#i tried one brand but it was Too Fancy and didn't taste as good as the weed chocolate
unpretty · 4 months
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equizona · 2 years
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michael afton || five night's at freddy's
gender-neutral reader
masterlist, navigation
i'm having michael brainrot and I can't when write his name right and also the new tumblr update can go choke on some shoelaces
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Michael is the type to get jealous easily. He's insecure, has abandonment issues, is making minimum wage and has a fuck ton of trauma attached to him. He knows he isn't the best boyfriend one could ask for, and that you probably deserve so much more, so seeing you with other people he just knows are better than him? It makes him want to crawl into a hole and cry.
Despite how easily he gets jealous, he doesn't show it very often. He refuses to guilt you into staying with him, or isolate you from having relationships outside of him. His father did that with his mother, and he got front row seats to see how well that turned out for them.
Michael doesn't make a lot of money, so he can't get you expensive gifts or take you out on fancy dates. Instead you both often go on walks, have picnics and watch movies at home. He'll save up for occasional amusement park, circus or whatever else you like for dates, though he tries to save those for special occasions.
He probably stays over at your place quite often. He doesn't like to be alone and he doesn't like the idea that he'll wake up tomorrow and get a call that someone broke in and killed you, or something like that. He stays over where you live often for that reason. He doesn't let you go to his place, either, since he knows the animatronics could easily figure out where he lives if they wanted.
He gets a lot of nightmares, too. He doesn't expect you to comfort him or anything, he knows he can be stressful and doesn't want your sleep being put aside for something as stupid as a bad dream. He doesn't really want you to do so, either, since he feels so guilty. The best thing you can do for him is let him cling to you, hug him back and go back to sleep.
He most certainly has an eating disorder. He forgets to eat and drink most of the time, and majority of the time when he doesn't forget he either thinks it's too much work or too expensive or just not worth the effort. However, if you bring him food or a drink, he'll make sure to consume all of it, no matter how nauseous it makes him. If he ends up vomiting, he might have a breakdown from guilt. Especially if you made it yourself.
On a less angst filled note, Michael is really good at making food. If you have ingredients and don't mind him messing around your kitchen, he will make the most heavenly tasting food you can imagine. Since he doesn't work during the day, he'll make you breakfast when he gets back, alongside lunch for whatever you have to do during the day.
He'll also make you dinner, with him making you m meals a good chunk of the time, it makes there be at least one less thing to stress you out. At least, that's what he's hoping for. If you give him the money, he'll go grocery shopping for you as well! He has all your preferred brands memorized too, so not to worry about that.
His parents didn't teach him very basics things about hygiene or cleaning, so while he isn't really a messy person, he doesn't know how most things work and decides to just leave things where they are. If you teach him to do the dishes, use the laundry machine or a vacuum, and assure him you won't get mad if he does something wrong, he might try doing some of your chores for you.
If he does it right and it makes you happy when he does it, he'll keep doing it. It makes him pretty happy, actually, to be doing it. He remembers his classmates whining about having to do chores with their mothers while he spent most of his day worried he's get yelled at for moving a glass over to the sink from the counter. Most might think it's boring to clean, but he thinks it's nice. And if it makes you happy, and makes your life easier? He's pretty ecstatic to be doing the dishes.
Michael naturally runs really hot. He could be your personal heater easily, and he's very comfortable and warm to hug. Despite how warm he is, he gets cold super easily, so he's always dressing warm and laying under blankets, which just makes Jim run even warmer.
He has a soft spot for children. If he builds a more stable life and routine with you, he'll probably try doing babysitting during the day for some extra money. He's actually really good with kids, too, even if he might seem sort of intimidating at first. He's also able to make all of them eat their vegetables and fruits, so parents adore him as well.
He is weak for matching things. Matching outfits? Keychains? Bracelets? Phone cases? Mugs? Blankets? Shoes? He doesn't care, he just loves the idea of matching with you.
He likes doing arts & crafts. Sometimes the kids make him do it with them too, and he's pretty good! He occasionally gives you those handmade bead bracelets. If he sees you wearing them he'll probably cling to you for the rest of the day.
Michael is actually like, really good at singing. He'll sing when he cleans, when he's doing his night shifts, when he's cooking or baking. If you like his singing, he might sing you a lullaby to help you sleep. If you sing with him he will be the happiest person on earth.
He likes a lot of things that are less traditionally masculine and more traditionally feminine, like flowers and soft things. (Blankets, stuffed animals, etc.) If you get him flowers, he'll press or dry them so he can keep them for much longer.
He's not much of a fan of animals, and animals don't like him that much. The exception being foxes, since he thinks they're very pretty. If you have any pets, he'd be happy to help you takecare of them, but he won't have a very deep emotional connection with the animal.
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dante-mightdie · 6 months
Blue-collar Simon with a frugal girlfriend. I am absolutely projecting onto this rn lmao.
A sweet little thing with a taste for shiny stuffy and pretty clothes, but an even bigger taste for money. It took one look at her from across a Chick-fil-a, witnessing her glancing over her shoulder as she grabbed a handful of sanitizing wipe packets and stuffed them into the side-pocket of her purse, for him to fall in love and ask her out right then and there.
Got him to cut down on smoking when she pointed out that a single pack of cigarettes—ten dollars—is the same price as a Costco pizza that could feed them for a minimum of two days. He doesn't quit completely, but does so less frequently and favors bumming smokes off of coworkers.
Always complains about him having a truck and how the miles per gallon is so bad. Keeps track of how much they could've saved if his pickup didn't take up so much gas. Diesel, at that.
"You know I need the flatbed for work, dove."
"You could honestly just get a car with a good MPG and hitch a trailer on the back."
He almost laughs, but swiftly shuts his mouth when he realizes that that's actually not that bad of an idea. It would make loading and unloading supplies easier, and it wouldn't force so much weight onto his rear axle.
Sixth sense for sales. Avid user of coupons. Always knows what places offer which discounts that they qualify for. Clearance aisles are the go-to. Knows when happy hour is everywhere. Avoids more expensive stores (aka Target) like the plague. Has not paid for a single piece of produce in her life; all veggies are grown by hand.
Loves to go to stores, but rarely buys anything. Simon tags along and gags at price tags with her. They both consider this a date.
On actual date nights, reader makes it clear that she does not care for gourmet restaurants or their dogshit food. Homeboy almost dropped to his knee right then and there. Peak of fanciness is Olive Garden. And even then, it's only at the location where she knows the manager from high school so they can get a discount.
In truth, they both prefer simple dates where it's just the two of them, like stuffing pillows and blankets into the back of his truck and ordering takeout while watching a movie on his laptop. She's creative, too, and Simon couldn't be more ecstatic about it. He's got his girl, food, his truck, a barely-tapped wallet, and his lil wifey bae is happy. What more could a man want?
She dresses real cute, which often has Simon wondering where she gets her clothes bc she almost never gets things when they go shopping together.
"Those new?"
"The pants? Yeah. They were like... seven dollars, I think."
"Where'd you get those for seven?"
Yeah she does not give a single shit about name brands. If it looks good, feels good, and is cheap—it's hers. Could not care less about Nike n shit.
Simon ofc feels a little bad about not being able to spoil her, but lemme tell you when money is an object—it is very much preferred that it be regarded as such. There is nothing more attractive than a financially responsible man.
In the beginning of their relationship, Simon once tried to be that guy and got her an accessory that she'd been admiring. It was pretty, but all broke girls will understand when I say that the want for something DIES if it's overpriced. Gone. As if it were never there. So he was a little shocked when he surprised her with it a few weeks later and her face dropped. Like genuine existential dread just plastered on her face, clear as day.
She told him that she really didn't want it after she saw how expensive it was, but he insists that she deserves a few luxuries. Only problem is, he begins to notice how overwhelmed with guilt she becomes when she sees it. She hardly ever wears it, and she really doesn't mean to be dismissive of Simon's generosity—but she just can't help but feel buyer's remorse any time she remembers it exists. It makes her feel terrible, and all she can think about is how much better the money for it could've been spent. When Simon realizes that and returns it, it's like a weight is lifted from her shoulders. Gave him THE sloppiest head that night. Besides, she prefers Simon's pearl necklace more than any other piece of jewelry.
He's smart enough now to know that money really doesn't buy her happiness. She's so perfectly content with her way of life. It also reassures him that she wouldn't ever entertain the idea of opting for a man with money to waste. Not when she's found someone who gets her and her reluctance of spending like Simon does.
absolutely adores a financially responsible girl! doing everything you can to make sure you two can live comfortably
watches you note down recipes that you can batch make and freeze to save money, no wastage in this household! simon will never complain when you say its leftovers for dinner
he's just such a simple man but in the best way possible. nothing gets him harder than walking into the kitchen to see you cutting up vouchers for the groceries
except maybe watching you haggle with someone. he took you to a market once and watched you talk a vendor down from £50 to £10 when he pointed out a hoodie that he liked
fucked you so good that night you walked funny for days <3
used to smoke straights but when you told him how much cheaper it is to roll his own cigarettes, he hasn't looked back since
IKEA dates. loves walking hand in hand with you around the large store, talking about how you're gonna decorate the house he's gonna buy you someday
doesn't miss the little smile that flicks across your face when he shakes his head at the bookcase you point out,
"£100? I can make you tha' for half the price, lovie..."
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : my first headcannons im writing this to clear up my head
summary : how tenjiku would be on their first date with you! (i might do the other gangs if y'all want me to)
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- oh boy he's nervous alright, he might not see like it but he went shopping all day long dragging the other members with him
- picked a place a bit far from the city because you said you liked the country side
- he enjoys you talking, it somehow calms him down
- he will bring you shopping that day if you're not too tired
- if you're tired, izana would bring you home and plan another date! (expect lots of surprises because he has influences everywhere)
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- can't stop sweating for the love of god because he's finally going out with someone he really likes
- ran teased him a lot about it
- will run to the other side of the car to open the door for you
- would be worried sick if you don't like his restaurant choice (tell him he did great, he loves compliments more than anything)
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- he would wear those very expensive brand of cologne that was too musky for your liking
- would bring you flowers! like huge bouquet ones..
- again, he acts calm while trying to hold your hand while driving but he's nervous as hell as you might reject him
- would bring you to wine tastings!
- fancy dinners too! and he would buy some new dresses for you to wear on that day
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- his hair slick back and all (no mullet no he wanted to look 'ravishing')
- he even removed his glasses and tried this goddamn lenses so he could look better on his date
- forgive him, he might stutter a lot. might be awkward at first
- try opening some topics that he knows, he'll be chatty then!
- will come home giggly, kicking his feet and shit after seeing your text messages
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- his first date idea was to bring you to a gang fight.. got smacked in the head by mochi because of that
- after lots of suggestions he went to the aquarium with you
- a lot of brushing hands attempting to hold your hand (you played dumb because he looked cute blushing)
- eats a lot of sweets with you
- im imagining a lot of dates going to carnivals afterwards!
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- he didn't touch any of his smoke that day because you didn't liked the smell of it
- ate a lot of chewing gum incase ykyk (he has planned how it'll go to but you just had other ideas)
- would dress up for once and not use his motorcycle but pick you up with his car
- would text kisaki so much, like spamming every update ('okay she likes the food' 'wait she frowning?' 'WAIT SHE'S FROWNING BECAUSE THE FOOD IS SO GOOD SHE'S SO CUTE')
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- fancy ass dates
- so fancy you felt underdressed
- he felt guilty for making you feel that way so before dropping you home, he bought you ice creams
- would eat it in the parking lot while laughing lightly as you both accidentally smudged bits of ice cream on your attires
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- would buy all sorts of pastries for to try
- thinks you're cute, cheek stuffed with lots of food
- you had that sugar rush so he had to endure you jumping around and being excited about the simplest things
- adores the reaction you gave as the warm pastry melts on your tongue
- more to action man, he doesn't talk much just occasional mmh, yeah, really but he's hearing you very closely.
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- wanted to bring you to the mall
- going in and out every store because he likes to spoil you. also he thinks you're endearing when you're happy
- would be the type of man to change their shoes if your heels was uncomfortable (imagine his big ass shoes in your foot while he walked in your heels flawlessly.. his days at juvie helped a lot with balance..)
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- for the date, he would buy your dress, your perfume, your shoes, new makeup, accessories, a new bag- should i go on because there's a list
- when you thought koko was done lmao YOU THOUGHT
- picked you up IN A DAMN LIMO
- please assure him that he's very much and tell him it's okay have a simple date (he does that because he's very insecure that he might not do enough)
- went back very late because the area you were had heavy traffic and you were in a limo....
*apologies for not adding sanzu because i can't wrap my head around him 😔*
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solkteaa · 1 month
Hiiii! How are you ?
I Hope you had a good day. I saw your post about taking requests and wanted to request something :)
So my idea was like being Marie’s s/o ( so a x reader story ) that behaves like an old person as in hobby’s and such. This is like kinda based on the comment Callie makes on Marie’s hair…
Preferably I would like a gn!reader but you do as your comfortable I don’t really care! + you don’t have to take this if you don’t want to
Being Marie's S/O, but she has old lady habits.
[Author's note; I literally forgot about this, sorry!1!!! I didn't know how to put this into a story, so instead enjoy the head cannons]
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Grrr I love doing these they're so fun
MARIE, who has one of those small beaded coin pouches
She used to collect these pouches and shows them off to you, but now she learned how to make them and even made you one!
She has one for coins and one for those little candies most grandmother always had.
She mainly keeps those strawberry ones and butterscotch ones.
She munches on them before concerts.
MARIE, who has all this money and could get a fancy, brand new Bugatti if she wanted but instead has a 2011 Volkswagen that she refuses to get rid of.
When you first saw her car it caught you off guard. I mean, she's definitely pretty wealthy but it doese make since she's not pretty materialistic, given her personality. Though you'd think she'd at least get a newer model.
When you asked her about why she hasn't gotten a new car yet, she felt judged.
"If you have a problem with my 2011 Volkswagen named Beatrice, you can get out and walk."
Don't judge her car she will fight you over it.
MARIE, who sits on the patio with her little "Fish in the area wants me" mug in her hands every morning.
It's her own little ritual she does.
Every now and then she'll ask you to sit with her, which is a honor as usually she doesn't want anyone to bother her or near her when she does this.
MARIE, who bakes
this originally started because growing up she would make cakes for her parents for their birthdays. To perfect her recipes she would bake everyday until it was were she liked it.
Now it's became a habit.
Considering your her S/O, she'll randomly bake for you.
It's not too rare for you to come home and there will be a fresh batch of cupcakes or brownies waiting for you!
She'll also pull you out of whatever your doing just to taste test for her.
"Marie, I'm in the middle of a turf battl-"
"I don't care, I need you the try this icing."
Just make sure your home when she's experimenting.
MARIE, who gardens in her freetime.
she's always had a green thumb for plants, but I'd like to think the one thing she can't keep alive is orchids.
It's just simply to hard not to overwater them, or give them too much sunlight.
Worse part, they're her favorite flower.
Don't give her orchids, she'll cry.
MARIE, also has a garden in her backyard and plants out through her house.
Her worse fear is being on tour for a month or more and coming back and her plants are dead.
So she begs you to check up on them for her!
Just keep in mind, you kill her plants, she'll kill you.
You swear she gives more love too her goddamn flowers than you at times, but as long as she's happy!!
MARIE, who's bedtime is strictly 7pm.
if she stays up any longer she's a moody and slightly clingy mess.
MARIE, who crochets.
She has many quilts and sweaters she's made.
She would make some custom just for you, but that's too much effort so instead she let's you have some of the ones she already made.
She's also tried sowing.
She kept on poking her fingers over and over again and had enough.
It looked like a murder scene and she'd went through a whole pack of bandaids.
So much for those expensive ass fabrics she bought to make you something.
Never again.
[Unfortunately ran out of ideas but this was fun anyways. Thanks for requesting!!!]
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anotherbeastarsblog · 2 years
What do you think each characters favorite food is?
Probably didn't get everyone but y'know. If I missed anyone you wanna hear my thoughts on send an ask and I'll edit them in.
Also please remember I have little to no justification for any of this and some are based on other headcanons I have so feel free to disagree, and I'd love to hear your thoughts too!
Legoshi's favorite food is ass If you asked him he'd probably say peanut butter or antshakes or those egg sandwiches but Legoshi's actual favorite food is almost definitely grandpa's hot pot. It was a huge deal that his family could actually share it so it's a little bittersweet now but it's still like, a primal memory for him.
Jack likes peanut butter. He's a dog, and also a basic bitch.
Collot's favorite food is also ass definitely something English, but I don't think I can pick just one because he can't either. He's only been to Europe once or twice but his family brought all their recipes with them.
I couldn't tell you exactly what Durham's is either except that it's some snack he found at an import shop once and has only ever seen like 3 times in his life and he can't read Malay so he doesn't even know how to look it up online.
Miguno really likes American-style food, and I headcanon him as being super wealthy, so he probably knows some specific bistro in the outskirts of Paris that makes the BEST cheeseburger like you can't even imagine. He's 100% wrong about this but he'll swear by it.
Voss likes spicy stuff. His favorite food evolves as he gains more tolerance, he always liked hot stuff as a kid but as a teenager he's had more freedom to get and try like internet-challenge level spicy things. By the time he graduates he's casually monching on dried ghost peppers.
I think Haru's favorite food is listed on a character sheet somewhere but I don't remember it. In my head, she's a rabbit so she likes carrot greens. NOT the orange part, that's a stereotype.
Louis has his favorite food listed as celery and that's not entirely wrong but his real favorites are the things he wasn't allowed to have growing up; deep-fried festival food, salty fast food, junk food in general. His tummy's a little sensitive so it's probably good he never gets to have it, but that forbidden fruit angle makes it all taste so much better.
Pina will insist his favorite is something fancy, and he'll tailor his answer to whoever he's talking to, but in reality he loves cheap street food. He's always secretly super happy when a date ends up at some shithole ramen stand.
Bill's is a brand of energy/protein bars he's eaten like, every single day since he first started going to the gym. He likes food as like, a general concept, but doesn't have a very discerning pallet and doesn't appreciate most dishes. All the raman we see him eat in the series is out of convenience over preferance.
Aoba would probably like onigiri or udon. I think he's more into traditionally Japanese stuff than anything but shares Bill's problem of not actually knowing or caring that much about food. Probably made intricate bento boxes as a kid.
Kibi's is antshakes.
Tao's is real basic butter noodles. He was the youngest in a biiiig family and always felt like a burden so he tried to fend for himself as much as possible, it was the first and simplest thing he learned to cook so he ended up eating it a lot.
Juno canonically has a sweet tooth, so most any cake or candy. Can't say why but my first thought was also ceasar salad, she's not big on salads in general but it feels healthy and her dog side loves anything creamy and/or cheesy.
Kai's is his mom's curry, especially the leftovers because she would make huge amounts of it that'd feed the family for a week. He and his brothers would eventually figure out she did it to stretch their food budget when money was tight, so it also signalled when his family would start getting overcompensatingly nice and helpful and have a lot of quiet bonding time.
Dom subsists almost exclusively on syrupy 7 dollar coffees. If you really insist that that doesn't count as a favorite food he also eats a lot of flavored cricket snacks. Unlike Bill or Aoba he does actually care about food and flavors he just forgets to eat actual meals so often he hasn't formed many opinions.
Riz likes honey and baking so his favorites are all combinations of that. Something as simple as a fresh baked bun with some honey drizzled on it can mean so much, honey pancakes when he wants a quick pick-me-up, honey cakes for friends and events, etc.
Ibuki's favorite food was venison, I think that's canon, and I'm not gonna do any other shishigumi guy on this list but I think it's important to mention.
Melon's favorite food, if you can call it that, is miracle berry tablets. I don't think he discovered them til after he was in jail but he was gifted some once and he still didn't really taste but things didn't taste different which was mind-blowing enough.
Yahya's favorite is carrots, natch.
Gouhin I think literally only eats bamboo, he'd go fucking insane for meat though if he ever let himself try it.
Gosha, you think I'm gonna say the hot pot for the reasons above, but no his favorite is actually the traditional Rexmas meal, the soup and pie and volcano salad. Same reasons, though, it was one of the big family meals he could have with Toki and any other non-komodo friends, the holidays pulled him from his depression a bit and helps him socialize.
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lastoneout · 1 year
may you please share the onion gravy recipe? I've never tried gravy and that sounded really good!! :0
Okay so I was def Winging It pretty hard-core when I made it cuz which I have a bad habit of doing since I've been cooking for so long I can kinda just do whatever and have it work out, but I can break down more or less what I did! Also I'm terrible at explaining things so I don't know if this will be helpful but I hope it is??
Oh also ingredients people make lists of those okay
one small-medium onion(I think yellow is better but I used white)
like half a stick of butter bcs I'm worse than julia child but you can sub for olive oil or idk bacon grease if you're really feeling it, just some kind of fat so the onions don't stick too much
like two tbs of flour or one or corn starch
I think 16oz of beef broth all together? Might be more or less, I bought the store brand 32oz container and there was around half left
salt and pepper
garlic...or just garlic powder and/or garlic salt
maybe a tiny pinch of brown sugar if you want and/or some other seasonings idk that is up to you onion
So I peeled and chopped up the onion(very badly cuz I suck at that) and threw it in a little sauce pan with some butter and salt and then spent like...ough 45 minutes caramelizing it?? which DOES undermine my point about food being easy but it's not complicated it just takes a while and it's very worth it(and you can also caramelize a lot of onion when you do have time and freeze it for use later) just keep it on low heat and make sure to stir them every few minutes so they don't burn and add more butter or olive oil if they are burning really fast or are sticking too much. You can also add a lil pinch of brown sugar to help the cramelizing but I didn't. Up to you!
Anyway once they were done I added beef broth in like really small amounts like half a cup at a time, made sure to scrape up all the good bits in the pan as I stirred it in, and let it cook down before adding the next one to really Consentrate The Flavor, and after doing that twice I added another like cup or so of beef broth and let it simmer for a while until it looked like more or less the right amount. Then I added seasonings, I think salt, pepper, and garlic salt and maybe a little garlic powder? You don't need much tho so taste it as you go. Also looking back I don't think I used real garlic so idk when you'd add it, probably before the broth when the onions are done, and just stir until it smells good idk.
You can use flour for the next step, just like mix a tablespoon or less in and let it cook and thicken on medium heat and if it's not thick enough you can do it again, but I used corn starch cuz I was out of flour and that was like a tablespoon? And I took some of the broth out and put it in another cup and mixed it with the cornstarch until there weren't lumps and THEN mixed it into the main pot(that's just a corn starch thing tho that stuff is a bitch flour is way easier) and then let it cook a bit like on medium until it was thick.
Then I added a little bit of cream cuz I'm a fancy bitch but milk or half and half works, just watch it cuz that's ofc gonna water it down a little, so you don't need much. (You have more wiggle room with cream cuz it's already thicc, a little less with half and half, and less than that with milk so keep that in mind.)
And that's it! It was really fucking good, kinda like you made french onion soup into gravy?? Idk it was better than the meatloaf that's for sure and it keeps in the fridge for a couple of days so that's good! Hope this was helpful and sorry I'm terrible at explaining things lmao but yeah that was the process!
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mrs-lockley · 3 months
🕊️, 🍯 & 💖 for the ask game
Thank you, nonnie!
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
I'll start off with my makeup routine! I have a particular way I like to do it: after skincare, sunscreen → primer → concealer (usually my under eyes and a little bit around my nose since I'm a little reddish in that area). I let that sit for a minute then move to  → brows, usually a tinted brow gel or sometimes a pencil if I don't feel like using gel  → back to concealer. After it's been sitting, I blend it out with a sponge  → (optional) eyeshadow if I have extra time or feel fancy that day, but I usually keep it light with one color. I'm medium skin-toned so I usually do a light brown or a mauve   → (optional) liquid liner. I've been using Asian-owned or Asian beauty brands like Em Cosmetics or Kiss Me (Heroine Make) for eyeliner because I have smaller eyes, and I need a really fine tip liner (0.1mm) to get a wing. I have oily skin so pencil smudges easily, and the tip is usually too fat for my eyes since I have small eyes. I find liquid works best.  → mascara! Takes me some time because I always get it on my eyelids lol, but that's what q-tips are for to clean up after. I normally do one coat but sometimes I'll do two if I want something extra.  → blush! Even though I'm oily-skinned, I prefer cream blushes because they blend out nicer for me, but I do use a powdered blush on top for extra staying power. Sometimes I'll use my lipsticks as blush too!  → (optional) small highlighter if I'm feeling fancy  → lip liner. I have smaller lips but I stick to nude shades like a mauve or a pinky one  → lip balm/lip gloss. I don't wear lipstick as much as I used to, and I've been really liking tinted lip balms. Or I might use a clear gloss on top. A trick I use to not get my clear gloss stained with my lip liners, I add a bit of it on the back of my hand and then use my finger to tap it on.  → (optional) lipstick/lip tints. If I want more staying power I'll do lipstick, usually a warm terra cotta brown, or a rosy mauve shade. On special occasions I have a vintage warm blood red shade from Besame that I love to use.  → powder, powder, powder! I'm oily-skinned and if I don't powder then everything will be melted off by lunch. Even on days I don't wear makeup, I still powder because I will look like a disco ball by noon. I have tried the dewy K-beauty look and I look like a grease ball, even with powder. I'm stacking on powder as if it's still 2016. → setting spray. I haven't used one in a long time but a friend of mine got me a Nyx setting spray and it really helped keep my makeup on, even with how oily I get. While it's not 100% matte, it doesn't melt my makeup off which I appreciate. In total it takes me anywhere from 10-20 minutes. 10 if I'm doing the basics and getting ready for work, 20 if I have extra time and I take my time, especially doing eyeshadow.
Second- every few days, I like to journal in my bullet journal. I write about 2-3 pages every few days to talk about what I did the past few days so I can remember everything, or even just to write my feelings out. I use my bujo as a personal journal since I'm not in school anymore, but I like decorating it with washi tapes and stickers.
Third - I clean out my junk mail in my email. Most of it is from department stores or other stores that I get weekly newsletters from. Most people delete them right away but I like to skim through them before deleting because sometimes I'll find a coupon or early access sale. Even if I don't get anything, I like to keep them handy just in case before deleting it. I also hate seeing the notifications in my inbox
🍯- describe your favorite smell
Ooh this is a good one! I didn't realize how important smell was until I got COVID for the first time in November and I lost my sense of smell for almost two months (I was still able to taste a little bit). Not to be a ✨California Girl✨ but sea salt- I don't live far from the beach and the smelling the salt from the ocean breeze is comforting to me. I'm not a big beach person because our water is cold since it comes from Alaska, but the smell of it is comforting to me and reminds me of the times when I was a kid that my parents would take my sister and me to have picnics at the beach.
💖- have you ever been in love?
I might have. When I was 15, I had a crush on one of my friends. We were both so young and honestly I see myself as heteromantic, or demisexual. I'm attracted to men but I did feel something for my friend that time that I can't quite explain- it wasn't quite romantic where I wanted to be her gf, but it was deeper than platonic for sure. We fell out of touch a few years ago and I think about her from time to time, and I hope she's doing okay.
There was a guy I dated in college when I was 21. I don't like to talk about him much, but now that I'm 26, I realize there were a lot of things in our relationship that was not okay that I would actively deny because I didn't know how to cope. He was my first relation/situationship, and I'm not even the same age as he was when he met me. I think the best way to describe my relationship with him is the entirety of All Too Well (both 5 and 10 minute version) by Taylor Swift (Red is my comfort album). I was 21 and I did briefly envision a future with him before the heartbreak.
I was talking to one of my high school friends yesterday about it and how I didn't tell anyone my trauma for 2 years, and she said something that struck with me where she said "maybe you didn't say anything for 2 years because you needed to grieve. 2 years isn't long, but 2 years of grief can feel like a lifetime."
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lumpoflilies · 6 months
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getting some croissants and cheetos yesterday! i didn't get the fancy ones, but i got the ones from five days and i want to highlight them for this lumpofcrumbs.
it was my first time religiously trying the brand and i bought the cheese cream and mixed berries for 6,5k/each, but discounted to 11k/2pcs (very affordable!). i didn't expect much, actually. i had tried it once, the mixed berries, but it wasn't too special, as in, it was normal—i'd say, ‘too soft’, for a croissant, even. because croissants are supposed to be flaky and airy, right? it's supposed to be giving that crunch. but trying it for the second time because i wanted something to eat at work (necessarily), worked better for me.
the packaging had something like ‘heat to make it crunchy’, so i didn't expect much again and went with the day. mungkin emang teksturnya terlalu lembut for a croissant, but it's basic-ally good. soft but sort of flaky and still had that comby inside. but it's not something you'd get from tous les jours. it's okay to stuff your stomach with, however. it's an alright snack at work, or anytime. i hadn't had a breakfast but it's pretty filling.
now, the cheese cream, tasted less of cheese, but more of butter—like that anchor butter. disappointed a bit, but again, i didn't expect anything. the mixed berries, tasted like berry jam, and it was better than the cheese cream. i liked it better.
i'd give it a repurchasing rate of 3.5/5, and an overall rate of 3/5. not so satisfying in taste, but i'd repurchase if i wanted something affordable to stuff myself in at work. ☆
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alexin-wonderlust · 1 year
Day Eleven - Tokyo
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17th November 2022
How much Tokyo can we do in 3 days -- LETS GO!
Today is Ikebukuro -- first off, breakfast. We found some cute pastries, but also wanted McDonalds... Surprisingly -- some of the best Maccas Ive had in the longest time. Ben had the "World Cup Burger" and I had a Chicken Teriyaki burger and a strawberry and white chocolate pastry... OMG YUM. So good.
Next up to Sunshine City -- we are going to a Planetarium. There are about 5 (?) planetariums in Tokyo and some of them have cafe's and show movies, and we really just wanted to experience one. They're not super expensive and are a cute way to spend some time. We watched a documentary about space and the Earth -- it was in Japanese but, it had lovely music and amazing visuals. It gave us a chance to relax before our day really kicked off. We went to the Food Hall and looked at the over priced and fancy groceries, grabbed snacks -- of course. I went to the Evangelion Store and spent a small fortune, then NEXT -- to Harajuku.
There was a lot of construction happening along Takeshita Street so we didn't spend long in Harajuku -- but we did get the candied strawberries again (the ones in Arashiyama were better!) and went to Harajuku Zoo -- a petting zoo with small animals like meerkats, ferrets and apparently a capybara (I didn't see him!). They were cute and stinky! They seemed to be looked after well enough, but the monkey there wasn't having a good time. :(
As we were walking back to the station we were looking in the P's First shop (Petshop) and the girl was getting sassy with us for being tourists -- a guy was walking 16 dogs at one time! So cute! SO MANY FLOOFERS!
Apparently I haven't tortured Ben's feet enough today -- so our next stop is Shibuya, and we walked. It's honestly quicker than the train at 6pm, and its a nice walk. On the look out for food always, we walked past some interesting spots to check out later... but we are going to the Nintendo Store before they close.
The Nintendo Store is part of the Shibuya Parco and its on the same level as the Pokemon Centre, as well as some other nerdy shops like Capcom and some Anime brands I don't know. The Animal Crossing merch was my favourite -- I almost cried when I saw you could buy the floor mat, the slippers, hat, shirt, fan... all the Nook branded items from Animal Crossing New Horizons. That game was so much to me during 2020 lockdown and recovery.
There was a huge line to check out, and Ben went and sussed the food options on other floors while I waited in line. We tried a ramen that claimed it was Tonkatsu, but it DEFINITELY had fish in it and it was not good. Even I couldn't stand it. Ah well. One failed meal! Not too bad?
Downstairs there was another area with bars and izakaya type places with some finger foods. We had some olives with bread and an amazing yuzu olive oil and some cocktails. Then we went somewhere else for sake tasting -- then I managed to convince Ben to go to a Drag Bar where there was a Japanese Drag Queen! It was amazing. Back to the hotel and I relised, we still hadn't really eaten much since breakfast... I got Ben to find another ramen restaurant close to us and we managed to find an absolute WINNER. The pickled ginger was crunchy, like nothing I have ever eaten before... the Melon Soda was huge. Bigger than a pint glass -- and the ramen. So good.
Ben was happy!
IG Post: "Day Ten: Ikebukuro, Harajuku, Shibuya
Now, no judgement on the maccas first up. It was actually really good! I love getting McDonald’s in foreign countries.. the menu is always different and it was amazing. I had a Teriyaki Chicken Burger with a white chocolate and strawberry pastry thing… it was AMAZING. 🥰
The rest of the day we snacked… then we were starving and tried to find some food. Ramen? It wasn’t good. I left it out of the photos. So instead we got snacks and got drunk on sake. 🍶
When Ben was still hungry, it was late night ramen adventure and we found a winner. It was so yum!"
"First full day in Tokyo so we are heading to the big ones first. Starting with Ikebukuro to the Planetarium— no photos though. It was a nice, relaxing movie about Earth and how things work. (In Japanese…) but the music was nice and the visuals were awesome.
After, we went shopping, ended up in Harajuku and visited an animal cafe and I got to hang out with a furry noodle and a meerkat, who was very lovely.
The new Pokémon game is coming out tomorrow, so I made the genius decision to go to the Nintendo store today; before it gets mental. The Nintendo store is awesome. I cried… you’ll have to wait for my vlog 😂
After, we tried to find some food… but being that both Ben and I aren’t fish eaters… it gets tricky. The ramen we settled on definitely had some sort of fish in it and we couldn’t finish it. So we just got drunk instead. Found a drag Queen bar and then walked back to Shibuya station to see the crossing and Hachiko. 🐕🥹🙏"
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Bit of a late reply, but (sorry)
Oh it truly sounds like alot of fun to me! I definitely want to do that some day! I can imagine how it hurts the legs though.
Zu!! XD oh dear i can just imagine the sitcom laugh track. Atleast you tried XD what a fun game though.
Thanks zu! I'm really happy with how it turned out!
Yessss best discount. Bought by a man who didn't know they were ladies boots, and then wanted them gone. Never warn, and I love them! They are my babies! I've never been a fan of brands myself, but these are knee high boss boots, Shattered Dream could neverrrr
Those converse where a steal though! I hope they are comfortable.
It's true, it's true and it didn't work. I've seen French frys being dipped in milkshakes for a sweet and salty thing, but this wasn't that. Just so bad, it's hard to discribe.
Yeah, it was so busy, and it's not going to stop there, we have just left quite season, so the hours and the shifts are gonna pick up! Gonna be busy busy busy.
That's good! *hugsss*
Henry is alright, yesterday mum put a pillow on his head, and he didn't shake it of for atlest 2 minutes lol
How's kosker?
How has your days been lately?
It's alright! I'm not really on time either xp
It's worth it all! <3 It's good that there are also indoor skating rinks where you can skate regardless of the weather and season *w*
For real! :'D Fun indeed <3 There was another game as well but for professionals, "dodgeball": you have to ride from one part of the rink to another without getting caught, and that was crazy :'D
BTW congrats on finishing the Dark Cream week preparations!! \(//∇//)\ A whole week early omg, I'm so excited to see your artworks! ☆ Please have a good rest <3
Woahhh these should be grrreat! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) Yep, hope they're comfortable too *^*
Such an experience x) Hopefully you get more nice & sweet desserts after that! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
How's it going with the work now? (゚∀゚) Please get enough rest and good luck to you! ☆ *hugsss*
WOW that's willpillower heheh! ᕦ(òwóˇ)ᕤ Good old grumpy lady's doing good too, is sleeping and purring next to me <3
The week's been really busy yet great! \(//∇//)\ And tasty since it's Maslenitsa (Butter Week) here *w* It was my first time making blini (pancakes) for others aaand I made them pink to impress them! ♪ Can you guess the mysterious ingredient? ;)
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*is waiting patiently for the treat heh <3*
What about you? ♡
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Yep!! Finally a day off :'D I missed you too! (〃ω〃)
Oh no need to rush, take all your time <3 And bone appetit! ;D
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Yesss!! Pretty risky one tho, especially on ice :'D
I'm more than sure you did great╰(*´︶`*)╯☆
Hoo boi— get ready and have a nice & peaceful tone before it! (úwù)
The work's been good, thanks <3 We had a work day yesterday so to rest tomorrow cause International Women's Day is coming! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)✿ So it's been a looong week before the long awaited weekend xp
OH you do celebrate the similar one too! *0* Omg calamari?? XD Guess the main thing here is the taste so if it was good, it's all as planned! ;D
The first attempt has failed xp But then yep! ☆ Thank youuu <3 That international look! :'D
Nooo but this looks so delicious! (*´﹃`*) Was it for some event? How long did it take? *^*
Yesss their meat balls are the best! You're right on time actually — IKEA has stopped working here too! :') They said it's just for three months but man I already miss them,,, Oh boi how did you get lost. XD
A private art event?? So fancy! (//∇//)˚✧₊⁎ I have, and it's so beautiful indeed! They say the body should be perceived as a single canvas but you're oh so right... Lucky you tho! *^*
It's alright! <3 And the things are going good here (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Social networks are blocked here now and many shops are closed but it doesn’t look as scary as they say, life goes on as long as vpn works xd
The only thing is Paypal and Patreon, cause all the money is blocked as well but vpn doesn't help here since it's banks' transfers :') It was the only source of income for many Russian artists... hopefully everything settles down and gets better for them ♡
Awww thanks a lot!ヾ(≧∪≦*)ノ〃 It's Oil Marker (Square), you can try it too! *^* I didn't expect it to be much simpler and to look much cooler (*゚∀゚*)
Sticky & tricky ;D Thank you <3 Was Killer's signature tank top the one to blame? ;) Cross was the most fun to draw, while Dream is the one I've been thinking a lot... he def has skeletons in his closet (゚ω゚)
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It's so cool when every day is a little weekend (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Thank youuu╰(*´︶`*)╯
At least you tried something new! ☆ Gotta try as well sometime for surrre *^* Oh just an hour! That's not too much (*゚∀゚*)
Lemon?? (°▽°) That's something interesting to try! Cause here, we mostly have everything else on them like cheese & ham, potatoes & mushrooms, fish / chicken, caviar, jam or nutella... Yummy *w*
Pfff cruel! XD
Awww their ice cream (*´﹃`*) And hotdogs!! Gotta try it as soon as they're opened again >:3
Oh wow! *0* Heheh, still such a cool experience! ☆
Thank youuu (ówò) Politics, politics :')
*hugsss* Hope so <3
Ouff I feel you! My first update was like "wait I want my things back!! :'D" but now I don't even remember the changes, so used to it <3
All thanks to Lyra for the niccce idea ;)
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ch1giri · 3 years
What would the Blue lock boys wear
Characters: Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Chigiri Hyoma, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro, Reo Mikage, Niko Ikki, Rin Itoshi, Hiori Yo, Kenyu Yukimiya
Note: I don't know why this took me so long? Like bad shitty boards were made, tears were shed. But I finally did it and I hope you will like it!
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Isagi Yoichi
• Okay I feel like he doesn't care about fashion. He would most likely wear any graphic tee and some jeans.
• When it gets cold he prefers to wear oversized sweaters, he just feels super comfortable in them
• He likes to wear muted colors, especially blue although I think that dark olive green would suit him so good
• And yes, he will let you steal his clothes because he thinks you look way better in them
• He is way more into sneakers, like I said he doesn't know that much about fashion. But he doesn't mess around when it comes to sneakers. Since his taste is so basic. Isagi really appreciates when you buy him some clothes because he really likes your taste.
Bachira Meguru
• Bachira's mother sews his clothes, she started doing it when he was young and just didn't stop
• He loves wearing baggy pants, you know those jeans that look like you took a bunch of different jean fabric and just sew everything together to make one pair of jeans? Yeah, those look so good on him
• Color block tees look great on him, he can play with colors so well because he doesn't care that much about his clothing, if his mother is happy so is he.
• If you like to sew he would definitely ask you to make him something. And when you do he wouldn't want to take it off.  Also, please, please make him a bucket hat or a froggy hat, it would look so cute on him
Chigir Hyoma
• Chigiri's sister helped him develop his fashion sense. His outfits look effortlessly good, but that just comes with his confidence.
• He likes wearing turtlenecks and long coats, he sticks to warm colors and mixes them with black checkered pants would look good on him too.
• Chigiri trusts your judgment and lets you pick out some stuff for him, and if you want he can return the favor
• Hear me out folks wouldn't Chigiru look stunning with rings? Like just imagine he probably has the prettiest hands and when he puts on his rings? Game over
Kunigami Rensuke
• This one is a given, but it needs to be said. Kunigami would wear athletic clothing. And you can't complain because it looks so good on him. He prefers Adidas over Nike or any other sports brand for that matter
• You could always ask to pick out an outfit for him and he would humor your request
• But since we know Kunigami likes to play fair, you have to let him choose an outfit for you. There is no reason to doubt him! Kunigami has an older sister so that must mean he will do a good job! Right?
• Well kinda, he tried his best but he mixed two patterns that DO NOT go well together, you still wear it though because you love him.
Nagi Seishiro
• Would look effortlessly good in anything pt.2 expect he actually doesn't put in any effort, like at all. Nagi just shoves his hands in his closet and what comes out is his outfit for the day.
• But they always manage to look good? Probably because everything in his closet is either white, black or grey.
•  Although he does have this one baby blue tee that you bought him and that's the only piece of clothing he genuinely likes or tries to make an actual outfit out of. He can be soft like that
• When you ask him if something looks good on you he would always say: "You could wear a trash bag and I would still think you are the most beautiful person ever, legit."
Reo Mikage
• Ever since he was a child he was taught that clothes make a man. It was super important that people know he comes from a well of family
• He never grew out of that habit, Reo always looks sharp and overdressed. Standing next to him makes you feel super awkward sometimes
• But not to worry, he makes sure that your closet is full of fancy clothing in case you to go out to some overpriced restaurant
• I feel like he owns a lot of suits, he is really trying to broaden his horizons by wearing streetwear. And when I say streetwear I mean Supreme or something along those lines.
Niko Ikki
• E boy alert! No but really, he used to dress like this way before it became a thing. He likes layering his shirts, and letting his socks be seen a bit
• Buy him happy socks and you can watch him internally struggle on what to do. Like he loves you and wants to wear them, but Jesus, why did they have to be bright yellow that's gonna destroy his whole look.
• In the end he will wear them just not that often
• Niko has a lot of chains! He hooks them to his jeans and sometimes he wears them around his neck. You can always take him shopping with you and trust his amazing eyes to help you pick out the perfect items
Rin Itoshi
• Exclusively wears black and white. Acts like any other color is poisonous, the white he has in his outfits is just in the details
• Like Chigiri, Rin looks amazing in checkered pants, and his closet is full of turtlenecks, black office shirts and polo shirts.
• He enjoys wearing long coats. This dude always looks like a model and you feel like one next to him. Rin always wears a watch that you bought him for one of his birthdays, he sees it as a good luck charm although he would never tell you that.
• Buy his something red, please! It can be something with just red details, so he can get used to some color, but red would look absolutely amazing on him!
Hiori Yo
• Hiori has a collection of overalls and baggy sweaters. He dresses like those soft boys you see on Pinterest.
• I feel like yellow and purple suit him really well, he doesn't wear that much black and leans more towards softer colors.
• However, that doesn't mean he wouldn't look breathtaking in something that is viewed more as masculine like a suit.
• You guys are the perfect couple! If you have a darker aesthetic, you two are the perfect picture of opposites attract. If you happen to have the same soft aesthetic as him, you guys would be the cutest couple ever like you could easily become internet famous.
Kenyu Yukimiya
• You can't convince me that he doesn't dress like a kpop idol. He was stopped multiple times by some random teenagers asking him what group was he in.
• And you can't hide the little ping of jealousy everytime that happens. Like you know your boyfriend is attractive. So can they stop asking him to shake their hand
• One girl asked you to take a picture of her and Kenyu, and you just had to do it with a smile, the minute you gave her the phone back tho you kissed Kenyu in front of her. Don't worry he thought it was cute
• Kenyu loves it when you wear his sweaters, he showers you in compliments all the time. But when you happen to wear his sweater the compliments double
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onetuffbunny · 2 years
valentine's day is coming up the bend, here before you'll know it, and it's a bit of a weird one for me because here i sit all neglected and alone with nary a man to hit me up on certain mobile phone applications but you know what, i'm kind of fine with being single right now. there comes a time in every man's (and probably many other assorted genders but i can only speak for the one i identify with but like, i want to make it clear that my gender identity isn't Man, it's Man But In An Ironic Sort of Way) life where he has to dig deep into the recesses of his heart and really contemplate what he wants out of life, the universe, and everything, and that everything includes adventures of the romantical sense. maybe i need to reconsider my chronic need for validation from other people. maybe i need to really reexamine what i want out of my life and by extension, the people i allow into it. maybe more than anything else, i have shit taste in men and need to stop making googly eyes at every fella who looks at me for a half-second at the clubs, which i probably also should stop going to but i'm probably not going to do that because i am building my brand.
anyway, waaaaaaaaaaay more importantly than that, it's a weird as fuck one because i can no longer properly enjoy those big boxes of assorted chocolates they have at the grocery store because i love those. like, we are not talking about the good shit here, i am not talking about gourmet truffles important from france or whatever, i'm talking about those giant boxes the size of your head of generic milk chocolates that go on sale for about $5 the next day. love those. the shittier the better. also like those real shitty cordial cherries they keep in stock mostly for when you feel like you should give a present but you don't know the person that well so you just give them cordial cherries because idk it seems fancy or something but they're not actually fancy. they're garbage. i can eat those all day long.
except i can't taste so good anymore. so it's a bummer. because it's just not the same, man. it's not that i have a complete lack of my sense of taste but it's enough that i'm just like "well this is a mediocre culinary experience, almost makes me want to not eat solid food anymore." i think all in all, i adjusted to the blood diet pretty well once i figured that shit out, like it's pretty alright, blood tastes like tasty instead of what i thought it'd be like, but i still like eating ice cream and realistically speaking, you are not going to stop me from doing that, you're just not doing that, i don't care if this has like no nutritional value for me anymore, i want my fucking ice cream cone and i'm not going to let some guy named John take ice cream cones away from me, so if you're reading this John, text me back.
anyway, valentine's day is a good day for profits for me, so i'm going to be pretty busy regardless, but i'm a little bummed out about the chocolate situation. it's probably for the best though because too much sugar isn't good for your teeth. i am going to put up some decorations though, make it real festive, put up some hearts and streamers or something. i'm going to bust out the pink wig. i thought about putting some pink in my hair, bust out the koolaid like i'm 16 again, but then i remembered that my body is an illusion to make me more palatable in the eyes of others who get afeared of the likes of me ambling about in the middle of the night and i don't think my glamour works like that on account of it basically looking nothing like the flesh body housing my spirit. i tried snipping a bit at my flesh-body-mane to see if it'd make any difference in my illusion-body-hair but it didn't and then i didn't want to fuck around with it any further.
all in all, life could be better sure but it could be a hell of a lot worse. i had a few valentine's days where i couldn't even buy a chocolate assortment at all. sucks, man. it sucks most deeply. but hey, that's the way of it, you know, sometimes you have to not buy chocolate so you can buy other things, that's how it is and you have to take the chocolate days and the no-sugar days in stride. so that's it. being alone isn't a bad thing. i'll just drink some cocoa and watch some anime because i have superb fucking taste in fictional men.
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deafchild2000 · 3 years
H2O Headcanon #23:
Gracie Made All Of Annette's Dresses
A Word from our sponsor: All dresses can be linked to this IG Page:
Alright, let's get started!
So, I had been thinking about this for a while and I was like: Why not have Gracie learn sewing? Considering she's lived through the 60s, 70s, 80s, and early 90s, it wouldn't be ridiculous thing to pick up maybe a lesser known talent. So, I got to thinking of narratives:
Gracie is a mostly forward person, but even as she grew up, she had a divided taste in fashion, especially in the 80s. On one hand, she loved the vibrant neon colors and fabric that came with the new decade, but sometimes the mother in her turned her head from the more newer designs. Gracie guessed the girl from the 50s inside her preferred more classic and somewhat conservative looks to what else was being worn nowadays [80s]. Just don't get her started on two-piece bikinis! (It was one thing having the top part as a mermaid, where there was nothing to show from the waist below, but the bottom part was something she still needed getting used to.)
But that didn't mean she didn't enjoy new ideas! Working in a restaurant as a manager paid the bills but she enjoyed working on her artwork most of all (tied with spending time with her daughter, Annette.)
However, she wasn't blind. Her daughter was entering her teen years and for the curly, blonde hair she inherited from her father, Annette - to the dimples, high cheekbones, and rose cheeks - got all the beauty from Gracie, which made both of them head-turners, unfortunately.
However, unlike her mother's reservations, Annette was immersed in the 80s trends of big hair, scrunchies, leg warmers, fingerless gloves, leotards , oversized shirts, plastic bangles, large funky earrings in neon shades, mesh accents, fanny packs and pearl necklaces (probably the only thing in regards to accessory Gracie appreciated!)
Gracie HATED it all! The 80s was very materialistic and all about flaunting wealth and who payed the price for all these fancy and designer clothes!? Where did the pearls come from? How much labor went into sewing a shopping out clothes to stores? What about the work laborers and the excessive need to mass-produce at fast rates? What happened to quality over quantity!?
(Annette got these lectures every time she asked for something out of a catalog and just beared with it.)
In some ways, it was lucky enough that Gracie preferred handcrafted quality items, with the occasional vintage jewelry found in second-rate stores and market stalls. She enjoyed the classics, but there was something divine in wearing something handmade. Back when her husband was alive and she lived on the military base with him, she had told this to a friend and fellow army wife one day, who reckoned her an "Old Soul" and suggested she take up sewing if she disliked name-brand clothes so much. At the time, she never considered it, but it wasn't a foreign concept. She grew up in a well-to-do family and her mother always made her dresses for special occasions. From her evening gowns to her school formal, perhaps there was something to it that she could do for her future child. Alas, it wasn't easy, but she had her mother and local wives to help with her exciting projects! Even once she left, she never really stopped making dresses.
If anything, she found it challenging to make dresses to prove to Annette that homemade was better than store brand! And especially bring the 50s to the 80s!
The Debutante Dress (Age 16- 1981)
Ah, the debutante ball. A girl's coming out to society and the elegance of being accepted as a lady - and there was just something about that flowing white, silk dress that Gracie just loved! When she had the first opportunity to be a part of one, it was for charity and her mother convinced her. To be frank, the etiquette lessons were a bore and the only real excitement was the dance lessons. Looking back, those lessons did pay off whenever she had to attend functions with her husband. She and Julia had been selected and their escorts had been Max and Karl (perhaps that was the only reason Julia took fancy to the entire event.) It had been held at the Cloudland Ballroom and been an invigorating event! She danced all night in the gown her mother made for her and she felt like the wind gliding through the air.
So perhaps it was destined that the very ballroom (unaware of its drastic fate) would be danced upon by Gracie's daughter, the very floor where she once danced with her first love and later met and fell in love with her future husband! Annette however wasn't taking being a debutante so well and fought every minute of it. It took time to get her stubborn daughter to get used to the idea and perhaps her hand-sewn dress also helped:
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(The pearls were once Gracie's...and she realized she had turned into her mother!)
Halloween Costume
This one caused a fight between mother and daughter. See, while Annette wasn't going all-out Disney, she requested a princess dress that would make her stand out. And Gracie did just that, only it mirrored something more traditional with a red cloak when what Annette wanted was something more glamorous. The fight wasn't bad (compared to the ones they'd have in the future) but it did leave Gracie a bit heartbroken and the girls in separate rooms. Eventually, Annette came around and apologized, saying she'll still wear it. (Which she wouldn't regret seeing as a lot of people enjoyed a more realistic take of medieval fantasies!)
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First Date
Annette had her first date! Gracie knew that he was taking her out on a beach date (Sugtons Beach) and wanted to express just that. Turns out her date was the one who was commented Annette on her Halloween costume! Annette had nothing to wear and consulted with Gracie again, this time asking if she owned anything and could modernize it. Well...Gracie did have something, but though she herself thought it could have been done better, Annette loved it! [10 points to whoever recognizes such a design from H2O!]
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Year 11 Formal (age 17 - 1982)
The formal was the first dance Annette had gone without a date and was just going with her girlfriends. She turned out to like her mother's sewing skills and told her she didn't want anything too fancy to go in. However, she begged her to make it something 80s-like! But alas, Gracie could only grant that request so much before she had her artbook in one hand and needle & thread in another! [With a reference to a dress Tiffany Lamb (Annette) to rein the 80s!)
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Wedding Guest
Annette and Gracie had been invited to a wedding! Well, it was more of a vow renewal, as the couple were old friends of parents back when they lived on the base and had a bit of a nostalgic touch! Considering Gracie was a bit of the same way, she found an old dress she owned when she was 16 and spruced it up a bit for Annette.
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Dance Party Dress
After so much time and begging, this would be the ONLY dress Annette got from her that even resembled the 80s glitz and glam they once fought over. To be fair, the glitz existed in the 60s but she wasn't a fan of them. However, Annette was over the moon once she saw this:
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Yearbook Photos
Annette may have been getting only a headshot for her school yearbook photos, but Gracie wanted to make memories. With the help of a friend, she and Annette took pictures all over Brisbane to add to the photo album. And once again that pesky beauty the mother and daughter shared cropped up when someone thought it was a genuine photo shoot and tried to recruit Annette into modeling! Gracie herself was a model in her teens and while she can say she had a good experience, there was a reason she never joined the industry full time! Luckily for her, Annette was more into becoming an inspiring chef than photos.
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Year 12 Formal (age 18 - 1983)
At this point, Gracie had decided to take her daughter's advice and try to at least incorporate modern 80s with the classic 50s, and at the right time. Unlike the last formal, this time, Annette had a date, Gracie decided to do something to reflect the occasion. It also hit her how much she changed herself at 17 (most, she would never bring herself to tell Annette) and found herself designing a dress that brought back an old memory.
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Gracie's 50th Birthday (age 25 - 1990)
There must have been a hint of irony in the world as for as Gracie knew. For weeks, her daughter had been quite secretive and she couldn't guess why. And when she questioned her son-in-law, he had the nerve to be cheeky and not confide in her daughter's secrets (but then again, that's how she knew he was the one for Annette!). However, during that time, she had asked once more for a dress. At the time, it had been year's and the last thing she made was the veil and reception dress for her daughter's wedding (the wedding dress she wore ended up being the one from the Debutante ball.) However, that night of her 50th birthday, Annette presented her a gift: A seafoam blue dress with pearls that she recognized as being something out of the 80s (irony Is that she liked the dresses when the 90s hit!) Annette has made it - with help, as she didn't inherit the skill from her mother and grandmother. She, Annette, and her son-in-law went out to what she thought was some fancy dinner...when it was revealed to be a small dance hall with the theme: Cloudland. Everyone they knew from friends (old and new) to coworkers, and even strangers she befriended who kept in touch, attended the party. She did raise an eyebrow at Annette being fit for the 50s while she was in the 80s...at least until an old song started playing and Annette asked her to dance...dance to the very song she fell in love with her father to. And then, she told her the most surprising news: She was to be a grandmother.
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white-rose-week · 5 years
White Rose Week 2019: That Day on the Airship - Epilogue
Free Day
Self-Given Prompt: Callbacks to Prior Prompts
(Also available on FF and AO3)
Ruby's head popped off of her pillow.
She jumped out of the large, half-empty bed and began preparing for the day with an even wider smile than usual. As she put on her newest combat skirt, she looked at the now entirely empty bed fondly, giggling mirthfully at how tidy Weiss' side was compared to her own. After checking her pockets to ensure she had her scroll and everything else she needed for the day, she exited the room, closing the door behind herself.
Weiss was already downstairs eating breakfast and sending emails.
"I informed the board of directors weeks ago that I would be out today! I even sent them reminders yesterday. Can't they survive twenty four hours without me?!" Weiss mumbled with frustration as she sent off yet another memo to people she would be having stern conversations with tomorrow. Her hostile buyout of the Schnee Dust Company a few months after the defeat of Salem had proven quite simple after a scathing exposé came out detailing numerous labor and ethics violations that the company had committed in the past several years, along with thorough documentation of her father's knowledge and active approval of the violations. An exposé that Weiss most certainly not responsible for compiling and leaking, or at least, that's what she told media outlets that inquired about it. Regardless of who the (obviously noble, talented, and beautiful) person behind it was, it obliterated her father's reputation and sent the company into disarray. From there, leveraging the personal assets she had along with the notoriety from her involvement in the war against Salem, convincing the board of directors to accept her buyout was child's play.
Weiss smirked to herself. Even though running the company was a significant time commitment and she still had some problematic individuals to weed out, it was worth it. The only thing that she held as a higher priority in her life was—
"Good morning!" A singsong voice called out, and Ruby skipped into the kitchen, shattering any SDC-related thoughts from Weiss' mind.
"Good morning, Ruby." Weiss responded, her prior tension melting away as she closed her laptop and stood so she could give Ruby a gentle hug and kiss on the lips. "I'll prepare your coffee." She said, taking her seat again and reaching for the pitcher in the middle of the table.
"Only after I'm done refilling yours!" Ruby said defiantly as she quickly sat down and snatched the pitcher before Weiss could get to it. She gave Weiss a toothy grin as she topped off the white mug on the other side of the table. She was never content with letting Weiss dote on her unless she was able to able to return the favor.
"Very well." Weiss said playfully as she took the pitcher and proceeded to fill the empty red mug across from her, adding in cream and five sugars before nudging it with one finger toward Ruby.
"Thanks Weiss! It always tastes better when you pour it." Ruby said with a grin as she picked up her mug and held it outward. "Cheers! To our girlfriend-iversary!"
"Cheers. To us." Weiss clinked her mug against Ruby's and they both took their first sips, enjoying a quiet moment to stare at each other.
"So, you're sure Nora can run your shop for the day without accidentally setting off one of the hundreds of weapons on display?" She asked, only half joking as she broke the silence.
"Oh come on, she's not THAT much of a loose cannon anymore." Ruby waved Weiss off casually. "Plus, Ren is there with her. I'm sure they'll be fine."
"If you say so. I just don't want our day together to be interrupted by Ren calling you with the news that your shop has a giant hole in the wall."
"Relax, Weiss. We have too much planned today for you to waste time worrying about that type of thing anyways. And if you want to check the place for damage yourself, we can switch places tomorrow. You'll run the shop for the day, and I'll run the SDC and all your fancy-schmancy meetings!"
"As amusing as it is to imagine the department managers trying to keep up with your energy, I think we both remember the last time you tried to act like me, and I think they're a bit too stuffy to appreciate your brand of leadership."
"I think that means you need new department managers!"
"To be honest, I've been thinking the same thing. I'll probably be looking for at least a few new ones starting tomorrow. Would you be interested in running a leadership workshop for all the department managers once I've finished the hiring a few new ones?"
"I'd be happy to, but my fee is ten kisses per hour and must be paid out directly by the CEO."
"Your terms are steep, but acceptable. My people will call your people. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important appointment downtown." Weiss gave Ruby a playful wink as she stood and walked toward the kitchen. She placed her empty mug in the sink and gave her combat skirt's pocket a quick pat with her free hand, checking that she had her wallet and other essentials.
"I must be going as well." Ruby called out. "I've got a date with a pretty girl!" She chugged the last of her sweet drink before running over to Weiss. "Hi there, pretty girl!" She said cutely.
The couple giggled at each other as they exited their penthouse apartment and walked into a well-decorated hallway. A short elevator ride later, they were on the sidewalk of Vale's main street. The city had been rebuilt following the defeat of Salem at the hands of Team RWBY and their allies. While the general public was aware that Team RWBY had a hand in helping finally rid Remnant of Salem, they were far from the only huntresses who fought in the war, and they had kept the extent of their personal hardships to themselves. As a result, they held the comfortable status of hometown heroes and respected huntresses, but not the weight of superstar celebrities, meaning they were able to make their way down the sidewalk with their arms linked, enjoying the crisp morning air without being hassled.
As they walked, Weiss glanced over at Ruby, taking in her profile. Even from the side, her silver eyes sparkled with life and light. She got an even better view of them as Ruby turned to her. She could almost feel the power of the silver orbs staring into her blue ones. Or perhaps that was just the sensation of butterflies in her chest. She didn't really mind either way.
"I still can't believe you got us VIP invites to the grand opening of the new bakery in town!" Ruby said as she gave Weiss' arm an excited shake. "It's right next to my shop, so I've been watching the construction for the past few months. I some state-of-the-art ovens getting carried in, and they got a shipment of comfy-looking furniture just last week. I can't wait to see what it looks like now that it's finished!"
"I'm excited for you to see it as well. I have a feeling you'll really like it." Weiss said as they turned a corner.
"I'm sure I will, I've never been to a bakery that I didn't—" Ruby stopped walking and gasped loudly.
They had arrived.
A hundred feet away, their destination was nestled between their favorite combat skirt boutique, Dressed to Kill, and Ruby's weapon shop, which she'd affectionately named It's Also a Gun. The bakery's large glass windows had been covered with sheets of brown paper throughout the construction process, preventing Ruby from peeking inside, despite her best efforts. The paper was now gone, but she wasn't able to see most of the interior decoration due to the number of people that were already in the building.
Above the entrance was a sign that hadn't been there the day before. On each side was a large, ornate flower. Filigree trimming extended from the base of each bloom, resembling intertwined roots, forming the bottom of the sign's frame. The establishment's name was proudly displayed between the flowers in swooping cursive font.
White Rose Bakery & Cafe
"Wh-what? Is this…? Did you…? But, how…?" Ruby whispered breathlessly, her eyes still fixated on the sign.
"With great deal of time and planning, but I can already tell it was worth it." Weiss responded quietly.
"Didn't I make you promise to not buy me a bakery?" Ruby put her hands on her hips with a sassy, but not quite upset tone as she turned to her girlfriend.
Weiss grinned triumphantly. "You made me promise that I wouldn't buy you a bakery as a thank you gift. I made no promises about not buying a bakery because I know it would make the girl I love happy and because I think it would be a good investment anyway."
"I should have known you'd use a technicality like that." Ruby wrapped her arms around Weiss. "I love you."
"I love you too." Weiss said quietly she leaned in and gave Ruby a quick kiss.
"But you don't know the first thing about starting or running a bakery! And I know you couldn't have overseen this while running the SDC. Who helped you?"
Weiss tilted her head and grinned. "In a way, you did."
"I think I'd remember helping you with something like this!" Ruby said, gesturing grandly at the building.
"Well, you helped me pick the people who helped me. Although you didn't really know you were helping pick them." Weiss twirled some of her long hair around her index finger as she smiled blissfully at Ruby, taking in her girlfriend's reaction. "Do you remember that taste testing I took you to at the SDC headquarters about a year ago?"
"How could I forget?!" Ruby said enthusiastically. "We spent an entire Saturday tasting cookies, cakes... pastries and… coffee…" Her eyes widened a bit as she began to piece things together. "But you said I was helping decide who would get a catering contract with the SDC!"
"That much was true, and they've already catered several events for the company. I just left out the fact that the chefs that day were also competing for something else." Weiss' smile became mischievous. "The opportunity to design and run a new bakery in downtown Vale."
"Does that mean the chefs who baked the chocolate chip cookie that made me cry because it tasted so good…?"
"Are inside, probably putting a fresh batch in the display case."
"You're incredible." Ruby held Weiss tightly. "Just how long have you been planning this?" She asked with cheerful curiosity.
"Ever since that day on the airship. I knew we'd have to finish the whole 'save the world' thing before I could put my plan into motion, but that just meant I had a lot of time to think through the details." Weiss responded lovingly and slid her hands around Ruby's waist. "Shall we go inside?"
"We shall, but not yet!" Ruby said as she pulled out her scroll. "This is totally a 'home screen' moment!"
The two of them had continuously updated their home screens whenever they did something particularly fun or special together, with the most recent picture being from their visit to Blake and Yang's house in Menagerie. They snapped a quick photo and changed the settings on their scrolls before linking arms again and walking past the red and white balloons next to the front door.
When they entered, they were greeted by the scent of confectioner's sugar and the gentle sound of upbeat music. To their left, a small line led to a pair of cash registers that were attached to fully stocked display cases and a bar that extended the length of the wall. Lively girls wearing pink aprons were taking orders, grabbing pastries, and making coffee. Lacquered wood tables and cushioned chairs took up roughly two-thirds of the dining area. Couches and large coffee tables filled the remaining space, creating a communal lounge area.
As Ruby and Weiss approached the display cases, a woman approximately the same age as them walked out of a door behind the bar. The tall brunette had pale skin, purple eyes, and was wearing a chef's hat. When Weiss waved at her, the woman's expression lit up and she quickly poked her head back into the kitchen. A moment later, another woman with fair skin, light brown eyes, and wavy blonde hair appeared. The two held hands as they walked out from behind the counter.
"Weiss! Ruby! It's so good to see you!" The purple-eyed woman said warmly.
"Hi!" Ruby said, looking both excited and slightly embarrassed. "I'm really, really sorry, but I can't remember your names." She admitted.
The other chef smiled and waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't worry, I don't think we even properly introduced ourselves at the tasting last year. I'm Madeleine, and this is my wife, Claire!"
"It's nice to meet you both again. This place is amazing." Ruby said, still in awe of her surroundings.
"The pleasure is all ours." Claire said, giving Madeleine's hand a squeeze. "We're so happy that we can finally share our cooking with the rest of Vale."
"Not to mention finally sharing the name of the place! Miss Snow-Angel-Investor over here really didn't want you finding out about her little scheme." Madeleine smirked and nodded in Weiss' direction. "We had to sign some intense nondisclosure agreements!"
Ruby rolled her eyes and nudged her girlfriend. "Sorry about that. Business Weiss can be kind of scary sometimes."
"Only when it's important business." Weiss blushed as she leaned slightly into Ruby before turning to the couple "And you both did a wonderful job with the preparations. I'm sure this place will be a complete success." She looked at them with sincere confidence.
"That means a lot to us." Claire said, her gaze drifting toward the brown eyes beside her. "We hope to be running it for a very long time."
"And we should probably get back to running it, but let me show you to your table first." Madeleine gestured for Ruby and Weiss to follow her as Claire returned to the front counter.
They made their way to the back wall, where a single unoccupied table was waiting with a small sign that said 'Reserved' in the same cursive font as the bakery's logo.
"Here you are." Madeleine said, plucking the sign from the table just as Claire reappeared with two large cookies held in parchment paper.
"And these are for you. If you want anything else, just let us know!" She handed the warm treats over before glancing lovingly at Madeleine. "Come on, sweetie."
"Right behind you, sugar." The other chef responded. The pair waved goodbye to Ruby and Weiss as they departed.
Ruby waved back at them until they weren't looking at her anymore. "This is all so perfect." Ruby mused as they took their seats. "The food, the atmosphere, the location, and the chefs are a couple too. What are the odds?"
"One hundred percent." Weiss responded with a simple shrug.
"Hmm?" Ruby raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she took a large bite of her cookie.
Weiss smiled adoringly as she used her thumb to wipe a stray crumb from the corner of Ruby's mouth. "You must have been too blinded by all the food at the tasting to notice that the chefs who served us were always in pairs. And were all women." She smiled lightheartedly. "I wanted this bakery to represent us in every way possible, so I did my research when selecting candidates for the tasting. All of the chefs that day were couples, so the odds of you selecting a couple to run the bakery was one hundred percent."
Ruby gulped down the mouthful of cookie. "You really did think of everything, didn't you?" She whispered happily.
"I certainly tried to. No amount of effort is too much if it's for you, Ruby." Weiss said lovingly. Under the table, she quietly slid her right hand into the pocket of her combat skirt.
Ruby blushed and took another large bite of her cookie. As she chewed, she became aware of the music playing in the bakery again.
~~~I won't need any dreams, it's all there if you're by my side~~~
A small shiver of tension went through her body. At some point, the bakery's cheerful playlist had arrived at a familiar tune and gotten all the way to its bridge without her realizing it. She and Weiss had managed to listen to the song a number of times over the past several years. In the weeks leading up to their final battle with Salem, they had made it a personal goal to listen to the piece in its entirety. A goal they accomplished.
However, that didn't mean their goal had been to make it through without crying. They knew they song would be an emotional one for them, but they sought to change it from a specter that haunted them into a memorial of sorts. But, every time they had listened to it, they did so intentionally. They had never encountered it by accident before, much less in public.
~~~Every moment's enough, and you take me to paradise~~~
Weiss noticed Ruby's expression and the song almost simultaneously. "Oh my gosh." She whispered frantically, her face going even paler than usual as she jumped out of her seat. "I swear I didn't tell them to play this. Stay here, I'll have them change it immediately." He combat skirt flared as she turned toward the bar.
~~~When I needed a hero, you knew it, and you were there~~~
Ruby's voice was steady as she grabbed Weiss' wrist, intercepting her before she could take her first step. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'd… like to listen to it with you."
~~~And I'm scared, but I'll open my heart up, I'm ready to dare~~~
Weiss look at Ruby with astonishment. "Are you sure?"
"I am."
~~~I know I've never felt like this before~~~
"Alright." Weiss pulled her arm gently, sliding her wrist through Ruby's fingers until their hands met. "I'm here for you."
~~~I never really knew what love was for~~~
"I know you are." Ruby whispered as Weiss took her seat again.
~~~I dreamed, but never did believe~~~
They then did something they had never done before.
"But baby, it's time to make up your mind."
Their singing was barely above a whisper, only loud enough the two of them to hear amongst the bustling chatter of the other customers.
"I think that tonight is when our stars align."
They saw tears in each other's eyes, but the tears were happy. Triumphant.
"Honey, it's now we leave the doubt behind."
They moved their free hands together, interlocking both pairs over the small table.
"Take my hand, cause you and I are gonna light the sky up till it's dawn, and baby, you and I are gonna shine."
Ruby and Weiss continued holding hands as the song faded, finally separating them so they could dry their eyes and finish their cookies.
"Thanks, Weiss." Ruby said before sighing cathartically. "This place is amazing, but I could really use some fresh air right now. Can we go for a walk?"
"Fresh air sounds wonderful." Weiss nodded in agreement as she stood and offered Ruby her hand once more.
The two waved to Claire and Madeleine as the left the bakery and took another moment to look at the sign outside of it before starting to walk around the city.
Their conversation didn't have any particular direction, nor did their feet. They simply enjoyed the sunny morning and each other's company.
"My feet are beginning to hurt." Weiss commented after they had been walking for nearly an hour. "Let's find a place to sit for a while."
"Yeah, my feet are starting to get tired as well." Ruby glanced around, approximating their location. "Oh! I know where we can go!" She scooped Weiss off her feet with a broad grin. "Ready?"
Weiss clutched Ruby's sleeves as she braced herself for what she knew was about to happen. "Ready."
A moment later, the world was a blur around her. A few moments after that, the world came back into focus, and she knew exactly where they were. She didn't even need to look down to know that she was being lowered onto a seat.
They were in a large, circular courtyard, sitting in one of the sturdy wooden benches that lined the perimeter of the otherwise open space. Gray slate covered the ground beneath them, as well as the walkways extending from opposite sides of the circle. One path went back to the city, and the other extended toward a collection of castle-like buildings, several of which were obviously newer than others. An insignia with two crossed axes emblazoned the center of the area.
"It's been a while since we've come here." Weiss said nostalgically.
They were in the front courtyard of Beacon Academy.
The courtyard was lively, but not overcrowded with students and visitors. A few people had briefly glanced in their direction due to the sudden burst of petals that heralded their arrival, but they were content to continue about their business.
"Yeah, it has. We were standing just over there when I fell into your luggage and then exploded." Ruby giggled quietly. "After that, I thought you'd never be my friend, much less my girlfriend." Ruby's words had a gentle, sincere happiness to them.
"If I'd had my way, you'd have taken that pamphlet on dust safety from me at the entrance ceremony later that day and never spoken to me again. Thank goodness things didn't go as I'd planned." Weiss scooted closer to Ruby and pressed the sides of their arms together.
"Most things haven't gone as planned for us over the years, have they?"
"I suppose they haven't. But somehow we wound up here, together."
"We have. And being with you is all that I need."
"I couldn't agree more."
They leaned into each other, sharing a quiet moment, which was interrupted by Ruby sighing wistfully.
"Weiss, I love you." Ruby sounded unusually serious. There was no hint of uncertainty in her declaration, which had been made many times before, but there was an unusual amount of weight behind her words.
"I love you too, Ruby." Weiss responded with a comforting tone, as she gently touched Ruby's arm. "So very much. In fact, I've been wanting to have a conversation with you about just how much I love you."
"You… you have?" Ruby looked at Weiss carefully. "What type of conversation?"
A slight blush reached Weiss' face. "Well, um… you see, it's about our… what did you call it… mutually consented trial period of courtship?"
Ruby looked stunned for a moment. "Wait! That's what I want to discuss too! You don't mean…" She paused with her mouth half open as she pointed a trembling finger at Weiss.
Weiss leaned back slightly. "H-huh? Wait, Ruby, you couldn't possibly…" The gears in her head spun, landing on the only logical explanation. "Hold on!" She scrambled around, her hand rummaging into her combat skirt's pocket.
Ruby began floundering about, realizing what was happening. "No! Wait! I… I want to say it!" Her hand flew into her own pocket and grasped around for the item she'd double checked was with her before leaving their apartment earlier that morning.
They became still as they found what they were looking for, hands still hidden from sight. They stared at each other, looking equally frantic and exhilarated.
"But Ruby, I want to be the one to—"
"No way, I've waited way too long to not ask you myself!"
"I've wanted to ask you for ages though! I—Fine! We'll ask at the same time!"
They mirrored each other's movements, swiftly pulling small boxes out of their pockets, opening them with outstretched arms, and speaking simultaneously.
"Weiss, will you—"
"Ruby, will you—"
As they embraced and kissed passionately, the open boxes fell from to the ground below, the rings inside them glittering brilliantly in the midday sun.
A/N: In the author's notes of my previous chapter, I said, "I don't anticipate having nearly as much trouble writing the final 'free day' chapter." So much for that!
First, I got delayed by several weeks due to hectic (but positive) circumstances. When I finally sat down to write the chapter, I almost immediately realized I didn't like the flow of events as I had initially envisioned them and spent a day writing and scrapping paragraphs. After taking a few days to step away, I hit a stride and wrote out most of the chapter, but then hit a brick wall in the final scene.
While my endgame was always a simultaneous proposal, I couldn't find the right words for the two of them to say in the moments leading up to the proposal itself. The scene alone took over a month of on and off thought. If it had been any scene other than the literal finale of the story, I'd have forced myself to publish something after a day or two, but I refused to let myself release the chapter until I was at least mostly satisfied with the ending. Even now, I don't know if I consider it perfect, but it feels as good as anything that I as a first-time fanfic writer could make without running the risk of the story never actually getting finished.
Aside from the final scene, I feel very good about how the rest of the chapter turned out. I really enjoyed bringing several things from previous chapters back, such as the bakery, combat skirts with pockets, coffee, and "Shine".
While I actively avoided creating any original characters in the earlier chapters, my setup for the bakery required chefs, and while I considered not having them actually appear, the idea of them being a couple to parallel Ruby and Weiss occurred to me and felt too fun to not use, so I spent several hours deciding what Claire and Madeleine's names and appearances would be. Claire's is based on a éclair, and Madeleine's inspiration is the French cookie of the same name. I felt that both pastries had a distinct enough appearance and color to satisfy the "color naming" rule of the RWBY universe. It might be a bit of a stretch, but I also wanted to keep the odds of the names I used appearing in the actual series to a minimum.
While this final chapter took significantly longer than I had ever hoped it would, I still really enjoyed the process of White Rose Week (months, for me, I suppose) and plan to do it again next year, but with either greater planning or without the goal of writing extended chapters and a continuous story. My direction will largely hinge upon the state of my personal schedule as the week approaches next year.
I cannot thank you enough for joining me in the adventure of my first fanfic. Every view count, favorite/kudo, follow/favorite, comment/review means a great deal to me. If you had any favorite parts, I'd love to know what they were. I hope my writing was able to bring you some joy, and I hope to see you all again next year.
Keep moving forward!
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katedrakeohd · 4 years
Personal Shopper
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A Choices : Save the Date Fanfiction
Pairing: MC Stella Jennings and Martin Mercado (Justin)
Rated: PG for language.
Word count: approx. 2800
Context: Martin calls Stella and asks for a favor.
Author's note: Stella's personal thoughts appear in italics
@dailydoseofchoices @sanvivrma @samihatuli @gardeningourmet @lovealexhunt @princess-geek @loveofafangirl @storyofmychoices @msjpuddleduck @perriewinklenerdie @thepotatobleh @shrinkthisviolet @griselda1121 @iamnotjesha @desiree-0816
I'm standing in the bridal boutique with Lindsay finalizing our plans to attend the Wedding convention in Niagara Falls, when my phone starts ringing. Without looking at the caller ID I answer, “Hello, Jennings Wedding Planners. We make weddings spectacular, how may I help you?”
After the words leave my lips there's a pause, giving me just enough time to feel awkward about using the word ‘spectacular' .
“Stella, Hi. It's Martin.”
It's been a while since we've spoken, and I can't help but feel a tingle of excitement at hearing his voice. When I don't say anything he continues,
“Nora's wedding is coming up soon, and I was wondering if I could ask a favor?”
Oh so now he needs me for something. Is this a test?
“What kind of favor?”, I ask.
“Well as wedding planner I value your opinion on what to wear, and as Best Man I need a tuxedo. Could you help me pick one out?”
Well I've already overseen the picking out of wedding dresses. And this would give me another chance to show Martin that I can be professional and take my job seriously. So why not?
“Ok Martin, are we picking something out of your closet or are we going shopping?”
I can hear the smile in his voice when he answers, “I want something fresh and new for Nora's wedding, so let's go shopping. Are you free this evening?”
When he's not mad at me for something his voice does carry a certain charm. I wish it didn't affect me so much.
“I'm free, where are we going?”
“I'll text you the address. Meet me there at 7?”
I can't help but smile, “It’s a date.”
I hear him laugh on the other end, “Don't be late.”
As I look out the window of my taxi I can't help but shake my head. Given that the address Martin gave me borders on the south end of Central Park, it couldn't have said more “fancy rich guy” if it tried. When the taxi stops outside of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, I see Martin standing talking to the doorman. When the doorman steps over to get my door, Martin waves him off and opens it for me.
“Wow, aren't we being a gentleman?” I tease as I climb out of the taxi.
“Well you're here to do me a favor, so it's only right.”
Martin knocks on the passenger window and the driver rolls it down to accept his credit card.
I stand on the sidewalk and wait. The Ritz-Carlton doorman tips his hat to me in greeting and I blush. As the taxi drives away Martin comes back over to me.
“So this is a hotel. I thought we were going shopping?” I ask, eyeing Martin warily.
Martin's usual stern facade shifts and he smiles, “Oh we are, the store isn't far from here. So I figured we could walk.”
I shrug, falling in step beside him as we join the flow of pedestrians. “Don't tell me you're taking me to shop on 5th Avenue.” I joke.
Martin glances at me all serious, “Well yes, I always shop on 5th Avenue.
Of course you do.
As we walk by the other hotels on the street the crowd on the sidewalk gets more dense, and it's tough not to bump into people. A group of people come at us from the other direction and I have to step closer to Martin to avoid being trampled. Without warning I feel him take my hand, he leans in close to whisper. “Don't worry, I've got you.”
I give his hand a grateful squeeze, “Thanks, remind me again why walking is better than taking a taxi?”
As he guides me around a woman pushing a stroller, he smiles. “I like walking with you Stella. Remember how I walked you home after Nora's bridal shower?”
“I remember wanting to learn more about the real Martin that hides behind the façade of CEO event planner guy.”
We navigate the maze of cross walks and find ourselves on 5th Avenue.
“Well consider this as an another insight into who I am. I love this city, I live this city. The excitement, the people, the living breathing organism that is the exchange of commerce and business. I feel so energized to be a part of it.”
As I look down at his expensive shoes and the designer clothes he's wearing it reminds me of the divide between our economic classes. We might live on the same island, but he's all high-rise Penthouse and I'm Hell's Kitchen. I don’t belong in his social scene at all, yet here I am planning his sister's wedding and holding his hand. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time, like I'm on a carousel ride and if I dare let go it will all disappear and be just a dream.
He holds the door open for me as we enter the men's wear store at Bergdorf Goodman and as we step inside he looks like he's right at home. I feel like an ugly duckling in my basic cotton dress and sandals. He leads the way to the escalator and we go up to the second floor formal wear department.
The mannequins are all sharply dressed in suits of various colors and designer brands. As the only feminine thing in the whole room it feels very intense, almost erotic to be surrounded by such powerful masculinity.
The way that Martin just casually walks by the expensive price tags on display is mindboggling. But then this is his world, and money is no object. As we approach the clerk behind the counter the man smiles at us and greets Martin like an old friend.
“Martin! Back so soon! And with a pretty girl on your arm. How can I help you two today?”
Martin smiles back, “Good evening, Eric. My sister's getting married next month and I need a tux.”
Eric eyes me appraisingly as if I'm Martin's date. He seems to approve, but I don't know for sure because he quickly averts his attention back to Martin.
“Nora, right? Well tell her congrats for me. So for this extra special occasion are we going for something equally as special? Perhaps a tail coat this time?”
Martin shrugs and then looks at me, “That's not quite what I had in mind as Best Man, but let's ask the wedding planner. What do you think Stella?”
I hold my hand up, needing to clarify something first, “Hang on, I'm still trying to get over the fact that the staff know you by name. Just how many suits have you bought here?”
Martin grins at Eric, “Well this will be the fifth. There was Prom, two award shows, and of course Sam and Ali's wedding. I like shopping here because they carry the styles and brands that I like. Plus they have my size and measurements on file which helps.”
Eric laughs and smacks Martin on the arm, “Besides Martin and I go way back because we used to work here together.”
“So you weren't always part of your Dad's event planning business?” I ask, trying to imagine Martin working behind the counter at a clothing store.
“I was in highschool and Eric was in college. We worked in the backroom more so than directly with customers. It was my first taste of the business world at the ground level.”
Eric smiles, “One of the best, most down-to-earth guys I’ve ever worked with.”
Wait, what? Bossy pants, rich guy Martin is actually a nice guy under all of that expensive cologne? I knew it.
“Stop it Eric, you’re going to ruin the hard ass millionaire persona I’ve been trying so hard to uphold,” Martin jokes.
The air between us gets a little more awkward as Martin looks at me and smiles. What game are you playing Mister? You like me, then hate me, then you look at me like that and my knees go weak. Stop teasing me.
Eric claps his hands to dispell the moment and bring me back to reality, “Ok then, enough reminiscing, let’s get you a tux.”
He leads us to the racks and starts pulling things. “Let’s try this, and…this, oh and this one.”
Eric’s confidence as he chooses designer looks just at a glance is so different to Lindsay’s timid nature at the bridal boutique. He knows his niche market so well and obviously excels at it. I wish I could get the two of them in the same room, and just maybe some of his confident optimism would rub off on her.
He hands Martin a bunch of hangers as he leads us to a changing room, “I’m sure you two will be just fine with these, I’ll check back on you later.”
I feel a sudden panic take over at the idea of being left alone with Martin in a changing room. “Wait, you’re not going to help advise him about fit and stuff like that?”
Eric smiles, “I think in this matter that Martin would value your opinion more than mine. I’ll give you some privacy.”
Did he just wink at Martin before he left?
I suddenly feel hot all over when Martin hands me the hangers and then starts to unbutton his shirt, This is so not in my job description. What is going on?
I feel myself blush and look away, “Um, Martin should I wait outside?”
As he unbuttons the cuffs on his sleeves he looks down briefly as he slips off his shoes. “Only if you really want to Stella, I’m not too shy to ask for your help if I need you.”
If he needs me? What if I want to help now?
My eyes are drawn to the open neck of his shirt and the little bit of chest he’s revealed. I hang up the suits I’m holding and step toward him. “Let me help you with that.”
Martin doesn’t argue as I gently lay my hands on his chest, smoothing the fabric under my palms and running my thumb up over the buttons. His hands hang at his sides as he watches mine work to undo the buttons. I can feel his warm breath on my neck, and I boldly let my thumb graze against his skin as I reach the bottom button. Biting my lip I tug the shirt up out of his waistband. As I undo the last button I look up and meet the dark intensity of his eyes with my own. Our lips are only inches apart and I see him gasp as I run my hands up his bare chest and slide the shirt off of his shoulders and then it drops to the floor.
“Stella,” he whispers, catching my hands in his. “That's enough, thanks for the help.”
I step back and let my eyes wander down his toned and muscled arms and chest, ending at his abs, trying not to focus on anything below the belt. He clears his throat and then I look back up at his eyes.
“Are you sure you don't need help with anything else?” I ask, bending down to pick up his shirt. It's still warm and smells like him.
He pushes his shoes off to the side, and undoes his belt. I can't help but watch his hands.
“Yes Stella, I think I can manage the rest from here. I'm quite capable of dressing and undressing myself.”
I feel warm all over as I back out of the changing room, “I..I understand. I'll be outside if you need me.”
I lean against the wall and try to catch my breath. My mind, nerves and sexual desire are buzzing in overdrive.
Holy hell what the heck was that? He had no reservations about taking his shirt off in front of me. What the fuck is this twisted game he's playing? Was he just testing me to see if the attraction is mutual? Because it definitely is.
My eyes are closed, when I hear the door open.
“Okay, what do you think?”
My head snaps round to the sound of his voice. Damn he looks good in black. The crisp white of his shirt pops against the caramel color of his skin, and the bowtie draws attention to his handsome face and brilliant smile.
“Wow, Martin. Just wow.” I can't hide my smile of admiration.
“I know right? Eric really knows what looks good on me.”
He certainly does.
“You bet I do!” Eric says, grinning from ear to ear with pride.
After a quick visual assessment Eric nods. “And it's a perfect fit.”
Martin catches me staring and makes a show of adjusting his shirt cuffs and smoothing the lapels of his jacket. I can feel myself blush when he lays a smoldering look on me. He knows he looks good and that I'm checking him out. He undoes the button on the jacket and casually stuffs his hands in the pockets of the trousers as if he already owns them.
“Great then. I'll get changed and then you can ring me up.”
Eric smirks at me when Martin disappears to go change, “You like him don't you? You know you're just his type. Please tell me that you two are a thing.”
I'm caught off guard by his observation, but I can't help but tell him the truth.
“Not yet, but I'm working on it.”
Eric laughs, “I knew it! The two of you have been setting off serious sparks ever since you walked in.”
Well whatever is going on it's seriously something volatile.
“You're his friend, any advice for me?” I ask nervously.
I can't believe I'm really asking someone how to pursue a relationship with Martin.
“Be patient, he knows what he's got going on, but under it all he has a good heart and a good head.”
“And a good face.”
He grins and points at me, “You, Stella. I like you. Got spunk for days.”
Martin comes back out, “What are you two grinning about?”
“Oh nothing. Stella and I were just talking about cute boys that's all.”
He laughs, “I bet your husband wouldn't like that.”
Eric laughs, “Nah he'd just be jealous about missing out on the details.”
I blush and look down at my shoes, praying for the floor to open me up and swallow me whole. “Um, can we go now?”
Eric winks and collects the tuxedo and accessories from Martin, “But of course Madame et Monsieur, right this way.”
Standing next to Martin at the counter I try not to peek at the price of everything as Eric rings them up. Martin hands over his black Visa card. “So I'm assuming the hemming of the trousers to the proper inseam is included. And that everything will be delivered to my address?”
Eric smiles and nods as he makes a note on the receipt. “Yes Mr. Mercado, and as always it's been a pleasure doing business with you.”
“Thanks Eric, we'll be back.”
We? What's this we all of a sudden?
“Nice to meet you Stella.” Eric says as we turn to go.
I smile and wave and then Martin leads me back out of the store. Out on the street I turn on him.
“Ok Martin, out with it. Why did you really invite me out to go shopping with you?”
Martin runs his hand over the side of his face, and looks down at his shoes with a sigh. “Honestly?”
I fold my arms across my chest, “I'd like the truth, yes.”
Martin looks up and the expression on his face is open and sincere. “The truth is…that..that I like you Stella. I was looking for an excuse to see you again.”
Well holy shit. I don't know what to say.
“Stella?” he says, as he catches me staring at him again. “Say something.”
I blink and then look down and reach for his hand. When I look back up at him again he's smiling. “I think I'd like that Mr. Mercado.”
He steps closer, “And what exactly would you like Stella?”
“For you to find more excuses to see me. Because I like spending time with you too.”
He brings his hand up to brush the hair back from my face, his thumb grazes my cheek and sends a thrilling sensation traveling down my neck. He leans in close and my eyes drop down to focus on his lips, now just a breath away from touching mine. I suck in a breath in anticipation and then he draws himself back.
With a sigh he steps back from me. “Can I call you sometime?”
I feel like all the air has been squeezed out of my lungs so I just nod.
“Yes, anytime.” I manage to whisper.
"Okay good, but for now let me call you a cab."
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