#i rewatched one only to find out about the rise movie and that was the beginning of the end lmao
foxovobear · 2 years
Honest to goodness I WAS normal about TMNT before Rise. Rise ruined that. I am now insufferable and all I think about are these dumb mutant turtles. I love them all so much.
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morganbritton132 · 9 months
Hey, me again. Two asks in one day lol.
I have a question, Eddie is definitely famous enough that the teachers can just look him up right? So my idea was that the other teachers have all worked out most of what is going on and who Eddie is because hello, google exists so they just enjoy messing with David. Would that work? I’m genuinely so curious about why no one has looked him up if they know he’s been to red carpets and stuff.
David has made attempts to google who Eddie is. The only problem is that he thinks that Steve and Eddie have the same last name and Edward Harrington is a dentist.
Largely, the other first-year teachers are just not that interested in actually finding an answer to who Steve is married to. It’s just something fun to talk about on their lunchbreak so they don’t spend the whole time talking about lesson plans and students. Plus, it’s fun to tease David about it because he actually wants to know Steve’s whole deal.
I do love the idea of the other teachers figuring out who Eddie is and just not telling David about it.
Of course, they eventually figure it out. They’re all twenty-somethings with iPhones and TikTok accounts. Eventually one of them was going to stumble across new rising TikTok star, Eddie Munson.
David just happens to have the worst FYP in existence because Eddie has yet to be on it. Except once, David was scrolling before bed and came across one of Eddie’s live-streams. Unfortunately, it was a live-stream of an empty room because Eddie forgot to turn it off.
He’s convinced that if Eddie Harrington is not an actor than he must be a director. A small enough director to not have an IMDB page so he googles indie movies that were filmed in Chicago. Some of them were duds, none of them contained Eddie.
Then he started watching shows that were filmed in Chicago to see if he comes up in the credits anywhere. Watching every episode of Chicago Med to do this is not insane because Marissa encourages him, “Maybe you should watch Shameless too. That was filmed in Chicago.”
“Oh,” David says. “He’s a better fit for Shameless than Chicago Fire.”
A week after that while David is still in the thick of rewatching tv shows, Kathy shrugs her shoulders over her potato salad and says, “Maybe he is an actor and he just does theater. He’s very theatric.”
David crumbles the chip he’s holding, “Good point.”
Luckly, David’s girlfriend loves musical theater. Unfortunately, Eddie Harrington apparently doesn’t. (He see a Corroded Coffin member though because Jeff is currently playing Frollo in the Hunchback of Norte Dame).
Two weeks after that, Jordan takes some pity on him and reminds David that Eddie seems to be pretty talented with musical instruments, “Remember when he filled in for the piano teacher?”
“Yeah,” David says, but dismisses it immediately. He’s already checked the composers for every indie movie he’s watched this year and Eddie Harrington was not there. “Maybe he’s a PA. They’d go to red carpets, right?”
“…David, you’re killing me.”
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 5!!!!!
Okay I promised I'd share my Splinter reference notes, so here I am! Also wanna take a moment to thank everyone reblogging the prev. parts. All the tags/notes are so sweet!!! Anyway, here's our one and only Rat Man,
Splinter Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Catchphrase: "HOOOOOT SOUP!!!"
Will yell "whoa/oh nelly!" when in a tight spot or stumbling around
Makes puns/dad jokes, and laughs at said jokes to himself
A poor liar, will skirt around the truth until you drop it
Penchant for interrupting people if he's not interested, devout user of "yada, yada", "ah, bup, bup, bup"
Verbalizes his attacks/moves, something his sons pick up on. Could be a habit picked up from his action star days, such moves include: lights off jitsu, and slow motion jitsu
Uses 2010's slang, (i.e. "totes", "chillaxed"), could see him incorrectly using up to date slang to embarrass his boys
In a group refers to his sons as "boys"
One by one will refer to his sons by their designated colors, but will pull out the full name (not nickname) if the situation is serious
Also refers to Donnie as "the funny one"
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A performer, well he is an actor after all. He knows how to captivate an audience. Splinter likes attention--something that may be connected to his strict childhood with high expectations--but he also performs for his boys. To keep them happy, but most importantly safe. This also means he keeps his true emotions tucked closely to his chest
Jovial. Despite his dark past and heavy responsibility thrust upon him at a young age, Splinter is always laughing. He finds the fun in everything
Secretive. As mentioned before, Splinter tends to keep things close to his chest. Despite this, he's a terrible liar. He'll just avoid the truth until it comes back to bite him in the ass. This makes him sometimes a little emotionally unavailable
Lazy. He always finds the easiest way to do something, and procrastinate on his responsibilities as long as possible
Vain. He's glory seeking for all the proper attention he lost in his youth. So the Lou Jitsu aspect of his life boosted his ego in irreparable ways. He also uses the identity of Lou Jitsu to escape from the idea of being stuck as a rat. Glorifying the past is way to find comfort for him
Adrenaline junkie. Part of that glory-seeking and glorification of the past manifests into him needing adrenaline to feel alive. (i.e. when he steals the tank)
Attentive and empathetic. He can be a little hare-brained when it comes to remembering the details, but he's always very attentive to his sons needs. In flashbacks he's shown to supply them with items needed for their interests (i.e. little Mikey gets art supplies), and always apologizes when he messes up (i.e. the conversation he had with Donnie). This empathy also extends to other people and animals, as he was sympathetic with Cassandra when she was lamenting about the foot clan and was immediately worried about the turtles Draxum had in his lab
Protective. He would sacrifice everything to save his sons, and he does
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His tail is Very expressive, and one of the most active parts of his body, so if you want to subtley show emotion I'd focus on that
Has a Lou Jitsu body pillow
Remembers all his stunt double's names
Snores loudly
Talented singer, can sing opera and lived next to a karaoke bar in Japan
The show he watches the most is called "Soapy Treadmill", a Japanese game show where they throw things like scorpions at people who are soapy on treadmills
Has a "do not touch!" cabinet, full of trophies, mystic artifacts, and mementos of his past
I have a List of all the mentioned Lou Jitsu movie names mentioned in S1, but I'm probably gonna wait till the end of my S2 rewatch and post it separately (it's also long too). Will link here!
I'm also gonna add a recommendation here at the end.
This is for the white and non East Asian folks. I'm not as well-versed in East Asian or Japanese culture, but Splinter is a first generation immigrant! He keeps a distance from his heritage because of the trauma of his youth, and the role Lou Jitsu probably also forced him to westernize his identity to make it more palpable to Hollywood. But it would be a disservice to sever parts of his identity, because one is uncomfortable or not knowledgeable in writing it.
For my white folks intimidated by writing a person of color because they want to get it right, research always helps. Research helps with everything!!! writingwithcolor here on tumblr actually has a lot of useful resources, here's their guideline, and a research chart one of their moderators created, which I personally found to be very helpful. I believe their ask box is closed right now, but if you ask questions in the future be nice!!!!
Anyway I'm gonna do April next :)
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cyberrose2001 · 26 days
[Not a request!] [NSFW!] [Very long!]
I rewatched all of the Bayverse movies and I almost forgot how unbelievably hot Bay!Optimus is, esp AOE Optimus. 😩 So have this horny thought! (Just a heads up, Reader DOES fuck herself with a seatbelt and a gearshifter! Non-robo-fuckers beware!)
You and Optimus are stuck in gridlock traffic, trying to rendezvous with the other Autobots. He can't transform and get out of there, and you two are stuck stuck. Alone. Just the two of you. And he can't move or do anything to compromise his cover... 😈
You start slow, squirming and writhing, pinching your thighs together, rubbing your now dripping pussy against the seat. You can tell by the stutters of his engine that he has most definitely noticed, he just hasn't said anything. Yet.
You lean back in your seat and run your hands delicately over the armrest on the door. As you do, your other hand disappears down your pants. Still, nothing from your only audience member.
You continue your show, but the moment you let out a moan or whimper, Optimus suddenly tightens his seatbelt against you.
"What are you doing?" He finally asks, unable to help himself.
You look down at the dashboard and see his engine temperature steadily rising. The windows have fogged over despite the AC on full blast. It feels much more... private now... 😈😈😈
"Just trying to kill some time. Not like we're going anywhere anytime soon." You reply impishly. Then you're moving to take off your clothes, a true feat when your seatbelt is practically gluing you to the seat.
"There are humans close by..." He protests weakly.
Laughing, you bring your knees up and spread your legs. "Is that the best you have?"
You begin massaging your pussy, breathing heavily against your seatbelt. His engine stutters and almost stalls, and you can tell he desperately wants to transform and stretch you on his spike. Alas, he can't blow his cover.
You milk it for all it's worth, constantly changing positions to give him a view from all angles, going fast then slow, saying the filthiest things, and smearing your juices all over yourself and the seat.
You're perfectly content with teasing him until the cows come home, but then your seatbelt comes flying off and moves to capture one of your arms. By now you were laying across the bench seat, face down as you fingered yourself. Another seatbelt came to grab your other arm. And then a third seatbelt-
"Oh fuck!" You cry as something cold and hard slaps your pussy. You almost let out a sob when it strikes against your ass.
The seatbelt is relentless in its torment, smacking your lower half until there are angry square marks covering your skin and the metal of the buckle is warm. Your legs are shivering with the effort to not come undone.
There's a bit of movement in traffic, but it's only a few yards until you're stopped again. Watching the bulbous knob of his gearshift move gave you the most wicked idea yet.
"You're gonna pay for these." You threaten, pointing to the marks on your poor cheeks.
Optimus chuckles, making the whole cabin rumble. "How so?"
You pick yourself up and move over to the gearshifter, turning around so that your hands are on the seat, and lower yourself. It stretches you wide, but you keep going. You're desperate for release now.
Optimus accidentally honks his horn. "No, wait-!"
You let out a cry and you pump the bulbous knob in and out of you, squeezing it for all it's worth. Optimus' entire frame is rumbling now, deeper and more violently than when he was laughing. You finally find a rhythm and spew the nastiest, filthiest words. Every time you go down, you take a little more of the long handle. By the time you're about to cum, it's fully rearranging your guts.
Cars behind you are honking. Traffic has moved, but Optimus, too preoccupied with the human impaling herself on his gearshifter, has not. Trying his best to not cause any further delay, Optimus shifts gears and rolls forward. The shifter is pulled back towards the seats, and you swear you can see it bulging through your stomach.
You see stars as you cum, tears rolling down your face as you continue speaking filth. As he comes to a stop once more, the shifter goes back and you swear the scream you let out isn't human. There's a great shudder from Optimus, he rolls coal as something that suspiciously looks like transfluid leaks from underneath him.
Panting as you crawl back onto your seat, your body feels loose and floppy. "I didn't know your gearshifter would be a sensitive body part."
Optimus' voice is deeper and raspier than normal when he replies, "I... did not either."
(I understand that this ask is trash, filth, and trashy filth, so feel free to delete this ask if it's too much lmaooo.)
Oh my god, this is so fucking hot
My favourite part is when Optimus has to shift his gearstick while its inside reader 🫣 thats something I don't think I've seen yet and that I'll need more of
Awesome work!! thank you for sharing <3
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Summary: After Rhys and Feyre decide to take a trip away to the Summer Court for the night to escape the thralls of their newborn, Azriel is left caring for Nyx and finds that his greatest battle might just be getting him to sleep. I also recently rewatched the Labyrinth and forgot how much that movie slapped so the song from that is included.
As the Velaris tower clock chimed midnight, the sitting room of the River House was enveloped in the soft, ambient glow of faelight. Azriel sunk deeper into the plush, green, velvet couch, his expansive wings draped elegantly over the back of the chair, eyes heavy with exhaustion. His hand rhythmically patted the back of the squirming bundle nestled snugly against his chest. The babe, Nyx, resisted sleep with the tenacity of an Illyrian warrior, his tiny fists punching the air as if to protest the very concept of bedtime. 
The room was a playful mess, strewn with toys - dolls lay abandoned, blankets were tossed aside, and bottles had rolled under chairs. Azriel had assured Feyre and Rhys he could manage babysitting for a day and night. They desperately needed a break after months of non-stop parenting in tandem with running the Night Court, and a trip to the breezy shores of the Summer Court was the only thing keeping Feyre from collapsing into tears. Feyre had sobbed when they left, overwhelming Azriel with reminders of Nyx’s schedule and a litany of do’s and don'ts, which Azriel already knew inside and out. Her maternal instincts flared to the point where Rhys had to gentle pull her away, reassuring her that Nyx would be fine for one night, and, if anything, they should be more concerned about Azriel surviving Nyx than Nyx surviving Azriel. 
Typically, everyone shared babysitting duties throughout the week day, but with Nesta and Cassian off in the Autumn Court, Elain incapacitated by her first fae cycle, and Amren claiming she would rather cut out her own tongue than be left alone with a babe, the responsibility had fallen to Azriel. Leaving Nyx overnight for the first time might have been a tad ambitious. 
“Come on, Nyx,” he coaxed with a whisper of amusement. “You’ve got to give in at some point.” Azriel briefly considered that perhaps this was how the victims of his torture efforts may have felt when they had been kept awake for hours on end. Perhaps he should start having them babysit a fussy Illeryian babe instead of cutting off fingers. He chuckled to himself before pushing the thought away.
Yet, Nyx remained defiant, his violet eyes locked on the ceiling, deep in thought, as if unraveling the secrets of the cosmos rather than giving in to slumber. Azriel exhaled deeply, his fingers threading through his tousled black hair. After learning about Feyre’s pregnancy he had stealthily devoured every parenting book Feyre had purchased, to the perfect formula-to-water ratio, optimal bath temperatures, and baby sensory activities, he had learned it all. When Feyre faced challenges with breastfeeding, Azriel had accidentally revealed his clandestine studies by suggesting a particular latching technique. Cassian had teased him relentlessly since. Despite employing every baby battle strategy known to him, Nyx was relentless.
With a resigned sigh, Azriel sank even further into the plush cushions, resigning himself to a long night. As he watched Nyx’s tiny chest rise and fall with each breath, he couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer stubbornness of the new babe. Azriel couldn’t tell if that was more from Feyre or Rhys, and then decided that that trait most likely came from his Auntie Nesta, whom Nyx had wrapped around his tiny, chubby fingers.
In the dimly lit room, Azriel’s gaze followed his shadows as they danced across the ceiling, capturing Nyx’s rapt attention. With a grin, he watched them twirl and twirl – they were always more playful when Nyx was around. His shadows seemed as curious about Nyx as he was about them. During gatherings at the River House, it wasn’t uncommon for the shadows to envelop Nyx, tickling him and teasing him, eliciting peals of laughter from the delighted babe as he reached out to catch them. 
Elain had said before that the shadows and Nyx reminded her when she and her sisters were young, a black barn cat would seek her out to frolic among the late summer heat. Azriel wondered what Nyx made of these ethereal companions, if they were like an animal to him, or another playmate. He also pondered whether the shadows would maintain their fascination with him as he grew older. Azriel, himself, hadn’t spent much time around children this young, and his shadows seemed to be so gentle with the babe, as though they somehow could sense his innocence and hoped he would keep it forever.
As Azriel and Nyx both kept their gaze to the ceiling, the shadows began to craft intricate shapes and forms, transforming into a mesmerizing puppet show. Nyx’s restless squirming subsided as the shadows danced across the walls, casting enchanting silhouettes that swirled and twirled in their silent ballet creating a tableau of delight.
On the ceiling, an array of animals appeared in what resembled a grand ballroom scene. Pegasus, birds, and sheep mingled before parting to reveal a single swan, its wings unfurling with ethereal grace. The swan bowed elegantly before twirling loftily above its admiring audience. Then, emerging from the gathered shadows, a sly fox approached, gracefully taking the swan’s wings in its paws and spinning it in a delicate dance. Although the room was silent, one could easily imagine the soft strains of music. Nyx reached up excitedly, prompting Azriel to adjust his hold, lifting him slightly higher for a better view.
As the dance continued above, some shadows descended the walls and playfully twirled around Nyx, their cool touch eliciting giggles from the dark-haired babe.
The shadows conjured forth visions of Nyxs’ family, distant echoes of life beyond the cozy sitting room. 
In one corner of the room, the shadows morphed into delicate snowflakes cascading down the wall. Above the floorboard, three figures raced across the scene – two winged Illyrians and one without wings. The winged males playfully lobbed snowballs at their wingless companion, who shielded his head with his hands. Suddenly, a log sprung from the ground, causing the wingless man to trip and tumble face-first into a pile of snow below. The two other males doubled over with laughter, one even dropping to his knees as the snow continued to fall. Nyx’s eyes widened with wonder, his tiny fingers reaching out to grasp the fleeting shapes. The snowball fight between his father and brothers drew excited coos and giggles from him, his laughed echoing around the room.
In the other corner, the shadows drifted into a scene of a woman standing at an easel, the woman's stomach swollen with child. The shadow woman stood before an easel, her brush moving across the canvas, she ran her hand over her stomach, glancing down towards it when a man walked in behind her, twirling her around into an embrace. The man leaned over, placing a tender kiss on the woman's stomach. Nyx babbled joyfully, his tiny feet kicking Azriel’s chest with delight, which while uncomfortable brought a smile to his face.
Across the ceiling, the shadows painted a scene of a great battle, a field of war and chaos as two winged males fight back to back against a vast army, shooting arrows and swinging swords. 
While the shadows swirled the tapestry of memories, Azriel looked only at Nyx, who giggled and babbled in delight at the unfolding scenes. With each passing moment, it became increasingly apparent to Azriel that while the shadows were doing their best to soothe Nyx to sleep, they had only awakened him more. It became glaringly obvious that bedtime stories wouldn’t work. 
Nyx’s giggles and coos echoed through the River House. With a sigh, Azriel gestured for the shadows to cease their dance, and the room was once again plunged into a soft, dim glow. 
“Alright, Nyx,” Azriel murmured, his voice gentle but tinged with exhaustion. “Let’s try something else.”
He drew Nyx back into his arms, cradling him close against his chest. Rising from the enveloping comfort of the couch, Azriel’s footsteps were muted against the plush rug of the sitting room as he began to meander through the house. Moonlight streamed through the towering windows, casting the ornate corridors in a serene silvery light, illuminating the walls adorned with Feyre’s vibrant paintings. 
Feyre and Rhys had both endured their share of sleepless nights, pacing the same halls with Nyx in their arms. Rhys had noted that being the babe of the Night Court it seemed all Nyx wanted to do was explore the world when the sun had set and all had gone quiet. Perhaps Nyx was more bat than babe.
Undeterred, Azriel pressed on, his footsteps echoing through the halls as he swayed in arms in a steady rhythm. But Nyx remained stubbornly awake, his eyes darting from window to window cooing loudly. As he reached the grand staircase that spiraled upwards, a faint cry echoed through the silence. Nyx stirred in his arms, his tiny fists clutching at his shirt as he let out a wail. 
Azriel attempted to shush the fussy baby who now was wailing louder for what seemed no apparent reason. Perhaps Nyx was finally fighting exhaustion as well. With a sigh, Azriel retraced his steps, as he stepped into Nyx’s nursery. 
Feyre had taken months to finally get the nursery the way she envisioned it. She had wanted Nyx’s room to encompass the entirety of Prythian as they were unsure what powers Nyx might hold. 
Each wall of the room was a canvas of vibrant colors and intricate designs including the bay window that Feyre had insisted be where Nyxs’ bassinet be. 
Painting the Spring Court wall had been a battle unto itself with Rhys and Cassian joking constantly that the wall should be burning to the ground, or that she should paint Tamlin being pursued by a dragon. Feyre had just shot them an obscene gesture and instead painted spring blossoms of pastel pinks and greens. Delicate flowers bloomed amidst emerald meadows, their petals unfurling in the warmth of the sun. Amongst the meadow was a warm pool with a waterfall cascading down a mountainside. 
Opposite, the wall of Summer blazed with the fiery hues of the sun, a tapestry of gold and crimson beamed down onto the deep blue sea, where Tarquin’s white castle glistened atop the white sandstone mountain. 
Next to it, the wall of Autumn was a symphony of earthy greens, oranges, reds, and browns. The Autumn Court forest held deep shadows which made the wheat fields protruding from them seem like shining gold. Lucien had helped Feyre paint this wall, and his awkward-looking, disproportionate deer and fawns clearly showed that. 
Beside the Autumn wall, the Winter Court lay shrouded in a blanket of icy blues and silvery whites. Snowflakes danced amidst frost kissed pines, their branches bending beneath the weight of the winter embrace. Bears and arctic foxes scampered on the piles of snow, wearing the traditional colors. Elain had insisted on giving the little foxes scarves. Azriel had reminded her they were made for that sort of weather but Elain had only glanced at him sadly before saying “But what if they get cold” before she painted tiny mittens on the bears. 
On the half of the ceiling closest to the door, Feyre had painted the Dawn and Day courts. Sunlight streamed through branches of ancient oaks as it rose from the corner of the room, and hills of rolling green with children from each court playing amongst them filled out the space. 
Over Nyxs’ crib, Feyre had painted a deep blue color of the sky with a sparkle of stars strewn across it. Rhys had enchanted the space just below the ceiling to be constantly in motion with sparkling star dust which moved in and out of constellations, with the occasional shooting star flying high above. 
As Nyx continued his tirade of shrill cries, Azriel rocked him around the room, shushing him as much as he could. As he continued to sway gently with Nyx in his arms, the baby began to quiet, his tiny body nestled into Azriels chest as his breaths steadied. With a tender smile, he began to sing, his voice a gentle melody through the darkness, like a whispered prayer. 
“I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry,” he sang, “What could I do?” 
With each note, Nyx grew more and more relaxed, his eyelids fluttering closed from the gentle cadence and rocking. 
“My baby’s love had gone and left my baby blue” he sang, his voice soft and tender, “Nobody knew.” 
Azriel watched Nyx’s tiny fingers curl against his chest, his breathing slow and steady and sleep drifted closer. 
“What kind of magic spell to use, slime and snails, puppy dog tails, thunder or lightning,” Azriel continued to sing as he wandered carefully over to the crib. 
“Dance magic, dance magic dance, dance magic dance,” He lowered Nyx into the soft blue oasis. “Jump magic, jump, jump magic, put that baby’s spell on me, kiss my baby, make her free,” Azriel placed his palm onto Nyx’s chest and continued to rub back and forth soothingly. 
“I saw my baby,” He continued, softer, more of a whisper, “Trying hard as babe could try, what could I do?” Azriel dropped to his knees, his fingers tracing the lines of the baby's face as he rested his arm on the side of the bassinet and laid his head atop it. “My baby’s fun had gone, and left my baby blue, nobody knew.” Nyx’s soft pink lips fell open slightly as his eyes finally closed and his head fell to the side. Azriel smiled and found his eyes drifting shut as well. 
Feyre found them the next morning that way. Nyx sprawled on his back, his tiny fingers wrapped around Azriels, and Azriel, a piled heap on the floor, his wings splayed on the floor behind him with his head still resting against the crib. 
Rhys walked up behind her as Feyre motioned him silently. “I guess he does sleep,” she whispered.
“Who?” Rhys chuckled, “Az or Nyx?”
Feyre turned her head to look at Rhys, “Both I guess.” 
Rhys asked Feyre if she planned to go in and wake either of them up but Feyre only shook her head, “I think they both could use a little more time.” 
With that, Feyre shut the door quietly, leaving the warrior and the babe to sleep a little longer.
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goosewriting · 10 months
Okay, I'm a sucker for these ones, but how about...
Y/N from our world falling into the ROTTMNT world?
Would Y/N explain that they come from a world where the boys are from a TV show, or just keep that one secret for their whole life?
If the boys find out, how would they react?
How would Splinter react?
I can imagine Y/N walking up to their turtle of choice and just breaking down crying, hugging him(especially after seeing the movie) and telling him he didn't deserve that pain.
Falling for you (rottmnt Leo x reader)
summary: reader falls into the rottmnt world and comes across the turtle brothers.
relationship: Rise Leo x GN reader
warnings: kinda meta i guess, this one’s kinda sad u_u sorry 
word count: 2k 
A/N: this fic has been marinating in my wips for almost a year. better later than never amirite? o(-< sorry for the delay! also i couldn’t for the life of me figure out the other turtles, but i liked it enough to post as is. I might come back to this one at some point! this trope is S+ tier btw, thank you so much for the request!
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
There was nothing you were looking forward to more than getting home, taking a nice shower, and collapsing in your bed. This week had been way too hectic for your taste. Recounting all the events in your mind with a slight scoff, you walked down the dim street. Only a couple more blocks and you’d finally be home. If you had the energy, you might even treat yourself to rewatching the Rise of the TMNT movie. You’d definitely laugh and cry just the same as when you first watched it. It was just too good.
You were so lost in thought, that the sudden strong gust of wind took you by surprise. Holding onto your jacket and backpack for dear life, you stumbled over your own feet, knocked over by the sheer force of the draft. With nothing near you to lean onto or take a hold of, you stepped onto the manhole in front of you, which to your horror completely gave in to your weight. With a shriek you fell down the hole, but instead of being engulfed in darkness and having a nasty landing as you expected, you were floating in a tunnel of colours and flashes. As they started to twist around you quicker by the second, you started to feel nauseous, not being able to tell apart up from down and left from right, so you closed your eyes shut and braced for the impact.
After a couple more spins in this strange space, you landed a bit roughly on your side and rolled over. Trembling, you took a couple of breaths to steady yourself. You could feel a slight sting on your hip and elbow where you had landed, but nothing else seemed to hurt. Tentatively opening your eyes, you were sort of expecting to be covered in sewage or at least some dirt, but instead, you found yourself on the ground in what seemed to be a narrow alley. It was dark, so you couldn’t see well, but something was definitely off. The lights coming from the main street were way too bright and neon-y. You also noticed the lack of that typical city smell. Standing to your feet, you dusted yourself off, only to realise that your arms weren’t your arms. Your hands, legs, even your backpack next to you on the ground; it all looked cartoony!
Grabbing your things and running towards the street you spun around to take it all in and concluded that you were, in fact, in a cartoon world of sorts. How hard did I hit my head?! you asked yourself. Because clearly, this could not be real. 
Different characters passed you by on the street, ignoring you. You walked a little farther, trying to recognise the style or some of the shops, but to no avail.
Just as you were turning a corner, you saw a sign that you immediately recognised: Albearto’s. Falling into a jog to check out the shop, you failed to notice the giant vehicle approaching you. And apparently so did the driver, as it came to a screeching halt before you, slightly bumping into you in the process. You were yet again knocked down and on the floor. 
“If I could stop being assaulted for one second, that would be great” you grumbled to yourself.
“Hey, are you okay?” a voice asked from the direction of the vehicle. 
You jumped back to your feet, ready to give them an earful for being so careless, but as your eyes came up to the scene before you, all words left your brain.
In front of you was none other than the turtle tank, four colour-coded turtle bros walking towards you with worried faces. 
And once again, you hit the ground.
You passed out.
— — —
When you came back to, you found yourself lying on a couch. Shielding your eyes from the lights with your hand, you slowly stood up. Taking a look around you immediately recognised that you were in the lair, in the projector room to be precise. 
“Well, someone is finally awake,” you heard a voice behind you. A voice you’d recognise anywhere, amongst hundreds of people. 
You slowly turned around to look at Leo, who was leaning on the back of the couch, looking down at you. 
“Are you okay? You came out of nowhere, we didn’t see you!” he asked and gave you a once over to check for any discomfort. “This is why we don’t let Raph drive” he added with a lopsided grin, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder.
You blinked once, twice. And tore your gaze from him to your hands in your lap, fisting the blanket. 
Should you tell him? That he and his family live in a cartoon world? That he’s your blorbo and you love him with the intensity of a thousand burning suns? What timeline are you in anyways? Did… that already happen? 
Daring to look up at him again, you noticed he was wearing the black arm wraps. He looked at you with a quizzical, almost irritated expression, since you weren’t answering. You gave one last look over your shoulder behind you, and there were in fact a couple of abandoned subway wagons in view. So they were at the new lair.
For now you decided to play along.
Turning around back to Leo, who was still waiting for your answer, you gave him a smug look.
“Do you always bring back the people you almost run over to your home?” you asked.
“Only the pretty ones,” he responded. You looked at him in shock. He mirrored your expression, realising how that sounded.
“That was way creepier than I intended, wait,” he groaned and hid his face behind the back of the couch. You heard him sigh, and then he walked around it to sit on the arm rest beside you.
“Let’s start over,” he smiled and held out his hand for you to shake. “I’m Leo, but you call me Neon Leon”.
Smiling at his self given nickname, you introduced yourself as you grabbed his hand with both of yours, and just kind of held it. You held his gaze as your eyes softened.
“Do- do we know each other?” he asked with an expression that was something between confused and amused. “Usually people don’t react this calm to, well, this,” he explained, using his other hand to gesture at himself. 
“I can’t see why,” you replied, biting your tongue just in time before adding a ‘since I like what I see’. 
“Isn’t that why you fainted though? Out of shock?” he questioned and his eyes fell down to his hand, which was still in yours. Feeling the heat rise up to your face, you immediately let go. 
“No, I, uhm…” You cleared your throat, trying to come up with an excuse. “It was more a shock of almost being run over rather than seeing who it was,” you lied, but commended yourself mentally since it was believable and much better than the truth.
“Understandable,” he nodded. “You’re fine though, right? Donnie ran some tests and we didn’t see any major injuries or anything. Ah, by the way, Donnie is my brother. There’s four of us, actually. Or five, if you count Splinter. Six, if you count April…” he started rambling, counting on his fingers. You noticed he didn’t mention Casey. 
The rest of the day was spent with Leo giving you a tour of the lair, introducing you to everyone, and showing you his Jupiter Jim comic collection. 
When he asked where you were from and other similar questions, you tried to keep it as vague as possible. You hoped that he wouldn’t think you were hiding something because you were a spy for the Foot or something like that. You just couldn’t tell him the truth because if you did, he’d want to know how the show ended, and you don’t want to be responsible for messing up this timeline, whichever it is.
So you tried to enjoy the evening as much as possible, playing games with the turtles, eating pizza and reading comics. 
As the night rolled in, you felt the exhaustion of everything that had happened sinking in. Looks like the lack of energy from your world had followed you even here. With a hearty yawn you stretched your limbs.
“Looks like someone’s tired,” Mikey giggled. 
“Yeah, I think I’ll head home-” you started saying in your sleep-deprived state, only to abruptly stop yourself, eyes now wide open. “Actually, I just remembered I don’t have a place to stay. I got… kicked out” you said, and technically, it wasn’t even a complete lie this time.
“Aw no, poor thing!” Mikey whined and came to hold you in a comforting manner. “You can crash here for now. Right guys?” he looked at his brothers, giving them the best puppy eyes he could manage. Sighing, the others gave in. They weren’t all that keen on letting a stranger stay, but you seemed nice enough.
Once again you were tucked into the couch, this time with more pillows and blankets. They had even offered you some spare clothes to change into. 
Coming out of the bathroom you made your way to your makeshift bed, looking down at your attire. Seeing your own cartoon self in the mirror was weird enough, but now here you were in Leo’s baggy shirt and basketball shorts and it dawned on you that you didn’t know if you’d still be here tomorrow. You had no idea how you had landed here in the first place, or if you were just imagining it. Even then, you wanted to take out as much as possible from whatever time you’d get to spend here. 
So you climbed into bed, and waited until you could hear faint snores coming from the bedrooms. Going over the words one last time in your head, you tip-toed your way as quietly as possible to Leo’s room. Gosh, you looked like such a creep right now. But you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Carefully standing next to his bed, you noticed how sprawled out he was, his sleeping mask kinda askew on his face, mouth open. At the sight, your hand came up to cover your mouth, stopping the emerging giggles. He just looked too cute.
Taking a deep breath, you crouched down and held onto his bed frame. You spoke in nothing more than a whisper.
“I don’t know if I’ll be here in the morning, but I just wanted you to know that this was the best day of my life. Never would I have thought I’d meet you for real. You’ve always kept me going when life got difficult, I…” You paused, bitterly smiling at the fact that you were about to profess your love and admiration to a fictional character. “It’s unfair, really. You have no idea who I am, but there’s so much I want to tell you, yet I can’t, I- I shouldn’t. Just know this: You are loved. You are worthy. You are a good leader. You are a good brother. And if I am still here tomorrow, and the next day, and the next… I wish for nothing more than to be by your side.”
Suddenly your mind was flooded with the events of the Krangpocalypse, and you felt the tears building up. You stood up and turned to leave, but stopped in your tracks. For a moment you battled with yourself, but ended up taking a step back again to lean over Leo and place a gentle kiss on his forehead. As you leaned back up he stirred, and you turned to make a quick leave.
What you didn’t know however was that he’d been awake and had heard everything, but was too shocked to react. After some minutes pondering if he should go talk to you or not, he decided it couldn’t wait until the next day; he wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways after what you said, especially the way you said it. 
Climbing out of bed Leo silently made his way to the projector room only to find an empty couch.
You were gone without a trace.
🐥 taglist: @theoriginalmintyyyshake, @dybynyght, @lieutenantlashfaz, @galaxtic-writings, @Lovestruckfictionadict, @salty-s-r, @sleebykei, @hearteyedracoon, @koalaray, @maribatshipper, @whygz, @xnorthstar3x
[if you want to be added to my taglist, fill out this form! if you're in the list but changed your handle, please shoot me a message to let me know!]
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Rise/2012 crossover in either universe, but it'd be a lot funnier taking place in the Rise universe, where the boys who share voice actors with other characters across the shows have dream about what their shared VA characters are doing.
2012 Donnie wakes up every morning knowing what dumb shit Skinny Foot Guy is gonna pull and what that one rat/mouse guy is up to from Raph's Ride Along. Mikey always knows when Shelldon snuck out or secretly messed with stuff he was told not to, and also knows what that electric eel guy is up to. Leo only knows the- what was that guy, lizard?
If any villains came over too that means Tigercaw is plagued with dreams of Splints rewatching Lou Jitsu movies and it's driving him insane. He mumbled Hot Soup to himself once and almost cut his own tongue out in horror of it.
2012 Splinter has dreams about whatever Oruko Saki is doing as a freed spirit now, so probably just chilling with his daughter, and he finds these dreams both bittersweet and comforting. He finds the Senior Hueso dreams confusing however because they're filled with Restaurant Running and he doesn't know a single thing about that but suddenly he can recite Run of the Mill Pizza prices from memory.
Sometimes Donnie has a dream from that random Shoe Salesguy who showed up just to say Splints Teen Disguise worked in the Shoe Shack episode and all of them are just like "Dude why do so many people have your voice yet sound nothing like you, what's happening."
YES they use this to stop crimes sometimes and YES it also goes the other way around however the villains never dream any of the useful parts, because it's funnier this way, they only dream the annoying things.
"Hey, what's wrong." "I dreamt about being that weird turtle again, the new purple one." "What was it this time?" "Just more things exploding on me. As if I don't get enough of that!"
"Hey, New Blue. That uh Tiger Guy really hates you." "Yeah, I know." "He has a photo of you four that he throws darts at." "Okay." "He rants to your Shredder a lot while sitting in his lap." "Whate- WHAT"
2012 Splinter keeps trying to use this to see if he can make Hueso into a ninja. Not for any real reason, he just thinks it'd be funny and wants to be able to say "Ah, the pupil of my dreams."
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beannary · 7 months
May I ask for 1, 4 & 24 please
How did you get into tmnt?
I actually got into tmnt after watching rise last year! my friend @yourdragonsareglowing recommended it to me and i was intrigued by the animation so i decided to give it a shot!
4. Iteration you are purposefully avoiding
Ha I'm avoiding the 90s movies. I think I'll watch them at some point maybe but those costumes just freak me out too much askldjfh
24. Roast your favorite character (affectionate)
if i wanted to get into heaven and god said donatello is waiting inside i would piss on gods feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back down. if i have to deal with donatello speaking one word in person on voice in show not only will i close the tab i will delete my bookmark out of spite and have to rewatch the entire series again for the experience of being able to skip all the times when he is mentioned or alive. i dont even know why i hate him so much. he is a scientist but i am just mad because i am ANGY. he better have some fucked up backstory to explain this if hes just some smart shithead whos a fan of science and wanted the irl version ill go ham. BETTER have had a book make him kill a man cuz if he didnt Im going to make him.
episode's not even about him. vaguely mentioned what is supposed to maybe be his lab and I lost it. where the fuck is donatello if hes still alive im going to so deeply wish he wasnt. cringe fail teen. ill punch donnie and his sad frail nerd teen twig bones will simply flake apart under my epic huge meat fist and he will disintegrate until all thats left is one final invention he kept on him at all times simply titled Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish. im not breathing im hyperventilating at this point. i hope theres a date given for when donnie died or will die so i can make it a reminder on my phone, and everyday once a year i will see it and do anything but pay respects to the man who had so many fucked up if true books
Questions taken from here!
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
The One-liner War
Summary: The greatest, and grossest, war began the day April brought you to the lair. Will there be carnage? Or will there be love?
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P.S. I wasn't supposed to write this till later, but rewatching the movie made me want to give our darling blue-clad turtle some well-deserved love! Here is some Rise!Leo x Reader and I hope you enjoy (≧∇≦). Also, thank you so much for all the love on my last story!!
P.P.S The gif isn't mine!
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
Those were the first words he had said to you when you met. He thought he could pull on his face man attitude and charm you. But little did he know, that you had a pocket of those one-liners yourself.
“No, but you wouldn’t happen to have a bandaid on you, would you? Because I just scrapped my hands falling for you.”
He was STUNNED, to say the least. Cue Donnie audibly gagging in the background. May or may not have been the worst day of his life. Mikey, being the supportive brother that he is, was trying not to combust with this cuteness. And Raph, as the leader and eldest brother of the team, had no idea what was happening. From then on, this was the normal interaction between the two of you. Every time April brought you over, Leo would lay on the charm. THICK. And you, in turn, would lay yours. EVEN THICKER.
“Do you need a loan? Cuz you got my interest.”
“Well, it seems to me that YOU missed your payment. Because here’s your fine.”
The smug look on your face as you passed him a mirror. You definitely had the moves. Leo wouldn’t admit it, but you were smoother than Donnie’s purple satin jacket. But Leo wasn’t gonna back down. No one. And he means NO ONE! Out faces the face man. The war is ON. It was as gross as it was cute. One-liners were thrown and post-it notes were shared. The rest of the mad dogs found themselves trapped in the crossfire. One time, Raph cracked open a fortune cookie meant for Leo.
“I don’t know which looks sharper. You or your ōdachi.”
Raph didn’t get it. But he was kind enough to relay your message. Let’s just say that Leo’s ego went through the roof. The ‘I might die today, but at least I’ll die looking super fly’ attitude he’s known for, but increased tenfold. The team did not have a fun mission that day.
“When will this gross show of affection end?!”
“Come on Donnie! Feel the love in the air.”
“I do. And it’s disgusting. RAPH! For the love of SCIENCE! Make them stop.”
Squaring up, looking big and gruff, Raph walks up to Leo. With a deep breath in...
“So...Leo...buddy, ya know...about this thing that’s happening between the two of you...can't you...I dunno...tone it down? Maybe?”
That high pitch squee you hear in the background? That’s the sound of Donnie dying. And Leo, being the sass that he is, only gave his brother a shrug before going back to his Jupiter Jim comic. But little did the team know, Leo had the perfect one-liner in store for you. The line that will set his title as the TRUE face man in stone. One that he was sure was going to blow your mind with his sweet, delicious, smoothness.
The next day, April came by for movie night with you in tow. You coming down the stairs was like a star descending from above. He might say it jokingly, with all his sass and attitude. But Leo really did find you mesmerizing. That first line you threw at him a year before, left him falling for you since. And he has been falling HARD. But now was not the time to feel giddy. Now was the time to pull out the big guns.
“Hey, Leo~”
“Hey, you~. Are you ready to get one-lined?”
“You know it Leo. Your game has been getting rough lately.”
RUDE! How dare you say he was rough. Leo? LEO?! He was smooth with ten o’s.
“Well, you might not be lovin this smoothness, but I’m definitely lovin you.”
Silence. Just like he planned. But what he didn’t plan was you, glowing as red as the bandana that covered Raph’s face. It spread from your shoulders up to the tips of your ears. And Leo swears he can see the smoke wheezing out of your ears.
“Are you ok-“
“Do you mean it?”
“Do you love me?”
Letting the words sink in, it was now Leo’s turn to become bright red. So he might not have thought about that one thoroughly as he thought he did. It sounded less cringe in his head. He tried to sass out a reply. Tried to stutter out whatever charm he could from the interaction. But every second he couldn’t utter a proper word made your face paler and paler. Till the flustered expression that you cutely had slowly faded to one of hurt and disappointment.
“Of course, you don’t. It’s just a pick-up line, right? Sorry for...being...stupid.”
“No wai-“
“I’ll catch up with the other guys.”
Pushing past Leo, you run towards the group already seated in front of the projector. You keep your face ducked down to hide your shame and embarrassment. So maybe you found the blue-clad turtle charming, witty, and funny. So maybe you had an itty-bitty crush on the said turtle. THIS wasn’t how you planned on getting rejected. Heck, there wasn’t even a plan to say anything at all. But this, THIS, was the worst way possible for him to know. And the WORST way to be let down. Leo, who was close on your tail was about to call for you when he was shushed, very harshly by a very leathery pink tail that belonged to his dad. Ten minutes in, he tries again only to be met with Mikey’s pizza oily hand slapped to his face. Gross. Thirty minutes in, he tries again. Whispering this time in hopes of not being heard. Only to be shushed by April.
An hour in and he was getting fidgety. You barely looked up from your ducked posture. The hurt was still so apparently seen from your expression. Leo just couldn’t stand it anymore. He called your name and glared at Donnie for shushing him. You, of course, refused to acknowledge him. So, in a last-ditch effort, he shakily reaches for your hand. That caught your attention and you whipped your head towards him. Happy to have you finally look at him, he motioned to his room with his head. You frowned at the idea but relented when he gently took your hand in his. His eyes begging you.
You both stood up, much to everyone’s irritation, and made your way towards his room hand in hand. Once inside, instead of letting you go, Leo instead pulls you into a hug.
“Look, what I said earlier, I might not have meant it...”
The crease between your eyebrows immediately furrows.
“But it doesn’t mean that it was a lie. I do love you. But pick-up lines weren’t exactly how I planned on letting you know.“
Letting you go, Leo moves his hands from your back to your face to lift it to him. And like before, it was bright red from your neck to the tips of your ears. But unlike before, you had a cute pout on your soft lips. Softly whispering your name, the next words that came out of his beak made your heart hammer more than any of his one-liners ever could.
“I love you.”
“I might not be lovin the smoothness, but I’m definitely lovin you too.”
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midnightwins22 · 1 year
Hello everyone! So I thought that I share some fun facts that I discovered while rewatching Rise of the TMNT.
The first thing that I came to find out while rewatching the show was that out of all of the main cast, Mikey is the one who shows up in the most, whether that be either as a major character, minor character, or just make a cameo. I counted 62 appearances that were made by Mikey. The rest of the cast is broken down below: Donnie: 61, Leo: 61, Raph: 57, April: 30, Splinter: 35, Draxum: 18
I just find it interesting how Mikey has appeared the most, yet got the least amount of focus in the show. He only got a handful of episodes to truly shine and I think he deserved to get more character development then what he got. I would love to see his struggles of being the youngest and how he has to hold it together as the family therapist. (We were totally robbed of that big brother Mikey episode)
2. The second thing that I noticed about this show was that Donnie and Mikey had the most time together. I counted them being paired 8 times together, and keep in mind this is not counting the movie, which had them together pretty much the whole time. The next pairings to come close were Raph and Leo and Leo and Mikey at 6 pairings a piece. I think this just proves that Donnie and Mikey really work the best together and I love this so much as they are my two favorites of the main crew. PB & J duo for the win baby!
3. To piggy back on what I said above, I really wish that we got more pairings in the show. Like the disaster twins only got 3 pairings together, Raph and Mikey got only 2, and Raph and Donnie only got 2. Not to mention that April barely got any one-on-one time with any of the turtles, outside of Donnie. If we ever get a season 3, I want more of some of these pairings please.
4. The final thing I want to mentioned is that I kept track of some of the nicknames given to the turtles. The first thing that I found was that Donnie has the most nicknames, with the most popular one being D/Dee. As it can be expected, Splinter calls them by their colors the most. For Raph, he had a couple of nicknames but none that were constantly used, though his full name was used the most out of any of the turtles. For Leo, Mikey is the only one to call him Leon and the nickname 'Nardo' was only used once by Donnie, proof that Donnie is the only one to call him 'Nardo' (and I love that). For Mikey, Donnie is the only one to call him 'Angelo' and the main one to call him 'Michael' (which I just find very sweet). Now Donnie is the big one with a bunch of nicknames. April and Mikey are the main two to call him D/Dee, Mikey is the only one to call him Donald, and Dontron has only been used one time by Leo
These are just little fun facts that I found about the show and that I wanted to share with all of yall in case you didn't know.
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kawaiiblue18 · 11 months
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Click for better quality So um, I got a lil silly after rewatching the Legendary Monsterverse movies
So basically I made a Rottmnt x Monsterverse crossover AU I’m calling Rise of the Ancient Kaiju Turtles (RotAKT AU for short). It takes place in the Legendary Monsterverse movies in which the turtles take the place of the kaiju. This is my design for Raphael, who takes Godzilla’s place. I’ll be drawing refs for the other turtles later. More rambling about this AU below the cut
Additional doodles:
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So, in this au, Raphael takes the place of Godzilla. I based his design mostly from Godzilla plus some elements from Gamera (who is a snapping turtle kaiju). Raph sports mainly Godzilla’s abilities: the ability to absorb anything nuclear and the atomic breath beam except it’s red. I decided not to give most of Raph her cannon ninpo powers like he does in Rottmnt mainly because she’s already huge, her hide plus shell is already extremely durable, and keeping the cloning ability would make him a bit too overpowered. However, he can create limb projections that are not attached to her body (as show in the doodles).
Also if you haven’t already noticed, Raph is bi-gender. And before you say anything, technically Godzilla is intersex anyways and can reproduce asexually (example: Godzilla Jr appearing out of nowhere without another adult of Godzilla’s species around) so I don’t wanna hear it.
More things to note is that Raph is Godzilla’s age which is like over 250 million years old and he’s the oldest of her adopted siblings. (Note: I say adopted because even though they are all part turtle, none of them actually share genetic makeup, but treat each other as siblings anyways because they’re all the only one of their species alive and other turtle-like kaiju is the closest they are gonna get.) Raph took over as alpha Titan after her predecessor and parent, Dagon (the skeleton found in Godzilla 2014), died at the hands of the parasitic Kraang (the MUTOs is this AU) to which Raph plus other kaiju were barely able to beat them into hibernation. Over the following years, it’s Raph’s duty as alpha to make sure the balance of nature remains. So he doesn’t pay much attention to humans when ancient human civilizations start appearing since they aren’t causing any causing any problems.
Ancient humans made cave paintings of the kaijus and giving her the name Rapheal which means “God has healed” after seeing how Raph’s radiation helps the environment and believing all kaiju are gods. Yes, this means the renaissance artists were NAMED AFTER the turtle kaiju siblings, not the other way around. Ancient civilizations also called Raph the King/Queen of monsters depending on how she was depicted in their culture.
After Raph is rudely awoken up from deep hibernation in 2014 from a nuclear explosion, she’s a bit confused to find how developed human civilization has gotten and how they’re basically everywhere on the planet. He still goes to defeat the awoken male and female Kraang (aka male and female MUTOs) before they reproduce in Boston. In 2019, the eco-terrorist humans had managed to find all the alien pieces of armor and bring back the Shredder (aka Ghidorah) which leads Raph to wake up her siblings from hibernation to help defeat him.
Raph is cautious towards humans and doesn’t completely understand why they tried to almost kill him, but Mikey makes her realize not all humans are bad through introducing Raph to April (aka Madison in this AU). I write more on this AU as I complete the rest of the ref sheets.
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Sorry for requesting so much 😭
May I please request headcanons for Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, and Kanji finding out about their female S/O training in mixed martial arts and being an accomplished fighter?
No need to apologize! You're basically the only one requesting for Persona 4 currently and it makes me happy that you enjoy my writing and want to request me this much! Hope you enjoy!
Yu, Chie, Rise, Naoto, & Kanji finding out their Fem!S/O is trained in mixed martial arts
Warnings: Mentions of fighting/sparring, mentions of water, possible ooc
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Yu Narukami, Chie Satonaka, Rise Kujikawa, Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane.
(it's 1 am and i still can't sleep so i'm writing this help me-)
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While slightly shocked at first Chie is absolutely hyped once she finds out her girlfriend is skilled in mixed martial arts and is a accomplished fighter. Expect her to ask you like a million questions about the specific martial arts you've practiced in. She'll be bugging you with a ton of questions for awhile, incredibly curious and hyped about your combat abilities.
Since she trains quite often too make sure her kung fu skills stay in tip top shape she'll invite you to join her in the training. Secretly she wants to spar with you but also really hates the thought of hurting her girlfriend, watching how you practice and carry yourself in fights eases up the thoughts as Chie knows you can handle and protect yourself.
Once she does get comfortable enough to ask you to spar just know she'll be going full force!
After training sometimes she'll suggest you two go to the amagi inn and relax in the hot springs together to help ease your tired muscles. Chie holds your hand and practically drags you into the warm water, somewhat jokingly offering to massage your muscles if you want it. If you actually agree her face will light up slightly red as she laughs it off but gets behind you to massage your arms.
After Yosuke broke it Chie had to buy another copy of the trial of the dragon but will often sit down and rewatch it over and over. Because you two share similar interests she thinks you'll enjoy it! She'll feel slightly awkward if you don't but isn't mad or upset and will try to find a different movie to relax too.
Very supportive in your studies and would legitimately learn a specific type of martial arts you're studying as well just to be able to train and study with you.
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Honestly he most likely found out either through Chie blabbering it out one day, you casually mentioning it in conversation, or your fighting style in the tv world.
In all honesty he's pretty impressed and wants to learn more about your skills but in a more casual way compared to Chie's hyperness. He's amazed comparing his skills to yours, yes he knows how to swing and use a cool as hell sword but he's not able to ground pound and immobilize enemy's in 2 or 3 strikes.
Though he's slightly interested he's not the type to want to learn any types of martial arts and more of just sits by the side watching you train. Mentally thinking "wow... I have one badass girlfriend-" at literally any impressive move you do.
Due to knowing origami from the origami crane folder job he knows how to do origami and knows how to create a variety of things other then cranes. One time he was thinking of a certain move you were doing and decided to create a origami version of you in the pose. it took about a good few weeks of careful crafting but it eventually was done, using a massive variety of colors to create the origami sculpture.
He gave it too you during lunchtime at school, saying that you give him a lot of inspiration in his life and mean a lot too him. Being taken slightly off guard when you kissed his cheek as a thank you.
Also very supportive, while not being completely involved like Chie he'll cheer you on from the sidelines!
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My guy is a blabbering stuttering mess, he already loved you but finding out you're also physically strong and adept at combat makes him fall in love with you a whole other level. A blush coats his face as he compliments you because ngl he finds the fact you can fight the way you do super hot.
Kanji is similar to Chie in that he's incredibly curious of your skills and abilities. Wanting to know everything he can about them and how they work, he may even ask to go into the tv world with you to go bully some random shadows together. It's mostly so he can see you in action and oh boy he's loving every minute of it and how cool you look.
While i wouldn't say Kanji has experience in any kind of martial arts he does know how to fight pretty well and honestly he may wanna learn. He finds watching you practice and train extremely fun and wants to learn the kind of things you are, so one day he may ask you if you can teach him.
Due to your reputation of a accomplished fighter bruises and injuries from training, spars, and other things can be common. For this reason Kanji always makes sure to have a medical kit easily accessible at his place and will often patch anything up for you. Reminding you to be careful but continue kicking ass.
Another very supportive boyfriend who will gladly kick ass with you
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At first Naoto was slightly worried but then she remembers how you kick shadows ass in the TV world and complete disregards those thoughts. On a logical stance she finds the skill of being a mixed martial artist useful and beneficial. But on the more emotional end of the spectrum she absolutely adores your fighting skill and spirit but more silently expresses it compared to the others.
Naoto out of the entire cast likes watching you train the most, barely outclassing Chie. While Chie is more of loud encouragement Naoto is more of shows her feelings through body language and those lovestruck eyes staring at you as you train. Of course not to stay Naoto won't compliment you with words, she actually does it quite often. But you almost can always she her gazing lovingly at you.
While she doesn't have any physical combat experience she can still decently hold her own especially with that gun of hers, but she may ask to try your fighting styles out and then almost back out cause you're extremely close to get and your hands are different places on her body to correct her stance. Naoto tries her best to stay composed though and knows you're just getting her into the right stance for the move but can't help but get flustered at how close you two are.
Naoto will often have bottles of water and a towel ready for you so you can rehydrate and wipe off any sweat from the training session. Saying that if there's anything else she can do, she'd be glad to help.
She's not as curious of your fighting abilities as the others but anytime she see's you use them she gets reminded of how much of a girl boss her girlfriend is and stares lovingly.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll back you up in battle no matter what! Even if brute force isn't her style.
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Absolutely amazed whenever she first finds out. To Rise it feels like she's fallen head over heals in love again with you. Like most of the others she'll be asking a ton of questions about where you learned it, when you did, what types of martial arts, etc.
Carry her rn, bridal specifically. She wants to be held in her girlfriend's strong arms and also just wants a chance too check out your muscles-
Rise ties for 2nd place with Chie in watching you. She's like the number 1 cheerleader and will have waters and other snacks nearby her for whenever you finish your training routine. When watching you she can't help but think, "how did I get so lucky with you?" Absolutely adoring you as you train.
Incredibly and I mean incredibly curious of your fighting abilities, she's basically asking questions everyday even if she's already asked them before. Wanting to know your progression everyday in your passion.
Rise gets really upset the second she see's a single bruise on you, worried her dear girlfriend could've gotten permanently injured. Rise is a bit overdramatic about this but after the wound is treated she becomes a cuddle bug and asks you if you won a fight or if the bruise came from training.
Another supportive girlfriend who'll be your number 1 cheerleader giving it her all!
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
Barbie (2023)
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2023’s Barbie turned out to be a pretty big deal. Not only is it Warner Bros. Studios’ highest-grossing film ever, it also received rave reviews and was directed by Greta Gerwig, who co-wrote it with Noah Baumbach. Some say it proves that art is dead, that the bad guys have won, that even the artists with the most pristine integrity can be bought and sold like plastic dolls by soulless corporations. I say it proves there are no bad premises, only bad executions. When someone talented really cares about a project, they can turn even what some might call a commercial into a great, memorable, stylish and surprisingly thoughtful piece of art.
In Barbieland, all of the Barbies, Kens, and other Mattel dolls live in harmony - playing at the beach, working at their prestigious jobs and doing everything the children in the real world have them do. When Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie as “Barbie”) suddenly develops bad breath, and flat feet, then begins thinking about death, she travels to the real world to confront the child who’s been playing with her. Along for the ride is Beach Ken (Ryan Gosling as “Ken”). While Barbie is horrified to discover that the real world is not the ideal matriarchy she imagined, Ken is fascinated.
The movie Barbie most resembles is 2014’s The Lego Movie. Like it, Barbie is a frequently goofy and surreal comedy featuring a beloved children’s brand. It is also colorful, with many stylish visual flares that prove the people in charge have a deep and loving appreciation for the property. When Barbie leaves her bedroom to eat breakfast, she doesn’t take the stairs; she floats down to the ground floor. It’s because that's the way the dolls move when little girls play with them. If you look at the movie, you’ll see many of the various Barbies Mattel has sold over the years appear in cameo roles or roles you think are cameos (but turn out to be much more). Some of the Kens and Barbies we see aren’t even official Barbies but are part of the doll’s history, such as Kate McKinnon's “Weird Barbie” - the Barbie whose hair got cut up, has broken hips and weird “makeup” applied all over her face. Like The Lego Movie, Barbie has the occasional musical number and eventually leaves the made-up play world to visit the real world - a way for it to become more than just an ultra-colorful, super stylish adventure with costumes that are sure to win it awards.
There’s a lot to unpack in this film. Some of it you might anticipate from Barbie's trip to our world. Every 10 years or so, a mob with torches and pitchforks rises up to condemn Barbie for projecting unrealistic beauty standards upon little girls but never before has the character of Barbie actually been confronted with those criticisms; it’s always been the people at Mattel who’ve been on the receiving end. Obviously, in reality, it’s because Barbie isn’t real, but this movie asks “What if she WAS real? How would she take these criticisms? What would she say about them?” I don’t know how Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach did it but they convinced Mattel to all sorts of things I would’ve never expected. The movie also makes some strong points - all while being funny and going in unexpected directions.
Barbie is one of the most memorable movies in recent years. Even if you don’t remember the exact song that played during the Beach Battle, you’ll remember what the choreography was like while it played. You’ll remember Margot Robbie’s outfits, the visuals showing how her and Ryan Gosling’s characters travel from Barbieworld to our world, what the offices at Mattel look like, the wonderfully bizarre interpretation of its board of directors, the sets, Barbie's interactions with Gloria (America Ferrera) & her daughter Sasha (Ariana Greenblatt) and the way it made you laugh. It’s got so much going on you could rewatch it several times and find something new in the visuals or the dialogue. There’s a point made about what role the Kens have in society, particularly at the end regarding how much Mattel/the rest of the world cares about them that still has me smiling long after the movie is over.
My only criticisms towards Barbie are that a) it probably could’ve been slimmed by about 10 minutes and b) it’s so successful that we’re all but guaranteed to have a sequel and I can’t imagine a follow-up being as fresh and satisfying as this original. I know there are people who will not be interested despite all the positive word of mouth. To them, I say you’re missing out. This is a great film that just happens to be about a plastic doll made by a giant corporation. It does so much with its premise, that I'm still in shock. (Theatrical version on the big screen, August 11, 2023)
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dranna · 5 months
I’ve been rewatching the HP films during the holidays and I’ve got some thoughts regarding Slytherins..mainly how they are treated.
I’ll be focusing on the Chamber of Secrets and the end of Sorcerers’ Stone in this post. 
I’m sorry if I confuse names and quotes all together, I’m learning German so I’ve been watching the movies in this language. There will be some quotes I’ll bring from the books (I have the books, but I find Harry’s pov so frustrating that .. I simply can’t enjoy reading them)
So, let’s start with the Sorcerers’ Stone:
There is 1 thing we can single out from the first movie regarding Slytherins: the House Cup 
It’s the end of the year, Ron, Hermione and Harry solved the puzzles and got the stone. Amidst the worry of the stone being stolen, the Slytherins collected enough points to rise to first place and potentially win the House Cup.  Possibly again, after a six-year streak. Then comes the evening feast, where Dumbledore awards points to Gryffindor, rather in a cruel way I think, with which they win the Cup. It’s such a public, humiliating, last minute announcement. Taking it away from the Slytherin students in front of the competitors, who all spiced up against them, is an open invitation for all the pupils who already have some kind of dislikes and prejudices for this house and it’s inhibitors.
“.. even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were celebrating the downfall of Slytherin.”
The downfall of Slytherins? Celebrating in front of the professors?
“Better Hufflepuff than Slytherin. There’s not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin.”
‘Yes, I have prejudices against Slytherins. However Severus is, mean yes, but trustworthy.’ - Probabaly Dumbledore while knitting his socks 
It begs the question: how can you be surprised then, when the whole ‘evil snake house’ — whose students, children, get this treatment from others, the second they set foot in the school — joins on the side of a party, who has power over the ‘Hogwartians’?  Slytherins voluntarily jumping on the Chamber of secret support, offer their services to Umbrige etc? But I’m jumping ahead of myself. 
The House Cup might mean more to Slytherins than to the other houses. To the others, it might seem like a simple competition, but to Slytherins it might be a sign of pride. For example, Severus was around 24 when his house winning series started. It would be an impressive achievement, even if he was older. This is the Slytherins way of showing, that apart from the Professors and students mutual distrust and dislike, they can still achieve, compite and eventually win. And yes they bully and mock others — which is not at all ok — but it might be justified in their eyes based on the others’ treatments towards them? 
What we learned about Slytherins so far?
Everyone who is sorted there, turns out evil no matter what 
Other students hate them 
They are the undesirables house outside pure blood families
Professors and Dumbledore, the wisest wizard and headmaster enabling and supporting prejudices against these students 
They bully others
The Chamber of Secrets:
There are 2 things I’ll point out from this movie: Lucius slipping the diary to Ginny, and the Slytherins getting brand new equipment and a new seeker. 
Start with the first one. Why now? Why Lucius?
They didn’t include this scene in the movie, but in the book we see Draco complaining — we can assume that he also does this at home, not only at the store — about Potter and the school to his father, who at first doesn’t seem interested at all. Still, Lucius will be the one, who eventually brings the diary to the surface again, resulting in unleashing the ‘monster’ from the Chamber of Secrets and endangering the Muggle-Borns. 
“Father says to keep my head down and let the Heir of Slytherin get on with it.” 
We learn that he keeps it as a secret from Draco, leaving him in arrogance. Maybe because he want to keep Draco safe? Could it be revenge against Dumbledore’s disposition? To rid the school of his beloved Muggle-borns?
“Why don’t they just chuck all the Slytherins out?”
: Lee Jordan’s reacting to all the Slytherins being safe while the others live in fear. We can see how paranoia blooms from little distaste under such pressure among the students. I think this is the same reason why Salazar Slytherin wanted only pure blood students in the school and why Lucius decided to ‘use’ the diary. We even see a scene at the end of the movie between Lucius and Harry: just how much dislike, even hate the older man feels towards this boy. And still it leaves a weird taste in my mouth, that the teachers don't really do anything… again. 
The Gryffindor quidditch team is on their way to the pitch to practice, however they are confronted by the news that the Slytherins have permission to practice there too. By further examining, we can see that they all have brand new brooms, better then Harry’s and a new seeker as well: Draco. It came off to me as arrogant, rich people showing off the first time I saw the movies but now, I think it’s a kind of counterattack to the previous years’ humiliation. 
What happened in the first year regarding Quidditch? 
One rule we learn pretty early on is that first years aren’t allowed to have brooms: so why Harry had? Why Harry? Why not someone else? You are trying to tell me that there aren’t any students who grew up in magical families, who can fly better than him and also first years?  
First years aren’t allowed to play in a quidditch team: why was Harry allowed? Why not any other exceptional student? The ones who grew up around magic might be able to play better in some positions than him.
I assume families pay for the student’s brooms: who paid for Harry’s? Then why it’s a problem that a parent is able to pay for his sons’ team’s new equipment?
How did the school react when the Slytherins lost the House Cup that year? 
Imagine these happenings from the Slytherins point of view: ‘ huh. If they all hate us, then how can they expect us to play by the rules? If we don’t even have the chance to play fairly? Then we might as well cheat.’
I’ve literally wrote it while I couldn’t sleep, sorry for mistakes and grammar
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aevyk-ing · 6 months
Rambling about the Ghibli movies I’ve seen Part 2
Read part 1 here.
11. Tales of Earthsea
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This one was... weird? Just boring? I really liked the designs for the mosaics and the city, but the rest needed a lot of work. I was intrigued about the main character and found myself thinking how the books are probably better. I had some problems with the character designs and the story was all over the place. 
12. Only Yesterday
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A little too long, dragging in the middle, but really cute. I loved the way it depicted the country life, the softness of the scenes in the past and the fantasy bits. I also have the feeling I should live somewhere else since I was little (I love nature and forests) and I’ve been remembering a lot of stuff (well, that’s a side effect of going to therapy, I guess). Anyway, I enjoyed the little story and the way some moments were animated and I wasn’t expecting to hear castanets in a Ghibli movie. 
13. Porco Rosso
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Em... this one was pretty, but the story was weird. The scenery, music and flight scenes are really good. I was interested in the transformation part, but then it started saying things like: “Sorry only women are going to build the plane.” and then making a 17 years-old fell in love with a 36 years-old. Yikes. Just yikes. Then the ending is rushed. Started out good, ended up... meh.
14. When Marnie Was There
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I really liked this one. The story got me hooked, I related a lot to the main character and everything was so beautiful (just look at that house!). It can be a little confusing sometimes, especially during the middle part, but once it starts explaining things... oh, boy. My only complain is that I only knew it was the story about two girls and, once Anna started blushing I started shipping them... SPOILER it didn’t end up well. 
15. The Wind Rises
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So beautiful... and also sad. Miyazaki sure loves aeroplanes and that sort of stuff, huh? But I can’t complain: his flying sequences are always amazing. I also really liked the cinematography in this one, there’s a lot of interesting angles and uses of animation. It can also be funny sometimes (I still think that German guy ate a decorative plant) and I’m glad it didn’t dwell too much in the sad parts, even though I would have liked to see a little more after Nahoko leaves and before the dream sequence. Talking about dream sequences, that’s yet another thing Miyazaki excels at. BTW, I was ready for the sad ending, but still got me. 
16. The Cat Returns
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Utterly bizarre at the beginning, took an interesting turn midway where it reminded me of morning cartoons. It’s a cute story, although I’d have preferred something a little deeper or more nuanced. But it’s nice. Not the best one but fine enough for spending some free time. And yes, I’m well aware this one was made for small kids (maybe it’s the only one so far). Also, didn’t like how they teased out that Haru and the Baron are in a relationship. I still ship him with the other cat statue from A Whisper of the Heart, thank you.
17. Grave of the Fireflies
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There are some movies you can just watch once... but even though, you’re glad you watched them. This movie was a ride and I was getting ready mentally to watch it, thinking that I could never find the perfect moment. However, something happened that hurt my soul so I was at the right place. It was painful, with exquisite music, but it hurt a lot. Just like Life is Beautiful... I won’t be rewatching soon... but I’ll thank it for what it is.
18. The Boy and the Heron
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Proof that we still need fairytales! Have to say it was strange to go from the last movie to the beginning of this one because SPOILERS, I immediately knew what was going on. I loved the take on trauma and mixing past and present in a fantasy world that also looked an awful lot like a limbo (thanks, Over the Garden Wall). Overall, while it reminded me of other stories, it had enough heart and stuff going on to keep you hooked. You can tell it’s the result of a lifetime telling stories and my only complain is the creepiness. It was the least thing I liked from Chihiro and while I get why it has to be done, it doesn’t make it less disturbing. 
19. Tale of Princess Kaguya
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(disgruntled noises) I loved the first part. Cute animation, interesting style and adorable characters. I was having such a great time. Cut to the palace bit and the escape after the party and the story starts dragging on and totally changes genres. It went from fluffy and uplifting to depressing and sad. Why? Just why? If I had seen this movie when I was a kid, I would have never wanted to watch it again. Sigh. 
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a-force-dyad-in-space · 2 months
A Fanfic Update
Hey guys, I thought I should give you an update about what's going on Ongoing-WIPs-wise just in case you've had some worries.
The short of it is that the writing juices haven't flowed well for a while now and I'm trying to get them back but it is a struggle. I've worked a bit on this fic or other but haven't made significant progress in a few months. I absolutely hope that will change soon but I unfortunately can't force it. It doesn't help that I'm going through some stuff IRL right now that I have to take care of (I am unfortunately an adult who has to do adulting and pay bills and shit 🥲). I try not to be too stressed out about it, but the more time passes the more the anxiety sets in. Wish me luck. 💪🏻
Anyway, here's a fic-by-fic overview, split up by fandom.
The Angsty SongXue Fic — I'll be honest, I've written a little bit since I last updated you guys but I still haven't finished the buffer chapter (at this point I'm thinking about posting chapter 51 even though 52 isn't done yet), so nothing really new here. I really want to get back into a writing flow but so far it hasn't really worked. I am still working on it, though, so don't worry, I'm not going to drop it.
The It Follows AU — I'm ashamed to say I didn't even realize I posted that fic almost two years ago and I still haven't written the second half. I'm so sorry it's taking so long! I definitely still want to finish it! I might rewatch the It Follows movie before I do that, though.
The Observer Series — Oh yeah, remember that smutfic series I started a few years ago of which I've only posted part 1 so far? Yeah, I still need to work on that. I did write chapter 1 of part 2 a while ago, so it's not like it's forgotten, I just need to get my ass up and write the rest of part 2 before I can post it. 🙈
The Color Rush AU — Okay, technically I haven't posted that one yet but I did share a snippet along with a gifset a few years ago, so you guys know it exists. I haven't worked on it in a long time, though, and I don't know yet when I will find the spoons to continue writing it but I'm still intrigued by the premise and want to give it a go. Thank you for your patience!
The Somewhat Sweet, Somewhat Angsty XuanXian Fic — Again, haven't posted that one yet but I've been posting about it, so you guys know it exists. Nothing new on this front. I did want to rewrite the whole thing because I wasn't really happy with the way I wrote it thus far, so I'll probably go back to it at some point and do that, I just don't know when yet.
The Xie'er Deserves the World Fic — Listen, guys, I love this fic so much, I just haven't worked on it in a while. I'll probably re-read what I've written so far and go on from there, I've just been struggling with the latest chapter ever since I started writing it years ago. It's not dropped, though, I will get back to it! Pinky swear!
I've mentioned here and there that I'm working on part 1 of an epic that is based on a doujinshi I started when I was 13 or 14. Unlike my other WIPs, this one really is 100% self-indulgent to the point where I don't even care whether people will read/like it once I post it when it's completely done. I'll just put it out there to make my teenage self happy because this story has been simmering in my head for over 20 years, and so that my IRL friends can read it if they want to. So, this one will be a long way out, but it exists. I'm only really mentioning it because I've mentioned it a couple of times before and because it's the fic that's been on my mind the most lately.
You didn't think I forgot about TROBS, did you????? I did work on several beginnings of a draft during NaNoWriMo last year and I'm getting more and more of a clear picture of how I want it to go. For those unfamiliar, TROBS (or The Rise of Ben Skywalker, though I already changed the name of the fic again) is my attempt at an Episode IX fix-it fic that essentially replaces TROS. This one has been simmering in my head since early 2020 and I really want to get it out of there and onto the page for catharsis. I've even held off on reading any other TROS fix-its because of it, even though I've heard there are some really amazing ones out there (and I can't wait to read them once I've gotten my own out of my damn head). I really need to finally finish that beast. Wish me luck. 🥲
I still have so many notes for other fics (mostly for The Untamed) that I want to write at some point. Will I be able to get them all on the page? I honestly don't know, but I'll see where they take.
Anyway, that's all!
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