delusional-mishaps · 2 days
happy lesbian visibility week
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delusional-mishaps · 2 days
my sister just started playing honkai star rail
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delusional-mishaps · 2 days
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Me when I'm doing comms but want to draw a horror icon in the middle of it
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delusional-mishaps · 3 days
Ooh could you perhaps write something for cross? Like an X reader? I haven't seen many of those- like- at all, and it's incredibly sad because the boy deserves love :c
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna do it <3
I'm so sorry for the wait, Anon! I didn't realize it had been almost a month since I received this! In my defense it took me like two weeks to figure out what I wanted to write in the first place. I hope this doesn't disappoint because it's way longer than I intended it to be...
A Gentle Soldier
Cross!Sans x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 4,875
You were simple person, just doing what you could to get by in the world. It wasn't an easy or comfortable life but you made the best of it.
After your father passed away, you were left with the cabin he'd built that had been your childhood home. It was a small one room building with a loft for sleeping and a fireplace set into one wall, which was especially nice in the Winter when the stone bricks it was built from radiated the heat throughout the entire cabin.
You kept a small vegetable and herb garden out back and regularly hunted or trapped animals for meat year round. You also preserved anything extra for the cold months when you might not be able to leave the cabin during bad storms for several days. Other than the occasional trip into the nearby village for rifle ammo and a few other things that you couldn't make yourself, you were self sufficient and almost never interacted with anyone.
Maybe one day you'd meet someone and start a family, but they'd have to be adaptable because you weren't about to just abandon the life you'd worked so hard to build for yourself. You liked to think that you were a reasonable sort but there were some things that you wouldn't compromise on. Moving back into the village was one of them, so unless you had no other options, you were going to hang on dearly to your little piece of paradise.
Today was a bit of a gloomy one, but despite the heavy rainfall the previous night, many dark clouds still remained overhead. There was a cool breeze as well, but you figured the inclement weather would hold off for a few hours at least, which was enough time to check your traps.
After putting on a thick coat for warmth and in case you were wrong about the rain, you shouldered a rucksack which held extra traps and some small tools. You also slung your father's hunting rifle over your shoulder, which while you didn't think you'd need it, there was always the possibility of running into a hungry bear or wolf this time of year. You were a decent shot, but hopefully if you did end up missing, the loud noise would be enough to scare them away.
While checking each of your traps, you thought it was strange how quiet the forest seemed today. Not even the occasional birdsong interrupted the silence and none of the traps had even been touched. That was disappointing, but you still had some meat you'd smoked previously and you had enough flour to make some bread so you wouldn't go hungry tonight at least.
You were on your way home again when you heard a loud noise.
It was like several trees had been knocked over or like a landslide had been triggered.
That wasn't something an animal could do.
You checked that your rifle was loaded but kept the safety on for now as you carefully made your way towards the strange noise. You only wanted to take a peek, just in case someone had gotten hurt. Although, it soon became apparent that whatever or whomever had caused the disturbance was still in the area and, as you drew closer, you began to hear people shouting as if they were in the middle of a fight.
You stopped at the crest of a hill and peered down into the little valley below.
There were at least four monsters below you, three of which were seemingly working together to attack the fourth. They all looked like skeleton monsters, however there were some anatomical differences between them and human skeletons. They were dressed completely different from both each other and from any monsters you'd ever seen before too.
The first was a skeleton whose outfit was rather intricate but it was also completely black and white. It was hard to describe with all the layers of clothing, but the basics of his outfit seemed to be a white parka with a fluffy hood, a narrow white cape with black edges, and a pair of black shorts with white stripes that were shaped like an X. He had twin bone daggers with hollow blades and even from here you could tell that he was quite experienced with them.
The second skeleton was wearing a metal chestplate, a light blue bandana tied around his neck with matching gloves and boots, and sturdy looking jeans. He kind of looked like a warrior from an RPG to you and the large maul he was wielding only solidified that thought in your mind.
The third skeleton was a bit shorter than the others and he seemingly flitted about like a leprechaun with what looked like a giant paintbrush. His outfit was mostly brown but some of the straps holding it together were bright yellow and green. He also had on a pair of fingerless gloves and sported a very long brown scarf that somehow didn't impede his movements at all.
Their outfit choices seemed to be representative of their personalities since you couldn't think of any other reason for the variety on display. The first struck you as the strong and silent type, with the second seeming like he was dependable, and the third looked almost carefree and yet also rather bubbly at the same time.
Their opponent though, just looking at him seemed to fill you with dread, and while you had limited experience with people, even you knew he was bad news.
He was several inches taller than the three, not counting the numerous black tentacles protruding from his back. His bones and clothing also seemed to be completely black, in such a way that gave him the appearance of having been dipped in ink, except it didn't seem to leave a mess everywhere. Speaking of clothing, while it was hard to differentiate where his bones ended and clothes began, his outfit looked like it consisted of a fancy overcoat and you could see that he was wearing a gold circlet and several rings on his phalanges. He seemed to only have one working eye socket, which had a piercing cyan eyelight, if the way he kept guarding his right side was any indication, but other than the uncountable number of tentacles, he didn't appear to have any weapons of his own, not that it seemed to be a problem for him.
You knew in your heart that you shouldn't be sticking around and risk being caught in the crossfire, but at the same time, you couldn't help but want to continue watching. It was almost mesmerizing with how fluid their movements were and even though each had their own techniques, they all seemed to work flawlessly together. Their opponent seemed frustrated in comparison and yet he was managing to hold his own against all three at once. You didn't know what the stakes were or how the fight had even started, but you couldn't help but silently cheer for the three skeletons to win.
The monochromatic skeleton was suddenly grabbed by a tendril and sent flying until he collided with a nearby tree. You watched in horror as his body slumped to the ground and when he didn't move for several long seconds, you felt the sickly feeling of dread beginning to pool in your stomach.
The other two skeletons were too busy to check on their compatriot and you could tell the nightmarish looking one would send each of them flying as well if they lost focus for even a second.
You had to see if he was hurt and how badly.
Not caring if you were seen anymore, you scrambled down the steep incline, scattering loose stones and dirt under your boots in a mini landslide as you did so. Somehow you didn't lose your footing but it certainly did slow you down.
Although, before you could reach the fallen skeleton, there was a flash of bright light and another one appeared by his side.
This skeleton was a bit taller than the others, but still shorter than the scary one, and you almost had to squint to even look at him. His presence almost seemed to warm up the immediate area and, rather confusingly, just seeing him made you feel calm and like you should be happy. Considering the situation, it also felt unnerving but you couldn't place exactly why that was.
Somehow, he was dressed even more fanciful than any of the others. Over a form fitting black body suit, he had a loose white outfit that kind of resembled a tunic with bright yellow accents. The best way to describe it was like he'd stepped out of an ancient Egyptian mural, only he was somehow more beautiful.
This new skeleton knelt down by the first and placed his gloved hands on his still crumpled form. A soft yellow glow flickered from between his fingers before the monochromatic skeleton's body jolted awake. The bright one then stood up and said something you didn't quite hear, which the other nodded in response to.
He summoned a gorgeous longbow with a string made of glowing blue energy. Then, he appeared to notch a similarly glowing arrow and turned as if to join the fight, before his gaze locked with your own.
You were completely awestruck and for a moment you found yourself lost in his golden eyelights. You felt like you should be overjoyed that he'd noticed you but the disinterested look on his skull quickly quelled those thoughts. He looked like he was about to say something to you, when a shout from the nightmarish skeleton interrupted him.
"Dream! So you've resorted to collecting pawns now?!" his voice thundered across the little valley.
The bright skeleton, whose name was apparently Dream, let out a tired sigh and turned to face the antagonizing one. "I'm tired of fighting, brother. So I'm here to finish this once and for all," he responded in a tone that, while much calmer, still held a certain level of venom and he'd notably ignored the accusations.
The two brothers practically leaped at each other and their resounding blows echoed throughout the surrounding area. Dream was far more agile than you'd expected and his arrows seemed to burst like a firecracker as they found their mark. His brother seemed to transform into a form that struck so much more fear into you than his first had, so much so that you couldn't bear to watch them any further.
"hey, are you alright?"
You startled and glanced to your left to find the monochromatic skeleton had hauled himself to his feet and apparently had also noticed you.
He looked rather banged up but fortunately didn't seem to have any broken bones or other obvious injuries. Although, there were several tears in his jacket, which you could now see was actually short sleeved and that he was wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath. The ends of his cape were also frayed but you could tell they were already like that before he'd been whipped into a tree.
However, the most striking details about him were his white eyelights, that almost seemed to have a soft purple glow at the center, and an old jagged red scar under his right eye socket. He seemed genuinely concerned about you too, which was a little odd since you were the one who'd originally been concerned about him.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I think..." you managed to respond.
His bonebrows knit together in a way that seemed to suggest that he didn't fully believe you. He didn't choose to press you further though and instead retrieved his daggers from the ground where he'd dropped them earlier.
"okay then, but you should probably try to get as far away from here as you can. as you can see, things get messy fast when these two meet."
"You don't need to tell me twice."
With one last glance to make sure you really were okay, he charged back into the fray again, leaving you to figure out how you were going to get back up the hill. The rain had left the already steep slope much softer than usual and even if you crawled up on your hands and knees, there was no way you'd make it without sliding back down.
Which meant you'd have to find another way.
While you were trying not to focus on the terrifying fight going on, you couldn't ignore it completely. Still, you did your best to make as little noise as possible and hoped that they were all too occupied to notice you.
Just as you'd found a place with decent looking handholds to haul yourself up, you heard someone shout a warning from behind you.
As you turned to see what was going on, your vision was engulfed in a bright blue light.
You heard something impact the rocks behind you.
Then you heard a crumbling sound and felt some small stones hit your head.
When you came to, you were lying on your back staring up at the grey sky. You could still hear fighting so you must've only been out for a few minutes. You started to sit up but a firm hand on your shoulder kept you from doing so.
"easy there." The monochromatic skeleton was leaning over you now and he still looked rather concerned. His pale eyelights flitted over your face looking for injuries before focusing on a spot just above your right temple.
Your head was throbbing in such a way that you knew you'd get a headache later and when you gingerly ran your fingers over your scalp, you discovered that you were bleeding. Whatever had knocked you out had apparently been sharp enough to give you what seemed to be a nasty cut.
As soon as you'd registered this, the skeleton quickly tore off a section from his cape and wrapped it around your head to serve as a makeshift bandage. He also applied a firm but gentle pressure in an attempt to stem the bleeding. You couldn't help but admire how calm he was as anyone else would probably be a little panicked in this situation. It was almost like he had done this many times before.
"What happened?" you finally asked.
His cool demeanor faltered for a moment to be replaced with a tight frown. "you were spotted by nightmare and he tried to grab you, but dream stopped him..."
You noticed his phalanges twitch as if he wanted to clench his fists before stopping himself and continuing to try to patch you up. Sensing that there was something else that he wasn't saying out loud, you tried to press him further.
"I'm grateful of course, but what's bothering you about it?"
"he was careless and if his aim had been off just a bit more, he could've actually hit you," he grumbled under his breath.
He closed his eyes and took a long-suffering breath. When he seemed to have calmed down some, he made eye contact with you again.
"are you alright otherwise? does anything else hurt?" he asked.
You took a second to flex each of your limbs, but other than a few aches that would probably just become bruises, you didn't seem to have any other injuries.
"No, I think I'm fine. A bit shaken up but that's pretty normal in these situations, right?"
He raised a bonebrow and was about to respond when a sound that sounded like a mix between a harsh hiss and a deep growl interrupted him. He whirled in the direction it had come from, simultaneously drawing his daggers that he must've sheathed earlier when he had stopped to help you.
Two shadows wielding battleaxes had seemingly appeared out of nowhere and they started advancing on the two of you. With the black armour they were wearing and the way they easily dwarfed everyone else on the battlefield, you knew these guys were bad news. Other than the glow of their cyan eyelights, they were entirely black and while it was hard to tell, save for their sharp teeth and claws, they also appeared to be skeletons.
Your rescuer didn't hesitate for a second before basically launching himself at them. When they responded to his assault by swinging their heavy weapons, you half expected him to get knocked back, but he ducked under one and sidestepped the other.
He moved so quickly that you could barely keep track of him with your eyes but it seemed that he was using his smaller stature to his advantage. He wasn't wearing heavy armour either which meant he could dodge pretty much every blow with relatively little effort.
In the blink of an eye, he sliced clean through one's torso and simultaneously beheaded the other.
The bodies of the shadowy skeletons seemed to flicker before dissolving into thin air.
He'd won!
"Wow..." you gasped. "I could tell you were good but I didn't know you were that good..."
He nodded and took a cursory glance around the area before letting himself relax again. He was breathing quite heavily after all that, but there was a small glimmer of relief in his pale eyelights when he looked back at you.
"thanks." He seemed to study you for a moment before approaching and holding out his hand. "do you think you can walk?"
"Yeah..." As he helped you to your feet, you felt your cheeks grow slightly warm and you were certain that you were blushing.
What was this day? You'd never seen any skeleton monsters before now and when one of them had showed this much concern for your well-being, you were reduced to nothing but a flustered mess, as if you were a grade schooler with a crush all of the sudden.
He held onto your hand for a few seconds longer than he probably should've but when he realized, he quickly dropped it like he'd been burned. Even though he looked away immediately afterwards, you thought you saw a soft purple glow flicker across his cheekbones.
In that moment, you were struck with the realization that he looked kinda cute. Unfortunately, he seemed a bit unsure of himself all of the sudden, despite how confident he'd been fighting moments prior. It was...rather endearing actually.
"Hey, um, thanks for stopping to help and...for just saving my life too."
He smiled and, while it was a small one, you could almost feel how genuinely glad he was. He let out a soft chuckle and fiddled with the wrapped handle of one of his daggers as that same purple glow coloured his zygomatic arch again.
"yeah...of course. i couldn't just ignore you, especially when you had no part in this," he muttered.
You introduced yourself before asking the one question that had been on your mind from the moment you had first seen him. "What's your name?"
He opened his mouth to answer when a bright light from the still ongoing battle grabbed your attention.
While his clothes had been slightly torn and dirtied, Dream stood tall with his bow drawn, ready to fire the notched golden arrow at his brother. He'd only been using blue energy arrows before, but this one seemed much more powerful, if the magic that was pouring from it like a hungry flame was any indication.
In contrast, Nightmare was in a combat ready position with his tentacles poised to strike. His clothing seemed relatively untouched, but the inky substance covering him had either served to protect him or at the very least hide any damage he'd incurred.
While both skeletons were breathing heavily, Nightmare definitely seemed like he was much more worn out than his brother. Which was probably why Dream had brought the others along in the first place now that you thought about it.
Time seemed to stand still as the golden skeleton let the arrow fly.
The world was instantly bathed in an explosion of light.
The nightmarish one let out an anguished scream and clutched his chest as he fell to his knees.
The edges of his form seemed to blur together and for a moment you wondered if he would disappear like the dark skeletons had earlier.
Then the ground suddenly erupted around the golden skeleton.
He was abruptly run through with several black tentacles.
Your hands flew to your mouth in shock as he collapsed as well.
The monochromatic skeleton next to you seemed frozen in shock but in the few seconds that he hesitated, the other two reached Dream first. They seem to briefly examine him before the one in blue gingerly picked up the injured skeleton.
The skeleton in brown swung his large paintbrush which summoned a swirling golden vortex in mid air.
"Cross! We have to go now!" the blue skeleton shouted.
That seemed to spur the skeleton by your side into action and he started to hurry towards them, but stopped himself and glanced back at you. He had a conflicted expression on his skull, as if he knew that he should go with his colleagues but he also looked like he didn't want to leave just yet.
"Cross? Is that your name?" you asked.
He nodded firmly, "yeah..."
"You should probably go with them. I'll be fine, okay?"
He hesitated for a moment longer before his skull took on a determined expression. "stay safe then," he said before sprinting across the valley to the others.
They disappeared into the portal and silence blanketed the forest once more and for the second time today, you shouldered your bag and rifle, neither of which seemed to have been damaged from the debris that had hit you.
Just before you climbed back up the hill, you glanced around the little valley. While a couple of trees had been knocked over, no lasting damage seemed to have been caused by the conflict. There wasn't even any bodies that you'd have to think about burying.
Time passed as it always did. Summer came and went without anything else out of the ordinary happening and you began preparing for Winter.
You couldn't stop thinking about the kind skeleton that had saved your life. His skills were impressive and you'd never met anyone who actually knew how to fight like he did since it really wasn't necessary nowadays. Oddly enough though, you began to realize that you also found him...handsome.
You'd never heard or met any other skeletons before him and you certainly hadn't since. Maybe they were very rare or maybe there just weren't any living in the area. Either way, it was probably because you'd never found actual skeletons scary. You never would've imagined actually being attracted to one though, monster or not.
You wished you could see him again.
But you didn't know where he was from or really anything else about him besides his name.
So you tried to it put out of your mind and focus on stockpiling food and fuel for Winter.
Today you were chopping up some firewood. You'd been doing a little at a time over the past few weeks so as to not overwork yourself and by now you'd managed to stockpile just about two month's worth. You estimated that you were probably almost halfway done but you wanted to be sure you had enough just in case.
Just as you cleaved yet another log in half, you heard someone approaching from the forest. With your trusty axe still in hand, you turned to see who or what was intruding on your little piece of rustic paradise.
To your shock, Cross was standing only a few paces away from you. He looked much the same as he did before, although his uniform had since been mended.
"uh, hey again," he said in a quiet tone of voice.
For a moment, you were tongue-tied but quickly tried to recover. "H-hey! Um, what...brings you out here in the middle of nowhere?"
A purple glow flickered across his cheekbones and he rubbed the back of his cerebral vertebrae. "i wanted...to come check on you..." he muttered. "i hope this doesn't sound weird, but i just had to see you again..."
You leaned your axe against the chopping block so as to not risk dropping it on your toes. Running a hand over your face, you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"No, it's not weird. I was actually hoping we'd see each other again."
His eye sockets widened in surprise and his pale eyelights quickly scanned your face as if he didn't believe what he'd heard. After a few moments, he grinned, although his cheekbones were still flushed that beautiful purple which you thought was adorable.
"really? you don't mind that i just showed up? i mean, i would've called first but..." He glanced away from you as he trailed off.
"Well, I don't exactly get cell service out here so you couldn't have anyways," you responded with a chuckle.
Cross chuckled as well as he moved closer to you. "on another note, did you need any help here?" he asked as he motioned to the pile of wood.
"I think I'm done for now but if you don't mind, you could help me carry all this back to the cabin," you suggested and began to scoop up an armful.
He nodded and started to pick up what was left of the pile. You walked around to the front door and propped it open to make it easier to bring the firewood inside. By the time you'd unloaded your armful in the large stack you had been steadily building, Cross appeared in the doorway with a much larger armful of wood. He didn't seem to be struggling with the weight but he also didn't have a free hand to unload.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him and wondered how he'd even managed to pick up such a large amount in the first place. Still, you took pity on him and started taking off a couple of the pieces from the top of his armful.
"You didn't just bring all of the firewood in at once, did you?" you teased.
He smirked but shrugged his shoulders as his hands were still occupied. "well, it wouldn't make sense to go back and forth if we didn't have to, right?"
You shook your head and just continued helping him. He was right in a way. If he hadn't offered to help, you would've had to make probably a dozen trips, which would have been pretty tiring.
Your fingers brushed against his hand by accident and you quickly pulled back. Although, Cross didn't seem to notice your embarrassment and he finished stacking the remaining pieces of wood he had been holding.
Clearing your throat, you tried to distract yourself from what had just happened. "So, how are you doing?"
"i'm doing alright, i suppose," he hummed. "what about you? did your injuries heal properly?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I don't even think it left a scar but if it did, my hair covers everything anyways."
His expression turned into one of relief. "that's good, i'm really sorry that i had to leave abruptly like that."
"No, I completely understand!" You hesitated for a second before asking, "Was...Dream okay...?"
His eye sockets narrowed and he seemed to grow more serious for a moment. "yeah, he's fine."
"Oh, that's great to hear."
A bit of an awkward silence settled between both of you. Since he seemed like he wasn't going to expound on what had happened further, you decided to try to lighten the mood and motioned for him to sit down on the couch by the fireplace. He sat down gratefully but his posture seemed a bit stiff.
"Can I tell you something?"
He tilted his skull and gave you a curious look. "what's up?"
Rather than answer immediately, you reached over and placed your hand on his. He briefly glanced down but when he didn't pull away, you took that as a signal that he was okay with the contact for the time being.
"This sounds weird, but I haven't been able to get you out of my head for months."
One of his bonebrows twitched but his expression otherwise remained neutral.
You took a deep breath and continued. "Cross... I really like you."
He placed his other hand on top of yours and smiled. "well, that does sound weird...but i really like you too." His cheekbones flushed with purple as he spoke but he didn't look away from you this time.
You couldn't help but laugh. This conversation felt like it'd come straight from a fairytale and yet it was real. Your heart swelled with joy and while you were certain your cheeks had turned bright red, you couldn't care less right now.
Cross chuckled softly and, to your surprise, he reached over to wrap an arm around your shoulders. This brought you closer together but not uncomfortably so. Even like this, it seemed he was still being considerate of your feelings.
"does this mean i can come over again to see you?" he asked in a quiet voice.
You nodded vigorously, "For sure!"
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delusional-mishaps · 3 days
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You guys have seen his tattoos now now see him in his regular work outfit
A nose cross design doodle
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delusional-mishaps · 5 days
rahh im insane lmaoo
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more fanart for @llamagoddessofficial's amazing fic Tilikum on ao3 i hope everyone reads it and bleeds from the mouth because of how amazing it is
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delusional-mishaps · 6 days
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4K notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 6 days
“how would you feel if someone blocked you just because they found you annoying?” then i wouldn’t have to interact with someone who thinks i’m annoying? i don’t see a problem
21K notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 8 days
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epic :33
Since I draw color and delta a lot I figured I should draw the third one a little more .. 😼
anyway this was kinda sorta requested by my sigma male skibidi Ohio rizzler fiancé @paximilion
Epic belongs to yugogeer012
Reference \/
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32 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 9 days
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1K notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 11 days
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go tell aunt rhody, go tell aunt rhody, go tell aunt rhody, that's everybody's...
782 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 11 days
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i can not be consistent when drawin' him
146 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 11 days
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188 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 13 days
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52 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 13 days
i dont understand how i keep accidentally following proshippers how does this keep happening i hate it here 😭😭
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delusional-mishaps · 15 days
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hehe skeling. ton.. NAKEY!??!????
35 notes · View notes
delusional-mishaps · 15 days
canyou draw cross and epic being sillie little guys
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Gotta be silly by being a menace
Cross - Jakei95
Epic - Yugogeer
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