#i made smoothies for all my villagers and I only had one left
crookedtaleofdreams · 2 years
Finn, playing Animal Crossing: *patiently waiting for his villager to stop listening to K.K so he can give them something* [Two hours later] Villager: *stands up* Finn: FINALLY!
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alexgrin · 5 months
Trolls - Replacement - Prologue
I was able to write and TRANSLATE it into English as a prologue to the fanfiction so that you would appreciate it. If you were interested, you can visit my server in the discord (I have a link attached) or wait for a full-fledged fanfiction on ao3 @super-secret-agent-of-sin Thank you for your help! ______________________________________________________________
It was getting dark. Branch was already making his third trip out of the bunker to collect firewood, and that wasn't an exaggeration. He lives in a huge underground bunker, with several floors where supplies of food, water and other materials were stored.
Branch was a practical troll. But others… They didn't understand him. More precisely, they didn't try to. Except for, maybe, the princess… Poppy made a couple of attempts to reach the gloomy troll, giving him many invitation cards to various holidays and parties. Or perhaps she did it purely out of formality. After all, she will soon become queen, and the interests of others are more important than her own.
As soon as the last ray's of sun disappeared beyond the horizon, loud music could be heard behind the ravine. And even louder than that, the screams of the crown and Poppy's voice, "I can't hear you!"
As he got closer, Branch stared down. Yes, today the trolls had more fun than before. About twenty years passed when they and their ancestors fled from Bergen Town. The reason is good, but not reasonable. Even now, looking at all the display, Branch snorts with displeasure and leaves for his home.
He doesn't clearly remember today's dialogue with Poppy, with her friends and with… Creek. Although… one particular comment stuck out in Branch's memory. "But, just for now why don't you try on some positivity, eh? A little positivity might go with that vest?” Creek doesn't know Branch. Just like the rest.
Returning home, the gloomy troll headed towards the fireplace. The bunker was heated at night, because living underground is cold. But it remained warm until the next evening. Branch lit the fireplace and headed to the supplies. Today he wanted to cook a delicious dinner, since he decided to sit in the bunker all evening. From the selection, he took a few berries for a smoothie, and the rest of the dough for baking. Branch memorized his grandmother's recipes. He still hasn’t been able to forgive himself for his grandmother’s death… Which is what led the troll to this.
He completed the cooking in an hour, and then headed to the table that was not far from him. Sitting down at the table, he began to eat.
Branch lived here alone. He was used to seeing dark walls that slightly reflected the light from candles and the fireplace. Cold, clay floor underfoot. Silence - because the trolls’ music did not reach here. He thinks it's normal because he's used to it…
After a delicious dinner, the troll remained in place and began to look at Poppy's tattered invitation. He still took the singing postcard with him. Branch had a separate closet for them, since it would be a shame to throw them away. And just maybe, he feels it would be wrong.
Looking sideways, he thought, "Maybe I should check in on them?"
Reluctantly, Branch left the table, taking the card with him. Putting it away in the closet, he headed to the elevator.
To his surprise, it was quite quiet. Knowing the princess herself and the rest of the trolls, they would have had fun until dawn. And now there was only the silence of night.
"Strange," he thought. "It's too quiet."
And at some point, when Branch began to move towards the village, he felt strong tremors under his feet. The troll ran to the nearest bush and hid behind the foliage. Branch was afraid to assume that it could be a Bergen, but because of old trauma and paranoia it was all he could think." Unfortunately, his theory was confirmed. A huge Bergen passed by the troll. Until the creature was out of sight, Branch remained in place, and only then did he run towards the trolls.
"I understand! We were discovered!.. And all because…”
And just as he wanted to finish his thought, as soon as he got to the settlement, Branch unconsciously switched from running to walking. The crowd was gathered in a huddle where King Peppy was located. Branch was shocked. As he approached, he noticed how some of the trolls began to gradually turn gray. Something terrible happened… But what?
"Your Majesty?"
He froze in place when he saw how the king's bright colors began to slowly change to gray and dull.
“What… what happened?! I saw a Bergen, and…”
Looking around, he could not find either Poppy or her friends. The only member of the snack pack left was Creek. As soon as their eyes met, the purple troll immediately looked away.
"Where's Poppy?!"
The question was addressed to everyone present, although his suspicions fell on Creek.
“Bergen kidnapped her!” - someone shouted from the crowd.
“What?…” Branch asked quietly.
"Yes! I saw her save Creek before!”
“I saw it too!”
Branch continued to look around, dumbfounded. He was infuriated by the fact that these trolls showed carelessness towards themselves. He was only glad that Creek didn’t start a tirade like: “Everything will be fine, no need to worry. Let's keep calm…"
On the other hand, Branch understood that no one would come to the aid of the princess. Yes, the king is already very old and he will not be able to save his daughter, and the rest are very afraid of the Bergens. But if she is not returned… This could lead to dire consequences…
Leaving trolls here is dangerous. The Bergens may come back for them. It's worth hiding them, but… Branch didn't want to let them into his bunker, because he was afraid that they would destroy it in a couple of days. But there was no other way out…
Taking a deep breath, he turned to the king:
"Your Majesty, gather all the trolls and bring them to my house."
King Peppy just nodded in response, trying to get up from his seat.
Branch immediately turned around and ran back home. While the rest of the trolls reach him, our hero will have enough time to collect all the necessary things.
“If they all instantly turn gray, they will doom themselves to death!” - Branch thought. - “Damn it, Poppy! What were you thinking?!”
When he got home, Branch ran into the bedroom. From under the bed he takes out an empty but large travel bag. He throws it upstairs, simultaneously searching for all the necessary things. The troll also does not forget to pack warm clothes for sleeping, because he knew that this chase could last all the way to the Bergen settlement.
Branch began to glance around briefly. He was afraid that he would not be able to return back because he was risking himself. He can’t do it alone, but what can he do… Leaving the room, he threw his bag on his back and went to the fireplace to throw some brushwood. It became warm in the bunker, which was good for him.
Stepping back, he headed towards the elevator. Pulling the lever, the troll went upstairs, where the others were already waiting for him.
Looking around, Branch addressed everyone.
“Listen to me carefully!” he said loudly. “Since I am most likely your last hope for saving Po-!..”
“What are you talking about?!” interrupted that Creek. “Our hope for salvation is to get out of here! Why are we still here?
Branch didn't want to get into a dialogue with this callous troll who could only think about himself. The funny thing is that some trolls started nodding back at the guru.
“Your future queen found herself in the clutches of Bergen because of you! You won't live even a week without your princess! If you want to get away from here, go ahead! I’m not keeping anyone here by force…”
The crowd fell silent.
Taking confident steps forward, Branch approached Creek and addressed him personally:
“You know, it’s funny to hear something like that from you, even though Poppy is your close friend who saved you.”
The gray troll grinned evilly, causing the guru to back away. He began to look around while all the trolls looked at them warily.
Branch never received a response from Creek, and later turned away in disappointment.
“You can take refuge in my bunker! But!.. You will have enough supplies for a couple of days if you simply waste them! My underground house is cold, but safe… They won’t find you if you sit quietly!”
The sullen troll turned in circles, continuing to give instructions to anyone who would listen attentively.
“If I don’t come back in a week, that means it’s the end…”
"Are you sure about this Branch?" specified King Peppy. “Going there alone… It’s suicide.”
“You’re right, but I’m sure no one would agree to do something like that.”
Branch glanced sideways at Creek again.
"What do you want from me?"
“Nothing… I was just thinking.” answered the gray troll, and then addressed everyone. “If there is no one willing to go with me, then climb into the bunker!”
The trolls immediately began to crowd around the open hatch.
Nobody wanted to go to death. Trolls have long forgotten what it's like to live in fear. And if they had not faced such a threat, they would have gone home long ago.
"Thank you, Branch." the king thanked him. “Come back quickly, along with the others…”
“Yes, Your Majesty. I will try…"
The old king patted the guy on the shoulder and headed towards the others. Although it was a nice tin, the gray color gave it away. He was in great sadness. It's amazing how he was still in everyone's sight. Here's a great ruler for you.
Branch was ready to hit the road when Creek blocked his way.
"I will go with you". he answered.
"Do not be silly".
"I'm serious".
"How is it? Has your conscience woken up?
"Not in this case! It's just, like you said, I'm Poppy's close friend. She and other friends will need support from me.”
"What? Songs and Dances? Oh yeah, hugs will save the world, right?!”
Creek frowned.
"You have no choice!"
They both saw the last troll close the hatch behind him.
Taking a guru with you is not a good idea. Creek was not equipped for such a trip. He didn't have a clear idea of what he was agreeing to. On the other hand, he is the only one who did not escape. Which surprised Branch greatly.
“Okay,” he answered and added: “Will you go light?”
“Yeah, what?”
“Then let’s move out right now.” Branch replied.
He passed by the guru, but he immediately followed him.
“Do you even know where to go?”
Taking a couple of steps forward, they both stopped at a huge footprint on the ground.
"What do you think?"
“I understood you…” Creek squinted his eyes with displeasure.
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pccyouthleader · 11 months
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
Chapter 10: Smoothie Operator
After dismissing her afternoon students, Aurora left YH feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. It was so nice to have Uncle Knuckles on her side! She reached into her bag for her communicator, only to remember that it had been smashed against a tree. Phooey. Now she had to wait to talk to Shadow. 
Wanting some time to herself to think, she decided to stop at the Tasty Tidbit for a fruit smoothie. After ordering, Aurora found a secluded table on the outdoor patio and dropped her bag into one of the two chairs. She took the other and spread out the pamphlets she had shown to Knuckles.
Becoming completely absorbed in scribbling notes down, she barely noticed when someone cleared his throat. “Aurora?” said a tall, gangly serval. He gave her a toothy grin before placing her smoothie on the table. 
“Thank you,” she said, picking it up and taking a sip.
The waiter cleared his throat again. “It’s been awhile.”
Aurora finally looked up. “Felix?”
“In the flesh!” he said, flashing his toothy grin again.
“How are you? How is school going?”
He launched into his account of the last semester learning bioinformatics at the Aspen Gorge Technology Institute. “We just got out for the summer, so I got a job here until I return in the fall.”
“Wow!” said Aurora. “I’ve heard this is one of the most coveted summer jobs in the village! You must have had an impressive resumè!”
Felix had been in the Young Heroes program when Aurora was, only he was a year younger. She became very self-conscious when she remembered him following her around like a sick puppy the year she became a counselor.
“Yeah, I was surprised to get it! It beats shoveling dirt all to pieces!” Felix didn’t miss a beat. “We should hang out sometime! What are you doing this evening?”
Aurora became flustered. “I, uh, have plans with my boyfriend tonight.” It wasn’t a complete lie. Shadow did say he’d see her later. She knew he couldn’t stay away after three weeks of being gone.
“Oh, hey, that’s cool,” Felix replied, slightly deflated. He took out a scrap of paper and a thick-barreled pen. He scratched something down and handed her the note. “Here’s my number. Let me know if your date falls through.”
“Um, thanks,” she replied. Felix gave her a wink and turned to leave. 
Aurora felt bad for turning him down flat. But all she wanted to do this evening was spend some much-needed time with Shadow. 
Things had gotten awkward, so she stuffed her belongings back in her bag, grabbed her smoothie, and snuck out the side exit. (Thank goodness she had already paid!) 
She knew her mother’s office would be empty, so she headed in that direction, intent upon making a decision.
Shadow had too much to think about as he made his way out of the jungle and away from Sticks’ hidey hole. He knew Aurora was done with YH by now, but he needed to work through some things in his head before he went to see her. His apartment was the best place for that. 
Kicking on his air shoes, Shadow glided through the rest of the jungle and arrived on the outskirts of town. He always tried to conceal himself among the trees or buildings; he wanted to avoid the villagers at all costs.
Dodging an old man with a cane and two kids on hoverboards, he realized he was drawing attention to himself. He ducked into an alley and slowed to a walk, stealthily creeping down a side street that came out a block off the main road.
Before him stood the Tasty Tidbit, Aurora’s favorite place to go for a sweet treat. And on the patio to the right sat none other than his beloved. Shadow still wasn’t used to the flutter he felt in his chest when he saw her. But he had become addicted to the feeling. 
Aurora was sipping from a straw looking very awkward under the gaze of a young, handsome serval. Shadow moved down an embankment and crouched behind the wall outside the patio hoping to hear what the guy was saying. 
“I, uh, have plans with my boyfriend tonight,” Aurora stammered. 
That’s my girl, Shadow thought, smirking to himself. There was a pause in the conversation and he heard the serval say something about plans falling through. 
Not on your life, kid. It would take a catastrophe of epic proportions to keep him away from Aurora this evening.
The serval left and Aurora hastily grabbed her things to leave. Feeling once again like a stalker, Shadow followed her at a distance until she was safely inside the building that housed Amy’s studio. Then he slinked through the back streets to his apartment. 
Once inside, he flopped down face-first on the mattress in the middle of the floor. What had he experienced today? The events of the previous eight hours swirled through his mind at lightening speed. The obelisk, the orb, the mysterious substance on the trees - they were all related; he had no doubt about it. And the more he found, the more it reminded him of…
No, Shadow thought shaking his head. That was settled long ago.
Maybe Tails had learned something from his analysis of the trophy.
Shadow looked at his communicator and saw that he had 5 minutes to make his appointment. Heaving himself from the mattress wearily, he glanced in the mirror to smooth his quills. He also palmed the green emerald he had kept handy all day. “Chaos Control!” Shadow said to no one in particular, and disappeared in a flash of green light.
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aristobun · 2 years
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‘ We’re almost there, button, ‘ he says, briefly casting his eyes toward the woman in the passenger seat and smiling softly. ‘ We should grab a bite to eat before heading to the holiday home. There’s a local cafe that’s supposed to be really nice, ‘ he shares.
‘ That sounds great, my stomach’s been growling for the last half hour. How much longer? ‘ she asks, rolling the window down and catching some of the fresh autumn breeze through her hair to ease the slight nausea she is currently dealing with due to hunger.
‘ It looks like we’re right around the corner. We should be pulling into the village any second now, ‘ he grins, turning the vehicle and winding around the next bend until a church comes into view. ‘ ..and there’s St Nicholas’ church, ‘ he adds.
‘ Great! ‘ she yelps, rolling the window back up and pulling her cardigan back over her shoulders so she doesn’t catch a chill as a bundle of autumn leaves are swept in a circle around the car as they step out onto the pavement directly across from the cafe.
‘ Sweet Pea Cafe, not a bad name— ‘ Caleb remarks, glancing up at the windows and looping his arm around his wife’s waist to pull her in toward him as they make their way inside and find a cozy little spot in a corner, away from prying eyes because it’s so early in the morning.
Helene reaches for the menu on the tabletop immediately and takes all of a few seconds to decide on what she wants. A poached egg with bacon on a toasted muffin, which Caleb chooses with smoked ham instead of the bacon and two poached eggs in place of one. 
His drink of choice is a simple latte, while hers is a refreshing banana smoothie to ease her stomach from its current nausea, which she hopes disperses soon. All of the travelling usually made her feel this way, so she often had to have the window rolled down on any long distance journeys they took, but it was up and down for this particular road trip so she felt worse.
The pouring rain had only stopped about 20 minutes ago but had started two hours beforehand, so her headaches and sickly feelings came and went for the duration of the trip. Her stomach grumbled a few more times before their food arrived and then one final time after she took her first bite, which Caleb commented on with a very amused chuckle.
‘ We definitely have to look around for a nice pub to have dinner at this evening, get you enough food to fill you up and make sure you feel better, ‘ he suggested, reaching his hand across the table and finding her smile lift the frown away from her face at the offer of more food.
‘ That would be really nice—thank you, Cae, ‘ she blinks slowly, squeezing his hand and doting on the efforts he is putting toward helping her feel better. The full extent of the trip had her very out of it, after four hours in the passenger seat staring out a closed window at the raindrops and hoping they would be there much sooner, though that was unlikely.
They set off at 4am that morning, which meant she had gotten up around 3:30am just to make sure they were packed and ready to go exactly when they planned to set off. Their arrival time for the holiday home was 9am and by the time they had finished their breakfast, they had only a few minutes to kill before they could head over to the place they would be staying.
‘ Would you mind if I napped once we get in and settled, honey? ‘ she asks him, reaching for his hand as they walk back to the car and she leaves the window rolled down for a slight breeze as Caleb navigates the roads following the map he held in his left hand.
‘ Of course not, button, I might do the same. I’ll set an alarm for us to get up around 1 so we don’t miss the Rectory tour, ‘ he rubs his thumb against the back of her hand and presses a kiss to her forehead after she grabs the map from him so it’s easier for him to drive.
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whatifsandspheres · 16 days
I keep thinking back to my freshman and sophomore years of high school. I hadn't even read about Buckminster Fuller. I had only just begun to question the fabric of society and all the social constructs of it. I'm sitting in the library with Shampree, her boyfriend Alan, Julia, and sometimes Esmeralda. Julia's friend. The librarians know us, it's no big deal to them we sit in there almost every day and not even that Shampree sits on Alan's lap. I think Julia and Shampree were trying to get a feel for if they could set me up with Esmeralda? Not sure. She was pretty. I was already more interested in Rose from my Music History class. In love with my "Project" more than anything, though. Shampree basically ridiculed it as a "floating hobo village." Nowadays... I don't see any human population breaking out of these corrals of sheep, cattle, sheeple. There's nowhere to go. The consolation is freeing your mind, "emancipation from mental slavery," but that's something I can't settle for. I need more. Back then I hadn't read the statistics on failed "intentional communities" like the hippie convents of utopian embarrassment. So many failures of prospective communities. I really believed it was possible and assured that any group of like-minded people could co-habitate and constructively work toward a new vision. Now I know it's true, but for even stronger reasons I understand why those people don't exist. I understand by sociology and anthropology and even a tiny bit of a psychology lens why those people are possible and inevitable. But they aren't what the factory farm paradigm is producing and the mass-media indoctrination complex arm of the military industry isn't programming those models in the foreseeable future.
Emancipating oneself from mental slavery is more than just a hot yoga session or a smoothie. It's more than just awareness of racism, it's more than just fucking watching The Matrix once and thinking the fucking Mandela effect is real. It's not that we aren't capable. The state knows we are. The state fears we are. Our wings are clipped, our minds are lobotomized. Our desires are doped, spiked, and diluted. Our core sense of self is tainted by all the things we take for granted and never question and our focus is geared toward lugging burdens which we wouldn't have ever made to begin with-- like mules with blinders on we direct our indignation and mass protests but ignore the time passing and all the other devils in the details. Bucky had a vision of using industry to craft all these new designs of life-improving intention and spirit. One was what he called the "Triton Floating Cities." Except no group, capitalistic entrepreneur or non-profit-- and especially no government, has ever geared that much industry for anything besides the same tired trajectory Bucky inherently worked against until his last dying breath. The same paradigm I have wished to see die and clear the air of its stink so that all the strength of healthy potential can grow under the sunlight it has been blotting out. It's not going to happen. Let's be pragmatic. A gloabl satellite internet network has been on-line and in the sky run by the "world's wealthiest man" (read the hand-picked and propped up military-industry shill. It's not in the hands of the people. Technology is in the hands of capital, it fuels a genocide here, and arms another one over there. Neither of which we can vote against and neither of which we would have willingly paid for. "International waters." It sounds like I'm talking about a barren wasteland. I'm talking about the farmer's left our corral doors open. Glazed over eyes. A million ways it will fail and I don't need to press the topic further.
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
(Twst Anni!) Oneshot form please! I know I can choose up tot wi characters, but in this case, I’m just gonna choose one for Vil (i cant think of any other lines that appealed to me): “Beautiful flowers are poisonous. But isn’t that just another one of their charms?”
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╰──➢    “Beautiful flowers are poisonous. But isn’t that just another one of their charms?”
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❥ ara ara you geared something in my brain. may our waiter, vil schoenheit, treat you with this anniversary special dessert!
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Another hit bashed his sides as he fell to the ground. No pain did adhere to his figure yet the disappointment of failing yet another training session made him scowl to himself. His foil was thrown across the room in a sign of defeat. His father sighed while you kept yourself sitting on the chair in worry. “Vil,” his father began, helping his son up and continuing, “It’s time for you to rest. You’ve done enough for today.”
“I want to continue, papa,” came his struggling grunts while he stood up. Patting down the dust on his pants, he walked to pick up his foil. However, his papa prevented him from going any further with a tight grip on his wrist. “I said, that’s enough.”
“But I’m not tired--”
You wanted to run and comfort the boy -- your best friend. His father had already removed his fencing mask off of him. “Vil. You need to rest. You’re already frustrated enough to continue.”
Mr. Schoenheit’s eyes glanced at you, nodding his head over at his son while his hand laid at the small of his back. Vil’s face was cast down, hands balled into fists with teeth gritted in frustration. You looked at the older man and quickly set your feet down on the floor and ran over to your friend. 
“Let’s go outside, Vil. The sun can calm you down."
Vil looked at you in the eyes, his expression not even fading — gazing down at your hands holding his. He doesn't know what he’s feeling but immense frustration. Towards who? Himself. He brought you to his home to show you how much progress he did with fencing and yet he just wiped the floor with his failure. The shame of failing his own ability. How did he word his statement again?
“Come to my house! I’ll show you how much stronger I got with fencing!”
Stronger, huh.
“I’ll make you something to drink.” Mr. Schoenheit placed a hand on his son’s head, “You go outside with y/n. It will help you greatly.”
Now both of you sat at the porch of his home, listening to the white noises his little village made whilst drinking some nutritious smoothie. It was quiet between the two of you. No awkwardness, no uncomfortability, just feeling the presence of one another. You gazed at Vil, his blonde locks covering his face yet you could see how he stared at the pavement below him. His lips remain locked around the straw as you watch him subconsciously swallow down his smoothie.
“Vil?” you called.
“Hm?” he responded yet his eyes never left where they desire to look.
Your mouth ran dry; what did you want to say to him? Think, y/n. How can you emotionally support your friend who was disappointed? “You did great back there.”
Really, y/n?
“You’re only saying that to make me feel better,” he exhaled, taking his time to finally glance at you. His glass is now empty and yours still half full. You tripped on your words, scratching the back of your nape. “I didn’t do well. I know that. I just need to try harder.”
“But you really did better. It’s okay to fail, you know. You’re still ten years old.”
“You speak as if you’re any older than me. I’m fine, y/n.”
“You don’t look like it.” You placed your glass on the steps beside you and scooted closer to Vil. “You’re stubborn, you know that. I saw how you wanted to cry back inside and yet you didn’t let yourself. If you want to cry now, then I have a shoulder for you to cry on!”
Vil shook his head in denial, twirling his straw as he looked away. “I don’t like showing signs of weakness. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Sheesh.” You gave up, huffing in defeat while you slurped on your smoothie. You know it’s useless to get into Vil’s head. When he’s determined to do something, you know he wants it to happen. Despite seeming weak already, he wants to stay strong. How poisonous. Even you wanted to keep on going through his head.
You already saw his success by being a child influencer. You were there -- or at least try to be present -- during his stage plays. His movies? Oh, Vil would use his dad’s phone just to contact you and how everything is going. What else does he want? Surely, he would tell you about this and that and how the world of media is different from his little village in his homeland. He failed just ONE round of fencing and now he’s sulking.
Why won’t he tell you his objective this time?
He could beat you in fencing himself. Even his dad would wince every time Vil would attempt to playfully punch his arm. He’s that strong already. What else, Vil. What else do you want?
You wish to know the answer eight years later.
You sat in Pomefiore’s lounge, the leg over your other, swinging in boredom as you scanned through endless magicam content. Epel was so close to looking like a pile of hay with his hands tugging on his hair countless times. Looking at your junior, you sighed and placed your phone down. “Magical pharmaceuticals? That’s Iodine. It can be used to revive dead plants. Wait, why are you studying this? This is for second-years.”
“I wanna prove something to Vil-- I mean, my senior…” he admitted laying his head on his arms in distress. “He said the first step into being stronger is to be smart. So I...well..borrowed some books from other second-years.”
“Be smart? I don’t think Vil would say something like that…” you said.
“I ‘on’t know! I didn’t understand a single w’rd he said s-so I assumed that!” he burst out as he sat back with a scowl on his face. You sighed, scooting closer to the boy and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Just across the room where the both of you sat were Vil and Rook. You can’t hear what they’re talking about yet you could see how focused they both were as they communicated with another third-year. 
“Epel, you know…” you began, rubbing his arm in a comforting way, “Whatever Vil told you, he just wants you to do well.”
“But ‘e’s too harsh!”
“Not everything is going to be easy and Vil just wants to see you work hard. You wouldn’t be able to carry that interviewer’s luggage if it wasn’t for him working out your arms right? He just finds a way to gear you up.”
“He succeeded alright…” he mumbled, following your gaze over to his senior. As he looked at Vil, he remembered how he turned down his magic wheel design in order to bring out his full potential in creativeness. Admittedly, he often misunderstands Vil’s words into something much cruel but people learn from mistakes, right?
With a deep inhale, Epel stood up and collected the books. “Alright! I’ll prove to Vil that I’m gonna be the best. Someday, I’ll… I’ll…”
“Think about it Epel. You still have a long way to go.” 
“Ahhh…” he moaned and nodded. “I’ll be back! I still have some flowers to pick for the experiment! See you, y/n!”
You waved at the departing boy. Adorable. No small body can hold such a big ambition. And just what was still the answer to your question about Vil? What does he want?
“That boy,” you heard the dorm leader sigh as he and Rook walked closer. The latter chuckling to himself as he sat beside you. “He complained again, didn’t he?” he questioned. Nodding as a response, you laid your head on the arm of the couch as Vil eyed you.
“He misunderstood me again, no?”
“He understood afterward. No biggie,” you grinned.
“Either way, you conveyed my message--” He moved his hand, swatting the air in a sign of disregard, “But that won’t be the last time I’ll persuade him to do better.”
“We know,” You and Rook simultaneously spoke. You mentioned how Vil could even tolerate Epel’s attitude and how immune he is to his personality. You remembered how both yourself and Mr. Schoneheit are immune to Vil’s determination and non stop hard work. Is there a difference? Maybe there is, maybe none. That’s a Pomefiore student after all.
No harsh or rude words can knock them down. Determined? Hah! That’s a battle with oneself against the world. How poisonous would a flower be if its beauty and ability are showcased to everyone. Nothing can destroy something so elegant yet powerful when they are their own poison. Being poisonous is something to brag about.
“He’s cute but he’s the first student in Pomefiore that can fight you Vil.”
The young man laughed to himself, smirking your way in delight. “That’s a challenge I am looking forward to. After all, beautiful flowers are poisonous. But isn’t that just another one of their charms?”
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© jangmi-latte, all rights reserved. Happy to Serve!
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Kombat Krew and Animal Crossing.
It should come as no surprise that I’ve been playing Animal Crossing a lot recently. I’ve got real life debt in terms of my student loans. And also, debt in the game too! What a life I have and what a world we live in. So, here’s a crossover that no one asked for. Kombat Krew reacting to it/ playing it with their S/O and what kind of villager they’d be!  I didn’t do everyone, mainly the ones that I think would/could play the game! And This is such a pure post. Wow. No warnings what so ever. But just because of length of post I’ve popped a cut in, just because it’s a little long!
·         Cassie Cage; She’s reluctant to play it at first. When you’re both chatting about it and hyping it up, she’s sipping her smoothie raising an eyebrow. But because she’s a supportive partner, she will watch all the trailers in the hype run. She has to admit it does look cute. She’ll buy you it and can’t help but keep peering up and watching as you run around your island, catching bugs and fish. Smiling at the occasional scream as you try and run from a tarantula. “So, you owe the Racoon money? Wait, why are you paying for more extensions on your house?!” Doesn’t understand till she finally bites the bullet and plays it when you’re not in… within an hour she’s bought it and is playing it. Then it’s on. You find her awake at 3 AM, she’s sat crossed legged on the sofa, playing it intently. Cute dates where you go out to a café and local play. Visiting each other’s islands, planting flowers and taking cute aesthetic photos. Her house is full of bright colours and random assortments of bits and pieces she found cute. Johnny takes the piss out of you both. The fact you’re both sat next to each other on the sofa, playing the same game, and speaking gibberish. Cassie is also slightly competitive; she doesn’t know where she gets it from Johnny and Sonya.  So, it’s no wonder that she wins the tourneys, does all of the events and completes the nook mile challenges efficiently. 
If she was a Villager: A squirrel. Kind of like Blaire. Normal personality.
·         Smoke (Tomas Vrbada): If ever there was a game that fit Smokes aesthetic and general vibe it would be Animal Crossing. How he got introduced to the series was that he was reading peacefully. Until your squeal of excitement disrupted him. Honestly, at first, he thought some shit had happened. Queue him evaporating and appearing mid living room. Only to see you’re happy because there was a leaked trailer for a game. His mouth starts out agape, as if questioning, why you would make such a noise over a game. That expression changes when he watches it with you. He loves it so much… is actually excited for the prospect of living a quiet life on his own Island. Pre-orders with you so you both can play it. Smoke also definitely owns a grey switch. He. Loves. This. Game. Stays up late with you playing it the first days it’s released. His islands name will be something fantasy based. His character has great hair too. Loves planting flowers and tending your joint garden on his island. His house is so neat, and each room has a theme. Everything is in place and organised too. He loves also going to the museum with you and having a look at everything. He loves that there’s a museum. He’s pretty much the Lin Kuei Blathers at this point. And you guys can go on virtual dates to the museum and each other’s towns when he’s away on a mission. Loves playing it whilst you’re both snuggled up in bed together. When he finds out that the different hemispheres have different bugs and fish, he begs Bi-Han and Kuai to get it. Because he wants to flesh that museum out! “So, there’s this racoon that you have to pay your debt off too. But it’s addictive and it’s a great distraction…” “TOMAS IT’S 3AM GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP” – Bi-Han. If he was a villager: There’s a hipster bear in it. So yeah. He’s a hipster bear, he’s basically Beardo. If there were owl villagers, I’d have made him an owl! Smug personality on AC is more polite, gentleman like, so it’s actually not a bad personality.
·         Kabal: He’s sure he should be doing work right now. But who gives a fuck when he needs to tend to his garden. Virtual chibi Kabal is living his best life right now. Not having to put up with Kano. His boots are on his desk whilst he plays. He honestly remembers playing the original on GameCube. A friend from school had it and he wanted it so badly, but his mom could never afford it. But now he’s an adult, he can literally buy whatever the fuck he wants. When he finds out you love the series too, he cannot help but smile. He tries to let on that he’s not obsessed, but he is. He preloads it and keeps checking to see if you can play it. Queue him staying up till midnight and waking you up to let you know it’s on. By the time you get up properly he’s filling out the museum, has paid off his first loan and is ready for more. He loves playing it with you, will be a bit of a dick at times, and will totally hit you with net or snipe the bug you’re trying to get. Only for him to gift you it. He’s strategically planned this hit. He’s chosen the Southern Hemisphere and has got oranges. He needs everything. It’s cute how obsessed he is with it. When he’s away, he loves playing it with you, visiting each other’s towns, leaving cute notes on the Notice Board and sending letters. Virtual you and him are so cute. “Hey Kabal, what you playin’?” “None of your fucking business.”  
If he was a villager: Definitely an Alligator. Just going off the fact he has a tooth. I’m going with Jock personality. Just because he’s a hyper up and can be intense at times. So probably like Sly.
·         Frost: She like Cassie pretends not to care about it. Who has time for games? She sure as hell doesn’t… even though it does look cute, and she does miss having a garden. She finds it therapeutic. Not that the temple has a garden because ahaha it’s fucking freezing and always snowing. Frost is literally acts like an ice sculpture, hard and frozen inside and out. In reality, she’s more like a snowman. Soft and squishy. She does have a soft spot for the game… especially when she watches you planting flowers and making a little garden. If you have a full switch and can create multiple characters, she may get a little emotional that you made her and made her a little garden. Okay. Maybe she’ll play it for a few minutes… *Four hours later* She’s giggling wildly as she catches bugs and plants and waters more flowers. At first, she’s content with just playing the character you made her… but then she finds out from Cassie you can play together. And that’s it. She wants to do cute couple shit on it. Buys the game and surprises you when she sits next to you and reluctantly asks what to call her Island. You’ll both lay next to each other playing it together. She’s hyper competitive as well, so she ends up doing all of the tourneys and winning. As well as helping you out if you’re struggling with a certain part.   If she was a Villager: She’s definitely a cat villager. Probably like Katt, quirky looking and a bit mean looking. But on the inside really caring and sweet.
·         Kuai Liang (Sub Zero): Why is he playing this again? You said you had a great distraction in mind for him. What he did not expect was for him to be sat on your sofa on a rainy day. Holding you switch and staring from it to the TV in mild confusement. He knew that a new game had come out and it had, in a word, consumed every fibre of your being for the past few days. He loved how happy it made you and would often smile fondly watching you play it… but he didn’t expect himself to be playing it. You made him, pretty accurately, on the game and he’s kind of impressed. You do have to walk him through it, because him and technology do not mix. He does get the hang of it and he has the patience of a saint and the accuracy of a pro angler when it comes to catching fish. You’re pretty damn impressed. He hates to admit how much he loves the game. And it’s kind of cute that you’re sort of playing it together. He may round the corner a few times when you’re playing to ask if you’re advancing the island, because he knows he can’t do it… and he would like to visit the museum and add to it. Secretly loves it. Not enough for him to actually play it himself, but he does find himself playing it in a morning before you wake up. Don’t tell Smoke or Bi-Han he won’t hear the end of it. ‘I don’t have time for pop culture’ BULLSHIT KUAI!
If he was a villager: A Penguin. fucking fight, me on this. He’d probably look like Roald but with a smug personality. Remember Smug is good in this game, I know mind fuck.
·         Bi-Han: Okay so the colours hurt his head. They are so bright. Why is that eagle wearing a blazer? What the fuck is going on. If you thought Kuai was confused Bi-Han is next level confused… but he also wants a go. He really wants to play it. He likes to get involved with what you like, and if playing this Mutli-coloured game about living on an island makes you happy, then so be it! Will start off with a character on your save. Before progressing to him eventually getting it himself and ‘borrowing’ the hidden Switch that Smoke has. The one he hides at the bottom of his sock draw, next to his diary, to the left of embarrassing photos of him. You’ll find him playing in between meditation and training. He secretly loves it. He gets a system going and soon has overtaken you on it. Invites you around to show off his pad. Which is a mess, just like his actual room. But it’s got the Bi-Han charm. Totally moves his house to a ledge so no one can visit him. Will play it secretly, pretending to be busy but actually just vibing on a tree stump catching bugs. He loves visiting your island. He’ll change your flowers around, and plant fruit trees for you. He’ll also leave you small presents in your house. He gets into it, but he just likes been able to share a bit of your world. He didn’t have videogames growing up, so it’s nice to finally be exposed to a bit of pop culture.
If he was a villager: He’d be a bear with a jock personality. Would probably look something similar to either Curt or Groucho.
·         Jacqui: She’s excited to play this. She remembers playing it when she was younger. Confused the fuck out of her dad. They had a real farm, but she wanted to virtually take care of her plants and trees. Confused him. But when she finds out you love the game too, she’s over the fucking moon. She’s got Cassie to play it with her, but the fact you, her darling S/O love it too makes her so happy! She’s had the same aesthetic and favourite villagers since she was a kid. But she loves all the villagers, she thinks there all quirky and cute in there own way! Her Island is also so organised. She also saved your butt a few times, catching the tarantulas as you ran around madly trying to avoid them. She event split the profit from her trip to tarantula island with you!  I’ve always had the HC that Jacqui is artistic, so she makes cute custom designs that look 110% amazing. And has totally made you both matching outfits to wear and take cute photos with. She tried her hardest to make her house into your shared apartment, and to be fair, she did a really great job at it! You and her both lay on the sofa playing it together, laughing and chilling together over takeaway, with a comfy movie on in the background. She loves that you can share this interest and that you can still virtually be together when she’s far away. Will send you letters in game too when she’s away. With stuff she’s picked up and thinks you’ll like or will ok cute in her house. She owns all the shell stuff because it’s so pretty and costal looking. Her house is totally near the beach. She’s always secretly wanted to live near the coast. Jax can’t get his head around that your in her game, and she’s in yours.
If she was a villager: I’d say a wolf villager. Kind of like Audie who’s really peppy and happy go-lucky. Most of her intros are upbeat and can-do attitude like! So, I think it matches her personality really well!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey from diggitydoo
Have you ever felt a baby kick? Yes, when my mom was pregnant with my brother. What color pants/shorts are you wearing? I’m only wearing a duster gown; no shorts underneath. I just got it last night, actually - my mom wanted to donate clothes to victims of a recent fire incident in Manila and so she asked my sister and I to sort through our closets for clothes we were willing to give away. My sister ended up giving away a comfy-looking duster gown that she never even wore and even smelled brand new to boot. It ended up in my hands, ha. But apart from that we gave away a lot of stuff that aren’t old uniforms or costumes (which is what most people tend to ‘donate’, ugh), so we just hope they end up with people who really need them. When is the last time you did something truly fun, and what was it? Last night I went on our org’s Discord server and we played Jackbox games for around an hour or so. It was my first time to socialize again after around two months and I really, really needed that moment. I even met the org’s newest roster of applicants for this semester, which was neat. :) What was the scariest moment of your life? Men terrorizing me or near-car crashes I’ve had.
Have you ever heard of Leonard Cohen? The name is familiar, but that’s the most I know.
Pancakes or flapjacks? I guess pancakes, since I don’t even know what flapjacks are. What kind of computer are you on? It’s a laptop. Do you eat Chinese food? If so, what's your favorite dish? For sure. Pork buns or minced pork with eggplant. With century egg on the side, yum. What are you usually doing at midnight? Either passed out or desperately trying to sleep because I don’t want to lose any more hours of sleep and risk being cranky for the whole of the next day. Have you ever developed feelings for a friend, but you were already with someone? No. The worst thing that’s happened was being someone’s ball date (and unbeknownst to me, they apparently had feelings for me at the time) while I was already with someone. If so, how did it turn out? He figured it out by himself, which I still feel bad about. But the timing was super off and I just couldn’t find a moment to sit him down and set the record straight...ah well. It was just super complicated at the time. Give me your brief definition of love. My favorite love-related quote is “Love never says ‘I have done enough’” and for the longest time, that has been my guiding principle when it comes to it. Definitely a tad bit cheesy, but telling myself that over and over makes it easier to continue loving the people I care for and be patient with them when they’re being asses. Gab included, then and now. What is the most beautiful part of the human body, male or female? It differs for everyone but I’m a thigh girl through and through. What kind of shoes do you wear? Uh...various ones? I have sneakers, flats, heels, flip-flops, probably a couple more kinds that I can’t place at the moment. What is the worst thing you've ever done when you were really angry? Resorting to physical violence. I was a kid constantly exposed to violence in my old home, and at the time I genuinely thought that’s how most things were settled or pacified. I still feel like shit about it to this day, and my backstory isn’t an excuse at all; but the past is the past and I’ve been trying to make up for it by being a much more gentle angry person in the last few years. Are there any pills you take on a daily basis? If so, what? Nope. Do you like the smell of coconuts? For some reason I can’t stand anything coconut (which is a damn shame considering I’m Filipino) but I love dishes with heaps of coconut milk in them, like curry. That’s the one coconut-related thing I enjoy, but otherwise I’ve never learned to appreciate the taste and smell of buko juice, coconut shavings, coconut pies, and everything else coconut. What is the heaviest you think you can lift? From what my old PE class showed me, around 70 to 80 lbs. Do you take Tums? Idk what that is so I guess I don’t. Have you ever walked on a pier at the beach? I’m not sure if I’ve been to a pier before. I bet it feels wonderful and freeing and I’d love to visit one; but I also can’t keep myself from associating piers with the recurring image of Jennifer Connelly’s character standing on one from Requiem for a Dream. How about under one? No. At what age do you first remember feeling butterflies in your stomach around someone? Not sure if it was 11 or 12, but it was definitely one of those years. Do you feel that way around anyone now? Yeah, if they allowed me to see them. But I’m shut out now so I haven’t had that sensation in a while.
Do you ever talk to yourself or think deep thoughts while on the toilet? No. Do you ever sing to yourself? Sure. I’m sure most people do every once in a while. What is a sound that relaxes you? Ocean waves have never failed. How hard has it been to reach your main goal in life? ‘Main goal’ sounds so overwhelming; I make it a point to avoid one overarching goal and instead make little goals and plans here and there depending on where I am in life. Do you remember the song about hoes in different area codes? Never heard of it. What is your main heritage? Filipino. What kind of pickles do you prefer, if you like pickles? I hate pickles. What kind of cheese do you prefer, if you like cheese? Mozzarella and feta are my faves, but I love cheese and am willing to be adventurous when it comes to it. If you could have a sea creature as a pet, what would you want? Eh, they can stay in the sea where they can actually survive. I don’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to keeping fish as pets. How about a farm animal? Probably pig. So, do you have hoes in different area codes? No, and ew. What is the most annoying song you can think of that came out recently? Haven’t been exposed to a lot of new music lately and the songs I do get to hear on the radio whenever I drive are actually pretty good. This totally doesn’t answer your question but my favorites so far have been Birthday by Disclosure, Kehlani, and Syd; and Plain by Benee, Lily Allen, and Flo Milli. What is a song that you hate to admit you like? Any Kanye song I like. What inspires you to get off your bum and do something productive? Not wanting to go into another downward spiral. Do you ever use Urban Dictionary? Extremely rarely. I only do when there’s a new slang I’m completely unfamiliar with. Do you find the definitions on there to be generally funny or stupid? Stupid for the most part. I find them too immature or vulgar, but that’s one of the points of the website so I guess I’m just not in their target audience lol. What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'transformation'? Uh, the Transformer robots.
What was something you regularly played with as a child? My cousins’ toy soldiers.
Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Eh, a few times. If so, what did you do? I’ve been pulled to drinking sessions here and there when I really shouldn’t be drinking because I had an important test tomorrow or something else was happening the next day that was just as significant. What part of your body have you had the most problems with in your life? Teeth, I’m pretty sure. I’ve had braces, needed a tooth extracted, gotten a cavity, and gone through a severe toothache.
Do a lot of people check you out when you're in public? Idk I never look around because being aware of it would just freak me out and make me feel like I’m naked. What is a good name for a turtle? Would depend on their personality. And this applies to all kinds of pets, at least for me. I don’t decide on their names until I have a good grasp of their attitude. Can you imitate any accents well? If so, which one(s)? Stereotypical Filipino mom and valley girl. Do you like having your ear nibbled on? Sure. What makes a good kisser a good kisser? I’ve only kissed one person so I’m not the best judge for this; but I always like it when my lower lip is tugged or grazed on. How many times a year do you have a family thing? This is a little vague for me. Do you mean get-togethers? Giant-ass reunions? Movie nights? Game nights?  What are the best things to put in a smoothie? I only like one kind of smoothie and it’s sold by a local joint – and I think I’ve already shared this before but that smoothie of theirs that I like has “apple, banana, cinnamon, oats, coco sugar, chia seeds, greens, and soy milk,” according to their menu. So I guess those are the best ingredients for me, ha. Do you ever eat with your eyes closed and just focus on the taste? When I find something extremely delicious, yeah. What do you dislike most about where you live right now? For the most part I can’t wait to get out of suburban residential villages. I’d love to finally experience living in a condo in a super busy and active city. Has anyone ever given you a rose/roses? Yes.
Are you watching your weight? Not really. I’m trying to gain pounds though, if anything. I haven’t eaten much in the last two months. Have you ever become really good friends with someone you found online? I trust y’all with my life, so that’s one. Apart from Tumblr, the best friends I made were probably the people in the AJ/Punk fandom, back when I had a stan account on Twitter. I don’t remember most of their names now and we fizzled out pretty quickly when both parts of the ship left WWE, but I look back on that period with fondness. Those people made high school a lot easier for me. What makes your best friend your best friend? She doesn’t care whether I’m on top of the world with happiness or completely self-destructive and crying my eyes out; she has always been present. Do you have a drunk uncle? *rolls eyes* We don’t wanna open up that can of worms... Do you hear weird noises in your house at night? Nope. What is something you do that is generally more like something the opposite sex does? Based on personal experience and not to come off as sexist, but it’s liking wrestling. I have never met a girl in real life who has even the most remote interest in pro wrestling or can tell me who Hulk Hogan is. And the ones I’ve had discussions with - from shallow/casual to in-depth - have all been guys. Seeing girls who are into wrestling is like finding a rare Pokemon, at least in real life. What is the girliest thing you do, if you're a girl? Idk. What is the coolest tattoo you've ever seen? Probably the spork tattoo of Josh, a crew member from Good Mythical Morning. It’s just a line tattoo. Of a spork. On his arm. But he managed to make it so goddamn fascinating lmao; and apparently, as I learned just now, it has a pretty touching backstory to it too, which makes it a million times cooler. Have you ever created anything artistic that you're proud of? If so, what? I’ve never finished any of the crafts I bought. Never finished a coloring book page much less an entire coloring book, a painting, a gem painting...it’s something I’ll have to bring my butt to do one of these days. I can’t imagine how fulfilling it would feel. Do you only eat the middle of the oreo, if you eat oreos? I eat the whole thing but I honestly find Oreos too sweet and I’ve always much rather preferred Oreo-flavored stuff instead of the actual cookies.
Do you know anyone with a huge ego? My mom. If so, is there anything else about them you actually like? She’s fed me for 22 years and gave me an education, I guess. Though it’s something I appreciate more so than like. Have you ever used a racial slur, even jokingly? Probably as a dumb kid, when historical context wasn’t a thing to me yet. I still wince thinking about it, but I suppose what matters is being better and more responsible moving forward. Do you have any friends who are more like siblings to you? Angela and to some extent Andi. 
If so, what about them do you like most? They are both understanding when it comes to me - almost to a fault. What do you like on your hotdogs, if you eat hotdogs? When you say ‘hotdogs’ here, it refers to the sausages itself. The sandwich kind of hotdog isn’t super popular here. What is everyone else in your house doing right now? My siblings are still resting in their rooms; my dad is preparing for work, I think. What is the most money you've ever had at one time? Something like P10,000 or P15,000 when my mom needed me to pay for something in cash. How long do you think it would take you to run a mile? Idk, maybe 10 minutes. I won’t be fast, that’s for sure. Look down. What do you see? My legs and the pillow I’m sitting on. What is a subject that makes you uncomfortable? Right now, probably my failed relationship. I haven’t gotten to the sharing stage yet and remotely thinking about it gets my voice all shaky. What is a subject you can talk on and on about and not get sick of it? Paramore. What kind of mood were you in most of today? It’s only 7:52 AM. My only mood so far is just woke up. Has anyone ever walked in on you naked? Yeah. Because people in this damn house never knock. Tell me an inside joke you have with someone. The word ‘ariba.’ What is the worst thing someone could do to you emotionally? Break my trust. So simple but it packs a punch. What is the worst thing you've ever done to someone emotionally? Idk if I’ve ever been that aggressive. When I want to do something destructive towards someone I always end up asking what it would feel like if the action was done to me, and it’s always been enough to sway me away from doing the thing. How do you feel now about the first person you ever dated? Sad. How about the last person (your last ex)? Same person. What is the best invention ever invented? Air conditioners.
What is something that needs to be invented? Portable air conditioners. What always makes you burp? My burps come randomly. What are you doing tomorrow? It’s my last weekend before my new job, soooooooo...I’ll be bumming around for my last two days of freedom.
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costellos · 3 years
LOL A 401K IM DEAD but honestly...... tru
all that tax stuff, retirement plans.... nanami’s got it covered. and then there’s gojo, committing tax fraud 🤧 i’d compare gojo to salt as a seasoning but that’s kinda mean, he does have some flavor. like, sugar probably suits him better?? sweet, can be addicting, but bad for you if have too much of it 🙈 AND THEN NANAMI. man’s the whole spice rack, he wouldn’t have it anything less since he loves food so much 😤 he is, as we say, umami personified 🤌
yeah, it’s unfortunate lmfao but oh well. i do occasionally have them in a smoothie though, like you said!
alsjfhsha it’s def time consuming.... like i’d be sitting down w my family and when i’m finally done picking it all out, they’ve finished eating welp 😭 and yeah, the rational part of me knows that, but i’m that person someone has to go up the service worker for and be like “excuse me she asked for no pickles” (except i didn’t 🙈) i’m much better in restaurants bc the language barrier isn’t as intimidating so i will tell them to leave out an ingredient if it’s something i can’t easily take out
mmmmm i can see that! he’d be the guy who’d eat pizza with a fork and knife wouldn’t he lol. and dab all the excess oil off w a napkin. he probably only goes to the Legit pizza places too haha but i think if he likes you enough he can be convinced to eat almost anywhere
ofc!! ask games are more fun if it goes both ways 😌 and ooooo tsumu! interesting...... 👀 those are honestly such good date ideas w a guy like atsumu! that’d rly be smth he’d enjoy and ngl the moment i read ‘something physical’ i immediately imagined y’all racing LMAO. he’s a prime example of how competition can be good for you w the right person, so i can see you filling in the space osamu left after he decided to focus more on his food aspirations. like imagine making cute lil bets w him and the loser having to do what the winner wanted hehe. omg a double date w the miya twins would be sm fun tho??? from my impression of you so far, i definitely trust you to keep tsumu in line lmfao so catch me there. me and osamu are the ones spectating and judging your guys’ competitions and cheering you on to beat atsumu like we’re olympic commentators or smth LOL
aaaaa i’m honestly p shy but if anything can get me to come off anon, it’d be nanamin 😂 (it’s like we’re todo and yuji bonding over their shared type but w nanami skdjfjsjsjs) let me know if you prefer to keep it here or on discord and i’ll give you my account, whichever platform you like better! also congrats on 1k! much deserved!! 🎉
cut for length!
A;LDSKJ GOJO WOULD COMMIT TAX FRAUD. lmao salt is a lil mean!! sugar is more fitting <3 sugar is also used for more fun foods, and I feel like it matches him bc of his sweet tooth. but Nanami........ o lawd. definitely the whole spice rack yes. 100% agree. pls I would use him in everything. wait was that a weird thing to say?
ah I totally understand! well, u got this friend. the next time u go out for Mexican food, I’ll be there cheering for u in spirit!!
and yes.... ugh... I don’t think he’s particularly picky, he’ll try anything. he just doesn’t like foods that are excessive, if that makes sense? like what you were saying with the grease. I think he’s more the type to like subtle flavors. an obnoxious meat lover’s pizza from The Hut would be a no go, but he’s down for a, quote, Legit Pizza Place. the kind of Italian restaurant that’s authentic! but let’s admit it, by that point it wouldn’t even technically be “pizza.” authenticity comes with a price :’)
ty friend you’re far too kind 🥺 AND PLS YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSH OVER MY LAPTOP HHHHHHH. I would love nothing more than to fill the Osamu-shaped hole in his heart once they both go into their separate careers. and god..... don’t encourage him. or me. I would definitely make bets w him. and I would win. but thank you sweet anon, I would do my best to keep him from annoying the shit out of you!! it would be an honor to have you and Osamu comment on our tomfoolery. 👉👈
MY GOD I WAS ABOUT TO KEYBOARD MASH AGAIN. we’re definitely Todo and Yuji.... u like Nanami and so now I’m obligated to imagine a whole life we coulda had together in high school together. even tho I graduated five years ago. and I’m assuming you did some time ago too since you mentioned you’re old...... lordt. anyway! thank you for the congrats!! I would love to discuss more headcanons and such w you over Discord! dm me and I’ll add you so that we can sob over Nanami’s absence in the anime <33
nanamin date anon said: me, rewatching eps 9-13 on replay until the new episode comes out: hahaha i love all the jjk characters equally! nanamin and *looks at smudged writing on hand* the extras
lol i love them all rly, it’s just super refreshing to have an adult like nanami in a shounen
haha yeah, i’m definitely glad i’m not the oldest (bc that’s way too much responsibility for me, idk how they do it) so being player 2 as a younger sibling isn’t too bad, especially since it’s the story that i’m usually more interested in rather than the gameplay itself. i don’t have to worry about remembering which buttons to press in a fight when i can just watch the plot play out lol. (it’s definitely a good game, i just suck at the controls 😅 my brother let me play a bit and i couldn’t get the web swinging down i was struggling so bad aslfjjfsjak) what sort of games are you into? 👀
even if it’s boring to some ppl, watching is a good way to experience the game for yourself as well, esp if it’s a single player game! ofc i do tend to prefer multiplayer games, but it’s not too dissimilar to watching someone play a sport tbh. AND NO KENMA IM PRO-SIDEQUEST LIVE OUT YOUR COMPLETIONIST DREAMS. if we gotta fetch that dude a super rare item to unlock his backstory we MUST do it ok
YEAH! mikorin is also voiced by noya’s va! it’s honestly a shame gsnk didn’t get a second season, it’s so good 😔
me: lol does that mean kuroo’s your tomoda
kenma: ok this date is over
LMFAOOOOO not my fault the popular choices are the ones that get you the good end 😤 and it’s all good, i’m also guilty of replaying to see how the other choices impact the story haha. if there’s no save system tho, i’d make him switch out w me every time we replay bc i’d zone out at all the repeat stuff (bless games that have a skip option 🙏)
UGH TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! ok so I love the other charas too but.... Nanami’s so good. so good. iono about you, anon, but I went back and rewatched his episodes from the dub and it made me Feel Things. and I agree, it is refreshing to see an adult like him in shounen. esp since he treats the kids like kids. and he makes it clear that their being kids is never a bad thing. I will reiterate: he’s so good.
ahhh friend that’s so nice!. your brother sounds really chill. plus it sounds like a good balance: you get to watch the story, and he gets to dick around!! win-win. and as for my fav games, I’m up for anything! I try to avoid co-op games like Overwatch bc I get too competitive and I’m a sore loser lmao (but they are fun!). the last games I played were the Last of Us 2 and Persona 5, two very different games, but stuff that’s a good time nonetheless. tbh as long as I can immerse myself in the story and there’s tons to explore, I’m down. what about you?? you’d kind of mentioned otome games and Animal Crossing, but I’m curious!
hm. interesting. that’s a nice way to look at it. I guess if it’s a really good game, it’s no different from an interactive movie! also Kenma would love that omg you’re going to save so many villages in the rpgs he plays w you.... gotta max out EVERYTHING. every side quest! every mundane task!! collect literally every feather!!! but I feel like he would pass the time by making idle conversation. like some dumb shit Lev had mentioned earlier that day. such a nice way to unwind at the end of the day, shit talking Lev w his fav person 😌
anyway! going back to completionist stuff: Kenma would have such a blast going back and replaying games w you! and yes bless games w a skip option hhh. thankfully he’d remember all your previous choices together, so he can help navigate where to go next. he has no qualms handing the controller over, I think he’d love to curl up next to you and analyze how you play! but I also feel like he’d be giving unwarranted suggestions....... thanks, Kenma.
also, about Mikorin’s va: WHAT. OH MY GOD. so many things to learn..... pls. indulge me w your trivia.
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Dress For Where You're Going, Not For Where You've Been
Day 5:
I have my morning routine down. I used to think I didn't like routine. I equated routines with ruts. But, man I love a routine. I fall in to them pretty quickly. They give me some stability. I find value in doing the same thing for certain things every time. Other things, like driving to and from a place every day, i like to mix that up to chase away the monotony. I find my routine, it just comes naturally, I never force it. I might say, I need to add this or that, but it always works itself out and coalesces into my routine.
I've been drinking this Belizean coffee, Caye Coffee, since I got here. I like it. It's local, well roasted locally. I'm not sure if it's grown here somewhere. There is one coffee, called Gallon Jug, that is grown here, however. That is not the brand I have been drinking. I bought a small bag of the ground coffee to make at the condo, and that's what I have been drinking in the mornings. I also bought a bag of Belize Gourmet Coffee's whole bean coffee, that was grown in Guatemala, which is really just up the street, and a bag of Gallon Jug's whole bean. It will be interesting to see what it all tastes like.
I couldn't remember if we were going to look at condos today or tomorrow. I hit Natasha up, and she said we were doing that tomorrow. So I planned on taking the water taxi to Caye Caulker for the day. I got down to the boat at 1pm, and planned on staying on Caye Caulker until 6:15 when the last boat returning was coming back. Caulker is a little different than Ambergris. It's way smaller, way less people, quieter, way less golf carts, and less busy. Not that Ambergris, and San Pedro especially are "busy." But, San Pedro has more going on than Caye Caulker Village does. I walked a lot. My feet hurt from all the walking I've been doing, and I have a blister on my right foot, which is something that happens when I walk too much in flops that have seen better days, or don't fit right.
(I've been trying to find some new ones, but the size 12s they have here seem too small, and no one seems to have anything bigger)
I got off the boat and wanted to find a place to eat. I didn't want to go to the very first place I saw, so I went past the joint that was right there at the boat dock, and went south a ways. I found a place called Island Magic. They had a really cool seating set up. The table were suspended by ropes, like swings, and some of the seats were too. They had these upstairs tables that reminded me of a tree house. All in all the place was super cool in the atmosphere department. The menu was smaller than I would have liked, but Covid and it being an island, and lobster and avocados being out of season, and the server said they didn't have shrimp either made it that much smaller. I had chicken kebobs that were very good, and they had sinks by the restrooms that had seashells as spouts.
(I don't know if they intended them to look like vaginas or what, but the sure do look like vaginas)
I found this place that has hammocks out under some coconut trees. I need to be a customer to use them, so I go in. They have coffee drinks, and smoothie drinks, and coffee smoothie drinks. But they only take cash. And, I left my cash back at the condo. I didn't want to have to worry about it if I decided to go swimming. I can't grasp why I thought that was going to be a thing, now, but at the time that was my thinking. So, they sent me to an ATM. With some vague directions and just my credit card, because I lost my debit card the other day, I set out to fund a peanut butter coffee smoothie thing and a fucking hammock so I could just hang out somewhere and stay off my blistered foot.
(I already called my bank and stopped my card. The new one should be waiting for me when I get back, or at least soon after. I don't use it as much ass I used to, so it isn't a big deal to not have it, except when I need cash)
I decided to go the opposite direction the barista sent me. Mainly because I'm pretty sure my credit card isn't set up to get money out of an ATM. I seem to remember having an unsatisfying experience trying to do that once. Something about not knowing my P. I. N.
(Here's a bonus: how many people know what A. T. M. and P. I. N. stand for? Well, I'll tell ya. Automated Teller Machine, and Personal Identification Number. So, if you say ATM machine or PIN number, you are being redundant. You are really saying, Automated Teller Machine machine, and Personal Identification Number number. Same goes for a V. I. N. or Vehicle Identification Number, number)
I walk down to what's known as The Split. It is a place where Caye Caulker is divided in two. They used to connect, but apparently, according to legend, a famed 1961 hurricane, Hurricane Hattie hit the island and caused The Split. I find it odd that everything I've found on the subject so far says that people are unsure if that's what caused it of not. How are they not sure?
It's pretty neat in any event. I walked there, and walked around the end and then back up toward the hammocks and the peanut butter thing, only on the other side of the island. It was an interesting walk. Felt a lot more rural than San Pedro. After stopping at a couple of places I finally found the ATM. It was in a bank, and sure as shit, my credit card would not open the door to the little room where the machine was. And, the doors to the bank were locked. They were closed I guess. So, no hammock for birthday boy Stevie D!
I walked back up to the beach to find somewhere to just chill for the next three hours. I ended up back at that place I didn't eat at because it was the first place I saw. They had swing seats that looked out over the beach, such as it is. And, some chairs out on the beach. So, I ordered a virgin pina colada and laid down in the one lounger they had. I decided to get another drink, and maybe move up under the shady patio. This time I sat on one of the swing seats and drank another VPC and a soda water. It was about this time that I realized that I didn't have to wait another hour and a half for the 6:15 boat. I could take the earlier 5:15 boat back to San Pedro. I don't know why I was thinking I had to stay until 6:15.
These four women rolled up and sat at one of the picnic tables out front. They looked like they had been having a good time. They were drinking, not stupid drunk or anything. It became more apparent that some were drunker than others when one of them started freaking out because they only had three minutes to get to the boat to go back to, presumably Belize City. I thought it was funny because the boat pier was literally a 30 second walk from where we were. They could have thrown their mojito glass and hit it from there. This dude that works at this bar told them that the boat wasn't even there yet. As in fact you could look over and see that it wasn't. So they calmed down. I decided I was going to go back on the 5:15 boat. But, at 5:15 it wasn't there yet either.
Finally a boat shows up. The women get up and walk over to the pier. I swear I'm not the mask police, but I feel that if I have to wear one, so do you, and only one of them put theirs on, and they strolled right over to the boat. I finished my drinks and walked over there too. They seemed a little stressed. I'm not sure what was going on, but at least one of them was pretty worried that they were not going to get to where they wanted to go. I asked if this boat was going to San Pedro, and it was, so I gather that they were not going there. I left them and their unmasked faces there. To be fair, no one was saying shit to them about wearing a mask. I think people the world over are pretty much over this whole pandemic thing.
(If there is some spike in Covid cases in Belize, it's because of drunk Americans. Pretty sure)
I get on the boat, they don't. I go sit up top. I am sitting with the muthafuckin' Captain and shit! It was different riding up there. A much better view. More wind tho. I get back, go to the condo, relax a bit, then head out for my birthday dinner. I went to this joint I've walked by tons called Elvie's. I ordered the street corn, and the Mayan Chicken, and a slice of key lime pie. It was awesome. I loved the Mayan spices and the coconut rice. I walked home and sat on the balcony and pondered another year on this planet.
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dahvangogh · 4 years
and empty words are evil | Jason Todd
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[ prologue | one | two ] 
“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.”
– Anais Nin
“How to be single and satisfied at the same time?” Daniel reads the headline out loud, his eyes skimming through the cover of It Girl with curiosity.
Grace hums out loud, thinking the question over while chewing her bottom lip.
“Masturbating, for sure,” Lisa says without missing a beat, Grace only seeing the top of her blonde head because of how burrowed on the laminated menu she was.
The raven-haired laughs loudly –she can’t help it–, but poor Daniel, red tinting his face, starts looking around in case anyone at the dinner has heard them and was giving them any dirty looks.
“Relax, Dan. No one cares.” Grace pats him on the shoulder.
Lisa seems to have forgotten her menu and is now staring fully at Dan, a wicked smile appears on her purple-painted lips, completely ready to bug him.
“Don’t… Leave him alone, Lisa.” Grace quickly chastises her, even kicking her under the table for emphasis, for Lisa can be the most annoying person ever when she wants to. “And Dan, no one is paying any attention to us. Relax.”
Dan is still looking around, his face finally back to its natural color.
“It seems… everyone is paying attention to the tv?”
Pauli’s Diner is crowded, every booth full and a long queue that reaches from the counter to the door. The usual. Yet everyone’s attention, even the four waitresses, seems to be on the tv. Grace also focuses on the big tv, which is placed high at the back of the diner wall, three booths away from theirs. It is on and showcasing a newswoman reporting about something, but without the sound and no headlines or subtitles below to indicate what she was talking about, Grace is left with more questions than answers.
“I think something happened.” Dan sounds between scared and resigned.
The three of them look at each other, then almost comically pull out their phones at the same time. Something always happens in Gotham –the city that never rested–, and it was a common occurrence to check the Gotham Gazette App every day. After all, any good Gothamite knows that to be well informed is the key to survival in such an insane and restless city.
“Fuck. I swear if that madman of Zsasz has escaped again, I will hunt him down and drag his ass to the Asylum myself,” Lisa grunts; her pale brows furrowed tightly. “Fucking load already, stupid App!”
Grace focuses on her screen, the app taking more time than usual to load.
“Mine too…” Dan’s answers in his usual hushed voice. Then, he starts chewing on his lip, worry all over his face.
A big headline pops on Grace’s screen –the App finally deciding on working–,  and she sighs happily after reading it.
“Seems an aircraft has fallen to the Sprang River; 20 people are currently missing and the rescue team is doing everything in their power to get to them.” She literally reads out loud the last words, happy that no madman is out and about on the city. “Nothing about Zsasz, sorry Lisa.”
Her two friends exhale the air they had been holding.
“Seems your impromptu date with Zsasz will have to wait.” Grace kicks her friend’s leg again, but this time just to annoy her.
Lisa shows her the middle finger.
“No, but for real. After last time, I don’t think he is going anywhere.” The raven-haired reminds them. “He killed 5 people until Batman and young Robin stopped him.”
Grace sees Dan gulp.
“Yeah, after escaping. Again.” Lisa sounds mad, which is understandable after living in Gotham for five years, and seeing all the hurt Zsasz has caused many Gothamites. “And one of them was my neighbor!”
Dan sighs, remembering her.  “Oh, that poor woman…”
“She was a mean bitch, though,” Lisa adds as if it is vital information.
Grace can’t help but to huff.
Suddenly, one of the waitresses appears at their booth. With a sheepish smile painted on her serene face, –probably because of how much they had had to wait– she asks them what they would like to order.
Lisa happily asks for a sandwich and a banana smoothie, –as if the last conversation has never happened– but quickly rectifies and changes for a big portion of the chocolate cake instead of the sandwich. The waitress, Marge by what the badge on her blouse, agrees with the blonde and sings praises about how good it is. Then, her attention goes to Dan, asking him sweetly what he would like to order.
The boy, who has never liked being the center of attention, turns bright red again. Shyly, he orders a cappuccino and one of their famous big chocolate cookies, all the while his eyes are zooming on the table instead of her.
When she turns to her, Grace feels as if she has been punched on the stomach.
The waitress aura, white and bright as any other, is twinkling and shaking from pure anxiety.
“What about you, sweetheart?” The old lady asks kindly, her face completely composed despite what her aura said of her.
The contrast between her aura and her facial expression is starting to freak Grace out. Nevertheless, she tries to focus on the present, on what she is feeling, on where she is and, more importantly, on what she wants to fucking eat. Which is really obvious if you know her, by the pointed looks of Lisa and Dan.
“I want a yogurt and banana smoothie, please.”
Marge hums.
“Be right back, then.”
Then, Lisa quickly starts rambling about what they should do on the weekend, something about the opening of a new club in town, but the raven-haired girl can’t pay enough attention to the get on the conversation. Marge’s soul is making it hard for her to concentrate; she even starts rubbing her hands together instinctively as if to distract herself.
She says fuck it and turns around.
The old waitress looks as composed as before, preparing their orders with the help of another girl while looking at the tv. But if Grace focuses hard enough, she can clearly depict Marge’s aura still shaking and twinkling, perhaps even more so than before. Despite training hard to control it, Grace still sometimes is unintentionally receptive to other people’s feelings –almost like an antenna would, she can perceive them and even go as far as toying with them.
This woman is anxious and worried, and Grace doesn’t even know how she isn’t shaking physically.
And Grace, being the sympathetic girl that she is, can’t help but take pity on the poor woman and break her own rules.
She extends her hand, scanning before that no one is paying her any attention, and then lowers it slowly.
Marge’s aura calms at the same time that her hand motion stops, and it no longer twinkles.
Though the lights in the room go crazy for a few seconds.
Grace has to thank whatever God exists, or even the Cosmos, that small tasks such as this one  don’t make her hands or her whole self glow with the usual green-bluish energy.
She still remembers the hilarious comment that once a crewmember of the Serbian Mafia made when he saw her appear out of nowhere, floating in the sky, just minutes before she brought hell upon them. Her, attired in her tight black suit and black domino mask, surrounded by bright green-bluish energy floating in the black sky while defying gravity.
And instead of running away, hide or even shot at her, he placed his hands on his hips and said out loud impressed:
“What the fuck? She looks like Goku Super Saiyajin!”
Grace can’t hold now the giggle that escapes her lips.
“What the hell?” Lisa’s voice brings her back to the present, and to the diner.
The raven-haired girl turns around and looks at her friends, smiling as if nothing had just happened, while blinking innocently.
“Sorry, you were saying?”
[ –    –    – ]
The pencil runs all over her sketchpad, quietly humming along to Stevie Wonder’s Superstition while drawing the sun setting between the skyscrapers. It looks spectacular from her high-ceiling windows. Grace’s weird obsession –despite her psychologist telling time and time again to her that it isn’t exactly a bad thing– of drawing beautiful things, or anything she believes is beautiful to her own standards, has made her sit down and try to make it justice.
Despite having to get ready for a night out with Lisa.
“Just fifteen minutes more and you will get ready.” She sets an alarm, just as Dr. Carson had advised her to do, and keeps drawing happily.
The oranges, in light and deep tones, together with the goldens of the sun setting almost make her forget about any advice, psychologist and nightclub.
And so she keeps going, her sketch pencil running through the page.
She has always felt privileged for owning an apartment in Gotham Village, where only the rich dwelled and played, with amazing views and almost non-existent criminality –which is surprising to say the least in this damned city–. It is the place where she could find herself being happy or at least, try to be normal.
But she misses going out and doing her thing as she did back in Europe.
Grace sighs, chewing on her already-chewed sketch pencil and stops drawing, hugging her legs to her chest.
When she had moved to Gotham almost a year ago, she had wanted to set aside her “dangerous hobby” and live a normal life. Like Lisa or Dan did.
After what had happened to her six years ago, she had used her family’s connections and pulled some strings so she could go and study in a European country. Away from Central Park and New York. There in Berlin, Grace had trained with an Israeli private trainer, Isaac, in Krav Maga until achieving a black belt and her expert five patch. Initially, she had started with just wanting to know the basics, a bit for self-defense and that’s it. Until one day, on a Friday night while she was watching The News, she saw another rapist just get five to ten years in jail and a pat on his shoulder. It had made her so furious that all the windows on her apartment exploded. Moreover, it was in that exact moment, while floating in the middle of her room with her whole being surrounded by the weird bright green-bluish energy and feeling full of rage, that she knew she could try and make a difference, for those who had power were clearly not doing anything.
The next day, after paying the window installer for she had no windows after last night’s debacle, she had asked Isaac about what he would wear, hypothetically of course, if he went to a fucking battle. At first, her trainer had answered that his military uniform but then he had rambled on and on about how a suit of Kevlar thread paired with a good armor would be the best choice if he could afford it.
So Grace, after debating all day whether to do it or not, had called her father that same night and had asked him to find someone who could build it for her.
Matthew Henderson had asked many questions, but she had just told him that in due time she would tell him. Just not now.
He had refused and straight-up hang up.
Later that same night, wide awake and after seriously considering to just wing it and buy a superhero costume from a cosplay online shop, her father had miraculously called again and accepted.
She really was his spoiled little girl.
Grace had flown to New York, the city that she now loathed with a passion, and had her measures taken. The guy who created it made the suit so it fit her like a glove – the downside to that? she had to be careful with what she ate.– It was tight, full-body and with high heeled boots to make her seem taller –after all, she couldn’t go around looking like a gremlin while also fitting crime. A pair of matching black gloves and a domino mask were also made.
After that, before putting the suit, she had not only trained to be the best at Krav Maga but also had learned a few other things –fighting with knives and how to use a gun properly, yet she still preferred to this day using her powers and Krav Maga–. A year and a half later, she had made her debut on Berlin’s streets.
In those years, she had killed many rapists, abusers and pedophiles. Delivered a few petty thieves and robbers to the nearest police station like Santa Claus would do on Christmas Eve, even going as far as tying them up and sticking a note on their foreheads explaining what they had done wrong. She really had been a good samaritan. A few encounters here and there with the Serbian Mafia and the Triad too.
Moreover, she might have done some petty thievery here and there, just to add a bit of spice to her life, but mainly she had been a good girl.
And fuck, she misses doing those things.
It was fun.
A bit dangerous, yes, but fun.
When you have powers beyond your imagination and are able to do some good, why would you step back and live a normal boring life?, she tries to reason with herself every night.
Yet back then in one of her many Skype sessions with Lisa, her childhood best friend, she had realized how empty and alone she had been feeling.
She had superpowers, at 23 she had her damn degree and had been studying to further her education even more, had also a lovely apartment, and yet she felt more lonely than ever.
And loneliness is a dangerous thing.
So, when she had told her good old friend, while omitting a certain hobby she had, of how she was feeling, the blonde had just replied with:
“Come to Gotham! We could live together and the city is fun. Trust me, you will never get bored here.”
Grace chuckles when remembering that. In the next twenty-four hours, she had packed her things, had said goodbye to her colleagues from University, and then hopped on a plane.
She has to give it to Lisa, Gotham city is everything but boring.
Gotham honors its name with its gloomy atmosphere, high buildings and horrible weather. The city is probably Tim Burton’s wet dream. You can find gargoyles in many of the buildings façades, many nights the city is covered in a thick fog, it has an Asylum for the worst of the worst with a high rate of escapees, an absurdly high rate in criminality and many bat-related vigilantes coming out at night to play.
Oh, and the many deranged individuals that play around Gotham like it is a child's’ dream playground.
Lisa had filled her in during those six years on her weekly Skype sessions about those individuals and so she knew most of them before she had placed a foot on the city. Gotham City has the Joker, currently-for-who-knows-how-long-because-he-always-escapes locked in Arkham Asylum, a psychopathic clown who had a weird obsession and ongoing feud with Batman; Two-Face, a half-burned crime lord obsessed with duality and the number two; the Penguin, another crime lord who looked like his namesakes and wore a monocle and umbrella; Poison Ivy, a stunning woman (Lisa said so, her gayness clearly showing here) who was an eco-terrorist and could control nature; and the list could go on and on for ages to no end.
So, her current life in Gotham is never dull or boring. She is working on a renowned and bohemian art gallery in the city, has an amazing apartment –she had tried living with Lisa but they had almost ended fistfighting with each other over a jar of marmalade–, can meet her best friends every day if she wanted, and is continuing her studies at the local University.
But she would be lying if she said she doesn’t miss going out and doing her thing.
Even drawing and painting, the thing that had always distracted her from suiting up and going out, was starting to not divert her attention as it normally would.
Her alarm starts going off.
“I really don’t want to go out.” she sighs loudly, as if someone would pat her on the shoulder and tell her not to go. “I hate partying and crowded places.”
Grace chews her already-very-chewed sketch pencil while walking all the way to her wardrobe.
She has to get ready or Lisa will probably scream her ear off for making her wait.
Though she is always late.
[ –    –    – ]
Grace, setting aside her ex-extracurricular activities, has always hated going out and now she remembers clearly why she does.
The night would always begin as good as it could possibly be. Lisa and her looking bomb would march to a nightclub, then the club would be buzzing with activity and music, they would have a few drinks and perhaps even dance a bit if the music was any good.
Then Lisa would start flirting with any of the cute waitresses and end up, don’t ask her how, with their tongue almost reaching her throat.
Lisa visibly looked like a terrible kisser, she always reminded Grace of a lifeguard doing mouth-to-mouth, and so she never understood why would the women always end up going God-knows-where to probably fuck.
And so then she would end up all alone, surrounded by sweaty bodies while going deaf by the loud music, and nursing a drink.
Tonight is no different from the usual, but she is tired. Her head hurts from overthinking too much all day long and the high heels are killing her.
Grace decides it is time to call it a day and head back home.
She quickly sends a message to Lisa, who is probably very busy with the cute blonde-haired waitress, and stands up from her barstool.
Hey girl, hope you are having fun with the redhead girl wherever you are.
As you left me alone, as usual (don’t fret, i’m used to it lmao) I have decided to stop being a pathetic human being and go home.
Call me tomorrow, but don’t even think of giving me any details. I don’t care about your sexual life.
Bye, bitch. xx
PD: text me when you GO home and when you GET home, it isn’t safe out there.
The raven-haired sighs.
She has to hit the bathroom before calling her uber though.
Too many drinks.
[ –    –    – ]
♡ Here, in this fancy shithole, Lucy Ross lost her virginity ♡
Grace sniggers, the situation completely reminding her of some of the type of things she had seen written back then on her high school’s cubicles’ walls.
She sighs happily while finally peeing.
Suddenly, the screams of a high pitched voice and the sound of glass shattering continually almost makes her fall off the toilet.
“Fuck! Fuck!”
She grabs some toilet paper and when she is finished cleaning herself, she pulls her panties up as quickly as possible. Grace holds her breath. It is one person, a female by the sound of the colorful series of profanities she is screaming, and Grace doesn’t need to check her aura to know how angry she is.
Though just in case, she takes a peek.
She focuses on her own aura, then changes her focus towards the other one in the bathroom, even going as far as closing her eyes to discern it much better –without stepping out and risking getting hurt.
It is shining as bright as the sun, but trembling and roaring with despair and sadness. The fact that the poor female isn’t angry surprises her.
Grace takes a deep breath, preparing herself for whatever she is going to face after stepping out of the enclosed and safe space where she is.
When she opens the door, almost scared of what she might see after reading the aura, the sight of a blonde woman headbutting the bathroom’s big mirror isn’t at all what she had expected.
The girl doesn’t even pay her any attention, clearly busy trying to crack her skull open, and so she keeps doing it, even adding some punches to the mix.
Grace can’t let her hurt herself this way.
“Hey, hey, hey!” She has to stop her before she kills herself, or gives herself a concussion if she is lucky enough. “Stop! Stop!”
Grace grabs the blonde by the waist, as if trying to separate her from the mirror, and pulls her against herself.
Next thing she knows, the blonde answers her with a chokehold and then sends her flying over her shoulder without breaking a sweat.
Her body collapses against the same toilet she had been peeing seconds ago, tearing the door from its fringes in the process. However, because her pain tolerance is higher than normal, Grace just grunts and answers right back.
The raven-haired extends her hand, a bright green-bluish glowing around it, and makes a motion towards the sinks. Now the blonde girl is the one being sent flying but this time towards the mirror she had been shattering just before and the sinks.
Grace stands up, her back killing her even more than usual, and approaches the blonde sitting with her back against the shattered mirror.
Weirdly enough, the girl instead of being knocked out is looking at her as if she is Jesus Incarnated. There is wonder all over her face.
“You are so paying for the damages.” the raven-haired quickly points out but then stops herself.
She can’t help but examine her for serious injuries. After all, she had been head-butting the mirror three seconds ago and then sent flying to it –on self-defense though–. But despite all the blood that is running down her forehead, she seems more than fine. Happy even, just gazing at her.
“What the hell?” she can’t help but voice her thoughts out loud.
The raven-haired almost falls backwards when the girl —who is clearly not right in the head— jumps to hug her tightly, mumbling “yes” nonstop while jumping up and down like an excited child.
The blonde girl pulls back, black eyeshadow and glitter smeared around her big blue eyes, and her black-painted lips start smiling almost manically.
“You! You!”
Grace blinks several times, completely lost for words. Then she sighs, trying to get back to the present time.
“Are you out of your mind?” she asks her, completely serious.
“No, I’m Harley Quinn and you...” the blonde points at her, smiling cheekily. “You are my new best friend.”
The raven-haired girl can still hear Lisa, in one of their many Skype sessions, telling her snippets of information here and there about Harley Quinn.
“She is definitely insane. For a long time, she was the partner in crime of Joker and dated that nutter. Girl… the things she has done are something else. Anyways, then she left him and joined a girl band… No, kidding. But Catwoman, Poison Ivy and her did start hanging out and creating some mayhem.”
Again, Grace doesn’t know what to say.
“Let’s go have a drink!”Harley links one of her pale arms with hers, then starts dragging her out of the bathroom.
[ –    –    –  ]
They both sit on a VIP booth with an exceptional view of the dance floor and enough privacy to plot the murder of the current President. The loud music is now faint and low. At the glass low table, there is a big metal ice bucket with two expensive-looking champagne bottles and two glass flutes nearby.
Harley is sitting on the other side of the table, her maniacal smile still on and with her legs crossed, while Grace sits on the other side in the U velvety couch.
She scans her, now fully seeing her for who she is.
Her hair is up in a messy bun, which is dyed in blue and pink, lipstick smeared from probably drinking too much and her clothes are as eccentric-looking as the wearer is. She is wearing what seems like a dog collar, a very sparkling sequin red crop top matching with a penguin sequin dark jacket, striped high-waisted dark pants, and red neon high-heeled boots.
“Interesting choice of clothes.” she can’t help but say, then nods to her neck. “Nice collar, too.”
Harley smiles, almost childlike.
“Bud and Lou hate wearing it, so I decided to put their dog tags on one and wear it to honor them. Cool, right?”
Grace raises an eyebrow.
“Bud and Lou are…?
The blonde laughs loudly, a hand going to her flat stomach.
“My hyenas, silly!”
Then gets serious, so suddenly that Grace almost jumps from such a radical change of demeanor, and picks up one of the champagne bottle on the ice bucket.
“Sounds cool.”
It is all she can say.
But Harley doesn’t pay her any attention, furiously shaking the bottle up and down until it pops. She laughs fascinated by it, then pours some on both flutes and gives her one.
“Anyways!” she cries out loudly, then sips a bit of the champagne while staring at her, doe-eyed. “I kinda need your help.”
Grace takes a sip too.
“My help?” The raven-haired gets comfortable on the couch, a bit curious about the whole thing. After all, it isn’t every day you have a conversation with the infamous Harley Quinn. “You have just met me, Quinn.”
Harley opens her mouth – almost fish-like–, but Grace points a finger, interrupting her.
“Also, you are paying for the damn damages of the bathroom!”
The blonde enthusiastically nods, even going as far as to salute her military-style, all while smiling cutely.
Grace can’t help but smile back.
Harley Quinn is a very cute girl.
“So, will ya help me?”
She blinks a few times.
“With what?”
“Well, you see… it’s a long story.” Harley says, dragging the long while saying it. Then, she takes another loud sip of her flute. “When Mista J an’ I broke up for the hundred’ time, I decided it was time to emancipate myself! I started hanging out more with my besties, adopted many cute pets, hooked up with hot-billionaire Bruce Wayne once  an’ even changed ma’ hair.”
Grace raises a thick brow, surprise all over her face.
“You hooked up with Bruce Wayne? The Bruce Wayne?”
Harley shakes her hands nonchalantly.
“Just kissed an’ groped his ass. Very tight and firm!”
Grace laughs at that and Harley joins her.
“Anyways, anyways. My friend Selina had just recently gotten a heart surgery an’ Red an’ I were helping her out on some things, then decided to live together. We had so much fun together! So, so, so much! We ran Gotham, the boys couldn’t keep up! And… Pammy an’ I… we fell in love.”
The blonde sighed happily, blowing raspberries into her glass flute.
“Pammy is Poison Ivy, right?”
Harley nods with a happy smile, but her face quickly contorts in one full of hatred and disgust.
“But Batnight ruined everything!”
The dark-haired girl scratches her temple, trying to remember the names of all the vigilantes of Gotham City, but she can’t remember anyone called Batnight.
“I don’t… I don’t recall any Batnight?” Grace chews her bottom lip, completely lost. “Is he new in town or…?
Harley shakes her head effusively, a clear no, while moving closer so her butt is now placed on the verge of the couch.
“He has sticks!” the blonde points out as if to help her distinguish who the vigilante is.
Grace takes that into consideration.
“Batnight… Batnight… Bat… Night… Night?.” Grace mumbles out loud while Harley nods along to what she is saying. “Nightwing!”
“That’s what I said!”
Grace opens her mouth to correct her, then closes it. She thought Nightwing now patrolled on Blüdhaven instead of Gotham City. Then, she opens her mouth again to ask about it but decides on not doing, Harley’s tale is already making her head hurt a bit. There is no need to enlarge the story even more.
“Red was helping her plants, ya’ know. Doing some good for nature, an’ the Batnight took her down!” Harley places her flute on the table with ferocity, making it shatter. Nevertheless, she is still looking at her with shiny eyes. “Now, Red is at GCPD Lockup, an’ in a week will be taken to the Asylum! Unjustly!”
The blonde starts to sob desperately, putting her hands to her face so it is hidden from her, and Grace sighs silently. While she stands up and approaches her, she checks her aura.
It is shinning and twinkling furiously, Grace can feel the sadness and sorrow the woman is feeling.
She is not lying.
Grace sits beside her and pats her back slowly.
With a kind smile, she asks her: “And because of what I did in the bathroom, you want me to help you?”
Grace is really an empathic girl, she can’t help it.
Harley drops her hands to her lap and looks at her, her eyeshadow and glittery mascara even more messed up than before. Then, almost shyly, nods.
“I… I have…. “ the woman hiccups while her pale fist starts rubbing her left eye. “I have a plan. It is good! But I need me some explosives to cause a distraction, so I can bail out my Pammy. Normally I would do it myself, I was going to… ‘til I saw ya’ earlier in the bathroom!”
The raven-haired girl laughs softly, then cheekily pinches Harley’s right cheek.
“Alright. Girl, I do have superpowers.” Harley nods along to that. “And I can make things go Boom, but where the heck do I get explosives, huh?”
The blonde grabs Grace’s hands with her bleached ones, turns on the coach to sit cross-legged on it and squeezes her hands tightly. She is smiling a bit more now which makes Grace a bit happy.
She likes seeing people smile.
“Blubberpot probably has some, but we ain’t good friends, ya’ know? So he won’t give it to me.”
“Blubber… pot?”
Harley nods.
“Penguin! Small with a pointy nose? Like a toucan?” she makes a gesture of a nose going large until touching her lap with her hand.
Grace realizes she means Cobblepot, Oswald Cobblepot; and nods.
“But I earlier heard some birds talking about Black Mask, it seems he had a new shipment of LX-14, CL-20 an’ TNT to one of his warehouses here in Gotham. ” Harley whispers conspiratorially, puckering her mouth like a duck,  though they are alone in the VIP area.
The dark-haired hums, running Harley’s plan through her mind.
“And you want me to smuggle them up, right?”
Harley nods, then subsequently adds: “Selina is busy with don’t-fucking-know-what and I would ask Zatanna but I heard she was busy! So, please?”
Grace sighs.
“You could go there, make the explosives disappear an’ make them appear in my house!”
“Girl, that’s not how my powers work. To open a portal and then move them to your house, I would need to first have set a foot on the place. I can’t just teleport myself to somewhere I haven’t been to before.” Grace takes her hands off Harley’s hold and crosses her arms while explaining this to the blonde girl. “Also, do you even know which warehouse it is? Last I heard from Black Mask, he has many.”
Harley jumps from her seat and starts searching through her pants pockets, nodding to what Grace said while taking out whatever she finds inside and placing it on the small table. A lipstick, some keys with a key-chain of a circus hammer, a small pocket-knife, another pocket-knife but with a blue handle,  some sort of ring –which curiously looks like the pin of a hand grenade, but Grace will turn a blind eye on that –, and finally a crumpled piece of paper.
The blonde gives it to her, smiling happily.
“I wrote it down, ‘cause I’m a smart girl. I got a Ph.D., ya’ know?”
Grace reads the direction written in messy handwriting and chuckles at the smiley face doodled underneath it.
“I will help you out on one condition.” She points a finger to the blonde’s face. “No killing any policemen. Got it?”
Harley nods enthusiastically.
“Then I will help you.”
The blonde lets a loud scream and throws herself to Grace’s arms, ecstatically jumping up and down as she did an hour ago on the nightclub’s bathroom. She is thanking her again and again, tears running down her face and falling to Grace’s naked arms. The dark-haired girl pats her in the back, chuckling lightly, and then hugs her back.
A few seconds later, but still as happy and ecstatic as before, Harley pulls back and places each of her hands on Grace’s cheeks.
“Let’s go have a sleepover at mines!”
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Steven Universe Future 02 - Guidance
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With that title, it could be the continuation of last episode's "plot". The new gem seemed to get her bearings by the end but more guidance wouldn't haven been out of place.
I just googled the word "guidance" and it has the following definition: "advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, especially as given by someone in authority." So, maybe it'll be about Steven shouldering even more problems, being the one who everyone looks for to for guidance. Or maybe he'll try to ask the diamonds for advice and fail?
I don't know so let's do this!
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This show already needs more Peridot.
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Guiding a blindfolded Steven is an extremely literal title drop.
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There was a bit of this last episode, with Amethyst loving being a teacher, but she saying she's proud without an ounce of sarcasm is probably the biggest example of how much she's grown.
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This is really cool! I'm a tiny bit worried about the gems getting paid (even if they don't necessarily need money) but I figure Amethyst already thought about that.
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The second of silence here really sells the joke.
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Weren't they already her bodyguards in the movie? Or maybe I'm remembering the opening. They really fit her dignified image though.
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oooh, confirmation that she is Biggs
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Can't believe Biggs found a job liquefying humans for Funland's new protein smoothies.
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Okay, finally, she is Crazy Lace. I wondered if her coloring was result of the corruption but with that name maybe she's always looked like that.
I'm really glad the gems seem to be integrating well. I'm curious about things like ... is any gem in charge of human workers? Are they all doing unskilled labor? Are they getting paid? But, I need to remember this is not the kind of show that would have those answers.
Steven Universe was never too interested in exploring the societal impact of the Crystal Gems being on Earth or how everything worked in Homeworld, so I doubt SUF is going to go too deep and I almost hope it doesn't. The more they explore this aspect, the harder to avoid comparisons to real life refugee and immigration issues.
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I have been playing too much Animal Crossing because those three in the back really look like villagers.
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I really hope that the plot won't be Steven doubting Amethyst plans because she didn't ask him first. He is looking more and more worried but fingers crossed.
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I love her... bun?
Also, poor Andy is wishing he had never come back to Beach City.
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yessss, she is little larimar
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I mean, Amethyst is right. They chose to do the same, and they have the freedom to do something else in their free time. They can quit! They are happy! It's important to "deprogram" them but that doesn't mean they can't do what they usually did in the past if that's what they really want.
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I guess this ties with Steven's "revelation" last episode about how you never end learning about yourself. But I don't know, pushing the gems to do things out of their comfort zone is not a bad idea but I'm not sure it can be done lightly. They are already out of their comfort zone by living and working with humans, on earth, without the Diamonds. How much more do they want to push them?
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I was thinking he'd ask them to do some origami, maybe inflate some ballons... but nope, he's throwing them in the deep end.
Steven was usually in the right (with some exceptions) when this type of plot appeared in SU, is SUF doing the opposite? Maybe help him learn to trust everyone can do their own thing?
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Yeah, rip Andy.
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Love Amethyst just glaring Steven to death without saying anything.
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oh no, she's going to optimize for maximum scream performance
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I knew I was going to love her when I saw her in the opening, and I wasn't wrong.
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and she keeps getting better
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The fact that he's being 100% genuine is the only thing that saves him from being horribly condescending.
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But he is steamrolling over all her objections. Steven is reminding me of an overbearing parent, unable to let their children do their own thing.
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This is the best thing I have seen today.
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This episode is really not interested at all in being subtle about what's going on with Steven.
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oh my god why
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I was expecting something closer to "the truth is in the middle" not this
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"I have been waiting for you, Mr. Bond"
It's petty but it's such a great feeling when everything goes wrong and you get to say "I told you so."
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That was fast, there's still half the episode left. Hopefully they'll dive a bit more into Steven's reasons instead of just leaving it here.
I took an screenshot of Amethyst because her emphasis of "gems" in that sentence was interesting. It made me realize that beyond Steven's own deal, this also works as an example of the white savior complex. Not 100% because well, that requires more context that SUF will ever give us, but it's a valid reading.
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I can't believe they lasted this long. Poor Andy, born in SU's most unnecessarily long episode just to die in a cameo.
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First: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, SUF's first fusion!
Second: This entire argument could have easily caused a rift in their relationship since it was Steven doubting Amethyst abilities which, well, hits a lot of her weaknesses so I love that they talked, Steven apologized and immediately fused after. Their relationship is really strong after all these years.
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Best joke so far. Wow, that made me laugh really hard.
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Smoky has been busy these past few years, that's pretty advanced yoyo-ing.
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She may have learned new tricks but she's still Smoky, hiding her anxiety under jokes.
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Stop lying to yourself, Larimar. Enjoy them. Enjoy the screams.
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Whoa, whoa. I didn't expect the pinkness to come back so soon.
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Wow, the pinkness it's a lot more interesting than I expected. I thought it was just a simple power-up, maybe Steven's gem giving him more physical strength but no more than that. Here it responded specifically to Smoky's desire to have more time. This opens up a world of possibilities for what it could in the future. What are its limits? What does it mean for Steven? Are all Diamonds that powerful?
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And it vanished the second Smoky said "time" again. Interestinger and interestinger.
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Incredibly powerful life lesson from Steven Universe Future.
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She could have told this to Steven earlier but I kinda doubt he would have listened.
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Now Steven needs to figure out what to do now that neither the world or his friends need saving.
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The movie really was just a prologue for this season, huh? Steven spent SU learning that he wasn't his mom, he was just Steven. Then the movie taught him that he couldn't stop there. And now SUF seems to be about Steven learning how to deal with that, because everyone is moving on except him.
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I was getting a bit teary-eyed after their convo and where Steven's thoughts seemed to be going but wow, Larimar is amazing.
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I think I like this episode more than the last, it really sold me on Steven's struggles in figuring out what it means to be Steven when his friends are taking the weight off his shoulders. I don't like armchair diagnosing, especially when cartoon characters never end up confirming it one way or the other, but during this entire episode Steven's behavior screamed co-dependency. That's one more point for "Steven really needs therapy."
Amethyst was so well-adjusted this episode that I don't have a lot to say other than I'm happy for her after everything she went through in the show, and I love how her relationship with Steven has evolved.
I think that's all for now so until next time!
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maximows · 5 years
Against the Odds - Chapter VII
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Love you, Wifey,
Warnings: pure smut (right at the end), lil’ ass play, fluff, alcohol, drinking, honestly the smut scene it like two pages long
After 3 hours in the make-up chair, I was 100% positive my hair was going to fall out within the next week. Since I was blonde now, I had agreed to have it dyed to Wanda’s hair colour instead of using a wig. We were filming mostly in Atlanta and it’s May, so I just didn’t want another layer of silicone on me. Instead, I had to go through hair-dying two times, because they didn’t get to colour right the first time.
Dodger was sleeping on the couch in the corner of my trailer with a fan running directly on him, like a true diva. Chris has been shooting since early in the morning and he was already gone when I woke up, so the dog spent pretty much all the time with me.
I haven’t been feeling very well for the last few days. It was my first shooting day, but I came here with Chris a couple of days ago, because he started shooting earlier and I had some screen tests. I’ve been having some mild headaches during the day, which could turn into nearly unbearable ones in the evening. I’ve also been experiencing some sickness and was barely able to keep anything down, unless it was something very light.
They didn’t want to blow-dry my hair, because it makes it fuzzy, so I got to have a lunch break. Dodger followed me out and we went to Downey’s trailer. Robert had invited me for lunch earlier and I couldn’t say no, because he always has the nicest food on set and it doesn’t make me sick as much.
“Oh, hello, my brown-haired beauty!” he exclaimed when I was nearing his village. “I thought you’d never come.”
I approached him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m sorry, Rob. They messed up my hair and had to do it all over again.”
“It’s fine, nobody shows up on time anyway,” he said and laid out a water bowl for Dodger. Dodger is now the official set pet. “Help yourself, honey. We have everything you like.”
I grabbed a chicken salad and sat at the table with Robert. “Who’s coming today?” I asked, stuffing the delicious food into my mouth.
“Well, Mackie should be here soon, Evans and Scarlett when they finish their scenes, Emily, as in VanCamp,” he saw my face, when he mentioned the last person. “I know you don’t love her, but...”
“It’s not that I don’t love her, I just don’t like being around people who say that I stole their role, because I slept with someone.” I said and took a sip of my smoothie.
“You’ve gotten feistier since I last saw you.” Rob chucked. “Is everything alright?”
I scratched Dodger’s head and sighed. “You’re not only our main feeder, but also a therapist,” I smiled. “Chris and I are having a bit of a rough time, I think. We, um, we bought that house together, then went on the Age of Ultron press tour together, now we’re filming this and we also agreed to do another movie together... It just started to seem like we are just trapped together. Well, he says that.”
“How is that a problem? Evans can’t stop talking about you when you’re not around and suddenly he feels like he’s in a trap?” Rob asked. “Honestly, I’ve known the guy for a few years now and you’re his longest relationship, so maybe it’s just his odd way of getting used to commitment or something.”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I try not to think about it, to be honest. He was talking about engagement like 3 months ago, so I figured it’s not commitment he’s uncomfortable with. Anyway, he’s been taking care of me now that I’m sick.”
“Give him a break, love. He’s a Gemini.” Robert nodded and turned around to see Anthony walk in, still wearing his suit. 
“I hate this city, I hate this city,” he kept repeating under his breath. “Do ya’ll have any ice I can eat?” He sat back on a chair and sighed loudly.
“Have any one of you had any scenes today?” he asked. “Because it’s fucking hot out in the sun and I wouldn’t let my worst enemy work in that heat.”
While Mackie was complaining, Emily joined us and sat on the other side of the table. Our relations have been very, very tense, since I found out what he has been talking about me. She was stupid enough to spread those things amongst people who knew me.
So. I oncereceived a text from Aaron. “I didn’t know you were already dating Chris at that party at his place in February”
It was just a casual text, he basically wanted to express his shock, when he found out we were appearently already a couple at that time.
“We weren’t. We met that night. Who told you that?” I replied.
“Emily VanCamp is working on a movie with Sam and she told her, and I quote ‘I actually almost got to work on a movie with your husband too, but Emilia Dawson started to magically date Chris Evans right when the auditions started and suddenly I lost the job.’”
What a fucking bitch, I thought. To be honest, I had no idea she auditioned for my role. I got an invitation to audition, but the process was incredibly fast and I figured they considered me to be the only candidate.
“Looks like she’s just mad I got “her" role. I hope she hasn’t been spreading those rumours around too much.”
That’s why we are not on speaking terms, but that’s alright, because her contract expires after Civil War. I’ve never been mean to anyone on set and, to be honest, I’m not mean towards her either, I just don’t speak to her. Chris was trying to talk me into solving this issue with her, but that’s not my thing to do. She should’ve just shut her mouth and thought this through.
I felt my headache kick in again, so I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. “I really hate this city.” I mumbled.
“Hey, maybe you want me to get you to an air-conditioned room?” Anthony asked. “I mean, the heat must be just making it much worse.”
“No, I’m fine. I just didn’t have to time to adjust here It’s probably just a late jet lag. I’ve never reacted well to heat.” I explained. “I already filmed one scene with Scarlett and I only have a few more takes to do today.”
Both Anthony and Robert sighed. “You’re just too stubborn.”
Because of the temperature, my hair dried out quickly, so the make-up team notified Joe and Anthony that I’m ready to work. They put me into a jacket and leather pants, which didn’t help my condition. I left Dodger with Robert, even though he didn’t really want to stay there without me. Probably because he was getting bad vibes from Emily.
Chris was waiting for me on the set. He had been doing some shots with Mackie, who was supposed to join us soon.
“Hi,” Chris wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m alright,” I lied. “I’ll probably get used to the temperature in a few days and I’ll be completely fine.” I explained, pulling away from him.
“Em, you got up in the middle of the night to throw up and were covered in cold sweat when I woke up today,” he whispered. “I’m not saying it’s something serious, but you’re obviously not comfortable…”
I rolled my eyes at him and watched Joe walk up to us for instructions. We were supposed to do a few simple sequences of Wanda and Steve fighting together against Crossbones. I mainly had to do gestures with my hands and fingers, so it wasn’t very tiring. Sometimes I had to do some running and that was all. Chris kept checking on me, making sure I’m not about to faint. I wasn’t. We had a few retakes, but I was as fine as I could possibly be.
At some point, I had to wait for my turn to show up at the end of Steve and Crossbones’ fight. At first, I had to contain energy from a made up explosion with Chris and Frank in the shot. Then they left and I had a few single takes. I had been practicing my choreography a lot and my headache was helping a lot with showing actual struggle on my face.
“Okay, cut!” Anthony yelled and I felt my legs turn into jelly. I started to feel a little bit dizzy and weak. I fell down and that was the last thing I remembered.
I regained my consciousness feeling very cold air around my body. I still had a knot in my stomach and felt I could throw up any minute, but at least my head wasn’t exploding anymore. I was laying on a bed with something under my legs to keep them up.
I felt someone’s hand on my bare calf, one finger brushing over my skin. I opened my eyes slowly to see Chris sitting right next to me, doing something on his phone. There were I’ve bags around my head and stomach and I was only wearing my underwear.
“Chris?” I mumbled and he reacted instantly and came to my side along with a paramedic.
“Dawson, I’m going to kill you for ignoring your health later.” He said and I could hear concern in his voice and saw it on his face.
“Ms. Dawson, we figured it’s be better for you to rest in our medical area rather than transfer you to the hospital right away. We have some tests to run and we’ll probably hook you up to IV, but I do need to ask some questions.” The paramedic said, taking out a form.
I tried to lift myself up on my elbows, but they stopped me. “I wouldn’t do that, you’re still very weak, Miss.” She said, trying to hold me down on the bed.
She asked me a few questions about my allergies, medical history and symptoms. “How long have you been feeling unwell?”
“About 3 or 4 days probably.” I answered. “But I get a few days of headaches every year when it starts to get hot, it’s normal for me.”
“She also has been throwing up.” Chris interrupted. The woman glared at him, because he probably wasn’t supposed to get involved.
“Is that true, Ms. Dawson?” she asked me.
“Yes,” I nodded. “It happens during the night or in the morning.”
She raised her eyebrow and moved her gaze from me to Chris and to me again. “Are you on any kind of birth control?”
“Yes, I’m on pills.” I said, looking at Chris who seemed to be looking at the wall above me, because of the topic we were stepping into.
She reached to her bag and took out a pregnancy test. Why does she even have those? How often do actresses find out they’re pregnant on set?
“I need to be sure you’re not pregnant, if I’m going to put you on IV or other medication,” she explained. “Drink some water now, wait 30 minutes and then take the test.”
She left the room, leaving Chris and I silently staring at the box. He finally moved and brought me a glass of water. “It’s not possible, is it?” he asked quietly. I knew it wasn’t possible. I knew I wasn’t pregnant. I took my pills every day, 11 o’clock on the dot.
“I barely eat or drink during the day, so when I have a snack in the evening…”
“You what?” he raised his voice. “Emilia, I carried you here and I realised that you lost weight, but I didn’t know you haven’t been eating. I assumed it was because you couldn’t keep anything down.”
“Well, I couldn’t keep anything down, so I only are maybe one meal a day,” I explained. “And I know it sounds fucking stupid, but…”
“No buts!” Chris snapped “I know we haven’t been talking much lately, but I can’t believe you had to lose consciousness for almost an hour to realise that you might need a doctor. I thought that, if you never said anything maybe it wasn’t that bad.”
I sat up slowly and reached out for Chris’ hand. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “We’ve been busy here and I genuinely thought it was just heat and some bad food combined.”
He looked down at me and pulled me against him. “Don’t ever do that again, alright?” he whispered against my head. “Em, I was so scared when you collapsed. This last hour…”
“I’m better now.” I said. “I’ll take the test and she’ll give me some meds. Tomorrow we start filming indoors, so I’ll be ok.”
Chris’ eyes wandered off to look at the test. “About the test…”
“Chris, I’m not pregnant.” I stated quickly, making sure he doesn’t get his hopes up.
He chuckled. “I know, I’m not going to bring up kids until you say you’re ready.” He clarified. “I just meant to ask if it was even possible, because the morning sicknesses checked out.”
We waited a little bit more and I went to the bathroom to take the test. I set it on the sink and went back to Chris, who was texting again. “I called your mom, by the way.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I sighed. “I’m surprised she hasn’t called me yet.”
“Well, your phone’s not here, so I’ll just text her that everything’s alright and you’ll call her later.” Chris said. “By the way, I was supposed to yell at you for ignoring your health issues.”
“I get it, I’m stupid.” I snuggled into his side. “Why haven’t you been talking to me, Chris?”
Chris sighed and, even though I couldn’t see his face, I knew his mouth was slightly open and he was thinking of things to say. “You know how we signed up for over a year of working together, right?” he started and I nodded. “Well, I always thought that people in a relationship should, you know, have their own things and I thought that we would get tired of each other while living and working together.”
Looking at the fact, that not so long ago he was talking about engagement, I was really surprised by what he was worried about. “Chris, how far have you gone with your previous girlfriends? Because, if moving in together is overwhelming for you, then I can’t imagine what a wedding would feel like.”
Luckily for Chris, the paramedic came back with a doctor and he didn’t have to respond right now. They checked the test, and because it came out negative, they put me on IV for a while. It turned out that I was dehydrated (not surprising) and suffered from a light heat stroke and had a food poisoning.
I got some meds to help tone down my symptoms and then I was released. Chris and I drove back to our rented house. He then left to walk Dodger out and I sat on the sofa and phoned my Mum.
“Chris told me that you’ve been unwell for some time and did nothing about it, Emilia.” She complained. “He’s such a good guy.”
My mum talking about how she feels when she can’t be with me in moments like that and how dad reacted when she told him. I was mad about that, because I didn’t see it as such a huge thing.
Chris came back and my mum heard that, because she was on speaker. “Hello, Christopher! Thank you so much for letting me know! I would’ve have to find out from the press, if it wasn’t for you.”
I rolled my eyes at her words as Chris approached me and sat on the edge of the sofa where I was lying. “It’s alright, Mrs. Dawson. I just wish Em would take care of herself more.” He said, which made my jaw drop.
“Says the guy who smells like an ashtray.” I mumbled. “Anyway, Mum, did dad also start swooning at the mention of Chris when you told him how he took care of me today?” I asked sarcastically, pushing Chris away from me.
“No, I think he still remembers that thing he said on the late night show,” Mum said and I started to laugh so hard my stomach started to hurt again. “I mean, you guys do your own thing, but I don’t think you had to say it on television, Chris.”
I couldn’t contain my laughter, especially because he didn’t know what Mum was talking about. “I love fucking girls in the butt.” I choked out and Chris suddenly became very embarrassed.
“I didn’t know he watched my appearances on the TV,” Chris said. “Had I known, I wouldn’t have drank alcohol before the recording.”
At some point my mum had to go and we were left alone with our unfinished conversation. “So… do you want tea?”
I rolled my eyes again. “Someone’s having commitment issues…” I sang. He wrapped his arms around me and laid us down together on the sofa.
“Alright, girlfriend,” he murmured. “I have never in my life proposed to anyone, if that’s what you want to know. I’ve only once officialy bought a place with a girlfriend, the rest were just sleeping at mine from time to time.”
I raised my eyebrow and reached under his shirt to pull on his dog tag. “So I don’t get it. First you demand commitment and now you're like ‘let's spend as much time apart as we can'.”
“Well,” he sighed. “In fairness, you’re the more mentally mature one and you shouldn’t listen to the shit I say. I’ve only ever worked with one of my girlfriends and we broke up before the movie premiered. That was my only long term relationship, so thought it’s just something i shouldn't do.”
“Age of Ultron has been out for some time and doing fine, so...” I shrugged and snuggled into his chest. “I think we do have our own things anyway, so you shouldn’t be worried about that. You’re the reason I sold my flat in NY and we moved in together, so suck it up Mister. Anyway, you’re the one who’s doing only one movie after Civil War. I’m also filming a TV series in September and another movie in March, so we’ll get our dose of alone time.”
Chris chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Alright, let’s just not get on each other's nerves and we're golden.”
“Now go make me a sandwich, I’m getting hungry.” I mumbled into his chest.
“You mean a grinder?” he corrected me, pronouncing it more as ‘grindah’.
“Not this again.”
I started to take my meds regularly for a few days and I got much better. To make sure the situation doesn’t happen again, the Russos decided to film all of my indoors scenes first, so could get on with work, but also avoid a similar situation.
Chris had started to treat me more like a baby than usual. He was present while I was filming all of my scenes, also the ones he wasn’t involved with. I was very uncomfortable with giving Paul Bettany romantic looks when my boyfriend was right next to me. I mean, I didn’t insist on being there when he shoot that uncalled for kiss between Steve and Sharon.
Around mid-June we got a week off from filming, so Chris and flew back to LA. It was the first time we were staying at the new house, since the renovating team had finished it while we were gone.
Dodger had no problems getting used to his new home. Chris also seemed to love it, even though it wasn’t his first choice. And I was utterly in love with this house. Every day, when I woke up, I had a sunrise in front of me, sneaking through the windows. I looked at Chris, who’s still asleep peacefully and snuggled into him. Even in his sleep, he pulls me closer to him and kisses my shoulder. It’s heaven.
On Friday the 12th, Chris’ friends visited him from Boston to celebrate his birthday. They had an all-boys night with snooker, beers, whisky, American football and stakes, so I let them be and left to run some errands and for a meeting with Jeremy. I had agreed to do an independent movie next year and after reading the script, I thought that the other lead role would be perfect for Jeremy, so I asked him for a meeting.
I walked around a few shops, not really knowing what I wanted to buy, but ended up buying a cute set of pyjamas, jeans and a pair of high heeled shoes.
“Hi, Jer!” I greeted him as he stood up from the table. “How are you?”
“You saw me a few days ago, not much has changed,” he smiled and pulled out the chair for me. “Anyway, you got me interested in that movie.”
I handed him my script. Taylor had asked me not to make any copies, so Jeremy had to read at least a part of it here. We ordered our food and discussed some parts of the movie. “Have they told you where you’d film this?” he asked.
“They’re thinking of Utah in spring,” I answered. “It’s about 5 weeks of filming, but I looked up the locations and they’re incredible, Jer.”
Jeremy seemed very interested in doing the movie. “I’m just a bit worried, you know. I barely got joint custody for my daughter, because my ex tried to prove I don’t have enough time to properly raise a child, so I was actually thinking of having some time off.”
“I mean, I’m not trying to persuade you or anything,” I clarified. “Taylor only mentioned that they still need a male lead, so I asked him for characteristics and thought of you. I’m gonna give you Taylor’s number so you can discuss some matters with him, if you have any other questions.”
Jeremy nodded, putting the script aside. “Anyway, where’s Evans?
“His birthday is tomorrow and his mates from Boston are visiting, so I have house full of Bostonians,” I said. “They’re spending the night, too.”
“You’re in for a loud night,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, but I actually have an invitation to a club for a few of my friends, so I might just do that.” I shrugged. “Seems a bit odd to leave Chris the night before his birthday, but I wouldn’t want to crash their evening either.”
“Good call, guys get super mad when their buddies girlfriends join,” Jeremy said. “How are you two? I gotta be honest, I was pretty sceptical about your relationship at first. Not that I didn’t like you, Em, everyone fucking adores you, but on set relationships have ruined a lot of fun on set.”
I took a bite out of my chicken and said, “We have our ups and downs, but it’s great. So, unless we have a fight, we won’t be ruining the atmosphere.”
“Evans is a great guy, but he’s still lucky to have you,” He grinned. “Honestly, when I met him, I just couldn’t imagine him in an actual, serious relationship and now he responds to the snap of your fingers.”
I laughed out loud, knowing exactly that it’s not true. “Well, that’s a bit of an overstatement.”
We joked a bit more about Chris and talked the Wanda and Hawkeye relationship in the comics, which is sort of a father-daughter thing. It was really fun, especially when be realised that he could, in fact, be my father.
“I’m sorry, I can’t stay longer, but I left Ava with a sitter.”
“Yeah, of course,” I said. “Anyway, I really hope we get to work together again soon, not only for Marvel.”
“And I’m waiting for a housewarming party invitation.”
Jeremy walked me back to my car and we said our goodbyes. I had already noticed a photographer while we were inside, so I was positive that there would be a story about me cheating on my boyfriend with Jer.
It was still early and I knew that Chris hasn’t even started the proper party yet, so I decided to actually go to the club. I got invited by some friends I made on the set of Tudors, who have now also moved to LA.
I didn’t drink, since I had my car with me, but we mainly sat at out table and talked. It’s been too long since we had previously spoken, so it was nice to catch up. At some point we started to dance and I lost track of time.
It’s been too long since I went clubbing and it felt so good to just to close my eyes and not think about anything. I need to take Chris out to a club sometime soon. We’d have a lot of fun.
I think it was around 2 am when I decided it was about time to go back home. I could barely stand on my feet from all this dancing and had to take my shoes off to drive normally.
When I arrived home, the lights were still on. I was hoping to get inside quietly and go to the bedroom, but as soon as I walked in, Dodger started to bark. I bet he wasn’t a fan of the noise.
“Shhh, buddy. Come on, don’t be like that.” I scratched him behind the ear.
Chris came downstairs to greet me at the door and I saw that it took a lot for him not to fall down the stairs. “Hey, babe,” he blurted out. He wasn’t overly drunk, but I would say that he should've stopped drinking about 3 shots ago. “Where ‘ave you been?” His Boston accent was back from spending half the day with his childhood friends. I was kind of loving it.
“I met up with Jeremy and then went out with some friends,” I said and kissed him quickly. “Happy birthday.”
“Oh, God, don’t mention it,” He mumbled and connected out lips in a kiss again. He tasted like alcohol and cigars, which is exactly how I imagine their party would look like. “I hate gettin' old.”
“Old or not, I love you, Evans.” I whispered and made him grin.
“You’re an angel, you know that?” I could see how much he had to focus to say those things out loud properly. “Come on, let me show ya off to the guys a little.”
I rolled my eyes and climbed the stairs with his arm wrapped around me, probably for balance. “Fellas, this is my girl, Emilia,” he said, presenting me almost like Will Smith did with Jada in that one photo. “Some of you have met her, some haven’t been blessed yet.”
“Hey,” I waved at them almost awkwardly. “Don’t worry, I’ll just get something to drink and I’m running upstairs.”
“Why? You should stay with us.” Adam pointed at a spot next to him. “You’re all Chris talks about, anyway.”
“Yeah, I may have never met you, but literally know everything about you,” said the guy that introduced himself as Sam. “Ain’t your fault though, he’s obsessed.”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what’s gotten into him.” I shrugged. “Anyway, I’m getting myself some wine and I’m gone. Chris, try to change the subject, alright?”
Chris pouted and let me go. I went to the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of wine and a small bowl of strawberries. I rushed upstairs, taking Dodger with me, grabbed my laptop from the study and set it all on the bedside table. I took a quick shower and changed into my newly bought pyjamas, which I knew Chris will love once he sees it.
I buried myself under the sheets and played a random episode of The Office. Dodger laid down next to my legs, setting his head on my lap for him to scratch. This is the thing he’s takes after his owner. “You’re such an attention seeker, buddy.” He just sighed, signalling that he couldn’t care less, he just wants his petting time.”
I downed my glass very fast and didn’t get a refill, even though I wanted to. At some point I feel asleep with the show still on, Dodger laying down high enough to reach my shoulders and half the bowl of strawberries set on the keyboard.
I woke up to the sound Chris stumbling on the floor. He took the laptop and the bowl off the bed and tried to climb on to the bed without waking me up, but failed.
“You’re such a clumsy drunk, love,” I mumbled against my pillow. “What time is it?”
“It’s, uh, half past 4.” He said, taking off his trousers.
I shifted on my elbows to look at him struggle with the famous red belt which obviously was too complicated to figure out now. “Here, let me help you, old man.” I laughed and sat up on the bed to help him undress.
He gave up and laid back on the bed, before noticing my clothes. “Are these NASA PJs?” He asked.
I smiled and nodded. “You forbid me from buying you any presents so I decided to buy one for myself.”
Suddenly, he wasn’t so helpless anymore and wrestled me down to lay under him. “You’re sadly mistaken, if you think that it’s only a gift for you, fool.”
I turned on the bed to give him a good view of the booty shorts covered with NASA logos. Chris hissed and bent down to leave a few kisses on my thigh and butt. “Fucking amazing.” He whispered to himself, before biting down on my soft flesh.
“Chris!” I squealed, because he wasn’t gentle. Dodger woke up and barked at us.
He sat back and looked at me. “Honestly, I’m so drunk, full and tired that even the sight of this sweet ass isn’t keeping me alive.” He said in such a sad voice that I felt kind of bad for him.
Chris just sighed and threw himself on the bed next to me and brought me as close to him as possible. “Goodnight, Angel.” He whispered and kissed my ear.
“Goodnight, love.” I chuckled and feel asleep.
I woke up a little bit over 5 hours later, again because of Chris, who started to snore unbearably. He was sprawled out on the bed, barely leaving space for me. And that was impressive, because our bedroom bed was huge. Dodger spent the night in his bed on the floor, because once Chris came back, he didn’t leave much space for his rommies.
I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and rushed downstairs with Dodger, who demanded a breakfast right away. I gave him his food and found some leftover pasta for myself. I ate it, made myself some lemon and lime water to go and took Dodger on a walk. First, we went up the hill so he could run around and have some fun. I threw him some sticks and tried to teach him how to fetch, but he was being too playful. I wanted to jog a little bit, but it was too hot and I didn’t want to tire myself out again.
We walked back home, but I let Dodger in to the car and we drove to the shops. I wanted to buy some ingredients for the breakfast I was planning. Chris’ friends were leaving today, late in the afternoon, so we still had to find some entertainment until 7pm.
Having used up a lot of his energy, Dodger was politely walking around by me, not caring around other people or dogs. I bought everything I needed, including more water and Coke and drove back home.
As I suspected, it was almost 11am and none of them have woken up. I went up to the kitchen and placed everything in the fridge, before preparing crust for my breakfast pizza.
“You’re always hungry, aren’t you?” I grinned at Dodger who wouldn’t let me out of his sight, hoping to get some of the smoked chicken I was slicing, which he loves so much he tries to nick it off the counter. At some point he got tired of standing, so he laid down and kept checking on me once in a while.
I made 8 doughs, chopped some meat and vegetables and made a sauce, so everything was ready for me to pop into the oven.
“Am I in hell?” I heard Chris’ low, hoarse voice on the stairs. He was only wearing black jogging pants and no shirt. He had just taken a shower and, I hope, brushed his teeth. “Because it fucking feels like it.”
I giggled at him, but also felt bad for the state he was in. “Do you want some water? It’s ice cold.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled and sat on the stool at the kitchen counter. I brought him the glass and kissed him on the head. “God, you're too good to me.”
I walked around the kitchen island and put one pizza in the oven. It shouldn’t be long until it’s done. “Do you want some painkillers?” I asked.
“Do we have any?” he lifted his head rapidly, too rapidly apparently. He groaned in pain. “Fucking alcohol.”
I found the pills and refilled his glass. “My poor baby,” I stoked his wet hair, pulling him in for a hug. “At least you had fun.”
He nodded and set his head on my shoulder. “I’m dying...” He whispered and I barely could hold my laughter. “I regret the fun.”
“I mean, you’re 34 today, so...” I chuckled.
“Fuck you,” he muttered. “God, I wish I had the strength to actually fuck you.”
I tilted my head to the side, smiling sweetly at him. “Take the pills. You go upstairs and I’ll wait for the pizza to be done, then I’ll come to the bedroom, feed you and then fuck you.”
Chris groaned and stood up. “Love you, wifey,” I raised my eyebrow at the nickname. “Too much?” he asked.
I shrugged. “I like it, it’s alright.”
Even though he was still a wreck, Chris smiled at me and went up the stairs. “We’re so fucking cheesy.”
I waited a few more minutes for the pizza to be done, sliced it and went upstairs. At this point, I was really hoping Chris' friends wouldn't wake up for at least another hour.
Chris was laying on the bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. I shut the door and he turned his gaze to me. “I got way too drunk to be treated this good today.” He said.
I climbed on to the bed and handed my boyfriend a glass of Coke. „Drink this,” I said, rubbing his bare chest. He didn’t have a shirtless scene in Civil War, so they didn’t make him wax his chest, and as much as I never like hairy chests, he had the right amount of hair. The only scene that allowed him to show the incredible shape he got into, was the helicopter scene, which as I told him “could literally replace our foreplay”.
“I really hope these will help, ‘cause I’m guessing you’re not into necrophilia.” He chuckled dryly, referring to the pills he took.
“I can’t believe it’s the first time I’m seeing you hangover.” I said.
“Well, I had to show you my better side, so you wouldn’t want to leave me in the beginning,” he answered. “What do you mean ‘you can’t believe it’s the first time’?”
“Brits and Bostonians have a lot in common,” I shrugged. “As in, both like to drink until we throw up. Did you throw up today?”
Chris looked at me and grinned. “None of your business,” He sat up on the bed, leaning on the headboard. “Now give me my food, woman.”
He ate his pizza while talking about what they did while I was away or asleep. I couldn’t understand how grown up men could entertain themselves in the exact same way I did with my friends 5 years ago, when I was first allowed to drink. “In all honesty, you’re all just a bunch of immature boys.”
“I know,” he shrugged, his mouth full. “Half of them uses Tinder for one-night stands and haven’t been in a serious relationship for a while.”
“Do they have a problem with that?”
“Not really, but they do have a weird look on serious relationships,” he answered, taking sip of Coke. “They thought that as soon as you come back, the party would be over.
I raised my eyebrow. “And as we can clearly see by the state of my boyfriend, the fun continued for a long time after I came back.”
Chris smiled sweetly and grabbed my hand. “Yeah, because your boyfriend’s more into long term relationships, I guess.”
“Oh, I know that, I’ve known that for a long time, “ I said. “That’s why it took me less than a month to know he was worthy of taking my virginity.”
Chris tilted his head to the side. “Less than a month? We did it after 5 weeks.”
“When I was already halfway through my first month of birth control,” I explained, moving my hand from his chest down to his abdomen. “Anyway, Cap might not we worthy of wielding Thor’s hammer, but he’s definitely worthy of hammering into me anytime he wishes.”
Chris choked on the food and started to laugh so loudly, I was sure he would take everyone up. “Holy, hell,” he choked out. “I want that on a shirt and I want you to wear it all the time.” That comment seemed to energize him a little bit, so I decided it was time. Also, I was super horny. I moved to sit on Chris’ thighs and removed my shirt to reveal a thin, white bra. “Oh, Cap’s gettin’ laid.”
I smirked and moved down to hover over his calves, so my head was right above his abdomen. “Let me suck you off, daddy.” I whispered, before lowering my lips to leave wet kisses on his lower stomach, my fingers toying with the strings at the waistband of his pants. It’s been a long time since I‘d gone down on Chris and I didn’t even have enough will power to make him wait. I pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his half erect length. I looked deep into Chris’ eyes and felt my mouth start to water. I sat back for a second and tied my hair into a ponytail.
“Oh, it’s gonna be good.” Chris mumbled as he saw me do that. I smirked and sunk back down to attach my lips to the base of his cock and lick all the way up to the tip. I rested my hands on his hips and locked my lips around the tip, swirling my tongue around it, tasting his pre-cum. I released him and smiled at Chris who was watching me with his mouth open and eyes half-shut.
I wrapped my hand around him and sunk down to the base of his cock again, but this time moved lower to play with his balls. I’d suck on few spots and give it small licks, toying with his balls, as my hand was stroking up and down his shaft, tugging at it, its movements moisturized by the leaking pre-cum. I hear Chris’ light moans as my lips became more forceful in toying with his sensitive area. I moved away to take a breath and sank down to wrap my mouth around Chris’ throbbing cock. I hollowed my cheeks around him, reaching as far as I can go and covering the rest with my palm. Chris jerked his hips forward, making me take him even further. I moved my hands to fondle his balls, as my lips reached the base. I moaned as he hit the back of my throat and Chris immediately responded to the vibrations caused by it. “Fuck yes, babygirl,” He groaned and grabbed my ponytail and gently guided me to work my mouth up and down his shaft. “You’re so good to me.” he mumbled between heavy breaths.
I kept up the pace, feeling Chris’ dick twitch inside my mouth. My boyfriend was squirming a lot under me, as his orgasm approached. I sucked on the side of his shaft, moving up and down, along the visible veins. Seeing Chris throw his head back, I took his whole length into my mouth again, bobbing my head up and down and waiting for him to reach his orgasm. “Fuck, I’m going to come, baby,” he whined. “Stop, I don’t want to come yet.”
“I’ll get you hard again,” I breathed out, giving myself a very quick break to catch a breath. I sunk down again, trying to finish Chris off. He always lasts very long, but that’s really the opposite of a problem. As Chris groaned loudly, I felt him twitch inside my mouth as he released is load. I swallowed every last drop and licked his cock clean, looking him straight in his eyes.
Chris was panting heavily and shifted on his elbows. “Emily,” he sighed, barely able to say anything. “I could barely stop myself from proposing to you in the middle of a blowjob.”
He sat up leaning on the head board again. I smiled and straddled his thighs, gently tracing veins on his shaft, which was a bit softer now. “I know, I know,” I whispered. “I enjoyed that too.”
Chris moved his hands up and down my hips. He reached behind me to unhook my bra and pulled it off my chest. “Mm, yeah,” He placed his palms on my breasts and started to fondle them. “Come ‘ere.” he mumbled and pulled my chest against his face to attach his lips to my nipple. I gasped as he bit down lightly. I started to gently grind on his dick, rubbing my wet pussy against him. Without his mouth leaving my skin, he reached his hand to my butt and slapped it, before grabbing one cheek firmly. I put my hands on the back of his neck, supporting myself as I rubbed against his length, waiting for him to be hard again. “Babygirl, you’re so good to me.” He breathed on my wet nipple, giving me a tingly sensation. He grabbed both of my cheeks and started massaging them with the same pace I was rubbing against him.
I reached down with my hand and grabbed his semi-hard cock, guiding it against my entrance. I rubbed the tip against my folds, causing both of us to moan loudly. “We probably should be a little bit more quiet.” I breathed out.
“Fuck it, these losers should know you’re the best thing that even happened to me,” He mumbled as I sank down onto his cock. We kept the eye contact as I moved down until he was completely buried inside me. “We should stay like this all day.” Chris said quietly, taking a deep breath.
I started to move up and down, as he started thrusting up. I was already very turned on, after going down on Chris, so I was very close to my first orgasm. I was breathing heavily with my forehead against Chris’ and the know in my stomach tightened. “You feel so good inside me,.” I muttered. “Faster, daddy.”
I came for the first time, gripping Chris’ bicep tightly, trying not to wake up the whole house. It sped up my heart rate, I couldn’t stop letting out little moans, releasing tension from my body. Chris wrapped his arm around my waist to bring me closer to him and thrust faster into my pussy. His other hand was still roaming on my ass cheeks. I felt my walls tighten and a smirk appeared on Chris’ face. He was panting at the same rate as I was. “Since it’s my birthday,” he hummed against my lips. “can we try something new?”
A smile formed on my lips, because I knew what he was asking for. “I guess you weren’t joking about loving fucking girls in the butt.”
“I’m not gonna fuck you in the butt now,” He said, giving me a little, soft kiss on the lips. “I just wanna play a lil’.”
Chris brought his forefinger to my mouth. “Suck it, baby.” I wrapped my lips around his finger, twirling my tongue around it, using extra saliva. Chris slowed down the pace and I swayed my hips to the sides and around, trying to reach different spots. He moved his finger to my butthole, circling around it. I opened my mouth, experiencing something I never have. His finger started to enter my hole and it gave me a weird, but pleasurable sensation. He was very gentle and slow, trying not to cause me any pain.
“I’m so close,” I mumbled and connected our lips. I moved my tongue with his, twirling around it. I felt the knot again, everything in front of me became blurry and I couldn’t speak property. While Chris’ finger was fingering me, the other hand reached my clit to rub it and speed up my orgasm. I was barely able to control my muscles and not collapse onto Chris. I felt overstimulated and helpless.
“You like daddy fingering your tight little hole, huh?” Chris whispered. “Who’s doing that to you, huh?”
I wasn’t able to speak, because of the speed Chris was pounding into me at an incredibly fast speed. I came hard on his dick, as he removed his finger from my hole, stopped rubbing my clit and just brought my body tightly against his.
Chris came right after me, with a last, hard thrust, staying inside me and shooting his load into me. He turned us to lay on our sides, out bodies still intertwined. We were both panting heavily, unable to stabilize our breaths and heart rates. Chris took a few loose strands of hair from my wet forehead and tucked them behind my ear. He then kissed my nose.
“Let’s take a nap, princess,” he whispered. “You deserve it.”
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16 notes · View notes
beans-shadow · 6 years
looking for the truth (pt 3)
Fandom: Naruto
Relationship: Kakasaku
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura
read on ao3: here
part one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen
Upon arrival at the village, the pair halted just before the gates, suspending themselves in the trees. Summoning his ninken, Kakashi sent off Pakkun to snatch some clothes better suited for a semi-affluent couple on a romantic retreat. A bit insulted at the trivial task, Pakkun only agreed when Sakura begged and scratched him on his head.
“Well, how could I refuse now?” The dog had said. “I always liked this one,” he shot at Kakashi.
He set off on his little shopping spree, money tucked into his jaw.
Due to his small stature, Pakkun had to make a few trips. First, he brought back a nice summer dress for Sakura: white with cherry blossom petals blowing in the wind.
“How fitting,” Kakashi said as Sakura once again rolled her eyes.
For Kakashi, Pakkun purchased (or rather, left coins near the stalls he had taken the clothes from) a smart button down and well-fitting jeans.
Holding up the light blue pants to the sky, Kakashi scrunched up his face. He wasn’t too excited to wear something so constricting. He much preferred the loose ninja outfit that made him feel free and safe. Protected.
“Oh, lighten up,” Sakura told him as she changed on a branch a few levels above him. “At least you’ll have pockets.”
Kakashi had to admit that was nice. Sakura was stuck with strapping weapons and scrolls on her upper legs, or stuffing them down her bra. Not very comfortable.
Regardless, he still grumbled as he stripped off his ninja clothes. Pakkun was shaking with laughter as Kakashi fumbled with the buttons of the shirt.
“Haven’t gotten out much lately, have you?” The dog commented.
With a glare, Kakashi finished the last button. “Why are you still here?”
The dog shrugged. “This is incredibly amusing. And I thought you might want some tips for this mission.”
“Tips? Why would I need advice?”
The dog gave him a knowing look. “Even though you avoided the question, I know you haven’t been out much, much less gone on a date recently. Do you know how to act around a girlfriend? A fiancé?”
Straightening out his collar, Kakashi avoided eye contact. “I think I’ll manage.”
“Maybe with anyone else, but this is Sakura we’re talking about.” Pakkun circled in place three times, then settled down with his paws crossed.
Kakashi paused in his fidgeting. “And what does that mean?”
He could see the dog sigh. “Well, I guess if you have to ask that, the point is moot.” He scratched his ear with a rear foot. “Any other things you need me or the crew to take care of? A perimeter check? A sniff-out?”
Although still wondering what Pakkun meant by his last comment, Kakashi let it slide. “I think we’re good for now, but I’ll definitely need the pack later on. Don’t stray too far.”
“We never do,” the dog replied. With a nod, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
“Oh no, did I miss saying goodbye?”
“Yes, but he’ll be back, don’t wor—” his mind went blank when he saw Sakura. Her headband was stored in her pack, leaving her short hair to flow unrestrained around her face. Her grace in the wind perfectly mimicked the dress as it bellowed in the soft breeze both in the physical world and the illustration on the material. She looked so small in the dress, so different from the powerful Sakura he had constructed in his mind.
She cocked her head to the side. “Are you alright?”
Kakashi pinched himself. “I’m perfectly fine. Are you ready?”
Shouldering her backpack, Sakura nodded. “But what about?...” she shyly pointed at Kakashi’s face.
He patted himself down. “What? Is there something on my face?”
Somehow Sakura made herself even smaller by crossing one arm around her body to clutch at her opposite limb. “Shouldn’t you take off your mask? I’m not sure if that’s really a common thing around here.”
“Oh.” Kakashi brushed his mask with fingertips. She was probably correct, but he wasn’t ready to strip himself that much in front of the kunoichi. “I think it’ll be fine. Lots of people have loads of odd customs.”
“Okay,” Sakura said. And without further argument, she leapt down. Kakashi followed, meeting her at the base of the tree. She waited patiently, scanning the area around them and contemplating the entrance gate to the village.
“Here, let me take that,” Kakashi extended a hand for Sakura’s backpack.
She’d never looked more offended. Taking a step back, she said, “I’m perfectly capable of carrying it myself. I think I might even be stronger than you!”
“I don’t doubt that,” Kakashi admitted, “but people might think it odd if such a dutiful fiancé wasn’t carrying his partner’s luggage for her.”
Reluctantly, Sakura handed over her backpack. And with that joyous note, they left the solitude of the foliage to approach the main gateway.
Two hired guard stopped them. “Halt! What brings you two here?”
Before Kakashi could answer, Sakura draped herself over him, placing one hand over her chest and lifting one leg in the air. “Why do you think?” She batted her eyes at the guards.
Immediately the guards softened. “Of course, my apologies for my comrade’s rudeness,” the other said, slapping his fellow guard in the chest. “You two must be here for the festival. Welcome, welcome.” The two stepped aside and gestured into the main road of the village.
“Much gratitude,” Sakura said sweetly. Linking arms with Kakashi, she led him past the men and into the town.
“Impressive,” Kakashi mumbled down to her.
“I’m a kunoichi,” Sakura stated. “Charming is in the job description.”
Of course. Kakashi felt chills at the implications in her statement. Ninjas were expected to be used for seduction purposes, female ninjas more than men. Kakashi had had his fair share of such assignments, but thinking Sakura had been through such demeaning and self-deprecating situations made his lip curl in distaste. Kakashi had no worth. But Sakura shouldn’t have had to go through that. Not that any kunoichi should—but something about Sakura made him feel more protective. Maybe he was already taking his role as fiancé too seriously. He needed to take a step back and act more professional.
Kakashi left that dangerous train of thought to take in his surroundings. He was astounded at the scene in front of him: the main street was similar to Konoha’s, with lines of street vendors and different shops. But for the event the people had clearly gone crazy. Drapes of pink and white lights arched through the sky above, crossing over from one street lamp to the next, flashing their colors. Banners hung from every building, proclaiming the event in huge letterings and large hearts. The street itself was lined with flowers of many kinds, including roses petals, daisies, and even peach blossoms.
Solicitors roamed around, selling flowers and chocolates to anyone that would listen. Vendors overflowed with bouquets, trinkets, and food for loved ones. Dozens and dozens of couples swooned over the attention from shopkeepers, dragging significant others from stall to stall. From all the rustle and bustle Kakashi wondered how they would get the information they needed for Tsunade.
Sakura tugged on his arm. “Come on, we should find a place to set up camp.” Once again, Kakashi followed, after slyly removing his arm from Sakura’s. The lack of warmth left him empty, and the space between them was cold. Sakura shot him a surprised look, which turned to of sadness and slight rejection. But she covered it up quickly and took the lead down the path.
“Ahh, what a lovely lady! Would you like a necklace? Lovely necklace for a lovely lady!”
“It’s such a hot day, how about a nice refreshing smoothie! Peach and cherry to match that beautiful hair of yours!”
“Take a break and sit down, Madam! Let me sketch you and your lover!”
Sakura was the target of nonstop street car peddlers. They zoomed in on her summer dress and immediately recognized her as a tourist. Every time she indulged them, but after a moment she would always turn them down.
Hands raised in a small surrender, she apologized. “Sorry, but we’re not interested right now!” And Kakashi would follow her once more as she continued down the road.  
After the eleventh shopkeeper took interest in her, Kakashi stepped forward. “Please leave my fiancé alone, we’ve had a long journey and really must find a place to rest. Have a good day.” He placed a hand on the small of Sakura’s back, leading her away from the leering stare of the salesman.
“There’s no reason to be rude,” Sakura muttered under her breath.
Exacerbated, he shot back, “There’s also no reason to stop at literally every little shop.”
She tugged herself away from his body. “We just arrived, we need to get a feel for who is here and what’s going on! Ever heard of reconnaissance?” Shamefully Kakashi looked away, knowing she was right. It was just not the way he would have gone about it. “Besides, we also need to keep up appearances. No one will guess if we’re snooping if that’s just what we’re like.”
Sakura said that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, but Kakashi hadn’t even begun to think of that. He was just planning on settling down in a hotel room and sending out his dogs at night, and then following up on any suspicious activity. Spying in broad daylight was a tactic, just one he barely employed. He was still thinking as if he were alone on this mission.
Crossing his arms, Kakashi tapped his chin. “You’re quite right. I’m sorry.” He placed his hands in his hips. “Good thing my fiancé is so smart!” He said loudly.
“Sens—Kakashi,” Sakura corrected himself, looking away with a blush. “You don’t to be so obvious.”
“Gotta keep up appearances,” Kakashi referenced Sakura’s line with a shrug, walking away to explore the other shops, pretending to be interested.
Before he reached the cart lined with books, a hand cut of his line of vision. Following the limb upwards, Kakashi saw a young man with a bright smile attached. He was dressed quite smartly in a dark blue suit, and a nice brown bow tie.
“Good evening, sir! Pardon my eavesdropping, but am I right in overhearing that you and your fiancé have only just arrived at our wonderful town?”
In a split second, Kakashi memorized the man’s sharp chin, wide nose, and big ears. Height: 5’11. Hair: dark brown. Skin: brown. Eyes: green. He was overconfident, rich, and eager.
“Yes,” Kakashi answered, looking to Sakura as she joined his side. Taking her cue, he slid his arm around her waist, careful not to put a lot of weight on her. “We are so excited to share this wonderful adventure together. And you are?” He still didn’t take the man’s hand.
The man paused, taken aback by Kakashi’s slightly cold demeanor. “Oh, of course! I am the Lord of this village’s son, Futoshi Sato.”
With a nudge from Sakura, Kakashi finally took the man’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sato.”
Sakura extended her hand out as well. “I’m Sakura Haru, and this is Kakashi Hata. Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Hata, obviously,” she giggled.
Futoshi shook Sakura’s hand as well. “Wonderful, truly wonderful! Our entire village is blessed that you both chose to spend the next few days here. Have you decided on a place to stay?”
The pair shook their heads.
Futoshi beamed. “Then I must insist that I offer you the finest of accommodations our Village has to offer. Right next to the residency our Lord, by the palace, are our best houses. Please allow me to give escort you there.”
Spinning on his heel, Futoshi led them through the tight streets of the village. Sakura and Kakashi let go of each other and stood a respectful distance apart to follow.
“The Lord of this village is also the daimyo, since this land is so small,” Kakashi noted.
“I know,” Sakura whispered back. “This is a good opportunity to get close to the royal family, without being too obvious.”
Before Kakashi could ask her to divulge how she meant to so that, Sakura excitedly pointed to a ramen stand within their eyesight.
“I’m famished!” She announced. “Would you mind pausing a moment so we can eat a bit? We haven’t had a bite to eat in ages.”
After one look at the little run-down ramen stand, Futoshi had a look of utmost horror on his face. “Of course, but here? In this place? For ramen? Do you not want me to take you to some of our five-star restaurants?”
“I love ramen,” Sakura insisted. “Please, I would love it if you joined us.”
Kakashi had to hand it to the girl. Futoshi had no way to refuse without insulting his guest now. How Sakura managed to be such a bad shogi player and yet be a master at mind games was impressive.
“Alright,” Futoshi relented, joining Sakura who had already sat down at the stall.
“One tonkatsu ramen and one miso ramen,” Sakura ordered as Kakashi sat down on her other side. Kakashi shot her a surprised look, and she smiled. “What type of fiancé would I be if I didn’t know my partner’s ramen order?”
“Quite right,” Futoshi admired the two of them. Sakura was correct, that was Kakashi’s preferred ramen order: good old miso style. And goodness knows they’d had ramen countless times with Naruto. Kakashi was just surprised Sakura took the time to notice that he never strayed off from his one selection at Ichiraku.
Futoshi flagged down the waiter. “One more tonkatsu, please.” He turned to the ninja. “So are you two excited for all the festivities planned?” Futoshi asked, resting his elbow on the counter.
Sakura rested her head on a fist. “We don’t actually know much about what’s been scheduled.”
Futoshi’s eyes lit up. “There’s so much that we have prepared! Tonight, there’s a dance set to music that has been choreographed by yours truly,” he gestured to himself. “Tomorrow is the celebration of the first meeting: partners plan on gathering at a designated location by themselves, to mimic bumping into each other for the first time. Later that night we have a firework show. Then we have a day just full of activities, ranging from pottery, flower gathering, picnicking, petting zoo, boat rides, and more! The next day we rejoice in the inner beauty; participants are expected to wear masks so everyone can focus on the personality quirks that make us love one another. I see you’re already prepared for that one,” Futoshi joked.
“Indeed,” Kakashi squinted his eyes in a smile.
“Wow,” Sakura tapped on the counter. “That’s a lot. How much is this costing the village?”
With a wave in the air, Futoshi did not look concerned. “Oh, this whole shebang won’t even cause a dent into our village’s funds. We have so much nowadays!”
Right then, three heaping bowls of ramen slid in front of them. “Dig in!” The chef told them with a bright smile.
The conversation ended, so Kakashi filed the information for a later discussion. For now, he would enjoy his favorite type of ramen.
Any feedback is very welcome!
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Chapter 18: A Ghost named Ozai
Iroh made an earthy Pu Err tea. He had set up camp near the cave of the Fire Sages. When he had followed Ozai, who was riding a fast comodorhino, he expected him to go to the capital and confront Zuko. But this was not Ozais intent. Instead he secretly went to his old house on Ember island where he had a secret stash of clothing and money. Once he had dressed himself like a regular Fire Nation citizen he cut his hair and his beard. He was a new man. Iroh followed him from afar. Ozai wandered through the land disguised as a Fire pilgrim. Sleeping rough and keeping his eyes and ears open. He traveled through Fire Nation visiting his former allies houses unbeknown to them. With his ash covered pilgrim look nobody recognized him. Housing a pilgrim was a pious task and great for dinnertable conversations in Fire Nation High Society. Finally he arrived at his mothers village and by hand removed the stones hiding the Fire Sages cave.
  Iroh drank the last sip of his tea. It was time to confront Ozai. He knew that it wouldn’t be an easy encounter. He silently entered the cave. There was a small fire burning in the centre. Ozai was nowhere to be seen, but his voice beamed from the pillars and the statues of the fire sages.
  O:       I knew you would come.
 I:         I was worried about you.
 O:       And what did you think I would do? Burn children to gain power?
 I:         You would have killed your son!
 O:       You know what would have happened if I hadn’t. I chose our father instead. Do you think it was an easy choice? I loved father!!! Father would have killed us all, he would have sacrificed Azula and Zuko here. To win that cursed war...
 I:         Tell me... why did you come here then?
 O:       I had no other place to go. I need space to think, to mourn.
 I:         I offered you my house, brother!
O:        Thanks, but Zuko walks in and out of your house. How long would it have taken him to find me? I don’t know yet who tried to kill me with poison arrows. I am vigilant.
 I:         Your heart was always full of distrust and fear.
 O:       I lost everything. Mya was all I had. The only thing I have left is my claim on the Fire throne and my bending powers.
I:         You also have a brother, friends and two children. At least Azula loves you. You did all in your might to push Zuko away but he still somehow loves you. You are not alone in this. Even if you feel like that, you’re not alone! What will you do now. Come home with me, brother. Please.
O:       No, I can’t. I need to find out who tried to kill us here, I need to know if Zuko will help me and then I will find the ones who killed Mya.
 I:         So how will you do that? You have never even led a battallion before, let alone a huge army.
Ozai looked at Iroh with disdain and pointed at the space where the altar once stood.
O:       All your victories. You were complicit in this, Iroh. The Dragon of the West was only fierce because of these burnt children... They gave you luck in battle. They told us then that they freed the airbender children from the monks, who had abducted them as babies, torn them from their mothers arms to become monks. We gleefully prided us that they would attend school, learn the letters, the songs, a trade and become one of us. The Air that feeds the Flame. All a lie! Instead he sacrificed them.
Ozai turned away disgusted. Iroh was at loss with words, he knew Ozai was right.
 I:          I should have intervened. I knew it and I chose to look away. But I was not able to fight anymore. Don’t you understand? It was not just Lu Ten’s death. It was THIS, all of this. I know life was unfair to you. Your ambition did not match your fate as secondborn son.
O:        What do you know about defeat. Father always measured me against you. You were ten years older but he always measured me on your victories. My youth was nothing but a constant reminder of my shortcomings. I dreamt about going to battle by your side, but then you broke. I did not know why you refused to fight. Lu Ten was dead, and so were you to me. Mother didn’t want me to fight. I was the precious backup plan if you should fail. The pretty canary in the golden cage. Goodbye, Iroh!
 Ozai turned around and prepared to leave. Iroh looked at him sadly.
 I: I cannot allow you to bring the darkness back to our Nation.
Iroh engaged to fight. Ozai was surprised and sad, but struck back. They fought ferociously and Ozai struck Iroh with a rebound lightning. Once Iroh fell, Ozai checked up on him. He was only stunned. Ozai had tears in his eyes, but he didn’t know why. Iroh was fine and already regaining consciousness. Ozai left swiftly.
Nyla was a fast creature. Yet when she reached the cave of the fire sages the fire had been cold already for days. Mya, June, Amon and Azula entered the cave. Amon and Mya had agreed not to tell Azula or June about the caves dark past.
 J:         They were here. Both of them. They fought, I see fresh blood stains.
Az:       But no major injuries?
J:         Not enough blood. Outside I saw traces of two comodorhinos. One left north, one back south.
M:        I assume Ozai went north, Iroh went home south. June, will you go to Iroh and check up on him? Tell him everything. Azula, we will follow Ozai and Amon will follow us with the pod.
 Iroh arrived home battered and tired. His arm was bleeding and he felt his age. He was surprised to find his house open. He entered and found a note on the table. Was Mya still alive? The two tea lovers and the one who never made his own... Jasmine pearls... Ozai always had a secret stash of them hidden in his pockets.
  Azula and I followed the traces of Ozais comodorhino out of the cave.
 Az:       We are too slow. We also need some animals to ride.
 We went to the village, but they only had ducks and pigs.
I asked Amon for advice. Amon asked Eternity and the crew came up with an idea. They relayed us a prototype of a saddled SIM horse which created enough matter on a quantum mechanical level (by switching neutrinos) to actually carry us.
 I gave Azula a quick intro into the basics of staying on a horse. Thankfully, the SIM horse was neither stubborn nor cheeky, so we started with a trott. Once Azula had mastered the trott we tried galloping. It went smoothly, so we caught on the trail Ozai had left for us.
 Ozai was upset. He had fought his brother, his only ally. He felt miserable. He rode his comodorhino to some ruins on a mountaintop and leaned against a wall. Far away on the horizon, two dots were approaching fast. What was that? He did not notice the pod in stealth mode following the riders. Ozai felt uneasy and pulled his comodorhino along on the path downhill. He had to get to the Capital City and into the Royal palace as fast as possible where he had hidden his Firelord Clothing.
  Ozai reached Capital City at dawn. He let the comodorhino graze outside the city and entered the southern gate to Coronation Plaza. He smiled. He never had been below before and he was at awe seeing the grandeur of the architecture. A cabbage vendor laughed at him.
 C:         Tourist, eh? You missed the coronation. A pity they killed Ozai and that girl, though. They put up a rememberance statue for Ozai.
 O:       Really?! Where is it?
 C:        In Caldera City, go in you won’t miss it. He had many supporters who still mourn him. He’s sort of a pop culture icon now. You even get Ozai smoothies and Sandals.
 O:       Sandals?!
 C:        Yes, red and blue, fire and lightning.
 O:       And how about Firelord Zuko?
 C:        He’s OK, but no more military parades, no more megalomanic speeches of Fire Nation Grandeur. No more war treasury contribution banquets. Life was more fun under Ozai. I used to sell many more cabbages then. Maybe Ozai even ate my cabbages, who knows. Do you think he did?
 O:       Like in really hot Kimchi made of white cabbage?
 C:        Yes, my cabbages are perfect for Kimchi!
 O:       Then I am sure he did. Tell me, good man, you’re all alone. Do you need help to move your cart to Caldera City?
 C:        Yes, as a matter of fact I do. But I cannot pay you.
 O:       A cabbage?
 C:        Middle sized?
 O:       Middle sized will do.
 Ozai helped cabbage guy to push his cart to Caldera City up to the walls of the Royal palace. He got his cabbage as a reward.
 He passed his statue and was slightly disappointed. It did not look like him at all. He shrugged and took a shortcut through an alley. There some deadbeat muggers tried to rob him. He used his firebending to fight them. They were surprised at his fighting skills and ran. It felt great to fight and win again!
 Ozai entered the stables through the hidden door and fed the cabbage leaves to the comodorhinos. They all calmed down and he was able to sneak past them without alarming the guards. He checked the floorboards. His clothes were still there. He swiftly changed into his regal attire and sought the secret door, which would lead him to the terrace overlooking coronation plaza.
  He walked through the corridor and waited until the guards had passed. He snuck in through the servants door and hid behind a curtain. He had many secret passageways in the palace. He proceeded cautiously not to be seen by anyone. His goal was his own bedroom. Did Zuko sleep in his bed now? He would see. He opened the Door to his room quietly. It was dusty and just like he had left it the day before the coronation. Two years had passed. His fingers moved over his weapons, his shield and armor. He went to his bed. It was dusty and cold. He shrugged. He had no intention of sleeping here. He seldomly had before, only when he and Ursa used to sleep together. He thought of her and sighed. He missed her too, sometimes. He walked past the bed and pushed a button on the headboard. A secret stairway opened and Ozai rose up the stairs to a tower. This tower was his own private space, his secret corner. His valuables were hidden in boxes and stuff he was not supposed to deal with as a Fire Prince or Firelord. Adventure novels, artefacts from other cultures (the fascist Fire Nation regime regarded everything else as inferior, thus he had to hide their art and literature from his father). And his simple bed where he spent most nights just being himself.
  He lay down in his bed and was at ease for the first time after many weeks. He felt hungry and decided to take his shortcut to the pantry. He had a weakness for sweets and as his training regime and diet didn’t allow for any exceptions, so he sometimes trained extra hard only to sneak to the pantry secretly at night. Today he was lucky. Crème brulée and some light summer wine. He put the sugar on top of the crème brulée and ignited it. He loved that moment! He heard noises coming from the back of the pantry. The excitement over the crème brulée - and the advanced hour of the night - had mellowed his instinct so he forgot that he was not the Firelord anymore. He walked up and saw two guards sorting through the wine bottles.
 O:        Stop right there! It’s late, who gave you the orders to clear the wine cellar at night? Or are you stupid enough to attempt to steal from the Firelord himself?
 The guards went pale, dropped their bottles and ran away screaming. They would tell everyone in the coming weeks that Ozais ghost was haunting the wine cellar. Ozai himself retreated with his wine and sweets. He felt at peace and yet the sadness of mourning hit him like a boulder. What was he supposed to do? He contemplated taking his own life, but he had never been a quitter. He was miserable, depressed, but his sense of discipline and his will to live were strong. He knew that sadness could break a man, even a strong general and warrior like Iroh... He was adamant not no break. His iron will kept him going. He tried to sleep, but he was restless. At dawn, he finally fell asleep.
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gotravel2fly · 4 years
Finding my way to Colombia
repost from 12th January 2019 on gotravel2fly
It’s great having good friends especially when they help you in need, so thank you Ingi. Leaving Bucharest on New Year’s night can be complicated when you live 20km away from the airport. Taxis are hard to find and the prices are booming. But we got there on time thanks to our friend and we managed to get our baggage paid and checked-in in just a few minutes.
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Getting to Roldanillo
It was a very long trip to get to Colombia and I got there very tired, even if the airways company managed to make our journey easier and decent. The first stop-over was Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, a well-organized giant with lots of places for rest (it is important when in transit, to have a place to spread your legs). From there, we flew over the ocean with a very big plane, Boeing 777, with about 400 passengers onboard, arriving on time in Panama City airport, where we had to spend about 5 hours before our next departure. That airport, the one I heard so much about especially over the duty-free shops, was not that impressive and I actually couldn’t find any decent place to rest.
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Welcome to our new temporary home
Our hosts in Roldanillo are very nice and friendly people, a traditional family (with 2 small kids, a dog and 2 puppies), who retrieved us from the Pereira Matecana Airport, where we landed from Panama City.
The trip by plane lasting 24h with 2 stop-overs wasn’t very comfortable and the first night I spent in Roldanillo, our destination, was delightful for sleeping in an actual bed.
The first day in Roldanillo was tiring, as we couldn’t sleep more than 6 hours because of the jet-lag, we packed our paragliders and headed to the city center for having our breakfast, get some local currency from the ATM and buy local SIM cards. Near the central park we got a cab to the main take-off, Aguapanela, which costs about 30.000- 35.000 pesos and lasts 25 minutes. People are very friendly in Roldanillo, as I was about to find out.
The first flying adventure in Roldanillo
Being very tired, I couldn’t manage to fly too much and the air felt bumpy.
The first day there wasn’t the usual weather because it hadn’t rained for a few weeks and it felt very dry and hot. So, heading to a place to land, I decided that a grassy field will do, near the city so that it wouldn’t be that bumpy in a small landing field closer to the city center. But guess what: I actually landed in a pineapple orchard, probably not so well maintained as it was full of tall grass around.
It was a real adventure to get off that field because my paraglider landed over that grass which was taller than me. I managed to get off from the grass and move 2 meters in about 20 minutes and got to a ditch where I could actually pack my glider because the grass wasn’t that tall over there.
After a while, I got to a road close to the city and I put my home address to Google maps trying to not get lost. The trouble here in Roldanillo is that Google Maps has no accuracy and I managed to get lost because of the numbering of the streets and houses (first, they note the street’s name, then the alley’s name and then the meters away from the house to the street..I mean: how weird is that?!).
Luckily for me, as I said, people here are friendly and when I asked a guy for directions, he actually offered to get me there, walking with me, telling me about his beautiful country and asking the people living in the area about the right address. It seems that Google maps got me a little too far from where I was supposed to get, but after 1h30min of walking in 360 C ( which next days took only 20 min), I got to the place we stay.
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How things work around here
In Colombia there are some stuff you got to get used to: you and the equipment have to be prepared for the rain, no matter what the forecast says because the weather is not that predictable, you will most probably take cold showers every day and you have to get used to fried food.
The weather
I’m getting used to my new gear with very small steps and I think the weather doesn’t help me either. First few days we got here, the weather was very dry and the temperature very high +350C. So it was pretty bumpy and the thermals were rare. Next days the humidity increased and the air felt much better, more thermals and I decided to take my chance and go on a small XC flying around Roldanillo. But the humidity was rising so much that it started raining every day for many hours, especially at the take-off, which is at 1800m ASL, and over the mountains, that I had actually flown once in the last 3 days.
The food
After a cold shower and half an hour of sleep, we got to the city center to get something to eat. Apparently, many restaurants were closed at that hour on 2nd of January, 16.30-17.00, but we got to a nice place near the central park where I had a wrapped chicken and best lemonade I had ever tasted, with coconut juice and lime. It was really delicious and I will try this again the next days.
In this area, there are many fruits, exotic for me, like mango, papaya, bananas, maracuja or avocado and others I haven’t even heard of and they serve fresh squeezed juices and smoothies on the street. This is my dream place!
I have tried the local papaya, bought from the supermarket for about 1000 pesos, and it is great! All the other papayas I have tried before in Romania were green and with a totally different taste because of that. I also bought one big green banana to try to see how it is, but it sucks because apparently the best way to eat them is fried as patacon, a tradition in Latin America.
A nice and fast breakfast you can try on the street, prepared by local people in front of their homes, called arepa con queso, a corn bread with cheese, very tasty and light, made on grill (especially if you have already tried all kind of the fried empanadas- pastry filled of meat, cheese and vegetables)
People and places
The best thing being in Roldanillo is that in this period, you are never alone. There are here pilots from all over the world and you get to know them especially when parawaiting :). The first day when I didn’t fly (because of me getting too late to the take-off and the rain coming) we discovered a super cool new place near Aguapanela, called Montana Posada, with multiple functions: restaurant, accommodation or leisure like horse-riding. A very beautiful place, with very welcoming staff and great views, where you can actually see the take-off from the bar. So the perfect place for parawaiting, where I ate something called patacon con pollo, a delicious chicken stew served on patacon base layer.
There are also places where you can run from the rain, closer to the take-off. There you can try Aguapanela con Queso, a local drink made of sugarcane and consumed with local cheese.
I have met people from France, USA, Canada, Germany and New Zealand, all very kind and funny and I hope I will see them again (the ones that already left Roldanillo). With the others I meet every day at the take-off, on the bus going up or when I go out in the afternoon/evening.
The mobility in and around Roldanillo
People in this area travel a lot by motorbike or scooter, a few by car and many by bus. The bus travel timetable is pretty good, the fees are very cheap and the connections between villages or cities are very good, so it’s a very easy way for retrieval from XC flights. You can also travel by taxi or jeeps to get to the take-off, but it is more expensive than taking the local bus.
If you want to try going wild, you can rent a motorbike, around 40.000 pesos per day, and get to feel the flow of this cool place. For sure I will try to rent a bicycle as I really want to do some workout.
When in need, people here find solutions to get you where you want. So, one day, after parawaiting at that cool restaurant near the take-off, we wanted to take the bus to Roldanillo, but the bus was full. So a man from the staff there offered to get us to Rolda by car. We were five pilots with five equipements and the driver in a Chevrolet Aveo, usual type. It was very funny how we managed to stuff ourselves in that car and to get to the village in no time :).
On the 12th of January it will start here in Roldanillo the Colombian national championship and probably it will be full of pilots everywhere. So I will probably have lots of new stories to write about.
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