#i mean she Can sew clothes too she just usually doesn't
picklepiecow · 28 days
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Don't know why, but I decided to use these two DR bases to make some new outfits for some of those OC sprites I made a while back...plus one more! The full credit for Cherry's sash goes to this link; it's the coolest thing ever tbh
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desolationtimstoker · 2 months
gerry keay (classic flavor):
skinny. not in a way most people notice off the bat, because he's quite tall and very good at looking big, but leitner hunting burns a lot of calories and he's been chronically underfed for most of his life
eye tattoos on each of his joints, placed there by supernatural means as a protective ward against other powers
his hair always looks like shit for several reasons, including but not limited to:
- he doesn't like to dye it when his mother is around, both because of the vulnerability of the position and because he doesn't like to be Perceived by her while doing anything he actually. ya know. enjoys. this means that it has a lot of time to fade and his roots grow out.
- if she's around too often for a stretch of time, he has to find a local business he hasn't already been banned from and rinse it out in one of their sinks. this leaves it looking understandably patchy and rushed.
- the dye he uses is cheap as hell -- having his own money is an occasional luxury which cannot be taken for granted.
- he just. generally doesn't take care of himself and his hair suffers overall as a result. he doesn't shower often enough and when he does he uses precisely one (1) type of soap. and it's like. if they have irish springs bar soaps in england then it's that and if they don't then it's the closest equivalent.
he isn't actually like. goth. as we would think of it.
black clothes don't show bloodstains and they made him feel safe edgy and dangerous as a teenager.
we're talking thrift store jeans purchased when he was 16 an never replaced. maybe some band tees. boots for marching into a den of hunt avatars.
the leather jacket is also secondhand and while yes he does feel very badass and cool in it it's also a practical piece. good for fighting. especially when the people you're fighting might have claws or want to set you on fire.
sewing needle piercings with visible scarring around them.
he just generally looks. kinda sick all the time? again, not something that usually registers because he's also good at being intimidating but if you're looking for it there's all kinds of evidence of chronic sleep deprivation and malnutrition. he looks unhealthy, concerning.
gerry keay (tmagp):
goth. like, real goth. like buying from thrift stores still but more often and having fun with it now.
we're talking fishnets. we're talking eyeliner. we're talking black lipstick. we're talking absurd and impractical jewelry. we're talking dabbles in lacy skirts and definitely owns a corset. and yes he still wears a leather jacket but exclusively because it feels cool and badass. he's goth babey!
no longer skinny. precise body type is whatever your heart tells you is true but three square meals agree with him and he's gained a very noticeable amount of weight.
the hair dye is still not professional, his roots grow in occasionally and it's still a bit patchy, because he's still doing it at home, but also. he's doing it at home. it's fun, and he has fun with it. the dye is better quality. gertrude helps him with touchups. black is still a favorite but he's dabbled in other colors, dark purples and greens and blues.
loves to be covered in stuff. when he's baking, he will intentionally smear flour on his black pants and make it look accidental, and when he paints he doesn't wash his hands. this is partially so he can see the evidence himself, and partially because he wants people to notice it and ask. he wants to say, "oops, i was baking earlier, i must've wiped my hands on my pants."
he still has shitty irresponsible piercings from when he was a teenager. the more recent ones are more professional.
his tattoos are pretty and useless. he designed most of them himself.
there's color in his face. sleeping gets a little easier every night.
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starsfic · 2 months
I saw the idea of Mirabel joining the Owl House crew and I have few headcanons for it.
Pure Mirabel ones
Mirabel is the voice of reason between the adopted Clawthorne siblings, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have her crazy moments too.
She gets drawn into Luz's phone more than King because she's floored at what people can have outside Encanto.
Instead of using glyph paper like Luz Mirabel actually sews or puts glyphs into clothes or her shoes/slippers. When she dances with them on it is a terrifying display.
Mirabel is studying glyphs mainly so she can help lighten the load of her family, since she knows they're under a lot of stress.
Her Palisman is a Spectacled Bear, she calls Specs and she also carves him.
For Luz and Mirabel
Luz and Mirabel when planing something together will usually discuss the idea in Spanish so they don't have eavesdroppers.
Despite only being a year apart, Mirabel thinks of Luz of a little sister she never had. Despite the fact Luz is actually taller than her. Mirabel is five two while the Average 14 year old girl is five four
The two often trade art tips of their respective art talents, with Luz teaching Mirabel how to draw and sculpt, while Mirabel gives her sewing tips and teaches her to dance and sing.
She definitely did sew a witches hat for Luz.
For Mirabel and King
Mirabel will sew him new 'generals' for his army sometimes, many of them animals from Columbia.
When Mirabel first saw him, she picked up with spin and nearly called him cuter than Antonio
Whenever Mirabel sews King always ask if she can sew him a cape fit for the king of the demons.
When she heard Kings 'Squeak of Rage' she nearly fell over trying to keep herself from laughing.
For Eda and Mirabel
When she first met Eda her first thought was she was gonna reprimand her, until Eda just said good job.
When Mirabel told Eda about Encanto, the first thing on Eda's mind was to punch every spoiled village person square in the face.
Since Mirabel has a passion for music Eda tries to teach how to play string instruments but to varying degrees of success
Ooh, fun! Here's five from me:
Mirabel and Luz had to find a common Spanish ground because Columbian Spanish and Dominican Republican Spanish use different words in various things.
Since Mirabel is older and Hexside seems to be divided by age, she ends up in the Blight twins' and Viney's grade. She actually met Viney first.
Mirabel at first loathes the Golden Guard because he reminds her of Isabela, except actually willing to harm. Then she gets to know Hunter and then meets Terra, which causes her to switch her hatred.
Luz insisted on cutting the Palistrom wood in half so Mirabel could carve Specs.
They have to be careful not to open the portal in the Encanto bc Mirabel didn't have Vee to conveniently take her place. Antonio is on the lookout for that weird owl.
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ladey · 4 months
When I Brush Your Hair | Chapter 1
Jinx x Fem!Reader 🌙🦋🎀
Word count: 3.3k
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Y/n doesn't waste much time getting up from her bed the moment she wakes up that morning. The clock reads 9:10 AM; her own body clock typically gets her up around that time. It's always been that way.
Her bare feet touch the cold floor beneath her but she pays it no mind as she speeds over to her dresser that her dad kindly made for her years ago. Clothes are laying on the floor haphazardly, blankets hung over a chair and table, and many drawings and photos from over the years taped onto the surrounding walls. Her room always held a special place in her heart. Pulling out her drawers she yanks out the first shirt and pants she thinks are most suitable for today.
Perhaps a brown t-shirt? No no, that's too boring. She looks at it for a moment; where did she even get this? She should really pzazz it up a bit, maybe a cute bear holding a flower! And then add a tiny bow on the collar- She's getting distracted. She shakes her head and mindlessly throws the brown shirt behind her, aiming for her bed so she'd remember for later but it lands on the floor instead.
She digs out a purple tank top that has a butterfly patchwork piece sewed into the fabric. She lets out a sound of approval and places it in her lap. Not long after, she's staring at herself in the body mirror; her outfit is complete with a cropped knitted sweater and shorts. The Undercity is often humid during the warmer seasons. But since it's march she still, and must, wear her signature knee high socks. Sometimes she wears little leg warmers... oh how she loves her leg warmers. She and her aunt have knitted some together before- Hold that thought, she should go visit her later. It's only been a week but she misses her already. Good thing she doesn't live too far.
Y/n bounces down the stairs to the second floor, hoping to see her dad in the kitchen with food already sitting on the table. She is sadly disappointed to see it empty. I mean yeah it's a Monday so naturally he would already be downstairs in the shop but a girl can dream. She hates having to make food because she's so slow and makes a mess every time and she just wishes she could eat some damn food without having to wait for the preparations. She sighs to herself.
She'll just have some jam and bread.
It must be a nice day outside since it's finally not raining for once. She thinks she can just barely see the sun shining down onto the city. She loves her plants more than her life but for her own sanity, she'd love to be able to see the sun for once while sitting on the top of the buildings.
With her droopy piece of bread in hand, she goes over to the shoe closet and steps into her boots without bothering to tie the laces. She opens the door after stepping off of the last flight of stairs and looks to her right and sees her dad wiping down the front counter. She smiles.
"Hey, papa." Beck, her dad. He works as a mechanic. She can brag about it too since he's the best one known in the Undercity. It makes her feel kind of bad for the other ones too though, since that probably means he's taking all of their clients. She'd hate it if they felt discouraged by it. Everyone's talented in their own way right? Y/n likes to believe so.
Beck's beaded eyes look up from the counter and he smiles warmly at his daughter. He notices the bread in her hand and knows she's likely miffed about her lack of breakfast. His smile only widens at that thought.
"Morning, hon. How's it goin'?" Y/n walks slowly until she stands in the middle of the shop. Random parts and tools sit in boxes and shelves. A vacant can of oil sits open some feet away from her making her nose scrunch. Usually he keeps that stuff in the back until he needs it, why is it out here? It's only stinking up the room. Not that oil smells that bad, besides it reminds her of her dad. But too much is too much. She shakes the intruding thought away and looks back up to her dad who's leaning on the counter with both hands. Old burn scars peaking through the sleeves folded up to his elbows.
"Fine I guess." She shrugs. She thinks about how nice the weather is and then her mind wanders over to something else.
"Is Bean out or is she still here?" She asks. Becks eyebrows raise for a split second.
"She should still be here, I fed her not too long ago."
"Okay." Y/n stuffs her mouth with her last bit of bread and jam and skips back over to the stairs. She wonders to herself if she should take her plants out with her to sit under the sun. She'll need some extra hands though. She smiles at the idea of seeing her best blue friend. Anytime she called her that she'd say that it made her sound depressed. But she would assure her that the colour blue didn't always mean something negative. She reminded her of the ocean and blueberries.
"Bean!" Y/n calls out. She crouches down to look at the bum of the dining chairs. Nothing. No sign of her on the kitchen counter or the couch either. Sometimes she lays behind the television stand and rubs against the plugs in the outlet. Y/n leans over and looks into the crack but she's met with dust.
She throws her head back as she releases an exasperated sigh. Crossing her arms over her chest and looking around as she slowly gives up, she notices a small shadow behind the curtains covering the doors to the very small balcony. Her head tilts with curiosity. Though she's almost positive that it's Bean.
Y/n slowly crosses the small living room. She approaches the curtains that softly sway with the air blowing past them, little light shining through them casting a soft yellow glow into the room. Her hand pushes the fabric to the side and without surprise, her eyes land on the orange and white cat staring off into the street as it sits quietly.
"Hi Bean." Y/n's soft voice automatically shifts an octave higher. Usually she would stay for a moment and watch with her, but she has things to do today. She has a habit of putting things off and forgetting about them, something her aunt warns her might bite her in the ass someday. So she doesn't want that to happen today.
She scoops the cat into her arms and begins to make her journey to her desired destination; The Last Drop. She can already hear voices talking and laughing under the floor below her; she internally cries as she comes to terms with the fact that she'll have to pass some random stranger.
She manages though as she peeps out a quiet "Hello." as she avoids awkward eye contact with the man speaking to her dad, not even bothering to pay attention to what he brought in as she speeds out of the door.
"Hey, be safe!" She hears her dad yell out to her. Quickly giving him a shout, "Yup!" before she's bounding down the increasingly bustling street.
She's brought Bean out with her like this before. She's like a rag doll; never really seeming to have much care for what the girl does to her. Perhaps it could be a result of early experience. As a young child Y/n would dress the cat up in little doll clothes and fake bottle feed it milk pretending it was her baby. Beck still has a photo of one of the times he caught her somewhere in his room.
It usually takes Y/n around eight minutes to get to The Last Drop while walking. And she would run, especially since she particularly enjoys running. But unfortunately with a cat in her arms she's slightly restricted from doing so.
A couple minutes pass and she hears a familiar voice calling out to her on her left. Her steps stop abruptly, causing a person behind her to nearly ram into her. Turning around with an evidently confused expression, her eyes roam around for a second until they land on her cousin, who sits on a barrel waving at her.
"Oh, Vera! Hi!" Y/n adjusts the cat in her arms and approaches her, narrowly avoiding other people walking past her.
"Where you off to?" The redhead asks, and Y/n notices a notebook and pencil in her lap.
"Vander's place."
"Oh, nice."
"Have you seen Ekko around?"
"Umm no, sorry. He's probably still at Benzo's." This makes Vera hum, almost appearing disappointed. Y/n smiles knowingly but Vera ignores it.
"Okay, that's fine!"
"Mmhm. Well, I better get going, Bean is starting to get heavy."
"Oh yeah, that's no problem! See you around!" Vera reaches out and pets the cat's head quickly before dropping her arm and letting the other girl go.
"Cya!" Y/n trudges off again. Vera was alone this morning, usually she sees her with her group of friends. However sometimes she'll catch sight of her sitting by herself scribbling in that notebook. Evidently, she's keeping secrets in there since Vera tells her everything. Y/n's not hurt though. She loves secrets, and hopes one day she'll solve whatever secret her cousin is keeping from her.
Minutes pass and the young girl can finally make out the large sign of the bar in the distance casting a glow onto the ground and heads of people standing around. It's when she pushes the door open that she clocks in on how out of breath she is. Her arms are just beginning to ache, and her steps turn heavy making eyes fall on her as she approaches the bar. Music plays quietly from a jukebox and soft chatter fills the place. She's been here countless times and feels very comfortable, in fact she feels right at home. However she's still thankful that it's morning leading to less people residing inside.
Y/n takes three long exaggerated strides before she plunks the cat onto the bar. Bean immediately stretches her limbs before sitting down and licking her paws. At the same time, Y/n is lazily slumping on the bar stool and dropping her head onto her arms resting on the counter. Boy is she tuckered out already. She slowly closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, and before she can exhale she hears a deep voice coming from in front of her.
"What did I say about having the cat on the counter?" Y/n shifts her head so her chin is now resting on her arms. Vander is hidden behind Bean who is still grooming herself in front of her. She sighs.
"Sorry." But she doesn't move.
"Strawberry lemonade?"
"Yes please." Y/n hears shifting and glasses clanking before a liquid being poured. She straightens her back at the same time Bean struts to the far end of the counter to get patted by a couple of young women squealing at her. Vander places her signature cup in front of her; pink with star and butterfly doodles scattered around the surface, topped with a straw sticking out. Y/n always drinks with a straw, she can't remember a time where she hasn't.
"Thank you." She folds her legs under her then leans over to place the straw in her mouth. She hears Vander chuckle.
"Powder is awake downstairs. Mylo is still sleeping though, so you gotta be quiet. I don't want to have to put up with his complaints about two little girls waking him up giggling again." He's serious, but anyone could still hear the smile in his tone. Y/n's cheeks are puffed out by a mouthful of juice as she looks up at him. She takes a big gulp and smiles, nodding her head and then sliding off of the stool.
"Kay-kay!" She takes a few steps towards the ladies still petting Bean. She clears her throat in an attempt to get their attention. They look so intimidating and mean, and they're petting her cat. Surely they'd understand and let her have her cat back. So why can't she just shove them to the side and grab her? It's not that hard. Just go up and say excuse me!—
"Off you go, ladies." Vander's voice booms from behind her, successfully giving them the idea though nearly making them jump in their spot. Y/n awkwardly smiles and chuckles as they see her and finally walk away. She quickly grabs Bean and proceeds to the basement.
She stays mindful about the volume of her steps as she descends the stairs, avoiding the spots where she knows creaks the loudest. Turning the knob with her small hand she slowly opens the door, peeking in as she does so to survey the room. Turns out everyone is awake. Though barely.
Y/n remembers the "mission", as she likes to call them, that the older kids went on yesterday. Vi is sitting in the chair she loves so much while wrapping her hands in a fresh pair of thin gauze, struggling to keep her eyes open. Claggor is mumbling to himself as he fiddles with his goggles that he must've slept on again, and Mylo appears to be laying on one of the sofas with a pillow over his face. Y/n silently prays that the pillow magically sticks to him so he suffocates.
"Hey, Candy." Y/n fixes her gaze onto Violet who just acknowledged her presence with slight surprise.
"Hi strawberry head." She walks over and places Bean onto the coffee table.
"Y/n?" She hears a higher pitched voice to her left and her heart rate picks up. She turns her head and her eyes spot her best friend sitting on her bed, back resting against the wall and something in her lap hidden behind her knees. Y/n's grin widens as her posture subconsciously straightens. She pats her chest in an attempt to calm her heart down and makes her way over to the bed.
"Morning Powder." The two girls giggle. Mylo is already heard letting out a muffled groan.
"Whatcha got there?" Y/n sits down on Powder's left and leans over to see what is in her hands. The bluenette pulls away from her and hides the mystery item in her arms, face pink and almost panicked.
"Nothing!" Y/n is taken aback.
"Nothing? C'mon, please lemme see."
"Noo! It's a surprise."
".....Fine." Y/n pouts. Powder smiles and twists her body so her friend can't see, and lifts the end of the blanket to hide the item underneath it. As Y/n's mind begins to wander off, she immediately recalls her plan about her plants. She practically jumps off the bed in her moment of remembrance.
"Oh yeah that's right! I wanted to take my plants up to sit in the sun but I need help. Can you come with me, pretty please? With a cherry on top?" She bats her lashes at the girl in front of her in hopes of convincing her. What was the point though? She knew Powder would submit, she always did. That's what friends are for, right? The girl smiles about to reply before Vi's voice cuts in.
"If you're going up top you need someone to go with you." Her face is stern and almost challenging as she scrutinizes the two girls from her spot on the chair. They glance at each other and start giggling as though they've been caught by some form of authority. Which is in a way true.
"And that will be you, right?" Y/n tilts her head sweetly to charm the redhead. She sighs and looks to the floor as though defeated. Mylo pulls the pillow away from his face to say,
"Please go with them." Vi glances at him and shakes her head before standing up.
"Fine. You two stay here, the cat better not be dead when I come back." She points to the boys sternly. Mylo grumbles with a couple of "Yeahs", but Clagger on the other hand looks delighted.
"Oh man. Mylo fix these for me will you? I'm gonna look for a brush." He throws his goggles at Mylo and briskly stands up in search for a brush to use on Bean. The three girls are already exiting the door, Vi shutting it behind her.
"Sooo we kinda have to go back to my place and get them. I promise there's not a lot. It's just hard trying to carry all of them at once, especially while climbing, y'know? I also like the company. Not that I'm super lonely, I have you guys.. You'd tell me if I got boring and annoying though right?"
"Alright, relax Y/n. Sounds like a plan." Vi chuckles with a comforting hand placed on the young girl's shoulder. She smiles up at her. She's always really liked Vi. She hopes to be just like her some day... or be with her? She never really thought too deeply about that. She's always been there as support. She's like an older sister she never had. She wonders if Vi sees her as a sister too. She really hopes so, cause if not then she'd be deeply embarrassed.
"You could never get boring." Powder pulls Y/n's out of her thoughts. She's smiling intently at her. Y/n wants to smile back at her but she looks down and bites her lip out of nervousness.
"Or annoying?"
"Mmm..." Powder pretends to think. Y/n playfully slaps her, both of the girls laughing and too engrossed in their own world to notice Vi telling Vander they will be gone for a while.
They talked about anyone and anything while on their way to Y/n's place, and once they started going up top they were too focused on not falling to their death or getting lost to goof around. The higher up they got the more clearer the sky above them got. Y/n was right; it is indeed a sunny day. Not too windy either, so her plants shouldn't topple over. The young girl feels her insides turn warm and her smile spread across her face, ignoring the burning sensation beginning to travel up her legs. She's thankful this particular journey consists mostly of walking up stairs and going up elevators. Climbing is such a hassle. Though stairs aren't that much better. It's boring and less riveting than climbing things and crawling through small spaces. Though if   Y/n's being honest with herself, small spaces make her slightly claustrophobic.
The moment all three of them reach the top landing of a building, Y/n jogs over to the edge. It's no sunset, but the view of the city still looks beautiful from up so high. She loved the sun, it filled her with a sense of joy and protection that she couldn't find from anything else. She sighs and turns around, seeing the other two silently admiring the view.
"Shall we give the plants a seat?" She speaks softly. And the three of them place the pots of plants on an empty table; four in total.
"I wish I could see the sun everyday." Powder mumbles, mirroring Y/n's thoughts as she stands beside her.
"Don't we all?" Vi said quietly, though it sounded like she intended for it to only be heard by herself. Y/n hums to herself. She stares back out into the city. Basking in the sun's warm embrace a little longer before the three of them have to go back home.
Chapter 2…
i have no fucking idea how to write vi bc she's so serious all the time 👩🏼‍🦲 i'm sorry.
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During an rp we had a character that become blind. Overtime learned to use magic to sense their environment kind of like Tophs ability to see through the earth. It made me wonder how the M6 of the arcana would react to a blind Mc that uses magic to sense the world around them.
People's different auras helping Mc not run into anyone since a person's aura covers them, which would also give a gentle guide for what they look like. Details like scars, freckles, facial expressions being invisible to them. Since everything has a bit if magic in it their able to walk around fine usually, if an area is filled with too much magic it clogs the sense making it impossible to pick out specific things. Which effects how they set up the shop, making sure not to have too many powerful magic items just laging around.
I've always loved the idea of using magic to help with a disability!
I also think that actually some facial features would be clear to a blind apprentice: some traits and colors people carry are often full of meaning for the owner. I think about the delight that you get when you see the gold reflections catching the sun, or the shame that surrounds an unwanted feature, like those same lip shape a cruel parent had.
I picture that this features appear to the apprentice's magic eye, the more relevant the brighter, as islands of light and clarity in a otherwise dark and unclear face.
I like how this implies that a blind MC will be able to magically see the M6 appearances kinda as they see it - you know when you take a picture of youself and seems as you can only see that one particular detail of your face, either positive or "negative"?
Anyway, going back to your ask:
The M6 react to a blind MC
Nadia ♡◇
She won't ask or comment about your disability, but you somehow percieve that she picked up the information. Infact, the next day, along with your clothes you find a small, in-scale model of the palace. There's more: you find out that as soon as you think about going somewhere, a trail of magic that leads there appears at your fingertips. Maybe it wasn't necessary for you, but it's so extremely thoughtful that you end up using it just to soak in the deep care Nadia put into that thinf for you.
Magic eye isn't new to him: he knows exactly what to do. As soon as you enter in his gateway you realize that everything is perfectly clear to you. There isn't anything "visual" there: everything revolves around the other 4 senses, and is crafted in a way that doesn't overstimulate you.
He starts asking a huge number of questions out of genuine curiosity. In a matter of days, he explains his dogs how to help you with anything, and after a bit he gifts you a magical creature you can link your mind to and experience the world through it's eyes.
Being a smal reptile, you soon realizes that you can't see the regular visible light, but infrared light instead. The thing excites Lucio, so he starts a quest to find the most curious-seeing creatures. Your favourite ends up being the shrimp who sees colors invisible to the regular human eye.
This doesn't resolve your blindeness, since no eyesight is similar enough to human's, but opens up a wolrd of discovery.
Buys a second eyepatch to wear and asks you to show him the world through your eyes. After this experience, he learns how to describe you everything you cannot see... and you have the impression that the world described by him is so much more than what you'd see with human eyes.
He also starts playing instruments way much more for you and you only, writing many songs for you.
She starts by asking many questions, if you're ok with it. After this, she decides to care for all of your senses, baking food and using so many different fabrics ans textures to sew you beautiful clothes.
He becomes your guide in every magical place you go to. He makes sure to puts sigils and magical objects in positions where they won't bother you in his hut.
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lebenspurpur · 1 year
AN: My god, it's ''fasnet'' time here right now and my days are spent being hunted by witches and being too drunk, but I finally got around to writing again!
Warnings: NSFW in the second part, but there's another warning further down
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Anna lacks a lot of experience in the romance compartment. I tend to think she must've lived in some kind of community at least one time in her life. After all, even as a fully self-sufficient hunter, there are things you need to buy to start such a life. My guess is, she lived near a cottage or village of some sort as a child when her mother was still alive. Still, even when she still had the means to socialize, I doubt there were many who found her romantically interesting (as sad and unbelievable as that is). Relationships whose focus lies on romance and not the typical mother-daughter antics she's used are therefore new territory to her.
This is why at the beginning of said relationship, she'll most likely treat you more like someone she has to take care of, than an equal.
This providing side of her is the attribute she is most prideful about, though. Anna's love language is 100% acts of service. Her life is spent making sure you're healthy (physically and emotionally), fed and feeling loved and cared for. She won't calm down until she's sure every task revolving around your well-being is taken care of.
Her passion for those tasks, however, can also be a hassle. Many nights, you might spend alone because Anna is busy, hunting, sewing, cooking or preserving food. She can be a bit oblivious to the emotional needs one might have in a romantic relationship, another consequence of her solitary lifestyle and lack of experience. She needs a lot of instruction to figure out that sometimes, you just need her to hold you.
Lucky for you, Anna is very, very attentive. She wouldn't have survived without being alert at all times. With you in the center of her life, she can put all that attention and focus on you, learn every single thing about you and memorize it.
Give the Huntress a few months, and she can read the smallest signs of body language you exhibit. A small shiver? She's there with a blanket. Rubbing your tummy absentmindedly? She'll warm up some stew. Eyes looking a bit more remote and isolated than usual? She'll hurry up with her chores, so you can cuddle up before you go to bed.
While we're on the topic of cuddling, Anna is so touch-starved. In the beginning, she's afraid to ask for your touch, scared that her scars or more or less intimidating figure disgust you. When she realizes you like the way her body looks, her touches and asks grow a lot bolder. It's her favorite activity, relaxing somewhere while you touch her. Even if you're just holding her cheek, or checking for injuries, she'd do anything to have those hands linger on her skin.
And she's so warm. The red forest is always a damp kind of cold, a wet freezing temperature that seeps into your clothing and bones and cools you from the inside. You don't know how she does it, but Anna is like a furnace. Even if she just came out of the pouring rain, her torso is blazing hot and perfect for pressing your freezing hands against.
That attribute of hers is especially helpful at night, when you come to realize how painfully cold it can get, even under a bunch of wool and fur blankets. Since Anna is probably taller than you, she encases you better than any blanket ever could. Plus, she'd never complain about your cold hands against her body, if anything it makes her happy to know that she can warm you up.
Now, onto a little more spicy coziness. (NSFW content following, if that was not clear enough ;))
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Anna's sense of providing for you doesn't decrease in the bedroom. If anything, it gets more intense. The Huntress is a pretty dominant top, bordering on a stone top, meaning she focuses on her partner's desires without expecting much in return.
But, as mentioned before, she can be a bit oblivious to her partner's needs at the beginning of a relationship. If you don't make your desire visible or vocal, chances are she'll mistake your eagerness for a reaction to the cold, simple shyness or the need for some innocent physical attention.
Her first time will be very slow and unsure - she's scared of screwing up, scared of driving you away but nonetheless, very eager to learn. Anna's attentive focus comes in handy, once again. She learns, quickly, either how to fulfill all your wishes, or tease until you're begging.
Which brings us to the next point, Anna adapts very well to your desires. She can be soft and loving, granting your every wish, and at the same time the Huntress has the power to be absolutely ruthless and dominating. What you want her to be is up to you.
One word: size kink. The predator side of Anna is very, very proud of her physique. She's strong, tall, difficult to kill and defeat. Her body is an important asset to her task of protecting and pleasuring you. And since she knows how much you like that body of hers, there's no reason for her to hide the joy she gets from seeing how much stronger, and taller she is, compared to you.
Anna likes to praise as well. She's usually not the most vocal person, speaking only when something is important enough to be voiced. She rather listens to you talk. When she's feeling intimate, that changes drastically. Seeing you so vulnerable and ready for her just entices something inside the Huntress to voice her pride and adoration, even if it's in her mother tongue. Most of the time, she prefers her praise in Russian. That way, she can tell you thoughts that are, in her mind, not yet ready for you to hear.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
What are some interesting little individual quirks you headcanon the Gaang to have? And what about stuff that the couples might find endearing about their partner (or even annoying sometimes?)
What are some interesting little individual quirks you headcanon the Gaang to have?
Starting with my most to least favorites:
Katara: She hums to herself when she's working or focusing on something. Usually just softly under her breath. She doesn't do it consciously most of the time, but sometimes she makes up songs about whatever task or problem she's working on. She's actually a pretty good singer, too.
Zuko: He is a leg jiggler. When he is in a heightened emotional state, like if he's anxious or excited or nervous, he jiggles his leg. He learns to keep stoic when something is affecting him, but one thing he can never quite get a handle on is his jiggle leg.
Sokka: He cannot keep his feelings to himself. If he's happy, he's happy dance happy, if he's annoyed, he has a hair pin trigger, if he's mildly inconvenienced, it's the worst thing in the world to ever happen. The only emotion he's not overly loud or expressive of is anger. He can be...scary when he's really angry.
Toph: She likes flowers. It's something she mostly keeps to herself when she's younger because she thinks it's embarrassingly girly, but she likes flowers because it's something that sighted people can enjoy that she can, too. She'll never be able to appreciate the vibrant colors or shapes of the flowers, but she loves the smells they give off. Her favorite flower is the lilac (or whatever the in-universe hybrid would be) because the scent is so strong.
Suki: She has a very dark sense of humor. Not in a mean way, but she jokes about things that most people don't find particularly funny. Death, battle, war, crying babies, etc. It's always obvious that she's joking, though.
Aang: He likes coming up with weird food combinations (along the lines of chocolate on french fries). He doesn't cook, but he's always combining things that don't go together. A lot of the times it's an inedible mess that only he can consume (like the time he put pickle brine on a custard tart), but sometimes he comes up with a truly inspired combination (like chili spiced sesame oil on fruit).
And what about stuff that the couples might find endearing about their partner (or even annoying sometimes?)
I only ship Zutara and Sukka, so here goes
Katara: Loves the way Zuko seeks out physical affection when they're alone. He can get under foot in a way that a lot of other people would find annoying (sniffing her neck when she's sewing, wrapping his arms around her waist when she's cooking), but he backs off with no issue in the rare instances when she wants/needs space.
She finds it a bit less endearing that he likes to play in her hair when he wakes up in the morning. At sunrise. A couple of hours before Katara even wants to think about getting out of bed.
Zuko: He loves when Katara hums when she works. Sometimes, if he knows the song, he'll hum along with her, or he'll make lyric suggestions to her made up songs.
He is not a fan of her habit of saving little odds and ends, like chipped tea cups or empty containers that can be upcycled. She keeps them neat and organized, but they take up unnecessary space, and she almost never actually gets around to finding new purposes for those things.
Suki: She loves how expressive he is when he's happy. She finds his good moods contagious and it's impossible for her to be grumpy when he is in a good mood.
She hates how sloppy he can be. He cleans, but only on his schedule, and in between, he'll leave discarded clothes and plates lying around. He won't leave spills or mud, but Suki has tripped over his shoes one too many times.
Sokka: Loves the way Suki says whatever's on her mind. He thinks they have the same sense of humor (they don't, but they find each other funny).
He hates the way she jumps into drill sergeant mode when she's impatient. When she loses her temper about him leaving something around, she talks to him like one of her soldiers. It is a bigger issue at the start of their relationship, but they learn to do better with each other and it's less of a problem as time goes on.
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter foolishly being worried how willow n dariuses relationship will play out ( sińce they destroyed his ship n he scared her n teammates)
but gosh HE WAS SO WRONG they become besties n obviously both treasure him dearly but sometimes he cannot wrap his head around over their banter/inside jokes. He s glad tho
Also i d love to have Hunter go for advice what prezent to give to willow (he somewhat knows just needs to put his ideas in order) and it ends up with darius picking out the sweater/jacket/dress n Hunter sewing patches/adding on personal details
Hdhdhd adore them being pentagram buddies imagine it starting as missclick on willows part n sending him a dumb meme but they keep chatting from time to time
//you will be the end of me lolly im supposed to be responsible not looking thru your huntlow tag/lh also happy lolly tagged her posts everyone 🎉/lhj
Like Darius and Willow's relationship is definitely tumultuous and antagonistic and this initially had Hunter very nervous. He had to attempt to be the mediator when the two are about to go at it like feral cats. He's in the middle like "Okay, okay, okay, okay. How about we all just relax?" Only to eventually realize that he does NOT have the social skills to curb whatever the fuck is happening here. If his girlfriend wants to scalp his weekend father, she is far too stubborn to be talked out of it and vice versa. So he has accepted that this is just how its gonna be.
But its so strange because while they bicker constantly, they also seem to have this overly familiar relationship that Hunter doesn't quite understand. He honestly feels pretty locked out of the loop whenever hes with the two but he isn't so much upset by that as he is INSANELY CONFUSED. Like??? What the fuck is going on??? Usually when the three of them are together, Hunter is occupying all his brain power to figure out what the FUCK these two are talking about.
Willow: Boscha keeps vagueing about me on her fensta and it's honestly kinda funny.
Darius: Uck. Well don't just tell me about it. Show me the screenshots. I need to see how petty she's acting.
Hunter: Whats "vagueing"? What's "fensta"? What's a "screenshot"? Why can't you people just use real words?!
Willow: Oh honey, I'm sorry. Well "vagueing" means--
Darius: Google it, gramps.
Willow: Be nice to him.
Hunter: Yeah, be nice to me.
Darius: I am! I just helpfully suggested a place to find answers!
And its shit like. Hunter will show up at Willow's doorstep for a date and just as he's about to knock on the door, Darius will swing it open and stride past him.
Hunter: Darius?!
Darius: Hunter.
Hunter: Wh-you-I-....why were you just in Willow's house?
Darius: Because she's hopeless, that's why. The little purple haired girl is busy today and she needed someone to set her on the right path. Wanted to impress you. Isn't that so very cute? Hair, make-up, outfit, etectera. Of course she didn't care about my plans for the day. Just demanded I get my butt over here and be her little fairy godmother. Real bossy, that girl.
Hunter: Wh--
Darius: Anyway, I did a fantastic job obviously. You're welcome. *Winks and struts away before Hunter can get another word in*
And yes. Yes absolutely. Willow's sixteenth birthday rolls around and Hunter panics big time. Because not only is this her first birthday that he gets to celebrate with her, it's her first birthday he spends as her boyfriend. He knows he wants to patch up a whole dress but it's simply the matter of picking out a dress. And god, if there's one thing Hunter doesn't know shit about, it's fashion.
I feel like, while Hunter is still new to this whole tailoring hobby, Darius is a pro and can probably make some excellent quality clothing. So he makes Willow a dress himself. Hunter helps to the best of his ability.
Hunter: Sorry I think we're just gonna have to buy one. I don't....know her exact measurements.
Darius: That's fine. I do.
Hunter: What?
Darius: I've resized plenty of clothes for her before. That reminds me, I need to teach you to do that. She's only gonna get buffer after all.
Darius makes Hunter promise to not tell Willow who made the dress. ("We can't have her incorrectly assuming I like her.") But Hunter is a SHIT liar so he's just very awkwardly explaining how he just happened to stumble upon it at the market and thought "huh. That would look nice on Willow. Haha....ha."
And of course Willow knows the patches are Hunter's handiwork. But when it comes to the dress itself....
"Wow. It fits me perfectly. It flatters me perfectly. It's my exact style. The colour matches my skin tone. It's...like it was made for me. What a coincidence, huh?"
And Hunter, sweating absolute bullets is like "HAHAH. Yeah. Coincidences are crazy, right?"
Willow decides to let Darius get away with this one. For now. She'll put it in the pocket of her beautifully crafted dress (he put POCKETS in it, holy shit!!!) and use it as leverage once the opportunity arises.
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ghost-kitty-cat · 7 months
Law Headcanons (time to ramble about Mr healing magic)
First Headcanon, (we're starting off with a funny one that is also sorta a Nat headcanon) Nat definitely has nearly given Law a heart attack or panic attack on multiple occasions (He's somewhat used to her behavior now but Sweets isn't fully yet)
Second Headcanon, (slightly a Desmond Headcanon as well but) I think Desmond mentioned once how his face/looks had gotten him into some fights/trouble (or something) when he was younger and I totally imagine after that, Law was the one always patching him up (though I imagine his magic wasn't as good, he still did his best to help his friends)
Third Headcanon, so it's canon that Law can play piano but I also imagine him playing other instruments like a guitar (i don't know why but everytime I try to picture Law with a instrument, it's a guitar... that also just seems like a instrument that a dad would play...)
Fourth Headcanon, (slightly based off of one of my Nat's Headcanons.. the one where she knows a tiny bit about sewing/knitting.. but..) I totally imagine that Law is the type of dad who learned how to sew/knit so that he could fix up Nat's outfits whenever they would rip.. (occasionally he will even fix up some his or Sweets clothes...)
Fifth Headcanon, (this could be because he's a southern boy but..) I totally imagine Law occasionally wears flannel...
Sixth Headcanon, (slightly a Nat headcanon as well but...) I don't remember exactly if it was mentioned how old Law was when Nat was born but I definitely imagine there was a time where when Nat was old enough to go to school, she had a run in with some bullies and came home really upset and basically ran off to her room and Law couldn't do anything, he didn't know what to do... (sure he has healing magic but that only heals physical wounds not mental or emotional wounds... so he was stuck and had to call Nat's grandparents to help... thankfully they did but I don't think he ever forgot that moment... (...that got depressing quick... let's move on!..)
Seventh Headcanon, (this is slightly a Sweets headcanon too but..) I totally imagine there were nights where after Nat was safely tucked into bed sleeping... Law turned on some quiet music (maybe some calm classical music) and Sweets & him just danced for a while...
Eighth Headcanon, Law is definitely the driver of the friend group (I imagine he hardly drinks any alcohol mostly because he doesn't want to be *that* kind of dad... but I also I just imagine he somewhat dislikes the taste of alcohol... which means he usually the one who drives everyone home and makes sure they're safe...)
Ninth Headcanon, Law is definitely the type of dad and friend, who when he sees you, he picks you up in a big bear hug (occasionally he does the thing where he spins you around... mostly to Sweets and Nat... i definitely imagine he freaked out Desmond once by picking him up since i imagine Desmond and Law are around the same height (Desmond is slightly taller because i always pictured him with Dragon horns on his head)
Tenth Headcanon, (slightly connected to my Nat headcanon about how she once attempted to make a birthday cake for Law...) Law definitely had to ban Nat from the kitchen quite a few times (occasionally he has to ban Sweets from the kitchen as well but he trusts them more in the kitchen than Nat...)
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Can you tell a little more about the future AU May and June and their adoptive parents?
feverish and not even sure where that doodle came from. here's some odds and ends tho
people assume the fashion designer would like everything Just So, all neat and tidy, and the long haul fisherwoman who's off sailing for moths would be fine with controlled chaos
dead wrong
the INSTANT May docks in Duckburg her anxiety spikes because she can just FEEEEEL June's messy work space
May dropping off a bucket of sea serpent scales, filling the bucket with soapy water, whipping out a mop and dust pan, and attacking her little sister's room with all the wild, furious intensity of someone trying to bail out a sinking ship
Donald likes helping but usually gets tangled up in the vacuum cord at some point
June hides booby traps for May to find in her messes. Just to have a little fun
You know how much she's been missing her sister by how many and how complex the traps are
While May is busy cleaning (and clearing) her room, June has a tradition of going on May's ship and hiding nice little nick-knacks all over it- a cool rock, a candy bar, a cursed knife Webby brought home from her last adventure... just fun surprises to break up May's extremely regulated life at sea
Daisy knits May a new wool sweater every year, and May always tears up when she get it
Donald not only has a dozen pictures of all his kids in his wallet, he also has pictures of May's first catches and allllll the clothes June has ever designed.
He talks to May about sailing to make sure she's being safe and doing okay- He listens to June talk about clothes design and construction afterwards, to calm down and distract himself from thoughts of May fighting sea monsters.
June understands that fashion trends are a thing but since they're a thing that doesn't often align with her interests she chooses to ignore them and just make what she likes
She never gets super well known as a result and doesn't mind at all
Miss Glamour admires her confidence and ends up hiring her as an assistant after Daisy starts up her own business- which nobody understands, since June doesn't cater to Glamour at ALL and the vibe is more "doting grandmother happily has tea with her headstrong and irreverent grandchild"
Daisy and June do mother-daughter martial arts exercises every morning and evening, before and after work, to stave off the carpel tunnel, and Daisy still has no idea how she survived so long without it
May tries keeping a logbook while out sailing but usually ends up writing another paperback spy novel instead (penname: Gray Gullson) 
Beakly is a BIG fan
Beakly has no idea why May keeps wanting to have teatime chats with her about the old spy days but enjoys them quite a bit in any case
June kindly pretends not to understand why her sister needs to know if you could sew secrets or poisons into dress
and she puts May’s latest novel draft back into its hiding place when she accidentally finds it
she also edits the draft for spelling mistakes and leaves suggestions in the margins, in May's own handwriting, knowing it'll freak her sister out when SHE finds it
they make an effort to be together for the anniversary of Black Heron's "disappearance" (June paradropped onto May's ship from the Sunchaser once) but still aren't sure how they're supposed to spend it
they always call or visit with Daisy and Donald the day afterwards though
"...you ever think about what we would do, if she came back?"
"Disappoint her, probably. We're not exactly super villains."
"I hope we'd fight her."
"I think we would. I mean, if she tried to hurt mom or dad..."
"Or Webby or the Sabrewings."
"The boys too."
"Ducks and McDucks. Beakly."
"I guess pretty much anyone, really."
"We do have a lot of people to fight for these days."
"Maybe she'd be proud of us for that?"
"Probably not."
"Well I'm proud of us."
"Yeah. Me too."
"And I wouldn't trade Donald or Daisy for anything."
"...I miss them."
"Same. Let's go home."
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Any relationships between the Disney princesses and the staff we don't know about?
I've said before that Cinderella is closest to Trein. Trein sees his own daughters in her, and Cinderella sees the kind of relationship she could have had with Lady Tremaine. No one will ever truly replace her father, but Trein give her that paternal affection she has sorely missed.
Elsa is still doing her ice dress thing and Crewel notices and gives her pointers. He's fascinated by how she can make ice in all it's forms behave like fabric and make these stunning outfits. Elsa sort of becomes Crewels fashion protégé, and even teaches her how to sew regularly. Because Elsa keeps offering to fix up all the girls clothes to be more their tastes, to which everyone but Anna and maybe Ariel decline. The cold never bothered her, but it bothers everyone else.
Belle is trying hard not to judge Vargas too harshly because of her own experience with Gaston. She would rather deal with Vargas over Gaston any day, but it's a slow warm up. Though it doesn't help when mention off handedly that Belle is a lot like a girl he knows in his home town.
Tiana and Sam get along great once Tina is confident that Sam isn't Facilier. Sam is is one of if not the most reliable of the staff and Tiana can always count on him to have the best ingredients and kitchen supply in stock for her. He'll let her know when new stuff comes in before Azul, just because she's his favorite imp.
Tiana, Belle, Elsa, Jasmine, and Mulan are usually the ones to deal with Crowley. Because they are the most firm with putting their foot down and calling him out. They are least likely to be strong armed into something, and if Crowley tries to get one of the other girls to do something, they're go to answer is "Go to one of them." They know not to give him an inch.
Mulan and Merida are Vargas's new star athletes. He unashamedly encouraged them to dress as guys for Spelldrive games so they can compete once he saw how easily Mulan can do it.
The classic princess trio, aka Cinderella, Snow White, and Aroura, are Treins new star pupils in animal linguistics. Theyre always a delight in class and speak flawlessly. Especially Aroura, who says her aunt Fauna taught her.
That being said, Jasmine is Lucius favorite. He knows shes a cat person, and is always hopping into her lap when he sees her.
Trein: I take it you're a cat lover as well, Miss Jasmine?
Jasmine: Yes, i have a wonderful pet back home called Rajah.
Merida:....??? You mean the 400 pound tiger?
Jasmine: He's still a cat.
Due to Aroura growing up in the woods, and Flora, like her name suggest, knowing about plants, Aroura does very well in Crewels class, at least in the written portions. He's always praising her for it, and everyone wants to go with her to the botanical garden to help them memorize what is what.
Ariel and Rapunzel are always fascinated by all the stuff in Sams shop and are always curious about the magic artifacts and tools he has. Sam always indulges their curiosity, he's always amused by how excited they are. He knows when they tag along with Tiana to do the shopping, it's not going to be a dull visit.
Crowleys favorite is Snow White. When he pops by Ramshackle for his bullshit, Snow is the only one that's offering him tea or something. "Why can't you all be as sweet and Snow?" It's only because she's too nice to tell him to fuck off and she tries very hard to see the good in everyone. Someone else usually has to put their foot down and tell Crowley to leave because they have things to do.
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bookofmirth · 10 months
first off - sorry if you have already covered this topic! i tried searching your blog for it but tumblr’s search function is not the best. on reddit and tiktok, i’ve recently seen people saying that feyre devalues “feminine labor” (housework like cleaning, cooking, sewing/mending, etc) by implying that her sisters do nothing at the cabin while she’s out hunting all day, when it’s likely nesta/elain are doing the “unseen feminine” household labor. and they usually throw in that feyre is an unreliable narrator too, which… sigh.
i’m curious your thoughts on this and if there is any textual evidence supporting this? bc in my opinion, reading between the lines made it clear that feyre and her father do most of the household labor or it just goes neglected, nesta might chop wood but feyre has to beg her to, feyre/her father prepare/cook the hunted animals, and feyre’s boots are falling apart so no one seems to be mending her clothes. i always thought feyre said she couldn’t cook bc all she used to do was roast meat (rather than prepare full meals), not bc nesta and elain were the one’s actually cooking. and feyre strikes me as the person who would literally be grateful if nesta and elain did anything, so the fact that she doesn’t notice this “unseen labor” seems ooc to me
i also just don’t like that this interpretation seems to “villainize” feyre for having internalized misogyny against her sister’s contributions to the household by not placing any value in the “feminine” labor they do…. while unseen labor is def a real problem in real life, it seems like a reach to apply to this situation where a young girl is risking her life everyday to provide for a family that is either cruel or indifferent towards her. we could talk about what labor sjm views as important enough to discuss in her novels but that’s a whole different topic
Ummmm I haven't heard this take before, but it's a big no from me. There is no evidence in the books that Nesta or Elain were picking up any of the slack unless Feyre harassed them into doing so.
Nesta says that Feyre should chop wood because her hands are already so rough - meaning Feyre does it all the time, Nesta's hands aren't calloused from working with them or doing any sort of manual labor. Was Nesta trying to insult Feyre by pointing out the state of her hands, and perhaps exaggerating the situation? Maybe, but that doesn't make it untrue.
Feyre says that they can dry the meat, and then thinks that she will end up doing the bulk of the work. I don't see how any of them would be good at cooking, since they grew up pampered and then once they were in the cabin, didn't have the means to learn, and who would have taught them? Assuming that Feyre didn't know how to cook because someone else was doing it is simply not proof. Otherwise, why were they eating Feyre's plain ass roasted meat in chapter 2?
Re: Elain, Feyre thinks "it simply never occurred to her that she might be capable of getting her hands dirty". Tell me how that means Elain does a bunch of work that we just aren't noticing.
The thing is, Nesta and Elain were created to be stereotypical evil sisters, especially at the beginning of acotar. They weren't meant to have any depth beyond showing how hard Feyre worked for her family. I agree with you that this take seems to come from people who just don't like Feyre, and so they're stretching the truth of what we know happened in order to make up some reason why Feyre (and by extension sjm) is unfeminist. It's a pretty popular fandom thing. Decide you don't like something, then come up with reasons why it's problematic. People aren't content to simply have preferences.
In a related note, I've noticed a thing in the fandom lately where people like to argue about things we have no evidence of. So for example, "Rhys has never spoken French on page, and so you can't argue against my claim that he is fluent in French." That's... obviously ridiculous, right? It's a logical fallacy, it's called an appeal to ignorance.
If I also said, "someone must have been sweeping the house and since you can't prove to me that Nesta didn't do it, then you have to accept my claim that she did" then that's also an appeal from ignorance. There is no evidence that Elain or Nesta did any of the labor in the house to make their lives easier, whether we are talking traditionally masculine or feminine labor, and so it's really a stretch to say that Feyre just didn't give a shit because she thought that kind of labor was useless. Like you said, she would have absolutely been grateful if Elain had mended her own cloak instead of asking for the money for a new one, or if Nesta had learned some cooking skills (or chopped wood without being harassed into it).
By the way, Feyre is the one who rations their food, she keeps track of the money and the budget. She doesn't just hunt to make sure they stay fed, she also keeps track of the household chores, what needs to be done, and who can/should do it. She's the mother of the household, which makes it ironic that people would devalue the work she did to keep the family going, since that's also part of the invisible labor of daily life. That also, to me, means that Feyre would have absolutely noticed work getting done without her having to harangue someone into doing it.
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quill-n · 1 year
AHGGHH gotta love art block :')
Anyways, I wasn't planning on making a fankid for edgejeanist, but I got an idea for a quirk that I really liked so here she is!!
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Her name is Kamihara Haruko, and her quirk is strung up! She's literally strung together! Her articulated body allows her to be way more flexible than an average human. She can also produce elastic string-like material that she can use to manipulate the world around her, like a puppeteer.
(She's essentially a living ball jointed doll. I got the inspiration for this from watching some Moonlight Jewel videos ^-^)
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(Rest under the cut because it's a long post)
Some random facts about her:
She decided to go into heroics, just like her dads!! Her hero name is a combination between "doll" and "mannequin" (I'm super creative, I know /lh)
The BJD engraved on her medallion in her hero costume stands for two things: 1. Ball Jointed Doll, and 2. Best Jeanist's Daughter <3
Her hero costume is meant to look doll-like, but it's also meant to give her more room for her articulation. The layered skirts around her torso are actually three separate pieces: two secured around her hips and one attached to her vest. Tsunagu helped her design it (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The mask is mostly for aesthetic. When I designed her, I came up with her hair first. I thought it was something cute and stylish that Tsunagu would appreciate, but it severely bothered me that her design was symmetrical when both her dads had asymmetrical design aspects. The mask was my solution.
She's naturally blonde but often dyes her hair silver, because she gets annoyed when people say she looks too much like Jeanist, but no one ever tells her that she looks like Edgeshot (except Tsunagu). It bothers her just a little bit
She's not very good at maintaining her dyed hair, though, so it inevitably just grows out again. It drives Tsunagu a little bit crazy that she does this. ("Please, just pick one and stick with it.")
My friend actually came up with her name! She was originally going to be named Seiko, but I changed it to Haruko after searching up how to write it because
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this kanji means "clear weather." It was cloudy when Bakugo's heart stopped. It was cloudy when Shin'ya sacrificed himself.
Moving on...
The elastic stringing her together is stretchy, but it can still snap. It won't hurt her, but it's a bit of a hassle to restring her. (Luckily, her parents are pretty good at it!)
(Her body produces excess string for that exact reason. With enough quirk training, she can extend the flexibility of her elastics so she's less likely to snap during battle.)
I have this headcanon that Shin'ya does that thing where his footsteps are silent and he CONSTANTLY accidentally sneaks up on people. He's done it since he was a kid. Part of that headcanon is that if he ever had kids, they would do it, too. And here's a kid. She does it, too. It haunts Tsunagu that they both do this.
It also doesn't help that her flexibility can lead to some really freaky visuals. Imagine going to the kitchen at night to get some water and seeing the vague silhouette of something that looks like it came out of The Exorcist silently crawling around in the next room over, only to realize that it is in fact your daughter being a little menace.
She doesn't like sand. Or swimming. Or the beach very much. But she does like snow! (Too bad her parents don't like the cold </3)
Shin'ya and Tsunagu teach her to sew pretty early on. (They were both part of the textile arts club, what do you expect? /lh) So she knows her way around a needle and thread :)
She loves modelling the clothes Tsunagu makes. She's pretty nosy with his work, too. She'll look at his design sketches and tell him if she likes them or not (which she usually does). (Shin'ya thinks it's the cutest thing.)
That's most of what I have for her (for now, at least). This post took WAY TOO much time for me to make lol, but I had fun making her character sheet. I hope you like her :))
Also some bonus doodles!
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sparrowsingsstories · 6 months
What does your OC carry?
Tagged by @bokatan <3 Thank you!!
I chose to do all three of my favs. I should include Levi - but honestly, that boy doesn't travel if he can help it. Which means he has a closet. A whole closet. hah
Clothing, accessories, etc: Mercy wears a mix of gear, recently from the Railroad thanks to Tinker Tom. Tinker Tom had some specialty stuff made for her since she’s so little (well, not in relation to Frankie and Mercy but she’s still 5’2”) from ballistic weave. It’s usually leggings and tunic or pants and top with a beanie (also ballistic weave) with boots. She also has her gun harness, backpack, belt, pouches, camping supplies...ya know...the usual. 
Weapons: One sniper rifle with long-range scope, one laser pistol (BOS issued but stripped down and adjusted for her hands...given to her by Danse but she told him not to), and one combat knife with minor tooth marks from a deathclaw. 
Miscellaneous supplies: soap, towel, acorn oil for hair, comb and brush, change of clothes, rope, medical supplies, toothpaste, and pipboy. (Note – no food, she has Deacon or Mac carry that) 
Random odds and ends: crackers, dried fruit, a nail file found under some rubble, a small sewing kit, a random book, one comic, some kind of chem given to her by Hancock in the case of needing to take Deacon someplace tall, three rocks, a vial of something given to her by Tinker Tom in case of synths, a Gen 1 eye, a Gen 2 finger – used to poke Nick, pencil, pad of paper. 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Well...she usually travels with the band. So it’s a couple chests of dresses, stockings, heels, fancy panties, pasties with tassels, pasties without tassels, crotch shields in case she takes off the thongs during a burlesque show, rumba panties with matching bras, petticoats for the dresses, feathers for her hair, hair oil, hair gel, shampoo, conditioner, make up, perfume, lotion, fine soaps, a few necklaces, two sets of boxer shorts for sleeping, two extra large shirts stolen from her brother for sleeping, three indecent nightgowns (sure...nightgown...sure...). When traveling with Beau – whatever she can shove in one saddlebag...which makes her sad. 
Weapons: A very large stick – gotten from a cactus in Texas. 
Miscellaneous supplies: What is this...Miscellaneous Supplies...it’s all necessary supplies, Beau. All of it. Everybody needs more than 2 pairs of holey boxers, Beau. For the love of God, get new underwear. 
Random odds and ends: See Miscellaneous Supplies also two bobble head dolls, one shell from California, an empty tequila bottle – just in case 
Clothing, accessories, etc: Before Canary: One pair of pants held up by a rope and cut short enough for her, a thin old pair of panties, too-big shirt also wrapped with a rope, scarf and hat, leggings cut short and held up by a rope, old dress, two socks only slightly tattered, old sneakers. Old backpack. After Canary: one Sparrow-sized Lancer leather jacket with the BOS patches ripped off and replaced with random patches found plus one Minuteman Patch, one Sparrow-sized Lancer flight suit denuded of BOS patches and now sporting random ones, a dark gray fitted pants and shirt topped with leather (sized for her), gas mask with goggles, tactical beanie. Eventually a Sparrow-sized set of courser gear with long coat, mask with blue tactical lighting. Tactical belt. Backpack. 
Weapons: two blackened knives – sharp and designed for slicing and stabbing. Sparrow thinks guns are icky. 
Miscellaneous supplies: Pocket snacks (dried meat, dried fruit, nuts – usually packed by her papa), a second set of knives, rope, pouch of caps, little compass, stealth boys 
Random odds and ends: chalk, bits of bark, a few random rocks, a pouch of dried herbs, tea, every BOS patch pulled from her armor, a piece of paper with the words “chirp chirp,” three leaves (they blew into her bag), her old backpack shoved into her new backpack 
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Ack someone else asked about Paint, my go to, um... Go on infodump on Rulie or Legend I guess? I have a favourite bit of the timeline.
Unfortunately Rulie has also been picked but I can do Legend!
-self-proclaimed atheist. Yes he knows the goddesses exist. He knows Sky is even married to one. But he's so sick of being used as the goddesses' errand boy that he decided he "doesn't believe in them" anymore because fuck all of them in particular.
-Aside from Wind, he is one of the only ones in the Chain who has any experience with sailing, however being on the ocean causes him great anxiety, and understandably so given what happened in Link's Awakening.
-His hair is naturally pink! He used to dye it more of a red-blond color because nobody took him seriously when he had pink hair, but after a while he just stopped caring and let it grow out naturally.
-I know I often refer to Legend as "he" but they are actually nonbinary, and simply use all pronouns. They're also bisexual.
-Legend's uncle is alive! And Legend still lives with him and helps out in the orchard in between adventures.
-Legend has heart problems, specifically Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (which if you didn't know means your heart will beat way too fast for literally no reason. Also totally not projecting here too haha). This was a side effect of being turned into a rabbit, since rabbits naturally have a fast heartbeat. Of course it doesn't bother Legend when he's in rabbit form but this guy is too stubborn and proud to want to stay that way, so he just takes his chances.
-another side effect of being bnnuy is that Legend can't eat meat very often. She can eat it, but not while in rabbit form, and even as a Hylian she will get sick if she eats too much. She also will munch on carrots as her go-to snack, and not give a fuck what anyone says about her bunny stomach (that is, if anyone is stupid enough to make fun of someone with a powerful kick and teeth that can break fingers).
-Legend may come off as a total bitch and a walking entity of sass. But in reality they're a total softie. Of course the sass kinda leaks out no matter what, but really they're all bark and very little bite. Legend also happens to be very good with kids, and will spoil the younger Chain members every chance they get. Mask actually refers to them as his uncle/aunt/auncle.
-Legend has actually killed a fellow hero once: Minish, in the Palace of the Four Sword. And he has deep, deep regrets about it, despite not initially knowing who exactly the dark links (the corrupted Elements) were.
-A man of many, many skills. Legend plays just about every instrument imaginable. He is very good at sewing as well, and can do anything from repairing clothing to making dolls. Has quite a bit of first aid training as well and is the Chain's go-to when Hyrule is unavailable to help.
-and of course, no matter the situation, he's "got an item for that". And usually some spare useful items to lend to a friend too.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
Tagged by @karetahana Thank you for tagging me hon🌸🌸💕
Are you named after anyone??
Kind of so my mom named me something completely different but my Grandma changed my name when she came to get me from the hospital. My first name was originally Jasmine but my Grandma changed it to Joyce cause it sounded like my Grandpa's name George. My middle name is a disaster cause my aunt chose it, its horrible and i hate and i want to change it to Jasmine. I do think Joyce fits me as a first name better though
When is the last time you cried??
Monday, the usual no one has ever loved me and never will, im fine.
Do you have any kids??
No unless my stuffed animals count.
Do you use sarcasm a lot??
Not often, sometimes.
What’s the first thing you notice about people??
Their hair, it's the first thing my eyes go to especially if it's like a bright color or a cool style.
What’s your eye color??
Scary movie or happy ending??
Happy Ending. I just want everything to be like a Barbie movie and it works out perfectly. I didn't like the craft's ending because Nancy, Rochelle and Bonnie Deserved better. Like they didn't even do anything wrong, they were no where too taken over by power.. In this power point I will explain how Sarah was the actual problem.
Any special talents??
I can touch my head with my foot, I can even easier touch my nose with my foot, does that count? Is that a talent.
Where were you born??
Do you have any hobbies??
I collect dolls and I sew. the amount of clothes I've taken apart and sew into completely different things. I turned a long sleeve top into a spaghetti strap top and im really proud of it. I just never wear long sleeve tops unless its off the shoulder and cause it had a velvet cheetah print heart that said Bratz and cheetah print neckline I couldn't so I changed it and was able to keep the neckline intact also had to take it in cause it was pretty big in the waist.
Do you have any pets??
Yes, I have a sister. She's a good pet and I love her.
What sports do you/have you played??
I was a cheerleader and also did dance through middle and high school. Random story no one asked for I only learned to do a split out of spite because the head cheerleader while the coach was out went down the line to ask who could do a split and skipped me cause I was the biggest cheerleader. But I am unnecessarily flexible so every night I practiced doing a split and it took me like a week to do it. And I heard some of the other cheerleaders say I was only on the team to be a base. First of all I was the only bitch there with rhythm and who was good a choreography because I was also in dance. Like Just because I'm fat it doesn't mean anything. One thing about me, being fat has never stopped me from doing anything. The way other people treated me for being fat hurt as a child and was the sole reason I fell into depression and self harm. But I stopped caring what other people think a long time ago, like fuck everyone who has a problem with fat people that has nothing to with us. Their just fucking little bitches. I may have went on a tangent there.
How tall are you??
Legally 5'7 but I can't accept it so in my mind 5'8. Yes, an inch matters, my whole life was a lie.
What was your favorite subject in school??
Art and Dance, in 12th grade I had like almost all electives beside English and math and I didn't have PE! Like it was the best thing ever.
Dream job??
Princess, but like in the sense where I can wear a tiara and go to balls and be pampered but with out all the rules.
I tag @theficblog @hopeticket @dibidibidismynameisleeknow @joonsbonsailurks @jjongolese @jonghyuns-husband @ncityinthebuilding @farraige25 @simply-elegantly-kai @tremendousmasculinity , @kumigrlrl you dont have to do it if you dont want to and I also tag anyone who wants to do it.
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