#i probably wont get to it tho💔
squidshop-art · 1 year
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exho03 · 1 month
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i’ve been here for a while and i still don’t know how to use this app anyways i need somewhere to post all my really random sampard headcannons so here we are honestly it’s really just random bullet points i’ve compiled and also most of this was written at 2am so there might be some spelling mistakes.. probably one other thing to mention, im not a lore reader,, i’ve been trying to recently because i find it really interesting but any details i’ve missed is bc i haven’t read it all yet 💔💔
gepard although hes not too great at taking plants (hes def trying tho) id like to think in his spare time he has like a book on floriography and goes to flower shops to buy sampo flowers with specific meanings?(like he goes to a flower shop and requests very specific types of flower arrangements)
sampo knows a LOT of things about belebog that no one else does some kind of like historical knowledge however i think the reason why sampo wont actually KNOw any floropgraphy is because with all his vast knowledge from across the universe as a masked fool, why would he bother to know something as ‘mundane’ as the meaning behind flowers.
to link to that, i think with sampos big world he sorrta gets dragged down to belebog in like a nice way and through gepard learns that the small things in life ACTUALLY matter or they noow matter. so for example these flowers he gets he never knows the meaning of them, def gets flustered by gepard initiating anything at all lmao.
i think sampo would ask around the underworld such as natasha, seele, even hook tbh about the meaning behind these flowers usually getting information from natasha. BUT he doesnt just outright ask he would like slip it into conversation because hes sly like that. Natasha very obviously catches on quite early on and although shes not as knowledgeable with the meanings she still retains enough information for sampo to start relying on her to help decode gepards bouquet.
one way or another serval catches wind of this (through natasha) and i think thats how she connects the dots
sampo most definitely leaves back notes with kisses on them on gepards windowsill (gep leaves his windows unlocked always.)
i can also imagine sampo to ‘retaliate’ somehow finding some extinct belobog flower and gifting it to geppie being all like ‘i bet ya can’t find the meaning behind this one’ lolll
gepard is a gay in denial in the sense that hes never had a crush on a woman but he sees madam poisson and he has a MASSIVE crush on her. everytime serval asks him if hes gay he brings up his ‘past’ crush on madam poisson.
gepard the 'nuh-uh' vs serval the 'yuh-huh’
serval has gepard as "gay man sighted in belobog" in her phone - sampard nation gave me these last two
serval and natasha they totally hang out at natasha’s clinic occasionally idk why i just see it
sampo kisses the scars on geps body
gep is taller w shoes one but actually shorter than sampo usually but no one believes sampo when he says thisn bc no one sees gep without his boots off.
sampo could be having the most absolute worst day and see gepard and feel beter same works for gepard except he doesnt realise it as much because gepard is more like ‘huh my headache clears from seeing sampo yeah he just uh annoys me so much that i think my heacache is clearing hahahaha’
soarkle and sampo sibling dynamic seems really funny but at times i also dont see it if we apply the whole sampo might be an emanator theory idk i think its silly at times but sometime it doesnt make sense….
on the other hand although it doesnt logically work sampo and seele sibling dynamic i actually really like it like a lot
i feel like gepard wears grampa pajamas?
although gepard def gets flustered by sampos flirting all the time, the one who actually initiated anything i believe would be gepard (ill go more into why i think so at a later date)
both of them are really light sleepers and have trouble sleeping all the time
also gep likes to hold onto sampo a lot when they fall asleep cuz he get scared that sampo might just leave randomly
i love these two sosososo much im going insane i need more headcannons to fill the brainrot
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kittyhui · 11 months
woozi as all the love languages
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word count: 769 (cute little imagine)
a/n: for ppl reading my smau im sorry for not updating, my writers block is so bad rn😭😭
words of affirmation
- he LOVES praise.
- whenever you come to the studio and listen to something he’s working on, he waits for your lovely words saying that he’s doing so well and that the song sounds amazing
- his ears would blush a pretty pink and he’d cover his face in embarrassment
- talk pretty to him.. he’ll have a heart attack. he just wants to know he’s doing good💔
- but on the other end, he has a hard time praising his SO.
- he doesn’t like to say ‘i love you’. he thinks that after a while it loses its meaning and wont feel as special
- tbh he probably wouldn’t even say those words until like 9 months to a year into the relationship (hes the type to not even say it until his wedding day😭)
- almost any attempt of giving praise comes with stuttering and blushing
acts of service
- because hes so busy, he would really appreciate receiving acts of services
- if you live together, he loves when you tie his tie if he has to dress up in the morning
- in return he’ll make you breakfast and coffee just the way you like it before he heads to the studio
- if you work out with him, he’ll love if you could spot him and vice verse.
- he doesn’t want people to know, buts he’s a princess. giving him massages when he gets home or giving him a full skincare routine and running a bath, he just would feel so loved, especially after a long day of practice
gift giving
- he has a lot of money, he wont deny it, but he won’t spend his money all willy-nilly
- he loves to spoil you but he only does it every now and then
- he’ll STALK all your socials to see what you want if you didn’t already flat out tell him.
- if he knows he wont be home for a while or cant spend time with you (tour, comeback, etc) he’ll slip a few gifts onto your bed, wrapped nice and pretty. he loves when you send him photos or video call him, showing how much you love whatever you got. he cant stop the smile on his face anytime he sees your happiness
- on the other end, jihoon doesn’t like receiving gifts
- he doesn’t want you to waste your money on him and really he’ll only ask for something for his birthday and it will never be something outrageous. if you do a form of art, he’d LOVE to receive something you painted or drew or wrote. if you made music as well, he’d probably cry if you wrote a song for him
quality time
- he’s busy like all the time, but best believe he’ll message you, call you, and try to visit you as much as he can.
- when he’s home or visiting you, you rarely go out
- woozi, the homebody he is, loves movie nights and cooking dinner together.
- watching a movie on your couch while eating a home cooked meal on his rest day is the most domestic thing in jihoon’s mind, it makes his heart flutter everytime.
- even if he doesn’t want to do something, just spending time with his SO without talking is something that he loves
- doing his own thing at the same time as you in comfortable silence is very calming to him and it happens a lot when hes working in the studio and you come to visit
- if the two of you wanted to leave the house to do something together, gym dates, Michelin restaurants and picnics are things he would love to do.
physical touch
- contrary to what most people would think he actually loves physical affection.
- ESPECIALLY when sleeping.
- have yall seen the LieV sleepover stream? woozi is like that with his SO.
- he’s big spoon all the way. he will wrap his legs around you a snuggle his head into your neck when its cold out.
- he’s not a big fan of pda tho. even with the members, he gets bright red even from just a simple peck on the cheek
- the most he would initiate/let you initiate in public is pinky locking when walking and short shoulder touches in passing.
- but as i said before, once he gets home ALONE, he’s all on you.
- hes still shy tho, most of the time you will initiate it.
- he’ll pull you into kisses every now and then, keeping you close to him for hours
- its hard for him to say ‘i love you’ so this is the best way in his opinion
- favorite type of physical affection: cuddling
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bigbumder96 · 1 month
account introduction thing!!!??
ngl i feel a bit goofy doing this🙁forgive me if this is weird, im used to getting attacked on tiktok for literally nothing (i rarely use tumblr)
name: darcie
age: im a minor😭
gender: girl (she/her :3 )
sexuality: lesbian
from/live in: england
tv shows:
- the inbetweeners
- white gold
- station 19 (still have to catch up on the latest episode lmao
- 9-1-1 (also still have to catch up one episode😭)
- fresh meat
- ted lasso
- heartbreak high (not that anyone asked but ant is my fav im praying they explore his character a bit more in season three)
- friday night dinner
- this country
- call the midwife
- ackley bridge
- baby reindeer (i wouldnt exactly call it an interest, but i watched this show last week😭)
- phoenix rise
- moment of eighteen (a k-drama btw!!)
- move to heaven (also a k-drama!!)
- there she goes
- benidorm
- skins (only gen 2 tho im afraid😞)
- the inBESTigators (dont judge lmfao😭😭😭)
- little lunch (i cant theyre js both such good shows)
- dodo (a cartoon)
- taskmaster (only season eight tho for the icon joe thomas‼️)
im currently watching derry girls and jamie johnson atm !!
- the shawshank redemption
- the green mile
- goodbye charlie bright (my absolute fav omg)
- the business
- the football factory (theyre making the sequel to this at my school im so happy i love nick love films😍i didnt see nick love himself tho💔)
- good will hunting
- bohemian rhapsody
- dead mans shoes
- ferris buellers day off
- harry brown
- little miss sunshine
- the inbetweeners movie
- the inbetweeners 2
- white chicks
- the basketball diaries
- mid90s
- spiderman: into the spider-verse
- spiderman: across the spider-verse
- alex g (fav song: too many to put here, but if i had to pick then prolly the whole race, trick, and rules album😭)
- tv girl (fav song: better in the dark, louise, and daughter of a cop)
- the fratellis (fav song: i honestly dk, i havent gotten that much into them yet😣i js listened to one of their albums and played fifa)
- the killers (fav song: read my mind and andy youre a star)
- the smiths (fav song: girl afraid, bigmouth strikes again, and this night has opened my eyes. guys i swr i liked them songs before they got popular im acc rly annoyed at the tiktofication of bigmouth strikes again and this night has opened my eyes😣)
- queen (fav song: spread your wings and long away)
- the stone roses (fav song: i wanna be adored and made of stone. basic i know😣😣)
- the jam (fav song: down in the tube station at midnight and man in the corner shop)
- oasis (live forever. icba to type ‘fav song’ anymore😭)
- mac the knife (here to stay)
- mitski (why didnt you stop me, goodbye my danish sweetheart, me and my husband, your best american girl, once more to see you, etcetera…)
- im into football and i am a big arsenal fan !!!! my fav player is def martin ødegaard, and i may or may not be one of those deluded emile smith-rowe fans who think that hes gonna have a huge comeback and be like he was two seasons ago🤫🤫🤫
- i like webtoons! my fav is jacksons diary, closely followed by crystal city killers😱
- in year seven my drama teacher made us watch a play (on the screen, not irl) called slowtime but we didnt get to finish it💔my teacher spoiled the ending but i didnt care and tracked down the rest of that video bcs slowtime is such a good play i love everything abt it😍
- last year i was obsessed with this book series called football academy (written by tom palmer) and it was genuinely so good but there was nobody myp age cuz it was for kids💔i dont rly read them anymore, but the interest is still there if someone by chance has read them please contact me and have a conversation with me about it🙏🙏🙏
i apologise as this was very long, and i probably wont even post that much😭 sorry for the yapping tho🙏🙏🙏
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l0vergirls · 8 months
I just read all of ur batfam posts, (skipped the nsfw stuff sry-) and I love how reader thinks that the things Tim does/write for them are familiar but not the same ıts readdly a nice detail, tho I rlly hope they can figure out their identifys all by themselfs🤧 I also like how they're slowly starting to get used to it, as if accepting them.(which is true, they're indeed doing that) ıts nice to see a willing reader one in a while really (not to mention this is romantic!batfam x reader 👀)
so so flattered that you're liking my batfam stuff!! i make it a point to only say familiar cus i believe tim drake, of all people, would probably be careful enough to make small changes so the reader doesn't connect the dots so easily. dw tho, reader is by no means oblivious (just accepting of their fate you could say), and i plan to make them realise it at some point! we're just in the beginning stages of things after all~
and i agree! i havent seen so many willing readers in a yandere fic so i put matters into my own hands lol + dw abt the nsfw part! i probably wont be including those as much, since i genuinely dont think i even know how to write those scenes rip 💔
tysm for your ask, i really appreciate it! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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plistommy · 2 years
i'm kinda in the mood for angst so lets imagine experiment!steve finally get the taste of freedom, still new to the outside world and the first thing that happens to him in this new world is meeting billy and eddie.
who became very important to steve. he would do anything to protect them. even if it meant him using his powers to hurt people. and yet...
he still loses them.
he lost billy first in that mall and steve cant stop the guilt from building up inside of him bc what use of this powers of his if couldnt even protect billy? he wishes he wasnt so weak, he wishes his powers were as strong and useful as El. just like what Papa always wanted.
but nothing good ever happens to steve.
and then vecna happened. he lost eddie this time.
he felt useless, undeserved of any happiness bc isnt that what Papa always told him?
"nothing good ever happens when it comes to you, seven."
he should've known that he could never get the happiness he wanted. he never deserved it in the first place. billy and eddie could've been better, happier, free...alive. but bc steve came into their lives, misfortune fell onto them, causing them to lose their lives bc steve is a jinx.
he shouldnt be alive in the first place.
thats what he had thought as he lays down on the ground, unmoving due to the broken bones in his arms and legs. everything was dark and steve knew that he was blind now. henry did a number on him.
he could el begging him to stay, that she wont let him go that easily. but isnt this a good thing?, he asked her.
"once im gone, no more misfortune will happen to you guys. all of you will finally be safe. can finally be normal."
all steve wanted was that. maybe he cant but he knew the others will. he already lost that chance anyways when billy died.
steve could feel himself getting tired, el's begging becoming incoherent to him. at least he wont be dying all alone. tho he swears he could hear eddie's and billy's voice, screaming out his name.
before he fades out, he could feel warms hands pulling up his body as his back lays on someone's chest. he must've be hallucinating when he felt tears and sobs and more begging to not go around him. bc it sounds like they belong to billy and eddie.
maybe they're here bc he's finally joining them.
but what he doesnt know was that they were both very much alive, clutching onto steve's cold body as they beg him to come back. to come back to them so they can apologise to him for not being strong enough to protect him. so they can finally go to california and show him the beach, the ocean, teach him how to surf, showing him just how big the world actually is.
this time tho, they probably wont have a second chance.
(this is a bit messy but hope you like it 💖)
They need to have a happy ending! Steve better survive and be taken care of by his boyfriends and go to California!!!!! He better!!! He deserves all the love after ALL that.
But yes Anon, I LOVE IT! Even if it hurt! ❤️❤️
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delusional-mishaps · 2 months
well guys. since i missed epic's birthday (devastating) have some headcanons :)
he is one of those weaboos who learned japanese so he can watch anime "the authentic way" (his words)
so he's fluent in japanese 💀 he literally only learned it for anime but dude was DEDACTED
he's so cringe guys 😭 i can say that. he's my boyfriend i love him
he would adore those cute anime girl v-tubers. like not in a weird way but he'd watch a lot of them
HE PLAYS GENSHIN 💀 he'd probably main beidou or raiden shogun/ei.. maybe run a full electro team with miko and fischl too 😭 (fischl is his fave character he loves her backstory and her bird thing idk i dont use fischl 💀) he loves the electro characters for some reason idk
HE HAS THE WORST LUCK ON THIS GAME THO. bro has c6 diluc (me too ☹️) and all his artifacts SUCK ASS even tho he'll grind every day
he has to spend money on every banner because he always loses his 50/50 and only gets high pity
ok enough genshin headcanons he's cringe we know this
im here ranting about a game i hate because my dumb boyfriend plays it so much
he hangs out with cross a lot ofc BUT
whenever he hears the word cross used in any context he turns to cross like "CROSS????? BRUH THATS YOU!!" (i always make these jokes. im projecting)
cant believe jesus died on his best friend fr... LMAOOO
he speedruns minecraft. he's NOT GOOD AT IT. but he can do it
he's had his speedruns ruined by creepers like 7 times
one time he somehow got into the deep dark and got killed by the warden??? idk what bro was doing down there in a speedrun dawg 😭
sorry he's a gamer in my head but hes really bad at every game he plays (just like me fr)
he sleeps under like 6 different weighted blankets in the hopes that he wont thrash around when he sleeps but he's too strong and ends up tossing them all off his bed 😭
bro needs to be CRUSHED to fall asleep!! he literally cant fall asleep without the weight
not that he likes to sleep anyway because of the nightmares but whatever. hes gotta do it. unfortunately.
he fights in his dreams ofc thats like canon but bro is throwing punches in his sleep fr
if he gets a partner (me fr!!) they gotta sleep in a different ROOM 😭 he is taking NO CHANCES and tbh thats so fair i wouldnt wanna wake up being beaten up by my bf
he is so ipad baby-core <3 he'll just watch youtube on his ipad all day if u let him but he's an old man and needs his spectacles otherwise he's holding it at arm's length 💀
don't forget bro is literally a doctor?? he's SO smart but he uses his goofy persona as a cover up
im convinced like most of the people that know him actually dont know this. they all think hes dumb as bricks 💀
them he'll casually say smth super smart and everyone is like ???????? HELLO??? SINCE WHEN DID UR BRAIN WORK??
i love drawing epic with glasses guys he looks so cute. but he has old man reading glasses
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this the typa shit he wears
AND HE FUCKING. anime glasses 😭
like yk how ppl in anime push glasses up
him fr
he actually needs his glasses all the time but he doesnt like to look like a NERDD so he doesnt wear them
he makes cross read everything for him
they go out to eat and gotta make him read the whole menu otherwise hes holding it 2cm from his face 💔
"whatd that sign say i cant read it"
"dude the letters are huge how cant you read it"
"oh lol i need my glasses my bad bruh"
actually he cant legally drive. because thats funnier than if he could
id still be his passenger princess <3 i refuse to get my license
anyway guys isnt my boyfriend so silly
im so tiredni needto seelp goodnight smooork mimimumumu
its 3am i neednto get up in 5 hours naioiiooooooo
goodbye guys enhjoy my boyfrien mdgrf
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electrosair · 10 months
Helloeleoeleo i wanna join the request thing too!!! >:D
I like to listen to music and play video games in my free time :) if i have any exam or tests coming up i usually study for it around 3 weeks before so my music and video game time is cut short for the time being! After my exam/test tho i'll probably sleep in my free time to get back the ammpunt of sleep i sacrificed studying (i'll play games and listen to music too just not as much) my favorite genre of music is rnb and scenecore! (Very odd yes but it depends on my mood)
About myself and my personality.. HMMM In terms of looks i have almost long hair and average height- not too tall and not too short (still probably shorter than all the tall genshin guys tho) for persoanlity, im very clingy and can get extremely childish when i get comfortable with someone! Clingy to the point where i'd hold onto their arm and follow them- pretty much not letting them go unless if they need to hehe but before i get comfy i probably wont say more than 20 words HEBSHSHS Im very shy at first but after i get comfy im the complete opposite 😭😭
Im also very femeinine/girly girl and yes im a girl :D i like shopping makeup dressing up and all that :p i like going out with pretty clothes and pretty makeup and walking around the mall or a city :)) i talk alot whenver one of my interests gets brought up + i have adhd :>
Im also weak for guys that call me petnames like angel and pretty girl 😞 if someome ever called me that i'd malfunction tbh i also like guys that can cook and tallee than me! (For reference im around 163cm i think?)
My favorute nation is inazuma and my favorite element is hydro! It might change soon after i explore fontaine but for now inazuma is my favorite <3 i love tue scenery and music there <3<3<3
Fum fact about myself (idk if this is a fun fact tbh) i attract cats and children! But thing is im very bad with children :,) i dont know what to do or say half the time so i just stand there like 🧍‍♀️ and give a small smile to them HWDIEHID (babies sometimes scare me since they stare at me... not a lot ofc just whwnver they do i get intimidated) oh and i love cats!
(Honestly i feel like this is way too lomg and i think i made so many typos HAHAHA im so sorry 😭)
omg i have so many thoughts like i wanna match you up with 3 people but i can only choose one aaaaaaa
i love reading this requests so no worries if you think maybe it is too long, i just like knowing all of you 💔and don't worry about the typos either, i always end up checking things on the translator because i'm terrible writing in english
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I guess that you are a very calm person and that is something that would appeal to Diluc almost immediately, and considering that on first impressions you are shy, that can only add points.
With your style of preparation with exams, and I guess other important things in your life, he would perhaps feel identified since he likes to have everything related to the vineyard business very controlled.
After you get to know each other better, I'm sure that if you grab his arm to go for a walk or take a longer walk than usual, his heart would race just to talk, the first few times he would never expect it.
I can totally see him giving you makeup or clothes that you see while on a date and you stare at them for more than 3 seconds, yes, that's enough to make him want to buy it from you. At first he would be a little more embarrassed, but then he would put it together with short letters, maybe thanking you for something or just spoiling you with sweet words.
He definitely chuckles quietly when he sees a child stare at you and your only reaction is to smile awkwardly at the kid, but let's not fool ourselves, he would probably do the exact same thing if he doesn't know the child, it would be rare for him to even smile back.
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hannieehaee · 3 months
hii I had a question will you be posting the hellfire drabble at the end of the fic here as well? totally fine if not I was just curious because I couldn’t get access to your kofi anytime soon (broke college kid yk how it gets 💔) anyways THANK YOU FOR HELLFIRE IT WAS AMAZING 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
hii i probably wont post it since i do have some ppl who pay for kofi and/or patreon and itd be unfair of me to just disregard that 😭 SORRY 😭😭 since a lot of ppl liked the hellfire couple though id be happy to write more drabbles and stuff for them!! so even tho my requests are closed u guys can let me know in my asks if u'd like more stuff related to hellfire c:
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aurirorii · 6 months
square up bitch (⬜️🆙🤬)
sypnosis: in which i tell you all about my thoughts on if i could beat each member of seventeen in a fight/argument.
warnings: i have no self-confidence. thank you.
a/n: i like actually think im the funniest person in the world for some reason
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absolutely not.
what the fuck?
who even THOUGHT that me fighting that asshole would be a good idea.
yea no
u wont catch me the next day
cus i would be dead
yup :)
maybe in a physical fight
like 99.5-0.5
i would have to be really lucky
but a verbal?
yea no
i would be sobbing after
he would hurt my feelings so bad
ok i would also say some shit
despite him being my man😮‍💨
i would leave bawling my eyes out
i could maybe beat this kid (hes like a decade older than me) in a verbal argument
i can get realllllll nasty if i have too
but physical ?
girl bye
i mean
have u seen that guy ????
yea no.
i would immediately take back everything i said if this bitch tried to square up
just no
lowk one flick and i would be crying
yea bye
if it was verbal
maybe like 98.5-1.5
ive got SOME hope
but probably not
esp with that temper ive been hearing abt?
yea ive got one too but
i think ill pass on this one
have u seen this guys body n workout routine ?
immediate no
my ass would be beat
but if it was verbal he would probably scream in my face
id ask if he was done yappin yet
yea thats kinda it
jit could js look at me and i would start crying
girl bye
besides his studio the gym is his bff
so no
i couldnt beat him
no more further questions
this kid can do a pushup w one arm
and u want me to fight HIM ?
yea no
i would get pushed and i would start crying
also he might scream in my ear
would also ask if hes done yappin yet
and tell him to pick up the plastic bag
dont even try me
bitch bye
if it was verbal i could say some mean shit
theres the SLIGHTEST possibility he would get his feelings slightlyyyy hurt
lets be real
yea fuck no
hes been goin to the gym
probably not
his height might scare me too
thats abt it
girl bye
if his ass was saying shit abt me to my face i would be bawling my eyes out
he would fucking hurt my feelings n not gaf
but physical?
just maybe
he would still beat my ass tho
u see
idk if he would get physical w me
yk how vernon is
have u seen this kid at the gym 💀
he showed up in jeans w like a hoodie n a jacket
bro was walkin on the treadmill w a beanie on bye
but verbal ?
im not so sure
he has gotta stop goin to the gym w mingyu
cus i would get my ass beat 💔
also verbal?
yk that one time they were on idol room or smth and bro was goin off on seungkwan?
if that was me i would wanna slap him
but also cry
im kinda hopeless
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mossdogs · 11 months
abt your reblog on the latin american classics poll, i wanted to ask why you love rayuela?
i tried to read it but. uhh. 💔 anyway i never finished it but i’m thinking about reading it again
i can understand that its a bit hard to read cuz its rlly rlly long haha. i actually finished it not so long ago and it took me like. almost a year?? so yeah i can understand that its a bit tiring to get over w it
alright back to ur question: one of the reasons why i like it is bc of how unique it is when it comes to the way u read it. the guy basically tells u that u can read it the way u want, theres not a particular order to do so. and thats awesome cuz i have never seen a book with that format!! i mean theres probably a few out there who do, but that was the first thing that caught my attention while i was reading it and, personally, i never had the experience to read one w the exact same way
another thing i like is the way its written, since cortazar uses all these big words and metaphors and im a sucker for those. it feels kind of mysterious in a way?? im not sure if thats the word i want to use but uhhh its great. adds a great atmosphere to the story.
oh and i have to mention ofc that i can relate to it, in a way. not particularly w the story or characters, but the setting. reading a book that mentions traditions, places or stuff thats from the place i was born feels nice. idk i might be cheating w this one cuz theres a whole lot of national books besides rayuela but i felt like i had to mention it.
andd thats it!! it came out pretty long sorry, i love rambling abt stuff lol. u should totally try to finish it tho!! u wont regret it i promise
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Here’s a Harutaka ask for you! Do you think they’d get married? If yes what do you think their wedding would be like? Also I hope you feel better soon!
HIII if it isnt the little guy i watched slowly get into kagepro. whatsup. how are u holding up being into kagepro. ALSO THANK U im already a lil better i ate 1 single boiled egg and now im laying in bed
yes haruka and takane 10000% get so married. i have this silly headcanon that haruka is begging her from day 1 to get married because IDK he's just excited about being alive and takane liking him💗💗💗 and maybe he is also terrified of her changing her mind abt liking him and for some reason thinks getting married will solve that feeling of feeling not good enough for her💗💗💗 wait who said that. but takane's all like No haruka we're only like 20 and he's like AUUUUGGGHHH!!! fine
honestly its a hc born from a bit in the novels (im not sure u read them) where haruka says man i wish takane stopped swearing so much she's gonna have a hard time finding a husband💔💔💔 ITS SO FUNNY TO ME idk likeeee since he knew he'd die, he never imagined being an adult at all. this is more in the territory of the early twenties crisis he apparently has post str i guess. which is also hilarious.
i think haruka's like... he thinks of marriage of this weird alien thing bc as a teen he wont even entertain the idea of dating or anything bc HES DYING like he literally shoots down the acknowledgement of his feelings for takane BECAUSE he is dying. he's like man whats the fucking point if im just gonna die this sucks ASS
so marriage. well it's an adult thing. and he turns out to be alive!! and takane REALLY LIKES HIM FOR SOME REASON!!! and he's like WELL WERE ADULTS ARENT WE WHY THE HELL SHOULDNT WE GET MARRIED???? takane's like because we're BARELY adults like BARELY. and also IN SO MUCH NEED OF THERAPY. and haruka's like i dont see how that's related🙄🙄🙄 whatever takane ur such a bore🙄🙄🙄 its just a silly argument they laugh and tease each other about *rips hair out* theyre so CUTE AUGGHHH
yeah they do eventually get married. not IMMEDIATELY though but still probably rly young. like before their mid twenties young. LOL!!! as for a wedding i dont think they'd actually care about one??? because haruka and takane are really introverted ppl and being the center of attention mortifies both. well takane's used to attention bc streamer slay but its not. the same. like that's different BASICALLY i dont think takane would care to throw money in something like this and haruka is also like whatever man just sign the paper so i can officially be ur boywife. they still probably have like a little get together with the dan though. maybe they dont even tell them they're like OH BY THE WAY WE DID SOMETHING FUNNY TODAY wjxnoefuoendoefundkc call shintaro&ayano on the phone like can u come with us to sign as our witnesses. and shintaro and ayano are like WITNESSES OF WHAT? erm. haruka&takane engaged for exactly 14 hours when haruka asks takane to marry him for the millionth time and this time she's like uhhh. yeah alright👍
thats my harutaka wedding hc. that theyre too lazy to have a wedding🫡 ayano mourns it so much she's been like wedding planning her whole life for her siblings. seto&mary get ultra married as soon as theyre 18 im not getting into those hcs i already did but ayano goes so crazy with it. and then haruka&takane are next (tho years later) and ayano's like WH?? BUT IM?? SUPPOSED TO PLAN ANOTHER WEDDING????? WHAT DO U MEAN U WONT MAKE ONE???? and theyre like 🤷‍♂️ maybe she forces them and she organizes it alone and forces them to kiss in front of everyone and only then stops being annoying. sorry i love crazed wedding planner ayano
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arillusionist · 8 months
shadow and bone season 1 episode 6 reactionnnnnn!! also i finished the first s&b book (it was so short compared to soc 💀💀), and i've started reading the next
nina is a spy for the darkling?? interesting..
ok but can they please show nina in this episode its been too long 😭😭
theyre gonna kill him right
yeah (god bless i never liked him anyways 🙏)
fuck if she gets out then kaz wont believe jesper about her being with them all along and he'll beat his ass
oh nvm
crows and alina meeting hell yeahhh 🔥🔥🔥
stop i so badly wanted for inej to say sankta alina or smth like that so they could be friends ☹️☹️
nina mention!!!
matthias mention!!!!
Yessss i am getting her in this episode!!!
yayy theres zoya screen time too!! they really gotta show more of her shes such an interesting character
oh my god wait... he probably made out with zoya and manipulated her too before alina came along..
hes such a hoe hes literally a pedophile too cuz isnt alina like 17??
nina looked so hot in that scene tell me im wrong (you cant)
ugh i think this was the scene in the book where mal came 🙄🙄 but then again after reading the book i've realized that show mal is SO much better i should appreciate him
yeah i was right
stop not nina saying that and literally gawking at his abs afterward 💀💀
everything ab this scene is so awkward i literally cant
aughh the crows finally its been 17903280 years
oh my god if kaz doesnt tell inej later this season or something what he gave up for her im gonna die but i also know its much more realistic if he doesnt 😭😭
them going from a kanej scene where theyre not communicating properly to a malina scene where they do comminute is so CRUEL ☹️☹️
isnt this the scene where the kiss
i dont even care for them but the tension is killing me wtf just do it already
helink are so funny when theyre tryna be enemies
hdhfhfkf i remember that line from the book!! nina is the best 🔥🔥
stop theyre so cute
i hope the darkling and kaz meet... emo boy battle who will win (we all know who)
inej fight scenes are literally the best hello
so are jespers even tho it wasnt really a "fight" scene
oh my god this really is like that one line "a suli girl who became a killer" once she did it for the first time shes js gonna keep doing it (as she should inej can do whatever she wants)
haha ik kaz would win 🔥🔥 stop the darkling must be so embarassing rn that literally some random ass criminal was able to escape him
do they have to show his wounds so close up ew
nina and matthias are actually so cuteauhdhf
stoppp i got so scared for a second there that he was gonna drop her
that one shot of kaz you know what im talking about
wait hello isnt the book that guy threw at jesper shadow and bone??
malina angst is always like. 2 seconds long
i feel like every episode theres less and less of the crows and that makes me so sad 💔 i wish i could have more hope for the spinoff
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kalpasio · 1 year
FINALLY THE ANIME AIRED THE FIRST EP!!!! THEY ALL LOOK SO PRETTY ESPECIALLY KALPAS (Even tho there was no face reveal but we got to hear him laugh like a maniac while cooking I love itt)
Now, YOUR ONE-SHOTS, I have many words
And we can just, casually stab him?? Why did I never think about that it makes so much sense but that's also hilarious
I would definitely call him the loathing of my life as a joke too but with AFFECTION (Or chocolate mousse, like "cmere my lil chocy mousse" and he just stares holes in your skull)
I swear I'm about to be down bad for your version of Emile too cuz reading all that made my heart warm
Question, what kind of coffee would they like best? Emile seems like a café latte person while Kalpas would like his coffee black with like 3 cubes of sugar
(Also is it just me or is the request list gone? I was about to check but I can't find it😭)
I swear every time kalpas is on my screen I just gasp like I'm dying and have to stop myself from giggling so my roommates don't think I'm crazy. I'm probably gonna watch both episodes tonight but I guarantee there will be at least two (2) posts of me losing it and I will have paused the episode at least 7 times
I feel like kalpas definitely just Does Not Notice getting stabbed, but everyone one base is too scared to get close enough to do it also the chocolate allergy is a tragedy 😭 I'm sorry I've done this to him 💔💔
YEEEEES FIRE BOY AND WATERGIRL WAS MY CHILDHOOD!!!! I think I'd have him as "loathing of my life" as his contact name but then with like 17 hearts next to it lol also calling him chocolate mousse and he glares at you but then comes over anyway 😭 AND THEN EMILE STARTS LAUGHING SO KALPAS GLARES AT HIM INSTEAD 😭😭 the brainrotting hours are real I'm sorry
I think Emile definitely gets like very basic caramel latte most times but if you get him a White Girl (TM) drink he will finish it in half the time. also if he just needs some sort of coffee, he will drink it black (but he complains the entire time)
I was gonna say I think Kalpas drinks black coffee but then I thought about him getting an iced coffee so he can have the straw under his mask and now I'm just imagining him with like the strawberry pink refresher from Starbucks 😭 he fucking melts all the ice just by holding the cup for 5 minutes but he likes cold drinks for himself. that being said, he 100% steals sips of Emile's coffee when he's not looking I put way too much thought into this oh no
YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED I'm so sorry I FUCKINY EDITED THE LIST ON MY PHONE AND IT ONLY UPDATED THE TAGS AND NOT THE LIST??? AND THEN I EDITED IT AGAIN AND IT POSTED PRIVATELY 😭😭😭 it should be fixed in a minute thank you for telling me cause I never would have noticed 😭😭
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beauleifu · 1 year
Heyy I saw that u are sick, get well soon
here have a apple 🍎
Okay guys hear me out
probably some of u thinks syntax loves animals (especially cats) BUT I DONT THINK SO if u try to bring a cat to home he would try anything to get rid of it cause that cat keep booping his cool robot things 😭 he would be like "Your cat keeps ruining MY works y/n cant we just??give it to someone else?"
He is still traumatized by springlock scene (william's death lol)
Idk if u watched alice in borderland season 2 but if yall watched together he would be like "I can win those games" (I dont think he could survive tho sorry syntax💔)
Even tho this man likes winter HE HATES SNOWS cause probably his cool robot things gives error LMAOO
his love language is probably making cute lil robots to u to show how much he loves u
I think analog horror scares him so much if u make him watch those series (mandela catalogue,the walten files etc.)HE WOULD BE TERRIFIED AF but he wont say anything he is blankly watching that damn video but he wont be able to sleep that night HELP😭
I dont think this man likes SCARY type of jokes like after you guys watched IT and u put a red balloon in door he would be like "y/n ur not scaring me" but if u put a fake zombie in his closet (which ppl use as halloween decoration yk ) HE WOULD BE TERRIFIED DUDE
-That one anon 😵
aaaa thank you im feeling much better now *munches on apple*
As for animals, honestly i think he'd be like those dads who never wanted a cat in the first place - then falls in love (secretly) in his own time. Like, this asshole will totally tell you to get rid of it to the point where it concerns you to have the poor animal around Syntax, but one day, maybe it was because cats just LOVE to hang around people who hate them, but one dya you walk in and find the cat on Syntax's lap while he's working, one of his hands gently stroking it's fur.
And it's just - you realize, let out a huge, guffawing "HA!" and point like an obnoxious for-year-old at Syntax. And this guy almost yeets the cat into another dimension, thankfully you catch the poor creature.
But you got him to admit he doesn't mind the cat's existence anymore, and frequently catches them hanging out a lot
So yes, Syntax doesn't really like animals, but once he gets to know them he'll develop a soft spot and you'll find him playing with them from time to time
But he considers them non-intelligent beings so doesn't interact with them beyond that
oml for springlock, Syntax might've been inspired to create his own contraption after getting over the initial shock factor - you were quick to slam the brakes on that one, thank fuck
And no i haven't! Sounds cool :)))
and YES. Winter 'cause he can bundle up in those fluffy we blankets we talked about, but no snow 'cause he's traumatized from childhood memories of getting totally and utterly SNIPED by other kiddos during a snow ball fight. Hasn't been the same since
I remember talking about his love language once, he's got loads, like a lot of people. Cute wittle baby robot toys, he knows you're impressed by literally anything he does
and YES
THIS GUY IS A FUCKING COWARD. You guys will actually see proof of this in a future chapter before we meet the spider gang so?? Prepare?? lmao
thanks for the headcanons! I really enjoy reading them :)) <3
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
*there's a part where i mention almost getting cut JSJDJDJ*
currently on break and i have come to be annoying again 😥😥 anyWYAS those muffins went great :D and story time (this is gonna be long im so sorry ><) two people came in like 3 hrs ago and i didn't want to assume but they were probably on a date,,,like those dates where u confess HSJCJDJ so like they ordered their stuff and sat near the counter,,,even if i wasn't listening i still heard them loud and clear HSJXDJ but there were customers so i couldn't put my full attention on them (I WANT TO HEAR IT UNFOLD 😭😭😭) but then,,,there was a cake delivery (my mom makes them at our house bcs it's easier <3) so i switched places with my co-worker: him @ the counter and me @ the dessert section (basically a table where we arrange our take out cakes/slice the cakes and all that) sO i was now directly in front of them JSJDJJDJD and luckily,,the girl (her name is rei) just started speaking so i miraculously didn't miss anything,,,rei asked the boy (his name is joshua [WHAT A COINCIDENCE] asked him his name for his drink too <3) okay so rei asked joshua the usual question: why did u bring me here? i don't rmb what happened next bcs my co-worker (can we call him mingyu </3 i wanna experience what it's like to be delulu 💔💔) ok so mingyu called me bcs he was having trouble with the pay machine thing (til this day, i still don't know what it's called) so i did that and when i came back joshua said "out of all the places, you're probably wondering why i brought you here" rei said "was wondering that too" then she let out the cutest little giggle ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 joshua said "would you like to know why?" "why?" "because they make me realize your similarities with each other" "how so?" "the cafe,,,it's sweet, bright, a place of comfort, and i like them. they make me feel like myself" (rmb this happened like??? 3hrs ago so i forgot most of the words they exchanged 😭😭) AT THIS POINT I WAS BASICALLY SCREAMJNG INSIDE (almost cut my finger with the kn1fe too </3) anyways there was this silence that made it so nerve-racking but then rei said "what a coincidence. i was literally thinking that when you said we were going to a cafe" mY HEART 😭😭😭😭 was so 😭😭😭 FULL OF LOVE??? AND JOY???? so they both laughed and hugged each other and got together, i gave them free cookies :D im so sorry this sucked even tho i was sharing an irl story HSJSJDJD this is why i didn't pick english as my major </3 (culinary saved my ass fr) and if it's okay, do you have any other communication platforms other than tumblr? so that we can talk more:00 hehe dw i wont be annoying </3 also in the midst of writing this i suddenly remembered the synopsis of haven cloud HAHSHSJJS don't worry i'll spare u the embarrassment when i find smth wrong 💖💖 (+remember, being a cafe owner/staff is the best vip seat to love <3)
I do have discord if u want to talk there!!! Just dm me and I'll add u🤍🤍
and yES literally the main idea of haven cloud is to just. Witness happenings in everyday life 🥲🤍 find the beauty in them and romanticize little things hehe
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