androgynous shape, not very curvy or anything, just straight up and down. i kinda like it but wish i could gain weight. my favourite feature is my hands because of my long fingers and nails. 4) i have autism, but im not very good at masking so i don’t have a lot of friends (but the ones i do have are very dear and special to me). i come across awkward and overly blunt - and people who don’t know me call me rude, which annoys me because i’m not rude. i’m quiet around people i don’t know because i have no interest in them, but around my friends i love talking about my favourite things and hearing about their favourite things. i think passion is amazing. due to being ill i can’t do a lot, so i spend most of my time on bed rest or in hospital, but i’m very introverted and can spend months without physical communication and just spend time with my cats. i have insomnia so i don’t sleep a lot, but i always find ways to occupy myself. i’m told i’m very difficult to read because i speak everything in the same tone and my expressions never change. but my close friends can read me very well. i don’t trust easily and loyalty is very important to me. 5) i love gaming, reading, watching horror movies and documentaries, painting my nails, the colours yellow, black and orange, i like sunflowers and anemones (anemones mean ‘lost hope’ and open after rainfall), i like blankets, symmetry, haunted houses (i don’t believe in ghosts tho), scarecrows, and autumn clothing (jumper weather is everything). thank you for the match up. 🎃
Anon, I think you and Tommy Hewitt would be well suited for each other!
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Tommy does not mind your asexuality one bit; he's happy to just be physically affectionate with you in any way! He's a sucker for hugs, hand holding, and cuddling with you pressed against him.
Speaking of, you're very small compared to him. Thomas is already incredibly protective of those that he cares about, but you being so small, and that combined with your health, ups this x10. He's especially wary of Hoyt as he knows that man can be incredibly cruel and callous, especially if you're still new around the residence.
As someone who doesn't and has never met, really, any sort of societal appearance standards, Thomas knows what it's like and can spot it from a mile away if it's something you struggle with confidence over. Whether it's your skin being pale and sallow, your struggle to gain weight, anything, just know Thomas is not one to judge or have your physical appearance take away from how he feels about you.
Thomas is smart, and while Hoyt may bitch about it, Thomas knows any bluntness that comes from you doesn't stem from rudeness.
He loves, loves, loves it when you get more comfortable with him and start opening up to him about your interests and hobbies! While Tommy doesn't talk, he loves it if you watch him when he's doing something that isn't dangerous. He's more than open to you following behind him while he does mundane work around the residence if you wanted to, and he'll always lend an ear to you for you to talk about whatever's on your mind. He thinks it's adorable and loves how passionate you can be with certain topics.
Luckily, with him and Luda Mae, you have two people who are more than willing to help out whenever you're ill. While Luda Mae knows much more about actually caring for someone who's disabled or ill, Thomas absolutely is by your side as much as he can be on the days you're not doing well. He'll insist you rest (meaning, he'll gently press you back to the bed if you attempted to get up, etc), and will bring you any food, drink, books, etc, you may want.
He appreciates that loyalty is important to you, as it is to him as well. Thomas is incredibly loyal to those he cares about, and needs someone who's similar.
While gaming and many forms of entertainment are hard to come by at the Hewitt residence, he will make sure you have plenty of books to keep you occupied. If he or the family ever manage to get their hands on any films or documentaries, you bet Thomas will want to watch with you on their rickety old tv, and, while it may be a very rare treat, if Thomas ever comes across any sunflowers, you will wake up to a small, very delicately put together bouquet of them.
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Mrs. Murphy's Basic Info
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Name: Dorothea Rose Witt-Murphy
Faceclaims: 60s - Yvonne De Carlo, 80s - Jaclyn Smith, 00s - Lauren Graham, now - Jordana Brewster
Nicknames: Dotty, (by her brother) Didi, (by her parents and brother) Thea
Age: 29, almost 30 at the time of her death, but would be 39, almost 40, if she was still alive
Date of Birth: April 7, 1923
Date of Death: March 20, 1953
Zodiac: Aries
Birthstone: Diamond
Nationality: French
Sexuality: Given the times, I'd say straight, but I think she'd most likely be pansexual or bisexual in the modern world
Born: Lot. le Florida, Sainte-Maxime, France
Past residence(s): Rue Riverin, Beaumont, Quebec, Canada
Current/Last known residence: Duffy Street, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Occupation: Seamstress and baker (out of the home)
Schooling: Graduated at the top of her class from an all-girls high school
Talents/Skills: Painting, sewing. singing, embroidery, baking
Birth order: Oldest
Siblings: Thomas Pierre Witt (she is older by 7 years)
Parents: Philippe Arthur Witt and Amelie Louise Blanchet
Children: Miles Andrew, Royce James, Bentley Robert, and an unborn daughter she had only just found out she was pregnant for at the time of the accident.
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Height: 5’9” or 175cm
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Chocolate brown
Glasses or contact lenses: Reading glasses
Distinguishing features: Freckles, scar on her arm from an accident when she was younger (she stole her cousin’s motorcycle and ended up flipping it into the grass)
Mannerisms: Tucking paintbrushes into her hair and forgetting them there, biting the inside of her cheek when thinking, constantly correcting her posture when she feels she's been slouching for too long
Health: Asthma and ADHD
Hobbies: Singing or humming whatever comes to mind, playing piano (she's particularly good at playing by ear), painting, ballet, and baking
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): Her stubbornness. While she was somewhat proud of the way she knew what she wanted and wouldn't be strayed from such, her tenacity and ability to dig her heels in on issues that mattered to her were occasionally points of contention between herself and others. She was never one to back down when things got rough - something that was very attractive to her future husband - but that also meant arguing against the people she cared about when she knew, in her heart, that they were wrong. She knows that her stubbornness was often perceived negatively, and, in a way, she understands that it's a problem as she's worked hard on fixing it over time, but while she clings to her beliefs, she detests the way she can hold grudge for far longer than necessary.
Best quality (in their opinion): Optimism. As stubborn as she is, Dorothea loves to see the great in everyone and everything she comes across - a trait she unknowingly passed along to her youngest son. Though the world occasionally proves her wrong, she is steadfast in her belief that everyone has good in them somewhere, but some people just have to look a little harder to find it.
Biggest fear: Whilst claustrophobia is something she readily admits to fearing, her ultimate fear - like any mother, I'm sure - would be her children dying before she does. In her mind, any world without her babies is a world she doesn't want to live in. When they were in the car accident that took her life, her only thoughts were of Bentley - was he safe? Was he breathing? Would he make it if she didn't? Overall, she is a devoted and loving mother, and regardless of how old her sons are, she will be there for them if and when they need her (Well... until her death, that is).
Favorite ice cream: Fudge ripple
Favorite color(s): Lavender and burgundy
Favorite number(s): 41 (the year she got married)
Favorite song(s): (You're The) Devil In Disguise by Elvis Presley, Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers, and Daydream Believer by The Monkees
Favorite movies: Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality, The Parent Trap, Little Women, and The Notebook
Favorite TV shows: The Odd Couple, Three’s Company, Little House on the Prairie, The Partridge Family, and The Brady Bunch
Favorite books: Macbeth, Pride and Prejudice, The Giver, The Scarlet Letter, and The Color Purple
Favorite video games: Spiritfarer, Firewatch, and Terraria
A musical they love: Hello Dolly
A place they want to visit most: Hawaii, specifically Oahu
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vkq103487428 · 3 months
Week 9: Communities, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game
Gaming can be anything you want
Ever since the dawn of man, we have always been interested in finding different ways to entertain ourselves. First, it was cave painting and making weird noises around the campfire, then it became writing and reading, then making up physical games to pass the time.
Then, somewhere down the line, some absolute genius of a man (or woman, we don't know for sure) invented The Royal Game of Ur in Mesopotamia, and that action changed the course of human history forever.
This boardgame, which would not look out of place among a lineup of the latest boardgame collection at your local bookstore, was so universally loved that it eventually acquired superstitious significance among the population:
"Instead of seeing randomness, people saw the invisible hand of the spiritual realm. Landing on the Waters of Chaos in senet was no random event but a message from a god, a ghost, or even your own soul" (Donovan 2017, p. 16).
Jeez, and they say games were good for nothing...
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Fast forward to today, and games are everywhere. From boardgames collecting dust on the shelves of bookstores (seriously though, Vietnamese children should REALLY start playing boardgames again instead of burning away their dopamine receptors by watching YouTube Shorts and TikToks 24/7), to video games covering basically every single need imaginable.
You want a competitive experience with challenging gameplay? Pick up League of Legends!
You want to just sit back and have some fun with a couple of friends? Boot up Among Us!
You want to experience a heartfelt and gripping story about love, loss and regrets, that would forever change how you look at your life and the seemingly mundane experiences you go through? First off, are you okay 🥺? Secondly, play To The Moon!
All in all, gaming has come such a long way that in its current form, it literally has something for everybody.
Gaming just really brings people together
Games have always been a core part of my life. Even before I was introduced to digital devices, I was fascinated with traditional Vietnamese games like Ô Ăn Quan and Cờ Cá Ngựa.
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This love for playing games has led me to many different friend groups over the years, and while we all come from different walks of life, when we got together, only one thing mattered: having fun.
And that, in my opinion, is where gaming's the most powerful. Even though some games can be played alone, the experience has always been about connecting with other people through a medium that is enjoyed by all parties involved.
Like every other hobby, gaming really brings people from all different backgrounds together. But perhaps due to the fact that most of the interactions between members of gaming communities happen online, which eliminates the need for face to face interactions, the medium has become a safe space for introverted gamers to fully emerge themselves in their hobby, without fear of being judged (Kowert, Domahidi & Quandt 2014).
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Furthermore, gaming as a hobby is still a controversial pastime, with many parents complaining that they are good for nothing. Research has shown that 4 in 10 adults still believe that people who play video games are more likely to be violent (Duggan 2015). Parents also associate their children playing games with more conduct and peer problems, as well as less prosocial behaviour (Lobel et al. 2014).
This negative attitude towards gaming has given the communities built around it this sort of aura of mutual empathy for each other, a trait similar to counterculture and outcast groups of the past decades (Steltenpohl 2020).
Donovan, T 2017, It’s All a Game : the History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Catan, Thomas Dunne Books, New York, p. 16.
Duggan, M 2015, ‘Gaming and Gamers’, Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/12/15/gaming-and-gamers/>.
Steltenpohl, CN 2020, ‘Exploring online and gaming communities through community psychology’, Thesis Commons (OSF Preprints), Center for Open Science.
Kowert, R, Domahidi, E & Quandt, T 2014, ‘The Relationship Between Online Video Game Involvement and Gaming-Related Friendships Among Emotionally Sensitive Individuals’, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 447–453, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4080869/pdf/cyber.2013.0656.pdf>.
Lobel, A, Granic, I, Stone, LL & Engels, RCME 2014, ‘Associations between children’s video game playing and psychosocial health: information from both parent and child reports’, Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking, vol. 17, no. 10, United States, pp. 639–43, viewed 13 March 2024, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25272237>.
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wagner-fell · 3 years
I am still very new to this website and I don’t know how link a post but this fic is based on a post by @sandersgrey
(If someone reading this knows how to link a post please either explain it to me or link it in the comments because that post is *amazing*)
“Hmmm,” said Tessa, depositing Mina into Kit’s waiting arms and examining her buzzing phone critically. She shot a quizzical look in his direction.
Jem looked up from his novel. “What is ‘hmmm’, my love?”
Kit mimed vomiting but stopped dead in his tracks when she replied, “it’s Astrid’s mother. You remember her from parent teacher night, don’t you, my darling?” Kit swears they were being extra insufferable just to mess with him but he didn’t have the time to be annoyed when Astrid’s. Mom. Was. Calling. Tessa.
To understand why Kit was panicking as much as he was, you must know that Astrid’s mom was incredibly chill. She never got mad. The worst punishment she’d ever given her daughter was taking away her iPod for a week so she couldn’t listen to Mitski.
Was she calling about last night when Astrid, Mari and Kit threw eggs at the Shadowhunter’s that were giving Mari’s pack a hard time for no reason? No, that couldn’t be it. She’d given them the eggs.
Could the call be about the day before yesterday when Kit and Astrid got distracted doing homework and ended up snapping the coffee table clean in half while battling gladiator style with pool noodles? No, that wasn’t it. She’d just handed Astrid a twenty and told them to go to Kevin’s parents' shop and get a new one. Was she pissed because they ended up spending the money on ice cream instead? No, they ended up finding a table for free in the rubbing bin outside a fancy hotel.
Kit clutched his sister to his chest and prepared for the worst.
“Seo-yoon! What can I do for- Oh, hello Astrid!” Tessa paused briefly, presumably to listen to Astrid speak, and Kit sighed in relief.
“Kit is occupied at the moment but I can relay the message.” Another pause. “Oh don’t be frightened of me. I’m a tots rad mom. Your secret is safe with me.” Kit felt his face flush red as he heard his best friend’s laughter echo across the living room. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He has to get Mina to sleep before he can leave though. Lord knows he’s the only one who can these days.” Tessa chuckled at something Astrid said before wishing her good luck in her endeavour and ending the call.
She turned her attention back to Kit. “Astrid needs your help breaking into your teacher’s home to retrieve her cell phone.”
Kit blinked at her, dumbfounded. “You aren’t mad I’m going to go break the law?”
Because of course he was doing it. Astrid’s dad had bought it for her and he was extremely cautious about money. That was one of three things Kit knew about her dad. He was cheap, he lived in America and he loved the movie Fight Club.
Tessa ruffled Kit’s hair affectionately. “Please. I’ve raised two other Herondales. At least I know about this particular adventure beforehand.”
Mina began snoring softly and Kit handed her back to her mother. He grabbed his bag and started his journey to the door when Tessa added, “she also told me to say hi to a ‘daddy Kit’. Are you ‘daddy Kit?’”
‘Daddy Kit’ closed his eyes and wished for the sweet release of death.
“Why is Kit a daddy,” Jem asked, genuinely confused. “Aren’t I the daddy?”
Kit swung the door open so fast not even a speed rune could have aided him. But not before I heard Tessa reply, “Lily Chen certainly thinks so.”
Mrs. MacNamara clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we all go around and say a few things about ourselves?”
Kit buried his face into his hands. He’d been relieved when no other teacher had fulfilled the Disney channel stereotype of making every student introduce themselves to the new kid. But Mrs. MacNamara didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing.
All Kit’s fellow classmates groan. Expect one. Her hand shot up immediately. She was short, like smaller than Clary short. She wore a baggy pink shirt with the words ‘Queen Glimmer of Etheria’ sewed on with purple sequins and tight black jeans. Her colourful, choppy hair was in a low ponytail and she flew a few strands out of her eyes as her hand wiggled in the hair.
Mrs. MacNamara pointed at her. She stood up and smiled at Kit. “Hi. My name is Astrid. My hobbies include making my little cousin’s girl Barbies kiss, as it should be, and watching television shows where everyone is a terrible person so you can love all of them!”
“And what shows might that be?” asked Kit, already in the process of pulling out his phone and opening the Notes app.
“Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy again because it’s seventeen seasons as of right now. And to be fair it practically became a different show when they killed off Mark Sloan.”
“That’s enough, Miss Yang,” said Mrs. MacNamara. Astrid sat down and winked at Kit. Then she took out her phone and airdropped him a complete list of all her favorite shows, along with her number.
After Blessica’s pre-birthday birthday party, they went to Cirenworth and stayed up till four A.M. binging them.
They met outside a queer dry bar called Aries Not Welcome, the unspoken gathering place of the Merry Hoes. It was run by a poly lesbian couple in their mid-thirties. Quinn, Sydney and Aliyah may not have served alcohol but at least they were open 24/7.
“Did you bring the shit?”
Kit gave her a look. “The shit? How conclusive.”
“Shut up. You know, the shadowhunter thing.”
“The shadowhunter thing?”
“The, the, the glow stick that you draw with.”
“The glow stick that I draw wi-“ Kit closed his eyes briefly. “Do you mean a stele?”
Astrid snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” Kit shook his head in exasperation, smiling fondly. “I borrowed a torch from Quinn, let’s move.”
“Should I be worried that you know where Mr. Smith lives?” questioned Kit as he followed Astrid’s lead through the park.
“Should I be worried that your mom was fine with us breaking and entering?” she shot back playfully. Kit pushed Astrid and she fell off the path, laughing all the way.
“You called me ‘daddy’ to my mom’s face.”
She just laughed harder, slinging her arm around Kit’s shoulder. “It was over the phone, Christopher. And as I should.”
“Pffffttt. Why did you get your phone taken anyway?” She put her hands into her jumper pocket and looked at the ground. “Astrid.” She remained silent. “Astrid?”
She mumbled something under her breath. “What?” asked Kit.
Kit gasped. “I thought you were a die hard Kanej shipper,” he whispered.
“I’m a multishipper, okay?!” she replied, equally quiet.
“Does Blessica know?”
She shook her head. “And she will never find out.”
Kit saw the opportunity and he seized it. “She’ll never find out as long as you never call me daddy in front of either of my parents.”
She removed her arm from his shoulder and guided them out of the park, in the direction of the many apartments that lined this side of town. “I hate you.”
“Well, so does Mari. You're not special, Ast.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know Mari doesn’t actually hate you, right?! They’re just still in the enemy phase of your enemies-to-lovers romance. She only dislikes you because they feel something for you but they don’t know what so she interrupts it as loathing. In reality, her inner soul knows you’re hot and shmexie.”
Kit didn’t know how to process this so he just nodded and follow Astrid in silence to Mr. Smith’s house. (Plus, he was kinda glad that, according to his best friend, he had a little more time for Mari to ‘discover their true feelings’. If Kit screwed this up, he was out of countries to run off to.)
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What,” asked Kit, turning around to face Astrid and closing the drawer he was rifling through. “Did you find your phone?”
“Yeah. But I also found Blessica’s. She was Snapping Kevin. Platonic my ass. But he took the fucking trans flag out of her phone!”
Kit snatched Blessica’s phone out of her hand to examine it for herself. She was telling the truth. Where the glitter pride flag usually rested was just a clear purple case. Kit couldn’t believe his eyes.
“It’s one thing to misgender her every day.” Blessica had forced all four of the other Merry Hoes to sign a contract saying they wouldn’t do anything to harm him because of it. “But this is the last straw. You know what we have to do.” Oops.
“Yeah, but we don’t have any spray paint.”
Kit eyed Mr. Smith’s pink sofa, blue bar stool covers and white picture frames. “I think I have something better in mind.”
It would have been easier for both parties to just zip off the sofa cushions and tape them to the wall but by ripping them off in strips, they ensured he would have to buy new ones. And judging by the car he drove and the fiji water in his fridge, Mr. Smith could definitely afford it.
That reminded him, “I’ll finish up with this. Go put all his fiji water into my bag.” Astrid saluted him and ran off. “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. “Steal all the remotes you can find.”
“How is he not awake?,” asked Astrid as they ripped the fabric of his seating from the stool.
He shrugged. “Don’t question it.” He shoved the bundle of cloth into her arms. “Glue this above the pink. I’ll handle the frames.”
“Say the magic word,” she sang.
“No. Lesbian. Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.”
Kit laughed quietly. “Can you lesbian glue this above the pink?”
She grinned at Kit. “It would be my pleasure.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Sorry I haven’t written anything in so long. School just restarted and it has been…a lot.
@adoravel-fenomeno @thechangeling @the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @noah-herondale-lightwood @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @maxboythedog @book-dragon-not-worm @hardlymatters
Very sorry if I forgot anyone. Lmk if you want to be addEd/removEd from the tag list.
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kneamet · 3 years
Thomas Sharpe says to the portrait of reader that he has always loved, loved and will love her. He says he will not accept her engagement to Count Harrison. She belongs to him. The next day, reader wakes up in a strange room tied to an armchair. She pretends to be asleep. Thomas is talking to her now.
Trigger Warning: obsession, yandere, kidnapping, jealousy
Word Count: 2439
Character: Thomas Sharpe/reader
Summary: Thomas never wanted anything more than to marry you. When he learns of your future marriage to the hated earl Garrison, he knows that something must be done.
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POV Thomas
Thomas knew he couldn't afford to be silent. He'd been silent for too long, and now was the moment to snap. He won't let anyone steal you from him.
Sharpe had never expected to find the love of his lost life. That he could find someone he would love and who would love him. A girl who would take care of him, and he would protect her from people.
But it just so happens that Thomas was born in a place where your right to vote doesn't count. Especially with Lucille. He loved her, he really did, but she probably didn't understand that it was more a need for a person than love, because Sharpe could hardly survive alone in this huge house, which also needs to be provided for. And her obsession with him, which Thomas hated, was also very annoying and dripping on his brain. It was very unpleasant to be thought of as some kind of object, thanks to which you can fulfill your desires. And these were used by all the girls in his entourage.
Parents, as Thomas noted, for the most part also did not care about the emotional outbursts of children and their hobbies. Well, why care about it? They're just kids. They can also be raised by nannies and teachers who were hired.
And the women... All those moments, all the things that his late sister controlled, mostly related to the women he married and later received money from. And he didn't particularly like it. Why is she controlling him? Why him?
However, even in the largest darkness, you can find a small corner that is dedicated to light. And that light for Thomas was you. His sweetest, most beloved, and most incredible girlfriend. He would pick up so many epithets, metaphors, and comparisons with you, fearing that even they could not describe all your beauty.
He smiled dreamily. It was so nice to think and fantasize about how you would live together, you would caress him, and he would stroke your soft, honey-scented hair, telling you how much he loved you and cherished you. But what was the point of thinking about it if they were going to be together?
Thomas looked down and passed his gentle hand, which had no bruises or wounds, for which he in turn had once been scolded by Mr. Cushing, Edith's father, perhaps the only woman who could attract his attention a little and almost even accept that he could not marry you, but his thoughts quickly dissipated then.
"Have I ever loved anyone before you?" Thomas spoke in a low voice that echoed small and tiny in the walls of the dilapidated but pleasant-looking room. He turned his slow gaze to the beautiful Edith, who lay beside him on the slightly stiff bed, looking straight into his eyes, blue as clear water.
Thomas sighed. He didn't want to talk about you. His favorite girl, who helped him believe in himself. I knew Edith wouldn't like it.
"Yes, I did once -" Sharpe began again in a whisper, lightly squeezing the girl's light hand in his. He did not want to share his thoughts and feelings with others, because he knew that they would betray him. Otherwise, they will use it against you, which was very insulting.
Thomas looked at Edith again with a lost look, a girl who was different from the others and who might soon be dead. Damn it. He didn't think she was beautiful. She might be pretty, but there was nothing remarkable about her. Well, maybe it was just the beautiful eyes and the unusual mole above the soft lips that she didn't even try to cover up. Perhaps it was the openness that drew him to her.
But no. No, no, no, no. He won't fall for that pretty face and possibly witty mind. He only loved you. Only her flower, which fortunately her sister did not know about.
Thomas shook his head quickly. He didn't care now. He and Edith had never been in love. A hobby? "yes, perhaps. But no more. He can't do more than that. After all, all his steely heart and soft soul belonged to you, his childhood friends.
Childhood friends. It's been so long... Memories of his past childhood flashed through his mind as if they were the wind that tries to impress a person. His most vivid memory of you and your current fate was when you came to visit them in Crimson Peak, as your parents were busy with his parents and spent time with Thomas while Lucille was doing something else.
That's probably what influenced him back then. After all, if you hadn't been there at that time. At that difficult moment, when he was, if I may say so correctly, beaten with his stick by his mother, with whom she always went, and even connected the rod after.
And Thomas didn't know why. What did he do wrong then? What's the big deal?
He sighed and touched the small framed portrait with his palm. Before the portrait of his favorite flower. His favorite girl, who probably doesn't even know what he thinks about her right now. He couldn't remember when the portrait had come to him. If an artist came to him who painted to order and he had a photo that his beloved sent him, then it was the portrait that sent his flower.
She was so beautiful in that picture. Her light, slightly curled hair fell gently over her shoulders; her lips smiled a soft smile that wished everyone well; her nose was slightly tilted up, but it did not show disgust or contempt; her beautiful, transparent eyes looked at him intently.
Suddenly, a fleeting but painful tear ran down Sharpe's cold cheek, and with a quick swipe, it fell to the carpet, then dissolved into water.
He always liked to imagine you — the most joyful and smiling princess-marrying him of your own accord. He has so often, since that very moment in childhood, imagined how he would put a ring on your fragile finger, which would symbolize your love.
"I loved you, my flower..."
It's true. His love was always there. She started the exodus as a child and never stopped.
"... I love you..."
But still an engagement. Yes, the damned engagement party you invited him to, apparently thinking Thomas would be thrilled that you were marrying the Earl of Harrison. But no, he already hated the hell out of him. This dirty man who was unworthy of you and probably only used you.
"... And I will always love you..."
He would not allow this engagement to happen. That's not why Thomas waited, waiting for you to fall in love with him. However, he is tired of waiting and hinting to you that he loves you. You belong to him.
"After all, my flower belongs to me."
The words spoken by the portraits were immediately swallowed up by the dark house, absorbing them.
Oh, how you loved Earl James Harrison. He was the very person who, at a difficult time for you, your family and your family situation in general, pulled you out of such a blizzard. He was the one who helped you.
James was probably the most attractive person you've ever seen. And both in terms of external parameters, and in terms of his spiritual and mental abilities. Being very well-read and intelligent, he always found moments in which you can learn something new. Yes, it's no secret, you both learned new things thanks to each other, because each had a field in which he understood.
And when he proposed to you, you couldn't help but agree, because you knew that he loved you just as much as you loved him.
If you were a writer, the kind of writer who delves into novels, describing the tumultuous lives of people, revealing all the mysterious secrets, then you would definitely describe your relationship as very fickle, unfathomable, and possibly equal. After all, he did not humiliate you, did not lower your abilities, but treated you as an equal person, which greatly impressed you.
Very handsome was your lover: dark, brown hair that was usually scattered in a careless hairstyle, brown eyes that were carefully watching what was happening and usually beautiful clothes. Beautiful clothes. Oh, you should have one.
"I love you so much, James," you murmured sleepily, resting your head on the man's strong shoulder and closing your eyes. You could feel him chuckle.
"I love you too, honey," he said after a few seconds. You no longer heard it, because you were in a perfect state of sleep. In a state where you can rest.
He never stopped looking at you, smiling a gentle smile
Suddenly, your wrists felt very uncomfortable. There was a persistent feeling that they were rubbing against something. But what could it be? It felt like a rope woven into several knots.
And the smell... The smell was also completely different from the one in James ' room, where you went to sleep. There was the smell of old books and tart milk, and here there was the smell of clay mixed with the smell of some metal. No, if Jim didn't decide to start making toys and drag you to the workshop, then fine. But there was a smell of something else, too. Something is unclear.
You opened your eyes a little, trying to see the place you were in. You couldn't have been kidnapped, could you? Or could they? And who could it be, if we follow this theory?
However, nothing surprised you. You were in a not particularly large room, which by its own condition was basically normal, only one thing did not paint it, so it was the smell and appearance of dust that lay on the shelves with old books. You flinched a little. A large bed stood beside you, strewn with a small number of rose petals, and covered with a dark corduroy coverlet. There were large windows nearby. Does the theory about your kidnapping include that if you jump out, you'll break every bone in your body? Or were you on the first floor?"
At the bottom, or rather the floor of the room, was decorated with a large dirty carpet with large drawings of incomprehensible shapes. It seems to have been a spontaneous fantasy. Although you could see the flowers there, too. Across from the bed was a large wardrobe that probably contained all of your captor's clothes.
"I've been waiting for this moment for so long!" an eerily familiar voice exclaimed. Such a soft, husky baritone. He was definitely familiar to you.
When you heard the voice, you immediately closed your eyes. I'd rather pretend to be asleep than face the man who kidnapped you." No, you'll talk to him later, but not now. Now is not the time.
Suddenly, you heard the floorboards creak beside you and someone blocked out the light that was continuously pouring out of the window in a cold stream.
"I love you so much, my flower," a voice murmured in your ear, barely audible. His heart was pounding at a furious rate now, replaying in his brain the words that the man had spoken earlier. Who is he? What is it about? Why had he waited for this moment? Why does he love you? Do you know each other at all?
"I know that you love me as much as I love you. I know you hate that damned Earl Garrison, and you want to marry me because you only love me."
What? You tried to focus on your thoughts, trying to remember what that familiar voice was. What kind of person would dare to do something as audacious as kidnapping?
"I loved you. I've loved you since the day you comforted me in this house, protected me from my parents, and showed me your concern... I never forgot about you."
All of a sudden, you feel like you've been electrocuted. Protection, comfort, care. The words echoed in your brain. You didn't listen to the man just now, because you realized who it was.
Thomas. Thomas Sharpe. Your first person to open up to. To whom she confided all her secrets. You didn't really know him as a person, only as a child, as children, you crossed paths a couple of times, and only because your parents and his parents collaborated.
And nothing else. What kind of love is he talking about? What do his thoughts know, which he seeks to convey? Why did he think it was love? Why not a less powerful feeling?
The clock ticked. They gave off a slight tinkle that broke the silence that had arisen in the room. Only the soft whispers of the children trying to comfort each other could be heard. They were quiet, almost inaudible.
"I'll always help you, Thomas, just call me," you muttered to yourself, turning to the boy and scratching his dark head with your thin hand. Trying to comfort him, to show him that you care.
But for this to happen — by kidnapping, by declaring love, and by binding — love simply could not arise. What kind of love is in a person's need for another person, you just didn't understand. What was the point? Unclear.
"I know that you have belonged to me since the day you comforted me..."
You didn't want to hear Thomas mutter about it. If you had been bolder, you would have screamed, trying to escape, but there was no way out now. It is better to obey him. Yes, the logic was wrong at the moment, since there was no need to think like that. It is better to resist than not to try to do anything.
"...I know you belong to me..."
No, you don't belong to anyone! Since when does he want you so badly? After all, as you remember, Thomas was quite a quiet, calm and peaceful boy. And what happened now? Why is he acting like this? What does he want? Love? So why would he fall in love with someone else?
"...And I know that you will belong to me..."
The only person you'll ever belong to is James, and that's only because he belongs to you. No more than that. Doesn't that include negotiated equality?
You felt someone's soft lips touch your lips, which were very thin, but pleasant. Spiced and slightly wounded, apparently bitten, Thomas's lips were not bad
"...Because we love each other, my flower..."
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 76
“There is nothing I support more than mothers caring for their children. Our Democracy is built on the combined efforts of our mothers. Baroness Bunny Pear Howlett swore before God and the world to joyously welcome every life she will be given the gift of bringing into this world and raise them in a God fearing home. I will never oppose her honoring that vow and raising more citizens of this fine country and our neighbor to the North, Canada. We have no right to lay our opinion higher in respect than that vow and her responsibility to love and cherish the precious gift those children are. That is all I have to say on the matter.” The words were a bullet to the head of any try to shoot down a try to erase your achievements for the simple stolen glimpse of your cleavage exposed to the world.
On the cusp of speechless Truman had called you and had wanted to see where you stood on the issue. All you had tried to do to mend the issue led to his argument in support of said efforts no matter what his personal thoughts of showing nursing mothers on the front page. In truth you were clearly as blown over by the story and after calls from the Brocks and even Father Thomas, who offered words of support agreeing that it was a beautiful intruded upon moment and any effort you could use to support any other struggling mothers should be acted upon.
It seemed that this would blow over and papers dug back to what they knew, it was a beautiful moment, because you didn’t have very many of those left and James was supportive to not blemish the legacy of his daughters’ mother for them to grow up aspiring to. Even Mr Yarbrough had to admit it was a bit amusing for how people had gone to such extremes in this matter and calmed after to at least a dull roar. And was all the more pleased as he sat grading your latest assignments while you sat for the exams in History, Geography and Religion to see that the issue had not thrown you off of your school work.
“Is that me?” Loki asked in his stroll into the sun lit room that had a few easels propped up and drying. From the easel you turned lowering your paint brush having painted a portrait of Loki lounged on one of your armchairs with a bouquet of fireworks hovering above his palm. “It is almost lifelike.”
“Took me a while to get the fingers right, I think I might have made Beau and Jeff’s arms go numb in letting me stare at their hands.”
Lowly he chuckled and stated, “It is masterfully done. I am flattered, thank you.” He stepped to the other easels noting the portrait of James and Victor both seated in armchairs in front of the fireplace with their children from their first marriages, Xander on the arm of his father’s chair and Victor’s children on his lap. A portrait now that they had their younger daughters would grant some proof of their elder siblings for them to grow up with that the men treasured and readied a nail in a special place to hang it when it was properly dried and framed. “This one is beautiful, more relatives?”
You caught his eye answering, “That is Xander, James’ son from his first marriage and Victor with his daughter and his son from his first marriage.” Loki’s eyes swept over your face taking in the hint of sadness in your expression. “They’re all buried in the family graveyard on these lands with their mothers. We talked about when Leanora was born having some sort of portrait for the girls to know what their older siblings looked like. The guys asked it just be the kids, didn’t want to have me and Jeanie having to peer up at our predecessors.”
“You have done them justice. Our grandfather does not have as skilled a portrait executed with such love in it.”
“They’re beautiful babies. Almost makes me wish there was easier access to cameras back then to have given them more to hold onto. Part of why they have taken trunks of pictures since we’ve met I bet. Deep down they’re making notes to hold onto for when they imagine they will have to bury me.” Loki chortled and you said, “They’re going to be so disappointed when we have to build a new house for the pictures we’ve accumulated by the time I hit a century and have still refused to die.”
“I doubt disappointment would cross their minds in reaching the first century mark on your second lifetime.” His eyes traveled to the third couple portrait that could be hung separately or together of a trio of people seated for tea, “And these?”
“Friends, Howard Stark and Ana and Edwin Jarvis. They chose some cribs for the girls for our Brooklyn home and I’m terrible at picking gifts for them. Howard is very rich and I believe Ana and Jarvis have all they could want already.”
“A gift of this caliber would be treasured.”
“What do you do for fun?” You asked making him grin at you as you finished a detail on the edges of his finely draped velvet cape down the front of the leg of his chair of a charming bit of speckled fur that he now dearly ached to have one just like it.
“I have taken up glass blowing recently. Quite agitating at first, however I am told that I am improving, perhaps a different view point of a Master Smith could see my efforts is helpful in such a discovery.”
“I could imagine burning myself rather frequently in that hobby.” You said making him chuckle again.
“The heat is rather a fickle aspect of the hobby. Remaining hydrated is key, a pitcher of water is always nearby in case of overheating.”
“Loki, welcome back,” James said carrying two of his girls with the third in a sling he fashioned across his chest. “I’ve found a way to grow another arm.” He said making the Prince chuckle again. “You are just in time for lunch, Sarah made some lemon squares, don’t know what’s in them but you look up for an adventure.”
“That I am.” He said smiling in the excited coo of the girls who saw him when he came closer. “Their curls are coming in nicely. A very good sign for healthy childhoods for my people full head of hair early on.”
“Yes, dad said I had a full head of curls by my first month too.” Drying the brush you rinsed off with a half damp and paint stained rag you left on the table to say, “Should be time to pump again, before they get fussy on you.”
“They would never,” James teased as you came closer kissing the trio on their heads and raised palms to lead the duo to the sitting room in your wing.
As the pump worked underneath your bra and t shirt against your bent legs you gave each of the girls some personal time while Victor lounged with his Petal reading her a story to Teddy and Loki’s artistic battle in making their own castles out of the hoard of colorful blocks while Marigold stretched for a nap across the Prince’s lap. The phone ringing turned your head and with a stretch of your fingers the phone floated closer so you could lift the receiver, “Hello, Howlett Pear, Creed residence.”
“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is calling for the Baroness,” an aid spoke through the line in a cool crisp tone.
“Oh, of course, I’ll hold for her Majesty.”
“Just a moment, Baroness.”
The line switched and her voice came through the line, “Bunny, how are you this morning? We have gotten a copy of Mother magazine it was quite a masterful spin on the hassle at hand.”
“Thank you, and we’re all doing well here.”
“And your classes are going well, the papers have all stated that your grades are pristine top marks.”
“Classes are going well, still tutors at home twice a week until next Tuesday when I start on campus.”
“We all certainly hope that you will be treated with ample respect.”
“I will be, everyone is very respectful up here. If I can how is Princess Elizabeth’s pregnancy going?”
“Swimmingly, the first trimester was rough but on her way to the third she is very strong. Thank you for asking. She has been very happy to hear that things are lightening up for you. Have your girls gained any more weight?”
Questions continued as more information was shared and eventually she had to hang up and see to other matters leaving you to return to focus on your family and keeping Teddy and Marigold from Lording over the Prince more than he could handle for as long as he could.
“We finished another bundle of the Spain trunk, did you want to give it a look?” Jeff asked and after a moment to register what he meant from the mindset of playing you gave him a nod.
“Sure, where would we have to go?”
Beau smiled saying, “The directory is in the sitting room by our room. Not far of a walk.”
Once on your feet with the whole group including the children, the elder three watched the brothers guide you to the sitting room with a bronze fountain shaped like a tree with layered branches topped with groupings of bronze leaves layered with crystal leaves settled inside of a bronze basin filled with pebbles shaped from crystals. “I’ve seen this before,”
Beau stated with a smile, “Not uncommon a reaction for the first return to using it.”
In your step closer Loki took notice of the familiar structure to the one back on the abandoned Beserker territory on Asgard that with a lift of your palm had the top of the fountain light up and release a fine mist that in the more it pooled out into the room and darkening as it did. Similar to your galaxy mist in silvery blue it chose a more silver and pink tinted hue with soft hints of cheerful chimes from the creatures who dwelled inside of it that let out in recognition of who was tapping into the hive minded database.
Jeff to the list of runes that hovered in front of your raised palm stated, “We should start here,” and showed you the meaning of the runes. “This shares the translations both in written word, spoken and in reenactments. And we can show by means of the map that will show exactly where it took place and when.”
Up to your lap when you took a seat for the replay of your history you took hold of one of your girls with James at your side treasuring the tales while holding his other two daughters while they napped. Perfectly content in knowledge of the path that helped to lead you three here to this coveted moment. Both of the brothers however took enjoyment in the end of the translated bits to hear what had been learned on their own travels before this lifetime. All of it a road map to now with details that even stunned Loki, including in his trips to Norway as a child that you had been there, a fact that stunned not just himself but his mother when he returned and as usual gave her an update on how things with your family were going.
That tv of yours however had Frigga on the visit before gather up a collection of books from their own schools for children to help advance your knowledge even more as she had grown to see how unfair it was to keep you from copies on such an ignorant planet compared to their own. Materials would be far from accessible to you but at least in time until your full power had awoken she might be taken as an ally in hastening the growth of your ever hungry intellect that scoured for more. Even she could sense that the gap in knowledge was hindering your return and when she approached Himdall his grin eased out along with his palms to accept the books bound together in a leather set of straps.
“Heimdall, kindly gift these to Mother.”
He bowed his head, “I shall, and she will be ever grateful for the gift.” She nodded and timidly turned to head back to the doorway she would transport herself back into the Palace. However she paused and looked back at him when he said, “Mother bears you no ill will, Queen Frigga. The decisions of Odin and his father long ago shall not bear down upon you or your sons and people. These books will help greatly to improve her capabilities to effect change upon Midgard as she always had. You have no reason to fear her growth in the coming years, in fact a friendship should very well grow if you would welcome it. For now, I shall deliver your gift.” There was no time for an answer as in a galaxy colored mist his body vanished to appear at the doorway of your library in a final touch up of readying the table for your tutoring the following day.
A gentle knock on the door had you look up to find Heimdall there who bowed his head and approached as you greeted him, “Heimdall, you can come in. Hope it’s nothing serious to bring you out here to our little planet.”
In a shake of his head he lifted the books on his palms stating, “Not at all, Queen Frigga sent me with these for you,”
When he came closer his eyes adoringly shifted over your girls, namely Nova in your arms who let out an excited squeal that had you and everyone around you chuckle, “Our girls have learned they can be very loud.”
“A joyful greeting, I am honored.” He said lowering the books onto the table that your fingertips smoothed across the leather bound cover of the top textbook larger than a phone book with runes you couldn’t read across the cover.
“Are these in your language from Asgard?” you asked and he nodded offering his hand to the girl who wiggled her fingers his way that wrapped around his fingers in a cross eyed awed stare.
“Yes, Ancient Asgardian.”
Elliot spoke next, “I have some ledgers that we can help teach you from when you are ready.”
And your father said next, “Those books can be quite dense at times, best to take it gradually and we will explain the lessons thoroughly as they tend to build upon the prior lessons as you work your way through in several of their subjects.”
When you looked to Heimdall you said, “I thought Asgard was afraid of me. Why would Queen Frigga give me these?”
“With aid of our Brothers in time you would have learned of these some day, Prince Loki has shared the difficulties of education here and its limits so far with Queen Frigga. Our lessons to what you are learning now would have you equal to a child’s lessons on Asgard. That is unfair, and in the coming years a great deal more to gift you would be helpful for what you might face.”
“I suppose it might help, every now and then there’s mention of the ship headed this way. Can’t help but think if they know so much more that I might be taken as an ignorant fool far below what they expected when they get here.”
Heimdall gave you a comforting grin, “This physical form of yours is merely a piece of a far more breathtaking whole. Mother is with us, always, and while you come to remember that path is all the more beautiful. Midgard is far beyond what we are accustomed, your travels and time here will gift them knowledge in their own ignorance. There is no need to fear, love is patience and trust, together we will learn and grow.”
“Thank you,” you said as Nova released his hand, “And please tell Queen Frigga thank you.”
“I am certain in time we will add a good deal more to your library and when our Brothers will arrive they will have possession of a supply of the records of our people for you to explore as well.”
He bid you and your family a farewell and Elliot called the journal he added to the books he moved to a nearby shelf to be looked over when you were ready so that the dinner your stomachs demanded could be finished and enjoyed.
Across the top of your bed James laid with view of his girls in their squirms calming down to the bedtime story he was reading to them to lull them off to sleep. They had no clue what he was saying but to every stolen kiss or nuzzle of his face against their little selves savoring their scents and tries to keep hold of his head and hands. He absolutely loved these moments and didn’t even look up when you snapped pictures of them as he loved to do when you stole your own time cuddling with the trio. The roll of film was filled and you sighed taking the camera to its usual spot on a table outside the dark room where Victor would see it and in the usual pattern develop the film to give to you later.
Along with his own pictures and those from Dawn and Eddie he savored his time in that dark room surrounded by loving moments with his ever growing family. Proud more and more on the echoes of giggles and racing tiny feet through the manor that had sat empty for so long. Stone and earth held memory and even this place in its neglect since that flood bore a depression much like their own and now seemed to glow all its own glee for the souls now claiming shelter inside its refurbished borders.
Film was bought by the barrel on top of your gifted supply it seemed and a welcome expense to have permanent copies of the gradual growth of every child and the woman he loved who had gifted him his own. Always a bit of doubt lingered he might not be the right choice as a husband but as a father he knew she treasured him for that and wouldn’t have picked another to share this with. Mixed within the pictures of the girls was one of yourself. Normally quite casual the moments James wanted to keep were tame, this one had you in just your underwear, perhaps in a try to lure a more adventurous night when he was in a late shower or changing.
Spread across the bed slumped back comfortably from an alluring pose on your side with curls sprawled about your face that widened his smile. It wasn’t just the moment he’d stumbled across to lure an intrusion but much like the photograph of James on your honeymoon the dance of flame and shadow across your skin had turned this stolen moment into art. Show of his adoration for you and a try to begin again what you formerly had to have him stumble into a far more intimate moment. He knew what his brother felt, pure love and awe at the strong force of a woman who put to test the meaning of labor to birth the girls who looked more like you by the day. A couple more weeks and far from that time in London when you walked out in the underwear gifted to you to see if it was correctly draped across your starved frame now he could see their efforts to coat you with leisurely weight to suit daily energy requirements and to signal you were well fed.
He left it to dry and carried on until he saw the image of the tiny hands tangled in James’ hair and arms holding his head down at his bend to their whim he could but wouldn’t break no matter how easily he could. Every image was left hung to dry to be handed over later and sorted to be added to the collection of others on his way to finish readying for the day trip ahead to go and visit Norma on set as you’d been promised a trip to do so and see how your project was coming about.
Economics, Government, Political science, Anthropology tests and an afternoon trip to town that ended with a rainy drive back home for an early night to cuddle in bed for the drive and flight in the morning. Norma still was on set but now that you had settled a suitable schedule for feedings the brothers zapped you all closer to the airport where Howard’s plane waited to fly you all out to the location that he was filming in today. To keep your girls safe they would remain at home and not even Leonora would be coming at Norma’s request knowing how much press was around to keep her safe from being plastered around the world more than she could manage.
Ample milk had been stored and your parents gladly took charge with Edie of the children while Elliot and the twins delved more into translations of those documents as they had daily to make use of the summer while they had it. Eddie stayed with you as you parked and the stroll over to the waiting plane while Dawn took Teddy and Marigold to her family’s home to get more work done on their paper.
“Bunny, glad to see you, today should be fun.” Howard said when he came close post stroll out of his plane from final checks.
“I’m sure it will be.” Victor said carrying the bag with the paintings in it turning Howard’s head to them.
James said, “Brought you something, Bunny made them.”
Howard said, “You didn’t have to make me anything, not even my birthday.”
“Well consider it payback for the cribs and filming my story.”
“Ooh, now I’m really curious.” He said with a smirk following you inside the plane he sealed the steps to get to his seat saying, “You can sit up front if you like, Bunny.”
Jarvis who was securing your bags gave you a nod and watched you timidly join Howard up at the cockpit to ease down onto the co-pilot seat in the Douglas DC-3 that had you tuck your legs up to sit on to be able to see over the nose of the plane. Howard chuckled saying, “I will be sure to pack a few phone books next time.”
“It’s alright, have to use them for our truck too. Nothing new, I live in the land of giants.” You said making him smirk.
He began to flip switches and start up the plane explaining what he was doing all through the roll to the runway and lift off until you were in the air. “Maybe one day I could give you some lessons. You know the time I flew Steve into enemy lines to rescue Bucky was on one of these. You been in a few in the service I bet.”
“Couple, only it’s a bit odd without the gunfire.”
After another glance your way he asked, “You still doing well? You look well fed a bit more than last time.”
“Still good, first time so far from the girls, but I suppose I have to get used to that for what class on campus start next week.”
“If I can say, we’re all proud of how you handled that press with your magazine spread. Masterful, downright masterful on the shift of it. Everyone on set agreed. You should have never had to face that but you handled it well. Hate that you have to, press can be vultures, but I imagined they had standards.”
“All spilled milk at this point.” After a moment you asked, “Would it be rude to ask if you have another Mrs Stark on the horizon to anger someone else’s dad?”
That had him chuckle again, “Not yet. Always up to help a woman out of a sticky situation if I can help it.”
While others were setting up things for the first scene and gathering the cast that gradually was getting ready your focus turned to Ana Jarvis who came into view with a wrapped bundle laid against her chest. The heartbeat inside had your smile widen and you asked, “Now where did you find this angel?” Widening her smile.
“This is our daughter, Celeste. Last year we found out we could not have children, but there was an orphanage back in New York who called us, a young mother could not provide for her child and put her up for adoption. She is beautiful and has orange hair and eyes like Edwin’s.” She said on the verge of tearing up for how fated the move turned out to be.
“Congratulations,” you said to the both of them and from the bag Victor handed you to bring out the portrait of the couple parting their lips. “If I would have known I’d have added her. A sort of thank you, for the cribs and being so kind.”
Ana said, “Oh thank you,” she said using her free arm to give you a hug that when she ended she turned to look at it again, “It is beautiful, did you paint it?”
“Yes, I have one for Howard too.”
“You have what for Howard?” He asked with a smirk on his path back on his way to check something else only to gape at the portrait and the one of him you offered him. “Bunny, I love it, thank you.”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to hang them together or separately, however you liked.”
Howard smiled and said in collecting the both of them, “I’m going to put these somewhere safe until we get the clear to head home later, be back in a few, get comfortable.”
Sure enough like a magnet in the silent nightclub of a set to the piano as the guys took in the artwork and other details soft notes filled the air. Just a few random notes bled into a familiar tune. One that would frequent the radio station Steve tuned into at night when he thought everyone else was asleep. Without thought your fingers continued in their dance across the keys without comment until murmurs could be heard from outside the set, “Did they hire another band?”
Another said, “We aren’t even late!”
“We got a contract! They can’t do this!”
Sight of you however in a blue off the shoulder lace dress with a knee visible under the hem of the skirt on the bench had the band that you had met years prior at the White House dinner after receiving your medals. Jarvis with a grin eased into his usual fix it mode and clarified you were merely passing time. Your notice of the band as they approached had you grin and ease off the bench, “Hello.”
“Baroness Pear Howlett,” they each said offering their hands you shook then looked to their horn player who said, “We have to do a sound check and warm up before the scenes, care to play with us?”
“Don’t you need the piano?” you asked and they chuckled.
Their piano player said, “I am good on a dime, if you don’t mind that is.”
Without anything else to do again the song ‘Into Every Life A Little Rain Must Fall’ recorded by The Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald was what you began with after they named the tune you had been tapping out. A nod from you had the pianist sit beside you on the spacious bench ready to help you liven up the tune to give a wider range for the others to jump into. Hushed giggles and conversation on ways to shift the tune made for a smile worthy sight when Norma hurried onto set to claim a hug and kiss from Victor and cuddled with him as the other actors bled into sight to fill the seating and standing room.
Shirley Temple and her mom beside Howard’s side had him smirk at Shirley’s soft gasp and comment to her mother, “Momma, it’s really Bunny Pear,” clinging to a magazine spread on you from when you had been featured in Kodak’s magazine.
Howard’s arrival had you and the guys stop playing luring a grin from you for a slip away to his side where he said, “Aren’t you just a treasure trove of talents. Guess your Priest wasn’t kidding about those times you snuck in to play the piano.”
“Well you can blame Steve and Bucky. One would get sick or hurt and they’d play the radio or their few records all night.”
“A rude habit that comes in handy, Bunny, come meet Shirley,”
The teen’s wide smile and flash of the magazine had you smile as she said, “I always cut out stories on you.”
“Well I hope last year’s stories didn’t upset you, papers had some fun with the whole frog debacle.”
“I just knew it wasn’t true,” and she asked, “Could you sign my magazine?”
You smirked and accepted the pocket journal and pen James handed you from your purse widening her grin, “Only if you sign my book too.” She gladly agreed and you traded then traded back and the conversations and introductions continued through the rest of the main cast. Beginning with Lawrence Olivier and Vivien Leigh who proudly signed your book trading for a signature of their own to comments on favorite films as Cary Grant shyly traded his own set for yours before a group picture one of the extras gladly took on your camera James remembered to grab.
Howard however stunned you by placing your family in the crowd and had you up again at the piano for the stunning addition for the background music bits of dialog for a few takes of those scenes. However when it came time to have the band perform fully you, for giggles as Howard suggested with the band’s blessing you helped to sing along as they played, ‘If I Didn’t Care’ also by The Ink Spots. With minimal conversation between the leading men that took two takes after you had excused yourself to join the men in the audience. When the lighting and wardrobe was being shifted to move to a different scene earlier in the film for two more of the band’s own songs you accepted a bottle of apple juice Eddie opened for you Cary Grant came over to your side with a nervous glance your way.
“Thank you,” he said luring a widening grin across your lips. “Howard said you picked me specifically for this role, it’s a heck of a role. You wrote a fantastic screenplay.”
“Well you certainly were at the top of the list for who I would have chosen for Roger,” in the twitch of his brow taking the hint that he might not have been your first choice you said, “I actually had the idea from a dream I had when I was pregnant. Though I do have to admit Roger was a tap dancing rhino in my dream.” You said widening his smile again in an amused chuckle. “But outside of a horn and tail you were at the top of the list.”
“Consider me tickled pink the rhinos are all on strike,” he joked making you giggle and smile as Norma came over to help you share more on the story for the continued series of pictures an approved photographer was allowed to take for a spread on the filming so far. Namely a glimpse at the story of yours Howard was bringing to life.
Lunch however for Howard came with his flying you back for the drive home, and when you were safe on the ground again he said, “Don’t you worry. I’ll keep taking good care of your paperback baby.” He said making you grin in his move back to the steps to climb back in the plane not wanting to leave his friends just yet while also knowing that he had to get back to finish filming for the day.
Victor looped his arm around your back needing someone to cuddle with as Eddie said, “That was fun. And that much fun deserves a big lunch. Seems like they are killing the nightclub scenes.”
James smiled at you and said, “I think for certain now we’ll have a spot in the film at least. If he doesn’t put you singing in it.”
“Oh he better not, I’m not in the screenplay.”
You said and Victor chuckled out, “I highly doubt that matters. He’s got exclusive footage with Bunny singing live. Who wouldn’t buy a ticket for that and to see my Nora on the silver screen.”
“Jeanie, yes, me, no. Leave the band to the job they were hired for.” You were helped into the car for the drive back you all joked through until the excited swarm of babies welcomed you back to your home and main jobs of the summer.
Pt 77
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
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akiraidraws · 3 years
Imperfection AU: Beginnings Chapter 2
Summary: With the help of the ink machine and a little magic, new life is created. A new little toon in the shape of a little devil darling. But when he turns out to be riddled with imperfections can Henry save him from Joey's wrath?
Trigger Warning:Violence, light swearing
Walking into the room that housed the machine, Joey made his way over to a strange man that Henry didn't recognize. The man was taller than Joey and himself with broad shoulders and short darker blonde hair styled in a military cut. Except it was longer towards the front and curled slightly with only the back in the usual buzz cut. Inspecting the man, Henry noticed that the patch on the strange man's chest read 'Gent'.
Ah, he was one of the engineers Joey had hired to build the machine.  
From what Henry could hear of the conversation, the man, Thomas Connor it seems his name was, and Joey were going over some final details of the machine.
So, this man was the head engineer from Gent that Wally had told him about. Well, more like he complained to Henry about.
Tom, correcting Joey on what to refer to himself as confirmed that everything was in place and that the machine was ready to use for whatever it is that Joey had planned.
The conversation coming to an end, Joey dismissed Tom.
Tom glanced Henry's way as he walked past him, a neutral expression plastered across his features. Henry noticed a small scar that cut across Tom's left eye, and continued up past his brow. Probably from a past work injury. Maybe military? Tom on the other hand was looking Henry up and down as if studying him before he turned away from Henry with a small exhale and walked out of the room.
Henry's brief encounter with the man left him feeling just a little intimidated and with a slight sense of unease, don't get on Tom's bad side. Duly noted.
Usually Henry wouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but something about Thomas Connor just felt... off. It's no wonder Wally had such a distaste for the man.
Turning his attention back to Joey who was now facing the large machine with his back turned to Henry, his eyes wondering to the floor at Joey's feet. It looked like there was some sort of large circle messily painted on the floor with black ink. A pentagram? Some sort of binding circle maybe? Henry wasn't sure, he didn't really know too much about Joey's... hobbies.
"Joey, what is this?"
"Oh, this? It's nothing to worry about. Just a little something to strengthen the incantation."
"After all, we don't want any mistakes now, do we?"
"I guess not..?"
Henry watched as Joey walked over to a mid sized wooden table that was along the wall to their left. He grabbed an armful of well used black candles and placed them at each point of the star within the circle. After making sure each candle was properly lit, Joey walked back to the table and grabbed a thick purple book with a black binding along the spine and a similar looking symbol to the one on the floor.
To say that Henry felt uneasy about this was an understatement, but any second thoughts he may have been having were interrupted by the sound of Joey's voice.
"Henry, if you could just stand right over there." Joey gestured across the room to the far right wall.
"And be careful not to step in the ink, please."
Henry strolled to the other end of the room and crossed his arms giving Joey a quizzical look.
"Watch the machine. You'll want to see this, trust me."
"... Okay." Henry said as he looked the machines way.
He didn't believe a word of what Joey had said but he was willing to entertain his notions. After all, Joey had plenty of experience in this type of thing so Henry trusted him enough to stop if things got dicey.
Joey flipped through the pages of his book with ease and began to chant when he landed on the desired spell.
The ink used to form the circle began to glow a harsh gold and the candles flames swelled. Henry rushed to cover his eyes, momentarily blinded by the unexpected flash of light. In his moment of blindness he failed to notice a small pastel blue orb that radiated from his chest and made its way within the pentagram. A piece of his very soul. As soon as the blue soul piece touched the ink, the harsh gold immediately faded away to a soft pastel blue.
A blue that spread upwards forming an almost invisible wall around the symbol painted on the wooden floor.
A sudden gurgling noise from the machine drew Henry's attention as he uncovered his eyes. He was still blinking away the stars in his vision when ink began to pour from the machines large nozzle with a plethora of sloshing and splashing sounds. The ink was rushing out in alarming amounts but never left the bounds of the circle.
As the last words of the chant left Joey's lips he snapped the book closed with a loud resounding 'CRACK!". Almost as if on cue, the candles flames fizzled out and the ink stopped flowing save for a few drips that lingered on the nozzle of the machine. The pool of ink on the floor began to recess and form a small figure in the middle of the circle.
Henry couldn't believe what he was seeing as a figure began to take shape within the ink puddle. It was small and it was... moving?
Henry must have taken an involuntary step forward because the next thing he knew Joey had him by the arm pulling him away from what was happening before them.
"Wait, Henry! It's not done yet!" Joey all but shouted.
"I-I cant believe it..."
"I know! Isn't it exciting!?"
Henry nodded and turned his attention back to the figure within the ink.
With the last of its little body formed, the excess ink evaporated away like it was nothing more than water in a hot skillet. The last of the ink gone, the soft blue light emanating from the circle burst like glass and faded away leaving only the newborn creature in its wake.
The creature managed to shakily prop itself up on its small arms and onto its knees. It looked from Henry to Joey then back at Henry and smiled a familiar blocky smile on its yellowed face. Its black pie cut eyes looking nervously up at the men before it, its horns twitching before going still.
"Is... is that? Bendy?" Henry asked cautiously, taking a few steps forward to get a better look.
Joey didn't respond. He made no effort to move from where he stood as Henry left his side and approached the little toon devil.
Kneeling down in front of him, he was so small, so... infant like.
Black pie cut eyes watched the man in front of him as Henry tilted his head to the side curiously. An action that Bendy mirrored.
The toon copied every movement that Henry made.
Henry smiled and let out a laugh at the way Bendy was mirroring him.
As a result, Bendy let out the cutest little giggle that Henry had ever heard.
There was no doubt that this little toon was in fact, a baby. Well, maybe not a baby per say but he was definitely in an infant like phase of his life. New, and small, and so so innocent.
"Hello, little one. My name is Henry and that-" motioning over his left shoulder "is my good friend Joey."
Bendy reached his little yellowed hands out and beamed "Henry! Hen, Hen-Henry! Henry!"
"Yes. Yes, that's right."
"Henry!" Bendy giggled as he repeated the name a number of times to Henry's amusement.
Henry reached out and placed a hand under each of Bendy's arms carefully lifting him up off the floor to get a better look at the toon. Bendy letting out a small squeak as he was lifted from where he sat. Henry was shocked to see that in place of the usual skinny legs and large shoes were a set of almost gazelle like legs minus the hooves. His legs simply petered off into rounded hooveless points. And now that he was looking closer he could see what appeared to be a little pointed tail curled slightly around the toon’s dangling legs and it was twitching slightly. The little demon whined and wriggled as he tried to free himself from Henry's grasp.
"Hey now, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Don't be scared." Henry cooed as he pulled the toon to his chest and gently caressed the tiny demons cheek in an attempt at comfort.
He was so small. Henry could cradle him with a single arm.
Bendy looked up at Henry and then over his shoulder, his eyes going wide. He grasped Henry's shirt tightly and buried his face in Henry's chest, whimpering. His tail trying to wrap itself around the mans waist but being too short to do so.
Confused, he turned to look over his own shoulder now, coming face to face with Joey who was leaning forward just behind him. Looking rather displeased with the situation at hand. Joey was glaring at the little toon in Henry's arms.
Bringing himself to his feet, Henry turned to face Joey.
"Why are you looking at him like that?"
"This is all wrong. How could this have happened?!"
Joey sneered disgustedly at the little toon. Using Henry's soul piece should have worked, should have made the perfect toon. So why didn't it?
Joey snatched the frightened newborn toon from Henry's arms, knocking him to the floor in the process. He was going to return this little abomination to the ink like he had done to the countless before him. Imperfection will not be tolerated. Bendy crying out loudly in fear as Joey made his way back to the machine. Dazed from the impact, Henry quickly collected himself and picked himself up off of the floor. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins. Bendy's wails grew more frantic sending a shockwave of alarm through Henry's core. His eyes now set on Joey. He rushed towards Joey wrapping his arms around the smaller mans shoulders in a vice grip causing him to drop the toon like a rock. Bendy hit the floor with a loud 'thud', knocking the breath out of his little inky lungs. Dazed, confused and frightened, Bendy was frozen were he lie, curled into himself with his tail wrapped tightly around his small body. Henry immediately abandoned his hold on Joey and scrambled for the newborn toon on the floor scooping him up into a protective embrace.
Angry, Joey dives at Henry shouting.
"Give it to me!! It's an abomination!"
Henry's temper flares as he bristles. His hold on the little toon growing tighter while he shields Bendy from Joey's grasp.
"He's just a baby, Joey!!"
Joey dives for the toon in Henry's arms once more. The two men joined in an intricate dance as Henry dodges Joey's prying clutches. Set on protecting the frightened whimpering bundle in his arms.
"I knew it was a mistake bringing you here for this! Of course you would try to protect an abomination! You've always been too weak for your own good!!" Joey hisses. His own temper flaring at Henry's intervention.
"Really?? Well how's this for weak?!" Henry roared back, planting his foot squarely against Joey's chest sending him reeling backward into the cold metal of the machine. Knocking the air out of the fuming man.
Henry hated doing it, but no way in hell was he going to let Joey harm the defenseless little bundle he had cradled protectively in his arms. He stood defensively, ready for Joey to make another move.
But it never came.
Joey sat up slowly, rubbing at the side of his head. A pained expression plastered across his features.
"Fine." Joey spat coldly. His gaze focused entirely on Henry.
"You want it, then you take it. But you would do well to keep that abomination away from me, Stein."
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The Emo Himbo
"Compassion isn't about solutions. It's about giving all the love that you've got." - Cheryl Strayed
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Name: Harker Benjamin Brown
Nicknames: Brownie Point, Hark, Harks, Benji, Blade
Faceclaim: Zeitkrieg
Age: 23
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic Polygamous
Height: 6′3″
Weight: 189lbs
Birthday: June 8th
Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Stocker/Cashier at Walmart
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He loves his car more than his life. The 1995 Acura Integra is his baby and he works tirelessly to keep it up. She still runs just fine. Her name is Charlotte. If she is acting up he will drop everything to fix her, or will not be able to focus. Every Tuesday he has to make sure everything is good to go.
Harker is incredibly strong for his size, and has a tendency to like carrying his friends around. Dylan especially enjoys piggyback rides, calling it his “favorite mode of transportation.” Harker has actively walked around most of town with Dylan on his back.
Harker has intense crushes on all of his friends. Every last one of them. They’re all so pretty and he wants to do romantic things for them.
He does do small things that he sees as romantic, like making them playlists or buying them things he think they will like.
Sarah was his first crush, and then Dylan, Daniella, and then Hal. He does think Henrietta is insanely hot but he’s pretty sure she’s out of his league. He has made her a lot of mix CDs and written poetry that he keeps to himself.
He has a whole 3 inch binder that he keeps that’s full of poetry, from love to darker topics. He doesn’t show it to anyone and prefers people stay out of it.
He is a class A Himbo. Stupid, kind, and strong. There’s nothing between his ears except air and a single brain cell that he shares with whoever he is with. He’s a follower, not a leader.
He does a lot of creative things, from baking and cooking to painting, bass guitar, and he’s learning the keytar. His hobbies are things that keep him sane when he’s grumpy.
He is extra possessive and defensive of his friends. He loves them all dearly and has been called the Guard Dog on several occasions.
Shout At The Devil (Harker Brown)
Shine Razor Eyes Before The Walls Come Down (Harker Musings)
Strangely They Seem Beautiful Now (Harker Aesthetic)
Somehow That Stuck (Harker Closet)
Sharing A Joke That They Will Never Tell You (Harker Headcanons)
See You Sleeping While I’m Floating Through The Walls (Harker Journal Entries)
@nxwkid​ -  - Douchebag/New Kid/Alex - They’ll Tear Us Apart If We Give Them A Chance (Harker and Alex - NxwKid)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Michael - When The Rabbit Cried The Wolf Came Running But Not To Help (Harker and Michael - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Henrietta - Oh No I’m Back Again (Harker and Henrietta - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Daniella -  Do You Believe In Destiny? (Harker and Daniella - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@southxparkxafterxdark​ - Hal - I’m Locked Inside Myself And I Don’t Have A Key (Harker and Hal - SouthxParkxAfterxDark)
@throughxthexmist​ - Sarah - She’ll Always Be A Broken Girl (Harker and Sarah - ThroughxThexMist)
@throughxthexmist​ - Kenny - There’s Just No Rest For The Queen of The Dead (Harker and Kenny - ThroughxThexMist)
@south-park-saints-and-sinners​ - Thomas - Standing On The Rooftops Everybody Scream Your Heart Out (Harker and Thomas - South-Park-Saints-And-Sinners)
@south-park-saints-and-sinners​ - Scott - A Better Place Cannot Be Found (Harker and Scott - South-Park-Saints-And-Sinners)
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candied-peach · 5 years
peach’s masterlist 📚
this will almost certainly be always out of date, but i’m doing my best. ♡
this is most of my one-shots. all my multi-chapters are on ao3.
“oreo”: gen, fluff, sympathetic deceit. patton has a secret.
“trapped within my skin”: gen, hurt/comfort, platonic intruanxceit, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, violence, intrusive thoughts. remus can’t help it. if only thomas would believe him.
“scared of me”: gen, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending. warnings: self harm, eating disorders, panic attacks, touch starvation, emetophobia. it was easy when they didn’t care.     -chapter one -chapter two -chapter three -chapter four
“i’ll fall apart”: solo, smut. warnings: anxiety, masturbation. virgil’s embarrassed, but he can’t help it.
“safe harbors”: platonic moxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: anxiety attacks, implied self-harm. when virgil has a panic attack, patton’s always there.
“cozy mornings”: moxiety, fluff. when virgil can’t sleep, he likes to watch the sun rise.
“the big picture”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: anxiety mention, spiders mention. patton finds a calming activity.
“eight-legged surprises”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: spiders, arachnophobia. patton meets virgil’s pets.
“hot chocolate”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: food, pre-accepting anxiety. virgil and patton share a hot chocolate.
“soft embrace”: moxiety, fluff. warnings: food. patton and virgil share a midnight cuddle.
“night time butterflies”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: insomnia. virgil can’t sleep.
“sunsets”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, remus mentioned. virgil’s hiding out in the imagination until a certain someone finds him. 
“to hold at bay”: prinxiety, fluffy hurt/comfort. warnings: panic attacks. virgil has always been scared of storms.
“sweet dreams”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil attends a sleepover.
“fight or flight”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: panic attacks, self hatred. virgil has a panic attack.
“hold my hand”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: eating disorders, anxiety. virgil has a secret.
“baby, i’ve already got your heart”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: stalking (but not really). virgil loves roman. maybe too much.
“buttercup yellow”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: poisoning, self harm, panic attacks. virgil’s curiosity leads him into trouble.
“i’ll sleep when i’m dead”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil can’t sleep. neither can roman.
“petals red as blood”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: hanahaki disease, blood. it figures this would happen to roman. 
“noctem”: prinxiety, fluff. warnings: nightmares. virgil isn’t having a good night.
“shades of grey”: prinxiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. virgil finds roman in the imagination.
“safety blanket”: prinxiety, fluff. virgil’s hoodie is missing.
“burning like a phoenix”: prinxiety, hurt/comfort. warnings: slight touch starvation. roman gets a hug. 
“star dusted”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, pda. deceit doesn’t always tell lies.
“into silent slumber”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: hypnosis. roman can’t sleep after a show. deceit helps him out.
“it’s called confidence”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. roman returns the favor.
“lazy afternoons”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit likes to bask in roman’s room.
“fire in my chest”: roceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: depression, anxiety attacks. it’s pointless. he knows that much. (it’s not.)      -”chapter one” -”chapter two”
“falling for you”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: minor injuries. deceit has an accident.
“up on a hill”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit goes sledding for the first time.
“hold my hand”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit has a present.
“see the sun”: roceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit’s never liked the holidays much. until now.
“fragile”: anxceit, fluff. virgil loves holding his boyfriend’s hand.
“tag you’re it”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: panic attacks, age regression. deceit and virgil aren’t always at odds.
“to paint a sunrise”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. virgil introduces his hobby to his boyfriend.
“auld lang syne”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, remus mention. warnings: panic attacks. after the trial, virgil has a visitor.
“plans and portents”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. virgil is done.
“falling for you”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit considers himself lucky. virgil feels the same way. 
“cold hands”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food mention. deceit is cold. again.
“the poison in my bones”: anxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, self hatred. deceit has a bad day.
“soft breaths”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: panic attacks. deceit helps virgil calm down.
“trick or treat”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus mention. warnings: food. virgil and deceit make halloween cookies.
“baby bat”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. deceit finds virgil in the closet.
“inside your head”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: nightmares. deceit has nightmares.
“sweet as sugar”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus mention. warnings: food. deceit and virgil bake christmas cookies.
“mittened”: anxceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. virgil has something for his boyfriend.
“stargazing”: analogical, fluff. logan loves the stars.
“color coded”: analogical, fluff. logan’s not the only one who takes notes.
“cuddle fatigue”: analogical, fluff. logan’s door is always open.
“vulnerable”: analogical, fluff. virgil likes to watch the sun rise.
“here comes a thought”: analogical, fluff. logan gives virgil a present.
“i’ve come alive”: analogical, smut. warnings: hand jobs. virgil and logan have a moment.
“eye of the storm”: analogical, fluff. it’s irrational to be afraid of storms. logan knows this. it doesn’t help.
“nebulae”: analogical, fluff. virgil visits his boyfriend.
“not an ember”: analogical, fluff. virgil and logan cuddle to solve a mutual problem.
“without a spindle”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus plays in the imagination.
“goody two shoes”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: violent thoughts, age regression. sometimes it’s easier for remus to shut it all off.
“i know you can hear me”: dukeceit, angsty fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: kidnapping overtones at the beginning. deceit wakes up, chained up. again.
“gently with a chainsaw”: dukeceit, angsty fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: self hatred, sexual implications. deceit hates the scales on his face. remus loves him.
“on your best behavior”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, blood, violence mention. deceit and remus have a chat post-episode.
“acceptance”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts. deceit’s tired of his treatment by the so-called light sides. remus just wants his boyfriend to feel better.
“hours after midnight”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit has a hard time sleeping until remus helps him out.
“like a car crash”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts, crime shows, murder mention, food. deceit and remus watch tv.
“discarded”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. remus waits. deceit waits with him.
“stitched shut”: dukeceit, angst, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: self harm, suicidal thoughts, mild gore, blood. the others don’t want him to lie? fine. but he’s choosing his own way of going about it. the others are horrified.
“snake face”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. deceit’s shedding.
“behind my face, above my throat”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: migraines, emeto maybe. deceit has a migraine. remus is surprisingly helpful.
“(lack of) self preservation”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: suicide attempt, intrusive thoughts, unsympathetic roman/patton/virgil (mildly). remus is lucky to have deceit. he doesn’t care what the others think. he never has.
“dashing through the snow”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit hates the cold.
“do you hear what i hear”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit and remus have their own caroling tradition.
“did i say that out loud”: dukeceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: suicidal thoughts, self hatred. he knows they don’t care about him. so why does it hurt so much?
“found family”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit reflects.
“on thin ice”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit attempts ice skating.
“peppermint sticks”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. so much for a good impression.
“glass ornaments”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. who gave remus something breakable?
“coming home”: dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit and remus join the light sides’ holidays.
“still standing”: dukeceit, angst with a happy ending, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, blood, cheating implication. sometimes the best present is each other. and perhaps a milkbone?
“better than jam”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, anxiety attacks, mild unsympathetic roman. sometimes remus doesn’t feel worthy.
“class is in session”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: pda. logan gets tutored.
“oatmeal raisin surprise”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus helps logan bake.
“lost in the stars”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus gives logan a present.
“domesticated bliss”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus takes logan to the imagination.
“i’m the bad guy”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. logan is better at comfort than he thinks he is. 
“the brightest star”: intrulogical, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus doesn’t understand why logan’s in love with him.
“breakfast in bed”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus wants to treat his boyfriend.
“octopuses give the best hugs”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. remus has a surprise.
“alexithymia”: intrulogical, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. logan’s sad. remus knows how to fix that.
“aquarium”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus takes logan to the aquarium.
“everything is blue”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus paints logan’s nails.
“sinking paradise”: intrulogical, fluff, sympathetic remus. remus and logan visit a special aquarium.
“as i whisper in your ear”: intrulogical, angst with a happy ending, sympathetic remus. warnings: unsympathetic roman/patton/virgil. remus is used to the trash. he’s not used to logan.
“not so fake happy”: intrulogical, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: sensory overload. sometimes remus needs logan.
“chocolate chip cookies”: moceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. deceit’s not as good at hiding as he thinks he is.
“sunlight”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. he just wants to be warm.
“baby noodle goes blep”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. in which deceit has had too much and regresses.
“movie night blues”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit goes to movie night.
“bittersweet”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. deceit finds patton baking.
“atop the tree”: moceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit helps with last minute decorations.
“trace the galaxies”: logince, fluff. logan visits the imagination.
“ribbons of stars”: logince, fluff. roman plays with logan’s hair.
“ribbons of gold”: logince, fluff, sympathetic remus. roman and logan have a moment.
“taste test”: logicality, fluff. warnings: food. patton conducts an experiment.
“icing the galaxy”: logicality, fluff. warnings: food. patton makes brownies.
“a time for thaw”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. when logan can’t take it anymore, he regresses.
“legally binding”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. deceit wants cuddles. logan is happy to oblige.
“of snakes and stars”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. logan and deceit have a date.
“bluebells for the soul”: loceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: hanahaki disease, blood, suicide attempt. deceit wishes that he was better at lying to himself.
“mini marshmallows”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. logan and deceit spend a quiet evening in.
“gift giving”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan has something for deceit.
“aurora borealis”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan takes deceit on a date.
“silver and cold”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan cuddles a sleepy snek.
“burnished kaleidoscope”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan helps deceit take care of his scales.
“all the stars in the sky”: loceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. logan needs a distraction.
“check my vital signs”: dukexiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. virgil’s having a bad night.
“ginger tea”: dukexiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, emetophobia mention, clowns mention. remus helps out.
“haunted house”: dukexiety, fluff, sympathetic remus. it’s halloween season.
“the wings of a butterfly”: dukexiety, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: implied self harm. remus finds virgil drawing butterflies.
“midnight’s reminder”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. it’s time to go to bed.
“heat seeking”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit loves to cuddle his boyfriends.
“night time routine”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: touch starvation. deceit has a message for logan.
“soft pretzels”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts, food. remus takes his boyfriends to the imagination.
“as the sun begins to rise”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. logan works too hard.
“letters by my bed”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: migraines, emetophobia. logan has a migraine. his new boyfriends are here to help.
“until midnight fades”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. logan just wants to sleep.
“icicles”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit’s cold again.
“soft whimsy”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. it’s cuddle time.
“until sundown”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: hypothermia. deceit stays in the cold too long.
“pillow forts”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. deceit doesn’t do winter. 
“peace on earth”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit spends a quiet night in with his boyfriends.
“constellations on the ceiling”: intruloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. sleepy cuddles are the best.
“if every cupcake were perfect”: wrathality, fluff. warnings: food. patton and wrath make cupcakes. it goes better than expected.
“more bitter than sweet”: wrathality, fluff. warnings: food, anger issues. patton’s the sunshine to his storm.
“nothing like the others”: wrathality, hurt/comfort. warnings: minor self harm. wrath has a moment. his boyfriend comforts him.
“everything in between”: wrathality, fluff. wrath’s not the only one who has bad days.
“morning light”: royality, fluff. roman and patton cuddle.
“rose kissed”: royality, fluff. the boys do each other’s makeup.
“star freckled”: royality, fluff. roman loves his boyfriend so much.
“sleepy time”: losleep, fluff. warnings: food. happy birthday, remy!
“kittens”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. remus gets creative.
“to love like you”: moduke, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: self harm. remus finds out a secret.
“made with love”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus has a question.
“milkshakes”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. remus brings patton a surprise.
“cookies for the soul”: moduke, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: food, intrusive thoughts. remus has bad days. patton relates.
“follow me to sweet dreams”: anxceitmus/intruanxceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: nightmares. virgil has a nightmare.
“birthday wishes”: anxceitmus, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. blow out your candles, virgil!
“find the stars”: analoceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm, panic attacks. virgil’s boyfriends help with the aftermath of a panic attack.
“put it back together”: analoceit, fluffy hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: anxiety attacks. virgil loves his boyfriends.
“the monster under my bed”: analoceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. virgil’s not scared. honest.
“hush little baby”: analoceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic deceit. warnings: age regression. virgil shouldn’t have read that.
“fairytale picnics”: roloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. roman takes his boyfriends to the imagination.
“listening”: roloceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. roman, logan, and deceit have a moment after the courtroom.
“something borrowed”: royaliceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. patton’s scarf is missing.
“together breakfast”: royaliceit, fluff, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. happy birthday, patton!
“gingerbread houses”: moceitmus, fluff, sympathetic deceit, sympathetic remus. warnings: food. deceit decorates a gingerbread house.
“christmas cookies”: moceitmus, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, cannibalism mention. deceit decorates cookies with his boyfriends. it sort of goes to plan.
“snowed in”: analodemus, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food. remus might have made a mistake.
“what you always wanted”: analodemus, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: self harm. logan’s fine. really.
“nyctophobia”: dlamp, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food mention, phobia of the dark. roman’s afraid of the dark.
“lovesick”: platonic dlamp, fluff, sickfic, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. patton has a problem.
“the best medicine”: dlamp, fluff, sickfic, sympathetic deceit. warnings: food, age regression. logan knows what to do when his caregivers are sick...right?
“turn my nightmares into dreams”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus has a bad night.
“my brother’s keeper”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings:  unsympathetic patton (he doesn’t mean to be, but he is), intrusive thoughts. once upon a time, they were one.
“safety in dangerous practices”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. it’s time to go to bed. roman disagrees.
“reunited”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. roman comes back.
“you should see me in a crown”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: mild unsympathetic patton. roman has a secret.
“of knights and crowns”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: fear of heights. roman’s not supposed to be the one who needs rescuing.
“shadows will scream”: creativitwins, background dukeceit, fluff, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: migraines, emetophobia, patton is a little rude. roman has migraines. they have stuff for that.
“once upon a time”: creativitwins, platonic roceit, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus, sympathetic deceit. warnings: blood, injuries. roman and deceit watch over remus. he doesn’t appreciate it.
“the other side”: creativitwins, fluff, sympathetic remus, kid fic. roman is brave. remus is braver.
“try to wake up”: creativitwins, hurt/comfort, sympathetic remus. warnings: intrusive thoughts. remus has nightmares.
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thomas-mvller · 4 years
Tag games x 283129
Hello everyone so uh lately i've started to be more active on my music sideblog which means i've been hearting stuff like crazy for the past couple of months aka all the things i've been tagged in has been buried under all that nonsense SO because i hate leaving things undone i thought on doing them all at once and tagging a bunch of people so they can get a little distraction by doing them (as in, not all of them but whichever they might want to do)
Again: you do not have to do all of them, not even one if you don't feel like doing so! there's a game for everyone so hey!
Tagging: @havertsz @foreverbayern @germanynts @sherlockisonfire @debushit @sadiiomane10 @miasanmuller @elishamanning @abcde-fc @bbjim @littletentaclemonster @tamtam-elizabeth @minimalloss @pearfight and whoever wants to do this! if you see it, consider yourself tagged >:))
Alright, here we go:
1) I was tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth and @/sadiiomane10 to post a capture of my lockscreen, homescreen and last song i listened to. Thank you both <3
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I used to be very annoying when it came to changing my lock/homescreen so now i just don’t do that often anymore (previous to that my homescreen was a pic of lfc winning ucl OBVIOUSLY) also i haven’t really been listening to music lately but i did have a depeche mode phase like two weeks ago and this was the song i replayed the most so hey!
2) “Get to know me” tag
Tagged by the always thoughtful @/tamtam-elizabeth , thank you and i’m sorry for taking so long ;-; <3
Name: Cloud
Birthday: sometime in november
Zodiac Sign: scorpio
Height: 5′4′’ or 1.65 (last time i checked..... which was like seven years ago)
Hobbies: lately it has been sewing facemasks 😂 that aside i like watching movies, random videos on yt, baking and crafting sometimes
Favorite colors: black, red and teal
Favorite Book: don’t think i have one :o
Last Song Listened to: barrel of a gun by depeche mode
Last Movie Watched: currently watching prince of egypt. if that doesn’t count then ben hur 😂
Inspiration or Muse: i really don’t know what to say here 😂
Dream Job: i still haven’t given up to my goal but at this point i just want a job that gives me stability and zero worries
Reason Behind my URL: Thomas Müller (German pronunciation: [ˈtoːmas ˈmʏlɐ]; born 13 September 1989) is a German professional footballer who plays for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. A versatile player, Müller plays as a midfielde- okay no in all seriousness yess this url is bc of a football player 😂
3) Ten songs playlist tag
Tagged by the joy that is @/foreverbayern and the always sweetest @/havertsz . thank youuuuu <3
Rules: We’re snooping through your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims.
Some months ago I made the mistake of transfering the songs i had in my old computer to my current laptop and there are some stuff that just........ should not be acknowledged so i can’t do shuffle HOWEVER i will choose ten random songs i’ve listened to/discovered this year (technically speaking is the same) so here it is:
art-i-ficial by x-ray spex
sunny afternoon by the kinks
desire lines by lush
paper cuts by incubus
pure love by hayley williams
spirit by bauhaus
no one knows by screaming trees
let’s love by suho
all we need is a dream by cheap trick
cosmonauts by fiona apple
bonus: you’re so close by peter murphy (god i adore this song)
I wouldn’t be surprised if these aren’t your cup of tea tbh 😂
4) “Core aesthetic” tag
Tagged by @/havertsz - i’m sorry for the delay ;-; and thank you <3
rules: search your name + "core aesthetic" on pinterest, get a moodboard & select a few photos that come up
i can’t really use pinterest so i googled it instead, as you might’ve guessed this is what i got 😂
ps: i’ve been informed not to use pinterest so if you wish follow this post’s indications
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ah this is so pretty, i loved doing this!
Tagged by @/germanynts @/havertsz and @/elishamanning to do this tag, thank you all <3
rules: describe yourself with pictures you already have saved. no downloading or searching for new ones. then tag 10 people.
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if you want further explanations for each pic... ask ahead 😂
6) “bold what applies” tag
Tagged by the always enJoyable @/foreverbayern, thank yoooou <3
rules: bold what applies to you and tag a bunch of people
- Appearance
I am over 5’5 // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (had three...) // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look  // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball caps backwards
- Hobbies and interests
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with my friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush  // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have hooked up with my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
- Aesthetic
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (i did that for a long time and i sicnerely don’t recommend it) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire (quick story time: one time when i was 12 my friends and i sneaked into our seniors’ school anniversary activities and they lit this huge bonfire near the football field, it was nuts) // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean (spoopy shit) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favourite season
- Miscellaneous
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
my god this is getting embarassing i had stuff long due ;-;
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth. think you for thanking on me when doing tag games, i mean it :-: <3
How old are you?: 24
Surgeries?: one
Tattoos?: none yet ://
Ever hit a deer?: i have never seen one so... no 😂
Sang karaoke?: yeah... years ago 😂
Ice skated?: nope
Ridden a motorcycle?: had the chance but nope
Ridden in an ambulance?: nope
Skipped school?: a handful of times
Stayed in a hospital?: for a few hours
Broken bones?: nope
Last phone call?: i haven’t called anyone in ages 😂
Last text from?: my mom
Pepsi or coke?: coke but i don’t mind having pepsi
Favorite pie?: haven’t had one
Favorite pizza?: chorizo + corn + red pepper
Favorite season?: autumn
Received a ticket?: don’t even know how to drive
Favorite color?: black, red and teal
Sunset or sunrise?: both!
Favorite Christmas song?: don’t think i have one, maybe universe by exo?
Cupcakes or cookies?: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good q, cookies?
8) “find your match” tag game
Tagged by @/tamtam-elizabeth, you’re allowed to punch me in the face at this point
Take the test
Reblog this post with what type you got
Tag 7 mutuals to do the same!
I got the Dreamer and my ideal partner would be The Innovator ?)
Seek out opportunities to collaborate with INNOVATOR types, who combine your lofty idealism with a focus on pragmatic solutions. The grounding energy of the INNOVATOR can inspire you to apply your imagination to real-world change.
that’s deep fam 😂 but okay!
9) “get to know me tag”
Tagged by: @/littletentaclemonster . thank you and sorry for the delay ;-; <3
nickname: cloud zodiac: scorpio height: 5′4″ / 1.65 last movie I saw: can you believe i managed to watch another thing while making this? anyway it was The celluloid closet last thing I googled: block site extension favorite musician: as of right now? depeche mode song stuck in my head: you’re so close by peter murphy other blogs: @/brltpop and @/s-lay-ing amount of sleep: as long as i can get (usually 7 or 8) lucky numbers: don’t think i have one dream job: whatever gives me stability what am I wearing: pajamas  favorite food: chinese, mexican and italian language: which ones do i know? spanish and english somewhat. i want to learn japanese and german :c can I play an instrument: nope favorite song: atm is YOU’RE SO CLOSE (8) random fact: my nails usually grow sort of square except for my thumb and index fingers, they grow round for whatever reason describe yourself in aesthetic things: ?????????? idk man, messy room? loose clothes? football? cd’s on a shelf, posters on the walls ?????
Tagged by @/littletentaclemonster you too can punch me in the face
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans • I play an organized sport  • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midday most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: I wear glasses/contacts • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything (sort of) • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Water an aether huh, i don’t know what to do with this information 😂
if you ask me i would very much appreciate it if you do the songs playlist tag bc i need recommendations thanks. Also massive apologies to the ones that were due since last year I had them in my drafts i swear!
Stay safe everyone :D
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goofylittlebear · 4 years
Sanders Sides Teacher AU???
Listen... this has probably been done before but... hear me out?
Deceit (Known as Dee, he refuses to tell anyone what his name is, the faculty and staff are sworn to secrecy) is a philosophy/psychology teacher. (He dabbled in philosophy, sometimes teaching it to his students. You may think he’s a sociology teacher, but he really likes to know the motivations, not how these people act)
Roman is the Art Teacher and runs the theatre club.
I would say that Patton is a counselor but tbh the counselors are either bitches or they’re really fun. Besides... I have another idea for a counselor. COUGH COUGH EMILE COUGH COUGH.
Patton is a Home Ec./Wellness Teacher
Remus is actually the health teacher (The kids love him because they’re allowed to laugh, [especially at his jokes])
Logan is a History Teacher, but sometimes on his free period he’ll substitute for the science teachers.
Remy is a Sociology teacher. He and Deceit bring their classes together for experiments.
Virgil is a Science Teacher, he’s actually a cryptozoologist but he said fuck it and that’s just a side hobby now. He likes being able to have solid evidence of what things are right in front of him, and also the concept that we haven’t discovered a lot, so half of these cryptids could be real
Virgil goes to the other teachers classroom when he’s on his free period. Sometimes he stays in his classroom and just vibes with the depressed kids who are also on their free period. Same with Lunch time.
Logan was seen as serious at the beginning of the school year, because he never pulled any stunts or anything unless he tried to use slang. Eventually one kid was jokingly like, “It would be cool if you did this-“ and he was all, “Watch me.” Now students tell him it would be cool to do stupid and funny things and he does them all while maintaining a straight face.
Remus has Heelys. On the days he’s not really teaching (which is often, because his health period overlaps with gym, he only teaches each class like sixty times per school year.) He still has to show up to work, clearly, so he just cruises down the hall and hangs out in his brother’s classroom, occasionally trying to make the students laugh behind his back. He visits the other teachers too, clearly, his favorite to bug is Virgil.
Remy knows all of the drama going around school. He’s one of the teachers that nobody can hate. He will talk to you about your crush. He will sit next to you during lunch and talk. They all love him. They will all talk to him.
Emile will let students come into his office after school if they’re upset and watch cartoons with him. Sometimes they move to the auditorium where they can put them in the projector. Sometimes he gets people to sing up for a full on cartoon day. He does this once a month so students feel calmer. So they have a safe space. (He also understands strict parents, and students wanting to get out of their homes. He will disguise these as extra credit projects and just let the students sit in the back even if they don’t want to talk about cartoons. He has a whole bunch of coloring books. You wouldn’t believe the amount.)
Patton loves his students. He will hug any student that wants to hug him. He likes to mess with his students by saying stuff along the adultery lines, and acting like he doesn’t know what it means. (At first he genuinely didn’t. Then Remus told him.) He does the same to teachers and tells students about incidents like “infinitesimal”.
Roman will walk up to students and boop dots of paint on their nose (unless there is a reason not to.) He once grabbed a pastel and smudged it onto Virgil’s nose. Virgil, in turn, grabbed a piece of ice and stuck it down his shirt.
Dee hides in random places in his classroom before class. The students know about this, once he hid in a very intricate place (on top of the cupboards, behind a box) he left his hat on the middle desk, with a piece of paper that said, “Come find me ;)” Right as one student had discovered him, Roman walked in. Just as Roman began to speak, Dee rolled off of the counter and somehow landed on his feet, with students surrounding him. Roman couldn’t find the right way to question this.
Thomas is the principal.
Some students have ship wars about these teachers.
The students know the teachers by these names:
Deceit= Dee or Mr. Dee
Virgil= Mr. Virgil, Mr. V, Virgil, or Mr. A. (He doesn’t care what you call him, as long as it’s not rude.)
Roman=Mr. Prince, Princey, Mr. C or Roman. (These are the only names he accepts, his last name is not prince.”
Remus= Mr. Rat, or Mr. Remus. He also goes by Mr. R. (Roman took Mr. C)
Patton= Mr. Mo, mostly, or he jokingly explains that he could be their dad, and would gladly be referred to as Papather. (Yes, Papather.) Some students call him this.
Logan= Mr. Berry or Mr. B.
Emile= Mr. Picani, Dr. Picani, but most preferably just Emile, he wants the students to feel like friends.
Remy= Mr. S, Mr. Sopitas, or once again, just Remy. (He wants to be friends with his students!)
Virgil’s hair is always being dyed different colors. He let the depressed children do it once. He doesn’t regret it.
Remus walk up behind other teachers and smudges things on their face. Sometimes the teachers are warned, most often they are not. (He screams something random before making his leave. “Make sure to use protection!” Is a fan favorite.)
I have SO MANY more ideas for this, tell me if you want to hear about them. (I’ll be making more regardless :P, but it helps me create knowing people like the concept)
This will be under the “TS teacher au” tag, if you want more updates :)
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just0nemorepage · 4 years
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The Hate U Give || Angie Thomas || 464 pages ------------------------------------------------------------ Top 3 Genres: Young Adult / Contemporary / Realistic Fiction
Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a police officer. Khalil was unarmed.
Soon afterward, his death is a national headline. Some are calling him a thug, maybe even a drug dealer and a gangbanger. Protesters are taking to the streets in Khalil’s name. Some cops and the local drug lord try to intimidate Starr and her family. What everyone wants to know is: what really went down that night? And the only person alive who can answer that is Starr.
But what Starr does—or does not—say could upend her community. It could also endanger her life.
Finished: March 26th, 2020.
Progress: 9 / 10. 90% complete.
My Rating: ★★★★★. [5/5]
My Review: [Under the read more - SPOILER FREE]
So I finished this last night, and I’m just as much at a loss for words now as I was at the time.
This book is a fucking masterpiece and perfection incarnate. I’m usually very anti-required reading, as that’s a real good way to ruin reading as a hobby, but THIS BOOK should be fundamental to every school and book group in America – perhaps even globally. It perfectly explains SUCH a drastically misunderstood issue and paints exactly WHY it’s so important and manages to touch on all of the nuances of police brutality and – ugh, it’s SO POWERFUL and SO GOOD.
To the point where the only reason I will accept dislike of this book is if it’s for technical or stylistic reasons – like not liking the writing style, or not liking characters. And even so, given the nature of the writing and the characters and WHY they are like they are, I’m giving serious stank eye to anyone who thinks those kinds of things, as well.
I actually scrolled through my Goodreads friend reviews of this book immediately upon finishing it and got rid of anyone who disliked the book for any pro-police reasons (Still! Yes! They exist, even AFTER reading this!). That’s how fundamentally important this book is. Liking or disliking it isn’t a matter of difference in opinion – it’s a difference in morality. Do black lives matter, or do they not? That’s not even a question. And if you disagree, we are morally incompatible and you don’t belong in my life in any capacity.
There is SO MUCH about this book that I love, and SO MUCH that is done right. I need to admit my personal favorites: Starr’s mirroring of that photograph from Ferguson, picking up the tear gas the cops threw at her, throwing it back, and a picture of it getting captured mid-throw; and the course of Starr’s relationship with Hailey. Ultimately: FUCK Hailey. But her character is so important – it illustrates the attitude most white people have towards racism, and HONESTLY, the fact that she was pro-feminist, but EXTREMELY racist, makes her all the more infuriating. That, ladies and gentleman, is a perfect example of what we call White Feminism! And an extreme example at that – not only does Hailey disregard issues that may apply to anyone other than white women, she actively contributes to those issues every single time she opens her mouth about race. And I shudder to think what she thinks about any OTHER kind of minority lol.
I also love that the only two real white characters in the story are Chris, and Hailey – polar opposites, and great representations of the two kinds of white people you’ll find concerning racism. There’s.. well, there’s Hailey, the walking garbage can who I hope dies alone, and there’s Chris, the aspiring ally, who’s not perfect, makes mistakes, and still has many things to learn, but is actively pursuing learning them and admitting when he’s wrong. (Also – how rich Chris’s family is low-key pisses me off for entirely different reasons LOL.)
I truly don’t know what else I can say, other than recommend this book at the top of my lungs and with a great deal of force to pretty much every single person in this country – particularly every single white person. I know I want to throw it in the face – like literally throw it – of anyone who still tries to spout “all lives matter” or, even worse, “blue lives matter,” and then pick it up, and throw it at their face again, and again, until their nose breaks.
There’s nothing I can say that will do any kind of eloquent justice to the majesty and importance that is this book. Although, I should at least try to sum it up, and put into words exactly WHAT was done so well. Normally, my brain fails me utterly here, but for this book in particular, I won’t let it.
I do know it perfectly captured the experience of growing up black, poor, and in a gang-infested neighborhood (at least, to my knowledge). I know it illustrated the difference between good cops and bad cops, and how no one should be picking apart “fuck the police,” because if you’re a true ally you know DAMN WELL that doesn’t apply to the good people. I know it FLAWLESSLY illustrated the difference between a riot and a peaceful, but obstructive protest, and it made me want to get out there and scream my anger into a megaphone and find some way to become a better activist – even if there aren’t many opportunities to do so in my area. I know it somehow managed to capture many, many microaggressions directed towards black people, and therefore explained exactly how frustrating and infuriating they can be, even if one individual act was “little.” I know it did a great job of illustrating the difference between jokes the oppressed use against the oppressor, as coping methods, and jokes the oppressor use against the oppressed, which are never not inherently shitty and dangerous. And I deeply, deeply enjoy how often “your life matters” was stated – never once was Black Lives Matter explicitly named, but you know damn well that’s what they’re referring to.
Oh, man. And that list of names of victims of police brutality at the end gave me chills.
Ultimately, I don’t have much problem saying that if you don’t like this book, you’re racist. Much in the same way that voting for and supporting Trump automatically makes you racist, or toting a US flag with a thin blue line or a Confederate flag automatically makes you racist. Or spouting “all lives matter.” Or honestly believing preventing police brutality has ANYTHING to do with “complying with orders” or “taking responsibility for your actions.”
If that displeases you, die mad about it.
And be happy I’m not throwing this book at your face until your nose breaks right now.
To everyone else – I won’t throw the book at you lol. But it is just as important that you read it. This is FUNDAMENTAL to understanding societal issues, and understanding societal issues is fundamental to being a responsible member of society.
If more people understood these issues with any kind of empathy, the world would be a much better place – to ALL who live in it. Not just those who were lucky enough to be born white.
And this book is a perfect stepping stone to beginning to understand racism, police brutality, and why Black Lives Matter is so crucial, as a movement and as a belief.
So, if you haven’t yet – even if you think you already understand BLM – READ IT. Your functionality as a human being depends on it.
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All Good Things… Can’t Draw, Won’t Draw!
#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings…
20th June 2020
Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,
Welcome to another edition of “Scaramouche gripes about a part of his life rather than gives us a healthy dose of advice. Why do we even follow this again?” I’m just kidding.
Nobody’s following this. :P
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(Img: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16668795/ )
What I’d like to talk about today is some of the hobbies I’ve attempted to kick off of the ground and why they haven’t worked out thus far, but also why that’s okay. As it was the main hobby that I thought would go somewhere, I’m mostly going to focus on art, but I’ll also touch on attempts to play a musical instrument, attempts to get fit by running, and anything else I can think of that I am currently doing far less off.
Art is my biggest bug to bear with as I still return to it sometimes. I do love drawing and creating pieces that I want to share. I suppose the sharing part is the problem.
You see, ever since I was little I loved to draw, paint, and basically do anything creative. When I was still in primary school, I’d start to trace images of Thomas the Tank Engine characters, soon perfecting them so that I could draw them without the need to trace. This skill became transferred to attempting other cartoon characters, and at one point I was drawing South Park characters and selling them to friends for 50p per character. They loved them and that made me feel good. If I’d kept up that little hobby-enterprise, I might be more successful at it than I feel now.
Skip ahead a bit and I got great marks for art at a GCSE level (that’s where Secondary school ends in the UK) thus decided to try for my Art A-levels, alongside English Lit and Lang. However, something changed for me in this year and among many things, the idea of seeing through an Art A-Level was sullied by a disagreement I had with my teachers about how the class was leading me away from a desire to build my skill and into experimental and revolutionary art practices. I got a good grade for AS-level but did not pursue and complete the A-Level in the following year.
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(Img: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/3503385/ )
Despite this, I still wanted to do something with my drawing and painting interests. I decided to draw and write a comic about some characters myself and friends from the furry fandom created called ‘Furlives’. It was my attempt at creating a funny, sometimes introvertly sexual story around my passions. I made it unprofitable by creating a furry version of Doctor Who and later attempted to revive it with a new story with new characters, this time called ‘FurFiction’. However, as I posted these in my galleries on FurAffinity and DeviantArt, I became disillusioned by the realization that few people were watching or liking what I posted. I did other pieces for people but never charged as I was losing faith in my abilities, comparing them to others, and finding myself lacking.
What seemed to be the real nail in the coffin came one Christmas when I was about twenty years old. I decided to offer to draw and paint bespoke commissions for colleagues in the call center office I worked in at the time. I charged a very small price so that I could earn some money to pay for Christmas gifts. I did pieces during this time that I was actually proud of, including painting a dog belonging to a woman to give to her terminally ill husband. This is still my favorite of all my works.
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(Img: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/949085/ )
Unfortunately, it all came to a halt when I gave another commission to a different woman in the office. I went back to my desk and started to work when I saw them come in. I watched them go to the desk, look at the picture, and give it a blank stare. After a few minutes, they came over to me, waited for me to finish my call, and then gave me some rather blunt feedback.
They didn’t like the picture. They felt I hadn’t drawn the people from the photo correctly, the image I’d drawn looked nothing like them, and they didn’t want it. This, looking back, was fair feedback, yet they did this in front of all the colleagues surrounding me. There were no walls or barricades blocking what she said, so I was left feeling embarrassed and apologized, let her keep the picture which I’d also framed and did not charge her anything.
This act stuck with me like a blade between the shoulders of what I’d enjoyed ever since I was a kid. Now, every attempt to lift a pencil or paintbrush was marred by this, and the lack of likes or interest in anything I did share drove it deeper. In the end, I had to step away, because art became an albatross around my neck.
This has seemingly had an impact on most things I attempt to do, not just art. If I try to do something just for myself, I usually enjoy it. However, when I start to share it and I see no views or feedback that is critical of what I am working on, I feel foolish for falling into the trap of trying again. Additionally, if the ability to learn to get better takes too long, it often trips me up or can stunt my attempts to keep going as best as I can.
So why is this okay? Why should I feel that there’s something to gain from this?
For one, it’s made me realize that, with anything, you should not expect positive reviews. If you get them, great. If anyone even remotely glances at what you’ve done, brilliant! But DO NOT RELY ON IT. If you draw, write, play, whatever, for the sake of someone else’s applause, the lack of it will drive you insane.
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(Img: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16481674/ )
And if you get it, no matter whether it is one person saying “I like this” or a full standing ovation, appreciate the heck out of that. So many people chase their whole lives and never get it. Some get disillusioned by the lack of it. Some hurt themselves over it. If your audience is kind enough to tell you that you’re doing a good job, make them feel like you are happy about it. Definitely don’t take them for granted, you never know when they’ll turn on you.
Lastly, don’t give up. If you’re an audience of one, then at least you’re entertaining yourself. You’ve got a good thing in the fact that you have something you can focus on and enjoy, many do not even have that. Love it, believe in it, and let it be what it is. Sometimes, you don’t really get to see what it will become, as we have learned from people like Van Gogh and Emily Dickinson.
You never know what you’ve got, so stick at it. It might be what people will be talking about for centuries to come.
Stay safe, stay happy.    
All good things, Love, Scaramouche. X
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sosa-sketch · 5 years
Fright or Flight: Chapter 1
Parings: Prinxiety // Logicality // Platonic LAMP
Summary: Virgil and Patton investigate the New Prince Castle, when a brutal accident kills Patton. Patton wakes as a ghost and meets friendly ghoul Roman, who has been haunting the castle for 20 years. Virgil is determined to bring Patton back to life and brings Logan, the ghost expert, to help him out. Time is quickly running out, and the four must work together to undo death. If only it was as simple as Logan made it sound. 
Unknown to them, a secret entitity in the castle does not plan on letting them succeed.
Next Chapter
Virgil would not call him and Patton “Ghostbusters”. He wasn’t obsessed with ghosts, he didn’t have the technology utilized in movies or ghost hunting shows. Virgil was merely intrigued by the dead and afterlife. He took ghost hunting as a personal thing, something to reassure him that not everyone simply disappeared after they died. It was a hobby for Virgil, a simple reassurance. Ghost hunting was not his life.
Unfortunately, Virgil’s best friend did not seem to understand that.
“You want me to do what for my yearbook quote?”
“A ghost hunting themed quote!” Patton beamed. “Something like: ‘An emotional roller ghoster.’ Or ‘I’m here for the boos.’”
Virgil spluttered and shook his head. He could practically see Patton’s wink on the other end of the phone. “Patton, I’m not letting the last four torturous years of my life be commemorated by some stupid hobby of mine. And I’m gay!”
“Boys can be boos too. And it’s not stupid.” Patton, ever the father-like figure, scorned. “Is it not angsty enough? I can fix that. How about, ‘A ghost of my former self.’?”
Virgil snickered. It was on brand. “Not a ghost of a chance.”
Patton squealed in surprise at Virgil’s pun. “Wouldn’t it be symbolic or something if you did make it your yearbook quote, though? Ghost hunting is how we got close, how you keep yourself busy.  It helps calm the questions about life and death that freak you out so much.”
Virgil tensed up at being read so clearly, even if it was from Pat. “What’s your point?”
“I just think it’s a good way for you to capture high school.”
Virgil quickly dismissed the idea. “Pat, you’re looking way too much into this ghost-hunting thing.” Patton hummed, unconvinced. “Being up all this hour is making you extra sappy. I can’t take it. I’ll let you go to bed.”
An hour after the phone line went dead, Patton’s words were still drifting about in Virgil’s head. Did Patton really think ghost hunting was that much of a deal to Virgil? Did he seem like some supernatural obsessed freak? Maybe that’s it was so challenging for Virgil to make friends.
Ghost hunting really wasn’t all that to Virgil! It was a hobby, maybe even a sense of comfort. But, he wasn’t consumed by it. He wasn’t going to let it stand as a representation of his high school years.
Virgil Storme was not obsessed with ghosts.
The next morning Virgil woke with the sunrise and hastily slapped on eyeshadow and threw on a hoodie, his signature look in Florida’s November eighty degree weather. Questions had been crawling in his head all night and the more he tried to ignore them, the more he craved answers.
Virgil found himself on his neighbor, Remy’s, porch, impatiently rapping at his door. Virgil had known Remy since he was a little boy, and Remy was accustomed to finding Virgil outside his door at wacky, sleepless hours. It didn’t mean Remy had become fond of it as the years passed.
On Virgil’s fifth series of wild knocks, Remy exasperatedly swung the door open, hips jutted and arms crossed. “Hun, what are you doing knocking at my door at five in the morning?”
“Am I obsessed with ghosts?” Virgil blurted.
Remy was taken back. “Excuse me?”
“Do I seem like a supernatural obsessed freak? Like the type of person who has watched every ghost show in existence, claims there are certain ‘energies’ in rooms, blames unsolved murdered on the dead?”
“Um…no? But now that you mention it…”
Remy laughed. “Who told you that you gave off ghost boy vibes?”
Virgil ran a hand over his face. Adrenaline was still pumping, but he could feel this morning’s overlooked exhaustion begin to seep in. “Patton.”
Remy was dumbfounded. “That sweet puffball called you a supernatural obsessed freak?”
“No, no!” Virgil speedily backtracked. “He was saying that I should make my senior quote something ghost-themed. The thing is, senior quotes are supposed to define you! What if my best friend thinks that the undead define my existence? My grandchildren are going to ask me to show them my high school yearbook and I’m going to have to explain, ‘Virgil Storme: Ghoul Boy’ to them.”
Remy chuckled, shaking his head. “Gurl, I think he was just trying to get you to pick a quote. Don’t you have like a week until the deadline?”
Virgil scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah. But, still. I don’t know.”
“Well nobody knows you better than yourself! If you feel a Ghostbuster calling inside for you, then you should embrace it! See how far it can take you!”
“Shut up Remy. There is no Ghostbuster calling inside of me.” Virgil snickered, stepping into Remy’s home. “You’re so freaking weird without coffee.”
“Stop showing up at my house at unholy hours and I won’t be.”
Monday afternoon, Virgil’s paranoia about being known as Ghost Boy had worn off, leaving raw mortification. Had he really banged on Remy’s door at five in the morning to ask if he was the next Ghostbuster? Where had his dignity gone? Virgil was keen to take his mind off his actions and find a new location for his next investigation. Patton had met him in the library, during lunch, where Virgil believed to have found the winning contender.
“New Prince Castle?” Patton slowly read from the computer screen.
“Yeah, it’s not too far from here. Should only take about an hour to get there.”
“You think you’re going to be allowed to explore an actual castle?” Patton questioned, wide-eyed.
Virgil scrolled down the web page to a photograph of the castle. “It’s not an authentic castle. It was a place for kids.” He clarified. “Kids would go and get assigned a role: royalty, jest, servant, whatever. They would go to their character’s chamber and learn about their lifestyle. Like, the kid would explore the throne room if he were assigned king.”
Patton seemed enthralled. “It must have been a hotspot for elementary field trips.”
Virgil bobbed his head in agreement. “It was. It wasn’t all educational. On weekends there were scavenger hunts and games. They had actual banquets in the dining hall. Workers were dressed up to play the part and put on skits. The goal was to bring the castle to life.” Virgil then switched to another tab: a news report from the Jacksonville Times.
“Then, one day, after hours, someone must have snuck in. Not many details have been released to the public, but the family was murdered.”
Patton appeared distressed. “A family was murdered? It was after hours. What family could have been there?”
“It was a family business. Ran by the Princes.” Virgil explained. “They closed it down after the whole murder thing.”
“Which of the Princes were killed?” Patton asked, sounding uneasy. Virgil felt a twinge of guilt-Patton didn’t stomach tragedy easy. Yet, he was always intent on learning about Virgil’s newest project. Virgil did his best to leave out the gory details.
“Elizabeth Prince and Henry Prince-the two parents. Along with their  sons, Declan and Roman Prince, and Roman's husband, Thomas. Elizabeth and Henry had another son, but I guess he escaped or wasn’t working that night. It doesn’t mention him. The New Prince Castle has been closed for twenty years now.”
Patton was speechless. Virgil understood. Learning about haunted locations’ past was ghastly and often sickening. In a bizarre fashion, it fascinated Virgil.
“Is there any way I could help with your investigation?” Patton implored timidly.
Virgil involuntarily gaped at Patton. Patton always endorsed Virgil and his interest, but actually participating in the act was not his style. “Are you sure, Pat? Ghost hunting’s not really your thing.”
“Maybe not ghost hunting? Instead, I could help you prepare for the ghost hunt? Isn’t that something you usually do?” Patton explained, stumbling over his words.
“Um, sure, Pat. You could go visit Logan, see if he has anything to advise or give me.”
It was routine for Patton to get anxious when Virgil investigated a place haunted due to malevolent, purposeful deeds. It was not routine for Patton to insert himself in the investigation, in any way, shape, or form.  
However, Virgil understood Patton's anxiety. Places haunted by a dark past  had an evil in the atmosphere that sent Virgil’s heart hammering and stood the hairs on his neck. Still, it was all in the past. It hadn't-and he was pretty sure it couldn't-harm Virgil while he was there.
Given a task, Patton relaxed. “You’ll be careful at this place, right?”
“Patton, literally nothing has happened to me on these trips except one too many inhaled dust bunnies.”
“How do I know you’re not trying to hide something from me? I think I’m going to have to go on an investigation with you to see if you’re telling the truth, Mister.”
Virgil sniggered. “Okay dad, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“I’ll go one day, just wait and see!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “The day you come hunting ghosts with me is the day I come to school with face painted rainbow on my cheeks.”
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~ Juliet’s Story: Void ~
Mun!Yuki: So before we begin, I would like to tag @first-blood-moon because I mention Kris and Thomas, who both belong to her, in this story. :) This story, similar to last year, gives another perspective of Juliet as a human who grew up differently than other humans, and how it affects her views due to being the human society’s definition of “different”. Exploring Juliet’s character is always intriguing because she is very different from the characters I’ve made, especially on her views being different from others due to her own upbringing. You’ll see soon enough. :) And now! Without further ado, let’s get started!!!
For a long time, I never understood what was so important about the feeling of loving someone.
Romantic love, to be exact.
Perhaps, it was because it was unnecessary for me?
Maybe it was because I was still too young to understand?
Who knows?
Because I don’t.
Mother told me that love was different for everyone. She told me how my grandmother and grandfather from her side were opposites, yet somehow fell in love; Yet somehow, despite being enemies at one point, even Mother and Father fell in love.
Love was apparently a feeling you can’t help but want to cherish.
I understood platonic love as I only loved Leon and my family. No one else really mattered to me.
Aunt Yui told me that soon I will find the right person that would make me feel warmth.
But I could only respond with logical answers, mostly just “It’s unrealistic.”
Though, I often kept my mouth shut whenever she retorted how I used to want to marry a prince when I was a small child.
I can never win against Aunt Yui; But I refuse to acknowledge that even I would feel what it was like to have a love like that. It sounded too unnecessary.
I’m considered ‘different’ to Human society standards. I am homeschooled. I’m not exactly likable to other people. I am a sadist that holds no remorse or care about other people because there is no point in weeping for the stupid and end up crying all day.
When Father told me it could happen, I didn’t believe him. When Leon told me his belief of true love actually existing, I still didn’t believe in it.
And that’s saying something.
I didn’t believe in love.
It was as simple as that.
I remember when I was around the age of 12, and reading on the couch during my exercise break. Without needing to look up, I responded, “Yes, Mother?”
“Since I have turned in my manuscript early today, Would you like to join me and Leon to visit an old friend of mine from High School?”
I guessed it’s a vampire; After all, My mother’s only human friend is Aunt Yui. “To their home?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow. “Actually, we’ll be going to a museum for her art exhibition; She is an artist.” Mother explained. “Is it wise for a vampire to be out in daylight?” I questioned again. Surely it would be tiring to be out in daylight for so long. Even for an art exhibition.
“Oh, sweetie. She is not a vampire.” Mother smiled, “She is actually a first-blood.” So it’s not a vampire? It’s a founder? A female? “I see... okay I’ll go. Leon might get lost anyways.”
I say that as I got off the couch to get ready.
But what I never expected that the choice I made would eventually create a path that lead me to eat my own words.
Father was still busy with work at the university, so the only ones available to go to the exhibit was Mother, Leon, and myself.
Once we got there, I made sure to stay beside Leon as Mother met with what I suspect to be the friend she mentioned before. Judging by her aura, there was no mistaking that she was indeed a first blood.
“This is the first time we’ve saw a first blood in real life, isn’t it?” I hear Leon question. “Yeah it is.” I was about to walk away until my little brother stopped me. “W-Wait! Where are you going?” He questioned. “Looking around. Isn’t that what you do at exhibits?” I answered bluntly. “Sis, We need to introduce ourselves; It’s rude not to.” He reminded. “... You’re right.” I said, making him smile and walk over there. Taking this chance, I quickly walk away to blend in with the crowd, ignoring Leon’s calls when he realized I escaped.
It’s not due to ill feelings I refused to introduce myself; I just don’t see the point of meeting someone that you’ll only ever meet once in your lifetime. While she may be Mother’s friend, I have nothing to do with them and had no interest in socializing. Nothing against First-Bloods. I just don’t like socializing.
I search around to exhibit. I’ll admit, The artwork was nice. They give off an interesting feeling.
Meanwhile, as I looked around, I noticed a couple nearby. I felt disgusting as they behaving openly affectionate with each other. I find PDA just gross. Get a room.
But then again... Why do I care? It’s none of my business as my business should be anyone else’s but my own.
I sighed and began to think to myself.
This art give off more of a warm feeling; But remember who the artist was reminds me of how “different” I am.
Is a human like me even capable of feeling romantic love?
That’s what I don’t get.
It’s unnecessary to me, of course.
But is it even possible to begin with?
What is it even like?
... Why am I even thinking about this?
Rather than romance, I should be thinking about when I can finally get Takoyaki. I’m hungry anyways.
I turned around to see my mother, looking at me with a sad look. “Leon told me you disappeared shortly after we arrived; You didn’t force yourself to come here, did you?” She questioned. I shook my head, “Not really; I just wanted to look around.” I answered honestly before looking at one of the paintings, “Where’s Leon?” I asked.
“He is with my friend; He wanted to ask questions about the artwork she does.” Mother answered. I nodded without looking back at her, still focused on the painting. Leon loves art, as he often draws as a hobby; It shouldn’t even be a surprise.
“Juliet... is something the matter? You look troubled, sweetheart.” Mother asked. I was looking normal as usual. Guess Father‘s influence helped Mother in seeing through people better; Either that, or it is just a Mother thing.
Initially, I wanted to respond that it was her imagination; But it’s useless now that she was even able to see through me. “Mother, did you ever thought that something like love was out of your reach?” I questioned, making my mother’s eyes widen in surprise. She didn’t expect myself to actually ask the question it seems.
Nonetheless, Mother looked at the artwork with me and her expression turned serious. “To be honest, I did.” She answered with sincerity, “Once I decided to become a huntress, I thought love was unnecessary because it had nothing to do with getting revenge; I was so focused on my goal to exterminate vampires that I didn’t care giving up my own virginity to complete a mission just to reach that goal. It was a path of life that was made for me, even before I was born.”
Suddenly, a warm smile appeared and her cheeks flushed a rosy pink, “That.. was until I fell in love with your father...” She sighed, “Back then, I hated him because he was the absolute worst; Until I realized I was just as bad as he was. All he cared about was repaying a debt and protecting his brothers. It was the same with me wanting revenge and protecting the innocent. No matter the cost.”
I continue to listen without saying a single word. That is surprising. My mother also thought it was completely unnecessary; Yet, she gave up everything just to it.
“But you could’ve gotten your revenge if you chose power over Father... What made you chose it over that power?” I couldn’t help but be curious. Leon and I have heard tales about Mother and her time as a huntress, but I never understood what made love more important than power.
And that’s when my mother turned to me with a clear answer:
“Because, in the end, no matter how unnecessary it seems in the present, Love is more powerful than power itself; Love can become your strength and Change becomes inevitable. Once you experience it with someone that accepts you as you are, you’ll feel a warmth you’ve never felt before and do whatever it takes to keep it safe.”
I glanced at her and back at the painting.
“As expected... So stupid...”
At the time, I really believed that the whole concept of love with nothing but a fallacy.
If the past me saw the me in present time...
I’m certain she would’ve been in such disbelief.
She would’ve never expected that she would later meet the son of Mother’s friend, a tired first-blood, and eventually come to understand what everyone meant.
Because Mother was right.
In the end..
No matter how unnecessary it seems in the present...
Love is more powerful than power itself..
Love can become your strength and Change becomes inevitable..
Once you experience it with someone that accepts you as you are, you’ll feel a warmth you’ve never felt before...
And do whatever it takes to keep it safe..
That is what I can only feel with Tsukinami Thomas.
In the end, I did meet the prince I dreamt to marry when I was but a child..
However, it will be I that continues to sweep him off his feet, enslave him with the unconditional love he managed to make me to develop for him, and become his queen that rules by his side...
He filled the void in a cold-blooded sadist’s heart.
As future king, He must take responsibility for that.
~ END ~
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