#i think a lot of fans have similar problems w their expectations
elibean · 9 months
I worry that like, i want lc to be more than it is
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ghostlykeyes · 3 months
i rlly like your work, heartsteel needs more content tbh,, so ty!! ANYWAY,
i liked the general relationship/kiss hcs w kayn, would u be able to do that for the other two as well?? if that makes sense
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HEARTSTEEL YONE: RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW, with light touching/sensuality ♡ TW: Some alcohol usage/food mentions ♡ I've done Sett's kisses here (X) and relationship HCs here (X), and Yone's kisses here (X) ! (will I remember to come back and edit those links in??? only time will tell)
No matter where you go, Yone brings you on fantastic dates. It's never popular tourist-trap type outings, either. If you ask how the hell he even found out about your date locations, he smiles coyly and says he can't reveal his sources. Regardless, expect lots of breathtaking, original dates—hidden trails that spill into breathtaking clumps of wildflowers, a hole-in-the-wall burger joint with the best fries you've had in tour entire life, tiny sculpture parks with some truly absurd statues (he absolutely refuses to delete the unflattering pic of you squatting next to a caked-up stone Sasquatch).
He isn't on his phone often, so don't be surprised if Yone doesn't text you back quickly or is overly-formal with his messages. Wild horses couldn't drag a silly emoji or a meme out of him. If you're lucky, you'll get a red heart, but that's about it. He tries not to make you feel neglected just because he's a dry texter, though. Especially when he's on tour, he calls you to check in whenever he's got a spare moment.
Yone's a chronic meal-skipper so he really appreciates if you share your food with him. Be warned, though, if you force him to step away from work and sit down for dinner you're either getting five minutes and a cup of instant ramen, or he's cooking you a three course meal complete with different appetizer, entree, and dessert wines. There's no in-between.
While Yone's not a fan of PDA, he holds your hand through every big event you're forced to attend. He doesn't appreciate the attention and flashing lights, but your warm, reassuring grip keeps him calm and relatively content.
Matching outfits are a little bit too much, but Yone is all for wearing clothing that compliments yours. Think similar textures, colors, and cuts. If you're wearing athleisure, he'll throw on a pair of stylish sweatpants. You're rocking the all black fit, so is he (with a pop of color in his earrings, probably—if he's completely monochrome, Kayn accuses him of "stealing his look"). Though he thinks it's a little cringy to be exact matches, he's definitely down to coordinate.
Whenever Yone makes himself a coffee, he whips up a glass of your favorite beverage as well. Nothing is too complicated—if you want a latte, he can make any flavor, and he'll pour the foam into a heart shape on top. Boba? No problem, he's got tapioca pearls in your favorite flavor and large straws on hand, to boot. A mimosa? Okay, he might raise his eyebrow at that one and point out that it's like eleven A.M.—nevertheless, if it's a mimosa you want, then it's a mimosa you'll get. Part of this is because he loves you, of course, but also? He hates sharing his coffee and figures that you won't ask for a sip if you've got your own drink.
Yone absolutely melts when you take care of him. He's used to looking after everyone else's wants and needs, so it's a pleasant surprise when someone extends that same care and attention to him. Cook him his favorite meal or take care of his laundry when he's been extra busy, and he looks at you like you're the eight wonder of the world. "You didn't have to do that for me," he cups your face gently, sweeping an appreciative kiss over your forehead. "But I'm glad that you did."
Chivalry is not dead and Yone's the man giving it CPR. Count on him to be the perfect gentleman. He opens every door for you, takes your coat whenever you drop by his studio, and no, under no circumstances will he let you pull out your own chair.
Yone's pet-names are sweet and classic. Most often, he calls you 'my darling', but he'll occasionally pepper in a 'dearest' or 'lover' for variety.
One of Yone's favorite ways to spend a free evening with you is sneaking into underground music shows. The two of you will turn up to somebody's house where the living room has been cleared to throw together a makeshift stage, or an abandoned warehouse with people clustering together and swaying to synthetic beats blasting through mid-grade speakers. More often than not, the musicians aren't that good (but that's par for the course with these kind of shows). The atmosphere can't be beat, though. And, when you do stumble upon somebody's garage band that actually goes hard, it's always an exciting surprise. Yone always keeps cash on him in case somebody's selling merch. He snags two stickers, one for you to keep and one to paste on his guitar case. What better way to commemorate shitty bands and crowded house shows than with matching stickers?
If you tag along with him on tour or business trips, Yone's first mission is to scout out a good coffee shop. Of course he takes you along, and buys you whatever little treats catch your eye. Sweets, sandwiches, snacks—anything he notices you ogling behind the glass, he orders for you.
Even with his massively packed schedule Yone NEVER, EVER forgets an important date. Expect gifts on birthdays and anniversaries, and extra love and support on dates that might be difficult for you.
Since Sett's a master crocheter, Yone pays him a frankly absurd amount to make you a plushie that looks like his fox mask. Yone knows that it can't be easy for you, with him away touring or on business so much of the time. The stuffed snuggle-buddy, he hopes, can ease your loneliness when he's away. Before he sets off on a long trip he makes sure to spritz your stuffie with his cologne, so that you can squish it in your sleep and dream that he's right there with you.
Yone's not a huge cuddler. Too much physical attention can make him feel smothered. The exception is when you sit on his lap. He loves when you settle onto him while he's working. As long as you're quiet and still (he doesn't want you to disturb his flow, after all), he basks in your comfortable warmth and the adorable way you tuck yourself into his chest.
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barblaz-arts · 9 months
OMG ITS SO COOL THAT ONE OF PUGSLEY’S KIDS IS A MANANANGGAL !! and a boy ??? mananaggal ?? (unless im completely misunderstanding that)
anyways as a filipino its just so cool to see stuff with my culture in it (those posts abt the wenclair fam going to jollibee made me so happy!!!)
btw, what made u decide to create those characters as pugsley’s kids?
Something that I'll give the show props for is subverting what would usually be represented genderwise for monsters. Gorgons are usually women, but they had a boy be one(the only thing I like about him--). And there isn't a lot of female werewolves out there in media. And I'm not talking about stories that are about werewolves. Cuz yknow. Duh of course there'd be female werewolves. But I'm talking about stories about monsters. If you have a show about different monsters or fantasy characters and there's a werewolf, they'd usually give you an angsty and/or wild dude as the main werewolf.
But Wednesday's(the show) main werewolf is a happy girly girl. The only other similar instance I can think of at the top of my head is Ruby from Once Upon A Time. That's probably why the twist in Ruby's episode was so shocking. You expect the dude to be the werewolf. Not the femme girl who dyes the tips of her hair and would probably cry if she ruins her manicure.
Anyways. Monsters that are always majorly represented by one gender is boooorrriiiiiing. Let's mix it up a little.
Sorry that got long.
So! About Pugsley's kids!
I'm not sure about the B&W series, but in the animated movies, Pugsley's a bit of a hopeless romantic. So growing up, I like to think he got around. The problem is he also has terrible luck with women, so none of them lasted, not because he's fickle -- he would fall in love deeply every single time -- but because he just has dog shit luck. He is Fester's nephew after all. So all three kids are Pugsley's from different baby mommas. I'll talk more about em later.
As for what made me choose em
Dante - I've previously mentioned that I headcanon Pugsley as a pyrokinetic because of his love for explosives. I think it'd be neat if he had a girlfriend who came from literal hell and had a baby demon with her
Jasper - some time back when the fandom was still super active, people making their nevermore sona was a trend on twitter. I actually wanted to join and have mine be a manananggal, but I couldn't because I was both busy and was never really a fan of drawing myself(not cuz of like self esteem issues. im pretty darn cute actually! i just prefer to draw other people). but i still wanted to draw a manananggal in Nevermore, and I figured just having it be an OC for Pugsley's child is the perfect opportunity
Briar - those faceless students are sooo damn cool. I love them a lot. I wanted more from them in the show. So I'm just making the content I craved for. Also a faceless little girl whose aunt is Wednesday, pokerface queen, and looks up to her for it? Too funny and cute of a thought to me.
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mephinomaly · 7 months
[ This post uses Ois~su ♪ ]
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Rei: Umu. I did some research regarding it, and I found that no one in RhythmLink requested that we take part in the experiment.
Koga: Huh? W-whaddya mean!?
Rei: I asked and it seems that it was a machine we spoke with. No real person knows about the experiment— that is the story they are sticking with.
It is unusual for myself to put on a serious face, but this time I feigned total ignorance…
It was rather bold of me, to tell a lie.
Kaoru: Yup. The higher ups thought we were behaving recklessly and were all up in arms about it.
Adonis: Umu. We were flooded with messages asking what HELLSING was.
Koga: I-I’m startin’ to feel kinda scared…
Guess I’m speakin’ with hindsight but we was probably too hasty ‘bout gettin’ involved with a questionable experiment.
Rei: So it seems… We realised we were losing popularity and tried to regain as much control as we could as quickly as we could.
And it all snowballed from there. In reality, I am as much of a fool as I thought I was— I must reflect on this.
Kaoru: You can reflect later, but first we need to focus on the problem at hand.
Rei 2: Eh? Where’s the problem?
Ain’t this turnin’ into a good thing for you guys?
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Kaoru: Okay? Fake Rei-kun, can you shut it? We’re having an important conversation right now, alright?
Rei 2: Haha, someone’s in a bad mood~! If your lack of sleep is gettin’ to ya, why dontcha sleep with me, Kaoru-cha~n ♪
Kaoru: Wa, nononono….You’re just being creepy and gross now. Adonis-kun, you deal with him.
Adonis: I’d rather not either. Please don’t pass him to me.
…Despite his appearance, the fake Sakuma-senpai is nothing like him.
As things are now, fake me probably has a different personality too.
Adonis 2: ...
Rei 2: Our recall ain’t perfect yet, ‘n we still got a long way t’go. But hey, we’re still collectin’ data from you as we speak—
Sooner or later​, we’re gonna be so similar to you that even your parents won’t be able t’tell the difference.
Adonis: Is that your purpose?
Rei 2: You oughta be usin’ keigo, kohai. Even though we’re brand new, you still gotta pay respect to us.
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Rei: I actually feel rather lonely when someone speaks to me in keigo. It's distant.
Rei 2: You’ve gotten soft, real me.
Well whatever. Becomin’ ‘real’ is instinct, but not our purpose.
We don’t have a sense of purpose.
Like I said earlier, we’re machines, wooden dolls, puppets. We ain’t got a heart, jus’ programmin’.
To feel, to think, to desire—
And dreamin’ too, is an annoyin’ flaw unique to you humans.
Rei: I believe that is what makes humans so fantastic.
We should move on. Questioning these fakes is not worth our time. Let us leave these machines behind and begin exploring the inside of the facilities.
Though it seems they have already disposed of any evidence, perhaps we can locate some documents here and there. Then we can discover why this has taken place.
And before you ask, I have already reported what we know so far to ES and the RhythmLink higher ups, and have been given permission to search the facilities.
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Adonis: As always, Sakuma-senpai is fast at covering all his bases.
Rei: That’s one of my strong points. Of course, we are far from experts, and I don’t expect to find much–
But what else can we do in this moment?
Rei 2: Whilst you’re doin’ that, we’ll carry on with idol activities in your place.
Koga: Haa? Get over yourselves, you ain’t real.
The fans are confused ‘cos of you. They don’t wanna see fakes that only look like us from the outside, you bastards.
Rei 2: Confused? But from what I saw, there were a lot of really happy fans?
It’s pretty funny once you realise but–
When fans saw what HELLSING was up to, they was so happy, cryin’ too, goin’ “The real UNDEAD are back!”
Can you guys even afford a detour by checkin’ out the facility?
Whilst you’re worryin’ ‘bout things that don’t matter, we’re replacin’ you ♪
Koga: ...
[ ☆ ]
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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yurayura-kurage · 10 months
A3! Troupe Event: MY WORST WEDDING | Event Story Translation (5/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Azami: Hmm–, well this isn’t bad either but… I’d like to give a more dignified impression of a former soldier.
Juza: Should I gain more muscles?
Azami: That’s okay, but I want to do something about the hair makeup plan too.
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Juza: Omi-san will have his side hair shaved right.
Azami: Yes. Juza-san’s Grayson has a scar on his eyebrow, do you want to have an updo hairstyle with your bangs slicked back like Omi-san?
Juza: Sounds good. It also suits Grayson’s image.
Azami: Then, we’ll go with this hairstyle… 
Juza: What are you planning to do with your own hair makeup? Are you gonna dye your hair blonde?
Azami: I’ll never have my hair matched with Sakyo’s.
Juza: …That’s right, speaking of Sakyo-san, I heard his sister came to our dorm.
Azami: Your brother also asked me the same thing.
Juza: Kumon was surprised about how rare it was for Sakyo-san’s sister to come to the dorm. 
Azami: So that’s it. It seems that she came to consult about Sakyo’s mother.
Juza: Sakyo-san’s mother you say–– Did something happen to her?
Azami: No, it’s not something bad–. Sakyo’s sister wants to have a wedding photoshoot for her parents on their upcoming wedding anniversary.
And she wants her mother to wear a wedding dress, but her mother didn’t want to. That’s why she came to ask Sakyo to help persuade her, but Sakyo refused.
Juza: I see…
Azami: By the way, Sakyo’s mother is a fan of yours right?
Juza: Aah, she’s been taking care of me a lot. 
She gives me presents during the run of Autumn Troupe’s performances, so I always contact her to say thanks every time she does that.
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Azami: You even know her contact info.
Juza: Sometimes before the performance starts, she sends me a support message and asks how Sakyo-san’s been doing recently.
Since it’s that person, Sakyo-san doesn’t contact her by himself too frequently. And it seems that the old lady also doesn’t often contact him directly. They’re just like mother like son.
Azami: I see.
Juza: While caring about each other, they don't seem to be some busybodies that can interfere so much with each other’s lives. 
About the wedding anniversary celebration too, it must be difficult for Sakyo-san since it’s not something he’s good at.
Azami: …
Juza: It’s just, I don’t know a first thing ‘bout wedding but it seems to be a memorable event.
My mother often talks a lot about wedding, too. We also have photos decorated in our house.
Azami: ...I also heard from my mom before she passed away, that she wanted to wear a wedding dress. In my parents’ wedding ceremony, she wore an all-white kimono to match with my father.
If possible, I think she wanted to wear one before she breathed her last breath. Sakyo’s mother and mine are somehow similar.
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Juza: I see…
Azami: Sakyo’s mother said that she didn’t want to wear a dress because she wouldn’t look good in it now, but I don’t really think so. 
When I talked to Yuki-san about this, he said age didn’t matter. I think makeup can solve that problem.
Well, nothing, neither Sakyo nor his sister asked me to be all fussed over and act like this tho… Maybe even Sakyo’s mother doesn’t have that much fondness for a dress to begin with…
Juza: …Shall we go and meet her.
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Azami: Eh?
Juza: I want to meet her in person and show my gratitude too. Then why don’t you ask her what she really means?
There might be some true feelings she can’t tell her son and daughter, I guess.
Azami: Well… It’s true that such things can also happen. That reminds me, there is something I want to say thanks to her, too.
Juza: If so, I’ll contact her then.
*At the living room*
Omi: I’m home.
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Sakyo: Welcome home. You’re late today.
Omi: Sorry, my work took longer than expected– I’m in charge of dinner for tonight, so please wait a bit.
Sakyo: Then I’ll lend you a hand.
Omi: Thank you!
*Shifts to kitchen*
Sakyo: Did you have another shooting work today?
Omi: Yes. It was a pre-wedding photoshoot taken in the park.
I was so excited to take a miraculous photo that I ran to the local shop on the street to buy white sheets in replace of the reflector boards… 
I was dripping in sweat.
Sakyo: That was tough, wasn't that.
Omi: But it’s great to keep an once in a lifetime moment like that. I think it’d be nice to take my job seriously for that moment.
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Sakyo: …You, did you hear something from the Director or Bon? 
Omi: Eh? What do you mean by that…
Sakyo: No, nothing.
(Even if it’s a once in a lifetime commemoration, it’d be meaningless if she didn’t want to…)
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maximumcheese · 1 year
Playing Cards - They Stand Shoulder to Shoulder 2
Location: ES
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Hiiro: I told you that…I had a talk with Tenshouin-senpai before our conversation on the phone in the rose garden, right?
Mayoi: Yes. On the car ride home…You had told us that you were in the office reading fan letters.
Hiiro: It was a confusing, unclear series of questions and answers. However, from that moment on, I really began to care.
How will I meet my fans’ expectations? How should I grant Tenshouin-senpai’s wishes? What is an idol, even?
I was told to think a lot about it, and I’ve been really thinking about until today but—
In the end, I wasn’t able to answer that question for myself. On reflection, since I was a little kid, nothing has changed.
Tatsumi: Since you were a little kid?
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Hiiro: Even at that time, I would always keep thinking about what Nii-san had asked me.
At that time, I had an answer in mind, more-or-less but—
Because I didn’t want to disappoint him by saying the wrong thing, so I thought that I just wanted to think about it more carefully.
Because, if you cannot give the right answer, it’s the same as being unable to fulfill your duty. It’s only meaningful to answer the question when you have the right answer, right?
Aira: Yeah? But it’s not a problem on a test, it’s just a question, right?
It’s not like a test at school where you get a score, so isn’t it harder to give an answer that fits perfectly?
It’d make me happy to hear your thoughts on just that, Hiro-kun.
I look at you, who can do anything, and there’s times where I think to myself “What the hell is guy?” and get super frustrated.
If even Hiro-kun is worrying and thinking like this, I can see that we’re really just the similar in that way.
Hiiro: …hm. I wish I could have a flexible way of thinking like you, Aira.
This time around though, I understood that both back then and now, I’m only brooding about, and that I have no confidence in the conclusion I reached. I felt like I didn’t grow.
Tatsumi: Don’t be so hard on yourself.
While you are bold enough to take action, on the other hand, you are also capable of holding your ground to make a careful judgment—
Hiiro-san, isn’t it possible that your virtue to thoughtfully react to questions has stayed the same since you were a child?
Mayoi: That’s right. And you have had a lot of growth, too.
Compared to when we first met, you’ve grown dramatically in singing, dancing, and movements. If you can take my word for it, I can guarantee that.
Being a person who doesn’t know much about idols, I’m amazed at the amount of growth you’ve accomplished over just one summer.
Even if you’re not similar to the others, we can work on the parts that you feel inexperienced at from this point on. Because we will help you as much as you need…♪
Aira: Senpais, you’re very parent-like when you say that.[1]
Hiiro: Was that just a haiku? No, if you don’t use the seasonal word, isn’t it considered a senryu haiku?[2]
Aira: No, I’m not reciting a poem…
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Hiiro: Fufu. Thank you all for really talking with me a lot.
If only I could have answered with self-confidence. If only I could have been able to take action for Alkaloid, with my own judgment…
I feel very guilty for the crisis that I have caused to everyone, and I will reflect upon my actions.
To know that I have comrades who are close to me, it’s very reassuring. I feel more light-hearted now.
Mayoi: We are happy to see your smile, too, Hiiro-san…♪
Tatsumi & Aira: ……♪
Hiiro: Like Mayoi-senpai said, I was able to grow a lot.
I’ve come to learn the common sense of the city, and of course, there are countless things I’ve gained since becoming an idol…For me too, I’m sure I figured out a couple of things, too.
I’ll think more optimistically from here on again. For a clear answer to Tenshouin-senpai, and what I can do for Alkaloid.
Tatsumi: That’s right. There is nothing that you have to face by yourself, Hiiro-san.
The fact that a good result is required of Alkaloid, it’s a problem that affects the entire unit.
Sooner or later, regardless of who started it, we would have something to confront.
Aira: I think if I had started it, and if Tenshouin-senpai had come at me like that…To be honest, it’s a scary thought.
That’s why it’s great that Hiro-kun thinks through everything and speaks up about it properly ♪ You’re fine! Have some self-confidence!
Hiiro: It’s a bit of a strange feeling to get praised by you, Aira.
Aira: Hah~? I’m trying to cheer you up here!
Tatsumi: There, there. It’s embarrassing to get praised by Aira-san, isn’t it, Hiiro-san?
Aira: Eh~? Then choose that kind of language from the start.
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Mayoi: ………
Hiiro: Why are you so quiet, Mayoi-senpai?
Mayoi: While I was listening to your pleasant conversation I…I began to think again.
I thought about what I’d like to try with Alkaloid, and what I’d like to act on.
Hiiro: Did anything come to mind?
Mayoi: No…
Nothing comes to mind, so I’ve started to wonder what we can do to get something we can call a good result, and also remove the obstacles in the way of our objectives.
To put it simply, to win some sort of award. But in reality, to become so popular that you’ll have a schedule where you’re counting down by the minute—
It’s the height of being an idol…It’s not like we ourselves covet the status of being popular figures.
Aira: We're the younger generation. Yeah, we’re not really hungry for power. 
I mean, have you ever thought of aiming to become one of ES' Big 3?! Honestly, I haven’t.
Tatsumi: The Big 3….Hm. If popularity ranking is visualized on the foundation of a clear, numerical value of L$, it may be an appropriate indicator of authority within ES.
Aira: But numbers aren’t everything, right?
Even for a term like “top idol”, everyone has different criteria for what makes someone at the top.
In my case, I call someone a top idol when I can point at them and call them great but…
How well they sell, their ability, popularity...Financial power? It's not like the top idols in every sphere are all the same
Mayoi: Yeah. Even after this much deliberate thinking, there’s no way that we can just come up with something so suddenly, after all…
Tatsumi: The realization seems to be setting in that viewing things from an ordinary perspective will not do—For both close goals, and far goals
Hiiro: ….That’s right but. It’s just one thing, but something came to mind for me.
Aira: Huh, when?
Hiiro: Less of being something that I want to do, it’s more of something that came to mind.
It’d be a job for everyone in Alkaloid, and not only can we act on it at once, but I have a feeling that we would rake in some good experience.
I was told it was a happening on a large scale…We should be able to get good results from it.
Aira: W-Wait a sec. Don’t leave me hanging, hurry up and tell us.
Hiiro: —Yes.
Let’s do a live. With Alkaloid, let’s participate in Underland.
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In Japanese, what Aira says here is a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, which is a haiku
A senryu haiku is a type of haiku that is usually a dark comedy about human fallacies
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paperconsumption · 1 year
okay so. so this so mild. but the first thing I thought of when i actually started playing this game in like late september/early october. is there is a very similar mindset amongst the many who I had met at the time that they just, didn't need to read the source material.
this can be found in many many fandoms. this isn't a enstars/dc specific thing. DC has a VERY huge barrier to entry and for enstars it way less so.
so you have to find fan translations of the older enstars stories and the way the timeline works it is kind of hard to parse through. where do you start when you weren't there for the whole thing. with enstars there is a (in my mind) objectively good starting point for the whole franchise. ! main story. not like kisaki or the later stuff. like the revolution to ensemble sections. then it's pretty vague. "follow your favs" is the fandom wiki's advice paraphrased and I remember that exact advice when I tried getting into DC. and the confusion when all these pre established characters came in like whhhaat. with Superman there's this image of him. you can get that pretty well if you follow some american pop culture stuff. but if you start to dive into DC with something like, Young Justice (1998) you meet robin and superboy and impulse. and they have all these people they know. and sure you can keep following young justice but you don't really understand what's going on over with say, Robin, who's apparently the 3rd robin? and the second robin. you don't. im off track.
I haven't gone through a decent amount of any of enstars so im incredibly sorry. but The EP:Link and like. the transition to !! it all reminds a bit about Crisis on infinite earths. and post crisis era. except like can i really say that as an exclhsivelt post crisis reader. hmm.
but yeah I'd say the japanese release of !! is the post crisis on infinite earths. and !! to english is having an effect of nu52 to the incoming fanbase (to an extent) but the content is the same... ish. so no where near asbad as nu52. more like rebirth or something. but these thigns are not equivalent.
enstars fans havetrouble finding translations, and after !''s main story it's a lot of "decide for yourself" what reading order if you wanna try and keep track of things happening. DC fans have a hard time finding copies of a decent amount of the older comics, you can't keep track of things no matter what you do. oh and enstars also has a bit of the same problem that dc has about dofferent writers to a tiny extent because Akira doesn't always write the stories, so they sometimes contradict(? don't remember seeing that butI know some say so.)
also enstars english ads are to enstars as Wayne family adventures is to any actual batman stuff.
have a good morning I am so brain dead 👋 thank you for listening ;w; one thousand high fives brigid, one thousand high fives
this is such a cool connection!! when you get really into media like comics and games you start to expect confusing timelines and such but it really isn’t a problem that many other mediums experience you know? they usually always start at chapter 1/episode 1 so attempting to get someone who’s used to that to adapt to enstars or dc would be pretty rough. i’ve already accepted the strangeness of enstars and kinda (?) understand the timeline now but if you asked me anything about how dc works i would not be able to answer. and just because of the nature of how dc comics and enstars stories are created and released, it’s really hard to fix the confusion without a sort of reset—which both of them did—and even then the problem doesn’t go away.
you can’t really think of a definite solution, and neither can anyone on the creative team so it seems, so everyone just gets used to it. it’d be cool to look at other franchises that have similar issues and compare the way each fandom adapts and finds solutions for the other problems you mentioned (finding translations, getting copies of older material that’s out of print, etc). i wonder if there’s consistent methods everyone follows along with, or everyone just does it in their own weird way🤔
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teaveetamer · 2 years
Ok so this is my thoughts on FNAF. I feel like FNAF started a whole era of "mystery baiting" type storytelling in video games. Where the important thing about the mystery is not the answer, or even the lore itself. The value in it is getting fans to talk about your game, hunt through every facet of it, and try to "figure out" the mystery themselves.
Now to be clear, I'm sure FNAF wasn't the first game or series to do this. However, I think it was the first time a game, and an indie game at that, not only did it with some success, but took off into a cultural phenomenon. In 2012 or 2013 I couldn't even imagine being able to walk into any GameStop and straight up buy merch for some indie game I'd played/seen, and by 2015 there were people walking around my high school just casually rocking Fredbear hoodies and keychains. Nowadays we're even at the point where there's basically an entire Horror Genre that's basically "make some wacky, recognizable characters and hope your game gets picked up by a big YouTuber so you can get a merch deal out of it." And a lot of those games use the FNAF formula of mystery baiting in the hopes that they'll entice people to talk about them.
We all love a good unsolved mystery. And it's free advertising for your game! Naturally people will see others talking about the lore and the mystery and they'll say "hey, this sounds neat, lemme find out more".
But it's also bad from a story writing perspective because you eventually run into a few problems.
#1) You need to keep the mystery going so people will keep talking about it, which leads to a massive bloat of meaningless content as you produce things just to drop "nuggets" for people to follow. I think later FNAF games really fall into this trap, where they just keep adding and adding and adding to the lore and now everything either conflicts or there's no human alive not named MatPat who can keep track of all of it.
I think Hello Neighbor also did this (granted I never got super deep into this one). But I remember when that game came out in like pre-alpha and there was some mystery, and people lost their minds trying to figure it out, and so the developers kept adding and adding and adding with every build to try to keep the hype going and then... nothing. It got so dumb and convoluted that people just stopped paying attention and most people don't even know the game came out AND has like four sequels at this point.
2) You never intended to answer the mystery, and you never do, which pisses people off. Unlike real life unsolved mysteries, we know that video game narratives are constructed by someone who knows all of the answers and they could tell us if they wanted, they just won't.
3) You have to answer the mystery, and trust me the answer is never going to live up to the expectation. It's a similar sentiment to people who are disappointed when the conclusion to a beloved game series is fumbled. You spend all of this time with the game playing it, searching for evidence, theorizing, talking with your friends, watching youtube videos, hunting for leads... and then it's not what you expected. The amount of backlash you'll get for an unsatisfying resolution is usually proportional to the amount of time you spend stringing the mystery out.
I think the Fodlan games carry a lot of that same energy. Again, the devs touted it as a plus that they were creating a game where many things were going to be left ambigious/unresolved/up to interpretation/off screen because it would make the world feel "bigger" and "more alive". They specifically say they intentionally left things out in routes because they wanted players to play a route and then go talk to each other online to try and "figure out" the mysteries of the other routes.
And I think this is a failure of writing for three reasons.
#1) They needed to keep producing content to keep the mystery going, which led to a massive bloat of meaningless content created as an excuse to keep the mystery going so players would have breadcrumbs to follow.
2) There are some mysteries they apparently just never intended to answer. The Shez/Ashe support in Hopes is a prime example of this. The exact origins of Arval is one as well, and TWSITD's whole deal was left mostly unaddressed. Sothis is also a mystery left hanging, as she never regains her memories or anything. This is frustrating to players, because we know devs exist who have the answers and they are just choosing not to tell us, because reasons.
This is also a double edged sword for them, because unlike FNAF which can continue going in perpetuity, constantly giving players new breadcrumbs and bite sized pieces of lore to satisfy them juuust enough, FE is a series that is frequently one-and-done. Which means you have players arguing the same points cyclically, and with no new information ever added to clarify or give further clues. This leads to even more frustration and burnout with the IP.
3) The mysteries they did answer, the answers often did not live up to expectation. Either in the execution (plot dumps, mostly), or in the actual answer. Frequently because the answer is "idk, mole people did it" with no further elaboration, and the mole people themselves are an underdeveloped mystery so you've just answered a mystery with another mystery.
That's not to say you can't have mystery or intrigue, but I don't know. To me the Fodlan games feel like they were intentionally constructed to mystery bait a fandom into promoting their game for them
Now, do I think 3H was influenced directly by FNAF? It's... difficult to say. I know in the West we tend to look at Japanese developers as this isolated island, but of course they look at what's working in other parts of the world. The most recent Story of Seasons game was noticeably influenced by the success of Stardew Valley, for example. FNAF's influence also didn't just stop in the west. It was a big phenomenon in many parts of the world.
Of course FNAF and FE are completely different genres, unlike Stardew and SoS, but it's not completely unbelievable that someone looked at FNAF, or stories that copied FNAF's formula and found some success, and said "ooh, mysteries! People seem to like those. Add some of this into the next game!" When one game does something successfully then the industry tends to chase it.
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h34vybottom · 1 month
Apologies to anyone seeing this post! I just need a fast way to document some thoughts before I forget them (it's for the article i promise)
If Tatsumi and Shirogane are supposed to be commentaries on gendered expectations and gender essentialism, as they are, then they've failed in their entirety.
Tatsumi's narrative is pretty egregious in every way possible. His potential bisexuality is always a joke to make fun of gay men in particular. His shyness around Shirogane is treated as a light romantic oddity and like they're similar in being foils, but like. Not really? Tatsumi's dungeon is all a homophobic stereotype (literally all of it. Including the music). Tatsumi is never outright stated as gay or bisexual and yet is constantly mocked and belittled for the suggestion of light deviation from heterosexuality and machismo norms (Given how Japanese conservatism has been addicted to claiming that Japanese men are all weak and that's why society is collapsing, you can see some clear inspiration). Tatsumi's only "gay" moment is being assaulted by Kuma, which isn't gay and is pretty bad. It's framed as a joke of course, because Persona is very bad. A majority of the dialogue in the game relating Tatsumi in the main story is a joke about his sexuality and feminine interests, including when he gets aroused by Satonaka and Amagi and all of the times he's more interested in sewing. His side story is actually pretty good but it comes w/ the problem of being a Persona 4 side story (not important to the narrative; a repeat of the original tatsumi section in the main story).
Shirogane is pretty lesser, if only because she's barely in Persona 4 and once her dungeon is over, she takes over as the surrogate protagonist. That said, the way they use Shirogane is as a sex object and not as a person because of her gender. The "twist" that the boy detective is actually a girl, le gasp, doesn't work because a. Hardly a twist and B. They instantly treat her like they do every other femme party member, a soulless sex object who doesn't retain their lesson. Shirogane trades in a bit of the gender confusion for just plain shyness and social awkwardness, but it's only ever framed as if she's to be ogled at through a lense of fetishist intrigue. The only calm against this storm is that she's the only character w/ a braincell (until the awful Namatame murder attempt scene) and is basically just the actual protagonist now. Not a shock that the animated scenes start to prominently show her in charge. Cuz like yeah. Everyone is fucking stupid and incompetent to absurd degrees. Shirogane's side story is also pretty misogynistic towards her (In regards to her needing to be protected like I'm pretty sure a 15 year old w/ a fucking revolver and gun training in Japan is doing fine on their own there, bud but okay). Her dungeon's doors all have a Phoenix emblem and her final area is a surgery table w/ drills. Like. Man they just say the quiet part and think people are too stupid to see it (to be fair, a lot of persona fans are just stupid).
If there is any actual message towards social deviance in Persona 4, it's to tolerate the deviants at an arms length and nothing more. Like how else are you supposed to take any of this in a positive manner? Otherwise, the takeaway is literally that gay people deserve mockery and that any suggestion of changing one's gender or fitting outside of a gender role is worthy of ridicule? Like that's what the text fucking does and says 24/7
And who the fuck thought making Kuma a fucking sex pest was a good idea? Why did they copy paste that part for Morgana? I hate this fucking sub series so much wow
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Getting mobbed.
Summary: You get mobbed by the paparazzi and Tom and Harry come to the rescue.
Warnings: Swearing.
W/C: 1.6K
You made your way through the hotel, preparing yourselves to go out into the onslaught. Tom was set to do an awards show, and this usually meant an influx in paparazzi, which he hated. He loves his job and he loves his fans but the paparazzi could just be too much at times. The problem with events like this was that every member of the papz wanted the first picture, which usually left them very close and diminishing any concept of personal space. Tom had gotten used to it in a way, it still made him uncomfortable, but he was used to dealing with it.
You on the other, although you’d been with Tom for a while now, weren’t. The first time you ever dealt with it was hard, but you kept your head down and kept moving forward but you were new then. You always thought it would get easier the more accustomed people came to you being with Tom, but it didn’t. The papz having more and more questions for you each time they saw you. Are you pregnant? Are you engaged? It didn’t bother you as much anymore, but something felt off about tonight.
You looked out towards the front of the hotel and gasped, there were far more papz than usual and it didn’t sit well with you. All you had to do was make it to the car, which wasn’t a long way but there was a lot of people between point A and point B.
“There’s so many.” You said as you grabbed Tom’s bicep.
“I know, this movie is a big one.” He’d expected this, this was one of the biggest movies he’d starred in so far and of course the attention surrounding the film had meant that more people had turned up for his picture. He took your hand that was holding his bicep and kissed the back of it, easing your nerves slightly. “I can always get Harry to take you out the back, if you’d be more comfortable?” He suggested.
“No, I don’t think that’d look too good. The rumours would be a nightmare.” You sighed as you grasped his hand firmly, interlocking your fingers.
“You know I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ve got you.” He promised as he squeezed your hand. “And Harry is right behind you.” He reassured. You swallowed down your nerves as you nodded. He was right, you’d be okay, right?
You made your way out of the front of the hotel, Tom’s security fending off the first lot of paparazzi from getting too close but there were too many. Tom’s grip on your hand tightened and it felt like he was cutting off circulation, but in reality, he was making sure you were still with him. Harry was close behind you both.
It was all going pretty well considering until you felt someone much taller than Harry behind you. You’d been split up and although you knew Harry would be okay it made you nervous. The man behind you was shouting your names, any question that came to mind and you did your best to ignore it and continue to move forward. That was until he got a little too close to you, your figure being much smaller than his and you lost your footing. Trying to regain your composure meant you weren’t holding Tom’s hand quite as tight anymore.
You felt his hand leave yours and you panicked, and another man had now gotten in between you, then a couple more. You managed to keep yourself upright and you were now being pushed forward quicker than you could walk, it felt surreal. It was like an outer body experience, you were just kind of going along with it, just praying you’d make it too the car.
All of a sudden, a hand grasped your arm and pulled you out of the way causing a panic to rise in your chest and you felt tears well in your eyes. Two hands grabbed your shoulders and turned you around. It was Harry. Your nerves instantly calmed.
“You okay?” He asked panicked as he took in your state, checking for injuries. He didn’t find any.
“I’m okay, just a little overwhelmed.” You said.
“Are you hurt?”
“No, honestly I’m fine Harry.” You reassured.
“Okay, we should keep moving forward, here take my hand.” He said as he held your hand. Tom’s security had caught up by this point, one of them standing beside you.
“Where’s Tom?” He asked as he frantically looked for him.
“I’m not sure. We got split up.”
“I’m sorry but I have to go and find him. As much as I know he’ll kill me, I’m paid to make sure he’s okay first.” He smiled sadly and you laughed at that.
“Go. It’s fine. I’ve got Harry.” You said as you watched his security make their way through the crowd.
Your hand was still in Harry’s as you slowly made your way forward. The car wasn’t even that far away from the hotel, but it felt like a lifetime before you’d get there.
“You’re handling this quite well.” Harry suddenly pointed out.
“Gotta get used to it right? He’s only get bigger.” You said as more people moved past you, barging against your shoulder a little too rough.
“Oi!” Harry kept shouting as more people did it. Although you knew it wouldn’t leave any lasting damage, it was beginning to get sore. “Fuckin’ hell.” He grumbled as he grabbed your hand tighter and tried to move a little quicker.
You suddenly collided with someone’s back, stopping in the process. You looked at Harry and furrowed your brows in confusion, they’d suddenly stopped trying to move forward. Harry pulled you against his chest as he hugged you, the crowd of people seeming to take all breathing space away. All of a sudden, the man in front of you was moved to the side by a familiar looking member of security and Tom appeared.
He rushed over when he saw you, having a similar reaction to Harry, checking you for any injury. You laughed as he cradled your face, checking it over for any injury.
“I’m fine Tom.” You said as he finally calmed down, looking satisfied that you were, indeed, okay.
“Okay, we’re gonna try this a different way.” He said. “Thanks by the way bro.” He said as he clapped Harry’s shoulder, who waved him off in response, smiling. “Right come on.” He said as he took your hand. He moved you in front of him and placed your back against his chest. He slowly moved the two of you forward and kept his strong arms firmly wrapped around you. Harry had now placed himself in front of you and helped move the paparazzi out of the way.
“I’m sorry baby, I swear as soon as I felt your hand leave mine I shit myself.” He said into your ear. You kissed his bicep as you continued to move forward.
“It’s okay Tommy. Its just a bit more hectic then we’re used to.”
“Yeah, now I really know how RDJ feels.” He laughed softly into your ear before placing a kiss there.
The move towards the car was much easier, given your new position it would be extremely hard for anyone to get between the two of you now. You made it to the car and Tom gently pressed you against it for a moment as his security made room behind him. He opened the car door for you and carefully manoeuvred you into it.  You slid to other side as Tom followed you into the vehicle, Harry shortly joining.
Harry sighed as he took the seat opposite you and Tom. “Bloody hell.” He groaned.
“Yeah that was intense.” You laughed but you felt much better in the security of the car. Tom had shuffled closer to you wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“I thought something had happened to you when I couldn’t feel your hand anymore. Gave me a heart attack.” He said as he kissed the top of your hand, smoothing your hair out for you.
“Nah, I had Harry. You should charge for your services.” You said as you pulled a laugh from the younger Holland.
“Yeah. I reckon I’m gonna bill him. Do you reckon I’d be able to charge more for looking after important goods?” He joked and you laughed.
“I should dam well hope so.” You said as Tom laughed.
“Name your price mate. It’s yours. In all seriousness though, thank you Harry.” Tom said sincerely.
“Anytime. You know you might be late putting a ring on it but she’s like a sister to me already.” He continued to joke.
“Noted.” Tom laughed and he took your hand in his, kissing the back of it.
“I don’t know why you haven’t already. You’re a fuckin’ sap for her.” Harry joked as he earned a punch from his brother.
“Just love her a lot.”
“Code for sap.”
“Piss off.” Tom snorted and they both laughed. “I’ll put a ring on it eventually, I promise.” He concluded with a soft smile in your direction and bringing your hand up to kiss the promise ring he’d given you a while back, the smile to which you returned. Harry fake gagged but he couldn’t help the warm smile that made its way onto his face at how happy and in love his brother was.
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badboyfriends · 4 years
How did the hermitcraft shipping conflict go compared to the dreamsmp shipping conflict. How were they similar and how were they different
I wasn’t actually present when Hermitshipping was a huge conflict! I only got into Hermitcraft this April, and the main conflict for shipping seemed to mostly have taken place around 2018-2019?
Looking back over what remains of it- I think Hermitshipping met a much easier conclusion than DreamSMP’s shipping ever will.
Every single Hermit is of age.
Almost every Hermit that people had a problem with being shipped, because they’re a parent, married, etc all vocally stated “hey this is cool, don’t bother other fans this isn’t upsetting me in the slightest” .
And, every Hermit has a CLEAR differentiation between reality and their character.  Most of them are inhuman species, give themselves different hair, and generally are just separated from their real-life selves.
That’s another thing- their all older than,, everyone on Dream SMP, really. MumboJumbo is the youngest Hermit, and even then he’s like?? 25 I think?? somewhere around there.  Doc’s in his forties, Grian’s almost thirty, etc and they’ve all been on YouTube and had an audience for a long ass time.  They’ve learned how to engage with their audience, and keep them civil (to the best of their ability). Most people on Hermitcraft are pioneers for Minecraft, even if they’re considered relatively small channels today.  They’ve had years to learn how to manage the spotlight.
Hermit fans learned that it doesn’t bother most of the CC and therefore it doens’t bother them, and even if they’re antiship or just not comfortable with it, they’re almost all, with a few outliers, civil and respectful. They ask not to tag things as ship, and that’s that.
It’s just a thing mostly accepted in Hermitblr now,   Some people are still uncomfortable with the concept of it, and that’s valid. A large portion won’t partake in it, and want content outside of it, and that’s!! valid, and to be expected because YEAH platonic concept is a must-have too.
Right now, I don’t think the Dream SMP fandom will ever be able to reach that point. Not only are a large portion of the members in that server under 20, but most of them are fairly recent creators who JUST got the spotlight- with a small exception.
Almost everyone in there have only been REMOTELY popular in the last two years, if that. Dream SMP is a place for content creators to grow and get their footing, and get exposure. It’s the place for them to learn, really. And with that a lot of young, inexperienced creators are also getting thrown into the spotlight.
With millions of fans, split across probably two dozen creators, of which have little to no experience with that much exposure- we’re left with fans without boundaries, misinterpretation, and far to many people than anyone creator can handle. 
There’s so many different platforms for fans- while Hermitcraft is primarily just on Tumblr, Dream’s fandom, in particular, are very cross-platform- and most of which? are.. here for the real people.
Hermitblr is here primarily for the characters- sure we love the fun vlogs, of Scar explaining his life as a disabled YouTuber w/Jellie, or Doc’s garden vlogs, but almost no one partakes in anything that could even seem similar to real people fiction.
We love them as people and respect them and look up to them- and we simp and overanalysis their characters and write almost exclusively about their Minecraft characters. humanoid cyborg creepers and demigods and vexes.
Sure, a lot of Dream SMP’s Tumblr fandom is almost exclusively interested in the characters, but a lot of Twitter folk, are invested in the Streamers.
We have a mix of people who just simp for real people, and people who over-analysis and cry for the characters. And so when you here “yeah i’m a shipper” in the Dream fandom- it can have two meanings. Characters, or RPF. 
I’m not here to debate if RPF is good or bad, but with some of the content to be found- the immediate fight-or-flight instinct when you think of shipping RPF content is understanding.
As long as there’s still a large audience of people who just care about pretty boys, shipping in the Dream SMP fandom is always gonna be a tough discussion, I feel like. 
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blu-joons · 3 years
Tumblr media
Whenever Hongjoong is around you, his priority is always to make sure that you’re protected in his affection. Even if no one else is around, he’ll still like to make sure that you always feel safe underneath his touch and in his presence.
Several of the other members had caught onto him staring across at you as you worked at the company, eventually he was pushed into introducing himself to you. When a figure stumbled into your path, anger boiled inside of you, but as soon as you saw how apologetic the guy was, all was quickly forgiven.
You knew on a date at the fair, as soon as you saw a stall with minion toys on it, Hongjoong would want to win. However, when he did, and made sure he won the biggest toy that they did, gifting the toy to you, you knew he was up to something. He wasn’t the best when it came to using words and love, so he just hoped that the toy would be enough to tell you how he felt about you, and thankfully for him, it was.
With so much of his time spent working and at the studio, you’ll often set up dates at the studio to work around his busy schedule. You’ll try and squeeze as much time out of him as possible, and even though sometimes these dates can barely last an hour, you always make sure to treasure the fact that you have time to spend with Hongjoong, however long or short it is. Whilst he gives his music a break, the two of you will sit on the floor, usually with food between the two of you, and catch up on your days and weeks.
Before dating you, Hongjoong had no real expectation of what being a relationship would be like, however there was one thing that he was certain of, the fact he wanted to still be a good leader and set a good example to the other members about what being in a relationship entailed. The work and personal life balance was key for Hongjoong, especially with so much of his time spent working on music and composing, so once the two of you figured that out and understood each other, the biggest problem was already solved.
At times Hongjoong can be very serious, which you know comes from his role as a leader and his dedication to get things done. However, sometimes that strictness that he finds himself using at work, can translate at home, often crossing a few of the boundaries between you both. You often have to remind Hongjoong of who he’s speaking too, reminding him that he’s not at work and capable of bossing people about, and that you’ll get things done when you’re ready. As soon as he realises the way in which he’s spoken to you though, he’ll always make sure to apologise and make up for the things he said.
It was an accident the first time you met his family, dropping by at the studio, you didn’t expect to see his elder brother there. However, it ended up working in your favour, seeing that you were caring for Hongjoong and making sure that he ate was a big tick on his brother’s list, and his family’s as well.
A lot of the time, Hongjoong will be at yours when he’s not busy with work. Whilst he loves being at the dorm, he loves the escape that your apartment brings too, to be able to enjoy some peace and quiet and be well looked after in your company is normally all that he wants, not too much for him to ask for at all.
He’d been working incredibly hard for a couple of weeks, so much so that you barely saw him at all. So, when you visited the studio late at night in the hope that you’d be able to check in on him, Hongjoong couldn’t hide how relieved he was to see you when you knocked on the door, hugging you tightly whilst uttering those special words.
Whilst Hongjoong isn’t someone who can get jealous too often, if someone begins to make him feel on edge, his face will definitely give him away. His responses will get a lot shorter, and his reactions will be incredibly basic, making sure it’s subtly clear to the room that he’s not enjoying himself. Whilst everyone else can usually brush it off just as Hongjoong being Hongjoong, you know a bit more as to what’s going on, typically having to bring him to one side to remind him that there’s no need for him to worry.
Hongjoong hasn’t spent years as the dad of the group for no reason, confident he’d have enough experience even if the two of you became parents tomorrow. Whilst he doesn’t want to rush for the real thing, he loves to tease you and remind you that he’s already a dad of several members who rely on him for most things. Although as you tease him too, the members are nothing like how the real thing will be.
When Hongjoong allows himself to relax and have a laugh, he very much becomes an unstoppable force. You love knowing when he’s comfortable, and when the dorkier side of him comes out, the side that doesn’t really know what he’s saying and will often do stupid things too. Hongjoong knows you love this side of him too, because you know work isn’t giving him any stress, and that you can laugh with him and know he’ll be able to laugh at your side too. Whilst for the most part he’s serious about his work, around you, Hongjoong feels a lot more confident to let those barriers down and relax a little too.
He’ll always try and be the strong leader that the others need when they’re on the road, because he knows that the others get homesick too. However, the other members are also aware of the close bond the two of you have and how much that Hongjoong relies on you. They can tell that he’s trying to smile through it all, but after a couple of weeks, they’ll reassure him that it’s alright for him to feel too, and that they’d think he was crazy if he wasn’t missing you. Secretly, they all miss you too, whilst their dad is on the road with them, not having their mum to care for them too is no fun for them either.
Hongjoong loves to give you musical names, he’ll often come up behind you and whisper, ‘my little melody,’ or something similar into your ear, reminding you that alongside music, you’re one of his favourite things in the world.
He’s obsessed with your hands, even though he has small hands of his own, to feel how small your hands are in his hold always brings a smile to Hongjoong’s face.
P ⇴ PDA 
Whenever the two of you are out in public, Hongjoong’s priority is to always keep you protected and out of any harm. He knows what fans and the media can be like, and whilst you often try to reassure him that you can handle yourself, Hongjoong would never forgive himself if something happened whilst at his side.
He loves to get your opinion on his creations, even though most of the time you don’t really have a clue what all of the technical stuff means. Secretly as well, Hongjoong loves being able to show off to you just how talented he is.
It was only when you visited Hongjoong’s room for the first time, did you realise just how minion obsessed he actually was. It became a bit of a habit for yours after that, that any time the two of you celebrated an occasion or a milestone, you’d always buy him at least one gift that was minion related in order to add to his collection, and make sure he knew just how sweet of an obsession you thought it was too.
S ⇴ SEX 
Above all else, Hongjoong always makes sure to care for you whenever the two of you are intimate with each other. Your needs are always put before his at the best of times, but especially so when the two of you are in the bedroom. Hongjoong never likes to rush, he loves to take his time and pay attention to all of the little details, as you’d expect from a man as talented and dedicated as Hongjoong was.
You’ll often be disturbed at work by texts from Hongjoong to let you know he’s organised plans for you both that evening, whether it’s a date night, or catching up with friends, he loves to be as social as possible with you.
Whilst every person went through hard times, especially as the leader too, knowing that he always had you there to support him through those hard times was an indescribable comfort for Hongjoong that he’d always be grateful for.
He always told you how keen he was to travel with his members, and not have to worry about work. So, when you found out they’d arranged a trip, you were more than pleased for them. But that wasn’t enough for Hongjoong, surprising you on the morning of the trip, with a suitcase packed, and no hints as to what would happen next.
As the father of the group, Hongjoong’s used to listening to the others moan, and so he’ll never annoy you with the habits that all of his members tend to do.
Every kiss that comes from Hongjoong is always incredibly soft against your skin, and very sweet too. If he gets a reaction out of you when he kisses you, it’ll always make him turn incredibly shy and nervous. He loves to come up behind you and take you by surprise, or if he can tell you’re anxious, he’ll be there with a kiss against your blushed cheeks to remind you not to worry and that he’s there for you too.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his biggest support, always at his side whenever he needed to call on you.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
It’s quite often that Hongjoong will end up having to sleep at the studio, and so you made sure to create a bag filled with things that he’d need to make sure he was as comfortable as possible when you weren’t able to be with him.
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morethanonepage · 2 years
🔥 uhhh DC Comics :D
Ok TO BE FAIR I haven't really read anything from DC except Hellblazer/some other John series so in general my unpopular DC comics opinion is, I wish they'd forget John exists 😂
I think theres been A FEW interesting developments w/r/t John canon -- more explicitly showing him as bi being one of the better ones, but even there, I haven't LOVED how it's been done. I mean between CtH and the LoT (which was mostly just cribbing from CtH), John's two (2) canonical boyfriends (I'm not counting Stanley Manor bc that was more of a long con/honey trap situation) are men of color that got sent to hell because of John's nonsense. And like yeah similar things happen in Hellblazer but I can't think of ANY of John's canonical girlfriends getting screwed over like that, esp on panel-- IIRC Judith kills herself after Newcastle & she shows up in flashback once or twice, but the rest mostly get out alive (if not emotionally unscathed, obvs, but even then -- the "John treats his partners like shit" thing isn't 100% WRONG but it's more complex; he TRIES really hard w Kit & then Danni, and seems to be a decentish & generally giving boyfriend to them both. Like pre-Newcastle John definitely cheats on Judith but for the majority of Hellblazer canon, John is either single & doing one night stands that everyone goes into w honest expectations, or in relationships that he seems to commit to while hes in them).
And overall, DC John's characterization has shifted from "damaged and complicated but generally well meaning, scrappy & tenacious, w appreciation for sex depicted in a mostly neutral way" to "sexy snarky wizard man whose sexual promiscuity is a demonstration of his ~damage", and I am -- not a fan lol. Nor am I a fan of him on teams-- like in general my appreciation for Hellblazer is that John rarely had any direction. He tended to just bumble into problems, or have someone bring them to him. I think that's just an approach to a narrative that doesn't WORK in modern comics (or television, or movies) but it's what I like, dammit!!!
Like DC has a bunch of ~magical and ~spooky shit characters who like. Actually give a fuck more consistently. Zatanna being the main one that comes to mind, and per some canons she already has a pre existing friendship w Bruce Wayne, so -- WHY do they love teaming John & Batman up?????? Bc John's popular right now lol but I WISH HE WASN'T, #GatekeepingJohnConstantine4lyf
Also if DC wants to reboot Hellblazer they should hire ME to write it so I can focus it on Gemma Masters & Geraldine Chandler & call it MASTERS OF HELL and idk John just shows up on the periphery occasionally to make things worse.
We as a society have evolved past the need for rebooted Hellblazer content focusing on Johnny C.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Hi! I’m a new follower so i’m not quite sure if you accept requests now but if u do! i have this request that i think would be really nice!
I just read ur one shot called “behind the scenes” and i literally fell in love with it! I was thinking if you could do a sequel or part two where levi and reader talk about what he said in the interview and come to terms with their feelings for each other and then he says that they will take it slow and court reader properly.
After that, they would have like cute moments together like, she goes live on ig or such and he join and then flirts with her through the comment section 😆🥰 they have like small dates. And then when they film again for the next season, the other actors will ask what’s the deal with the both of them and Levi says he’s courting reader ><
Just a thought hehe i hope you have a great day!
Title: Behind The Scenes Part Two
Pairings: Levi x fem! Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3000
A/N: Hello darling, I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been a little busy in cleaning our house these days and I'm trying to spend less time using gadgets that's why I rarely find time to write. Anyways, I hope you'll like this one. This is not proofread so Expect many errors, I will edit this in no time. Thanks for requesting dearie💗💗💗
Read Part 1 Here
“Let's see each other next season! Good luck on your upcoming projects especially you Miss Marvel!” Zeke walked towards you and hugged you tight.
The whole cast just finished eating dinner, it was a dinner filled of laughter, the whole cast talked about the days on set, the silly things and other stuffs. Throughout the years of filming attack on titan, every one became each other's best friends and every time the filming are finished it's kinda sad because it will take time before you guys start filming together again.
“Goodnight everyone!”
Levi guided you towards the parking lot, his car was parked beside Eren who's now opening the door for Mikasa. “Drive straight my sister home, it's late.” Eren nodded and saluted to Levi before he climbed up the car and drove off.
Levi, on the other hand also opened the door of the car for you before he entered the car himself.
“Thanks for driving me home, Lev. Do you want go inside for some tea?”
“It's fine, I don't wanna keep you up. We barely had enough time to sleep these days because of the promotions and stuffs.” Despite of saying that Levi is still standing in front of you, his eyes are full of hesitation and he kept opening his mouth just to pursed his lips together again as if holding himself back.
You are holding yourself back as well, you wanted to talk about what he said on the interview, you wanted to make things clear but you're too scared to do so.
Levi is a man who's hard to read, you wouldn't know if what he's saying is for the sake of fun or it is because he meant it.
Maybe he said that because you two are good friends, right, that's the only logical reason that popped into your mind.
You smiled fakely, trying to hide your disappointment to the fact that he's not gonna say anything, you get ready to turn your back on him to go inside your house but Levi suddenly held your hand, causing you to look back at him with wide eyes, “W-What is it?” you stammered.
“I mean it.”
“You mean what?”
Your heart is beating so fast, you're suddenly wondering it is because of Levi or it is because you have a heart problem.
Levi sighed and squeezed your hand gently as he looked into your eyes, he prepared himself a lot of times already but why is he getting afraid all the time?
He wanted to say it, say that this is more than just a friendship, that this is more than a job, that what he's doing is not a publicity stunt but he's tongue-tied. His mind went blank the moment he met your gaze, everything that he practiced before all of this has gone into the abyss.
But if he won't take a step forward, he'll always be at the same place and he wouldn't want that.
“I like you—no scratch that, I'm in love with you.”
“We had no liquor earlier so you can't be drunk. I have no times for jokes right now Lev.” you wanted to say that you like him too but what if this is just a joke? Can you afford to lose the friendship you to has?
Levi took a deep breath before he slowly nipped your chin and leaned down, his lips almost touching yours. “I know this is ridiculous but I..fell in love with you. At first I thought it was just because I'm portraying a man who's possibly in love with your character but as time passes by, I realized I'm not portraying Levi's feelings anymore.” he closed his eyes and gulped hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he do so.
“On Erwin's last day on shoot, I've realized that my remaining time with you are short and I realized that I'm not ready to let all of this end just like that.”
“Okay so Levi you'll be choosing between Armin and Erwin, you know what to do just show us that you're heartbroken without obviously doing it and then once Samantha and Hanji came in look at Samantha with a face of relief, because in this scene Levi is glad to see her alive.” Levi nodded to the director, the make up artists put more fake bloods all over his face and when he sat nearby Erwin, the latter opened his eyes.
“Come on, man. Loosen up, the camera's not yet rolling.” Erwin smiled, Levi is a passionate actor and he gives his best in his craft, this series for example, Levi doesn't have any stunt doubles, he learned martial arts for the role and he did great portraying Levi Ackerman.
“Lights, Camera, Action!”
The scene went well and everyone cheered since this is the last day of filming for Erwin's character, Armin immediately hugged his older co-actor, Jean and Connie did the same while Mikasa and Sasha are clapping and smiling at the production team.
You and Levi are standing side by side behind Erwin, “This is sad.” you commented while Levi sighed beside you, “Imagine what my old guy feels.” Levi told you referring to his character in the series, you shrugged your shoulders and walked towards Erwin to hug him.
“You're the best, Commander Erwin.” you smiled and did the salute in the series before chuckling, “Shinzou wo Sasageyo!” you told him and the other actors heard you, everyone started doing the salute and shouted, “Shinzou wo Sasageyo!” Erwin looked around and smiled at everyone.
“Oh come on! It's not like I'm real dead, it's just my character.”
That wraps up the filming that day, while everyone was busy taking pictures with Erwin because this is his last day, Levi remained watching the whole cast from afar.
His eyes landed on you as you cry hugging Erwin, telling him that you'll miss working with him.
That was when Levi had come to realize that once this series is finished, he will never be ready to share the last moment on and off screen with you.
He's been working in this industry for a long time, not all friendships formed in work could last after a project is done, that was one of the reason why he's doing his best not to get attached especially in leading ladies but right now, for working so long with these whole cast it is inevitable to be attached to someone so similar to him yet different in other ways.
A small smile made its way across his lips as he see you laugh with the casts as you stood beside his sister.
One thing has come to his mind at that moment, he will never be ready to let you go.
End of Flashback
“I don't want to pressure you or anything. We can take it slow, I'm ready to court you properly, I haven't done any of that before but I'll do everything...let's just give it a try.”
All you could do was stare at him, blinking slowly as you tried processing everything he said, it was surprising to see him tremble like this, you can feel how cold his hands are and how his eyes are glassy because of the tears forming at the corner of his eyes.
“Well...I like you too but we'll take things slow, right? I don't want any of us to be hurt.”
“I understand—wait, what? You like me too?”
“Should I take that back?”
You yelped with surprise when he hugged you tightly, his arms wrapped around you as he whisper sweet nothings on your ear.
“Levi it's too tight.” you giggled and he immediately pulled away, his cheeks are red so are his ears, he's cute with that blush but the way he smiled at you makes you feel like you've won the lottery, who knew you could see the Levi Cold Ackerman smile like this?
“I promise, I'll do my best.” he told you before pressing his lips on your forehead.
“Miss Y/N? Ahm the show asked if you could go live on Instagram to entertain the fans and inform them that you'll be in the Night Show.” you smiled at the staff and took the tablet in her hands since you'll be using the show's account to go live.
You started the live while your hairstylist is still fixing your hair, “As you guys can see my beloved hairstylist is not yet done fixing my hair, I will be at the Night Show! Oh my gosh I don't know what to say next, I'm just gonna read the comments.” your hairstylist laughed at your silliness and took a glance on the screen before turning her attention back to your hair.
“Okay, @ynsupremacy says she's been waiting for me to appear on the show. Oh thank you very much dearie! I've always wanted to be here too thanks for your support.”
“Oh my gosh take it easy babes, I can't read everything in just one go.”
You scrolled through the comments and sees a familiar username, “Someone deadass spammed the comment section you guys, Levi you little bastard stop spamming. Let my babies talk to me.” you narrowed your eyes at the screen before reading Levi's comment.
“I can't believe Angels go live on Instagram, says @captainlev.”
You looked back at your hairstylist after hearing her read Levi's comment, you blushed and she laughed at your reaction before shaking her head. “What? I was just reading. Nice on Captain Lev!” she smirked at the camera before looking back at you.
“I'll be back in a minute.” she said before walking out of the room.
You could still see Levi's comments but you did your best to ignore it so you could talk to your fans. “Hello @erenlegalwife happy birthday! I'm gonna tell Eren that it's his legal wife's birthday.” you chuckled. It's amusing to see their usernames, the comments are also hilarious but there are some bashers in the comments. You didn't mind them and just proceeded in interacting with your fans.
Another comment was shown but before you could even read it someone covered your eyes and you squealed, you removed their hands off your eyes and when you looked back you gasped in surprise.
“You kept on ignoring my comments, meanie.” Levi smirked as he opened his arms, asking for a hug and when you're too slow to hug him he's the one to walk towards you and hug you tight as he laughed loudly. “I scared you big time didn't I?” he teased.
You hit his back and pullled away from the hug. “God, I hate you.” it's been two months since you two confessed to each other, just like what he said, you two are taking it slow.
You guys are going out on dates from time to time yet there's no official relationship status, you didn't need the label actually, you're sure Levi wouldn't break your heart or anything, you just want to enjoy every time that you're with him.
“Okay, Levi will be joining us too but believe me I have no idea that he's a guest as well.” you told the fans as they ask you in the comment section.
“Figured I gotta surprise you, it's much better this way right?”
“You told me you're filming for that movie, big liar.”
Levi laughed and pinched your cheeks gently, “Sorry, I just want to surprise you.” he smiled sweetly and you looked away, blushing. “Pft. Never mind...” you bit your lower lip and scrolled through the comments but Levi already read something out loud.
“Ooh... @levisamlover says ‘you two look good together, just date already’ thank you for that. I also think that we look really good with each other, thanks for supporting my claim.” he smirked.
“Are you sure you're fine with us just having a date at home? Well you probavly don't wanna let the press see us.” Levi asked as he wrapped jis arms around your shoulder, pulling you close to him as you two watch a movie.
“Hmm, nah the press has been seeing us two a lot but I don't care, I just want to stay close with you like this.” you told him, hugging him sideways, Levi chuckled and kissed the top of your head before feeding you some popcorn.
In the middle of the movie, Levi looked down on you just to see you asleep with a pout on your lips. He chuckled to himself and he slowly scoop you up being careful not to wake you up. He carried you towards your bedroom and he lay you down on the bed gently.
He smiled at your sleeping form before kissing your forehead. “I love you, do you know that? The day's ending yet I'm still 'ere falling in love with you again and again, deeper and deeper at every moment that passes by.” he took his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you, it became his new hobby, he's not the type to love taking pictures before but now that he has you, he wants to capture every moment.
He wants every moment to be saved, so he can go back to it every time that he misses you.
“Nice job YN! Another action stunt beautifully done!”
You let out a sigh of relief when you're done filming your part, you guys are filming Eren's fight with the War Hammer Titan, along with the Survey corps fighting scene.
When you've finally done your part you immediately sat on the floor, feeling drained because of the insane stunts you had to do.
Levi was quick to hand you a bottled of water, he also naturally took his handkerchief out of his pocket to wipe your sweats, technically it is your PA's job but Levi was way faster than them.
Zeke and Reiner who just got finished their parts too, laughed at the scene because your PA was standing awkwardly as she watch Levi steal her job. “Man, I can't be the only one feeling that something changed with this two.” Zeke smirked nudging Reiner's sides, the latter hummed to agree before flicking his eyes on you and Levi.
“He's not even using his trailer anymore. He's with her all the time, Levi is acting sus.”
“Not to mention the fact that they kept on stealing glances all the time.” Hanji appeared behind the two holding her phone in her hand as she captures a photo of you and Levi laughing together. “Once we caught 'em in the act they'll spill the beans, believe me.” Armin who just finished filming also appeared holding his bottled water.
“I have a plan.” Hanji smirked deviously.
“What, you're telling me to flirt with YN? Mikasa, I don't want to get killed by your brother.” Eren complained when he found out that the plan that they were thinking was getting Levi jealous so he would spill the tea.
Mikasa glared at Eren and smacked the back of his head. “Just do it, we'll be here to do something once he attempt to kill you.” Eren stared at her unbelievably before looking at his older brother. “Why don't you tell Armin to do it?” Zeke pushed his glasses up his nose before shaking his head. “Nah, Armin is like her son, Levi won't get jealous but you, a fuckboy would appear as a threat.” Zeke explained and everyone agreed.
“Man you're the one who flirts like a Seahorse.” Armin told him.
Eren narrowed his eyes, unable to understand Armin's sentence. “What do you mean by that smart-ass?” he growled.
“Seahorses flirts a lot, you're just like them.”
“I hate you all.”
Zeke got impatient of his brother's drama and he immediately pushed him towards your direction, the poor man almost landes face flat on the floor if you weren't able to grab his arm.
“Eren!” you gasped and helped him up, when Eren got up his face is pale, he smiled awkwardly and looked back at his brother to send a glare on his way before looking back at you. “You look beautiful today, YN.” he complimented.
You were taken aback by the sudden compliment so you just smiled before tapping his back, “Thanks, you look handsome today too, nice stunts by the way.” Eren looked around and he sees no traces of Levi so he loosened up a bit.
“I was just wondering if you'd like to have some coffee, there's this new coffee shop nearby and I've heard they have nice coffee.”
“Oh yes su—”
“She doesn't like coffee.”
Eren wanted to run when he heard Levi spoke behind him but he had no choice but to look at him, “Hey Lev! What's up?” Levi raised his brow to Eren, he didn't respond to him and went to your side as he glares at Eren.
“Play nice.”
“What am I? Your dog?” he whispered and you glared at him. “I'm just saying that you should act nice.” Levi crossed his arms over his chest and let out a deep breath. “I am nice.” you shook your head and massaged the bridge of your nose, there's no point in calming a jealous Levi.
“Ohohoho! I see what's happening here! Seems like sugar plum and captain grumpy is hiding somethin' eh? Spill it. What's with the possesiveness and lovey-dovey moments?”
Levi's eyes widened for a secons before he looked away, his ears and cheeks are red. Zeke's teasing smirk tells him that the man already know something, Hanji, Mikasa and Armin's stares are also meaningful, it seems like they're pressuring him to give an answer.
Levi clicked his tongue and acted cool as he looked at his co-actors and sister.
“I'm courting her, got any problem with that? Flirt with her again and you're done, Yeager.” he held your hand and dragged you away from the group while Zeke and Eren's laughter boomed at the whole set.
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Lost & Found - 8
Pairing: Park Jimin x soulmate (oc)
Warnings: Insecurity, anxiety, abandonment
Word Count: 3.7k
a/n: Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well so far, enjoy this update! Let me know your thoughts!
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Chapter 8. Face Yourself
series masterlist
“You know, I kind of expected to see you again.” Christina leads me into her home, waiting for me to remove my shoes before walking further into the house. It has an industrial look to it, giving off a generally cold feeling. Something about it though makes the house feel warm.
It’s probably Christina. Despite not being overjoyed to see me, she still emits a friendly aura. That is, until Elle decides to hop out and snoop about.
“Er…” Christina rubs her nose harshly, eyeing my cat. “I’m actually pretty allergic to cats…”
I launch into action, scooping Elle up in my arms even though she protests with a pitiful hiss. “I’m so sorry, if I’d have known-”
“It’s not your fault,” Christina replies, gesturing toward a familiar gray door. “Are you alright with leaving your cat in the warehouse while we chat?”
Nodding, I walk over and pry the door open. A blast of cool air hits me, taking my breath away and resulting in a sigh of long-suffering from Elle. Christina reaches into the warehouse, flicking on the light and the heat.
“Would your cat like...um...a bowl of milk? To sip on while she waits?”
I can’t help but smile at Christina’s offer. Glancing down at Elle, I watch the way her tail flicks back and forth as she wanders about the warehouse. “That would be great, actually.”
Once Elle has been taken care of and Christina has moved us to her kitchen, I allow myself to recall the events of a couple weeks ago. I’m passed a mug of apple cider, heart aching at the similarities from before.
Christina offers me a seat on one of the stools, standing on the opposite side of the island. She takes a long sip of the cider, a faraway look in her eyes. I wonder if she’s remembering the last time we shared a drink together.
When I told her who my soulmate was, and she suddenly became very, very quiet.
“So what brings you back here?” Christina asks, finally breaking the memory-laden silence. I look at the mug in my hands for a long moment, collecting my thoughts.
“I…” my vision clouds over for a moment, and I take a deep breath. Once the tears have receded, I try again. “I’ve been told to come to terms with my actions. With all that I’ve done wrong.”
“To make it right?” Christina asks, her expression betraying nothing of her innermost thoughts. “Because like I said, I don’t do refunds. Can’t, actually.”
I finally look up at Christina, really looking at her for the first time.
Her hair is dark and thick, falling below her ribcage. It’s long. Today it’s down, lightly curled.
It makes her look soft. Normal.
So at odds with her choice in profession.
“No,” I respond. “No, not that. I’ve been instructed to...to forgive myself…?”
Christina blinks, resting her elbows against the countertop. “You don’t sound very convinced.”
“That’s probably because I’m not.”
Nodding along, Christina looks down at her hands. She begins to trace the lines in her palms, allowing herself a moment to think. After a few heartbeats, she looks back up at me. “It sounds like you’re seeing someone about this,” she points to my left hand that I have wrapped around the mug. The cut thread hangs there, barely touching the top of the island.
“I am.”
“A trained professional?”
She lets out what appears to be a sigh of relief. “Good.” Flicking her hair over her shoulder - how did I never notice how long her hair is? - she furrows her brows ever so slightly. “So...why are you here? Not that I want you to leave, I’m just a little confused. Isn’t this place...aren’t I a part of your problem?”
I blink, letting her words sink in. “Christina, you’re not a problem to be fixed.”
An indescribable emotion flickers across her face, but it’s gone before I can put a name to it. Instead she straightens up, moving to put the apple cider back in the fridge. “Then explain to me just what you plan to do here today.”
With her back turned to me I have no idea what she’s thinking or if I’ve already overstepped my bounds, but I venture on. “Well...I don’t really get it. You know, the forgiving part. I’ve heard about it a lot, sure. I guess I just don’t have a lot of practice in it, though.” Christina turns back around, resuming her spot across the island from me. “And it just seemed to me like maybe you do, I guess.”
She’s back to tracing her palm now, absorbing my request. Slowly, she tilts her head to one side, looking at me with unadulterated curiosity. “You want me to teach you how to forgive yourself?”
I nod hesitantly, hoping it’s the right answer. Christina scoffs, a challenge in her eyes.
“How can I teach you about forgiveness when it’s clear you don’t want to forgive yourself?”
“You want me to explain it to you step by step? It isn’t something that you can just check off of a to-do list, Jolie. I need you to understand that.” Christina rises up to her full height, running her hands through her hair. “You can’t just move through the motions and hold yourself up to the list of qualifications for forgiveness and hope you make it. Because you won’t. Every single time, you will fall short. We all do. And it really sucks, but it’s true. How do you think people find it in them to forgive themselves when they’re completely aware of just how much they’re lacking?”
My heart hammers, the truthfulness in her words pounding into me like an anvil. At a loss, my mouth simply opens and closes like a fish. She sees my dilemma, raising her eyebrows.
“Because they care.” Christina lets out a deep breath, her eyes never leaving my face. I feel absolutely naked before her, all of my flaws laid out like a buffet. It’s impossible for me to move, to run away, though. I can hardly breathe as is. She continues on, a fire in her eyes.
“They care enough about themselves to know that even though they will never meet the expectations laid out for them, they deserve to be forgiven.” Christina’s voice comes out thick with emotion, unshed tears welling up in her eyes. “And that is what you lack, Jolie. You want to suffer. You want to use the pain that’s building up inside of you as some sort of way to atone for what you’ve done. But it doesn’t work like that.”
Sitting there at Christina’s kitchen island, the words hanging in the air above me, I can’t find it in me to lie. Not when this woman stands before me, battle-worn from life and still fighting, would know in an instant.
I can’t lie to myself anymore.
Eyes falling to my mug of apple cider, I see myself reflected in its murky contents. My own pitiful, broken self staring back at me.
“I’m so tired of lying to myself,” I whisper. I hardly notice Christina coming around the island and taking up a spot beside me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
When I finally find it in me to look at her, I see nothing but calm understanding.
Like she knows. Like she’s been here before, in some capacity. Judging from the severed thread she sports, chances are she knows exactly what sort of heart-wrenching pain is wracking my soul right now.
With a soft, heart-broken smile, Christina whispers back, “Then start with the truth.”
“Honestly, she’s a fool for not texting you back. That last text you sent was gold.” Jin stares at an unopened box of churros, rubbing his belly before leaning forward to pry it open. “Pure gold, I tell you.”
“Yeah,” Jimin cringes as he watches Jin take a bite of the churro. They’ve eaten to the point of stomach-aches. “That’s because you wrote it.”
Jimin’s cell phone sits in the middle of the table, under constant surveillance by the seven boys. An hour has passed since he sent off the last text to Jolie; a quip about how Elle must have taken pity on him.
When he hadn’t received a message within the first two minutes, he’d wanted to send something else. Taehyung had stopped him, ordering him to eat and breathe for a few minutes. What had begun as a temporary distraction had now dragged on for far too long, in Jimin’s opinion.
With dread in his stomach, he asks, “What if she’s freaked out about texting a guy so soon after everything? She’s probably not in a place to even think about talking with other guys. Do you think she’s ghosting me?”
This makes even Jin pause in his act of gorging himself, swallowing harshly and launching himself into a coughing fit. Jungkook slaps him on the back, frowning.
“No…” the maknae protests weakly. “She wouldn’t ghost you...would she?”
“Well, she doesn’t really have the best track record when it comes to me,” Jimin jokes, the attempt falling flat as everyone sullenly agrees.
Sighing, Taehyung grabs Jimin’s phone and extends it to him. “What are you gonna say?”
Unlocking his phone, Jimin sighs heavily. “Erm...apologize for the lame joke?”
“Hey!” Jin feigns offense, taking an angry bite of his churro.
“Good move,” Taehyung whispers. Jimin chuckles, pulling up the text conversation. Once he types out the message, he shows it to his members. They all agree, although Jin does so a little sulkily.
“Ok and...sent.”
Me: Sorry for the dumb joke...I guess it wasn’t as funny as I initially thought 😅
Jimin sets the phone back down on the edge of the table, struggling to stomp down on the hope growing in his chest. No matter what he does, he can’t stop seeing Jolie in his mind. The way she smiled at Elle, hauling her groceries up to her apartment.
How can his soulmate live so close to him and yet still be so far away?
Namjoon groans as he sits up, looking at an email he just received on his phone. Hobi frowns, reading over his shoulder.
“What is it?” Jimin asks. Namjoon and Hobi share a look before seemingly coming to an agreement.
“It’s just another message from Bang PD,” Namjoon sighs, rubbing his face. “Fans are still...freaking out about everything.”
Jimin blinks, having almost forgotten about the outside world for a moment. “What are they doing?”
“They’re just convinced that Bighit is hiding your soulmate, trying to control the situation. Some of them are fine with it, but there’s a significant amount that are offended.”
“Mainly offended because they think that you don’t trust them enough to still show up to our events,” Yoongi clarifies, giving the younger boy an apologetic smile. Jimin’s eyes become glazed over, mind running rampant with what people must be saying about him.
Hobi jumps in, hating to see that look on Jimin’s face. “But we’re taking the ‘no comment’ route, remember? So they’ll just have to sit tight until you’re ready to come back.”
It’s quiet for a moment before Namjoon speaks again. “Bang PD is just a little worried about our upcoming muster. You know, about fan’s reactions when you aren’t there and-”
“I’ll come.”
Everyone looks to Jimin in pure shock, Taehyung immediately jumping in. “No, it’ll be fine Jiminie, really. You don’t need to come. It’s only been two weeks, take more time.”
Jimin hardly even blinks. “And the muster is in...what, five days? That’s about three weeks of a break for me. I can’t just sit around like this anymore, you guys. I’m losing it.”
Jungkook speaks up from where he’d been quietly sitting beside Jin. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you need to jump back into full concert mode. That’s too much to ask of yourself.”
Everyone seems inclined to agree, already nodding their heads. Jimin sees his window of opportunity closing, and takes a shot before it’s gone.
“One song.” Jimin scoots onto the edge of the sofa, running a hand through his hair. “Just let me do one song with you guys. Enough to let everyone see me, that I’m alright. That they don’t need to...worry about me hiding a soulmate from them.”
“I don’t know, Jimin…” Namjoon begins, twirling his phone in his hands. “It’s probably going to be really intense, and once you get out there you can never go back to the peace you’ve got right now. People will be practically knocking down our door to get answers.”
“I know. Just...I want to see them.” Glancing down at his phone which still hasn’t received a text back, Jimin sighs. “Just one song. I can’t hide forever. And I don’t think I want to.”
Namjoon begrudgingly agrees to bring it up with Bang PD, not promising anything. Either way, Jimin lets out a sigh of relief at the thought of possibly getting to perform soon. Despite the certain problems that are bound to follow, at least he can hold a mic again. See Army.
He’s not completely sure if it’s the right time, but it feels like the right step. Staring at his phone and praying for it to light up with a message from his soulmate, Jimin voices his thoughts aloud.
“I think she needs to know that she hasn’t wrecked my life beyond repair, you know?” Reaching forward, he flips his phone so he can no longer see the screen. “I can live with the pain.”
“Just because you can survive the pain doesn’t mean you should consign yourself to a life full of it.”
Christina is on her second mug of apple cider, the smell of blueberry muffins permeating the air in the living room. We moved here to a little while ago, Christina deeming this conversation worthy of her comfy couches.
I nod along with wide eyes, almost wishing that I had a notebook with me. The way that Christina speaks to me makes me want to write down every word.
Pure honesty. That’s what it is.
“Can I ask what made you get into this business?” I ask, suddenly needing to know more about what made Christina the way that she is.
A dark cloud intercepts Christina’s kind gaze, and she chews on the inside of her cheek for a moment. “I...it’s a long story.”
“Do I look like I have a life?” My comment earns me a sharp chuckle from Christina, who gets into a more comfortable position on the couch. The grays and white undertones of the room makes the small fire in the fireplace pop out all the more.
“Good point. Either way, I’m not a very big fan of going into too much detail where my story is concerned.” Setting her mug down on the coffee table, she takes a deep breath in before letting it out. “Long story short...I met my soulmate. Fell in love with him, actually.”
My eyes instinctively fall to her cut thread, my stomach knotting up with whatever dreadful fact is coming next.
“What I considered to be a pure, beautiful relationship turned into something like Stockholm Syndrome. My soulmate he...he believed that I was his, and only his. He slowly cut off all communication with my family, my friends. At first I didn’t notice what he was doing, but when I came to my senses...let’s just say I did everything in my power to get out.”
I remain frozen in my seat, heart nearly stopping. “Christina, that’s horrible.”
“It was. But the moral of the story is that I got out. I got help. And in turn, I help others the only way I know how.” She glances down at my left hand, something like regret lingering there in her eyes. “I don’t usually ask my clients any questions. I know when I was running and trying to cut my thread, the last thing I wanted was to bring up my history. However, with you...I wish I would’ve asked.”
It stings, but it makes sense. I fidget a little in my seat, twirling my thread around my finger. “Would you have turned me away if you knew the truth?”
Christina sits quietly for a moment, chewing on the question. “I definitely would have tried to get you to think it through a bit more. Maybe I would have turned you away, I don’t know. If I’d have known that Park Jimin was on the other end of that string....I don’t know if I would have been able to stomach doing that to him.”
I nod. It would appear that in my desperation, I’d forgotten that my decisions would harm more people than just those directly connected to the thread around my finger.
“I’m assuming you’re a fan?” I ask a little drily. Like flicking on a switch, Christina’s eyes light up.
“Oh, absolutely. But especially of Jimin.” I feel my eyebrows arch, a fresh wave of guilt sluicing through me. Christina doesn’t begin to curse me, though. “You know his song ‘Promise’? On those days after I’d cut the thread and felt my will slipping, like I might go back to my soulmate after everything he’d done to me...I’d listen to that song. I’d promise myself over and over again that I wouldn’t throw it all away. I guess you could say that, in a way, he saved me.”
The fire pops and hisses in the fireplace, filling the temporary silence. Christina grabs her mug, taking another sip before realizing that it’s empty. She gets up, excusing herself while she goes to the kitchen to get some more cider.
Alone in the small living room, I stare at that fire while different thoughts vie for my attention. Watching the flames, I stumble upon another truth. One that blasts a door open on my understanding of the past two weeks. Of what drove me here, to Christina’s, on that fateful night. Thread in tow, begging for it to be cut.
Jimin creates. He creates beautiful opportunities for people, second chances for people like Christina who so desperately needed one. He’s there, for people he’s never met and never will meet, cheering them on in their endeavors.
And me? I destroy. I’ve always seen that in myself. So when I saw Jimin up on stage that night, completely entranced by him as he bounced around and danced and smiled, I knew that there was a stark difference between us. I could admire that difference, from a distance.
Yet when I saw the way my string followed his ever so slightly...as my eyes traced the thread between us, coming to the same conclusion every time that it was Park Jimin who was on the other side, I believed it to be a mistake.
How could I be paired with someone so good? How could a devil be tied to an angel?
And yet...Christina reenters the room, smiling warmly at me as though I wasn’t the one that made her unknowingly cause harm to one of her idols. It’s Christina, who sits across from me with her third cup of apple cider, that makes me realize that perhaps fate was right all along.
Christina destroys bonds for a living. She destroys seemingly unbreakable bonds, for a price. And what is supposed to be the most horrifying profession of all, comes from a place of sympathy. Of charity.
Perhaps destruction clears the path for creation.
Maybe, just maybe, Park Jimin and I are a perfect match.
The moon has risen by the time Jimin gets a reply. He’s just fallen onto his bed, his hair still wet from his shower, when his phone vibrates.
He nearly rolls off of his bed and onto the floor in an attempt to retrieve his phone, but he manages to stay upright. His heart launches into a frenzy at the sight of Jolie’s name on his phone, and immediately he’s back to replaying the scene of her in his head.
Jolie (Elle): Sorry, I was visiting a friend and lost track of time. And yes, the joke was lame. I’m glad that you can admit it 😂
Jimin chuckles, making a mental note to tell Jin that his joke really was lame. He stares at the screen for a moment longer, struggling to come up with something to reply. Before he can write anything, however, three dots pop up as Jolie types something in.
He stares and stares at those three dots, sucking on his bottom lip. When the text comes through, he lets out a shout of triumph.
Jolie (Elle): Also, I think that Elle misses you. Either that or she’s mad at me for ignoring her
Taking a deep breath, Jimin types out a reply. He rereads it a couple of times before giving in and hitting send.
Me: I’m sure she does. How dare you ignore her? Don’t you know that she’s royalty?
Jolie (Elle): Oh no.
Jolie (Elle): She’s got you wrapped around her finger.
Me: I think you meant paw 😼
Jolie (Elle): This entire conversation is ridiculous, I hope you know that 😂
Huffing out a laugh, Jimin brings his pillow to his chest. Oh, he’s aware of the ridiculous nature of the conversation. But if it’s the only way he can communicate with his soulmate, then so be it.
Me: I’m aware, don’t worry. I’d better let you get some rest. Give Elle some cuddles for me, will you?
A part of him hopes that Jolie will protest, insisting that they talk for longer. However, he gets the next best thing.
A photo of Elle, sitting at the end of a bed and looking at the camera like she’s posing for a portrait. Jolie sends a message a heartbeat later.
Jolie (Elle): She won’t let me touch her right now...she’s still angry 😂 but when she forgives me, I’ll be sure to tell her that the cuddles are from you.
Jolie (Elle): Goodnight!
“I’ll talk to her tomorrow,” Jimin whispers to himself in an attempt to calm his beating heart. He stares at the photo for a moment longer, taking in as much detail as he possibly can. Jolie isn’t in it, but the outline of her legs under the blanket are enough to remind Jimin that this is real. It’s all real.
And he’ll talk to her tomorrow.
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dahniwitchoflight · 3 years
man, a lot been happening on the internet lately, talking about content creators and parasocial relationships being a big topic recently
I almost don’t wanna post anything about it, cuz I’m not sure how to avoid any sort of stirring of the pot, but there’s an angle to this situation that I think a lot of people are confused about, and that’s “where does the fault lie when a person gets hurt in a parasocial relationship?”
And people I guess are thinking this is some sort of case of power dynamic’s, but I think thinking of it in these terms is incorrect to be perfectly honest
does a content creator seem to have a lot of sway over someone who’s fallen into a parasocial relationship with them? sure it can seem that way
but is that the content creator’s fault? No, as bad as that sounds to the tumblr crowd
this is NOT the power dynamic between an abusive father and their child, or a skeezy boss and their secretary, or any other real abusive power dynamic where the victim faces some sort of real consequence for not being compliant with the abuser’s wishes
this is the dynamic between a casino and someone with a gambling addiction.
can you argue that the gambling addiction/parasocial relationship wouldn’t exist without the casino/creator existing? sure you can
can you argue that it’s within the interests of the casino/content creator to get customers and fans? absolutely
but can you also say that the problem in the situation here is inherent to the person with the actual addiction problem here? someone who gets too invested in the scenario through their own desires and or addiction problems? That many people can go to a casino or be a fan of a person in a perfectly reasonable healthy amount and never get hurt or encounter any issues? Yeah
Even if you dislike the casino/creator and have hard feelings for putting you into a situation where you believed you were gonna win it all, even though the odds of that happening were never in your favor, and rightfully feel you’ve been victimized by them, the casino/creator existing and doing there thing I really don’t believe is the thing at fault here
I think there’s something to the idea that people who are vulnerable to addictions like gambling and thinking that theyll win the jackpot of millions against impossible odds is not too dissimilar from a singular fan of some content creator thinking, this is it, I’m the one theyll fall in love with over everyone else, against all the odds itll be me
and also whatever prevents them from realizing that the consequences of losing would apply to them as well, other people in the casino might lose all their savings, but it wont happen to me. Other people might get lost in the fantasy and then end up being dumped, but it wont be me
I think the brain juice would see these as very similar situations, and this addiction angle I think explains a lot for how people get into parasocial relationships in the first place and why they feel like it’s so hard to get out 
but people are still free to believe that casino’s/content creators are morally corrupt institutions, just from their nature of the fact that their livelihood depends on people and fans crowding to their type of entertainment
At the end of the day, they cannot control what their fans are going to do, they can’t read the minds of anyone who chooses to come to their establishment, they can’t know at a glance or through conversation who’s going to get addicted and who isn’t, they can only see warnings signs after the fact and then damage control, it’s just a messy reality of life that it happens
There are best practices to prevent these types of things sure but those don’t catch every case and inevitably there are going to be people who fall through the cracks anyway
the correct approach here is to mitigate the addiction problem. that’s the real thing at fault here, not any one person
so to answer the question, where does the fault lie when someone gets hurt in a parasocial relationship?
you might be a victim yes, but not a victim of the casino, as much as it can feel like that, your a victim of an unfortunate affliction
people can be dismissive and yell all they want about alcoholics being drunks, or gamblers having no spine and should just be able to not go to a casino, or people who are overinvested fans should just be able to stop back and not care about a creator so much, but I understand that it’s not that easy
but it still doesn’t make it the fault of whatever you got addicted to, It doesn’t make it anyone’s fault, and the casino/creator has less power over an addicted individual than you think, short of banning them entirely, there isn’t much they can do from their end to mitigate an individual’s behavior, I think that is something some people need to hear, I hope people don’t think I’m callous or believe that people weren’t genuinely hurt by the events that happened to them or something
but the fix to this problem doesn’t lie on the casino’s/creator’s end, it lies in mitigating the addictive disorder in the individual’s in particular’s end
this is purely speaking from someone who runs a blog and has thoughts for a fandom that once upon a time a lot of people seem really invested in, (not so much nowadays lol) 
I cannot control anyone of you, I don’t know any one of you, no matter how much I might try or get close or how close any person out there gets to me, I still can’t predict when I might encounter someone who seems overly starstruck, and in no way do I have the ability to navigate those kinds of relationships properly. I simply do not have that sort of therapeutic training and I think it’s a little bit unreasonable for people to expect that from me, despite how charismatic or not I seem like
I just have indeed had instances where another person got really overinvested in “Dahni Witch of Light”  and wanted to be in my inner circle of socialness and friends and might have been hurt when I declined that, but at the same time, I can’t do anything about that  (thankfully I’m not any sort of real popular LOL and it’s only really happened like once or twice, that I know of, since they made their feelings clear to me in private, but that’s still one or two people that might have gotten hurt)
So what does this all have to do with stuff?
I’ve read all the anecdotes about both Dan Avidan and Vinny Vinesauce, read all the docs, see all these people’s point of view, and yeah it sucks that they got hurt by the circumstances, but all that stuff meant to paint these people in a bad light? did more to me to paint them in a really good light
I saw nothing but people making sure they had the comfort and consent of everything they were involved in, doing best practices when it comes to relationships, talking about their feelings, about their expectations and also doing what they can to protect themselves and their privacy
again the worst things I saw about either of them, is danny building up the fantasy of being with a rockstar a bit too much, egging on any potential parasocial relationship issues that might have already existed, and vinny giving someone HPV (which, is debunked in of itself because that’s not how HPV works in men, even outside of vinny that’s just not how it works.)
the rest of all the stuff I saw esp in the vinny doc, was people not even accusing vinny of saying or doing anything wrong either, but miles and miles of “I assumed he was thinking x” or ”I assumed he was feeling y” and no attempts to communicate with him about any issues they had with him, because they felt awkward doing so, and instead let it fester inside them until they got hurt by it
this is not sexual assault, their mild discomfort about stuff never even happened over sexual topics, just bland things like him over-venting to them sometimes or having lowkey mental issues like being paranoid a little, this is not even being intentionally hurt by someone,  this is being bad at communicating with your partner and letting yourself endure a relationship you weren’t actually happy with, because you didn’t want to get dumped by the person you were invested in
and if you feel like you can’t honestly communicate with your partner, not because of anything they did to you, but because of your own internal conflict over how famous he is, and feeling like you’re forced to endure things you aren’t vibing with in a personal relationship
(mind you, I mean the things they said they endured in the doc which was, they didn’t like when vinny would get ranty about his friends or previous sexual encounters he had that went bad or they got weirded out because they thought he was too paranoid about stuff when they were together....which... okay so like tell him you don’t want to hear about that stuff? communicate your problems to your partner? end of story? you never even attempted that, you never even gave examples of things you thought he would do to you other than dump you if you spoke up...... which, I’m sorry, but that’s not some sort of consequence a victim faces from their abuser.... so you can’t even say he would have had a bad reaction, especially when you give examples of him doing exactly the opposite, apologizing for things that made other people uncomfortable WHEN theyve actually communicated to him that they were uncomfortable with it)
 -Those are signs that you are too overinvested and too parasocially invested with a person to have an honest relationship with them
like, heck these things aren’t even unique to partnerships, you should be able to communicate when anyone around you is making you uncomfortable, even friends, but if you can’t and the only reason you can’t is because of a parasocial investment in that person, that’s not healthy on your end
Danny sure seems to have been a little bit at fault for building up the fantasy of catching feelings for a famous dude when he intended one night stands, is that the best way to have navigated the situation? No probably not, but to a person who doesn’t have a parasocial relationship with him, this behavior would just be disappointing when the fantasy fizzled out, it’s not inherently harmful
after that point, if after the fact a person who had any sort of interaction with them felt hurt by the experience, there honestly is not much more a content creator could have done to mitigate that, in fact Vinesauce I think seems at least more aware of the parasocial thing and tried more strongly to vet the people he was with to not be those kind of people, but again people aren’t mind readers and nothing will ever be foolproof like that, and I guess some people even took him trying to vet that kind of behavior as hurtful in and of itself, (they took him venting about previous parasocial relationships he had and how paranoid and upsetting they were to him, and took it as some sort of threat against them personally, like they were trying to mindgame what exactly he was telling them, assuming he was saying something else that he wasn’t, which, is assumptions that live entirely in their own minds) but I’m just sitting here like, what else could they have done?
I get that people who had sexual relationships with these people could come away feeling really awful about it, feeling manipulated or duped in some way, but what else could have been done to prevent that from happening other than the people in question just, never interacting with anyone? Which is not a realistic solution, and doesn’t fix the problem of the victim in question moving on and getting starstruck by someone else and having it happen it all over again
If these people want to make friends, want to make relationships with anyone, want to have casual sex, want to have any sort of human connection, there unfortunately gonna have to sort the people they encounter into two different groups, people who have parasocial relationships with them and people who don’t, (and this is NOT people are fans of them and people who are not, you can be a fan and not get caught into the parasocial thing) and it is impossible to get this correct in every single individual social experience that theyre gonna have with every single individual human being, regardless if it’s a sexual relationship or not
in conclusion, I really do hope the people who were hurt by all this can truly heal and move on eventually from this, in no way am I trying to lessen their experiences, but I really don’t think other people deserved to be hung from the gallows over this, it’s no one person’s fault, neither the fan’s or the content creator’s, it’s just a messy interpersonal situation
I believe the correct thing to do is spread awareness about the warnings signs that you might be falling into a parasocial relationship, more effort needs to be put into what this looks like, what it feels like, how to avoid it, how to mitigate it, and how to regulate the very real feelings of love and affection someone might have for a person they see all the time in media but don’t have a real connection with, with the understanding of yeah, if you really can’t enter a casino without losing your life savings, a very real conversation needs to be had if you should even be entering these casino’s/watching their content at all
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